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For video, server will continuously send images and the client will continue to see the same image until a new one is recieved, thus compatcting videos. For audio freq and volume will be constanly sent and it will stay playing the same sound at the same volume until new info is recived.", "author": { "id": "676414144643203120", "name": "hudsong0", "discriminator": "0000", "nickname": "Hudson", "color": "#D4AF37", "isBot": false, "roles": [ { "id": "743031297089339492", "name": "ADMIN", "color": "#D4AF37", "position": 93 }, { "id": "744557622262366309", "name": "Trusted", "color": "#11806A", "position": 90 }, { "id": "743482290180587614", "name": "Moderator", "color": "#E67E22", "position": 89 }, { "id": "802264469832597526", "name": "Trial moderator", "color": "#992D22", "position": 88 }, { "id": "1019197326495064136", "name": "FOOTED", "color": "#E8BEAC", "position": 83 }, { "id": "743481776676143205", "name": "Level 5", "color": "#3232E2", "position": 81 }, { "id": "746976140937396224", "name": "Helper", "color": "#6F0035", "position": 76 }, { "id": "805850008040898621", "name": "CodeCom Judge", "color": "#E74C3C", "position": 74 }, 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