{"text": "Hi this is the systems development department of Company K.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、K社システム開発部です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My name is Takaichi from Company H.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "H社の高市と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you as always.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつもお世話になっております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you as always as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらこそ、お世話になっております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is Inada-san there?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "稲田さんはいらっしゃいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It seems I got a call from him around 1 hour ago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1時間ほど前に、お電話いただいたそうなんですけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, let me switch you over.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、代わります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please wait a moment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "少々お待ちください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Inada-san, you have a call from Mr. Takaichi of Company H.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "稲田さん、H社の高市様からお電話です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, this is Inada.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、稲田です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is Takaichi from Company H.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "H社の高市です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お世話様でーす。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for the call earlier.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さっきはお電話ありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry I was out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "外出していて、すみませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not at all, I'm also sorry for calling when you were busy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいえ、こちらこそ、お忙しいところすみません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are going to Company A next Monday, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社さんへ行くのって、来週月曜日でしたよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I thought we should maybe have a meeting once for that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その打ち合わせ、一度したほうがいいと思いまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right, let's do it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、しましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have to prepare materials too so we should do it earlier.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "資料の準備もあるから、早い方がいいですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Takaichi-san, you said you are available anytime?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "高市さんはいつでもいいって、おっしゃってたんでしたっけ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, when is good for you, Inada-san?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、稲田さんはいつがいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If it is soon then...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えーと、直近だと・・・", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about around ten thirty in the morning tomorrow?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日の午前中、10時半頃からだといかがですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will go to your place.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私、そちらに伺えます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Really?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほんとですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry for the trouble.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わざわざすみません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was thinking I can go to your place though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私がそっちに行ってもいいと思っていたんですけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's okay, it's close.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大丈夫ですよ、近いですし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I will go to your place around ten thirty tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、明日の10時半ごろ、お伺いしますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, got it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、分かりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, I'll wait for you tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、明日、お待ちしてます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The overall schedule for the general meeting of shareholders will be as shown on this material here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "株主総会開催にあたり、全体的な流れはこちらの資料の通りになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Among that, I will select the topics related to all the executives and explain them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのうち、役員の皆様が関係する項目について、ピックアップしてご説明します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First of all, on the day of the general meeting, we will explain and proceed it according to the scenario in front of you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まず、総会当日は、お手元にあるシナリオ通りに発言し、進めて参ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will review overall flow from the entrance and the exit for the executives and also go over the scenario 3 times including today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日を含め、3回、シナリオの読み合わせ及び役員の入場から退場までの一連の流れを確認します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will have Nose-san attend all of it so please point out things that we should improve on.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すべて、能勢さんにも同席していただきますので、改善した方が良い点などはご指摘ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Today, we will do a rehearsal using this meeting room here after this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日は、この後、この会議室を使ってリハーサルを行います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Next week, we plan on having a rehearsal internally with only the board of directors and the full-time corporate auditor.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週、取締役と常勤監査役のみで、社内でリハーサルを行う予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "On the day before the general meeting, we will do a rehearsal with everyone in attendance at the actual venue.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "総会前日には、実際の会場にて、出席者全員によるリハーサルを行います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "On the rehearsal the day before, we will also have Ota-san who is the general counsel and is in attendance today to come as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "前日のリハーサルには、役員以外に、本日ご出席いただいている顧問弁護士の太田先生にもお越しいただきたく存じます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I will keep my schedule open.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、予定は空けていますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will also have an accountant who is our auditor on stand-by in the back only for the day of the general meeting and I have asked him to provide support when needed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また、総会当日のみ、担当監査法人の会計士の先生にも裏方に待機していただき、何かあった時のサポートをお願いしております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In regards to the proceedings, it will be fine if you say what is on the script on hand.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "議事に関しては、お手元のシナリオ通りに発言して頂ければ問題ありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But, things may not go as planned for the questions and answers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかし、質疑応答は必ずしも想定通りにはいかないと思われます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have made a list of questions which I anticipate will be asked and have answers for it in the same material in front of you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "同じくお手元にある、想定問題集は私の方で予想される問答を作成したものです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think it generally covers the topics that the shareholders will most likely ask for this quarter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "概ね、今期のことで株主さんから突っ込まれそうな事項は網羅していると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There is quite a bit so I'd like to ask each of the directors to master their own parts.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "相当な数なので、各取締役においてはご自分の管轄分をマスターして頂ければよろしいかと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There is also a possibility of being asked specific figures by the shareholders.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なお、株主さんより、細かい数字についての指摘がある可能性があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In that case, we will have a team of admins including myself in the back to support you so please don't worry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その場合は、私を含め事務方が皆様の後ろに控え、サポートしますのでご安心下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think I should generally be answering the questions from the shareholders as I am the chairman.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "基本的に株主さんからの質問については、議長である私が回答すべきと思っているよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But what should we do if the shareholders would like the questions answered by a specific director?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、株主さんから、特定の取締役を指名して回答要求された場合はどうすればいい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think it will be more sincere if the specified director can explain it to an extent of course.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろん、指名された取締役がある程度説明する方が誠意は伝わります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But if you can judge that the chairman should answer directly, you can stop them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかし、議長が直接答えた方がよい、と判断できる場合は、議長で止めてしまっても構いません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will depend on the situation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その場次第です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think another idea would be to have the specified director answer first then the chairman can provide a follow-up after.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一旦、指名された取締役が回答して、その後に議長から補足する方法もよろしいかと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, let's go with that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、その方向でいこう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I'd like to actually do a rehearsal and go through the whole thing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは、実際に一度通しでリハーサルしてみたいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will go according to the scenario and also do questions and answers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "シナリオ通り進めていただいて、質疑応答も行います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Nose-san and I will be the shareholders and will ask questions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私と能勢さんが株主役となって、質問をします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please note that the questions may not be exactly what is on the anticipated questions list.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "必ずしも想定問答集通りに質問する訳ではありませんので、ご了承ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you guys are the shareholders, I think we will be showered with tougher questions than the real thing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君らが株主役だと、本番以上に辛辣な質問を浴びることになりそうだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will feel more tense in a good way, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その方が、緊張感があってよろしいでしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please go easy on us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お手柔らかに頼むよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, that won't be good practice!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ふふ、それでは特訓になりませんよ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, let's pretend the door of the meeting room is the entrance of the venue on the day and start from there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では皆様、会議室のドアを本番会場の入り口と思って、入場からスタートしてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I'd like to start now so let's go.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは、始めたいと思いますので、よろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It seems everyone is here so let's start the executive meeting in regards to the general meeting of shareholders now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全員お揃いのようなので、これから株主総会に関する役員ミーティングを始めます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, can you proceed with this Takada?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、高田、進めてもらえるかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I will be proceeding this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、それではこれより私が進めさせていただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First of all, we will have Nose-san from Trust Company M to talk about the trends of the general meetings of each company this quarter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まず始めに、M信託銀行の能勢さんより、今期の各社の総会における傾向等についてお話いただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Nose, please go ahead.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "能勢さん、よろしくお願い致します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good morning everyone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆様、おはようございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My name is Nose from Trust Company M and I will be helping out with your company's general meeting this year again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年も御社の総会のお手伝いをさせていただきます、M信託銀行の能勢です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I look forward to working with you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうぞ、よろしくお願い致します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As Takada-san mentioned earlier, I will be talking about the trend and such in regards to running the general meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今、高田さんからお話がありました通り、まずは最近の総会運営に関する動向などをお話します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, I am especially hoping to talk about the situation from your company's perspective so I look forward to working with you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また、特に御社の状況を鑑みた上でのポイント等もお話できればと思いますので、よろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I will first talk about the situation of general meetings at other companies this quarter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、最初に今期の他社様における総会の現状についてお話します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My impression is that there were a lot of meek general meetings overall this quarter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の印象としましては、今期は全体的におとなしい総会が多かったなと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There were a lot of companies whose performance were good and stable this quarter so that's is probably the big reason.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今期は業績が良い安定していた企業が多かったから、というのが大きな理由でしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There were many companies who finished in around 1 hour and the questions and answers went very smoothly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "時間も1時間程度で終了する企業様が多く、質疑応答も非常にスムーズでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, in regards to some companies that made negative announcements like decreasing performance faced very detailed questions from shareholders.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかし、一部、特に業績の下方修正など、ネガティブな発表をしている企業においては、かなり突っ込んだ株主質問がありました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think those can be somewhat predicted beforehand so as long as we prepare for the questions and answers then I don't think we need to worry about it that much.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それらは事前にある程度の予測ができますので、質疑応答の対策をたてておけば、さほど心配はないと思われます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now, next is in regards to your company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、次に御社についてです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Your company's number of shareholders are stable.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "株主数については安定しております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And I checked the register of shareholders and there were no people or company that are suspicious so I'm relieved for now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また、株主名簿を確認しましたが、要注意人物や企業名もないようですので、ひと安心しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The thing I am worried about is that the performance has dropped this quarter so there will probably be a lot of questions in relation to the performance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "心配事としては、期中に業績の下方修正をしていますので、業績関係の質疑が多いかなと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, I anticipate there will be questions for the newly appointed director.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また、新任となる取締役の方への質問も予測されます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I think we should thoroughly prepare for the questions and answers in regards to performance and the newly appointed director.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですので、業績周りと新任取締役に関する質疑応答はしっかりご準備された方がよろしいかと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think this is about it for things we should keep note of for this general meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回の総会で特に気にしておくことは、このくらいかなと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Next, I will be explaining the the exact schedule up until the day of the general meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次に、具体的に総会当日までのスケジュールを私からご説明します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, please look at the material attached in the email I sent earlier.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは、事前にメールに添付した資料をご覧ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for coming all the way here today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日はわざわざ来てもらって、すみません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's okay, I wanted to talk to you in-person too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいよ、直接会って話したかったし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So here is the long-awaited register of shareholders.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、これがお待ちかねの株主名簿。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, thank you very much.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あー、ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What do you think about the contents from your perspective, Nose-san?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうですか、能勢さんからみて名簿の中身は。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well the number of shareholders is stable and I don't see any suspicious shareholder's name.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まぁ、株主数も安定しているし、要注意の株主名も見当たらないからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think we can take a breather?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とりあえずはひと安心なんじゃない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will take a closer look later but it doesn't seem there are any large concerns from the look of it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "後でじっくり見させてもらいますが、ぱっと見た限りは大きな不安要素はなさそうな感じですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, I get the feeling of being pressed with the wave of year end events when I get the register of shareholders.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それにしても、株主名簿受けとると、期末行事が怒濤のように押し寄せてくる感じがして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Feeling overwhelmed?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "気が重くなる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, it can't be helped.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まぁ、しょうがないよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's an annual thing but we just have to work hard for the next 2 months and get through it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "毎年の事だけどさ、あと2ヶ月、頑張って乗り切らないとね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am relying on you Nose-san, seriously.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "能勢さん、頼りにしてますからね、本当に。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anyways, I will make a draft of the scenario for the general meeting so can I get you to check it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とりあえず、総会のシナリオはドラフトを作成するので、チェックお願いしていいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will be making this year's version based on last year's scenario.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "去年のシナリオを元に、今年のバージョンを作ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You don't have to rush that much in terms of time, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日程的にそんなに焦らなくても大丈夫でしょ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, there is the announcement of financial results first.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、まずは決算発表がありますしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First, the schedule around the general meeting is as shown in this document so I will prepare accordingly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とりあえず、総会周りのスケジュールはこの資料の通りですので、順次用意していきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am thinking of having Nose-san check the required documents once they are done so please help me out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "必要書類は出来次第、能勢さんにチェックしてもらおうと思っているのでよろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "了解。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, I also want to adjust the schedule for the rehearsal, questions and answers training and lectures for the executives for the general meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、総会に向けた役員向けのレクチャーと質疑応答訓練、リハーサルについてもスケジュール調整したいんですけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you can narrow down some potential dates earlier, we can do it based on your company's executives availability.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早めに候補日を絞ってもらえれば、御社の役員さんの都合優先で大丈夫だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will check the schedule by the end of tomorrow and contact you, Nose-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日中には調整して、また能勢さんに連絡しますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will be out tomorrow morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日、午前中は外出しているよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you send me an email, I can call you after I review it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "メールで連絡もらえれば、確認後に電話するよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much for your time out of your busy schedule today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日はお忙しい中、お時間頂きましてありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My name is Takada and I am in the Public Relations IR Office of Company I.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I社、広報IR室の高田と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am in charge of administration for the general meeting of shareholders this time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回の株主総会開催について事務方を担当しております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry for having you come all the way over here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わざわざお越しいただいて、すみませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not at all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とんでもございません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Without further ado, this is the presence request for the general meeting of shareholders.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早速ですが、こちらが株主総会への臨場要請書になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please review it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうぞ、お目通しください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So it starts from 10 o'clock in the morning on Tuesday December 22.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっと、12月22日火曜日の午前10時から開始なのね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, that's right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、そうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In the past years, how many shareholders attended it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "例年どれくらい株主は出席している?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Around ten people.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "数十名程度です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't think it's a lot in terms of the number of people.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "人数的には多くはないと思っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What about the people on the blacklist.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "要注意人物はどう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I had checked the register of shareholders received from the trust company but I did not see anyone on the blacklist on the register.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "信託銀行から受領した株主名簿を見て確認した限りですが、名簿上に要注意株主は見受けられませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なるほどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So far, I don't think we have to worry too much.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今のところ、さほど心配しなくても大丈夫なのかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hope so.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう祈っているところです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, anyways, we will send 2 police officers from our side to the general meeting of shareholders on the day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、とりあえず、株主総会当日はこちらから2名の警察官を派遣します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will have them speak to your reception around 9:30 in the morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "午前9時半くらいに、受付で声を掛けさせますので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "了解しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will be stationed at the reception ten minutes before the start of the general meeting so please let me know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "総会開始10分前までは、私も受付で待機しておりますのでお声掛けください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、わかりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, then I look forward to working with you on the day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは、当日、どうぞよろしくお願い致します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for calling, this is the Judicial Scrivener office T.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お電話ありがとうございます、T司法書士事務所でございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you as always, my name is Takada from Company I.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつもお世話になっております、I社の高田と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お世話様でございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry but is Mr. Takanashi in today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "恐れ入りますが、高梨先生はご在席でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for holding, this is Takanashi.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お電話代わりました、高梨です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you as always, this is Takada.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先生、いつもお世話になっております、高田です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm calling today in regards to a registration request.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は、先生に登記のご依頼でお電話しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I exercised the stock option last month and the stock increased.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先月、ストックオプションの行使があったので、株式が増加しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And I'd like to ask you to do the registration process for changing the total number of stock issued.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "つきましては、発行済株式数変更の登記手続きをお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will send you an email on the details of the number of stock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "詳細な株数については別途メールにてご連絡します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As usual, please attach the quote for the cost needed for the registration and a power of attorney in the email and send it to me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつも通り、登記申請に必要な費用の見積書と委任状をメールに添付して、私宛に送ってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will check it then bring you a sealed power of attorney.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確認しましてから、捺印した委任状をお持ちします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You don't have to bring it all the way here, I don't mind you just sending it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わざわざお持ち頂かなくて、送付でも構いませんよ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I actually have something I'd like to directly discuss with you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実はちょっと直接ご相談したいこともありまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The general meeting of shareholders is coming up too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "株主総会も近くなってきましたから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This time, I think we will need to change a part of the articles of incorporation, and register the board of directors and auditor after the general meeting of shareholders", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回、総会終了後に定款の一部変更と、取締役と監査役の変更登記が必要になると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to meet you in-person and discuss various things.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一度、直接お会いして色々ご相談したいんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, okay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なるほど、わかりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to visit your office soon but when is a good time for you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "近々、先生の事務所に伺いたいのですが、ご都合いかがでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about the afternoon two days from now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明後日の午後はいかがですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about 4 o'clock in the afternoon?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは、午後4時でどうでしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's fine, I will wait for you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大丈夫ですよ、お待ちしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとうございます、よろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, see you in two days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは、また明後日に。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, bye now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、失礼します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Takada-san, Mr. Suzuki from Stock Brokerage S is here now at the reception.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "高田さん、今受付に、S証券の鈴木部長がお見えになっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I don't think I have an appointment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっ、アポイントメントはないと思うんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I checked too and he wasn't planning to come.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私も確認したのですが、来訪予定は入っていません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He said he was in the area and just wanted to drop by.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご本人も、近くまで来たから寄ってみた、とおっしゃっていて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, that's a problem.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなの、参ったなぁ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have a meeting right after this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私、この後会議が入っているんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I can't just keep Mr. Suzuki waiting like this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、鈴木部長をこのままお待たせする訳にもいかないなぁ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Noda-san, is there an open reception room?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "野田さん、空いている応接室ある?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, if the Second Reception Room is okay, that one is open.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、第2応接室であれば、空いています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can reserve it if it's for around 30 minutes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "30分程度であれば押さえられますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, can you take him there for now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、一旦、そちらにお通ししてくれる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will go tell the members who will be attending the meeting next that I will be a bit late then head to the reception room.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は次の会議の出席メンバーに少し遅れると伝えてから、応接室に向かうから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He came on his own, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お一人で来られているんだよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then I will take care of it myself.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、こちらは私一人で対応する。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you just help me with serving the tea?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お茶だけ、お出ししておいてもらえるかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よろしくね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for your call, this is Noda from Company I.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お電話ありがとうございます、I社の野田でございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you as always, my name is Nose from Trust Company M.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お世話になっております、M信託銀行の能勢ですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is Takada-san from Public Relations IR Office in?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "広報IR室の高田さんはいらっしゃいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry, he is out of the office right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "申し訳ございません、ただいま外出しておりますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, around when will he be back?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですか、何時くらいに戻られますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He plans to return to the office around 2 o'clock in the afternoon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "午後2時に帰社予定となっております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Should I tell him to call you once he returns?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "戻り次第、お電話差し上げるように申し伝えましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will actually be going out now too and don't think I will be back today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私もこれから外出でして、今日は戻らないと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How would you like to do this?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いかが致しましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can take a message if you'd like.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よろしければ、御伝言承りますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, I'd like you to relay this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それじゃあ、お伝えいただきたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have the materials that was asked for so I will send it by email.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "頼まれていた資料が手に入ったので、メールで送ります、と。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please tell him to give me a call after tomorrow after reviewing it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確認したら、明日以降に連絡ください、とお伝え下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "畏まりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will ask Takada-san to contact you after he has reviewed the materials tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日、資料を確認次第、高田よりご連絡差し上げるように申し伝えます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please tell him I will be in the office from the afternoon tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日、午後からは社内におります、とお伝え下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I will tell him that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、確かに申し伝えます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, bye now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、失礼致します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Takada-san, do you have a moment?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "高田さん、ちょっといいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's wrong?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうしたの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wasn't sure who to ask so I just wanted to consult about something but.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "誰に聞いたらいいかわからないので、とりあえずの相談なんですけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What is it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何でしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is in regards to patent.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "特許についてなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There is a discussion within the department on whether we should apply for a patent for the system that is currently being developed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今、開発中のシステムについて、特許を申請したらどうかという意見が部内に出ていて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's an innovative system that is completely different from the standard.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "既成概念から一皮剥けた、斬新なシステムなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We think it would be a waste if other companies copy it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他社に真似されるともったいないんじゃないかと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm the right person to consult with, as intellectual property related things are under my jurisdiction too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "相談者は私であってるよ、知的財産関連も私の管轄だから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How exactly should we proceed?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "具体的にどういう風に進めればいいんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First of all, you will need to get permission from the supervisor.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まず、所属長から許可をもらってからなんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And compile the content and scope of the patent in a document.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "特許申請したい内容、範囲を資料にまとめて欲しいのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The actual application format is in the intellectual property folder on the intranet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "具体的な申請書式はイントラネット上の知的財産フォルダに入っているから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will proceed by discussing with the legal advisor based on that application form.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その申請書を元に、私が顧問弁理士と相談の上、申請を進めていくね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And in that process, if the legal advisor requests a review on certain things, I'd like you to join.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その過程で、弁理士から具体的な打ち合わせを求められたら、その場に同席して欲しい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Of course.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By the way, is it pretty easy to get a patent?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちなみに、結構すんなり特許ってとれるものなんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In my experience up until now, I don't think it is possible to easily obtain one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今までの経験上、すんなり取得できることはないかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You have to check if there are similar patents or applications of course.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他に類似している特許や申請がないか、確認することはもちろんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If there are points that are not clear or ambiguous, the patent office will often send it right back.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "不明点や曖昧なところがあると、特許庁から結構突き返されるから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is that right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Does it cost a fair bit of money too?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "結構お金もかかるものなんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It costs a fair bit but protecting intellectual property is important.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それなりにかかるけど、知的財産の保持は重要なことだし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have a decent budget every year so you don't have to worry about that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "毎年、予算はそれなりに組んであるから、その辺は心配しなくても大丈夫だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I will first make the application form.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、とりあえず申請書を作ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Feel free to ask me if there are things you aren't sure about.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また何かわからないことがあったら、遠慮なく聞いてね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, Mr. Fujimoto.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、藤本様。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much for calling our customer service.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お客様サービスにお電話有難うございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What can I help you with today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どのようなご用件でしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I purchased 5 packs of ink the other day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先日、インク5パック購入しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I received the confirmation email and it said that the product would be planned to be delivered 1 week from that time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確認メールを受信し、商品はそこから一週間後に届く予定と記載されていました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It has been 10 days since ordering it but it hasn't arrived yet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "注文から10日間経っていますが、まだ届いておりません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm very sorry about that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大変申し訳ございません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please wait a moment while I look this up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確認する間、少々お待ち下さいませ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have the confirmation number in front of you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お手元に、確認番号はございますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's XX-XXX.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "XX-XXXです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "少々お待ち下さいませ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mr. Fujimoto, according to our company's tracking service, it is showing that it arrived 3 days ago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "藤本様、当社の追跡サービスによりますと、3日前に到着したと示しております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The shipper is XXX, correct?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "発送元はXXXでお間違いないでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, that is correct.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、あっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, it might be the case that the product you ordered is missing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、恐らくお客様の注文商品は行方不明となってしまったようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would you like our company to send you another product?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "代替品の発送を当社に希望されますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will arrive 1 week later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "到着は1週間後となっております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I need the ink immediately so is it possible to ship and deal with this quicker?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "至急インクが必要なので、発送と処理を早めてもらえますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "With the express shipping, it should arrive in 3 days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "速達便であれば、3日後に到着予定となります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But your order was originally regular mail so there will be an additional cost for the express shipping.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかし、お客様の元の注文が通常配達でしたので、速達ですと追加料金がかかります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's go with the express shipping.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "速達でお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please also refund the order from the other day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、先日注文分の払い戻しをお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Certainly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "承知致しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will refund the initial cost of the product and the shipping fee to the credit card used for the payment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "当初の購入代金と配送料を、お支払い頂いたお客様のクレジットカードへ払い戻しいたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, thank you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、よろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will process this so please wait a moment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、お手続きまで今しばらくお待ち下さいませ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How are you, Nishikawa-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お疲れ様、西川さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How are you, Goto-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お疲れ様です、後藤さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, Nishikawa-san, you said that you bought a TV by Company X, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだ、西川さんX社のテレビ購入したって言ってたよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it was around 1 year ago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、ちょうど1年前くらいですかね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mine had an issue one month after the warranty expired the other day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私のは、この間保証期限が切れた1ヵ月後に欠陥が生じたんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The volume is really low and I can't hear anything anymore.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "音量が小さくなって、何も聞こえなくなったんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, if that's the case you can try calling their customer service.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、それならカスタマーサービスに連絡してみてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In my case, I learned that there were several complaints in regards to that issue.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私のときは、他にもそのような問題について苦情が入ってると教えてもらいました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Afterwards, they directed me to have it fixed nearby.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その後、直近で修理の予定を案内してくれましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, it's okay even if it's past the warranty?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、保証が切れていても大丈夫なの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think they are flexible with their service in regards to that product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "恐らく、その製品に関しては柔軟な対応をしてくださるはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually it only took around 1 hour for the technician to resolve it on the day of the repair and they didn't even invoice me for the repair cost.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実際、修理当日は技術者も1時間ほどで解決し、修理代も請求されませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's amazing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはすばらしいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, please try giving them a call.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので、是非連絡してみてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I will do that today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、今日してみるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for the good information.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良い情報を有難う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, Kumano-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、熊野さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How was your vacation?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "休暇旅行はどうだった?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I relaxed really well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すごくのんびりできたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was a good thing I took work off and went sightseeing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "観光して、仕事を一休みできてよかったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's the situation like while I was away?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私が不在中の状況はどうだった?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How is the search for a new engineer?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新しいエンジニア探しはどうなってるんだろう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I think we were able to find someone good for that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、それなら、優秀な人を見つけれたと思うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I left the administration documents for that on your desk.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その事務書類を君のデスクに置いておいたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, is this Ishino-san's resume?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、これって、石野さんの履歴書?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He is a friend of mine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼、私の友人なんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He applied for this job?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼がこの仕事に応募してきたの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、そうだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ishino-san left a good impression with everyone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "石野さんはみんなにすごくいい印象を与えてたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはよかった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know Ishino-san from university.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私と石野さんは大学からの知り合いなんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've seen him at conferences over the years but to think I will see him here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼とは何年にもわたって、協議会で会っていたけど、まさかここで出会うなんて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What a coincidence.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは偶然だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I'm looking forward to it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、これからが楽しみだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, I have good new for everyone in today's meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、本日のミーティングでは、みなさんに良い報告があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thanks to everyone's hard work, our sales for the new software has already surpassed our sales forecast.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "みなさんに頑張って頂いたおかげで、新しいソフトウェアの売り上げが販売予測を既に超えました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Therefore, as a token of appreciation to everyone who put in their great efforts, I'm thinking of doing something for you guys.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこで、すばらしいがんばりをしてくれた皆さんに感謝の印として、何かしたいと考えております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mukae-san, I will have you take over from here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここより先、向江さんお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Everyone, thank you all for working diligently through midnight and even on weekends this time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆様、この度は深夜や週末まで詰めて作業して頂きありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Us management team is thinking of providing a special allowance to everyone or a company vacation but what do you guys think?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我々経営陣は、皆さんに特別手当の支給または、社内旅行を考えていますが、いかがでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yazaki-san from the development department, what do you think?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、開発部の矢崎さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As a representative of the development department, we would like the special allowance by all means.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "開発部を代表いたしまして、是非特別手当を支給して頂ければと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will be included in everyone's next pay so please check it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、皆さんの次回の給与支払いに含まれる予定ですので、ご確認下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Again, I appreciate everyone's excellent work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "改めて、皆さんの優れた働きに感謝しております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, my name is Matsuo from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、私、A社の松尾と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is Okano-san there?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "岡野さんおられますでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, this is Okano.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、岡野です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お世話になっております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you able to talk a bit right now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今、少々お時間宜しいでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There were some points I wanted to review with you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "数点再度確認させて頂きたい点がありまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, that's fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、大丈夫ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's about the printer I ordered the other day but when can it be delivered?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先日注文したプリンターなのですが、いつ納品できますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's planned to get there 2 weeks after it has been ordered.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご注文いただいてから2週間後の予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When is the payment deadline.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "支払期限はいつでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please pay within 30 days from the invoice date.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "請求書の日付から30日以内にお支払い下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry, but is it possible to extend the payment by 1 week?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "申し訳ないのですが、支払いを1週間ほど延ばしていただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, 1 week should be okay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、1週間なら大丈夫かと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And what is the payment term like?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最後に、支払い条件はどのようなものでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The payment will be by bank transfer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お支払いは銀行振り込みとなっております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our company's account number is written at the very bottom of the invoice that we issued the other day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "当社の口座番号は、先日発行しております請求書の一番下に書いてあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I understand.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "承知しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh Kinoshita-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、木下さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you hear about the announcement by the American Company B that we might do business with?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "取引先になるかもしれないアメリカB社の発表聞いた?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No I haven't heard yet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや、まだ聞いてないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did something happen?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何かあったんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, so it seems Company B appointed a new CEO.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うんそれがね、B社の新しい最高経営責任者の任命があったんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, who did they appoint?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、誰になったんですか!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As expected, it seems like it was David.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "予想通り、デイビットらしい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It seems it was announced when it was decided that the current president of Company B was going to step down.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "B社の現社長が退任することが決まったタイミングでの発表だったようだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, that's what it was.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あー、そういうことだったんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mark, the current president, has been leading Company B for 6 years so I wonder what will happen with them now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "現社長のマークは6年間もB社を指揮してきたから、これからどうなるのかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But David is known for successfully leading several subsidiaries, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、デイビットも複数の子会社をうまく率いていることで有名でしたよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That is true.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かにそうだな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The business dealing with us might be under his direction.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我々との取引が彼の最初の指揮になるかもしれないな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I look forward to it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "楽しみですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How are you Sato-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お疲れ様です、佐藤さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How are you Tamaoka-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お疲れ様、玉岡さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You weren't at the meeting the other day so I wanted to ask if I can explain it to you now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先日ミーティング欠席されていたので、今ご報告させて頂ければと思うのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お時間ありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I'm good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あぁ、大丈夫だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First of all, this is the breakdown of the market share for the video game industry this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まず、これが今年のテレビゲーム市場の占有率の内訳です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are still among the top 4 companies but we need to keep an eye on the rapid growth of Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちは、まだ上位4位のゲーム会社の中にいますが、A社の急成長に注目する必要があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They just surpassed us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らはちょうど我々を上回りました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What is the difference like?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どれくらいの差がある?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our company is 17 percent and Company A is 20 percent.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "当社が17パーセントで、A社が20パーセントとなっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なるほど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's not that big of a difference but we need to catch up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんなに大きな差ではないけど、追いついていく必要があるね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So our company's market specialist was analyzing Company A's growth.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこで、当社の市場専門家は、A社の発展に着目しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What we learned was that Company A was providing their games for free and noticed that they implemented a new business model where consumers can purchase items in-game.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すると、A社はA社のゲームを無料で提供し、消費者がゲーム中にアイテムを追加購入できる新しいビジネスシステムを導入していることに気づきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We believe this business model can help our company attract new users as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "当社は、そのビジネス手法は、私たちが新規ユーザーを引き付けるのにも役立ち得ると考えています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That is indeed a good strategy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かに、それはいい戦法だな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And to see if we can surpass our company's 17 percent market share, we will try this out for some our existing games in the next quarter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "つきましては、当社の17パーセントの市場占有率を超えて成長できるかを見るため、次の四半期で我々の既存のゲームの一部でそれを試してみることになりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That will be it for the summary of the meeting the other day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "以上が、先日のミーティングについての概要となっております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、わかった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for your report.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "報告ありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, hello.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、もしもし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My name is Masuda from Company B and I ordered a calculator the other day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先日電卓を注文したB社の増田と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, this is customer service of Company C and my name is Mizuno and I will be taking your call.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、C社カスタマーサービス水野がお受けいたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much for purchasing our company's product the other day, Mr. Masuda.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "増田様、先日は当社商品をご購入頂きありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日はどうなさいましたでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I called in regards to the product that I ordered.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、注文した品物のことでお電話したのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A wrong product was sent over.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "間違った商品が送られてきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will check right away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すぐに確認いたしますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know the order number?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "注文番号は分かりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is XXX-XX.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "XXX-XXです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I've confirmed it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、確認できました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The order XXX-XX is the calculator.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "電卓のXXX-XXのご注文ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I ordered the black one but a grey one arrived.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "黒色を注文したのですが、グレーが届きました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It seems we mistakenly sent the wrong product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "間違って違う商品をお送りしてしまったようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am very sorry for the inconvenience we have caused.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご迷惑をお掛けし、大変申し訳ございません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please send the right product right away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "至急、正しい商品を送ってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, we will work on it right away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、すぐに準備いたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When will it arrive?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつ頃届きますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will check right away and give you a call back.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早急にお調べし、こちらからお電話差し上げます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, by the way, what should I do with the wrong product?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、ところで、間違った商品はどうすればよいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you please give it to the person that will deliver the new product?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新しい商品を配達する者へお渡し頂けますでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "申し訳ございませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will do our best to make sure this does not happen again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今後、十分に注意し、ご対応させていただければと存じます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Again, I will call you back shortly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは、改めてご連絡させて頂きます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何卒よろしくお願い致します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good bye then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、失礼致します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, Kuno-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、久野さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is Deguchi, the editor in charge of the Nordic Travel Magazine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "北欧の旅マガジン担当編集の出口です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今少しお話しできますでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, hello, Deguchi-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、もしもし、出口さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I am okay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, that's good to hear.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あぁ、良かったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Will it be possible to add around 1,500 characters more to the article on the Nordic business district that you submitted the other day?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先日提出していただいた北欧のビジネス街についての記事を、後1500文字ほど増やしていただくことは可能でしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When will the deadline be?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつまでの締め切りでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I actually have another article that I'm in charge of and the deadline for that is coming up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今もう一つ担当している記事の期限が迫っているのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あぁ、そうでしたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will see if we can adjust the deadline for that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、そちらの期日をずらせるかこちらで調整してみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, and I've narrowed down the article topics that I'd like you guys to publish so I'll send you the data later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、それから、今後そちらで掲載していただきたい記事のトピックについても、いくつか絞っておりますので、また後ほどデータを送らせてもらいますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll look forward to it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "楽しみにしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I will let you know by today in regards to the deadline.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、期限について本日中にご連絡いたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Ozaki-san, how are you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やぁ、尾崎さん、お疲れ様。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How are you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お疲れ様です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ono-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "小野さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I want to talk about Company C that will be promoting the sales of our product which was decided at the meeting the other day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こないだの会議で決まった、うちの製品を販売促進してくれるC社についてなんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's been decided that some people in charge from that company will be coming next Monday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その会社の担当者何人かが来週月曜日に来てくれることになってるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like you to discuss our direction of advertisement with them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らにこちらとしての広告の方向性を話して欲しいんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, sure.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, but one of the parts is just undergoing a final inspection right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、でもちょうど今、部品の一部を最終点検してもらっているところなんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, if it's next week, they may not be able to see the finished version.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので、来週だと、まだ完成バージョンは見てもらえないと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, is that right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あー、そうなのか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Around when will it end?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつごろに終わりそう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think they will surely be able to take a look if it is the Thursday of that week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その週の木曜日でしたら問題なく見学してもらえるかと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll go talk to the person in charge at the advertisement company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一度広告会社の担当者さんに連絡してみるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry to put you through the trouble.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お手数おかけします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yamashita-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "山下さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to talk to you about the training seminar for new engineers that I held last week but do you have time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私が先週行った新人エンジニア向けに行った研修セミナーについて、少し話したいんですけど、時間あるかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okino-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "沖野さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The new employees were saying that their impression was overall positive.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "感想は全体的に肯定的だったと、新入社員は言っていたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They said your explanations were very easy to understand.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたの説明がとても分かりやすかったって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Really.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But, I thought they might have been confused with all the information given out all at once.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、彼らにとってはあまりにも多くの情報が一気に提供されて混乱させたかなと思っていたんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So the seminar duration for next time and onward may be longer but I'm thinking of having a break during the middle of the seminar as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だから、次回以降は所要時間は長くなるけど、セミナーの途中で休憩を作ろうかとも考えていて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What do you think Yamashita-san?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "山下さんはどう思う?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I think that's a good idea.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、いい考えだと思うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, in order to have some time to answer the trainee's questions, it might also be good to have an extra 20 minutes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それに、研修生の質問に答える時間をもう少し持てるよう、20分ほどは余裕を持っておくのもいいと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right, good point.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだね、確かに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I got some good feedbacks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いい意見が得られたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not at all, anytime.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいえ、いつでもどうぞ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is everyone ready?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆さん宜しいでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will start the meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会議を始めます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Today's topic is in regards to the sales strategy for Product X.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日の課題は、商品Xの販売戦略についてです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Nogami-san, please go ahead.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、野上さん、お願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As everyone knows, the sales for this product is decreasing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "みなさんご存知のように、この商品の売り上げは落ちています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have distributed the material on its sales.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "売り上げについての資料を配布してあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please look at the graph on page 5.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "5ページにあるグラフをご覧下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This graph shows the sales for the previous quarter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このグラフは前四半期の売り上げを示しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Does anyone have any ideas based on these?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これらを参考に、何か案はありますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Go ahead Mukae-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、向江さんお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about doing internet advertisement?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "インターネット広告をするのはどうですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mukae-san, can you explain in more details?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "向江さん、もう少し詳しくお願いできますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Internet advertisement is one of the fastest growing media and I believe our company should utilize it as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "インターネット広告は最も成長しているメディアですので、当社も活用すべきだと考えます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, there are various kinds of internet advertisements.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それに、インターネット広告には多くの種類があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you give us some examples?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いくつか例を挙げてもらえますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Things like making a website for the product, and have banner advertisement on video sites.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "商品についてのホームページを作成したり、動画サイトにバナー広告を出したりです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for your insightful comments.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "貴重な意見を有難うございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there anyone else with other ideas?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どなたか他に提案のある方はいらっしゃいますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Go ahead Kakuyama-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、角山さんお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In regards to Mukae-san's idea on advertisements, I think it might be good to use newspaper advertisements.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先ほどの向江さんの広告についての案ですが、私は新聞広告を使用するのも良いかと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If there are various kinds of advertisements, it may bring about a breakthrough.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "広告にも、幅広い方法があるということは一つの打開策となりそうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's now take a 10 minute break here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、ここで10分の休憩をとります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お疲れ様でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, my name is Kino from the production department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、制作部の木野と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is Kawamoto-san in today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "河本さんはいらっしゃいますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You want Kawamoto?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "河本ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "May I ask what this is about?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご用件をお伺いしてよろしいでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's in regards to the renovation for Company B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "B社改装についてです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I believe Kawamoto-san was the designer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "河本さんが設計者だったかと思うのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "かしこまりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "少々お待ちくださいませ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will transfer you to Kawamoto.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "河本へおつなぎ致します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, thank you for holding.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、お待たせいたしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is Kawamoto.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "河本です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My name is Kino and I'm the renovation project manager for Company B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "B社の改装プロジェクト責任者、木野と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry for introducing myself over the phone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お電話でのご挨拶失礼いたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I realized that there were no drawings of the second and third floor with measurements, and we were planning to make orders today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2階と3階の寸法が入った図面がないことに気づいたのですが、本日発注することになっておりまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is that right, I'm very sorry about that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだったのですね、大変申し訳ございませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will prepare a copy as soon as possible today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日、至急もう1枚ご用意致します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, it would be great if you can give me some time in printing the drawing, and I should be able to deliver it by 3 o'clock in the afternoon today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ、図面印刷には少々お時間頂きたく、本日午後3時までにはお届けできると思うのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will wait for you at our office around 3 o'clock in the afternoon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、午後3時ごろ、弊社にてお待ちしております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, thank you very much.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、何卒よろしくお願い致します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, Sotomura-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、外村さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I heard you'll be part of the interview for the mid-career hire on Wednesday this week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今週水曜日の中途採用の面接同席するって聞いたんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How are you, Oyama-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お疲れ様です、大山さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, that's the plan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、そのつもりです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There is someone called Ishikawa-san among them and apparently he is a very good candidate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その中の一人の石川さんって方がかなり有望な候補者らしいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I look forward to that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは楽しみですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As for the time, there's no change from the usual 2 o'clock in the afternoon, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "時間なんですが、いつもの午後2時で変更はないでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, that's the case.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、大丈夫。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, Oyama-san, as for the meeting room, the Meeting Room A that we usually use was already booked by someone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、大山さん、会議室ですが、いつもの会議室Aは誰かが既に予約していました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I just got a call that we will be using the Meeting Room B on the first floor that is slightly bigger.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので、代わりに1階の少し大きめの会議室Bを借りることになったと、さっき連絡がありました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, is that right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あぁ、そうなのか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good think I asked.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "聞いておいてよかったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, I re-made the questions to ask for the interview so can you make some copies later?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それと、面接用に質問事項を作り直したから、後でコピーしておいてくれるかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, thank you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、よろしく。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is Shibuya from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社の渋谷です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is Takada from Company B", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "B社の高田です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "May I speak to Shiroki-san from public relations?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "広報の白木さんをお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry, Shiroki is currently not at his desk.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すみませんが、白木はただ今、席をはずしております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would you like to leave a message?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "伝言を承りましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, please.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、お願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you tell him to call me back?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "折り返し電話してもらうようにお願いできますでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you tell me your phone number?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "電話番号をお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is xx-xxxx-xxxx.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "xx-xxxx-xxxxです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So it's xx-xxxx-xxxx.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "xx-xxxx-xxxxですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will let him know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お伝えいたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for calling.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お電話有難うございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Everyone, thank you for gathering today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆様、本日はお集まりいただきありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My name is Okada and I will be the moderator today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日司会を務めさせて頂きます、岡田と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I look forward to doing this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よろしくお願い致します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So it seems everyone is seated so I'd like to start the meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆様ご着席いただいてるようなので、会議を始めたいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, today we will talk about the demand rate in regards to our product in the Asia regions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、本日はアジア地域での当社商品の需要率についてです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have invited Mr. Tokui who specializes in Asia regions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "つきましては、アジア地域専門の徳井様をお招きしております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much for inviting me today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日はお招きいただき、ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, so will everyone look at the document in front of you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、では、皆さまお手元の資料をご覧ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is the report from the meeting held on December 13th.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そちらは12月13日に行われた会議のレポートです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As a result of reviewing the document, we see that the product demand rate in the Asian region had decreased 3.5% compared to last year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "資料を見直しました結果、アジア地域の商品需要率は昨年より3.5%低下しております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The potential reason for this is the progression of imitation products in the Asia region.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "原因として考えられるのは、アジア地域での商品のコピーが進んでいることです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thus as a solution, I'm thinking of starting an advertising campaign.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこで、解決策といたしまして、広告キャンペーンの投入などが考えられます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Does anyone have any other comments?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か他にご意見ありますでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Go for it Matsuno-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では松野さんお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My opinion is that we should differentiate our company product even more.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の意見といたしましては、自社の商品をより特化する方向へ持っていくべきだと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That is an idea as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それも一つの案ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anyone have anything else?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他に何かある方?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Go for it Yamamoto-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、山本さんお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My opinion is that we should maybe look at other regions as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の意見としましては、他の地域も視野に入れるべきかと考えます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But, that could take some time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかしそれには、時間をかなり要しそうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Everyone, thank you very much for your valuable input.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆さま、貴重なご意見有難うございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will take a quick break now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここで、一旦休憩に入らせていただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Excuse me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すみません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have a moment?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "少しお時間良いでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, I'm okay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、大丈夫だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's about the document you asked me to do this morning, and I just finished it so can you take a look?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今朝任せて頂いていた資料なんですが、完成しましたので、確認をお願いできますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, let's see.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうか、見てみよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It would be great if you can point things out so I can make sure I improve on it for next time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何かございましたら今後の改善のため、ご指示いただきたく存じます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll let you know once I finish reading it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "目を通したらまた呼ぶから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll head back now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "失礼いたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ueda-san, I'll be leaving now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "上田さん、お先に失礼します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, a bit earlier than planned?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あら、予定より早いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you finish your overtime work?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "残業は終わったんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not exactly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうでもないんですけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I think I finished most of it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、大半は終えられたかと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think I will finish in around 1 hour.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "残りは1時間ほどで終わると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll see you later then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Go home and rest well now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早く帰って休んでくださいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I ask for a favor?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、一つ頼みごとをしても良いでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良いですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If Yamada-san comes looking for me, can you tell him that I should be able to give it to him by noon tomorrow?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし、山田さんがわたしを訪ねてきたら、明日のお昼までにはお渡しできると伝えてもらえますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "了解です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By noon, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お昼までに、ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "宜しくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Got it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, I'll see you tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、また明日。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "See you tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Bye now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お先に失礼します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We received an order of website creation today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日ホームページの製作を1件受注した。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Which store?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どこのお店ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A new store called S that opened on J street.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新しくJ通りにオープンしたSというお店なんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They opened at the end of last year but are having a hard time getting customers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オープンしたのは去年の年末だが全然お客さんが集まってないらしい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They wanted us to create a website to remedy the situation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこでホームページを作ってそれを改善しようとうちに話が来たんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What kind of food do they serve?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どんなジャンルの飲食店なんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's a Turkish restaurant.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それがトルコ料理のお店なんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What exactly is Turkish cuisine, I am not familiar with it at all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "トルコ料理って何があるんですか、全然馴染みがない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Honestly I do not know much about it either.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "俺も実はあんまり知らないんだよな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They have a variety of food such as kebabs and koftas.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ケバブとかキョフテとか結構いろいろとありますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Listen, it is one of the three best cuisine in the world.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なんたって、世界3大料理の1つですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have been there on a tour about three years ago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "3年ぐらい前にツアーで行ったことがあるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's great, we should get Miyamoto-san to take the lead with this one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはすごいね、この案件は宮本さん中心でやろうかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's not the same, I just went sightseeing as a tourist.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それとこれとは話が別です、ただ行って観光してきただけですから!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Getting back to the subject, they are currently listed on a gourmet website.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで話を戻すと、今現在グルメサイトには掲載してるらしい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is that a kind you pay a monthly fee for?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは月額いくらか払ってですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, they pay about 40000 yen every month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんだ、月額4万円ぐらい払ってるらしい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is not enough as a way to spread information.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただそれだけでは情報発信として不足してますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "An established business might be ok with it, but the cuisine itself is pretty obscure.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よほどの老舗ならまだしも、馴染みのない料理のジャンルですし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A website is definitely a necessity as a source of advertisement.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "宣伝としてホームページは必須ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would like to get started soon since they asked us to be in charge of the whole design.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一切のデザインを任されたので早々に決めて作っていきたいと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We should decide on what information needs to be listed first.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どんな情報を先に掲載するか決めたほうがいいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In general, a restaurant should list its menu.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一般的な飲食店だと、まずはメニューですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Even if you have no idea about a restaurant, you will probably want to give it a shot if you know the prices.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "値段がわかってるとなんとなく未知のお店でも行こうかなって気になりますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I totally understand that since I always check websites before going anywhere.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私も行く前に必ずホームページを見るタイプなのでわかります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think it will be interesting and catches attention if the staff writes a blog.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スタッフのブログなんかも面白いんじゃないかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will make them look realistic and welcoming.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "リアリティや親しみが出ますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Isn't Turkey a country that most people are not so familiar with?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "トルコって馴染みがあまりない国じゃないですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't think there are many people who can accurately point to where Turkey is located on a world map.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "世界地図広げてどこって聞いても正確に答えれる人は少ないと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about creating a section to introduce Turkey?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なんでトルコのことを知ってもらうコーナーも設けたらどうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you gain a little bit of knowledge on the country, you might become interested in the cuisine, which will be a good opportunity to try the food.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "国を知ったらその国の料理にも興味を持って食べに行くきっかけになると思うんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That makes sense, I think it's a good idea.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かにそうだな、それはありだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We need a section for new information as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新着情報のコーナーも欲しいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can utilize the section for something like, \"new menu added.\"", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "「新しいメニュー入りました」みたいな感じで使えると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We could do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あってもいいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about coupons?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あとクーポン券はどうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Such as a free Turkish beer Efes if the coupon code is shown.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "画面見せたらトルコビールのエフェソスサービスするよみたいな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sounds good, it will get people talking and coming to the restaurant.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいね、集客のネタになりそうだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I still think Miyamoto-san should take the lead in this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この件のリーダーはやっぱり宮本さんが適役だ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, I will do my best.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、頑張ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you so much for being here today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日はお越し頂きましてありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our company is celebrating our 50th anniversary and we decided to renew our brand logo.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我が社も創業50周年を迎えブランドロゴの大幅な刷新を行うことになりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That is why we asked you, D design, to help us come up with some ideas.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこでDデザイン社さんにその提案をお願いした次第です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I appreciate your decision to go with us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お声かけいただきまして誠にありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Since we have limited time here, let get started.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お時間もございますので早速始めていきたいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In order to come up with ideas, we went ahead and did a little research on your current company logo.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まずは提案にあたりまして御社の現状のロゴについて弊社で調査いたしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have found a few issues from our research.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこから見えてきたいくつかの課題があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First of all, your company has a few logos, and they are not unified.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ひとつに、ロゴが数種類あり統一がなされていません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there any reasons for having more than one logo?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "数種類あるのは何か理由があるんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have continued using the original logo for some of our products.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "創業時に作ったものが一部の製品には引き続き使用されています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For most of our products, we use the logo that was created for our company's 30th anniversary.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大半は創業30周年の時に作ったロゴで統一しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If your logos aren't unified, consumers have a hard time recognizing your company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ロゴを統一しないと、消費者に認知されにくくなります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I understand that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なるほどですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Second, Iwatani-san, what is this right here in your current logo?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ふたつめの課題ですが、岩谷さん、現状ロゴのここのマークはなんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "it represents a bean sprouting and growing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これは豆がすくすく伸びる様子を表しております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh I see, I know it is a bean now that you explained it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうでしたか、僕は今お話を伺ったのでこれが豆だと理解できました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, consumers don't get the idea if a logo is vague.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかしながら消費者にはパッと見てわかるもので無いと伝わりません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We took that into consideration and came up with the logo I am about to show you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これからご提案するロゴはその辺も踏まえたものとなっております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please proceed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Aside from shapes, colors play an important role in creating a logo.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、ロゴは形の他にも色が大切な要素となります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can also put meanings into colors.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして色にも意味を込めることができます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Upon researching your company, we decided that green and blue are the perfect choice for your company logo.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "御社のことをお調べさせていただきロゴには緑と青が良いと判断させていただきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why is that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはなぜでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You are an established tofu company that represents this N region.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "御社は今このN地区を代表する豆腐会社です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You normally associate the color white with tofu, but we specifically stuck with green and blue.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "豆腐といえば白を連想しがちですが敢えて緑と青にこだわりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Green represents rich, fertile soil.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "緑は豊かな実りある大地を表しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And blue represents beautiful, clean water.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして青は綺麗な健やかな水を表しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You are using the colors to express the feelings.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "色で思いを表現しているんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And this is the logo design we are suggesting to you today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして今日提案するロゴデザインはこちらとなります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This design is so unexpected.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これは予想外のデザインですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We could have not come up with it on our own, you guys are definitely pros.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちのデザイン部じゃ絶対に出そうに無い、さすがプロの仕事ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for the compliment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お褒めいただきありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is distorted a little bit in order to appeal any generation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちら少しデフォルメしておりまして、どの世代でもとっつきやすいようにしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "People of all ages enjoy our products.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの商品は老若男女にご愛顧いただいていますからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We attempted to come up with a logo that everybody finds appealing just like your products.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "商品と同じく万人に愛されるロゴを心がけて作成しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I like our current logo, but I find it a bit outdated.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は今のロゴもいいけど、なんとなく古臭いと思っていまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I really like the suggested one, how about you Iwatani-san?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この提案いただいたのが非常に気に入ったのですが、岩谷さんはどうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I did not expect you to show us such a high quality logo in the first place.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私もこんなにグレードの高いものがいきなり出てくるとは思わなかったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I love it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大変気に入りました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I feel honored, thank you very much.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大変光栄です、ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's begin the meeting about human resources.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では人事関係のミーティングを始めます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What is the topic for today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日の議題はなんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, it's about Yamamoto-san in H department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、H事業部の山元さんのことです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He has been doing fine this month, but he did terribly last month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今月はまだ問題ないんですが先月が結構ひどいんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What do you mean by terribly?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ひどいとはどんな状態なんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First off, he had unapproved absences on the first and the second.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まず、1日と2日に無断欠勤をしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "His supervisor noticed and made a phone call in the morning, but he never answered.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "山元さんの上長が欠勤に気づき、朝電話をしても出なかったそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He finally called back on the night of the second and said he had been sick in bed and unable to call.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2日の夜に連絡があり風邪で寝込んでいたので連絡できなかったとのことです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If he had been that sick, it's understandable.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんなにひどい状態だったならありえそうですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Despite the fact how sick he said he had been, he showed up all perky and lively on the third.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ところがその割に、3日はかなり元気そうに出勤したそうなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Somebody told me that Yamamoto-san was spotted at a Izakaya on the night of the first.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1日の夜に山元さんを居酒屋で見たという情報もあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Come to think of it, I sometime get a whiff of alcohol from Yamamoto-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かに山元さん、たまにすれ違った時にお酒の匂いがする時がありますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's not the only thing all he did last month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先月はそれだけじゃないんですよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He came in three hours late on the fifteenth.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今度は15日に3時間ほど遅刻してきたそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As if he was an executive coming to work late.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まるで重役出勤ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He said he had been at the dentist when asked the reason by his supervisor.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "上長が訳を聞いたところ、歯医者に行ってたそうなんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can we confirm it with the receipt from the dentist?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その真偽は、歯医者の領収証でわかるんじゃないんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Exactly, of course his supervisor asked Yamamoto-san to provide it too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんです、当然上長もそれを見せてくれと山元さんに言ったそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But he wouldn't since his friend was the dentist and would not charge him.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ところが、知人なのでタダでやってもらったからと見せないそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That sounds suspicious.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっと怪しいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Does Yamamoto-san commute from his parent's house?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "山元さんって実家から通っているんでしたっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, he lives by himself nearby since his parent's house is in town A, which is far.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ、実家はA町で遠いので会社近くで一人暮らしをしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He doesn't have anybody to get onto him.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "注意する人もいないということですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We should get him over here and talk to him in person for once.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一度本人を呼び出して直接話を聞いたほうがいいかもしれないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What does his supervisor say about him?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "山元さんの上長は、彼についてどうコメントしてるんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "His supervisor, Sugai-san, is defending Yamamoto-san a lot.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "上長の菅井さんは、山元さんをかなり擁護していますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He believes both his sickness and dentist appointment were not lies.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "風邪の話も歯医者の話も絶対嘘ではないと信じています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I agree with Sugai-san if you ask me now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私もどちらかといえば今のところ菅井さん側の意見ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can't definitely say he is lying yet, so we should probably believe him unless his lies are proven.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "絶対に黒だと言えない状況なので、黒が確定できるまでは信じたほうがいいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Endo-san, what do you think?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "遠藤さんはどう思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "From the perspective of H department, he does contribute to the department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "H事業部全体から見ると沢尻さんはそこそこ部に貢献していると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Either his sickness or the dental appointment might be a lie.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "風邪か歯医者かもしかしたらどちらかは嘘かもしれません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Even if it is a lie, can we just let it slip for once?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただそうだとしても、一度ぐらいは目をつぶってもいいのでは無いでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "H department is the busiest one here, and Yamamoto-san might be stressed out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我が社で一番慌ただしいH事業部なので山元さんもストレスがあるかもしれません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Shouldn't we be strict with him here?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここは厳重にすべきでは無いでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He is setting a bad example for the rest of employees in H department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "H事業部の他の社員に示しが付かなくなります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have two different opinions here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "意見が分かれてしまいましたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok, how about this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、こうするのはどうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We should put this on hold for now and continue monitoring him the rest of the month and then we can have a meeting about him again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今は保留にして、今月いっぱい様子を見てまたこの会を持つのはどうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I gotcha, let's do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、そうしましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's discuss our Halloween party next.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次の議題はハロウィンパーティーです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What are we going to do this year?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年はどうしましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about whoever wants to come in with their costumes on like last year, can?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "去年同様希望者だけ仮装してくるって事でいいんじゃないですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Dressing up is fun and all, but it lacked entertainment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "仮装は仮装でいいんですが、なんか盛り上がりに欠けてたんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was just dressing up and nothing else.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "仮装してきてそれで終わりみたいな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You are right, it wasn't all that exciting and fun.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かにそうですよね、イマイチ盛り上がりに欠けていました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about we have a costume contest this year?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年はコンテストをするのはどうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Contest?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "コンテストですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Everybody gets one vote and chooses whoever is dressed up the best.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ひとり1票を割り当てて、その日いる社員に誰の仮装が一番か選んでもらいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about awarding a prize to the winner?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで1番になった人には賞品を渡すのはどうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That will motivate people to dress up and make this whole thing fun.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それだと仮装にも気合が入ってもっと盛り上がりそうですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will talk to the manager about the budget for the prize, but I am pretty sure he will be ok with it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "賞品の予算は私が部長に申請しますが多分通ると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you include the budget for the candy as well?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それならお菓子の予算もお願いしておいてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You mean the candy you are going to hand out?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆に配る用のお菓子ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I believe Halloween is all about handing out candy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんですよ、やっぱりハロウィンってそういう印象なので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I got it, I will talk to him about it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、お願いしておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Only the guys who dressed up last year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "去年仮装してたのって男性ばっかりでしたよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you think there is a reason for that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なにか訳があるんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Somebody mentioned that women are reluctant to commute in costumes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういえばさすがに女性は家から着てこれないので遠慮するって意見がありました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see how impractical it is for women to commute that way.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かに女性だと通勤時辛いですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about we set up a changing area for women this year?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年は女性用に更衣室を作るのはどうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Conference room A is spacious enough for all our female employees to be in and change at the same time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会議室Aなんかだと、女性社員全員入っても着替えるスペースに余裕がありますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then we should designate a changing area for male employee as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それなら男性用の更衣室も準備した方が良いんではないですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am sure there are some guys who feel the same way as the women.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おそらく男性の中にも女性と同じ意見を持ってる人がいると考えられます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I got it, we will try to reserve another conference room.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、当日もうひとつ会議室を押さえるようにします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Getting back to the prize, we should probably have more than one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから賞品の件に戻るんですが、1つではなく複数あった方がいいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have close to 200 employees, and one prize doesn't sound too exciting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "200名近く社員がいるので1つだとなんとなく面白みに欠けます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We should have different categories such as the best dressed and best cosplay et cetera.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "例えば最優秀賞、コスプレ賞とかいくつかタイトルを付けた賞があるといいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In addition to individual prizes, we can also award departments.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "個人もそうですが、部署単位で賞をあげてもいいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's a great idea.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かにそうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We also need to let the other tenants know about the costume contest ahead of time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他のテナントにも事前に仮装する旨声かけが必要です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The security received a complaint about a suspicious person coming inside the building last year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "去年おかしな人がビル内にいると他テナントから警備員に苦情があったそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is rare for Japanese companies to allow their employees to dress up for Halloween.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日本の会社ではハロウィンに仮装する方が珍しいですもんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I understand, I will make an announcement.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、私からアナウンスするようにします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about setting up a little bar to show appreciation for everybody's hard work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日頃の労いも兼ねてその日は会議室に喫茶コーナーを作るのはどうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will have snacks and drinks ready for everybody during their break.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこで仕事の休憩中に先ほどのお菓子やドリンクを提供するようにします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The employees are working very hard, and this the lest we, administration department, can do for them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日頃頑張ってもらってるのでそれぐらいは管理部として当然ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Gotcha, I will talk to our manager about the budget soon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、こちらも部長に予算申請をします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, we will go with what we talked about.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それではこの感じで進めていきましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You all have been assigned to the sales department and will start cold-calling starting tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "営業として配属された君たちには明日から飛び込み営業に出てもらいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "From what you have been learning, you should have enough knowledge on our products by now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これまでの研修ですでに当社の商品についての知識は十分身についているはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "All you have to do from now on is take your knowledge to our customers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "後はその知識をもってお客さんのところに行って説明してくるだけです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But you can't just sit and wait expecting for a renovation order to come.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただリフォームの受注というのは待っているだけではなかなか来ません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはどうしてでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you want to purchase a house, you go to a realtor.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "家を買いたいと思ったら不動産屋に行きますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Unlike that, if a house needs fixing, one typically won't get to it right away thinking it will not do immediate damage.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それと違い家が傷んでると思ってもすぐには壊れないのでなかなか着手しません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So the best way is we take action and make a suggestion.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なのでこちらから動いて提案していくのが一番良い方法なんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I need you guys to come to work in your work clothes tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まずはみなさん明日は作業着で出勤してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We need to wear our work clothes even if we are supposed to be cold-calling tomorrow, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日は作業せずに飛び込み営業なのに作業着ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, you will be cold-calling in your work clothes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうです、飛び込み営業は作業着で行きます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How come?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なぜでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Isn't wearing a suit the first step in doing business?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ビジネスの基本はスーツではないんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is just an act to get customers to sign contracts by making them sympathetic towards you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お客さまの同情を買って契約をもらうための演出です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sympathy?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "同情ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Customers tend to feel more comfortable with you in your work clothes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "作業着の方がお客さまも安心してくれるんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Imagine a sales person drops by your house out of the blue.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし井岡さんの家にいきなり約束もせずに営業マンが来たとします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How would you feel so see this sales person wearing a sharp suit with shiny shoes on?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その営業マンがピシッとスーツを着てピカピカの靴だったらどんな気分ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would be skeptical and turn him away immediately over the intercom.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "怪しいと思ってインターフォン越しに速攻断ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's right, how about a sweaty worker wearing dirty work clothes?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですよね、では汗水たらして汚れた作業着の営業マンならどうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will feel bad for him and probably listen to what he has to say.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "かわいそうなんでちょっとぐらいは話を聞くと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Exactly, that's why we need to do this in your work clothes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですよね、なので必ず作業着を着て飛び込みします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, I understand now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You also have an advantage as a newcomer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それと新人だけ使える特権があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Even though you guys had been learning the basic knowledge up 'til yesterday, it is just the basic.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昨日までの研修で基礎知識は蓄えたといってもまだまだ基本部分にすぎません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You might come across customers who are more knowledgeable about renovations than you are.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お客様の中には君たちよりリフォームに関しての知識が多い方もいらっしゃいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You are allowed to be honest and say you do not know if there is anything you are not sure about.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしわからないことがあった時には、正直にわからないと言って構いません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Does it make customers angry?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お客さんに怒られたりしませんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Be honest and tell them you are a newbie and will do some research.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "正直に新人なのでわかりません、調べてきますと回答してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Most of the targeted customers are in their late 60s, meaning they are probably your grandfather's age.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大概の営業先家庭は60代後半、つまり君たちのおじいちゃん世代が多いです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Those people will rarely get mad at you who are their grandchildren's age.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんな人たちが孫世代の君たちに怒ることは滅多にありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Try to build trust by telling them you will do thorough research and get back to them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しっかり調べて後日回答する、これで信頼関係を築いていってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That is an advantage just for newcomers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それが新人だけに許された特権ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "One of the new employees last year had nothing to say but \"I don't know.\"", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "去年入社した君たちの先輩に、「わかりません調べてきます」ばかりの子がいました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, he was well liked because of his honesty and became the top sales person among the new employees.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼はそれでも持ち前の素直さで可愛がられ営業成績は同期の中でトップでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Of course you can go ahead and respond to questions you know the answers to.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろんわかることは答えてもらって結構です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But if you aren't 100 percent certain or do not know the answer, say \"I will do some research.\"", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただあやふやであったり不明なことは、「調べてきます」で乗り切ってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I got it, thank you very much.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok, we will meet at the office and leave at eight thirty tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは明日は8時半に事務所に集合して出発します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Make sure to wear your work clothes not your suit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スーツではなく作業着で出勤をお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Suzuki-san, that is a cute cell phone cover.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "鈴木さん、その携帯カバー可愛いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you, I made it myself.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとう、これ私が作ったんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is just as good as the ones sold at stores, I am jealous.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "売ってるやつみたいに上手ですね、羨ましい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have anything else that is handmade?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他にもいろいろ手作りのものあるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually the skirt I am wearing is.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実はこのスカートもそうなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's impressive, you can make clothes too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すごいですね、お洋服まで作れるなんて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You are so skilled that you could quit working here and get a job as a seamstress.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう会社辞めてそういう仕事についた方がいいレベルですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is just my hobby, I would probably hate it if it was my job.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あくまで趣味ですよー、仕事で義務になると嫌になっちゃいそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I have been selling here and there on a flea market website.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもフリマサイトでちょこちょこは売ってるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How much can you make?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どれくらい稼げるものなんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The max I made was around 50000 yen one month, but the average is about 20000 yen a month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1番多い月で5万円ぐらいでしたね、平均月に2万ぐらいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It means you can make about 300000 yen a year which is great.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうすると年間30万ぐらいはこれで稼げるって素晴らしいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I want to get a side job too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私も何か副業始めたいなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am working on the side too, but only on weekends.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は私副業してるの、土日だけなんだけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What kind of job?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どんな副業ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's a janitorial job at a hotel, from 9 to 12 o'clock and the hours are short.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ホテルのお掃除のバイトなの、9時から12時までで時間も直ぐ終わるしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Isn't it physically demanding to clean?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お掃除きつくないんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It does not bother me at all, just an extension of my house cleaning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全然平気よ、家の掃除の延長ぐらいだもん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can work silently at my own pace.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "黙々と自分のペースでできるから楽だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I actually have a side job as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は私も副業してます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What type of work do you do, Mikawa-san?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "美川さんはどんな仕事なんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I work at an Izakaya after I leave here at 5 o'clock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここを5時に終わってから居酒屋でバイトしてるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I work from 6 to 10, 3 times a week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "6時から10時までを週に3日やってます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Isn't it exhausting to work in the customer service field?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それこそ接客業なんできつくないんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I cook in the kitchen rather than dealing with customers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は接客というより中のキッチンで料理を作る方なんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My acquaintance owns the restaurant and they were short-handed and needed my help.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "知り合いが経営してるお店なんですけど人が足りないから来てってことで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It has been two years since I started working there, and I am an old-timer now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "気づけばもう2年も働いてて、いつの間にか古株です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mikawa-san always brings a lunch box that looks delicious.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "美川さんいつも美味しそうな手作りお弁当持ってきてますもんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you always liked cooking?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "料理がもともと好きなんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes I have, that's why it does not bother me to work two jobs.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんですよ、だからダブルで働いても全然キツくないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's always better to find a side job that you really enjoy or are accustomed to.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やっぱり好きなことや慣れていることを副業にした方がいいんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have hobbies or anything you enjoy, Yamaoka-san?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "山岡さんなにか好きなこととか趣味ってないの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I do not have anything I can a hobby.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですねえ、あんまり趣味ってないんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can say I am into gardening right now and enjoy growing vegetables in my garden.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "強いて言えば今ガーデニングに凝ってて野菜を庭で育てるのが楽しいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think I have good news.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それならちょうどいい話があるかも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My relative who owns an Okra farm is short-staffed and looking for someone to come help.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの親戚がオクラ農家やってて人手不足で誰かちょっとでもきてくれないかって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okra farm, I am interested.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オクラ農家ですか、興味あります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will let my relative know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうしたら親戚に話ししておくわね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yay, thank you so much.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やったー、ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "An Indonesian company is going to come tour our facility.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの工場にインドネシアの企業が視察に来ることになった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If it works out well, we will have connections with Indonesia.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うまくいけばインドネシアとのコネクションが開けることになる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That would be wonderful, we have not had a chance to do business with Southeast Asia.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはすごいですね、うちはまだ東南アジアとの取引がないですからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I want to put you guys in charge of welcoming and taking care of them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆にはその視察団の受け入れ対応をお願いしたい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have been asked to arrange the whole schedule.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらでのスケジュールは全部ウチで決めてくれということだった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am not so sure if we can accomplish such an important task.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんな大役、僕たちで務まるのかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yamamoto-san, you have experience welcoming a group of foreign observers before, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "山本さんは確か海外から視察団の受け入れを経験したことがあるんだよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes I have, I did it a few times when I was working for the trading company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、前職の貿易会社の時に何度かあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then Yamamoto-san can be the leader and walk the other two through it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうしたら山本さんがリーダーになって他のふたりを引っ張ってくれ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I feel relieved, it will be great help.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よかった、助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They will arrive in Narita at 7 p.m. on January 20th and leave at 5 p.m. on January 22nd.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1月20日の夜7時に成田イン、1月22日の夕方5時に成田アウトだそうだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Two nights and three days, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうすると2泊3日ということですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It takes a whole day to tour the facility, so we will end up spending all day doing so on the 21st.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "工場の視察は丸1日かかるので、1月21日はそれだけで終わりそうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about we have a dinner on the night of 20th and spend a day sightseeing on January 22nd until it's time for them to leave.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1月20日の夜は食事会、1月22日は帰国まで観光はどうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That should entertain our guests.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは面白そうだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yoshida-bucho, how many are going to be in the party?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "吉田部長、視察団は何名くらいいるんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I won't get the definitive number until about a week before the trip but it will be about 10 people.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "正式な人数は来日1週間ほど前に判明するが大体10名ほどらしい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Around 10, then we will need a large vehicle for transportation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "10人前後ですね、そうなるとすべての移動に大型の乗り物が必要ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will contact a rental car company and book one for 3 days starting on January 20th.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "レンタル会社に連絡して1月20日から3日間借りれるように交渉します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please book one that is large enough for everybody since they will probably want to stick together.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆一緒の行動を希望すると思いますので全員が乗れる大きさのものにしてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Book a decent hotel as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ホテルはある程度のクラスのものをお願いするよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Somewhere that has an easy access to the facility and the airport.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "工場と空港へのアクセスが良い場所にしてくれ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I gotcha, can I assign you the task of picking a hotel and making a reservation, Hayami-san?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、速水さん、ホテルの選択と予約を任せていいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, sir.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you think we should choose a Japanese food restaurant for the dinner on the first night?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "初日に会食するお店はやはり和食がいいんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I almost forgot!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだった、それで思い出した!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They are Muslims, and extra care should be given to meals.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先方はイスラム教なので食事内容に注意しないといけないんだった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We need meals that are Halal food, right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ハラールフードに対応した食事ということですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What is Halal food?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ハラールフードってなんなんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The word Halal refers to permissible in Islam religion.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ハラールというのはイスラム教において許されていることを総称する言葉なんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So Halal food means meals that are permissible to Muslims.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なのでハラールフードとはイスラム教徒にとって許されている食事ということです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Islam has strict disciplines, and there are several restriction in their diet too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "戒律が厳しいイスラム教なので食事にもいくつかの制約があるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have heard about it, pork and alcohol are not permitted.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私聞いたことがあります、豚とかアルコールがダメなんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is not just avoiding certain foods, but there are prohibited ways of processing as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "単純に豚を食べてはいけないだけじゃなく、その製造工程にも禁止事項があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hayami-san, can you please pick a restaurant for dinner after Nakama-san makes a reservation for a hotel?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "速水さんは、仲間さんがホテルを決めた後会食のお店をさがしてもらえますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Make sure to book a restaurant that is certified in serving Halal food.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ハラールフードの認証を受けたお店でお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes sir, I will go ahead and find a few.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、先にいくつか探しておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will find sightseeing places that will excite Indonesians.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私はインドネシアの方が喜びそうな観光スポットを探しておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's get back together for another meeting the day after tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではまた明後日、ミーティングを持とう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is the estimate for Car G you asked me the other day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらが先日ご依頼いただいていたG車の見積もりとなります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Since Car G is a very popular model, it was really hard for us to give you a discount.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "G車は非常に人気の車種で正直お値引きも難しい状況ではありました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, I truly appreciate your patronage and negotiated with my boss.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかしご贔屓にしていただいている御社ですので上司に掛け合ってきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I did my best to give you the special price.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "頑張って御社だけの特別価格にさせていただきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me see, this is a good deal.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どれどれ拝見しよう、なかなかいい値段だねえ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How is it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いかがなものでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is within my budget.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあ想定内だからいいかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can we proceed since all the details will be discussed after you sign the contract.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これから先の細かい話は契約後になりますので、話を進めてもよろしいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, can you give me a little bit of time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、ちょっと待ってくれんかねえ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there any issues or concerns?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何かご不明点などがございますでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I want to make sure you will be satisfied with your purchase, so please feel free to ask me anything.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私も納得してお買い上げいただきたいので何なりとご質問ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, that is not what I meant.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いやーそういうわけじゃないんだけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As I mentioned earlier, I did negotiate with my boss, who is the branch manager.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先ほども申しましたが上司である支店長に掛け合いました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I made sure the price falls within your price range.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先日社長が希望されていた金額に収まったと思いますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I already know that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはもう十分にわかっているよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is largely discounted from the price in the catalog.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "カタログ価格より随分割引されているもんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to mention it to me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご不満な点があれば遠慮なさらずに教えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I do not have any complaint.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "特に不満はないんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was wondering if carrots would be added as a service if this was a produce market.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ八百屋だったら、この人参もサービスでってなるじゃないか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh I see.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Isn't there anything like that with a purchase of a vehicle?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "車じゃ何かそういうのってないんですかね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I got it, how about a fully filled tank as the first step?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、それならまずはガソリン満タンで納車します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First step means there is more?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まずはって他にもあるのかい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will add a dash cam, which you debated purchasing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オプションで社長が悩まれていたドライブレコーダーをおつけします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, can you be so generous?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、そんな太っ腹いいのかい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am sorry I feel like a haggler.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これじゃたかりみたいで申し訳ないな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is no problem since my goal is to make sure you will be satisfied with the contract.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私も気持ちよくご契約いただきたいので問題ありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But would you mind keeping this a secret from your friend, Mr. Gondou, Company N's CEO?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ社長が懇意にされているN社の権藤社長には内緒にしておいてもらえますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is Mr. Gondou interested in purchasing the same vehicle?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "権藤さんもこの車を買おうとしてるのかい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He actually is, but I can not offer the same special deal to anybody that comes by.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんですよ、ただ誰でも彼でも特別サービスにさせていただくことはできません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This special deal is only for you, Tamachi-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回は田町社長様だけの特別待遇です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I understand, my lips are sealed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかったよ、この件は俺の胸のうちにしまっておくよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I really appreciate it, then would you please sign the contract and press the seal?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとうございます、それでは契約書にサインと捺印をお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Today I am going to give you a lesson on improving listening skills.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は聞く力を養うレッスンを行います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are not talking about just nodding when we say the word listening here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここでいう聞くとはただ単に相槌を打つことではありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Listening actually requires quite advanced skills.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は聞くということは非常に高い技術を必要とします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Unlike speaking, it requires you to use your imagination in order to keep a conversation going.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "話すとは違って、想像力を駆使しながら相手の話を引き出さなければなりません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now we are going to pair up, one of you will be the talker and the other will be the listener, and try to have a conversation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、まず2人1組で話役と聞き役になり何でもいいので会話をしてみてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will stop the conversation to explain as needed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私が途中で止めて解説をします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Takebayashi-san and Oono-san, go ahead and try.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、竹林さんと大野さんお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would like to be the listener.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは私が聞き役をやります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then I am going to be the speaker.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では私が話役になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's get started.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではスタートしてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What kind of food do you like to eat?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どんな料理を食べるのが好きですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I love Yakiniku hands down.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ダントツで焼肉が好きですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yakiniku is tasty, do you recommend any place around here?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "焼肉いいですね、どこか近所でいいお店ってありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There is one, it's a hole in the wall, all you can eat place.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありますよ、食べ放題のお店なんですけど隠れ家なんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sounds awesome, what cut of meat do you like the best?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは良さそうですね、ところで肉はどこの部位が好きですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I like Kalbi, and the restaurant I am talking about has delicious Kalbi, and the prices are pretty reasonable too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "カルビです、その店のカルビもとても美味しくて値段も安いんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where is this place?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのお店って場所はどこですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok, stop right here!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、ストップです!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Takebayashi-san, were you able to obtain enough information from Oono-san?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "竹林さん、結構大野さんから情報を引き出せましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think I did well, I was able to find out his favorite is Kalbi.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "焼肉の中のカルビが好きなのも聞き出せましたし自分ではできたと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, then I am going to explain.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですか、では私が解説しますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First of all, what do you think is the most important rule for the listener, Takebayashi-san?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まず、竹林さん聞き役の大原則って何でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I believe listening is obviously important.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "当然人の話を聞くことだと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right, but you did not pay attention when Oono-san said the place was \"a hole in the wall\" which is a very captivating word.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうね、それなのに大野さんが隠れ家という興味深いことを言ったのにスルーですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I did overlook that one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、確かにスルーしてしまいました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I assume that Takebayashi-san was preoccupied with the next question he was going to ask.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "恐らく竹林さんの中では、次に自分がする質問のことで頭がいっぱいだったんでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That is not how a conversation is supposed to be, and you need to focus on what the talker is talking about first.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会話はそうではなく、まずは相手の話に意識を集中してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you do that, questions will naturally arise.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうすると聞いている中で必ず疑問が出てきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then you can ask relevant questions in order to obtain more information from the talker.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこを突っ込んで聞いていくと相手からどんどん情報を引き出せるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It makes sense, I understand now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なるほどですね、わかりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just now realized that I also failed to notice when Oono-san mentioned the price of Kalbi was reasonable.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでいうと大野さんがカルビの値段が安いと言った時もスルーしてしまいました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You were only asking questions that piqued your interest.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "完全に自分が聞きたいことしか聞いてない状態でしたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oono-san, what did you think when no response was made when you said it's a hole in the wall place and the prices were affordable?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大野さんは隠れ家、そして値段が安いと言った時スルーされたことに対してどう思いましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was a little bit frustrating when I didn't get any response since I wanted to talk more about it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もっとその部分を話したかったんですが質問してもらえなくてモヤモヤしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, it seems on the surface that the conversation was flowing without any problem.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、表面上は会話が続いていたので問題なく見えたかもしれません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "All the listener did was asking one way questions while the talker felt frustration.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "聞く側はただ一方的に質問を投げて、話す側は何となくモヤモヤしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is hard to say this conversation was smooth like a game of catch.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これでは会話のキャッチボールができているとは言い難い状況でしたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The point is asking questions relating to what the talker actually wants to talk about.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ポイントは相手の話したいことをうまく拾って質問していくということです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "With this in mind, let's switch the listener and try again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これを踏まえて次は聞き役を交代してやってみましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok, let's do it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is Shibata from A Life Insurance, is this the CEO?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社長様ですか、私A生命の柴田と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am calling to talk to you about insurance information that could benefit you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は社長様に耳寄りな保険のお話があってお電話いたしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you interested in life insurance?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "保険にはご興味などございますでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You are an insurance agent, I was going to say I am not interested, but this is actually a good timing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "保険の営業さんか、興味ないって言いたいけどちょうどいいタイミングだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Does it mean you are actually interested?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはそれはご興味があるってことでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My best friend from college was just diagnosed with cancer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょうど大学からの親友が癌になっちゃってさ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He is panicking because he does not have insurance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本人全く保険に入ってなくて焦って大変っぽいんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am so sorry to hear about your friend.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはそれはご親友の方はお気の毒でしたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and I highly recommend purchasing insurance when you are still healthy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "保険は転ばぬ先の杖ですから健康体の時からご準備されることをお勧めします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it possible for me to come talk with you in person, rather than talking on the phone?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし宜しければ一度お電話ではなく、直接会ってお話させていただけませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's fine as long as I am not pushed into buying anything, I might end up just listening to what you have to say.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "聞くだけならいいよ、本当に聞くだけになっちゃうかもしれないけどさ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Absolutely fine, and I am not sure if I can be your help either.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とんでもないことです、私こそお役に立てる話ができるかわかりませんが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If I can assist you in any way possible, it would be my pleasure.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただほんの少しでも社長様にとってお役に立てれば嬉しく思いますので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you happen to know your schedule for next week at this moment?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今、今週か来週の予定っておわかりになりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "An hour will be all I need.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほんの1時間足らずでも結構です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Gotcha, let me see.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだね、わかりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you want me to come by your office if it is convenient for you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お会いできるなら会社に伺った方がよろしいんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Another location will be better since we will be discussing individual insurance plans.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これは個人の保険になるので会社ではなく別の場所がいいかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have any area in particular?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、場所はどの辺りがご都合よろしいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about somewhere near W line H station since I live nearby?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自宅がW線のH駅付近なのでそのあたりはどうだろうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There is a family restaurant called R close to H station, do you know where it is?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "H駅付近にファミレスのRがあるんだがそこはわかるかい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Family restaurant R, I have never been there but I will look for it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "H駅のファミレスRですね、行ったことはないですが探して参ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What time will be best for you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お時間は何時ぐらいがよろしいんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I get there around 6 o'clock after leaving work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだな、だいたい会社を出てその辺に着くのが18時ごろになるかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I got it, how about next Tuesday or Wednesday?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、お日にちは来週の火曜日か水曜日あたりでいかがですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me look at my schedule really quickly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっと今スケジュール帳を見てみるので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok, Wednesday will be fine since I have an appointment with my client on Tuesday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだな、火曜日は接待があるので水曜日なら大丈夫だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I understand, so 6 o'clock on Wednesday sounds good to you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、それでは水曜日の18時でよろしいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wait a second, our company has no overtime work policy on Wednesdays and I won't be working after 4 o'clock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっと待ってよ、水曜日はうちの社はノー残業デーで16時までなんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's wonderful and such a generous idea for the employees.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは素晴らしいですね、社員さんも働きやすいかと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I can be there at 5.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので17時でも大丈夫だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok, we will meet at 5 at the family restaurant R near H station next Wednesday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、そうしましたら来週水曜日17時にH駅のファミレスRでお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you truly ok even if I might just end up wasting your time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当にそちらにとって時間の無駄になるかもしれないけどいいのかい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will be honored if you could give me a little bit of time to talk with you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらこそお時間をいただけるだけで光栄です!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am looking forward to meeting you then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは当日どうぞよろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's pretty windy today but it seems the typhoon is going to hit us tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日も結構な暴風ですが、明日は本格的に台風が上陸するそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We would like to go over our contingency plans again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その前に業務についてのオペレーションを今一度確認しておこうと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yamamoto san, how do we communicate with our staff in a typhoon situation?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "山本さん、社員の台風時の出勤はどのようにアナウンスしていますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have already let everyone know in the morning meeting that we expect them to come in even if there's a typhoon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、社員には台風でも出勤するように朝礼で伝えるようにしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will also send text messages to those who have registered their mobile phone numbers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また登録されている個人の携帯にSMSで同じ内容のメッセージも送ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you include public transportation information in those messages as well?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "公共交通機関についての案内も含まれていますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, and if public transportation is stopped, we allow them to take taxis.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、公共交通機関が止まっていた場合、タクシー通勤を許可しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do we reimburse them?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この費用はもちろん会社もちですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, we tell them to submit receipts to admin by the end of the next day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、当日か後日領収書を総務に渡すように通達しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What happens to those who come to work in their own car?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "タクシーではなく自家用車で来た社員はどうなりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We allow them to park in spaces usually reserved for customers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その日は会社のお客様専用駐車場を開放します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The staff can park their cars there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので社員はそこに停めることが出来ます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Although it's about a 5 minute walk to the office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただお客様駐車場が社屋から徒歩5分かかります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They might be hit by flying debris while on their way to the office so we should be careful about any workplace liability problems.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その間歩いていて飛来物に当たる可能性もあるので対策を講じないといけません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have a few company vans, why don't we use that to shuttle people?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社用車のワゴンが数台ありますのでこれを送迎に使ってはどうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will be able to deal with those who might come by car that way for tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ピストン輸送すれば、明日車で来る可能性のある社員を捌き切れると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "OK, that's a good idea.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will find some people from admin to drive the vans.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "運転手は総務の方から何名か出せるようにしておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What will happen if we lose electricity during the typhoon?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "台風で停電してしまったらどうするんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have a in-house power generator, so we should be fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自家発電装置を備えてあるので問題なかろうと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What are we going to do about lunch though?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社員の昼食はどうしましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There aren't going to be any restaurants open around us if there's a typhoon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "近隣の飲食店で明日台風の中開ける店舗はゼロだと考えられます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will advise them to bring something to eat from home then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自宅から何か食べられるものを持ってくるようにはアナウンスするつもりです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am sure there will be many who won't bring anything.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただおそらく持ってこない者も多くいるでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why don't we go buy something today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日中に念のために買い出しをしておくのはどうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Bento boxes won't be possible...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さすがにお弁当類は無理だと思いますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can go buy some pastries and tea today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "菓子パンやお茶なんかは買っておいてもいいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "OK, let get those enough for about 30 people.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それじゃ30名分ぐらい買っておきましょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can give it away if we have too many.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "余った場合でも差し入れとして配りましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think the shops will start closing earlier today so I will go out shopping now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日も早めに閉める店があると思いますので、私早速買い出しに行ってきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That would be great.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will go ask who can drive the vans tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は、明日運転手係ができそうな社員に声をかけてきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yamamoto san, please type up what's been decided in today's meeting-minutes and make a manual.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "山本さんは、今決まったことを議事録にしてまとめてマニュアルを作ってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, that's a great idea so that we can utilize it in the future.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、次回以降にも活かせるようにします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The emergency meeting today is about security cards.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日の緊急ミーティングはセキュリティカードについてです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yamamoto san, please explain the situation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "山本さん、皆に説明してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There was an incident where one of the cards was lost yesterday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昨日当該カードの紛失事件が発生しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The person in question is from division J.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "事件を起こしたのは、J事業部の社員です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He was out drinking with his high school friends after work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昨夜高校時代からの友人と退勤後飲みに出かけたそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He was out at a second venue and then went home in a taxi.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "飲み会は2次会まで続き、タクシーで帰宅しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It wasn't until the next morning that he realized that his bag and security card were missing!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "翌朝になってセキュリティカードが入っていた鞄ごと無いことに気付いたそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But isn't it in the rules that if you're going out you should leave your belongings at home first?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "規則では飲み会などがあるときは一旦鞄を自宅に置いて出かけることになっているのに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The person in question says that he had contacted the izakaya, the bar and the taxi company about the lost bag and is waiting to hear back from them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "立ち寄った居酒屋とバー、それにタクシー会社には問い合わせ中だそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There was another loss-incident in division J last month...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先月もJ事業部が同じように紛失事件を起こしていましたよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, that was also when staff had gone out drinking after work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、その時も会社退勤後飲み会に行った道中で起こっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "After that we had just reinforced how important security is here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先月の事件後、あれだけ全社員にカードの重要性を周知徹底したんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, did that card ever show up again?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先月は結局カードは見つかったんでしたっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The police notified us that someone had handed it in as lost and found.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "落とし物として警察に届けられそこから社に連絡がありました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That was good that it was found and no one tried to break into the office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "見つかったからよかったものの、誰かがこれで社に忍び込んだりしてたら。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Should we remind everyone the importance of keeping the card safe?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もっとカードの重要性について全社員に知ってもらうべきでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I think it'll happen again even if they know how important it is.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ、どれだけ重要か知ってたとしても多分またやるでしょうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about fining employees who lose their cards?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "落としたら罰金というようにしてはどうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will take time to establish that penalty though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その罰則を社員規則に定めるのには時間を要します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We need a more immediate plan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう少し早く対策できるものをやっていきたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The other divisions have not had any problem with this, so how about re enforcing the rules to just the people in division J?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他の事業部は紛失していないので強化対象をJ事業部だけに絞るのはどうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's true.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If we were to reinforce this with the whole company again, other divisions might complain.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全社員対象にやると、他の事業部からクレームが来る可能性もあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "OK, then let's come up with a plan just for division J.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それではJ事業部だけにやるとして、何か案はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What about collecting the cards before they leave and give them back in the morning?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "出勤の時にカードを渡し、退勤時に預かるというのはどうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That way, they can't take them home and lose them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなると自宅には持って帰らないのでカードの紛失が防げると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "To be precise, let's give them back the cards at reception.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "具体的なやり方として、出勤時に社の受付でカードを渡す。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And collect them before they leave at the reception as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "退勤時に同じように社の受付でカードを回収する、こんな感じでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That sounds like a good plan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、それがいいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "At the moment, there are about 200 staff in division J, is this feasible?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "J事業部は現在社員200名ほどの大事業部ですが、できそうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We need to tell the division J leaders that they need to come in earlier so that they can begin this process.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "朝早めにJ事業部のリーダー数名に出勤してもらってやりましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can start that from tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それだと明日からでも始められそうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What about during the day when they leave for lunch?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昼休憩時に外出する際はどうしましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why don't we keep the system as it is and let them keep the cards on them for that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこはこれまで同様に、自分で管理でいいのでは無いでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There hasn't been a problem with people losing security cards during lunch in the past, so it should be fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "過去に昼にカードが紛失されたことは一度もないのでそれでいいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How long should we have this procedure in place?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この措置はどれくらい続けましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It might be a lot to ask for the leaders to come in early if we have to do it for too long.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あまり長くやると朝早くくるリーダーの負担も大きくなります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's try it out for 2 months, for now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ひとまず2ヶ月ほど様子を見てみるのはどうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That sounds great, let's go with that plan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "賛成です、それで進めましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will inform the managers in division J.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では私はJ事業部の責任者に伝えてきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Fujimoto san, you brought lunch today, that's unusual.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "藤本さん今日お弁当なんですね、珍しい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I made too much curry last night so I decided to bring some in for lunch.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昨日カレー作ったらすごい余っちゃって持ってくるしかなかったんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I had cooked it too long and all the beef has dissolved.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "煮込みすぎて牛肉も全部溶けちゃいました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Huh, don't you usually make curry with pork?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、カレーって豚肉じゃないの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh right, you're from Kansai so curry is made with beef.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうか、藤本さんは関西出身だからカレーは牛なんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, is it made with pork in Kanto?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんですよ、まさか関東では豚肉なんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, in Kanto people prefer pork over beef.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "関東では豚肉が一般的よ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I really don't order curry when I go out to eat so I didn't realize.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私、外食でカレーを食べないので気づかなかったです!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I guess that's just another difference between Kansai and Kanto.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここにも関西と関東の違いがあったんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there really that big a difference between Kanto and Kansai cuisine?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "食って結構関西と関東で違うのかしらね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, when I ordered soba here I was shocked!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こっちにきて初めてそばを食べた時にビックリしましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The sauce is so dark!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おつゆが黒いって!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Even when I had tempura, it was so much darker than I expected.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "天ぷら食べた時も天ぷらが茶色だったので目を疑いました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We fry tempura with sesame oil, so it seems more brown.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こっちのはごま油で揚げてるからね、それは茶色に感じるわよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Fujimoto san, you might have a difficult time working under Hirai san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "藤本さん、これから平井課長の下につくから大変かもね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What do you mean?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、それってどういう意味ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think there might be a bit of culture clash between Kansai and Kanto people...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "関西と関東のしきたりの違いに悩むかもってこと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hirai san is born and bred in Tokyo.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "平井課長はチャキチャキの江戸っ子だからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was like that when I started here 3 years ago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "3年前に私が入社した時もそんな感じだったのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And my boss was from Kansai.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こっちは上司がコテコテの関西人。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was so down in the dumps when I had made a mistake and was told I was and idiot.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ミスした時にアホって言われてそれはそれは相当落ち込んだわよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But people in Kansai call each other \"idiot\" fondly when giving each other advice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アホは、関西では愛情のこもった注意の時に使いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know now but didn't then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あとでそれを知ったんだけどね、その時はわからなかったんだもん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would be hurt more if I were told you're stupid.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私逆に、バカじゃんとか言われる方が落ち込みますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You see, if Hirai san says that to you don't feel bad.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうでしょ、だから平井課長にそれ言われても落ち込んじゃダメよってこと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なるほど、そういうことですかー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "People in Kansai leave space on the left for people in a hurry on the escalator.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "エスカレーターなんかでも関西は左側を急いでる人用に開けるんでしょ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "On the other hand we leave space on the right here, so there are differences in customs just as in food.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こっちは右側開けるし、さっきの食にしてもやっぱりいろいろ習慣が違うのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Just remember that when communicating and all well be fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこを肝に命じておいたほうがコミュニケーションは上手くいくでしょうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am glad we had this conversation!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それ聞いておいて良かったです!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you so much.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We really appreciate you for providing lunches to the employees.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつも社員のランチを作っていただいてありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm here to relay the feedback I've collected from people who regularly eat at the cafeteria.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は社食に対しての社員からの意見をまとめ、私が代表で伝えにきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Great, let's start.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First, the ladies think that there is too much rice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まず女性社員から白米の量が多すぎるという意見が挙がっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How much is the regular serving size?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どれぐらいの量を提供しているんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It used to be about 200 grams but now it's 300 grams.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "以前は200グラム程度だったんですが、今は300グラム出すようにしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why did it increase?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうして増えたんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Someone from sales complained that it was not enough.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "営業部の方から少な過ぎると直接クレームが出たからです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, what if customers could choose how much rice they get themselves?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうでしたか、それなら白米の量を選択できるようにしたらどうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, that wouldn't be too difficult.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、特に手間にもならなさそうなのでそこはそうします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There's also a comment saying that there is too much dressing on the green salad.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから生野菜サラダにかかっているドレッシングが多いという意見もあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That was also from some of the ladies in the office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これも女性社員からですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What about putting individual bottles of salad dressing at each table?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ドレッシングは各テーブルに置いて自分でかけるようにした方が良いでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We used to do that but the dressing got used up too quickly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "以前はそうしてたんですが、ドレッシングの減りがとても早かったんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So we changed to serve the salad already dressed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なのでこちらでかけてから提供するスタイルに変えたんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why don't we get rid of the dressing all together?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いっその事ドレッシングを無くすのはどうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Salad dressing has a lot of oil and is high in calories; it's not very good for you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ドレッシングもオイルですし結構なカロリーがあるのであまりいいものとは言えません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You're right, let's serve the salads without any dressing and see how it goes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かにそうですね、ではドレッシングなしにして様子を見てみましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "On the whole people think there's too much fried food and want more styles of preparation for lunches.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから全体的に揚げ物が多いので調理法を変えて欲しいという意見があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you switch to simmered or grilled food?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "煮物や焼き物にスイッチすることはできないんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As you say, there are too many fried dishes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "揚げ物が多いのはおっしゃるとおりですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We only have eight part-time staff in the kitchen, so it's often easiest to just go with fried stuff.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "パート8名で回しているのでどうしても調理の簡単な揚げ物になるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why are fried foods easier to prepare?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "揚げ物の調理が簡単というのはどういうわけですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "All you need to do is put the ingredients into the fryer for a set time and the food fries itself.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "揚げ物ですとフライヤーに入れたら一定時間放置すれば勝手に揚がってきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "With grilled or simmered, you need to keep watching the food otherwise it's easy to make mistakes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "焼き物や煮物はしっかり管理しておかないと失敗するので難しいんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Isn't there an instrument, like a pressure cooker you can use to just leave things?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "圧力鍋のようなある程度放置しておける器具はないんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If there is any device that can make grilled food without much effort, please install one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしそれで手間がかからず焼き物などできるようになるなら導入してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you provide me with a rough estimate, I can secure funds from the budget.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だいたいの金額を教えていただければ私の方で予算を押さえます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If that's the case, requested cooking methods should be possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうして頂けるのならご要望の調理法での提供は可能です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will call our equipment supplier later and get an estimate for you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "後ほどメーカーを呼んで見積もりを取らせます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, that'll be great, thank you!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、お願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This could also be solved with new equipment, but people say the food is often cold.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それからこれも器具で解決するかもしれませんが料理が冷たいという意見です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For us to serve quickly when the cafeteria gets busy, we need make some of the food ahead of time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早く提供するためにある程度作り置いているのでそれはあると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If we install a heating lamp we can serve them warm.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "フードウォーマーを導入すれば温かいまま提供できるはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then please ask for the price estimate for that as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それではその器具の金額も見積もりを取ってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "OK, is there any other feedback?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、他にも意見はあったんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Most of the employees are happy that the food is good and nutritious for the price.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大半の社員からは値段の割に美味しくて栄養があると好評です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please improve on the areas we discussed and continue to support our staff's wellness while at work!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先ほどのような改善できるところは改善してこれからも社員の胃袋を支えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes of course, thank you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, this is N Bento Service.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、N弁当サービスです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My name is Narita from Company N, I'd like to order catering.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "J社の成田です、ケータリングの注文をお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you as always, what kind of catering would you like?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "毎度ありがとうございます、どのようなケータリングになりますでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our new employee training ends in the evening on November 6th so I'm thinking of having a party at the company afterwards.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "11月6日の夕方に新人研修が終わるのでその打ち上げを社内で行いたいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How many people do you plan on having?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "人数はどれぐらいのご予定ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There will be 25 new employees and 25 if we include the executives.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新人さん20名と役員合わせて25名の予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, so will there be more younger people since it's new employees?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、新人さんということは若い方が多いんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, all 20 people are in their twenties.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、20名全員が20代です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So would something that is more voluminous be better?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうするとお料理はボリュームが多い方がよろしいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I think that will be good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "多分それが良かろうと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you prefer a bento styled or something you can eat while standing?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お弁当箱形式か、立食形式かいずれがご希望でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm planning on being able to mingle and not specify seating so something that can be eaten while standing would be great.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "席を固定させず交流を図りたいので立食でお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I will prepare something that can be eaten standing up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "かしこまりました、立食で準備します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you want something voluminous, how about course C?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ボリューム系ですと、Cコースなんかはいかがでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's the content of course C?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Cコースはどんな内容ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There is fresh salad, yakisoba, croquette, french fries and takoyaki.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お料理が生野菜サラダ、焼きそば、コロッケとポテトフライとたこ焼きになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This comes with all you can drink soft drinks and cocktail with soda and will be 3,500 yen per person.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらにソフトドリンクとチューハイ飲み放題が付いておひとり様3500円です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The food seems like it's for students in a sports club.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっとそれだと料理が体育会の学生みたいだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there a higher grade course available?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう少しグレードの高いコースはないの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For course B, it will be fresh salad, carpaccio, pasta, and assorted deep fried items.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Bコースですと、生野菜サラダ、カルパッチョ、パスタ、フライ盛りになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The drinks will be the same and will be 4,000 yen per person.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "同じ内容の飲み放題がついておひとり様4000円です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The food seems good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "料理はそれで良さそうだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Beer isn't included in the all you can drink?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "飲み放題にビールは含まれてないの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you want all you can drink beer, it will be an additional 500 yen per person.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ビールの飲み放題ですと、おひとり様あたりプラス500円になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is the all you can drink beer canned beer?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "飲み放題のビールは缶ビール?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, you can pick from either bottled beer or in a barrel.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいえ、瓶ビールか樽持ち込みのビール提供か選択可能です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then let's go with the course B with the additional barrel of beer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、樽ビール追加のBコースでお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, we have some executives that likes seafood but is there any seafood dishes?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだ、役員の中に海鮮が好きなものがいるんですが何か海鮮系はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Seafood, how about nigiri sushi?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "海鮮系ですね、握り寿司はいかがでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That sounds good, how much more will that be?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良いですね、いくら追加になりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It won't be per person and will be 5,000 yen per tray.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらはおひとり様いくらではなく、1桶で5000円になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "One tray has 40 pieces of nigiri sushi.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1桶には、40貫の握り寿司が入っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then I will have 4 trays.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、それを4桶お願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, when do you plan on starting the party that day?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "かしこまりました、会は当日何時頃にスタートの予定でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The training is until four thirty in the afternoon so I'm planning it for 5 o'clock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "研修が16時半までなので17時を予定しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There is some preparation we have to do so can we have our staff go to the venue at 4 o'clock?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "準備がありますので、16時には会場にスタッフが入りたいのですがよろしいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I will let the person at the reception know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、受付の者に伝えておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The bill will need to be paid prior on the day but will that be okay?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "料金は当日先払いになりますがよろしいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I will arrange it so we can give it to you once you guys arrive.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、来た時にすぐ渡せるようにしておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, we will look forward to serving you on the day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは当日よろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Misato-san, you have something yellow on the sleeve of your clothes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "美里さん、服の袖に黄色いのが付いてますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh no, it's egg.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あらやだ、卵だわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It must have got on my clothes when I was cracking eggs in the morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今朝卵割る時に服についちゃったみたい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You had eggs for breakfast, what kind of egg dishes did you make?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "朝ごはん卵だったんですね、どんな卵料理だったんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I made scrambled eggs today but we eat eggs every morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日はスクランブルエッグだったんだけど、うちは毎朝卵は食べてる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Eggs are great right, we make a lot of egg dishes too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "卵最高ですよね、うちも結構卵料理多いですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By the way, what kind of fried egg do you like?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちなみに目玉焼きってどんなのが好きですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I like the yolk runny, and I feel happy when I eat rice with egg on top and drizzled with soy sauce.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は半熟かなあ、それをご飯の上に乗せて醤油かけて食べる時幸せを感じるわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I like it hard, I like to cook it all the way through.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は堅焼きですね、しっかり火を通すのが好きです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I like tamagoyaki way more than sunny-side up for eggs.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "卵は目玉焼きより断然卵焼きですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll feel energetic if there is a fluffy one in my bento.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "フワフワしててお弁当に入ってたらテンション上がります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you're going to say that then an omelette will be far better in terms of egg dishes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それを言うなら卵料理だったら断然オムレツよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The aromatic smell of butter and the moment when the egg flows out when you cut it with a knife is awesome.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "バターの芳しい香りと卵にナイフを入れた時に卵液が出てくるのがたまらないわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Just imagining it makes me want to eat it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "想像するだけで食べたくなっちゃう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wish our company cafeteria will serve something like that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの社食であんなの出てこないかなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then I would not bring lunch and just eat at the company cafeteria.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そしたらお昼はお弁当持参じゃなくて社食にするのになあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our company cafeteria is not good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの社食美味しくないですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The taste is somewhat bland.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なんか味が薄いんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, and the amount is small, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうそう、それに量が少なくないですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I feel that even though I don't eat a lot, so I'm sure that the male employees will feel that even more.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私大食漢でもないのにそう感じるんで、男性社員ならもっとそう感じると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yet it is expensive, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それにしては高いですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's that price even though it is just a company cafeteria, it's no different than eating out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社食のくせにあの値段って、外で食べるのと全然変わらないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Who runs the company cafeteria?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社食ってどこが運営してるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's run by a place called K Service.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あれはKサービスがやってるんだけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "K Service is a company run by our president's younger brother.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Kサービスっていうのはうちの社長の弟がやってる会社なの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So even if the review is bad, we can't change the contracting company?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だから評判悪くても、委託会社を変更できないってことですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's pretty much right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういうことなのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The staff at the cafeteria are all on the older side, and the taste is lighter because of their preferences.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "食堂の従業員さんは高齢の方が多くて、どうしても好みで味付けが薄くなりがちなの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The amount is less because they cheap out on the ingredients.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "量が少ないのは、食材をケチってるから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The price is high because they want to increase their profits.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "値段が高いのは、儲けを上げようとしてるから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The whole point of a company cafeteria is to provide a service to the employees but trying to make a profit out of that is unthinkable.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社食って社員サービスの一環なのにそこから儲けようってありえないですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Even if we write about the company cafeteria on the employee survey, nothing ever changes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社員アンケートで社食のこと書いても何も改善がないのよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is that because it's the president's younger brother?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは社長の弟さんだからですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That has to be the reason why it's contracted out to K Service.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それだけがKサービスに委託してる理由に違いないわよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Because there are hardly any employees using the company cafeteria now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だって、うちの社食を利用する社員なんて今じゃ殆どいないもん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's all write our opinion on the survey this year!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年のアンケートで全員で意見を書きましょう!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's all do our part to make change the company so they can serve a fluffy omelette.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ふわふわオムレツを作れる会社に変更するようにみんなで動きましょうよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, nothing will change if we only complain.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですよね、不満言ってるだけじゃあ変わりませんもんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's try doing this together then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "みんなでやってみようか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I actually got a call from Food Manufacturer D and it seems the price of flour will increase from next month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は食品メーカーDから連絡が来てね、来月から小麦粉の値段が上がるそうだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What, there was an increase 2 months ago too, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、先々月にも値上げがありましたよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, the increase was 5% so we didn't change the price of our bread.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、あの時は0.5割の値上げだったからうちもパンの価格は変えなかった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So the increase this time will be more?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ということは、今回はもっと値上げするんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, it will be around 20% this time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんだ、今回は2割だそうだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It seemed they had no choice due to rising labor costs.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あちらも人件費高騰で上げざるを得なかったそうだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our purchasing price will change a fair bit if it is 20%.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2割だとうちも相当仕入れ値が変わってきますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, so I wanted to discuss with you on what to do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんだよ、それでどうしたらいいかちょっと相談したくてね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You know that our motto is to be a bakery where even kids in elementary school can come buy with their allowances, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちは小学生でも気軽にお小遣いで買えるパン屋をモットーにしているのは知ってるね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I work at this bakery because I'm fond of that motto.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、私もそのモットーが好きでこのパン屋で働いています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So we can't just increase the retail price that easily.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので簡単に小売価格に転嫁することはできないんだよな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But we price our products on slim margins already so it's just a bit tough.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "かと言ってうちも今でもギリギリの価格でやってるので厳しいことは厳しい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can't we change the flour?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "小麦粉を変えることはできないんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think we can buy it cheaper if it is made from abroad.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "海外産だともっと安く仕入れできると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Lowering the quality of flour will directly affect the the taste of the bread.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "小麦粉の質を落とすことはパンの味が美味しくなくなることに直結する。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If possible, I'd like to leave that as a last option.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それだけはできたら最後の最後の手段にしたい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about we make the size of the bread smaller and not change the price?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではパンのサイズを小さくして値段は変えないのはどうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Recently, sliced cheese is sold in slices of 5 instead of 6 at the same price.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最近スライスチーズでも6枚が5枚入りになったりして同じ値段で売っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Reducing 10 to 20 percent of the amount of flour is hard.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1割も2割も小麦粉の量を削るのは難しいなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If we reduce that much, we will disappoint the customers as they will say it got small.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんなに削ったら小さくなったってお客さんをがっかりさせてしまうよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about reducing the ingredient aside from flour?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "小麦粉以外の原料を削減するのはどうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For example, if it's a red bean bun then we can use a cheaper red bean?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あんぱんだったらあんをもう少し安いものにするとか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can also use a cheaper bag for the bread for take-outs.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "持ち帰りのパン袋ももっと安いものにできそうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, but that's pretty much all, right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうか、やっぱりそれぐらいしかないよな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about developing new products that utilizes waste products?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あとはロス商品を利用した新商品の開発が考えられますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはどういうことだい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For example, a French bread is only good for the day when it is baked, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "フランスパンだと焼いてその日でロスですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Meaning, it will harden the next day and can't be sold.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "つまり翌日になると固くなってしまって販売することができません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can use that and make rusks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それを活用してラスクを作るんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We won't be wasting and the sales from the rusks can be turned to profit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それだと無駄にならないですし、ラスク販売分が利益になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If we increase the sales, maybe we can cover the cost increase without adjusting the retail price?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "売り上げを増やせば、小売価格に転嫁しなくても原料アップをカバーできるのでは?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's true, what other things can you think of on utilizing waste products?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かにそうだなあ、ロス商品の活用は他にどんなことが考えられる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, we currently only use the yolk when making mayonnaise and throw out the egg whites, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、今マヨネーズを作るのに黄身だけ使って白身を捨てていますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, we throw out around 30 egg whites in 1 week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、1週間に30個の白身を捨ててしまっているね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can't we utilize that and make something with meringue?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それを活用してメレンゲでなにか作れませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh right, you can make cookies with it if you mix it with sugar.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああそうか、確か砂糖と混ぜるとクッキーができると思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We also throw out the ends of the loaf bread that we slice, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スライスして販売している食パンの端っこも廃棄していますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、そうだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If we press the center of that and put an egg then bake it, it can become a nice savory bread.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あれも真ん中にくぼみを作って卵を入れて焼くと立派な惣菜パンになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, thank you, I'll give it a try!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なるほど、ありがとう、ぜひやってみるよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I want to reinforce our service to visitors from abroad for the coming 2020 Tokyo Olympics.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来たる2020年の東京オリンピックに向けて、外国人対応を強化していきたい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to think about what we can do to achieve that with everybody.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのためには何をなすべきか、皆で考えていこうと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But we're a food grocer so would visitors from abroad coming for the Olympics come?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その前にうちは食料品スーパーなのにオリンピックで外国人が来るんですかね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will answer that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それについては私からお答えします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There is data that shows hotels will not be able to accommodate all the people coming during the Olympics.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オリンピック時にホテルだけでは人員を収容しきれないというデータが出ています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So naturally, those who aren't able to stay at a hotel will end up going to guest houses.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなるとそこに入りきれなかった外国人は民泊に流れていくでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And of course, the restaurants around the area are raising their prices in anticipation of the demand from the Olympics.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また当然周りの飲食店はオリンピック需要を見込み飲食価格を上げて来ます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In this case, we can assume that visitors from abroad will be using the kitchen at the guest house more.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この場合民泊付属のキッチンで料理をする外国人が増えると考えられます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Therefore, a supermarket that sells food like ours will be in demand.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなるとうちのような食料品スーパーにも需要が出て来ます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, I guess you need food if you want to cook yourself.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なるほどですね、確かに自炊するんなら食料品が必要ですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, I'd like to improve our services for that beforehand.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ということで、今のうちからその対策を強化していきたいんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, but what language would we use to provide service to visitors from abroad in general?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、一般に外国人対応といっても対象となる言語はどうしましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wouldn't English be enough, since it is the world's universal language.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "英語だけでいいんじゃないかな、世界の共通言語だろうし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wait, just English is not enough.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "待ってください、英語だけでは不十分です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's true the English is the universal language but there are a lot of people from abroad that aren't good at English.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "英語は確かに共通言語ですが、英語が不得手な外国人もたくさんいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like how we Japanese people are bad at English.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たち日本人が英語が不得手のように。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And this chart also show the number of visitors to Japan by country.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "またこの表は、国別の日本への観光客数です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can see from this chart that there are a lot of tourists from Korea, Taiwan, and China.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "韓国や台湾、中国からの観光客が多いことが表から読み取れると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I think we should reinforce this part as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので私はこの辺りも強化しておくべきだと考えます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's true, I do often hear other languages aside from English on the train lately.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かにそうだなあ、俺も最近電車に乗ってると英語以外の言語をよく耳にする。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Someone who looked East-Asian talked to me when I was shopping at a convenience store the other day too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先日私もコンビニで買い物してた時に東アジア系の方に話しかけられました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The person was from Korea but I don't know Korean.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "韓国人の方だったんですが、私も言葉がわからなくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then what happened?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでどうなったの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We both used a translation app and was somewhat able to communicate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お互い翻訳アプリを使ってなんとか通じました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It seemed he wanted a rice ball and wanted to know what was inside it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうもオニギリがほしくて、中に何が入ってるか知りたかったようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That won't be an unusual sight for a supermarket like ours.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういったことはうちのスーパーで起こってもおかしくないよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "An idea could be to add an illustration in the pop display so anyone can get a gist of what it is.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ポップにイラストを使って誰でも直感でわかりやすくしていくのもひとつの手だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And also have someone who knows another language in each store.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それに合わせて各店舗に外国語がわかる人を配置するのが必要となりそうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, a pop display has its limit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだよな、ポップでは限界がある。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The problem is to how to train them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "問題はどうやって教育するかだよな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Part-time workers should at least be able to know how to greet them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "パートさんも挨拶ぐらいはできるようにしておいた方がいいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's make sure all the staff can say hello and thank you in each language.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちはやありがとうは全従業員が各言語で言えるようにしましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about the placement of staff that can understand more complex phrases aside from greetings?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "挨拶以外の複雑なことがわかる人の配置はどうしましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, our English is sketchy but do we have a bilingual Japanese person out there?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこなんだよな、英語さえおぼつかないのにそんなバイリンガルの日本人いるのかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So alternatively, I think we should hire non-Japanese staff.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこは発想の転換です、日本人以外を雇いましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What, what do you mean?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なんだって、どういうことだい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Exchange students from abroad, they would be able to understand Japanese so I'm sure they will do well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "外国人留学生ですよ、彼らなら日本語も理解できますし活躍が期待できます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I'd like to send job postings to specialty schools where there are exchange students from abroad.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので外国人留学生のいる専門学校に求人依頼をかけてみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I'll leave it to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかった、よろしく頼んだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for gathering today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は集まってくれてありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's get right into it so please look at the material in front of you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早速だが手元の資料を見てくれ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our company's sales has been decreasing 2 quarters in a row.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2期連続で当社の売上は右肩下がりで下降線を辿っている。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The sales department is currently having a meeting on how to increase sales.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今現在営業部で売上アップについてのミーティングが持たれている。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And us management is to have a meeting on reducing costs.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこでこちら管理部では経費削減についてのミーティングを開いたというわけだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've listed up some things on my side on things that we may be able to reduce the cost of.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の方で経費削減できそうなものについてピックアップしておきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to go over them one by one with everyone from now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今から皆でひとつひとつ検討していきたいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First, I will list the things that are costing us the most at the moment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まずは現在、大きく経費を使っているものから挙げていきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The office rent costs 1 million yen every month and it is 12 million yen annually.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社屋の賃料が毎月100万、年間で1200万の経費になっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you going to negotiate with the management company and ask for a rent reduction?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "管理会社と交渉して賃料を削減してもらうって頼むのかい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, I'm thinking of moving the office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいえ、社屋の移転を考えております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なんだって!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You're going to pull such a big thing off?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんな大掛かりなことを仕掛けるのかね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I actually brought this up and not Kondo-kun.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これは近藤くんではなくて、俺が言い出しっぺなんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I asked the realtor and there will be a space opening up in the building beside the station next April.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "不動産屋に問い合わせたところ、隣駅のビルに来年4月空きが出るそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The size won't be so different than what we have now and the rent will be halved.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "広さはこちらと変わりませんが、賃料が半分になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So that's a cost reduction of 6 million yen per year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうすると年間600万の経費削減ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There will be costs from the deposit and moving fee so we won't be able to save 6 million yen from the first year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "敷金や引っ越し費用で初年度は600万もの削減はできません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But if we think about the next couple of years, this cost reduction is quite big.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ今後数年間を考えるとこの経費削減は相当大きいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I already took a look at this office and it's a bit old but it seems everything is in order.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "既に俺はこのオフィスを視察して来たがちょっと古いだけで問題は無さそうだった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm all for it if President Migite decides that we will move.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "右手社長が移転するというのなら僕は賛成です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm good too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私も賛成です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, can you proceed the talks with the realtor, Kondo-kun?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よし決まった、近藤くん不動産業者と話を進めてくれ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I understand.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The next big cost is the company cars that we are leasing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次に大きな経費がかかるものとして、リースしている社用車があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We currently have 10 company cars and the lease is 300,000 yen per month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "現在社用車が10台ありまして、リース料が毎月30万円。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "On top of that, we have 10 spots for parking and that costs 300,000 yen per month for a total of 7.2 million yen annually.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それに加え10台分の駐車場でこちらが毎月30万円、合わせて年間720万円です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, if we add the cost of gasoline and car insurance, that will be around 500,000 yen per year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これにプラスして、ガソリン代と自動車保険費が年間約50万ほどかかっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But we need the company cars for the sales team.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうは言っても社用車は営業社員のために必要だろう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We do need them but, I've been looking up their usage history in the past 6 months.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かに必要ですが、直近半年の利用履歴を調べてみました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And even on a day when it was used the most, only 5 cars were used.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうすると最も多く利用された日でも半分の5台しか動いていません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There were 20 days in the past 6 months when not a single car was used.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1台も利用されなかった日が半年で20日もありました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, there are cases when public transportation is more convenient.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "公共交通機関のほうが便利なこともあるからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, I am thinking that it would be good to reduce the number of company cars by half.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこで社用車の台数を半分に減らすのが良いのではないかと考えております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So that's an annual cost reduction of 3.5 million, alright let's proceed with that too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "年間約350万の削減だね、よしそれも進めよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I will contact the various groups right away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、早速関係各所に私から連絡をしておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So we should be able to achieve a cost reduction of around 10 million yen with this and the move.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これで先ほどの移転と合わせて約1000万の削減が見込めます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, let's go with this and see how it goes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ一旦これで様子を見てみようか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I guess we have to see how much the sales can increase with the discussion of sales among the sales team.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あとは営業部の売上ミーティングでどこまでの売上アップが見込めるかですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, that will be it, thank you for your time everyone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よし閉会だ、みんな時間ありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Tanaka-san, do you have a moment right now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "田中さんちょっと今いいかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, what is it Kinoshita-san?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、木下さん、なんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's about the summary I got you to make last week but there are a fair bit of mistakes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は君に先週作ってもらったレジメなんだけど随分間違っててね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "申し訳ありませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wanted to give you some feedback because I don't want you to make the same mistakes in the future.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今後同じことを繰り返してもらいたくないんでフィードバックしておきたいんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you, can you tell me where the mistakes are?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、どこが間違ってるのか教えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First of all, the date shows June 31st.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まず日付なんだけど、これ6月31日になってるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, the last day in June is the 31st right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、6月の最後の日だから31日ですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No June is only until the 30th.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや、6月は30日までだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, right, sorry about that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうでしたね、失礼しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also this expression 'Tabereru Omise' here, don't you think something's wrong?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それにこの「食べれるお店」って表現、何かおかしいと思わないのかい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, not really.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ、特には。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It should be 'Taberareru', it's the odd \"ra\" removed word.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "正確には「食べられる」だよ、俗に言う「ら」抜き言葉だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, right, I didn't notice it until you said it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かにそうですね、言われて気づきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you made this on Word then you should try the spell-check.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これワードで作ったんだったら表記チェックってのやってごらんよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That way, it will tell you parts that are weird.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうしたらおかしな部分をワードが教えてくれる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is that right!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだったんですね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, the numbers are sometimes in Japanese characters and some are not so it's a bit difficult to read.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと数字表示が漢数字とそうじゃないのが混じってて読みづらいかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, you're right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、本当にそうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It would be great if you can keep it consistent.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "できたら今度は統一してほしい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also this expression \"Yamamoto shacho ga moushimashita\" is a bit weird too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それとこの「山本社長が申しました」って表現、これもおかしいな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh it should be \"Osshaimashita\" right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あー、おっしゃいましたですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is a careless mistake.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ついうっかり間違えてしまいました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, you will get better at writing these the more experience you get.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあこういうのは文章を書く経験積んでいけば必ず直るから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is that so, because I'm feeling a bit down from making all these mistakes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんなものなんでしょうか、間違いすぎて落ち込みます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When I started working, I went through the same thing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕も入社したての頃は同じように注意されたもんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Even you, Kinoshita-san?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "木下さんがですか!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wanted to get better quickly so I read a lot of newspaper and novels.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕もどうしても直したくて、新聞や小説を必死に読んだなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's important to be more exposed to literature.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "文章に触れる機会を増やすことが大事だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But now you can easily type accurately with a cell phone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうは言っても今は携帯で一発で変換できちゃうからなかなかなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I read the newspaper too but making this many mistakes is embarrassing for someone who's working.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私も新聞読んでみます、こんな間違い社会人として恥ずかしいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, having you realize this is just as important.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや、そうやって気づいてくれただけで良かったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are people who will get depressed if I point these out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "注意するとふてくされる社員もいるからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am very glad you helped me realize them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は今気づかせてくれてとっても良かったと思っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll look forward to your good work Tanaka-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "期待してるよ、田中さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、今後ともよろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi this is Shirota from G Press, is this Kawai-san?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Gプレスの城田ですが、河合さんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes this is Kawai, thank you as always.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい河合です、お世話になっております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you as well, how was the proposal that we submitted?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お世話になっております、提出した企画はいかがでしたでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My boss in the same team said it was really good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "同じチームの上司もすごく褒めていました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like, G Press is impressive as always.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さすがGプレスさんって感じですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, there is something I'd like to discuss with you about.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただですね、ちょっとご相談したいことがありまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, what will it be?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、どういったことでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have the proposal in hand?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今お手元に企画書あります?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I have it with me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、準備してますので大丈夫です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's in regards to the quote on the last page but is this a discounted price?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最後のページの見積価格なんですけど、これはサービス価格でこのお値段なんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, that's correct.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、仰るとおりです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's usually 1.2 million yen but our discounted price for your company is 1 million yen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "通常は120万なんですが御社特価で100万にさせていただいています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is the price for 2 articles to be published on your G Press Magazine right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これはGプレスマガジンへの記事掲載2本分のお値段なんですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes it is for two.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい2本分です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know it's a discounted price but is it possible to get a lower price?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サービス価格なのに言いづらいんですがもう少しお安くなりませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is a price that I got after consulting with my boss though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕も上司に掛け合ってこのお値段を引き出したんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm not sure what I can do but what price were you looking for?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご希望に添えるかわかりませんがおいくらをご希望でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would seven hundred thousand work?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "70万などはいかがでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Seven hundred thousand might be a bit tough.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "70万ですか、ちょっと厳しいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is usually eight hundred thousand for one, and 1.2 million for 2.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は通常1本で80万、2本で120万なんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So 2 for seven hundred thousand is very difficult for us to do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので2本で70万は相当難しいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is that right, can you talk with your boss once on this?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんですね、1度上席の方に相談していただけませんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, but I can't guarantee any good news.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、ただ結構無理めの感じではありますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, how much would you be able to discount it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでしたら逆にどこまでならお値引きしていただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I think eight hundred thousand would be more realistic.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですねー、80万ぐらいならなんとか融通が効くかと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But still, I will have to check internally so I can't say much.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただこれも社内で確認してみないとなんとも言えません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, can you check and give me a call back?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうしましたら確認いただいて再度お電話いただいてもよろしいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, are you in a rush?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、お急ぎになりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I'm looking to decide on how to proceed by today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、今日中には方向性を決定したいと思っていますので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will get back to you on this then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、改めてご連絡いたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よろしくお願いいたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where does everyone usually go for lunch?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "みなさんお昼ご飯ってどうされてるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just joined the company today and I'm not too familiar with this area.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕今日から入社でかつこの辺りに馴染みがないのでどうしたもんかと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I bring my own lunch.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私はお昼は持参してるわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I make it together with my kid's lunch so it's not a hassle and I can save money.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "子供のお弁当作るのと一緒に作るから手間もかからないし節約にもなるから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I live alone so making lunch is a bit tough, and I buy my dinner from the grocery market.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕は一人暮らしなのでお弁当は厳しいですね、晩ご飯もスーパーで買ってますから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There is a grocery market around 5 minutes from here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だったらここから5分ほど行ったところにスーパーがあるわよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Eating lunch from the grocery market as well will get tiring.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昼もスーパーはちょっときついですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I get my breakfast from a convenience store so I want to at least enjoy my lunch elsewhere.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "朝もコンビニなので昼ぐらいはちょっとゆっくり外で食べたいんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, Ando-san you usually eat out for lunch right, where do you go?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なるほどねえ、安藤さんはいつもお昼は外に行くけどどこに行ってるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, I don't eat lunch.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや実は私、昼は食べてないんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, what happened?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えー、何かあったの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My doctor said I'm getting a bit obese and told me to take this seriously.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "医者から体脂肪がやばいからなんとかしろって言われてまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I am just walking around the area around the park during lunch.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでお昼は公園の周りをぐるぐるウォーキングしてるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh is that right, I didn't know that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだったんだね、知らなかったわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Shiota-san, do you know of any good places?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "潮田さんはいいところ知らない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's see, Fujita-san do you like western or Japanese food?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだなあ、藤太さんは洋食和食のどっちがいいの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, western sounds good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、洋食がいいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I want to eat something like hamburger steak or omu-rice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ハンバーグとかオムライスが食べたいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, I wonder if they have that there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういうメニューあったかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was just thinking of a cafe nearby.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今思いついたのは近くのカフェなんだけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They have things like sandwiches but I'm not sure about hamburger steak.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サンドイッチとかはあった気がするんだけどハンバーグはどうかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A cafe is where trendy girls who don't eat much go to have a bite, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "カフェって少食のおしゃれ女子がちょびっと食べるところですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm more of the type that wants to enjoy a hearty meal.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "俺はそういうんじゃなくてガッツリと食べたいんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hearty, well there is a buffet but there's always a lineup.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ガッツリかあ、ガッツリならバイキングがあるけどいつも行列してるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It might be a bit hard to go during the one hour lunch break and come back.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "多分お昼休憩の1時間で行って帰って食べてくるのは難しいだろうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are there any other places?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他にはどこかないんですか!?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm looking it up on my phone but it seems there aren't a lot of restaurants around here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今携帯で調べてるんですけどこの辺あまり飲食店無いですねえ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I thought there was a soba restaurant near the park.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確か公園の近くにお蕎麦屋さんがあったような気がするんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, that place closed last month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あれ、あそこの店は先月で閉まったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Their 100% buckwheat soba was good but the owner's health wasn't well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "十割蕎麦で美味しかったんだけど店主が体調崩しちゃったらしい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, where can I go to fill up my belly!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うわー僕はどこで腹を満たせばいいんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Fujita-kun, how about a deep-fried cutlet take-out?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "藤太君、とんかつのデリバリーなんてどうかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There is a place that will deliver it if you spend more than 1,500 yen but I could never spend 1,500 yen myself.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1500円以上で配達してくれるんだけど一人で1500円も頼めなくて困ってたんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Deep-fried cutlet sounds good, I love it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とんかついいっすね、大好きです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then it's decided, you can pick from this menu.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よしじゃあ決まりだな、このメニュー表から選んでくれよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, they have things other than deep-fried cutlet too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とんかつ以外にもいろいろあるんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will go with the assorted deep fried bento with extra rice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "俺はこのミックスフライ弁当でご飯は大盛りにします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I will call and make the order.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ俺が電話して注文するな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for coming today, we would like to start your interview.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日はお越しいただきありがとうございます、では今から面接を始めます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for taking time for me, too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらこそお時間をいただきありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How did you find out about our company?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まず弊社のことはどちらでお知りになりましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was introduced by someone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "知人からの紹介になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it someone who works here at our company?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "弊社でご勤務されている方ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, It is Mr. Toyama, one of the executive chief.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、外山取締役です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Or really?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He strongly recommended me for this position because he feels it suits me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私に向いている職務ではないかと強く勧められました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What kind of work experience do you have?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実務経験ありと履歴書に記載がありますが、どのような職種についていらっしゃったのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was working in the translation industry for a while.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "通訳関係の仕事についておりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would welcome oversea guests at the airport.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "海外のゲストを空港までお迎えに上がったりしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sometimes I helped the guests to check in to their hotel as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "時にはそのままホテルのチェックインまでお手伝いしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Great.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんですね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think you would find the experience useful if you get this position.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、きっとこの仕事にも今までの経験が生かせると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you familiar with handling computer?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "パソコン業務は経験ありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I've done admin job for about five years, so am familiar with it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "パソコン業務も5年ほど経験があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I should not have any problem with Windows Office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Windowsオフィスは問題ないと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you used to writing business letters in any language other than Japanese?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日本語以外でビジネスレターを書くのには慣れていらっしゃいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you comfortable with it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "問題ないでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、大丈夫です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can write in Japanese, English and Korean.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日本語、英語、韓国語で書けます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Korean, too!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "韓国語もいけるんですね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's great news for us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはうちにとって心強いです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have some major clients in Korea, we've been looking for someone who can write business letters in Korean.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "韓国に数社大きな取引先があるので韓国語でビジネスレターが書ける方を探していたんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm also confident with speaking Korean as I went to the language school in South Korea for 3 years after graduating from Uni.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大学卒業後韓国で語学学校に3年通っておりましたので、会話も問題ございません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Fantastic!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですか!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Besides the translating and the admin job, do you have any other work experience?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "通訳業務とパソコン業務のほかには何か職務経験はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、あります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, I was in hospitality industry for a while, too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実はしばらく飲食業にも従事していました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My relatives are running a restaurant business and I was a manager there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "親戚がレストラン経営をしておりましたのでそちらでマネージャー経験があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You have so many experiences!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "色々とご経験が豊富ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How many years did you work at the restaurant?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何年ほどそちらで勤務されましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was about 3 years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "3年ほどでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That was before I worked as a translator.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "通訳の仕事の前になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you so much for telling me your story.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お話ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Lastly, could you tell me when you can start working?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では最後に、いつから出社できるか教えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can start from next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週から出勤できます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh no, already this late?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もうこんな時間だ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Time goes so quickly on Friday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "金曜日はあっという間に時間が過ぎるね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are all rushing not to do overtime.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "残業したくないからみんな焦るよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hope to get everything done on time today!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は時間内に終わらせられたらいいな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well either way, I will not have any days off on Saturdays and Sundays for the next 2 months.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私はどちらにしても今月と来月は土曜日と日曜日の休みは全部返上決定だけどね...。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why is that Miyamoto-san?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、どうしたの宮本さん?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh I know, it's because of the annual shareholder meeting, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、株主総会の準備でしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その通り。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's the busiest time of the year for Public Relations department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "広報部はこの時期が一番忙しいのよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I seem it's almost June now...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そっか、もうすぐ6月だもんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You will be very busy for a while.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これからしばらく大変よね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I remember how busy you were around this time last year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "去年もこの時期忙しそうだったよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you think it would be the same this year?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年もそんな調子になりそう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have more documents to prepare this year so I've started earlier.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年は用意する資料が多いので、早めに準備を始めてるんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But there are a few changes of executives and I am already swamped.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、役員の交代もあるので他にしなくちゃいけないことも多くて、今からもうバタバタしてるのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yet, there is one person who has gone on her maternity leave, so there are less of us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なのに今年初めに一人産休に入っちゃったから、メンバーは少なくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Feels like twice as busy than last year!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "倍忙しい感じがするわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That sounds crazy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは大変だよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm sorry to hear that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご苦労様です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wonder if the human resources department would send some staff from other departments for cases like these.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういうときって、人事部に掛け合って臨時で人員回せたりしないのかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That sounds like a good idea.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほんとだね、そうしてくれればいいのにね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually I've already asked my manager, but he said no.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私も課長に聞いてみたんだけど、ダメなんだって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's a bummer...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんだ...。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did they tell you why?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なぜだか理由は聞いた?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Of course I did.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろん聞いたわよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My manager said all the information for the annual meeting is top secret until the day, so it cannot be shared with staff from the other departments.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "課長が言うには株主総会用の資料は当日までは極秘事項なので他部署には共有できないそうよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なるほど...。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now that you mention it, makes sense.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そっか、そういわれてみればそうだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's why we have to do everything by ourselves within the PR department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなの、だから広報部の今のメンバーで全部やっちゃわないといけないのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm trying my best to have Sunday off, at least.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今は日曜日まで返上にならないように頑張ってる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, that's bit too crazy not to be able to rest Saturday or Sunday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ひえー、土日どちらも休みなしはきついね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当に。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I really hope that won't happen to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうならないことを祈るわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I deserve a party once the meeting is done for sure!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "株主総会終わったら打ち上げでもしてもらわないとね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There is Semi Con show in San Francisco and we are sending some some of you to support our American branch.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年もサンフランシスコでセミコンがあるので日本からも応援出張に行こうと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's Semi Con season again, isn't it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年もまたセミコンの季節がやってきましたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How many of us are you planning to send this year?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年は何人くらいでお考えですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's see, sounds like they will have fewer members going from the American branch, so I'm thinking sending a couple more people than usual.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだね、今年はアメリカ支社から参加人数が少ないみたいだから、こちらから少し多めの人数で参加しようと思っているよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm also thinking about sending some Mandarin speakers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、中国語のできる人も送り込みたいな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's a good idea.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはいいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I noticed there are many people speaking Mandarin.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "中国語をしゃべっている方が多かったですからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やっぱりそうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Miss Miki, it would be great if you have any other opinion because you were there last year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "三木さんは去年行ったから何かほかに参考になる意見があれば教えてくれないかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me see.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね...。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about sending some of us who are dealing with our American branch?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日頃アメリカ支社とやり取りをしている社員を送り込むのはどうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So that they will meet in person and it would make the communication smoother in the future.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アメリカ支社の社員と顔見知りとなり今後のコミュニケーションにも好影響が出るんじゃないかと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I agree with you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは私も賛成です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Of course, that's a good point.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なるほど、それはもっともだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And if I may say something...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あとこれは私の意見ですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We should send not only the sales team but also Tech team and Product Development team.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "営業部だけではなく、技術部や開発部も参加してもいいんじゃないでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Those people come to Semi Con, too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういう人もセミコンに来ていますから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It would be a great opportunity for them to hear what the client has to say in person.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "クライアントの生の声が聞けて彼らにもきっといいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, how about 2 members from each team?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、各チームから2人ずつではどうだろうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If we can send 6 from here, that would be a huge support for the American branch.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "6人もいればアメリカ支社も心強いでしょうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And, since Tech and PD team are going to America, how about arranging some meetings with our clients before or after Semi Con?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "せっかく技術・開発がアメリカに行くのでしたら、是非セミコンの前後にクライアントともミーティングしてはどうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It would be a great to chance to get to know some of our clients.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "クライアントと顔見知りになれるいいチャンスだと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That is a great idea!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはとてもいい考えだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why don't you contact the American branch and ask them to make some appointments with their clients.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では早速アメリカ支社に連絡していくつかのクライアントにアポをとってもらってくれないか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will email them before they close today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日中にメールしておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We should hear from them by tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日までには返事があると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will go talk to Tech and PD teams now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では私は今から技術と開発に連絡します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will tell them to choose 2 members and we will have a meeting at the end of the month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2人ずつメンバーを決定してもらうよう伝え、月末に打ち合わせする予定にします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よろしく頼むよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will go talk to the general affairs office and tell them our rough dates.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は総務に人数と大体の日程を連絡しておくよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They will need to think about the budget.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "予算の関係があるだろうからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is Sakuma from facility operations department, are you available now, Mr. Tsuchiya?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "施設事業部の佐久間です、土屋さん、今いいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please, Mr. Sakuma.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "佐久間さん、どうぞ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You know about the guest who fell on our company's hotel lobby and got injured this morning, don't you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今朝、うちの会社のホテルのロビーで転んで怪我をなさったお客様のことはご存知ですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Of course I heard, our legal department was about to start preparing how to handle it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろん聞いています、法務部での対応の準備を始めるところでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We called an ambulance right away, and took the guest to the hospital.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すぐに救急車を呼んでお客様を病院にお連れしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He fractured his right toe, and it will take three months for the complete recover.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "右足の親指を骨折なさっていて、全治に3ヶ月と言うことでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He was mild mannered and told us that we didn't need to worry since it was also due to his carelessness.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "温厚な方で、自分の不注意でもあるから心配は無用とおっしゃってくださいました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It didn't make sense to say that we agreed, so the hotel manager has gone to the hospital to apologize.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はいそうですねというわけにはいきませんので、ホテルの支配人が病院までお詫びに行っております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The guest is planning to stay till tomorrow morning, he says that he is going to stay as planned.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お客様は明日の朝までご宿泊の予定で、予定通りお泊りになるとおっしゃってます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How is the hotel planning deal with it today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ホテルは今日はどのように対応する予定ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, the manager will bring him to the hotel, and we will have a wheelchair ready.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、支配人がホテルにお連れして、車椅子を用意しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And, we are planning for him to move to a suite room.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして、部屋もスイートルームに移動していただく予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will give him a call button, so he can call our staff right away whenever he needs.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "必要があればすぐにスタッフを呼べるように、コールボタンもお渡しします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Staff will be available twenty four hours.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スタッフは24時間対応します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will take him to the airport in our company car with the driver for his return trip tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日のお帰りも空港まで我が社の運転手付きの車でお送りします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Those sounds good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He sounds like a gentle person, so it's unlikely that we will be sued, I think, so I am inclining to make a settlement to cover costs.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "温厚の方のようなのでまさか訴えられるとは思いませんので、諸費用は示談にする方向にします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First, please make the guest not to feel inconvenient by doing as much as possible from the hotel side.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まずはホテル側でできる限りの対応をして、お客様が不便を感じないようにしてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will contact him after he goes home.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お客様がご自宅にお帰りになってから、私から連絡します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Just in case, please confirm the staff who witnessed when the guest fell on the hotel lobby.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "念のため、ホテルのロビーでお客様が転んだところを目撃したスタッフを確認しておいてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Were there any guests who saw it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お客様で目撃した方はいらっしゃいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, there were two.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、2人いらっしゃいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "To be safe, we verified their names, and knew who they were in the overnight guest list.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一応お名前は確認し、宿泊者リストのどなたかはわかっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That is helpful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our company will pay the medical cost including what is covered in the insurance to the guest who fell.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "転んだお客様には保険でカバーされる治療費も含めて我が社からお支払いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For get well gifts, we will send some sweets and cash that is equivalent to the flight cost under our company president name.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お見舞いは社長名でお菓子と飛行機代ほどの金額を現金で送ることにします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "On top of that, let's send out the hotel accommodation gift card, and the restaurant gift card later, so that he can come back after he recovers from injury.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、お怪我が治ったあとにまたいらしていただけるように、ホテル宿泊券とレストラン食事券を後ほど送りましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please make sure the hotel staff that they treat the guest with sincerity", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ホテルのスタッフには誠意を持ってお客様に接するように徹底してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I do understand.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、それは心得ています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If by any chance he doesn't agree with the settlement, what would you do?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "万が一示談に応じて下さらなかったらどうしますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will still deal with sincerity, but I will need testimonies from the eyewitnesses.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらはとにかく誠意のある応対をしますが、目撃者の方々の証言が必要になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's handle this properly now, so that it won't become that way.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんなことにはならないように、今のうちにきちんと対応しておきましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think so, too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私もそう思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please tell the manager to contact me when he comes back.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "支配人が戻ってきたら、私に連絡するように伝えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I will.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If possible, it would be better for three of us to have a phone meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "できれば3人で電話で打ち合わせした方がいいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I agree, I will let him know that as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、それも伝えます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's say, is it ok around five o'clock this evening?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一応今日の夕方5時ごろでいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I think we are fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい大丈夫だと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Excuse me, my name is Murakami Yoko from K University.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "失礼します、K大学の村上陽子と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please have a seat.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうぞお座りください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ms. Murakami, you grew up in the United States till junior high school, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "村上さんは中学までアメリカで育ったんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I lived in California.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、カリフォルニアにおりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Was the school local public school?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "学校は現地の公立校だったんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I went to public schools for all years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、ずっと公立校です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How did you study Japanese?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日本語はどうやって勉強していたんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I went to a Japanese supplementary school every Saturday since I was in elementary school.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "小学生の時から毎週土曜日に日本語の補習校に通っていました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That must've been hard, wasn't it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは大変だったでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, we had so much homework, and it was tough to keep up with two schools.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、宿題がたくさんあり、2つの学校の両立が大変でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But, you made it through till you came back to Japan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも帰国するまで続けたんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I also looked forward to seeing my friends at the supplementary school, so I was able to keep going.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、補習校の友人に会うのも楽しみだったので続けることができました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How did you feel when you had to come back to Japan because your father was returning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お父様の帰任で日本に戻ることになって、どのような気持ちで帰国しましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I felt uncertain if I could make it in high school in Japan, but I convinced myself that I would be definitely ok.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日本の高校でやっていけるかどうか不安でしたが、絶対に大丈夫だと自分に言い聞かせました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How was a high school in Japan?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日本の高校はいかがでしたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Despite my uncertain feelings, I made many friends who understood how I grew up, and they taught me so much about Japan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "不安とは裏腹に私が育った環境を理解してくれる友達がたくさんでき、日本のことをいろいろ教えてくれました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, my high school life was very fulfilled and I was able to go to college.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おかげで高校生活は充実し、大学にも無事に進めました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Didn't you think about going to a college in the US?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アメリカの大学に行くことは考えませんでしたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it was in my thoughts, but I wanted to make Japan my base to live, so I thought going to college in Japan was a better choice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、考えましたが、日本を拠点に生きて行きたかったので日本の大学がいいと思いました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You stated that raising ten thousand dollars for a fundraiser was one of your accomplishments, would you tell me more about it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今までやり遂げたこととして、1万ドルのファンドレージングとありますが、そのことを話してくれませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was in my second year in junior high school when the Great East Japan Earthquake happened in two thousand eleven.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2011年の東日本大震災の時、私はアメリカの中学の2年生でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I found out that my country was in the state of emergency, so I decided to raise fund to send to Japan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自分の国が大変なこと知り、募金を集めて日本に送ろうと決意しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "With my friends' help, we spread the words to other junior high schools and high schools in the area, and I was able to raise ten thousand two hundred dollars in three days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "友人にも協力してもらい、地域の他の中学校と高校にも声をかけ、3日間で1万200ドルを集めることができました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That sounds wonderful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは素晴らしいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where did you send the fund that was collected?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "集まった募金はどこに送りましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, my father helped me to send it to an organization called OOOO.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、父が手伝ってくれて、XXXという団体に送金しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You made such a great act.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とてもいいことをしましたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wasn't sure if I could call it my accomplishment, but I wanted to write about it because I can't forget how I felt then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やり遂げたこととしていいのか躊躇しましたが、あの時の気持ちが忘れられなかったので書かせていただきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think that's quite alright.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいと思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there anything you want to do at our company?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私どもの会社でやってみたいことはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would like to be involved in businesses similar to the reutilization of old buildings that you have as part of your past projects for business development.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "御社の事業開発の実績に古い建物の再利用事業が多くありますが、私もそんな仕事に関わりたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Those projects are also often talked about in our company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのプロジェクトは社内でもよく話題になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for coming today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日はお越しいただいてありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for giving me your time during your busy schedule.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お忙しい中、お時間をいただき、ありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will e-mail you the result of the interview on July first.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "面接の結果は7月1日にメールします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Any questions?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か質問はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, I don't have any.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ、ありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I look forward to hearing from you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's start the meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では会議を始めます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Today's topic is about the internship program that our company is implementing starting the next quarter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "議題は来四半期から我が社が始めるインターンシップ制度についてです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Interns are not part time workers, they are trainees.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "インターンはアルバイトではなく、実習生です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are going to have students who are interested in our company to have hands on experience for a certain period of time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我が社に興味を持つ学生に一定期間実務を経験してもらいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will pay them two thousand yen per hour, and also pay their transportation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "時給は2千円で、交通費も支給します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We want students to prioritize their schools so we will accommodate their schedule request as much as possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "学生には学校を優先してもらいたいので、時間もできるだけ彼らの希望に沿うようにします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, please make your proposal into what kind of work you can have them to do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、皆さんの部署でどのような仕事をやってもらえるか、提案をお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "At my sales department, I think they can organize the documents of our sales people.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の営業部では営業担当者の記録の整理をやってもらえるかと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think they can learn how to use our sales tool quickly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我々の営業記録ツールの使い方はすぐに覚えてくれると思いますし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about as a telephone receptionist?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "電話の応対係としてはどうでしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, shouldn't we provide a training how to speak polite Japanese first?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、まず敬語の研修をやったほうがいいんじゃないですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Excuse me, that is included in the training for new hires.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すみません、それは正式採用者の研修に入っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh ok, then we will not think about telephone reception.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では電話応対はなしにしましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "At the marketing department, I want them to update our social service accounts.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マーケティング部ではソーシャルサービスのアップデートをやってもらいたいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, that's a perfect role for college students.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お、それは大学生には適役ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Currently, I have a part time worker who is a student to do the job, but he is leaving at the end of June.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今も学生アルバイトにやってもらってますが、彼が6月いっぱいで辞めてしまうんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Isn't it a good timing?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはいいタイミングですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, if they are ever officially hired, we will get a part-time worker for that job.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "正規採用になったら、その仕事にはまたアルバイトを雇いますけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "At business development department, we have so many things that we want them to research.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "事業開発部では調査してもらいたいことがたくさんあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd prefer interns who can speak English since our work involves overseas.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "海外も絡むので英語のできるインターンがいいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Indeed, English is required at any department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かにどの部でも英語は必要になりますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I am aware of that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、それは承知しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am planning to put TOEIC score 800 and above as one of the requirements to apply.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "応募の条件の一つにTOEIC800点以上と入れる予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's not guaranteed that they can communicate in English despite the high score of TOEIC, but it helps as a measure.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "TOEIC高得点と言っても英語でコミュニケーションが取れるかどうかは保証できませんが、目安にはなります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will have them submit their transcript of the past year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "過去一年間の成績表は提出してもらいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And, an essay about their own strong points.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、自分の長所についてのエッセイ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, we will have them submit one thing they have accomplished regardless of the topic.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また、内容は問いませんが、自身がやり遂げたことを一つ書いて提出してもらいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Details about the internship program will be published on job search websites for students.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "インターンシップ制度の詳細は学生向けの就活サイトに載せます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will narrow down to fifteen candidates through the application, then we will decided on five after interviews.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "書類選考で15人まで絞り、面接の後5人に決定します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will start the recruitment process on May first, applications are accepted till May fifteenth.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "募集開始は5月1日、申し込みは5月15日まで受け付けます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Result of the application screening will be sent out on June first by e-mail.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "書類選考の通知は6月1日にメールで行います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Interviews will be completed by mid June, the final notification will be on July first.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "6月中旬までに面接を行い、最終通知は7月1日です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Basically, we want them to work thoroughly during summer recess, it can be extended depending on their request beyond fall.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "基本的に夏休み中にじっくり仕事をしてもらい、秋以降は本人の希望があれば続けてもらいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Interns are talents that may turn out to be employees of our company, so I want to do the screening process carefully.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "インターンは我が社の社員になるかもしれない人材ですから、選考は綿密に行いたいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As our company is listed in the top group as a desired company to work for, we may expect to get many people applying for internship.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの会社は就職志望先の上位にあるから、インターン希望者も多数くるんじゃないかしら。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I think the competition rate will be quite high.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、かなりの競争率になるのではないかと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's not that we will guarantee their official employment if they are selected as interns, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "インターンになったからといっても正式採用を保証するわけではないですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it ok if we divide conducting the application screening process between the directors from each department?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "書類選考は各部の部長が手分けして行うということでよろしいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't have any problem.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、異議ありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "S Company, Los Angeles office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "S社ロサンゼルス支社です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is Asano from business development department in Tokyo headquarter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "東京本社事業開発部の浅野と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How are you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お疲れさまです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is Mr. Tanuma there?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "田沼さんはいらっしゃいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "One moment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, this is Tanuma.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、田沼です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mr. Asano, you are coming over here soon, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "浅野さん、今度こちらにいらっしゃるんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What time is it now in Tokyo?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今東京は何時ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Six o'clock in the evening.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "夕方6時です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you working overtime as usual?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "相変わらず残業ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's way early comparing to how it used to be.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昔に比べたら全然早いですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are firmly told to leave our office by seven at the latest.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今は遅くても7時には会社を出るように強く言われています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, that's a big change.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "へー、ずいぶん変わりましたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Just between you and me, but we sometime take work home.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここだけの話ですが、家に仕事を持ち帰ることもあるんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, that is hard.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わー、それは大変ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By the way, as I am assigned to move to Los Angeles, I will be relying on you on so many things.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ところで、ロサンゼルスに赴任することになり、田沼さんにはいろいろお世話になると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I want to thank you in advance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうぞよろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とんでもないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Likewise, I am looking forward to it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私も楽しみにしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you gotten your flight?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もうフライトは決まったんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I will be on ANA106 arriving Los Angeles on April thirtieth.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい4月30日にロサンゼルスに着くANA106便です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Got it, I will pick you up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、お迎えに行きますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I won't be able to drive for a while, so I will be asking you to be my driver.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しばらくは車も運転できないので、田沼さんに運転手までお願いすることになるけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No worries, we are kind of neighbors anyway.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大丈夫ですよ、結構近所ですし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will tag along with you when you practice driving on weekends.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "週末は運転の練習も付き合いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, that will be a big help.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わー、助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When is your family coming?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご家族はいついらっしゃるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's not determined yet, but probably two month after me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだはっきりしないんですが、多分私の2ヶ月後になると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My child and your child's age are close, I am hoping they will become good friends.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の子供と浅野さんのお子さんは歳が近いので、いい友達になれるといいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My wife is looking forward to it, as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の妻も楽しみにしていますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please be assured that your wife and your child will be in her good hands.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "奥さんとお子さんのことは彼女に任せてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am truly grateful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当に感謝しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Your wife is American, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたの奥さんはアメリカ人ですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, she is half American, half Japanese.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、日本人とアメリカ人のハーフなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She doesn't speak Japanese that well, so she says she wants your wife to train her.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日本語があまりできないので、浅野さんの奥様に特訓してもらうって言ってます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It sounds great that we can practice English and Japanese between families.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはいいですね、家族同士で英語と日本語の練習ができるなんて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am planning to go to the office starting May first, so I'm looking forward to it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は5月1日から出社するつもりでいるので、よろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I'll have it planned.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、私もそのように予定します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will e-mail you more details later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "詳細は追ってメールで連絡します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I am looking forward to it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、お待ちしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My name is Sugita from New Development Department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新規開発部の杉田と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am going to present the development plan on the location that we made a successful bid for last month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我が社が先月落札したこのエリアの開発案を発表させていただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are building both residential and commercial facilities here,", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここは居住施設と商業施設を併設します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The idea is to fulfill ordinary living needs within the area.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "エリア内で通常の生活の需要を満たすという考えです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For residential, we are building twenty four-story condominium buildings.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "居住施設は4階建てのマンションを20棟建設します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will consign this to B Company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これはB社に委託します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "B Company is expanding their business of cutting-edge design buildings, and I am convinced that they will be able to build attractive buildings.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "B社は斬新なデザインの建設で事業を拡大しており、とても魅力的な建築になるのは間違いないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As for commercial facilities, we are planning on a supermarket, a home center, a mass retailer, doctor's offices, coffee shops and restaurants.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "商業施設はスーパーマーケット、量販店、ホームセンター、クリニック、コーヒーショップ、レストランなどを予定しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will consign commercial facility project to C Company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "商業施設はC社に委託します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I ask a question?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "質問いいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、どうぞ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My name is Kawachi from sales department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "営業部の川内と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Aren't you building a school?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "学校は作らないのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It seems there is enough space.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "広さは十分あると思うのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It takes time for the paperwork in order to start a school.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "学校を開設するのは手続きに時間がかかります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are public kindergarten, elementary school, and middle school within walking distance from the area.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このエリアから徒歩圏内に公立の幼稚園、小学校、中学校があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And, there is a public high school in a bit further.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また、少し離れますが、公立の高校もあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "All of them are very competitive as public schools.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いずれも公立校ではかなりレベルの高い学校です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, building a school is not in our plan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですので、学校の建設は計画に入っていません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Instead, we are building a park.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その分、公園を作ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will place a picnic area in the park, and we are hoping that it will be well received by the residents.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "公園にはピクニックエリアも設けるので、住民に喜ばれると狙っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, a park instead of a school, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なるほど、学校ではなくて公園ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはいい考えですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, we will consign the park design to D Company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、公園のデザインはD社に委託します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, D Company is known for OO Park, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、D社はOO公園で知られていますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, you are right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、その通りです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is the provisional plan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらが暫定のプランです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Next, I will ask Mr. Yoshida from Company B about residential facilities.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次にB社のデザイン部の吉田さんに住居施設について説明してもらいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My name is Yoshida.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "吉田と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The residential facility we are thinking is a cutting-edge, comfortable living space, that everybody wants to live in.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "弊社で考えている住居施設は、誰もが住みたいと思う、最新かつ居心地の良い住居です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It doesn't mean luxurious.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "高級という意味ではありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Kitchens, living rooms, bed rooms, bathrooms, and toilets will be equipped with substantial built-in equipment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "キッチン、リビングルーム、寝室、お風呂、トイレに備え付けの設備を充実します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "On the wall, regular plugs and USB plugs will be placed every two meters.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "壁には通常のコンセントとUSBのコンセントを2メートル間隔で設置します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Management will provide wireless internet, and that fee is included in the CAM fee.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ワイヤレスインターネットは管理側で提供し、管理費に料金を含めます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In the kitchen, a stovetop with oven, a microwave, and a refrigerator are built-in.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "キッチンはオーブンレンジ、電子レンジ、冷蔵庫は備え付けです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In the living room, you can choose settings such as television mode, family mode, etcetera, so we will provide lightings that are suited to the atmosphere.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "リビングルームは照明にテレビモード設定、団欒設定などを選べるようにし、雰囲気に合わせた照明を提供します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How many homes will you build in each building?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "各棟に何戸建設するのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Fifty 165 square meters units, and ten 230 square meters units, total of sixty units.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "50坪が50戸、70坪を10戸、合計60戸です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "These are very spacious floor plan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "かなりゆったりとした間取りになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Guest Room Inventory.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、客室管理部です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is Kawada from Executive Office, may I speak to Mr. Tsukada?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "秘書室の川田と申しますが、塚田部長をお願いいたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, one moment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、少々お待ちください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is Tsukada.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "塚田です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is Kawada from Executive Office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "秘書室の川田と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What can I help you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どのようなご用件でしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry for calling during your busy schedule.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お忙しいところ申し訳ございません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "President Ueno from C Company is suddenly coming to Tokyo tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日、C社の上野社長が急遽東京にいらっしゃることになりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As you may know, he is very close to our president Nakao, so this is also very important for our company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご存知と思いますが、うちの中尾社長と大変親しく、我が社にとっても非常に大事な方です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I am very aware.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、それはよく存じてます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I thought we would like him to stay at our hotel, but it seems to be sold out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ぜひ私どものホテルにお泊まり願おうと思ったのですが、満室のようなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh yes, all this week has been sold out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、ここ一週間は満室になってますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How many nights does president Ueno wish to stay?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "上野社長は何泊される予定ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He'd like two nights with his wife.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "奥様と2人で2泊をご希望です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think I can manage for two nights.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2泊ならなんとかなると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will check and let you know as soon as possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "調べてすぐにお電話します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, would you prefer by e-mail?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、メールの方がいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, please call me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ、電話でお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My extension is 5432.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "内線番号5432です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Got it, I will let you know soon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、すぐに連絡します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thanks for your help.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大変助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, there is one room available.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、一部屋空きがありました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, really?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、ほんとですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's a junior suite room, but we can offer standard room rate for president Ueno.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ジュニアスイートルームですが、上野社長には通常料金でご提供できます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, I'm so grateful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わー、それは本当にありがたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What is president Ueno's full name?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "上野社長のフルネームは何でしたっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ueno Kazuhiro.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "上野和宏です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok, I will e-mail the confirmation to you, Ms. Kawada.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "了解です、川田さんにすぐに予約確認メールを送りますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうもありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there anything else?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他に何かありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it ok for him to check in before noon?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "チェックインは昼前でも大丈夫でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, this room is vacant from today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大丈夫ですよ、この部屋は今日から空いてますから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He is having lunch with our president, so it'll be very helpful if he can check in before that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの社長と昼食をされるので、その前にチェックインができれば助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm glad I can be of help.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お役に立ててよかったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will put a note that VIP staff should escort him when he arrives.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "上野社長のご到着時にはVIP対応スタッフがご案内するようにメモを入れておきますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当にありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How old are your kids?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お子さんは何年生だったっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They are in grade two and four.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2年生と4年生ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You got to start thinking about your older one's next school.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "上の子はそろそろ進学を考えるころね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She doesn't really like studying, but we are thinking of letting her take entrance exams for middle school.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あまり勉強好きではないんですが、やはり中学受験させようと思ってます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Does she go to a cram school?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "塾は通ってるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, she is not going to those schools, but I am thinking to find her a tutor.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ、通ってないんですが、家庭教師を探そうと思ってます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I had a tutor myself, and I took an entrance exam.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私も家庭教師についてもらって受験したので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know it's not my business, but it will cost a lot of money.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "余計なお世話だけど、お金かかるよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you going to be ok?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大丈夫?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, we will manage between my husband's and my income.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、主人との収入でなんとかします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We thought a lot, but we think it was the best for my child to take an exam and go to a private school.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちも色々考えたけど、受験して私立に通わせてよかったと思ってるの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But, we still don't know what's best for our kids.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "子供にとって何が一番いいのかなんてわからないけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "All I know is that we still have to keep working.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだまだ働かなくちゃいけないことは確実よ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How old are your kids, Yoneyama-san?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "米山さんのお子さんは何年生ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I only have one, and she is in her second year in middle school.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちは一人っ子で中学2年生。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She took an entrance exam for middle school.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "中学受験したの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Her school goes all the way up to university, but she doesn't automatically get in to the university, she still has to take an exam.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大学まである付属なんだけど、試験もあるから自動的に進学できるわけではないの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But, I think it's far better than going through normal university entrance exams.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、まともに大学受験するよりは全然いいと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think so too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd rather her to study something she likes than being in a chaos of entrance exam wars.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私も受験戦争に翻弄されるより、好きな勉強をしてもらいたいと思ってるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I really agree.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当、同感するわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Kids don't understand how their parents feel.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "子供は親の思いをわかってくれないけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Indeed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その通りです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, our lunch break is almost over.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、昼休みも終わりだわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's head out and go back to our office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そろそろ会社に戻りましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, let's go.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、そうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am going to show you the new system your company is going to start using starting next month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "御社が来月から導入する新しいシステムの説明をさせていただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My name is Ogawa from S Company that develops the system.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私はこのシステムを開発しているS社の小川と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you heard of ABC?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ABCというのを聞いたことがありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, some of you have.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、何人かいますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This tool will make your work significantly more efficient.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このツールでみなさんの仕事の効率が飛躍的に上がります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Your company's strong point is your global network, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "御社はグローバルネットワークを強みにしていますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I suppose entire company's common language is English.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全社の共通言語は英語だと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, sometimes the communication doesn't go well between the people for whom English is the foreign language.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかし、時には英語が外国語の者同士ではコミュニケーションがうまく取れないことがあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's where ABC's auto translation feature comes into play.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこで、ABCの自動翻訳機能が力を発揮します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, do you have a question?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、質問ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうぞ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How many languages does it handle?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か国語に対応しているんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's a good question.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いい質問ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right now, it can handle ten languages.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "現在10か国語に対応しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are planning to add more languages later on.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "言語は今後も増やす予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How do the updates work when more languages are added?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "言語が増えた場合のアップデートはどのようになるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This system is a cloud-base, so it automatically updates.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このシステムはクラウドベースなので、自動的にアップデートします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, you don't have to do anything.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですのでみなさんは何もしなくていいんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok then, I will show you the actual interface.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では実際のインターフェースを紹介します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is the interface, and it looks pretty similar to your current system.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらがインターフェースですが、現在のシステムとかなり似ています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you look at it, you can figure out most of the features.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご覧いただくとほとんどの機能がわかると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The difference is this button.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "違いはこのボタンです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is the auto translation button.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これが自動翻訳ボタンです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In the user setting, you can set up your language.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ユーザー設定で自分の母国語を設定できます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you do so, clicking the auto translation button allows it to show everything in your mother tongue.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうすれば自動翻訳ボタンをクリックするとすべて母国語で表示されます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is strictly for the purpose to accurately communicate, data is still saved in English.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あくまでもコミュニケーションを正確にするのが目的ですから、データは英語で保存されます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, that would be helpful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なるほど、それは助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, I will walk you through the user setting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではユーザー設定の説明をしましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I ask you all to do this on the first of next month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これは来月1日にみなさんにやっていただかないといけません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "All the employee log-ins, employee ID numbers, and names will be migrated from the current system to the new system.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全社員のログインと社員番号と名前は現在のシステムから新システムに移行されます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For the transition, you will not be able to use the system at all between nine o'clock in the evening of the thirtieth of this month till six o'clock in the morning of the first of next month, please be aware.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "移行のために今月30日の夜9時から1日の朝6時までの9時間はシステムが一切使えませんのでご注意ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When you come to work on the first, please click this icon on your screen to open the system.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1日に出社したら、まず画面上のこのアイコンをクリックしてシステムを開きます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Log in as usual, make sure your name and employee ID number are correct.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "通常通りログインして、名前と社員番号を確認したら次に進んでください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can scroll to choose which department you belong to.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "所属部署をスクロールして選べるようになっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please do not make an incorrect choice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これは間違えないようにお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you make an incorrect choice, it saves as it is, and you won't be able to correct it on your own.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "間違えるとそのまま保存されてしまい、自分で修正できなくなります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you go to the next page, you can choose your preferred language.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その次のページに行くとお好きな言語が選べるようになっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can change it anytime.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これはいつでも変えることができます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you ok so far?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここまでいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Next, I will explain you other new features.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次に他の新機能を説明します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It seems that there have been more business trips lately.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここのところ出張が増えているようだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I think that matters develop smoothly if they meet face to face with the person in charge by going there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、実際に出向いて担当者と顔を合わせた方が事がスムースに進むようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I remember we once adopted a video meeting system to reduce travels.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一時はテレビ会議システムまで導入して出張を減らしたよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it helped to reduce costs significantly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、経費は随分節約できました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, the progress of each area's projects did slowed down.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかし、現地プロジェクトの進捗が遅くなったのも事実です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, we decided to let our staff travel again because it would be better to meet in person.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やはり実際に顔を合わせた方がいいということで、また出張をさせることにしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, how did it turn out?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうか、効果はあったのか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it is obvious to anyone's eyes that for all areas projects' efficiency have improved.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、誰の目にも明らかなほど全地域のプロジェクトの効率が上がっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, it is very crucial to physically go there, eh?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やはり出向くというのはとても大事なんだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We encourage them to make trips as day trips, though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかし、できるだけ出張を日帰りにすることを奨励しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It makes a big difference in costs.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それだけでもかかる経費は随分違ってきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please don't push too hard.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あまり無理はさせないようにしてくれ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why don't you allow overnight stay at a hotel if returning home turns after eight o'clock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "帰りが8時を過ぎてしまうようなら、ホテル宿泊をオーケーにしたらどうだ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It certainly makes sense.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will send an internal e-mail tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日社内メールで伝えます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will also e-mail to praise their hard work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私も社員の働きを褒めるメールを打つよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please do so.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ぜひそうしてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I count on you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm interested in a solar system, and have some questions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "太陽光発電に興味があり、質問があるのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, thank you so much for calling.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、お問い合わせありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How may I help you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どのようなご質問でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First of all, I'd like to find out how much it costs.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まずコストが知りたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How much does it cost?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いくらくらいになるのでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It depends on how much electricity you use.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お客様の電力の消費量によります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How many modules do I need?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "モジュールは何枚くらい必要になりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It also depends on how much electricity you use.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それもお客様の電力の消費量によります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have your electricity bill handy?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今電気代の請求書はお手元にございますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "On your bill, there should be a number with KWH next to it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "請求書にキロワットと表示されている数字があるとと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "May I ask what the number is?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その数字を伺ってもよろしいでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Uh, it says 425.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えーと、425となっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In that case, you would need at least 10 modules.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうしますとモジュールは少なくとも10枚になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What would be the total for the system and the installation?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "設備と設置工事でどのくらいかかるのでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The process is that one of our estimators takes a look at your roof first, then gives you an estimate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まず弊社の見積りの担当者がお客様の屋根を見て、それからお見積りさせていただく流れになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Estimate is free, and there is no obligation to sign contract with us whatsoever.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お見積りは無料で、契約の義務は一切ございません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it possible for you to come over the weekend?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "週末でも来ていただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Absolutely.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What day works the best for you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何曜日がご都合がよろしいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Saturday afternoon is better.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "土曜日の午後にお願いしたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "May I have your address and phone number?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご住所とお電話番号を伺ってよろしいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, 1-23 M-cho, T City, and my phone number is xxx-xxx-xxxx.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、T市M町1の23で、電話番号はxxx-xxxx-xxxxです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it ok if we come at four on next Saturday?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週土曜日の4時でよろしいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How long will he be visiting us?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "担当の方の訪問時間はどのくらいになりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "About an hour, and he can give you the estimate right there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一時間程度で、お見積りはその場でお渡しできます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, if that's the case, four o'clock is fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、それなら4時で大丈夫です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I also have questions about selling electricity and incentives, can I ask your estimator about them on Saturday?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "売電や補助金についても聞きたいのですが、土曜日に担当の方に聞けますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, we have to determine the size of your system in order to answer those questions, so please ask him when he visits you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、設備の大きさが決まってからのお答えになりますので、担当者が訪問させていただく際にお尋ねください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok, then please put me in for Saturday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では土曜日にお願いいたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If there are any changes, please call us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "変更がございましたらまたお電話をください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much for calling.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お問い合わせありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for your time for this interview during your busy schedule.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お忙しい中インタビューに応じていただき、ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No problem, it's my pleasure.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえいえ、とんでもないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hope it's ok with you that I only have half an hour.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "30分しか時間が取れませんが、いいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's more than plenty.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、充分です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's very important that I can talk to you in person, rather than phones, or emails.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "電話やメールより実際に会ってインタビューさせていただけるのはとても貴重です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "May I start my first question?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早速質問させていただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's about the press release distributed three days ago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "3日前の報道発表資料についてです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Your company signed the contract with S company to adopt a major number of their system, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "S社のシステムを御社が大量導入契約しましたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How many licenses are you talking about?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "具体的にライセンスの数はどのくらいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can't disclose the exact number, but we are going to deploy it in all of our offices globally.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はっきりした数字は公表できませんが、全世界のオフィスに導入ということです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see that's a quite a few.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なるほど、それは相当な数ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What was the point that made you decide to adopt it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "導入の決め手はなんだったのでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Cloud management and multi-language availability.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "クラウドでの管理と多言語への対応です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How many multiple languages?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "多言語とは、何ヶ国語になりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Basic language is English, however, ten languages are available depending on the users' preference.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "基本的には英語ですが、使用者の希望によって10ヶ国語に対応してます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Languages can be switched back and forth with one click.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "言語の切り替えがワンクリックで可能なんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Application is not localized, but it is due to auto translation feature.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アプリケーションをローカライズしたものではなく、自動翻訳機能だそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have high hope that miscommunication because of the language will be virtually eliminated.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "言葉のためのミスコミュニケーションがほぼ皆無になると期待しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can we say that auto translation now is pretty perfected?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自動翻訳がかなり完成されているということですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't know the technology behind it, but I was amazed how accurate they were.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "技術的なことはわかりませんが、その正確さには驚きました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I speak three languages, so I tried on my own.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私も3ヶ国語がわかるので実際に確認してみました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I understood that there are more languages coming.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "対応言語はもっと増えるみたいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, that's impressive.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはすごいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you talk about the cloud management?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "クラウドでの管理について教えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, our most concern was the security.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、まず一番の懸念だったはセキュリティです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our company's future is at stake if we get hacked.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ハックされたら社命に関わりますからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We had discussion with S Company in details, and fully understood that the cloud had higher security.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "S社とかなり詰めましたが、クラウドのほうがセキュリティ性が高いということに納得しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Compared with what?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何と比べてですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Compared to our in-house data center.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社内のデータセンターです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about the cost?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "コスト的にはどうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is more efficient than managing at in-house data center.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "コストも社内データセンターで管理するより効率的です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It made sense for us to move to the cloud than upgrading the in-house systems.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社内システムをアップグレードするコストより、クラウドへの移行が理にかなっていました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It sounds like your company will grow even faster.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "御社の成長に拍車がかかりそうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hope so, too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、私もそれを期待しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you so much for today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日はありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you have more questions, please e-mail me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "追加の質問があったらメールをください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I will do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、そうさせていただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will walk you out to the front.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "玄関まで送りましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am Sasaki, development manager.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "開発部マネージャーの佐々木と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to show you the brief plan on developing the new product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新製品開発にあたって概要を説明いたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's designed according to the market research that we requested M company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "市場リサーチを依頼したM社の調査の結果を元にデザインしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Biggest point is the ease of use.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一番のポイントは使いやすさです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anyone can start using it without reading a manual.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "説明書を読まなくてもすぐに使えます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can also set the price low because many features are eliminated.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "機能を減らすので価格も抑えることができます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "質問してもいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はいどうぞ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How many people were surveyed for this market research?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "市場調査は何人くらいを対象にしたものですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They conducted street surveys and phone surveys to fifteen hundred people.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "街頭アンケートと電話での調査で1500人を対象にしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about their age?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "年齢層は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "From twenties to sixties.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "20代から60代です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We need to secure a budget and talents to keep developing the product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "製品開発を進めるにあたり、予算と人材の確保が必要です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can definitely work on it, It sounds like a good product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いい製品になりそうなので、ぜひ検討しましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will get back to you next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週返事します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm looking forward to hearing from you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you all for volunteering to be committee members.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "みなさん、忙しい中実行委員に立候補してくれてありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's talk without taking too much time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あまり時間をかけずに打ち合わせしましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What day would be appropriate for the Christmas party?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "クリスマスパーティの日程ですが、いつが適当でしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think it'd be better if it's not too close to Christmas.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "クリスマスに近すぎないほうがいいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For sure, we get so much busier towards the end of the year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かに、年の瀬に迫るほど皆忙しくなるし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about around December Fifteen?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "12月15日あたりはどうでしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It sounds about right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その辺がちょうどいいかもしれませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Some members in my department are leaving for business trips on the fifteenth, so how about on the thirteenth?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の部の何人かは15日に出張に出るので13日はどうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have no problem with the thirteenth.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "13日で問題ないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My department should be fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の部署も大丈夫です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you ok if we do it from noon to two o'clock, that includes our lunch break?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "時間は昼休みも入れて12時から14時でいいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, we are.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where shall we order lunch and a cake, which will be on the company expense?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昼食とケーキは会社持ちですが、どこに頼みましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It'll be easier if one company can bring them all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全部一緒に持ってきてくれるところがいいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know someone who does catering, shall I ask her?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の知り合いがケータリングをやってますが、聞いてみましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ぜひお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please ask for an estimate for lunch and a cake for thirty people.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "30人分の昼食とケーキの見積もりをもらってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think her specialty is Mediterranean food.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女は地中海風のメニューが得意だったはず。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That sounds so good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは美味しそうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think I can get an estimate tomorrow, so I will e-mail it to all of you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日には見積もりをもらえると思うので、皆さんにメールします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are not exchanging gifts, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "プレゼント交換はないですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's not do it, it will be too much.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは負担になるからやめましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about giving away prizes to game winners?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ゲームをやって勝った人に賞品をあげるのはどうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It might not be as exciting if we don't do it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それぐらいやらないと盛り上がらないだろうし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Shall we ask if our president can donate some prizes?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社長から賞品を提供してもらえるかどうか聞いてみますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it ok for Mr. Uchida to ask him since you talk to him the most?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社長と一番よく話す内田さんから聞いてもらっていいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろんいいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you, all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "みなさんありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's decide all the details in our next meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次回の打ち合わせでは詳細を決めてしまいましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Umm, I'm having an issue with something.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あの、ちょっと困っていることがあるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, what are you having an issue with?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、えーと、どこで困ってるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's about Excel.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "エクセルなんですけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm not that familiar with Excel so I might not be able to answer it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "エクセルって、そんなに詳しいわけじゃないから答えられないかも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, not at all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、そんなことないですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You've taught me a lot.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いろいろ教えてもらってますもの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think you can find the solution if you just search it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "検索すれば解決方法は出てくると思うんだけどなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, but I don't really know how to search it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いやあ、その検索の仕方がよくわからなくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, anyways, what are you having an issue with?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあいいや、困ってる事って何?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was told by a client to change the format of the proposal a bit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "顧客から見積書の書式を少し変更してほしいって言われているんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, and?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、それで?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The change they want is to add subtotals by region.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "変更点としては、地区ごとに小計を入れてほしいそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Isn't it easy if it's just that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それくらいだったら簡単じゃないの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can add subtotals but I can't seem to show the grand total.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "小計を入れるのはできるんですけど、すべての合計が出しにくいんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am adding all the subtotals but I'm afraid I'll make a mistake.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今は小計を全部足しているんですけど、間違いそうになるんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When I feel that the number looks off then I would add the wrong cells.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なんだか数字が変だなあと思ったら、足し算するセルを間違えてて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are a lot of subtotals that have to be totaled so I don't know what to do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "合計しないといけない小計が多いから困っちゃうんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I see.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、なるほどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You put the header of the subtotals in the same row.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "小計の項目を同じ列にしているのね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I faced that issue before too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私もそれ、困ったことがありましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, then was there a solution?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっ、じゃあ解決方法何かありました?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you use the SUBTOTAL function, the miscalculation of the total was resolved.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "SUBTOTALっていう関数使うと、合計を足し間違うのが無くなりましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, there is such a convenient function?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えー、そんな便利な関数あるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The SUBTOTAL function ignores the part calculated by the SUBTOTAL function and calculates it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "SUBTOTAL関数は、SUBTOTAL関数で計算された場所を無視して計算するの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So what does that mean?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えー、どういうことですっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It means, if you calculate the subtotal with the SUBTOTAL, the subtotal will be ignored when you calculate the total.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だから、小計もSUBTOTALで計算しておくと、合計の計算の時には小計が無視されるの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, that's really convenient.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あっ、すごい便利。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was doing it manually before I learned this function and that was a chore.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ね、この関数を知るまでは目視で大変だったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, be sure to compare it with the total summed up from just the subtotal.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、勿論、小計だけで出した合計とちゃんと比較してね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "With the IF function, an error message will come out when it's incorrect.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "IF関数で、間違った時だけエラーメッセージを出すようにしているよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I see, you can check the subtotal with that too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あー、なるほど、それだと小計のチェックにもなりますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much, I'm glad I asked.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとうございます、聞いてよかったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are more than 300 rows so I was getting fed up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "300行以上あるから、うんざりしてたんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's fine but, isn't it hard to see if it's in that format?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはいいんだけど、その書式だと分かりにくいんじゃない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why don't you put the header of the subtitle in a different row?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "小計の項目を別の列にしたら、どうなの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well they wanted me to make it in this format.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なんだか、先方がこういう書式で出してくれって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, it can't be helped then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、それじゃ仕方ないねえ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, they were firm on it and asked me to make it with this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんですよ、なんだか頑としてこれで出してって言われちゃって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anyways, thank you very much.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、ありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm glad I was able to answer this right away this time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回はすぐに答えられてよかった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My apartment is pretty old and there is an issue with its seismic properties so I'm a bit worried.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちのマンションが結構築年数長いんだけど、耐震性に問題があるって困ってるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, how old is it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えー、築何年なんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Having an issue with seismic properties sounds serious.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "耐震性に問題ってやばくないですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's 39 years old and is built with the old seismic standard.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "築39年なんだけどさ、旧耐震基準で建ってるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And people have been saying that a large scaled earthquake is bound to come so I'm scared.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、直下型地震が絶対くるって言ってるから怖いんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You should probably get some work done to earthquake-proof it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はやく耐震工事とかしないといけないんじゃないですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It seems the building board members started working on this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いま理事会が動きはじめたところみたいなんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But based on the initial surveys there are various opinions split between rebuilding and reinforcing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、取りあえずの聞き取り調査では建て替えとか補強工事とか色々意見が分かれてて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are an apartment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちのマンションは分譲だからなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's a hassle when it's an apartment and a lot of people are involved.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マンションで沢山の人がが絡むと面倒ですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If it was a rental apartment then the owner can basically decide and it'll be all good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "賃貸だけだったら、基本オーナーが決めちゃえばOKですもんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Apartments nowadays have to be proper with things like that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今どきのマンションだと、分譲でもそういうのもキチンとしてそうなんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ours is also pretty old too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちは何分古いしなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If it was a new apartment then they would think those things through more though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新築分譲だと、そういうのもキッチリ考えてそうですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, but the management fee will be higher.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうそう、その分管理費が高いよな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Which side are you on in regards to having it earthquake-proof?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "耐震については、どっち派なんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I haven't gotten any data yet so I can't say much yet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだ、手元に何にもデータが回ってきてないから何とも言えないなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I doubt we have the budget to rebuild it so it will probably be reinforcement work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、建て替えるだけの予算があるとは思えないから補強工事かな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If they have the money to rebuild then it might be better to just move to a new apartment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "建て替えるお金があるんだったら、新しいマンションに住み替えた方がよさそうですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうそう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But housing prices will still be high until the Olympics ends.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、オリンピックが終わるまでは住宅値段は高いままじゃないかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh right, there is that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あー、それがありましたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They said the board members will be having an extraordinary general meeting but I'm sure there will be conflicts.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今度、理事会が臨時総会を開くみたいなことを言ってたけど揉めそうだなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "An extraordinary general meeting with no data or anything in hand?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "手元に何にもデータがない状態で臨時総会ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The research result will be distributed at the start of next month and the extraordinary general meeting will meet in the middle of next month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "調査結果は来月頭に配布して、来月の中旬に臨時総会なんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So there is still 2 weeks of time to review.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だから、2週間くらいは検討する時間あるんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、そうなんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I sometimes see flyers for apartments that says they have earthquake-proof constructions done.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、耐震工事済みっていう中古マンションのチラシって時々見ますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh really?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、そう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I like to look at flyers so I keep them and reread them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ぼく、チラシを見るのが好きだから取っておいて見てるんですけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A lot of them say in large letters \"seismic strengthening work complete\".", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "結構でかでかと「耐震工事済み」って書いてありますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wonder if that will be their selling point.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "売り文句になるのかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "People will be worried if it's old.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やっぱり年数が古いと不安になっちゃいますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There have been large earthquakes one after another recently and I am worried about the Nankai Trough earthquake or a large scaled earthquake.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最近はでかい地震続きで、南海トラフ地震とか直下型地震とか気になりますし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I feel that apartments that has completed seismic strengthening work has a higher price on the flyers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それに耐震済みマンションって、チラシでは値段お高めに設定されてる気がします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当に?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, there was a similar apartment before and I compared it but the one with seismic strengthening work done was more expensive.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、前同じようなマンションがあって見比べてたんですけど、耐震済みのほうが割高でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe the price went up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "価値が上がったってことかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, that may have been the case.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあ、それももっともなことかもしれないな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Kashima-san, you have been going on business trips to Tokyo more recently.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "鹿島さん、最近東京出張増えてますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I have been going more for meetings and sales.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうそう、打ち合わせとか売り込みとかでいろいろ回数増えてるね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There was a news today on a hostel where you can stay as many nights as you want.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日、泊まり放題のホステルのニュースがやってましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What, all you can stay?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええー、泊まり放題?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How much is it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一体いくらくらいなの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's surprisingly 25,000 yen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それがなんと25000円だそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What, all you can stay for 25,000 yen?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっ、泊まり放題で25000円?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Isn't that too cheap?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "安過ぎじゃないかい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it in a rural area?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "地方の話?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, it was in Tokyo.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "違いますよ、東京でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What, all you can stay for 25,000 yen in Tokyo?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっ、東京で泊まり放題25000円?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's not a business hotel and is like a shared room with 2 bunk beds though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ビジネスホテルじゃなくて、相部屋方式で2段ベッドが置いてあるって感じでしたけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, like a dormitory.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あー、ドミトリーとかだっけ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, that's what was on the news.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうそう、ニュースに出てたのはそういうのでしたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If it's a dormitory then there are other guests staying there, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ドミトリーだと、他の泊り客もいるんだろ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Does that bother you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やっぱり気になりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, it would be a lie if I said it doesn't bother me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、気にならないって言ったら嘘になるなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I've been staying there consecutively and there are times when I'm staying ten days in a month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもなー、最近連泊も多いから月に10日くらいになっちゃうときもあるんだよな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, why don't you try staying there once?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えー、じゃあそこに一回泊まってみたらどうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If it's okay then why don't you apply for the all you can stay package.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大丈夫そうだったら、泊まり放題のプランを申し込んでみたらいいんじゃないですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you're staying over ten times a month, it will be cheaper than your business trip expense now, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "月10の宿泊なら、今より出張費が安くなるんじゃないですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It'd be best to save your costs where you can.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今はコスト削減できそうなところは削っておいた方が。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it only that one hostel that has the all you can stay?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "泊まり放題のホステルって1件だけかい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And where exactly is the location of that hostel?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、そのホステルの場所って具体的にはどこにあるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Umm, it's a hostel in Asakusa in Tokyo and I think it's just that one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっと、東京浅草のホステルで多分1件だけだと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Asakusa, it's surprisingly in a good place.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "浅草かあ、意外といいところにあるんだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The atmosphere looked nice as you can interact with other guests.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なんだか、お客さん同士の交流もあって雰囲気もよさそうでしたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There were people who enjoyed it as they expanded their network.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこで人脈が増えたって喜んでる人も出てました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えー、本当に?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm jealous.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "羨ましいなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But if it was widely on the news like that then maybe they won't have any space?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもニュースで大々的に放映されたんなら空きが無くなっているんじゃないか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, that could be the case.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、そうかもしれないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But looking it up is free.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも調べるだけだったらただですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, then can you look it up for me?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、じゃあ調べてみておいてくれる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I want to try it on my business trip in two weeks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "再来週の出張で使ってみたいからさ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will make the booking myself so send me an email once you looked it up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "予約は自分で入れるから、調べたらメールしておいて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I will send you the details by email once I've looked it up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、調べたら、まずは内容についてメールしますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Great, thank you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとう、よろしくね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I look forward to working with you today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日はよろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, thank you very much for taking time out of your schedule to come today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、わざわざお越しいただいてありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, this here is the purchase price we would like to offer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは、早速こちらの買取価格の提示をさせていただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How does 520,000 yen per tsubo.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一坪当たり52万でいかがでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So if it is 84 square meters, it will be 13 million 213,200 yen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですので、84平米だと1321万3200円となります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh sorry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あの、すみません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I actually decided to not sell the land.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やっぱり土地は売らないことにしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you not satisfied with the price?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お値段にご不満があるのでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, that's not the case.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ、そういうわけではありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When this was purchased before, I think the price was a bit higher.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "以前にこちらを買われたときは、もう少し高いお値段だったとは思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But with the recent market price as it is now, the price has dropped to this price given the drop in land value.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかし、最近の実勢価格としては、土地価格が下落していましてこれくらいのお値段に。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, that's not the point.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、そういうわけではなくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's not about the price, and more of not wanting to sell anymore.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "値段ではなくて、売りたくなくなったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なるほど、そうなんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I know you prepared a lot of things but sorry about that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、折角いろいろ準備していただいたのにすみません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, not at all, please don't worry about it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえいえ、お気になさらないでください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If possible, can you tell me the reason that made you decide not to sell?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしよろしければ、お売りにならないと決められた理由をお聞かせいただけませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I could maybe be of help depending on the reason.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "理由によっては何かお役に立てるかもしれませんので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm not sure if it's okay to consult something like this though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんなことを相談してもよいか気が引けるんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not at all, consulting is what we do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえいえ、ご相談いただくことが私たちの本分でございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We not only buy and sell land but also have experience in utilizing land and resolving issues.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私どもは土地売買だけではなく、土地活用やトラブルにも経験がございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you can share your story, I think we can prepare a proposal that suits your needs.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お話を伺えれば、そちらのご希望に沿った案をご用意できると思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, so please let me know by all means.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、ですからぜひお話をお聞かせください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I decided to not sell the land and to do renovations.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は、土地を売るのはやめて、改装したいんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If possible, I was to add an exhibit space and set up a store.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "出来れば展示スペースを併設したお店を出したいと思ってて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, that sounds nice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあ、それは素敵ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I'm not an expert so I just thought I want some more time to think and if I can really do this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、なにしろ素人ですので、本当にできるかどうか考える時間がほしいと思ったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I understand your concern.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのご心配はよくわかります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like, they say even if you open a store, it can close down quickly too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほら、お店を出してもすぐに潰れるって言いますし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I do hear that often.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですねえ、そういうお話もよく耳にします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, I decided to hold off on selling the house and thought I should do more research.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので、家を売るのは止めて色々調べてみようかと思ってて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだったんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you consult with us on this, we may be able to provide some ideas.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちの方でも、ご相談に乗らせていただければいろいろなご提案ができます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please tell me what kind of store you want to do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どのようなお店にされたいのか、お話を聞かせてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I only have a very rough idea.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもまだ、漠然としたイメージしかないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about I ask you some questions and you answer them?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは、まずはこちらからご質問しますので、お答えくださいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Umm, I can only answer what I know though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええと、私がわかる範囲でしかお答えできませんが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、結構です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have to entertain the president of a company that I deal with and his family next time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今度取引先の社長家族の接待をすることになったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, good luck.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おお、頑張ってね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is your English okay?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "英語は大丈夫なの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I should be okay if it's just daily conversation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあ、日常会話くらいなら何とかなるんですけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is the person going to be difficult to entertain?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "接待が大変そうな人なの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He's not arrogant and is a nice person but it seems there are a lot of things he wants to do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "物腰柔らかでいい人なんですが、やりたいことがあるらしいんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh did he ask for something over the top?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あっ、無理難題言われたの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, he said he wants to excavate Japanese ruins.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それが、日本の遺跡を発掘したいって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, what's that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、何それ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It seems he loves history and he often goes on excavation tours in England.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "歴史マニアみたいで、イギリスでは発掘ツアーによく行かれてるらしいんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And he wants to by all means excavate a Japanese ruin.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、是非とも日本の遺跡を発掘したいという希望なんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I haven't really heard of excavation tours in Japan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日本ではあまり発掘ツアーなんて聞かないよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see excavation tours for fossils here and there but nothing for ruins.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "化石の発掘ツアーならちらほら見かけるんですが、遺跡の発掘は見当たらなくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can't you just take him to see something like a castle or something?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "普通にお城を見学とかではダメなの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, I want to let him excavate as requested if possible though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、出来たら希望通りに発掘させてあげたいんですけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I tried contacting two or three excavation offices for ruins but didn't get a positive reply.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2・3箇所の遺跡の発掘事務に当たってみたんですけどいい返事が返ってこないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "These things would be easy to setup if we knew people in charge of excavations on a personal note.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こういうのは発掘責任者と個人的に知り合いとかだと話は早いんだけどなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've studied liberal arts so I don't really know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕は文系だからよくわからなくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Excavation isn't civil engineering right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "発掘って、土木系じゃないですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, I don't think it's civil engineering.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いやあ、土木はちょっと違うでしょ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's like history or anthropology.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "歴史学とか、考古学でしょ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あっ、そりゃそうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Or it could be geography or related to something like cultural anthropology.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "後は地理学とか、人類文化学とかが関係しそうだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you keep saying related keywords?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほかにも関連しそうなキーワードどんどん言ってみてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, like protection of cultural properties?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、文化財保存とか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I know a junior in my club who did a practicum on protection of cultural properties.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あっ、サークルの後輩が文化財保存の実習とか言ってましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He said it's a real hassle and tough but fun.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "凄く面倒で大変だけど楽しいって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, can you try asking him?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、じゃあその後輩にダメもとで聞いてみたらどう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And maybe you should just send an email out to the entire company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あとは、いっそのこと全社メールで聞いてみたら?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ask people to introduce those people to you if they know someone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "紹介出来そうな人がいたら紹介してくださいって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Umm, sending it company-wide is a bit tough.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いやー、全社メールは厳しいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll try the club members from university of teachers from seminars to see if they know anyone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まずは、大学の後輩とかゼミの先生に口を聞いて貰えるか聞いてみますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, good luck.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあ、頑張ってね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's not an understatement that the success of the coming transaction rests on your shoulders.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回の取引の成功は君の肩にかかってるといっても過言じゃないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, thanks for the pressure.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うっ、プレッシャーかけてきますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll do my best.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも頑張ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for the advice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アドバイスありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll talk to people who might be involved in that on my side too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕の方も、関係してそうな人に声をかけてみるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Really, thank you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当ですか、お願いしますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I went back home to my parent's place last time and the sound of the TV was really loud.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この前実家に帰ってきたら、テレビの音がすごく大きかったんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was enduring it for the entire time but my head started to hurt when I was listening to it together with them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ずっと我慢していたんだけど、一緒に聞いていたら頭が痛くなってきたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Does that mean your dad and mom have hearing issues?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お父さんか、お母さんの耳が悪いってことですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it seems my dad has issues hearing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうそう、父親の耳が聞こえにくくなっているみたいなんだけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It does become hard to hear if your ears go bad.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "耳が悪くなると、聞こえにくくなりますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are a lot of time when I say something but he didn't hear it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こっちが何か言っても、聞こえてないことが多くてさ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, that's unfortunate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えー、ちょっと困りましたねえ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is he using things like hearing aids?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "補聴器とか使っているんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He does have one but it seems it's in the way and he doesn't really use it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "作ってはいるんだけど、邪魔になるみたいであんまりしてないんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And in the end he lost it some where.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "挙句の果てに、どこかに無くしちゃうしさ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's a big dent on the wallet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お財布的にも困りますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I heard someone saying hearing aids but is someone using it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっ、何々、補聴器って聞こえたけど誰か使ってるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We were talking about how Tanaka-san's dad's hearing aid was in the way and was lost and is wondering what to do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "田中さんのお父さんが補聴器を邪魔にして、無くして困るなって話です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hearing aids aren't exactly comfortable and it picks up noises so it seems a lot of people get stressed from it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "補聴器は付け心地もあるし、ノイズも拾うらしいからストレスに感じる人多いみたいだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Matsumoto-san, do your parent's use hearing aids?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "松本さんちの親御さんって、補聴器付けていますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My dad uses hearing aids but he hardly uses it at home.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "父親が補聴器を使っているけど、家ではほとんどつけてないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Isn't it annoying that the volume of the TV is so loud?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、テレビの音がうるさくて困ってませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My dad's hearing is bad and doesn't wear it so he watches the TV loudly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの父親も耳が悪いのにつけずにテレビを見てるから音がうるさいんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He was before, but we changed our speakers and it's all good now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "前はそうだったけど、最近スピーカーを替えたから大丈夫になったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, did you change it to a good one?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "へえ、凄いスピーカーに変えたんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's on the news sometimes but it's a speaker that those with hearing issues can hear well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "時々ニュースになってるみたいだけど、難聴の人にも聞こえるようなスピーカーなんだって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I didn't know there was something like that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええー、そんなのが出てたんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I saw it on the news this morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あっ、朝のニュースでみましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's the one where if you change the vibration medium, it becomes easier to hear, right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "振動体の形状を変えたら聞こえやすくなったていうやつでしょ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I was surprised that you can hear it with such a feature.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうそう、仕組み的にはそんなことで聞こえやすくなるんだってびっくりしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, it's the Egg of Columbus.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ね、コロンブスの卵的だよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I don't really know the structure really well though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いやあ、実際の構造は全く分かりませんでしたけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When you use the speaker, you can hear it even without turning up the volume?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのスピーカー使うと、音を大きくしなくても聞こえるってこと?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Basically.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういうことだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can watch TV together and my dad can hear and it's not too loud for me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一緒にテレビを見てても、父親も聞こえるし僕もうるさくないし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I'm so glad I changed the speakers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いやー、スピーカー変えてよかったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Around how much is this speaker?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのスピーカーいくらくらいなんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was on the pricier side.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "結構お高めのお値段だったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And it depends on the person if they can hear it or not so you need to test it out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、とりあえず聞こえるかどうかはその人次第だから試聴必須らしいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But it worked really well for us so why don't you give it a try if you're having an issue?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、うちは本当に助かったから、困ってるんだったら試聴してみたら?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, you're right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、そうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where can I try listening to it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どこで視聴できるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll send you a link later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "後でURL送ってあげるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That'd be great, thank you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "助かりますよ、よろしくです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Tanaka-san, that figure on the desk is by Company S, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "田中さん、その机に飾ってあるフィギュアは、S社の物でしたよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、そうですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, do you go to the theme park by Company S?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、S社のテーマパークとか行きますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I go like once a year but yeah I do go.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "年に1回くらいですけど、行ってますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I actually have a ticket for Company S's theme park but do you want it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、S社のテーマパークのチケットがあるんですが要りませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I want it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええっ、欲しいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But are you sure?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、いいんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can actually only use it on a specified date and the ticket is only valid on the Friday or Saturday two weeks from now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は期日指定があって、再来週の金曜日または土曜日のみ有効のチケットなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A ticket that can be used only on the two days?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2日間だけの期日指定なんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, they will also be having a sales event related to this shopping catalog that my wife buys.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、奥さんが購入しているカタログショッピング関連の展示即売もやるらしいんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And they sent us an invitation because of that but I can't go and felt it would be a waste.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その関係で、招待券が送られてきたんですが、行かないけど勿体なあって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えー、本当ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You have a daughter right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "広瀬さんの家ってお嬢さんもいましたよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You don't have to go with your daughter?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お嬢さんと行かなくていいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, my daughter doesn't really like Company S's characters.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実のところ、娘はそんなにS社のキャラクターは好きじゃなくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She likes the bear and cat from Company X.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "X社のクマとかネコがお気に入りなんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, yeah that bear is cute.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、あのクマかわいいですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And that theme park is a bit far and she said it's a hassle to go.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それにそのテーマパークは少し遠すぎて行くのが大変って言ってました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hirose-san, you lived in Chiba Prefecture, was it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "広瀬さんの家は千葉県でしたっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, a bit towards the interior.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうです、ちょっと内陸の辺り。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So it will take around 2 hours.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、2時間くらいかかりそうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I checked online if we would be able to go.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一応行けるかどうか、乗り換え検索してみたんですけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But it said it would take more than 2 hours.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2時間以上かかるって言ってました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Taking 2 hours to go one-way for something you don't even like is a bit tough.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "好きでもないのに、片道2時間はちょっと大変ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She was on the verge of liking their characters at one point though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一時期、そこのキャラクターが好きになりかけてたんですけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now she just says the bear is cute.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今はただクマが可愛いって言っていますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "へえ、そうなんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, if no one is going to use it then please give the invitation to me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、だれも使わないなら招待券下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I will bring it next time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、じゃあ今度持ってきますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Excuse me, can you help me with something?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "庶務さん、ちょっと教えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, what is it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、なんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How many vacation days can we carry over to the next year?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来年に繰り越せる有給って何日でしたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How many years have you been here, Oishi-san?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大石さんは何年目でしたっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Seven years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "7年目です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, your vacation days for next will be twelve days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうすると、来年に発生する有給休暇は12日ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And vacation days that you can carry over will also be twelve days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして、繰り越せる有給休暇も12日です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, if I have more than twelve unused vacation days this year then it will be wasted, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えーっと、今年12日以上の有給休暇を残してしまうと無駄になるってことですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, so be sure to take it when you can.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですよ、取れるときに取ってくださいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I do want to finally plan a vacation this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年こそは計画を立てて旅行にでも行きたいと思うんですけどねえ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Using up your vacation days for the year has become mandatory and I think the manager will talk about it later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "年次有給休暇の取得が義務化になったので、課長さんからお話があると思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mandatory meaning we have to use it all?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "義務化って全部消化しないといけないんでしたっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, it is mandatory to take 5 days off.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ、義務化されたのは5日間の取得ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, so it doesn't really matter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、あんまり関係ないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's not an issue for you but there are quite a lot of people who aren't able to use up their vacation days for the year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大石さんは問題ないんですけど、意外と年次有給休暇を取れてない方が多いんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have to warn those people from this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年からはそういう人に注意喚起をしないといけないんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You have more work to do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "仕事が増えちゃいましたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Having them take days off is a good thing though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お休みを取っていただくのは良い事なんですけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, there is a penalty in regards to the mandate this time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それに、今回の義務化には罰則もありますからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The penalty can't be that bad right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "罰則って言ってもそんな大変なものじゃないでしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It'll affect the company's reputation so it's not about good or bad.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会社の信用にかかわってくるので、軽い重いじゃないんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, it's those things.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あー、そういうものなんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If there are unused vacation days, I'd take them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "余っている有給なら僕がもらいたいなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can't do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんなことできませんよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wasn't there a case where a colleague gave his vacation days for someone who got injured abroad and couldn't move?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どこか外国で怪我で動けない人のために同僚が有給をあげた話なかったですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Was there such a case?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんな話ありましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I read it on a good-will web news.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いい話のウェブニュースで読みましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Regardless, we don't have such a policy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なんにせよ、そんな制度はありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Besides, you're not injured or anything.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それに大石さんは怪我も何もしてないじゃないですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I've got nothing if you say that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それを言われるとぐうの音も出ません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anyways, thank you for explaining this to me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、教えてくださってありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, this is ABC Shop.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、ABCショップでございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, I wanted talk about a product I bought at your store.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、あのそちらで買った商品のことなんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, thank you for your purchase.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、この度はお買い上げいただきありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Um, I bought a penguin toy that moves on battery last Sunday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あの、先日の日曜日に電池で動くペンギンのおもちゃを買ったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But, the toy doesn't move even when I turn the switch on.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、そのおもちゃがスイッチを入れても動かないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I thought maybe the battery was dead and used new ones but it still didn't move.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "電池がダメなのかな、と思って新品の電池にしても動きません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm very sorry for the inconvenience.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは、大変なご迷惑をおかけしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So the toy penguin isn't moving, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ペンギンのおもちゃが動かないんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And it still didn't move after switching the battery.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また、電池を交換しても動作しなかったという事ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It makes sounds when I turn the switch on but it doesn't move like the one displayed at the store.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あの、スイッチを入れると動作音はするんですが、お店の見本のように動作しないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, so it makes sounds but doesn't move.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました、音はするけれども動作しないんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you'd like, we we can accommodate a product exchange or return.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは、商品の交換かご返品で対応させていただきたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have any preference?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご希望は何かありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, I'd like to exchange the product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それじゃあ、商品の交換でお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would you know what the exact model of the product is?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは、商品の具体的な型番などは分かりますでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Umm, there's no model number or anything written on it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっと、型番とかは書いてありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's a product called Penguin Escalator by Company H.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "株式会社Hのペンギンエスカレーターという商品です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's the one that was displayed at the toy section.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おもちゃコーナーに見本品が置いてあったものです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will confirm it so please wait a moment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確認してまいりますので、少々お待ちください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I was able to confirm it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確認してきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's the toy that has 5 miniature penguin going up and down the stairs, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ミニチュアのペンギン5体が階段を上って下るというおもちゃですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it's that one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、それです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, please tell me your name and address.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "承りました、それではお名前ご住所をお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My name is Kanae Takeuchi, and my address is Yokohama City South Ward Ooka X cho X ban.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "名前は竹内香苗で、住所は横浜市南区大岡X丁目X番です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Next, can I also get your number that you can be easily reached?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次にご連絡のつきやすいお電話番号を教えていただいてもよろしいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's XXX-XXXX-XXXX.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "XXX-XXXX-XXXXです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I will send you a replacement and a slip for sending back the defective product in the package.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは交換品のお届けと一緒に不良品返送用の伝票を同封します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you use that slip to send back the defective product?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そちらの伝票を使って不良品を送っていただけないでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm sorry for the inconvenience but please send the packaging of the defective product once the replacement arrives.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お手数とは思いますが、交換品が到着しましたら不良品の梱包と配送をお願い致します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, we will check that the replace moves properly, so will it be okay if we open it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また、交換品についてこちらで一度動作確認を行いますので開封させていただいてよろしいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, yes please.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、そうですね、お願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Again we are sorry that the product you bought caused this inconvenience.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それではこの度はお買い上げいただいた商品でご不便をおかけしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not at all, thank you very much for your kind support.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらこそ、丁寧に対応していただいてありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは、よろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you and bye now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、失礼いたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is the result of your health check, Matsushita-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらが松下さんの健康診断の結果です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you notice anything after looking at it yourself?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まずご自分でご覧になってここが気になるというのがありましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I did notice that the blood glucose level has gotten higher which is a concern.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やっぱり血糖値の値が高くなっていたので気になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, this figure.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、この値ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Indeed, it's not at a dangerous level but it is in the range where you need to be careful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かに、危険水準ではありませんが注意しないといけないゾーンに入っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What do you think, is there anything that comes to mind?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうでしょうか、なにかこれじゃないかなというのはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I guess I haven't been exercising.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、やっぱり運動不足ですかねえ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Lack of exercise?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "運動不足ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I used to exercise somewhat on my days off but not recently.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、前は休日になんだかんだで体を動かしてたんですが最近はちょっと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, why did you stop exercising?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なるほど、どうしてあまり運動されなくなったんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I felt some oddness in my knees.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "膝への違和感があって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What kind of exercise did you do before you felt the oddness?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "違和感を感じる前は、何の運動をされていたんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I played futsal.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "フットサルをしていました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Around once a week?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "週に1回くらいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I played once or twice a week last year, but played less since my knees didn't feel well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "去年は週に1・2回くらいやってたんですが、膝が不調で足が遠のいてしまいました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, you won't be in the mood to play futsal if your knee hurts.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、膝を痛くしてしまうとフットサルはやりたくなくなりますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you go to the hospital?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "病院に行かれましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It doesn't normally hurt so I didn't go.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "普通にしていれば痛くないので行っていません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Does that mean it will hurt if you do something like running?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やっぱり走ったりすると痛いということですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, walking is fine but it kind of hurts when I run.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、歩くのも平気なんですが走ってると、痛いってなって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then maybe you should hold back on exercises that involves running.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それじゃあ、走る系のスポーツは様子を見た方がいいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Swimming doesn't put too much burden on your knees, but what do you think?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "水泳なら膝の負担はかかりませんが、どうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I like enjoying things as a group.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "みんなでワイワイやっている感じが好きなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Swimming has the image of swimming quietly on your own.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "水泳って、一人で黙々と泳ぐイメージじゃないですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it sure isn't something that's enjoyed as a group.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、みんなでワイワイではないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, it doesn't have to be enjoyed like that but it'd be nice to do something with someone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ワイワイしなくてもいいんですが、誰かと一緒にできるものがいいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, would you be interested in nordic walking?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですねえ、ノルディックウォーキングなどは興味ありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Huh, what's that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええと、なんですかそれ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's walking with poles in both hands.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "両手でポールを使ったウォーキングなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I think I've seen that before.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あっ、前に見たことがある気がします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's based on a training that cross country athletes do in the summer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "クロスカントリーの選手が夏の間にやっているトレーニングがもとになってます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's an aerobic exercise and works out your upper and lower body and isn't too hard on your knees.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "有酸素運動で、上半身の運動にもなって、膝への負担が少ないんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, that sounds good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "へえ、よさそうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will be a full body exercise if you do it seriously and will resolve stiff shoulders.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本格的なものになると全身運動になるし、肩こり解消にもなりますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっ、そうなんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wasn't feeling well because I have chronic shoulder stiffness.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私も慢性的に肩こりで困っているんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are several people in the office that does it but do you want me to introduce you to them next time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やっている人も会社の中に何人かいらっしゃいますし、今度ご紹介しましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I'm kind of interested so please let me know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあちょっと気になるので教えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, thank you for today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、今日はよろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、お忙しい中ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you come directly from your home today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は、自宅から直接こちらに来られたんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, I am thinking of visiting clients after this meeting so I went to the office first.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ、この面談が終わったら外回りをしようと思って会社に一度行きました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, going out to visit customers in the cold is pretty tough.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですか、外回りは寒いので大変ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's not too bad since I'll be going by car but the difference in temperature is pretty tough.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "車で移動なのでそこまで大変じゃないんですが、気温差がつらいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are probably a lot of people who has a cold during this season, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この時期になると、風邪を引いている方も多いんじゃないですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, there are some.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、時々いらっしゃいますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How are you feeling this year?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "松下さんは今年の調子はいかがですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I had moments where I thought I had a cold but it turned out to be fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あっ、風邪かな、と思う時がありましたが何とかなりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良かったですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I left work on time and slept a lot and was fine the next day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "定時で帰って、たっぷり寝たら翌朝何ともなくなりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, that's good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あらー、良かったですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When I said I felt like I'm about to get a cold, they told me to go rest early when you're feeling it coming.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "風邪を引きそうですっておしゃべりしてたら、「引きはじめこそ早く休め」って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When your immune system drops, you will catch a cold right away so taking preventative measure is important.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "免疫力が落ちると、すぐに病気になってしまいますので予防が重要ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But when I go out to visit clients, there are people who sneeze or have a wet cough without wearing a mask.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、外回りでくしゃみとかセキをしているのにマスクをしてない人がいるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's not good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは困るでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In times like this, I get worried if someone sneezes at me even once.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この時期は1回くしゃみされるだけでも気になってしまいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Matsushita-san, do you wear a mask when you go out to visit clients?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "松下さんは外回りの間マスクをされていますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I really want to but it is a bit rude so I don't.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当はしたいとは思いますが、やはり失礼にあたるのでできません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you do anything to prevent cold after your meetings?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは、お話が終わった後になにか予防になるようなことをしていますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, nothing in particular.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、とくにはやってないんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wash my hands and gargle after talking with someone who looks sick.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "体調悪そうな人との話が終わった後は、手洗いとうがいをしていますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's good, please do that even if the other person is sick or not.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいですね、ぜひ相手の方が体調を悪くされていてもされてなくても実施してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Does that help in preventing colds?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やっぱり予防になりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it makes a big difference.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、全然違いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But washing my hands everytime is a hassle and I might not do it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、毎回手を洗うって面倒で、さぼってしまいそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If that's the case then please wash your hands and gargle even after you get back to the office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは、会社に戻ったときでも構いませんのでぜひ手洗いとうがいをしてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't really like the mouthwash at the office though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、会社にあるうがい薬が苦手なんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You don't have to use the mouthwash, using just water is a good preventative measure too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うがい薬を使わなくても水でのうがいで十分予防になりますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is that right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, the best preventative measure is to not let bacteria stay there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、菌を常駐させないのが一番の予防ですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then let's look at the results of your health check last time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは、この前の健康診断の結果を見ていきましょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I'm a bit scared to look at the results this time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、今回の結果を見るのはちょっと怖いなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My blood glucose level was on the higher side.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "血糖値が高めだったので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, then let's check it together.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは、一緒に確認していきましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Come to think of it, what month was your child born again?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういえば、お子さんが生まれて何カ月だっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's July.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "7カ月です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is that when they start to talk?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう、おしゃべり始めるころだっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They say words that doesn't sound like words.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "言葉にならない言葉をしゃべってるっていう感じです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, well they will grow up quick and start saying papa and mama.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんだ、あっという間に育ってパパママってしゃべり始めるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know, I really feel they are growing quickly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当ですよね、あっという間に育ってきてる感じがします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then did you register for the kid's insurance?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあさあ、子どもの保険って入った?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I haven't even registered for my own insurance let alone my kid's insurance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "子どもの保険どころか、自分の保険もまだです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, really.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええー、そうなの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I know I should join.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いやあ、加入しないといけないなあって思ってはいるんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know you might think it's a hassle but don't you think it's better if you joined?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "面倒だとは思うけど、入ってた方がいいんじゃない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんですけどねえ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like for my family, my wife was hospitalized when my kid was still small and it was a hassle.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちのところなんて、子どもが小さいころに奥さんが入院して大変だったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あっ、そういう事ありましたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You did say it was a hassle.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大変だったって言ってましたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What did you do with your kid during that time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あの時は、お子さんどうしたんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was a hassle because we had our wife's family babysit half the time, and we had a babysitter for the other half.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "奥さんの実家が半分、後はベビーシッターさん半分頼んだから大変。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, you got a babysitter?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええっ、ベビーシッターさん頼んでたんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, we use it when our availability just didn't work out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうそう、どうしても都合が合わない時にお願いしてたんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "During that time, we were covered from the insurance that my wife was in so that was a big help.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その時、奥さんが加入していた保険からお金が出たから助かったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あっ、良かったですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was really glad we had insurance at that time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当にあの時は保険に入っててよかった、って思ったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Even if you're healthy, you might get involved in an accident.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "体が丈夫でも、もらい事故とかもあるしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If it's an accident, wouldn't it be covered by something like a car insurance?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "事故だったら、車の保険で何とかなるんじゃないですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well if you get hit-and-run while walking then a car insurance won't be of any help.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "歩いているときにひき逃げとかされたら、車の保険じゃどうしようもないよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, that's probably true.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、多分そうですねえ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But insurance just seems so complicated.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも保険ってなんだか敷居が高くて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Aren't there insurance you can join from online recently?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最近では、ネットで加入できる保険もあるんじゃない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't know what I should join.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何に入ったらいいのかも分からなくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, why don't you just consult with the support desk at the insurance broker?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、普通に保険仲介の窓口に相談してみたら?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I've seen them advertise from time to time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あっ、時々宣伝してるの見たことがありますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think I've seen that one in the mall nearby.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あれなら、近くのモールにも入ってたと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's a hassle but why don't you take the time to go?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "面倒だけどさ、一度時間を作って行ってみたら?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you been there before Inoue-san?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "井上さんは行ったことあるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm part of the group insurance that my wife is on.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕は、奥さんの方のグループ保険に乗っかっているんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's good about group insurance?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "グループ保険だと何かいいんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There was a group discount on the insurance fee.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "保険料が団体割引扱いになってたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, that's nice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、いいなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I'll go consult with the support desk at the insurance broker.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、まあ、僕は保険仲介の窓口に相談してみますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Kashiwagi-san, I'm planning to go on a business trip to Company B but I can't get a hotel.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "柏木さん、B事業所に出張するんですけど、ホテルがとれないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There's no space at the usual hotel?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつものホテルは空きがないの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, what to do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんですよ、困ったなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I had a hard time booking it when I went on a business trip last week too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああー、俺も先週の出張での予約はてこずったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That hotel is close, cheap, and convenient.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あのホテルって、近くて安くて便利なのに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am usually able to book it without issue so I underestimated it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつもすんなり予約が取れるから油断してましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The person at the front counter said there are more tourists lately.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最近は観光客の人が増えたって、フロントが言っていたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Apparently the castle nearby was introduced on an information website online.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なんだか、Webの情報サイトに近くのお城が紹介されたんだって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Was there a castle around there?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あの辺ってお城ってありましたっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't really know but there is despite being small.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よくわからないけど、小さいけれどあるんだって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I didn't know that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええー、知らなかったなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you know that Kashiwagi-san?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "柏木さんは知ってました?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There's no way I'd know since I'm not interested in things like that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういうのに興味ないから知るわけないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wonder where I can stay if I can't book that hotel.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもあのホテルが予約できなかったら、どこに泊まろうかなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know of any other good places, Kashiwagi-san?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "柏木さん、何かいいところ知ってませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you searched it on the travel website?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "トラベルサイトで調べてみた?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I did try searching it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "調べてはみたんですけどねえ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But all the places nearby are all expensive.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "近辺のところは高いのしかないんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our accommodation budget did get decreased.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "宿泊費も予算が引き下げられちゃったしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It sucks that hotel prices are going up but we don't have the budget.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ホテルの値段は高くなってきてるのに、予算は無いって酷いです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, well that area is a port town so I wonder if they have a Sailors' Hall?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、あの辺って港町だから、もしかして船員会館ってないかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, what's a Sailors' Hall?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっ、船員会館って何ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's an accommodation for sailors working on ships.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "船で仕事する船員用の宿泊施設だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm not a sailor so I can't stay there right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕は船員じゃないから宿泊できないんじゃないですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It' used to be just for sailors but it became open to the public recently.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昔は船員専用だったけど、最近は一般の人もOKになってたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you stayed there before?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "泊まったことあるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've stayed at a Sailors' Hall in Nagoya.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "名古屋の船員会館に泊まったことはあるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do they have one in Mie Prefecture?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "三重県にもあるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm not too sure about that but I thought they did.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっとそれは確かじゃないんだけど、あったような気がするんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But it didn't come up on the travel site.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもトラベルサイトでは出てなかったですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe only the Sailors' Hall in large cities are registered on the travel sites.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大都市の船員会館じゃないとトラベルサイトに登録してないかも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I'll go look it up then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっ、それじゃあ調べてみますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The price may be cheap but it might be inconvenient.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "料金は安いけれど、不便かもしれないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If it will be within budget then being a bit inconvenient can't be helped.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "予算内に収まるなら、ある程度の不便さは仕方ないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry I don't fully remember but try looking it up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うろ覚えで悪いけど、まあ調べてみたら?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I will try.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、やってみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, instead of the travel sites, why don't you also look in the map information.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "後はトラベルサイトじゃなくて、地図情報からも探してみたら?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I didn't think of that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あっ、それは盲点でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, is tomorrow the emergency evacuation drill?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あっ、明後日は避難訓練だったっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it's from 2 o'clock in the afternoon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですよ、14時からです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, snap.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あー、しまったあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was thinking of booking the meeting room from 2 o'clock in the afternoon thinking it was so empty.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "14時から会議室がガラガラだって思って押さえておいたのに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good thing you realized before sending the meeting notice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会議の案内を出す前でよかったですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was about to get booed by everyone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "みんなからブーイングが入るところだったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I should hurry up and set another date.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早く別の日に設定しなきゃ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Any good time open for the meeting room?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会議室、いい時間に空いてそうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, it’s only available after work hours.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だめ、定時後しか空いてない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can't do it in the meeting space?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "打ち合わせスペースでやれないんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I want to use a projector this time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回はプロジェクター使いたいからなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's a hassle but how about borrowing a projector?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっと面倒だけど、スクリーン借りたらどうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, that's probably my only choice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、それしかないね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Emergency evacuation drill is such as a hassle.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それにしても避難訓練、面倒だなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, not much we can do about it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあ仕方ないですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The one this time is done company-wide, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回は、全社一斉だろう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I mean what we will be doing is just evacuating to the bottom by stairs right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "俺たちがやる事って、基本的に階段で下に避難することだけだろ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, pretty much.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあ、そうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We don't really have to do it, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やらなくても、良くないか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But training is important.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、訓練は大切ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will be doing things like taking out the helmet and the general manager will be directing the evacuation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほら、ヘルメットを出したり部長が避難指揮したりするから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's my first time so I'm kind of excited.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕、初めてだからちょっとワクワクしてます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, well I've done it several times and it's not exactly useful and it's boring.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えー、もう何回もやってるし、かわり映えしなくてつまんないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But we will be using the emergency stairs this time right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも今回は非常階段使うんでしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've never used those stairs before.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕、あの階段使ったことないですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are parts where you might hit your head and is dangerous.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あれねえ、ちょっと頭ぶつけそうなところがあって危ないんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, you won't know things like that if you don't do the training.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、ほら、訓練してないとそういうのもわかんないですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, that's true.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、そうだなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And those doing admin and planning won't know what to do if we don't do it every year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと事務方とかそういう計画する人も毎年してないとわからなくなりますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I do understand it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かってはいるんだけどなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And we get to have emergency food.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それに、非常食もらえるんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's right come to think of it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういえばそうだったなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What did you get in the past?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今までに何をもらいましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was things like water and rice but we got canned bread last year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "水とかご飯とかだったけど、去年は缶詰パンだったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I heard that it's surprisingly good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あっ、それ意外と美味しいって聞きましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But it's still just emergency food.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも所詮は非常食だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, then please give it to me if it's canned bread again this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええー、じゃあ今年も缶詰パンだったら僕にくださいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, but my wife surprisingly liked it and bought it for our home too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、でもうちの奥さんが意外と気に入って自宅でも購入してたからな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So maybe your wife is actually looking forward to it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、奥さんは意外と楽しみなんじゃないんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That may be the case.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうかもしれないね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Kinoshita-san, do you have a moment?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "木下さん、ちょっといいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Umm, thank you for the souvenir last time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あの、この前のお土産ありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh no, it wasn't anything amazing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえいえ、大したものじゃありませんけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's not true.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんなことないですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was really good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すごくおいしかったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm glad you liked it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "喜んでいただけて嬉しいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was good so I want to buy it myself but can you tell me which store you bought it at?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "美味しかったので自分でも買いたいんですけど、どこのお店で買ったのか教えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I tried searching with the name of the confection but I couldn't figure it out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お菓子の名前で検索してみたんですが、わからなくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That is an assorted pack from my local sweets store.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは、私の地元のお菓子屋さんの詰め合わせなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's a small store so maybe you couldn't find it when you searched it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こじんまりとしたお店だから検索してもわからなかったんでしょうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, will I be able to order online?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、ネットで注文とかできるんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, the store has a website but I don't recall them having online shopping.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、そのお店はページはあるけどネットショッピングは無かったような気がします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええー、そうなんですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's unfortunate, but I guess there's nothing we can do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっと残念ですけど、仕方ないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I plan on going back home in two weeks so how about I buy them for you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっと、じゃあ再来週に地元に帰る予定なので、買ってきましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh are you sure?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、いいんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wouldn't it be a hassle?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お邪魔になりませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's fine, it's not an issue at all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大丈夫ですよ、全然問題ないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, then please do if you insist.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、じゃあお言葉に甘えてお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "OKです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, but it did say it was a limited product so they might not have it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あっ、でも期間限定って書いてあったから、もしかしたら無いかもしれません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What should I do in that case?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうしましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is that right, the smell of the fruit was really fresh so it might have been a seasonal thing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだったんですね、果物の香りがすごく新鮮だったから季節によるんでしょうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, can I get you to buy it if they have the product?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、もし商品があったら買ってきてもらっていいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What size should I buy?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何個くらいのものを買ってきますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Umm, it would be great if you can get one that has around 10 pieces.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええと、10個くらい入っているものをお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think they have regular wrapping if it's not for a gift.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ギフト用じゃなければ簡易包装もあったとおもいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, regular wrapping is fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、簡易包装でいいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, I will buy around 10 if they have it in store.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、もし店舗にあれば10個くらい買ってきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Should I hand you the money in advance?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お金は先に預けておいた方がいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I might not be able to buy it so you can pay me after.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしかしたら購入できないかもしれないので後払いでいいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, then please let me know the amount if you are able to buy it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、もし購入出来たら金額を教えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I'll contact you whether I was able or not able to buy it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、買えても買えなくても連絡します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Man, this is really not productive.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう、本当に効率悪いなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You've been complaining for a while but what's up?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さっきからずっとぼやいているけど、どうしたの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I got a file on a USB key from Inoue-san from Store A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A商店の井上さんからUSBメモリでデータをもらったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, are you stuck with the approvals?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、また承認が止まっているの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you waiting for the general manager's approval?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "部長の承認を待っているの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, I have the manager's approval.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ、マネージャーの承認を待っているんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We need approval from the IT guy, manager and the general manager to use a USB key and it's really not productive.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "USBメモリを使うのに、IT担当とマネージャーと部長の承認が必要って効率悪いですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are a lot of people that needs to approve it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "承認する人数が多いよねえ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Didn't Inoue-san say to put it in the database for customers?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "井上さんには、顧客用データベースにおいてくれって言っていないの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He does say it but he suddenly said \"Oh this too\" and gave this to me during the meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "言ってはいるんですが、打ち合わせの時に「あ、これも」って急に渡されるんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、そうなんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why don't you just tell him if you get USB keys then approvals take time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "素直にUSBメモリで受け取ると承認に時間がかかるからってお願いしてみたら?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He just says he doesn't really understand and doesn't really like it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よくわからないって、嫌がられるんですよねえ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That person is old-school one-man proprietor so his perception on security is different.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あの人のところは昔ながらの個人事業者だからさ、セキュリティの感覚がうちとは違うんだよねえ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Inoue-san doesn't know how to put it in the database?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "井上さんは、データベースに置くのがわかんないの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Seems like it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうみたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "All you have to do is open the browser, enter the password and just put the data in.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ブラウザを開いて、所定のパスワードを打ち込んで、データを置くだけなんですけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Inoue-san has been trying to learn how to use the computer but, he's not too savvy about learning something new.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "井上さん、頑張ってパソコン使えるようになってくれたけど、新しい事はねえ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He can't follow it if the process is even a bit different.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっとでも、手順が違うとわかんなくなっちゃうんですよねえ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, he didn't know what to do when the interface changed dramatically when the operating system updated.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうそう、OSのバージョンアップでガラッとインターフェイス変わったときも困ってましたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How did it go that time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あの時はどうしたんだっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I installed a software that makes the interface operate similar to the previous interface.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕が、前のインターフェースに似た動作をするようなソフトを入れてあげたんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あー、そうだった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He was really grateful for that last time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あの時はもの凄く感謝されちゃいました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He did say that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "言ってた言ってた。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He brought a load of vegetables from his home garden to thank me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お礼にって自家菜園の野菜をどっさりもらってきてたねえ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Inoue-san is a nice person but he needs to stop using USB keys.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "井上さん、いい人なんですけどUSBは勘弁してほしいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, why don't you change the computer so it's easy to understand?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、分かりやすいようにパソコンを変えてあげたら?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And make something where you can drag and drop to put it in the database.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でさあ、ドラッグ&ドロップしたらデータベースに置いちゃうような感じの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, I can kind of visualize it but I'm not sure what to do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、イメージは沸きますけど、どうしたらいいかはわかんないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, how about we ask the IT person?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えー、じゃあ、IT担当に聞いてみたら?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ask him for a way to easily access the database because there's a customer that needs help.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "困っているお客さんがいるから、簡単にデータベースにアクセスする方法考えてって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, I think I might get laughed at.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えー、なんだか馬鹿にされそうですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not at all, he taught me nicely when I asked last time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんなことないよ、前に質問した時は親切に教えてくれたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Those guys thought people can do everything themselves so they weren't expecting that there will be people that needs help.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あの人たち、なまじ自分たちが操作できるから困ってる人がいるなんて思ってなかったって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I'll go consult with them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、ちょっと相談してみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, you should.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、そうしなよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, is there anything you're concerned about right now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは、現在困っていること等はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "About work, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "仕事のことですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, for work, or if you don't mind you can talk about something personal too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、仕事のことでも、篠崎さんが構わないならばプライベートのことでもどうぞ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、そうですねえ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anything is okay?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なんでもいいんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, tell me any little thing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、どんな些細なことでも教えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, ever since I transferred to this department, I am still taking over the tasks from the previous person.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でしたら、私が今の部署に転属になってから前職の方の引継ぎを行ってきています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And I was surprised that they rely heavily on that person and if that person is gone then things don't run well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでびっくりしたのが、全て個人任せでその人がいなくなったら立ち行かないという状況です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This was an issue this time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回はそれで困りました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So does that mean Kakuta-san who held the position didn't hand over the task well?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "前職の角田さんが上手く引継ぎを行わなかったという事でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいえ、そうではありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then what is it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、どういう事ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There was nothing to reference during the handover of the tasks and people don't know anything without Kakuta-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "引き継ぎの際に、何も参考になるものがなくて角田さんがいないと何にもわからないということです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So Kakuta-san handled it all and other people don't know it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "角田さんに一任していましたので、他の人では全くわかりませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Exactly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I took my time and learned the tasks so it should be all fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回は時間をかけて引き継いでいただいたので何とか大丈夫でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But, they would be in serious trouble if Kakuta-san suddenly couldn't come if he was in an accident or something.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、角田さんがもし事故などで急にいなくなったら本当に困るんじゃないでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It seemed Kakuta-san thought it was fine as long as he knew what's going on.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "角田さんも自分がわかっているからいいという考えだったみたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, he didn't make things like a manual.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、マニュアルの類も全く作成されていませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There was a period when Kakuta-san took days off during the handover of tasks, right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "引き継ぎ業務の際に、角田さんが休暇を取られていた時がありましたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I had questions at that time and had to just wait for Kakuta-san to come to the office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、その時も疑問点が出ても角田さんの出社を待って聞くしか無くて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In such a time, I thought a manual would be good to work on learning the tasks on your own.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういう時にマニュアルなどがあれば、一人で引き継ぎ業務を進めることが出来るのにと思っていました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, if there are other tasks that only that particular person knows then we should stop this system.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので、他にもこの仕事はこの人しかできないというのがあるなら、やめた方がいいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なるほど、分かりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By the way, is it possible for you to make a manual on the tasks that were handed to you this time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ところで、今回の引き継ぎ業務についてはマニュアルを作ることが出来ますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I made a simple one but it's only in point form.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、まだメモ書きの域を出ていませんが簡単に作成しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then please do make the tasks handed over to you this time into a manual.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは、今回の引き継ぎ業務についてマニュアルまで作成してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I understand.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It doesn't have to be super neat.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんなに綺麗な書式でなくて構いません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How long do you think it will take?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だいたいどれくらいの工数になりそうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I want to add explanations on the technical terms so around 5 hours.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "専門用語についての注釈も入れたいので、5時間くらいだと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There's no particular deadline but please show it to me during next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "特に期日は設けませんが、来週中に一度提出してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are there anything else that you noticed or are worried about?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他に、気が付いた点や困ったことはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For now, nothing else aside from that comes to mind.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今のところ、それ以外には思い当たりません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, it's already going to be the Tokyo Olympics next year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう来年、東京オリンピックなんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's already happening next year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あっという間に来年だねえ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm looking forward to the Olympics but the trains will probably be packed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オリンピックは楽しみなんですけど、電車が混みそうですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, I know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あっ、わかる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not just the trains but the highway and roads will probably be packed too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "電車だけじゃなくて、首都高速とか道路も渋滞しそうですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, so depressing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当だ、あー憂鬱だねえ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When does the Olympics start and end again?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オリンピックっていつからいつまででしたっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think it was from the end of July to mid August.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "7月の終わりから8月中頃くらいかなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wasn't it around 2 weeks?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2週間くらいじゃなかったけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, they will have the Paralympics when the Olympics ends.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オリンピックがおわってもパラリンピックも開催されるし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So in the end, it will end around September.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "結局終わるのは9月くらいになるのかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So that means we have to be prepared for the traffic from July to September.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ7月から9月まで、混雑を覚悟しないといけないですねえ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Or you can get to work earlier.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それか出社時間をずらすとかね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would we make it on time even if we go earlier?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "出社時間をずらすくらいで間に合いますかねえ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I might have to take the first train that leaves.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕は始発出発になっちゃうかも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That early?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんなに早く?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I really hate strong odor.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕、強い臭いが本当に苦手なんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Some people from abroad uses really strong perfume, and I just can't bear it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "外国の人ってぎょっとするほど香水が強い人がいるから、本当に無理なんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, there are people like that sometimes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああー、時々そういう人がいるね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's a bit too much for me even if I plug my nose and wear a mask.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マスクして、鼻栓してても呼吸するだけでちょっと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, that's rough.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うわー、大変だねえ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can stand it if it's outdoors but I can't if it's in a jam-packed train.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "屋外だったら何とか耐えられますけど、満員電車では無理です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, you can't stand strong fabric softeners too?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、柔軟剤の強いのとかでも厳しいの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I get headaches if it's too strong.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あんまり強すぎると頭痛が。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, are you okay at the office then?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えー、じゃあ会社とかは大丈夫なの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes I'm totally fine, there isn't anyone at the office who is that bad.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ全然、会社の人ではそこまでの人はいないんで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about you just take this opportunity and take time off during the Olympics?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあさあ、いっそのことオリンピックの間は休んじゃえばいいじゃない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Haha, I can't take that many days off.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ははは、そんなに休暇取れないですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It should be fine, I'm sure you can since they made it mandatory to take paid holidays.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大丈夫だよ、有給取得が義務化されるからいけるって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't want to use all my paid holidays for the Olympics.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オリンピックで全部の有給使い切りたくないですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Haha, that's true.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はっはっは、そりゃそうだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe things like Navi Time will release a function that will help you avoid congested routes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ナビタイムとかで混雑回避ルートとの機能が出るんじゃないの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうかもしれませんねえ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd use it during the Olympics even if it's a paid version.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "有料版でもいいから、オリンピックの間は使用したいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But isn't it a hard to get sample data on congestion forecasting?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもオリンピックって混雑予想のサンプル難しそうじゃない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, they can use things like big data and AI.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこは、今はやりのビックデータとかAIとかで何とか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't think big data will work with no data.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "データがないからビッグデータ駄目じゃない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But still, it's going to be life and death problem for you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それにしても、君にとっては死活問題だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm prepared to take the first train for now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今のところ、始発覚悟ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, Sato-san, hear me out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あー、もう先輩、聞いてくださいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうした?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I want to check the data I got from the client but I can't open it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "顧客からもらったデータを確認したいんだけど見れないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, the security got stricter from this month so it won't read the USB key when you connect it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、今月からセキュリティ堅くなったからUSBメモリ挿しても弾かれるよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just want to check it but I need approval from three people.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確認したいだけなのに、3人分の認証がいるんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You need the IT person, the manager and the section chief, was it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "IT担当と、マネジャーと課長だったけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No it's the general manager.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "違いますよ、部長ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's so unnecessary to need the approval from someone as high up as a general manager.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "部長とか、そこまで上の人の認証なんて、要らなくないですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, it's a bit odd to need someone as high up like the general manager.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだねえ、部長まで上げるのはちょっとおかしいよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The general manager can be slow to reply and he may not see it right away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "部長はレスポンス悪い時があるから、すぐに見られないんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our general manager in particular is very slow at responding.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "特にうちの部長ってレスポンス悪くて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm currently waiting for the general manager for approval but it seems like he's travelling for business.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今も部長待ちなんですけど、更に出張移動中らしいんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The general manager of your department goes on business trips often.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そっちの部長は出張多いよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He can't approve it for some time if he's on the road.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "移動中だとしばらく認証できないかもねえ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Making the security stricter is fine but they should be more considerate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "セキュリティを堅くするのはいいけどもうちょっと考えてほしいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just want to check it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当に確認するだけでいいのに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, should we use the secret weapon then?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、じゃあ秘密兵器を使う?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Huh, what's that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっ、なんですかそれ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our department bought a standalone computer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの課では、スタンドアロン用にパソコンを購入したんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The security approval and the slow response is just too much so we bought it for the department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう今のセキュリティ認証とかレスポンス悪くてダメ過ぎるから課で買ってもらった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Huh, what does that mean?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっ、どういう事ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And, what is this standalone thing?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それに、スタンドアロンって何ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The LAN port is removed so it can't connect to any network.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どのネットワークにも繋げない様に、LANポートを潰したんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That of course includes Wi-Fi and bluetooth.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろんWi-Fiもブルートゥースも無しね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's literally just a computer to look at files.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当に閲覧専用機。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええっ、本当ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our department deals a lot with clients and we use external hard drives often.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの課は顧客とのやり取りが多くて、外部メモリのやり取りメインでさあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And everyone is really unhappy about the security change this month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう、今月のセキュリティ変更にはみんな不満爆発なんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So we went to the IT guy, and he said you can plug it in directly if you want to just check it on the standalone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "IT担当に掛け合って、スタンドアロンで確認するだけだったら直に挿してOKだって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, really, your department is quite something.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えー本当ですか、先輩の課すごいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, it can't copy or save, so it's really only for viewing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その代わりコピーも保存とかもできない、本当に閲覧だけ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's totally fine, what a life-saver.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全然構いません、助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I really just need to check the file.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当に、資料確認するだけでいいんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, if there is someone using it then you might have to wait a bit but do you want to come over now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それじゃあ、使っている人がいたら少し待たされるけど今から来る?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I will grab the USB key.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、USB取ってきますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's just for viewing so be sure to bring a notebook.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "閲覧専用だから、メモ用紙も持っておいでね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, right, thank you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あっ、そうですね、わかりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Don't you think the snow tomorrow is going to be pretty bad?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日、雪がやばくないかい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think the snow will accumulate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "雪が積もっちゃうらしいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's supposed to accumulate up to 20 centimeters.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最大で20センチくらい積もるらしいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What, maybe the train will not run?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えー、もう電車とか止まっちゃうんじゃない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think it will depend on how much the snow accumulates but there is a high chance it will not run.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どれくらい積もるかにもよりますけど、止まる可能性が高いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If the snow accumulates even a bit, I might take the day off tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "少しでも積雪したら、明日休んじゃうかも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Koga-san, aren't you giving up a bit too early?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "古賀さん、諦めが早くないですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's not early at all, it's just impossible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早くないよ、無理だもの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right, Koga-san's house in on top of a hill.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "古賀さんちは、坂の上だからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, and the slope is on the steep side so if it snows, the bus won't run.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうそう、傾斜がきつめだから雪が降ったらバスも運行停止だしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you walk and slip, you will fall down head over heels and slide all the way down to the bottom.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "歩いてたら滑って坂の下まで真っ逆さまだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, that's pretty dangerous.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うわ、それは危ないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why don't you just stay in the office?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会社に泊まっちゃえばいいんじゃない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hahaha, I don't have anything prepared to stay over.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ははは、泊まる準備なんて、全く何もしてないもの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Staying over is out of the question.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "泊まるのなんてありえないですよねえ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm just joking, you'll get kicked out by the security staff.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "冗談冗談、警備員に追い出されるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And, it's supposed to start snowing from this afternoon so maybe the company will tell us to go home?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それに、今日は夕方から降り始めるらしいから帰宅命令が出るんじゃない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe there will be a notice to not come to the office if it proves difficult tomorrow too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日も、無理して来るなって案内があるんじゃないかなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Come to think of it, there was something like that last year, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういえば、去年もそういうのありましたよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There was someone who was in an accident last year, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "去年は、誰か事故っちゃったんだっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A person from the human resources department had an accident.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "人事部の人が事故ってたよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What was it again, he had to come because there was an interview for a mid-career hiring?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なんだっけ、中途採用の面接があったから、来ないといけなかったんだっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, that was it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうそう、そうだったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, it's hard to get around in the snow so he should have just changed the interview date.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えー、雪で大変だから面接日時を変更すればいいのに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was forecasted to only have around 3 centimeters of snow at first but that ended up being 15 centimeters.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最初は、3センチくらいの積雪予報だったんだけど結局15センチ積もったんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wonder if it will accumulate more than the forecast this year too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年も天気予報よりも積もるのかなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, then should I cancel the meetings?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あっ、じゃあ打ち合わせとかキャンセルしたほうがいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, it'd be better if you did.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あー、したほうがいいねえ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Who were you going to have the meeting with?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "誰との打ち合わせなの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was planning to have a meeting with Nishina-san from the Equipment department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "設備の仁科さんと打ち合わせ予定なんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why don't you ask if you can advance to an earlier time today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日の早い時間にずらせたら前倒ししなよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If it will be a later time today then it'd be best to just reschedule.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日でも遅い時間になりそうだったら、改めて設定したほうがいいねえ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You're right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will contact Nishina-san now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっと、仁科さんに連絡してきますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm going to go check my schedule for tomorrow too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕も、明日の予定確認しておこうっと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I will too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだね、私もやっておこう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello Takada-san, there is a phone call for President Arakawa from an Ogawa-san on the general line.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "高田さん、代表電話に荒川社長宛に小川さんとおっしゃる方からお電話なんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ogawa-san from where?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どちらの小川さん?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He won't say.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それが、お名前しかおっしゃらないので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I understand, please connect him to me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、私に回してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello this is Takada, the president's secretary.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お電話代わりました、社長秘書の高田と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, my name is Ogawa, I would like to speak with President Arakawa.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、小川と言いますが、荒川社長をお願いしたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Pardon me, but may I ask which Ogawa-san you are?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大変失礼ではございますが、どちらの小川様でいらっしゃいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Um, If you can just let him know that Ogawa is calling.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ、何というか、小川から電話と言ってもらえれば。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am terribly sorry, I am under strict instructions to ask the affiliation of callers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "申し訳ございません、どちらの方か伺うように厳命されております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, then please let him know it's Ogawa from company P.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、それじゃあ、P社の小川です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So you are Ogawa-san from company P, may I ask what you are calling in regard to?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "P社の小川様ですね、恐縮ですが、ご用件を承ってもよろしいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will explain when I speak to him directly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ、直接社長にお話することですので、取り次いでいただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm sorry, I am under orders to identify all calls to the president first.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "申し訳ございません、荒川宛の電話につきましては、一旦私がご用件を承るように命じられております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh I understand.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、そうなんですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are a real estate company handing land in Tokyo.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私共は東京都内の不動産を取り扱っております会社でして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We wanted to recommend some real-estate investment ideas as a part of an investment fund.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "資産運用の一貫として、不動産投資のご提案を直接させていただきたくお電話しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would that be for his personal investments?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは荒川個人へのご提案ということでよろしいでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes that's right, would be you able to connect him to me?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、そうです、取り次いでもらえますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I understand your matter of business.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご用件は承りました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Arakawa is currently not available.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "申し訳ございませんが、荒川は離席中でございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will pass on the message that you called and your matter of business.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "小川様からのお電話いただいたこと、及びご用件につきましては承りました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will call again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また電話します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "May I take your contact information?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ、ご連絡先を伺ってもよろしいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If he is interested, we can give you a call.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "必要があれば、こちらからお電話申し上げます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That won't be necessary, I will be in touch.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえいえ、大丈夫です、こちらから連絡させていただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I understand, thank you, goodbye.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、それでは失礼します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Everyone who is a manager or higher is here so let's begin the meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マネージャー以上、全員揃ったようなので、ミーティングを始めます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As I mentioned in the email, we will be explaining how the office security system is going change.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すでにメールで周知してある通り、オフィスのセキュリティ解除方法が変更になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Nitta kun from HR will explain.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "人事の新田くんから説明してもらいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Currently our doors are unlocked with individual ID cards.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今までは、各自のIDカードをカードリーダーに当てるとロックが解除される仕組みでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are greater security risk that non-employees will enter when the cards are lost or stolen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ、それではカードの盗難や紛失が発生した場合、他人が侵入するリスクも大きいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Recently, there have been a growing number of departments and tasks that involve handling confidential information.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最近、特に機密情報を扱う部署や機会が多くなってきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "With this in mind, we will be changing the security system at the end of next month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこで、来月末から新しいセキュリティに変更になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will be collecting fingerprints from each employee so that they can unlock doors using fingerprint-recognition.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社員全員の指紋を登録して、指紋照合によるロックの解除になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is that for all entrances to the outside of the office?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "外部からオフィスへの出入口全てが変更になるんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Additionally, there will be extra security to the server room doors for the system development and engineering teams.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それに追加して、開発部と技術部、サーバールームの扉は権限を限定してセキュリティをかけます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We would like to give the directors of those departments discretion to decide who will be authorized to access those areas.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それらのセキュリティ権限保有者については、開発部及び技術部担当役員に選任を一任します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I understand, those two department-heads will discuss and decide.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "了解、両部長と相談して決めるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Basically, the server administrator and the section heads and above should have access.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "基本的にはサーバー管理者と部長以上になるかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please let me know when you make those decisions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "決定しましたら、お知らせください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, I will do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Coming back to collecting fingerprints, we need to have everyone's fingerprints on record to implement the new security system.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "話は戻りますが、エントランスのセキュリティの解除登録のために、社員全員の指紋登録が必要になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This will take some time so we will be asking individuals for their time as needed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "登録にも時間がかかりますので、こちらから個別に声掛けしていきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We hope to move to the new system by the end of next week, so we would appreciate your cooperation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "できれば来週中にもシステムを移行したいので、各部の皆様のご協力をお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That is all from me, are there any questions?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらからは以上ですが、何かご質問等ありますでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Does it matter which fingerprint you register?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "指紋は何指で登録するの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No it doesn't but I think most people use their index finger.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どの指でも構いませんが、人差し指が多いようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have very dry skin, will the scanners work properly?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "結構乾燥肌なんだけど、大丈夫かな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hear that in the winter it may take some tries to authenticate but that such problems won't slow people down too much.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "冬、中々認証されないという事例はあるようですが、業務に支障がでるようなことはないと聞いています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've heard that vein recognition is better than fingerprints for security...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "指紋認証より、静脈とかの方がセキュリティレベルが上がっていいんじゃないの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have considered different biometrics.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "生体認証について色々比較検討しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Fingerprint recognition was the most appropriate to use with ease and cost in mind given the number of users and frequency of entry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "出入りが激しく、利用人数が多いものについては利便性やコストを考えて指紋認証が妥当と判断しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will revisit our decision if and when we need to raise security measures in the future.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もっとも、今後かなりセキュリティレベルを上げなければならなくなった時には、別途検討します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are there any other questions?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他に質問はありませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If not, we would like to conclude this meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なければこれで終了します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you need any clarification, please contact us individually.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また不明点などありましたら、個別に問い合わせてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Noda-san, can I ask a favor?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "野田さん、ちょっとお願いがあるんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, what can I do?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうしました?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Tokuda san has just been promoted to be the president of company S.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "S社の徳田専務が、今度社長に就任されるそうで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would you arrange for some flowers to be sent as a congratulation gift?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご就任御祝の花を贈りたいから、手配してもらる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, of course.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When should I send it by?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつ付けでお贈りすればいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The position starts from first of April so please arrange for the flowers to arrive that morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "4月1日付だから、その当日の朝に届くようにして欲しい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have any flower preference?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どんな花にしますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would think some orchids would be nice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "胡蝶蘭でよろしく。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How many stems?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何本立ての胡蝶蘭にしますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What do we usually send?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつもどんなのを贈っている?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For a president's inauguration, we usually send a pot of 3 stems.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社長へのご就任でしたら、3本立てが多いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then 3 it is.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、それでよろしく。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would you prefer a particular color?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "花の色にリクエストありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't mind.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや、別にないかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can decide.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その辺は任せるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know orchids are expensive...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、胡蝶蘭って高いよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How much do 3 orchid stems cost?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "3本立てでいくらくらいするの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will cost around 30,000 yen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大体、3万円ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The cost depends on the number of stems.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "胡蝶蘭って、花の本数で値段変わりますから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So 5 stems would cost about 50,000 yen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちなみに5本立てだと、5万円が相場です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, that is expensive!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "結構高いんだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Who was that at the reception earlier?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さっき受付に来てた人は誰?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was a bento vendor who supplies offices in the neighborhood.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この辺りのオフィス向けに弁当の宅配をしている業者さんだって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They seem to have customers in this building.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このビルに入っているテナントに顧客がいるらしくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They came in for a sales pitch.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの会社にも飛び込み営業してきたみたいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How was it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "話を聞いたの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wasn't much interested at first and planned on just speaking to him by inter-com.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最初は興味なかったから、受付電話で話を終わりにしようかと思っていたんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But they insisted that I at least look at their menu pamphlet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "パンフレットだけでも受け取ってくれ、って言われたから対応したの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのパンフレットがこれなんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It looks nice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "意外と良さそうなメニューだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Every day you get to choose between Japanese, Western, or Chinese options.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "毎日、和食、洋食、中華から選べるんだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They accept orders until nine thirty in the morning on the day which is pretty generous.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "受付締め切り時間も当日の朝9時半っていうのも融通が利いていいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "On top of that they are having some promotion at the moment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなの、それに今はキャンペーン中なんだって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What kind?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どんな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A 3 day trial-period.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "3日間モニターキャンペーン。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For each company, orders are free for up to 8 people for 3 days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1社につき8人まで3日間無料。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "After that you can decide to continue on as a customer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その後は、継続して注文してもしなくてもいいみたい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, I'd be interested in that!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "へー、俺、モニターしてみようかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's so boring to think about where to go for lunch everyday and it's a waste of time to spend your precious lunch hour going to-and-from as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "毎日ランチのことを考えるのも面倒だったし、何より貴重な昼休みを移動で使いたくない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you think there are more people like you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういう人、結構いるかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Other than the sales people who are out most of the day...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "営業さんみたいに、日中外出する人は別として。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think most people who work in the office think similarly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "内勤の人は結構そう思っていると思うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe I will put the menu up in the coffee room.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、このパンフレットを休憩室に張り出そうかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll ask who might be interested and apply for the promotion.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "希望者募って、モニター申し込んでみるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What if more than 8 people express interests?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "希望者が殺到するんじゃないの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We'll have to draw for that then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その時は抽選で。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hope I win!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、当選したいなぁ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Takada-san, we have a call from someone called Koda-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "高田さん、幸田さんという方からお電話入っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Koda-san from where?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どこの幸田さん?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He didn't say his company name.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社名はおっしゃらなかったのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, please connect me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、繋いでください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for holding, my name is Takada from the Public Relations Investor Relations.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お電話代わりました、広報IRの高田と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry for the sudden call.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "突然のお電話で恐縮です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My name Koda from Company R which is a recruiting agency.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は人材エージェントのR社の幸田と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm not a human resource staff but may I ask why you are calling me?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は人事担当ではないのですが、御社が私にどのようなご用件でしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, there is a company that is planning to go public soon and they've asked me to introduce a good candidate to handle investor relations.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は、近いうちに上場をご検討されている企業様より、IRをお任せできる優秀な方のご紹介を依頼されております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I had a conversation with someone and had a chance to learn about Takada-san so, I would love to have the opportunity to meet you once.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "高田さんのお話を伺う機会がございまして、是非一度私共とお会いしていただけないかと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry, but who did you hear about me from?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "失礼ですが、どなたから私の話を聞かれたのでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can only say that it is someone from finance and I've heard that you are very good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "金融関係の方、としか申し上げられませんが、大変優秀でいらっしゃると伺っております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for the compliment but I very much like my current work environment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お褒めいただいて恐縮ですが、現在の職場環境が気に入っておりますので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, don't say that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうおっしゃらずに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Aside from the offer this time, I think I will be able to introduce something beneficial for next time too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回のお話に限らず、今後も有益なお話をご紹介できるかもしれません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And, someone we are looking for is a person who is loyal to the company like you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それに、むしろそのように愛社精神をお持ちの方こそ、こちらが求める人材でもあられるのですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If possible, I'd like to casually meet you to just exchange information.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "是非情報交換というくらいの軽いお気持ちでお会いさせていただければ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think it could lead to your career progression.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今後の高田さんのキャリアアップの為にも是非。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can go to the area by your office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "御社の近くまで参ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about at the lounge on the first floor of Hotel R at a date and time at your convenience, Takada-san?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Rホテル1階のラウンジに、高田さんのご都合のよろしい日時でいかがでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's a pretty aggressive invite.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "中々、強引なお誘いですこと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But sorry, as I mentioned earlier, I don't plan on upgrading my career by going to another company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "残念ですが、先程申し上げた通り、今はキャリアアップを他社に転職することで実現させるつもりもありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's the month-end and is a busy time so I'd like to decline the meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "期末で忙しい時期ですし、申し訳ないですが、お会いするのはお断りします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I will give up on it for now since it's a busy time for you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "残念ですが、今回はお忙しい時期ということで諦めます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But once things settle down, I'd like to contact you again to meet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また落ち着かれた頃に、お誘いのご連絡を差し上げます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hope that I can get a more positive response at that time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その時は、よいお返事を頂けることを期待しておりますので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's another difficult thing you're saying.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それもまた難しいことをおっしゃるのですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hehe, I truly hope that I will be able to meet you next time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ふふ、次の機会にお会いできることを心から祈っております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは失礼します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Tomoi-san, do you have a moment now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "友井部長、今ちょっとよろしいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's up?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mr. Hayashi from R Management just came and I was attending him.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今、Rマネジメントの林さんが来社され、対応していました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、そうだったね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What did he talk about today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は何の話だったの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I provided him the feedback on the training for those with a management role the other day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先日、管理職を対象にした研修のフィードバックについてお伝えしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He will be giving us a proposal on a program that will improve motivation among all employees next time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今後も当社社員向けにモチベーションアップに向けたプログラムをご提案くださるそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's better to have various sources of information so keep exchanging information more for next time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "情報の引き出しは沢山あったほうがいいからね、今後も情報交換を密にね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、了解しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So Hayashi-san provided me information on this kind of training.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこで、林さんから、こんな研修の案内をいただきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's as the material here suggests but it's a training for mental health care for human resource staff.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらの資料にある通りですが、人事担当者向けのメンタルヘルスケア研修です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There have been news on things like depression recently.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最近、よく鬱病とかの話題がでてきますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It seems to be especially common with employees at venture companies and IT related companies.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "特にベンチャー企業でもIT関連会社の社員に多いそうなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, since they are young, it seems it's leading to a new group of patients who will be making an impact.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかも、年齢が若い、これから活躍が期待できるような層の患者も急増しているみたいで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As a company, we need to identify those staff early on, and revise our company environment to prevent these.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会社としても、そういう社員を早期に発見することと、社内環境を改善することで予防することが必要だそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And, if such an employee does appear, we need a system in place to be able to support them as a company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして、もしそういう社員が出た場合、会社としてできるフォローを体系的に整備しないといけないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This training will have an industrial doctor as the teacher and we will be able to learn things based on current issues and prevention methods through real examples.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この研修ですが、産業医が講師となって、現状や対策などを実例を元に学ぶようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think the contents is something our company will need later on so I'd like to attend this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今後当社にも必要な内容なので、是非参加してみたいと思いまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think it would be good, please go learn as much as you can.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいと思うよ、是非しっかり学んで来て。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The attendance fee is 30,000 yen per company and 2 people can attend it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "参加費が1社当たり3万円で、2人まで参加できるそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's not exactly cheap but I think we should go to this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "結構いい金額だけど、これは行った方がいいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there one more person you'd like to take?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう1人、誰を連れていきたい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think it would be a good opportunity to have a younger staff experience it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "折角ですので、若手社員にも経験させたいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to ask Takeuchi-san who is in her first year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "入社1年目の武内さんに声を掛けたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's a good choice, I'm impressed with how hard she works.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いい人選だね、彼女の一生懸命な仕事ぶりには感心している。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please do give her this chance to learn.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "是非、勉強させてやってほしい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I will proceed with the attending this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、それでは参加の手続きをさせていただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So the results from the health examination came back today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日、健康診断の結果が返ってきたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうだった?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The figures for my liver this year was bad and it says I need to do a re-examination", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年は肝臓の数値が悪くて、再検査の必要があるって書いてあったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I scored A for all of them up until last year though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "去年までは、全部A判定だったんだけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe you've been drinking too much?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "酒の飲み過ぎじゃないの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have been entertaining business partners a lot recently.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最近、取引先との接待も多かったしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, how about you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういう、お前はどうだったの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They found a polyp with the endoscopy inspection and they cut it for me on the spot.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "俺は、胃カメラ検査でポリープが見つかって、その場で切ってもらったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They can surgically remove it at the check-up?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "検査で切除できるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It seems they can.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "できるみたいねぇ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I didn't have any major problems aside from that though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その他は特に大きな問題はなかったみたいだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But, there are several items that needs to be watched.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ、経過観察が必要な項目がいくつかあったかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My cholesterol figures were a bit high during the blood check.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "血液検査で、コレステロール値が若干高めだったし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And, my blood pressure came out a bit high so I should be careful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、血圧も少し高めに出てたから気を付けた方がいいかもしれない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You're totally part of the adult club needing to watch your health.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "完全に成人病予備軍だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you're past 40 then, humans will surely have issues popping out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "40歳過ぎたら、人間いろいろ体にもガタがでてくるものじゃないの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Unfortunately, but true.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "切ないけど、そうだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I did think I should try to live a healthier life after getting the results of the health examination.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "健康診断の結果をもらったあとは、健康的な生活を送るように努力しようと思うんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have been overwhelmed with work and I haven't been putting the effort without realizing it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実際、仕事に追われて、いつのまにか努力しなくなるんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sam here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "同感。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anyways, I need to take the re-examination.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とりあえず、再検査は受けておかないとね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, there are a lot of cases when a re-examination is just to make sure of some things.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まぁ、健康診断の再検査なんて、念のための受診が多いから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't think you have to think too seriously on it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんなに深刻には考えていないんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But you never know, so you should do the re-examination earlier.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、万が一の可能性もあるから、早めに再検査に行きなよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかっているよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's almost that time of the season when we need to make appointments for a health check.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そろそろ健康診断の予約の時期です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right, it's that season.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだね、そんな季節だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, I've come up with a schedule which is the same as the past years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早速ですが、例年通りのスケジュールを策定しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can we go over this quickly?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっと打ち合わせさせて下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, go ahead.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいよ、どうぞ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So we plan on holding it in September for one month on weekdays.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実施時期ですが、9月の平日1ヶ月間で分散実施します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The location will be M Clinic in the Marunouchi building.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "場所は丸の内ビルディングのMクリニックです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There will be a total of 120 employees including executives.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "当社は役員含め、全社員で120名です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The details on the items that will be part of the check is as shown on this document.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "細かい検査項目については、この資料の通りです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've also allocated the date and time for the check.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "検査日時の割り振りもこちらで作成しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will relay this to the head of each department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これを各部門長に連絡します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If there is a need to change it due to work, I will ask them to contact the human resource department 1 month in advance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "業務上日程の変更が必要がある場合は、1ヶ月前までに人事部に連絡してもらうようにします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And, for employees who just can't do it in September, I plan on having alternate dates in November.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また、どうしても9月中に実施が困難な社員に対しては、11月に予備日を設定しております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So we have the date, number of people confirmed with the space available at the clinic, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この日程と人数はクリニックの枠を押さえてあるってことなのね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it's tentatively confirmed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、仮押さえですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are able to change it 2 weeks before the date.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実施2週間前までなら変更も可能となっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is the cost within the budget for the beginning of the year?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "費用は期初の予算内になっている?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We had a bit more mid-career hires for this season so I gave myself extra room and increased the budget so it is fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今期は中途採用社員が想定より多かったのですが、多少の余裕をみて予算を計上していたので大丈夫です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, the financial support from the health insurance association was more than expected so we will be paying less than what I expected.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また、今年は健康保険組合からの補助金が多かったので、想定より支払い金額は低くなると見積もっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then can I proceed with the schedule as is?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは、このままスケジュールを進めてもよろしいでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、よろしくね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please let me know if there is anything.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何かあったら、都度、報告してね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Takada-san, we got a call from someone who is saying he is a shareholder and wants to speak to the person in charge so can I ask you to take this?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "高田さん、株主とおっしゃる方から代表に電話がかかってきたので、お願いできますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, can you transfer the call over?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "了解、内線回してくれる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, thank you for holding, my name is Takada from the Public Relations Investor Relations Department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お電話代わりました、広報IR室の高田と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Umm, I'm a shareholder.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あのねぇ、僕、株主なんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is that so, thank you very much for your support.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "左様でございますか、平素よりご支援をありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for calling and may I get your name before we start your inquiry?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "頂いたお電話で恐縮ですが、お問い合わせに先立ちまして、お名前を頂戴してよろしいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What, you won't take my call if I don't say my name?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なんだって、名前を言わないとまともに相手もしてくれないの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, that's not the case, we ask everyone who makes inquiries for their names so we can make sure there are no improper service to our shareholders.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とんでもございません、株主様へのご対応に不手際がないように、お問い合わせいただく方、すべてにお名前を伺っております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please be assured that the content of the inquiries will be relayed to the management team.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また、お問い合わせ頂いた内容については経営陣に、都度周知しておりますのでご安心ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah is that right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、そういうことなのね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, my name is Taro Baba and I live in Tokyo.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、僕は東京に住む馬場太郎ってものなんだけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So what is up with the press release this time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何なの今回のプレスリリース。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you referring to the large scaled project that was announced today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "と、おっしゃるのは、本日開示致しました大型案件のことでございましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Of course, I saw the announcement and was disappointed, what is this?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "当たり前だよ、この発表みてガッカリしちゃったよ、何なんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you delay such a big project until next quarter, it will be obvious that the results for this quarter will be bad.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんなに大きな案件が来期に遅延したら、今期の業績は散々な結果になるのが目に見えている。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yet, all you can say is that it will be so bad that the earnings forecast is still being reviewed?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それなのに、業績予想は精査中、って言えないくらい悪くなるわけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We fully understand your statement, Mr. Baba.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "馬場様がおっしゃっておられること、ごもっともです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, as shown on the press release, it is a delay of accepting the contract due to a new project.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ、プレスリリースに記載している通りですが、追加案件発生による検収時期の延期となります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is not a loss of contract or a reduction.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "失注や減額ということではございません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is our first project for the introduction of the new system so, we are planning to expand our business starting with this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回は新システムの導入第1号案件ですので、こちらを皮切りに事業拡大を計画しております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But still, you guys will be revising this quarter's performance lower, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうはいっても、今期の業績はどうせ下方修正するんでしょ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are currently reviewing it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "現在精査中でございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If we determine that a revision is needed as a result of the review, we will explain it through a press release at an appropriate time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "精査の結果、修正が必要と判断されましたら、適時にプレスリリースを通じてご説明申し上げることになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So it's going to be revised lower, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だからさぁ、下方修正するんでしょ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is not determined yet at this point if we will revise our earnings forecast.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "業績予想を修正するかどうかについて、現段階では未定でございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As I mentioned earlier, we will promptly make an announcement if needed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先程も申し上げた通り、必要となりましたら速やかにお知らせします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So this time, you released a press release like this but can I expect good things from your company?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回はこういうプレスリリースが出たけど、御社、期待していいの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In regards to our company's business development and earnings trend, we will do our best to release information that is easy to understand in a prompt manner.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "弊社の事業展開や業績推移につきましては、これからもスピーディーに分かりやすく発信して参りたいと思っております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our entire staff will do their best in improving our business in order to meet everyone's expectations for the future.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今後も皆様のご期待に添えるように、社員全員が事業を邁進して参りたいと考えております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, okay, do your best.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かった、もういい、頑張って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much for your call.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お電話ありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, let's start this emergency board meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは、これより臨時取締役会を始めます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As written on the notice of convocation, this is about an issue that needs to be reported.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お手元の招集通知に記載しております通り、報告事項でございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What I need to report is the delay of the sale and the inspection of the large-scale project.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "報告事項は、大型案件の検収及び売上計上の遅延についてでございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Regarding this issue, our board member Mr. Koseki is going to give you an explanation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本件につきましては、営業部門担当の小関取締役よりご説明いたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to apologize for the inconvenience we have caused.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まず本件につきまして、多方面にご迷惑をおかけしておりますことを、この場を借りてお詫び申し上げます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am about to give you an account of the issue and how it's going to affect us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これより本件の経緯、及び影響についてご報告申し上げます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The project that caused us to delay the inspection and the sale record this time is the online payment system that Company L ordered last September.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回、検収及び売上計上が来期に遅延する案件は、昨年9月にL社より受注しましたネット決済システムになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The sales order was 7 millions, and according to the original schedule, the inspection and sale record was to be completed by the end of this February, which is the end of this month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "受注金額は7億円、当初のスケジュールでは本年2月末、つまり今月末に検収を行い、売上計上する予定でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, at the beginning of this month, we received an additional order of customization of the newly introduced system.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかし、今月初旬に、先方より新規導入システムの一部についてカスタマイズの要望がありました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our company was going to take it as a new project contract, and the inspection was scheduled at the end of April, which means the sale will be added to the estimated profits for next quarter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "当社としては新規受注案件として取り扱い、検収は4月末、つまり来期の売上見込みとしておりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Amidst this situation, the Senior Managing Director, Mr. Urata, from Company L requested the new order be included in the large-scale project and both inspections be conducted at the same time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのような状況の中、先方の浦田専務より、今回の新規案件については従来の大型案件の一部として扱い、一括で検収したいと要求されました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "From our perspective, we wanted to adhere to the original contract and requested the inspections be conducted separately, but we were told it would be too hard to make it happen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "当社としては従来の契約書に基づき、分割検収を依頼致しましたが、先方からは厳しい返事と相成りました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We would like to promote this online payment system for Company L as our main product from now on.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回のL社向けネット決済システムは当社の主力商品として推進していきたいと思っております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's why we want to keep a good relationship with Company L whom we are introducing this system too for the first time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その為、本システムの第1号導入先となるL社とは今後も良好な取引関係を継続していきたいと考えております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Therefore, we would like to respect their request and accept the delay in regards to the timing of the inspection and the sale record based on our own decision.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "従いまして、今回の検収及び売上計上の時期については先方のご意向を優先させていただきたく、小職判断で検収時期を後倒し致します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's all I needed to report, thank you for your attention.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "以上、ご報告を申し上げます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, go ahead, Mr. Sakai.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "小関取締役、ご報告ありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As far as this is concerned, we exchanged opinions with the other board members and came to a conclusion that this decision outweighs the risk of delayed inspection.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本件に関しましては、検収の後倒しリスクが発生した段階より、各取締役とも意見交換を行い、この判断がベターであろうと考えております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Excuse me?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっといいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, go ahead, auditor, Mr. Sakai.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "坂井監査役、どうぞ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can't help but mention that your estimation was unrealistic to end up having a project as large as this one delayed when we have less than a month before the closing of this quarter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本決算の期末まで一ヶ月を切っている段階で、これだけの大型案件がずれ込むのは見込みが甘いと言わざるを得ない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will be a huge impact on the stock prices as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "株価に与える影響も大きいしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As for the original order of the large-scale project, is there anyway they will conduct inspection separately?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "当初受注した大型案件分、どうしても分割検収はできないと?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We did our best to negotiate, but we decided any more negotiation would end up affecting the relationship negatively.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらからも粘り強く交渉はしましたが、これ以上は関係悪化に繋がると判断しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Company L gave us an opportunity to introduce this new system that has no past record, and it will be a stepping stone for the development of the project.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "L社は実績のない新システムの導入を決めてくださったこともあり、今後の事業展開に足掛かりとなります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's why we want to avoid a conflict at all cost.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのため、関係悪化はどうしても避けたい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is going to be disclosed, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これは開示事項になるのね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, according to the disclosing draft at hand, we have it scheduled at 3 pm after finishing up the board meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、お手元の開示資料案の通り、本取締役会終了後、午後3時に開示予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As far as the revised materials, it has been checked by the staff at stock exchange too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本資料につきましては、証券取引所の担当者も確認済みです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Aren't you going to revise the earning forecast as well?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "業績予想の修正は行わないの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For now, we are just disclosing the delay of the inspection this time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "取り急ぎ、今回は検収の遅延についてを開示します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are checking into revising the earning forecast.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "業績修正については精査中です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In case of revising the earning forecast, please keep in mind that it will become an issue for approval at a board meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "業績予想を修正する場合、取締役会の決議事項としての取り扱いになりますのでよろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We need to expect the earning to be a little harsh this quarter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今期厳しい業績が予想されるね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will do our best moving towards the end of the quarter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "期末に向けてできる限り邁進して参ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are there any other opinions?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他にご意見等ございますでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok, let's wrap this emergency board meeting up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、以上で臨時取締役会を終わります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, listing department at stock exchange, this is Tsuneda.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、証券取引所上場部の常田です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for your business as always, this is Takada from Company I human resources investor relations department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お世話になっております、I社広報IR担当の高田です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, how are you doing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、こんにちは。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I apologize for bothering you at a busy time, I am calling in hope to get your opinion on something.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お忙しい所恐れ入ります、少々ご相談させていただきたいことがございましてお電話しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is not 100% confirmed yet, but a concerning issue arose that might affect our performance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだ確定事項ではありませんが、ひとつ業績に関する懸念事項が発生しまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, what happened?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はいはい、どういうことでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There is a possibility that the inspection and the sale record of the large-scale order we received will get pushed back into the next quarter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "弊社が受注しておりました大型案件について、検収及び売上計上が来期に遅延する可能性が出てきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How much is this going to affect the earnings forecast?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは業績予想の売上もしくは利益に対してどれくらい影響があるものですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are estimating about 12% of the sales and 15% of the profits will be affected.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今期の予想売上高に対して約12%、予想経常利益に対しては15%程度の影響があると見込んでおります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That is a big impact.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは、影響大ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You will need to disclose it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "適時開示が必要になりますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I thought so too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When are you going to find out about it for sure?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはいつくらいにわかりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "At the moment, our sales guys are in negotiations in order to prevent it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "現在、そうならないように営業サイドが交渉中ではありますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If it really gets delayed, it should be confirmed sometime next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "仮に遅延の場合、来週中には確定するかと思われます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If it gets confirmed, will an approval be needed?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確定時には機関決裁されますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it will be reported at the emergency board meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、臨時取締役会の報告事項を経ることになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Since the cut-off date for the approval is less than a month, please prepare for the disclosure immediately if it really happens.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本決算の期末まで一ヶ月を切っていますので、その場合は速やかに開示手続きを行ってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes sir.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In regards to that, I will get the disclosing documents ready in advance just in case and would like to have you check it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "つきましては、念のため事前に開示資料を作成しまして、常田さんのチェックをお願いしたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I got it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, what timing for the delay of sales.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それにしても、このタイミングでの売上遅延とは。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There might be a chance the market will say the estimation was too optimistic during the process.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "市場から業績予想を立てる段階での見込みが甘いと言われる可能性がありますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I totally understand that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "重々承知しております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, in this particular case, the original order is going very smoothly, but we were asked to change the plan and combine the inspections regarding the additional order.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ、今回に関しては当初の案件は順調なのですが、関連案件での新規受注との一括検収への変更を求めたものです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That is the reason we ended up having this possibility of delaying the inspection of the new order.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その為、新規受注の検収が来期にずれ込む、という経緯があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This explains why it was difficult to expect this to happen in advance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですから事前に想定することは難しかったというのが本音です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's understandable.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろんそれは理解できます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But the performance of those companies listed on new market tend to be shaky.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかし、新興市場に上場している会社はどうしても業績のブレが大きいですしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I always tell you that an issue such as this can greatly impact the stock prices.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こういう事案一つでも、株価に与える影響が大きいということは常々申し上げている通りです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, we are learning from our lesson here and will make sure the management knows that too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、肝に命じまして、経営陣にも周知します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will get back to you as soon as the draft for the disclosing materials is ready.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは、まずは開示資料のドラフトを作成しましてまたご連絡します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Gotcha.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to be here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "忙しい中、集まってもらってすみません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Having an urgent meeting, what's going on?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とにかく緊急にミーティングを、ってどうしたんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mizuguchi-kun actually just notified me of this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は、さっき水口くんから報告があったんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There is a possibility that the inspection of the large-case project for company L will get pushed back into the next quarter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "L社向けの大型案件の検収が来期にずれ込む可能性が出てきた。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No way!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なんですって!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you please elaborate on that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どういうことか説明してもらおうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We were initially going to complete the inspection and record the sale this quarter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今期に検収して売上計上する予定だったんだけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I found out today that we received an order of system customization in addition to the large-scale order we are currently working on.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日、今導入を進めている大型案件に付随して追加でシステムのカスタマイズの要望があったとのこと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am grateful for the additional order, but they want to conduct both inspections at the same time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "追加の発注はありがたいことなんだけど、検収は一緒にしたいというご意向のようだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, the additional order can not be added to the sales record for this quarter, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なるほど、追加案件は今期末での検収が厳しいってことなんだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's correct.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういうこと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For the time being, is this what the schedule will be like?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "状況としては、ほぼほぼスケジュールはそれで決まりなの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am planning to meet with them soon and ask them to separate the inspections.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早々に俺も先方にうかがって、分割検収についてお願いに行く予定。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "According to the contract, it is a separate order, and inspection should be conducted separately.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "契約書上は別案件の導入になるから、分割検収も可能かもしれないと思って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But they want both inspections done at the same time, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ、先方は一括検収を希望しているんだろ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's an issue.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこなんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can't give in to their request, but I can't deny the possibility of the sale being pushed back to the next quarter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらも引けないけど、来期にずれ込む可能性も否定できない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's why I decided to go ahead and let you all know what the current situation is.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だから、とりあえずの現状報告だけでも早くしておこうかと思って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That is a rough request for sure.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なかなか厳しいことをリクエストされたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can't really say much to the accounting department until the number gets confirmed, but I should probably give a heads up to our auditor.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "経理的には数字が確定するまでは何とも言えないけど顧問監査法人の耳にはいれておこうかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What do you think from the the investor relations′s point of view?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "IR的にはどうなのよ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Since it exceeds 10 % of our estimated sales for this quarter, it will have a great impact on the profits.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今期の売上予想の1割以上を占めますし、利益に与える影響も大きいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If the inspection and the sale record gets pushed back into the next quarter, this matter will have to be disclosed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来期に検収、売上計上がずれ込むなら、確実に開示事項ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Of course it will be after the delay of the sale is decided and approved.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろん、会社的に売上が来期にずれ込むことが確実になって、機関決裁した段階になりますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Approval is necessary?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "機関決裁が必要?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is not an issue to be resolved but needs to be recorded as a reporting matter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "決議事項ではありませんが、報告事項として残す必要はありますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I listened to what you had to say up until now, so I am going to create the disclosing document.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とりあえず、ここまでお話を聞いたので、こちらで開示文書の案は作成します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just hope it will not be needed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "使わないことになることを祈るばかりですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will talk to the concerned parties if needed as we proceed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "関係各所には相談ベースで進めておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In the meantime, can you let these members know if something changes?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とりあえず、状況が動き次第、このメンバーに情報共有してもらえる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes sir, I will appreciate your help.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "了解しました、よろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mr. Harada, I urgently need to tell you something and ask for your opinion, is this a good time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "原田部長、緊急でご報告とご相談があるのですが、お時間よろしいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's going on, Mizuguchi-kun?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうしたの、水口くん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, it's about the introduction of a large-scale system to Company L.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は、L社向けの大型システム導入案件なのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Isn't it going smoothly?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "順調、じゃないの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The senior managing director from the company called us in earlier today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日、先方の専務から呼び出しがありまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We were asked to add a customization of the system.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "追加でシステムのカスタマイズを依頼されました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, that's great.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すごいじゃん、よかったね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But they want to conduct the inspection of this one along with the large-scale case after the introduction of the additional order gets complete.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかし、先方より、今回の新規発注システムが導入したあとに、以前から進めている大型案件と一緒に検収したいというご意向が。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What, then does it mean we won't be able to record the sale of the large-scale project we have been working on as scheduled?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっ、そうなると、今進めている大型案件の売上計上が予定通りできないってこと?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's worse, the scheduled inspection is close to the end of this quarter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかも、その大型案件の検収予定が、期末に近かったので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there a possibility that the sale will be pushed back into the next quarter?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "売上が来期にずれ込む可能性があるっていうこと?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They want to do it that way.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先方からはその方向で言われています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh no, that does not sound good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは、まずいな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Realistically we can't do anything until after the client finishes the inspection since we record our sales based on the completion of the inspections.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かに、うちの会社は検収ベースで売上計上することになっているから、先方が検収してくれないとどうにもならないけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will be such an inconvenience for our company to delay the project that will contribute greatly to the sales of this quarter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今期の売上に相当貢献する案件がずれ込むのは会社的にも厳しい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have already expressed our wish to them that we want the inspection of the new order to be separate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先方には、大型案件と今回の新規案件を別々に分割検収して欲しい要望は伝えてありますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's not what they request though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先方のご意向には沿っていないようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am thinking about setting up a meeting for negotiation for the time being.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とりあえず、もう一度交渉の場を作ってみようと思っていますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you set it up soon?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その席、早めにセッティングしてくれる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will be there too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "俺も同席する。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have our reasons, and we need to stick to our original contract.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらにも事情があるし、そこは当初の契約書通り進めていただきたいから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If the sales record gets pushed back, we might have to disclose our information as a listed company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし、売上計上がずれ込むと、上場会社として情報開示しないといけないかもしれない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anyway, Mizuguchi-kun, can you set up an appointment with the senior managing director?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とりあえず、水口くんは、専務にアポイントメントとってくれる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will explain the situation to the sales planning department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "俺は経営企画部に現状を説明しておく。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Gotcha, I will get it done immediately.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、すぐに動きます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Tomoi manager, do you have a moment?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "友井部長、少しお時間よろしいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, what's going on?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいよ、どうしたの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Since it's already the end of October, I would like to get started on the preparation for the end-of-the-year gifts.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう10月下旬に差し掛かるので、そろそろ年末ご挨拶用のノベルティグッズの準備に入りたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, it's already that time of the year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだね、そんな時期だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am going to go about it the same way as usual, what do you think?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年も例年通り進めていこうと思うのですがどうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What is the usual way?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "例年通りとは?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Desk calendars and wall calendars with our company logo.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "当社のロゴが入った卓上カレンダーと壁掛けカレンダーです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I got it, desk calendars are popular anywhere.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだね、卓上カレンダーはどこに持っていっても好評なんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wall calendars aren't a big hit though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "壁掛けはイマイチみたいだよ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Some of the clients wouldn't even take it saying a wall calendar won't be used.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "壁掛けはあまり使わないから、って受け取らない先様もいるみたいだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I did not know that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは知りませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I overheard a sales person mentioning it in the smoking room the other day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この間、喫煙室で営業さんがそんな事を言っているのを聞いちゃったんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If that is the case, we should probably come up with something else.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういうことだと、ちょっと変えた方がいいかもしれないですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have any idea?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何かいいアイディアある?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about something that can be placed on an individual desk?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か個人デスクに置いておけるものとか、でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There isn't any rule that the end-of-the-year gifs have to be related to a calendar.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "年末のご挨拶の品、といっても暦に関係するものじゃなければいけないというルールもないですし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Besides, we can still use them for other events if there are any leftovers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それに、余っても他のイベント時に流用できるかもしれません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It depends on the budget thought.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "金額次第だけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have any suggestion right off the bat?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今、パッとアイディアある?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For example, sticky notes, memo pads, et cetera.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "例えば、付箋とか、ブロックメモ帳とか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think consumable goods are a great idea.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "消耗品でいいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok then, can you pick out a few and estimate the budget?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、いくつか候補をピックアップして見積とってくれる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Based on the last year's budget for the calendars, try to find out how many we can make.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "去年の壁掛けカレンダー制作費を予算として、品物によってどれくらい作れるのか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will get it done.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Should I get opinions from the sales people who will end up distributing the goods?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実際に、配って回る営業さんからの意見も聞いた方がいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A little chat about it will be fine, but it will be helpful to get their opinions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "雑談程度で構わないと思うけど、現場の意見を聞いておくのは無駄じゃないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But we do not have that much time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ、そんなに時間的な余裕はないと思うから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They will start their end-of-the-year greetings in the middle of December, so we need to get everything ready by then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "12月の中旬から挨拶回りが始まるから、それには間に合わせないと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's go with what we talked about.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、その方向で進めていきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, let's do it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, this is Takada from Company I public relations investor relationships department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、I社広報IRの高田です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for your patronage, this is Watanabe from T economic publishing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お世話になっております、T経済出版社の渡辺です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Watanabe-san, thank you for doing business with us as always.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、渡辺さん、いつもお世話になっております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wanted to hear Takada-san's opinion on something, is this a good time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "高田さんに一つご相談があってお電話したのですが、今お時間よろしいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it's fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's about the feature article in our economy information magazine that will come out the month after next.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "弊社の経済系情報紙の再来月の特集記事についてです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are going to be interviewing CEOs of companies that were newly listed this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年新規上場した会社の経営者のインタビューを特集記事にする方向で話がありまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We would love to interview the CEO of your company, is it possible?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "是非、御社の社長の取材をさせていただきたいのですがいかがでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's an honor to receive such an offer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは嬉しいご相談ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our company name isn't well known yet since we just got listed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだまだ上場したてで一般知名度がないですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Featuring our CEO in your magazine is going to bring us lots of exposure.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "御社の雑誌に弊社の社長が掲載されるのは知名度アップが期待できますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What is the feature article going to be like?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "特集記事はどういう感じですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are going to pick three venture companies that were newly listed this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年、新規上場したベンチャー企業3社をピックアップする予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By interviewing the CEOs, we are going to include the company objectives and the hardships they have overcome et cetera.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社長にインタビューする形で事業内容を紹介していただいたり、ここまでに至る苦労話とか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We hope to feature episodes that will really introduce who those CEOs are.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、社長の人となりがわかるようなエピソードを引き出せたらいいなと思っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, how long is the length of the article going to be?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なるほど、ボリューム的にはどれくらいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We assuming a double-page spread for each company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1社につき、見開き2ページを想定しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By the way, are we supposed to pay in order to be featured?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちなみに、これは弊社が掲載料をお支払してのページになるのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Absolutely not, it will not cost you a dime since this is purely going to be an interview article.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえいえ、純粋に取材ページになりますので、費用は一切かかりません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Fantastic.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "素晴らしいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please go ahead and sign us up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "是非お願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I knew you were going to say that, I appreciate it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう言ってくれると思いました、ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "From interviewing to featuring in the magazine, how is the process going to be?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "取材から掲載まで、どういう流れになりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will send our contracted writer and photographer to your company and interview your CEO directly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "弊社が契約しているライターとカメラマンが御社にお邪魔して、直接社長に取材します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "After the writer finishes the article, we will send it over to your company to be checked while we check it ourselves as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ライターが記事を作成して、弊社内での確認と並行して御社に原稿チェックをお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, we are in charge of creating the article, we might not be able to accommodate your request, and we ask for your kind understanding on this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ、弊社主導記事になりますので、御社から内容の変更依頼をいただいてもできない場合もありませので、あらかじめご了承ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, I would love to setup an appointment for the interview at the beginning of next month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、来月初めくらいに取材のお時間を頂きたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will help us if you could suggest a few possible dates.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いくつか候補日を頂けると助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How long do you think we need to do both interview and photoshoot.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "取材と撮影でどれくらいの時間がかかりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will need about two hours.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2時間程度いただきたいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And then, whichever works better for you, 10 am on the second or 9 am on the third?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは、2日午前10時から、もしくは3日の午前9時からのどちらかでいかがでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you so much, we will go ahead and figure out the schedule.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとうございます、こちらで調整してみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I should be able to get back to you later today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日中には日程のご連絡ができると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, looking forward to working with you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "了解しました、どうぞよろしくお願い致します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, this is Nishida from the Sales Division.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、営業部の西田です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to inquire about the arrangements for office equipment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "事務備品の手配についてお聞きしたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, which equipment will it be?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、どの備品でしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There will be a new manager at the sales division next week and I wanted to ask how we can arrange a roll cart for individual use.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週、営業部に新任課長が配属になるのですが、個人用のサイドワゴンの手配は、どうすれば宜しいでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, a roll cart.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、サイドワゴンですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please submit an application for office equipment to the general affairs department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "事務備品申請書を総務部に提出してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There is an Excel file in the office equipment application uploaded in the general affairs department column in the company portal website, so please download that and fill out the required parts and attach it to an email to general affairs.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ポータルサイトの総務部の欄に、事務備品申請書のエクセルファイルがアップされていますので、ダウンロードして必要事項を入力して総務宛にメールに添付して送って下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How long will it take for it to come?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どれくらいで配備されるでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "After the application is reviewed, it will be delivered the next day if it is in stock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "申請書を確認後、在庫があれば翌日にはお届け出来ます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If not, we will need to buy a new one and that will take around one week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "無ければ、新規購入になりますので、一週間程かかります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Will there be a cost to it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "費用はかかるのでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There will be a fee if we have to buy a new one, and it will be charged to the division that will use it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新規購入の場合は、費用がかかりますので、使用部署にて負担となります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When will I know if it will need to be newly purchased?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新規購入になるかどうか、いつわかりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Once it's received, we will let you know before we arrange it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "受付後、手配する前に一度ご連絡差し上げます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for everything.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いろいろとありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will send an email later so please review it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは、後程メールを送りますのでご確認お願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I will wait for it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、お待ちしております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, please let me know if you need anything further.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また、不明点があればご連絡ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, could you tell me your opening times please?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、開店時間を教えてほしいんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes sir, we are open nine to five Monday to Friday and ten to four on weekends.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "かしこまりました、月曜日から金曜日までは午前9時から午後5時まで、週末は午前10時から午後4時までです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to have a piece of wood cut to size.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "木材を切ってもらいたいんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What is the latest time I should arrive?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何時までに行ったら良いですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It would be best to arrive no later than thirty minutes before closing time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "遅くとも閉店時間の30分前までにお越しいただければ大丈夫です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And is it possible to order the wood before I arrive so it is ready to collect?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "行く前に注文しておいて、行った時にすでに切られたものを持ち帰ることはできますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Certainly sir.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろんでございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, for wood cut to size we would require payment in advance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですが、木材のカットに関しましては、事前のお支払いが必要になってきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok, can I order it now, please?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、今注文できますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, what type of wood and size would you like?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "承知いたしました、ご希望の木の種類とサイズをお教えいただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I need a piece of pinewood, 2 meters long, 10 centimeter by 8 centimeter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "松材を1つ、長さ2メートル、10センチ×8センチの太さにお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please wait a moment whilst I calculate a price for you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "料金を計算しますので少々お待ちください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That would be 1,450 yen and you can pay by credit or debit card.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1,450円で、クレジットまたはデビットカードでのお支払いが可能です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll use a debit card.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "デビットカードでお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Could you tell me the name on the card, card number and expiry date please?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "カードに記載されている氏名と、カード番号、有効期限を教えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's Takuya Kimoto, card number xxxxxxxx and the expiry date is the third of April two thousand and twenty three.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "木本卓也、カード番号はxxxxxxxx、有効期限は2023年4月3日です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And the three digit security code on the back of the card, please?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "カード裏面のセキュリティーコードは何番でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It'sxxx.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "xxxです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The payment has been accepted and the wood will be ready for collection after two in the afternoon today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お支払いが完了しまして、木材は本日午後2時以降ご用意できております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there anything else I can help you with today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他にご不明な点などはございますでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No that all thank you, goodbye.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいえ以上です、ありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Mr. Tanaka, have you finished the report on product sales that I asked for?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "田中君、お願いしていた売上報告書は完成してるかい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, not yet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいえ、まだです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am still analysing the data.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだデータを分析中でして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When do think it will be finished?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつ頃終わるかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I could have it finished by the end of the week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今週末には完成する予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "On Friday at three, I have a meeting with a potential new client and I would like to use the report in my presentation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "金曜日の3時に新規の見込み客とのミーティングがあって、その時のプレゼンで報告書を使いたいんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you think you could have it ready by one o'clock this Friday?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "金曜日の1時までに仕上げることはできるかい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok, I will work late on Thursday evening.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "木曜日の夜に残業します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you, I appreciate it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうもありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Excuse me, could I ask you a few questions about this camera please?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すみません、このカメラについて質問したいことがあるんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Certainly Sir, How may I help you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いらっしゃいませ、どのようなことでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What size memory card can it take?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "使えるメモリカードのサイズは何ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It can take up to a maximum of sixty four gigabytes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最大64ギガバイトのカードまでご使用できます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What is the battery life?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "充電はどのくらい持ちますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The battery will last for about four hours of video or sixteen hours of photos.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "動画では4時間、写真では16時間持ちます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Does it come with a guarantee?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "保証は付いてきますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it comes with a two year standard guarantee which can be extended for an additional fee.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2年間の通常保証が付いてきますが、追加料金で延長可能です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok, thank you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですか、ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It there anything else you would like to know?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他に何かご不明な点はございますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Just one more thing, can I return it for a refund if I am not satisfied with it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと1つあるんですが、もし製品に満足できない場合は返品すると返金してもらえますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If the item has not been damaged by yourself then you can return it for a full refund within 28 days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしお客様ご自身の過失でない場合は、28日以内に返品していただければ全額返金いたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If it is faulty due to no fault of your own then a refund, repair or replacement will be covered under the two year warranty.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お客様自身の過失が原因の場合、2年間保証で返金、修理または交換がカバーされます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok, thank you for your time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、どうもありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If I can be of any further assistance then please let me know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしまだ何かございましたらお申しつけください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are sales up or down overall since our last meeting?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先月のミーティング以来、全体の売上はどうだい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sales have increased 10 percent overall which is due to the new products released two weeks ago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2週間前に発売された新製品のおかげで全体で10%伸びました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, I think we need to discontinue the older blue shoes as they are not selling well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、既存の青い靴は売り上げが悪いため、停止すべきだと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First it would be a good idea to try and find out why the blue shoes are not selling well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "青い靴が売れていない理由をまず見極めるといいかもしれないね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, we could do a customer survey.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "顧客アンケートをするという手もあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There maybe a certain aspect of the shoe that customers don't like, which could be re-designed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "顧客が好感を持てない部分があれば、再度デザインし直すこともできるからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It would be quick and easy to set up a twitter survey for the product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ツイッターを使って、製品に関するアンケートを手軽に立ち上げることができます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, that sounds great, do it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいね、やってみようか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Which of the new products are selling best?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新製品の中で一番売り上げが良いのはどれかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The red caps are now our best seller, especially for children.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "現在、赤い帽子、中でも特に子供向けのものがベストセラーです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are all the new products selling to expectations?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新製品は全て予想通りに売れているかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The red hats, yellow scarfs, floral vests are all selling above expectations and the rest are on target.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "赤い帽子、黄色いスカーフ、花柄のベストは予想以上に売れていて、他は予想通りです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's great news.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは素晴らしい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No doubt it is also down to the good work from the sales and marketing departments.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "営業とマーケティング部門の皆の懸命な努力の結果だってことも間違いないね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, everyone is doing a fantastic job.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、全員素晴らしい仕事ぶりを見せています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And there are still several stores that we have yet to get our products in, which would further increase sales.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他にも当社の製品を置ける店が何件かあり、売上はさらに伸びる見込みです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What is the ratio for online sales versus store sales?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オンラインと店舗での売り上げの比率はどのくらいかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Its about 35 percent online and 65 percent in store.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オンラインが35%、店舗が65%です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "People prefer to be able to try the clothes on before buying.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "顧客は購入前に試着できるほうを好むようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I would expect the online sales to be lower than store sales.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "売り上げはオンラインのほうが店舗よりも低くなるだろうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, keep up the good work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、この調子で頑張ってくれ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's meet again next week at the same time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週同じ時間にまた。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "See you next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではまた来週。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It seems Mr. Ito and Mr. Yamada are colleagues.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "伊藤様と山田様はお連れ様みたい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I didn't notice that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは気が付きませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And it seems Mr. Ito is the higher ranked executive.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、伊藤様の方が役職が上みたい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We should probably prioritize serving Mr. Ito then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サービスをする時は伊藤様を優先した方がいいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうしましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Should I share this with everyone else too?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その事を皆で共有した方がいいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes we should share this with them just in case.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "念の為伝えておきましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I will let them know later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では後ほど伝えておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will now bring your meal over.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これよりお食事をご用意致します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have grilled fish for the Japanese meal and steak for the Western meal, which would you like?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "和食は焼き魚、洋食はステーキですが、どちらになさいますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will have the Western meal then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、洋食にします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can bring you something to drink before your meal if you'd like.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お食事の前にお飲み物をお持ちしますが、いかがなさいますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What do you have?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何がありますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have beer, wine and soft drinks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ビールやワイン、ソフトドリンクをご用意しております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe I'll go with wine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ワインにしようかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Here is today's wine list.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日のワインリストはこちらでございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have any recommendations?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何かおすすめはありますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our appetizer today is scallops so I think it will go well with champagne.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日の前菜はホタテですので、シャンパンと良く合うと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I'll have the champagne then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではシャンパンをお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you like wine, you can enjoy your main dish with red wine as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ワインがお好きでしたら、メインに合わせて赤ワインもお楽しみください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have two kinds of red wine from France today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日はフランスの赤ワインを二種類ご用意しております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can taste both so please let me know if you'd like that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "飲み比べもして頂けますので、ご希望でしたらお知らせください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "楽しみだな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will drop by before I bring your main dish.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "またメインをお持ちする前に伺います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for flying with us Mr. Suzuki.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "鈴木様、ご搭乗ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My name is Nakamura and I will be accompanying you today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日ご一緒させて頂きます、中村と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "宜しくお願い致します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, nice to meet you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、宜しく。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "May I take your jacket?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "上着をお預かり致しましょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are there any precious items in it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "貴重品はございませんか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, there aren't.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "入っていません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I will take that and your boarding ticket together.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは搭乗券と一緒にお預かり致します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have newspaper and magazines if you'd like.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新聞や雑誌のご用意をしておりますが、いかがですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I read the newspaper earlier so can I have a magazine?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新聞は読んできたので、何か雑誌をお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will pick some out and bring them over.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いくつか選んで持ってまいります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sarah, is it ok if I take a day off tomorrow?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サラ、明日お休みとってもいいかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, since there is no big meeting or anything tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日は別に大きな会議も入ってないから大丈夫だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Some emergency?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "急用なの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, my cousin has been here on a business trip, and he says he has all day tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は、いとこが出張でここに来てて、明日一日時間があるって言うから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I thought I would take him to the city for sightseeing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "市内観光に連れて行ってあげようかなと思って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、そうなの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where is he from?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どこから来てるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "From New Jersey.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ニュージャージー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I heard he was at the office of our competitor.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの競合相手のオフィスに来てたらしいのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, is that Company B?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、ひょっとしてB社?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yup, them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、そこ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is your cousin in the same industry, Emily?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "エミリーのいとこって同じ業界なの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, we're working on the same research.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなのよ、同じ研究してるのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, then you can't talk about work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、じゃ、仕事の話は出来ないね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Exactly, we both have to keep the company secret.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、お互い企業機密抱えてるからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you two go to the same college?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "二人とも大学は一緒?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, he also went to M Institute of Technology.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、彼もM工科大学。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My cousin is a bit older than me, though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いとこのほうがちょっと上だけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, maybe the same age as me?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "へえ、私と同じ年くらい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe, I wonder if you know him?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "多分、実は知ってたりして?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's his name?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "名前何?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Tyler.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "タイラー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I know him!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、知ってる!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We did the internship at P Company together.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一緒にP社でインターンしたのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, really?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、そうだったの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I heard he'd worked at P Company for a while.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昔P社で少し働いたって言ってたけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yup, summer internship.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それ、夏のインターン。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "With me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私も一緒に。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, what a small world!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、世間狭すぎる!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If I remember correctly, I think we went to the job fair together, too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確か、一緒に就職セミナーにも行った気がする。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What, why did I not know that all this time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、どうして今まで気づかなかったんだろう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He wasn't my close friend, so I might not have mentioned his name.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんなに近い友人じゃなかったから、名前出したことなかったかもね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, I always talked about him as \"my cousin\".", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私もいつも「いとこ」って言うだけだったしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, this was surprising.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うわー、びっくりしたわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now I will bring Tyler near our office tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、明日タイラーをオフィスのそばに連れてくるわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's have lunch together.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一緒にランチしようよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is that ok?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Of course, I won't tell Tyler.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろん、タイラーには内緒にしとく。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, it's been 20 years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うわー、20年ぶりだわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm sure he will be surprised.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "びっくりするよ、きっと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Satoko, do you have a minute?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "山口さん、ちょっとお時間いいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, why?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、何でしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am thinking about taking my clients to dinner tonight, but do you know any good place?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日の夜、お客さんを夕食に連れて行こうと思ってるんだけど、どこかいいとこありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, where are your clients from?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、どこからいらしたお客さんでしたっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The middle of the United States.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アメリカのど真ん中です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, then how about seafood?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、じゃ、シーフードなんかどうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Aren't fresh fish rare in the inland of the States?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アメリカの内陸じゃ、新鮮なお魚は珍しいのでは?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's so true.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I wonder if they eat sushi.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、お寿司とか食べるかなぁ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right, some Americans cannot eat fish at all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、アメリカ人の方だと、お魚がだめという方もいらっしゃいますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Although sushi has been very popular these days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最近、お寿司も流行ってるみたいだけれど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, even so, Japanese sushi restaurants serve almost all fish.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ま、そうですけど、日本のお寿司屋さんはとにかく魚ですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No such things as California rolls, probably.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "カリフォルニア巻きとかないだろうなぁ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't think so.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But Tom said he liked seafood.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、トムさんはシーフード好きだって言ってたんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think Mary said she could only eat meat.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ、メアリーさんが肉しかだめだって言ってたような。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, how about the new restaurant near the train station?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、あの駅前の新しいレストランはどうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That steakhouse?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あのステーキハウス?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Their seafood menu is pretty big unexpectedly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あそこ、意外とシーフードメニューが多いんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、そうなんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I haven't been there yet since I have been avoiding meat trying to lose weight.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最近、ダイエットでお肉食べるの避けてるから行ったことなかったんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My boyfriend doesn't eat meat, but he loves that restaurant.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の彼がお肉は食べないんですけど、あのレストランはお気に入りなんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "へえ、そうなんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When we went there, there were quite many customers from the States or Europe.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちが行ったときは、結構欧米人のお客さんも多かったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did they have the menu in English?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "英語のメニューはありましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it looks like they can bring one if you ask.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、頼めば持ってきてくれるようでしたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe that's a good one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、そこがいいかなぁ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You like beer, and they had various kinds there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "中村さんが好きなビールも、いろんな種類置いてましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I'll go there then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、それじゃ、そこにします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you think I should make a reservation?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "予約は入れておいたほうがいいと思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It might get busy since it's Friday today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は金曜で混むかも知れませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can book it for you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私のほうで予約入れておきますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I ask?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お願いしていいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, how many and what time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、何人分を何時がいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "4 people for 6 o'clock under my name.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕の名前で6時に4人お願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I got it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then I will make a call now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、今電話しておきますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I appreciate it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "色々助かりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good morning, everyone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆さん、おはようございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for attending today's new employee orientation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日の新人オリエンテーションへのご参加ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First, let's ask you to introduce yourselves.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まずは、自己紹介をお願いしましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I am Takashi and I started last month in the sales, nice meeting you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、先月から営業に入った松川です、よろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am Mieko at the product development.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は商品開発の中野です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just started this month, nice to meet you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今月入ったばかりです、よろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am Harumi from marketing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マーケティングの高野です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I started on the 15th of last month, pleasure to meet you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先月15日の入社です、よろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you, everyone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆さん、ありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it about time that you are used to this company's atmosphere?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そろそろ当社の雰囲気にも慣れましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it's been only one month, but people from other departments have been nice to me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、まだ一ヶ月ですが、他の部署の皆さんからもよくしていただいています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was worried since this job is in a completely different field from my last job, but I didn't need to worry at all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は前職と全く違う職種の企業で不安だったのですが、そんな心配は不要でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is my first job after coming home from studying abroad, but I got my work instinct back quickly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は留学から帰国後初めての仕事になるのですが、すぐに勘を取り戻すことができました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Great, good to hear.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですか、よかったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I will talk about the confidentiality protection rules of our company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、今日は当社の機密保持規則についてお話させていただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We just talked about that in our department the other day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょうど先日、うちの部署でその話が出たところでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、そうなんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you been taught about it by someone, Mieko and Harumi?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "中野さんと高野さんは、この件について誰かに教えてもらいましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not yet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私はまだです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I only heard that there were such rules, but I don't know any details yet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は「こういう規則があるよ」と聞いただけで、具体的な内容はまだ存じません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, then I will explain it roughly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、ざっと説明しますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have lots of information that cannot be leaked to the outside of our company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "当社には、外部に出してはいけない情報がたくさんあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For example, information about products being developed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "例えば、開発中の商品についてなどです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mieko's department treat most of all documents as extremely confidential.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "中野さんの部署は、ほとんどの書類が極秘扱いとなっていると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have not dealt with such documents yet, but when I see other people, it sure looks that way.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私はまだそのような書類を扱ってはいないのですが、他の方たちを見ているとそのようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "At sales, protecting confidentiality is extremely important in terms of protecting personal information of the customers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "営業では、顧客の個人情報を守るという点で、機密保持は非常に重要です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My boss has assured me that I knew about it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その点は上司からしっかりと聞かされています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "At marketing, it might not be as much as the product development, but lots of documents are treated as internal only.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マーケティングは商品開発ほどではないですが、多くの書類が社内使用のみとなっているはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "All those documents are supposed to be marked such as \"internal only\".", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こういった書類には、すべて「社内のみ」など印をつけることになっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, it is important to keep them so no outsiders can see them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして、外部の目に触れないように保存することが大切です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it only for paper documents that we need to mark?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "印をつけるのは、紙の書類についてだけですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, you need to mark the digital-only documents as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ、デジタルのみの書類にも印をつけてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Someone from IT will explain to you how to mark.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのつけ方は、あとでITのほうから説明してもらいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This has the instruction on how to judge the confidentiality level of documents, so please read it through later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらに書類の機密レベルの判断の仕方が載っているので、皆さん、後で目を通しておいてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I ask you questions later if there is something I don't understand?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分からない部分は後で質問していいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then let's move on to the next item.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、次の項目に移りましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, Company H Boston Office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、H社ボストンオフィスです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, this is Tanaka from M Company New York, is Mr. Murano at the sales available?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、M社ニューヨークの田中ですが、営業の村野さんはいらっしゃいますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, hold on please.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, this is Murano speaking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、かわりました、村野です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good morning, Mr. Murano, this is Tanaka.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "村野さん、おはようございます、田中です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, hi, Mr. Tanaka, nice to hear from you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、田中さん、お世話になっております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry about calling you out of the blue.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "突然のお電話すみません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have something urgent to ask you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっと急ぎでお願いしたいことがありまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, what is it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、何でしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My client asked me if it is possible to get some Company H's products by the end of the week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちのクライアントにH社さんの商品を今週末までに入手できないかと尋ねられたのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We just ran out of the inventory yesterday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "在庫が昨日で切れてしまったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, I wonder if you could directly send them from Company H to my client.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、H社さんのほうから直接うちのクライアントに送っていただけないかと思いまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, we can take care of that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、そういうことなら出来ますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know the model number of the product?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "商品のモデル番号は分かりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it's M1234-5678.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、M1234-5678です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I got it, let me check our inventory.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました、うちのほうの在庫を調べてみますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for taking care of this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お世話おかけします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for waiting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お待たせしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have a lot left.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "たくさん残ってますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How many do they need?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "幾つお入り用ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ummm, they want 15, but do you have them?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっと、15台ということなんですが、ありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, no problem.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where should I send them to?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "配送先はどちらでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "New Jersey.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ニュージャージーですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, if we ship them out by the end of today, they should have them tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、今日中に配送すれば明日には届くはずですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is that quick enough?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで間に合いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, they wanted it by the weekend, so it is quick enough.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、週末までにということだったので、十分間に合います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please email me the address and stuff of the recipient.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、送り先の住所などをあとでメールいただけますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I send you the invoice to your company?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "請求のほうは御社宛てで?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、それでお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And can I request 20 of them for our company as well?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ついでに、弊社へも20台お願いしてよろしいでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I can take care of them together.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、一緒に処理しておきますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Could you just send me your PO?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "発注書だけ送っていただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I'll send it right after I hang up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、この電話の後にすぐ送ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, then 15 for your client and 20 for your company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、クライアントさんに15台、御社へ20台ということで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's correct, thank you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I appreciate it since it was for an important client.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大切なお客さんなので、本当に助かりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm glad I could help.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お役に立てて良かったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Tyler, do you know how to use PDF?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "タイラー、PDFの使い方知ってる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Specifically what?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "具体的に言うと?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wonder if you can convert PDF to Word.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "PDFをWordに変えることって出来るかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was asked to translate this file, but it is hard to work on PDF.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このファイルの翻訳を頼まれているんだけど、PDFだと訳しにくくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you have this software, you can easily convert it to Word with the PDF converter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このソフトがあればPDFコンバーターでWordに変換できるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is that software free?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それって無料のソフト?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, you need to pay, but it is convenient to have.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ううん、有料だけど、あると便利だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "持ってるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it is installed in my PC.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、僕のPCには入ってる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I use it a lot.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よく使うんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I convert Word and Excel to PDF often.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "WordやExcelをPDFにしたりすること多いから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, can I ask you to convert this file for me then?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、じゃ、このファイルの変換お願いしていい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, I can do it quick.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいよ、すぐ出来るから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you email that to me?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "メールしてくれる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、今。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, I got it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お、来た来た。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then I will send you the converted file by email.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、変換したファイルはメールで送るな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よろしく。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe I should buy this software, too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕もこのソフト買おうかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think it's a good idea.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいと思うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can reimburse it as a company expense.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会社の経費で落とせるし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I recently have lots of translation work, so I think I will be using it a lot in the future.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この頃翻訳の仕事多いから、これからよく使うと思うんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good, that should be able to get approved by your boss.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、それなら上司から承認もでるはず。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wonder if the accounting gives an okay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "経理のほうもオッケー出してくれるかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It should be fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大丈夫だろ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, when I get it, please teach me how to use it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、入れたらまた使い方教えてくれよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Of course, anytime.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おお、いつでも聞いてくれ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thanks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, Megumi, did you hear about the rumor?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ねえ、山本さん、噂聞いた?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, what is it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、何?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I overheard the HR people talking in the break room last week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先週、休憩室で人事の人が話しているのをちらっと聞いたんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It sounds like there will be an organizational change next fiscal year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうやら来年度に組織変更があるみたい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wonder what will change.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何が変わるんだろう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I didn't get the details, but it looks like we will have a structure where R and D will be focused.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "細かいことは分からなかったんだけど、どうやら研究開発に力を入れる体制になるみたい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it about the development of the new devices we're working on now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今やってる新しいデバイスの開発かな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think so.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They were saying that the product development will be expanded with that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それに合わせて、商品開発部も大きくするみたいなこと言ってたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、そうなんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That is pretty interesting to me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それ、ちょっと興味あるなー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh right, you have been interested in product development, haven't you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そっか、山本さんはずっと商品開発に興味あったよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yup.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For lots of reasons, I am now in marketing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "色々あって、今はマーケティングにいるけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It might be a good time to switch departments.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "部署を変わるなら、いいタイミングかもね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There were quite many people who changed departments at the last restructuring.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "前の組織変更の時には、部署移動した人たちが結構いたもんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's right, and that is when I came to marketing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうそう、それで私もマーケティングに移ったんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "True.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだったね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where were you before?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その前どこだったっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sales.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "営業。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、そうだった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am happy I moved.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "移動して良かったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am now doing what I like to do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今は好きなことが出来てる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, then I might talk to my boss about it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そっか、私もちょっと上司と話してみようかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいんじゃない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is such an opportunity.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "せっかくのチャンスだしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are so big, and you can change your career path internally.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちは大きいから、社内でキャリア変更が出来るからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's a waste not to take advantage of it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それ利用しないともったいないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will write up why I would like to go to product development.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうして商品開発に行きたいかを書き出してみるわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, good luck.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、頑張って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will be a bit sad if you are leaving marketing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マーケティングから山本さんがいなくなるのはちょっと寂しいけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This team is so much fun, isn't it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このチーム、楽しいもんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, it's not definite, and we don't know what's going to happen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ま、決まったことじゃないし、どうなるか分からないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No matter what happens, we are at the same company and can see each other all the time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうなっても同じ会社だからいつでも会えるしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And marketing and product development work together often.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マーケティングと商品開発はよく一緒に仕事もするし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right, I am rooting for you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだね、応援してる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Tom, I have something to ask you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "トム、少し聞きたいことがあるんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You have been to Japan on a business trip many times, haven't you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "トムは日本に何度も出張に行ってるよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, at least 10 times so far.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、もう10回は行ったかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am going there for the first time next month, but I am pretty worried.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕、来月初めて行くんだけど、ちょっと不安で。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you going to headquarters?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本社に行くの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I'll be there to teach an engineer, Mr. Tanaka, some technologies.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、エンジニアの田中さんに技術を教えに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are lots of people who speak English in that department, so it should be comfortable for you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あの部署は、英語が話せる人が多いから過ごしやすいと思うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは助かる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But, I'm worried if I could do things like greet someone higher up or exchanging business cards correctly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、上の人に会った時の挨拶とか名刺の出し方とかがちゃんと出来るかなと思って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You do it right when they come here on a business trip, so you should be fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こっちに皆が出張で来た時に出来てるんだから、それで大丈夫だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It makes me worry that the business etiquette here is not the same as there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こことはビジネスマナーが違うんじゃないかな、と思うと不安でさ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, there are things like how to bow or no casual clothing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ま、確かにお辞儀の仕方とか、カジュアルな服装はだめだ、とか色々あるけどな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, I am concerned about being entertained and food.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、接待とか食事が心配で。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, did you not like Japanese food?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あれ、日本食苦手だったっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am a rather picky eater, so I can't eat sushi or fish at all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "結構好き嫌い多くて、寿司とか魚とか絶対だめ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That could be an issue.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはちょっとやっかいかもなぁ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But, you can be taken to barbecue or yakitori grilled chicken skewers?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、焼肉とか焼き鳥に連れてってもらえばいいんじゃないか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "True, I will tell Mr. Tanaka about that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだね、田中さんにそう言ってみる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And I am worried about the trains to commute.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あとは、通勤の電車も心配なんだよな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you not staying at the hotel near the headquarters?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本社の近くにホテルとってないの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was full, so I am staying at the hotel two stops away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いっぱいだったから、二駅先のホテルなんだよな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Trains are so crowded in the morning, aren't they?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "朝の電車って混みこみなんだろ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yup, those are quite something.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、あれはすごいぞ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can't move at all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全然動けないからな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's what I thought.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やっぱりそうなのか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, good luck with that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ま、頑張れよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm at a loss since this is the first time and I have a lot to worry about.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "初めてのことだから不安だらけで、困ったもんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was like that for me for the first time, too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "俺も最初はそうだったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんなもんか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm sure you'll get used to it eventually.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのうち慣れるって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I love Japan now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今じゃ、俺は日本大好きだからな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So true, you look forward to your business trips.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだよな、出張楽しみにしてるもんな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yup, so, have fun there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだよ、楽しんでこいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, can I talk to you again if I have more questions before I leave?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、また出発前に聞きたいことがあったら、話聞いてくれる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Takeo, you are going to Company B for a meeting tomorrow, aren't you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "山本さん、明日B社に打ち合わせに行かれますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What time does the meeting start?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "打ち合わせは何時からでしたっけ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "10 in the morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "朝の10時ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, I have a favor to ask.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実はお願いがあるのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何でしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Company B is on the Hankyu Kobe line, isn't it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "B社は、阪急神戸線でしたよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it is.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would you be able to stop by at G Company to receive some documents on the way back here?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "帰りに、G社に寄って書類を受け取ってきていただけないでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm afraid that I don't have time to leave the office at all tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すいません、どうしても明日オフィスから外に出られる時間がなくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No problem since G Company is on the way here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいですよ、G社なら帰り道の途中ですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I didn't know what to do when they told me they could only give them tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日じゃないと渡せないと言われてしまい、困っていたところなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Who at G Company should I ask?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "G社のどなたにお伺いすればよいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's Mr. Mizutani, but he said he would leave the documents at the front desk in the lobby.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "水谷さんですが、書類はロビーの受付に預けておくとおっしゃってました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then I can just explain that at the front desk.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、受付で事情を説明すればいいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, and I will tell them that you will be there for me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、私のほうから山本さんが代理で伺うということは伝えておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Just in case, could you bring some IDs?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "念のために身分証明になるものをお持ちいただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, that's right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、そうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Checking your ID has been stricter these days to protect the confidentiality.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この頃、機密保護などで身分チェックが厳しいですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know, G Company is particularly strict.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんですよね、特にG社は厳しくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I go to G Company once in a while, so they might not be too alarmed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ま、私もG社へは時折顔を出しているので、そこまで警戒はされないでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, you'll be fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、大丈夫でしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But if there is anything, please call me on my cell.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、何かあったら、携帯まで電話ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will be in a meeting here all day, but I can answer the phone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここで一日中会議ですが、電話には出られますので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think the meeting will be over around eleven thirty, so I can be at G Company around lunchtime.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "打ち合わせは11時半には終わると思うので、お昼過ぎにはG社に行けると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry for making you this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お手数おかけしてすいません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No worries.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえいえ、気になさらずに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It seems that the office supplies are delivered later and later recently.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最近、オフィス用品が届くのが遅いですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it's been a couple of days later than before.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、今までより2、3日遅いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They used to get delivered the day after we placed an order.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これまでは注文した翌日には届いていたんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wonder if the delivery system has changed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "配送システムが変わったんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't think so, I haven't heard from them about it at all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ、何も連絡はいただいてませんが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I heard that there was a restructuring at that vendor these days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ、あの業者で最近リストラがあったと聞いています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wonder if that had some effects?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その影響でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It looks like many people chose to take early retirements.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "たくさんの人が早期退職したようですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe that made their service worse.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのせいでサービス面が落ちたのかも知れません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, would it be better to find a new vendor?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですか、新しい業者を探したほうがいいでしょうかね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, I was just thinking about that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は、私もそう思っていたところなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Because we used them specifically for the next-day product delivery.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これまで、注文の翌日に商品が届くというのが魅力で使っていた業者なので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Considering what we do at our company, it is not ideal to have them delivered so late.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの業務からしても、あまり遅く届くのは困りますからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, I did some researching, and F Company looks pretty good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこで、いくつか違う業者を調べてみたところ、F社がなかなか良いようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are lots of companies who use them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あそこを使っている会社は多いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The prices are reasonable, and they deliver on the next day for free.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "値段も良心的ですし、無料で翌日配送をしてくれます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But the product lineup of G Company is amazing, so I am a bit curious about them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ、G社は品揃えが素晴らしく、ちょっと気になってはいるんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, I've seen their catalogues, and they surely do carry a wide range of products.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、あそこのカタログを見たことがありますけど、確かにかなり幅広い範囲での商品を扱っていますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They deliver products on the next day as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "商品配送は、ここも翌日です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am thinking about ordering from both of them as a test, but what do you think?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "試しに、両方から注文をしてみようかと思うのですが、どう思われますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good idea, and we can decide which one suits us better then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、そしてどちらがうちに合っているか決めましょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, that's what I'm thinking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、そうしようと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, it might not be bad to ask corporate account managers to talk about the price setting and stuff.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あとは、一度企業アカウントの担当者に来てもらって、料金設定などについて聞いてみるのもいいかも知れませんよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are some vendors who set the special prices for corporate accounts.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "企業アカウントには特別料金設定をしている業者もありますから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then I will ask both.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、両社に問い合わせてみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It doesn't hurt just to ask for information.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "話を聞くだけなら、別に損ではありませんから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I'll contact them soon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、早速連絡してみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "After that, can I ask you to see which vendor is better?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その後で、どちらの業者がよいと思うか、お話聞いていただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is everyone here?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆さん、お揃いでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, please start.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、始めてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, then I'll get to the point and talk about how to dress when you enter a lab.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、さっそくですが、実験室に入る際の服装についてお話させていただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Satoru and I went to a seminar on the workplace safety the other day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先日、職場の安全についてのセミナーに、谷口君と二人で行ってきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was really useful, wasn't it, Takashi?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なかなか為になりましたよね、馬場さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, thanks to the seminar, we realized how little we had been paying attention before entering a lab at our place.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、そのセミナーのおかげで、当社では実験室に入る時にあまり注意が払われていないことに気づきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, like how?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほお、それは例えば?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Isn't wearing a lab coat and a cap enough?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "白衣とキャップだけでは足りないということでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First, we need to have a designated space for changing and protect it with clear curtains so no outside dirt will come in.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まず、きちんと着替え用のスペースを確保し、透明カーテンで外部の埃が入って来ないように保護しないといけません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then we also need to wear shoe covers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして、シューズカバーも必ず着用する必要があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are those items all disposable?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういうものは全て使い捨てになるんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have already asked our vendor for prices for things we need.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "必要なものについては、すでに業者に値段を問い合わせてあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will need to request a new budget for this issue.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この件については、新たに予算を申請する必要がありますので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So true, it sounds like we need to get lots of things.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、色々と揃えるものがありそうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You're so right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am planning to officially include it in the budget as \"the workplace safety expenses\" from the next fiscal year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来年度からは、「職場安全対策費」として予算に正式に組み入れる予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, we are thinking about including the seminar fees and annual eye exams in the budget.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、セミナー費用や年次眼科検診費用も予算に入れたいと考えています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It sounds like there were a lot that we had to review.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "色々と見直すことがあったようですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, the seminar was such a good experience.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、セミナーはいい経験でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Seriously, there were so many things that we had been missing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当に、見落としていることがたくさんありましたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I forgot about one thing, but do we need safety goggles, too?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一つ忘れていましたが、安全ゴーグルもいりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, we definitely need them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、絶対いりますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In the past, we decided to wear or not to wear depending on the content of the experiment, but we will have to force everyone to wear them at any time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これまでは実験内容によって、着けたり着けなかったりしていましたが、これからはどんな時にでも着けてもらうことになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, this requires a new guideline to be made.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これは、新しいガイドラインを作る必要がありますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, and I was thinking about asking you to make one, Hiroshi.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、そこを山下さんにお願いできないかと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The guidelines Hiroshi makes are so easy to use.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "山下さんの作るガイドライン、分かりやすいんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This one involves lots of changes, so it might become a big task.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回は色々と変更があるので、大作業になるかと思いますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No problem since I can revise the current one using it as the base.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいですよ、これまでのガイドラインを元に作り直してみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、お願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As for the new clothing items for labs, Satoru is supposed to order them eventually.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新しい実験室用の衣類などは、谷口君がいずれ注文してくれることになっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, I will show you the guideline when I am done with the draft.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、ガイドラインの方、下書きが出来たらお見せします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, we covered everything for now today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とりあえず、今日はここまでということで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sounds like it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will talk to the engineers in other groups tomorrow or so.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他グループのエンジニアたちには、また明日にでも話をしておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Toru, do you have time now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "松本さん、ちょっとお時間よろしいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, Rika, what is it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、川口さん、どうしましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm here about the invoice from D Company that you gave me yesterday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昨日いただいたD社からの請求書についてなのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Was there any problem?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か問題がありましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, the PO number to go with this invoice was missing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、この請求に対応する発注書番号が抜けていたんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "With this amount invoiced, this definitely cannot be approved without a PO number.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この請求額では、発注書番号がないと絶対に承認してもらえませんから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh right, it's missing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、本当だ、抜けてますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry that I was careless.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うっかりしていました、すみません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No worries, it happens a lot.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいですよ、よくあることですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I just wanted to let you know so you can fix it since the closing day is tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ明日が締め日なので、早くお知らせして直していただくのが良いかと思いまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, and thank you since I wanted to process this invoice sooner than later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、早く処理したかった請求書なので助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will look for the PO number now, so could you wait for a while?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今、発注書番号を探しますので、ちょっとお待ちください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、いいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, I found it, this is it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、ありました、これです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The PO number is P5881 and the order date is May 6th.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "発注書番号はP5881、発注日は5月6日になっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you, and now I can process it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとうございます、これで処理できます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry about taking your time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お手数おかけしてすいませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No problem, but thank you for taking care of it so quickly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえいえ、すぐに対応してくださってありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you are in a hurry to submit it, you tend to forget it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "急いで提出しようとすると、つい忘れちゃいますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, there are so many people who are like that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、そういう方は多いですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But we will implement the new accounting system next month which prevent any invoice without a PO number from being submitted.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、来月から新しい経理システムを導入することになっていて、そうすると発注書番号のない請求書は提出することが出来なくなります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It might be good for someone careless like me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うっかり者の僕みたいな人間にはいいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Haha, that's right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ははは、そうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will formally communicate with you about the new system next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また新しいシステムについては、来週中に正式な連絡がいきますので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for taking care of my invoice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、請求書の処理、お願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My pleasure.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、お任せください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Talk to you later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Natsuko, did you just come out of the meeting room?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "高山さん、さっき会議室から出てきたよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I was getting stuff ready for tomorrow's meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、明日の会議の準備。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Didn't you see a pair of glasses on the table?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "テーブルに眼鏡なかった?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, I didn't.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何にもなかったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Really, then where did I leave them?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あれ、じゃ、どこに置いてきたんだろう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you lose your glasses?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "眼鏡なくしたの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yup, they're reading glasses, though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、リーディンググラスだけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can't see small letters these days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この頃、小さい字が見にくくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, we're that age now, I guess.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そっか、私たちもそういう年代か。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, I started using reading glasses recently, but since I am not used to having them, I keep leaving them everywhere.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、最近リーディンググラスを使い始めたんだけど、慣れてないから、あちこちに置き忘れちゃって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When I think of it, you were looking for them yesterday, too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう言えば、昨日も捜しまわってよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know, it turned out that I left them on my desk all along.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうそう、結局、自分のデスクに置いたままにしてたんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where did you use them today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日はどこで使ったの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I remember using them in the meeting to read the material.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会議で資料読むときに使ったのは覚えてる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, that's why you thought they were on the table in the meeting room.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、それで、会議室のテーブルと思ったのね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right, but I can't remember after that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうそう、でも、その後が思い出せない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe in the bathroom?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "トイレとか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, I did go get coffee.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、コーヒー取りに行った。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then in the break room?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、休憩室じゃない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But Mika was just picking up the break room a while ago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、さっき山口さんが休憩室の掃除してたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, then I should ask her before she goes home.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、じゃ、彼女が帰る前に聞いてみなきゃ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yup, but you only have 5 more minutes since she always goes home on time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、いつも定時で帰るから、あと5分しかないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thanks, I'll go ask her now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとう、今聞きに行って来る。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hope you find your glasses.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "眼鏡、見つかるといいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good morning, this is D Company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おはようございます、D社です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, this is Otani of Sales at G Company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、G社営業部の大谷ですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh hi, how are you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、お世話になっております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is Mr. Arita at Marketing available?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マーケティングの有田さんはいらっしゃいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, please hold.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, this is Arita speaking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、お電話代わりました、有田です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, Mr. Arita, it's been a while.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "有田さん、ご無沙汰しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is Otani at G Company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "G社の大谷です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh hi, Mr. Otani, it's been too long.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おお、大谷さん、お久しぶりです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Since the exhibition in Tokyo?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "東京での展示会以来ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it's been 6 months.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、半年ぶりですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, so what can I do for you today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、今日は何のご用件で?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I wanted to talk to you about our new product getting into the market.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は、弊社の新商品の市場参入についてご相談がありまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it about that device?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "例のデバイスですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I saw the information, and it is pretty interesting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "資料を見せていただいたんですが、なかなか面白いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm glad you say so.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう言っていただけると光栄です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then we are thinking about asking you to be in charge of the marketing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、マーケティングのほうを、そちらにお願い出来ないかと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, that would be wonderful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おー、それは嬉しいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is an area we're good at.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの得意分野ですしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's what I thought and I called you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう思って、今日ご相談を。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If the schedule and the budget work out after learning more about the details, I would love to take it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "具体的なことをお聞きして、スケジュールや予算が合うようであれば、ぜひお請けしたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, that would be good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、それは助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then can I visit you to talk about details sometime soon?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、近いうちに詳細の打ち合わせにお伺いしたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It might be too soon, but I have time next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早速ですが、来週なら時間がありますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I do, too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私もいけます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then how about Wednesday?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、水曜日はどうでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sounds good, I am free all day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいですよ、一日中空いてます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will come by at 9 on Wednesday then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、水曜日の9時にお伺いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you bring the device?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "デバイス本体もお持ちいただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would love you to actually touch it yourself.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ぜひ、手に取って触ってみてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was hoping to use it after seeing the information, so I am excited.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "資料で見てから、使ってみたいなと思っていたので楽しみです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have different colors, so I will bring all the colors.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "色違いもあるので、全色持って行きますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, it is better to see more in terms of the marketing strategies, so please do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、色々と見たほうがマーケティング戦略的にもいいですから、よろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, see you next Wednesday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、来週の水曜に。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I'll be waiting for you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Shuji, when are you taking the summer off?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "中村さん、夏休みはいつとるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am planning to take it for two weeks in late June.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年は6月後半から2週間とる予定にしてる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I heard that Yoko would be taking time off in late July, so I didn't want to overlap.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "川村さんが7月後半に休むらしいから、重ならないようにと思って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know, I can't change the dates, so I apologize for taking those days earlier.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなのよ、うち日にちが動かせないから、先に決めちゃってごめんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, don't worry about me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、僕は大丈夫だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it ok for you, Takao?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "田中さんはそれで構わない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was thinking about taking it in August, so that would be perfect.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕は8月にとれたらいいな、と思っているからちょうどいい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、良かった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have to go visit my parents at that time this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年は、どうしてもその時期に実家に帰らないといけなくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You said your father is not well?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お父さんの調子が悪いんだっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right, so I will go there to see how he is doing and also as our summer vacation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなのよ、だから様子見と夏休みを兼ねて行って来るわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They live in the countryside, so everything is unusual for the kids.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "田舎だから、子供たちは色々と珍しくていいと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's right, it is somewhere you can fish in the river.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そっか、川で魚釣ったり出来るとこなんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What are your summer plans, Takao and Shuji?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "田中さんと中村さんの夏の予定は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm planning to go to the beach for a week or so.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕は一週間ほど海に行こうと思ってる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am going to Europe for two weeks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕は、二週間ヨーロッパ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, Europe, that's nice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、いいね、ヨーロッパ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "With your wife?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "奥さんと二人で?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yup, it's the first time for my wife to travel overseas, so she is looking forward to it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、奥さん、初めての海外旅行だから楽しみにしてる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm jealous since our kids are still little so it will be a while before we can go overseas.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいなぁ、うちは子供たちがまだ小さいから海外はもうちょっと先だわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is difficult to fly with little kids.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "小さい子を連れての飛行機は大変だよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Really, it's so different from how I fly alone on a business trip.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほんと、出張で一人で乗るのとは全然違う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will come back to work right after coming home, so I am a bit worried about the jet lag.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "帰ってきてすぐ仕事だから、時差ボケがちょっと心配だけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will follow up on your work if you feel sleepy in the middle of the day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "途中で眠くなったらフォローするよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Takao, you always go to foreign countries on business trips, but you never have jet lag.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "田中さんはいつも海外出張行ってるのに、時差ボケしないよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I might be just good at hiding it when I am tired.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "疲れてても見せないのが上手なだけかも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am even tired on the following day after only a domestic trip.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕は国内出張でも次の日疲れてるのに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We had lots of business trips and were so busy this year, so I cannot wait for the summer vacation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年も出張多かったし忙しかったから、夏休み待ちきれないわね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I agree.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほんとに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will apply for my time off tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日にでも休みを申請してこよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Me, too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕もそうしよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Takako, are you connected to Internet now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "松村さん、今、インターネットに繋がってる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can't seem to search online.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オンライン検索しようと思ったら出来ないんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, no.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、本当だ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's not connected at all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全然つながってないね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I should probably tell IT, shouldn't I?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やっぱりITに連絡したほうがいいかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Since what time has it been disconnected?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何時ごろから繋がってなかったの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Around ten thirty.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "10時半くらいかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was fine when I came in this morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "朝来たときは大丈夫だったから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I didn't notice since I was in a meeting all morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は午前中ずっと会議に出てたから気づかなかったわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am in trouble if it doesn't get fixed until lunch.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お昼までに直ってくれないと困るんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, didn't you have a report due at 2 today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、確か、レポートの締め切りが今日の2時だったよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is done but there are some things that I want to double check before submitting it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう終わってるんだけど、提出前に再確認したいことがあって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Isn't it better to call someone at IT now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今、ITの誰かに電話したほうがいいんじゃない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "People there will leave for lunch right at noon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あそこの人たち、12時になったらすぐランチに行くよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, right!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、そうだった!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will call them now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今、電話してみるわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, what did they say?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、何て言ってた?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The cable company is working outside, and it has not been connected for several hours because of it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ケーブル会社の人が外で工事をしていて、そのせいで数時間繋がらなくなってるらしい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would it get fixed by 2?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2時までには直りそう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, they said it will be connected in 15 minutes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、あと15分したら繋がるって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then you can make it to the deadline.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、締め切りに間に合いそうだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よかった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If it doesn't get connected, I was thinking I should go find somewhere outside with free Wi-Fi.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このまま繋がらないなら、外の無料ワイファイのある場所探さなきゃと思ってたとこだった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Speaking of that, I think the place around the corner had free Wi-Fi.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういえば、角のお店、無料ワイファイだったような気がする。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The place that is always crowded.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつも混んでるあそこね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Exactly, oh, the internet is connected now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうそう、あ、インターネット繋がったみたいだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank goodness.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "助かったー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おはようございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are expecting lots of important visitors today, so I would like to check on several items beforehand.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は大切なお客様がたくさんいらっしゃるので、その前に数点確認したいことがあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you address it, Mikako?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "山本さんのほうからお願いできますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, then let's start with the set-up of the meeting room.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、まずは会議室の設定から。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The presentations will include videos, so we have set it up in a way everyone can hear the audio very well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "動画を含んだプレゼンとなりますので、皆に音声がよく聞こえるような設定をしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I believe Mitsuo's team handled it yesterday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その点は、川村さんのチームが昨日中に処理してくれているはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, we set it up in a way you can hear well even if you sit in the back of the room.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、部屋の後ろに座っても、ちゃんと聞こえるように設定してあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We added the number of speakers, too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スピーカーの数も増やしておきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How is the microphone working?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マイクの調子は大丈夫ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good, there was no problem when we checked it yesterday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、昨日確認した時は問題なしでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will double check right before the meeting later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あとで、会議直前に再確認しますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are planning to have several people give speeches, so please do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "数名からのスピーチを予定しているので、ぜひお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And we placed materials for all attendees on the table.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、テーブルの上に、出席者の方用の資料もすべて置いておきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, when they get to their seats, the materials are already there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、席についてもらったら、そこに資料が置いてあるということですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, we don't need to distribute them before the meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうです、会議前に配る必要はありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's very efficient, thank you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは効率がいい、助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It looks like everything is fine about the meeting room, so now I'd like to check on food.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会議室のほうは特に問題はないと思うので、次はお食事について確認します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This will be addressed by Hiromi.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらは中山さんにお願いしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, we have placed bottled water on everyone's seats.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、ペットボトルのお水を皆様の席に配置しておきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And we set up a snack area in the back of the room.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また、部屋の後ろのほうにスナックコーナーを設けています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have no break from the morning to lunch, so that's a good idea.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "朝からランチまで休憩なしですから、それは良いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, we have prepared food that can be easily eaten at their own seats.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、お席で気軽に食べていただけるものを用意しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about lunches?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お昼についてはどうなっていますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have ordered boxed lunches for the number of people.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "人数分のお弁当を頼んであります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They are supposed to be delivered at eleven thirty.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "11時半に配達してくれる予定になっていますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The lunch is scheduled for eleven forty-five, so that's perfect.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ランチの時間は11時45分からとなっているので、ちょうどいいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have ordered tea to go with also.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一緒にお茶も頼んでおきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it ok that everyone eats lunch at their own seats?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ランチは、ご自分の席で食べられるということで良いですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would like to use it as the time for networking if possible, so is it feasible to eat in a different room where we all can chat?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "できればネットワーキングの時間としたいので、皆が懇談できるような別の部屋で食べるというのは無理でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, I will check if another meeting room is available around that time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、別の会議室がその時間空いているかどうか見てみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Since this is a rare chance that everyone who's busy can get together.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お忙しい皆さんがせっかくこうやって集まれる機会なので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "True, I will let you know about this later then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、では、この件は後でお知らせします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Appreciate it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It looks like everything is all set for welcoming people.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうやらしっかりお迎えする準備は出来ているようですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for your help, everyone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆さん、ご苦労様でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ms. Kimura, do you have a minute now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "木村さん、今お時間よろしいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, my client just left, so I have about an hour.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、ちょうどお客さんが帰られたとこなので、一時間ほどなら。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wonder if you can look at my presentation for tomorrow's meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日の会議用のプレゼンを見ていただきたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It has 20 slides total, so I don't think it will take up much of your time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全部でスライド20枚ほどなので、そんなにお時間をとらせるとは思いませんが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, let me see.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいですよ、見せてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you, here it is.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、こちらです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is about the new product that is scheduled for sale next month, isn't it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これは、来月発売の新商品についての説明ですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、そうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Who will be at the meeting tomorrow?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日の会議には誰が参加されるんでしたっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It'll be me and Mr. Kawaguchi from our group.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちのグループからは私と川口さんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, there will be Mr. Matsuda from the sales group and Ms. Yamamoto from customer service group.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あとは、販売グループから松田さん、顧客サービスグループから山本さんの予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is anyone attending from product development?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "商品開発からは誰かいらっしゃいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I think Mr. Miyasako said he would be there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、確か宮迫さんが出られるようにおっしゃってました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That means there will be someone who can explain the background of product development.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、商品開発の背景を説明できる方が出席されるということですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, so I did not include any details on product development in my presentation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、ですからプレゼンに商品開発についての詳細は入れていません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Of course, you can ask Mr. Miyasako to explain if needed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、必要なら宮迫さんに説明をお願いすれば。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, that's what I thought, so I made this a presentation focusing on marketing perspectives.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、そう思ったので、マーケティングの観点を重視したプレゼンになっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think it is a good approach.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはいいアプローチだと思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is beneficial for sales people to know what marketing is aiming for.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "販売する人たちには、マーケティングの狙いを知ってもらっておくのが何よりですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, glad to hear.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、わかった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was wondering if this is good or not, so I am relieved.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんな感じでいいのかどうか迷っていたので、ほっとしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think the way you use these graphs especially is great.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "特にこのグラフの使い方なんてとてもいいんじゃないでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is important to show some specific numbers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こういう具体的な数を見せるというのは大切ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Some people might say they are not really good with numbers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "数字が苦手だとおっしゃる人もいるかも知れないですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Exactly, it is sometimes hard to explain to others why something is good just by images.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、感覚的なものだけでは、なかなか相手に良さが伝わらないこともありますから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are many cases where customers know more about the product because of the online searches these days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今は、オンライン検索ができるようになって、お客さんのほうが商品についてよく知っていることも多いですからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So true.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And I think the comparison chart on this page is good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、このページの比較表もいいと思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、そうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I thought the letters might be a bit too small.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "少し字が小さすぎるかな、と思ったんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now you said it, yes, it is a bit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "言われてみれば、確かに少し。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you make them a little bigger?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう少し大きく出来ますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think they can fit fine if the font size is up to 14.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "多分、フォントサイズ14くらいなら収まると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then please revise it to that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、それで直してみてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The summary on this last slide is well done.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この最後のスライドのまとめはよく出来ていますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, Mr. Kawaguchi made this slide.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は、このスライドは川口さんが作ったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, what a good teamwork and good presentation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんですか、いいチームワークで、いいプレゼンですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is perfect, and good luck tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これなら大丈夫、明日頑張ってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for taking your time!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "忙しいところ、ありがとうございました!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey, Julia, have you read about an event on the intranet bulletin board?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ねえ、珠璃愛、イベントの件、社内掲示板見た?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, it says something like interdivisional social event, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、なんか部門間交流会って書いてあったね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We haven't had much of those in this company before, have we?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ウチの会社でそういうの今まであんまり無かったよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They're even asking employees to send event ideas!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それも社員からイベントアイデア募集とか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, last year, many of the management staff have been replaced, you know?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほら、去年、上層部のメンツが結構入れ替わったじゃない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now, the new people have been working on improving work environment or something.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今は新しい人達で社内環境改善とかって、力入れてるみたいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That reminds me, our manager went to take a harassment training the other day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういえば、この間ウチの課長がハラスメント研修受けてきたの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, that manager training, our boss went there, too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あの幹部研修ね、ウチの上司も行ってたな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That manager of yours looks scary, but has he got better after that training?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "珠璃愛んとこの部長って、コワモテ系だけどさあ、あの研修でマシになった?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, Kiichi is not like that, he talks a bit rough but treats everyone in the department right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや海棠部長はそんなんじゃないし、口は雑だけど部内の皆にはちゃんと接してくれるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I should have been to sales with you, not accounting with a manager who is borderline sexsual harasser...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一緒に営業行けば良かったな、セクハラ気味の課長がいる経理じゃなくて...", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh no, you have to report that to the HR, Rena!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、やだ恋那、それ人事に報告しなきゃ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, not now, well, he's being careful after the training, I guess.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、もう大丈夫なの、っていうか、課長も研修後は気を付けてるみたい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Masaaki is a kind of guy who was doing it without intention, and he's fundamentally not a bad guy, really.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "意識しないでやっちゃってたタイプだったし、それに、元々そんな悪い人じゃないのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think that training made him realize what he had been doing was not quite right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あの研修で自分がちょっとヤバいって分かったみたい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, then it wasn't that bad, though Kiichi was not happy about attending that one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、じゃ、無駄じゃなかったって訳だ、海棠部長はあれ行くの嫌々だったけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It went on for a few days, so it was waste of time for people who never did these kind of things, probably.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "数日あったみたいだし、そういうのした事ない人にはホントに時間の無駄だったんだよ、きっと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, it seems like our company is working on something here, we have more training opportunities, too!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっと、ウチの会社なんか頑張ってるかも、社内研修の機会も増えたよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know, the company covers the expenses for more seminars and certification courses now!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ねー、セミナーとか資格取得も会社がカバーしてくれるの増えたしねー!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, actually I've found this course that I'm kind of interested in taking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうそう、私もちょっと受けたいなーって思ってるコースあるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I'll have to go to the other station after work for a few months, so I'm not sure if I can make time for it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、仕事の後に別の駅まで3ヶ月くらい通わなきゃだから、時間とれるか微妙なんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can't you take a similar one, you know, like an in-house training or eLearning?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "同じ様なのないかな、ほら、社内研修とかeラーニングとか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've looked through available trainings in the HR support system, but I couldn't find the one I wanted to take.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "人事サポートシステムの研修リスト見たんだけど、私の受けたいのはなかったの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm quite sure they said training proposals from the employees are accepted, too, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確か研修も社員からの提案OKって書いてなかったっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't know the details but, they'll put up your proposal on the intranet and if enough people are interested, it'll be added to the training list, or something.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "細かい事わかんないけど、提案書イントラネットに載せて、希望人数集まれば研修リストに追加とかって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I didn't pay attention to that part.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、その部分ちゃんと見てなかった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I'm not sure if there will be so many applicants for that course....", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、あのコース、そんなに希望者いるかなぁ...", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You never know, maybe there's some in other departments, and you can make proposal on the intranet, too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかんないじゃん、他部署にいるかもだし、提案書もイントラネットにあったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, maybe I'll do that then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、出してみようかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Rena, I feel our company is really getting better, you know?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "恋那、本当にウチらの会社良くなってきてる気がするね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, Julia, why don't we send an event idea, so we can contribute to make the workplace better, too!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だからぁ、珠璃愛、一緒にイベント提案してウチらも環境改善貢献しようよー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, we don't have much chance to talk to people from other departments, except those who started working in the same year like us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうね、ウチらみたく同期の人以外、他部署の人達と話す機会そんな無いもんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's so true, so, what activity do you think is good for everyone to get along?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなのー、だから、みんなで打ち解けられそうなイベント、何かな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, it's a classic but, something like bowling would be good for any generation, you know?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、ありきたりだけどボーリングとかなら世代も関係なくない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Kyle, you know, from the CX promotion, do you think he'll come to a bowling event?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マクマラン課長、ほらぁ、CX企画部の、ボーリングイベントって参加するかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have no idea, but I've heard he was once in sales, so I sometimes see him around, being with Kiichi.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは知らないけど、むかし営業だったみたいで、たまにウチで見るな、海棠部長と一緒に居るの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, I'm jealous, he looks like a prince in real life!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えー、いいなー、見た目から王子だよねー!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm so into him but don't have any connection at work, so maybe at the event....", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私、憧れなんだけど仕事で接点ないからさあ、このイベントならね...", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmmm, that guy looks dazzling, but....", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、あの人って外見キラキラだけど...", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He seems to have something dark inside, you know?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なんか、腹黒っぽくない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now, let me show you the training application procedure.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次は研修申請手順の説明です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Click the training management system ”Performance Supporter\" icon and login with your Manager ID.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "研修管理システム「Performance Supporter」アイコンをクリックし、管理者IDでログインします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First of all, set \"Human Resource Growth Goal\" by putting together your thoughts and your team's requests.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先ずは、所属社員の要望と自分の考えを纏め「人材育成ゴール」を設定します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Currently, the employee survey results are reflected on this graph, and you can check what skills they feel lacking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今はこのグラフに社員アンケート結果が反映されており、彼らが不足と感じているスキルを確認できます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "After the launch of the system, you'll be able to see \"necessary skills\" and \"training proposals\" which all employees are going to be able to input.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "システム稼働後は、全社員が入力可能となる「必要スキル」や「研修提案書」を確認できる様になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "On this \"Goal\" page here, enter what and by when you want your team to acquire.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自分のチームが何をいつまでに習得する必要があるのか、こちらの「ゴール」画面に入力します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If this goal is not updated for 90 days, your entire section won't be able to apply training until you update it, so please update regularly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このゴールが90日間更新されないと更新するまでセクション全体が研修申請ができなくなりますので、更新は定期的にお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Next, choose a training.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次に、研修を選択します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You'll need one application per training.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "研修1件ごとに申請が必要です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Select a \"training category\".", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "「研修種別」を選択してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Click \"Tool\" or \"Management\" for training category, and a \"Existing Training\" list will appear, ah, we can select trainings by topic.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "「ツール」か「マネジメント」研修選択で、「既存研修」リストが表示、ああ、項目別に研修を選べるのね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can search them by keywords, too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "関連語句で検索もできますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you cannot find a training you need on the list, click \"New Training Proposal,\" then you'll go to the input page.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "必要な研修がリストに無い場合「新規研修提案」を選択、入力画面に行きます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Fill in \"training content,\" \"purpose,\" and select a \"training style,\" then click \"ENTER,\" it'll go back to the previous page.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "「研修内容」「目的」を記入、「研修形式」を選択して「入力」を押すと前の画面に戻ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Lastly, enter the \"maximum number of participants,\" \"scheduled date and time,\" and so on, then click \"APPLY.\"", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最後に「最大参加人数」や「開催予定日時」等を記入、「申請」をクリックします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If it's a training with more than 20 people, you won't be able to apply until your department head checks this box.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "20人以上の研修は部門長がこの枠にチェックを入れるまで申請できません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A training that is approved by HR will be on the list, and managers in other departments will also be able to apply as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "人事で承認された研修はリストに掲載、他の部の管理職も申請可能となります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In addition, you must do a post-training survey after every training.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "尚、全ての研修で、事後アンケートが必須です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Participants and the relevant section head are going to fill in the form here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "参加者とその所属セクション責任者でこちらのフォームに入力します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If the training has eliminated weaknesses, if the skills are actually being useful on the job, and so on and so forth.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "研修で弱点は補えたか、現場で実践できているか等々、です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When all relevant people for training answer the questionnaire, the status of training will be \"completed.\"", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "研修関係者全員のアンケート記入で研修のステータスが「完了」となります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What are acceptance criteria for new training applications?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新規研修申請の承認基準は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Budgetary efficiency, business necessity, and other aspects such as number of participants are to be considered.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "予算効率、業務上の必要性、その他希望者数などを考慮します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can we make changes to these existing trainings?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "既存研修に変更を加えられますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, click \"Refer to Existing Training\" on \"New Training Proposal\" page, edit the content and apply it as a new one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、「新規研修提案」から「既存研修参照」をクリック、内容に編集を加えて新規として申請します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How long would it take to get approval?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "承認までどのくらいかかりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "An existing training will be approved within one week, approval for a new training will depend on its content.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "既存研修は一週間以内で承認、新規研修の承認は内容によります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can we use outside help like instructors or seminars, as before?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今まで通り、講師やセミナー等、外部委託もOKですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, they will be listed under \"External Training\" once it is approved.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、承認後「外部研修」にリストされます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "E-Learning is also good in terms of cost efficiency, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "eラーニングもコスパがいいですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Training can be carried out in any form as long as it's examined in each section and approvable by the HR.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "各所で精査し人事で承認可能であれば、研修はどの様な形式で行っても構いません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Will all \"completed\" trainings be left on the list?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "「完了」済みの研修も全てリストに残すのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, an external training that is not available will be left as an \"unavailable training.\"", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、外部委託で取扱い終了の研修は「申請不可研修」として残ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "All other trainings are going to be \"application acceptable,\" marked as \"completed,\" or \"to be held\" and \"on going\" for the trainings which have been applied and approved again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その他は全て「申請可能」として残り、「完了」または再び申請・承認され「開催予定」や「開催中」と表示されます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We're storing all the training data including survey results.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アンケート結果を含め全ての研修データを蓄積します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Any other questions?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他ご質問、宜しいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay then, as I mentioned earlier, could you cooperate with us during the test period until the end of the month?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、先程お伝えしましたが、今月末までのテスト期間中は皆さんのご協力をお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And please contact me at HR if you have any suggestions or things you notice about the system.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "システムについてお気づきの点、ご提案がありましたら、人事津村までご連絡ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will be launched right after the long holiday in May.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ローンチは5月の長期休暇明けとなります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for joining us for HR training.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "人事部研修にご参加いただきありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Here is today's main topic.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日の主な議題は、こちら。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We'll talk about human resource development and continuous training program.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "人材育成・中間研修プログラムについてお話しします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Since the end of last year, as you know we've been running a project to improve our work environment, and we're working on various things throughout the company this month as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昨年末より社内環境改善プロジェクトが進行中なのはご存じかと思いますが、今月も全社で様々な取組みを行っております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As a part of the project, we conducted a skill self-assessment survey.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その一環として、今回はスキル自己診断アンケートを行いました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, it's the one that you had junior employees answers to use as a reference for new hire training, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、それ新人研修の参考にするって、若手社員にやらせたやつですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, we asked employees who had been with us for about three years last time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、前回は入社3年前後の社員にお願いしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There was an unexpectedly big response then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして予想外に大きな反響が返ってまいりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Therefore, a questionnaire survey this time has been conducted with the entire company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その為、今回のアンケート調査は全社員を対象に実施したものです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please take a look at this graph.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらのグラフをご覧ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What was the response rate this time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回の回答率はどのくらいだったんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A little over half of the entire company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全社員の半数強といったところです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now, as you can see, a lot of employees feel they \"lack some skills necessary for the current role.\"", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、「現職に必要なスキルが不足している」と感じている社員が多い事が判ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "On receiving the results, we are going to budget \"Human Resource Nurturing Program\" for the latter half of the fiscal year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この結果を受け、こちら、「人材育成プログラム」として今年度後半に向けて予算が組まれる運びとなりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As we're facing the challenging situation in terms of securing new talents, our main goal is to nurture existing employees and increase their retention rate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新たな人材確保が難しい中、既存社員の育成と定着率を上げる事を主な目的とします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Along with the program, HR is going to be in charge of all the trainings from next month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このプログラムに伴い、来月からの研修は人事が一括管理する事となりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In this manager training today, we'll show you our new training management system and go over application procedures for approval.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日の管理職研修では、新しい研修管理システムのご紹介と承認申請方法を確認していきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Excuse me, I'm Yu, in business planning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すみません、事業企画部、但馬です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Training for long-term employees has been under the management of each section head, and they've been held within our divisional budget.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "中間研修は各所責任者が管理し、部の予算内で行ってきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would they all be conducted by the HR from now on?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今後は人事が全て実施するという事でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "From July, you'd get training expenses from a separate budget.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "7月からは研修費用が別予算から下りる事となります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But training itself is mainly conducted by each department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "が、研修自体は各部署主導です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, that's each division to decide on training plans, am I right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、各部署で研修計画を決められるとの認識で宜しいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Basically, yes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "基本的にはそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, as Yu just mentioned, we have had numerous trainings conducted by departments up to now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただし、今但馬さんが仰られた通り、これまで各部門主導で数々の研修を実施してきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In spite of that, there are so many employees who do not feel confident with necessary skills in their roles.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "にも関わらず、自分の役割に必要なスキルに不安を感じる社員がかなり多い。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The current training method has not given us desirable results, which means that we have spent our time and money inefficiently.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "既存の研修方法では期待された成果が出ていないという事は、我々は時間と予算を無駄に費やしてきたわけです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Therefore, only those trainings that are approved by the HR will be held.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですので、人事で承認された研修のみ実施されます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Add to that, all the HRD-related information, which each department receives from outside, will at one time be collected by HR.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また、各部署に外部から入る人材育成関連の情報は、全て一度人事に集める事とします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "HR will examine these information and requests for in-house trainings, then put together a list of training.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "外部情報と社内研修の要望を人事で精査、集約して研修リストにします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This list will be available in the training management system, so the entire company will be able to make use of it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このリストは研修管理システムからアクセス、全社で活用できる様になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You mean, we'll be able to do everything on the intranet?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全て社内システム上で行える、という事でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, application will be accepted through the system, too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、申請書もシステムを通して受け付けます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can we apply with a permission from a person in charge at each section?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "申請は各所の責任者判断で宜しいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You will need approval by department head for trainings with over 20 participants.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "参加者が20人を超える研修の場合は部門長の承認が必要です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And, about the application procedures....", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、申請フローについてですが...", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm awfully sorry, Makoto.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "申し訳ありません、杉岡さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me explain the management system first.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先ずはこの管理システムの説明をさせてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would it be okay if I take your questions after that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご質問はその後でも宜しいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's identify the issues and possible improvements for our new hire training program.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新人研修プログラムの問題点と改善可能な点を確認しましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First of all, the biggest issue is that our new hire turnover rate has been higher in the last few years, noticeably high for the new employees in the first 3 months.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まず、一番の問題は、ここ数年の新人離職率の上昇、特に入社3ヶ月以内の社員の率が高くなっている事です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, I don't get it, today's young people either waste no time or have no patience....", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "んー、なんだろなぁ、最近の子は見切りつけるのが早いのか、辛抱できないのか...", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our trainings are probably not the only reason, nevertheless, we can improve a lot of things.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "研修のみが原因ではないでしょうが、改善出来る点は多々あると思われます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In any case, if the initial training program is satisfiable, it'll lead to retaining newly hired employees, I believe.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いずれにしても、最初の研修内容が満足するものであれば、新入社員の保持に繋がりますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Obviously, the main purpose of an onboarding program is to develop within new hires basic job knowledge.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "当たり前ですが、新人研修は新入社員が基本的な業務知識を身につける事が主目的です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, it is also an essential element of the training to eliminate their anxiety, as young adults entering the real world for the first time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかし、初めて実社会に出る新社会人の不安払拭も、研修の大切な要素となります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now, everyone, with these two points in mind, could you make any suggestions?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて皆さん、この2点を踏まえ、何かご提案ありませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about setting up consultation desks?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "相談窓口を設けるのはどうでしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "During the training period, I'm sure some people would feel that they might be mismatched to the department-to-be-assigned.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "研修期間中に配属予定部署の業務内容が合わないと感じる新人もいるはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can help eliminating their anxiety if they talk to us, and even if they end up changing the department, we'll be able to do that with minimum re-training.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "相談できれば不安が払拭できるし、部署変更になったとしても再研修が最小限で済みます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It would be better if we can arrange interviews from our side as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちら側からも面談出来る様にするといいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is not unusual that trainers decide to assign some trainees to different departments during the training period, to place the right people to the right place.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "研修期間にトレーナーが適材適所で新人の配置変更する事も少なくはない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In that case, they would feel less frustrated after they were assigned, if we could chat about it beforehand.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その場合、事前に話し合えれば、配属後の不満が減ると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not just during the training period, but why don't we keep the consultation desk for half a year or so?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "研修期間だけではなく、その相談窓口は半年程残しては?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It might be able to prevent situations like new hires ending up quitting because they didn't dare to request transfer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "異動願いが言い出せなくて結局退職、なんて事も防げるのではないかしら。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's sounds do-able, we'll work out details in the HR.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは出来そうですね、人事で話を詰めてきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think that new hires' insecurities arise from lack of self-confidence which is linked to deficient knowledge.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新人の不安は知識不足からくる自信のなさが要因だと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But the current training program covers most of the foundational knowledge, you know?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかし現在の研修でも基礎知識はほぼカバーされてますよ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know, but I think the high turnover rate tells us that the program is not enough for them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、ただ離職率が高いという事は、彼らにとってこのプログラムでは不足なんでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think it would have the opposite effect if we cram too much, though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あんまり詰め込みすぎるのは逆効果だと思うなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about reviewing the training contents from the new hires' perspective.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新入社員目線で研修内容を検討してみては如何でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We'll conduct a questionnaire survey with employees who have been with us for about three years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "入社3年前後の社員にアンケートを実施するんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ask about things they couldn't do very well in their first year, and skills they're not good at even now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "入社1年目に上手く出来なかった事や、現在でも得意ではないスキルについて聞いてみる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And the data will be reflected in our training program.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでそのデータを研修プログラムに反映させると。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That might be good for some other employees, too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他の社員にもいいかも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, if we analyze the survey results, we'll be able to use it to create intermediate trainings as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、アンケート結果を分析すれば、中間研修プログラムも作成可能です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, we'll draft a questionnaire right away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました、早速アンケートのドラフトを作成します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then we should also get data from employees who have been here for over five years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それなら5年以上の社員からもデータをとってみては?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We'll ask them to make specific requests like \"we want new hires who can do this and that,\" or \"build their base so that they can do this in half a year,\" and so on.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これこれこういった事が出来る新人が欲しいとか、半年でこれが出来る様にベースを作って欲しいとか、具体的に要望をあげてもらう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe it would be more efficient if we directed to employees who had trainer experiences.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはトレーナー経験のある社員に実施した方が効率いいかもしれないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, otherwise, we would probably end up getting complaints about new hires, too, you know?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、でないと、新人に対する不満まで上がってきそうですからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, a few years ago, in our department, I told a new guy \"just call your boss without adding a title when you're on the phone.\"", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、数年前、ウチの部で新人に「電話してる時は上司に役職名付けなくていい」って注意したんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, when he handed that phone to the boss himself, the guy said \"Nakayama, a call for you.\"", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そしたら、その電話を渡す時、その子上司本人に「中山、電話です」って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, you have to add, \"when you're talking to people outside of the company\" for young people these days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、「外部の人と話すとき」って付けないと、今の子ダメですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I keep that kind of things in mind when I train employees from other countries.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "外国人社員の場合、そういう教え方に気を付けますけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He was Japanese, though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日本人だったんですけどねぇ、その子。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In my division, on a pretty windy day, I asked a new employee to go to the other room and \"check the windows,\" then he came back and said, \"I did!\"", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ウチでは、風がかなり強い日にね、新人に他の部屋の「窓見てきて」ってお願いしたら、帰ってきて「見てきました」って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I went there later, the windows were wide open and papers were scattered around, all over the room.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "後でそこに行くと、窓開けっ放しで部屋中書類散乱状態ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He literally just \"checked\" the windows, you know, I almost fainted.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当に窓を「見て」きただけ、もう、私失神しそうになりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now, we'll discuss how we're going to improve our new hire training program.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、新人研修プログラム改善について協議します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I believe you've looked over issues and possible modifications on the document I've sent the other day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "問題点と改善案は先日お送りした資料でざっとご確認いただいているかと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "These modifications and proposals from divisional trainers will be reflected in the program next year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これらの改善点に各部署トレーニング担当からの提案を加味し、来年度の研修に反映します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First, let me go over the changes on the new hire orientation and training schedule.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まず、入社オリエンと研修日程の変更についてです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please see page 5.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "5ページをご覧ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We're going to simplify the orientation on the first day as much as possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "初日のオリエンテーションは可能な限り簡略化します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "One-month joint trainings which new hires attended all together will be shorten by one fourth.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新人全員で行っていた1ヶ月の合同研修は四分の一に短縮。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Instead, they'll have 2-week cross-team seminars, and 1-week sectional team training.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "代りに部門間で行う講習を2週間、部署ごとのチーム研修を1週間とします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "On the final day, they'll be assigned to each department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最終日に各部署に配属します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For orientation, time for welcome speeches by executives will be shortened, and the company's regulations, attendance system, and employment documents, will all be done in the morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オリエンは、上層部からの挨拶時間を短縮し、社内規約、勤怠システム、入社書類の説明を全て午前中に終了します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A welcome party is going to be at lunch time instead of in the evening.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "歓迎会は夕方からランチへ変更。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In the afternoon, we'll give seminars on basic knowledge, such as business etiquette rules, and the whole thing will finish at five o'clock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "午後は、ビジネスマナーなど基礎知識の講習を行い、5時に全て終了となります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Any questions, or suggestions so far?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここまででご質問、もしくはご提案はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are these instructors for seminars from outside?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "午後の講座講師は外部からですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, we'll have staff from sales, HR, and secretarial divisions as trainers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ、営業、人事、秘書課の社員をトレーナーとして行う予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, we'll be able to take videos, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それなら、動画撮影するのも可能ですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about sharing the contents of these seminars on the intranet?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "講習内容をイントラネットで共有しては如何でしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Every year, we need to teach business etiquette to quite a bit of new staff after they start working.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "毎年、働き始めてから基本動作教えなきゃならない新人が多くて困るんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If we can have access to these seminars as needed, I'm sure it'll reduce unnecessary workload in each department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "必要に応じてこのセミナーにアクセス出来れば各部署での無駄な負担が減ると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are some younger ones who haven't been able to do the basics after few years, so it might be useful for other employees besides new hires, too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "数年たっても基本が出来てない若手も居るし、新入社員以外にも使えるかも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It would be easier to use if they can be selected by topics, like \"handling phone calls\" and \"greetings\" and so forth.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "「電話対応」や「挨拶」など、項目別に選択できると使いやすいかと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sounds reasonable, let's decide on the listing later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいですね、項目については後程決めましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What are the differences between interdivisional trainings and divisional trainings content-wise?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "部門間研修と部署別研修、内容的にどう違うんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In interdivisional trainings, we'll have the new hires in joint groups and learn soft skills that are in common with several divisions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "部門間研修では、新人たちが幾つかの部門で共通して使うソフトスキルを合同グループで学ばせます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For example, they'll all learn telephone manners on the first day, but those who will be in sales or PR will have an additional training here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "例えば初日に全員が学ぶ電話対応ですが、営業や広報の配属予定者はここで追加研修を行います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "After that, those who are going to be assigned to the same section will be in a smaller team to learn hard skills.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その後、同じ配属予定部署の者を小チームにし、ハードスキルを学びます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In these trainings, we'll go over necessary skills so that they can work smoothly from the start.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらの研修では、配属時からスムーズに稼働出来る様、必要な技術を訓練します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Could we share these trainings as well?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この研修もシェア出来ませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, as these will be a bit large in volume, let me talk to the tech team about it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "んー、ちょっとボリュームがあるので、技術担当と検討させてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A welcome party starts at noon, standing buffet, a style that encourages participants to communicate actively with others....", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "歓迎会は12時から、立食ビュッフェ、積極的に周りと交流を促す形式、か...", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, recently, new hires have a tendency to avoid gathering with alcoholic drinks, so we set it at lunch time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、最近の新入社員はお酒の席を敬遠する傾向がある為、ランチタイムに設定しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "About this \"communicate actively\" thing, there will probably be some people who cannot really do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この「積極的に交流」って、出来ない子もいるでしょうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They'll attend a lecture on interpersonal relationships in the afternoon, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "午後には対人関係の講習があるじゃないですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I still think we should have the party in the evening, then they can try social skills from the training there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "歓迎会は習った社交術も試せるし、やっぱり夕方からがいいんじゃないですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The training for interpersonal relationships is mainly on topics such as teamwork and harassment in the workplace, but not so much about social skills.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "対人関係研修は主に仕事上のチームワークやハラスメント等についてなので、あまり社交術といった内容ではないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In addition, it's shorter and more efficient to have it at lunch time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それに、ランチの方が時間が短くて効率的ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, don't you think one hour is too short?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えー、一時間じゃ短すぎるでしょ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It'll be an opportunity to get to know other new hires and maybe employees who can support you when you start working, you know?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新入社員が、同期とか、目をかけてくれる先輩社員に知り合えるチャンスなんですよ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It won't do any good if a shrewd employee sets eyes on a clueless new hire.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何も知らない新人が、やり手の社員に目をつけられたら、ろくな事になりません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah-ha, Kyle, you did win someone's favor at your welcome party, didn't you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あぁ、マクマランさん、歓迎会でどなたかに気に入られちゃったんですね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First, we'll review morning meetings that are held in each department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先ずは各部署の朝会議の見直しです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We're going to check the current situations based on the results of questionnaire for managers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "管理職アンケートの結果を元に現状確認してまいります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "According to the answers, most of the departments have daily morning meetings for about 30 minutes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "回答によると、殆どの部署で定例朝会議を30分前後行っている様です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have a concern about the situation, in terms of efficiency.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この状況に関して、効率面での懸念があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Morning meetings should be no more than 15 minutes from now on.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今後は朝会は15分までとしてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "With all due respect, 15 minutes wouldn't be enough for departments with many attendees.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お言葉ですが、人数が多い部署は15分では足りないでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hiromitsu, how many people usually attend a morning meeting at the engineering department?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "佐伯部長、技術部では通常何名朝会に参加しますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "About 15, including project leaders.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "プロジェクトリーダー含め、15名ほどですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "15 people times 15 minutes is 225 minutes, and 7.5 hours if you have it for 30 minutes, this means it costs you that much every morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "15名かける15分で225分、30分にすると約7.5時間、毎朝それだけの人件費がかかっている事になりますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By simply calculating the team leader's salary, do you really think you're discussing things worth that cost?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "チームリーダーの給与で単純計算して、コストに見合った内容を話し合っていらっしゃるでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well....", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは...", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please understand that I'm not singling out the engineering for criticism here, Hiromitsu.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "佐伯部長、技術部を非難する為に挙げた訳ではないので、ご了承ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Departments currently spending over 15 minutes must shorten their morning meetings.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "現在15分以上の朝会を行っている部は短縮してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And we'd like all the meetings under 15 minutes to be reviewed and make sure you're not having them simply because they're routines.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから15分以内の会議も全て、定例だからというだけで行なっていないか見直しをお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Kiichi, you've answered that the sales department has 10-minute morning meetings twice a week, could you tell us how you conduct these?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "海棠部長、営業部は朝会10分週2回との回答ですが、どの様に行っているのでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We're just doing our best not to spend much time since many of us go out in the field first thing in the morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ウチは朝から社外に出る者も多いんで、極力時間をかけたくないだけです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Nothing special, but we ask our staff to only report things that cannot be noted on the shared schedule or emails.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありきたりですが、共有スケジュールやメールで済む事以外に絞って報告させてます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We cannot spare time every morning so we're having them on Tuesdays and Fridays, and maybe have additional meetings as needed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "毎朝は無理なんで火曜と金曜、それ以外は必要に応じてって感じです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When you have issues to discuss, can you guys come up with solutions within that time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "議題がある場合、その時間で結論が出せていますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, when we cannot make a decision within a few minutes, the relevant people for the project would have a talk afterwards.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあ、2、3分程度で決められない場合は、その案件に関わってるメンバーで別途話し合いですかね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Otherwise, it would be waste of time for other people there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でないと、関係のない者には時間の無駄になりますし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, thank you for sharing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですか、ご共有ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As Kiichi said, please avoid having a discussion among few people during a morning meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "海棠部長が仰る通り、朝会で一部の人が議論するのは避けてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You'd be binding the other attendees uselessly while they're sitting there just listening.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "黙って聞いている出席者を無駄に拘束する事となります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If I may add to that, please make sure you prioritize projects, especially in the departments with small teams.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "補足させていただくと、プロジェクトの優先順位確認をお願いします、特に小規模チームがある部署ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They tend to focus only on their own projects, so they need to share views on the overall situation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らは担当案件のみに目が行きがちなので、全体の状況について共通認識が必要です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, it's important to understand priorities for the department, and for the entire company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、部署や、社全体にとって最優先事項は何かって事を理解すんのは大事だな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, it's a matter of course, but people easily lose track of it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあ、当たり前の事ですが、見失いがちですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Exactly, oh, anything to add, Soji?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、あ、高橋部長、何か補足でも?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not really, Mizuho, but could you tell us how you keep them efficient in HR?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ、甲本部長、ただ人事部ではどの様に効率化されているか伺っても宜しいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, in HR, each of us bring a subject, to prevent attendees from becoming passive in a meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、人事部では出席者が受け身になる事を防ぐ為、各自1議題用意しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By preparing solutions for each subject, we reduce time spent on every discussion.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "各議題と共に解決案も準備しておいてもらう事で審議時間を短縮しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmmm, it seems that the legal department spends quite a long time for morning meetings.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "んー、法務部は朝会にかなり長い時間をかけているようですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, it takes time to sum up opinions since we've got more people from other countries to deal with international IP.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は海外知財の関係で外国人社員が増えてから、纏めるのに時間がかかりましてね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, we understand it might be a bit hard to adjust for those departments under some circumstances.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあ、部署の状況によっては少々調整が難しいかもしれませんが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But please note that all the morning meetings will be 15 minutes or less, and take appropriate measures as needed, like having a longer meeting separately.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全ての朝会議は15分以内としていただき、必要に応じて長めの会議を別途設ける等、適宜対応してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Though it is important to have an open atmosphere that everyone can actively speak up, unnecessary discussions should be avoided.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆が積極的に発言できるオープンな雰囲気は大切ですが、不要な議論を避ける様お願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have no problem when it comes to actively speaking, I guess.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "積極的に発言するって事に関しては問題無いんだけどねぇ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Soji, maybe you should set a time limit, like 2 minutes per person, or even 30 seconds per opinion, or something?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "高橋さん、一人2分、いや、意見一回30秒とかって時間制限したら?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You know, it would take forever to decide that rule itself....", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あのね、そのルール自体を決めるのに延々かかるんですよ...", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yoo-hoo, over here, I've been havin' some already!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おーい、こっちこっち、もうやってるぞー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can't believe how fast you drink, Kiichi.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どんだけピッチ速いんですか部長。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We've gotta celebrate, Kyle, for that new division you've been wanting to set up!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "祝杯だ、海瑠、お前がやりたがってた新規部署立ち上げの!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The CX promotion division, that's the one you said we need, to enhance our competitiveness in the coming decade, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "CX企画部、あれがこの先10年、ウチの競争力を強化すんのに必要ってやつだろ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, Japanese companies are far behind in this field of customer experience strategy, and we're no exception.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、このカスタマーエクスペリエンス戦略の分野で日本企業はかなり遅れを取ってますからね、ウチも例外じゃないですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, yeah, you studied digital marketing in college, was it in California?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、お前デジタルマーケティングが専門だったな、カリフォルニアだっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, at S University.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、S大です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Since I came to this company, I've had concerns about the ways of marketing and sales departments.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この会社に入った当初から、マーケティングと営業部門のやり方には懸念があったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's why, you made me think you were moving up the ladder from sales to corporate planning department, but you went there just to gather some information, huh?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでだな、営業から経営企画部へ出世コースと思わせといて、ただ情報集めに行ったんだろ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And now you got fully prepared for starting up a new division at marketing, it's amazing enough that you could move around between departments like that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、今度は、満を持してマーケで新部署立ち上げ、そんなに部署間異動できた事だけでも驚きだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now I'm just focused on the CX promotion to fuel our business.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今はウチの事業を盛り立てる為にCX企画に取り組むのみですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I pray for your further success, Mr. McMalan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はあ、マクマラン様のさらなるご活躍をお祈り申し上げますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, tell me, Kyle, do you think our business philosophy is conservative?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ところでなあ、海瑠、ウチ会社の考え方は古くさいと思うか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I wouldn't say everything is bad, but I'm not very impressed with that approval documents going around in circles.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあ、全て悪いとは言いませんが、あの稟議書ぐるぐる回してるのはいただけませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ha-ha, that thing, I couldn't agree more.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はは、あれはな、俺も同感だ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anyway, looking at this from my expertise, we haven't been able to catch up with the global trend.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあ、私の専門分野から言わせていただくと、グローバルトレンドに追いつけていないんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The ways in which our company sees market needs and approaches consumers are outdated wisdom.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ウチの会社の市場ニーズのとらえ方や消費者へのアプローチ方法は過去のものです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We really need to work on changing the conventional thinking at this point, in order to survive in the international market.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "国際市場で生き残るには、現時点で従来の常識を変えていかなきゃならないんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hm, it's unlikely to see significant growth in domestic demand as our population goes on decreasing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "んー、人口が減少してくから、内需成長はそんなに見込めんしなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We might get demolished if we couldn't develop a sustainable competitive advantage outside the country as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "国外でも競争力維持して優位に立てなけりゃ、やられちまうかもな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I really like the products by S Corporation, and the enthusiasm led me to start working here 15 years ago, you know?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私はね、S社の製品が好きなのが高じて15年前ここに入社したの、知ってますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I believe this company can be competitive a global scale, so the CX division is going to be the wake-up call.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この会社が世界規模の競争でもっとやれるって信じてるから、CX課で警鐘を鳴らすんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Your unwavering belief which made you start up a new division in 3 years since you've transferred to marketing is worth praising.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新規部署をマーケ異動してから3年で立ち上げちまうってお前の揺るぎない信念は褒めてやる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The only thing is, your devotion to the company is a bit too much.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただなぁ、お前の自社愛はちと重いぞ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can say whatever you like.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何とでも仰ってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The CX promotion division wouldn't have been there if I couldn't get you involved in this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "海棠部長を巻き込めなければ、CX企画部は存在してなかったんですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I knew you had mentioned my name with that intention, so I let you have me as a figurehead.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お前がそういう意図で俺の名前を挙げたのは分かってたからな、お飾りになってやったんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When it comes to a showdown, it wouldn't be a big deal if I take the blame.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "万が一ん時は俺が泥被れば済むって事だ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's what I can't dislike about you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "部長のそういう所、嫌いになれないんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Kyle, be more direct, you can tell me you're grateful to me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "海瑠、もっと素直にさあ、俺に感謝してるって言えよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I will be, eventually.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあ、最終的には、そうなりますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When you become the first CMO in our company, I guess.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたが我社初のCMOになってくださった時、ですかね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What do you mean by CMO?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "CMOってなんだよそりゃ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I knew it, Kyle, what are you up to now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やっぱりな、海瑠、今度は何やろうとしてる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It stands for a Chief Marketing Officer, Kiichi.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "チーフ・マーケティング・オフィサーですよ、海棠部長。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll tell you all about it when the time comes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "時期が来たらちゃんとお話しますから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ahh, you didn't have that wicked grin 15 years ago, you know?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あーあ、15年前はそんな悪い顔しなかっただろうに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now, let's make a toast to the company's success and our future.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さあ、乾杯しましょう、会社の発展と私たちのこれからに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey, you're scaring me, Kyle.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おい、おっかねーなあ、海瑠。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Don't push me around too much, all right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "俺のこと、あんまこき使わないでよ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is a mock-up persona I've created.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらは私が作ったペルソナのサンプルです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As I've roughly explained earlier, a persona is our ideal user model.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先程大まかに説明しましたが、ペルソナは我々が理想とするユーザーモデルです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is desirable to define it as detailed as possible based on real-life data.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実際のデータを基に可能な限り詳細に特徴づける事が望まれます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will tell you about market and user research, relationship between customer experience and leads, and other information that are relevant to creating personas in the next workshop.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "市場と顧客リサーチ、カスタマーエクスペリエンスとリードの関係など、ペルソナ作成に関連する情報は次回のワークショップでお伝えします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For today, we will learn what personas are like by looking at this sample.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日はこのサンプルからペルソナとはどのような物かを見ていきましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, you really set all the details!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わー、こんなに細かい所まで設定するんですねー!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh yeah, looks like a character sheet for animation!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当だ、なんかアニメのキャラ設定表みたいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Look, the guy's name sounds pretty classic, Kuranosuke Oishi, a samurai?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっと、この人の名前かなり古めかしいわよ、大石倉之介って、武士?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's just a sample, you know?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あくまでサンプルですので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I took the liberty of researching Kiichi to make it more lifelike.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "勝手ながら、より生き生きとしたペルソナにする為、海棠部長をリサーチさせていただきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is actually quite interesting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これは結構面白いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But, oh my, Kiichi, you don't seriously collect stamps, do you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "って、え、部長、本当に切手集めてるんじゃないですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not me, \"Mr. Oishi does,\" right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "俺じゃなく、「大石さん」が、だろうな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey, his mobile-phone model, how do you know my current one is red, Kyle?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おい、こいつの携帯機種、俺の今のやつ赤だって海瑠が何で知ってるんだ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, it's the latest model of A Phone, isn't it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、Aフォンの最新モデルじゃないですか、これ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "His favorites and weekend activities are here as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "好きな物や週末の過ごし方などもこちらにありますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He reads quite a variety of magazines....", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "かなりいろんな雑誌読んでるわねえ...", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, but they're all online editions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、でも全部電子版だわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He's certainly an early adopter, you see.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やっぱり、新しい物好きなんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He has wide range of interests....", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "かなり幅広いですね...", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "\"XX Science Monthly,\" \"Modern XX,\" \"XX Journal,\" and \"Women's XX,\" why a ladies' magazine, all of a sudden?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "「月刊XXサイエンス」「現代XX」「XXジャーナル」、それから、「女性のXX」って、いきなり女性誌?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's crucial to understand what women think and, hey, Kyle, where did you get all these info?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "女性の考えを理解するのは不可欠、ってどこでこんな情報ゲットしたんだ、海瑠?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As I said earlier, we will go over research procedures for personas in the next workshop.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先程も申し上げましたが、ペルソナに関するリサーチ方法は次回のワークショップで触れますので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By the way, Kiichi, let's say you're building a sales strategy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ところで海棠部長、販売計画を立てると仮定します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, creating a sales plan, right, and?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかったよ、販売計画作成ね、はい、それで?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Which customer is easier to identify his needs, the \"single male in his 40's\" or \"Mr. Oishi\"?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "「40代独身男性」と「大石さん」、どちらの顧客ニーズをイメージしやすいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It would be much easier to come up with a plan in the way this Oishi guy would like, obviously.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この大石ってのが気に入る方法を考えるのが断然楽だわな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now, Hikari, let's say Mr. Oishi didn't like our Product A which he had just purchased.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では保田さん、大石さんが購入したばかりの当社製品Aがお気に召さなかったとします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By looking over this \"Personality\" section, can you imagine what he would say?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらの「性格」の欄を見て、彼がどんな事を言うのか想像できますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, hmm, he is \"diligent,\" \"a little short tempered,\" and....", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうね、えーっと、「勉強家」、「少々短気」、それから...", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, I believe he would be pretty argumentative.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、彼かなり理屈っぽいと思うわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "On the other hand, he's \"sitting in the sun on the deck\" on weekends, he might be a laid back person at home.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だけど、週末は「縁側で日向ぼっこ」って、家ではのんびり屋さんかも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think this guy is pretty meticulous, he cleans up his desk every single day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この人結構几帳面ですよ、デスクの掃除は欠かさず毎日って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He's diligent alright, see, he took up studying Chinese recently!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "勉強家っていうのは本当ね、ほら、最近中国語の勉強始めてる!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, he goes to a language school after work!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わー、仕事の後に語学学校通ってるんだ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, with this much information, it probably gives us tips when developing a new product, too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かにここまで情報があると、新製品の開発にもヒントになりそうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Kyle, whatever happened to personal information protection?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おい海瑠、個人情報保護法どこ行った?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Don't worry, crucial parts are fictions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "安心してください、大事な所はフィクションですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, you, did you get these information from my wife?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あーっ、こいつ、情報源はウチのやつか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, let's actually create a persona with our product A in mind!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、実際に製品Aを念頭にペルソナを創造してみましょう!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now everyone, let's get down to business.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では皆さん、本題に移りましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We'll learn about \"customer journey\" today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日は「カスタマージャーニー」について見てまいります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I believe you've all got an outline from the materials I've sent.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お送りした資料から、概略は把握されているかと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can always raise your hands if you have any questions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご質問のある方は、いつでも挙手してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, let me ask a question first.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早速だけど、質問!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I didn't really get what this \"customer journey\" is to start with.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そもそも、その「カスタマージャーニー」が、いまいちわかんなかったんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "To make it short, it's something that enables us to \"visualize\" consumer behaviors at any and all touchpoints.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "簡単に言いますと、あらゆるタッチポイントでの消費者行動を「見える化」するもの、です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By mapping persona-based customer journey, we'll be able to \"see\" how our customers would feel about our products and services when interacting with our company in any way.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ペルソナを使ったカスタマージャーニーをマッピングする事で、顧客が何らかの形で我社に接した際、商品やサービスに関してどの様に感じるのか、「見る」事が出来るようになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Excuse me, Kyle, but what was \"persona\" again?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すみません、マクマランさん、「ペルソナ」って何でしたっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A persona represents an ideal user for our products.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ペルソナは当社商品の理想的なユーザ像です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmmm, can you be more specific?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "んー、もう少し具体的に説明していただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As for that, I think you'll get better ideas from hands-on activities later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それに関しては、後ほど実践すればご理解いただけると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll have you create some personas so you can learn on the fly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆さんにもいくつかのペルソナを考えていただきますので、その場で学べますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How is it different from the target customer segmentation we're using now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今使用しているターゲット顧客層とはどう違うんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Customer segments are made by grouping people, but personas are individuals made based on profiles with details.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "顧客層はグルーピングされた人々ですが、ペルソナは詳細プロフィールを基に作られる個人です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For example, with conventional customer segmentation data such as \"a single male engineer in his 40's,\" you'll probably imagine different types of people who are included in this category.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "例えば、従来の「技術職40代独身男性」といった顧客層データでは条件に合う様々な人々を連想するでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, a persona let you visualize one fictitious character specifically.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかしペルソナは、一人の架空人物を具体的に思い描くことができるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not to mention age and job, but also small details like personality is defined.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "年齢や職業は勿論のこと、性格などの細かい情報も設定されています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it necessary to define in so much detail?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんな詳細まで設定する必要があるんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It should be as detailed as possible, Mamoru.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "できるだけ細かい方が良いのですよ、大野さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I cannot really see the necessity of doing that, though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕にはそこまでする必要性がいまいち見えないんですけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well then, I'd like everybody to close your eyes now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、ではちょっと皆さんに目を閉じていただきましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, please imagine \"a single male engineer in his 40's who lives in a city area.\"", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいですか、「都市部在住、技術職の40代独身男性」を想像してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you all got him in mind already?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆さん、もう思い浮かびました?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now, think of what this man would like to buy this weekend.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、この男性が今週末に買いたい物を考えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll ask your opinions in 30 seconds.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "30秒後にご意見をお伺いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay everyone, what do you think he would buy this weekend?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では皆さん、今週末彼は何を買うと思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please answer clockwise from Mamoru.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大野さんから時計回りでお答えください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Um, maybe a spring coat, because it's getting warmer now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっと、暖かくなってきたから、春物のコートかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I imagine his fridge is almost empty, so he'd get some food for next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "冷蔵庫が淋しそうだから、来週のための食品だと思うわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This guy loves anime so he'd line up at a DVD shop from the morning and....", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こいつはアニメ好きでDVDの店に朝から並んで...", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As you can see, with a traditional target image, each of you have come up with quite a different item.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあこのように、従来のターゲット像ですと、皆さん随分と異なる物をあげられました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Most likely, there were gaps between your \"single male engineer in his 40's\" imageries to start with.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そもそも、各自で思い浮かべた「技術職の40代独身男性」像にズレが生じている可能性が高いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "To answer Mamoru's question earlier, a persona takes shape by setting specific details.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先程の大野さんの質問にお答えしますと、ペルソナは、具体的詳細によって具現化されます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And with these detailed settings, we can minimize gaps caused by misunderstanding or blurring of imageries, like the ones you just had.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そしてこの詳細設定によって、イメージの認識違いやブレから生じる今のようなギャップを最小限にできます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In addition, a persona let all of us \"see\" the same imagery, and it helps us to predict what it would prefer or do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また、ペルソナは同じイメージをチーム全体で「見る」事を可能にするので、好みや行動を予測しやすくなるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I kind of see what you mean now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、なんとなく分かってきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I still cannot sense what it's like.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、まだどんなものか実感できないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, let me show you a sample here as an example.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、ここで一例としてサンプルをお見せしましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please look at the screen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "モニターをご覧ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Next, I'd like to take a moment to introduce participants for this workshop.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、この勉強会にご参加いただく皆さんをご紹介いたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Again, because of time constraints, allow me to call only each of your names and departments, I'd appreciate your understanding.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらもお時間の都合で、私がお名前と所属を挙げさせていただくのみとします、ご了承ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, we have no self-introduction time whatsoever, Kyle?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マクマランくん、自己紹介の時間全く無しかね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There're some people who don't really know each other, you know?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "顔見知りじゃない者もいるだろうに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Unfortunately we don't have enough time for self- introductions due to everyone's schedule today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "残念ながら本日は皆さんのご都合もあり、自己紹介のお時間が取れませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But, we'll arrange a get-together at a later date.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですが、後日懇親会の場を設けさせていただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will contact you to schedule it by the end of the week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらに関しましては今週中に皆様にご連絡いたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please join us if your schedule permits, Kiichi.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "海棠部長もご都合がよろしければ、是非ご参加ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, well, okay, I understand.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おお、まあ、そういうことなら仕方ないよなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now, I would appreciate if you could stand up when I called your name, please.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、恐れ入りますが呼ばれた方はご起立いただけますでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "From the very back, Kiichi from the Sales Promotion, Takeomi from the Business Planning....", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "奥のお席から、営業推進本部、海棠部長、事業企画部、川井部長...。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Lastly, the organizer of this workshop, Kyle from the CX Promotion, these are the 12 members for this project.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最後にこの会の発起人である私、CX企画部、マクマランの12名がこのプロジェクトのメンバーです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm looking forward to working with you all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆さん、どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I still have a few minutes left, does anyone have questions?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだ少々お時間がございますので、ご質問のある方いらっしゃいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I'm Mamoru, from the Product Development.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、商品開発、大野です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why is this division hosting this workshop?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このワークショップをこちらの課で主催するのは何故でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As I said a while ago, the CX Promotion Division is under the Marketing Department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先程申し上げました通り、CX企画課はマーケティング部門に属しております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, please consider us as a division which would actively cooperate with the other departments.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかし、他部門とも積極的に連携していく課として捉えていただきたい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you mean you'd be working across departments?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "部門間で稼働するって事ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, we are planning to do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、その方向で動いています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But, with our company culture.......", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、ウチの社風では.........。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, currently, each department keeps some distance from others within the company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、この会社では各部門間に少々距離があるのが現状です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And these inter-divisional barriers gets in the way of our work, or even blow opportunities to improve productivity and efficiency.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして、この部門間の壁が我々の仕事の妨げになり、生産性や効率性を向上させる機会を失わせています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I believe you all feel something about it, too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆さんも何か感じるところがあると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "To be honest, we'd be able to work better if everyone could adopt an open door policy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "正直いうと、皆さん風通しが良くなれば僕たちもやりやすいんですけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, works of the Marketing and our department overlap with each other in some ways.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、マーケとウチは色んな意味で仕事がかぶるからねぇ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We don't really, you know, with budgeting and strategy planning and so on.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "予算とか戦略立案とか、ほら、どうしてもなー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The Customer Service needs product information a little more promptly from relevant departments.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "カスタマーは製品情報をもう少し迅速に関連部門から下ろして欲しいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will go beyond these barriers to exchange information and to cooperate each other in this workshop.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このワークショップではそういった壁を越えて、情報交換、相互協力をしていきたいと考えております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hopefully it'll provide a foothold.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "足がかりになるかもですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We don't really have a chance to talk with people from other sections frankly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なかなか他の部署の方とオープンに話せる機会って無いですし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our different perspectives might lead to pretty interesting ideas.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いろんな見方が結構面白いアイデアに繋がるかもな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have many things I'd like to learn from you, too!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私も皆さんから学びたい事が沢山あります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm glad everybody is more interested in this project now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この企画にご興味を持っていただけて何よりです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you have any proposal, please contact me freely.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご提案のある方はご遠慮なくマクマランまでご連絡ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now, I'll get back to where I was at.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、話を戻します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As I just said, the CX Promotion will act as an intermediary between departments.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "只今申し上げました通り、CX企画は部門間のパイプ役となります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can regard us as a division that will support you to bring about products and services of higher quality.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "より質の高い商品やサービスを作り上げる皆さんのサポートをする課と捉えていただければ幸いです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Does anyone else have any question?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他にご質問がある方いらっしゃいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think no one does, so let me get down to the business.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いらっしゃらない様ですので、本題にに移りましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, everyone, welcome to the Customer Experience Promotion Division.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆さま、こんにちは、カスタマーエクスペリエンス企画課へようこそ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I really appreciate you all for attending our first bimonthly joint workshop.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "第一回隔月合同勉強会にご参加いただきありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm Kyle and I'll be facilitating this meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この会の進行役を務めさせていただきます、マクマランです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hope that I can meet the expectations you all have on me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆さまのご期待に添えるよう努力してまいります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have one participant from each relevant department today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日は関連各部門からお一人ずつお集まりいただいております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Though it's provisional, these members will gather here, once every two months.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "暫定的ではございますが、このメンバーで隔月こちらに集まっていただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Through the workshops, you will get a better understanding of customer experience.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆さまにはこのワークショップを通して、カスタマーエクスペリエンスについて理解を深めていただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "At the same time, we'll talk about new marketing approaches together.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "同時に、新たなマーケティング・アプローチに関して協議してまいります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's make this gathering a place where we can have interdivisional discussions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この会を部門間での意見交換の場にしていきましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And I hope each of you will find something out of the workshops.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また、各自このワークショップから得られるものがあれば幸いです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm looking forward to working with you all!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆さま、どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, everyone, give a big hand to Kyle!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、みんなー、マクマランに拍手ー!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for your thoughtfulness.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お心配り、ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's good to see you again, Kiichi.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お久しぶりですね、海棠部長。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anyway Kyle, this place has such a long name that an older guys like me might not be able to remember it, you know?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とりあえずさあ海瑠、ここの名前やたら長くて、俺みたいなおじさん達、覚えらんないかもよ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Customer Experience is also called \"CX\" for short.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "カスタマーエクスペリエンスは略して「CX」ともいわれます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So you can call us \"CX Promotion,\" or \"CX\" if you like.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですので、「シーエックス企画」、もしくは「CX」と呼んでいただいても結構です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Excuse me, sorry to disturb you while talking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お話中すみません、失礼します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My apologies for being late.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "遅れて申し訳ありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm Mamoru from the Product Development Department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "商品開発部の大野です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, Mamoru, I've received your message that you were going to be late.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、大野さん、遅れる旨伺っております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please come on in.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうぞお入りください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Go ahead and have a seat over there, please.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あちらのお席へどうぞ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry, excuse my passing in front of you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すみません、前を失礼いたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, let's get back to where we were at.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では再開いたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now, first of all, I'll tell you about our division briefly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まず、簡単に私共CX企画課の説明をさせていただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The CX Promotion Division is the former Advertising Division.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "CX企画課は旧広告宣伝課です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's renamed and set up as a new unit under the Marketing Department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "改名してマーケティング部門の一課として新たに設置されました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, CX Promotion Division is established by restructuring some parts of the PR, Business Planning Department and IT Promotion Office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただし、CX企画課は旧広告宣伝課に広報と事業企画部、IT推進室の一部を再編したものです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Therefore, please consider us as a completely new one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのため、我々は全く新しい課であるとお考えください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are two purposes of this division.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この課の目的は2つです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "To visualize our customers' experiences, in order to provide the entire company in-depth understanding of the customers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "顧客体験を可視化する事で我社全体で顧客理解を深める事。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And to map out customer-centric marketing strategies.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして、顧客目線のマーケティング戦略を打ち出す事。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are here to achieve these goals.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これらのゴールを達成すべく設置されました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much for listening.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご静聴ありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me skip the details from here due to time constraints.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここからは時間の関係上、詳細を割愛させていただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "More information of what I've just roughly explained is in the document you've already received.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "只今ご説明しました概略の詳細内容については、皆さまに届いております資料に記載されております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's an attached file sent last week called \"About the Customer Experience Promotion Division.\"", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先週お送りした添付「カスタマーエクスペリエンス企画部について」です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please refer to the PDF file If you're interested.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご興味のある方はそちらのPDF資料をご参照ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As I mentioned last week, Yoji is going on an urgent business trip.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先週申し上げたとおり、急遽社長が海外出張となりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am also going with him this time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回は私、社長室長平良も同行します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have sent emails regarding tasks that should be covered during my absence.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "平良不在中に関する申し送りは昨日メールにて送っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Saki, is everything okay for the F Corporation's 20th anniversary party?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "梨本さん、F株式会社20周年パーティーの件はOKですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, Noboru, the Senior Managing Director, and I will attend the party on the CEO's behalf.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、吉岡専務と私梨本が社長の代理として出席します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have let them know about it already.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先方へはその旨お伝えしております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you, Saki, please cover for me after the party as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "了解、梨元さん、パーティー後のフォローもお願いしますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Excuse me, I'd like to ask you about gifts for the anniversary of our foundation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すみません、創立記念用の手土産なんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can take care of them after I come back to Japan next week, since it's still a long way off.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その件はまだ先なので、来週帰国してから手配します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know, but the Sales Department has made a recommendation about XX Confectionery Corporation's sweets yesterday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、ただ昨日営業部からXX製菓会社さんのお菓子について提案が来ていまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's the confectionary which installed our system the other day, isn't it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先日ウチのシステムを入れていただいたお店ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have to take the other traders into consideration, so can you confirm the details with the Sales?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他の業者さんとの兼ね合いもあるので、藤堂さんで営業と詳細確認しておいてもらえますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't think there is any concern regarding other regular duties, though......", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他は通常業務なので特にないかと思いますが.......", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Kazuyo, I have one thing I'd like to ask you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "平良室長、一つ宜しいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, Rinka.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、氏家さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, you look a little tired, are you okay?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あら、少し疲れている様子ですが、大丈夫ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry, I haven't been doing well on arranging a business dinner for the CEO the week after next.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すみません、再来週の社長の会食の手配が上手くできなくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, a business dinner with people visiting from K Corporation, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、K社から視察に来られる方達との会食ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I have received your email with information about them, but there're too many restrictions that it's been taking me forever looking for a restaurant.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、室長のメールで先様の情報をいただいたんですが、制約が多くてお店を探すのに随分時間がかかっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I thought it would be a good opportunity for a newly-assigned person like you, though it might be a little difficult to find a place for them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あの方達のお店選びは少し難しいけれど、あなたみたいな新人さんにはいい機会かと思ったの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I thought it should be reserved early since it would be on Friday, so I was searching the whole day yesterday, but.........", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "金曜日なので予約は早い方が良いと思って、昨日ずっと探してたんですが......", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mr. Cohen doesn't eat any meat, and Mr. Toth does not like fish and he is on a calorie and sodium restricted diet as well...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "コーエン専務はお肉全般召し上がらないし、トス部長はお魚が苦手な上に高血圧でカロリーと塩分制限があるし...", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Rinka, you should ask people around you for help if you take unnecessarily long time, alright?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "氏家さん、必要以上に時間がかかってしまう時は周りに聞いてくださいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My apologies, Kazuyo, I will do so next time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "申し訳ありません、平良室長、今後その様にいたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If those are the only conditions, how about \"Japanese Cuisine XX\" ?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その条件だけなら「割烹XX」はどうかしら?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They serve dishes mostly using seafood, though, don't they?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもあそこは魚介を使ったお料理が多くない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I heard the son of the chef-owner who trained in Buddhist vegetarian cooking started working there last month, and his dishes have gotten good reputations.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先月から入ったご亭主の息子さんが精進料理の修行をしてきたとかで、お料理の評判がいいのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you tell the restaurant their preferences beforehand, they would probably do low-sodium dishes as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "事前に好みを伝えておけば、減塩対応もしてくれると思うわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, you can avoid meat and fish with vegetarian cuisine, and if they'd like to have some, it would be possible to prepare these dishes separately for each of them, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうね、精進料理ならお肉もお魚も避けられるし、召し上がりたければそれぞれに別途ご用意する事もできるわね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It might be a little difficult to make a reservation on Friday night, though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも金曜日の夜はちょっと予約が取りづらいかも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If it's \"Japanese Cuisine XX,\" I can call the place later, because I know the chef-owner pretty well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "「割烹XX」ならご亭主と懇意にさせていただいているので、後で私から連絡してみましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you tell the restaurant about the details yourself if I manage a reservation?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "予約がとれたら、詳細は氏家さんから伝えてくれるかしら。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By all means, thank you ladies!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "勿論です、皆さん、ありがとうございます!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, one more thing, Mr. Cohen likes Japan very much and he is fond of using chopsticks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、それから、コーエン専務は日本びいきでお箸をお使いになりたがるの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, he is not very good at using them, so you should ask the restaurant to prepare a knife and a fork in advance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもあまりお上手じゃないから、事前にナイフとフォークもお出しするように、手配しておいてね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Rinka, Mr. Cohen and Mr. Toth are still better than other clients, because they're not very particular about food.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "氏家さん、コーエン専務とトス部長はお好みにうるさくないから、まだ他のお客様より楽なほうよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You should confirm our clients' diet in advance, since we have more people who are vegans or need halal food recently.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最近はビーガンの方やハラル対応が必要な方もお客様に多いから事前に召し上がれる物を確認ね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not to mention allergies, there are some people with various chronic diseases, almost like a department store of symptoms.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アレルギーは勿論、持病が色々おありで、病気のデパートみたいな方もいらっしゃるから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Um, I'd appreciate your continued guidance, ladies....", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "う、皆さん、これからもご教示お願いいたします...", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Takeomi, how's that Osaka case coming along?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "川井、あれ、大阪の件、どうなった?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, that, I think I will probably be going there once on next Wednesday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あれですね、来週の水曜日に一度あっちに行かなきゃダメそうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I can't make it next week, but if worst comes to worst, I'll go there myself.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうか、来週は無理だけど、最悪俺も出張るから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For now, can you hand in that one as soon as possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とりあえず、あれ、早めに出しといてよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I'm sure I printed it out and....", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えーっと、確かプリントアウトして...", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Here, a business trip application form.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "出張申請書、こちらです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, thanks, Yu.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、ありがとう、但馬さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Add to that, that case in Osaka is a little complicated.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでですね、大阪のあの件、ちょっと面倒でして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It might actually end up being trouble like that case last month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしかすると先月のあれみたいトラブるかもしれないんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, no, that would be a bit hard considering the time left.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おーそっか、それはちょっと時間的に厳しいな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In any way, before I send that out, we'd need to...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どっちにしろ、あれ出す前に必要になると思うんで...", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Here is your request for approval.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、稟議書です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, thanks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、どうもありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, Koichi, could you inform about it to Yoshiyuki?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので、専務から支社長に一応話通しておいて貰えませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうね、わかった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll see him at a meeting on Thursday, so I'll tell him about it then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "木曜に打ち合わせで会うんで、その時言っとく。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, is that place open on Thursday night?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだ、木曜の夜ってあそこ開いてたっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, well, that one behind the station, you mean?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、えーっと、あれですよね、駅の裏の。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, the one that serves that thing and the other day we....", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、あれ出す店、こないだ...", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's \"XXX.\"", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "「XXX」ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think it's open on Thursday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "木曜日は、開いてると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you want me to make a reservation?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "予約しておきましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, thank you, can you do that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、悪いね、お願いしてもいい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And about the case in Nagoya, that person, well....", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから、名古屋の件ですが、あの人。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know, I have his face in mind, though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、顔は出るんだが、", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yusuke, from the Nagoya Sales Promotion Office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "間島さんですね、名古屋営業所の。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's it, Yusuke!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、間島!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, regarding the case with Yusuke.......", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、専務、間島さんの件なんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey, Yu, I'm wondering how you really get what these two guys are talking about.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ねえ、但馬さん、よくあの二人の会話わかりますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, it's maybe because most of the things they talk about are related to projects which I also work for.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "んー、川井部長と横川専務の話す事、殆どは私も関係してる案件だから、かな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But still, all they say is \"this\" and \"that.\"", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、「あれ」、「それ」がほとんどですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm kind of impressed that they both understand each other as well, though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お二人がお互いの言ってる事を理解出来るのもスゴいですけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In spite of that, it's amazing that these two people are actually pretty good at work, isn't it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あれで、結構仕事デキる人達なのが不思議でしょ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Exactly, it really is a thing I'm wondering the most since I was assigned to this office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、本当にここの事務所に来てから、一番の謎ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I could say you are standing on your own two feet once you got to decipher their conversations, Kazuki.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあ、布川くんもお二人の会話が理解出来るようになれば、一人前かな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you serious, Yu?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ホントですか、それ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Excuse me, Yu, do you know how many of that is left?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すみません、但馬さん、あれ幾つ残ってたっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, those giveaway towels with our logo, I think we have about 50 left!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ロゴ入りノベルティタオルですね、あと50程あったと思います!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I don't think I'd ever get that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いやー、僕には絶対分かる気がしません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now, I'm going to summarize the notice from the HR.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、人事からの通知内容を要約します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First of all, this company asks all employees to use public transportation for commuting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まず、当社は社員全員に公共交通機関を通勤に利用するようお願いしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think you all know this, listen on.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "みんなこれは知ってると思うけど、ここからが大事。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When commuting by private motor vehicle, including motorbike and bicycle, employees need to apply for permission in advance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "モーターバイク、自転車を含む自家用車両で通勤する場合、社員は事前に申請し許可を得る必要があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This means, you cannot commute using any other means of transportation except public transit, before you get permission form the company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これは、会社に承認をもらってからじゃないと、公共交通機関以外で通勤しちゃダメです、って事。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you all understand what I'm saying so far?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私が言っている事、ここまでは全員が理解出来ているかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, well, we can ask questions later, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、あのー、質問は後で、ですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, please, now, let me continue.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうしてください、じゃあ、続けますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In case any employee is commuting by other than the above, meaning train or bus, without permission, okay?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "無許可のまま上記、電車やバスね、以外で通勤してる社員がいる場合、いい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please check in-house bulletin board titled \"by the end of the day\", by the end of today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社内掲示板を「本日中に確認」してください、今日中ね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have documents in English regarding application procedures, acceptable applicants, and other commuting rules.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "申請方法や受理可能な申請対象者、その他通勤ルールに関して英語の文書を記載しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And listen here, please make sure to take appropriate measures by the end of the week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここ聞いて、必ず「今週中」に適宜対応してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's it, you all got that now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "以上、今のはわかったね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If there's anything you're not sure, it's okay to ask me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わからない事があれば、私に聞いてくれても構いません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Raise your hand if anyone has questions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "質問がある人は手を挙げて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, Soji.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、部長。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why do we need to get a permission for bike commuting outside working hours?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "勤務時間外の自転車通勤に何故許可が必要なんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Bryan, it's because.......", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはね、ブライアン.....", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's healthy and environmentally friendly, you know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "健康だし、エコだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think the company should promote bicycle commuting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会社は自転車通勤を推進するべきよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We wouldn't receive commuting allowance for it, so they can cut down on expenses, too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "交通費をもらうわけでもないし、会社も経費を削減できるよな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Guys, listen to me, okay?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、みんな聞いてくれる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Samantha, I agree with you that bicycles are healthy and environmentally friendly transportation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サマンサ、自転車がエコで健康的な移動手段なのは私も賛同するよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "After all, it's outside working hours.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そもそも勤務時間外じゃないですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Bryan, I understand what you're trying to say.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ブライアン、君の意見も理解出来る。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, there might be some people who ride them to go for lunch or for transportation during work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただね、お昼とか勤務中の移動に使う人もいるかもしれない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There might be parking issues depending on where you work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "勤務地によってはパーキングの問題もある。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, things like that could happen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そっか、そういう可能性もありますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Excuse me, I'm looking at the bulletin board right now, though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あのー、今掲示板を見てるんですけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do we even have to commute on a fixed route?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "通勤路まで決めなきゃいけないんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It feels like we're under control of the company even outside of work hours, I don't get it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なんか、勤務時間外も会社に管理されてるみたいで、納得いきませんよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Roy, train lines and transferring stations must be approved as well, you know that, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "路線や乗換駅も承認を受けなきゃいけないっていうのは、ロイも知ってるよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But that's because they have to calculate transportation expenses, isn't it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもそれは交通費を計算する為でしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That, too, but also accidents during commuting are types of working injuries.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それもあるけど、通勤中の事故は労災の一種なんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's the same for train and bus commuting, or private car and bicycle commuting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは電車やバスでも、車や自転車でも同じ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, the company must know who is commuting in what ways, for all the employees.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だから会社は社員全員に関して、誰がどうやって通勤してるかを把握しておかないといけない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Most companies in Japan have the rules set that way, though there might be a small difference in details.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "細かいルールは多少違うかもしれないが、日本の会社では大体そういう決まりなんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, I just need to set my commuting route, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、通勤路を決めればいいですね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I should be able to commute by bike if I apply for it, yeah?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "申請すれば、自転車通勤OKですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Roy, ah, we need a little more time to talk, I guess....", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ロイ、あー、もう少し話さなきゃいけないんだろうねぇ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you guys come here, for a quick meeting?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "クイックミーティングするから、みんなちょっと集まって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've just received an important email from the HR.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さっき人事から大事なメールが来てね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like you all to check the in-house bulletin board today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日みんなに社内掲示板を確認してもらいたいんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's in-house bulletin board?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社内掲示板って?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I kind of remember we had something like that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんなのありましたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Come on, you guys.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おいおい、みんな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You've been told to check it once in a while when you start working here, haven't you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "入社した時に定期的に確認する様に言われなかったか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But, Soji, that bulletin board is, well, no one is really looking at it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも部長、あの掲示板って、あのー、誰もあんまり見てないんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Because it's in Japanese.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サイトが日本語だからねー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can't really get used to it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちにはちょっと馴染めないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are some notices in English for employees from other countries as well, you know?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "外国人従業員向けの英語ノーティスとかもあるんだぞ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It takes time to find these ones, though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもそれ見つけるのに時間がかかるんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The whole navigation is in Japanese.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ナビが全部日本語なんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I know what you mean!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あー、わかる!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's not very accessible when you want to find something like application forms.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "申請書類とか探そうって時、ちょっと不便だよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, so I've never really looked at it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だから俺、実は殆ど見た事ないんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I understand!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あー、分かったから!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll tell the people running the site about the bulletin board usability.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "掲示板のユーザビリティについては後で運営担当に連絡しておくよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then we'd like it to have our BBS, don't you think?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、僕らのBBSがあるといいよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We want to share information with each other!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "外国人同士で情報共有したーい!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Listen!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "聞いてください!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For today, this notice is more important.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日のところは、こっちの通知が大事だから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, Soji.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can we talk to you later?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "後で聞いてくださいね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I got it Brian.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ブライアン、わかったから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, well, please focus on listening to me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、じゃ、静かに聞いてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't think we have anyone in this division who has applied for permission to commute by bicycle or car.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ウチでは自動車か自転車通勤の許可申請をしてる者はいないと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Isn't this right, everyone?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あってるよね、どうかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I come here by bike sometime.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、僕はたまにバイクで来てます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, I see.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、そうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You've just joined us this month, Roy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ロイは今月入ったばかりだったね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, I'll talk to you privately later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかった、君とは後で個人的に話をするとして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, is there a problem?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、何か問題があるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, that's what I've been trying to tell you all, Roy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だから、ロイ、今それを皆に説明しようとしてるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll answer each question later on, okay?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "個別の質問は別途答えるからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、部長。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm sorry to interrupt.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お話中断してすみませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now, I'll summarize the notice from HR for you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、人事からの通知をサマリーするね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I have your attention?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "みんな聞いてるかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, well, we'll take a break here!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、じゃあ、ここで休憩をしましょう!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, we haven't finished everything yet, though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、まだ全部終わってないですけど...", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Your head's going to explode if you don't refresh once in a while.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "たまにリフレッシュしないと頭パンクしちゃうから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's only your first week here, and doing a bunch of new stuff makes you pretty tired, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだ配属1週間目で、新しい事ばかりやると結構疲れるでしょ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, that's....", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ、そんな事...", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, taking a break is a tip for working smart, too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それに、休憩とるのも効率良く働くコツなんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I'm sorry, I work inefficiently!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、効率悪くて、すみません!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I didn't mean that, Megumu, umm, I'm going to go get coffee at the vending machine, want to join me?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "佐々さん、そうじゃなくて、えっと、ちょっとコーヒー買いに自販機行くけど一緒に行く?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, um....", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、あの...", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I'm not forcing you or anything, let's take a 10-minute break, alright?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、強制とかじゃないから、10分休憩にしよう、ね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Um, I'm coming with you!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっと、ご一緒させていただきます!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What would you like to have?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何がいい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I'll get one myself.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、自分で。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, let's say it's a little gift to celebrate your new job, how's that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なら、ちょこっと就職祝いって事でどう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, thank you, I'll have that hot chocolate on the far right, please.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、ありがとうございます、一番右のココアでお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, you need something sweet for your brain, here you go.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、なんか甘いの頭に必要だよねー、はいどうぞ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By the way, you speak English, right, Megumu?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ところで、佐々さんは英語話すんでしょ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I grew up abroad until I came to Japan when I was 15.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、15で日本に来るまで海外で育ったので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, then you can speak quite fluently, can't you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おお、じゃあ結構ペラペラじゃない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I guess, if it's general conversation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、まあ、一般的な会話なら。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey, can I ask you why you've chosen HR?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あのさ、なんで人事選んだか聞いてもいいかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have in-house translators, a department that deals with international IP, and the Sales department is focusing on overseas markets as well, you know?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ウチ内勤翻訳とか海外知財扱う部署もあるし、営業部も海外力入れてるよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, actually I was hired to be assigned to Sales first.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えーっとですね、実は初め営業枠で採用されたんですよ、私。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And at the interview, I was also asked if I was interested in translation or intellectual property.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと面接の時、翻訳か知財についても興味ないか聞かれました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I like dealing with people, so making applications for intellectual property sounded kind of boring.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも人と関わるのが好きなんで、知財の申請とかするのはちょっとつまらなそうだったし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As for translation, I thought it might go out of use in the near future because of evolving AI translation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、翻訳に関しては、AI翻訳が進化してるから近い将来無くなるかもって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmmm, you shouldn't say that outside of our division, alright?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、それ絶対ウチの部の外で言わない方がいいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, then it still sounds like you'd be better off if you worked at Sales, though?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、それじゃやっぱり営業の方が良かったんじゃない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I actually liked the product of this company even when I lived abroad.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実はこの会社の製品、海外に居た頃から好きで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've been thinking that these products are so nice and they should be known more widely.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんなにいい物、もっとみんなに知ってもらえればいいのにって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why did you end up coming to HR, then?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、どうして人事に来ちゃったの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've met a super cool trainer at the joint training, and I asked right away to be assigned to HR!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "合同研修で最高にかっこいい人事トレーナーに出会って、すぐ人事へ配属してもらえるようお願いしたんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I admire the way the person being really professional, and I got this strong feeling that I want to become just like her!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その人の本物のプロって感じに憧れて、私もこういう風になりたいって強い気持ちが!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I believe that a trainer from the HR for that training was....", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "研修ん時の人事トレーナーって、確か...", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I didn't know that HR was such a people job that could change my life plan in one day!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の人生設計1日で変える程、人事ってそんなに人に関る仕事なんだって知らなくて!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've made up my mind to work for Ms. Mafuyu Tsumura!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "津村真冬課長の下で働くと決心したんですっ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, she's cool and good looking, but quite strict, you know?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああー、かっこいいし美人だけど、厳しい人よー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Commenting on a coworker's appearance is sexual harassment, Tadashi!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "容姿に関するコメントはセクハラですよ、戸倉さん!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mafuyu taught us so at the training!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "研修で津村課長に教えていただきましたっ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Whoa, I seriously think everyone was happier if she was your on-the-job trainer, too....", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うわー、現場研修でも課長が君の教育係やれば、みんなハッピーだったのにってマジで思うわ...", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you pass me that file, Megumu?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "佐々さん、そこの資料取って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, Tadashi, the reference room is really....", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、戸倉さん、資料室って本当に...", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, sorry, you're working.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、作業中すみません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Here is the Labor Standards Act pamphlet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちら労基法のパンフです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thanks, and you were saying?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとう、で、なんだって?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, no, we shouldn't talk during training....", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ、トレーニング中雑談は...", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's okay, I feel suffocated if it gets too quiet, you know?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいよ、あんま静かだと俺が息詰まっちゃうから、ね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, um, I was just amazed that there were still so many paper documents.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、あの、本当にまだこんなに紙の資料があるんだな、と。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, yes, at this company, these things are a little outdated, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あー、うん、この会社、ちょっとそこらへん旧式だよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Especially our division is pretty behind in going paperless, I guess.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ウチの部署は特にペーパーレス化が遅れてるかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, by the way, about that writing you put together....", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、ところで、さっき纏めて貰った文章ね...", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A bit long-winded, I think.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっと長ったらしいな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I'm sorry!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、すみません!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Um, sorry, you see, I speak a bit bluntly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あーっと、ごめん、ほら、俺ちょっと雑に言っちゃうんで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm not mad or anything, so, listen, okay?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "怒ってる訳じゃないから、聞いて、ね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes....", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい...", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is writing that will be used to notify commuting rules, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これ通勤規定の周知に使う文章だよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What is the purpose of it, again?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "目的は何なんだっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "To let everybody read the regulations again and to stop bicycle commuting without permission, I believe?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆さんに規定を再確認してもらって、無断自転車通勤をやめてもらう事、ですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Bull's eye!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大当たり!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So it should be clear enough that everyone can understand what we want to say.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だから何を言いたいのか、みんなに分かりやすい文章じゃないと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, is my writing hard to understand?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっと、私の文章わかりづらいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not your writing itself, but how you write it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "文章そのものじゃなくてね、書き方。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The HR documents are complicated to start with, aren't they?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "人事部の文書って元々込み入ってるよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, well....", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、まあ...", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Everyone can't be bothered to read them, to be honest.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "正直言うとみんな面倒くさくて読みたくない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, I don't think....", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや、それは...", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know so, that's why if you write it politely but so long at the beginning, you see?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなの、だから、頭の方に丁寧だけど、こんなに長く書いちゃうと、ね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Probably no one would read it till the end.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "多分誰も最後まで読んでくれない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you learned that you should write clearly and simply, in your business-writing training?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ライティング研修で習ったかな、明確にシンプルに書きましょって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, you're exactly right!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はいっ、仰る通りですっ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, here, I've marked important parts in red.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、これ、重要なところ赤入れたから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you pick out points and write those down?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ポイントだけ選んで書き出してみて?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can format the document later, with only the barest of the details.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "文章の体裁は後で整えればいいんだよ、必要最低限にね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Remember, it'll be no use if people don't read these parts to begin with.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とにかく、先ずそこ読んでもらわないと意味が無いからね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, Tadashi, thank you for your kind guidance!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はいっ、戸倉さんっ、ご指導ありがとうございましたっ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ahhh, fresh new hires are too bright in many ways....", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あー、キラッキラの新人ちゃん、色んな意味で眩し過ぎだわぁ...。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now, as you all know, our company has been actively hiring employees from other countries in recent years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、近年我社も外国人社員を積極的に採用しているのは皆さんも知っての通りです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Along with that, we have more people who do not understand various HR regulations.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それに伴い、人事規定の各事項を理解していない人も増えています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, HR-related documents are complicated even for Japanese people.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあ、人事関連の文書は日本人でもややっこしいからなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ahem, a rule violation by these employees which cannot be overlooked is bicycle commuting without permission.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オホン、外国人社員の規則違反で目に余るのは無断自転車通勤です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If they have an accident during bicycle commuting, it will be considered as a commuting injury, the same as commuting by private car.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自転車通勤で事故を起こした場合は自家用車と同様、通勤途上災害とされます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is a kind of worker injury.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これは労災の一種となります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Employees need to apply for private vehicle commuting permission, before they commute by bicycle.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自転車通勤の前に個人車両通勤許可の申請が必要です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In that case, HR needs to check details such as their commuting route and whether they have insurance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その際、人事で通勤路と保険加入などの詳細を確認する必要があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please take it from here, Eri.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "犀川さん、続きをお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Currently, there seem to be a few foreigners who have been bicycle commuting without permission.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "現在無断で自転車通勤している外国人が数名いる模様です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There might be more of them whom we haven't been able to grasp, so we'd like to notify the application rules to the whole company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他にもこちらで把握出来ていない社員もいる可能性がある為、申請ルールを社内に周知したいと考えています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The notice will be about recommendation for public transportation commuting, application procedures and conditions for approval, commuting routes, and parking for cars and bikes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "周知内容は公共交通機関通勤の推奨、申請方法と承認条件、通勤路、駐車駐輪についてとなります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How do we spread the rules to the entire company?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうやって全社に周知するんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We're putting it up on the intranet bulletin board by the end of the month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今月末までに社内掲示板にアップします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That one is only in Japanese, I wonder if the foreigners would even look at it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あれって、日本語のみですよね、外国人見るのかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will have the notice in English as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "告知内容は英語でも作成予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why don't we ask all the managers to have everyone in their departments check the bulletin board?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "各部署の管理職に部全体で掲示板確認するように伝えるってのはどうです?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, at morning meetings like this one, in their department and factories.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほら、こういう部内の朝ミーティングとか、工場の朝礼とか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They can probably ask questions in English to their bosses, too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "多分上司にも英語で質問できますしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is not appropriate to make an announcement to all the managers with this level of notice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このレベルの通知で全管理職への連絡は難しいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, how about contacting managers of the places with those employees who have been suspected of unauthorized commuting for now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、とりあえずその無許可通勤が疑われる社員が居る所の管理職に連絡するとか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And maybe other places with a lot of people from other countries as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと他にも外国人が多い所ですかね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hm, we'll decide on that by the end of the day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ふむ、今日中に検討しましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now, Tadashi.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、戸倉さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、なんでしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I want you to draft the notification for the bulletin board.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "戸倉さんは掲示板用周知文のドラフトをお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, am I the one doing it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、俺ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, please put it together by the end of the week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、今週中に纏めてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And, Megumu.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから、佐々さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, yes!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "は、はいっ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you assist Tadashi until Friday?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "佐々さんは金曜日まで戸倉さんについてくれますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, ma'am!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "かしこまりました!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Whoa, are you serious?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うわ、マジですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I am asking you to do this, Tadashi.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、あなたにお願いします、戸倉さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I mean, is it ok if I become a trainer for her?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あのー、私が教育係で大丈夫か、という意味でして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "At least, there are no problems with the way you work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "少なくとも仕事には問題はないですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Megumu, you'll learn things by watching him working, okay?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "佐々さん、彼の仕事を見て、色々学んでください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, Mafuyu!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、津村課長!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm looking forward to working with you, Tadashi!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よろしくお願いします、戸倉さん!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ahhh, come on, let's go to the reference room to start with....", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はー、おいで、とりあえず資料室にいくよー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We'll start a HR morning meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "朝の人事ミーティングを始めます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Today, I have something to tell you regarding our commuting regulations.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は通勤規定について話があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are we revising it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "改定ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, there will be no revision in the regulation itself, but we have to notify the entire employees of precautions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ、規定自体に変更はないのですが、注意事項を周知する必要があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As you all know, our company expects all employees to take public transportation for commuting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆さんご存じの通り、我社は社員全員に公共交通機関通勤をお願いしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We do not permit commuting by private vehicles in general.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自家用車等の通勤は基本的に許可していません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, we could if someone applied for it, though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ま、申請されれば可能ではありますけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But it all depends on where the applicant works.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもそれは申請者の勤務地によります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We allow employees who works in suburbs and rural districts, since these workplaces are often poorly accessible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "郊外や地方の従業員が許されるのは、職場のアクセスが悪い場合が多いからですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As Eri says, we accept applications in these cases with approvals from their supervisors.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "犀川さんの言うように、そういった場合は責任者承認で対象者に申請してもらっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, these workplaces are far from the stations and quite often only have few buses running, if any.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、そういう職場って駅から離れてるし、バスあったとしても数本しかないとこ多いですもんねぇ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "On the contrary, almost all the offices in urban areas are accessible by public transportation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかし、都市部の事務所は公共交通機関でのアクセスがほぼ全域で可能です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That is why we do not allow any other means of transportation except applicants with good enough reasons.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その為、よほどの理由がある申請者以外は他の交通手段を許可していません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Parking is expensive, too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "駐車場も高いですしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Firstly, you have to check if there's any empty parking space near the office, you know?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その前に会社近くの駐車場に空きがあるかだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It would be quite difficult to find one every morning, I guess.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "毎朝見つけるの、かなり難しそうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Keeping a car would cost too much, if you drove only on weekends, don't you agree?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "週末ドライバーじゃ、維持費かかりすぎだよなあ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In addition, there are also possibilities of accidents during commuting...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また、通勤中の事故の可能性もあり...", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have traffic jams in the city areas, as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "都市部は渋滞もあるしなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can estimate time when you commute by train, too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "電車通勤なら時間が読めますし、ね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Even though they would drive at their own risk, in the case of accidents during commuting....", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自己責任で運転している場合も通勤途上事故の場合...", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Umm, was that called \"commuting injuries\"?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えーっと、「通勤途上災害」でしたっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, right, you've just started working this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、そっか、佐々さんは今年入社だっけ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You were in training until last month, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先月まで研修受けてたんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I still need to learn many things....", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、まだ色々勉強中で...", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You two, over there!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこ2人!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "May I continue?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "続けてもいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oops, sorry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、すんません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Megumu, may I?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "佐々さん、いいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はっ、はいっ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please raise your hand when you have questions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わからない事は挙手して聞いてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I'm sorry!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はいっ、すみませんっ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Take notes during a meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会議の時はメモをとる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はいっ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can chat only during your break.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お喋りは休憩中のみです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll follow your instructions!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご指示のとおりいたします!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mafuyu, that's a bit too strict, don't you think?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "課長、そりゃ、ちょっと厳しくないですかー?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm telling you as well, Tadashi!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "戸倉さん、あなたもです!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はいっ、課長!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ahh, how many years have you been here already?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はぁ、あなた、もう何年目ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm a bit concerned about my sales performance not improving but it would be great if you can give me some feedback.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "営業成績が伸びないことに少し悩んでいるのですが、もしご意見がいただければと思いまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You've been working hard, Inoue-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お疲れ様、井上さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is this recent or are you talking about not being able to get results in the long run?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "伸び悩んでいるのは最近、それとも長い間成績を出してこれなかったのかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've been struggling starting from this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "伸び悩んでいるのは今年に入ってからです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't know what's wrong and can't think of any solutions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "特に自分で思い当たるところもなく、打開策も思いつかなくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The beginning of the year is usually tough to get new business.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "年始は比較的、新規の営業を取ってくるのは難しいよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But it's already March, so things should start to pick up though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でももう3月か、そろそろあげてきてもおかしくはない頃だけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I kind of felt that my regular clients up until now have slowed down.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今までのお得意様からの継続もいくつか渋られてきた印象がありました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was able to get half-year's worth of contracts after persevering but I'm not confident if I can get it again next time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "粘って半年分の契約は取れたのですが、次も無事取れるかあまり自信がありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm trying to find new clients as we gear up for the June brides but it's not going too well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ジューンブライドに合わせて、新規開拓もしているんですが、あまり上手くいってないし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Consumers are becoming distant from magazines too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "消費者も雑誌離れしてるからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And a bridal magazine like ours targets the younger crowd so it's even harder.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかもうちみたいなブライダル雑誌は、若い層が対象だから余計難しいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But it's only from this year right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも今年に入ってからでしょ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hear that large companies from Tokyo set up offices here and have contracted with a lot of hotels and venues in this area.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なら、東京の大手の会社がこっちにも支社を出して、最近この辺のホテルも式会場もそっちとたくさん契約しているって噂だから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They publish a lot more so it's tough.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "発行部数があっちの方が断然多いから、難しいよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's true that we lose in terms of number copies printed but I think our magazine's sales are still better in the local area.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かに発行部数では負けますが、まだまだ地元ではうちの雑誌の方が売り上げはあると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, for those who pay for advertisement would use the number of copies printed as the most important factor, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ま、広告費を払う側としては発行部数を一番基準にするもんなんじゃないの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A small company like ours would struggle to keep our head above the water if such a large company comes in.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちみたいな小さな会社じゃ、あんな大手に入り込まれたらこれから生き抜いていくのが大変だよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just thought of a breakthrough idea.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "打開策、思いつきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will pick out the sales volume of just this prefecture so we can easily see the difference compared to our competitors.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この県のみでの販売数の集計を出して、ライバル会社との差を一目でわかるよう、数字でだしてみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That may be good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはいいかもしれないね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But the major company from Tokyo is Company Z, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも東京の大手会社ってあのZ社ですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm worried about the future.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "不安です、この先。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I want to say that we will be okay but, I honestly feel the same.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大丈夫だよって言いたいところだけど、正直自分もそう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But there is talks of a merger.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもね、合併の話が出てるんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A merger?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "合併?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, the relatives of the president are all in the bridal industry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、社長の親戚ってほぼみんなブライダル系なの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Among them, the president of a bridal company headquartered in Hawaii is our president's sister.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その中でハワイを拠点とした海外ブライダルをしている社の社長が、うちの社長のお姉さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They started off as a small company with four employees but now have 80 employees.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社員4人の小さな会社から立ち上げて、今では社員も80人だって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They also do bridal work in Guam and Okinawa, and that seems to be going well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "グアムや沖縄のブライダルもやってるんだけど、それもかなり上手くいってるみたいでさ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "More of an acquisition than a merger?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "合併っていうより、吸収って感じですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Who knows?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうかね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It might seem that way if we compare the size.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "規模的に比べると、そうなるのかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But our company won't go under, maybe.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもうちの会社は潰れないよ、きっと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The president's sister is also...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社長の妹さんも確か。。。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, the top hotel owner in this area.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、この辺では1番のホテルの経営者。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's assuring.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "心強いです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much for your advice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご相談に乗って頂いてありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will first total the figures and go out to see clients once more.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まずは集計を出してもう一度営業に行ってきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, do your best!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、頑張ってね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, my name is Yamamoto from Company C, and I'd like to inquire about the refund for insurance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "C社の山本と申しますが、保険代の返金についてお伺いしたのいのですが?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have your contract number with you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではご契約番号はお持ちでいらっしゃいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it is 45990.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、45990です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For confirmation, can you please advise your phone number, name and title.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご確認のため、お電話番号とお名前、役職をお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is xxx-xxx-xxxx, my name is Yamamoto and I'm in charge of accounting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "xxx-xxx-xxxx、山本で経理を担当しております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you, I've confirmed it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとうございます、確認できました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So what can I help you with today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日はどのようなご用件でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My refund amount for the worker's compensation insurance is 160 thousand yen less but why is that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "労働者災害補償保険の返金額がいつもより16万円近くも少ないのですが、どうしてですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will look it up so please wait a moment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お調べいたしますので、少々お待ちください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I sent an email for a self audit request in October.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "10月に自己監査の依頼をメールで送信させていただきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Has that been taken care of already?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そちらは既にお済みですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I attached a copy of last year's corporate tax and copy of the mid term report but did that not go through?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "前年度の法人税と、中間報告のコピーを添付してメールしましたが、届いていませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I do not have it on file but where did you send it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらでは確認できないのですが、どちらに送信して頂きましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry, I sent it directly to the insurance company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すみません、保険会社の方に直接メールしてしまいました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you remember when you sent it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつ頃送られたか覚えていらっしゃいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I replied right away so it was around the middle of October.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すぐに返信したので、10月中旬ぐらいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, there is a memo from the insurance company here so I'll check it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、保険会社からのメモが残っていましたので、確認して見ます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It seems the files for the self audit has been confirmed in October.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自己監査の書類は10月に確認できているようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I believe the difference in the return is due to the increase in employees and increase in contractors.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "返金額に変更があったのは、従業員数の増加と、請負業社の増加が原因とありますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We did have more employees and more contractors last year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かに去年従業員の数も請負業社の数も増えました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, the insurance rate has gone up to reflect the increase of those who would be applicable for the insurance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうすると、保険対象になる方の増加に伴い、保険料も値上がりします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will go up around 160 thousand yen for an additional two or three people?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでも2、3人の増加で16万円近くも上がるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can't say much without looking at the documents in detail.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "詳しくは書類を見て確認しないとなんとも申し上げられないのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you'd like, can you send me the documents you sent for the self-audit?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よろしければ、自己監査の際に提出した書類を転送していただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have the person in charge here so we can review it today and get back to you today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "担当の者がおりますので、本日中に確認してご連絡差し上げられると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "できればそうして下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will send it over now then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、今から送らせて頂きます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Duly noted.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will get back to you once we've confirmed it so, please wait a bit longer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確認次第こちらよりご連絡いたしますので、お待ちください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Tomorrow's a day off, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日休みでしょ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you going to go anywhere?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どっかいくの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's not a long vacation so I can't travel anywhere far so I plan on just taking care of small tasks at home.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "連休じゃないから遠出もできないし、家の細々したことを片付ける予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I want a long vacation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "連休欲しいよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How come our company rarely have any consecutive days off?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なんでうちの会社って、連休がほとんどないのかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It can't be helped, the work that we each have isn't something that others can cover.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "仕方ないですかね、個々に受け持っている仕事が、あまり代わりがきかないところがありますからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "True, the work that I do doesn't really involve other employees.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かにね、担当している事について、他の社員が関与していることがあまりないもんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe that's why our meeting aren't very organized?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だからミーティングとか全然まとまりないのかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you feel that way too, Sugawara-san?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "菅原さんも感じてました?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like, everyone only talks about their own sales or clients and doesn't really care about others.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なんか、みんな自分の売り上げとか顧客のことばかりで、他の事や人は御構いなしって感じ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, it is what it is.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ま、仕方ないか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We're colleagues but rivals.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "仲間だけどライバルだもんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I kind of want to be more involved with them though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、もう少し関わりたいなって思いますけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Everyone can come to the office whenever they want and everyone leaves the office at different times.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "みんな出勤時間も自由だし、退社時間もバラバラですもんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, that is one of the good points about our company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ま、そこがうちの会社のいいところでもあるけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The flexible work hours are a big help.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "フレキシブルな勤務時間は本当に助かってる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Especially for a single mom like me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "特に私みたいな、シングルマザーにはさ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The boss-subordinate relationship is pretty loose too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "上司部下みたいな括りも緩いですもんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The place I worked before this had an unspoken rule that you can't decline if your boss invites you to a drinking party, and everyone gave me a dirty look because I always declined.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここの前に働いていた会社は、上司から誘われた飲み会は断れないみたいな、暗黙の了解とかあって、毎回断る私は結構白い目で見られてたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There's such a company?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんな会社があるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Inoue-san, you're young so you don't know!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "井上さんは若いから知らないな!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It used to be pretty normal in the past.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昔は結構当たり前だったんだけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sugawara-san, are you off tomorrow?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "菅原さんも明日お休みですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, why?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだけど?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would you like to go for lunch?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ランチでもどうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, my daughter will be at school and won't be home anyways.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいよ、娘も昼は学校でいないし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about we try the newly opened cafe that we mentioned before?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではこの間噂していた、新しくオープンしたカフェに行って見ませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, I want to go!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいね、行きたい!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Their croissant sandwich is really good, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "クロワッサンのサンドイッチがすっごく美味しいんでしょ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, and they have a salad bar too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうです、しかもサラダバーもありますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "楽しみ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about we meet at 12 o'clock?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では12時集合でいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I look forward to it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オーケー、楽しみにしてる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What did you think of the past year looking back?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お疲れ様でした。一年を振り返ってどうでしたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, the sales increased this year and I think the customers thought highly of me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、今年度は売り上げも増えましたし、お客様からの評価も頂けてよかったと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, you did well this year again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだね、白石さん今年も良かったもんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Was there anything that was bad?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではダメだった点はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sales increased compared to last year but I couldn't reach my target.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "売り上げは前年度よりは上がりましたが、目標を達成できませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, then how do you think you can achieve your target?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですか、ではどのようにしたら目標を達成できたと思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe deepen my understanding of the product I'm selling?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "売っている商品についての知識をより深める事でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There were several times when I wasn't able to quickly answer the customer's question so I felt that affected the sales a bit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お客様からの質問に迅速に対応できなかった件がいくつかありまして、売り上げに少し響いたと感じました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to propose something but would it be possible to hold a training session on things like the equipment?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこで提案なのですが、近々機器関連の研修を開いて頂けないでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have a good understanding of the performance and price but when people ask me questions with technical terms in regards to machinery, I feel that I still lack knowledge on it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "価格や性能については熟知しているつもりでいたのですが、機械の専門用語で質問されますと、まだいまいち知識不足を感じます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I feel uneasy when I'm dealing with someone who is an expert on machinery or someone from the industry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "機器に詳しい方や、業者関係の方がいらっしゃった時の対応が不安なんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You will have to go to the head office in Tokyo but there are training sessions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "東京の本社まで出向いていただく形にはなりますが、研修はありますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd love to participate in it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ぜひ参加したいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I'll check the schedule and let you know by today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、ではスケージュールを確認して、今日中に連絡します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, can you tell me about your goals for this year?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、今年の課題についてお話しいただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First of all, I want to set a sales target, and I definitely want to achieve it this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まず第一に、売り上げ目標を掲げ、今年は必ず達成したいと思っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, I'll be in charge of training new employees from this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "後、今年から新入社員の教育係も兼任することになりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't think I'm in a position to be training others yet, but I will do my best and utilize the experiences I've built up until now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだまだ人を育てるような立場ではないと思いますが、今までの経験を生かして努力していく所存です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, thank you very much.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By the way, do you have any request on relocating?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ところで、転勤の希望はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why do you ask?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうしてですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I heard from human resources that your commute takes more than 1 hour ever since you got married and moved.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご結婚して引っ越しされたので通勤に1時間以上かかる、と人事から伺っていたものですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's true that my commuting time got longer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "通勤時間は長くなったのは事実です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But, I've already been working at this branch for almost 4 years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ、この支店に勤めてもう4年近くになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Considering the clients and the work environment, I think this workplace suits me the best.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "顧客様のことや職場の環境を考えると、ここが私には一番最適の職場ではないかと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, we also want to keep working with you, Shiraishi-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですか、私たちも白石さんとずっと一緒に仕事をしたいと思っていますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I look forward to working with you again this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年度も、よろしくお願いいたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I look forward to working with you too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらこそ、よろしくお願いいたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can we bring pets to work?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "職場にペットを連れてきてもいいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's a random thing to ask, what's wrong?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これまた唐突に、どうしたの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My dog is getting old and has cataract so he can't see well, and also can't hear well so I'm worried about leaving him alone at home.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの犬が高齢で、白内障になってあまり良く見えないし、耳もかなり遠くなってきたみたいで、家に1人で置いておくのが不安なんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, this is Pie that you were talking about last time, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この間話してたパイちゃんの事か。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What does everyone think?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "みんなはどう思う?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We're a small company with 4 employees so I think it's okay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社員4人の小さな会社ですからね、いいと思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There's a park in front of the office and you can go there for a walk during lunch break.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会社の前も公園だし、昼休みにお散歩もできますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm not in favor of it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は反対です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It might be the case that we only have 4 employees but there are clients who come, and wouldn't he bark when they come?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かに社員は4人しかいないかもしれないけど、来客されるお客様もいらっしゃるし、その度に吠えたりしないですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And the president doesn't like animals, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それに、社長は動物嫌いですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだったっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The president said he doesn't like reptiles but is fine with dogs and cats.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社長は爬虫類が嫌いって言ってたけど、犬猫は大丈夫だと思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But we use carpet in the office and I'm sure the smell of the dog will stick and it will be a big hassle if the dog urinates on it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、うちの会社はカーペットだし、犬の匂いもつくだろうし、間違ってオシッコでもされたら大変です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I understand Sasaki-san's feelings.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも佐々木さんの気持ちもわかるんだよな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I actually want to bring my pet if possible as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は僕もできればペットを連れてきたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have a dog too but he's never urinated at the wrong place at home and rarely barks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちも犬ですがオシッコを家の中で間違ってした事もないし、吠えることも滅多にありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My dog doesn't really bark but I'm not too confident about the urinating part because he's old.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちは吠えることはないのですが、高齢だからおしっこに関してはあまり自信は無いです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There was a case where he did it at home recently as he couldn't wait for me to come home.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最近1度、私の帰宅を待てずに家の中でしてしまったことがあったので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, so let's not do it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですよね、ではやめましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have any solutions?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か、解決策はありそうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Will Pie be okay being in a cage for a long duration?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "パイちゃんはケージの中に長時間いるのは大丈夫?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes that's fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大丈夫です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The inside of the cage is a bed so I think I'd be more relieved to know he's in it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ケージの中がベットになっているので、むしろ中に入っている方が安心すると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then what do you think about putting him in a cage at work and you can just close the door when clients are over?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なら勤務中はケージの中に入れて、来客中は部屋のドアを締めればいいと思いますが、どう思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "True, we do have individual rooms and the rule where we don't close the doors can be relaxed when clients are here so it should be okay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かに、うちは個々に部屋もあるわけだし、ドアを閉めないルールも、来客中だけとなれば問題はないかもね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I think the smell of the dog will stick.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも犬は臭いがつくと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have our carpet cleaned regularly so I don't think we need to be that sensitive though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "カーペットのクリーニングも定期的に来るし、そこまで敏感になることはないと思うけどな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Tabata-san, are you not good with dogs?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "田端さんは犬が苦手?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No I'm not, I got bitten once...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "苦手です、一度噛まれたことがあって。。。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, then it can't be helped.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そっか、それは仕方がないね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My dog is a chihuahua and is small and has never bitten anyone so I think it will be fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちはチワワでとっても小さいし、人を噛んだことも一度もないから大丈夫だと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mine is a toy poodle and is really small and gentle.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちのもトイプードルだからすっごく小さくて大人しいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Tabata-san, why don't we give it a trial period, what do you say?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "田端さん、一度お試し期間という事で、どうだろうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, if everyone insists...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、皆さんがそこまで言うなら。。。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとうございます!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, I'll talk to the president about this and I'll let you know once he approves.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、社長にこの件は話しておきますので、了承を得たらまた報告します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You were in charge of Mike and Dave who came from the head office in the United States last time, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この間、アメリカ本社から来たマイクさんとデイブさんの担当をされましたよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I only know enough English to be able to have daily conversation yet was put in charge, and there were times when I struggled but managed to get through it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日常会話に差し支えない程度の英語しか話せないのに担当を任されて、何度か困った時もあったけど、なんとか無事終わったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうでしたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was fun overall.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全体的には楽しかったかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Explaining things were surprisingly hard, like how to take the train and bus.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "説明が意外と難しかったのが、電車とバスの乗り方。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I asked them to take the taxi for the most part and not take the bus but there were times when we simply had to take the train.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "バスは乗らずにほぼタクシー移動をお願いしたけど、どうしても電車移動をしなくちゃいけないことが多くて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And in the end, my explanation wasn't good and we got off around 3 stations earlier and we spent a lot on taxis.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "結局説明がうまくいかず3つぐらい手前の駅で降りちゃって、タクシー代がとんでもなく高くついたこともあったの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Glad it's all over.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お疲れ様でした。。。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And, I went to pick them up at the hotel they were staying at with the company car and helped them find souvenirs for their families but that was tough too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、会社の車で泊まってたホテルまで迎えにいって、ご家族へのお土産探しを手伝ったんだけど、それもちょっと大変だったな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They would see stores they want to check out when I'm driving and say they want to drop by there, and it was hard finding parking because we're in the city and doing u-turns were difficult too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "道を走ってると気になるお店を見つける度に、ここ寄りたいって言われて、都内だから簡単に駐車場は見つからないし、Uターンするのも難しくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Plus, I'm pretty bad with directions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかも私、結構方向音痴なんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I usually only use the train and bus in the city so I should have just taken them around by taxi.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "普段、都内はほぼ電車とバスでしか移動しないから、タクシーでお連れすれば良かった。。。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They stayed for around 2 weeks, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2週間近く滞在されましたよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But Mike and them went to the Osaka branch so I wasn't involved during that time which was 5 days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも中5日間は、マイクさん達が大阪の支店に顔を出してたから、その期間は担当から外れていたけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh yeah, and a funny thing was that after I dropped them off at the hotel, the two of them didn't know how to use the remote control for the TV and asked me to teach them how to use it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうそう、面白かったのがね、ホテルに送っていった時に2人がテレビのリモコンの使い方がよく分からないから、教えて欲しいって頼まれたの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then us 3 turned on the TV and I explained various things like switching to the DVD.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、3人でテレビをつけて、私がDVDへの切り替え方とかいろいろ説明してたの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then Dave said he couldn't really hear and asked me to turn up the volume.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そしたら、デイブさんが、よく聞こえないから音量をあげてって頼むんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then I turned up the volume but then said he couldn't understand what they were saying and Mike and I burst out laughing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、音量をあげたんだけど、それでもよく言ってる事がわからないって言うから、マイクさんと私で大爆笑。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I mean, it's not because the volume was small but it's because you don't know Japanese!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "音量が低くてわからないんじゃなくて、日本語だからわからないんでしょって話。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Dave is a goof.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "デイブさん天然ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, I stayed in Canada for 1 year on working holiday before.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私、実は一年間ワーキングホリデーでカナダに滞在していたんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I really wished I studied English conversation properly that time and I'm regretting it now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その頃もう少しきちんと英会話を学んでおくんだったなって、今頃後悔ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh is it about the new project from the other day?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、この間の新プロジェクトの話?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, they said something about prioritizing people who can speak English, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、英語を話せる人を優先するみたいな言い方でしたよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I think that's what they meant, but didn't say it clearly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういう風に聞こえたね、はっきりは言わなかったけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But our company still refers to the TOEIC scores so maybe you should try taking the test?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、会社の判断材料はいまだにトーイックの点数だから、一度テストを受けてみたら?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you studied English properly in middle school, high school and university, I think you can get a pretty decent score.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "中高大学と英語をきちんと勉強していれば、以外といい点数が取れると思うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I used a textbook that helps you increase your score from 650 points to 800 points in one month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は1ヶ月で650点から800点までスコアをあげるみたいなテキストを使ったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was easy to understand and my score did indeed go up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりやすかったし、実際点数も上がったしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We still have 2 months to go before the member selection for the project, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "プロジェクトの選抜はまだ2ヶ月先でしょ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There is still time until that so why don't you give it a try?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それまでにはまだ時間があるから挑戦してみたら?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you don't mind a used one, I can give you my textbook.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お古でよければテキストあげようか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, maybe I'll give it a try.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、挑戦してみようかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I did feel that my English conversation got a bit better at the drinking party on the last night with Mike and them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マイクさん達との最終日の飲み会で、少し英語で会話ができたなって実感があったんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then by all means, please lend me your textbook.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではお言葉に甘えて、テキストよろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I'll bring it tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかった、明日持ってくるね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you going to hand out chocolate to everyone in the company this year too?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年も社内全員にチョコレートを配りますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Obligatory gift chocolate...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "義理チョコか。。。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't want to hand it out if I don't have to but I can't be the only one not handing it out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "できれば配りたくないけど、自分だけ渡さないわけにもいかないしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wish they will just not allow obligatory gift chocolate in the office all together.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いっそのこと社内で義理チョコ禁止にして欲しい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My friend married an American and she lives over there but she said she gets roses from her husband every year on Valentine's Day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の友達はアメリカ人と結婚して向こうで住んでいるけど、バレンタインはご主人様からバラの花を毎年もらうって言ってたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They hire a babysitter to take care of the child and it's tradition for them to go out for dinner with just the 2 of them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ベビーシッターを頼んで子供は預けて、夜は2人でディナーに行くのが毎年恒例だって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's nice, my boyfriend is just waiting to get something from me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいな、うちの彼は私に何かもらうのを待ってますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He asked for a somewhat expensive wallet this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年は少し高めのお財布をおねだりされました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's not the case that girls give guys chocolate in the United States, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アメリカは女から男にチョコレートをあげるって言うわけではないんだね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I heard the her daughter exchanges candies at school.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "娘さんの学校でもキャンディーを交換するって聞いた。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It seems she hands it out to everyone including the teacher.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "クラス全員に配るらしいよ、先生も含めて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like an obligatory gift candy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "義理キャンディーってわけか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It must be a hassle for the parents too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "親御さんも大変ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The school is pretty supportive and they sell candy at school so she said all she has to do is buy it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "学校も協力的みたいで、学校でキャンディーを販売してくれるから、買ってあげるだけでいいって言ってたけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But it'll be pretty expensive if she's handing it out to the entire class.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもクラス中ともなると結構な値段になるかもね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Last year, Iwasaki-san got all the girls in the office to buy chocolate together, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "去年は岩崎さんの呼びかけで、社内の女子みんなでチョコを一緒に買おうってなりそうでしたよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hope they would do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "できればそうしてほしいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Should I send out an email to all the girls in the office?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私が社内の女子に一斉メールを送って呼びかけようか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sasaki-san, yes please!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "佐々木さん、お願いします!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Me too!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私からもお願い!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Doesn't it feel that a lot of holidays that we didn't have in Japan like Halloween and Grandparent's Day has increased?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なんだかハロウィンとか祖父母の日とか、色々日本になかった行事が増えて来ましたよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I mean, Halloween is just a day where people want to cosplay and I wonder if there are anyone that knows what the day is about.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そもそもハロウィンなんて、みんな仮装したいだけで、なんの日かわかっている人とかいるんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't think there are a lot.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あんまりいないんじゃない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It would be a hassle if the company holds a cosplay party.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社内で仮装パーティーとか開かれたら、それこそ厄介だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Dear god no.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "勘弁してくださいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By the way, how many girls do we have in the office?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ところで社内の女子って何人いる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think we have 9.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "9人だと思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I kind of feel bad for preparing one chocolate among 9 people though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "9人でチョコ1つって言うもなんだか申し訳ない感じだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then should we pair it with something like a tie that will be useful?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、ネクタイとか困らないものを添えますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That sounds good, I think they sold some good ones at the department store next to us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいと思う、隣のデパートで良さそうなのが売っていた気がする。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, I will send out an email to everyone during lunch break.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では早速、昼休み中にみんなにメールを送信しておくね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As for the product to be used in the next project, I found one from China that is a lot cheaper than the one from the United States but could we consider purchasing it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次のプロジェクトに使える製品で、アメリカよりもかなり安い値段のものを中国で見つけたのですが、購入の検討をしていただけませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where did you find it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どこで見つけたの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Online.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オンラインです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What is the company called?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なんていう会社?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's called company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社って言います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've never heard of that company before.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "聞いた事のない会社名だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's a company from China and it seems they have a head office in Shanghai.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "中国の会社で上海に本社があるようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I checked the reviews too and they seem trustworthy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "レビューも確認したのですが、信用できそうですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But there was a case before where we imported something from China because it was cheap and it was a disaster, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも以前に安いからという理由で中国から輸入して失敗した製品があったよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I remember that, but it was just that one time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "覚えていますが、たった一度です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think the product this time will be fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回の製品は大丈夫だと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then can you show me the website?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではウェブページを見せてくれる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's this one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's exactly the same product but it is 60% cheaper than buying it from the United States.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全く同じ製品ですが、60%もアメリカから購入するより安くなっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's the shipping cost?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "郵送費は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It seems the price here includes shipping.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "郵送費込みでこの値段だそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It seems a bit too cheap though?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっと安すぎる気がするんだけど?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I thought so too and did some research but maybe it's because of the difference in labor cost.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕もそう思って色々調査したのですが、人件費の違いなんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But there was something that I was worried about and it's that they don't accept credit card or Paypal, and only accept bank transfers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、一つだけ気になっているのが、クレジットカードもペイパルも受け付けないそうで、銀行振込のみとなっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Isn't that sketchy?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは怪しいね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The website isn't a scam is it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "詐欺まがいのウェブページとかじゃないよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "違うと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The website seems authentic, the reviews are good, so it should be fine?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ページもしっかりしているし、レビューもいいし、大丈夫じゃないですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But it would be bad if it was a scam.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも詐欺だったら困るしな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Should we go all the way to China to take a look then?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では中国まで視察に行って見ますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, that would cost more than being scammed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いやいや、それの方が騙されるよりよっぽどお金がかかるだろ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How much is the product?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "製品の値段はいくらだっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is 120 thousand yen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "12万円です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's just try ordering it, even if it's a scam our company won't go bankrupt.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とりあえず注文しよう、それぐらいなら騙されてもうちの会社は潰れないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You're right, I understand.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、わかりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The deadline for form 1099 and W-2 is at the end of January so please go collect it from contractors without the W-9 submission.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1月末がフォーム1099とW-2の締め切りだから、W-9の提出がない請負業者から回収してきて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We actually had to get them to submit it when we contracted the work out though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当は請負を頼んだ時に提出してもらわなければいけないんだけどな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Be sure to not have something like this happen this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年は絶対にこういう不備がないように気をつけてね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can't do anything about what's already happened so be thorough in the collection please.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "過ぎてしまった事は仕方がないから、回収を徹底的にお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I haven't been able to reach John so collecting the W-9 might be difficult.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ジョンとは連絡がつかなくなってしまったからW-9の回収は難しいと思いますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's not good...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは困った。。。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You know his phone number and address, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "電話番号とか住所は分かるでしょ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can't reach him?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "連絡はつかないの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "His cell phone doesn't ring and it seems he moved and I can't track him down.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "携帯電話は繋がらないし、転居したみたいで手がかりがありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I will ask the accountant on what we should do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では私から、会計士の方にどうしたらいいか相談しておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will collect the documents by today for the remaining three.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "後の3軒は今日中に書類回収してきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Next, there was no address listed on Steve's W-9 so can you take care of this too?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "後、スティーブのW-9に住所の記載がなかったので、こちらもお願いね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will go on my way while I'm out but can I use Truck number 3 to go?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "外回りと一緒に行って来ますが、トラック3番に乗って行っても構いませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The air conditioner of Truck number 3 isn't working well so I'm planning to have it checked up at the shop.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "トラック3番のエアコンの調子が悪いので、修理屋で見てもらう予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you going to have Tony take a look at it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "トニーのところで見てもらうの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If so, can you also give form 1099 to him too?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それならば、1099フォームも一緒に渡して来てもらえる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was just thinking of mailing it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょうど郵送しようかと思っていたところ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Lisa, when can you have the W-2 ready?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "リサさん、W-2はいつ頃準備できますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can have it ready as early as today, buy why do you ask?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早ければ今日中には出せるけど、なんで?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I want to submit my tax returns as soon as possible this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年はできるだけ早めに納税申告書を出したいんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm planning to put the money from the tax return into buying a car.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "戻って来た税金を、車購入の足しにする予定なんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I hear that the tax return will be slow with the current government shutdown.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも今、政府閉鎖で税金の戻りが遅いかもっていう噂だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I sure am worried about that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かに心配なんですけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I want to do what I can and do it as early as possible and hope that the money will be deposited as soon as possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも自分ができる事はできるだけ早めにして、後は早く入金がある事を願うばかりです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's true, I will work on it so I can hand it to you today then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それもそうね、では今日中に手渡しできるように準備しておくね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much, I'll get going now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとうございます、では行って来ます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, be careful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、気をつけて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Tanaka-san is off today so can I ask you to input the slips?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は田中さんがお休みだから、伝票入力お願いできるかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The large pile on the right side is already inputted?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "右側の山が入力済みですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "と思うけど。。。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It would be great if Tanaka-san puts it in the shelf that has been inputted accordingly but he always brings it all at once on Friday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "田中さん、決まり通りに入力済みの棚に入れてくれると助かるんだけど、いつも金曜日にまとめて持ってくるのよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you know Tanaka-san's password, I can check it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "田中さんのパソコンのパスワードが分かれば、私が確認しますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can just use Tanaka-san's computer to finish the input.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのまま田中さんのパソコンで入力も済ませちゃいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That would be great, can you do that then?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "助かる、ではそうしてくれる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The password is on the top left of the computer screen and that should work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "パスワードはパソコンの画面の左上に貼ってあるもので大丈夫だと思うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, the password works.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "パスワード合ってました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By the way, be careful as the input directions have changed a bit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ところで、入力操作の方法が少し変わったから気をつけてね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's easier to use but it might take some time to get used to.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "使いやすくなったけど、慣れるまでに少し時間がかかると思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The document that has the summary of the changes is in the shelf on the left side so please check it before you work on it if you like.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "変更事項をまとめてある資料が、左側の棚に入ってるから、よかったら確認してから作業して。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it this green booklet?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この緑色の冊子ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes that, it has pictures of the screen of the computer so it's really easy to understand.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうそれ、パソコンの画面の写真付きで、とっても見やすくなってるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By the way, I had to do overtime which I haven't done in a while on the day Matsudo-san was off last week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういえば先週松戸さんがお休みした日、久しぶりの残業だったんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What happened?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何かあったの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Nothing in particular but there isn't anyone that is as fast as Matsudo-san in slip entry and inventory checks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "特に何があったわけではないんですが、伝票入力とか出庫確認が松戸さんほど早い人がいないんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can do it three times the speed compared the average person.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつも人より三倍ぐらいの量をこなしていますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And you hardly make any mistakes so I admire you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかもミスをほとんどしないし、尊敬します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I do that just because I don't want to do overtime.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ残業したくないから必死なだけだけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Everyone does things at their own pace even if they have a lot of work left so it's troublesome.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "みんな仕事がたくさん残っていても、マイペースでたまに困ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The contract workers all leave on time even if they have a lot of work left.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "契約社員の人たちはどんなに仕事が残っていても、定時で帰っちゃうし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The upper management kind of promotes that too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "上もそれを促進しているところがありますしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I guess I will do my best and cover for Tanaka-san who is off so I don't have to do overtime.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では今日も残業にならないように、お休みの田中さんの分まで頑張るかな!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll do my best to not hold you back.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "足を引っ張らないように頑張ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's do our best.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For this time we will have a new commercial on the elbow pad as a continuation of the knee pad.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回新たに肘パットのコマーシャルを、膝パットの続編で作ることになった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What will it be this time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回はどういったものですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have already negotiated with the football player who was in the one for the knee pad so we just have to decide the content and location.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "膝パットでも出ていただいたフットボール選手に出演が交渉済みで、後は内容と場所を決定するだけだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will have a dog appear in it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回は犬に登場してもらう事になる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's something simple like having the player throw the ball and the dog chasing and bringing it back so can you contact the animal trainer that we always use?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "選手が投げたボールを犬が追いかけて持ってくるという簡単なものだから、いつもお世話になっているアニマルトレーナーに連絡してくれないか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I will make the call but is there a preference on what kind of dog?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では僕から電話してみますが、何犬が希望ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A yellow labrador, or a golden retriever would maybe look good?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "イエローラブか、ゴールデンリトリーバーが見栄えがいいんじゃないかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Be sure to pick a bright colored dog so that it stands out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "くれぐれも映りがいいように、明るい色の犬を選んで欲しい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, I'll ask them to send some pictures of the dogs by email.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では何匹か、写真をメールで送るように頼んでおきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I recall that when we were shooting a movie last time, we had planned on using a dog but went way over budget.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも前回の映画の撮影で、犬を採用する予定だったけど、かなりの予算オーバーだった記憶があるんですが?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, they are indeed expensive.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かに高額なんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think it comes out to around 150 thousand yen a day for the trainer, dog and truck rental and accommodations.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かトレーナーと犬、それからトラックレンタルだのホテル代だの込みで、結局1日15万円ぐらいの計算だったはずだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ken, when you get a quote, can you try negotiating so the hotel and truck cost is removed since the place we are shooting is close?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ケン、見積もりをもらう際に、現場が近いのでホテル代やトラック代は省いてもらうよう交渉してくれないか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I'll call now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "かしこまりました、今から掛けます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would maybe using computer graphic end up being cheaper?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "コンピューターグラフィックの方が安く上がったりするんじゃないですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe, but even though the technology has improved, computer graphics still have a fake feel to it, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かにな、でもかなり質は上がって来たとはいえ、まだまだコンピューターグラフィックは嘘っぽさが残るだろ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And we will have a football player starring in it so it will be odd if the dog is put in with computer graphics.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ましてやフットボール選手に出てもらうのに、犬がコンピューターグラフィックじゃおかしいだろうな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I got a simple quote.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "簡単な見積もりもらいました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It seems he's a fan of the player and he'd like to do it even if the price is a bit lower.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうやらこの選手のファンらしく、少しぐらい値段を下げてでもやりたいそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I still couldn't get it under 100 thousand yen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでも10万は切れませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良いだろう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then can I get you to arrange the script and hiring contract?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では早速スクリプトと採用書類の手配をお願いするよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where will we be shooting?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "撮影現場はどこにしますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The football player let us use his yard at the last shoot so I plan on negotiating if we can do that again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は前回の撮影をフットボール選手の庭でやらせてもらっているので、今回もそれで大丈夫か交渉する予定だ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's pretty spacious and is well maintained.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "かなり広いし手入れも行き届いてるんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A star player sure is rich.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さすが花形選手はお金がありますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He was chosen as last year's MVP.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "去年は年間ベストプレーヤーに選ばれてたしな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I saw that on TV!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "見ましたよ、テレビ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "His wife is really pretty too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "奥さんもすごく綺麗ですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's a tough field as you have to do well to succeed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "活躍してこその、厳しい世界だぞ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I'm more suited for this kind of work here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、僕にはこのぐらいの職場があってます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, let's get to work!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はいはい、よろしくお願いしますよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It has been decided that the venue for the thank you party for members at the end of the month will be at the convention room of Hotel C in Yokohama Minato Mirai.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今月末に行われるメンバーさんの慰労会の開催場所が、横浜みなとみらいのCホテルのコンベンションルームに決まりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will have Yoshikawa-kun who is in charge of this to explain the details.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "総括していただく吉川さんより、詳細について報告していただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This will be the tenth anniversary thus we have invited members from not only the Kanto-region but across the country from Hokkaido to Okinawa.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回は10周年ということもありまして、関東地区だけではなく、北海道から沖縄まで全国のメンバーさんにお声かけしております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have around 150 confirmed attendees so far, and we have some who haven't replied yet so we are preparing the event by expecting around 180 people.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今の所参加が確定しているのは約150名ですが、未返信の方もおりますので、約180名を想定して準備を進めていきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We plan to have it in pretty much in the same manner as the thank you party that we have for the Kanto region at the end of every year, but since we have more people and a longer event, I'd like to prepare accordingly so we don't have any issues.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "毎年年末に行なっている関東地区の慰労会とほぼ同じスタイルで行う予定ですが、人数も開催時間も増えますので何かと不備のないように準備を行いたいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First, can Uchida-san who thought of the new event explain the contents?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まず新たな企画を考えてくれた内田さん、内容を説明していただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am thinking of taking the members coming to the Kanto-region for the first time to sightsee the day before the thank you party.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "慰労会の前日に関東方面に初めてお越しのメンバー様を観光にお連れしようと思っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm thinking of lunch on a houseboat and sightseeing on a city bus.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "屋形船でランチ、都内バス観光を考えています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But people will be arriving for the thank you party the day before, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも皆さまの到着は慰労会の前日ですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, the flights from Okinawa and Hokkaido arrive around the same time so I plan on picking them up from the airport and go sightseeing directly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、ですが沖縄と北海道の便は午前中のほぼ同じ時間に到着予定なので、空港のお迎えのまま観光へお連れする予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about those coming from the Kansai region?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "関西方面からお越しの方は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will take them sightseeing after they check-out from their hotel the day after the thank you party then head to the airport so they can fly out in the evening.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "慰労会の翌日ホテルをチェックアウト後に観光へお連れして、夕方の飛行機に間に合うように空港へ向かう予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm worried about the traffic in the city in the evening but what do you think?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "夕方は都内の渋滞が心配ですが、どうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's a Sunday so I'm not too worried about the traffic compared to the weekday but I will check this again with the bus company that I will be using.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日曜日なので平日に比べると渋滞はさほど心配ないと思いますが、もう一度観光をお願いしているバス会社に確認しておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Next, I will have Ito-san explain the gifts.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では次に、お土産についてですが、伊東さんお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We've had a lot of pottery as gifts every year but since there are people coming by plane this time, I'm thinking of something that is light, doesn't break easily and not too big.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お土産は毎年陶器が多かったのですが、今回は飛行機に乗って来られる方もいらっしゃいますので、軽くて壊れにくく、あまり大きくないものを何か考えています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But if possible, I'd like to have something memorable and lasting so not like food or snacks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもできれば食べ物やお菓子ではなく、何か記念に残るものにしたいと思っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is something I hear often from the members but they'd like to give customers a product and a tote bag with the company logo or something but what do you think?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "メンバーさんからからよくいただく意見ですが、お客様に会社のロゴが入ったトートバックのようなものを商品と一緒にお渡ししたいと聞きますがどうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If we start designing it and ordering it now, will we have enough time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも今からデザインや発注して間に合いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We already have less than 4 weeks until the event.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会まで4週間切ってますからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know someone who designs and makes accessories so I can try asking him.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "知り合いに小物のデザインと作成している者がいるので、聞いて見ましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you call to check now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今、電話で確認できますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Does anyone else have any comments?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か他に意見がある方いらっしゃいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about a tablet?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "タブレットはいかがですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's a good choice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "無難ですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Even if you have an extra one, I'm sure their family can use it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1台ぐらい多めに持っていてもご家族の方でも使えると思いますし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was able to reach him.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "連絡取れました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As predicted it will take more than a month to make if it's 180 of them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やはり百八十個となると1ヶ月以上は作成にかかってしまうそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But we may have the opportunity to use it next time so I'm thinking of asking him to make a few samples.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、今後使う機会があるかと思いますので、サンプルをいくつか作ってもらうようにお願いしようと思っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What do you think?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いかがですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes please.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think things like a tote bag, accessory case, cosmetic pouch would be good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "トートバック、小物入れ、化粧ポーチあたりが良いと思いますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Understood.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will submit a quote of 180 tablets later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではタブレット百八十個分の見積もりを後ほど提出いたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have we decided on the course menu for the meals?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お食事のコースは決定しましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are a lot of people so we changed it into a buffet this time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "人数が多いので、今回はビュッフェ形式に変更いたしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There will be Japanese, Western and Chinese food so I think the members will be happy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "和洋中と揃っているので、メンバー様にもお喜びいただけると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, I look forward to it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですか、楽しみですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The coffee in the kitchen doesn't taste good at all, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここの給湯室にあるコーヒーって全然美味しくないよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I feel really bad when I serve this to guests.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お客様が来た時にお出しするの、ものすごく気がひけるんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know right, the coffee machine is old but it's this cheap coffee beans that's bad.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかる、このコーヒーマシーンが古いせいもあるけど、何せこの安物のコーヒー豆じゃね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I found a bean that is cheap yet delicious at Supermarket C the other day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この間Cスーパーで安いけど美味しい豆見つけたんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe I will bring this up in the morning meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "朝礼の時に提案してみようかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That sounds good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それいいと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The general manager did say he wanted to drink better coffee.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "部長も実はもっとおいしいコーヒー飲みたいなって言ってたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But the general manager adds a lot of sugar so will he know the difference even if we change to a good coffee?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも部長、お砂糖を大量に入れるから、美味しいコーヒーに変えても味の違いがわかるかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "True, he adds a lot of cream too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かにね、クリーマーも大量に入れちゃうしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Come to think of it, where did you buy the brown rice tea that you bought for the company last time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう言えばこの間会社に差し入れしてくれた玄米茶ってどこで買ったの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That was really good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ものすごく美味しかったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh that, I had my family send it to me from back home.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、あれはね、うちの実家から送って来たもの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My dad has a farm in Shodoshima and only grows organic food.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの父が小豆島で農家をしてて、オーガニックにとことんこだわった食材ばかり作っているの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh your dad made it, that's impressive.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お父様が作ったものなんだ、すごいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My dad has his own way of doing things and he even makes his own miso.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの父、こだわりが強くてさ、お味噌とかも全て手作りだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My dad can't even make a fried egg so you're dad is impressive Takemoto-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの父なんて、目玉焼きの一つも作れないのに、竹本さんのお父様、すごいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He said he was going to send a box full of freshly picked vegetables next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週、採れたての野菜を段ボール詰めで送るって言ってた。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll share some with you Aiba-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "相葉さんにお裾分けするね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you sure, thank you!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいんですか、嬉しい!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But it's a bit embarrassing to bring a plastic bag with daikons sticking out to the office so can you drop by my place on your way home?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも会社に大根が顔出したレジ袋とか持ってくるの恥ずかしいから、帰りにうちに寄っていってもらおうかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Aiba-san, the closest station from your place is Station S, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "相葉さんも最寄駅はS駅だよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's around a 5 minute walk from the west exit at Station S.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "S駅の、西口から徒歩5分ぐらい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Station S is away from the city so the rent is surprisingly cheap.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "S駅だと都内から離れるから、意外と家賃安いよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I live around 5 minutes away from the station too but from the east exit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私も駅から徒歩5分ぐらい、東口だけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I used to live at Station D but I had to take a bus to the station and if I have to transfer from the bus to the train then the commute time was the same as Station S which is farther away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "以前はD駅に住んでたんだけど、駅までバスに乗らなきゃいけなかったし、結局バスと電車を乗り継ぐなら、S駅ぐらい離れても通勤時間は同じぐらいなんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yet the cost of rent is half.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なのに家賃は約半額。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There is a shopping arcade, and a newly built large supermarket so it's a good place to live.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "商店街もあるし、近くに大型スーパーもできたし、暮らしやすいですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There's a train that leaves from here so if you line up early, you will be able to sit on the train in the morning which is nice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "始発があるから、早めに並べば、朝の電車で座れるのもありがたい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "同感です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By the way, we've never been on the same train despite being from the same station, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう言えば同じ駅なのに同じ電車になったこと、ほぼないよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I leave an hour earlier and go to the gym near the office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私、朝1時間早く出て、会社の近くのジムに通っているんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh really, is it Gym J?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんだ、Jジム?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They have a tennis court at the top floor right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あそこ、屋上にテニスコートもあるよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes they do, do you want to go together next time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありますよ、今度一緒にどうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for the invitation, I'd like to go.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お誘いありがとう、行ってみたいな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I haven't played tennis since I was a university student though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "テニスなんて大学生以来だけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are a lot of beginners so you don't have to worry about it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "初心者の人もたくさんいるから、気になりませんよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, I'll drop by next week after work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ早速来週会社帰りに顔出してみるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll join you!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お伴します!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will now start the morning meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これから、朝礼を始めます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will have the manager start.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では主任からお願い致します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, good morning everyone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、皆様おはようございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will finally have new employees starting work from tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日からいよいよ新入社員の方々が出勤して来ます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There may be a lot of things they don't know but please take the initiative and help each other.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分からない事がたくさんあると思いますので、声掛けを積極的に行うようにお願い致します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, things like desks and office equipment will be brought over in the morning so it will be great if those with an extra hand can help out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから、デスクや備品などが午前中に運ばれて来ますので、手の空いている方は出来るだけご協力のほどよろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Does anyone have any questions?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か質問がある方はいらっしゃいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The model that we plan on using for the meeting at 1 o'clock hasn't arrived yet but has the manager heard anything about it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日の1時に予定されている会議に使う予定の模型がまだ届いていませんが、主任の方に何か連絡は届いていますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it will be brought to the preparation room on the third floor first thing in the morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、朝一番で3階の準備室から運ばれてくることになっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Kakei-san, can I get you to come and check after the morning meeting?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "筧さん、朝礼の後に一度確認のため、見に行って来ていただけますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, we planned to have a total of 20 copies of the materials for the meeting but can you prepare 3 more copies?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから、会議の資料は全20部の予定でしたが、追加でもう3部ほど用意しておいていただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Tanaka-san, we have meeting room C booked but it only has 20 seats so should we move to meeting room B?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "主任、会議室はCで予約を取ってありますが、20席しかないのでBの会議室へ移動しますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's okay, we don't have to move.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "移動はしなくて大丈夫です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The additional copies of the materials are extra copies that will be for the clients to take with them so the number of attendees won't change.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "多めに作っていただく資料は、取引先の方に持って帰っていただく予備のものなので、出席人数に変わりはありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I mentioned this yesterday but, the elevator at the front entrance won't be in service as it will be under maintenance from this afternoon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昨日お伝えしましたが、今日の午後は点検のため、正面入口のエレベーターが使えなくなります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Be sure to use the emergency stairs in the east exit when going home.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "帰宅の際は東口の非常階段を利用するようにお願い致します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Does anyone have any other questions?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他に何か質問がある方はいらっしゃいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Seems like that will be it so we will conclude the morning meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "特にないようなので、朝礼を終わりたいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please work hard as usual today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日も1日よろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You're not going back home this year?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年は里帰りしないの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I plan on it, but I only have 5 days of paid vacation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "する予定、でも有給が5日しかないんだよね、", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And you can only apply for paid vacation 90 days in advance, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかも有給願いって90日前からしか申請できないんでしょ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I think you can only apply for paid vacation 90 days in advance and for other types of days off it's only 30 days in advance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、確か有給願いが90日前からで、それ以外の休みは30日前からしか申請できないはず。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right, so you can take days off for only 7 days even if you include the weekend.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だよね、そうなると確実に取れる休みが土日入れても7日しかないでしょ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It might be a bit too short to go back home.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "里帰りするにはちょっと期間が短すぎるかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have to take the plane for 14 hours one-way to go back to Japan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日本まで帰るのに片道14時間は飛行機乗らないといけないからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right, it's far so you'd want to stay for at least 2 weeks, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そっか、遠いから最低2週間は滞在したいよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm from Vietnam so it's even farther.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私なんてベトナムだからもっと遠いよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will have to be via Japan or Korea.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日本経由とか、韓国経由とかになる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, that's far.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そっか、遠いな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By the way, I heard from the manager the other day that we will be able to carry over our paid vacation from this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういえば、この間部長から聞いたんだけど、有給の繰越が今年からできるようになるんだって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So you can hold onto your five days for next year and use next year's vacation days for ten days, meaning you can go back for around 2 weeks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だから5日分来年まで取っておいて、来年分の10日間と合わせれば約2週間帰れるようになるね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Really, I didn't know that!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんだ、知らなかった!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm going to go to the HR department and learn more about it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "人事部に行って詳しく聞いてみる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But there was a rumor that there will be a big event in the summer next year, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも来年大きな企画を夏にやるような噂あったよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will need to request my vacation and make sure it doesn't conflict with that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それにぶつからないようにお休み申請しないと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, we will probably have a lot of overtime in that period.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだね、その期間は残業続きだよ、きっと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, being busy and doing a bit of overtime feels more rewarding than having nothing to do like right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ま、今みたいに暇が続くよりは、少しぐらい残業あって忙しいほうがやりがいあるけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd prefer being able to go home on time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は定時で帰れる方がよっぽど嬉しいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You're asking for too much.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "無い物ねだりか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, lunch break is going to end soon, let's go back.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おっと、昼休み終わるよ、戻ろ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Roger that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So it seems you wanted to request a transfer?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "異動の希望があったようで、話を伺いたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, my mother actually fell ill and I am thinking of moving soon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、実は母が体調を崩しまして、近々引越しを考えています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My father passed away ten years ago so my mom is on her own.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "父は10年前に他界して母一人です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's a bit difficult for her to be on her own even when going to the hospital.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "通院などにも一人ではかなり不便なようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where does your mother live?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お母様はどちらに住んでいらっしゃいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In Houston.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ヒューストンです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, in Houston.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ヒューストンですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you're looking to move within the department, there are 2 branches in the city and there is 1 branch in the suburb, but do you have any preference.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "同じ部署への希望であれば、市内に二社、郊外であれば一社異動が可能ですが、特に希望はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, not in particular.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "特にはありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It would be great if I can transfer next month if possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "できれば来月には異動させていただけるとありがたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's the status on handing over your tasks?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "引き継ぎの状況はいかがですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've pretty much finished handing it over to James.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほぼジェームスへ引き継ぎ完了しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then I'll gather the various documents needed for the transfer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではこちらで異動に関しての各種書類を取りまとめておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will send you the documents by email by today so please review it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "書類はメールにて本日中に送付しておきますのでご確認ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Once you've reviewed it, please sign it and it would be great if you can send it back by tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全て目を通していただいたら、署名して明日中に返信いただけると助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, also, please be sure to give your company ID card to the security on your last day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、それから、社員証は最終日に警備員室の方に預けてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There is also a simple document for a proof of return so please fill that out as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこで返却証明の簡単な書類もありますので、一緒に記入願います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will be setting up a special team call the Contract Termination Prevention Team limited to one month from this month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今月から1ヶ月間限定で、解約防止チームという特別なチームを立ち上げる事になりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This will be a first time so it may lead to the creation of a new team.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "初の試みという事で、今後の新たなチーム作成に繋がるかもしれません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's it about?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どんな内容ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think you can imagine what it is based on the name but it is to stop customers who are trying to terminate their contract.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "名前から想像がつくかと思いますが、解約しようとしているお客様を引き止めることです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will be talking to customers looking to terminate their contract and ask the reason for it and recommend solutions and such.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "解約ご希望のお客様にお電話して解約の意図をお伺いし、対応策などを考えお勧めします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Around how many people will be in the team?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何名ぐらいでチームを構成する予定ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We expect to have 6 people.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "6名の予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We would like you to pick three people from Tanaka-san's team and three people from Sato-san's team.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "田中さんのチームから3名、佐藤さんのチームから3名ずつ選んでいただきたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Will contract employees be okay as well?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "契約社員の方でも構いませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "構いません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will make a manual on how to talk on the phone on our side.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらで電話をかける際のマニュアルを作成します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will also have training beforehand so those without experience handling calls from customers will be okay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "研修も事前にを行いますので、お客様との電話対応の経験がない方でも大丈夫ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll go and talk to some people.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では早速何人か声をかけておきますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is the date for the training decided already?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "研修の日程は決まっていますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm planning it for the Monday 2 weeks from now so please pick three people by next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "再来週の月曜日を予定していますので、来週までには3名選んでおいてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, they will use half a day to work on their regular tasks while being on the Contract Termination Prevention Team.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから、解約防止チームに入っていただく間も通常の業務を半日行っていただく予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We usually have a lot of inquiries on the show in the afternoon so it would be great if you can handle it in the morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちは番組の問い合わせなどが午後に集中するので、できれば午前中にそちらで作業していただけると助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can Sato-san's team be able to come in the afternoon then?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では佐藤さんのチームの方に午後来ていただく形で大丈夫ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大丈夫ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We don't have any special programs in particular for next month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "特に来月は特別な企画が入っていないので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではよろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sato-san, can you help me a bit with making the manual for handling the calls after this?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "佐藤さん、電話マニュアルの作成をこのあと少し手伝っていただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will be back in around 30 minutes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "30分ほどで戻ってきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I will wait in meeting room C.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではC会議室で待っていますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、お疲れ様でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, it's Tanaka.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "工場長お疲れ様です、田中です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh hi Tanaka-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "田中さん、お疲れ様です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Congratulations on securing an increase in orders from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社から受注増加とはおめでとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How are things in the factory right now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今工場の方は調子はどうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's relatively calm right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今は比較的落ち着いてますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Up until last month it was really hectic, but that's reached its conclusion for now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先月まではバタバタでしたけど、もうひと段落しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Company A say they want you to deliver the previous order quantity once every two months.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社は前回の受注量を2か月に1回納入してほしいと言っております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They say they'd like to switch over to us as soon as possible, how about it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最短でうちに切り替えしたいと言ってきているのですが、どうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There's no problem regarding the order quantity.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "受注量に関しては問題ないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, this time I'd prefer a preparation period of two and a half months, especially if it is a regular order.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ、今回は2か月半は準備期間がほしいですね、定期受注になるならなおさらです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've told them that I'd like them to wait for three months, which doesn't seem to be a problem.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先方には3か月待ってほしいと伝えてありますので、それなら問題なさそうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, please let me know when I can officially start production.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "正式に制作開始してよくなりましたら連絡ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We'll start preparing at the factory from tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "工場は明日から準備を始めておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm counting on you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By the way Director Sato, isn't your kid going up into middle school soon?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういえば、佐藤部長の上のお子さんはそろそろ中学でしたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, they're starting junior-high this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、今年中学に入学します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Congratulations.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おめでとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Junior-high school already, time sure goes fast.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう中学ですか、早いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It sure does, it still feels like they only just started at elementary school.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ついこの間小学校に入学したばかりだと思っていたのですが、早いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My kid just entered kindergarten last year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちは去年幼稚園に入ったばかりです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They're so cute at that age, aren't they.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "かわいい盛りですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, they've started talking so much recently.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、最近はよく話すようになってきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It makes you look forward to returning home, doesn't it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "帰るのが楽しみになりますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They soon grow up though, so you have to make a fuss over them now, while you can.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すぐに大きくなってしまうので、今のうちにかわいがらないとですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, especially as I have a daughter, I'm doing my best so that she doesn't say \"I hate you Papa\" in the future.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、うちは娘なので将来「パパ嫌い」と言われないように頑張ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, my youngest is a girl, so I have to be careful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちも下の子は女の子なので気をつけないといけません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How old is your daughter now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お嬢さんは今おいくつですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She's eleven now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年で小学5年生です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, my name is Tanaka from C Corporation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "株式会社Cの田中と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm scheduled to have a meeting with Director Sato at three o'clock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日は佐藤部長と15時から打合せの予定で訪問させていただきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sato will be here in a moment, so please wait in this room.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "佐藤はすぐに参りますので、こちらのお部屋で少々お待ちください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Tanaka-san, I apologize for asking you to come here today on such short notice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "田中さん、本日は急にお呼び立てしてしまいすみません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, it's okay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ、大丈夫ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Was the quote okay?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "見積は問題なかったですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Absolutely fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全く問題なかったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This time, I'd actually like to ask whether we can formally order from your company from now on.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回はこれから正式に御社に継続発注させていただけないかという相談です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Frankly, the interaction of the contractor that we've relied on up until now is not great, and we've decided within the company that we would like to switch completely over to your company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は今までお願いしていた業者の対応があまり良くなく、御社に全面的に切り替えようと社内で決定しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would like you to supply the same amount as last time once every two months, or six times a year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "前回と同じ量を2か月に1度、年に6回納入していただきたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When are you planning to make the switch?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつ頃から切り替え予定でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's the least amount of time that it would be possible to do it from?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最短でいつから可能ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll have to check with the factory, if we look at three months it shouldn't be a problem.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一度工場とも確認しますが、3か月みていただければ問題ないかと思われます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We'll arrange our schedule.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、そのスケジュールで弊社も調整します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will let you know a detailed schedule after tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日以降に改めてスケジュールの詳細を連絡させていただきますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、宜しくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, thank you for calling C Corporation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お電話ありがとうございます、株式会社Cです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, this is Sato from A Corporation, is Tanaka-san there?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A株式会社の佐藤と申しますが、田中さんはいらっしゃいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Tanaka? Okay, please wait a moment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "田中ですね、少々お待ちください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, you're through to Tanaka.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お電話代わりました、田中です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, It's Sato of A Corporation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A株式会社の佐藤です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's always a pleasure to speak to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, Director Sato, it's always a pleasure to speak to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "佐藤部長、いつもお世話になっております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How can I help you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうされましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The thing is, I was wondering if you would be able to come to our office soon in connection with the quote you submitted the other day?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は先日ご提出いただいた見積の件で、近々弊社に来ていただくことは可能でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The earliest I could do is after 2 o'clock tomorrow, or in the morning the day after, would that be convenient?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一番直近ですと、明日の14時以降か、明後日の午前中でしたら大丈夫ですが、ご都合はいかがですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well then, could I ask you to come in at 3 o'clock tomorrow?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、明日の15時でお願いできますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right then, I will visit you at three o'clock tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、明日の15時に訪問させていただきますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すみませんが、宜しくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, let's get this meeting to decide our future contractor underway.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは、今後の受注業者を決めるためのミーティングを始めます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to discuss whether we should continue to go with Company H, or switch to Company C.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今までのH社で行くか、C社に変更するかを話し合いたいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, first of all, please tell us the merits of Company H.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、まずH社のメリットを教えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, well, we've been continuously supplied by them for 5 years already, and we have established an ordering system between us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、もう5年は継続して納入してもらっているので相互間での受注システムが出来上がっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, what are the disadvantages?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、デメリットは何でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The lead times are long, and the interaction on the part of the person in charge is not great, even though we have requested improvement many times.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "リードタイムが長く、また先方の担当者の対応があまり良くなく、何度要求しても改善されません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, and what are the merits of Company C?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、C社のメリットは何でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Company C are, above all else, very quick to respond.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "C社は何といっても対応が早いです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They always respond flexibly, and delivery times are not a problem.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "納期も問題なく、柔軟に対応してくれます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please list some disadvantages.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、デメリットを教えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As we are a new customer, it's necessary to constantly iron out the kinks with the person in charge in order to establish a smooth flow of work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新しい受注先なので、スムーズな業務の流れを確立するために担当者ベースですり合わせが必要です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, in the long run, Company C might be better.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので、長い目で見ればC社の方が良いのかもしれません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What about on the money side of things?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "料金面ではどうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Company H is slightly cheaper, but there's not much difference.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "H社の方が若干安いですが、そこまで変わらないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well I think it would be better to change to Company C, what do you all think?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、C社に変更したほうが良さそうかと思いますが、みなさんどうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "賛成です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I agree too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How long exactly is the change likely to take?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "具体的に後どのくらいで変更できそうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I need to check this with Company C, but it seems like we will be able to change to them in about 3 months.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、C社にも確認しないといけませんが、後3か月ほどで変更できるかと思われます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, we will also move along those lines.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、こちらもその予定で動きますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will let you know the detailed schedule another time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "またスケジュールの詳細は改めて連絡します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for calling C Corporation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, it's always a pleasure to speak to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is Sato from A Corporation, is Tanaka-san there?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Tanaka-san, this is Sato.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "田中さんこんにちは、佐藤です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for the other day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先日はありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not at all, it is I who should be thanking you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえいえ、こちらこそありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The goods you supplied are in fine order, and all is well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "納入いただいた製品は問題なく、全て順調です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's the main thing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは何よりです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now, getting to the reason I contacted you, I would like to ask for a new quote.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早速ですが、新しい見積をお願いしたく、連絡させていただきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will email you the details soon, could you have a look for me?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "詳細はすぐにメールしますので、ご確認いただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also I must apologize, but please be aware that this time the quote will be competitive bidding with an existing contractor.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "申し訳ないのですが、今回の見積は既存の業者との相見積となりますので、ご了承お願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will send my response as soon as I have checked the details.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確認次第、すぐに対応させていただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Suzuki-san, I'm looking for the documents related to the project for D Corporation from last year, do you know where they are?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "鈴木さん、去年のD株式会社の案件の資料を探しているのですが、どこにあるかわかりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What documents from last year?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "去年の何の資料ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The quote, and the documents from when the quote was created.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "見積もりと、見積作成時の資料です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think those documents should now be stored in the reference room.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その資料でしたらもう資料室にしまってあると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll look for them with you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私も一緒に探しますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すみません、ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If they were documents from last year, they should be around here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "去年の資料でしたら、この辺りのはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see we still haven't shifted to paperless document storage.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだ資料の保存はペーパーレス化されていないんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's right, we kind of lack the personnel for that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、どこも人員不足ですからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What are you going to use the documents for?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "資料は何に使用されるのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm going to be visiting D Corporation for the first time in a long time, so I thought I would use them to refresh my memory.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "久しぶりにD株式会社に訪問するので、復習しようと思いまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Here they are!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありました!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Great!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良かった!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm sorry, Tanaka is currently out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "申し訳ございません、田中はただ今外出しております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When will he return?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつ頃戻られますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He's due back after three o'clock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "15時過ぎには戻る予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you don't mind, can you tell me what you are calling about?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私で宜しければ、ご用件だけお伺いしてもよろしいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm just calling because I was hoping I might soon be able to receive an invoice for the goods that were delivered the other day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先日納品頂いた商品の請求書をそろそろいただきたく、連絡させていただきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As soon as Tanaka gets back to the office, I will ask him to call you back.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "田中が帰社次第、折り返し連絡させるように致しますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お電話ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is A Corporation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A株式会社です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, this is Tanaka from C Corporation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is Director Sato there?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "佐藤部長はいらっしゃいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, please wait a moment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おりますよ、少々お待ちください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, you're through to Sato.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お電話代わりました、佐藤です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, it's Tanaka, always a pleasure to speak to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつもお世話になっております、田中です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, Tanaka-san, the pleasure is all mine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "田中さん、いつもお世話になっております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thanks for coming all the way out to us last week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先週はわざわざ来ていただいてありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not at all, thank you for the order.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえいえ、受注いただきありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Getting down to business, it seems that delivery in two months won't be an issue.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早速ですが納期の件、2か月で問題なさそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Really?!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当ですか!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thanks a lot, that's really helpful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとうございます、本当に助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It would be tough if you said you wanted it done that quickly every time, but as it's the first time, I got the okay from the factory manager, as a special favor for this time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "毎回と言われると厳しいのですが、初回ですし今回は特別に、と工場長からOK頂きました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "From the next time onward, we will ensure to increase the lead time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次回以降はもっとリードタイムを十分に取るようにします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In that case, I shall proceed as is, thank you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではこのまま進めさせていただきますので、宜しくお願い致します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, thank you, too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for coming here today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日はお越しいただきありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Likewise, thank you for your time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらこそお時間頂きありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What did you think of the quote I sent you the other day?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先日送付させていただきました見積はいかがでしたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mm, I have no issue with the amount.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、金額に関しては問題ないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When can you deliver it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつ頃から納品できますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When it actually comes to accepting the order and delivering the goods, I believe it would be safe to assume something along the lines of two and a half months as the quickest we could do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実際に受注・納品となりますと、最短で2か月半ほど見ておいていただけたら大丈夫だと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Two and a half months?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2か月半ですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would it be better if it was earlier?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もっと早い方がいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, if it was possible to do it in two months at the latest, then that would be really helpful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、できれば遅くとも2か月以内には頂けると助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Two months?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2か月ですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I will discuss it with the factory.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、工場と交渉します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will start the ball rolling today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、早速本日から動き出しますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think that I should be able to tell you a definite delivery date at the beginning of next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週の頭には具体的な納品日をお話できるかと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, my name is Tanaka from C Corporation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Tanaka-san, good to see you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "田中さん、いつもお世話になってます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm sorry that I'm late.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "遅くなりまして申し訳ございません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not at all, you must've had a hard time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえいえ、大変でしたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you'd like to go into this room.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらの部屋へどうぞ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "失礼します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would you like tea or coffee?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "コーヒーとお茶はどちらがよろしいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "May I have a coffee then, please?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、コーヒーをお願いできますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And what would you like Director Sato?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "佐藤部長はどうなさいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Um, may I have a coffee as well?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕もコーヒーでお願いできるかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Certainly, I'll bring those over in a moment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "承知しました、少々お待ちください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, thank you for calling.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sato-san? Please wait a moment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "佐藤ですね、少々お待ちください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello Director Sato, it's Tanaka from C Corporation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "佐藤部長、株式会社Cの田中です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, hi Tanaka-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "田中さん、こんにちは。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm very sorry, I'm currently on my way to your office, but my train is delayed and it seems like I'll be a little late.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "申し訳ありません、今御社に向かっているのですが、電車が遅延していまして、少し遅れてしまいそうなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは大変ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's fine with me, how long do you think you'll be delayed?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらは大丈夫なのですが、どのくらい遅れそうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think I should arrive in the next 30 minutes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "後30分以内には着けるかと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, please make your way here without rushing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、焦らず来てくださいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Bye.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "失礼致します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By the way, have you heard about the date of the new year's party?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういえば、新年会の日程って聞いてますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, I haven't heard anything yet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや、まだ聞いてません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it already decided?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう決まったんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It seems like it's going to be next Wednesday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週の水曜日みたいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Inoue-kun was just talking about it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さっき井上君が話してました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Will you be going?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "鈴木さんは行かれますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I'm planning on going.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、行く予定ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What about you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "田中さんは?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm a bit tight on money at the moment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今金欠なんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll discuss it with my wife.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一度妻に相談してみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It would be good if you could make it, as it is a special occasion.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "折角なので来れると良いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I heard we're going to a yakiniku restaurant this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年は焼き肉らしいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sounds good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいですねー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll message my wife immediately!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早速妻に連絡してみます!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Tanaka-san, sorry this has taken such a long time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "田中さん、遅くなってごめんなさい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've just sent you the data for the quote to Company A, could you have a look at it for me please?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社への見積、今データ送りましたので見ていただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll take a look now, hold on a moment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今確認するので少々お待ちください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The numbers seem fine, but would you mind changing the date on the quote to today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "数字は問題なさそうですが、見積もりの日付を今日に変更してもらっても良いですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you just make that change, it'll be fine to send to the other party.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこを変更してもらえれば、先方に送ってもらって大丈夫です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll do that right away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すぐに対応します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is Company B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "B株式会社です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We appreciate your business.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, this is Suzuki from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社の鈴木と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is Sato-san there?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "佐藤さんはいらっしゃいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I'll put you through to him, please wait a moment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、おつなぎしますので少々お待ちください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, please wait a moment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, it's Suzuki, it's always a pleasure doing business with you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "鈴木です、いつもお世話になっております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's a pleasure doing business with you, too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was just wondering how the quote I asked you about the other day is going?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すみません、先日お願いしていた見積もりですが、いかがですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry about the delay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "遅くなりまして申し訳ありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think I should be able to send it to you today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日中には送れると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良かったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our deadline is nearly upon us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そろそろこちらも期限が迫ってまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll get it drawn up as quick as I can.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最短で作成しますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You're welcome.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、失礼します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Suzuki-san, what's going on with the quote I asked you to prepare last week?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "鈴木さん、先週お願いしていた見積もりはどうなりましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm sorry, I'm still waiting for a response from Company B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すみません、まだB社からの回答待ちです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When did you ask Company B?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "B社に依頼したのはいつですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Four days ago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "4日前です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can't wait any longer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう待てません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please press Company B for a response.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "B社に催促してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm sorry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll phone them now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すぐに電話します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The quote has to be presented to the other company in two days' time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "見積もりは2日後に先方に提示しなければなりません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please hurry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "急ぎでお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Excuse me, I was wondering what your availability is for the dinner party I spoke about last week?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すみません、先週お話しした会食の件、ご都合いかがですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh yes, sorry for not replying.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "回答しておらずすみません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please allow me to join you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "是非参加させてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The party from the other company was also hoping you would be able to come.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先方も鈴木さんが来られることを期待してましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Director Sato?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "佐藤部長ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He's done a lot for our company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "以前からよくしていただいてるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When did you two become acquainted?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつからのお付き合いなんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Since I joined the company, so it must be about 15 years already.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私が新入社員の時からなので、もう15年くらいですかね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh really, that long?!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんなに長いんですね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you decided on the restaurant?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お店はもう決まりましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was planning on going to a Japanese restaurant.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "和食料理のお店にしようかと思ってます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know several restaurants that Director Sato likes, so if you like, you can add them to your considerations.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "佐藤部長のお気に入りのお店を何件か知っているので、良かったら候補に入れてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As they're all popular restaurants, it would be a good idea to book early.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "人気のお店ばかりだから、早めに予約した方がいいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll get on to it right away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早速取り掛かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm back.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ今戻りました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Welcome back.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お帰りなさい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How was the meeting with Company A?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社との打ち合わせはどうでしたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It seems like things are going to work out better than I had thought.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "思っていたよりうまくいきそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was able to confirm their general intention with the guy there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先方の担当者とも大体の方向性の確認が取れました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは良かったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sounds like we're going to start getting busy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これから忙しくなりそうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm going to give them a quote by next week and visit them again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週までには見積もりを出して、再度訪問してきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please let me know if there's anything I can help with.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私にお手伝いできることがなにかあれば、何なりとおっしゃってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well in that case, can you help me prepare the quote?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では早速ですが、見積もり作成を手伝ってもらえますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What would you like me to do?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何をやればよいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is the quote I presented this time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回提出した見積もりがこちらです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We need to increase some of the items.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何点か項目を増やす必要があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will send you the data, so can you check it for me please?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "データを送るので確認してもらってよいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, I'll take a look.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "承知しました、確認します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That'd be a big help.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, I'd like to know about the price of your company's product but will you be able to answer this?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、御社の製品の価格について知りたいのですが、こちらでよろしいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I can do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、こちらで承ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My name is Kubo from Company O.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "O社の久保と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am thinking of making a proposal to our client.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私共のお客様に提案を考えておりまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We appreciate your business as always.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm looking at your website, so would I be buying this installation CD and license?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ホームページを見ているんですけど、これはインストール用CDと、ライセンスを買えばいいんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please buy the number of licenses for the number of computers you will use it on.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お使いになるパソコンの台数分のライセンスをご購入ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you plan to install it on a large number of computers, I would recommend the server option where you can install and manage the settings on a server.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "台数が多い場合は、サーバーでインストールや設定の管理ができるサーバーオプションもお勧めしてます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would the server option be better if it's for 100 licenses?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "100ライセンスだと、サーバーオプションもあったほうがいいですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I think so.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are various settings configuration so you can manage certain computers to have certain settings.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "設定が複数パターンあっても、個別にどのパソコンにどの設定、って管理できますし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, can you get me a price for the installation medium, 100 licenses and the server option?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、インストール媒体と、100ライセンスと、サーバーオプションの価格をお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have a price list?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一覧になった価格表はないんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have one for the retail price.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "定価のものでしたら、あります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Should I send that over?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お送りしましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あっ、はい、お願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Your company is a partner company, correct?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "御社はパートナー様ですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The pricing for partner companies will be a bit cheaper.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "パートナー様向け価格は若干お安くなりますので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I will make a quotation under you company's name.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、お見積書は御社のお名前でお作りしますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So it will be the installation CD, 100 licenses and the server option.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "インストールCDと、100ライセンスと、サーバーオプションですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will send it to you by email so please tell me your email address.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Eメールでお送りしますので、ご連絡先をお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、申しあげます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okamoto-san, I finished the revision that the general manager asked me to do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "岡本さん、部長に言われていた修正、できましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's the error that pops up when making a new configuration file, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "環境ファイルを新規作成したときにオープンエラーが出る不具合ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You're done already?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もうできたんですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was a small revision so I prioritized it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "小さい修正だから、最優先で対応したよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can we just replace the file right away for the revised version?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "修正版は、取り急ぎファイル入れ替えで済みますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's better if we send it to the salesperson who reported the error and have him look at it right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "不具合のご報告をいただいた営業さんに、送って見てもらった方がいいですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So will the steps be to stop the program on the console replace the file and restart it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "手順は、本体のプログラムを止めて、ファイル入れ替えして、再起動でいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Should we restart the computer as well?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マシンの再起動もしたほうがいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We don't need to restart but maybe logging off would be good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "再起動まではいらないけど、ログオフはしてもらったほうがいい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Log-off and log-in again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ログオフ、再ログオンですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll make an exchange procedure document.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "入れ替え手順書、作ってみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Copy the replacement file into the folder to be installed in.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "入れ替えるファイルは、インストール先フォルダにコピーね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll make the compressed file on my side and put it in the shared development server.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の方で圧縮ファイルを作って、開発共有サーバーに入れときます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please send that to him.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それを送ってあげてね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where's the general manager?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "部長は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is he in a meeting?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今、会議中?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It seems like it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you let the general manager know that it's done before sending it to the sales guy?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "営業さんに送る前に、部長にもできたって報告してもらっていい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、おつかれさまです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is Murayama.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "村山です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What can I help you with?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おつかれさまです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just got an inquiry over here in regards to Product A, and I told the caller that I'll have the person in charge call him back, and was wondering if I can get you to follow up on this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さっき製品Aのお問い合わせがこっちにあって、担当から折り返しますって伝えたので、続きの対応そっちでお願いできますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's from a person called Mr. Honma from sales at Company T and he's asking for a proposal on Product A and a system that can link with the fingerprint authentication device.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "T社の営業の本間さんという方からで、製品Aと、指紋認証装置を連携させたシステムの提案を求められているんですって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's a system for the device that the part time workers will use.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アルバイトさんが使う端末に導入するシステムだそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They want to improve the security without changing the current way of doing things.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今使っている運用方法をなるべく変えないで、セキュリティだけ上げたいって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I asked a bit more but we're the developer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もっといろいろ聞いたんだけど、こっちは開発元だから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right, it might be better if I handle it on my side.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、私の方で対応したほうがいいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wonder why the call went over to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なんでそっちに電話が行っちゃったんでしょうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry for the inconvenience.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お忙しいところ、すみませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I asked Mr. Honma to send what he said on the phone in regards to the system by email so we should get an email from him on the shared email address.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本間さんから電話で聞いたシステム要件は、もう一度メールで送ってもらうようにしたから、しばらくすると共有メールアドレスに届くと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll take a look.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "読んでみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The email will have the questions, answers and contact information right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "回答とか質問の連絡先も、そのメールが届けばわかりますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, I will leave it to you then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、すみませんが、よろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It sure is cold this morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今朝も寒いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good morning, it's cold!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おはよう、寒いねー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was looking at the weather forecast before leaving home today, and it said there were areas in Asahikawa where it was minus twenty nine point eight degrees.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "家を出る前に天気予報を見ていたら、旭川のどこかではマイナス29.8度だって言っていましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, what?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、なにそれ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's like the north pole!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "北極じゃない!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Apparently you can see the diamond dust.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ダイヤモンド・ダストが見られたそうですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh it's the one that shows up when the temperature is low, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "へー、気温が低いと見られる、ってやつね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But no matter how beautiful it is, I wouldn't want to be in a place where it is that cold.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、そんなきれいなものが見えたとしても、その気温のところには私、いたくないな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By the way, I saw diamond dust once at a ski resort.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういえば私、スキー場で見たことあるよ、ダイヤモンド・ダスト。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It wasn't minus twenty nine degrees though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マイナス29度じゃなかったはずだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can see it if it's cold and on a nice day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すごく寒くて、いいお天気だと見えるんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "At a ski resort!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スキー場で!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sounds like a movie.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "映画みたい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You got lucky.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ラッキーでしたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But when we go skiing, the weather is usually not that good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、私達が行くスキー場って、なかなかいいお天気のことがないよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Don't you feel that we're skiing in a blizzard most of the time at Lake Tazawa and Appi?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "田沢湖とか安比は、猛吹雪の中で滑っていることのほうが多い気がしない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Come to think of it, you're right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういえば、そうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't think I've ever been to Appi on a sunny day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "安比でなんか、晴れたときに当たったことないかも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "All I get is icy surfaces.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アイスバーンばっかりだし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It feels super nice when it's sunny though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "晴れていると、最高に気持ちいいんですけどねー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can't remember where I saw the diamond dust though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ダイヤモンド・ダストはどこで見たんだったかなー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe it was Lake Tazawa because I recall everyone was there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "田沢湖だったかな、みんなもいたのを覚えているから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Regardless, it was at a ski resort near the border of Akita and Iwate prefecture.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いずれにしても秋田・岩手県境付近のスキー場ですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I didn't know the temperature would drop to the point that you can see diamond dust in that area.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あのへんも、ダイヤモンド・ダストが見えるほど気温が下がることがあるんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yasui-san, I wanted to talk about the flight schedule when going to the awards ceremony.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "部長、授賞式に向かうときの飛行機のスケジュールのことなんですけれど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, thank you very much for arranging everything.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、いろいろやってくれてありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was thinking of letting Mr. Sato from Travel Agency C know our requests and was doing some research.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "C旅行社の佐藤さんに、こちらの希望を出そうと思って調べてみたんですけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I recall you saying that we want to get there at noon the day before the awards ceremony right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "部長、以前に授賞式の前日の昼に現地に着くのが希望だって、おっしゃってましたよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I ideally wanted to have a looser schedule but not everyone can come as if on vacation so we have to squeeze the schedule like a business trip.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、本当はもっとゆっくりの日程にできればいいんだけれど、みんな休暇なわけではない、ビジネス・トリップだからギリギリにするしかないんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Was there a flight where we arrive at noon the day before?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "前日の昼に着ける便って、あった?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, there was, and it's a transfer at Paris with Airline A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、ありました、A航空のパリ乗り継ぎです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Just one flight?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1便だけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That was the only one that will get there the quickest.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最短時間で着けるのが、それでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The travel will just get longer if we increase the transfers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "乗り継ぎ回数を増やしても、時間がかかって日程が長くなるだけです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうか、それはそうだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And there weren't any suitable times to transfer if we depart from Narita so it will be from Haneda.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それと、成田発着ではいい時間に乗り継げなくて、羽田発着です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I think leaving from Haneda is fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、羽田発でも別にいいと思うけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are a lot of customers flying domestically too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "国内線に乗って来るお客さんもいるし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Aside from Paris, there are also Airline B and Airline C that transfers in Germany but we would end up getting there past 10 o'clock at night over there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "パリ以外だとドイツで乗り継ぐB航空とかC航空も一応あるんですけど、それだと現地には夜の10時以降に着く便になっちゃいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It'll be midnight by the time we get to the hotel.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ホテルに移動すると夜中になるか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We won't get much rest and the awards ceremony the next day will be tough.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ろくに休めないね、翌日に式典はつらいよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And there will be jet lag.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "時差もあるし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I just ask Mr. Sato to proceed with the flight with Airline A?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう、A航空のこの便、って佐藤さんにお願いしてしまっていいでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, let's do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、そうしよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Were you able to book the hotel?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ホテルは取れたんだっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I want to get a quote and let the customers know the approximate travel expense.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "金額の見積を出してもらって、お客様にだいたいの旅費をお知らせできるといいけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will need to let him know the names of the guests staying at the hotel to secure the hotel bookings.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ホテルは、宿泊者名をお知らせしないと確保ができないそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I've only told him our budget range and the number of people so far.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だから、希望価格帯と予定人数をお知らせしてあるだけです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I think we can come up with the approximate travel expense.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、だいたいの旅費は出せると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It seems the amount will end up being similar to the years before.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "結局金額は、例年通りぐらいで済みそうかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Nakata-san, can I talk to you now about the arrangements after the awards ceremony?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "中田さん、授賞式参加のその後ですけど、今お話ししていいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I wanted to ask you about that too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、私も聞かなくちゃと思っていたところでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So we have 5 more companies registered so we now have 8 companies.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その後5社からお申し込みがありまして、今のところ合計8社です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think it might be a good time to let Travel Agency C know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "C旅行社さんにお知らせしてもいい頃かと思いまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It might be because of the date but everyone seems to be replying quicker this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やっぱり、日程のせいか今年は皆さんの動きも早いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mr. Yamada and Mr. Sugimoto will only need 1 room each.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "山田様と杉本様は、ホテルは1部屋ずつでいいそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "From Mr. Kurihara's company, the managing director and the executive director will be coming and I was told that they will need separate rooms.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "栗原様のところは、専務さんと常務さんがいらっしゃるそうで、お部屋は別々にしてください、って言われました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I'll keep note of that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました、覚えておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Other than that, there will be one person coming from each company and will need 1 room each.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それ以外は、各社1名参加で1部屋ずつです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, as for the flight tickets...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、航空券はえーと・・・。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I have a copy of that list too?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのリスト、私もいただいていいですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I printed it out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、印刷してきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, you already have the numbers summarized.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あっ、もう集計もしてくれて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So flight tickets for 11 people and 9 hotel rooms.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "航空券は11名様、ホテルは9部屋ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right, for now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、今のところは。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We need to add our general manager here too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これに、うちの部長も入れて・・・", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So flight tickets for 12 people and 10 hotel rooms.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "航空券は12名、ホテルは10部屋ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I should get him to look for hotels as soon as possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うわ、やっぱりホテルは早く探してもらわないと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I looked it up quickly and it seems the town doesn't have any large hotels.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ざっと私も調べてみましたけど、あまり大きいホテルはない街みたいでしたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We might have to split them up and have them stay at different hotels.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あら、それじゃあ何軒かに分散して泊まることになるかもしれないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, that can't be helped if we can't get them all in one hotel.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、まとめて取れなければ仕方がないですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will have Mr. Sato from Travel Agency C look it up for us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "C旅行社の佐藤さんに、まずは探してみてもらいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We got the list for the award result from the executive office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "部長、事務局から受賞結果のリストが届きました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, already?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっもう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The result came out fast this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年は発表、早かったね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think the awards ceremony might have been 1 week earlier than the previous year too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "授賞式典も例年より1週間早いからかもしれません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is June fifth this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年は、6月5日だそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはいいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "June is the end of the quarter and when it's near the end of the month, there were a lot of customers who couldn't attend the awards ceremony.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "6月は決算の月だし、月末近くだと授賞式に参加できないお客様も多かったからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So we might have more attendees this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年は、参加者が多くなるかもしれませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's go ahead and send out the initial notice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ早速、まずはお知らせの第一報を流そう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you use last year's notice as a template, and change things like the date of the awards ceremony and draft an email?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "去年のお知らせをベースに、授賞式の日程とかは変更して、メールの案を作ってみてくれる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Say that you will send the details of the awards ceremony at a later date.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "追って、授賞式の詳細を送ることにして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And, when you send it, make sure you don't mix up the company name and which award they got.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、送るときは、受賞した賞と会社名の組み合わせ、間違わないように注意してね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There was one particular case last year where we notified a company that they received a silver award instead of the gold award.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "去年1件あったからさ、金賞のところに銀賞ってお知らせしちゃって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Lucky it wasn't the other way around, since the award is better after the revision.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "逆じゃなくてよかったですよ、訂正後は前よりも良くなったんですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll be sure to keep that in mind for this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年は充分注意します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I can get you to do a final review before I send it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "部長、送る前に、最終チェックをお願いしてもよろしいですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Of course I'll check it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろん、チェックするよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I will start working on it right away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、早速取りかかりますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you hear about the ski event on the weekend?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "週末のスキーの話、聞いた?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you guys going again?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また行くんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, it seems Ito-san had a blast last time and is all pumped up and wants to go again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、伊藤課長が前回相当楽しかったみたいで、また行こうって張り切っちゃってて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He was more pumped up from drinking beer at the lodge than skiing though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スキーっていうより、ロッジでビール飲んで盛り上がってましたよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like this is what I look forward to.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これがメインですか、ってかんじ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Skiing is fun too but the beer in between is awesome.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スキー滑るのも楽しいけど、合間のあのビールがまたいいんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's refreshing, and is completely different than a drinking party at night.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "夜の飲み会とは全く違うし、すがすがしいかんじですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can understand why people will look forward to that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そっちがメインになるのも、分かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The view of Lake Tazawa is awesome when the weather is nice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "田沢湖は、天気がいいと景色も最高ですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, skiing down and looking down at the lake is pretty awesome.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、湖を見下ろしながら滑れるから、最高だよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And the hot spring on the way back.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、帰りの温泉ね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Everything is awesome.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "盛りだくさんですものね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You're going to go too right, Ishikawa-san?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "石川さんも、行くでしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, by all means.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、ぜひ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How many people do we have this time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回は、何人ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Who's the driver?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "運転手は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have nine people so far, and Mikami-kun, Takahashi-kun and Inoue-kun said they will drive.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今のところは9人で、三上くんと高橋くんと井上くんが車出すって言ってたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We're meeting at the office?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "集合は、会社ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Will we be meeting at five thirty again?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また5:30集合ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I think it will be the same schedule as last time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、多分前回と同じスケジュール。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I will ask Inoue-kun to pick me up on his way here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ私、井上くんに途中で拾ってもらいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, you can talk to him directly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、直接話してみて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello this is Systems Division 1.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、第一システム事業部です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is Takada from the Administrative Systems Division.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "行政システム部の高田です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How are you doing?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm good thank you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There is a possibility of implementing Product A from your group for City S's counter terminal, and I was wondering if I can ask you to make a quote.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "S市の窓口端末に、そちらの製品Aを導入する話が出ているんですけど、価格の見積を作っていただいていいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Just the basic system for Product A?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "製品Aの、基本システムだけですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Should I add the optional features too?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オプション機能も付けますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think they are good with just the basic one for now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とりあえず、基本だけでいいみたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Optional features can be added later, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オプションって、あとからでもつけられますよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, but they might have to deal with the implementation work twice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、でもそちらの導入作業が二度手間になるかもしれないですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, it might also be a burden to the customer if it changes mid-way.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうか、それに途中から使い方が変わるのも、お客様困るかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me talk to them about this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっと相談してみますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I ask you to make two quotes, one for the basic one and another with the optional features?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "見積は、基本だけのパターンと、オプションも付けたパターンで2種類お願いできますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How many user licenses do they need?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ライセンス数は、いくつですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Twenty licenses.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "20ライセンスです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Will it be sold directly from us?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちから直接販売になりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Or through an agent?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "代理店さんに出しますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The price would change based on that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "価格が変わってくるんですけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will be sold directly from us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "直接販売します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will send it to you by email once it's done.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、でき次第メールでお送りしますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will be done by noon today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日の昼までにはできます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You're a life-saver.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll look forward to seeing it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、よろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm looking to send this out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これ、お願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry, can you hold on for a moment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、少々お待ちいただけますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm helping someone else at the moment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "順番にお伺いしますので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much for waiting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お客様、長くお待たせしてすみません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can help you at the counter over there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あちらのカウンターで私が伺います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, okay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Here you go.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、お願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お預かりします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So it is going to Akita prefecture.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "秋田県へのお荷物ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I sent something to the same address last month but is there a discount for sending it to the same address?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先月にも同じ住所に送っているのですけど、同一宛先割引はききますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Does the name have to be the same too?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "名前まで同じでないとダメですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There will be a discount if the address is the same.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "住所が同じなら、割引になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have the delivery slip that was used last time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "前回お使いになられた送り状の控えはお持ちですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Here it is.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you require a refrigerated shipment or anything?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "冷蔵便などご希望ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, just the regular is fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいえ、常温でいいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, with the discount for sending to the same address and the discount for bringing it in will come to a shipping cost of 670 yen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、同一宛先割引と、持ち込み割引を適用させていただいて、送料は670円になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I requested arrival in the morning but will it get there tomorrow?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "午前中着の指定にしましたけど、明日届きますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, that should be fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、大丈夫だと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よかったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will leave this with you then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではよろしくお願いいたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "かしこまりました。ありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ん?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The coffee smells different from usual.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なんだか、コーヒーの香りがいつもと違う気がするけれど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, Shibata-san, I'm surprised you can tell!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっ、柴田課長、気付くなんてすごい!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I bought coffee from Hawaii and was just making a fresh batch.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ハワイでコーヒーを買ってきたので、今淹れていたところです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please give it a try.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "課長もぜひどうぞ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It'll be done in around a minute.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと1分ぐらいでできます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thanks, are you sure?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとう、いいの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it Kona coffee?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "コナ・コーヒー?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So you went to Hawaii, I'm jealous.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ハワイに行ってきたのか、いいねー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You must be pretty into coffee if you can tell that it's Kona from just the smell.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "コナ・コーヒーの匂いがすぐ分かるなんて、課長は通ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No it's because the quality of the usual coffee at work isn't that good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや、普段の会社のコーヒーの質がイマイチだからだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's why I can tell if it's good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいのは分かるでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And I know that Kona coffee is famous in Hawaii.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それに、ハワイと言えばコナ・コーヒー、は知ってる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you go to the Big Island?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ハワイ島に行ってきたの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I finally went.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、やっと行ってきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've only been to Oahu Island up until now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これまでは、オアフ島にしか行ったことがなくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I also went to see the Kona coffee farms at the Hawaiian Islands.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ハワイ島のコナのコーヒー農園も見てきましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The coffee flowers were just blooming and looked beautiful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょうどコーヒーの花が咲いていて、キレイでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, I've only had the image of coffee fruit but didn't know flowers bloomed from it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "へー、実がなるところを見るしかイメージがなかったけど、そうだね、花も咲くよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I saw it for the first time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんです、初めて見ました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was a white and pretty flower.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "白くてキレイな花でしたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So you got to see a lot of things you can't see in Japan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日本じゃ見られないもの、たくさん見てきたんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it was fun.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、楽しかったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, here you go.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good choice on the souvenir.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こういうお土産も、気が利いているね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you, Kona coffee is indeed good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとう、さすがコナ・コーヒーはおいしいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It reminds me of when I went on my honeymoon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "思い出すなー、新婚旅行。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, you went to Hawaii for your honeymoon?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あら課長、新婚旅行、ハワイだったんですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We just got a request from the Sales Division from Branch K, and they want us to make a reference material on the track record for Product A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "K支社の営業部から依頼があって、製品Aの導入実績の資料を作ってほしいって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Track record, right, we have enough to make one now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "導入実績、そうですね、そろそろ作れる頃ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Was there any specific request on what kind we should put in?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "具体的に、どんな内容が入ればいいかご希望はありましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe showing the track record for all the users in the country broken down to industries?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全国のユーザーの業種別の実績が分かればいいんでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "On top of industries, maybe showing the track record by each prefecture would be good too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "業種でまとめる他に、都道府県別の実績も作った方がいいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They are also asking for the customer's name.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、お客様名もできればほしいって言われているけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't think it's a good idea to show the customer's name on the presentation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、お客様名を資料に出すのはマズくないですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I don't think so.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、よくないでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Even if we do, we have to make sure that it's for internal use only.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "作ったとしても、社外秘扱いにしないと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is the Sales Division looking to use it internally?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "営業部は、社内で使いたくて、ってことなんでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Or, will the material be used to introduce the product to customers?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それとも、お客様にご紹介するための資料?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "From a customer's perspective, they will trust the product more if they know which famous companies are using it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お客様としては、どんな有名企業で使われているか分かった方が、信頼できますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It'll make it easier for them to decide.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "選びやすいですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Kind of like, they are using it so maybe we should too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あそこで使っているなら、うちにも入れようか、って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's true but we can't put the customer's name without getting their approval.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かにそうですけれど、お客様に了解を得ない限りは、名前は出せないですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Branch K right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "K支社って言いましたよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My impression of the sales guys at Branch K is that they are a bit sloppy with their work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "K支社の営業さんって、ちょっと仕事がズボラな印象が・・・", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, it might just be the few people I happened to meet though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや、たまたま私が会った数人だけかもしれないですけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can't hand over a track-record with personal information like the company name.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実企業名みたいな個人情報が入った導入実績なんて、渡せないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will be a major issue if the information leaks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "漏洩だって万一問題になったら、困ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、確かに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If that happens, it will jeopardize the trust in the product itself.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんなことがあったら、製品自体の信頼性まで落ちちゃう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's try making it with standard information and send it to them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、じゃあ無難な内容で一度、作って出してみようか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So just the data by industry and prefecture.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "業種別都道府県別の集計だけ、ってことですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, we'll send that and see what they say.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、それで出して、相手の反応を見てまた考えよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's go with that then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、そうしましょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Takeuchi-san, can I talk to you about the inquiry just now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "竹内さん、さっき来ていた問い合わせだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, the one from Mr. Yoshida from Company M?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、M社の吉田さんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We were competing with Company S in the bid for the system integration at Company M and lost.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "M社のシステム導入の入札で、うち、S社と争ってうちが負けたんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっ、ほんとですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So Company M is using our competitor, Company S's system?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "M社は、競合のS社のシステムを導入してるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They should be, as of last year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのはずだよ、去年。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So the reason they came to us means?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、うちに問い合わせが来たってことは?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe Company S's system didn't work well for them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "S社のシステムが合わなかったってことかなぁ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Or, it didn't have certain functions and they are looking at additional integrations.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それか、何か機能が足りなくて、追加導入を考えているとか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, then we should tread carefully on how we handle the inquiry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えー、それなら、問い合わせ対応も要注意ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He said he also wanted to know the price.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "価格も知りたいっておっしゃってましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He should know the price from the bid.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "価格は入札で知っているはずだなぁ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe they want to newly implement it at a completely different department?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、全く別の部署に新しく導入したいとか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm wondering why they called us directly without going through our sales.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "営業を通さないで、直接ここに問い合わせが来たのも疑問だなぁ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Very interesting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "不思議ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anyways, I'll be sure to handle it carefully if there is another inquiry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とにかく、またお問い合わせがあったら、慎重に対応しますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Make sure to ask why they are calling.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご要件を、よく聞くようにします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, let me know if they request an official quote.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あともし、正式に見積依頼があったら教えてね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll talk to the general manager on how we should deal with this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっと、部長とも対応方法を相談してみるから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My name is Takeuchi and I'm in charge of Product A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "製品A担当の竹内と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My name is Yoshida from Company M.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "M社の吉田と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to confirm some things about the functions of Product A, but do you have any reference materials that covers things like the price and specification of the product in detail?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "製品Aの機能のことで確認したいことがあるのですが、製品の価格とか、仕様がまとまって詳しく分かる資料はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, we do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have a 1 page leaflet and a 10 page Powerpoint presentation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1枚もののリーフレットと、パワーポイントの10ページの資料があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The pricing is shown towards the end of the Powerpoint presentation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "価格体系は、パワーポイントの後ろの方に載せています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, can I get both?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあそれ、どっちもいただけますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would you like a hard copy?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "紙でご希望ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I also have it in PDF format.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "PDFのデータでもありますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "PDF for now is good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とりあえず、データでいいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I send it by email?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、Eメールでお送りしますが、よろしいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you tell me your email address?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "メールアドレスを教えていただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is K dot Yoshida.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ケー、ドット、ヨシダ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Y-o-s-h-id-a.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ワイオーエスエイチアイ、ディーエー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "K dot yoshida.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ケー、ドット、ヨ、シ、ダ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, and at.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、アットマーク。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "At.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アットマーク。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "xxx, dot jp.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "xxx、ドット、ジェイピーです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "xxx、ドット、ジェイピー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me repeat that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "復唱させていただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So it's k.yoshida@xxx.jp.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ケー、ドット、ヨ、シ、ダ、アットマーク、xxx、ドット、ジェイピー、ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will send you the materials right after this call.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、資料はこのあとすぐにお送りします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi this is Company F.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、F社でございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to ask about your company's Product A, can you transfer me to someone in charge?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "御社の製品Aのことでおたずねしたいのですが、ご担当の方をお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it an inquiry on purchasing or in regards to the products specification?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "購入に関するお問い合わせでしょうか、それとも製品の機能のことでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I want to know the price as well, but also in regards to the product in general.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "価格も知りたいんですけど、製品全般に関することで・・・", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I will transfer you to the department in charge.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、担当部署に代わります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please hold.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, this is Systems Division 1.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is Uno from the Sales department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "販売課の宇野です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hope you are well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hope you are too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have an inquiry in regards to Product A from Mr. Yoshida from Company M.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "M社の吉田様から、製品Aのお問い合わせが入っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It seems he wants to know about the price and the product in general.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "価格と、製品全般のことも聞きたいそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll take the call.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "代わります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、お電話代わりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My name is Takeuchi.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "竹内と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Excuse me, I'm looking for this product in navy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すみません、この商品の紺色のものがほしいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't see it on that shelf but do you still have it in stock?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あの棚にはないように見えるのですが、在庫はまだあるでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I recall seeing two of them when I looked in the morning but it might have sold out since it's a popular product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今朝見たときには2つあった記憶がありますが、人気の商品なので売れてしまったかもしれないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me check.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確認いたしますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll be right back.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Unfortunately, it seems we are out of stock here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やはり現在、こちらには在庫がないようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "申し訳ございません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have light blue and blue, but you were looking for navy, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "水色と青ならありますが、紺色をご希望ですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I saw it on a magazine and thought the navy was nice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、雑誌で見て紺色がいいと思ったんですよねー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So you guys had it in the morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今朝はあったのですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I should have came earlier.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私、もう少し早く出て来ればよかったですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It does seem there is still some stock at the Omachi store.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大町の店舗になら、まだ紺色がいくつか残っているみたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alternatively, we will have a restock in three days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それか、3日後でしたら再入荷の予定がありますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, thank you very much.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm not in a rush so...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "特に急いではいないので・・・", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe I'll wait for the restock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "再入荷を待とうかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I ask you to hold it for me?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "取り置きってお願いできますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will come again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また来ますので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My name is Takeda.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "竹田と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will drop by again around Friday then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では金曜日頃にまた来ます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will look forward to seeing you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご来店お待ちしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How are you doing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have a moment now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今いいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is the business trip expense for this time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これ、今回の出張の領収書です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's the receipt for the round-trip for the bullet train and the hotel.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新幹線往復分と、ホテルの領収書。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will process it and reimburse you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ今、清算してお渡ししますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, the cost for the train in the city is just to get there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、都内の移動の電車は、行きの分だけです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will buy the return ticket on the way back, so can I get that processed together when I go on my next business trip?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "帰りの分は帰るときに買うので、次の出張のときに一緒に清算してもいいですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's the same amount as the trip there right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "行きと同じ金額ですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "One hundred eighty yen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "180円ですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Don't forget it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "忘れないでくださいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It does seem easy to forget.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かに忘れそうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I should be careful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "気をつけないと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So the total is 35,840 yen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "合計で、35840円ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、これ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please check if the amount is correct.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "金額が合っているか、お確かめください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it looks right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、確かに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi this is Company C.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、C社でございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi there, my name is Matsui from Company K.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お世話になっております。K社の松井と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I actually just sent a fax, and I was wondering if I can get you to check if it went through or not.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "つい先ほどそちらにFAXをお送りしたのですが、届いているかどうかの確認をお願いできますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, please hold.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it did go through.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、確かに届いております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Three pages right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "3枚ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it's three pages, can you actually take a look?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、その3枚目、見ていただいてもいいですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's overall a dark color but can you read the letters?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全体が暗い色だと思いますけど、文字、見えますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was worried if it can be read or not.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちゃんと読めるかどうか、心配で。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, the center part isn't really clear.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、中央部分がちょっと不鮮明ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are there a lot of parts where it's not clear?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "見えない部分は、多いですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would it be better if I set it to a lighter color setting and resend it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "色を薄い設定にして、送りなおしたほうがよさそうでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですねー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The part where it is handwritten is a bit hard to read so it might be better if I can get you to resend it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "手書きの部分がちょっと見えづらいので、お送りいただいたほうがよろしいかもしれないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やっぱりそうですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll try sending it again then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではもう一度お送りします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you give me a call if this one isn't any better?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "届いてみて、あまり変わらなければ、お電話いただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Will do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "承知いたしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Your number is the one listed on the sender data?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お電話番号は、送信案内に記載されているところでよろしいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, please call that number.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、その番号にお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will send it again right after this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このあとすぐに再送します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お手数をおかけいたしますが、よろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいえ、とんでもないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will wait for the fax from you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではお待ちしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Aota-san, do you have a moment?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "青田さん、ちょっといい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、なんでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's about the documents you made for me yesterday, and there's a part I'd like you to revise.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先日作ってもらった原稿なんだけど、一部修正してもらいたいところがあってね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I'll be right there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、すぐ行きます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, which part will it be?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、どれでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's over here on this document, and I'd like you to add a concrete example.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この原稿のここなんだけどね、具体例を記載してほしいんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It'll make the reader easier to visualize it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "読んだ人がイメージ沸きやすいようにね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For example, specifying the country name in this story.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "例えば、この話が該当する国名を挙げるとか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think even a name of a city will be good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "都市の名前でもいいと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Should I just narrow it down and show it on here?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "絞り込んで記載してまっていいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I actually thought it might constrict the reader's choice by doing so.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は逆に、読む方の選択肢を狭めることになるかと思ったのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, I guess that is a possibility too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうか、その可能性も確かにあるよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I want to make the content here for beginners with no knowledge of this field.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもこれは、この分野の知識がない初心者向けの内容にしたいから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If we don't specify a concrete example, the reader won't be able to visualize it let alone choose.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "具体例を挙げて絞り込んであげないと、選択以前にイメージできないと思うんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So for beginners?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "初心者がターゲットですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If that's the case, it might be better to just put in the country name.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それなら、具体的に国名を入れたほうがいいかもしれないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, that would be great.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、そうしてもらえる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you look it up right away?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すぐ調べられるかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, this article talks about that specific country so I can easily add in the country name.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、この記事は該当する国のことを紹介している内容ですから、国名を追加するのはすぐにできます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I get you to do that then?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are there any other revisions needed?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他の修正はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's about all I noticed so just that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とりあえず気になったところは、そこだけ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think the rest looks good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あとはいいと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will work on the revision right away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、すぐに修正します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mr. Yamada, thank you very much for flying with us today again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "山田様、今日もご搭乗ありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Here is your jacket.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ジャケットをお返しいたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Will you be working today afterwards?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日はこの後お仕事ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I plan on meeting someone after dropping off my luggage at the hotel first.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一度ホテルに荷物を置いたら、人に会う予定なんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Seems busy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hope you were able to rest a bit on the plane.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "機内で少しでもお休み頂けているといいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Internet can be used now on the plane lately so I have to work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最近は機内でもインターネットが使える様になったから、仕事しないとね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm not able to rest on the plane the entire time like before.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "以前の様に機内でずっと休んでる訳にはいかなくなった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's gotten too convenient, hasn't it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "便利になりすぎましたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But, I'm glad I was able to check my email in advance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、事前にメールを確認出来て良かった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please rest well on your return flight.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お帰りの便では、ぜひゆっくりお過ごしください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will await for your return flight.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "またお帰りの便でお待ちしております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please take care when you disembark.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうぞお気を付けてお出かけください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ito-san, are you awake?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "伊藤様、お目覚めですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I just woke up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、今起きました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will be flying for another 2 hours before arriving.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "到着まであと2時間程の飛行です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would you like a meal before arriving?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "到着前のお食事はいかがなさいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have plans for a business meal when I arrive so I don't need that much.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "着いてから会食の予定があるから、そんなには要らないんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is that so.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さようでございますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about something light like udon, fruits, or yogurt?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは、おうどんやフルーツとヨーグルトなどの軽食はいかがですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe I will have Japanese food.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもやはり和食をもらおうかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, please do try it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "是非お召し上がりください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it okay if I bring that over right away?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すぐにお持ちしても宜しいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was thinking of going to the lavatory so can you bring it after that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "化粧室に行こうと思うので、その後に持ってきてくれるかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will come by again when you return.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではお戻りの頃、またお伺いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうしてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The lavatory is a bit busy so I will bring you the drink first.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "化粧室が混雑しておりますので、お飲み物だけ先にお持ちしておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you let me know when the lavatory is open?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "化粧室が空いたら教えてくれるかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will let you know as soon as it's open.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "空き次第すぐにご案内いたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ito-san, you can't fall asleep?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "伊藤様、お休みになれませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The light is bothering me and I can't sleep.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "光が気になって眠れないんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would you like to try an eye-mask or ear-plugs?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アイマスクや耳栓をお使いになってみてはいかがですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll try that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうしてみる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Should I bring you anything to drink?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何かお飲み物をお持ちしましょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We also have drinks with less caffeine like roasted green tea and herb tea.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほうじ茶やハーブティーなどのカフェインが少ない物もご用意しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have coffee as well?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "コーヒーもあるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We also have decaf coffee.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "カフェインフリーのコーヒーをご用意しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you get me that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それを持ってきてくれる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll bring it right away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すぐにお持ちします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe I'll just give up and read a book.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "諦めて本でも読もうかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's a good idea too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それもいいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are times when you can't fall asleep when you try to sleep.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "眠ろうとすると眠れない時もありますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういう事ってあるね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What do you usually do when you stay over?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつも滞在先で何をしているの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm just in the room and don't really go out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつもは部屋にいて、あまり外には出ません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What do you usually do Suzuki-san?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "鈴木さんはどうされているんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I never go out too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私もいつもは出ないの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But the weather seems to be nice tomorrow so I'm thinking of going to the nearby park.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも明日は天気が良さそうなので、近くの公園に行ってみようと思っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you want to go together?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一緒に行きませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would love to go together.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "是非一緒に行きたいわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm glad to hear that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "嬉しいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, let's meet up at the hotel lobby tomorrow at 12 o'clock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、明日12時にホテルのロビーで待ち合わせしましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you want to eat lunch together too?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ランチも一緒に食べませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll look up restaurants nearby.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "近くのレストランを調べておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "助かるわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ms. Kishimoto, thank you for being good to me for all this time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "岸本さん、長い間お世話になりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, Mr. Yamaguchi, is this your last day here?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あら山口さん、今日でここは最後ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I will head back to Tokyo tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうです、明日東京に戻ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I thought you had a long way to go, but the time passed by so fast.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだ先だと思っていたけど、あっと言う間でしたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Seriously.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Those two years were so short!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あっと言う間の二年でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It feels like you've been here more than two years, though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "二年以上いらしたような気がしますけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's true since we saw each other almost everyday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、ほとんど毎日顔を合わせていましたもんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "To the point we probably saw each other more than we saw our own families.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "家族よりも一緒にいた時間が長かったんじゃないの、というくらい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am happy we got to do really meaningful research.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "内容の濃い研究が出来てよかったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's good, and you helped us a lot too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですか、こちらこそ助かりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Your knowledge on the optics was so incredible, Mr. Yamaguchi.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "山口さんの光学関連の知識は、まさに尊敬ものですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, no, it's just because I have experience in this area for a long time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえいえ、ただこの分野での経験が長いだけですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our lab has lots of young engineers, so your experience and knowledge was so helpful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの研究所には若いエンジニアが多いので、経験と知識に助けられましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am honored you say that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Initially, I didn't like it that I had to live overseas as an expat, but I really had fun in those two years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "海外駐在と聞いて当初は嫌だったんですけど、この二年間はほんとうに楽しかったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For me, it was nice to have another Japanese person here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらも、日本人スタッフが増えて楽しかったですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will be the only Japanese for a while again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しばらく、また日本人は一人になりますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's right, but the next expat will be here after half a year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、でも、次の駐在が半年後にお世話になりますので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, and I hope he will get used to it here as quickly as you did.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、すぐなじんでくださるといいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It won't be an issue.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは大丈夫です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Nishiyama, the next expat is personally recommended by me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次に来る西山は、僕が個人的に推薦した者なんで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Unlike me, he enjoys traveling overseas, so he will get used to the life here quickly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕と違って、海外旅行が大好きですから、ここの生活にもすぐに慣れるでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, then I can look forward to it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですか、じゃ楽しみにしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He can speak English better than I do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "英語も僕より出来ますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Haha, you struggled at the beginning, didn't you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はは、最初苦労されましたもんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, but now I can have decent discussions with engineers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、でも、今はちゃんとエンジニアとやり取り出来るようになりましたから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Your relationship with us will continue even after you go back to Tokyo, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "東京に戻られてもうちとの関係は続くんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、もちろん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please visit us again on a business trip.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また出張でいらしてくださいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, I need to come check on Nishiyama anyway.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろん、西山の様子も見に来ないといけないですし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's right, it will be quiet for a while, but I wish you the best in Tokyo.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、しばらく寂しくなりますが、東京で頑張ってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you, and let me know when you're back in Japan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、岸本さんも、日本へ帰国の際はご連絡ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, since my parents live in Tokyo.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ぜひ、実家が東京ですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then I will come back to say bye right before I leave the office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、またオフィスを出る直前にご挨拶に参ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, thank you for your time here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、では、本当にお疲れさまでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello Ms. Yamamoto, do you have time to talk now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、山本さん、今お時間ありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, hi Ms. Nakamura, yes I do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、人事の中村さん、ありますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think you know that we changed the dress code for instructors as of last week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先週から講師たちの服装についてのルールが変わりましたが、ご存知ですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, we got a message.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、連絡が来ていました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is about not using perfume and cosmetics with strong smell, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "香水や匂いのきつい化粧品などは避けるように、ということですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For example, in a private lesson, it is likely that an instructor and a student are stuck in a small room all the time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "プライベートレッスンなどの場合、小さな部屋で講師と生徒が向き合うことが多いじゃないですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Uh-huh.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Some students have complained.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、数人の生徒さんから苦情が来ていました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I think I understand why.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですか、分かる気がします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are times the air in the room is so stuffy in a group lesson when we have so many people.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "グループレッスンでも、人数が多く、部屋の空気がこもることがありますし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The smell can get strong in the summer, too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "夏場も匂いはきつくなりますしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、そうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, is there any problem with this?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、その件で何か問題でも?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it seems that some of the foreign instructors do not fully understand this rule yet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、外国人講師の中で、まだこのルールをちゃんと理解していない人たちが数人いるようなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Was the message about the rule change in English, too?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ルール変更の連絡は英語でも来ていましたよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, but the translation must have been too indirect that we still get some complaints.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんですが、英訳が間接的過ぎたのか、いまだに苦情が来ています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, I would like to ask you to do something as the head instructor of that school.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、そちらのスクールの主任講師である山本さんにお願いが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You mean you want me to talk to them?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私のほうから、皆に言っておくと言うことでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, can you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、お願いできますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I could talk to them myself, but it looks like they get alarmed when a person from HR comes to talk to them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私から話してもいいんですが、どうやら人事の人間が来て話すと警戒しがちなようで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I thought it would be better to have another instructor talk to them as their peer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "同じ講師仲間から言っていただいたほうが良いかと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right, and we have a tight bond among instructors.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、うちは講師間の絆が強いですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are some foreign cosmetics that have strong smell, and they might not have noticed it themselves at all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "外国製の化粧品には匂いの強いものも多いですから、本人は気づいていないかも知れません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かにそれはありますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's something like a foreign smell, which is quite unique.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "外国の匂いというか、独特の。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's fine if it's outside, but you can't open the windows at your school.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "別に屋外ならいいんですが、そちらの学校は教室の窓が開けられないので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We're on the higher up in the building.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ビルの上のほうにありますからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think it's Emily but first I will ask all of them to gather and address that to the group.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の思うところでは、多分エミリーじゃないかと思うのですが、まずは全員を集めて話しておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If nothing changes, I will individually talk to Emily then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでも変わらないようなら、エミリーと個人的に話しますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You're always helpful, Ms. Yamamoto.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "山本さんにはいつも助けてもらってますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No worries, this is part of a head instructor's jobs.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえいえ、これも主任講師の仕事ですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can rely on you then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, talk to you later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Akemi, do you have time now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明美さん、今いい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, Nao, good morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、奈緒さん、おはよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何かあった?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Um, I just went to the doctor's yesterday and found out that I was pregnant.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、実は昨日お医者さんに行ったら、妊娠してるって分かって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, really, congratulations!!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、そうなの、おめでとう!!!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then I am wondering what to do with the maternity leave.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でね、産休についてどうしようかな、と思ってるんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、そうだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No one has taken it in this office yet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このオフィスで産休とった人、まだいないよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know, I will be the first one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなの、私が初めてなんだよな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I looked at the HR guideline, but I wonder if I can really take three months off.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "人事ガイドラインは見てみたんだけど、本当に3ヶ月とっても大丈夫かな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Of course, you can.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大丈夫だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is a right of an employee.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社員の権利なんだし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But we're always so busy that we need more hands.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、うちっていつも忙しくて、手が足りないくらいじゃん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm not sure if I can be out so long.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "抜けて大丈夫かなぁ、と思って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Don't worry, take your time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "心配しないで、休んでよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When are you thinking?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつを予定しているの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My due date is September tenth, so three months from the end of August, I think.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "予定日が9月10日だから、8月末から3ヶ月って感じかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There still is time before then, so we can start looking now for a temp to fill in for you, Nao.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだ時間あるから、今からテンプで奈緒さんの穴埋める人探せばいいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you talked to your boss yet?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "上には話した?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I only have told you about this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだ明美さんにしか言ってない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You are in my project team, so I just wanted to tell you first.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一緒のプロジェクトチームだから、先に言っておきたくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for telling me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "教えてくれてありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Other team members and I will be fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私や他のチームメンバーは大丈夫だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, then I'll start applying for my maternity leave.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そっか、じゃ、産休申請の手続き始めるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうして、そうして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If someone does it to set an example, it will be good for us who will follow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こうやって誰かが先例作ってくれると、後に続く私たちにもいいからさ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If I hesitate to take my maternity leave now, it'll make it harder for others to take them later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここで私が産休とるのをためらったら、他の人たちもとりにくくなるよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "At Company B, even dads can take paternity leaves.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "B社では、父親も産休とれるようになってるらしいからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、そうなの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not just moms?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "母親だけじゃなくて?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, the society is changing, huh?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだよ、社会も変わってきてるよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほんとだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anyway, it is so exciting that you're becoming a mom, Nao!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とにかく、奈緒さんがお母さんになるなんて、楽しみだねー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have lots of worries, though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "不安がいっぱいだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know it will be hard during your pregnancy, but please feel free to ask for help.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "妊娠中、大変だと思うけど、色々手伝うから言ってね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am looking forward to meeting your baby too!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "赤ちゃん見るのも楽しみだ―。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now I would like to move onto the next topic, but is everyone fine with that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、次のトピックに移りたいと思いますが、皆さんよろしいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then it's your turn, Ms. Nakamoto.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、中本さんからお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, please look at page 10 of the document you have there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、お手元資料の10ページをご覧ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "These are the charts of our utility expenses for the past three years up to the last fiscal year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昨年度までの過去3年間の年間光熱費をまとめたグラフです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, it has increased a lot in the past year!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おー、この一年で随分増えましたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wonder if it was because we have more employees now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社員の数を増やしたのが原因ですかね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We added 5 more people.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "5人増やしてますからな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is one of the reasons, but could you look at how much electricity we used last summer?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それも原因の一つではあるんですが、去年夏の電気使用量を見ていただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, this is something!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うわー、これは凄いな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Double the amount of the previous year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "前年の倍ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Even though it was really hot, isn't this too much?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "暑かったとはいえ、ちょっとすごくないですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Since the increase was too drastic, I asked the HVAC company to come and check the other day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あまりにも急激に増えているので、先日、空調メンテナンスの方に来ていただきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Was it broken?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "故障してたんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, he said we need to switch several components in order for that to work correctly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、部品をいくつか交換しないと、きちんと作動しないと言われました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then let's fix it soon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、早く直してもらいましょうよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm sure it will be hot again this summer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "またこの夏も暑くなるだろうし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, it will cost us a lot with the components and the repair service.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それが、部品の料金と修理代を合わせるとかなりの額になるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The HVAC guy suggested that the cost performance would be better in a long run if we replace the system.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "空調会社の方には「新調したほうが長い目でのコスパはいいんじゃないでしょうか」と提案されました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A-ha, this one is quite old.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、今のはかなり古いですもんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He said even if we fix this, it will be quite inefficient compared to the latest models.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "修理したとしても、最新のモデルに比べるとかなり非効率だと言われました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This could break again soon, too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それに、またすぐ壊れるかも知れないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is highly likely.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その可能性は高いです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then it might be smart to replace it at this opportunity.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いっそのこと、これを機に新調するのがいいでしょうかね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I personally would like to, but this is such a big purchase, so I wanted to discuss it here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "個人的にはそうしたいと思ったのですが、大きな買い物ですので、ここでお話させてもらうことにしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You will need a permission from the facility management if we have to replace the AC in the entire office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オフィス全体の空調工事となると、施設管理部の許可もいりますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right, we have to go through a lot.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かに、色々と手続きが面倒ですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If we could come up with a decision as our office here for now, I can manage the process to move forward myself.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とりあえず、ここでうちのオフィスとしての決定が出来れば、先へ進める手続きは、私のほうで始められますので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By when do we need to make the decision?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつまでに決める必要がありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By the end of next week if possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "できれば来週末までには。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If we want the construction to be done by the summer, it is better to start earlier.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "夏までに工事を終わらせたければ、早いほうがいいですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then can you get some quotes for the new HVACs?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、明日中に新しい空調の見積をもらってくれないでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can meet again the day after to discuss if the price and the construction schedule are reasonable.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明後日、再度集まって、料金や工事スケジュール的に妥当かどうか話し合いましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will ask the current HVAC company and some others.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今使っている空調会社と、あと数社当たってみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No problem.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So we're done with this item for now, and let's move onto the next.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、この件はこれで良いとして、次に移りましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's my turn next.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次は私のほうから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Takeo, I thought you were going home directly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本田、今日は直帰するんじゃなかったっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's what I was going to do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのつもりだったんだけどさ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I left something in the office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オフィスに忘れ物しちゃって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh no, if you have asked me, I would have brought it home for you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なんだ、言ってくれれば持って帰ってやったのに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know, but I couldn't remember where I had left it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんだけど、どこに置いたか思い出せなくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, too bad we were going to meet later anyway.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そっか、どうせ後で会うことになってたのにな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Exactly, I thought I was going to call you but I just could not remember at all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだよ、電話しかけたんだけど、全然思い出せなくてさ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What was it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何だったの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A document that I was going to give my client whom I'm meeting the first thing in the morning tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日、朝いちで会う予定にしてるクライアントに渡す資料。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am going there directly from home.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "直行するつもりだから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I didn't want to stop by at the office super early in the morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "むちゃくちゃ朝早くオフィスに寄るのは嫌だったからさ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かにそうだよな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, here it is.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、あった、あった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What, it was just in the top drawer?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、何、一番上の引き出しだったの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I could have found it if you told me so.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それくらい言ってくれたら探せたのに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, I can't show the inside of my drawers to anyone since they are so messy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや、引き出しの中がごちゃごちゃ過ぎて、人に見せられない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "From outside, you look so put together.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お前、見た目はきっちりしてそうなのにな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not really.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうでもないんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I often lose things and constantly forget where I put them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よく物失くすし、どこに置いたかもしょっちゅう忘れる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Your presentations and stuff are extremely organized, so that is so strange.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お前のプレゼンとかって、すっごく整理整頓されてるのに不思議だな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe how you work and how you organize yourself as a person are not the same.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "仕事のやり方と身の回りの片づけ方は別もんってことか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Haha, maybe.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はは、そうかもね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Even today, I had completely forgotten about bringing this document with me before I headed out of the office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日だって、外回りに出る前に、すっかりこの資料持って行くの忘れてたしな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, it might not be so bad that you're not perfect.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ま、ちょっと抜けてるくらいがいいかもよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You give an impression that you are a perfectionist in public when giving presentations and speaking at meetings.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "プレゼンとか会議での発言とか、人前ではかなり隙がなく見えてるからな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You think so?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I know how you normally are, but young guys are afraid of you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ま、俺は普段のお前も知ってるけど、若い子たちには怖がられてるぞ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お、そうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe I should be more of my normal self.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう少し、普段の自分を見せてみるかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That might make you more accessible to young guys for advice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのほうが若い子たちももうちょっと相談しやすくなるんじゃないか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right now, they are saying things like \"Mr. Honda is always perfect that he might not be happy if I ask him something like this.\"", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今は「本田さんはいつも完璧なので、こんなこと聞いたら怒られるかも知れません」とか言われてるぞ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh no, I don't like that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、それは嫌だな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about showing your messy drawers to them?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ごちゃごちゃの引き出しとか見せてみたらどうだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So you can show them your human side.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんな人間的な部分もあります、ってことで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is that so?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, well, it's good you found what you needed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、ま、いる物が見つかってよかった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Shall we leave the office now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今からオフィス出るか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me double check one last time if I have what I need for working outside the office tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう一回、明日の外回りに必要なものだけ確認させてくれ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, then let's leave here together when you're done.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいよ、それがすんだら一緒に出よう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This fiscal year is almost over.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年度ももうすぐ終わりだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, only two more months left.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほんとだ、あと2か月か。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you used up all of your paid holidays?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "有給全部使った?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I went to Europe in the summer, so I used them quite a bit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "夏にヨーロッパに行ったから、結構使ったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I might only have two days left.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2日しか残ってないかも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, I have tons left.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そっか、俺、たくさん残ってるんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When I think of it, you didn't travel at all this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういや、今年どこにも旅行してなかったよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My wife had a surgery, and I thought I would take some time off to take care of her so I kept my paid holidays without using.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "女房が手術したから、その後に世話が必要なら休むつもりで有給使わずに置いてたんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But she recovered so quickly that I only took three days off.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、結構回復が早くて、休みは三日とっただけになった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだったな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then is your wife okay now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、奥さんはもういいの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, thank goodness.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、おかげさまで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now I have so many days off to take instead.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その分、休みが大量に残っちゃったな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You have two more months.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと二か月あるじゃん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have a huge project next month, so there is no way I can take some time off.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来月いっぱいは大きなプロジェクトがあるから休めないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, that project.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、あのプロジェクトな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, then you can't take any time off.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あー、じゃ休めないな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だろ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But it would be difficult to take two weeks off in the last month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、最後の一か月に二週間も休みとれないよな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You will be busy with the year-end stuff.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "年度末で色々あるからな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんだよな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't want to lose my days, though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、有給失うのは惜しい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, didn't they change the way they handle unused paid holidays starting this fiscal year?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういや、今年度から未消化有給の扱い変わってなかったか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think I saw email from the HR at the beginning of the year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "年度始まりに人事からメールが来てたような気がする。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then they emailed again last week about paid holidays.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、先週にもまた有給の件でメールが来てた。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Which email?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どのメール?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, this one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、これこれ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They say you will get paid for the unused days as a bonus.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "使わなかった有給分はボーナスとして支払ってくれるってよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, they changed the policy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "へえ、ポリシーが変わったのか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then I won't have to force myself to take days off.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これなら無理して休みとらなくてもいいや。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They say it is only up to two weeks that can bet paid for, though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "支払ってもらえるのは最高2週間分までってなってるけどな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, if everyone stops taking time off because of the money, it won't be good for the company, I guess.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かに、皆がお金欲しさに休みを全然とらなくなったら、それは会社にとってはマイナスだろうから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But it's nice to know that my leftover will not be wasted.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、今残ってる分が無駄にならないって分かってよかったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほんとだな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I might use up the two days I have left.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "俺は残ってる二日、休んじゃおうかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you take some time off, isn't it better to do that before that project begins?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "休むなら例のプロジェクトが始まる前のほうがいいんじゃないか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's right, maybe I'll do that next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだな、来週にとろうかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm also taking a day off before the project.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "俺もプロジェクト前に一日休みとるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mr. Takada, do you have time now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "高田さん、今お時間ありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I need to check on something about the opening event tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日のオープニングイベントについて確認したいことがあるのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You are in charge of supervising temp workers and arranging lunches, right, Mika?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "中村さんは、バイト達のまとめ係とお昼の手配係だったっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is the first big event after joining this company, so I am a bit nervous.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "入社後初めての大きなイベントで、ちょっと緊張しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, but everything will be fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そっか、何とかなるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I've only handled small events at my previous company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、以前の会社では小さなイベントしかやったことがなかったので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, there are so many people participating in this event including the temp workers, so it might be a bit overwhelming.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ま、このイベントはバイトの数も含めて、参加者が多いからちょっと圧倒されるかもね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It looks like we need quite a bit of boxed lunches, too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お弁当の数も、かなりたくさんいりますし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But we will use the boxed lunch place where we always order from, so they should know what to do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、いつも使っているお弁当屋に頼むから、向こうが慣れてるはずだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As long as we have the right number, there shouldn't be any problem.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "数さえちゃんと揃っていれば問題ない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's good to hear.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なら、少し安心です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are 100 boxed lunches enough?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お弁当の数は全部で100個あればいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, we have 30 temp workers and 12 employees.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだね、バイトが30人、うちの社員が15人。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So it will be about that number including the staff at the venue, lighting people, the MC and dancers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ホールのスタッフや照明さんたち、司会やダンサーを入れるとそれくらいだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is the same boxed lunch okay for the leading singer too?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "メインのシンガーの方も同じお弁当でいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, it might be better to have a different one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、それはちょっと違うほうがいいかもな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will ask her manager.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マネージャーに聞いてみるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then as for the temp workers, can you take a look at the shift schedule that I've made?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、あとバイトさんのことですが、シフト表を作ったので見ていただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, this is easy to see.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お、これは見やすいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I separated into a group for the stage support and the group for the backstage support.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ステージを手伝うグループと、裏で支えるグループとで分けてあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Which are you helping, Mika?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "中村さんはどっちを手伝うのかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am thinking about walking around the entire venue and check on how the temp workers are doing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は会場全体を歩き回って、バイトの様子をチェックしようと思っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can move people to where there are not enough.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "足りない部分に人を回すなどして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sounds like a good supervisor.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まとめ役らしいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please do your best.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しっかりやってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It may be hard to remember their names and faces since you will only meet the temp workers for the first time only tomorrow morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "バイトの皆さんとは、明日の朝に初顔合わせとなるので、なかなか名前と顔を覚えるのが大変だとは思うけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have prepared name tags for now, so I think I'll be fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一応、名札を用意してあるので、何とかなると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ha, you're so prepared.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お、用意周到だ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are the job descriptions for the temp workers okay as they are on the schedule?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "バイトの仕事内容は、表にある通りでよいでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, that looks sufficient.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、これで十分じゃないかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, unexpected things could happen at the actual event, so please be prepared for it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ、本番では予想しなかったことが起こるかも知れないから、それは覚悟しておくようにね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、それは十分に覚悟しております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then don't stay too long tonight since it will be an early morning tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、明日は朝早いので、今日は残業もほどほどに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、ありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, this is Kawamura from the Reservations Group.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、予約部の川村です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I speak to someone in the Product Planning Group?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "商品企画部の誰かとお話できますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, this is Tagawa and I can talk.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、私田川でよければ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, there was an inquiry about the European Danube River Cruise.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は、ヨーロッパのドナウ川クルーズについて問い合わせがあったのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is that the '13 nights 15 days' tour?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "13泊15日間のツアーですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, about the dinner time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、ディナーの時間のことなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, what kind of inquiry was it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、どんな問い合わせでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's too late that they want it a bit earlier.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "時間が遅すぎるので、もう少し早くしてもらえないか、と。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What, really?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、本当に?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The current itinerary says all the dinners on the cruise ship will start at four thirty.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今の旅程表では、クルーズ船上のディナーは全て4時半始まりになっていますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They serve an European style full-course dinner, so it will take a few hours, but I don't think it starts too early.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ヨーロッパ風のゆっくりしたコースディナーなので、数時間かかりますが、始まり時間が遅いとは思えないんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What time do the customers want?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お客さんは何時がいいとおっしゃっているんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "About three o'clock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "3時くらいがいいと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, then it's too close to lunch that is from noon to one o'clock", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、それだとランチが12時~1時だから、あまりにも時間が近すぎますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I did explain that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうご説明したんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The customers on this tour are all elderly that their normal dinner time seems to be pretty early.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このツアーのお客さんは、シニアの方ばかりで、どうやら皆さん普段から夕飯の時間がかなり早いようなんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That is something we at the Planning keep in mind, and we thought four thirty would be early enough.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは企画部でも考慮していることで、4時半なら十分に早いかと思ったんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I agree, it is almost too early if anything.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんですよ、どちらかと言えば早すぎるくらいですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Um, the meal times for this type of group tours are fixed at when group reservations are accepted, so we can't change.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、こういう団体ツアーの食事時間は、団体予約を入れられる時間が決まっているので、変更は無理なんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm afraid.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すみませんが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I knew it was not possible, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to tell the Planning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "無理だとは思ったんですが、一応、企画部にお伝えしておこうと思って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will take that into consideration for the future tour planning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今後のツアー企画の際に参考にさせてもらいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Even though I don't think we can start the dinner at three.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さすがに3時からディナーという案は無理だとは思いますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I understand, so please just take a note as the customer feedback.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだと思いますが、お客さんの声、ということでメモっておいてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will not be easy to explain this to the customers again but thank you for doing it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この件、またお客さんに説明するのは大変だと思いますが、よろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have been working here pretty long, so I know how to talk to them already.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もうここでの経験も長いので、どのようにお話すればよいか分かってます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are all kinds of inquiries, aren't there?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "色んな問い合わせがあるもんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The planning sides also need to make various arrangements.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "企画するほうも、色々と工夫が必要ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Unlike the tours for young people.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "若い人向けのツアーとは違って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know, the purpose of traveling is different depending on the age.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、年齢層が違うと、旅の目的も違いますし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Which is the interesting part of planning tours, I would say.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこがツアー企画の面白さと言えばそうなんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It goes the same for the reservations.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "予約部もそれは同じですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Which means that we won't be bored because of different types of customers?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "色んなお客さんがいるから退屈しない、ってことですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, is this Company D?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、D社さんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、そうですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is Tanimoto from A Company, and I wonder if Mr. Takeda at the accounting is around?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私A社の谷本と申しますが、経理の竹田さんはいらっしゃいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, please hold a minute.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, this is Takeda.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、竹田です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, this is Tanimoto from A Company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、A社の谷本です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It has been a while.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、ご無沙汰しております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It has.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらこそ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I have something I need to ask you today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は今日はひとつご相談がありまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We're considering the implementation of a new accounting system, and I heard that Company D is using the same system.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "弊社のほうで新しい経理システムの導入を検討しているのですが、D社さんのほうでそのシステムを使っていらっしゃると聞きまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then I remembered about you, Mr. Takeda, whom I met at an accounting training before.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、以前、経理関係の研修でお会いした竹田さんのことを思い出しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Was it a year ago?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あれは一年前でしたっけ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, is it that long?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うわ、そんなになりますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anyway, I wanted to ask you how it is to use this system, but is it okay with you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、このシステムの使い勝手についてお伺いしたかったのですが、よろしいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Of course, go ahead.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、いいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is about the software from M Systems that went out for sale six months ago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "半年前に発売されたMシステム社のソフトのことですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, how is it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうです、どうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We implemented it right after it had come on the market, and it took about a month for our employees to get used to it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちでは発売後すぐに導入したのですが、社員たちが慣れるまでに一か月ほどかかりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, it has lots of similiar functions as our old system, so for people in accounting it was pretty easy to learn.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、以前使っていたものと似ている機能が多かったので、経理部の担当者たちが覚えるのは比較的簡単でしたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, then has it been good since?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですか、で、その後順調に?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it's very easy to use.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、とても使いやすいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our old system had bugs once in a while, but this one has no problem so far.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "以前のシステムは時々バグがあったのですが、これは今のところ問題ないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh really.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It costs so much to implement, so we really cannot make a decision in a rush.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何しろ、導入にコストがかかるので、簡単に決められないなと思いまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So true, it is not a cheap item to buy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですよね、安くはない買い物です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But the speed of things like processing expense reports is so fast that the efficiency has improved, leading to cutting the cost in a long run.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、精算書処理のスピードなどが速く、作業効率がアップし、長い目で見るとコストダウンにつながっていますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おー、そうですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The overtime of the accounting staff members is really down.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "経理部のメンバーの残業が一気に減りました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは良いことですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We were told to reduce the overtime as a corporate goal.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全社目標として残業削減が言われてますからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have fewer employees than Company D, so it is our biggest challenge to reduce the overtime.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちはD社さんより社員数が少ないので、残業を減らすというのは大きな課題なんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The accounting group especially has very few people.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "特に経理担当は人数が少なくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then this system is even more fitting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それだったら余計にこのシステムはお薦めですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe we should consider.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、考えてみようかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ms. Yamamoto at M Systems worked with us, and she was really great.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mシステムの山本さんが担当してくれたのですが、非常に良い方でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will talk to M Systems and see if I could meet Ms. Yamamoto then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、Mシステムに問い合わせて山本さんとお話できるかどうか頼んでみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hope it goes well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うまく行くとよいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, and thank you for your help.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、色々とありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Nicky, have you filled out the \"goals for this fiscal year\" in the performance review yet?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ニッキー、人事評価表の「本年度の目標」のところ、書いた?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I haven't even started yet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだ始めてもいない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When is it due?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "締め切りいつだったっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think it's next Wednesday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週の水曜日だったと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just got email from the personnel.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さっき人事部からメールが来てた。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh no, I have only one week!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、あと一週間しかないじゃん!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know, I am panicking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだよー、焦る。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Misao, how much did you finish?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "みさおはどこまで終わった?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We were told to write down three goals, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "目標は三つ書くように言われてたじゃない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then I finished them all, but I only filled out one of those columns where you have to write how you actually achieve those goals.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、それは全部書けたんだけど、具体的にその目標に向かって何をするかっていう欄がまだ一つしか埋められてない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ahhh, I only have come up with one goal.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うわー、私なんてまだ一個しか目標が思いついてないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you not talked to your boss yet?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "上司に相談してないの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He had been out on business and just came back yesterday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼、ずっと出張で昨日帰ってきたとこなのよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We had a time difference, so we could not really talk.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "時差があったから、しっかり話す機会がなかった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then you should catch him the first thing in the morning and talk.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、明日の朝、一番に捕まえて話したほうがいいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is taking more time than you think.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これ、頭で考えてるよりずっと時間がかかる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's always like this every year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだよね、毎年。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I thought about starting earlier than later this year, but now I have only one week left!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年こそは早めに始めようと思ってたのに、もう一週間しかない!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Unlike the development group, our jobs are very hard to set numerical goals.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちの仕事って、開発グループみたいな数字的な目標がたてにくいからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have to take care of lots of chore-type jobs, and I don't even know how to set goals for those.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "雑用みたいな仕事も多くて、それに対する目標ってどうすればいいの、みたいな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "At least for the accounting-related jobs, it is a bit easier to set numerical goals.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とりあえず、経理関係の仕事については、割と具体的な数字とか入れやすいんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For admin-type jobs, it is so hard to do so because it all depends on how other employees work with you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "事務関係になると、結構社員の態度に左右されるから難しいよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Exactly!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Even if we try to make the deadline, we ended up compromising because of everyone else.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちが「締め切りに遅れないように」と思っていても、結局皆に振り回されるっていうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, my goal this year will be that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年の目標は、あれだな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "\"To support our employees to be able to manage their time better\".", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "「社員が時間管理できるようにサポートする」かな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Haha, that's good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はは、それはいいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But, kidding aside, if I don't take this seriously, I myself will miss the deadline.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、まじめな話、ちゃんと考えないと、私自身が締め切りに間に合わないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, that's ironic.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは皮肉だわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What are your goals, Misao?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "みさおの目標は何?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mine are \"to learn about export control\", \"to take an accounting class\" and \"to implement the system to manage fixed assets\".", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は、「輸出管理について学ぶ」「経理のクラスをとる」、あとは「固定資産管理のシステムを導入する」の三つ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, they are good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、いいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Export control is worth learning thoroughly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "輸出管理はちゃんと覚えておくといいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have studied it several years ago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は数年前に勉強したけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then you don't have to worry about export control anymore, Nicky.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、ニッキーは輸出関係のことはもう考えなくていいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know, so my issue this year would be how I can improve the admin support to our employees as I said.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、今年は、やっぱり社員の事務業務サポートをいかに改善するかが課題かな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Isn't that goal achievable with something like considering employee training?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社員トレーニングを考えるとか、そういうことで達成できる目標じゃない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, that's a good idea!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、それはいいアイデアだね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Bob, can you go visit M Company in Japan at the beginning of next month?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ボブさん、来月の頭に日本のM社へ行ってもらえますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it is to follow up on the installation of that system.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、例の装置導入後のフォローですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Their engineers specifically requested \"Bob\".", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "向こうのエンジニアから、「ぜひボブさんを」とリクエストがありまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You are the only bilingual engineer here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちで唯一のバイリンガルのエンジニアですからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Plus, you were involved in the development of the system, so there is no one better than you for this role.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それに、装置の開発にもかかわっていたとなれば、君以外に適役はいないかと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have visited that company so many times since last year, so I feel like I am like their employee.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あの会社へは、去年から何度も出張で通っているので、半分社員のようなもんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I only hear good things about you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ずいぶん良い評価をされていますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Glad to hear that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それなら、よかったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then I should probably book the airline tickets as soon as possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、早速航空券の予約したほうがいいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you could pick the dates by next week, that would be great.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週末までに日にちを決めてくれると助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, my passport has been expired, though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、でも、パスポートが実は切れてるんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh no, that's not good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お、それは困りますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If I apply for one in the next couple of days, will I get it by next month?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2、3日中に申請しに行けば来月までに間に合うでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you explain the situation, you should be able to have it expedited.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "事情を説明すれば確か早期発給してもらえるはずですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can get it in several days instead of several weeks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "数週間の代わりに数日で。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will cost a fee, though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "手数料がかかりますけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then please have it expedited.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、早く発給してもらってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can expense the expedite fee as a company expense.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早期発給の手数料は、経費として落としますから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is that okay?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then I will go apply for it tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、明日、早速申請しに行ってきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You will need a letter from the company explaining you were asked to go on a business trip for an inevitable reason that you would need a passport quickly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、その際に、会社のほうで用意した「やむを得ない事情でいついつ出張してもらわないといけないため、パスポートがすぐに入り用です」と説明する手紙が必要です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I ask you to write it, Akane?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは中嶋さんにお願いしていいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There was a similar situation before, so I have the letter that I wrote at that time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "前にも同じようなことがあって、その時に書いた手紙があるので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for taking care of it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I didn't realize that I would have to go on a business trip so early in the year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まさか今年に入ってすぐに出張があるとは思っていなくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I should have renewed it when it was expired.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "切れたときに更新しておけばよかったなぁ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm that one to apologize for asking you to go on a business trip so suddenly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらこそ、急な出張のお願いですいません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, that's not a problem.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いやいや、それは構いませんよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wanted to see how that system is operating too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕もあの装置の動いている状態を見たかったし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Great, I appreciate it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですか、よろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will book the flights as soon as I get my passport.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、パスポートが出来次第、飛行機の予約を入れますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, how many days should I stay there?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、何日間滞在すればいいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I would like you to visit our Osaka office besides M Company, so how about one week?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、M社以外にも当社の大阪オフィスにも挨拶をしておいて欲しいので、一週間でどうでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now I have some time to enjoy food in Osaka.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、大阪でゆっくりご飯を食べる時間もありますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm sure people at the Osaka office are looking forward to it as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大阪オフィスの皆も楽しみにしていると思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mitsuyo, did you watch the news last night?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "酒井さん、昨日ニュース見た?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I didn't get home until late, so no.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昨日は遅くまで帰らなかったから見てない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Was there something big?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か大きなことでもあった?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "別に。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But they were talking about the sales tax going up to 10 percent.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、消費税が10パーセントになる話してた。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it from this fall?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この秋からだっけ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our store is prepared for it, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの店、対応準備できてるよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think we're good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "多分大丈夫なんじゃない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The CEO has been talking about it for a long time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社長はずいぶん前からこの話してたから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It looks like people in accounting have been having meetings too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "経理の人たちも色々会議してたみたいだし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you think they will talk to the store staff too?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "店のスタッフにもそのうち話あるのかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I assume they will tell us at least 6 months before.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "半年前には分かるんじゃない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Because all the price tags need to be changed too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だって、商品の値札とかも全部変えなきゃだめだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, that would be our job, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うわ、それは私たちの仕事だよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hope they tell us about those jobs earlier than later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早めにそういう仕事は頼んでくれるといいなぁ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wouldn't like that if we are told to finish it all in only two weeks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "急に「あと二週間で全部片づけて」とか言われたらやだわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The CEO waits until the last minute often.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの社長、結構ぎりぎりまで待つよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんだよなぁ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I could ask him in a very subtle way if there would be something we needed to do for the sales tax increase.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さりげなく「消費税増税に合わせてやることありますか?」って聞いてみようかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, there will be a new year's party next week, so maybe we can ask then?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、来週新年会あるから、その時聞いてみる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good idea, before the CEO gets too drunk.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだね、社長が酔っちゃう前に。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then you have to ask very early.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、かなり早い時間に聞かないとだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If not, I will ask Nakamura Mika at accounting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ま、だめなら、経理の中村さんにちょっと聞いてみるわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She knows quite a bit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女、結構色々知ってるから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By the way, it will be so hard to go shopping when the sales tax goes up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それにしても、消費税が上がったら色々と買いづらくなるなぁ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know, it's depressing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほんと、憂鬱。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wish our paychecks get double.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お給料が倍にでもなればいいけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほんとだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But, I heard a rumor that we might get a pay increase at the end of March.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、この3月末にちょっとお給料上げてもらえるかも、っていう噂を聞いた。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、ほんと?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is that for everyone in the store?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "店のスタッフ全員かな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's what I heard.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうらしいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I heard it from Nakamura Mika.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これも中村さん情報なんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then we can trust that information.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ確実な情報かもね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Quite a bit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "かなり。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hope the amount is enough for the 10 percent sales tax.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "消費税10パーセントに見合った額だといいけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hope so too!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう願う!!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆、集まったか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, we all are.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、揃ってます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then let's start.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、始めようかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would like to discuss the corporate-wide client management database today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は、全社共通の顧客管理データベースについて話したいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me begin with the report on the current status of each department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では早速、社内各部署の現状調査報告から。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please take a look at the document in front of you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "手元の資料をご覧ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, each department is using a different type of database.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うわー、どの部署も違ったデータベースを使ってますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Exactly, since each department started using the database on its own, we never had a chance to introduce a corporate-wide database.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんです、データベース導入は各部署が任意で始めたため、全社で統一されたデータベースを導入する機会がなかったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The sales has been using it for years, but R-and-D started using it only recently.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "営業部はかなり昔から使っていたのですが、研究開発部ではほんの最近導入されたばかりです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The database R-and-D is using is newer than the one the sales is using and seems easier to use.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかし、研究開発が導入したデータベースは新しいもので、営業部の古いものよりも使いやすいようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So you mean those who started using it more recently are managing the data more efficiently than the sales department who has been using it for a long time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "長く使っている営業部よりも最近導入した部署のほうが効率よく管理出来てるということか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういうことですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also sharing information might be difficult if everyone is managing the data differently.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、各部署ごとに違ったデータ管理をしているということは、情報シェアが難しいということになりますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "True, and that's the biggest issue.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうです、そこが一番の課題ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are ways to share the information among departments, but it is time-consuming and costs money.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "部署間でのデータシェアの方法は無いこともないんですが、手間とお金がかかります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's why we need to implement a corporate-wide database.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、全社共通のデータベースを導入したいというわけだな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So Emily and I went to different departments to talk about it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、僕とエミリーで各部署に色々ヒアリングしてきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We asked something like what sort of information is needed in the corporate-wide database.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全社共通データベースにはどのような情報を入力すべきか、などについて聞いてきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I bet each department has different needs when it comes to the client information.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "各部署で、きっと顧客に関して欲しい情報は違うでしょうからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm sure the types of clients are different between sales and R-and-D because of what they do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かに、営業部と研究開発部では仕事の中味に合わせて顧客のタイプも違うからな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For example, sales wants to know what types of products and services their clients want.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "例えば、営業部では顧客がどんな製品やサービスを求めているかが大切です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But R-and-D needs to know the technology expertise of their clients.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、研究開発部では、顧客の専門技術分野が重要視される。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So true, every department is unique.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、各部署ほんとうに様々ですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Adding HR and marketing in the mix, things can be even more complicated.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここに人事部やマーケティングなんかが絡んでくると、さらに複雑になりますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For now, what are the essential items that everyone needs to know about their clients?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とりあえず、どの部署でも顧客に関して必要な情報というのは何だろう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Those would be company names, addresses and their contact information.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "企業名、住所、連絡先になりますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, which of our department they work with, or who is their main contact person.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あとは、弊社のどの部署と取引しているか、弊社との窓口担当者は誰か、という情報でしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sometimes you can't tell what they do by looking at the company name.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "企業名だけじゃ何をやっている会社か分からないこともあるよな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, that means we need to have the category of the business types and areas.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、企業名の下に、業務内容や業務分野のカテゴリーが必要ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It doesn't have to be too specific, but it's better to have something like \"manufacturing\", \"retail\" and \"R-and-D\".", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大まかでもいいから、例えば「メーカー」「小売」「研究開発」といった感じのものがあったほうがいい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That is definitely important.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは絶対必要な情報ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think we should link the clients' websites too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "顧客のホームページなどもリンクしたほうが良さそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Everyone said that when we talked to them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは、ヒアリングしたときに皆言ってたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They were saying that it is efficient if you could get more information of the client directly from the database.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "データベースから直接、顧客の詳しい情報へ飛べると効率がいいから、という皆さんのお話でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's discuss more details at a meeting with the programmer of the database.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "細かいところは、データベースソフトのプログラマーと打ち合わせの時に詰めましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now we should talk about sharing the information a little bit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あとは、情報シェアについて、少し話したほうがいいですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's right, since we are all here, we should talk about that now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだな、せっかく皆揃っているから、今の間に話しておこう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, then I have some feedback on that from each department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、では、そちらについての各部署からの意見があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is on page 5 of the document you have.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お手元の資料の5ページ目になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Takuya, is it okay if I ask you to close up the lab for me today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "西田さん、今日は研究室の戸締りお願いしていいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have some things to do anyway.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうせ、まだ残って片づけることがあるし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then can you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それならお願いしていいですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is actually my turn, but I need to leave soon for an emergency.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当は僕が当番なんですが、ちょっと急ぎの用が入ってしまって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is everything okay at home?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おうち、大丈夫ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But my wife can't leave her work, so I need to go get my son instead.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ、家内がオフィスを出られないから、僕が息子を迎えに行かなくちゃならなくなって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If I wait to close up the lab, I will be late.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "戸締りするのを待っていたら、間に合わないんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then just leave now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それなら、今すぐ帰ってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I need to do something for another hour or so.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕はあと1時間くらいやることありますから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, I will leave it to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それなら、お言葉に甘えて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No worries, since this sort of things go both ways.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいですよ、こういうことはお互い様ですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will take your next turn instead.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その分、次に西田さんが当番の時に僕が代わりますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When is it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつでしたっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will check the calendar.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっと予定表みてみますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Uh, it's next Tuesday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっと、来週の火曜日です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then put my name on for that day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、その日を僕に書き換えておいてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it really okay?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Your name is on it for Monday too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "月曜も川上さんになってますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will be two days in a row.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "二日連続になっちゃいますけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No problem at all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大丈夫、大丈夫。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please change to my name.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕の名前にしておいてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I'll do it then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、そうさせていただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If there is something, please let me know though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、何かあったら言ってくださいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am more flexible since we have no kids.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕は子供がいなくて、融通が利きますから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I really appreciate your help today especially with the last minute notice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、今日、急なお願いですがよろしく頼みます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Don't worry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご心配なさらずに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will leave in an hour or so too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一時間もすれば僕も帰りますから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You should go now, or you'll be late for your son.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早く出ないと息子さん、間に合いませんよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また明日。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、お疲れさまでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good morning, Anne.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アンさん、おはよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, hi, Phil.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、フィルさん、おはよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you see the weather?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "天気予報見た?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It looks like we have tons of snow tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日、すごい雪みたいだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What time does it start?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何時ごろから降るって?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Around the same time as the morning commute.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょうど通勤時間と重なるみたい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They say it will start around five thirty in the morning and keep snowing all day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "朝5時半頃から降り始めて一日中降り続けるらしいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うわー、それは嫌だなぁ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Plows don't come to our streets until late.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの近所の道路、除雪車が来るの遅いんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So our streets are still covered with tons of snow when I leave the house, making it very difficult to drive.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だから、私が家を出るころは、まだ道路に雪がいっぱいで運転しづらい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can walk to my train station, so I am lucky in that sense.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕は駅まで歩いて行けるから、その点ラッキーかも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I never get used to driving in the snow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "雪道運転、慣れないわー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Especially when the roads were not plowed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "特に雪かき前の道は怖いよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you take a train to work?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "電車通勤はできないの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Umm, I'd love to, but there is no train station near me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、したいけど、近くに駅がないからなぁ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If I drive to the station that far, I'd rather just drive all the way to the office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "駅まで車で行くなら、もう職場まで行っちゃうな、っていう距離。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, then your option is to drive.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうかー、じゃ、やっぱり車になるね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know this happens every winter, but I just don't like it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ま、毎年冬はこうだけど、面倒だなぁ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Don't you think our first snow is so early this year?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年は初雪早いよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I remember it was still warm around this time last year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、去年は今頃まだ暖かかった気がする。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's not even Thanksgiving, and we already have snow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだ感謝祭にもなってないのに、もう雪だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I feel so depressed thinking that this winter will be a long one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "長い冬になるのかなぁ、ってうんざりするわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Last year, we had a long winter too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "去年も長い冬だったよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It makes me want to move to somewhere warm.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "暖かいところに引っ越したくなる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Seriously, like Hawaii.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほんと、ハワイとか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It'd be so nice to say something like \"I've never seen snow, and I'd love to see it one day!\"", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "「雪見たことないから見てみたい」とか言ってみたいよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Agreed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "言ってみたい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anyway, how much snow are we getting tomorrow?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、明日、どれくらい積もるって?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "About 1 foot with snowing all day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一日中降って、1フィートくらいだって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, that's a lot.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、すっごい量じゃん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It looks like there will be traffic going home, not just in the morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "朝だけじゃなくて、帰りの時間も渋滞とかしそうだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe I should work from home tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "在宅で仕事しようかな、明日。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "With that much snow, it could take as long as 3 hours just to commute.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それだけ降るなら、通勤だけで往復3時間かかっちゃう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If it is really bad, they might say it's okay to work from home unless you take trains to work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あんまりひどいようだったら、電車通勤以外の人は在宅オッケーかもよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hope that happens.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうならないかなぁ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Just thinking about it stresses me out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "考えただけでストレスになるわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hope the weather guy is wrong.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "天気予報が間違ってたらいいけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But it's so cold today, so it looks like it really is going to snow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、今日寒いから、ほんとに降るんじゃない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Feels like it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんな感じだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日はこちらまでわざわざありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My pleasure, it was good to actually see the lab.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ、研究室の様子を実際に見られてよかったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have only seen it on the website or videos.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今まで、ホームページやビデオで見るだけでしたから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "After all, nothing is better than you actually seeing what we do in person.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やはり実際に私たちのやっている研究を見ていただくのが一番です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No matter how great a presentation or document is, it is impossible to show absolutely everything.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どれだけ素晴らしいプレゼンや資料でも、細かいところまで見せるのは難しいですもんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I really wanted you to see our researchers' personalities and how they work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "研究者たちの性格や働き方も実際に見ていただきたかったんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can't really put that in writing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういうのは、なかなか文書にはできなくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As you know, it is not just machines and systems that increase the value of a laboratory.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かに、研究室は機材や装置だけで価値が決まるわけじゃないですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "To be honest, we were interested in your lab becasue your university as a whole was very open to try out new things.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実際、私たちがそちらの研究室に興味を持ったのも、大学全体が、新しいものに対して積極的な姿勢があったからなんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There were other university labs with the facilities that were the similar level as yours.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他の大学でも同じようなレベルの施設が整った研究室はあったんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not only are we proud of our machines and systems but also we are proud of our people.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちは、装置や機材に誇りがあるのはもちろんですが、人材に大きな誇りを持っていますからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The bond among members seems strong.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆さんの結束も高いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, they all seem to get along.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、仲は良いほうじゃないでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We take communication very seriously.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "コミュニケーションは重視してますから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We try to make time for everyone to get together as much as possible even on a project where people mostly work individually.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "たとえ、一人での作業が多いプロジェクトにおいても、全員で集まる機会をなるべく作るようにしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Exchanging ideas is particularly important for researchers in this field.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "特に、この分野での研究となると、意見交換は大切ですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you focus on one thing too much, you will be left behind from the progress around you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一つのことだけに囚われていると、周りの進歩に遅れてしまいますから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You are making sure that your research won't go to a wrong direction.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "思い込みで研究を進めないようにしてありますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Trying.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our budget is limited, so we'd like to reduce any work that could be a waste.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "予算も限られており、無駄な作業はなるべく減らしたいので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our company's approval process took really long, so I couldn't have come here until today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "弊社のほうで、承認プロセスに時間がかかってしまい、研究室訪問が今日になってしまいましたけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It took such a long time up to this point, but we will be able to get approvals in a much shorter time from now on.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、ここまで時間がかかった分、今後は承認までの時間も短くなりますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will be helpful for us as researchers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは研究をする側としては助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A couple of engineers from M Company will be coming here too, correct?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "M社さんのほうからエンジニアさんも数人いらっしゃるんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, three engineers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、3名です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They couldn't be here because of the deadline for a large project.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は、大きなプロジェクト締め切りを抱えていて来れなかったのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would love the engineers to see our lab as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "エンジニアの皆さんにもぜひ研究室を見ていただきたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will have them visit after next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは、来週以降にでもぜひ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Looking forward to it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お待ちしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They can have deep conversations with our researchers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらの研究者たちとも、踏み込んでお話いただけるでしょうから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, they are all excited about it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、3人とも楽しみにしていますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our research collaboration will finally start!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いよいよコラボ研究が始まりますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It took a long time to prep, but it was worth it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "時間はかかりましたが、頑張った甲斐がありました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It'll be exciting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "色々と楽しみですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Melanie, we need to start planning the holiday party soon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "メラニーさん、もうすぐホリデーパーティの計画をたてないと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, yes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、本当。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thanksgiving is next week, and it will be Christmas soon before you know it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週感謝祭だから、その後はあっと言う間にクリスマスですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Time flies so fast around this time of the year if you're not paying attention.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この時期はぼーっとしているとすぐ時間がたっちゃうからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We always send out the invitations at the last minute.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつも招待状を送るのがぎりぎりになっちゃいますもんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to send them out earlier this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年は少し早めに送れるようにしたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、それがいい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it ok to have it at the same venue as last year?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年もまた去年と同じ会場でいいかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "People liked it there last year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "去年、評判よかったですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The food was good too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "食事も美味しかった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Just one thing, we can't invite more people than we did last year because of the venue size but is that ok?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ会場の広さからして、去年以上の人数のお客さんを招待はできませんけど、いいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How many did we have altogether?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全部で何人だったかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was a room for 50 people max.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "50人収容のお部屋でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If we have more than that, we need to pay more for another room.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それ以上になると、一気にお部屋を借りる値段があがります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then we would like to keep it as 50.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうか、じゃ、50人に収まるようにしたいな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "15 people with their spouses makes the total 25 for our office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちのメンバーが15人で、配偶者も呼ぶから、うちだけで25人になるか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, there are only 5 single people.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、独身組は5人だけですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will try to pick 25 people out of our client list.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、顧客の中から呼びたい人を25人選ぶよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will call the venue fast to see what date in the mid December is open.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まずは、会場に電話して、12月の中旬で空いてる日を聞いてみますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have any preference in the time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつ頃がいい、という希望はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have a big project due on the 18th, so I would like it after that if we can.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "18日に大きなプロジェクトの締め切りがあるから、出来ればその後のほうがいいな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then we can celebrate the completion of the project too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "プロジェクト終了の祝いも兼ねられるし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think they will be busy around the 20th, so I will try to book as early as possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "20日頃は混むと思うので、早めに予約入れるようにします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "頼むよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it okay to have the same food as the last year's?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "食事などの内容は去年と同じでいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I personally liked it, but what do you think?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕は個人的に美味しいと思ったけど、どう思った?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I had fish, and it was good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私はお魚を選んだんですが、美味しかったですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will ask other employees what they thought.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他の社員の感想もちらっと聞いてみますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good idea since there are some vegetarians.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだね、ベジタリアンの人もいるし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't think the price for the food and drinks will change a lot from last year, so we don't need to change our budget much either.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "食事や飲み物の料金は去年とあまり変わらないと思うので、予算的に大きな変化はないと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That would be wonderful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can order the invitations from the same place.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "招待状はいつものところで頼んでくれればいい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They always deliver very quickly after the order, so we can wait to order until the last minute, and it should be fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あそこは注文してから納品までが早いので、ぎりぎりに注文しても間に合うはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then let's try to finalize this in a couple of days, and please start planning with this direction.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、2、3日中に最終的に決めるとして、この方向でお願いするよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will now go call the venue.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、さっそく会場に電話してきますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Takashi, I will start my one week vacation tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "松本さん、明日から一週間お休みを取らせていただいてるので、よろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know, you're going to your daughter's place, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、娘さんのところへいらっしゃるんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I'll leave for Tokyo with the first shinkansen bullet train tomorrow morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、明日の朝いちの新幹線で東京まで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hadn't seen here since she left to Tokyo for work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "就職で東京に出てから、まだ会ってないもので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You must be excited.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please enjoy your time there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ゆっくりしてきてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You might have a lot to do while I am gone, so let me thank you in advance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いない間、ご迷惑をおかけするかも知れませんが、すみません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Don't worry about us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらは大丈夫ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our new addition Kazuo is someone you can rely on too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新しく入った中山君も頼りになりますし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right, Kazuo?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ね、中山君。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, please count on me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、任せてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The Accounting might ask you about that issue while I am gone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私のいない間に、ひょっとすると経理部のほうから例の件で問い合わせがあるかも知れませんが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I am aware of that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、それは承知してます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Since you have explained it to us, Kazuo and I can deal with it no problem.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "武藤さんのほうからご説明いただいてるので、私と中山君でちゃんと対処しておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please don't worry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have all the documents we need here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここにちゃんと資料が揃ってますから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お願いするよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This has been bothering me for a long time, so I can't help worrying.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この件はずっと気になっていたから、ちょっと心配でね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Don't worry, Shizuo.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "武藤さん、大丈夫ですって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please make sure you enjoy one week with your daughter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一週間、ちゃんと娘さんと楽しく過ごしてきてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So true, please do not waste the precious family time by obsessing about work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですよ、せっかくのご家族の時間を、仕事のことばかり考えて無駄になさらないようにしてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Make sure you don't check work email if you don't have to.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "仕事メールもなるべくチェックしないでくださいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You're always checking and responding to email until late at night even after the business hours.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "武藤さん、終業後もいつも夜遅くまでメール対応されてますもんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am such a workaholic that I don't know how to rest.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "根っからの仕事人で、休み方が分からないんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will try to enjoy my vacation this time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回の休みは、頑張ってきちんと休んできます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You should.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have more people in our department now, so you don't need to worry much.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの部署も人数が増えたことだし、安心してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, we can handle one week without you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうです、一週間くらい任せてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you say so, I shouldn't worry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それだけ言ってくれるなら安心です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, we are supposed to hire one more person after I come back.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、私が戻って来たら、もう一人うちの部署で採用をする予定になっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I didn't know about that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、それは初耳です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You might hear from people who want to set up interviews while I am gone, but just tell them I will contact them when I return.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いない間に面接希望者から連絡があるかも知れませんが、それについては私が戻ってから連絡すると言っておいてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you get that, Kazuo?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "中山君もそういうことでよろしく。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I did.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think that's all I need to tell you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "言っておくことはこれくらいかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good, we're fine, so please enjoy your vacation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、大丈夫ですから、ゆっくり休んでください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Your daughter must be excited too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "娘さんも楽しみにされてるでしょうし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだね、ありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Kim, do you have time this afternoon?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "キムさん、今日の午後、時間ある?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何で?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We finally finished the poster for the conference next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週あるカンファレンス向けのポスターがやっと出来たんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, the one you said \"I'll ask you to translate\" the other day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、前に「翻訳お願いするね」って言ってたやつ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それそれ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It took longer than expected, so it didn't get done until today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "結構時間がかかっちゃって、今日になっちゃった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When did you say the conference was?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "カンファレンスはいつだったっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Next Wednesday and Thursday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週の水曜と木曜。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you want it bilingual?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "バイリンガルポスターにするんだっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Or do you want to make one Japanese and one English?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それとも、英語版と日本語版二つ作るの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wonder which is better.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どっちがいいだろう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Doesn't that depend on how much space you have for your posters?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ポスターを貼るスペースの問題じゃない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you have a lot of space, I think it is better to have one English and one Japanese so each poster is easy to read since the design won't be too busy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スペースがたくさんあるなら、英語版と日本語版に分けたほうがポスターのデザインがすっきりして見やすいと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The font size will be pretty small when it is bilingual.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "バイリンガルにすると、文字サイズとか小さくなっちゃうよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "English words are especially long compared to Japanese, so they need to be very small.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "特に英語は日本語より長くなっちゃうから、かなり小さくしないとだめだと思うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, then can you translate so it will be an English-only poster?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そっかー、じゃ、英語だけのポスターとして訳してもらえる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I made it using PowerPoint, so I'll email you later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "パワーポイントで作ったから、後でそれメールするね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know how many characters approximately?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大体の文字数はどのくらいか分かる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just wonder how long it will take to translate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どのくらいの時間で翻訳できるかなぁ、と思って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Average fifteen to twenty characters in one line, and 10 lines altogether.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一行平均15から20文字で、それが10行くらい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The content is almost the same as that in the conference-related document that I translated a while ago, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "内容は、こないだ訳したカンファレンス用の資料と一緒なんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yup, lots of words and sentences are the same as those in the document.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、出てくる単語も文も資料の中にあるのと同じものが多い。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then I think I can translate this quickly since I had just worked on it and my memories are still fresh.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、こないだ訳したばっかりで記憶にも新しいから、これはすぐ訳せると思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And there are not many characters, it looks like.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "文字数もそんなにないみたいだし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you can send it to me by the time I am back from lunch, I can finish it by 5PM tonight.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ランチから戻ってくる前に送っておいてくれたら、今日の5時までには終わらせられるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, that's fast!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お、速い!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Awesome.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "助かるー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If some emergency happens and I cannot finish it before 5, I'll let you know right away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし、急な用事が入って5時までに間に合わないようだったら、すぐに連絡する。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As long as I have it by the morning after tomorrow, that's fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あさっての朝までにもらえれば大丈夫。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Of course, the earlier I can have it, the better it is.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ま、早くもらえればそれに越したことはないけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, in the worst case, the day after tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、最悪の場合、あさってまでってことで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お願いしまーす。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、任せて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I forgot to ask one more thing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あとひとつだけ質問するの忘れてたけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you proofreading the translation?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "翻訳の校正は裕子さんがするんだっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not this one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これは違う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mr. Tani, an engineer will be doing it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "エンジニアの谷さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そっか、分かった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Looks like everyone is here, so we'll start.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆さんお揃いのようなので始めます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you look at the agenda in front of you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お手元の会議目録をご覧ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First, Bill will talk about his visit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まずば、スコットさんの視察報告からお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, good morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、皆さんおはようございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I visited the laboratory of C Company the other day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先日、C社の研究所を訪ねてきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think you can see what equipement they have from this picture.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どのような設備があるかは、こちらの写真をご覧いただけると分かると思うのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, they have the most advanced equipment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おー、最新の設備が備わってますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They have the polisher that we're thinking about purchasing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "当社で検討している研磨機もあるじゃないですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I saw how it was actually used, and I was surprised how much faster the work speed was compared to our machine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実際に使っている様子を見せてもらったのですが、うちの研磨機よりもずっと作業速度が速くビックリしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As I thought.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How many engineers do they have?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "エンジニアの数は何名でしたっけ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They have 5.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あそこは5人ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "About the same as us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちと変わらないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, it is because of the difference in the equipment that they are more efficient.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、あっちのほうが効率がいいのは、やっぱり設備の差でしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's one, but I think it is because of the different system of getting internal approvals.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうとも言えますが、社内の承認体制の違いもあると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It looks like they can get approvals in a lot shorter time at C Company than we can.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "C社では必要な承認がもらえるまでの時間がうちより短いようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have to go through so many different departments.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちは通さないといけない部署が多いからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not much for engineers to make decisions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "エンジニアレベルで決定できる事項が少ないですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That might be one of the issues our lab has.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それがうちの研究所における課題でしょうかね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When I saw them work at their lab, I felt that too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あちらの研究所での作業状況を見ていると、そうかもなぁ、と感じました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As for the detailed specs for the equipement, please look at the appendix.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その他、設備についての細かいスペックは添付資料をご覧ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In addition, I thought the location of the lab was great.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、研究所の場所もいい位置だな、という印象を受けました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I believe it is close to the famous engineering university.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確か、有名な工業大学のそばでしたよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The school focuses on research.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あそこは研究に力を入れている学校ですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also they are enthusiastic about industry-university collaborations.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "産学協力にも力を入れている。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is only a 5-minute walk.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "歩いて5分の場所にありますからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then it's easy to hire interns.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それじゃ、インターンも雇いやすいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They can also share their equipment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "互いの設備も使いあうことができるし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think now I see what the issues are at our lab.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの研究所の課題が見えてきた感じがします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, let's move onto the next item.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "と言うことで、次の議題に移りましょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Takao will explain about our equipment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "石山さんのほうから、うちの設備について説明してもらいましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Bill, do you have anything else to add?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スコットさん、他に追加事項はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not for now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今のところありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's all for my report.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "視察報告は以上です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, now it's your turn Takao.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、石山さん、お願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Tom, can we talk now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "トムさん、今、時間ある?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey, Masao, good morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、山田さん、おはよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have a visitor in 5 minutes, but yes we can.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お客さんを待ってるけど、5分くらいならいいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I looked at the new design of our website yesterday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昨日、うちのホームページの新デザインを見させてもらったんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, what do you think?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、どう思う?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I like the overall color scheme, but the font size seems too small to me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全体的な色合いはいいと思うんだけど、文字が小さすぎるような気がする。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "To put as much information as possible there, I had to pick that size.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "情報をたくさん入れようと思うと、どうしてもあのサイズにしないと無理で。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Umm, I understand your points, but our target is the elderly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、それは分かるけど、うちの商品はシニア対象だからなぁ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When I think of my parents, people that generation have a hard time reading small letters.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの親とか見てても思うけど、あの年代の人たちは小さい字を読むのは大変だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If they see small fonts first, they might just stop looking at anything else there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "パッと見たときに字が小さかったら、それだけで何も見てくれないかも知れない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "All I thought about was to include lots of information, so I didn't even think of that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "情報をたくさん提供することに囚われていて、それは思いもしなかった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My experience of the web design was mostly for the young people.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今までの経験は、若い人向けのウェブデザインが多かったからなぁ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Marketing for the elderly is different from that for the younger generation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "シニア向けマーケティングは、また若い子向けとは別もんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They prefer something not so visually stimulating.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "視覚的にあまり刺激が大きくないほうが好まれる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そっか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Websites should be simple also.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ホームページも、シンプルなほうがいい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Links have to be easy to find and click.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "リンクも見つけやすくて、クリックしやすいとか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I need to think about my parents' generation when I design.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自分の親世代のことを考えながらデザインする必要があるね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We started as a company of catalogue sales, and even now, more people say they called us because of the catalogues rather than the website.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちはカタログ販売で始まった企業で、今でもオンラインじゃなくてカタログを見て電話しました、って人のほうが多い。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The design of catalogues is simple too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "カタログのデザインもシンプルだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The level where I would want more info!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕にしたら、もうちょっと情報があってもいいんじゃないか、と思えるレベル。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The simpler it is, the bigger the responses are.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "シンプルなほうが反応大きいからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anyhow, you should remember to keep the letters bigger and easy to read.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とにかく、字は大きめに読みやすく、を心がけるのが一番だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will try to change the font size.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっと文字サイズを変えてみるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can cut the amount of information.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "少しくらい情報量は減ってもいいから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Should I change the font itself?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "フォントも変えたほうがいいかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't think you need to change the font.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "フォントは今のままでいいと思うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Just the size.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただサイズがね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You said the colors were good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "色合いはいいって言ったよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I personally think they are good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕は個人的にはいいと思うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They match our catalogues.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "カタログの雰囲気とマッチしてるし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then I'll just work on the font size.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、文字サイズだけ触るよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you take a look later?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あとでまた見てくれる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey, Brian.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やあ、ブライアン。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you hear the rumor going around this morning?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今朝オフィスで飛び交っている噂はもう聞いた?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What rumor?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "噂って?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I came in a few hours late today since I had a doctor's appointment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は医者の予約があって数時間遅れて来たんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just got here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今着いたところなんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I heard that they're going to lay off 10 percent of us employees in the next three months.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会社がむこう3ヶ月間で10パーセントの従業員をレイオフするらしい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh no!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まさか!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I did hear they were trying to cut costs.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会社が経費削減を目指してるとは聞いてたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can tell since they stopped offering free coffee.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "コーヒーがただで飲めなくなったことからも分かるよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Even the printer paper is lower quality.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "コピー用紙の質さえ下がったし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "10 percent is 100 people.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "10パーセントといったら100人だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you think we should be worried?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "心配した方が良いと思う?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We both started working at about the same time, didn't we?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕らはだいたい同じ時期に入社したよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, about two years ago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、2年ぐらい前だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We don't have that much seniority compared to people like Colton and Dean.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "コルトンやディーンたちに比べれば僕らの勤続年数は短いよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They've been here for almost ten years!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あの人たちはほぼ10年ここにいるんだから!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm worried they will try to get rid of the more inexperienced workers too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "経験の浅い社員から解雇するんじゃないかと心配だ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうかもね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wouldn't worry too hard, though, without knowing their thought process.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも僕は会社の方針を知らないし、それほど心配してないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know Dean has always really enjoyed your projects, so I can't really see them letting you go!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ディーンはいつも君のプロジェクトを気に入っているようだし、君が解雇になるとはとても思えないよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've heard him say good things about your projects too!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君のプロジェクトのことも褒めてたよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Besides, I think they would save more money letting those with seniority go first.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それに、勤続年数が長い人から解雇したほうが会社にとっては良い節約になると思うけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You know we're the ones getting the least pay here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕らは一番給料の低い社員なわけだし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それもそうだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hopefully it ends up just being a rumor.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただの噂であってほしいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was hoping to get a pay raise at the end of this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "年末に昇給があるかと期待してたのに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Me too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕も。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We should get back to work now in case it's true!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "噂が本当かもしれないし、仕事に戻ったほうが良さそうだ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll see you tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また明日ね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "See you tomorrow!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また明日!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good morning!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おはようございます!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社でございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご用件はなんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My name is Takeuchi from Company B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "B社の竹内と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We may have some solutions to help with your linen cleaning needs.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "リネン類のお洗濯に便利なサービスを御社にご紹介させてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As a senior living home, I imagine you have a lot of cleaning to do each day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "高齢者用集合住宅という業種柄、毎日たくさんの洗濯物が出ることでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We offer affordable service to businesses like you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "弊社は御社のような事業者様に良心的なサービスをご提供しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would you like to know more about how this works?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このサービスの仕組みをお知りになりたいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can schedule when you'd like your linens to be picked up on the computer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "リネン類の集荷をご希望の際はコンピューター上でお申込みいただけます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, a driver will swing by and pick them up in our original laundry bags.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その後、弊社専用ランドリーバッグを持った集荷ドライバーがお伺いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our laundry bags help to protect your items as they are in transit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "配送中、弊社専用ランドリーバッグがお預かりした洗濯物を保護します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Your items will be returned fresh and folded 24 hours later, or at a later time if you choose to reschedule it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "きれいに洗い、たたんだ洗濯物を24時間後、またはそちら様のご都合に合わせた時間にお届けします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our high tech processing system allows for order tracking at each step to minimize the chance of lost items.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "洗濯物を紛失することがないよう、弊社のハイテク処理システムで全行程を通して状況を追跡していただけます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That sounds great!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "素晴らしいですね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our contractors are trained very well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "弊社は熟練した洗濯業者に委託しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They follow the custom instructions for each fabric to ensure your items are cleaned properly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お預かりした洗濯物を確実にきれいにするため、それぞれの生地の取扱い説明書を遵守してもらっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's very interesting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "興味深いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm sure your service could be of use to us, but I'd have to speak with my supervisor first.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "御社のサービスが私たちの役に立つとは思うんですが、まずは上司に相談しないといけません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Unfortunately, she's at lunch, so I can't forward your call to her immediately.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "残念ながら上司はお昼休み中で、今すぐこの電話をおつなぎすることができません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can take a message or schedule an appointment if you'd like.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "伝言をお預かりするか、よろしければミーティングの予約を承ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to schedule a meeting with her so I can talk about our services in further depth.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私どものサービスをもっと掘り下げてお話したいので、上司の方とのミーティングを予約したいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is she available this Wednesday or Thursday during the afternoon?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今週の水曜日か木曜日の午後、お時間はあるでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It shouldn't take more than half an hour.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "30分以上のお時間はとらせません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have an opening at 3 o'clock this Wednesday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今週の水曜日、3時でしたら空いています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Does that work for you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご都合はよろしいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's perfect!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろんです!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for helping me set up an appointment!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "予約を取りつけていただき、ありがとうございます!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll drop by for a quick conversation on Wednesday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "水曜日にちょっとお邪魔します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We'll see you then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その時にお会いしましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for coming to this training, floor leaders.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "各階責任者の皆さん、研修にお越しいただきありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Each of you will be responsible for making sure your floor stays safe, so I expect you to know our emergency procedures.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆さんにはそれぞれの階の安全管理責任がありますので、緊急時の手順を知っていただきたいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Feel free to raise your hands whenever you have a question.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "質問がありましたら、いつでも挙手してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First, each floor leader is going to have to distribute red emergency backpacks to each employee on their floor.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まず、責任者の皆さんには自分の階の従業員ひとりひとりに赤い防災リュックを配っていただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The backpacks contain a first aid kit, as well as food and water for three days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このリュックには救急セットや3日分の食料と水が入っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When you hand them out, have everyone make sure that they all contain enough supplies.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "配布の際にはリュックの中の物資に不足がないか皆さんに確認してもらってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You should also be checking at the beginning of the month that each employee has their red backpack.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また、月初めに従業員全員が赤いリュックを持っているかチェックしてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Any questions about backpacks?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "リュックについての質問はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, Mr. Oda?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、織田さん?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When will the backpacks be distributed?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "リュックはいつ配布するんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "After the training, I will have each of you get at least one box of backpacks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この研修の後で、皆さんに最低一箱分のリュックをお渡しします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Try to distribute them to whoever is here today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日出勤している皆さんに配布するようにしてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would like all of them to be distributed in the next few days, but at the very latest, by the end of the week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "数日中にお願いしたいところですが、遅くとも今週末までには全てのリュックの配布を終えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now we will move on to evacuation procedures.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは避難手順に話を移しましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In case of a fire, we're planning on having everyone meet at the park two block down the street.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "火災の場合は、2ブロック先の公園に全員避難することになっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I want each floor leader to go over evacuation plans by the end of this week as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "各階責任者の皆さんには今週末までに避難経路のご確認もお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Each floor may use different staircases or exits, so please review your floor's evacuation plan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "階によって使う階段や出口が違う場合もあるので、各階の避難経路を確認してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Everyone should've received an email containing the file.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "避難経路についてのEメールを皆さん受け取っているはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please let me know if you haven't.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだ受け取っていなければお知らせください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Any questions about fire safety?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "防火についてのご質問はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do we need to keep our floor together after evacuating?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "避難後、各階ごとに集まった方が良いでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Should I be counting how many people came from my floor?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自分の階の人たちの点呼をとるべきでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Great question!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良い質問です!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You will each have your own emergency backpacks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全員が自分の防災リュックを持っていますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will have a reflective vest in it, as well as a sign with your floor number.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その中には反射材付きのベストや階の数字が書かれた指示板も入っているんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You'll hold up your number at the park so you can take a head count of how many people are on your floor.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "公園で指示板を掲げれば、自分の階の人数確認ができますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他にご質問は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Again, thank you all for making sure we have a safer workspace!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "より安全な職場作りにご協力いただき、誠にありがとうございます!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to have checked in with all of you to make sure you finished training your floors by the end of this week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "各階のトレーニングを終えたら今週末までに必ずご報告ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Make sure to take a box of backpacks when you leave.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "忘れずにリュックの箱を持って帰ってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you need more, they'll be in the storage closet right across this room.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もっと必要なら、この部屋の向かいの倉庫にもありますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Bill, can I get your input on this project?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ビル、このプロジェクトに助言をもらえるかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Of course!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろん!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What are you working on?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何に取り組んでいるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm developing a meditation app.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "瞑想アプリの開発をしているんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know you meditate a lot, so would you be willing to test this prototype for me?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君はよく瞑想するみたいだし、このプロトタイプをテストしてくれないかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right now, I'm still only working on the user interface, but I would still appreciate your input.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今のところ、まだユーザーインターフェースに取り組んでいる段階だけど、助言をもらえたら助かるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would love to!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "喜んで!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In terms of appearance, I was trying to keep it simple and minimalist.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "外観としてはシンプルでミニマリスト的なものを目指したんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wanted to keep a sort of calm look to it, but I'm not sure if that makes it too hard to use.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "落ち着いた感じにしたかったんだけど、使いづらくなるような気もするし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, let me see.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どれどれ、ちょっと見せて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Navigating the menu is pretty easy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "メニューの操作はとても簡単だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think the organization of the list of meditations is a bit confusing, though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも瞑想リストの構造は少し分かりにくいと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can fix that pretty easily.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこは簡単に直せるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you think I have the right categories to fit everyone's needs?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆さんのニーズに合うカテゴリーに対応していると思う?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think you have a great variety of types of meditation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "瞑想のタイプは豊富に揃っていると思うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think you could add different time variations, though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも実行時間のバリエーションはつけたほうがいいと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You could have some that are only 5 minutes, or some that go up to 15 minutes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "5分間だけのものや15分間ほどかかるものがあってもいいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, that makes sense.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I want to incentivize people to pay for the premium app, but I still want to have quality content for free users.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ユーザーを有料アプリに誘導したいけど、無料版ユーザーにも高品質な内容を提供したいんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How many different meditations do you think I should have for each category?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それぞれのカテゴリーに何種類の瞑想があったら良いと思う?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think you should have 3 for each category.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "各カテゴリーに3種類あれば良いと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe have two short ones and one long one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "短いもの2つに長いものが1つかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anything else?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他にもなにかある?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think you're off to a very good start!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "幸先の良いスタートだと思うよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've actually been wanting an app like this for a while.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実際僕は長い間こういうアプリを待っていたんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm sure it'll be a hit!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ヒット確実だよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good luck on the rest of this project!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このプロジェクトがこれからも上手く行くと良いね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとう!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you think you'd be able to test out a few of the actual meditations when I reach that stage?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その時期が来たら、実際に瞑想を幾つか試してみてくれるかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろんだよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Just let me know when you need me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "手伝ってほしい時に声をかけてね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you, everyone, for coming to the meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆さん、ミーティングにご出席ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Today, I'd like to talk about an upcoming charity marathon against cancer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は今度行われるガン撲滅チャリティーマラソン大会について話し合いたいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think it will be a good way to both fundraise for the cause and send a message to our clients that we care about this issue.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大義のためにお金を募る意味でも、我が社がこの問題を重要視しているというメッセージをクライアントに伝える意味でも効果的な方法だと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to hear your thoughts on this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この件について皆さんの意見を聞きたいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Daniel?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ダニエルさん?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I agree that it's a good advertising opportunity.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私もこれは宣伝の良い機会になると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know there are many people in the office who like running, so I'm sure we'd have a good turn out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社内にも走るのが好きな人がたくさんいますし、良い結果になると確信しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think all of the runners from our company could wear a t-shirt with our logo on it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我が社からのランナーは全員会社のロゴ入りTシャツを着ればいいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The t-shirts are a great idea!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Tシャツとは素晴らしいアイディアですね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll have to contact someone from the graphics department to start designing that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "グラフィック部の誰かにデザインしてくれるよう連絡してみましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We should try to get the shirts with sweat-wicking material.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "吸汗性のある素材のTシャツにしませんか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know it can be uncomfortable to run in the normal cotton t-shirts.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "普通の綿のTシャツで走るのは不快ですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mark, do you have any ideas?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マークさん、なにかご提案は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think we should all sign up as a corporate team as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "みんなが企業チームとして参加するのも良いと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That way, people can also see how much money we donate as a team.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうすれば、チームとしてどれだけのお金を寄付したかが一目瞭然です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We could create a fundraiser within the company and then donate that amount.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社内で募金を立ち上げて、集まった金額を寄付するんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's what I was thinking as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私もそう思っていました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've already been talking with Olivia to see what our options are for fundraising.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "募金の方法についてはオリビアさんと話し合いを始めています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When is the marathon?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マラソンはいつですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's in October.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "10月です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There should be plenty of time to set up the fundraiser.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "募金を立ち上げるのに充分な時間がありますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他にもご意見ありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think we should also have people that don't run show up to the race.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マラソンに参加しない皆さんも会場に行くべきだと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We could make normal t-shirts for everyone else, so people will see our logo on the sidelines and in the race.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ランナー以外の皆さんにも普通のTシャツを用意すれば、レースだけでなく沿道でも我が社のロゴが目につくでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think the volunteers will be able to connect more with the community as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ボランティアとして参加する皆さんもコミュニティとの良いつながりが持てると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll be sure to have a sign up sheet for volunteers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ボランティアの申し込み用紙を用意しましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can offer paid time for around 30 volunteers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ボランティアが30人前後なら有給にできますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think that wraps up our meeting for today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日のミーティングは以上です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We don't have much work left to do for the end of the year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "年末で仕事がほとんど残ってないね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Most of our clients are already on winter break.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "たいていのクライアントは既に冬休みに入っているし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've noticed that too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのようですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "All that's left is to clean up around here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オフィス周りの掃除をするくらいしかないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Today I'm shredding all of this old paperwork.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日私は古い書類をシュレッダーにかけています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "These boxes are from the nineties, even though we're only supposed to keep invoices for 3 years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この箱は90年代のものなんですよ、伝票の保管期間はたった3年のはずなのに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Could either of you help me if you have time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "時間があるようなら、どなたか手伝ってもらえませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "喜んで手伝うよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was just going to clean my keyboard first.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕はまずキーボードの掃除をしなくちゃ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can't remember the last time I cleaned it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最後に掃除したのはいつだったかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hopefully there's not a year's worth of dust in there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一年分の埃がたまってなければいいけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I should probably clean mine before I leave too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "帰る前に僕もキーボードをきれいにしたほうが良さそうだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have any exciting plans for the holidays, Kato?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "加藤さんは休み中になにか楽しい予定はあるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Once I'm done working, I'm planning on catching a bullet train to Kyushu.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "仕事が終わったら九州行きの新幹線に乗る予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm going to be with my parents for New Year's.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お正月は両親と一緒に過ごします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That should be fun and relaxing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは楽しそうだし、リラックスできそうだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What about you, Kimura?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "木村君はどうなの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm just going to stay in Tokyo.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕は東京に残りますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll probably catch up with my friend who is visiting this week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今週友達が遊びに来ているのでお互い積もる話でもします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think we might go to the movies.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "映画も観に行こうかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know any good ones showing right now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今なにか良い映画やってます?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I haven't really had time to go to the movies recently.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最近は映画に行く暇もなかったな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hopefully I can during my break.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "休み中に行けたらいいけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have anything big planned?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なにか大きな計画はあるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm going to get my annual end-of-the-year soba noodles on the way home today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は仕事帰りに毎年恒例の年越しそばを食べる予定だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm thinking of taking a ski trip in Nagano, but I'm not sure yet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "長野にスキー旅行に行こうかとも思うけど、どうなることやら。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anyway, I can help you shred those papers now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、書類をシュレッダーにかけるのを手伝おうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That would be great!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "助かります!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll guess see you next year, Kimura.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "木村さん、来年お会いしましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have a good new year!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良いお年を!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have a happy new year!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good Morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is Kitagawa from the Admin Department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "総務部の北川です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご用件は何でしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good morning, Ms. Kitagawa.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "北川さん、おはようございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is Nishiyama calling from the Manufactualing Department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "製造部の西山です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to arrange the lunch for next week's quality management training with you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週行われる品質管理研修の昼食の手配をお願いしたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We usually order lunch boxes from Company A for training.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "研修用のお弁当はたいていA社に注文しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We've always gotten positive feedback about them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社のお弁当はいつも評判が良いんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it okay if we order them from the same place?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "同じ業者さんに注文してもよろしいでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This training is a bit different than usual because we have a few international trainees, so I'm trying to make sure everyone has something to eat.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回の研修はいつもとちょっと違って海外からの研修生が何人か参加するので、皆さんがちゃんと食事できるよう配慮したいんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Some people have food restrictions based on their religion or other lifestyle choices.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "宗教や生活習慣のため食事制限のある人がいるんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I need to make sure that we have Halal, vegan, and vegetarian options available.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ハラル、ヴィーガン、ベジタリアン用のお弁当もぜひ用意したいと思うんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know Company A will have no problem with the vegetarian and vegan orders because we've ordered it from them before.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ベジタリアンとヴィーガンの注文に関してはA社で大丈夫ですよ、以前にも注文したことがあるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm not sure if they make Halal lunch boxes, though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもハラルのお弁当は作ってくれるかどうかわかりません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I might have to have someone look around for a nearby Halal restaurant that could provide lunches.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ランチを提供してくれる近所のハラルレストランを誰かに探してもらう必要があるかもしれないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you give me a few days, I'll be sure to forward the information to you as soon as possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "数日お時間をいただければ、できるだけすぐにレストランの情報をお知らせしますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can place the order once you approve the restaurant.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "西山さんの承認を頂き次第レストランに注文しますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know how many lunch boxes you need?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何人分のお弁当が必要かご存知ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We need 20 regular, 2 vegetarian, 5 vegan, and 3 halal lunches.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "通常が20個、ベジタリアンが2個、ヴィーガンが5個、ハラルが3個です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When do you need them by?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつまでに必要ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The training is next Wednesday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "トレーニングは次の水曜日です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The schedule shows that lunch starts at noon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昼食は12時からの予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll make sure to let the restaurants know that you need them by eleven thirty.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは業者さんには11時半までに納入してもらえるよう言っておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's perfect.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anything else I can do for you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他にもご用件はございますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいえ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for your help!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご協力ありがとうございます!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どういたしまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll update you as soon as I can.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "できるだけ早く進捗状況をお知らせしますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have a good day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良い一日を。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good morning, I'm looking for Ms. Tanaka.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おはようございます、田中さんはどちらでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, you must be Ms. Nagai.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、永井さんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm Tanaka.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私が田中です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's very nice to meet you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はじめまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's nice to meet you too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらこそ、はじめまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll be helping you with your training for your first few days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最初の数日間は私がトレーニングのお手伝いをします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll go ahead and show you where everything is.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まずはどこに何があるかお見せしましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can interrupt me if you ever have any questions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なにか質問があったら、いつでも話を止めてくださいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You'll usually sit here, so you'll use this computer and phone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "普段はここに座って、このコンピューターと電話を使います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "These top drawers of the cabinet will also be yours for storing any paperwork.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "書類の保管にはこのキャビネットの引き出し上段を使ってくださいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Any extra supplies you might need are in the bottom two drawers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "下の二段には予備の事務用品が入っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, here comes Ms. Kojima", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あら、小島さんがいらした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ms. Nagai?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "永井さんですね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm Kojima, your supervisor.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私があなたの上司の小島です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Nice to meet you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Nice to meet you as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらこそ、よろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was just showing her around the front desk.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "永井さんに受付周辺をお見せしていたところです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Perfect.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me know when you finish.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "終わったら教えて下さいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anyway, for today's training I'm going to show you how we create schedules.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、今日のトレーニングではスケジュールの組み方を教えましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Open the first application on the desktop, and it should pull up a calendar.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "デスクトップ画面の最初のアプリケーションを開くとカレンダーが表示されます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can just use Ms. Kojima's as an example.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "例として小島さんのカレンダーを使いましょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You'll click on the day, and then the time you want to add the appointment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日付をクリックしてから予定を入れたい時間をクリックします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, you'll want to fill in all of the information here, like who the appointment is with, what it's about, and where it is.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして詳細をここに記入します、誰と会う予定なのか、目的、場所などの情報です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We also leave room for things such as transportation time and lunch breaks, but I'll talk more about that when we start scheduling appointments.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "移動やお昼休みなどのために時間を空けておくのですが、それは実際にスケジュールを組む時に詳しく説明します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Any questions so far?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここまでで質問は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This part is pretty straightforward, but I'll probably have you help me with creating Ms.Kojima's schedule tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここまではごく簡単だったと思いますが、明日実際に私と一緒に小島さんのスケジュールを組んでみましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think Ms. Kojima wants to talk to you now, but I look forward to working with you!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これから小島さんからお話があるみたいですが、一緒にお仕事ができることを楽しみにしていますね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, Ms. Turner.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、ターナーさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It looks like we are pretty much ready to wrap this up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回のプロジェクトはほぼ完了のようですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I must say, I'm extremely happy with how everything turned out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "結果に本当に満足しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you, and I feel the same way!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとう、私も同感です!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, tell me, how did you feel about the project and process overall?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ところで、今回のプロジェクトの一連の流れについて概してどのような感想をお持ちですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I thought things went quite well generally.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全体的に順調だったと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I mean, there were a few challenges, but we got it worked out in the end.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろん幾つか課題はありましたが、結局は上手く解決しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There's always something, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "多少の困難は避けられませんよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm happy we figured out data transfer issue.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "データ移行の問題点を解決できて良かったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hope the software itself is doing what you guys wanted it to do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ソフトウェア自体もみなさんのご期待に沿う働きをしてくれることを願っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, the feedback has been great so far.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、今のところ反響は上々ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was little bit worried since we haven't been great at adapting to changes, but this time we're doing fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我が社には変化に対応することが苦手な面があるので少し心配していましたが、今回は大丈夫でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Great to hear.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは良かったですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know that integrating these things can be hard.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新しいシステム導入は難しいものですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You really have to convince people that these changes will help them work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "変化が仕事の役に立つものだと従業員に納得させないといけないですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, this is all part of our company's mission to be more innovative and efficient.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、これもすべて我が社の企業理念である革新と効率化を進めるための一環なんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ごもっともです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As part of that thinking, you might need to consider an upgrade at some point.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その考え方でいくと、将来的にアップグレードを考慮に入れる必要が出てくるかもしれませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Especially as your company grows, your needs will probably change.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "特に会社が拡大するにつれてニーズも変わってくるでしょうし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, it's a bit early to say right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあ、それはちょっと気が早いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We're just working on the training for this software.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだこのソフトウェアのトレーニングをしている段階ですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, I understand.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろんそうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You have my contact information if you find you want to make any more changes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さらに変更の必要があれば私の連絡先までお知らせください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sometimes, clients want us to come back to train a new employee or they'll need additional tech support.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "クライアント様によっては新入社員のトレーニングや追加のテクニカルサポートをご希望されることがあるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll send some information about additional training options for you to think about.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "追加トレーニングについての情報をお送りしますのでご検討ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I'll see how this round of training goes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、今回のトレーニングの様子を見ましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm not anticipating any problems so far.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今のところ問題なさそうですけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Just let me know if anything comes up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なにかありましたらご連絡ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's been great working with you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "御社とお仕事できて良かったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Masumi, I need to check with you on tomorrow's accounting audit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "中田さん、明日の経理監査について確認したいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "An auditor will be coming from the corporate accounting department at 9 in the morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "監査係の方が本社経理部から朝9時にいらっしゃることになっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, that's what I heard from the accounting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、経理部のほうからそう連絡いただいていますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It sounds that he has to go to the next appointment right after the audit here, so he wants our audit to go as smoothly as possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうやら、ここでの監査後すぐに次の目的地へ移動する必要があるらしく、監査を出来るだけ効率よくすませたいとのことです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then I will check with everyone to see if they all have documents that we need.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、必要な資料が全て揃っているかどうか各担当者に確認しておきますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please be proactive to avoid situations like \"we need to go look now\" in the middle of the audit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "監査の途中で「今から探します」という状況にならないよう、先を読んで用意しておいてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Especially they could ask for the product brochure for any large purchases.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "特に、額の大きな請求書などについては、買った製品の資料の提示を求められることもあるので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We had to look for those supporting documents in the middle of the last audit, and that took some time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "前回の監査では、そういったサポート資料を途中で探すことになって、ちょっと時間がかかってしまいましたから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it did.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうでしたよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't think they will have that much to ask this time because we didn't really buy anything expensive.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ま、今回はそんなに大きな額の買い物はしていないので、そこまで踏み込んで質問されることも少ないかとは思いますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But it's better to be safe than sorry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ま、念には念を入れておいたほうがいいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's be over-prepared rather than under.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっと準備し過ぎたかな、くらいのほうがいいでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Definitely.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かに、そう思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Some people are planning not to be in the office tomorrow, and if we need to deal with questions regarding their purchases, we can't really ask questions right away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日、外回りを予定している者も何人かいますから、その人たちの購入したものだと質問もすぐにできないですし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please collect as many necessary things as possible today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日中に必要なものはなるべく集めておいてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We need the list of fixed assets too, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "固定資産の一覧も必要ですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will make a copy later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あとで、コピーをしておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know it's a lot but I appreciate your help.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "色々と大変ですがお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No worries, we still have time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ、まだ時間がありますから大丈夫です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is the auditor going to eat lunch here?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "監査係の方は、こちらでお昼を食べて行かれるんでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I heard his next appointment is at twelve thirty at a place 30 minutes away from here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次の予定はここから30分くらいの場所で12時半だと聞いていますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then he might eat it somewhere close to there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、向こうに近いところで食べられるかも知れないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can ask him when he gets here in the morning, and we can order takeouts if he wants to eat it here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "朝いらした時に聞いてみて、ここで食べて行くというのであればテイクアウトでも頼みましょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good idea.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for collecting all the documents.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、資料集めのほうよろしくお願いしますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お任せください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If I remember anything later, I will call you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また、何か思い出したらあとで連絡します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お世話になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am Mitsuo of H Architects.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "H建築事務所の長谷川です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We've been expecting you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お待ちしておりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, Mitsuo.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "長谷川さん、こんにちは。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Tyler, thank you for hiring us for this project.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ゴードンさん、今回はうちを雇ってくださってありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Working with T Company will be a great PR for our office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "T社さんとのお仕事は、わが社にとっても大きなPRになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We looked around different architecture offices, and I thought your building designs were the closest to what we wanted for our office environment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あちこち建築事務所をあたってみたんだが、おたくが作った建物のデザインが一番うちのオフィスの雰囲気に合ったんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "True, I asked around everyone in this office, and most of the people liked your work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんです、オフィス全員に意見を聞いたところ、Hさんのところが一番いいという意見が多くて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Office expansion is a huge investment, so we don't want to compromise too much if we don't have to.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オフィス増築は大きな投資ですから、どうせするなら納得のいくものにしたいと思いまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I really appreciate you chose us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当に、うちを選んでいただき光栄です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "To start, I brought a couple of draft designs here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さっそくですが、こちらに設計案をいくつかお持ちしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, three of them!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お、三つもあるね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, they all look good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わー、どれもいい感じですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can't decide.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "迷いそう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Each of three is very different from the others, so please pick the one that meets your needs, not only by how it looks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "三つとも他とはかなり違ったデザインになっていますので、見た目だけではなく、そちらのニーズに合ったものをお選びくださいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, it's not great if it looks good but is hard to use.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだね、見た目が良くても使いにくければ意味がないものな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If we want to change small things after we decided on the overall image, can we?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全体のイメージを決めた後で、細かい部分を変更したければそれは出来ますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Of course, this is not the final plan anyway.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろん、これが最終案ではないですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This one has some open areas that encourages employees to communicate more.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらはオープンな雰囲気で社員の交流を促すデザインになっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I love this one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私はこれ好きですねー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And this one is designed so everyone can secure their own personal space.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こっちは逆に、個人のスペースがきちんと確保できる設計になってるな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Everyone can focus on their own work this way.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "各社員が自分の仕事に集中できるようになっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then this has a casual atmosphere that does not look like an office at first glance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そしてこちらは、一見ではオフィスだと分からないようなカジュアルさを前に押し出しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I didn't know there were workplaces like this these days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今はこんな雰囲気の職場もあるんだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The venture company where my friend works is like this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の友人が働いているベンチャー企業がこんな感じですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't think this fits to what we do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これは、うちの仕事内容にちょっと合わないような気もするな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you put your R&D labs in the back of the building, this design is feasible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "研究開発室を建物の後ろのほうに置くことで、このデザインも実現可能です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I personally like the first design since everyone can actively communicate with each other.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "個人的には、社員が活発にコミュニケーションをとれるという点で、最初のデザインが気に入っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Communication sure is important.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かに、コミュニケーションは大事だな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I like the design of the meeting room here too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会議室のデザインもいい感じだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Isn't the second design a bit too closed-off?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "二番目のデザインは、ちょっと閉鎖的じゃないですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think so too, but depending on what they do, there are many companies who prefer a design like this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私もそう思うのですが、業務内容によっては、こういうデザインを望まれる企業も少なくないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Everone's needs are different.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "色んなニーズがありますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Individual tastes also factor in.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "個人の好みというのもありますしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ummm, I can't pick one right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、今すぐに選ぶのは難しいな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can we keep those designs for a while?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この設計図はしばらく預っていてもよろしいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our next meeting is scheduled for the week after, so yes until then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次の打ち合わせは再来週の予定になってますので、それまでどうぞ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please take time to discuss it with everyone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じっくり皆さんでご検討ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, great.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、そうします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is such a fun project, isn't it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これは楽しみなプロジェクトですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Miyuki, do you have time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "中川さん、お時間いいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh hi, Junko, good morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、前田さん、おはようございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes I do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As I emailed you the other day, we have decided to make you the call center's supervisor.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先日メールでもお知らせしましたが、来月から中川さんをコールセンターのスーパーバイザーに任命することが決定しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Congratulations on your promotion.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昇進おめでとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Three years of hard work paid off.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "3年間頑張ってきた甲斐がありました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was particularly busy last year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "特に去年一年は本当に忙しかったですもんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I was lucky to have nice team members.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、よいチームメンバーに恵まれて助かりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It really is a good team you have here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当にここはいいチームですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, now that you are a supervisor, I need to explain to you about some changes from the HR point of view.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、今日はスーパーバイザーになるに当たり、人事の面から変わることがあるのでご説明にあがりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I believe that how I get paid will change?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かお給与の形態が変わるんでしたよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, you will not longer get paid by hour but a fixed amount will be paid every month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうです、時給制から固定額の月給になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then I don't need to use a timesheet anymore.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "と言うことは、タイムカードはなくなるんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you are a monthly, no more timesheets.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "月給の場合、タイムカードは不要ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But you should know you don't get paid for overtime.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ、残業代は出ません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その点は了解しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, you will receive lots of other benefits, which will make your overall earnings reasonable.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その分いろんな手当がつきますので、待遇としては全体的なバランスはとれているはずですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also being a regular employee instead of an hourly part-timer will give you some level of job security.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また、時給制の派遣と違って正規扱いとなるので、ある程度の安定も保証されることになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I really appreciate that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、本当にありがたく思っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know it will come with more responsibilities though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろん、それに伴って責任も大きくなりますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I assume you will do just fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "中川さんならそれは大丈夫でしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Everyone seems to be trusting you a lot.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆さん、大変信頼を寄せられています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good to hear.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは光栄です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do I need a new name tag and employee ID starting next month?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来月から、新しい名札や社員証を使わないといけないですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, you do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You'll also need business cards now that you're a supervisor.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スーパーバイザーなので、名刺も作らないといけないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, I can have business cards!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、名刺がいただけるんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, now you're a regular employee.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですよ、正規社員ですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, please talk to your boss and set the goals for this fiscal year for your performance review.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あとは、上司とご相談しながら、人事評価における今年度の目標も設定しておいてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The salaries and benefits of regular employees depend on those reviews.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "正規は、その評価によって次年度のお給料や待遇が決まるんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is a very important task in a long run, so it might take time now but please take care of it as soon as you can.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これは長期的に大切な作業なので、少し手間がかかりますが早めにお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will try to talk to my boss sometime this week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今週中に、上司とこの件で話すようにします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good luck.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、頑張ってくださいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you have anything, please feel free to talk to me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何かあればいつでも私に聞いてきてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I'll do my best.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、頑張ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Bill, if you have time, I'd like to talk about the next season's foliage tours.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ビルさん、来シーズンの紅葉ツアーについて話したいんだけど、時間ある?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have a meeting at three, so until then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次の会議が3時からだから、それまでなら。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll keep this short.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "短くすませるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It looks like all the dates for the foliage tours are selling well this season.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今シーズンの紅葉ツアーは、どの日程も売れ行きがいいみたいだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I heard there are many people waitlisted.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "キャンセル待ちのお客さんもかなりいるらしいんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, now Henry wants to have more people next year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、社長が「来年はもうちょっと参加人数を増やせないか」って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How many foliage tours did we offer this season?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今シーズンは、紅葉ツアーは何回オファーしたかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "One tour a day on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for two weeks, so 6 all together.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "月・水・金に一日一回、それが二週間だから、全部で6回だな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What kind of increase does Henry want to see?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社長はどれくらい増やせと言ってるんだ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He doesn't want anyone on the waitlist.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "キャンセル待ちをなくしたいらしい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We need to have more people on one tour or offer more tours.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ツアー1本あたりの参加人数を増やすか、ツアーの数を増やすかしないとな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Even if we want more tours, we can't extend two weeks to three because the foliage is nice only for a limited time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "数を増やすにも、紅葉が綺麗な時期は限られているから、二週間を三週間には出来ないぞ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know we can't.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは無理だ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We need to offer two tours a day if we want more tours.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ツアーの数を増やすなら1日2回出発にしないとだめか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But then we will need to double the number of bus drivers and tour guides.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ、そうなると、添乗員もバスの運転手も倍必要になる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And there is a chance that we need to cancel a tour at the last minute because there are not enough people.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それに、客数が少なすぎてぎりぎりにキャンセルしなきゃいけないツアーが出る可能性もあるな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is a huge committment to offer more tours.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ツアーの回数を増やすのは、かなりの覚悟がいるぞ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだよな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Which means we should go with increasing the max number of people on each tour.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、やっぱりツアーごとの最大参加人数を増やす方向になるか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think that's safer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのほうが安全だな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That way we can keep the same number of buses or tour guides as we have now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それならバスや添乗員の数は今のままでいいしな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think we can manage to book more hotel rooms.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ホテルの客室を増やすのは何とかなるだろう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Booking larger groups at restaurants shouldn't be a problem either.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "レストランの予約人数を増やすのも大丈夫なはずだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If some restaurants don't like large groups, we can try different places.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし、大人数の予約を受け付けないレストランがあれば、他を当たってみよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But we have to keep that seafood restaurant in Boston because lots of people look forward to going there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ、ボストン市内のシーフードレストランだけは、そこが目的の人も多いから外せないけどな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right, it's one of the tour's highlights, so we need to keep that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、あそこはツアーの目玉の一つだから、変えられないな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I will ask them what their policy on booking large groups.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とりあえず、あの店の団体予約のルールについて聞いてみるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That should be the start.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まずはそれからだな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wonder if Henry will ask if we can offer more tours.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、社長が「ツアーの回数を増やせないか」って言ってこないかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If so, I will show the risk when we can't fill the tours and try to convince him that it is not an option.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それについては、ツアーが埋まらなかった場合のリスクを説明して、無理だってことを分かってもらうよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Cancellation fees for the last-minute cancellations at places and sightseeing spots are getting higher these days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最近、あちこちの店や観光名所が、ぎりぎりにキャンセルすると高いキャンセル料をとるようになってきてるしな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They are particularly strict on cancelling large groups.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "特に団体のキャンセルには厳しいよな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I do understand where they're coming from though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ま、気持ちは分かるけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anyways, let's move forward with the direction to increase the number of people on each tour next season.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、とりあえず、来シーズンはツアーの参加人数を増やすっていう方向で動くか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can discuss details at the next planning meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "詳しいことは、次の企画会議で皆と話そう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good morning, Tim.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、ライリー部長、おはようございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is so cold today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は寒いね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "According to the weather, even the high is below zero.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "天気予報によると、最高気温でも氷点下みたいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It feels a bit cold inside the office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オフィスの中がちょっと寒い気がするね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It does.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was the first one who came to the office today, and it was not warm at all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私が朝一番に来たんですが、全然暖かくなくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just checked the thermostat, and it said 15 degrees.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さっき暖房の温度表示を見てみたら15℃ってなってました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That is low.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは低いな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I tried to turn the heat up, but it wouldn't change at all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "温度を上げてみようとしても全然変わらないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It'll only get colder and colder in the office if it stays like this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このままだとオフィスの中は冷える一方ですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was fine yesterday, so I wonder if something happened last night.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昨日は大丈夫だったんですけど、夜中に壊れてしまったのかしら。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe becasue it was extremely cold last night.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昨日の夜、かなり冷え込んだからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you have it fixed soon?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早く直せないかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am expecting an important client here this afternoon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "午後に大事なお客さんが来ることになってるんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I called the maintenance company earlier, but they might be busy since no one answered.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さっきメンテナンス会社に電話したのですが、忙しいのか誰も出なくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I left a message on their voicemail, but no call back yet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ボイスメールにメッセージは残しておいたんですが、まだかかってきません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you call them again?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう一度かけてみてくれる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We might have small space heaters in the storage in the back, so I will go check.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "裏の倉庫にひょっとしたら小さなファンヒーターがあったかも知れないので見てきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, we do have them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The heating system broke last year too, so we bought two of them that time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "去年も一回暖房の調子が悪くなって、その時に二台買ったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll go check with her.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕も一緒に見てきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、頼むよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will call the maintenance again now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私はもう一度メンテナンスに電話します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hope they will come soon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早く来てくれるといいけどな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will ask them to come in the morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "午前中には来てもらうよう頼んでみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That would be helpful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうしてくれると助かる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If it doesn't get fixed in the morning, I'll just go to a coffee shop with my client for the meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし午前中に直らないようなら、お客さんとは喫茶店に行って打ち合わせすることにするよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I'll go make a phone call.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、電話してきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Tim, we found the heaters.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ライリー部長、ヒーターありました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will put one here and the other one there for now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とりあえず、こことあそこに置いておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's better than nothing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何もないよりはましだと思うので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "True, and I'll keep my coat on until it gets warmer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだな、温まるまでコートも着たままにしておくか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, is this Company A?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、A社さんですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to ask you about issuing an invoice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "請求書の発行についてお尋ねしたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then I'll transfer you to the accounting department, so please hold.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、経理部に回しますのでしばらくお待ちください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, this is Yohei at Company A's Accounting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、A社経理部の川口です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, this is Keisuke at Company B's Accounting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、B社経理の岡本と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You are one of our vendors and we appreciate your services.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつも商品を買わせていただいており、お世話になっております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for using us all the time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらこそ、いつもありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am calling you because I wanted to ask you about the invoice for fiber cabes our Purchase Group ordered a while ago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は、かなり前にうちの購買が注文したファイバーケーブルの請求書について質問があってお電話しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, what was the problem?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か問題がありましたでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's been two months since we'd received the order, but we still don't have the invoice for it, so I wonder what is happening.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "商品が届いてから二か月になるのですが、まだ請求書が届いていないので、どうなっているのかなと思いまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you got them two months ago, the invoice should have been already issued and sent.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "二か月前ということは、普通はもう請求書は出ているはずですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me check what is going on, so please hold.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっと調べてみますのでお待ちください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I ask if you know the order date and the PO number?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "失礼ですが、商品の発注日と発注書番号はお分かりですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The date we ordered was Janurary twenty-fifth, and the PO number is B1564,", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "発注日は1月25日、発注書番号はB1564です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For your information, the order amount was 6250 yen for 5 cables.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちなみに、注文額は6250円で、ケーブルは5本頼んでいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Got it, now let's see.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました、見てみますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お待たせしてすみません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえいえ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It looks like our system says the order has not been shipped yet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちのシステム上では、まだ商品未配送になっているようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's why the invoice wasn't issued.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで請求書が発行されていなかったんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I apologize that our fulfillment must have forgotten to put in the information.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すみません、うちの配送担当が入力を忘れたんでしょうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm afraid to ask you but do you have any shipping information?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "失礼ですが、配送に関する書類はお持ちでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have a delivery slip from the carrier, would that work?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "宅配便の伝票がありますが、それでいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, could you kindly send me a copy?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、お手数ですが、コピーを送っていただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We need to enter the shipping information in order to have invoices issued, so it'd be helpful if you could.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "配送関連の情報を入力しないと請求書が発行できないので、申し訳ないですがお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I just send it to you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "川口さん宛てに送ればいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, please send it to kawaguchi@acompany dot com.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、kawaguchi@acompany.comにお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll do it as soon as I hang up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、電話を切ったらすぐに送らせていただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When can I expect the invoice?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "請求書はいつ頃いただけるでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If I enter the information today, the invoice can be issued by tomorrow, so you should have it by the end of the week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日中に配送情報を入力すれば明日までに発行できますので、今週末までにはお届けできると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, that will make it to our closing date, so great.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それなら、こちらの締め日に間に合うので助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is something that I needed to take care of soon because of our budget situation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "弊社の予算の都合で、早く処理しないといけない案件だったもので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm sorry that our error caused the delay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらの手違いでご迷惑おかけしてすみませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No worries, things slip out sometimes especially when everyone is busy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえいえ、お互い忙しい時期でしたし、こんなこともありますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for taking care of it so quickly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "敏速に対応していただいて助かりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I appreciate that you say so since it was definitely our fault.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらのミスでしたので、そう言っていただけるとありがたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Takako, do you have a minute?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "山本さん、ちょっといいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, what?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We'll get an expat from Japan next month, who's an engineer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来月、日本の本社からエンジニアさんが駐在で来ることになりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He'll be here with his family for a year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご家族と一緒に一年間いらっしゃる予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, then we'll need to help him settle.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですか、では受け入れの準備がいりますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He'll come to the States alone first, then his family will follow a month later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まずはご本人が渡米、その一か月後にご家族がいらっしゃるようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I heard that he will have a training for a week in Boston after getting here, so it will be after the second week of next month when he actually starts here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "渡米後一週間は、うちではなくボストン支社で研修があるようなので、ここには来月二週目からということになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, it'll be around Monday, March tenth.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、うちに来るのは3月10日月曜あたりということですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That sounds right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなりますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please prepare for this with that schedule in mind.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのつもりで、準備の方お願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First of all, I'll find out about his living situation from the HR.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まずは、人事のほうに住居関係のことを聞いてみますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I assume he'll rent a single-family near the office with his housing allowance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おそらく、住居手当が出て、オフィスに近い一軒家を借りることになるでしょうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Probably, then I'll call the gas and electric companies once he picks the house.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、具体的に決まったら、私のほうでガス会社や電気会社に連絡します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to have the house all set up for him before he gets here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いらっしゃってすぐにご自宅が使えるようにしておきたいので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, and please help him open a bank account and with other stuff too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、後は銀行口座を開けるお手伝いなどもお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、もちろんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He might not need a car if he would live near the office, don't you think?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オフィスのそばなら、通勤用の車を借りる必要はないでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He might need one when his family gets here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご家族が来られたら必要になるかも知れませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can decide on the car when he is actually here later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "車については、ご本人がいらっしゃってから決めてもいいかも知れません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will do that then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where should Mr. Nakagawa, well that's his name, sit?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "中川さん、あ、彼の名前なんですが、どこに座ってもらいましょうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If he is an engineer, isn't near other engineers good?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "エンジニアならば、他のエンジニアたちの近くがいいんじゃないですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Since no one sits next to Matt now, maybe that's a good spot.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、マットの横の席が空いてるから、そこにしようかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, Matt loves to help out people so it will be perfect.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこなら、マットがとても世話好きだし、ちょうどいいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、そうしましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll clean up that area for Mr. Nakagawa.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、そこを中川さんに使っていただけるようにしておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, he will need some business cards with our address on.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "後は、うちの住所が入った名刺もいりますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, bilingual business cards.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだね、日英バイリンガルの名刺がね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It takes long to get business cards printed, so I'll order them sooner than later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "名刺の印刷は時間がかかるので、早めに注文しておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think I can find out the details about him from the HR, so I will contact them right after we're done.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "中川さんについての詳しいことは、人事に聞けば分かると思うので、さっそくこの後で連絡してみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It might be a good idea to have a video chat with Mr. Nakagawa sometime next week so we can ask him directly what he needs.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一度、来週あたりにでも、中川さんとビデオチャットをして何が必要か直接聞くといいかも知れませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like what his family needs.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご家族関係のことなど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good idea, ages of his kids or if they need help with kids' schools.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、お子さんがお幾つだとか、学校関係の支援が必要かどうかとか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I heard he has two kids.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確か、お子さんは二人と聞いています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You'll be busy with setting things up for a while, but I appreciate your work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "というわけで、しばらく準備で忙しくなると思いますが、よろしくお願いしますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's pretty exciting since we hadn't had a long-term expat for a while.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "長期で駐在さんを迎えるのは久しぶりなので、ちょっと楽しみですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also it's been a while since we'd had a new member in this office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このオフィスに新しいメンバーが来るのも久しぶりだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, may I speak to Mr. Takeo Yamaguchi?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、山口武夫さまはいらっしゃいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is he.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、私ですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, hello Mr. Yamaguchi.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、山口さんですか、こんちには。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is Takeda from the HR Department at Company P's Osaka Office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私、P社大阪支社人事部の竹田と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can we talk now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今お時間よろしいでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, we can.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would like to talk to you about the resume you have sent in the other day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は、先日いただいた履歴書についてお話したいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, you already have looked at it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、見ていただけたのですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm glad.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "光栄です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, the person who would be the direct report of this position also looked at it and thought you have experiences and records that he was looking for and he would like to meet you in person.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、この求人の直属上司となる者が見たところ、山口様の経験と実績の内容が希望通りなので一度会って話したいと申しております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, that is wonderful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは、ありがたいことです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So we would like you to come to our office for an interview, but do you have time this week?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこで、弊社に面接に来ていただきたいのですが、今週お時間ありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This week?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今週ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can be flexible except for Wednesday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "水曜日以外なら融通が利きますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then how about Friday morning?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、金曜の午前中はいかがでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think I can make it if it's in Umeda, but just to be sure, may I double check where your office is?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "梅田なので行けると思うのですが、念のために、事務所の場所を確認させていただいてよろしいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are a ten-minute walk from Hankyu Umeda Station.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、弊社は阪急梅田駅から徒歩10分のところにあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you, then I can come over after 10, but does it work for you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですか、それなら10時以降であればお伺いできますが、そちらの都合はよろしいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "10 is pefect because both I and the person I mentioned earlier will be wide open.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "10時なら、先ほどの上司に当たる者も私も時間が空いていますので、完璧です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "10 o'clock then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、10時にお伺いさせていただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The interview will take about one hour.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おそらく面接は1時間ほどになると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That would be fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There is a reception desk in the lobby on the first floor of our office building, so please check in with them first.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "弊社ビルの一階ロビーに受付がありますので、まずそこでチェックインしてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The HR is located on the 5th floor, so please use the elevator to come up here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "人事部は5階にありますので、エレベーターで5階まで来てください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will be waiting for you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこで私がお待ちしております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You sent your published papers with your resume the other day, but if you have something else, please make sure to bring them with you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先日、履歴書と一緒に発表論文などもお送りいただいたのですが、他に何かあれば面接時にお持ちください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Of course, and I will see you on Friday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、では金曜日によろしくお願いいたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Definitely, and I'm glad we could work the schedule out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらこそ、お互いの都合が合ってよかったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I really appreciate you called.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お電話本当にありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My pleasure and we will see you Friday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえいえ、では金曜日に。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全員揃ったかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yoko will be a bit late.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "田中さんは少し遅れるみたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can start without her.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先に始めておきましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, let's get to the point quick.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、さっそく本題に入るとしようか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "About the business plan that we need to submit to headquarters tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日本社に提出予定の事業計画書についてだが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you tell me how much it's done?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どの程度まで進んでいるか教えてもらえるかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's ninety percent done but we are still waiting for one last document from the Product Development Department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "9割がた完成していますが、一つだけ商品開発部からの資料待ちです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yoko is supposed to bring it here now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "田中さんが今日ここに持ってくるはずなんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry that I'm late.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "遅くなってすみません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I finally got the document just now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "資料、今やっと手に入りました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you take a look?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらですので、ご確認ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm so glad that it made it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "間に合ってよかったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They made us wait for a long time since we first told them we would need it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最初に開発部にお願いしてから、かなり待たされましたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wasn't sure if it would make the deadline.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "締め切りまでに間に合うかどうか、ちょっと不安でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It looks like Mr. Yamamoto urged everyone at his department to speed up, and finally.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、開発部の山本部長が、皆さんにはっぱをかけて下さったようで、何とか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now can I say this is all done?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、これで計画書は完成ということですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, Koji and I went through everything but this document last night.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、この資料以外の部分は、昨夜私と宮本で全て目を通しておきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Everything that needs to be in the plan should be there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので、計画書に必要なことは全てカバーしてあるはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We now have this document about the product development, I don't think we're missing anything.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "商品開発についての資料もあるから、足りないものはなさそうだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The budget also looks reasonable enough for the management's approval, so this should be fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "予算も、経営陣から承認が出そうな数字だから大丈夫だろう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm glad you think so.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう言っていただけると心強いです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hope it's approved right away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すぐに承認されるといいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know it's not so easy to get the management's approval.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "上に納得してもらうのは、そう簡単じゃないですけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Even when we think everything is perfect.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕たちが完璧と思っていても、なかなかね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "After we submit it tomorrow, I am supposed to give a presentation in front of everyone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日提出した後に、皆の前でプレゼンをすることになっている。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will try to make the presentation as appealing as possible so that it gets approved on the spot.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その場で承認されるように、うまく話してくるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will count on you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "頼りにしてます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No one is better than Dan when it comes to giving presentations, so I'm sure he'll do just fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "プレゼンをさせたら、トーマスさんの右に出る人はいないから、大丈夫でしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right, no one can say no to Dan if he tries to sell something.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほんと、トーマスさんに薦められたら何でも買っちゃいますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I appreciate your compliment, but you know the most important thing is the content of the plan after all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お褒めに与りましてと言いたいところだが、結局のところ大事なのは計画書の中身だからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Don't forget that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは忘れないように。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That, I can definitely gurantee.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは、大丈夫です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Koji, Yoko and I spent the past three weeks focusing all our energy on making this plan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この三週間、宮本、田中と三人で、この計画書づくりに専念してきましたから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am sure that the content is something you can be proud of.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自信を持っていただける内容だと思っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sounds like it was a wise decision to make you three in charge.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだな、三人に任せて良かったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why don't we regroup next week so I can give you the report on my presentation?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、次のミーティングはプレゼンの結果報告として来週にしようかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I look forward to hearing about it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "結果楽しみにしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good luck on your presentation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "プレゼン頑張ってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mr. Noguchi, I hope you had a nice trip to San Francisco last week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "野口さん、先週はサンフランシスコ出張ご苦労様でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I still have a jet lag.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだ時差ボケが残ってますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I feel bad for asking when you're still tired, but can you finish your expense report for the trip this week?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お疲れのところ申し訳ないのですが、今週中に出張費の清算をお願いできますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh right, the end of this week is the closing for this month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、今週末が今月の締め日ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you don't submit your expense report this week, it won't be processed as this month's expense and you won't get paid until later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今週中に精算書を提出いただかないと、翌月経費扱いになって払い戻しが遅れてしまいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then I'll try to collect all the receipts and do it either today or tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では今日明日中に領収証など整理して出しますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I went to lunch with Mike from headquarters in San Francisco which I paid for both of us, and I wonder if I can expense it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サンフランシスコで本社のマイクとランチに行って私が二人分支払ったのですが、それも精算していいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm afraid not.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すいませんが、それはちょっと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Basically our employees cannot entertain each other.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "基本的には、社員同士は接待できないというルールになっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やっぱりそうですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's what I thought but I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう思ったんですが、ひょっとしたらと思い聞いてみました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すいません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not a big deal.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや、別にいいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mike and I have known each other so long that it was more like a lunch with my buddy than a work lunch.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マイクとは付き合いも長く、同僚と言うよりも友人ですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I feel bad we can't pay for the lunch.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ランチ代はお支払いできなくてすいません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But you can definitely expense it if you used your own car to go to the airport..", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、空港まで自分の車で行かれたのであれば、それは清算できるのでして下さいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh okay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can get paid by the kilometers you drove, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "キロ数で計算するんでしたよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you enter the number of kilos in the assigned column on the form, it will automatically be calculated.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "精算書の指定欄に運転キロ数を入れていただくと自動計算されるようになっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can also expense the parking, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "駐車代も精算できましたよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As long as you have receipts.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "領収書さえあれば。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That could be a problem.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それが問題だ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Because I don't remember where I put those receipts after I came home.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "帰国後、どこに領収証を置いたか覚えてないんだよな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good luck finding them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "頑張って探してくださいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As long as you have all the receipts, you will get paid the full amount you claim.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "領収証さえあれば、請求された額はちゃんと払い戻しますので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am so disorganized that it always takes forever to find my receipts.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "整理が苦手で、いつも領収書探しに時間がかかってしまうんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about trying to use a folder to keep your receipts when you travel?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "出張の際に、領収書専用のフォルダーを使ってみてはどうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you put all the receipts in there, it will be easier to find them later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もらった領収書はそこに全部入れるようにすれば、後で探すのが楽だと思うんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I might try that on the next trip.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次の出張の時に試してみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ぜひ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anyway I'd appreciate it if you could finish your expense report as soon as possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、取り急ぎ今回の出張費精算、早めにお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to check if everyting is correct before officially processing it, so can you please give it to me by Wednesday if you can?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最終的に処理する前に、記入漏れなどがないか確認したいので、出来れば水曜までに提出いただけますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Today's Monday so, sure.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日が月曜だから、大丈夫だと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お手数ですがよろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, thank you for reminding me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらこそいつもお世話になってます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We’ll be making a report for DTI UK on the market potential of imported British food to Japan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "英国産業省向けの調査で、英国輸入食品の市場可能性について報告書をまとめることになりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, will you come to the meeting room?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆さん、ちょっと会議室に集まってくれますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can browse the sample items on the table before everyone arrives.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆揃うまで、テーブルのサンプルにちょっと目を通してくれるかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, some of these food items I’ve never seen before.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いやあ、見たことがない食品が並んでいるなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, cereals...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "シリアルかあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not many Japanese people have cereals for breakfast.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日本人は朝食にシリアル食べる人は少ないですからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, we don’t consider cereals as meal.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "シリアルってご飯という感じじゃないんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It’s not really filling.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すぐ、お腹空いちゃうしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "True, the most famous one is just cornflakes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、有名なのはコーンフレークぐらいですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But we feel they are for kids.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、子供向けというか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, yeah.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What the hell is this, looking like a bird nest?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この鳥の巣みたいのは何ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It’s a cereal called W.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wというシリアル商品らしいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How do we eat them?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうやって食べるのかなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "With milk, maybe.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "牛乳かけるんじゃないですかね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, M Spread, here!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あっ、Mスプレッドだ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What’s that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何ですか、それ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Awfully yucky food.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おそろしくまずい食べ物だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I tried it with my local family when I was studying English in London.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ロンドンの英語学校に行っていたとき、ホームステイ先で食べたことある。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh my, what is this black thing?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何だ、この黒いの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That’s liquorice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あっ、リコリスだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Never heard of it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "聞いたことないな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It looks and tastes like a tire.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "見た目も味もタイヤみたいなんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, hi, Mrs. Hara, you must be familiar with these food as you’d lived in England for a long time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あっ、原さん、原さんは英国生活長かったから、これ皆知ってますよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, yes, yes, I haven’t seen them for ages.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あー、知ってる、知ってる、懐かしい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I used to have muesli every day, as my family loved it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ミューズリーは家族も好きだから、毎日食べてたわよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We miss muesli as we can rarely buy it here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "逆に日本にはあまり売っていないから、たまに恋しくなるわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ふーん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It looks like parrot food.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっとオウムの餌みたいだなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, it’s very nice, with nuts and dried fruits.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ナッツとか乾燥フルーツとか入っていて美味しいわよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, I wonder whether these food items will be successful in the Japanese market.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、こんな商品は日本人に受け入れられるんだろうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, it depends on the marketing focus on consumer education, I guess.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やはり、消費者教育マーケティングが必要ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Takahashi-san, I didn’t see you last week, are you all right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "高橋さん、先週もお休みされていましたが、大丈夫ですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, I have not been feeling very well recently.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は、最近体調があまり良くなくって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry, if it caused any trouble.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご迷惑をおかけしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, we managed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ、こちらはなんとか大丈夫でしたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry to hear that you’re not very well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あまり良くないのですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I went to see a specialist because I had severe backache and headaches, as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ひどい腰痛と頭痛で、通院してたのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, dear.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうでしたか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You know, I find this job really hard, with the same workload as a permanent employee, even though I am a contractor.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "契約社員といえども、仕事は正社員と変わらなくて、結構きついし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, I’ve decided not to renew my contract.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので、もう、契約を更新しないことにしたの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We definitely need you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "高橋さんがいなくなると、皆、とても困っちゃうと思うけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It’s kind of you to say so, but I work under tremendous stress, keeping me wide awake in the middle of the night.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう言ってくれるのはうれしいけど、実はね、結構、ストレスが溜まってて、夜眠れなかったりもするのよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I often work even in my dreams.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "夢の中でもよく仕事してるし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know, I have some friends who suffer from patchy hair loss or haemorrhoid due to excessive work stress, without it being known.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、私の知り合いもストレスで円形脱毛症になったり、痔になったりした人がいるのですが、皆、人知れず、すごいストレスを抱えているんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, yeah.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You all right, Matsutomo-san?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "松友さんは大丈夫?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, just about managing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、まだ、なんとか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I enjoy a body massage session every weekend.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "毎週末にはマッサージに行ってますけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That’s a good idea.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "気持ちいいですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you looking for a new contract somewhere else?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また新しいところで契約社員として働く予定ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, I think I’ll go freelance for now, and be able to work from home.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ、当分は在宅でフリーランスでやるつもり。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have to look after my very old mum, as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "母が高齢なので、介護もしなくちゃいけないしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I’ll have to think about looking after my parent in several years, too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私もあと数年でそういうことを考えないといけないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, we are all in such a generation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、皆そういう年齢なのよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ms. Matsuda from N Marketing is round, Jeff.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ジェフ、Nマーケティングの松田さんが来てますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっ、そう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good, I need her help.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょうど良かった、用があるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, Matsuda-san, can you come by later?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あっ、松田さん、後で、僕のところに寄ってくれる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, hello, Jeff.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あら、ジェフさん、こんにちは。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, I’ve got some time before the meeting starts, so I can do it now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ミーティングまで、まだ時間があるので、今、いいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, that’s good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、助かる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I’ve got something to ask you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっと教えて欲しいことがあるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, how can I help?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Um, regarding your DB software, do I need to click to select all items every time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えーと、御社のDBツールなんですが、これ、毎回、全項目をクリックしないといけないの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, there is a trick.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は、裏技があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can use commands.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "コマンドで入力する方法があるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you want to retrieve sales data for the product category total, for all periods nationwide, you can type “get sales, mkt all, prod all, per all” in this field, and press enter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここのフィールドに、例えば全地域で、製品カテゴリートータル、全期間の売上だったら、「get sales, mkt all, prod all, per all」と入力するんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おお!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, you can retrieve data quickly without selecting everything.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうすると、いちいち全部選択しなくても、早く検索できます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But, I have to memorise the commands, don’t I?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、その、コマンドを覚えないといけないんだよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Once you remember, it’s very useful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一度覚えてしまうととても便利です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, we have a command list, shall I bring it to you next time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、そうだ、コマンドの一覧表があるので、次回持ってきましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ぜひ、お願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, I wonder whether your DB has a function to retrieve sales data every month in the same format.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それと、毎月同じフォーマットの売上データを出せるような機能はあるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, it’s a bit advanced but you can make a series file.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっと高度ですが、シリーズファイルというのを作るといいかと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, series file...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ふーん、シリーズファイルかあ・・・", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, when you type “run file name.ser”, it will automatically retrieve the data and even print out the format.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして、フィールドに「run file name.ser 」と入力すると、自動的に検索、プリントされるまでできます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It sounds complicated, though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なんか、むずかしそうだなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We offer the service to make a series file.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "シリーズファイルをつくるところまでなら、当社のサービスでできます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I’d love to have the file.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なら、ぜひお願いしたいなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, shall we set up a meeting sometime?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、その打ち合わせをしましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sounds great.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let’s see, how about next Wednesday afternoon, um, around two o’clock?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えーと、来週の水曜日の2時ごろはどうです?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Fine by me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I’ll see you at two, next Wednesday, then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、来週水曜日の2時にまた来ます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you, Matsuda-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, good bye, Jeff.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、今日は、これで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for coming to our office, today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は、当社までご足労いただきありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now, I’m going to show you how to use our sales database software.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは、当社のデータベースツールの使い方をご説明いたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our databases are all customised for the clients.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "当社の各データベースは、クライアント別にカスタマイズされています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have shampoo, hair conditioner, and hair colourant sales databases for your company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "御社向けには、シャンプー、コンディショナー、ヘアカラーの売上データベースが用意されています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We’re going to use the hair conditioner database today for data search training.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は、コンディショナーのデータベースを使って、検索方法のトレーニングを進めていきたいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please feel free to ask any questions, anytime.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご質問があれば、ご遠慮なく、その都度お尋ねください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right, click the DB icon on your PC screen, please.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、お手元のPC画面上にあるDBというアイコンをクリックしてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Select the database for conditioner package sales from the list.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一覧から、コンディショナー個数ベースのデータベースを選択してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You need to select four search items.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まず、検索するには、4つの項目を指定します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They are areas, periods, product category and a factor.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "地域、期間、商品カテゴリー、そして、ファクターです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, we begin with the area.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、地域から選択していきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can select entire Japan or by prefecture from the default menu.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "地域は初期画面から日本全国と県別で選択できます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Excuse me, can we choose a particular area?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すいません、特定の地域だけ指定することはできますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "できます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Um, you can select some prefectures you want and make them into a group, which can be named.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えー、このように、県別リストから指定したい県を選んでグループ化し、名前をつけることもできます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あー、わかりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Next, as for the period, you can go back up to the past two years per database.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次に、期間は、1データベースにつき過去2年間まで遡れます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, you can choose not only a single month but also a rolling 12 months.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "単月のほか、年間累計も選択できます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Moving the rolling 12 months is also available.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "年間移動累計も可能です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What do you mean by moving rolling months?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "移動累計って何ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, you can accumulate 12 months, for instance, April to March, instead of usual January to December.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あっ、通常の1月から12月の一年間ではなく、例えば、4月から3月までの1年間もできるということです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Huh, got it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はー、なるほどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now, about the product category, you can look at your own designed sub-category in addition to the hair conditioner total.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして、商品カテゴリーですが、コンディショナー合計のほかに、御社の任意のサブカテゴリーを指定することもできます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Um, we do need data by type.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えーと、タイプ別は必要ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have sub-categories; leave-in conditioner and rinse-off type, as a default, at the moment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今、デフォルトで、リーブインタイプと洗い流すタイプの検索ができるようになっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That’s useful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは、便利ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Silicone and non-silicone segments will be useful, as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "シリコン系とノンシリコン系もあるといいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, right, I’ll talk about it with the coding team and get back to you later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あー、では、その件はコーディング担当と話をしてみますので、後ほど、ご連絡します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now, the last item, we have sales, average prices, distribution, weighted distribution and average package sales per store.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最後の項目ですが、これには、売上、平均価格、配荷率、荷重配荷率、一店舗あたりの平均売上個数があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What is the weighted distribution?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "荷重配荷率って何ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok, I’ll explain in detail about the distribution, so please select the sales for now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えー、配荷率については後ほど、詳しく説明しますので、まず、売上を選択してみてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Uh-huh, oh, these are package sales, aren’t they?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、あれっ、これ個数ベースですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That’s right, because we’ve selected a package sales database.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうです、これは、売上数量ベースのデータベースなので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, what shall we do if we want to look at the value sales?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、売上金額で知りたい場合は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You should select a value sales database.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最初に金額ベースのデータベースを選択してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, it’s a different database, that explains it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あっ、別のデータベースなんですね、わかりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have Ms. Kobayashi from N Marketing, Mr. Delaunay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "デローニーさん、Nマーケティングの小林さんがいらっしゃいました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, thanks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あっ、ありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Send her in.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらに通してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good morning, Mr. Delaunay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "デローニーさん、おはようございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Morning, Ms. Kobayashi.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おはようございます、小林さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for coming to our office today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は、社まで来てくださってありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I’d like you to help us with an important issue, today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、今日は、ちょっと重要な件で来ていただきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As you know, our hair care products have been increasingly well known in Japan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご存知のように、ウチのヘアケア製品は日本ではかなり知名度が上がってきています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, you’re doing very well, particularly, in beauty salons.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、特にサロン系では有名ですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "True, yet, our make-up products are very little known in Japan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、ですが、日本ではメークアップ化粧品はほとんど知られていません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know any L branded cosmetic product ranges?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "L社の化粧品をご存知ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I know them very well, as I’d lived in England before.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は以前、英国に住んでいたので、御社のブランドは良く知っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, our brand is well exposed in Europe.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、私共のブランドは欧州ではかなり浸透しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, we’re considering marketing cosmetic products in Japan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は、当社は化粧品の日本市場進出を考えています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, is that so?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As you may know, L branded items are mass products available at supermarkets in European countries.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご存知とは思いますが、欧州ではLブランドの位置付けはスーパーなどで買える大衆製品となっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What kind of ranges do you think will be successful in the Japanese market?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日本ではどのような製品が成功すると思われますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let’s see, in Japan, imported cosmetic items are polarised between luxurious brands such as C and D, sold at mainly department stores, and mass products like M, available at supermarkets.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、日本では輸入化粧品は、百貨店扱いのC社やD社などの高級化粧品と、スーパーなどでも買えるM社などの大衆ブランドと大きく分かれています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I’d say some companies such as Company R, is in between.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして、R社などは、その中間に存在しているかと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Interestingly, recently Japanese consumers tend to buy so-called premium or high-end items expecting something a little better.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今の日本の傾向としては、ワンランク上のものを買う傾向が増えています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In other words, the particular consumer groups, who cannot afford luxurious brands, look for something better than mass products.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "つまり、超高級ブランドには手の届かない層が、大衆商品よりはちょっと良いものが欲しいと思っているのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In that sense, M, which is considered as mass brand outside Japan, has been successful despite their relatively high prices.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういう意味では、日本以外では大衆ブランドであるMなどが、日本では結構高めの価格設定でも売れています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, you might have potential in the in-between market.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので、御社もその中間市場を狙ってみてはいかがでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Lots of American players are in the in-between market, yet, you could differentiate with a European style.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "中間市場はアメリカ製品が多いので、ヨーロピアンテイストを取り入れたイメージなどでいけるかもしれません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, I’m not so sure about it, though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーむ、どうかなぁ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, in Japan, the organic products that are free from preservatives and mineral oils are becoming increasingly popular, so I suppose you might need to develop products with well thought out ingredients.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それと、今、日本では、防腐剤や鉱物油を含まないオーガニック製品などが注目されていますので、素材などにもこだわった製品の開発も必要かと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I’ll say, we need to alter the products to suit the Japanese market.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やはり、日本向けには特別仕様を考えなければなりませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Moreover, you need to consider outlet strategies, for instance, you could focus on the face-to-face sales in department stores, or self-service stores, depending on your brand image.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あとは販売店についても、ブランドイメージの位置付けによって、百貨店などの対面販売に特化するのか、セルフ店にも入れるのか変わってきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Many companies offer online sales, but the majority of the customers want to try cosmetics before they buy, so you might need to consider opening a flagship store.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最近はオンライン販売も増えていますが、実際に試してみたい人が多いと思うので、旗艦店も必要かと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ふんふん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, where to open the store is an important issue, as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また、どこに出店するかも重要な点です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As you know, Company H has recently opened their first flagship store in Ginza.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "H社などは、最近、いきなり銀座に旗艦店を出しましたけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうでしたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, all right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ふーむ、いろいろわかりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Very interesting, thank you very much, Ms. Kobayashi.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "興味深いお話をありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Excuse me, Mr. Ueno, have you got a moment?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "上野課長、今、ちょっといいでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I’d like to report the research interview on couverture with Company F I had yesterday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昨日、クーベルチュールの件でF社に聞き取りに行ってきましたので、ご報告したいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, take a seat here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、そう、じゃ、そこに座って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Um, I met Mr. Osaki, sales division, and his boss Mr. Kanda.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えー、営業の神田課長と担当の大崎さんに会いました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Regarding the purchase prices of the couverture, they strongly declined to give me any information, though I asked them delicately.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "仕入れ価格の件で、どのくらいするものなのか、やんわりと聞いてみましたが、それは絶対に教えないと言われました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, they didn't disclose.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だめだったか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, they looked nervous or restless, wishing the meeting would finish as soon as possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それに、2人ともなんだかそわそわしていて、早く終わらせたいようでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I asked them whether they’d had a busy day, then Mr. Osaki said that it was a bonus pay day and they were expecting the payslip distributed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日はお忙しかったですか、って聞いたら、担当が、実は今日はボーナスの支給日で明細書が配られる時間がもうすぐだったそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, they couldn’t wait.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早く見たかったというわけか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Guess so.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだったみたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As we chatted, I was made to feel awkward asking any further questions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんな雑談で終わってしまい、それ以上は聞けない雰囲気でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was asked how long I’d been working in this industry, and they said it must be a hard job.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何年めですかとか、お若いのに大変ですね、と言われました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was upset and felt a bit disrespected as I, a young less-experienced female, visited them on my own.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "キャリアの短い小娘が一人で来たので、ばかにされたようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, it’s all in your mind.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんなことはないと思うけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If I’d known the interview method, I could’ve performed it more skilfully, tactfully.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "聞き取りの手法を知っていれば、もっとうまくやれたと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I’d like you to come with me next time or let me have a training course for research interviews or something.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今度は上野課長も同行してくださるか、聞き取り調査の仕方のトレーニングでも受けさせてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I thought you’d manage, but I’ll consider.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "目黒さんなら、うまくやれると思ったんだが、考えておくよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Nakano-san, Councillor Mansfield from Nottingham County Council is here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "中野さん、ノッティンガム州のマンスフィールド議員さんがお見えになりましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, good morning, Mrs. Mansfield.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あっ、マンスフィールドさん、おはようございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Morning, Mr. Nakano.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おはよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How’re you, today, ma'am?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大丈夫ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I still have jet lag, and was wide awake and bored around three in the morning, so I’ve read through the hotel service information book, even the evacuation route diagram.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだ時差ボケで、朝の3時から目が覚めちゃって、やることもなくて、部屋の避難経路図とかホテルの案内書まで熟読してしまいましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ふふ、そうですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, may I give you a briefing before we go?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、出かける前にちょっと打ち合わせしましょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Today, we are meeting with Mr. Takao from A Trade Organization at half ten, and Mr. Kanda, Second Secretary, at the British Embassy at noon, to talk about the recent investment climate in the UK, followed by lunch with Consul Alderson.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は、これから、10時半にA貿易機構の高尾さんと会い、それから、12時に英国大使館の神田二等書記官と誘致状況などのお話をしてから、その後、オルダーソン領事とランチでしたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Tomorrow, we are visiting Company D and Company S.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日は、D社とS社です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, Company S is an auto parts supplier, isn’t it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えーと、S社は自動車部品会社ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That’s right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "More auto parts suppliers are now interested in setting up the base in the UK since T Motor has opened the factory in Derbyshire, next to Nottinghamshire.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "T自動車がお隣のダービシャー工場を建設してから、日本の部品会社も英国進出に興味を持ち始めたようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ふーむ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And Company D, the wedding dress specialist, is interested in the traditional Nottingham lace.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして、ウェディングドレス専門のD社はノッティンガム州の伝統レースに興味があるようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, yes, I remember.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, we need to go now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あっと、もうそろそろ時間ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would you wait for a while as I call for a taxi?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、タクシーの手配をしてきますので、少々お待ちください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Um, how far is A Trade Organization?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっと、A貿易機構は遠いのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Two stops by underground from here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここから地下鉄で2駅ですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Shall we go by that, then?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それなら、それで行きましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is that okay with you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, yeah, I’d love to try the Japanese underground.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、日本の地下鉄にも乗ってみたいので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, let’s walk to the station, shall we?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですか。では、駅まで歩いていきましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, this is English School A, Nishinomiya School.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、英会話スクールA西宮校です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, I have a question about English courses for companies.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、企業向け英会話クラスについて質問したいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Go ahead.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are thinking about offering English classes on site for our employees, and I wonder if you have a service that instructors go to companies to teach classes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この度、弊社で英会話クラスを社員向けに提供したいと考えているのですが、そちらのスクールでは、講師を企業に送る出張サービスのようなものはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It depends on the location and the class size, but we do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "場所とクラスサイズによりますが、ありますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What sort of lessons are you thinking about?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どのようなクラスをお考えでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Business English classes for a group of about 10 people.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一クラス10名程度のビジネス会話クラスを考えています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How often and how long do you want to offer those classes?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "頻度や期間はどの程度をお考えでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Something like twice a month for a year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "月に二回、一年間ほど、という感じです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you mind which you prefer - a Japanese instructor or a native-speaker?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日本人講師とネイティブ講師のどちらでもよいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We prefer a native English speaker but what do you think?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ネイティブがよいと考えているのですが、どうでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In that case, instead of the beginners' level, students are required to have some basic knowledge of grammar and such.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その場合は、全くの初心者ではなく、ある程度文法などの知識がある方が対象となります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think we are good in that sense.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その点は大丈夫だと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are a foreign-owned company, so we stress importance of English skills when we hire someone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "弊社は外資系なので、基本的に社員を採用する際に英語力の有無を重視しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then I can say everyone can speak the basic English.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "と言うことは、皆さん、基本的な英会話は出来るということですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "At least the basic level of travel English.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "簡単な旅行英会話程度ならば。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But starting next month, lots of foreign employees are coming, so we need to improve the business English skills of all our employees.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ来月から外国人社員をより多く受け入れることになったため、社員全員のビジネス会話力を高める必要がでてきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you don't travel overseas for business, you don't have any opportunities to speak English in a real setting, so we would like to offer classes for those employees.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "海外出張などの少ない社員はなかなか本場のビジネス英会話に接することがないため、そういう社員向けにクラスを提供したいと思っているのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If so, we offer various types of \"Corporate English Courses\" from the beginner's level to advanced, and you can pick the courses that meet your needs.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうでしたら、当スクールでは「企業向け英会話コース」をビギナーレベルからアドバンスまで各種用意していますので、その中から御社のニーズに合ったコースをお選びいただけます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you don't mind, would you come visit us in person?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし差支えなければ、こちらまで一度ご足労いただけませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think it's a good idea for you to see an actual lesson or take a model lesson.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実際のレッスンを見学したりモデルレッスンを受けたりしていただくのが良いかと思うのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I could come by with another person in charge of this project next week, but is it fine by you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週ならもう一人の担当者と一緒にお伺いできますが、よろしいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ぜひお越しください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our experienced native teacher will be available at 1 next Monday, so he can give you a model lesson", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "月曜の1時なら、ベテラン外国人講師の時間が空いていますので、彼にモデルレッスンをしてもらうことができます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then we'll be there then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、その時間にお伺いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By the way, we have a budget to consider, so would it be possible for you to show me the price list or something?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、予算との兼ね合いがあるので、料金表などがあれば見せていただきたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I can call you later after I figure out the estimate of a one-year course for one-hour classes twice a month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、こちらのほうで一時間レッスンを月二回、一年間コースの料金見積を出して、折り返しお電話いたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would you mind if I ask what your name is?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "失礼ですが、お名前のほう教えていただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh sorry, I forgot to tell you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、申し遅れました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am Taguchi of the HR from B Company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "B社人事部の田口と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, Ms.Taguchi of B Company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "B社の田口さんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, I will put down your name for a visit next Monday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、来週月曜にいらっしゃるということでレッスン予約をしておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I just call this number on the display later about the estimate?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "見積のほうは、こちらに出ている番号にかけなおしてお伝えすればよいでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, this is my direct line, so please call this number.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、これは私の直通電話なので、こちらにお願いいたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then I will give you a call later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、また後ほどお電話いたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お待ちしております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now, I’m going to give you some tips for business presentations in English.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、次は、英語プレゼンのコツをご紹介いたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "One of the most important points in a PowerPoint presentation is eye contact.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "パワポなどを使ったプレゼンで大事なポイントの一つはアイコンタクトです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where do you usually look when you make a presentation?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆さん、だいたい、どこを見てますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Um, I try to look around the whole audience when I have many attendees.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えーと、人数が多いときには、全体を見回すようにしてますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can make your eye contact in a Z formation starting with the person in the back.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "後ろからZ字型に目線を動かすといいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Huh.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "へえ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I tend to stare at a boss-looking outspoken person who sits in front.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は、最前列でよく発言する偉そうな人がいて、その人ばかり見てしまいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That’s right, it’s important to find who is a key person in your audience.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、キーパーソンを見極めることは大事です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can focus on the key person, then shift your eyes to others.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その人を中心に、他の人にも徐々に視線を移していきましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Next, each slide should have clear messages in a bullet style.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして、スライドは、ポイントごとに箇条書きで簡潔に表現します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You should use up to five bullets in a slide.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1スライドに5項目くらいが限度です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You don’t have to write everything you want to point out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全部書く必要はないのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Since you can explain verbally to fill in details.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それを口で説明すればいいのですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, yes, I always write a lot as I thought they were all important.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あー、そういえば、大事なことだと思って、1枚にいっぱい書いてました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If your slide is full of information, the audience will be distracted and won’t listen to you, trying to read everything first.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "たくさん書いてしまうと、皆、それを読もうとして、プレゼンターの話に注意がいかなくなります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A-ha.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうかあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, do you try to speak to the audience, not facing the screen?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あとは、皆さん、スクリーンに向かって話さず、なるべく聴衆の方を向いて話してますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I tend to speak while looking down at my PC screen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "パソコンの画面を見ながら話してしまいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know, most people do that, but when you look down, your voice can’t be heard clearly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは仕方がないですが、下を向くとやはり声が聞こえにくくなるので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where you stand is important, as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "立ち位置も重要なポイントです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where do you usually stand?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どこに立っていますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Um, I stand near my PC or the left-hand side of the screen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えーと、いつも、パソコンのそばか、スクリーンの左端に立ってますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can sometimes change your position, rather than staying by the PC.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "常に、パソコンのそばに立たないで、時々位置を変えましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For instance, you could move to the other side of the screen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "たまには反対側にも行ってみましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The audience gets bored as it goes on, so your movement is good in drawing their attention.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "聴衆もだんだん飽きてくるので、立ち位置を変えるだけで、注意を引くことができます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry, may I ask, what shall I do if I was asked a difficult question?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "話が飛びますが、難しい質問をされた時にはどうしたらいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is a classic example.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これは、よくあるケースですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First, you bide time using hedge words like “Well”, “Let’s see”, etcetera.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まず、「そうですねえ」、「えーと」などの垣根ことばを使って、時間を稼ぎます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Silence after “Hmm” is very bad.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "「うーん」と言ったまま、黙ってしまうのはよくありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "“That’s a good question.” is very useful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "「それは、いい質問ですね。」というのはよく使えます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you are really stuck, you should say honestly that you can’t answer right now, and say you’ll get back to the person later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当に答えられない場合は、今はわからないと正直に答え、「調べて後で連絡する」ということにするのがいいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You shouldn’t bluff or be ambiguous, otherwise you might be grilled and get in further trouble.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "知ったかぶりとか、曖昧に答えてしまうと、そこから更につっこまれて、ドツボにはまってしまう恐れがありますので、気をつけて下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anyway, you need to practice and rehearse many times.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とにかく、何度も練習することとリハーサルが大事です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Keep calm and try to speak slowly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "落ち着いて、ゆっくり話してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good luck, everybody.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、皆さん、頑張ってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, it was a very useful session.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あー、すごくためになった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, it was really eye-opening, wasn’t it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "目からうろこだったわね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please feel free to suggest anything about this project proposal.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この企画書について、遠慮なく何でも提案してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I found your idea to establish a boarding language school especially for the Japanese ladies to be quite unique and interesting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、日本人女性に特化した滞在型英語学校という構想はとてもユニークで面白いと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I had a look at your rooms, but...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "部屋も見させていただきましたが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry, if I sound cocky or blunt, but, I’m not sure about the interior.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大変失礼ですが、部屋のインテリアがどうもいまいちで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And some strange-looking figurines are also inappropriate, if I may say.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、変な置物とかもイメージ壊れるというか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Particularly, the shocking pink bedspread and the neon-like lighting remind me of a Japanese love hotel.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "特に、あの、どピンクのベッドカバーとネオンみたいな電気がラブホテルみたいで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A love hotel?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ラブホテル?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I-I mean they are a bit gaudy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええっと、けばけばしいということです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That’s a shame.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは困りますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "British women love pinks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "英国人女性はピンクが好きなのよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you got any better ideas, Mari?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か良い案はあるの、マリ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think we may look for something like classical British style that Japanese people typically have in mind, often appearing in posh interior magazines.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もっと、おしゃれなインテリア雑誌に載っているような、日本人がイメージしている英国風にしたらどうかと思うのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For instance?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "というと?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I’d suggest we could use the fabric with posies, say, by Company L.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "たとえば、L社の花柄プリント地などに変えたらどうでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "L branded products are very popular among Japanese women.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "L社ブランドは日本人女性にとても人気があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, let’s change the curtains and bedlinen, then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました。早速、カーテンとベッドリネンを変えましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anything else, anyone?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他に気づいたことはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, about the self-catering, I doubt it’ll work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、自炊案ですが、これは難しいかと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about catering British food or take the students to local pubs or fish and chips shops, as they come all the way from Japan to England.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "せっかく英国に来るので、英国料理を調達するとか、地元のパブやフィシュアンドチップス屋などに連れて行くのはどうでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I thought Japanese students might miss Japanese food.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日本食が食べたくなる人もいるかと思ったんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It’s only a two-week course, they will be okay without Japanese food.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2週間の短期コースですから、それほど日本食にこだわる人はあまりいないかと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, some may feel awkward with cooking, and they may have problems with sharing the kitchen as they don’t know each other well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それに、料理嫌いな人もいるし、知らない生徒同士でキッチンをうまくシェアできるかもわかりませんし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Absolutely, then leave the self-catering plan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それなら、自炊案はやめましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他には?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, regarding the activities, we could take the students to the local sightseeing attractions, rather than visiting London.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、課外活動ですが、ロンドン観光ではなく、もっとこちらの地元の観光スポットを案内した方が良いかと思いますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I thought they would be excited about visiting London.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、皆、ロンドンには興味があるでしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It’s true, but I guess they'll visit on their own before or after the course, or on the weekend.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですが、皆、ロンドンにはコースの前後や週末に個人で出かけると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Fair enough, then, will both of you do some research about interesting local spots?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、では、この辺で何かおもしろい場所があるかどうか、探しておいてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, Dr. Scott.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok, well, shall we have some tea now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、この辺で休憩にしましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Today, we are discussing the periodical data presentations, aren’t we?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は、定期データプレゼンについて話し合うんでしたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have any problems?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か困ったことがあるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I spend so much time and effort for the presentation materials and I find it’s so stressful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "プレゼンの資料づくりにものすごく時間がかかって、ストレスになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think we should standardise the format, particularly, the first couple of pages for the market overview, to reduce the work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最初の市場概況などの部分だけでも雛型があったら、便利だと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That’s a very good idea, Nasu-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはいい案だわね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, you work on it, so that everybody can use the same format, will you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、那須さん、他の人も使えるような共通フォーマットをちょっと作ってみてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What, me?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっ、私がですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, because, previously, our client was really happy with your materials.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほら、前回の貴方のフォーマット、客先で受けも良かったし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Um, I’m afraid I don’t have much time as I’m very busy at the moment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "忙しくて、あまり時間がとれないんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Try to manage it somehow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なんとか、やってみてくださいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It’ll be very helpful to everybody.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆も助かるし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Uh.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about you, Carrott-san, any issues?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "キャロットさんは何か問題ある?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I was asked to explain data analysis methods at my previous presentation, but I couldn’t do it well, so I was embarrassed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕は前回のプレゼンでデータの分析方法で客先につっこまれて、あまりうまく説明できませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right, then, how about learning from data-analysis-savvy Onion-san sometimes?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "データ分析はオニオンさんが得意なので、オニオンさんに少しずつ教えてもらってはどうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Onion-san, can you give Carrott-san some training?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オニオンさん、どうですか、やってくれます?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "All right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、よろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, Carrott-san, you make a manual based on what you have learned so that other people can share.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして、教わったことをマニュアルにして、他の人も使えるようにしてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Um, I make the manual?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっ、僕がマニュアル作るんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I’m working on something at the moment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今、ちょっと別件で忙しいんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Try to do it little by little.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "少しずつでも進めてみてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Again, it’ll help the team.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆のためにも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ugh, it’s not fair.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あー、言い出しっぺは損だなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I shouldn’t ‘ve brought it up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "言わなきゃ良かった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, me, too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほんと、私も。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I asked for trouble.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "墓穴掘っちゃった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I’ve got more work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "仕事増やしちゃったわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you filled out your merit-rating questionnaire?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "勤務評定表の質問票書いた?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can’t think of any “next year’s aim to achieve” particularly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "「来年の目標」とか言っても、特にないんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I just work for living.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、生活費を稼いでるだけだからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I’m not really looking for a successful career in this company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "別にここで出世したいわけでもないし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yet, you might be redundant unless you show your enthusiasm.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、やる気を見せないとリストラされちゃうし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I bluff a lot.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "思ってもないこと書いちゃうよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Japanese corporate employees are always concerned about our job performance, to avoid critical appraisal.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日本人サラリーマンって、いつも査定に響くとか気にしてるのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Just play around with it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "テキトウに書いておけばいいんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My boss became speechless last year as he saw huge difference between his rating and my self-appraisal, but I didn’t care.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕は、去年、自己評価と部長の評価にあまりにも差があって、部長が絶句してたけど、気にしない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know you were told off by your boss in the morning, as soon as you came in, you were reading a newspaper over a sandwich at your desk, with your legs on the bin.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "朝、来てからすぐに席でサンドイッチ食べながら、ゴミ箱に足乗っけて新聞読んでたの、課長に注意されたでしょ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What’s wrong with that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何がいけないんだ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Everybody idles in the morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆、朝はダラダラしてるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not everybody.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなただけでしょ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You’re still doing that, but the boss does watch you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "未だにやっているけど、そういうの、上司は結構見てるのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ふーん、そうかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But my brain doesn’t work if I don’t eat.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だけど、食べないと脳が働かないんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You should eat before you come in.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来る前に食べればいいことでしょ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don’t have time for that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんな時間ないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Get up earlier.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もっと早く起きなさいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I’m Yamazaki from Company N.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "N社の山崎と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much for coming today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日はお集まりいただきありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can someone dim the lights near the door?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すみません、どなたかドアの近くの電気スイッチを暗くしていただけますでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Today, I’m going to present the market overview of the Japanese soft drink market in the latter half of fiscal 2017.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これより、日本の2017年度下半期のソフトドリンク市場のプレゼンを始めます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please feel free to stop me should you have any questions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご質問があれば、その都度、ご遠慮なくおたずねください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First of all, the soft drink market in this period grew 5 percent on both sales and package basis versus last year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まず、市場概況ですが、金額、個数ベースともに前年同期比5%の増加となりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The growth was greatly contributed to by the significant sales increase in the green tea drink segment, seemingly fuelled by a TV programme, aired in April, that introduced the benefit of green tea.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この背景には、4月に某番組で緑茶の効能が特集されたため、特に緑茶飲料カテゴリーの大幅な伸びが貢献したことがあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is the market share by category.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これはカテゴリー別のシェアです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As you can see, green tea drink enjoyed a 10 percent growth, exceeding that of the carbonated and fortified drink categories.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご覧のように、緑茶飲料が炭酸飲料や機能性飲料を凌ぐ10パーセントの伸び率となっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The next slide shows year-on-year sales growth by manufacturer, again, players who handle green tea drink, including you, Company I and Company S, enjoyed a tremendous increase in sales.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次のスライドは各社の前年同期比売上ですが、やはり、御社を含む緑茶系飲料を扱うメーカー、I社、S社などが軒並み売り上げを伸ばしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As for the sales by month, these players had a very good month in May.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "月別で見ますと、各社共に5月の売り上げ増加が見られます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Excuse me, please?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっと、いいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "About our May sales, as we didn’t run any advertising promotions during that month, do you think the main reason for our growth was the TV programme?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "5月の当社の売り上げですが、この月には特に販促はかけていないので、売上個数が伸びた最大の原因はやはりあの番組と思われますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I’d say yes, as your sales data shows no price reductions in May, and you just said there was no advertising campaigns, so the TV programme seems to have brought a great influence to your sales.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、この月のデータでは、御社は値下げもしていないので、販促もしていないとなれば、やはり、その影響が大きかったと思われます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You’ve done a lot of research.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よく勉強されていますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I always try to be aware of the external influence or factors, as this sorts of information is not reflected in our POS data.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういう情報はPOSデータには出てこないので、日頃から外部の要因にも気をつけています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you tell me more about the programme?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その番組について、もうちょっと説明してくれるかね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Of course, it is a very popular TV programme, aired in April nationwide in Japan, in which the antioxidants catechins and vitamin C contained in green tea were proven to reduce cholesterol levels, and since then more people became interested in green tea and green tea products.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、4月に某人気テレビ番組で、緑茶に含まれるカテキンやビタミンCがコレステロールを下げる効果があると検証されてから、緑茶に対する関心が高まりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As you know, mass media as well as celebrities’ recommendations would have great impact on the consumer markets, sometimes resulting in shortages.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "メディアで取り上げられたり、芸能人が紹介したりすると、その商品が品薄になるなど、市場に反映します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They say if their recommended product becomes a big hit, it brings economic effects on the market worth several hundreds of million yen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "褒めた商品がヒットすると数億円の経済効果があるともいわれているそうですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, you have such programmes in Japan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんな番組があるんだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, Mr. Frost, it is said that the Japanese people love quiz and health-related TV programmes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、日本人は、クイズ番組と健康に関する番組が好きと言われています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That’s interesting, thank you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おもしろいね、ありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他に何かご質問はございますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Nothing, so far.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now, let’s have a look at the green tea segment further by brand, shall we?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、緑茶セグメントを更に詳しくブランド別に見ていきましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for coming to my office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社まで来ていただいてすみません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It’s all right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, we’ve received your front cover design ideas for our publication “Retail Distribution in Japan”.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、先日「日本の流通」の本の表紙案を何件かいただいたんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Frankly speaking, we are not entirely happy with the designs, we find them a bit different from what we expected.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はっきり申し上げますと、あまり上出来ではなかったというか、なんか、どれもちょっとイメージが違うんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "といいますと?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "These are from the ready-made stock images, aren’t they?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これ、既成のイメージストックですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We’ve seen these somewhere before.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どこかで見たことがあるような感じなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, we’d like to ask you to create 100 percent original designs that incorporate foreign goods to be imported to Japan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので、日本に輸入される外国製品をイメージした、まったくのオリジナルのデザインでお願いしたいのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For instance, you will find a heap of imported goods when you opened the Japanese sliding doors.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "例えば、ふすまを開けると外国製品が山積みになっているシーンとか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Um, sorry, but it can’t be done.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、それは、ちょっとむずかしいかもしれません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Time-wise and cost-wise.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "時間的にもコスト的にも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, how about modifying these images slightly so that we can exhibit our characteristics and originality?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それなら、この既成デザインにもう少し手を加えてウチの特色やオリジナリティを出すことはできますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We’ll try our best, but I’m not sure, so I’ll have a word with our production team.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やってみますが、今即答できないので、社に戻ってデザイン部と相談してみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll get back to you later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "追って、ご連絡します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By the way, regarding the paper weight, we find 115 grams is a bit heavy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それと、別件なのですが、使用する紙について、115グラムだとかなり厚ぼったい感じがするんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, can we change it to 90 grams?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですので、やはり、90グラムに変えたいのですが、大丈夫でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That’s no problem.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, also, we’ve found some typo errors here, and some words in this page switched to Arial, so can you change them all to Helvetica?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あっ、それと、ここにタイポがあったのと、このページのフォントが一部Arialになっているところがありましたので、すべてHelveticaでお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The initial printing volume is 500 copies, isn’t it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "印刷部数はとりあえず500部でしたよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please give us a call when the designs are done, then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、ご連絡をよろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、また。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good bye.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, my name is Keiko Spencer, and I’m supposed to start working here today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、今日からここで働くことになった恵子スペンサーです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Eh, I haven’t been told.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっ、聞いてないけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I’ll ask the practice manager, so can you sit down and wait there?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マネジャーに訊いてきますから、そちらでお待ちいただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was just told to teach you but I’m paid only the minimum wage, 6 pounds an hour, which does not cover me training anyone, so I won’t teach you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたに教えるように言われたけど、私は最低賃金の時給6ポンドしからもらってなくて、通常以外の仕事はしないと決めていますから、あなたには教えません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええっ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Nobody trained me either.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私も誰にも教えてもらってないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I learned myself.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自分でいろいろ覚えました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Use your eyes, ears and brain.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他の人のすることを見たり、自分で聞いたりして勉強してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Um, Okay, then, what shall I do?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はあ、では、とりあえずどうしたらいいでしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is the handbook.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これがマニュアルです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It covers everything you need, you should read through this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここに必要な事は書いてあるので、熟読してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please don’t ask me anything, but ask the manager if you have any questions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わからないことは、私に聞かないでマネジャーに聞いてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right, I’ll have a word with the manager.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、マネジャーと話しをしてきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello there, Ueda.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "上田さん、お疲れ様です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, I've learned that I'm pregnant.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は、妊娠していることがわかりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Congratulations!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはおめでとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When are you due?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "予定日はいつですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My due date is April 20 next year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来年の4月20日が予定日です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So your maternity leave would start around the end of March, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そしたら、3月の終わり頃から産前産後休暇が始まりますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I want to get your advice about maternity leave and childcare leave.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、産前産後休暇と育児休暇についてご相談したいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, you'll also have work to delegate, so we should assign it to the person who will take over during your absence soon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、引き継ぎもあるので、小宮さんがお休みの間に代わりになる人を早めにアサインしましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, that will really help.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to start the transition from February or thereabouts.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2月ぐらいから、引き継ぎの作業を始めたいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As my due date gets closer, I'll need to go out for doctor's appointments frequently, and be prepared just in case.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "出産が近くなると、検診にしょっちゅう行かないといけなくなりますし、万が一ということもあるので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well then, at the start of the year, let's talk with your manager and decide your successor.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、年明けに小宮さんの上長と話をして、後任の人を決めましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How many people were going to participate in the year-end party this year in all?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年の忘年会の参加者は全部で何人でしたっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's about thirty in total.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全部で30名くらいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Were all the arrangements for the food finished?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "食材の手配はもう全部終わっているんだっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, we've already arranged for rice and tuna.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、お米とマグロはすでに手配済みです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Other than that, we're planning to arrange catering for alcohol and some side dishes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのほか、お酒とお惣菜はケータリングでお願いする予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So that means most of the necessary preparations are done.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そしたら、必要な準備はほとんど終わっているね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, I'm planning to go buy paper plates and paper cups.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あとは紙皿とか、紙コップとかを買いに行く予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What time was the year-end party scheduled to start?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "忘年会は、何時からスタートするんだっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's supposed to start at 7pm, so I think everyone should get together around then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "19時から開始予定なので、みなさんはそれぐらいの時間から集まると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mr. Tanaka, do you have a minute?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "田中課長、今お時間ありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would you like to talk here?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここでいいの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What is it you'd like to talk about?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "話したいことは何かな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was hoping to take some time off for Christmas in December.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は12月にクリスマスに合わせて休みを取りたいんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When do you want to start your time off?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつから休みたいの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would it be okay to take off from the twenty-third to the twenty-seventh?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "23日から27日まで休みたいでのですが、大丈夫ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Will you be able to get your work taken care of?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "仕事の方の調整はできるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, my current project's deadline is the tenth, so it should be done in time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、今行ってる作業の締め切りは10日なので間に合うと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And I can check my email during my vacation, so that should be okay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "メールは休み中でもチェックできますので、大丈夫です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you planning on traveling somewhere?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どこか旅行に行く予定なの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm planning to visit my parents in California for Christmas.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "クリスマスにカリフォルニア州の実家に行く予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd actually planned to go for Thanksgiving, but it didn't work out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実はサンクスギビングに行こうと思ったのですが、行けなかったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, well, it's all right by me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんだね、私の方は大丈夫ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "California is far, will you be driving?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "カリフォルニア州は遠いけど車で行くの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This time I'm going to fly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回は飛行機で行く予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, that should be easy then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それならかなり楽だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have a safe trip.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "気を付けて行ってきてね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thanks so much.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Turn in a vacation request form.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "休暇届けを出してね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If anything happens, call me on my cell anytime.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何かあったらいつでも携帯の方に電話をください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, let's decide on the details of this year's Christmas party.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年のクリスマスパーティーの詳細を決めましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Tanaka-san, have you decided on potential sites for the venue?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "田中さん、会場の候補地は決まりましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I'd like to hold it at Hotel A, what do you think?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、ホテルAで行いたいのですが、どうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hotel A is close to here, so that might be good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ホテルAはここからも近いしいいかもしれないね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it has a capacity of about 200 people, and I'm considering a budget of around 5,000 yen per person.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、収容人数は約200人で予算は一人頭5000円くらいを考えています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is Hotel A's party room available on that day?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ホテルAのパーティールームはその日は空いてるのかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I rang them and asked, and it seems it is available from five o'clock in the evening.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "電話して聞いてみたのですが、夕方5時から空いているそうですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In that case, let's secure that for now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それではとりあえず押さえておこうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I will book it online now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、今すぐインターネットで予約します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And has the program mostly been decided?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "プログラムは大体決まりましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am still in the process of making it; after the president's speech, speeches from guests, and the toast, it would be good to have a little time for chatting, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだ作ってる最中ですが、社長の挨拶、ゲストのあいさつ、乾杯の後に少し歓談をいれたほうがよいですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, the food will be brought in then, so why not leave around 30 minutes?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだね、そこで食事が運ばれてくるから30分ほど時間を置こうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In which case, should we have the bingo after that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうするとビンゴはその後にしましょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, I think it would be better to present the awards first, and then have the bingo after that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや、その前にアワードの表彰をして、ビンゴはその後にしたほうがいいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's true, I'll put the awards first then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、アワードを先にします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When will you go and buy the items for the bingo?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ビンゴの商品はいつ買いに行くの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I still haven't decided, but what sort of price product do you think would be good for the top prize?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだ決めてないのですが、1等の商品はいくらくらいがいいと思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Um, well how much is the budget for the items likely to be?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、商品の予算はいくらくらいになりそうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm thinking of making it around 200,000 yen in total.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全部で20万円くらいにしようと思っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, I guess something around 50,000 yen would be good for the top prize?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一等は5万円くらいのものがいいですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Last year it was a TV, wasn't it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "去年はテレビだったね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How much did that cost again?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あれはいくらくらいだっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think it was probably about 50,000 yen, wasn't it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "多分あれは5万円くらいじゃないですかね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well then, around that much is fine for this year as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ今年もそのくらいでいいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This year, make it a 4K TV!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年は4Kのテレビにしようよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You'd like a 4K TV, wouldn't you, Sato-san?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "佐藤さんは4Kのテレビが欲しいんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It would be nice to win.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "当たるといいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right then, I'll have a think of a top prize around 50,000 yen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは、1等は5万円くらいで考えます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When you know the details of the item, please let me know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また商品の詳細が分かったら教えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will rewrite the program one more time before submitting it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "プログラムも一度書き直して提出しますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there anything else you would like to decide upon today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他には何か今日決めておきたいことはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it okay to decide further details once the hotel has been booked?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ホテルを予約したらまた詳細を決めていいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, for now please secure the hotel, and then let me know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだね、とりあえずホテルを押さえたら教えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, let's end there for today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは今日はこれで終わります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, you've reached the customer service of Company A, this is Tanaka speaking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、A社カスタマーサービスの田中と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, my name is Ueno and I ordered a bag the other day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、先日カバンをオーダーした上野といいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much for you patronage Mr. Ueno.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "上野様、いつもご利用ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I actually haven't received the product yet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実はまだ商品が到着していないのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will look it up so please tell me the order number.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お調べしますので、注文番号をお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The order number is 12345.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "注文番号は12345です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please hold for a moment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry to keep you waiting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お待たせいたしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just looked it up and it seems it's still in transit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お調べしたところ現在発送中でございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The email said that it is expected to arrive yesterday but is there a reason for the delay?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "メールでは到着予定は昨日になっているのですが、なぜ遅れてるのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm very sorry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There was a handling error on our side, which resulted in the shipping delay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "当社の手配ミスで配送が遅れております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is currently scheduled to be delivered by tomorrow so please wait a bit more.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日までには配達予定となっておりますので、申し訳ありませんがもう少々お待ちください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I really wanted to use it today though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当は今日使いたかったのに困っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大変申し訳ございませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will make sure this does not happen again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今後このようなことがないようにいたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you throw anything in since it didn't arrive accordingly?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "予定通りに届かなかったので、何か賠償はしてもらえるのでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, we would like to refund the shipping fee as a token of our apology for inconvenience we've caused.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、今回ご迷惑をおかけしましたので、お詫びのしるしに送料の方を返金させていただきたいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will refund 1000 yen to the credit card used to make the payment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お支払いいただきましたクレジットカードの方に1000円の返金をいたしますのでよろしくお願いいたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will wait for the product to arrive tomorrow then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは明日まで待ちます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm very sorry for the inconvenience we have caused.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご迷惑をおかけして申し訳ありませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We look forward to your continued patronage.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今後ともよろしくお願いいたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hope you have a nice day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは失礼いたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you read the email from Mr. Tanaka?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "田中さんからのメール見た?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you talking about the delivery time, yeah, I did.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あー納期の件のだったら見たよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He always asks such things.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほんと、いつも無茶言ってくるよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, all of them in that company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あの会社の人みんなだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, Mr. Ito was putting pressure on me last time too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私もこの前伊藤さんからプッシュきたんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, Mr. Ito does that too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あー伊藤さんもそうだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If they request such delivery time at the beginning, not gonna take that order, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最初からそんな納期だったらそもそも注文受けないよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは言えるよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey hey, what are you guys talking?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なになに、何の話?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "About delivery time for that company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほら、あの会社の納期の話。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ohh, I am under fire right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あー私も今まさに被害にあってる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I asked my boss to refuse the request, but they are not happy", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "上司から断ってもらったんだけど、ご立腹で。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I feel sorry for your situation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは大変だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "it wasn't a rush order originally, so shortening the delivery time for one month is impossible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "普通に注文してきて1ヶ月早めるなんて無理だって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But it's a big company, we don't wanna lose it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも大きい会社だし、なかなか断れないんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Aww, I'm jealous for them asking favor all the time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大きい会社はいいなー、無理いう側で。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh did you know Mr. Saito who left a while ago, is now working at a big company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういえばこの前転職した斉藤さん、今大手なんだって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Really, maybe I should leave too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えー私も転職しようかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sounds good, we should all leave and find new job.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいね、みんなで新しいところに転職しちゃう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, we decide to stay here again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、また結局転職しないやつね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Excuse me, I heard you call me?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "失礼します、お呼びでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh yes, I have something to talk with you about personnel changes next spring.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、今度の人事異動の件で話があるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have a seat, please.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうぞ座って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, your boss, Manager Tanaka is going back to the headquarter next spring.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は、君の上司の田中課長が春に本社に戻ることになったんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, he is originally from headquarter I remember.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、課長はもともと本社の人でしたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "His family must be happy as he was away by himself.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "単身赴任だったのでご家族も喜ばれるでしょうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, I want to ask you to take over his position.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、君に課長の後をお願いしようと思って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Will you please do that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やってもらえるかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Me?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私がですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you sure?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Honestly, I don't think I'm capable..", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "正直私に務まるとはとても思えないのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But you've been working under him for so long, maybe the longest?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも君は課長の下で一番長く働いているし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Manager also said you would.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "課長も君ならと言ってくれているよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did he, really?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "課長がですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm..", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I'm glad to hear that but..", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう言っていただけるのは嬉しいのですが、やはり。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me think for a while.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "少し考える時間をいただきたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Of course, take your time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろんゆっくり考えてみて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you say yes, I would take somebody from Sales section 1 to support you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしやってくれるなら営業1課からサポートに誰かつけるつもりだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And whole department will support you, so you don't worry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "部全体でもサポートするから安心して。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I'll think about it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、検討します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, I'll wait until the end of this month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今月中には返事もらえるかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Certainly, I'll let you know by then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では月末までにはお知らせいたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thanks for calling, 123 Company, how may I help you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お電話ありがとうございます、123カンパニーです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is Saito from ABC Trading, may I speak to Mr. Nishimura?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ABCトレーディングの斉藤と申しますが、西村様いらっしゃいますでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "少々おまちください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, This is Nishimura speaking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもしお電話代わりました西村です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is Saito from ABC Trading.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ABCトレーディングの斉藤と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry to bother you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お忙しいところすみません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not at all, pleasure to work with you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえいえ、お世話になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, there's something I need to talk to you about the auto-parts you quoted last week,", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先週お見積りいただいた自動車部品の件でご相談がありまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, I've got a request for discount from my client.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は、先方から値引きをお願いされております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It would be appreciated if you could give us a discount.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご協力いただけるとありがたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, not an easy situation though...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、なかなか厳しい状況ではありますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about 1 percent or so..?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1パーセントくらいでしたら...。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1 percent..", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1パーセントですか...。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can we possibly get 5 percent or so?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "5パーセントくらいなんとかなりませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll negotiate with my client to increase the volume.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先方にはボリュームの方で交渉いたしますので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, if we can get a larger volume, we can discuss.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですか、ボリュームを増やしていただけるのであれば検討します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But maybe 5 percent is too much.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ5パーセントは厳しいかもしれません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll talk to my boss, and call you back later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "上司と相談して、後ほど折り返し連絡さしあげます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thanks for your effort.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, My name is Takasaka from A Foods Corporation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すみません、A食品の高坂と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is Mr. Sakata in the sales planning department available?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "営業企画部の坂田さんはいらっしゃいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good morning, Ms. Takasaka, do you have an appointment with him?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おはようございます、高坂様、お約束はされていますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, at 10 o'clock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、10時に。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please wait a moment while I check his schedule.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "只今確認いたしますので、少々お待ち下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, Ms. Takasaka, from A Foods Corporation, at 10 o'clock today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、A食品の高坂様ですね、本日10時で承っております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please go up to Meeting Room 1 on the 24th floor.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "24階の会議室1へお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mr. Sakata will be with you shortly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "坂田がすぐにまいります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please use a high-speed elevator on the right at the end of the hallway.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "通路奥右側の高層階用エレベーターをご利用下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for waiting, Ms. Takasaka.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "高坂さん、お待たせしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I really appreciate your visiting today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日はご足労いただきまして、本当にありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would you like some tea or coffee?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お茶かコーヒーは如何ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thanks, I'll have coffee then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、コーヒーをいただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, you've mentioned in your email that you'd like to talk about something regarding our presentation last week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先週のプレゼンに関するお話とメールで伺いましたが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, we'd like to work with your company on this product renewal that you've proposed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、ご提案頂いたこちらの商品リニューアルを御社と進めたいと考えています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, it's a pleasure, thank you!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは光栄です、ありがとうございます!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm looking forward to working with you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Likewise.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By the way, we'd like you to review some data on your document.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこでですね、資料のデータを一部見直して頂きたいんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "May I ask which data?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どちらのデータでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's see, \"target demographic\" on page 10, it seems further research is needed on elderly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えーと、10ページの「ターゲット層」ですが、シニア層に関する調査が不足しているかと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, you mean this, about \"mature market needs\"?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、この「シニア層のニーズ」に関してですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's the one, with a survey of adult day care centers and hospitals.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうです、デイケアと病院の統計がある部分です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We carried out questionnaires at quite many facilities in urban areas for this data, though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちのデータに関しては、都市部のかなり多数の施設で実施したんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, we believe we can expand into so-called active senior market as well, but this survey doesn't include facilities where those people might gather at.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は所謂アクティブシニア市場にも進出できると思っているんですが、こちらの統計にはそういう人達が集まりそうな施設が含まれていないんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, that makes sense.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、そういう事なんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I certainly think that there have been more outgoing older people around.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "元気なお年寄りが増えてますもんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, those active older adults would most likely spread the word about our products to the wider community.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、そういう積極的な高齢者はウチの商品を広範囲に口コミしてくれるんじゃないかと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You're absolutely right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "仰るとおりですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, how about giving out trial samples to older people at places like gyms and open lectures at colleges?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、大学講座やスポーツジムなんかに通うシニア層に試供品提供してみましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, that seems reasonable.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it possible to summarize the questionnaire results by the end of the month?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "結果を今月末までに纏められますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I'm afraid I have to check with our marketing department on that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すみません、こちらはマーケティング部に確認が必要なんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですか、わかりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Could you possibly give me a reply about the schedule by Thursday?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "できれば木曜日までに予定についてお返事をいただけないでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll be sure to tell them about that and get back to you as soon as possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その旨必ず伝えまして、なるべく早くお返事いたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, would you like to have another cup of coffee?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、コーヒーのおかわりは如何ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Unfortunately, I have one more meeting right after this, so I'll take my leave now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "残念ですが、この後すぐもう一件打ち合わせがありますので、これで失礼させていただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now, is everyone here?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えーと、みんな揃ったかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, could you report the progression status for this week, starting from Masaya?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、吉田リーダーから、今週の進捗報告をお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, project A is going along all right, without any big trouble so far.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、プロジェクトAはここまで特に問題なく進行しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We're starting unit tests at the beginning of next month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来月頭には単体テストを開始する予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Great, can you share your schedule for next month by the end of the day?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よし、じゃ今日中に君んとこの来月の計画表、共有しといて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay then, Takashi, has the situation for project B got any better since the last time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はいじゃあ、小島さん、プロジェクトBの状況は前回から改善された?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not really, we're still stuck.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いやー、まだ厳しいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You know, the client interrupts us with irrelevant requests here and there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "相変わらず途中でクライアントさんがあちこち要望入れてくるんで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now, we've got one person feeling sick dealing with them, and she's been off work for the last few days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "窓口やってた社員が体調崩しちゃって、ここ数日休んでるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Poor her, then who's taking over her work?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "可哀想に、で、誰がそこ引き継いでるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We're short of hands as it is, so I'm covering for her besides my work for now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "現状でも人員足りてないんで、今んとこ僕が兼任で対応してますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ay yai yai, that's Mr. Taguchi who's in charge on the client side, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いかんねー、それ向こうの担当は田口さんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's probably faster if you talk with his boss to break the deadlock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼の上に通した方が現状打開は早いかもね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll contact his purchasing manager in case you need me to.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "必要な場合、私から先方の購買部長に繋ぎ取るね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll ask you if this is still up in the air by the end of the month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今月中に目処がたたなければお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, we should have an additional discussion about it sometime this week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや、この件は今週中に別途検討した方がいいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you check my calendar and make an appointment right after this?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この後、私の予定表確認してアポ入れといて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "OK, will do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How's project C getting along, Rie?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "堂本さん、プロジェクトCはどんな具合?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm afraid to inform you that we've come up against a problem as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大変言いにくいんですが、こちらも問題発生です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ooh, are you serious?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You didn't report anything at the last meeting, did you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先週の会議では何の報告も無かったよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, I didn't, but one of the new guys left just yesterday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんですが、つい昨日新人の1人が抜けちゃいまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He couldn't get along with our team or something and suddenly quit the job.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "チームになじめなかったとかで、急に退社しちゃったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm terribly sorry that I couldn't get a handle on the situation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の把握不足で申し訳ございません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, is it possible to juggle the project with the people you have now, Rie?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "んー、堂本さん、今の人員でどうにか回せない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Unfortunately, it's quite hard at this stage.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "残念ながら、現段階ではかなり難しいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's see, Masaya, will you be able to send someone out from project A?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだねー、吉田さん、プロジェクトAからヘルプ出せる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, that would be a little tight for us, man-hour-wise.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや、工数的に少し厳しいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, then we'll just have to send some work out, I guess.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、じゃ外注しかないかもね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's kind of hard to find a place we can outsource now, within the budget, though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも予算内で、今から頼めるとこ探すがちょっと難しいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I have a few companies that come to mind about that, Rie.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、堂本さん、俺の方で数社思い当たるとこあるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry to interrupt, but is it OK if I get their contact information too, Masaya?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "横からすみません、吉田さん、それウチも連絡先教えてもらってもいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure thing, Takashi, I'll send it to you as well then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろん、なら小島さんにも送るわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So then, Rie, could you get back to me as soon as you get their quotes?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それじゃ堂本さんは見積もり確認次第、私の方に連絡して下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll get on it right away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すぐに確認します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If there aren't any other immediate concerns, well, hopefully not, could we wrap it up for today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他に当面の懸案事項が無ければ、無い事を願いますが、今回は終了でいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, and from now on, please update me on urgent issues at the end of each day, with all project leaders in CC.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと今後、緊急問題は、終業時に私宛CC全プロジェクトリーダーで報告する様に。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Does anyone know the venue where we are going to have the end of year work party this year?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年の忘年会はどこでするのか知ってますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hope it would be somewhere nice like last year's party.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "去年みたいなところだったらいいですけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hear you, the venue was good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、去年の忘年会の会場はよかったですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wonder who found that place.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あそこは誰が探してきたんでしょうかね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Miss. Mizuki, who organised last year's party found it from Google.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あそこは幹事になった水木さんがネットで探してきたみたいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, then we should ask her to find a venue again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、今年も水木さんにいいところ探してもらうようお願いしましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I agree with you, we should ask her again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それがいいですね、今年も水木さんにお願いしましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, Miss. Mizuki is very busy lately.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それが、水木さんこのところかなり忙しいようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't think she has time to organize a party at the moment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "忘年会のことなんてやってる暇ないと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I didn't think that Miss. Mizuki would be that busy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんだ、水木さんそんなに忙しいんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then we'd better ask someone else.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、ほかの人にお願いしないとダメですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wonder who would be suitable for this role.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "誰かこういうの得意な人いないかなぁ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I won't be suitable as I live quite far and not familiar with this area.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は郊外に住んでいるのでこのあたりの店詳しくないんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I could look for a venue but not confident to organize the whole thing...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私はお店探すくらいならいいですけど幹事はちょっと...。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Same here...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私も幹事は遠慮したいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Isn't there anyone younger who is good at it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "誰か若い人でこういうの得意な人いなかったかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about Mr. Yamanaka?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、山中君がいますよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He seemed to have the most fun at last year's party.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あの人去年の忘年会でも一番楽しそうにしてましたよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have a feeling that he would be happy to organizer this years party", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "幹事お願いしたら喜んでやってくれそうな気がします!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh Mr. Yamanaka, good timing!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、山中君、ちょうどいいところに来てくれた。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi everyone, what are you talking about?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お疲れ様です、皆さんお集まりで何の話ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, we've been talking about the end of the year party, and wondering if you would like to organize it this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は今年の忘年会の幹事を探しているんだけど、山中君やってくれないかな、と思って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "May I?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "幹事やってもいいんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "是非お願いするよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wanted to tell the organizer that I have found the perfect venue.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょうどいい場所があるので幹事の方がもう決まってるならその方にその店を紹介したかったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Much easier if I can organize it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕に幹事させてもらえたら話が早いです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thats what I thought.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さすが山中君。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You're a life saver.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当に助かるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then we would like to ask you to organise this year's party.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "山中君、では今年の忘年会の幹事お願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please email Mr. Harada and me once you have more detail about it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "詳細が決まったら、一度原田さんと私宛にメールしてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will email by the end of the month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今月中にメールします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm looking forward to the party.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "忘年会が今から楽しみですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "N cooperation Aano speaking, may I help you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お電話ありがとうございます、N社 浅野でございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Could I have your name first, please?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お客様のお名前を先にお伺いしてもよろしいでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is Ueda from T Inc.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "T社の上田と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I speak with Ms. Murakami from Sales Department?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "営業の村上さんをお願いできますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure. I will put you through to Murakami now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "かしこまりました、少々お待ちくださいませ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for your patience.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Unfortunately, Murakami is off today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "申し訳ございませんが村上は本日お休みをいただいております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there anything I can help you with?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私でよろしければ代わりにご用件を承りますがいかがいたしましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wanted to talk to her about the new price list she proposed the other day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は先日ご提案いただいた新価格表についてお話ししたかったのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I prefer to talk to her directly, could you ask her to call me back?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "直接お話ししたいので、次回村上さんご出勤時に折り返しお電話お願いできますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Of course, I can.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "May I have your phone number just in case?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では念のためにご連絡先を頂戴してよろしいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's xx-xxx-xxxx.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "xx-xxx-xxxxです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you so much for that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there any particular time you would like Murakami to call back tomorrow?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "折り返しさせていただくにあたってご都合の良いお時間はございますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will be in a meeting tomorrow morning, so it would be great if she could call me back in the afternoon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日は午前中は会議が入っているので、午後からお電話いただけたら助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, I will tell her to call you back tomorrow afternoon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "かしこまりました、明日の午後村上より折り返しご連絡差し上げます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there anything else I can help you with?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その他何かございますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいえ、特にありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you so much for your call today, Mr. Ueda.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "上田様、本日のお電話ありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good morning Mr. Tanaka, it's nice to see you here so early on a Monday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "田中さんおはよう、月曜日の朝早くから顔が見れて良かったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good morning Ms. Nishida.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おはようございます、西田さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's my pleasure to come in early.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早く出勤できて嬉しいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Just so you're aware, we are expecting a busy week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一応伝えておくけど、今週は忙しくなりそうだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's keep our schedules flexible for the next few days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日から数日の間は日程に余裕を持って行こうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Could you please send me the latest sales report by noon today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最新の売上レポートを今日のお昼までに送ってくれる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am putting the final touches on the report now and I should have it finished by noon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今レポートの最後の仕上げをしているところなので、お昼までには完成できると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Great, I look forward to seeing it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良かった、レポートを見るのを、楽しみにしているよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you don't mind, could you give me a quick run down right now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし良ければ、今終わっているところまでざっと教えてくれない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Of course, I'll let you know what I have so far.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろんです、今終わっているところまで教えますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Besides, I would appreciate your feedback.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "評価をしていただけると嬉しいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The fourth quarter sales for the new hair products were better than those from the third quarter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "第4四半期のヘアケア商品の売上は、第3四半期よりも良かったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The new hair products we released last month are selling faster than we expected.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新しいヘアケア商品も販売され、思った以上に売上が伸びています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sales should be even higher in the fourth quarter because this includes the holiday season, but nevertheless this is good news.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "第4四半期は連休もあるので更に売上が伸びることを予測しています、とにかくこれは良いニュースですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How are sales for our line of nail products?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ネイル商品の売上はどうだい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our line of nail products continues to sell well, although sales appear to be slowing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ネイル商品は良い売上を保っていますが、少し落ち込んできています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our fourth quarter sales for nail products increased from the third quarter, but only slightly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "第4四半期の売上は第3四半期よりも少し伸びてはいますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And how about for the skin care products?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、スキンケア商品は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Similar to the nail products, we saw a slight increase in sales from the third quarter to the fourth.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ネイル商品と似たような感じですが、第3四半期から第4四半期に連れて少し売上が上がったようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, interesting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "へー、興味深いね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you Mr. Tanaka for bringing me up to speed on the sales report.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "田中さん、順調にレポートを進めてくれてありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll take a closer look at the final report when you have it finished.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "レポートが完成したら詳細を確認するね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For now keep up the good work!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この調子で頑張ってね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No problem, Ms. Nishida.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、西田さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry, the report will be rather lengthy so it may take awhile to digest all of the information.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "売上レポートは長くなるので情報を消化するのに時間がかかっていてすみません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm looking forward to your feedback on the final report.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最終レポートの評価をいただけるのを楽しみにしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Of course, we will touch base again this afternoon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではまた今日の午後に連絡するね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sounds great, talk to you later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろんです、では、後ほど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, before I forget, are you available at 2pm on Friday?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、そうだ、忘れる前に聞いておくけど金曜日の2時は空いてる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "One moment, let me check my schedule now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スケジュールを確認するので少し待ってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I'm free at 2pm Friday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、金曜日の2時、空いています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Great, lets have another meeting then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、金曜日2時に会議をしよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll contact the marketing team for a conference call.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "電話会議のためにマーケティングチームに連絡しておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like us all to discuss sales strategies for the next year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来年の販売戦略について話し合いたいからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will also go over your sales report with them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その時に売上レポートを確認しましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd be happy to share any sales information I have with the marketing team.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マーケティングチームと売上レポートと共有できて嬉しいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It would be better if we were all on the same page.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お互いの理解を確認しておいたほうがいいですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you again, and we'll speak again this afternoon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、また午後話そう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "OK, see you later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "承知しました、では後ほど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello Mr. Kato, thank you for making time to have a meeting with me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "加藤さん、ミーティングのためにお時間を作っていただき、ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My pleasure Mr. Watanabe.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とんでもないです、渡辺さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for reaching out to me regarding this meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会議に関してのご連絡をいただきありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Today, as I understand you want to discuss financing options for Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日はA社の融資について話し合うんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is this correct?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでよろしかったでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, that is right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, so, Company A is expanding manufacturing in southern Japan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、A社の製造業が南日本で拡大しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, in order to be successful we require an additional round of financing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ、事業を成功させるためには資金調達の方法を考え直さないといけないのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How much money are we talking about?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その資金というのはいくらになりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "At the moment we assume we will need one million dollars, but this amount may change as construction progresses on the new factory.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今の所100万ドル必要ですが、工場を建てていくにつれて金額が変わるかもしれないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's quite a lot of money.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大分大きな額ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, it would be nice to see the factory closer to completion.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "工事が終了間近の工場を拝見できると良いのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I understand that, but it will be at least one more year until we can use the new factory.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですよね、ただ、工場が使える段階になるまであと一年はかかるようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In the meantime, we need to secure financing to pay off the banks for the debt we've already taken building this new factory.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それに、すでに工場を作るために借りた銀行のローンを返済するための資金を確保しておかないといけないのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would it help in your decision if I shared our construction plans with you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし私が、工場建設のプランを共有すれば加藤さんは、決断を下しやすくなりますかね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it would.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will definitely need to see your plans for construction and also for the future manufacturing plans using the new building.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "建設の予定と新しい工場を使って行う予定の製造プランを拝見させていただきたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you bring me up to speed on the manufacturing plans?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早めに建設の予定をいただくことは出来ますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, of course I can.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The new location will contain the manufacturing line for all new products.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新しい工場では、新しい商品全てを製造する予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also going forward, we plan to use the new location more and more.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また、これからどんどん新しい工場を使用していく予定もあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This means the old factory will be eventually phased out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "古い工場での製造は段階的に廃止していきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, what plans do you have for the old factory?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なるほど、では古い工場はこれからどうするのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Currently we plan to keep it for manufacturing the old products, but eventually we would like to sell it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今の所古い商品を製造していますが、最終的には売却予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, at present we have no buyers that are interested.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかし、今の所はこの工場に興味がある買い手が見つかっていません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, by the way can your team send me some prototypes of the new products you will be manufacturing at the new location?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですか、ちなみに新しい工場で作る予定の商品の試作品を送っていただくことは可能ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would be very interested to see these as soon as possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早めに拝見させていただけると嬉しいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Certainly, I can arrange this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろんです、私が手配いたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Regarding financing for Company A, we may be interested in providing financing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらのA会社の資金提供の件ですが、興味があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, I will need to speak with my colleagues at Company B before I can confirm anything.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかし一度私のB会社にこの案件を持ち帰り、話し合う必要がありそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In the meantime, please send the details of your offer to Company B and we will take a look.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その間にこちらの件の詳細と条件をB会社に送っていただければ、私どもで確認いたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for your consideration on this offer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご検討いただきありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, lets touch base next week so I can get you up to speed on our construction plans.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では来週連絡をさせていただき、早めに工事の予定をお渡しいたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, we will send you the prototypes as soon as they are available.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "併せて、早めに試作品を送らせていただくようにします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much, I'm looking forward to hearing from you again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご連絡いただけるのを楽しみにしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please keep me in the loop with any new information.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新しい情報が入ったらまたご連絡ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Will do for sure.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will speak to you again soon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また連絡します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "From everyone at Company A, we appreciate your consideration.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社を代表してお礼を申し上げます、ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you also, cheers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらこそありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello Ms. Yoshida, thank you for speaking with me over the phone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "吉田さん、お電話でお話しさせていただきありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm especially thankful that you could speak on such short notice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "急にご連絡を差し上げたにも関わらずお話しさせていただきとても光栄です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Today I want to touch base with you regarding the new clients that are visiting Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日はA社にお越しになる新しいクライアントについてちょっと聞きたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No problem Mr. Nakatomo, I'm happy to speak with you now as I am on my break.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろんです、今、休憩中ですし話せますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ms. Yoshida, have you organized a lunch meeting with the new clients?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "クライアントとのランチ会議の計画は終わっていますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I've made reservations for Friday at the new Italian restaurant down the street.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、金曜日にすぐそこのイタリア料理屋の予約をしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I haven't tried their food yet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私はまだ行ったことがないのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "行ったことはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That is good news, and thank you for organizing the lunch meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良かったです、ランチ会議を計画していただいてありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, I had lunch there last week and the food is good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は先週そこでご飯をして、とても美味しかったですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That is no problem, I'm happy to entertain the new clients.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえいえ、もちろんです、クライアントに喜んでもらいたいので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That sounds great.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please use corporate funds for the lunch.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会社のお金でランチ代は払ってくださいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And feel free to order drinks and dessert, as well", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、デザートと飲み物も遠慮なく頼んでください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Understood!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will leave the corporate credit card on your desk this afternoon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会社のカードを吉田さんの机の上に置いておきますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for leaving the card on my desk.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Will you be in to the office tomorrow to pick up the credit card?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日オフィスにカードを取りに来ますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I will be at my desk tomorrow and will grab the card.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、明日は出勤するのでデスクにカードを取りに来ますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Great, thank you for organizing all of this for the new clients.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よかったです、色々とクライアントのために準備していただいてありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please also call me if you need anything.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし何かあったらいつでも電話ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No problem Mr. Nakatomo, I will call you if I need anything.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、何かあったら電話しますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, feel free to take them to our favorite bar for drinks after the work day is finished.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、私たちのお気に入りのバーにも仕事の後に連れて行ってあげてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I think I will invite them to drinks after work on Friday if they are not too tired.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、もしクライアントが疲れていないようでしたら金曜日に飲みに行こうと誘ってみようと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For now everything is under control!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今の所、心配無用ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Great, thank you!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "素晴らしい、ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not a problem!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is Otani's office, how can I help?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、大谷のオフィスでございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm Matsumoto from company T.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私はT社の松本と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I speak to Ms.Otani?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大谷さまはいらっしゃいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm sorry, Otani is out of the office right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "申し訳ございませんが、大谷はただいま外出しております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I take a message for her?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご伝言を承ってもよろしいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、よろしくお願いいたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, can I ask you about her schedule?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだ、大谷さまのご予定を確認してもいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wanted to confirm the date for our meeting next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週の会議の日程を確認したいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is the 26th still ok?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "26日で確定でよろしいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me check her schedule.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スケジュールを確認いたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "One moment please.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, we have booked our conference room number 2 on the 26th, 11 a.m.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、26日午前11時から、2番の会議室をお取りしております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will be there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その日程で伺います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, could you ask Ms.Otani to call me back?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "用件ですが、大谷さまに折り返しお電話いただけるようお伝えいただけますでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wanted to hear her opinion about the payment schedule but haven't heard back from her for a few days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "支払いスケジュールに関してご意見を伺いたいのですが、数日お返事をいただけておりません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We apologize for the wait.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "遅くなり申し訳ございません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will let her know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "申し伝えます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for your call.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have a nice day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よい一日を!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You too!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そちらもよい一日を!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おはよう!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How's everyone doing?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆さん調子はどうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm great thank you!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お陰様で!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah I'm doing great too!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私も元気です!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But it gets dark so early in Canada recently.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも最近カナダはすぐ暗くなるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When does the sun set?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何時ぐらいに暗くなるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It gets dark around 3 p.m.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "3時ごろには暗くなりますよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え~!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でしょ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I miss summer so much.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "夏が恋しい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok, let's get started.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オッケー、それじゃあ始めましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will go first then!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ私から!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So this week was the last week of November, so I've got a data for the month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今週で11月が終わったので、月の売り上げをまとめました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We had a Black Friday this month and it boosted November to be the highest earning month this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今月はブラックフライデーがあったので、11月が1年の中でも売り上げが一番多かったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was very successful!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すごい効果だったね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The customers have been very engaging and we've been getting emails about as double the amount as before!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お客様の反応もとても良くて、問い合わせの量も以前の倍ほどになっています!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I made a list of the top selling products so please check that out on the file I sent you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よく売れた商品を一覧にしたので、送ったファイルを見てみてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "24% of the order came from the US.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "注文の24%がアメリカからのものでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Which makes sense, Black Friday weekend is the most famous there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ブラックフライデーはアメリカで特に有名なセールだもんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you noticed anything else in customer service?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "カスタマーサービスで他に気が付いたことはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We've got a lot of feedback on the shipping fee being too high.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "送料が高いという意見が多かったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, we should try to find a cheaper shipping options then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、もっと安くできる送付方法も探さないといけませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are offering five percent off discount for the customer with shipping fee issue for the time being.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "送料で悩んでいるお客様には今のところ5パーセントオフのクーポンを送っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That has been working on some customers so that's great.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何人かのお客様には効果があったので良かったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By the way, thank you for creating the discount coupon Meg!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "クーポンを作ってくれてありがとう、メグ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No problem!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どういたしまして!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Glad it's working!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "効果があってよかった!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok, So for the next week I will be flying to Shanghai so I will have to be offline during the flight and so on.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オッケー、さて、私は来週上海に飛ぶのでフライト中などオフラインになる予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will let you know if there is any emergency.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か急な用事があればお知らせします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have a safe flight!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お気をつけて!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok so let's wrap it up for today and I will talk to you next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それじゃあ今日はこのぐらいにして、また来週話しましょう!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "See you!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Bye!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さようなら!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ms. Yabe, may I talk to you now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "矢部さん、ちょっとお話しよろしいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうかしましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I have something I would like to tell you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は、ご報告があるのですが...。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What is the big news?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何の一大事ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I went to see my OB-GYN doctor last weekend and found out that I am three months pregnant.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先週末、産婦人科に行きまして、妊娠3ヶ月だとわかりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おめでとうございます!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, thank you!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、ありがとうございます!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Therefore, I wanted to discuss my maternity leave with you and how I can hand over my duties to the rest of the team.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですので、産休やチームへの引き継ぎについてご相談したくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good point.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We should find someone to cover for you while you are away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "誰か産休の間にカバーしてくれる人が必要ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok then, you can contact the HR Department to find out more about maternity leave first.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それではまずは、産休についての詳細を聞くのに、人事課へ連絡してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll find out more from them after this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この後人事課で詳しく聞いてきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Great, let's also start working on tying up any loose ends for a smooth handover.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そしたら、スムーズに引き継ぎができるよう、案件の整理に取り組んでいきましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, I will do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please rest assured that our team will support you as much as we can.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちチームが出来る限りサポートしますので、安心してくださいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you, that is much appreciated!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとうございます、とても助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By the way, someone told me that there is a place where I can consult a counselor about getting maternity leave and returning back to work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ところで、産休と職場復帰について、カウンセラーに相談できるところがあると聞いたんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, there is.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can have a consultation about it in the counseling room!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "カウンセリング室がありますので、そこで相談できますよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok, I will visit them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですか、行ってみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have some minor things to go over about the conditions of leave.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっといろいろ産休について気になるので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、そうですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But, I'm sure that everything will turn out alright, as there are some people who have returned back to work from maternity leave in this department, too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、我々の部署でも産休から復帰をされた方はいらっしゃいますので、きっと大丈夫ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, really?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, so please prioritize your health and the health of your baby first.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、なので、何よりも、ご自身とおなかの赤ちゃんの体調を最優先にして下さいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well then, I will start making arrangements for your upcoming maternity leave.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは、早速、北野さんの産休の準備へと取り組んでいきますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Again, thank you for all of your support.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "色々ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Shall we start then?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、始めていいでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm ready too, please.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私も大丈夫です、お願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's about cost-cutting, but today, we are going to consider cost-cutting measures on a per-department basis.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "経費削減についてですが、本日は部署単位での取り組みについて検討します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, on a department basis?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "部署単位ですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's think about possible measures in our department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本部署での取り組みについて検討しましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it ok to bring up little things?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "些細なことでもいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's important to work on it from the ground up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "積み重ねが大事です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just thought that the cost for leasing office machinery is quite high, isn't it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "思ったんですが、事務機器のリース代って結構しますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, actually we bear quite a high cost on the multifunction printer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、複合プリンタへの経費負担は大きいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But we use it anyway.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、絶対使いますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How and where can we cut the cost of it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どこをどう削れますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What kind of leasing contract do we have on it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どのようなリース契約ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I heard that all departments have the same contract.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全部署で同じ契約を結んでいると聞いていますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do we?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are the contract details identical in the corporate planning department?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "経営企画部と同じ契約内容ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think there should be a big difference in the frequency of use between their department and our department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "使用頻度にだいぶ差があるような気がしますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You are right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We do not use it as much as they do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちは企画部よりは使ってないと思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm fairly certain there is a difference.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かに差はあるでしょうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok then, why don't we review our contract for the multifunction printer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、まずは複合プリンタの契約内容の見直しをしましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, sounds good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It might not be enough though, we should consider the cost of the printing paper as well, what do you think?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "取るに足らないかもしれませんが、印刷用紙代もやはり考慮すべきですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Exactly, we should.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろん、考慮が必要ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good then, let's think about any printed material which can be paperless media.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、ペーパーレス化できる印刷物も考えましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "To begin with, I will check the leasing contract with the person in charge.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではまず、私が担当に契約内容の確認をしてきますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, I'll look in to the usage of our department's multifunction printer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、私は本部署の複合プリンタの使用状況を調査します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok, then I'll find out which printed material can be converted to paperless media.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、私はペーペーレス化できる印刷物を考えます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Great, we will have a follow-up meeting about this at the same time in three days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、3日後の同じ時間にこの件について再び会議を開きたいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is that ok for you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よろしいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I'm ok.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Me too, no problem.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私も、問題ありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok, then let's have our next meeting at the same time here in this room in three days from now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、次は3日後の同じ時間に、この会議室で。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I talk to you guys for a second?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっと話せますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm throwing an office baby shower for Julia.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ジュリアのために職場のベビーシャワーを開きます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's going to be a surprise party.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サプライズパーティです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you help me with a few things?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "少し手伝ってもらえませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's a great idea!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "素敵なアイディアですね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I held the conference room for next Friday at 4 o'clock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週の金曜日の4時に会議室を予約しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Julia is going on maternity leave the Monday after that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その次の月曜からジュリアは産休に入るので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I need someone to plan food and drinks and someone to plan activities.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一人に食べ物と飲み物の計画を、もう一人に余興の計画をお願いしたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll plan the activities.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "余興の計画は私がします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We should have a diaper changing race!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "「おむつ替えレース」がいいと思います!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That sounds like fun!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "面白そうですね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can do the food and drinks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "食べ物と飲み物は私が担当します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The bakery that made my sister's baby shower cake is really good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の姉のベビーシャワーのケーキを作ってくれたケーキ屋さんがとても良かったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We should order it from there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこに注文したらいいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Just let me know how much everything will be so I can give you money.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全部でいくらになるか教えてくれればお金を渡しますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Grace, can you also be in charge of decorations?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "グレース、飾り付けもお任せできますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Julia is not revealing the gender of the baby yet, so I think we should get yellow balloons and streamers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ジュリアは赤ちゃんの性別をまだ公にしていないので、黄色の風船と飾りリボンを買えばいいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can go to the store on Thursday and set them up after lunch on Friday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "木曜日にお店に行って金曜日のランチのあとで飾り付けできます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What are we going to do about gifts?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "贈り物はどうしますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm going to email invitations to everyone from the graphic design team.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "グラフィックデザインチームのみんなにEメールで招待状を出すつもりです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was thinking each person could buy her a gift.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それぞれが贈り物を買えばいいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know if Julia already has a gift registry we can share?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ジュリアが私たちも見れるギフトレジストリーを開設したかどうか知ってますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は知りません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I heard she has one at Company M.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "M社で開設したと聞きました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll check tonight so I can send out emails tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今夜チェックして明日みんなにEメールを出しますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sounds like a plan!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "完璧ですね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you both for helping.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ふたりともご協力ありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is Suzuki from the sales department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "営業部の鈴木と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is Honda calling from Company B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私はB社の本田と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to place an order for some spare parts from your catalog.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "御社のカタログから部品を数点発注したいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have the item numbers of the parts you'd like to purchase?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご購入なさりたい部品の商品番号はお持ちでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, let me see....", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、えーっと....", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The first item is 56789.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最初の商品は56789です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like 5 of them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それを5個頂きたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What are the other items?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他の商品はなんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The second item is 98765.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次の商品は98765です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I buy in bulk and get the wholesale price?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大口買いしたら卸売価格にしてもらえますかね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm hoping we can negotiate a lower price.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "価格の交渉ができればいいんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We offer a 10-percent discount on that item if you order 20 boxes or more.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらの商品は20箱以上のご注文で10パーセントの値引きになりますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll order 20 boxes then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では20箱注文しましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That brings the net price to 3600 yen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "値引き後の価格は3600円になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I help you with anything else?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's it for today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日のところはそれだけです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, can you give me the delivery date?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、配達日はわかりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, let me check.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、お調べいたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It looks like all items are in stock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただいま全商品の在庫があるようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can process and ship your order right away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご注文を処理してすぐに発送できます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It should arrive no later than the 25th.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "25日までには届くはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Once your order has been shipped, we'll send you a confirmation email with tracking information.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "出荷次第トラッキング情報を含めた確認のEメールを送らせていただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for your order, Mr. Honda.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本田様、ご注文ありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We hope to hear from you again soon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "またのご利用をお待ちしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is Brian Smith.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スミスです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これより課内ミーティングを始めます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I heard another beep, who just joined?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "音が聞こえたけど、誰かな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, hello, are you on mute?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、もしもし、消音にしてますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, yes, sorry, it’s Kato from Osaka office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あっ、すいません、大阪営業の加藤です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, hello.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、加藤さんだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Morning, it’s Aoki here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おはようございます、青木です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, Sugiyama here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "杉山です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right, we have everyone on now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、これで全員そろいましたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now, please brief me your schedule for this week, starting with Aoki-san, please.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、青木さんから今週の予定について報告してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I have a monthly market report presentation at L company on Thursday, so most of my time I will be working on this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、木曜日にL社の月次報告プレゼンがあり、資料作成中です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Uh-huh, how are you getting on with it, so far?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、資料作りはうまくいっていますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, I need to ask your advice on the report, so can I talk to you later today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "課長に見ていただきたい箇所がありますので、あとで、少しお時間をいただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Put something in my calendar.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私のカレンダーに入力しておいてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Who wants to go next?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次は誰?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It’s Kato.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "加藤です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will have a meeting with Mr. Watson from C company to discuss a vender survey on Friday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今週は金曜日にC社のワトソンさんとベンダーサーベイについてミーティングする予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh yes, I need to be there with you, don’t I?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、私も出席する予定でしたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What time is the meeting?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何時でしたっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Starts at two.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2時です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right, shall we talk further later?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうでしたね、あとで、打ち合わせましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about you, Sugiyama-san?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "杉山さんは?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Um, I am supposed to send a bi-weekly market report in English for company P.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、今週はP社向けの隔週英語レポートを送付する予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And, I want to call in someone from IT support as my PC hangs up so often recently.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、最近パソコンがよく固まるので、ITサポートに診てもらおうと思ってます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, do you have any issues in your report?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "レポートは大丈夫ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah yes, I’d appreciate you checking my English in the report when I am done.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すみませんが、後で課長に何箇所か英語の確認をお願いしたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right, anything else, everyone?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No?, okay, then that’s it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なければ、これで終わります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, don’t forget to hand in your overtime work sheets.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あっ、残業報告書を忘れずに提出してくださいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Next meeting will be Monday at 10 o’clock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次の打ち合わせは来週の月曜10時です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you everybody.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆さん、お疲れ様でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So far, we have looked at the chocolate market overview in 2017 in Japan, followed by the market share growth versus last year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここまで、2017年度の日本国内におけるチョコレート市場の概況と各社の前年比マーケットシェア推移を見てきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここまでで、何かご質問はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It’s quite straightforward.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よくわかりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please go on.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "続けてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now, let's have a look at the growth rate in sales volume by company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、次に各社の販売個数の伸び率を見てみましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As you can see, your company lost 0.5 percentage points in year-on-year sales, while leading competitors gained.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご覧のように、大手各社が今年度、軒並み売り上げを増やしている中、御社は0.5ポイントの減少となっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you see any reasons for our loss?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それには何か原因があるのですかね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me explain that with the next slide.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、それは、次のスライドでご説明いたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is each player’s national distribution, and the data shows that your weighted distribution has been lower than other competitors’ figures.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これは各社の配荷率を示していますが、御社の場合、他社に比べ、加重配荷率が低くなっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What does it mean?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは、どういう意味があるのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, it means your distribution to the large-sized outlets is weak, in other words, your product is present in smaller supermarkets but fewer large supermarkets sell your product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、それは大型スーパーへの配荷率が少ない、つまり、小規模店舗には置いてあるが、大型店での扱いが少ないということです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, the data shows that your distribution to convenience stores is low, compared to your competitors.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それと、他社と比較して、コンビニエンスストアへの配荷が少ないようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, you suggest the outlet issue seems to be our future challenge.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "店舗展開がウチの今後の課題のようですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So it would appear.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now, I’d like to draw your attention to the sales by month, in which we can see you struggled even in February, Valentine’s Day month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さらに、こちらは、月別の売上高を示したものですが、2月のバレンタインデー商戦でも御社は苦戦したようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, we strongly focused on the promotion campaign that month, though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "宣伝キャンペーンには随分力をいれたのですがね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me show you the data by area and by outlet next. Here, your market share, particularly in convenience stores in Kansai area, remained stagnant.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらは地域別・店種別データですが、御社は特に関西のコンビニでのシェアが伸び悩んでいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Again, it seems we need to reconsider our convenience store strategies.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やはり、コンビニ戦略が弱いということですかね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By the way, how many retail store samples are in your study?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ところで、御社の小売店サンプル店数は何店舗でしたっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, I’m sorry but I don’t have the latest actual numbers with me today, so, I will get back to you as soon as I get back to the office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えーと、最新の正確な数字については、ただ今資料を持ち合わせていないので、社に戻りましたら、折り返しご返事いたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, my name is Taro Tanaka.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "宜しくお願いします、田中太郎です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, thank you for coming.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では座ってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First of all, can you tell me the reason you applied for this job?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早速ですが、この役職に応募した理由を聞かせてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I had a similar role at the company I previously worked for.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "以前の会社でも同じような役職についていました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then I thought I could use my ability here as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのため、ここでも十分に自分の能力を発揮できると思いました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have other candidates for this role, too. What do you think your strength is that no one else has?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この役職の候補者は他にもいるのですが、自分にしかないと思う強みは何ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's my ability to motivate others.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他者をやる気にさせられることだと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you be more specific?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "具体的には?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "At the last company I worked for, I was given a product development project.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "以前の会社では、ある商品開発プロジェクトを任せられました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was my first time to be a team leader and I encountered a lot of difficulties.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "初めてチームのリーダーになり、困難は多かったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, I was determined, with the whole team, to achieve the goal of developing a product that people would love.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、チーム全体で大人気商品を開発するという情熱で目標を達成するという決意がありました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think that my passion moved all the other members and, with trial and errors, we were able to work as \"one team\".", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それがメンバー全員に伝わったのか、試行錯誤しながらも、チームを1つにまとめることができました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As a result, our product reached the sales goal.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "結果、開発された商品は目標の売上を達成しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would you like to become a team leader at our company, too?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "当社でもチームリーダーになりたいと思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, sure, if there is a chance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、機会があればぜひなりたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are many other companies that offer similar positions. Why us?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他にも同様の役職がある会社が多くある中、なぜ当社を選びましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I had a chance to meet your president and have a chat last year, and instinctively I thought I wanted to work here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昨年御社の社長にお会いしてお話をしたとき、直感的にここで働きたいと思いました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our employees love him.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社長は社員にとても好かれています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, your company culture is like no other and your company has more freedom and distinctiveness compared to others and I was attracted to that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから、他社とは違った自由で独特な社風も魅力的でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A lot of people say that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはよく聞かれますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have any questions?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "田中さんから質問などはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, not that I can think of.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいえ、特にないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would like you to take a paper test now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではこれから筆記試験に移りたいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Could you please wait outside until we call you again?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "再度お名前を呼びますので、一旦外に出てお待ちください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for calling ABC online shop customer center, my name is Tanabe.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、ABCオンラインショップ、カスタマーサービスセンター田辺です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, I've just received the flour I ordered today, but the bag was ripped and flour had come out of it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すみません、今日注文していた小麦粉が届いたのですが、袋が破けて中身が出ていました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I apologize for your inconveniences.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大変ご迷惑をおかけして申し訳ございません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In order to figure out what we can do about this, could I have your information, please?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは、対応させていただくためにお客様の詳細をお聞きしてもよろしいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First of all, can I have your name and phone number, please?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まずはお客様のお名前と、お電話番号をお願いいたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My name is Hitoshi Murata and my phone number is xxx-xxxx-xxxx.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "村田仁、xxx-xxxx-xxxxです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have your order number at hand?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次に、商品の注文番号はお手元にお持ちでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, that's xxx-xxxx.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、xxx-xxxxです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Could you wait for a moment while I check your details?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お調べいたしますので、少々お待ちくださいませ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大変お待たせいたしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The product you ordered is a 10 kilogram bag of flour from ABC company, is this right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ABC社小麦粉10キロ、8500円のものでお間違いございませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now could you wait for a moment again while I check what we can do about this issue?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではこちらでどういった対応が可能か確認いたしますので、再度お待ちいただけますでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much for waiting, Mt. Murata.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can either give you a full refund of 8500 yen for the product or we can send you a new bag of the same product to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回の件につきましては、8500円の全額返金をさせていただくか、再度当社より新しい商品を送らせていただければと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Great, then can you send me a new bag?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました、じゃあ再送をお願いできますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've just arranged the delivery of the new bag to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただいま該当商品の再送の手続きが完了いたしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The confirmation E-mail has been sent to your E-mail account.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確認のEメールをお客様のEメールアカウントにお送りさせていただきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you need any other assistance?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他に何かご質問やお困りの点はございませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, that's all, thank you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいえ、以上です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This was Tanabe serving you today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日は、田辺が対応させていただきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for using ABC online shop Customer Service Center.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ABCオンラインショップ、カスタマーサービスセンターをご利用いただきありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for your help.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, this is Tanaka speaking at AB English School.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、AB英会話スクール、田中です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, I've seen an ad about English teacher's job on your website.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、英会話講師の求人についてそちらのウェブサイトで拝見したのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's for teachers who are native speakers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ネイティブ講師の求人です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you looking for any?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "募集されていますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、募集中です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I ask your name and the country you are from?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お名前と国籍をお伺いできますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Michael Thomson, I'm an American.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マイケル・トムソン、アメリカ人です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How old are you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "年齢はおいくつですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "28 years old.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "28歳です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you live in Yokohama-city?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お住まいは横浜市内ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, my house is about 20 minutes walk from your school.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、スクールから徒歩20分程度のところです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have a visa that allows you to work in Japan?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日本で就労が可能なビザはお持ちですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My wife is Japanese and I have a spouse visa that lets me work here without limit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "妻が日本人で、無制限の労働が可能な配偶者ビザがあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, how long is that valid for?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですか、ビザの有効期間は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For 3 years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "3年間です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I got this last month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先月取得しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you ever taught English conversation before?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "英会話を教えた経験はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I have.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I taught at a language school in U.S. for about 4 years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アメリカの語学学校で4年間ほど教えていました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A lot of students were Japanese.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日本人の多い語学学校でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We teach from 3 year olds to adults.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "当校は3歳から社会人を対象としています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have any preference of the age you want to teach?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "特にこの年齢層を教えたい、という希望はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I used to teach students in their twenties, so I'd like to teach that age.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アメリカでは20代を主に教えていたので、その年代が希望です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Noted.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like you to come for an interview.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、ぜひ面接に来ていただきたいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have space for 2 or 3 o'clock on Tuesday next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週の火曜日、午後2時または3時が空いています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2 o'clock would suit me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2時でお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please wear a business suit and bring your resume.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スーツ着用で、履歴書をお持ちください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "O.K.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for calling, see you on Tuesday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとうございます、では火曜日に。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "See you then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、火曜日に。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for the meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は打ち合わせありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I appreciate it too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらこそ、どうも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's lunchtime now, and I wonder if you could come to lunch with me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょうどお昼なので、よろしければランチをご一緒に。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't have to go back to the office for a while, so sure I can.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会社に戻るまで時間があるので行けますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have any food allergies?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "特にアレルギーなどお持ちではないですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There's a great curry place near here so why don't we go there?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、美味しいカレー屋があるので、そこにしませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Their Thai curry with peanuts is famous.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ピーナツ入りタイカレーが有名で。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいですね、カレー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I invite Paul who was at the meeting?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さっき打ち合わせにいたポールも誘っていいですか??", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ぜひぜひ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Paul, would you like join us for lunch?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ポール、ランチに行くけどどうだ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I would love to.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、行かせていただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, let's go.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、行きましょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it close?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "近いんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Very, only a 5 minute's walk.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですよ、5分も歩けば。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's nice there is a good restaurant so close.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんな近くに美味しいお店があって、いいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know, I take my clients often.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですよ、よくお客さんとも行くんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's become a favorite place for lots of our clients too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちのお客様もたくさん気に入っていらっしゃいますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, I can't wait.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですか、それは楽しみですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, Ms. Ishida from HR.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、人事の石田さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I haven't seen you for a while.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご無沙汰しております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm here to talk about changes in our employee training today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は、社員研修の変更についてのご説明にあがりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Any big changes?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か大きな変更があるのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, we'll now offer online courses.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、オンライン講座を提供することになりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You don't need to go to headquarters just for the training.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "研修のためだけの本社出張が不要になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will save each department their travel expenses.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "各部署で出張費がかなり節約できます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That would definitely help us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは、僕たちも助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Business trips can be time-consuming as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "出張になると時間もとられますし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm sure.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "People can take courses whenever they want.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "好きな時間に受講していただけますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I show you an example?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "例をお見せしていいですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, please use my computer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、私のコンピューターで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please access the internal website with your employee ID.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社員IDで社内ホームページにアクセスしてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now click \"Training\".", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次に「研修」のタブをクリックしてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see the couse list.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、「オンライン講座」の一覧が出てきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We offer about 10 courses right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "現在、10講座ほど提供されています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Different types of classes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "色々ありますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They are all video courses, about 30 minutes each.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "動画による講座で、約30分の内容になっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm sure you can see it...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "見ていただくと分かるとおもうのですが...", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can study at your own pace.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自分のペースで進めていただけるのが魅力です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can go back to watch it again if I miss something.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりにくかったところは、繰り返し見られますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, you can repeat watching as many times as you want.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうです、何度でも見ていただけます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Those courses are awesome.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オンライン講座、なかなかいいじゃないですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's very helpful that our people don't have to travel often.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社員の出張が減るのは本当に助かりますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will email you the details next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週、詳しいことはメールする予定になっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I wanted to tell you about it in person.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、その前に、直接お知らせしておきたかったので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can't remember when we saw each other last time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "長い間ご無沙汰してましたしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know, since we usually talk on the phone or email only.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当に、いつも電話とメールだけですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's right, it was nice seeing you again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、お会いできてよかったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please feel free to email me if you have any questions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か質問があれば、またメールでもしてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's it for now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、今日はこれで失礼いたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for coming.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お疲れさまでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will now start the status update meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは只今より進捗会議を始めます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please explain the progress since Monday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "月曜日からの進捗を教えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I went on a business trip last week to the Tokyo sales office last week and asked what issues the user was having with regular tasks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は先週東京営業所に出張に行ってユーザーから普段の作業で困っていることを聞いてきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, that's right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああそうでしたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The new hires are calculating the total sales with a calculator, so there are lots of errors and it's taking them a lot of time to do it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新人が売り上げの合計金額を電卓で計算しているので、間違いが多く時間がかかってるそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can't we just have them use Excel to do the calculations automatically?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはエクセルで自動計算させてあげればいいのではないですかね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If we incorporate formulas so it can do the calculations automatically, we should be able to save around one hour.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自動計算の数式を入れれば1時間くらいの時短になりますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, please contact the user and send a request to change the system.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それではユーザーに連絡してシステム変更依頼を出してもらってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will contact them after this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この後連絡しておきますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What other things did you guys talk about?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他にはどのようなことを話しましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Apparently their computers are running very slowly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最近パソコンがとても遅いそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It might be a good idea to get new computers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そろそろ新しいパソコンに変えたほうがいいかもしれません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "True, they've had it for around three years already.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね。もう3年くらい使ってますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It might be a good idea to get some new equipment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そろそろ新しいものにアップデートしたほうがいいかもしれませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それがいいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll talk to the general manger about this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それではその件は私の方から部長に話してみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい。よろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me know what you find out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何かわかりましたら情報の共有をお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Be sure to submit your business trip report.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは出張の報告書を提出してくださいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This will be it for the status update meeting then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "以上で進捗会議を終わります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We'll have another status update meeting next Friday at the same time, so please keep note of it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは来週の金曜日の同じ時間に進捗ミーティングをしますので、よろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Noted and thank you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, this is system support.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、システム管理部です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How's it going?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm having difficulties printing, can you show me something?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "印刷がどうしてもうまくできなくて、ちょっと教えていただけないでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The document I want to print comes out grey instead of black.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "黒くしたい文字が、薄い灰色になってしまうんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How can I print it in black?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "真っ黒に印刷するには、どうしたらいいのでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you using an inkjet printer?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お使いのプリンタは、インクジェットでしたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it's an inkjet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、インクジェットです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are magenta, yellow, cyan and black cartridges properly set.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マゼンタ、イエロー、ブルー、黒がセットされています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you done a test print?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "テスト印刷は試されましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The test print comes out nice and black.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "テスト印刷では、きちんと濃い黒で出ているんですけれど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When I go to print my document, it prints it out in grey.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私が文書を印刷すると、薄い灰色になってしまいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "OK, can you go to your print settings in your document?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、その文書側の印刷設定を確認してみていただけますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When the print setting is in color, it used all 3 colors to make black but the result isn't quite black.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "印刷設定の色の選択で、カラーを選ばれていると、カラー3色を混ぜて黒を表すので、真っ黒にならないことがあるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will check that right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今、確認してみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you looking at 'print properties'?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "「印刷のプロパティ」ですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, that's it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you find the color setting?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "色の設定は見つけられますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Um, yes, this is it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええと、はい、あっこれですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It says 'color'.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "「カラー」になってました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please change that to 'black and white'.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこを、「白黒」に変更してみてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Done.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, so this will make it print out in black.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あっ、これで黒インクで印刷されるようになるのですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, try it now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、やってみてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh yes, it's black.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "できました、黒くなりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ms. Wakamatsu, do you make your own lunch?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "若松さん、お弁当自分で作っているの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、自分で作っていますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, I'm impressed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えらいなー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Your lunch looks so yummy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おいしそうなお弁当だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I do think about the nutritional balance when I make them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いちおう、栄養バランスを考えて作ってます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I like to cook.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "料理、好きなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I make my own pickled turnip.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "かぶ漬けとかも自分で作っちゃう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Really, homemade pickled turnip?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっそのかぶ漬け、自家製なの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Making pickles must be difficult.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "漬物おいしく作るのって、難しいでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It feels like unless you are a grandma, you won't have enough experience to make good pickles.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おばあちゃんぐらい経験豊富な人じゃなきゃ、おいしく作れないイメージ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There aren't many people who can make homemade pickles well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほんとうに上手に作れる人って、なかなかいないよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, my grandmother taught me how to make them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は私も、祖母から作り方教わったんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Your grandmother must be a good cook too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おばあちゃん、お料理上手な方なのね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And you're still young and make good pickles already, Ms. Wakamatsu?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、若松さんは若いのにもう上手に作れるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am impressed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すごいなぁ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I only ever buy my pickles from the store.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私なんか買って食べるしか考えたことない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Isn't it hard to find what you like from the stores?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "売っているものは、口に合うものを見つけるまでがたいへんじゃないですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you make them yourself, you can make them how you like.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自分で作ると、自分の好きな味にできますから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But to perfect the taste you need talent and good sense.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも微妙な味付けのバランスって、才能とセンスがいるよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You must have your talented grandmother's gene, Ms. Watamatsu.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "若松さんはきっと、お料理上手のおばあさんの血を受け継いでいるんだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I envy you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うらやましいな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, I'd like to place an order for some hors d'oeuvres for the New Year's party.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すみません、新年のパーティー用のオードブルの注文いいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Really, this early?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっ、こんなに早くですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is too early?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早いですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's only 2 weeks away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2週間後ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When I made the order last year, I was advised to put my order in earlier or else you may not be able to get all the ingredients.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "去年注文したときに、直前だと材料が用意できないから早く注文してくださいと言われました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is that right, excuse me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうでしたか。失礼しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So how would you like us to arrange the hors d'oeuvres?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どのようにお作りしましょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like them for 5 people with a budget of about 8,000 yen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "5人前を8000円ぐらいで作っていただきたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there any items we should avoid including?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か、使わないほうがよい材料はありますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There's a person with a peanut allergy, so please don't put that in.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ピーナッツは、アレルギーの者がいるので、入れないでいただきたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Of course, well noted.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have any preference to what sashimi?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お刺身のお魚はご希望ありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Definitely include tuna.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マグロは入れてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、かしこまりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also ark shell.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "赤貝も入れてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "OK.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't want sea bream.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "鯛はいりません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also no octopus.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "タコもいりません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please have scallops and shrimp.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ホタテとえびはお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あとは・・・", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you have any changes, please give us a call.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か変更などありましたら、お電話ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can we pay on the day?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "支払いは当日でよいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、結構です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What time can you deliver?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "受け取り時間は、いかがいたしましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you do 4 o'clock on the 31st?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "31日の16時ぐらいにできますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、かしこまりしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's great, looking forward to it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, this is Salon L.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、サロンLです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、こんにちは。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My name is Tamura.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "田村と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to make an appointment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "予約をお願いしたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When would you like to come in?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつご希望でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to come this Thursday, either morning or afternoon will work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今週木曜日の、午前と午後、どちらでもいいんですけれど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know which treatment you'd like?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "コースはお決まりですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have anyone in mind?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "担当者のご希望はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I usually ask for Ms. Ellen for treatments A and B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつものAとBのコースで、エレンさんにお願いしたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me check if Ellen is available.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "エレンの予定を確認いたしますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's this Thursday...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "木曜日ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hold on one second.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ellen has the morning off this Thursday but will be here in the afternoon; we have a 3 o'clock or a 4 o'clock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あいにくエレンは、木曜日午前はお休みをいただく予定で、午後は15時からか、16時からですと大丈夫です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How do those sound?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いかがいたしましょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I do 3 o'clock then?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは15時からでお願いできますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So that's this Thursday at 3 o'clock for treatments A and B for Ms. Tamura.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "木曜日15時、田村様、AとBのコースですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Looking forward to seeing you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You're welcome, and thank you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ms. Ichimura, do you have a minute?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "市村さん、ちょっといい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, Mr. Kobayashi, what can I do for you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、なんでしょうか、部長。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What are you working on right now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今、何の件やってる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you busy?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "忙しい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am researching a case for a client, but when I am done with that I should have some time in the afternoon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1件、お客様からのお問い合わせの案件を調査中ですが、その返信が終われば、午後には手が空くと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would you be able to work on creating a document after that's done?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、それが終わってからでいいんだけど、1つ資料を作ってもらえないかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, what sort of document?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、どんな資料ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There is a client meeting next week, and I'd like to introduce product S as well because I think it will fit their requirement.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週、商談があってお客様のところへ行くんだけれど、S製品の機能も要件に合いそうだからさ、それもついでに紹介したいと思っててね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If the document explained the function of the product in line with their operation environment, would that be OK?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、お客様の運用環境に合うようなアプローチで機能を紹介する資料になればいいのですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, that sounds good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、そう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "OK then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What is the client's operation size?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お客様のところの規模って、どのぐらいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They have about 200 machines.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マシンは200台ぐらい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Their OS is a mixture of Windows 7, 8 and 10.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "OSはWindows7と8と10が混じるって言ってた。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If I presented ideas of how they can use the product in different situations to help them understand the basic method of operation, would that be good?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんなときにこんなことができる、それと操作方法がざっと分かればよいでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How many pages would you like this in?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ページ数のご希望はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't know how much time I have to go into detail, so could you make it into a flyer style in A4 size double sided.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "詳しく説明する時間は取れないかもしれないから、A4裏表でちらしみたいなほうがいいかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Make it simple, so that the client can look at it later and still understand it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あとでお客様だけで見ても分かるような、簡単なやつにして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will also include our contact details if they have any questions later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お問い合わせ先を書いてあとで質問をもらえるようにしますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's a good idea, please do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだね、そうしてもらおう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When do you think you can get this done by?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どれぐらいでできそうかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll start today after lunch, maybe it'll take about 2 to 3 hours?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日の午後から始めるとして、2、3時間あればだいたいできると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me know when you're done.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、できたら教えてね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's go over the details in the evening, after I take a look.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いったん見て、夕方にまた細かい打ち合わせしようか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, that's fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, how are you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm fine, thank you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you talk?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今話せる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There was a small mistake in the file you sent this morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今朝送ってもらったファイルなんだけど、細かいミスがあってさ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Really, I'm so sorry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっ、それは申し訳ございませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will fix it and resend it to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "修正してお送りし直します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yea, I thought so, but I was in a bit of a rush so I corrected it myself and delivered it to the client.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや、そう思ったんだけどさ、ちょっと急いでいたからこっちで修正して、お客様にもう納品したんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh I see, thank you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうでしたか、ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am so sorry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すみませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There may be more changes in this file, so I will email you the updated version later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このファイル、このあともっと変更が入る可能性があるから、こっちで更新したやつ、これからメールで送るね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "OK, thank you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will replace the file I have here with the updated file.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらのファイルも差し替えして、それを最新ということにしておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By the way, would you know which part of the file was corrected?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちなみに、どのあたりを修正されたか分かりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Translated plural words were missing the -s.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "複数形に訳されるはずのところに、sが足りなかったの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, spell check might not detect things like that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あーっ、それはスペルチェックをかけても、感知されない場合があるかもしれませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yea, I know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、そうなんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You do run spell check on files before you send them out, don't you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "納品前に、スペルチェックちゃんとしてくれているよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, the software is set up so that the spell check function is on.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、ソフトの機能で全体をチェックかけるようにしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But these can be missed by the program.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、チェックにひっかからないケースもあったんだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hadn't thought of that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私も、思いついていませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You must check it manually rather than totally relying on the computer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "機械任せでなく、人の目でチェックするしかないんだよね、こういうところは。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was a good catch.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それにしても、よく気づかれましたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for letting me know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "教えていただいて、ありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Welcome. May I help you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いらっしゃいませ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to take these.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will be 46.50.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お客様、合計で46ドル50セントになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you spend over 50 dollars, I can give you this as a present, would you be interested?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "50ドル以上お買い上げいただくと、こちらのプレゼントを差しあげられるのですが、いかがでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's only another 3.50...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと3ドル50セントですので・・・。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you add another box of this set, it will go over 50 dollars, what do you think?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらのセットをもう1箱追加されると50ドルを超えますが、いかがでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Um, I really don't have another person to give this to...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、あと誰かにあげる予定はないのよねぇ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then how about a few of these items, separately?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、こちらの商品を、バラでいくつかいかがですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Um, no thank you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、すみませんけどいいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I won't be needing anything more.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "追加はなしでお願いいたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですか、失礼いたしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Your total is 46.50.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、合計46ドル50セントになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "With this credit card, please.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "クレジットカードでお願いいたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have our stamp card?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お客様、当店のスタンプカードはお持ちですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, I don't.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいえ、持っていないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you're interested, may I make one for you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お作りしてもよろしいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "With 10 stamps, you can exchange it for a small gift.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スタンプが10個貯まると、小さなギフトと交換できます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, why not.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、ではお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can use this card at any of our other locations, please show them the card with your purchase.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このカードは、私共のどこの店舗でもお使いになれますので、お買い上げの際にご提示ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please come again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "またぜひどうぞ、いらしてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Welcome.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, I just purchased these 3 boxes about 30 minutes ago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あの、私つい30分ほど前にあちらのスタッフの方からこの製品を3箱購入した者なんですけれど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just checked the receipt and realized that I was charged for 4 boxes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "レシートを見ていたら、4箱分の金額がチャージされていることに気づきまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh my, I'm very sorry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはたいへん失礼しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "May I see the receipt?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "レシートはお持ちですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, here it is.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、持ってきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This last line is the extra charge.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この最後の行が多いんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, welcome back.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for your earlier purchase.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さきほどはありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I came back because I was charged for an extra box.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さっき、1箱多くチャージされてたみたいで、また来ました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh my goodness, my apologies.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I must have double charged you when I exchanged the item I dropped.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私がさっき、お品物を落としてしまって交換させていただいたとき、ダブって入力してしまったのですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Very sorry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大変失礼しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have the credit card you used?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先ほどのクレジットカードはお持ちですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me refund you 10 dollar 30 for the 1 extra box.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、1箱分の10ドル30セント、返金させていただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What was that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何だったの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There was an input mistake.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私が入力ミスしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please sign right here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、こちらにサインをお願いいたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As an apology, please take this with you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お詫びにといってはなんですが、こちらどうぞお持ちください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, thank you so much.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あら、ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you talk now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今話できる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I'm okay to talk.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wanted to talk to you about next week's meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週の打ち合わせのこと、相談したいんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right, I will be heading over to your office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、そちらの事務所にお伺いするのでしたよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, about that, can you leave on the day and check when you think you will arrive?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "申し訳ないけど、当日の朝に移動してもらって、こっちには何時ごろに着けそうかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I looked it up and I should be able to get there around ten thirty.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、調べておいたんですけれど、10時半ぐらいには事務所に着けそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have to leave really early in the morning?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "朝、出るの早すぎない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would it be okay?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大変じゃない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes it's fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's the bullet train that leaves at eight fifteen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "8時15分発の新幹線です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, can you take that one then?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、それで来てもらっていい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, will do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The meeting agenda is in regards to confirming the progress schedule for this year's project right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "打ち合わせの内容は、今年のプロジェクトの進行スケジュールの認識合わせでよろしいですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will have the meeting in the morning, eat lunch then have Mr. Nakamura and Mr. Koizumi join us in the afternoon to discuss the details on the assignment of tasks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "午前中に僕と打ち合わせをして、お昼を食べてもらってから、午後は中村と小泉も入ってもらって、詳しい役割分担の話をするから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you think we will finish in one day?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1日で終わりそうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was thinking of what time to book the bullet train back.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "帰りの新幹線は、何時で予約しようかと思ってまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes we will finish in one day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "終わる終わる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We should be done by around 5 o'clock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "17時ぐらいには充分終わるでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I will consider the extra commute time to the station, and book the bullet train back.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、そのあと移動に入るつもりで、帰りの新幹線予約しておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Be sure to get a receipt under the company's name as usual.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつもどおり、会社の名前で領収証もらってきてね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You will need to submit your travel expense.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "旅費精算もするから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello you've reached guest services.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、ゲストサービスです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi my name is Miura from room 2512.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2512号室の三浦と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Has the housekeeping service for today finished already?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日のハウスキーピングのサービスは、もう終わってしまいましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, we offer the service 24 hours a day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいえ、サービスは24時間行っております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I help you with anything?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いかがされましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When I left in the morning, I forgot to remove the Do not Disturb sign and went out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今朝出かけるとき、Do not disturbの札を外すのを忘れたまま出かけてしまったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And there was a message card under the door that says we didn't knock and did not clean your room.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、「お部屋のノックをしませんでした、お掃除はしていません」と、ドアの下にメッセージカードがあったのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm really sorry but can I ask you guys to clean the room now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すみませんが、これからお掃除をお願いしてもよろしいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will let the person in charge know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "担当に伝えます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Will you be staying in your room after this Mr. Miura?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "三浦様、このあとはお部屋にいらっしゃいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just got back so I plan on staying.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今帰ってきたところなので、このあとはずっといます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can come clean the room any time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お掃除も、いつでもいいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I will send the person in charge of housekeeping right away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは、このあとすぐ清掃担当者をお部屋にお送りします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I also wanted to ask another favor.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あっ、それから一緒にお願いしたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The drainage of the bathtub isn't good so would it be possible to have someone take a look at it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "バスタブの排水が悪いようなのですが、どなたかに見ていただくことはできますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was bad from day 1 but I've used the shower and hair went down there so it's gotten worse.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1日目からよくなかったのですが、私もシャワーを使って髪の毛を流してしまったので、余計に悪くなってしまって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will send the person in charge up to your room right away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "担当の者をすぐにお部屋にお送りいたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please tell the person in charge that I'll be at the balcony so let me know if anything comes up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私はベランダにいますので、何かあったら声をかけてくださいと、担当の方にお伝えください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それではよろしくお願いいたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just got back from Hawaii.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ハワイに行ってきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Here's a souvenir.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これお土産です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, you went to Hawaii again Yamauchi-san?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっ山内さん、またハワイに行ってきたの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I just got back yesterday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、昨日帰国しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How many times have you been?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何回目だっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, this will be my seventh time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えーと、今回で7回目です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, that many?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えーそんなに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Don't you get bored from going so many times?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんなに何度も行って飽きないの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What do you do there?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "行って何してんの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It doesn't get boring at all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "飽きませんねぇ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I haven't really gone that many times.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私なんか回数少ない方ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know people who have been there forty times.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の知人には40回も行っている人もいますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's a bit too much.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは極端すぎじゃない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's so good about Hawaii?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ハワイの、何がそんなにいいの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There's a lot, but personally I like how it has everything that Japan doesn't have.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いろいろありますけど、私には、日本にないものがすべてある感じです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I grew up in a place without the sea so I love the sea, palm tree, and tropical flowers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は海のないところで育ったので、まずは海とヤシの木と南国の花が憧れで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, I don't find the sea that uncommon so I don't see what's so special about the ocean in Hawaii.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうかー、俺は海珍しくないから、ハワイの海って聞いても、何も特別感ないもんなー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm jealous that you live near the ocean.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "海が身近なんて、うらやましいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By the way, I just heard that Mr. Sasaki went to Taiwan last week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういえば、さっき聞きましたけど、佐々木さんは先週台湾へ行ってきたそうですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There was a souvenir on the table.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お土産が机の上にありました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、そうだってね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I want to go somewhere too!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "俺もどっか行きたいなー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you're not interested in the ocean then places where you can enjoy walking around the city like Taiwan might be good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "海に興味ないなら、それこそ台湾とか、街歩きが楽しいところがいいかもしれませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだなー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I haven't taken paid holidays in a while so I'll think about it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しばらく有給取ってないし、真剣に考えようかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah you should.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You'll be able to work more productively if you take a breather every now and then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ときどき息抜きした方が、仕事もはかどるようになりますしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, having a good work-life balance is important right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだね、生活のメリハリは大事だよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, this is Yamada from Yamada Coffee.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、山田珈琲の山田です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, this is Kawada from D, Inc.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お世話になっております、D社の川田です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is now a good time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今お時間よろしいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, Kawada, it's been a while.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あー川田さん、お久しぶりです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have time so what's going on?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今大丈夫ですよ、どうしましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, are you familiar with our company's free paper?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、弊社で作成しておりますフリーペーパーはご存知ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I often see it set out in train stations.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よく駅に設置してあるのを見かけます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I'm glad you know it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご存知のようで良かったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, we're planning to do a special feature on cafes in our free paper.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実はそのフリーペーパーの特集で喫茶店特集を行う予定をしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is that so, sounds like an interesting plan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんですか、楽しそうな企画ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What do you say to us featuring Yamada Coffee?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこで今回山田珈琲さんを掲載させていただきたいのですがいかがでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you really want us as we are such a small cafe?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんな小さいお店なのにうちでいいんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Your cafe has roots in the area and a history, so it's perfect for this feature.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "地域に根ざした歴史のあるお店なので、今回の特集にぴったりなんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It goes without saying that your coffee is good, but this time we are focusing on candidates with a good atmosphere.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回はコーヒーの味もさることながらお店の雰囲気等も考慮して候補を絞りました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, that makes me really happy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはそれは嬉しいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We've never been featured in the media before, but is there anything I should do?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "取材なんて初めてでどうしたらいいんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Just go about your regular business.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつもどおりにしていただいていて大丈夫ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "All we want is to get some photos of that, and have a little chat.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その光景を撮影させていただいて、少しお話し聞かせてもらえれば結構です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, if that's the case, I think I can help you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それだったら私でも大丈夫そうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will also serve as an advertisement for your shop, so would you like to be featured?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お店の宣伝にもなりますので、ぜひ掲載させていただけませんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I'd love that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、喜んでお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well then, I'd like to schedule the date for our interview, so what are your hours like next week?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは取材の日程を決定したいのですが来週何時頃なら空いてますでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Just a moment, please.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええっと、ちょっとお待ちくださいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Next week, the shop is closed as usual on Monday and Tuesday, but anything else is fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週はお店が月曜日と火曜日が休みなのでそれ以外がいいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wasn't your shop just closed on Mondays?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お店の定休日は毎週月曜日だけではなかったんでしたっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll be traveling next week, so I decided to take Tuesday off as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週はちょっと私が旅行に出るので火曜日も休みにしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If that's the case, how about Thursday afternoon?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうしましたら木曜日の午後などはいかがでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thursday works if it's before five o'clock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "木曜日は17時までなら大丈夫ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then how about three o'clock?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、15時はいかがですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "All right, three o'clock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "15時ですね、わかりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there anything I should do to prepare?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か前もって準備しておくことってありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like a picture of you making siphon coffee, so can you have that ready?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "コーヒーをサイフォンで淹れてる写真が欲しいのでそちらの準備をお願いできますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Got it, I'll get it ready.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、準備しておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That and, if possible, I'd like a whitish cup for the coffee.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それとできたらコーヒーを入れるのは白系のカップをお願いしたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have some Meissen porcelain cups, so let's use those.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マイセンのカップがあるのでそちらを使いましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll see you at three o'clock on Thursday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは木曜日15時にお伺いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "All right, absolutely.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What should we do about the year-end party?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年の忘年会はどうしようか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Last year we went to a seafood restaurant, so I'd like to try another place.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "去年は海鮮居酒屋だったから今年は別のところにしたいなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Last year, there weren't enough seats and it was hard for people to socialize, so we should choose somewhere with a lot of space.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "去年は、席が少なくて全員の交流が図れなかったので、広いところにしましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You're probably right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かにそうだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, the bottomless drinks menu didn't include nihonshu, so could we find one that does?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それと飲み放題に日本酒が入ってなかったので入ってるお店にしてくれないかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Of course drinks are important, but there will also be food requests from the female employees.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "飲み物も大事なんですけど、女子社員からは食べ物のリクエストが来ています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, what do you mean?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほ、と言うと?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Apparently they prefer food that looks good on social media.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "SNSにアップした時に映えるものがいいそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, the whole Instagrammable thing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いわゆるインスタ映えってやつだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right, our female employees feel strongly about that kind of thing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、当社の女子はその辺りのこだわりが強いようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, are there any requests from the male employees?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なるほどだね、男子社員はなにかリクエストはあるのかい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They say they'd like a place where the bottomless drinks menu includes draft beer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "男子社員は、飲み放題に生ビールが含まれているところがいいそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Was that not the case last year?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "去年はそうじゃなかったっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Last year, there was a limit of two glasses per person.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "去年は一人2杯までという制限があったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You're right, let's choose a place that has bottomless beer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだったんだね、じゃあ生ビール飲み放題の店にしよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Were there any other requests from the company overall?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他に全体からリクエストはあったかい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There were also some requests about the type of food.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "料理についても希望がありました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The female employees would like something healthy, and the male employees something very substantial.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "女性社員からはヘルシーなもの、男性社員からはガッツリしたものという希望です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We're in trouble since that's contradictory.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それじゃあ全く相反してしまうなあ、困ったな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What about a buffet or something?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ビュッフェなんてどうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "At a buffet, there will be variety and everyone can choose what they want.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ビュッフェだと種類が多く皆が好きなものを選べますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A buffet?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ビュッフェってなんだい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It means all you can eat.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "バイキングのことですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, all you can eat could work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あーバイキングね、いいかもしれないね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well then, let's do that and find one right away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それならそうしましょうか、早速探してみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Roughly how much should we budget per person this year?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年の予算はひとりいくらぐらいにしましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is the company paying again like last year?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "去年同様会社持ちでいいんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would about five thousand yen per person be appropriate?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ひとり5000円ぐらいでいいんじゃないかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Of course the company will pay this year too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろん今年も会社負担でいいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our company is going to keep on growing, so we've decided to hire some new employees in Sales.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我が社が今後拡大していくために営業の新入社員を雇うことにした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Motoi-san, do you know anyone who's looking for a job?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だれか本井さんの知り合いで仕事を探してる人はいない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Unfortunately I don't think I know anyone who is.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の知り合いではあいにくそのような人はいないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ando-san, what about your friends?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "安藤さんの知り合いはどうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't think any of my friends are either.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕の知り合いでもそういうのはいないなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The safe thing would be to recruit through Hello Work, or in the job listings, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ハローワークや求人誌で募集するのが無難ではないでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right, but interviewing and reviewing the CVs will take too much time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんだけど、面接したり履歴書読んだり時間がかかりすぎるんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If it's someone that one of you knows, we can cut that work out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君たちの知り合いだとその手間も省けるからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like we said, there's nothing we can do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうは言ってもいないので、どうしようもないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Motoi-san, you're right about that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本井さんの言うとおりですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What kind of person do we want to hire?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どんな人に我が社に来て欲しいんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, we want someone with sales experience.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "営業の経験がある人が希望だな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What if it's someone with motivation but no experience?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "未経験でやる気のある人はどうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, well, if they're really motivated, then we could consider them as a candidate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだなあ、やる気があるならまあ候補としては有りだな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But we don't have time to teach them from zero, so the best candidate would be someone who could contribute right away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ一から教えるのも時間がないので即戦力になる人が第一候補だな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Someone who can contribute right away, huh.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "即戦力ですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I still can't think of anyone I know who might fit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ますます知り合いでそういう人は思いつきません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Neither can I.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕もそうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This really is going to be difficult, huh.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やはり難しいか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I guess all we can do is get to work searching.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "コツコツ探すしかなさそうだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "To start, I think we ought to take the easy road and use Hello Work, like I said before.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まずは先ほども申し上げたように、王道のハローワークなどを使うべきだと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "All right then, I'll go for my lunch break, consult, and come back.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうしようか、昼休みに行って相談してくるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hope we can find someone good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いい仲間が見つかるといいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The year-end holidays are almost here, so you have any plans?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もうすぐ年末休暇だけど何をする予定ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I bet I'll end up deep-cleaning the house, watching Kohaku Uta Gassen, and just like that, my seven days of vacation will be over.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は家の大掃除をして紅白歌合戦を見たらあっという間に7日間の休みが終わってしまいそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have any plans for your time off, Ueda?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "上田さんはどんな休暇の予定ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I want to travel with my husband, but we're struggling to decide where.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "主人と旅行に行きたいんですが、なかなか行き先が決まらなくて困っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have any ideas about where to go?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "行き先の候補はどこなんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think somewhere in Asia would be fun, like maybe Taiwan or Thailand.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アジア方面が良いかなと思っていて、台湾かタイにしようと思っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Both Taiwan and Thailand are great countries for sightseeing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "台湾もタイもどちらも観光するにはいい国ですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you been to both countries?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "二カ国とも行ったことがあるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I've traveled to both on my own.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありますよ、どちらとも個人旅行で行きました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, you have?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Which did you like better?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どちらの国が良かったですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I liked them both.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どちらとも良かったですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What was fun about Taiwan?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "台湾では何が楽しかったですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In Taiwan, it's definitely about the food and the soup dumplings were the best.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "台湾はやっぱりグルメですね、特に小籠包が最高でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm so jealous!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "羨ましいです!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What was the sightseeing like?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "観光はどんな感じでしたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I went around to temples and museums and places like that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お寺や博物館などを巡りました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I went to a hot spring in a town in the north of Taipei.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "台北の北部の街で温泉に入りました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Taiwan has hot springs too?!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "台湾にも温泉があるんですか!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd never heard that before, but it's good to know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは初耳で貴重な情報です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But it's different from Japan and they have private baths instead of a big bathing area, and there's a time limit system.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ日本と違って大浴場ではなく個室風呂で時間制なんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There's no changing room, so you open the door and there's the washing area and the bathtub right there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "更衣室がなくて、もうドアを開けたらすぐ洗い場と浴槽でしたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It sounds fun that it's so different from Japan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日本とは色々と違っていて面白いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What did you do on your trip to Thailand?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "タイ旅行ではどんなことをして過ごしたんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well first off, massages.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まずはマッサージですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's so cheap there, I got a massage every day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "物価が安いので毎日マッサージに通っていました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Didn't it hurt?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "痛くはなかったですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It felt so good that I kept falling asleep in the middle of things.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "気持ちよくて途中で何度も寝てしまっていました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And Thai food is so delicious too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "タイ料理も美味しかったですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You didn't have any stomach problems?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お腹を壊したりはしなかったんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not even once.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全くなかったですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think you'll be okay as long as you're careful not to drink the tap water.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "生水を口にしないことだけ心がければ大丈夫だと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now they both sound so good that I don't know how I'll choose.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ますますどちらとも魅力があって行き先選びに悩みます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、お電話ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You've reached the Iidabashi store of Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社飯田橋店です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, my name is Nakai from the Ochanomizu store.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、御茶ノ水店の中井と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There's a product I'd like to order from your branch if it's okay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そちらの店舗からお取り寄せしたい商品があるんですが良いですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, which product is it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、どの商品ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's Product X.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "商品Xです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、大丈夫ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How many do you need?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いくつ必要ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "One please.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一つお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will make the arrangements to have it delivered to your store by today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では今日中にそちらの店舗に送るように手配しますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Really appreciate it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not a problem, have a good one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ、ではよろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, this is Kusano from Travel Agency A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、A旅行社、草野です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh hi, Kusano-san, this is Aoki from Corporation B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、草野さん、株式会社Bの青木です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's always a pleasure to do business with you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, Aoki-san, I am indebted to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、青木さん、お世話になっております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to request an estimate for an overseas business trip.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "海外出張のお見積りをお願いしたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, when for?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、いつからですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Leaving on January the 15th, and returning on the 18th.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1月の15日出発で、18日に戻ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And where is that to?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どちらへ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Guangzhou.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "広州です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "広州白雲国際空港ですね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, and I would like to request an early departure and a late return flight, please.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、出発は早め、帰国便は遅めでお願いしたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, Haneda would be preferable, rather than Narita...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、成田ではなく、羽田がいいんですが...。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっとお待ちください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The earliest flight to Guangzhou departing from Haneda leaves at eight fifty in the morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "羽田出発の広州だと、朝一番早いのは8時50分発ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It arrives in Guangzhou at one oh five.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "広州着は13時5分です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The next one leaves at nine twenty-five and arrives at one fifty.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次は9時25分発で13時50分着ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Earlier is better, so I'd like to book the eight fifty departure, please.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早い方がいいので、8時50分発でお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There is flight CZ5841 with Airline A and flight JL087 with Airline B both at the same time, which would you prefer?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "同じ時間で、A航空のCZ5841便とB航空のJL087便がありますけど、どちらにしますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The prices are 66,500 yen for CZ and 91,500 yen for JL.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "金額は、CZが66500円、JLが91500円ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's quite a difference, so I will go with CZ, please.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんなに違うんですね、ではCZでお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For the return, the last flight leaves at three oh five, arriving at eight o'clock, will that be okay?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "帰りは、最終便が15時5分初、20時着ですけど、こちらでいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Again, there are flights available with Airline C and Airline D, but would you prefer the cheaper price?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらも、C航空とD航空がありますが、金額が安い方がいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it for one person?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一名様でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, two, please.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ、二名でお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do they both have passports?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お二人ともパスポートはお持ちでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would also like to book a hotel in Guangzhou.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、広州のホテルの予約もお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Apparently the hotel you booked for us previously in June was good, are there any vacancies?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "前回、6月に予約していただいたホテルがいいそうなんですが、空きがありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I'll have a look.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、確認します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is a twin room okay?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ツインでいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, I would like two single, no smoking rooms, please.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ、シングル二部屋、禁煙の部屋でお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No smoking singles, got it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "禁煙シングルですね、わかりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I will send you an estimate by email once I have checked the hotel.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、ホテルが確認でき次第、お見積書をメールで送ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would you please send me copies of the passports of the two people going?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "行かれるお二人のパスポートのコピーをお送りいただけますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、よろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Aoki-san, do you have a moment?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "青木さん、ちょっといいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've just had a call from a customer who purchased some building blocks on the website.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先ほど、サイトで積み木を購入されたお客様からお電話があったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They were a little angry, as they said the product differed from the package...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "パッケージと商品が違う、とちょっとお怒りで...。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Which building blocks?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どの積み木ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The product called \"A\".", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Aという商品です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh right, Product A, okay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、商品Aですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, what about the phone call?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、電話は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I told them I would check into it and call them back, and ended the call there for a moment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確認して折り返しご連絡します、と一旦切らせていただきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it a defective product?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "不良品なんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, that's not it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "違いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's definitely the right product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "商品はちゃんと正しいものです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A little while before you joined the company, there was a change made to the specifications by the manufacturer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "園田さんが入社するちょっと前に、メーカーで仕様変更があったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, since we still had a big stockpile of the packaging, we continued to use it unchanged.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、パッケージの在庫はまだたくさんあったもんだから、そのまま使ったというわけです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh I see, so that's why the contents differ from the photo on the package.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なるほど、それでパッケージの写真と中身が違うんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In what way were the specifications changed?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "仕様変更って、どう変わったんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The customer mentioned that they were more dangerous than on the packaging.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お客様が「パッケージより危ない」って仰ってたんですけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right, so the corners are rounded.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "積み木の角って、面取りされてますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now, what used to be very rounded and smooth, is not so rounded anymore.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "多く面取りして丸っこくなっていたのが、少し面取りを減らした、っていう感じです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Huh?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Apparently it was done to make the shapes clearly recognizable.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "形というものをハッキリ認識させるため、だそうですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As in, children will learn to remember that square and star shapes have proper corners.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "星形や四角形は、ちゃんと角があるもの、と子供たちが覚えるようにという。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, so that was the aim.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はあ、そういう意図があるんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But, if a kid throws a block or whatever, aren't the corners dangerous?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、子供が投げたりしたときに、角が危なくないんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If there are corners, the adult will tell the child to be careful because they are dangerous, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "角があると、大人が「危ないから気を付けようね」って教えますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Therefore, the child learns that those kinds of things are dangerous and can hurt.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこで、子供は「ああ、こういうものは危なくて痛いものなんだ」って学習する。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And that is important.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それが大切なんだそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, I guess so.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、そういうものかもしれませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, but it's even correctly described on the product page.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、でも販売ページにもちゃんと記載してあるんですけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It explains that the specifications have been changed so it is now this kind of product, which is different to what's featured on the package.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "仕様変更があって、こういう商品になって、パッケージと違うんですよ、って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, but there are still a lot of people who don't look that closely.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "細かいところまでは見ていない方も多いですからねえ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It might be better to make it even more visible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もっと目立つようにした方がいいかもしれませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I'll look into it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、検討します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, well I will phone the customer and explain that to them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、お客様に電話してお伝えします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If the customer doesn't seem convinced, I will speak to them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし、お客様が納得されないようでしたら、説明代わりますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, got it!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "青木さん、ちょっといいかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、何でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have to go on a business trip next month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来月、出張に行くことになったんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where to?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どこへですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "To Company A in China.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "中国のA社に。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A sample of the new product to be released in March arrived from Company A yesterday, but there are several problems with the details.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "3月発売の新商品、A社から昨日サンプルが届いたんだけど、細かいところが色々問題があってね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "See, look here, that's not very good is it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほら、ここ見て、これはまずいだろう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh yes, and that part is important, too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、ここは大事な部分ですね...。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So therefore I now have to go to the factory and observe the manufacturing process with Yang-san from Company A, and have a discussion in person.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だからA社の楊さんと工場で製造工程を見て、直接打ち合わせすることになったんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Given the opportunity, I think I might also visit Company B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いい機会だから、B社にも行ってこようかと思って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, so you'd like me to arrange a flight and hotel, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、では飛行機とホテルの手配ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When will you go?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつからですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to leave on the 15th, and return on the 18th.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "15日に出て、18日に帰国で。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If it's any later than that, it will end up being close to Chinese New Year, so the president told me to get going soon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あんまり遅いと春節に近くなっちゃうから、早く行ってこいと社長に言われたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah yes, things will get busy close to Chinese New Year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "春節近くになると、色々忙しくなりますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, so leaving on Tuesday the 15th, and returning on Friday the 18th, got it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、15日の火曜日出発、18日の金曜日戻りですね、わかりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And, can I request a flight as early in the morning as possible on the 15th.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "15日は午前中のできるだけ早い便を頼むよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to schedule the meeting for that day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その日に打ち合わせしたいからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Company A is in Guangzhou, isn't it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社ということは、広州ですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's right, there should be a flight to Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport from Haneda.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、広州白雲国際空港、羽田からの便があるはずだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If not, Narita is fine as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なかったら、成田からでもいいから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、確認してみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would you prefer a later time on the way back?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "帰りは遅めの方がいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes I would, I want to talk to Company B for as long as I can, so an evening flight would be better.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだねえ、B社とギリギリまで話をしたいから、夕方の便がいいかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Will the return flight be from the airport in Guangzhou as well?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "帰りも広州の空港からですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, Company B is relatively close to Company A, so the same airport is fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、A社とわりと近いから、同じ空港で大丈夫だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As it will be late, a flight arriving at Haneda would be good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "遅いから羽田着がいいなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What is a good location for the hotel?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ホテルはどの辺がいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If the same place I went to last year has any vacancies, that would be fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "去年行った時と同じところが空いていたら、そこがいいな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, so a single room for three nights.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、シングル3泊ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh hang on, sorry, I forgot!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あっと、ごめん、忘れてた!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I thought I might take Oikawa along for the business trip.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "出張には、及川を連れていこうと思うんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's already two years since Oikawa joined the company, so he needs to start standing on his own two feet sooner or later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう及川も入社2年目だし、早く独り立ちしてもらわないとな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oikawa-kun, this will be his first business trip, so I will have to check if he actually holds a passport.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "及川くんですか、初出張ですから、パスポートを持っているか確認しますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I intend to have him go alone without me next time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次は僕抜きで、一人で行ってもらうつもりだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm sure that will be a nerve-racking experience for Oikawa-kun!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは及川くんもドキドキですね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As it's two of you then, will a twin room be okay?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2人ということは、ツインでいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We'd each like our own space to relax, so single rooms if it's all the same to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お互いゆっくりしたいから、シングルでよろしく。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, in that case, I will get on to Kusano-san from Travel Agency C to request an estimate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、では、C旅行社の草野さんに見積りをお願いしますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thanks, I'm counting on you!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとう、頼むよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, this is Ishibashi from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつもお世話になっております、A社の石橋です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, long time no talk.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やあ、久しぶり。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will be releasing a new product and would like to have you take a look at it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この度新商品が発売することになりまして、一度大谷さんに見て頂きたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The product this time is made with good materials and is a more sophisticated product along with the smell.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回の商品、いい原料を使用しまして味、香り共に深みが増したものになっております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If possible, I'd like to bring a sample over if you are available.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サンプルを持って是非お伺いしたいのですがお時間頂戴できますでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure thing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "構わないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When would be a good date?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではいつがよろしいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, how about the day after tomorrow?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだな、明後日はどうかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, how about the time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、お時間はどうしますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about in the afternoon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ午後で頼むよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, how does 2 o'clock sound?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、では二時はいかがでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will drop by your office at 2 o'clock in the afternoon the day after tomorrow then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では明後日の午後二時に、御社へお伺いさせて頂きますのでよろしくお願い致します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは失礼致します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you watch the Emperor's Cup the other day?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この間の天皇杯の決勝見ました?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You bet I watched it!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろん見ましたよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The goal by the Reds was amazing right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "レッズのあのシュートすごかったですよね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That was probably one of the top ten goals of the season.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あれは今期ベスト10に入るくらいのスーパーゴールじゃないですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I really think so too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、本当そう思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Plus, the last time they won the Emperor's cup was 11 years ago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかも11年ぶりの天皇杯優勝ですからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was really pumped up!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "めちゃくちゃ興奮しましたよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They can enter in the ACL next year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来年はACL出れますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I hope they win the ACL like this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、またACLも優勝してほしいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But then I'm worried that their standing in the J League will drop.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもそうするとJリーグの成績が落ちるのが心配ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I know right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It would be ironic if they play in the ACL but are on the verge of going down to the J2 division.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "せっかくACL出てもJリーグで降格争いだなんてなったら本末転倒ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I hope they get good players next season.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので来期、いい補強が出来ると良いんですけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By the way, which team do you like Matsuda-san?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ところで松田さんはどこファンでしたっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I like the Marinos.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕はマリノスです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How did they do this year?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年はどうでした?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They have good players but...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いい選手はいるんですけどね・・・。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, why don't we go watch a game when the new season starts?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだ、今度新シーズンが開幕したらサッカー観戦行きませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Reds versus Marinos.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "レッズ対マリノス戦。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sounds good!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良いですね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's plan this when the matchup is out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "対戦表出たら、また話しましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Don't hate me if they lose!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "負けても恨まないでくださいよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is Kimura from Sales Section 1 of Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社営業部一課の木村がお受けします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, thank you as always.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm Yamashita from Company B, is Mr. Ono in today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "B社の山下と申しますが大野さんはいらっしゃいますでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I can transfer you right now so please hold.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、ただいまお繋ぎいたしますので少々お待ちください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, this is Ono.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、お電話代わりました大野です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello there this is Yamashita.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつもお世話になっております山下です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi there, thank you for your business as always.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらこそ大変お世話になっております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you looking to place an order?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご注文ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I'd like you to send me 30 cases of Product X this time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、今回商品Xを30ケース程送ってほしいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, where should I send it to?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、どちらにお送りすればよろしいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will be to the Misato Sales Office in Saitama.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "埼玉の三郷営業所でお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When would you like it delivered?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "配送日はいつ頃がご希望ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If possible I'd like it by the day after tomorrow, will that be possible?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "出来れば明後日までには欲しいのですがよろしいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, that will be fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、大丈夫ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will send you a quote by email shortly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では後程お見積り書をメールで送らせて頂きます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ、こちらこそありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please review the email I'll send in a bit and let me know if there are any issues.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では後程メールでご確認のほど、よろしくお願い致します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry can you pull out the sales data for a product?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すまないが商品の売り上げデータの資料を作ってくれないか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, which product?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、どの商品についてですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will be for Product A and Product B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "商品Aと商品Bだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How far back should I go for the sales data?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "売り上げデータは過去どのくらいから拾えばいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's see, can you do half a years' worth?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだなぁ、半年分頼む。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, can you make a graph that compares the two products?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、この二商品を比較したものをグラフにしてくれ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、承知しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When do you need me to make this by?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつまでに作成すればいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I ask you to do it by tomorrow?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日までに頼めるか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I want to provide this as a potential promotional material at tomorrow's meeting for someone who's sales aren't increasing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日の会議で売り上げが伸び悩んでいる方を販促候補の一つにあげようと思ってな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That won't be a problem.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you review the material once it's done?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "資料が出来上がったら一度確認お願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、頼むな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am sorry to have kept you waiting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大変お待たせして申し訳ございません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My name is Hamada from that customer service center at Credit Card A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Aクレジットカードカスタマーセンター浜田が担当致します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What can I help with you today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日はどのようなお問い合わせでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like you to send me an application form to change the pre-authorized debit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "引き落とし口座の変更をしたいので手続きの用紙を送ってもらいたのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご連絡ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So you'd like to change the pre-authorized debit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お引き落とし口座変更のご依頼ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "May I ask if you are the owner of the account?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では現在お電話口にいらっしゃる方はご本人様でよろしかったでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have the credit card that you'd like to switch debit with you right now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "現在お手元に口座変更したいクレジットカードはございますでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you tell me the number please.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では番号をお教えいただいてもよろしいでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it is xxxx, xxxx, xxxx, xxxx.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、xxxx、xxxx、xxxx、xxxxです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to confirm that you are indeed the owner of the card so can you please tell me your full name and date of birth?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではご本人様確認をしたいのでお名前フルネームと生年月日をお願いできますでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, my name is Matsumoto Hitoshi.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、名前は松本人志です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My birth date is September 8, 1963.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "生年月日は1963年9月8日です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have confirmed your identity so I will proceed with this now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご本人様確認取れましたので、お手続き進めさせて頂きます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "May I send the form to change your information to the address that is currently on file?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お送りする変更用紙は現在登録されている住所にお送りさせて頂いてもよろしいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will do just that then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではそのように手配させて頂きます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと他になにかご不明な点はございますでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When do I have to send it back in order for the change to be reflected from next month's withdrawal?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつ頃までに返送すれば来月の引き落としに間に合いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our deadline is at the end of every month so as long as you send it to us by the end of the month, we should be able to make the change for next month's withdrawal.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "毎月月末がこちらの締日とさせて頂いておりますので、今月末までにご返送いただければ翌月のお引落日に間に合うかと存じます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, thank you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他に何かご不明な点はございますでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No that will be it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ、特にないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well then, thank you again for calling.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それではご連絡ありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Again, my name is Hamada.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "浜田が担当させて頂きました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay we'll now start the inventory and production control meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは在庫・生産管理会議始めます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First of all, what's the current inventory of Product A?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まずこの商品A、今在庫どのくらい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have 150 pieces.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "150枚ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Company Y requested a quote for 200 pieces the other day so we might not have enough if the order comes in.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先日Y社が200枚で見積もり取ってたので、もし受注が来たら足りなくなりますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then should we just order 50 pieces?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ならとりあえず50枚発注掛けておくか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How long is the quote valid for?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "見積もりの期限はいつまでだ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Two weeks from now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "再来週ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sugita-san, how many pieces of this do we sell a month?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "杉田、この商品は月どれくらいの枚数が売れてる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "On average probably around 25 pieces.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "平均25枚くらいですかね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then let's hold off on the additional production after that in two weeks then decide.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ならその後の追加生産数は再来週になってから決めよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, next is Product B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ次は商品B。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, we just got an order for 500 pieces.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、これさっき500枚の受注が来たんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This product sure is popular.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この商品は人気あるなぁ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well it is used in commercials.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "CMに使われてますからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, I'll add 500 pieces on the production on top of the usual production.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ通常生産の他に、500枚追加生産かけておきますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Next is Product C.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ次は商品C。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, we have a bit of inventory for this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、これは在庫過多ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We had an order 2 months ago but it got cancelled after we placed the production order.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これ二ヶ月前に受注来たんですけど、生産掛けた後にキャンセルされたんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's a bummer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そりゃまいったな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, let's pray that there will be orders from other companies soon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあその内他から受注が来る事を祈ろう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, next.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ次。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We placed an order for this product last month but it seems there's a delay in the overseas factory so the delivery will be delayed by half a month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この品番は先月発注掛けたんですけど、海外の工場の作業が遅れてるらしくて納期が半月ずれるそうですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But we will run out by this month at this pace with this inventory level.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもこの在庫、このままだと今月で無くなるぞ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then we have to squeeze in a production order from the production line from the domestic factory.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ国内の工場の生産ラインに捻じ込むしかないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll go check with the person in charge on how much they can make.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どのくらい生産できるか、ちょっと担当者に確認して来ます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, let's proceed with the other products.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあその間、他の品番を進めておくぞ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Next quarter's personnel change is now on the bulletin board.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来期の辞令、掲示板に貼り出されてましたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mr. Yamada from our department will be moving.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちからは山田さんが異動になったね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry, but do you think you can you be the organizer for the farewell party?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "悪いけど送別会の幹事やってくれる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, but it's my first time being an organizer so can you tell me how to do it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良いですけど、幹事初めてなので教えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First, you should circulate a notice on the farewell party.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあまず初めに送別会のお知らせの回覧板、回しておいて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How much would the attendance fee be per person?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会費は一人どれくらいですかね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The company will subsidize the cost of the farewell party but we will need to gather money for gifts...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "送別会の費用は会社から補助が出るけどプレゼント代は徴収しなくちゃいけないから・・・。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe getting five hundred yen per person should be good?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一人500円くらい集めればいいんじゃないかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What should we give as a gift?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どんな物を贈ったらいいですかね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, he likes to drink so he will be happy with something like sake or wine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お酒を飲むのが好きな人だから日本酒かワイン辺りを贈れば喜ばれるんじゃないかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I like sake so maybe I'll pick my favorite Daiginjo.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、僕結構日本酒好きなので、おすすめの大吟醸にしようかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure that should be good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良いんじゃない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But just that seems like it's not enough so maybe we can get one more.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもそれだけじゃ味気ないからもう一品くらいあると良いかも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about a glass cup that goes well with sake?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日本酒に合うグラスとかどうです?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think that would be good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良いと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Should we go to the restaurant we always go to?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お店はいつも使うお店で良いですかね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, that place is the only place near the company that can accommodate large groups.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会社の近くだと、大人数が入るお店はあそこしかないからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Should we go with the three thousand yen course meal with the all-you-can-drink option?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "メニューは3000円のコースに飲み放題付ける感じですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can't go wrong with that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それが無難だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now we need to figure out the date.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あとは日程ですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about next-next Friday?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "再来週の金曜日はどうですかね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think it would be good as it's after the month end when things aren't hectic.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "月の締日が過ぎて落ち着いた頃だからいいと思うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there anything else I should do?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あとはやっておく事ってありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are people who drive to work so maybe just confirm if alternatives are needed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "車通勤の人がいるから代行の手配が必要か確認する事かな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll check with those who will need an alternative to get home once the notice comes back.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "回覧板が戻って来たら本人に確認しておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, good luck.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ後は頑張って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much for all your advice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、色々と相談に乗ってくださってありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, let's get this emergency meeting about the school's bike storage underway.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは、学校の自転車置き場についての緊急会議を始めます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Recently, there have been many cases of students' bike tires being punctured.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最近、生徒の自転車のタイヤがパンクさせられる事件が多発しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have received a great number of opinions on this matter from parents, saying that we should install security cameras.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その件について、保護者からは、防犯カメラを設置すべきだという意見が多数寄せられています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Without further delay, does anyone have an opinion on installing security cameras?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早速ですが、防犯カメラの設置について何か意見のある方はいらっしゃいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am in favor of installing security cameras.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は、防犯カメラの設置については賛成ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's not only bikes, several schools in the district are also reporting incidents of windows being smashed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自転車の件もそうですが、近隣の学校では窓ガラスを割られたりする事件も起きています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "At the moment, we only have security cameras installed inside the school and on the school gate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "現在は学校内や校門にのみ防犯カメラが設置されています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wouldn't it be a good thing to expand the range that can be monitored?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "監視できる範囲が広がるのは、良いことではないでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you, Hirata-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "平田先生ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Does anyone else have an opinion?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他に意見のある方はいらっしゃいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm also in favor of installing a security camera.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私も、防犯カメラの設置について賛成です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Due to these incidents occurring frequently, I've had to increase the number of times I patrol the bike storage area.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この件が多発したことにより、自転車置き場を見回る回数が増えました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I already have enough work on my plate, and have to prepare my classes during overtime.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただでさえ雑務に追われて、授業の準備も残業して対応しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It would be hard for my time to be eaten up by anything else.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これ以上、他のことに時間がとられるのは厳しいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you, Aoki-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "青木先生ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, we've had a succession of opinions in favor, so I would like to hear the opinion of someone who is against the idea.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "賛成意見が続いたので、反対の方の意見も聞いてみたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there anyone who is against the idea?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "反対意見の方はいらっしゃいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm against the installation of a security camera.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は防犯カメラの設置については反対ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The issue doesn't justify the cost of installing another security camera.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "防犯カメラを設置するコストに見合いません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can we not just deal with it the way we always have, by increasing the number of patrols?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これまで通り、見回りの回数を増やす対応でいいんじゃないでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you, Suzuki-san, are there any others?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "鈴木先生ありがとうございます、他にはいらっしゃいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, it seems like there's no one else.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いらっしゃらないようですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, Hirata-san, those are the types of opinion everyone has, what shall we do?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "平田先生、皆さんこのような意見のようですがどうしましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think I will put it to the board of education.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一旦、教育委員会には防犯カメラの設置について話をしてみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then we can see how they judge the issue.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのうえで、どう判断されるかですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, thank you for doing that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました、よろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's the end of today's meeting, but if anyone has anything to report while we're here, please go ahead.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日の会議は以上ですが、何かこの場で報告等ある方がいらっしゃいましたらお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can we avoid having meetings outside of work hours?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "勤務時間外の会議は避けていただけないでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It makes me unable to make it in time to collect my child from nursery.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "子どもを保育園に迎えに行く時間に間に合わなくなってしまいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Understood, today was an exception because it was an emergency, so we had it at this time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました、本日は緊急でしたのでこの時間になってしまいました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "From now on, I would like to convene at a time that will end during working hours.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次からは勤務時間内に終われる時間に招集したいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's the end for today, thank you very much.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日は以上です、ありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okada-san, have you got a minute?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "岡田さん、今ちょっといいかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There's a company softball tournament this weekend.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今週末の職場のソフトボール大会なんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You're on the action committee, aren't you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "岡田さんは実行委員だったよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's more, it seems that the president intends to participate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それに、社長が参加するつもりみたいなんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The president?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社長がですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, the president is a seasoned baseball player.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、社長は野球経験者でね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Up until last year, he didn't participate because it didn't fit with his schedule.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昨年までは、予定が合わなかったから参加しなかったようだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, he's very eager to get in on the action this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だから今年はやたらと張り切っていたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I guess he would be, this is the first time I've heard anything about him being a seasoned baseball player.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんですね、野球経験者だったことは初めて聞きました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you want me to prepare anything special because the president is coming?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社長が来られるとなると何か用意するものはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like you to be the president's partner.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "岡田さんには社長の相手をしてほしいんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We've got some important business negotiations next week, so it would be a problem if he gets injured.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週は大事な商談があるので怪我をされても困るからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Got it, that's a pretty important task.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "重要な役目ですね、了解しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, since the president is coming, I guess we need to have a proper opening ceremony for the season.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、社長が来るからには始球式をやってもらわないといけないかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But, well, I'll leave the details up to you and the action committee.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあ、細かい段取りは実行委員の岡田さんに任せるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "On the day of the tournament, how will the president be getting to and from the softball field?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大会当日は社長の送迎はどうしたらよろしいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, er, I haven't checked.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、確認してないな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will check with the president.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは僕から社長に確認しておくよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That'd be great.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll email you once I've checked.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確認したらメール入れておくよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right then, I'll be counting on you to look after the president on the day of the tournament.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ大会当日は社長のこと頼んだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No problem, I'll prepare thoroughly so that there are no mishaps.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました、社長に粗相のないように準備しておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, now, if you'll excuse me, I will get going.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Kudo-san, I'd like to hand over the duty of backing up the company's internal servers to you, but is now a good time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "工藤さん、社内サーバーのバックアップ当番の引継ぎをしたいんだけれど今時間あるかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm in the middle of training right now, how long will it take?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今研修中なのですが、何分くらいかかりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, it shouldn't take longer than 30 minutes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだね、30分くらいで終わる予定だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Kikuchi-san, Sawamura-san has a job he'd like me to do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "菊池先輩、沢村先輩から当番の引継ぎがあるそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He says it will only take around 30 minutes, is it okay to go and do that now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "30分ほど時間がかかるそうですが、今から行ってきてもよろしいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, we can leave the rest of the training until later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かった、それじゃあ研修の続きはその後にしよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sawamura-san, next time it would be helpful if you let me know the time in advance via email.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "沢村さん、次からは事前にメールで時間を伝えておいてくれると助かるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know, I apologize for the sudden request.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました、急なお願いになってしまってすみません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay then, Kudo-san, come over to the server rack over there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ工藤さん、向こうのサーバーラックのところに来て。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, do I need to bring anything other than a pen?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました、筆記用具以外に何か持っていくものはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, there's a procedure manual, so you don't really need anything else.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや、作業手順書があるから特に必要は無いかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Today, I'd just like you to observe the work actually being done, in line with the procedure manual.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は、手順書に沿って作業をするところを実際に見てほしい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think it'll be fine if you just take notes of anything that you think is important as we go along.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その途中、気になるところがあればメモしてくれるくらいでいいと思うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right, I will do the actual work, and you compare it with the procedure manual.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ実際に作業してみるから、作業手順書と見比べていてね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, there are quite a few things that need to be checked, aren't there?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました、確認する項目はかなり多いんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's right, but, basically, if you just work following along with the procedure manual, it's easy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだね、ただ、基本的にはこの手順書に従って作業をすれば問題はないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, sometimes there will be an error that is not written in here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ、たまにここに書いてないようなエラーが出ることがある。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When that happens, check with me or Kikuchi-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その時は、僕か菊池さんに確認してね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And, you check the backup and change the tapes every day?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "毎日バックアップの確認とテープの交換作業をするんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How long does it actually take to do?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実際にかかる作業時間はどれくらいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It takes 30 minutes to check the backup in the morning and about 15 minutes to change the tapes in the evening.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "朝のバックアップの確認で30分と、夕方のテープ交換で15分くらいかかるかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think you should be able to do it in half the time when you get used to it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "慣れてくれば半分の時間で終われるようになると思うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, so I have to bear that time in mind when planning my daily schedule.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですか、その時間を頭に入れて一日の業務予定を考えないといけないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And so, you carried out this work every day for a year?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "沢村さんは一年間毎日この作業をしていらっしゃったんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, last year, we didn't have anyone new join the department, so I've been doing it for the past 2 years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや、昨年はこの部署に新人が入ってこなかったから二年間やっていたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's such a help that you joined this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年は工藤さんが入ってくれて助かったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, that's it for the handing over of the server backup duty.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サーバーのバックアップ当番の引継ぎは以上だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か質問はあるかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not particularly, I'll ask you if I think of anything.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "特にありません、何か思いついたらまた聞きます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I will email you with the times for taking over the duties of cleaning the break room and taking out the trash.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、ゴミ出しの当番と給湯室の掃除当番の引継ぎの時間はまたメールするね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are other duties as well?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他にも当番があるんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, there are plenty of others as well, but I will contact you at that time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや、まだまだ他にもあるから、またその時に連絡するよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, okay, thank you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、はい、ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wakamatsu-san, have you got a moment?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "若松さん、今ちょっといいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have a business trip next Monday, so I would like a multi-journey train ticket.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今度の月曜日に出張があるので、電車の回数券が欲しいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In that case, can you fill in the travel book?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは、この出張簿に記入してもらってもいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've filled it in, is this okay?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "記入してきましたけど、これでいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "チェックしますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In this seal section, you need to have your seal and the seal of a manager.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この印鑑の欄に自分の印鑑と、役職のついた上司の印鑑がそれぞれ必要です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Could you please bring it back once it has been stamped.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "押印してからまた持ってきてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh sorry, I missed that bit, I'll bring it back.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すみません見落としていました、また持ってきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Chief Nomura, would you mind stamping this document for me?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "野村課長、この書類に印鑑をいただいてもよろしいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's a request form for a multi-journey train ticket that I will need for my business trip next Monday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週の月曜日の出張時に必要な回数券の申請です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Next Monday?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週の月曜日?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What business trip is that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何の出張だ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's the training course for developers of smartphone apps that I mentioned the other day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先日お話しした、スマートフォンアプリの開発技術者のための研修会です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh right, that's already next week is it, well, go and soak up some knowledge.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうか、もう来週だったか、頑張って来いよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "頑張ってきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I've stamped it, do you have any other application documents?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "押したぞ、他に申請する書類はないか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thanks, no that's fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとうございます、大丈夫です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wakamatsu-san, I've got the form stamped now, when you're ready.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "若松さん、書類に印鑑もらってきたのでお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, are you going straight to your business trip destination from home?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自宅から直接出張先に行かれますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think I will come into the office in the morning, just for the morning meeting, and then grab my luggage and set out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "朝は一度会社に来て、朝礼だけ出てから荷物を持って出かけようと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, so you're not going there direct.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました、直接は行かないのですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Speaking of which, the route of your commute is from A Station to B Station, isn't it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういえば飯田さんはA駅からB駅の区間は通勤ルートですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you please use your season ticket to travel as far as B Station.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "B駅までは定期券を使って行ってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will then give you 2 tickets, that's enough for a return journey, to take you from B Station to C Station.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "B駅からC駅までの回数券を往復分で2枚お渡ししますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, thanks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました、ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm expecting to go on another business trip next month, so I'll be counting on you then as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来月も別の出張予定があるので、その時もよろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, next time can you please fill out the form and get it stamped before bringing it to me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今度は先に書類に記入と押印してから持ってきてくださいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, no worries, I'll make a note to remember to do that, thanks very much.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "申請方法を忘れないようにメモしておきます、ありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello this is Furuta from ABC Computer Service.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、ABCコンピューターサービスの古田でございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi my name is Iguchi from A Construction.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A建設の井口です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello Mr. Iguchi, thank you for your continued support.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "井口様、いつもお世話になっております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like your help as their is an error popup on your company's payroll system.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "御社の給与システムでエラー画面が出たので対応してほしいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I will transfer you to the person in charge so please hold.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "かしこまりました、担当者にお繋ぎいたしますので、少々お待ちくださいませ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, this is Murai speaking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お電話替わりました、村井です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So in regards to the error on the payroll system, what is the issue?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "給与システムでエラーとのことですが、どの画面でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "An error popup comes up when I open the system.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "システムを開いたところでエラー画面が出るんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've tried reopening the system a number of times but the same error just keep popping up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "システムを何度開きなおしても同じエラーが出るのでどうしようもない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What kind of error message is it showing?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どのようなエラーメッセージが表示されていますでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It just shows it cannot be opened due to error.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "エラーが発生して開けません、とだけ出ているね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok, are you connected to the internet?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "かしこまりました、インターネットには接続できているでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Just to be sure, can I get you to open up a browser?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確認のため、ブラウザを開いていただいてもよろしいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, I just did it but it seems I am connected to the internet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、試してみたけど問題なくインターネットにつながっているように見えるね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, have you restarted the computer after the error popping out?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "かしこまりました、エラー発生後にパソコンの再起動はしましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I tried once but it didn't make a difference.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、1回してみたけど状況に変わりはないね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Tomorrow is the deadline to send the data to the bank.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日が銀行にデータを送る締め切りなんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I really need to use the system by today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だから今日中にシステムが使えないと困るんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Otherwise I won't be able to pay salaries this month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今月の給料が払えなくなってしまうよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I won't be able to fully understand the situation by phone, so would it be okay if I go to your office now to solve this?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "かしこまりました、電話では状況が把握しきれないので、今から御社に直接訪問して対応しようと思いますがよろしいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, that would be helpful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、そうしてもらえると助かるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will head over now then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今から準備して向かいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will probably get to your office in around 50 minutes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "50分後くらいには御社に到着する予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will now start the meeting in regards to the update of the enterprise system as it is getting old.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社内で使用している基幹システムの老朽化に伴う、システム更改についての会議を始めます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Today is the first meeting, and I will start by talking about the issues of the current system.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1回目の今回は、現行の基幹業務システムの問題点について話し合います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In the email I sent earlier, I asked you guys to review the issues of the current system.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "事前にメールで、現行のシステムについて問題点を洗い出しておいていただけるようにお願いしていました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We'll have each of you present in order.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "順番に発表していただきたいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First of all, let's start with Takahashi-san who's in charge of sales.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まず初めに、営業担当の高橋さんお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I feel that there are 2 issues with the current system.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私が現行のシステムについて問題だと感じている点は2点あります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First of all, we aren't able to use the system from outside.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まず初めに社外からシステムを見ることができないことです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would like to be able to see the system on a smartphone or laptop when I'm not in the office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社外からでも、スマートフォンやノートパソコンからシステムを見れる機能が欲しいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, the spec of the laptop we are using is too low.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "後は、現在使用しているパソコンはスペックが低いです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's slow and negatively affects work productivity.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "動作が遅すぎて、作業効率がとても悪いです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are also other small points but I think these two are the main issues.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他にも細かい点はいくつかありますが、大きくこの二つが問題だと思っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In regards to the spec of the laptop, we plan on issuing the latest laptops when we revise the system so that issue should be solved.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "パソコンのスペックは、今回のシステム更改時に最新式のパソコンに入れ替える予定ですのでそれで解決すると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also noted on being able to access the system out of the office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社外からシステムを参照する件については了解しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Up next is Yamamoto-san who is in charge of accounting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは次に経理担当の山本さんお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm on the same page with Takahashi-san on the slowness of the laptop being an issue.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私も高橋さんと同じで、パソコンの動作が遅すぎるのは問題だと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's so slow that there are many times I had to do unnecessary overtime.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "動作が遅すぎて、しなくてもよい残業を幾度か経験しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, the format of the ledger is hard to see.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "後は、帳票のレイアウトが見づらいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are several revisions I would like, for example rearranging the order of the items and adding items.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "項目の順番を入れ替えてほしいところや、追加してほしい項目が結構あります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to be able to freely add and delete items as needed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "任意の項目を自由に追加したり削除したりできるような機能が欲しいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The paper jam of the printer is also pretty bad.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他には、プリンタの紙詰まりもひどいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wanted to print with a specialized paper but it stops right away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "専用用紙に印刷しようと思うとすぐに止まってしまいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That will be it from me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他には思いつかなかったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We plan to replace the printer at the same time with the laptops but I'm not sure if that will solve the paper-jamming issue.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "パソコンと同時にプリンタも入れ替え予定ですが、それで紙詰まりが解決するかどうかはわからないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Duly noted on the ledger layout and print items.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "帳票のレイアウトや印字項目の件は了解しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Based on the opinions from today, I will shortlist a couple systems company and show you the candidates at the next meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回の意見を基に、何社かシステム会社を絞り込んで次回の会議で候補をお見せしたいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The next meeting will be an update on our progress on that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次回の開催は、その作業の進捗状況次第です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll send out an email on the details later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "またメールで予定を連絡しますのでよろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you all for attending.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What is the social gathering that was being talked about at today's departmental meeting?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日の部内ミーティングで話題にでた親睦会ってなんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Every July, the new recruits for that year organize a social gathering for the staff on a public holiday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "毎年7月に、その年の新入社員達が主催して休日に部内で親睦会を開くんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, does that mean the 5 of us will be planning it this year?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、今年は私達5人で企画するっていうことですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not only the planning, but also a presentation in the department about the details of the social gathering.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "企画だけじゃなくて、部内で親睦会の内容についてプレゼンするんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you gain the consent of the department with the presentation, then you can definitely proceed with the plan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "プレゼンで部内の了解をとったら具体的に進めていくんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it only employees that participate?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "参加するのは社員のみですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, employees and anyone in their family who is interested can participate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや、社員とその家族も希望者は参加するよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Therefore, researching the family structure of staff members will make for a highly satisfying event.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だから、部員の家族構成もリサーチして、満足度の高いイベントに仕上げるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have to go that far?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこまでするんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's like part of the training for the presentation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それもプレゼンの訓練って位置付けみたいだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's like a rite of passage for new recruits entering the department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この部署に入った新入社員にとっては洗礼みたいなもので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Incidentally, what did you do when it was your turn?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちなみに、佐々木さんの時は何をしたんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In my year it was a lesson in making preserved flowers and a dinner party.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕の時はプリザーブドフラワーの体験教室と食事会だったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think we had it at a culture school near Jiyugaoka Station, which was convenient for everyone to get to, looking at the distribution of staff members' addresses.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "部員の住所分布からみて交通の便がいい自由が丘駅の近くのカルチャースクールでやったかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And it was either because the proportion of female participants was high, or because preserved flowers were highly popular on a prior questionnaire.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "参加者は女性の割合が高かったからか、事前のアンケートでプリザーブドフラワーの人気が高かったからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, this year there are many families with small children, so for the event it might be good to do something that takes those families into consideration.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、今年は小さい子供がいる世帯も多いし、イベントにはそういう家族に配慮したものがいいかもね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't know how best to proceed specifically.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "具体的に、どういう風に進めていけばいいか見当もつかないんですけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well firstly, how about you all come up with some suggestions, and then explain the selling points of each?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まずは、みんなでいくつか案をだしてみて、そのセールスポイントを挙げていってみたらどうだろうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "After that, researching the wishes of everyone in the department will help you refine the plan somewhat.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのあと、部内でみんなの意向をリサーチすると、ある程度案が絞られる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Because even planning a social gathering for the staff demands a lot of the necessary skills you need to improve your proficiency at work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "たかが部内の親睦会の企画でも、仕事力向上のために必要なスキルがたくさん求められるからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I believe that the head of the department anticipates that, and that's why he puts the new recruits in charge.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "部長もそれを見越して、新入社員に担当させていると思うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First of all, you need to create a schedule up to the event, and figure out what you need to do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まずは、開催までのスケジュールを立てて、やらないといけないことを洗い出さないとね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it will happen in 2 months' time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと2か月後に開催ですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You'll probably want to finish deciding on the event details about a month beforehand.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "イベント内容の決定は1ヶ月前くらいに終わらせたいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There's not much time, is there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "結構時間がないものですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For the time being, I would like you to give the presentation in the departmental meeting in two weeks, so can I ask you to start preparing for that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とりあえず、2週間後の部内ミーティングでプレゼンしてほしいから、そのつもりで準備を進めてもらえるかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will start sharing information with everyone as soon as I return to my seat.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "席に戻ったら早速みんなと情報共有して進めていきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh and hey, please let me discuss things with you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おいおい相談させてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think it's impossible to clear the presentation in one shot, because there comes a lot of intense scrutiny from the head of the department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "プレゼンは部長から厳しい指摘がガンガン入るから、一発でクリアはできないと思うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please bear that in mind when you prepare for it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "覚悟して取りかかってね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "頑張ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It seems that everyone is here, so let's begin the meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全員そろったようなので、これからミーティングを行います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As previously mentioned, in order to introduce our products to a wider audience, we will be appearing at an exhibition in three months' time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先だって発信した通り、この度当社製品をより広く紹介するため、3か月後の展示会に出展することになりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As this will be a company-wide endeavor, I would like to proceed by selecting a person to be in charge from each department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本件は全社案件として、各部署より担当者を立てて進めていきたいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The department supervising the project will be the PR department, and we will be in charge of managing the schedule up until the exhibition.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なお、本件の統括部署は広報部とし、出展までのスケジュール管理を担当します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, without further ado, I would like to confirm who has been assigned the role in each department, together with a self introduction.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは、各部署より役割分担の確認をかねて自己紹介をお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm Agawa from the sales department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "営業部の阿川です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will be responsible for creating pamphlets and providing individual guidance for potential new customers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "配布資料の作成および新規見込顧客への個別案内を担当します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm Mizuguchi from the customer support department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "カスタマーサポート部の水口です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will be in charge of inviting existing customers and showing them around on the day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "既存顧客の招待及び当日のご案内を担当します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm Sajima from the development department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "開発部の佐島です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will be in charge of the creation of detailed documents about our new products, as well as the demonstration of how to operate them on the day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新製品の詳細資料の作成と、当日は操作方法のデモンストレーションを担当します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm Yoshimura from the technical support department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "技術サポート部の吉村です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will be responsible for providing the casing and handling the infrastructure at the booth on the day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "筐体の調達及び当日のブースにおけるインフラを担当します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm Takada from the PR department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "広報部の高田です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In addition to the schedule management I mentioned earlier, I will be in charge of operations on the day, including dealing with the media, banks and shareholders.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先ほど申し上げたスケジュール管理の他、当日のマスコミや銀行及び株主対応を含めた当日の運営を担当します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, so those are the main responsibilities of each department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "各部署の担当骨子は以上です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "At this meeting, I would like to have a frank exchange of opinions between departments to make the exhibition successful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ミーティングでは、部署を越えて忌憚のない意見を交わし、是非展示会を成功させたいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Since we will be taking various tasks back to each department and refining them, I would appreciate your cooperation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今後様々なタスクを各部署に持ち帰って調整していただくことになりますので、よろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Therefore, let's get straight into confirming the schedule up until the day of the exhibition.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは、早速当日までのスケジュールについて確認します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please open the draft schedule in the file that I shared beforehand.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "事前にご案内したファイル内にあるスケジュールの叩き台を開いてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This time, I would like to set forth with the new products going on sale from next month as the main focus.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回は来月から販売する新製品をメインに打ち出したいと考えています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Although we are already making progress creating pamphlets that describe just the outline, I would like to create and distribute detailed handouts at this exhibition.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "既に概要のみを記載するパンフレットの作成は進めていますが、この展示会では詳細な資料を作成して配布したいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, I'd like about 2 more weeks to iron out the details, but will we still be in time for printing and binding if we create the handout after that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ、詳細をつめるのにあと2週間程度ほしいのですが、それからの資料作成で印刷や製本は間に合いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It depends on the volume, but we can prepare them if we have a month after the completion of the proofreading.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "資料のボリュームにもよりますが、校了から1ヶ月あれば用意できます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The detailed handout will be around 24 full-color pages, and I'm working on the assumption of 1,000 copies.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "詳細資料はオールカラーで24ページ程度のもの、1000部を想定しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you able to follow a schedule along the lines of 2 weeks to iron out the details, 2 weeks to complete the handout, then request printing a month later?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "詳細を詰めるまでに2週間、資料の作成完了まで2週間として、1ヶ月後に印刷依頼するというスケジュール感でいけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It would be helpful if that amount of time was available.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それくらい余裕があれば助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, then please proceed with that schedule to create handouts about the new products.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは、新製品の資料作成についてはそのスケジュールで進めてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Takada-san, I have something I'd like to discuss with you, do you have time right now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "高田さん、少し相談があるのですが、お時間よろしいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, if you think I can be of any help.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、私でお役にたてればいいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, President Saeki of Company A will be turning 60 next month so I would like to send a present from our company, but I have no idea what would make a good gift.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実はA社の佐伯社長が来月還暦を迎えられるので、当社としてお祝いの品を贈りたいのですが、何がよいのか見当がつきません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I thought that as a secretary, you might have a good idea.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "秘書の高田さんだったらいいアイディアがあるのではないか、と思いまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Incidentally, I spoke to President Saeki's secretary the other day to rearrange the schedule of the dinner meeting with our president.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういえば、先日佐伯社長の秘書の方と、当社社長との食事会のスケジュールを調整をしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "At that time, his secretary told me that President Saeki particularly enjoys wine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その際、先方の秘書から、佐伯社長は特にワインを嗜まれることが多いと伺いました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Therefore, for next week's dinner meeting, we booked a French restaurant that is noted for its fine selection of wine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですから、来週の食事会はワインの品揃えに定評があるフランス料理のお店を予約しましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh really? Then do you think President Saeki would be pleased if I sent some wine?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんですか、では、佐伯社長にワインを贈ったら喜ばれますかね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Apparently President Saeki is particularly knowledgeable about red wine, so something like that might be good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "佐伯社長は特に赤ワインにお詳しいそうですし、よろしいのではないでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have an additional question.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "重ねて相談なのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Neither I nor any of my coworkers know about wine, so what kind of wine do you think we should arrange?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私や周りの同僚はワインに詳しくないのですが、どんな銘柄を用意すればよいと思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you'd like, shall I arrange the wine?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしよろしければ、私がワインの手配をしましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can ask President Saeki's secretary in confidence about the president's tastes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "内々に佐伯社長の秘書に社長のお好みを聞き出してみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In addition, I can consult with the sommelier of a French restaurant with whom I am friends.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その上で、懇意にしているフランス料理店のソムリエに相談してみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When do you plan to deliver the gift to the president?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつ先方にお持ちする予定ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm planning to visit there next month, around the 10th.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来月の10日あたりに、先方に伺う予定にしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How much are you thinking for your budget?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "予算はどれくらいを考えていますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I discussed it with my boss, and he said a budget of 50,000 yen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "上司に相談したところ、予算は5万円と言われました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have any requests regarding the gift wrapping?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "品物のラッピングで要望はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like something appropriate for a 60th birthday celebration.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "還暦のお祝いにふさわしいものでお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, can you let me know when the date of your visit to their company has been confirmed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "了解、先方への訪問日が確定したら、再度連絡をお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, you've been a real help in this matter, as I was really stumped about selecting a gift.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、今回の件、本当に品物選びで困っていたので助かりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, I had a similar query the other day, and purchased some wine then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は先日も同じような相談を受けて、ワインを購入しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What kind of wine did you buy then?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その時はどんなワインを用意されたんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, the recipient in that case likes French red wine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先方はフランス産の赤ワインがお好みだということでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "On consulting my sommelier friend, they advised me that Médoc Pauillac is good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "懇意にしているソムリエに相談したところ、メドックポイヤックがいいのでは、とアドバイスをもらいました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I took their advice, but when I went to the wine department of a department store, they only had one bottle of vintage wine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アドバイスを受けて、デパートのワイン売り場に行ったところ、ヴィンテージ物が1本だけありました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But according to the store assistant, it was a delicious wine with a taste to die for.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お店の方によると、気絶するほど美味なワインだ、とのことでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Was the recipient pleased?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先方は喜ばれたのでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It seems they enjoyed it a lot.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大変お気に召したようですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Because, immediately afterwards, they entered into an additional contract with us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なぜなら、直後に追加で1件、当社と契約を結んでいただいたそうですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Therefore, you can't think of it as a mere gift.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "たかが贈り物、と思ってはいけませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's why, whenever I receive instructions from my boss to set up a dinner meeting, I always think long and hard about what gift to bring on the day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですから、私は上司から食事会のセッティングの指示を受けた時には、当日の手土産までとても気を遣っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What you've told me has been very useful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "高田さんのお話、色々為になりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was nothing, now, I will get on with arranging the gift for President Saeki.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とんでもない、それでは佐伯社長への贈答品は手配しておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よろしくおねがいします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for confirming the order procedures.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご発注手続きの件ご確認ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I should be thanking you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらこそ有難うございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our company can process payment if you present a signed statement of work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "弊社ではサイン済みのSOWをご提示頂ければ請求書発行の処理が可能となります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you set the support period as June first to the last day of April next year?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サポート期間なんですが6月1日から来年の4月末日までとして頂くことは可能でしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As we explained initially, it's a twelve-month contract, so we can't change it to eleven months.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "当初ご説明させて頂きましたとおり、12ヶ月のご契約となりますので期間を11ヶ月にすることは難しい状況でございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Since we've been working since May, we'd like to have the start be May first.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "5月よりサービスを進めさせて頂いておりましたので、開始を5月1日とさせて頂きたいと考えております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would that be possible?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご対応は難しい状況でしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "On our side, we were hoping that you'd be able to start the contract from June.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "弊社としては6月からの契約でお願いできればと思っているのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So how about the period from June first to May thirty-first next year?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは6月1日から来年の5月31日の期間ということでいかがでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm happy to accept that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, let's do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでお願い致します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By the way, can you list the payment amount in yen?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちなみに請求書の金額を円で記載して頂くことは可能でしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For this service, basically there's a fixed price in US dollars, so if we're operating in Japanese yen, payment will be based on a rate set by our company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "基本は米ドルで定価があるサービスのため、日本円で提供させて頂く場合は弊社が設定しているレートでのご請求となります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is that all right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よろしいでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, could you tell me the rates you've been using recently?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では直近で処理する場合のレートを教えて頂けますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to compare it with our rate before making the final decision.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "弊社のレートと比較して最終決定したいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's one dollar to one hundred and ten point four three yen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1ドル110.43になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いかがでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There's no problem with the rate you provided.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご提示頂いたレートで問題ございません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would you mind preparing a statement of work and a revised estimate?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お手数ですが頂いたレートでのSOWと見積書の修正版をご用意頂けますでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll send them shortly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "追って送付させて頂きます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll be waiting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By the way, didn't you say that you wanted to buy a new car?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういえば、車の買い替えをしたいって言っていませんでしたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh yeah, I'm worried about fuel consumption and so I'm wondering about getting a hybrid car.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうそう、燃費が気になるしハイブリッド車にしたいなあと思っているんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In that case, it might be better to hold off a little longer before replacing it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それじゃあ買い替えはもう少し待ったほうがいいかもしれませんよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうしてなの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I saw it on a TV program, but it seems that solid-state lithium batteries will soon become a viable option.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "テレビ番組でやってたんですが、リチウム固体電池が実用化されそうなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've heard of lithium batteries, but this is the first I've heard about solid-state lithium batteries.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "リチウム電池は聞いたことがあるけど、リチウム固体電池とは初めて聞いたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, the current kind of lithium batteries use liquid electrolytes to exchange electrons.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今のリチウム電池は電子のやり取りに電解液を使っているんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, so batteries say beware of leaks because they actually contain liquid.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "電池は液漏れに注意っていうから、液体が入っているんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, and it's a big problem if they leak.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうそう、液漏れすると大変ですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, in other words, a solid-state battery is not liquid?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "固体電池っていうからには、液体じゃないってことなの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, the electrolytes are solid rather than liquid.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "電解質が液体じゃなくて固体なんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there something better about the fact that they're solid?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "固体だと何かいいことあるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, liquid electrolytes are flammable, so they can burst into flames if they get hot, and leakage can be really bad.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "液体の電解質は可燃性だから、高温になると発火するし液漏れがまずいんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, that's right, there was a period when the news was constantly covering cases of smartphones bursting into flames, wasn't there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スマホの発火事件について一時期ニュースでやってたよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But, the solid-state batteries currently under development won't burst into flames, and there's no danger of leaking either.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも開発が進んでる固体電池だと発火もしないし液漏れもなしなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Huh, is that so?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、そうなの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So they will become safer then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "安全になるね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, and apparently, since leaks are not a concern, the separator required for liquid batteries disappears, making the whole thing smaller overall.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "液漏れの心配がないから、液体電池用にあるセパレーターが無くなって小さくなるらしいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There's all kinds of benefits then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良い事尽くしだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But what about the charging time and capacity?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも充電時間とか容量とはどうなの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Supposedly, the charging time is cut in half and the capacity is more than double.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "充電時間は半分くらいになって容量も倍以上になるらしいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, that's really amazing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うわあ、本当にいい事尽くしじゃないか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They say that 2020 is the target for implementing solid-state batteries commercially.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その固体電池の実用化が2020年が目途になっているそうですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, around that time they'll be installed in hybrid cars, too?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあその頃にはハイブリッド自動車にも搭載されるのかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, without a doubt.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "きっとそうですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I think they're still under development at the moment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今、開発中だと思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, so if I wait another 2 years or so, there may be a new product available.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、あと2年くらい待ったら新製品が出るかもしれないね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think that will surely be the case.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "きっとそうなるでしょうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right, well I think I'll wait a bit longer and observe the situation before buying anything new.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "買い替えはもう少し待って様子を見てみるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think that would be a good idea.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to check on the progress of the thing that you emailed me about earlier, but is now a good time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先ほどのメールしてもらった件で、進捗を確認したいのですが今大丈夫ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, go ahead.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you please tell me what the current status is.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "現在の状況を教えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The measurements of the actual product, that need to be submitted to department A, cannot be made in time, so we can't publish the press release in a week's time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A部への提出する商品の実物での測定が間に合わず、1週間後のリリースができません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why can't the measurements be made in time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうして測定が間に合わないのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's because the measuring equipment has broken down and it will take time to fix.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "測定機器が故障してしまって、修理に時間がかかるためです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How long are the repairs expected to take until they're completed?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "修理はどれくらいで終了する予定ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have filed a repair request with the vendor, and they are in the process of checking the current situation, but I've heard it will probably take about 5 days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ベンダーに修理依頼をかけて現在状況を確認中ですが、まず約5日ほどと聞いています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can't you use the measuring equipment in building 2?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2号棟の測定機器は使用できないですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The schedule of the equipment in building 2 is full due to project B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2号棟のほうは、Bプロジェクトでスケジュールが詰まっているそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How much longer until you estimated the measurements would be complete?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あとどれくらいで測定終了予定でしたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We had planned to finish in about 20 more hours.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと20時間ほどで終了予定でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, it's quite likely that the measurements for project B are not urgent, so it should be possible to make some time available.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おそらくBプロジェクトの測定は至急ではないはずなので時間の都合をつけられるはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you think so?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will talk to the manager of project B, and ask about using the measuring equipment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私からBプロジェクト責任者に話をして、測定機器の都合をお願いしてみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Incidentally, how big is the difference between the simulation and the measured values?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ところでシミュレーションと測定値の差分はどれくらいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Around 4 percent.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "約4パーセントです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you finished all the simulations?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "シミュレーションはすべて終了していますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, the simulations are all complete, and now it's only a matter of collating all the data.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、シミュレーションは終了して数値をまとめるだけになっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright then, just in case then it might be a good idea to calculate some predicted values for the measurements.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは、念のため測定予想値を算出したほうがいいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What, and continue preparing the press release using the predicted values?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "予想値でのリリース準備を合わせて進めておきますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will assign the task of preparing the release with the predicted values to someone else, so please just ready the data.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "予想値のリリース準備は、別の人に割り振るのでデータの準備をお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And please inform department A about the current situation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A部の方に、現在の状況を伝えておいてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Should I also let them know that there's a possibility that next week's press release will be based on predicted values?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1週間後のリリースは予想値になる可能性についても連絡しますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, and in that case, please mention the difference between the predicted values and actual measurements at the time of the final press release.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、その場合は最終リリースの日時と、差分についても言及してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please put this whole exchange into an email and send it to me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このやり取りをまとめて私のほうにメールしておいてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Matsui-san, are you looking at the results of a health check?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "松井さん、健康診断の結果を見ているんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, last time the readings said I was a bit overweight, so I was a bit worried...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "前回ちょっと太り気味という数値が出ていて心配だったんだけど...。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How did the results this time compare with last time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回の結果は前回に比べてどうでした?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now there's no cause for concern, so I'm relieved.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "要注意がなくなってほっとしたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはよかったですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Speaking of which, I did think that you've been looking slimmer recently.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういえば、最近すらっとしてきていると思ってました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you do anything special?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か特別にやったことってあるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually I did try training at the gym once a week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実はジムに週一回通ってトレーニングするようにしてみたんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, when did you start going?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "へえ、いつから通ってるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've been going since about 3 months ago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "3か月前から通ってるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, that alone has yielded impressive results.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それだけで随分と結果が出てくるんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it not a hassle going there once a week?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "週一回でも通うのは面倒じゃあないですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's not too much trouble because I chose the gym in the station building of the station where I transfer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "乗り換え駅の駅ビルに入っているジムを選んだからあまり面倒じゃないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm also interested in attending a gym, but I just feel gyms are hard to approach.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私も興味はあって通ってみたいですけど、何となく敷居が高いです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I mean it was a hassle to begin with, but it would be worse to neglect it and get sick.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最初は面倒くさいと思ったんだけど、放っておいて病気になってもまずいしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it expensive?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "料金とか高いんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can use the company's welfare program, so it's actually quite cheap.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それが会社の福利厚生を利用できるから結構安いんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh really, well then maybe I'll give it a go, too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、そうなんですか、じゃあ私も行ってみようかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think it would be good if you try signing up as a trial member.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一度お試し入会をしてみたらいいと思うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, so you can also be a trial member?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お試し入会もあるんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, then if you find it doesn't suit you, you can just end it there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自分に合わないと思ったらそこでやめてもいいと思うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think I might even go today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私、今日にでも行ってみたいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, but I do have one problem.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも困ったことがひとつあるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Huh, a problem?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、困ったこと?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは何ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My clothes no longer fit, so it looks like the amount I spend on clothes is going to increase.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "服が合わなくなって、洋服代がかさみそうなんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's not a problem for me, because I want to wear my old clothes that I can no longer fit into.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は合わなくなった昔の服を着たいから大丈夫です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ryan can you spare a moment?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ライアンさん、お時間少しありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes Jenny, what's up?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、ジェニーさん、何でしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just have some questions about the new material being developed by our affiliate, Company B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの関連会社のB社が開発中の新材料について質問があるんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh okay, go ahead.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですか、どうぞ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, am I correct in thinking that their development will be complete by the autumn?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あのー、開発は秋までに終わると考えていいんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, assuming they stay on schedule, and they seem to be on track.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、予定通りなら、今のところ順調に進んでいるようですし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was thinking I'd like to investigate using their material as a waterproof coating for our autumn line-up of products.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "秋の商品ラインアップの防水コーティング加工に彼らの材料を使うことを検討したいと思っているんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would it be ready in time for me to be able to do that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それが出来るようなタイミングに完成するでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In theory, yes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "理屈ではそうですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The final version for mass production should be ready by the end of July, but then you would need to conduct additional tests to check its suitability, which may cause delays.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大量生産用の最終バージョンは7月末までに完了するはずですが、適性検査を数回重ねる必要があるのでそれで遅れる可能性はあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well we can't delay getting the autumn products to market, is there another material I could use?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、秋商品を市場に出すのを遅らせることはできないので、他に使える材料はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, we work with some similar materials from other manufacturers, but they might be cost prohibitive for use as a coating.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちでは他のメーカーの似た材料を使っているので、あるにはありますけど、コーティング用として使うにはコストがかかり過ぎるかも知れません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What do you think would be the best alternative if I can't use Company B's material?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "B社の材料が使えないとなれば、他にいい選択肢はあると思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Um, I don't have the information to hand, but I could email you some potential options when I get back to my computer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、今手元にはないけれど、後で自分のコンピュータに戻ってから幾つか考えられる選択肢についてメールしますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thanks, that would be really helpful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとうございます、助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, Mr. Toyama.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "遠山さん、おはよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good morning Mr. Kato.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おはようございます、加藤さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Will you be in the office this afternoon?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日の午後オフィスに居るかね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes I will.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なんでそんな事をお聞きになられるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually we have a shipment of business cards coming in this afternoon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は今日の午後名刺が届くんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Unfortunately, I have a meeting and won't be available to accept the package.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "残念ながら私は会議があって荷物を受け取ることができないんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you sign for it when the delivery man comes?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "配達員が来たら遠山君がサインしといてくれるかい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Certainly, I'll be here until the workday finishes, so it should be no problem at all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろんです、仕事終わりまでここに居るので全く問題ないですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll keep an eye out for the delivery man.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "配達員が来るかよく注意して見ておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Great, thank you so much for your help.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとう、助かるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I remember you collected everyone's information around the office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オフィス内で加藤さんが、皆の情報を集めて周っていたのを覚えていますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm guessing these business cards are the ones we ordered last month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その名刺ですが先月注文した分ですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We went with a new company for these cards this time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回は新しい会社に依頼してみたんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh yeah?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What was wrong with the previous company?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "前の会社に何か問題でも?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, there was nothing wrong with them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや、特に何かがあったという訳ではないんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We ordered from them for the past five years and they did a great job.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼から過去5年間注文してたんだけど、良くやってくれたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We simply decided to try a new company this time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回はただ新しい会社を試してみることにしたんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This new company has more choices for the layout and artwork on the business cards.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この新しい会社はもっと沢山名刺のレイアウトとか図柄が選べるんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please let me know what you think of them when you see them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "見たときにどう思うか教えてね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Certainly, I'll let you know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろんです、お知らせしますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Great, thank you so much.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良かった、ありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you also for watching for the delivery today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "配達の件も見ててくれてありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Of course, it's no problem.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや、大丈夫ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm happy to help.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "喜んでお手伝いいたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Today I'm going to teach you how to use our new word processing software B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は皆さんに新しいワープロソフトBの使用法について説明したいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Everyone please open your program and follow along with me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆さんプログラムを開いて私についてきてくださいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you have any questions, feel free to interject at anytime.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "質問があればいつでも止めてくださって結構ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, today is my first day and I haven't received a computer yet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あの、僕は今日が初日でまだコンピューターをもらってないんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What should I do?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうしたらいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Go to the IT department on the fourth floor and they will set you up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "5階のIT部門へ行ってください、彼らが設定してくれますから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now, everyone else, we are going to create a document.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、他の皆さんは、これから書類の作成をします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "On the file tab, click \"new\" and start typing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ファイルのタブ上で、「新規」をクリックしてタイプし始めてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Excuse me, my program won't open.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すみません、プログラムが開かないんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Go ahead and restart your computer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "コンピューターを再起動してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For the rest of you, select the text you want to format.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他の皆さんはフォーマットしたいテキストを選択してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, select an option to change the font, font size, font color, or make the text bold, italics, or underline.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして、フォントの変更のオプションから、フォントサイズ、フォントカラー、太字、イタリック、下線のどれかを選択してみてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Kelly, is your computer working now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ケリー、あなたのコンピューターは上手くいきましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, and I was able to open the program, so I'm up to speed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、プログラムを開けました、今追いついているところです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Does everyone understand so far?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆さん今までのところは理解できてますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, in fact I think all of us are pretty familiar with this software.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、実はみんなこのソフトは結構使い慣れているんで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I thought so, when Paul gets back, we'll look at some more advanced techniques.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう思ったわ、ポールが戻ってきたらもっと上級のテクニックを見ていきましょうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm back!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "戻りました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow that was quick!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あら、早かったですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, the IT team had everything ready for me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、ITが全部用意してくれていたので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's look at how to insert a table.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではテーブルの挿入の仕方について説明します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's a table?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "テーブルって何ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A table is a grid of cells arranged in rows and columns.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "テーブルとは行と列を罫線で区切ってあるセルの集まりのことです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Tables are useful for various tasks such as presenting text information and numerical data.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "テーブルは文字の情報や数字のデータを表示するなど様々な課題に適しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For a basic table, click \"insert table\" and move the cursor over the grid until you highlight the number of columns and rows you want.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "基本的なテーブルを作成するには、「テーブルを挿入」をクリックして、作成したい行と列の数がハイライトされるまで、罫線上でカーソルを動かしてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Does this software allow you to put pictures in your documents?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このソフトでは画像を書類上に入れることはできますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it does.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、できますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Select \"insert pictures\" for a picture on your computer, or select \"insert online pictures\" for a picture that's on the web.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "コンピューター上の画像を挿入するには「画像の挿入」を選択、ウェブ上の画像を挿入するには「オンライン画像の挿入」を選択してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can watermarks be added to documents using this software?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ウォーターマークを入れることはできますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, they can.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What is a watermark?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ウォーターマークって何ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A watermark is a pattern that sits in front of your text and pictures.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ウォーターマークは、文字や画像の前に入れるパターンのことです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why would you use that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何に使用するんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "One reason is so people won't steal your photos or documents and share them online without giving you credit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "例えば他の人が、あなたの写真や書類をあなたのクレジットなしで、盗んで公開したり出来なくするためのものです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How do you add them to text documents?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "テキストの書類にはどうやって挿入するんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "On the Design tab, select \"watermark\".", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "デザインタブ上で「ウォーターマーク」を選択します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, you can choose a pre-configured watermark, like \"draft\" or \"confidential\", or you can type your own.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから、「下書き」もしくは「機密情報」などの設定済みのウォーターマークを選択するか、もしくは自分で好きな文字をタイプします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can this application be used for presentations?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このアプリはプレゼンには使えますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, that's another program called Program B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいえ、それには別のプログラムBを使用します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will be learning how to use that next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それについては来週勉強しますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh no, I can't believe this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "嫌だな、信じられないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's the matter?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My laptop isn't here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕のラップトップがないんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you leave it at your desk overnight?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一晩中机に置いておいたの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I forgot to take it home with me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだよ、家に持って帰るのを忘れたんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hope nobody stole it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "誰かに盗まれたんじゃないといいんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you check the lost and found?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "忘れ物置き場はチェックした?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, I haven't.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where is lost and found, and who handles it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "忘れ物置き場はどこ、誰の担当?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Go up to the fourth floor and talk to Rebecca.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "4階に行って、レベッカに聞いてみて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She works at the front desk, and handles the lost and found for the whole office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女はフロントデスクの担当で、オフィス全体の忘れ物も担当しているから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "OK, I'll go talk to her.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかった、行って話してみるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hopefully it's up there or someone has seen it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこにあるか、もしくは誰か見かけたかも知れないし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey, what can I do for you Stan?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうも、スタン、どうしたの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Last night, I left my laptop on my desk, and this morning it isn't there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昨夜、ラップトップを机に置きっぱなしにしちゃって、今朝来たらなかったんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was wondering if anyone brought it to lost and found.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "誰かが忘れ物置き場に持ってきてないかなあと思って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me go check.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "見てみるわね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry, I didn't see any laptops.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "残念ながら、ラップトップはないわね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "OK, well thanks for trying anyway.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうか、探してくれてありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good luck, I hope you find it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "見つかるといいわね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, me too, it has all of my files and work on there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほんとだよ、僕のファイルも仕事も全部入っているからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you find your computer?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "コンピューターはあった?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, it wasn't up there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ううん、あそこにはなかったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What do you think I should do now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうしたらいいかなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What time did you leave the office yesterday?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昨日は何時に事務所を出た?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I left a little after 5 o'clock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "5時ちょっと過ぎだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Everyone on our team had already left.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの部の人はみんなもう帰った後だったな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Stan, are you looking for this?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ねえスタン、これ探してる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's my computer!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕のコンピューターだ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どこにあったの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Last night I worked late, and I saw it on your desk after you left so I took it home so it wouldn't get stolen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昨日の夜残業してて、あなたのラップトップが机に置きっぱなしだったから、盗まれちゃいけないと思って家に持って帰ったのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Gina, you are a life saver!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ジーナ、君は命の恩人だよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How can I repay for all of your help?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何かお返ししなきゃいけないなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Don't worry about it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "気にしないで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No seriously, let me take you out to lunch today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いやでも、今日はランチをご馳走するよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, I brought my lunch today so that won't be necessary.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実はお弁当持ってきちゃったから、その必要はないわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then how about I treat you tomorrow?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ明日おごるっているのはどう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, if you insist.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうね、そんなに言うなら。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Meet me at my desk at noon tomorrow and I'll take you anywhere you want to go.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日の昼に僕の席で落ち合おう、そしたらどこでも君が行きたいところへ連れてくよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "OK, I'll meet you here tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "了解、じゃあ明日ここで会いましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Wayne, do you have a minute?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ウェイン君、ちょっと時間あるかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, what can I do for you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、なんの用でしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You need to be really careful when talking about our relationship with Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社とうちの関係について話す時はすごく気を使って欲しいんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I overheard your sales call.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君の営業の電話を聞いたんだが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did I say something wrong?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕、何か悪い事を言いましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not quite, but almost.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういう訳じゃないけど、危なかったからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Was it on the last call I made?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最後にかけた電話ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it was.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, when I asked the prospect if they had ever tried Product A?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、僕が見込み客に製品Aを試したことがあるかどうか聞いたことですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、それだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I apologize Christian.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すみません、クリスチャン。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Company A is our biggest customer, we are a supplier to them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社はうちの最大の顧客であり、うちは彼らの製造元だ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This isn't a secret, but we do have a non disclosure agreement with them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは秘密ではないんだが、うちと彼らの間には秘密保持契約があるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is a warning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これは忠告だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What am I allowed to say?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どこまで言っても大丈夫なんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can certainly tell people that we have a partnership with Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社とパートナーであることは言っても構わない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can even tell them that we are one of their suppliers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちが彼らの製造元であることも言っても大丈夫だ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What should I keep confidential?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何を秘密にしておくべきなんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We don't want to give out any information about specific products.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "特定の商品に関しての情報は渡したくないんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For example, don't tell people that we make Product A and sell it to Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "例えば、我々が製品Aを製造してA社に売っているということに関しては言及しないで欲しい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It won't happen again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう言わないようにします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If it were to get back to Company A that we were sharing trade secrets, they would be extremely upset.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもA社に、我々が企業秘密を漏らしたことが知れたら、彼らはかなり気を悪くするだろう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We may even lose them as customers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "顧客としての関係は失うことになるだろうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will not give out any trade secrets or tell anyone that we make Product A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "企業秘密は渡しませんし、製品Aを製造していることは誰にも言いません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A really good guideline is to look at Company A's website.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社のウェブサイトを見てもらったらとても分かりやすいと思うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It has information about us being their supplier, but doesn't go into too many details.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこには我々が製造元であるという情報はあるが、それ以上の詳細については言及していないから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I recommend you to share this website with potential clients.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このウェブサイトを見込み顧客に見せると良いと思うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Absolutely, that's what I will do moving forward.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、これからはそうします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our relationship with Company A is impressive, and that's why I bring it up in calls with prospects.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社とうちの関係はとても素晴らしいので、私は見込み客に電話するときにその話をするんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you mad at me?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "怒ってますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, I don't want to see you or anybody in our team get into trouble, that's all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや、僕はただ君にしろ誰か他の人にしろ、うちの部署のみんなに問題を起こして欲しくないだけなんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We all try to look out for each other here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここではみんなお互いに気をつけているからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Don't worry, I'm not going to tell anyone about this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "心配しなくていいよ、誰にもこのことは言わないから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "感謝します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How long have we been a supplier for Company A anyways?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ところでうちはどのくらいの期間A社の製品を製造しているんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "About 5 years, it started small.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "5年くらいかな、はじめは小規模だったんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "At first, we just supplied them with a few ingredients for Product B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最初の頃は製品Bの材料を少し製造していただけだったんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They were so happy with the quality of our work, they decided to give us more business.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らはその品質を気に入ってくれて、さらにビジネスを広げる決心をしてくれたんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, I am Gary Green.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、ゲーリー・グリーンです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm from Lexington, Kentucky.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ケンタッキーのレキシントンから来ました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Last week, I arrived in this country to take up my new position.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここで新しい仕事をするために先週この国へ到着しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I previously worked in Chile, and Mexico.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "以前はチリとメキシコで働いていました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, it's a pleasure to finally meet you Gary.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうも、やっと会えて嬉しいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you ever worked in Canada before?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "カナダで働いたことはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, this is my first job here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいえ、これがカナダで初めての仕事です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you ever been to Canada before?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "カナダに来たことはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, but only on vacation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、休暇のみですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おお、そうなんですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where did you visit?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どこへ行きましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've been here a handful of times.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何度か来たことがありますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The first time, I visited, I went to Vancouver.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最初の時はバンクーバーへ行きました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, once I went to Newfoundland.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それ以外には、ニューファンドランドにも行きました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Newfoundland?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ニューファンドランド?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's a unique place to visit because it so far out in the country.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは珍しいところへ行きましたね、すごい田舎ですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why did you go there?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうしてそこへ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I went there to see the whales, and puffins.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "クジラと角目鳥を見に行ったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You have a beautiful country.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたの国はとても美しいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you Gary.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとう、ゲイリーさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "OK, let's go ahead and get started.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、じゃあ始めますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is our catalog of products that you will be marketing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これがあなたにマーケティングしてもらう、うちの商品のカタログです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you familiar with Product A?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "製品Aは知ってますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I played a major role in the marketing strategy of Product A in the U.S.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、アメリカでは製品Aのマーケティング戦略について主な役割を担っていました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh that's great, since you have that experience, I'm sure you'll do an amazing job.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは良かった、その経験があれば素晴らしい仕事ができると思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How much have you heard about Product Z?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "製品Zについてはどのくらい聞いてますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I haven't heard anything about Product Z.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "製品Zに関しては何も聞いたことがありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Tell me about it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "教えてもらえますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's a dog collar.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "犬の首輪です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know, it's really simple and very different than our usual products.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですよね、うちの他の製品と比べてとても単純だし、全然違いますもんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why are we going to be selling dog collars?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なんで犬の首輪を売ることになったんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Dog collar sales are steady in the U.S.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アメリカでは犬の首輪は売り上げが一定しているんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "On the other hand, there has been a significant rise in dog collar sales in Canada and the U.K.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一方で、カナダとイギリスでは犬の首輪の売上が急激に伸びてきているんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That is why we are putting our efforts into marketing these in the U.K. and Canada.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんな訳でイギリスとカナダでそのマーケティングに力を入れてるんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And that is exactly why you are here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして、あなたはまさにそのためにここにいるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I'm a little nervous because I have never done any marketing for pet supplies.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はあ、ペット用品のマーケティング経験は全くないのでちょっと不安です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Most of my experience has been in marketing home goods and kitchen ware.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私のマーケティングの経験は家庭用品やキッチン用具がほとんどですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, there's a first time for everything.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあ、なんでも最初は初めてですからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You're right, I will do my best!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですよね、頑張ります!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, may I have your name and the name of your company?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、お名前と会社名を頂けますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Absolutely, my name is Lewis and I'm with Company B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろんです、私はB社のルイスと申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have an appointment?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お約束はされてますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I'm supposed to be meeting with Mr. Brown at 1 o'clock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、ブラウンさんと1時にお会いすることになっております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll tell him you're here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではこちらにいらしていることを伝えますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He said that you could go ahead and go up to his office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自分のオフィスまで上がってきていただきたいとブラウンが申しております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's on the fifth floor.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "5階になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can use the elevator.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "エレベーターをお使いください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうもありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お待たせして申し訳ございませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please, come in.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm Lewis with Company B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私はB社のルイスと申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I've been looking forward to meeting you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうも、お会いするのを楽しみにしておりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Likewise Mr. Brown.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私もです、ブラウンさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日はお時間を作っていただきありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mr. Jones has told me a lot about you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ジョーンズさんからあなたの事は良く伺っております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, Mr. Jones is a very old friend of mine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、ジョーンズさんは私の古い友人です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How do you two know each other exactly?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お二人はどういうお知り合いなんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, he used to be my boss.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は彼は私の元上司なんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh wow, I didn't realize that you used to work at Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、そうなんですか、あなたがA社にいらっしゃったとは存じ上げなかったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, several years ago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、何年か前ですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mr. Jones taught me everything I know about business.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ジョーンズさんからはビジネスの全てを教わりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's how I was able to start Company B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのおかげでB社を立ち上げることができました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How do you know him?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼とはどのようなお知り合いですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I used to be on his sales team at Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕はA社で彼と同じ営業部にいたんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He was a very important mentor to me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼は私にとってとても重要な指導者でしたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please, have a seat.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうぞおかけください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Make yourself comfortable.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "くつろいでください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would you like coffee or a bottle of water or something?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "コーヒーかペットボトルの水か何かいかがですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A bottle of water sounds good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ペットボトルの水をお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm actually quite parched.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は結構喉が渇いておりまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How do you like my new office?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我々の新しいオフィスはどうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's beautiful!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "綺麗ですね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You keep your office very neat, and it gets plenty of sunshine too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とても整理されていて、光も沢山入ってきますしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's so spacious.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とても広いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I really envy you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とても羨ましいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How much time do you have?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お時間はどのくらいおありですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm available the rest of the afternoon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "午後中大丈夫です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would you like to have a tour of our facilities?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我々の施設を案内いたしましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, that would be very educational.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、それはとても勉強になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The output of this factory accounts for 35 percent of entire production.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この工場の生産量は全体の生産量の35%を占めてるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What are your long term goals as an organization?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "組織としての長期的目標は何だい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We would really like to double output in the next three years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "三年以内には生産量を2倍にしたいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That sure is a high expectation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはとても高い目標だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wish you good luck.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "頑張れよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Tell me about your process.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "プロセスについて教えてくれる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We sample the products every half hour.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕たちは30分おきに商品のサンプルを取るんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The average defect rate falls within 02 percent and .05 percent.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "平均の欠陥比率は0.02から0.05パーセントだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you ever been to a South American factory before?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他の南米の工場には行ったことはある?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No I haven't, this is the first place I visited.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ううん、ないよ、ここが初めてだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm impressed by how efficient the workers are here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "従業員達がとても効率的で感動したよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yet, they still maintain a high level of craftsmanship.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その上完成度も高く保っているし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What hours do they work?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "労働時間帯はどうなってるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Operating personnel work eight hour shifts in a three shift system.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "作業要員は8時間シフト、三交代制で働いているんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The first begins at 6 am, the second begins at 2 pm and the third begins at 10 pm.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最初は朝6時から、2番目は午後2時、3番目は夜10時からだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Workers in the administrative division work Monday through Friday 9 am to 5 pm.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "管理部門の従業員達は月曜から金曜日まで9時5時で働いてるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wages are relatively high in this region.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この地域では給与は高い方だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはいい事だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I didn't want to ask, but I'm glad to find that out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "聞くのをためらっていたけど、それを知れてよかった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How many days has it been since your last accident here?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最後に事故があった時から何日たった?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We haven't had an accident in this factory in 237 days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この工場では237日間事故は起きていないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our accident prevention program is quite effective.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕たちの事故防止プログラムはかなり効果的なんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Although, yesterday, we discovered a violation of safety regulations.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昨日安全基準に違反していることを見つけたんだけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Luckily, we caught it before anything happened.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ラッキーな事に何かが起こる前に見つけることができたけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What was the violation?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何に違反していたの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "An employee wasn't following the lock out tag out procedures.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1人の従業員がロックアウトタグアウトの規則を守っていなかったんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What is lock out tag out?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ロックアウトタグアウトって何?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "\"Lock out tag out\" refers to specific practices and procedures to safeguard employees from the unexpected energization or startup of machinery and equipment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "「ロックアウトタグアウト」とは、予期しない電源投入や機械や装置の起動から従業員を守るための具体的な慣例と手順だ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "An individual must turn off a machine and either lock the machine or stick a metal tag into a hole before servicing or performing maintenance on it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サービスもしくはメンテナンスをする前に各々が機械の電源を切って機械に鍵をかけるか鉄のタグを穴に挿しておくんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So no one can accidentally turn it on.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "誰かが間違って電源を入れてしまうことがないようにね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What must workers do before they begin service or maintenance activities?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "従業員はサービスかメンテナンスをする前に何をしなきゃならないの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They must shut down the machine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "機械の電源を落とす必要があるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Next, they have to disconnect it from the energy source.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから、機械を電源から切断しなければならない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Finally they can apply the lock out or tag out device, and begin working.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最後にロックアウトタグアウトをして、作業に取りかかるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you in compliance with local environmental regulations?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "地域の環境規制には従ってる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, we conduct an environmental impact assessment every year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、毎年環境に与える影響の評価を行ってるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We recycle the water used during manufacturing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "製造時に使用した水はリサイクルしている。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have a contract with a specialized company and trust them with the treatment of hazardous effluent.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "信頼のおける専門会社と契約を結び、有害な排水は処理してるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's outstanding.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You certainly do care about your environment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当に環境に気を使ってるんだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good Morning, thank you for calling Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おはようございます、A社です、お電話ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Carol, my name is Juanita.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちはキャロルさん、私はフアニタと申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm Mr. Lopez's assistant at Company B in Tijuana, Mexico.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "メキシコのティワナにございますB社のロペスのアシスタントをしております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You're Mr. Brown's assistant, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたはブラウンさんのアシスタントでいらっしゃいますよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I've been expecting your call.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうです、お電話お待ちしておりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We've got a lot to discuss in regards to their upcoming meeting in Las Vegas.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らのラスベガスでのミーティングについて沢山決める事がありますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you booked Mr. Lopez's hotel room and flight yet?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ロペスさんのホテルと飛行機はもう予約されましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I have already booked his flight, and he'll be staying at Hotel Chain A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、飛行機は予約しましたし、ホテルはAチェーンホテルに泊まる予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He is landing in Las Vegas on Sunday, February 10th at 2pm and he will be there until the following Sunday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日曜日、2月10日、午後2時にラスベガスに到着して、その次の日曜日まで滞在予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about Mr. Brown?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ブラウンさんはいかがですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What dates will he be in Las Vegas?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ラスベガスにいらっしゃる日程は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mr. Brown will arrive in Las Vegas on Thursday, February 14th at 9 am, and he will be there until Monday, the 18th.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ブラウンは木曜日、2月14日、午前9時にラスベガスに到着して、18日の月曜日まで滞在予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He's open on Friday night, maybe he and Mr. Lopez can meet then for dinner.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "金曜日の夜は空いていますので、ロペスさんと夕食などいかがでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is Mr. Lopez available on Friday night?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ロペスさんの金曜日の夜のご予定は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Unfortunately he is not.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "残念ながら空いていません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He already has an appointment scheduled for that night.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その夜はすでに予定がありまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about Saturday night around 7pm?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "土曜日の夜7時はどうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That won't work for us as Mr. Brown has a conference he is attending on Saturday night.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "土曜の夜はブラウンは会議に出席する予定ですので、無理ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you think Mr. Lopez would be open for a meeting during the day on Saturday?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ロペスさんは土曜日のお昼は空いていらっしゃいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That could work as long as it's not too early.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早い時間でなければ空いていますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He will be entertaining a client the night before and could possibly be staying out quite late.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その前の夜にお客様を連れ出すことになっておりまして、遅くなる可能性があるので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What about around 1pm?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "午後1時はいかがですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I think that would work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They could meet up for lunch.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ランチで会合できますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Since you're an American Carol, and are more familiar with the food in Las Vegas, can you recommend a good place to eat?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたはアメリカ人で、私よりラスベガスの食事に詳しいと思うので、どこかおすすめを教えていただけませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you would like, I can make a reservation at Restaurant A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしよかったらレストランAを予約しておきますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's an upscale steakhouse.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "高級ステーキハウスです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That sounds perfect.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Go ahead and book it and please email me the details.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "予約していただいて、私宛に詳細をメールしてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure thing, what's your email address?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろんです、メールアドレスを教えていただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's juanita@companyb.com", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "juanita@companyb.comになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well thanks for reaching out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、お電話ありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I appreciate your help with this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "協力していただいて本当に助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいえ、とんでもない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's talk again before the meeting in case there are any last minute changes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また直前に何か変更がないかどうか打ち合わせしましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それが良いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thanks Carol, bye.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとうございました、キャロルさん、ではまた。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thanks, bye.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとうございました、ではまた。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was curious to hear your thoughts on Product A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君が製品Aについてどう思っているかが気になるんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, why me?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、なんで私ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm just a web designer and I don't know anything about marketing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私はウェブデザイナーで、マーケティングに関しては全然知らないんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Exactly, and that's one of the reasons I would like to hear your opinions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その通り、だから君の意見を聞きたいんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, you're young and we are trying to market Product A to consumers between 20 and 30 years old.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それと君は若いから、製品Aは20代30代をターゲットにしているからさ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Will you answer some of my question on it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "商品に関する質問にいくつか答えてもらえる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, that's fine with me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、構いませんが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please be completely honest.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すごく正直に言ってくれて構わないから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You're not going to hurt anyone's feelings if you give negative feedback.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "悪い意見だとしても誰も気を悪くしないからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you want to do it right now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今すぐにですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How familiar are you with Product A?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "製品Aについてはどのくらい知ってる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm extremely familiar with it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とても良く知っていますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Product A is a wireless speaker.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "製品Aはワイヤレススピーカーです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Overall how satisfied are you with the product?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全体的にどのくらい商品に満足してる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm quite pleased with the rich quality of sound the speaker puts out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スピーカーから出るリッチな音には結構満足しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What features of the product disappointed you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どんなところが気に入らない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I thought the bass would be heavier.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "低音がもっと重いと思ってたんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How likely would you be to recommend this product to a family member or friend?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "家族や友人にはどのくらい勧めると思う?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "On a scale of 1 to 10, probably a 7.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1から10段階なら、多分7です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you would recommend this product, what would you say to convince your best friend to purchase this product?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君がこの商品を親友に勧めるとしたら、なんて言って買うように説得する?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would tell them that it's a really great speaker for a low price.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "低価格にしてはとても良いスピーカーだと勧めると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What similar products have you used during the last 6 months?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "過去6ヶ月の間にどんな同じ様な商品を使用した?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I mostly use Product B, which are headphones.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ヘッドフォンの製品Bをいつも使用します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have any suggestions on how we could improve the product to make it more appealing?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "商品をもっと魅力的にするためにはどこを改善するべきか、何かアドバイスはある?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The only color is black.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "色が黒だけなので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You should give several color options.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もっといろんな色があると良いと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This would be popular among younger consumers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうすればもっと若い世代に人気が出ると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よく分かりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have any other comments you would like to add?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他に何かコメントはある?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You might consider making several sizes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いくつか違うサイズを作ることを検討してはどうでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Some consumers may want a smaller size, and some may want a bigger one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もっと小さいサイズや大きいサイズが欲しい消費者はいると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think the current size is a good medium.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今のサイズはちょうど中間くらいですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, it would be really cool if it was waterproof.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、防水だともっと良いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, that is something we are working on at the moment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、今ちょうどそれをやっているところだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for your honest feedback.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "正直な感想をありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No worries, I hope it is useful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とんでもないです、お役に立てると良いですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you ever noticed that some people seem to just light up a room whenever they walk in?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "入ってくるだけでぱあっと部屋が明るくなるような人っていると思わない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I wish I knew how to do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうね、そんな風になりたいなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How do they do that anyways?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうしてなんだろう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They radiate confidence.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自信が溢れ出てるんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've been taking a public speaking course.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私スピーチのコースを取ってるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've never done that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私それやったことないわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どんな感じなの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's teaching me a lot about building rapport with people, body language, and presence.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうやって人々と信頼関係を築くかとか、ボディーランゲージ、存在感なんかについて沢山教わってるのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can teach you some of the techniques.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "テクニックをいくつか教えてあげようか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For example, today, start up a conversation with someone that you don't know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "例えば、今日知らない人に話しかけるとするよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can't do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "出来ないわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would be so embarrassed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "恥ずかしいもん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But, you've done it before.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、前にもやったことがあるのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Or else you would have never met anyone new in your whole life.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうじゃなきゃ、人生で一度も誰にも出会ってない事になるでしょ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, but everyone I know, I know for a reason.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうね、だけど知り合いには知り合いになる理由があるもの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When you go up to talk to them, imagine that they are a very old friend.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その人達が古い友達だと想像して話しかけるのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, instead of introducing yourself, just start talking about anything.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、自己紹介はしないで、何でもいいから何か話し始めちゃうの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I usually talk about the first thing that is in front of us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は大体何か目の前にあるものについて話しはじめるわね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "OK I'll try it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうか、ちょっとやってみよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Something I would like to learn is how to create meaningful relationships with people.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は人々と有意義な関係を築く方法を勉強したいわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do they cover that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それも教えてる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, one tip they gave was spending time with people in different places.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、教わったコツの1つは、色々違った場所で人々と過ごすという事よ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We always see each other at work, but since we're friends we do other things together as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私達はいつも仕事で会ってるけど、友達だから、他のことも一緒にするでしょ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, like go out for lunch or go to happy hour or something.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうね、ランチに行ったりハッピーアワーに行ったり。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, and we've both been to each others houses.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お互いの家にも行き来するしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, if you would like to deepen a relationship with someone from work, meet them somewhere else.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だから、もし誰か職場の人と関係を深めたかったら、他の場所で会ってみるのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anywhere is fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どこでもいいの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That sounds very helpful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すごく役に立ちそう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I want to look into that class too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私も調べてみようかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where can I find more information on it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どこに情報があるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Just go to our company's internal website.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの会社の社内ウェブに行って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You will see an HR tab.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "人事部のタブをクリックするでしょ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then you can find the training link.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうするとトレーニングのリンクがあるから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our company reimburses tuition for any training courses on the website up to 2,000 dollars per person per year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこに載ってるトレーニングコースならなんでも、年間2,000ドルまでは会社から学費が補助されるんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, that's really nice that they are willing to pay for it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うわー、会社が払ってくれるなんていいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, the way they look at it, is if we're learning skills it will make us better employees.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちら従業員のスキルが上がる事は会社にとっても良い事だからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So it's a great benefit for everyone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だからこれはみんなにとって利益になる事なのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm going to sign up today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すぐに申し込もうっと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, this is Kevin.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、ケビンです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Kevin, my name is Alex, and I wanted to talk to you about your position at Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、ケビンさん、私はアレックスと申します、A社でのあなたのお仕事についてお話しさせていただきたいと思いまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What is this in regards to?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何のご用でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will be very up front with you Alex.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "単刀直入に申し上げますね、アレックスさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You do really good work, and I was wondering if you would entertain the idea of interviewing for another company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お仕事が大変お出来になるので、他社の面接をお受けになる気がおありかどうかと思いまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Possibly, I suppose it depends on how much money they are willing to pay me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "可能性はあります、先方がいくら払う気があるかにもよります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How much do you make now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "現在のお給料はどのくらいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That is confidential, and I'm not telling it to some stranger that has just called me on the phone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは機密事項ですし、かかってきた電話でそれを言うつもりはないですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What is the salary range for the job at the company that is interested in me?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私に興味を持っていると言う会社の、その仕事の報酬範囲はどのくらいなんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It starts at 80,000 a year, but you could probably ask for more.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "年俸80,000からスタートということですが、もう少し要求することはできます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What kind of job is it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "仕事の内容は何ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's a management position.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "管理職になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It would be very similar to what you are doing now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "現在されているお仕事とほぼ同じような内容です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Does it sound like something that you would be interested in?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご興味はおありでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When is the in the interview.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "面接はいつでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm just a recruiter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私はリクルーターです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They will call you, then please discuss about the interview schedule.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先方からお電話が行きますので、その時に面接の日時を決めていただくようになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you have them call me after 5pm?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "午後5時以降に電話をするように言ってもらえますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't want anyone at my current job to find out about the interview.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "現在の職場の人に面接の事を知られたくないので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That is fine, I will have them call you after you finish work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "了解致しました、お仕事が終わってからお電話していただくように伝えます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Does tomorrow at 6pm work?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日の午後6時はいかがでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry, tomorrow I take my son to karate, so I will be busy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すみません、明日は息子を空手に連れて行くので、忙しいんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about the day after that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では明後日はどうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me take a look at my calendar.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "カレンダーをチェックしてみますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you bear with me one moment while I look?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その間少し待っていてもらえますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can hold.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Unfortunately, I'm also unavailable on that day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "残念ながらその日もダメです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What about Thursday evening at 6pm?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "木曜日の午後6時はどうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Does that work?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大丈夫でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thursday evening should be fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "木曜日の夕方なら問題ないはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The person calling you will be Roger.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ロジャーさんという方からお電話が行きますので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He is the Vice President.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その方は副社長さんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What is the name of the company?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何という名前の会社ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to say.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "残念ながら私からは申し上げられないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They are also being very careful as they are trying to replace a current manager as soon as possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また、先方は至急現在のマネージャーの後任を見つけなければならないので大変気を使われておりまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Between you and me, that should give you a lot of leverage for this position.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここだけの話ですが、かなり有利なお話だと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Don't tell them that I told you that though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私がこれを申し上げたということは先方に仰らないでくださいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I won't, your secret is safe with me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "言いません、秘密は守ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The task and calendar section show all of your action items.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "課題とカレンダーのセクションには、すべてのアクションアイテムが表示されています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I sync Product A with my email account?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "製品Aはメールアカウントと同期できますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh yeah, you can sync it with your email, calendar, so you're always up to date.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、Eメール、カレンダーと同期させることが可能ですので常に最新の情報を確認していただけます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What else can it do?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他に何ができるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "All of your reps can log every call they make.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "営業担当の皆様は全ての営業通話を記録していただくことができます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then each account will have several contacts attached.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして、各アカウントに複数の連絡先を添付していただくことができます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Notes can be added as well for each call.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "各通話ごとにメモを追加することも可能です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When changes are made, it is updated for all of your team members that follow you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "変更が加えられると、みなさんをフォローしているすべてのチームメンバーに通知されます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, so it's not only a customer relationship management tool, but it's also a social media platform?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うわー、顧客関係の管理ツールというだけではなくて、ソーシャルメディアプラットフォームでもあるということですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, but only people within your organization will see any of the information.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、ただし組織内の人々だけが情報を見ることができます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's good to know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは大切ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't want any of our sensitive information to leak.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "機密情報を漏洩させたくありませんから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How many people are on your sales team?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "御社の営業チームには何人の方がいらっしゃいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Altogether, there are 42 representatives.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全部で42人の担当者がいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "12 of them are out in the field, and the rest work here in the office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのうちの12人は外回りに出ており、残りはここのオフィスで働いています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you want a fully customized Product A?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "完全にカスタマイズされた製品Aを必要となさいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes sir, give me all of the bells and whistles.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、全部まとめてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then it will cost 12,000 dollars to set it up for your entire team.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうした場合、チーム全体のために設定いたしますと、12,000ドルになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's really expensive.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とても高価ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you give me a discount?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "割引はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, we do have a sale going on now where you can get the entire system for 10,000 dollars.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、現在10,000ドルでシステム全体をご購入いただけるというセールを行っているところです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That seems like a fair price, but I can't afford all of that right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "妥当な価格だとは思いますが、今すぐ購入できる余裕はないですねえ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have any kind of payment plans?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か支払い方法はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Of course we do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can put you on a monthly plan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マンスリープランを利用していただくことができます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How does that work?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはどんなプランですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Your company can decide how much you want to pay each month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "毎月のお支払額を決めていただくことができます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, based on that amount, we will write a contract.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次に、その金額に基づいて契約書を作成します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For example, if you want to pay 1,000 dollars a month, it will take 10 months to pay it off.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "例えば、月に1,000ドルをお支払いいただけるのであれば、完済には10ヶ月かかります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there any interest?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご興味がおありですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No there isn't.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいえ、結構です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, it is worth noting that the 10,000 price does not include tax.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただし、10,000の価格は税込じゃないということに着目しないと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How much is the tax?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "税金はいくらかかりますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's 8.25 percent.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "8.25パーセントです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't have a calculator, can you figure out the total price for me?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は今電卓を持っていないので、合計金額を出していただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok, let me see…", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、そうですね・・・", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's 10,825.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "10,825になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you, I have always been pretty bad at math, I guess that's why I am in sales instead of engineering or programming.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとうございます、僕は算数が苦手なんですよ、まあそのせいでエンジニアとかプログラマーではなくて営業をやっているわけなんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How long have you been selling Product A?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何年くらい製品Aを販売されているんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Personally, I have been selling it for a little over four years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私個人的には、4年少し前から販売しております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mr. Billy, I was told you needed me in your office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ビリーさん、用があると聞いたのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来てくれてありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First of all, I want to thank you for all your hardwork.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君の勤勉さにはとても感謝しているという事をまず最初に伝えたい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's a pleasure to work here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここで働く事ができるのは光栄です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I also want to mention your cell phone use at work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君の職場での携帯電話の使用について話させて下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have noticed you spend quite a bit of time on your phone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "携帯電話を頻繁に使っている事に気づいていますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know you usually complete all your tasks with no errors as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "きちんと間違えもせず仕事をこなしている事も知っている。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I always take my job seriously.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "真面目に仕事をするようにしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But several co-workers of yours raised a concern that you use your cellphone excessively,", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "けれども、君が携帯電話を使い過ぎていると同僚が何人か心配しているんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They said you are usually scrolling on social media.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大概ソーシャルメディアを見ているそうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I admit I do that sometimes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "時々やっているのは確かです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You are very intelligent and creative.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君はとても賢くてクリエイティブなんですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I saw some potential in you when I hired you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "雇った際、とても才能があるなと感じました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's why it's a little bit of disappointment to hear such a thing about you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だからこの話を聞いてがっかりしましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I promise it will not happen again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう二度とその様な事がない事を約束します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please give me another chance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう一度チャンスをください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I promise to keep myself busy with work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "仕事に没頭します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I am happy with your work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあ、君の仕事振りには満足してますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I want you to keep up with good work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので、このままちゃんと仕事をこなして下さいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will do my best not to let you down again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "期待を裏切らないように全力を尽くします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I believe in you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "信じているよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, this is Amy speaking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、エイミーでございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご用件は何でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, this is Yamamoto Kota from Company S.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "S社の山本 康太というものです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am calling to follow up on the product your company purchased from us last week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先週我が社よりご購入頂いた商品のフォローアップの為に電話をさせて頂きました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would like to talk to Mr. Robert if he is available.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ロバートさんがいらっしゃいましたら、お話をさせて頂きたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, hold on a second.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、少々お待ち下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Mr. Yamamoto, how's it going?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "山本さん、どうなさいましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would like to thank you again for doing business with us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我が社と取引をして頂き本当に感謝しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am glad we did.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やって良かったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wanted to check in with you to see how it is working.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "商品がちゃんと可動しているかチェックしたいのでお電話させていただきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I could not be happier.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう大満足だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I made a right decision switching to your product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おたくの商品に変えた事は正しい判断だったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am so happy to hear that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It took us a few days to get used to it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "使い馴れるまでに何日かかかったんですがね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But we all love how efficient it is once we got the hang of it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも馴れたら、我々皆効率性の良さが気に入ったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have any questions or concerns?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か質問や気になる事はございますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, we do not have any so far.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今のところ何もないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Your demonstration was so thorough and detailed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君の実演がとても詳しくて完璧だったからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Plus the instruction manual is easy to understand.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから、説明書も読みやすいし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is your staff having any problem at all?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スタッフの皆さんも何も問題はないですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, they are fast learners.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "物覚えが良い人ばかりだから、大丈夫だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please let me know if there is anything I can help you guys with.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か私がお力になれる事があればお知らせください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will send you a reminder about the regular maintenance in 6 months.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "6か月後にメンテナンスのお知らせを送らせていただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will set up a time for me to come in.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "都合の良い日を決めましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you ever have any problem, don't hesitate to give me a call.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か気になる事があれば、遠慮なくお電話下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will be more than happy to come give you a hand.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "喜んでお手伝いさせていただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for following up with me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "フォローアップしてくれて有難う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では始めましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It has come to my attention that our customer satisfactory rate has gone down a bit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我が社の顧客満足度が下がっている事に気づきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have noticed it too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私も気づいていました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It looks like our shipping department has had quite a few order mix-ups in the last few months.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうやらここ数か月、配送部がオーダー間違いをよくしている様です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am sincerely sorry about that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there anything different that happened in the last few months?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここ数か月の間に何か変化があったのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes there are a couple of things I can think of.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、思い当たる事が幾つかあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First of all, we are so short-handed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まず、人手不足です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our sales has gone up by 65 percent thanks to the popular vlogger introduced our online store in one of her videos.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、もうフルタイムのスタッフは4人いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "4 staff were enough before our sales suddenly went up two months ago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2か月前に突然販売数が増える前までは4人で充分でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our sales has gone up by 65% thanks to the popular vlogger introduced our online store in one of her videos.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもあの有名なブロガーがビデオでうちの会社を紹介して以来、65%も販売数が増えましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are so thankful for that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当に有難い事ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But order mix-ups will bring down our sales eventually.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、オーダー間違いをしていると結局販売数は落ちる事になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am not asking for another full-time staff.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "フルタイム従業員を一人増やしてと頼んでいる訳ではないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "One part-time staff will take some of the burden off our existing staff.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "パートを一人増やすだけで、今いるスタッフの負担が少し減ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are always pressured to handle and ship orders as fast as possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早急にオーダー対応し発送しないとというプレッシャーが常にあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We double check everything upon shipping.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "発送の際には全てを二度チェックしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But handling a large amount of orders can be a bit overwhelming at time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、大量のオーダー対応する事に圧倒されることもあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Considering the fact we are dealing with much more orders, it's natural we need more staff working in the shipping department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "販売数が大幅に増えたことを考えると、配送部にスタッフを増やす事は当然の事ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's understandable.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "理解できますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, we need labeling stickers that are more durable.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから、もっと頑丈なラベルが必要です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どういう事ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The ones we currently use are so flimsy and they rip easily.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "現在使用中の物は薄っぺらで、すぐに破れてしまうんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When that happens, we have to recreate and print labels all over.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなると、また最初からラベル作成をし印刷しないといけないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That sure is a waste of time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは時間の無駄ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And a waste of labels if we constantly keep recreating labels.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ラベルを印刷し続けるのももったいないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know we are on a budget here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "予算があるのは知っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But it will save us so much time and money if we use better labels that will not rip so easily.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですが、すぐに破れないラベルを使う事で時間もお金も節約できるはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I can certainly work something out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、どうにか対処してみましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you have any suggestions for new labels, let me know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新しいラベルの提案があれば教えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for being understanding.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご理解いただきありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey, you are back from your vacation!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "休暇から戻って来たんですね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was awesome!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最高でした!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It my my first vacation in 5 years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "五年ぶりの休暇だったんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You had been working so hard, and you earned it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ずっと一生懸命働いて、頑張ってましたからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I didn't have to worry about anything work-related such as writing a report and meeting deadlines.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "レポート作成や締切日など仕事関係の事は一切心配しなくて良かったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There is no boss to tell you what to do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あれしろこれしろ言ってくる上司も居なかったですし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was very relaxing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とてもリラックスできました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I bet you did not want to come back to work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "戻って来たくなかったでしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I feel so refreshed and ready to tackle any work now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "気分もすっきりしてどんな仕事もかかってこい、という感じです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good for you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How was everything here while I was gone?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私がいない間、大丈夫でしたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am glad you asked!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よく聞いてくれましたね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As far as the work goes, everything went smoothly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "仕事面では全て順調でしたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But we had a little bit of plumbing issue in the bathroom.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも水漏れ問題があったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh no, what went wrong?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えー、何が壊れたんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "One of the toilets got clogged so badly, it flooded the entire bathroom and the breakroom.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "トイレが詰まって、トイレと休憩室の床が水浸しになったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, it sounds like an ordeal!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはとんだ災難でしたね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it took us 3 days to get everything cleaned and back in order.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全て掃除し元通りになるまでに三日かかったんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would have never guessed that happened.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんな事が起こったなんて想像もつきませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was just in the breakroom and did not noticed anything different.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ついさっきトイレを使ったんですが、何の違いにも気づきませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I promise you did not want to be there while it was flooded.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "水浸しの時には絶対に居たくなかったはずですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anyway, I am glad to have you back.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何はともあれ、戻ってきてくれて嬉しいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's nice to be back.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "戻ってきて良かったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I vent a little?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっと愚痴っても良い?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just got off the phone with the most difficult customer ever.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今迄で一番やっかいな顧客の電話対応してたの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was really close to losing my composure.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう少しで冷静さを失うところだった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What was the customer complaining about?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのお客は何て文句を言ってたの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, she placed an order for this pink hat.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっと、彼女はピンクの帽子をオーダーしたの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But she had meant to order a purple one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも本当は紫を頼むつもりだったらしくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sounds like it was her own fault.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは本人の非だよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then she went on to complain the package was damaged.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あとパッケージが損傷していたと文句言ってきた。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It probably got damaged during delivery.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは多分配達中に損傷したんじゃないかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So it's not our fault.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だからそれはうちの非ではないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you tell her that we conduct a quality inspection before shipping an item?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "商品発送前に品質チェックをしている事を伝えた?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Of course, I did.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was as nice as I could be.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "できるだけ礼儀正しくしたし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then what's wrong?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She waited two months to request a return.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女は返品リクエストをするまで二か月も待ってたの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's way past the return period.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "返品期間とっくに過ぎてるじゃない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I explained that to her very politely.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だからそれも丁寧に説明したの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me guess!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかった!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She became furious?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女怒ったんでしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, she was livid.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、大激怒したの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I told her we could no longer honor her return after 30 days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "30日以降はもう返品受付けないと伝えたんだけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did she know about the return period?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女、返品期間の事知ってたの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We send every single package with the return policy", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "商品発送の際には返品制度の説明も添えているよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We also send a confirmation e-mail with the same information.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから、確認メールにも同じ情報を付けているし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No way she missed it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ見落としているという事はないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She started yelling and called me a liar.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女は怒鳴り始めて私を嘘つき呼ばわりしたの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, she took it out on you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたに八つ当たりしたのね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then she hung up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして彼女は電話を切ったの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was in shock for a long time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私はしばらく呆れ呆けてたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am sorry you had such an awful experience.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当に酷い体験で、大変だったね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mr. Yoshida, may I talk to you for a second?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "吉田さん、ちょっといいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, is something wrong?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろん、何か問題でも?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We just received an e-mail from Company M accusing us of copyright infringement.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先ほどM社からメールがきたのですが、我が社が著作権侵害をしているとの事です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What product are we talking about?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どの商品の事ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's the product L sold on the e-commerce website Z.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オンラインショッピングサイトZに出品しているL商品です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They are claiming the copyright.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "M社が著作権所持を主張しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, this should not be an issue.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "問題になるはずがないですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are authorized to sell this product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我が社は認定販売しているんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The e-mail says that they will take a legal action if we don't pull this particular item off the website within 48 hours.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "メールによると、48時間以内にウェブサイトから商品削除をしなければ法的処置を取るとの事です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am going to pull out our authorized distributor certificate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "公認卸売業者証明書を出しますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would you please scan it and send it to my e-mail address?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それをスキャンして私のメールに送ってもらってもいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will do that right away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すぐに取り掛かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me handle the rest.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あとは私に任せて下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When I show them the certificate, they should not have any problem with us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "証明書を見せたら、問題にはならないはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know many companies sell this very same product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "同じ商品を販売している会社が多数あります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Company M might have confused us with a different company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "M社は他の会社と勘違いしたのかもしれませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not all of them are authorized distributors like us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "販売している会社全てが認定販売しているわけではないですからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's just an honest mistake on their part.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "相手側のうっかりミスですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have been selling this product for a few years and have never had any dispute with them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我が社は何年もこの商品を販売してますが、一度も問題になった事はないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hope they will resolve this issue immediately.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早く問題解決するといいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I promise they will.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "きっと解決しますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey, are you ok?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You look pale.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "顔色が悪いですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I am a little frazzled and feverish.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっと疲労が溜まっていて、熱っぽいんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Looks like you are about to pass out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今にも倒れそうですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I haven't been sleeping much lately.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最近睡眠不足なんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This project I am working on is really stressing me out...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今やっているプロジェクトの事でストレスも溜まっていて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know you have been staying in the office until late.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最近ずっと遅くまで残業していますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I ended up staying here until midnight last night.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昨晩も深夜まで残ってました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am really exhausted.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう疲労困憊です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You should get a break.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "休憩を入れるべきですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why don't you take off early?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早退したらどうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wish I could.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "できるものならしたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am way behind the schedule on this project.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "プロジェクトの完成予定日より大分遅れを取っているんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was supposed to do this part four days ago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この部分、本来ならば四日前に終わらせているはずだったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Don't push yourself too hard.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんなに自分を追い込まないでくださいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You still have plenty of time before the due date.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだ提出日までに時間は十分ありますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I do not like to procrastinate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先延ばしするのは嫌いなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I suggest you take the rest of the day off and go home.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は早退して帰宅してはどうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you overwork yourself, You really are going to get sick.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "働き過ぎると本当に体調を崩してしまいますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now I am feeling nauseated too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だんだん吐き気もしてきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me talk to our supervisor about this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "主任にこの事は話しておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He should understand and let you go home.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼なら理解して家に帰らせてくれるはずですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for being so caring.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "気を使ってもらってありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you all for coming today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日はお越し頂き、有難うございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My name is John Sharp, and I represent Company G.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "G会社代表のジョン・シャープと申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am excited to introduce our newest cleaning product to you all today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日は我が社の新商品クリーナーの紹介ができ光栄です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Great to have you here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良く来てくれましたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our company spent the last year and a half developing this product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我が社はこの商品開発に1年半を費やしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am happy to announce that our newest product is the best on the market.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我々の新商品は業界一と言えるでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please tell us all about it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "詳しく教えて下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are hundreds of products that claim to be \"the best cleaner\" on the market.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "業界一と謳っているクリーナーは何百品もありますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So what makes our product different from others?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、我が社の商品がどう違うかお分かりでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Products from other companies might meet your expectation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆さんは、他社の商品に満足されているかもしれません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But do you know what's in those products?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですが、これらの商品の成分をご存知でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A lot of them contain harsh, toxic chemicals.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これらの多くには刺激の強い有毒成分が含まれています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You unavoidably breath in those chemicals as you use those products.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その様な商品を使う事で、有毒成分を吸い込んでしまう事は避けられません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you also want to expose your growing children to those chemicals?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また育ち盛りのお子さん達にその様な化学成分に触れて欲しいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I prefer not...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "望まないですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's why we developed this product using only non-toxic, plant-based ingredients.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その様な理由で我が社は無害で植物ベース成分を原料にこの商品を開発しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is a multi-purpose cleaner, so you can use it anywhere.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "多目的クリーナーなので、どこでも使う事ができます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Does it clean as well as you claim it does?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "仰る通り、ちゃんと汚れを取るんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I actually have tried a few of those all-natural cleaners in the past.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今まで自然素材クリーナーを幾つか使用しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was not satisfied with their performance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも性能に満足できませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As a matter of fact, that is one of the common complaints from consumers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実はそれ、よく聞く消費者の不満です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's why we put so much time and effort into improving the effectiveness of our new product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だからこそ我が社は多くの時間と労力を費やし、性能を高めました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am about to demonstrate how effective it is when used on different kinds of surfaces.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今からどれだけ高性能であるか、様々な表面を使ってお見せします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will be explaining every single ingredient in the cleaner as I demonstrate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実演しながら、原料を一つずつ説明していきますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I guarantee you are about to experience the difference!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他の商品との違いがわかる事確実です!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am eager to try it out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早く試してみたいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey, are you alright?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ねえ、大丈夫ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You look a little bit agitated.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっとイライラしているみたいですけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am running out of time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "間に合わないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうしたんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have to turn in this proposal in two hours.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと二時間以内にこの提案書を提出しないといけないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is taking much longer than I expected.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "思ったより随分時間がかかってるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am happy to help you with it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "是非手伝わせて下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh no, I know you are busy with your work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえいえ、あなたも自分の仕事で忙しいでしょうから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, I just got done with the monthly report.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は月次レポートはもう終了してるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't have anything else due any time soon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "提出期限が迫っている物は他に何もありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I do not want to get us in trouble.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもトラブルを起こしたくないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どういう意味ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I do not want my boss to think I am incompetent.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "上司に私が’仕事ができないと思われたくないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Don't say such a silly thing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんな風に思わないでください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He always encourages us to help one another.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼はいつもお互いの手助けをする事を推奨してますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Teamwork is very important.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "チームワークは大切です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I guess I can use your help.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それなら、手伝ってもらいましょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "有難うございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please tell me what I need to do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、何をすればいいか教えて下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey, do you have a moment?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっといいかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I am just about to be done with this PowerPoint presentation for tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいですよ、ちょうど明日のパワーポイントプレゼンテーションの準備が終わるところでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "About that presentation...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのプレゼンテーションの事なんだけど・・・。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is something wrong?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうかしました?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, Mr. Okada just decided we will not be doing this project anymore.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今さっき岡田社長がこのプロジェクトはもう実行しないと決めたんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What, but why?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええっ、何でですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He seemed so enthusiastic about it last week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先週はあんなに楽しみにしていたのに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I did not see this coming either.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私もこれは予測してなかったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know what made him change his mind?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何が理由で心変わりしたか知ってますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have no idea.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さっぱりわからない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is so frustrating.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "腹立たしいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I stayed up all night working on this presentation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "徹夜してこのプレゼンテーションを仕上げたんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know you put your effort into this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君がどれだけ労力を費やしたのかを知ってるんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If it was up to me, we would definitely continue this project.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私が決めれるものならば、絶対にこのプロジェクトを続けるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can't stay calm about this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう苛立って仕方ないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I feel you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その気持ちわかるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This isn't the first time Mr. Okada made a sudden change to a project.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "岡田社長が突然プロジェクトを変更させるのは、今回が初めてではないですからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I remember what happened two months ago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "二か月前に起こったこと覚えてるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We were so close to finishing up Project H.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hプロジェクトはもう終盤に差し掛かっていましたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We basically worked our tails off for nothing that time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あの時は全力で働いたのが水の泡になった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He never explained exactly why.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼は何が理由か全く説明しなかったですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He is notorious for making last minute changes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼は、最後の最後でにプラン変更する事で知られてるから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are not the only ones who are affected by his selfishness.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼のワンマン振りの犠牲になっているのは私たちだけじゃないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Frankly, I am getting tired of it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "正直なところ、もう我慢できません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He may be a great CEO but not a good team player.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼は素晴らしい経営者かもしれないけれど、チームプレーヤーではないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "気分転換になるだろうし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, he never had to be a team player.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼はチームプレーヤーになる必要がなかったんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He was given this company by his father.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "父親から会社を引き継いだからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, he has always been at the top.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あぁ、常に上の立場にいたんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That explains why he never seems to care about how hard we work for him.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だから私たちが彼の元でどれだけ一生懸命働いているかなど気にかけないんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know you are upset.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "イライラしてるみたいだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me take you out for a drink tonight.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今晩飲みに連れていくよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can blow off some steam.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, that sounds great.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、良い考えです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thanks for letting me vent.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "愚痴らせてもらって有難うございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am here for you anytime.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつでもいいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Company K, this is Lizzie speaking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "K会社リジーでございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どういったご用件でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My name is Takada Ryota.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "高田良太という者です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am calling about the package that was supposed to be delivered last week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先週配達予定の品についてお電話しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Here is my order number, L345123678.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オーダー番号はL345123678です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me find your order information.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お客様のオーダー詳細を調べますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our record shows you purchased a folding umbrella on July 24th.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらのオーダー歴では7月24日に折り畳み傘を購入したと記載されています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That is correct.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It also shows your package was delivered on July 27th.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして商品は7月27日に配達されたと記載されています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The problem is that I never received this item.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実際受け取っていない事が問題なんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Today is already August 2nd.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日はもう8月2日ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am sorry you have yet to receive your item.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだ受け取っておられないとの事、大変申し訳ございません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you had a chance to call your local post office regarding this issue?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "近くの郵便局にこの事について連絡なさりましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Of course, I have.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろんしましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was told the mail carrier left the package at my door since it did not require my signature.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "パッケージ受け取りに署名が必要ないので、配達員がドアの前に置いて行ったそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh no, do you think your package got stolen?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まさか、盗難に遭った可能性はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I assume so.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私もそう思うんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My neighbor recently got his package stolen too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は最近隣人の配達物も盗難に遭っているんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am sorry to hear that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは大変でしたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The local post office said they can not be held accountable.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "郵便局からは責任は取れないと言われました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are more than happy to send you a replacement immediately.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、こちらから直ぐに代替品を送らせて頂きます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just want to get my money back.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "返金してもらいたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am at work during the day and will not be home to receive my package.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昼間は仕事で不在なのでパッケージを受け取る事ができないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am afraid it will get stolen again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また盗まれるのは嫌なんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お気持ち察します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I go ahead and request my refund over the phone?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この電話口で返金リクエストしても良いですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am issuing a full refund to your account as we speak.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "只今お客様のアカウントに全額返金をしている最中です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It may take a few days for the refund to be processed depending on your bank.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "銀行によっては返金が処理されるのに数日かかる事もあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you do not see your refund in your bank account within 5 days, please contact us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし5日経っても返金されていない場合はまた連絡して下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Again we apologize for the disappointment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご迷惑おかけして申し訳ありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is not your fault.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そちらの非ではないですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is just frustrating to have your stuff stolen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ盗難に遭う事は腹立たしいですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I work hard for my money.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一生懸命働いて稼いだお金ですからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there anything else I can assist you with?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か他にお力になれる事はありますでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, you have been a great help.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいえ、助かりましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "有難うございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Karen, I need you to do me a favor.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "カレンさん、ちょっとお願いしたい事があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何をすれば良いでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just received news that Mrs.Kondo passed away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "近藤夫人が亡くなられたそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is she the wife of the CEO at K Corporation?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Kコーポレーション社長夫人ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, we have been doing business with them for decades.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんだ、長年取引をしている仲です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am so sorry to hear about her passing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お悔やみ申し上げます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Here is what I need you to do now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、やってもらいたい事が幾つかあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please send Mr. Kondo a flower arrangement as a token of condolence.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "近藤社長にお悔やみのお花を送って欲しいのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have any florist in mind?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "特定の花屋のリクエストはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, the new one in downtown.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、ダウンタウンの新しい花屋です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Tell the florist the reason for the flowers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "花屋に理由を伝えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She should be able to provide a beautiful arrangement for the occasion.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女なら場に応じた素晴らしい花を用意してくれるはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The last time I used her, she did a wonderful job.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "前回そこの花屋を使った時、すごく良い出来栄えだったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What is the budget?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "予算はお幾ら位お考えでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Around 200 dollars.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "200ドル位です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please make sure to have a condolence card included.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お悔やみのカードを付けるのを忘れないで下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes sir, I will.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also send out an e-mail to all the employees about this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから、従業員全員にこの事についてのメールを送信して下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "All the managers are required to attend her funeral.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マネージャーは皆葬儀に参列する事。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also anybody who has personally met Mr. Kondo is encouraged to be there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また近藤夫人に会った事がある従業員もなるべく参列するように。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have any information about the funeral arrangement?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご葬儀の日程はお決まりでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it is at 3:00 at R Funeral home this Wednesday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、R葬儀社で水曜日の3時からです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will send out an e-mail as soon as possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すぐにメールを送りますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there anything else I can do for you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他に何かする事はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, that is all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいえ、これが全てです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anytime sir.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また何かあったら仰って下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, do you want to grab lunch together today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日一緒にランチに行かない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It has been a while since the last time I had lunch with you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しばらく一緒にランチしてないよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "是非!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What do you feel like eating?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何が食べたい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Whatever you want.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何でも良いよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you in a mood for Italian or Mexican?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "イタリア料理かメキシコ料理、どっちの気分?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, it's a tough choice!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、難しい選択だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me tell you, I have been craving some chicken.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだ聞いて、私チキンが食べたくて仕方なかったの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about Italian?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあイタリアンは?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The Italian restaurant on 32nd street has the best Chicken Parmesan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "32ストリートのイタリアンレストランのチキンパルメザンは最高だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh wait, it's supposed to start pouring down soon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっと待って、もう少ししたら大雨になるらしいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Should we just stay here and do delivery?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあここで、出前を取る事にしようか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, that sounds better.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだね、そっちの方が良さそうだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can try the Italian restaurant another time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "イタリア料理はまたの機会だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you want to order some Chinese from the W place?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wレストランの中華の出前を取ってみない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, we can never go wrong with them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいね、あそこで失敗する事はないもんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Plus their General Tso's Chicken is the best in town.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あそこのジェネラルツォチキンはここらで一番美味しいし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will satisfy my craving for sure.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私のチキン食べたい欲求も満たされるだろうし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me pull up their menu.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "メニューを調べてみるね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can also ask if the others want to order some with us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他の人も一緒にオーダーしたいか聞いてみようか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I guarantee there will be at least 5 people who want to order with us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最低5人はオーダーしたいのは確実だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good idea!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良い考えだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will be a nice, impromptu colleague lunch.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "同僚たちと素敵な即興ランチになりそう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We all have been working a little too hard lately.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最近みんな働き過ぎているよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will give us an opportunity to forget about work and chitchat with our coworkers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "仕事の事は忘れて雑談できる機会だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We all can benefit from it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆の為になるはず。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have the menu pulled up here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "メニュー出したよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am going to go ask everybody if they want to join us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆に一緒にオーダーしたいか聞いてくるね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Welcome, Mr.Curtis and Ms.Yamamoto.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "カーティスさん、山本さん、ようこそ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My name is Linda Cullen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の名前はリンダコリンです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am in charge of training the new employees.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新入社員のトレーニング担当をしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am so thrilled to be here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とてもワクワクしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's an honor to be able to work here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この会社で働く事ができ、光栄です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you guys ready for the tour of the office?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オフィスツアーの準備はいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is Customer Service Department where you two will be working.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここがお二人が働く事になる顧客サービス部です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You have your own designated desks over there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "個人デスクがあちらにあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am excited to have my own desk.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自分のデスクが頂けるとは嬉しいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You will be shadowing an experienced employee during your first week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最初の一週間は、ベテラン従業員の横について学んでください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Make sure to bring a notepad and a pen to jot down anything you will learn.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "学んだことを書き取る為のノートとペンも忘れずに持参してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Am I going to be given an Employee Handbook as well?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "従業員マニュアルは頂けるのでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it is on your desk.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、デスクの上に置いてあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are going next door to get your pictures taken for your employee ID cards.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "隣の部屋で従業員IDカードの写真撮影をしましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Your ID has your employee code as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "IDカードには従業員番号も記載されています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You will need it for many situations such as logging in on a computer, using a printer, et cetera.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この番号は、パソコンにログインしたり印刷機を使用したりする時など、さまざまな場所で必要になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sounds like I will have to memorize my code.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自分の番号を記憶した方が良さそうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You will be using it so often that you should know it by heart by the end of this week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この番号はとても頻繁に使うので、今週末には自然と覚えているはずですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Before we get your pictures taken, let me show you our breakroom.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "写真撮影の前に、休憩室の案内をしますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わあ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is the nicest breakroom I have ever seen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今まで見た中で最高の休憩室です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Look at that couch!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あのソファーを見て!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our employees really enjoy this breakroom.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの従業員はこの休憩室を大変気に入っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We come here to relax for a little bit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここにきて少しの間リラックスするんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will feel so refreshed and go back to work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そしてすっきりして仕事に戻ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It should boost the efficiency of work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "仕事の能率も上がりますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are those snacks provided by the company?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スナックは会社から配給されるのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, they are regularly refilled by our staff.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、うちのスタッフが定期的に補充します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am ecstatic to work here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここで働けるなんて感激です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "People here are very friendly and willing to help you learn.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここの従業員は皆フレンドリーで喜んで手助けしてくれますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please do not hesitate to ask me if you have any questions or concerns.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か質問や心配があれば、躊躇せずに聞いてくださいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am going to do my best to be a great asset to this company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この会社に貢献できる様に全力を尽くします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So am I.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私もです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Great to have you both join our team.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お二人を迎える事が出来、光栄です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have a moment to talk?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっとお時間良いでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I do, what's up?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいですよ、どうしましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you heard about the new job opening in the sales department?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "販売部の新しい求人の話を聞きましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "聞きましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's a lead position, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "リードポジションの事ですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The previous Lead Sales person just recently got promoted.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "前任だった人が最近昇格したんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am actually thinking about applying for this job.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実はこの仕事に応募しようと思ってるんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's wonderful!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは素晴らしい!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am rooting for you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "応援してますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I am a little bit intimidated.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、あまり自信がないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What makes you feel that way?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうしてそう思うのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are already 6 other candidates.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もうすでに6人も応募者がいるんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It sounds very competitive.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "競争率が高いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would you do me a favor?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっとお願いしたい事があるんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anything I can do to help you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君の為なら何でもしますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was wondering if I could put you down as one of my references.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "推薦者の欄にあなたの名前を記入しても良いですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will put in a good word for you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君の事、良く言っておきますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I really appreciate it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You are well known for your hard work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君が勤勉なのは有名ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You are usually the first one to come to the office in the morning and the last one to leave.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつも朝一に出勤し、一番最後まで勤務しているでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I try to put time and effort into my work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "仕事に時間と労力を費やすのは苦じゃないですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You are an excellent leader too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから、君は素晴らしいリーダーですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You have the ability to get along with anybody at work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "誰とでも仕事をこなす事ができるし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The corporate office really values that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本社はきっとその事を高く評価しますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They do not want any drama in the workplace.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "職場でのいざこざを避けたいでしょうから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, that's good to hear.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I feel more confident thanks to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お陰で自信が沸いてきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am just telling you the truth.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "正直な事を言っただけですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have been loyal to this company as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私はこれまで忠実にこの会社で働いてきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You have been working for this company longer than anybody else.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "誰よりも長い間勤務していますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You should definitely mention this to the interviewer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その事も面接官に伝えるべきです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I sure will.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、そうします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good luck, Yasuo san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "応援していますよ、康夫さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am keeping my fingers crossed for you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "上手くいく事を願っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Company A, this is Sarah speaking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A会社、サラでございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, my name is Okada Hiro.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "岡田 広と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am calling about the order I recently placed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先日オーダーした品についてお電話しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I have your order number, please?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オーダー番号を教えていただけますでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is A123456789.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A123456789です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me pull up your order information.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オーダー詳細を調べますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The order detail shows that your package was delivered yesterday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オーダーページによると、昨日品物が配達されているようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it was delivered yesterday as scheduled.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、予定通り昨日配達されました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there any issue with it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か問題がございましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it is a bit of a mess.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それがちょっと大変だったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The seal on the item came off, and the content spilled all over.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "品物の栓が外れて、中身がこぼれていたんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am so sorry to hear that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは大変申し訳ございません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I would like to request a full refund for it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので返金をしてもらいたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are more than happy to issue a full refund to your account.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お客様のアカウントに直ちに全額返金させて頂きます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Or we can send you a replacement immediately.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしくは代替品をすぐに送る事も可能です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Whichever works better for you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご都合の良い方をお選びください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A replacement will be better.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "代替品をお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I am afraid it will not be here in time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも間に合うか心配です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I need it by Wednesday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "水曜日までに必要なんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me check the shipping methods.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "発送方法をお調べしますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can send it via Priority Mail and have it delivered by Tuesday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "プライオリティメールで発送すると火曜日までに配達されますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will cover the shipping fee as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろん送料はこちらで持たせて頂きます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sounds fantastic.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also can you make sure the item is sealed completely this time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、今回は品物の封がきちんとされてるか確認してもらっても良いですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Of course, we will.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I want you to know that we never intentionally ship defective products.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我が社が故意に不良品を送る事は絶対にないという事を知って頂きたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We conduct a thorough quality inspection upon shipping.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "発送の際には必ず商品の品質チェックを行っております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, packages can be damaged during delivery.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですが、発送中にパッケージが損傷を受ける場合もあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's what probably happened to mine this time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回私のパッケージはそうだったのでしょうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have ordered various items from your company for the last few years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここ数年色んな品を貴社から購入しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have been a happy customer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今までとても満足していました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is the first time I have a problem with my order.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "問題が起こったのは今回が初めてです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I sincerely apologize for that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当に申し訳ございませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will make sure it will not happen again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このような事が二度と起こらないように気をつけます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also we will send you a confirmation e-mail with a tracking number once the package is shipped.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "発送完了しましたら、追跡番号を記載したメールを送信いたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for all your help.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうも有難うございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Again I am sorry about the inconvenience.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご迷惑をおかけしてしまい、申し訳ございませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you heard Mrs. Tanaka is retiring at the end of the next month?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来月末に田中さんが退職すると聞きましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I know she has been with this company for a long time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女が長年勤めている事は知っていたんですがね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She has been working here for 25 years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "25年勤務されてるんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's commendable!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She is such a hardworker.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつも真面目に働いておられますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She has definitely been a great asset to our company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わが社に大変貢献されてますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We should plan something to celebrate her retirement.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "退職祝いを企画しましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Absolutely!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We should throw her a party.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "パーティーを開催すべきですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about a surprise party?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サプライズパーティーはどうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I remember her telling me she had never had a surprise party thrown for her.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サプライズパーティーをしてもらった事がないと以前田中さんが言ったのを覚えてます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That would be fantastic!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはいい考えですね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What kind of theme are we doing?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何のテーマにします?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Something Mrs. Tanaka likes...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "田中さんが好きな物はなんでしょうか・・・。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She has always said Hawaii was her dream destination.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女はずっとハワイに行きたいと言ってましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then Luau Party!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあルアウパーティーですね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That sounds like something she will really enjoy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "田中さんがとても喜びそうなパーティーですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where are we having it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "場所はどこにしますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There is a new Hawaiian restaurant in downtown.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ダウンタウンに新しいハワイ料理のレストランがありますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I hear they are pricey.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもあそこは値段が高めだと聞きました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We need a somewhere a little more affordable.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お手頃な価格のレストランが良いです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We want as many colleagues as possible to show up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大勢の同僚に参加してもらいたいですからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about we do it in our conference room?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ならばうちの会議室でやるのはどうでしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Everybody that works here is here!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "従業員は皆ここに居るわけですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can decorate the room ourselves.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自分たちで飾り付けできますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The party supply store down the street carries lots of Luau themed decorations and supplies.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここの通りのパーティー用品店にはルアウパーティー用の品やデコレーションがたくさん売られてます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We need a card for everybody to sign as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "みんなでメッセージを書くカードも準備したほうがようですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will get one at the party supply store.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "パーティー用品店で一緒に購入しましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about food?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "食事はどうしましょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can do potluck or hire a catering company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "持ち寄りでも良いし、ケータリングサービスを利用してもよいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know any catering company around here?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どこか良いケータリング会社を知っていますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My friend's sister has one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の友人のお姉さんがやっていますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She is an amazing cook.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女はとても腕の良いシェフです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And she is very affordable.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして値段もお手軽です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can we try some samples from her?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女の料理のサンプルを試食するのは可能ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can call now to set up an appointment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今から予約の電話をかけてみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will get back to you guys as soon as I talk to her.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "電話が終わり次第連絡しますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Shall we get started?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では始めましょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are here to discuss our next marketing strategy today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は次のマーケティング戦略について話し合いましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our popular product, A, was recently out-sold by Company K's similar product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我が社の人気商品Aの売り上げがK社のライバル商品に越されました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I heard their overall sales have gone up ever since they started using MK as their spokesperson.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "K社はMKをスポークスパーソンとして起用して以来売り上げが上がっていると聞きましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She is very popular among young children.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女は子供達に大人気ですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Basically every child I know is obsessed with MK.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の知っている子供達はほぼ全員彼女の大ファンです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It definitely was a great move for Company K.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "K社の賢い戦略でしたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But not for us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我が社にとっては不利でしたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This explains why Company K is outselling us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これが理由でK社に売り上げを越されてしまいましたからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We need a new strategy to up our sales.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我が社の売り上げを伸ばす為に新しい案が必要です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Should we hire a spokesperson as well?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちもスポークスパーソンを雇ってみますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Frankly, I don't think it is in our budget.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "正直なところ、それは予算外です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It would cost us a fortune to hire someone just as influential as MK.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "MKの様に大人気で旬な人を雇うにはかなりの額が必要になりますからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We need something that Company K is not doing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "K社が実践していない策はないでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about selling our product as one of the healthiest snacks on the market?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの品を業界トップの自然派志向スナックという事で売り出してみてはどうでしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We all know our company takes great pride in producing all natural snacks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我が社が自然派スナックを生産している事にプライドを持っているのは皆知っていますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have always had the information written on our packages.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その事についてはどのパッケージにもちゃんと記載してありますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So what is new?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何が目新しいのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We should make the statement stand out even more.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もっと記載情報を目立たせてみましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You mean changing the fonts and lettering?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "文字や大きさを変えてみるという事ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think it is a wonderful idea!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは良い案ですね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "\"Made from only natural ingredients\" should be printed on the front of the package.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "パッケージの表に”天然成分のみ配合”と記載しましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It should catch the eyes of the consumers, preferably parents.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "消費者、特に親達の興味を引くでしょうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Parents nowadays are more conscious about what is in their children's snacks than ever before.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "現代の親達は今まで以上に子供のおやつの成分に意識を向けています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They are also aware of the side effects of too much sugar, food additives, and food colorings.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "砂糖、添加物、着色料の取り過ぎの副作用にも気を付けている親もいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That is why our company uses only naturally derived sweetener and colorings.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だからこそ我が社は天然の甘味料、着色料のみを使用しているんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We should include all that information on the back of the packaging as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この情報もパッケージの後ろに記載するべきですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can also add pictures of all the ingredients on the back.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "材料の写真をパッケージの後ろに記載しても良いんじゃないでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In this way, consumers can immediately get the idea of what this product is made of.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうする事で、消費者は成分が何か一目で理解できます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Health conscious parents will definitely appreciate it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは健康志向の親達は喜ぶと思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良い考えですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It looks like we came up with some great strategies today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は幾つか良い戦略を考え付きましたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have a great feeling about this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良い結果になると思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can't wait to put this plan into action.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早く実行に移したいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's get back together for more details next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また来週詳細について話し合いましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you lend me a hand?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっと手伝ってもらってもいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうしましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am trying to make a copy of this document.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この書類を印刷しようとしているところなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But the printer isn't cooperating.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、プリンターが起動しないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What seems to be the matter?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうしたんでしょうかね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I press the print button, but nothing happens.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "印刷ボタンを押しても何もならないのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you make sure it is plugged in?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "コンセントがはまっているか確認しましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、確認しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it out of ink?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "インク切れではないですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can see the printer has sufficient ink.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "インクは充分あると表示されてます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then the ink should not be an issue.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではインクが原因でもないようですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you checked to see a paper is jammed?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "紙が詰まってないか見てみましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not yet. I am about to do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだ確認してないので、今から見ます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It appears nothing is stuck in the printer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "見る限り何も詰まってないようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This printer was purchased only 3 month ago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このプリンターはたったの三か月前に購入したものですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A brand-new printer should not break this soon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新品の品がこんなに早く故障するはずないと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I am now clueless as to what is wrong.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一体原因が何かわかりませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What can we do now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうしましょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then we should get a tech person to help us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "テクノロジー部署の人に手助けしてもらいましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは良い考えですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A tech person should be able to help us with this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "必ず助けてくれますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, what can I help you with?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This printer does not do anything.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "プリンターが故障しているようなのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We checked a few things, but they aren't the problem.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "色々調べてみたのですが、それが原因ではないようなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me restart the printer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一度電源を切ってみましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sometimes it works when you do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで解決する事もあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey, it worked!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、動きました!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anytime!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつでも呼んでください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's my job to help you with problems like this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんな時に助けるのが私の仕事です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for having me today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日はお世話になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご参加ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am honored to be here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この場に来ることができ光栄です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Tell me about your background.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自己紹介をお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from A University.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A大学で経営学の学士号を取得しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have been working as a general manager at Store B for 3 years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ストアBの店長として3年間働いてきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What are some of your accomplishments as a manager?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "店長として達成した事は何ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Since I became the manager, the average monthly revenue went up by 20%", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私が店長になってから、売り上げの月平均が20%増しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That is impressive.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was also awarded \"The Manager Of The Month\" twice by the corporate office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また本社より2度、ベスト店長賞を頂きました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You must be an excellent manager.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "店長としての実績ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why are you interested in this job?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この仕事に興味を持たれた理由は何ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Because I wanted an opportunity to manage a much bigger store.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もっと規模の大きな店で店長を仕事をしてみたかったからです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our store is definitely bigger and has many more employees to manage.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "当社が大きく、従業員も数も多いのは確かです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am up for the challenge.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やる気はあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is not an easy job to run such a big store.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大規模な店舗での店長は楽な仕事ではないですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "With my expertise and experience, I feel confident.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "知識と経験もあるので、自信はあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am a hardworker and promise to do my best always.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして真面目にしっかりと働く事を約束します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは良かった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you feel confident to manage all the associates?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "部下をまとめる自信はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Motivating the associates has always been my strength.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "部下たちのやる気を高める事は私の得意な分野です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You sound like a great candidate for the job.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この仕事に相応しいようですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for allowing me to come in today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は面接の機会を与えて下さり有難うございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will get in touch with you within the next few days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "数日以内には連絡します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sounds great!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Elaine, are you able to print right now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "イレイン、今印刷できる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "できると思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just printed something ten minutes ago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "10分前に印刷したばかりです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's odd.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "変だな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's not working for me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "上手くいかないんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me try right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では私が今やってみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, that's odd.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、変ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's not working now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今は機能しませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll go ask the administration department what's up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうしたのか、管理部に問い合わせてみるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Tracy, do you know if something is wrong with the printer?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ねえトレイシー、プリンターに何か問題があるか知ってる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, I just got off the phone with the IT department in New York.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実はちょうどニューヨークのIT部門と電話を切ったところです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It seems there's some connection issues right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今、接続の問題があるようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh is that right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The wifi on your phone isn't working now as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "携帯電話のワイファイも現在は機能していません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, but it shows that it's connected to wifi.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、でもワイファイに接続されいるって表示が出てるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, but the internet isn't working.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、でもインターネットは機能しません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So you can't open browsers or check emails.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なのでブラウザを開いたり、メールチェックをしたりすることは出来ません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know when the issues will be solved?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "問題がいつ解決されるか知ってる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry, we don't know at the moment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "申し訳ありませんが、今の時点ではわかりません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll let you know when everything is working again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "復旧しましたら、お知らせします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, please let me know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかった、知らせてね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, apparently we have some technical issues and the printer and wifi isn't working.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうやら技術的な問題があって、プリンターとワイファイが機能してないようだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Guess I'll hold off on the printing for now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では今のところ印刷は延期にしましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I guess I'll go for an early lunch.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早めの昼食に行くとしますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think I will do that too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕もそうしようかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, this is Katie from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社のケイティーと申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "May I speak to Sam?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サムさんはいらっしゃいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, speaking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、私です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Sam, how are you doing?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サムさん、お元気ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm doing good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "元気です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そちらはいかがですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm not doing too bad myself.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ぼちぼちです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm calling today to let you know that our company will be acquired by Company B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は弊社がB社に買収される事をお知らせるために、お電話をかけさせていただいております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The closing will be in the fall this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年の秋になりそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So since Company B also provides audit services, future audits will be handled by Company B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "B社も監査事業を提供しておりますので、ゆくゆくはB社が監査を行うことになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Will you be working with Company B then?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では君はB社で働くんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、そうなります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Company A will simply become a division of Company B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社は単にB社の一部門になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So although I will still be doing the audit, it will be under Company B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので私は監査の仕事を続けますがB社の元でとなります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In order to provide a smooth transition, I will need you to sign a waiver form that allows Company B to conduct future audits of clients that Company A had.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スムースな移行を提供するにあたり、A社の顧客様の監査を将来的にB社が行えるように、権利放棄証書に署名していただく必要があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It would be great if you can review and send me a signed copy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご確認いただき署名して送り返していただけるとありがたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I will have it signed and sent back to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、署名して送り返します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Will your email address stay the same?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Eメールアドレスは変わっていませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My email address is still the same but it will change in a month or so.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Eメールアドレスは今までと同じですが、あと1ヶ月ぐらいで変わる予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will be K.Lang@CompanyB.com.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "K.Lang@CompanyB.comに変わります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Should I send it to that email?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのEメールの方に送ったらいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No you can just send it to my current email.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいえ、現在のEメールアドレスの方に送ってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for the update.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お知らせありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for your time today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日はお時間ありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hope you have a good day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご機嫌よう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そちらこそ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, this Ian.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、アイアンです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Ian, this is Sam.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アイアンこんにちは、サムです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, hello there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、こんにちは。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wanted to ask a question in regards to the invoice I received yesterday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昨日受け取った請求書について質問したいんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, what is it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、どうしましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was looking at the price and I noticed that the price is incorrect.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "価格のところを見てて、価格間違いがあることに気づいたんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Specifically, the unit price for Product A is incorrect.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "具体的に言うと、A製品の単価に間違いがあったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's see.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So the invoice shows five hundred dollars per ton.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "請求書では1トン当たり500ドルとなっていますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So that should actually be six hundred dollars per ton.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、実際には1トン当たり600ドルのはずだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We raised the price since the last order.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "前回の注文から値上げしたでしょ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、そうでしたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I must have just used the last invoice as a template and forgot to update the price.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "前回の注文書を雛形として使って、価格を更新し忘れたに違いないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for pointing this out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご指摘ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not a problem.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you send a revised version today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "訂正したものを今日送ってくれる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I will revise it and send it over to you right away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、直してすぐに送ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他に何かございますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, I wanted to talk about the shipment for next quarter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は、次の四半期の出荷について話したかったんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know we usually order twenty tons a month but would it be possible to increase the volume?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "通常は月に20トン注文しているけど、量を増やすことはできるだろうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How much volume are you looking at?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どのくらいの量を想定されていますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The customer is hoping he can get twenty five tons per month for the next quarter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お客様は次の四半期は月に25トンほど欲しいそうだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you think that's possible?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "できると思うかい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me check with the warehouse and I will follow up with you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "倉庫の方に確認してご連絡いたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I also need to check the production schedule to make sure we can accommodate you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それと、用立てできるか確かめるために生産スケジュールも確認しておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかった、では知らせてね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, I'll get back to you on this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、またご連絡します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have a good one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、また。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So today I'll explain what documents and information you will need to export something.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では今日は、輸出の際にどのような文書と情報が必要かを説明します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First, you need to check if the product requires a phytosanitary certificate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まず始めに、植物検疫証明書がその製品に必要かを確認します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's the phytosanitary certificate?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "植物検疫証明書ってなんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's a certificate that is required for some products.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一部の製品に必要な証明書です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It basically shows that the product is free from pests.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "基本的にその製品に害虫が無いことを示すものです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do all products need this certificate?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その証明書はすべての製品に必要なんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Typically, products like agricultural products and wood products will need it though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "通常、農産物や木製品のような製品には必要になりますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You will also need to know the value of the product, product description, and volume.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また、製品の価値、品目、量についても知っておく必要があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For the product description, you will need the HS code as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "製品の品目については、HSコードも必要になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How do I find out what the HS code is?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうやってHSコードが何かを調べるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can check the tariff schedule online.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "関税表はオンラインで確認することができます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Another document you will need is the certificate of origin.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それからもう一つ、原産地証明書が必要になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This basically shows where the product originates from.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これは基本的に製品の原産地を示します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where do we get the certificate of origin?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "原産地証明書はどこで入手できますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Once you provide the product information and such to the freight forwarder, they should be able to issue the certificate of origin.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "製品情報などを運送業者に提供すると、彼らが原産地証明書を発行できるはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So to summarize, you need to get your phytosanitary certificate, product information and value to the freight forwarder.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "要約すると、植物検疫証明書を取得すること、製品情報と価格を運送業者へ提供することが必要です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The freight forwarder can then get you the certificate of origin and the draft bill of lading.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうすると、原産地証明書と船荷証券草案を運送業者から受け取ることができます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know what to do next?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次に何をするかわかりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You would then review the draft bill of lading and if there are no issues, then get the original bill of lading.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "船荷証券草案に間違いがないかを確認して、問題がなければ船荷証券の原本を取得する。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Once you get the original bill of lading, you can make the invoice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一度船荷証券の原本が手に入ったら、インボイスを作成できます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Get all your original documents, then send it to the customer, and you're done!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全ての書類の原本を取得し、お客様に送付したら終了です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How are you doing so far?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これまでのところどうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I see how you do it next time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次に作業するとき、見学しても構いませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think I learn better if I see it and do it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実際に見て、やってみれば、もっと学べると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll let you know when the next shipment is coming up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次回の出荷が来たら、声をかけますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Ben, I have a question in regards to this invoice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ベンさん、この請求書について質問があるのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, go for it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろん、どうぞ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I know we have a credit note from the last order.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "前回の注文分から貸方票があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you want me to apply the credit note for this invoice?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この貸方票を今回の請求書にあてますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What was the credit note for again?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうして又貸方票があるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There was a mistake in the volume in the last order.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "前回の注文に、量の間違いがありました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So the supplier gave us a credit note to cover the difference.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので、仕入れ先が差額分の貸方票を作成しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If that's the case then please use it for this invoice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それなら是非今回の請求書分にあてて下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I will.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、そうします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for the confirmation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確認ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, do you know when we will make this payment?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、いつこの支払いをするか知ってる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It should be next Thursday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次の木曜日の予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it possible to change it to Tuesday?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "火曜日に変更することはできるかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I need the supplier to release the order to us so we can truck it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "トラックに積み込みができるように、仕入先から注文を出荷してもらう必要があるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm planning to have it trucked from Wednesday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "水曜日から積み込みの予定なんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me check with the administration department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では総務部に確認を取ってみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think we can but let me double-check.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "可能だとは思いますが念のため。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お願いね、ではわかったら連絡下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, this is Eric speaking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、こちらエリックです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Eric, this is Ben from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "エリックこんにちは、A社のベンだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How are you doing today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は元気?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How was your business trip last week?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先週の出張はどうだった?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良かったですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I also took some time off as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "休暇も一緒にとりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's nice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So you went to see your customer during your trip right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ところで出張中にお客様に会いに行ったんだよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes I did.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、行きました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you have a chance to talk to Company B about the offer we provided?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "B社に我々の提案を話しに行く機会はあった?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I did talk to them about that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、話しに行きました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They told me that size and grade isn't an issue.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大きさも等級も問題はないそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, they told me that the price is a bit higher than the market price.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、市場価格よりも少々値段が高いとの事でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well the price is higher because the quality is higher.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあね、品質が高いから値段も高いよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you mention that to them?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは伝えてくれた?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I forgot to mention that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、伝え忘れました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll call them later today and tell them that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日中に先方にお電話して伝えておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please see if they are willing to accept the price.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その価格で受け入れてくれるか、確認してみて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I will let you know once I hear back from them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、返事があったらご連絡いたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you let me know by the end of the week?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "週末までに知らせてもらえるかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I need to give an update to my supplier.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "仕入れ先に最新情報を知らせる必要があるから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, I'll do my best.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、最善を尽くします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for your support as usual.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつも対応ご苦労様。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll be in touch.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "またご連絡します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Sam, can you do me a favor?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サムさん、ちょっとお願いできますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろん、どうしたの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm trying to track this shipment to Japan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この日本への出荷を追跡しようとしているんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've tried entering the number into the shipping company's tracking but it's not showing up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "運送会社の追跡サービスに番号を入れても出てこないんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What information are you looking for?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何の情報を調べてるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm trying to find out when the vessel will arrive.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "船の到着予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The customer is asking what the estimated arrival date will be.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お客様から到着予定日を聞かれて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どれどれ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So you tried the tracking on Company A's site.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社のサイトから追跡したんだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I entered the bill of lading number but it's not showing up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、船荷証券番号を入れました、でも表示されないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about I try the container number.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあコンテナ番号でやってみよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I didn't think about that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、思いつきませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, it's not showing up as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、これも表示されないな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me try Company B's site.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "B社のサイトで試してみよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This container is owned by Company B so their tracking might be updated.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このコンテナはB社所有のものだから、追跡情報が更新されているかもしれないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Here we are.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The arrival date is next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "到着日は来週だ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you send that to me by email?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それ、メールで私に送っていただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Should I just take a screenshot and paste it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スクリーンショットを撮ってメールに貼り付けて送ればいい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you so much!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうもありがとうございます!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Ben, do you remember the meeting with Company A?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ベン、A社との会議のこと覚えてる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, it was back in April right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、4月にあった会議のこと?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なんで?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm looking for the meeting minutes for it but I can't seem to find it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その会議の議事録を探してるんだけど見つからなくてさ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Didn't you write that one?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "書いた本人だよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I did.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、俺。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can't seem to find it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも見つからないんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you check your sent mail?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "送信済みメールは確認した?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I did.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確認した。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But my email was acting odd a couple months ago and deleted a lot of my emails.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2ヶ月前にメールの調子が悪くて、メールがたくさん消えちゃったんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe that's why I can't find it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "多分それで見つからないんだと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me check my email.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "俺のメール確認してみるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I might have a copy of it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしかしたらあるかも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Found it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll forward it to you now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今転送するね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But shouldn't you have a copy saved in your computer?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも自分のパソコンにコピーを保存しておくべきじゃないの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I got a new company laptop recently.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最近、会社の新しいラップトップを手に入れてさ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I must have forgot to move the folders in the shared drive.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "きっと共有ドライブにフォルダを移動するのを忘れたんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Be careful next time!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次は気をつけなよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry about that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ごめんな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Gordon, this is Sam from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ゴードンさんこんにちは、A社のサムです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Sam, how are you doing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サムさんこんにちは、お元気ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just wanted to ask if you were able to confirm the booking for next month's shipment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来月の出荷予約の確認ができたかどうか、お聞きしたかったのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've been following up with the shipping line on that but they haven't released the bookings yet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それについて船会社に確認をとっているのですが、未だ予約が開始されていません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They typically open up the bookings a month before the sailing date.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "通常は出港日の1ヶ月前には予約を開始するんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, so it should be soon right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですか、ではそろそろですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, it should be soon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、もうすぐです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll keep my eye out on this, and let you know once the booking is confirmed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "注意してみておきますので、予約の確認ができたらご連絡いたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That would be great, thank you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よかった、ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh also, I wanted to talk about the booking report that you usually send us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、それから、いつも送ってくださる予約報告書についてお話したいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure what is it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろんです、どうしました?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was wondering if you can add a column to show the volume on each vessel booking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "列を足して、船の予約ごとに量を表すことはできますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure I can do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろんできますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So just in metric tons would be okay right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "メートル法のトンのみで大丈夫ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes that would be perfect.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、それで完璧です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright I will update it accordingly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、そのように更新しておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Will that be all today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日は、以上ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes that will be all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、以上です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さようなら。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So today, I'll be teaching you how to review a draft bill of lading.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では今日は、船荷証券草案の見直しについて教えます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm ready.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "準備できました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's get started then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、始めますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So once we advise the freight forwarder the basic shipping information, they will get back to us with a draft bill of lading.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まずこちらが基本出荷情報を運送業者に通知すると、船荷証券草案が戻ってきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is our job to make sure the draft bill of lading doesn't have any typos.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その船荷証券草案に打ち間違いがないかを確認するのが私たちの仕事です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You will be surprised how many mistakes a draft can have.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "草案の間違いの多さにびっくりすると思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Don't the freight forwarder review the draft?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "運送業者は草案を見直ししないんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well the thing is, it's not the freight forwarder that makes the draft bill of lading.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それがね、船荷証券草案を作っているのは運送業者じゃないんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Who is it then?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では誰ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's actually the shipping line that makes the draft bill of lading.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は船会社が船荷証券草案を作っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The freight forwarder basically forwards that information to us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "基本的に運送会社はその情報を私たちに転送しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What kind of errors should I watch out for?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どのような間違いに気をつけたらいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd keep an eye out for typos obviously but also spacing between words.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "打ち間違いはもちろんですが語間のスペースにも気を付けましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also be careful on the numbers and the unit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから、数字と単位も。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Once you get the hang of it then it's pretty quick.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一度こつをつかめば、その後はかなり速いですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How long does it usually take for you to review it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "通常どのくらいの時間、見直しにかかりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It usually takes me five to ten minutes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大抵は5分から10分ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But take your time in the beginning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも初めはゆっくり行って下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Once you reviewed it, I can also take a look just in case.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一度見直しが終わったら、私も念のため確認できますので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can also refer to past shipments to compare the bill of lading.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから過去の出荷を参照して、船荷証券を比較することもできます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I found that helps as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それも同様に役立つことがわかりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll give it a try.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "試してみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Again, feel free to ask any questions!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "改めて、質問があれば気軽に聞いて下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, this is Yamane Takeshi from the Tokyo office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、東京事務所の山根 武です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm currently doing an internal audit and we are gathering information on our suppliers now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今、社内監査を行っておりまして、供給元についての情報を集めております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It would be great if you can cooperate with us in gathering some information and documents.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "情報と書類の収集にご協力いただけると助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, what will you need?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、必要な物はなんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will need a copy of their mill diagram, product specification sheets, and any certificates the suppliers may have.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "工場図面、製品仕様書、あと彼らが所持している免許全てのコピーが必要です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I also need you to get your suppliers to fill out a form.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そちらの供給元に記入してもらう用紙もあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The form asks questions on where they get their raw material from, and if they conduct internal quality control and such.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらの用紙には原料をどこから仕入れるか、そして社内の品質管理を行っているかなどの質問があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know some of the questions and documents may be sensitive so please try your best to get them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一部の質問や書類は秘密事項かもしれないことは承知していますので、できるだけ集めてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, suppliers don't usually like to give out confidential information.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、供給元は通常内部情報を明かすのは嫌がりますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll see what I can do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やるだけやってみましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for your cooperation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご協力ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there a deadline for this?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これは締め切りがあるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We're trying to get all the information by the end of the month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今月末までに全ての情報を集めようとしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So we still have a bit of time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですので少し時間はあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you send me a list of the documents I need and that form you were talking about by email?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらで用意する書類のリストと、おっしゃっていた用紙をメールで送っていただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Of course, I can send it over right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろんです、今すぐ送れますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will look forward to getting the information from you then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では情報をいただけるのをお待ちしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではまた。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, this is Sam from the Seattle office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、シアトル事務所のサムです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh hello, how are you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あら、こんにちは、お元気ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm doing okay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "元気ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I actually just got a call from Company A in regards to an unpaid invoice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実はさっきA社から未払い請求書について電話をもらったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's in regards to a textiles shipment from Norway to Japan, but as you know our office in Seattle doesn't handle that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ノルウェーから日本へのテキスタイルの貨物なのですが、ご存知の通りうちのシアトル事務所では扱ってないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Does your office handle textiles?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そちらの事務所ではテキスタイルを扱っていますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually we do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、扱っていますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have a textiles department here so it might be theirs.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここにテキスタイル部門があるので、そこのかもしれないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well a guy called Tim Manning from Company A called and I advised him to call you guys.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えー、A社のティム マニングという男性が電話をくれたので、そちらに電話するように伝えました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He's from Company A's collections department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼はA社の集金部です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, okay, thank you for the heads up!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、そうなんですね、前もって教えてくれてありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know how much the amount is?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "金額がいくらかわかりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, I don't know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は知らないんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I did get his email so maybe you guys can contact him for the details?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼のメールアドレスを貰いましたんで、そちらで連絡して彼に詳細を聞いてみては?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes that would be great.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、それが良さそうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "His email is TManning@CompanyA.com.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼のメールアドレスはTManning@CompanyA.comです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I'll relay this information to the textiles department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "了解です、テキスタイル部にこの情報を伝えます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, have a good one then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よかった、ではよろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, my name is Tim Manning from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、A社のティム マニングと申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm from Company A's collections department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社集金部の者です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm calling in regards to an unpaid invoice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "未払いの請求書についてお電話させていただいております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, I'm Sam from Company B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、B社のサムです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どのようなご用件か伺ってもいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There is an outstanding invoice under your company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "御社の名前で未払いの請求書がございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The invoice number is 57235.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "請求書番号は57235です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know what product that is?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どの製品かわかりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The bill of lading shows that it's textiles shipped from Norway to Japan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "出荷通知にはノルウェーから日本に発送されたテキスタイルとなっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Textiles?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "テキスタイル?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's not something our office handles.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはこちらの事務所では扱っていない物ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It might be from a different department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他の部署かもしれません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you tell me where I can call instead then?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、代わりにどちらに連絡すればいいか教えていただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would recommend calling our office in New York.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "弊社のニューヨーク事務所にご連絡することをお勧めします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They should be able to sort this out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そちらで対応できるはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you tell me the contact information?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "連絡先を教えていただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can send you the contact information through email.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "メールで連絡先をお送りしますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's TManning@CompanyA.com.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "TManning@CompanyA.comです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay I will send it to you now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、今送りますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Goodbye.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, this is Sam from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、A社のサムです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, my name is Kyle West from Company B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、B社のカイル ウェストと申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How are you today, sir.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日はいかがですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "元気にやってますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm calling today to see if your company would be interested in purchasing soybeans from our mills in the United States.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日お電話したのは、私どもの会社の米国製造工場からの大豆のご購入に興味がおありかどうかを伺うためです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Unfortunately, our office doesn't handle agricultural products like soybeans.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "残念ですが、私たちの事業所では大豆のような農産物は扱っておりません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、そうなんですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would you be able to advise which office I should contact?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どちらの事業所に連絡れば良いか教えていただけますでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think our Portland office would be your best bet in regards to soybeans.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大豆についてはポートランドの事業所が一番適しているかと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know they handle some food products.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らが一部食品を扱っているのは知っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I'm not hundred percent certain.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ百パーセント定かではありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can find the contact information of our Portland office on our company website.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ポートランド事業所の連絡先は私どものウェブサイトでわかりますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、わかりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will do just that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではそのようにします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much for the information.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "情報をありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では失礼します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for coming all the way here Bruce.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わざわざお越しいただいてありがとうございます、ブルースさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So you wanted to discuss the opportunity to form a joint venture company, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、合同会社を設立する件について話し合いたいということですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As I mentioned, we are interested in entering this industry and believe that working with a local partner would be the best option for us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お話しした通り、私共はこの産業への進出に興味がありまして、地元パートナーと仕事するのがベストな方法だと確信しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What we bring to the table aside from money is our global network and brand name.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "金銭だけでなく、我々のグローバルネットワークとブランド名もご提供します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am in need of funding as I just spent a bit of money on acquiring a second site.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2番目の用地獲得に少々お金を使ったので、ウチは資金を必要としています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right now, my plan is to acquire a third site to act as a satellite location.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "現在のところ、出張所として3ヶ所目の用地の取得を計画しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That way, we can better serve our customers in the region.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうすれば、その地域のお客様により良い対応ができます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have a site in mind right now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "現時点で用地の目処はあるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know the owner of Company A is looking to retire and sell his business.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社のオーナーが引退を考えていて、事業を売ろうとしているんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have been talking to him and gauging his interest in selling this past week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この1週間、彼と話をして売却にどれだけ興味があるか様子を伺っていました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He seems to be receptive about the idea if the price is right, and if the new owner will retain the current employees.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼が売却額に納得し、新しいオーナーが現在の従業員を維持するとするなら、この提案を受け入れそうな感じです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know how much it will take to make the acquisition?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その買収の実現にどのくらいかかるかわかりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think it will take around seven million dollars.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "およそ7百万ドルかかると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But of course, it will be subject to further discussions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかしもちろん、今後、話を詰めることになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So our potential joint venture can acquire this third location.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、我々の潜在的合同会社でこの第3の用地が獲得できます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And the joint venture can collaborate with your company?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして、その合同会社は御社と協力し合えるということですね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can provide you with the operational know-how.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "弊社に運営のノウハウをご提供できます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It kind of seems like a franchise business.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "フランチャイズビジネスのようにも見えますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Interesting observation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ユニークな見解ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When would you need the funds by?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "資金はいつまでに必要ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to close the deal by the end of next month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来月末までには契約を済ませたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you think you can convince your management?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そちらの経営陣を説得できると思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Next month?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来月ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm not sure to be honest.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "正直言ってわかりません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "These things typically take at least three months to process internally.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このようなことは社内で進めるのに通常少なくとも3ヶ月はかかります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me have some discussions internally and I'll follow up with you on this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この件は、社内で話し合って追ってご連絡します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But please let me know by the end of next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも来週末までにはご連絡ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最善を尽くします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, this is Terry Coleman from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、A社のテリー コールマンです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh hi, Terry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おー、やあ、テリー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How have you been?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうしてましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've been busy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最近忙しくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, it's actually been around six months since we last talked.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いやー、最後に電話で話して以来実際に6ヶ月ほど経ってしまいましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Time flies doesn't it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "時間はあっという間に過ぎますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes it does.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wanted to just catch up and see if there were any new developments on your side.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そちらで何か新しい展開があったかどうか聞きたいと思ったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And to see if there are any opportunities for us to work together.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、また一緒に仕事をするチャンスがあれば、と思って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, maybe I can give you an update of what we have been up to.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、じゃあ私たちの近況をお伝えしますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As you know, we were pursuing an opportunity in building our own plant for the last year or so.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご存知の通り、ここ1年あたりで私どもは自社工場を建設しようと機会を狙っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, since the technology we are using is a new technology that hasn't been commercialized, it's been a bit difficult to get internal approvals.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかし、私たちが使っている技術がまだ商用化していない新技術なので、社内の承認を取るのにちょっと苦戦しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So as of two months ago, we decided to pivot, and focus more on just the trading side.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は2ヶ月前に軸を決めて、貿易面だけにもっと焦点を当てることに決めたんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So you guys aren't going to build that plant anymore?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ということはもう工場は建設しないんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, unfortunately not.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、残念ですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The pros and cons didn't weigh out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良い点と悪い点のバランスが取れませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's unfortunate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは残念ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So how have things been on your side?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そちらの方はいかがですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our core business is still doing well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちのメインビジネスはまだ順調ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But our new venture on the new technology has been a bit slow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも新技術に関する新しい事業はちょっと滞っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There is a lot of interest but no takers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "多数から興味を持っていただいていますが、まだ導入先がありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's the classic chicken and egg scenario isn't it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昔からある鶏と卵の話ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Once someone takes the risk and demonstrates it then everything will fall into piece though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "誰かがリスクを負って実証できれば後は収まるべきところに収まるんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Has your company ever thought of taking that risk?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おたくの会社はそのリスクを負うことを考えたことありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know your company is an engineering company but is that a possibility?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おたくの会社はエンジニアリング会社だというのはわかっていますが、その可能性はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have considered it in the past but running our own plant isn't part of our main business.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "過去に考えたことはありますが、自分たちで工場を運営するのは私たちのメインビジネスではないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So our management voted against it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので、経営陣はそれに反対しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They are still adamant on licensing the technology rather than risking it ourselves.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らはリスクを自分で負うより技術をライセンスすることを譲りません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, let me know if there are any companies that will take that risk.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、そのリスクを負う会社があったら教えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We would be interested in buying the product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "商品を買うことには興味があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anyway, thank you very much for the call today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とにかく、今日は電話をくださってありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was nice catching up with you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "近況をお話しできてよかったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良い日をお過ごしください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much for arranging this meeting Mr. Lee.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "リーさん、このミーティングを設定していただいてありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As I mentioned on the phone, we are currently looking for an engineering company that can help us on our project.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "電話でお話した通り、我々のプロジェクトを手伝ってくれるエンジニアリング会社を現在探しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I happened to stumble upon your website online and saw that you guys have the relevant experiences.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "偶然御社のウェブサイトをネットで見つけて、御社が関連する経験をお持ちであると拝見しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much for finding us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "見つけてくださってありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you have a chance to review our company website?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "弊社のウェブサイトをご覧になりましたでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Only briefly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ざっとだけです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, how about I do a quick overview of our company?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、では弊社についてざっとご説明させていただくのはいかがでしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So we are Company A and we are an engineering company that serves various industries.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "弊社はA社と申しまして、様々な産業に従事するエンジニアリング会社です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We work on large projects like manufacturing facilities.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "製造工場のような大型プロジェクトに関わっております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We provide engineering, procurement, and construction services.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私どもはエンジニアリング、資材調達、建設サービスを提供しております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And we are your one-stop shop for all your engineering needs.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私どもはすべてのエンジニアリングのニーズに対応するワンストップショップです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So you can manage the entire construction as well?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では建設全体も管理していただけるわけですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We also have a material sourcing team so we can manage that as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "弊社には資材の調達チームがございますので、それも管理することができます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What kind of companies have your worked with in the past?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "以前にどのような会社と取引したことがありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In the mining industry, we've worked with Company B and Company C.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "鉱業ではB社やC社と取引させていただきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, the big players.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは大手さんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In the forest industry we've worked with Company D who is a leading player in the industry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "林業では業界トップのD社と仕事をさせていただきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So we have a pretty good reputation as we've worked with big companies.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "というわけで大手企業と取引させていただいて、かなり良い評価をいただいています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you guys able to provide cost estimates?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "見積もりを出していただくことは可能でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you have the engineering drawings then yes we can.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "エンジニアリングの図面がございましたら、はい可能です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is the cost estimate free?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "見積もりは無料でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, unfortunately it is not free.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ、申し訳ございませんが無料ではございません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm asking because in Japan, engineering companies provide free cost estimates in order to bid for the job.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なぜ伺ったかというと、日本のエンジニアリング会社は仕事を受けるための見積もりは無料で提供するからなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, unfortunately that's not how it works in North America.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えー、申し訳ございませんが、北米ではこのようなやり方になっております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There's a fair bit of work involved in doing a cost estimate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "見積もりを計算するにもかなりの労力を費やします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But, we could do a very rough cost estimate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかし、かなりラフな見積もりならご提供は可能です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Obviously, it won't be super accurate but it can give you a rough idea of the cost.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろん、とても正確なものにはなりませんが、コストが大体お分かりになると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think that would be very helpful as we evaluate which engineering company we will work with.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どちらのエンジニアリング会社に依頼するかを判断するにあたってそれはとても助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, if you can send me those drawings, I can take a look at it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、私に図面をお送りいただければ拝見させていただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will send you something later this week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今週の終わりに何かしらお送りします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでいいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So can you tell me more about your project?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では御社のプロジェクトについてもう少しお話しいただけませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Linda, I have something important to discuss with you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "リンダ、ちょっと大事な話があるんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you know that we will have a product development meeting tomorrow?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日製品開発会議があるって知ってた?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、知ってます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mary is getting it all set up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マリーが準備していますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She's already reserved a conference room and everything.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女は会議室とか全部もう予約しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was wondering if you could record the minutes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君が記録係をやってくれないかと思って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you do it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やってくれる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, what do I need to bring?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいですよ、何を持って行けばいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Just something to write with, some paper, and your phone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か書くものと、電話があれば大丈夫。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You have recorded minutes before, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "記録係はやったことあるでしょ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, not really.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実はないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think I kind of know what recording minutes is.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "議事録がどんなものかはなんとなく分かりますけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Isn't it writing down everything that happens in the meeting?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会議で話したことを全部書きとめればいいんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's recorded documentation that is used to inform people of what happened during the meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会議で何を話したのか、みんなに知らせるための記録書類だから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, what's the most important information that I need to record?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "記録するべき1番大事な情報はなんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, you need to begin by taking attendance as everyone arrives.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだね、まずはみんなが席についたら出席をとって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Make sure to record all decisions as made.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "決まった事は全部記録するようにして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Be sure to ask for clarification as necessary.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "必要があれば聞いて確認してね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Write clear, brief notes instead of writing everything verbatim.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一語一句全部書かなくていいから、はっきりと簡潔にね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Today is your first day!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日が初日ですね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hope you'll like your job", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お仕事気に入ってもらえるといいですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Nice to finally meet you Lucy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やっとお会いできましたね、ルーシーさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So yeah, I'm the new person.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして、はい、今日が初日です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've got a lot to learn from you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "沢山教わることがあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You'll spend most of the week getting familiar with all of the work in the office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一週間のほとんどは、事務所の仕事に慣れてもらうことになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What will I be doing specifically?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "具体的にどんな事をするんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Your main job will be to organize all of our customers' invoices.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "主なあなたのお仕事はお客様の請求書の整理です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You'll need to move the data from Application W to Application X.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "データをアプリWから、アプリXへ移してもらうようになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You're good with formatting in Application X, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アプリXの書式の設定は得意でしたよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh yeah, I used Application X everyday at my last job.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、前職ではアプリXは毎日使っていましたので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there anything else that I should be aware of?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他に何か知っておくべきことはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You're responsible for answering the calls, then transferring or taking messages.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "電話に出てもらうことになるので、転送するか伝言を聞いてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In this position, you really are the face of the company Willa.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この役職は会社の顔ですからね、ウィラ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When people walk into Company A, you'll be the first person that they see.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どなたかがうちの会社へいらした時、最初に目に入るのがあなたですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Which means that you're also responsible for checking in guests.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ということはゲストのチェックインもあなたのお仕事になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But only the ones who have an appointment right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "約束のある方だけですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If someone doesn't have an appointment, they need to schedule one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "約束のない方には予定を入れて差し上げてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mr. Paul, do you have time now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ポールさん、今お時間ありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure Joan, I have a few minutes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はいジョアン、少しなら大丈夫ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you remember the agent we met last time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先日会ったエージェントを覚えていらっしゃいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, what's wrong?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、何か問題でもあったんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not really, we had a long meeting on Monday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいえ、月曜日の会議は長くかかりましたが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He is satisfied with all of the terms of the agreement.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼は我々の契約条項に全て満足してくださいました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The agent, does he seem reliable to you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのエージェントですが、君には信頼できるように見えますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I think so.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、そう思いますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He's got a lot of experience.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "経験も豊富そうですし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He told me that he just finished his MBA last year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "去年はMBAを取得されたばかりだそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "OK, when is your next meeting with him?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうか、次はいつ会うことになっていますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We're meeting him this Wednesday, just to sort out some final details.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "水曜日に会うことになっています、最終的な詳細のすり合わせのためだけですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you need me to come?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕も出た方がいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know you're really busy, so I can handle this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お忙しいでしょうから、私がなんとかしておきますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "OK, let me know what happens.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあどうなったか教えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Make everything clearly and then we will decide the time of the signing ceremony.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全て明確にしておいてくださいね、そうしたら今度は署名式の日取りを決めますから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sounds like a plan Mr. Paul.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "了解しました、ポールさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm really looking forward to the ceremony as I've never done this before.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は式典をするのは今回が初めてなのでとても楽しみです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What should I expect?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どんな感じなんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's actually not much of a ceremony.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実際は式という程の堅苦しいものでもないんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We like to make everyone feel relaxed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "みんなにリラックスしてもらいたいですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Excuse me, may I come in?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すみません、入っていいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "John, this is the project plan you asked me to make.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ジョン、これが頼まれていたプロジェクトの計画書なんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, that was quick Ashley.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おお、早かったね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you, I spent all week on it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとうございます、一週間これにかかりっきりでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Could you introduce me the main parts of the plan?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "計画書の主な所を説明してもらえる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The plan includes three parts.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "計画書は三項目に分かれていまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The first part is the background of the project.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1つ目はこのプロジェクトの背景についてです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The second part are the steps.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2つ目は手順について。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And the last part is the expected result.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最後は予想できる結果についてですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good, I've got the main points of it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいね、主なポイントはわかったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you add the introduction of the team members somewhere?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "チームメンバーの紹介もどこかに入れてくれるかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, I will.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました、入れておきますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have any other suggestions?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か他にご提案はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "After I've read it in detail, I will tell you my opinion.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "詳しく読んでから意見を言うことにするよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "OK, I will alter it according to your opinion.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました、それによって修正しますので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please wait for me to call you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "電話するまで待ってて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sounds good John, we'll discuss then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "了解です、ジョン、それから相談しましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thanks for all of your hard work on this Ashley.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よく頑張ってくれてありがとう、アシュリー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's my pleasure.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, Let's move on to the topic of release date.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは、発売日の話題に移りましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Gentlemen, when do you think we will be able to launch this product?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆さんいつこの製品をリリースできると思いますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Walt?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ウォルト?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I tend to feel that we should probably be able to start testing the product in April.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "4月には製品のテストを開始できるはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That means that if all goes well, we can have a first release in May or June.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "つまり、すべてうまくいけば、5月か6月に初版のリリースができるということになりますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you Walt.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとうございますウォルト。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's your reaction to that Bruce?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どう思いますか、ブルース?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "May or June, yeah that sounds about right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "5月か6月、そうだね、その頃だよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Excuse me, may I come in here?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すみません、ちょっといいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wonder if I could say something.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一言よろしいでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Go ahead, George.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうぞ、ジョージ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What would you like to add?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か言いたいことがありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, it seems to me that May is much, much too early.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いやあ、私に言わせてもらうと5月はとてもとても早すぎますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, we are still having some pretty major problems with bugs in the update engine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実際、アップデートエンジンのバグに関しては、まだかなり大きな問題がありますし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just don't see how we will be able to fix those bugs for a May release.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "5月のリリースに間に合うようにそのバグを修正できるとは思えません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Walt, and Bruce what are your thoughts?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ウォルト、ブルース、あなたたちはどう思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I understand that we need to have a good stable product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちゃんと安定した製品にするべきだというのは理解していますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But, if we don't go to market by summer, the competition will have a big advantage over us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかし、夏までに市場に参入しなければ、競合に優位に立たれてしまいますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "George, is a June release feasible?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ジョージ、6月のリリースは実現可能ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Look guys, I want to have this thing ready as soon as possible too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、私もできるかぎり早く間に合わせたいんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just don't want to release a product that is so full of bugs that it frustrates the user.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "バグだらけの製品をリリースしてユーザーをイラつかせたくないですし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If that happens, we'll lose a lot of customers than we would from a later release date.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなるとリリースが遅れるうんぬんよりも、顧客が離れていってしまいますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "George, when would you say is a realistic release date?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ジョージ、いつころが現実的だと思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't know, maybe July?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分からないけど、多分7月ですかね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "July!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "7月!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You guys over in programming are really making it difficult for us in the sales department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君らがプログラミングに時間を取り過ぎるから営業部が大変な目にあうんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Bruce, please calm down.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "落ち着いてください、ブルース。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Look, I don't want to overpromise.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、出来ない約束はしたくないですし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would much rather under promise and then over deliver.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "むしろ遅めに言っておいて早めに届けられる方がいいと思うんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why don't we take a ten minute break?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "10分休憩しませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey guys did you see the New York, Boston game last night?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ねえみんな昨夜ニューヨーク、ボストンの試合を見た?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What did you think Bruce?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どう思った、ブルース?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "New York dominated Boston!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ニューヨークがボストンより優勢だったよね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You always have to rub it in, don't you Walt.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君はいつもわざとらしく言うよね、ウォルト。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You know I'm a Boston fan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私がボストンのファンだと知ってるでくせに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, that was one of the greatest games I've ever seen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実際あれは今まで見た中で一番いい試合だったなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But, the way you guys keep telling the boss we can finish the product by May, none of us are going to have time to watch any more basketball games.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だけど、あんな風にみんな5月までに製品を完成できるって上司に言ってるようじゃあ、これ以上バスケットボールの試合を見てる時間なんてないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We're all going to be working overtime every night!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちらはみんな毎晩残業することになるよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey, that's why they pay you so well George.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それだから沢山給料がもらえるんだよ、ジョージ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now you all know why I've called this meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "みんな今日集まってもらったわけはもう知っていると思いますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sales figures for our region are down and we need to address this as soon as we can.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我々の地域の営業の数字が落ちているので、緊急で話す必要があると思いまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I'd like to start by asking Olivia to talk us through the figures.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それじゃまずオリビアに数字を発表してもらいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So Olivia, over to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあオリビア、お願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thanks Marcus.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうも、マーカス。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've prepared some handouts to show you how the figures are looking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "数字がどうなっているか見てもらうために配布資料をいくつか用意しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If we look at sales year to date, and compare them with last year, we can see a difference of twenty five percent.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本年度の本日付の売り上げを見て、昨年と比べていただくと25パーセントの違いに気づくと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In order to meet budget this year, we'll uh, in my opinion have to start some cost saving measures.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本年度の予算に見合うために、私の考えでは、何らかのコスト削減策を講じなければならないと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What do you mean by that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Redundancies?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "人員削減ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's one possibility.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それもあり得ます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can't agree with you there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それには賛成できません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We need a strong workforce.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "強力な労働力は必要ですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hold on Anna, thanks Olivia.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっと待ってくださいね、アンナ、ありがとうございます、オリビア。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Look, cost cutting is something that we need to think about, but we also need to stop the downturn in sales and regain market share.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいですか、コスト削減を考える必要もありますが、売り上げの下落を止めて市場占有率を取り戻すことも必要ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, can I bring you in here David?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "デビッド、ちょっと話してくれますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Any comments?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何かコメントはあります?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, it's hard to know what the problem is.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ううん、何が問題なのかが分からないんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our products are competitive.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの商品は比較的安いと思うんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, they aren't getting better pricing from the competition?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは、競合の価格より高いって事ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about I talk you through our pricing at the moment?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "少し価格について話しましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've prepared some handouts.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "配布資料を用意してきましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, go ahead, it will be good to look at the details.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はいお願いします、詳細を見てみた方がいいですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As you can see here are all of our pricing, as well as our value propositions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご覧の通り、ここにはうちの全ての価格とサービス価値について記載されています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "David, this is all useful information.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "デビッド、これは良い情報ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So Anna, can we turn to you now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、アンナ、次いいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have any ideas why this downturn is happening?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうして売り上げの下落が起きていると思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "While it's true we are seeing a decrease in our region.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの地域で数字が下がっているということは事実ですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There has also been an increase in customers cancelling new contracts within fourteen days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここ14日間、新規契約をキャンセルするお客様も増えているんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But, do you know why?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、何でだか分かりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do the customers say why they don't like our offers?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何でうちの提案が気に入らないのか、顧客は何か言ってますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I personally feel that this is vital information.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これは個人的にとても重要な情報だと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If I could finish what I was saying.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最後まで言わせていただくと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to suggest that we review our customer account procedures from our first contact to our after sales care.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "初回営業からアフターサービスまで、お客様のアカウントに対応するプロセスを再確認したほうがいいかと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And perhaps it would be a good idea to start with that and see if the sales figures improve.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこから始めて見て、営業の数字が改善されるかどうか、ちょっと様子を見てみるのがいいんじゃないかと思うんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thanks Anna.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとうございます、アンナ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Olivia and David, what do you two think of that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オリビアとデビッド、二人はどう思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I make another suggestion?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう1つ提案があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think we need to see the whole picture from the customer's point of view.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お客様目線での全体像を見る必要があると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good morning team!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "チームの皆さんおはようございます!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm so delighted to see so many new faces here at Company A today!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日はここA社に沢山の新入社員の方々をお迎えすることができて、大変嬉しく思っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm Dennis Brown, and the gentleman to my left is Bill Higgins, our CFO here at Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私はデニス・ブラウン、そして左側にいるのは我が社のCFOビル・ヒギンズです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to give all of you a rundown of today's agenda.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日の議題を手短に説明したいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First, we will be filling out all of our paperwork.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はじめに、皆さんで書類に記入してもらいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "After that, we'll go over company policies, compensation and benefits.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その後は、会社の規範、給与そして福利厚生についてお話しします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Dennis, will everyone need to meet with HR?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "デニス、皆さんに人事部に行ってもらう必要はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, everyone should take two forms of identification and their W4 forms to HR by the end of the day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、全員2種類の身分証明書とW4フォームを持って今日中に人事部に行ってもらう必要があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There will be someone there all day today, so when you have everything filled out, you can just stop by and drop it off.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は人事部には1日中誰かがいますから、全部に記入し終わったら、寄って渡してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "After we address compensation and benefits, we'll break for lunch.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "給与と福利厚生についての説明の後に、ランチ休憩にします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know what they ordered today Bill?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は何を頼んだのか知ってますか、ビル?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think they got tacos.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "タコスだと思いましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Nice, I can't wait!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいですね、楽しみです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then after lunch, we'll pass out the company handbooks, and break out into groups for training.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして、ランチの後は会社のハンドブックを配ります、それからグループに別れてトレーニングをします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Bill, why don't you dive right into company policy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ビル、続いて会社のポリシーについて説明してくれますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure thing Dennis.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "了解です、デニス。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The Company A Code of Conduct is one of the ways we put Company A's values into practice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社の行動規範は、我が社の価値を実践するための1つの手段です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It’s built around the recognition that everything we do in connection with our work at Company A will be, and should be, measured against the highest possible standards of ethical business conduct.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その規範は、我々が業務に関することは全て、可能な限り最高水準の倫理的なビジネス行動基準に照らし合わせて行っていくべきである、という認識に基づいて作成されています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our commitment to the highest standards helps us hire great people, build great products, and attract loyal users.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最高水準を公約するということは、良い人材、良い製品、そして長期ユーザーの確保にもつながります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Absolutely, Bill.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その通りだね、ビル。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Respect for our customers, for the opportunity, and for each other are foundational to our success, and are something we need to support every day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お客様、与えられた機会、そして各々に敬意を払うということは成功への基盤であり、日々精進すべき事柄であります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you have a question or concern, don’t just sit there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし質問や気になる事があったら黙っていないでください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can contact your manager, your Human Resources representative, or Ethics & Compliance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マネージャー、人事担当者、倫理担当者に連絡してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Dennis what should we do if we have a concern of a suspected violation?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "デニス、もしも規範に違反している疑いがある場合どうしたらいいでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There is an Ethics & Compliance Helpline where employees can remain anonymous if they choose to.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "匿名が良ければ、匿名で電話する事ができる倫理担当のヘルプラインがありますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Company A prohibits retaliation against any worker here at Company A who reports or participates in an investigation of a possible violation of our code, policies, or the law.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社では、A社の規範または法律に違反する疑いがある場合の調査において、報告した人物、またはそれに関わった人物に対しての報復を禁止しております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, we take ethics very seriously here at Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうです、このA社においては、倫理に対して大変真剣に取り組んでいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Another thing we know you take very seriously is money.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう1つ皆さんが真剣に考えている事はお金に関してですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Dennis, could you tell them about compensation?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "デニス、給与に関して話してもらえますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure thing, Bill.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "了解です、ビル。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Since all of you are starting on the ground level, your salary will be forty thousand dollars a year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆さん第1段階からのスタートになりますので、年棒は4万ドルになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, you up front with your hand up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、最前列の手を挙げているあなた。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have a question?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何かご質問ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, will there be any overtime available?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、残業はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And if so, how will it be handled?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしあるなら、どう対応するんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Bill do you want to field this one?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ビル、この質問に答えてもらえますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Overtime will sometimes be available.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "残業は時々あります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is always optional, and will be paid out at time and a half.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "強制ではありませんし、1.5時間分支払われます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That goes for anything over eighty hours in a two week period.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2週間のうち80時間を超えた分に対して適用されます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You made sure to send out all of the W2's to all of the employees already, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "W2はもう確かに全従業員に送ってくれたよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I sent them out last week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、先週発送しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you also send out W2's to employees who worked here last year, but are no longer with the company?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "去年働いていたけど現在は社員でない人の分も送ってくれたかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I believe so, but let me double check.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "送ったと思いますが、もう一度確認してみますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, they have all been sent out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、送りました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Great work, Nate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良くやってくれてるね、ネイト。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, one more thing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、もう1つ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What about the contractors?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "派遣社員の分はどうかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you send out their 1099 forms?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1099フォームは送ってくれた?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh no.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、いけない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I completely forgot, Vance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すっかり忘れてました、ヴァンス。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We need to get those out in the mail by the end of the month…", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今月末までに発送しないといけないからね・・・", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, it is next Thursday!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう次の木曜日だよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If we don't get them sent out, the IRS could fine us a lot of money.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしそれまでに発送しないとIRSから高額の罰金が課せられるんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm so sorry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当にすみません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me do that right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今すぐやります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Make sure that you have form W9 filled out for all contractors.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全派遣社員のW9フォームに記入するのを忘れないでね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、了解です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Go ahead and write how much we paid each contractor on top of form W9.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それぞれの派遣社員にいくら支払ったのかW9の一番上に記載してね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then make sure you get them all to accounting before the end of the day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから今日中にそれを会計に渡すのを忘れないでくれるかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm really sorry about this Vance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当にすみませんでした、ヴァンス。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know this is important and I appreciate you bringing it to my attention.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これは本当に重要なんで、気づかせてもらって助かりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No worries, Nate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "気にしないでいいよ、ネイト。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please let me know once you finished.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "終わったら教えてね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Bob, welcome back!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おいボブ、おかえり!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How was your trip?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "旅はどうだった?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was amazing Doug.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すごく良かったよダグ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The people, the music, the food, it was simply unforgettable.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "人も、音楽も、食べ物も本当に忘れられないなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've never been to the Caribbean.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕はカリブ海は行った事ないんだよなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've never been on a cruise either.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "クルーズもしたことがないなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where all did you go?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どことどこへ行ったの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So we boarded in Miami and were on the water for the first two days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マイアミで乗船して、最初の2日は水上で過ごしたんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Since it's all inclusive, we got to eat and drink all that we wanted.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全部込みだから、好きなだけ食べて飲んだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They had pools, saunas, and hot tubs on the ship.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "船にはプールも、サウナもジャクジーもあったんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's awesome!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいねえ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where did you go first?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最初はどこへ行ったの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our first stop was St. John's Antigua.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最初はアンティグアのセントジョンズに止まったんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それどこ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've never heard of that place.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "聞いた事ないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "St. John’s is the capital and key port of the Caribbean island nation of Antigua and Barbuda.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "セントジョンズは、カリブ海の島国アンティグア・バーブーダの首都で主要な港だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, is it the capital of two countries?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "二つの国の首都なの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, Antigua and Barbuda are one country.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "違うよ、アンティグア・バーブーダは一つの国なんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, they are two islands.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "二つの島なんだけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Antigua and Barbuda is an independent Commonwealth country.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アンティグア・バーブーダは独立連邦国だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Does that mean that it's part of England?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはイギリス領って事?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The Commonwealth is a group of 53 states, all of which except for two were formerly part of the British Empire.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "連邦国は53州あって、そのうちの2つの州を除いては全部以前は大英帝国の1部だったんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So which two weren't originally included?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どの2つの州が違ったの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think Rwanda, and Mozambique, but I could be wrong.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ルワンダとモザンビークだったと思うんだけど、間違ってるかも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What did you do there?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこで何をしたの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We mostly hung out at the beach.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大体ビーチにいたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The kids loved it!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "子供達は大喜びだったよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Since I'm so interested in history, I was excited to visit Fort Barrington.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕は歴史に興味があるからさあ、バリントン砦に行ったのは盛り上がったなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was built in 1779 by the British when they were fighting the French.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1779年にイギリスがフランスと戦ってる最中に建てたんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you go to any other islands?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他の島には行った?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh yeah.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "行った行った。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We visited Barbados, St. Lucia, St. Maarten, and Jamaica.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕らはバルバドス、セントルシア、セントマーチン、あとジャマイカに行ったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, you went to Jamaica?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おお、ジャマイカに行ったの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would love to go there since I'm such a music fan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕は音楽が大好きだから行ってみたいんだよなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was a lot of fun!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すごく楽しかったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I took my wife to a reggae festival while we were there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "妻をレゲエフェスティバルに連れて行ったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She loved it!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すごく喜んでたよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's so nice of you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "優しいじゃん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would love to go sometime.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕もいつか行ってみたいなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I really think it is time that we consider going paperless.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私達もそろそろ本当にペーパーレスに移行するべきだと思うのよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Here we are spending thousands of dollars each year mailing customers paper invoices.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの会社では紙の請求書をお客様に送るのに毎年何千ドルも使っているんだから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First off, going paperless saves time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まず、ペーパーレスにすることで時間の節約にもなるしさあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Storing documents in the cloud is safer than keeping sensitive files in an office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "クラウドに書類を保存しておく方が機密文書を事務所に置いておくより安全だしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Digital documents are encrypted and protected by numerous layers of security, and access can be restricted to only a few individuals.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "デジタル文書は暗号化されて沢山のセキュリティ層で保護されてるし、アクセスは少数の個人に限定できるし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "OK, I'm listening.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You have piqued my interest.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "面白そうだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you know that the average firm processes more than 10,000 pieces of paper each year?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "平均的な会社は一年に一万枚も紙を使ってるって知ってた?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's roughly 20 reams, or the equivalent of a small tree.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは大体20パックで、小さい木一本に相当するのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "知らなかったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That is a lot of paper.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは沢山の紙だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now imagine if every business went paperless.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし全ての会社がペーパーレスになったらと想像して見て。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We could save entire forests!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "森を丸ごと救えるのよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The eco-friendly benefits of going paperless may not be as apparent as the savings related to cost and space, but they are definitely worthwhile.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "コスト削減と省スペースほどのインパクトはないけど、ペーパーレスは環境に優しいという利点も間違いなくあるわよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Most of our customers check and pay their balances online anyways.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どっちにしろお客様はオンラインで残額をチェックして支払ってるんだからさあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm not sure that's a good idea, Nancy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕には何とも言えないなあ、ナンシー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh really, why not?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、ほんとに、なんでよ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Because of more vulnerable customers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "弱いお客様もいるからさ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Seniors, low-income populations, the disabled, and those on Indian Reservations and in rural areas who may not have access to the internet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "高齢者とか低所得者、身体障害者、インディアン保護区の人々や農村の人々なんか、インターネットにアクセスできない人々だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Perhaps maybe we should consider implementing a fee for a paper invoice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしかしたら、紙の請求書には料金を加算するべきかもね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then the customer would have the choice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そしたらお客様も選べるし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Giving them the option is a good idea.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "選べるようにするのはいいよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, I believe anyone who chooses a paper invoice should not have to pay for it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だけど、紙の請求書を選んだからって料金を請求するべきではないと思うんだよなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What if instead, you gave customers who wanted to go paperless an incentive?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その代わりに、ペーパーレスを選んだお客様に何かあげるっていうのはどうかなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What do you have in mind?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "例えば?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't know, maybe a present.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分からないけど、プレゼントとか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "People love free stuff.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "タダでもらえるものはみんな好きだし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Welcome to the 2019 launch of Product B by Tech Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "テックA社の2019年製品B発表会へようこそ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Product B gives your students options.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "製品Bを使っていただくことによって、生徒さん達に選択肢が生まれます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Allow your students to participate in class using laptops, mobile devices, or Product B hardware remotes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "生徒さん達はラップトップ、携帯デバイスまたは製品Bハードウェアのリモコンを使って授業に参加していただくことが出来ます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Reliably track student attendance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "出欠を正確に追跡していただくことも可能であります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Use GPS technology to ensure that students are attending class.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "GPSの技術を使って、生徒さん達が授業に出席していらっしゃるかどうかを確認していただくことが出来ます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "With Product B, professors now have flexible tools for an active classroom.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "教授の皆さんにとって製品Bは、教育現場においての変幻自在なツールでございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ask polling questions on the fly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その場で質問を選択投票をしていただく事も可能です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Facilitate active learning activities.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "積極的な学習環境を提供いたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Complete quizzes with mobile devices or Product B and grade in minutes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "携帯デバイスか製品B上でテストを行い、数分後には採点まで完了していただく事も可能です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Help your students study.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "生徒さん達の学習の手助けをいたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Students leave class with every question you ask to be used as a study guide.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "生徒さん達は先生方が出した問題を全て持ち帰って教材として使用することが出来ます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can also choose to provide students with the correct answers and control when students receive the study guide.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "教材をお渡しいただく際に、回答を付けるかどうかを選択していただくことも出来ます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Set up only takes minutes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "数分でセットアップ可能です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Product B can be set up in under 5 minutes and work with your existing content.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "製品Bは5分以下でセットアップでき、既存のコンテンツとも動作いたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Does anyone have any questions so far?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここまでで、どなたかご質問は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How does it work?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうやって使用するんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Students can download our app, or buy the Product B hardware.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "生徒さん達にアプリをダウンロードしていただくか、製品Bのハードウェアを購入していただくことになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The professor then has their desktop projected on the screen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから、教授の皆さんのデスクトップをプロジェクターに映していただくようになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When the professor asks a multiple choice question, the students can pick using the Product B and it will show what percent of students chose which answer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "選択問題に答えていただく場合、生徒さん達に製品Bを使用していただくと、どの生徒さんがどの回答を選ばれたのか、パーセンテージで表示されます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's a very engaging tool, and makes learning like a game.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とても魅了的なツールで、ゲーム感覚で学んでいただけます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おいくらですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A one semester subscription costs the student 9 dollars 99 cents.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "生徒さんお一人につき、一学期ごと9ドル99セントの定期使用料になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A one year subscription costs 15 dollars 99 cents.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "年間使用量は15ドル99セントです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, this is a product that the students have to buy the hardwares?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "生徒達はハードウェアを購入しなくてはならないんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The university can certainly rent them as well if they would like to.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご希望でしたら大学側でレンタルしていただく事も可能です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What presentation program can I use with the Product B system?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "製品Bのシステムではどのプレゼンツールを使用することが出来ますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I use a presentation that I have already made?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今すでに持っているプレゼンテーションを使用することはできるんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it's compatible with any presentation application.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、どのプレゼン用アプリにも対応しております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If another professor near me is using a Product B system, will there be interference?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし他の教授が製品Bのシステムを近くで使用している場合干渉しあったりしませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If a Product B base station is in close proximity to another, they can interfere with each other.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "製品Bの基地局が近接している場合は干渉し合いますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "These stations, however, can be set to any of 16 different sub-frequencies to prevent such interference.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですが、基地局の副周波数は16ありますので、それぞれ違うものに設定していただければ干渉は防げます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Students will then need to reset their own remotes’ frequency to match the base station’s new frequency.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "生徒さん達にはリモコンの周波数を基地局の新しい副周波数に合わせてリセットしていただく必要があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How do I view and display voting results in class?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "教室ではどうやって投票結果を見たり、表示したりするんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can decide when and if voting results are displayed to the class.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "投票結果が表示されるタイミングも選んでいただくことが出来ますし、結果を教室で表示するかどうかも選んでいただけます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As the instructor, you can privately view results on the LCD screen on your base station.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "インストラクター側では基地局のLCDスクリーンで個人的に結果を見ていただくことが出来ます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you want to display the vote results to the entire class, click the graph icon on the toolbar or press the “B” key on the instructor remote.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "投票結果を教室全体に公表なさる場合はツールバーでグラフアイコンをクリックしていただくか、インストラクター側のリモコンでBキーを押していただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How are student responses saved?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうやって生徒の返答を保存するんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Each session is saved in a file, named according to the date and time the session was held.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それぞれのセッションは、セッション日時のファイル名の付いたファイルに保存されます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "These files are then presented in an easy-to-view gradebook.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それらのファイルは「見やすい成績表」内に表示されます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The gradebook includes options to export the data to a large variety of formats.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "成績表内にはデータを色々なフォーマットにエクスポートするオプションがございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Gerald, do you have a minute?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ねえジェラルド、ちょっといい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Of course Maria, what's up?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろん、どうしたのマリア?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A customer who called in early this morning kept screaming and yelling at me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今朝早く電話してきたお客様がずっと叫んだり怒鳴ったりしてるのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I tried my best to help him, and even resolved the issue but he was still so angry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すごく親身に対応して、問題自体はもう解決したんだけど、まだ怒ってるのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What did he say exactly?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なんて言ってるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He said \"I want my money back, and I want it now\"!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "「今すぐ返金しろ」って言ってるわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then he said \"I'm sick and tired of all of your mistakes, and I'm telling everybody I know how bad you really are\"!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの手違いが多すぎてうんざりだから、どれだけうちの会社が酷いかみんなに言いふらすって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe I'm not a good fit for customer service.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私カスタマーサービスに向いてないかも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's not true Maria.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんなことないよ、マリア。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You help a lot of people everyday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君は毎日沢山の人を助けてるじゃないか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Don't let this guy ruin your day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そいつに負けちゃダメだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We all get irate customers from time to time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "怒りまくってる客に当たることは誰にでもたまにあることだからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Irate, rude, unhappy and sometimes abrasive customers can drain you emotionally.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "怒ってたり、失礼だったり、不幸だったり、傲慢だったりする客の相手は精神的に消耗するよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How should I handle them?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どう対応したらいいのかしら。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ask them to explain their experience and rate how much they felt each emotion along the way.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どんな事があって、それぞれどんなふうにその時感じたのかひとつひとつ説明するようにお願いして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "To help calm them, you might say, “That sounds frustrating\".", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "「それはイライラしますよね」とか言って相手を落ち着かせるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When customers realize that their emotions are heard, they should start to become rational again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自分の気持ちを理解してくれたと分かれば、お客は理性を取り戻すからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That’s when they’re more likely to share the facts and not just their feelings.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうすればその後は感情的にならずに事実について話し始めるから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, so I should get them to share their story and empathize with them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なるほど、じゃあ話をしてもらって、共感してあげればいいわけね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, also customers will more likely share their story in a realistic, rational way if they know they’re being written down.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうそう、後はね、記録をとっているとわかるともっと現実的かつ理性的に話してくれるようになるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, it's a good idea to take notes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうか、じゃあメモをとったほうがいいのね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It allows service professionals to keep a solid account of what the customers share, and it reminds customers to slow down and get their facts straight.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうすれば、こちらもお客様が話したことをきちんと記録しておけるし、彼らも落ち着いて事実をきちんと話してくれるからさ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's brilliant Gerald!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは賢いわね、ジェラルド!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Another thing to keep in mind is that it's never personal.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう一つ覚えておかなきゃいけないのは、個人的に受け取らないこと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The customers don’t even know you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お客様は君のことなんて知らないんだからさ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Your job as a representative involves taking responsibility and taking the blame for something you probably didn’t do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "カスタマーサービスの仕事は自分がやったことじゃないことに責任を負うことがほとんどなんだから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When you answer the phone or greet a customer in person, you are the company to that person.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君が電話を取ってお客様に挨拶する時は、君はその人に取って会社の代表なんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Accept the responsibility of the situation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その状況に対しての責任を受け入れるんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Be very willing to help, because if the customer senses an insincere apology or a ho-hum attitude that will make the customer stay angry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とにかく誠意を持って対応するんだ、適当に謝ってるとか、面倒くさがっている態度なんかに気づいたらお客は怒りっぱなしだから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Most customers want sympathy or empathy almost as much as they want the problem fixed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほとんどの客は問題解決と同じくらいに、同情されたり共感してもらうことを望んでいるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It’s disturbing and frustrating to tell your complaint to someone who obviously doesn’t care.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明らかに何も気にしていない相手に苦情を伝えるのはイライラするし、気分が悪い事だからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その通りね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am representing the company, and I need to accept responsibility.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は会社の代表として、その責任を受け入れなきゃね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What do you do though when people start cussing at you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でももし誰かが罵声を浴びせてきたらどうするの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Every once in a while, someone will use a swear word or really abusive language, and that’s unfortunate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "残念ながら稀にものすごく口の悪い人ってのはいるよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This works 99 percent of the time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんな時はこれが99パーセントの割合で効き目があるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I say \"Excuse me, I can handle your problem\".", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こう言うんだ、「失礼いたします、問題に対応させていただくことはできます。」", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "\"I’m not able to handle your abusive language\".", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "「ですが、言葉の暴力には対応しかねます。」", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Does it work?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで効き目はある?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh yeah, they usually get embarrassed and apologize to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あるある、だいたい恥ずかしくなって謝ってくるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good morning, we're going to continue with the rest of our emergency training here at Tech Company A this week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おはようございます、今週はテックA社での防災訓練の続きをします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Today, we are going to go over what to do in the case of a fire.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日は火事が起きた際の対応についてです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, everyone please follow along on the website as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、皆さんウェブサイトの方も見ながら聞いてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First go to the Tech Company A homepage and click on the tab that says emergency.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まずテックA社のホームページに行き、「緊急」というタブをクリックします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You will see a link that says fire and evacuation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "火災と避難というタブがあると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In the event of a fire, pull the alarm and call 911.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "火災が発生した場合、警報を鳴らして911に電話をしてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Only use a fire extinguisher if you have been trained or there is no other way of escape.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "避難ルートが無い場合以外は、訓練を受けたことがある人のみが消火器を使用するようにしてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you cannot control the fire within 30 seconds, abandon your efforts, close the door, and evacuate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "30秒以内に火を制御する事が出来なかった時は、あきらめてドアを閉めて、避難してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What if we hear a fire alarm or see fire strobes blinking?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "火災警報が鳴ったり、ストロボが点滅したりしていたらどうしたらいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Evacuate the building immediately!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すぐに建物から避難してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do not investigate the source of the emergency.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "火の元は探さないでください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Walk, don't run, to the nearest exit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "走らないで、歩いて最寄りの避難出口へ行ってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Use stairs, not elevators.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "エレベーターではなく階段を使用してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you are unable to evacuate, call 911 and report your location.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "避難することが出来ない場合は、911に電話をして、あなたが居る場所を伝えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As you make your way out, encourage those you encounter to exit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "外へ避難する際に他の人に遭遇したら、外へ出るように声をかけてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Follow instructions of identified emergency personnel.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "救急隊員の指示に従ってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wait for instructions before returning to your building after an evacuation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "避難した後は建物に戻る前に指示を待ってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここまでで質問はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, you in the back.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、後ろのあなた。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's your question?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "質問をどうぞ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If a person is unable to evacuate a building due to a physical disability, what steps should be taken?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "体に障害がある人が建物から自力で避難することができない場合、どうしたら良いですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If the building has a designated area of rescue, the person should be moved to this area.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "建物内に指定された救助エリアがある場合は、そこに連れて行く必要があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If the building does not have a designated area of rescue, the person should be moved to a room that is far from danger.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "建物に指定された救助エリアがない場合、その人を危険から離れた部屋に連れて行く必要があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do not attempt to move or carry the person downstairs unless there is imminent danger of injury or death.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "差し迫った怪我または死亡の危険がある場合を除き、階下に運んで行ったりはしないでください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Call 911 and leave the person there with the phone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "911に電話をして、その方が電話を持っているのを確認してそこへ残して行ってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will now answer any questions you may have on fire and evacuation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "火災と避難に関する質問でしたら、なんでも答えますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Stan, that seems rather bleak to leave someone there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スタン、誰かを置いて逃げるのは厳しいと思うんですけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you're confident you can move the person, by all means you should.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その人を運べる自信があるなら、ぜひそうして欲しいところですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However in the case that is physically impossible to move the person, this is the last resort.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それが物理的に不可能な場合はそれが最後の手段です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where can we be trained how to properly use the fire extinguisher?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "消火器の使い方はどこで訓練できますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can do it online.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オンラインで出来ますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The most important thing is to recognize what kind of fire it is.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最も大切なことは火災の種類を認識することです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Since we work in an office environment, the two most likely fires would be class A or class C.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オフィスで働く私達にとって、良くある火災の種類はAクラスかCクラスになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What are those?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "AクラスCクラスってなんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Class A fires are fires in ordinary combustibles such as wood, paper, cloth, trash, and plastics.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Aクラスの火災は、木材、紙、布、ゴミ、プラスチックなどの通常の可燃物の火災です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Class C fires are fires involving energized electrical equipment such as motors, transformers, and appliances.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Cクラスの火災は、モーター、変圧器、および家電などの通電している電気機器を含む火災です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Some type of fire extinguishing agents can be used on more than one class of fire.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あるタイプの消火剤は複数のクラスの火災に対応しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Others have warnings where it would be dangerous for the operator to use a particular fire extinguisher agent.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうでないものにはその消火剤を使うと危険な場所について警告が書いてあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What do you mean by agent?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "消火剤って何ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are several types of fire extinguishers that use different agents such as water and foam, dry chemicals, or wet chemicals.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "水と泡、乾いた化学物質、湿った化学物質など消火器によって様々なタイプの消火剤が使用されています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey, come on in.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やあ、入ってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey, how are you doing?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうも、元気ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good, and you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "元気ですよ、そちらは?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm doing well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for taking a few minutes to meet with me this morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今朝は時間を作ってくださりありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm glad that we got connected at the alumni dinner the other night.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先日は卒業生の夕食会でお会いすることが出来てうれしかったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, that was a lot of fun seeing everyone again after so long.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、久しぶりに皆さんにまた会えてとても楽しかったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The university has grown so much and it's great to see that they have so many new programs.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大学が大きく成長して、沢山新しいプログラムが出来ているのを見るのは嬉しいですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok, well I'm going to go ahead and jump right into it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、では早速始めようと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll go ahead and give you my business card before we get started.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "始める前に、私の名刺を渡しておきますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I had sent you a copy of the power point presentation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたにパワーポイントのプレゼンテーションのコピーを送っておきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll go ahead and pull it up to use to navigate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それを使って説明するんで、今出してきますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you happen to have a hard copy of that presentation so I can follow along?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "資料を見ながら聞きたいんですが、プリントした物を持っていませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, here you are.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thanks, I'll use this to take notes as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとうございます、メモをとるために使わせてもらいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me begin by asking you, what do you know about CRM Product A?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まずこの質問からはじめましょう、CRM製品Aについて何かご存知ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "To be completely honest, I don't really have any knowledge of CRM Product A or any CRM's.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "正直言うと、CRM製品AやCRMに関する知識は全くないんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's why I wanted you to stop by and give me the presentation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だからあなたに立ち寄ってもらい、プレゼンテーションをしてほしいと思ったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I'm excited to tell you all about it a little later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なるほど、後でそれについてたっぷり説明させてもらいますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First, I would like to focus on your Company A, and how quickly you’ve grown in such a short time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まずは、御社A社がこの短期間でどれだけ急成長したかということについてフォーカスしたいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Company A launched in 2015, and during this short period, you have managed to grow your net sales to about 469 million dollars!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社を2015年に立ち上げ、この短期間の間に、純売上高を約4億6900万ドルに成長させることができましたよね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, that's true.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did your team anticipate that sort of growth, or is that something that just kind of happened organically through hard work?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのような成長をチームは予測していましたか、それともただ必死に働くことによって自然にそうなったんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, everyone in the company, sales, management, development, we all pride ourselves on working hard and doing what is best for the company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、社員全員、営業、マネージメント、開発、私たちは皆懸命に働き、会社にとって最善のことをすることに誇りを持っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "While we didn't expect the growth to really happen on this scale, we knew we would be successful because we have so many great products.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我が社には素晴らしい製品が沢山あるので成功するという確信はありましたが、実際にこの規模で成長するとは思っていませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The demand for our products is incredible, but to be honest it's been pretty overwhelming at times.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "当社の製品に対する需要は驚くほどで、正直なところかなり圧倒される時もあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Specifically when it comes to tracking orders.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "特に注文の追跡に関しては。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It puts a lot of stress on our invoicing system.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのせいで私たちの請求書発行システムに多くの負担がかかっていますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right now, everything is completely manual.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今のところすべてが完全に手動です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is a real problem for any kind of additional growth.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これは色々と成長するためには深刻な妨げになっていますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I understand completely, Dan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よくわかりますよ、ダン。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to share a case study with you on one of our clients.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我が社のある顧客についてのケーススタディをお見せしたいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you familiar with Power Tool Company X?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたは工具X社をご存知ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, I've got one of their circular saws.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、X社の丸のこを持っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As far as size, they're very similar to your organization.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "規模に関してはX社は御社の組織に良く似ています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "With their inside sales team, our CRM saved them 7 minutes per hour, which adds up to 18 hours per week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "内勤営業部門では、我が社のCRMにより1時間に7分、1週間に最大18時間の作業時間の短縮になりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Looking at their field reps, we are saving them about 15 minutes per hour, which is a total of 30 hours per week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "外回り営業部門に関しては、1時間あたり15分、1週間あたり合計30時間です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's leading them to a 30 percent increase of product orders.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "製品注文を30パーセントの増加に導いています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You had mentioned that you wanted to expand business.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたはビジネスを拡大したいとおっしゃっていましたよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Of course, can you help us do that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その通りです、お手伝いいただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, Tim, my name is Joan, I'm in the human resources department at Tech Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、ティムさん、テック A社人事部ジョアンと申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You had applied to our opening in client services.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "当社の顧客サービスの募集に応募されましたよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I'm very interested in the position.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、そのお仕事にとても興味があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have a few minutes to talk?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今数分お話しできますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Absolutely, I've been a fan of Tech Company A for a really long time, Joan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろんです、ジョアンさん、ずっとテックA社のファンなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Tell me about yourself Tim.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ティムさん、少し自己紹介していただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Currently, I work as a customer service rep for Tech Company B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "現在、私はテックB社の顧客対応担当者として働いております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "During my time there, I have been recognized for my commitment to customer satisfaction.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "B社では顧客満足に貢献して表彰されました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why are you leaving your current job?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なぜあなたは現在のお仕事を辞めようと思っているんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I’m looking for an opportunity that lets me build stronger, long-term relationships with clients", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "顧客とのより強固で長期的な関係を築くことができる機会を探しておりまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In my current role, I don’t spend as much time building rapport with my customers as I’d like.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "現在の部署では、顧客との信頼関係を築くためにあまり時間を費やすことができないので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What motivates you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたのモチベーションは何ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Making a true difference in the professional lives of my clients motivates me to strive for excellence.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "顧客の職場環境に真の変化をもたらすことが、より良い仕事をするためのモチベーションになっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It feels good to help other people reach their goals.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他の人々が目標を達成するのを助けるのは楽しいですし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What are you strengths?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたの長所は何ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Communication skills, technical ability, time management, and a passion for helping people.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "コミュニケーション能力、技術力、時間の管理、そして人助けに対する情熱ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok, and what about your weaknesses?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なるほど、あなたの短所は何ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I make too many commitments, as I sometimes have trouble saying \"no\".", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は時々断ることに抵抗があり、仕事を引き受け過ぎてしまいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I used to take on so many projects at one of my old jobs that I ended up working overtime most nights.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "以前仕事で沢山のプロジェクトを引き受けてしまい、ほとんど毎晩残業をすることになってしまいました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm getting better at it now though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今は少し良くなりましたが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where do you see yourself in five years?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "5年後はご自身がどうなっていらっしゃると思われますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd really like to get into management.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マネージメントを経験してみたいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd also like to gain specialized experience in understanding more about programming.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あとは専門的な経験を積んでプログラミングについての理解を深めたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That would make me a more valuable asset to tech companies.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それによってハイテク企業にとって、より価値のある存在になれるのではないかと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you tell me about a difficult work situation and how you resolved it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今までのお仕事で大変だった事とそれをどうやって解決したかについて話していただけますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "One of our customers was so angry he threatened to sue us!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あるお客様がとても腹を立てて私達を訴えると言い出したことがありました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I ended up spending about an hour with him on the phone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "結局私は約1時間そのお客様と電話で話をしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He just wanted someone to listen to him.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その方はただ誰かに聞いて欲しかったんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was able to resolve the issue, gave him a discount, and he was pleased.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "問題を解決して、お客様には割引をして満足していただきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What are your salary requirements Tim?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ティムさん、給与についてはどのくらいを考えていますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Based on my experience, I'd say that slightly above entry level would be appropriate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の経験に基づいて、初心者レベルよりも少し上が適切だろうと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would like to add that I'm flexible and willing to negotiate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですが、強いこだわりはございませんので、ご相談させてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What do you like to do in your free time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自由時間は何をなさるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I play softball, do karate, and work out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ソフトボール、空手、あとは身体を鍛えております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, you sure are athletic.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあ、運動神経が良いんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You must be tired a lot.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とても疲れるんじゃないですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, quite the opposite Joan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は逆なんですよ、ジョアンさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I find that being so active gives me more energy to focus on my work during the week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アクティブでいる方が平日は仕事に集中するエネルギーがあるんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to bring you in for a face to face interview, Tim.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ティムさん、次は対面インタビューに進んでいただこうと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, this is Bob.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、ボブです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Bob, this is Kevin you've got to help me now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ボブ、ケビンです、助けてくれるかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's going on Kevin?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ケビン、どうしたの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Aren't you supposed to be doing a presentation right now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君は今プレゼンテーションをしているはずじゃなかったの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, but the wifi at this hotel isn't working.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんだ、でもこのホテルのWi-Fiが機能していないんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please, they're on the other line.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お願いだよ、お客様を保留にしているんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There is a purchasing committee sitting in a room waiting for me to present to them online, and I don't have a connection.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "購入委員会が部屋に集まって、私がオンラインでプレゼンするのを待っているんだけど、ネットが繋がらないんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, try entering the wifi password again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それじゃあ、もう一度Wi-Fiパスワードを入力してみて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You don't understand, Bob.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "違うんだよボブ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There isn't any prompt on my laptop at all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ラップトップに全くプロンプトが表示されないんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I called the front desk, and they said that the wifi is out at the entire hotel.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "フロントデスクに電話したんだけど、ホテル全体のWi-Fiが落ちていると言われたんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, then just use your smartphone as a personal hotspot.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なるほど、それならスマートフォンをパーソナルホットスポットとして使ってみて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What, how do I do that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なに、どうすればいいの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Open the settings, then select mobile data.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "設定を開き、次にモバイルデータを選択。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You'll see where it says \"personal hotspot\" turn that on.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "「パーソナルホットスポット」と表示されている箇所があるから、それをオンにして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Make sure that wifi and bluetooth are turned on.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wi-FiとBluetoothがオンになっていることを確認して。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then it will ask you to create a password.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それからパスワードを作成するように指示が出る。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Go to your laptop, and click the wifi icon at the bottom of your screen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ラップトップに移って、スクリーンの一番下にあるWi-Fiアイコンをクリックして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Choose \"Kevin's phone\", and enter the password that you created.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "「ケビンの電話」を選択して、君が作成したパスワードを入力して。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Awesome, it worked!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やった、うまくいったよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thanks Bob, you're a lifesaver, Bye.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとうボブ、君は命の恩人だよ、それじゃあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good Afternoon Retail Apparel Store A purchasing committee.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは小売アパレルストアA購買委員会のみなさま。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I apologize for the delay, just had some technical difficulties, but now they have been resolved.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "遅れてすみません、技術的な問題がありまして、たった今解決しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Here is what your custom point of sale system will look like.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これが御社のカスタム販売所情報管理システムの外観です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, it sure is sleek.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わあ、確かに洗練されてますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I like that all of our products have been streamlined into different categories.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我が社の製品がすべて、カテゴリー別に整理されているところがいいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, but what is the price point?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、でも価格はどうでしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Absolutely, let me get to that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、それについて説明させてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First, let me ask how much of your employees time would be saved if you were to implement our system?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まず、お伺いします、私たちのシステムを導入することになったとしたら、従業員の時間をどれだけ節約できると思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We did a case study with another company called Kids Clothes Store ABC.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我が社では子供服ストアABCという別の会社でケーススタディを行いました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Their efficiency of their employees went up 20 percent.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "従業員の作業効率は20パーセント上昇しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This allowed them to spend more time with their customers, which gave them the ability to upsell.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このシステムは彼らが顧客とより多くの時間を費やすことを可能にし、客単価を上げる事ができました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Instead of just buying a pair of pants, most customers would buy a whole new wardrobe.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ一本のズボンを購入するのではなく、ほとんどのお客様が新しいワードローブを丸ごと購入するようになるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This increased consultation time between staff and customers brought revenue up for them by 200,000 dollars in the first quarter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この接客時間の増加は、第1四半期に彼らに20万ドルの増収をもたらしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "To specify, these numbers are just from one location.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さらに言うと、この数字はたった1店舗だけのものです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Their system was 5,000 dollars.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この会社のシステムは5000ドルでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, if they made that big of an increase in revenue, I certainly see value in your system.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なるほど、彼らがそれほど多くの増収をしたんなら、おたくのシステムには確かに価値がありますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just hope it works as well for us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それが我々にとってもうまくいくといいんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, what's our custom pricing?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、我が社向けの価格はいくらになりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you implement our system across all of your locations, we can sell it to you for just 3,999 dollars each.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしも私どものシステムを全てのロケーションに設置していただけるのであれば、それぞれ3,999ドルで販売可能です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to thank all of you for taking time out of your busy schedules today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日は、お忙しい中、時間を割いていただきありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Today's assembly is to outline emergency procedure for an active shooter situation here at Tech Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日の集会は、射撃犯が現れた際のテックA社での緊急手順の概要についてです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In the event of an emergency, always call 911.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "緊急の場合は、必ず911に電話してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If a hostile intruder or active shooter is outside your building, get inside a room that can be locked.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "敵意のある侵入者または射撃犯があなたの建物の外にいる場合は、施錠できる部屋の中に入ってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Close and lock all windows.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すべての窓を閉めてロックします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Turn off the lights.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "消灯します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Get everyone down on the floor so no one is visible from outside of the room.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "誰も部屋の外から見えないように、全員を床に座らせます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Call 911 and answer the dispatcher's questions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "911に電話してオペレーターの質問に答えます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do not answer the attacker if they begin to talk to you or make demands.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "犯人があなたに話しかけたり要求したりして来た場合は、何も答えないでください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Stay in place until the police arrives.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "警察が到着するまでその場に留まってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, you up front with your hand up, did you have a question?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、1番前で手を上げている方、何か質問ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, why shouldn't we try to run away?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええと、なぜ私たちは逃げようとしてはいけないのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The specific situation and location matters.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "状況と場所によって対応は違ってきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In this case, since the shooter is outside, the first place he is going to be are the doors.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この場合、射撃犯は外にいるので、彼が最初に現れる場所はドアです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The most important thing is to remember to either run, hide or fight.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最も重要なことは、逃げる、隠れる、戦うことを忘れないことです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's really scary.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とても怖いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Could it really happen here?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当にここで起こり得るでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Unfortunately, it could.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "残念ながら、可能性はあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If a shooter is inside, the first thing you should do is exit if it is safe.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "射撃犯が中にいるならば、まず最初に安全を確認して外へ出てください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Notify anyone you may encounter that they should exit the building immediately.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしも誰かに遭遇した場合は直ちに建物を出るべきであることを知らせてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If exiting the building is not possible, hide in a room with a lock and door if one is available.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "建物から出ることが不可能な場合は、鍵とドアがある部屋があればそこに隠れます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What should we expect when the police arrive?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "警察が到着したときはどういったことを心がければ良いですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Police officers responding to an active shooter situation proceed immediately to the area in which shots were last heard.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "射撃犯に対応している警察官は、まず射撃が最後に聞こえたエリアに進みます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Their purpose is to stop the shooting as quickly as possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らの目的はできるだけ早く射撃を止めることです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The first officers to arrive will not stop to aid injured people.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最初に到着した警察官が負傷者を救助するために立ち止まることはありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Rescue teams composed of other officers and emergency medical personnel will follow after areas have been secured.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "エリアの安全が確保された後、他の警察官と救急医療要員で構成される救助隊が後へ続きます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Understand that the police will be treating all those they encounter as possible suspects.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "警察は彼らが遭遇するすべての人を被疑者として扱いますからそれを理解しておく事。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You must remain calm.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "落ち着いて行動してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do as the officers tell you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "警察官の指示に従ってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Put down bags or packages you may be carrying.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもバッグやパッケージを持っていたら置いてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Keep your hands up and visible at all times.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "常に手を挙げて目に見えるようにしてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you know where the active shooter is, tell the officers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "射撃犯がどこにいるか知っていたら、警察官に伝えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Once out of harm's way, remain at whatever assembly point authorities designate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "危険から逃れたら、当局の指定するいずれかの集会場所に留まってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do not leave until you have been interviewed and released.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "取り調べを受けて釈放されるまで立ち去らないでください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for all of your information today, Stan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日はありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where can we find this information?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この情報はどこにありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Everything is on our website on the emergency info page.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちのウェブサイトの緊急情報ページに全部あります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Everyone please give Stan a round of applause for his information today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆さん本日は情報提供者のスタンに拍手を。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good Morning, Retail Apparel Store A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おはようございます、小売アパレルストアAです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Candace?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "キャンディス?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is she.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey, this is Jackie, you came and helped us open the store in Memphis last summer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうも、ジャッキーです、去年メンフィス店のオープニングのヘルプに来てくれましたよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How's it going down there with the new store?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新しい店はどんな感じですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's going pretty good, but there have been a few issue.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "結構うまくいっているんですが、ちょっと問題がありまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あら、何が起きたんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We've had a really high turnover rate with employees.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "従業員の離職率がとても高いんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They just leave after a few weeks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "数週間で辞めてしまうんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was hoping to get some more management advice from you, Candace.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "キャンディス、あなたからもう少し管理上のアドバイスが欲しいなと思っていたんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Absolutely, Jackie.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろん相談にのりますよ、ジャッキー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why do you think they are leaving?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なぜ彼らが辞めてしまうと思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I took your advice about getting to know the employees.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、あなたのアドバイス通り従業員との付き合いを深めるようにしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I started hanging out with them, and we became really good friends.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よく話すようになって、私たちは本当に良い友達になりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, some of them don't listen to me anymore because we were friends and I got upset.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だけど、友達になったせいで私の言うことを聞かなくなった人達が何人かいて、私は腹を立てたんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We got into an argument, and they just walked out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "議論になって、その人達はそのまま辞めてしまいました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh that is a problem, Jackie.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なるほど、それは問題ですねジャッキー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me clarify something, you’re now in a position of power and authority.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はっきり言いますね、あなたは今、力と権威のある役職についているんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Although it's good to get to know employees and have good relations, they need to understand that you are not their peer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "従業員と知り合いになって、良い関係を築くことは悪くないことですが、あなたが同僚ではないことを彼らに理解してもらわないと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You're right, it has created a lot of trouble.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、そこが問題の種でしたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think some of the employees left because I wasn't giving them enough attention.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私が彼らに十分な注意を払っていなかったんで辞めてしまったんだと思うんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But, I can't spend time with everyone everyday!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうはいっても毎日みんなと時間を過ごすことはできませんし!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You created a perception of bias and favoritism.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "偏見やえこひいきが横行していると思われたんでしょうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I suppose I did, but I really didn't mean too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんでしょうね、でも本当にそんなつもりはなかったんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also a lot of the employees I don't really know well are just wasting time on the clock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、あまり付き合いのない従業員達の方は作業効率が悪いんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうしたら良いと思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First you need to discover the source of employees' dissatisfaction.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まず、従業員の不満の原因を見つけ出さないといけませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If a manager doesn’t have a clear vision of where they want to take their store in the future, then there is no way they can hire the right people.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マネージャーは将来自分の店をどうして行きたいのかという明確なビジョンを持っていなければ、適切な人物を雇うことはできません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You need to let your employees know your expectations.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "従業員達にあなたの期待している事をわかってもらう必要がありますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This needs to happen in such a way that the manager and the employees share a vision of the desired outcome.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マネージャーと従業員達が望んでいる方向性のビジョンを共有するような形で進める必要があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Everyone needs to be accountable for meeting store goals.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "店舗の目標を達成することに対して全員が責任を負う必要があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, you're so professional Candace.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うわー、あなたはとてもプロフェッショナルですね、キャンディス。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just think of my job as hanging out at the store and selling clothes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "店にいて服を売るだけが自分の仕事だと思っていましたが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You have really put a lot into perspective for me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたのおかげで視野が広がりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've been doing this for a really long time Jackie.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "長いことこの仕事をやっていますからね、ジャッキー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll leave you with one more piece of advice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう1つアドバイスをしておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If employees know that their performance is being measured in a constructive way, they are less likely to waste so much time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "従業員達の成績を建設的な方法で記録してみせれば作業効率は上がりますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You really do need to make it a team effort.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当にチーム全体で努力する必要があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know you can do this Jackie!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたなら出来ますよ、ジャッキー!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Rumor has it that our company will be bought out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの会社が買収されるという噂があるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have been hearing that rumor for years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その噂なら何年も聞いているよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, this one is legit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回は本当みたいだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I heard Mr. Dillard is retiring in order to take care of his sick wife.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ディラードさんは病気の奥様の世話をする為に退職すると聞いたの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, Julie from the marketing department saw Mr.Dillard having a meeting with the CEO of Y company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それと、ディラードさんがY社の経営者とミーティングをしているのをマーケティング部のジュリーが見たんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And they were smiling and shaking hands as if something good was about to happen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か良い事が始まるかの様に笑顔で握手をしていたんだって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You have got to be kidding me!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "冗談でしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Out of hundreds of companies, it has to be Y company!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何百とある会社があるのに、Y社なんだ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you think the buyout is going to cause us any problems?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "買収されたら何か問題が起こるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh yes, the new CEO will most likely move all the manufacturing jobs abroad.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだよ、新しい経営者は全ての製造業を海外に移すだろう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Y company already has several large factories in China, Bangladesh, and the Philippines.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Y社はすでに中国、バングラデシュ、フィリピンに大きな工場を持っているからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's cost-effective, and many companies do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "費用削減にもなるし、どこの会社もやっている事だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, we don't.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもうちはしてないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "All of our products are made here, in the States.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの商品は全てアメリカ国内で生産している。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mr. Dillard takes a pride in offering \"Made In USA\" products.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ディラードさんは「アメリカ産」という商品を提供する事に誇りを持っているんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And a lot of our customers choose us for the same exact reasons.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "顧客の大半は同じ理由でうちの商品を選んでくれている。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If we start manufacturing overseas, I don't know how the quality of our products is going to be.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし海外で製造する事になったら、品質はどうなるかわからないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am pretty sure it will be fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは大丈夫だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Personally, I don't have any problem with items that were made in those countries.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "個人的には、他の国で製造された商品への不満はないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Most of the stuff around us is usually made overseas nowadays.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今時ほとんどの物は海外製造されているし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's not the point though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういう事じゃないんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you imagine what will happen if the new CEO decides to close down our factory here?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新しい経営者がうちの工場を閉鎖したらどうなるか想像つく?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, the workers get laid off?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、従業員が解雇される?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "All those factory workers will definitely end up losing their jobs.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "工場で働く従業員は皆職を失う事になるのは確かだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My good friend, George, has been there for 24 years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の友人ジョージは24年勤務してるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He can not afford to be unemployed with two children still in high school.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだ高校生の子供が二人いるから失業なんてできないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "His wife is disabled, so she would not be able to help support those kids.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼の奥さんは体に障害があるから、子供達を金銭的にサポートするのは無理。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, that would be awful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わー、それは大変そうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He isn't the only one who will be affected negatively.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "悪影響を受けるのは彼だけじゃないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Think about the rest of the 250 employees at the factory.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "工場勤務の250人の従業員の事を考えてみて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Many of them have been loyal and working there for years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "多くの人は長年、忠実に勤務してきてるんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, they certainly do not deserve to be laid off.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かに解雇されるような事はしてないよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wish there was something we could do to prevent the new CEO from shutting down the factory.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新しい経営者が工場を閉鎖するのをどうにかして阻止できればいいんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We could protest against it along with the factory workers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "工場の従業員と共に抗議してみようか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I don't know how it is going to change the situation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもそれで状況が変わるかはわからないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sometimes, you just have to accept a change and adapt to it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "時には変化を受け入れて順応するしかないんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But we don't even know exactly what the future holds for our company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもまだうちの会社がこれからどうなるかはわからないから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The factory might never get shut down.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "工場は閉鎖しないかもしれないし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We just have to hope for the best in this situation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とにかくうまくいく事を願うしかないんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I guess so.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mr. Gordon, we have a problem here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ゴードンさん、ちょっと困った事になりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうしたんだい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have a schedule conflict.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スケジュールが重なっているんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Your meeting with Mr. Kitano is scheduled at the exact same time as the one with Ms. Willis.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "北野さんとのミーティングがウィリスさんとのミーティングと全く同じ時間に予定されています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What, how did that happen?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何、どうしてそんな事になったんだい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You are usually on top of my schedule and don't make a mistake like this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君はいつも私の予定管理をしっかりしているから、この様なミスはしないじゃないか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Remember the day I had to take off to go to my son's school performance?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "息子の学校の発表会に出席するために休んだ日を覚えていますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Whoever filled in for me must have done this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の代わりに入った人がやってしまったようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would not have taken a day off, had I known a mistake like this would happen during my absence.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の不在中にこんなミスが起こると知っていたら、休みなんか取らなかったんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So which meeting do you want me to reschedule?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どちらのミーティングを変更させたらよいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Which one was scheduled first?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どちらが最初に予定されてたんだい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The one with Ms.Willis was set up almost a month ago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ウィリスさんとのものは約一か月前から予定されています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, we need to keep that then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、そちらを優先して。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But we also want to do our best to honor the meeting with Mr. Kitano too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、何とかして北野さんとのミーティングの約束を守るべきですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Everybody knows he has quite a temper.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼はとても短気で有名ですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh yes, I am well aware of that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、よくわかっているよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And punctuality and sincerity is very important to him.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから時間厳守、誠実さは彼にとって重要な事らしいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We should definitely keep his meeting as it is.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼とのミーティングはそのままにしておくべきです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I also remember her assistant telling me this date was the only day he is available to us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その日にちしか彼は予定が空かないとアシスタントが言っていたのも覚えています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are in a bind here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "困った事になりましたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hate to do this to Ms. Willis, but I can ask her to come in a little bit early that morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あまり気乗りしないのですが、ウィリスさんに同日の朝早めに来てもらうようにお願いしてみますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Move the meeting up by an hour, maybe?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一時間程ミーティングはを早めてみましょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, she has always been flexible with us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだね、彼女はいつも融通が利くからな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't see her giving us a hard time about it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女が私たちを責めるなんて想像できませんよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I suppose we will move up her meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ彼女とのミーティングを変更する事にしようか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "An hour should be enough time for our meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ミーティングをは一時間あれば十分なはずだから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's a good thing the meeting isn't happening until next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ミーティングが来週で良かったですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It would have been a disaster if the meetings was to happen today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしこれが今日だったら最悪でしたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's why I only trust my schedule with you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だから私の予定を頼むのは君だけにしてるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Nobody is as organized as you are.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君みたいにとても計画的性のある人はいないから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am glad I can be your help.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お力になれてうれしいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am going to call Ms. Willis's assistance right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではウィリスさんのアシスタントに電話しますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please tell her I will be calling Ms. Willis in a little bit as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の方からもウィリスさんに電話を入れる事を伝えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I need to personally make an apology for this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この件について個人的に謝らないといけないな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, can you call Mr.Kitano's office to give a confirmation about the meeting?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから北野さんのオフィスに電話してミーティングの確認をいれておいて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will get it done immediately.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "直ちに取り掛かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for all you do for me, Kira.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "キラさん、私の元で働いてくれて有難う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So we narrowed it down to these three.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この三人に絞り込めましたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is going to be a tough decision to make.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なかなか難しい選択になりそうですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Here are our three top candidates.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "有力候補はこちらの三人です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sato Misaki with the longest experience in the marketing field.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マーケティング業界で一番経験が豊富な佐藤 美咲さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ben Harmon with an impressive resume.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "素晴らしい履歴書をお持ちのベン ハーモンさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Don't forget his master's degree from the Ivy league college.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼のアイビーリーグの大学の修士号の事も忘れずに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He seems like the brightest one of all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼、一番賢そうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And Sanjay Patel who helped Company E's product become one of the top selling items this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして今年E社の商品をトップセラーにする事に貢献したサンジェイ パテルさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am pretty impressed with all three of them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "3人とも素晴らしいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I personally like Misaki the most.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも個人的には美咲さんが良いです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can't beat 13 years of experience.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "13年の経験に勝るものはありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She must know all the ins and outs of the business.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女はビジネスのノウハウを知っているはずですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, Sanjay seems just as competent.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、サンジェイさんも同じ位有能な様です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Company E had a huge success with their product L.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "E社は商品Lで大成功しましたよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And Sanjay was in charge of that promotional campaign.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サンジェイさんはそのプロモーションキャンペーンの責任者でしたから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about Ben?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ベンさんはどうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I really liked how articulate and confident he was at the interview.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "面接の時、明確で自信たっぷりだった所が気に入りました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can totally picture him leading our marketing team.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我が社のマーケティングチームを引っ張ってくれるのが想像できます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But he is fresh out of college and lacks solid experience.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも彼は新卒だし、しっかりとした経験が不足しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Otherwise he would be perfect.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうでなければ、完璧なんですけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He graduated from one of the best business schools in the States.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼はアメリカで一番を争うビジネススクールを卒業していますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He is very knowledgeable and promising as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "知識豊富だし、有望です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can also count his internship at M corporation as his experience.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mコーポレーションでのインターンシップの経験も考慮しましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "His resume says he interned there for 2 and a half years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼の履歴書によると、そこで二年半インターンをしたそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know Misaki is the most experienced one here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "美咲さんは一番経験豊富ですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But does she have any significant achievements?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、何か著しい功績はあるんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I did not see many on her resume.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "履歴書にはあまり記載されていなかったのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But she seems to have steady performance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "パフォーマンスは安定しているようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I actually know one of her old co-workers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女の元同僚を知っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He talks so highly of her.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女の事とても良く言ってますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In my opinion, Sanjay is the best candidate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の考えでは、サンジェイさんが一番の有力候補です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He has the expertise and the knowledge required for this specific job.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "職務に必要な知識と経験を持ち合わせています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And his achievements over the last few years can back him up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして過去数年の功績もプラスですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I could not agree with you more on this one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "仰る通りだと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He seems personable and will be a respected leader too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "人当たりも良さそうだし、尊敬されるリーダーになりそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's your choice, Jose and Danny?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ホゼさん、ダニーさんの選択はどちらですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I really liked Ben, but Sanjay seems like a better suit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当はベンさんが良かったんですが、この職にはサンジェイさんが最適のようですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I vote for him too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私も彼に一票です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So we have come to a conclusion.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "結論が出ました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sanjay Patel will be the one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サンジェイ パテルさんに決定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am going to show you how to take care of a return and refund request.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今から返品と返金リクエストの処理の仕方について教えます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I want you to pay extra attention to this part.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この部分は特に気をつけておいてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anything to do with a refund should be taken seriously.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "返金が絡む場合は真剣に処理するべきですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right, we shouldn't refund anyone who asks for it for no reason.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、何の理由もなく依頼してくる人には返金するべきではないですからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The first step is to review a refund request thoroughly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まず最初に返金リクエストをしっかり把握します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I already know how to pull up each and every order information.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "個人オーダー情報の出し方はもう知っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Every request should list a reason for return or refund.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "リクエストにはそれぞれ返品もしくは返金依頼の理由が記載されているはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If a mistake is on our end, we need to issue a refund without any issue.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらのミスの場合は何の問題もなく返金してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But how do I know if a customer is being honest or not.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、どうやったら顧客が正直なのかわかりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's why we need to ask for pictures as a proof.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "証拠として写真を送ってもらうのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How do I ask politely?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どの様に頼めば親切に聞こえますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, you just tell them you need some pictures in order to provide better assistance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええっと、より良いサポートを提供する為に写真が必要だと伝えて下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If a customer is honest, he or she should be able to give us a proof.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし正直な顧客ならば証拠写真をちゃんと送ってくるはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Usually pictures are of items that are defective, damaged, or mixed-up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大概は故障品、損傷品、オーダー違いの写真です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sometimes you get an item that does not meet the product description on the website.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "時にはウェブサイトの商品説明と異なる品もあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In all those cases, you can go ahead and issue a refund right away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この様な場合はすぐに返金をしていいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What if I do not receive any pictures?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "写真が送られてこない場合はどうすれば良いですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In that situation, send a reminder in a few days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その場合は数日内に催促メッセージを送ってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you do not hear anything at all for 2 weeks, send an e-mail explaining we can not honor the request due to lack of evidence.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし2週間以上返事がなければ、残念ですが証拠が無いために返金が出来ないとメールを送って下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When a return is based on our mistake, we need to cover the shipping.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちのミスで返品される場合は、こちらで送料を持ちます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When it is not our fault, we ask our customers to pay for the shipping out of their pockets.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちのミスでなければ、お客様に自費で送料を出してもらいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have our return policy on our website, so you can familiarize yourself with it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "返品ルールがうちのホームページに記載してあるので、詳しく理解できますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I go ahead and issue my very first refund now under your supervision?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今見てもらってる間に初めての返金処理をしても良いですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I have this notification up here and I click it, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここに通知があるので、これをクリックしていいんですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It shows that this customer wants a refund due to a damaged product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このお客様は損傷品が理由で返金して欲しいとの事です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, pictures are already attached.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほら、もう写真が添付されていますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, it looks like the container had a hole and the content leaked all over.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うわっ、容器に穴が開いていて中身がこぼれたみたいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, we simply ask the customer to disposed of the damaged item in this case.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この場合はもうお客様に商品を破棄してもらってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok, there is no point of receiving this item back.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、これは返品されても意味はないですからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Go ahead and click issue a refund.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ返金というところをクリックして下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am typing in the full amount.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全額を入れますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And you also need to add an apology message in this section right here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから謝罪のメッセージもここに付け加えて下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We sincerely apologize for the disappointment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご迷惑をお掛けして申し訳ございません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How does it sound?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんな感じでよいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good, I think you got this down.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大丈夫です、もうばっちりですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can go ahead and take care of the rest of the requests too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では残りのリクエストの処理もしてみて下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for your help, Ms. Kodama.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "児玉さん、助けて下さりありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mr.Brown, here is the product you asked for.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ブラウンさん、頼まれた商品をお持ちしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh thank you, that was quick.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おー、ありがとう、早かったですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I also got those pictures the customer sent us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "消費者から送られてきた写真も届きました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "May I ask you what the problem is?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何が問題なのか聞いてもよいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have a customer claiming there are peanuts in our product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "消費者がうちの商品にピーナッツが混入していると主張しているんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So we need to compare the same exact product with those pictures.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので、同じ商品と写真を見比べなければいけないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it ok if I take a look at those pictures too?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私も見てもよろしいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, those two little pieces do look like peanuts.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、この小さなかけら2つ、ピーナツに見えますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "To be honest, they do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "正直なところ、見えますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But there is no way peanuts can get into our products.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもうちの商品にピーナツが混入する事はないはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Definitely not this product especially it is supposed to be nut-free.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "得にこの商品はナッツフリーと謳っているんですからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We don't even process anything that contains nuts at our factory.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我が社の工場ではナッツ配合の商品製造さえしていないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would like to think her claim is false.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女の主張が間違っているといいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But these pictures are pretty convincing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもこの写真は説得力がありますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If they really are peanuts, we would be in a bind.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これが本当にピーナツなら厄介な事になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You got the lot number on the product, right?.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "商品のロット番号はもう知ってますよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I need you to let Ms.Spencer know about it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スペンサーさんにそれを伝えて下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So she can provide us with the sample from the same batch.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "同じバッチからサンプルを提供してくれますので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok, I will give her a call immediately.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "かしこまりました、直ぐに彼女に電話をします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also would you mind informing her on this whole situation?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから、彼女にこの一件について説明してもらっても良いですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And let her know I will be forwarding those pictures to her as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、私が写真を転送する事も伝えて下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Consider it done.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただちに取り掛かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think somebody stole my tablet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "誰かが私のタブレットを盗んだと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What makes you think that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうしてそう思うの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you sure you didn't misplace it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "休憩室のテーブルの上に置いて、急いで自分のデスクにお弁当箱を取りに行ったの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When I came back, my tablet was gone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "戻ってきたら、タブレットがなくなっていたの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何処かに置き忘れたんじゃないの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Positive!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは絶対にないよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I left it right on the table.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "テーブルの上に置いていたはずだから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was going to read a book on my tablet while I eat.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "食事中にタブレットで読書をするつもりだった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then I realized I had forgotten my lunch box at my desk.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもデスクにお弁当箱を忘れたのを思い出したの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am afraid we have a thief at this office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このオフィスに泥棒がいるんだと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This isn't the first time stuff went missing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "物が無くなったのは今回が初めてじゃないし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you remember Stacey looking for her phone last week?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先週ステイシーの電話が無くなったのを覚えてる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, she never found it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、結局見つからなかったよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I also know there has been some personal food missing from the refrigerator too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから冷蔵庫からは個人の食べ物が無くなったりしてるんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am going to suggest at the next monthly meeting that we install a surveillance camera in our breakroom.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来月のミーティングで休憩室に監視カメラを設置する様に提案してみようと思ってる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A surveillance camera will definitely prevent theft for sure.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "監視カメラは絶対に窃盗を防ぐはずだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Or it will catch a thief in the act.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしくは、泥棒を現行犯で見つける事もできる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you really think it's good idea?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当にそれがいい案だと思うの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Personally, I do not want to feel like being watched during a break.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "個人的には休憩中にまで監視されるのは嫌だな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will never be able to feel relaxed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全然リラックスできそうにない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wait until you get your item stolen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自分の物が盗まれてごらん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then you will want a camera in every corner of every room.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そしたら全ての部屋の隅々にカメラを置きたくなるはずだから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I guess installing a surveillance camera is feasible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあ、監視カメラ設置は実行可能な事だろうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hope we have enough budget for that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その為の予算があるといいよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There will be quite a few people backing up my suggestion.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の提案に賛成してくれる人が結構いるはずだから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Who wants a thief snooping around in our office?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オフィス内で泥棒がこそこそしているのを好む人なんていないでしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just can't believe anyone would do that on the job.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも業務中にそんな事をする人がいるなんて信じられないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If caught, the person will lose his or her job.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "捕まったら首になるんだから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Some people don't have moral compass.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "倫理基準がない人もいるんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I do not wish to share an office with people like that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんな人たちとオフィスを共にするのは嫌だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I hope your tablet turn up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "タブレットが見つかるといいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hope so too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなる事を願っているわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mr. Green, I would like to talk to you personally.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "グリーンさん、個人的に話したい事があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Come on in my office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私のオフィスにどうぞ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I do not really want to do this, but somebody needs to step up and do it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当はこういう事をやりたくないのですが、誰かがしないといけない事です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is this about the project we are working on?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今やっているプロジェクトの事ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it is about Cameron.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、キャメロンについてです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Susan, Kazu, Yuka, and I collectively decided that we want him off the project.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼を外して欲しいとスーザン、カズ、ゆか、私の全員で決断しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He is such a hard worker.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼は熱心に働いてますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He appears that way to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたにはそう見えますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just want to let you know I am not here to tattle on him.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私が彼の告げ口をしているという訳ではないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We want you to know what's going on behind the scenes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "裏で一体何が起こっているかを知ってもらいたいんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok, I am listening.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、聞かせてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Cameron always makes us do all the work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "キャメロンはいつも私たちに全ての仕事をさせているんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then he takes all the credit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして、功績は自分のものにするんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What about the work I assigned him?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私が彼に指示した仕事はどうしたんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He had Kazu do all the research for him.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "カズが全てのリサーチをさせられてました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Susan ended up finishing up the Power Point slide show.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "パワーポイントのスライドショーはスーザンが仕上げる羽目になりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I got all the presentation materials ready for him too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして、プレゼンの準備は私がしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, I would have never suspected that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんな事になっているとは全く疑いもしなかったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He pretends to be working extra hard when you are around.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたがいる時は、真面目にしっかり働いている振りをしていますからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know what he does on his computer most of the time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼はいつもパソコンで何をしているか知っていますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He is either on social media or doing some online shopping.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ソーシャルメディアかオンラインショッピングをしているんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's deplorable!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何て酷い!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I like him as a friend, but he should not be trusted with this project.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼の事は友人としては好きですが、このプロジェクトに携わるべき人材ではありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The rest of us truly cares about the success of this project.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "残りの皆はこのプロジェクトが成功する事を真剣に考えています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We work night and day making sure everything you assign us gets complete in time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "与えられた仕事をきちんと予定通り終わるように朝から晩まで真面目に働いています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But Cameron!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもキャメロンったら!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He is being as lazy as he can be.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "怠けすぎです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for coming forward about this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "真実を教えてくれて有難う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I really appreciate your honesty.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君の誠実さにはとても感謝しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "From what I heard, we should definitely get him off this project.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "聞いたところによると、彼はもうこのプロジェクトから外すべきですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will have a meeting with him immediately.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼と今すぐミーティングをします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And don't you worry about feeling like a snitch.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "告げ口したとは思わないでくださいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will not mention your name.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたの名前は出しませんから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He will have to think it came from an anonymous source.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼は匿名情報だったと思うでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He had better straighten up his act.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼には気持ちを入れ替えて真面目になってもらわないといけませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Otherwise, he will get fired.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうでなければ、解雇です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for your kind understanding.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご理解頂き有難うございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now I feel like we can just focus on the project without distractions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やっとプロジェクトに集中する事ができます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Micah, what's going on?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マイカ、どうしたんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have a situation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "困った事になりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just got off the phone with a customer who claims we mislabeled one of our products.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我が社の商品はラベルミスがある、と主張する消費者の対応をしてました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "According to her, she found pieces of peanuts in our nut-free product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女によると、ナッツフリーの品にピーナッツのかけらを見つけたとの事です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Luckily her son, who is allergic to nuts, didn't have a chance to eat it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "幸いにもナッツアレルギーのある彼女の息子さんは食べなかったようですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But she was pretty furious and threatened to sue us if her son had gone into anaphylaxis shock because of our product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも彼女は怒り心頭で、もし我々のミスでアナフィラキシーショックが起こっていたならば、訴訟すると脅してましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What product are you talking about?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どの商品の事を言ってるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's Product N with the lot number L7654321.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ロット番号がL7654321の商品Nです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She really claimed it contained peanuts?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女は本当にピーナッツが混入してると主張してるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How did that happen?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうしてこの様な事になってのでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We don't even process peanuts at our factory.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "工場ではピーナツを使用する品の製造さえもしていないですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's what I explained to her.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その事も伝えました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She is supposed to send us pictures of what she found.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女から見つかった混入物の写真が送られてくるはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will forward the message to you so that you can look at them too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自分の目で確かめてもらう為に、写真が送られてきたら転送しますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I highly doubt they are actual peanuts though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実際はピーナツではないと思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, we will see.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "後にわかる事です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Meanwhile, I need to let the factory manager know about this issue.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その間、工場長にこの件について連絡を入れましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We need a sample from the same batch to investigate this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "詳しく調査する為に同じバッチからのサンプルが必要です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me check the label really quickly before we hang up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "電話を切る前にちょっとラベルチェックをさせて下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, no nuts are listed in the ingredients.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かにナッツは記載されていませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And our factory processes no nuts as far as I know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから我が社の工場ではナッツを使った製造はしていない事も知っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you think it's a possibility that someone intentionally contaminated it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしかして誰かが故意的に混入した可能性はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey, that sounds too far-fetched.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは信じがたいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You never know although I hate to doubt the factory workers like this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "工場の従業員を疑うのは嫌だけど、実際の所はわからないものですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Acts of deliberate food contamination is a criminal act.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "意図的な食品汚染は犯罪です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't think anyone would risk criminal charges.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わざわざ犯罪責任を負うような事をする人がいるとは思えません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then how in the world did peanuts get in our product?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ一体どうしてピーナツがうちの商品に購入したんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's what we are trying to figure out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その原因を見つけ出そうとしているんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can't do anything about it until the lab result of the sample comes back.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、サンプルの分析結果が出るまでは何もできないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please keep me posted on this situation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この事についてまた連絡をお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I will keep you in the know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新しい情報が入り次第お伝えします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for calling K food, this is Micah.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Kフードにお電話頂き有難うございます、マイカと申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How may I assist you today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, I am calling to let you know you mislabeled one of your products.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おたくの会社の商品ラベルに記載ミスがあるので電話をしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My child could have gone into anaphylaxis shock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの子がアナフィラキシーショックを起こす所でしたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is reprehensible!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とんでもない不届きです!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ma'am, I understand your frustration.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お客様のお気持ちお察しします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please calm down so that I can better assist you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お力になれますので、どうか落ち着いて頂けないでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "May I please have your name and tell me about the situation?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お名前と状況を伺ってもよろしいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My name is Amanda Louis and I live in Mobile, Alabama.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "名前はアマンダ ロイスでアラバマ州モービル在住です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I purchased your product N at Store G in my town yesterday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昨日この街のGストアでおたくの商品Nを購入しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As you may know by now, my son is highly allergic to peanuts.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もうお分かりかと思いますが、うちの息子は重症のピーナッツアレルギーがあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I pay very close attention to ingredients when I introduce new food to him.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですから、新しい食品を与える際は常に原材料を確認します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Since it was our first time purchasing your product, I double checked the label to make sure it did not contain nuts.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回おたくの商品を初めて買ったので、ナッツが含まれていないか二度確認しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I trusted your company with the package that says nut free.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "パッケージにナッツフリーと記載されてるので、信じていました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But you mislabeled the product!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも商品のラベル記載間違いしていますよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I found two small pieces of peanuts.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "小さなピーナツのかけらを二つ見つけました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You are so lucky that I had found those before my son had a chance to eat them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "息子が食べてしまう前に発見できて幸いです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I could have sued your company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "訴訟問題にもなりかねませんでしたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First of all, I am so sorry to hear what happened.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まずはこの様な事が起こってしまい、ご迷惑をお掛けした事にお詫びを申し上げます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I understand you are very upset about this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お客様のお怒りは理解できます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I would like to inform you that our product should not contain any nuts as the label shows.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですが、ラベル表示されている通りナッツが含まれている事はないはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is processed at a nut-free factory.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ナッツフリー工場で製造されています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So it can not be cross contaminated.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですので、交差汚染されている可能性もございません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That is hard to believe.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "信じがたいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will send you pictures of what I found.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "見つけた物の写真を送りますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They are clearly pieces of peanuts.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明らかにピーナッツのかけらですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would you please send us those pictures.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それらの写真を送って頂いてもよろしいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also could you provide us with the lot number on the product?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから商品に記載されているロット番号も教えて頂けますでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's L7654321.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "L7654321です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will let the factory manager know about this immediately so that they can look up the sample.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サンプル回収の為、工場長にこの事についてすぐに連絡を入れます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "One more thing, can you provide a phone number we can call back?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それと、折り返しお電話できる番号を教えて頂けますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's xxx-xxx-xxxx.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "xxx-xxx-xxxxです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's my cell phone number, so I should be able to answer anytime.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の携帯番号なので、いつでも出る事ができますので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Again I sincerely apologize for the frustration.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご迷惑をお掛けしたことを改めてお詫び申し上げます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As soon as I hear from our factory, I will give you a call back.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "工場から連絡が入り次第、すぐに連絡いたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How can I help you, Mr. Knight?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ナイトさん、どうなさいましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "John just put in his two weeks notice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ジョンがあと二週間で辞めるんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Here is his letter of resignation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これが彼の辞表。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This was so unexpected.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これは予期してなかったですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Was he offered a better job somewhere else?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何処かで良い仕事が見つかったんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, he is starting his own business.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいえ、自分で開業するらしいんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, that's exciting for him.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know he is always ambitious.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼はいつも意欲的ですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anyway, I need you to put in an ad for his position.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、求人募集を掲載してもらいたいんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Newspaper A and B and job search engine websites L and M.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "AとB新聞と求人サーチエンジンLとM。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And don't forget to put it on our website as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから、うちのホームページにも掲載するのを忘れないでね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok, I will list it as Creative Marketing Director position.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "クリエイティブ マーケティング ディレクターで載せておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there anything specific you want to include in the job descriptions and requirements?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "職務内容と条件に特別に記載したい事はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Make sure to list detailed knowledge of public relations functions and marketing disciplines.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "広報職務とマーケティングについて詳しい知識があるという事が必須だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also knowledge of social media strategies and execution.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それからソーシャルメディア戦略と遂行についての知識。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Minimum 5 years of experience in digital marketing is a must.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最低5年のデジタルマーケティングの経験も必要。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Bachelor's degree in Marketing, Communication or similar field is preferred.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マーケティング、コミュニケーションもしくは似た分野の学士号も望ましいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This position is also in charge of our Creative Design team, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このポジションは我が社のクリエイティブデザインチームの責任者でもありますよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, so experience in Graphic Design is also a plus.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだね、だからグラフィックデザインの経験もプラスだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Applicants should be creative, motivated, and team oriented.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "クリエイティブで、意欲的、そしてチームワークを重視できる応募者が必要だ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We need someone who pays close attention to details.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちゃんと詳細に目を向ける事ができる人が必要だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, absolutely.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは確かです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can also add some more requirements that are appropriate for the position.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の方でこのポジションに適した条件を幾つか付け足しておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have done so many recruitment ads before.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今まで求人募集を何度もしてきましたので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am counting on you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When is the deadline?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "締切日はいつにしますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, the sooner the better since John is leaving in two weeks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ジョンが2週間後に去るから、なるべく早い方がいいな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I want to take time to hire the perfect candidate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも時間をかけて完璧な候補者を選びたい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We should not rush and make a hasty decision.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "急いで早まった決断はしない方がいいですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about the end of this month?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では今月末はどうかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It should give us sufficient time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "充分時間はあるはずだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Meanwhile we have Maria filling in John's position until it gets filled.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "後任が決まるまではマリアにジョンの代わりを務めてもらおう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sounds like a plan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mrs.Tomonaga, is this a good time to talk for a few minutes?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "朝長さん、数分お時間よろしいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろん、どうなさいましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am calling to let you know I am leaving the office at the end of this month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今月末でここのオフィスを離れる事になりまして、お電話させていただきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you quitting?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "退職されるのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, I am getting transferred to another branch.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいえ、別の支店に転勤する事になったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our company is opening a new branch in downtown.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ダウンタウンに我が社の新支店がオープンするんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I did not know that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "知りませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wanted to let you know that Joshua Harris will take over my position.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ジョシュア ハリスが私の後任を務めます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He currently is being trained by me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "現在私が彼のトレーニングをしてまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am teaching him everything I know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "知っている事全て教えているところです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I feel confident he will do a good job as my successor.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の後継者としてきちんと仕事をこなしてくれると信じています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは心強いです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But he definitely has big shoe to fill.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも重責を担う事は確かですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It has been a pleasure doing business with you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "貴方と取引する事ができ光栄でしたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Same to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらも同じです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By the way, I went ahead and turned in your order for next month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ところで、来月のオーダーですがもう発注しておきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just want to make sure if there hasn't been any change.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か修正がないか確認させて下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am glad you asked me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "聞いてくださって良かったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wanted 3 more units of Product K added.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "K商品を3点追加して頂きたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will get it corrected immediately.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "直ちに修正しておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you ever have any concerns or questions, feel free to give me a call anytime in the next two weeks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また何か気になる事や質問があれば、2週間内でしたらいつでもお電話下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thanks for your kindness for the last 3 years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "3年間良くして頂き、有難うございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wish you all the best.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これからのご健闘を願っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good luck to you at the new office too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "貴方の新しいオフィスでのご活躍を祈っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is your computer working ok?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "パソコンちゃんと可動してる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was about to ask you the same question!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょうど今同じ質問するところだったよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mine won't let me do anything.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何しても動かないの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey, what happened to the computer?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ねえ、パソコンどうした?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Looks like the system went down.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "システムエラーになったみたいだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "why does it have to happen now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何で今起こらないといけないの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was just about to finish putting in new customer information.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょうど新しい顧客情報を入力するのが終了するところだったのに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I do not wish to do it all over again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また初めからやり直したくないな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me call Tommy in the IT department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "IT部のトミーさんを呼んでみよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If there is a glitch in the system, he is the right guy to call.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "システムに問題発生した時は、彼を呼ぶのが一番だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I heard he is a true tech whiz.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼は本当のハイテク達人らしいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The last time our system went down, he got it up and running in less than 30 minutes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "前回システムエラーになった際、彼は30分以内に修理したんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, that's amazing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わー、それは素晴らしい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe he will fix the system to where I won't have to type in all the information again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしかしたら、私がまた情報入力しなくて良い所まで修理してくれるかも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You really dread putting in customer information.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君は顧客情報入力が本当に嫌なんだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's just a lot of typing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "タイプしないといけない量が半端ないのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But don't get me wrong.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも勘違いしないでね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am really thankful for my job.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この仕事ができて本当に有難いと思っている。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok, Tommy should be here in 15 minutes or so.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オッケー、15分くらいでトミーさんが来てくれるはずだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He is finishing up a repair at the front desk.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "フロントデスクでの修理がもう少しで終わるらしいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良かったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's discuss our mandatory evacuation drill.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全員参加の避難訓練について話し合いましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What time do you guys think we should conduct it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつ行ったら良いと思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think we should do it the first thing in the morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "朝一番でした方が良いと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That way, we can get it over with and focus on our jobs.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さっさと終わらせる事で仕事にも集中できます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First thing in the morning?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "朝一番?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We all get swamped with work as the day progresses.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "時間が経つに連れて、皆仕事に没頭するでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I understand your point of view, but...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "考えは理解できるのですが、、、。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ms. Lee, you seem reluctant.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "リーさん、躊躇っているようですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We should purposely do it during the busiest time of the day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "意図的に一番忙しい時間帯にするべきですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Fire, an earthquake, an armed intruder could happen any time of the day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "火事、地震、凶器を持った侵入者などいつでも起こる可能性があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, we can not predict those things", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、これらの出来事は予測できませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A disaster could happen to us at the most inconvenient time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "災害は一番不利な時間に起こる事もあり得ます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If we have had an opportunity to practice evacuation in such a condition, we will be better prepared.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "事前にその様な状況で避難する練習をしておけば、より心構えができます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I really hate to waste time on a drill.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "訓練のために時間を無駄にするのは嫌ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A drill is not a waste of time, Mr. Russell.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "訓練は時間の無駄ではありませんよ、ラッセルさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry I already feel pressured to do my job with limited time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "常に時間内に仕事を終わらせなければいけないプレッシャーがあるもので、すみません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My time is really precious.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の時間はとても貴重なんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's exactly why we need to do this drill during the day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だからこそ日中に訓練をすべきなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So you will be better equipped when an unfortunate event hits us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "不幸が起きたときに、ちゃんと心構えが出来ているでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Don't you want to save yourself and your coworkers?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自分自身、同僚を救いたくないのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Of course, I do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろん救いたいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What Ms. Lee says makes more sense in this case.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この場合はリーさんが仰る通りですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know you always pour yourself into work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつもあなたが仕事に熱中しているのを知っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am very impressed with your dedication.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "熱心さにとても感心していますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You could take a 30 minute break just one day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "たった一日くらい30分休憩取れるでしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I guess I could.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You are not going to regret it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "絶対後悔はしませんよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok, we are going with Ms. Lee's idea.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よし、今回はリーさんの案でいきましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will decide on the exact time when we come back.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "戻ってきたら、時間を決めましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am about show you how to handle phone calls.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今から電話対応の仕方を教えます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you had a chance to read through the sample scripts?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "例文スクリプトを読む機会はありましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I have read them all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、全て読みました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You are going to use those scripts as guidelines and tweak them as you go.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スクリプトをガイドラインとして使用して、状況によって訂正してみて下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The most important thing here is you stay calm and keep your composure.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一番大切な事は落ち着いて、取り乱さない事です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also you need to stay professional.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それと、ちゃんとプロフェッショナルでいる事。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will do my best to do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全力を尽くします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You should already know how to pull up each customer's order information.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お客様の個人オーダー情報の出し方はもう知っていますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I got that part down.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはもう完璧です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Most customers will not give you a hard time if you give them the correct information they need.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "きちんと必要な情報を伝えれば、大抵のお客様は文句を言ってくる事はありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But there are callers who are upset and hostile too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも中には怒っていて敵対心を持っている人もいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Make sure you do not take those calls personally.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その様なコールを個人的に受け取らないようにしてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When you pick up a phone call, you need to give a great impression.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "電話を取る際は、良い印象を与えないといけません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok, go ahead and try.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあやってみて下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for calling Company P.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "P会社です、お電話有難うございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is Takashi.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "孝と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sounds very friendly and sincere.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "フレンドリーで誠実そうに聞こえますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You do not need to sound overly excited.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこまで活気がなくてもいいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Make sure you stay polite.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "礼儀正しくして下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also refer each customer by his or her last name.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから、お客様を苗字で呼んでください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mr. and Ms. such and such?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ミスター、ミス何々ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "完璧です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It can be stressful to deal with angry customers at times.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "怒ってらっしゃるお客様に対応するのは精神的に疲れてしまう事もあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I prefer to have you take care of such calls on your own.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういう時もなるべく自分の力で対応して欲しいと思っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But do not hesitate to ask me for help.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも私に助けを求める事を躊躇わないでください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's my job to assist you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたを助ける事が私の仕事です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will try not to let you down.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "期待に添えるようにします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, this is John McManus from K trade.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Kトレードのジョン マクマナスと申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi John, how are you doing?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ジョンさん、お元気でいらっしゃいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am calling about your order that is supposed to be delivered next Monday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週配達予定のオーダーの件でお電話させてもらっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there an issue?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か問題でも?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I regret to inform you that we have to extend the delivery date.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大変申し訳ないのですが、配達日を延長させて頂きたいんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our warehouse was flooded during the recent tropical storm.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先日のトロピカルストームで我が社の倉庫が浸水被害を受けまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Some of the inventory wasn't affected.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "被害がなかった品もあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But a lot of the items have water damage.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですが、大半の品は水浸しになってしまいました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Unfortunately, yours are also in unsellable condition.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "残念ながら、御社の品も販売できる状態ではありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご迷惑をお掛けして、本当に申し訳ありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, it's not your fault.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、でもそちらの非ではありませんからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You could have not prevented it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "防ぐ事は無理でしたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is everybody at your office alright?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オフィスの皆さんは大丈夫ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Luckily, our office was spared.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "幸いにも、我が社のオフィスは被害を免れました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "None of our employees had any damage to their houses.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "従業員も誰も家に被害がありませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you happen to know when you get new inventory items, by the way?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ところで、いつ新しい商品が届くかわかりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our factory in China is shipping them out tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "中国の工場から明日送られてくる予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So we should receive them in 2 weeks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですので、2週間ほどで到着する程です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will do our best to get your items delivered as fast as possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "できるだけ早くお届けできますように全力を尽くします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As soon as it is shipped from our warehouse, we will send you a confirmation e-mail with a tracking number as usual.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつも通り、商品発送の際に追跡番号を含めた確認メールをお送り致します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わざわざ知らせて下さり、有難うございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You seem upset about something.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か動揺しているみたいだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know who we are about to have a meeting with?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今から誰とミーティングするか知ってるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mr. Gill from H Consultation?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hコンサルテーションのギル氏だろう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Haven't you heard about him?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼の話聞いた事ないの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, I have not.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや、何も聞いてないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There is a rumor that he has been accused of sexual misconduct.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼は、セクハラ疑惑の噂があるのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What, where did you hear that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええっ、どこで聞いたの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He has been notorious for making lewd comments and touching female coworkers inappropriately for a long time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼は性的発言したり、不適切なボディータッチをするとずっと有名だったの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wish I had known Company F was bringing him in for today's meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "F社が彼を連れてくると知ってたら良かったのに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Honestly, I do not feel comfortable with him here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "正直なところ、彼の近くに居るのは居心地が悪い。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am so sorry you have to be at this meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このミーティングに出席させるの申し訳ないね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can we just cancel it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "キャンセルできないのかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is too late.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう遅いよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And it is unprofessional to cancel a meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あとミーティングをキャンセルするなんてプロフェッショナルじゃないし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is going to taint our reputation once the word gets out that we are doing business with Mr. Gill.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我が社がギル氏と取引をしていると知れたら、評判が悪くなってしまうよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sexual harassment accusation can destroy a company's good name.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "セクハラ疑惑があるだけで、会社の評判が台無しになる事もあるからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh no, I do not know what to do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あーあ、どうすれば良いかわからないな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We might send a wrong message out to the public that we condone such awful behaviors.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの会社は最低な言動を容認すると間違った印象を公に与えてしまうかもしれないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You are so right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君の言う通りだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We do not want to put ourselves in hot water.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自らトラブルを起こすような事はしたくないね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there anyway we exclude him from this meeting?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼を外してミーティングする手はないの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's not our call.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我々が決めれる事ではないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The meeting is starting in 5 minutes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと5分でミーティングが始まる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok, we will get through this meeting and think of something else after that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とりあえずこのミーティングを終えて、それから何か策を考えてみよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good afternoon, everyone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆さまこんにちは。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My name is Suzuki Yuki.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "鈴木 由紀と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am the marketing manager of Company L.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私はL社のマーケティングマネージャーをしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Today I am here with my coworkers, Millie Craft and Takumi Okuda.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日は同僚のミリー クラフト、奥田 巧と共に参りました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are here to talk about our company and our new product K.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我が社の新商品についてお話をさせて頂きます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are thrilled to be here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここに来る事ができ光栄です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for having us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First, I will introduce our company and its history and mission.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まずは私が我が社の歴史、企業方針についてお話させて頂きます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then our sales representative, Millie Craft, will show you our newly developed product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そしてセールス担当のミリー クラフトが新商品の紹介を致します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She will be demonstrating how to use the product as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また商品の使用方法の実演もします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "After that, our graphic designer, Takumi Okuda, will show you our eye-catching package design and advertising campaign.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その後グラフィックデザイナーの奥田 巧が人目を引くパッケージのデザインと、宣伝活動について説明させて頂きます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please do not hesitate to ask any questions at the end.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご質問があれば、遠慮なく最後にお聞きください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Glad to have you guys with us today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ようこそお越し下さいました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では進めて下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our company L was established by Mr. Albert Lawrence in 1965.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "弊社Lはアルバート・ローレンスにより1965年に設立されました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It started out as a small pet store in a rural town in Ohio.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オハイオ州の田舎町で小さなペットショップとして始まりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mr. Lawrence developed our original product to improve the hygiene of dogs and cats in 1982.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ローレンスは1982年に犬猫の衛生事情を改善するために我が社のオリジナル商品を開発しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It has been one of the top selling pet-care products in the States since then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "発売当初から国内で最も売れているペットケア商品の一つです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have expanded our business world wide.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "販売を国外にも拡大しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And we have successfully developed 3 more products since the original one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そしてオリジナル商品のほかにも3つ商品を増やしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This new product is our fourth.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この新商品は四品目です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our mission is to provide affordable, quality hygiene products to beloved pets all over the world.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我が社の方針は世界中のペットにお手軽で高性能の衛生用品をお届けする事です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now I will turn over to Ms. Millie Craft.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、ミリー クラフトに代わります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, this is Larry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、ラリーです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Larry, this is Sam Lee from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、ラリーさん、A社のサム リーです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Sam, how are you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サムさん、こんにちは、お元気ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I need you to help me find a package.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "荷物を探してほしいんですけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, can you tell me the package number?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろん、荷物の番号を教えて頂けますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes it is 243823.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、243823です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know what the size of the product is?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "製品のサイズはおわかりですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are several sizes in the package.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その荷物、サイズがいくつかあって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about I send you the lot summary for the package on email?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その荷物のロットサマリーをEメールで送ってもいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure that would be helpful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろん、助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay I just sent it to your email.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、今メールに送りました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、見てみますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm just entering the information in the system now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今、システムに情報を入力しているんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, it's not showing up in the system.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、システム上では表示されませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know when it arrived at our facility?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その荷物がいつこちらの施設に届いたかおわかりですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It should be yesterday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昨日のはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe there's a chance that it wasn't scanned and updated yet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "多分、これスキャンと更新がまだされてない可能性がありますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll go take a look in the warehouse to see if I can locate it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "倉庫に行って調べて、見つけられるか確認しますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about I call you back later today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日この後、お電話を折り返すということでよろしいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、そうしてもらえれば。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当にありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Talk to you soon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、後ほど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Ricky, when do you think is the best time to call our Tokyo office?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なぁ、リッキー、うちの東京オフィスに電話するのに一番いい時間っていつだと思う?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think either before 9 o'clock or after 10 o'clock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "9時前か10時過ぎのどっちかだと思うけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When I was in the Tokyo office, I'm usually super busy from 9 o'clock to 10 o'clock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕が東京のオフィスにいた時は、9時から10時の間は大抵すごい忙しかったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's when we have morning meetings and have to look at all our emails.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "朝の会議があって、全Eメールに目を通さないといけない時間なんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あぁ、なるほどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would calling before 9 o'clock be okay?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "9時前に電話するのは大丈夫かな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well some guys get to the office early.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何人かはオフィスに早く着いてるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They go early to avoid the morning rush hour.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "朝のラッシュアワーを避けるのに、早く行ってるんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The trains are super packed during rush hour.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ラッシュアワーの時の電車はめちゃくちゃ混んでるからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I've seen videos of those.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、その動画見たことあるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The train attendants literally have to push people into the trains.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "電車の乗務員が本当に人を電車に押し込まないといけないんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I used to take the train during rush hour.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、僕はラッシュアワーに電車に乗ってたんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was literally in a sea of people.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まさに、人の海の中にいたよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's not pretty when it's super hot and humid in the summer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "夏のすごい暑くて湿気がある時は居心地悪いよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I don't even want to imagine that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わぁ、想像もしたくないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But yeah, I would give them a call at those times.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、その時間に電話するといいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you send an email?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "メールは送った?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No I haven't.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや、まだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will do that now so they can see my email first thing in the morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今送るよ、そしたら向こうが朝一で僕のメール確認できるし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If they don't reply me, then I will just give them a call.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし返事してこなかったら、電話するよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いい案だと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Sam, can I use the company car tomorrow?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なぁ、サム、明日社用車使っていい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Tomorrow?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think I have it booked for tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日は僕が予約してたと思うけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What do you need it for?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何に必要なの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I want to take my customer to a restaurant nearby for lunch.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昼食に近くのレストランまでお客さんを送りたいんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it not a walkable distance?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "歩けない距離?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "歩ける。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But the customer doesn't like walking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、お客さんが歩くの嫌いなんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you need it just for lunch?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "車が要るのはランチだけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "From what time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何時から?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Just from 11 o'clock to 1 o'clock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "11時から1時までだけ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can use it if you promise me you will be back by 1 o'clock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1時までに戻るって約束するなら、使っていいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I need to use it from one fifteen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1時15分から使わないといけないから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like, I really need you to be back at that time because I'm driving the president of Company A to a meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社の社長を会議へお送りするから、本当にその時間までに戻ってもらわないと困る、って感じだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, no problem.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかった、問題ない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will be back by that time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その時間までに戻るよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you Sam!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとう、サム!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So how should we proceed with Company A?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、A社の件どうやって進めようか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I think our next step is to talk with our New York office to see if we would be able to invest in Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あぁ、こっちの次のステップとしては、A社に投資できるかをニューヨークオフィスと話すことだと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will need to explain that they are a promising startup company that can disrupt the industry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らが業界を変えるほどの有望なスタートアップだってことを僕らが説明する必要があるよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How would we do that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうやって?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm not too sure to be honest.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "正直、ちょっとわからないけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can at least list out the current issues in the industry and how Company A can solve it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "少なくとも、業界において現在ある問題点と、それをA社がどう解決できるかっていうのをリストアップはできるよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also list out who the competitors are.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、競合がどこかっていうのも挙げよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think that's pretty much all we can do at this point.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "現時点で出来ることはこれで全部なんじゃない、って思うけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We're not exactly specialists when it comes to reviewing startup companies.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕たち、厳密にはスタートアップ審査において専門家じゃないし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Nor are we software specialists that can review their technology.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らの技術を評価できるソフトウェアのスペシャリストでもないしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, I'll talk to the risk management team in New York and ask for their opinion.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかった、ニューヨークのリスクマネジメントチームに話して、彼らの意見を聞くよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's your opinion on this Bruce?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ブルース、これについて君の意見は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, as you and Sam mentioned, we aren't experts in this field.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あぁ、君とサムが言ったように、僕らはこの分野では専門家じゃないからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So it'd be best to find someone in our company that can analyze this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だから、社内でこれを分析できる人を見つけられたら一番いいよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I thought we recently opened an office in Silicon Valley.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うち、最近シリコンバレーにオフィス開設したと思うんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh that's right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あぁ、そうだった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I totally forgot about that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それ完全に忘れてた。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe I'll contact them first and get their opinion.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そっちに先に連絡して意見を聞こうかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, let us know what they say then we can act accordingly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかった、彼らが何て言ったか知らせてよ、そしたらそれに応じて動けるじゃん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうしよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So any plans for the weekend?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、週末は予定あるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I have the president of Company A here this week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あぁ、今週ここにA社の社長をお迎えしててさ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He's leaving on Saturday so I need to take him to the airport.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "土曜日に帰られるから、空港まで送らないといけないんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh that's too bad.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あぁ、それは残念。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can't he just take the taxi?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社長、タクシーで行けないのか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He could.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "行けるでしょうよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I want to stay on his good side.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、彼に気に入られたいし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think he wants to eat lunch before going to the airport too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "空港に行く前に昼食も食べたいだろうと思うし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "After that, I think I'll just go home and rest.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その後は、ただ家に帰ってゆっくりするよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Catch up on sleep.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "睡眠時間を取り戻す。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sounds exciting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "楽しそうだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Very exciting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "めっちゃ、楽しいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I need to finish a report.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "レポート終わらさないと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it the one for the Tokyo office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それって、東京オフィス用の?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, they want it first thing next week in Japan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、来週の朝一で日本に欲しいんだって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Which means I need to send it to them by Sunday morning here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とすると、こっちの日曜の朝までに向こうに送らないといけないってこと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right, because their Monday morning is our Sunday afternoon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうか、向こうの月曜の朝は、こっちの日曜の午後だからか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I should be able to finish it on Saturday though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "土曜には完成させられるだろうけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hate writing reports for the Tokyo office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕は東京オフィスにレポート書くのすごい嫌だわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They usually don't even read it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼ら、大抵、読みもしないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, there was this one time they asked me about something and I told them that it was in the report I sent last month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あぁ、これ一回あったんだけど、彼らが何か聞いてきて、先月送ったレポートに書いてありますよ、って言ったんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you believe that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "信じられる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's like they are too busy to even read emails.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "忙しすぎて、Eメールすら読めない、みたいな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's not very encouraging.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは、気乗りしないな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だろ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I guess it's good to keep a record of things for yourself though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自分で記録を取っておくのにはいいかもしれないけど、ね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You never know when you might need to look at it again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう一回見直さないといけないこともあるかもしれないし、わからないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Ben, I'm thinking of taking some courses.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なぁ、ベン、コースを受講しようかと思ってるんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What courses are you thinking of?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何のコースで考えてるんだい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, University A is offering a business analyst course.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A大学がビジネスアナリストのコースを提供してて、ね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I thought maybe that would be interesting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それが面白そうかな、っと思って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What does that course cover?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どんな講義があるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The course details are on this website.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "コースの詳細はこのウェブサイトにあるんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どう思う?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Honestly speaking, it might not be that useful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "正直言うと、これ、あんまり使えないかもよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, what you're learning and doing now at work is basically what the course covers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、君が今職場で学んでることや、やってることが、基本的にこのコースで扱ってることだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you want to learn something new, I would recommend an accounting course.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か新しいことを学びたいんであれば、会計コースをおすすめするよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Or even a finance course.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしくは、財務のコースでもいい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Once you become a manager, you will need to be good with your numbers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マネージャーになれば、数字に強くないといけないし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll think about it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "考えてみるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think the company will eventually make you take some business courses down the road.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "結局会社がさ、君にそのうちビジネスコースを受講させると思うけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So maybe you can even wait for those first then decide.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だから先ずそれを待って、それから決めてもいいんじゃない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When would those be?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつになるかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They might announce something in the next three months.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今後3か月の間に何かアナウンスするかもね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, I'll wait for those first then decide.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかった、先ずはそれを待ってから決めるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's good to know you're interested in improving yourself.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君が自分磨きに興味があるってのを聞けて良かったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm pretty free on weekends so I thought I might as well make use of my time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "週末は結構暇だから、うまく時間を使った方がいいと思ったんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was thinking of an MBA program too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "MBAプログラムも考えてたんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That would look impressive on your resume.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "履歴書上は、すごく良いだろうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah I'm sure I'll get paid more if I have it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、MBA持ってたらもっと給料もらえるよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But it does cost a lot of money to get one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、取得するのには大金がかかるよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, you need money to make money!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あーあ、お金を稼ぐには、お金が必要だ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, this is Ben.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、ベンです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good morning Ben, this is Sam.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ベンさん、おはようございます、サムです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm actually not feeling too well and would like to take the day off today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は、体調があんまり良くないので、今日はお休みを頂きたいんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Fever?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "熱ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, it's not pretty.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えぇ、良くないんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Don't force yourself to come.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "無理して来ないでください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We don't want you to spread it to others.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他の人達に移してほしくないし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for your understanding.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご理解ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think I will just sleep the whole day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日はもう一日ただ寝ます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Rest well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よく休んでくださいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there anything you need me to take care of?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何かこちらで引き受けることありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No I think it's okay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや、大丈夫だと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I should be able to come to work tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日には出勤できると思いますので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I might ask you to do something if I can't come to work tomorrow though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし明日、出勤できなければ、何か頼むかもしれませんが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, just let me know then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、そうなったらまた知らせてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ゆっくり休んでください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、これで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So what did you think of the candidates.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、候補の方々、どう思う?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think they were both good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "二人とも、良いと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Andy is more experienced as he is working already.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アンディさんは、既に働いてるからより経験があるし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Misato just graduated but has co-op experience.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "美里さんは卒業したばかりだけど、コープの経験があるしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So they are pretty equal in terms of experience?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃぁ、経験に関しては、どっちも同じって感じ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think Andy would be a bit more experienced.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アンディさんの方が少し経験が豊富かとは思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But not by a lot.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、かなりって訳ではないね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about in terms of personality?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "性格の面ではどう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They both seemed nice and easy to get along.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "二人とも良さそうだったし、うまくやっていけそうだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I feel that Andy is a bit more ambitious in terms of moving up the company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "より良い会社に移ろうってところが、僕はアンディさんの方が野心的かなとは思うね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I thought so too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、僕もそう思った。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He asked a question about if there would be any opportunities to transfer to the Tokyo office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼、東京オフィスに転勤の可能性があるかについての質問をしてきたよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This documentations coordinator position isn't exactly a position that would get you to the Tokyo office though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この書類コーディネーターのポジションは、東京オフィスに行くようなポジションじゃぁないからな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe Andy wouldn't be a good fit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アンディさんは、合わないかも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If we do hire him, he might just quit once he realizes there is no possibility of transferring to the Tokyo office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし彼を採用しても、東京オフィスへの転勤の可能性がないことに気付けば辞めてしまうかもしれないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, it would be best for him and us to not choose him.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あぁ、彼にとっても、僕らにとっても、彼を選ばないことが最良だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then should we go with Misato then?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃぁ、美里さんでいこうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I think that would be the case.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだね、そうなるかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She doesn't have any work experience after finishing school so it would be easier to teach her something new.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大学を卒業してからの就労経験がないから、新しいことを教えやすいしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Exactly what Japanese companies like.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、日本の企業とは何たるかをね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A fresh slate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "真新しい経歴だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, let's go with her then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よし、じゃぁ、彼女でいこう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I will let the HR department know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかった、人事部に知らせるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When do you want her to start?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつ開始してもらいたい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think the end of the month would be good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今月末がいいかな、と思うんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So in two weeks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だから、2週間後だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Make sure you have the orientation materials and other things ready then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃぁ、オリエンテーション資料とか他のこととかちゃんと準備しといて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi there, I'm Sam Lee.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、サム リーです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And this is Ben.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、こちらがベンです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi I'm Ben Sherman.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、ベン シャーマンです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm the manager and Sam is the sales representative.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私はマネージャーで、サムはうちの部署の営業担当です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, my name is Misato Tamura.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、田村 美里です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうぞお掛けください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So thank you for your application for the role of documentations coordinator.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、書類作成コーディネーター職へのご応募ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In this role, you will be helping me with export documentation for product export.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この仕事では、製品輸出の輸出書類作成で私のお手伝いをして頂くことになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about I let you tell us a bit more about yourself.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "御自身についてもう少しお話しして頂いたほうがいいですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So my name is Misato Tamura and I recently graduated from University A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、田村 美里と申します、先日A大学を卒業致しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I graduated from University A too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "へぇ、私もA大学を卒業したんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What did you study?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何を勉強されたんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I majored in economics.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "経済を専攻しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh sorry, please go on.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あぁ、すみません、続けてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "During my third year, I had the opportunity to do a co-op program at a shipping company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "三年生の間に、運送会社でコープ・プログラムをさせて頂く機会がございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's where I learned about the logistics industry and my interest in being involved in international business.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこが物流業について学んだ場所で、国際ビジネスに関わることへの興味を持ちました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So why did you decide to apply for this position?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、なぜこのポジションに応募されることを決められたのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Given my interest in international business and my Japanese background, I thought this would be the best place for me to make use of my skills.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "国際ビジネスへの興味と、私の日本的背景を考えると、こちらが自らのスキルを活かせる最適な場所だと思いました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How is your Japanese?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたの日本語はいかがですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I only lived in Japan for several years when I was young but I use it at home so I don't think I have any issues with it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日本には、幼少の頃に数年住んでいただけなのですが、自宅で使用していますので、問題はないと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I also took Japanese courses at school.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "学校では日本語コースも受講していました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あぁ、そうですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Just wanted to check because the position would require you to communicate with our Tokyo office in Japanese.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このポジションでは、うちの東京オフィスと日本語で連絡を取って頂くことが必要なので、ちょっと確認したくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's go to the next question.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、次の質問にいきましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、こちらはベンです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm the manager and Sam is the sales representative in our department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, my name is Andy Fujino.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、藤野 アンディと申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So thank you for your interest in our company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、弊社にご興味をお持ち頂きありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The position we have open now is called documentations coordinator.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "現在空きがあるポジションは、書類作成コーディネーターと呼ばれるものです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I understand you have previous experience in this field.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この分野でご経験があると理解しているのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Sam, how about we start with Andy telling us a bit more about himself.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なぁ、サム、アンディさんにもっと御自身のことについて話してもらうとこから始めたらどうかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please tell us a bit more about yourself.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう少し御自身のことについて教えて頂けますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I'm Andy Fujino and I am currently working at a freight forwarder as a logistics coordinator.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えぇ、私、藤野 アンディと申しまして、現在は貨物輸送業者で物流コーディネーターとして働いております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've been working at this freight forwarder for around two years, and I basically started working after graduating from university.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この貨物輸送業者で、2年ほど勤務しておりまして、要するに大学卒業後に勤め始めたんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I studied business administration in university.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大学では経営管理を専攻していました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, so why did you decide to start working at a freight forwarder?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なるほど、で、なぜ貨物輸送業者で働き始めようと決めたのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was always interested in international business and understand that the logistic industry is a key component of international trade.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "常に国際ビジネスには興味を持っておりましたので、物流業は国際取引上、鍵となる構成要素だと理解しております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So why did you decide to apply for this position at our company?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、なぜ弊社のこのポジションに応募を決められたんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wanted to utilize my Japanese skills at your company as it is a Japanese trading company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日本の商社ですので、私の日本語スキルを御社で活かしたかったからです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I figured I would be able to better utilize my skills here than at a freight forwarder.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、貨物輸送業者より、こちらのほうがより自らのスキルを活かせると思いまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, let's go to the next question.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですか、では、次の質問へ進みましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I reviewed the applications and narrowed it down to two candidates.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さてと、応募書類を確認して、二人の候補者に絞りました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, Andy Fujino and Misato Tamura.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えぇっと、藤野 アンディさんと、田村 美里さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How did you narrow it down to these two?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうやってこの二人に絞ったの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wanted the candidates to have previous working experience in a related industry, and also have a good understanding of Japanese culture.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "候補者には関連業界での経験、それから日本文化に明るいことを求めてたんで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I also needed them to be fluent in Japanese so they can communicate with our Tokyo office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "東京オフィスと連絡を取るのに、日本語が流暢である必要もあったし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think what really made them stand out from the rest were their cover letter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らが他の人より目を引いた一番の理由は、カバーレターだろうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What was so good about it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何がそんなに良かったの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well aside from their experiences, they both wrote very well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まぁ、経験はさておき、二人ともすごく良く書けてたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A lot of the other applicants had grammar mistakes and simply re-wrote what was on their resume.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他の応募者の多くは文法ミスがあったり、履歴書にあった内容を単純に書き直しただけだったからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, they both have experiences living in Japan and in the US.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、二人とも日本とアメリカに住んだ経験があるし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sounds good enough.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいんじゃない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When do you want to interview them?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつ面接したい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe in the latter half of next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週後半かな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you positive these two are the ones you want to interview?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確実にこの二人が面接したい人たち?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah I'm pretty sure.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あぁ、ほぼ間違いなく。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There were some impressive candidates but some were a bit too overqualified.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何人か素晴らしい候補者はいたけど、ちょっと優秀すぎたかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, overqualified people can be difficult sometimes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あぁ、優秀すぎる人たちはたまに難しいかもね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It might be hard for them to accept a new way of doing things.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新しいやり方を受け入れるのが大変かもしれないから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, as long as you're good then I'm good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まぁ、君がいいなら、僕もいいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll let the HR department know then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃぁ、人事部に知らせる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You'll be joining me in the interviews right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一緒に面接に参加するよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm still the manager of the department!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これでもこの部署の部長だからね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Sam, what do you think about hiring an assistant?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なぁ、サム、アシスタントを雇うのって、どう思う?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like, to help with documentations?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "書類作成を手伝うため、とか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Because I'm getting overloaded with them right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今、僕がそれで手一杯だからか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's exactly why I'm asking you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まさに、だから聞いてるんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think that's a great idea.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すごい良いアイディアだと思うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is our department able to handle another staff?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの部署って他のスタッフを入れられるのかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Or do we have to wait until next fiscal year's budget?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしくは、次年度の予算まで待たなきゃならない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think we should be okay in that sense.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その意味では大丈夫だと思うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I'll talk with our HR department on this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、このことは人事部と話すよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are there any requirements we should put on the job posting?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "求人に載せたほうがいい要件とか、ある?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think we should make sure they have previous experience.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "経験があるか確認したほうがいいと思うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Understanding of Japanese culture.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日本文化の理解。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It might be tough working at a Japanese company like ours if they don't understand the work culture.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし職場文化をわかってなかったら、うちみたいな日本企業で働くのは大変だと思うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think that's about it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんなもんかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh maybe experience handling export and import documents.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あぁ、輸出入の書類を扱った経験かな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll talk to the HR department and have them upload the job posting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "人事部に話して求人をアップロードしてもらうよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll let you know when we start getting job applications so we can take a look at what we have.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "応募が来出したら知らせるよ、そしたら、来たのを見てみよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh I get to see them too?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えぇ、僕も見られるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Of course, he or she will be your assistant.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そらそうだろ、その人が、君のアシスタントになるんだから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You'll be making a shortlist and eventually interviewing them!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君が候補者リストを作って、最終的に彼らを面接するんだよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That should be interesting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それ、面白そうだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, let's move on to the next topic.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、次の議題に移ろうかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok, I will be the one to explain.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、私のほうから説明させていただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you, Sean.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ショーンさん、よろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will talk about the results of the survey we gave the other day to the customers of our European tour.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先日お客さんに答えていただいた、ヨーロッパツアーに関してのアンケート結果についてお話します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is the new river cruise tour, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは、新しいリバークルーズのツアーですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it's our new product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうです、当社の新商品です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "All dates were sold out, and the overall reputation was good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どの日程も満員で、全体的な評価は高かったようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have a feeling this will be a popular product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "人気商品になりそうな気がしますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But we received lots of comments about small details.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ、細かい点についていろいろとご意見をいただいています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, like what?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほお、例えば?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Some are related to meals such as the meal time is too long and the volume of the course meal is too big.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "食事の時間が長すぎる、コースの量が多すぎる、といった食事に関したことがいくつか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, we receive quite a bit of complaints regarding the European-style meals.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、ヨーロッパスタイルの食事については、結構苦情が入りますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Meals are always difficult to handle, not just for this tour.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "食事については、このツアーに限らず、毎回悩みます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We cannot really customize every meal to the Americans.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アメリカ人向けにいちいちカスタマイズ、というわけにはいかないからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I am thinking about talking to the local operator who handles many American tourists.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、アメリカ人観光客を多く扱っている現地オペレーターを探して相談してみようと思っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's a good idea, thank you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはいいですね、お願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, there are comments that they want more time at the places before getting on and after getting off the cruise ship.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また、クルーズ船に乗る前後の場所での時間を増やして欲しいという意見がありました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do they want more time outside the cruise ship?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もっとクルーズ船以外での時間が欲しいということかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Currently, the itinerary says they will board the ship right after they arrive there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今は、現地についてすぐに船に移動という日程ですもんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, lots of people say they would like to move to the ship after going sightseeing for about 2 days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、二日ほど観光してから船に移動したい、というご意見が多いです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But doesn't it make the tour itinerary longer?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それだと、ツアーの日程が長くなるんじゃないか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It sure does.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, our target demography is mainly retirees, so the time might not be their concern.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ま、僕たちのターゲット層は、リタイアした方たちが中心で時間は大丈夫なんじゃないでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, then we can extend it for two days or so and sell it like that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうか、じゃ、二日ほど延ばしてみて、それで売ってみようか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right, then we can see how the response will be.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、それで反応を見てみるというのも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will ask the vendor who offers local tours later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "現地でツアーを提供してくれる業者がいますので、後で聞いてみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you could talk to hotels, that would be great, too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ホテルにも問い合わせてもらえると助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How was the verdict on the cruise ship?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "クルーズ船に対する評価はどうだった?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was a new ship, so people liked it quite a bit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新しい船だったこともあり、かなり好評でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The size and the cleanness of the cabins were especially well received.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "特に、寝室のサイズと清潔さが気に入っていただけたようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This cruise operator has a good reputation in Europe, too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このクルーズ会社はヨーロッパでも評判が高いところなんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I thought they were a little too expensive, but I'm glad we picked them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "少し高いかと思いましたが、選んで良かったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Other cheaper cruise operators often receive complaints.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他の安いクルーズ会社では、船の古さなんかに苦情がよく出てるらしいから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, many people thought the tour price was reasonable.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、ツアー料金に関しては、ちょうど良い値段という声が多かったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お、それはよかった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If we extend the days, it will go up a little, but would that be ok?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日にちを延ばすと、少し上がることになりますが、大丈夫でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's get the estimate first and think about it more.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは、まず見積りを出してみてから、じっくり考えようか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi you've reached Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、こちらA社でございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is Rachel speaking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "レイチェルが対応します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, my name is Sam from Company B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、B社のサムと申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How are you today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日の調子はいかがですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "元気にやっております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was wondering if I may speak to one of your sales manager.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "営業マネージャーのどなたかとお話しできないかと思いまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What will it be for?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どのようなご用件となりますでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to see if there would be any opportunity in purchasing one of your products.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "御社製品の購入の機会を伺いたく存じまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Which product would that be?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どちらの商品になりますでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It would be Product A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "製品Aです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Product A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "製品A。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, let me check who is in charge of this product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "かしこまりました、この製品の担当者を調べさせていただきますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Give me a second please.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "少々お時間を頂戴致します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I think I found the person in charge.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、担当者を見つけられたと思うんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "His name is Mr. Robert Burgundy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "担当者の名前がロバート バーガンディ、男性です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He is the sales manager for Product A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼が製品Aの営業部長です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Should I transfer you to him now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今、彼にお電話をおつなぎしましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、そうして頂けましたら幸いです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will transfer you to him now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今から、お電話を転送致しますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Come in.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お入りください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, my name is Shingo Takeda and I'm a senior from University A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、名前は武田信五です、A大学の4年生です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have a seat.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お掛けください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は、お元気ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am good thank you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "元気です、ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So can you do a quick introduction of yourself?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、手短に自己紹介をして頂けますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, my name is Shingo Takeda from University A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、A大学、武田信五と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I majored in English and political science.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "英語と政治学を専攻していました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was born in Japan, but lived overseas due to my father's job.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日本で産まれましたが、父の仕事のため海外に住んでいました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, where did you go?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "へぇ、どちらへ行かれたんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My father was transferred to his company's Boston office in the US.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "父は、父の会社のアメリカのボストン支社へ転勤しまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And that's where I spent most of my childhood.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして、そこで私は幼少時代のほとんどを過ごしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How long were you there for?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どれくらい居たんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "From grade one to grade eleven.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1年から7年生まで居ました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And you finished your last year of high school in Japan?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、高校の最終学年を日本で終えられたんですね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Was the cultural transition difficult?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "文化的な変化は困難でしたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes it was.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、そうでしたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I did study Japanese while I was in the US, but the culture is simply different.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アメリカにいる間に勿論日本語は勉強しましたが、単純に文化が異なるので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とても興味深いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So tell me why you want to work at our company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、なぜうちの会社で働きたいのか教えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, your company is involved in international trade so I thought I would be able to utilize my language abilities.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、御社は国際貿易に関わっておられますので、私の語学力を活かせるのでは、と思いました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Having lived in the US has given me a good perspective on diversity and dealing with various kinds of people.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アメリカに住んでいたことが、私に多様性と様々な人々と接することへの優れた視点を与えてくれました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "One of the important thing that you need to have is the ability to persevere.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "持ち合わせていなければならない重要なものの一つは、やり抜く力です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sometimes things may not go smoothly but you will have to grind it out and see things through.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "時には物事がスムーズにいかないこともあるかもしれませんが、それに立ち向かい、やり抜くことが必要です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you think you have the perseverance to succeed?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "成功するための、辛抱強さをお持ちだと思われますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes I believe so.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、そのように思っております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それが聞けて良かったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So on to the next question.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、次の質問へ進みましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, why did you join this company?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、なぜこの会社に入社したんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, they were hiring when I graduated from school.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えぇっと、学校を卒業した時、募集してたから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And I just happen to be a good fit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、たまたま私にぴったり合ったんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you know about the company before you joined?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "入社前に会社のことは知ってたんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ、全然。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What did you study in school?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "学校では何を勉強したんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I studied marketing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マーケティングを勉強しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So it's kind of related, but not really.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、まぁ関連はあるけど、そこまでという感じですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サムさんは?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Kind of similar actually.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まぁ似たようなもんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was planning to go teach English in Japan after university but that didn't work out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大学卒業後、日本へ英語を教えに行こうと計画してたんですけど、うまくいかなくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You didn't get hired?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "採用されなかったんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was kind of putting all my eggs in that basket too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それに賭けすぎたっていうのもありますし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I just looked around and happened to find this company hiring.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、探しまわってたら、たまたまこの会社の求人を見つけたんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was one of the few jobs that didn't require any experience.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "経験が全く必要ない数少ない仕事の一つだったんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, Japanese companies like ours prefer hiring recent graduates.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えぇ、我々のような日本企業は、新卒を好んで採用しますからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's easier to mold them to suit our company culture.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らを社風に合うように型にはめる方が簡単ですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That almost sounds like brainwashing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それほとんど、洗脳みたいですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Kind of.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんな感じです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So how do you like the job so far?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、今のところ仕事はどうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm learning a lot.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "たくさん学んでますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I feel that I don't have any special skills.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、私には特別なスキルが何もないな、って感じてます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like accounting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会計みたいな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, don't worry about it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あぁ、それは心配しなくていいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's why we have accountants.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だから、会計士がいるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I guess our main role is sales.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちの主な仕事はセールスですしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We all have our roles here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここでは、私たちみんなに役割があるんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Don't think so much right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今はそんなに考え過ぎないで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You've still got a lot to learn!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだ学ぶことはたくさんありますよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、先輩。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is a pretty fancy restaurant.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここ、結構高級なレストランだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I've come here on business a couple of times.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あぁ、ここには仕事で2、3回来たことある。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Their cheese toast is pretty amazing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここのチーズトーストはかなり美味いんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My customer loves it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それ、僕のお客さんがかなり好きだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The president of Company A?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社の社長?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He always asks me to take him here when he visits from Japan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日本から来てる時はいつもここに連れてきてって頼むんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "へぇ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But sometimes you need a break from eating-out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、外食にも時々休みがいるよな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When a customer comes, I have to eat out with them almost everyday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来客時は、ほとんど毎日彼らと外食しないといけないし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Company paid meals!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "食事代会社持ちじゃん!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's nice in the beginning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最初はいいんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But you will get to a point where you just want to eat instant noodles.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だけど、ただインスタントラーメンが食べたいっていう境地に辿り着くんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あぁ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think sometimes we spend too much on entertaining guests.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お客さんを楽しませるのに僕らお金使いすぎだなって、たまに思うときはあるね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well some customers are old fashioned.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あぁ、古い考えのお客さんは何人かいるな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They have the mentality of, \"I do business with them because they treat me well\" kind of thing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あの人たち、「彼らと仕事をするのは自分を丁重に扱ってくれるから」的な物の考え方を持ってるから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, looks like the general manager is going to give a speech now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あぁ、今からゼネラルマネージャーがスピーチするっぽい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's enjoy the food tonight!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今夜は食事を楽しもう!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm going to eat so much!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いっぱい食べよっと!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't know what to do about the HR director.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "人事部長のことどうしたらいいか分からないわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どういう意味?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have to arrange a welcome dinner next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週、歓迎の夕食会を開かないとだめなのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But she doesn't eat meat, and I don't know where to take her.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、彼女、お肉を食べないから、どこに連れて行ったらいいのか分からなくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She's a vegetarian?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ベジタリアンなの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Does she eat fish?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "魚は食べる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That would be easier, but I don't think so.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だったら簡単なんだけど、そうじゃないと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, vegetarian will be especially hard in this neighborhood.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだね、特にこの辺りではベジタリアンは大変だ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What about that place near the station?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "駅のそばのあそこは?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Aren't they vegetarian?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ベジタリアンじゃなかったっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, but they have a private party that night.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうね、でもその夜はあそこで貸し切りパーティがあるみたいなのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about the shabu-shabu place down the road?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その先のしゃぶしゃぶ屋さんはどう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If we call ahead, maybe they can arrange something.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あらかじめ電話しておけば、何かアレンジしてくれるかもよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Shabu-shabu...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しゃぶしゃぶか...", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's an interesting idea.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは面白いな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The owner is really accommodating.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オーナー、本当に都合に合わせてくれるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you think they could seat ten?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "10人座れる席があるかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think they have private rooms.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "個室があると思うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why don't I give them a call?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "電話してみようか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thanks, Akiko, that would be great.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとう、明子、助かる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, could you check if they have a bottomless drinks option?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから、飲み放題オプションもあるか聞いてもらっていい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hear that she's a drinker.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女、飲むらしいのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, anything else?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいよ、他には?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, that should be it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ないよ、それだけ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thanks so much!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当にありがとうね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Kayla, I got a few of your mails mixed up in mine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ケイラ、君の郵便が幾つか僕のに混ざっていたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have the one from our accountant?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの会計士からの手紙はある?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can take a look at them yourself.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自分で見てみる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There it is.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This one that has \"urgent\" stamped on?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この至急のスタンプが押してあるやつ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it is an important mail I was supposed to receive 3 days ago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、大事な手紙で三日前に受け取る予定だったの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am sorry I didn't bring them to you sooner.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早く持ってこれなくて申し訳ないね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I had 3 appointments with my clients back to back two days ago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2日前はクライアントとの予約が3件続きで入っていたんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And I was out of office yesterday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして昨日はオフィスに居なかったんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's not your fault.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたのせいじゃないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I called my accountant three times to make sure he had mailed it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちゃんと送ったのか確認する為に会計士に3回も電話したのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He dropped it off at the post office Monday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼は月曜日に郵便局に持っていったの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Usually it doesn't take this long, so I was starting to worry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "通常はこんなに時間がかからないから、心配になってきた所だったの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hope you aren't in trouble.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "迷惑をかけてないといいんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, you brought them just in time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいえ、ぴったりのタイミングで持ってきてくれたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am upset that the mail carrier made a mistake again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ郵便配達員がまた間違ったのが腹立つわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is the third time in a month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この一か月で3回目よ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Looks like we have a new person delivering mails in this area.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新しい配達員がこの地域の配達をしているようだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This building has 25 units in this building.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このビルには25テナント入ってるよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And our mailboxes are right next to each other.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと私達の郵便受けは隣同士だし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It must have confused him.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "きっと混乱してしまったんだろう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I might say something to him.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも彼に何か言おうと思うの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Being new can not be an excuse.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新入社員だからというのは言い訳にはならないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Some of the letters we receive are urgent and confidential.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "受け取る手紙の中には、至急、機密のものもあるからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He can not keep messing up our mails.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このままうちの郵便物を誤配達されるわけにはいかないの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Or anybody's mail.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他の会社の郵便物もね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Next time my mail gets misdelivered, I will let the postmaster know about it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次回誤配達されたら、郵便局長に連絡するわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The mail carrier needs to be more responsible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "配達員はもう少し責任感がないといけない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's hope it will not happen again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあ、この様な事がまた起きない事を願おう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Meanwhile we should probably label our mailbox better.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その間、郵便受けにもっと見やすいラベルを張った方がいいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The mail carrier is always pressed for time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "配達員はいつも時間に追われているから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Better labeling might help him find the right mailboxes better.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "見やすいラベルがあれば配達員も正しい郵便受けを見つけやすいだろうから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはいい考えだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am pretty sure Mr. Henry will not mind it at all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ヘンリーさんも気にしないと思うわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me get back to my office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではオフィスに戻るね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you again for bringing my mails, Ryoji.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "亮二、手紙を持ってきてくれて有難う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for coming, Mr. Olsen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オルセンさん、来てくれてありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am here anytime you need me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "必要な時はいつでも来ます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wanted to ask you a question regarding your work today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日はあなたの仕事ぶりについて質問があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You have been with us for the last 6 years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここで6年働いてますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "5年後は何をしているか想像できますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would like to think I will be moving up the corporate ladder.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昇格しているといいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Managing the whole department will be something I would love to do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "部署を管理するマネージメントの仕事に就きたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I want you to achieve the goal too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのゴールに是非到達して欲しいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have been satisfied with your work so far.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今のあなたの仕事ぶりには満足しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You are very thorough and pay attention to details.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "仕事は徹底されているし、細かい所にもちゃんと目を向けていますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am doing my best to contribute to the company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会社に貢献できる様に全力を尽くしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You certainly are a great asset here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここで貴重な人材である事は確かです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But you might want to learn to become a better leader.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、良いリーダーになる為にもう少し学んだ方が良いかもしれません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I may sound a little bit harsh, but please don't take it personally.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "少し厳しく聞こえるかもしれませんが、個人的に受け取らないでくださいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can take constructive criticism, Ms. Simmons.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "シモンズさん、建設的な批判はちゃんと受け取れますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will help me improve my work performance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "仕事の上達に繋がりますから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You always get your assignments submitted on time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつも締め切り日までにアサイメントを提出してくれますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But your team tends to lag behind.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもあなたのチームは遅れを取る傾向にあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's why I am usually working overtime to compensate it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だから私はそれを補う為に残業しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That is the problem.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それが問題なんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You are not delegating enough responsibilities to people who work under you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたの元で働く従業員に責任を委ねてないんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am pretty positive I do that just fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちゃんとしていると思っていたのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then you need to start managing them better.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではこれからちゃんと管理して下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Make sure none of them procrastinate his or her work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "誰一人仕事を先延ばしにすることがないようにしてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Try to motivate them to do their best.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "みんなが全力を尽くす様にやる気も出させてくださいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You also need to give them pointers or criticism when necessary.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "必要な時は助言や批判もして下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will try harder.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The people are probably used to getting their slack covered by you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "みんな怠けてもあなたがカバーする事に慣れているはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They might resist a change at first.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "初めは変化に抵抗するかもしれません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But they should soon realize that you are doing them a favor.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもすぐにあなたがやっている事は彼らにとっても良い事だと気付くはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They need to learn to become more productive members of this company too, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼ら自身もこの会社の有意義なメンバーになる事を学ばないといけないですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Great leaders help others become efficient workers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "素晴らしいリーダーは従業員に手際良く仕事をさせます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you could do that, you will get closer to your goal.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしあなたもそれができるのならば、ゴールに一歩近づきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for your advice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アドバイス有難うございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Keep up with the good work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このまま頑張って下さいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you settled in, Kazuo?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "和夫さん、もう落ち着きましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mostly, yes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、大体は。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I still have a few things I need to take care of though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだ幾つかしなければいけない事はあるんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like finding a really good family doctor and a dentist.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "評判の良いファミリードクターと歯医者を見つけたりですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then you should ask Mrs. Coleman in the Human Resources for suggestions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それならば人事部のコールマンさんに聞いてみたらいいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She knows just about every single doctor in town, both good and bad.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女はこの町の良い医者、悪い医者、すべて知ってますからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will certainly do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうしてみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you had a chance to meet all the employees at the office?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "従業員全員に会う機会はありましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I have met them all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、全員会いました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They have been very welcoming and made me feel very comfortable.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆さん歓迎してくださって、とても居心地が良いです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I noticed the people in this town are generally hospitable.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この町の人はとても親切なんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Every time I have a problem, there is always someone who is willing to lend me a hand.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か困った事があると、必ず誰かが助けてくれます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We, southerners, are known for our hospitality.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たち南部人は親切な事で有名ですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am glad you feel welcome here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "喜んでもらえてる様で何よりです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And the people here seem more relaxed and care-free.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それとここの人たちはのんびりしていて大らかな感じがします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I got to experience my first Halloween and Thanksgiving in the States.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アメリカで初めてのハロウィンと感謝祭を経験しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The fact everybody at the office dressed up for Halloween was something that I am not used to.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オフィスの皆さんが仮装して出勤されたのが新鮮でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "People in Japan don't dress up for Halloween?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日本人はハロウィンに仮装しないのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Some people do, but definitely not at work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "する人もいますが、職場でやる事はないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Japanese workplace environments are a bit more serious in general.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一般的に日本の職場はにもう少し真剣な感じです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have so much respect for that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その点尊敬します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Perhaps you can bring some of the seriousness to our office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その真剣な姿勢をここで見せて下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You guys are just as hardworking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなた方も同じ位真面目に働いていますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also the potluck we did for Thanksgiving was amazing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから、感謝祭の持ち寄りパーティーもとても良かったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not only I got to try the traditional Thanksgiving food, but also I got to mingle with my new coworkers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "伝統的な感謝祭料理も味わうことができたし、新しい同僚とも親しくなれました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I had a great time getting to know each and every one of them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼ら一人一人を個人的に知る事ができて楽しいひと時でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We always try to do something fun to make our work days enjoyable.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつも楽しみながら業務できる様に色々工夫しているんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have our annual ugly sweater party for Christmas coming up in a few weeks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "数週間後には毎年恒例のクリスマス、可笑しなセーターパーティーをします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will dress up in green for St. Patrick's day in March too,", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "3月のセント パトリックスデーには緑の洋服を着ます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We usually go for a drink after work that day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その日は仕事の後にみんなで飲みに行くんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am looking forward to participating in that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一緒に行ける事を楽しみにしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Kazuo, I am so glad to have you here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "和夫さんがここに来てくれて良かったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "To be honest with you, I was very nervous about transferring here at first.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "正直なところ、初めはここに転勤して来る事が心配でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But you guys helped make my transition very smooth.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもあなた方のおかげでスムーズな移行ができました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can not thank you enough for that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If there is anything I can do, please do not hesitate to ask me for help.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし何か私にできる事があれば、遠慮せずに言ってくださいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you so much again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's talk about our online advertising.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではオンラインマーケティングについて話し合いましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As you can tell, I am old school and not used to all the technology.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご存知の通り、私は時代遅れなものでテクノロジー関係に疎いです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So online advertising is still foreign to me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なのでオンラインマーケティングは未知の世界ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's why we have someone like Ms. Adams who is tech savvy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だからアダムスさんの様にテクノロジーに長けている人が居るんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She and other young employees are definitely helping us navigate this new form of advertisement.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女や若い従業員に助けられながら新しいタイプの宣伝に力を入れていきましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you fill us in on what has been working, Ms. Adams?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アダムスさん、何が上手くいっているか教えてもらえますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have been using a few social media platforms for the last several years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここ数年間、幾つかのソーシャルメディアサイトを利用してきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have been successful at them to some degree.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ある程度は好評です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But some things need improvement.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ幾つか改善しないと’いけない点もあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would you care to elaborate on that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "詳しく教えてもらってもいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our page on the social media F started off as a success.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ソーシャルメディアFのページは始めは好評でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But a lot of young people are not using it as much as they used to.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも大抵の若者は以前ほどFを利用していないんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They prefer microblogging platforms such as I or T.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らはIやTなどのマイクロブログサイトを好んでいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why aren't we utilizing those already?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちはそれをやってないのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have been using them for a few years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何年もやっていますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But here is the problem.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ問題が一つあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We do not have an employee who can manage all those platforms.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ソーシャルメディアサイトをきちんと管理する従業員がうちにはいません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I thought you and Mr. Ross have been in charge of those.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アダムスさんとロスさんで管理してもらっていると思ってました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are trying as hard as we can to manage them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちゃんと管理する様に全力を尽くしているんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But we are usually swamped with other obligations and don't have much time to dedicate to online marketing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつも他の業務に追われていて、オンラインマーケティングに費やす時間がなかなかとれないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you really want to put more effort into it, we will need a person working solely on those pages.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしオンラインマーケティングにもっと労力をかけたいのならば、ページ管理をするする業務をこなす従業員が必要です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, that's a tough decision to make considering our current financial situation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、今現在のうちのファイナンシャルの事を考えるとなかなか難しい決断ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will not cost you as much as you think.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "思ったよりも人件費はかかりませんよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ms. Adams and I were just discussing this the other day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先日この事についてアダムスさんと話していたんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me explain how it is going to work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どの様な仕組か説明しますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Many companies have their own Social Media Marketers to promote their products online.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大抵の会社はソーシャルメディアマーケターが居て、オンラインで商品の宣伝をしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A lot of them actually work only a couple of hours a day from home.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "多くのマーケターは一日数時間在宅で働いています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "All we need is someone to post one to two posts with eye-catching pictures a day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "毎日目につきそうな写真付き投稿を1、2件してくれる人がいれば大丈夫です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also to respond to the comments left on our posts, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと投稿に残されたコメントに返信もですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, that too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、それもです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's say we pay our Social Media Marketer $10 per hour, and the person works 3 hours everyday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ソーシャルメディアマーケターに時給10ドル払うとして、毎日3時間働いてもらいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It should not cost more than $1000 a month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一か月1000ドル以上はかかりませんよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think it's feasible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは可能ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You guys just successfully convinced me to hire a Social Media Marketer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お二人にソーシャルメディアマーケターを雇うように説得されてしまいましたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for your kind understanding, Mr. Kotani.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "小谷さん、ご理解頂き有難うございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ms. Bowden, I need you to go to the job fair at the convention center next Thursday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ボウデンさん、来週の木曜日にコンベンションセンターで開催される就職説明会に行ってもらいたいんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will be my pleasure.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you also take Mr. Terry with you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "テリーさんも同行してもいいかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, I can use some help.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいですよ、手伝ってもらえますから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You have been to this type of job fair a few times before.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君は就職説明会には何度も参加しているよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So you know the drill, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう何をすれば良いかは把握しているはずだね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I will do my best to recruit the best candidates for you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、有望な志願者を勧誘出来る様に全力を尽くします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I want you to pick at least 5 candidates to interview this time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回は面接できそうな志願者を最低5人探して欲しい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would like to expand our public relations and marketing department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "人事部と販売部の規模を拡大しようと思っているんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there any particular traits or achievements you are looking for?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どの様な人材、業績をお探しですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As always, we need someone who is bilingual in English and Japanese.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつも通り、英語と日本語のバイリンガル。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you can find someone who also has a good command of Spanish, that would be a big advantage.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしスペイン語が流暢な人がいたら、有利だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We could definitely hire someone who speaks Spanish.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちは実際スペイン語を話す従業員が必要ですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have had quite a few Spanish speaking clients.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今迄スペイン語圏の顧客が結構いましたし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And we have always had to hire a translator.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その都度通訳者を雇ってましたからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I assume most of the applicants have Bachelor's degrees.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大抵の志願者は学士号を持っているはずなんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I am really looking for someone with a Master's.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だから、修士号を持っている人が望ましい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You want someone with MBA, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "MBAを持っている人が良いという事ですね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It doesn't have to be MBA.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "MBAじゃなくても良いんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Master's in Marketing or Public Relations will be just as fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マーケティングか広報でも大丈夫。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am writing down all the qualifications.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "条件をすべて書き留めておきますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Any significant achievement is a plus.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大きな業績があるとプラスだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "At least 3 years of experience in the field is a must.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最低でもこの業界で3年の経験は必要。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Preferably more than 5 years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "希望は5年以上。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The more experience, the better.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "経験が長いほうが良いという事ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And someone who is driven and well likable.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あとはやる気があって人当たりが良い人がいいな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe add confidence too?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自信があるという事も加えてもいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hope I will be able to find the right candidates for you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "望む人材が見つかるといいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How much are the salaries going to be for these positions?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このポジションの給料はいくらの予定ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Depending on the experience, the salaries will start around $45000 a year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "経験にもよるけど、年収45000ドルから始めてもらう予定だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Don't you think it's a little too low for someone with a Master's and several years of experience?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "修士号保持者で何年経験がある人材にはちょっと安すぎると思いませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You might want to up the salaries a little bit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "少し給料を上げた方がよいかもしれません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have a suggestion for that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "提案はあるかい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think $53000 sounds more like the standard.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "53000ドル位が平均だとおもいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, that's fine with me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、それで大丈夫です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also this will be Mr. Terry's first job fair.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それからテリーさんにとって今回が初めての就職説明会になる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I want you to teach him the ins and outs of it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちゃんと詳細を教えてあげてね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I certainly will.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Kana, you have been staring at the wall for a long time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "加奈、ずっと壁を見ているわよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is something bothering you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうかしたの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have a big decision to make.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大きな決断をしないといけなくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You know, you can tell me anything.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何でも話聞くからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am trying to decide if I should go to law school or not.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ロースクールに行こうか迷っているの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, that would be great for you!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わー、素晴らしい事だと思うよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's easier said than done.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "口で言うほど簡単じゃないんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What is holding you back?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうして躊躇っているの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First of all, I don't know if I will be able to afford the tuition.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まずは授業料が支払えるかわからなくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would graduate from law school with a hefty amount of debt.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "卒業しても高額の借金が残るでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What area are you planning to go into?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どの分野を専門にする予定?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Business law since I have some experience with it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "経験もあるし、ビジネス法にしようと思っているの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have been helping Mr. Edward with some legal issues for the last few years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここ何年かエドワードさんの法的問題のお手伝いもしてきたし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I really enjoy learning about the business law.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ビジネス法を学ぶのがすごく楽しいの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, if you plan to become a corporate lawyer, you probably won't have to worry about the debt so much.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし会社の顧問弁護士になれるなら、お金の事はあまり心配しなくていいと思うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Corporate lawyer is a lucrative career.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "顧問弁護士は高給取りだから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am also worried that I won't be able to make it through the school.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、ロースクールをちゃんと卒業できるか心配なの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will be working full time here during the day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昼間はこの会社のフルタイムの仕事があるでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "M university and K college both offer night classes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "M大学とK大学は夜にクラスがあるの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I don't know if I have enough time and energy to attend the classes and study.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、学校に通ったり勉強する為の時間と労力があるか不安。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My aunt went to law school in her 40's.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の叔母は40代でロースクールに通ったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She was a paralegal for 20 years and making decent money.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "20年間パラリーガルやってきて、ちゃんとしたお給料を貰っていたの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But she didn't want to regret not becoming a lawyer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも弁護士にならなかったと後悔したくなかったんだって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You might have to make some sacrifices while in school, but it will be worth it in the end.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "在学中は犠牲にしないといけない事もあるかもしれないけど、最終的には絶対に行く価値はあるはず。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That sounds very encouraging.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう言ってもらえると心強いな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you taken the LSAT yet?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もうLSATは受けたの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I actually just passed it last month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は先月受かったばかりなの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おめでとう!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I actually have my law school applications ready too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実はロースクールの願書も用意してあるの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just wanted to make sure I am making the right decision.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ自分の決断が正しいのか確認したくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sounds like you have been planning to do this for a long time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ずっと前から準備をしてきている様だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think you should go for it!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "行くべきだと思うよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "後悔はしないから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アドバイスしてくれて有難う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think I am going to mail those applications today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日中に願書を送ってみるね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will be your biggest cheerleader!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一番の応援団になるからね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am blessed to have a friend like you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたみたいな友人がいて幸せだわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Mr. Okayama, I have some bad news.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもしオカヤマさん、悪い知らせがあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Angelica just quit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アンジェリカが辞めたんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What do you mean, \"she quit.\"", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "「辞めた」ってどういう事?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She didn't show up this morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日出勤しなかったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And we found her letter of resignation on her desk.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと辞職届が机に置いてあったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She didn't mention anything yesterday?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昨日彼女は何も言ってなかったの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, not a hint at all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何の兆しすらなかったですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What does the letter say?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "手紙には何て書いてあるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It says her job was too demanding.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "仕事が過酷過ぎたと書いてあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And she didn't think she was compensated enough for her job.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それと、仕事量に対して見合った給料が支払われなかったと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you think she left us to work for another company?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他の会社に就職したんじゃないかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Somebody told me she got a job at company H.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "H社に就職したという話を聞きました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But it's unsubstantiated.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも本当かはわかりません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She should have given us her two weeks notice!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2週間前通知をくれても良かったのに!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That would have kept us out of this predicament for sure.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうしてくれたら、こんなに大変な事にはならなかったはずですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sounds like she has had enough with us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "きっと私達にうんざりしているんでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you think she purposefully left us hanging?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わざとこんな状況にしたと言う事かい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうかもしれませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But her job was almost double the amount of what a regular assistant manager should do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも彼女は普通のアシスタントマネージャーの仕事の倍の事をしていたんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, we have been short staffed for a while.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもずっと人手不足だったからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Her job needs to be split into two.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女の職務を二人分に分けるべきですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Especially if you want to hire someone to take her position and keep it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "後任の人を雇って続けてもらいたいならば尚更です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Splitting her job will require me to hire two instead of one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女の職務を二つに分けるとなると、一人じゃなく二人も雇わないといけないんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mr. Okayama, you can not be too cheap here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オカヤマさん、ここでケチってはいけません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you want to retain good employees, you need to be willing to pay a little more.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良い従業員に続けてもらいたいなら、もう少し給料を払う覚悟がないといけません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I suppose I could do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やっぱりそうかもね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you come up with detailed job descriptions for each of the two jobs?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあその2つの職務内容を詳しく作成してもらってもいいかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When do you want me to have them ready?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつまでに仕上げたらいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By tomorrow afternoon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日の昼までにお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then you can post the openings on our website and the job search engines.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そしてうちのホームページと職探しサイトに記載しておいてね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will get to it immediately.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "直ぐに取り掛かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, can you please give Angelica a call?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あとアンジェリカに電話してもらってもいいかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "To let her know I appreciate everything she has done.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今まで色々有難うと伝えておいて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And to apologize that things ended on a sour note.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、不本意な終わり方になってしまって申し訳ないと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, that could be awkward...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "気まずくなりそうですね・・・。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I will do it for you, Mr. Okayama.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもオカヤマさんの為なのでやります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Debbie, did you get the group text I sent you earlier?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "デビーさん、先程送ったグループメールは届いていますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I haven't gotten a reply from you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "返事がまだ来てないので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I decided to give you a call.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "直接電話する事にしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am sorry I was busy helping my parents out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すみません、両親の手伝いをしていました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was letting everybody know we will be closed due to inclement weather tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "悪天候の為、明日は臨時休業になった事を皆に知らせていたんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The storm is predicted to turn into a category 1 hurricane by the time it makes landfall here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここに上陸する頃にはカテゴリー1のハリケーンになると予測されています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have heard about it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's why I was helping my parents get some groceries and supplies.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だから両親の買い出しの手伝いをしていたんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I figured we would not have to come in tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日は多分休みだろうなと思っていました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Most schools and businesses will be closed too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほとんどの学校、ビジネスは閉まるみたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hope this storm will not be too bad.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "酷い嵐でないといいんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't think anything catastrophic will happen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大被害は起こらないと思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But we need to take precautions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもちゃんと準備はしておいた方がいいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there anybody hunkering down at the office?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "誰かオフィスに避難する予定ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, it's too dangerous to be out and about tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいえ、明日出回るなんて危険です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But Tadashi and Ashton are boarding up the windows right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも今、忠さんとアシュトンさんが窓に板を張り付けている所です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mikey is getting some sandbags to keep water out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マイキーさんは浸水防止の為の土嚢を取りに行っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can go check on the office after the storm passes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "嵐が去ったらオフィスの様子を見に行きますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I live only 5 minutes away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちから5分しかかからないので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The winds are picking up now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "風がだんだん強くなってきましたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please tell Tadashi and Ashton to be careful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "忠さんとアシュトンさんにくれぐれも気を付けるように伝えて下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You will be safe too!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そちらも気を付けてくださいね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for letting me know about tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "連絡どうも有難うございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's talk about the release date for our new product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では新商品の発売日について話し合いましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When do you guys think we should do it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつにしたら良いと思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think August will be perfect.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "8月がいいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will give us 3 months to get everything ready.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "3ヶ月あればちゃんと準備が出来ると思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That should be enough time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "時間は充分あります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't think 3 months is enough.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "3ヶ月では足りないと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The product still needs to be tested out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この商品はまだテストしないといけませんし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We need to make sure it receives positive reviews.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "高評価を得られるか確認が必要です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And we will have to have enough time to work out all the kinks if there's any.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし問題があるならば、解決する時間も必要になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I agree with Mr. Cordero.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "コーデロさんの仰る通りです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We should not be in a rush to release this product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "急いで商品発売しないほうがいいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know Company D is launching a similar product next month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "D社が似たような商品を来月発売するんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is basically a competition.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これは競争みたいなものです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We do not want to be behind in this game.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここで遅れを取ってはいけません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I understand what you are saying, Mr. Kosaka.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "小坂さん、気持ちはわかりますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But it could be a good thing that Company D is releasing theirs first.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもD社の商品が先に発売されるのは良い事かもしれないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We could find out what the consumers think of it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "消費者がどう思ってるか知る事ができるでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And we could make adjustments based on their reviews.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その評価次第で色々調整も可能でしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We want to make sure our product surpasses theirs.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らの品に勝る商品に仕上げたいですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その通りです!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can't move up our launch date.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "発売日を早める事は無理だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Company D is going to sell theirs first no matter what.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "D社が先に販売開始するのは確実だし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We might as well make the best of the situation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この状況をプラスに取るしかない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That makes sense.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So when do you think we need to release ours?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ販売日はいつにしたら良いでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about November?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "11月はどうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It should give us enough time for the testing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "テスト期間も充分あります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will have a plenty of time to observe how the consumers react to Company D's product too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "消費者がD社の商品にどう反応するか見る時間もたっぷりありますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sounds good to me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良いと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you agree on November, Mr. Kosaka?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "小坂さん、11月で大丈夫ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok, November it is!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では11月に決定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Carson, I have something you might be interested in.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "カーソン、君が興味を持ちそうな事があるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What is it, Mr. Billings?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何ですか、ビリングスさん?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's MBA tuition reimbursement program.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "MBA授業料返金プログラムだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I never knew we had a program like that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんなプログラムがあるとは初耳です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is actually our first year to offer the program.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は今年初めてオファーするプログラムなんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And I think you will be a great candidate for that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、君が良い候補者になると思ってね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have always wanted to go back to school to earn my MBA.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ずっとMBAを取る為に学校に戻りたかったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, the expensive tuition has always kept me from applying.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも高額な授業料が原因で応募できないままでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I could take out a student loan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "学生ローンを借りる事も可能だったんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I didn't want to take out another loan when I still owe a large amount for my Bachelor's degree.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もうすでに学士号取得の為に大きな額を借りたので、また借りたくなかったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So this program would be perfect for you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあこのプログラムは君にぴったりだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I already looked at the requirements.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう必要事項を読んだんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And you passed everything on the list.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君は全て該当しているよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What are the requirements?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どんな必要事項ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You have your Bachelor's degree in Business Administration.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "経営学の学士号を持っているよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You have been working here for longer than two years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この会社で2年以上勤務している。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And you are very industrious.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そしてとても勤勉だし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You could take classes either online or in the traditional classroom setting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オンラインでも通常のクラスでも受講可能らしいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would probably take online classes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オンラインクラスを受ける事になると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There is one thing I haven't checked off.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一つだけチェックしていない事があるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Commitment to work for this company for 5 years after completion of your MBA.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "MBA取得後、この会社で5年働くという事なんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, that would be a yes!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはもちろんです!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You know I truly love working here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここで働くのが本当に好きです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The company is going to pay for my MBA.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会社がMBA取得代を出してくれるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will pay it back by working extra hard.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一生懸命働いて恩返しをしますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am glad to hear that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is actually a reimbursement program.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実はこれ、返金プログラムなんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Which means you will have to come up with the tuition money first.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だから始めに自分で授業料の支払いをしいなければならない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I could figure something out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その点は大丈夫です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If necessary, I would take out another student loan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "必要ならば学生ローンを借りますので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It would not be a problem as long as I get reimbursed the full amount later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "後で全額返金されるなら、問題にはなりません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You seem very thrilled.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わくわくしている様だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for thinking about me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "勧めて下さってありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am going to go grab the application for you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ応募用紙を取りに行ってくるね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will be right back.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すぐに戻って来るから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you again, Mr. Billings.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ビリングスさん、本当にありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mr. Will, I was told to come see you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ウィルさん、話があると聞いたのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, come on in my office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、どうぞオフィスに入って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You could have told me in the breakroom earlier.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さっき休憩室で話してもらって良かったんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, I need to tell you this in person.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや、これは個人的に伝えないといけなくてね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You know the new CEO has implemented a few changes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの新社長が方針変更してるのを知っているだろう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And it seems like there is more to come.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これからもっと変化があるようでね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, he suggested some budget cut in some departments and...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええっと、部署によっては経費削減するように提案しているんだ・・・。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You are beating around the bush, Mr. Will.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ウィルさん、回りくどい言い方してますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you cut to the chase?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何を言いたいんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't want to be the bad guy to deliver the bad news.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "悪い知らせを伝える役にはなりたくないんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You are being let go.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君は辞めさせる事になったんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What, what did I do to get fired?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええっ、首になる様な事しましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You are not getting fired, just getting laid off.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "首になるんじゃないよ、リストラなんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And it's nothing personal.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "個人的な理由ではないから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's strictly budgetary reason.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "経費削減が原因だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Am I the only one getting laid off?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私一人だけ解雇されるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, Andy is too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっと、アンディもだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You and Andy have the least seniority here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君とアンディはここで一番勤務歴が短いだろう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You have been phenomenal at your job.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君は素晴らしい仕事をしているよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I had to make a fair decision based on your experience here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、経験数に基づいて公平な判断をしなければいけなかったんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "While I understand you, I just can't lose my job right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "状況は理解できますが、今解雇されるのは無理です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have a new baby coming next month!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来月子供が生まれるんです!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Listen, I will write you a recommendation for any company you apply.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良く聞いて、君が応募する会社どこにでも推薦書を書くから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will assist you in job hunting too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "職探しも手伝うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In fact I have been calling around to see who is hiring.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実際どこの会社が求人募集してるか、ずっと電話しているんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I truly appreciate your gesture.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "色々有難うございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I guess there isn't anything I can do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私ができる事は何もないんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Your termination won't be until the end of this month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今月末までは解雇されないから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And you have 14 days of paid leave that you can use.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだ未使用の有給休暇も14日残っている、", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hopefully it will hold you through until you find a new employment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新しい職が見つかるまでそれで何とかやっていけるんだといいんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I need to get started on job hunting right away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すぐに職探しを始めないといけませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you told Andy about this already?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アンディにはこの事を伝えましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, I am about to and dreading it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだなんだよ、気が重くてね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He is going to be devastated.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼はきっとショックだろうな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hope he will take it as well as you did.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君の様に落ち着いて対応してくれるといいんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Believe me, I feel very despondent too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "信じ難いかもしれませんが、私だって落胆してます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I have accepted the fact.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でももう事実を受け止めました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They say, \"When one door closes, another door opens.\"", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一つドアが閉まると、もう一つ開くと言いますしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This could be a blessing in disguise.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最終的には良い事に繋がるかもしれないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Before we wrap up this meeting, there is one more thing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このミーティングを終了する前にもう一つ良いですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You might know this already.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう知っているかもしれませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mr. Taniguchi is leaving at the end of this week to work for company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "谷口さんがA社に転職するので、今週で退職するんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How come nobody told me about this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "誰からも聞いてないですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry I have only told a few people about it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すみません、この事は数人にしか話していないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I figured you could give us a farewell speech here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この場で別れの挨拶をしてもらおうかなと思っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First of all, thank you to Mr. Hall for giving me an opportunity to work here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まず最初にホールさん、ここで働く機会を与えて下さって有難うございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's been an incredible experience.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当に素晴らしい経験になりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You have always believed in me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつも私を信用して下さいましたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And I hope I have made you proud.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私を雇った事を後悔されてないといいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Of course, you have.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろんそんな事ないですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you to my wonderful colleagues, Ms. Imada and Mr. Ramirez.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "素晴らしい同僚の今田さんとラミレスさん、有難うございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You two have always pushed me to do my best.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お二人のお陰で私はいつも全力を尽くす事ができました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You are going to make me cry!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "泣けてきちゃいますね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ms. Imada, you have been an amazing mentor.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今田さん、あなたは最高の指導者です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can not thank you enough for your knowledge and patience.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたの知識と忍耐力にとても感謝しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know I wasn't always a fast learner.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は飲み込みが早いわけでもなかったので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I really enjoyed sharing my knowledge with you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたに色々教えてあげる事ができて楽しかったですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mr. Ramirez, you have been such an inspiration to me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ラミレスさん、あなたは私に勇気を与えてくれました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "To see another immigrant succeed in this country really motivated me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "移民のあなたがこの国で成功しているのを目にして、やる気が出ました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You work just as hard, Mr. Taniguchi.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "谷口さん、あなたも同じくらい真面目に働いていますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was blessed to have such a great group of people to work with.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんなに良い同僚に恵まれて私は幸せでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will truly miss you guys.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "寂しくなりますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You will be missed too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こっちも寂しくなってしまいますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Who is taking over Mr. Taniguchi's position by the way?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ところで誰が谷口さんの後任者になるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, we are still in the process of hiring.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実はまだ探している途中でね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Replacing him will be a difficult task.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼の代わりを見つけるのは大変ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Whoever gets hired will have big shoes to fill.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "後任になった人は大役を務めないといけないですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I totally agree with you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You have been a valuable part of my company for so long, Mr. Taniguchi.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "谷口さん、あなたは長年の間うちの会社の貴重な存在でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Selfishly, I do not want to let you go.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我がままに聞こえますが、本当は辞めて欲しくなかったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But you deserve your new job at company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもあなたはA社の仕事に相応しい人材です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They have no idea how lucky they are to have you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたを雇える事がどれだけラッキーかまだ彼らはわかってないでしょうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wish you all the best of luck.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "健闘を願っていますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please stay in touch with us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これからも連絡して下さいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you again for everything you have done for me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今迄色々有難うございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっと愚痴ってもいい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, what's the matter?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The messy desk next to mine!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の隣の散らかり放題のデスクの事!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you talking about Billy's?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ビリーの机の事?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, you see how cluttered it is.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、すごい散らかってるでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see so many papers stacked up there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "書類が山程溜まっているみたいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's not the only thing on his desk though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "デスクにあるのはそれだけじゃないの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Pens, folders, and trash!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ペンにフォルダーにごみまで!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am getting sick of it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう耐えられなくなってきた。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would not want to work next to him either.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私も彼の隣では仕事はしたくないね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can't focus on my work with that big mess.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あんなに散らかり放題だから、私は仕事に集中できないの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Clutter makes me so grumpy!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "散らかってるとイライラするし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am surprised Mr. Urata hasn't made him straighten his desk up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "浦田さんが片付けるようにまだ指示していないなんて驚いた。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He has talked to Billy about it a few times.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼は何度もビリーに話しているんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "His desk will be clean for a day or two and goes back to the mess again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1、2日位は綺麗になるんだけど、またすぐに散らかるの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How can anybody work efficiently in a messy space like that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あんなに散らかしたまま効率良く仕事ができる人が居るんだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's what I am confused about too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私もそれが不思議でならないの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Billy's work has always been more than satisfactory.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ビリーの仕事振りはいつも申し分ないんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Even Mr. Urata has commented on how efficient he is.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "浦田さんも彼がどれだけ有能か話していたし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But his mess keeps me from concentrating on my work for sure.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、彼の散らかったデスクのせいで私は全然仕事に集中できないの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am afraid I will just snap at him one day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつか彼に対してきつい事言ってしまうかもしれない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then you need to tell him to do something about the mess.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なら、どうにかする様に言うべきだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I do not want to embarrass or upset him.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも恥をかかせたり、怒らせたりしたくないんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe you can write him an anonymous letter concerning the state of his desk.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼のデスク状態について匿名レターを書いてみるのはどう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Write it as professionally as possibile.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なるべくプロフェッショナルに書くの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Make sure it includes that his messy desk hinders the coworkers from focusing on their work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "散らかったスペースのせいで同僚が仕事に集中できないという事を必ず含めて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I might take your advice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのアドバイス使えそうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's either you do this or continue to be affected by his mess.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうするか、このままずっと彼の散らかし放題の犠牲になるかだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would you please help me write a letter then?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ手紙を書くのを手伝ってくれる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am not a confrontational person.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私あまり対立的じゃないし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It makes me uncomfortable to write such a letter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんな手紙を書くなんて気まずいの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I could do that for you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいよ、私がやってあげる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you want to grab dinner together tonight?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日一緒に夕飯食べる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can help you then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その時に手伝ってあげる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for helping me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mr. Kellar, do you have a moment?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ケラーさん、ちょっといいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you happen to know if the sales manager position has been filled?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "営業部マネージャーのポジションはもう決まったか知ってますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The application deadline is next Thursday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週の火曜日が願書提出の締め切りです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We actually have received quite a few already.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実はもう結構な数の申し込みがあるんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A friend of mine is also interested in applying.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の友人も応募したいらしいんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She is currently working at company L.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今L社に勤務しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And her sales records are second to none.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女の売上記録は素晴らしいものです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sounds like she is going to be a great candidate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "有望な候補者になりそうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She has a great work ethic and she is very personable.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女はしっかりした労働観を持っているし、とても人当たりも良いです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You would love her instantly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "直ぐに彼女の事を気に入ると思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, the decision isn't all up to me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも私だけで決断できませんから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You know new employees are recruited through the Human Resources.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新入社員は人事部を通して雇われるのは知っていますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、知っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just wanted to put a bug in your ear about her.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ彼女の事を伝えておきたくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She would be a great asset to this company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この会社で貴重な存在になると思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will keep it in mind.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "覚えておきますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I can't have any preference.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもひいきはできません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I need to keep my mind open for other candidates too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他の応募者にもしっかり目を向けないといけませんからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I completely understand that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I would love to interview her.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも面接はしてみたいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Make sure she turns her application in on time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女がちゃんと締め切り前に願書を提出する様にして下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can she mail her resume and cover letter?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "履歴書とカバーレターを送付して大丈夫ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We only accept online applications.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オンライン提出の願書のみ受け付けます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Everything should be turned in strictly online.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "必要書類全てはオンラインで提出するように。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Things have obviously changed since I applied here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私が応募した時から随分変わりましたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Many companies have gone paperless nowadays.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今は多くの会社がペーパーレスになりましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can my name be put down as one of her references?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の名前を紹介者として載せても良いですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't see why not.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am sure you could give a great recommendation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君なら素晴らしい推薦書を出してあげられるでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for all the information.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "色々教えて下さって有難うございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will relay this message to her.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この事を彼女に伝えておきますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for coming on short notice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "急だったのに来てくれて有難う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What can I do for you today, Mr. Walter?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日はどうなさいましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, this has been on my mind for quite a while.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実はずっと考えていた事があるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have been wanting to take some of my work burden off.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "仕事量を少し減らしたいなとずっと思ってたんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You are thinking about retiring, aren't you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "退職を考えてらっしゃるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうじゃない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am talking about a merger.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "合併について言ってるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would not mind sharing some managing responsibilities.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "経営責任を共用するのも悪くないなと思うんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "May I ask you why?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "理由を聞いてもよろしいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I feel like work is all I have been doing for the last 18 years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この18年間、ずっと仕事しかしてない気分なんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have missed so many of my kids' milestones and events.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我が子の成長やイベントもいつも見逃してきたんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I haven't visited my parents for 5 years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実家には5年も帰省してないし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then my best friend got sick and passed away 6 months ago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "6ヶ月前に親友が病気で亡くなってね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It dawned on me that I need to get my priorities straight in life.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、人生で何が大切か優先順位を付けるべきだと気付いたんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Merger is a big decision to make, Mr. Walter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ウォルターさん、合併は大きな決断ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I completely understand that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それ位知っているよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's why I want to merge with Company S.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だからS社と合併しようと考えているんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you already talk to the CEO there?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "S社の経営者とはそういうお話はもうされてるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have been talking about it for a few months over dinners.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここ数ヶ月、夕食を共にする際に話をしてきてるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But we haven't had an official talk yet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもまだ公式な話はしてない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wanted your expert opinion first.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君のプロの意見を聞きたくてね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you fully aware of their financial status?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "S社の経営状態をしっかり把握してらっしゃいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I know they are much bigger than us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちより大分規模が大きいのは知っているよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And they are expanding their business overseas too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それと、海外進出している事も。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you really are serious about this merger, we will have more discussions with your lawyer as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当に真剣にこの合併の事をお考えなら、弁護士も含めて話し合いをしましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am confident this merger is going to benefit my company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この合併はうちに利益をもたらしてくれると信じている。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I spent the last 18 years working my tail off day and night.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は過去18年間、朝から晩まで必死に働いてきた。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My company has been my life.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この会社は私の人生なんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would not just merge with any company available.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "合併可能な会社ならどこでも良いわけじゃない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I carefully thought out and decided on Company S.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じっくり考慮して決めたのがS社なんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please allow me to do some more research on this company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この会社についてもう少し詳しく調べさせて頂けますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would like to make sure you will be in for a success.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ウォルターさんが成功する事が可能か確かめたいんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You are always my right-hand man!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君はそうやっていつも助けてくれるね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So what does your wife think about your decision?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちなみに奥様はこの決断をした事をどう思われているんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually I have not told her yet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実はまだ彼女には伝えてないんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is going to make her happy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも喜ぶはず。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She has always complained I put my family on the back burner.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私が家族の事を後回しにしているといつも文句を言ってるから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I am excited for you guys.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これから楽しみですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And I hope this merger is going to bring you good things.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この合併で良い事が沢山起こるといいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ryan, I am so relieved to hear Mr. Takano is taking you on this trip.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ライアン、高野さんと一緒に出張に行く様で安心しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Considering his current health conditions, he really needs someone to go with him.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼の今の健康状態だと、同行者が必要なので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is my very first business trip out of country.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回初めての海外出張なんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am really thrilled.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すごくワクワクしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You will be spending a whole week with Mr. Takano.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "高野さんと一週間過ごす事になりますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And here is your list of responsibilities other than your job itself.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これに業務外の責任を記載してます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What do you mean other than my job itself?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "業務外とはどういう意味ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You know Mr. Takano sometimes requires extra attention in some areas.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "高野さんは時々、特別なお世話が必要になるのは知っているでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For example, you need to stay on top of his medications.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "例えば投薬についてちゃんと把握しないといけないとか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When he gets busy, he tends to forget to take them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "忙しくなると、彼は服用する事を忘れちゃうんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I never had anyone depending on me with medications.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "誰かの薬のお世話をしたことなんて今までありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I am a little bit nervous about it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "少し緊張しますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, you will be fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたなら大丈夫ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will make sure to make an extra copy of his medicine chart for you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼の薬表を余分にコピーしておきますので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also you might get asked to sleep in his suite depending on the situation..", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから状況によっては、彼の部屋に泊まってと言われるかもしれません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What, are you serious?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええっ、本気ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I never signed up for the \"sleeping in your boss’s suite\" job.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "上司の部屋で寝る仕事になんて申し込んでないですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He is elderly and his health is not in a great shape.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼はお年だし、体調もそんなに良くないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He needs to have someone nearby in case something happens to him in his sleep.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "就寝中にもし何か起こった時の為に、誰かが近くに居ないといけないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So do I need to monitor him the entire time he is asleep?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼が寝ている間ずっと監視しておかないといけないのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You don't have to stay up all night to keep an eye on him.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "様子を見る為に一晩中起きてなくても大丈夫です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Just stay in his suite in case he needs your assistance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし助けが必要になった時の為に彼のスイーツに居るだけです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Another thing you need to pay attention is his diet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あともう一つ気をつけてもらいたい事は食事です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You might know this already, but he is on a strict diet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう知っているかもしれませんが、彼は食事制限中です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, he does not like to be told what to eat.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "けれども、彼は食事について指示されるのを非常に嫌がるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So you will have to give him acceptable choices.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので、良さそうな食事の選択肢を与えて下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That way Mr. Takano still feels like he has some control.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうすると、高野さんも自分でコントロールしている気分になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can do that for him.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは任せて下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But my job should not entail giving him medications and sleeping in his suite.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、投薬の手助けと彼のスイーツで寝る事は私の職務ではないはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would not feel comfortable.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "居心地が悪いです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am just one of his employees, not his caregiver.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は彼の従業員であって、お世話係ではないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I understand how you feel.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その気持ちはわかりますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I need you to man up and do these things.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもメソメソせずにしっかりとこれらの事をこなして欲しいんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Otherwise, he would not have anybody helping him.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうでなければ、彼の世話をする人が誰もいません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hope this trip is not going to be too stressful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この出張でストレスが溜まらないといいんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I am pretty sure Mr. Takano will enjoy your company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "高野さんはあなたと一緒に過ごす時間を楽しむと思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wish me luck.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "上手くいきますように。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's talk about our current online reviews.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では最近のオンラインレビューについて話し合いましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Most of the reviews are positive.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大抵は高評価ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I couldn't help but notice some negative ones.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも悪評価が幾つか目に付きました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have read them too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私も読みましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Some of them are actually concerning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "注意した方が良さそうなものも幾つかありました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are they about our customer service or products?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちのカスタマーサービスの事か、それとも商品自体の事を評価しているんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, they are mostly about this particular product, K.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええっと、ほとんどが特定の商品Kについてです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Many customers claim what we are selling is counterfeit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "多数の顧客が、うちが偽物を販売していると主張しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You know that's a false statement.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それが間違いなのは知っているでしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "All of our products are authentic and sourced from the original manufacturer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの品は全て正規メーカーから仕入れた本物ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's why I was shocked to see more than 10 customers with the similar complaints.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だから、10件以上同じ様な苦情が出ているのは驚きました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "10 is an alarming number.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "10件というのは異常ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Does anybody have a clue as to what's happening?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一体何が起こったのかわかる方?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our competitor, Company J, is selling our knock off product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ライバル社Jがうちの商品の偽物を販売しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They do look identical, but there are a few noticeable differences.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほぼ同一商品に見えるのですが、数か所異なります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The zipper and the outer pocket are in slightly lighter color.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "チャックと外ポケットの色が少し薄いんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I heard J's sales have gone up a lot since they started sponsoring several famous vloggers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "J社は有名なビデオブロガーのスポンサーを始めてから、売り上げが上がっていると聞きましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Those vloggers advertise this knock off product to their viewers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのブロガー達が視聴者向けに偽物商品の宣伝をしているんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So customers unknowingly purchase this fake product believing it's authentic.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だから顧客は知らずに、偽物を本物と信じて購入してしまうんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Consequently, our customers blame us for selling fake ones.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その結果、我々が偽物を販売していると批難されるんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This has got to stop soon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この状況を直ぐに阻止しなければいけませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can't lose any more customers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これ以上顧客を失う事はできません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And we need to inform our potential customers that we are the authorized sellers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それと見込み客に、正規販売者という事を知ってもらわないと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Isn't it illegal to sell counterfeit products?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "偽物を販売するのは違法じゃないんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If so, we can take legal action.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "違法ならば、法的措置を取れますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Technically, it's not illegal.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも実際の所、違法ではないですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But we can certainly let the original manufacturer know about the situation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、一応正規メーカーにこの状況を知らせましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think that's what we should do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうすべきですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If it's ok, can I e-mail them with supporting evidence?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良ければ、私が証拠と一緒にメールしておきますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We also need to post a statement on our website.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あとホームページにも声明を記載しておかないといけませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You don't need to mention any company name.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会社名は出さなくていいですので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But make sure to write we are authorized sellers and never sell counterfeit products.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我々は正規販売しているので、偽物を販売する事は絶対にないという事を書いておいて下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will update our website for you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ホームページの更新しておきますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Should we contact Company J?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "J社に連絡した方が良いですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's just wait until the manufacturer takes action.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まずは正規メーカーがどんな措置を取るか待ってみましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you guys for all the help.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆さん、ご協力頂き有難うございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mrs. Maki, I am afraid I have to leave soon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "真希さん、申し訳ないのですが早退せざるを得なくなりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is everything alright?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just got a phone call from my daughter's daycare.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今娘の保育園から電話があったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She has a fever of 103 and is non stop throwing up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "103度の熱があって、ずっと嘔吐しているらしいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh no, I hope she doesn't have the flu.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あらら、インフルエンザにかかってないといいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's going around right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今流行ってるみたいですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was asked to come pick her up as soon as possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "直ぐに迎えに来るようにと言われました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I know this is not the ideal time for me to leave.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもこのタイミングで早退できないのは承知しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are about to have a meeting with company K.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もうすぐK社とのミーティングが始まりますし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My husband is away on a bussiness trip.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "主人は出張で留守中です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And all my family members live out of town.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "家族も皆市外に住んでいるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just don't have anybody else to go get her.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので娘を迎えに行ける人が居ないんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I totally understand.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I asked Andrew to cover my part at the meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ミーティングはアンドリューに私の代わりを務めるようにお願いしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He has all the handouts I printed out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "印刷済の資料も渡しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And I just got done setting up the Power Point slide show.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あとパワーポイントのスライドの準備も今終わった所です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Andrew is currently checking to see if they are in the correct order.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今アンドリューが順番が正しいか確かめているところです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It seems that you got everything under control.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "準備はきちんと出来ている様ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you e-mail Mr. Sakaguchi out of courtesy?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "礼儀として坂口さんにメールしておいて下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "To let him know you will be absent at this meeting due to a family emergency?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "家族の急用の為にミーティングは欠席せざるを得なくなった事を伝えて下さいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I was actually going to do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうする予定でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I wanted to get your permission first.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ、先に許可を頂きたくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You know I will let you go in case of an emergency.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "緊急の際は早退させてあげるのは知ってるでしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes I do, but we have this important meeting today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、でも今日は重要なミーティングが入っていたので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I really hate to miss it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "出席できないのが悔やまれます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Don't you worry about a thing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "心配しないでください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We got you covered.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたの代わりはバッチリだから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you so much for your kind understanding.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご理解頂き、有難うございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Been there, done that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私もこういう経験してきましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have three children, but they are all grown now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今はもう成長したけど、子供が3人います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Your coworkers should understand that too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "同僚の皆もわかってくれるはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now you go take care of the sweet baby of yours!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "急いで可愛い子供ちゃんの看病しに行ってあげて下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will keep you posted on my daughter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また後で娘の事で連絡します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I might have to take tomorrow off depending on her condition.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女の体調次第では明日も休みを取るかもしれません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm so thrilled to be working here for the grand opening of Retail Apparel Store A!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は小売アパレルストアAのグランドオープンのために働くことができてとてもワクワクしています!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We're glad to have you on board Jackie.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたを迎えられて私達もとても嬉しいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Your enthusiasm is a great match for our team.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたはこのチームにとてもぴったりの熱意のある人です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So today, we'll be stocking the store.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて今日はお店でストック作業をします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First we need to get all the clothes on the shelves.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まず、棚にすべての服を上げる必要があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then we're going to have to put tags on everything.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから、全部にタグを付けなければなりません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, so how do we figure out which tags to put on which items?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なるほど、どのタグをどのアイテムに付けるのか、どうすればわかりますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We need to scan the barcodes that are sewn in the products.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "商品に縫い付けられているバーコードをスキャンしなければなりません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "After that, we will attach the appropriate tag with the corresponding pricing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その後、対応する価格に合っているタグを付けます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Bar codes are crazy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "バーコードってすごいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How do they even work?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どういう仕組みになっているんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They're used to encode information in a visual pattern readable by this machine I have in my hand.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "視覚的なパターンで情報をコード化して今私が持っているこの機械で読むことが出来るんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The most common, the UPC, is linear and made of two parts, the barcode and the 12-digit number", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最も一般的なUPCは線形で、2つの部分、バーコードと12桁の数字で構成されています", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The first six numbers are the manufacturer’s identification.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最初の6つの数字は製造元の識別番号です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A barcode scanner scans the black and white parts by illuminating the code with a red light.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "バーコードスキャナーは、コードを赤色光で照らすことによって黒と白の部分をスキャンします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "An analog signal is sent to the decoder.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アナログ信号がデコーダに送信されます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The decoder interprets that signal, validates the barcode using the check digit, and converts it into text.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "デコーダがその信号を解釈し、チェックディジットを使用してバーコードを検証し、それをテキストに変換します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That is how we can easily track our inventory, and what people are buying.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうやって私達の在庫や、お客様が何を購入しているかを簡単に追跡することが出来るのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's really cool that you know all of that Candace.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それを全部知っているなんて本当にすごいです、キャンディス。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where did you learn so much about barcodes and scanners?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "バーコードとスキャナーについてどこで勉強したんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was always curious how they worked, so I just looked it up on the internet one day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どういう仕組みになっているのかずっと興味があったので、ある日インターネットで調べたんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You're really fast at putting those jackets on the hangers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたはジャケットをハンガーにかけるのが本当に速いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When you're finished with the jackets, please fold all of the jeans.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ジャケットが終わったら、ジーンズを全部たたんでください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Make sure to separate men's and women's.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "必ず男性用と女性用を分けてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "All of the men's items will go on the left side of the store, and the women's will go on the right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "男性用の商品は全部店の左側にあり、女性用の商品は右側にあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you ever worked at a store before it has opened?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "開店前の店で働いたことはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいえ、ありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is the first time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これが初めてです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's a very unique experience.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "特別な体験です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wonder how customers will like the new store.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お客様は新しい店を気に入ってくれるでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hopefully they will love it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "気に入るといいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We opened a Retail Apparel Store A in Seattle last year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昨年シアトルに小売アパレルストアAをオープンしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was a lot of hard work, but it paid off.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大変な作業でしたが、その甲斐はありました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our Seattle location made the most revenue in 2018.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2018年にはシアトル店が最も収益を上げました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It must be an amazing experience doing what you do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは素晴らしい経験でしょうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can't imagine traveling the world, and opening so many new stores.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "世界を旅して沢山の新しい店を開いていくなんて想像がつかないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have any advice for new managers like me?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私のような新しいマネージャーに何かアドバイスはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I definitely recommend that you learn situational leadership.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、状況的リーダーシップを学ぶことを絶対にお勧めします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's figuring out how to manage each employee.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "各従業員を管理する方法を説明していますから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, you really need to get to know your employees well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また、従業員をよく知ることは本当に大事です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How much do you think it should be?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたはいくらがいいと思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I really like a retail of 7.35.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は7ドル35の小売が本当にいいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Based on our market research though, most shoppers aren't going to pay over 7 dollars for a box of tea.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私達の市場調査に基づいてね、だけどほとんどの買物客はお茶1箱に7ドル以上払うつもりはないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's why I recommend a retail price of 6.99.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういうわけで6ドル99の小売価格を推します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't know Jerry, but I feel that tacking 99 cents on to it makes it sound cheap.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうかなあジェリー、私には99セントをつけると安っぽく聞こえる気がしますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is ethically grown, organic, hand plucked Assam tea.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これは倫理的に育てられた、オーガニックの、手摘みのアッサムティーです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's extremely premium.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "非常にプレミアムです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If people want cheap tea, you can get a case for one dollar at the store.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし人々が安いお茶を買いたいなら店で1ケース1ドルで手に入れることもできます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, but it is worth noting that we would probably push more units at a lower price.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かに、だけどユニット数をもっと稼げるかもしれないということは注目に値しますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What if we did it for seven dollars even?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "仮に7ドルだったとしたら?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then it looks even more expensive.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうするとさらに高価に感じますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "More expensive than 7.35?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "7ドル35よりも高い?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That doesn't make any sense Melissa.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは解せないですメリッサ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Although it's more expensive, the consumer will compare it to something that is 8 dollars and perceive it to be less expensive.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "より高価ですが、消費者はそれを8ドルのものと比較して、それより安価であると感じるのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, all of you certainly do make valid points.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、確かにみなさん良いところをついていますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, and from today's discussions I can tell that everyone has very strong opinions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、そして今日の話し合いから、みなさんがとても強い意見を持っていると言うことが分かりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Which are all very different.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そしてとても異なっていますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's why we're going to vote on it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それが投票にする理由です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, it will still have to be approved by several other departments as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他のいくつかの部に承認してもらう必要がありますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm curious to hear your thoughts on the pricing Rick.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "リック、価格設定についてのあなたの考えを聞きたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How much do you think the package should retail for?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたはそのパッケージをどのくらいで小売りすべきだと思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "6.39, but mostly because I'm cheap and superstitious.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "6ドル39、だけどそれは私がケチで迷信深いからです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "OK, so I get it that you're cheap.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なるほど、あなたがケチだということは分かりますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But what is superstitious about that pricing Rick?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかし、価格について迷信深いとはどういうことですかリック?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Nikola Tesla is a bit of a personal hero of mine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ニコラ・テスラは私のちょっとした個人的な英雄です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He thought there was something magical about multiples of the number 3.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼は3の乗数に不思議な力があると思ったのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For example, time is based on 12 numbers and 24 hours.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "たとえば、時間は12の数字と24時間に基づいています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "One year is 12 months etc.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1年は12か月など。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Uh, that's pretty weird Rick.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おお、それは結構面白いですね、リック。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But, I think you might be on to something.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だけど、良い考えかもしれません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "6.39 is a low price that also puts the idea of a bargain in the shopper's head.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "6ドル39は低価格で、また買い物客が掘り出し物と感じる価格でもありますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's much more attractive than 6.99 and it's even cheaper.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "6ドル99よりはるかに魅力的で、さらに安いです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We could push a lot of units, but still seem premium when compared to a 5 dollars product next to it on the shelf.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "たくさんのユニット数を稼げて、それでも棚に並んでいる5ドルの製品と比べると、まだプレミアム感がありますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But then we lose almost a whole dollar in pricing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかしながらほぼ1ドル丸ごとの損失になりますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When you're considering millions of cases of tea, that's a lot of lost revenue.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何百ものケースのお茶となると多くの収入の損失になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Personally, I think that 6.79 is a solid price.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "個人的には、6ドル79は確かな価格だと思いますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Any number over 80 sounds expensive, unless of course it's 99.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "80を超える数はなんでも高価に聞こえますから、もちろん99でない限り。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In that case as Melissa pointed out, it makes it sound cheap.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その場合はメリッサが指摘したように、安っぽく聞こえますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, that's why all of you are the marketing experts.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあ、あなた方全員マーケティングの専門家であるわけですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Say, does anyone want a cup of tea while I'm up?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、私が居る間に、お茶が飲みたい人居ますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you heard about Roberto?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ロベルトについて聞いた?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Who's Roberto?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ロベルトって誰?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He is a corporate accounts manager in the Costa Rica office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "コスタリカのオフィスのコーポレートアカウントマネージャだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What did he do?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼が何をしたの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You know Bill Higgins, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ビル・ヒギンズを知っているよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Uh yeah, everyone knows Bill.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、みんながビルを知っているよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, Bill shows up, and Roberto is no where to be found.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、ビルが現れたんだけれど、ロベルトがどこにもいなかったんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Bill flew all the way to Costa Rica, and the guy he was supposed to meet was Roberto.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ビルははるばるコスタリカまで飛行機で行ってロベルトに会うことになっていたんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, what happened?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、どうしたの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He was asleep.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼は寝ていたんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, the guy overslept?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それ、寝坊したの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh yeah, he overslept.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、寝坊したんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He didn't show up at all, and after a few hours the entire company was starting to get worried.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼が全然現れなかったから数時間後には会社全体で心配し始めたんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Eventually they go to his hotel room, and he was just lying there on the carpet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "結局彼のホテルの部屋へ行ったら、カーペットの上に寝そべっていたんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No way, Who found him?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とんでもない、誰が彼を見つけたの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Bill Higgins.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ビル・ヒギンズ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh my God, then what happened?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大変、それでどうしたの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They rescheduled the tour of the Costa Rican facilities.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らはコスタリカの施設の見学を再スケジュールしたんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Bill was actually pretty cool about it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実際ビルはそれに関しては結構落ち着いていたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It seems that Roberto got pretty out of hand at the bar the night before.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ロベルトは前の晩バーでかなり手がつけられない状態だったらしいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Bill just said that's life.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ビルは人生とはそんなものだと言っただけだったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I appreciate his forgiving and light hearted handling of the incident really.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼の心が広くて、この事を大ごとにしなくてよかったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, and apparently Roberto had closed a massive deal a few days before.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、どうやらロベルトは数日前に大規模な案件を成約したようだしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He was somewhat obligated to entertain the new clients.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新しい顧客を接待しなければならなかったということもあるんだろ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, but he should have kept his commitment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かに、だけど約束は守るべきだったよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did he get in trouble?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼は注意されたの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "されなかったと思うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's the power of being such an asset.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我が社の宝だからなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, isn't that the truth.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、本当だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Bill Higgins probably doesn't even know who I am.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ビル・ヒギンズはおそらく私が誰なのかさえ知らないだろうな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes he does.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ううん、知っているよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've spoken to him about the entire team before.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕は以前チーム全体について話したことがあるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not to mention that he knows everyone's numbers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼がみんなの数字を知っているのは言うまでもないけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, he probably knows you, or at least your work a lot better than you think he does.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おそらくあなたを知っているか、少なくともあなたの仕事についてあなたが思っているよりは大分良く知っているよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Weird, I never really thought of that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おかしいな、考えてもみなかった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know Roberto?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ロベルトを知っている?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've met him once.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一度会ったことがあるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He visited the office here when he first started.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼が入社した時にこのオフィスに来たことがあるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We took him out for strombolis and hot wings.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ストロンボリとホットウィングスを食べに連れ出したんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm guessing all of you got drunk then too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "みんなきっと酔っ払っただろうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just hope I didn't forget anything.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何も忘れていないといいんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you get the table linens?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "テーブルリネンは持ってきましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, did you call Andy about renting the monitors?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、モニターのレンタルについてアンディーに電話しましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, did you remember the name tags?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、ネームタグは忘れてませんよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I'm pretty sure we brought everything.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、間違いなく全部持ってきたと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We should land in about an hour.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと1時間程度で着陸するはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you ever been to Las Vegas?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ラスベガスに行ったことはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I used to do corporate theater a lot out here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、私はここでコーポレートシアターをよくやっていました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What is corporate theater?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "コーポレートシアターって何ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's mostly sets for presentations at conferences.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "主に会議でのプレゼンテーション用のセットです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We designed the sets ourselves, then we set them up and broke them all down.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "セットをデザインし、それからそれらを設営し、解体するんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Cool, Have you been to Game Expo before?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なるほど、ゲームエキスポに行ったことはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, this is my first time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいえ、これが初めてです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You'll like it, it's a lot of fun.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "きっと気にいると思います、とても楽しいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anyways, for our itinerary we will all meet at the booth at 8 am tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とにかく、打ち合わせのために明日の午前8時にブースで会いましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Which means you have the rest of the day today free.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "つまり、今日はこの後は自由行動です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh yeah, I know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、分かっていますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In fact, I've already made plans.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は、私はもう予定を立てています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Don't be stupid, we do have work tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あまり羽目を外さないようにね、明日は仕事があるから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh come on, this is Las Vegas!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "堅いこと言わないでくださいよ、ラスベガスですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, don't show up hungover tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあ、明日は二日酔いで来ないように。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, Lisa and I are going to see a magic show.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は、リサと私はマジックショーを見に行くんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh cool, who is it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おお、いいですね、誰のですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's Fat Bob and Cookie.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ファットボブとクッキーです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That doesn't sound very magical.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あまりマジカルには聞こえないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It sounds like a comedy show.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "コメディショーのようですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, they do magic and comedy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、彼らはマジックとコメディをするんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Fat Bob talks all the time and tells jokes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ファットボブはずっと話していて冗談を言っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Cookie never talks at all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "クッキーは決して話しません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, they are stupid, but they're actually really good at magic.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、彼らは面白いけれど、本当にマジックも上手いんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What are you getting into tonight Chris?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "クリス、あなたは今夜何を予定していますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm taking out some clients from Game Company A out to dinner and a show.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私はゲーム A社からの何人かの顧客をディナーとショーに連れ出す予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We're starting out at Steakhouse B then we're going to the Circus show.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ステーキハウスBから始めて、それからサーカスショーに行きます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh wow, which show are you going to catch?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うわー、どのショーを見に行くんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Circus Show A, it's mostly aerial acrobatic stuff.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サーカスショーA、ほとんど空中アクロバットなどです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You're going to love it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "きっと気に入りますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I saw Circus Show B, it had acrobats, and there was a live band that played a tribute to Rock Band B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私はサーカスショーBを見たんですが、アクロバットも有り、ロックバンドBのトリビュートを演奏したライブバンドも有りました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm pretty excited, I've never seen any of their shows.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "かなり楽しみです、私は彼らのショーのどれも見たことがありませんから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Don't they have around 15 or so different shows?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確か15かそこらの違うバージョンがあるんですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I'd really like to see them all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、本当に全部見たいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Dave, can we sit down and discuss tomorrow's agenda?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "デイブ、明日の議題について座って話し合うことができる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, you're basically saying that you want to have a meeting about our meeting?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "要するに会議についての会議をしたいと言っているのかい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Come on Dave.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おいおいデイブ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Tomorrow is a big deal.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日は大変なんだから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not only will everyone in the building be attending, but the entire company at the other offices will be watching remotely.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "建物内の全員が参加するだけでなく、他のオフィスの会社全体がリモートで見るんだからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know Ron, I'm just giving you a hard time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かってるよロン、ちょっと意地悪を言っているだけさ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's run through the agenda.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "議題を見ていこうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "OK, so first we're going to start with introductions, but they need to be quick.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、最初は紹介から始めよう、だけど手短にね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I figured we would introduce everyone here in the Austin office first.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最初にオースティンのオフィスのみんなを紹介したほうがいいと思うんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, that makes sense.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、それがいいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That way, we can do it while the other teams remotely are still setting up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうすれば、その間に他のチームがリモートでセットアップできるから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You know, in case there are any hiccups.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほら、何か問題があった場合ね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その通りだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, we'll have the other offices run through their rosters.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから、他のオフィスで名簿を確認してもらって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Followed by remote workers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのあとは在宅従業員だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Since everyone will be at their desk, they can each do a quick introduction from their laptop camera.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "みんな席についているから、それぞれ自分のラップトップカメラから簡単な自己紹介をすることができるね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's brilliant Ron.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは賢いね、ロン。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you set that all up with Tim in IT?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ITのティムと全部セットアップは済ませた?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes I have.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、済ませたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It should be fun.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "きっと楽しくなるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Tim is going to route everyones' cameras to everyone elses’ screens.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ティムはみんなのカメラをほかのみんなのスクリーンにつなぐ予定だ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Next, we should just dive right in and discuss the Summer release of Software Product A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その後すぐにソフトウェア製品Aの夏のリリースについて説明する。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will add momentum to the flow of the meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで会議の流れに勢いがつくと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Once they learn about the commission they're going to receive they will go crazy!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らが受け取る予定のコミッションについて知ったら、大騒ぎになるだろうね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What were you planning on?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "元は何を計画していたの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, I like that idea Dave.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや、それが良いと思うよデイブ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Originally, I had intended on doing recognition for goals met, but I think it would be overkill right after introductions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "当初は目標達成の表彰をしようと思っていたんだけど、紹介の直後ではやり過ぎだろうと思って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "同感だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We should do recognitions last.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "表彰は最後にした方がいいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you sent the powerpoint decks out to Jean, and Amanda yet?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もうパワーポイントデッキをジーンとアマンダに送った?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいや、まだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thanks for reminding me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "思い出させてくれてありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I should copy Tim on those as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ティムもコピーするべきだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then we're going to send them out to everyone after the meeting, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから、会議の後にはみんなにそれを送るよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, as it will contain the decks that the reps will show prospects during their demonstrations.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、デモンストレーションの間に担当者が見込み客について話すデッキを含むから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you think we'll finish everything before lunch?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ランチ前にすべて終わると思う?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだといいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know that meetings here tend to go long, but we really only should spend about two hours on this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここでの会議は長引く傾向があるけれど、2時間位で終わらせるべきだな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you have any other concerns regarding tomorrow Ron?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日について他に気になる事はある、ロン?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think I'm good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大丈夫だと思うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The customers must have been really upset that their purchase was delivered so late.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "顧客達は購入商品が遅れて配達されたのでさぞ腹を立てたでしょうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How did you make it up to them Tom?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "トム、どうやってフォローしたんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thankfully, they were very understanding about the whole situation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがたいことに、顧客サイドはその状況についてとてもよく理解してくれました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I explained that the shipment was stuck in customs, and that I had solved it by providing the Hong Kong Port authorities with the proper information.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "積荷が税関で止まっていたので香港港湾当局に適宜情報を提供し、解決したと説明しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Eventually, we decided to give our customers a 10 percent discount, as they have been with us for several years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "結局私達はその顧客らに10パーセントの割引を適応することにしました、数年来の顧客ですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That is impeccable customer service Tom.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは申し分のないカスタマーサービスですね、トム。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why do you want to come work for us here at Company B?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なぜあなたはここB社で働きたいのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Everyone knows that Company B's Products are the best in the field.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "B社の製品がこの分野で最高峰であることは周知の事です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Your CEO Bill Higgins is a genius and is always innovative.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "御社の最高経営責任者であるビル・ヒギンズは天才であり、常に革新的です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I actually have a few friends that work here as well and they tell me that the culture is great.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は御社で働いている友人が何人かいまして、社風が素晴らしいと聞きました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What did they tell you about our company culture?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご友人は当社の社風について何と言っていますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They said it is mature and that management and employees all have a deep respect for each other.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "御社は成熟していて、経営陣と従業員が皆お互いに深く尊敬しあっていると聞きました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Over the past decade, a lot of companies try to force a \"fun\" culture, and it's so contrived.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "過去10年間で、多くの企業が 「楽しい」社風を押し付ける傾向にありますが、わざとらしいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't want to play ping pong at work, and I don't need any prizes for performance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は仕事でピンポンをしたいわけではないですし、パフォーマンスのために賞品は必要ありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, a lot of startups in town seem to follow that model.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、この地域のスタートアップの多くはそのモデルに従っているようですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok, let's talk about expectations.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、条件について話しましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What are your salary requirements?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "給与はいくら必要ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I simply can't even entertain a base under 60,000 dollar a year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "年間60,000ドル以下のベースは単純に考えておりません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What are your thoughts on that Cheryl?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それについてはどうお考えになりますか、シェリル?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That is definitely doable.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは間違いなく可能です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me explain how our commission structure works.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちのコミッション構成がどのように機能するのかを説明しましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You will receive a year end bonus and 8 percent of all products sold.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたは年末のボーナスと販売した全製品の8パーセントを受け取ることになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "素晴らしいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm available as soon as next Monday!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は早くて来週の月曜日には勤務可能です!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Tony come on in.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "トニー、入ってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello Brad thank you for carving out some time for me today on your busy schedule.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちはブラッド、今日は忙しい中私のために時間を割いてくれてどうもありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, no not at all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいえ、全然大丈夫ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My door is always open for you and everyone on my team.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私に話があればいつでもどうぞ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well Brad, the reason I wanted to talk to you today is about my bonus.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ブラッド、今日あなたと話をしたかったのはボーナスについてです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What about it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ボーナスがどうかしたんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have been with this company since it was a startup in 2008.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は2008年の創業以来この会社にいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Most of my first group of colleagues are no longer here because they sold all of the shares when we went public.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最初の同僚達は我々が上場した時に株を全て売ってしまい、もうほどんどここにいません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm reliable, skilled, dependable, responsible, I have a sunny disposition.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は頼りになるし熟練していて、信頼できる責任ある人物で、性格も明るいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm a people person.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "人当たりも良いです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And, I think that the amount of my bonus should be increased considering that I have been with the company for over ten years, and I do really good work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして、私が10年以上この会社にいて、本当に良い仕事をしている事を考えると私のボーナスの額はもっと上がるべきだと思っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You do excellent work Tony.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたは素晴らしい仕事をしていますよ、トニー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The thing is though, I just don't have the authority to increase your bonus.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だけど問題は、私にボーナスを上げる権限がないということです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Trust me, if I could, I would.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当ですよ、出来ればしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then who does?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ誰なら?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Tony, this is a really large corporation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "トニー、我が社は実に大きな企業です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's all just Company A policy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全てA社の方針なんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm just middle management.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私はただの中間管理職ですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then what should I do?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それじゃあ、どうすればいいですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Should I just walk out right now Brad?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今すぐ辞めるべきですか、ブラッド?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh come on Tony.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっと待ってくださいよ、トニー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You're making pretty good money these days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたは最近結構良い金額を稼いでいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Don't throw it all away just because you're in a bad mood.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "気分が悪いからといってそれをすべて投げ出さないでください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm not really going to walk out right now Brad.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今すぐ本当に辞める気はないですよ、ブラッド。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Geez, I've got too many bills, it would financially ruin me to just leave right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だって、私にはあんまり沢山の支払いがあって、今辞めたら経済的に困りますから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there anyone you could talk to Brad?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "誰かに話を通してもらうわけにはいきませんか、ブラッド?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I can talk to Bill Higgins, he's an old friend of mine and he's the CFO.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、ビル・ヒギンズに話してみましょうか、彼は私の旧友でありCFOですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey, I appreciate it Brad.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとうございます、ブラッド。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm sorry I over reacted, but it's just so frustrating.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大事にして申し訳ないですが、とても不満が溜まっているので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I feel your pain.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me talk to Bill and find out what he says.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とりあえずビルに話してみますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How would you feel about a base increase instead of a bonus increase?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ボーナスが上がるのではなく、ベースが上がるとしたらどう思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは嬉しいです!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Again Brad, I'm sorry I snapped at you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あらためて、ブラッド、当たってしまい申し訳ないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hard work deserves recognition.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一生懸命働いている事は認識されるべきですからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Besides, Bill owes me a favor.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それに、ビルには貸しがあるからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm sure I can convince him to give you more yearly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたの年棒を上げるように説得する自信はあるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How much more a year do you think you deserve?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自分であとどの位の年棒に値すると思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How much more do you think I can get?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あとどの位貰えると思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, Brad tells me you're looking into getting into Sales.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええと、ブラッドからあなたが営業に入ることを検討していると聞いたのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, that's why I scheduled this meeting with you today Jill.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、今日この面談を予定したのはそのためです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As the head of HR here in Austin, it made the most sense to talk to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オースティンの人事部長であるあなたと話をするのが筋だと思いまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We're just so surprised Amy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "みんな驚いていますよ、エイミー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You're one of our most detail oriented technical professors here at Tech Corp A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "テック A社で、あなたは最も細部に神経の行き届いた技術教授の一人ですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I really do appreciate it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know that comes as a bit of a shock to everyone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "みんながちょっとしたショックを受けていることは知っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just really want to get into sales.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は本当に営業に入りたいだけなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There must have been something that triggered you to pursue this new path.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新しい道を追求したいということは、きっと何かきっかけがあるんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You've been a chemist for 10 years!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたは10年間も化学者でしたよね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何があったのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I want more money.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もっとお金が欲しいんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "OK, but you're making really good money now as a tenured professor.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですか、だけど今は優秀な教授としてかなり良いお給料をもらっているじゃないですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not to mention you get summers off, paid!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "言うまでもありませんが、夏休みも有給もあることですし!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok, so it's not just the money.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、なのでお金だけの問題じゃないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Most of these reps have no idea what they're selling.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "営業担当者のほとんどは、彼らが何を売っているのか良くわかっていないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This software is about CRISPR.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このソフトウェアはCRISPRについてです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Crisper?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "クリスパー?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The drawer in the refrigerator?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "冷蔵庫の中の引き出しの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, not Crisper as in keeping your fruits and vegetables at their best longer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいえ、果物や野菜を最適な状態に保つあのクリスパーではありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's a way to change DNA.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "DNAを変える方法なんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It allows you to edit genomes!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これによってゲノムを編集することができるんです!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like cloning or something weird like that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "クローンか何かのような変わった事ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全然違います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It could be used to treat a lot of diseases.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これは様々な病気を治療するために使用できるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And as of now, our software that teaches this isn't selling at all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして今のところ、その教育用のソフトはまったく売れていません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Despite being a masterpiece.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "傑作であるにもかかわらず。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's the reps!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは営業担当者のせいです!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The thing that drives me crazy though is that I know they are making way more money than me!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一番腹が立つのは、彼らが私よりもずっとお金を稼いでいるということですよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Amy, you need to calm down.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "エイミー、落ち着いて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Look, it's a win win.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良く考えてください、どちらにとっても良い話だと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What paper work do I need to fill out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どの書類に記入すれば良いですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, that is very presumptuous of you Amy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ううん、それは言い過ぎですよエイミー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I get it that you're really smart, but sales has it's own set of skills.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたがとても頭が良いのは知っていますが、営業には営業の技術があるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First we'd need to have some kind of evaluation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まず、何らかの評価をする必要があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then schedule an interview with you and Rick Jones over the phone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その後、電話であなたとリック・ジョーンズとのインタビューをスケジュールします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Great, I'm ready to start ASAP.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいですね、大至急はじめたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "All of my files have been shared with the Chemistry team, so I can leave at any time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私のファイルはすべて化学チームと共有しているので、いつでもチームを去ることができます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You know Amy, you've got a very sassy attitude.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ねえエイミー、自分でかなり生意気な態度だと思わない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you really want this job, you're going to have to do something for me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたが本当にこの仕事をしたいのなら、私のために何かをしてもらうことになるわよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, I can't imagine being a doctor.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うわー、僕には医者になるなんて想像できませんよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's just too much responsibility for me to handle.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "責任が重すぎます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If I make a mistake at my job, all I have to do is go back in my computer and amend a document.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕が仕事を間違えた場合は、コンピュータに戻って文書を修正するだけですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe make a phone call.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あとは電話をかけるくらいかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, for doctors, someone's life and health is on the line.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも医者の場合は誰かの人生と健康がかかっているんですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, that's why they get paid the big bucks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあ、だから彼らは大金を稼いでいるわけよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Seriously though, you're right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だけど本当にその通りよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Doctors are held accountable for their work because it is often a matter of life or death.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "生死に関わる事が多いんだから医師は責任が重いわね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If they make a mistake, they can lose their licenses, their jobs, and even be sued.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもミスをしたら、免許も仕事も失い、さらには訴えられる可能性があるんだから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I heard about a doctor a few months ago that had to go to court over a lawsuit where a patient had died in surgery.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、僕は数ヶ月前に患者が手術で死亡した訴訟で裁判所に行かなければならなかった医師について聞きましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I understand if he made a mistake, he should get in trouble.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "間違いを犯したのならば、罰せられる必要があるというのは分かるわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then again, often times surgeries are extremely difficult, and sometimes it's unavoidable.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だけど、たいてい手術はとても難しいし、時にはミスが避けられないこともあるわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, that's heavy Cameron.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、それはヘビーですねキャメロン。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good thing we just work in customer service, huh?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕達はカスタマーサービスで働いているだけで良かったですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I love what I do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、私は自分の仕事が好きよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It has a very low stress level.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ストレスレベルの低い仕事よね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's why you're such an amazing manager!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だからあなたはそんなに素晴らしいマネージャーなんですね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you, I received my MBA in management last year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとう、私は去年マネージメントのMBAを取得したわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That must have been demanding considering that you were also working full time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "フルタイムで働いていたし、大変だったでしょうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What is the value of having an MBA exactly?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "MBAを取得することのメリットは何ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Several.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いくつかあるわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's a great way to build a network of professional colleagues across several industries.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "様々な業界にまたがるプロフェッショナルな同僚のネットワークを構築するための素晴らしい方法ね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Having an MBA also a quick way to advance your career.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "後はMBAを持つことはキャリアアップの手っ取り早い手段でもあるわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why Todd, are you thinking about getting your MBA?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なんでトッド、MBAを取得することを考えているの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's definitely something that I have entertained.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かに興味はあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have even heard that Company A will pay for some of it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社がそのうちのいくらかを支払うということも聞いたことがあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのとおりよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Company A will reimburse your for 50 percent of tuition.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの会社は授業料の50パーセントを払い戻してくれるわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, you must maintain at least a C average in all of your courses to receive the reimbursement.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただし、払い戻しを受けるには、すべてのコースで少なくともC平均を維持する必要があるわよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The most important thing is that all of the hospitals have price parity.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最も重要なことは、すべての病院が価格平価を受けているということです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, what is price parity?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "価格平価とは何ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It means that all of the individual hospitals that are part of the same corporation have the same price for all of the products they purchase from us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "同じ会社内のそれぞれの病院が、我が社から購入するすべての製品に対して同じ価格で取引することを意味します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They receive special pricing through what is known as a group purchasing organization.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らは、団体購買組織を通して特別な価格設定を受けています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When a hospital corporation is a member of a group purchasing organization, they receive a discount from retail price for medical devices.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "病院法人が団体購買組織のメンバーである場合、医療機器の小売価格から割引を受けます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do they receive discounted pricing across all of the product divisions?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すべての製品部門で値引きされた価格設定を受けるのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It depends.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "場合によります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Each of our own product divisions has its own contract.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "当社の各製品部門にはそれぞれ独自の契約があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, the group purchasing organization sometimes includes several divisions in their contract.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただし、グループ購買組織では、契約に複数の部門が含まれることがあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What are all of the divisions we have here for medical devices?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我が社にはどんな医療機器の部門がありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Here, at Company A, we manufacture products for endoscopy, surgery, urology, critical care, women's health, and aortic intervention.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここA社では内視鏡検査、外科手術、泌尿器科、救急医療、ウーマンズヘルス、大動脈インターベンションのための製品を製造しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What is aortic intervention?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大動脈インターベンションとは何ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, since I'm not a doctor, I'm not really sure, but it has to do with people who have had heart attacks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は医者ではないので、よくわかりませんが、心臓発作を起こしたことのある人と関係があるようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What about endoscopy?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "内視鏡検査はどうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Endoscopy is a procedure where the doctor looks at your digestive tract.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "内視鏡検査は、医師があなたの消化管を見る手技です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The great thing about endoscopy is that no surgery is required.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "内視鏡検査の素晴らしいところは、手術が不要なことです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How do the doctors do it without putting patients through surgery?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "医者は患者を手術せずにどうやって消化管を見るんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They usually put a tiny camera down the patient's throat, and one in their anus.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らは通常、小さなカメラを患者の喉と肛門に入れます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I just bought the tickets for your whole team.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さあ、あなたのチーム全員分のチケットを買ったわよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The total came to 389 dollars 23 cents.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "合計は389ドル23よ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm going to email you the confirmation code, since I put it on the company credit card.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会社のクレジットカードで購入したから、確認コードは電子メールで送るね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, I've been keeping all of the receipts in the shared folder on the server, in case we get audited again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また監査を受けた場合に備えて、すべての領収書はサーバー上の共有フォルダーに保存してあるわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That was such a mess last year when we got audited, and the IRS wanted to see everything.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "去年監査を受けた時はIRSは全部見たがって酷かったね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You really were a lifesaver Lisa.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君は本当に命の恩人だよ、リサ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, before I forget.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、忘れる前に。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now that you've bought the tickets to the Food Expo, go ahead and book our rooms as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "フードエキスポのチケットを購入したから、僕たちの部屋も予約してくれるかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good Afternoon, thank you for calling Hotel Chain A Chicago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、ホテルチェーンAシカゴ店にお電話いただきありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どういった御用でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I'm calling to reserve four rooms from May 2nd until the 7th.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、5月2日から7日まで4部屋予約したいんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Absolutely, good thing you called in early, that's the week of the Food Expo, and we're filling up fast.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "かしこまりました、フードエキスポの週ですでに埋まってきておりますので、早めにお電話いただいてよかったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I have the name of your Company and the card you would like to put the rooms on?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お客様の社名とご予約にご使用になるカードの番号をいただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Certainly, It’s Cheese Vendor A, The card number is xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、社名はチーズベンダーA、カード番号はxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey, I know Cheese Vendor A, doesn't your company produce the cheese for Fast Food Burger Chain A?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、チーズベンダー Aを知っていますよ、御社はファストフードのバーガーチェーン Aのためにチーズを生産していらっしゃいませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's us!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはうちの会社です!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How cool!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すごいですね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've heard the Food Expo is a blast!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "フードエキスポは凄く楽しいと聞きました!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My cousin goes every year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私のいとこは毎年行っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He's a buyer for Fast Food Chicken Chain A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼はファーストフードチキンチェーンAのバイヤーです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What a small world!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なんて世間は狭いんでしょう!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Tell him to stop by our booth, and ask for Eric.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちのブースに立ち寄ってエリックを呼び出すように伝えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "All right, your order is complete.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、ご予約が完了いたしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for choosing Hotel Chain A Chicago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ホテルチェーンA シカゴ店をお選びいただきありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Eric, Guess what!?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ねえ、エリック、何があったと思う?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just spoke to a lady at the hotel, and her cousin is a buyer for Fast Food Chicken Chain A!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私はちょうどホテルの女性と話をしたんだけど、彼女のいとこはファーストフードチキンチェーンAのバイヤーなんですって!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's Amazing!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはすごい!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hope he comes by our booth.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼が私たちのブースに来てくれたらいいな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This year we'll be giving out grilled cheese sandwiches as samples.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年は、グリルチーズサンドをサンプルとして配るんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to give him one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼に渡したいな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our cheese would be perfect for their chicken cordon bleu.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちのチーズは彼らのチキンコルドンブルーにぴったりだと思うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She said he would stop by the booth.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女は彼がブースに立ち寄ると言っていたわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, you may have a chance!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だから、あなたにはチャンスがあるかもね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey John, what brings you into Human Resources today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ジョン、こんにちは、今日は人事部へなんの御用でしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I have a lot of questions regarding my Insurance policy and my 401(k) retirement package.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あの、保険契約と401(k)退職パッケージに関して沢山質問したいことがあるんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure thing John, What's going on exactly?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかったわ、ジョン、一体どうしました?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, this is kind of embarrassing, but I've never had a 401(k).", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあ、これはちょっと恥ずかしいのですが、私は401(k)を持ったことが無くて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What is it exactly, and how does it work?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一体どのようなもので、どういう仕組みなんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A 401(k) is an employer sponsored retirement plan where you can make salary-deferral contributions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "401(k)は、給与繰延拠出をすることができる雇用主が後援する退職金制度です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And here at Company A, we actually match your contribution up to 4%.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そしてここA社では、実際にあなたの貢献に対して最高4%まで補助出来ます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is then put into an account, and invested into various stocks, then when you retire, you can have it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは口座に保管されて様々な株に投資されます、そしてあなたが退職するときそれを受け取ることができるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, that certainly does seem like a good plan for the future.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあそれは確かに将来のための良い計画のように思えますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If I decide to withdraw it early, can I?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早く引き出す事にした場合、できますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Of course, after all it is your money.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろん、元々はあなたのお金ですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are quite a few stipulations though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "かなりの規定がありますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First, you won't receive the amount of money that we have matched.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まず、あなたは私たちが補助した金額を受け取ることはありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, you will have to pay 20% of the amount in taxes and 10% penalty if you withdraw it early.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また、あなたがそれを早く引き出した場合、税金として20%と10%のペナルティを支払わなければなりません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, they really penalize you for pulling it our early.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うわー、本当に早期引き出しでペナルティがかかるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, they do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、かかりますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's why it makes sense to keep it invested for the long term.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だからこそ、長期にわたって投資を続けることが理にかなっているのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "OK, that makes sense.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、その通りですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now, what about my insurance, how does that work?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、私の保険についてはどのような扱いになるのでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First of all, you have a yearly deduct-able of 1,000 dollars.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まず第一に、あなたの保険には年間1,000ドルのディダクタブルがあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've heard that word so many times, but I really don't understand what deduct-able means.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その言葉は何度も聞いたことがありますが、ディダクタブルが何を意味するのか全くわかりません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It means that if you go to the hospital, you have to pay the first 1,000 dollars of the bill per year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは、あなたが病院に行く場合、年間の請求書の最初の1,000ドルを支払わなければならないことを意味します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, with that being said, you do have a 20 dollars copay for regular visits to a clinic.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だけどそれとは別に、あなたの保険には診療所を定期訪問する際の20ドルの自己負担額が付帯しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, if you just catch the flu or strep throat or something simple, you only have to pay 20 dollars per visit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですから、インフルエンザや咽頭炎、あるいは何か単純なものであれば、1回の訪問につき20ドル払うだけで済みます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, that's a pretty good deal, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあ、それは結構お得ですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, but just between you and me, our entire insurance system is awful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かにね、でもここだけの話、私たちの保険システム全体はひどいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't even understand why it has to go through our jobs.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全く、会社を通している意味があるのかしらね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What if I get hurt here at work?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここで仕事中にけがをした場合はどうなりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you're injured at work, it would fall under worker's compensation, and you wouldn't have to pay anything, nor would it affect your insurance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたが仕事で怪我をした場合、それは労働者補償に該当し、あなたは何も支払う必要はありませんし、それは保険にも影響を与えません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think I have a much better understanding of how our insurance policies, and 401(k) plan works.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "保険契約と401(k)制度がどう機能するのかよくわかりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I appreciate all of the help you have given me today Amy!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は色々と助けてくれてありがとう、エイミー!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's a lot to take in.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "理解することは沢山あるわね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My door is always open if you have any other questions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他に質問があればいつでもきてくださいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You must be Tom.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたがトムよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's so nice to finally meet you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やっと会えてうれしいわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Nice to meet you too Cheryl.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はじめましてシェリル。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So Tom, tell me about your past work experience.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "トム、あなたの過去の職歴について教えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "At my last position at Company A, I was responsible for developing and expanding new business opportunities with current and potential customers globally.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社での私の最後の役職では、現在および将来の顧客との新しいビジネスチャンスの開発と拡大をグローバルで担当しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh my, How much business did you close for the company?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあ、あなたは会社のためにどのくらいのビジネスを成約しましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I'm not at liberty to say as I am under a non disclosure agreement, but I did win 126 percent of my goal.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええと、私は非公開協定を結んでおりますので、あまり自由には言えないのですが、私の目標の126パーセントには達しましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That really is spectacular Tom.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは本当に素晴らしいですね、トム。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have experience training other employees?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたは他の従業員を訓練した経験がありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I trained several new employees on Company A products with an emphasis on best practices for selling.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、私は販売のためのベストプラクティスに重点を置いて、A社製品について何人かの新入社員を訓練しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Tell me about a difficult situation at your last job.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "前職であった困難な状況について教えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How did you handle it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたはそれをどのように処理しましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "One time, the orders were running extremely late.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ある時、注文が非常に遅れていました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A customer had ordered 27 pallets of Product A and there was an issue coming through customs.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ある顧客が27個の製品Aのパレットを注文したのですが、税関で問題が発生しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The barge that had the shipment on it was stuck in Hong Kong for 16 days!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "荷物を積んでいたはしけが16日間香港で立ち往生したのです!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, that's sounds extremely difficult and stressful, what did you do?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあ、それはとても困難でストレスフルですね、あなたはどうしましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First, I contacted the port authorities in Hong Kong.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まず、香港の港湾当局に連絡しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was able to confirm all of the shipping information, which helped speed up the process a bit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "出荷情報をすべて確認することができたので、処理が少しスピードアップしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Next, they told me since everything was confirmed, they could go ahead and inspect the shipment, but that would take another 24 hours.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして全てが確認できたので次の積荷の調査を進める事はできるが、それには今からさらに24時間かかると言われました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Luckily, everything was fine and passed inspection and was able to be shipped to the customer here in the US.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "幸いなことに、すべてが問題なく検査に合格し、米国内の顧客に出荷することができました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't understand any of this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これ全然分からないや。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Rebecca, could you help me for a minute?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "レベッカ、ちょっと助けてもらえる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you having problems with your spreadsheet program again John?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スプレッドシートプログラムでまた問題があるのジョン?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, embarrisngly I'm pretty bad with computers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、恥ずかしながら、僕はコンピューターがかなり苦手で。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's why I'm in the sales department and not I.T.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕が営業部門にいて、I.T.でないのには訳があるんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What are you trying to do exactly?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "正確には何をしようとしているの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just want to create a table for this document.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この文書用のテーブルを作成したいだけなんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No offense John, but that is so easy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "悪くとらないでねジョン、だけどそれはとても簡単よ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah Yeah Yeah, so how do I do it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うんうんうん、だからどうすればいいの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "OK, select any of the cells on the source data.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オッケー、ソースデータのセルを1つ選択して。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then at the top, click where it says insert tab.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから上部で、「タブの挿入」と言うところをクリックして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Next, scroll down, and click where it says tables.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次に、下にスクロールして「テーブル」と表示されている場所をクリックするの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So far, so good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここまでは順調だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then just pick one of the tables that you want to use.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次に、使用したいテーブルを1つ選択して。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "See, pretty simple huh?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほら、とても簡単でしょ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Going through the motions is easy, it's just remembering where everything is at that is so hard.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "操作をするのは簡単だよ、どこに何があるのか全部覚えているのが難しいんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you always been good with computers?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君はずっとコンピューターが得意なの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, it's just like anything, the more you do it, the better you get at it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいえ、なんでもそうだけど、やればやるほど上達するのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I could never do what you do John.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私にはあなたがやっていることは絶対できないわジョン。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't have the confidence to call complete strangers on the phone and try to sell them stuff.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "赤の他人に電話をして物を売るなんてことをする自信はないわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure you could.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろんあなたにもできますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Building rapport with potential clients is all about building relationships.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "顧客候補との信頼を結ぶことは、関係を築くというだけのことだから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Don't they hate it when you call them?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "電話をかけるとき嫌がられない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sometimes, but then again I like to use that as an ice breaker and make a joke about it to lighten the mood.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "時にはね、だけど僕はそれをアイスブレーカーとして使って、場を和ますために冗談を言うんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's a really good idea, I've never thought of that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは本当に良い考えね、考えもつかなかったわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I get them laughing first to calm them down.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕はまず、彼らを落ち着かせるために笑わせるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Today, we will begin our month long webinar campaign.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日より、私達は一か月にわたるウェビナーキャンペーンを始めます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's a webinar?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ウェビナーとは何ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's like a seminar but online, hence the name webinar.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはセミナーのようなものですが、オンラインなのでウェビナーと呼びます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, OK.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, what's it about?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、それは何についてですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Dr. Merriwether will be discussing tactics for student retention and attrition.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ドクターメリウェザーが、学生の維持と減少においての戦術について議論します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He will also be discussing how to foster campus community through programs, resources, and involvement opportunities.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また、プログラム、リソース、そして参加の機会を通して、キャンパスコミュニティをどのように育んでいくかについても議論します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "After the presentation, participants will be invited to ask questions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "プレゼンテーションの後、参加者の質問を受け付けます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, will I invite faculty and academic department heads?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、教員と学部長は招待しますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, we will be targeting Provosts, Vice Principals, and the department of student affairs.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいえ、プロボスト、副校長、および学務部がターゲットです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What does a Provost do anyways?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "プロボストとは何をするんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They're mostly in charge of the university's academic and budgetary affairs, but they also play a really big role in student retention.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らは主に大学の学務と予算関係を担当していますが、学生の維持にも非常に大きな役割を果たしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The less students a university has, the less money they make.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大学にいる学生が少なければ、彼らの稼ぎは減りますからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is a pain point to bring up in your conversations with them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このペインポイントから会話に持っていくんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you walk me through the sales process?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "セールスプロセスを説明してもらえますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What is the ultimate goal of having them attend our webinar?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らをウェビナーに参加させることの最終目的は何ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Having Dr. Merriwether on board gives us a lot of credibility.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "メリウェザー博士を迎える事で私達は高い信頼を得ることができます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "During the presentation, he will also discuss Product A, which is our student retention software.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "プレゼンテーション中に、彼は学生維持ソフトウェアである製品Aについても話します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How does software prevent students from dropping out of university?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ソフトウェアを使って、どうやって学生が大学を中退するのを防ぐのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "All of the schools data about students is collected, grades, attendance, age, extra curricular activities, student loan debt, etc.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "成績、出席、年齢、特別カリキュラム活動、学生ローンの借金など、学生に関する学校の全てのデータが集められます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The data is combined, and creates a profile for each student.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "データが集約され、各生徒のプロファイルが作成されます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Through predictive analytics, the student affairs team can see which students may need extra help, or consulting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "予測分析を通して、学生事務チームはどの学生が特別なヘルプを必要としているか、あるいは助言を必要としているかを知ることができます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You know they're all going to ask, so how much is it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "みんながきっとこの質問をするでしょうけれど、それはいくらですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me ask you this Louise, what's the average yearly tuition at a state university these days?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ルイーズ、君に聞くけれど、最近の州立大学での年間平均授業料はいくらだと思う?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Um, I don't know, probably about $15,000 a year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、わかりません、おそらく年間約15,000ドルくらい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Exactly, that's for one student.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その通り、それは一人の学生分だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And listen close, because here's the sales pitch.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここからが売り文句なので、よく聞いてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What if you could save just one student?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし一人の生徒だけを救うことができたらどうなりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The school would save $15,000.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "学校は15,000ドルセーブできますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What if this software could save one hundred students?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このソフトウェアが100人の学生を救うことができたらどうなりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Great, so how much is Product A Stan?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "素晴らしい、それで製品A はいくらなんですか、スタン。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It retails at $20,000. However, we intend on giving all of the schools a special 10% discount.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "小売価格は2万ドルです。しかし、私たちはすべての学校に10%の特別割引を与えるつもりです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I had better start making those calls.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、私は電話をかけ始めた方が良いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Nice to finally meet you Mr. Brown!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ついにお会いできましたね、ブラウンさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please, call me Jason.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ジェイソンと呼んでください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mr. Brown sounds like someone is talking to my dad!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ブラウンさんでは誰かが私の父に話しかけているように聞こえますから!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure thing Jason.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "了解致しました、ジェイソン。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We're really excited to have you on board.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私達はあなたを迎えることになってとても嬉しいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've been trying to break into the technology industry since I graduated.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は卒業以来、テクノロジー業界で働く機会を狙っていました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Welcome to S Corp.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "S株式会社へようこそ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's go ahead and introduce you to the team.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それではチームにあなたを紹介しましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is Lisa.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらはリサです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She's head of marketing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女はマーケティングの責任者です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Nice to meet you Jason.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お会いできて嬉しいわ、ジェイソン。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, what did you do before this?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここに来る前には何をしていたの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mostly sales.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "セールスの仕事が多かったですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My last job was selling pet monkeys to street musicians.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "前職ではペットの猿をストリートミュージシャンに売っていました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No way, you have got be kidding me!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まさか、冗談よね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you serious?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm just joking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "冗談ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I sold car insurance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自動車保険の営業をしていました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ms. Johnson, this guy is so funny!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ジョンソンさん、この人とても面白いわ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He's really going to fit in here!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼はきっとここに馴染むわね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He sure is Lisa.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その通りね、リサ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Jason, here at S Corp we work hard, but we play hard too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ジェイソン、ソフト・コーポレーションでは私達はよく働き、よく遊びます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's great to have you on the team!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたをチームに迎えることが出来てとても嬉しいわ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, University of A chemistry department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、A大学化学学科です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good Morning, is Professor Schenk available?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おはようございます、シェンク教授はいらっしゃいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is him.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私ですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Professor Schenk, the reason I'm calling is that I'd love to open a dialog with you in regards to your chemistry 101 course.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "シェンク教授、今回電話させていただいているのは何故かと申しますと、あなたの化学の101コースに関してお話をさせて頂きたいと思ってのことなのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, how may I help you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、どういった御用でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My name is Bob Dobbs.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私はボブ・ドブスと申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm with a publishing company called B Learning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Bラーニングという出版社で働いております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm the account manager for the University of A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A大学担当のアカウントマネージャーです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How are you currently engaging your students in your introductory chemistry classes?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたの入門化学クラスでは、現在どのように学生を育成していらっしゃいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We use a textbook, as well as labs where the students can have a hands on approach.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちは教科書だけでなく、生徒がハンズオンでアプローチすることができるラボを使用しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you considered adding an online component to your class for your students.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたの学生のクラスにオンラインコンポーネントを追加なさることを検討された事はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our students did online homework with a previous textbook that we used, but the package was too expensive.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "生徒達は以前使っていたテキストでオンラインで宿題をしていましたが、そのパッケージは高すぎまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What if I told you that you could buy an online homework system that you could use with your current textbook?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしも、現在使っていらっしゃる教科書と併用できるオンライン宿題システムを買うことができるとしたらどうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A little too great.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかし話がうますぎませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's the catch?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "キャッチは何ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can tell that you are a very savvy consumer when it comes to your students needs Professor Schenk.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "シェンク教授は学生のニーズに関しては、非常に賢い消費者であるとお見受けいたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you currently in front of your computer?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今目の前にコンピューターはありますでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I'm sitting at my desk looking at my computer right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、今デスクに座っていてコンピューターの前におります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Great, I just emailed you a link.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "素晴らしい、たった今リンクをメールさせていただきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you receive it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "届きましたでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How did you get my email address?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何故私のメールアドレスをご存知でしたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is published on the University of A website.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A大学のウェブサイトに掲載されていますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, OK I was just a little surprised.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、そうでしたか、ちょっと驚きました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I see the link that you emailed me here in my inbox.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、メールしていただいたリンクを受信ボックスに確認いたしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please click it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それをクリックしてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure thing Bob.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "了解です、ボブさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Here at B Learning, we create custom online homework that is tailor made to fit your course.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Bラーニングでは、あなたのコースに合うようにテイラーメイドのカスタムオンライン宿題を作成いたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can it have any kind of content I want?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自分で好きなコンテンツをなんでも選べるのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I suppose we should get to work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは本題に入りましょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First, can you tell me about the projects you are working on now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まずは現在取り組んでいるプロジェクトについて聞かせてくれる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I need to report it to our manager.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マネージャーに報告しなくてはならないから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オッケー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Currently I am working on the SaaS project phase two.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今はサーズのプロジェクトのフェイズ2を担当しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There shouldn’t be any direct impact to our team.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回の変更では私達のチームへの直接の影響はありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There will be new SKUs in this release and no functional changes, but we planned to test some regression scenarios from phase one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新しいSKUが加わっただけで機能の変更はないのですが、フェイズ1の回帰シナリオをいくつかテストする予定になっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about the schedule?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スケジュールはどうなっているの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The GA date is October 31st. We just finished QA testing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "GAデートは10/31で今はQAテストが終わったところだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First half of October will be CRP testing, UAT will start from 15th.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "10月前半はCRPテストで15日からUATが始まる予定だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How many testing scenarios do we have?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私達のチームのシナリオはいくつくらいあるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Around 30.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "30くらいかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not so bad.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんなに悪くないわね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then, I guess one more tester is enough to cover as well as you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあテスターはあなたと、もう一人いれば大丈夫かしら?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It would be great if we will have another tester from different GEO to cover around the clock testing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "違うGEOからもう一人参加してくれると24時間テストをカバーできて助かるかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then I will talk to our manager to provide us one tester from the Bangalore team.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではバンガロールのチームからもう一人参加させてもらうようにマネージャーに話しておくわね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thanks Petra!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よろしくペトラ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I’m sorry Tim, my meeting is going long and I’ll be there in about five minutes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ティムごめん、今やっている会議が押していて5分遅れます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please ping me when you are done.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "終わったら声をかけて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We just finished and I am heading to the conference room now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今終わって会議室に向かっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Tim.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうもティム!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry I’m late.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "遅れてごめんなさい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "元気?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I’m good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そちらは?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I’m alright.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあまあね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have jet lag because I just got back from a business trip to Palo Alto.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "パロアルトへの出張から戻ったばかりで時差ぼけだけれど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Understand completely.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よくわかるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then let’s take it easy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではのんびりいきましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you see all the team members in PA?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "パロアルトではチームメンバーみんなに会えた?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We had a team dinner one night, and I went to Yosemite with Maria.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "チームディナーをしましたし、マリアとヨセミテにも行きました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, that sounds amazing!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わー、すごいね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How’s Maria?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マリアは元気だった?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She just had a grandchild didn’t she?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女はお孫さんが生まれたんだよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes she did.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She showed me a bunch of pictures of her.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お孫さんの写真を沢山見せてもらったわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She’s such an adorable baby girl and she just turned 3 months old.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とても可愛い女の子で、今は3ヶ月よ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That’s cool.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうか、それは良かったね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sounds like she is enjoying being a grandma.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おばあちゃん人生をエンジョイしているようだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wanted to discuss about our social media presence for our firm.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "弊社のソーシャルメディアにおける存在感についてお話したかったのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What platform are we interested in?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どんなプラットフォームに興味があるでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, what would you recommend?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっと、何かお薦めはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there one that is more effective, easier to set up and maintains our presence?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "効率的で簡単にセットアップ出来て、存在感を維持できるものはないでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's start with these 2 platforms, A and B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "AとBのこの二つのプラットフォームから始めてみましょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "These will be the easiest to set up accounts for.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この二つのアカウント設定が一番簡単です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Should we discuss content and vision before we actually set up the accounts?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実際にアカウントを作る前に、コンテンツとビジョンについて議論したほうがよくないですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have to find a good photographer for the visuals.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ビジュアルに関して、よい写真家を見つけないといけません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Who is good with the camera in the office?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オフィスの中で写真を撮るのが上手なのは誰でしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Who is actually taking the photos of our products?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実際に商品の写真を撮ってるのって誰でしたっけ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am not sure...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よく分からないな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think we outsource all of the photo work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "写真の仕事は外注していると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Who should we talk to about all this?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これについて誰と話すのがいいんでしょうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's go talk to Nancy first.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まずナンシーさんに話しましょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She will point us to the right direction.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女なら、正しい方向性に導いてくれますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's right, let's go.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、そうしましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Someone took my food form the fridge...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "誰かが冷蔵庫から僕の食べ物をとったな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I put my sandwich I brought for lunch in the fridge but it's not there...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "持ってきたランチのサンドイッチを冷蔵庫に入れてたんだけど、ないんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey, I brought back leftover pizza from lunch the other day and that disappeared too...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おお、こないだ残り物のピザをランチに持ってきたんだけど、それも消えてたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Who is taking our food from the fridge?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "誰が冷蔵庫から食べ物を盗んでるんだろう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi guys...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やあ、みんな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have something in the fridge?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "冷蔵庫に何か入れてる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Because you better be careful or some food bandit is stealing our food!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "食べ物泥棒が僕らの食べ物を盗んでるみたいだから、気を付けたほうがいいぞ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, I'm just getting coffee.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや、コーヒーを取りに来ただけだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "...And my almond milk is gone from the fridge!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕のアーモンドミルクが冷蔵庫から消えてる!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Has anyone seen it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "誰か見た?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "OK, we have to go talk to someone about the fridge situation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだな、これは誰かと冷蔵庫の状況について話さないといけないな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is getting out of hand.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自分たちで何とかできる範囲じゃない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm going to talk to Nancy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ナンシーさんに話してみるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Nancy, do you have a moment?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ナンシーさん、ちょっとお時間ありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, what can I do for you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、どんなご用ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There has been some food items missing from the fridge in the kitchen...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "キッチンの冷蔵庫から食べ物がなくなるんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you noticed anything?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何かお気づきになりましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you spoken to Claudia?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "クローディアさんに話してみましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She is in charge of the cleaners and supplier for the kitchen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女が、キッチンのクリーナーや用品の責任者ですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh yes, why didn't I think of that...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、そうですね、何で思いつかなかったんだろう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will go speak to Claudia.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "クローディアさんと話してみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "William, can you give me time for a meeting?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ウィリアムさん、打ち合わせに時間とってもらえますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Of course, Nancy...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろん、ナンシーさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have some time after 4 o'clock today or late morning tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日の4時以降か、明日の午前遅めなら時間がありますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will come by at four fifteen?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "4時15分に来ていいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, William.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お邪魔します、ウィリアムさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, Nancy, what's up?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、何でしょうか、ナンシーさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wanted to discuss with you, if a transfer to our Florida office was possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "フロリダオフィスへの転属が出来るかどうかについてお話したいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would need to speak to someone in the Miami office first but can you tell me the reason?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まず、マイアミオフィスの誰かと話す必要があるけれど、理由を教えてもらえますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My husband, Kevin, is offered a transfer to Miami with his firm.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "主人のケビンが、彼の事務所からマイアミに異動するようオファーをもらったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He still hasn't agreed to it but he is very interested in the new role he is given there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだ決めていないんですが、そこでの新しい役割にすごく興味は持っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would hate to see you go but if we can keep you with us, that is better than losing you all together...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたがいなくなるのは寂しいですが、弊社に残ってもらえるなら、完全にいなくなってしまわれるよりはいいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As we discussed, your end of year feedback from your group is excellent.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "話をしたように、あなたのグループからの年度末評価は優れていましたからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You are a great mentor and leader and I certainly enjoy working with you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "素晴らしいメンターとリーダーですから、楽しく一緒に働かせてもらってますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We all do!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆がそうです!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you, William.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとうございます、ウィリアムさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is sad for me to leave and Kevin is still in discussion about his move.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私にとっても去っていくのは寂しく、ケビンはまだ異動について検討中です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I didn't want to leave my job either so I wanted to talk to you about my options...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私も仕事をやめたくはなかったので、選択肢についてお話したいと思いました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Leave it to me for a few days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2、3日、私に任せておいてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will speak to the Miami office and see what I can do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マイアミオフィスと話して、何が出来るか検討してみましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That would be great, William!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ウィリアムさん、それは助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hope things will work out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うまく行くといいですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am flexible with timing as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "時期については融通が利きますから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I really hope it will all work out!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当にすべてうまく行くといいでのですが!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello customer service, this is Lisa speaking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、カスタマーサービスのリサです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, I am calling to inquire about a problem with one of your products.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、御社商品の一つに問題があってお電話したのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "申し訳ありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "May I ask, who I am speaking to?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お名前を教えていただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My name is Jen, Jen Sully.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ジェンです、ジェンサリー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How can I help you today, Ms. Sully?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サリーさん、今日はどんなご用件でしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I purchased this coffee grinder online the other day...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先日、このコーヒーミルをオンラインで購入しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I used it a couple of times and it was working fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2、3度使ってみて、ちゃんと使えたんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But now it's not working any more...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、今全く動かなくなったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What do you think is the problem?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何が問題だと思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would you be able to check if the appliance is in the power socket?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "製品がコンセントに入っているかどうか確認していただくことはできますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、入ってます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will try unplugging and plug it in again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一度コンセントから抜いて、再度入れてみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good, now will you press the ON button?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ぜひ、そしてオンのボタンを押してみてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "OK, nothing...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、何も起こりません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you please check with another appliance and see if the electrical socket is properly working?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのコンセントが正常に機能しているか、他の家電製品で調べていただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Will try that...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やってみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, the socket is working fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、コンセントはちゃんと使えます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, as it did work a couple of times, there must be some fault with the product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですか、2、3回はきちんと動いたということですし、それは製品に問題があるようですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうすればよいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will send you an email with instructions on how to return the item.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "返品方法についてのメールをお送りさせていただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Since you've told me that you had just purchased the product, it will be under warranty.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "製品を買われたばかりということですので、まだ保証期間中です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can send you a new one straight away, would you like me to do that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すぐに新しいものをお送りできますが、それでよろしいでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは助かります!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can also return the item to the website I bought it from....", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "購入したウェブサイトで返品も出来ますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The email I am sending you will give you all those options, how to return the item.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私が送るメールには、返品の仕方のオプションが全て記載されています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As well as how to request a new product to be sent to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どのように新品を送ってもらうかという請求方法についても。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "OK, that sounds great.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました、それでいいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Will you give me your email address?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it's jen888@xxx.com.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、jen888@xxx.comです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "jen888@xxx.com, is that correct?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "jen888@xxx.comでよろしいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、合ってます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You should get an email from us soon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すぐに弊社からメールが届くはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please follow the instructions and if there're any questions, please call us again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご案内に従ってください、ご質問があればまたお電話ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, I will wait for your email and go from there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、メールが届くのを待って、そこからやってみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there anything else I can help you with Ms. Sully?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サリーさん、他に何かお手伝いできますでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think that will be it for now, thank you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今のところそれだけです、ありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for calling in, have a nice rest of your day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お電話ありがとうございました、よい一日を。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for your help Lisa and same to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "リサさん、ありがとう、そちらもよい一日を。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Julie, can you help me out over here?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ジュリー、こっち手伝ってもらえない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think the printer is jammed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "プリンターがつまってるみたいなのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If it keeps beeping, I am going to go insane!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ピーって言う音が鳴り続けてて、気が変になりそう!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh yeah, you don't want to even try this one...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、そうね、これは試したくもないかもね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think it's jammed something like 4 times in the last 5 days...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この5日間で4回くらい詰まってると思うわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know, but the one down the hall ran out of red toner and there's some office-wide shortage!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなのよ、でも廊下を行ったところにあるやつは赤のトナーがなくなってて、オフィス中どこにもないのよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, do you really need the red?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっと、どうしても赤がいるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I need to print out theses slide decks for a client.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、このスライド資料をクライアント用に印刷しなきゃだめなのよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Chris and I have a meeting with the client first thing tomorrow morning and I need to bring these...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日の朝一番に、クリスと私はクライアントとのミーティングがあって、これを持って行かないといけなくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok, let me see what I can do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そっか、何とかなるか見てみるわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I used to do this sort of thing all the time in university but this one's a different model.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大学の頃に、こういうことをいつもやってたんだけど、これは違うモデルだなぁ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think you need to turn it off first and then check to see if Door A is jammed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まずスイッチをオフにして、ドアAが詰まってるかどうかチェックしないとだめかもね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Got it, thanks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かった、ありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll give it a go.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やってみるわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Julia, can I reserve the conference room for my meeting tomorrow from 3 o'clock?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ジュリアさん、明日の3時の会議のために、会議室予約してもいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "All the conference rooms are taken, Tom.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "トムさん、会議室は全部埋まってますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would you be able to reschedule your meeting on Thursday?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会議を木曜に変更していただくことはできますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Conference room B is open all day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会議室Bが丸一日空いてます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why are the rooms all booked up?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうして全部の部屋が埋まってるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Nancy and Peter have a lot of client meetings set up for this week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ナンシーさんとピーターさんが、今週クライアントの打ち合わせをたくさん入れているんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They wanted the rooms set up for them for the whole day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一日中、彼らが使えるように部屋を用意しておきたいらしいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are they allowed to do that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんなことしてもいいんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm not really sure but I was told to hold all the rooms for them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よくわかりませんが、全部部屋を押さえておくように言われているので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will go talk to them to see if there's any openings during the day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その日空いてる時間があるか、彼らに聞きに行ってきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I only need the room for half an hour, at most.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は、せいぜい30分部屋が必要なだけだから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am sure you can work something out with them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何とかできると思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They are not using all the rooms, constantly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全部の部屋をずっと使うわけじゃないですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think it's easier for them to keep the rooms set up for their clients.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "クライアントのために、部屋をとっておいたほうが楽なんだと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだといいな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When I get some space from them, I will let you know so that you can mark it in the calendar.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしスペースがもらえたら、カレンダーに記入できるようにお知らせしますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thanks, I would appreciate that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you see the market-close last night?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昨夜のマーケットクローズ見た?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh my god, what is happening with the market this month?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう何なの、今月のマーケット、何が起こってるんだろう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It seems the downturn is hitting every sector, especially real estate and consumer goods...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どのセクターも下降してるみたいよね、特に不動産と消費財。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our stock had really good earnings' numbers last quarter and still it is down 5 percent from the beginning of the year!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの株は前四半期に本当にいい利益を残したけど、年始からするとやはり5パーセント下がってるからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "People in the office are going to be worried about year-end compensation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オフィスの皆が、年度末の手当について心配し始めるわね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And profit sharing!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから利益分配も!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hope the managing directors will consider everyone's hard work, regardless of how the market does.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マーケットの状態に関わらず、取締役たちが皆の努力を考慮してくれるといいんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "At least, there's still one more quarter left in the year...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "少なくとも、今年まだあと一四半期残ってるわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Who knows what will happen to the market in these turbulent times?!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この不穏な時期に、マーケットがどうなるかなんて誰にも分からないわよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その通りだわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We should just focus on the tasks at hand and do the best we can!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "与えられた仕事をしっかりこなして、出来る限りのことをするだけだわ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our 2 o'clock is running late, I will buzz you when they arrive.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2時のクライアントが遅れているから、彼らが着いたら呼びますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's fine, just let me know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大丈夫ですよ、お知らせください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am terribly sorry we are late!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "遅れてしまって本当にすみません!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There was an accident on the highway and traffic was at a complete halt!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "高速で事故があって、渋滞で車が動かなかったんです!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not to worry, we were expecting you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "心配なさらずに、お待ちしていましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And it's really only a slight delay, let me call Peter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それに、本当に大した遅れじゃないですから、ピーターに電話しますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please follow me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私についてきてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, my name is Peter Parker.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、ピーターパーカーです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Very nice to meet you both.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お二人とお会いできて光栄です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Peter, this is Ms. Pam Murray and Mr. Daniel Taylor.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ピーター、こちらはパム マーレイさんとダニエル テイラーさんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How do you do, please call me Pam.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はじめまして、パムと呼んでください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Peter, I'm Daniel, pleasure to meet you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、ピーターさん、ダニエルです、はじめまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They are from Company B and are here to go over the terms of the contract for the midtown project.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らは、B社から、ミッドタウンプロジェクトの契約条件について話し合うためにいらっしゃいました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Fantastic, I've made copies for everyone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "素晴らしいです、皆さんにコピーを作っておきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Here they are.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, we wanted to go over a couple of items on the contract.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうです、契約書のいくつかの項目についてお話したいと思っていました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are some clauses that are giving us problems...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちにとって問題となる条項が幾つかあるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can we sit down to discuss the items for the board members' meeting next month?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "座って、来月の役員会の議事内容を話し合えますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Of course, is now a good time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろん、今がいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、そうしましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you please bring me the draft agenda?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "議題案を持ってきてもらえますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have scheduled an update from the compliance department, followed by a full review of the financials.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "コンプライアンス部からのアップデート、その後で財政関係の全面見直しを予定しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We'll go over budgeted versus actual revenues, and of course review expenses for the year thus far.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちは、収益予測と実績を見直して、これまでの今年の支出を見直しましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Should we also include a forecast of next year's revenues?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来年の収益予測も入れましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can, but I'll need to get your sales assumptions first.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "できますけど、販売予測が先に必要です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will have Ed put the numbers together and review them before I give them to you by the end of the week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今週の末までに、エドさんに頼んで数字を出してもらい、あなたに提出する前に見直しておきますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know if travel arrangements been finalized for the directors?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "部長たちの出張の最終予定はもうできてるんでしょうかね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would hope so, let me check on that with the travel department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだといいんですけど、旅行部に確かめてみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What is up with the server today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日のサーバーの調子変だな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is running so slow...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すごくゆっくり作動してる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There might be some maintenance happening to the server.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サーバーメンテナンス中なのかも知れないね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are your emails coming through?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "メールちゃんと来てる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There's definitely something wrong with our system today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日、うちのシステム絶対おかしいよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey, are you guys having problems with the server?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おい、君たちサーバーに何か問題ある?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey, there's an email from tech support.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あら、技術サポートからのメールがあるわよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It says, \"Server maintenance starting at noon for a brief moment. \"", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "「12時から短時間サーバーメンテをします。」って書いてある。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "\"Apologies for the inconvenience.\", I guess that explains it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "「ご迷惑かけてすみません」って、これで説明がついたわね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you backed up your work already?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう仕事のほうバックアップした?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd better make some offline copies so I can keep working.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "仕事を続けられるようにオフラインのコピーを作っておいたほうがよさそうだな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Or should we all go get some lunch?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それとも、皆でランチに行っちゃおうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Angela, Chris, do you want to go out for a quick drink after work tonight?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アンジェラさん、クリスさん、今日仕事の後でちょっと飲みに行きませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have dinner plans but I can go for a little bit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ディナーの予定があるんですが、ちょっとなら行けますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't have any plans tonight, so sure!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は今夜は予定がないから、ぜひ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hope I can get all my work done in time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "時間内に仕事を全部片づけられたらいいんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Great, what are you working on Chris?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よかった、クリスさん、今何をやっているの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I need to finish some data input for Tom.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "トムさんのためにデータ入力を終える必要があるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have to go back for the past five years and having a bit of problem getting the numbers from business development.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "過去五年間遡る必要があるんですが、事業開発から数字をもらうのにちょっと苦労していて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Their data is pretty poorly organized.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らのデータがあまり整理されていなくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know Andy from the group.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのグループのアンディさんを知ってますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He's been there awhile and I'm sure he can help you out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼、そこにしばらくいるから、助けてくれると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Really, that would be wonderful!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当ですか、それはとっても助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's his extension?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼の内線は何番ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me see, it's 5079.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっと、5079ね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would you like me to give him a heads up?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先に私のほうから彼に話をしておきましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thanks, that would be perfect!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have been working with Ed down there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私はそこのエドさんと仕事してるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "OK, I'll let Andy know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました、アンディに言っておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you so much, Angela!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとうございます、アンジェラさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Seems like it's all happening.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すべてうまくいきそうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "See you both around five o'clock!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、二人とも5時に!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Tom, can I speak with you for a moment?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "トムさん、ちょっとお話できる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure Nancy, give me five minutes, I will be right there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいよ、ナンシーさん、5分だけ待ってくれるかな、すぐ行くから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No problem, I will be in my office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいですよ、オフィスにいますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Nancy, what's up?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やあ、ナンシーさん、何でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wanted to talk to you about Chris.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "クリスさんについて話したいんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How do you think she's doing?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女の調子はどうだと思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Um, she's nice, still getting used to the environment, I think.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、いい人だけど、まだ環境に慣れているところって言う感じかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But she is a good worker, she responds really well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、いい働きぶりで、反応もすごくいいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When I ask her to do things for me, she's always very pleasant and attentive.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何かを頼むと、いつもとても感じよく気遣ってくれます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I sometimes see her not taking any lunch break, working right through.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "時々、彼女がランチ休憩もとらずに働いてるのを見ますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You should tell her to pace herself more.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう少しペースを整えたほうがいいって言ったほうがいいんじゃないですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see, I didn't realize that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました、気づいてませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can tell her, too, you're her colleague.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたも言ってあげてくださいね、同僚なんですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I guess, maybe I can ask her out to lunch sometime.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、いつかお昼に連れて行ってあげてもいいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That sounds like a nice idea!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いい考えですね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I also wanted you to work with her on the project.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから、あなたに彼女と一緒にプロジェクトに取り組んでもらいたいとも思っているんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She can do the number crunching and help you with the presentation materials.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女は計算が出来るので、あなたのプレゼン資料作りを手伝えると思うんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どう思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would love the help!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは助かる!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It'll be challenging to get her up to speed on the project but I can get her involved slowly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "プロジェクトのスピードについて行かせるのは難しいかも知れないけど、ゆっくり関わらせるようにはできますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, maybe one task at a time to help you out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、あなたを助けるために、一回につき一つの作業という風に。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That way, she won't be overwhelmed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうすれば、彼女もパンクしないでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, you will be okay to be her mentor for awhile?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、彼女のメンターにしばらくなってもらっていいですね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A mentor?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "メンター?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That sounds like a big responsibility.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは大きな責任に聞こえますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm here to help, if you have any problems.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何かあれば、私もサポートしますから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "True, I don't have to think it's all my responsibility!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、全部私の責任になるってわけじゃない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have you to guide me, of course!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたに指導してもらえばいいんですよね、もちろん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's the attitude!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その調子!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think you two will work really well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "二人は相性よく仕事できると思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok, I will start with asking her to get some data from business development team.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、彼女に事業開発チームからデータをもらってくるように頼むことから始めてみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Great idea, let me know how it goes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいですね、どうなったか教えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure will!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろん、します!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Nancy, I wanted to go over the compensation numbers for your team.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ナンシーさん、あなたのチームの手当額についてお話したいんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Of course, William.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろんです、ウィリアムさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How's your day going?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日の調子はどうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Or should I ask about the year?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それとも、今年はどうですか、と聞いたほうがいいのかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Busy as always, but all things considered, it's going well, I think.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "相変わらず忙しいですが、色々考えても、うまくいってるほうだと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そちらはどうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, busy, especially this time of year, you know, year-end.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、特にこの時期は忙しいですよ、ご存知だと思いますが年度末で。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Business is going pretty well and I am pleased with your staff.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ビジネスのほうはかなり上手くいってますし、あなたのところのスタッフにも満足しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This year has been a good year, not as crazy as last year, but steady.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年はいい年です、去年ほど忙しくないけど、安定していて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First of all, I would like to congratulate you on leading the team all year and doing a tremendous job!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まず、あなたが今年一年チームリーダーとして素晴らしい働きをしてくれたことに感謝させてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Your team loves you, at least most of the time, just kidding, and your project has been very successful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "少なくともほとんどの場合は、というのは冗談ですが、チームに愛されていますし、プロジェクトにも成功していますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you, William, I am please with my team as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ウィリアムさん、ありがとうございます、私も自分のチームには満足しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We work really well together.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちは本当によいチームワークで働きます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No major drama this year and we have a very cohesive working environment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年は大きなもめごとなどもなく、とても団結力のある職場環境を保っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I agree.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、私もそう思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You are a great leader and we are pleased with your efforts.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたは良いリーダーで、私たちもあなたの努力には感謝していますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By the way, what do you think about Chris, our new hire?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ところで、新人のクリスさんについてはどう思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have yet to work with her directly but she seems to be settling in alright?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだ彼女と直接仕事をしたことはありませんが、ちゃんとなじんでいるように見えるのですが?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, she's a very cautious worker but very attentive.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、非常に慎重な仕事をする人ですが、大変気配りもできます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I need to get her up to speed with the project so she can get more involved, what do you think?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もっと関わりを増やして欲しいので、彼女にはもっとプロジェクトのスピードについていけるようになってもらう必要があるのですが、どう思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why don't you have her work with Tom?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女にトムさんと一緒に作業してもらうのはどうでしょうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let her learn from him, he's solid and I think he will be a good mentor.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼は安定してますから、いいメンターになると思いますし、そこから学んでもらいましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good idea, I was thinking that myself!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいですね、私もそう思ってたんです!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will speak to Tom after this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この後でトムさんに話してみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Should we look at the numbers?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "数字を見たほうがいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh yes, let's do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、そうですね、やりましょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Julia, can we talk?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ジュリア、ちょっと話せる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, what's up?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろん、何?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you hear about the new hire?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新入社員について聞いた?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think she's starting on Thursday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女、木曜から始めるみたいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, I didn't hear about a new hire.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ、新入社員についてなんて聞いてないわよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Which team is she going to be on?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どのチームに入るのかしら?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think she is in our group, under Nancy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちのグループだと思うわ、ナンシーの下で。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did we need more people in our group?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちのグループ、もっと人がいるんだった?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there something going on that we haven't heard of?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちが聞いていないことが何か起こってるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I didn't even know about the new hire so I have no clue.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっと、私も新入社員のことさえ知らなかったから、全くわからないわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe we should ask John, he might know something!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ジョンに聞いてみるのがいいかな、彼なら何か知ってるかも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's go ask him at lunch time, maybe we can all go out?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お昼の時に彼に聞いてみようよ、皆で外に出られるかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good idea, I'll go ask him if he's free for lunch.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいかもね、彼がお昼に時間があるかどうか聞いてみるわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "All set, Angela.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大丈夫よ、アンジェラ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、後で。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thanks Julia, see you later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとう、ジュリア、後でね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi there, Mr. Johnson.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、ジョンソンさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for coming in today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日はお越しいただきありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm Nancy Wilson.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ナンシー ウィルソンです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello Nancy, nice to meet you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、ナンシーさん、お会いできて光栄です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please call me Bob.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ボブと呼んでください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "OK Bob, please come this way.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではボブさん、こちらへどうぞ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is my colleague, Tom Weismann.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらは私の同僚のトム ワイスマンです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Tom, this is Mr. Johnson, Bob.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "トム、こちらがジョンソンさん、ボブさんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How do you do?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Very nice to meet you Mr. Johnson.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ジョンソンさん、お会いできて光栄です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Pleasure to meet you as well, Tom.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "トムさん、お会いできてよかったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for the meeting today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日のミーティング、ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Before we begin, can we offer you anything to drink, water, tea, coffee?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "始める前に、何かお飲み物はいかがでしょうか、お水かお茶、またはコーヒーがありますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Some water would be just fine, thank you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お水をいただければ結構です、ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I believe you are looking for a property in Florida?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "フロリダで不動産をお探しとか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have any ideas for what type of property you might be interested in?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どのような不動産に興味があるか教えていただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, we are looking for a retirement home in Miami.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、マイアミで高齢者向けホームを探しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know what type of structure you might be interested in?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どのような構造に興味がおありでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A single home or a condominium in a retirement village?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一戸建てか、高齢者向けビレッジのコンドミニアムなのか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you already have any particular place in mind?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すでにこんなものがいいと決めたものがありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I believe you have a new development coming into the market next year in Key Biscayne?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "キービスケーンに来年販売が始まる新しい開発物件があると聞いているのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, that's correct, it is due to open next fall.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、その通りです、来年秋にオープン予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Tom, can you get us the paperwork for \"development KB\" as well as some more current properties in Florida?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "トム、「KB開発」の資料とフロリダの今ある他の物件に関する資料を持ってきてくれませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Here is the pamphlet for the new property \"KB\" and these are not in Miami but if you are interested, here is some information on properties in Siesta Key and Bonita Springs.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらが新物件「KB」のパンフレットで、こちらのほうはマイアミではないのですが、もしご興味があれば、シエスタキーとボニータスプリングスにある物件の情報になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you, Tom.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "トム、ありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our newest project \"KB\" is going to be beautiful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちの最新物件「KB」は、とても美しいものになりますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our concept video is online, if you'd like to see it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご興味があれば、コンセプト動画がオンラインで見られます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The other properties are also beautifully maintained and managed, are you familiar with the areas?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他の物件も美しく管理・維持されていますが、この地域についてはよくご存じですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have just started looking into this for our retirement.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "定年退職に向けて探し始めたばかりなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will bring these home to discuss with my wife.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これらを家に持ち帰って、妻と相談します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Of course, I will put all the materials into an envelope for you to take home.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろんです、おうちに持って帰っていただけるよう、資料を全部封筒にお入れしますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And if you have any questions, please call us any time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして、何かご質問があれば、いつでもお電話ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are always happy to assist you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつでも喜んでお手伝いさせていただきますので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It would be our pleasure to assist you to find your ideal retirement home.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "理想の老後のお住まいを見つけるお手伝いが出来れば光栄ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please contact us with any questions, here's my card.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "質問などがあればいつでもご連絡を、こちらが私の名刺です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will be in touch, thank you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、また連絡します、ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Here is all the information and I have put my card inside.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらが全部の資料になり、私の名刺も中に入っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good morning Ken, how was your weekend?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おはよう、健さん、週末どうだった?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was good, thank you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よかったよ、ありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I went for a hike with Helen and had a nice relaxing brunch with the family on Sunday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日曜に、ヘレンとハイキングに行って、家族とゆっくりブランチをしたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How was your weekend?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君の週末は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ready for another busy week?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また忙しい一週間が始まるね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I had a rough one, kid's birthday party and lots of chores to take care of.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕は大変だったよ、子供の誕生日パーティと色々と片づける用事があって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think I need a holiday for my weekend...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "週末のための休みがいるな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ha-ha, take it easy, ease into the week so you don't burn out!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はは、気楽にね、週をゆっくりスタートさせて燃え尽きないように!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have a meeting with the team on Wednesday, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "水曜にチームミーティングがあるよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you all set for that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "準備できてる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have to get more information from Julie before I can finalize my material.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "資料を完成させる前にジュリーからもう少し情報が必要なんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I might need your help on some numbers for the Midtown project.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ミッドタウンプロジェクトの数字に関して、君の助けが必要になるかも知れない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I stop by after lunch?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ランチの後で来てもいいかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do check in.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "様子見に来てよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I might be away from my desk from time to time but I will be in the office all day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "席を外しているかも知れないけど、一日中オフィスにはいるから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thanks, I'll see you later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとう、じゃ後で。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, see you later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、後でね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am really having a difficult time with scheduling my trip for next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週の出張の予定をたてるのにすごく苦労してるんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's get your calendar out and go over your schedule then, shall we?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたのカレンダーを見て、予定を確認してみましょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have a few important client meetings Monday through Wednesday...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "月曜から水曜まで大切なクライアントとのミーティングがあるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Your meeting on Wednesday is in the morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "水曜のミーティングは午前中ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We might still be able to get you on a later flight, so at least, you'll be in Paris first thing Thursday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最低でも木曜の朝いちにはパリにいられるように、遅めの飛行機を予約できるかもしれないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I really would prefer if I could be there by late Wednesday night...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なるべく水曜の夜までにそこに着いていたいんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me see if I can either move our Wednesday meeting to easier in the week or reschedule it for next week...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "水曜のミーティングを週の前半か来週に予定変更ができるかどうか見てみましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you would do that, that would be wonderful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうしてくださると助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The client I am meeting in Paris on Thursday can only see me that morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "パリで木曜に会うことになっているクライアントは、その日の午前中しか会えないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me see what I can do and get back to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私のほうで何とかやってみて、また連絡します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Nancy, you are going to love me!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ナンシーさん、私に感謝してくださいよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was able to move your Wednesday meeting to Tuesdsay morning before your first Tuesday meeting, which I was able to push back to eleven thirty.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたの最初のミーティングを11時半に遅らせることで、水曜のミーティングを火曜の朝に移せましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, you managed to shuffle my meetings so well!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うわー、私のミーティングをうまく動かしてくれましたね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have arranged that meeting as a lunch meeting with them so we can schedule it even a little later, if you'd prefer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのミーティングをランチミーティングにしたので、もしご希望ならもっと遅くに始めてもいいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you, you are a star!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとう、なかなかやってくれますね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's book the nice restaurant near the water, close to their office, what was it called?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オフィスのそばのウォーターフロントの素敵なレストランを予約しましょうか、名前何でしたっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you thinking of \"Restaurant C\"?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "「レストランC」のことを言ってるんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, that's the one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、それです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think there will be two of us and maybe two or three of them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たち2人と、向こうは2、3人になると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me check on the numbers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "人数を確認させてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Should we book the table for twelve o'clock?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "12時に予約を入れておきましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Will do, I will let you know when it is booked.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しておきますよ、予約をしたら連絡いれます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Julie.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やあ、ジュリー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Peter, what can I do for you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あらピーター、何か手伝える?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Nothing urgent, I was hoping to set up a meeting before we present our material to the boss.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "急ぎじゃないんだけど、上司に資料を見せる前に打ち合わせ出来ないかと思って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いい考えね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's good for the team to be on the same page.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "チームとして合意しておくのはいいことね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When would be a good time for you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君はいつなら都合がいい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am available between two and four o'clock on Tuesday or in the morning on Wednesday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "火曜の2時から4時の間か、水曜の朝なら時間があるけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm good for any of those times.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私はどっちでもいけるわよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you please secure the conference room for forty five minutes for us?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "45分間会議室を押さえてもらっていい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please also ask Sanjay and Ken for their times?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、サンジェイとケンにも都合のいい時間聞いておいてもらえる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure thing, I can do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろん、やっとくわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you, let me know when the meeting is all set up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとう、打ち合わせがちゃんと設定できたら教えて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have a moment, Tom?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "トムさん、お時間ありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, what's up, Peter?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろん、ピーターさん、何ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have to prepare a speech for the conference next month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来月のカンファレンスに向けてスピーチの準備をしないといけないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You've been to the annual tech conference in the Bay area, haven't you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ベイエリアでの年次テックカンファレンスに行ったことありますよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I was there last year, but this year I'm tied up with my project and Julie's going from our group instead.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、去年は行きましたが、今年はプロジェクトに縛られているので、うちのグループからはジュリーが行くことになっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, we've been working together to get this presentation to go smoothly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうです、このプレゼンがスムーズにいくよう一緒に作業をしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am the main presenter and wanted to make sure my script is clear and concise.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私がメインの発表者なので、台本が明確で簡潔かどうか確認しておきたいんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can take a look for you when you're done.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "終わったら見てあげますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thanks, I'd love your input.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとうございます、ご意見をいただけると助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Really appreciate it, Tom!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "トムさん、本当にありがとうございます!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No problem, I will look out for your email and get back to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいえ、あなたのメールに気を付けておきますから、後で連絡しますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good morning, Tom.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おはようございます、トムさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can we go over the presentation material for our Thursday meeting?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "木曜の会議のためのプレゼン資料を一緒に見ていただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, Nancy, how about ten thrity?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろん、ナンシーさん、10時半はどうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have a ten o'clock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "10時に予定があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So can we make it eleven?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので、11時にできますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, that's fine, see you then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、大丈夫ですよ、じゃ、その時に。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry, I'm late!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ごめんなさい、遅れてしまいました!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hope you are still okay for time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだお時間大丈夫だといいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You're only a few minutes late, not to worry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2、3分遅れただけだから心配しないでください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was able to print out a couple of copies for us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "数部コピーを印刷できました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, let's discuss some details.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よかった、では詳細について話しましょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, is there anything wrong?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、何か問題はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, it just needs some fine tuning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あら、ちょっと微調整が必要ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For example, these data should be more simple so that the clients can make better sense of them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "例えば、クライアントに分かりやすいように、このデータはもう少しシンプルにしたほうがいいでしょうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about we add a graph and some charts?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いくつかグラフや表を追加するというのはどうでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That would be good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have any visuals for the site?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "現場用のビジュアルはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can look for some and might ask Andrew, the CG director.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自分でも探せますし、CGディレクターのアンドリューにも聞いてみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He was just there last week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先週、ちょうどあそこにいましたからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That would be perfect.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The visuals will also help the clients' imagination.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ビジュアルがあればクライアントも想像しやすいので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me get back to you with the updates, maybe tomorrow?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最新情報をまた連絡しますね、多分明日くらい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That should be fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでいいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good work, Tom!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "トムさん、いい出来ですよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you see the email from our New York office?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ニューヨークオフィスからのメール見ましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The one about a bionic suit?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "パワードスーツの件?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, that one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どう思います?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you think there's a business opportunity?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ビジネスチャンスはあると思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I honestly don't know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "正直言って、わからないな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm not exactly familiar with the product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この製品についてはよく知らないんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's so good about it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どこがそんなにいいの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It allows the user to lift heavy items without putting too much pressure on your back.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "腰に負担をかけずに重いものが持ち上げられるようになるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So it's more of a safety measure?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ということは、どっちかというと安全対策ってことかね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうでしょうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And maybe it'll improve a worker's productivity?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "作業員の生産性も上がるかも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I guess there's been a lot of buzz around safety these days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最近は安全性に関して、うわさがたくさん流れてるんじゃないか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Workplace injury can cost a company a lot of money.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "職場のケガは会社にとっても多大な費用がかかりうる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wonder if there can be some deals made with insurance companies.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "保険会社との契約もあるのかなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "たぶんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can see the manufacturing industry or logistic industry using this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "製造業界や物流業界がこれを使うんじゃないかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I read on the news yesterday that Company A announced that they will be purchasing fifty suits for their workers in their manufacturing facility.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、昨日、A社が製造施設の作業員用に50着を購入する予定だと発表したという記事を読みましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What was the reasoning behind that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その根拠は何だったの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was safety and productivity.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "安全性と生産性。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, there you go.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほらね、ということだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How much do these things cost?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このスーツはどれくらいするのかね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe around ten thousand dollars?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1万ドルくらいじゃないですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, that's not cheap.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えー、それは安くないな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can't put a price on safety!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "安全性に値段はつけられませんからね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Elaine, do you have time right now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっと、エレイン、今時間ある?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes of course.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I just got off the phone with Company A, in regards to the payment term.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "支払条件のことで、A社からの電話切ったところなんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I understand our current payment term is net ten days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今の支払条件は正味10日以内だったよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's ten days from issuing our invoice to them right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "つまり、請求書発行から10日以内ということだよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The president of Company A wanted to ask us if we can extend the term from ten days to forty five days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社の社長が条件を10日から45日以内に変えられるか聞いてきたんだが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, that's quite a bit of time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはずいぶん長いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, but since we've been working with Company A for so long, I don't think it will be an issue.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんだ、だが、A社とは長い付き合いだし、問題はないかと思うんだけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've already talked to our risk management department and they are okay with it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すでにリスクマネジメント部とも話したんだが、いいと言っている。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あら、そうですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I need you to revise the invoice from now on.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので、今後の請求書は修正してほしいんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Which shipment should I change it from?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どの出荷分から変更しますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will start from the shipment next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週の出荷分から始めよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I'll change it accordingly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、では、そのように変更しておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you also let our administration department know?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "総務部にも伝えておいてくれる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It'd be good to give them a heads up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "知らせておいた方がいいからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm sure they will come ask us if the terms are correct since forty five days is pretty long.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "45日はかなり長いので、条件が正しいのか、きっと確認に来ると思うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I'll let them know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、伝えておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よろしく、ありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you planning on taking any days off this year?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年は休暇をとる予定ある?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I haven't decided.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだ、決めてません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I noticed you haven't been using your vacation days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっと、有給を消化してないみたいだからさ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I think I still have ten days left this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんです、今年はまだあと10日も残ってます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They carry over right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来年に持ち越せますよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, they do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "できるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah I want to go somewhere, but I just don't have the money right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どこかへ行きたいとは思っているんですが、今はお金がないんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just got married, and I have a bunch of other expenses to deal with.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "結婚したばかりだし、お金を使う予定が他に山ほどあるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm almost done the loan on my car though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "車のローン返済はもうすぐ終わりそうですけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, when is that done?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "へえ、いつ頃?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's done in August this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年の8月で。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was a four year finance right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "4年返済だったよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How much do you pay a month?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "月にいくら返してるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I pay around five hundred dollars.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "500ドルくらいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I'll be able to save a lot more once I get that out of the way.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので、これが終わればかなり貯金できます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, five hundred dollars is a lot of money.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだね、500ドルは大きいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have to start thinking about the future too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "将来のことも考えないといけないし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like kids?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "子供とか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, like kids.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、子供とか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "へえ、頑張れ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Kids will cost way more than a car.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "子供は車よりもっとお金がかかるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I don't want to think about it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えー、それは考えたくないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Sam, the meeting with Company A is on Friday this week, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっと、サム、A社とのミーティングは今週の金曜日だったよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Umm, no it's tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えーと、いえ、明日です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You even accepted the meeting invite.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ミーティング予約を承認してくださったじゃないですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh what?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I am serious.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、本当です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, that's not good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは困った。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just confirmed a meeting tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日、別のミーティングを承諾してしまった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What meeting is it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何のミーティングですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's a meeting for Project A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Aプロジェクトのミーティング。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, is that the one that the Tokyo office is working on?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは、東京オフィスが進めているやつですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、それ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But yeah, I can't reschedule that one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、だけど、それはリスケできないんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I'll ask Company A if we can reschedule the meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、ミーティングをリスケできるかA社に聞いてみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "助かるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's your schedule like next week?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週のご予定は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I won't be available on Monday and Tuesday afternoon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "月曜と火曜の午後はダメだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, me too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What about the other days?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その他の日はどうです?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm pretty open on the other days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他の日はかなり空いてる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, I'll ask Company A if they can accommodate the change.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、変更が大丈夫かA社に聞いてみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm really sorry about this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当にすまんな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's okay, it happens.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大丈夫ですよ、よくあることです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Welcome to our facility.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "当社の施設へようこそ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for inviting me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お招きいただきましてありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So maybe I'll start with a brief overview of the facility then we can take a quick walk around the site.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "施設の簡単な説明をした後に、ちょっと敷地内をご案内したいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As you may know, this facility used to be a plywood mill.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご存知かもしれませんが、この施設は合板工場でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But the previous owners decided to stop their operation and basically idled the mill.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "が、前の持ち主が操業をやめて、工場を遊休させることにしたんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They finally decided to put it on the market two years ago, and that's when we decided to purchase the site.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "結局2年前に売りに出されたので、当社が敷地を買い取ることにしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Were the original buildings included?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もともとの建物も込みで?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was a bit old so we had to renovate it a little bit but it definitely saved us some money.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっと古かったので多少は改修が必要でしたが、確実にコストを抑えることができましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Since all the foundation and buildings were in place, we just had to bring in the machinery for our operation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "基礎と建物がすでにあるので、稼働に必要な機材を入れればいいだけでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you have to apply for an air permit?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "排出許可の申請は必要でしたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, we are able to use the air permit that came with the site.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は、敷地についていた排出許可を使用できるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, why is that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "へえ、それはまたどうして?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Luckily, our operation will be emitting less than the previous facility so we don't have to amend or re-apply.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "運良く、当社の業務は以前の施設よりも排気が少ないので、修正したり、再申請する必要がないのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's convenient.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは便利でしたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, otherwise it could take one year to get a new air permit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、そうでなければ、新たに排出許可を得るのに一年はかかったでしょうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We just finished commissioning a couple months ago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょうど数ヶ月前に試運転を終えたところです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's your production capacity?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "生産能力はどのくらいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our capacity is one hundred fifty thousand tons per year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "年産15万トンです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But we're only running at one hundred thousand tons right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですが、現在は10万トンで稼働しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはどうして?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There was a wildfire in the area which affected our raw material supply.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この地域で起きた山火事が資材供給に影響したんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、そう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I saw that on the news.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それ、ニュースで見ましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Was the wildfire pretty close from here?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その火事はここから近かったんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It wasn't close but you could definitely feel the smoke in the air.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "近いというわけではなかったのですが、確実に煙の臭いはしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When do you anticipate running at full capacity?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつフル稼働に戻れそうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think it will take at least five more months.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "少なくとも5ヶ月くらい先でしょうかね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, let's head in to the facility now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、建物内に行ってみましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi this is Sam Lee from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、A社のサム リーです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh hello Sam.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、サム、こんにちは。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just wanted to make sure you got my email in regards to the spot contract.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "現物契約についてのメール、届いているか確認したくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I'm sorry I've been very busy this month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、申し訳ない、今月はすごく忙しいんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was on a business trip last week and I'm just catching up on my emails now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先週は出張だったんで、今、メールに追いつこうとしているところです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、そうでしたか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I just wanted to know if you would be able to draft a contract for the spot contract.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えーと、現物契約書のドラフトを作っていただけるか知りたかったのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I thought it would be better for you to draft it since you have more experience in this type of contract.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このタイプの契約では、そちらの方がご経験豊富なので、そちらに作っていただいた方がいいかと思ったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me take a look at your email and I'll get back to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、まず、メールを見させてください、それからご返事しますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、よろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you prefer us to draft it, just let me know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらで作成した方がよろしければ、お知らせください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll be in touch with you shortly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、すぐにご連絡します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sam, can you come over here for a second?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サム、ちょっと来てくれる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, I heard from Paul from Company B that the reason China doesn't export lumber is because China charges a VAT for exports.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "中国が木材を輸出しない理由は政府が輸出にVATを課税するからだって、B社のポールから聞いたんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "VAT?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "VAT?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Value added tax.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "付加価値税。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For export?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "輸出に?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But apparently, manufacturers in China are further processing that lumber in to wooden fences so they can avoid the VAT.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だけど、中国のメーカーはVAT課税を逃れられるように、木材を木製フェンスにさらに加工しているみたいだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What do they do with the lumber?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "木材をどう処理しているんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They cut off the edge on one end.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一方の端を切り落としてる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's supposedly called a dog-ear fence pickets.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ドッグイヤー坑柵って呼ばれてるらしい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll have to look it up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それ、調べてみますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何かわかったら教えてくれ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll try but there isn't a lot of materials on China on the web.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やってみますが、ネットには中国資材に関する資料はあまりありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They are all either in Chinese or very hard to find.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "情報が中国語だったり、非常に見つけにくかったりで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you also ask our trade compliance department for advice?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "貿易コンプライアンス部にも聞いてみてくれるか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、聞いてみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, I'll be talking today about trade compliance in regards to export and import.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は、輸出入に関する貿易コンプライアンスについてお話したいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When you plan on exporting a product, there are several things you have to consider.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ある商品の輸出を計画する場合、考慮しなければいけないことがいくつかあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "One of the most important things is to figure out what the HS code is.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最も重要なことの一つは、HSコードを理解することです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The HS code is the harmonized commodity description which is used in most country to identify a product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "HSコードは、ほとんどの国で商品分類に使用されている国際統一商品分類です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Depending on the HS code, the importing country may have duties.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "HSコードによって輸入国は関税を課せられる場合があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So it is important to see if the product you want to buy or sell will have duties or not.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですから、売買したい商品が関税対象かどうか調べることが大事です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What if we can't figure out what the HS code for a product will be?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "商品がどのHSコードかわからないときは?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can either ask the government agency or just ask me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "政府機関に聞いてもいいですし、私に聞いていただいても良いです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですか、どうも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are cases when a variation of a product may have a higher duty than another.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ある商品のバリエーションの方が関税が高くなる場合などもあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Say for example, a petroleum candle has a fourteen percent duty.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "例えば、石油キャンドルの関税は14パーセントです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But a waxed candle may have a five percent duty.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "が、ワックスキャンドルは5%くらいになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would recommend if the manufacturer can make the candle so it is made of fifty one percent wax and forty nine percent petroleum.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "メーカーがキャンドルを製造するとしたら、51%がワックスで49%が石油でできた商品をお勧めします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That way, it will be considered a waxed candle and have a lower duty.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それなら、商品はワックスキャンドルとみなされ、関税が安くなります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We call this tariff engineering.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これを関税エンジニアリングと呼びます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Next, I will talk a bit about the country of origin for a product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次に、商品の原産地についてお話しします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is easy to determine the country of origin for a product for products without parts.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "パーツのない製品の原産地を決定するのは簡単です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But if a product consists of various parts, it may be a bit complicated.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですが、様々なパーツからなる製品の場合、ちょっと複雑になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For example, if a computer has most of its parts made in China, but assembled in Japan, the product would be of Chinese origin.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "例えば、コンピューターのほとんどのパーツが中国製の場合は、日本で組み立てられても製品は中国製となります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So for example, if a log is shipped from Japan to China, and the log is made into a table.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので、例えば、木材が日本から中国へ輸送され、テーブルに加工されたとします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Because it is a completely different product, it will be considered a major transformation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これは完全に違う商品なので、大幅な商品転換とみなされます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Therefore the country of origin for this table will now be China instead of Japan where the log originated from.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですから、このテーブルの原産地は、木材の原産地である日本ではなく中国になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Again, it is important to note that it has to become a completely different product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "繰り返しになりますが、完全に違う商品になったことを認識することが大事です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここまでで何かご質問はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know if we are getting another trainee from our Tokyo office?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "東京オフィスから研修生がもう一人来るかどうか、知ってます?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I haven't heard anything about it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何も聞いてないけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We've had a trainee come for one year for the past four years so I would think someone will be coming again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "過去4年間、研修生が一年間いたから、また誰か来るんじゃないかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's always nice to have someone new in the office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オフィスに新しい人が来てくれるのはいいことだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、私もそう思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But do they really work here?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、本当にここで働くんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It feels like they are just here to learn English.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なんか、英語の勉強のためにいるみたいなんですけけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know for the first two trainees that we had, their goal was to practice English.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここに来た最初の2人の目標は、英語の練習だったな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think they had a goal of scoring 700 on this English test.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この英語のテストで700点とるのが目標だったはず。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That sounds like a chill job.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それが仕事とはいいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I'd do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But for the recent trainees, they've actually been sending us people who are pretty experienced.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、最近の研修生に関して言えば、すごく経験のある人が派遣されてきてるよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like, their goal is not to learn English but to actually find new businesses.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らの目標は英語の勉強じゃなくて、実際に新たなビジネスを探すことみたいだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know if we ever send people to Japan?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらから誰か日本に派遣することはあるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, I've never heard of that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ううん、聞いたことないな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, I've heard of someone in the New York office go on a training program in Japan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実際に、ニューヨークオフィスの社員が研修プログラムで日本に行くっていうのは聞いたことがあるけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But he is in the legal department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、それは法務部の人だけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would you want to go to Japan?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日本へ行きたい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Only for training.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "研修だけなら。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would never want to work in Japan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日本で働きたいと思ったことはありませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Same here!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "同じく!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, this is Sam Lee from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社のサム リーです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, how are you doing?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、お元気ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm doing good, thank you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、今日はどうしました?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I actually called your office earlier but the receptionist said you were out of the office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は、先ほどオフィスにお電話したのですが、外出されていると受付の方がおっしゃっていました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I'm actually on a business trip right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、実をいうと今、出張中なんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, where are you at now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "へえ、今どちらですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm actually in Atlanta right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実はアトランタにいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm here attending a conference.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会議に出席しているんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, sorry for bothering you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あっ、それはお邪魔してすみません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ、全然大丈夫ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm just on a break right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今、ちょうど休憩時間なんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、そうですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I wanted to ask you for a quote for Product A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、商品Aの見積もりをいただきたかったのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you think you can get me this by the end of the week?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今週末までにいただけそうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I'll work on it when I get back to the hotel today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、今日ホテルに戻ったらやってみますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's the term on it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "条件は何でしたっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will arrange our own trucking at your mill.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そちらの製材所で当社のトラック輸送を手配します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's the volume?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "出荷量は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm looking for twenty eight metric tons.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "28トンを考えています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So that's two twenty feet containers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですので、20フィートコンテナ2基ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, I'll work on this later and get back to you with a quote as soon as possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、あとで算出して、できるだけ早く見積もりを送ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Great, thank you very much.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良かった、よろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hope you enjoy the rest of the conference.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、残りの会議も良いものになるといいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you, and I'll be in touch.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうも、またご連絡します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, you've reached Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、A社です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご用件は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, my name is Sam Lee from Company B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、B社のサム リーといいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "May I speak to Mr. Ken Johnson?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ケン ジョンソンさんはいらっしゃいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me see if he is in the office today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えーと、今日出社しているかお調べします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for holding.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So it seems he's not in the office right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただいま社内にいないようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think he may be out today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は外出していると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Calling his cell phone might be the best way to reach him.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "携帯に電話されるのが良いかもしれません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日、他には何かありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, I think I'm okay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ、それだけです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, have a good day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですか、では、良い1日を。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So today, I will be talking about Japan's new policy for wood products.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日は、木工製品に対する日本の新政策についてお話しいたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Historically, Japan is a major exporter of wood products from around the world.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "歴史的に、日本は世界各国から仕入れた木工製品の主要な輸出国です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Japan sources a lot of their wood from countries like Canada, Malaysia, and Sweden.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日本はカナダ、マレーシア、スウェーデンなどの国々から木材を調達しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But in recent years, the Japanese government has been promoting the use of domestic species like Japanese sugi and hinoki.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかし、近年、日本政府は杉や檜などの国産種の利用を推進しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In order to promote the domestic species, the government set up a program where you can earn points based on how much domestic wood you use in a new home.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "国産種の推進のために、政府は、新築住宅に使用する国産木材の量を基にポイントが得られるプログラムを立ち上げました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sam, may I ask a question?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サム、ちょっと質問していいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What are these points?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのポイントってどんなものですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can use those points for things like appliances, and gift cards.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ポイントは電気製品やギフトカードと交換できます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Some home builders in Japan have used this to their advantage by aggressively promoting houses made with Japanese species.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "国産木材でできた住宅を積極的に宣伝することで、このポイント制度を都合よく利用してきた日本の住宅建築業者もあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes Boyd?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、ボイドさん?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How much of the Japanese species do the builders use?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "建設業者はどのくらい日本産種を使用しているのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think one of the large home builders is promoting a house made with eighty two percent domestic species.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大手住宅建築業者の一社は、82パーセントが国産木材で作られた家を宣伝しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So with this new trend of using domestic species in Japan, companies in Japan have started to seek new opportunities for it abroad.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "国内での、この国産種利用の新しい流行とともに、日本企業は海外にもビジネスチャンスを探し始めました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "One of the markets that they have ventured to includes Korea.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らが進出を試みた市場のひとつは韓国です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Korean companies have been purchasing hinoki for furniture and for bathtubs.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "韓国企業は、家具やバスタブ用に檜を購入しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "China is another market that Japanese companies have been exploring.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "中国は、日本企業が探っているもう一つの市場です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Currently, Japan exports logs to China where it will be sawn to lumber.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "現在、日本は丸太を中国に輸出し、そこで材木に加工しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The lumber will then be exported elsewhere, like to the United States.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして、材木はアメリカなどの他国へ輸出されます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Recently, Japanese lumber has started to establish itself in the US market.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最近、アメリカでは日本産材木の市場ができています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is actually not used for houses as new wood species will have to be tested and certified before being used as a construction material.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ、新種は建築用として使用される前に試験と認証を受ける必要があるため、こうした材木は住宅用としては利用されていません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Japanese sugi has been used for fencing in the US market.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日本杉はアメリカ市場ではフェンス用として使用されているのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You have a question, Karim?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "カリーム、何か質問がありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there a specific destination within the US Japanese lumber go to?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アメリカ国内で特に日本産材木が出荷されているところはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A lot of the Japanese sugi for the US market is actually going to Texas.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アメリカ向けの日本杉は実はほとんどテキサスへ出荷されています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Homes in Texas are being built at a record rate and the laws in Texas requires you to have fencing around your home.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "テキサス州での住宅は記録的なスピードで建設されていて、テキサス州法では、家の周りにフェンスをつけなくてはいけません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So naturally, the demand for fencing is big over there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですから自然と、同州でのフェンスの需要が多くなっているわけです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Most of the wooden fence used in the US is made of a species called Western Red Cedar.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アメリカで使用されている木製フェンスのほとんどはベイスギと呼ばれる種で作られています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But as the housing starts in the US is growing rapidly, there is actually a shortage of Western Red Cedar in the market.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかし、アメリカでの住宅建設が急速に増えているため、実は市場ではベイスギ不足がおきています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Therefore, the Japanese sugi was able to act as an alternative.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこで、日本杉が代替品となったのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Even though it is not as durable, the price is cheaper so people have been using the Japanese sugi over the Western Red Cedar.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日本杉はベイスギほど耐久性はありませんが、価格が安いため、ベイスギの代わりに日本杉を使っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The Japanese sugi coming to the US comes from two sources.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日本杉は2つのルートでアメリカに出荷されています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "One is directly from Japan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ひとつは日本から直接。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And the other is from China.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして、もうひとつは中国からです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I mentioned earlier that Japan exports logs to China right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先ほども申し上げましたが、日本は丸太を中国に輸出していますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The logs are sawn into lumber in China, then exported to the US.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "丸太は中国で材木に加工され、アメリカに輸出されます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, there have been complaints from users that the ones from China are not as precisely cut as the ones coming from Japan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですが、中国から輸出された材木は日本からのものほど正確にカットされていないという苦情がユーザーから出ています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, let's take a quick break and we'll continue again in five minutes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、ここで少し休憩にして、5分後に再開しましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How do you usually get to the airport?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつも、どうやって空港まで行きますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like for business trips?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "出張の時とか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I take the taxi.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "タクシーで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's maybe a 20 minute drive so it's not too far.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "車でだいたい20分くらいだからそんなに遠くないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How much does that cost you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いくらくらいかかりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Around forty dollars.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "40ドルくらい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How far is your place from the airport?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君の家は空港からどれくらい遠いの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's around one hour.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1時間くらいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, that's pretty far.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは結構遠いな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I know right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、でしょ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How much would a taxi cost from your place?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "家からタクシーで行ったら、どのくらいお金かかりそう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd say a hundred dollars.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "100ドルくらいはかかると思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わー、それは高い。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Two hundred dollars round trip is a lot of money.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "往復で200ドルは大金だな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why don't you consider driving your own car?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自分の車で行くことも考えてみたら?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do I get reimbursed for gas?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ガソリン代は経費で出ますかね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The reimbursement is actually by the distance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実際には、距離で精算するんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can't remember the rate but it will definitely cover your gas cost.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いくらだったか思い出せないけど、ガソリン代は確実にカバーできる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Will the company cover the parking at the airport?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "空港の駐車料金も会社が出してくれるのかなあ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Make sure you get a receipt though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "レシートを忘れずにとっておいて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for the information.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "情報をどうもありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日はご足労いただきありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらこそ、お招きいただいてありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, your office was closer than I thought.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "御社は思っていたより近かったですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where is your office?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オフィスはどちらでしたっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We're just two blocks down the street.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2ブロック先ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, that's pretty close.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは、かなり近いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anyways, I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce our company, Company B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、今日はこの機に当社B社の紹介をしたいと思いまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And maybe afterwards you can explain a bit about Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして、あとで御社についても少々ご説明いただければと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We'll let you start then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、そちらから始めてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I work for Company B, which is a Japanese trading company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の勤務しているB社は日本の商社です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you familiar with what a Japanese trading company does?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日系商社の事業内容はよくご存知ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あんまり。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A general definition I like to give is a company that does commodity trading and project investments in an array of industries.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お伝えしたい一般的な定義は商品取引と幅広い業界へのプロジェクト投資といったところです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So we work in industries like aerospace, forestry, mining, textiles, and many more.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので、航空、林業、鉱業、繊維など、その他たくさんの業界で事業を展開しております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's interesting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So our office in Seattle focuses on forestry and aircrafts.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして、このシアトルオフィスは、林業と航空機に重点をおいています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "On the forestry side, we export logs in the Pacific Northwest to the Asian market.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "林業では、北西太平洋地域の木材をアジア市場に輸出しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And for aircrafts, we are the sales agent for Company D for the Japanese market.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "航空機に関しては、日本市場向けにD社の販売代理店を務めております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So our offices will focus on industries depending on their location.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですから、我々のオフィスは、ロケーションによって異なる業界に特化します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For example, our Houston office is focused on the oil and gas industry, and our San Jose office is focused on the tech industry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "例えば、ヒューストンオフィスは石油・ガス業界、サンノゼオフィスはテクノロジー業界に特化しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How many people do you have in your office here?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このオフィスには何人くらいいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have 16 people.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "16名です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are they mostly Japanese staffs?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほとんど日本人スタッフですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We actually only have three who are on assignment from Japan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は日本から駐在で来ている3名だけです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They typically stay here for five years before going back to Japan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "たいていこちらに5年駐在してから日本に戻ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So surprisingly, most of us here were hired locally.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですから、意外にも社員はほとんど現地採用なんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "へー、そうですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I actually went to University A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだ、実は私はA大学に行ってたんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I went to University A too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっ、私もA大学に行きましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I studied economics there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は経済学を学びました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたは?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I majored in mechanical engineering.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は機械工学を専攻しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And I also got my MBA at University A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A大学のMBAも取得しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How is their MBA program?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あそこのMBAプログラムはどうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's really good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すごくいいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And it's close by so I'm not complaining.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それに近いし、不満はないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd definitely recommend attending their information sessions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "是非ガイダンスに行ってみるのがおすすめです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "情報をどうもありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's do a quick review of where we are in contacting startups.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新興企業に当たる前にちょっとおさらいしておこう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I know that we talked to Company A who said they can introduce us to some startups.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社が新興企業を何社かうちに紹介してくれるっていう話だったよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have they got back to us on this?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その件で何か連絡あった?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll send them a follow-up email on this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これについてもう一度メールしてみますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's the situation with Company B again?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "B社の状況はどうなってる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I contacted Company B last month to schedule a meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先月連絡して、ミーティングを設定しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When's the meeting?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ミーティングはいつ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's next Thursday at 9 o'clock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週の木曜の9時です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They will give us a tour of the facility followed-up by a meeting at their office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "施設見学をさせてもらったあと、向こうのオフィスでミーティングします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "9 o'clock is a bit early.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "9時とはちょっと早いな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They told me that they have another meeting from 11 o'clock and that's the only time they can accommodate us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "11時に別のミーティングがあるそうで、9時しか空いていないそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If that's the case then it can't be helped.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それなら、仕方がないな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where is their office?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "B社のオフィスはどこ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's actually at University A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実はA大学内にあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So that's around a thirty minute drive from our office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だからうちのオフィスから車で30分くらいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's go with the company car then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なら、会社の車で行こう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When should we leave the office?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何時にオフィスを出ればいい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We should leave around eight fifteen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "8時15分くらいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've never been there so we should leave earlier.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あそこには行ったことないので、早めに出た方がいいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know if there is parking near their office?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オフィスの近くに駐車場があるか知ってる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I asked them and they said there is a parking lot across from their office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、聞いておきましたが、向こうのオフィスの前に駐車場があるそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's pay parking though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "有料ですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, thank you for checking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうか、チェックしてくれてありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know what you will be talking about?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何を話すか心算はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Honestly, not really.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は、まだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I need to do some homework and learn a bit more about their company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "B社についてもう少し勉強しないといけない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's have another meeting tomorrow to review their company and what we should talk about.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日もう一度、彼らについて、また何を話すかについておさらいするミーティングをしよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, I will do some homework too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいですよ、私もちょっと調べておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi there, this is Sam Lee from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、A社のサム リーと申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, how are you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm good thanks!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、どうも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Happy New Year by the way.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、あけましておめでとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Happy New Year to you too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you have a nice holiday break?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良いお正月休みでしたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You mentioned last time you had plans on travelling, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "前回、旅行に行かれると話しておられましたが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, that's right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I went to Mexico over the holidays.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "休暇中はメキシコに行ってきましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That sounds nice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わー、いいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was nice to get away from the cold winter here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらの寒い冬から離れられて良かったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サムは?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you go anywhere?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どこかに行かれました?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, I had to work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ、仕事でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There were some issues with the shipment over the holidays.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "休み中に船積みにちょっと問題がありまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "へえ、どうしたんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "One of the vessels got delayed which meant the arrival date would be later than what my customer requested.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "船が一隻遅れまして、それで客先が望んでいたよりも到着日が遅れそうになってしまったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I had to scramble to find an alternative.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので、急いで別の手段を見つけなければいけなくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Luckily, the freight forwarder that I work with has good connections with the shipping lines.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "運良く、一緒に仕事している乙仲が船会社にコネを持っていて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They managed to book me a vessel at the last minute.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "寸前に別の船を予約させてくれたんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Vessels are usually fully booked in December.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "12月は大抵、船の予約がいっぱいですからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know, so I was in panic mode when I learned that the vessel was delayed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんです、なので、遅れたって聞いてパニックになってしまったんんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I need to keep this in mind for next time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次回はよく覚えておかなきゃ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, you never know what can happen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、何が起こるか予測できませんからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anyways, I wanted to give you an update on our next shipment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ともかく、次の出荷について最新情報をお知らせします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our customer in China hasn't given us the shipment schedule but I think it will be similar to last year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "中国の客先はまだ出荷スケジュールを連絡してこないのですが、去年と同じような感じだと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our first shipment last year was after Chinese New Year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "去年の初出荷は、旧正月の後でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When was that again?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつでしたって?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Chinese New Year is in early February.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2月初めの旧正月です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll let you know once the schedule is set.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スケジュールが決まりましたら、ご連絡しますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How much volume do you think they will need this year?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年はどれくらいの量がいりそうですかね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think it will be around seven to ten containers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "コンテナ7基から10基くらいじゃないでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will depend on how much import quota they can get.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "輸入割り当てをどのくらい得られるかによります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, let me know when you find out more on the schedule and volume.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、スケジュールと出荷量について、さらに判明しましたらご連絡ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thanks!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is the phone conference confirmed for next week?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週の電話会議は決まったのかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I've confirmed it with Company A already.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、A社と確認とれてます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Still the same date and time right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日にちと時間に変更なし?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, we are still scheduled for next Friday at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ないです、来週金曜の午後2時からで変わりありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you have a certain agenda that you wanted to go over?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か話し合いたい議題はありましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I want to start off with company introductions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会社紹介から始めたいんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Afterwards, I want to explain the potential business opportunity.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その後、ビジネスチャンスについて説明したいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can do the company introductions for our side if you'd like.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良かったら、会社紹介はこちらでできますけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have a standard company presentation that I usually use when introducing our company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会社の紹介をするときにいつも使うプレゼン資料があるんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは助かりますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Will there be anything else you want to talk about?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か他に話したいことはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I want to see if they can introduce us to their parent company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "親会社をうちに紹介してもらえるかどうか聞いてみたいんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Their parent company is called Company B, and they have a large presence in South East Asia.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社の親会社はB社といって、東南アジアでたくさん事業展開しているんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We also have operations in South East Asia so we can explore opportunities there as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちも東南アジアでは事業をやっていますから、ビジネスチャンスを探れるかもしれませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, should I send Company A the meeting agenda then?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、A社に議題を送っておきましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So we will start with company introductions, talk about the potential business opportunity, and see if they can introduce us to Company B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、会社紹介から始めて、ビジネスチャンスについて話し合い、B社を紹介してもらえるか聞いてみるということで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでいいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I will open the phone conference ten minutes before the meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、会議の10分前に電話会議をオープンします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Just in case they have technical issues in trying to connect to the call.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "接続する際に技術トラブルがあったりするかもしれないので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for arranging this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご手配お世話になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh no you're not.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いやいや、そうじゃないですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I think you are perfect for the position.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、あなたがこのポジションには最適だと思うんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm not just talking about Multinational team, I'm talking about the entire Sales Group.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "単に多国籍チームについてだけ話しているんじゃないですよ、営業グループ全体についての話です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This may be a good opportunity to restructure the Sales Group.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これは営業グループを再編成するいい機会かも知れません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So although I was initially thinking just team leaders and abolishing group manager, maybe we should have an experienced group manager after all, so team leader positions could be given to more recent hires.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので、当初はグループマネージャーをなくしてチームリーダーだけにしようと考えたのですが、結局のところ、経験のあるグループマネージャーを置いて、チームリーダーのポジションをもっと最近雇った人たちに提供するのがいいでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, you mean you want me to fill Mari's position?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、僕に真理さんの後を継いでほしいということですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You may take over her entire package.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女に関するすべてのことを引き継いでくれれば。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Pay, benefits, the whole nine yards, so to speak.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "給与、手当、言うならば、一切合切です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm flattered that you use American colloquialism, but don’t you think Eugina is more of an appropriate choice?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アメリカの口語表現を使ってくれて嬉しいですが、ユージニアさんのほうがもっと適役だとは思いませんか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Just hire someone new for Global Relations and Eugina can manage Sales.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "グローバルリレーションズに新しく誰かを雇えば、ユージニアさんが営業を管理できます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I mean she has an MBA from an Ivy League and at least a decade of management experience.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女アイビーリーグのMBAを持っていますし、最低でも10年間の管理職経験があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First and foremost, she doesn't want any more responsibilities.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何よりもまず、彼女はこれ以上の責任を抱えたくありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She has made that clear.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それははっきり言われました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You do know she has a special needs son, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女が特別支援が必要な息子さんをお持ちなのは知ってますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She wants family time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "家族との時間が欲しいのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I kind of heard about it, but...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、聞いたような気はしますが...", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Second of all, it's about time you're rewarded for your work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その次に、そろそろあなたの仕事ぶりが報われてもよい頃でしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You know I'm a college dropout.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大学中退なのはご存知ですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You mention that often.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よく言ってますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I don't even know how I ended up being hired.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、どうやって雇われることになったのかも分からないくらいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm finding out everyone else here is an Ivy Leaguer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここでは周りの皆がアイビーリーグ出身だと分かるようになってきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mari, John, Eugina, Taichi, Won Bin, Yumi, all of our scientists, not to mention our management, and Kate!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "真理さん、ジョンさん、ユージニアさん、太一さん、ウォンビンさん、由美さん、科学者たち全員、経営陣はもちろんのこと、ケイトさんも!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Jesus, she was Harvard's Summa cum laude!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なんたって、彼女はハーバードを首席で卒業ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not so, I went to Cambridge.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうでもないですよ、私はケンブリッジへ行ったんですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you just not rub it in.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それ以上、言わないでくださいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Keiko loves people who graduated high caliber schools.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "恵子さんが優秀な学校の卒業生が好きなんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She thinks it's an indication of something.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女はそれが何かの兆候だと考えているんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "To me it's an indication of nothing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私にとって、それは何の印でもないんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "All I care about are results.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私が気にするのは結果だけですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You have built up the Small Cap group all by yourself.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたは、自分一人で中小企業グループを築き上げてきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You have enough experience.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "経験も豊富です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Keiko's going to block it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "恵子さんが邪魔するんじゃないですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Keiko speaks highly of you and this one is my decision.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "恵子さんはあなたのことを高く評価していますし、これは私の決断です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "All I have to do is have Sylvester's approval and I'm confident I can get this through.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私に必要なことは、シルベスターさんの承認をもらうだけですが、これは出来ると自信があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So are you in?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので、話に乗ってくれますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thanks for seeing me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お会いしてくださりありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is in no way an evaluation of your productivity or numbers vis-à-vis goal.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これは、あなたの生産性や目標に対する数字の評価では決してありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just want to know everyone’s workflow to see where we can optimize operations.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どこで運営の最適化が出来るかを見るために、皆さんの仕事の流れを知りたいだけなのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, it's about time someone around here takes that on.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろんです、そろそろここでも誰かがそれをやってくれる頃かなと思っていました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So basically you are working off your own spreadsheet?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、基本的に、自分のスプレッドシートを使って仕事をしていると?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, they don't have any centralized system here, so, here, I use this template and have everyone else use it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、一元化されたシステムがここにはないので、えっと、ここです、このテンプレートを使って、皆にも使ってもらっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "At the end of the month, they all send me their sheets, and I have it merged.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "月末になると皆が全員私にシートを送ってきて、私が一つに統合します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You merge it manually?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "手動で統合しているんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I send the entire folder to one member of the team and that person does the merging.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっと、フォルダー全体をチームメンバーの一人に送り、その人が統合してくれています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Everyone takes turns with it each month, so they all know what to do and can also see others' results.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "毎月、順番にやってもらうので、全員がやり方を知っていて、他の人たちの結果を見ることができます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By team, you mean the entire Sales Group or just Small Cap?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "チームというのは、営業グループ全体か、中小企業グループだけでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Just Small Cap.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "中小企業グループだけです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "John does his own thing with his Multinational team.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ジョンさんは、多国籍チームで彼自身のやり方でやっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But basically what John does is similar.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、基本的にジョンさんも似たようなことをしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Template was made by Mari, and she started this whole process of taking turns merging.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "真理さんがテンプレートを作って、順番に統合をするというこのやり方を始めました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When I joined she gave me the sheet so I edited it for Small Cap use and it morphed into something slightly different than the Multinational's.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私が入社した時、このシートを彼女にもらい、小口投資グループ用に私が編集して、多国籍チームのものとは少し違ったものにしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, Mari!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、真理さん!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, we have lost an asset haven't we.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっと、私たちは大切な資産を失いましたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She left a legacy for sure.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かに彼女は遺産を残していきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What are the differences between the 2 sales team?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "二つの営業チームの違いはなんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "On the sheet?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "シート上でですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ours have a lot more information because we deal directly with the end users.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "エンドユーザーと直接かかわるので、私たちのもののほうが情報が多いです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So things like factory specifications and actual machines the widgets are used in.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "つまり、工場仕様やウィジェットが使われている実際の機械などです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see there's a box for spouse and family information as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "配偶者や家族についての情報欄もありますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's a little bit creepy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これはちょっと気味悪くないですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, if you look at it that way…", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっと、そういう風に見れば...", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's more for conversational purposes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これはどちらかというと会話目的なんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Those info won't leave the Small Cap Group, and I won't want them integrated into a company wide database.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これらの情報は中小企業グループ外には出ないですし、全社データベースには融合したくないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, so about the database, I'm planning to solicit some bids.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました、で、データベースについてですが、入札を募ろうかと思っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have any preferences in software or suppliers?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ソフトや供給業者に関して希望はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not really, I don't know any, actually.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "特にないです、というか、全く知らないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So on a different note, John told me he's leaving.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、話が変わるんですが、ジョンから辞めることを聞きました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it's very unfortunate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、まったく残念なことです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I tried to convince him to stay but to no avail.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "残るように説得してみたんですが、全く無駄でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So who's filling his spot?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、誰が彼の後を継ぐんでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I initially had Eugina in mind but I don't think she will be thrilled.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "当初は、ユージニアを思い浮かべたのですが、彼女はそんなに喜ばないでしょうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So Mari used to head Multinationals, then John took over 6 months ago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "つまり真理さんが昔は多国籍のリーダーで、6カ月前にジョンさんが引き継いだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm feeling Eugina is going to eventually bail as well if she's forced to take it, so it's like a rotating door.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし無理やり引き継がされたら、ユージニアさんも最終的には辞めてしまうでしょうね、まるで回転ドアのように。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She's already heading Global Relations and technically she is part-time working only 4 days a week, so she's not going to want to take on more responsibilities.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女はすでにグローバルリレーションズのリーダーで、実質的に週に4日だけのパート勤務なので、さらに責任のあることはしたくないでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Which brings me to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、私があなたのところに来たんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you so much for hosting this lunch for me John.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は、私のためにランチ会を開いてくれてありがとう、ジョンさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I am forever in debt to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっと、あなたには一生借りがあるから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You were the first person who noticed me when I came here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕がここに来た時に、最初に気づいてくれた人だからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You were hanging around for what, like 5 hours before anyone talked to you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "誰かが話しかけてくれるまで、えっと、5時間くらいうろうろしてたのよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Those were the days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんな日もありました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Everyone was so busy, absolutely no one realized I was just sitting there fiddling my fingers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆がとっても忙しくて、誰一人として、僕がただ座って手持無沙汰だったのに気づかなかったんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Even Dr. Toshinaga forgot I was there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "利永さんでさえ僕がそこにいるのを忘れてた。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was crazy back then, and it was such a small operation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あのころはクレイジーだったわね、小規模な経営で。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Everyone had like 950 things to do a day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一日に一人当たり950個くらいやることがあった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good times.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いい時代だ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So when are you moving to Singapore?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、いつシンガポールに引っ越すの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've already sent out most of my stuff, but I won't be landing there until next month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もうほとんどの持ち物は送ったけど、来月まで向こうには着かないわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm traveling to London first to attend Schuyler's wedding.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スカイラーの結婚式に出るために、まずロンドンに行くから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, your cousin?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、いとこの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wasn't he the guy who used to work with Vaughn?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その人って昔ヴォーンと働いてた人?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, Vaughn really liked him and nominated him to a managerial position.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、ヴォーンが彼のことをすごく気に入って、管理職のポジションに薦めたのよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "All of a sudden he's making a lot of money, buys a house and decides to fill it with another human being!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "突然、お金を稼ぎだして、家を買って、別の人間と一緒にそこに入ることに決めたのよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When are you leaving?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつ出発?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So soon?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんなすぐ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's up with Dr. Toshinaga or Mr. Ko not hosting a farewell dinner for you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なんで利永さんと高さんがお別れディナー会を開かないんだろう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "別にいいわよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They didn't do jack for Kate either.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ケイトにも何にもしなかったけどな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've never expected anything from them, so it's fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らからは何も期待してないから、いいわよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wanted to be in the company of people I love and respect.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私が好きで尊敬できる人たちと一緒にいたかったから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ouch!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あら!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Who else wasn't invited?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他に招待されなかったのは誰?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, stop it Eugina!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう、やめてよ、ユージニア!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, John, since our closest colleagues are here, do you want to…?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、ジョンさん、ここは一番近しい同僚たちばかりだから、言っちゃう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I might as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、そうしようか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've, um, I've handed in my resignation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕も、えーっと、今退職届を出しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What!?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You have got to be kidding me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "冗談でしょ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, now look what you did, John.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、何やってくれたんだよ、ジョン。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our office manager is crying.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オフィスマネージャーが泣いてるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm sorry everyone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆、ごめんな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This was not an easy decision.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "簡単に決められたことじゃないんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've been diagnosed with stress-induced ulcer and it got to a point where I need surgical intervention.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ストレスが原因の胃潰瘍だって診断されて、手術する必要があるってとこまできてたんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's better I don't come back after my operation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "手術の後で戻ってこないほうがいいかと思って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I think I managed today's board meeting well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、今日の役員会はうまく行ったと思いますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I think your replies were very smooth.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、あなたの回答はスムーズでしたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What Alex and Sylar were saying were completely misguided, don't you think?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アレックスとサイラーが言っていたことは全くもって見当違いだと思いませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I couldn't agree more.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まったく同感です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well I think they had a good point.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっと、彼らもいい指摘をしていたと思いますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We do need to think about projections more carefully especially if you are planning IPO.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "株式公開を計画しているなら尚更、予測をもう少し慎重に考える必要はあると思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's not that simple Vaughn, our company is not like others.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ヴォーンさん、そんなにシンプルではないでしょう、うちの会社は他とは違いますから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have R&D and if our discovery is a failure, we can't really project, can we?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちには研究開発があって、発見に失敗すれば予測が出来ません、そうですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are many other companies that have R&D.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他にも研究開発をやっている会社はたくさんありますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They manage and so should we.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らもきちんと管理しているのですから、うちもするべきです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There is always a way.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "必ず方法はあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, we are not as big as other companies with R&D.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、うちは他の研究開発のある会社ほど大きくないですからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have less cash flow and assets and that is why it is so difficult to run this company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "キャッシュフローも資産も少ないので、この会社を経営するのは難しいんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Investors tend to think about immediate return.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "投資家たちは即時の見返りを求めますからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That is not how we do things.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはうちのやり方じゃありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Exactly, I really feel like all they think about is money.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まさにそうです、本当に、彼らの考えることと言ったらお金のことばかりだと思うわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They are blinded by our potential IPO and that seems to be all they care about.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らは、株式公開の可能性に目がくらんでいて、そればかり気にしているように思えます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A huge windfall for them, courtesy of us!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちのおかげで大儲け!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But they don't seem to see that we are the driving force behind the IPO.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、この株式公開の原動力となっているのが私たちだってことには気づいていませんよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's not them, it's us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らじゃなくて私たちですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I get the feeling that they are genuinely concerned, especially because they are seasoned players in the management field.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私には、とりわけ経営に関して経験のある人たちということで、彼らが本心で心配しているように思えるんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Their advice is pretty across the board solid, regardless of industry or size of company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らのアドバイスは、業界や会社の大きさを問わず、全体的にかなりしっかりしていますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can definitely use their insights.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らの洞察は絶対役立ちます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Of course, so we have been taking their advice to add more investors, even though we don't need any.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろん、だから彼らのアドバイスに従って、別に必要はないけれど、投資家を増やしているんでしょ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We accepted C Fund to hold our shares.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Cファンドに株を所有してもらうことを受け入れましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm talking more about day-to-day management.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は、どちらかというと、日々の経営について話しているんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't think there are any issues there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "別にそこに問題はないと思いますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've been doing this for years, Vaughn.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ヴォーンさん、私は何年もこれをやってきています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's not like I need to learn anything.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何も学ぶ必要はありませんよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They know best practice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らは最善策を知ってますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They oversee enough companies to have enough insights on what work and what don't.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らは十分な数の会社を監督してきたので、何がうまくいって何がそうでないかについて十分な洞察があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our company is not like your run of the mill company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの会社は、ありふれた会社じゃないですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's very distinct.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とても特別です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anyway, at the end of the day, I think our investors are positive about us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とにかく、結局のところ、うちの投資家たちは私たちを前向きにとらえてくれていると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've had nothing but good feedback for my work in research and development.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の研究開発の仕事に対しては、よい意見しか聞いていません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They invested in us because of our solid research and numerous patents.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちのしっかりとした研究と多くの特許のために投資をしてくれているのですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our assets are safe so I really wouldn't worry too much about our investors right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちの資産は安全ですから、今投資家のことを心配し過ぎなくてもいいでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have bigger fish to fry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他にもっと大切なことがありますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "\"We all make mistakes and learn from them\"?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "「誰でも失敗をしてそこから学ぶ」だって?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Who is she kidding?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "誰に冗談言ってるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What did she learn?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何を学んだんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That was a 15 million yen mistake!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1500万円の失敗だぞ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "On a whim to boot!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "思い付きで大失敗!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And it's not the first time they made these mistakes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それに、こういう失敗をしたのはこれが最初じゃないぞ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I'm glad you came to the board meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、君が役員会に来てくれてよかった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I really understand what you were saying now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、今ならお前が言ってたことがよく分かる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That is not how you run a company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あれは会社を経営するやり方じゃないだろう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Something has to be done about management.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "経営陣を何とかしないと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then would C Fund be on board with our proposal?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、Cファンドは、僕らの提案には賛成なの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is ultimately for the benefit of Company R, its research and its employees.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これは最終的にはR社とその研究、従業員の利益になるんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If we let Keiko and Sylvester stay any longer those 2 are going to bulldoze their way to destruction.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "利永さんと高さんがこれ以上長くいたら、二人で破滅に向けてまっしぐらだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I will discuss your proposal with Wang Feihong, but I am certain we will join you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだよな、ワン フェイホンと提案について話してみる、でも、きっと君に賛同するな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Who else is on board?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他には誰が乗り気だ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am talking to all of the investors right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今、全ての投資家と話しているところだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They are all considering joining.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らも皆、参加を考えてる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, you would want everyone on board.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうか、皆に参加して欲しいからな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But then I can't imagine anyone being on their side except themselves.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、そうしたら彼ら以外に彼らの側に立つ人がいるとは思えないけどな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, some don't want confrontation but I think it's unavoidable.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、対立するのを嫌がる人もいるけど、それは避けられないと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I do plan to tread on this lightly, though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、これは慎重に進めようと計画しているよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't want to drag this into a lawsuit or anything.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これを訴訟なんかに持ち込むのは嫌だから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, no, that's bad publicity.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろん、それは悪評につながるから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's keep it under wraps.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "表沙汰にしないようにしよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our ultimate goal is IPO, so I don't want any negative press about Company R.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕らの最終目標は株式公開だから、R社についての否定的な報道は望ましくない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, I understand you have tapped someone for management?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、誰かを役員に指名したっていうことだけど?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, well, I've mentioned it in a roundabout way but haven't really discussed it until I know all the investors are on board.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、えっと、遠回しに話したんだけど、投資家たちが乗り気かどうか分かるまではと思ってちゃんとは議論していないんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Once I talk to L Company and get confirmation from your fund, I will set up a meeting for all of us to talk about how we are going to proceed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "L社と話して、君のファンドから確認をもらったら、我々全員のミーティングを設定して、どうやって進めていくか話し合うことにするよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, keep me in the loop.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かった、僕も連絡網に入れておいてくれ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will get back to you on our decision but there is nothing to worry about, we got your back.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの決定についてまた返事するけど、心配するなよ、応援してるから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So this month, our actual is half of our projection.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、今月の実績は予測の半分なのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is due to the fact that we are bringing out a new version of our B2C product \"H89\", and we didn't want our customers to feel betrayed by offering them our current version.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これは、我々の個人向け製品の新バージョン「H89」を発表することになっており、現バージョンを提供することで消費者が裏切られたと感じないようにしたかったのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So we stopped all advertising for the current \"H89\" until the new version is out, which is the end of next month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこで、新バージョンが発表されるまで、つまり来月末までは、今の「H89」についての宣伝を全てやめました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I interject here?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっと一言いいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A new version of \"H89\" was in the works when you made projections for this fiscal year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本年度の予測を出した時には、すでに「H89」の新バージョンには取り掛かっていましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm not clear why the curb on ads was not reflected in the projection?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうして宣伝中止が予測に反映されていなかったのかわかりません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well the economy is bad too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっと、景気もよくないですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And we didn't do enough to retain our current customers but at the same time failed to get new customers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それに、既存の顧客を維持するための取り組みが十分でなく、同時に新しい顧客の取り込みにも失敗しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So the low number is a reflection of that as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので、低い数字はその反映でもあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But that is what has been going on since last year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、それは去年からずっと起こっていたことですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm still confused as to why it wasn't reflected in the projection.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうしてそれが予測に反映されていなかったのかまだわかりません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The projection has already been approved by this board last year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "予測は去年役員会で承認されました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There is no point in going over why something is not in the projection.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何かが予測に反映されていなかったことの原因を話すことは無駄です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Dr. Toshinaga, with all due respect, I am pointing out inadequate planning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "利永さん、お言葉を返すようですが、不備のある計画について指摘させていただいているだけです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will do better next year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来年はもっとちゃんとします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mr. Ko, please move on, we don't have much time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "高さん、先に進んでください、時間がないので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Dr. Toshinaga, I am quite concerned about this too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "利永さん、私もこれについてはかなり懸念しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You have not been meeting targets for the past 2 years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この2年間、私たちは目標を達成していません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have a big stake here and I think I, along with Alex, have a right to be worried.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちに大きく関わりがあることなので、アレックスさんもそうですが、私も心配する権利はあると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I apologize for cutting you short Alex.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アレックスさん、話を遮ってすみませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, Mr. Colton, I believe there is nothing to worry about because the new version of \"H89\" will fly off the shelves, so to speak.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、コルトンさん、新しいバージョンの「H89」はいわば飛ぶように売れるでしょうから、何も心配することはないと思っていますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The new technology we have in there is one of a kind.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちの新技術は他に類を見ません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are in the process of patenting it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それを特許化する過程にあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am very excited about all of this, and I am positive that our current hiccup will be remedied.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これに関しては非常に楽しみで、今の一時的な問題も解決されると確信しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I like to move onto approving next month's marketing budget.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、来月のマーケティング予算の承認に移りましょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Although we are curbing exposure for the current \"H89\", we will be starting grass root word of mouth efforts for the new version and are also planning bus wrapping ads.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "現在の「H89」の宣伝を控えているものの、草の根口コミでの新バージョンの売り込みを始め、バスのラッピング広告を計画しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The bus wrap is new, so next month's expenditure on advertisement will go over our projected budget.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "バスのラッピング広告は新しいことで、来月の宣伝費は予算見積もりを超えることになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, this is not good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですか、それは良くないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why is it so difficult to stick to projections?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうして見積通りに進めることが難しいのでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We initially were not planning public transportation as an advertising medium.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "当初、公共交通機関を宣伝方法として考えていなかったんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But we had some talks with consultants last month and decided it was a good move.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、先月コンサルタントと話をして、これはいい動きだと決めたんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So it's the lack of planning that I am talking about.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、計画不足だったという話ですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are too many \"exceptions\" on things you came up with recently.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最近、あなたの発案することは「例外」が多すぎます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "These expenditures need to be pre-planned and thought out very carefully.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こういう経費は前もって計画し、しっかり慎重に考慮する必要があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A lot of things seem to be on a whim here, without much thought put into it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここでは、大して考えずに、たくさんのことが思い付きでされているように思われます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are a small company so we have to move quickly and seize any opportunities.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "小さい会社ですから、素早く動いて機会を捉える必要があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But where is the analysis?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、分析はどこにあるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You have dumped money on PR company X last year and there were no clear deliverables.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "去年、PR会社Xにお金を費やしたのに、全く目に見える結果がありませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Who scrutinized PR company X's work, see if it's a market fit, run a cost benefit analysis and decide on hiring them?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "PR会社Xの仕事ぶりを精密に調べ、市場に適しているか検討し、コスト利益分析をし、使うことを決めたのは誰なんでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I made the decision but you have to remember we all make mistakes and learn from them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私が決めましたが、誰でも失敗をしそこから学ぶことは覚えておいてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "John and Yumi, what can I do for you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ジョンさん、由美さん、どんなご用件ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I called G Trading and they said a deal was already made.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "G貿易に電話をしたら、もうすでに取引が決まっていると言われました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I talked them into letting us formulate their materials.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、うちが彼らの材料を考案するということについて話をしましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It took me 2 rounds of golf though, haha!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ゴルフ2ラウンド分かかりましたけどね、ははは!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why wasn't I informed of this?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうして教えていただけなかったんでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is a high level business deal.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これはハイレベルの事業取引だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You're not part of it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君は関係ないだろう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You don't get informed on everything, Yumi.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何でも教えてもらえるわけじゃないんだよ、由美さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You told me to contact G Trading.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私にG貿易に連絡をとるようにとおっしゃいましたよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I did so, and they thought I was calling in regards to the contract which I knew nothing about.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうしたら、私が全く知らない契約についての連絡だと思われていたようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I looked quite foolish.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私が馬鹿に見えてしまいましたが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This isn't about you, Yumi.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これは君のことじゃないんだよ、由美さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You are just starting out here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここで仕事を始めたばかりだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't think worrying about how you look to others should be your priority.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "周りにどう見えるかを心配するのが優先事項じゃないでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I understand you are of the \"social network\" generation, but you shouldn't bring in the \"me, me, me\" attitude to work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "「ソーシャルネットワーク」世代なのは分かるけれど、「私が一番大切」という態度を仕事に持ち込むのはどうかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Excuse me, this is not about me, it's about how this company is perceived by others.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あのすいません、これは私がどうのこうのではなく、会社が周りにどう見られてるかについてなんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This company has a great reputation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この会社の評判はいいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am not worried about how it's perceived.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうやって見られているかは心配していない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "With me calling them cluelessly, I am pretty sure G Trading got the impression that we are not as organized as they thought we would be.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何も分からず私が電話をしたことで、G貿易は、うちの会社が思ったほどきちんとしていないという印象を受けたと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well it's on you not to give that sort of impression.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、そういう印象を与えないようにするのは君次第だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you shared information with me, this would not have happened.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし情報を共有してくだされば、こんなことにはならなかったのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yumi, I am disappointed in how you blame others for your mistake.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "由美さん、そうやって自分のミスの責任を人に押し付けるなんてがっかりですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mr. Ko, it's hard for Yumi to make calls with limited information on hand.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "高さん、手元にある限られた情報だけで電話をするなんて、由美さんには大変ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It would have helped if she knew about the deal so she could talk with them professionally.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "取引について知らされていれば、それが助けになって彼女ももっとプロらしく話せたと思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well then you should remember to clue her in on that next time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、次は君が彼女にヒントを与えるように覚えておいてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That really went around in circles, didn't it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あれは本当に堂々巡りだったね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wonder what made him think I knew about the G Trading deal when he is so secretive about everything?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼は、何でも隠しておくくせに、どうして僕がG貿易との取引について知ってると思ったんだろう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How can he be so tone deaf and patronizing at the same time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうやったら、あれだけ空気が読めないと同時に人を見下せるんでしょうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Does he even hear himself?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自分で自分の言ってることが聞こえてるんでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is the reason no one really talks to him.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だから、誰も彼と話さないんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It goes around in circles, and we never reach a conclusion.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "堂々巡りで、全然結論が出ないんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm sorry you had to go through this, but you just have to let it roll off your back.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんなことを経験しなくちゃいけなくて悪いね、でも、スルーしたほうがいいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Otherwise, you'll end up being angry all the time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうじゃないと、いつも怒っていないといけない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is this what you went through as well?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ジョンさんもこういう経験をされてきたのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, my first year here was a mess, but Mari helped me out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、最初の一年はむちゃくちゃだったけど、真理さんに助けてもらった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You got great colleagues, so you are in good company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いい同僚たちがいるし、いい仲間がいる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But what if we need some sort of executive decision?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、何か執行部の決断が必要な時はどうするんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We all go directly to Dr. Toshinaga.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆、利永さんのところに直接行くんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "At the end of the day she's the CEO so she has the final say.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "結局のところ、彼女がCEOで、最終的な決定権を持つからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, my name is Yumi McGuire and I am with Company R.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、私、マクガイア由美と申します、R社の。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, hello.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm sorry to bother you, is this a good time to talk?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お忙しいところすみませんが、今いいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm sorry, what is this in regards to?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すみませんが、どのようなご用件でしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, well I wanted to discuss with you about a potential business opportunity.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、あの、お仕事をご一緒させていただけるかどうかについてお話したいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, you want to talk to Wilhelm?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっと、ウィルヘルムとお話されたいのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Um, yes, who am I talking with?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、そうです、あなたがそうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is his assistant.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は彼のアシスタントです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me take your number and I will relay it to him.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お電話番号をお知らせください、彼に伝えますので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you, it's xxxx-xxxx.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとうございます、xxxx-xxxxです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When should I expect a call?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつ頃お電話いただけますでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Um, I can't guarantee you he will call, but I will relay your name and number to him, ok?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えーっと、電話するかどうかは約束できませんが、彼にあなたのお名前と電話番号は教えておきますので、よろしいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, thank you, I'll try and call back at a later date as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、ありがとうございました、こちらからも後日また連絡させてきただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Don't give up Yumi, keep calling once a week until you get him directly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "由美さん、諦めるなよ、話せるまで週一で電話しろよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "His division should be interested in our ingredients but probably would want us to formulate into something else, so there is definitely hope there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼の部署はうちの原材料に興味をもつだろうし、何か他のものを作るアイデアを出して欲しいはずだから、絶対希望はあるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do I really have to call him over and over?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当に何度も何度も電話する必要はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, if Mr. Ko gave you G Trading's business card you are at least obligated to make direct contact.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっと、高さんが君にG貿易の名刺を渡したってことは、せめて直接話す義務はあるってことだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He could be sneaky you know, and might check if you followed up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "知ってるように彼はこそこそして、君がフォローしたかどうかチェックするかも知れないからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Speaking of which, that's your phone ringing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "噂をすれば、君の電話が鳴ってるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, this is Yumi McGuire.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、由美 マクガイアですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, this is Wilhelm Lofstrom from G Trading, I believe you called me earlier today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、G貿易のウィルヘルム ロフストロームですが、今日早くにお電話いただいていたようで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh hello Mr. Lofstrom, yes thank you for calling back.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、もしもし、ロフストロームさんですか、はい、折り返しご連絡ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wanted to contact you regarding a potential business arrangement.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一緒にお仕事ができるかどうかについてお話したかったのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I know about your materials.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、御社の材料を知ってまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is this a follow up?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これはフォローでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あのそれは?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I thought your call was about following up on the contract.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おお、これは契約に関するフォローの電話かと思いました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm sorry, I'm a little confused.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すみません、ちょっと状況が分からないのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have a contract?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "契約をしていますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Your boss and our VP closed the deal this past weekend over golf is what I heard.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたの上司とうちのVPがこの週末のゴルフ中に取引を決めたと聞いていたのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I thought you were in charge of that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたが責任者だと思っていました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think there has been some internal miscommunication so let me get back to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社内でコミュニケーション不足があったようですので、後で折り返し連絡させてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He says there is already a contract.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼は、もう契約したって言ってました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That a deal was made last weekend with G Trading over golf.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先週末G貿易とのゴルフ中に取引が決まったって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That would be Mr. Ko.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "高さんだろうな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So typical that you are not informed of this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君がこれについて知らされていないなんて、まったくいつも通りだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And Mr. Ko doesn't think this looks sloppy to other people?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それに、高さんが周りの人に対して不真面目な印象を与えることになりませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like we don't have it together internally?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社内で情報が共有されていないみたいで?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can't believe he thinks this is acceptable.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これで大丈夫と思うなんて信じられません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am still cringing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "思い出してもうんざりするわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That was hard to sit through.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あれは、じっと座ってるのが辛かったな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "All they talked about was IPO and how much money there is to be made.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らが話すことって株式公開とどれだけお金が稼げるかっていうことだけだった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was just sitting there thinking, how embarrassing are they?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "座りながら、何て恥ずかしい人たち、とばかり考えてたわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I mean, are we even going to IPO?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほんとに、僕ら株式公開できるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They sounded pretty delusional and out of touch with the real world.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らはかなり夢見てて、現実離れしてるよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As long as those 2 are CEO and CFO, I don't think we will ever go public.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "二人がCEOとCFOでいる限り、株式公開なんて無理じゃない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They have been delusional for the past 2 years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼ら、この二年間ずっと夢見てるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't think anything is going to stop them now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今は何も彼らを止められないと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They are going to gun for that IPO unsuccessfully as long as this company is standing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会社が存在する限り、成功しない株式公開を必死で目指すわよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't understand.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分からないんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What is wrong?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何がおかしいんでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why was the meeting a little contentious?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうして、あの会議が議論を招くことになるんでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm sorry to give it to you while you are still new here, but this is a badly managed company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだここでは新人のあなたに言うのも悪いんだけど、この会社、経営がひどいのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Everyone knows this except for the new hires and management.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新規採用と経営陣以外は皆知ってるわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The patents and technology we have are amazing, probably one of the best in the world, and the speed at which the lab works is unbelievable, but this company is probably not going to survive.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの特許と技術は素晴らしくて、多分世界でもトップに入るし、研究所の仕事のスピードも信じられないくらいなんだけど、この会社はきっと長続きしないわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Should I be looking for a new job?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新しい仕事を探したほうがいいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You should be thinking about a backup, yes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "バックアップ案を考えておくべき、ってことならそうだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The direction management is taking is just plain wrong.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "経営陣の方向性は、単に間違ってるんだよな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They started selling to the masses on a whim, and just because they had some moderate success 5 years ago, they think they can do it again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "思い付きで大衆向けに販売を始めて、5年間まあまあ成功したから、また出来ると思ってるんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And they have been failing continuously, spending an obscene amount of money along the way.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、たて続けに失敗してて、その過程でとんでもない額のお金を費やしてるんだよな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So shouldn't they be focusing more on our corporate clients?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、もうちょっと法人顧客に力を入れたほうがいいんじゃないですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They have zero sales experience.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼ら、全然営業の経験がないんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They don't really understand how sales work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "営業がどういう風に機能するのかほとんど分かっていないのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They can't grasp the idea that we need to build and maintain a relationship with our B2B clients, and instead veer towards the immediate gratification of seeing retail customers' purchases because the figures are all there, online, for them to see real time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "法人顧客との関係を構築して維持する必要があるってことが分からなくて、代わりに、オンラインでリアルタイムで数字を全部見られるという、すぐに見返りのあるリテール消費者の購入に方向性を変えているのよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is that why they talk about not wasting money on corporate sales?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、彼らは法人営業に無駄な経費をかけないようと言っているんでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yep, I couldn't expense my business lunch the other day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、先日、接待ランチを精算できなかったもの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's really embarrassing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "恥ずかしいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But Dr. Toshinaga and Mr. Ko don't seem to understand that these things reflect badly on Company R.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、利永さんと高さんは、そういうことがR社の評判を悪くしてるってことには気づいてないんだよな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You see these people have high IQs, but really low EQs.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こういう人たちってIQは高いけど、EQは低いんだよな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They can't put themselves in other people's shoes nor do they have perspective.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他の人たちの立場に立つってことや、他人の見方を理解するとかって出来ないんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And that's the reason we are losing our B2C customers as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、それが個人消費者も失っていってる理由なんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Dr. Toshinaga doesn't listen to our customers' feedback or complaints, brushing them off as anomalies.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "利永さんは消費者の意見や苦情を聞こうとしないからね、それは例外だと言ってはねのけちゃって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She flat out said that our customers aren't smart and that she could manipulate them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女、うちのお客さんは賢くなくて、操作できる、ってきっぱり言ってたもんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our customers may not have a PhD like her, but they are smart enough to stop buying from us when they feel they are being slighted.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちのお客さんたち、彼女みたいに博士号は持ってないかも知れないけど、馬鹿にされてるのが分かったら私たちから買うのをやめるくらいには賢いからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What did I get myself into?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何てとこに入っちゃったんでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I came here because I was told there was so much potential in corporate sales, and that they are investing more in that area.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "法人営業に大きな可能性があって、その分野にさらに投資をしているからって言われてここに来たんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's all talk, which they are really good at.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "口ばっかりだよ、それがとっても得意なんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They never really follow through.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "行動が伴うことはないけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am excited to talk about all the things we have planned for this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年度の計画についてお話しできて嬉しいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mr. Ko will explain our financial goals first.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まずは、高さんから財務目標について話してもらいましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So the IPO we had planned has been pushed back.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、計画していた株式公開が先延ばしになりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We had a meeting with our underwriters and we think it's better to push it back 2 years so we have time to hit our projections.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "引受人たちとの会議があったのですが、予測に達する時間をもてるように2年延期したほうがいいのではないかということになりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The economy hasn't been on our side and we have been missing our target, and the underwriters are not confident enough for a successful IPO.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我々にとって景気がいいとは言えず、目標を達成できずに来ているので、引受人たちはIPOが成功するという確信が持てないようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Excuse me can I ask questions?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すみません、質問いいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes Won Bin, what is it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、ウォンビンさん、何でしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it just the economy?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "景気のせいだけですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I mean, if it's just the economy we are all in the same boat, all companies across the field.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "つまり、景気だけなら周りの皆も同じ状況ですよね、業界の会社全てが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, it's not that simple.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあ、そんなに単純ではないですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have an R&D division and our products and future prospects are all reliant on that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "弊社には研究開発部門があり、弊社製品と将来予測は全てそこに頼っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We run the lab with not enough people, so it's hard to stay on track with development.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの研究室は人材不足なので、開発が遅れないようにするのが難しいのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right now we are focusing on renewing our B2C product, and we have 3 scientists working on that, taking away time from their other obligations.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "現在、個人向け製品の改良に注力し、科学者3人を担当させているのですが、それによって彼らは他の業務をやる時間がなくなっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can't you just hire people?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もっと人を雇えないんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's hard to find the right people.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "適した人材を探すのが難しいんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, Solomon?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でしょ、ソロモンさん?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If it's the economy, and all the economists are projecting slow to no recovery, couldn't you take that into consideration with your projections?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "景気のせいであれば、すべての経済学者たちが回復が遅いか皆無と予測しているはずで、それを予測に反映させることは出来なかったのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, so this year, we have looked long and hard at our numbers and came out conservatively.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、だから今年は、弊社の数字をじっくりとよく見直して、保守的にしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So hopefully, we will hit target.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので、目標達成できればと思っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's look a little bit on the bright side.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、ちょっと明るい面を見てみましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You all have stock options.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆さん全員にストックオプションがあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know what will happen once we go public?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一旦株式公開がされたら、どうなるかご存知ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me give you an example.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "例を挙げてみましょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I used to work with Emmit Monk at D research.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "D研究所のエミット モンクさんと働いていたことがあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You know him right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼のことはご存知ですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He came up with the idea of waterproof glue that turns into rubber with his partner and taken his company public.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ゴムに変わる防水接着剤というアイデアをパートナーと思いつき、会社の株式を公開しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He put up 40 thousand dollars to set up his company and made 120 million with IPO.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "4万ドルの資金で会社を設立し、株式公開によって1億2千万ドル儲けたのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My friend invested 500 thousand yen for B engines.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の友人はBエンジンに50万円投資しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He made 800 million yen with B engine's IPO.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Bエンジンが株式公開した時に、8億円得ることになりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There is so much to be made!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とんでもなく儲かるんです!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Doesn’t that excite everyone?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆さんもわくわくしませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We need to work hard, and work well to take our company public.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "株式公開会社となるには、一生懸命に、効率よく働く必要があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "IPO is all well and good, but shouldn't we be looking more at the issues on hand?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "株式公開はいいことづくしのようですが、もう少し手元にある課題を見る必要がないでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I still find our new fiscal year goal a tad bit optimistic.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私には、新年度の目標がまだ少し楽観的過ぎるように思えるのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How are sales going to go up with us losing so many retail customers per month?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "毎月たくさんの小売客を失っているのに、どうやって売上を伸ばせばよいのでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like I mentioned, we are in the process of coming out with a new version of our B2C product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私が言ったように、新しいバージョンの個人向け商品を生み出す過程にあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That should wow them enough for sales to pick up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それによって、彼らを驚かし、売上が伸びると思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you all for gathering on such short notice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "突然のお願いなのに、集まってくれて助かりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wanted to straighten out all my accounts before I leave, and I thought you were the best people to hand over my files to.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私が去る前に、顧客全てについて整理しておきたく、私のファイルを引き継ぐのにはあなたたちが最適だと思ったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I am flattered.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あら、それは光栄です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Come on, Eugina, it's hard on Mari as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おい、ユージニア、真理さんだって辛いんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You are abandoning us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちを見捨てるのよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have a right to be angry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私には怒る権利があると思うわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "These are blue chip accounts.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これは優良顧客だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You will be happy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君も嬉しいはずだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't really care about increasing sales or being the best here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "売上を伸ばすとかここで一番になることとかには興味ないわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just want a friendly work environment where I work with bright and decent people.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明るくて親切な人たちと楽しく働ける環境が欲しいだけ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm really sorry, Eugina.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当にごめんなさい、ユージニアさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would love to stay if management was, well, um, decent.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あの、えっと、経営陣がまともなら、残りたかったんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've divided up the files into 5, so each one of you will have at least one blue chip in there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ファイルを5つに分けましたので、皆さん各人、そこに載っている優良顧客を少なくとも1件ご担当いただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The rest of the accounts are very respectable too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他の顧客もとてもちゃんとしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They are all ongoing accounts or solid leads, and all are eager to do business with us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "進行中の顧客や確かな見込み顧客で、全員、弊社との仕事に興味をもっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So they all know we are taking over?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、皆、僕たちが引き継ぐことは知ってるんだよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I have contacted them all to say each one of you are taking over.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、全員に連絡して、皆さんひとりひとりが引き継ぐことを伝えました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No stones left unturned as usual, huh?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつもどおり、すべて片づけてくれたってことだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm just trying to make the transition as smooth as possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なるべくスムーズに引き継げるようにしているだけのことです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Kate is gone and now you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ケイトがいなくなって、今度は君か。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are really going to miss you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆、本当に寂しくなるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, trust me I am going to miss you guys more.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あら、本当に、私だって寂しいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The only thing that kept me here is you guys.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここに居続けられたのは皆さんのおかげですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please contact the companies in the files first thing next month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来月になったらすぐに、ファイルにある会社へ連絡してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You will be able to pick up where I left.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私が終えた時点からすぐに引き継げますから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Some of you might have overlaps with my account, but just tell them you are taking over Mari, and that should be fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君たちのと僕の顧客でダブっているものがあるかも知れないけど、真理さんから引き継いだと言えば大丈夫なはずだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mari's done some great work, although some were foiled by our dear management here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "愛すべきここの経営陣によって失敗させられたものもあるけど、真理さんは素晴らしい仕事をしたよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just want to say thanks to all your contributions, Mari.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "真理さん、今までの貢献ありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You were a great asset.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大切な財産だったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wouldn't have been able to do any of this without your support.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆さんのサポートなしにはできなかったと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So thank you, for allowing me to be part of your team.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だから、こちらこそ、チームの一員にしてくれてありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm so lucky I got to know you guys.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆さんにお会いできてよかったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to begin our weekly meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "週一の定例会議を始めたいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Solomon, can you start with your latest updates.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ソロモンさん、最新の近況報告から始めてもらえますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, so factory Q and factory S have been complaining about our widget X2V, so I had them replaced but the same problem persists.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、Q工場とS工場から弊社ウィジェットX2Vに対しての苦情があったので、交換したのですが、まだ同じ問題があるということです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've looked into that and it looks like the components we sourced from J manufacturing was faulty.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その件を見てみたのですが、J製造から調達した部品に不具合があるようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How many pieces are we talking here?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いったい何個分なんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The entire lot was faulty, so about 2000?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ロット全部ということなので、2000個くらいになりますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have to recall 2000 widgets?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2000ものウィジェットをリコールしないといけないんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think we split that into 3 products so, you probably have around 600 to 700 faulty items.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "3つの製品に分けて使ったと思うので、おそらく600から700個の不具合品があることになるでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When did you find out about this?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それについて分かったのはいつですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just got a reply from J manufacturing right before this meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この会議の直前にJ製造から返事をもらったところです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They are prepared to pay for all damages incurred but I need to clear this with Mr. Ko first and then figure out how to proceed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らは発生した損害全てに対して弁償するつもりでいるようですが、まず高さんに許可をもらってどのように進めるか決めないといけません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok, so Solomon, you will talk to all of your clients who have purchased widget X2V and I will have a separate meeting about how to handle this with other customers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました、じゃ、ソロモンさん、ウィジェットX2Vを購入した顧客全てに連絡してください、私は他の顧客の扱いについて別途で会議を開きます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What are the other products this component was used for?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この部品が使われた他の製品は何ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's widget XB3, and widget XLM.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ウィジェットXB3とウィジェットXLMです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So it's the entire X series?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "と言うことは、Xシリーズ全部ということですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I'm afraid.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、残念ながら。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But it's our first and only lot for all of X series, so as long as we contact all the people who purchased them, we would cover all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかし、これは当社にとって初めてのことで、全Xシリーズのロットだけということなので、これらを購入した人々すべてにきちんと連絡すれば大丈夫でしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Who is in charge of those sales?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これらの販売の責任者は誰ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's just me and Eugina.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私とユージニアだけです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She has some big clients who bought them in Thailand and Vietnam.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女には、これを購入した大手の顧客がタイとベトナムにいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "All right, can you set up a separate meeting with the 3 of us so we can go over this?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました、この件について話し合いたいので私たち3人の会議を別途に設定してもらえますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And I think it's better to have Mr. Ko sit in on that meeting too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから、高さんにもその会議には出てもらうのがいいかと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm on it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すぐにやります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "All right do we have anything else urgent from anyone?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、他に緊急事項はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think I'll have to cut this meeting short because we have to deal with this ASAP.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この件について出来るだけすぐに対処すべきなので、この会議は短めにすませましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anyone?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "誰か意見は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok, meeting adjourned.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、会議を終わります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where is Taichi?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "太一君はどこ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He is the last to move and I am ready for him to move.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最後に移動する予定なのが彼で、もう移動してもらっていいんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He is out right now, but I can help.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼は今外ですけど、僕が手伝えますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've just finished off a report so I can help too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私も報告書が今終わったとこなので手伝えます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay then I guess we have to move his desk before the phone company gets here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かった、じゃ、電話会社が来るまでに私たちで彼の机を動かさないとね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you hold that side Won Bin, and Yumi and I will hold this side.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ウォンビンさん、そっちを持って、で、由美さんと私がこっち側を持つから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, what's in here, a sack of bricks?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うわー、ここに何が入ってるんだろ、袋いっぱいのレンガとか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think we should take out the drawers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "引き出しを出したほうがいいんじゃないかしら。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is just too heavy to move.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "動かすには重すぎますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ugh, I hate it when I have to go through other people's desk.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、人の机の中を触るのって嫌いなのよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You never know what's in there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何が入ってるか分からないじゃない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There could be biohazards.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "バイオハザードってこともあり得るわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right, how bad could it be?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、どれだけ酷いでしょうかね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Look it's mostly garbage.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "見てください、ほとんどがゴミですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why does he have so much crumpled up paper?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうして、こんなにぐしゃぐしゃにした紙をとってるのかしら。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can't he just throw them away?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "捨てるってことができないんでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I know why it's heavy!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あー、だからこんなに重いんだわ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Look, he has so many rocks!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "見てください、こんなにたくさんの石が!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why would he have rocks?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何でこんなに石を持ってるんでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But these are uniformly flat.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、これは全部一貫してぺったんこだわね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It doesn't look like a rock to me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私には石には見えないけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "見てみましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh my gosh!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うわー、何!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is a mummified half eaten sandwich!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ミイラになった食べかけのサンドイッチよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ew, gross.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あー、気持ち悪い。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So these other ones are…", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、この他のやつは…", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I told you it could be hazardous.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ハザードでもあり得るって言ったじゃない!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Quick, get your masks and disposable gloves and throw these away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "急いで、マスクと使い捨て手袋をとってきて、捨てちゃいましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you want me to sanitize the drawers?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "引き出しを消毒しましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, please quarantine everything he touches.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、彼が触る物は全部隔離しちゃって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey, what are you guys doing with my desk?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おお、僕の机で何やってるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, Taichi, you have a lot of explaining to do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、太一さん、色々と説明することがあるわよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't need any explaining.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "説明はいらないわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Here, take the cloth and just clean your drawers until it doesn't smell like dead sandwiches.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "雑巾を持ってきて腐ったサンドイッチの匂いが消えるまで、引き出しを綺麗にしてちょうだい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, those.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、これ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I was going to throw them away, but life kind of got in the way.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、捨てようと思ってたんだけど、バタバタしちゃって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And you accumulate 9 dead sandwiches?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、9つも食べかけのサンドイッチを集めたってこと?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I get hungry, you know, with going out on sales calls all day, but then I get called away while I'm eating.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっと、うーん、一日中営業訪問でお腹空いちゃって、食べてるときに呼ばれるんだよな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No more food in the office for you, Taichi.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "太一君、もうオフィスでは物を食べるのは禁止よ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So Mr. Ko came begging and I was finally settled enough in Japan to start working, so I took his offer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、利永さんに懇願されて、私も働き始められるほどに日本での生活がやっと落ち着いたところだったから、彼のオファーを受けたのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It looked interesting at first.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最初は面白そうだったんだけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I mean, I get to know C Fund, which is one of the biggest VCs in terms of asset size.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "つまり、資金サイズにおいては最大級のベンチャーキャピタルであるCファンドについて知ることが出来たってこと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I drafted an LOI, then an investment agreement.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、基本同意書、それから投資契約書を起草したのよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "All seemed to go well until C Fund wanted to pursue a JV.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Cファンドがジョイントベンチャーを探そうとするまでは全てうまく行ってるように見えたんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mind you, that was in the investment agreement.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "言っとくけど、それは投資契約書に入ってたんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, let me guess.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おっ、言わせてもらっていい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That never happened because Mr. Ko wasn't sure and Dr. Toshinaga was too slow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "高さんがはっきりしなくて、利永さんがゆっくり過ぎたから、それは実現しなかったんだろ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's not even the end of the story.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "話はそれで終わりじゃないのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mmmm, I think I can read your mind.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、言いたいことが全部分かる気がするな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They blamed you for angering C Fund.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Cファンドを怒らせたって君を叱ったんだろ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Such a predictable story nowadays, huh?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今じゃ、先が読めすぎる話でしょ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So Dr. Toshinaga basically took me off the project.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、基本的には、利永さんが私をプロジェクトから外したってこと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I had nothing to do for a full month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一ヶ月間まるまるやることがなかったのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That sounds eerily like something I heard somewhere else.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それってどこかで聞いたことと気持ち悪いくらい似てるな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Didn't Mari get the same silent treatment recently?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最近、真理さんが同じような扱い受けてなかった?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, she was the angriest I've ever seen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、今までに見たことがないほど彼女怒ってたよな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I guess that was her first.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "多分、あれは彼女にとって初めてだったのよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I heard Kate got it too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ケイトも同じだったって聞いたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We all get it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆同じ目に遭ってるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've had a rug pulled under me like 3 times.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私なんて、足元をすくわれたことが3回くらいあるわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You guys have lots of clients and leads, so you got other stuff to do, but at that time my only job was to liaise with C Fund so once Dr. Toshinaga forbade me to contact them, I had nothing to do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたたちは、クライアントやリードがたくさんあるから、他にやることもたくさんあるけど、当時の私の役割はCファンドとのリエゾンだけだったから、一旦利永さんに連絡するのを禁止されたら、他にすることはなかったのよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Nothing?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何にも?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I browsed the internet all day and thought if they wanted to fire me, then be it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一日中ネットサーフィンして、もしクビにするならしてよね、って思ってた。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They didn't.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、しなかった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They can't.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "出来ないのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They can't do jack without us, Solomon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ソロモン、彼らは私たちがいなかったら何にも出来ないんだから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So Dr. Toshinaga comes back like nothing happened and asks me if C Fund is coming to Tokyo anytime soon, because she wants to take them out to dinner.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、利永さんが何もなかったかのように私のところに来て、ディナーに招待したいからってCファンドがもうすぐ東京に来る予定があるかどうか聞いてきたのよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I take that as a cue I can contact them again and I re-build our relationship.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それが、また連絡してもいいって言うヒントだと思って、関係の再構築をしたのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And you just soldier on?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、そのまま辛抱してるってわけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "After the 3rd time something like that happened, I told Dr. Toshinaga I was quitting if I ever get blamed for something I didn't do again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういうことが3回あった後で、もし私がやらなかったことで責められるようなことがまたあったら、その時は辞めるって利永さんに言ったのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I also went to Alex Lam to make my intensions clear.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アレックス ラムのところにも行って、私の意思をはっきり伝えてきた。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why Alex Lam?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうして、アレックス ラムなの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's Alex Lam who pushed for C Fund to invest in us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちへ投資するのをCファンドに強く勧めたのがアレックス ラムなのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He had a lot riding on his shoulders.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼はいろんなことを抱えているわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You've been untouchable since then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それ以来、君は安全なのか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not sure if I'm untouchable.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "安全なのかどうかは分からないけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's just that Dr. Toshinaga never speaks to me directly anymore.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "利永さんは私に直接話しかけなくなったわね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Everything goes through Mr. Ko, but I am fine with that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何でも高さんを通してなんだけど、別に構わないわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just passed Mr. Ko's office and he was chewing out our office manager.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今、高さんのオフィスの横を通ったら、うちのオフィスマネージャーをこっぴどく叱ってたんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Remember the move we did a couple of weeks ago?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2、3週間前にレイアウト変えたじゃない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, Mr. Ko didn't really think about the phone lines, so now the direct line to the lab is smack in the middle of the IT desk and it's really inconvenient.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、高さんは電話線についてあんまり考えてなかったみたいなんだけど、今、研究室への直通ラインがITデスクのど真ん中を通ってて、すっごく不便なんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's not her fault.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは彼女のせいじゃないじゃない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He didn't release the seating chart until after we moved our desks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼が、席を移動するまで、座席表を発表しなかったじゃない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How dumb is that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何て抜けてるんだろ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The IT guys had to spend a week getting the intranet lines sorted out because they weren’t told anything.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ITの人たち、何も教えられてなかったから、一週間もかけてイントラネットラインを何とかしたんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And you know how the intranet is organized.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、イントラネットがどれだけ整備されているか知ってるよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can't see anything from the lab even though I'm in charge of relaying our customers' needs and checking on the progress of the lab.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕は、顧客のニーズを伝えたり研究室の進捗をチェックしたりする担当だけど、研究室からは何にも見えないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know, and some people aren't even allowed to see the intranet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "知ってるよ、イントラネットを見るのが許されていない人たちもいるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anyway, the IT guys can't move the phone line, so we needed to call in the phone company and since the seating arrangement is really weird now, they have to lift up the raised floors diagonally across our entire office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とにかく、ITの人たちは電話線を動かせないから、電話会社に連絡しなきゃいけなかったんだよね、で、今の席順が凄く変だから、彼らはオフィス全体のOAフロアを斜めに持ち上げてみないといけないんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They are fully booked Saturdays and Sundays until August so we are going to have to shut down the office for a full day next Thursday for them to fix the phone line!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "8月まで、土曜と日曜は予約がいっぱいらしいから、電話線を直すために次の木曜、一日中オフィスを閉めないといけなくなったんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not her fault at all but you know our management, it's never their fault.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全然彼女のせいじゃないじゃない、でも、うちの経営陣っていつもそうだけど、自分たちで責任はとらないんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She's the longest serving member in this office, besides the management.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "経営陣の次に一番この職場に長くいるのは彼女だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hasn't she had enough?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう限界じゃないのかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, she is just here for the money and she's ok with that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっと、彼女はここにお金のためだけにいて、それでいいらしいけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, she's kind of Zen, and hardly ever takes things personally.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それに、彼女は禅の精神持ってて、個人的に物を捉えることがほとんどないよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She's really good at what she does so if she had a little more ambition, she will make more money elsewhere!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女、仕事がすごく出来るから、もうちょっと野心があれば他のところでもっとお金もらえると思うのに!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Some people are content where they are and are not interesting in advancing their positions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今いるところに満足して、昇進に興味がない人もいるからな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hear, hear.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かにそうだわね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry, didn't mean that in any disrespectful manner.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ごめん、別に見下すつもりで言ったんじゃないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No offense taken.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "別に気にしてないわよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm just here to put food on the table.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は、生活のためだけにここにいるんだから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I do no overtime and I have no ambitions to take over Dr. Toshinaga's position.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "残業もしないし、利永さんの立場を取って代わろうなんて野心もないし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I mean, you could?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、つまり、出来るかもってこと?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you kidding me?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "冗談でしょ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She is never going to give up her cushy position of being able to blame everyone else.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他の人を責めることばっかりできる、あんな美味しい仕事をあきらめるわけないじゃない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When did you join Company R?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君はいつR社に入ったんだっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "4 years ago when C Fund was courting Company R.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "CファンドがR社にアプローチしてた4年前。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They wanted to invest in us badly and Dr. Toshinaga needed a Mandarin speaker to help with the deal.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らがうちにひどく投資をしたがっていて、利永さんが取引のために北京語を話す人を必要としていたのよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So they brought me in.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、私が雇われたの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Who referred you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "誰に紹介されたの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I went to college with Mr. Ko.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "高さんと一緒の大学だったのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You mean, you went to Yale?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それって、イェールに行ったってこと?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yep.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why do we have so many Ivy Leaguers here?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうして、ここにはアイビーリーグ大学出身者が多いんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Am I the only college dropout here?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大学中退したのって俺だけか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for calling Company V, this is Jeremy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お電話ありがとうございます、V社、ジェレミーです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How can I serve you today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日はどんなご用件でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, I'm subscribed to your online media clipping service but I'm having some trouble using it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、弊社のオンラインクリッピングサービスのサブスクリプション購入をしているのですが、うまく使えないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What is the trouble specifically?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "具体的にどんな問題でしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I share the results with our client every week using the \"share\" function on the main screen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "メイン画面の「共有」機能を使って、毎週、結果をクライアントと共有するのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My client wants to see just the topline results from local online media.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私のクライアントは、地元のオンラインメディアからの検索結果上位だけを見たいらしいんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, and have you considered using the \"customize report\" menu?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました、「カスタマイズレポート」メニューを使ってみたことはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's what I'm doing now to remove all the results that aren't local online media.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今、それを使って、地元オンラインメディアからの結果でないものは全て削除しているんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So you'd like to do it automatically?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、それを自動的にやりたいということでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, it takes me around 10 minutes each time to delete the irrelevant results and then correct the formatting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、関係のない結果を消してフォーマットを直すのにその都度10分ほどかかるんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's really eating into my day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当に時間をとられてしまうんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can definitely tell you a way to do that automatically, but it is a little technical.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろん自動で出来るやり方をお教えすることはできますが、少し難しくなりますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's fine, I'm willing to invest some time in getting this right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大丈夫です、これをちゃんと出来るなら時間をかけても良いと思っていますから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you ever written HTML?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "HTMLを書いたことはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A little for a blog once.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一度、ブログのために少しだけ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, the solution I'm going to share with you requires the user to create a custom format by editing an HTML default format.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、私が今からお教えする解決方法は、ユーザーがHTMLのデフォルトフォーマットを編集することでカスタマイズされたフォーマットを作るということなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmmm, sounds challenging, but as long as you have a terms database, I think I can do it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、ちょっと難しそうですが、用語データベースがあるならなんとかなると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We certainly do have a terms database and we also have a Frequently Asked Questions page as well as a thorough forum thread on the matter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちゃんと用語データベースがありますし、「よくある質問」ページ、この内容に関する徹底したフォーラムページもご用意しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, how do I get started?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました、じゃ、どうやって始めたらよいでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to email you the links to the resources I mentioned.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先ほどお話したリソースのリンクをメールしたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "May I have your email address please?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "メールアドレスを教えていただけますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's alice.johnson@ABCD.com", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "alice.johnson@ABCD.comにお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you, Alice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとうございます、アリスさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've just sent the email now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今、メールを送りました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, let me check my inbox.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました、インボックスを見てみますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "\"Refreshing\", ah, yes, I've got it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "更新中、と、あ、はい、受取りました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please take a look through these and take a stab at it and get back to us if you have any questions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これらをまず読んで試してみてください、それで何か質問があればまたご連絡ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you, I will do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとうございました、そうします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日、何か他にお手伝いできることはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, that's all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいえ、これだけです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, then I hope you have a good day and please don't hesitate to call with further questions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何かさらにご質問があればお気軽にご連絡ください、ではよい一日を。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You have a good day too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そちらもよい一日を。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey you two, did you go to the new year party last Friday?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なあ、二人とも、先週金曜の新年会には行った?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, yeah you weren't there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、君はいなかったよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We were there, but it was just the same old, same old.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕たちは行ったけど、毎年毎年同じ感じだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you have something come up?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か用事があったの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I had to go home straight from work because my wife is home sick with the kids.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "奥さんが体調が悪くて子供たちと家で待ってたから、仕事からまっすぐ家に帰らないといけなかったんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, that sounds rough, especially now that you have that big project on your plate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、それは大変ね、特にあなたは今大きなプロジェクト抱えてるから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Big project?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大きなプロジェクト?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, you know how our company is vying for a spot of blue ocean in the wearable tech industry, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっと、うちの会社がウェアラブルテクノロジー業界の未開拓分野に入り込もうと競い合ってるのは知ってるだろ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think I heard something about that at the all-staff meeting last month, yeah.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、先月の全社ミーティングで何か聞いたような気がするな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, they've started up project \"Cyclops\" to explore unexploited areas in the wearable tech industry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、ウェアラブルテクノロジー業界の未開拓分野を探求するための「サイクロップス」プロジェクトを立ち上げたんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is after our CEO said we'd be concentrating resources on AI at the investor's meeting last year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これはうちのCEOが去年の投資家ミーティングでAIにリソースを集中するっていう話をした後のことね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well that's a sudden change in direction.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "へえ、それは急に方向性が変わったな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What gives?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうしたんだろ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't know much about it, but Sally in corporate planning said they had some intel about Company B's progress in the AI field just before the CEO made the announcement.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よく知らないんだけど、経営企画部のサリーによると、CEOがその発表をする直前に、B社のAI分野での進捗について調べたらしいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And as a result, voila, a whole new direction and a whole new team at the start of 2019.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、ほらね、その結果新しい方向性になって、2019年の頭から全く新しいチームが出来たってことよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And you got enlisted for it!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、君がそこに入ったってことか!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I am trying to take it as a compliment, but honestly it's the worst timing for me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、褒め言葉と思いたいけど、正直言うと最悪のタイミングなんだよな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Didn't you just have a baby?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "赤ちゃんが出来たとこだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, my daughter Kyler.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだよ、娘のカイラー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm sorry about the timing though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "タイミングのことは気の毒だけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No worries, it's nothing I haven't done before.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大丈夫だよ、前にやったことがないわけじゃないし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you remember how it was when the whole company had to start learning Python because the CEO wanted us all to \"have the spirit of SEs\"?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "CEOが、僕たち全員に「SEの心を持つように」って全社あげてパイソンを習わなきゃいけなかった時のこと覚えてる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I still cringe when I remember that!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今思い出してもぞっとするわ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ugh, that brings up bad memories.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、嫌なこと思い出しちゃったな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "See, there is always something to be grateful for!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "な、いつもありがたいことばっかりあるだろう!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Knock on wood!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "嫌なこと言わないでよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hah, yeah.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ははは、そうだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I've got to get back because of a meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、ミーティングがあるから、戻らなくちゃ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "See you later!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、後でな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Later!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "後で。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "See you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "またな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Sara, thank you for stopping by for this meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、サラさん、こちらの会議に来てくださってありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No problem, I appreciate the opportunity to speak face-to-face about this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいえ、このように対面でお話できる機会に感謝しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Great, so what's the status on our booth design for this year's conference?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よかったです、で、今年のカンファレンスのブースデザインの状況はどうなってますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "After you approved the rough design two weeks ago, we've been working on a couple of detailed mock ups and I'd like to hear what you think.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2週間前にデザインの下案を承認してくださった後、私たちのほうでサンプルの細かいところを詰めたので、ご意見をお聞きしたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "All right, let me see them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですか、じゃ見させてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So there are three versions and one is a standard design, true to your traditional stall designs, and the other two are more daring.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、3バージョンあるのですが、一つは従来のストールデザインに準じた標準的デザインで、あとの二つがもう少し斬新なものとなっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, we did conclude at our branding meeting the other day that we need to spice up our visuals at exhibitions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、先日のブランディング会議で、展示会でのビジュアルをもう少し派手にする必要があるなという結論を出したんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So maybe design one is not so appropriate for this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、今年は1つ目のデザインはあまり適していないかも知れないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, maybe not.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、多分違いますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, so narrowing it down to designs two and three, the main difference between them is the use of space and transparent acrylic walls.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、デザイン2と3に絞られることになりますが、これらの主な違いは、空間と透明アクリルウォールの利用です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Design three is a more open feel, meaning anyone walking by could read all the contents of the booth.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "デザイン3は、よりオープンな雰囲気なので、通り過ぎる人々がブースの中を全て見ることが出来ます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It certainly has good visibility and I could imagine people casually walking through our area.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かに見え方がいいので、人々がふらっと私たちのエリアに立ち寄ってくれることが想像できますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, but on the other hand, competitors will be able to take pictures of your displays easily and visitors will be able to read the panels without having to actually enter the booth.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、ただし一方で、競合者が展示の写真を簡単にとることが出来るのと、ビジターがブース内に実際に入らずにパネルを読むことが出来てしまいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは問題かも知れないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How do you feel about design two, which has more opaque materials around the entrances to the booth?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ブースの入口にもう少し不透明な材質を使ったデザイン2についてはどう思われますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can make adjustments to the details of the design, so even if you don't like this initial mock up, don't feel that you have to reject it entirely.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "デザインの細かい部分は調整可能ですから、このサンプルにご不満があっても、全部却下する必要があるとはお思いにならないでください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I do have the feeling that we need to attract more people towards the sales people manning the booth rather than just making a big impression on passersby.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ通りすがりの人たちにいい印象を与えるだけでなく、ブースに待機している営業マンに人々を引き付ける必要があるように感じるんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So design two is the direction we should move in?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、デザイン2の方向で行きますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, that's what I'm feeling but I need to make final confirmation with my superior.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、私はそう感じていますが、上司からの最終確認が必要になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That is totally fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは全く構いませんよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As I emailed, initial design selection can be done next Friday, so you should have plenty of time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "メールさせていただいたように、当初のデザインの選択は来週の金曜なので、お時間はたっぷりあるはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think I can bring it up with her in next week's marketing meeting, so I will be able to get back to you on Thursday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女には来週のマーケティング会議で話せると思うので、木曜にはお返事できると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there anything else I need to address?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他に話し合うべきことはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, we are still waiting for your decision about the merchandise, which I emailed you about last week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっと、先週メールでお話した商品についての結論を待っているんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right, right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、そうでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That I will also be able to confirm in the marketing meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それもマーケティング会議で確認できますので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I will expect to hear back from you then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました、じゃ、ご返事をお待ちしております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, that's all from me, thank you for your time today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、私のほうはこれで全てです、今日はお時間ありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for coming down.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご足労いただきありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Talk to you next Thursday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週の木曜にご連絡いたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sounds good, good bye.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました、では失礼いたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So did the Tokyo office get back to you on what type of startups we should look out for?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっと、私たちがどんなスタートアップ企業に目を配るべきかについて、東京オフィスから連絡はありましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes they did.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、ありました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Here's the list.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここにリストがあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "見てみましょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well this is quite a long list.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おお、これはかなり長いリストですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, it is.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think it would be best if we screen it on our side and make it shorter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらで選りすぐって、短くするのがいいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I mean there are some that are not realistic.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "つまるところ、中には現実的ではないものもありますから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like this one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "例えばこれですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "New materials from space.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "宇宙からの新材料。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are they serious?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "真剣に言ってるんでしょうかね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well it's an untapped resource, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ま、誰も手を付けていない材料ですけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anyways, I think we should focus on ones that can synergize with our current operations.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とにかく、今のうちの経営にシナジー効果があるものに力を入れるほうがいいと思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So technology that can optimize operations and reduce operating costs.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので、経営を最適化し経営コストを削減してくれるテクノロジーかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like robots?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ロボットとか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah I think companies like Company A has already introduced robots in their warehouses.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、A社のような会社はすでにロボットを倉庫に導入しているみたいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Apparently the robots can move products around when an order comes in.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうやら、注文が入るとロボットが商品を移動させられるらしいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's impressive.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think robotics is definitely something we would like to keep our eyes on.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ロボット工学は、まさにうちが目を付けておくべきところだと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, a lot of focus has been on technology like artificial intelligence and big data.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、人工知能やビッグデータのような技術に焦点を当てたところも多いです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm going to need to do more homework on these topics.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それらトピックに関しては、私はもう少し勉強が必要ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, it's not exactly something that we are strong in.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かに、そこは私たちが強いところじゃないですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So the next steps will be to make a shortlist from this list.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、次にやることはここから短めのリストを作ることですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then we will try to find companies that match our interest.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから私たちの興味にあった企業をさがしてみましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Ben, do you have a moment?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ベンさん、今時間ある?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, what's up?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、何?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just got the legal department to review the service agreement and he said it's all good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "法務部にサービス契約書を見直してもらったとこなんだけど、全部大丈夫だって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Which service agreement are you talking about?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どのサービス契約書のこと?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The one with our subsidiary?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの子会社とのあれ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、それ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、分かった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you send me a clean copy?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "クリーンコピー送ってくれる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Clean copy?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "クリーンコピー?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like accept all the changes and turn off track changes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "変更部分を全部受け入れて、変更履歴追跡をオフにするんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And convert it into a PDF file.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、PDFファイルに変換して。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よし、分かった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "出来るよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you do that by noon today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日の正午までにできる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I want to send it out by the end of today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日の終わりまでに送りたいから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can do that right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今すぐ出来るよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll print it out and bring it over for you to sign.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "印刷して、君が署名出来るように持ってくる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "助かる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, this is Tom speaking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、トムですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Tom, this is Sam from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "トムさん、こちらA社のサムです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How are you today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お元気ですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、何とか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, I'm calling today as I wanted to follow up on the insurance quote.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、今日は、保険の見積についてのフォローとしてお電話差し上げたのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know you sent me a draft quote but I had some questions I wanted to ask.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "見積のドラフトを送ってくださっているのですが、少し質問したいことがありまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I actually sent the questions via email two weeks ago and just wanted to know if you had a look at it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は2週間前に質問をメールさせていただいたんですが、見ていただけましたでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, sorry I must have missed it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あれ、すっかり見落としていてすみません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What was the question you had?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どんなご質問でしたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The draft quote included our export operations but I couldn't find anything on our import operations.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "見積のドラフトには、弊社の輸出活動は入っていたのですが、輸入活動に関することが見つけられませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What was the sales amount for your import operations?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "輸入活動での売上額はいくらでしたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I sent that information when you first made the draft quote in the form you asked me to fill out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最初にトムさんが見積のドラフトを作った際に私が記入しないといけなかったフォームに、その情報は書いてあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about I send you the information again through email and you can take a look at it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "メールで再度情報を送りますので、見ていただけないでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、それは助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, thank you for your time today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、今日はお時間ありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よい一日を。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Was that Tom from Company B?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さっきのはB社のトムさんでしたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, it was.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can't believe he is asking me what the sales amount for our import operations is.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "輸入活動の売上額はいくらだと聞いてくるなんて、信じられないですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I sent him that information a long time ago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "かなり前に情報は送っていたんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't think he read the file he asked me to fill out for him.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼のほうが記入するように頼んできたのにファイルを見ていないと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I mean, if you want my business, you should at least try a bit harder.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まったく持って、もし一緒に仕事がしたいなら、もう少し努力してもいいんじゃないでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He was trying to get us to switch to his insurance company right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼は、私たちに保険会社を変えさせようとしていたんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, but he's not doing a good job at it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、でも、全然ちゃんとしてないですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He takes forever to reply and doesn't even read the information I give him.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "返事はなかなか来ないし、こちらからの情報は見もしません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well then, maybe it's a good idea to just turn him down.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、彼の話を断るのがいいと思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I mean, our current insurance provider just gave us a decent rate reduction too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だって、今の保険会社の割引料金も理にかなってますからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I saw that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、そう思いました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Tom's draft rate was higher than what we have too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "トムさんのドラフト額は今手元にある額より高いですし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I just turn Tom down then?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "断ってしまっていいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, that should be fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、いいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, Shigemi.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おはよう、茂美さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, Sam.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、サムさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just wanted to let you know that we are planning to make a payment to Company A next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週、A社に支払いをしようと思ってることを伝えておこうと思ったんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's the amount?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いくらですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will be around four hundred thousand before tax.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "税引き前で400ドル程度です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did we get the invoice for this?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それの請求書は受け取りましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No not yet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや、まだです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm expecting to get the invoice from Company A this week though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、今週、A社から請求書が届くはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When do you want to pay this next week?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週のいつ支払いたいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm thinking Monday next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週の月曜を考えているんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If we are paying on Monday next week, then you will need to enter the internal processing form by Thursday this week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし来週の月曜に払いたいのであれば、社内処理用のフォームに今週の木曜までに入力しないといけないですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll push Company A to send me the invoice so I can work on that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう出来るように、A社に早く請求書を送るように頼んでみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for giving me a heads up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早めに教えてくれてありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, this is Jack from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、A社のジャックです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, this is Sam from Company B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、B社のサムです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm calling in regards to an invoice I received from your company today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日届きました御社の請求書についてお電話差し上げたのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、はい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was just looking at the unit rate and it seems like there was an error.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "単価のところなんですが、どうも間違っているようなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The invoice is showing five hundred fifty dollars per metric ton when it should be five hundred twenty dollars per metric ton.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "請求書には、メートルトンごとに550ドルとなっているんですが、メートルトン当たり520ドルのはずなんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you tell me the invoice number for this?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "請求書番号を教えていただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, the invoice number is 09832.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、請求書番号は09832です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We just received the invoice from your company earlier today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日早くに御社の請求書を受け取ったところなんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, let me just pull this out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました、今探してみますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So yes I do see the unit rate at five hundred fifty dollars here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えーと、そのようですね、ここでは単価550ドルとなっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We actually negotiated a new price with your company last week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は、先週、御社の方と新しい料金について交渉したところだったんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So the five hundred fifty dollars is actually the old price.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だから、550ドルは前の値段なんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you tell me who you spoke to in regards to the price?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "料金について誰とお話されましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We spoke with your sales manager, Tom Grant.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "営業マネージャーのトムグラントさんと話しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me just confirm the price with Tom and I'll get back to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "トムに値段を確認してからお返事差し上げます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Once I can confirm it, I'll send you a revised invoice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確認できたら、修正した請求書をお送りいたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much for your help.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お手数おかけしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll update you soon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すぐに連絡いたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Ben, do you think you will be able to make the cost allocation file this week?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ベンさん、今週中に原価配分表作れると思う?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今週?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm actually going on a business trip from tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実を言うと、明日から出張なんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you in a rush?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "急いでる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I'm hoping to get it by Friday so I can have the administration department process the payment next Monday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、総務部が来週の月曜に支払処理できるように金曜までにもらえたらな、と思ってるんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We're moving some of the products late next week so we need the supplier to release the products to us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週後半に製品のいくつかを輸送するから、サプライヤーから製品を出荷してもらわないといけないんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just need the customer in Japan to confirm the price, then I can work on it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日本のお客さんに値段を確認してもらえばいいだけだから、そうしたら出来るよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll call the customer this afternoon to see if they can confirm it for me as soon as possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日の午後にお客さんに電話して、できるだけすぐに確認してもらえるかどうか聞いてみるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will probably be able to get you the file on Thursday this week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今週の木曜にはファイルを渡せると思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでいい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, will you be able to sign the invoice for me when you're on the business trip?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、出張中、僕の代わりに請求書に署名できるかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can sign it electronically when I have time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "時間がある時に電子的に出来るよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It would be great if you can text me when you send it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "送った時にテキストメッセージを送ってくれると助かる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That way, I'll know that you sent it so I can sign it as soon as possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうすれば、君が送ってくれたことが分かって、僕もできるだけすぐに署名出来るから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうするよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good luck on your business trip!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "出張お疲れ様。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So we will have Cheryl from Company A conduct an audit from next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、来週、A社からシェリルさんが監査にいらっしゃいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She has given us a list of documents we will need to give her for the audit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女から、監査に必要な書類の一覧をいただいきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So it seems like it's the usual set of documents every year?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっと、毎年同じ書類一式のようですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Pretty much.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But we have to include shipment records of the new business that we started this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ、今年始めた新事業の輸送記録を含まないといけません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you get Elaine to prepare these documents?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "エレインさんにその書類を準備してもらってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What time period do you need these for?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはどのくらいの期間分必要ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We'll need it until October 2018.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2018年10月までの分が必要です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We just started this business in March 2018 so from March 2018 to October 2018.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この事業は2018年3月に始めたばかりなので、2018年3月から2018年10月までということになりますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, I'll have Elaine prepare this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました、エレインさんに準備してもらいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there anything else we need?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他に何か必要ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We need to conduct an internal review if anything has changed since last year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "去年から変わったことがないかどうか社内で見直す必要があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think we can just use last year's document and just change the date.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "去年の書類を使って、日付を変えればいいんじゃないかと思うのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、それで大丈夫でしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I'll print that out and have you sign it later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました、では、印刷して後であなたに署名してもらいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, seems like the audit shouldn't be too complicated this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうやら今年の監査はそれほどややこしくなさそうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, it shouldn't be too bad.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、大したことないでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What time is Cheryl coming again?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "シェリルさんは何時にいらっしゃるんでしたっけ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She said she will be here from 9 o'clock to 2 o'clock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "9時から2時までだとおっしゃっていましたが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you arrange lunch for her?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女とのランチを手配してくれますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Should we just get the usual?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつものやつを頼みましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "From the sandwich store downstairs?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "下の階のサンドイッチ屋さんからですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure that's fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Get some sandwiches, soup, and drinks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サンドイッチとスープ、飲み物を頼みましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Any preferences?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何かお好みは?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anything is fine for me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は何でもいいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I ask Elaine to arrange this?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "エレインさんに用意してもらっていいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, that's fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、いいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Great, I'll talk to her later about this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました、じゃあ、後で彼女とこの件について話しておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, this is Sam speaking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、こちらサムです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Sam, this is Cheryl from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、サムさん、A社のシェリルです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, hi Cheryl.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おお、シェリルさん、こんにちは。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's been a while!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お久しぶりです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's been one year since we last talked?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "前にお話ししてから一年になりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, since last year's audit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、去年の監査以来です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I'm calling to schedule a date to conduct this year's audit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、今年の監査の日程を決めようとお電話さしあげたのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh is it already that time of the year?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うわぁ、もうそんな時期になりましたか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "時の経つのは早いですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I need to do the audit by the end of the fiscal year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、本年度末までに監査をする必要があるのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know it's still November now but I thought it'd best to confirm a date for this before the holiday break.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだ11月なのは分かっていますが、ホリデー休暇に入る前に日程を確定しておいたほうがいいと思ったので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I think we can do it in December or January.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっと、12月か1月に出来ると思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you advise a date that works with you in those months?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これらの月の中で都合のいい日を教えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, I can take a look at my schedule and give you some options on the date.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、私のほうの予定を見て、候補日をいくつかあげますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you also send me what documents you will need for the audit?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "監査にどんな書類が必要なのかも送っていただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I can send you a list of documents that I will need.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、必要な書類の一覧をお送りすることができます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, also, how much will the audit cost be this time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あっ、それから、今回の監査はいくらになりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will be the price that we agreed to last year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "去年合意した値段になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So same price as last year which was five thousand dollars.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので、去年と同額で5000ドルです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I will get back to you with some dates and a list of documents I will need.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、候補日と必要書類一覧について後で連絡しますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、A社のサムですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How are you today, Don.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ドンさん、お元気ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日はどのようなご用件でしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was just wondering if you guys had sent the invoice for last month's shipment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先月配送分の請求書を送っていただいたかどうかの確認なんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We usually receive it pretty early but haven't seen anything yet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "通常、かなり早く受け取るんですが、まだ何も来ていないので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you tell me what the order number is?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "発注番号を教えていただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, the order number is 24379.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、発注番号は24379です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's the one for twenty metric tons.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "20メートルトンの分です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, let me check if it has been sent out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました、送付されたかどうか調べてみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We usually get it by email from your administration department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "普通はそちらの総務部からメールで届きます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So it seems we did send out that invoice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、その請求書は送られているようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, for some reason we sent it out by mail.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかし、どういうわけか郵送してしまっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As in snail mail.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "普通郵便で。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, do you know when that was sent out?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほお、いつ送られたか分かりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was sent out last week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先週送っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You know what?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あのですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can just send you an electronic version through email right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私のほうから今すぐに電子版をメールでお送りできますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I will send that out right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました、では今送りますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anything else I can help you with?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他にご用件はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, that will be all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お世話になり助かりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではよい一日を。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you guys for giving us the opportunity to present you this logistic study.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日はロジスティクス研究についてのお話をする機会をいただき、ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As requested, I have put together a proposal on the logistic study in moving a large piece of machinery from Japan to the United States.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご要望通り、日本からアメリカへ大きな機械を輸送する場合のロジスティクス研究についての提案を作成してきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much, Eddie.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "エディーさん、ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We really appreciate your support.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "手伝っていただいて、本当に助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As you know, we plan on moving a large piece of machinery in to the interior part of Washington state.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご存知のように、私たちはワシントン州の内陸部に大きな機械を運ぶ予定になっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We assume that there will be various logistical hurdles like weight limitation and such for oversized truck loads.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "重量制限や特大型トラックへの積荷などさまざまなロジスティクスに係わる問題が出てくるのではないかと思っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Your understanding is correct.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご理解の通りです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Depending on the state, and even highways, there will be certain regulations you have to follow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "州によっては、高速でさえ守らないといけない特定の規制がありますから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You will also have to submit a routing to the state and apply for a permit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また、州のほうにルートを提出して、許可を取得しなくてはいけません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This proposal I made will show you various routes we can take to keep the costs down.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私が作ったこの提案で、コストを抑えることができる様々なルートをお見せします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What kind of things would keep the costs down?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どのようにすればコストを抑えられるのでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We could select routes that go through Oregon as their regulations aren't as strict.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "規制が比較的緩いオレゴン州を通るルートを選ぶことができます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Or we can barge the equipment as far inland as possible then move it by truck.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "または、出来る限りの内陸部まで機材をバージ輸送し、そこからトラック輸送することも出来ます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Or if your equipment can be broken down to smaller parts, we can look at moving it by rail.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほかには、機材を小さな部品にばらして、電車輸送することも可能です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes our equipment can be broken down to smaller parts.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、私たちの機材は小さい部品にばらすことが出来ます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you send me the actual dimension of the equipment?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "機材の実寸を送ってくれますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like an engineering drawing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "例えば設計図など。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This would help us visualize what we are working with.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それがあれば、具体的に何を扱うのかイメージできます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I can send that to you when I get back to the office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました、オフィスに戻ったらお送りします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So before I explain this proposal in detail, I'd like you to know that conducting a logistic study and executing one is not cheap.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、この提案を詳細にわたって説明する前に、ロジスティクス研究を実施し実践するのは安くないことを知っておいていただきたく思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How much are we talking about?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いくらでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A logistic study of this scale will cost around five hundred thousand dollars.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この規模のロジスティクス研究は、50万ドルほどになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And the actual coordination and execution of moving the equipment will cost around one million dollars.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また、実際の機材輸送準備と施行は、約100万ドルになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, that's quite a lot of money.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おお、それはかなりの額ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have also been considering manufacturing this piece of equipment domestically.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "国内で機材部分を製造することも考えているんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But we haven't found a manufacturing facility that has the capability to do so.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかし、その能力がある製造施設はまだ見つけていません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm sure there is one out there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "きっとあるとは思うのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can also help you find a manufacturing facility whom you can outsource to.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "外注できる製造施設を見つけるお手伝いもできますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We deal with a lot of companies since we are in the logistic industry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ロジスティクス業界にいますから、多くの企業と取引しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, let me talk internally and see what is the best option.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、社内で話し合って何が最良策か考えてみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Just let us know how we can help.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お手伝いできることがあったら教えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much for your support as always.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつもサポートありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll get back to you on this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この点についてはあとでご連絡しますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、A社のサムリーです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Sam, how can I help you today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、サムさん、どういったご用でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was wondering if you can get me a quote for an air freight.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "航空便の見積をいただけるかと思いました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, is it a rush shipment?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おや、お急ぎの輸送ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, we're sending a trial shipment to Japan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、日本へ試験輸送をしようと思ってるんで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The customer wants it as soon as possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お客さんから出来るだけ早くとお願いされています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How much volume are you talking about?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どのくらいの量をお考えですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will be one pallet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1パレット分です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What would the dimension of the package be?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "荷物の大きさはどのくらいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, good question.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、それはいい質問ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will need to double-check and get back to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あとで再確認して連絡します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How much does it cost these days to ship something by air?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最近、航空便輸送はどのくらいの料金でしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, it really depends on the volume and dimensions of the goods.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっと、それはもうものの量と大きさによりますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So it's kind of hard to say.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので、一概にどうとは言えません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But obviously, it will be a lot more expensive to ship by air than sea.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、船便よりもずっと高いのは明らかですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Aside from the dimensions, what other information would you need to give me a quote?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大きさのほかに、見積を出すのに必要な情報はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will need the product description, value of goods, and the importer's name.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "製品説明、製品価値、輸入元の名前です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I'll get those information and get back to you as soon as I can.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました、情報を集めて、出来るだけすぐにお返事します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How long will it take to get a quote once you have those information?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "情報があれば、見積を出すまでにどのくらいかかりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I should be able to get back to you in less than a day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一日のうちにお返事できるはずですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, sounds good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですが、助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll send an email with the information.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "情報はメールします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you need help with anything else today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他に何かお手伝いできることはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No that will be all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ、これだけです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for meeting with us today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日はお会いしてくださってどうもありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you guys for coming.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ようこそお越しくださいました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As explained in my email, I wanted to introduce Company A from Japan today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "メールで説明した通り、今日は日本のA社さんをご紹介しに参りました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And with me is Mr. Kenji Sano from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして、私と一緒にいらしたのがA社の佐野健司さんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, my name is Kenji Sano from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はじめまして、A社の佐野です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's nice to meet you Mr. Sano.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はじめまして、佐野さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So maybe I'll have Mr. Sano start with his presentation, then maybe you can give us your presentation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、まず佐野さんにプレゼンをお願いし、その後、そちらがプレゼンを、ということでよいでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, go ahead Mr. Sano.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、佐野さんお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So my company is Company A and our main business is the manufacturing of turbines.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっと、私どもはA社と言いまして、主な業務はタービンの製造です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are based in Tokyo but we also have offices worldwide.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "東京が拠点ですが、世界中にオフィスを構えています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have offices in North America?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "北米にもオフィスはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, we have two sales offices in the US and one manufacturing facility in Canada.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、アメリカに営業所が二つ、カナダに製造施設が一つあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, please go on.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました、続けてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have two divisions which consist of industrial and commercial.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我々には工業部と商業部の二つがあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The industrial division covers industries like power plants, and major facilities.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "工業部は発電所や大規模施設などの工業分野を扱っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And the commercial division covers smaller facilities like assembly plants.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして、商業部では組み立て工場といった小規模施設を扱います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大変興味深いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Although we have a manufacturing facility in Canada, we would like to expand our manufacturing presence in the US.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "カナダに製造施設を持っていますが、アメリカに製造業を拡大したいと考えています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is this because of the import tariffs that the US has set up?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはアメリカが設定した輸入関税が原因でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, the tax incentives in the US have been very supportive of manufacturing facilities like ours.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また、私たちのような製造施設は、アメリカの税制優遇制度の恩恵を授かっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So we would like to ask if your company would like to co-invest in a facility in the US with us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこで、弊社のほうで私たちのアメリカの施設へ共同投資していただけないかと思っているのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there a reason why you want a co-investor rather than going in alone?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "単独ではなく共同投資を望まれる理由は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Although we are capable of the actual manufacturing, we need support in terms of dealing with local authorities.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我々だけで実際の製造をする能力はあるのですが、現地官庁などとのやりとりに支援が必要なのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We feel that it is better if we have a local company involved rather than a foreign entity setting up shop.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "施設の開業にあたり、外国からの組織よりも現地の企業に係わってもらうのが良いと考えているのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはよく分かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I actually bring our CEO in?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちのCEOを呼んできていいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think he should be involved in a topic like this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こういう内容なら、彼も参加したほうがいいと思うので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、ぜひ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すぐに戻りますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello this is Henry speaking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、ヘンリートルドーですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Henry, this is Sam from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、ヘンリーさん、A社のサムです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日はいかがお過ごしですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm not too bad thank you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "元気でやってますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just wanted to follow up on the email I sent you around two weeks ago in regards to setting up a meeting with you and your colleague.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたと同僚の方との会議を設定したいという二週間前に送ったメールのフォローをさせていただきたいと思いまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あっ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I thought I replied to that email.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのメールには返事したと思ってました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's odd, I didn't get your reply.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おかしいですね、お返事は来てないですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっと待ってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oops.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おっと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It seems my reply was sitting in my outbox.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その返事は送信トレイの中に入ったままになってたようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wonder why it didn't go through.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうして送信されなかったんでしょうかね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will send it out now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今送りますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But basically, I am free this week or next week for the meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、基本的には今週か来週なら会議の時間がありますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for advising your availability.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "予定を教えてくださって助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll check with my manager on his availability and I'll get back to you on this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちのマネージャーの予定をチェックして、この件お返事します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me know which date works on your side.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そちらで都合の良い日を教えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where will we have this meeting?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会議はどこでやりましょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can have it at our office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちのオフィスで出来ますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Once we confirm the date and time, I'll send an email invitation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日時を決めたら、メールで招待を送ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Will look forward to hearing from you then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お返事お待ちしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much for your time today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日はお時間ありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Will be in touch.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Sam, I have a question.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サムさん、ちょっと質問があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、何ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm trying to make this chart evenly spaced but it keeps going off center.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "表を等間隔配置にしたいんですが、どうしても中心からずれてしまうんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, in this case, it might be better to use the camera function.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、この場合、カメラ機能を使うのがいいかも知れませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The camera function?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "カメラ機能?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, it's a function where you can turn a section of the sheet into an image.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、シートの一部を画像に変えることのできる機能なんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Once you can do that, you can enlarge or shrink that like an image.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一度そうすると、画像を拡大縮小することができます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんな風に。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, that's convenient.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "へえ、便利ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, it's really useful if you have various charts on a page.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、一つのページに違う表がいくつもある時に便利なんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's a hassle merging cells all the time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "常にセルを結合するのは面倒ですからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, just play around with it until you get the hang of it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、慣れるまでしばらくこれで色々試してみてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, thank you!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました、ありがとうございました!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me know if you have any other questions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また他に質問があったら聞いてくださいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If I can't answer it, I'm sure the internet can.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私が答えられないときは、インターネットが答えてくれますから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So Misato, how good are you with excel?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "美里さん、Excelは得意ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think I am okay?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "普通に使えると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you use pivot tables?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ピボットテーブルは使えますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry, I don't know what that is.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すみません、それが何なのか知りません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know how to use the formulas in the cell?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "セル内の数式の使い方は知っていますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Formulas?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "数式?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、そう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you use excel in school?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Excelは学校で習ったのかしら?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "特にやっていません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Just entered numbers in the cell and such.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "セルに数字を入れる程度です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あら、そうなんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Don't worry, I didn't know a thing about excel when I first started working.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "心配しないでいいですよ、私も働き始めたころはExcelについては何も知らなかったから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Fortunately, we have an excellent teacher on excel.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "幸い、うちにはExcelの良い先生がいるんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like you to meet my teacher.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の先生をご紹介しますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A book?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, he taught me the basics of excel.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、Excelの基本を教えてくれました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But in the end, I realized that looking it up online was quicker.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、最終的には、インターネットで調べたほうが早いってわかったんですけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、分かりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about I give you some assignment that uses excel?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Excelを使った課題を与えるっていうのはどうだろう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, that would be great.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、それは助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our department is actually planning to buy a new company camera soon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は、うちの部署で、もうすぐ会社用のカメラを新しく買おうと予定しているんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you find three of four digital cameras and make a comparison chart on excel?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "3つか4つ、デジタルカメラを探して、Excelで比較表を作ってもらえますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What do you want on the chart?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "表には何を入れればよいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll leave that up to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはあなたにお任せします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But things like picture of the camera, price, specification, and stuff would be helpful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、カメラ本体の写真や値段、仕様なんかがあれば便利じゃないでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I'll give it a shot!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました、やってみます!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、A社のサムです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Sam, this is Jim from the Shanghai office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、サムさん、こちらは上海オフィスのジムです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, hi Jim, Happy New Years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おお、ジムさん、明けましておめでとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらこそ明けましておめでとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So the customer contacted me in regards to this year's shipment schedule.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、顧客から今年の配送スケジュールについて問い合わせがあったのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He wants a shipment for the end of March for one 20 foot container.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "20フィートコンテナを一つ、3月末までに配送してほしいそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you get an offer from the supplier?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "業者からオファーをもらっていただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、出来ますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "People are just coming back from their holiday break so I might not be able to get a reply until next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "みんな休み明けで戻ってきたところなので、来週まで返事はもらえないかも知れないですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Will that be okay?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでもいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、仕方ないですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please let me know as soon as possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "できるだけ早く教えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know if the customer on your side will be buying more this year?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そちらの顧客に今年もっと購入する予定があるかどうか知っていますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry, they only gave me the schedule until spring.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すいません、春までのスケジュールしか聞いてないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll ask them again when I see them next time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次に会った時に再度聞いてみますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, that would be great.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It'd be nice if I can tell the supplier an estimated volume.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "供給業者にどの程度の量か見積を教えられたらいいなと思うので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If the customer is buying more, then I can maybe negotiate a better price for your customer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし顧客がもっと購入するようであれば、あなたの顧客向けの値段の交渉がしやすくなりますからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I will see what I can do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました、何とかやってみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll get back to you with an offer as soon as I can.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "できるだけすぐにオファーについて連絡しますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、また良い一日を。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そちらも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you want to go for lunch?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お昼食べに行かない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where do you want to go?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どこに行きたい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was thinking of trying somewhere new.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どこか新しいところがいいと思っていたんだけれど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My customer was asking me to take him to a new place next time he visits.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お客さんが次に来た時に新しい所に連れて行って欲しいと言っていたから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you talking about the president of Company A?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社の社長のこと?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, the president of Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、A社の社長。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He is actually coming here next month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実を言うと来月ここに来るんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There's a new Thai restaurant a couple blocks from here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すぐ近くに新しいタイ料理のレストランがあるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, he actually doesn't like Thai food.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、実は彼タイ料理は苦手なんだよな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, what does he like then?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうか、じゃ、何が好きなの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He likes steak.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ステーキが好きだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There is a new steak place but it's not exactly cheap.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新しいステーキ屋さんがあるけど、そんなに安くないな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not somewhere I'd go unless the company pays.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会社から経費が出ない限り行かないようなところだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where is it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どこなの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's three blocks west from here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここから西に3ブロック。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, let's go.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、行こうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll pay!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕が払うよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm sure they have a cheaper lunch menu right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "安いランチメニューがきっとあるよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "多分。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me check their website.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ホームページで調べてみるわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah let me know what the prices look like.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かった、どのくらいの値段か教えてくれる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You're the boss.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたが決めることだからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much to Peter for the insightful seminar.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ピーターさん、洞察力に満ちたセミナーをありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would now like to give the audience a chance to ask questions to Peter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、観客の皆さんにピーターさんへ質問していただきたいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please raise your hand and we will get a microphone to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "質問があれば手をあげてください、マイクをお持ちします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, over there at the end.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、あそこの端の方。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much for the seminar and it was very interesting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "セミナーありがとうございました、非常に興味深かったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My question to you is, how do you see the market reacting to the recent trade wars between the US and China?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私からの質問ですが、最近の米中貿易戦争に影響された市場をどのように見ておられますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Excellent question.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "素晴らしい質問ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The trade war is certainly going to affect both the US and China.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "貿易戦争は米国と中国のどちらにも確実に影響を与えることでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think that the US suppliers of agricultural products like soybeans will be the most affected.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大豆のような米国の農作物供給元が一番影響を受けると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also manufacturers in the US that relies on raw material from China will be affected as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また、中国からの原材料に頼っている米国の製造業も影響を受けることでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ultimately, the market will see some turbulence going forward with prices increasing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最終的には、価格上昇という形で市場は混乱をみせることになるでしょうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much for your answer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お答えありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, I think we have time for one more question from the audience.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さあ、観客の皆さんから、もう一つ質問を受ける時間があるようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, over here in the front.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、前のこちらの方。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, I'm Grant Maybin from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はじめまして、A社のグラントメイビンと申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much for your seminar earlier.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先ほどのセミナー、大変よかったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would like to ask what the worst case scenario in regards to this trade war.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この貿易戦争において、最悪の事態とはどのようなものでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you see this trade war extending longer than expected?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この貿易戦争は、予測されていたよりも長引くと思われますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So the worst case scenario is that the tariffs will continue to increase for both sides.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、最悪の事態というのは、両国とも関税を上げ続けるという状態でしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Eventually, companies will start closing their operations as it simply will not be economically feasible to go on.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いずれ企業たちは、続けることは経済的に無理があると見なし、業務運営をやめることになるでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I personally hope that this will end soon before it escalates to something worse.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "個人的には、どんどんエスカレートして悪くなる前に終わればよいと願っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As for your question regarding the duration of the trade war...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "貿易戦争の期間に関する質問についてですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Honestly I do not know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "正直なところ分かりません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Both sides seem pretty adamant on their stance so I think this will go on for a while.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "両国ともに、自国のスタンスを変えようとしていませんから、これはしばらく続くかも知れませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "At least until something dramatic happens.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "少なくとも何か大きなことがない限り。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How dramatic would that have to be?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どれほど大きなことじゃないといけないんでしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A major economic recession could be a possibility.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大不況などが考えられるでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much for your input Peter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ピーターさん、ご意見ありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, I think that's all the time we have for today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さあ、今日はこれで時間がなくなったようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's give a round of applause to our speaker today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日のスピーカーに大きな拍手を。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you all for coming and hope you all enjoy the rest of the event.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日はご参加ありがとうございました、残りのイベントをお楽しみください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So Misato, this is Elaine from our department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "美里さん、こちらが当部署のエレインさんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, I'm Elaine Young and I am a senior documentations coordinator in this department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はじめまして、当部署でシニア書類コーディネーターを務めるエレインヤングです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, I'm Tamura Misato.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はじめまして、田村美里です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I mainly handle all documentation needs for Ben.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は主にベンさんの書類担当です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And you'll be handling all documentation needs for Sam.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして、あなたはサムさんの書類を担当することになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But if you are not busy, I may ask you to help me with documentations as needed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、忙しくなければ、必要に応じて私の書類処理を手伝ってもらうこともあるかも知れません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ben handles more export business than I do so naturally, there will be more documentations involved.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ベンさんは、私よりも多くの輸出業務を手掛けているので、自然に書類の数も多くなりますからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, I'll have Elaine walk you through the documentation process.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、エレインさんに書類の処理について教えてもらってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Go easy on her, okay Elaine?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あまり厳しくしないでよ、エレイン。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, don't worry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、心配しないでください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちゃんとしますから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So let's pretend we have to export a product to Japan today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、今日日本へ商品を輸出すると仮定しましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The price has all been set and we first have to make an invoice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "料金は全て設定されているので、まず請求書を作らなくてはなりません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will then send the invoice to the customer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして、請求書を顧客へ送ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Next, Ben or Sam will arrange the logistics and shipping schedule.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次に、ベンさんかサムさんが配送手段と配送スケジュールを調整します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will then ask the freight forwarder to draft a bill of lading based on our invoice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから、請求書に基づいた船荷証券の草案発行を運送業者に頼みます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So we are basically providing the information to the freight forwarder?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、基本的には、私たちは運送業者に情報提供をするということですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Once we get the draft bill of lading, or as we call it, the BL, we will check if there are no discrepancies.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一旦、船荷証券の草案、私たちはBLと呼んでいるのですが、それを受け取ったら、間違いがないかチェックします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What happens if there are discrepancies?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "間違いが見つかったらどうするのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The BL is used to receive funds from the bank.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "BLは銀行からの資金受け取りに使います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So if there are discrepancies, then the bank may not release the funds.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですから、間違いがあれば、銀行は資金の支払いを拒否するかもしれません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know how a BL works?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "BLの仕組みを知っていますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実はよく知らないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh sorry about that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あら、ごめんなさいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I should have explained that first!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先に説明しておくべきでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Here's a good book that explains how a BL works in international trade.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これは国際貿易におけるBLの仕組みをよく説明した本です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll give you one hour to look at it and let's try this again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1時間ほど読む時間をあげるので、その後でまた始めましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me know if you have any questions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "質問があったら言ってくださいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mr. Furgus, I will get straight to the point today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ファーガスさん、今日は単刀直入にお話します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My company is interested in acquiring a majority share of your company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "弊社は御社の株の大部分を買収したいと思っております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well Mr. Stanton, that's a very sudden proposition.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やあスタントンさん、それは非常に唐突なお申し出ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am aware.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "承知しております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, we are very interested in your technology as we believe it can benefit our current operations.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかし、御社の技術に関心があるのは、それが現在の弊社の運営に有効だからです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Does it have to be an acquisition though?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "けれど、買収である必要があるんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can we talk about a possible partnership or licensing agreement?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "パートナーシップかライセンス認可の可能性についてお話できますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Unfortunately, our management team is pretty set on the notion of acquiring your company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "恐縮ですが、うちのマネジメントチームは弊社を買収する意向をほぼ固めております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If there is interest from your side, we would be ready to offer you a term sheet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしそちらにご興味がおありでしたら、契約要項をご提供できます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Feel free to discuss this with your colleagues.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ぜひ同僚の方々とご相談されてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you, Mr. Stanton.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました、スタントンさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This isn't a decision I can make myself.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この件については、私だけでは判断しかねます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Just out of curiosity, is there an idea of what the acquisition amount would look like?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "参考までに、買収額はどの程度になるとお考えですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's not final but we would look at something like ten million dollars for fifty one percent share of your company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだ最終ではありませんが、御社の株51パーセントで1000万ドルと考えています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, that's a lot of money.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おお、それは大きな額ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not only do we provide the capital to boost your company, we can also provide business advice to help you grow your company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらからは会社を増強させるための資金提供だけでなく、成長を促すためのビジネスアドバイスもすることが可能です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Even though we would have a majority share, we would like you to stay on as the CEO.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "株の大部分は弊社が所有しますが、ジムさんには重役を続けてほしいと思っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much for your kind words.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大変ご親切にありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will talk to my team and will get back to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "チームに相談してからご連絡します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When do I need to get back to you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつまでにご連絡すればよいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It would be great if you can get back to me with your decision in one month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1ヵ月以内にご決断をご連絡いただければ光栄です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will send over the term sheet tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日契約要項をお送りします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll look forward to the term sheet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では要項をお待ちしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm glad to hear you're interested.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご関心がおありとのことで幸いです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are Company A, and we are innovating in the mining industry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私共、鉱業のイノベーションに努めております会社Aです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our technology allows mines to increase their productivity by attaching sensors to shovels and conveyor belts.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "弊社の技術で、ショベルやコンベヤベルトにセンサーを取り付けることで採鉱場の生産性を上げることができます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The sensors can pick up the grade of the material so the mine can select what to process.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "センサーは物質のグレードを判断でき、採鉱場では何を加工すべきか選択することが可能です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What are the sensors made of?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "センサーは何でできているんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good question.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良い質問ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They are high-precision cameras that can instantly capture the mineral type and grade.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ミネラルの種類とグレードを即座に判断できる高精度のカメラです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So by selecting what to put into the processing facility, a mine can save resources?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "つまり、加工施設に何を送るかを選択することで、採鉱場は資源を節約できるということですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They won't have to process low-grade materials that will increase the operational cost.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "グレードの低い物質の加工で作業コストが増えることがなくなります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That seems revolutionary.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "革命的ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How come no one has ever done it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "過去誰もやったことがないのは何故なんでしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The idea has always been there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このアイデアは常にありました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But the technology was never available.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、技術がなかったのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, we have been able to make this a reality.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかし、弊社はこれを実現することができました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's your development status?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "開発状況は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have our demonstration equipment ready and is currently being tested at a major mining company in Canada.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "テスト用機器の準備はできており、現在カナダの大手鉱業会社で試されています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What type of mine is it being used at?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どういった鉱山で使用されてるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is used at a copper mine right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "現在は銅鉱山で使用されています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, it can be used for any kind of mines.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですが、どういった鉱山でも使用可能です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So the reason we requested this meeting today is not to request for funding but to seek a business partnership.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ところで今日このミーティングを依頼した理由は資金のためでなく、ビジネスパートナーシップの可能性を探るためです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We know that your company has mining assets around the world so maybe we can work together there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "御社は世界中に鉱山を所有されていることを存じ上げておりますが、そこで協力することができるのではと思っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I can see that happening.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、可能ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We could introduce your technology to our mining assets.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの鉱山施設にそちらの技術を導入し得ます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I mean, if it can improve our productivity then there is no reason to say no.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "つまり、うちの生産性を上げることができるなら、断る理由は見つかりませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We haven't been putting too much efforts on our sales so having a company like yours work with us will be very helpful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "営業にはそれほど力を入れてきていないため、御社のような企業と協力できることは弊社にとって非常に心強いです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So are you looking for more of a sales and marketing partnership?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ営業やマーケティングのパートナーを探しているんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me talk to our mining department on this and I will get back to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これについて採鉱部に話してみて、連絡します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me know if you need additional information or material about our company or technology.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "より詳しい情報または弊社や技術についての資料がご必要の場合は、ご連絡ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think there will be a lot more questions to come.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "質問は沢山でてくると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What are you up to?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうしてる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am bombarded with emails.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Eメールに圧倒されてます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Over a hundred in my inbox.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "受信箱に100件以上もあって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, that happens.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういうことあるよな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You already sorted your emails?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ベンさんはメールの整理しましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I was looking at emails during the break.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、休憩中に確認したから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You sorted them during your break?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "休憩中に整理したんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A little bit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっとね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Impressive.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すごいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By the way, how do you sort your emails?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ところで、メールはどうやって整理してますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have subfolders for each topic?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "各項目にサブフォルダを作ってますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I like to sort mine by topic and by year and month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕は項目、年、月で整理するのが好きなんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Down to the month?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "月まで?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I need to do it like that because I get a lot of shipping documents so it's a lot easier to keep track.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "輸送関係の書類が沢山あるから、そうやって経過を追いやすくしておく必要がある。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You don't have to copy me though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕の真似をする必要はないと思うがね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As long as you know where things are then it's all good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どこに何があるか分かれば十分さ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I might do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕もそうするかもしれません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have been getting more and more emails.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "メールの数が増えるばかりなので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thanks for the advice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Your welcome.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So how was your holiday break Sam?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ところで休暇はどうだった、サム?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was good!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どこかに行ったのかい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I actually went to California.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実はカリフォルニアに行きました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wanted to get away from the cold.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "寒さから逃れたくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where did you go in California?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "カリフォルニアのどこに行ったんだい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I went to San Diego.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サンディエゴに行きました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Was the wildfire still burning?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "山火事はまだ続いてるのかい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No I think it stopped back in the fall.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいえ、秋に消火したと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、なるほど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know that wildfire affected the rail logistics down there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あっちで鉄道輸送に影響したって聞いたが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I saw videos on the web and the smoke seemed bad.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、インターネットで動画を見ましたが、すごい煙でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Apparently the air quality at one point was worse than Shanghai's air quality.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一時は上海の空気の質よりも悪かったようですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about you Ben?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ベンさんはどうでしたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どこか行きましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, I just stayed local.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや、地元にいたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just needed time to relax and didn't want to travel too far.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "遠出せず、ただ休息したかったんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's nice staying at home and just relaxing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "家でただリラックスするっていいですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I still ended up looking at work emails though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも仕事のメールをチェックしてしまったがね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh you're a workaholic.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わあ、仕事中毒ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "多分ね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I should make it my new year's resolution to not work so hard.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "働き過ぎないこと、それを新年の目標にしないとな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕もです!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You need to work harder!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君はもっと働かないと!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Today's session is on internal control.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日のトレーニングは内部管理についてだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it not just keeping track of things and inputting data?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "作業の記録をとってデータを入力するだけではないんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There's a bit more to it than that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それだけじゃないんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are five components to internal control.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "内部管理は5つの部分で構成される。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are control environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and communication, and monitoring.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "統制環境、リスクアセスメント、統制活動、情報と伝達、モニタリングだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The one you mentioned falls in the monitoring component.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君が今言ったことはモニタリングにあたる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Internal control is important as it aligns your activities to the company's mandate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君たちが会社の任務に沿った仕事をするために、内部統制は大切なんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is that what the other components are?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それが残りの構成部分ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So what's an example of good internal control?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では内部統制の良い例とは何ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Say for example we are trucking products from point A to point B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "例えば、製品をA地点からB地点へトラックで輸送するとする。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Trucking companies will send us slips when the product is picked up and the freight forwarder will send us another slip when they receive it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "製品が積み込まれるとトラック会社がうちに伝票を送ってきて、運送会社に渡ると別の伝票が送られる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So tracking the movement of product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "つまり、製品の経路を追跡しているということですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's the potential risk if we don't keep track of it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "記録しなかった場合、起こり得るリスクにはどういったものがありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Say we arrange a trucking for product A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "例えば、製品Aのトラック輸送を手配したとする。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But the product isn't picked up because the trucking company forgot.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だけど、会社が忘れてしまったために製品が積み込まれない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If we keep track, then we can instantly find out if a product is not picked up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "記録しておけば、商品が積み入れられなかったことがすぐわかる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Otherwise, we might find out when it is too late.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "記録しなかったら、わかった時には手遅れかもしれない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Those products are shipped on vessels so they can't be late.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "製品は船で輸送されるから、遅れることはできませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So having a method to prevent potential error is important in our operations.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だから、起こりうるリスクを未然に防ぐことは仕事上大切なんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It might seem like a hassle keeping track of it all but it's definitely worth it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全てを記録するのはやっかいに感じるかもしれないが、その価値は必ずある。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for the explanation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご説明ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me know if you notice anything that we can improve on in our daily operations.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日々の業務で改善できそうなことがあったら教えてくれ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Will do!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "了解です!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, so I was asked by the HR department to hold a teambuilding exercise today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よし、今日は、チームビルディングの練習をするよう人材部門に頼まれてるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will spend around thirty minutes today for this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日はこれに約30分費やすことになると思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What will we be doing?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何をするんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it fun?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "楽しいことですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So what is it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何なんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, they provided me with this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これを渡されたんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Lego?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "レゴですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, they want us to use this to make something based on a theme.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、これを使ってテーマに基づいた何かを作ってほしいということなんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's the theme?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "テーマって何ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The theme is trust.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "テーマは信頼だ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So we have to make something with Lego that depicts trust?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、レゴを使って信頼を表すものを作らないといけないということですね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういうことだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How do we do that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうやってするんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, that's something for you guys to think about.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあ、それは君たちが考えることだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The thirty minutes starts now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今から30分が始まる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So what do you guys think would depict trust?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、信頼を表現するものって何だと思う?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's so abstract.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すごく抽象的ね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe a scene where someone is catching someone falling?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "倒れそうな人を支える人の光景とか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like a freefall?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "フリーフォールみたいな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh it's like those trust falls that they do at church, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、教会でやってるトラストフォールみたいなのだろ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, something like that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、そんな感じの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, let's get to work then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かった、じゃあ作り始めよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Who's good at building with Lego?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "レゴを組み立てるのが得意な人はいる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "誰か?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Think we are mediocre if not bad.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆下手ではないけど、そこそこってところじゃないかしら。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私もそう思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I haven't touched one in ages.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう何年もやってないわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, let's just start putting pieces together.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあ、とりあえず組み合わせることから始めよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can worry about the details later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "細かいことは後で考えるとして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それが良さそうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's do it!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "始めましょう!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, this is Henry Massey speaking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、ヘンリー・マシ―です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My name is Sam Lee from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A会社のサム・リーです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm doing great.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's great to hear.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お元気そうで何よりです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I am calling to see if your company would be interested in purchasing a new fence product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は、御社が新しいフェンス製品の購入にご興味がないかと思いお電話しております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's the product?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どういった商品ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's a wooden fence but made of Japanese Cedar.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "木製フェンスですが、日本杉でできています", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I understand your company is a fence installation company and are probably accustomed to using Western Red Cedar.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "御社がフェンス設置をされていることは存じ上げておりまして、おそらくベイスギを主にご使用されているのではないかと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ninety percent of our work is with Western Red Cedar.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの仕事の90パーセントはベイスギを取り扱っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So the great thing about Japanese Cedar is that it is very competitively priced compared to Western Red Cedar.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこで、日本杉のいい所は、ベイスギに比べ大変値段が安いということです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yet it looks great when it's put up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "設置されたときの見た目もいいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So what's the catch?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ところで欠点は何ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, the durability is not as good as the Western Red Cedar.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは、ベイスギに比べて耐久性がないということです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However it is better than other softwood alternatives.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですが他の軟材よりは持ちが良いです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's the price?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "値段は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can send your our price sheet through email if that's okay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしよろしければ、価格表をEメールでお送りできますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My email is Massey.Henry@CompanyB.com.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私のアドレスはMassey.Henry@CompanyB.comです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you also send me pictures of the product?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "商品の写真も送ってもらえますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Send it over and I can take a look at it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "送ってもらえたら目を通します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please let me know if you have any questions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご不明な点がございましたらご連絡ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日はお時間をありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll look forward to hearing from you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "連絡待ってます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Ian, this is Sam from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やあ、イアン、A会社のサムだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, hi Sam.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、やあ、サム。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've been good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "元気だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A bit busy but good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "忙しいけど、何とかね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、今日はどういった用件だい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There's some shipment changes and I need to change the trucking schedule a bit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "運送に関する変更があって、トラックのスケジュールを少し変えないといけないんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And there's one that needs to be trucked out tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで明日運搬されないといけないものが1つあるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you think you can arrange this?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "手配できるかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How many trucks do you need?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "トラック何台いるんだい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I need two trucks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2台だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah that shouldn't be a problem.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、大丈夫だと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can have the trucks come pick up the goods in the morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "朝トラックを送って物品を積みこむよう手配しよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良かった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大丈夫。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll send out a revised trucking request by email later today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日この後、トラック輸送リクエストを訂正したものをEメールで送るよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それだととても助かるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you need help with anything else?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他には何かあるかい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや、これだけだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Again, really appreciate your support.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "改めて、助けてくれて本当に感謝してる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良い1日を。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Does your inbox ever get full?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "受信箱がいっぱいになることはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "All the time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よくなるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have to spend ten minutes everyday clearing out old email so I have space in my inbox.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "毎日10分かけて、古いメールを消去して空きを作らないといけないんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's such a hassle right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "面倒くさいですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have to keep archiving my old emails.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕は古いメッセージをいつもアーカイブしないといけなくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And delete ones that have large attachments.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大きい容量の添付ファイルがあるものは消去しないといけませんし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can't believe some people would send a presentation file that is fifteen megabytes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "15メガバイトのプレゼンを送ってくる人の気が知れません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I mean, you can save the file as a reduced size PDF file.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "小さいサイズのPDFファイルにして保存できるのに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can do that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんなことできるのかい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しまったな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I wasn't talking about you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、ベンさんのことではないですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can't believe our company won't let us use cloud-based file sharing though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会社がクラウドを使ってファイルを共有させてくれない理由が分かりませんが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, we still have it lucky.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "運よくうちにクラウドはあるがね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hear that some companies don't allow USB sticks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "USBスティックの使用を許可しない会社もあるって聞いたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当ですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I guess it can be seen as a potential security risk.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、セキュリティーリスクの可能性があると見なされるんだろう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's really inconvenient.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とても不便ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How would they share files then?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、ファイルはどうやって共有しているんでしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I guess just through email.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Eメールを通してじゃないかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Doesn't seem any safer though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そっちの方が安全だとも思えませんが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Weird company policies right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おかしな会社方針ってとこだな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, this is Arthur speaking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、アーサーです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Arthur, this is Sam from the Seattle office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やあアーサー、シアトル支社のサムだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Sam, how are you today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、サム、元気?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、元気だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I actually just sent you an email in regards to an NDA.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "機密保持契約に関するEメールを送ったところなんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was wondering if you would be able to take a look.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "目を通してもらえないかと思ってね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかった、見てみるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So let me explain a bit about this business.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、このビジネスについてちょっと説明したいんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are planning to build a new facility in Canada and Company A will be a co-investor.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "カナダに新しい施設を作る計画をしてて、A会社が共同投資することになってる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They will also help us with material sourcing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "資材の供給も援助してくれるらしくてね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So we need this NDA to make sure that they don't leak the information if they decide to back out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だから、もしA会社が契約をキャンセルするってなった時に情報を漏らさないよう、この契約書が必要なんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, we have a standard NDA that we use company-wide.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの会社全体で使われてる定型の秘密保持契約書はあるけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe we can use that and see what Company A says.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それを使ってA会社の返答を待つのはどうかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's the obligation period after terminating the NDA?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "契約終了後の義務期間はどのくらいだい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our standard NDA is set at three years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの契約では3年間だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But if Company A says it's too long, we could shorten it to two years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもA会社が長すぎるって言った場合、2年に短縮することもできる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would one year be too short?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1年だと短すぎるかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、そうだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would recommend a minimum of two years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最低2年あった方がいいと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll send you the standard NDA later today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日この後、定型の秘密保持契約書を送るよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "All you will have to do is fill out the company name and address.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ会社名と住所を記入すれば良いだけだから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then you should be good to go.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで準備完了だ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "手伝ってくれて本当にありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "質問や不安なことがあったら連絡してくれ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How has Kelly been lately?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ケリーさんは最近どうしていますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She's learning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女は学んでいますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She's putting in the effort so that's good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よく努力をしているので偉いと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But she could communicate more as a team.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかしチームとしてもっとコミュニケーションを取れるかと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How so?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well she doesn't let the team know what she is working on or if she will be out of the office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、彼女が何をしているかとか、社外に出る時もチームに伝えないんですよよ", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So sometimes I have to ask around to see where she went.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので時々どこに彼女が行ったか聞き回らないといけないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you mentioned this to her?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女にこの事を伝えましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But she hasn't quite made the change yet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも未だ特に変化は見られません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't want to keep telling her this but if it persists, I would need to have a serious talk with her.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あまり彼女にこの事を言い続けたくはないのですが、もしこれが続けば真面目に話し合う必要がありそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've been getting complaints from other staff about this so it's not just me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他のスタッフからこの事で不満の声を聞いているので私だけではないんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, go easy on her.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあ、彼女のことは大目に見てあげてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "She has her way of doing things I guess.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "きっと彼女には彼女なりのやり方があると思いますので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just need her to talk more.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ彼女にはもっと話して欲しいんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like sometimes she would send me an email when I'm sitting across from her.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "例えば私が真向かいにいる時でもEメールを送ってくるんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay that's not good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんですか、それは良くないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's faster to just get up and talk!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ立ち上がって話した方が早いですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当にそうですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I mean, it's okay to send an email.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Eメールを送ることに問題はないですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But if it's urgent, you should talk to the person involved.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも緊急の際は、関係している人に相談すべきですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, we don't always check emails right away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、いつもすぐにメール確認している訳でもないですし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll give her couple more weeks to adjust though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女にはあと数週間アジャストする時間をあげようとは思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's not easy to change your habits.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "習慣を変えるのは簡単ではないですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うまくいくことを祈っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So are all the meetings confirmed for the business trip at the end of the month?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、今月末の出張中の会議の予定は全て決まったかい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I was able to confirm all the meetings today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、今日全会議の予定を確認できました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you start booking the flights and car rental as well?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "航空券とレンタカーの予約も取り始めてくれる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you need me to book your flight?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ベンさんの航空券も私が取りますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No I can do that myself.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大丈夫、自分でやるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Just book your own flight.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自分の分のフライトだけ取ればいいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, be sure to choose a refundable fare.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、返金可能のチケットを選んでね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But those are more expensive right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもそれじゃもっと割高になりますよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, but sometimes we need to change our flight last minute or even cancel depending on the weather.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだね、でも時々直前にフライト変更をしたり天気によってキャンセルしたりしないとならない時もあるし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It would be more expensive and a hassle if that happens.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなればもっとお金も手間もかかる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Don't worry, it's better to pay more than to not be able to go on the business trip due to delays or cancellations.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "心配しないで、遅延とかキャンセルで出張に行けなくなるよりはもっとお金を払っておいた方がマシだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So better safe than sorry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "備えあれば憂いなしですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Especially if we are travelling with clients.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "クライアントと旅行する時は特にね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The clients are coming from Japan just for these meetings so we have to make sure everything goes well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この会議のためだけに日本から取引先の方々がいらっしゃるので全て順調に進むようにしなくてはいけないね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So what if there is a chance the flight will be cancelled due to weather like strong winds?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではもし飛行機が強風等の天候でキャンセルの可能性があるとしたらどうしましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then we should think about driving if the distance makes sense.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その場合はそんなに遠くないのであれば車で行こう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Or drive to a different airport that is less affected by the weather.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それか天気の影響が少ない他の空港に車で移動しよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's important to have more than one option.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "選択肢を一つ以上考えるのが大事だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アドバイスをいただきありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So Don, we need to talk about the price for next quarter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ドンさん、次の四半期の値段について話し合わなければなりませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well I think we should leave it as is.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、私は今のままで良いと思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The market has been stable lately so I don't see the need to adjust it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "市場も最近安定しているので調整の必要はないと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes the market here is stable.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かにここの市場は安定していますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But the market on our customer's side isn't.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですが、お客様側の市場はそうではないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They are being faced with tough competition right now so they need to maintain a competitive price point.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いま現在、厳しい価格競争に直面しているようなので、競争力がある価格を維持する必要がありそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you consider a slight discount for the next quarter?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次の四半期は少しでも値下げをご検討いただけませんでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will just be a temporary adjustment until the market stabilizes on their side.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あちらの市場が安定するまでの一時的な調整です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, your customer has been helpful to our success.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、あなた方のお客様には私たちの成功の為にお力添えをいただいていますしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We could consider a slight discount I guess.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "少し値下げを考えても良いかと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The exchange rate has been favorable for us as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "為替レートもこの頃私たちにとって有利ですしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, please consider the discount.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、値下げに関してのご検討宜しくお願いいたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me do some calculations on my side and I'll get back to you with a price.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちの方で計算して、価格をご連絡させていただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、有り難いです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, how long will it take you to get a price?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ところで、価格を決めるのにどのくらい時間がかかりそうでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm actually going to be talking to the president of Company A this week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は今週A社の社長と話す機会があるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I should be able to get you a price tomorrow afternoon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日の午後には価格をお知らせできると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Will that work?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで大丈夫そうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, that would be perfect.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、それなら申し分ないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Great, I will get back to you on this then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よかったです、では後ほどこの件についてご連絡致します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you so much for your support.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご協力いただき本当にありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for your continued business.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今後とも宜しくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's important to keep our long-time customers happy!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "長年のお客様に喜んでいただくの大切なことですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much for letting us see the product loading today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は製品の荷積みの様子をお見せ頂きありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Before we head into the loading bay, I will need you to sign-in.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "積み降ろし場に向かう前に名前を記入していただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Just over here?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここで良かったですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, right over there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、そこです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will also need you to wear a high visibility vest and a helmet for safety.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それと安全のために反射ベストとヘルメットを着用していただく必要があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes I brought my own today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、今日は自分の物を持参しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "素晴らしい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So are we all set?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では行きましょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "準備万端です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, let's head over to the loading bay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よし、それでは積み降ろし場に向かいましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So this is the loading bay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらが製品の積み降ろし場になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have four loading bay and we mainly load the products into shipping containers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "四箇所に積み下ろし場がございまして、主に輸送用のコンテナに製品を積みます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How many containers do you guys usually load in a day?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "普段1日に何個のコンテナに積載しますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It depends how busy we are.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはどのくらい忙しいかによります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I would say on average fifty containers a day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかし、平均すると一日に50コンテナぐらいですかね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How long does it take to load a container?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一つのコンテナに積載するのにどれくらいの時間がかかりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A twenty foot or a forty foot container?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "20フィート、それとも40フィートコンテナですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's just say a twenty foot container.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では20フィートのコンテナとしましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It usually takes an hour for a twenty foot container.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "20フィートのコンテナですと通常一時間かかります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So as you can see there, all our products are on pallets.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、あちらにご覧いただけます通り、全ての製品はパレットの上に置いてあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The products are in bags and stacked like this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "製品は袋に詰められこのように積み重ねられています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How many bags are on a pallet?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一つのパレットに何袋置いてあるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are forty bags on a pallet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1パレットに40袋です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And the pallets can be stacked on top like that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして、パレットはあのように積み重ねることができます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So we can fit sixteen pallets in a twenty foot container.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですので20フィートのコンテナ一つにつき16個パレットが入ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see that there are some empty spaces at the end of the container.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "コンテナの上の部分に空いてるスペースがあるようですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it possible to add a couple more bags there?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何袋か足すことは可能でしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah I think so.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、出来ると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wouldn't stack it too high, just for safety reasons.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "安全上あまり高く積みするのはどうかと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe another twenty bags would be okay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "20袋くらいは足しても平気でしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you think forty bags at the end would fit?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最後に40袋入ると思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I can't take any responsibility if the bags fall off and get damaged.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただもし袋が落ちて痛んだりしても責任は取れないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My customer may want to load as much as possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の顧客はできるだけ積むことを希望されるかもしれないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But let me also mention the potential risk in loading too much bags at the end.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかしたくさん袋を詰め込み過ぎるとリスクがあることも説明したいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, please tell him that an additional twenty bags at the end would be a safe number to work with.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、彼には20袋を足すのが安全ですとお伝えください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうする事にします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much for showing me around today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日はご案内いただき本当にありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My name is Bruce Nakajima from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私はA社のブルース 中島です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm Mike Jansen from Company B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "B社のマイク ジャンセンです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Here's my business card.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "名刺をお渡ししますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Here's mine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これが私のです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So Mike, what does your company do?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでマイクさん、御社はどんなことをしているのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, we are a manufacturer in California.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "弊社はカリフォルニアにあるメーカーです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But we also outsource some manufacturing to China.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですが、一部製造を中国に外注したりもしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about your company?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "御社の方は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I work for a Japanese trading company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は日本の商社に勤めています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We do commodity trading and project investments.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "弊社では商品取引とプロジェクト投資を行っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We also own assets like mines and manufacturing as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのほかにも鉱山や製造業などを所有しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "面白いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What kind of manufacturing do you do?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どのような製造業を行なっているんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We do manufacture some automotive parts.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自動車部品を製造しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I'm actually not too familiar with that side of the business.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は、その事業についてはあまり詳しくはないのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My focus is more on the commodity trading side.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私はどちらかと言うと商品取引がメインなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, our company currently only sell to the North American market.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあ、弊社は現在北米の市場のみで販売していますので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe there is a possibility to work together if we expand to other markets.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし他の市場に進出することになれば、一緒に働ける可能性もあるかもしれませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I think so too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、そうですね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have many offices around the world so I can connect you with someone from our company if there is a market you are interested in.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "世界中にたくさんオフィスがあるので、興味を持っている市場があれば弊社から誰か紹介しますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you guys have offices in South East Asia?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "東南アジアにもオフィスがありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes we do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、ありますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have offices in Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia and Malaysia.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "シンガポール、ベトナム、インドネシア、マレーシアにオフィスがあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "凄いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll let you know if our company is looking for new business opportunities in the area.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし弊社がそのエリアで新しいビジネスのチャンスを求めているようでしたらお知らせします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Feel free to let me know if you have any questions about our company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし弊社に関してご質問等ございましたら、お気軽にご連絡ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can also send a company presentation if you'd like.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "宜しければ、弊社のプレゼンをお送りしますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、それはありがたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can just send that to the email address on my business card.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "名刺に載っているメールアドレスに送ってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、そうさせて頂きます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mind if I sit here?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここに座ってもいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, go for it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, I'm Scott James from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、私はA社のスコット ジェームズです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm Bruce Nakajima from Company B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私はB社のブルース 中島です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, Company B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、B社ですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You guys are a Japanese trading company right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "御社は日本の商社ですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes that's right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are in the same field like Company C or Company D.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "C社やD社と同じ分野です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So did you come from Japan today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、今日は日本から来たのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, I'm based out of our Seattle office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや、実はシアトルオフィスを拠点に働いているんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you here permanently?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、ここに永住するんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Or do you eventually have to go back to Japan?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしくは、いつか日本に帰らないといけないのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will eventually go back to Japan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最終的には日本に帰ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I came here two years ago and I think I will be here for another three years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "二年前にここに来ましたが、後三年はここにいると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How do you like Seattle?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "シアトルは好きですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's great.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とても良い場所です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are many good Japanese restaurants so I don't miss food back home.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "沢山の良い日本食のレストランがあって、故郷の味を懐かしまずにすみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, that's important.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、それは大切な事ですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So what does your company do?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、御社は何をしているのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are actually an importer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちは輸入業者なんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So we import products from around the world.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "世界中の製品を輸入しているんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By any chance, do you guys know of any suppliers in South East Asia?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしかして、東南アジアの仕入れ先を知っていたりしますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, we do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実を言うと、知っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have a long history of doing business there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちはそちらで長年に亘り事業を行ってきましたから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If there is a certain product you're interested in, we can definitely talk and see if we can help you find it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "興味をお持ちの製品がありましたら、見つけるお手伝いができるかもしれないので是非ご相談ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah that would be good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですか、助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I get your contact information?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "連絡先をいただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, here's my business card.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、これが私の名刺です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, here's mine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、これが私のです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can send you our company presentation by email later this week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "弊社のプレゼンをEメールで送りますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とてもありがたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you also send your company's presentation?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "御社のプレゼンも送っていただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, it's very nice meeting you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お会いできて良かったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was nice meeting you as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらこそ、お会いできて嬉しかったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi there I'm Kelly Lezzer from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうもこんにちは、私はA社のケリー レザーです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi I'm Bruce Nakajima from Company B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、私はB社のブルース 中島です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can call me Bruce.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ブルースと呼んでください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can call me Kelly then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、ケリーと呼んでください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So what brings you to this trade show?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、なぜこの展示会にいらっしゃったのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, my company is looking to expand our presence in this industry so we thought it might be a good idea to attend this trade show.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は、弊社はこの業界内で存在感を高めたくて、この展示会に参加するのが良いアイディアだろう思ったのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Excellent choice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "素晴らしい選択ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is one of the biggest trade show in the country.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この展示会は国内でも一番大きいものの一つですからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm sure you'll be able to network and meet interesting companies.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "沢山の面白い会社と出会い、繋がることができると思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう望んでいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、あなたの会社は何をしているのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well we are a wholesale company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我々は卸売会社です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So we distribute products to businesses.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "企業向けに製品を販売しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So no retail customers?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、小売客はいないのですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We only sell to businesses.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "企業にのみ販売しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where is your company located?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "御社はどこにあるのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well we are based in Arizona right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええと、今の拠点はアリゾナです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But we are planning to expand to other states like California and Texas.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかしカリフォルニアやテキサス等、他の州にも広げていこうと思っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are actually a Japanese trading company and we are looking for potential partners in the west coast right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちは実は日本の商社でして、今現在、西海岸でパートナーを探しているんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have global sourcing networks so maybe there's a way we can work together down the road.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "グローバルソーシングのネットワークがあるので、そのうち私たちが一緒に仕事をする方法があるかもしれませんよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We also do project investment or trade finance so that's something we can also discuss if there is interest.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "プロジェクト投資や貿易金融も行なっているので、ご興味がございましたらそういう事もぜひ話し合いましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, that sounds very interesting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんですね、とても興味深いです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where are you based out of?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どこを拠点にしているのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm based out of Seattle.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は、シアトルを拠点にしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So we're not too far away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、私たちはそこまで遠くはないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe you can drop by our office one day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よかったらいつかうちのオフィスに立ち寄って下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can give you a tour of our site and maybe have a meeting with our CEO.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちの会社の案内をさせていただき、おそらく弊社のCEOとの会議もできると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはありがたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can send you our company presentation later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "後ほど弊社のプレゼンを送りますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, here's my business card by the way.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらが私の名刺です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, here's mine as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、私のもどうぞ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, it would be great if you can send your company presentation over.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、もし御社のプレゼンをこちらに送っていただけるようでしたら、嬉しいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And maybe we can start our discussion over email.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、よかったらEメールで話し合いを始めましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm sure our CEO would be interested in talking to a company like yours.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちのCEOも、御社と会議をすることに興味を持ってくれると思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう仰っていただき、嬉しいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Nice meeting you today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日はお会いできて嬉しかったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Nice meeting you as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらこそ、お会いできて良かったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi there I'm Bruce Nakajima.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうもこんにちは、私は、ブルース 中島です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi I'm Jason Geller.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、私は、ジェーソン ゲラーです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お元気ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これ、私の名刺です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So Mr. Nakajima, what does your company do?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、中島さんの会社はどのような事をなさっているのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are a Japanese trading company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちは、日本の商社です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So an easy definition I'd like to give is a company that does commodity trading and project investments in various industries.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあ、簡単に言いますと、様々な業界で商品取引や、プロジェクトに投資をする会社です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, what kind of industries are you guys in?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "へえ、あなた方はどのような事業を行なっているんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, anything from machinery, mining, textiles, chemicals, and more.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっと、機械から鉱業、織物、化学薬品まで色々です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You name it, and we are probably involved in it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か名前を挙げていただければ、それに我々が関わっているかと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So where are you based out of?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それであなたはどこを拠点にしているのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am from the Seattle office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私はシアトルオフィスにいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I am originally from our Tokyo office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかし、元は東京オフィスにいました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am currently on assignment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今はここで仕事をしているんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How long do you get to stay?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どのくらい滞在する事になるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Typically five years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "通常、5年です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm in my second year now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今、私の2年目です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What does your office do?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたの支社では何をしているんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Given that we are in Seattle, we work with aircraft manufacturers and software companies.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちがシアトルにいることもあり航空機メーカーとソフトウェア会社と仕事をしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We also export commodities like wood products.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また木製品等の商品を輸出したりもしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But now we are looking at investing in startup companies.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですが現在、現在スタートアップ企業への投資を検討しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, maybe I should explain what my company does.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、私の会社の事業についてもご説明すべきですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We're an engineering company that helps startups commercialize their technology.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "弊社はスタートアップ企業が技術を商業化するのを助ける技術設計会社です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A lot of startups have great ideas but don't have the technical capability to actually bring their ideas to life.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "沢山のスタートアップの会社はとても良いアイデアは持っていますが、実際にそのアイデアを実現するための技術的な能力を持っていません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So they can outsource their engineering and manufacturing to us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですので、彼らは弊社に技術設計と製造を外注することができます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh that's very interesting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "へえ、とても面白いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe we can work together in the future or something.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしかしたら一緒に働ける時が来るかもしれないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, you never know right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、分からないものですよね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll let you know if any opportunity comes up!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "機会があればご連絡いたしますね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, same here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私も。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, it's a pleasure meeting you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、お会いできて光栄でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hope you enjoy the rest of the trade show.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "残りのトレードショーでの時間を、楽しんでくださいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How do you develop new business?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうやって新規事業を開発していますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The simple answer to that is find a demand and fill that demand.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "簡単に言うと、需要を見つけて、その需要を満たすってことだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But obviously it's not that easy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかし当然、言うほど単純ではないんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You will need to find a supply source, and if the price is competitive or not.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "供給元や、その価格が競争力が高いかどうかを見極めないといけない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You either have to find a cheaper product, or a brand new product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "より安い製品を見つけるか、まったくの新製品を見つけたりしないといけない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They both sound hard to do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どちらも大変そうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I'm sure all the big players already have access to good suppliers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、大手企業はすでに良いサプライヤーを利用しているしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How did you start that recent business of importing from Japan?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最近始めた日本からの輸入事業、どうやって始めたのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well funny story.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は、面白い話なんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our customer who buys product from here, started making a new product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちから製品を買っているお客さんが新製品を作り始めたんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And I realized that there was a shortage of that product in North America.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、その製品が北米では不足しているってことに気づいた。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So our customer became our supplier.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、そのお客さんがサプライヤーになったんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So new business can develop from existing relationships that we have?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ということは、現行ビジネスから新事業が生まれることもあるってことですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, exactly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、そのとおり。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It'll be much easier to keep the deal exclusive.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "独占取引を維持するのはもっと簡単だろうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right, because you already have a business relationship in place.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、すでにビジネス関係が構築されているからですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Another advice is to stay up to date on what's happening in the market.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう一つは、市場がどうなっているか常に最新情報を入手しておくことだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Read the industry websites, and just stay updated on current events.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "業界のサイトを見たり、時事問題をキャッチしていることだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You never know what might come up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どんなことが起きるか予測できないからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So what do you guys think we should do with working with Company A?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社との取引なんだが、君たちはどうしたらいいと思うかね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well I think we need to think about what we can gain by working with them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えー、取引で何が得られるのか考えた方がいいのではないでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Eventually, we need to explain to our management.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最終的にはウチの経営陣に説明しないといけないですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They always ask what our role is.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "上層部はいつも我々の役割を尋ねてくるからな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They always want to know what synergies there are.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どんな相乗効果があるのか知りたがりますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, they really don't like pure investments.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、彼らは投資だけというのはお気に召さないんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They say that's what banks do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういうことは銀行に任せておけと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well we have assets and trading operations so it only makes sense to leverage that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ当社には資産と商取引業務がありますので、投資をテコにするのは意味がありますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But how do we enter a new industry then?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だが、新たな業界にはどう参入する?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I guess we will have to explain to them really well that this is a new and growing industry that will benefit our company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えー、これが新しくて成長している業界で、当社に有益だということをかなり上手く説明する必要がありますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will need to do more market research then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、もっと市場調査をしないといけないだろう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sam is good at research right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サムは調査が得意なんだったな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He's better than us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我々より上手ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's for sure.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you call him to the office?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サムをこのオフィスに呼んでくれるか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Sam, can you come over now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サム、ちょっと、こっちに来てくれるか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me just grab my notebook.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "メモ帳をとってきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこに座って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I was just discussing with Ben on how to get involved in a new industry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さてと、新業界にどう参入するか、今、ベンと話していたところなんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As you know, our company doesn't allow pure investments.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "知っていると思うが、当社は純粋な投資だけでは認められない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They typically want us to bring value to existing operations.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "上層部はいつも現行業務に価値をもたらすことを望んでいる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But there is really no other way but to make a pure investment first to get our foot in the door.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですが、足がかりを得るには純粋な投資から始めるほかに、策はないですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So we need to do a lot of market research to show that we should enter this industry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "というわけで、この業界に参入した方が良いことを証明する市場調査をかなりやらなければいけない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's where you come in.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこで、君の出番だ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We need you to do market research for this industry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この業界の市場調査をお願いしたいんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like industry growth, market size, major players, things like that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "例えば、業界の伸び、市場規模、主要企業といったことかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sounds like a pretty comprehensive research.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "かなり包括的な調査になりそうですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah it will be.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think I've seen some free market reports made by banks and accounting companies before.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "銀行や監査法人が出した無料の市場報告書を前に見たことがあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll go check those.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その情報を見てみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That would be a good start.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スタートとしては良さそうだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Make sure you keep note of where you get the information from.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "情報の出所を忘れずにメモしておいてくれ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We're counting on you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "頼りにしてるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi this is Sam.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、サムです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh hi Sam.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、あっ、サムか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you busy right now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今お忙しいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know you're out with a customer right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この時間、お客さんと出先なのは知ってます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I am actually with the president of Company A right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、実は今、A社の社長と一緒なんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What do you need?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I need you to e-sign an invoice so we can process it today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日処理できるよう、請求書に電子署名をしてほしいんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it urgent?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それ、急ぎ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes it is.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We need to process the payment today to pay it by the deadline.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "期限までに支払うために今日支払処理しないといけないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why didn't you tell me earlier?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうして、もっと前に言わなかったんだ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We actually didn't get the invoice until just today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "請求書がやっと今日来たんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've been pushing them to send us the invoice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "請求書を送るようずっとプッシュしてたんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Send it to me now and I'll sign it when I get a chance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今、送ってといてくれ、チャンスがあったらサインするよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I should have some time to sign it in two hours.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2時間以内に署名する時間がとれると思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry about the rush request.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "急なお願いですみません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll send it over now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今、そちらに送ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's okay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Sam, where do you find import data?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ねえ、サム、輸入データはどこで見つかるかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can find them in the government database.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "政府のデータベースで探せますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They have all the import and export data.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "輸入も輸出データもあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you find the data I'm looking for?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕が欲しいデータを探せる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I guess.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "できると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What are you looking for?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "探しているのは何です?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm looking for the import data of this product for the past five years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この製品の過去5年間の輸入データを見たいんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "From which country?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どの国からの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just need the data from China, Japan, and Korea.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "中国、日本、韓国からの輸入データだけ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you want it in a pivot table format?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ピボット式の表で出しますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、それがいい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How long will it take for you to finish it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "終わるのにどれくらいかかりそう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm a bit busy this week with meetings and other tasks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今週はミーティングとその他の仕事でちょっと忙しいんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was actually hoping you can finish it by the end of today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は今日の帰りまでにやってもらいたかったんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll work on it now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今、やってみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I owe you one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "借りができたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So why are you attending the trade show?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ところで、どうして展示会に行かれるのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well the main reason is to network and make connections.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "主な理由はネットワークづくりと関係構築のためだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We aren't involved in that industry so we don't have anyone we can partner up with or ask questions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "当社はあの業界には関与していないから、提携先や質問ができる企業が全くないからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's also a good place to understand what the industry trend is and see if there are any business opportunities.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "業界のトレンドやビジネスチャンスを探るにもいい場なんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So you mentioned yesterday that your idea was to be able to help companies source products through our global network.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "当社の世界的ネットワークで企業をサポートできるという案を昨日おっしゃっていましたが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you see a demand for products in our global network?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちのグローバル・ネットワークに製品需要はあると思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would domestic products be able to satisfy the current demand?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "国内製品で今の需要は賄えるのでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは良い質問だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's what I want to ask when I am at the trade show next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういうことを来週の展示会で聞きたいと思っているんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As I mentioned, we are amateurs in this industry so we have to talk to industry players.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "前にも言ったけど、この業界ではうちは素人だからね、もっと業界の企業と関わらないといけないんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So kind of like spray and pray?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、運任せみたいなものですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In a sense, yes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあ、ある意味ね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's better than just speculating in the office right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このオフィスにいて憶測しているよりはましだろう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe there will be some other opportunities that we haven't thought of yet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他にも我々が思ってもいないビジネスチャンスがあるかもしれない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So talking to different people and understanding their needs will be important.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だから異業種の人たちと話したり、ニーズを理解するのは大切なことなんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, be sure to bring lots of business cards then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、では、名刺をたくさん持っていくのをお忘れなく。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just ordered a new batch just for this event!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このイベントの為だけに、もう一箱注文したところだよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サム、ちょっと頼みたいことがあるんだが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am attending a trade show next week in Las Vegas and will need some presentations and materials.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週、ラスベガスの展示会に出るんだけど、プレゼンと資料がいるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you think you can help me prepare them?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "準備を手伝ってくれるかね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What do you exactly need?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "具体的には何がいりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will need an updated company presentation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会社プレゼンの最新版が欲しい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And maybe some additional material that explains our interest in the industry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それと、当社が業界にどんな関心を持っているか説明するような追加資料もいるかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For the company presentation, can you also add a visual that highlights our operations in North America?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会社プレゼンに、うちの北米事業を強調するようなビジュアルを加えることもできる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like a map?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "地図とかですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, that should work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、それでいいかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you send me a list of what you want me to include on the map?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "地図に入れたい項目のリストを送っていただけます?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe just the major ones?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "主要なのだけでいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I'll send you a list later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだね、後でリストを送るよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So what do you need for the additional materials.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、追加資料には何が必要ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm looking for something that shows what we want to do in this industry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この業界で当社が何をしたいのか示すような項目が欲しいんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What do we want to do?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちは何をやりたいんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm thinking we should focus on trading products.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "商品取引に力を入れた方がいいと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So like being able to help companies source products through our global network.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "つまり、当社の世界的ネットワークを通じて企業の商品調達をサポートできるとか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Should I make a visual as well?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ビジュアルも作りましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like a chart?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "チャートみたいな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, show me what you can come up with.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだね、何か思いついたら見せてくれ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm still kind of thinking this out right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今まだ、策を練っているところなんでね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Give me a couple of hours to figure what is the best way to present this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一番良い方法が何か考えてみるから数時間待ってくれるかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, just let me know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、ご連絡ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll start updating the presentation file now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、私はプレゼンファイルの更新にとりかかります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Ben, how do you manage work-life balance?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ねえベン、仕事とプライベートはどうやってバランスとってます?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Work-life balance?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "仕事とプライベートのバランス?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, like managing work and your personal life.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、公私のバランスです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well I work late a lot so it's been mostly just work for me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えーと、かなり残業してるから、僕はほとんど仕事かな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありゃ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't know if I'm the right person to give you advice on this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これ、僕にアドバイスを求めるのは間違いじゃないかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe Elaine can give some advice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "エレインなら何か教えてくれるかも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Elaine?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっと、エレイン?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なあに?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sam's asking about work-life balance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サムが仕事と生活のバランスについて聞いてますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How do you manage it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうやってうまくやっているかだって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "仕事と生活のバランス?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I try not to do overtime.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうねえ、残業はしないってことかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's definitely a start.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこが始まりって感じ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think the most important thing is not to think about work when you're not in the office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会社を離れたら仕事のことは考えないっていうのが一番大事だと思うわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have a company phone so I always end up looking at emails.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社用電話を持ち歩いているので、いつもEメールをチェックしてしまうんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, that doesn't help.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、それはよくないわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe you should turn off the email notification for your work emails.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "仕事関係のメール通知を解除した方がいいんじゃないかしら。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはいい案ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have the urge to open emails if I know I have new emails.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新しいメールが来たとわかると開けずにはいられないから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe I should do that too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕もそうした方がいいかもな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But Elaine, you don't have a company phone right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、エレイン、君は会社の電話持ってないよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The company asked if I wanted one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会社に欲しいか聞かれたけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I knew I would be obsessed with checking emails so I decided not to get one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、どうせメールチェックしまくっちゃうから、持たないことにしたの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Smart.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "賢いな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I return my company phone?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕の社用電話、返せますかね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Too late!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう、遅いよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Sam, you know that presentation material you made before?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ねえサム、君が前に作ったあのプレゼン資料だけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I actually have some customers and I'd like to show them that presentation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は来客でね、あのプレゼン見せたいんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me just open it up now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今ファイル開きますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How many copies do you need?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "コピーは何部必要ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I need four sets.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "4部欲しいんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is black and white okay?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "白黒でいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, I need it colored.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ、カラー版でお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And stapled.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それと、ホッチキスでとめてほしいんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And double-sided.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、両面印刷で。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you print it and bring it to the meeting room?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それ印刷して、会議室に持ってきてくれますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Which meeting room are you in?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どの会議室ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm using the one by the entrance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "入口に近いところのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll print them out and bring them over.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "印刷してお持ちします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "助かります、本当ありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Sam, are you busy this afternoon?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっとサム、今日の午後忙しい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm okay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オーケーです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is that a yes or no?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは忙しいの、忙しくないの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not so much.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それほどは。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm visiting some suppliers in the afternoon so I was thinking it would be a good opportunity for you to meet them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日の午後、サプライヤーのところに行くんで、いい機会だから君も会ったらどうかと思うんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would love to go.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ぜひ行きたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's the reason for the visit?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "訪問の目的は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I need to discuss prices for the next quarter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来四半期の価格交渉だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think it would be good for you to experience the negotiations.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君は交渉を経験しておいた方がいいと思うんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I want you to just listen and see how I deal with the customers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "聞いているだけでいいから、僕が顧客対応するのを見てて欲しいんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, I'd like you to write the meeting minutes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それと、議事録を書いてくれるかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is that the real reason you want me to come?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そっちの方が本当の理由なんじゃないですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうかも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's kind of hard talking and taking notes at the same time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "話ししながら、同時にメモをとるのは大変なんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've done that a few times and my notes looked like a mess.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何度かやったことありますけど、自分のメモはひどかったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So we'll head out after lunch.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、昼食の後に出かけるとしよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about I buy you lunch today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は、僕のおごりっていうのはどう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's head out now then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、もう行こうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't want to deal with the lunch rush.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昼時は混むから避けたいんで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We won't come back to the office so take your stuff.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は直帰になるから、荷物は持って行ってね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi this is Jay from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、A社のジェイです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is this Sam's phone?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サムの電話ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, speaking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you able to talk right now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今、お話できますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、話せます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I need you to cancel the shipment for next month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来月の出荷をキャンセルしたいんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The one at the end of next month?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来月末分のですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The customer is shifting their production schedule.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "客先が生産スケジュールを変更したので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay I should be able to do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、できると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We still have time to cancel it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "キャンセルする時間はまだありますから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So instead, the customer wants to increase the shipment volume for the following month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、代わりにその翌月の出荷量を増やして欲しいそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So for the shipment two months from now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "つまり、今から2ヶ月後の出荷を、ということですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We currently have five containers for that shipment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "現在、その出荷分にはコンテナ5台を確保してます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But we will need to increase it to ten containers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "が、それを10台に増やす必要があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me talk to the supplier to see if they can give us the volume for this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それだけの出荷量を出せるかどうかサプライヤーに確認させてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It shouldn't be a problem but I just need to double check.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "問題ないとは思いますが、念のため。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please let me know when you can confirm it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確認できたら知らせてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll get back to you as soon as possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "できるだけ早くご連絡します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Ben, do you have the data sheet for this product?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ベン、この製品のデータシートはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Which product is it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どの製品?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's this one here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, I don't recall having this one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、これはなかったんじゃないかなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me check my inbox.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "受信トレイをチェックしてみる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Nope, don't have it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや、ないや。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe I'll ask the supplier for it again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サプライヤーにもう一度聞いてみようかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's a bit embarrassing to ask again though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、また聞くのはちょっと恥ずかしいなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe Elaine has it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "エレインが持ってるかもよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Elaine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "エレイン、ちょっと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would you happen to have this data sheet for this product?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この製品のデータシート持ってたりします?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Which one is this one?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この製品ってどれですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's the one from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社の製品。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me think.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えーと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll check my inbox.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "受信トレイを見てみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll check my inbox one more time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕も、もう一度見てみるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "見当たらないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I do recall seeing it before though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、前に見た覚えがあるわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I know it's out there somewhere.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、どこかにあるはずなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, I might've saved a hardcopy in the filing cabinet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、ファイルキャビネットにハードコピーをしまったかも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "チェックしてみるわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll go too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一緒に行きますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Voila.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "助かった!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You should scan it and make a copy of it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スキャンしてコピーしてね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will do that right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、今すぐやります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you as usual!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつも、ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is the data analysis of our product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらは当社製品のデータ分析です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As you can see, our moisture content is around seven percent.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご覧の通り、水分含量は約7パーセントです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And our ash content is usually around two point five percent.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして、通常、灰分は約2.5パーセントです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This moisture content would work with our customer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この水分含量なら客先も大丈夫でしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, the ash content may be an issue.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですが、灰分はちょっと問題かも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっ、どうしてですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They currently burn products with an ash content of strictly under two point five percent.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "客先は、現在、きっちり2.5パーセント未満の灰分で燃焼させているんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A higher ash content means they will have to configure their equipment settings to accommodate it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "灰分が高いと、それに合うように装置を設定しないといけないのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So they could use it if they adjust their settings?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ということは、設定を変えれば使えるということですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, do you think they would be willing to change the settings to be able to use our product?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えーと、当社製品を使えるようにわざわざ設定を変えてくれるでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will talk to them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先方と話してみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I think it will also depend on the price.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "価格にもよると思いますけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If the price is right, then they might consider it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "価格が適正であれば、あちらも考えるかもしれません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have any idea what the price will have to be?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どれくらいの価格になるかわかりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would say maybe ten percent lower than the current price.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "たぶん、現行の1割安くらいじゃないかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ten percent is pretty big.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1割とはかなりですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are there other ways we can make this work?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "現状でいけるようにするには、他に何か手立てはありますかね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Since your product only sometimes go over the two point five percent mark, how about we limit it to two point five percent.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この製品は2.5パーセントの基準をごくたまに超えるので、上限が2.5パーセントということにすればいいのでは。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can have a price adjustment if it's over two point five percent.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2.5パーセントを超えた分に関しては、価格を調整すればいいんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So like a small penalty if it goes over?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "つまり、基準を超えた場合は若干のペナルティということですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah something like that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、そんなところです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me talk to our manufacturing team.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "製造チームと相談させてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe they can figure out a way to keep the ash content under two point five percent.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おそらく、灰分を2.5パーセント未満に維持する方法があるんじゃないかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I mean, we are currently hovering around that mark so maybe we can adjust some things on our side.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "というのは、今のところ基準を若干上下しているだけなので、こちらで何かを調節できるかもしれません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me know how that goes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それ結果を教えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご連絡します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi this is Jim from the Shanghai office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、上海オフィスのジムです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Jim, how are you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、ジム、お元気ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for sending us the offer earlier this week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今週初めにオファーを送ってくださってありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ、どういたしまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wanted to ask if you can negotiate the price with the customer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "客先と価格交渉できるかお聞きしたかったのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The price of eight hundred dollars per metric ton seems a bit higher than market price.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1トンあたり800ドルは市場価格よりちょっと高めだと思うんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's the market price lately?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最近の市場価格は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's been about seven hundred dollars.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だいたい700ドルです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Just to confirm, is this US dollars?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確認ですけど、それ米ドルですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes it is US dollars.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、米ドルです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My understanding is that the product from here is higher quality so it will be higher than the market price.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらから出荷する製品は高品質ですので、市場価格よりは高めになっていると理解しておりますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes I am aware.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、それはわかってます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But the customer is complaining about the price so even a small discount will make them happy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですが、客先が高いと言ってますので、少しでも値引きしていただければ、向こうも納得すると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you think you can somehow get a discount?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なんとか値引きできそうですかね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will try.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me talk with the supplier and get back to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サプライヤーと話をして、折り返しご連絡します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Who was that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "誰だった?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That was Jim from the Shanghai office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "上海オフィスのジムです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He was saying that the price we offered him was higher than the market price.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらからオファーした価格が市場価格より高いと言ってきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe we took too much margin with this offer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回のオファーでは、マージンを上乗せしすぎたんじゃないかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How much margin did we take?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マージンどれくらいとった?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We took around hundred dollars per metric ton.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "1トンにつき、100ドルです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about reducing the margin to fifty dollars per metric ton and see what he says?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マージンを1トン当たり50ドル減らして、ジムが何と言うか様子を見てみようか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll offer him seven hundred and fifty dollars then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、750ドルでオファーしてみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, that should be good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、それでいいと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Give him a reason for the reduction.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "値引きの理由も教えてあげて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like how the supplier appreciates your continued support.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サプライヤーが長年のサポートに感謝してるからとかなんとか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Or how this is a special price for this season or something.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それか、今季の特別価格とか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I'll come up with something.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、何かもっと考えてみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi this is Sam speaking", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、サムです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have time to speak right now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いま、よろしいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's kind of urgent.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっと急ぎなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I need you to advance the shipment for Lot A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ロットAの出荷を早めてほしいんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know it's planned to ship in the middle of next month but the customer wants it earlier.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来月中旬の出荷予定なのは承知なのですが、客先が早く欲しいと言っておりまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you try to arrange the shipment for early next month instead?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "出荷を来月初に前倒しすることはできますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For early next month?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来月初ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's like in two weeks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと2週間くらいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The customer really needs this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先方がどうしても必要らしいんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll try my best.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "精一杯やってはみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can't guarantee anything though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですが、確約はできません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかってます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please do your best to find an alternative.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なんとか、代替え案をお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you think you can find out by the end of the week?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今週末までにわかりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll call the freight forwarder right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "貨物運送業者に今連絡してみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please understand that it is the holiday season and I hear that vessels have been pretty full.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今、休暇シーズンだということと、船はすでに満載だと聞いてますので、その点ご了承願います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll talk to them and see if there is still space on the vessel.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "連絡つけて、まだ積めるかどうか聞いてみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I might have to consider other shipping lines too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他の船会社にも当たってみようかと思ってます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's okay if the price is higher.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "料金が上がっても構いません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll let you know as soon as I can.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi this is Jay speaking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、ジェイです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Jay this is Sam from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あー、サム、元気ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大丈夫です、どうも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日のご用件は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm just calling in regards to the payment for last month's shipment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先月出荷分のお支払いのことでお電話したのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you talking about Lot A?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ロットAのことですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes that would be Lot A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうです、ロットAの件です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My admin department just informed me that they haven't received the payment for it yet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだお支払いを受けとっていないと弊社の総務部から言われておりまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I just wanted to follow up and see when the payment will be made.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうなっているのか、または、いつ頃お支払いいただけるのか、確認させていただきたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I thought we paid that already.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "え、それはすでにお支払済みだと思いましたが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I told my admin department to pay it yesterday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昨日お支払いするようにこちらの総務部に言っておいたので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I put you on hold for a sec?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっとお待ちいただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll go ask them right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今、確認してきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すぐ戻ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I just talked to our admin department and it turns out the payment hasn't been processed yet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今、総務と話したのですが、実はまだお支払いの手続きがされていないとのことです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They were a bit overwhelmed with other tasks so they haven't gotten to it yet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっと別件でたてこんでおりまして、まだ処理していないとのことです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did they say when they will be able to process it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつ頃処理していただけるか、おっしゃっていましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They told me they can do it this afternoon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日の午後するそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The funds should be in your account by tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日には御社の口座に入金されていると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それなら良かった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうもお世話様でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for following up on this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "フォローアップありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, sorry for the inconvenience.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして、ご迷惑をおかけしてすみませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他には何かありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No I think I'm good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ、ないと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Elaine, can I ask you something?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "エレイン、ちょっと聞いてもいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、何でしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm trying to send the original hard copies of this shipping document to my customer in China.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この船積書類のハードコピー原本を中国の客先に送ろうとしているんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know you usually use Company A or Company B but which one should I use?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつも、A社かB社を使っているみたいですが、どちらがいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would use Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社を使うかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Their rates has been cheaper lately.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あそこ、最近、料金安くなってるから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it your first time sending something?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "送るの始めてなの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah it is.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、そうなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, I'll show you how to do it then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、送り方を教えてあげます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So first you will need to log-in to Company A's website.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、まずA社のホームページにログインします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is our account ID and password.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これが、うちのアカウントIDとパスワードです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Write it down somewhere.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どこかに書いておいて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So once you've logged in, click this create shipment tab.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして、ログインしたら、新規送付タブをクリックします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You will then fill out the sender and recipient information.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから送り主と送付先の詳細を記入します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Make sure to save the information in the address book so you can pull it out quicker next time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次回もすぐに使えるように、詳細はアドレスブックに忘れずに保存してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I don't have to enter everything manually every time right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうすれば、毎回入力しなくてもいいんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's right!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういうこと!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "After that's done, all you have to do is click send shipment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それが済んだら、送付ボタンを押すだけ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then print out the waybill which will be placed on the envelope.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうすると送り状が印刷されてくるから、封筒に貼ればいいのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where is the envelope?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "封筒はどこにありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's in the drawers near the administration department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "総務部近くの引き出しに入ってます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Want me to show you where it is?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "連れて行ってあげましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh it's okay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ、大丈夫です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll figure it out on my own.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自分で探しますんで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you so much for your help!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご丁寧にありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わからないことがあったら聞いて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Ben.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ねえ、ベン。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Sam, what's up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おう、サムか、どうした?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have a question.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お聞きたいことがあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What do you do if you can't get a hold of someone?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ある人がつかまらないときって、どうします?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You've tried email and phone I presume?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Eメールも電話もしたんだよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've been trying to get a hold of the manager at Company A for two weeks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社の課長さんと連絡とろうとして、もう2週間になるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've sent an email every week and called twice already.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "毎週Eメールを送って、電話はもう2度しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's a fair number of times.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはもう十分だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I don't think I'm being annoying.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、うるさがられてはいないと思いますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "At least not yet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "というか、まだ、そう思われてはいないかと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well it's only been two weeks so don't worry too much.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、まだ2週間だから、そう心配するなよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Unless its an emergency.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "急ぎでなければ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah it's not super urgent.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、超急ぎっていうわけではないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I am hoping to get an answer by the end of this month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、今月末までには返事をもらいたいんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, just send them an email once a week and see how it goes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、週一回メールを送って、様子をみたら?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If they still don't get back to you then maybe they aren't worth your time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、返事が来ないようなら、連絡する価値ないってことだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I mean it's basic manner to reply emails or return calls right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "というのは、Eメールや電話を返すのは基本的なマナーだからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can't expect a good business relationship if they don't have proper business etiquette.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちゃんとしたビジネスエチケットがないような会社なら、良いビジネス関係は築けないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah that's true.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、そうですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アドバイスをありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll give them until the end of the month for them to reply me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今月末まで返事を待つことにします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, don't stress yourself out too much.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだね、あまり気を揉むなよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Just see how it goes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "成り行きに任せるってことで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you all for attending today's company seminar.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日は、企業セミナーにお越しくださいましてありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As mentioned in the email sent out, today's topic will be compliance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "メールでお知らせしたように、今日のトピックはコンプライアンスです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So what does compliance mean to you guys?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、皆さんにとって、コンプライアンスとはどんな意味がありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not doing something illegal?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "違法なことはしないとか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Doing things according to the rules?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ルールに従う?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのとおりです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It sounds very obvious but it is quite easy to do something that is not in compliance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一目瞭然のように思えますが、コンプライアンスに沿っていないことをいとも簡単にやってしまうのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For example, something as simple as receiving a gift from another company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "例えば、他社から贈答品を受け取るという単純なこともそうなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That seems okay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは大丈夫でしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It depends on the situation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "場合にもよります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Say for example you are dealing with a supplier for a big contract.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "例えば、あなたが大きな契約のサプライヤー担当だったとします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And they offer you a lavish gift.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サプライヤーが豪華な贈り物をしてきた場合などです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like an expensive watch?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "高価な腕時計とかですね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, like an expensive watch.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、高級腕時計などです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I should watch out because I love watches.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "腕時計が大好きなんで、気をつけなきゃ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes you should.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Receiving lavish gifts can be seen as bribes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "豪華な贈答品を受け取ることは賄賂とみなされることもあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like to influence your decision in doing more business with a company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ある企業ともっと取引するといったあなたの判断に影響を与えるようなものです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How do we know if a gift is too lavish or not?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "贈答品が高価すぎるか、そうでないかの判断基準は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Things like company branded goods are fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会社ブランドの品などは大丈夫です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you are unsure, please consult with the HR department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし迷われたら、人事部に相談してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They can assess the situation and provide appropriate guidance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "状況を調査して、適切な指導をしてくれますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アドバイスをありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So on to other compliance related cases.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、他のコンプライアンス関連のケースに移りましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Ben, has your laptop prompted you to make this update?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ねえ、ベン、そっちのラップトップでこの更新指示出てきました?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, I haven't seen this one before.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、見たことないな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It looks a bit different from the usual one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつものとなんか違うような気がするし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah that's what I thought.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんです、僕もそう思いました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wasn't sure if I should do this update or not.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "更新していいのかわからなくって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was hoping you've seen it before.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "見たことあるかなと思って聞いてみました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe it'd be best if you call the IT department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ITチームに聞いた方がいいと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They should know what to do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうしたらいいか教えくれるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll give them a call now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今、電話してみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi this is Sam from the sales department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、営業のサムですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, this is Janice, how may I help you today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、ジャニスです、どうしました?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My laptop is telling me I need to make an update.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ラップトップに更新が必要って指示が出てきたのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I wasn't sure if I should update or not because I've never seen this one before.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "見たことがないようなものなので、更新していいものか迷ってまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My colleague hasn't seen this before so I thought it would be best to contact you guys.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "同じ課の人も見たことがないと言うので、そちらに問い合わせた方がいいと思いまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe it would be quicker if I remotely connect to your laptop and take a look.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そちらのラップトップをこちらから遠隔操作して、見てみた方が早いかと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I get you to start the Remote Access program?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "リモートアクセスプログラムを始めてもらっていいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There should be a shortcut on the desktop.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "デスクトップにショートカットキーがあるはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you see it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありました?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I found it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あっ、ありました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Great, so just start that up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良かった、では、それをちょっと起動してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Once it's open, there should be an access code.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "始まったら、アクセスコードが出てくるはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you tell me what the code is?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのコードを教えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, it's XYAH IK28H.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、XYAH IK28Hです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I should be able to access your laptop now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これで、そちらのラップトップにアクセスできるはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So the update I'm seeing on your computer isn't a typical update.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えーと、今出ている更新指示はいつものとは違うようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But it is a mandatory one so I'll go ahead and start it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですが、必須なので更新を始めたいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どれくらいかかりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think this one will take around thirty minutes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これですと30分くらいだと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You won't be able to do much while it is updating so, maybe come back in thirty minutes?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "更新中はラップトップがあまり使えませんので、30分後に戻ってきてはいかがですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll come back in thirty minutes then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、30分後に戻ってきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll give you a call when it's done.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "終わったら電話しますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So Sam, I am meeting with Company A next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あのね、サムさん、来週A社と会うことになっているんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know it's last minute but can you prepare a business proposal for me?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ぎりぎりで悪いんですが、僕のために事業提案書を用意してくれませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A business proposal?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "事業提案書?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何についてですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's about potentially acquiring Company A and how we can add value to their operation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社の買収可能性と、うちが彼らの運営にいかに価値を付加することが出来るかについてです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm not familiar with this business.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この事業には詳しくないんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When did the discussion happen?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつ話し合いがされたんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh did I not include you in the emails?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、メールを送ってなかったですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ないと思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oops I must have forgotten.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あらら、すっかり忘れてたようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll send you the email later then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、後でメール送ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I actually drew what I want on the proposal on this piece of paper.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は、提案書に入れたいことをこの紙に記入しておいたんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's going to be composed of three parts.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "三つの部分から成り立ちます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The first part will be the company presentation, followed by information on the market.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "始めの部分は会社についてのプレゼンで、そこから市場についての情報に移ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where's the third part?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "3番目の部分は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's what I wanted to discuss with you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこをあなたに相談したかったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What do you think should it be?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうするのがいいと思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Umm I'll have to read the email to know what's going on.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、何が起こっているのか知るためにメールを読む必要がありますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I read the email and come back to you on this?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "メールを読んでからまたお話していいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah of course.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll let you know once I have read the email and get up to date on this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "メールを読んで事情が分かったらすぐ連絡します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll keep thinking of what to put on the proposal.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "提案書に入れたいことを引き続き考えておきますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So today's session will be on dealing with tough customers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、今日の集まりは難しいお客さんとの接し方についてです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for hosting the session.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "集まりを開いて下さって助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, this should be helpful for us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、これは私たちの役に立ちそうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think the most important thing in dealing with customers is to be on their side.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "接客において一番大切なのは相手の側につくということだと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Or at least pretend to be on their side.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "または、せめて相手の側についている振りをするということです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What would you say?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何て言えばいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would go with something like, I completely understand.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私だったら「よく分かります」などと言いますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It doesn't sound strong yet it shows you are understanding.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それほど強い表現ではないですが、あなたが理解していることを示せます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's important to listen to what they have to say.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "相手が言いたいことをじっくり聞くのが重要です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What if they start yelling at you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし相手が怒鳴り始めたらどうしたらいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Be sure to stay calm.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "落ち着きを保ってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And don't yell back.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして、怒鳴り返さないこと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's the worst thing you can do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一番やってはいけないことです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah that's like adding oil to a fire.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、それって火に油を注ぐようなことですからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If they do start yelling, you have to defuse the situation quickly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし相手が怒鳴り始めたら、早くその事態を収束させてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would offer them alternatives and various options to solve the issue.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "問題解決のために、選択肢や異なるオプションを提示してもよいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What if you don't have any?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何もなかったらどうしますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, you shouldn't talk to them if you don't have anything to propose.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えーっと、提案することが何もないときは相手と話すべきではないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You should be prepared.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "準備して臨んでください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What if they suddenly call you though?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、突然電話がかかってきた場合はどうしたらいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In that case, just say you will have to double check with your manager or say that you are working on a solution.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その場合は、自分の上司と相談する必要がある、または今解決策を探している、と伝えましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The key is to show that you are doing something for them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "相手のために何かやっているというのを示すことが大切です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Great advice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいアドバイスですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We all eventually experience this so you should be mentally prepared.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "誰もがいずれ経験することなので、精神的に覚悟しておくべきだと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you Ben!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ベンさん、ありがとうございました!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you guys have any questions?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か質問はないですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Think I'm okay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕はないですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私もです!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's get back to work now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、仕事に戻りましょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Ben, can you check this email for me?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ベンさん、僕の代わりにこのメール見てくれる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, who is it for?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいよ、誰宛てなの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's for Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社宛て。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm trying to find out if the offer price they sent me is negotiable or not.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らの提示価格は交渉ができるものかどうか聞いてみたいんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I don't want to come on too strong.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、押しが強すぎると思われたくないんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright let's see.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かった、見てみよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about being a bit more indirect.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう少し間接的なほうがいいんじゃない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like start by buttering them up and saying things like thank you for your continued support.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "例えば、「いつもサポート下さってありがとうございます」と言う感じで、初めに相手を持ち上げるのはどうだろう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then show your enthusiasm but use words like unfortunately, or upon various internal discussions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、君が興味津々なのを感じさせつつ、「残念ながら」とか「社内で何度か話し合ったところ」という言葉を使うんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I should show them that I tried to accept their price by discussing it internally?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、社内で話し合うという形で提示価格を受け入れようと努力したように見せるってこと?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Even if I didn't actually discuss it internally?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実際は社内で話し合ってなくても?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Don't worry, they won't find out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "心配するな、相手には分からないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will write this again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう一回これ書いてみるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you check it again for me later?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また後で見てくれる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがと、助かった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll just send you the email.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あとでメールするね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So thank you everyone for joining today's phone conference.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて皆さん、今日の電話会議へのご参加ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I have Mr. Jay Trevino from Company A calling from New York and Mr. Nobu Saito calling from our Tokyo office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちら、ニューヨークA社のジェイ トレヴィーノさんと、東京オフィスの斎藤 信さんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you Mr. Trevino for staying up late to accommodate this call.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "トレヴィーノさん、この電話のために遅くまでお付き合いありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much Mr. Trevino.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "トレヴィーノさん、どうもありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What time is it over there in New York?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いまニューヨークは何時ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is currently 8 o'clock in the evening.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "夜の8時です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Don't worry, I already ate dinner.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "心配なさらずに、もう夕飯はとりましたから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What time is it in Tokyo now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "東京は今何時なんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's around 9 o'clock in the morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "朝の9時頃です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, the day is just getting started then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、まだ一日が始まったところですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So one of the topics we wanted to cover was the type of services we can offer your company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、今日話したかったことの一つは、我々が弊社にどのような種類のサービスを提供できるかということです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I understand you have a large fleet of rail cars throughout the United States.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全米にわたって多数の鉄道車両を保有されていると理解していますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So our company acquired a rail car maintenance company three years ago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、3年前に鉄道車両整備会社を買収しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And since then, we acquired two more railcar maintenance companies.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして、その後にさらに2社の鉄道車両整備会社を買いました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, so now we can provide our service on a national basis.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうです、そのおかげで今では全国的に我々のサービスを提供することが可能になりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have facilities in various states to provide the services.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "様々な州にサービス提供施設があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We currently have our rail cars serviced by another company right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "現在、弊社は鉄道車両整備を外注しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But if there is economic sense in switching to you guys, then it'll certainly be worth taking a look.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかし、弊社にしたほうが経済的に道理にかなうなら、検討してみる価値はありますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, we can provide a proposal for our service with the rates and details of the service.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、サービスの料金と詳細の入った提案書を作らせていただきますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have a Japanese version in hand but I will have Sam translate it into English.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日本語版を持っているので、サムに英語に訳させます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I can translate it and send it over to you Mr. Trevino.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、それを訳してトレヴィーノさんに送りますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I could see a potential in partnering up as our current service provider has a limited geographic footprint.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今使っている整備会社は地理的な展開が限られているので、パートナー関係の可能性が見えてきましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It would be great if your proposal can list where your facilities are located.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "提案書に施設の所在地リストが含まれているといいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I will include that as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、入れておきますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Great, thank you both for the call today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お二人ともありがとうございました、今日は電話でお話できてよかったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much for today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will be in touch with you next week in regards to the proposal Mr. Trevino.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "トレヴィーノさん、来週中に提案書に関して連絡しますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have a good evening.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So thank you very much for having me today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あの、今日はお呼び下さってありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much for coming.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お越しいただいてありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I wanted to take this opportunity to explain the various types of rail cars used in various industries.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、この機会に色々な業界で使われている様々なタイプの鉄道車両についてお話したいんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As a rail car lease company, I'd like to explain the different types before going into further discussions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "鉄道車両リース会社として、議論を進める前に異なるタイプについて説明したいんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So let's get started then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So there are various rail cars used to move various products.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まず、異なる製品を運ぶのに異なる鉄道車両が使われています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know of any of them?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その中でご存知のものはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've seen the ones that carry coal.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "石炭を運ぶものを見たことがあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Those were open at the top.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "上が空いてるんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Those are called open-top hopper cars.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは無蓋ホッパ車です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where does the hopper come from?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ホッパとはどういう意味でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The hopper is referring to the unloading method at the bottom of the rail car.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ホッパとは、鉄道車両の下部から貨物を下す方法のことです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The bottom can open up and unload the product in the rail car.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "下部が開いて、鉄道車両に積まれた製品を下すことが出来るんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So anything that says hopper, all have this?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ「ホッパ」と書いてあるものには全てこれが付いているんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういうことです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are there closed-top hopper cars?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "有蓋のホッパ車もあるのでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes there are.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、ありますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Typically, products that shouldn't be exposed to the rain will use closed-top hopper cars.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一般的に、雨に濡れるとよくない製品には有蓋ホッパ車が使われます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For example grain.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "例えば穀物です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are also different sizes of rail cars.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "鉄道車両には様々なサイズもあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The size will determine how much of the product it can carry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サイズによって運ぶことのできる製品の量が決まります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm assuming there is a weight restriction?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "重量制限がありますよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So if you have a lighter product but a low density, you will need a larger car.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、軽くて低密度の製品には大きな車両が必要となるんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As opposed to having a heavier product but with a higher density.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "重くて高密度の製品と違って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right, because even if you put heavy products in a larger car, you will hit the limit before you physically max the car out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうです、重い製品を大きな車両に積むと、車両の最大容量を超える前に重量制限を超えてしまいますからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, let's talk about rail cars used to transport liquids.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、液体輸送に使われる車両についてお話しましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Making coffee again?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "またコーヒー作ってるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, no one ever makes a new batch when it's empty.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、空になってても誰も新しいのを作らないから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just don't understand.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "訳分かんないよなぁ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I mean, I have a meeting in three minutes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "て言うか、3分後に会議なんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You should have checked earlier then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早めにチェックすればよかったのに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "したよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I made a fresh batch ten minutes ago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "10分前に新しいコーヒー落としたのに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And it's already empty?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、もう空になってたの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, someone just chugged it or something.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、誰かが飲み干したか何かだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wonder who drank it all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "誰が全部飲んだんだろう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I could care less who drank it all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "誰が飲んだかどうかは別にいいんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm just irritated that people don't make a new batch when they know it's empty.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "空だって分かってるのに新しく落とさないっていうのにイラつくんだよな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "People can't be that busy right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆そんなに忙しいわけじゃないよな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's probably Ricky.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "リッキーじゃないのか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He's always coming in for coffee.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼、いつもコーヒー取りに来てるからな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do we still have coffee?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだコーヒー残ってる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No we're out now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや、もうないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm making a fresh batch right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今、新しいのを落としてる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll come back.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "後で戻ってくる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm so sleepy right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今、眠くて仕方ないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I already drank four cups of coffee.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう4杯もコーヒー飲んだのに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, there we go.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、やっぱりね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you been following the trade war recently?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最近の貿易戦争関係ニュースについていってる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The one between the U.S. and China?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アメリカ中国間のやつ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah that one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know there's been a few rounds of tariffs this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年、関税交渉がいくつかあったのは知ってる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was like ten percent for certain goods in the beginning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最初は、特定の商品に対して10パーセントとかだったよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think all export from China is subject to a ten percent tariff now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今は中国からの輸出品はすべて10パーセントになっていると思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, I think there were some that were excluded.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実を言うと、対象除外になっている製品もあるみたいだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "LIke what?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like baby chairs.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ベビーチェアとか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, that's not very significant.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、そんなに大したことないね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Apparently, if they don't come to a deal by the end of the year, the U.S. will increase the tariff rate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし年末までに合意できなければ、アメリカが関税率を上げるみたいだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How high is that going to be?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どのくらい上がるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's going to be raised from ten percent to twenty five percent.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "10パーセントから25パーセントだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's a big jump.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはかなり増えるね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm sure a lot of businesses will be affected by that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "たくさんの企業が影響を受けるのは確かだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But, that also means that it's a business opportunity.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、それってビジネスチャンスでもあるよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can try to find products that were being exported from China to the U.S. from other countries?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "中国から輸出されている商品を見つけて、他の国からアメリカに輸出することができるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "These events can really affect the way we do business.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これらの出来事は、僕たちのビジネスのやり方に大きく影響するね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Especially as we are involved in the import and export business.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とりわけ、僕らは輸出入業務に携わってるから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So what products do you think we should target?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、どんな商品を狙ったらいいと思う?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, let's have a meeting with the general manager right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、すぐにゼネラルマネージャーと打ち合わせしようか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you book a meeting room?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会議室予約してもらえる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi this is Larry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、ラリーですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh hi Larry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、もしもし、ラリーさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm so sorry for not replying you in regards to the offer price.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "提示価格についてお返事しないままで申し訳ありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've been on a business trip since earlier this month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今月初旬から出張に出ていたもので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh no worries.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ、ご心配なさらずに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was also not in the office last week as I wasn't feeling well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先週も気分がすぐれず休んでいました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh what happened?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おお、どうしましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think I just came down with the flu.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "インフルエンザにかかったんだと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you feeling better now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう体調は大丈夫ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes I am.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So in regards to the offer price, I'm actually waiting for the shipping line to get me a quote for the ocean freight.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、提示価格についてですが、実は船舶会社からの海上運賃見積を待っているところなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、そうですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know when they will get back to you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつ返事がもらえるか分かりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They told me it will be next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週返事をくれると言っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Again, apologize for the delay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "再度、遅れていてすみません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As long as I know that the offer is still being put together.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだオファーのほうに取り組んでいただいてることさえ分かれば。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was afraid you forgot about it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "忘れていらっしゃるのかなと心配でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry for making you worry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "心配おかけしてすみません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, once I get that information, I can put together an offer for you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、その情報が入り次第、オファーをまとめることができますので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Will you be able to incorporate it into a draft sales agreement?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それを売買契約書案に組み込んでいただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes I can.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、出来ます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Great, I'll look forward to hearing from you then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よかったです、ではお返事お待ちしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will get back to you as soon as possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なるべく早くご連絡します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much for your patience.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お待たせしていてすみません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I wanted to review what questions we want to ask when we meet with Company A next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、来週のA社との打ち合わせで聞きたい質問を見直したいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Company A is a startup company that is developing a platform that connects the logistics industry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社は、ロジスティクス業界をつなげるプラットフォームを開発しているスタートアップ企業です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well we need to review if their background is relevant.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっと、彼らのバックグラウンドの適切性を検討する必要があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are a lot of startups that has a good idea but don't have the industry knowledge to back it up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アイデアは優れていても、それを支える業界知識に欠けたスタートアップが多数ありますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think we are good on that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The president of Company A is also the president of Company B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社の社長は、B社の社長でもあるんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Company B is a freight forwarder so they are well connected with various groups.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "B社は運送業者で、様々な団体とよく繋がっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Freight forwarders work closely with shipping lines, terminals and trucking companies.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "運送業者は船会社やターミナル、トラック会社と密に関係していますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So they have the connections needed to bring the companies on board their platform.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だから、彼らのプラットフォームに興味のある企業を呼び寄せるのに必要なコネクションはあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは安心です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's their funding status?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "資金調達状況はどうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The type of people who fund them is also important.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どんな人たちが資金投資をしているかという点は重要です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You should find people that can help grow your business and not just throw money at you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "単にお金だけを与えるのではなく事業の成長を助ける人たちを見つけるべきですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They are currently self-funded but have been talking to two venture capitals who are interested in investing in them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "現在、彼らは自己資金運営で、投資に興味をもっているベンチャーキャピタル2社と話を進めてます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The two venture capitals makes investments in the logistic industry so I think they would complement Company A nicely.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このベンチャーキャピタル二社はロジスティクス業界に投資をしているので、A社にとってはよい補足支援となるでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So they are looking for an investment from us?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、彼らは私たちからの投資を狙っているのでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, but they would like to use our connections and name value to promote their company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、でも、会社の宣伝のために私たちの持つコネクションと知名度を利用したいようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will make it easier for them to conduct sales and marketing if companies know that we are involved.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちが関係していることが企業にわかれば、彼らの販売やマーケティング活動が簡単になるんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How much are they looking for from us?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちからいくら欲しいんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When I spoke with them last time, they mentioned that it will be under one million dollars.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最後に彼らと話した時には、100万ドル以下だと言っていました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, that's not a big amount.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほお、そんなに大金ではないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Apparently they don't want to receive more money than they need.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "必要以上の資金は受け取りたくないみたいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They had an investment offer from a venture capital from Silicon Valley that wanted to invest ten million dollars.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "シリコンバレーのベンチャーキャピタルからの1000万ドルの投資オファーを受けたことがあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But Company A turned them down.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもA社はそれを断りました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I guess there is more to life than money when it comes to helping startups grow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スタートアップの成長を支援するには、お金よりも大切なものがあるみたいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうみたいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Sam, when was the meeting with Company A again?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なあサムさん、A社との会議いつだったっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The meeting with Company A is on January tenth.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社との会議は1月10日だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I thought it was on the ninth.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "9日だと思ってた。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When does the meeting start?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会議が始まるのはいつだっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's from ten in the morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "朝の10時からだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hmm, do you think you can ask Company A if we can start earlier?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、A社にもう少し早く始められるか聞いてもらえる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What time were you thinking of?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何時がいいんだ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was thinking 9 o'clock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "9時にと思ってるんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure I can ask Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいよ、A社に聞いてみる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I actually have to pick someone up at the airport at noon so I need to be out of the office at 11 o'clock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は正午に空港に人を迎えに行かなきゃいけなくて、11時にはオフィスを出ないとだめなんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll let Company A know that we need to wrap things up before 11 o'clock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社に、11時までに終わらせる必要があるって伝えるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "頼む。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think Company A wanted to have lunch after the meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社は会議の後で一緒にランチをしたがってたと思うけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I won't be able to make it so you will have to go yourself.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "知ってる、僕は行けないから君だけで行ってもらわないと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They paid for lunch last time so I think I'll pay this time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "前に彼らがランチの支払いをしてくれたから、今回は僕が払ったほうがいいと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll send an entertainment request email later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "接待費申請のメールを後で送っておくよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What will the agenda be?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会議の内容は何?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It'll be to review their company's revenue model.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "向こうの会社の収益モデルを見直すことになっている。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They just started recently so we want to see if they have a viable business.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最近始めたばかりだから、生存性のある事業かどうか見たいんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Right, I remember now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かった、そうだったよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm meeting with Company A tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日、A社と会うことになってるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you think you will be able to join?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君も参加できると思う?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I actually have a doctor's appointment tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実を言うと、明日は医者の予約が入ってるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well it's just an annual health checkup so I can just reschedule it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "単なる年次健診だから、予定変更はできるけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, it's not a big deal.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、別に大したことじゃないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The meeting is actually not that important.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会議は実はそんなに大切でもないんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What is it about?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何についてなの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's just a wrap up meeting with the general manager in regards to last week's internal meeting with the Tokyo office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先週の東京オフィスとの社内会議に関してのゼネラルマネージャーとの最終確認会議というだけだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、そうなのか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, the general manager asked me to have you attend.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、ゼネラルマネージャーが君にも出て欲しいと言ってたんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He probably wants you to write the meeting minutes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "多分、会議の議事録を君にとって欲しいんじゃないかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah I think you guys will be fine without me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうか、僕がいなくても君たちだけで大丈夫だと思うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, don't worry about it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだね、大丈夫だ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The meeting probably won't even last long.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会議はおそらくそんなに長くないと思うし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah I'll just go to my doctor's appointment if that's okay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだね、いいなら予約どおり医者に行くよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah totally.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全く大丈夫だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi this is Sam from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、A社のサムと申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How are you doing today Mr. King.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "キングさん、お元気でいらっしゃいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm doing pretty good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、まあまあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How's business?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お仕事のほうはいかがですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's been a bit busy in the last couple weeks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この2、3週間、ちょっとバタバタしていました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But it's finally slowed down.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、やっと落ち着いたところです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So what can I help you with?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、ご用件は何でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I actually wanted to ask you if you can introduce me to a company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は私をある会社にご紹介いただきたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほお。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Which one?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どちらでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's Company B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "B社になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "へえ、B社ですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you think you can introduce me to them?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らにご紹介いただけますでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I actually know the owner.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、実際オーナーと知り合いですからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We play golf together every now and then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "時々一緒にゴルフをするんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, I'm playing golf with him this weekend.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実を言うと、この週末も彼とゴルフの予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about I talk to him and I'll introduce you guys through email.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私から彼に話して、メールを介して互いを引き合わせるというのはどうでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご連絡お待ちしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll talk to you soon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "またお話しましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sam, can you come over for a second?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サムさん、ちょっと来てもらえますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm trying to find out the trade data for this product and what the tariff rate is.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この商品に関する貿易データと関税率を探しているところなんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you think you can give me a hand?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "手伝ってもらえますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah I can do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、出来ますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For the trade data, can you tell me which country you're looking for?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "貿易データですが、どの国について検索しているか教えていただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm looking for the export data from the US to the top ten export destination.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "米国から輸出先上位10か国への輸出データを探しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, that shouldn't be too hard.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました、そんなに難しくないと思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can pull that data from the government database.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "政府データベースからデータを見つけられます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just need to reformat the data in Excel and make it into a pivot table.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "データをExcel用に再フォーマットし、ピボットテーブルにしないといけないだけです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How far back should I go?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どれくらい前まで遡りますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Past five years?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "過去5年間ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ten years would be great.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "10年間分がいいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But let me know if you can't find it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、見つけられないなら言ってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Worst case scenario, five years should suffice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最悪でも5年間あれば十分なはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As for the tariff rate, I think it was tariff-free.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "関税率については、無税だったと思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll double check the tariff schedule online.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オンラインの関税表で再確認します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can find out pretty quickly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すぐに見つけられますから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you need this by today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日中にいりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can hold off on your other tasks and focus on this one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他の業務は後回しにして、これに集中してもらえばいいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll get started right away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今すぐ始めますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Sam, have you heard of Company A?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっとサムさん、A社って聞いたことありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sounds familiar.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "聞いたことがあるような。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Apparently they are building a new production facility nearby.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうやら、新しい生産施設を近所に建設中らしいのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Who is the president?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社長は誰でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "知りませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was kind of hoping you would know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたが知っていたらいいな、と思ったんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe Ben knows something.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ベンさんが知っているかもしれませんよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey, Ben.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あのー、ベンさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you heard of Company A?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社って聞いたことないですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah I know them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、知ってますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Some of the guys who used to work at Company B decided to start their own company which is Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "以前B社に勤めていた社員が何名か起業して始めたのがA社です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、そうなんですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know who the president is?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "誰が社長か知っていますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実を言うと知らないんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can try asking one of the guys there though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、あちらの社員の一人に聞いてみることが出来ますけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll make some calls later today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日、後で電話しておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know why those guys left Company B?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らがB社を離れた理由は分かりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm not too sure.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よく分からないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I supposed they wanted to do something on their own?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自分たちで何かをやりたかったんじゃないでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Everyone wants to be their own boss right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "誰もが人に指図されずにやってみたいと思うもんですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anyways, let me know when you find out who the president is.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何にしても、誰か社長か分かったら教えてくれますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So Ben, how has Sam been doing?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あのベンさん、サム君の仕事ぶりはどうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He's learning quick I think.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "飲み込みが早いと思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはいいことです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How long has he been with us?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちに入ってどのくらいになりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe around a year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一年くらいじゃないでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Already?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もうそんなに?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's quick.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早いなぁ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah time flies.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、時間の経つのは早いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He's been pretty open to learning new things.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼は新しいことを学ぶのにかなり前向きですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When he doesn't know something, he's not scared to ask.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か分からないことあったら、恐れずに聞いてきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He's gotten over the I don't know what I don't know phase.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "「何を分からないか分からない」という時期はもう過ぎたようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, everyone goes through that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、皆その時期を通るね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I basically told him there are no stupid questions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんです、基本的にくだらない質問というのはないと聞かせていたのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "At least in the first year on the job.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "少なくとも新しい仕事について最初の年はそんなもんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Does he get along with the customers?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "顧客とはうまくやっていますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、そうみたいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He's not exactly the talkative type.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "特に話し好きというタイプではないですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "More of a listener.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どちらかと言うと聞き手に回るほうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But it seems he can keep up a conversation easily.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、会話を続けるのは簡単にできているようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He plays golf so that's a never ending topic with the customers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼はゴルフをするので、顧客との会話を弾ませるにはいいトピックなんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can talk about golf all day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私はゴルフに関してだと一日中話をしていられますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think the plan for this year is to have him be more involved in meetings and negotiations.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼には今年はもっと会議や交渉に参加して欲しいと考えています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's not something you can teach though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは教えられることではないんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You just kind of have to get a feel for it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "感覚をつかむしかないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me know if there's anything I can help with.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か手伝えることがあれば言ってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Jack, have you ever been headhunted before?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なあ、ジャック、これまでにヘッドハンティングされたことある?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually I have.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実はあるんだよな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was suddenly contacted by a human resource director from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社の人事部長から急に直接連絡がきたんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Company A?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've never heard of them before.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Me neither.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕もない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I looked up their company and turns out they are a startup.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでどんな会社か検索してみたら、スタートアップみたいなんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, figures.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、そういうことか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What do they do?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何やってるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They are a software company that can process images from drones.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ドローン画像処理をするソフトウェア会社だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They say they are focused on the forest industry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "森林業界に焦点を当てているらしい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Process images from drones?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ドローンの画像処理?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So you can find out which trees are which in a forest?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、森の中のどの木がどれか割り出せるようにかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そんな感じ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's pretty interesting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なかなかおもしろそうだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know that typically, foresters would have to go in the forest to identify what trees are where.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "普通は、林業者たちが森に入っていってどの木がどこにあるかを割り出さないといけないよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, it will definitely make their lives easier.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんだよ、これで彼らはずいぶん楽ができる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You'll be able to plan your log harvest a lot easier if you know which species you're harvesting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "収穫時にもどの種類か分かれば、材木収穫をもっと簡単に計画できるようになる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's the position they are offering?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らはどういう職務を求人しているんだ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's for a sales manager position.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "営業部長のポジション。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I'm not sure if I want to do it because I don't really have a background in software.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、ソフトウェアの経験があんまりないから、やってみたいかどうか分からないんだよな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But you do have industry experience.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、業界経験はあるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's probably why they contacted you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "多分、それで連絡してきたと思うんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How's the pay?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "給料は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's a lot better than what I'm making now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今稼いでるよりずっといい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well that's good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "へえ、いいじゃない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The scary thing about startups though, is that you don't know if they will stick around.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、スタートアップが怖いのは、いつまで生き延びるか分からないことなんだよな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, the job security is a concern.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほんとだ、仕事の安定という点では懸念するね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Or they might get bought out by a large company and everyone gets a big fat cheque.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "または、大きな会社に売却されて、皆にがっつり入ってくるか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It could happen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それもあり得る。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, you have to weigh out the pros and cons.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだよ、メリット、デメリットを比べる必要があるね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's going to be a tough call.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これは難しい選択になりそうだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, make sure to think it through.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほんとだな、しっかり考えたほうがいいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thanks for listening.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "話聞いてくれてありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Any time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつでもどうぞ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you do go, you can hire me!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし行くんなら、僕も雇ってくれよな!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "考えとくよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Sam, do you have a moment?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あのーサムさん、時間ありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's talk in the meeting room.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会議室で話しましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me just grab a cup of coffee first.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先にコーヒーとってきていいですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll get one as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私も一杯。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, I was talking to the general manager the other day regarding you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっと、先日ゼネラルマネージャーとあなたについて話していたんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He told me maybe it would be a good time to send you to Tokyo for training.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼が言うには、あなたを東京に研修に出すのに良い時期ではないかと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When would this be?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつ頃でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We're thinking of sometime this winter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この冬のいつか、と考えています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like in December?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "例えば12月とか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe early December or late November.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おそらく、12月初旬か11月後半になりますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、わかりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Because I was planning to go on vacation in mid December.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "12月中旬に休暇をとる予定にしてたもので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "To Tokyo?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "東京で?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah don't worry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ま、心配しないでください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We'll make sure it won't overlap.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "重ならないようにしますから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How long would the training be?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "トレーニングはどのくらいの期間ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It usually takes a week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "通常一週間です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will cover standard business procedures and group work on operating a business.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "事業運営に関しての標準的なビジネス上の手続きとグループワークをカバーしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When I went, we did case studies on running a business.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私が行ったときには、事業運営についてのケーススタディを行いました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We had to decide whether to invest in additional infrastructure or exit the business.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "インフラにさらなる投資を行うか、また事業から撤退するかどうかを決めなければいけませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's pretty fun.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なかなか楽しかったですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You get to meet other staffs from other branches too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほかの支社のスタッフに会う機会もあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sounds interesting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "面白そうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, if you're interested, I'll tell the manager to sort out the paperworks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、やってみたいなら、マネージャーに必要な手続きをとってもらうように言っておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, that will be great.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "喜んで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Sam, this is Ben.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、サムさん、ベンだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、ベン。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Whereabouts are you right now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今どこにいるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am just driving back to the office right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今オフィスに車で向かっているところだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When do you think you will be able to get back?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつ頃戻って来れる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think maybe thirty minutes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "30分くらいだと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will depend on the traffic.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "交通状況によるけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why'd you ask?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm having a phone conference with the Tokyo office and need you to join as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "東京オフィスと電話会議をするんだけど、参加して欲しいんだよな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When does it start?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつ始まるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In thirty minutes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "30分後だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's the meeting about?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会議の内容は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's about a new business idea.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新事業のアイデアについて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Apparently they want us to be involved.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうやら、向こうは私たちに係わって欲しいみたいで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I will do my best to get back as soon as possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、何とか早く戻れるようにしてみるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's okay if you're a bit late.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "少しくらい遅れても構わないから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll let them know you're running late so take your time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あちらには遅れる旨を伝えておくから、急ぐことないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "See you in a bit then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Drive safe.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "運転気を付けて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Sam, are you free right now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なあサムさん、今時間ある?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Depends.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "事情によりけりかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh don't be like that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えー、そんな風に言うなよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright what is it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かった、何だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You heard about Company A selling a part of their asset to Company B right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社が自社資産の一部をB社に売却しようとしている話聞いたよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, it was on the news couple days ago right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、2、3日前にニュースで見たな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wanted to ask you to help me better understand the deal.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その取引についてもう少しよく理解できるように教えてほしいんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It says Company A sold seven percent of this asset to Company B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社は自社資産の7パーセントをB社に売ったって書いてある。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But it seems like it's not a simple deal.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、そんなにシンプルな取引とは思えないんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, let me have a look.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よし、見てみるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So it says here that they formed a limited partnership.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、彼らはリミテッドパートナーシップ関係を結んだとなっている。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And the asset was transferred to this limited partnership.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、資産はこのリミテッドパートナーシップに移された、と。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah so, it's not the case that Company B owns any shares of Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、だからB社がA社の株を所有するというようなケースじゃなさそうだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's simply owning seven percent of the limited partnership that holds the asset.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "単に、資産を所有するリミテッドパートナーシップの7パーセントを所有するというだけだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wonder why they made a limited partnership though?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "けど、何でリミテッドパートナーシップ関係を結んだんだろう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe they wanted to completely separate Company B from having direct influence to Company A?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "多分だけど、B社がA社に直接的な影響力を持つことを避けたかったんじゃないか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Who knows.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かんないけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I guess I can ask around if anyone's heard anything about this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これについて何か聞いたか、周りに聞いてみようと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm sure there's a reason behind this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この背景には絶対何かあるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe so.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "多分そうだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Sam, can you come here for a second?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ねえサムさん、ちょっとこっちに来てもらえる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいよ、何?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you help me with this here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここ、助けてもらえるかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm trying to plot two sets of data in this line chart here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここの線グラフにデータセットを二つプロットしたいんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I can't seem to get it to work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、うまく出来ないみたいなんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっと見てみよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So you want these two sets of data in the chart right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、このグラフにデータセットを二つ入れたいんだよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I want to show both on one chart so we can see the trend.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一つのグラフで両方が見られるようにして、トレンドを示したいんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also how the data influences each other.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あと、データが互いにどのように影響しているかも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If we put them on the same axis, it will look a bit confusing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一つの軸に置くと、ちょっとごちゃごちゃするよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Especially since the figures and units are different.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "特に、形と単位が違うから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, so I've been trying to figure out how to put it in to two different axis.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんだよ、だからどうやれば二つの違う軸に置くことが出来るのかなと思って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But it's just not letting me do it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうやってもうまくいかないんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you set the data separately to the X and Y axis?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "データをX軸とY軸の別々に配置してみた?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's this option here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここにあるオプションだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That was easy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "簡単にできたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anything else you need help with?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他に何か手伝ってほしいことある?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No I think I'm okay for now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや、とりあえず大丈夫みたい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "助けてくれてありがとう!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll buy you lunch next time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今度ランチおごるね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Steak?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ステーキ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe just ramen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "多分ラーメンかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have any plans next week?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週は何か予定ある?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Think I have a couple of meetings next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週は二つミーティングがあったと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうして?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm thinking of meeting Company A next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週A社に会おうと思っていて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "To talk about the spot contract?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スポット契約の話で?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was hoping you can accompany me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君が一緒に来てくれるといいなと思ったんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm not quite confident in negotiating prices yet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだ料金の交渉にちょっと自信がなくてね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me check my schedule.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スケジュール確認するよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am free on Thursday next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週木曜なら空いてるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Otherwise I'm fully booked.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それ以外は、全部予約で埋まってる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I will see if I can get a meeting with Company A next Thursday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オーケー、来週木曜にA社とミーティングができるか調べてみるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Any preference on time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "時間の希望はある?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Something like 10 o'clock would be good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "10時くらいがいいな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hope the traffic isn't too bad.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "交通渋滞がひどくないといいけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll let you know if I can confirm it for Thursday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "木曜に確定するかどうか、連絡するよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about the week after?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その次の週は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Just in case they can't accommodate us on Thursday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし木曜がだめだった場合のために。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am free that entire week so anytime is good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一週間空いてるからいつでもいいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オーケー、分かった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Will let you know as soon as possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すぐ連絡するよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Elaine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やぁ、イレイン。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm planning to take this Friday off.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "金曜休もうかと思ってるんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you think it will be okay?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大丈夫だと思う?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、そう思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か私がやることはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No I don't think so.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや、ないと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm thinking of taking my laptop home just in case.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "念のためラップトップは家に持ち帰ろうと思ってるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh you shouldn't!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あぁ、だめですよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's a day off!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "休日なんですから!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If anything comes up, I'll take care of it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし何かあれば、私がやっておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, by the way, I'm actually going to take Monday off next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あぁ、ついでに、私実は来週月曜休みなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, are you going away for the weekend?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、週末どこかに行くの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいえ、残念ながら違います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Just a day off.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただの休みです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, I am actually expecting a document from Company A on Monday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、実は月曜にA社からある書類がくるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think it will get here in the morning but I was wondering if you can send that document to our Tokyo office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "朝に来ると思うので、東京オフィスにその書類を送ってもらえるかな、と思って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's the document?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何の書類?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's an export document.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "輸出書類です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I need you to send it to Mr. Saito from our Tokyo office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "東京支店のサイトウさんに送ってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I can do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オーケー、やりますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you want me to send it with Company B, or Company C?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "送るのはB社で、それともC社で?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Company B is cheaper but Company C delivers faster right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "B社の方が安いけど、C社の方が配達速いよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This document is kind of urgent so let's go with Company C.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どちらかと言えば緊急なので、C社にしましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よかった!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Sam.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やぁ、サム。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh hi Hazel.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、やぁ、ヘーゼル。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So about this expense form you submitted, is this all?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたが提出した経費だけど、これだけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, it's just that one parking fee.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、駐車料金一つだけです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was for a business meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ミーティングの時のものです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I had to park at a meter because the free parking spaces were full.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "無料駐車スペースがいっぱいだったので、メーターを使わなければいけなかったんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah that's fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just wanted to ask if there will be other expenses in the next week or so.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ来週とかにまだ他の経費があるか聞きたかったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like gas or lunch with customers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ガソリンとかお客様とのランチとか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, not that I know of.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや、私の知る限りではないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、いいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it possible to just give this amount in cash instead of doing a direct deposit to your account?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたの口座に直接振り込みではなくて、現金を渡してもいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, that's totally fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、全然かまいませんよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm sorry the amount is so low.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "額が少なくてすいません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was even contemplating if I should even submit it because it's such a small amount.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "かなり少ないから提出するべきか悩んだんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, no.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was for a business meeting so you should claim your expense.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "仕事のミーティングですから経費を請求して当然です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, here is the cash then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、これが現金です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi this is Lyle from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、A社のライルです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi my name is Sam Lee from Company B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、B社のサム リーです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日はお元気ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm calling today as I am currently looking to buy paper product from your company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "現在貴社から紙製品を購入しようと思って、お電話しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Which model are you looking for?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どのモデルをお考えですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's the one called ABC.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ABCというものです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me transfer you to our sales agent.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "セールス担当におつなぎします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is Jack.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ジャックです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、B社のサム リーです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was just transferred to you by your front office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "フロントオフィスから転送してもらいました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How can I help you today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am currently looking to buy paper product from your company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今貴社から紙製品を購入しようと考えています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ABCというやつです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh that one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、あれですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Unfortunately, we are completely sold out of that one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "残念ながら、あれは完売なんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh is that right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, we won't have any available until next year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、来年まで在庫がありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We do have a similar product if the specification of that works with you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし仕様があなたの都合に合うようであれば、似たような製品があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can send you the specification sheet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "仕様書をお送りしますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、そうしてもらえるとありがたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "M email is lee dot sam at Company B dot com.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私のメールアドレスはリー ドット サム アット カンパニーB ドット コムです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright I will send it to you shortly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、ではすぐ送ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me know if you're interested in purchasing this product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この製品のご購入に興味があればご連絡ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will review it and let you know if the product can be used on our side.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "再検討して、その商品がこちらで使えるようであれば連絡します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Sam, are you free this afternoon?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サム、今日の午後時間ある?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I should be.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、そのはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you think you can go get the company car washed?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社用車を洗車に出せる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The president of Company A is coming tomorrow and I need it washed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社の社長が明日来るから、洗車が必要なんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have a phone conference this afternoon and will be a bit occupied.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日の午後は電話会議があってちょっと手が空かなくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, sure.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あぁ、もちろん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know where the closest one is?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一番近いのはどこですかね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There's one three blocks from here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここから3ブロック先に一つあるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can go after lunch.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ランチの後に行けます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you also add gas if the tank is low?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ガソリンが残り少なかったら、給油もしてくれる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm picking up the president first thing in the morning so I won't have time to go add gas.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社長を朝一番で迎えに行くから、ガソリン入れてる時間がないんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah sure.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The closest gas station is a bit far away though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一番近いガソリンスタンドはちょっと遠いけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's Gas Station A which is around 15 minutes away right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ガソリンスタンドA、15分くらいですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Don't forget to submit your expense form for the car wash and gas.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "洗車とガソリン代の経費請求書を出すの忘れないでね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The car wash place doesn't give you a receipt if you don't ask.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "洗車所は頼まないとレシートくれないから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So make sure you ask for one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "きちんと頼まないとだめだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thanks for the heads up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "警告ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, I got to head out for a lunch meeting now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、ランチ会合に行かないといけないから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "借りができたな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "問題ないですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi this is Lisa from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、A社のリサです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Lisa this is Sam.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、リサ、サムです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh hi Sam, how are you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、サム、元気ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm good thanks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、ありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was wondering if you can review a service agreement for me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "業務請負契約書の見直しをお願いしたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I had you review it earlier this month and I got some revision from the other party.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今月初めにレビューして頂いたのですが、他の関係者からいくつか訂正があって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you send me the revised version?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "訂正されたものを送って頂きました?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I just sent it two minutes ago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、2分前に送りました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So it seems they took out some of the redundant language.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "不必要な言葉をいくつか取り除いたみたいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes that's correct.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They are our subsidiary so I don't think there will be an issue.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らは私たちの子会社なので、問題はないと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I just wanted to make sure there isn't anything out of line.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも何も不適切なことがないのを確かめたかったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You're always welcome to ask us to review contracts.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつでも遠慮なく契約書の見直しを依頼してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll take another look at it and will let you know if I have any comments on it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう一度見てみて、何かコメントがあったらご連絡します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is this in a rush?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "急ぎですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It would be great if you can review it by the end of this week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今週末までにレビューして頂けると助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think I should be able to get it to you before then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それまでにお返事できると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much as usual.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつもありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日はお越し頂いてありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I needed to get out of the office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オフィスを出たかったんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, the weather is indeed nice today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えぇ、今日はお天気がとてもいいですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So as I sent you earlier by email, I wanted to review some of the startups that I thought matched what you were looking for.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では先ほどメールしたように、貴社が探しているものにマッチすると思った新規事業の幾つかを見直したいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know you guys are looking for startups that can bring value to your existing assets.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すでに存在する資産に価値を加えることのできる新規事業をお探しですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So the ones I wanted to go over are all local.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私が見直したかったものは全て地元ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They are all close by so it will be easy to meet them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全て近いので会うのは簡単です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これがリストです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Interesting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think I would be interested in speaking with Company A and Company B on this list.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このリストの中でA社とB社と話がしてみたいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I thought those would be a good fit as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、私もそれらの会社はぴったりだなと思いました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Their services provides value to the industries we are focused in, so I see a potential fit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らのサービスが私たちが重点を置く産業に価値を与えるので、うまくいく可能性がありますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about I introduce you to them via email.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "メールでご紹介するのはどうでしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then you guys can start the conversation yourselves.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "で、そこからあなた方ご自身で会話を始めて頂けます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anyways, have another look at the list later and let me know if there are any other companies of interest.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いずれにしろ、また後でリストを見て頂いて、他に興味のある会社があれば教えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much for your support.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サポートありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi this is John speaking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、ジョンです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi John, this is Sam from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ジョンさん、こんにちは、A社のサムです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello Sam.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、サムさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日はどのようなご用件ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I called in regards to the specification sheet I sent last week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先週送った仕様書の件で電話しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Just wanted to see if you have any additional comments on it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か追加のコメントがあれば、と思って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If there were any concerns or not.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし何か懸念があるかどうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I had a look at it yesterday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、昨日目を通しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And it seems to be good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うまくできていましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Another topic I wanted to talk about was the scheme for this business.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お話したかったもう一つの話題は、このビジネスの事業案です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know you mentioned that you guys were looking at spot contracts.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スポット契約を検討していると前におっしゃっていましたよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would you guys consider a different scheme?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "別の事業案も考慮されますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like for example, if we sign an annual contract for say, forty thousand tons per year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "例えば、もし仮に年4万トンの年間契約にサインしたとします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would the shipments be done evenly?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "出荷は年間を通して均等にしますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, we would ship ten thousand ton per quarter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、四半期ごとに10トン出荷しますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How would we decide the price?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どのように金額を決めますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We would decide the price for the next quarter a quarter before.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次の四半期の料金を四半期前に決定しますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So we would negotiate the price for the third quarter in the second quarter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "つまり第3四半期の料金を第2四半期に交渉しますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But if we can't come to a consensus on the price, we will cancel the shipment for the quarter without penalty.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でももし料金に合意できなかったら、ペナルティなしでその四半期の出荷をキャンセルします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We would be interested in a supply arrangement like that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのような配給の取り決めにも興味があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはよかったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will talk to my colleagues in Tokyo and will get back to you on this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "東京の同僚たちと話をして、この件はあとでまた連絡します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではご連絡お待ちしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お時間ありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi this is Nobu.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、ノブです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, hi Mr. Saito.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あぁ、こんにちは、サイトウさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey you know we are having that meeting next week right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ねぇ、来週あのミーティングがあること知ってますよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "With Company A right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社とですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would you happen to know anyone from Company A's parent company?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社の親会社に知り合いなんていない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The parent company was Company B right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "親会社はB社ですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Unfortunately, no.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "残念ながらいません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We've only done business with Company A in the past.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "過去にA社としかやり取りをしたことがないから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, maybe we can ask Company A to introduce us to someone at Company B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、A社にB社の誰かを紹介してくれるようお願いできるかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That sounds like a plan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いい案ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It can't hurt to ask right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "聞く分には構わないよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Otherwise, we have to try to contact Company B through their contact form on their website.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしくはB社のウェブサイトのコンタクトフォームから連絡してみるしかないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I rarely get any replies through that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それだとほとんど返事が来ないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well let's ask them during the meeting with them next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、来週の彼らとのミーティングで聞いてみよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have a good one then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、よい一日を。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you hear about Joey?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ジョーイーのこと聞いた?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What about Joey?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ジョーイーがどうしたの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He's leaving in February.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2月にいなくなるんだって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Leaving as in quitting?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いなくなるって、辞めるってこと?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah that's right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He was on contract right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "契約だったよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He didn't want to renew it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "更新したくなかったの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "From what I hear, he plans on travelling.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "聞いたところによると、旅に出る予定らしいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, where to?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "へぇ、どこへ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Apparently Europe.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ヨーロッパらしいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That sounds fun.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I never really got to know him after all these months.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か月も経ったのに、結局彼のことはあまり知れなかった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I rarely go from the front door so I hardly even see him.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "正面玄関からほとんど出ないから、彼のことはほとんどみかけなかったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Same here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕も同じ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The back door is closer to the washroom.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "裏のドアの方がトイレに近いからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wonder what he thought of us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼は僕たちのことどう思ったかね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分からないな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think Elaine will miss him.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "イレインは寂しがるね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know she often asked him to send export documents by courier.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼女はよく彼に宅配で輸出の書類を送るよう頼んでたから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, hope things go well for him.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まぁ、うまくいくといいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you arrange a meeting with Company A?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社との会議を手配してくれる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, we talked to them last year in regards to a potential opportunity.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、昨年事業の可能性について話したよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But it didn't work out at the time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あの時は上手く行かなかったけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, that company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、あの会社ですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me check my emails to see who we contacted last time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "前回誰に連絡を取ったかEメールをチェックしてみましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, our Tokyo office has a new business idea that might be appealing to them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、うちの東京支社に新事業案があって、彼らにとって魅力的かもしれないんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay I found the contact.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、連絡先を見つけましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you available next week?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週都合は良いですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah any time is fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、いつでも大丈夫だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, I'm going on a business trip early next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、来週初めは私が出張に行くんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For how long?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日数は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's just a day trip on Monday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "月曜だけの日帰りです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I'll see if I can set up a meeting for Tuesday onwards.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので火曜日以降に会議を設定できるか聞いてみますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay that's fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、それで良いよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did the Tokyo office send you any presentation file in regards to the business idea?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "東京支社は事業案のプレゼン資料を送ってくれましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They said they are making it right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "現在製作中とのことだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm hoping they will send it to me this week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今週送ってくれると良いんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hope they are making it in English.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "英語で作ってくれてると良いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, if it's in Japanese then I'll need you to translate it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、日本語だったら君に翻訳してもらうことになるからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, I really hope it's in English.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、ほんとに英語だと良いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi this is Mike.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、マイクです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Mike, this is Sam from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、マイクさん、A社のサムです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、サムさん、こんにちは。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How is it going.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not too bad.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあまあですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just wanted to ask if you had a chance to review the product specification I sent you last week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先週お送りした製品仕様書をご覧いただけましたでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Last week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先週ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't recall seeing it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "見た覚えがないんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you send it to me again?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう一度送っていただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will send it to you right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今すぐお送りしますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、どれどれ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wanted to ask you for your feedback and if there are any parameters that needs to be adjusted.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "調整が必要なパラメーターがあるかどうかフィードバックをお願いしたかったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will have to take a good look at it, but it seems the moisture content is a bit high.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良く目を通さないといけないですが、含水率がやや高めのようですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes I noticed that as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、私もそこに気付いていました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm thinking that it was due to the dryer not working effectively when that batch was made.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このバッチの製造時に乾燥機が効果的に作動しなかったためだと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it possible for you to get another data sheet from a different batch?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "別のバッチのデータシートを取り寄せることはできますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes I can do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、できます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you need one from a recent batch?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最近のバッチのものが必要ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Within the last week would be great.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一週間以内のものが良いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なんとかしましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll send it over once I get a copy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "コピーが手に入り次第お送りします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日はお時間をいただきありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, I'm Josh Burke.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、ジョッシュ バークです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, I'm Ben Sherman.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi, I'm Sam Lee.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you guys for coming today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日はお越しいただきありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうぞ、お座りください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can help yourselves to coffee right behind you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "後ろにコーヒーがありますのでご自由にどうぞ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ben, do you want your coffee black?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ベン、コーヒーはブラックで良いですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、お願い。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So maybe I'll start by introducing myself.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは私の自己紹介から始めましょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm the technology director here at Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私はここA社の技術本部長です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Although we are an accounting company, my role here is to facilitate deals with startups.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我が社は経理会社ではありますが、私の役目はスタートアップ企業との契約促進です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I heard from my colleague that you guys are interested in investing in startups.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで御社が企業投資にご関心があると同僚から聞きました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We recently opened an office in San Jose as we are getting into the whole startup trend.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちはスタートアップ企業のトレンドに乗ろうと最近サンホゼに事務所を開きました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When did that office open?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It just opened last summer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "去年の夏です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That office is planning to create a corporate venture capital to fund new startups.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新しいスタートアップ企業に資金提供するベンチャーキャピタルを設立する予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "たいへん興味深いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What type of investment amount are you guys looking at.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どの程度の投資額をお考えですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are looking at under one million dollars.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "100万ドル以下で考えています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you tell me which industry or field you guys would be interested in?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どのような業種や業界にご興味があるか教えていただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We actually brought a list here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実はリストを持ってきたんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I can think of a couple startups that you guys might be interested in.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、ご興味を引くような企業2社に心当たりがあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can put you guys in touch with them if you'd like.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よろしかったら、ご紹介できますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe I can arrange a meet and greet dinner with you and a couple of the startup companies?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "御社とスタートアップ企業数社との交流夕食会を企画しましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, since we have the holidays coming up, how about I get back you in the new year on this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えーと、もうすぐ年末年始の休暇ですので、この件に関しては来年ご連絡するということでいかがでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That would work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Great, thank you guys for coming today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "了解です、今日はお越しいただきありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are there any good restaurants to take a client?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "クライアントをお連れするのに良いレストランはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For lunch or dinner?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ランチ、それともディナー?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Lunch.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ランチです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well it depends on what they like.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うーん、好みにもよるね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Western, Japanese, Italian.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "西洋料理、日本食、イタリアン。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For western, I just end up taking them to seafood or steak restaurants.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "西洋料理だと、結局シーフードかステーキレストランに連れて行くことになるんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like restaurant A across the street?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "通りの向こうのAレストランみたいな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah like Restaurant A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、Aレストランとか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about for Japanese?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日本食はどうでしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There's a famous restaurant by the train station.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "駅の側に有名なレストランがあるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えーと?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's it called?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何ていうところですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's called Restaurant B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Bレストランだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I personally don't recommend it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも個人的にはお薦めできないね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why's that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The food is good but it's really loud.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "食べ物は美味しいんだけど、すごく騒がしいんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So it's not exactly the best place for a business lunch.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だからビジネスランチに最適とはとても言えないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I took a client there once and I could barely hear what he was saying.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一度クライアントを連れて行ったけど、言ってることがほとんど聞こえなかったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、それは駄目ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll keep that in mind.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "覚えておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are there any other Japanese restaurants in the area?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他にも近所に日本食レストランはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Unfortunately, the ones in the area are mediocre.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "残念ながら、この辺にあるところは可もなく不可もなく。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "All the good ones aren't within walking distance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "美味しいところは歩いていける距離にないんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's really surprising.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とても意外ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So which hotel do you think is the best for clients coming from abroad?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "海外からいらっしゃるクライアントに最適なのはどのホテルだと思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think Hotel A is pretty good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Aホテルはなかなか良いと思うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's close to our office so we don't have to pick them up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの会社にも近いから迎えに行かなくて良いし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Isn't that hotel kind of expensive?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お高いんじゃないですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, we aren't paying for it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあ、私たちが払うんじゃないけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それもそうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where else is good?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他にも良いところはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hotel B is good as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Bホテルも良いよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The one by the water?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "海沿いのところですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The view is good and it's still walkable to our office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "眺めも良いし、会社にも歩いて来れるし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Their breakfast buffet is really good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "朝食バイキングが実に良いんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But Hotel B is probably the most expensive around here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもBホテルは多分この辺で一番高いよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's around two hundred fifty dollars a night.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一泊でだいたい250ドルだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That seems okay if it's a good hotel.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良いホテルならその位するでしょうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's when it's not tourist season.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "旅行シーズンじゃないときでその位なんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So like during the school year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "つまり学期中とかだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The price jumps up to around five hundred dollars in the summer!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "夏には料金が500ドル近くまで跳ね上がるんだよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh wow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えー、すごい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's a lot of money.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ずいぶん高いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You have to be like a president of a company to be able to pay that much.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会社の社長でもない限りそんなに払えませんよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Another hotel I'd recommend is Hotel C.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他にお薦めなのはCホテルだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's not in downtown so it might be inconvenient, but the price is reasonable.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "中心街にないので不便かもしれないけど料金は良心的だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's close to public transit right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこは公共交通機関に近いですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yea so guests can take that to get around and explore the city.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、お客様はそれで移動したり街を観光したりできるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良いアイディアですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do we have a corporate rate there?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "法人料金はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あると思うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "With the corporate rate, I think it costs around one hundred dollars a night.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "法人料金だと一泊100ドル程度だと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's reasonable!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは良心的ですね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi this is Mike from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、A社のマイクです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi this is Sam from Company B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、B社のサムです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How are you today Mike?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "マイクさん、お元気ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm just calling to confirm our meeting for next Tuesday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週火曜日のミーティングの確認でお電話しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's at 11 o'clock right at our office right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちのオフィスで11時ですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Will it just be you coming?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お一人でいらっしゃいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually my manager, Ben will join us as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は部長のベンも出席します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "構いませんよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So the agenda is regarding the spot contract right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "議題はスポット契約の件ですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Great, I'll look forward to seeing you guys next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かりました、来週お二人にお目にかかるのを楽しみにしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, how about we have lunch afterwards?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだ、その後でランチはいかがですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can go for dim sum.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "飲茶に行きましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Will look forward to it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much for the invitation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お誘いどうもありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was wondering if I can take Friday off this week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今週の金曜日に休みを取っても良いでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah it should be okay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、大丈夫だと思うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there anything you need me to take care of while you're away?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "休みの間なにか私にしておいて欲しいことはある?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, I am still waiting for a quote from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は今、A社からの見積もりを待っているところなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm supposed to hear back from them on Thursday this week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今週の木曜日にお返事をいただけるはずなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But if I don't, I was wondering if you can follow up on them for me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お返事をいただけない場合、フォローアップをお願いできるでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's regarding the shipment for next year right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来年度の出荷の件だよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My customer's been bugging me for the price so I'm really hoping to get it soon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私もお客様から価格を教えろと急かされているから、早く来ると良いよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah I can follow up for you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、フォローしておくよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Who were you talking to from Company A?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社の誰と交渉しているの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was talking to Jack from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社のジャックです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He's the sales representative.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼が営業担当です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't think I have his phone number.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は彼の電話番号を持ってなかったと思うな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can send it to you on email later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "後でEメールでお知らせします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you planning to do anything on Friday?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "金曜日は何か予定があるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I actually have a dentist appointment in the morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は午前中に歯科医の予約があるんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've been putting it off for a while so I figured I should just go.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しばらく延ばし延ばしにしていたんですが、行く決心がつきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Just a routine clean I assume?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただの定期クリーニングだよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our company insurance covers dental costs right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "歯科治療費はうちの会社の保険でカバーされるよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, it should cover eighty percent.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、80パーセントはカバーされるはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The dental office should be able to process the claim on the spot if you have your insurance card.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "保険証を持って行けば、歯科医院がその場で保険請求の手続きをしてくれるはずだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is this the insurance card?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "保険証ってこれですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, that's the one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Just show it to them and they'll handle the rest.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "カードを見せれば、後はやってもらえるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やあ、サム、ベンです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、ベン。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How is your trip in Japan coming along.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "東京出張はどんな感じですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's been good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "好調だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Lots of productive meetings.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "有意義な会議で充実しているよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I need you to do something this week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今週君に頼みたいことがあるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I had a meeting with the biomass procurement team and they want us to look for a spot contract from North America.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "バイオ燃料調達チームと会議をしたら、北アメリカでのスポット契約先を探してほしいということだったんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What kind of volume are they looking for?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どの位の規模で探してるんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It'll be around forty thousand tons per year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "年間4万トン程度だろうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's the timing like?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "タイミングとしてはいつ頃でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will be for next year starting from the second quarter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来年、第2四半期初めからになるらしい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can send you the specification sheet later today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日中に仕様書を送るよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ok, sounds good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I guess I will get in touch with Company A and Company B?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社とB社に連絡をとったほうが良さそうですね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうしてくれると助かるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When was the last time we talked to Company A?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最後にA社と話をしたのはいつだっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was around one year ago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だいたい1年前でしたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's been that long.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "結構前だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I hope they still remember us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、先方が私たちのことを覚えてくれていると良いんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you try to get a meeting with them next week?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週彼らとのミーティングの手配をしてくれる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Any preference on the date?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "都合の良い日はいつですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll be busy with reports early in the week so something in the latter half of next week will be great.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "週前半は報告書作成で忙しくなるので、後半にしてもらえたら有難い。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Should I make it a lunch meeting?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ランチミーティングで良いですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, that would be good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、良いよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll send you an email once it's all confirmed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日程が確定したらEメールを送りますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good luck with the rest of your business trip.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "出張の残りも上手くいくと良いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Ben, can I get some advice?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すみません、アドバイスをお願いしたいんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, what's up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろん、どうした?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm thinking of taking some business courses but don't know what to take.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ビジネスコースを受講しようと思っているんですが、どれを受講すべきか分からなくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I didn't study business in university so I figured I should take some courses.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大学でビジネスを専攻しなかったので、コースを受講するべきだと思ったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think you should start with the basics.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "基礎から始めるといいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like accounting, and business math.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "例えば会計や、ビジネス数学なんかね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you're in this industry, you will need to understand how financial statements work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この業界にいるなら、決算書類のしくみを理解できないとね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like the one in annual reports?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "年間報告書にあるようなものですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Things like revenue, cost of goods, asset.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "収益、物品のコスト、資産などね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It doesn't hurt to know them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "知ってて損はないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはそうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm not exactly amazing with math and numbers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "数学や数字には特に強いわけではないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know if the company subsidizes the fees?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会社が費用を負担してくれるかどうかご存知ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For your business class?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君のビジネスコースの費用をかい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, the company doesn't cover it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや、会社は負担してくれないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The company only covers tuition for courses that the company asks you to take.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "費用がでるのは、会社側が君に受けるよう依頼するコースだけだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like I went to take a one week MBA course in San Francisco last month, and that was fully covered.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "例えば、僕は先月サンフランシスコであった1週間のMBAのコースを受けに行ったんだが、それは全額支払われた。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Wow, did they cover your accommodation and flight?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっ、宿泊費やフライトもですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The company will eventually ask you to take courses so you can wait until then, or pay for your own courses if you take them now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会社からいずれコースを受講するよう聞かれると思うからそれを待つか、今受講するなら自分で払うかだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Tough call.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "難しい選択です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can think of it as investing in yourself.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自分への投資だと思えばいいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hope it pays dividends.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実に成ることを祈って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What are you working on there Sam?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何の作業してるんだい、サム?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am making a list of potential supplier for this paper product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この紙製品の見込みありそうなサプライヤのリストを作ってるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's a request from our subsidiary in Tokyo.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "東京の子会社からの要望でね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, interesting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おもしろいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How is it going so far?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うまくいってる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well I'm only focusing on suppliers on the west coast because the product will be shipped to Japan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "製品は日本に輸送されるから、西海岸のサプライヤだけに焦点を当ててるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It seems like its a niche product so there shouldn't be too many suppliers out there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ニッチな製品みたいだから、サプライヤの数はそんなに多くないはずなんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hear there has been a lot of consolidation in the paper industry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "紙産業では合併が多くあったらしいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I guess there will be less companies for me to find then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それなら、僕が見つけられる企業はもっと少ないだろうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How much do you know about paper products.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "紙製品についてどれだけ知ってるんだい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "All I know is that it's made of wood.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ木でできてるってことだけだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have to do some research so I don't make a fool out of myself when I contact potential suppliers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サプライヤに連絡する時、恥ずかしい思いをしないように勉強しておかないと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think I might know a guy in that industry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その業界に知り合いがいるかもしれない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you want me to ask if he knows of any suppliers for this paper product?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この紙製品のサプライヤを知っているか聞いてみようか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、お願い。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "His office is actually pretty close from here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は彼のオフィスはここからとても近いんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why don't I set up a meeting?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ミーティングを設けようか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That would be very helpful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはとても助かるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Talking to someone that knows the industry is a good start to learning the industry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "業界について学ぶためには、まずその業界を知ってる人と話してみることだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for the suggestion.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "提案してくれてありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とんでもない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When will you be free?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつが空いてる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm free this week and next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今週と来週空いてるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, I'll ask him if he is available for a meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かった、じゃあミーティングに参加できるか聞いてみるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本当にありがとう!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サム、今日の午後空いてる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "From 2 o'clock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2時だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are some guys from a mining company that wants to talk about potential partnerships.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "パートナーシップの可能性について話したい鉱業会社から人が来ていてね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I actually already have a meeting scheduled from 2 o'clock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は僕はすでに、2時からミーティングの予定があるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, who are you meeting?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうか、誰と?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm heading over to Company A to review our interest in startup companies.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スタートアップ企業に対するうちの興味について話しに、A会社に行くんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Company A is the accounting company right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A会社は会計会社だよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Company A has frequent interactions with startups because they need accounting services.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スタートアップ企業は会計サービスを必要とするから、A会社はそういった企業との関わりが多いんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well I guess I'll handle it myself.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、自分でどうにかしてみるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll let you know how it goes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "結果は報告する。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕もそうするよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So Sam made us the shortlist for the potential partners here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サムが見込みあるパートナーのリストを作ってくれたということで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wanted to take some time to go over it to decide how we should proceed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのリストをもとに今後どうするかを決めたいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sam, can you quickly summarize your findings?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サム、リストについて手短に説明してくれるかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So this is a long-list of all the distributors located in the west coast.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "西海岸にあるすべての代理店を長いリストにしてみました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "West coast in this list is defined as Washington, Oregon, and California.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "リストでは、西海岸をワシントン、オレゴン、カリフォルニア州に分けています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This is a pretty long list.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "かなり長いリストだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think there is just over 200 companies on here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "200ちょっとの企業があると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This doesn't include the big players.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここには大手は含まれません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So are most companies here small?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、このリストの企業のほとんどは小規模ということかい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah a lot of them are family owned.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、多くは家族経営です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Personally, I don't think we should contact every single one of them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕的には、すべての企業に問い合わせる必要はないと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, we should try to filter them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、ふるいにかけるべきだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about we pick out the ones that have manufacturing capabilities.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "製造が可能な企業を抜き出すのはどうかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about we focus on just Washington.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ワシントンだけに絞るのはどうだい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why just Washington?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なぜワシントンだけに?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well we have an office there so maybe they can help us meet some of the companies.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこにはうちの会社のオフィスがあるから、彼らがいくつかの企業と会う手助けをしてくれるかもしれない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いい考えですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can filter this list and send you guys an updated version.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このリストを絞って更新したものを送りますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you do it quickly?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すぐにできるかい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah it's just a matter of filtering it by state and manufacturing ability so it shouldn't take long.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、州と製造可能かどうかで検索するだけなので、そんなにかからないはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, send it to us when you're done.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "了解、できたら送ってくれ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Sam, this is Ben.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やあサム、ベンだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Ben, how is the business trip?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お疲れ様です、出張はどうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The jet lag is killing me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "時差ぼけが辛くてね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I slept at 4 o'clock and woke up at 6 o'clock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "4時に寝て、6時に起きたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You're going to have a rough day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は1日大変そうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hope you bought your coffee.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "コーヒーは買われましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm drinking an energy drink right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今栄養ドリンクを飲んでるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have meetings all day today so I need to stay focused.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は1日ミーティングだから集中力がいるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I'm just calling to make sure if everything is okay at the office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ところで、オフィスは大丈夫かと思って電話してるんだが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there anything I have to sign?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "署名がいるものはあるかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Everything is okay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すべて大丈夫です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I might need you to sign something for me later today though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日この後署名をいただかないといけないかもしれませんが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you think you will be able to sign it electronically later?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "後で電子署名してもらえますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah I should be able to.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、できるはずだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Just send me the file later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "後でファイルを送ってくれ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, make sure to rotate the file the right way.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、ファイルを正しい方向に回転させてくれるかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It makes it easier for me to sign it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "署名しやすくなるから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So when are you back again?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お戻りはいつでしたっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll be back on Friday afternoon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "金曜日の午後だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Will you be coming to the office?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オフィスには来られますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, I think I'll just head straight home.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや、直接家に帰ると思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have my laptop so I will probably just work from home.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ノートパソコンがあるから、おそらく家で仕事するよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, good luck with your meetings.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ミーティングがうまく行くことを願ってます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll see you next week then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では来週。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Elaine, have you seen the folder for this shipment?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やあ、イレイン、この輸送に関するフォルダ見かけなかった?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Which one is that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どの輸送?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's the LX123.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "LX123だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The one that shipped last week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先週発送された分。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me see if it's lying around on my desk.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私のデスクにないか探してみるわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah I checked the drawers but couldn't find it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "引き出しは探したけどなかったんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I need to check the shipping document in the folder.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "フォルダの中の輸送書類を確認しないといけなくてね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おかしいわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I guess I don't have it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私のところにはないみたい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe I have it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕が持ってたりして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me check my desk too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自分のデスクも見てみるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll keep looking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私もまだ探してみるわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あるかなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you find it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "見つかった?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, I don't have it with me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや、僕のところにはないや。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I thought it might be buried under these documents, but guess not.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この書類の中に埋もれてるかもしれないと思ったけど、なさそうだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そういえば。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I might have filed it in the wrong drawer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "間違った引き出しに入れたかもしれないわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっと見てくる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あった?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I found it!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、あったわ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I accidently put it in the wrong drawer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うっかりして間違った引き出しに入れちゃってたわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well at least we found it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも見つかったことだし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll put it back in the correct spot after I'm done with it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "使い終わったら正しい引き出しに入れておくよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Early lunch?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早めの昼食?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I didn't eat breakfast.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、朝ごはん食べなかったんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So did you see that email from the Tokyo office?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "東京支社からのEメール見たかい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The one about the labor shortage in the United States?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アメリカの労働力不足について?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、それそれ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you think that will affect the housing starts in the United States?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "国の住宅着工件数に影響すると思うかい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well I think it will to a degree.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、多かれ少なかれね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But it all comes down to if employers are willing to pay more.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも結局は、雇用側が給料を上げる意思があるかどうかだと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I guess money is important.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お金は大事だよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You wouldn't work here if you're making minimum wage right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最低賃金だったら、ここでは働かないだろう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはそうだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think there are other factors involved when it comes to housing starts.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "住宅着工件数に関しては、他の要因もあると思うな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Labor obviously plays a role, but also the material cost and the mindset of this generation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "労働力はもちろんだけど、原料コストや今の世代の考え方なんかもね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can understand the material cost, but what do you mean by mindset?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "原料コストは理解できるけど、考え方というと?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well I've read reports that the younger generation are holding off on starting a family.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "若い世代が家庭を持つことを躊躇しているっていう報告書を読んだんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Which means?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "つまり?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Which means they aren't inclined to get married and buy a house.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "結婚して家を買おうと考えないわけだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Basically, housing starts won't grow as fast because people aren't buying a house.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "住宅着工件数が思った速度で伸びないのは結局、家を買う人がいないからさ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I guess all the young people all like to travel these days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最近の若者は皆旅が好きだしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They don't want to stay in one place.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一か所に留まりたがらない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They want to see the world.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "世界を見てみたいんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wish I can do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕もできたらなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wonder where they get the money to do that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのお金はどうやって稼いでるんだろう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wonder too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "気になるね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi this is Sam speaking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi this is Rina from the legal department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "法務部の石本里奈です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, hi Rina.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やあ、里奈。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "元気してる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've been super busy lately.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最近本当に忙しかったのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I suddenly remembered that you asked me to review a contract a couple weeks ago, which I totally forgot.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2週間前に契約を見直すように頼まれてたこと急に思い出したんだけど、すっかり忘れちゃってたわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、あれか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ごめんなさい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was thinking, oh Sam is going to be so mad at me!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しまった、サムはすごく怒るだろうって思ってたわ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, there's been a change of plans in regards to that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は、その件に関してちょっと変更があってね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was notified last week that the project is going to be put on hold.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先週、プロジェクトが保留になるって通知があったんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあ、ほんと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah I should have told you earlier.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もっと早くに知らせるべきだったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "悪かったね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh not at all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大丈夫よ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah the project manager is holding off on it because the Chinese market is not doing so well right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今は中国市場の景気があまり良くないからって、プロジェクト責任者が保留することにしたんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That can't be helped.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "仕方ないわね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The project manager will be reviewing it again in the spring.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "春にまた、責任者が見直すことになってるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So there is a chance that the project might start up again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だからプロジェクトは再開する可能性もある。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, just let me know if the situation changes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "分かったわ、何か動きがあったら教えてちょうだい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、そうするよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Apologies for the inconvenience.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ややこしくて悪いね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much for the update.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "知らせてくれてありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, have a good one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、良い1日を。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you free right now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今時間あるかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just got an email from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A会社からEメールが届いたんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A会社?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's one of our subsidiary company based in Tokyo.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "東京にあるうちの子会社だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They are asking if we can help them out in sourcing a particular product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ある製品の調達に関して手助けしてくれないかと頼まれてね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何の製品ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's a paper product used to make paper bags for things like flour or cement.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "小麦粉やセメントなどの紙袋に使われる紙製品だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Apparently, the supply for the raw material has been low these past years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうやら、ここ数年その原料の供給率が低いらしくてね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So they want to see if there are new suppliers in the industry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だから、業界に新しいサプライヤがいないか当たってみたいということなんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did they send you a specification sheet?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スペックシートは送られてきましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It wasn't in the email they sent me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Eメールにはなかったな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll ask them for it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "問い合わせてみるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I wanted to ask if you can make a list of potential suppliers for this product in North America.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、北米でこの製品のサプライヤになれそうな企業のリストを君に作って欲しいんだが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I think I should be able to.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、できると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The product will be shipped to Japan, so maybe finding a supplier on the west coast would be good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "製品は日本に輸送されるから、西海岸のサプライヤを当たってみると良いかもしれないね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Logistic cost is expensive these days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最近輸送コストは高いからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Once we have a list, I'll have Company A review it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "リストができたら、A会社に目を通してもらうよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They will probably then ask us to contact the potential suppliers to get a quote.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その後おそらく、各サプライヤに問い合わせて見積もりをもらうよう依頼してくると思うんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I ask you to do that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それもお願いできるかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm actually not familiar with this product so I should study it a bit more.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この製品に関して知識がないので、少し学んでみようと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't want to call them and not understand what they are talking about.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "問い合わせて、返答が理解できないといったことにならないように。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはそうだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Sam, do you have a minute?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっとサム、時間あるかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was wondering if you can look something up for me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "調べものをしてくれないかと思って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろん、何ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The Tokyo office is asking me to gather information on electricity price in North America.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "東京支社が、北アメリカの電気料金について情報収集するよう依頼してきているんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They are trying sell a compressor that can save electricity cost.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "電気料金を節約できるコンプレッサーを売り出そうとしているらしくてね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's their target market?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ターゲット市場は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will be for industrial users.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "工業系企業だ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like manufacturing facilities.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "製造施設などのね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So you will need electricity price for large industrial users.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大手工業系企業向けの電気料金が必要ということですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Should I include electricity price for residential users too?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一般市民向けの電気料金も含めるべきですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But please prioritize the the price for industrial users.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、工業系企業向けの料金を優先させてくれないかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When do you need this done by?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつまでにやればいいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you finish it by today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日中にお願いできるかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm actually a bit overwhelmed right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今ちょっと取り込んでいまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have to submit a presentation to the General Manager by 4 o'clock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "4時までに本部長にプレゼンを提出することになっているんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ah, okay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about tomorrow?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日はどうだい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can try.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can do some overtime today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日残業することもできますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would that be okay?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大丈夫かい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, I'm not really in a rush so how about we push the deadline to the end of the week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やっぱり、実際それほど急いでないから週末まで延ばせそうだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How does that sound?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それならやれそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You've reached Hotel A, this is Wilson speaking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Aホテル、ウィルソンです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I get your name please?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お名前を教えて頂けますでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi my name is Sam.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、私の名前はサムです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello Sam, how may I help you today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもしサムさん、本日はどのようなご用件でしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm looking to book a room for my guest.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私のお客さんのために部屋を予約したいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What date would you be looking at?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どの日程をお考えですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there any room available for check-in on October 4th and check-out on October 6th.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "10月4日チェックイン、10月6日チェックアウトで部屋は空いていますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "October 4th check-in and October 6th check-out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "10月4日チェックインで、10月6日にチェックアウトですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So for two nights, correct?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2泊で宜しいですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My company also has a corporate rate with you guys.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちの会社はそちらのホテルの企業優待料金があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you tell me the name of your company?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会社名を頂けますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A会社です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A会社。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes I have you guys on our list.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、リストに載っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつもご利用頂きありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I have a deluxe room available for your guest at a rate of one hundred forty dollars a night.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一泊140ドルであなたのゲスト様用にデラックスルームが空いております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will have a king-sized bed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "キングサイズのベッドがございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll take that room.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その部屋にします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I get the name of the guest?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ゲストの方のお名前を頂けますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes his name is Mr. Saito Nobu.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、彼の名前はサイトウ ノブです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is that a Mobu Saito?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サイトウ モブですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No it's Nobu, not Mobu.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いえ、モブではなくて、ノブです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "N as in Nancy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ナンシーのN。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Apologies for my mistake.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "失礼致しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I have Mr. Saito Nobu checking-in on October 4th and checking-out on October 6.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではサイトウ ノブ様、10月4日にチェックイン、10月6日にチェックアウトですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, I will need a credit card to hold the reservation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "またご予約をお受けするのにクレジットカードが必要となります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I use the credit card registered to Company A on file?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ファイルでA社に登録されているクレジットカードを使っても宜しいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Great, I will just use that then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よかった、ではそれを使います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他に何かございますでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you send me a confirmation email?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "予約確認のメールを送ってもらえますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you tell me what email address I should send it to.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どちらのメールアドレスにお送りしましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can send it to Lee dot Sam at Company A dot com.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Lee.Sam@companyA.comに送ってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will send that right away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すぐにお送りします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Great, have a good one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よかった、ではよい一日を!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much for your business sir.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご利用ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, this is Lilly speaking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、リリーです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi there, this is Ben Sherman from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、A会社のベン シャーマンです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am calling today in regards to your application for a logistic assistant.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日は物流管理アシスタントへの応募の件でお電話しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would you be available to do a quick phone interview?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "手短にお電話で面接をする時間はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes I am available.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I see that you have some past experiences working for a shipping line.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "海運会社でお勤めされていたご経験がありますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you tell me what you did?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どのようなことをしていたか教えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I am a logistic coordinator at Company A and am in charge of arranging vessels and coordinating containers with trucking companies.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、A社で物流管理のコーディネーターをしていて、貨物船の手配、トラック会社とのコンテナの調整を担当をしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am also in charge of drafting export documentations.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また輸出書類の下書きも担当しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you tell me why you are looking for a new job?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうして新しい仕事を探しているのか教えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've been with Company A for around 7 years but I feel that I haven't been learning anything new.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社で7年ほど仕事をしていますが、何も新しいことを学んでいない気がするんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I believe that since your company is involved in various industries, I would be able to constantly learn something new.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "御社は色々な産業と関わっているので、常に何か新しいことを学べると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you aware of what industry our company is involved in?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "弊社がどのような産業と関わっているかご存知ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Based on your company website, your office is involved in forestry and mining.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "御社のウェブサイトによると、林業と鉱業に関わっていますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We mainly do exports of forest products and mining products.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我々は主に林業製品と鉱業製品を輸出しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you tell me what your strengths are?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたの長所を教えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Aside from transferable skills developed in my current position, I believe that my work ethics and ambition to learn more can positively contribute to your company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今の仕事で身に付けた他の仕事でも生かせるスキルの他に、私の労働観ともっと学びたいという意欲は、御社にとって確実にプラスになると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am alway open to learning new things and can work efficiently as a team.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "常に新しいことを学ぶことにオープンですし、チームとして能率的に仕事ができます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about your weakness?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では短所はなんでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would say I can be aggressive at times.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "時々攻撃的なところでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうしてそうなんでしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If I feel something is not done the way it should be, I might over react.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何かが正しくできていないと感じると、過剰に反応してしまうかもしれません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am aware of this and I try to think more logically to find a solution without causing a scene.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自分でも気づいているので、騒がず、もっと論理的に考えて解決策を見つけるよう努力しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's good to know you are aware of your weakness.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご自分の短所をご存じのようでよかったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anyways, this will be it for the phone interview.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは電話での面接はここまでとします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have any questions so far?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここまでで何か質問はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was wondering when I will hear back from you if I will be proceeding to the next stage of the interview.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "面接の次の段階に進むかどうかはいつ頃ご連絡頂けるんでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We should be able to let you know by the end of next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週末までにはご連絡できると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will send out an email regardless of whether you proceed to the next stage or not.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次に進む進まないにかかわらず、メールをお送りします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オーケー、分かりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think I am okay with questions for now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これ以上質問はありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much for the call today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not at all and hope you have a good day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どういたしまして、ではよい一日を。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will now start out panel discussion.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今から討論会を始めます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have with us Jenny Lee from Company A, and Thomas Singh from Company B today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社のジェニー リーさん、B社のトマス シンさんをお迎えしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's a pleasure to have you guys here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お越しいただき光栄です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's a pleasure to be here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "参加できて光栄です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So since today's topic is about entering the Japanese market, I'd like to ask our panel today on what difficulty they faced.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では今日のテーマが日本市場参入ですので、本日の議論参加者の方々に、どのような苦労があったかお聞きしたいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's start with you Jenny.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ジェニーさんからいきましょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, so we just entered the Japanese market 5 months ago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、私たちは5か月前に日本市場に参入したばかりです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "At first, we decided to go in ourselves.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最初は、私たち自身でやろうと決めました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But then we realized that there are a lot of difficulties setting up a business if you are not based there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかし、そこに拠点を置いていないと、ビジネスを立ち上げるのに大変多くの困難があると気づきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Even opening a bank account was difficult.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "銀行口座を開けることすら困難でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So we ended up hiring an agent to take care of things like that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だから結局そのようなことをやってくれるエージェントを使うことにしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you think this was the right decision?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは正しい判断だったと思われますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確実にそうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Having some in the market that speaks the language makes everything easier.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その言語のできる人が市場にいることで、何もかもがやりやすくなります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Was there any other difficulties you faced?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その他に直面した困難はありましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think once we had our agent, everything was smooth sailing from there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いったんエージェントを雇ってからは、全てが順調でしたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When my colleagues go to Japan, we got ourselves interpreters to make sure that there were no misunderstandings.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の同僚たちが日本に行く時は、通訳を雇って、必ず誤解のないようにしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There was a period of adjusting to how business works there but I think we are all good now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日本でのビジネスの仕方に慣れるまでの期間がありましたが、今は全て順調です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for sharing your experience Jenny.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ジェニー、あなたの経験を共有してくれてありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about you Thomas.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "トマスさん、あなたはいかがですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In our case, we actually entered the Japanese market 20 years ago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちの場合、実際日本市場に参入したのは20年前でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And at that time, the business environment was very different compared to today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そしてその頃、ビジネス環境は今と比べるとだいぶ違いました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We didn't have the luxury of hiring interpreters because there were not that many back then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その頃は通訳もあまりいなかったので、通訳を雇うという贅沢もできませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We had to use broken Japanese and English to try to communicate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "意思疎通をするために、片言の日本語と英語を使わなければいけませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But as a result, I can kind of speak Japanese now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でもその結果、私は今はちょっと日本語が話せます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I have no issues working with Japanese companies today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですから今日本の企業と仕事をするのに問題がありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you both for sharing your experiences.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お二人とも経験を共有して頂き、ありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Now let's go to the next topic.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では次のテーマに移りましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for reaching out to us last week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先週はご連絡ありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I understand you are looking for a terminal to ship out your products.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "御社の製品を出荷するターミナルが必要、ということでよろしいでしょうか", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So maybe I will do a quick introduction of our site here, and maybe you can tell me about your plans.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それではまず私がサイトの簡単な紹介をしますので、そちらのご計画を教えて頂けますでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please go ahead.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お先にお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So this terminal is situated on a seven point five acre site.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このターミナルは7.5エーカーの敷地に位置しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It has rail access with enough space to store 90 rail cars on site.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "鉄道でのアクセスが可能で、90の鉄道車両を保管できるスペースがあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are able to handle bulk loading from our 6 conveyors.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "6つのコンべイヤーを使って、大規模な積荷が可能です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there storage on site?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サイトに倉庫はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, we have 6 silos of which 5 are at full capacity.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、6つサイロがあって、そのうち5つは最大容量に達しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We also have 2 covered storage that can hold five thousand tons of goods.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その他に5千キロの物資を貯蔵できる屋根付きの倉庫も二つあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are workers here unionized?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "従業員は組合に入ってますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes they are.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have around 30 workers here and have 3 shifts a day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "30人ほどの従業員がいて、一日3シフト制です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So how about you tell me a bit about what you are planning?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それではあなたのプランを少し聞かせて頂けますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah so we are planning to export agricultural goods in bulk.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、私たちは農業製品を大量に輸出する予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How much volume are you looking at it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どれくらいの量をお考えですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will be around five hundred tons a month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だいたい月500トンくらいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I think it would work well if we would be able to store the product in your covered storage.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だから屋根付き倉庫に私たちの製品を貯蔵できるといいな、と思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah we are able to separate the goods we handle so it should be okay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、私たちは商品を仕分けすることもできるので、問題ないと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We also wash down the conveyor so there is no cross contamination between the products.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "コンべイヤーの清掃もするので、製品間での相互汚染の心配もありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When do you think you will start shipping the goods?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつから製品の出荷を始める予定ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think it will be around next spring.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来春頃になるかと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In the meantime, it would be great if we can review the fee structure for the terminal here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それまでにこのターミナルの料金体系を見直しできればと思っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah I can draft a price structure and send it over.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、それでは料金体系案を送ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうしてもらえるとありがたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for the overview.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大要を説明して頂いてありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か質問があればお知らせください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Josh, how are you today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、ジョシュ。元気ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've been busy thanks to you guys.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなた方のおかげで忙しいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So you're here to inspect the product right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "製品の検品に来たんですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, I set some aside over there just this morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、今朝いくつか向こうに別にしておきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why don't we go have a look at them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "見に行ってみましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So here they are.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've got five packages here but let me know if you want to take a look at more.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここに5つありますが、もっと見たければ言ってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "These should be fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll just take some pictures and measure them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "写真を撮って、寸法を測りますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, seems everything is on-grade.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まぁ、全て水準通りのようですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm thinking of having these picked up next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週集荷しようかと思っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I send some trucks over to pick these up, say on Wednesday?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "集荷のトラックを手配してもいいですか、水曜日はどうでしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We're actually going to be a bit busy on Wednesday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は水曜日はちょっと忙しいんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about Tuesday?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、火曜日は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah that should be fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、それは問題ないはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What time would be good?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何時がいいでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anytime after 8 o'clock in the morning would be great.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "午前8時以降なら何時でもいいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, I'll send you an email once I confirm with the trucking company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それじゃ、トラック会社と確認してからメールを送ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for the arrangements today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は手配ありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you want to grab lunch?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お昼でもどうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいですね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There's a new sandwich place just across the street from the gas station over there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ガソリンスタンドの向かいに新しいサンドイッチ屋ができたんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Apparently, their smoked meat is killer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "燻製肉がすごい美味しいらしいんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can't wait to try.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "是非試してみたいな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's head over now then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、行きましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, let me just grab my jacket and I'll meet you up front.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、ジャケットを取ってくるので、正面で会いましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah I'll pull the car over to the front.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、車を前に移動します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll be right there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すぐ行きます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So here is the tentative itinerary for Mr. Saito's business trip.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは、これが斉藤さんの出張の仮日程です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It would be great if you can take a look at it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "見て頂けるとありがたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So he is arriving Saturday evening at 6 o'clock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、土曜の夕方6時に到着だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Will you be able to pick him up at the airport?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "空港に迎えに行くことはできる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know it's a weekend so you can take a half-day off later in the month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "週末だから、今月下旬に半日休みを取っていいからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you also take him out for dinner?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ディナーにお連れすることはできる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would join as well but I have prior commitments.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "参加したいけど、すでに先約があってね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's the budget?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "予算はいくらでしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mr. Saito likes to drink so it might be safer if we set the budget at a hundred and fifty dollars.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "斉藤さんは飲むのが好きだから、予算は150ドルみておいたほうがいいかもね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Make sure to send an entertainment application on the company website.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会社のサイトから接待の申請忘れないでね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's a hassle but it's company policy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "面倒だけど、会社のポリシーだから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So all the meetings are confirmed?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、ミーティングは全部確認取れたの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes they have.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't see the attendee list here though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "出席者のリストがここにないけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can put that in right away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すぐに追加します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mr. Saito will be preparing some materials that will be handed out so knowing the number of attendees will be helpful", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "斎藤さんがハンドアウトを準備してるだろうから、出席者が何人いるかわかると助かるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will update it and send the schedule to Mr. Saito.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは更新してスケジュールを斉藤さんに送ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We're all set then!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、準備万端だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, this is Nobu from the Tokyo office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、東京オフィスのノブです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "May I speak to Sam Lee?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サム リーさんはいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes this is Sam.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、サムさん、お元気ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am doing well Mr. Saito.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "元気です、サイトウさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you calling in regards to the potential supplier in California?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "カリフォルニアのサプライヤー候補の件でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've been sending emails to them but haven't gotten a reply yet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何度かメールしたんですが、返事がないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When did you last send an email?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最後にメールしたのはいつでしたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I first sent them an email two weeks ago, and sent a follow-up email last week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2週間前に最初のメールをして、先週フォローのメールを送りました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was thinking maybe you can follow up with them for me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "フォローアップしてもらるかな、と思ったんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろんやりますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Who did you send the email to?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "誰にメールを送りました?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was to the sales manager.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "営業部長でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "His name is Kyle Jennings.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "カイル ジェニングスさんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I'll try calling him tomorrow morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、では明日の朝彼に電話してみますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's already past 5 o'clock so he probably won't pick up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう5時を過ぎているので今日は出ないと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure that will work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please ask him the status of the offer price.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "募集価格の状況を聞いてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've been pushing him to send us the price and I need an answer by next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "価格を送るようお願いしていて、来週までに返事が必要です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will handle this from our side.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらで対応します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi this is Ian speaking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、イアンです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Ian, this is Joanne from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、イアンさん、A社のジョアンです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, Hi Joanne.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、こんにちはジョアンさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How are you doing today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Super busy today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日はものすごく忙しくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I got a request from the customer that he needs to switch the shipment schedule for this week and next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "輸送のスケジュールを今週と来週に変更しないといけないお客様からご依頼があって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So, truck the one scheduled for next week now and vice versa?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、来週予定されてたものを今週トラックに積んで、またその逆ってことですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you think this can be done?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "できそうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I already booked the trucks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すでにトラックは予約しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just need to make sure the goods are ready for loading.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ品物を積む準備ができているか、確認しないとですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me double-check with the warehouse.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "倉庫と確認させてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you hold for a moment?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっと待っていただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Joanne, good news.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、ジョアンさん、いいお知らせです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are able to load it first thing tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日の朝一に積荷できます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Really appreciate your support.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "助けてくださってありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "御心配なく。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But for next time, try to let me know in advance for changes like this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも次回は、このような変更があった場合は事前に知らせるようにしてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It happened to work out this time but it may not be the case for next time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回は大丈夫でしたが、次回こうなるとは限りませんので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will talk to the customer and try to avoid emergency requests like this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お客様と話をして、こういった緊急のリクエストがないようにします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうして頂けるとありがたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Nope, I'm all good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいえ、大丈夫です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much and have a good day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ありがとうございました、よい一日を!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃ、また。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So how has the new guy been?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "新人はどう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You mean Roy Sasaoka?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "佐々岡 ロイのこと?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah him.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、彼。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How long has he been with us for?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もうどれくらいになる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think just over a year now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一年ちょっとかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He seems to be working hard and learning quickly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "頑張ってるし、覚えもよさそうだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "His boss seems a bit tough on him though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼の上司がちょっと彼にはきついみたいだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hope he doesn't burn out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "体調崩さないといいけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The first year is always the toughest.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一年目はいつも一番大変だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's not easy if the job is boring.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "退屈な仕事だとなかなか大変だよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Or if it isn't your dream job.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それか自分の理想の仕事と違うとね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've learned to just accept the job as just a job.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "仕事はただの仕事だって考えることにしたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Put in the work and get paid.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "仕事をして、給料をもらう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Rinse and repeat.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そしてまた同じことを繰り返す。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hope he sticks around.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼が長続きするといいな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Changing jobs after just one year of work experience doesn't look too good on a resume.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一年だけ仕事を経験して転職するのは、履歴書上あまりよくないからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah you want at least one and a half to two years right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、少なくとも1年半から2年はいたいよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's a tough job market right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "求人市場もなかなか今は難しいしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He should at least try to aim for three years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "少なくとも3年は目指したほうがいいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you going to talk to him about it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼にその話してみるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Nah.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いやぁ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I might talk to his boss though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼の上司に話をしてみるかもね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe I'll tell him to go easier on Roy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ロイに厳しく当たらないように話してみるかも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That would be a good idea.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うん、いい考えだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It would be a bummer to see him go.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼がいなくなったら嫌だからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much for your time Rick.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "リックさん、お時間を確保いただきありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for coming over to our office Ben.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "オフィスまで来ていただきありがとうございます、ベンさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Think it has been around one year since we last talked?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最後に話したのは大体、一年前くらいですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "At the time, we asked for an offer but was unable to close the deal with the customer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "当時、オファーを要求しましたが、顧客との取引の完了はできませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That was unfortunate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あれは、残念でしたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I really thought our price was competitive enough.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちの価格は十分に競争力があると思ったのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The customers are still sensitive to the price so they still prefer the cheaper products from Southeast Asia.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "顧客は依然として価格に敏感なようなので、東南アジアのより安い製品を好んでいるようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, there has been a trend where they want to source the product from a reliable supplier.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかしながら、信頼できる供給元から製品を調達したいという傾向にはあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So that's why I came to you today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですから、今日私はリックさんにお会いしに来たのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for considering us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちのことを考えていただき、ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As you may know, we have started the construction of our new facility and is scheduled to finish next spring.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご存知かもしれませんが、私たちは新しい施設の建設を開始致しまして、来年春に完成する予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We're currently talking to several potential customers and hope to finalize some contracts by the end of the year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "現在、何人かの見込み客と話してはおりますので、年末までにいくつかの契約を結べるといいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you tell me more about what you're looking for?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう少しこの件について教えていただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My potential customer is based in Japan and is looking for around twenty thousand ton on an annual basis.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "見込み客ですが日本を拠点としており、年間約2万トンを求めているようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Does it have to be on a bulk vessel?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはバルク船に乗せなければなりませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Or can it be containerized shipments?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それとも、コンテナ貨物にできますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Unfortunately, the customer can only take containerized shipments as they lack the infrastructure in Japan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "残念なことに、日本は基幹施設が少なく、顧客はコンテナ貨物しか受け取れないようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you tell me what port this will be going?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どこの港行きになりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will be to the port of Kobe.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "神戸港行きになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you think you will have this volume available?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "御社は2万トンを準備できると思いますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We're hoping to be able to start shipping them by the summer next year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来年の夏までに出荷開始ができることを願っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think the timing is just right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "丁度良いタイミングだと思うんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our facility will be done in the spring but there will be a commissioning period.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちの施設の建設は春には終わりますが、試運転期間があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I anticipate the commissioning period to take one to two months.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "試運転期間は1、2ヶ月くらいになるかと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have a price estimate?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "見積もりはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll have to check the freight rate and the inland trucking cost.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "運送費と内陸のトラック輸送費を確認しなくてはなりません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about I get back to you on this next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、私が来週こちらに関してご連絡を差し上げるのは如何でしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は、お時間をいただきありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Sam, are you free right now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サムさん、こんにちは、今、お時間よろしいでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What can I do for you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I need you to arrange a meeting with Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社との会議を調整して欲しいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, can you tell me what it will be about?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "承知しました、何についての会議でしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's just going to be a general market update.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ただ一般的な市場の最新情報についてです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Should I just ask if they would be available for a lunch meeting?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、私から彼らに昼食を兼ねた会議をできるかどうか聞いてみましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will be more informal so we can discuss various topics.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もっとくだけた会議になると思うので、色々な事について話し合えると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good thinking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We should find a restaurant near their office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先方のオフィスの近くのレストランを探しましょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about the hotel near their office?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、彼らのオフィスの近くにあるホテルはどうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did that hotel have a restaurant?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あのホテルってレストランがありましたっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah it's behind the lobby.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、ロビーの裏にあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That works then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではそれでいきましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you also reserve the company car?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会社の車も予約できますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When do you want the meeting?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会議はいつにしましょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Next Monday would be great.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週の月曜日が良いと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have customers coming in from Japan from Tuesday so it has to be on the Monday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "火曜日から日本の顧客がこちらにいらっしゃるので月曜日でなければなりません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Otherwise it will have to be next month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それがダメなら、来月になってしまいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I'll see if they are available next Monday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "承知しました、先方に月曜日は空いているかどうか聞いてみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please let me know if you can confirm it by the end of this week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今週末までに確認して、教えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will call them Friday if they don't reply my email.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし先方より返信が無ければ、金曜日に電話してみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Ben, can you let me know your availability for next month?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ベンさん、こんにちは、来月の予定を教えていただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I'll just show you my calendar.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろん、スケジュール帳を見せますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Why are you asking?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なぜ予定を知りたいのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm arranging the business trip to Japan remember?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日本への出張の手配しているんです、覚えてますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、そうでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there any preference in hotel?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ホテルの希望はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are kind of low on our travel budget right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちは今、出張の予算が厳しいんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe we should just get something on the lower end.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "多分、一番安いホテルを予約するのがいいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about Hotel A?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ホテルAは、どうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Their rooms are a bit small.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あそこの部屋は少し狭いんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Most hotel rooms are small in Japan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日本のほとんどのホテルの部屋は狭いですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I guess Hotel A is fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ホテルAで良いと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know if it is close to the station?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "駅からどれくらい近いかご存知ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's around a 15 minute walk so it's not too bad.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だいたい徒歩で15分ほどなので、悪くはないですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not too bad?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "悪くないですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Don't forget you will have to drag your suitcase in the cold.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "寒い中スーツケースを引いて歩かなければならないことを忘れないでください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe we can grab a taxi from the station.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "多分、駅からタクシーで行けますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, it's your call.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ベンさん次第です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you going to make the reservation for the dinner meeting there?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "日本でのディナーミーティングの予約をするつもりですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, the guys in Japan will take care of that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は、日本チームが予約をしてくれるそうですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We just need to take care of the hotels ourselves.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちはホテルだけ自分たちで予約すれば良いようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、そうですか、わかりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By the way, I'll book my own flight.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ところで、私のフライトは自分で取りますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I want to earn some points with my credit card.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、クレジットカードのポイントを貯めたいので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you say so.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、そうおっしゃるのなら。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, so you might've heard from Ben already but you will be assigned some new tasks from me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さて、もしかしたらベンさんからすでに聞いているかもしれませんが、サムさんに私から何個か新しい仕事を割り当てます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know we're in different departments but we all know that you're quite good at conducting research.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かに私たちは違う部署の所属ですが、サムさんがリサーチを得意とされているのは有名なので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So our department has been pursuing a new business opportunity and would like you to help us conduct research on regulations.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこで、私たちの部署は新しいビジネスの可能性を追求してきましたので、サムさんに規制に関して調べるのを手伝っていただきたいのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The documents that the government has legal components.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "政府の書類は法律の内容を含んでいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It almost feels like reading a contract.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まるで契約書を読んでいるようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah I've read some of those before.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "確かに、私も読んだことがあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Definitely not an easy read.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "簡単に読めるものでないのは間違いないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So what document do you need me to go through?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、私はどの書類を確認すればいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これをお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll send you the link on email later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "後ほど、Eメールでリンクを送りますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's a pretty large document.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "かなりの書類ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's around 50 pages?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "50ページくらいでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "87 pages to be exact.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "正確には87ページです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I need you to summarize it in point form and if possible to translate it into Japanese.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "箇条書きで要約をして、できれば日本語に訳してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When do you need me to do this by?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつまでに提出すればよろしいでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would the end of this week be possible?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今週末までには、出来そうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can try, but I may need to do some overtime.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "頑張ってはみますが、残業が必要かもです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Try to limit yourself to one hour of overtime a day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "残業は出来るだけ、1日1時間に制限してくださいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me know if you think you will need more time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "また、もっと時間が欲しい場合は教えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I understand it's not an easy task.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "簡単な仕事ではないという事はわかっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll give it a try and see how it goes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とりあえずやってみて様子を見てみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey do you know what drones are?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ドローンって何だか知っていますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's those small flying things right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あの小さい空を飛ぶやつですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah apparently those things can be used aside from just flying them around.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、そうです、どうやら飛ばすだけではなく他のことにも使えるみたいなのですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hear they can deliver packages.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "荷物を運ぶことができると聞いています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wonder how far they can control them for.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どのくらい遠くからコントロールできるんでしょうかね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can't imagine it being too far though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あまり遠すぎる場所は想像できないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wonder if they will be able to self control themselves.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自動運転できるようになるんですかね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like as in self-driving cars?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自動運転車みたいにですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah but for drones.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、でもドローンがです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd imagine there would need to be a lot of sensors evolved.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "発達したセンサーがたくさんないといけないでしょうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But that's not my expertise so what do I know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかし、私の専門ではないので、知るはずもないですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "All these advances in technologies is quite something.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "テクノロジーにおけるこういう進歩は、かなり大きなものですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wonder if there will really be flying cars in the future.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "将来は、空を飛ぶ車が本当にできるでしょうかね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm sure someone will figure it out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "誰かが作ると思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I sure wished I studied engineering in school.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私、学校で工学を勉強すればよかったな、と思ったりします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This decade has all been about computer engineering and software.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この10年間はコンピュータ工学とソフトウェアのことばかりでしたよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If I would have known, I would have studied that instead.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうとわかっていたら、工学を勉強していたと思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well we can't all be engineers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "みんながエンジニアになったらダメですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We still need people to sell what engineers make!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだ、エンジニアが作るものを売る人材も必要ですよね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Unless they get robots to do that!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ロボットがやらない限りね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Sam, can you come over here for a second?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すみませんサムさん、少しここにきていただけますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm trying to convert this data into a pivot table on excel.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私、今このデータをエクセル上でピボットテーブルに変換しようとしているんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you teach me how to do it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうやるか教えてもらえますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, let's see.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "First of all you need to rearrange the original data vertically.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まず最初にオリジナルのデータを縦に再配列します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If it's horizontal, the pivot table function doesn't work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "横に配列されているとピボットテーブルの機能は使えないのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh is that so.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "へえ、そうなのですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Also, you need to make sure you have headers for your data.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それに加えて、データにヘッダがあることを確認しなければなりません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "See, you missed it here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほら、ここには無いようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's why it wouldn't process the data.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だからデータを読み込まなかったのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where did you learn how to do this?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どこでこのやり方を勉強したのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just learned it on the web.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "インターネットで調べただけですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I actually never used excel in school so I had to learn quickly when I started working.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は学校でエクセルを使ったことがなかったので、仕事を始めた時に急いで学ばなければならなかったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've been working for 15 years and I still can't quite get it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は15年間も働いているのに、未だにいまいちわからないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm getting too old for this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "年をとりすぎているからですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh it just takes practice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや、練習をすれば出来ますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Says the youngest guy in the company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会社内の一番の若手ならそう言うよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Elaine, can you help me with catering?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "エレインさん、こんにちは、ケータリングの手伝いをしてくれますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have a meeting from 10 o'clock to 2 o'clock and will need to arrange lunch in the office for the guests.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は10時から2時まで会議が入っているのですが、オフィスでお客様の昼食の準備をしなくてはならないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How many of you guys will there be?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "全員で何人ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There will be 6 including myself.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私を含めて6人です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, six servings.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、6人前ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What do you guys want for lunch?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昼食は何がいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The usual will be fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつもと同じで大丈夫です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The usual as in the sandwich place downstairs?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつもと同じとは、サンドイッチ屋さんでよろしかったでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, that one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうそう、それです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What kind of sandwiches do you guys want?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どんなサンドイッチが良いですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It'd be great if you can get some smoked salmon and roast beef.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スモークサーモンとローストビーフを買ってきて頂けると嬉しいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "One of the guest really likes smoked salmon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お客様の1人がスモークサーモンがとてもお好きなので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about soup?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スープはどうしましょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What do they have?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どんな種類がありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They usually have a vegetable soup or a tomato soup.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつもは野菜スープとトマトスープがあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's get half and half.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、半分ずつにしましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So three vegetable and three tomato?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "野菜を3つとトマトを3つで宜しかったでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The guests don't have any allergies right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お客様はアレルギーは無いですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "無いと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, let me double-check and I'll get back to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "念の為再度確認してまた伝えます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、では、後ほど教えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ベンさん、今、少しお時間ございますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just got a call from the school and it seems my son is not feeling well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今、学校から電話があって、息子の体調が優れないようなのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is it okay if I leave before lunch to go pick him up?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お昼前に早退して、息子を迎えに行っても宜しいでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure that shouldn't be an issue.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろん、特に問題ないと思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Don't forget to tell Sam as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サムさんにも忘れずに伝えてくださいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sam, can you talk now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サムさん、今、お話ししても宜しいでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、もちろん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll be taking the afternoon off today to pick up my son.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日の午後はお休みをいただいて、息子を迎えに行って来ます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He's apparently not feeling too well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "息子の体調が優れないようなのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I guess you won't be able to make it to the meeting this afternoon then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、午後の会議には参加出来ないですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh I completely forgot.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あ、すみません、すっかり忘れていました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "心配なさらないでください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Company A is just dropping by to say hi and bringing their Christmas gift.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社の方が挨拶に来てクリスマスのプレゼントを持ってくれるだけですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can handle it myself.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私だけで大丈夫です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Ben, this is Sam.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サムさん、こんにちは、ベンです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good morning Sam.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おはようございます、サムさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am actually running a bit late this morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は今日は、少し遅れています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There's a train delay so I will be around 15 minutes late.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "電車が遅れていて、大体15分くらい遅れます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you think you can make it to the 9:15 meeting?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "9時15分からの会議には間に合いそうでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "間に合うよう、頑張ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Give me an update around 9 o'clock", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "9時くらいにまた連絡をください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm going to see if I can catch the bus.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "バスで行けるかどうか見てみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If I can take the bus then I will get to the office around 9 o'clock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしバスに乗れるようであれば、9時ごろにはオフィスにつきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, keep me updated.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "承知しました、また連絡ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Will do, bye now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろんです、ではまた。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, let's do a quick wrapup meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、最終確認会議を進めましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What did you guys think of the company?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "皆さんは、この会社についてどう思いましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think we need to do a bit more research on the company and industry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私はこの会社と業界についてもう少し調べなくてはならないと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私も、賛成です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's not an industry we are familiar with.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "弊社はこの業界についてはあまり存じ上げないので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sam, can I get you to do some research then?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、サムさん、調べておいていただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What kind of research should I do?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何を調べればよろしいでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you try to find some market reports on the industry?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この業界の市況報告を探してみていただけますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think it is important for us to understand the scale of the industry and who the major players are.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "業界の規模と業界大手について理解する事が大切だと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, I should be able to do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "承知しました、できると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How much time do you think you'll need?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どのくらいの時間がかかると思いますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can't say for sure but at least one week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "断言はできませんが、一週間は必要かと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll give you an update after I start the research.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "調査を始めてから、ご報告いたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Ben, can I ask you to talk to the banks and accounting firms to see what the reputation of this Company A is?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ベンさん、銀行と会計事務所に連絡を取ってA社の評判を聞いてみていただけますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, I happened to have a meeting with some of them this week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろんです、実は、その会社の何人かと今週ミーティングを予定しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll bring it up when I talk to them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その時にも、話してみようと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sam, can you also make today's meeting minutes?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サムさん、あと今日のミーティングについてまとめていただけないでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was busy listening and didn't take down much notes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "話を聞くのに精一杯でメモはあまり取っていませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure, I took down a lot of notes so it shouldn't be a problem.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですか、私は沢山メモを取ったので、問題はないと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will have it ready by the end of the day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日の終わりまでには準備しておきますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Ben, do you have a moment?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ベンさんちょっと、少し時間あります?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yea sure.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えぇ、大丈夫ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How can I help you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か手伝えますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wanted to ask how overtime hours work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "残業時間分がどういう風になるのか聞きたくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well you get 1.5 times pay for the first 3 hours.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あぁ、最初の3時間は1.5倍の給料がもらえますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then beyond 3 hours, you get 2 times pay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "3時間を超えると、2倍もらえます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Pretty simple right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "結構シンプルでしょ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When do I have to do overtime?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつ残業しないといけないんですかね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That depends.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは、時と場合によりますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you are busy and have deadlines to meet then it's okay to do overtime.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし忙しくて、かつ間に合わせないといけない締め切りとかがあれば残業してもいいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But you shouldn't do overtime if you don't need to.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、必要なければ残業はすべきじゃないですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I ask you if I should do overtime or not?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "残業すべきかどうか聞いてもいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah just let me know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えぇ、どうぞ聞いてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Does eating out with customers count as overtime?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お客さんと食事をするのは残業として考慮されますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No unfortunately not.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "残念ながら、されないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But you get to eat for free!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、無料で食べられますよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What if I have to work early in the morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "朝早く勤務しなければいけない場合はどうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like having an early meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早朝会議があるとか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would that count as overtime.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それって残業に入りますかね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes that would.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは入りますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As long as you are working.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "働いている限りは。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Unfortunately, eating and drinking doesn't count.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "残念ながら、飲食は考慮されませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for the clarification.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi there my name is Mohinder from Company B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、私、B社のモヒンデルと申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am calling today as I wanted to have the opportunity to share what our company does.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "弊社の業務についてご共有の機会を頂きたくお電話を差し上げております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would you be available to talk right now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今、お話しよろしいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So we are a marketing research firm that focuses on a few core industries.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでですね、弊社は数種の主要業界に特化した市場調査会社でして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have research specialists throughout the world so we can provide timely services.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "弊社では世界中にリサーチスペシャリストを抱えておりますので、タイムリーなサービスをご提供できます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What industries do you focus on?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何の業界に特化されてるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We focus on manufacturing, chemical, and logistics.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "製造と化学と物流に特化しております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I understand that your company is involved in various industries and I believe we cover the industries your company deals in.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "御社は幅広い業界に携わっていらっしゃると認識しておりますが、弊社では御社が取り扱っていらっしゃる業界もカバーしていると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But our office here is actually focused on different industries.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも実は、我々のこのオフィスは違う業界に特化してるんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What would those be?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは何になるんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We are actually focused on forestry and mining.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は林業と鉱業に特化してるんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Perhaps our services may not suit your needs at the moment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でしたら、現時点では弊社のサービスは御社のニーズにはそぐわないかしれませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, our company is considering on expanding our scope of industries.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですが、弊社では業界の範囲を拡大することを考えております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So would it be okay if we get in touch with in the future for potential opportunities?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは今後、ご縁の可能性がございましたらまたご連絡を取らせて頂いてよろしいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure that would be fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろん、大丈夫ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anyhow, thank you very much for your time today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いずれにせよ、本日はお時間を頂戴しありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi there, this is Company B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、B社です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How may I help you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どのようなご用件でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi my name is Sam Lee from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社のサム リーと申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I found your company on the web and was wondering if I can get more information about your service.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ウェブで御社をお見かけしたんですが、御社のサービスについてもう少し情報が頂けないかと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much for your interest.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご興味ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can transfer you to our sales manager.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "セールスマネージャーに転送しますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi this is Jackie speaking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、ジャッキーです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Your receptionist transferred me to you as I wanted to learn more about your company's services.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "御社のサービスについて知りたかったので、受付の方がこちらに電話を転送してくださいました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh thank you very much for your interest in our company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "さようでございますか、弊社にご興味を持って頂きましてありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My name is Jackie Nolan and I am the sales manager here at Company B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私、ジャッキー ノーランと申しまして、ここB社のセールスマネージャーをしております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wanted to ask what type of consulting services you offer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どのようなコンサルティングサービスを提供されているのかを知りたかったんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We mainly offer market research and project coordination.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "主には市場調査とプロジェクトコーディネーションをご提供しております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Most of our staff have several years of industry experience so they can provide useful market intelligence.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "弊社の殆どのスタッフは数年の業界経験がありますので、有用なマーケット情報をご提供させて頂けます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you can let me know what industry or topic you are interested in, I can find the right person to handle your request.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どちらでの業界か、もしくはどういうトピックにご興味がおありかをお教えいただければ、お客様のご要望にお応えできる最適なスタッフを見つけさせていただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are several topics of interest so can I actually send you an email later today on this?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いくつか気になるトピックがありますので、今日この後、メールをお送りしてもよろしいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure that will be fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、もちろん大丈夫です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Eメールアドレスを教えて頂けますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can actually find my email address in the contacts section on our company website.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "弊社のウェブサイトの問い合わせの所に私のEメールアドレスがあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's basically last name dot first name at Company B dot com.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "基本的に、名字ドット名前アットB社ドットコムです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can send you our company presentation after if you'd like.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしご希望でしたら後ほど弊社のプレゼン資料をお送りさせて頂けますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, that will be very helpful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、とても助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他に何かご協力できますでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think I am okay for now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とりあえずは大丈夫です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll send you the email shortly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すぐにEメールをお送りします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Great, will look forward to hearing from you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much for your time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではこれで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey John, have you ever thought about changing jobs?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なぁジョン、転職しようって考えたことある?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつもだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何でそう考えるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, I've been at the company for around ten years now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あぁ、今でもう会社に十年いるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I feel like I haven't been learning anything new for a while.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しばらく何も新しいことを学んでないなって感じだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How come you haven't made the jump yet?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何で変えようとしないの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well the company here pays really well, and I haven't seen other places offer similar salaries.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まぁこの会社は結構いいお金くれるし、他に似たような給料をオファーしてくれるとこ見たことないし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's a tough one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはキツイよな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I'm not in a position to make less money right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、今給料が減ってもいい立場にないしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, you have two kids right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだよな、子供二人いたっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've kind of given up on this actually.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう諦めてる感じだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なんでそう思うの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't think my skills are transferable.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自分のスキルが応用が利くと思わないんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My only skills are languages.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "自分のスキルって語学力だけなんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't have any special skills like accounting or engineering.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会計とか工学とかそういう特別なスキルを持ってないんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well languages are pretty important I think.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも語学力って大事だと思うけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I see languages as a bonus.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "語学力はボーナスみたいなもんだと思ってる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There's no point if you don't have a core skill like accounting or engineering.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会計とか工学とかそういうコアスキルがないとあんまり意味ないんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そこだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I'd recommend you take some courses while you're still young.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、だからまだ若いうちに何かコースを受講するのをお勧めするよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It'll be tough once you have kids.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "子供を持ったら大変だぞ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アドバイスありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Alright, let's get started on the year-end review.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、今年の総括を始めましょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So you've been with the company for just around one year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会社にはちょうど一年になりますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How do you like working with us so far.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "我々と働いてみていかがですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am learning a lot and have great co-workers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "たくさん学ばせて頂いて、良い同僚にも恵まれています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So no complaints so far.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので、何も不満はありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have any concerns regarding the job, or anything in particular.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "仕事に関してか、もしくは何か他に特に気になることはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I guess I am not too sure how my career will progress from here on.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここからどのようにキャリアが発展するのかが、確かでないということですかね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am currently a sales assistant, but what comes after that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今はセールスアシスタントですが、その後には何が、という。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良い疑問ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Once you've gotten a better understanding of how the business is run here, we will have you become more involved in sales.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここでの事業運営についてより理解が深まれば、もっとセールスに携わってもらうようにするつもりです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So you will eventually be the one negotiating prices and finding new leads.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので、いずれは君が価格交渉をしたり新しい見込みのある顧客を見つける人になるんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How long do you think it will take for me to reach that level?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私がそのレベルに達するまでにどれくらいかかると思われますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well that totally depends on you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは完全に君次第ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But realistically, it will take around three years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも現実的に言えば、三年はかかるでしょうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Three years should give you enough experience to know how the business is run here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "三年あれば、ここでの事業運営を理解する十分な経験が得られるでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What happens if I don't get to that level in three years?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし私が三年でそこまでのレベルに達さなければどうなりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "心配しなくていいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will make sure you do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私が君がそうなるようにしますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The first year on the job is about learning so make sure you ask questions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "仕事での一年目は、学ぶことなので質問をすること。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There's a lot of things you don't know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君の知らないことがたくさんありますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But what if you don't know what you don't know?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でももし、わからないことがわからなかったら?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well that's something you have to be aware of.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、それは自分で気付くべきことですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There are no stupid questions in the first year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "馬鹿げている質問なんて一年目にはありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But if you keep asking the same questions then I won't be impressed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかし同じ質問をするばかりでは関心はしませんが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No pressure.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "気負わずに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have any other questions or concerns?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他に質問や気になることはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, I think I am ok.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいえ、大丈夫だと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Congratulations on surviving the first year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "一年目の修了おめでとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hey Ben, I'm thinking about taking a couple of weeks off in December.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なぁベン、12月に2、3週間の休みを取ろうと思ってるんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thinking of going away for the holidays?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "休暇でどこかに行こうって?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah I'm thinking I should see my family in Taiwan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あぁ、台湾の家族に会いに行かないと、っと思ってて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah why not.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あぁ、そうだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know when you're thinking of going?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつ頃で考えてる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm looking at leaving just before Christmas and coming back in the new year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょうどクリスマス前に出て、お正月に戻って来るので考えてる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃぁ、大丈夫だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There's a lot of holidays during that period.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その期間は祝日がいっぱいあるし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah I can just take 3 days off in the week and have the whole week off.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、その週は三日だけ休みを取れば一週間丸々休みが取れるし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know if there is anything you need me to take care of while you're away?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "休みの間に何かこっちでやっておくこととかありそう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not that I know of.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや、特に思いつかない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll be taking the company laptop with me so I'll be checking emails every now and then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会社のラップトップを持っていくし、時々メールもチェックするよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Aren't you hardworking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すごい働くよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そらそうだよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You should ask the administration department to get you a mobile wifi.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "管理部にモバイルWiFiを持たせてもらえるように頼んだほうがいいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh I don't plan on working that much.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いやいや、そこまで働くつもりはないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll just check emails once a day at home.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "家で一日に一回チェックするくらい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Nevermind then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃぁ、いいか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is a vacation after all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やっぱり休暇だからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そっちは?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you going to go anywhere during the holidays?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "休みの間どこか行くつもり?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I thought of travelling but Christmas shopping set me back a bit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "旅行しようって思ってたけど、クリスマスの買い物でちょっと頓挫してるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm just going to stay in the area and save some money.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この辺に留まって節約するよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "かなり楽しそう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi this is Kyle from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもしA社のカイルです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh hey Kyle, how is it going?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "おぉカイルさん、元気ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm not too bad.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えぇ、元気です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで今日はどんなご用件で?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know we confirmed a meeting for next week a couple days ago, and was wondering if we can reschedule.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2,3日前に来週の会議を決めたのは承知なんですが、再調整できないかと思いまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll have to check my schedule.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スケジュールを確認しないと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you tell me an alternative date?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "替わりの日程案を教えてくれますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was thinking something near the end of the month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "月末かその辺りで考えていたんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can be free on the twenty third of this month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今月の23日は空いていますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Will it just be you attending?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "カイルさんだけでの参加ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, my manager, Bob will be coming as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は、うちのマネージャーの、ボブも来ます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can still have the meeting at our office if you'd like.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よろしければうちの事務所で会議することも可能ですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Actually, I might have another meeting at my office that day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は、その日はうちのオフィスで他の会議があるかもしれなくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Could you guys actually come to my office?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "寧ろうちのオフィスへ来て頂くことはできますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Your office is still at the same floor right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そちらのオフィスってまだ同じ階にありますよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for the confirmation and understanding.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご理解とご確認、ありがとうごいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We'll look forward to seeing you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お会いできるのを楽しみにしていますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll look forward to seeing you as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私も会えるの楽しみにしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much for having me today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日はお招き頂きありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for coming in.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お越し頂いてありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お掛け下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can I get you anything to drink?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か飲み物を持ってきましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Water, tea, coffee?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "コーヒーか、紅茶か、お水か。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am okay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So let's get started.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you tell me a bit about yourself?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご自身のことについて少し教えてもらえますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My name is Sam Lee, and I graduated from University A with a major in business administration.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サム リーと申します、A大学を経営管理専攻で卒業致しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just graduated and today will actually be my first interview.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "卒業したばかりで、実は今日が初めての面接になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hope you aren't too nervous.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "緊張しすぎでいらっしゃらなければ良いですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think I am okay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大丈夫だと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But anyways, I have several years of work experience in customer service and have excellent work ethics.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですが、とにかく私にはカスタマーサービスで数年の勤務経験がありますし、非常に高い労働倫理を持ち合わせております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I believe that my eagerness to learn and my knowledge in business can contribute to your company's operations.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の学びへの意欲と、ビジネスにおける知識が御社の事業に貢献できると確信しております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you tell me how you found our company?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どのように我が社を見つけられたのか教えてもらえますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I found your company online through a job search engine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "インターネットの求人検索エンジンで御社をお見かけしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So the position you are applying for is a sales assistant position.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご応募されているポジションはセールスアシスタントのポジションですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have a rough idea of what you will be doing?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大まかに、どのような事をすることになるかお考えはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My understanding is that because your company is focused on exports, I will be assisting in sales and documentations.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私の理解ですと、御社は輸出に特化されているということで、私はセールスと書類作成の補助になるでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's about right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのようなところですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There may be some overtime associated with this position.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "このポジションには残業が発生する可能性があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would you be able to do overtime as needed?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "必要に応じて残業は可能でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、可能です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I had two part-time jobs when I was in university so I believe I can handle the extra work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大学在学中はアルバイトを二つしておりましたので、残業にも対応できるはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have any hobbies?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か趣味はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I like to play sports.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スポーツをするのが好きです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was actually on the golf team in high school.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は高校の時はゴルフチームにおりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "へえ、そうなんですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A lot of the guys here and our clients from Japan loves golf.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここの多くの人間と我が社の日本の顧客はゴルフが大好きですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm sure you'll fit right in.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "きっとすぐに馴染めますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry we are running out of time already today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すみません、今日はもうすでに時間が来てしまっていますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can expect a call from us by the end of next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週末までには我々からお電話をさせていただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much for your time and will look forward to hearing from you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お時間ありがとうございました、お返事をお待ちしております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much for your interest in our new funding program.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私どもの新規の資金提供プログラムへのご興味、誠にありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Perhaps I can do a quick overview of it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "よろしければこちらの概要説明を致しましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So the program was set up by the federal government three months ago, and is basically a grant.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "プログラムは三か月前に連邦政府によって設けられまして、要するに助成金です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But the grant can only be used for research purposes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかし助成金は研究目的にしか使用できません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So for research and development?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では研究と開発に、ということですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The funds cannot be used for commercialized technology.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "資金は商品化された技術には使用できません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The intended use can be to pay wages for researchers or for equipment used in the testing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "対象とされる使い道は研究者への賃金の支払い、もしくは試験に使われる機器です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What's the maximum funding amount?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最大の助成金額はいくらですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The limit is set to two hundred thousand dollars a year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "上限は年間20万ドルに設定されています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So just to confirm, it's a grant right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっと確認ですが、給付ですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not a loan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "貸し付けではなく。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "仰る通りです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You do not have to pay it back.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "返済する必要はありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, you will have to submit a bi-monthly report on your research progress.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかしながら、研究の進捗についての隔月レポートはご提出頂かなければなりません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Failure to do so can result in the funds not being disbursed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それがなされない場合は助成金が支払われないことになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Does this report have to be extensive?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのレポートは詳細でなければなりませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No it doesn't.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいえ、その必要はありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You just have to provide a brief summary of your progress and provide an estimated expense for the development.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "進捗についての大まかな概要と、開発経費の概算をご提供頂ければ結構です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How do you verify the expense?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "経費の確認はどのようにされるのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will come in for an audit in the beginning to decide what your estimated expense would be.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "必要経費の概算がどのくらいかを決めるのに、我々も始めは監査に参加します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So you don't have to worry too much about it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですのでそんなにご心配なさらないでください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, if there is an unexpected cost, then you should report it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですが、もし予想外の経費がある場合は、ご報告頂きます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Like if we suddenly hired more researchers or need extra equipment?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし突発でさらに研究者を雇ったり、追加設備が必要な場合とかですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can send you an information package later today for you to review.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご検討いただくために、資料パックを本日この後お送りできますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I am sure I will have more questions after reading it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、それを読めばきっともっと質問が出ると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anyways, thank you very much for your time today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とにかく、今日はお時間ありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Feel free to give me a call or send me an email anytime.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつでもお気軽にお電話かメールを下さいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll look forward to working with you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご一緒できるのを楽しみにしております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi this is Saori calling from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもしA社の沙織です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, hi Saori.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あぁ、沙織さんこんにちは。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お元気でしたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Pretty good actually.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "絶好調なんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just came back from a vacation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょうど休暇から戻ったところで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, whereabouts?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "へぇ、どちらへ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was in Cuba for one week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "キューバに一週間いました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sounds nice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It was awesome.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すごく良かったですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So the reason I called today is in regards to a potential investment opportunity.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで今日お電話を差し上げたのは、有望な投資機会についてなのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know when we last talked a couple weeks ago, you mentioned you were looking for opportunities in the tech sector.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2、3週間前にお話しした時、テクノロジー関連で投資機会をお探しとのお話が出ていたので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I recently met the president of a new startup which I thought might be what you are looking for.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最近新しいスタートアップの代表と会ったんですが、チャンさんがお探しのものかもしれないと思いまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you give me a general overview of what they do?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らが何をしているのか概要を教えてもらえますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So they are called Company A, and they connect truck drivers with jobs.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会社Aといいまして、ここがトラック運転士と仕事を繋ぐんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So kind of like car-sharing but for trucks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、カーシェアリングのトラック向けみたいな感じですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's the idea.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのアイディアです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They started earlier this year and are still in the seed funding stage.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らは今年の始めにスタートしたんですが、まだシード投資の段階でして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So they would be looking for around a few million dollars?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ数百万ドルあたりを求めているんでしょうかね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That sounds about right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大体そのくらいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can send you their presentation file later today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らのプレゼンファイルを今日この後お送りできますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can review it then let me know if you have any questions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご覧頂いて何かご質問があればお知らせください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for letting me know about this opportunity.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この機会について知らせて頂いてありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll keep my eyes peeled for other opportunities that may be of interest.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご興味のありそうな他の投資機会にも目を配っておきますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "またご連絡しますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日はお時間をいただきありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I heard from Jenny from the federal government that you are working on a manufacturing project.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "連邦政府のジェニーさんから聞いたのですが、製造プロジェクトに関わっていらっしゃるとか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's a manufacturing facility so I wanted to review what environmental regulation I should watch out for.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "製造設備なのですが、どんな環境規制に注意しなくてはいけないのか見直しかったのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So the main thing I would advise is the air permit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それなら、一番大事なのは排出許可だとご助言しますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The air permit takes roughly one year to process and I advise clients to start the process as soon as possible", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "排出許可の手続きにはだいたい1年かかりますので、クライアントには早々に手続きを開始するように勧めています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, Jenny also mentioned that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、ジェニーもそう言っていました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are there anything we can do to quicken the process?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "手続きを早めるのにできることはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "残念ながら、ありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, we can take steps to make sure it doesn't get delayed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しかし、遅れないように段階を踏むことはできます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've seen a lot of applications that were not prepared well, and the delay has been insane.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今まで、申請書類の不備でとてつもない延期を余儀なくされた例をいくつも見てきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So what can we do?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "では、どうしたら良いでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would need you to provide me with various data.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いろいろなデータの提出をお願いすることになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Data like emission volume, and discharge velocity.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "排出量や排出速度などのデータです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I don't have that data for the planned commercial facility yet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "建築予定の商業設備のデータはまだありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you have a smaller scaled demonstration facility?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "小規模なデモ施設のデータはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's more of a small lab-based facility.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "小さな研究設備のようなものになってしまいますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Will the data from that work?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのデータなら使えますかね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will have to make some assumptions on the figures but it should be okay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "想定値を出さないといけないですが、大丈夫でしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can send that over later this week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今週中にデータを出します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would also check what residents in the area are saying about your project.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それと、本プロジェクトに対する近隣住民の意見もチェックするべきだと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If they don't like it, they can protest and try to delay or stop your project.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "不満があると、抗議したり、プロジェクトを遅らせたりやめさせようとするかもしれません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How do we avoid that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "回避策は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think the important thing is to provide information about the project.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "重要なのは、プロジェクトの情報を提供することです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I would suggest holding an open-house and have the residents ask questions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "現場を解放して住民の質問に答える場を設けることをお勧めします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Will you be able to help set that up?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その手配をお手伝いいただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You will definitely want an expert to answer the environmental-related questions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "環境に関する質問に対応できる専門家が絶対に必要です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will send over a proposal for our services next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週、当社のサービスに関する提案書をお送りします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So please review it and let us know if you have any questions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですので、一読いただき、質問がありましたらおたずねください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お時間をありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will look forward to working with you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お力になれるよう望んでいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi this is Rachel from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、A社のレイチェルと申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Rachel, how have you been.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、レイチェル、元気ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I need to talk to you about the last shipment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "前回の出荷の件でお話ししたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もちろんです、何かありましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My customer contacted me yesterday and said there were some damages to the product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "昨日、お客様から連絡があり、商品にいくつか傷みがあったそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What kind of damage?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どんな傷みですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There were dents on the edges.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "角がつぶれていたそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The dents prevents them from being able to process it at their facility.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "潰れていると、客先の設備では処理されなくなるそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It might have been damaged when it was loaded in the container.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "コンテナに積まれたときに凹んだのかもしれませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you ask them to send pictures of the damage?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "凹みの写真を送るように頼んでいただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have the pictures already so I'll send them right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "写真はすでにこちらにありますので、今、お送りします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay let's see.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah it seems the damage likely occurred when it was being loaded on our side.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、これは、当社で積み込まれたときに凹んだようですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So what can you do for me?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どう対処していただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about I issue you a credit note that you can use for the next shipment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次の出荷で使えるバウチャーを発行するというではいかがでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, that would be very helpful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご迷惑をおかけいたしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please ask your loading staff to be more careful for next time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "次回はもっと気をつけるように、運送担当に伝えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will have a talk with them later this week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今週中にスタッフと話をします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm sure it was an irregular incident.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "毎回起きるというわけではないので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I will remind them to be more diligent.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ですが、もっとしっかりするように注意しておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No, I think I'm good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は、お時間をありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sam, do you have a moment?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サム、ちょっと時間ある?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I need you to prepare a company presentation for next week's event.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週の会社イベント用のプレゼンの準備をしてほしいんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Would the typical company presentation be enough?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつもの会社プレゼンでいいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The one made by our head office?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本社が作ったプレゼンのこと?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah they uploaded it on the internal website.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうです、社内コンテンツにアップされてます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think we should include a bit about what we do at our branch.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この支社でどんなことをやっているか、少し加えたほうがいいと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you make a couple of slides that explains our branch's operations?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "支社の事業を説明するようなスライドを2、3枚つくってくれないかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Should I include a short summary of all the departments we have here?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "支社内の全部署の簡単な紹介をいれましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah that would be great.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、それはいいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Be sure to add pictures.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "写真もいれてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You don't want to bore the audience with just texts.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "文字ばかりだと見ている人が飽きるからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつまでにやればいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I need the final version by next Monday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週の月曜までに最終版ができればいい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It would be great if you can make a draft by the end of tomorrow though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だけど、明日中に原稿をみせてもらえれば助かるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can have a draft ready by the end of today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日帰る前までに原稿を準備しますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいねえ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please send it to me when you're done.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "できたら、送っておいてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社って聞いたことありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah I've met their management team last summer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ええ、去年の夏に経営陣に会ったことがあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I met them at a seminar hosted by the government.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "政府主催のセミナーで会ったんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What did you think of them?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どんな感じでした?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Their technology is interesting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社の技術は興味深いよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But when I visited their demonstration facility, I wasn't sure if they were legitimate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だけど、デモ施設に行ったら、これ合法じゃないかもって思った。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どういうところが?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The facility was very dirty and they had trouble starting it up when they wanted to show me how it works.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "場所はなんか小汚いし、どう作動するのか見せてくれようとしたけど、トラブってた。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So why did you ask about Company A?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうしてA社のことを?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They contacted me last week for a meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先週、ミーティングしないかってあちらさんから連絡が来たんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wouldn't bother with them if I were you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕だったら行かないな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Their president was very inarticulate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社長はなんだか歯切れが悪いし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He kept avoiding my questions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕の質問をうまくはぐらかしてたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You mean Mr. Jim Lackey?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "えっ、ジム・ラッキーさんのことですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Jim Lackey?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ジム・ラッキー?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The president was a guy called Mike Moss.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社長はマイク・モスという人だったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe the management changed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "経営陣が変わったのかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me check their website real quick.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ホームページでチェックしてみよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, it seems their entire management team changed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、経営陣が根こそぎ変わっている。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When did that happen?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつ変わったんでしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "According to the website, the change happened two months ago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ホームページによると、2ヶ月前に刷新だって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's pretty recent.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ついこないだじゃないか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I guess they realized the existing management had issues.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今までの経営陣には問題があるってことに気づいたんじゃないかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Their idea was good, but their execution was subpar.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アイディアは良かったど、執行能力は標準以下だったね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Maybe it's worth talking to them now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今なら、話をしてみる価値があるかもしれませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah I think it would be good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだね、いいかも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you think I can join you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕も参加してもいいかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sure why not.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When should I call Mr. Kinoshita from Company A?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社の木下さんに何時に電話したらいいでしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As soon as possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "できるだけ早く。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But don't forget about the time difference.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あっ、だけど、時差に気をつけて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It will be 9 o'clock in the morning in Japan when it is 5 o'clock in the afternoon here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらが午後5時のときに日本は午前9時ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, you don't want to call them when they are still sleeping.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう、向こうがまだ寝てる時間に電話しないほうがいいからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I will call them around 5 o'clock then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、では、こちらの午後5時くらいに電話します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What are you planning to talk about with him?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何を話すの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I need to tell him that a shipment will be delayed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "出荷が遅れることを伝えたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Make sure to tell him the reason for the delay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "遅れる理由もちゃんと伝えないとだめだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well the logistic company only told me that it will be delayed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "物流会社からは遅れるとしか聞いてないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Nothing more.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それ以上のことはわかりません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mr. Kinoshita will definitely ask for the reason.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "木下さんは、絶対に理由をきいてくるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you imagine what he will say if you say I don't know?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "理由はわかりませんと言ったら、木下さんが何と言うか想像できるだろう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そりゃそうだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will call the logistic company right now to find out the reason.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今、物流会社に電話して理由を問いただします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Don't forget to ask if there are other alternatives.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他の手段がないかも忘れずに聞いて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You will want to be able to offer various options to Mr. Kinoshita.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "木下さんが代替案をいろいろ選べるように。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、アドバイスをどうも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Good thing I asked you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "聞いてよかった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Otherwise I would have been yelled at by Mr. Kinoshita.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "木下さんに怒鳴られるところだった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You're still in your first year on the job so keep asking questions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだ、一年目だから、いろいろ聞いていいんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you were in your fifth year or something then I'd be the one yelling at you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし、5年目で、まだ、そんなことをやっていたら、怒鳴るけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll keep note of that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "心しておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Ben, I was wondering if you can give me some advice on arranging the business trip for Mr. Takeda from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ベン、A社の竹田さんの出張手配についてちょっと教えてくれます?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is Mr. Takeda flying direct from Japan?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "竹田さんは日本から直行便で来るの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He is actually transferring in Seattle.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "シアトルで乗り継ぎみたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You should make sure that his connecting flight isn't delayed or running early.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、乗り継ぎ便が遅れたり早まったりしていないかチェックしないとね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We have to make sure we will be at the airport to pick him up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "空港出迎えも準備しておかないと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can't he just take public transit?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "公共の電車バスじゃだめなんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He's a senior director.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "竹田さんは専務だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Which means.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It means we need to make sure his visit is perfect.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "粗相のないようにしないといけないということだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Have you arranged his accommodation?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ホテルはとったの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I called today and we are good to go.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日電話してとりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Did you tell the hotel that the guest will check-in early?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "チェックインが早くなること、ホテルに伝えたかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "No I didn't.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "言ってませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Check-in is at 4 PM.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "チェックインタイムは午後4時です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If you request early check-in, they may be able to have the room ready earlier.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "アーリーチェックインの希望を伝えておけば、早めに部屋を用意してくれるときもあるんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's not guaranteed but it's worth a try.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "絶対じゃないけど、言っておいて損はないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will call the hotel later today then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、今日中にホテルに電話しておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not as simple as it seems right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "意外と面倒だろう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Should I go get the company car washed too then?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "社用車の洗車手配もしておきますかね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You're catching on.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だいぶ分かってきたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Don't forget to vacuum it too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "車内の掃除機も忘れずに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will get reimbursed for it right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あとで会社に請求できるんですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Make sure you get a receipt.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "忘れずに領収証をもらってきてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can't process reimbursements without them so be sure to get one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "領収書ないと返金できないから、絶対に忘れないで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll definitely do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まかしてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will be sending out an excel file with a list of company today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日、会社リストをエクセルファイルで送ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A list for what?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何のリストですって?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's for sending out the company Christmas card and calendar!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "会社のクリスマスカードとカレンダーの送付リストです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Oh, is it already that time of the year?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、もう、そんな時期になったんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will need you to look over the list to see if we still do business with them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだウチの取引先かどうか、リストを確認してほしいんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If we aren't doing business with them anymore then we don't need to send it to them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もう、取引していないようでしたら、送付する必要ないので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, I will take a look at it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、見てみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please make sure the addresses are correct.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それと、住所が正しいかどうか確認してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You will have to look it up online to check if it has changed or not.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "住所が変わっていないかどうかネットでチェックする必要があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Should we include consultants who we recently started talking to?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最近連絡取り始めたコンサルタントは含めますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We aren't doing any business with them yet but we might in the future.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まだ、取引は初めていないのですが、今後おつきあいするかもしれないし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will leave that up to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたの判断にお任せします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's not a big deal to send out more so you don't have to overthink it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "送り先が増えてもそれほど大変じゃないので、そんなに真剣に考えなくても大丈夫ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, sounds good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それなら安心。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When do we need to finalize this by?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd like to finalize it by this week so we can send them out next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今週中に仕上げて、来週送りたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will be a bit busy with meetings and business trips this week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今週はミーティングと出張でちょっと忙しいんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you think I can let you know first thing next week?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週早々でもいいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I plan on sending them out in the latter half of next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週後半に送りたいと思っていますので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Just let me know by Tuesday next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週の火曜日までに知らせてくれればいいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much for arranging this site tour.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日は内覧を手配していただきありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I understand that you are looking for a site for a potential manufacturing facility?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "お客様は製造施設を探してらっしゃるんですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We will be producing a new product that hasn't been commercialized yet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "現在まだ商品化されていない新製品を生産する予定なんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That sounds exciting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So a bit of information about this site.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それではこの施設について少し説明を致しますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This site is connected to all utilities including water, gas and electricity.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この場所は水、ガス、電気を含むすべての公共施設につながっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know the details like the wattage and such?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ワット数などの詳細はわかりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sorry, I will have to check and get back to you on that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すみません、それについては調べてお知らせしますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That will be very important as the facility is reliant on those.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "施設はそれに依存しているのでとても大事なことなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This site is industrially zoned so I am sure the specification should meet your needs.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この施設は工業用施設として区分けされているので、仕様は御社のニーズを満たすはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hopefully so.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだといいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Since you mentioned that it will be a manufacturing facility, you should note that there is a residential area close by.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ここは製造施設ですが、住宅地に近いということに気を付けてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So it will be important to conduct an open-house to make sure they understand what your planning to do here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので、ここであなたがたが計画していることを確実に理解していただくためにオープンハウスを開催することが重要になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know if they will oppose a project like this?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らがこのようなプロジェクトに反対するか分かりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can't say for sure but having a facility like this will create jobs.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はっきりとは分かりませんが、このような施設を作ることで雇用ができますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I am sure there will be people who will welcome this project.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので、この計画を歓迎する住人がいると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This site used to have a manufacturing facility around 20 years ago, so people should be fairly understanding.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この施設は20年くらい前に製造施設として使用されていたので、皆さん理解されると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "This facility will create around 25 full-time jobs so I really hope it can positively impact the community.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この施設では25件くらいのフルタイムの仕事が発生するので、地域に貢献できると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My other concern would be the environmental regulations.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その他の懸念は環境規則ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I have heard that the permitting process for air permit can take up to one year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大気許可を得る手続きに最高1年かかると聞いたことがあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You're understanding is correct.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is there any way to speed up the process?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "手続きを速く進められる方法ありますかね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Unfortunately, it is a regulated process so there is not much we can do about that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "残念ながら、それは規定されている手続きなので、私たちができることはあまりありませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'd recommend speaking to an environmental consultant early on to start preparing the application.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早めに環境コンサルタントに相談して申請の準備を始めることをお勧めします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can send you a list of reputable consultants after our tour today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日の内覧の後、評判の良いコンサルタントのリストを送りますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let's head over to the existing facility on the site.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは施設見学を続けましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How do you negotiate the price?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どのように金額交渉すればよいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well the first thing you have to know is the market price.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まず最初に市場価格を把握することだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can either refer to market reports and by talking with suppliers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "市場報告書を参考にしたり、業者と話をしたりするのもいいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Is that why you are always out of the office meeting suppliers?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので、いつも業者との打ち合わせでオフィスにあまりいないのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not just that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それだけじゃないけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is important to have face-to-face conversation with them sometimes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "時々彼らに直接会って話すことが大切なんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They will sometime tell you some things they won't tell you over email or phone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そのうち電子メールや、電話では話さないようなことも話してくれるだろうからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So you are also gathering other information.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで他の情報も集めてるんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You never know when you might pick up a lead that will generate sales.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どこでそれが売上を生み出すか分からないからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So in regards to negotiating a price, how much margin should we aim for?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "価格交渉についてですが、どのくらいの利益を目標にするべきですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Since we are the middleman, we can't go over the top.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕たちは仲介人なので、トップを超えることはできないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I typically aim for two to five percent.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕は大体2から5パーセントを目標にしているよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What happens if you try to get more than that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それ以上にしようと思うとどうなりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The customer is also aware of the general price level so they will know if we are taking too much margin.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "顧客も大体の物価水準を分かっているので、もし僕たちが高く利益を得ればわかってしまうだろうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In that case, they might deal directly with the supplier or find another middleman.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "その場合、彼らは業者と直接取引するか、または他の仲介人を見つけるかもしれないね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Once that happens, it will be difficult to gain that customer's trust.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしそうなったら、僕たちは顧客の信用を得ることが難しくなってしまうよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Sounds scary.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは怖いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think the key point is to understand the needs of both sides.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "大事なことは両方のニーズを理解することだと思うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Both sides as in the customer and the supplier?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "顧客と業者両方をですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You have to know how what kind of situation they are in.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らがどのような状況なのかを知ることが必要だと思うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "For example, if the customer is facing some difficulties we might consider lowering our margin to help them out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "例えば、顧客がもし困っているときは、僕たちは彼らを助けるために自分たちの利益を下げることを検討することがあるかもしれないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's all about maintaining a good balance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "良いバランスを保つことが全てだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I guess I shouldn't stay in the office all the time then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうやら、私はあまりオフィスに居るべきじゃなさそうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, get out there!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだよ、もっと外に出ようよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ランチ早くない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah, I have to go out for a meeting soon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうなんだ、すぐに会議にいかなくちゃいけないんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どうしてた?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It feels like I haven't seen you in a while.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最近会ってなかったような気がするよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well you're the one that's always out of the office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだね、いつも君はオフィスにいないもんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ほんとだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've been okay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあまあだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Business is a bit slow with the holiday season coming up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "連休のシーズンが始まるので、仕事はちょっとゆっくりになってきてるけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こちらも同じく。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's so much harder to reach people these days by phone and email.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最近電話やEメールでみんなとなかなか連絡がとれないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yeah it's been pretty dead.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだね、かなり活気がなくなってるね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How did that last transaction end up last month?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先月の取引はどうなった?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The shipment to China?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "中国への出荷のこと?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、それだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well the customer in China wanted to advance the shipment by one week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、中国の顧客が1週間出荷を早めてほしいとのことだったんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's reasonable.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは合理的だよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But he told me at the very last minute.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だけど、ぎりぎりで言ってきたんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I had to scramble around to find a vessel and arrange the shipment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あちこち駆けずり回って出荷してくれる便を探さなきゃならなかったんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's really nerve wrecking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すごく大変だったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Were you able to sort everything out?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すべて出荷することができたの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, thankfully.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well you can finally relax and enjoy the holidays then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "じゃあ、休日はやっとゆっくり楽しむことができるね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Any plans over the break?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "休暇中の予定は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I was thinking of taking some days off.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "休みがとれると思ったんだけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I will probably still get phone calls so I might as well just go to the office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、たぶん電話はかかってくると思うから仕事に行くと思うんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well don't push yourself too hard.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "無理しないでね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You can always just call them back after the break!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "休みが終わった後でも連絡できるんだから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I need a break!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "休みたいなー!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hello, you've reached Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、A社でございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ご用件をお伺いしてよろしいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi this is Rachel from Company B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、私B社のレイチェルと申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I recently received a notice from your company regarding a change of banking information for wire transfers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "先日御社より銀行の送金情報の変更についてご連絡いただきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you tell me how you received the notice?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どのようにご連絡を受けられたか教えていただけますでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I received an email from a Kyle Jenner.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "カイル ジェナーさんからEメールを頂きました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just wanted to make sure if this was a real person at your company and that the notice isn't a scam.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この方が御社に実在する方で詐欺ではないか確認したくてご連絡差し上げました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I wasn't informed of any changes to our banking information.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "銀行情報の変更について特に聞いていません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll have to double check with my manager to verify this information.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この情報が本当かどうか確かめるためには、上司にもう一度確認する必要がありますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "In the meantime, I would hold off on making any payments until we get this cleared up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それまでの間、この問題が解決するまで支払いを保留にいたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I actually have an invoice that is due for this week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "実は今週支払い期日の請求書があるのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you give me an extension on that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは延期していただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I can just check with my manager after this call on the banking information.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この電話の後に、銀行情報に関して上司に聞いてみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about I call you back in 15 minutes?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "15分後に折り返しお電話をさせていただいてもよろしいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいえどういたしまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは後程連絡致します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Bye for now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi this is Ken Pierce from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、こちらA社のケン ピアースです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Ken this is Chris from Company B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちはケン、B社のクリスだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あっ元気?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Not too well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あまりよくないんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I just got a call from the customer and they are asking me to advance the shipment by one week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今、顧客から電話があって、1週間出荷を前倒しして欲しいと頼まれているんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you talking about the one scheduled to ship at the end of the month?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは今月末出荷予定のもの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ああ、それなんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will have to check with the trucking company to see if they have any openings.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "運送会社に空きがないか確認する必要があるね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "The customer really needs to advance the shipment to meet their new manufacturing schedule.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "顧客は新しい製造スケジュールに合わせて出荷を早くする必要があるようだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "やってみるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When do you think you will know if it can be done or not?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつそれができるかできないかわかるかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will try to let you know by the end of the day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日中に連絡するようにするよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But I can't guarantee anything.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "保証はできないけれど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How about I call you back at the end of the day for an update.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "進捗を1日の終わりに連絡するということでどうだろうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはありがたい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for your support as always.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつも助けてくれてありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ではまた後で。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日はお時間をいただきありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今回は手配していただきありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "As mentioned in my email last week, today's agenda is to introduce Company A to your company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私からのメールで先週お伝えした通り、本日は御社にA社をご紹介をさせていただきたいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will have Mr. Sawamura introduce Company A now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "早速澤村さんがA社の紹介を致します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much for arranging today's meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "本日の会議を手配していただきありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will do a quick overview of Company A, but please feel free to stop me and ask questions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "これからA社について簡単な紹介をいたしますが、なにかご質問がございましたら、途中でご遠慮無くお申し出ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So our company is headquartered in Japan, and our main focus is adding value to the logistic industry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "弊社は日本に本社があり、私たちの主な焦点は物流業界に価値を付加していくことです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Historically, the logistic industry has been resistant to technological change but we are here to change that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "歴史的に、物流業界は技術的な変化に抵抗してきましたが、私達はそれを変えるためにここにいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you guess how we will do that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それはどのようにすることだと思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So the logistic industry is very fragmented in the sense that there is a lot of repetitive and unnecessary steps.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "物流業界は繰り返しや、不必要な手順があるという意味で非常に細分化されています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our plan is to introduce a digital platform that connects all the parties involved in the logistic supply chain.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちの計画は、サプライチェーンに関わるすべての人たちををつなぐデジタルプラットフォームを導入することです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Will the platform be in the form of an app?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "プラットフォームはアプリ型になるのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes it will.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We already have 60 companies signed up and expect to reach 100 companies by the end of the year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "弊社はすでに60社と契約しており、年末までには100社に達する見込みとなっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When did you launch the platform?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつプラットフォームを立ち上げたのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We just launched our beta version two months ago in August.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "2ヶ月前の8月にベータ版を立ち上げたばかりです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So we should be able to reach our target.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので、私たちは目標を達成することができるはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは魅力的ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you tell me what your short term and long term goals are?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "短期目標と、長期目標を教えてもらえますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our short term goal is to reach 100 companies registered on our platform and to develop the next version.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "弊社の短期目標は弊社のプラットフォームに100社の会社が登録し、次のバージョンを開発することです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We hope to release version two by the summer next year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来年の夏までにはバージョン2を出したいと思っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That seems to be achievable.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは達成できそうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And what about your long term goals?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは長期目標は何ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Although we have just started to market the platform in Japan, we hope to expand to the North American market.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "弊社は日本市場でプラットフォームを販売し始めたばかりですが、北米市場へ拡大したいと思っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So we are hoping to be able to partner with your company to expand our presence in North America.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので、弊社は御社と提携して北アメリカに進出したいと思っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you very much for considering us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちの会社を検討していただきどうもありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think the next step for us would be to discuss internally on how to proceed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私たちの次の段階は社内でどのように進めて行くか話し合うことだと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "When do you need us to make a decision by?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いつまでに決断すればよろしいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It would be great if you can let us know by next month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来月までにお返事をいただけたら嬉しいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will let you know if we have any further questions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "何か質問があったらまたご連絡しますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you for the presentation Mr. Sawamura.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "澤村さん、プレゼンテーションありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Thank you Mr. Johnson for coming today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ジョンソンさん、本日はお越しいただきどうもありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will coordinate between you guys as Mr. Sawamura will be on a business trip next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "澤村さんが来週出張に出てる間は私がお二人の間の調整をいたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Please feel free to ask any questions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なにかご質問等ありましたら、いつでもご連絡ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Welcome to Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社へようこそ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I am assuming that the human resource director has already provided some orientation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "すでに人事部長が何らかのオリエンテーションを行ったと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes had a quick overview of the company's operations.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、簡単な会社の事業概要の説明がありました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Before we start, feel free to ask any questions okay?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは始めますが、もし何かあったら気軽に質問してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We can get started on how we run our business in our commodity department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "当社の商品部門の業務についての説明から始めましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Our commodity department consists of a lumber department and log department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "当社の商品部門は木材部と丸太部に分かれています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you know the difference between lumber and log?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "木材と丸太の違いはわかりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I only know it's wood.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "木だということだけはわかります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well lumber is basically the form when a log is cut at a sawmill.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "木材というのは基本的に丸太をのこぎりで切った状態のことをいいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So a log would just be in the form after it has been harvested?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは、丸太というのは木を伐採しただけの状態ということですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You will be part of the lumber trading team here at Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "君は多分A社の木材貿易チームの一員となると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "You will first work with Elaine here who is in charge of documentations.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まずはここで資料管理を担当しているエレンと一緒に働いてもらいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi I'm Elaine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、エレンです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I look forward to working with you Sam.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "サム、あなたと仕事をするのを楽しみにしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Elaine, I look forward to working with you as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "エレン、こんにちは、私もあなたとお仕事をするのを楽しみにしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So what we mainly do at the lumber department is to export lumber.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私達は木材部で、木材の輸出をメインに行っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Where is it exported?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "どこへ輸出してるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It is exported to Japan to be used to build houses.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "住宅建築用として日本に輸出しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Doesn't Japan have trees as well?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、日本にも木はありませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "However, their demand for lumber exceeds their domestic capacity.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "でも、日本の木材需要は国内の生産能力を上回ってるのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Therefore, Japan imports lumber from throughout the world to meet their demand.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので、日本は需要に応じるために世界中から木材を輸入しているんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Will I be learning about what the exporting process is?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "輸出のプロセスについて教えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "That's what I'll have Elaine teach you from now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは今からエレンに教えてもらいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "There's a lot of things you have to learn.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "覚えることがたくさんありますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So make sure to take notes!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "きちんとノートに書き留めてね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you guys excited for the company Christmas party next week?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あなたたちは来週の会社のクリスマスパーティー楽しみ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I hope the gifts will be extravagant like last year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "去年みたいにギフトが豪華だといいなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "What did they have last year?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "去年のギフトはなんだったの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I couldn't go last year because I had to go on a last-minute business trip.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私は去年直前に決まった出張に行かなくてはいけなかったので参加できなかったのよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それは残念。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I had meetings after meetings.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ミーティング三昧だったのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And I had the worst jet lag ever.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、今までで一番ひどい時差ぼけにもなったのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hopefully you'll make it this year!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今年は参加できるといいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Anyways, almost everyone was happy with their gift last year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "とにかく、ほとんどの人が去年のギフトを喜んでいたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I got hockey tickets.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "僕はホッケーのチケットをもらったんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Nice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いいわね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I should enjoy the good food and drink my worries away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "美味しい食事とお酒で心配事を吹き飛ばして楽しまないと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "By the way, Mr. Smith will be joining the party.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ところで、スミスさんがパーティーに参加する予定なのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mr. Smith as in Mr. Ron Smith from Company A?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スミスさんって、A社のロン スミスさんのこと?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "He happened to be in town on a business trip so John invited him.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼は出張でたまたまここに来るみたいなので、ジョンが招待したのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mr. Smith helped us out with our sales by accepting a tough price last month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スミスさんは先月厳しい金額を受け入れてくれたことで僕たちの売り上げを助けてくれたからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's important to appreciate our clients by inviting them to events like this!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こういうイベントにお客様を招待して感謝することは大切だよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そう思うわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will hold back on the drinks then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それじゃあ、その時は飲むのを控えるわね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Don't worry about it!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "いや、心配しなくていいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Mr. Smith is easygoing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "スミスさんは穏やかな人だからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まああなたがそう言うなら。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Don't worry!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "心配しなくていいわよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We'll all have a good time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "みんなで楽しく過ごしましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi there, this is John Smith from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もしもし、私A社のジョンスミスと申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "May I speak to Mr. Willis?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ウィリスさんはいらっしゃいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hi Mr. Willis, how are you today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "こんにちは、ウィリスさん、お元気ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "まあまあいいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm not too bad myself.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私もまあまあです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'm calling today to ask if you would be available for a lunch meeting next Tuesday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日は来週の火曜日にランチミーティングができるかお尋ねするためにお電話差し上げました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Yes, I should be available.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "はい、大丈夫なはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Let me check my calendar real quick.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "ちょっとカレンダーを見させてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Looks like I'll be available next Tuesday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週の火曜日は大丈夫そうですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "How does Restaurant A at 12 o'clock sound?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "12時にレストランAでいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Can you tell me what the agenda will be?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "議題は何か教えてもらえますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "My manager would actually like to discuss a new business opportunity.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "うちのマネージャーが新しいビジネスの機会について話したいと思っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "And he thought it'd be best if we talk about this over lunch.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そして、昼食を食べながらその話ができたらいいと思っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll look forward to seeing you guys next Tuesday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "来週の火曜日にあなた方に会えるのを楽しみにしてます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will look forward to seeing you as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私もお会いできるのを楽しみにしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それではさよなら。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So what did you think about Company A?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それで、A社についてどう思いました?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think they have a solid business plan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "しっかりした事業計画を持っているとは思いましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I thought so too, but I'm concerned about that guy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "私もそう思ったのですが、ちょっと彼について気になることがあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Are you talking about the sales manager?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "営業部長のことですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I feel that his past experience is irrelevant to Company A's business.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なんか彼の過去の経歴はA社の業務とは関係ない気がするんですけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well, Company A's business is related to software and he worked in the manufacturing industry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですね、A社の事業はソフトウェア関連なのに、彼は製造関連の仕事をしていましたよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "But being a sales manager is about being the window of contact for the client.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "だけど、営業部長になるということは、顧客のための窓口になるということですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I agree, but don't you think being well versed in the industry is important?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうですよね、でも業界に精通していることが大切だと思いませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I guess so, but it's never too late to learn.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "そうだと思いますが、学ぶのに遅すぎるということはないですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Well he better learn quickly because the industry moves quickly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "この業界は変化が速いから彼には早く学んでいってほしいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So back to their business plan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それでは、事業計画の話に戻りましょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I like how their technology can be introduced globally.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らの技術がグローバルに展開可能であるという点が気に入りました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They've already done their research on regulations, and already have their patents in place.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼らはすでに規制に関しての調査も終えているし、特許もきちんと持っていますしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've seen a lot of companies who've only done their research on regulations locally.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "規制に関して局所的にしか調査していない会社もたくさん見てきてますからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "So I am quite impressed with Company A's business plan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "なので、私はA社の事業計画には非常に感心しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Do you think Company A can disrupt the industry?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "A社が業界を震撼させる可能性はあると思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I think they can if they can get to market quickly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし彼らが市場に早く入り込んで来たらあり得ると思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I know there are other companies doing something similar.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "他にも似たことをしてる会社もありますしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Then they need to get their funding in place to expand quickly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "それから彼らは急速に拡大するためにしっかりと資金を集める必要もありますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They will definitely need more people for sales and marketing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "あの会社にはセールスとマーケティング要員が絶対にもっと必要ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "They have way too many software engineers right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "現在ソフトウェアエンジニアがあまりに多すぎますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "If we invest in Company A and get a seat on the board, we can definitely give them the guidance they need.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "もし僕たちがA社に投資をして取締役会の一員となれば、確かに彼らに必要な助言をしてあげられますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "We definitely need to do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "絶対にそうするべきだと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I've seen a lot of startup companies that waste too much money in the beginning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "最初にお金を無駄にしすぎたスタートアップ企業をたくさん見てきてますからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "It's important to keep the operation lean.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "無駄のないオペレーションを保っていくことが大事ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Okay, can you write today's meeting minutes?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "わかりました、今日の会議の議事録を書いてもらえますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll finish it by 5 o'clock today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "今日の5時までに書き上げます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "完璧だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I'll go talk to the general manager tomorrow to explain about Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "明日ゼネラルマネージャーにA社の件を話しておきますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "Hopefully he will like Company A and make the decision to invest in them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "彼がA社を気に入ってくれて、投資できる方向に決まることを願いましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "train"} {"text": "I will be teaching you how to conduct research today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今日は調査の進め方についてトレーニングします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Like just searching online?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "オンライン調査みたいなものですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes and no.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それも含みます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "First of all we need to make sure the sources are legitimate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "まず、出所が正規のところであるかどうか確認しないといけません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So no blogs or editorial?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ブログとかコラムなどはだめということですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そのとおり。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "The first place I would look at is government websites.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "最初に見るところは政府のホームページです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "They typically have accurate data that is trustworthy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "政府の数字は、一般的に正確で信用性が高いものです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "What other websites would be good?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "他に良いサイトは?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You can also check out major institutions like banks, accounting companies, and market research companies.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "大手の銀行、会計事務所、市場調査会社などの企業データも活用できます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Why those?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "They are well known and typically publishes good market reports.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "こうした企業は有名で、たいてい質の良い市況報告を発行しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "But some market reports aren't free.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "でも、市況報告は無料でないこともあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So stick to the ones that are free.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "なので、無料データで探します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "What if it seems the report is useful?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "でも、もし、有料データで良さそうなのがあったら?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You can consult with me then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "私に相談してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "But a lot of the research you will be doing is preliminary research.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "でも、君がやるのはほとんど予備調査だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So it won't be presented to upper management.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "経営陣に見せるような調査ではありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Would there be cases when we would purchase market reports?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "市況報告書を購入するようなケースはあるのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We will need them when we conduct detailed feasibility studies.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "詳しい実現可能性調査をするようなときには購入が必要になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "These will be presented to the upper management so we need to show that the information is validated by professional third-party companies.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そういう調査は上層部へ報告されるので、専門の第3者企業に認証された情報でなければなりません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hi Ben, it's nice to see you again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ベンさん、こんにちは、またお会いできて嬉しいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Nice to see you as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "こちらこそお会いできて嬉しいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Business has been good?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ビジネスの方はいかがですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It's been a bit slow with the holiday season but that's normal.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "休暇のシーズンでちょっと活気がないですが、それが普通です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Again thank you for coming in today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今日はお越しいただいてありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I wanted to discuss the proposal you sent me last week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "先週送って頂いた提案についてお話したかったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, the one regarding the market research.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、マーケットリサーチに関する件ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I reviewed the contents internally and felt that it wasn't quite something we were looking for.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "社内で内容を検討したのですが、ちょっと我々が求めていたものとは違っていた感じがあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Can you be a bit more specific?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "もう少し具体的にお話して頂けますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We were hoping that the research will cover more topics in depths.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "リサーチがもっと多くのトピックを掘り下げるのを期待していました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "But it basically covers information we already know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "しかしおおむねすでに私たちが知っている情報をカバーしていました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Were you expecting more field work like interviewing companies?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "会社への聞き取り調査など、もっと実地調査を期待されていましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "If that's the case, the cost structure for our service would be different.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "その場合、私共のサービスの料金体制が変わってきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So it won't be a flat price?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それでは一律料金ではなくなるということですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It will be a combination.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "組み合わせになりますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So there will be the base price plus a monthly retainer fee for the duration of the field work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ですから基本料金の上に、実地調査を行う期間中に月々の依頼料がかかります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Also, travel expense and a daily meal allowance would have to be covered as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "また、旅費と毎日の食費もかかります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "How about you give me another proposal with that cost structure so I can discuss it with my boss.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "上司と話し合うので、その料金体制で別の提案を出して頂けますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yeah I can whip that up quickly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、すぐにご用意できます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I think I can get you a revised proposal by the end of the week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "週末までに改訂した提案をお渡しします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "大変ありがたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Please send it to us as soon as you can.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "できるだけ早く送ってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well, thank you for coming today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "では、今日はお越しいただきありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Thank you for the opportunity.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "機会を頂き、ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "This is Ben speaking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ベンです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hi Ben this is Dennis from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ベンさん、こんにちは、A社のデニスです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh, hi Dennis.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ああ、デニスさん、こんにちは。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I've been good thank you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "元気にしていました、ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "When was the last time we talked?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "最後にお話したのはいつでしたっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I think it was around two years ago when we renewed your insurance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "2年ほど前に御社の保険を更新した時だったと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ああ、そうでしたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "And I'm calling in regards to that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今日お電話したのもその件なんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh is it time for a renewal already?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "えっ、もう更新の時期ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I just wanted to ask if your sales volume will be increasing in the next year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "来年御社の販売量が拡大するかどうかお聞きしたかったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "That will factor into calculating the insurance rate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それが保険料を算出する要素になるんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You mean for our export business?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "私たちの輸出事業のことですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well, we are doing around four million in sales right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうですね、現在の販売高は400万ドル前後です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We anticipate that will increase to six million next year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "来年は600万ドルに拡大すると見込んでいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Do you think we can get a discounted rate?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "割引料金にしてもらえますかね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そう思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You guys haven't had any insurance claims since you started.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "御社はこれまで一度も保険請求をなさっていません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So you guys would be deemed low risk.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "つまりローリスクとみなされるんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I think I can get you guys a lower rate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "割引料金をご提供できると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'll get back to you next week in regards to the rate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "料金に関しては来週またご連絡いたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hi this is Bruce.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、ブルースです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Can you come to my office?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ちょっと私の部屋に来てくれますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、すぐに伺います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You wanted to see me?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "お呼びでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yeah, have a seat.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "うん、そこにかけて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'm actually doing a presentation at an event and will need to introduce our company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あるイベントでプレゼンをやるんだが、うちの会社の紹介をしなくてはいけないんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It's happening next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それが、来週なんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I was reviewing the presentation you made for me earlier this year and realized that it needs to be updated.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今年既に君が作ってくれたプレゼンを見直していたんだが、書き換えが必要なところがあるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それなら、もちろんできますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Can you check if there's a new version of the company presentation from the administration department?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "会社プレゼンの新しいバージョンが総務部から出ているか調べてくれるかい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yeah, they usually post new ones on the internal website.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、大抵ホームページの社内コンテンツに新しいのをアップしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'll check if they have an updated one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "更新版が出ているかチェックしてみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "There's also some changes to our assets since the last presentation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "前回のプレゼンと資産の数字も変わっているんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Right, there have been some changes with selling off assets and acquiring companies.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうですね、売却資産と企業買収のところに変更があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'll send a list of changes for the presentation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "プレゼンの変更箇所のリストを送るよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "That will be helpful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それだと助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Do you think you can make me a draft by the end of today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今日帰るまでに原稿を仕上げられる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It's just adding and removing content so it should be quick.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "内容を加えたり削除したりするだけなので、すぐできるでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "できたら知らせてくれ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yeah, I'll send over a draft as soon as I finish.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、原稿ができましたらすぐにお送りします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hi Sam, can you do me a favor?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "サムさんこんにちは、頼みごとをしてもいいかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I need you to arrange a meeting with someone from the government.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "政府の方との会議の手配をして欲しいのだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Is there a specific person you want to see?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "どなたか特に面会したい方はいらっしゃいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'm looking for someone that can give us advice on subsidies for research and development.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "研究開発の助成金についてアドバイスをくれる人を探しているんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I want to see if there are any government programs that we can use for our project.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "我々のプロジェクトに使える政府のプログラムがあるか知りたいんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I think there might be some government-run programs that provides grants.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "多分助成金を支給してくれる政府主導のプログラムがあると思うんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I know someone in the government so maybe he can direct me in the right direction.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "政府に知り合いがいるので彼が適切なアドバイスをくれるんじゃないかなと思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'll leave this to you then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "では君に任せるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Try to see if you can arrange a meeting for next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "来週会議ができるか調整してみて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Or even the week after.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "もしくは再来週でもいいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Who will be attending from our side?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "弊社からは誰が出席する予定ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It will be Ben and myself.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ベンさんと私です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Actually, maybe you should join too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "君も参加した方が良いかもしれないね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Since you are the one arranging the meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "会議の手配をしているのは君なんだから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I will keep my schedule open.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "では、予定を空けておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Anyways, I'll let you know once I can confirm this meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "とにかく会議が確定できたらお知らせいたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Let me know when you do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "確認が取れたら教えてくれ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Ok, show it to me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、見せてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So, what do you think?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "で、どう思われますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, it's working.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ええ、できてますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So you did this by adding that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "で、それを加えてこうしたと?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, I had to run it through a solution and then heat it though, otherwise it won't emulsify.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ええ、溶液に一度くぐらせ全体を温めないと乳化しなかったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It's maintaining its state.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "この状態が保たれていますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "My goodness, you finally did it!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "すごい、やりましたね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "This is a technological marvel.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "これは技術的驚異ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well done, Ken.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "よくやりました、健さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I am so proud of you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "誇りに思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It was really long and laborious.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "本当に長く大変な作業でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We need to patent this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "これは特許化しないと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Have you done it before?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "前にやったことはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "No, never.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "いいえ、一度も。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Ok, this is going to be a great learning experience for you, so do it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "では、これはいい勉強の機会になりますから、やりましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Where do I start?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "どこから始めればよいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'll email you our patent attorney's info.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "特許弁護士の情報をメールしますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "But before that, talk to Karen about searching for existing patents.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "でもその前に、カレンに先行特許検索について話してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You need to search thoroughly to make sure nobody has the same thing, or even something similar.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "徹底的に調査して、同じもの、また似たものがないことを確認する必要があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Ask Karen about the criteria, she's done this many times.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "カレンに条件について聞いてみてください、彼女は何度もやっていますから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Ok, and how long is the filing process?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "分かりました、申請プロセスはどのくらいかかりますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well you need some studies for proof.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "えっと、証明するための研究が必要になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Do you have the experiment log?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "実験ログはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It's really scribbled and all over the place.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "書きなぐったものがあちこちに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well, maybe you want to run another one with a clean slate, might as well to be absolutely certain this works.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "じゃ、これがうまくいくことをしっかり確かめるためにも、綺麗な状態のものを別に作りたいかも知れません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "How long will that take you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "どのくらいで出来ますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I don’t know, about a month?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "分からないですが、一ヶ月くらいでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Try to do it in 2 weeks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "2週間でやってみてくれ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We will file for all the applications as well so you have to start cracking on that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "全ての応用に関して申請するつもりだから、どんどん進めてくれないと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Wow, there is a lot to do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "わあ、たくさんやることがありますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hopefully we can get this filed by the end of next month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "出来るなら、来月末までにこれを申請したいからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "My commute today was horrible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今日の通勤はひどかった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "The train that I usually take was cancelled without notice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "いつも乗る電車が予告なしにキャンセルになったんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "That sucks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ひどいわね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "How did you get to work then?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "じゃあ、どうやって来たの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I had to take the bus.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "バスに乗らなくちゃいけなくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh you can get to work by bus?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "えっ、バスで来られるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yeah, but I have to transfer three times.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ええ、でも3回乗り換えないといけません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "That's not fun.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それは大変だわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yeah, the bus is always full by the time I get on.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そう、僕が乗る時間はいつも満員ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "And I can't sleep because I'm scared I'll miss my stop.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "降り忘れたら困るから眠れないし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Have you thought of driving to work?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "自動車通勤は考えたことある?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I know Ben drives to work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ベンはやってるわよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I thought about it but the parking is too expensive.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "考えたことありますけど、駐車代が高すぎて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "いくらくらい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It's around four hundred dollars a month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "月に100ドルくらい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Wow that's expensive.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "えー、それは高いわね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Plus, you need to fill up on gas on a weekly basis.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それに、毎週ガソリン入れないといけないし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I think Ben has a parking pass issued by the company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ベンは会社が発行している駐車券を持ってるはずよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh what, how come he gets one?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "えー、どうやって手に入れたんだろう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Beats me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "さあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You can ask him!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "聞いてみれば。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I will ask him now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今聞いてみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hey Ben.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ベン、ちょっと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Did the company issue you a parking pass?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "駐車券、会社が発行したんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "They issued one because I use my car for work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "自分の車を仕事に使ってるから発行してくれたんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Can I get one too?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "僕ももらえるかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Are you sure you want one?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "本当にほしいの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Why do you say that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Driving to work isn't as good as you think it is.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "自動車通勤は君が思うほど良くないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "There's a lot of bad drivers and pedestrians that jaywalk.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "タチの悪いドライバーや、ふらふら出てくる歩行者がいっぱいいるし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'm actually thinking of returning the parking pass and just take the train to work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "実は、駐車券を返して、電車通勤にしようかと思っているところなんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yeah, I would give it another thought.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "うん、俺だったら考え直すな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hmm, yeah I'll think about it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "うーん、そうですね、よく考えてみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "もしもし、A社のサム リーといいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Who?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "どちらさま?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'm Sam Lee from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、元気です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I just wanted to see if you got my email yesterday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "昨日のメールが届いているか知りたかったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh yes, the one about rescheduling the meeting tomorrow, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ああ、はい、明日のミーティングの日程変更の件ですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I did see it, but my computer has been giving me issues all morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "見たんですが、午前中ずっとパソコンの調子が悪くて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Sorry for not replying your email.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ご返事できなくてすみませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "No not at all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So I wanted to ask if we can reschedule the meeting tomorrow to next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それでですね、明日のミーティングを来週に再調整できないかお伺いしたかったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'm actually attending a conference in San Francisco next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "実は、来週はサンフランシスコで会議に出席するんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "But I'll be back on Thursday night, so I'll be free on Friday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "でも、木曜日の夜には戻りますんで、金曜日は空いてます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Would Friday work with you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "金曜日でもいいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'm available any time on Friday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "金曜日は何時でも大丈夫です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "How does ten o'clock sound?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "では、10時でどうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Can you send me a new meeting invite?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "新しいミーティング招待を送ってくれますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, I will send it to you after this call.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、このお電話の後にお送りします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Thank you very much for changing the meeting on such short notice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "急に変更いただきすみません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'll look forward to the meeting next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "では、来週のミーティングを楽しみにしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Lisa, make sure to register for the Food Expo this week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "リサ、今週必ずフードエキスポに登録してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "They’re offering 30 percent off for registering 6 months in advance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "6ヶ月前に登録すると30パーセントの割引になるから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Sure thing Eric.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "了解したわ、エリック。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I know your team has been anticipating the Food Expo all year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あなたのチームは一年中フードエキスポを楽しみにしているわね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "What's so great about it anyway?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "何がそんなに素晴らしいの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "何をするの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "In a nutshell, it's a chance for vendors of food items to pitch to restaurants, hotels, and grocery stores.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "一言で言えば、食品ベンダーがレストラン、ホテル、食料品店に売り込むチャンスなんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "But, it's so much more than that Lisa.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "でもそれだけじゃないんだよ、リサ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "There are exhibit halls, expert-led workshops, culinary demonstrations, and so much food!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "展示ホール、専門家主導のワークショップ、料理のデモンストレーション、そしてたくさんの食べ物があるんだ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You get to sample everything for free!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "全て無料で試食することができるんだ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Then each night, they serve drinks, and it's a big party!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それから毎晩、飲み物も振る舞われてお祭り騒ぎするんだ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It sure sounds like fun.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それは確かに楽しそうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Make sure you don't forget to work!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "仕事をするのを忘れないようにね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh we work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ああ、働いているよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We get a lot accomplished, and are able to build lasting relationships with prospective clients.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "沢山のことを成し遂げて、見込み客との長い関係を築くことができるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "The first morning, everyone is tense because they've spent the last few days preparing their booths and setting up their products.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "最初の朝は皆、数日間ブースの準備と製品のセットアップをしていたものだからピリピリしているんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Then after the first day, everyone walking around, people are ready to cut loose.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "で、初日の後はみんな歩き回って、羽目をはずす気になるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "This is when the real rapport building happens.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そこから親密な関係を築くんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Everyone has their guard down.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "みんな気を緩めているだろ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It gives us a chance for genuine communication with prospective buyers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それは僕らにとって、将来の買い手との本物のコミュニケーションをするチャンスなんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Actually, last year I was able to close the deal with Fast Food Burger Chain A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "実際、昨年はファストフードバーガーチェーンAと契約することができたんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Now they use our cheese exclusively on their cheeseburgers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今、彼らはうちのチーズだけをチーズバーガーに使っているよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "That's awesome Eric.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それは素晴らしいわねエリック。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "What are your goals for this year?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今年の目標は何?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We have decided to launch Product A this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今年は製品Aを発売することにしたんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hopefully, this will create a lot of industry buzz.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "うまくいけば、業界の話題の多くを占めるだろうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We're having a hands on demonstration that is quite entertaining.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ハンズオンの実演もやるんだけど、とても面白いんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So many young employees are hired this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今年は若い人が沢山雇われたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Too many millennials if you ask me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ミレニアルが多すぎだと思うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "How has it been having them work for you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "一緒に働いてみてどんな感じかい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It's definitely an adjustment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "順応しないといけないのは確かだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You know they are very different from our generation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "我らの世代とは全く違うのは知ってるだろう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It has been a learning experience for me as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "私にとっても学ぶ機会になってるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Obviously, the millennials have different work ethic.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "明らかにミレニアルは違う勤労倫理を持っているよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I might sound a little judgmental here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "私は批判的かもしれないけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "But they come off a little bit entitled and lazy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "彼らは少々甘やかされていて、怠けている感じがするね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I see what you are saying.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "言いたいことわかるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Our generation is willing to invest our time and effort in order to build our careers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "我らの世代は、出世のために仕事に時間も労力も費やしてきただろう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We were generally committed to our jobs and the companies we work for.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "一般的に我々は自分自身の仕事、会社の為に献身的なんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yep, that's what I have been doing for the last 25 years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうだよ、私は25年間ずっとそうやってきた。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "But the millennials don't seem as committed as we are.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "でもミレニアルは我々ほど献身的ではなさそうだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "They tend to leave for new opportunities after a few years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "数年経つと、新しい機会を見つけて去っていく傾向にあるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Their priorities are different too, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "何を優先させるかというのも違うよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It seems that they wanted something that benefit them in the long run.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "彼らは長い目で見て、自分に有利になる様な事を求めているようだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "With the bad economy and the job insecurities the millennials have experienced, they don't expect things to stay the same.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ミレニアルは不景気や職の不安定さを経験しているから、どんな事でも同じ状況が続くとは期待していないんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Is that the reason they tend to switch jobs more frequently?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "彼らが頻繁に職を変えるのはそれが理由かい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Maybe, but I could be mistaken.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "多分ね、でも私の勘違いかもしれないけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "The ones we hired this year seem pretty decent though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今年うちに雇われた従業員は真面目そうだけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I need to accept the fact that they are totally different generation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "彼らが違う世代なんだという事を受け入れないといけないんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "And I need to cut them some slack.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そして少し大目に見てあげないと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I have supervised Marissa and Caleb, and they work really hard.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "マリッサとケイラブの働きぶりを見たけど、彼らはとても真面目だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I am just afraid they will leave us in a few years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ただ数年後には彼らも我々の元を去ってしまうのか心配だけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "That's my fear too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それは私も心配だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "They are too good to let go.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "彼らは失うには勿体ない人材だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "That's another thing to consider.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それは、もう一つ考えなければいけない事だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We have to figure out ways to reduce turnover and increase employee retention.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "どうにかして従業員の離職率を低めて、定着率を上げる方法を見つけないといけないな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Does that mean I have to be the coolest boss to make them like me?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "私にいけてる上司になれという意味かい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You don't have to, but it probably will help.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ならなくてもいいけど、なるとプラスにはなるね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "But you just have to be you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "でも君は君のままでいいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You are a great role model for them already.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "もうすでに君は若い従業員にとって素晴らしい見本だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Thank you for saying that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "有難う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Now let me get back to being an awesome boss and help those young people.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "じゃあ今からまた最高の上司になって若い子たちの手助けをしてくるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It was nice chatting with you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "話せて良かったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We're almost running out of copy paper.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "コピー用紙がもうすぐなくなりそうだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh, I didn't notice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうですか、気づいていませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'll order now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今すぐ注文しておきますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Do you think they'll come this week?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今週中に届くかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I need to print out lots of things by weekend.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "週末までにたくさん印刷するものがあるんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "They usually deliver the next day, so it should be fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "いつも注文した翌日に届くので、大丈夫でしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "But I'll double check when I order, just in case.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "でも、念のために、注文の際に確認しておきますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "よろしく頼む。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Can you also order large envelopes together?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ついでに、大きめの封筒も少し頼んでくれるかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "他には何かいりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "No, that's it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "いや、それだけだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Ok, it will be done soon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "じゃ、頼んでおきますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Excuse me, Mori-san, can I ask you something?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "すみません、森さん、ちょっといいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, how can I help?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Could you check my e-mail letter to the client?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "客先に出すこのメール文、これでいいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hmm, here, I think you should change the word order, like this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "えーと、ここ、語順をこういうふうに入れ替えた方がいいと思いますけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Wow, it’s so quick.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "えっ、今のすごい早いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I used copy-and-paste short cut keys.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "コピペショートカットキーを使ったのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You can press control key and C to copy, and then paste it with control and V keys.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "コントロールキーとCでコピーして、コントロールとVでペーストするんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Ah, short cuts are useful, aren’t they?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "へー、ショートカットキーは便利ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You type e-mails so fast on the PC, don’t you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "森さんは、パソコンでメール打つのも早いですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I can send text messages on my mobile very fast.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "僕は携帯メールは早く打てるんですけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You are in the smartphone generation, so you use flick input skilfully.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "中村さんたちはスマホ世代だから、フリック入力は早いのよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I can’t see small letters on my mobile screen without reading glasses.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "私は、携帯だと画面の文字が小さくてメガネなしには良く見えないし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "But you can zoom in on the letters on a smartphone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "スマホなら画面拡大できますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I know, even so, I can’t see the whole picture.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "うーん、それでも、なんか使いにくい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "And my finger catches two keys at the same time, so I prefer to type on PC.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "キーは2つ一緒に打っちゃうし、パソコンの方が楽だわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We no longer use laptops in my family.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "僕のうちにはもう、ラップトップはないですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "みなさん、おはようございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Could I have your attention, please?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "会議を始めますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Thank you all for coming.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ご出席ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Let's get down to business.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "さあ本題に入りましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "The goal of this meeting is to talk about reducing paper consumption in our office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "このミーティングは社内での紙の消費量を減らすことについて話し合うのが目的です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Alex, what's your opinion on this?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "アレックス、この件について意見はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I think it's a great idea.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "素晴らしいアイディアだと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We spent more than 10,000 dollars on purchasing printer paper last year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "我が社は昨年コピー用紙の購入に10,000ドル以上費やしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "That doesn't even include printer ink, paper clips, and folders.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "インクカートリッジやペーパークリップ、フォルダーを含まずにこの金額です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We would save huge sums of money by going paperless.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ペーパーレス化を進めることで多額のお金を節約できるでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We also dedicate too much storage space to paperwork.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それに書類の保管に場所を取られすぎていますし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, that's exactly what I was thinking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうですね、私もそう思っていました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Francisco, do you have any other thoughts on this?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "フランシスコ、他にこの件について意見はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "One advantage we haven't talked about is the environmental benefits.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "まだ言及されていない利点があるとすれば環境にも優しい点です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We'll produce less waste if we start saving our paperwork digitally.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "私たちが書類をデジタル式で保存するようになればゴミも少なくなるでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "That's also something I wanted to work on.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それも私が取り組みたいと思っていたことです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "What do you think, Adam?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "アダム、あなたはどう思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It will probably be hard to go completely paper free at once.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "紙の使用を直ちに完全に止めるのは多分難しいでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I think we'll probably have to take baby steps.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "少しずつ進めるしかないでしょうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Each division should manage their paper usage since they all have different needs for documentation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "部によって書類作成へのニーズがまちまちなので、それぞれの部が部内の紙の使用量を管理すべきでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We could probably start by having everyone save new paperwork digitally.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "新たに発生する書類をみんながデジタル式で保存することが第一歩かもしれません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Then, someone could convert the old paperwork into digital copies.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "その後、だれかが過去の書類もデジタル式コピーに変換すればいいのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I think it would take a lot of work in the beginning, but it might help prevent papers getting misplaced in files.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "最初のうちは苦労すると思いますが、ファイルの中で書類が行方不明になるのも防げるかもしれませんし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "That seems like a good idea.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'll meet with the tech team to see what our options are.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "どんな選択肢があるか技術チームに掛け合ってみましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We'll need to evaluate different softwares to see which will work best.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "いろいろなソフトウェアを比べてどれが最適か評価しないといけないですからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Then we can calculate how much the implementation and training will cost.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それから実装やトレーニングにかかるコストを算出できますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I think we can discuss these details further next meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "次のミーティングでは詳細をさらに議論できると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'll go ahead and bring in someone from the tech team to show you the different software options.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "話を進めて技術チームから複数のソフトウェア案を見せてくれる方にお越しいただきましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Great meeting, team!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "みなさん、お疲れ様でした!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yui, it's been a long time!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "由衣さん、久しぶり!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hi, Keith, yeah, it's been ages!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あ、キースさん、本当久しぶり!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh, by the way I heard your proposal got approved for that large-scale project.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうそう、例の大型プロジェクト、由衣さんの案が採用だって?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Wow, you've heard about that all ready?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "わあ、もう聞いてます?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, Mr. Brown was talking about that the other day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "うん、この間ブラウン課長が話してたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "おめでとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Why thank you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It's amazing that you got recognized from Mr. Brown, the section chief with a heart of stone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あの鬼のブラウン課長に認めて貰えるのはすごいと思うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Shhh, what if he catches you calling him that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "しー、それ聞こえたら大変。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh right, Keith, you were in his project team before.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "キースさんって、前ブラウン課長のプロジェクトチームに居たんだっけ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yup, he might look somewhat intimidating, but he's an able person.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "うん、なんか怖そうに見えるかもしれないけど、出来る人だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "That's one of the reasons I feel a bit nervous.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それもあって、ちょっとプレッシャー感じてるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well, I guess, it's a pretty big project, too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ああ、かなり大きい案件だしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I have to draft a staffing plan by next week, get approval from HR, aghh, I already have a lot to do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "来週までに人員計画出して、人事にも確認取らなきゃで、あー、もう既に忙しくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Relax, Yui.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "由衣さん、落ち着いて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Look, it'll get much easier if you run it by Ms. Yasuda in HR beforehand.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あのね、それ事前に人事の安田さんに話し通しとくと全然楽だから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "But you should be careful if you do overtime when you work under Mr. Brown.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あと、ブラウン課長のとこは残業気をつけてね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Thanks, I'll try my best.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ありがと、頑張ってみる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well, I guess I shouldn't even be here having coffee.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ああ、ここでのんびりコーヒー飲んでる場合じゃないかも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hey, you should also refresh yourself with a chatty coworker, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "こら、おしゃべりな同僚と気分切り替えるのも必要でしょ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh yeah, speaking of taking a break, are you super busy on Friday?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうだ、ひと休みするって事で、金曜日はかなり忙しい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "let's see, you mean the 19th?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "えっと、19日だよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well, I really can't tell, depends on how far along I get tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "んーどうかな、明日どれくらい進むかによるけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "If you can get off early, how about I buy you a drink and toast to your success.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "早めに上がれそうなら、お祝いに俺が奢るっての、どう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yay, I like that idea!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "やった、ゴチになります!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "If you don't mind going to a cheapie place like that Spanish bar at the corner, though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あの角のバルとか、安いとこでよければだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Doesn't matter at all, I'll push myself to get the work done on time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "全然いい、気合い入れて定時に終わらせる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Should I LINE you when I'm done?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "仕事終わりにラインすればいい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I don't check my LINE very often so I think a text message to my mobile is better.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "俺、ラインあんまり見ないから、携帯メールの方がいいかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I don't really like that massages get marked as read, and these makes you feel like you have to reply right away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あの既読とか付いて返信しなきゃいけない気がするの、苦手なんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh, Mr. Brown always uses LINE and he sends messages with stickers, too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あ、ブラウン課長はいつもラインで、スタンプも送ってくるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "No way!!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "まじで!?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Seriously, he does silly things sometimes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "まじまじ、結構お茶目なとこあるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yeah, why don't we ask Mr. Brown to join us?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうだ、ブラウン課長も誘ってみない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh no, that is too much of a challenge for me right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "うわー、それはちょっとまだハードル高いかも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "He's quite a nice guy once you get to know him and I think it'll help you when you work together.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "打ち解ければ結構いい人だし、今後仕事もしやすいと思うけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well, let me think about that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "うーん、ちょっと考えさせて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Anyway, if you can't make it, can you text me ASAP?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "とにかく無理そうなら早めに連絡ちょうだい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You got it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hello, I’d like to buy your English publication called “Japanese Auto Parts Industry”.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "もしもし、御社の「日本の自動車部品業界」という英文出版物を購入したいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Certainly, you can pre-order the latest edition at the moment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、ただいま最新版の購入予約を受け付けております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "When will it be out?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "発売予定はいつですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "May the 1st.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "5月1日です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Okay, how much is it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうですか、いくらですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "100,000 yen per copy including the consumption tax.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "消費税を含めまして1冊10万円です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "H-hundred thousand yen!?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "じゅっ、10万円!?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Why is it so expensive?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "どうしてそんなに高いんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I don’t know why...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "どうしてと言われましても・・・", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Sorry but I’m not in a position to answer that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "すみません、私にはお答えできません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hmm, we can’t afford such an expensive book.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そんなに高いと、ちょっと買えないなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You can browse our back issues at the National Diet Library in Nagata-cho.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "バックナンバーでしたら、永田町にある国会図書館で閲覧できますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I may have a look first and then decide.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "じゃあ、見てから決めます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Can you send me the brochure for now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "とりあえず、パンフレットだけ送っていただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "May I have your address, please?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ご住所をお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It’s Research Department, Company A, xx-xx Akasaka, Minato-ku, attention to Murakami, please.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "港区赤坂 xx-xx A社 調査部 村上宛にお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "No Problem.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Thank you, bye.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "じゃ、これで失礼します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Overall, our company is focused on meaningful innovation that will improve people's lives.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "まとめとして、我が社は人々の暮らしを改善できるような意義あるイノベーションに取り組んでいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Thank you for your attention.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ご清聴ありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I have a few minutes to answer questions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "少々ご質問にお答えします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, you in the back row.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、後ろの列の方。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "What's your name?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "お名前は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'm Takahashi.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "高橋です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "How often do people switch roles in your company?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "社内での役割変更は頻繁ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "If your employees want to try something new, is it easy for them to switch teams?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "もし従業員が新しいことに挑戦したい場合、異動は簡単でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Great question, by the way.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "しかしながら、良い質問ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "As a company, we strive for innovation, so we want to make sure our employees are inspired.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "私たちは企業としてイノベーションに向けた努力をしていますので、従業員が良い刺激を得ることを良しとしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "This means that we are more than happy to have people switch teams, but we try to keep everyone on one team for at least 6 months", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "つまり、従業員の社内異動を奨励していますが、みんな最低6ヶ月間はひとつのチームに留まってもらうようにしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "As long as the change isn't disruptive and the employee continues to produce quality work, we certainly don't have a problem with it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "異動による混乱が起こらず、従業員が良い仕事をし続ける限り、なんの問題もないと思っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Next question?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "次の質問をどうぞ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, you over there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、あちらの方。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hello, my name is Mizuno.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "こんにちは、水野と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I was wondering, what is your favorite part about working at Company A?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "武田さんがA社で働く上で一番の長所と思われる点はなにかお聞きしたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Thank you for your question, Ms. Mizuno.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "水野さん、ご質問ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It's hard to pick just one thing!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ひとつだけ選ぶのは難しいですね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I would say I really enjoy the people and the environment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "人と環境にとても恵まれている点でしょうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Everyone works hard, and it's very motivating to push myself and further my career.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "みんな一生懸命働いていますし、それが自分自身を向上させキャリアを積む良いモチベーションになっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I've had so much personal growth since I started with Company A, and I'm very grateful for my time here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "A社で働き始めてから人として随分成長しましたし、ここで過ごした時間にとても感謝しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I can't imagine starting my career anywhere else.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "社会人としての良いスタートを切るにはA社以外になかったと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Person in the front row can ask the last question.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "前列の方、最後の質問をどうぞ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "What would you say is a missing skill or need you're looking to fill right now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今現在採用したい技能や人材はどういうものでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Right now, I know the marketing team is looking for more people who have a good, fundamental knowledge of social media marketing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "現在マーケティングチームがソーシャルメディアマーケティングへの充分な基礎的知識を備えた人材を探しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Unfortunately, this is the end of the scheduled time for this presentation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "残念ながら、これでプレゼンテーションの終了時刻となりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Thank you again, everyone, for your interest in our company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "皆さん、私どもの会社に関心を寄せていただきありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "If you brought a resume, please hand it in up here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "履歴書をお持ちの方は、こちらにご提出ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'll stick around for a few minutes if you have any further questions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "もし他に質問があれば、短い時間ですがお答えします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Have you heard about the new project starting next month?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "来月からの新しいプロジェクトについては聞いていますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, about starting internal newsletters.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、社内向けのニュースレター作成ですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We will try to offer the information on technology trends and new researches every month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "毎月、技術トレンドや新しい研究について情報発信をしていきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We can talk about any technological fields without limitation, can't we?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "技術分野は特に限られてないんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, as long as those fields are relevant to us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうですね、当社に関連のある分野であれば。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "However, I appreciate it if you could get information on the fields where we focus most as the company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ただ、現在うちで力を入れている分野からなるべく情報収集してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Then, we'd better look at something related to smart appliances.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "と言うことは、スマート家電関連に目を向けるのがいいということになりますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Correct.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "The technologies related to washers and dishwashers are pretty good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "洗濯機や食洗器などに関連のある技術がいいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Maybe technologies for TV too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あとは、テレビ関連の技術でしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Please keep an eye on the areas related to entertainment such as TVs and audio systems.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "テレビやオーディオ機器などエンターテイメント要素のあるものも視野に入れておいてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Also, it would be great if you could include some info from our industry-university collaboration with M Engineering University.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "更に、当社とM工科大学の産学協同関係を活かした情報も載せていただけると良いかと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "The advanced technology researches at M Engineering University are very interesting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "M工科大の先端技術研究は面白いですからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "How is it in terms of the confidentiality?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "機密保持に関しては大丈夫でしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "As long as it is included in our collaboration contract, we can share it within the company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "当社との協同契約内の範囲であれば、社内への発信は大丈夫だということです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Glad to hear.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ならば、安心です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I was worried about that a little bit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そこがちょっと気にかかってましたので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "As for the volume, I think 10 pages are the max since everyone is too busy to read a lot.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ページ数としては、10ページまでのほうが、忙しい社員の皆さんにも読んでもらえると思っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I agree, people would lose interest if there is too much info.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうですね、あんまり量が多いと読む気をなくされてしまいますから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I've heard about making the English version, but is it happening too?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それから、英語版も作るという話を聞いていたのですが、それは?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "At this point, we will only do Japanese.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "現時点では、日本語版のみで、ということになりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "If we try to make the English version, it will take more time including the time to find translators.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "英語版も作るとなると、翻訳者の手配も含め時間がかかりますからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I would like to make our current goal is to publish them regularly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "まずは定期的に刊行することを目標としたいので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I see, it is not good if we run out of gas by trying to do too much at the beginning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "確かに、最初から意気込み過ぎて長続きしなくなるのはよくありませんよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Our priority now is to establish the existence of internal newsletters for Japanese-speaking employees.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "まずは、日本語を話す社員向けにニュースレターを定着させるのが優先です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I wish this could be the reason for non-R-and-D people to get more interested in technologies.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "研究開発部以外の皆さんが技術に興味を持ってくれるようなきっかけにしたいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I think people would come up with more ideas about new products because of it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それによって新しい商品のアイデアも出てくると思うんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It'll also be an advantage for the sales people if they can talk about technologies.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "営業の人たちも、技術的なトークが出来ることはプラスになると思いますし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Once the Japanese version is established and if our overseas office makes a request, we will think about the English version then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "日本語版が定着し海外支社のほうから要望があれば、英語版はその時に考えましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I am thinking about appointing some of younger employees in our group to work on newsletters.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ニュースレターの担当には、うちのグループの若い子を数名考えています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I will have them do the actual interviews and writing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "実際のインタビューやライティングは彼らに任せます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Then you will be the supervisor.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "じゃ、田中さんは監修者ということですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Please let me know when you pick the people.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "では、また担当者が決まったら名前を教えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, let's make this project a success.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、このプロジェクトうまく成功させましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hello, this is E Company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "もしもし、E社です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hello, this is Morita from the R and D at Company G.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "もしもし、こちらG社研究開発部の森田と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh hi, Mr. Morita, good to hear from you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あ、森田さん、お世話になっております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It looks like Yamada from the product development has been waiting for your call, so please hold.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "商品開発の山田が電話を待っていたようですので、少々お待ちください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hi Mr. Morita, this is Yamada.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "もしもし、森田さん、山田です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "お世話になってます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I am calling you regarding those product prototypes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "例の商品プロトタイプの件でお電話しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh, I was waiting, thank you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あ、待ってましたよ、ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "And how do they look?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それで、どんな調子ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We made a couple just to test out, and they look good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "試しに2、3個作ってみましたが、いい感じです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうですか、それは良かった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So I would like to show you those, and I wonder if you could come over here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それで、お見せしたいと思っているのですが、こちらまでお越しいただけますでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あ、いいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I think it will be hard for you to bring them here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "こっちに持って来ていただくのは大変だと思うので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, they are pretty heavy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうなんですよ、結構重たいので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I know, we are being unreasonable in terms of specifications.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうですよね、スペック的に無理言ってますから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "No no, that's not a problem.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "いえいえ、それはいいんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It's just that they are only prototypes that they might break while being transported.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "プロトタイプなので、移動中に壊れる可能性がありまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh right, since they are not officially products yet, you have not focused on the packaging much.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あ、正式な商品じゃないから、そこまでパッケージングに力は入れてないですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Exactly, packaging will be another matter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ええ、パッケージングはまた別枠になりますから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Then I will visit you next week or so.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "じゃ、来週あたりお伺いしましょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We are good anytime except for Tuesday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "火曜日以外ならいつでもいいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I have somethng on Monday, so how about Wednesday?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "私のほうが月曜に予定があるので、じゃ、水曜ということで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It works.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "If you can come over before lunch, we can have a lunch meeting together.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "お昼前に来ていただければ、一緒にランチミーティングも出来ますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Sounds good, since I would like to talk to other engineers, I'll do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうですね、久しぶりに他のエンジニアの方ともお話したいので、そうします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So is around ten thirty good?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "じゃ、10時半頃にということでいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ええ、お願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh, I forgot to tell you one thing, but we might need prototypes for another product that is not the same as this one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あ、一つ忘れていましたが、今回お願いしたのとは別の商品のプロトタイプが必要となりそうなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Okay?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Can I bring the spec for it next week?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "来週、仕様書をお持ちしていいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It would be helpful if you could tell me it's feasible or not.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "可能かどうか見ていただけると助かるんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I see, please bring it with you then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "分かりました、お持ちください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "では、そうさせていただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I apologize for being unreasonable all the time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "毎回無理言ってすいません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Not a problem, actually engineers enjoy making prototypes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "いいですよ、実はエンジニアたちはプロトタイプ作りを楽しみにしてるんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It is fun to see what the actual product looks like.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "商品の形が見えるのって面白いですからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Good to hear, then I will see you next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうですか、では来週楽しみにしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hello, I'd like to inquire about an invoice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "もしもし、請求書について伺いたいのですが?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I will transfer you to the person in charge so please hold a moment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "担当の者におつなぎいたしますので少々お待ち下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hello, my name is Hirai and I am in charge.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、担当の平井と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'd like to ask you something in regards to an invoice that was sent a few days ago, are you okay to talk now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "先日送られてきた請求書のことでお伺いしたいのですが、よろしいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, do you have the invoice number in hand?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、請求書番号はお手元にございますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, it is 157784.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、157784です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Please wait a bit, ok go on.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "少々お待ち下さい、はい、どうぞ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It's in regards to the order on the tank in the second row, and a wrong model was sent to us and I'd like to cancel the order itself.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "この二行目にあるタンクの注文ですが、型番が間違って送られてきたので、注文自体をキャンセルしたのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I will look into it so please hold a moment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "確認いたしますので少々お待ち下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'm very sorry about that, we actually send off an expedited shipment of the model you ordered but have you received it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "申し訳ありません、注文された型番の方を後日速達でお送りさせて頂いたようなのですが、そちらに届いておりませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, it arrived but we didn't end up getting it by the date we needed it so I cancelled it online.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "いや、届いたんだけど、結局必要な期日までに間に合わなかったので、オンラインでキャンセルさせて頂きました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'm very sorry but will it be possible to return the product back to us again?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ではお手数ですがそちらの商品を再度こちらに返品いただけますでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "This is the second time, we're busy too so can you send someone over to pick it up?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "これで二個目ですよ、こちらも忙しいのでそちらから取りに来ていただけませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Okay, I will make an arrangement with the postal office so it would be appreciated if you can prepare the return.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "かしこまりました、こちらで郵送会社の手配をいたしますので恐れ入りますが返品の準備だけよろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Also, can you send me the new invoice by email?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それから、新しい請求書はメールで送信していただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Please allow me to reconfirm your email.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それではメールアドレスの確認を再度お願いいたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Also, can I pay by credit card?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あと、クレジットカードで支払いできますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, that won't be an issue.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So once we confirm the return, I will call you once again in regards to the payment so please keep note of that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "では返品の確認が出来次第、こちらより再度お支払いに関してのお電話を差し上げますので、よろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、ではよろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'm thinking of setting up a website for the company but what do you think?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "社のウェブサイトを立ち上げてはどうかと思うのですが、どう思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I was just thinking that we should make one soon, but we don't have anyone that knows a lot about it and is something that we've been pushing back.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "近々作らなければとは思っていたんだけど、あまり詳しい者もいないようだし、後回しになっていた議題だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "This area is rural and there are a lot of seniors so we still tend to rely on print advertisement but I think it is about time we made one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "この辺は田舎だしお年寄りも多いから、まだまだ紙媒体の広告に頼りがちだけど、そろそろ作った方が良さそうだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'm not that well versed so the design will be simple but I'm thinking of trying to make one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あまり詳しくはないので、シンプルなデザインにはなると思いますが、作成してみようと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうか、頼んだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Inoue-san, can you help him?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "井上さんも手伝ってあげてくれるかい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Once the website is done, we should add the web address on the phone booklet, advertisement, and company car too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ウェブサイトが出来たら、電話帳の広告や、社用車にもアドレスを追加した方がいいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I want to add photos of the employees, company and before-after photos of houses we worked on as much as possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "社員の写真や会社の写真、作業が完了した家のビフォーアフターの写真などを出来るだけたくさん載せたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We have the photos saved in one folder so you can use as much as you'd like.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "写真なら一箇所にデータでまとまっているはずだから、そこからいくらでも使って大丈夫だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We should get permission from the clients too, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "お客様の許可も得た方が良いですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yeah, I'll contact them on this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうだね、それは私から連絡しよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Can you look at the pictures and list up which houses you want to upload and show me?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "写真を見て、どの家を載せるか決まったらリストにまとめて持って来てくれるかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Come to think of it, we got an email the other day asking us if there will be any changes for next year's phonebook.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そう言えば来年の電話帳への記載に変更がないかの確認メールが先日届いていました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I recall it saying that we need to let them know by this month if there will be changes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "確か、変更があるなら今月中に連絡を入れなければいけないはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Then we should make it quickly and hopefully be able to meet the deadline.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "では急いで作って、出来れば間に合わせたいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "But surprisingly there are a lot that are flyers that we have posted at supermarkets and community centers, and we get inquiries that locals used our company to repair their exterior walls.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "でも意外と多いのが、スーパーとか市民会館に貼らせていただいているチラシだったり、近所の人がうちの会社で外壁を直したからっていう問合せなんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Okay, I will add the website URL and repost it once those are done as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ではそちらも出来上がり次第、サイトのアドレスを追加して貼り直します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "The chiropractic hospital that I go to said they can let me leave business cards there so we should add it on there too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "私が通っている整体の病院にも名刺を置いてくれるって言ってたから、それも記載を追加しないとね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It seems we will be busy once the website is finished too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ウェブサイトが出来上がってからも忙しくなりそうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I plan on adding a feature so we can take reservations online in the future but I don't have that much knowledge on it so what should we do?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "予約もウェブ上で取れるように将来的にはする予定ですが、まだそこまでの知識がないので、どうしましょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well let's at least have our company number in the contact information and have them be able to contact us over the web even if it's not taking reservations.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "とりあえず問合せ先に社の番号、予約までは取れなくても問い合わせをウェブ上で出来るようになっていると良いかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I think I should be able to do something like that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それぐらいなら大丈夫だと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I will make it so we will get a notification on our company email when a customer makes an inquiry over the web.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "お客様がウェブで問い合わせをすると、社のメールに通知が来るように出来ます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Then we should decide who will be in charge of replying those.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ではその返信などを担当する者も決めて置いた方が良さそうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Let's have another meeting once the website is done.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ウェブサイトが出来上がったら、もう一度会議を開きましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Alright, I'll leave it to you guys Tanaka-san and Inoue-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "では田中さん、井上さん、よろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "There is a new bento place.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "新しいお弁当屋さん出てたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "What's it like?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "どんな感じ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Kind of like a fusion of Thai, Vietnamese and Laotian cuisine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "タイとベトナムとラオス料理の融合って感じ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "But the person making it is Thai so Thai food might be good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "でも作ってる人はタイ人だったから、タイ料理がお勧めかも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh, I actually like Vietnamese food though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "えー、私ベトナム料理の方が好きなんだけどな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "But Julie, you only like pho, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "でもジュリーが好きなのはフォーでしょ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Don't you think a noodle and soup for take out wouldn't taste good?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "汁の麺類は弁当っていうか、持ち帰りにすると美味しくないよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Right, then what do you recommend?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうだね、じゃあ何がお勧め?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I bought pad-thai today, do you want to try it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今日はパッタイ買ってきた、味見する?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "する、ありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "This is good, I'll go take a look too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "美味しいね、私も見てこよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'd avoid the ones with strong herbal smells.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "薬味の匂いが強いのはやめた方がいいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Our cafeteria is small and there are people who would not be happy with the smell.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "うちの食堂狭いから、匂いが気になる人もいると思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I bought green curry and summer roll.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "グリーンカレーと生春巻き買ってきた!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "That looks good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "美味しそう!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "What are you two eating?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "2人とも何食べてるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Thai food, there is a new bento stall in front of the building.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "タイ料理、ビルの目の前の弁当屋台に新しく増えたみたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It's good!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "美味しいですよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'm jealous of skinny girls who can eat what a lot without worrying about the calories.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "カロリー考えずいっぱい食べられる細身女子はいいねー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Isn't that like sexual harassment or some sort of harassment, and it shouldn't be something you should say, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それってセクハラとか、何ハラとかわかんないけどタブーワードじゃない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh, I guess I shouldn't talk about appearances.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "お、容姿について話すのはやめとくか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yeah, you should be careful as that's something the company is pretty stringent on.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうだよ、最近何かとうるさいから気をつけな!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "But still, how come our company cafeteria has an annoying rule of only 1 main dish and 2 side dishes?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それにしても、うちの社食はなんで主食1品、副菜2品なんてめんどくさいルールになったわけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Because if we have a buffet, people like Ken will eat too much and maybe they aren't able to make a profit?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "バッフェ形式だとケンみたいに食べすぎる人がいて、採算取れなくなったんじゃない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh please, I don't eat that much.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "勘弁してよー、俺そんなに食べないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We all know that you always put a lot on your plate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "みんな知ってるよ、皿に毎回大盛りなの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You can't work if you're hungry!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "腹が減っては仕事はできぬ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "There it is, you and your Sengoku period quotes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "でた、戦国時代か。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Maybe I should go work at the office in the building beside from us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "隣のビルの事務所に転職しようかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "They say that the cafeteria is the building next to us is really good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "噂ですよね、隣のビルの食堂は美味しいって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yeah, the work environment is important.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そう、職場の環境って大事だよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Especially for a big eater like me, where the food environment is very important.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "特に俺みたいな大食いには、食の環境ってとっても大事なわけよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Us slim girls can't eat a lot so we're more focused on the content.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "うちら細身女子は、食べられる量が少ないから余計中身重視なのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So, if we eat at the company cafeteria everyday, we can't survive even if it's free.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "だから、うちの社食が毎日じゃ、いくらタダでも生き抜いていけないわけ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well, I think there is no better meal than a free meal.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "俺はタダより美味い飯はないと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So, I will go grab some of the company meal.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "って事で、社食とってこよっと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "They have loads of green peas that you don't like as the side dish today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今日はケンさんの嫌いなグリービーンズ盛り盛りのおかずですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh, maybe I have to go buy a bento too?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "えー、俺も弁当買いに行かないとかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Ken, lunch break is almost over.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ケン、昼休み終わっちゃうよー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hey, Kyle, good work today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "よお、海瑠、今日はお疲れさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh, Kiichi, I thought you've left already.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あれ海棠部長、もう帰られたのかと思ってましたが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Do you still have something you'd like to ask about the workshop?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ワークショップの件でまだ何か?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Not really, I just wanted to talk to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "いや特に、お前と話がしたかっただけ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Are you still working after this?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "この後まだ仕事か?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I believe I have....", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今日は確か...", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "No, a meeting has been postponed until Friday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "いえ、打ち合わせが金曜に延期になったんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'm done for the day now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今日はこれで終わりですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Then, you can join me for a drink, huh?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "じゃ、一杯付き合えるな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You always push me too much, Kiichi.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "相変わらず強引ですね、部長。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh well, it's been a long time, you know?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "な、久しぶりだろ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well, I have no reason to say no.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "まあ、断る理由はないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You rather like drinking, don't you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "お前も飲むのは嫌いじゃないだろうに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It all depends on where and with whom I drink.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "場所と相手によりますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So I passed your test, I guess?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "じゃ、俺はお眼鏡にかなったんだな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yeah, you should be proud.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ええ、喜んでください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'm quite sensitive and particular about people.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "私は結構繊細で、人を選ぶタイプなので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Ha-ha, not bad if you can talk to me like that, Kyle!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はは、俺相手にそんだけの口がきければ上等だよ、海瑠。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I had been taken around by a tireless boss like you since I started working.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "入社の時からあなたみたいな疲れ知らずの上司に連れ回されましたからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Anybody would be tough.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "誰でもたくましくなります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I enjoyed training disobedient but earnest newbie like you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "お前みたいに反抗的だが真面目な新入り仕込むのは楽しかった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You did, for eight long years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうですね、8年の長きに亘って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Thanks to you, I can deal with any important people now, even pretty difficult ones.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "お陰様で、今ではどんなお偉方も平気ですよ、かなりクセのある方でも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "That means you owe what you are today to me, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "じゃ、今のお前があるのは俺のお陰って事だな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "No one can think as positive as you do, Kiichi.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "部長、あなたのそのプラス思考には敵いませんよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well, I have something to say, Kyle.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ああ、お前に言いたい事がある。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "When you got promoted to the corporate planning, I let you leave the sales because you'd get into the fast lane there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "お前が経営企画に引っ張られた時、あそこがエリートコースだから営業抜けさせたんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "If I knew that you were going to request a transfer in four years to marketing too, I wouldn't have let you go.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "4年で異動希望、それもマーケに出すなら、手放すんじゃなかった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You've raised me so that I can stand on my own now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あなたに育てていただいたので、今独り立ちできてるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'll show you that I'm capable of building up a reputation for CX promotion soon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "すぐCX企画部の評価を上げて見せますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Ah, okay, I'll see how artfully you do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あー、わかったよ、どんだけ巧くやるんだか見ててやるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Ha Ha, I think you'll enjoy it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はは、楽しんでいただけると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Anyway, you don't mind the soba place we used to go, do you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "とりあえず、昔行ってた蕎麦屋でいいだろ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "They have fine sake this time of the year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "この時期は美味い日本酒入れてるぞ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'll go back to my office to get my bag.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "オフィス戻って鞄取ってきますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It's okay if you go ahead, Kiichi.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "海棠部長は、先に行っててくださって構いませんよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "了解 。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "If you take too long, I'd start by myself, alright?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "遅けりゃ、先にやってるぞー 。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "As you please.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ご随意に。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well I've printed out the resumes and cover letters we received.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "届いた履歴書とカバーレター、印刷しておいたけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Wow that's a lot.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "わぁ、こんなに沢山。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "There are over a hundred here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "これで100以上はあるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "How long was the posting up for?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "どのくらい掲載されてた?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It was up for around twenty days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "二十日くらい出てたな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So do you want to review them now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "で、今、見たい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "うん、見ようか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So what's the tip in screening job applications?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "で、求人の応募を審査するコツって何?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well, we don't have time to review every single one of them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あぁ、一通ずつ全部見る時間がないからさ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I typically do a quick review of their cover letter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "僕は通常カバーレターをざっと見るよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "If their cover letter is interesting then I will look at their resume.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "カバーレターが良かったら、その履歴書を見るね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "If that seems okay then I'll put them in the shortlist pile.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "もしそれが良さそうだったら、候補者リストの山に入れる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "見てみよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh this person is interesting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "わぁ、この人いいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "He used to work at a shipping company as a logistics coordinator.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "彼は、輸送会社で物流コーディネーターとして働いてたって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "His writing skills are a bit questionable though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "彼の文章力はちょっと疑問だけどな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "There's some odd looking sentences in his cover letter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "カバーレターに変な文章があるんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "He's older than me too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "しかも僕より年上だ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "That could make things awkward right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それって気まずくならない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "That's up to you really.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それはほんと、君次第だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I personally don't mind.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "僕は個人的には気にしないけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I mean Elaine is a lot older than me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "だって、イレーンは僕よりだいぶ年上だし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "いいとこ突くね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "A lot of it is about gut feeling.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "大概は直感でしょ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Once you actually meet the person, you can usually tell if this is the person you want to hire or not.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "実際その人に一回会ったら、大抵その人が採用したい人かそうじゃないかってわかるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I can't wait to meet them!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "彼らに会うのが待ちきれないよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well, they will have to get on your shortlist first though!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "まぁ、まず君の候補者リストに入らないといけないんだけどね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hi, this is Ricky Lyon from K fabrics.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "もしもし、Kファブリックのリッキー ライオンと申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "May I please speak to Ayana Williamson?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "アヤナ ウィリアムソンさんはいらっしゃいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I am calling about the order you placed at our store earlier today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今日店舗でオーダーされた品についてお電話させて頂いています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I just got a word from our warehouse that the fabric you want is actually back-ordered.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "お客様が希望されていた布がバックオーダーになっていると倉庫から連絡が入りました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "What does back order mean?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "バックオーダーとはどういう意味ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Am I not getting it at all?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "品物が手に入らないという事ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well, back order means the item is temporarily out of order causing a delay on your order.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ええっと、バックオーダーとは一時的に品切れになってしまい、オーダーが遅れてしまう事です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "But the store associate I saw earlier placed an order for me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "でも、店舗の従業員はちゃんと私のオーダーを取ってくれましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "The particular pattern you want is in high demand.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "希望されていた品はとても需要が高いものでして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "And obviously there was miscommunication between our store and the warehouse.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "うちの店舗と倉庫の間できちんとコミュニケーションが取れてなかったようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I am sincerely sorry for the disappointment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ご迷惑をお掛けしまして、本当に申し訳ございません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh no, I was really looking forward to getting the fabric.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あーあ、あの布が手に入るのをとても楽しみにしていたんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "None of the other stores had it in stock either.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "他のお店もすべて品切れだったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Do you happen to know when it will be in stock?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "在庫が入るのはいつかわかりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "The warehouse manager believes it won't be another month or so.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "倉庫のマネージャー曰く、あと一か月は入らないそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Meanwhile, I am doing my best to source it from a different vendor for you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "その間、私の方でも別の卸売業者から品を購入できないかと全力を尽くしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "But I do not have much luck.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "でもなかなか見つからないもので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "As I mentioned already, most places have run out of them due to its popularity.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "先ほど申し上げたように、人気商品の為ほとんどの店は品切れ状態のようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well, I can not wait another month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "一か月も待てません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Do you have any pattern that is very similar to the one I want?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "私が希望している品と似た感じのはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I am actually opening up our sample book right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今手元で見本を開いているところです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You wanted the paisley one with turquoise background, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ターコイズが背景のペイズリー柄のものですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, the patterns are green, white, and navy blue.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、柄は緑、白、紺色です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I have one that's almost identical.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ほぼ同じの物が一つありますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "The only difference is the background color.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "違うのは背景の色のみです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It's teal, but the colors of the patterns are exactly the same.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ティール色ですが、柄の色は全く同じです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well, I would like to go ahead and get it then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "じゃあそれをお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Unfortunately, we don't have it in stock at our store right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "残念な事に、うちの店舗には在庫がありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "But it seems that the store in the town, Slidell, has some.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ですが、スライデルにある店舗にはあるそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I can have it delivered here or you can go pick it up yourself.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "こちらへ配達して貰う事も、お客様の方で取りに行かれるのも可能です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ご都合の良い方をどうぞ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I think I am going to drive up there to pick it up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "自分で運転して取りに行きます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I apologize again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I hope you will consider us again for your future shopping.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "またのお越しをお待ちしております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Jack, you really did an amazing job last quarter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ジャック、前期は本当に良い仕事をしたわね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You flatter me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "いやあ照れます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It was hectic, but we made it through.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "めちゃくちゃ忙しかったですけど、なんとか終わらせました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes it was, but you did it, and you did it well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "本当に大変だったわね、でもよくやったわ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Thank you for saying so.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You brought up sales and made a huge profit for the company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あなたは我が社のために売り上げを増やして大きな利益を出したわね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well, actually if it wouldn't have had the support from you and the entire department, I cold have never done it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "いやあ、あなたや部の人たちのサポートがなかったらそうはいかなかったと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You're too kind Jack.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "人がよすぎるわね、ジャック", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Actually, I have some really good news.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そういえば、良いニュースがあるのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You aren't going to believe this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "信じられないと思うけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "何ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "What's going on?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "The board has decided to give you a bonus!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "取締役会があなたにボーナスを出すことに決めたのよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh that's great Kim.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "わあ、嬉しいです、キム。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "How much?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "いくらなんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "3,000 dollars.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "3,000ドルよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh my god, that's too much Kim.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "うわあ、多すぎますよ、キム。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "This is amazing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "すごく嬉しいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well, you've certainly earned it Jack!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "本当にあなたが頑張ったからよ、ジャック。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Say, it is Friday, I was thinking that all of us could go out and celebrate.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今日は金曜日だし、みんなで出かけてお祝いしようかと思ってたんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh yeah, for sure.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hi there, I'm picking up some bags for Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "こんにちは、A社のバッグを取りに来ました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "お名前を伺えますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It's Sam Lee.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "サム リーです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Can I also get your order number?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "注文番号も伺っていいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, it is 47238.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、47238です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Okay, yes we have the bags ready for you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、バッグはご用意できております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'll have Greg take care of the rest for you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あとはグレッグがご対応させていただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hi there, you must be Sam.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "こんにちは、サムさんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'm Greg.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "グレッグと申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hi there I'm Sam Lee from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "こんにちは、私はA社のサム リーと申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It's nice to put a face to the name.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "名前は存じてましたが、お顔を拝見できてよかったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So I have your bags ready for loading at the loading bay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "バッグはすぐに積めるように搬入デッキに用意してあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Before we head out, can you just sign this invoice?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "向かう前にこの請求書にサインをお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Okay, let's head out now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、では向かいましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So the bags are pretty heavy so I will use a small forklift to load it into your car.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "バッグはかなり重いのでそちらの車に積むのに小型フォークリフトを使いますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Which car is yours?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "どちらの車ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It's the black SUV over there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あそこの黒いSUVです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Alright, can you open the trunk?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "わかりました、トランクを開けていただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'll bring the bags over with the forklift and directly load it in.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "フォークリフトでバッグを運んで、直接積みます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hi, this is Sam Lee from the Seattle office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "こんにちは、シアトル事務所のサム リーです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あら、こんにちは。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I was wondering if you can get me a risk assessment report.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "リスクアセスメントレポートを取り寄せてもらえないかと思って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Can you send me the details of the company?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "その会社の詳細を送ってもらえますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、送れます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Can you tell me what information I need to give you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "どういった情報がそちらで必要か教えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So in order to get the report, I'll need the company name, address, phone number, and website", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "レポートを取り寄せるためには、会社名、住所、電話番号、そしてウェブサイトが必要です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Will that be it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それだけですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, that will be it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、これで全部です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Okay, I will send that over right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "わかりました、今送りますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "How long will it take to get the report?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "レポートを取り寄せるのにどのくらいの時間がかかりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I think it will take a few days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "2、3日かかると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'll let you know once I get the report.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "レポートが届いたらご連絡します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それはよかった、どうもありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "連絡をお待ちしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Good morning, Mr. Ken.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "おはよう、健さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Good morning, Steve.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "おはよう、スティーブ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Let me take you to your work desk and then I will give you a tour of the office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "君をデスクに案内したあと、オフィスのツアーをしようか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Here is your desk and work starts from 8am to 5pm every day, Steve.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "スティーブ、ここが君のデスクで、仕事は毎朝8時から5時までだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh, very nice!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "わあ、とても素敵ですね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Drop your belongings here, and let’s go!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "荷物はここに置いて、行こうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "OK, I am ready Mr. Ken.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、準備できました、健さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "That is Suzy over there and is our senior financial analyst.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あそこにいるのが上級金融アナリストのスージーだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You will be working with her in the future so let’s go say hi to her.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今後彼女と一緒に仕事するようになるから挨拶しにいこう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Suzy, this is Steve, our department’s new addition.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "スージー、うちの部に新しく加わったスティーブだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Welcome on board, Steve.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ようこそ、スティーブ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I am very glad to see you!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はじめまして!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I am very happy to be here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ここで働くことができてとても光栄です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Just let me know whenever you need me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "助けが必要な時は知らせてね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I am glad to be of any assistance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "喜んでアドバイスするから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I am giving Steve a tour of the office so that he knows his way around.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "何がどこにあるか分かるよう、スティーブにオフィスのツアーをしてるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Ok, oh and please do teach him where the vending machines are located Ken.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そう、あ、健、自動販売機がどこにあるか教えてあげて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "See you later, Steve!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "じゃあまた、スティーブ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "OK, Suzy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、スージーさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "At the end of the hallway is the Production area.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "廊下の突き当りが製造エリアだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Seventy percent of our merchandise is produced right here in this facility and we also have one smaller manufacturing facility overseas that handles the rest of the production.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "うちの会社の70パーセントの商品がこの施設で作られていて、それ以外は全て海外のもっと小さな製造施設で製造しているんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You will be dealing with John, the Production manager.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "君は製造マネージャーのジョンとやりとりすることになるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I will introduce you to him later because he is in a meeting at the moment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今彼はミーティング中だから、後から紹介するよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Right, I need to remember that name.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、その方の名前覚えておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Like I said during the interview, one of your daily jobs is to deal with the bank to keep track of our financial resources.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "面接で言ったように、毎日の仕事の一環として、君には銀行とやりとりしてうちの資金の記録をとってもらいたいんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Every morning, you will access our account through the Internet to get financial information.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "毎朝インターネットで会社のアカウントにアクセスして、金融データを確認してほしい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I should have a login and password, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ログインとパスワードが必要になりますよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, I will call our bank and inform them that you are our new employee.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ああ、僕から銀行に電話して君が新しい従業員だと伝えておくよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Your next task is to call overseas to get other necessary information.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "次の仕事は海外に電話して必要な情報を得ることだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "What kind of data do I need to get from our people overseas?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "海外オフィスからどういった情報が必要なんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You will need financial data about their current and future projects.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "彼らの現在と未来のプロジェクトの金融データだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Do they need any information from me?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "僕が提供すべき情報はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, you need to work with them on their budgets so you can fax or e-mail them the information and if you need to talk to them, call them as soon as you get in.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ああ、君が彼らと一緒に予算を決めないといけないから、その情報をファックスかメールで送って、話をする必要がある場合は出社してすぐに電話しないといけない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Remember that they are eight hours ahead of us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "向こうは8時間進んでるから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Make sure that you create a file for each overseas project so you and I can review them at the end of every week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "君と僕が毎週の終わりに見直しできるように、各海外プロジェクトに関するファイルを作ってくれるかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "In the beginning, can you review the files with me more often?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "初めのうちは、僕と一緒にもっと頻繁に見直してもらえますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I just want to make sure that I do my job correctly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "仕事を正しくやっているかを確認したいので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, come see me whenever you have questions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "いいとも、質問があればいつでもどうぞ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I can't believe that you're leaving us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "会社辞めちゃうなんて、信じられない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yeah, it will be very weird without you here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そう、ここに君がいないと変な感じになるだろうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I didn't expect that this will happen so soon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "私も、こんなに早くこうなるとは思ってなかったわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well, it's your life.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "でも、君の人生だからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You should go for it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "やってみたらいいわよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Why not?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Honestly, I don't think I could do what you are doing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "正直、僕だったら君のやることはできないと思うな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You mean moving to a different country?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "外国に引っ越すっていう意味?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Of course there's that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "もちろんそれもそうだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I mean leaving this big company to pursue your real dream.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "自分の本当の夢を追うためにこんな大企業を去るってこと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I know, I had to argue a lot with my husband about this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうね、私もこのことは夫とたくさん話し合わなければならなかったわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hey, did you try the special cocktail?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ねえ、スペシャル・カクテルはもう飲んだ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I ordered it just for you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あなたのために、特別に注文してあげたわよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Thank you for organizing this party for me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "私のためにパーティーを計画してくれて、ありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You totally deserve this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "君のためなら当然だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We love parties anyway.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "どうせみんな、パーティーは大好きだしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Especially when we can have it right where we work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "職場でできるときは、特にね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Let me go and grab some cocktails for you guys.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "私みんなの分もカクテルもらってきてあげる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Do you want something to eat, too?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "何か食べ物もほしい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'm not that hungry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "私そんなにおなか空いていない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh, trust me, you will need something otherwise you can't drink tonight.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "えー、何かきっとほしくなるわよ、そうしないと今夜飲めないわよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Alright, just bring me anything you like.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "分かった、じゃああなたが好きなのなんでもいいからお願い。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I will be right back!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "すぐ戻るね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Are you excited about your new job?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "新しい仕事は、楽しみ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'm not sure.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "よく分かんない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I think there will be some good points and bad.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "いいことも悪いこともありそうな気がして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yeah, I'm really happy for you though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうだね、でも本当、よかったじゃない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "People think that we have everything just because we work here, but you know that's not true.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ここで働いているから何不自由ないと、周りには思われているけれど、実際はそうじゃないからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Thanks for saying that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ありがとう、そう言ってくれて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Just don't forget to let us know how you're doing now and then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ただ、これからもときどき俺たちに近況報告するのは忘れないでね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Thank goodness we have internet, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "幸いインターネットがあるから、ね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, it's a small world with internet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "うん、インターネットがあれば、世界は狭いから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You should come and visit me while I'm in India.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ぜひ遊びに来てね、私がインドにいるうちに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I would love to visit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ぜひ行きたいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Can I join for that trip, too?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "私もその旅行、一緒に行っていい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Here's your food and drinks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、食べ物と飲み物よ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "This looks amazing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "おいしそう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hello everyone, and good morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "どうも皆さん、おはようございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "As you all know by now, the company is in the red for this fiscal year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "皆さん既にご存知のように、本会計年度、弊社は赤字です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Because of this, I have some bad news.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それに伴って、皆さんに悪いお知らせがあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Unfortunately, we will be reducing our usual holiday bonuses for this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "残念ながら今年の休暇中のボーナスが減額されることになりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "The financial department has notified me that this is necessary, and it seems like there is nothing much we can do about it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "経理部よりボーナス減額が必要との知らせが入り、どうも私たちはどうすることもできないようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "How much of a reduction are we talking about?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "どのくらいの減額になるのでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "There will be a 20% cut to this year's holiday bonuses.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今年のボーナスは、20%の減額になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Also bonuses will be paid in two months.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それに加えて、2ヶ月後にボーナスが支払われることになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "But please be aware that there will be no layoffs.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ただ、一時解雇は無いのでご留意ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "That is good to hear, I guess.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Will there be any other spending cuts?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "他に何か支出削減はありますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Actually, yes there will be.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、実はあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Our company will be suspending all business travel temporarily until further notice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "弊社は追って通知があるまでは、すべての出張を一時中断します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I see, when will this go into effect?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "なるほど、それはいつから有効になる事ですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "This is effective immediately.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "即時です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So please cancel any travel plans you may have in the near future.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ですから、もし出張予定が有りましたらキャンセルをお願い致します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "This is rather inconvenient.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それはとても不利ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, it certainly is.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Actually, we had plans to visit Company B in Taiwan in February.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "実は私たちは二月に台湾のB社を訪れる予定があったのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "They've been valuable business partners over the past year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "彼らは昨年からとても大事なビジネスパートナーでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It's unfortunate I will have to cancel this meeting with them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "彼らとのミーティングをキャンセルせざるをえないのは、とても残念です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well, we hope these funding cuts will only be for a short term.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうですね、この支出削減が短い期間だといいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I will notify you all as soon as I have any more information.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "また何か情報が入り次第、皆さんと共有致します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Apologies to everyone for the inconvenience.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "皆さんにご迷惑をおかけして大変申し訳ございません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Ok, hope to hear a good news from you soon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "承知いたしました、良いニュースが入るのを楽しみにしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hello Mr. Kato, good evening.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "加藤さん、こんばんは。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Good evening Mr. Araki.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "こんばんは、荒木さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "As you know, we have meetings twice per year to review the performance of each employee.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "知っているとは思うけど、年に二回各社員の評価をする為に面談をしているんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We are planning to meet with all of the employees in your department over the next five days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "この五日間で君の課内の全ての社員と面談をする予定なんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "There is no need to be nervous.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "緊張する必要はないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "では始めようか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, please continue.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Okay sure.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So how is your relationship with your coworkers lately?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "最近同僚との関係はどうだい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I feel that I cooperate well with my coworkers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "同僚とは協力し合えていると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I communicate with everybody in my office, and we regularly share ideas between each other.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "私はオフィスの皆とコミュニケーションを取ってよく意見を共有しあったりしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Are there any issues with coworkers you’d like to mention?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "何か言っておきたい同僚との問題はある?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "No, none at all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Everybody is very friendly and helpful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "皆とても親切で面倒見が良いんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We encourage collaboration between coworkers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "同僚間で協力することを勧めているいるからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Have you been happy with your personal performance over the past 6 months?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "過去6ヶ月の自分の実績には満足しているかい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, I feel that I have been doing well lately.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、最近では上手くいっていると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I've been with the company for two years and I've got used to my job.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "2年間この会社で働いてきましたし仕事にも慣れました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Also over the past six months I've been taking classes outside of work to learn excel.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それにこの6ヶ月間は、社外でエクセルのクラスを取り続けてきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "This has helped improve my efficiency at work and I'm sharing my new information with my coworkers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そのおかげで効率よく仕事が進むようになり新しい情報を同僚に共有しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I see, that's great that you are taking these classes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そっか、クラスを取ってることはとても素晴らしいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'm sure that information is helpful to the whole office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そのインフォメーションがオフィスの役に立ってることは確かだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Do you have any weaknesses or things you'd like to improve on in the future?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "何か自分の弱点や将来改善していきたい点はあるかい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well, often I get stressed if I miss a deadline or if I have too much work to do in a short amount of time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "期日に間に合わなかったり短い期間でやらなければない事がたくさんあるとストレスが溜まってしまうんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Managing my stress better is definitely something I would like to work on.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ストレスと上手く付き合っていくことが私の課題かと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, managing stress is important.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうだね、ストレス管理をする事は大切だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Actually, I have a book on managing stress in the workplace.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "実は僕職場でのストレス管理についての本を持っているんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It may be helpful to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "もしかしたら君の役にたつかもよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Why don’t you stop by my office tomorrow and I'll lend it to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "明日僕のオフィスに来てくれれば貸してあげるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "That would be great, thank you so much!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "嬉しいです、ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Ok, I have one final question.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "最後に一つだけ質問するよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Do you have any concerns about working here at Company A, or any questions for me?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "何かA社での勤務についての悩みや質問はあるかね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "No I don't.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "特にないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I enjoy working here and hope I can stay for a long time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ここで働くのを楽しんでいるので長い間勤務できたら良いなと考えています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "That's great to hear!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そう言ってくれると嬉しいよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well, thank you for your time, you can go back to your desk now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "時間を取ってくれてありがとう、デスクに戻っていいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hey Victor, what are you working on?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ビクター、何をしてるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I've been setting up my retirement from the past week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "先週から退職貯蓄の設定をしてるんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "How do you have your savings for retirement set up?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "君はどう設定した?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "All of mine is invested into Company A stock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "僕は全部A社の株に投資してるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Company A matches everything that we put in up to four percent.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "A社は給与の4%までの貯蓄分には同額を補助してくれるから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "How about you, Victor?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ビクター、君はどうしてるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, some of mine goes into Company A stock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "うん、幾らかはA社の株に行くようにしてるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "However, many people have watched their retirement dreams disappear because they invested only in the company stock of their employer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ただ、自社株だけに投資したせいで、退職後の夢に敗れてしまった人々は沢山いるからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "That's why I've been working on mine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そういうわけで今調整しているところなんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You've got to diversify, Tim.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "君も分散させたほうがいいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well, I think money is a very personal matter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "だけどお金は個人的な事じゃないか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Are you trying to get into my business?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それに口出ししようっていうの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "No, no, no, not at all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "いやいや、そうじゃないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'm just looking out for you, Tim.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "気をつけたほうがいいよって言いたかっただけだよ、ティム。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Most people do exactly what you do, but in the long term, it doesn't make sense.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ほとんどの人が君と同じようにするけど、長期的にみると効率よくないからさ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I was doing it too, but I started doing some research.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "僕もそうしてたんだけど、色々調べ始めたんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well then, what do you suggest?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうか、じゃあどうしたらいいの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Here's the thing, if Company A fails, we lose everything and the stock will be worthless.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "いいかい、もしA社が失敗したら株の価値はなくなって全てを失うことになるだろ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Go with a target-date mutual fund.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ターゲットデート・ミューチュアルファンドがいいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "何それ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It's a fund holds a mix of stocks, bonds, and other investments.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "株や債券やその他の投資を組み合わせたファンドだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Over time, the mix gradually shifts according to the fund's investment strategy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "投資戦略に合わせて、時間が経つにつれてその組み合わせが徐々に変わっていくんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Target date funds are designed to be long-term investments for individuals with particular retirement dates in mind.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ターゲットデートファンドは特定の退職日が頭にある人のためにデザインされた長期投資ファンドだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Wow, I'll have to check it out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "へえ、調べてみよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Do you do that by yourself, or did you hire an accountant?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "自分でやってるの、それとも会計士を雇った?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I've been doing it myself.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "自分でやってるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Good morning, this is Harry from the warehouse, how may I help you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "おはようございます、こちら倉庫担当のハリーですが、どのようなご用件ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Good morning Harry, this is Charlie from the Marketing department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "おはようございます、ハリーさん、こちらマーケティング部のチャーリーです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I would like to know whether the new year calendar has arrived or not?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "新年のカレンダーが届いたかどうか知りたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'm sorry, as I wrote in the email the new year calendar might arrive late.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "申し訳ないです、メールにも書いた通り、新年のカレンダーが届くのは遅れるかもしれません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh, so when it will be delivered to our office?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あらら、じゃ、うちのオフィスにはいつ納品されますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Our vendor said it will be delivered around early January.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "業者によると一月の頭ごろには届くということです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Would you please call me later when the calendar arrive?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "カレンダーが届いたらお電話いただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "もちろん、そうします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Just to make sure, you ordered 200 pieces right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "確認のためですが、200部注文されましたよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Okay, I would also like to tell you that our vendor will not send the calendar to your office at once, but divided into several batches.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "分かりました、あと、カレンダーは業者から一括してではなく、幾つかのバッチに分けて送られる予定だということもお伝えしておきますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So, maybe if you ordered 200 pieces, I can give you around 50 pieces at first.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "なので、200部注文されたとしたら、まず50部ほどお渡しできます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "And then, if our vendor send it again the next day, I can give you another 50 calendars.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それから、次の日に業者からまた送られてきたら、さらに50部お渡しできます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "This is because we also need to deliver the calendar to our branch offices throughout the country.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "これは、全国の支社にもカレンダーを届ける必要があるからなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "And we need time for delivery to our branch offices.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それに、支社に届ける時間が必要なので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Okay, I understand that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Just please inform me when the calendars are ready.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "とにかくカレンダーが用意できたら教えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Because it's already late.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "もうすでに遅れてますから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Is there anything else I can help you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "他に何かお手伝いできますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "いや、それだけです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Good afternoon everyone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "皆さん、こんにちは。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "First of all, happy new year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "まずは、明けましておめでとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I would like everyone here to give ideas for this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ここにいる皆さんに、今年のアイデアを出してほしいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Ideas for each employees to improve their performance this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "各従業員の、今年のパフォーマンスを改善するためのアイデアです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Simple ideas are welcome, we don't need complicated ideas, if everyone can improve their own performance, our company will perform better too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "シンプルなアイデアでいいですよ、複雑なものは必要ありません、皆が自分のパフォーマンスを向上出来れば、会社のパフォーマンスも良くなりますから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "The ideas could be how to improve the sales or how to improve the service to our customers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "アイデアとしては、どうやって売り上げを伸ばすかとか、顧客へのサービスをどう改善するかなどですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Any comment guys?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "何かコメントはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "When we must give our ideas?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "アイデアを提出するのはいつですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Today is Friday evening, so how about Monday morning?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今日はもう金曜の夕方なので、月曜の朝というのはどうでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So we can think over the weekend while we're having our holiday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうすれば週末、休み中にじっくり考えられますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "分かりました、大丈夫です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I guess everyone here also agree.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ここにいる皆も賛成だと思いますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So Monday morning we meet again at 9, is that okay everyone?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "じゃ、月曜の朝9時にまた集まりましょう、いいですね、皆さん?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Sorry, I have an appointment with client next week on Monday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "すみません、私は来週の月曜にクライアントとアポがあるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Can we meet later at around 3 pm?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "もっと遅く、3時頃に集まれますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "No problem, or you can just submit your ideas in writing and give it to Felix.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "いいですよ、または、アイデアを書き出してフェリックスに渡してくれてもいいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, I don't mind.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ええ、僕は構わないですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Just submit your ideas to me, and I will compile it together with my ideas.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "アイデアを僕に渡してくれたら、僕のアイデアと一緒にまとめておくよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Okay then I will submit it to Felix.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "分かりました、じゃ、フェリックスに渡します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Okay, then, see you guys on Monday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、じゃ、皆さん月曜に会いましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Good afternoon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "May I meet Ms. Diana?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ダイアナさんとお会いしたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Sure, where are you from?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、どちらの方ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'm Willy from ABC company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ABC会社のウィリーと申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Have you made an appointment with her?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ダイアナとはお約束していらっしゃいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, I've made an appointment already.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、もう約束してます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "わかりました、少々お待ちください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hi, Mr. Willy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "こんにちは、ウィリー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh, Ms. Diana.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ああ、ダイアナさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Welcome, please come in.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ようこそ、どうぞ、入って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Good, how are you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "元気よ、あなたは?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Good, thank you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Please have a seat and wait for a moment here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "どうぞおかけになって、もうちょっとお待ちください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I will ask the others to join the meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "他の人たちにも、ミーティングに参加するよう声をかけてきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hello, I'm Cynthia.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "こんにちは、シンシアです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hello, I'm Willy, nice to meet you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "こんにちは、ウィリーといいます、はじめまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So, let's start our meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "では、ミーティングを始めましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We have reviewed your proposal, is this the best price you can give to us?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そちらの提案書を確認させていただきましたが、これが御社の最低価格ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, actually, we can give you 10 percent discount.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、実は、10パーセントオフにできます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Actually we received another quotation from another source, and they give us better price than your company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "実は他社からもお見積もりをいただいておりまして、そちらの方が御社よりも安いんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Their price is cheaper and also they offered us more discount than you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そちらの価格の方が安くて、御社より多くの値引きもしてくれるそうなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "May I know how much discount they give?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "どのくらいの値引きか教えていただくことはできますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "They offered us 15 percent discount.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "15%オフをいただいています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Okay, so I will give you the same discount they offered to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "わかりました、では、ウチも同じ割引を致します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Okay, good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうですか、良かった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We will discuss your proposal further internally and will revert to you as soon as possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "では、社内で提案書についてさらに話し合って、できるだけ早くご返事します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Okay, I will be waiting for your positive response.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "わかりました、良いご返事をお待ちしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Please excuse me then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "では、これで失礼します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ご足労ありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "No problem, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "いえ、何かご質問がありましたら、ご遠慮なくご連絡ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Sure, I will, thank you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Okay then, see you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hi Chris, it's Ryan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "もしもし、ライアンだけどクリス?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh, hey man.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "おー、そうだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Listen, could you do me a massive favor and cover this morning's meeting?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ねえ、すごく悪いんだけど、今朝のミーティング、代わりに出てくれないか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Why, what's the matter?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "なんでだよ、どうしたの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "On the way to the station just now, a car sped through a massive puddle and absolutely soaked me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今駅に向かってるとこなんだけど、大きな水たまりの上を車がスピード出して走ってきて、ずぶ濡れにされちゃったんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I've got to go home and change, I can't meet a potential client like this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "家に帰って着替えないと、こんな感じでクライアントになり得る相手に会うのは無理だ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh man, that's terrible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "いやー、それは大変だ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You know they can get fined for that now, did you catch their number plate?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今、そういうことは罰金の対象になるのは知ってるよね、ナンバープレートは覚えてる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "No, unfortunately it all happened too fast.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "いや、残念ながらあっという間の出来事だったから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "But anyway, there's no way I'm going to make it in on time now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ま、何にしても、この状態で間に合うのは絶対無理だ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Okay, don't worry I can meet with the client.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "分かったよ、僕がクライアントに会っておくから心配するな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "The proposal and other documents are all on the shared drive, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "提案書と他の資料は共有ドライブに全部入ってるよな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yeah, it's all there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ああ、全部そこにある。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You can ring me if anything's not clear.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "もし分からないことがあったら電話してくれればいい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "No worries, go and get yourself dried off.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "心配するな、帰って乾かして来いよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Thanks man, I owe you one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ありがと、借りは返すよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'll hold you to that!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "期待しとこう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Let me know how it all goes, okay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "どんな風になったか教えてくれよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Alright, see you later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "もしもし、サム?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh, hi Chris.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ああ、クリス、こんにちは。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh, by the way, congratulations on your son's wedding last week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あ、そうだ、先週、息子さんのご結婚おめでとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So I just wanted to double check our schedule tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "でね、明日の予定を再確認したかったんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You will be flying in around 9 o'clock tomorrow, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "明日、9時頃着のフライトだったよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Okay, so I will pick you up, then drive to the site.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "了解、じゃあ僕が迎えにいって、現場まで車で連れて行きますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "The drive will take around two hours.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "車で2時間くらいかかるから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "And I think the site inspection will take another two hours.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それに現場視察でさらに2時間程かかると思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Your flight is at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "君の帰りのフライトは午後5時だよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We should have enough time, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "時間足りますよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "うん、そう思うけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It's a domestic flight so you don't have to get to the airport so early.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "国内線だからそんなに早く空港に行かなくてもいいし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You should be fine as long as you get there one hour earlier.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "1時間前に空港に着いていれば大丈夫でしょ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Think we are all set then?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "じゃあ、準備万端ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Don't forget to bring your inspection gear.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "調査用具を忘れずにね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You'll need your helmet, vest, and steel-toed boots.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ヘルメット、ベスト、安全長靴がいるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It might rain so you should dress appropriately.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "雨になるかもしれないから、雨具もいるかも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Thanks for the reminder!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ああ、リマインドどうも!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "明日お会いしましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "楽しみにしているよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "じゃあ、これで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Do you need to buy anything for this fiscal year?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "この会計年度で何か買いたい物はある?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Like office supplies.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "事務用品とか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Like a mouse, charger cable, things like that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "マウスや充電コードみたいな物。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We still have some leftover budget so if you need to buy anything then buy it now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "経費がまだ残ってるから、買う物があるなら今買って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Can I get another monitor?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "モニターをもう一台買っていいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "もちろん構わないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Do you really need it though?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "でも本当に必要なの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yeah I do actually.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、実はそうなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I need it when I do research or enter data.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "リサーチやデータ入力のために必要なんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It will be a lot more convenient if I have two screens so I can look at two things at the same time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "スクリーンが2台あれば2つのものを同時に見られるので、今よりずっと便利になりますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Otherwise, I'll have to keep alt tabbing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "じゃないとAltとTabを押し続けることになっちゃいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "わかったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Monitors are pretty cheap these days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "近頃はモニターもだいぶ安いしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I've seen a twenty-seven inch go for around a hundred dollars.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "27インチで100ドルぐらいのものも見かけたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Can you send me an email on which monitor you want?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "どのモニターが欲しいかEメールを送ってくれる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Can you also include the administration department in the email?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "総務部にも送っておいてね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hello all, thank you for gathering today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "皆さん、こんにちは、今日はお集まりくださいましてありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yichin do you mind if we all speak English today as Sylar is here?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ユーチン、今日はサイラーがいるので、全員英語でもいいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Of course not, how are you Sylar?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "もちろん大丈夫です、サイラー、元気ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hi Yichin, good to hear your voice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "やあ、ユーチン、声が聞けて良かったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "How is Australia?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "オーストラリアはどう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Sweltering actually.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "実はうだるような暑さですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Tokyo was much better, it sucks to be back here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "東京の方がまだましでした、ここに戻るのはうんざりです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So I've got you 2 on the phone because I wanted to make sure we are on the same page regarding your fund's intentions with our company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "さて、当社に関するあなた方のファンドの考えについて、全員同じ認識だということを確認するため、今日はお2人にも電話で参加してもらいました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Sylar has given me some feedback in confidence as to some concerns he has.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "サイラーからは、懸念があるとのフィードバックを内々でいただいています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, I got an email from Sylar regarding that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そう、その件に関しては、サイラーからEメールをもらっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I've taken his concern to Wang Feihong and he has been looking at past financials to see where you may be heading.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "サイラーの懸念はワン フェイホン社長に伝えてあり、フェイホンは御社の今後の方向性を考えるため過去の資金繰りを確認しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Just between you and me, and Syler of course, this doesn't look good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ここだけの話、もちろんサイラーもいますが、あまり良い状況ではありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Wang Feihong is mostly concerned at how, what's the word, um, careful, Keiko is.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ワン フェイホンは、恵子さんが、なんと言いましょうか、えー、慎重であることを主に気にしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yichin, it's fine, you don't have to sugar coat.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ユーチン、いいんです、言葉を選ばなくてもいいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "She is way too stubborn and slow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "恵子さんは頑固で時間がかかりすぎると。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "He was expecting some sort of change by now, but it seems to be the same, if not worse.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "フェイホンは、そろそろ何らかの変革があることを期待していたのですが、悪くはなっていないにしろ、変わってないようで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Eugina, the board meeting was a disaster.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ユジーナ、役員会議は最悪でしたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "She was shutting Alex off, and dancing around my questions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "恵子さんはアレックスを制止して、私の質問もうやむやにしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I can't imagine Wang Feihong himself sitting at that meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ワン フェイホンがあの会議に同席することなんて考えられません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "He will explode.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あの人、爆発しますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, you told me she didn't answer any of your questions..", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうですね、あなたの質問には全く答えなかったと言ってましたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It's very disrespectful as we are one of your biggest investors.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "当社は御社の最大の投資元の一つなのに、非常に失礼です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I don't know what to say other than I deeply apologize for their behavior.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "当社の経営陣のふるまいについては、深くお詫びを申し上げる以外に言葉もございません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Is she okay though?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "恵子さん、大丈夫ですかね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Meaning?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well, is she, um, having some sort of, I don't know, breakdown?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "えーと、あの方、その、よくわかりませんが、心身衰弱かなんかでしょうかね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I don't understand how she can live in la-la land that long.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "どうしてあそこまで自分の世界に行っちゃってるのか、理解できないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "There seems to be something wrong and I'm worried for her wellbeing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "何かおかしいですよね、恵子さんの健康状態が心配ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "That's a new take.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それは新たな見方ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I didn't think about that, but yeah, that is a possibility.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そんなことは考えもつきませんでしたが、うん、それはありえるかも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I don't know her personal affairs, or her medical history, so I can't really weigh in on that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "個人的なことや病歴などはわかりませんので、なんとも言えません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "But I do believe something needs to be done for the sustainability of our company and I am counting on C Fund for direction.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ですが、当社の持続可能性のためには、策を講じる必要があることは確かで、当社の方向性はCファンドにかかっております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So I'm still committed to working with you to turn things around for Company R, but just as a heads up, Wang Feihong himself will not be focusing on you guys.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "とにかく、私としてはまだ、R社の状況を好転させるためにご一緒に取り掛かることを約束しますが、警告として言います、ワン フェイホン自身の関心は御社から離れていくと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "He has allowed me to work with you, but there won't be any input from him.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "御社と協力することは許可されていますが、今後フェイホンからのインプットはないでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Thank you for being straight with me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "率直に言ってくださりありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Eugina, I think this information should just be among us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ユジーナ、この情報はここだけにしないといけませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well, I actually think this is a good wakeup call for them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "えー、実のところ、これはうちの経営陣への警鐘だと思いますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "If they know C Fund is losing interest, they may finally get their act together.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Cファンドが関心を失っていることを当社の経営陣が知ったら、きちんと対処するでしょうから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It's up to you what you tell management, but please remember I am still here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "経営陣へ何と言うかはあなたにお任せしますよ、でも、私がここにいることを忘れないでください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It's better not to completely burn bridges.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "背水の陣は敷かない方がいいでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "お越しいただきありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "This unprecedented weather is wreaking havoc on us, and there has been some overflow of pipes in the roof.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "この前例のない天気に大打撃を受けて、屋根の中でパイプが溢れています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I apologize for the leaks you see around you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "周りに雨漏りが見られて、申し訳ありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I have heard on the news that 30 percent of Tokyo's buildings have burst pipes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "東京にある30%のビルでパイプの破裂があるとニュースで聞きました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "The subway station had buckets everywhere too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "地下鉄の駅にも至るところにバケツがありましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, so, I would like to get back to the interview and introduce you to our team.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ええ、そうですか、面接に戻り、チームにあなたのことを紹介したいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "This is Sylvester Ko, our CFO, and this is Karim Ahuja who leads the IT team.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "こちらがシルベスター コー、当社の最高財務責任者です、そしてこちらがITチームを仕切っているカリム アフージャ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You will be working closely with Karim.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "カリムと密接に仕事してもらう予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hello, nice to meet you both.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "こんにちは、お二人とも初めまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So thank you for doing a video interview with me the other day, today is really to get a feel of what you will be doing here, and whether you will be interested.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "さて、先日はビデオ面接をしていただきありがとうございます、今日は現にあなたがここで何をしていくのか、そして興味があるかどうかを実感していただく目的です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'll let Karim do the talking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "カリムに話を任せます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hi Sergei.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "どうも、セルゲイ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So Dr. Toshinaga forwarded me your CV and I believe you are exactly the person we need.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それで、利永さんからあなたの履歴書を転送してもらいましたが、まさに当社に必要な人材だと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Basically you will be doing what you have done at your previous company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "基本的に前の会社でやっていたのと同じ事をしていただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You will be overseeing the sales office system and taking care of their issues.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "営業所のシステムの監督と問題への対処をしていただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "There will be some backend work on our website when necessary, as well as taking care of our enterprise system.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "基幹システムの管理と同様に、必要に応じて当社のウェブサイトのバックエンドの仕事も発生します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "The enterprise system is something we just installed, and the learning curve for our employees is quite steep.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "基幹システムは導入したばかりのもので、学習過程は従業員にとってかなり険しいものです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "They are going to have a lot of questions, so I will guide you through the basics so you can deal with the tickets.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "たくさんの質問が出ると思うので、これらに対処できるよう基本をご案内します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, I think I can handle that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We had a complicated enterprise system at my previous job but it only took me a few days to understand it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "前の仕事でもややこしい基幹システムがありましたが、たった数日で理解できました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "What's that cracking sound?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "何だこの割れるような音は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I don't hear it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "聞こえないけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Something is definitely cracking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "なにかが間違いなく割れている。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh no, Sergei watch out!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "うわ、セルゲイ危ない!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "What just happened?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "何が起きたんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Sergei, I'm so sorry, let me grab a towel.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "セルゲイ、申し訳ない、タオルを持ってきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "This place is a mess!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "めちゃくちゃだな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I've been splashed as well!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "私も濡れちゃったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Did that ceiling panel just cave in with the weight of water?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "水の重さで天井のパネルが崩れ落ちたの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh dear, Sergei, you are all wet, are you ok?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あらら、セルゲイ、ずぶ濡れですね、大丈夫ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Obviously we can't continue with the interview, but I would like to extend an offer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "当然面接は続けられませんが、オファーを延長したいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Not just because of this, mind you, your CV is stellar and Karim is happy as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "この状況のせいだけではありませんが、いいですか、君の履歴書は一流だしカリムも喜んでいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "My cashmere suit is wet!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "私のカシミアのスーツ濡れちゃったよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Here, Sergei, let me take that jacket so I can blow it with this dryer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、セルゲイ、ドライヤーで乾かすのでジャケットを貸してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'm not wearing cashmere so I'm ok, thank you Karim.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "カシミアを着ているわけではないので大丈夫です、ありがとうございます、カリムさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I apologize for this mess, please send us your dry-cleaning bill.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "めちゃくちゃなことになって申し訳ありませんでした、クリーニング代は請求してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I insist.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "必ずですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I've extended an offer, Karim.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "オファーを延長したよ、カリム。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "That's great, Dr. Toshinaga.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "さすが、利永さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well, thank you but let me go home and think it over.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あの、ありがとうございます、でも一度家に帰って考えさせてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hello, everyone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I am glad to see we have a big audience today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今日はたくさんの方がいらっしゃって嬉しいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So I'm sure you guys are eager to hear more about what I have to say today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "さて、今日私がお話しすることに皆さん大変興味をお持ちだと思うのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "But before I start, I'd like to thank Government Agency A and Company A for co-organizing today's event.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "でも、始める前に、まず政府機関AとA社さんに、今日のイベントを共同開催してくれたことを感謝したいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Also, I'd like to thank Mike Mostow for his work in helping the deal materialize.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それから、この協定の実現のためにご協力くださったマイク モストウさんの仕事ぶりにもお礼を言わせてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Mr. Mostow, would like to say something to the audience?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "モストウさん、観客の皆さんに何か一言ありますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, thank you Chris.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ええ、ありがとう、クリス。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "As you may all know, the trade deal was signed earlier this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "皆さんご存知かと思いますが、今年に入って貿易協定が締結されました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Although there were some issues along the way, all the government officials involved have made sure things went smoothly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "その過程において問題はいくつかありましたが、係わった政府関係者たち全員が確実に物事がスムーズにいくようにしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We appreciate your hard work Mr. Mostow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "モストウさん、大変なお仕事、ありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "And I'm happy to be here today to have Chris and his team present to you the new trade deal.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そして、今日ここにいて、クリスと彼のチームが新貿易協定について発表出来るのを喜ばしく思っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Chris, I will hand the floor back to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "クリス、どうぞお話してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Thank you very much Mr. Mostow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "モストウさん、大変ありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Alright, let's get right into it then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "さて、早速始めましょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "The CPTPP is a new trade agreement between eleven countries.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "CPTPPは11か国間の貿易協定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Of the eleven, seven countries have already officially joined while the remaining four are still in the discussion phase.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "その11のうち、7か国が正式に参加していますが、一方残りの4か国はまだ検討中の状態にあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "The seven countries that have signed on are, Mexico, Japan, Canada, Singapore, New Zealand, Australia, and Vietnam.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "署名した7か国は、メキシコ、日本、カナダ、シンガポール、ニュージーランド、オーストラリア、ベトナムです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "The four remaining are, Brunei, Chile, Malaysia, and Peru.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "残りの4か国は、ブルネイ、チリ、マレーシア、ペルーとなっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So the biggest feature of this trade deal will be the reduction or removal of tariffs on a large number of goods.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "この貿易協定の目玉となるのは、多数の製品にかかる関税の引き下げもしくは撤廃です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "For Canada, one of the biggest benefit is the reduction of tariffs for meat products in to the Asian market.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "カナダにとって、大きな利点の一つは、アジア市場への肉製品にかかる関税の引き下げです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "One of Canada's key market will be Japan and we expect the trade of meat products to increase greatly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "カナダの主要市場の一つが日本なので、肉製品の貿易が大幅に増えることを予測しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Key products will be beef and pork.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "主要製品は牛肉と豚肉になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Now aside from the tariffs, the deal also brings other benefits among the countries.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "さて、関税だけでなく、協定は国々の間にその他の利益ももたらします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "For example, this will open up opportunities for other companies in other countries to bid for government contracts.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "例えば、これによって他の国の他の企業が、政府との契約に入札する機会を持つことができます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Typically, government contracts can only be bid by the local companies but this will change that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "典型的に、政府の契約には、地元の企業だけが入札できるのですが、これによって変わるでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "And with the reduction or removal of tariffs, it will allow foreign companies to be more competitive in bidding for government contracts abroad.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そして、関税引き下げもしくは撤廃によって、外国企業が海外での政府契約入札においてより競争力をもつことが出来るようになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So the trade deal is not a simple reduction or removal of tariffs but has other features to promote the prosperity of the countries involved.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "つまり、貿易協定は、単なる関税の引き下げや撤廃だけでなく、関係国の発展を促す他の機能も持つのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I could go on for hours but since we still have a whole day ahead of us, I will stop around here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "何時間でも話すことができますが、まだまだこの先丸々一日ありますので、この辺で止めておきますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So after this, we will have a panel session with the trade commissioners from Government Agency A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "では、この後は、政府機関Aの貿易委員の方々とのパネルセッションになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "They will provide their insight on the benefits of the trade deal, and explain some of the government programs that companies could use.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "彼らは貿易協定の利点に関する見通しを教えてくれ、企業が利用することのできるいくつかの政府プログラムについて説明してくれます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "These would be things that exporters could potentially use to expand to a new market.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "これらは、輸出業者が新しい市場へ進出するのに利用できる可能性のあるものだと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "The panel session will be held in the room behind me so please head on over after this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "パネルセッションは、私の後ろにある部屋で開かれますので、この後、どうぞそちらに向かってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Thank you and I hope everyone learns a lot from today's event.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ありがとうございました、そして、皆さんが今日のイベントで多くを学ばれることを願っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hey Ben, do you know where this shipment will be going to?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ねえベン、この船便がどこに行くか知ってる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It's the one to Shanghai.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それは上海に行くやつだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Are you asking about the Company?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "会社について聞いてるのかい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yeah and their address.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "うん、あと住所と。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Freight Forwarder A is asking for the BL instruction and they need to know the name of the consignee by the end of the day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "A運輸がBL指示が必要だって言ってて、今日中にコンサイニーの名前が知りたいそうなんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Elaine usually does this but she took the day off today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "普段はエレインがやってるけど、今日は休みを取ってる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It should be the same as the last shipment to Shanghai.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "この前の上海宛の便と同じはずだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So it should be Company B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "だからB社だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "But don't quote me on it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "でも確実なことは言えないな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh, why don't you check the phytosanitary application that Elaine sent out yesterday?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あ、エレインが昨日送ってた植物検疫申請書を確認してみたら?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "That should have the information you're looking for.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "君が探してる情報が載ってるはずだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh, I didn't see that email.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あれ、そのメールは見なかったな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Do you know when she sent the email?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "彼女がいつそのメール出したか知ってる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It should have been yesterday morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "昨日の朝のはずだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "確認させて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yeah, she sent it out around 11 o'clock yesterday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "うん、昨日の11時頃に送ってるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh, but she didn't Cc you in the email.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あれ、でも君をccに入れてなかったんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh, no wonder.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ああ、だから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Can you forward that email to me?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そのメール、僕に転送してくれる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, I'll do that now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "うん、今やるね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "やった、ありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'll send her a note to always include you in these kind of emails.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "こういうメールには必ず君も入れるように言っておくよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Otherwise I won't be able to cover for her when she's away!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "じゃないと彼女がいない時にカバーできないからね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hey, Han, please come and check our intern's work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ねえ、ハン、ちょっと来て、インターンの仕事をチェックしてくれる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "He's unbelievable.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "信じられないんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, yes I am checking it right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、はい、今チェックしますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Did he spend all night messing up all these files?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あいつ、ひと晩かけて、ファイルを全部めちゃくちゃにしてくれたのか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It seems that way.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "みたいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "At least he's persistent.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "少なくとも、粘り強いな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Maybe that's it though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "だが、たぶん、それだけだろうな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Why didn't you tell him what the problem is?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "何が問題か、なんで彼に言わなかったんだ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Why should I do that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "どうして僕が言わないといけないんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "He won't survive here anyway.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "どっちみち、彼はここではやっていけませんよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "うん、そうだな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Is he preparing for his presentation now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あいつ、今プレゼンの準備してるのかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Who's going to be his partner?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "パートナーは誰がやるんですかね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "知るか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "By the way, who hired him?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ところで、誰があいつを雇ったんだ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Do you have any clue about that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "何かヒントはある?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I have no idea who hired him.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "誰が雇ったかまったくわかりませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I have a briefing with the senior manager now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今、シニアマネジャーとミーティングがあるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I will see you later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "じゃあ、あとで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Good morning sir.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I made...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "えー、やっておきましたのは…", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We saw it already.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "もう、見たよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You surely proved it quantity-wise.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "量をこなせるのは良くわかった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "But, that's it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "だが、それだけだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hey, you!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "おい、君。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Why did you ignore the folder trees that Mr. Han had made?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ハンさんが作ったフォルダーの階層をどうして無視したんだ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I didn't ignore them, but there were so many files that didn't fit there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "無視はしませんでしたけど、入りきらないファイルがたくさんありました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "That's the company standard.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あれは会社の基準なんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Do you know what that means?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "どういう意味かわかるか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Everyone understood and agreed on it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "皆それを理解して了承してるってことだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Sorry sir, I will keep that in my mind.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "すみません、覚えておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You don't have to be sorry, just try to remember that for next time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "謝らなくてもいいけど、次回のために覚えておくように。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We all work together.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "皆一緒に仕事してるんだからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Scott, have you got a minute?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "スコット、ちょっといい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, what's up?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "いいですよ、どうしました?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I was wondering if you could do me a favor.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ちょっとお願いがあるんだけど、いいかしら。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "That depends what it is.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "内容によります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well, John has asked me to design and write a brochure to promote the new service.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それが、新サービス宣伝用のパンフをデザインして文面を作るようにジョンに頼まれたんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I don't want to let him down, but with the sales reports due for next week and the trade show to prepare for, it's a bit much for me to take on at the moment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "がっかりさせたくはないんだけど、私も来週提出の売上報告書があるし、準備しなくちゃいけない展示会もあるし、今それを引き受ける暇ないのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "If you have the time, I was hoping you might be able to whip something up?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "もし、時間があったら、何か手早くできる案がないかなと思って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "If I remember correctly, weren't you the one who spearheaded that project?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "僕の思い違いでなければ、そのプロジェクトを指揮ってませんでしたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Surely someone so instrumental in its development would do a better job?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "だったら、その過程で役に立った人の方がいい仕事をするんじゃないでしょうかね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, but graphic design is not my forte.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうだけど、グラフィックデザインは得意じゃないのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Plus, I now need to put all my effort into things like the trade show, to help get my baby released to consumers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それに、今は、大事に育ててきた製品をお客さんにお披露目する展示会に全力を注がないといけないの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はーい、わかりましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It shouldn't be a problem, and I do enjoy that kind of work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "大丈夫だと思います、そういう仕事は好きだし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, I remember what a great job you did on the design work for the M contract.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうよ、M社との契約のときにすごく良いデザインしたの覚えてる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I know it will be done well if I leave it in your hands.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あなたに任せておけば、素晴らしく仕上がると思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, well don't forget I'm also covering for Mark while he's off with the flu.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はあ、ですが、今、僕、インフルで休んでいるマークの仕事もやっていることを忘れないでくださいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "If anything comes through from one of his clients, that will have to take priority.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "もし、マークの取引先から何か来たら、そちらの仕事を優先しますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'll see if I can make a start after lunch today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今日、昼食後から始めらるか確認してみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Thanks Scott, I really appreciate it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ありがとうスコット、すごく助かる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'll be on hand if you have any questions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "何か質問があったらいつでも聞いて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'll be out of the office for a bit with the preparations, so you might have to reach me by email.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "準備でちょっと外出するから、メールで連絡してもらうことになるかも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "わかりました、大丈夫です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So, I just wanted to touch base with everyone, and see what stage everyone is at.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "さて、皆に集まってもらって、進捗状況を聞きたかったのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Simone, how's it going sourcing a manufacturer?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "シモーヌ、メーカー探しはうまくいってるかい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Pretty good, I have some promising leads in China.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "順調です、中国に強力な見込み会社がいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "One factory I spoke to is pretty confident they can create the shapes we require with their CNC machines, based on the designs I sent them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "連絡をとった工場は、送ったデザインをもとにCNC装置で必要な型を作れることがかなり確実なようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "They know the designs are a very early work in progress though, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そこの会社、デザインがかなり初期段階のものだと知ってるんだよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "The final design is likely to be quite different.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "最終的なデザインはかなり違ったものになりそうだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, I made them aware of that, and they suggested we also design a custom jig when we know what the final design will look like.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ええ、そのことは伝えてありますし、最終的なデザインがどのような感じになりそうかわかったときに特注治具をデザインすればいいのではと提案していました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hmm, that's a good idea.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ふむふむ、いい案だな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yeah, it would help them get the production started right away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうなんです、そうすれば、向こうもすぐに生産に入れますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Now, Asa, what's been going on in your team?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "アサ、君のチームはどうなってる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well, at the beginning of last week, we fell behind schedule.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "えー、先週初めの段階で、予定より遅れていたんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "This is something I've already discussed with my team, and we came up with some better practices, and were back on track by Friday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "チームのメンバーとは既に話し合って、より良いやり方を決めましたので、金曜日には遅れを取り戻しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "That's great.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Then, on Tuesday, we invited some members of the public to come and trial the different materials and color combinations, and we explained the various features.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それで、火曜日に一般客を招いて、いろいろな素材や色の組み合わせを試してもらい、いろいろな特徴も説明しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We gained some really valuable feedback, which we have shared with the design team.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "すごく貴重なフィードバックももらえたので、デザインチームとも共有しておきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, Ian couldn't make it today, but he wanted to reiterate how grateful he was for that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そう、イアンは今日は参加できなかったんだが、その件に関しては繰り返し感謝してたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "He said the feedback gave him and his team confidence that they are moving in the right direction, and has informed them what they need to focus on next.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "フィードバックを聞いて、彼もチームも正しい方向に向かっていると確信できたと言ってたし、次に取り掛かるべきことについて指示したそうだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Lastly, Vanessa, do you have anything to share?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "最後に、バネッサ、何か共有することはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well, as you all know, we had a great brainstorming session for the product name, and came up with some options that we thought reflected our brand and the concept really well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "えーと、皆さんご存知のとおり、商品名についてすごく良いブレーンストーミングのセッションができまして、当社のブランドとコンセプトをとてもよく反映している候補名がいくつか上がりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Unfortunately, the legal team has since got back to us and rejected our number one candidate, as there is already a product with that name.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ですが、残念なことに、一押しだった候補については、既に同じ商品名があるということで、その後法務部から連絡を受けて却下されました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Another favorite could apparently be deemed offensive in Spanish, so it looks like it's back to the drawing board.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そして、もう一つの有力候補はスペイン語では下品とみなされるようで、振り出しに戻ってしまいました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Not to worry, it's still early days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "心配するな、まだ時間はある。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Right, let's wrap it up there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "さて、この辺で切り上げるとするかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We'll reconvene in 2 weeks to share what progress we've made.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "2週間後にまた集まって、進捗を報告してもらいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Did you hear back from Company A yet?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "A社からもう返事は来た?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "いや、まだなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I sent them an email last week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "メールは先週送りました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'm planning to follow up with them on Friday this week if I don't hear back.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "もし返事がなかったら今週金曜日にフォローアップする予定なんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Why don't you try calling them?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "先方に電話してみるのは?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Actually the person in charge is out of the country this week so I was hoping he'd reply my email.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "実は担当者さんが今週は国外にいるので、メールに返信もらえるのを期待してたんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "He's in Europe right now and it's a bit hard to reach him by phone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "彼は今ヨーロッパに居て、電話で連絡するのはちょっと難しいんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I mean, I wouldn't want someone calling me when I'm on a business trip.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "というか、自分が出張の時に誰から電話かかってきてほしくないんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Especially when I'm sleeping or something.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "特に寝てるときとか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Okay, fair enough.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうか、それはそうだな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Be sure to follow up on this though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "でもこの件、フォローアップをするの忘れないように。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Our team in Tokyo has been waiting for a reply and we should at least let them know what is up by the end of this week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "東京でうちのチームが返事を待ってるから、少なくとも今週末までにどうなっているか連絡したほうがいい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'll update the team in Tokyo on Friday regardless.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "どちらにしても金曜日に東京のチームに報告します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hey Laura, can we talk for a bit now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "やあローラ、今ちょっといい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yeah, sure!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "うん、いいよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh by the way, how was your holiday?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あっ、そういえば、お休みどうだった?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Did you enjoy Lisbon?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "リスボン楽しめた?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh it was brilliant!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "すっごく良かった!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "The weather was perfect, food was great, people were all so nice!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "天気は最高、ご飯も美味しいしみんな優しくて!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Paul got himself addicted to the egg tarts and he was eating at least 3 everyday throughout the stay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ポールはエッグタルトにハマって滞在中毎日最低3個は食べてた。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Haha!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あはは!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "He's now relentlessly googling the recipe so that he can recreate it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "最近は家でも作ろうとしてレシピをひたすらググってるわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh that's nice!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "いいね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Make sure he cooks some for me too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "僕の分も作ってくれるように言っといて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Definitely!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Ok, so, I wanted to set a meeting with Company T next week and I was wondering when you would be available to attend.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "オッケー、えっと、来週にT社とのミーティングをしたくて、君がいつ空いてるか知りたかったんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Basically they can do any day so it's up to us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "先方はいつでも大丈夫みたいだから、僕たちの都合で決めていい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh yeah, I will be able to go out, give me a sec, let me check my schedule.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ああ、そうだよね、外に出れる日が、ちょっと待ってね、予定確認する。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Ok, I can do Wednesday and Thursday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "オッケー、水曜日と木曜日は外出できる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Also Friday but only after 2 p.m.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "金曜日も午後2時以降なら。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I will have a meeting all morning and a lunch appointment with my trainee right after that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "午前中はずっと会議で、その後すぐ指導担当の後輩とランチの約束があるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Ok thanks!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "了解、ありがとう!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I can do Wednesday too so that's great.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "僕も水曜日空いてるからちょうどいいや。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I will email them then set the time and let you know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "先方にメールで伝えて、時間が決まったらまた言うね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Ok, sounds great.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I will send us the list of documents we need by then to remind us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ミーティングまでに必要な書類のリストをリマインドのために自分たち宛に送っておくね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Excuse me, I would like to get some stationery.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "すみません、新しい文房具がほしいんですけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "What kind of stationery?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "どんな種類の文房具?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I want a red non-permanent marker.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "赤い水性サインペンが欲しいんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Didn't you see it on the supply shelf?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "備品棚に在庫なかった?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I looked for it but didn't find it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "探してみたんだけど見つからなくって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We might have some in the storage.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "倉庫に在庫があるかもしれない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Do you need it soon?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "すぐに必要?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "The sooner the better.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "できれば早めに欲しいな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Ok, I will go see it now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "じゃあ、今見てくるけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Can I ask you one more favor?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それと、ついでにもう一ついい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "This is no rush, but I would like a new pair of scissors.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "こっちは急ぎじゃないんだけど、ハサミも新しいのが欲しい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "There weren't any scissors on the supply shelf either.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ハサミも備品棚になくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We don't keep new scissors on the supply shelf.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "新しいハサミは備品棚に置いてないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We only keep consumable goods on the supply shelf.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "備品棚においてあるのは基本的に消耗品だから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I see, what should I do?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうなんだ、どうすればいい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I will see if there are some along with markers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "サインペンと一緒に倉庫の在庫を見てみるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I will get a pair for you right away if there are any.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "もしあったら、すぐに渡せるけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "If not, I will place an order from the supply company and should receive them tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "なかったら業者に今日発注するから、明後日届くと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I gotcha.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh, another thing, the take-out chart was completely filled.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あ、そうだ、備品棚の持ち出し表、全部の欄が埋まってたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You should probably get a new one out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "新しい用紙を出しておいた方がいいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Thank you, I will get to it right away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ありがとう、早速やっておくよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Isn't the entrance to our company a little drab?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "うちの会社のエントランスって殺風景ですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It gets cleaned regularly but it is too plain.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "掃除はしているけど、シンプル過ぎるっていうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well, it's definitely not vibrant.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "まぁ、華やかな感じじゃないよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "When you come into the entrance, all you see is the company name, the reception furniture, and the telephone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "エントランス入ったら、社名があって応接セットと内線電話だけですからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well, a plant is there too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "一応、観葉植物もあるけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "But we got this plant as a gift from our client when our office moved.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "でも、この観葉植物も会社が移転した時に取引先からお祝いで頂いたものですし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Some of the leaves are dying though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ちょっと枯れてきちゃっている部分もありますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Takada-san, you have visited many companies, haven't you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "高田さんは、結構色んな会社訪問してるじゃないですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Do you remember any company that has an impressive entrance?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "印象に残っている会社のエントランスとかあります?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Since it varies greatly depending on the size of a company, it might not be very useful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "会社の規模によって全然違うから、一概にうちの参考にはならないけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "The most impressive one by far is J brokerage.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今までで一番インパクトがあったのは、J証券かな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It is a large international brokerage firm, so it's not helpful to compare though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "外資系の大手投資銀行だから、全く参考にはならないんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "The whole floor is dedicated to the reception area.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ワンフロアすべて受付。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "In addition, it's 18th floor of a building that is right next to Tokyo Station with glass windows, which offers a breathtaking view.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "しかも、東京駅隣接のビルの18階で一面ガラス張りだから見張らしのいいこと、いいこと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "There are two female receptionists sitting at the front desk, and once you sign in, you will be guided to the sofa in an area that reminds you of a hotel lobby.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "受付のカウンターに女性が2人座っていて、受付が終わるとホテルのロビーの用なソファーに案内されて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You can wait elegantly until you get guided to the office floor.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "オフィスフロアに案内されるまで、優雅に待つという。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "As hospitable as a luxury hotel.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "高級ホテル並みのホスピタリティ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "That sounds awesome.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それは凄すぎますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Can you think of any company that is more like our level then?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "じゃあ、もうちょっと身の丈にあったレベルで、よかったと思った会社はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Foreign hedge fund managing company H might be it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "外資系ヘッジファンドのH投資顧問かな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It's in a building adjacent to a hotel in Hibiya.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "日比谷のホテルに隣接しているオフィス棟に入っているんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "The entrance isn't that big, it's probably the same size as ours.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そんなにエントランスが広いわけではなく、ちょうどうちの会社くらい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It is very classy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "とにかく品があったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "When you open the door, you see the company logo hung up and a telephone placed on a glass table.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ドアを開けると、社名のロゴが掛かっていて、ガラスのテーブルに内線電話があったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "That sounds pretty similar to ours.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "うちと一緒じゃないですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "And there was a fresh flower arrangement in a large vase, and it smelled wonderful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あと、大きな花瓶にいつも生花のアレンジがあって、いい香りがするんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It wasn't overpowering, just enough floral scent.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "きつい香りじゃなくて、ほんのりフローラル。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Olfactory stimulation can be useful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "嗅覚をくすぐるの、有効ですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Can we borrow their idea and add a fresh flower arrangement?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "生花のアレンジメントを飾るくらいだったら、うちも真似できるじゃないですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Then should we straighten up and do it as a trial?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "じゃあ、ちょっと片付けて試験的にやってみる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Let's see how people react to it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "周りの反応を見てみようかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Sounds good, let's do it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "いいですね、やってみましょうよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Noda-san, can I ask you something?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "野田さん、ちょっとご相談なんですけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はいはい、何でしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "My client, A Securities, is moving their headquarters on the fifteenth of next month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "来月15日に、A証券さんが本社移転するんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'd like to send them a gift.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "御祝を贈りたいんだけど、どうすればいい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Do you know what you want to send and how much you want to spend?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "品物と予算は決まっているんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I was wondering what you always send out as gifts..", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "いや、逆にいつも何を贈っているのかなと思って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "For a move, how about a decorative indoor plant?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうですね、オフィス移転の場合は観葉植物が多いでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "There are many firms who rent potted plants for their offices, but most still seem very happy to receive something like that as a gift.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "グリーンレンタルの業者を利用している会社も多いですけど、喜ばれますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Especially if they have many conference and meeting rooms, they are perfect as decorations.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "特に、会議室や応接室が沢山あるオフィスだとインテリアとして重宝されますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "They also last for a long time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それに、観葉植物だと長期間置いてもらえますからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We can also add a plaque with our company name with the gift which will show their visiting clients our relationship.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あと、贈り主の名前が入った立て札を付けたままにしてあると、当社の名前がその会社に訪れた方の目につきますしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We usually choose pachira, yucca and ficus benjamina...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "種類でいうと、パキラやユッカ、ベンジャミンなんかが多いですかね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Our budget is usually somewhere between 15,000 and 20,000 yen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "予算は1万5千円から2万円くらいでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'm not familiar with those plants but are they like the ones in our entrance lobby?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "種類を言われても想像できないけど、うちのエントランスにあるような植物って感じ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, something pretty ordinary.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうですね、無難な感じです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You can choose which kind and let's spend 15,000 yen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "じゃあ、予算は1万5千円で、種類は任せるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Let's also choose a big planter for it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ちょっと大きい鉢植えを1つ贈っておいてくれる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "OK, I will do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "What name should I ask to put on the plaque?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "立て札に記入する名前はどうしましょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Please put the president's name.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "社長名でよろしく。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Got it, I will make arrangements immediately.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "わかりました、早速手配しておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "My name is Koizumi, pleased to meet you, I am starting today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今日からこちらでお世話になる小泉です、よろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I am Muto, in charge of new recruits, pleased to meet you as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "新人研修担当の武藤です、よろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Koizumi san, please wear this hat before entering the kitchen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ではまず小泉さん、調理場に入る前にこの帽子を被ってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Please make sure that no hair is showing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "髪の毛がはみ出ないように帽子に全部髪の毛を入れてくださいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Is it OK to put hair clips in?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "髪のピン留めは付けてて大丈夫ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "As long as it's inside the hat.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "帽子の中に入っていれば問題ありませんよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Next please properly wash your hands with soap for 3 minutes before disinfecting with alcohol.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "次に石鹸で3分間しっかり手を洗ってからアルコールを手に吹き付けてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You take such care of hygiene!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "こんなに徹底した衛生管理を行うんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We basically need perfect hygiene to avoid food poisoning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "食中毒を防ぐためにはなにより衛生管理の徹底が基本ですからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Let start packing rice for the bento boxes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "じゃあまずはお弁当のご飯から盛っていきましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Will you scoop 200 grams of rice, weigh it on this scale, and put it into the container?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "炊飯器から200グラム、この計りで量ってこの容器にいれてもらえますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It's hard to be exactly 200 grams.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "200グラムぴったりって難しいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "As long as it's within 215 grams, don't worry about the difference.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "215グラム以内だったら誤差は気にしなくて大丈夫ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "But make sure it is not less.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ただし少ないのは厳禁です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Otherwise, some customers weigh the amount of rice and complain that there isn't enough.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "たまにお客さんで家でご飯の量を量って足りないとクレーム出す人がいるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I understand and will be careful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "わかりました、気をつけます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "After the rice, put this heated the boil-in-the-bag ingredient onto the rice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ご飯が盛れたらこの湯煎されたレトルトの具をご飯の上に載せてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "What dish are we making?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "これは何のどんぶりを作っているんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "A Chinese donburi which is one of the most popular product at our supermarket.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "中華丼ですね、うちのスーパーの人気商品です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Here it is, is this good?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "載せました、これで良いでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "The topping is all in the middle, make sure it's spread evenly over the rice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "これだと真ん中に具が固まっているのでご飯の上に均等に載るようにしてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Please place the pickles on the right side and then put a lid on it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "最後に右端に漬物を乗せたら蓋を閉じます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Is this done?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "これで完成でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "No, we still need to put the product sticker on.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "いいえ、商品シールを貼ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Is it this \"Chinese bento box 500 yen\" sticker?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "この中華弁当500円って書いたシールでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "No, this is a \"Chinese bowl\" not a \"Chinese bento box\".", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "いえ、これは中華弁当ではなくて中華丼です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "People have been applying the stickers inconsistently recently so please make sure that you're matching the stickers and food correctly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "シールの貼り間違いが最近多く起きているので品名と値段はしっかり確認してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I will be careful, is there a particular position for the stickers?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "わかりました、シールは容器のどのあたりに貼るって決まってるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, always make sure the sticker is visible the right hand side.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "中身が見えるように、シールは邪魔にならない右端でお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So as this is done, we bring it out to the counter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "これで出来上がりなので、出来上がったら売り場に並べます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Any place in particular?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "並べる場所は決まってるんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Please place it with the rest of the Chinese food in the corner with the chili shrimps and fried rice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "エビチリやチャーハンの並んでいる中華コーナーに並べてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Anywhere in that section should be fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "中華コーナー内であればどこに並べても大丈夫ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We just made this one so should it go to the back of the shelf?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "作ったばかりの商品は同じ商品が並んでいれば後ろに並べた方がいいんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Normally, most supermarkets apply a first in first out system.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "通常のスーパーなら先入先出なのでそうなると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We differentiate ourselves from other supermarkets by providing freshly made ones.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "うちのスーパーは作りたての新しいものを提供することで他と差別化しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Please place the newly made items in front of the older ones.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "なので新しいものは古いものより手前に並べてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I understand, I went and placed it with the rest of them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "わかりました、並べてきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "OK then, please make 10 more of the same \"Chinese donburi\".", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "では同じ中華丼をあと10個作ってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "How are you Tanaka-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "お疲れ様、田中さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "How are you Funakoshi-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "お疲れ様です、船越さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "By the way, I'd like to advance the publishing deadline for the spring catalog to the 14th.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あのさ、春季カタログの印刷締め切りを14日に繰り上げたいんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Do you think you can finish up the page in regards to the furniture products by then?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それまでに家具製品に関するページを仕上げれそう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I don't think that will be a problem.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それは問題ないと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Most of the design is already done.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "デザイン作業の大半は完了させてあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "But the price of the product isn't decided yet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "でも、製品価格がまだ決定していなくて...。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh, Okada-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あ、岡田さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Did you get the final version of the product price list from the marketing department?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "マーケティング部から最終版の製品価格表受け取りました?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "いや、まだですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "The submission deadline was yesterday, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "昨日が提出期限でしたよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yet we haven't heard anything yet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "でも、まだ連絡もらっていませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hmm, I will contact someone from the marketing department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "んー、マーケティング部の者に連絡しておくよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Then Tanaka-san will be able to finish the catalog, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そしたら、田中さんがカタログを仕上げられるよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yeah, the catalog is our top priority.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "うん、カタログは我々の最優先事項だからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Okay, I'll leave that to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yeah, I'll contact you later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "うん、また連絡するよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Thank you for calling, my name is Shibuya from Trust Company M, Transfer Agent Department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "お電話ありがとうございます、M信託銀行証券代行部の渋谷でございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Thank you as always, I am Takada from Company I.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "いつもお世話になっております、I社の高田です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Mr. Takada, thank you as always.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "高田様、いつもお世話になっております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Sorry, is Nose-san at his seat?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "すみません、能勢さんはご在席ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You would like to speak to Nose-san, please hold wait a moment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "能勢でございますね、少々お待ちください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Thank you for holding, this is Nose.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "お電話代わりました、能勢です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh, Nose-san, this is Takada.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あ、能勢さん、高田です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Sorry about yesterday, I couldn't pick up the phone as I was out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "昨日はすみません、外出中でお電話に出れませんで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "いや、大丈夫。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Thank you for sending the documents I asked for.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "お願いしていた資料、送ってくれてありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It was helpful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "助かりましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Was that good enough?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あれでよかった?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It was enough to get a general understanding.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "概略を理解するには十分でしたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "But I'm not that confident when it comes to actually proceeding with discussions with the management team.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "でも、ちょっと具体的に経営陣に話を進めるとなると、少々心もとなくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "The content is pretty tricky to discuss over the phone so would it be possible to meet in person?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "電話で相談するには際どい内容ですから、直接お会いできませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Apologies for the sudden request but could you give me some of your time sometimes this week?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "急で恐縮ですが、今週中にどこかお時間いただけませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I can visit your office if it's tomorrow afternoon, does that work with you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "明日の午後なら御社に伺えるけど、都合はどう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Okay, how about 1 o'clock in the afternoon at our office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "じゃあ、13時に弊社でいかがでしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I will also bring some materials that I can't really send by email.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ちょっとメールでは送れなかった資料も持っていくよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "That will be helpful, I will also review what I want to discuss about by the time we meet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "助かります、お会いするまでに相談したいことも整理しておきますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Okay, I will wait for you tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それでは、明日、お待ちしております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Okay, alright then, bye now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "了解、それじゃあ、失礼します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Thank you for calling company I, this is Noda speaking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Good morning, this is Imai from sales department, is Mr. Akawa available right now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "おはようございます、営業部の今井ですが、阿川部長はお席におられますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Good morning, hold on one second please.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "おはようございます、少々お待ちください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hello, this is Akawa.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、阿川です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Good morning, this is Imai.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "おはようございます、今井です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Good morning, what's going on?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "おはよう、どうした?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I am so sorry to tell you this, I came down with a fever last night and it hasn't broken yet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "すみません、昨晩から発熱しまして、今朝も熱が下がりません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I have a terrible headache too, and I am wondering if I can take today off.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "頭痛もひどいので、今日は休ませていただきたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Are you alright?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "大丈夫なの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You know it's the flu season, do you think you came down with it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "時期が時期だし、インフルエンザに罹った?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "My son was sick with the flu a few days ago, it is possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "数日前に息子がインフルエンザを発症したので、もしかしたらそうかもしれません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I am about to go to the clinic.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今日、病院に行ってきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "If you have the flu, I need you to get completely better before coming back to work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "インフルエンザだったら、しっかり直してから出社してもらいたいし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "According to our company policy, you can come back 5 days after the onset of the sickness and you have been fever free for 2 days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "会社のガイドラインで、発症後5日、解熱後2日で出社可になっていると思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Can you call me back about the diagnosis later?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "診察結果はまた連絡してもらえるかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I sure will, and I apologize for the inconvenience my absence may cause.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "了解しました、ご迷惑をお掛けします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Don't you worry about that, take care.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "大丈夫だよ、お大事にして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "By the way do you have any urgent appointments?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ところで、今日取り急ぎの案件はあるかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I have one, an appointment with Mr. Yamada from company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "1件、A社の山田さんとアポイントメントがあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I was supposed to go visit him.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "私が先方に伺う予定だったのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Can it be rescheduled or do we need to send a someone else there?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "リスケジュールできるものなのか、それとも代理で先方に伺った方がいい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It is not that urgent, just a meeting to gather and exchange information, so it can be rescheduled.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そこまで急ぎの案件ではなく、情報収集を兼ねたご相談ですので、スケジュール変更で大丈夫です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Ok, I will let them know about your situation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "了解、先方には私から事情を連絡しておくよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I appreciate you doing that for me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "お手数をお掛けします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Don't worry, just get better.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "気にしないで養生してね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Thank you so much, and please call me if something changes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ありがとうございます、何かあったらご連絡お願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I got it, take care.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "了解、お大事にね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Ok, talk to you later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Tomoi-san, sorry for bothering you but do you have a moment?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "友井部長、お忙しいところすみません、ちょっとよろしいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh, Noda-san, what's wrong?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あ、野田さん、どうしたの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I got a call from the preschool that my son goes to on my cell phone just now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今、私の携帯電話に息子が通っている保育園から電話がありまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It seems my son suddenly got a fever and they are asking me to pick him up right away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "息子が急に発熱したそうで、すぐに迎えに来て欲しいと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'd like to call it a day and leave now for today but is that okay?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "本日これで早退させて頂きたいのですが、よろしいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Of course, hurry up and go pick him up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それは当然だよ、急いで迎えに行ってあげて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Thank you very much and sorry for the inconvenience.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ありがとうございます、ご迷惑をお掛けします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'd like to check the schedule for today and tomorrow before you leave.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "帰る前に、今日明日の予定を確認しておきたいんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Do you need to handover any tasks in particular?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "特に代理で引き継いでおくこととか、ある?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "If your son got a fever today, it might be hard for you to come to work tomorrow, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "息子さんが今日から発熱したなら、明日の出社が難しいかもしれないでしょ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Thank you for your consideration.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "お気遣いありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I just have admin work to do at the office today so I don't have anything that has to be done right away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今日は社内での事務作業のみで、急ぎの案件はありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "The person in charge at Securities Company M plans on coming to our office tomorrow in regards to work related to stock ownership plan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "明日は、持株会関連業務で、M証券さんのご担当者が来社予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "If that appointment isn't in a rush, why don't you reschedule the meeting?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "その予定、急ぎじゃないなら、来社予定を変更してもらった方がいい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I will contact them to change the date.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "私から日程変更のご連絡をしておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Then can I just ask you to do that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "じゃあ、それだけ頼んでもいいかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Is everything else okay?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "他は大丈夫そう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Nothing in particular I think.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "特にないと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Okay, take care.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Thank you very much, I'll be leaving now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ありがとうございます、それではこれで失礼します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'd like to now begin the second meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それでは、第2回のミーティングを始めたいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Did everyone think about an exporting plan?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "みんな、輸出へのプランを考えてきてくれましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I did think about it but it was pretty hard as it was my first time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "考えてきたんですが、初めてのことなので中々難しかったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Okay, can we start with you, Komiya-kun?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "では、小宮君からお願いしてもいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, okay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I still think the first trial export should target Japanese people living in Singapore and export the products we sell in Japan today would be good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "僕はやはり初回の実験的な輸出であるということから、シンガポールに住む日本人をターゲットとした今日本で販売している商品の輸出が良いのではないかと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "By targeting Japanese people, we can simply export the existing products that we have.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "日本人をターゲットにするということで、今ある既存の商品をそのまま輸出することができます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "If we narrow down our sales point to places where Japanese people tend to gather in the local area, we should be able to reduce our expenses too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "現地の日本人が集まりやすい場所に販売箇所を絞ることで、経費も削減できると考えます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I agree with Komiya-san's idea.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "私も小宮さんの意見に賛成です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Can you tell us about your idea too, Murata-san?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "村田さんの案も聞かせてもらえますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I think we should first target Japanese people living locally as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "私もまずは現地に住んでいる日本人をターゲットにしてみてはどうかと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It's a small country so I think if we can get supermarkets where Japanese people go often to cooperate with us and sell through there will be the most realistic.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "狭い国なので、日本人がよく行くスーパーに協力してもらって販売するのが一番現実的かと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Sato-san, I have a question.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "佐藤部長、質問です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "What is it, Kobayashi-kun.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "小林君、どうしましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "This team is still formed with volunteers and is not an official team but do we have a budget?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "このチームはまだただの有志の集まりで正式なチームではないと思うのですが、予算はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I think it will depend on the direction we take from now and have the president and the general affairs department decide.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今後の方向性次第で社長と総務に直談判する形になると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "If that is the case, will it be possible for us to go to Singapore and do field research as well as distributing samples?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "でしたら、実際に自分たちがシンガポールに行って、現地調査を兼ねたサンプル配布を行うことは可能でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'd like to learn about what kind of things are sold locally for future reference, and listen to the actual comments of locals by distributing samples directly to non-Japanese people.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "現地でどの様なものが売れているのか、今後の参考にしたいですし、日本人以外にもサンプルを直接配ることで現地の生の声が聞いてみたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "That's a good idea, I'm in favor of that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それはいい考えですね、私も賛成です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'm in favor of that too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "僕も賛成です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I see, I think that's a good idea as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "なるほど、私もいい考えだと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Okay, let's use this plan as a base and form a plan that can convince the president and the general affairs department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "では、このプランをベースに社長と総務を納得させることができるような計画を立てましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yasuda-san, sorry I am a little late.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "安田さん、遅くなってすみません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Here are all the documents for the travel expenses.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "旅費精算の書類持ってきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Thank you, it didn't take you long at all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ありがとう、早かったね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I am so sorry, I seem to have lost the receipt for the shinkansen ticket to the airport, is there anything I can do?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ただすみません、空港に行くまでの新幹線の領収書をなくしてしまったみたいでして、これってどうにもならないですかね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Shinkansen fare isn't cheap.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "新幹線代は大きいもんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "In case of a lost receipt, this different form needs to be filled out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "領収書をなくした場合は、こっちの書類を記入してもらう必要があるの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I need to write down the reason for the lost item, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "領収書がない理由も書かなければならないんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, you just need to be honest and write you lost it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうだね、正直に紛失したと書くしかないね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Then I am going to go fill out this form now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "では、今からこれも記入してきますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Wait a second.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ちょっと待ってて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Let me check to see everything else is filled out correctly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "他に記入ミスがないかちょっと確認するね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Please do that for me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "What rate did you use for the local hotel fee?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ここの現地のホテルの金額ってどのレートを使ってる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I used the rate I saw on the Internet today and calculated it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ネットで見た今日のレートで計算しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Sorry, can you calculate it using the M bank's rate on the day you got your receipt?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ごめんね、領収書を切ってもらった日のM銀行のレートで計算してもらってもいいかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Everything looks great other than that, so please fix those two things.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それ以外は問題なさそうだから、その2点だけ訂正お願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Ishii-san, do you have a moment?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "石井さん、ちょっとすみません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I got a call just a while ago from the nursery.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ついさっき、保育園から電話があって...。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "My child vomited out the school lunch and has a fever of 39 degrees.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "子供が給食を吐いてしまって、熱を計ったら39度あるそうなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh my, 39 degrees!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あらら、39度!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Is it alright if I leave work early?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それで、できるだけ早く迎えに来て下さい、ということで...。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I apologize for asking for such a favor at a busy time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "この忙しい時期にすみません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I would like to pick my child up as soon as possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "早退させていただけますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You must be worried.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それは心配だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You can go pick up your child.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "早く迎えに行ってあげて下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "What about your work, though?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "仕事の方は大丈夫?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I've asked Yoshida-san to take care of inputting the vouchers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "伝票の入力は吉田さんにお願いしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "What about the quotation form we asked you to send company A this morning?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今朝お願いしたA社への見積書は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I already sent the e-mail.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "もうメール添付で送りました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I've also finished filling out the daily report.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "日報ももう入力済みです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Perhaps you'll have to take a break from work if your child has the flu.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "もしインフルエンザとかだったら、しばらくお休みになるかもしれないですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I might have to if that's the case.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "But I haven't heard any outbreak of the flu at the nursery, so I think it might be fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "でも、まだ保育園ではインフルエンザの話を聞かないので、大丈夫だとは思うんですが...。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "If ever my child does have the flu, then I'll have to take the day off tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "まさかのインフルエンザだった場合は、とりあえず明日はお休みさせていただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "My husband has the day off the day after tomorrow on Friday, so I'll make sure to show up to work by then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あさっての金曜日は、主人がお休みなので、相談して出勤できるようにします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I still have to finish the outputs for the invoices.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "請求書の出力がありますし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It would be a big help then if you could show up on Friday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうしてもらえると助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'll go pick my child up then and proceed to the pediatrician.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "とにかく、迎えに行って、そのまま小児科に行ってきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'll make sure to give a call whether I can come to work or not tomorrow once we have finished with the check-up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "診察が終わったら、明日行けるようでもお休みになるようでも、電話を入れるようにします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I hope your child gets better after a night's rest.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "何でもなく、一晩寝たらケロッと元気になっているといいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "本当に、そう願います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'll be on my way then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "では、すみません、失礼します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I wish the best for your child.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "お子さん、お大事にしてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hey, do you have time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ねぇ、ちょっといい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I've got something on my mind.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "気になってる事があるんだけど・・", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Such as?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "何が?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I noticed that Mr. Ueda gives me so many receipts recently.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "最近、上田さんの出す領収書の数がとても増えてきているのよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "He says they are for the company meetings.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それが全部、商談のための諸費用としてのなの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Has he been so busy these days?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "上田さん、そんなに忙しくしてたっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I didn't think he was so busy as far as I know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "私が見る限り、そうだとは思わなかったんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "He gives me a restaurant receipt every weekend regularly, saying it's for a company meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "週末は、必ず商談のためと言って、レストランの領収書持ってくるのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It was a French restaurant in a three-star-hotel last weekend.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "先週末なんて、あの三ツ星ホテルの中のフレンチのお店だったの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Wow, that's luxury.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "えー、なんて贅沢!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Also, he gave me a receipt of a nightclub in Roppongi.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それに加え、六本木のクラブの領収書までよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Gosh!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "まあ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It's been a month, so I've started to feel suspicious.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "こんな事が1ヶ月くらい続いてて、ちょっと怪しいなって思ってるんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It sounds a bit dodgy from your story.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "聞く限りでは、ちょっと怪しいかも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "でしょ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "What shall I do?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "どうしたらいいかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Let me see …", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "うーんと・・", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Who is Mr. Ueda's client?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "上田さんの取引先はどこだったかしら?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Trading company U.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "U商社よ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Eh, I've heard we had closed the deal with company U two weeks ago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あれ、U商社との商談は2週間前にまとまったって聞いてるけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうだったの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'll find a paper to confirm.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "私、確認の書類探してくるね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Why don't you take the paper and talk to Mr. Ueda to check the details?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それを持って行って、上田さんに詳細を確認したらどう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well, I'm not sure if I can do it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "でも、ちょっと心細いな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "He is bit a domineering to us as he is a branch manager's favourite.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "上田さんは、支店長に気に入られているからといって、私たちには、横暴なところがあるから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "確かにね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I've been offended by him many times.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "私も、何度も嫌な思いしてるわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh, how about speaking to Ms. Yamamoto for help?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうだ、山本主任に相談して見たら?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Ah, good idea!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それいい考え!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "She's been working here longer than Mr. Ueda.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "山本さんは、上田さんより勤務歴が長いしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "He might be listening to her obediently.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "彼女の言うことなら、上田さんも素直に聞くかもしれないね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, it'll be so wrong if the receipts were for private use.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうよ、もしその領収書が私用で使われたものだとしたら、とんでもないことだもの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'll have a word with Ms.Yamamoto now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "早速、山本さんに相談してくるね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "うん、頑張ってね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Today we'd like to discuss our charity activities.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今日は、慈善活動について話し合いたいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "As you know, we go to a developing country every year for charity work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ご存知の通り、当社では年に一度発展途上国に行き、慈善活動をしていますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "In addition to that, what else can we do?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それ以外に、何ができると思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Is that limited to overseas activities?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それは、国外限定でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Or can we do something here?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それとも、国内でもいいのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Either will do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "どちらでもいいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Any ideas?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "意見を聞かせてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I have something for domestic activities.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "私は、国内でのことですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "How about making a food donation as a company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "会社でフードドネーションを募るというのはどうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "As we are all busy working, it's not easy to be away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "普段は仕事で忙しいので、どこかに行くというのは難しいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So we could put a large box and ask the employees to bring in some unwanted tinned or preserved food.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "会社に大きな箱を設けて、使わない缶詰や、保存食を持って来て入れてもらう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I don't think it would cause much trouble.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "これなら負担なくできるのでは?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それはいい考えだと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "My kid's school had a food donation week before.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "以前、子供の学校でその様なフードドネーションウィークがありました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I heard they collected loads of donation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "かなりの数が集まったと聞きしたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Where do we donate the collected food?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "集まった食べ物はその後どうするのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We could bring them in to a local church.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "近くの教会に寄付をしては?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Or, we could send them to a volunteer group offering a food bank.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "または、フードバンクをしているボランティア団体に持って行くのもいいのでは?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Actually, we can see lots of homeless or people on benefits in our area.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "確かに、わが町にもたくさんの路上生活者や、生活困窮者がいますもんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It's very important to help our neighbours, isn't it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "身近な人を助けるというのは、とても大事なことですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I have many unopened tinned food at home.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "実は、うちに使っていないたくさんの缶詰があるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So do I.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "うちもですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I stocked up some for the emergency, but forgot to use them up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "もしもの時用に買っていて、全然使っていませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Maybe more people in our office are similar.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "きっと社内でも、その様な人がたくさんいるでしょうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "How about asking everybody to bring along the old clothes as well?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "もう着れなくなった衣類も持って来てもらったらどうでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Particularly, children's clothing is in demand.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "特に、子供服は助かると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Agree!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "賛成!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Kids quickly grow out of the clothes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "子供服は、すぐサイズが着れなくなってしまうし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So, I'm sure kids' clothes will be well accepted.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "喜んでもらえることは、間違いないと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Okay, then we'll do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So, we've agreed to ask donation of food and clothing internally.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "では、社内でドネーションを募るという事に決まりですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'll work on an e-mail message and send it out to the employees.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "早速、社内メールを作って、みんなに配布します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Is it okay if we start on Monday the week after.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "二週間後の、月曜日から始めるというのはどうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "いいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'll find a box for the donation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "私は、ドネーションを入れる箱を用意しますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I hope we will have a lot of donation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "たくさん集まるといいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hi this is Tamamoto from Company N.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "N社の玉元です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hi Tamamoto-san, this is Shibuya.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "玉元さん、渋谷です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hope you are well Shibuya-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "渋谷さん、お疲れ様です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Is it okay if I ask for a small favor?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ちょっと頼みたいことがあるけどいいかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Can I ask you to change my flight for my business trip to Tokyo tomorrow?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "明日の東京出張の飛行機の便、変更できるならしてもらえないかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I suddenly have to go for a business meeting in the morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "急に午前中に商談に行かないといけなくなってさ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Okay, you're currently taking the one departing Nagoya at eight thirty via Airline B?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "わかりました、予定はJ航空の8時半名古屋発でしたっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "No, it's the one leaving around 8 o'clock via Airline A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "いや違うな、8時ちょうど発のA航空だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Okay, will any flight departing in the afternoon work?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうなんですね、午後の出発ならいつでもいいんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yeah, the business meeting is from 9 o'clock and should take 2 hours so any flight after twelve thirty will be good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうだね、商談は9時からだから2時間として12時半以降ならどの便でもいい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "But it would be better if I have more time for the business trip to Tokyo so maybe an earlier flight in the afternoon would be good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ただ東京出張でも時間が沢山あったほうがいいので午後早めの便がいいかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hmm, I just checked the flight for Airline A and the earliest available flight is from 5 o'clock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "うーん、ANAの午後便で今見たところ1番早い空席が17時発ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Is it that full?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そんなに埋まっているのかい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Unfortunately yes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "残念ですがそのようですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Should I take a look at Airline B?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "JALでも見てみましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, please, 5 o'clock is a bit too late.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "頼むよ、17時は流石に遅すぎる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Thank you for waiting, it seems Airline B is fully booked until the evening.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "お待たせしました、JALでもこの日は夕方まで満席ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I wonder if there is some event or something.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "何かイベントでもあるんでしょうかね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "That's no good, is there any with the LCC?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "困ったなあ、LCCとかでもないかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "LCC flights, let me check.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "LCC便ですね、お待ちください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "No there aren't any, how about the bullet train?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "やっぱりありませんね、新幹線はどうなんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "The bullet train isn't convenient so I'm actually not fond of it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "新幹線は不便だからあまり好きではないんだよな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yeah, but what else can we do?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうはいってもこの場合仕方ないんではありませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hmm, I'll call the person I'm meeting and will ask to shift the business meeting to a later date.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "うーん、先方に連絡して商談は後日にしてもらうよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So you can leave the reservation as is.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "なので予約はこのままで大丈夫。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "And can I ask you to do one more thing?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それとあと一つ頼んでいいかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、なんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It's in regards to the hotel in Tokyo tomorrow, I was looking at the confirmation email and noticed that it was a smoking room.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "明日の東京でのホテルなんだけど予約確認メール見たら喫煙ルームになってるんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I must have made a mistake when I booked it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "俺が自分で予約した時にミスったんだと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Can you call the hotel and ask if there are non-smoking rooms available, and if so can you change the room?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ホテルに連絡して、禁煙ルームが空いてるなら部屋変更を頼んどいてもらえないかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Okay, which hotel is it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "わかりました、どこのホテルでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It's Hotel N in Ginza.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "銀座のNホテルだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "My battery on my phone is running low so can you send me an email on what you find out?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ちょっと携帯の充電が切れそうなのでどうなったかメール送っておいてくれる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Okay, I'll get back to you on this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、それでは失礼します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Midorikawa-san, how are you!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "緑川さんお疲れ様!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So tomorrow is the sales department's new employee welcoming party, go have lots of fun.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "明日営業部は新入社員歓迎会なんでしょ、たくさん楽しんでおいでね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I look forward to it but I'm also a bit depressed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "私楽しみな反面ちょっと憂鬱なんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "What's wrong, are you worried about something?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "なんでどうしたの、何か心配事でもあるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It will be different from a drinking party from a club in my university days so I'm worried I will get out of line.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "なんか学生時代のサークルの飲み会とは違うんで粗相をしたらどうしようって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You were worried about something like that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そんなこと心配してたの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I think you can just express your gratitude to the party and just enjoy it normally as usual.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "歓迎への感謝の気持ちを表して普通にいつもどおり楽しく過ごせばいいと思うわよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Normally as usual, that's all?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "いつもどおりってそんなことだけでいいんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You're supposed to have fun with everyone at welcoming parties, it's also to learn more about each other.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "歓迎会ってみんなで仲良くするものでしょ、それにお互い知り合うものでもある。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "They will have a weird impression of you if you are too uptight and awkward about it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あんまりよそよそしかったりギクシャクしててもおかしな印象を持たれるだけよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So just like that, being normal is the best, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そんなものなんですねー、普通が1番ってことですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Is there anything that a new employee must do at drinking parties?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "なにか飲み会で新入社員がやらないといけないことってありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well, it would be good if you are attentive.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうねー、気遣いができればいいんじゃないかしら?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Like making sure everyone has an extra plate or making sure everyone has got their alcohol.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "例えば取り皿が足りない人はいないかとか、お酒がまだ来てない人がいないかとか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Pouring some alcohol in their glass if it's getting less.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "グラスのお酒が減ってきたら足してあげるとか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "When should I be pouring it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あれってどれぐらいになったら注げばいいんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Like one third?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "3分の1とかですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Or when the glass is completely empty?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それとも完全にグラスが空になってからですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "People preferences varies but I'm the type that does it when it is empty.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "これ人によって好みがいろいろなのよね、私は空になってから派だけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "There isn't really a set amount.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "特にどれぐらいっていうのはないのよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You will probably know if you try pouring it once when it is around one third.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "1回3分の1ぐらいになった時に注いでみればわかるんじゃない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "People who dislike it will say no and those who are fine will just hand you their glass.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "嫌な人なら断るだろうし、そうじゃない人はそのままグラスを差し出すわよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "But I don't think you have to be that detailed and attentive, just pour it when you notice it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "でもそこまで細かくグラスに目を光らせなくても気づいた時に注げばいいわよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I see, got it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Should I be pouring alcohol to managers or the section chief?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "やっぱり部長とか課長の席には率先してお酒を注ぎに行ったほうがいいんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I think it would be good to go at least once.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "まあ1回くらいは行ったほうがいいわね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So I should go around in order in terms of rank?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "偉い人から順番に回るんですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yeah, by rank in general.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうね、基本は序列順ね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Where is the venue tomorrow?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "明日の会場はどこなの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I heard it is at the banquet hall of Hotel H beside Station S.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "S駅の側のHホテルの宴会場って聞いてます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Then I think there will be around 6 people sitting around a round table.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "だったら丸テーブルで6名ずつぐらいで座ると思うわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "If the section chief is sitting with you then you can ignore the rank and just pour it for the section chief first.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "課長と同じ席になったらそこは序列気にせず課長のを先に注げばいいわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Also, they serve a French course menu so make sure to eat at a pace that others are eating at.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それとあそこだとフレンチのコースだから周りのペースに合わせて食べてね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "If you are oddly slow or fast, they may think you are the type that does things at your own pace.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "妙に遅かったり早かったりするとマイペースだなって捉えられかねないから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Okay, I grew up with older and younger brothers so I eat fast but I will be careful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "わかりました、私男兄弟の中で育って食べるのが早いんですけど気をつけます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Finally, be sure to remember this by all means.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "最後にくれぐれもこれだけは覚えておいて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Be sure to not get too drunk not just for new employee welcome party but for future company drinking parties.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "新入社員歓迎会だけではなくて今後会社の飲み会では酔っ払いすぎないこと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "There are people who completely change without realizing when they get too drunk.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "酔っ払いすぎると自分が気づかないうちに変わってしまう人もいるから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Okay, thank you for your advice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、アドバイスありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "But their lobster cream sauce is awesome, have fun!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "でもあそこの伊勢海老のクリームソースは最高よ、楽しんできてね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hello Yanaka san, it's a pleasure, as always.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "これはこれは谷中先生、いつもお世話になってます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hello Miyajima san, the pleasure is all mine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "社長、こちらこそいつもお世話になっております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Today, I wanted to discuss the health examination situation with you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今日は健康診断についてちょっとお話ししたかったものでお伺いしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh yes, we need to provide medical examinations for our employees.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうか、社員に健康診断を受けさせないといけないんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "That's right, it is mandated by the Labor Safety and Health Act.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうなんですよ、これは労働安全衛生法で義務付けられているんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It's very strict now that there's been an increase in health disorders due to long working hours.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "長時間労働での健康障害が増えてるので、かなり厳しくなっていますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Alright, then we must get this in order.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "よしわかった、やろう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Do we send them to one of the company approved hospitals?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "会社指定の病院で受けさせればいいんだっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "That is one option.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それもひとつの方法としてありますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Or the company can organize a group health examination, or allow each employee to take an exam and submit results.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あとは、会社で集団健診を実施か従業員各自に受診させてその結果を提出させるかです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I see, there are many options, which would you recommend?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "いろいろあるんだね、うちはどれがいいんだろうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I recommend using one of the G prefectural health insurance association approved medical institutions for your company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "御社であれば、加入してあるG県健保組合の指定医療機関での受診が望ましいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "That would be the easiest option.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "一番手間がかからずにできる方法です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Would it have to be a medical institution approved by the health insurance association?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それって健保組合の指定した医療機関じゃないとダメなのかい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "As a general rule, yes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうですね、原則そうなります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We have an L hospital as our client.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "実はうちのクライアントにL病院があってね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I was hoping we can use the hospital, if possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "できたらそこで受けさせたらいいんじゃないかと思ったわけよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Let's see, I will check the list right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今リストを持っていますので調べてみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well, L hospital is...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "うーん、L病院ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Unfortunately is not on the list.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "残念ながらリストには入っていないようですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hum, how can we use this hospital?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうか、ここで受けさせるにはどうしたらいいかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "The company would have to cover the costs for the health examinations.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "この健康診断は会社が全ての費用を負担しないといけません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I can contact L hospital and tell them not to charge the fees from the employees ahead of time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "なので私がL病院に事前に話をして社員さんから費用徴取をしないように伝えます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "There might be incidences where they might request something other than what's required when the exams are done individually.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ただ各自に受診させるので健康診断の必要項目以外を受診希望することもあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Can you give me an example?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "例えばどういうケース?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "For example, in a case when an employee chooses a gastroscopy procedure, rather than taking barium.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "バリウムではなく胃カメラ検査を希望したりするケースですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "The cost difference will be an additional 20,000 yen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "この差額でプラス2万円になったりすることもあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We would need to inform the employees in advance that there are different options.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "その場合はオプションになることを事前に社員さんに伝えておく必要があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I will draw up a memo for the health exam.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "私の方で、健康診断のお知らせのようなものを作りましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "よろしく、頼んだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Would we need to get all of them to take the exam around the same time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "受ける時期は皆一緒じゃないといけないのかい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I think it will be difficult for all of them to go around the same time due to site constraints.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "なかなか現場の都合もあって、皆一緒には難しいと思うんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I agree and they won't need to do it at the same time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それは構いませんよ、皆さんで揃えなくても問題ありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Also, it is not required by law to pay employees during the examination.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それとこれは法律上、受診時間中の賃金支払い義務はありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "But it is recommended that the company treat that time as work, and provide pay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ただし、労働時間として取り扱い、賃金を支払うことが望ましいとされています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Most employees consider it as a company requirement that they do the exam.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "社員からすれば、会社からの命令で健康診断に行くという形になりますので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I understand, we will treat it as working hours.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "わかった、勤務時間扱いにしよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "OK, I will let you know when I prepare the memo for the health exam.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "では私は健康診断のお知らせができましたらまたご連絡します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ご苦労さん、よろしく頼むよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Just because we're new, why do we have to take the initiative in picking up calls?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "新人だからってどうして電話を率先して取らなくちゃいけないんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Why can't whoever is available pick it up?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "手が空いている人が取ればいいだけじゃないですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "But if you take the initiative and pick up, it will be a chance for the other party to know that a new person joined and to remember your name.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "でも率先して電話を出る事によって先様に新しい人が入ったんだなと名前を覚えてもらえます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "And if the way you handled the call was good, your reputation will get better from outside and inside the company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そして電話対応が良いとあなたの評価が回りまわって社外からも社内からも上がります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh, that'd be nice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "おお、それはいいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So, please do pick up the calls.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ということで、電話対応お願いしますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Then why is it that we have to gather reference materials and pick out information?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ではどうして僕たちが資料集めや必要な情報の選定をしなくてはいけないんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Isn't this something that the author should do?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "これは作家先生本人がするべきことですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well, there are amateur authors and of course professional authors who do it themselves.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうですね、アマチュアの作家さんはもちろんプロの作家先生でも自分でされる方はおられます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "But I want the author to focus on the story in front of them now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "でも私は作家先生に今目の前にある物語に集中してほしい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Gathering reference materials does take some time to do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "資料集めは地味に時間がかかるものです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So, I'd rather have the author spend that time writing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "だからその時間を執筆に使ってほしいと、私は思っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Also, gathering materials and picking out the information from a different perspective can bring about a new idea for the author too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それに違う目線で資料を集め選定することは、作家先生の想像力を刺激する事にも繋がります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So it's not just simply gathering materials.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ただ資料を集めるだけじゃないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I believe that things like that are part of an editor's job.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そういった事も編集者の仕事だと、私は考えています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I see, there is such a meaning behind that too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "なるほど、そういう意味もあるんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Thank you very much Sasaki-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ありがとうございます、佐々木さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Good morning, Satoru!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "木檜さん、おはようございます!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hi, Ron, you're pretty hyper today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "おお、ピーターソンさん、朝から随分元気だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "なんかあったの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Have you heard that our biometric sensor will be on TV soon?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今度ウチの生体認証センサーがテレビに出るって知ってる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Ah, I've heard someone was saying something about that, I guess.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ああ、なんかそんな事誰かが言ってたっけ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We'll be on the news show for T Station every Thursday night.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "木曜夜にやってるT放送のニュース番組に出るんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You know \"State of the Art Technology of the Week\" section in that show, don't you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あの番組の中で「今週の最先端技術」って紹介するコーナーあるじゃない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh, I watch that quite often, too!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あ、それ私も結構見てますよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh, yeah, F Corporation was on that show the other day, showing their cyber security system that uses AI or something.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ああ、そういえばこの間、AI使ったサイバー攻撃防御システムとかってF株式会社が取り上げられてたな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "That's right, that person from F was pretty good at talking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうね、あの時出てたFの人、話が上手かったわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I've heard that section is actually shot in one go.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "実はあのコーナーって、一発撮りなんだって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Wow, but they often ask some sharp questions, don't they?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "えー、でも結構突っ込んだ質問とかしてくるよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "This laboratory has quite a few of projects with non-disclosure agreement, so we have to be careful what we say, huh?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "この研究所って、機密保持契約のプロジェクト多いから何言うか気を付けないとだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Who's going to be on the show from our lab?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ウチのラボからは誰が出るの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I guess Kaname would be the one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "多分長澤さんじゃないかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "He's our Chief of the Development, too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "彼、開発部長だし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "And he knows everything about our sensor.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あのセンサーの事一番良く知ってるでしょ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Then I can relax in front of the TV if he'll be on air.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "彼なら安心してテレビの前に座ってられるね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh, speaking of the devil...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あ、噂をすれば...。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Good morning, Kaname!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "長澤さん、おはようございます!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "What are you all chatting about gathering together?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "みんな朝から集まって何の話?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Am I missing on something here guys?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "私は仲間はずれなのかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well, we were just talking about our sensor being introduced on TV, Kaname.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "いえ長澤さん、ウチのセンサーがテレビで紹介されるって話をしてたんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh, that, you guys have sharp ears, huh?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ああ、あれか、みんな耳が早いね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "When is it going to be on air, Kaname?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "長澤さん、それっていつ放送されるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I think it'll be on about three weeks from now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "うーん、3週間くらい先のオンエアだったかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Have they shot already?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "もう撮ったんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Not yet, it's supposed to be next Tuesday afternoon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "いや、来週火曜日の午後のはずだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "A camera crew is coming here from the TV station.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "テレビ局の撮影班がここに来るよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Wow, where are they shooting?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "うわー、何処で撮るんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I believe they'll shoot it in Meeting Room 1.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "第一会議室だと思うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "They said they'd prefer a spacious room with lots of light.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "先方がなるべく広くて明るい部屋がいい、って言ってたからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well then, should we put away some of the stuff like the whiteboard in the room?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "じゃあ、ボードとか少し片付けた方がいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It's okay, they want to shoot in our usual setting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "大丈夫だよ、いつも通りが良いらしいから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'm relieved that they won't go into the messy lab.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "散らかってる研究室じゃなくて良かったね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Argh, why does it have to be on that day, I'll be gone on a business trip!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あー、なんでよりによってその日なんだ、僕出張なのにー!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You have nothing to do with shooting, though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ピーターソンさん、撮影関係ないでしょ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well, I'm a fan of that reporter girl!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "だって、あのレポーターの女の子、ファンなんだよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I know you want to chat a bit more, but we have a morning meeting in 10 minutes, all right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "お喋りしたいのは分かるけど、みんなあと10分で朝ミーティング、始めるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well, so that's about it for the morning meeting today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "じゃ、今朝のミーティングはこれくらいかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh, I'd like to confirm one more thing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あ、あと1点だけ、確認させてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "About the TV coverage next week, which sensor are we showing them?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "来週のテレビ取材ですけど、どのセンサー出すんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well, Kentaro wanted to put out the latest ones, but....", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "社長は最新のやつ出したがったんだけど...。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We haven't completed testing for the one with vein authentication yet, you know?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "静脈認証のはまだテスト完全に終わってないですよ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We're still developing 3D sensors for face recognition, too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ウチの3D顔認証の方はまだ開発中だし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "So, we've decided to show our iris authentication sensor currently mounted on F Corporation's S phone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "だから、今F社のSフォンに乗せてる虹彩認証センサーを見せる事にしたんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "As for our latest sensors, it's probably safer to mention a little at the end of the coverage.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "最新のセンサーに関しては、ちょっと最後に話入れるくらいが安全かなって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Phew, I was worried if something went wrong like that time with that fingerprint sensor.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ふー、あの指紋認証の時みたいになったらって、心配してたんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I still carry that trauma, you know?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "私はまだトラウマですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh, that was chilling, and it was a live show, too!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あーあれはヤバかった、生放送の番組だったしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I don't know what you guys are talking about.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "私、何の話か分からないんですけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "About fingerprint authentication?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "指紋認証、ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh, yeah, it was quite a while ago so maybe you weren't around then, Anna.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ああ、かなり前の話だから三居さんはまだ居なかったかも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "About 10 years ago, I believe?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "10年くらい前でしたっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, like this time, a TV show covered our fingerprint recognition sensor which we had just developed at the time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そう、当時ウチが開発したばかりの指紋認証センサー、今回みたいなテレビ番組が取り上げられたんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Unfortunately, it didn't work out properly during the live report, and we couldn't cover for the trouble on the fly either.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "残念ながら、生放送の取材中にちゃんと作動しなくてね、その場でフォローも出来なくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yeah, this lab's reputation took a nosedive then, and we had to spend few years to recover!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そう、それでこの研究所の評判ガタ落ちして、回復すんのに数年かかったんだ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Kentaro insisted that he'd show the latest product at the time as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あの時も大塚社長が一番新しいの出したいって言ったんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Unlike this time, I couldn't convince him not to.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今回と違って、説得しきれなくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "But I think the big part of it was that Toru fiddled around with the sensor, even though he didn't know much about how to use it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "でも、あれは田淵所長がセンサーの使い方も良く知らないのに色々触りまくってたのが大きな要因だよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "He's the director of this laboratory, but just a figurehead, a retired official, isn't he?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あの人、研究所所長っていっても、肩書きだけの元お役人でしょ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Whoa, you should watch your mouth, Ron.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "おいおい、言葉に気を付けなさいよ、ピーターソン君。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well, seriously, he always intervenes in projects he doesn't really understands, and gets us into troubles.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "だって真面目な話、田淵さん色々わかってないプロジェクトにいっつも口出して、迷惑かけるんですもん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Last week too, Toru followed me to see my presentation at F Corporation, though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "先週だって僕のF社でのプレゼン見るって、ついて来たんですけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "He just kept telling them unnecessary things, so I had to spend so much extra time to follow up with explanations for each and every aspect.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "いらん事ばっかり言うから、後から全部細々説明しなきゃいけなくて、スゴく余計な時間かかったんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh, he did that to me, too, at an exhibition last month!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あー、それ私も先月の展示会でやられたわー!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "He spoke to participants as if he knew everything, you know?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "全部知ってるフリして来場者に話しちゃうでしょ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I had to be on the watch and cover for him throughout the event, made me super exhausted!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ずっと気にして横からフォローいれなきゃいけなくて、ほんと疲れた!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "He should learn more about our products if he wants to go speak in public.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "表に出て話したいなら、もう少し勉強してからにして欲しいよねー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well, everybody, calm down a bit, don't be so hard on him.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "まあまあ、みんなちょっと落ち着いて、そんなに彼を責めないで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Toru is thinking of how he'd do better this time, so he should be okay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "田淵さんも今度はちゃんとやろうって考えているみたいだから、きっと大丈夫だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Wait, wait a sec, what do you mean he'd be okay?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "え、ちょっと待ってください、大丈夫って何がですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Well, you were all talking about it, weren't you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あれ、さっき皆話してたでしょ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "About Toru's appearance, on TV.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "テレビに出るって、田淵さんが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "You're not saying that Toru will be on the show this time with our iris recognition sensor, are you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "まさか、今回の虹彩認証センサーも田淵所長が出るんじゃあないですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, you didn't know?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうだよ、知らなかったの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "No, no, no, that's definitely impossible!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "いやいや、それは絶対無理ですって!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "No, way, no more of that nightmare!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "イヤだ、あんな悪夢はもう嫌だー!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Is he trying to traumatize the whole Lab now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "所長、今度はラボ全体をトラウマに陥れる気なんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hello everyone, let's get started with today's meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "では、本日の会議を始めます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "My name is Okada.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "岡田と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Nice to meet you all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Since this is our first meeting, let's begin with a quick introduction around the table.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今日は第1回目の会議ですので、まずは簡単にそれぞれの自己紹介をしましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Then, I am going to give you a brief introduction of our new project.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "その後、私から今回のプロジェクトの概要を簡単にお話しします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I am going to be leading this team for the duration of this project.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "私はこのプロジェクト期間チームを主導させて頂きます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I normally work at unit one in the Sales Department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "普段は営業1課におります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Please come and talk to me at my desk in unit one, if you have any questions or suggestions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "何かございましたら、1課のデスクにおりますのでお越しください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It's nice meeting you all today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Would you like to introduce yourself next, Ms. Kishida?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "次に岸田さん、自己紹介をお願いできますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Nice to meet you all, I'm Kishida.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "皆さんはじめまして、岸田です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I am at unit two in the Sales Department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "普段は営業2課におります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I look forward to working with you all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "みなさんと一緒に働けるのを楽しみにしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Nice meeting you too, Ms. Kishida.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "岸田さん、よろしくお願い致します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "My name is Miyamoto.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "私は宮本です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I work in the Sales Promotion Department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "普段は販売促進部におります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I look forward to collaborating with you both.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "お二人と共に働けることが楽しみです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We are now going to talk about the outline of this project.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それではこの新プロジェクトの概要について話します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "The new project aims to identify new users for our payment settlement system.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "今回の新プロジェクトの狙いは我が社の新決済システムの新規利用先の開拓です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Furthermore, we are also looking at extending our services to new types of users from our list of sales leads.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "さらに、想定できる利用先とは異なる新しい利用者も獲得することが狙いです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "What exactly do you mean by new type of users?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "新しい利用者というと?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Good question, it means we are aiming to attract not only retail shops or restaurants but also any other potential opportunities.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "良いご質問ですね、通常の小売店や飲食店だけではなくその他にもということです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We want to get various type of users.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "様々な利用先を獲得したいということですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "That's why our team comprises different sales departments and divisions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "だからそれぞれ違う営業部署や担当からプロジェクトチームが構成されたんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Each department or unit has a different marketing strategy, and that would be our strength.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "各部署や各課での営業スタイルは違うと思いますが、それが強みになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Let's make this project a success.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "是非、このプロジェクトを成功させましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, let's try our best!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、一緒に頑張りましょう!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Of course we will have a revenue target, but we will go into that more in our next meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "もちろん数値目標があるのですが、その点については次回詳しく説明します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Anyway, we should close the meeting here as we are running out of time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "とりあえず、今日は時間があまりないので終わります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'll email you the schedule for the next meeting and the supplemental documents later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "次回の会議スケジュールと資料を後程Eメールでお送りします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yes, noted.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、承知致しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい、お願い致します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Hi Kana, can I ask you something?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "カナさん、ちょっとお聞きしていいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "There is a student who wants to send his personal belongings to Japan by sea.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "日本に船便で身の回り品を送りたいと言っている学生さんがいるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "He's leaving the country next month, and he came to the office yesterday asking for advice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "来月出国予定で、昨日事務所に質問に来ました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I understand that we usually use Company Y for the shipment, but when I called them this morning to get a quote, they basically told me it would cost more than 1000 pounds.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "普段荷物を送るのにはY社を使っていると思うんですが、今朝電話で見積もりをお願いしたら1000ポンド以上かかると言われたんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Since that is way out of his budget, I am trying to find other ways of doing it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "学生さんの予算をかなりオーバーしているので、他のやり方がないか探しているんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Company Y offers the service as one whole package, and while it is very convenient, it tends to be a bit overpriced.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Y社は手続きを一つのパッケージプランでやってくれるから便利なんだけど、その分ちょっと割高になりがちなんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "If we can find a shipping company here, and a custom broker and a delivery company in Japan separately by ourselves the total fee should be cheaper.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "もし自分たちで国内の船会社と、日本で通関業者と運送会社をそれぞれ見つけられれば合計の費用は安く済むはず。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We had a similar case a few years ago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "何年か前に同じような案件があったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I think I can find the record here, give me a sec.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "確かここに記録があったような、ちょっと待ってね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We asked Company W to collect the cargo and ship to the Japanese Port in Tokyo, then for the custom paperwork we asked Company E and they arranged the delivery for us as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "貨物の引き取りと日本の港への送付はW社にお願いして、税関業務はE社にお願いして、そしたら輸送もE社が手配してくれているね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "The total fee was 500 pounds.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "費用は全部で500ポンド。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Obviously, the fee will change depending on the size and the weight of the cargo as well as the value of the contents.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "もちろん、費用の部分は貨物のサイズや重量と、あと内容物の価値によって変わってくる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We could avoid getting any custom charge for this case, so that was good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "この時には関税はかからないですんだから良かった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "How much stuff is he going to send?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "その学生さんはどのぐらいの量送ろうと思ってるのかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It should be about the same as hers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "この方と同じぐらいの量のはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Ok, well obviously we shouldn't expect it to be exactly the same, but I'd say we can do it in the same way this time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "オッケー、まあもちろん全く同じ金額になるとは限らないけど、今回も前回と同じように進めていいと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Yeah, I will call Company W.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうですね、W社に電話します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "They would need a rough amount of the package and a value of the contents so maybe check with the student first.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "荷物のだいたいの量と内容の価値を聞かれると思うから、学生さんに先に確認した方がいいかもね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Ah, yes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "あっ、そうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I will email him.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "メールします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Oh, also Company W may have introduced CMS so check that with them too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうだ、W社はもしかしたらCMSを導入したかもしれないから、聞いておいた方がいいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "What is CMS?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "CMSって何ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It's \"container management surcharge\".", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "「コンテナー・マネジメント・サーチャージ」っていうんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It is a little unclear if that is really a thing, but some shipping companies charge the broker when they unload the cargos at the port.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "実際ちゃんとした費用なのかはわからない部分もあるんだけど、船会社によっては港で荷下ろしするときに通関業者に請求する所があるみたいなんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It's like a handling fee.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "手数料みたいなものかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Company W did not charge us the last time so hopefully it still is the case.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "前回W社からは請求されなかったから、今回も同じだといいんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Can I ask you to send me the file of the previous case?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "前の時のファイルを送っていただいてもいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I want to go through it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "目を通したいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Actually, I am going to make it anonymous and upload it on our shared database.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "というか、匿名にして共有のデータベースにあげておくね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "We may have similar cases in the future.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "これからも同じような案件が出てくるかもしれないし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Thanks for offering to help me with my presentation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "プレゼンのお手伝いをしてくださるそうで、ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I've never given a presentation in front of such big audience before.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "私は今回のように大勢の前でプレゼンしたことがないんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'm glad I could help!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "お手伝いできて嬉しいです!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "What are you planning?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "どんなプレゼンにするつもりですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'm thinking about using a slide show.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "スライドショーをしようかと考えています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'll probably include a pie chart showing our demographic.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "我が社の購買層を示すのには円グラフが良いですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Then I'll use a bar graph to show our numbers for each region.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そして地域別の販売高を示すのに棒グラフを使おうと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I would suggest explaining the graph rather than just showing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "グラフはただ見せるより説明した方が良いですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Be sure to point out what each axis means.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それぞれの座標軸がなにを意味するのか忘れずに指し示してくださいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "That way, you can make sure everyone understands what you're trying to show.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "そうすれば、あなたが説明したいことを皆さんが確実に理解してくれます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Also, make sure the colors between the sections of the graph stand out easily.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "それから、グラフの各領域の色を目立つようにすること。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Don't make it too fancy, though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "でも、あまり派手すぎないように。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It's better to keep it pretty simple.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ごくシンプルにした方が良いですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Okay!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "はい!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "How does this theme look?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "この題目はどうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "That one is a bit too complicated.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "これはちょっと複雑すぎますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "It's hard to read what the labels say.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "表示の内容が読みにくいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I think you should try this one instead.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "代わりにこうしてみたら良いと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Do you have any tips for the actual presentation?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "プレゼン自体についてなにか秘訣はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I would say practice a few times before.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "事前に何度か練習することでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Space out your practice between a few days, so you won't be too stressed by practicing on the last day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "前日に練習してストレスを感じるより、何日か余裕を持って練習したほうが良いですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Just don't be too nervous, and make sure to look around the room rather than at the white board.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ナーバスになりすぎず、ホワイトボードを見ずに会場を見渡すようにすること。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "The more you have your presentation memorized, the easier it will be to make eye contact with people.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "プレゼンを暗記すればするほど、簡単に皆さんと目線を合わせられるようになりますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "I'll be sure to practice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ちゃんと練習します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "That's the part I'm most worried about.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "その点を一番心配しているんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "ご協力ありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "Good luck!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "上手く行きますように!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "validation"} {"text": "How is it going, Wayne?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ウェイン、調子はどうです?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "まあまあです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Thank you very much for coming out today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今日はご足労ありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "How's business lately?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "景気はどうです?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "おかげさまで、順調です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We recently commissioned a new facility so I've been busy managing that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "最近、新しい施設が稼働開始しまして、その管理で忙しくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I read about that on your company website.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ああ、それ、御社のサイトで読みましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "The Japanese market has been very interested in our product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "日本市場が当社製品に興味をもっているようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "So having this new facility should satisfy their demand for the next couple of years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "新施設のおかげで、今後数年間の需要は賄えるかと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "The Japanese market is trending upwards lately.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "日本市場は最近上向きだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I was in Japan last month and talked to a couple of potential customers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "先月日本に出張して、見込みのありそうな数社とミーティングしてきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "They all told me that they are looking for a reliable and consistent supply.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "全社、声を揃えて、信頼できて一貫性のある供給を望んでいましたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well, we are well positioned then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "では、当社はいい状況にあるってわけですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We have 6 facilities with over 1 million ton capacity.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "出力百万トン以上の工場が6件ありますし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You also operate your own terminal.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "端末も独自に管理されてますしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, so we can control the ship loading and schedule.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そう、出荷量やスケジュールも管理できます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Having control over the supply chain is definitely helpful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "サプライチェーンを管理できるのはとても助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Being flexible is really important.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "柔軟性があるのはとても重要です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "How has the Korean market been lately?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "韓国市場は最近どんな状況ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I hear that they aren't looking for long term contracts.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "長期の契約は望んでいないと聞きましたが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Is that true?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうなんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "本当みたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "They are mainly looking for spot contract.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "現物契約中心のようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "どうしてなんでしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well they don't want to overcommit to one supplier.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "サプライヤー一社に傾倒したくないんでしょうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "So they prefer to source from various suppliers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "なので、いろいろなところから調達したいんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Is that to also keep the price down?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "価格を抑える意味もあるんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "They can compare prices and shop around for the cheapest price.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "価格を比較して、一番安いところから購入するのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Sounds like a lot of work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "よっぽど、大変そうですがね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We could offer them a 10-year contract and they can sit back and relax.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "10年契約をオファーすれば、向こうはのんびりリラックスできるのに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yeah, that would make life easier.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "その方が楽でしょうに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We should keep an eye on that market.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "韓国市場からは目が離せないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yeah, there is a lot of changes happening lately.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そう、最近、いろいろ変化が起きていますからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We should catch up again in a couple months?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "2ヶ月後くらいにまた、情報交換しましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今日はお時間をありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'm Ryan from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "A社のライアンです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Hi I'm John from Company B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "こんにちは、B社のジョンといいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "How did you like the seminar just now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "セミナーはいかがでしたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It was okay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "別に普通でしたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "They weren't talking about anything new.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "特に目新しいことは何もなかったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Is this your first time at this expo?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "この博覧会は初めてですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "That figures.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ああ、それで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "They recycle their presentation so the content is basically the same every year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あのプレゼンは毎年やるんで、基本的に内容が同じなのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Is that allowed?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それ、ありですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well people here don't come for the seminar.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "えー、皆、セミナー目当てではないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "They come to network with people.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "人脈づくりのために来るんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "And enjoy time out of the office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ついでに、社外で息抜きできるし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ああ、そういうことか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I will keep that in mind for next time then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "覚えておきますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "So tell me a bit about what you do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あなたは何をなさっているのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well we are a trading company and mainly do exports.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "えーと、我が社は商社で主に輸出をやっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Oh we do exports as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "へえ、ウチも輸出をやってるんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We are in a sense competitors then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "じゃあ、ある意味競合相手ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "But depending on the situation, we could cooperate to share the risk.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ですが、状況によっては、リスクを分担して助け合うこともできますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "いいこと言いますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Here's my card.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "これ、名刺です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Let me know if you ever want to discuss any potential partnerships.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "提携などをお考えでしたら、ぜひご連絡ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Ben, did you hear about Company A's facility?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ベン、A社の施設の話は聞きましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "何があったの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "There was a fire and they had to evacuate everyone there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "火災があって社員全員が避難したんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Did the building burn down?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "建物は全焼だったの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうだと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Do you think this will affect the market?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "市場にも影響すると思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well Company A had recently cut back on their production.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それが、A社は最近生産量を減らしていたんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "They say it was due to the lack of raw material.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "原材料の不足によるものだと発表していた。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "So my answer is no, it won't affect the market.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "だから市場への影響はないと私は思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Do you think they will go bankrupt?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "破産すると思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ひょっとすると。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "But this isn't the first time their facility burned down.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "でもA社の施設が全焼したのはこれが初めてじゃないんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "どういうことですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well, they have a facility elsewhere before, and that burned down.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "いや、以前別の場所にもA社の施設があって、そこも全焼したんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Then a couple years later, a new facility elsewhere magically burned down as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そしてその2年後、また別の新しい施設も不思議なことに全焼したんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Some say that it was intentional.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "故意による火災だったと言う人もいた。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "So they can claim insurance?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "保険金を申請できるからですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "どうだかね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "But their reputation isn't that good in the industry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "でも業界内で彼らの評判はそれほど良くないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "So you can't help but think maybe it was intentional.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "だから故意によるものだった可能性を疑わずにはいられないよな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Wow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "If it was intentional, I hope they don't get away with it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "もし故意によるものだったとしたら、罪を免れてほしくないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well, that's not up to us to decide.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "まあ、裁くのは私たちじゃないしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Time to get back to work now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "さて、仕事に戻ろうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Hi this is Sam from the Seattle office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "こんにちは、シアトルオフィスのサムです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "おお、こんにちはサムさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I haven't heard from you in a while.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "しばらく連絡をいただいておりませんでしたが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yeah, there hasn't been much projects going on.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうですね、あまりプロジェクトもなかったですからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well, I assume you're starting to get busy since you're calling me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "では、電話をいただいているという事は忙しくなってきているという事ですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I wanted to ask you to draft a sales contract today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今日は売買契約のドラフトをお願いしたいんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It's a short-term sales contract with Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "A社との短期の売買契約です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Can you tell me a bit more about the contract?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "もう少し詳しくその契約についてお伺いしてもよろしいでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We're looking to have the contract for a term of two years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "契約は2年に亘る見込みです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We will be selling automotive parts to them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "自動車の部品を彼らに販売します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "What's the volume like?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "どのくらいの量ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It will be twelve thousand tons per year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "年に12000トンになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "So one thousand tons per month?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "では1ヶ月1000トンという事でしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, it will be shipped monthly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、月ごとに出荷されます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Okay, I'll make a standard sales contract based on what I know now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "分かりました、では私が今わかっていることを基に基本的な売買契約を作成しますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうですか、ありがたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I can also send you a summary of our business relations and other details.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "取引関連のことや他の詳細をまとめたものを送ることもできますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "とても助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Once I get your draft, I'll send it to Company A and get their feedback.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ドラフトをいただき次第、A社に送って意見があるか聞いてみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, let me know what they say and I'll see if their changes are acceptable or not.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうですね、彼らが何と言っているか教えて頂ければ、変更が可能かどうか確認します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Anything else you need?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "他に何か必要な事はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "わかりました、では良い一日を。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Alright, here is some company orientation materials.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "さて、こちらが会社のオリエンテーション資料です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You can read those later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あとでお読みください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'd like to first explain what our department does.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "まず、私たちの部署について説明したいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "As you know, we are a Japanese trading company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ご存知のように、弊社は日本の貿易会社です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "So we do a lot of commodity trading in various industries.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "なので、様々な業界との商品取引があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "But regardless of the product traded, the procedures for exporting or importing are generally the same.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "しかし、どのような商品の取引であっても、一般的に輸出入の手順は同じです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Some products have specific requirements like permits or certificates right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "許可証や証書などの特別な書類が必要な商品もありますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Your task will mainly be preparing export documents for products from North America going to Asia.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あなたの職務は主に、北米からアジアへの輸出品に関する輸出書類を用意することになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Elaine in our department will teach you how it's done later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あとで、当部署のエレインさんにやり方を説明してもらいます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ここまで何か質問はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I am okay for now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今のところ大丈夫です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Feel free to ask questions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ご自由に質問してくださいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You might not now what questions to ask now but that's completely normal.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今はまだどんな質問をすればいいか分からないかも知れないですが、それは全く普通のことですから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "So we have fourteen people in our office including you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "さて、弊社オフィスにはあなたを入れて14名います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We currently have 4 staff in our department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "この部署の現スタッフ数は4人です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Five including you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あなたを入れて5人になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'll show you to your desk in a bit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "後で席まで案内しますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You can let me know if you need anything for your table.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "デスクに必要なものがあれば言ってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Anything?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "何でもですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Like an additional monitor, desk trays, things like that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "追加のモニターやデスクトレー、そういったものです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'll explain a bit about our other departments now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "では、他の部署について少し説明します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We also have a mining department and they have four staff there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "鉱業部門があり、スタッフは4名です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Their main operation is managing mine assets in North America.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "彼らの主な業務は、北米の鉱山資産の管理です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Our admin department has five staff and they handle everything from HR, accounting, and any office administration.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "総務部のスタッフは5人で、人事から経理、他のオフィス事務まで何でも手掛けています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "How about we show you your desk now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "では、お席に案内しましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "That sounds good!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You wanted to talk with me Mr. Ko?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "高さん、お話があるとのことですが?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, so here, take this business card.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ええ、えっとこれ、この名刺をもらってください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I know you are still new but since you don't have many leads, you should contact him.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "まだ新人なのは知っていますが、あまり見込みのある顧客を担当していないようなので、この人に連絡をとってみてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Um, thank you Mr. Ko.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あ、ありがとうございます、高さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "May I ask who he is and what his relationship is with this company?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "この方が誰で、当社とどのような関係があるか教えていただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I never met him.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "僕は会ったことはないんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Just call him and see what you can do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "電話して、何が出来るか聞いてみてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "But how am I even going to proceed?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "でも、いったいどうやって進めればいいんでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I need to know what type of product he is interested in or what brought his business card to our company in order to make the contact more relatable.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "連絡して話を進めるには、彼がどのような製品に興味があり、なぜ当社に名刺を置いて行ったか知る必要があるのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I think you should be more open minded and take whatever work you can.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "もう少し広い心で、出来ることなら何でもやってみたほうがいいんじゃないですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You shouldn't be looking to pick things you want to do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "何をやりたいか選ばないほうがいいと思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Excuse me, I think you misunderstood me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "すみませんが、私のことを誤解されているようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I just don't want to be inefficient here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ただ、ここで非効率なことはしたくないだけです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I also don't want him to feel like this is a cold call.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "また、彼に飛び込み営業だと思われたくないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Just tell him you got the card from me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私から名刺をもらったと言えばいいだけですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "But you just said you never met him!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "でも、会ったことはないと仰いましたよね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yumi, I think you should be focusing on working harder and not complaining about what information you do or do not have.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "由美さん、情報の有無について文句をいうよりも、もっと一生懸命働くことに力を入れたほうがいいと思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "But Mr. Ko!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "でも、高さん!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Dismissed!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "終わりです!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Is this how I am suppose to work?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "こういうのが仕事のやり方なんでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I mean, if I just made a silly cold call, and babbled about Mr. Ko having his business card wondering how it got there, doesn't that reflect badly on this company?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "つまり、バカみたいな飛び込み営業の電話をして、出どころも分からないのに高さんが名刺を持っていたことを説明して、それってうちの会社の評判を落とさないんでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "So, you need to understand that Mr. Ko has zero sales experience.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "だから、高さんには営業の経験が全然ないってことを理解しておかないと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "That is not what he said.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そんなこと彼は言ってませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Trust me, if he ever had any meaningful experience, he would not just throw a business card at you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "僕を信じてよね、彼に何か意義ある経験があるとしたら、君に名刺を投げつけるようなことはしないだろう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "He has no clue how information regarding leads should be relayed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "どうやってリードについての情報を伝えればいいか知らないんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Can you show me the business card?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "名刺見せてくれる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Okay, so this company is relatively big, so John should know about it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "分かった、この会社は比較的大手だから、ジョンが知ってると思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I do small cap, he does large multinationals.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "僕は小さいところの担当だけど、彼は大手の国際企業担当だから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "All right, so I get some background info from John, and?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "分かりました、では、ジョンさんから背景を聞いてみます、それから?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Just talk to him, he will walk you through the process.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "とにかく彼と話してみるといいよ、やり方を順を追って教えてくれる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Just make sure you never go to Mr. Ko again!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "もう高さんのところには行かないようにだけはしろよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Oh please, it's not even funny.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ええ、もちろん、冗談にもならなかったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "He was so condescending, like we are in school and he is the headmaster or something.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "まるで私たちが生徒で彼が校長か何かのように、とっても上から目線で。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Sorry I laughed, but he doesn't really do anything to contribute other than make PL sheets, rearrange where everyone is sitting and control the thermostat.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "笑ってごめんよ、でも、彼は、損益計算書を作るのと、皆の席替えと、室温調整くらいしか、本当に何にも貢献してないんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I think I figured it out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "わかったようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Oh, so what was it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そう、何だった?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "So China has a value added tax applied to all exports.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "中国は全ての輸出品にVATを課税しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "However, some products are eligible for a tax redemption.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ですが、一部の製品は免税対象になるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "What's the rate for the value added tax?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "付加価値税はどのくらい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It's seventeen percent.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "17パーセントです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "What's the story with wood products then?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "木製品の件は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Apparently back in 2003, wood products were eligible for a tax redemption.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "2003年に木製品は免税になったようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "But the Chinese government abolished that so the value added tax applies to all primary wood products.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "が、中国政府は免税措置を取りやめたので、一次木製品全般に付加価値税が適用されています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "What's the definition of primary wood products?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "一次木製品の定義は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Things like lumber and logs.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "材木や丸太とか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "But products that are further processed like plywood or wooden furniture would be eligible for the tax redemption.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ですが、ベニヤとか木製家具など、さらに加工された製品は免税の対象になるようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうか、それなら筋が通るな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Thank you for looking this up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "調べてくれてありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yeah, I just happened to find it on a report issued by Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "A社が発行した報告書でたまたま見つけたんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I also sent an email to our trade compliance department but I think they will get back to us with the same answer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "貿易コンプライアンス部にもメールを送ったんですが、きっと、同じ答えが返ってくると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'll wait for their confirmation before sending this report to the Tokyo office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "東京オフィスに報告する前に、彼らからの確認を待った方がいいな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Did they say when they will get back to you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "いつ返事くれると言ってた?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "They said early next week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "来週早々には、と言ってました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "They will actually be getting in touch with our Shanghai office to review this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "実際に上海オフィスに連絡して、この件を確認するみたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうか、わかった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Let me know when they get back to you then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "じゃあ、連絡来たら教えてくれ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Ms. Pace, can I talk to you for a second?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ペースさん、ちょっといいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "もちろん、どうしましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Do you remember product E has been on backorder?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "商品Eが品切れだったのをご存知ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, I remember that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "知ってますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I was just informed it is discontinued.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "製造中止になっている事がわかりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I thought we are getting it restocked by the end of next month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "来月末までに在庫を確保できると思っていたんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "How did you find out about it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "どうしてわかったのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We have 28 backorders for this product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "この商品の入荷待ちオーダーが28件あります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I have been receiving many inquiries from the customers lately.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "最近よく顧客から質問がきていて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "They all want to know when it will be restocked, don't they?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "いつ在庫が入るか、でしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, those customers are getting impatient.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、皆待ちきれないようで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "So I called the manufacturer to see what was going on.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "なので製造業者に連絡を入れました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "That's when I found out about the discontinuation of the product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "その時に商品の製造中止の事を知ったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Oh no, we are going to have some angry customers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あーあ、顧客は怒るでしょうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Have you already contacted any of them regarding this issue?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "この件についてもう連絡はしたの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Not yet, I wanted to let you know first.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "まだです、先にペースさんに伝えたかったので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You will have to issue a full refund to every single one of them immediately.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "直ぐに顧客全員に返金しないといけませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Make sure to explain about the situation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ちゃんと状況の説明もしておいて下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Do you think that is going to satisfy the customers?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それだけで顧客は満足すると思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Those people have been patiently waiting for months.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "皆数か月も待っているんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "They have been looking forward to receiving this products.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "この商品をとても楽しみにされているんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "This could lead to a bunch of negative reviews on us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "このままだと悪評価を付けられてしまいますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I am aware that online reviews are a vital part of a successful business nowadays.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "オンライン評価がビジネスの成功に大切な事なのは知っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "If customers give us bad reviews, our business will be badly affected...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "もし顧客が悪評価をしたら、うちのセールスに悪影響が出ますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Can we offer a discount code or something like that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "割引コードの様な物を提供するのはどうでしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "To show them how sorry we are for not being able to fulfill their orders this time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今回受注を満たす事ができずに申し訳ないという事で。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We can certainly do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "確かにそれはいい考えですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "How about issuing a 5 dollar discount coupon per customer?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "では顧客一人当たり5ドルの割引クーポンを出しましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Honestly I don't think 5 dollars is enough to make those customers happy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "正直なところ、5ドルでは顧客は喜ばないと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "How about 15 dollars?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "じゃあ15ドルはどうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "That's the max I am willing to give.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "出せる最高額です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Sounds fair.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "いいんじゃないですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Do you know how to issue an online discount code?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "オンライン割引コードの発行の仕方はわかりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, I am familiar with it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、よく知っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Then go ahead and get those backorders taken care of.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "では今から在庫待ちオーダの処理をお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "かしこましました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Hello, this is Public Relations, Company B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、B会社広報部です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Hello, it's James...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ハロー、ジェームズ...", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Oh, m-m-moment, please.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ええっ、も、も、モーメント、プリーズ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Um, anyone, help!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "えーっと、だれか!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Oh, m-Mori-san, an English-speaking person is on the phone, can you get it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あっ、も、森さん、英語の電話なんですけど、出てくれます?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "え、私が?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I have nobody around who can speak English at the moment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今、近くに話せそうな人が誰もいないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "But I’ve been told I don’t need to get phone calls.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "でも、私、電話には出なくていいと言われているのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I know, but it’s an emergency.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "緊急事態ということで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Okay, I’ll do it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、では。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Hello, this is Mori speaking, how can I help?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、お電話代わりました、森と申します、ご用件は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, it’s James Bond from London office, and may I speak to Mr. Miyagi, Advertisement Section?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あの、ロンドン支社のジェームズ・ボンドと言いますが、宣伝の宮城さんお願いしたいんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well, sorry, would you hold on, please?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "えーと、ちょっとお待ちいただけますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "He wants Mr. Miyagi, Advertisement.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "宣伝の宮城さんにつないでほしいみたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Um, we don’t have any Mr. Miyagi in the Advertisement Section.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "えー、宣伝課には宮城さんという人はいないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Hello again, sorry to have kept you so long.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "もしもし、お待たせしてすみません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Are you still there?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "聞こえてますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Oh, yes, I can hear you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あっ、はい、どうぞ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well, we’re sorry but we don’t have any Mr. Miyagi, Advertisement Section.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "えー、こちらの宣伝部には宮城さんという方はいないみたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Oh, really, then, is he in another section?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あー、じゃあ、他の部署にはいますかね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I’m sorry but I’m only a translator, so I’m not sure, may I put you through the personnel section?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "すみません、私は翻訳担当で、よくわからないので、このお電話を人事部にまわします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You could ask them about Mr. Miyagi.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "お手数ですが、そちらで直接聞いていただけますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Can you hold on then, I’ll connect the line for you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "では、おつなぎしますので、そのままお待ちください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Right, thanks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Excuse me, Kosugi-san, how can I transfer this line to personnel?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "えーっと、すみません、小杉さん、この電話を人事にまわしたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Oh, I’ll do it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あっ、あとは私がやります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Thank you, Mori-san, you saved my life.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "いやあ、どうも、助かりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I went blank when I heard English.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "いきなり英語だったんで、頭が真っ白になっちゃって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It’s okay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Hey, Misato, did you hear about that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ねえ矢沢さん、もう聞いた?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "何を?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "The name of our group will be changed again next year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私たちのグループ、新年度からまた名前が変わるらしいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "What, it was changed only two years ago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "え、二年前に変わったとこなのに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I know, it will be the 'New Product Development Group'.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうなのよ、今度は「新商品開発グループ」だって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "So, they will just add 'New' to the 'Product Development Group' that we have now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今の「商品開発グループ」に「新」ってつくだけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Looks like it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうみたい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Before that, they just switched 'team' in the 'product development team' to 'group'.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "その前は、商品開発チームのチームがグループに変わっただけだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "RIght.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Then, before that, they just took 'design' from the 'product development and design team'.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "で、その前は、商品開発設計チームの設計をとっただけ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "The work we do is the same, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "仕事の内容は一緒なんでしょ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yup, just the name change as usual.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そう、毎回名前が変わるだけ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "No changes in our members either.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "メンバーも変わらないし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "But we still need to reprint our business cards.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "でも、また名刺は全部つくりかえないと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "And change our group name in the employee database and stuff like that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あと、社員データベースの所属先なんかも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We need to email our clients about changes again, don't we?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "取引先にもまた連絡メール出さないとだめなんだよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'm sure everyone thinks 'again? what changes now?'", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "相手も「また?何が変わるの?」って思うよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It is because of the 'corporate brand image strategies' or something.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "「企業ブランドイメージ戦略」とかそういうことらしいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Those things are pretty annoying to people who actually do the work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それって、現場からするとかなり面倒なんですけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ほんと、そう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "And developing new products is not our only job.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それに、新商品の開発だけが仕事じゃないし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We do lots of work to improve our current products.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "結構、既存商品の改良もやってるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I think the name will change again in a couple of years anyway.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "どうせまた2、3年したら、名前変わっちゃうんじゃない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あり得る。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "But I don't need any more business cards that I can't use!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "でも、もうこれ以上使えない名刺が溜まるのはごめん、って感じ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I just can't get rid of them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "捨てるに捨てきれなくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Look inside of my drawer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "見てよ、この引き出しの中。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ほんとだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Why don't you give them to the shredding service next time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今度、シュレッダーサービスが来たら出しちゃえば?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Good idea, I'll do that when we have the new business cards.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうだね、次の名刺が来たらそうするわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Such a waste of money for printing and paper.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "印刷代と紙代がもったいないよねー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I know, cost reduction can start here!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ほんと、コスト削減はここからって感じ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "As I always feel, what the management think is good for the company is a bit different from what we think is good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "いつも思うけど、会社にとっていいことに対する経営陣の考えと、私たちの考えって微妙にずれがあるよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I know you can't help it with a large company, but I just don't want them to change the group names this often.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "大きな会社だから仕方ないとは思うけど、でも、しょっちゅう組織名変えるのは控えて欲しいわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Again, thank you, everyone, for joining this press conference for our new product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私どもの新製品の記者発表会にご参加いただき、皆様には改めて感謝申し上げます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Now, I'd like to invite our CEO, Jafali Mensah to join me at the podium and open it up for questions and answers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "これより弊社CEO、ジャファリ メンサも登壇し、皆様からのご質問にお答えいたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Thank you, Sanjay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "サンジェイ、ありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "皆様、こんにちは。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "My name is Jafali Mensah, and I am the CEO of company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私がA社CEO、ジャファリ メンサです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'm pleased to be able to welcome all of you today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "本日皆様をお迎えすることができて嬉しく思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'm very proud of our new, next generation security system.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "我が社の新しい次世代型セキュリティーシステムに私は多大なる自信を持っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "どうぞ何なりとご質問ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You, on the front row.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "前列の方。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Please talk into the microphone so everyone can hear you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "皆様に聞こえるようマイクに向かってお話しください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "My name is Curtis Tucker, and I'm a reporter from F magazine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "F誌記者のカーティス タッカーと申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "In the presentation, you mentioned spending seven years developing this product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "プレゼンの中で、この製品の開発に7年かかったことに言及されていました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "In your opinion, what was the main challenge?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "特にご苦労なさった点は何だったと思われますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "One of our main goals from the beginning was to make it portable, so the deployment process would be easy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "設置手順を簡単にするため、持ち運びできる大きさにすることが開発当初から主な目標のひとつでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It was hard to make it small enough while carrying all of the features.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "すべての機能を兼ね備えつつ小型化するのは大変でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Since this product carries multiple sensors besides a camera, we had to test many different configurations.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "この製品にはカメラ以外にも複数のセンサーが備わっているため、様々な配置をテストする必要もありました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We also had to make sure the surface was fit for a solar panel.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "また、表面にソーラーパネルを搭載できるようにもしたかったですし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "That added another factor, but we eventually were able to reach the perfect size we were hoping for.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そのことも一因になりましたが、結果的には私たちが望んでいたような完璧なサイズにすることができました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "次のご質問は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You, on the left.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "左側の方。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'm Johanna Bryant from S times.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Sタイムズ紙のジョハンナ ブライアントです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "In your presentation, you said this is suitable for schools, government offices, and shopping malls.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "プレゼンによりますと、この製品は学校、官公庁、ショッピングモールに適しているとのことでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Do you have plans to make it available for the general public too?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "一般の方々にも販売する予定はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We are trying to make a version for household and small businesses.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "現在一般家庭や中小企業向けモデルも作ろうと取り組んでいるところです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It will be a more affordable model.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "もっとお手頃価格になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We are also in the process of testing it to make sure the deployment process is easier for home installment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ご家庭での取り付けの際に設置手順が簡単になるようテストを進めています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We are planning on officially releasing it at the end of this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "年末には正式に発売を開始する予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Thank you, next?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ありがとうございます、次の方?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We will start the first period of the safety course \"How to handle laser products\".", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "では、今から安全研修の一限目「レーザ製品の扱い方」を始めます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I am your instructor, Tanaka.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私、講師の田中と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I know you all handle lasers in your daily work and are used to handling lasers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "皆さん、日々の仕事でレーザを使っていらっしゃる方ばかりで、すでにレーザの扱いには慣れていらっしゃると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "However, it is possible you ignore the very basic safety measures when you think you know everything.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ただ、慣れたころにふと基本的な安全対策を忘れてしまうことがあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "This class is a refresher course to remind you how careful you were dealing with lasers for the first time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "このクラスは「初心忘れるべからず」とでも言いますか、初めてレーザと向き合った頃の慎重な姿勢を思い出していただくクラスになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "First, can you talk about yourself?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "では、皆さん、簡単に自己紹介をお願いできますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I have been working for laser development for 6 years, and I took a safety class as a new employee.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私はレーザ開発に係わって6年になるのですが、新人として安全研修を受けました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I am curious if the safety standards have changed since then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "当時に比べ安全基準などはかなり変わっているのかなど、興味があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well, there have been more accidents in laser experiments, so inspections for laser companies have been stricter those days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうですね、ここ数年、レーザ実験による事故などが増えているため、レーザを扱う企業に対して厳しいチェックが入るようになっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "やはりそうですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I have been with the laser component group for 4 years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私はレーザ部品グループで4年になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We deal with components and do not handle lasers themselves much, so I am wondering if I would learn anything that would be useful for my work in this class.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "部品を扱うので、レーザそのものを扱うことはほとんどないのですが、ここで学ぶことは実際の仕事に活かせるものでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Your company owns lots of lasers whether your group directly handles lasers or not, so I think it is a good idea for you to know the basic safety measures no matter what your job might be.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "所属先はレーザと直接関係なくとも、御社は社内のあちこちにレーザがありますので、やはり基本的な安全対策は心がけておくのがよいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Right, you never know when you might go to another group in the company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうですね、いつ所属先が変わるかも分からないですし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I don't think you will find this class useless at all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今日の研修内容が「全く役に立たない」ということはないと思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I am here from the personnel department today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私は今日は人事から参加させていただいています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I rarely interact with lasers, but I would like to learn something that I can use to protect our employees.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "レーザと関わることはほとんどないのですが、社員を守る立場として何かを学びたいと思っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Of course, I will talk about the eye exams that is important for laser companies, so please pay attention to those topics.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうですね、後でレーザを扱う企業では大切な眼科検診などについて話しますので、その辺り、よくお聞きください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Everyone is in different areas and is interested in different things.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "皆さん、それぞれ所属先も研修に求めるものも違っていらっしゃいますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It looks like this class will be fun.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "これは、なかなか面白いクラスになりそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "For example, a class for engineers only would have students with the same interests.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "例えば、エンジニアさんだけを対象としたクラスとなると、大体皆さんの興味は同じです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Then, what I do in my class tends to be narrowly focused.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうなると、クラスの内容も偏りがちです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "That's true, what I want to learn and what Mr. Yamamura wants to learn can be very different.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうですよね、私と山村さんじゃ、何を学びたいかも違いますもんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "So, instead of focusing on fewer topics, we would be exploring a wider range of topics in this class.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "なので、一つのトピックを深く、というよりも、広い話題で、という形のクラスになると思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I already have the basic knowledge, so this will be a good opportunity for me to learn something that I had not even noticed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私は基本的な理解はあるので、今日はこれまで気にもかけなかったことを学ぶのにいい機会になりそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I might be able to contribute to this class from the position of a component person.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "僕は、部品を扱う立場からこのクラスに貢献できるかもしれませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Let's start then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "では、そろそろ始めましょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Can you look at the first page of the document I handed out earlier?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "先ほどお配りした資料の一ページ目をご覧ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Oh, this looks interesting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "お、これは面白そうな内容だ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "The content looks a bit different from when I took a class as a new employee.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "新人の時に受けた研修内容とは少し違うみたいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "When Ms. Matsumoto was new here, we used to have instructors from a different training center.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "松本さんが新人の時は、違う研修センターから講師をお呼びしていたんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We have been working with your company since last year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "うちは去年から一緒にお仕事させていただいてます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Different from when I did it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "僕の時とも違う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "That makes me more excited.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ますます楽しみだな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "He is a popular instructor.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "この先生、人気あるんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well, let's get to the point now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "さ、本題に入りましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Stacey, look at this!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ステイシー、これ見て!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Inside this microwave!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "この電子レンジの中!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yikes, what is this?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "え、何これ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It is so dirty.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "すっごく汚いじゃん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I think someone warmed up meat sauce pasta or tomato soup and had it exploded.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "誰かがミートソーススパゲティかトマトスープを温めて爆発させたんだと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It looks like that, but why don't they wipe it off?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そんな感じだけど、汚したら拭いてよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "There is always someone who leaves it dirty like this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "いつもこうやって汚れたままにしてる人がいるんだよなぁ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Who would that be?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "誰だろう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We have lots of people here who bring lunches and warm up, so we don't know who that is.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "うち、ランチ持ってきて温める人多いから、誰か分かんないよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "How about talking to Jaime at the facility management and ask him to put a note?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "施設管理のジェイミーに言って、貼り紙でもしてもらえば?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yeah, like \"Please clean after you make a mess.\"", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうだね、「汚したら綺麗にしてください」って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I thought something like this would be just a common sense.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ま、そういうのって常識だと思ってたけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It doesn't look like it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうじゃないみたいだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "This gets dirty like this once every two weeks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "二週間に一回はこんな風に汚れてるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Some people leave their old food for a long time in the fridge at the lunch room, too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ランチルームの冷蔵庫の中も、結構、古い食べ物置きっぱなしの人いるじゃない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "いるいる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You get surprised once in a while when you open it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "たまに開けてみてびっくりすることあるよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "What if I ask Jaime to hold a meeting on how to use the lunch room?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "一回ジェイミーに頼んでランチルームの使い方説明会してもらったらどうだろう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Umm, I wonder if anyone comes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "どうだろ、皆来るかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "For now, a note will do?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "まずは貼り紙じゃない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Then let's see how it goes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それで様子見ってことにするか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well, I'll go tell Jaime now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "じゃ、早速ジェイミーに言ってくる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "But who would clean this now?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "でも、これは今誰が掃除する?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Ah, I don't want to, but I need to warm up something, so I'll wipe it off.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "うーん、嫌だけど、私も温めるものがあるから私が拭くわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Oh, you're good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "リンダ、えらい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "No, it's not like that, I just can't stand the mess.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "いや、そんなじゃなくて、汚いのが耐えられないだけだから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Oh, some people would use it as it is.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そっか、このまま次に使う人もいるもんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I can never do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そんなの絶対無理だわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Me, neither.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私も無理だな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Uchiyama-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "内山さん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "How many registrations do we have from customers attending the ceremony this time so far today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今回の式典に参加されるお客様のお申し込み、今日まででどれぐらい来ていますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I've only just sent the notice but we already have replies from 3 companies saying that they will attend.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "まだお知らせをお送りしたばかりですけど、3社は即答で参加とお返事来ています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Are there people bringing their wife or husband?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ご夫婦で参加される方はいるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Umm, there is 1 couple.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "えーと、1組です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It seems Mr. Sugimoto will be bringing his son this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "杉本様のところは、今年は息子さんを連れて来られるそうですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Oh, he must be the successor to the store.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "おっ、きっとお店の後継者になる方ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それは素敵ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'm thinking of talking to Mr. Sato from Travel Agency C in regards to making the bookings soon as flights and also hotels will get full.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "航空券もですけど、ホテルが混むから、C旅行社の佐藤さんにそろそろ申し込みがあること、打診しておこうかと思いまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Will it be Mr. Yamada who is coming with his wife?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ご夫婦で参加される方は、山田様ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Then they will just need one room.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ならホテルは1部屋でいいのでしょうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Right, that was the case last year as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、去年もそうでしたね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I wonder if Mr. Sugimoto will be staying together with his son.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "杉本様のところも、親子で一緒にお泊まりになるかしら。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ええ多分。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'll check with both just in case.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "念のため、私から両方にお聞きしてみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ありがとう、お願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It might be a bit early to discuss this with Mr. Sato.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "やっぱり、佐藤さんへの打診はまだ早いかもしれないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We've only talked to the customers attending over the phone and haven't gotten the replies on the invitation yet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "参加のお客様もまだお電話だけで、申し込み書のご返信はまだですし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It might be better if we wait for a couple more replies from companies first.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "少なくとも、もう何社かからお返事が来てからでも、いいかもしれませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yeah, let's at least wait until the weekend then do an initial count.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうですね、せめて今週末まで待ってから第一弾の集計をしましょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "There was a phone call from Director Sato of A Corporation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "A株式会社の佐藤部長からお電話ありました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Did you ask what he was calling about?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "用件は伺いましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It seems he would like an invoice for the goods he received the other day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "先日納品した商品の請求書がほしいそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I hastily prepared one, but could you check it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "取り急ぎ作成してみたのですが、ご確認いただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "That's a big help.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'll check it right away, could you send me the data?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "すぐ確認するので、データを送ってもらえますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Alright, I'll send it now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "承知しました、今送ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Suzuki-san, has the shipping cost been calculated incorrectly?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "鈴木さん、輸送費の計算が間違っていませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Perhaps you calculated it with the figures from the first estimate?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "恐らく最初の見積の数字で計算しているかと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Oh, I'm sorry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'll fix that right away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "すぐに修正します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It doesn't seem like there are any other issues, so I'll get this sent off to Director Sato.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それ以外は問題なさそうですので、私から佐藤部長に送りますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Thank you, I'd appreciate it if you could do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ありがとうございます、宜しくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It's nothing, it was really helpful that you dealt with it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "いえ、対応しておいてくれて助かりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "お疲れ様です、田中です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Hi Tanaka-san, it's Suzuki.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "田中さん、お疲れ様です、鈴木です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Ah, perfect.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あぁ、ちょうど良かったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I've just come from a visit to Company A, but I now have to go to the factory on urgent business so it seems like I will be late back to the office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今A社を訪問してきましたが、今から急きょ工場に行くことになったので、帰社時間が遅れそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Was there some kind of problem?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "何か問題でもありましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I've had a request to increase the number of orders from Company C, so I'm going to speak directly to the factory manager about this matter.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "C社から受注増加の依頼がありましたので、その件で直接工場長と話してきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Oh wow, congratulations!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それはおめでとうございます!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It's all thanks to your cooperation in creating the quotes and documents.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "鈴木さんが見積や資料作りに協力してくださったおかげです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "What? I didn't do anything.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そんな、私は何もしてないですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "If you're heading to the factory now, what time are you likely to return?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今から工場だと、帰りは何時頃になりそうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Hmm, well, it will be after seven at the earliest.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうですね、早くても19時は過ぎるかと思われます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Can I ask you to rewrite my return time on the board?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ボードの帰社時間を書き換えておいてもらえますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Take care on your way over there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "気をつけて行ってきてくださいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Our customers have told us that they think our fridge freezer is now a bit bland and old- fashioned looking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "顧客から、うちの冷凍冷蔵庫の見た目が古臭くてつまらないという声があってね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "So we are looking to update it and make it more stylish.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "だから、もうすこしスタイリッシュにしたいと思ってるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Do you have any ideas?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "いいアイデアはあるかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well, I think we could make the edges and corners more curved to give it a modern look?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、輪郭や角に丸みを持たせることで、モダンにしてはどうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, that seems to be the trend nowadays.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "最近の流行はそうらしいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I think we should add more color options in addition the to the standard white or silver.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "スタンダードなホワイトやシルバーの他に、もっと色の選択肢を増やすべきだと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "And it would be good to add some sort of contrasting color somewhere, like a stripe.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "どこかに、ストライプのようなコントラストする色を入れるといいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, maybe one flowing stripe across the entire fridge or one on each compartment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "例えば、冷蔵庫全体か、扉にストライプを入れるとか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Ok, so make it more curvy, add more color options and add some contrasting color pattern somewhere.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "じゃあ、丸みをもたせ、色の選択肢を増やし、どこかにコントラストになる色の模様を入れることだな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I was also thinking to make the digital display much larger and capable of showing more information.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "僕は、デジタル画面をもっと大きくして表示できる情報を増やすことも考えてたんだが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "What kind of information?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "どういった情報ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well, the date and time and I had the idea that customers could set a reminder for when a particular food item will expire.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "例えば、日付、時刻の表示や、食品の消費期限のアラームを消費者が設定できるようにするのも良いと思ったんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "とても良いアイデアだと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It may help to cut down on food wastage.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "食品の無駄も省けるかもしれませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Any more ideas anyone?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "他にアイデアはあるかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "That's it from me for now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今はこんなところです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Nothing else for now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今のところ、以上です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well, if we could all give this some more thought over the next couple of days and get back to me by the end of the week if you have any more ideas.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "君たち、2日間考えてみて、もし他にアイデアがあったら週末までに知らせてくれ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Thank you Ms. Tsuchiya, thank you Mr. Uchida.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "土屋くん、内田くん、ありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Thank you very much for your interest in our services.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "弊社サービスへのご興味、誠にありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今日はうちのオフィスまで来て頂いて、ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We're just a couple blocks down the street so it was close.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "弊社はほんの2、3ブロック先の通りにありますから、近かったですし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "So as you may know, we specialize in creating custom reports.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それでですね、ご存知かもしれませんが、我々はカスタムレポート作成に特化しておりまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You guys are able to make market reports for various industries, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "いろんな業種のマーケットレポートを作られるんですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Not all industries.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "全業種ではありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Our focus is on the automotive and chemical industry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "弊社の中心は自動車と化学産業です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "In some cases, we may collaborate with another company that has the specialization.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "場合によっては、専門分野を持っている会社と協業することもあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "So just to confirm, what industry are you interested in?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "で、確認なんですが、どの業界にご興味がおありですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We're interested in the heavy machinery industry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "うちは重機産業に興味があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We are looking for a report that can show the market forecast along with the supply and demand.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "需要と供給や市場予測が見られるレポートを探してるんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'm assuming this wouldn't be your company's specialty?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "これはそちらの専門ではないとは思いますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Unfortunately not.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "残念ながら、違いますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Actually, we have a sister company that may be able to handle your request.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "実は、弊社には姉妹会社がございまして、そこでしたら御社のご要望にお応えできるかと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, they're called Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、そこがA社といいまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Unlike us, they specialize in industrial facilities and equipments.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "我々とは違い、工業施設や工業用機器に特化しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "So they should be able to have the market intelligence you're looking for.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ですので、彼らなら御社でお探しの市場情報を持っているかと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Can you introduce me to them?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そちらに我々を紹介してくれますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I can send you their contact information later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "後ほど、連絡先をお送りできます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうしていただければ幸いです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Hi, this is Colin Jones from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "もしもし、A社のコリン ジョーンズです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Hi Colin.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "どうも、コリンさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "This is Sam Lee from Company B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "B社のサム リーです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "And with me is Ben Sherman as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それから、ベン シャーマンも一緒です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Thank you for attending the phone conference today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "本日は、電話会議へのご参加ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "So Colin, as I mentioned in my email, we are currently looking at acquisition opportunities in the automotive parts industry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "で、コリンさん、Eメールでもお伝えしたように、今、我々は自動車部品産業の買収を検討してるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "And I happened to stumble upon your company while I was searching around on the web.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それでウェブ検索をしていたら、たまたま御社を見つけまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I noticed that you guys specialize in M&A support in this industry so I thought it would be a good idea to get in touch with you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あなた方がその業界でのM&Aサポートに特化にしているとわかって、連絡を取ってみたらいいかな、と思ったんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well, thank you very much for finding our company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "えぇ、見つけて頂いて本当にありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "As you may already know, our company specializes in M&A support for the automotive parts industry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "もうご存知かと思いますが、弊社では自動車部品産業のM&Aサポートに特化しております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I personally have over twenty years of experience working for a major automotive parts company and ten years in the investment banking industry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私個人は、大手自動車部品会社で20年以上の勤務経験と投資銀行業で10年の勤務経験がございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "So please tell us about your services.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "では、御社のサービスについて教えて頂けますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "So we offer full support which means identifying potential acquisition targets, shortlisting, negotiation, and closing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "えぇ、我々はフルサポート、つまり有望な買収対象の特定、候補の選定、交渉、そして手続きの完了までご提供致しております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "The fee structure will consist of a monthly retainer charge and a two percent fee upon the completion of the acquisition.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "料金体系は、月々のコンサルティング料と買収完了時の2パーセントの費用で構成しております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Does the two percent apply to the acquisition amount?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "買収金額の2パーセント相当ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "So identifying potential targets would fall within the retainer fee?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "では、有望対象の特定はコンサルティング料の範囲内ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "How much is the monthly retainer fee?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "月々のコンサルティング料はいくらですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I can put together a proposal in regards to the price and services if you'd like.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "サービスとお値段に関して、宜しければ提案書におまとめできますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "What's the approximate retainer fee though?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "でも、コンサルティング料って、だいたいでいくらなんですかね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It is generally around ten thousand dollars a month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "一般的には月1万ドルあたりですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Is that in US dollars?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "アメリカドルでですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, it will be in US dollars.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、アメリカドルになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Is there an estimated acquisition amount in mind?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "おおよその買収金額のお考えはおありですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We would be looking to acquire a company for around ten million US dollars.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "1千万アメリカドルあたりで会社を買収しようと思っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Okay, so a small sized company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、それですと、小規模の会社ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Acquiring a large company would cost too much.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "大きい会社を買収するのは費用が掛かりすぎるでしょうし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "わかります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You'd want to buy at a lower price, then grow the company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "低価格で購入して、その会社を成長させたいですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Anyways, I will send you a proposal within this week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "とにかく、今週中にご提案書をお送り致します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Thank you very much for your time Colin.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "コリンさん、本当にお時間ありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Thank you for arranging the call Sam.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "サムさん、電話会議をご手配いただき、ありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We will look forward to hearing from you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ご連絡お待ちしております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I can not believe you are leaving us in 3 days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あと三日で君がいなくなるなんて信じられないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I am going to miss this place.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "この場所がきっと恋しくなるんだろうな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I have been working in this office for the last 8 years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "8年間このオフィスで働いてきたんだからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You must have lots of memories here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "沢山の思い出が詰まってるでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, mostly fond memories.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうだね、大抵は良い思い出だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "But this is the best place I have ever worked at so far.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "この場所は今まで働いてきた中で一番最高だったな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We do have pretty cool bosses and colleagues here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "良い上司や同僚もいるしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "This place will not be the same without you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "君が居なくなると、この場所も変わってしまうだろうな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I am pretty sure my successor will do her job just fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私の後任者もしっかり引き継いでくれるはずですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I heard she has a very impressive resume.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "彼女の履歴書は素晴らしいと聞いたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I hope you will enjoy your new office just as much as you did here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "君も、新しいオフィスの事が気に入る事を願っているよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "To be honest with you, I am a little bit nervous.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "正直なところ、少し緊張しているんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それは当然だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It is going to be a big adjustment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "馴れるまで大変だろうな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "The new office has twice as many employees as this one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "新しいオフィスにはここの倍の従業員がいるんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It seems like a competitive environment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "競争が激しそうだし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Don't feel discouraged.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "弱気にならないで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "With your expertise and experience, you will be valued.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "知識と経験があるから、高く評価されるはずだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Thank you for the encouraging words.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "励ましてくれて有難う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I truly enjoyed every minute of working with you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "君と一緒に働けて、本当に楽しかったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Please keep in touch.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ずっと連絡を取り合おう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "もちろんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I know my new office is two hours away, but feel free to drop by anytime you are in the area.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "新しいオフィスは二時間離れているけど、機会があればいつでも立ち寄ってね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I look forward to visiting you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "会える事を楽しみにしているね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I wish you the best of luck.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "健闘を祈っているよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Is this your first day too?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "初出勤日ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, I am excited but nervous too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうなんです、ワクワクしてるんですが、緊張もしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I am not sure if I am dressed appropriately.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "適切な格好をしているかわからなくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We had uniforms at my last job.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "前の職場は制服だったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well, you sure look professional.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ちゃんとプロフェッショナルに見えますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You will be fine as long as your outfit isn't too revealing or has offensive language.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "露出が多すぎず、不快な言葉を使う事がなければ大丈夫なはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Now I feel a little bit better.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "少し気が楽になりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You know, the first day is always nerve-wracking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "初日はいつも気疲れしますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Ms. Kristy Smith is assigned as my mentor.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "クリスティー スミスさんが私のメンターなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I am so anxious to have her train me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "彼女にトレーニングしてもらうんですが、緊張します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "She seems a little uptight.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "彼女、ちょっと気難しそうで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Are you talking about Kristy from Human Resources department?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "人事部のクリスティーの事ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, she might not be fond of me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうです、私の事あまり気に入ってないかも知れないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I actually know her from my college days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "実は彼女とは大学時代からの知り合いなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I know she comes off as standoffish sometimes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "時々冷たそうに見えるかもしれないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "But she is a very sweet person once you get to know her.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "でも実際はとても優しい人なんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "She just happens to be a person of few words.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ただ寡黙なだけです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "That's a relief to know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そう聞くと安心します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I just assumed she disliked me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "彼女に嫌われてると勝手に思い込んでました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Let me tell you about how to let her open up to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "どうやったら彼女と親しくなれるか教えてあげますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "She is a foodie and loves eating out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "彼女とってもグルメで外食が大好きなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "If you get her to talk about the food she loves, she will keep talking for hours.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "好きな食べ物について話しをさせたら、ずっと喋ってますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Ok, I am making a mental note of that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I know many places that offer exquisite cuisines in town.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私、この街で絶品料理が食べれる場所を幾つか知ってるんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "She would absolutely love to hear all about them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "絶対に喜んで聞いてくれるはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I really appreciate your advice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "大した事ないですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We will be working together, so we need to help each other out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "これから一緒に働くから、助け合わないといけませんからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Good Morning, thank you for calling Company A Tech support.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "おはようございます、A社テクニカルサポートでございます、お電話ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "This is Jennifer, how may I help you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私はジェニファーと申します、どういった御用でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Hello, I'm having trouble with my laptop.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "こんにちは、ラップトップに問題がありまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I was hoping you could help me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "助けて欲しいんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Sure thing ma'am.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Let me get some information from you really quick.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "お客様の情報を手短に頂戴いたしますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "お名前をいただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It's Yvonne Smith.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "イボンヌ・スミスです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "What model of laptop do you have?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ラップトップのモデルはなんでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "よくわかりません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "How can I find out?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "どこを見たら分かりますかね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "If you look at the upper right corner of the keyboard, it should say.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "キーボードの右上の端を見ていただければ書いてあるかと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Ok, now I see it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ああ、ありました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It's says Model A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "モデルAって書いてあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Now what seems to be the problem with you computer?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それではそのコンピューターに関してどんなことでお困りでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It's frozen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "フリーズしてしまったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I try to click the icons on the desktop, but nothing happens.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "デスクトップのアイコンをクリックしても何もおこらないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "When I move the mouse, the cursor on the screen doesn’t move.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "マウスを動かしてもスクリーン上のカーソルも動きません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Have you tried restarting it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "再起動はもう試されましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Oh no, I never do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あ、いいえ、やってません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I heard that you need to leave your computer on all the time or it might break.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "コンピューターの電源はずっと入れておかないと壊れるかもしれないって聞いたので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Wait, what?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "え、何ておっしゃいました?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "No, it is completely incorrect.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それは勘違いされていらっしゃると思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Your computer needs to sleep just like we do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "コンピューターも我々と同じで休む必要があるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "OK, but since the mouse doesn't move, how am I supposed to restart it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうなんですか、でもマウスが動かないのにどうやって再起動すればいいんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Hold the power button until it shuts down.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "シャットダウンするまで電源ボタンを押し続けてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "OK, let me try that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "分かりました、やって見ますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Alright, it shut down.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "良かった、シャットダウンできました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Now wait for about a minute.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今度はそのまま1分程お待ちください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Ok, it's been about a minute now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ええと、そろそろ1分くらいたちました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I want you to push the power button again, but this time don't hold it down.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今度は長押ししないで普通に電源ボタンを押していただけますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Just one soft click.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "優しくワンクリックです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Wow, it came right back on.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "わあ、電源が入りました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Let me see if it responds when I move the mouse.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "マウスは反応するかしら。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ああ、大丈夫ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Now try opening a program to see if it's working properly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "次に何かプログラムを1つ開いて見て正常に動作するかどうか試していただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, I just opened my internet browser and it seems to be working fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、今インターネットのブラウザを立ち上げて見ましたが、普通に動いているようです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well, is there anything else I can help you with today Yvonne?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それでは、本日は他に何か御用はおありですか、イボンヌさん?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "That's it, thanks for your help!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それだけです、どうもありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Hey Ricky, you asked me about Company A before right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "やあリッキー、以前A社について聞いてきましたよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "They are the new coal mining company, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "新しい炭鉱の会社ですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yeah, I actually received an email from someone I know who worked at the terminal.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ええ、実はターミナルで働いていた知り合いからメールをもらって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "And he said he recently changed jobs and will be starting a new position at Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それで、最近転職してA社で新しい仕事を始めるそうなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "え、本当ですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Do you think you can set up a meeting with him?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "彼とのミーティング、設定できますかね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "My department has been looking for a new supply of coal for a while so we would be interested in talking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ウチの部署でここしばらく新たな石炭供給を探しているんで、話をしてみたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Okay, I will ask him if he's available for a meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "いいですよ、彼にミーティングができるか聞いてみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I think he will be a bit busy since he just changed jobs.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "彼、職場が変わったばかりなのでちょっと忙しいとは思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Would next month be okay?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "来月でもいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Alright, I'll ask him for his availability next month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "了解です、彼に来月の都合を聞いてみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Before I order lunch today, I wanted to see if you had any dietary restrictions?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "これからランチを頼むんだけど、何か食べれない物はある?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "No, I can eat anything.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ないです、何でも食べれます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Even spicy food?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "辛い物も大丈夫?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yeah I actually really like spicy food.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、実は辛い物は大好きなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Cool, well we were thinking of getting biriyani.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "いいね、ビリヤニを頼もうかと思ってたんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Biriyani, what's that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ビリヤニって何ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It's an Indian mixed rice dish.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "インドの混ぜご飯だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It is made with Indian spices, rice, meat, vegetables and eggs.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "インドのスパイス、お米、肉、野菜、卵が入ってるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I always get the chicken.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私はいつもチキンのやつを頼むわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "How about you Bob?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ボブ、あなたは?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I usually get the goat, but sometimes do shrimp.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "僕はいつも山羊だけど、たまに海老のも頼むな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I would really like to try goat.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私は山羊をとても試してみたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I've never eaten goat meat before.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "山羊肉は食べたことがないので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I don't like it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私は好きじゃないなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Do you eat spicy food in Japan?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "日本では辛い物を食べるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Oh yes, but it's mostly foreign food like Indian, or Korean.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ええ、外国の物がほとんどですけど、インド料理とか韓国料理とか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Our traditional food isn't spicy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "日本の伝統料理は辛くないですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "What about those spicy tuna sushi rolls?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "スパイシーマグロ巻き寿司は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Aren't those Japanese?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "日本料理じゃないの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Are you talking about wasabi?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ワサビのことですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "No, the spicy red sauce that they put on the tuna.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "違うよ、あのマグロにかけてある赤い辛いソースだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I have never heard of that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "聞いたことないですねえ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Huh, it must be an American thing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "じゃああれはアメリカの物なのか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "They're good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "美味しいんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "But anyways, I am going to call Indian Restaurant A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それはさておき、インド料理Aに電話するから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Please tell me which one each of you want.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "各自何がいいか教えてよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Kanako and I are going to order goat, how about Cindy and Mark?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "かなこと僕は山羊だから、シンディとマークはどうする?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Welcome everyone, please be seated.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "みなさん、ようこそ、どうぞおかけください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'm Tracy with Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私はA社のトレイシーです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "This is my colleagues Jim.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "こちらは私の同僚のジムです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Today we're going to show you how your team can use product A to engage with prospective clients as well as your current customers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "本日は御社のチームが既存顧客と同じように見込み顧客と関わっていかれるために、製品Aをどのように使用していただいたら良いかについて話をさせていただきたいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Thanks Tracy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "トレイシー、ありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "If you're like most businesses, you track your information using a lot of different tools.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ほとんどのビジネスにおいて、情報の追跡は様々な違ったツールでなされています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Finding your way through email, spreadsheets and presentations, can take up a lot of valuable time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "電子メール、スプレッドシート、プレゼンテーションなどから情報を探し出すために、多くの貴重な時間を費やしています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Product A is a centralized tool where you can track everything you need in one place to run your business.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "製品Aは、ビジネスを運営するために必要なすべての事柄を1箇所で追跡することができる集中管理ツールです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それはいくらぐらいするんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Product A is fully customizable, so it depends on which setup you choose.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "製品Aは全てがカスタマイズ可能な商品で、どのような設定を選ばれるかによって価格は変わってきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Ben, please let them get through their presentation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ベン、プレゼンテーションが終わるまで待って差し上げて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Tracy, Jim, I apologize, please continue.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "トレイシーさん、ジムさん、すみません、続けてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Not at all Jerry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ご心配なさらないでください、ジェリーさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We encourage questions through the entire presentation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "プレゼンテーション中はいつ質問してくださって結構です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We certainly understand that price is a very important question.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "価格が大変重要な問題であることは確かに理解しておりますので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I don't want to give you the wrong price, so we'll look at a few options later in the meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "間違った価格を申し上げるわけにはいきませんので、会議の後半でいくつかの選択肢を見ていきたいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Jim, can you tell them about organizing accounts?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ジム、アカウントの整理について話してもらえますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Absolutely Tracy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "了解です、トレイシー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Product A can organize your contacts, accounts, sales deals and documents.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "製品Aでは、連絡先、アカウント、営業案件、および書類を整理することができます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Where does it keep everything?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "全部どこに保存されるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It runs in the cloud.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "このソフトはクラウドの中で走ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "So, all you need is a web browser or a mobile device to access everything.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ですので、ウェブブラウザまたはモバイル端末があれば全てにアクセス可能です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Wow, that's really convenient.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "うわー、それはとても便利ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I can see how a sales team and management could make use of that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "営業チームと経営陣で使えますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, it's great for field reps.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、外回り営業担当者の方々には最適です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "That way when they're travelling, they can still have access to all of the information back at the office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "社外にいる時でもオフィスにある全ての情報にアクセスしていただけます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Tracy, tell them how you start a typical day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "トレイシー、君の1日の典型的なスタートの仕方を教えてくれますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "The first thing I do is login to Product A and check my home page.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私が最初にすることは製品Aにログインして私のホームページをチェックすることです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "At the top of the page are my tabs which quickly help me find all of the information I need.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ページの一番上には私のタブがあり、私が必要な全ての情報をすぐに見つけるのに役立ちます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Then I write my status update.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それから私はステータスを更新します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "What's that used for?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それは何のためですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "To let my colleagues know what I'm working on now, and collaborate with them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "同僚に現在自分が取り組んでいることを知らせ、協力し合うためです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "“My dashboard” is where I track the business data that is most important to me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "「マイ・ダッシュボード」は、みなさまにとって最も重要なビジネスデータを追跡する場所です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You can follow the business information that matters the most to you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "みなさまのそれぞれの業務に1番関係するビジネス情報をフォローしていただくことが出来ます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "What sort of business data do you use the most often?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "どのようなビジネスデータを1番頻繁に使用なさりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "As a business manager, I need to track my team's deals to see what stage they're in.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ビジネスマネージャとして、私はチームの取引を把握して、みんながどの段階にいるのかを確認する必要があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Can product A do that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "製品Aにはそれができますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Absolutely, you can see all of your team's deals.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、出来ます、チームの取引を全部見ていただくことが可能です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You can even set permissions to let them see each others deals.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "お互いの取引が見れるように権限を設定していただくこともできます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Wow, this is really useful!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "うわー、本当に便利ですね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "How are the office rent negotiations going?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "事務所の賃料の交渉はどうなってる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "The owner is demanding a 20 percent increase.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "貸主は20%の家賃上乗せを要求して来てるのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "If he doesn't change his mind, we should probably look for a new office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "もし彼の気が変わらないようなら、他の事務所を探さないといけないかもね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "That's not a bad idea.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そのほうが良いかもね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "If we were to find a new place, we need to consider what is most important.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "もし新しい場所を探すなら、何が1番大事か考えないとね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, if we found a location further away from downtown, we could probably get a bigger office for less money.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうね、ダウンタウンから遠い場所なら多分安い金額でもっと大きい事務所が借りられるよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Since our company is growing, we could use the extra space.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "うちの会社はどんどん大きくなってるから、そうなればもっとスペースが使えるわね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "That sounds good, but we can't be too far out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それがいいな、でもあまり遠いのもね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Employees won't want to drive that far each day to come to work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "従業員達は毎日通勤するのに誰もそんなに長距離運転したくないだろうからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Also, some of them use public transportation, so we shouldn't be too far away from a bus stop.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あと、公共の交通機関を使う人達もいるからバス停からあまり遠くないほうがいいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Will we need to pay any penalty for breaking the current lease?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今の賃貸契約を破棄するのに違約金は必要なの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, we will need to pay one month's rent.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "うん、1ヶ月分の賃貸料を払わなきゃいけないんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "However, that is much less than paying an extra 20 percent every month for the rest of the year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "だけど、20%上乗せされた額を毎月年末まで払うよりは全然安いよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We need to consider security as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "治安も考慮しなくちゃね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "What is the safest part of town?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "どこが街で1番安全な地域かな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "The westside and eastside are both safe.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "西側と東側はどっちも安全だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "What are the benefits of living on the westside?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "西側の良い面はなんだろう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "The real estate prices are lower than the eastside.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "不動産が東側よりは安いことかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Conversely, what are the benefits of living on the eastside?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "じゃあ逆に、東側の良い面は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It is more convenient, and closer to downtown.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "もっと便利でダウンタウンに近いことだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "What side of town do you live on?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あなたはどっち側に住んでるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I live on the westside.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私は西側だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yeah, me too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私もだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I wonder what part of town most of our employees live in.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "どっちに住んでる従業員が多いんだろうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We should take a poll.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "票決を取ったら良いよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Can you blast an email containing a poll asking what part of town everyone lives in?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "街のどちら側に住んでるか、投票のメールを一斉配信してくれる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "What do you want the choices to be?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "選択肢はどうする?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Let's make them north, south, east, and west.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "東西南北で取ろうよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Then, let's start looking at real estate in the area that gets the most votes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうしたら、1番票が多かった地域で不動産を探そうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Although I know it will be less expensive, I'm going to miss working downtown.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "だけど、安いのは分かるけどダウンタウンで働くのが恋しくなるなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Not only is it convenient, it's so much fun!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "便利だし、すごく楽しいしね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "If we move out to the eastside or westside, we can't do as many team lunches or happy hours.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "東側か西側に引っ越したら、今までのようにはチームランチやハッピーアワーに行けなくなるね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I hope that doesn't bring down morale.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "みんながやる気を失わないと良いけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well, we can certainly look at other properties downtown, and see if there is one for less than what we are paying now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "まあ、ダウンタウンの他の不動産も今よりもっと安いところがないかどうか一応見たてみたほうがいいよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Besides, we're just going to collect some data.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "どうせデータを集めるんだからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It never hurts to look.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "調べて損することはないし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "If we find some places we like, we will have to have a big discussion with all of the managers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "気に入ったことろが見つかったら、マネージャー達とよく話し合わないと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Hello Mr. Kato.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "加藤さん、こんにちは。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Hi Mr. Toyama.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "こんにちは、遠山君。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I hope I'm not bothering you by coming to your office without emailing you first.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "先にEメールをしないで加藤さんのオフィスに来てしまったのでご迷惑でなければいいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It's not a problem at all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "全く問題ないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Did you want to ask me something?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "何か聞きたいことでも?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, I haven't been feeling well this morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、今日は少し体調が悪くて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I think I may be coming down with a cold.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "風邪をひき始めているのかもしれないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Oh no that's terrible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そんな、それは大変だ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Did you start feeling ill this morning?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今朝から調子が悪いのかい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well, I woke up late last night and was coughing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "実は昨日の夜中に起きたら咳をしていたんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I thought I could still come into work, but I started feeling much worse after arriving.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "仕事には行けるとは思ったのですが着いてからだいぶ体調が悪化してきているんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Would it be ok if I left work early?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "仕事を早退しても良いですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I understand it isn't easy to work while you are feeling ill.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "体調が悪い時に仕事をするのは簡単なことではないよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Also, it would not be good if others in the office got sick.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それに他の人たちが風邪をひいても困るし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Right, I really don't want to get everyone sick.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうなんですよね、私も皆さんに風邪をひいてほしくないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "So it's ok to go home early today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今日は早退してもいいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Please get some rest and email me tomorrow to let me know how you are feeling.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ゆっくり休んで明日体調はどうかメールしてね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Thank you, I'll email you tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ありがとうございます、明日メールします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Just take care of yourself for now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "お大事に。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Thank you, I hope I can get over this soon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ありがとうございます、すぐ治せるようにします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Definitely, go take a rest.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうだね、ゆっくり休んで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Hi Mr. Williams.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ウィリアムズさん、こんにちは。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Hello Mr. Taylor.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "こんにちは、テイラーさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I brought you in to talk about your performance over the past two months.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "過去2ヶ月の成績について話したくて来てもらいました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Unfortunately, it seems like you've been underperforming compared to your coworkers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "残念ながら、他のチームメンバー達と比較してウィリアムズさんの業績が低調です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Is everything OK with you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "何かありましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, everything is fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "いや、特に何もないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "However, I have been distracted by some personal issues in my life.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ただ、最近個人的な問題があって、集中できないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Actually, my father is in the hospital with heart issues.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "実は私の父が心臓に問題があり、入院しているのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "This has made it difficult to focus on work lately.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そのせいもあり、なかなか仕事に集中できません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それはお気の毒に。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I hope your father is recovering.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "良くなるのを願っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It would be OK if you need to take some time off to be with your family.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "家族と過ごすために休みを取りたいのであれば可能ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'm sympathetic to family concerns.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私は家族のことに関して同情しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "However, I need you to come back ready to work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "しかし、戻ってくるときには仕事が出来るように準備していただきたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We have have many important deadlines next month, and I will need you to be focused on work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "来月たくさんの締め切りがあって、集中して取り組んでいただきたいので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I think a week off from work would be helpful to clear my mind.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "一週間仕事から休みを頂くことで心の整理が出来ると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "問題ないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I was going to suggest you to take one week off.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "一週間休みを取るよう提案する所でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Please spend the time with your family and don’t think about work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "仕事のことは考えず、家族との時間を過ごしてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "However I will need you to be ready to work hard when you return.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "戻ってきたときには一生懸命働いてくださいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "もちろんです、わかりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "No problem Mr. Williams.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "問題ないですよ、ウィリアムズさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Also, again, I hope your father makes a fast recovery.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あと、繰り返すようだけど、お父さんが早く治るのを願っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I will touch base with you when I return to work again.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "また仕事に戻れる時に、連絡します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうして下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "There you are, Ray.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "レイさん、いたいた。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Congratulations on your promotion to branch manager!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "支店長に昇進、おめでとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You don't look so thrilled.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あまり嬉しそうには、見えないですけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Oh, of course I'm so happy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あぁ、もちろん嬉しいさ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'm very honored to be the branch manager.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それにとても光栄な事だ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "But, I have to transfer to Minnesota.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "でも、ミネソタに転勤しないといけないんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Oh, to Minnesota?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "えぇ、ミネソタに?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "That's such a cold place.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "とても寒いところですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうだろ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You know how much I hate the cold.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "君は、私がどれだけ寒いのが嫌いか知っているだろ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I do but...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "知ってますけど・・", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そんな事、気になさらないで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You'll be fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうだといいんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "By the way, we want to celebrate your promotion.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そんな事より、私たちはあなたの昇進をお祝いしたいんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We are planning to hold a promotion party for you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "昇進パーティーを計画しているんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "That's very nice of you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それはご親切に。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You don't have to though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "でも、そんな事はしなくていいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We want to.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私達はやりたいんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We want to show our appreciation for your hard work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あなたの一生懸命な仕事ぶりに、感謝を表したいのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You've been a great mentor for us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あなたは私達にとって、本当に素晴らしい上司でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Would next Friday at six o'clock work for you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "来週の金曜日、6時は大丈夫ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, I have nothing planned.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "うん、何も予定はないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "The party will be held at Room 56.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "レセプションパーティーはルーム56で行いますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "All of your family is invited.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ご家族の方も、いらしてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I've had such a nice team.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "僕は、本当にいいチームを持っていたな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'm going to miss you guys so much.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "とても淋しくなるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We're going to miss you too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私達も淋しくなります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Do you know who's replacing you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "誰があなたの後を引き継ぐか知っていますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Mr. Robinson from Iowa is taking over my spot.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "アイオワ州からくるロビンソンさんが引き継ぐよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "He is a great guy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "彼はとってもいい人だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I hope Mr. Robinson will be as great as you are.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ロビンソンさんも、あなたみたいに素晴らしい人だといいんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "He has big shoes to fill.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あなたの抜けた穴は、大きいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "He will be just fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "彼なら大丈夫さ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Good Morning, Company A, how may I help you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "おはようございます、A社です、どの様なご用件でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Hello, Could I speak to Mr. Jones please?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ジョーンズさんをお願いできますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "May I ask who's calling?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "お名前を頂戴できますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It's Joe Brown with Company B.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私はB社のジョー ブラウンです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Could I ask the purpose of the call, please?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ご用件をお聞きしてもよろしいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I met Mr. Jones at the IT conference in Las Vegas last week, and he asked for me to call him.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "先週ラスベガスで行われたIT会議でジョーンズさんにお会いしまして、電話をする様に言われたんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "He's away from his desk at the moment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今は離席しておりますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "When would be a convenient time for me to call back?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "何時頃お電話したらよろしいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'm not really sure Mr. Brown.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はっきりは分かりません、ブラウンさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You might want to try calling back tomorrow morning.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "明日の朝掛け直してみていただくか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Or, I can take a message and have him call you back.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "もしくは、私が御伝言を承って、ジョーンズの方から掛け直させますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Sure, so as I said before, we met at the IT conference and he had asked for me to reach out and schedule a time when I could do an online demonstration of our CRM.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "お願いします、先程申し上げた通り、IT会議でお会いして、我が社のCRMについてのオンラインデモの予定を決めるために電話する様に言われましたので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'm sorry, but you're cutting out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "すみません、お電話が途切れてしまっているのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I think our phone lines may be acting up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "こちらの電話回線に異常があるのかもしれません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Can you hear me?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "聞こえますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes I can hear you fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ええ、ちゃんと聞こえますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Could you please repeat the message?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "もう1度御伝言をお願いできますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "He asked for me to reach out and schedule a time when I could do an online demonstration of our CRM.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "我が社のCRMについてのオンラインデモの予定を決めるために電話する様にジョーンズさんに言われました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Absolutely Mr. Brown.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "かしこまりました、ブラウンさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "What is a good number to reach you at?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "お電話番号をいただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "He can call me on my cell, it's XXXXXX-XXXX.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "携帯電話になります、番号はXXXXXX-XXXXです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'll give him the message as soon as I see him.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ではジョーンズと連絡がつき次第伝えておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "How can I play this video on the monitor?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "この動画をモニターに映すにはどうしたらいいの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Select input one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "インプット1を選択して。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Then push the big circular button on the remote control.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それからリモコンの大きい丸いボタンを押して。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "OK, now I'm at the home screen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "オッケー、今ホームスクリーンになったけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "What do I do?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "どうしたらいい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Push the down cursor and scroll through the applications.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "カーソルを下方向に押して、アプリケーションをスクロールしていって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Then select YouTube.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ユーチューブを選んで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Then search for the video you want to play on the monitor.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あとはモニターに映したい動画を選んで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "TV used to be so easy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "昔のテレビはもっと簡単だったのになあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "These smart TVs confuse the heck out of me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "スマートテレビは本当に分かりづらいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well, now we have so many capabilities that we didn't have before.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "でもまあ、以前に比べて出来るようになった事も沢山あるんだしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "For example, I can record a video on my smartphone and share it with the world in real time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "例えば、スマートフォンでビデオを撮って世界に同時配信するとかさ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yeah it really is amazing what we are capable of these days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうだね、今現在僕らが出来ることを考えると確かに凄いよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "20 years ago if I wanted to share a video it would have been a lot of work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "20年前はビデオを誰かに見せるなんて大変な作業だったからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "First, I would have had to record it on to video recorder.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "まずはビデオレコーダーに録画して。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Then upload it to my computer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "コンピューターにアップロードして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "After that I would have had to burn it to a DVD.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それからDVDに焼かなきゃいけなかったんだから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I remember those days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうだったよねえ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "That's when I was in University.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "僕が大学生の頃だな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I had a computer with a DVDR drive.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "DVDRドライブが付いたコンピューターを持ってたなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Then sharing it was really difficult.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それで、それを共有するのは本当に大変だったよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You had to physically mail someone a DVD or hand it to them in person.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そのDVDを郵便で送るか、会って手渡すかしないといけなかったんだから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "What do you think are some of the disadvantages of technology being so advanced?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "テクノロジーが進化した事で不便に思うことはある?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "People expect you to answer a call or text instantaneously.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "みんなが電話やメッセージにすぐに返事するのを期待してることかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "So now we're always connected.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今はみんながいつでも繋がってるからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Have you ever heard of Analog August?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "アナログ・オーガストって聞いた事ある?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "No, what's that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ううん、何それ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well for the whole month of August, you don't use anything digital.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "8月の間は一切デジタルの物を使わないっていうやつだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "That's impossible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それは無理だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Most people probably cheat a little bit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ほとんどの人が完璧には守れないだろうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I did it last summer, but only in my free time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "去年の夏にやったけど、自由時間だけだったね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "That way, I can still do my job.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうすれば、仕事は出来るからさ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "However, when I was off the clock, I wouldn't use anything digital.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "だけど、仕事外ではデジタルを使わずにいられるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Wow, I'm so addicted to my smartphone I think I would go crazy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "へえ、僕はスマートフォン中毒だから気が狂っちゃうと思うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "What did you do with all of that extra time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "その間は何をしていたの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "All kinds of cool stuff.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "色んないい事だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I took the kids fishing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "子供を釣りに連れていったり。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I grilled a lot of food in the backyard, and listened to records.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "裏庭でバーベキューしたり、レコードを聴いたり。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Maybe I should try it this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今年は僕もやってみようかなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "OK, let's see what we have today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "さて、今日はどんな話があるかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Is everybody here?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "皆揃ったかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Mr. Matsumoto can't be here today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "松本さんは今日は参加できません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "He is out working on some other stuff and will come here in a couple of hours.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "別件で外出していて2時間後に戻って来ます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well, time is ticking - let's just start then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうか、時間もないので、始めるとしよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "What's new this year?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今年は何か新しいことはありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We kept the most popular items like candles, cookies, soaps.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ろうそく、クッキー、石鹸など一番人気のアイテムは残しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "New items are all about eco friendly stuff.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "新製品は環境に優しいものばかりです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Stainless steel straws, tumblers, beeswax wraps, bamboo toothbrushes, shampoo bars.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ステンレスストロー、タンブラー、ミツロウ包装紙、竹製歯ブラシ、固形シャンプーです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Do you really think people will buy those things as a gifts?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そういうもの、本当に消費者はギフトとして買うと思う?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "People started to talk about not using plastic a lot this year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今年は、プラスチック製品を使わないことが話題になり始めてます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I think that because of the power of social media, eco friendly items are quite trendy at the moment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ソーシャルメディアの威力で環境に優しい製品が今すごく流行っていると思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "The new items are not too pricey compared to the other items, so people might consider buying them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "新しいアイテムは、他の製品に比べてそれほど高くないので、皆買おうかなと思うのでは。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I guess we have to wait and see the results.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "結果を見るまで待った方がいい気がするな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Don't forget to make the new items stand out from all other stuff.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "新製品が他のものより目立つように工夫するのを忘れないでください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Mr. Jones, how about the order of items?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ジョーンズさん、アイテムの順序はどうします?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Shall we move it around or just keep it as it is?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "順序を入れ替えるか、そのままの方がいいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I think what you guys did is fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今のままでいいと思うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Overall the colors turned out well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "全体に色もよく出てるし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Maybe we can make it a little bit less shiny.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ただ、光沢をちょっと少なくしたほうがいいかも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Is it only me?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私だけかな、そう感じるのは。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Shiny paper hurts my eyes to look at.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "テカテカした紙は見にくいというか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We want people to look at it as much as they can.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "消費者には出来るだけたくさん見て欲しいからなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We will try to fix that problem.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "では、その問題はなんとかしますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "When can you bring me the final pamphlet sample then?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "パンフレットの最終案はいつ頃見せてもらえる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It should be ready by next Wednesday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "来週の水曜日までにはできると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Good, I will see you guys then!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "わかった、じゃあ、その時にまた打ち合わせしよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I think I had too much food.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "食べすぎたみたいだな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well, it was so delicious.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ええ、とても美味しかった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I think I ate more than you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私はあなたより食べたと思うな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Look at my big tummy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "この大きなお腹見て。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Let's skip the coffee.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "コーヒーは止めておこうよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I will feel sick if I have coffee now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今コーヒー飲んだら気持ち悪くなる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ほんと?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You will get really tired later without your coffee.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あなたコーヒー飲まないと後でホントに疲れちゃうよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I will make some tea or something later if I really need it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "もしほんとに必要ならあとでお茶かなんか淹れるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I just need to walk a bit now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今はとにかくちょっと歩かないと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Do we have enough time for a short walk?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "短い散歩の時間はあるかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It's quarter to one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "12時45分だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I think we can make it back by one o'clock for sure.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "1時までには確実に戻れそうだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Let's get some fresh air before we have to go back inside.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "中に戻る前に新鮮な空気でも吸っておこう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I want to grab this little piece of candy before we go.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "出る前にこの小さなキャンディをもらいたいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Do you want one?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ひとつ欲しい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Are you kidding?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "いらないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'm so full.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "すごいお腹いっぱい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You never know.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "わからないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It might help.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "助けになるかも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "No really.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "本当にいらない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I don't need to eat anything else right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今はもう何も口にできない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Thank you, though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "でも、ありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You're very welcome.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It helps me, actually.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私にはいいみたいなんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Let's get going.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "行きましょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Sure!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "うん!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It's perfect weather for a walk.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "散歩には最高の天気だね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I love how you enjoy the season everyday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうやって毎日季節を楽しんでるの、いいよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You love it rain or shine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あなたは雨でも晴れでも好きだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "How do you do that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "どうしたらそうなれるの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "分からないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I just love whatever we get.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ただ日々の天気が好きなんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "As you said, rain or shine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あなたが言ったように、雨でも晴れでも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Don't ask me about it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私には聞かないで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I hate rainy days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "雨の日は大嫌いだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Oh I know that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ああ、知ってるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Thank goodness it's not raining right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今雨が降ってなくてよかったね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Can you help me?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Sure, are you looking for something special?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、何か特別なものをお探しですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I think I found what I want but there's no price tag on this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "欲しいものは見つけたと思うんだけど、これ値札がついていないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Let me have a look.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "見せてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Did you get this from the clearance section?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "在庫一掃コーナーにありましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I checked the clearance section first, but no luck there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "最初、在庫一掃の所を見たんだけど、そこには無かったんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Alright, let me go and grab my machine so I can check the price for you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "なるほど、機械を取ってきて値段を調べさせていただきますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Or is it ok if I just take it with me and come back?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それとも、これちょっとお預かりして、戻って来てもいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Whatever suits you is fine by me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私はどちらでも構いません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I will wait.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "待ちますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I can look around more while I'm waiting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "待っている間、見て回りますから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "すぐに戻ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Hi there, thanks for waiting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "どうも、お待たせいたしました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "So this is actually from the clearance section.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それでですね、これは在庫一掃コーナーのものでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Somehow the price tag fell off I guess.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "何故か値札が外れてしまったようですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Oh, good news for me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "おー、それはよかった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "The original price is thirty four dollars but you can get fifty percent off.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "元のお値段は34ドルですが、50%オフです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "That will be seventeen dollars plus tax.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "税抜きで17ドルになりますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I will definitely take that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それ、絶対買います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Is there anything else you need?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Nope, I'm good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "いや、大丈夫です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I guess I will look for the same stuff but in different color.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "同じものを色違いで探してみようかと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I can do that by myself.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そっちは自分で探せますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Enjoy your shopping.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "お買い物をお楽しみくださいませ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Hi, this is customer service.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "もしもし、カスタマーサービスです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Hi, I was looking at your website just now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "もしもし、たった今そちらのウェブサイトを見てたんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I really want your lady bug costume but I'm a little bit confused about the size.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "テントウムシのコスチュームがとても欲しいんですが、サイズについてちょっと困惑してまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We have couple of lady bug costumes.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "テントウムシのコスチュームは2種類あるのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Which one did you like?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "どちらがお気に召しました?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It's the one that comes with all the accessories.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "全てのアクセサリーが付いてる方です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You mean the one with the hair band, mask, wings and leggings?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ヘアバンド、マスク、羽、レギンスが付いている商品でしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yep, that's it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I was checking the reviews from other people.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "他の人のレビューをチェックしてたんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Some people said it was too small and others said it was too big.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "何人かの人は小さすぎるって書いてたんですが、他の人は大きすぎるって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "So I just wanted to double check before I order it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "だから注文する前にちょっとダブルチェックしたかったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yeah, everybody is different, so it can be tricky.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、皆さまそれぞれなので、微妙ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "How old is your child?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "お子様はおいくつですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "She's six.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "6歳です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I think she is quite skinny for her age though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "年齢にしてはかなり痩せてる方だと思うんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well, if that's the case I will suggest getting the small size.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "では、その場合ですと小さいサイズをお勧めします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Will that work, you think?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それで大丈夫だと思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Small is usually good for children up to six years old.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "スモールは通常6歳までのお子様に合います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "This costume is a pretty tight fit but it should work if she is skinny.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "このコスチュームはかなり細めなのですが、お嬢様が細身でしたら大丈夫だと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "If you get the medium the leggings will be too long.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ミディアムをお求めになると、レギンスが長すぎるでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Hmmm, okay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "うーん、そうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'm glad I checked with you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あなたに確認してよかったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'm glad that helped.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ご協力できてなによりです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Just so you know, the item you want to order is almost out of stock.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "念の為にお知らせしますが、注文なさりたい商品は売り切れ間近です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Oh, I'd better order it soon then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "まあ、じゃ早く注文したほうがいいわね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "There aren't many days left until Halloween.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ハロウィーンまでもう何日もありませんので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Thanks for your advice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Is there anything else that I can help you with?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "他に何かご用件はございますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Have a great week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "よい一週間を。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Have a wonderful week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "素晴らしい一週間を。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Okay, so let's get started.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "よし、さて、始めるか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Anybody would like to report anything first?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "最初に報告したい人はいるかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Okay, I would like to start with branch B sales report.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、B支社の売上報告をさせてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Our sales this year until 30 November is 3.5 million US dollars.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "11月30日締めの今年度の売上は350万米ドルでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Unfortunately it's dropped by around 15 percent compared to last year sales.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "残念ながら、前年度比15パーセント減です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "And our branch's profit also dropped along with the sales.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そして、売上減少に伴い収益も下がりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "The reason is because we lost one of our big clients.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "理由としては、大手の客先のうち1社との取引がなくなったことです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well, that's too bad.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "うーん、それは良くないな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You have to find a way to recover.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "回復の手立てを考えないといけない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I will find a way to seek new client and business pipeline.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "新規顧客とビジネスルートを開拓する方法を見つけます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Okay, any other who want to report?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうだね、他に報告したい人は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Okay, I would like to report about the development progress of our mobile application.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、携帯アプリの開発状況について報告したいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Our mobile application can now be downloaded from the Google Playstore or Appstore.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "当社の携帯アプリは今、グーグルプレイストアやアップストアからダウンロードできるようになっています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Since this application is still new and I think it needs much improvement, I would like everyone here to download it and give a feedback.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "このアプリはまだ新しく、多くの改善が必要だと思いますので、皆さんにもダウンロードしてもらって、フィードバックをいただきたいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Before we launch this mobile application to the public and broadcast the information to all of our client, I would like to receive feedback from our employees first.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "一般公開とクライアント向けの情報公開前に、当社の社員からのフィードバックが欲しいのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Okay, it's great to know that finally our mobile application can be used.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "わかった、うちの携帯アプリがついに使えるようになったと知って嬉しいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Please broadcast the information to all of our employees and push them to use the mobile application and give feedback.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "全社員に知らせて、アプリを使ってフィードバックを送るように積極的に呼びかけてくれ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It will be good if we can launch this application before the end of the year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "年末までに、このアプリをリリースできれば上出来だ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Okay, I will broadcast the information after this meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、このミーティングの後に皆に知らせます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Guys, I'm not really happy with our current supplier of machined parts, can you recommend anyone else?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "僕は今の機械パーツサプライヤーあまり好きじゃないな、どこか他にいいのを知らない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Why, what's wrong with the current one?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "どうしてだい、今の会社の何が不満なんだ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I feel the quality has dropped a lot recently, and we're often made to wait on orders.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "最近品質がぐっと下がったみたいだし、そのくせ入荷まで結構待たされるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "僕も同感だ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "What do you think has changed?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "君は何が変わったと思う?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "They've expanded into such a large operation they can no longer cater to the requests of small companies like ours.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "事業拡大の結果うちみたいな小企業の要望には応じられない体制になってしまったみたいだな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Exactly, though we require high-precision parts, we only need them in a small volume each time, so I feel bigger orders are given priority over us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "その通りなんだ、我々は高精度部品を求めているものの毎回小口注文だから、我々より大口注文の方を優先しているようだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, I think they squeeze us in between bigger orders, and they don't have time to set up the machines properly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "うちの注文は大口注文の間に入れ込んでいるから、マシンをちゃんとセットアップする時間がないんだと思う。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Leading to less precision and delays, I see.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "その結果、精度は落ちて待ちは長くなる、か。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "There is one place I read about recently that could be promising.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "最近記事で読んだところなんだが、もしかしてあそこはいけるかもしれない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Where's that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "どこだい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "They're called P Machining, and they sound pretty innovative.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "P加工社といって、結構画期的だったと思うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I think I've heard of them, they use a lot of automation, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "その会社聞いたことあるような気がするな、オートメーションが多いんだよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, and they specialize in manufacturing low volume, high-quality parts with quick turnaround times.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "うん、小口の高品質パーツの製造が専門で、納期が短いんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Plus, they have a web interface, so you can upload your CAD file and get an instant quote.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "おまけにウェブ上でCADファイルをアップロードすれば即見積してくれる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You can also track the production and shipping of parts online.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "部品の製造から発送までオンラインで追跡もできるんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "That all sounds great.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "素晴らしいな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'm intrigued, but I guess I'm a bit old-fashioned.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "興味をそそられるんだけど、僕ちょっとついていけそうにないかもしれない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'd prefer to visit them in person and check out their equipment before making an order through a faceless computer screen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "PCのスクリーンで無人注文するよりも、実際に担当者に会って装置など確認してから注文する方がしっくりくるな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well, I'll see if I can find that article I read.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "うーん、その記事探せるか見てみるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It had their contact details on, so I can look about setting that up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "連絡先もあったはずだから、アポ取れるかやってみるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Thanks Christian.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "クリスチャン、ありがとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Can I ask you for a favor?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ちょっとお願いがあるんだが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'm going to Brazil next week for a business trip.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "来週ブラジル出張なんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "But I'm actually not familiar with Brazil.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "だが、正直ブラジルについてはよく知らなくてね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Do you think you can gather some materials on Brazil?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ブラジルに関する資料を少々集めてくれないかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "What kind of material are you looking for?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "どんな資料をご希望ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well the business partner in Brazil is in the forest industry so information on that would be great.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうだな、ブラジルの事業パートナーは林業関係だから、その情報があると有難いんだが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Okay, so the forest industry in Brazil.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "わかりました、ブラジルの林業ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Do you want information like number of sawmills, and harvest data?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "製材所の数とか伐採量なんかの情報はいりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Can you also find out what their logging regulations are as well?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あっちの伐採規則がどうなっているかもわかるかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "わかると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "What's the purpose of your meeting again?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ミーティングの目的は何でしたっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'm going to see if we should invest in their sawmill.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "向こうの製材所に投資すべきか判断するんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "They produce lumber for the Chinese and European market.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "先方は中国と欧州市場向けに木材を製造している。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I guess I should also look up where the port is and the trade data?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "でしたら、港の所在地と貿易データも調べておいたほうがいいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それは助かるな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I can probably find the trade data from Brazil's government website.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "たぶん、ブラジル政府のサイトから貿易データが取れると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "どれくらいかかりそう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I think I can get it done by the time you leave for your business trip.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "出張にご出発される頃までには完成すると思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Okay, that's fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "わかった、それでいい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I can read it on the plane.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "飛行機の中で読めるな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It's going to be a long flight.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "長いフライトになるからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I have to transfer once in Houston.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ヒューストンで一旦乗り換えないといけないんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Good luck on your trip!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "道中お気をつけて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You want me to take on more responsibility?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "僕にこれ以上責任を負えというんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Oh no, you are not thinking...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "いやいや、そんな考えあなたが...", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうだ、君にぴったりの役職だと思うんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "多国籍チームだけの話じゃない、営業グループ全体について言ってるんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "営業チームを再構築するのにこれは良い機会になる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "So although I was initially thinking just team leaders and abolishing group manager, maybe we should have an experienced group manager after all so team leader positions could be given to more recent hires.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "始めはチームリーダーだけにしてグループマネージャーを廃止しようと考えてたんだが、チームリーダーの役割を新しい社員に任せられるよう、やはり経験豊富なグループマネージャーがいるべきかもしれない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "つまり、私に真理の仕事をしてくれということですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You basically take over her entire package.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "彼女のパッケージをそのまま引き継ぐんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "給料、待遇、言ってみれば、何もかもだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'm flattered that you use American colloquialism, but don't you think Eugina is more of an appropriate choice?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "アメリカ的な口語表現を使っていただき恐縮ですが、ユージーナがよりふさわしい選択肢だと思いませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "グローバル・リレーションズに誰か新しく雇えば、ユージーナで営業を管理できますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "彼女はアイビーリーグのMBAを持っていて、少なくとも10年のマネジメント経験がありますから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "まずは何よりもね、彼女はこれ以上の責任を負いたくないんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それははっきりと言われた。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You know her family situation, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "彼女の家庭状況、知ってるよな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yeah, she told me she has a special needs son.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、特別援助が必要な息子さんがいるって聞きました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "She really wants to focus on her family right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今はとにかく家族を大切にしたいんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "That's why she doesn't work full time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それでフルタイムで働かないんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "二つ目にはね、そろそろ君の仕事が評価される時期だろ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "僕がカレッジの中退者だとご存じですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "君はそれをよく口にするよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ええ、どうして僕が雇われることになったかすら分かりません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'm finding out everyone else here is an ivy leaguer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ここでは僕以外全員がアイビーリーグ出身者だと知って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "真理、ジョン、ユージーナ、ウォン・ビン、由美、科学者全員、うちの経営陣は言うまでもないですが、ケイトも!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Jesus, she was Harvard Summa cum laude!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ビックリですよ、彼女はハーバードの最優秀生だったんですよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "残念、僕はケンブリッジ卒だ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "もう言わないでもらえます?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "社長は優秀校の卒業生が大好きなんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それが何か意味あることだと思ってるのさ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "僕にとっては何の意味もないけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "All I care about is results.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "大切なのは結果のみだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "君はスモールキャップグループを一人で立ち上げてきた。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "経験は十分にある。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "社長が反対しますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Keiko thinks highly of you and this one is my decision.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "彼女は君を高く評価してるし、これは僕の決断だ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "必要なのはシルベスターの承諾だけだし、僕にはこれを押し切る自信がある。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "で、やってみるかい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I am very honored to be here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "呼んでいただけてとても光栄です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "The pleasure is all mine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I have read some of your papers you have submitted with your resume.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "履歴書と一緒に提出していただいた書類に目を通しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It was very impressive.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "とても素晴らしかったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "So you have had your own company for a while?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それで、しばらくご自分の会社をお持ちだったんですね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, Mr. Ko.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、コーさん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Although I think \"company\" is an overstatement.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "「会社」というのは大げさだとは思いますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It was a one man operation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "1人で経営してたんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I was basically just making one lens after another, and submitting patents.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "基本的には、ただレンズを一つ一つ作り、特許を出願していました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Your resume is very interesting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "君の履歴書はとても興味深い。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You received your PhD 8 years after you set up your own company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ご自分の会社を立ち上げた8年後に博士号を取得していますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, well, engineers don't tend to go for PhDs.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、まあ通常エンジニアは博士号まで目指しませんから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We are content with a masters.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "修士号で満足するんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "But I did a lot of work with universities and I was close with one doctoral advisor.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "でも私は大学関係の仕事が多くて、博士課程の指導教員の一人と仲が良かったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "He advised me I might as well do a PhD since the work I was doing was equivalent to what I would do in a PhD program.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私がしている仕事はPhDプログラムでやるのと同等だから、博士号を取得したほうがいいって、彼がアドバイスしてくれたんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Basically all I had to do was submit a dissertation and defend it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "要するに、ただ論文を提出しそれを証明すれば良かったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "How many patents do you have?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "特許はいくつ持っているんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "About 110.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "約110個です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "That is a lot!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それは多い!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "That's really impressive.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "本当に素晴らしい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "How have you monetized that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "どうやってそれを収益化したんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well, that's the problem.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "いや、それが問題でして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I had about 200 patents so far, but I had to sell nearly half of them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それまで200ほど特許があったんですが、半分近くを売らなければなりませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "At the end of the day, lens alone won't get me anywhere, unfortunately.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "結局、レンズ単体ではどうにもならないんですよ、残念ながら。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It's always used with something else, and if that something else is made by a large corporation, they basically take advantage of the fact that they have more power.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "レンズは必ず何か他のものと使われますし、その何かが大企業によって生産されていれば、結局はより力があるという事実を企業が上手く利用しますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "They know I need their business more than they need me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "彼らが私を必要とする以上に、私が彼らのビジネスを必要としてるって分かっているんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "So they force you to sell your patent?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "つまり企業に特許を無理やり売らされる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It's that at a cheap price or \"not interested\".", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "安い値段で売るか、そうでなければ「興味ありません」ってわけです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Are you compensated well enough in any way for your discovery?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ご自分の発見には何らかの形で十分に対価を得ていますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "From my point of view, no.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私の見解では、いいえ、です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "And that is why I have decided that just doing this myself is fruitless.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ですからそれが理由で、自分1人でやっているだけでは無益だと決断したんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It's better to work with others to create something bigger.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "より大きなものを作るには他者と働くほうが良いと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "But I don't want to be a cog in a big corporation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "でも私は大企業で歯車にはなりたくはないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I wanted to work somewhere that will appreciate my specialty and will able to utilize to the full extent what I make.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私の専門性を評価し、私が作るものを最大限に活用してくれる場所で働きたかったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I think you have come to the right place.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あなたはぴったりな場所に来られたと思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Do we have any policy on working from home?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "我社には在宅勤務方針ってありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Like telecommuting?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "テレコミューティングみたいな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I think the snow is going to be pretty bad next week so I was wondering if I can work from home if I'm snowed in.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "来週はひどい雪になると思うんで、大雪で閉じ込められたら家から仕事できないかと考えています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "良いこと言うね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You have a company laptop and phone so you can technically work from home.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "君は社用ラップトップと携帯を持ってるし、技術的には在宅勤務できるな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I think I will be more productive too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "その方が生産性も上がるかと思うんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'm the type that feels more comfortable working at home.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "僕、家で仕事した方がリラックスできるタイプなんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I think we're all that type.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "皆、そのタイプなんじゃないかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Let me go check with the administration department on the company policy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "総務部に行って会社の方針について確認してくるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I know we usually don't allow working from home on normal conditions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "本来なら在宅勤務は許可されていないはずだから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "But it can't be helped if you're snowed in.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "だが、雪に閉じ込められたら仕方ないからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "助かります、どうも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Let me know what they say.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "総務が何て言うか知らせてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yeah, I will.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Alright guys, we only have twenty five minutes scheduled for today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "皆さんいいですか、今日は25分しか時間をとっていないので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Let's try our best to finish up early.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "早く終わらせるように最善を尽くしましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It will be fairly quick, I think.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "かなり早く終わると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Did you guys already talk about it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あなたたち、もうあれについて話したの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yeah, we talked about it briefly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ええ、さらっとですが話しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "That will make things easier.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "じゃ、話は簡単ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "As you know, this year we will take a longer trip.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ご存知のように、今年から私たちの旅行は長めになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Please let me know who can't make it from each team as soon as possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "各チームで参加できないのは誰か、出来るだけ早く教えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Nobody likes last minute changes if it's about a trip.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "旅行に関して、ぎりぎりでの変更を好む人はいませんから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Is this company trip mandatory for everyone?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "この社員旅行は全員強制参加なんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうでもないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "But, of course, it will be kind of an important trip for newcomers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "でも、もちろん新入りにとっては大切な旅行とも言えます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Lots of other teams say they want to try somewhere totally new this time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "他のチームの多くが、今回は全く新しい場所を試してみたいと言ってますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I know it sounds great, but if we do decide to go to somewhere new, someone has to prepare a lot before we go.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "聞こえがいいのはわかりますが、もし新しい所に行くと決めたら、行く前に誰かがたくさんの準備をしないといけません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We narrowed it down to Asia, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "アジアに絞ったんですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, we just have to decide on which country we want to visit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ええ、訪問したい国を決めないといけないだけです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "How about combining two countries this time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今回は二国一緒にというのはどうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Will that be too much, do you think?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "欲張り過ぎだと思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We have twelve days this time, so if the countries are close enough, it's possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今回は12日あるので、国同士が近ければ可能です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I think China and Korea might work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "中国と韓国ならいけると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Or Japan and China?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "または、日本と韓国?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Personally I would love to go to Thailand if we can.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "個人的には、できるならタイに行きたいですけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "If we want to try two countries this time, Thailand might be a bit tricky.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今回、二国にしてみるなら、タイはちょっと微妙ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Are we visiting some of our branches during this trip?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "この旅行中に、うちの支社のいくつかを訪れる予定ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well, I might have to, but not you guys.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "えっと、私はそうしないといけないかも知れないですが、あなたたちはいいわよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Don't worry about that part.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そこは心配しないでください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "That's good to know, though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "でも、知っておいたほうがいいですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Japan and Korea or Thailand and Vietnam will work for sure.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "日本と韓国、またはタイとベトナム、なら絶対いけますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Let's put that plan to a vote.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "その計画で、投票することにしましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Make sure that we take other suggestions, too, just in case.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "念のために、他の提案も受け付けるようにしましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Okay, that sounds great.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "分かりました、いいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I can send out the voting form through our company app today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今日中に、社内アプリで投票フォームを送れますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Oh, that will be very helpful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あら、それはとっても助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Once we decide, we will talk about all the details later this month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "一旦決めたら、今月中に細かいことを話しましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Sure, during our lunch time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "もちろん、ランチ時間にですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Sounds perfect.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yep, I think we're ready to go.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ええ、じゃ、これでいいでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Hello there, my name is Henry Clements from Company A.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "もしもし、A社のヘンリー クレメンツと申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I wanted to reach out, because we've been helping staffing agencies like yours find exceptional candidates.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "当社は御社のような人材派遣会社様が優秀な人材を探すのをお手伝いしておりまして、ご連絡させていただきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I had a look through your job postings and thought we can maybe collaborate in sharing our candidate pool.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "御社の求人情報を拝見させていただいたところ、当社の登録求職者とシェアすることで提携できるのではないかと思いまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "What kind of idea do you have in mind?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "どのような案をお考えですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well, since your agency focuses a lot on the IT sector, I was thinking of pooling our candidates together to find suitable candidates for more job posts.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、御社はITセクターに非常に力を入れておられるので、当社の登録求職者と一緒にシェアしましたら、より多くの求人に適材を探し出せるのではと思うのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "How would we share the profits?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "収益はどのようにシェアするのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Say if we filled your job post with someone in our pool, we would get 75 percent of the commission and you get 25 percent.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "例えば、御社の求人に当社の登録者が採用された場合、当社は75パーセントの手数料、御社は25パーセントを受け取ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "And vice versa.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "逆の場合は逆の割合で。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Sorry I'm not too familiar with your agency.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "失礼ですが、そちらの代理店についてはよく存じておりません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Our agency is actually similar to yours.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "当社は御社とよく似ています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We focus on the IT sector as well and some of our clients are Company B and Company C.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私共もITセクターに重点をおいておりまして、クライアントにはB社やC社が含まれております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We've also been working with Company D for over ten years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "D社とも10年以上お取引させていただいております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes so I am certain that our pool of candidates would suit your needs.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、ですので当社の登録者も御社のニーズに合致しているはずです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Where are you guys located?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "御社はどちらにあるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We are just a couple blocks from your office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そちらのオフィスから数ブロック先です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "えっ、そうなんですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Maybe we should have a face-to-face meeting to discuss this?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "では直接お会いして、この件をご相談しましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, that would be good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ええ、そうしていただければ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "いつがご都合よろしいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "How does this Friday sound?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今週の金曜日はいかがでしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Maybe around 2 o'clock?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "2時頃では?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes that sounds great.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I will look forward to meeting you on Friday then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "では、金曜日にお会いできるのを楽しみにしております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "では良い一日を。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Hi John, are you still available for our meeting today?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "やあジョン、今日の面談だけど予定は大丈夫ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Of course, I booked the meeting room number 5 from 3.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "もちろん、3時から5番の会議室を取ってあるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Ah great, thanks!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "良かった、ありがとうございます!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We've still got about 15 minutes but the room looks available.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "まだあと15分ぐらいあるけど、部屋はもう空いてるみたい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Shall we start early?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "早めに始める?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I mean, only if you are ok with that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "もし君が良ければだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Ok great, I will grab the file.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "よし、じゃあファイル取ってくるね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Here it is, let's go!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あった、じゃあ行こうか!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Super!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "やった!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Okay, so, first things first, are you having a good time working here?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "オッケー、まず初めに、楽しんで働けてる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Is there anything that's concerning you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "何か困ってる事はない?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Oh no, everything is going very well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "全然、すごくうまくいっています!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I really appreciate the support everyone has been giving me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "皆さんに助けていただいて本当に感謝しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It's only been a month since I started working in the department but I feel very welcomed and valued.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "この部署で働き始めてまだ1か月ですが、温かく迎え入れていただいて、尊重されていると感じます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "すごくいい環境です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Ah, good to hear that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ああ、それは良かった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Ok, so I had a look at your feedback sheet, and you have mentioned that there were some times that you had to manage some difficult situation.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "うん、もらったフィードバックを見てみたけど、難しいシチュエーションに対応しないといけない事が何回かあった、と書いているね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Can I ask you about it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "これについて聞いてもいいかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Ah yes, there were some issues with the production line and I was communicating with the factory.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、製造ラインに問題が起きて、それで工場と連絡を取っていました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "The manager there was quite frustrated with the situation and I felt a little overwhelmed.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あちらのマネージャーがかなり苛立っていたので、それで少し気圧されてしまったところがあって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Especially because I still have a lot to learn about our products, I feel like I made the situation more complex than it needed to be.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "自社製品についてまだまだ知識が足りていないので、そのせいで事を余計にややこしくしてしまったんじゃないかと思っていました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "But Julia was there for me whenever I needed to ask her about things, so that was a great help.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ですがジュリアがいつでも質問に答えてくれたので、助かりました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It does take a little while to get used to it but I am pretty sure you will get there quite quickly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "確かに慣れるまで少し時間はかかると思うけど、君ならすぐにできるようになるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "In the previous department I was just dealing with the numbers so everything is new to me, but I am enjoying it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "前の部署では数字だけ相手にしていたので、全てが新しい経験ですが、楽しんでやれています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It takes a lot of courage to change your career path but I am happy that you are enjoying the new environment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "途中で専門分野を変えるのはかなり勇気がいる事だと思うけど、新しい環境を楽しめているみたいで僕も嬉しいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Thank you, that's very kind of you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ご親切にありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Product development has always been my dream, so I was over the moon when I could grab this chance.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "商品開発は長年の夢だったので、チャンスが巡ってきた時にはものすごくうれしかったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yeah, Mark told me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "うん、マークから聞いてるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "He is very happy with your work by the way.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "君の仕事ぶりにとても満足してると言ってたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "As an HR, it's always great to hear from people working happily together.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "人事部の人間としては、皆が満足して共に仕事をしている様子を聞くのはいつだって嬉しいんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "That's the best thing for our company to grow and stay healthy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それが、会社が健やかに成長するために一番いい事だからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "僕もそう思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Ok, is there anything else you would like to talk to me about?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "オッケー、他に何か話しておきたい事はあるかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "No, I'm ok.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Alright, well call me, email me, talk to me anytime if you need anything, ok?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "分かった、まあ何かあれば電話でもメールでも、いつでも連絡してね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Thank you, I will!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ありがとうございます、そうさせていただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It seems that everybody is here, let's begin this manager meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "全員揃ったようなので、マネージャーミーティングを始めます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "First of all, I need the administration to tell us what's new and what's known.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "最初に管理部から連絡、周知事項をお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, I would like to start with new year's greeting cards, which should be made by the end of the year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、まず年末の年賀状作成についてです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "As usual, we will put down our company's address as the sender.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "例年通り、会社名で送ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Therefore, I will need each person to check if the addresses were correct.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そのため、宛先チェックを各担当にお願いすることになります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We will send the cards based on our client database on the intranet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "イントラネット上の顧客データベースを元に発送します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "The company addresses, the names, and the titles should be checked to make sure there is no mistake.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "宛先の会社所在地や先様の社名、肩書などに相違ないかを確認していただきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You know the client database gets updated each time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "皆さん、顧客データベースは都度情報更新されていると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We need to pay extra attention since we get quite a few cards back every year with unknown addresses.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ただ、毎年のように、宛先不明等で結構な数が戻ってきていますので注意してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Then does each person need to check to see if the client data is correctly updated?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "じゃあ、担当者別に顧客データが最新のものかを確認すればいいわけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, as I mentioned earlier, I need the company addresses, the departments, the titles, and the names.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、必要になるのは先ほど言ったとおり、会社所在地と所属部署、役職、お名前となりますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Since it's only once a year, this will be a good opportunity to check everything.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "年に1回のことですし、一度すべて見直してみるいい機会かと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Also, mark unnecessary for those who do not wish to receive the cards even though they are in the database.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "また、データベースには載っているけど、年賀状が不要という方については、不要欄にチェックをつけてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "When do you need them done?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "いつまで?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "By 5pm on Friday January first since I need to confirm the numbers we need at the same time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "必要な枚数も同時に確認したいので、12月1日金曜日の午後5時までに完了してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Does each person decides who to send the card or not to?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "年賀状を出す出さないの判断は担当者ベースで?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I am okay letting each department make its own decision.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それは所属部門で決めていただければ大丈夫です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I am going to go with the data I will have at the time of the deadline.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "こちらとしては、締め切り時のデータで準備を進めますので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Are we getting the printing company to do all the address printing and the shipping?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "宛先印刷も発送も全部業者に丸投げするんだっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We won't see the cards ourselves even though I want to personally write down a message, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "一筆書きたくても、一度も現物は手元にこないんだよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, but I can give you the ones with blank address if you wish you put down addresses yourself.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、ですので、もしご自分で宛先等を書くのであれば、宛先空欄の葉書を渡します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "In that case, you need to mark unnecessary for those companies in the database.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "その場合、データベース上は不要のチェックをしてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "And then send me an email to let me know how many you will need.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "その上で、必要枚数を直接私宛にメールでご連絡ください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "When do I receive the cards with blank addresses?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "宛先空欄の葉書はいつ納品される?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "According to the schedule, they should be delivered by December 15th.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "予定では、12月15日納品予定です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Any more questions?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "他に質問ありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I will be able to assist you as much as I can if you contact me personally, so please feel free to do so.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "個別に連絡してもらえればできるだけ対応しますので、よろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Is that everything from the administration?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "管理部からは以上でいいかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Should we plan a welcome party for the new employee soon?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そろそろ新入社員歓迎会でもします?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It has been two weeks since they have been assigned.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "配属されて2週間経つしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Do you want to schedule it the week after next?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "来週末あたりにセッティングしますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Sounds good, we will check everybody's schedule later.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうだね、後でみんなの予定を確認するとして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We need to discuss where we are going to have it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "どこでやるか、ってことですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Since it's a weekend, we will probably end up going to a couple of more places for after-party.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "週末だし、どうせ3次会くらいまでにはなりそうだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Everybody seems heavyweight as usual.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "相変わらず、みんな酒豪そうだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Then should we go to the same Izakaya as always?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "となると、またいつもの居酒屋ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We could try somewhere else for a change.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "たまには別のところがいいな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "What kind of food should we choose?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "どういうジャンルにしますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "How about Chinese?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "中華料理とかどう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We could bond much easier if everybody sits facing one another at a round table.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "円卓囲めば、より一層親睦を深められそうだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Chinese food, it's a little heavy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "中華料理ですか、結構こってり系ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We have mostly young employees.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "若い社員がメインだからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I will probably enjoy appetizers over Shaoxing wine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私は軽く前菜をつまみながら紹興酒でも飲むかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Takada-san, do you have any recommendation for Chinese food?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "高田さんおすすめの中華のお店はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "How about the Chinese restaurant in the basement of R hotel?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それだったらRホテルの地下にある中華料理でどう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I will make a reservation once I get a head count.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "人数確定したら私が予約しておくよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "That place is close by and has a bar on the top floor we can go for after-party.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あそこだったら、ここから近いし、二次会用に最上階のバーもあるしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "If somebody gets wasted, we could just let them spend the night there instead of forcing them to go home.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "参加メンバーが泥酔しても無理して連れて帰らないで泊まらせられるな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "There will be cabs waiting even if we miss the last train.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "終電過ぎでもタクシーが待機してますから心置きなくの飲めますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "How much should each person pay?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "会費はいくらにしますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Of course the new employees pay nothing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "当然ながら新入社員は無料でしょ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "The higher the title, the price should go up for the rest of the employees.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あとは役職が上がるごとに金額をあげていくといいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Once the number is confirmed, I will discuss the course menu with the restaurant.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "参加人数が確定してから、レストランとコース内容を相談してみるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I am going to go ahead and decide on the price as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "金額も私が決めちゃうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I hope it will be reasonable for the general employees.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "一般社員は安めにお願いしますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I will probably set the price for about 5000 yens for the non-managerial employees.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "役職なしの社員は5千円位に設定しようかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Managers might want to brace themselves though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "マネージャー以上は、ちょっと覚悟してもらおうかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Don't you worry I will personally talk to the managers about it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "マネージャー以上には俺から伝えるから心配しなくていいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "By the way, how do you normally pay for the after party?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ところで、二次会の支払いは、いつもどうしているんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Not everybody knows this, but everybody above managerial positions plays Rock Paper Scissors, and whoever loses pays the full amount.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "みんな知らないだろうけど、実は参加している部長以上でじゃんけんして負けた人が全額支払っているんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Oh, wow, I have never heard about it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "え、そうなんですか、初耳です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "For your information, it was me who paid for the after party last month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ちなみに先月の二次会、支払ったのは私ね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I did not know that, thank you so much for that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうだったんですか、その節はごちそうさまでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "This is Asano.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、浅野です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "This is Nakada from executive assistance office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "秘書室の中田です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Would you come to the president's office?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "社長室にいらしていただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, I'll be there right away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、すぐに参ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Excuse me, this is Asano from business development department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "失礼します、事業開発部の浅野です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Mr. Asano, sorry for calling you to come in such a short notice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "浅野君、急に呼び立ててすまないね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "This is about you relocating to overseas which we have been talking about.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "以前から話に出てきた君の海外赴任についてだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We are assigning you to go to Los Angeles as of May 1st.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "5月1日付けで君にロサンゼルスに行ってもらうことになった。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Los Angeles?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ロサンゼルスですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I know you wanted to go to San Francisco, but I want you to research opportunities to expand our business in Los Angeles.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "君はサンフランシスコを希望していたようだが、ロサンゼルスで事業拡大の機会を調査してもらいたい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I am grateful to go to California that I admire.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "憧れのカリフォルニアだなんてありがたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Your term will be at least three years, and it will be extended depending on circumstances.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "任期は最低3年、場合によっては延長となる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "What are your going to do about your family?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ご家族はどうするかね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, my child is still in kindergarten, and my wife has an experience studying overseas, so I would like to relocate with my family.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、子供はまだ幼稚園ですし、妻も留学経験があるので家族で赴任したいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それがいいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We will apply your visa soon, so it will hopefully be issued in time by the month after next, but visas for your family might take longer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "君のビザはすぐに申請するので再来月に間に合うと思うが、ご家族のビザはもう少し時間がかかるかもしれない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Your visa will be L1.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ビザはL1だ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, I am aware.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、承知しております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You will go there first, then your family will go to US afterwards.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "まず君が先に行って、後からご家族が渡米だな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Your first year residence will be determined by our Los Angeles office, but you may move to a place that you find on the second year, as long as it is within our budget.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "最初の一年の住居はロサンゼルス支社が決めるが、2年目は予算内なら自分で探したところに引っ越してもいい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I will ask Mr. Tanuma from Los Angeles office to take care of you until you find your way around.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "君が慣れるまでロサンゼルス支社の田沼君にしばらく君のお世話を頼むことにする。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I have heard about Mr. Tanuma.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "田沼さんのことは伺ったことあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Although he was born in the US, his Japanese is perfect, and he is excellent all around.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "アメリカ生まれだが、日本語も完璧な優秀な人だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そのように聞いてます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Your car will be leased by the company, but you need to get a driver's license first.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "車も会社持ちでリースするが、まずは運転免許の取得が必要だ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You have to think about your child's kindergarten.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "お子さんの幼稚園も考えないといかんな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I will have my wife research on that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それは妻に調べさせます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You will be busy preparing for the move, please take care.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "赴任の準備で忙しくなるが、よろしく頼む。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, working overseas is what I have been wanting to do, so I will be fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、ずっと希望していた海外赴任なので大丈夫です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I have been mentally preparing for this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "このために心構えはありましたので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "君には期待しているよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You are the key to expand our company's business overseas.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "我が社の海外事業拡大のカギだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I feel humble.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "恐れ入ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I will do my best.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "全力で頑張ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Why don't we have dinner together before you move?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "赴任前に一度一緒に夕食はどうだ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Okay, shall we go right in to it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "さて、本題に入りましょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, I'd like to show our company's new product today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、本日は当社の新製品をお見せしたいのです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "This is the high-spec camera.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "こちらが、ハイスペックカメラです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Please take a look.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "どうぞご覧下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "What's the difference from the previous model.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "前のモデルとの違いは何ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "First of all, there are more functions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "まず、機能が増えております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "However, the number one feature of this product is this compact size.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "しかし、この商品の一番の特徴はその小ささです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It took 2 years to develop this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "開発に2年かかっております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "This small size is indeed impressive.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "確かに、この小ささはすごいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Is it selling well?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "よく売れているのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It is our company's popular product.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "当社の人気商品です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Our company's product is well received for its good quality and reasonable price.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "当社の製品は、品質の良さと手ごろな値段で評判が良いです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうなのですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I wanted to talk about the price that you are proposing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そちらが提示された価格について話し合いたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, the camera's unit price is 80,000 yen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、カメラの単価は8万となっております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Is there a discount for purchasing in large lots?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "大量購入に対する割引はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, we can provide a 5 percent discount for buying 100 of them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、100個のご購入に対し、5パーセント割引可能です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Can you lower the price a bit more?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "価格をもう少し下げてもらえませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Unfortunately, that will be a bit difficult.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "残念ながら、それはむずかしいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "This is the best price our company can offer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "これが、当社が提供できる精一杯の価格となっております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'd like to compare the price with other suppliers and I'll get back to you accordingly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "他の納入業者と価格を比較し、また改めてご連絡します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Please do consider us.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ご検討宜しくお願い致します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Tomoi-san, do you have a moment?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "友井さん、ちょっとよろしいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We will be newly implementing Company A's system next time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今度、新規でA社様にシステムを導入することになりまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I thought of asking them to use our existing contract so I showed them our template.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "当社の既存の契約書でお願いしたいと思い、雛形を提示したんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "But there were sections pointed out by their legal counsel.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうしたら、先方の顧問弁護士事務所から指摘事項があったみたいで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "They asked to change some of the language but what should we do?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "いくつか文言の変更を打診されたんですが、どうすればいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "What exactly was it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It's as this document shows.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "この資料の通りです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It seems they are also dealing with their legal counsel through the legal department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "先方も、法務部経由で顧問弁護士とやりとりしているみたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "They told us to execute the contract directly with the legal department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "契約の締結は直接法務部とやってほしい、と言われています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Then, can you send me this document and the contact information of the person in charge at the legal department by email?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "じゃあ、この資料と先方の法務部担当の方の連絡先をメールで俺に送ってくれる?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I will consult with our legal counsel.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "俺から、うちの顧問弁護士と相談してみる。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Afterwards, I will contact the person in charge of legal affairs on their side and figure out the contract.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "その上で、俺から先方の法務担当に連絡して契約書を詰めるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "What's the deadline on executing the contract?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "契約締結の期限は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Their request is February 1st which is when the new system will be implemented.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "新システムの導入、先方の希望は2月1日です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "So we still have three months.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あと3ヶ月あるのね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, but the actual implementation work will have to start from next month otherwise we won't make it in time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、しかし実質の導入作業は来月から始めないと間に合わないので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'd like to get the contract related matters out of the way by the time we start the work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "作業開始までには契約関係をクリアしたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Okay, I'll talk to our legal counsel right away.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "わかった、早速うちの顧問弁護士と相談してみるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Okay, I will send you the document by email once I get back to my seat.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、席に戻り次第、資料をメールで送ります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Hello this is Metropolitan Police Department C police station.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、警視庁C警察署です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "いつも大変お世話になっております、I社の高田と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Sorry but can you transfer me to the Organized Crime Department?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "恐れ入りますが、組織犯罪対策課にお取り次ぎいただけませんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、お待ちください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Thank you for holding, this is the Organized Crime Department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "電話代わりました、組織犯罪対策課です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Thank you as always, my name is Takada and I'm in charge of running the general meeting of shareholders for Company I.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "いつも大変お世話になっております、I社で株主総会の運営を担当しております高田と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、こんにちは。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We have decided the date and time for our company's general meeting of shareholders and would like to ask you for your presence there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "この度、弊社の株主総会開催の日時が決定しましたので、臨場をお願いしたく存じます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Thus I'd like to drop by once with the application for the request.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "つきましては、臨場の要請書をお持ちした上で、一度直接ご挨拶をさせていただきたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Around when will you be coming?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "いつくらいに来られます?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'd like to come at a time that works with your side.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そちらのご都合よろしい時に伺いたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We're not too busy with cases right now so anytime is fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今はそんなに事件が込み合っていないので、いつでもいいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Then can I drop by tomorrow afternoon?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それでは、明日の午後にでも伺いたいのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "When is a good time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "お時間どうしましょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "How about getting you to come around 5 o'clock in the afternoon?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "じゃあ、午後5時くらいに来てもらえますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "了解致しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Sorry, who should I look for?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "恐縮ですが、どなた様宛に伺えばよろしいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Oh, you can just look for me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ああ、私宛でいいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "My name is Tada and I'm the assistant inspector.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "警部補の多田と言います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "So it's Mr. Tada?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "多田様でいらっしゃいますね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "承りました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I, Takada from Company I will go to your place at 5 o'clock in the afternoon tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "明日の午後5時に、わたくし、I社の高田が伺います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Okay, I will wait for you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、お待ちしていますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Thank you very much for dealing with me despite being busy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "お忙しい中のご対応、ありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Thank you very much for your hard work everyone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "皆様、お疲れ様でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We practiced the general meeting according to the scenario but how was it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "総会の練習をシナリオ通りにしてみましたが、いかがでしたでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "First of all, can we get some feedback from you, Nose-san?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "まず、能勢さんから見たコメントを頂けますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, good job everyone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、皆様お疲れ様でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I think it went smoothly overall.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "全体的にはスムーズに進行出来ていたと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "But I'd like to comment on some things.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ですが、いくつかコメントさせて頂きます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "First of all, you guys bow when you come into the hall, and bow together just before sitting down.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "まず、会場に入る際に一礼し、その後着席前に全員揃ってからもう一度、一礼して頂きます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "The timing is a bit off during that so everyone should bow at the same time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "その際に、結構ばらつきがありますので、全員揃っての一礼をお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Okay, when everyone gets to their position at the bowing before sitting down, I will give you guys a wink.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それじゃあ、着席前の一礼の際は、全員位置についたことを確認して、私が目配せします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "The executives will then bow in accordance to that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それに合わせて、役員は礼をするということで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Okay, let's do that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それでお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Next, when president Arakawa is reading the report topics, other executive are looking down which stands out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "次に、荒川社長が報告事項を読み上げている際、他の役員の方々が下を向いているのが目立ちます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "When president Arakawa is speaking, please look towards the shareholders as much as possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "荒川社長の発言時にはできるだけ、株主さんの方を向いてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Okay, let's get this right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "皆さん、お願いしますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "How was the way I talked and my speed?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私の話し方やスピードはどうでした?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I have nothing to comment, I think it's just right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "特に申し上げることはありません、丁度よいかと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Okay, next is during the questions and answers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "さて、次に質疑応答時ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'd like to point out a couple things here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "これはいくつか指摘させていただきますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "First of all, what did you think about it, Takada-san?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "まず、高田さんから見てどうでした?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well, the executives aside from president Arakawa, were nervous and looking around when chosen so please stop that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうですね、まず荒川社長以外の役員の方、指名された時にドキッとして目が泳ぐのはやめてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I think it would be better if we are more confident.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "もっと堂々として頂いた方がよろしいかと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Also, I think it's okay to take notes of the content of the question but I think it looks bad if we do not face the person asking the question at all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それと、質問内容をメモにとるのはよろしいかと思いますが、質問者の方を全く向かないのは印象が悪いです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I think it would be better if we looked more towards the people asking the questions as much as possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "なるべく質問者の方に視線を向けていただいたほうがよろしいかと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I agree with the things pointed out by Takada-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私も高田さんの指摘事項は同感です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "If the impression towards the shareholders asking the questions are negative, there is a possibility of the questions becoming awkward.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "質問する株主さんの印象が悪いと、質問が泥沼化する恐れもありますので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Takada-san was just asking questions after questions but what would be a smart way to deal with that in a situation like that?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "さっき、高田が次々畳み掛けるように質問してきましたけど、そういう時はどう対応するとスマートですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It is not always the case that there will only be one question from the shareholder asking the question.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "質問する株主さんは、必ずしも1つの質問しかしないとは限りません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "When answering the questions from the shareholders, be sure to recite the questions one by one and review it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "株主さんからの質問に回答する際は、必ず質問項目を1つずつ復唱して確認してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "And, at the end of the answer, be sure to add 'that will be it for my answer' and end the question.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そして、回答の最後には必ず「以上、ご回答申し上げます」とつけて、質疑を終了させてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "By ending the question, we can hold off unnecessary statements related to it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "質疑を終了させることで、不必要な関連発言を抑えることができます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "How was the answer for the questions and answers?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "質疑応答の回答内容についてはどうでしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You stated the truth clearly and I thought it was very good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "事実を簡潔におっしゃっていたので、とてもよろしいかと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "But as for the business for the future, the content was a bit too positive and might give them high expectations which kind of worried me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ただ、今後の事業について、かなり前向きで強い期待を持たせる内容だったのが気になります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I understand where president Arakawa is coming from but there is a risk in releasing information that is basically close to a commitment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "荒川社長のお気持ちは重々理解できますが、あまりコミットメントに近い内容を話すのは情報開示の面でリスクがあります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I think it would be good to hold back on that a bit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ほどほどに抑えて頂いた方がよろしいかと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "なるほど、了解しました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "お電話ありがとうございます、I社の野田です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Hope you guys are doing well, this is Nose from Trust Bank M.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "お世話になっています、M信託銀行の能勢ですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Hope all is well with you too, are you calling for Mr. Takada?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "お世話になっています、高田ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes please, is he in?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうです、おられます?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Just a moment please.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "This is Takada speaking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "お電話代わりました、高田です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "This is Nose from M Trust Bank.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "M信託銀行の能勢です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Thank you for your business as always.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "お世話様です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Is this a good time to talk?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ちょっと今お時間いいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "もちろん、どうしました?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Just one thing, another department of ours wanted me to tell you this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "一つ、他部署から御社に話を繋げてほしいと依頼があってね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "なんでしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "They want to give you a proposal of conducting questionnaires with your shareholders.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "御社の株主さんに対してアンケートを実施したらどうか、という提案をしたいと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Our company has a team specifically assigned to work on an area like this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "うちの会社にそういうことを専門にやってるチームがありまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "They want to see if you guys are interested in sending the questionnaires along with the notice of shareholders resolution to conduct a survey on your investor relations.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "株主総会決議通知に葉書で株主アンケートを同封して、御社のIRについて検証したらどうか、ということらしいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "They can propose a new, better approach for investor relations based on the summary of the answers.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それをまとめて、御社に新たなIRの仕方を提案する、といった感じで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "The department in charge will give you the detailed proposal later on, but I would like to set up an appointment for that if possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "詳しくは、担当部署からご提案させてもらうことになるけど、その為にアポイントをお願いしたいんだけど、どうでしょう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You have done so much for us, how can I say no to your request.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "いつもお世話になっている能勢さんに頼まれて、断れるわけないですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Of course, I would love to hear the proposal.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "もちろん、是非ご提案していただきたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "When will be a good time for you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "いつが都合いいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Since I have quite a few scheduled outings and guests coming this week, some time after this week will be good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今週は、外出や来客が多いので、来週以降でお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I don't have any outing or appointments scheduled on next Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons, so those days will work for me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "来週の火曜日と水曜日の午後は今のところ外出や来客の予定がないので、その辺りにお越しいただけると助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Ok, I will set it up and get back to you by the end of the day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "了解、調整して今日中に連絡します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Are you going to be at the meeting as well?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "能勢さんも同席されます?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Both the person in charge and I will be there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "直接の担当者2名と私で伺いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Alright, let me know when you decide on the time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それでは、時間が決まりましたらご連絡下さい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes sir, I will get back to you soon.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、また連絡します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "The customer you were on the phone with earlier, is that company YC?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "さっき電話でお話しされていたお客様、YC社様っておっしゃってましたよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I just remembered that I did business with company YC before.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "YC社様で思い出したんですけど、以前に私も応対したことがありまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あっ、そうなんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Back then, I was told they want to use product A with thin clients overseas.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、そのとき、「海外にあるクライアント端末で製品Aを使いたい」っておっしゃってたんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "They did not mention anything about overseas this time round.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今回は、海外ってお話しはされていませんでしたけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Then they must have decided to try it out with the domestic ones first to see how it works.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "じゃあ、まずは国内の拠点で検証して様子を見るのかもしれないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "When I was on the phone with them, I was asked if product A works on computers that are located out of the country.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私のときは、「製品Aは海外のパソコンでも動作しますか」と聞かれたんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "So I didn't give too much thought to it and replied that we have English versions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "で、あまり深く考えずに、英語版ならあります、って答えたんですけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "What countries are we talking about here?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "海外というのは?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "China, Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia, mostly Asian countries.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "中国、韓国、台湾、インドネシアとか、アジア方面だそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We don't really have plans to make other language versions available, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そのほかの国の言語への対応予定は、ありませんよねぇ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yeah, I thought so too, and I told them we would not carry Chinese and Korean versions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そう、私もそう思って、中国語、韓国語対応の予定はないですとお伝えしたんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I don't think anything was wrong with your reply at this moment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "現時点ではその回答で、いいんじゃないですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Assuming the domestic introduction goes smoothly, they might start thinking about using it overseas as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "国内拠点導入のお話が進めばですけど、もし気に入ったらこれを海外拠点でも使いたいというお話し、また出るかもしれないと思いまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "That's true, I try to remember that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうですね、覚えておきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "But technically it would not work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "でも、対応できないですよね、技術的に。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Besides, some parts of product A are subject to export restrictions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それに、製品Aの機能の一部は、外国への輸出規制の対象になっているはずですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ああ、そういうのもありますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It sounds like product A should be used strictly in Japan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "製品Aは、日本国内専用仕様ということになりそうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, that's the only option we have.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、仕方がないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Mr. Cooper, do you have any other ideas?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "クーパーさん、他に何かアイディアはありませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Ones that appeal to Japanese people, please.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "日本人にもウケそうなものでお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Do Japanese people like gift exchanges?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "日本人はプレゼント交換は好きですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Gift exchange are more familiar as we do them from when we are kids.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "プレゼント交換なら、小さい頃からやっているので馴染みがありますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "If so, then a white elephant might be good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それなら、ホワイトエレファントは好きかもしれないです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "What's a white elephant?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ホワイトエレファント、ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I don't understand the meaning at all, would you please explain it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "意味が全くわかりませんので教えてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Basically, it is a unique gift exchange.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "簡単にいえば、ユニークなプレゼント交換という感じですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Each one of us prepares a unique gift that's about one thousand yen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "各自1000円ほどの面白いプレゼントを用意します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Then we put those in one place without telling who bought it, and pick and open a gift one by one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そして誰が買ったものか分からないよう一箇所に集めて、一人ずつ順番にプレゼントを選んで開けていくんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Opening a gift must be exciting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それは、開ける方もドキドキして楽しいでしょうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "That's not all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それだけで終わりじゃないですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "The second person can either open a new gift or steal a gift from another person.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "二番目の人は新しくプレゼントを開けるか、前に開けられた他の人のプレゼントを奪う事ができます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "The people who had their gift taken away are unfortunate, aren't they?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "プレゼントを取られた人は、可哀想じゃないですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "If someone steals the gift you opened, you can pick a new one to open or steal another one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "他の人に自分が開けたプレゼントを盗まれたら、また新しくオープンするか盗むか選択できます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We continue doing that until everyone's gifts are decided.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "これを全員のプレゼントが確定するまでひたすらやるんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Does this game ever end?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "このゲーム、終わりは来るのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It sounds like it doesn't end if you keep stealing gifts.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ずっとプレゼントを盗み続けたら終わらないような気がしますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "One gift can be stolen up to three times, so that's fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "一つのプレゼントを盗めるのは3回だけですので、大丈夫です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It's exciting until the end of the game.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "最後までハラハラドキドキしてとても楽しいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "The price for the gift isn't too expensive, and it will not be a burden to everyone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "プレゼントにかける値段もそんな高くないし、みんなの負担にもならないでしょうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It's ok if you have something you don't need in your house.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "もし家に要らないものがあったらそれでもいいんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "White elephant also means an unnecessary thing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ホワイトエレファントというのは、要らないものという意味があるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It is that we should have fun, while getting rid of things we don't need.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "要らないものを処分しつつも、みんなで楽しもうという事です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I like this idea.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私はこのアイディアとても気に入りました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It sounds difficult to do with all fifty employees, so should we do it by department?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "従業員50人みんなでするのは大変そうなので、部署ごとでするという事にしましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "If so, each department has ten people, so do you think that is just the right number?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それだと各部署約10人ほどなので丁度いいのではないですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "パーフェクトですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "The rules sound a little bit complicated, so should we sum them up on a piece of paper and hand them out?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ルールが若干複雑なような気もするので、紙にまとめて配布しましょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Why don't we notify everyone three weeks before we do the white elephant?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ホワイトエレファントをする三週間前くらいに告知するというのはどうですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I think everyone will understand the rules once we start playing the game.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ルールはゲームを始めれば、みんなすぐわかると思いますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I never thought I could do a white elephant at a Japanese company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "まさか日本の会社でホワイトエレファントが出来るなんて思ってもいなかったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'm getting excited.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "とても楽しみになってきました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'll wear an ugly sweater on that day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "僕は、その日にアグリーセーターも着てきます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I will too then.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "じゃあ私もそうします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Ms. Hikida, do you have a minute?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "引田さん、今お時間いいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "いいわよ、どうしたの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Don't tell me that you are quitting the company?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "まさか会社を辞めるだなんて言わないわよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "No, that's not right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "いえ、違います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Actually, I wanted to inform you that I'm getting married next spring.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "実は、来年春に結婚することが決まったので、報告しておきたいなと思って。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "What...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "え・・", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "That was sudden, but was is it shotgun marriage?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "急だったけど、できちゃった婚なの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "No, I'm not pregnant.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "いえ、妊娠はしてないですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I see, that's good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そっか、それならよかったわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Pardon me?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I thought we are losing another employee.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "また社員が辞めて行くのかと思った。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I was thinking to continue working even after getting married...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私は、結婚後も働いて行くつもりなんですが・・", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "But you will be quitting right after you get a child, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "とは言っても、子供が出来たらすぐに辞めるんでしょ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Ms. Urada has quit only three months ago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "三ヶ月前に浦田さんが辞めたばっかりなのに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'm teaching so much, but I lose motivation if my employees keep quitting their jobs like this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "こんなにも後輩が次々辞めていかれては、色々教えている私もやる気がなくなるわ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Even if I teach with a passion, most of them quit their job after three years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "一生懸命教えても三年もしたら辞めちゃうものね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "In Ms. Urada's case, her husband had a transfer so there was no other way, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "浦田さんの場合は、旦那さんの転勤だから仕方なかったのではないですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It's the same thing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "一緒の事よ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'm hoping to keep working as long as I can.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私はできる限り働き続けたいと思ってますから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Someday when I have a child, I would like to take advantage of maternity leave and child care leave.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "いずれ子供が出来た場合は、産休、育休を活用したいと思っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あぁそうなのね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Both my parents were working, so I'm thinking to do the same.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、私自身の親も共働きだったので、自分もそのつもりです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "If so then that's fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そのつもりだったらいいんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "But anyways, congratulations.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "まぁ、とりあえずおめでとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Good morning Murata-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "村田さん、おはよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Good morning Kobayashi-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "小林君、おはよう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Thank you for the meeting the other day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "この間の会議お疲れ様。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Did you come up with a plan on expanding abroad?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あれから海外進出のプラン考えた?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Hmm, I've been thinking but it's not easy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "うん、考えてはいるんだけど中々難しいね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We've never exported abroad before so I don't know where to start thinking about it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今まで海外輸出なんてやったことがないからどこから考えればいいのかが分からなくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうなのよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'm thinking of setting a target and a goal first but I can't quite make up my mind.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私はまずはターゲットとゴールを設定しようと思うんだけど、中々定まらなくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Same with me.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "僕も同じく。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We are to think of a plan for the trial export this time but I haven't been able to decide if we should target Japanese people or the locals.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今回は実験的な輸出としてのプランを考えるとのことだけど、日本人をターゲットにするべきか、現地の人をターゲットにするべきかをまだ決めかねているんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "The plan will be completely different based on that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それ次第でプランが全然変るもんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I thought of targeting locals but there are so many things to think about that I don't know what to do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "現地の人をターゲットにしようと思ったんだけど、考えることたくさんでどうしたらいいか分からなくなっちゃったんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We're not an official department yet so we don't have a budget to conduct a field survey.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "まだ正式な部署じゃないから現地調査の予算とかもないしね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I think for a trial, it might be better if we target Japanese people as Komiya-san said.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "やっぱり実験としては小宮さんの言うとおり、日本人ターゲットの方がいいのかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Let's go with that and maybe I'll discuss this with Sato-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "その方向で進めて、佐藤部長に相談してみようかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yeah, I'll think about it a bit more but that may be the safest bet.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうだね、僕はもう少し考えるけどその方が無難かもね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "This is A company.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、A株式会社です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, hello, this is Yamamoto.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "もしもし、私、山本と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I decided to call you after seeing your company's website.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "御社のサイトを見てお電話したのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'm interested in one of your B puzzles that I saw on your online shop.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Bパズルが欲しくて、ネットで販売ページを見たんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "However, it says on the page that it's sold-out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "でも、「在庫切れ」と書いてあったので。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "When will it be available again?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "次の入荷はいつ頃になりますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Are you inquiring about the B puzzle?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Bパズルですか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I apologize for the inconvenience.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "The manufacturer no longer produces it so we won't be able to stock up on this item any longer.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "こちらは、メーカー廃盤となっておりまして、残念ながら再入荷の予定がございません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Discontinued, huh...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "廃盤ですか...。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I wanted to buy it for my grandchild because it seemed like an engaging game.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "勉強になりそうだから、どうしても孫に買ってやりたいと思っていて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I've tried other shops but I couldn't find any.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "他のお店もいくつか見たんですが、見つからなくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'm willing to stop by your shop if you have it in stock even if it's a bit far.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そちらのお店なら、もしもお店にあれば、ちょっと遠いけど買いに行けるかな、と思ったんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Could you inform me of any?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "店舗にもないでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well, about that ...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうですか...。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We actually still have one available here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "実はですね、ひとつだけございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "But the box has been somewhat flattened.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ただ、若干箱が潰れておりまして。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We removed it from our stocks due to this reason.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そのために在庫から外していました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "There should be no problem with what's inside though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "中の商品には、まったく問題ないのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We can put this back up on sale if you don't have a problem with the condition of the box.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "もし、このような状態でも気になさらないようであれば、お売りすることは可能ですが、いかがでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "So there shouldn't be a problem with the puzzle pieces inside?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "パズルには不良はないんですね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、それはございません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "じゃあ、それで構いません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'm going to throw the box out anyway.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "どうせ、箱は後で捨ててしまいますから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Thank you very much for your understanding.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ご了承いただき、ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We'll have it delivered to you with the shipping fee covered.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "では、その分送料はこちら持ちで、送らせていただきますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Oh, you'll have it sent to me?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "えっ、送っていただけるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "That would be a great help!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Are you alright with cash on delivery as the method of payment?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "申し訳ありませんが、お支払いは代引きにしていただいても宜しいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "If you have a fax machine, I can send you the order invoice with the price included.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "FAXをお持ちでしたら、金額などを記載してご注文書を送らせていただきますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Okay, I'll give you my number.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、よろしくお願い致します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "My number is xxxx-xx-xxxx.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "番号は、xxxx-xx-xxxxです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'll send the invoice to you as soon as possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "わかりました、すぐ送りますので、どうぞよろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Okay, I'll be waiting for it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "みんな揃っているかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, we have everyone now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、みんないます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Shall we start, then?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Today we are talking about introducing company electric vehicles.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今日は会社に電気自動車を導入する件です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Our company cars are getting old by now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ちょうど今使用している車も古くなってきたことですし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "How many EVs are we planning to buy?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "何台ほど導入する予定ですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Initially, two cars.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "まずは二台かなと思っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "As you know, the petrol has been going up.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "皆さんもご存知の通り、ガソリン代は上がる一方ですし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We don't have to worry about the petrol if we have the EVs.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "電気自動車だとその辺の心配はいらないかと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Electric cars are eco-friendly as they have no emissions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "電気自動車だと、排気量も抑えられて、環境にも優しいですもんね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yeah, that's true, but..", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それはそうだと思いますけど・・", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'm afraid the electric bill would go up enormously.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "電気代はものすごく上がるのではないですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それは間違い無いでしょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "However, the petrol costs will be reduced as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "けれど、それと同時にガソリン代も確実に減りますよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "In addition, we may receive a credit from the company for the efficiency.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それに加え、燃費の良い車として、電気会社からクレジットがもらえるそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "So, I guess we can offset the electric bill for the time being.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ですので、しばらくの間は、電気代の出費も抑えられると思っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We can find electric car battery-charge stations in various places these days.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "最近は、色々なところで電気自動車用のチャージングステーションを見かけますし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I was thinking I should give it a go.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "実は、使ってみたいなぁと思っていたところなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "EVs have more advantages for the fuel efficiency.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "他にも燃費の良い車としての、ベネフィットはありますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You can use a HOV lane on a motorway.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "フリーウェイだってHOVレーンが使えます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "So, you can avoid the jam during the busy rush hours in the morning and evening, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "と、なるとあの朝夕の渋滞に捕まることなくいけるということですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "That'll be great.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それは、嬉しいな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "確かに!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Our customer K Motor factory says they will give us a discount if we purchased more than two EVs.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "取引先のK自動車工場が、車を二台以上購入すると、割引をしてくれると言っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "So, I guess we've agreed to introduce electric vehicles for the sake of our company as well as the environment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "会社の為にも、環境の為にも、電気自動車を導入するということで進めていきたいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I look forward to trying it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "乗るのが楽しみですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私も楽しみです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "There's another company drinking party this Friday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "また今週の金曜日、会社の飲み会だってよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Again?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "また?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We just had one last week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "先週やったばかりじゃないか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Last week was a farewell party and it is the year-end party this time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "先週のは送別会で、今回は忘年会らしいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Why do Japanese companies have so many drinking parties?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "何で日本の会社はこんなに飲み会が多いんだ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It's really a hassle to have your time committed to the company even after work hours.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "勤務時間が終わってまで会社に縛られるのは本当に困る。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I know, right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ごもっともだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It's been 3 years since I started working at the Japan branch but I'm getting fed up with it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "日本支社に働き始めて三年経つけど、いい加減嫌になってきたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It was fun in the beginning though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "最初の方は、楽しかったんだけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'm scared when I have to tell my wife about the drinking party.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "妻に飲み会のことを伝えるのが、恐ろしいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You know that my wife is pregnant, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "僕の妻が、妊娠中だってこと知ってるだろう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Oh, has the morning sickness settled down?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あぁ、つわりは落ち着いたかい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "まだまだなんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "And I have to look after my 2 year old boy who's rambunctious.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それに2歳のわんぱく盛りの長男の面倒も見ないといけないだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "She was pretty irritated about the drinking party last week too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "先週の飲み会の時も、彼女は相当イライラしてたんだ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I don't blame her.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それは無理もないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Honestly, she is saying she wants to go back to the States.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "正直、彼女はアメリカに帰りたいと言っているよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "She doesn't want to go through all this and be in Japan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "こんな思いをしてまで日本に居たくないって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "When we were back in the States, I'd go home right after work and enjoyed family time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "アメリカにいた時は、仕事後はすぐ家に帰って家族団欒を楽しんでいたのに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "But we've been fighting all the time since coming to Japan.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "日本に来てからは、喧嘩ばかりだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "They say drinking parties in Japan is free to join yet there is an unwritten rule that you're forced to attend.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "日本の飲み会は、自由参加と言いながら、暗黙の了解で強制参加だもんな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It's so stupid.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "本当馬鹿げてるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "They say it's casual yet we have to always be attentive to the superiors.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "無礼講と言いながらも、ずっと上司に気を使わないといけないし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It's not like we get paid for this too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "勤務外手当が出るわけでもないし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yet, they collect money for the drinking fee.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "むしろ、飲み代でお金を徴収されるなんて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I can't understand the system in Japan at all.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "日本のシステムは全く理解できないよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Gary, I don't think you have to attend this week.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ゲリー、君は今週は参加しなくていいと思うよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You should first consult with Yamamichi-san.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "まずは、山道さんに相談してごらん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I will let him know about your situation with your wife too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "僕からも、奥さんの状況なんかを話してあげるから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それだと助かるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Doesn't your wife say anything?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "君の奥さんは、何も言わないのかい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "My wife is Japanese so she's used to these kind of things.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "僕の妻は日本人だから、こういう事には慣れてるんだよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "She's actually not too fond of it though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "本当は、良く思ってはないんだけどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "She's given up and just says it can't be helped if it's work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "もう諦めて、仕事なら仕方ないわねって。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それは、いいのか悪いのか・・", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Her dad was like that too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "彼女のお父さんもそうだったらしいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうなのか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Should I introduce my wife to your wife next time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今度、僕の妻を君の奥さんに紹介しようか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I think she will feel better if she has a friend she can rant to.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "愚痴る友達ができれば、気も紛れるだろうし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "This is Oyama from the HR department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "人事部の大山です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I would like to talk about employment, can you give me a moment?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "採用のことについてお話したいのですが、お時間宜しいでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Do you have anything in particular you would like candidates to be able to do.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "何か、候補者の方にこれはできてほしい、という具体的なことはありますか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Let's see...", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I understand you will be asking about academic background and job history.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "学歴や職務経験について尋ねることは承知しています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "However, I think we need someone who is able to go on business trips as required for the position.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "でも、この職位の一環として出張にいける人がまさに必要だと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Frequent international and domestic business trips are part of the job requirement.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "海外と国内の頻繁な出張が職務要件にありますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "So please don't invite them to have a second interview if they are not interested in those.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "では、その点に関心のない人は二次面接へ呼ばないようにしますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "By the way, I will be out of the office next Monday.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あ、私が来週月曜は休暇で不在なんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Therefore please avoid that date when scheduling interviews.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "なので、その日にちを避けて面接を予定してください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "No problem, bye.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、では失礼します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Company G sent us the payment records for this year by registered mail.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "G社からの今年の支払調書、書留で送られてきたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "What, with registered mail?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "え、わざわざ書留で?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "やっぱりそう思う?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Regular mail would have been fine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "普通郵便でいいよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I recall receiving it by regular mail before.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "うん、私は普通郵便で受け取っていた記憶があるよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Did we receive any other payment records from other companies yet?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今年、どこかの会社から支払調書受け取った?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "The one from Company G was the first for me this year too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私もG社からのものが、今年最初だったんだけれど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Did the law change without us knowing about it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "知らない間に、法律が変わったとか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Like having to send it by registered mail?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "書留で送らなければならないっていう?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "どうなんだろうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "The president there is super busy and over thinks a lot.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あそこの社長さん忙しすぎるし、思い込みが激しい人だから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "He might have thought that it had to be registered mail and told the administration person to do it that way.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "なにか、書留じゃなくちゃって思い込んで、事務の人に指示してしまっただけなのかも。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "The veteran left and a new person started in the fall.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ベテランさんが辞めて、秋に新しい人が入ったから。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "The person who sends the payment records is new too?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "支払調書送るのも初めての人?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうかもしれない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well, it's better than having it lost even though you sent it and having to resend it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "まあ、送ったのに行方不明になって再発行が要るよりは、いいよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yeah, that's true.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "まあ、そうかもね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "But, when I got the delivery notice of delivery records in the mailbox, I was surprised as I didn't know what it was.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ただ、いきなり配達記録、って不在連絡票がポストに入っていたから、何事かとびっくりしたの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "The company didn't contact you that they sent it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "送りましたよ、って連絡は会社からなかったの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "No there was nothing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "なかったの。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It's not a big deal though.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "小さなことなんだけれどね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "If they give me a heads up then there was no need for me to be surprised.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "先に連絡をくれると、驚かなくて済むのにね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I guess the person is new so they aren't that thoughtful.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "新人さんだから、気が回らないんだろうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Saeda-san, thank you very much for taking the trouble to make time for me today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "部長、今日はわざわざ時間を作っていただきありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "What's wrong, you specified a cafe outside instead of at the office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "どうしたんだい、会社じゃなくて外の喫茶店を指定するなんて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It must be something serious if you don't want others to hear about it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "他の人間に聞かれたく無いなんてよっぽどのことだね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I actually plan on getting married in December.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "実は私12月に結婚するつもりです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Is that right, congratulations.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうなのかい、それはおめでとう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I was thinking of asking you to attend.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "部長には式に出席していただきたいと思っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Of course, of course I will attend.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "もちろんだよ、必ず出席するよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "And I also have another thing to tell you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それともうひとつ報告があります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I am actually pregnant as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "実は妊娠もしているんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well that's double the congratulations.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "え、それはダブルでおめでたいなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "いつ出産予定なんだ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'm due next June and I'm in my second month.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "来年の6月に出産予定で、今2ヶ月目なんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I thought I should let you know as soon as possible, but sorry for the delay.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "なるべく早く報告しないといけないのに、遅くなって申し訳ありませんでした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I didn't notice at all, and I learned about it after the check up at the gynecologist the other day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "全く気づかなくて、先日婦人科の検査でわかったんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You don't have to worry about that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そんな気遣わなくても大丈夫だよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "So what do you plan to do about work?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "仕事はどうしていきたいんだい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Do you want to take maternity leave and come back, or just quit your job?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "産休を取って復帰するのかそれともこのまま退職するのか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I discussed this with my husband too but I'd like to come back if possible.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "彼とも相談したんですが、可能なら復帰したいと考えています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "The work and work place is really enjoyable.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "この職場も仕事もとても楽しくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "So you will come back, that's great!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "復帰してくれるんだね、良かった!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "The senior managing director knows you're doing good work so please do come back.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "君の仕事ぶりは専務も評価してるんでぜひ戻ってきてほしい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'm honored.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Since that's decided, you don't have to do any work that you do now that uses your body.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうと決まったら今君がやってる仕事で体を使うものは全てやらなくていい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Your health is the most important so others can do these.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "体調が1番だから、これは他のものに任せていいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You will need to apply for maternity leave too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "産休の申請もしないといけないな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "If you're due in June, then you will take maternity leave from April?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "6月出産なら4月から産休がいいのかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, it would be great if I can take my leave from around that time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、それぐらいからお休みいただけると助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "When would you like to come back to work after you give birth?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "出産後はどれくらいで会社復帰希望なの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I am thinking of returning half a year later around December.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "半年後の12月ごろには復帰したいと思っています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "But doing full-time like now might be a bit hard.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ただこれまでのようにフルタイムは少し難しいかと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "If possible, I'd like to use flex-time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "できたら時短勤務でお願いしたいです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Ah, the one Nogami-san who is your senior is doing, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ああ、木内さんの先輩の野上さんがやってるやつね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I think she leaves 1 hour earlier than usual so at 5 o'clock, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "確か彼女は、定時より1時間早い5時であがってるよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, I would like to have my work hours like that as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、私も同じような時間での勤務を希望します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Okay, I will talk to the management.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "わかった、僕から上席には話しておくよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "If it gets too tough before you give birth, don't push yourself and you can leave early or come later too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "出産前でも体がきつかったら無理せず早退でも遅刻でもやってくれていいからな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Anyway, take care of your body.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "とにかく体は大事にしてくれよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Again, thank you very much!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "重ね重ね、ありがとうございます!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Sudo-san, can I talk to you about the result of the check-up you took last time?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "須藤さん、こないだ受けていただいた検診の結果なんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, how was it?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、どうだったんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "There was an issue since an industrial doctor was called, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "わざわざ産業医さんに呼ばれたってことは問題があったんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "残念ながらそうなんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You're blood pressure at its peak is 160 and is on the high side, is there anything that you feel uncomfortable?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "血圧の上が160とかなり高めですね、自分でも苦しくはないんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I felt a bit tired after climbing stairs but nothing in particular aside from that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "たまに階段を登った後にしんどく感じることはありましたがそれ以外は特に。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "The standard figure for a male is 130 so there is a need to make this number better.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "男性の適正値は130なのでちょっとこの数値は改善していく必要がありますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Okay, sorry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、申し訳ありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "And you're abdominal circumference is over 100 centimeters.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それと腹囲も100センチを超えています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Basically you're overweight.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "いわゆるメタボですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, I did realize that my stomach was popping out.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "やっぱりそうですよね、お腹が出てる自覚はありました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "The reason for being overweight is related to your lifestyle.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "メタボの原因は生活習慣病です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "In other words, it can be fixed if you change your lifestyle.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "言い換えれば生活習慣さえ変えれば治るってことなんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I would like to give you instructions on this.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私がそれを指導していけたらと考えています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "My kids are still young so I need to stay healthy, so thank you for your help.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "まだまだ子供も小さく元気でいないといけないのでよろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "First of all, can you tell me what you eat?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それではまず、食事の内容を教えていただけますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I sleep until I really need to leave so there are a lot of times when I don't eat.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "朝はギリギリまで寝てるので食べないことが多いです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I go visit clients a lot so I eat out a lot for lunch.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "昼は営業周りでだいたい外食が多いです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "What do you usually eat when you eat out?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "外食では何を召し上がることが多いですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I like noodles so I go to ramen stores often.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "麺類が好きなのでラーメン屋が多くなりますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Do you only eat ramen?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "食べるのはラーメンだけですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Just ramen isn't satisfying enough so I also eat gyoza or fried rice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ラーメンだけだと腹持ちが悪いので、餃子かチャーハンを一緒に食べます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "For dinner, I usually have a drink after visiting clients before going home.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "夜は営業帰りに一杯飲んで帰るのが多いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "What do you usually order with your drink?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "どのようなつまみを選んでいますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I've never really put a lot of thought on it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あまり深く意識したことがないんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Usually deep-fried stuff like karaage, and kushi-katsu.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "だいたい唐揚げとか串カツとかフライ系が多いです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "And after I drink, I will eat ochazuke or rice when I get home.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "で、飲み終わって家に着いた後にお茶漬けやご飯を食べます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I drink beer again at home and I fall asleep before you know it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "家でまたビールを飲むのでいつの間にか寝ちゃってる感じです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I know it's not good for me but it just happens.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "自分でもよくないとはわかってるんですけどついつい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I don't want to sound so harsh but if you keep this lifestyle up, your body might fail on you in 5 years.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "厳しいことを言うようですが、この生活を続けていくと後5年で倒れるかもしれません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それはヤバイです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It's hard to change right away but let's start changing things slowly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "急には難しいのでゆっくりと変えていきましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "First, make sure you eat breakfast.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "まず朝ごはんはしっかり食べてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Currently, you don't eat breakfast so you eat a lot during lunch.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今は朝食べていないので昼に異常にたくさん食べている状態です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Instead of ordering single-items for lunch, please make it into a set meal and make an effort to eat a more balanced meal.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "昼は単品ではなく、定食にしてバランス良い食事を心がけてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "For the evening, limit yourself to going to bars 2 times a week, and try to eat at home.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "夜の居酒屋の回数も週2ぐらいにして、なるべく家でしっかり食べてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "And instead of ordering oily deep-fried snacks at the bar, ordering things like edamame and chilled tofu would be good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それから居酒屋のつまみはフライ系の油モノではなく、枝豆や冷奴を選ぶと良いですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Sleeping right away is not good so let's hold off on the ochazuke.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "食べてすぐ寝るのは良くないのでお茶漬けはやめましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "How about we start but controlling what you eat first rather than focusing on exercising.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "運動よりもまずはこれらの食事制限から始めてみてはいかがでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Okay, I'll try it since I want to live long.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "わかりました、長生きしたいのでやってみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Takada-san, can I ask your opinion about something?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "高田さん、ちょっと相談していいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "At next week's meeting about the preparations for the shareholders' general meeting, I'd like to select the gift that we will give out in the general meeting.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "来週の株主総会準備ミーティングで、総会時の手土産を選定したいんですけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'm thinking of presenting several potential gifts, but do you have any good ideas?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "手土産の候補をいくつか出しておこうかと思っているんですけど、いい案あります?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "予算はどれくらい?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I think about 1,000 yen per attending shareholder should be about right.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "出席株主一人当たり1000円位が妥当かなと思ってます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "There were about 100 attendees last year, weren't there?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "去年の出席者が100名くらいだったよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, 122 people attended last year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、去年は122名参加でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We prepared 200 gift sets last year, at a price of 1,040 yen per person.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "去年は200セット用意して、一人あたり1040円でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "What were last year's gifts again, a 500 yen gift voucher and some confections?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "去年の手土産って500円の金券とお菓子だっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, the confections were steamed buns that had the company logo printed on them.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、お菓子は会社のロゴをプリントした饅頭でした。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "And how were they received?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "評判はどうだったの?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Not badly at all, the only issue was that they had a short expiration date.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "悪くはなかったんですけど、賞味期限が短かったのがネックかなと。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We shared the leftover buns amongst people in the company, but there wasn't a general feeling that we would do them again the next year.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "余った分は社内で配ったのですが、来年もまた、っていう雰囲気じゃなかったです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "What do you think would be good?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "高田さんは何がいいと思いますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well, due to the profit warning this quarter, plenty of shareholders have spoken quite harsh words to me over the phone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私、今期の業績下方修正で株主さんから結構電話でもきつく当たられるんだよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Since there could be a bad atmosphere at this year's general meeting of shareholders, I was thinking something to calm emotions would be good.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今年の株主総会はちょっと雰囲気悪くなるかもだし、何か気持ち的に和らぐものがいいな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Wow, that's pretty abstract.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "うわ、抽象的ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Can you not think of anything specific?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "具体的に思い付きませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Something like dove-shaped shortbread might be nice.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "鳩の形したサブレとかがいいな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "何でです?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well, a dove is a symbol of peace, isn't it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "鳩は平和の象徴じゃない。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "When I have to appear at a meeting I think is going to be rough, or a financial results briefing, I always make the effort to wear a scarf with a pattern of doves on it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私、荒れるなと思うミーティングとか決算説明会では、鳩の絵が入ったスカーフつけるようにしているのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I mean, I guess it's kind of a superstition.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "一種の験担ぎみたいなものなんだけど。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Plus, everybody likes baked goods, and above all, they have long expiration dates.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "焼き菓子は万人受けするし、なにより賞味期限がながいからね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I didn't think you were so superstitious.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "高田さんがそんな験担ぎするのは意外ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It doesn't really matter what it is, but sometimes you just want something to cling to.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "何でもいいからすがりたい時もあるのよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "That sounds tragic.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "切ないですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "After hearing your story, I've also come round to the idea of dove-shaped confectionery.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そんな話を聞いてしまったら、私も鳩の形したお菓子にしたくなってきましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I will present it as one of the potential choices.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "候補の一つとしてあげてみます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Kawakami-san, your company has a very impressive conference room.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "川上さんの会社の会議室はとても素晴らしいですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I wish we could work at an office like that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私たちもこんなオフィスで働ければいいですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Speaking of an office, I know our company is looking for a new location.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "オフィスといえばうちも移転先を探してるらしいぞ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Is that true, there is a vacant space on the second floor.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "本当ですか、ちょうど2階のテナントが空いてるんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Since you are already here, would you like to take a tour?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ついでなのでご覧になっていただけませんか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I think the management happens to be on the second floor right now.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ちょうどテナント管理部のものが2階にいると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I guess I can tour take a tour since you offered.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "じゃあ折角なので見学だけさせてもらうとしようか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Kawakami-san, please take us there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "川上さん、よろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "What, there is nothing, not even a partition.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "なんだこれ、仕切りも何もないじゃないか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It's just an open floor with nothing.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "なにもないワンフロアの空間ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "This is Mr. Kuwata from our tenant managing department.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "こちら弊社テナント管理部の桑田です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Nice to meet you, I am Kuwata.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はじめまして、桑田です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I am Egami from S trading company, great to meet you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "S商事の江上です、よろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I am Yamada also from S trading company, pleasure to meet you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "同じくS商事の山田です、よろしくお願いします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Let's get to the point, this empty area could be divided and turned into your ideal office space.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "早速ですが今はがらんどうの空間ですがこれから仕切りで理想の空間が作れます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "If you use floor-to-ceiling partitions, it could be divided just like rooms.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "壁まである仕切りを使えば部屋のように分けることも可能ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I see, Yamada-san, did your floor use to look like this too?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "なるほどねえ、山田さんとこのフロアも元々はこんな感じだったんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We will divide the area according to our client's wish.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "要望を伺っていくつかの空間に仕切っていくんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Partitions aren't quite the same as walls, will I hear noises through the them?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "仕切りだけだと壁と違って音漏れの心配は無いんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It would become an issue if other employees could overhear meetings that discuss sensitive subjects.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "センシティブな会議の場合、社員に聞かれるのも困るんですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Don't worry, you will have nothing to worry about.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それはご心配なさらなくても問題ありません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We could easily solve this with sound-proof partitions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "遮音機能の高いものを選ぶことで解決します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "The soundproof ability will even become much higher if you choose double-glass partitions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ダブルガラスタイプの分厚いものを選べば相当遮音性は高くなります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We could also use a noise masking system to solve this problem.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "またサウンドマスキング仕様にすることでも解決します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "This system emits a soft, inconspicuous background sound to prevent noise leaks.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "これは空調音のような背景音をわざと流し音漏れを防ぐ仕組みです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Seems like there is a variety to choose from.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "いろいろあるんだねえ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Also there is usually a gap between the door and the floor, and you could also fill this gap to keep the noises from leaking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "他にも通常ドアの下には隙間があるんですがその隙間を防げば音漏れも少なくなります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Looks like we will not have any issues with all these possible solutions.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そんなにいろいろと対策があるのなら問題はなさそうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Our company stores some classified documents, and is there anything security system we could install?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "弊社は機密書類が複数あるんですがその辺のセキュリティはどうなんでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You have nothing to worry.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ご心配には及びません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You could install blinds inside to give the room some privacy.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ブラインドを部屋の内側に設置し部屋の中も見えないようにすることができます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Of course a security system could be installed in the room as well.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "もちろん部屋自体にセキュリティをかけることもできます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それはどういうことですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "This very room you just entered normally has a security system at the door.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "もちろん今入ってこられたオフィスの入り口は通常セキュリティが施されています。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "In order to keep outsiders from entering, the security card is required to open the door.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "部外者の侵入を無くすためセキュリティカードをかざさなければ入室できません。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Additionally, a selected few could be given the authority to enter the room.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そのカードに、さらに選ばれた人にだけこの部屋に入るための権限をつけることができます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Does it mean other employees aren't permitted to come in the room even if they want to?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうするとそれ以外の社員は入り口は入れてもこの部屋には入れないということか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, exactly.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、そのとおりです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "There is a vacancy on the seventh floor, and we could go check it out if you want.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "7階にも空きがあるのでよかったら見に行きましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Ahh, what should I do next?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はー、次どうしよっかな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Oh, I thought you were done for the day, Kento?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "後藤さん、今日上がりじゃないんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well, I just have my current contract on my mind.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "いや、今の契約の後について考えてて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Your contract will end at the end of next year, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "後藤さんって、来年いっぱいでしたっけ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, the current project will be over in one year, so I should figure out what to do next before another long term project starts.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "うん、現行プロジェクトが残り1年だから、次の長期案件の開始前に考えないとね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Argh, that's the thing about researchers, usually with fixed-term contracts.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あー、通常研究者って有期雇用だから、面倒ですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "My grant for Scientific Research will be expired soon, too.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "俺の科学研究費用もそろそろ切れるし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Isn't there anything that could be done about that 5-year-term for KAKENHI fund, since most of the projects runs for 10 years or longer?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "科研費5年単位なの、どうにかなんないすかね、プロジェクト10年設定とかなのに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well, that's all up to the great MEXT to decide, you know?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "まあ、そりゃ文科省のお決めになる事だから、な。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "But we're lucky this C National Institute has connections to places like MIC, so we can work in a pretty good environment.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "でもこのN研究機構は総務省とか色々コネあるから研究もやりやすい方じゃないですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "There aren't many labs with sufficient budget so it would be pretty harsh if you accidentally choose one of those places that can't raise funds.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "予算十分な研究所って少ないし、間違えて金集まんない所選んじゃうと悲惨ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "That reminds me of a huge project in Singapore that was deadlocked because of lack of funds a while ago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ああ、そういえばしばらく前に、資金不足でシンガポールのでかいプロジェクト頓挫してたな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "See, oh, I might be wrong but are you looking at laboratories abroad as well?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ほらーって、もしかして、後藤さん、海外の研究所も視野に入れてるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well, I should keep my options open, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "まあ、選択肢は広く、ね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'm a kind of guy who'd like to stay in Japan, and I don't want to get farther from Kokubunji station.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "僕は日本に居たい人なんで、国分寺の駅から遠いのはやだなあ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Ha-ha, just because it's easier to submit applications, isn't it, Yo?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はは、梶原お前それ、申請書の提出が楽なだけじゃん。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "But, seriously, laboratories in Japan are not bad, like the one in K university which is doing pretty well with patents.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "でも、まじめな話、日本の研究所も悪くないですよ、特許でかなり上手く運営してるK大学の研究所とか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "That's true, but at the moment, it's a rare case within the country that university-industry research collaboration is working out like that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうだな、でもあそこみたいに国内で産学が上手くいってるケースはまだまだ珍しいよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "After all, my choice out of labs in universities would be CM University or UC University in the US, I guess.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "やっぱ、大学系のラボから選ぶならアメリカのCM大かUC大、かな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "If you're thinking of going to the States, a friend of mine from college is at C Institute of Technology now, and says it's pretty comfortable with bunch of Asian people.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "アメリカ考えてるんなら、僕の大学同期がC工科大学に居て、アジア人多くて馴染みやすいって言ってましたよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "He also says quite a few Asian researchers are producing results there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それにアジア系研究者が結構成果出してるって聞いてます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Uh-huh, I believe that institute doesn't support affirmative action, so that's probably why there are more Asians.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ああ、あそこは確かアファーマティブ・アクションしてないから、アジア人も多いんだろうな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You're an excellent researcher and a fluent English speaker, I'm sure you'd have no problem moving there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "後藤さんなら優秀な研究者だし、英語も堪能だから、あっちでも大丈夫ですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Your wife has also studied abroad, hasn't she?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "奥さんも海外留学してた事あるんでしょ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yeah, but it's not only the language matter you have to consider when you move abroad with your family.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "うん、でも家族と一緒って事になると言葉だけじゃないからなー。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "My whole family have to get used to many things, like the work place, school, and lifestyle........", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "家族全員が色々慣れなきゃだしな、職場とか、学校とか、生活習慣なんかも.......", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "But moving there alone is not your option, right?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それでも単身赴任は選択肢にないんですよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Of course not, with a multi-year contract, I cannot leave my family here.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "年単位の契約になるから、さすがに家族ここに置いては行けないさ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "If you'd have hard time getting used to things, you might as well find a job in Europe, like K Institute in Sweden.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "どうせ慣れるのに苦労するなら、いっそヨーロッパで就職しちゃうのはどうですか、スウェーデンのK研究所とか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Hmm, K Institute probably wouldn't take me with my field of expertise.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "んー、K研究所は俺の専門だと難しいだろうな。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "How about M-P Institute in Germany, they have researchers from a wide variety of fields, don't they?.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ドイツのM-P研究所はどうですか、あそこなら幅広い分野の研究者が居ますよね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Aww, I was trembling as I went through their annual report the other day!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あー、この間M-Pの年次報告読みながら、震えちゃいましたよー!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well, it's well known that the positions at M-P are low-paid, so I wouldn't be able to stay for long, you see?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ああ、でも、M-Pのポジションは薄給で知られてるし、長くは居られないだろ?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Whoa, I'm so jealous that you can actually think of working there.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "うわ、M-Pで働くの実際に考えられる後藤さんが羨ましいですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Working in Germany, well, it sounds pretty good, but still the salary is a hurdle, I guess.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ドイツかあ、うーん、悪くないけどやっぱ給料がネックかなぁ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Instead, you can build reputation as a researcher.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "その代わり、研究者として箔が付きますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It seems that most people quit after 5 years or so and get high-paid jobs elsewhere.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "大抵みんな5年ぐらいで辞めちゃって、他でペイのいい仕事してるみたいですし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I would love to join them if I was capable enough!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "俺がもっとデキるなら、絶対入りたいですよー!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yo, I thought I heard you said that you'd like to stay in Japan, just a few minutes ago.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "梶原、数分前に日本がいいって言ってたの、俺の聞き間違いかな?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well, Kanto, if I got an offer from them, I'd just fly there right away, even without pay!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "いや梶原さん、あそこからオファーが貰えるんなら、手弁当でも速攻行きますよ!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It's my first day today.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今日からここで働く者なんですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Oh, nice to meet you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうですか、よろしくお願い致します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I would like to apply for a parking permit.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "駐車場利用許可の申請をしたくて。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Ok, sure.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Then, could you please fill out this form and hand it back to me?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "では、この申請用紙に必要事項を記入してお返し頂けますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Will I be able to park from tomorrow?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "明日から停められますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Please leave this sticker on the dashboard.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "このステッカーをダッシュボードに置いてください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Am I getting an allocated car park?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "所定の駐車場所を割り当てられるのですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "No, it's on a first come first serve basis.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "いいえ、早い者勝ちです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Oh, but what happens if there aren't any spots to park?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "え、じゃあ停める場所がなかったらどうすればいいんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You don't need to worry too much, as there's plenty of available parking.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "いえいえ、駐車場所はたくさんありますから大丈夫ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Is it a long drive for you?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "遠くから運転されるんですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Yes, it would take one and a half hours even by car.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "そうですね、車でも1時間30分はかかりますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "The car park opens between six o'clock in the morning and twelve o'clock at night.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "駐車場は、朝の6:00から夜の12:00までです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Ok, I'll remember that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You will be required to submit a notification form if you plan on leaving your car in the parking area overnight, while you're away on business.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "もし出張に行かれるなどで、車両を一晩駐車場に置かれる際はお知らせ頂く申請用紙の提出が必要です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Ok, I got it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "The sticker needs to be renewed annually.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ステッカーは毎年更新が必要です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Ah, ok.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Please notify us should your car type, address or car registration change.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "車種や住所、ナンバーなどの変更があればお知らせください。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "何かご質問はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Well, what about the parking fee?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あ、使用料は?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It's free.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "無料ですよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Then, I will park there from tomorrow.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "では、明日から停めますね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Hi, I have an appointment with Mr.Kanda from 2.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "こんにちは、2時から神田様とお約束しているのですが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Hello!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "こんにちは!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Could I have your name please?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "お名前頂戴してもよろしいでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Sure, it's Wataru Takaoka.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "はい、高岡渉と申します。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Kanda is expecting your visit in the meeting room.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "神田は会議室で待っております。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ご案内いたします。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "こちらでございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Mr.Kanda, Mr.Takaoka has arrived.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "神田さん、高岡様がいらっしゃいました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ああ、ありがとうございます!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Hi Mr.Takaoka, thank you for coming!", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "高岡さん、お越しくださりありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "お招きいただきありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "This is a beautiful office.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "素敵なオフィスですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "The building itself, the entrance, it's all very big.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "建物自体も、エントランスも全部がすごく大きい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Ahaha, thank you.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あはは、ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Did you use that glass elevator?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ガラスのエレベーター乗られましたか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Using that is my favorite part of coming here every day.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あれに乗るのが毎日の通勤の楽しみなんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It was very thrilling, I almost felt like I was floating in the air.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "スリル満点で、まるで宙に浮いているような感じがしました!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "まさに。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Alright, so as I explained to you in the email, I urgently need you to translate this manual as we decided to install another device to the guestroom.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "さて、メールでお伝えした通り、客室にもう一つ機器を導入するので、緊急でこのマニュアルの翻訳をお願いしたいんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It is a digital code lock, and although how it works is quite simple, it can be a bit tricky to get used to it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "デジタルキーロックで、仕組み自体は極めてシンプルなんですが、慣れるまでが少し難しいんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Here is the actual machine.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "これが実際の機械です。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We valued the aesthetic a bit too much, and can you see?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "見た目を少し重視しすぎたので、これ分かりますかね?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You have to push here to open the cover but it's quite difficult to notice for the first time.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "カバーを開けるのにここを押さないといけないんですが、初めてだと見つけるのが難しい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Also, to make the numbers appear on the screen, you need to press the screen.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あと、画面に数字が表示されるようにするには画面を押さないといけないんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "So these two things are potentially confusing to users, and I need a good userguide in English so that our guests will not have to spend hours trying to figure out how to unlock the room they are staying in.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "なのでこの二つがおそらくユーザーにとって分かりにくい点だと思うので、お客様が客室の鍵を開けようと何時間も四苦八苦しなくて済むように、わかりやすい英語のユーザーガイドがほしいんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "However, we do not want to stick notes all over it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "でもあんまりメモもべたべた貼りたくはないんですよね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We need a simple but clear instruction.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "シンプルだけど分かりやすい説明がほしい。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Ok, I can come up with something.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "分かりました、何か考えます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Can I borrow the manual so that I can fully understand the system?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "仕組みをしっかり理解したいのでマニュアルをお借りしてもいいですか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Sure, there are many so I can give you one.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "もちろん、たくさんあるから一つ差し上げますよ。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "When do you need this by?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "期限はいつごろでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "If you could send the idea by Friday that would be great.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "金曜日までに案を送ってくれれば大変助かります。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Sure, I will start working on it.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "分かりました、早速始めます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Thank you for your attendance, everyone.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "皆さん、ご出席ありがとうございます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Today I'd like to brainstorm some ideas to increase sales.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "今日はセールス拡大のための意見交換をしたいと思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I was thinking of employing a customer loyalty program.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ご愛用者プログラムを導入するのはどうでしょうか。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "It's been very successful with other companies.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "他の企業では大成功しているようですし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "How would ours work?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "私たちのプログラムはどういう方式にしますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I know there are many different ways to do it, such as an app or a stamp card.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "アプリやスタンプカードなど色々なやり方がありますが。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We would probably use a point-based system.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "おそらくポイント制のシステムになるでしょうね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We'll have customers sign up at the register, where we'll give them a card that can be scanned at the register.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "お客様にレジで登録していただいて、レジでスキャンできるカードをお渡しするんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "They'll get points for each smoothie they order.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "お客様はスムージーを注文する度にポイントがもらえます。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "They will also get more points if their order is more expensive.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "高い商品を注文すれば、その分もっとポイントがもらえるんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Once they rack up enough points, they can get a free cup of smoothie.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "ポイントが十分貯まれば、スムージーを無料で一杯もらえる仕組みです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "You could also have special deals for members.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "会員への特典があっても良いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Maybe on certain days if a customer brings their card they can get 10 percent off of their smoothie, or something like that.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "会員がカードを持参すればスムージーが10パーセント割引になる日を設けるとか、そんな感じで。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "良いアイディアですね!", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Any other ideas?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "他にも意見はありますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "How about instead of a card, we do a reusable cup?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "カードの代わりに再利用できるカップを使ったらどうでしょうか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We can give customers a discount everytime they bring in their cup.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "お客様がマイカップを持参すればいつでも割引にするんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "More people are trying to be environmentally conscious anyway.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "環境への意識が高い人が増えていることですし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I think we could sell different designs, and even metal straws.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "色々なデザインのカップや金属製ストローを販売できると思います。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "If we include our logo, it might also provide a bit of advertising for our stores.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "社名ロゴも入れれば、ちょっとしたお店の宣伝にもなるかもしれないし。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "That also seems like a good idea.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "それも良いアイディアですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I can see the pros and cons to both.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "どちらのアイディアにも長所短所がありそうです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Perhaps we could integrate the reusable cups into the point system.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "あるいは再利用できるカップをポイントシステムに組み込めるかもしれませんね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "That could work.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "できそうですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We could sell the cups in the store, but still have the membership program be on the card.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "店頭でカップも販売するんですが、会員プログラムはやはりカードで行うんです。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "But if you're a member, maybe you can get a discount on the cup or get it for free as a reward.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "会員ならカップを割引価格で買えたり、特典として無料でもらえたりしても良いですね。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "I'll have to think about it a bit more, but thank you for the ideas.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "もう少し検討が必要ですが、アイディアをありがとうございました。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "Ms. Bessho, can your team prepare a few design ideas for the cup and card by next week's meeting?", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "別所さん、来週のミーティングまでにあなたのチームでカップとカードのデザイン案を幾つか準備してもらえますか?", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "We'll finalize our ideas at next week's meetings.", "language": "en", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"} {"text": "来週のミーティングでアイディアをまとめましょう。", "language": "ja", "data_source": "bsd_ja_en", "split": "test"}