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Pancreatic0 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
FINDINGS: Some degradation related to patient motion.
LIVER: No suspicious hepatic mass lesion is well appreciated.
BILIARY SYSTEM: Status post previous cholecystectomy. No biliary dilatation. No choledocholithiasis is noted.
SPLEEN: Unremarkable.
PANCREAS: Abutting the junction of the body to the tail of the pancreas extending superiorly there is a multilobulated complex indeterminate pancreatic/peripancreatic cystic lesion. The largest locule is seen along the left side measuring up to
approximately 5.3 cm similar to the patient's previous MRI exam. There are multiple smaller locules medial to this and some extending posteriorly. Following administration of intravenous gadolinium there are no regions solid nodular suspicious
enhancement. No main pancreatic ductal dilatation is well appreciated.
ADRENALS: Unremarkable
KIDNEYS: No obstructive uropathy. No suspicious mass.
AORTA: No aneurysm.
LYMPH NODES: No bulky adenopathy.
OSSEOUS STRUCTURES: No acute or suspicious osseous abnormality.
Additional comments: Small hiatal hernia.
| 5.3 cm |
Pancreatic1 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
There is a 5.5 x 4.7 x 3.8 cm thin-walled cystic lesion between the stomach and pancreatic tail which contains layering hemorrhagic/proteinaceous debris. This has decreased in size compared to the prior CT on 2/14/2022 when it measured 7.4 x 5.5 x 4.9 cm. There is no solid component. There are no findings of acute pancreatitis.
The patient is status post cholecystectomy. There is hepatic steatosis. The spleen, adrenal glands and kidneys are unremarkable except for a hepatic cyst.
There is no abdominal ascites or lymphadenopathy. Fat-containing ventral abdominal wall hernias are noted.
| 5.5 x 4.7 x 3.8 cm |
Pancreatic2 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
The thin-walled cystic lesion between the stomach and pancreatic tail has enlarged measuring 6.8 x 5.8 cm, previously 5.5 x 4.7 cm. It contains layering hemorrhagic/proteinaceous debris, with no solid components identified.
There are no findings of acute pancreatitis. The main pancreatic duct is not dilated. No new pancreatic collections are detected.
There is questionable mild hepatic steatosis A tiny cyst is seen in the right hepatic lobe. The patient is status post cholecystectomy. The spleen, adrenal glands and kidneys are unremarkable.
There is no abdominal adenopathy or ascites. There are small fat-containing ventral abdominal hernia. Small hiatal hernia is again noted.
INDICATION: Evaluate the presence and wall thickness of pancreatic pseudocyst for possible surgical intervention.
COMPARISON: MRI abdomen from 3/2/2022.
TECHNIQUE: MRI of the abdomen was performed with and without contrast. A total of 24 ml Dotarem was administered intravenously. Coronal 3-D MRCP images were obtained
The thin-walled cystic lesion between the stomach and pancreatic tail has enlarged measuring 6.8 x 5.8 cm, previously 5.5 x 4.7 cm. It contains layering hemorrhagic/proteinaceous debris, with no solid components identified.
There are no findings of acute pancreatitis. The main pancreatic duct is not dilated. No new pancreatic collections are detected.
There is questionable mild hepatic steatosis A tiny cyst is seen in the right hepatic lobe. The patient is status post cholecystectomy. The spleen, adrenal glands and kidneys are unremarkable.
There is no abdominal adenopathy or ascites. There are small fat-containing ventral abdominal hernia. Small hiatal hernia is again noted.
| 6.8 x 5.8 cm |
Pancreatic3 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Pancreas: FINDINGS:
There is a 3.5 cm cystic lesion in the uncinate process of the pancreas which is essentially unchanged when compared to 2011. Additionally, there are multiple tiny pancreatic cystic lesions which are better seen on today's MRI. Findings are consistent with sidebranch IPMNs. The main pancreatic duct is not dilated.
The right kidney contains a small hemorrhagic cyst. The spleen, adrenal glands, and left kidney are unremarkable. No gallstones are noted. There is no choledocholithiasis.
There is a right lower lobe lung nodule which measures 1 cm, previously measuring 6 mm in 2013.
| 3.5 cm |
Pancreatic4 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Focal fat corresponds to the liver lesion adjacent to the gallbladder fossa, noted on CT. No enhancing hepatic lesion.
A 4.5 cm complex cystic lesion in the uncinate process is stable as are other scattered cystic lesions and marked pancreatic ductal dilatation. There is redemonstration of infiltrating soft tissue about the pancreatic head and at the mesenteric root encasing the SMA, celiac axis, common hepatic artery and splenic artery with near complete occlusion of the portal vein just downstream from the portal splenic confluence. There is new small amount of nonocclusive thrombus within the SMV.
Peripancreatic and upper abdominal lymphadenopathy is stable from the most recent exam. There is small volume ascites.
The spleen, adrenal glands, and kidneys are unremarkable except for bilateral simple and hemorrhagic cysts. Gallbladder sludge is noted.
Small right pleural effusion. A pulmonary nodule in the left lung base is noted.
| 4.5 cm |
Pancreatic5 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
FINDINGS: Left lower lobe pulmonary nodule would be better evaluated on the CT chest concurrently performed.
A 4.5 cm complex cystic lesion within the pancreatic uncinate process is unchanged from prior. Numerous additional cystic lesions throughout the pancreatic body/tail and significant pancreatic ductal dilatation is also unchanged.
On image 40 series 12 there is infiltrating soft tissue about the pancreatic head and mesenteric root again involving the SMA, celiac axis, common hepatic artery and splenic artery with similar near complete occlusion of the portal vein just prior to the portal splenic confluence. Nonocclusive thrombus is again noted in the SMV (image 61 series 14). Peripancreatic and upper abdominal lymphadenopathy are stable from prior. Small amount of abdominal ascites is again noted. There is a stable 3.4 cm infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm. Trace right pleural effusion and left lung nodule are noted.
There is similar focal fat in the gallbladder fossa. No enhancing liver lesions are identified. There is no biliary ductal dilatation.The spleen, adrenal glands, and kidneys are unremarkable except for bilateral simple and hemorrhagic cysts.
There is an infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm measuring 3.2 cm, possibly with a small dissection flap, unchanged.
INDICATION: Evaluate treatment response. Patient with history of pancreatic, lung, bladder, and prostate malignancy.
COMPARISON: MRI abdomen August 1, 2019.
TECHNIQUE: Multiplanar multisequence MR of the abdomen was performed with and without contrast. A total of 12 ml Dotarem was administered intravenously. Subtractions images are provided.
FINDINGS: Left lower lobe pulmonary nodule would be better evaluated on the CT chest concurrently performed.
A 4.5 cm complex cystic lesion within the pancreatic uncinate process is unchanged from prior. Numerous additional cystic lesions throughout the pancreatic body/tail and significant pancreatic ductal dilatation is also unchanged.
On image 40 series 12 there is infiltrating soft tissue about the pancreatic head and mesenteric root again involving the SMA, celiac axis, common hepatic artery and splenic artery with similar near complete occlusion of the portal vein just prior to the portal splenic confluence. Nonocclusive thrombus is again noted in the SMV (image 61 series 14). Peripancreatic and upper abdominal lymphadenopathy are stable from prior. Small amount of abdominal ascites is again noted. There is a stable 3.4 cm infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm. Trace right pleural effusion and left lung nodule are noted.
There is similar focal fat in the gallbladder fossa. No enhancing liver lesions are identified. There is no biliary ductal dilatation.The spleen, adrenal glands, and kidneys are unremarkable except for bilateral simple and hemorrhagic cysts.
There is an infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm measuring 3.2 cm, possibly with a small dissection flap, unchanged.
INDICATION: Evaluate treatment response. Patient with history of pancreatic, lung, bladder, and prostate malignancy.
COMPARISON: MRI abdomen August 1, 2019.
TECHNIQUE: Multiplanar multisequence MR of the abdomen was performed with and without contrast. A total of 12 ml Dotarem was administered intravenously. Subtractions images are provided.
FINDINGS: Left lower lobe pulmonary nodule would be better evaluated on the CT chest concurrently performed.
A 4.5 cm complex cystic lesion within the pancreatic uncinate process is unchanged from prior. Numerous additional cystic lesions throughout the pancreatic body/tail and significant pancreatic ductal dilatation is also unchanged.
On image 40 series 12 there is infiltrating soft tissue about the pancreatic head and mesenteric root again involving the SMA, celiac axis, common hepatic artery and splenic artery with similar near complete occlusion of the portal vein just prior to the portal splenic confluence. Nonocclusive thrombus is again noted in the SMV (image 61 series 14). Peripancreatic and upper abdominal lymphadenopathy are stable from prior. Small amount of abdominal ascites is again noted. There is a stable 3.4 cm infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm. Trace right pleural effusion and left lung nodule are noted.
There is similar focal fat in the gallbladder fossa. No enhancing liver lesions are identified. There is no biliary ductal dilatation.The spleen, adrenal glands, and kidneys are unremarkable except for bilateral simple and hemorrhagic cysts.
There is an infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm measuring 3.2 cm, possibly with a small dissection flap, unchanged.
INDICATION: Evaluate treatment response. Patient with history of pancreatic, lung, bladder, and prostate malignancy.
COMPARISON: MRI abdomen August 1, 2019.
TECHNIQUE: Multiplanar multisequence MR of the abdomen was performed with and without contrast. A total of 12 ml Dotarem was administered intravenously. Subtractions images are provided.
FINDINGS: Left lower lobe pulmonary nodule would be better evaluated on the CT chest concurrently performed.
A 4.5 cm complex cystic lesion within the pancreatic uncinate process is unchanged from prior. Numerous additional cystic lesions throughout the pancreatic body/tail and significant pancreatic ductal dilatation is also unchanged.
On image 40 series 12 there is infiltrating soft tissue about the pancreatic head and mesenteric root again involving the SMA, celiac axis, common hepatic artery and splenic artery with similar near complete occlusion of the portal vein just prior to the portal splenic confluence. Nonocclusive thrombus is again noted in the SMV (image 61 series 14). Peripancreatic and upper abdominal lymphadenopathy are stable from prior. Small amount of abdominal ascites is again noted. There is a stable 3.4 cm infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm. Trace right pleural effusion and left lung nodule are noted.
There is similar focal fat in the gallbladder fossa. No enhancing liver lesions are identified. There is no biliary ductal dilatation.The spleen, adrenal glands, and kidneys are unremarkable except for bilateral simple and hemorrhagic cysts.
There is an infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm measuring 3.2 cm, possibly with a small dissection flap, unchanged.
| 4.5 cm |
Pancreatic6 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Pancreas: FINDINGS:
Ill-defined pancreatic head mass with soft tissue involvement of the artery celiac artery, superior mesenteric artery, common hepatic and splenic arteries is very difficult to accurately measure though is not significantly changed. This results in dilatation of the pancreatic duct which is also similar. There is stable encasement of the portal vein at the portosplenic confluence, with numerous venous collaterals again seen, and an unchanged nonocclusive thrombus in the superior mesenteric vein again noted (image 67, series 24.
A 4.6 cm cystic lesion arising from the pancreatic uncinate process is also unchanged. The spleen, adrenal glands, gallbladder and liver are unremarkable. A a few small renal cysts are again noted.
No enlarged abdominal or pelvic lymph nodes are seen. Small to moderate amount of ascites present, slightly increased. There is no bowel obstruction. Patient is status post prostatectomy. There is a stable 3.2 cm infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm containing a small focal dissection flap. No aggressive osseous lesions are detected.
Ill-defined pancreatic head mass with soft tissue involvement of the artery celiac artery, superior mesenteric artery, common hepatic and splenic arteries is very difficult to accurately measure though is not significantly changed. This results in dilatation of the pancreatic duct which is also similar. There is stable encasement of the portal vein at the portosplenic confluence, with numerous venous collaterals again seen, and an unchanged nonocclusive thrombus in the superior mesenteric vein again noted (image 67, series 24.
A 4.6 cm cystic lesion arising from the pancreatic uncinate process is also unchanged. The spleen, adrenal glands, gallbladder and liver are unremarkable. A a few small renal cysts are again noted.
No enlarged abdominal or pelvic lymph nodes are seen. Small to moderate amount of ascites present, slightly increased. There is no bowel obstruction. Patient is status post prostatectomy. There is a stable 3.2 cm infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm containing a small focal dissection flap. No aggressive osseous lesions are detected
| 4.6 cm |
Pancreatic7 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Again demonstrated is a cystic lesion in the pancreatic body which has increased in size compared to the previous exam measuring 2.1 cm, previously 1.6 cm (series 5 image 20). The lesion is in close approximation to the pancreatic duct without associated main pancreatic ductal dilatation. There are thinly enhancing septations within the lesion which are similar in appearance.
The liver, spleen and left adrenal gland are unremarkable. Stable 1.0 cm adenoma in the right adrenal gland. Status post cholecystectomy with stable prominence of the CBD. There are multiple cysts within both kidneys, some of which are hemorrhagic. There is no ascites or lymphadenopathy.
| 2.1 cm |
Pancreatic8 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
FINDINGS: A cystic focus is seen in the anterior aspect of the pancreatic neck. This is currently estimated at approximately 21 mm in AP diameter, unchanged from the most recent prior MRI. This has been previously measured at 16 mm on MRI 12/14/2012, 17 mm on CT 12/9/2011 and 12 mm on CT 9/14/2010. There are several minute foci of increased signal on T2-weighted sequences associated with the pancreatic head, 2 adjacent to one another seen on image 16 of T2 series #4 estimated at 2-3 mm in diameter and one along the anterior aspect of the pancreas on axial image 15 of series 4 estimated at 2 mm in diameter that have not been clearly appreciated on the prior studies. No other regions of abnormal signal or abnormal enhancement of the pancreas are appreciated. No pancreatic duct dilation is seen. The liver is normal in size and shape, without focal abnormalities appreciated. The gallbladder is not identified. Prior CT examinations revealed metallic clips in the gallbladder fossa, indicating prior cholecystectomy. The spleen is unremarkable. There is no evidence for adrenal enlargement. The kidneys reveal several minute cortical cysts bilaterally which are similar to the findings on previous exams. No significant renal abnormalities are appreciated. There is no evidence for retroperitoneal mass or pathologic adenopathy. No retroperitoneal vascular abnormality is seen. There is no fluid in the upper abdomen appreciated. No other significant findings are noted.
COMPARISON MRI 11/2/2013, MRI 12/4/2012, CT 12/9/2011 and CT 9/14/2010.
FINDINGS: A cystic focus is seen in the anterior aspect of the pancreatic neck. This is currently estimated at approximately 21 mm in AP diameter, unchanged from the most recent prior MRI. This has been previously measured at 16 mm on MRI 12/14/2012, 17 mm on CT 12/9/2011 and 12 mm on CT 9/14/2010. There are several minute foci of increased signal on T2-weighted sequences associated with the pancreatic head, 2 adjacent to one another seen on image 16 of T2 series #4 estimated at 2-3 mm in diameter and one along the anterior aspect of the pancreas on axial image 15 of series 4 estimated at 2 mm in diameter that have not been clearly appreciated on the prior studies. No other regions of abnormal signal or abnormal enhancement of the pancreas are appreciated. No pancreatic duct dilation is seen. The liver is normal in size and shape, without focal abnormalities appreciated. The gallbladder is not identified. Prior CT examinations revealed metallic clips in the gallbladder fossa, indicating prior cholecystectomy. The spleen is unremarkable. There is no evidence for adrenal enlargement. The kidneys reveal several minute cortical cysts bilaterally which are similar to the findings on previous exams. No significant renal abnormalities are appreciated. There is no evidence for retroperitoneal mass or pathologic adenopathy. No retroperitoneal vascular abnormality is seen. There is no fluid in the upper abdomen appreciated. No other significant findings are noted.
COMPARISON MRI 11/2/2013, MRI 12/4/2012, CT 12/9/2011 and CT 9/14/2010.
FINDINGS: A cystic focus is seen in the anterior aspect of the pancreatic neck. This is currently estimated at approximately 21 mm in AP diameter, unchanged from the most recent prior MRI. This has been previously measured at 16 mm on MRI 12/14/2012, 17 mm on CT 12/9/2011 and 12 mm on CT 9/14/2010. There are several minute foci of increased signal on T2-weighted sequences associated with the pancreatic head, 2 adjacent to one another seen on image 16 of T2 series #4 estimated at 2-3 mm in diameter and one along the anterior aspect of the pancreas on axial image 15 of series 4 estimated at 2 mm in diameter that have not been clearly appreciated on the prior studies. No other regions of abnormal signal or abnormal enhancement of the pancreas are appreciated. No pancreatic duct dilation is seen. The liver is normal in size and shape, without focal abnormalities appreciated. The gallbladder is not identified. Prior CT examinations revealed metallic clips in the gallbladder fossa, indicating prior cholecystectomy. The spleen is unremarkable. There is no evidence for adrenal enlargement. The kidneys reveal several minute cortical cysts bilaterally which are similar to the findings on previous exams. No significant renal abnormalities are appreciated. There is no evidence for retroperitoneal mass or pathologic adenopathy. No retroperitoneal vascular abnormality is seen. There is no fluid in the upper abdomen appreciated. No other significant findings are noted.
| 21 mm |
Pancreatic9 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Findings: The MRI from 2012 had demonstrated a 1.4 cm heterogeneous cystic lesion within the pancreatic body chest demonstrated some mild internal thin septal enhancement without any nodular enhancement. Lesion has been followed with the most recent previous exam from October 2014. The lesion had measured 2.1 cm. Today 2.1 cm. Previously there were small cysts noted in the tail these are likely focally ectatic branch ducts that were noted in 2012 as well.
The liver, spleen and adrenal glands are unremarkable. There are small bilateral renal cysts. The gallbladder is surgically absent. There is no abdominal lymphadenopathy. There is no ascites. The aorta tapers normally.
| 2.1 cm |
Pancreatic10 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Pancreas: History: 82-year-old female with history of IPMN.
Findings: Standard pulse sequences were obtained for and after intravenous injection of gadolinium contrast. MRCP images were also obtained. Comparison is made to a previous study of 11/7/2015.
No pleural or pericardial effusion is demonstrated. There is evidence of previous sternotomy.
The liver and spleen enhance homogeneously with no evidence of mass. The gallbladder is not demonstrated. Neither adrenal gland is enlarged. The kidneys demonstrate numerous minute cysts throughout their parenchyma. There is no renal mass or hydronephrosis. The abdominal aorta is normal in caliber.
In the head of the pancreas, a complex cystic lesion is again demonstrated. This finding appears increased in size compared to the previous study, presently measuring 4.1 x 3.0 x 3.5 cm compared to 3.4 x 2.5 x 2.8 cm on the previous study. Following intravenous contrast administration, there may be slight enhancement of septa within the lesion. No other intrahepatic cystic lesion or mass is visualized.
No retroperitoneal adenopathy, ascites, or dilated loops of intestine are demonstrated in the upper abdomen by CT. The common bile duct is normal in caliber for the patient's age at 7 mm. The cystic duct stump is seen on image 5 of series 8.
| 4.1 x 3.0 x 3.5 cm |
Pancreatic11 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Again seen is a multiloculated cystic lesion in the pancreatic body measuring 4.9 x 3.9 x 4.7 cm (previously 3.5 x 3.0 x 4.0 cm on the MRI of the October 29, 2016 and 2.8 x 2.5 x 3.3 cm on the MRI of November 7, 2015). There is a central scar, and enhancement within the septations and central scar, without discrete enhancing mass. There is no communication with the main pancreatic duct and no evidence of pancreatic ductal dilatation. An additional 6mm cystic focus is seen in the uncinate process which appears stable.
The liver, spleen, and bilateral adrenal glands appear unremarkable. The patient is status post cholecystectomy. There is mild dilatation of the common bile duct, likely related to prior cholecystectomy. No filling defect is seen within the bile ducts. Multiple cysts are seen in both kidneys. Most of these are too small to definitively characterize. A 1.8 cm simple cyst in the upper pole the left kidney is without significant change.
The aorta is normal caliber. No significant retroperitoneal or mesenteric adenopathy is identified. Visualized bowel loops appear unremarkable. Visualized bones and lung bases appear unremarkable.
| 4.9 x 3.9 x 4.7 cm |
Pancreatic12 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Again seen is a multiloculated cystic lesion in the pancreatic body, now measuring 5.6 x 4.7 x 5.0 cm (previously 4.9 x 3.9 x 4.7 cm). Again, no communication with the main pancreatic duct is evident, nor is there dilatation of the main pancreatic duct. Multiple septations are seen within the lesion.
A stable 6 mm lesion in the uncinate processes again evident. Patient is status post cholecystectomy. No filling defects are seen within the intra or extrahepatic bile ducts. The common bile duct is stable in appearance measuring 9 mm in diameter. No discrete liver lesion is identified. The spleen and bilateral adrenal glands appear unremarkable. Stable cysts are seen in both kidneys.
The aorta is normal in caliber. No significant retroperitoneal or mesenteric adenopathy is identified. No bone lesions are seen. Visualized lung bases appear unremarkable.
COMPARISON: MRI of November 25, 2017 and October 29, 2016
CLINICAL INDICATION: pancreatic cyst
TECHNIQUE: MRI of the abdomen is performed with standard pulse sequences, addition to MRCP sequences, without the administration of intravenous gadolinium.
Again seen is a multiloculated cystic lesion in the pancreatic body, now measuring 5.6 x 4.7 x 5.0 cm (previously 4.9 x 3.9 x 4.7 cm). Again, no communication with the main pancreatic duct is evident, nor is there dilatation of the main pancreatic duct. Multiple septations are seen within the lesion.
A stable 6 mm lesion in the uncinate processes again evident. Patient is status post cholecystectomy. No filling defects are seen within the intra or extrahepatic bile ducts. The common bile duct is stable in appearance measuring 9 mm in diameter. No discrete liver lesion is identified. The spleen and bilateral adrenal glands appear unremarkable. Stable cysts are seen in both kidneys.
The aorta is normal in caliber. No significant retroperitoneal or mesenteric adenopathy is identified. No bone lesions are seen. Visualized lung bases appear unremarkable
| 5.6 x 4.7 x 5.0 cm |
Pancreatic13 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
The lung bases are unremarkable. A 2.1 cm cyst in the pancreatic head without suspicious imaging features is unchanged in size and appearance, previously 2.1 cm. A few additional scattered sub-5 mm pancreatic cystic lesions are also unchanged. There is no pancreatic ductal dilatation. An indeterminate 1.6 cm enhancing lesion within the first portion of the duodenum is unchanged, previously 1.6 cm (image 58 series 10).
The liver, spleen, kidneys, gallbladder, and adrenal glands are unremarkable with the exception of several scattered liver and renal cysts, with the right upper pole renal cyst again noted to contain hemorrhagic/proteinaceous debris. No enlarged abdominal lymph nodes are seen. There is no upper abdominal ascites. No aggressive osseous lesions are detected.
| 2.1 cm |
Pancreatic14 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Redemonstration of a 2.1 cm nonenhancing cystic lesion in the pancreatic neck, unchanged from the most recent prior study, however this has increased in size from 2004 where it measured 8 mm. Other cystic lesions in the pancreas measuring 5 mm or less are unchanged from the most recent prior. The main pancreatic duct is not dilated.
There are multiple tiny hepatic cysts. There are bilateral renal simple cysts and hemorrhagic cysts. The spleen and adrenals are unremarkable.
There is no adenopathy. There is a 1 cm enhancing lesion in the first portion the duodenum, likely corresponding to the benign pyloric polyp seen on recent endoscopic ultrasound.
There is no aggressive osseous lesion.
| 2.1 cm |
Pancreatic15 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
There is an approximately 2.1 cm cystic mass in the neck of the pancreas which is unchanged. A few other tiny cystic lesions in the pancreas are stable. There are no mural nodules. The main pancreatic duct is nondilated. A few tiny liver cysts are present. The spleen and adrenal glands are unremarkable. There are renal cysts and a 1 cm hemorrhagic cyst in the right kidney. The previously described enhancing polypoid structure in the first portion of the duodenum is stable. There is no ascites or adenopathy.
| 2.1 cm |
Pancreatic16 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Stable 2.3 cm cystic lesion at the pancreatic head/uncinate process. No mural or enhancing solid component. Additional subcentimeter cystic lesions in the pancreas are unchanged. These findings may relate to sidebranch IPMN and/or sequela from previous pancreatitis. The main pancreatic duct is normal caliber.
The liver, spleen, adrenal glands and cells are unremarkable except for tiny hepatic cysts. Cholelithiasis is noted. There are bilateral renal cysts, some which contain hemorrhagic material. Stable polypoid lesion in the proximal duodenum (image 22 series 3).
No ascites or lymphadenopathy.
INDICATION: Follow up pancreatic neoplasm--annual.
COMPARISON: CT chest abdomen pelvis with contrast 8/8/2017, MRI abdomen with and without contrast 2/6/2017
TECHNIQUE: MRI of the abdomen was performed with and without contrast. A total of 18 cc Dotarem was administered intravenously. Sequences include axial, coronal T2 HASTE, axial T2 fat-sat, axial T1 in and opposed phase, axial T1 fat-sat pre and multiphase postcontrast.
Stable 2.3 cm cystic lesion at the pancreatic head/uncinate process. No mural or enhancing solid component. Additional subcentimeter cystic lesions in the pancreas are unchanged. These findings may relate to sidebranch IPMN and/or sequela from previous pancreatitis. The main pancreatic duct is normal caliber.
The liver, spleen, adrenal glands and cells are unremarkable except for tiny hepatic cysts. Cholelithiasis is noted. There are bilateral renal cysts, some which contain hemorrhagic material. Stable polypoid lesion in the proximal duodenum (image 22 series 3).
No ascites or lymphadenopathy.
INDICATION: Follow up pancreatic neoplasm--annual.
COMPARISON: CT chest abdomen pelvis with contrast 8/8/2017, MRI abdomen with and without contrast 2/6/2017
TECHNIQUE: MRI of the abdomen was performed with and without contrast. A total of 18 cc Dotarem was administered intravenously. Sequences include axial, coronal T2 HASTE, axial T2 fat-sat, axial T1 in and opposed phase, axial T1 fat-sat pre and multiphase postcontrast.
Stable 2.3 cm cystic lesion at the pancreatic head/uncinate process. No mural or enhancing solid component. Additional subcentimeter cystic lesions in the pancreas are unchanged. These findings may relate to sidebranch IPMN and/or sequela from previous pancreatitis. The main pancreatic duct is normal caliber.
The liver, spleen, adrenal glands and cells are unremarkable except for tiny hepatic cysts. Cholelithiasis is noted. There are bilateral renal cysts, some which contain hemorrhagic material. Stable polypoid lesion in the proximal duodenum (image 22 series 3).
No ascites or lymphadenopathy.
| 2.3 cm |
Pancreatic17 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Within the head of the pancreas is a stable 2.3 cm cystic lesion, without mural or enhancing solid components. Additional subcentimeter cystic lesions in the pancreas are essentially unchanged. These findings may represent sidebranch IPMNs and/or sequela from previous pancreatitis. The main pancreatic duct is normal caliber.
The liver, spleen, and adrenal glands are unremarkable except for tiny hepatic cysts. Cholelithiasis is noted. There are bilateral renal cysts, one of which is hemorrhagic on the right. Stable polypoid lesion in the proximal duodenum (image 20 series 3).
No ascites or lymphadenopathy.
INDICATION: Follow up pancreatic neoplasm.
COMPARISON: MRI abdomen with and without contrast 2/5/2018
TECHNIQUE: MRI of the abdomen was performed with and without contrast. A total of 18 cc Dotarem was administered intravenously. Sequences include axial, coronal T2 HASTE, axial T2 fat-sat, axial T1 in and opposed phase, axial T1 fat-sat pre and multiphase postcontrast.
Within the head of the pancreas is a stable 2.3 cm cystic lesion, without mural or enhancing solid components. Additional subcentimeter cystic lesions in the pancreas are essentially unchanged. These findings may represent sidebranch IPMNs and/or sequela from previous pancreatitis. The main pancreatic duct is normal caliber.
The liver, spleen, and adrenal glands are unremarkable except for tiny hepatic cysts. Cholelithiasis is noted. There are bilateral renal cysts, one of which is hemorrhagic on the right. Stable polypoid lesion in the proximal duodenum (image 20 series 3).
No ascites or lymphadenopathy.
INDICATION: Follow up pancreatic neoplasm.
COMPARISON: MRI abdomen with and without contrast 2/5/2018
TECHNIQUE: MRI of the abdomen was performed with and without contrast. A total of 18 cc Dotarem was administered intravenously. Sequences include axial, coronal T2 HASTE, axial T2 fat-sat, axial T1 in and opposed phase, axial T1 fat-sat pre and multiphase postcontrast.
Within the head of the pancreas is a stable 2.3 cm cystic lesion, without mural or enhancing solid components. Additional subcentimeter cystic lesions in the pancreas are essentially unchanged. These findings may represent sidebranch IPMNs and/or sequela from previous pancreatitis. The main pancreatic duct is normal caliber.
The liver, spleen, and adrenal glands are unremarkable except for tiny hepatic cysts. Cholelithiasis is noted. There are bilateral renal cysts, one of which is hemorrhagic on the right. Stable polypoid lesion in the proximal duodenum (image 20 series 3).
No ascites or lymphadenopathy.
| 2.3 cm |
Pancreatic18 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
A few scattered simple appearing pancreatic cystic lesions without internal solid enhancing components are stable. The largest of these measures 2.3 cm in the region of the pancreatic neck. No pancreatic ductal dilatation is identified. Findings remain nonspecific and could reflect sidebranch intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms and/or the sequela of prior pancreatitis. No solid enhancing pancreatic masses are identified.
The spleen and adrenal glands are unremarkable. Cholelithiasis is again noted. There is no biliary ductal dilatation. A few scattered liver cysts are not significantly changed. A few renal cysts are also unchanged with a right renal cyst again noted to contain hemorrhagic/proteinaceous debris. There is a stable polypoid lesion associated with the duodenum (image 21, series 4. There is no abdominal adenopathy or ascites.
Clinical history: Pancreatic cyst/pseudo cyst, follow up. Additional history of lymphoma.
Comparison: MRI dated February 22, 2019. A more recent CT study from January 15, 2020 is available for review, however the pancreatic lesions are better seen on the prior MRI.
TECHNIQUE: Multiplanar, multi sequential MR imaging was performed with and without intravenous contrast. 18 cc of intravenous Dotarem was given.
A few scattered simple appearing pancreatic cystic lesions without internal solid enhancing components are stable. The largest of these measures 2.3 cm in the region of the pancreatic neck. No pancreatic ductal dilatation is identified. Findings remain nonspecific and could reflect sidebranch intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms and/or the sequela of prior pancreatitis. No solid enhancing pancreatic masses are identified.
The spleen and adrenal glands are unremarkable. Cholelithiasis is again noted. There is no biliary ductal dilatation. A few scattered liver cysts are not significantly changed. A few renal cysts are also unchanged with a right renal cyst again noted to contain hemorrhagic/proteinaceous debris. There is a stable polypoid lesion associated with the duodenum (image 21, series 4. There is no abdominal adenopathy or ascites.
Clinical history: Pancreatic cyst/pseudo cyst, follow up. Additional history of lymphoma.
Comparison: MRI dated February 22, 2019. A more recent CT study from January 15, 2020 is available for review, however the pancreatic lesions are better seen on the prior MRI.
TECHNIQUE: Multiplanar, multi sequential MR imaging was performed with and without intravenous contrast. 18 cc of intravenous Dotarem was given.
A few scattered simple appearing pancreatic cystic lesions without internal solid enhancing components are stable. The largest of these measures 2.3 cm in the region of the pancreatic neck. No pancreatic ductal dilatation is identified. Findings remain nonspecific and could reflect sidebranch intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms and/or the sequela of prior pancreatitis. No solid enhancing pancreatic masses are identified.
The spleen and adrenal glands are unremarkable. Cholelithiasis is again noted. There is no biliary ductal dilatation. A few scattered liver cysts are not significantly changed. A few renal cysts are also unchanged with a right renal cyst again noted to contain hemorrhagic/proteinaceous debris. There is a stable polypoid lesion associated with the duodenum (image 21, series 4. There is no abdominal adenopathy or ascites.
Clinical history: Pancreatic cyst/pseudo cyst, follow up. Additional history of lymphoma.
Comparison: MRI dated February 22, 2019. A more recent CT study from January 15, 2020 is available for review, however the pancreatic lesions are better seen on the prior MRI.
TECHNIQUE: Multiplanar, multi sequential MR imaging was performed with and without intravenous contrast. 18 cc of intravenous Dotarem was given.
A few scattered simple appearing pancreatic cystic lesions without internal solid enhancing components are stable. The largest of these measures 2.3 cm in the region of the pancreatic neck. No pancreatic ductal dilatation is identified. Findings remain nonspecific and could reflect sidebranch intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms and/or the sequela of prior pancreatitis. No solid enhancing pancreatic masses are identified.
The spleen and adrenal glands are unremarkable. Cholelithiasis is again noted. There is no biliary ductal dilatation. A few scattered liver cysts are not significantly changed. A few renal cysts are also unchanged with a right renal cyst again noted to contain hemorrhagic/proteinaceous debris. There is a stable polypoid lesion associated with the duodenum (image 21, series 4. There is no abdominal adenopathy or ascites.
| 2.3 cm |
Pancreatic19 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Tiny hepatic cysts are noted. Numerous sub-centimeter gallstones
are noted. No gallbladder wall thickening is evident. There is no
biliary dilatation. No pancreatic ductal dilatation is seen.
Cystic foci are seen involving the pancreatic head and neck, measuring
up to 2.3 cm, similar to the previous MRI. Contiguity with the
ductal system may present with the larger foci. Postcontrast imaging
is motion degraded. No grossly abnormal enhancement is evident.
No splenic abnormality is noted. Portal, splenic, and superior
mesenteric venous patency is maintained.
No adrenal lesion is seen. A sub-centimeter right renal cyst is
noted. There is no hydronephrosis.
An approximately 1.7 cm polypoid focus is seen in the duodenal
bulb, fairly similar to the MRI.
BARRY BALL Sex: M DOB: 19470520 MRN: MR185871
Service Date: 2021-06-08 07:17:11
HISTORY: Pancreatic cyst/pseudocyst
TECHNIQUE: Multiplanar multi sequence imaging of the abdomen was
obtained before and after intravenous contrast administration (16
cc Dotarem). MRCP images were obtained prior to contrast
administration. Those images were reformatted as a 3D sequence by the MRI
technologist at the dependent workstation. The reformatted 3D
images were saved to the PACS system.
COMPARISON: CT scan chest/abdomen/pelvis 01/13/2021 outside MRI
abdomen 03/09/2020
Tiny hepatic cysts are noted. Numerous sub-centimeter gallstones
are noted. No gallbladder wall thickening is evident. There is no
biliary dilatation. No pancreatic ductal dilatation is seen.
Cystic foci are seen involving the pancreatic head and neck, measuring
up to 2.3 cm, similar to the previous MRI. Contiguity with the
ductal system may present with the larger foci. Postcontrast imaging
is motion degraded. No grossly abnormal enhancement is evident.
No splenic abnormality is noted. Portal, splenic, and superior
mesenteric venous patency is maintained.
No adrenal lesion is seen. A sub-centimeter right renal cyst is
noted. There is no hydronephrosis.
An approximately 1.7 cm polypoid focus is seen in the duodenal
bulb, fairly similar to the MRI.
BARRY BALL Sex: M DOB: 19470520 MRN: MR185871
Service Date: 2021-06-08 07:17:11
HISTORY: Pancreatic cyst/pseudocyst
TECHNIQUE: Multiplanar multi sequence imaging of the abdomen was
obtained before and after intravenous contrast administration (16
cc Dotarem). MRCP images were obtained prior to contrast
administration. Those images were reformatted as a 3D sequence by the MRI
technologist at the dependent workstation. The reformatted 3D
images were saved to the PACS system.
COMPARISON: CT scan chest/abdomen/pelvis 01/13/2021 outside MRI
abdomen 03/09/2020
Tiny hepatic cysts are noted. Numerous sub-centimeter gallstones
are noted. No gallbladder wall thickening is evident. There is no
biliary dilatation. No pancreatic ductal dilatation is seen.
Cystic foci are seen involving the pancreatic head and neck, measuring
up to 2.3 cm, similar to the previous MRI. Contiguity with the
ductal system may present with the larger foci. Postcontrast imaging
is motion degraded. No grossly abnormal enhancement is evident.
No splenic abnormality is noted. Portal, splenic, and superior
mesenteric venous patency is maintained.
No adrenal lesion is seen. A sub-centimeter right renal cyst is
noted. There is no hydronephrosis.
An approximately 1.7 cm polypoid focus is seen in the duodenal
bulb, fairly similar to the MRI.
BARRY BALL Sex: M DOB: 19470520 MRN: MR185871
Service Date: 2021-06-08 07:17:11
HISTORY: Pancreatic cyst/pseudocyst
TECHNIQUE: Multiplanar multi sequence imaging of the abdomen was
obtained before and after intravenous contrast administration (16
cc Dotarem). MRCP images were obtained prior to contrast
administration. Those images were reformatted as a 3D sequence by the MRI
technologist at the dependent workstation. The reformatted 3D
images were saved to the PACS system.
COMPARISON: CT scan chest/abdomen/pelvis 01/13/2021 outside MRI
abdomen 03/09/2020
Tiny hepatic cysts are noted. Numerous sub-centimeter gallstones
are noted. No gallbladder wall thickening is evident. There is no
biliary dilatation. No pancreatic ductal dilatation is seen.
Cystic foci are seen involving the pancreatic head and neck, measuring
up to 2.3 cm, similar to the previous MRI. Contiguity with the
ductal system may present with the larger foci. Postcontrast imaging
is motion degraded. No grossly abnormal enhancement is evident.
No splenic abnormality is noted. Portal, splenic, and superior
mesenteric venous patency is maintained.
No adrenal lesion is seen. A sub-centimeter right renal cyst is
noted. There is no hydronephrosis.
An approximately 1.7 cm polypoid focus is seen in the duodenal
bulb, fairly similar to the MRI.
| 2.3 cm |
Pancreatic20 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Pancreas: FINDINGS:
Varying degrees of motion artifact are present.
Artifact is again seen from sternotomy wires.
Numerous subcentimeter fluid signal foci in the liver are likely cysts, similar. Numerous sub-centimeter gallstones are again noted. No gallbladder wall thickening is evident. There is no biliary dilatation. No pancreatic ductal dilatation is seen. Cystic foci are again seen involving the pancreatic head and neck. These are slightly larger than before. The largest measures up to 2.5 cm (previously 2.3 cm). Contiguity with the ductal system may again present with the larger foci. The spleen is not enlarged.
No adrenal lesion is seen. There is persistent nonspecific bilateral perinephric stranding. Subcentimeter fluid signal foci are seen in the kidneys, presumably cysts but not fully characterized. There is no hydronephrosis.
An approximately 1.6 cm polypoid focus is again seen in the duodenal bulb.
| 2.5 cm |
Pancreatic21 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
There is diffuse hepatic steatosis. Multiple hepatic cysts are noted, the largest a stable 1.3 cm septated left hepatic lobe cyst. The hepatic vasculature is patent. There is no biliary duct dilatation.
The gallbladder, spleen, adrenal glands and kidneys are unremarkable, except for renal cysts and minimal nodularity of the right adrenal gland.. There are a few pancreatic cystic lesions, the largest a 1.5 cm in the pancreatic head has increased in size, was previously 1.2 cm, likely representing the sequela of prior pancreatitis versus a side duct IPMN.
There is no bowel obstruction or ascites.
No abdominal lymphadenopathy is identified.
| 1.5 cm |
Pancreatic22 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
A 1.7 cm cystic lesion with connection to the main pancreatic duct has been slowly enlarging; this was 1.5 cm on 11/6/2020 and 1.2 cm on 2/3/2018. There are no internal worrisome features. No main pancreatic ductal dilatation is seen. Additional subcentimeter punctate cystic lesions in the pancreas are unchanged.
A few small liver cysts are unchanged, including a 1.3 cm left hepatic lobe cyst with thin internal septations. The gallbladder, spleen, right adrenal gland, and kidneys are unremarkable with the exception of stable bilateral renal cysts. There is stable mild nodularity of the left adrenal gland.
No abdominal adenopathy or ascites is seen
| 1.7 cm |
Pancreatic23 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
1.7 cm cystic lesion in the pancreatic head with connection to the main pancreatic duct is unchanged (image 37, series 2001). It again demonstrates a single thin septation without nodularity. The main pancreatic duct is normal in caliber.
The liver, spleen, kidneys, and adrenal glands are unremarkable, except for hepatic and bilateral renal cysts. Cholelithiasis is noted.
No abdominal lymphadenopathy or ascites is seen.
COMPARISON: MRI from 6/1/2021
TECHNIQUE: Multiplanar MRI of the abdomen was performed without intravenous contrast. 3D MRCP and MIP images were also obtained.
1.7 cm cystic lesion in the pancreatic head with connection to the main pancreatic duct is unchanged (image 37, series 2001). It again demonstrates a single thin septation without nodularity. The main pancreatic duct is normal in caliber.
The liver, spleen, kidneys, and adrenal glands are unremarkable, except for hepatic and bilateral renal cysts. Cholelithiasis is noted.
No abdominal lymphadenopathy or ascites is seen.
COMPARISON: MRI from 6/1/2021
TECHNIQUE: Multiplanar MRI of the abdomen was performed without intravenous contrast. 3D MRCP and MIP images were also obtained.
1.7 cm cystic lesion in the pancreatic head with connection to the main pancreatic duct is unchanged (image 37, series 2001). It again demonstrates a single thin septation without nodularity. The main pancreatic duct is normal in caliber.
The liver, spleen, kidneys, and adrenal glands are unremarkable, except for hepatic and bilateral renal cysts. Cholelithiasis is noted.
No abdominal lymphadenopathy or ascites is seen.
| 1.7 cm |
Pancreatic24 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
The examination demonstrates a multiseptated cystic lesion of the uncinate process of the pancreas measuring 4.1 x 1.9 x 2.7 cm, unchanged in size, according to my measurements of both examinations (the margins of the lesion are better delineated by MRI, especially on T2-weighted sequences). There is no dilatation of the pancreatic duct. There is no biliary dilatation. There are no gallstones within the gallbladder. The liver, spleen, pancreas, and adrenal glands are normal. There are no focal renal lesions. There is no retroperitoneal adenopathy. There is no ascites.
| 4.1 x 1.9 x 2.7 cm |
Pancreatic25 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Again demonstrated is a multiseptated cystic lesion arising within the uncinate process of the pancreas , similar in size and morphology measuring approximately 4.1 cm in greatest dimension (craniocaudal, previously 4.1 cm). There is no pancreatic or biliary ductal dilatation.
Accounting for limitations of the T2 only technique, the liver, gallbladder, spleen, adrenal glands and kidneys are unremarkable.
| 4.1 cm |
Pancreatic26 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Redemonstrated is a multiseptated cystic lesion within the uncinate process of the pancreas measuring 2.4 x 2.2 x 4.3 cm, previously 2.4 x 2.2 x 4.3 cm. There is no main pancreatic or biliary ductal dilatation.
The liver, gallbladder, spleen, adrenal glands and kidneys are unremarkable on the limited T2 weighted sequences.
There is no ascites, lymphadenopathy or bowel obstruction.
| 2.4 x 2.2 x 4.3 cm |
Pancreatic27 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
A multiseptated lesion is again noted in the uncinate process of the pancreas, measuring 2.3 x 2.4 x 4.2 cm (AP X TR X CC), unchanged in size. Additional tiny T2 hyperintense lesions are also noted in the uncinate process and tail, unchanged. There is no main pancreatic ductal dilatation.
The liver, gallbladder, spleen, adrenal glands and kidneys are unremarkable. There is no upper abdominal adenopathy or ascites
| 2.3 x 2.4 x 4.2 cm |
Pancreatic28 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
No solid pancreatic masses identified. There are few tiny pancreatic cystic lesions measuring up to 4 mm within the pancreatic tail (images 24 and 25, series 7). There is no dilatation of the main pancreatic duct. These findings are nonspecific and may reflect side branch intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms and/or the sequela of prior pancreatitis.
Mild biliary ductal dilatation to the level of the ampulla is presumably related to prior cholecystectomy. No choledocholithiasis is identified. The liver, spleen, adrenal glands and kidneys are unremarkable except for a few small renal cysts. There is no abdominal adenopathy. On image 18, series 7, there is a 1.5 cm oval-shaped nonenhancing cystic structure posterior to the right hepatic lobe, which is nonspecific though of doubtful significance.
No aggressive osseous lesions are detected.
| 4 mm |
Pancreatic29 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
A 7 mm cystic lesion in pancreatic tail (image 27, series 5) stable. A 7 mm cystic lesion in the pancreatic tail on image 25 is increase in size, previously 4 mm. No solid pancreatic mass is identified. The main pancreatic duct is normal in caliber.
Mild biliary ductal dilatation to the level of the ampulla is presumably related to prior cholecystectomy. No choledocholithiasis is identified. The liver, spleen, adrenal glands and kidneys are unremarkable except for a few small renal cysts. There is no abdominal adenopathy. On image 18, series 7, there is a stable 1.5 cm oval-shaped nonenhancing cystic structure posterior to the right hepatic lobe, which is nonspecific but of doubtful significance. There is a stable T2 hypointense, nonenhancing, lesion in the left breast, presumably postoperative change.
| 7 mm |
Pancreatic30 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Again noted are a few small scattered cystic foci within the pancreas, measuring up to 7 mm, unchanged. There is no main duct dilatation and no solid mass.
The patient is status post cholecystectomy and mild biliary dilatation is presumably related to the gallbladder surgery. The liver, spleen, adrenal glands, and kidneys are unremarkable. There is no ascites or adenopathy.
| 7 mm |
Pancreatic31 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Mild hepatic steatosis. There are subcentimeter foci of arterial phase enhancement in the liver which are not seen on the delayed contrast images, likely representing transient perfusion abnormalities. The gallbladder is within normal limits. The spleen and adrenal glands are unremarkable. There are bilateral renal cysts.
There is a 2 mm cystic focus in the body of the pancreas, axial image 16 of series 7. This is stable in retrospect. There is no pancreatic or biliary ductal dilation.
No ascites or lymphadenopathy.
| 2 mm |
Pancreatic32 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
A 3 mm cystic lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable (image 11, series 10). There is no pancreatic ductal dilatation.
The liver, spleen, adrenal glands, and gallbladder are unremarkable. Bilateral renal cysts are noted.
There is no abdominal lymphadenopathy or ascites. A small hiatal hernia is noted.
| 3 mm |
Pancreatic33 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Liver appears normal.
Gallbladder appears normal.
MRCP images demonstrate no biliary dilation, stricture, or filling defect. Pancreatic duct appears normal.
Portal venous system appears patent.
Spleen appears normal. Small accessory spleen is again seen.
Pancreas demonstrates 3 mm cyst along the cranial margin of the body of the pancreas best seen on series 7 image 24 with this unchanged dating back to June 3, 2016. Liver otherwise appears normal.
Adrenals appear normal.
Kidneys contain bilateral cysts with a few lesions too small to characterize statistically likely cysts.
Lymph nodes are not enlarged.
| 3 mm |
Pancreatic34 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Pancreas: FINDINGS:
A 3 mm cystic lesion along the periphery of the pancreatic body (series 3001, image 21) is stable since 6/3/2016, possibly a side branch IPMN. The main pancreatic duct is not dilated.
The spleen, liver, gallbladder, adrenal glands, and kidneys are unremarkable except for a tiny hepatic and simple bilateral renal cysts.
There is no ascites or lymphadenopathy.
| 3 mm |
Pancreatic35 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Again demonstrated are multiple small cystic lesions throughout the pancreas, the two adjacent largest cysts at the undersurface of the pancreatic body measure 1.7 cm in the overall size, without significant change (image 22, series 9). No nodular or enhancing components are identified. The pancreatic duct is normal in caliber.
There are multiple liver cysts, which measure up to 2 cm in the posterior right hepatic lobe. The spleen, kidneys, gallbladder, and adrenal glands are unremarkable, except for renal cysts.
No ascites or lymphadenopathy is identified. A posterior gastric diverticulum is noted.
| 1.7 cm |
Pancreatic36 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
On MRCP images no biliary dilation or filling defects are seen.
Pancreatic duct has normal appearance.
Visualization of solid organs is limited without intravenous contrast.
Diverticula extend posterior to the fundus of the stomach at hips 2.5 cm is again seen.
Liver contains innumerable cysts with largest in right lobe measuring up to 2 cm without change.
No biliary dilation is seen.
Spleen appears normal.
Pancreas and contains multiple small cysts largest at body measuring up to 1.7 cm and likely containing some septations with these cysts unchanged.
Adrenals appear normal.
Kidneys contain a few cysts and lesions too small to definitely characterize, likely cysts.
Lymph nodes are not enlarged.
| 1.7 cm |
Pancreatic37 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Again seen are multiple cystic lesions in the pancreas, stable from prior exams, the largest in the pancreatic body measuring 1.7 cm. There are no worrisome internal features or main pancreatic ductal dilatation.
Multiple hepatic and renal cysts are redemonstrated. The spleen, adrenal glands and gallbladder are unremarkable. There is no abdominal adenopathy or ascites. Incidentally noted is a stable gastric diverticulum.
| 1.7 cm |
Pancreatic38 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
There are multiple pancreatic cysts, without significant change. The largest is within the pancreatic body measuring 1.4 cm, unchanged (image 19, series 9). There are no worrisome internal features. The main pancreatic duct is not dilated.
Multiple liver and renal cysts are unchanged. The spleen, adrenal glands, and gallbladder are unremarkable. There is no abdominal adenopathy or ascites.
A gastric diverticulum is again noted. There is a heterogeneous T2 hyperintense masslike area within the colonic hepatic flexure, measuring 5.0 cm (image 21, series 9).
| 1.4 cm |
Pancreatic39 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Hepatobiliary system: Innumerable, mostly subcentimeter cysts are seen throughout the liver, grossly unchanged in size and morphology. The largest cyst in the right lobe measures up to 3 cm. Hepatic vasculature is patent. No biliary dilatation. Gallbladder is unremarkable.
Pancreas: Several pancreatic cystic lesions are again noted, grossly unchanged. The largest is identified at the pancreatic body, measuring up to 1.5 cm (image 22, series 9). None of the cysts demonstrate worrisome internal features. The main pancreatic duct is nondilated.
Spleen: Unremarkable.
Adrenal glands: The right adrenal gland is unremarkable. Nodularity at the left adrenal gland medial limb, measuring 1.0 cm, with drop in signal on out of phase sequences, stable going back to CT 9/24/2014, favoring an adenoma (benign)
Kidneys: Bilateral renal cortical and peripelvic cysts are unchanged.
Bowel: Gastric diverticulum again present. No abnormal bowel loop dilatation.
Upper abdominal lymph nodes: Nonspecific scattered mesenteric lymph nodes are present, no lymphadenopathy by imaging criteria.
Peritoneum: No ascites.
Multilevel degenerative changes in the included spine. No focal marrow signal abnormality.
| 1.5 cm |
Pancreatic40 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Pancreas: The liver, spleen, adrenal glands and kidneys are normal in appearance and there is no retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy. There is a cystic lesion in the pancreatic neck measuring 1.1 x 1.4 x 1 cm. I see no pancreatic ductal dilatation. There is no retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy and no intraperitoneal or bowel related mass. Bowel wall is not thickened and there is no abnormal contrast enhancement. Normal appendix is identified.
Sections through the pelvis are unremarkable. There are no osseous lesions.
| 1.1 x 1.4 x 1 cm. |
Pancreatic41 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
The examination demonstrates fatty infiltration of the liver without focal lesions. There is no biliary dilatation and there are no gallstones identified within the gallbladder. As seen by CT, there is a 1.5 x 1.3 cm lobulated cystic lesion in the body of the pancreas without enhancement or other suspicious feature. There is no dilatation of the pancreatic duct. There is a small duodenal diverticulum arising from the second portion. The spleen and adrenal glands are normal. There are no focal renal lesions. There is no retroperitoneal adenopathy. There is no ascites.
| 1.5 x 1.3 cm |
Pancreatic42 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Liver again demonstrates mild fatty infiltration. No focal liver lesions are seen.
Gallbladder appears normal.
MRCP images demonstrate no biliary dilation, stricture, or filling defect. Main pancreatic duct appears normal.
Portal venous system appears patent.
Spleen appears normal.
Pancreas again contains septated 1.4 cm long axis cyst at body without evidence of enhancement or mural nodularity. Small duodenal diverticulum extending at the head of pancreas is again seen.
Adrenals appear normal.
Kidneys appear normal.
Lymph nodes are not enlarged. Slightly prominent mesenteric lymph nodes and small bowel mesentery are again seen.
| 1.4 cm |
Pancreatic43 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Pancreas: The liver, spleen, adrenal glands and kidneys are normal and there is no lymphadenopathy. Once again there is a septated cyst in the pancreatic body which has increased in size now measuring 1.9 x 1.4 x 1.4 cm previously maximum approximately 1.4 cm. There is minimal contrast enhancement now seen in a septation and along the periphery. There is no biliary or pancreatic ductal dilatation. On several sequences there may be separate orifices of the common duct and pancreatic duct.
| 1.9 x 1.4 x 1.4 cm |
Pancreatic44 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Liver appears normal.
Gallbladder appears normal. Fold is again seen at fundus.
MRCP images demonstrate no biliary dilation, stricture, or filling defect. Pancreatic duct appears normal.
Cyst in the neck of pancreas measuring 1.9 x 1.6 cm is enlarged from 1.7 x 1.4 cm on the May 2016 examination and 1.5 x 1.3 cm on the May 2015 examination. There is septations in the cyst with probable mild nodular enhancement at the margin of the lesion best seen on series 1400 image 33.
Portal venous system appears patent.
Spleen appears normal.
Adrenals appear normal.
Kidneys appear normal.
Lymph nodes are not enlarged.
Clinical: Pancreas cyst, history
Comparison: None.
Imaging was performed without and with 12 cc of Dotarem intravenous contrast. MRCP images were obtained including reconstructed 3-D MIP images.
Liver appears normal.
Gallbladder appears normal. Fold is again seen at fundus.
MRCP images demonstrate no biliary dilation, stricture, or filling defect. Pancreatic duct appears normal.
Cyst in the neck of pancreas measuring 1.9 x 1.6 cm is enlarged from 1.7 x 1.4 cm on the May 2016 examination and 1.5 x 1.3 cm on the May 2015 examination. There is septations in the cyst with probable mild nodular enhancement at the margin of the lesion best seen on series 1400 image 33.
Portal venous system appears patent.
Spleen appears normal.
Adrenals appear normal.
Kidneys appear normal.
Lymph nodes are not enlarged.
Clinical: Pancreas cyst, history
Comparison: None.
Imaging was performed without and with 12 cc of Dotarem intravenous contrast. MRCP images were obtained including reconstructed 3-D MIP images.
Liver appears normal.
Gallbladder appears normal. Fold is again seen at fundus.
MRCP images demonstrate no biliary dilation, stricture, or filling defect. Pancreatic duct appears normal.
Cyst in the neck of pancreas measuring 1.9 x 1.6 cm is enlarged from 1.7 x 1.4 cm on the May 2016 examination and 1.5 x 1.3 cm on the May 2015 examination. There is septations in the cyst with probable mild nodular enhancement at the margin of the lesion best seen on series 1400 image 33.
Portal venous system appears patent.
Spleen appears normal.
Adrenals appear normal.
Kidneys appear normal.
Lymph nodes are not enlarged.
Clinical: Pancreas cyst, history
Comparison: None.
Imaging was performed without and with 12 cc of Dotarem intravenous contrast. MRCP images were obtained including reconstructed 3-D MIP images.
Liver appears normal.
Gallbladder appears normal. Fold is again seen at fundus.
MRCP images demonstrate no biliary dilation, stricture, or filling defect. Pancreatic duct appears normal.
Cyst in the neck of pancreas measuring 1.9 x 1.6 cm is enlarged from 1.7 x 1.4 cm on the May 2016 examination and 1.5 x 1.3 cm on the May 2015 examination. There is septations in the cyst with probable mild nodular enhancement at the margin of the lesion best seen on series 1400 image 33.
Portal venous system appears patent.
Spleen appears normal.
Adrenals appear normal.
Kidneys appear normal.
Lymph nodes are not enlarged.
| 1.9 x 1.6 cm |
Pancreatic45 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Pancreas: Liver demonstrates mild diffuse fatty infiltration. No focal lesions are seen.
Gallbladder appears normal. Folded fundus of gallbladder is again seen.
MRCP images demonstrate no biliary dilation. No filling defects are seen in the biliary tree. Pancreatic duct is not dilated.
No biliary dilation is seen.
Portal venous system appears patent.
Spleen appears normal.
Pancreas contains bilobed dictated cyst in body measuring 1.7 x 1.2 cm with this slightly smaller than 1.9 x 1.6 cm previously. There is mild enhancement in the septations with the possible mild nodular enhancement seen previously not visible on the current examination.
Adrenals appear normal.
Kidneys appear normal.
Lymph nodes are not enlarged.
| 1.7 x 1.2 cm |
Pancreatic46 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Comparison is made to a prior study of November 2017. Axial and coronal images were obtained with various imaging sequences including MRCP with maximum intensity projection images and coronal reformats. The liver, spleen, adrenal glands and kidneys are normal and there is no lymphadenopathy. Septated cyst of the pancreatic neck is stable at 1.7 x 1.2 cm. There is no pancreatic ductal or biliary dilatation.
| 1.7 x 1.2 cm |
Pancreatic47 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
The pancreatic neck again demonstrates a unilocular simple cystic mass which has enlarged now measuring 3.0 cm, previously 2.6 cm. No solid component or septations are identified. An adjacent 5 mm cyst is stable (image 16, series 6). There is no dilatation of the main pancreatic duct.
The liver demonstrates a stable left lobe 0.6 cm hemangioma and a non-specific 0.4 cm T2-hyperintense focus at the right lobe liver dome not correlated on prior examinations, likely representing a small cyst or hemangioma (Image 29, Series 6). The gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, adrenal glands, and kidneys are unremarkable. There is no lymphadenopathy, ascites, or aggressive osseous lesions.
| 3.0 cm (neck), 5mm (neck) |
Pancreatic48 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Slight interval increase in size of 3.6 x 3.2 cm cystic lesion in the pancreatic head/neck, previously measuring 3.4 x 3.0 cm. An adjacent cystic lesion in the pancreatic head is also slightly increased in size measuring 0.8 cm, previously 0.6 cm (image 21 series 6). Additional diminutive pancreatic cystic lesions are unchanged. There is no evidence of a solid component. The main pancreatic duct is not dilated.
The noncontrast gallbladder, spleen, adrenal glands and kidneys are unremarkable with the exception of a right renal cyst and left parapelvic cysts. Stable 0.6 cm left hepatic hemangioma.
| 3.6 x 3.2 cm (head), 0.8 cm (head) |
Pancreatic49 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
The liver demonstrates two small hemangiomas. The gallbladder, spleen, adrenal glands, and kidneys are unremarkable aside from a right renal cyst and left renal parapelvic cysts.
Cystic lesions within the pancreas are stable. The largest again measures 3.2 cm in the pancreatic head. There is no evidence of a solid component. The main pancreatic duct is normal in caliber.
There is no bowel obstruction, ascites, or lymphadenopathy.
| 3.2 cm (head) |
Pancreatic50 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Pancreas: FINDINGS:
Two small hemangiomas are again seen within the liver. The spleen, gallbladder, and adrenal glands are unremarkable. Small right renal cyst and left renal parapelvic cysts are unchanged.
There are multiple stable cystic lesions within the pancreas, the largest within the pancreatic head measuring 3.3 cm with no evidence of solid or enhancing components. The largest lesion has slowly grown since 2008 measuring 2.0 cm in 2008. The main pancreatic duct is normal in caliber.
There is no abdominal adenopathy or ascites.
| 3.3 cm |
Pancreatic51 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
There are a few stable cystic pancreatic lesions. The largest of these measures 3.4 cm in the pancreatic neck (series 4, image 14) without internal solid, nodular component or wall thickening. The pancreatic duct is normal in caliber. Other subcentimeter lesions measure up to 0.8 cm (image 14).
The liver, gallbladder, adrenal glands, kidneys, and spleen are unremarkable, except for subcentimeter hepatic hemangiomas and bilateral renal cysts. There is no abdominal ascites or lymphadenopathy. Lumbar levoscoliosis is noted.
| 3.4 cm (neck), 0.8 cm (head) |
Pancreatic52 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Pancreas: FINDINGS:
The gallbladder, spleen, adrenal glands and kidneys are unremarkable except for left parapelvic cyst. There is a 0.7 cm enhancing lesion in the left hepatic lobe which demonstrates progressive enhancement, consistent with hemangioma.
Multiple cystic lesions are noted throughout the pancreas with the largest measuring 3.5 cm in the pancreatic head with no solid component. There is no main pancreatic ductal dilatation.
No abdominal adenopathy or ascites.
No aggressive osseous lesion.
| 3.5 cm (head) |
Pancreatic53 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
There is diffuse hepatic steatosis. Multiple hepatic cysts are noted, the largest a stable 1.3 cm septated left hepatic lobe cyst. The hepatic vasculature is patent. There is no biliary duct dilatation.
The gallbladder, spleen, adrenal glands and kidneys are unremarkable, except for renal cysts and minimal nodularity of the right adrenal gland.. There are a few pancreatic cystic lesions, the largest a 1.5 cm in the pancreatic head has increased in size, was previously 1.2 cm, likely representing the sequela of prior pancreatitis versus a side duct IPMN.
There is no bowel obstruction or ascites.
No abdominal lymphadenopathy is identified.
| 1.5 cm |
Pancreatic54 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
A 1.7 cm cystic lesion with connection to the main pancreatic duct has been slowly enlarging; this was 1.5 cm on 11/6/2020 and 1.2 cm on 2/3/2018. There are no internal worrisome features. No main pancreatic ductal dilatation is seen. Additional subcentimeter punctate cystic lesions in the pancreas are unchanged.
A few small liver cysts are unchanged, including a 1.3 cm left hepatic lobe cyst with thin internal septations. The gallbladder, spleen, right adrenal gland, and kidneys are unremarkable with the exception of stable bilateral renal cysts. There is stable mild nodularity of the left adrenal gland.
No abdominal adenopathy or ascites is seen.
| 1.7 cm |
Pancreatic55 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
1.7 cm cystic lesion in the pancreatic head with connection to the main pancreatic duct is unchanged (image 37, series 2001). It again demonstrates a single thin septation without nodularity. The main pancreatic duct is normal in caliber.
The liver, spleen, kidneys, and adrenal glands are unremarkable, except for hepatic and bilateral renal cysts. Cholelithiasis is noted.
No abdominal lymphadenopathy or ascites is seen.
| 1.7 cm |
Pancreatic56 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Liver: Unremarkable.
Biliary and Gallbladder: There is mild gallbladder wall thickening and trace pericholecystic fluid. There are stones and sludge within the gallbladder lumen. The gallbladder is not dilated. No biliary duct dilatation. No choledocholithiasis..
Pancreas: Multiseptated cystic lesion without mural nodule measuring 1.2 x 1.1 cm in the pancreatic neck (image 26, series 15).
Spleen: Unremarkable.
Adrenals: Unremarkable.
Kidneys: Bilateral renal cysts, largest 0.9 cm on the right..
Vascular: Unremarkable.
Lymph nodes: Unremarkable.
Ascites: None.
Body wall and Bones: Unremarkable.
| 1.2 x 1.1 cm |
Pancreatic57 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Hepatobiliary system: Mild hepatic steatosis is noted. No suspicious hepatic lesion. No biliary dilatation. The patient is status post cholecystectomy.
Hepatic vasculature: Patent.
Pancreas: Multiseptated pancreatic neck cystic lesion is again seen measuring 1.5 cm (image 27, series 4), without significant change. No main pancreatic ductal dilatation.
Spleen: Unremarkable.
Adrenal glands: Unremarkable.
Kidneys: Bilateral renal cysts. A 1.8 cm right renal artery aneurysm is again noted.
Upper abdominal lymph nodes: No lymphadenopathy.
Peritoneum: No ascites.
| 1.5 cm |
Pancreatic58 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
There are multiple pancreatic cysts, the largest of which measures
2.3 cm in the tail (image 21: 4) and is stable from the CT of 2009.
Multiple additional cysts in the pancreatic tail distally may
represent a cluster of cysts or a single pleomorphic cystic mass
measuring 2.9 cm (image 15: 6). A few cysts in the pancreatic head
are now seen measuring up to 1.5 cm (image 34: 4). There is no
biliary ductal dilatation. A few scattered small liver cysts and
bilateral renal cysts are noted. The adrenal glands and spleen are
unremarkable. The gallbladder is surgically absent. There is a small
hiatal hernia.
| 2.3 cm (tail), 2.9 cm (tail), 1.5 cm (head) |
Pancreatic59 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Pancreas: MRI abdomen without and with contrast with
Again noted is global atrophy of the pancreas. Multiple cystic lesions are again noted to arise from the pancreas, the largest of which is present in the tail measuring up to 2.6 cm AP (previously 2.3 cm, series 7 image 15). A bilobed tubular/cystic structure arising from the pancreatic head/neck region has changed orientation and measures 3.0 cm (previously 2.8 cm, series 7 image 25). Additional subcentimeter cystic structures extending from the tail are stable. There is no pancreatic ductal dilatation. No associated enhancement is identified.
A moderate hiatal hernia is present. There is diffuse hepatic steatosis. Multiple renal cysts are again noted. The gallbladder is surgically absent. Several subcentimeter cysts are present in the liver. The spleen and adrenal glands are unremarkable.
There is no bowel obstruction, ascites or lymphadenopathy in the upper abdomen.
| 2.6 cm (tail), 3.0 cm (head/neck) |
Pancreatic60 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Moderate size hiatal hernia is noted. Multiple pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated, most of which have increased in size including the largest lesion which measures up to 3.7 cm at the body/tail junction, previously measuring 2.6 cm. None of the cysts have an associated solid component. Portions of the main pancreatic duct are mildly dilated, particularly in the vicinity of the dominant cyst, measuring up to 0.5 cm, previously 0.3 cm.
The liver, spleen, adrenal glands and kidneys are unremarkable with exception of hepatic steatosis and bilateral renal cysts. Patient status post cholecystectomy. The hepatic vasculature is patent. There is no biliary ductal dilatation. There is no ascites or abdominal lymphadenopathy
| 3.7 cm (body/tail junction) |
Pancreatic61 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Liver contains a few lesions too small to characterize likely cysts and or cavernous angiomas.
Gallbladder is been removed.
No biliary dilation is seen.
Portal venous system appears patent.
Spleen appears normal.
Pancreas again contains innumerable cysts with the largest in the tail measuring up to 3.8 cm. There is dilation of the main pancreatic duct measuring up to 0.8 cm with this appearing slightly larger on the prior examination. No solid nodules are seen within the innumerable cysts.
Adrenals appear normal.
Kidneys contain bilateral cysts and other lesions too small to characterize statistically likely cysts.
Lymph nodes are not enlarged.
Hiatal hernia is again seen.
There is probable bladder enlargement with enlarged prostate partially visualized on some of the coronal images.
Degenerative disc changes are again seen in spine.
| 3.8 cm (tail) |
Pancreatic62 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Again demonstrated are multiple cystic lesions throughout the pancreas, some have slightly increased in size, including a dominant lesion in the distal body that now measures 4.0 x 4.1 cm, previously 3.7 x 3.9 cm. No solid or nodular components are seen. Main pancreatic ductal dilatation is unchanged.
The liver, kidneys, adrenal glands, and spleen are unremarkable, except for hepatic and renal cysts.
No abdominal lymphadenopathy or ascites is seen. A moderate-sized hiatal hernia is noted.
| 4.0 x 4.1 cm (tail/body) |
Pancreatic63 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Lung bases: Visualized lung bases are clear. There is a small to moderate-sized hiatal hernia.
Hepatobiliary: Several low-attenuation foci are too small adequately characterize. Status post cholecystectomy
Pancreas: Multiple cystic pancreatic lesions are seen. The previously seen largest in the distal body measures up to 3.7 cm (previously 4.1 cm), (image 47, series 601). A cyst inferiorly in the pancreatic head measures 2.3 cm without significant interval change (image 51, series 601). There is mild dilatation of the pancreatic duct.
Spleen, adrenal glands: Unremarkable.
Kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder: Multiple nonobstructing renal calculi are seen bilaterally. An interpolar calculus in the right kidney measures 0.3 cm (image 43, series 2). A lower pole calculus measures 0.5 cm (image 56, series 2). Bilateral noncalcified renal cysts are seen bilaterally. One of the largest in the upper pole the right kidney measures 7.1 cm (image 29, series 2). A 1.1 cm calculus is seen at the level the right ureterovesical junction (image 105, series 2). Mild to moderate diffuse mural thickening is seen in the urinary bladder with trabeculation. Marked prostatic enlargement with basilar lobulation is seen with an approximate volume of 280 cc.
Bowel: Mild diverticulosis is throughout the colon, most pronounced in the sigmoid colon without surrounding abnormality.
Abdominal and pelvic lymph nodes: No lymphadenopathy.
Musculoskeletal system and soft tissue: No aggressive osseous lesion. Severe multilevel degenerative disc disease is seen in the thoracolumbar spine. Fusion of L2 and L3 is again noted.
| 3.5 (body/tail), 2.3 cm (head) |
Pancreatic64 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
LUNG BASES: Unremarkable.
LIVER: Subcentimeter right hepatic lobe hypodensity is too small to characterize (image 9 series 3).
GALLBLADDER: Status post cholecystectomy.
SPLEEN: Unremarkable.
PANCREAS: Multiple pancreatic cysts are again seen measuring up to 3.8 cm, unchanged since at least 8/29/2018. These are better characterized on prior MRI from 2018.
ADRENALS: Unremarkable.
KIDNEYS: Multiple bilateral renal cysts and hypodensities too small to characterize appear similar compared to prior. Multiple bilateral renal stones are seen measuring up to 7 mm. No ureteral stone is seen. There is no hydroureteronephrosis.
BOWEL: Moderate hiatal hernia. Short segment diverticulosis of the proximal sigmoid colon. Moderate to large colonic stool burden.
APPENDIX: The appendix is not confidently visualized on this exam. However, no inflammatory changes are seen in the region of the cecum to suggest appendicitis.
PERITONEUM: There is no ascites or intraperitoneal free air. Status post right inguinal hernia repair.
LYMPH NODES: Unremarkable.
VESSELS: Scattered atherosclerotic calcifications in the abdominal aorta and its branches.
URINARY BLADDER: A 1.6 cm stone is seen in the dependent portion of the bladder.
PELVIS: Markedly enlarged prostate measuring 7.1 x 8.5 x 8.5 cm ovoid lobulated extension into the bladder base. Metallic density in the lower pelvis near the inferior portion of the pubic symphysis likely correlates with protective penile artery coiling for microsphere embolization of the prostatic artery (as detailed in the report from 7/24/2015).
BONES & SOFT TISSUE: Status post posterior decompression and spinal fusion of T10 and T11 without evidence of hardware complication. Status post posterior decompression of L1-L5. There is osseous fusion of the L2 and L3 vertebral bodies. Multilevel degenerative changes of the thoracolumbar spine.
| 3.8 cm (tail) |
Pancreatic65 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
There is a nonspecific 1.5 cm irregular cystic lesion in the uncinate process of the pancreas which demonstrates few septations, for example on image 22, series 17. This appears to communicate with the main pancreatic duct (best seen on the MRCP sequence). Additionally there is a 6 mm cystic lesion in the tail of pancreas which may be a sidebranch IPMN or sequela of prior pancreatitis. No definite enhancing mural nodules are identified. The main pancreatic duct is normal in caliber.
A tiny cyst is noted at the hepatic dome. The gallbladder, spleen, adrenal glands, and kidneys are unremarkable aside from bilateral renal cysts. There is no bowel obstruction, ascites, or lymphadenopathy.
| 1.5 cm (uncinate), 6 mm (tail) |
Pancreatic66 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
In the uncinate process of the pancreas, there is a 1.6 x 1.2 cm septated cystic mass which has slightly increased in size, previously measuring 1.6 x 0.7 cm. This appears to connect to the main pancreatic duct. In the tail the pancreas, there is a 1.1 cm bilobed lobulated cystic mass which is essentially unchanged. The main pancreatic duct is prominent in size, but not overtly dilated.
The liver, spleen, and adrenal glands are unremarkable. Multiple renal cysts are present. There is no adenopathy or ascites. A duplicated infrarenal IVC is noted.
| 1.6 x 1.2 cm (uncinate), 1.1 cm (tail) |
Pancreatic67 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Pancreas: Findings:
A septated 1.0 x 1.7 cm cystic lesion in the pancreatic uncinate process is not significantly changed in size and appearance when remeasured in a similar manner. A bilobed 1.1 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion also appears similar. The main pancreatic duct remains prominent/at the upper limits of normal.
The spleen, kidneys, adrenal glands, gallbladder and liver are unremarkable with the exception of a punctate liver cysts and several renal cysts. There is no abdominal adenopathy or ascites. Mild biliary ductal dilatation to the ampulla is stable. Duplicated IVC is again noted.
| 1.0 x 1.7 cm (uncinate), 1.1 cm (tail) |
Pancreatic68 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
There is a small hiatal hernia. The lung bases are clear. Evaluation of the kidneys is somewhat limited by wrap artifact, present on many of the sequences. There are multiple bilateral renal cysts, many of which are simple though several contain hemorrhagic/proteinaceous debris. The majority of these cysts are unchanged in size though a few have slightly increased as evidenced by a 1.6 cm right lower pole renal cyst, previously measuring 1.4 cm (image 23 series 4). A 2.7 cm right lower pole renal cyst with a few thin septations is unchanged in size and appearance, and is most suggestive of a Bosniak 2F lesion. A tiny right renal angiomyolipoma is unchanged (image 15 series 9).
The liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas and adrenal glands are unremarkable with the exception of cholelithiasis, a tiny right adrenal myelolipoma and pancreatic cystic lesions measuring up to 2.1 cm in the body which could represent sidebranch IPMNs or the sequela of prior pancreatitis (previously measuring up to 2.1 cm). The hepatic vasculature is patent. No enlarged abdominal lymph nodes are seen. Abdominal aortic dissection is unchanged from 6/3/2013. No aggressive osseous lesions are detected.
| 2.1 cm |
Pancreatic69 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
* The liver appears normal, with no focal lesion, no biliary duct dilatation, and no fatty infiltration. * The gallbladder again shows multiple dependent small gallstones.* The pancreas again shows several cysts. The largest is again seen in the neck
of the pancreas, currently measuring 1.8 x 1.7 x 2.0 cm, compared to 2.1 x 1.9 x 2.2 cm on 08/15/2016, 1.9 x 1.8 x 2.1 cm on 09/16/2015, and 0.9 x 0.8 x 1.1 cm on 07/15/2014. The other pancreatic cysts remain subcentimeter. No dilatation of the
pancreatic duct is seen. No solid pancreatic mass is identified.* The spleen is unremarkable.* The adrenal glands are not enlarged and show no focal lesion.* The kidneys again show several bilateral cysts. (The following measurements are compared to
08/15/2016.) The largest of these in the posterior segment of the RIGHT lobe remains complex, appearing hyperintense on T1-weighted images and hypointense on T2-weighted images, currently measuring 2.6 cm AP by 2.7 cm transversely by 3.2 cm
craniocaudally (previously 2.7 x 2.7 x 2.9 cm) and showing no definite enhancement after contrast injection. One of the smaller cysts in the LEFT kidney located laterally measuring 1.5 cm (previously 1.2 cm) and one of the other cysts in the lower pole
of the RIGHT kidney measuring 1.7 cm (previously 2.2 cm) show heterogeneous hyperintensity on T1-weighted images, relative hypointensity on T2-weighted images, without definite enhancement after contrast injection suggesting complex benign cysts. Several
bilateral simple cysts are again seen in both kidneys that measure up to 2.5 cm in the RIGHT kidney and 2.4 cm in the LEFT kidney.* A small hiatal hernia is again seen.
| 1.8 x 1.7 x 2.0 cm |
Pancreatic70 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
LIVER: Several scattered less than 5 mm T2 hyperintense lesions. No suspicious enhancing mass seen
BILIARY SYSTEM: Multiple small gallstones. No gallbladder wall thickening or biliary dilatation.
SPLEEN: Homogeneous with no discrete masses.
PANCREAS: No solid mass or pancreatic ductal dilatation. 1.8 x 2.2 cm cystic lesion at the pancreatic neck. This measures minimally larger than the prior study from 2017 but stable in size to 2016. There are additional subcentimeter pancreatic cystic
lesions which appear similar to prior exam.
ADRENALS: No suspicious mass.
KIDNEYS: No hydronephrosis. No suspicious mass. Multiple bilateral renal cysts and subcentimeter lesions which are too small to accurately characterize. T1 hyperintense complex cyst at the posterior right kidney measures approximately 2.9 cm, stable and
without significant internal contrast enhancement.T1 hyperintense complex cyst at the left kidney laterally has increased in size now measuring approximately 2.5 cm versus 1.5 cm on the prior exam but with no suspicious contrast enhancement seen. T1
hyperintense complex cyst at the anterior left lower pole has increased in size now measuring 1.5 cm versus 1 cm on the prior exam but with no suspicious contrast enhancement seen.
AORTA: Atherosclerotic changes of the abdominal aorta with no focal aneurysm.
LYMPH NODES: No bulky adenopathy.
| 1.8 x 2.2 cm |
Pancreatic71 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Multiple pancreatic cystic lesions have slightly increased in size. For example, the largest in the pancreatic body measures 2.1 cm, previously 2.0 cm (image 26, series 2001) and a 1.1 cm lesion in the pancreatic tail has increased from 0.8 cm (image 24, series 2001). No nodular components or pancreatic ductal dilatation is seen.
There is cholelithiasis without evidence of acute cholecystitis. The liver, spleen, kidneys, and adrenal glands are unremarkable, except for bilateral renal cysts, some of which are hemorrhagic.
No abdominal lymphadenopathy or ascites is seen. A short segment abdominal aortic dissection is unchanged from 6/3/2013. A small hiatal hernia is noted.
| 2.1 cm (body), 1.1 cm (tail) |
Pancreatic72 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Visualized lung bases are clear other than few calcified granuloma.
The unenhanced appearance of the liver, spleen and adrenal glands is unremarkable other than few small to characterize right hepatic hypodensities. Cholelithiasis is present. There are numerous bilateral renal cysts, some of which are proteinaceous/hemorrhagic, as well as additional too small to characterize renal hypodensities. Few cystic lesions are again seen throughout the pancreas and better evaluated on prior MRI, for example a 2.3 cm cystic lesion in the body which may be minimally increased from 2.1 cm on MRI, and a stable 1.1 cm cyst in the pancreatic tail.
The visualized bowel is unremarkable. There is a small hiatal hernia. There is no ascites. Few prominent but subcentimeter periportal and retroperitoneal lymph nodes are not significantly changed.
Chronic partially calcified short segment dissection of the abdominal aorta, with diameter measuring up to 2.8 cm, is similar in appearance to prior imaging.
No acute or aggressive osseous abnormality.
| 2.3 cm (body), 1.1 cm (tail) |
Pancreatic73 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Visualized lung bases are clear other than few calcified granuloma.
The unenhanced appearance of the liver, spleen and adrenal glands is unremarkable other than few small to characterize right hepatic hypodensities. Cholelithiasis is present. There are numerous bilateral renal cysts, some of which are proteinaceous/hemorrhagic, as well as additional too small to characterize renal hypodensities. Few cystic lesions are again seen throughout the pancreas and better evaluated on prior MRI, for example a 2.3 cm cystic lesion in the body which may be minimally increased from 2.1 cm on MRI, and a stable 1.1 cm cyst in the pancreatic tail.
The visualized bowel is unremarkable. There is a small hiatal hernia. There is no ascites. Few prominent but subcentimeter periportal and retroperitoneal lymph nodes are not significantly changed.
Chronic partially calcified short segment dissection of the abdominal aorta, with diameter measuring up to 2.8 cm, is similar in appearance to prior imaging.
No acute or aggressive osseous abnormality.
| 2.8 cm (body/neck), |
Pancreatic74 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
The pancreas demonstrates multiple scattered subcentimeter cysts, with the largest measuring 0.9 cm in the body. There is no abnormal pancreatic duct dilatation. No suspicious solid masses are seen within the pancreas and no enhancement is appreciated within the cystic lesions.
Several scattered hepatic cysts are noted, the largest measuring 1.4 cm in the left hepatic lobe. There is no intra or extrahepatic biliary ductal dilatation.The gallbladder, spleen, kidneys, and adrenal glands are unremarkable, aside from a few bilateral renal cysts, and several punctate splenic cysts.
There is no ascites or lymphadenopathy.
Bilateral breast implants noted.
| 0.9 cm |
Pancreatic75 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
There is no interval change in multiple scattered subcentimeter pancreatic cysts, the largest measuring 0.9 cm in the pancreatic body. The cysts demonstrates no abnormal complexity or enhancement. No suspicious solid masses are seen in the pancreas. There is no dilatation of the main pancreatic duct.
Several scattered hepatic cysts are stable, measuring up to 1.4 cm in the left hepatic lobe. There is no intra or extrahepatic biliary ductal dilatation. The gallbladder, spleen, adrenal glands and kidneys are unremarkable with the exception of stable small splenic and bilateral renal cysts. There is no upper abdominal ascites or lymphadenopathy.
| 0.9 cm |
Pancreatic76 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
There are scattered subcentimeter cystic lesions throughout the pancreatic body and tail, measuring up to 9 mm (series 4 image 25), unchanged from the prior exam. There is no dilatation of the main pancreatic duct. There is no solid pancreatic mass.
Bilateral breast implants are noted.
There are stable hepatic and renal cysts. The gallbladder and adrenal glands are unremarkable.
There is no upper abdominal lymphadenopathy.
| 9mm |
Pancreatic77 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Bilateral incompletely visualized intact breast implants.
Hepatobiliary: There are multiple stable hepatic cysts.
Spleen: Multiple tiny probable splenic cysts.
Pancreas: There are multiple stable cystic lesions (which are probably dilated sidebranches) throughout the pancreas measuring up to 0.9 cm at the pancreatic head/neck junction region (series 3, image 15). There is no main pancreatic ductal dilatation. No solid pancreatic lesions are identified.
Adrenals: Unremarkable.
Kidneys: There are stable bilateral renal cysts.
Lymph nodes: There is no abdominal lymphadenopathy.
Peritoneum: There is no ascites.
| 0.9 cm |
Pancreatic78 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Pancreas: FINDINGS:
Hepatobiliary system: Scattered hepatic cysts No biliary dilatation.
Hepatic vasculature: Patent.
Pancreas: There are multiple cystic lesions throughout the pancreas. Most are stable except for a 0.8 cm cystic lesion in the body which previously measured 1.3 cm (series 4, image 25). The main pancreatic duct is not dilated. There is no solid pancreatic mass.
Spleen: Multiple stable T2 hyperintense lesions in the spleen.
Adrenal glands: Unremarkable.
Kidneys: Bilateral renal cysts.
Upper abdominal lymph nodes: No lymphadenopathy.
Peritoneum: No ascites.
| 0.8 cm |
Pancreatic79 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
There are a few minute cystic lesions throughout the pancreas measuring up to 0.5 cm in the tail (image 16 series 4), likely reflecting small sidebranch IPMNs or the sequela of prior pancreatitis. No solid pancreatic mass. The pancreatic duct is normal in caliber.
The liver demonstrates a 2.6 cm right hepatic lobe cyst and a 1.4 cm lesion in segment VIII which is slightly hyperintense on T2 and slightly hypointense on T1-weighted and demonstrates arterial hyperenhancement, features suggestive of focal nodular hyperplasia. The hepatic vasculature is patent.
The gallbladder, spleen, adrenal glands and kidneys are unremarkable with exception of a small left renal cyst.
There is no bowel obstruction, ascites or lymphadenopathy.
No aggressive osseous lesion.
| 0.5 cm |
Pancreatic80 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
There are multiple stable cystic lesions in the pancreas measuring up to 5 mm, likely reflecting sidebranch IPMNs of the sequela of prior pancreatitis. The pancreatic duct is normal in caliber. No choledocholithiasis.
There is a 2.6 cm right hepatic lobe cyst. A mildly T2 hyperintense homogeneously arterially enhancing 1.2 cm segment VIII lesion, previously 1.4 cm, which becomes less conspicuous on subsequent postcontrast phases and has imaging features which are most suggestive of focal nodular hyperplasia is redemonstrated. This lesion is stable compared to the examination from one year prior, however is not clearly seen on more remote examinations.
The gallbladder, spleen, adrenal glands, and kidneys are unremarkable with the exception of a left renal cyst. There is no adenopathy or ascites.
| 5 mm |
Pancreatic81 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
A few cystic lesions in the pancreas measuring up to 5 mm are stable, possibly reflecting sequela of prior pancreatitis or side branch IPMNs. The main pancreatic duct is normal in caliber. No solid pancreatic mass is identified.
There is no significant interval change in a 1.4 cm arterially enhancing segment VIII lesion (series 12, image 35), which is less conspicuous on delayed images, suggestive of focal nodular hyperplasia. A few hepatic cysts are again noted. No suspicious liver lesion is identified. The hepatic vasculature is patent.
The gallbladder, spleen, kidneys and adrenal glands are unremarkable, except for tiny left renal cysts. There is no abdominal lymphadenopathy or ascites.
| 5 mm |
Pancreatic82 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
No solid pancreatic mass is identified. A few cystic lesions in the pancreas measuring up to 5 mm are stable, possibly reflecting sequela of prior pancreatitis or side branch IPMNs. The main pancreatic duct is normal in caliber.
There is no change in a 1.4 cm arterially enhancing segment VIII lesion (series 14, image 28), which is less conspicuous on delayed images, suggestive of focal nodular hyperplasia. A few hepatic cysts are again noted. The hepatic vasculature is patent.
The gallbladder, spleen, kidneys and adrenal glands are unremarkable, except for a tiny left renal cyst. There is no abdominal lymphadenopathy or ascites.
| 5 mm |
Pancreatic83 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Pancreas: FINDINGS: The visualized lung bases are clear.
No solid pancreatic mass is identified. The pancreatic duct is normal in caliber. There are scattered subcentimeter simple pancreatic cystic lesions, the largest measuring 0.4 cm, likely representing the sequela of prior pancreatitis versus a sidebranch IPMN, without malignant features.
There are a few hepatic cysts and a stable 1.3 cm right hepatic FNH. No biliary ductal dilatation is identified. The hepatic vasculature is patent. Gallbladder sludge is noted. The spleen, adrenal glands and kidneys are unremarkable, except for a few tiny renal cysts.
There is no bowel obstruction or ascites. No abdominal lymphadenopathy is identified. There are no enhancing lesions in the marrow
| 0.4 cm |
Pancreatic84 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Trace bilateral effusions.
Hepatobiliary system: There is a 2.8 cm segment 6 hepatic cyst (image 24 series 4). A 1.4 cm arterially enhancing lesion in segment 8 (image 45 series 13) likely reflects a stable benign FNH. There is no intra or extrahepatic biliary ductal dilatation. Gallbladder is within normal limits. Liver is steatotic.
Hepatic vasculature: Patent.
Pancreas: There are 2 sub-5 mm cystic lesions in the pancreatic head and proximal body without worrisome features, favored to represent sidebranch IPMN's or sequela of prior pancreatitis. No pancreatic ductal dilatation.
Spleen: Unremarkable.
Adrenal glands: Unremarkable.
Kidneys: Unremarkable with the exception of simple subcentimeter bilateral renal cysts.
Bowel: Unremarkable.
Upper abdominal lymph nodes: No lymphadenopathy.
Peritoneum: No ascites.
Lung bases: Trace bilateral pleural effusions.
| 5mm (head), 5mm (body) |
Pancreatic85 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
FINDINGS: There is a right lobe of liver cyst. There appears be a fibroid uterus. There is mild to moderate left hydronephrosis. There is 1.2 cm left UPJ stone.. The liver, spleen, adrenal glands, pancreas, kidneys, great vessels, gallbladder and bowel are otherwise unremarkable.
The ureters, bladder, internal genitalia and bowel appear unremarkable. The appendix is unremarkable. There is "misty mesentery".. There is no evidence of a loculated collection, free fluid or mass.
Scans through the lower lung fields are unremarkable. There is no significant abdominal or pelvic adenopathy.
| nan |
Pancreatic86 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
There are a few tiny cystic lesions within the pancreas, the largest measuring 6 mm (image 25 series 10) in the pancreatic head, unchanged compared to 2010. No solid components are identified. The main pancreatic duct is not dilated. Again noted is an accessory pancreatic duct draining into the minor papilla.
There is a tiny nonspecific high T2 focus within the spleen which may represent a small cyst or hemangioma. The liver, gallbladder, adrenal glands and kidneys are unremarkable, with the exception of a tiny cyst within the left kidney. There is no biliary ductal dilatation. No ascites or lymphadenopathy is seen.
| 6 mm |
Pancreatic87 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
There are several cystic pancreatic lesions, for instance an 7 mm lesion at pancreatic head (series 4, image 31) which previously measured 5 mm, an 8 mm lesion at the pancreatic body/tail (series 4, image 28) which previously measured 5 mm and an 8 mm lesion at the pancreatic tail (series 3, image 23) which measured 5 mm. These are nonspecific but likely represent side branch IPMNs. The main pancreatic duct is normal in caliber.
The liver, kidneys, adrenals, and spleen are unremarkable.
There is no evidence of bowel obstruction, adenopathy or ascites.
| 7 mm (head), 8 mm (body/tail), 8 mm (tail) |
Pancreatic88 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Liver: Normal liver morphology. No focal mass.
Hepatic vasculature: Patent.
Pancreas: Unchanged, tiny side branch IPM and in the pancreatic tail series 5 image 19 without soft tissue component. Unchanged 7 mm simple I PMN in the pancreatic body 4/tail series 5 image 20. Unchanged 1 cm simple sidebranch I PMN at the pancreatic head on series 5 image 25. The main pancreatic duct remains normal in caliber..
Adrenal glands:Unremarkable.
Bowel: Unremarkable.
Upper abdominal lymph nodes: No lymphadenopathy.
Peritoneum: No ascites.
| 7 mm (body/ tail), 1 cm (head) |
Pancreatic89 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
The lung bases are clear. There are no pleural or pericardial effusions. There is stable mild cardiomegaly. A tiny hiatal hernia is better seen on the current study.
The liver, spleen, adrenal glands, and kidneys are unremarkable.
Again seen are cystic lesions within the pancreas measuring 7 mm in the pancreatic head (image 120 series 6), 7 mm in the body to tail region (image 91 series 6), and 5 mm in the tail (image 89 series 6). When measured similarly by my measurements, these measured 9 mm, 10 mm, and 5 mm respectively on the 5/18/2018 MRI. These are better seen and characterized on the comparison MRI.
The visualized loops of small and large bowel are normal in caliber and without appreciable bowel wall thickening. There is no free air or fluid within the abdomen. There is no bulky mesenteric or retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy. There is a tiny fat-containing umbilical hernia.
There are no suspicious osteolytic or osteoblastic lesions.
| 7 mm (head), 7 mm (body/tail), 5 mm (tail) |
Pancreatic90 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Multiple pancreatic cystic lesions measuring up to 1.0 cm are stable. No soft tissue component or main pancreatic duct dilation is seen.
The liver, gallbladder, spleen, adrenal glands and kidneys are unremarkable. There is no bile duct dilation.
There is no abdominal ascites or adenopathy.
| 1 cm |
Pancreatic91 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Several pancreatic cystic lesions are unchanged, measuring up to 0.9 cm in the pancreatic head (image 22 series 3). The main pancreatic duct is normal in caliber. No pancreatic malignancy is identified.
The liver, gallbladder, spleen, adrenal glands, and kidneys are unremarkable, except for a stable benign-appearing lesion in the spleen.
There is no abdominal lymphadenopathy or ascites
| 0.9 cm |
Pancreatic92 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Pancreas: FINDINGS:
There is cirrhotic liver morphology with sequela of portal hypertension as manifested by splenomegaly and small upper abdominal varices. The hepatic vasculature is patent. There are no liver lesions with imaging features of hepatocellular carcinoma.
Scattered cystic lesions are noted throughout the pancreas, measuring up to 1.1 cm in the pancreatic body, likely representing the sequelae of prior pancreatitis versus side branch IPMNs. There is no dilation of the main pancreatic duct. The gallbladder, adrenal glands, and kidneys are unremarkable, with the exception of small bilateral renal cysts.
A few prominent peripancreatic and porta hepatis nodes are unchanged. On image 16, series 3001, there is a stable prominent 0.9 cm soft tissue nodule adjacent to the gallbladder, likely an additional prominent node. A few prominent subcentimeter epicardial nodes are also stable. There is no abdominal ascites.
| 1.1 cm |
Pancreatic93 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Pancreas: FINDINGS:
Extremely limited exam in the setting of dielectric artifact from large volume ascites and respiratory motion artifact. MRCP sequences nondiagnostic.
Hepatobiliary system: Cirrhotic morphology of the liver without large enhancing liver masses or lesions within the constraints of the exam. Gallbladder unremarkable. No biliary dilatation.
Hepatic vasculature: Sequelae of portal hypertension to include upper abdominal and esophageal varices.
Pancreas: Poor visualization on most sequences, however the previously described cystic lesion at the level of the pancreatic neck (series 23 image 20) appears to have increased in size, measuring 1.7 cm, previously 1.1 cm without obvious nodular or enhancing component. No main pancreatic ductal dilatation.
Spleen: Stable splenomegaly.
Adrenal glands: Unremarkable.
Kidneys: Unremarkable.
Bowel: Unremarkable.
Upper abdominal lymph nodes: No lymphadenopathy.
Peritoneum: Large volume ascites.
| 1.7 cm |
Pancreatic94 | The following medical description of a pancreas is provided. This is a medical observation from a doctor. The doctor notes one or multiple cysts and their dimensions. From the potentially multiple size values, the doctor is looking for the largest dimension of any of the cyst observations which is called the dominant cyst size.
Pancreas: 'There is again noted to be markedly atrophic with fatty replacement, similar to prior study. There is possibly a cystic lesion in the tail the pancreas that measures up to 2.2 cm and possibly, a second adjacent cystic lesion that measures approximately 1.4 cm. These appear similar to prior study. They possibly represent pseudocysts although other cystic lesions of the pancreas do not be excluded. It is also conceivable be simply represent fluid filled small bowel loops although it would be somewhat unusual for them to have the same appearance over multiple studies.
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.2 cm
Pancreas: 'Numerous pancreatic cystic lesions are redemonstrated measuring up to 2.1 cm. These are nonspecific and may represent sequela of prior pancreatitis or sidebranch IPMNs. These can be reassessed with MRI in one year.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.1cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: Pancreas appear atrophic. Hypodense lesion seen in the uncinate process of the pancreas (series 6 images 519) measuring 1.6 x 2.3 cm previously measuring 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Another well-defined cystic attenuation lesion seen in the body of the pancreas extending inferiorly measuring 1.6 x 2.1 cm and tail of the pancreas measuring 1.2 x 1.6 cm not well appreciated on prior scan due to movement artifact measuring approximately 1.5 cm on 9/7/2021.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 2.4 cm
Pancreas: 'Pancreas: A 3 cm x 2.7 cm pancreatic tail cystic lesion has increased in size from prior (previously 2.4 cm x 1.9 cm). An approximately 1 cm pancreatic neck cyst, now measures about 3.1 cm cyst associated centimeters previously along the maximum transverse dimension. Remainder of the pancreas is unchanged.'
Dominant Cyst Size: 3.1 cm
Pancreas: 'PANCREAS: Evaluation of the pancreatic cystic lesions is limited by CT technique. Although the largest lesion in the body of the pancreas is stable, measuring up to 14 mm. No pancreatic ductal dilatation. No findings of acute pancreatitis.'
Dominant Cyst Size : 14 mm
Pancreas: FINDINGS:
Lung bases: Chest findings dictated separately under CT chest from the same day.
Hepatobiliary: Cirrhotic liver morphology. Scattered indeterminant hypodensities in the left and right hepatic lobes (series 5, image 24). Gallbladder is filled with hyperdense material possibly vicariously excreted contrast versus stones/sludge. No biliary ductal dilatation.
Pancreas: Stable pancreatic cystic lesion seen in the pancreatic neck measuring up to 1.7 cm. No main pancreatic ductal dilatation.
Spleen: Stable borderline upper normal limits spleen size.
Adrenal glands: Unremarkable.
Kidneys: No renal calculi or hydronephrosis bilaterally.
Bowel: Evaluation limited by surrounding ascites. No bowel obstruction. Enteric tube terminates in the distal stomach/proximal duodenum. Rectal tube noted.
Abdominal and pelvic lymph nodes: No pathologic lymphadenopathy.
Peritoneum: Large volume ascites.
Vasculature: No abdominal aortic aneurysm. Previously seen porta hepatis collaterals not well visualized on this study secondary to large volume ascites. Scattered atherosclerotic calcifications of the abdominal aorta and branch vessels.
Pelvis: No mass. Foley catheter in decompressed bladder. Small volume gas in the bladder lumen likely secondary to recent instrumentation.
Musculoskeletal system and soft tissue: No aggressive osseous lesion. Degenerative change of the visualized spine. Diffuse body wall edema.
| 1.7 cm |
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