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"content": "**How to fight whilst not punching**\nWell... This is really simple really, it's Newton's 3rd law!\n*Law 3. If two bodies exert forces on each other, these forces have the same magnitude but opposite directions.*\nIf the enemy punches you, technically you exerted the same force onto the enemy because of Newton's 3rd law.\n\nHowever, you might have a question; why am I being pushed backwards?\n\nWell although the forces have the same magnitude, depending on the weight of the two bodies, they might not end up in the same place.\n\nImagine you and I were on an ice skating rink thing. If I push you with the force **F**, I will be pushed back with the force F, and you will be pushed back by it too.\n\nSo... **F** = m(my weight) * a(my acceleration) = m\\`(your weight) * a`(your acceleration)", |
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