import*; import java.util.*; /* Solution by David Harmeyer (SecondThread) Runtime: O(1e6 + 1e6*log(1e6) + ~4000^2 + ~2^25*(12)), per big testcase, but in practice, that *12 is really more like a * 1 */ public class StringConcatenation { static final String filename="input"; static final boolean submit=false, debug=false; static final int MAX_LEN=1_000_001; static final int MAX_VAL=1_000_001; static final Random random=new Random(5); static void solve(Scanner fs, PrintWriter out) { int T=fs.nextInt(); for (int tt=0; tt[] ans=solveWithDupesLarge(strings); if (ans[0].isEmpty()) { out.println("Case #"+(tt+1)+": Impossible"); } else { out.println("Case #"+(tt+1)+": Possible"); for (Str s:ans[0]) out.print(" "); out.println(); for (Str s:ans[1]) out.print(" "); out.println(); } } out.close(); } //obviously, if we have any two strings of the same length, we can remove duplicates, add them back at the end static ArrayList[] solveWithDupesLarge(Str[] strings) { if (debug) System.out.println("Solving dupes large with "+Arrays.toString(strings)); ArrayList t1=new ArrayList<>(), t2=new ArrayList<>(), unused=new ArrayList<>(); Str[] ofLen=new Str[MAX_LEN]; for (Str s:strings) { if (ofLen[s.l]==null) { ofLen[s.l]=s; } else { t1.add(ofLen[s.l]); t2.add(s); ofLen[s.l]=null; } } for (Str s:ofLen) if (s!=null) unused.add(s); ArrayList[] solved = solveDedupedLarge(unused); solved[0].addAll(t1); solved[1].addAll(t2); return solved; } // now we have no duplicates, so we can remove any triplets i, j, k such that a[i] == a[j] + a[k] // and any quadruplets i, j, k, l such that a[i] + a[j] == a[k] + a[l] // This will leave us with at most ~1000 strings. // We need to be careful to do this faster than n^2 though. static ArrayList[] solveDedupedLarge(ArrayList stringsL) { if (debug) System.out.println("Solving deduped large with "+stringsL); int n=stringsL.size(); Str[] strings=new Str[n]; for (int i=0; i[] res=new ArrayList[] {new ArrayList<>(), new ArrayList<>(), new ArrayList<>()}; for (int i=0; i[] ans=solveMedium(res[2]); ans[0].addAll(res[0]); ans[1].addAll(res[1]); return ans; } // Once we have ~1000 strings left, we can cut the number we have in half by checking random sets of strings // until we find a collision. The maximum total is ~ 1e6*1000 == 1e9. By the Birthday paradox, // we should expect to need to check about sqrt(1e9) pairs before finding a pair that works and cutting n in half. // In reality, it will take fewer steps than that, because these sums won't be uniformly distributed. // So the expected runtime of one iteration is faster than O(1000 * sqrt(1e9). After one iteration, n is only half as big, // which means there is no log factor in the runtime of this step, since it is dominated by the case when n is large. static ArrayList[] solveMedium(ArrayList strings) { if (debug) System.out.println("Solving medium with "+strings); if (strings.size()<50) return solveSmall(strings); if (strings.size()>5000) throw null; HashMap> groupsWithSum=new HashMap<>(); for (Str s:strings) s.usedIn1=s.usedIn2=false; int n=strings.size(); while (true) { ArrayList group=new ArrayList<>(); long sum=0; for (Str s:strings) { if (random.nextBoolean()) { sum+=s.l; group.add(s); } } if (groupsWithSum.containsKey(sum)) { //Then we've found a collision for (Str s:groupsWithSum.get(sum)) s.usedIn1=true; for (Str s:group) s.usedIn2=true; ArrayList[] res=new ArrayList[] {new ArrayList<>(), new ArrayList<>(), new ArrayList<>()}; for (Str s:strings) { if (s.usedIn1==s.usedIn2) res[2].add(s); else if (s.usedIn1) res[0].add(s); else res[1].add(s); } ArrayList[] ans=solveMedium(res[2]); ans[0].addAll(res[0]); ans[1].addAll(res[1]); return ans; } groupsWithSum.put(sum, group); } } // Once we have ~50 strings left, we can repeatedly consider the first 25 of them, remove that pair, and continue // This will run call solveVerySmall at most 25/2 +1 == 14 times (as each call removes two elements) // but in practice probably much less than that. static ArrayList[] solveSmall(ArrayList strings) { if (debug) System.out.println("Solving small with "+strings); if (strings.size()<=25) { return solveVerySmall(strings); } ArrayList first25=new ArrayList<>(), rest=new ArrayList<>(); for (Str s:strings) if (first25.size()<25) first25.add(s); else rest.add(s); ArrayList[] nextAns=solveVerySmall(first25); nextAns[2].addAll(rest); ArrayList[] ans=solveSmall(nextAns[2]); ans[0].addAll(nextAns[0]); ans[1].addAll(nextAns[1]); return ans; } // When we have at most 25 strings left, we can just brute force all subsets in O(2^n) // k could be down to 23 and this solution would still work. static ArrayList[] solveVerySmall(ArrayList stringsL) { if (debug) System.out.println("Solving very small with "+stringsL); Str[] strings=new Str[stringsL.size()]; for (int i=0; i25) throw null; Str[] lastAdded = new Str[n*MAX_VAL]; int[] sum=new int[1<[] ans= new ArrayList[] {new ArrayList<>(), new ArrayList<>(), new ArrayList<>()}; for (Str s:strings) { if (s.usedIn1 == s.usedIn2) { ans[2].add(s); } else if (s.usedIn1) ans[0].add(s); else ans[1].add(s); } return ans; } lastAdded[newSum]=strings[added]; } //checked everything possible and didn't find a match: none exist return new ArrayList[] {new ArrayList<>(), new ArrayList<>(), (ArrayList) stringsL.clone()}; } static class Pair { Str a, b; public Pair(Str a, Str b) { this.a=a; this.b=b; } } static class Str { int l, id; boolean usedIn1; boolean usedIn2; int positionInList; public Str(int l, int id) { this.l=l;; } public String toString() { return l+""; } } static class BIT { int n, tree[]; public BIT(int N) { n = N; tree = new int[N + 1]; } void update(int i, int val) { for (i++; i <= n; i += i & -i) tree[i] += val; } int read(int i) { int sum = 0; for (i++; i > 0; i -= i & -i) sum += tree[i]; return sum; } // query sum of [l, r] inclusive int query(int l, int r) { return read(r) - read(l - 1); } // if the BIT is a freq array, returns the index of the // kth item (0-indexed), or n if there are <= k items. int getKth(int k) { if (k < 0) return -1; int i = 0; for (int pw = Integer.highestOneBit(n); pw > 0; pw >>= 1) if (i + pw <= n && tree[i + pw] <= k) k -= tree[i += pw]; return i; } } public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException { if (!submit) solve(new Scanner(, new PrintWriter(System.out)); else solve(new Scanner(new File(filename+".txt")), new PrintWriter(new File(filename+".out"))); } }