<p>We are starting preparations for Hacker Cup 2013 really early. Our first step |
is to prepare billboards to advertise the contest. We have text for hundreds of |
billboards, but we need your help to design them. |
</p> |
<p>The billboards are of different sizes, but are all rectangular. The billboard widths and heights are all integers. We will |
supply you with the size in inches and the text we want printed. We want you to |
tell us how large we can print the text, such that it fits on the billboard |
without splitting any words across lines. Since this is to attract hackers like |
yourself, we will use a monospace font, meaning that all characters are of the |
same width (e.g.. 'l' and 'm' take up the same horizontal space, as do space |
characters). The characters in our font are of equal width and height, and there |
will be no additional spacing between adjacent characters or adjacent rows. If you print a word on one line and print the next word on the next line, you do not need to print a space between them. |
</p> |
<p>Let's say we want to print the text "Facebook Hacker Cup 2013" on a 350x100" |
billboard. If we use a font size of 33" per character, then we can print |
"Facebook" on the first line, "Hacker Cup" on the second and "2013" on the |
third. The widest of the three lines is "Hacker Cup", which is 330" wide. There |
are three lines, so the total height is 99". We cannot go any larger. |
</p> |
<h3>Input</h3> |
<p>The first line of the input file contains a single integer T: the number of |
test cases. T lines follow, each representing a single test case in the form "W |
H S". W and H are the width and height in inches of the available space. S is |
the text to be written. |
</p> |
<h3>Output</h3> |
<p>Output T lines, one for each test case. For each case, output "Case #t: s", |
where t is the test case number (starting from 1) and s is the maximum font |
size, in inches per character, we can use. The size must be an integral number |
of inches. If the text does not fit when printed at a size of 1", then output 0. |
</p> |
<h3>Constraints</h3> |
<ul> |
<li> 1 ≤ T ≤ 20 |
<li> 1 ≤ W, H ≤ 1,000 |
<li> The text will contain only lower-case letters a-z, upper-case letters A-Z, |
digits 0-9 and the space character |
<li> The text will not start or end with the space character, and will never |
contain two adjacent space characters |
<li> The text in each case contains at most 1,000 characters |
</ul> |