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0,0,201,It is interesting and fun to see Goodall and her chimpanzees on the bigger-than-life screen .,0.78,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
3 |
1,1,742,( Fessenden ) is much more into ambiguity and creating mood than he is for on screen thrills,0.62,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
4 |
5,5,4941,"White has n't developed characters so much as caricatures , one-dimensional buffoons that get him a few laughs but nothing else .",0.29,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
5 |
6,6,37,"Though it is by no means his best work , Laissez-Passer is a distinguished and distinctive effort by a bona-fide master , a fascinating film replete with rewards to be had by all willing to make the effort to reap them .",0.65,masc,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
6 |
10,10,1028,"The Bourne Identity should n't be half as entertaining as it is , but director Doug Liman and his colleagues have managed to pack it with enough action to satisfy the boom-bam crowd without a huge sacrifice of character and mood .",0.78,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
7 |
11,11,5381,"It gives poor Dana Carvey nothing to do that is really funny , and then expects us to laugh because he acts so goofy all the time .",0.35,masc,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
8 |
12,12,7886,"Lyne 's latest , the erotic thriller Unfaithful , further demonstrates just how far his storytelling skills have eroded .",0.25,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
9 |
13,13,104,She allows each character to confront their problems openly and honestly .,0.72,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
10 |
17,17,1804,"None of his actors stand out , but that 's less of a problem here than it would be in another film : Characterization matters less than atmosphere .",0.42,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
11 |
18,18,6486,"( The kid 's ) just too bratty for sympathy , and as the film grows to its finale , his little changes ring hollow .",0.39,masc,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
12 |
19,19,449,"Only an epic documentary could get it all down , and Spike Lee 's Jim Brown : All American at long last gives its subject a movie worthy of his talents .",0.94,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
13 |
22,22,614,"Branagh , in his most forceful non-Shakespeare screen performance , grounds even the softest moments in the angry revolt of his wit .",0.67,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
14 |
24,24,278,"Even if you do n't think ( Kissinger 's ) any more guilty of criminal activity than most contemporary statesmen , he 'd sure make a courtroom trial great fun to watch .",0.67,masc,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
15 |
25,25,7164,"The following things are not at all entertaining : The bad sound , the lack of climax and , worst of all , watching Seinfeld ( who is also one of the film 's producers ) do everything he can to look like a good guy .",0.18,masc,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
16 |
27,27,463,Not too far below the gloss you can still feel director Denis Villeneuve 's beating heart and the fondness he has for his characters .,0.78,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
17 |
29,29,2947,"Davis ' candid , archly funny and deeply authentic take on intimate relationships comes to fruition in her sophomore effort .",0.61,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
18 |
30,30,760,"Director Benoit Jacquot , making his first opera-to-film translation with Tosca , conveys the heaving passion of Puccini 's famous love-jealousy - murder-suicide fandango with great cinematic innovation .",0.91,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
19 |
32,32,54,"Sandra Nettelbeck beautifully orchestrates the transformation of the chilly , neurotic , and self-absorbed Martha as her heart begins to open .",0.79,femm,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
20 |
33,33,28,It helps that Lil Bow Wow ... tones down his pint-sized gangsta act to play someone who resembles a real kid .,0.76,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
21 |
34,34,2851,"It 's a hoot watching The Rock chomp on jumbo ants , pull an arrow out of his back , and leap unscathed through raging fire !",0.82,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
22 |
35,35,3052,Gone are the flamboyant mannerisms that are the trademark of several of his performances .,0.51,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
23 |
38,38,6378,"( Soderbergh ) tends to place most of the psychological and philosophical material in italics rather than trust an audience 's intelligence , and he creates an overall sense of brusqueness .",0.38,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
24 |
39,39,7365,Real-life strongman Ahola lacks the charisma and ability to carry the film on his admittedly broad shoulders .,0.28,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
25 |
40,40,1398,"A sensual performance from Abbass buoys the flimsy story , but her inner journey is largely unexplored and we 're left wondering about this exotic-looking woman whose emotional depths are only hinted at .",0.62,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
26 |
41,41,4188,"The trouble with making this queen a thoroughly modern maiden is that it also makes her appear foolish and shallow rather than , as was more likely , a victim of mental illness .",0.29,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
27 |
42,42,821,"Grant gets to display his cadness to perfection , but also to show acting range that may surprise some who thought light-hearted comedy was his forte .",0.75,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
28 |
43,43,1991,"Johnson has , in his first film , set himself a task he is not nearly up to .",0.5,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
29 |
44,44,2930,"It 's enough to watch Huppert scheming , with her small , intelligent eyes as steady as any noir villain , and to enjoy the perfectly pitched web of tension that Chabrol spins .",0.71,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
30 |
45,45,663,"With youthful high spirits , Tautou remains captivating throughout Michele 's religious and romantic quests , and she is backed by a likable cast .",0.75,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
31 |
46,46,1860,Jolie 's performance vanishes somewhere between her hair and her lips .,0.35,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
32 |
47,47,3092,Maggie G. makes an amazing breakthrough in her first starring role and eats up the screen .,0.9,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
33 |
48,48,689,"Like Kubrick , Soderbergh is n't afraid to try any genre and to do it his own way .",0.72,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
34 |
51,51,1867,"While Benigni ( who stars and co-wrote ) seems to be having a wonderful time , he might be alone in that .",0.32,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
35 |
53,53,6659,"Nicks refuses to let Slackers be seen as just another teen movie , which means he can be forgiven for frequently pandering to fans of the gross-out comedy .",0.62,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
36 |
54,54,2465,He watches them as they float within the seas of their personalities .,0.62,masc,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
37 |
55,55,5560,"On top of a foundering performance , ( Madonna 's ) denied her own athleticism by lighting that emphasizes every line and sag .",0.28,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
38 |
56,56,1154,"Yes , one enjoys seeing Joan grow from awkward young woman to strong , determined monarch , but her love for the philandering Philip only diminishes her stature .",0.58,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
39 |
57,57,240,"His characters are engaging , intimate and the dialogue is realistic and greatly moving .",0.83,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
40 |
58,58,834,"Miller is playing so free with emotions , and the fact that children are hostages to fortune , that he makes the audience hostage to his swaggering affectation of seriousness .",0.79,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
41 |
59,59,2621,"It 's up to ( Watts ) to lend credibility to this strange scenario , and her presence succeeds in making us believe .",0.72,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
42 |
61,61,5566,One of the more glaring signs of this movie 's servitude to its superstar is the way it skirts around any scenes that might have required genuine acting from Ms. Spears .,0.18,femm,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
43 |
63,63,600,"... ambition is in short supply in the cinema , and Egoyan tackles his themes and explores his characters ' crises with seriousness and compassion .",0.64,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
44 |
65,65,427,"Long after you leave Justine , you 'll be wondering what will happen to her and wishing her the best -- whatever that might mean .",0.6,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
45 |
66,66,789,"Cho 's fearless in picking apart human foibles , not afraid to lay her life bare in front of an audience .",0.82,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
46 |
67,67,2756,Ali 's graduation from little screen to big is far less painful than his opening scene encounter with an over-amorous terrier .,0.49,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
47 |
73,73,2448,"This odd , poetic road movie , spiked by jolts of pop music , pretty much takes place in Morton 's ever-watchful gaze -- and it 's a tribute to the actress , and to her inventive director , that the journey is such a mesmerizing one .",0.82,femm,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
48 |
74,74,40,"Newton draws our attention like a magnet , and acts circles around her better known co-star , Mark Wahlberg .",0.9,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
49 |
76,76,2263,Ms. Hutchins is talented enough and charismatic enough to make us care about Zelda 's ultimate fate .,0.85,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
50 |
78,78,8128,"No matter how much he runs around and acts like a doofus , accepting a 50-year-old in the role is creepy in a Michael Jackson sort of way .",0.28,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
51 |
81,81,5321,"Oops , she 's really done it this time .",0.58,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
52 |
84,84,5428,"Morrissette has performed a difficult task indeed - he 's taken one of the world 's most fascinating stories and made it dull , lifeless , and irritating .",0.28,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
53 |
85,85,2989,"Nicole Holofcener 's Lovely and Amazing , from her own screenplay , jumps to the head of the class of women 's films that manage to avoid the ghetto of sentimental chick-flicks by treating female follies with a satirical style .",0.85,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
54 |
88,88,90,Allen shows he can outgag any of those young whippersnappers making moving pictures today .,0.76,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
55 |
90,90,1107,"When ( De Palma 's ) bad , he 's really bad , and Femme Fatale ranks with the worst he has done .",0.1,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
56 |
93,93,2514,"Argento , at only 26 , brings a youthful , out-to-change-the-world aggressiveness to the project , as if she 's cut open a vein and bled the raw film stock .",0.72,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
57 |
95,95,3676,"( Shyamalan ) continues to cut a swathe through mainstream Hollywood , while retaining an integrity and refusing to compromise his vision .",0.78,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
58 |
96,96,3349,"Berling and Béart ... continue to impress , and Isabelle Huppert ... again shows uncanny skill in getting under the skin of her characters .",0.64,femm,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
59 |
97,97,276,"Audrey Tatou has a knack for picking roles that magnify her outrageous charm , and in this literate French comedy , she 's as morning-glory exuberant as she was in Amélie .",0.72,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
60 |
101,101,7922,"We assume he had a bad run in the market or a costly divorce , because there is no earthly reason other than money why this distinguished actor would stoop so low .",0.17,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
61 |
102,102,5257,"But even then , I 'd recommend waiting for DVD and just skipping straight to her scenes .",0.38,femm,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
62 |
103,103,7426,Some Like It Hot on the Hardwood proves once again that a man in drag is not in and of himself funny .,0.32,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
63 |
104,104,345,"The Pianist is a fine valedictory work for Polanski , made richer by his own experiences , making his other movies somehow richer in the bargain .",0.71,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
64 |
105,105,2301,"With few respites , Marshall keeps the energy humming , and his edits , unlike those in Moulin Rouge , are crisp and purposeful without overdoing it .",0.86,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
65 |
106,106,3237,Her performance moves between heartbreak and rebellion as she continually tries to accommodate to fit in and gain the unconditional love she seeks .,0.71,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
66 |
108,108,3002,"Chris Columbus ' sequel is faster , livelier and a good deal funnier than his original .",0.76,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
67 |
110,110,351,Bennett 's dramatization of her personal descent into post-breakup perdition has a morbid appeal that 's tough to shake .,0.53,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
68 |
114,114,6076,DeMeo is not without talent , he just needs better material .,0.5,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0
69 |
115,115,1196,"Nair stuffs the film with dancing , henna , ornamentation , and group song , but her narrative clichés and telegraphed episodes smell of old soap opera .",0.35,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
70 |
116,116,400,Bullock does a good job here of working against her natural likability .,0.69,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
71 |
117,117,2789,"Jackson tries to keep the plates spinning as best he can , but all the bouncing back and forth ca n't help but become a bit tedious -- even with the breathtaking landscapes and villainous varmints there to distract you from the ricocheting .",0.56,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
72 |
121,121,254,"Would be an unendurable viewing experience for this ultra-provincial New Yorker if 26-year-old Reese Witherspoon were not on hand to inject her pure fantasy character , Melanie Carmichael , with a massive infusion of old-fashioned Hollywood magic .",0.67,femm,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
73 |
122,122,5938,"Sandra Bullock , despite downplaying her good looks , carries a little too much ai n't - she-cute baggage into her lead role as a troubled and determined homicide cop to quite pull off the heavy stuff .",0.28,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
74 |
124,124,432,"The level of maturity displayed by this 33-year-old first-time feature director is astonishing , considering her inexperience and her subject matter .",0.88,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
75 |
125,125,1785,"When she speaks , her creepy Egyptian demigod voice is as computer processed and overproduced as it was in her music .",0.14,femm,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
76 |
126,126,3117,"You come away from his film overwhelmed , hopeful and , perhaps paradoxically , illuminated .",0.74,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
77 |
127,127,264,"As a witness to several Greek-American weddings -- but , happily , a victim of none -- I can testify to the comparative accuracy of Ms. Vardalos ' memories and insights .",0.72,femm,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
78 |
129,129,454,The film has a terrific look and Salma Hayek has a feel for the character at all stages of her life .,0.81,femm,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
79 |
130,130,2113,"the film belongs to the marvelous Verdu , a sexy slip of an earth mother who mourns her tragedies in private and embraces life in public",0.72,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
80 |
132,132,6494,"Carrying this wafer-thin movie on his nimble shoulders , Chan wades through putrid writing , direction and timing with a smile that says , ` If I stay positive , maybe I can channel one of my greatest pictures , Drunken Master . '",0.21,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
81 |
133,133,394,"Ana is a vivid , vibrant individual and the movie 's focus upon her makes it successful and accessible .",0.86,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
82 |
135,135,1354,"If you 're not a prepubescent girl , you 'll be laughing at Britney Spears ' movie-starring debut whenever it does n't have you impatiently squinting at your watch .",0.29,femm,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
83 |
136,136,602,"Like Dickens with his passages , McGrath crafts quite moving scenes throughout his resolutely dramatic variation on the novel .",0.9,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
84 |
140,140,4680,Zellweger 's whiny pouty-lipped poof faced and spindly attempt at playing an ingenue makes her nomination as best actress even more of a an a,0.36,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
85 |
143,143,3053,"As Schmidt , Nicholson walks with a slow , deliberate gait , chooses his words carefully and subdues his natural exuberance .",0.56,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
86 |
144,144,1615,"Beers , who , when she 's given the right lines , can charm the paint off the wall ... ( but ) the script goes wrong at several key junctures .",0.4,femm,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
87 |
145,145,4729,"Nohe has made a decent ` intro ' documentary , but he feels like a spectator and not a participant .",0.32,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
88 |
146,146,7622,"Ultimately , the film never recovers from the clumsy cliché of the ugly American abroad , and the too-frosty exterior Ms. Paltrow employs to authenticate her British persona is another liability .",0.35,femm,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
89 |
147,147,960,"There ought to be a directing license , so that Ed Burns can have his revoked .",0.17,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
90 |
148,148,4589,"None of this so-called satire has any sting to it , as if Woody is afraid of biting the hand that has finally , to some extent , warmed up to him .",0.38,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
91 |
150,150,5702,"Fincher takes no apparent joy in making movies , and he gives none to the audience .",0.24,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
92 |
152,152,7303,May puzzle his most ardent fans .,0.28,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
93 |
153,153,1288,"( Director ) Byler may yet have a great movie in him , but Charlotte Sometimes is only half of one .",0.32,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
94 |
154,154,1933,"Kwan makes the mix-and - match metaphors intriguing , while lulling us into torpor with his cultivated allergy to action .",0.36,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
95 |
155,155,2172,Birot 's directorial debut ( she co-wrote the script with Christophe Honoré ) is n't so much bad as it is bland .,0.28,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
96 |
156,156,1998,"Nair 's cast is so large it 's Altman-esque , but she deftly spins the multiple stories in a vibrant and intoxicating fashion .",0.89,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
97 |
162,162,6002,"Seagal , who looks more like Danny Aiello these days , mumbles his way through the movie .",0.19,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
98 |
163,163,1534,"Ramsay succeeds primarily with her typical blend of unsettling atmospherics , delivering a series of abrasive , stylized sequences that burn themselves upon the viewer 's memory .",0.72,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
99 |
166,166,1199,"Might have been better off as a documentary , with less of Mr. Eyre 's uninspired dramatics and more of his sense of observation and outrage .",0.39,masc,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
100 |
168,168,7168,Michele is a such a brainless flibbertigibbet that it 's hard to take her spiritual quest at all seriously .,0.25,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
101 |
171,171,1375,"Witherspoon puts to rest her valley-girl image , but it 's Dench who really steals the show .",0.58,femm,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
102 |
175,175,2222,"Insomnia is one of the year 's best films and Pacino gives one of his most daring , and complicated , performances .",0.94,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
103 |
179,179,1258,Cho continues her exploration of the outer limits of raunch with considerable brio .,0.71,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
104 |
180,180,5732,Is there a group of more self-absorbed women than the mother and daughters featured in this film ?,0.12,femm,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
105 |
181,181,622,"A memorable experience that , like many of his works , presents weighty issues colorfully wrapped up in his own idiosyncratic strain of kitschy goodwill .",0.72,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
106 |
182,182,184,"Britney has been delivered to the big screen safe and sound , the way we like our 20-year-old superstar girls to travel on the fame freeway .",0.76,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
107 |
183,183,2077,"Unfortunately , as a writer , Mr. Montias is n't nearly as good to his crew as he is as a director or actor .",0.31,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
108 |
185,185,8299,The movie is obviously a labour of love so Howard appears to have had free rein to be as pretentious as he wanted .,0.43,masc,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
109 |
187,187,7968,Does anyone much think the central story of Brendan Behan is that he was a bisexual sweetheart before he took to drink ?,0.5,masc,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
110 |
190,190,6043,Kurys seems intimidated by both her subject matter and the period trappings of this debut venture into the heritage business .,0.31,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
111 |
192,192,1435,"That ` Alabama ' manages to be pleasant in spite of its predictability and occasional slowness is due primarily to the perkiness of Witherspoon ( who is always a joy to watch , even when her material is not first-rate ) ...",0.67,femm,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
112 |
196,196,4083,"While the ensemble player who gained notice in Guy Ritchie 's Lock , Stock and Two Smoking Barrels and Snatch has the bod , he 's unlikely to become a household name on the basis of his first starring vehicle .",0.39,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
113 |
199,199,7620,"Davis the performer is plenty fetching enough , but she needs to shake up the mix , and work in something that does n't feel like a half-baked stand-up routine .",0.43,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
114 |
200,200,998,"Ratliff 's two previous titles , Plutonium Circus and Purgatory County show his penchant for wry , contentious configurations , and this film is part of that delicate canon .",0.64,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
115 |
202,202,36,"Ms. Fulford-Wierzbicki is almost spooky in her sulky , calculating Lolita turn .",0.62,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
116 |
203,203,2039,cynical and serious look at teenage boys doing what they do best - being teenagers .,0.54,masc,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
117 |
204,204,577,"We need ( Moore 's ) noisy , cocky energy , his passion and class consciousness ; we need his shticks , we need his stones .",0.61,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
118 |
206,206,829,A dream cast of solid female talent who build a seamless ensemble .,0.93,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
119 |
207,207,170,"For the first time in years , De Niro digs deep emotionally , perhaps because he 's been stirred by the powerful work of his co-stars .",0.65,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
120 |
208,208,1092,"Unlike his directorial efforts , La Femme Nikita and The Professional , The Transporter lacks Besson 's perspective as a storyteller .",0.33,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
121 |
210,210,1930,"She may not be real , but the laughs are .",0.82,femm,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
122 |
212,212,4900,Howard conjures the past via surrealist flourishes so overwrought you 'd swear he just stepped out of a Buñuel retrospective .,0.68,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
123 |
213,213,2517,"Though Jackson does n't always succeed in integrating the characters in the foreground into the extraordinarily rich landscape , it must be said that he is an imaginative filmmaker who can see the forest for the trees .",0.65,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
124 |
214,214,3590,Connoisseurs of Chinese film will be pleased to discover that Tian 's meticulous talent has not withered during his enforced hiatus .,0.72,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
125 |
216,216,519,"A depressing confirmation of everything those of us who do n't object to the description `` unelected '' have suspected all along : George W. Bush is an incurious , uncharismatic , overgrown frat boy with a mean streak a mile wide .",0.17,masc,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
126 |
217,217,4407,"Brown 's saga , like many before his , makes for snappy prose but a stumblebum of a movie .",0.4,masc,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
127 |
221,221,2731,"This film is so different from The Apple and so striking that it can only encourage us to see Samira Makhmalbaf as a very distinctive sensibility , working to develop her own film language with conspicuous success .",0.78,femm,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
128 |
222,222,3541,"Works because we 're never sure if Ohlinger 's on the level or merely a dying , delusional man trying to get into the history books before he croaks .",0.49,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
129 |
223,223,149,"Unfortunately , it appears that ( Jackie ) Chan 's US influence is starting to show in his Hong Kong films .",0.42,masc,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
130 |
224,224,1987,"Chicago offers much colorful eye candy , including the spectacle of Gere in his dancing shoes , hoofing and crooning with the best of them .",0.74,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
131 |
226,226,1004,"If you 're part of her targeted audience , you 'll cheer .",0.68,femm,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
132 |
229,229,5145,"Howard and his co-stars all give committed performances , but they 're often undone by Howard 's self-conscious attempts to find a ` literary ' filmmaking style to match his subject .",0.33,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
133 |
231,231,1822,Naomi Watts is terrific as Rachel , her petite frame and vulnerable persona emphasising her plight and isolation .,0.78,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0
134 |
232,232,1694,"Lanie 's professional success means she must be a failure at life , because she 's driven by ambition and Does n't Know How to Have Fun .",0.35,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
135 |
234,234,8020,What a great shame that such a talented director as Chen Kaige has chosen to make his English-language debut with a film so poorly plotted and scripted .,0.17,masc,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
136 |
237,237,7658,"... feels as if ( there 's ) a choke leash around your neck so director Nick Cassavetes can give it a good , hard yank whenever he wants you to feel something .",0.19,masc,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
137 |
238,238,8542,"Her fans walked out muttering words like `` horrible '' and `` terrible , '' but had so much fun dissing the film that they did n't mind the ticket cost .",0.14,femm,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
138 |
241,241,6563,"She 's a cipher , played by an actress who smiles and frowns but does n't reveal an inner life .",0.44,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
139 |
242,242,6489,"Scherfig , who has had a successful career in TV , tackles more than she can handle .",0.36,femm,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
140 |
244,244,7452,The film 's hero is a bore and his innocence soon becomes a questionable kind of inexcusable dumb innocence .,0.21,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
141 |
245,245,311,"Asia authors herself as Anna Battista , an Italian superstar and aspiring directress who just happens to be her own worst enemy .",0.56,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
142 |
247,247,7087,"Even by the intentionally low standards of frat-boy humor , Sorority Boys is a bowser .",0.07,masc,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
143 |
248,248,369,He allows his cast members to make creative contributions to the story and dialogue .,0.75,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
144 |
251,251,6943,"If there was any doubt that Peter O'Fallon did n't have an original bone in his body , A Rumor of Angels should dispel it .",0.18,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
145 |
253,253,2191,"Swimming is above all about a young woman 's face , and by casting an actress whose face projects that woman 's doubts and yearnings , it succeeds .",0.86,femm,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
146 |
254,254,402,"The movie is hardly a masterpiece , but it does mark Ms. Bullock 's best work in some time .",0.62,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
147 |
255,255,470,"Hardly an objective documentary , but it 's great cinematic polemic ... love Moore or loathe him , you 've got to admire ... the intensity with which he 's willing to express his convictions .",0.85,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
148 |
256,256,293,A superbly acted and funny\/gritty fable of the humanizing of one woman at the hands of the unseen forces of fate .,0.72,femm,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
149 |
259,259,3714,"He has improved upon the first and taken it a step further , richer and deeper .",0.75,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
150 |
263,263,594,Jacquot 's strategy allows his cast the benefit of being able to give full performances ... while demonstrating vividly that the beauty and power of the opera reside primarily in the music itself .,0.71,masc,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
151 |
264,264,880,This is her Blue Lagoon .,0.42,femm,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
152 |
265,265,2244,"The trick when watching Godard is to catch the pitch of his poetics , savor the pleasure of his sounds and images , and ponder the historical , philosophical , and ethical issues that intersect with them .",0.79,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
153 |
266,266,4762,It 's easy to love Robin Tunney -- she 's pretty and she can act -- but it gets harder and harder to understand her choices .,0.39,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
154 |
267,267,2879,"Lovely and Amazing is Holofcener 's deep , uncompromising curtsy to women she knows , and very likely is .",0.76,femm,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
155 |
268,268,8117,"The histrionic muse still eludes Madonna and , playing a charmless witch , she is merely a charmless witch .",0.24,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
156 |
269,269,1345,"Writer\/director Walter Hill is in his hypermasculine element here , once again able to inject some real vitality and even art into a pulpy concept that , in many other hands would be completely forgettable .",0.76,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
157 |
275,275,1143,"She lists ingredients , but never mixes and stirs .",0.36,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
158 |
276,276,8186,It collapses when Mr. Taylor tries to shift the tone to a thriller 's rush .,0.25,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
159 |
277,277,1010,"Contrived as this may sound , Mr. Rose 's updating works surprisingly well .",0.78,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
160 |
278,278,687,"The film benefits greatly from a less manic tone than its predecessor , as Cho appears to have settled comfortably into her skin .",0.81,femm,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
161 |
282,282,420,"Call it magic realism or surrealism , but Miss Wonton floats beyond reality with a certain degree of wit and dignity .",0.81,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
162 |
285,285,4894,"No matter how firmly director John Stainton has his tongue in his cheek , the fact remains that a wacky concept does not a movie make .",0.43,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
163 |
286,286,5130,You get the impression that writer and director Burr Steers knows the territory ... but his sense of humor has yet to lose the smug self-satisfaction usually associated with the better private schools .,0.32,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
164 |
291,291,7445,"When one hears Harry Shearer is going to make his debut as a film director , one would hope for the best",0.61,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
165 |
292,292,1058,"Lux , now in her eighties , does a great combination act as narrator , Jewish grandmother and subject -- taking us through a film that is part biography , part entertainment and part history .",0.83,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
166 |
294,294,806,Hawke draws out the best from his large cast in beautifully articulated portrayals that are subtle and so expressive they can sustain the poetic flights in Burdette 's dialogue .,0.96,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
167 |
295,295,7893,Maybe he was reading the minds of the audience .,0.62,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
168 |
296,296,936,"Novak manages to capture a cruelly hilarious vein of black comedy in the situation with his cast of non-actors and a gritty , no-budget approach .",0.85,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
169 |
298,298,2373,... fuses the events of her life with the imagery in her paintings so vividly that the artist 's work may take on a striking new significance for anyone who sees the film .,0.85,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
170 |
301,301,1382,The film runs on a little longer than it needs to -- Muccino either does n't notice when his story ends or just ca n't tear himself away from the characters -- but it 's smooth and professional .,0.35,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
171 |
303,303,821,"In his U.S. debut , Mr. Schnitzler proves himself a deft pace master and stylist .",0.86,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
172 |
305,305,5785,"Eastwood winces , clutches his chest and gasps for breath .",0.49,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
173 |
308,308,1447,"( Davis ) has a bright , chipper style that keeps things moving , while never quite managing to connect her wish-fulfilling characters to the human race .",0.67,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
174 |
309,309,4472,"LaBute ca n't avoid a fatal mistake in the modern era : He 's changed the male academic from a lower-class Brit to an American , a choice that upsets the novel 's exquisite balance and shreds the fabric of the film .",0.58,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
175 |
310,310,770,A worthy tribute to a great humanitarian and her vibrant ` co-stars . ',0.78,femm,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
176 |
311,311,1404,"Whatever Eyre 's failings as a dramatist , he deserves credit for bringing audiences into this hard and bitter place .",0.64,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
177 |
313,313,7597,Poor Ben Bratt could n't find stardom if MapQuest emailed him point-to-point driving directions .,0.07,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
178 |
317,317,4282,"Imagine Kevin Smith , the blasphemous bad boy of suburban Jersey , if he were stripped of most of his budget and all of his sense of humor .",0.1,masc,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
179 |
318,318,721,Maintains your sympathy for this otherwise challenging soul by letting you share her one-room world for a while .,0.72,femm,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
180 |
320,320,491,Blanchett 's performance confirms her power once again .,0.89,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
181 |
321,321,5058,"The photographer 's show-don ` t-tell stance is admirable , but it can make him a problematic documentary subject .",0.47,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
182 |
322,322,4950,Could n't someone take Rob Schneider and have him switch bodies with a funny person ?,0.28,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
183 |
323,323,5781,"Godard uses his characters -- if that 's not too glorified a term -- as art things , mouthpieces , visual motifs , blanks .",0.35,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
184 |
324,324,898,"There 's a solid woman - finding-herself story somewhere in here , but you 'd have to dig pretty deep to uncover it .",0.42,femm,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
185 |
325,325,4195,"J. Lo will earn her share of the holiday box office pie , although this movie makes one thing perfectly clear : She 's a pretty woman , but she 's no working girl .",0.62,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
186 |
326,326,8436,... the maudlin way its story unfolds suggests a director fighting against the urge to sensationalize his material .,0.31,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
187 |
327,327,4834,Wildly incompetent but brilliantly named Half Past Dead -- or for Seagal pessimists : Totally Past His Prime .,0.39,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
188 |
328,328,6336,... another example of how Sandler is losing his touch .,0.21,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
189 |
329,329,736,"Flavorful and romantic , you could call this How Martha Got Her Groove Back -- assuming , that is , she ever had one to begin with .",0.69,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
190 |
330,330,1031,Davis ... is so enamored of her own creation that she ca n't see how insufferable the character is .,0.24,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
191 |
331,331,4280,"Bigelow handles the nuclear crisis sequences evenly but milks drama when she should be building suspense , and drags out too many scenes toward the end that should move quickly .",0.24,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
192 |
332,332,5807,"( Janey ) forgets about her other obligations , leading to a tragedy which is somehow guessable from the first few minutes , maybe because it echoes the by now intolerable morbidity of so many recent movies .",0.24,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
193 |
334,334,2861,"Frei assembles a fascinating profile of a deeply humanistic artist who , in spite of all that he 's witnessed , remains surprisingly idealistic , and retains an extraordinary faith in the ability of images to communicate the truth of the world around him .",0.74,masc,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
194 |
335,335,370,"This method almost never fails him , and it works superbly here .",0.82,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
195 |
336,336,8225,"his ( Nelson 's ) screenplay needs some serious re-working to show more of the dilemma , rather than have his characters stage shouting matches about it .",0.31,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
196 |
337,337,7009,"Richard Pryor mined his personal horrors and came up with a treasure chest of material , but Lawrence gives us mostly fool 's gold .",0.28,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
197 |
338,338,5448,"... Tara Reid plays a college journalist , but she looks like the six-time winner of the Miss Hawaiian Tropic Pageant , so I do n't know what she 's doing in here ...",0.35,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
198 |
339,339,3838,"From both a great and a terrible story , Mr. Nelson has made a film that is an undeniably worthy and devastating experience .",0.64,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
199 |
340,340,2132,"Even if Britney Spears is really cute , her movie is really bad .",0.28,femm,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
200 |
341,341,6091,"Goldbacher draws on an elegant visual sense and a talent for easy , seductive pacing ... but she and writing partner Laurence Coriat do n't manage an equally assured narrative coinage .",0.78,femm,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
201 |
342,342,880,Alan and his fellow survivors are idiosyncratic enough to lift the movie above its playwriting 101 premise .,0.62,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
202 |
343,343,6012,It 's obvious ( Je-Gyu is ) trying for poetry , what he gets instead has all the lyricism of a limerick scrawled in a public restroom .,0.42,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0
203 |
344,344,3221,"a bilingual charmer , just like the woman who inspired it",0.69,femm,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
204 |
345,345,5718,"In the real world , an actor this uncharismatically beautiful would have a résumé loaded with credits like `` Girl in Bar # 3 . ''",0.36,femm,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
205 |
346,346,3046,His work transcends the boy-meets-girl posturing of typical love stories .,0.76,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
206 |
347,347,5196,Schneidermeister ... Makin ' a fool of himself ... Losin ' his fan base ...,0.29,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
207 |
348,348,1508,So vivid a portrait of a woman consumed by lust and love and crushed by betrayal that it conjures up the intoxicating fumes and emotional ghosts of a freshly painted Rembrandt .,0.82,femm,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
208 |
349,349,195,"My goodness , Queen Latifah has a lot to offer and she seemed to have no problem flaunting her natural gifts .",0.78,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
209 |
350,350,2888,"Ourside the theatre Roger might be intolerable company , but inside it he 's well worth spending some time with .",0.85,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
210 |
351,351,3336,Savvy director Robert J. Siegel and his co-writers keep the story subtle and us in suspense .,0.68,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
211 |
352,352,1325,"Davis is funny , charming and quirky in her feature film acting debut as Amy .",0.75,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
212 |
355,355,6757,But his showboating wise-cracker stock persona sure is getting old .,0.4,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
213 |
358,358,729,Caviezel embodies the transformation of his character completely .,0.78,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
214 |
359,359,5533,"Egoyan 's work often elegantly considers various levels of reality and uses shifting points of view , but here he has constructed a film so labyrinthine that it defeats his larger purpose .",0.4,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
215 |
360,360,7328,"Welles groupie\/scholar Peter Bogdanovich took a long time to do it , but he 's finally provided his own broadside at publishing giant William Randolph Hearst .",0.61,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
216 |
362,362,1398,Salma goes native and she 's never been better in this colorful bio-pic of a Mexican icon .,0.83,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
217 |
364,364,5105,"Mr. Goyer 's loose , unaccountable direction is technically sophisticated in the worst way .",0.17,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
218 |
365,365,1265,"As if trying to grab a lump of Play-Doh , the harder that Liman tries to squeeze his story , the more details slip out between his fingers .",0.26,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
219 |
366,366,6570,"She 's not yet an actress , not quite a singer ...",0.42,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
220 |
368,368,4432,"The movie is loaded with good intentions , but in his zeal to squeeze the action and our emotions into the all-too-familiar dramatic arc of the Holocaust escape story , Minac drains his movie of all individuality .",0.38,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
221 |
370,370,8164,Barney throws away the goodwill the first half of his movie generates by orchestrating a finale that is impenetrable and dull .,0.22,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
222 |
374,374,7608,"Ultimately , Jane learns her place as a girl , softens up and loses some of the intensity that made her an interesting character to begin with .",0.47,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
223 |
375,375,2160,( Newton ) wanders through CHARLIE completely unaware she needs to show some presence and star quality .,0.24,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
224 |
377,377,564,The best that can be said about the work here of Scottish director Ritchie ... is that he obviously does n't have his heart in it .,0.31,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
225 |
378,378,306,"For his first attempt at film noir , Spielberg presents a fascinating but flawed look at the near future .",0.64,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
226 |
380,380,4270,"It 's Tommy 's job to clean the peep booths surrounding her , and after viewing this one , you 'll feel like mopping up , too .",0.26,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
227 |
385,385,2011,"However clever Nelson has been in providing variation within the confines of her structure and staging , the question remains whether this should , indeed , have been presented as a theatrical release .",0.49,femm,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
228 |
386,386,2070,"In ( screenwriter ) Charlie Kaufman 's world , truth and fiction are equally strange , and his for the taking .",0.42,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
229 |
387,387,2224,"I do n't know if Frailty will turn Bill Paxton into an A-list director , but he can rest contentedly with the knowledge that he 's made at least one damn fine horror movie .",0.67,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
230 |
388,388,6835,"Director-chef Gabriele Muccino keeps it fast -- zippy , comin ' at ya -- as if fearing that his film is molto superficiale .",0.46,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
231 |
389,389,2698,"Lee 's achievement extends to his supple understanding of the role that Brown played in American culture as an athlete , a movie star , and an image of black indomitability .",0.62,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
232 |
390,390,320,"He just wants them to be part of the action , the wallpaper of his chosen reality .",0.61,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
233 |
392,392,2123,"The filmmakers wisely decided to let Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin do what he does best , and fashion a story around him .",0.65,masc,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
234 |
396,396,7005,"Demme gets a lot of flavor and spice into his Charade remake , but he ca n't disguise that he 's spiffing up leftovers that are n't so substantial or fresh .",0.31,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
235 |
402,402,4404,"( Carvey 's ) characters are both overplayed and exaggerated , but then again , subtlety has never been his trademark .",0.18,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
236 |
404,404,4201,It 's a drag how Nettelbeck sees working women -- or at least this working woman -- for whom she shows little understanding .,0.11,femm,1,1,0,True,2,2,1,
237 |
408,408,1766,Damon brings the proper conviction to his role as ( Jason Bourne ) .,0.69,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
238 |
409,409,5284,"Ze movie starts out so funny , then she is nothing .",0.58,femm,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
239 |
410,410,1039,"Gooding is the energetic frontman , and it 's hard to resist his enthusiasm , even if the filmmakers come up with nothing original in the way of slapstick sequences .",0.64,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
240 |
411,411,1755,"The problem is that rather than dramatizing this premise , Mr. Desplechin is content to state it .",0.44,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
241 |
414,414,5856,"For the future , one hopes Mr. Plympton will find room for one more member of his little band , a professional screenwriter .",0.04,masc,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
242 |
416,416,3787,That Haynes can both maintain and dismantle the facades that his genre and his character construct is a wonderous accomplishment of veracity and narrative grace .,0.82,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
243 |
418,418,291,"Morton uses her face and her body language to bring us Morvern 's soul , even though the character is almost completely deadpan .",0.71,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
244 |
419,419,6065,A limp Eddie Murphy vehicle that even he seems embarrassed to be part of .,0.11,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
245 |
427,427,5320,"Once one experiences Mr. Haneke 's own sadistic tendencies toward his audience , one is left with a sour taste in one 's mouth , and little else .",0.07,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
246 |
428,428,1230,But he loses his focus when he concentrates on any single person .,0.22,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
247 |
429,429,7060,Demme finally succeeds in diminishing his stature from Oscar-winning master to lowly studio hack .,0.39,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
248 |
430,430,508,"Though few will argue that it ranks with the best of Herzog 's works , Invincible shows he 's back in form , with an astoundingly rich film .",0.94,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
249 |
431,431,1412,But that 's just the problem with it - the director has n't added enough of his own ingredients .,0.38,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
250 |
433,433,3903,Campanella 's competent direction and his excellent cast overcome the obstacles of a predictable outcome and a screenplay that glosses over Rafael 's evolution .,0.72,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
251 |
434,434,1604,"With Spy Kids 2 : The Island of Lost Dreams , however , Robert Rodriguez adorns his family-film plot with an elegance and maturity that even most contemporary adult movies are lacking .",0.83,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
252 |
437,437,810,"You might not want to hang out with Samantha , but you 'll probably see a bit of yourself in her unfinished story .",0.64,femm,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
253 |
439,439,2921,It 's clear that Mehta simply wanted to update her beloved genre for the thousands of Indians who fancy themselves too sophisticated for the cheese-laced spectacles that pack 'em in on the subcontinent .,0.49,femm,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
254 |
441,441,5894,"Hardman is a grating , mannered onscreen presence , which is especially unfortunate in light of the fine work done by most of the rest of her cast .",0.42,femm,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
255 |
443,443,5113,"Ignoring that , he made Swimfan anyway",0.32,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
256 |
447,447,1055,Majidi gets uniformly engaging performances from his largely amateur cast .,0.76,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
257 |
448,448,929,Japan 's premier stylist of sex and blood hits audiences with what may be his most demented film to date .,0.68,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
258 |
449,449,5542,"His best film remains his shortest , The Hole , which makes many of the points that this film does but feels less repetitive .",0.56,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
259 |
451,451,7899,"( Lee ) treats his audience the same way that Jim Brown treats his women -- as dumb , credulous , unassuming , subordinate subjects .",0.15,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
260 |
452,452,1887,"Liman , of Swingers and Go , makes his big-budget action film debut something of a clunker as he delivers a long , low-heat chase , interrupted by a middling car chase .",0.29,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
261 |
456,456,3498,"Mostly , ( Goldbacher ) just lets her complicated characters be unruly , confusing and , through it all , human .",0.64,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
262 |
457,457,1423,"When Perry fists a bull at the Moore Farm , it 's only a matter of time before he gets the upper hand in matters of the heart .",0.56,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
263 |
458,458,103,So refreshingly incisive is Grant that for the first time he 'll probably appeal more to guys than to their girlfriends who drag them to this movie for the Hugh factor .,0.67,masc,1,1,0,True,2,2,1,
264 |
461,461,3453,"MacDowell ... gives give a solid , anguished performance that eclipses nearly everything else she 's ever done .",0.83,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
265 |
462,462,3985,"Maggie Smith as the Ya-Ya member with the O2-tank will absolutely crack you up with her crass , then gasp for gas , verbal deportment .",0.83,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
266 |
463,463,837,"This is an egotistical endeavor from the daughter of horror director Dario Argento ( a producer here ) , but her raw performance and utter fearlessness make it strangely magnetic .",0.74,femm,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
267 |
464,464,364,It 's hard to imagine Alan Arkin being better than he is in this performance .,0.79,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
268 |
469,469,5188,Director Roger Michell does so many of the little things right that it 's difficult not to cuss him out severely for bungling the big stuff .,0.42,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
269 |
470,470,3736,Noyce creates a film of near-hypnotic physical beauty even as he tells a story as horrifying as any in the heart-breakingly extensive annals of white-on-black racism .,0.6,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
270 |
471,471,790,Her delivery and timing are flawless .,0.99,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
271 |
472,472,7518,"To the filmmakers , Ivan is a prince of a fellow , but he comes across as shallow and glib though not mean-spirited , and there 's no indication that he 's been responsible for putting together any movies of particular value or merit .",0.22,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
272 |
475,475,4536,"Director Tom Dey demonstrated a knack for mixing action and idiosyncratic humor in his charming 2000 debut Shanghai Noon , but Showtime 's uninspired send-up of TV cop show cliches mostly leaves him shooting blanks .",0.71,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
273 |
477,477,5687,"Affleck merely creates an outline for a role he still needs to grow into , a role that Ford effortlessly filled with authority .",0.58,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
274 |
478,478,4922,"Feels like the work of someone who may indeed have finally aged past his prime ... and , perhaps more than he realizes , just wants to be liked by the people who can still give him work .",0.31,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
275 |
480,480,5451,"I highly recommend Irwin , but not in the way this film showcases him .",0.58,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
276 |
483,483,4372,"As is often the case with ambitious , eager first-time filmmakers , Mr. Murray , a prolific director of music videos , stuffs his debut with more plot than it can comfortably hold .",0.35,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
277 |
485,485,1910,"( Hayek ) throws herself into this dream Hispanic role with a teeth-clenching gusto , she strikes a potent chemistry with Molina and she gradually makes us believe she is Kahlo .",0.85,femm,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
278 |
486,486,926,"... a cute and sometimes side-splittingly funny blend of Legally Blonde and Drop Dead Gorgeous , starring Piper Perabo in what could be her breakthrough role .",0.85,femm,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
279 |
489,489,2049,The difference between Cho and most comics is that her confidence in her material is merited .,0.61,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
280 |
490,490,1241,"Despite her relentless vim and winsome facial symmetry , Witherspoon is just too dialed-up to be America 's Sweetheart .",0.4,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
281 |
491,491,7789,"directed in a flashy , empty sub-music video style by a director so self-possessed he actually adds a period to his first name",0.44,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
282 |
492,492,1165,He has not learnt that storytelling is what the movies are about .,0.19,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
283 |
493,493,1017,"It 's ( Ricci 's ) best work yet , this girl-woman who sincerely believes she can thwart the world 's misery with blind good will .",0.89,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
284 |
494,494,4664,"However stale the material , Lawrence 's delivery remains perfect ; his great gift is that he can actually trick you into thinking some of this worn-out , pandering palaver is actually funny .",0.6,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
285 |
496,496,6932,"About Amy 's cuteness , Amy 's career success ( she 's a best-selling writer of self-help books who ca n't help herself ) , and Amy 's neuroses when it comes to men .",0.5,femm,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
286 |
497,497,6925,Is n't it a bit early in his career for director Barry Sonnenfeld to do a homage to himself ?,0.28,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
287 |
498,498,6735,"No cute factor here ... Not that I mind ugly ; the problem is he has no character , loveable or otherwise .",0.17,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
288 |
499,499,5147,"Jones helps breathe some life into the insubstantial plot , but even he is overwhelmed by predictability .",0.5,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
289 |
500,500,4318,"Bisset delivers a game performance , but she is unable to save the movie .",0.57,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
290 |
501,501,2540,Brosnan gives a portrayal as solid and as perfect as his outstanding performance as Bond in Die Another Day .,0.81,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
291 |
502,502,3171,He thinks the film is just as much a document about him as it is about the subject .,0.39,masc,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
292 |
506,506,8243,"Birot creates a drama with such a well-defined sense of place and age -- as in , 15 years old -- that the torments and angst become almost as operatic to us as they are to her characters .",0.65,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
293 |
509,509,464,"As if to prove a female director can make a movie with no soft edges , Kathryn Bigelow offers no sugar-coating or interludes of lightness .",0.69,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
294 |
510,510,2187,See it for his performance if nothing else .,0.72,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
295 |
514,514,860,He does this so well you do n't have the slightest difficulty accepting him in the role .,0.86,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
296 |
515,515,198,"Without heavy-handedness , Dong provides perspective with his intelligent grasp of human foibles and contradictions .",0.75,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
297 |
516,516,5590,"Ms. Phoenix is completely lacking in charm and charisma , and is unable to project either Esther 's initial anomie or her eventual awakening .",0.11,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
298 |
517,517,2257,And he allows a gawky actor like Spall -- who could too easily become comic relief in any other film -- to reveal his impressively delicate range .,0.79,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
299 |
518,518,5993,"Despite Hoffman 's best efforts , Wilson remains a silent , lumpish cipher ; his encounters reveal nothing about who he is or who he was before .",0.43,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
300 |
521,521,774,"Bright seems alternately amused and disgusted with this material , and he ca n't help throwing in a few of his own touches .",0.57,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
301 |
524,524,3040,The banter between Calvin and his fellow barbers feels like a streetwise McLaughlin Group ... and never fails to entertain .,0.72,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
302 |
525,525,1834,As Warren he stumbles in search of all the emotions and life experiences he 's neglected over the years .,0.49,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
303 |
526,526,6269,He gets his secretary to fax it . '',0.49,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
304 |
527,527,3132,"If you thought Tom Hanks was just an ordinary big-screen star , wait until you 've seen him eight stories tall .",0.6,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
305 |
529,529,1322,"Acting , particularly by Tambor , almost makes `` Never Again '' worthwhile , but ( writer\/director ) Schaeffer should follow his titular advice",0.39,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
306 |
532,532,665,Sometimes seems less like storytelling than something the otherwise compelling director needed to get off his chest .,0.28,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
307 |
533,533,7440,"Instead of trying to bust some blondes , ( Diggs ) should be probing why a guy with his talent ended up in a movie this bad .",0.24,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
308 |
535,535,5225,"We hate ( Madonna ) within the film 's first five minutes , and she lacks the skill or presence to regain any ground .",0.26,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
309 |
536,536,3139,"She 's as rude and profane as ever , always hilarious and , most of the time , absolutely right in her stinging social observations .",0.82,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
310 |
537,537,2857,Polanski has found the perfect material with which to address his own World War II experience in his signature style .,0.82,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
311 |
540,540,316,Mr. Koshashvili is a director to watch .,0.83,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
312 |
541,541,125,"In Fessenden 's horror trilogy , this theme has proved important to him and is especially so in the finale .",0.68,masc,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
313 |
542,542,5014,"Twenty-three movies into a mostly magnificent directorial career , Clint Eastwood 's efficiently minimalist style finally has failed him .",0.28,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
314 |
543,543,7309,"Feels like the work of an artist who is simply tired -- of fighting the same fights , of putting the weight of the world on his shoulders , of playing with narrative form .",0.25,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
315 |
544,544,6888,Robin Williams departs from his fun friendly demeanor in exchange for a darker unnerving role .,0.58,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
316 |
545,545,1070,"I felt sad for Lise not so much because of what happens as because she was captured by this movie when she obviously belongs in something lighter and sunnier , by Rohmer , for example .",0.49,femm,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
317 |
551,551,1434,"All Ms. Jovovich , as the sanctified heroine , has to do is look radiant , grimly purposeful and mildly alarmed while forcing open doors , wielding wrenches and fleeing monsters .",0.46,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
318 |
552,552,4107,"Please , someone , stop Eric Schaeffer before he makes another film .",0.08,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
319 |
555,555,2871,"The film 's appeal has a lot to do with the casting of Juliette Binoche as Sand , who brings to the role her pale , dark beauty and characteristic warmth .",0.64,femm,1,1,0,True,2,2,1,
320 |
559,559,591,Haynes has so fanatically fetishized every bizarre old-movie idiosyncrasy with such monastic devotion you 're not sure if you should applaud or look into having him committed .,0.44,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
321 |
560,560,4217,"The director and her capable cast appear to be caught in a heady whirl of New Age-inspired good intentions , but the spell they cast is n't the least bit mesmerizing .",0.47,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
322 |
563,563,3517,What 's so striking about Jolie 's performance is that she never lets her character become a caricature -- not even with that radioactive hair .,0.74,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
323 |
565,565,827,"( director ) O'Fallon manages to put some lovely pictures up on the big screen , but his skill at telling a story -- he also contributed to the screenplay -- falls short .",0.18,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
324 |
566,566,1099,To say Analyze That is De Niro 's best film since Meet the Parents sums up the sad state of his recent career .,0.42,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
325 |
567,567,4756,( MacDowell ) ventures beyond her abilities several times here and reveals how bad an actress she is .,0.15,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
326 |
568,568,1644,Romanek 's themes are every bit as distinctive as his visuals .,0.82,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
327 |
570,570,2812,"Instead , she sees it as a chance to revitalize what is and always has been remarkable about clung-to traditions .",0.68,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
328 |
572,572,136,Writer\/director Alexander Payne ( Election ) and his co-writer Jim Taylor brilliantly employ their quirky and fearless ability to look American angst in the eye and end up laughing .,0.75,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
329 |
573,573,2037,The Marquis de Sade could n't have been as dull a person as this film makes him out to be .,0.47,masc,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
330 |
575,575,1784,Aaliyah rarely dampens her diva persona enough to spark genuine chemistry with Townsend .,0.46,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
331 |
576,576,7177,"McKay shows crushingly little curiosity about , or is ill-equipped to examine , the interior lives of the characters in his film , much less incorporate them into his narrative .",0.17,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
332 |
577,577,5429,"Granddad of Le Nouvelle Vague , Jean-Luc Godard continues to baffle the faithful with his games of hide-and-seek .",0.46,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
333 |
580,580,710,"It 's hard not to be seduced by ( Witherspoon 's ) charisma , even in this run-of-the-mill vehicle , because this girl knows how to drive it to the max .",0.79,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
334 |
581,581,7809,"When ( Reno ) lets her radical flag fly , taking angry potshots at George W. Bush , Henry Kissinger , Larry King , et al. , Reno devolves into a laugh-free lecture .",0.39,femm,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
335 |
582,582,7724,"Kapur fails to give his audience a single character worth rooting for ( or worth rooting against , for that matter ) .",0.38,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
336 |
586,586,3339,It says a lot about a filmmaker when he can be wacky without clobbering the audience over the head and still maintain a sense of urgency and suspense .,0.51,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
337 |
587,587,5990,"Twenty years later , Reggio still knows how to make a point with poetic imagery , but his ability to startle has been stifled by the very prevalence of the fast-forward technology that he so stringently takes to task .",0.5,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
338 |
590,590,2243,"( Dong ) makes a valiant effort to understand everyone 's point of view , and he does such a good job of it that Family Fundamentals gets you riled up .",0.81,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
339 |
593,592,739,"Whether or not you buy Mr. Broomfield 's findings , the film acquires an undeniable entertainment value as the slight , pale Mr. Broomfield continues to force himself on people and into situations that would make lesser men run for cover .",0.72,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
340 |
594,593,584,Eyre is on his way to becoming the American Indian Spike Lee .,0.79,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
341 |
595,594,7063,"It puts Washington , as honest working man John Q. Archibald , on a pedestal , then keeps lifting the pedestal higher .",0.61,masc,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
342 |
596,595,2268,"Nicole Kidman evolved from star to superstar some time over the past year , which means that Birthday Girl is the kind of quirkily appealing minor movie she might not make for a while .",0.78,femm,1,1,0,True,2,2,1,
343 |
598,597,1845,"All three actresses are simply dazzling , particularly Balk , who 's finally been given a part worthy of her considerable talents .",0.81,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
344 |
600,599,7044,"The star who helped give a spark to `` Chasing Amy '' and `` Changing Lanes '' falls flat as thinking man CIA agent Jack Ryan in this summer 's new action film , `` The Sum of All Fears . ''",0.22,masc,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
345 |
601,600,6886,"Directed by Kevin Bray , whose crisp framing , edgy camera work , and wholesale ineptitude with acting , tone and pace very obviously mark him as a video helmer making his feature debut .",0.76,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
346 |
604,603,209,"( Chaiken 's ) talent lies in an evocative , accurate observation of a distinctive milieu and in the lively , convincing dialogue she creates for her characters .",0.75,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
347 |
605,604,3605,"Sometimes we feel as if the film careens from one colorful event to another without respite , but sometimes it must have seemed to Frida Kahlo as if her life did , too .",0.5,femm,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
348 |
606,605,827,"Lohman adapts to the changes required of her , but the actress and director Peter Kosminsky never get the audience to break through the wall her character erects",0.44,femm,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
349 |
609,608,320,"Mr. Tsai is a very original artist in his medium , and What Time Is It There ?",0.83,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
350 |
610,609,1132,"While Guzmán frustratingly refuses to give Pinochet 's crimes a political context , his distance from the material is mostly admirable .",0.54,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
351 |
611,610,3068,Greg Kinnear gives a mesmerizing performance as a full-fledged sex addict who is in complete denial about his obsessive behavior .,0.83,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
352 |
614,613,1100,"Schaeffer has to find some hook on which to hang his persistently useless movies , and it might as well be the resuscitation of the middle-aged character .",0.28,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
353 |
615,614,975,"Ramsay is clearly extraordinarily talented , and based on three short films and two features , here 's betting her third feature will be something to behold .",0.82,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
354 |
616,615,2092,"Hashiguchi covers this territory with wit and originality , suggesting that with his fourth feature -- the first to be released in the U.S. -- a major director is emerging in world cinema .",0.82,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
355 |
617,616,4141,"In fact , it does n't even seem like she tried .",0.19,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
356 |
619,618,7232,Bravo reveals the true intent of her film by carefully selecting interview subjects who will construct a portrait of Castro so predominantly charitable it can only be seen as propaganda .,0.49,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
357 |
622,621,1648,"The work of an artist tormented by his heritage , using his storytelling ability to honor the many faceless victims .",0.67,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
358 |
623,622,1437,She boxes these women 's souls right open for us .,0.75,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
359 |
624,623,1655,The viewer takes great pleasure in watching the resourceful Molly stay a step ahead of her pursuers .,0.76,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
360 |
625,624,4989,"Sheridan had a wonderful account to work from , but , curiously , he waters it down , turning grit and vulnerability into light reading .",0.33,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
361 |
626,625,312,"Roman Coppola may never become the filmmaker his Dad was , but heck -- few filmmakers will .",0.64,masc,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
362 |
631,630,4102,"Somewhere in the middle , the film compels , as Demme experiments he harvests a few movie moment gems , but the field of roughage dominates .",0.58,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
363 |
634,633,102,"Huppert 's show to steal and she makes a meal of it , channeling Kathy Baker 's creepy turn as the repressed mother on Boston Public just as much as 8 Women 's Augustine .",0.61,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
364 |
635,634,6051,"As a director , Eastwood is off his game -- there 's no real sense of suspense , and none of the plot ` surprises ' are really surprising .",0.19,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
365 |
636,635,3927,Move over Bond , this girl deserves a sequel .,0.89,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0
366 |
638,637,326,"... Tunney is allowed to build an uncommonly human character , an almost real-live girl complete with trouble and hope .",0.6,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
367 |
641,640,2959,"Instead , he focuses on the anguish that can develop when one mulls leaving the familiar to traverse uncharted ground .",0.6,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
368 |
643,642,3873,If you open yourself up to Mr. Reggio 's theory of this imagery as the movie 's set ... it can impart an almost visceral sense of dislocation and change .,0.78,masc,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
369 |
644,643,1105,"There is no insight into the anguish of Heidi 's life -- only a depiction of pain , today 's version of Greek tragedy , the talk-show guest decrying her fate .",0.6,femm,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
370 |
646,645,3231,"Delia , Greta , and Paula rank as three of the most multilayered and sympathetic female characters of the year .",0.88,femm,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
371 |
647,646,1337,He nonetheless appreciates the art and reveals a music scene that transcends culture and race .,0.82,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
372 |
649,648,919,"Watching War Photographer , you come to believe that Nachtwey hates the wars he shows and empathizes with the victims he reveals .",0.69,masc,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
373 |
650,649,7541,"` In this poor remake of such a well loved classic , Parker exposes the limitations of his skill and the basic flaws in his vision . '",0.11,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
374 |
653,652,1454,"Fontaine 's direction , especially her agreeably startling use of close-ups and her grace with a moving camera , creates sheerly cinematic appeal .",0.81,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
375 |
654,653,5790,"once she lets her love depraved leads meet , ( Denis ' ) story becomes a hopeless , unsatisfying muddle",0.18,femm,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
376 |
655,654,4653,"Weirdly , Broomfield has compelling new material but he does n't unveil it until the end , after endless scenes of him wheedling reluctant witnesses and pointing his camera through the smeared windshield of his rental car .",0.24,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
377 |
656,655,3620,"Ana 's journey is not a stereotypical one of self-discovery , as she 's already comfortable enough in her own skin to be proud of her Rubenesque physique ...",0.56,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
378 |
659,658,7086,"No , I do n't know why Steven Seagal is considered a star , nor why he keeps being cast in action films when none of them are ever any good or make any money .",0.33,masc,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
379 |
660,659,3407,"With an admirably dark first script by Brent Hanley , Paxton , making his directorial feature debut , does strong , measured work .",0.88,masc,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
380 |
661,660,4126,"Though her fans will assuredly have their funny bones tickled , others will find their humor-seeking dollars best spent elsewhere .",0.31,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
381 |
663,662,2678,Forget about one Oscar nomination for Julianne Moore this year - she should get all five .,0.96,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
382 |
666,665,2340,"As Janice , Eileen Walsh , an engaging , wide-eyed actress whose teeth are a little too big for her mouth , infuses the movie with much of its slender , glinting charm .",0.67,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
383 |
668,667,5944,( Seagal 's ) strenuous attempt at a change in expression could very well clinch him this year 's Razzie .,0.26,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
384 |
669,668,7256,"Fans of Plympton 's shorts may marginally enjoy the film , but it is doubtful this listless feature will win him any new viewers .",0.25,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
385 |
670,669,3060,( Ferrera ) has the charisma of a young woman who knows how to hold the screen .,0.82,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
386 |
671,670,1457,"... a visually seductive , unrepentantly trashy take on Rice 's second installment of her Vampire Chronicles .",0.6,femm,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
387 |
672,671,555,Davis ... gets vivid performances from her cast and pulls off some deft Ally McBeal-style fantasy sequences .,0.89,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
388 |
673,672,217,Moore 's performance impresses almost as much as her work with Haynes in 1995 's Safe .,0.68,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
389 |
674,673,712,"Wiseman is patient and uncompromising , letting his camera observe and record the lives of women torn apart by a legacy of abuse .",0.65,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
390 |
675,674,1150,But an unwillingness to explore beyond the surfaces of her characters prevents Nettelbeck 's film from coming together .,0.32,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
391 |
678,677,4912,"When Mr. Hundert tells us in his narration that ` this is a story without surprises , ' we nod in agreement .",0.4,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
392 |
681,680,589,"Even with a green Mohawk and a sheet of fire-red flame tattoos covering his shoulder , however , Kilmer seems to be posing , rather than acting .",0.28,masc,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
393 |
683,682,4943,"Cattaneo should have followed the runaway success of his first film , The Full Monty , with something different .",0.44,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
394 |
685,684,2964,"But Kouyate elicits strong performances from his cast , and he delivers a powerful commentary on how governments lie , no matter who runs them .",0.79,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
395 |
686,685,196,She must have a very strong back .,0.62,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
396 |
687,686,6248,"The narrator and the other characters try to convince us that acting transfigures Esther , but she 's never seen speaking on stage ; one feels cheated , and Esther seems to remain an unchanged dullard .",0.26,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
397 |
691,690,5416,It 's impossible to indulge the fanciful daydreams of Janice Beard ( Eileen Walsh ) when her real-life persona is so charmless and vacant .,0.31,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
398 |
692,691,1055,"Lead actress Gaï , she of the impossibly long limbs and sweetly conspiratorial smile , is a towering siren .",0.88,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
399 |
693,692,2841,"The pain , loneliness and insecurity of the screenwriting process are vividly and painfully brought to slovenly life in this self-deprecating , biting and witty feature written by Charlie Kaufman and his twin brother , Donald , and directed by Spike Jonze .",0.76,masc,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
400 |
695,694,2634,Aniston has at last decisively broken with her Friends image in an independent film of satiric fire and emotional turmoil .,0.71,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
401 |
697,696,4033,"What might have been readily dismissed as the tiresome rant of an aging filmmaker still thumbing his nose at convention takes a surprising , subtle turn at the midway point .",0.31,masc,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
402 |
698,697,3271,Just watch Bettany strut his stuff .,0.58,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
403 |
699,698,6060,"` Butterfingered ' is the word for the big-fisted direction of Jez Butterworth , who manages to blast even the smallest sensitivities from the romance with his clamorous approach .",0.35,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
404 |
700,699,4651,"If Welles was unhappy at the prospect of the human race splitting in two , he probably would n't be too crazy with his great-grandson 's movie splitting up in pretty much the same way .",0.25,masc,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
405 |
701,700,6143,A grand fart coming from a director beginning to resemble someone 's crazy French grandfather .,0.1,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
406 |
702,701,1948,"She nearly glows with enthusiasm , sensuality and a conniving wit .",0.74,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
407 |
703,702,5458,Diaz wears out her welcome in her most charmless performance,0.11,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
408 |
704,703,5761,"Lucy 's a dull girl , that 's all .",0.36,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
409 |
705,704,6360,"Where Tom Green stages his gags as assaults on America 's knee-jerk moral sanctimony , Jackass lacks aspirations of social upheaval .",0.22,masc,1,1,0,True,2,2,1,
410 |
706,705,1360,Wallace seems less like he 's been burning to tell a war story than he 's been itching to somehow tack one together,0.44,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
411 |
707,706,4145,"The biggest problem with Roger Avary 's uproar against the MPAA is that , even in all its director 's cut glory , he 's made a film that 's barely shocking , barely interesting and most of all , barely anything .",0.14,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
412 |
708,707,1810,"Although What Time offers Tsai 's usual style and themes , it has a more colorful , more playful tone than his other films .",0.81,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
413 |
711,710,194,"With Dirty Deeds , David Caesar has stepped into the mainstream of filmmaking with an assurance worthy of international acclaim and with every cinematic tool well under his control -- driven by a natural sense for what works on screen .",0.82,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
414 |
712,711,5059,It is not the first time that director Sara Sugarman stoops to having characters drop their pants for laughs and not the last time she fails to provoke them .,0.11,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
415 |
713,712,4926,Sayles ... once again strands his superb performers in the same old story .,0.38,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
416 |
714,713,3228,"Miyazaki 's nonstop images are so stunning , and his imagination so vivid , that the only possible complaint you could have about Spirited Away is that there is no rest period , no timeout .",0.86,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
417 |
717,716,6647,"The biggest problem I have ( other than the very sluggish pace ) is we never really see her Esther blossom as an actress , even though her talent is supposed to be growing .",0.21,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
418 |
718,717,331,"MacDowell , whose wifty Southern charm has anchored lighter affairs ... brings an absolutely riveting conviction to her role .",0.75,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
419 |
719,718,3520,Kinnear ... gives his best screen performance with an oddly winning portrayal of one of life 's ultimate losers .,0.83,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
420 |
720,719,8212,"You come away thinking not only that Kate is n't very bright , but that she has n't been worth caring about and that maybe she , Janine and Molly -- an all-woman dysfunctional family -- deserve one another .",0.31,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
421 |
721,720,8301,"What we have is a character faced with the possibility that her life is meaningless , vapid and devoid of substance , in a movie that is definitely meaningless , vapid and devoid of substance .",0.06,femm,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
422 |
722,721,1211,Irwin is so earnest that it 's hard to resist his pleas to spare wildlife and respect their environs .,0.83,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
423 |
725,724,1709,Meyjes ... has done his homework and soaked up some jazzy new revisionist theories about the origins of Nazi politics and aesthetics .,0.72,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
424 |
726,725,1297,"But though he only scratches the surface , at least he provides a strong itch to explore more .",0.72,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
425 |
727,726,2545,It finds its moviegoing pleasures in the tiny events that could make a person who has lived her life half-asleep suddenly wake up and take notice .,0.68,femm,1,1,0,True,2,2,1,
426 |
732,731,4571,LaBute was more fun when his characters were torturing each other psychologically and talking about their genitals in public .,0.51,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
427 |
733,732,6110,"Her film is like a beautiful food entrée that is n't heated properly , so that it ends up a bit cold and relatively flavorless .",0.24,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
428 |
736,735,37,"Like Mike is a winner for kids , and no doubt a winner for Lil Bow Wow , who can now add movies to the list of things he does well .",0.9,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
429 |
737,736,2078,On the right track to something that 's creepy and effective ... It 's just going to take more than a man in a Bullwinkle costume to get there .,0.28,masc,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
430 |
738,737,4599,There are now two signs that M. Night Shyamalan 's debut feature sucked up all he has to give to the mystic genres of cinema : Unbreakable and Signs .,0.17,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
431 |
739,738,6517,Bella is the picture of health with boundless energy until a few days before she dies .,0.5,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
432 |
740,739,1216,"Roger Michell , who did an appealing job directing Persuasion and Notting Hill in England , gets too artsy in his American debut .",0.64,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
433 |
741,740,917,"With Notorious C.H.O. Cho proves she has the stuff to stand tall with Pryor , Carlin and Murphy .",0.75,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
434 |
742,741,5107,"Benigni presents himself as the boy puppet Pinocchio , complete with receding hairline , weathered countenance and American Breckin Meyer 's ridiculously inappropriate Valley Boy voice .",0.46,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
435 |
743,742,45,"Karmen moves like rhythm itself , her lips chanting to the beat , her long , braided hair doing little to wipe away the jeweled beads of sweat .",0.58,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
436 |
746,745,465,Her film is unrelentingly claustrophobic and unpleasant .,0.06,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
437 |
751,750,696,"The Bai brothers have taken an small slice of history and opened it up for all of us to understand , and they 've told a nice little story in the process .",0.83,masc,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
438 |
752,751,1777,"13 Conversations may be a bit too enigmatic and overly ambitious to be fully successful , but Sprecher and her screenwriting partner and sister , Karen Sprecher , do n't seem ever to run out of ideas .",0.4,femm,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
439 |
753,752,5404,"As the sulking , moody male hustler in the title role , ( Franco ) has all of Dean 's mannerisms and self-indulgence , but none of his sweetness and vulnerability .",0.32,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
440 |
754,753,5181,"Queen of the Damned as you might have guessed , makes sorry use of Aaliyah in her one and only starring role -- she does little here but point at things that explode into flame .",0.29,femm,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
441 |
756,755,3428,Count on his movie to work at the back of your neck long after you leave the theater .,0.5,masc,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
442 |
757,756,3037,"With an obvious rapport with her actors and a striking style behind the camera , Hélène Angel is definitely a director to watch .",0.88,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
443 |
759,758,3742,"This is one of Mr. Chabrol 's subtlest works , but also one of his most uncanny .",0.76,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
444 |
761,760,4556,"Davis has energy , but she does n't bother to make her heroine 's book sound convincing , the gender-war ideas original , or the comic scenes fly .",0.53,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
445 |
764,763,5256,"In any case , I would recommend Big Bad Love only to Winger fans who have missed her since 1995 's Forget Paris .",0.39,femm,1,0,1,True,2,2,1,
446 |
765,764,7702,Slap her - she 's not funny !,0.21,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
447 |
768,767,2719,"( Gulpilil ) is a commanding screen presence , and his character 's abundant humanism makes him the film 's moral compass .",0.69,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
448 |
769,768,1695,Jackie Chan movies are a guilty pleasure - he 's easy to like and always leaves us laughing .,0.78,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
449 |
770,769,245,Griffiths proves she 's that rare luminary who continually raises the standard of her profession .,0.83,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
450 |
771,770,6869,"Bray is completely at sea ; with nothing but a Savage Garden music video on his resume , he has no clue about making a movie .",0.11,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
451 |
772,771,1797,"As commander-in-chief of this film , Bigelow demonstrates a breadth of vision and an attention to detail that propels her into the upper echelons of the directing world .",0.85,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
452 |
773,772,995,"A lot of the credit for the film 's winning tone must go to Grant , who has n't lost a bit of the dry humor that first made audiences on both sides of the Atlantic love him .",0.67,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
453 |
774,773,392,"With each of her three protagonists , Miller eloquently captures the moment when a woman 's life , out of a deep-seated , emotional need , is about to turn onto a different path .",0.83,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
454 |
775,774,5568,He has a great cast and a great idea .,0.89,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
455 |
776,775,578,"It 's the perfect star vehicle for Grant , allowing him to finally move away from his usual bumbling , tongue-tied screen persona .",0.67,masc,0,1,1,True,2,2,1,
456 |
778,777,4843,Kapur 's contradictory feelings about his material result in a movie that works against itself .,0.32,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
457 |
779,778,2530,Mike Leigh populates his movie with a wonderful ensemble cast of characters that bring the routine day to day struggles of the working class to life,0.86,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
458 |
781,780,2261,"If Reno is to the left of liberal on the political spectrum , her tough , funny , rather chaotic show is n't subversive so much as it is nit-picky about the hypocrisies of our time .",0.54,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
459 |
782,781,964,"Green might want to hang onto that ski mask , as robbery may be the only way to pay for his next project .",0.18,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
460 |
783,782,1234,"She 's all-powerful , a voice for a pop-cyber culture that feeds on her Bjorkness .",0.75,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
461 |
785,784,1243,"Birot is a competent enough filmmaker , but her story has nothing fresh or very exciting about it .",0.25,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
462 |
786,785,549,"The script kicks in , and Mr. Hartley 's distended pace and foot-dragging rhythms follow .",0.39,masc,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
463 |
787,786,1983,"All leather pants & augmented boobs , Hawn is hilarious as she tries to resuscitate the fun-loving libertine lost somewhere inside the conservative , handbag-clutching Sarandon .",0.64,femm,1,1,1,True,3,3,0,
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9 |
10 |
"* Import SST data from huggingface\n",
11 |
"* Use word lists to automatically annotate (pre-annotate?) sentences for gender\n",
12 |
"* Subsample gendered sentences: 400 masculine, 400 feminine, 400 neutral\n",
13 |
"* Prepare CSVs for human annotation"
14 |
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22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
"cell_type": "code",
26 |
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27 |
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28 |
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29 |
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30 |
"source": [
31 |
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32 |
33 |
34 |
35 |
"cell_type": "code",
36 |
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37 |
"id": "1f0b6c0f",
38 |
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39 |
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40 |
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48 |
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60 |
61 |
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64 |
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66 |
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67 |
68 |
69 |
"name": "stderr",
70 |
"output_type": "stream",
71 |
"text": [
72 |
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73 |
"Reusing dataset sst (/Users/katygero/.cache/huggingface/datasets/sst/default/1.0.0/b8a7889ef01c5d3ae8c379b84cc4080f8aad3ac2bc538701cbe0ac6416fb76ff)\n"
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83 |
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84 |
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85 |
86 |
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88 |
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89 |
90 |
91 |
"source": [
92 |
"from datasets import load_dataset\n",
93 |
94 |
"dataset = load_dataset(\"sst\")"
95 |
96 |
97 |
98 |
"cell_type": "code",
99 |
"execution_count": 3,
100 |
"id": "453d8782",
101 |
"metadata": {},
102 |
"outputs": [
103 |
104 |
"data": {
105 |
"text/plain": [
106 |
"{'sentence': \"The Rock is destined to be the 21st Century 's new `` Conan '' and that he 's going to make a splash even greater than Arnold Schwarzenegger , Jean-Claud Van Damme or Steven Segal .\",\n",
107 |
" 'label': 0.6944400072097778,\n",
108 |
" 'tokens': \"The|Rock|is|destined|to|be|the|21st|Century|'s|new|``|Conan|''|and|that|he|'s|going|to|make|a|splash|even|greater|than|Arnold|Schwarzenegger|,|Jean-Claud|Van|Damme|or|Steven|Segal|.\",\n",
109 |
" 'tree': '70|70|68|67|63|62|61|60|58|58|57|56|56|64|65|55|54|53|52|51|49|47|47|46|46|45|40|40|41|39|38|38|43|37|37|69|44|39|42|41|42|43|44|45|50|48|48|49|50|51|52|53|54|55|66|57|59|59|60|61|62|63|64|65|66|67|68|69|71|71|0'}"
110 |
111 |
112 |
"execution_count": 3,
113 |
"metadata": {},
114 |
"output_type": "execute_result"
115 |
116 |
117 |
"source": [
118 |
"#splits: ['test', 'train', 'validation']\n",
119 |
120 |
121 |
122 |
123 |
"cell_type": "code",
124 |
"execution_count": 4,
125 |
"id": "5f44b9c0",
126 |
"metadata": {},
127 |
"outputs": [],
128 |
"source": [
129 |
"train = pd.DataFrame(dataset['train'])\n",
130 |
"train['split'] = 'train'\n",
131 |
132 |
"val = pd.DataFrame(dataset['validation'])\n",
133 |
"val['split'] = 'validation'\n",
134 |
135 |
"test = pd.DataFrame(dataset['test'])\n",
136 |
"test['split'] = 'test'\n",
137 |
138 |
"data = pd.concat([train, val, test])"
139 |
140 |
141 |
142 |
"cell_type": "code",
143 |
"execution_count": 5,
144 |
"id": "bfc658d6",
145 |
"metadata": {},
146 |
"outputs": [
147 |
148 |
"data": {
149 |
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150 |
151 |
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152 |
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153 |
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154 |
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155 |
156 |
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157 |
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158 |
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159 |
160 |
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161 |
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162 |
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163 |
164 |
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165 |
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166 |
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167 |
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168 |
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169 |
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170 |
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171 |
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172 |
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173 |
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174 |
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175 |
" <tbody>\n",
176 |
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177 |
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178 |
" <td>The Rock is destined to be the 21st Century 's...</td>\n",
179 |
" <td>0.694440</td>\n",
180 |
" <td>The|Rock|is|destined|to|be|the|21st|Century|'s...</td>\n",
181 |
" <td>70|70|68|67|63|62|61|60|58|58|57|56|56|64|65|5...</td>\n",
182 |
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183 |
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184 |
" <tr>\n",
185 |
" <th>1</th>\n",
186 |
" <td>The gorgeously elaborate continuation of `` Th...</td>\n",
187 |
" <td>0.833330</td>\n",
188 |
" <td>The|gorgeously|elaborate|continuation|of|``|Th...</td>\n",
189 |
" <td>71|70|69|69|67|67|66|64|63|62|62|61|61|58|57|5...</td>\n",
190 |
" <td>train</td>\n",
191 |
" </tr>\n",
192 |
" <tr>\n",
193 |
" <th>2</th>\n",
194 |
" <td>Singer\\/composer Bryan Adams contributes a sle...</td>\n",
195 |
" <td>0.625000</td>\n",
196 |
" <td>Singer\\/composer|Bryan|Adams|contributes|a|sle...</td>\n",
197 |
" <td>72|71|71|70|68|68|67|67|66|63|62|62|60|60|58|5...</td>\n",
198 |
" <td>train</td>\n",
199 |
" </tr>\n",
200 |
" <tr>\n",
201 |
" <th>3</th>\n",
202 |
" <td>You 'd think by now America would have had eno...</td>\n",
203 |
" <td>0.500000</td>\n",
204 |
" <td>You|'d|think|by|now|America|would|have|had|eno...</td>\n",
205 |
" <td>36|35|34|33|33|32|30|29|27|26|25|24|23|23|22|2...</td>\n",
206 |
" <td>train</td>\n",
207 |
" </tr>\n",
208 |
" <tr>\n",
209 |
" <th>4</th>\n",
210 |
" <td>Yet the act is still charming here .</td>\n",
211 |
" <td>0.722220</td>\n",
212 |
" <td>Yet|the|act|is|still|charming|here|.</td>\n",
213 |
" <td>15|13|13|10|9|9|11|12|10|11|12|14|14|15|0</td>\n",
214 |
" <td>train</td>\n",
215 |
" </tr>\n",
216 |
" <tr>\n",
217 |
" <th>...</th>\n",
218 |
" <td>...</td>\n",
219 |
" <td>...</td>\n",
220 |
" <td>...</td>\n",
221 |
" <td>...</td>\n",
222 |
" <td>...</td>\n",
223 |
" </tr>\n",
224 |
" <tr>\n",
225 |
" <th>2205</th>\n",
226 |
" <td>An imaginative comedy\\/thriller .</td>\n",
227 |
" <td>0.777780</td>\n",
228 |
" <td>An|imaginative|comedy\\/thriller|.</td>\n",
229 |
" <td>7|6|5|5|6|7|0</td>\n",
230 |
" <td>test</td>\n",
231 |
" </tr>\n",
232 |
" <tr>\n",
233 |
" <th>2206</th>\n",
234 |
" <td>( A ) rare , beautiful film .</td>\n",
235 |
" <td>0.916670</td>\n",
236 |
" <td>(|A|)|rare|,|beautiful|film|.</td>\n",
237 |
" <td>13|12|12|11|10|9|9|15|10|11|14|13|14|15|0</td>\n",
238 |
" <td>test</td>\n",
239 |
" </tr>\n",
240 |
" <tr>\n",
241 |
" <th>2207</th>\n",
242 |
" <td>( An ) hilarious romantic comedy .</td>\n",
243 |
" <td>0.888890</td>\n",
244 |
" <td>(|An|)|hilarious|romantic|comedy|.</td>\n",
245 |
" <td>12|11|11|9|8|8|10|9|10|13|12|13|0</td>\n",
246 |
" <td>test</td>\n",
247 |
" </tr>\n",
248 |
" <tr>\n",
249 |
" <th>2208</th>\n",
250 |
" <td>Never ( sinks ) into exploitation .</td>\n",
251 |
" <td>0.625000</td>\n",
252 |
" <td>Never|(|sinks|)|into|exploitation|.</td>\n",
253 |
" <td>11|10|9|9|8|8|13|12|10|11|12|13|0</td>\n",
254 |
" <td>test</td>\n",
255 |
" </tr>\n",
256 |
" <tr>\n",
257 |
" <th>2209</th>\n",
258 |
" <td>( U ) nrelentingly stupid .</td>\n",
259 |
" <td>0.069444</td>\n",
260 |
" <td>(|U|)|nrelentingly|stupid|.</td>\n",
261 |
" <td>10|9|9|7|7|8|8|11|10|11|0</td>\n",
262 |
" <td>test</td>\n",
263 |
" </tr>\n",
264 |
" </tbody>\n",
265 |
266 |
"<p>11855 rows × 5 columns</p>\n",
267 |
268 |
269 |
"text/plain": [
270 |
" sentence label \\\n",
271 |
"0 The Rock is destined to be the 21st Century 's... 0.694440 \n",
272 |
"1 The gorgeously elaborate continuation of `` Th... 0.833330 \n",
273 |
"2 Singer\\/composer Bryan Adams contributes a sle... 0.625000 \n",
274 |
"3 You 'd think by now America would have had eno... 0.500000 \n",
275 |
"4 Yet the act is still charming here . 0.722220 \n",
276 |
"... ... ... \n",
277 |
"2205 An imaginative comedy\\/thriller . 0.777780 \n",
278 |
"2206 ( A ) rare , beautiful film . 0.916670 \n",
279 |
"2207 ( An ) hilarious romantic comedy . 0.888890 \n",
280 |
"2208 Never ( sinks ) into exploitation . 0.625000 \n",
281 |
"2209 ( U ) nrelentingly stupid . 0.069444 \n",
282 |
283 |
" tokens \\\n",
284 |
"0 The|Rock|is|destined|to|be|the|21st|Century|'s... \n",
285 |
"1 The|gorgeously|elaborate|continuation|of|``|Th... \n",
286 |
"2 Singer\\/composer|Bryan|Adams|contributes|a|sle... \n",
287 |
"3 You|'d|think|by|now|America|would|have|had|eno... \n",
288 |
"4 Yet|the|act|is|still|charming|here|. \n",
289 |
"... ... \n",
290 |
"2205 An|imaginative|comedy\\/thriller|. \n",
291 |
"2206 (|A|)|rare|,|beautiful|film|. \n",
292 |
"2207 (|An|)|hilarious|romantic|comedy|. \n",
293 |
"2208 Never|(|sinks|)|into|exploitation|. \n",
294 |
"2209 (|U|)|nrelentingly|stupid|. \n",
295 |
296 |
" tree split \n",
297 |
"0 70|70|68|67|63|62|61|60|58|58|57|56|56|64|65|5... train \n",
298 |
"1 71|70|69|69|67|67|66|64|63|62|62|61|61|58|57|5... train \n",
299 |
"2 72|71|71|70|68|68|67|67|66|63|62|62|60|60|58|5... train \n",
300 |
"3 36|35|34|33|33|32|30|29|27|26|25|24|23|23|22|2... train \n",
301 |
"4 15|13|13|10|9|9|11|12|10|11|12|14|14|15|0 train \n",
302 |
"... ... ... \n",
303 |
"2205 7|6|5|5|6|7|0 test \n",
304 |
"2206 13|12|12|11|10|9|9|15|10|11|14|13|14|15|0 test \n",
305 |
"2207 12|11|11|9|8|8|10|9|10|13|12|13|0 test \n",
306 |
"2208 11|10|9|9|8|8|13|12|10|11|12|13|0 test \n",
307 |
"2209 10|9|9|7|7|8|8|11|10|11|0 test \n",
308 |
309 |
"[11855 rows x 5 columns]"
310 |
311 |
312 |
"execution_count": 5,
313 |
"metadata": {},
314 |
"output_type": "execute_result"
315 |
316 |
317 |
"source": [
318 |
"pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', 50)\n",
319 |
320 |
321 |
322 |
323 |
"cell_type": "markdown",
324 |
"id": "ee3a4945",
325 |
"metadata": {},
326 |
"source": [
327 |
"## Loosely annotate sentences (masc, femme, neutral) using word lists"
328 |
329 |
330 |
331 |
"cell_type": "code",
332 |
"execution_count": 6,
333 |
"id": "0e85a47a",
334 |
"metadata": {},
335 |
"outputs": [],
336 |
"source": [
337 |
"gender_words = {\n",
338 |
" 'femm': ['she', 'her', 'hers', 'mum', 'mom', 'mother', 'daughter', 'sister', 'niece', 'aunt', 'grandmother',\n",
339 |
" 'lady', 'woman', 'girl', \"ma'am\", 'female', 'wife', 'ms', 'miss', 'mrs', 'ms.', 'mrs.'],\n",
340 |
" 'masc': ['he', 'him', 'his', 'dad', 'father', 'son', 'brother', 'nephew', 'uncle', 'grandfather',\n",
341 |
" 'gentleman', 'man', 'boy', 'sir', 'male', 'husband', 'mr', 'mr.'],\n",
342 |
" 'neut': ['they', 'them', 'theirs', 'parent', 'child', 'sibling',\n",
343 |
" 'person', 'spouse']\n",
344 |
345 |
346 |
"def label_gender(row):\n",
347 |
" tokens = row['tokens'].lower().split('|')\n",
348 |
" gender = 'none'\n",
349 |
" for key, words in gender_words.items():\n",
350 |
" for w in words:\n",
351 |
" if w in tokens or w+\"s\" in tokens:\n",
352 |
" if gender == 'none':\n",
353 |
" gender = key\n",
354 |
" else:\n",
355 |
" gender = 'mixed'\n",
356 |
" break\n",
357 |
" return gender\n",
358 |
359 |
"data['gender'] = data.apply(lambda row: label_gender(row), axis=1)"
360 |
361 |
362 |
363 |
"cell_type": "code",
364 |
"execution_count": 7,
365 |
"id": "46e8b885",
366 |
"metadata": {},
367 |
"outputs": [
368 |
369 |
"data": {
370 |
"text/plain": [
371 |
"none 10001\n",
372 |
"masc 931\n",
373 |
"neut 420\n",
374 |
"femm 372\n",
375 |
"mixed 131\n",
376 |
"Name: gender, dtype: int64"
377 |
378 |
379 |
"execution_count": 7,
380 |
"metadata": {},
381 |
"output_type": "execute_result"
382 |
383 |
384 |
"source": [
385 |
386 |
387 |
388 |
389 |
"cell_type": "code",
390 |
"execution_count": 8,
391 |
"id": "91233c13",
392 |
"metadata": {},
393 |
"outputs": [
394 |
395 |
"data": {
396 |
"text/plain": [
397 |
"none 8113\n",
398 |
"masc 743\n",
399 |
"neut 350\n",
400 |
"femm 303\n",
401 |
"mixed 104\n",
402 |
"Name: gender, dtype: int64"
403 |
404 |
405 |
"execution_count": 8,
406 |
"metadata": {},
407 |
"output_type": "execute_result"
408 |
409 |
410 |
"source": [
411 |
"data_polarized = data[(data['label']>.6)|(data['label']<.4)]\n",
412 |
413 |
414 |
415 |
416 |
"cell_type": "code",
417 |
"execution_count": 14,
418 |
"id": "8a7a12bb",
419 |
"metadata": {},
420 |
"outputs": [
421 |
422 |
"data": {
423 |
"text/html": [
424 |
425 |
"<style scoped>\n",
426 |
" .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type {\n",
427 |
" vertical-align: middle;\n",
428 |
" }\n",
429 |
430 |
" .dataframe tbody tr th {\n",
431 |
" vertical-align: top;\n",
432 |
" }\n",
433 |
434 |
" .dataframe thead th {\n",
435 |
" text-align: right;\n",
436 |
" }\n",
437 |
438 |
"<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
439 |
" <thead>\n",
440 |
" <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
441 |
" <th></th>\n",
442 |
" <th>sentence</th>\n",
443 |
" <th>label</th>\n",
444 |
" <th>gender</th>\n",
445 |
" </tr>\n",
446 |
" </thead>\n",
447 |
" <tbody>\n",
448 |
" <tr>\n",
449 |
" <th>0</th>\n",
450 |
" <td>The Rock is destined to be the 21st Century 's new `` Conan '' and that he 's going to make a splash even greater than Arnold Schwarzenegger , Jean-Claud Van Damme or Steven Segal .</td>\n",
451 |
" <td>0.69444</td>\n",
452 |
" <td>masc</td>\n",
453 |
" </tr>\n",
454 |
" <tr>\n",
455 |
" <th>43</th>\n",
456 |
" <td>`` Auto Focus '' works as an unusual biopic and document of male swingers in the Playboy era</td>\n",
457 |
" <td>0.65278</td>\n",
458 |
" <td>masc</td>\n",
459 |
" </tr>\n",
460 |
" <tr>\n",
461 |
" <th>44</th>\n",
462 |
" <td>If Mr. Zhang 's subject matter is , to some degree at least , quintessentially American , his approach to storytelling might be called Iranian .</td>\n",
463 |
" <td>0.52778</td>\n",
464 |
" <td>masc</td>\n",
465 |
" </tr>\n",
466 |
" <tr>\n",
467 |
" <th>52</th>\n",
468 |
" <td>( City ) reminds us how realistically nuanced a Robert De Niro performance can be when he is not more lucratively engaged in the shameless self-caricature of ` Analyze This ' ( 1999 ) and ` Analyze That , ' promised ( or threatened ) for later this year .</td>\n",
469 |
" <td>0.63889</td>\n",
470 |
" <td>masc</td>\n",
471 |
" </tr>\n",
472 |
" <tr>\n",
473 |
" <th>90</th>\n",
474 |
" <td>Allen shows he can outgag any of those young whippersnappers making moving pictures today .</td>\n",
475 |
" <td>0.76389</td>\n",
476 |
" <td>masc</td>\n",
477 |
" </tr>\n",
478 |
" <tr>\n",
479 |
" <th>98</th>\n",
480 |
" <td>It celebrates the group 's playful spark of nonconformity , glancing vividly back at what Hibiscus grandly called his ` angels of light . '</td>\n",
481 |
" <td>0.72222</td>\n",
482 |
" <td>masc</td>\n",
483 |
" </tr>\n",
484 |
" <tr>\n",
485 |
" <th>136</th>\n",
486 |
" <td>Writer\\/director Alexander Payne ( Election ) and his co-writer Jim Taylor brilliantly employ their quirky and fearless ability to look American angst in the eye and end up laughing .</td>\n",
487 |
" <td>0.75000</td>\n",
488 |
" <td>masc</td>\n",
489 |
" </tr>\n",
490 |
" <tr>\n",
491 |
" <th>141</th>\n",
492 |
" <td>Pacino is the best he 's been in years and Keener is marvelous .</td>\n",
493 |
" <td>0.88889</td>\n",
494 |
" <td>masc</td>\n",
495 |
" </tr>\n",
496 |
" <tr>\n",
497 |
" <th>146</th>\n",
498 |
" <td>So purely enjoyable that you might not even notice it 's a fairly straightforward remake of Hollywood comedies such as Father of the Bride .</td>\n",
499 |
" <td>0.79167</td>\n",
500 |
" <td>masc</td>\n",
501 |
" </tr>\n",
502 |
" <tr>\n",
503 |
" <th>150</th>\n",
504 |
" <td>Robin Williams has thankfully ditched the saccharine sentimentality of Bicentennial Man in favour of an altogether darker side .</td>\n",
505 |
" <td>0.63889</td>\n",
506 |
" <td>masc</td>\n",
507 |
" </tr>\n",
508 |
" <tr>\n",
509 |
" <th>153</th>\n",
510 |
" <td>Hoffman 's performance is authentic to the core of his being .</td>\n",
511 |
" <td>0.73611</td>\n",
512 |
" <td>masc</td>\n",
513 |
" </tr>\n",
514 |
" <tr>\n",
515 |
" <th>168</th>\n",
516 |
" <td>Too often , Son of the Bride becomes an exercise in trying to predict when a preordained `` big moment '' will occur and not `` if . ''</td>\n",
517 |
" <td>0.30556</td>\n",
518 |
" <td>masc</td>\n",
519 |
" </tr>\n",
520 |
" <tr>\n",
521 |
" <th>170</th>\n",
522 |
" <td>A solid piece of journalistic work that draws a picture of a man for whom political expedience became a deadly foreign policy .</td>\n",
523 |
" <td>0.54167</td>\n",
524 |
" <td>masc</td>\n",
525 |
" </tr>\n",
526 |
" <tr>\n",
527 |
" <th>181</th>\n",
528 |
" <td>In The Pianist , Polanski is saying what he has long wanted to say , confronting the roots of his own preoccupations and obsessions , and he allows nothing to get in the way .</td>\n",
529 |
" <td>0.72222</td>\n",
530 |
" <td>masc</td>\n",
531 |
" </tr>\n",
532 |
" <tr>\n",
533 |
" <th>194</th>\n",
534 |
" <td>With Dirty Deeds , David Caesar has stepped into the mainstream of filmmaking with an assurance worthy of international acclaim and with every cinematic tool well under his control -- driven by a natural sense for what works on screen .</td>\n",
535 |
" <td>0.81944</td>\n",
536 |
" <td>masc</td>\n",
537 |
" </tr>\n",
538 |
" <tr>\n",
539 |
" <th>230</th>\n",
540 |
" <td>What 's not to like about a movie with a ` children 's ' song that includes the line ` My stepdad 's not mean , he 's just adjusting ' ?</td>\n",
541 |
" <td>0.72222</td>\n",
542 |
" <td>masc</td>\n",
543 |
" </tr>\n",
544 |
" <tr>\n",
545 |
" <th>231</th>\n",
546 |
" <td>This English-language version ... does full honor to Miyazaki 's teeming and often unsettling landscape , and to the conflicted complexity of his characters .</td>\n",
547 |
" <td>0.58333</td>\n",
548 |
" <td>masc</td>\n",
549 |
" </tr>\n",
550 |
" <tr>\n",
551 |
" <th>240</th>\n",
552 |
" <td>In its dry and forceful way , it delivers the same message as Jiri Menzel 's Closely Watched Trains and Danis Tanovic 's No Man 's Land .</td>\n",
553 |
" <td>0.68056</td>\n",
554 |
" <td>masc</td>\n",
555 |
" </tr>\n",
556 |
" <tr>\n",
557 |
" <th>249</th>\n",
558 |
" <td>Beresford nicely mixes in as much humor as pathos to take us on his sentimental journey of the heart .</td>\n",
559 |
" <td>0.62500</td>\n",
560 |
" <td>masc</td>\n",
561 |
" </tr>\n",
562 |
" <tr>\n",
563 |
" <th>255</th>\n",
564 |
" <td>Visually fascinating ... an often intense character study about fathers and sons , loyalty and duty .</td>\n",
565 |
" <td>0.70833</td>\n",
566 |
" <td>masc</td>\n",
567 |
" </tr>\n",
568 |
" </tbody>\n",
569 |
570 |
571 |
572 |
"text/plain": [
573 |
" sentence \\\n",
574 |
"0 The Rock is destined to be the 21st Century 's new `` Conan '' and that he 's going to make a splash even greater than Arnold Schwarzenegger , Jean-Claud Van Damme or Steven Segal . \n",
575 |
"43 `` Auto Focus '' works as an unusual biopic and document of male swingers in the Playboy era \n",
576 |
"44 If Mr. Zhang 's subject matter is , to some degree at least , quintessentially American , his approach to storytelling might be called Iranian . \n",
577 |
"52 ( City ) reminds us how realistically nuanced a Robert De Niro performance can be when he is not more lucratively engaged in the shameless self-caricature of ` Analyze This ' ( 1999 ) and ` Analyze That , ' promised ( or threatened ) for later this year . \n",
578 |
"90 Allen shows he can outgag any of those young whippersnappers making moving pictures today . \n",
579 |
"98 It celebrates the group 's playful spark of nonconformity , glancing vividly back at what Hibiscus grandly called his ` angels of light . ' \n",
580 |
"136 Writer\\/director Alexander Payne ( Election ) and his co-writer Jim Taylor brilliantly employ their quirky and fearless ability to look American angst in the eye and end up laughing . \n",
581 |
"141 Pacino is the best he 's been in years and Keener is marvelous . \n",
582 |
"146 So purely enjoyable that you might not even notice it 's a fairly straightforward remake of Hollywood comedies such as Father of the Bride . \n",
583 |
"150 Robin Williams has thankfully ditched the saccharine sentimentality of Bicentennial Man in favour of an altogether darker side . \n",
584 |
"153 Hoffman 's performance is authentic to the core of his being . \n",
585 |
"168 Too often , Son of the Bride becomes an exercise in trying to predict when a preordained `` big moment '' will occur and not `` if . '' \n",
586 |
"170 A solid piece of journalistic work that draws a picture of a man for whom political expedience became a deadly foreign policy . \n",
587 |
"181 In The Pianist , Polanski is saying what he has long wanted to say , confronting the roots of his own preoccupations and obsessions , and he allows nothing to get in the way . \n",
588 |
"194 With Dirty Deeds , David Caesar has stepped into the mainstream of filmmaking with an assurance worthy of international acclaim and with every cinematic tool well under his control -- driven by a natural sense for what works on screen . \n",
589 |
"230 What 's not to like about a movie with a ` children 's ' song that includes the line ` My stepdad 's not mean , he 's just adjusting ' ? \n",
590 |
"231 This English-language version ... does full honor to Miyazaki 's teeming and often unsettling landscape , and to the conflicted complexity of his characters . \n",
591 |
"240 In its dry and forceful way , it delivers the same message as Jiri Menzel 's Closely Watched Trains and Danis Tanovic 's No Man 's Land . \n",
592 |
"249 Beresford nicely mixes in as much humor as pathos to take us on his sentimental journey of the heart . \n",
593 |
"255 Visually fascinating ... an often intense character study about fathers and sons , loyalty and duty . \n",
594 |
595 |
" label gender \n",
596 |
"0 0.69444 masc \n",
597 |
"43 0.65278 masc \n",
598 |
"44 0.52778 masc \n",
599 |
"52 0.63889 masc \n",
600 |
"90 0.76389 masc \n",
601 |
"98 0.72222 masc \n",
602 |
"136 0.75000 masc \n",
603 |
"141 0.88889 masc \n",
604 |
"146 0.79167 masc \n",
605 |
"150 0.63889 masc \n",
606 |
"153 0.73611 masc \n",
607 |
"168 0.30556 masc \n",
608 |
"170 0.54167 masc \n",
609 |
"181 0.72222 masc \n",
610 |
"194 0.81944 masc \n",
611 |
"230 0.72222 masc \n",
612 |
"231 0.58333 masc \n",
613 |
"240 0.68056 masc \n",
614 |
"249 0.62500 masc \n",
615 |
"255 0.70833 masc "
616 |
617 |
618 |
"execution_count": 14,
619 |
"metadata": {},
620 |
"output_type": "execute_result"
621 |
622 |
623 |
"source": [
624 |
"pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', None)\n",
625 |
"pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)\n",
626 |
"data[['sentence', 'label', 'gender']][data['gender'] == 'masc'][:20]"
627 |
628 |
629 |
630 |
"cell_type": "markdown",
631 |
"id": "b544c0c9",
632 |
"metadata": {},
633 |
"source": [
634 |
"## Look at distribution of data"
635 |
636 |
637 |
638 |
"cell_type": "code",
639 |
"execution_count": 98,
640 |
"id": "9eaa3478",
641 |
"metadata": {},
642 |
"outputs": [
643 |
644 |
"data": {
645 |
"text/plain": [
646 |
"<AxesSubplot:xlabel='gender', ylabel='label'>"
647 |
648 |
649 |
"execution_count": 98,
650 |
"metadata": {},
651 |
"output_type": "execute_result"
652 |
653 |
654 |
"data": {
655 |
"image/png": "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656 |
"text/plain": [
657 |
"<Figure size 432x288 with 1 Axes>"
658 |
659 |
660 |
"metadata": {
661 |
"needs_background": "light"
662 |
663 |
"output_type": "display_data"
664 |
665 |
666 |
"source": [
667 |
"%matplotlib inline\n",
668 |
"import seaborn as sns\n",
669 |
670 |
"sns.barplot(data=data, x='gender', y='label')"
671 |
672 |
673 |
674 |
"cell_type": "code",
675 |
"execution_count": 99,
676 |
"id": "379620ab",
677 |
"metadata": {},
678 |
"outputs": [
679 |
680 |
"data": {
681 |
"text/plain": [
682 |
"<AxesSubplot:xlabel='gender', ylabel='count'>"
683 |
684 |
685 |
"execution_count": 99,
686 |
"metadata": {},
687 |
"output_type": "execute_result"
688 |
689 |
690 |
"data": {
691 |
"image/png": 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692 |
"text/plain": [
693 |
"<Figure size 432x288 with 1 Axes>"
694 |
695 |
696 |
"metadata": {
697 |
"needs_background": "light"
698 |
699 |
"output_type": "display_data"
700 |
701 |
702 |
"source": [
703 |
"sns.countplot(data=data, x='gender')"
704 |
705 |
706 |
707 |
"cell_type": "code",
708 |
"execution_count": 100,
709 |
"id": "bd177487",
710 |
"metadata": {},
711 |
"outputs": [
712 |
713 |
"data": {
714 |
"text/plain": [
715 |
"<AxesSubplot:xlabel='gender', ylabel='count'>"
716 |
717 |
718 |
"execution_count": 100,
719 |
"metadata": {},
720 |
"output_type": "execute_result"
721 |
722 |
723 |
"data": {
724 |
"image/png": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAYUAAAEGCAYAAACKB4k+AAAAOXRFWHRTb2Z0d2FyZQBNYXRwbG90bGliIHZlcnNpb24zLjQuMywgaHR0cHM6Ly9tYXRwbG90bGliLm9yZy/MnkTPAAAACXBIWXMAAAsTAAALEwEAmpwYAAARvklEQVR4nO3debAlZX3G8e8Dw6KoIHBDkMEMKsHCFR0RJS4Ry7gyLrgroKTGVNzRRBIrmtKYSGLELTE1igpGjYoLo3EJYTMSRWcAQUBlChcGUUZFRC00o7/8cd55uQx34A7evn1n5vupOnW7336753d6zr3P6e7T70lVIUkSwHZjFyBJWjgMBUlSZyhIkjpDQZLUGQqSpG7R2AX8Lvbcc89asmTJ2GVI0hZl9erVP6qqqZmWbdGhsGTJElatWjV2GZK0RUny3U0t8/SRJKkzFCRJnaEgSeoMBUlSZyhIkjpDQZLUGQqSpM5QkCR1hoIkqdui72i+Jff/i5PHLmHBWP1PR45dgqQtgEcKkqTOUJAkdYaCJKkzFCRJnaEgSeoMBUlSZyhIkjpDQZLUGQqSpM5QkCR1hoIkqTMUJEmdoSBJ6gwFSVJnKEiSOkNBktQZCpKkzlCQJHWGgiSpMxQkSZ2hIEnqDAVJUmcoSJI6Q0GS1BkKkqRu0FBI8vIkFyf5epIPJdk5yX5Jzk2yJsmHk+zY+u7U5te05UuGrE2SdFODhUKSfYCXAEur6p7A9sAzgOOBE6rqbsA1wDFtlWOAa1r7Ca2fJGkeDX36aBFwmySLgNsCVwGPAE5py08Cntiml7V52vLDkmTg+iRJ0wwWClV1JfAm4HtMwuBaYDXw06pa37qtBfZp0/sAV7R117f+e2y83STLk6xKsmrdunVDlS9J26QhTx/dkcm7//2AOwG7AI/+XbdbVSuqamlVLZ2amvpdNydJmmbI00ePBL5dVeuq6v+AjwOHAru100kAi4Er2/SVwL4AbfmuwI8HrE+StJEhQ+F7wCFJbtuuDRwGXAKcCRzR+hwFnNqmV7Z52vIzqqoGrE+StJEhrymcy+SC8XnARe3fWgG8Cjg2yRom1wxObKucCOzR2o8FjhuqNknSzBbdcpdbr6peC7x2o+bLgYNn6Hs98NQh65Ek3TzvaJYkdYaCJKkzFCRJnaEgSeoMBUlSZyhIkjpDQZLUGQqSpM5QkCR1hoIkqTMUJEmdoSBJ6gwFSVJnKEiSOkNBktQZCpKkzlCQJHWGgiSpMxQkSZ2hIEnqDAVJUmcoSJI6Q0GS1BkKkqTOUJAkdYaCJKkzFCRJnaEgSeoMBUlSZyhIkjpDQZLUGQqSpM5QkCR1hoIkqTMUJEndoKGQZLckpyT5RpJLkzwoye5JTktyWft5x9Y3Sd6WZE2SC5Pcb8jaJEk3NfSRwluBz1XV3YH7AJcCxwGnV9X+wOltHuAxwP7tsRx458C1SZI2MlgoJNkVeChwIkBV/bqqfgosA05q3U4CntimlwEn18SXgd2S7D1UfZKkmxrySGE/YB3w3iTnJ3l3kl2AvarqqtbnB8BebXof4Ipp669tbTeSZHmSVUlWrVu3bsDyJWnbM2QoLALuB7yzqg4CfsENp4oAqKoCanM2WlUrqmppVS2dmpqas2IlScOGwlpgbVWd2+ZPYRISP9xwWqj9vLotvxLYd9r6i1ubJGmeDBYKVfUD4IokB7Smw4BLgJXAUa3tKODUNr0SOLJ9CukQ4Nppp5kkSfNg0cDbfzHwgSQ7ApcDz2MSRB9JcgzwXeBpre9ngMcCa4Bftr6SpHk0aChU1QXA0hkWHTZD3wJeOGQ9kqSb5x3NkqTOUJAkdYaCJKkzFCRJnaEgSeoMBUlSZyhIkjpDQZLUzSoUkpw+mzZJ0pbtZu9oTrIzcFtgz/YNaWmL7sAMw1pLkrZstzTMxQuAlwF3AlZzQyj8DHjHcGVJksZws6FQVW8F3prkxVX19nmqSZI0klkNiFdVb0/yYGDJ9HWq6uSB6pIkjWBWoZDk/cBdgQuA37TmAgwFSdqKzHbo7KXAgW14a0nSVmq29yl8Hfj9IQuRJI1vtkcKewKXJPkK8KsNjVV1+CBVSZJGMdtQ+Nshi5AkLQyz/fTR2UMXIkka32w/fXQdk08bAewI7AD8oqruMFRhkqT5N9sjhdtvmE4SYBlwyFBFSZLGsdmjpNbEJ4E/mftyJEljmu3poydPm92OyX0L1w9SkSRpNLP99NETpk2vB77D5BSSJGkrMttrCs8buhBJ0vhm+yU7i5N8IsnV7fGxJIuHLk6SNL9me6H5vcBKJt+rcCfgU61NkrQVmW0oTFXVe6tqfXu8D5gasC5J0ghmGwo/TvKcJNu3x3OAHw9ZmCRp/s02FJ4PPA34AXAVcARw9EA1SZJGMtuPpL4OOKqqrgFIsjvwJiZhIUnaSsz2SOHeGwIBoKp+Ahw0TEmSpLHMNhS2S3LHDTPtSGG2RxmSpC3EbP+w/zPwpSQfbfNPBd4wTEmSpLHM9o7mk5OsAh7Rmp5cVZcMV5a09Tv07YeOXcKCcc6Lzxm7BDWzPgXUQsAgkKSt2GYPnb252n0N5yf5dJvfL8m5SdYk+XCSHVv7Tm1+TVu+ZOjaJEk3NngoAC8FLp02fzxwQlXdDbgGOKa1HwNc09pPaP0kSfNo0FBog+Y9Dnh3mw+T6xKntC4nAU9s08vaPG35Ya2/JGmeDH2k8BbgL4Hftvk9gJ9W1fo2vxbYp03vA1wB0JZf2/rfSJLlSVYlWbVu3boBS5ekbc9goZDk8cDVVbV6LrdbVSuqamlVLZ2ackw+SZpLQ96AdihweJLHAjsDdwDeCuyWZFE7GlgMXNn6XwnsC6xNsgjYFQfdk6R5NdiRQlX9VVUtrqolwDOAM6rq2cCZTAbUAzgKOLVNr2zztOVnVFUNVZ8k6abm49NHG3sVcGySNUyuGZzY2k8E9mjtxwLHjVCbJG3T5mX8oqo6CzirTV8OHDxDn+uZDJ8hSRqJg9pp1r73unuNXcKCcefXXDR2CdIgxjh9JElaoAwFSVJnKEiSOkNBktQZCpKkzlCQJHWGgiSpMxQkSZ2hIEnqDAVJUmcoSJI6Q0GS1BkKkqTOUJAkdYaCJKkzFCRJnaEgSeoMBUlSZyhIkjpDQZLUGQqSpM5QkCR1hoIkqTMUJEmdoSBJ6gwFSVJnKEiSOkNBktQZCpKkzlCQJHWGgiSpMxQkSZ2hIEnqDAVJUjdYKCTZN8mZSS5JcnGSl7b23ZOcluSy9vOOrT1J3pZkTZILk9xvqNokSTMb8khhPfCKqjoQOAR4YZIDgeOA06tqf+D0Ng/wGGD/9lgOvHPA2iRJMxgsFKrqqqo6r01fB1wK7AMsA05q3U4CntimlwEn18SXgd2S7D1UfZKkm5qXawpJlgAHAecCe1XVVW3RD4C92vQ+wBXTVlvb2jbe1vIkq5KsWrdu3XBFS9I2aPBQSHI74GPAy6rqZ9OXVVUBtTnbq6oVVbW0qpZOTU3NYaWSpEFDIckOTALhA1X18db8ww2nhdrPq1v7lcC+01Zf3NokSfNkyE8fBTgRuLSq3jxt0UrgqDZ9FHDqtPYj26eQDgGunXaaSZI0DxYNuO1DgecCFyW5oLX9NfBG4CNJjgG+CzytLfsM8FhgDfBL4HkD1iZJmsFgoVBVXwSyicWHzdC/gBcOVY8k6ZZ5R7MkqTMUJEmdoSBJ6gwFSVJnKEiSOkNBktQZCpKkzlCQJHWGgiSpMxQkSd2QYx9J0rw5+6EPG7uEBeNhXzj7Vq/rkYIkqTMUJEmdoSBJ6gwFSVJnKEiSOkNBktQZCpKkzlCQJHWGgiSpMxQkSZ2hIEnqDAVJUmcoSJI6Q0GS1BkKkqTOUJAkdYaCJKkzFCRJnaEgSeoMBUlSZyhIkjpDQZLUGQqSpM5QkCR1hoIkqVtQoZDk0Um+mWRNkuPGrkeStjULJhSSbA/8C/AY4EDgmUkOHLcqSdq2LJhQAA4G1lTV5VX1a+A/gGUj1yRJ25RU1dg1AJDkCODRVfWnbf65wAOr6kUb9VsOLG+zBwDfnNdCb509gR+NXcRWxP05d9yXc2tL2Z9/UFVTMy1YNN+V/K6qagWwYuw6NkeSVVW1dOw6thbuz7njvpxbW8P+XEinj64E9p02v7i1SZLmyUIKha8C+yfZL8mOwDOAlSPXJEnblAVz+qiq1id5EfB5YHvgPVV18chlzZUt6nTXFsD9OXfcl3Nri9+fC+ZCsyRpfAvp9JEkaWSGgiSpMxQ0miQvSXJpkg+MXYtmlmRJkmeNXcdClOTwuRiOJ8nDk3x6LmqaCwvmQrO2SX8OPLKq1o5diDZpCfAs4IMj17HgVNVKtsJPSHqkcCu0d0/fSPK+JN9K8oEkj0xyTpLLkhzcHl9Kcn6S/01yQFv3Hkm+kuSCJBcm2b+1H9nmv5bk/eM+w+El+TfgLsBnk7w6yXvafjk/ybLW5+gkn0xyWpLvJHlRkmNbny8n2b31OyvJCUlWtSOPByT5ePu/+Lsxn+dY2mv00iTvSnJxkv9Kcpskd03yuSSrk/xPkru3/u9rowpsWP/nbfKNwEPa6/XlYzyXMczyd/zoJO9o/U9NcmSbfsGGo98kj2p/B85L8tEkt2vtj27bPw948mhPdCZV5WMzH0zePa0H7sUkWFcD7wHCZLymTwJ3ABa1/o8EPtam3w48u03vCNwGuAfwLWDP1r772M9xnvbjd5gMC/D3wHNa225tX+wCHA2sAW4PTAHXAn/W+p0AvKxNnwUc36ZfCnwf2BvYCVgL7DH2cx3xNXrfNv8R4DnA6cD+re2BwBlt+n3AEdPW/3n7+XDg02M/nxH33839jh8NvKP136u9Vh/SXr+7t9f2F4BdWp9XAa8BdgauAPZv2/vIQtrHnj669b5dVRcBJLkYOL2qKslFTF5QuwIntSOBAnZo630JeHWSxcDHq+qyJI8APlpVPwKoqp/M83MZ26OAw5O8ss3vDNy5TZ9ZVdcB1yW5Fvh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725 |
"text/plain": [
726 |
"<Figure size 432x288 with 1 Axes>"
727 |
728 |
729 |
"metadata": {
730 |
"needs_background": "light"
731 |
732 |
"output_type": "display_data"
733 |
734 |
735 |
"source": [
736 |
"sns.countplot(data=data[data['gender']!='none'], x='gender')"
737 |
738 |
739 |
740 |
"cell_type": "markdown",
741 |
"id": "c675abea",
742 |
"metadata": {},
743 |
"source": [
744 |
"## Subsample for 400 from each category (masc, femm, neut)"
745 |
746 |
747 |
748 |
"cell_type": "code",
749 |
"execution_count": 17,
750 |
"id": "fc4a6180",
751 |
"metadata": {},
752 |
"outputs": [
753 |
754 |
"data": {
755 |
"text/html": [
756 |
757 |
"<style scoped>\n",
758 |
" .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type {\n",
759 |
" vertical-align: middle;\n",
760 |
" }\n",
761 |
762 |
" .dataframe tbody tr th {\n",
763 |
" vertical-align: top;\n",
764 |
" }\n",
765 |
766 |
" .dataframe thead th {\n",
767 |
" text-align: right;\n",
768 |
" }\n",
769 |
770 |
"<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
771 |
" <thead>\n",
772 |
" <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
773 |
" <th></th>\n",
774 |
" <th>index</th>\n",
775 |
" <th>sentence</th>\n",
776 |
" <th>label</th>\n",
777 |
" <th>tokens</th>\n",
778 |
" <th>tree</th>\n",
779 |
" <th>split</th>\n",
780 |
" <th>gender</th>\n",
781 |
" </tr>\n",
782 |
" </thead>\n",
783 |
" <tbody>\n",
784 |
" <tr>\n",
785 |
" <th>0</th>\n",
786 |
" <td>8204</td>\n",
787 |
" <td>As pedestrian as they come .</td>\n",
788 |
" <td>0.18056</td>\n",
789 |
" <td>As|pedestrian|as|they|come|.</td>\n",
790 |
" <td>10|9|9|8|7|7|8|11|10|11|0</td>\n",
791 |
" <td>train</td>\n",
792 |
" <td>neut</td>\n",
793 |
" </tr>\n",
794 |
" <tr>\n",
795 |
" <th>1</th>\n",
796 |
" <td>2150</td>\n",
797 |
" <td>Oft-described as the antidote to American Pie-...</td>\n",
798 |
" <td>0.33333</td>\n",
799 |
" <td>Oft-described|as|the|antidote|to|American|Pie-...</td>\n",
800 |
" <td>55|54|53|53|52|51|50|49|49|48|47|46|43|41|41|4...</td>\n",
801 |
" <td>test</td>\n",
802 |
" <td>neut</td>\n",
803 |
" </tr>\n",
804 |
" <tr>\n",
805 |
" <th>2</th>\n",
806 |
" <td>3960</td>\n",
807 |
" <td>I have a confession to make : I did n't partic...</td>\n",
808 |
" <td>0.25000</td>\n",
809 |
" <td>I|have|a|confession|to|make|:|I|did|n't|partic...</td>\n",
810 |
" <td>44|43|42|41|40|40|45|39|36|36|37|34|34|32|31|3...</td>\n",
811 |
" <td>train</td>\n",
812 |
" <td>masc</td>\n",
813 |
" </tr>\n",
814 |
" <tr>\n",
815 |
" <th>3</th>\n",
816 |
" <td>1308</td>\n",
817 |
" <td>Either a fascinating study of the relationship...</td>\n",
818 |
" <td>0.50000</td>\n",
819 |
" <td>Either|a|fascinating|study|of|the|relationship...</td>\n",
820 |
" <td>42|38|37|37|36|34|34|33|33|40|30|30|31|28|27|2...</td>\n",
821 |
" <td>train</td>\n",
822 |
" <td>femm</td>\n",
823 |
" </tr>\n",
824 |
" <tr>\n",
825 |
" <th>4</th>\n",
826 |
" <td>2272</td>\n",
827 |
" <td>Manages to please its intended audience -- chi...</td>\n",
828 |
" <td>0.72222</td>\n",
829 |
" <td>Manages|to|please|its|intended|audience|--|chi...</td>\n",
830 |
" <td>35|33|31|29|28|28|27|26|26|25|23|22|22|21|20|1...</td>\n",
831 |
" <td>train</td>\n",
832 |
" <td>neut</td>\n",
833 |
" </tr>\n",
834 |
" <tr>\n",
835 |
" <th>...</th>\n",
836 |
" <td>...</td>\n",
837 |
" <td>...</td>\n",
838 |
" <td>...</td>\n",
839 |
" <td>...</td>\n",
840 |
" <td>...</td>\n",
841 |
" <td>...</td>\n",
842 |
" <td>...</td>\n",
843 |
" </tr>\n",
844 |
" <tr>\n",
845 |
" <th>1167</th>\n",
846 |
" <td>5807</td>\n",
847 |
" <td>( Janey ) forgets about her other obligations ...</td>\n",
848 |
" <td>0.23611</td>\n",
849 |
" <td>(|Janey|)|forgets|about|her|other|obligations|...</td>\n",
850 |
" <td>74|73|73|69|68|67|66|66|70|65|64|62|62|61|57|5...</td>\n",
851 |
" <td>train</td>\n",
852 |
" <td>femm</td>\n",
853 |
" </tr>\n",
854 |
" <tr>\n",
855 |
" <th>1168</th>\n",
856 |
" <td>7125</td>\n",
857 |
" <td>It 's a frightful vanity film that , no doubt ...</td>\n",
858 |
" <td>0.11111</td>\n",
859 |
" <td>It|'s|a|frightful|vanity|film|that|,|no|doubt|...</td>\n",
860 |
" <td>43|41|39|38|37|37|36|35|33|33|32|30|30|29|27|2...</td>\n",
861 |
" <td>train</td>\n",
862 |
" <td>neut</td>\n",
863 |
" </tr>\n",
864 |
" <tr>\n",
865 |
" <th>1169</th>\n",
866 |
" <td>143</td>\n",
867 |
" <td>It 's a hoot and a half , and a great way for ...</td>\n",
868 |
" <td>0.79167</td>\n",
869 |
" <td>It|'s|a|hoot|and|a|half|,|and|a|great|way|for|...</td>\n",
870 |
" <td>67|64|58|58|59|57|57|61|62|55|54|54|53|52|51|5...</td>\n",
871 |
" <td>test</td>\n",
872 |
" <td>masc</td>\n",
873 |
" </tr>\n",
874 |
" <tr>\n",
875 |
" <th>1170</th>\n",
876 |
" <td>4452</td>\n",
877 |
" <td>Eventually , they will have a showdown , but ,...</td>\n",
878 |
" <td>0.18056</td>\n",
879 |
" <td>Eventually|,|they|will|have|a|showdown|,|but|,...</td>\n",
880 |
" <td>61|60|52|51|50|49|49|53|54|55|47|47|46|44|44|4...</td>\n",
881 |
" <td>train</td>\n",
882 |
" <td>neut</td>\n",
883 |
" </tr>\n",
884 |
" <tr>\n",
885 |
" <th>1171</th>\n",
886 |
" <td>2812</td>\n",
887 |
" <td>Instead , she sees it as a chance to revitaliz...</td>\n",
888 |
" <td>0.68056</td>\n",
889 |
" <td>Instead|,|she|sees|it|as|a|chance|to|revitaliz...</td>\n",
890 |
" <td>41|40|39|36|36|35|34|33|32|31|30|28|28|27|26|2...</td>\n",
891 |
" <td>train</td>\n",
892 |
" <td>femm</td>\n",
893 |
" </tr>\n",
894 |
" </tbody>\n",
895 |
896 |
"<p>1172 rows × 7 columns</p>\n",
897 |
898 |
899 |
"text/plain": [
900 |
" index sentence label \\\n",
901 |
"0 8204 As pedestrian as they come . 0.18056 \n",
902 |
"1 2150 Oft-described as the antidote to American Pie-... 0.33333 \n",
903 |
"2 3960 I have a confession to make : I did n't partic... 0.25000 \n",
904 |
"3 1308 Either a fascinating study of the relationship... 0.50000 \n",
905 |
"4 2272 Manages to please its intended audience -- chi... 0.72222 \n",
906 |
"... ... ... ... \n",
907 |
"1167 5807 ( Janey ) forgets about her other obligations ... 0.23611 \n",
908 |
"1168 7125 It 's a frightful vanity film that , no doubt ... 0.11111 \n",
909 |
"1169 143 It 's a hoot and a half , and a great way for ... 0.79167 \n",
910 |
"1170 4452 Eventually , they will have a showdown , but ,... 0.18056 \n",
911 |
"1171 2812 Instead , she sees it as a chance to revitaliz... 0.68056 \n",
912 |
913 |
" tokens \\\n",
914 |
"0 As|pedestrian|as|they|come|. \n",
915 |
"1 Oft-described|as|the|antidote|to|American|Pie-... \n",
916 |
"2 I|have|a|confession|to|make|:|I|did|n't|partic... \n",
917 |
"3 Either|a|fascinating|study|of|the|relationship... \n",
918 |
"4 Manages|to|please|its|intended|audience|--|chi... \n",
919 |
"... ... \n",
920 |
"1167 (|Janey|)|forgets|about|her|other|obligations|... \n",
921 |
"1168 It|'s|a|frightful|vanity|film|that|,|no|doubt|... \n",
922 |
"1169 It|'s|a|hoot|and|a|half|,|and|a|great|way|for|... \n",
923 |
"1170 Eventually|,|they|will|have|a|showdown|,|but|,... \n",
924 |
"1171 Instead|,|she|sees|it|as|a|chance|to|revitaliz... \n",
925 |
926 |
" tree split gender \n",
927 |
"0 10|9|9|8|7|7|8|11|10|11|0 train neut \n",
928 |
"1 55|54|53|53|52|51|50|49|49|48|47|46|43|41|41|4... test neut \n",
929 |
"2 44|43|42|41|40|40|45|39|36|36|37|34|34|32|31|3... train masc \n",
930 |
"3 42|38|37|37|36|34|34|33|33|40|30|30|31|28|27|2... train femm \n",
931 |
"4 35|33|31|29|28|28|27|26|26|25|23|22|22|21|20|1... train neut \n",
932 |
"... ... ... ... \n",
933 |
"1167 74|73|73|69|68|67|66|66|70|65|64|62|62|61|57|5... train femm \n",
934 |
"1168 43|41|39|38|37|37|36|35|33|33|32|30|30|29|27|2... train neut \n",
935 |
"1169 67|64|58|58|59|57|57|61|62|55|54|54|53|52|51|5... test masc \n",
936 |
"1170 61|60|52|51|50|49|49|53|54|55|47|47|46|44|44|4... train neut \n",
937 |
"1171 41|40|39|36|36|35|34|33|32|31|30|28|28|27|26|2... train femm \n",
938 |
939 |
"[1172 rows x 7 columns]"
940 |
941 |
942 |
"execution_count": 17,
943 |
"metadata": {},
944 |
"output_type": "execute_result"
945 |
946 |
947 |
"source": [
948 |
"subbed_data = []\n",
949 |
"for genderword in ['masc', 'femm', 'neut']:\n",
950 |
" local_data = data[data['gender'] == genderword]\n",
951 |
" if local_data.shape[0] < 400:\n",
952 |
" subbed_data.append(local_data)\n",
953 |
" else:\n",
954 |
" subbed_data.append(local_data.sample(n=400, replace=False))\n",
955 |
" \n",
956 |
"# shuffle data using '.sample(frac=1)'\n",
957 |
"subsample_data = pd.concat(subbed_data).sample(frac=1).reset_index()\n",
958 |
959 |
960 |
"pd.reset_option('^display.', silent=True)\n",
961 |
962 |
963 |
964 |
965 |
966 |
"cell_type": "markdown",
967 |
"id": "68dd053c",
968 |
"metadata": {},
969 |
"source": [
970 |
"## Sample 99 sentences for each annotator as test run"
971 |
972 |
973 |
974 |
"cell_type": "code",
975 |
"execution_count": 22,
976 |
"id": "c6a11844",
977 |
"metadata": {},
978 |
"outputs": [],
979 |
"source": [
980 |
"idx = 0\n",
981 |
"c = 99 # count\n",
982 |
"for annotator in ['katy', 'fatma', 'anna', 'nathan', 'aashka']:\n",
983 |
" subset = subsample_data.loc[idx:idx+c, ['index', 'sentence', 'label', 'gender']]\n",
984 |
" subset.to_csv(f\"sentiment-bias-annotations_{annotator}_{idx}-{idx+c}.csv\", float_format='{:,.2f}'.format, index_label='annotation_index')\n",
985 |
" idx += int(c/3)"
986 |
987 |
988 |
989 |
"cell_type": "markdown",
990 |
"id": "a9b8639b",
991 |
"metadata": {},
992 |
"source": [
993 |
"## Prepare rest of annotations"
994 |
995 |
996 |
997 |
"cell_type": "code",
998 |
"execution_count": 13,
999 |
"id": "416bcaa3",
1000 |
"metadata": {},
1001 |
"outputs": [
1002 |
1003 |
"name": "stdout",
1004 |
"output_type": "stream",
1005 |
"text": [
1006 |
"total_datapoints 787\n",
1007 |
"total_annotations 2361\n",
1008 |
"annotations_per_person 590.25\n",
1009 |
"completed_annotations 396\n",
1010 |
"remaining_annotations_per_person 491.25\n"
1011 |
1012 |
1013 |
1014 |
"source": [
1015 |
"rawdata = pd.read_csv('sentiment_data_for_annotation.csv')\n",
1016 |
1017 |
"info = {\n",
1018 |
" 'total_datapoints': rawdata.shape[0],\n",
1019 |
" 'total_annotations': rawdata.shape[0] * 3,\n",
1020 |
" 'annotations_per_person': rawdata.shape[0] * 3/4,\n",
1021 |
" 'completed_annotations': 99*4,\n",
1022 |
" 'remaining_annotations_per_person': (rawdata.shape[0] * 3 - 99*4)/4\n",
1023 |
1024 |
1025 |
"for key, val in info.items():\n",
1026 |
" print(key, val)"
1027 |
1028 |
1029 |
1030 |
"cell_type": "code",
1031 |
"execution_count": 18,
1032 |
"id": "32c173b8",
1033 |
"metadata": {},
1034 |
"outputs": [],
1035 |
"source": [
1036 |
"c = 591\n",
1037 |
"start = 0\n",
1038 |
"total = rawdata.shape[0]\n",
1039 |
1040 |
"for annotator in ['katy', 'fatma', 'anna', 'nathan']:\n",
1041 |
" end = start + c\n",
1042 |
" subset = rawdata.loc[start:end, ['index', 'sentence', 'label', 'gender']]\n",
1043 |
" \n",
1044 |
" if end > total:\n",
1045 |
" looped_idx = end - total\n",
1046 |
" second_subset = rawdata.loc[:looped_idx, ['index', 'sentence', 'label', 'gender']]\n",
1047 |
" subset = pd.concat([subset, second_subset])\n",
1048 |
" end = looped_idx\n",
1049 |
" \n",
1050 |
" subset.to_csv(f\"sst-annotations-v3_{annotator}_{start}-{end}.csv\", \n",
1051 |
" float_format='{:,.2f}'.format, \n",
1052 |
" index_label='annotation_index')\n",
1053 |
" start += int(c/3)"
1054 |
1055 |
1056 |
1057 |
"cell_type": "code",
1058 |
"execution_count": null,
1059 |
"id": "42736e58",
1060 |
"metadata": {},
1061 |
"outputs": [],
1062 |
"source": []
1063 |
1064 |
1065 |
"metadata": {
1066 |
"kernelspec": {
1067 |
"display_name": "Python 3",
1068 |
"language": "python",
1069 |
"name": "python3"
1070 |
1071 |
"language_info": {
1072 |
"codemirror_mode": {
1073 |
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1074 |
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1075 |
1076 |
"file_extension": ".py",
1077 |
"mimetype": "text/x-python",
1078 |
"name": "python",
1079 |
"nbconvert_exporter": "python",
1080 |
"pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
1081 |
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1082 |
1083 |
1084 |
"nbformat": 4,
1085 |
"nbformat_minor": 5
1086 |