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Great and easy to understand error messages.\n\nAgain I hope you get a better understanding of my goals and the future of this language.\nFly high passengers!", "author": { "id": "842766047844892673", "name": "aboss1239435", "discriminator": "0000", "nickname": "aboss123", "color": "#FFF9F9", "isBot": false, "roles": [ { "id": "743483506331615363", "name": "Level 1", "color": "#FFF9F9", "position": 77 }, { "id": "743031248452321310", "name": "Language Maker", "color": "#2ECC71", "position": 64 }, { "id": "858040300454281227", "name": "Project: Jet", "color": "#9B59B6", "position": 18 } ], "avatarUrl": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/842766047844892673/f19fb145d2358acdb163f3ad74925181.png?size=512" }, "attachments": [], "embeds": [], "stickers": [], "reactions": [], "mentions": [], "inlineEmojis": [] }, { "id": "858044276008157264", "type": "ChannelPinnedMessage", "timestamp": "2021-06-25T14:01:37.092-04:00", "timestampEdited": null, "callEndedTimestamp": null, "isPinned": false, 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Jet seems easy enough, and I really like the import from github feature", "author": { "id": "676414144643203120", "name": "hudsong0", "discriminator": "0000", "nickname": "Hudson", "color": "#D4AF37", "isBot": false, "roles": [ { "id": "743031297089339492", "name": "ADMIN", "color": "#D4AF37", "position": 93 }, { "id": "744557622262366309", "name": "Trusted", "color": "#11806A", "position": 90 }, { "id": "743482290180587614", "name": "Moderator", "color": "#E67E22", "position": 89 }, { "id": "802264469832597526", "name": "Trial moderator", "color": "#992D22", "position": 88 }, { "id": "1019197326495064136", "name": "FOOTED", "color": "#E8BEAC", "position": 83 }, { "id": "743481776676143205", "name": "Level 5", "color": "#3232E2", "position": 81 }, { "id": "746976140937396224", "name": "Helper", "color": "#6F0035", "position": 76 }, { "id": "805850008040898621", "name": "CodeCom Judge", "color": "#E74C3C", "position": 74 }, { "id": "848201437573152790", "name": "Highly Active", "color": "#A26D27", "position": 73 }, { "id": "809501289163391026", "name": "Honorary member", "color": "#3600FF", "position": 70 }, { "id": "821492358326517840", "name": "Server Bumper", "color": "#A6AEFF", "position": 69 }, { "id": "874858515838148608", "name": "Music", "color": "#2ECC71", "position": 66 }, { "id": "821123781279350784", "name": "Truth Seeker", "color": "#2ECC71", "position": 65 }, { "id": "743031248452321310", "name": "Language Maker", "color": "#2ECC71", "position": 64 }, { "id": "813448238433959947", "name": "Good Leader", "color": "#2ECC71", "position": 63 }, { "id": "821123981717274654", "name": "Bot Maker", "color": "#2ECC71", "position": 62 }, { "id": "800384434825986048", "name": "FullStack", "color": "#2ECC71", "position": 61 }, { "id": "746976713959014460", "name": "Help-Python", "color": null, "position": 60 }, { "id": "750234470379946004", "name": "Help-Aardvark", "color": null, "position": 59 }, { "id": "746976912181821511", "name": "Help-JS", "color": null, "position": 58 }, { "id": "746976986777255937", "name": "Help-C", "color": null, "position": 57 }, { "id": "824686275470032967", "name": "Help-C++", "color": null, "position": 55 }, { "id": "1069778726457450557", "name": "Help-HTML/CSS", "color": null, "position": 52 }, { "id": "854548376393089044", "name": "User-Made Challenge Ping", "color": null, "position": 51 }, { "id": "854547959445323806", "name": "Official Challenge Ping", "color": "#525252", "position": 50 }, { "id": "814614879045812324", "name": "Poll Ping", "color": null, "position": 49 }, { "id": "849178678701064203", "name": "pog a conversation starter", "color": "#E74C3C", "position": 48 }, { "id": "831902814950522900", "name": "Stream Ping", "color": null, "position": 47 }, { "id": "849032245279850506", "name": "Announcement Ping", "color": null, "position": 46 }, { "id": "744158968854741044", "name": "Project: Aardvark", "color": "#9B59B6", "position": 43 }, { "id": "813475475816710184", "name": "Project: Blossoming", "color": "#9B59B6", "position": 40 }, { "id": "808434733486571570", "name": "Project: CSISP", "color": "#9B59B6", "position": 36 }, { "id": "878363922099490846", "name": "Misc Access", "color": "#009BFF", "position": 14 } ], "avatarUrl": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/676414144643203120/5f7841effaedd08165f6f7588c987c11.png?size=512" }, "attachments": [], "embeds": [], "stickers": [], "reactions": [], "mentions": [ { "id": "842766047844892673", "name": "aboss1239435", "discriminator": "0000", "nickname": "aboss123", "color": "#FFF9F9", "isBot": false, "roles": [ { "id": "743483506331615363", "name": "Level 1", "color": "#FFF9F9", "position": 77 }, { "id": "743031248452321310", "name": "Language Maker", "color": "#2ECC71", "position": 64 }, { "id": "858040300454281227", "name": "Project: Jet", "color": "#9B59B6", "position": 18 } ], "avatarUrl": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/842766047844892673/f19fb145d2358acdb163f3ad74925181.png?size=512" } ], "reference": { "messageId": "936035258279792670", "channelId": "858040492645810187", "guildId": "743031115207540836" }, "inlineEmojis": [] }, { "id": "936035615370280971", "type": "Reply", "timestamp": "2022-01-26T18:11:21.405-05:00", "timestampEdited": null, "callEndedTimestamp": null, "isPinned": false, "content": "kinda working on that later. 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