Open-Discord / EPS /Everyone's Programming Server - Misc - science [966145595712622602].json
hudsongouge's picture
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333a1d8 verified
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"content": "Recovered fossils show that with the current aptmosphere, they would not be able to get enough oxygen to survive.\nAnd recent research indicates that the aptmosphere was denser in the past.\n\nSo, new theories are suggesting that the dinosaurs went extinct because the amount of they could not breathe as the aptmosphere was changed over time.\n\nIt is possible that some dinosaurs had adapted to the changed aptmoshere, and survived\n\nAnd some evidence of this has been discovered recently\n\nThe word dinosaurs was invented in 1841, and it means Terrible Lizard. Before that time they were refered to as dragons. \n\nWhich means that old stories of dragons from the middle ages may be accurate. Just in a different was than they were interpreted\n\nWow, my research really paid off, I almost sound like an expert",
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"content": "**How to fight whilst not punching**\nWell... This is really simple really, it's Newton's 3rd law!\n*Law 3. If two bodies exert forces on each other, these forces have the same magnitude but opposite directions.*\nIf the enemy punches you, technically you exerted the same force onto the enemy because of Newton's 3rd law.\n\nHowever, you might have a question; why am I being pushed backwards?\n\nWell although the forces have the same magnitude, depending on the weight of the two bodies, they might not end up in the same place.\n\nImagine you and I were on an ice skating rink thing. If I push you with the force **F**, I will be pushed back with the force F, and you will be pushed back by it too.\n\nSo... **F** = m(my weight) * a(my acceleration) = m\\`(your weight) * a`(your acceleration)",
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