diff --git "a/test.json" "b/test.json" deleted file mode 100644--- "a/test.json" +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3407 +0,0 @@ -[ - { - "Title": "A Lesson to Learn", - "Objective": "Speak with Dendrite Starblaze in the village of Nighthaven, Moonglade.", - "Text": ", I have been following your progress with much delight. You are most assuredly developing yourself into a valued protector of nature. The time has come for you to learn more about one of the various animal aspects that Cenarius has blessed us with the ability to change into - one that affords you command and mastery of the water. For this, you must travel to the village of Nighthaven in Moonglade and speak with Dendrite Starblaze of the Cenarion Circle there. He will guide you further." - }, - { - "Title": "Kanrethad's Quest", - "Objective": "Speak to Kanrethad to restore your talents, weapon and mount.", - "Text": "Welcome back from the world of death. In an age long past you stood proud, a hero among your brethren. Now you stand fallen and broken - a relic of the past. Stand before me, as I awaken the legend that you once were. I shall restore the weapons and powers you have lost, making you whole once again." - }, - { - "Title": "Rise of the Silithid", - "Objective": "Take the report to Zilzibin Drumlore in Orgrimmar.", - "Text": "Here's your report. I urge you to take it to someone who might have working knowledge in this kind of thing. I know this troll scholar named Zilzibin Drumlore. He's spent a lot of time studying life forms that are unique to the ecology of Azeroth; he's a historian to boot! If you want someone to help figure out what exactly this threat is and how to stop it, give this report to him. We're going to need all the help we can get. Zil lives in a house on the second tier of the Drag in Orgrimmar." - }, - { - "Title": "Stunning Defeat at the Ring", - "Objective": "Defeat the gladiators at the Ring of Judgment and face Oluf the Violent. Defeat Oluf and recover the Ancient Cipher.", - "Text": "Oluf will come out if you defeat the other gladiators. That's 'bout the only way we're getting' that cipher back. Put on your whompin' boots and get busy in the Ring of Judgment. If you do manage to get the cipher back, return it to Glorenfeld o'er near the entrance to these catacombs. Me? Don't worry about me! We're on the brink of discovering the missing link to human-kind!" - }, - { - "Title": "Rivenwood Captives", - "Objective": "Longrunner Skycloud has asked you to free his 7 Winterhoof Longrunners. Once you have managed to do so, return to him at Steel Gate.", - "Text": "Something, most likely the walking dead known as the Scourge, has agitated the creatures hereabouts. While escorting the sage here, we lost most of our hunting force to the riven widows -- huge and deadly spiders, which inhabit the Rivenwood to the north. I must stay here to protect the small force we have left, but you... you could see if my longrunners are still alive, trapped within the riven widow's cocoons. Would you do this, stranger?" - }, - { - "Title": "Keeping Watch on the Interlopers", - "Objective": "Speak to Apothecary Malthus at the Apothecary Camp.", - "Text": "Even the earth cannot hold back the tide of death washing over it. Corpses walk the land, spreading their putrefaction with alarming speed. A small expedition has made its way up the western cliffs and rests near Whisper Gulch. Take a look for yourself. See if you can learn their purpose and dissuade them from bringing their poisons into our lands. Travel southwest from the post, toward the cliffs overlooking the western beach. Their camp will be west of the excavation at Steel Gate." - }, - { - "Title": "Bark for the Barleybrews!", - "Objective": "Spread the word about Brewfest at the flags outside the bank, in the Military Ward, in the Hall of Explorers and in the Mystic Ward.", - "Text": "We need to get the word out about the Barleybrews at Brewfest. You need to shout at the flags outside the bank, in the Military Ward, in the Hall of Explorers and in the Mystic Ward. I'll make things easy though, I'll lend you a racing ram for 4 minutes. Use the reins to let him go, but try not to tire him out." - }, - { - "Title": "The Offensive Begins", - "Objective": "Speak to Sergeant Gorth at the blockade near the elevator west of Vengeance Landing in Howling Fjord.", - "Text": "No one seems to know very much about the vrykul. Our records show no signs of activity in their lands for centuries. Yet here they are, just as we move against Arthas. The map you retrieved makes it clear that we'll have to defeat them if our forces are to get any further into Northrend. One of my best sergeants, an abomination known as Gorth, oversees the blockade beyond the lift. Assist him in launching a pre-emptive strike on Baleheim. If a vrykul attack occurs, it will be launched from there." - }, - { - "Title": "Bark for the Thunderbrews!", - "Objective": "Spread the word about Brewfest at the flags outside the bank, in the Military Ward, in the Hall of Explorers and in the Mystic Ward.", - "Text": "It's time to let people know that the Thunderbrew have heard their cries for good brew. You need to shout at the flags outside the bank, in the Military Ward, in the Hall of Explorers and in the Mystic Ward. We'll make it easy though. We'll lend you a ram for 4 minutes. Be careful with going too fast though since you won't find any apple crates in Ironforge... We can't take the chance of helping out the Barleybrew messengers." - }, - { - "Title": "Preying Upon the Weak", - "Objective": "Trapper Jethan at Fort Wildervar wants you to bring him 8 pieces of Trapped Prey.", - "Text": "Glad to meet you. I've come here from the Grizzly Hills to do business with your cohorts. My people maintain a large outpost there, and you'd do well to visit it when you head north. I've set up traps in the woodlands and snowy areas around here. With the meat and the furs from the creatures they capture, I'll have plenty to barter with the townspeople. I can offer you a share of my profits if you're willing to help gather prey from the traps. Beware though, you won't be the only predator out there." - }, - { - "Title": "Find Sage Mistwalker", - "Objective": "Greatmother Ankha has asked you to check on the condition of Sage Mistwalker. She believes him to be at or near Steel Gate.", - "Text": ", I grow worried that my son, Sage Mistwalker, has been gone for such a long time. The land is cruel and deadly. He spoke of a recurring vision that he had of a wolf, and went west with a small group of longrunners to seek its source. I believe the name of the place he mentioned was Steel Gate. Will you find him? I want to make sure that no ill has befallen him." - }, - { - "Title": "Guided by Honor", - "Objective": "Return the Sacred Artifact to Lord Irulon Trueblade at Valgarde.", - "Text": "Glory to the Light. You have done it! Take the artifact and return it to Valgarde. Lord Irulon Trueblade awaits its return. Fight with honor, friend. Always. Honor." - }, - { - "Title": "A Lesson in Fear", - "Objective": "Gorth wants you to kill Ulf the Bloodletter, Oric the Baleful and Gunnar Thorvardsson and drive the Forsaken Banner through their corpses. Slay Vrykul across the Forsaken blockade until they appear.", - "Text": "When you've been in lots of fight like Gorth, you learn that to beat enemy good you have to make them really scared to die! But these vrykuls not afraid. You kill one and another comes... screaming louder and with a bigger weapon than the one before. Only thing that makes vrykuls afraid is when we kill the biggest and baddest vrykul of all. Go fight the Winterskorn across the blockade until hero vrykuls show up! Then you kill them dead and put queen's flag on corpses. They must learn to fear!" - }, - { - "Title": "To Westguard Keep!", - "Objective": "Take the Dragonflayer Battle Plans to Captain Adams at Westguard Keep in the Howling Fjord.", - "Text": "We've got all the information we need to keep Valgarde protected. You must take these battle plans to Westguard Keep, located on the western fjord cliff wall. Speak with the flight master assistant, Emilune Winterwind. She will put you on the back of a gryphon headed towards Westguard. Once there, find Captain Adams. He's the one in charge. Adams will know what to do with these plans." - }, - { - "Title": "Dragonflayer Battle Plans", - "Objective": "Vice Admiral Keller at Valgarde Port in the Howling Fjord has asked that you bring him the Dragonflayer Battle Plans.", - "Text": "While we were able to gather very little information as to the whereabouts of Ingvar, we do know that Yanis resides in a cave next to the worg pit inside Wyrmskull Village. Intelligence gathered from the rescued soldiers indicates that Yanis guards Dragonflayer battle plans. I need you to go back to Wyrmskull and recover those plans. Kill any vrykul that get in your way - including Yanis!" - }, - { - "Title": "The Shining Light", - "Objective": "Ares the Oathbound in the Utgarde Catacombs wants you to recover the Sacred Artifact.", - "Text": "I am an envoy of the Argent Crusade, charged with a sacred duty. Our forces were decimated in the Plaguelands. By the light of dawn, the artifact was cleansed and made pure once more. So many perished in the wake of its redemption. There is still a chance... still time. The artifact was hurled into the den of the fallen, far below us. Guarded by the unmerciful dead. Light. Will. Protect. You." - }, - { - "Title": "The Artifacts of Steel Gate", - "Objective": "Sage Mistwalker has asked you to collect 10 Steel Gate Artifacts. When you have all of them, return to him at Steel Gate.", - "Text": "I came out here for a different reason; an old friend of mine has been calling to me in my dreams. But now that I see these small things with their machines making a big hole in the ground, it makes my blood boil. From what I can see, these dwarves, as they are known, are digging up artifacts; artifacts that could be important to our past. I want you to go down there and get these things for me. Don't let any of those dwarves stand in your way." - }, - { - "Title": "Baleheim Bodycount", - "Objective": "Sergeant Gorth wants you to kill 16 Winterskorn Vrykul inside Baleheim.", - "Text": "Them vrykuls just keeps coming and coming out from town west of here. No end in sight! Gorth has an idea. You go INSIDE town and kill them Winterskorn there. THEN they stop coming here!" - }, - { - "Title": "These Look Familiar...", - "Objective": "Find Thaelin's Workshop in Gorgrond.", - "Text": "So what is the Iron Horde doing with Dark Iron technology? I know who ta ask! Thaelin Darkanvil is a genius engineer from the Dark Iron clan who's been helping us here on Draenor. You may have already met him in yer travels, eh? Word is he set up a bunker somewhere in Gorgrond, a secret workshop so-to-speak. If ye can find him, he may know somethin' about this. Er, and be cautious, eh? The Dark Iron may be our allies now, but I trust 'em about as far as I can throw 'em." - }, - { - "Title": "The Prototype", - "Objective": "Use the Prototype Mole Machine to look for Thaelin Darkanvil.", - "Text": "A few days ago a bunch of Iron Horde orcs showed up and kidnapped Thaelin. They've been keeping me alive as collateral to make sure he cooperates. I don't know where they took him, but I know how to get us there. Thaelin keeps a tracking device on him at all times - don't ask where he hides it. Anything he makes that can move has a \"Come to Papa\" button that sends it straight to him. In retrospect, not a great feature for the walking bombs... but perfect for the mole machine! Jump in and let's go!" - }, - { - "Title": "And The Mole You Rode In On", - "Objective": "Bring Thaelin Darkanvil to Hansel Heavyhands in the Iron Siegeworks.", - "Text": "I think we've kept Hansel waiting long enough. Can you take me to him? Then we can all hitch a ride out of here on the mole machine." - }, - { - "Title": "The Captive Engineer", - "Objective": "Find Thaelin Darkanvil in the Iron Siegeworks.", - "Text": "Argh... I'm sorry, but I'm too weak to fight. They kept me alive, but just barely. I'll keep an eye on the mole machine while you look for Thaelin. He should be somewhere close!" - }, - { - "Title": "Fungal Heart", - "Objective": "Collect 3 Fungal Hearts.", - "Text": "The second ingredient I will need for the elixir is harder to obtain. Along the river roam Marsh Giants - fungal monstrosities whose hunger is never sated. I will need three of their hearts. The stronger the heart, the more potent the mixture, and the clearer my vision." - }, - { - "Title": "Garrison Campaign: Seismic Matters", - "Objective": "Speak with Jr. Surveyor Dorn at your garrison.", - "Text": "One of our junior surveyors has been harassing me about unusual seismic activity. I find it hard to believe that we accidentally built on some kind of fault line - we triple checked! Can you have a word with him?" - }, - { - "Title": "Never Forget", - "Objective": "Recover the Telmor Registry, the Auchenai Prayerbook, and Leafshadow in Telmor.", - "Text": "We had to escape Telmor with what few we could save. Someone disabled Leafshadow's cloaking field; I know not who, but I suspect it had to have been one of our own. We will retrieve our livelihoods in time, but we cannot risk losing our sacred artifacts. If you are able, bring Leafshadow, our town registry, and our prayerbook to safety." - }, - { - "Title": "Need More Teeth", - "Objective": "Collect 30 Putrid Brown Ogre Teeth.", - "Text": "" - }, - { - "Title": "Build Us A Backdoor", - "Objective": "Help Nightstalker find a weak spot in the Stonemaul Slave Camp walls.", - "Text": "According to the prisoner here, the Stonemaul ogres are providing slaves and supplies to the Iron Horde. No creature should live a life in chains! And to add insult to injury, Orgrim Doomhammer is here to discuss terms with them! I sent my wolf Nightstalker ahead to find a weakness. If there is another way in, he will find it. Go, find my wolf near walls of the Stonemaul camp south of here. Test their defenses. If you cannot find us a way in, then make one." - }, - { - "Title": "We Are Leaving!", - "Objective": "We have who we came for. Find the others. Tell them to get back to the caravan as soon as possible.", - "Text": "We have who we came for. Find the others. Tell them to get back to the caravan as soon as possible. It will not be long before the ogres figure out how few of us there actually are. We will wait for you at the front gates." - }, - { - "Title": "Shadows Awaken", - "Objective": "Confront Ner'zhul.", - "Text": "We've managed to pin Ner'zhul inside the Observatory, but he's taken many down with him. He has taken Yrel's sister, Samaara. I am needed to hold the line here. Please, do whatever you can to save her, hero." - }, - { - "Title": "Hansel, Report", - "Objective": "Speak with Hansel Heavyhands at Bastion Rise in Gorgrond.", - "Text": "I have Hansel directing our counter-fire against the Iron Horde's war machines. I need to know what's going on and why some of the orcs slipped through. He's down the hill to the north." - }, - { - "Title": "Invasion of the Soul Eaters", - "Objective": "Use torches from a forge to burn 4 body piles in Telmor.", - "Text": "Telmor is lost. The Shadow Council is dragging our fallen into piles and feeding the souls to their leader. There is blood on my hands... Please, if anyone reads this message, burn the bodies of our fallen so our enemy cannot use them. - Restalaan, Captain of the Guard" - }, - { - "Title": "The Final Piece", - "Objective": "Take Auch'naaru from Vorpil Ribcleaver in Telmor.", - "Text": "I am too injured to fight. I have failed my city and its people. This battle is yours. Vorpil waits just ahead. He's trying to use Auch'naaru's powers for some sort of dark ritual. You must do what I could not. Cut Vorpil down and retrieve Auch'naaru so the Heart of Auchindoun can be whole once more!" - }, - { - "Title": "Vile Defilers", - "Objective": "Destroy 5 Defiling Crystals in Deathweb Hollow.", - "Text": "The deathweb spiders are remarkable creatures. Their venom twists the very form of their victims. We are not the only ones privy to this information. The Shadow Council has already dispatched its warlocks to Deathweb Hollow to infuse the spiders with fel energy so that their venom turns creatures into demonic minions! We must destroy the defiling crystals to prevent all of Talador from bending to Teron'gor's will!" - }, - { - "Title": "Dying Wish", - "Objective": "Recover Ahm's Heirloom from Blademaster Bralok.", - "Text": "I am too far gone to rescue, but thank you for speaking with me.Blademaster Bralok had his men starve and beat me, and he stole an heirloom that has been in my family since before we arrived on Draenor.Should you find it, please let me see it once more so I may die in peace." - }, - { - "Title": "Into the Hollow", - "Objective": "Kill Xanatos the Defiler in Deathweb Hollow and retrieve Sha'tari.", - "Text": "I've learned that the Shadow Council is using the nearby deathweb spiders' venom to spread fel corruption and augment their forces after their defeat at the Burning Front. One of my soulbinders saw a dreadlord headed into the eastern mines with Sha'tari, one of the remaining pieces of the Heart of Auchindoun. I need you to wrest Sha'tari from the dreadlord's quivering corpse and bring it to me, champion." - }, - { - "Title": "Dying Wish", - "Objective": "Speak to Ahm at Archenon Siegeyard.", - "Text": "This appears to be an ancient Draenei heirloom. Blood stains on it would indicate that it was taken from its owner by force.An inscription on the back says \"Ahm,\" which is likely its rightful owner." - }, - { - "Title": "Goren Boss Kill and Collect", - "Objective": "", - "Text": "This curious looking gem seems to have fallen from Pastrok's back. Perhaps a skilled gem-shaper or jewelcrafter would have a use for it." - }, - { - "Title": "Vile Defilers", - "Objective": "Destroy 5 Defiling Crystals in Deathweb Hollow.", - "Text": "The spiders in the nearby overrun mine are feared by many, for their venom twists the very form of their victims. Many of the locals stay far away from their hollow, but I fear the Shadow Council has become privy to this information. Our scouts report that their warlocks are infusing these spiders with fel energy so that their venom turns their victims into demonic minions! We must destroy the defiling crystals so this madness does not spread." - }, - { - "Title": "Antivenin", - "Objective": "Collect 9 Deathweb Fangs in Deathweb Hollow.", - "Text": "I'm worried about Nyami. She's so focused on retrieving the Heart of Auchindoun that she seems to have lost sight of everything else. I'm sorry, I'm not trying to belittle her wisdom, but look around! Every soldier we sent into the mine has been gravely injured by the deathweb spiders. Their wounds need immediate attention! Please, can you retrieve some fangs from the spiders? I can use them to create an antivenin, but I need to stay here and keep them stable until then." - }, - { - "Title": "Antivenin", - "Objective": "Collect 9 Deathweb Fangs in Deathweb Hollow.", - "Text": "I'm worried about Nyami. She's so focused on retrieving the Heart of Auchindoun that she seems to have lost sight of everything else. I'm sorry, I'm not trying to belittle her wisdom, but look around! Every soldier we sent into the mine has been gravely injured by the deathweb spiders. Their wounds need immediate attention! Please, can you retrieve some fangs from the spiders? I can use them to create an antivenin, but I need to stay here and keep them stable until then." - }, - { - "Title": "A Gift for Raa'la", - "Objective": "Collect a Baby Rylak for Raa'la in the Windswept Lowlands.", - "Text": "I need to pack up this kill. I promised my daughter Raa'la I would bring her home a gift from the hunt. There are a couple baby Rylaks in the cave nearby. Maybe Raa'la would like one as a pet? Would you mind catching one while I finish up here?" - }, - { - "Title": "You Sunk My Battleship!", - "Objective": "Plant the Underwater Explosives on the Iron Horde boats.", - "Text": "They sunk my battleship! I drove her in with a cargo of underwater explosives to place on the Iron Horde ships, but they spotted me and opened fire! Luckily I was able to salvage most of the explosives before she sank. Ain't nobody sinks my ship and gets away with it...nobody! Take the rest of the underwater charges and plant all of 'em on the western Battleship. You'll have to swim your way into the harbor to avoid detection. When you're done, swim into shore. I'll be waiting on the path!" - }, - { - "Title": "Into the Hollow", - "Objective": "Kill Xanatos the Defiler in Deathweb Hollow and retrieve Sha'tari.", - "Text": "I've learned that the Shadow Council is using the nearby deathweb spiders' venom to spread fel corruption and augment their forces after their defeat at the Burning Front. One of my soulbinders saw a dreadlord headed into the eastern mines with Sha'tari, one of the remaining pieces of the Heart of Auchindoun. I need you to wrest Sha'tari from the dreadlord's quivering corpse and bring it to me, champion." - }, - { - "Title": "The Hunting Party", - "Objective": "Find the Frostwolf Hunters in the Windswept Lowland.", - "Text": "Korga and her brothers have been out hunting for days and have not returned. This is a common problem amongst our clan. Call them in so they can get some proper rest." - }, - { - "Title": "Missing Pack", - "Objective": "Find Shivertail near Wor'gol in Frostfire Ridge.", - "Text": "Strange, I wonder where little Shivertail and his pack are? They normally show up for a feeding about now. I hope everything is alright." - }, - { - "Title": "Missing Frostwolves", - "Objective": "Search Bloodmaul for the missing Frostwolves.", - "Text": ", I'm glad you're here. Several Frostwolf patrols have gone missing recently around the Bloodmaul Compound. Search the area around Bloodmaul and report back to me when you're done." - }, - { - "Title": "The Bloodmaul Scheme", - "Objective": "Deliver the Ogre Plans to Rogash.", - "Text": "" - }, - { - "Title": "Outrider Urukag", - "Objective": "Join Urukag on his hunt.", - "Text": "I can't believe I'm stuck here cooking while Urukag is out there hunting with the others. If you hurry you might still be able to catch him." - }, - { - "Title": "And the Elekk Too?!", - "Objective": "Return Ricky to Caleb at the overturned cart.", - "Text": "The little stuffed elekk has seen better days. It's torn and the stuffing is poking out. The name Caleb is sewn onto the bottom of the left back foot. Sher'khaan must have snatched it from the cart. The little draenei might appreciate its return." - }, - { - "Title": "Shivertail's Den", - "Objective": "Search for Shivertail's parents in Frostfire Ridge.", - "Text": "The Frostwolf pup looks at you with his big eyes. He howls and stares into the cave. It's unusual for a wolf this young to be wandering around by itself. Shivertail's parents must be nearby." - }, - { - "Title": "This Is Not a Quest", - "Objective": "Help Deceptia", - "Text": "We need help! But not from you..." - }, - { - "Title": "A Wrong of Earth and Fire", - "Objective": "Deliver the Molten Core to Incineratus.", - "Text": "The molten core appears to be the mutated remains of an elemental that consisted of both earth and fire. Slag elementals should not exist upon the plateau where the elements live in purity. You decide that the core should be taken to Incineratus at the Throne of Elements for examination. Perhaps the great fury of fire will know what to make of this core and your battle with Magmire." - }, - { - "Title": "Saberon Matriarch", - "Objective": "Slay the Saberon Pridematron.", - "Text": "The current matriarch of the Windswept Lowland saberon pride is bold.She leads her pride in ambushes and attacks that some consider organized raids on our supply lines.The intelligence she displays is becoming a legitimate threat.Take her out and perhaps she'll be replaced with a less dangerous leader." - }, - { - "Title": "Disrupting the Flow", - "Objective": "Destroy 4 Burning Resonators in the Burning Front.", - "Text": "You there, we need to stop the flow of demon reinforcements! Do you see the floating fel crystals spread throughout the front? Those resonators are powering the portals unleashing hell on our forces. I need you to take them out!" - }, - { - "Title": "Demons? In Auchindoun?", - "Objective": "Kill O'mogg Blackheart in the Tomb of Lights to shut down the demon portal.", - "Text": "Demons! I feared as much. We cannot let them leave that tomb. They musn't be allowed near Auchindoun! Quickly, go in and shut down the portal letting them in while I help rally the Auchenai's defenses. There must be a powerful warlock keeping it open. Kill him and the portal will fall apart!" - }, - { - "Title": "Stolen Axes", - "Objective": "Recover 8 Stolen Frostwolf Axes.", - "Text": "The saberon usually keep to themselves, but sometimes they range out of their dens and attack.A pride of them live in the Windswept Lowland and have been coming too close for comfort, especially at night.They even attacked a shipment of axes and took them back to their den!" - }, - { - "Title": "WANTED: Grondo's Bounty", - "Objective": "Kill Grondo in the Crackling Plains.", - "Text": "Grondo, a mad gronn, has been seen roaming the Crackling Plains. This beast has been killing entire herds of clefthoof and devouring innocent frost wolves. We must destroy this threat before it reaches the Garrison." - }, - { - "Title": "Young Hearts", - "Objective": "Find Orac and tell him to return home to his uncle.", - "Text": "My nephew never pays attention to his surroundings. In his eagerness to prove himself, he has strayed from the pack -- again. He reminds me of myself when I was a youngling. If you see Orac, tell him to return home. We need to finish preparing for tomorrow's hunt." - }, - { - "Title": "WANTED: Gutsmash the Destroyer", - "Objective": "Kill Gutsmash the Destroyer in Frostfire Ridge.", - "Text": "Gutsmash has proven to be more than a worthy adversary. Gather a small group together and end his reign of terror once and for all." - }, - { - "Title": "The Heart of Auchindoun", - "Objective": "Defeat O'mogg Blackheart and retrieve Karab'uun in the Burning Front.", - "Text": "A band of Shadow Council orcs stole the Heart of Auchindoun! The Heart powers all of Auchindoun's defenses. Thankfully we were able to save its core and one of its four pieces. The warlock O'mogg Blackheart is using Karab'uun, one of the stolen pieces, to power the largest portal in the Burning Front. Return Karab'uun to me." - }, - { - "Title": "Desperate Times", - "Objective": "Ride to the Tomb of Lights with Lady Liadrin.", - "Text": "This alliance between the Bonechewer and Teron'gore does not bode well. We cannot allow the remaining two key fragments to fall into their hands. The Auchenai cannot stop the onslaught, so the duty falls on us. Let us waste no time. We ride for the Tomb of Lights at once." - }, - { - "Title": "Gut Guttra", - "Objective": "Kill Guttra Wolfchew.", - "Text": "Guttra Wolfchew's hunger can be blamed for this massacre. He will pay with his life for the blood spilled today. You can find Guttra up on Grimfrost Hill to the north. Slay him and return to me. When you get back we shall drink to our victory." - }, - { - "Title": "The Power Shards", - "Objective": "Retrieve the Shard of Souls in the Tomb of Souls.", - "Text": "I know what the Bonechewer are after. Auchindoun is protected by a powerful barrier, which can only be disabled using an ancient key. No being could ever hope to penetrate it. The Auchenai, my people, split the key into three shards long ago and hid each piece outside the mausoleum walls. We guard those shards with the same zeal as Auchindoun itself. Go into the Tomb of Souls and retrieve the key from Soulbinder X. The shards are no longer safe." - }, - { - "Title": "No Draenei Left Behind", - "Objective": "Find Yuuri near the Tomb of Souls in the Court of Souls.", - "Text": "Yuuri, head caretaker of the outer terraces of Auchindoun, hasn't been accounted for yet. The last time anyone saw him, he was heading into the Tomb of Souls to protect the key shard. Will you make sure he finds his way here safely?" - }, - { - "Title": "The Power Shards", - "Objective": "Retrieve the Shard of Souls in the Tomb of Souls.", - "Text": "I know what the Bonechewer are after. Auchindoun is protected by a powerful barrier, which can only be disabled using an ancient key. No being could ever hope to penetrate it. The Auchenai, my people, split the key into three shards long ago and hid each piece outside the mausoleum walls. We guard those shards with the same zeal as Auchindoun itself. Go into the Tomb of Souls and retrieve the key from Soulbinder X. The shards are no longer safe." - }, - { - "Title": "Closing the Door", - "Objective": "Close 3 Void Portals by killing Shadowmoon Portalmasters.", - "Text": "The Shadowmoon orcs are using portals to bring in reinforcements and smuggle away draenei captives. If we are to have any hope of retaking the village, we must destroy the portals at once. The only way to do this is to kill the portalmasters who keep the rifts open." - }, - { - "Title": "War Kangaroo!", - "Objective": "test", - "Text": "test" - }, - { - "Title": "Balance of Power", - "Objective": "Speak to Romuul's assistants to collect an Optical Disc, Conducting Crystal, and Romuul's Wrench.", - "Text": "The Prophet needs to locate the arkonite crystals, but in order to do that, I'll need to fix the projection discs on that platform. Speak to my assistants around the observatory and bring me an Optical Disc, a Conducting Crystal, and my wrench." - }, - { - "Title": "Slaying Slavers", - "Objective": "Slay 12 Sootstained Ogres.", - "Text": "These ogres keep takin' my clan and turnin' them into slaves!Slay some ogres and I'll hold 'em off if they try to run." - }, - { - "Title": "Just Peachicky", - "Objective": "Rescue 7 Frightened Peachicks and return them to Caleb.", - "Text": "That mean old Sher'khaan! He's always been a bully to these poor peachicks, but this is crossing the line! I was trying to move this poor clutch out of the way of the demons when he attacked! Now the peachicks are spread out all over and they're scared! Please help me bring them all back!" - }, - { - "Title": "Sher'KHAAAAAAANNNN!", - "Objective": "Kill 8 Sharpfang Stalkers and Destroy Sher'khaan.", - "Text": "The tigers here have gotten out of control! They're everywhere and meaner than ever! Sher'khaan is the worst of them! He's huge and mean! Maybe a brave adventurer like you could take care of Sher'khaan and the other tigers once and for all." - }, - { - "Title": "No Miner Left Behind", - "Objective": "Rescue 8 Jorune Miners from within the Jorune Quarry.", - "Text": "In all of my years working the quarry I have never seen goren in this number. They came on so quickly, we had no time to react. Now the quarry has been weakened from their tunneling and eating. it's only a matter of time before the whole thing collapses. I refuse to leave anyone to die in there with those things! Please help me. Save as many of my miners as you can." - }, - { - "Title": "Can't Live With 'Em, Can't Learn Without 'Em", - "Objective": "Rescue 8 Jorune Miners from within the Jorune Quarry.", - "Text": "The Draenei here are so in touch with the light. It's imperative that we learn as much as we can from them. We must find a way to overcome their distrust in us... The Jorune Quarry was attacked by goren leaving many helpless miners trapped within. The miners aren't fighters and would probably appreciate help from anywhere at this point. Maybe if you lend a hand in rescuing them, we may earn ourselves some goodwill." - }, - { - "Title": "Aruumel's Rest", - "Objective": "Enter the Spirit Realm and destroy the Memory of Arumel.", - "Text": "It is my job to see what others cannot. I keep the memories and read them for others, but I can no longer do so because of my son. My son turned his back on the light. When he perished I could not stand the thought that his spirit might not be welcomed into Auchindoun. I interfered and trapped him here. Now he twists and tortures the memories until they cannot be read. You must do what I cannot bear to do myself. Use this elixir to enter the spirit realm... ...and destroy my son's spirit." - }, - { - "Title": "Goren, Goren, Gone!", - "Objective": "Destroy 15 Goren Stonechewers and their leader, Pastrok within the Jorune Quarry.", - "Text": "It's uncommon to see goren in Talador. We need to get a handle on this situation before it spreads and we lose all of our precious gems. The only answer is to dispose of the creatures, and quickly! It is imperative that you kill the leader too! If you don't they will just continue to come back." - }, - { - "Title": "Cure of Aruunem", - "Objective": "Collect 60 Aruunem Berries from around Duskfall Island.", - "Text": "I need your help in creating an elixir that will allow us passage into the realm of the dead. In order to create it I require a sampling of the local vegetation. You will find Aruunem berries scattered about on the island. Bring me as many as you can carry. Be warned: do not eat them raw! The poison in the berries would kill you within minutes!" - }, - { - "Title": "Goren, Goren, Gone!", - "Objective": "Destroy 15 Goren Stonechewers and their leader, Pastrok within the Jorune Quarry.", - "Text": "I was all set to take a little trip to the nearby quarry when all of the sudden a bunch of goren bust out of the ground and started wreaking havoc! It would be a shame for all of those beautiful gems to be destroyed by those filthy creatures. All they do is eat them! Can you believe that?! Be a dear and dispose of them. Make sure you get rid of the leader or they will only come back." - }, - { - "Title": "Dust of the Dead", - "Objective": "Collect 7 Handfuls of Duskwing Dust from the Duskwing Moths on Duskfall Island.", - "Text": "I thought if I could just bring him here that I might be able to correct his transgression against the Light. That perhaps I could save my son! Now my beloved Arumel is a twisted phantasm. I'm left with no choice but to right my wrongs and I need your help. Bring me duskwing dust from the moths on Duskfall Island. With your aid I can craft an elixir that will let us travel to the realm of the dead and lay Arumel to rest." - }, - { - "Title": "Seek Out the Seer", - "Objective": "Speak to Seer Malune on Duskfall Island in Talador.", - "Text": "We've been watching you. Seer Malune, keeper of memories, has requested an audience with you, adventurer. She has long foretold the coming of a great hero to destroy the lurking shadow. We believe you are that hero. Come to Duskfall Island, not far south of here, and fulfill your destiny." - }, - { - "Title": "The Home of the Frostwolves", - "Objective": "Speak with Drek'Thar at the crash site in Frostfire Ridge.", - "Text": "You have arrived in Frostfire Ridge. Farseer Drek'Thar can guide you from here." - }, - { - "Title": "The Pale Hunter", - "Objective": "Help Helga reclaim her sanity.", - "Text": "Spiders! Where is my father! I feel so... so... good? Bad? Don't judge me! Leave me alone! I'm sleeping... in my brain. AHH!! More bunnies!" - }, - { - "Title": "The Plight of the Worgen", - "Objective": "Obtain 6 Soothpetal Flowers and 8 Frog Eyes and bring them to Tess Greymane in Twilight Glade.", - "Text": "King Greymane, my father, has fallen ill! Every day he's worse, losing control over his mind, becoming... feral. He's bedridden in Stormwind as we speak, and he isn't the only one. Krennan Aranas found what he thought might be the cure in Outland, but it was corrupted beyond recognition. I need to find the cure before he loses every bit of his humanity! Hemma, one of my guards, is sick as well. I need you to collect some soothpetal flowers and frog eyes. We have to try something." - }, - { - "Title": "Vignette: Broodmother Reeg'ak", - "Objective": "Destroy $1oa Goren Egg Clusters Iceforge Ironchewers, and Broodmother Reeg'ak.", - "Text": "Goren are dangerous, especially in large numbers, and especially when we have a blind, under powered shaman with us. Fortunately, they have very short lifespans. Unfortunately, they multiply fast and grow faster. If we are going to do this we need to find the brood mother. Slaying her and her eggs should slow down the onslaught of goren. Check the burrows near the Forge Gates and I will to keep them off of Drek'Thar's scent." - }, - { - "Title": "The Master Siegesmith", - "Objective": "Slay Master Siegesmith Uratok in Grom'gar.", - "Text": "Not long ago, the most advanced weapon a Thunderlord could make was a really, really big spear. The Blackrock orcs must have shipped in a fearsome master to have them producing cannons so rapidly. We need to find that master." - }, - { - "Title": "WANTED: Kliaa's Stinger", - "Objective": "Kill Kliaa and bring its stinger to Dyuna at Embaari Village.", - "Text": "Posted by: Dyuna A vicious queen swamplighter has made the northern forests of Shadowmoon its home. Unfortunately, this poisonous pest terrorizes the forest between Embaari Village and Shattrath. As local traders put their lives at risk, prices of goods will continue to rise. Anyone who can put an end to the beast should detach its stinger as proof and bring it to Dyuna in Embaari Village. The merchant traders will reward generously." - }, - { - "Title": "Smeltcraft", - "Objective": "Use Na'Shra's Mining Pick to collect 20 Fomic Ore.", - "Text": "Stranger! Thank the spirits for them sending you to me now. I am forging a blade and cannot leave it at this delicate state. But I need more ore to complete this task. Here, take my mining pick. It is crafted from the teeth and acid of the local goren and will cut through the ore of this area as if it were air. Bring me the ore and I will lend this blade to your cause." - }, - { - "Title": "WANTED: Kuu'rat's Tusks", - "Objective": "Slay Kuu'rat and bring her tusks to Eremor at Embaari Village.", - "Text": "Posted by: Eremor A ferocious elekk of unprecedented size has been seen near Gloomshade Grove. Known to some as the ivory death, she is abnormally aggressive and has already taken the lives of several unwary travelers. The rangari have as yet been unable to corner this creature. Anyone capable of taking down this beast should exchange proof of her demise to Eremor for a hefty bounty." - }, - { - "Title": "Darkness Falls", - "Objective": "Find Ner'zhul.", - "Text": "It is already beginning, over the hills to the southeast. Ner'zhul has everything he needs to summon the Dark Star. The Iron Horde attack on Karabor is imminent. This is where everything ends. Champion, I must ask you to ride ahead and delay Ner'zhul. I will join you as quickly as I can." - }, - { - "Title": "Where's My Wolf?!", - "Objective": "Slay Beastmaster Torash and free Nerok in Grom'gar.", - "Text": "My frost wolf, Nerok, was captured with me and the others. I do not know where they are keeping him, but I'll bet the so-called \"beastmaster\" who dragged us here does. He is at the beast pens nearby, boasting about his catch to the younger hunters. We'll see how he boasts with my axe in his skull." - }, - { - "Title": "WANTED: Maa'run's Hoof", - "Objective": "Collect Maa'run's Hoof.", - "Text": "Posted by: Orrin A wild talbuk called \"Maa'run\" wanders the hills southeast of Embaari Village and west of The Draakorium. My brother was injured by this foul beast, and now lays in recovery. For the safety of all the nearby villages, we must put an end to this vicious, rampaging creature! A handsome reward will be given to anyone who can bring me his hoof as proof of his demise." - }, - { - "Title": "Laabru's Rebellion", - "Objective": "Find Laabru at the Gar'mak Quarry in Shadowmoon Valley.", - "Text": "Laabru wouldn't listen. He killed one of the guards and they dragged him off to one of their tents. They are going to kill him for sure!" - }, - { - "Title": "Signs of a Struggle", - "Objective": "Ruffle through the backpack near the bloody journal.", - "Text": "Judging by the markings, it appears to be a journal kept by a Shadowmoon orc. Perhaps the beast's head is in one of the bags in the debris up ahead?" - }, - { - "Title": "A Song of Frost and Fire", - "Objective": "Meet Durotan.", - "Text": "You have rescued many of my clan from the slave pens of Tanaan. Their liberation and the destruction of the Dark Portal are more than enough for me to consider you one of us. However, you are still a stranger to our leader, Durotan. I would like to introduce you to him." - }, - { - "Title": "Fast Expansion", - "Objective": "Report to Baros Alexston at your garrison in Shadowmoon Valley.", - "Text": "Greetings, Commander. I am here on behalf of architect Baros Alexston. We have gathered enough resources for the next phase of expansion. He wishes to speak to you at your earliest convenience." - }, - { - "Title": "Honor Has Its Rewards", - "Objective": "Go to the Shamanstone in Wor'gol and receive a blessing.", - "Text": "You have honored my people. Now, we wish to honor you. We have a rite of initiation in my clan. When one comes of age, they cover themselves in the blood of their first hunt, and rest their hands upon a shamanstone to honor the ancestors who came before them. In our brief time together you have already slain many foes more fierce than our hunters have ever had to face. Go, touch the shamanstone here in Wor'gol, and join our pack as an equal." - }, - { - "Title": "Swamplighter Queen", - "Objective": "Obtain The Swamplighter Queen's Tail for Fiona in Shadowmoon Valley.", - "Text": "It looks like those plant creatures used some kind of poison when they attacked Gidwin. It's a powerful concoction to say the least. If we are going to cure Gidwin we need one more special ingredient. This one might be a bit harder to obtain than the others. You up to the challenge?" - }, - { - "Title": "Lifebloom Orchids", - "Objective": "Collect 4 Lifebloom Orchids and bring them to Susanna Eyesley in Shadowmoon Valley.", - "Text": "" - }, - { - "Title": "Free Our Brothers and Sisters", - "Objective": "Free 6 Frost Wolves or Wor'gol Villagers.", - "Text": "These Thunderlord curs use coward's weapons like nets and chains. Many of our villagers and wolf-brothers and sisters have been trapped. If you free them, they will fight at your side with honor. We must quell this attack with haste so I may return to Bladespire Citadel and continue my preparations." - }, - { - "Title": "Across the Stars", - "Objective": "Collect 5 Star Readings.", - "Text": "A key source of the Shadowmoon clan's power comes from their understanding of the stars and their omens. For centuries, they have recorded the patterns of the stars and their interpretations. While you are in the fortress, collect some of these documents for me. We will take their own knowledge and use it against them." - }, - { - "Title": "The Great Salvation", - "Objective": "Free 8 Draenei Prisoners from their cages.", - "Text": "We've located the prisoners. They are being held in captivity here, inside the Shadowmoon fortress. Please rescue as many of them as you can. And hurry. We can hear their screams out here." - }, - { - "Title": "Harbingers of the Void", - "Objective": "Destroy the Essence of Shadow, Essence of Darkness, and Essence of Anguish.", - "Text": "Our scouts have made a horrifying discovery. The souls of the prisoners are being used to summon creatures from the void. Inside, three beings of darkness already await - the Essence of Shadow, the Essence of Darkness, and the Essence of Anguish. They must be destroyed immediately, before their power can be unleashed." - }, - { - "Title": "Cooking With Unstable Herbs", - "Objective": "Help Fiona brew a curative elixir.", - "Text": "The base is boiling and ready for those ingredients. Add each of the ingredients, one at a time, and I will handle the mixing and frothing. Speak to me when you are ready." - }, - { - "Title": "Gormaul Tower", - "Objective": "Take Gormaul Tower from the Bladespire ogres.", - "Text": "It is time for us to strike out against those who would enslave us! We travel to Gormaul Tower to wrest it from the Bladespire ogres. I would welcome your company. Mount up, and together we will ride to battle!" - }, - { - "Title": "Fiona's Solution", - "Objective": "Collect 1 Riverbeast Heart, 2 Swamplighter Venom, 4 Riotvine, and 3 Moonlit Herbs.", - "Text": "Gidwin was attacked by one of those plant creatures. From the looks of it, he is suffering from some kind of paralysis. I can make a cure, but I'll need some local ingredients." - }, - { - "Title": "Kuuros Farm", - "Objective": "Find Beldos at Kuuros Farm.", - "Text": "Many refugees from Tuurem have made their way to Kuuros Farm east of here. If you are able, please venture there and find Beldos. He led the refugees there from Tuurem and will be the best point of contact." - }, - { - "Title": "Crippled Caravan", - "Objective": "Find Fiona's Caravan in Shadowmoon Valley.", - "Text": "I'm getting reports that the botani have started leaving their bloom and attacking wandering travelers. This is most unusual. We already dispatched a number of rangari to try and resolve this issue. A caravan from Azeroth passed through here recently, you should probably check on your people to ensure their safety." - }, - { - "Title": "The Thing in the Cave", - "Objective": "Slay the Thing in the Cave, then loot its Dreadful Heart.", - "Text": "The note reads as follows: \"It cannot be defeated. No matter how many troops we send at it, it seemingly cannot be destroyed. \"We have lost too many lives as it is. I refuse to send another orc after that thing. Instead, we will establish a guard station outside the cave's mouth to keep it from getting out.\"" - }, - { - "Title": "Karg Unchained", - "Objective": "Slay 25 Thunderlord orcs in Grom'gar.", - "Text": "They took my brothers and sisters. They took my wolf. Now we take their heads." - }, - { - "Title": "The Survivalist's Way", - "Objective": "Collect 6 Glowworm Silk and 12 Razorfang Teeth in The Arbitum in Shadowmoon Valley.", - "Text": "I was tracking the Iron Horde's movements through the Iron March when I was spotted by one of their chimera riders. I was able to fight off their kill squad, but I'm too injured to keep going. Stranger, I must obtain as much recon as possible to aid in Karabor's defense. If you can bring me silk from the worms and a handful of teeth from the rays at the lake nearby, I can operate on my wounds and fashion a bandage that ought to hold long enough for me to finish my mission." - }, - { - "Title": "Keeping the Balance", - "Objective": "Kill Snapgrip in The Arbitum.", - "Text": "Look at these teeth, friend. These stress markings suggest that the crocolisk are being subjugated by one of their own. When a crocolisk female grows large enough, she exerts dominance over her kin. It is my duty as a hunter to ensure balance is restored to these creatures as thanks for their sacrifice for my own life. Track down the beast and slay her while I tend to my wounds. She is likely at the far end of the arbitum." - }, - { - "Title": "The Thing in the Cave", - "Objective": "Slay the Thing in the Cave, then loot its Dreadful Heart.", - "Text": "The note reads as follows: \"It cannot be defeated. No matter how many troops we send at it, it seemingly cannot be destroyed. \"We have lost too many lives as it is. I refuse to send another orc after that thing. Instead, we will establish a guard station outside the cave's mouth to keep it from getting out.\"" - }, - { - "Title": "Barum's Notes", - "Objective": "Test the effects of a Honed Crystal, a Polished Crystal and a Harmonic Crystal in Aruuna.", - "Text": "\"...honed to a fine edge, the material can expose weaknesses...\" \"when rounded and polished to such a degree, it wards off harmful...\" \"...this incredible discovery that a crystal can be attuned to the bearer's vitality!\"" - }, - { - "Title": "Dark Enemies", - "Objective": "Kill 8 Shadowmoon Voidmancers.", - "Text": "Your arrival should be cause for celebration, hero, but I fear our troubles are just beginning. Warlord Ner'zhul and his Shadowmoon clan have launched a surprise attack on a draenei settlement to the north. Prophet Velen has gone to aid the wounded at Teluuna Observatory, but we need more defenders. I must go to assist the others. If you wish to help us, go to Arbor Glen and kill any Shadowmoon enemies that you see." - }, - { - "Title": "Let's Keep Racing!", - "Objective": "Run through the Start Banner, hit the Blue Post, then the Green Post, then the Red Post, then return to the Start Banner.", - "Text": "Want to keep racing, huh? That's the spirit!See if you can beat your best time! Get to the blue post, then green, then red, then back here.Your time matters, so do it fast!" - }, - { - "Title": "Through the Looking Glass", - "Objective": "Look through Gazlowe's Eye 'n' Ear.", - "Text": "Your allies sent along a goblin, Gazlowe, to advise us against the Iron Horde. Thus far, he has proven a valuable asset.He has a looking glass set up that can see a great distance and, he claims, even hear.Use this looking glass and report back what you've seen. I will stick to my standard spyglass." - }, - { - "Title": "First Test Race: 2 Laps", - "Objective": "Run through the arch, hit the blue marker, then the green marker, the red marker, the purple marker, then return to the Ironelf games camp.", - "Text": "Run through the arch... Get to the blue marker... Get to the green marker... Get to the red marker Then do it all again. That's right - 2 laps! Good luck!" - }, - { - "Title": "Y'kish Joins the Party", - "Objective": "Invite Rooter to join your party.", - "Text": "The little guy sure does look happy. It's pretty clear he wants you to pet him. There is a spot right on the top of his head that isn't totally covered in rotten meat." - }, - { - "Title": "Burning Sky", - "Objective": "Slay 12 Adherent Invaders in Aruuna and the Aruuna Crystal Mine.", - "Text": "It happened so fast. A white-hot flash of light ignited the nearby woods, followed by terrible winds that swept the flames across Aruuna. Moments later, arakkoa began descending through the smoke. I need to get Melani to the Pilgrim's Road. From there we can head for Anchorite's Sojourn and the protection of the vindicators. With the arakkoa roaming the area freely, I fear we'll be run down or worse: taken by the spreading wildfires." - }, - { - "Title": "Iron Them Out", - "Objective": "Destroy 6 Iron Horde Siege Engines.", - "Text": "The orcs themselves are not the only threat. We may have weakened them considerably, but they still have siege weapons of significant power.Sabotage siege weapons you find with the explosives you collected from the beach." - }, - { - "Title": "Born to Shred", - "Objective": "Kill 100 Iron Horde in Tuurem using the Iron Shredder.", - "Text": "The Iron Shredder is operational! It should be primed and ready for you to shred our enemies in Tuurem!Head inside and see what damage you can do. Can't say I'm not jealous." - }, - { - "Title": "An Eye for a Spy", - "Objective": "Look through Gazlowe's Eye 'n' Ear.", - "Text": "Excellent, excellent! I'll make sense of these manual pages and will get the Iron Shredder operational immediately!While I do that, take a look through my Eye 'n' Ear. That's where you'll be headed soon!" - }, - { - "Title": "Karmaan", - "Objective": "Speak with Karmaan.", - "Text": "You saw iron horde fighting the podlings!? That must be why the podlings are attacking here; they've been displaced! Unfortunately, they likely followed me and the other refugees from Tuurem to here. Light help me, I've doomed us all. We should go tell Karmaan about this. If the iron horde is nearby, podlings might be the least of our problems." - }, - { - "Title": "Engineering Her Demise", - "Objective": "Defeat Ketya Shrediron at Tuurem.", - "Text": "-- THE MOTHER HAS BEEN DETECTED. WARNING! WARNING! --" - }, - { - "Title": "In Short Supply", - "Objective": "Collect 6 Iron Horde Explosives.", - "Text": "The enemy has explosive devices stored on the beach below. We must recover them so they are not used against us.Reports indicate that crates of explosives are scattered along the shoreline.While you search, Durotan and I will carve deeper into Iron Horde territory." - }, - { - "Title": "Pieces of Us", - "Objective": "Retrieve the Crystal-Shaper's Tools, Melani's Doll, and the Annals of Aruuna.", - "Text": "When the fires broke out, I took only my daughter's hand before we fled. It was the right decision, of course, but I do long for some of the things we left behind. I am an artificer, a shaper of crystals and gems. Without my tools I am just another refugee. Our town records are kept in a memory crystal in the main hall. With it, I can carry forward the knowledge and legacy of Aruuna. Also, my daughter is terrified - it would be a great comfort for her to hold her favorite doll again." - }, - { - "Title": "The Battle for Shattrath", - "Objective": "Repel the Iron Horde from Shattrath.", - "Text": "To stop the Iron Horde, we must overcome prejudice and work together, if only for this purpose.Horde, Alliance, past, present... all meaningless in the face of this enemy.We will retake Shattrath together... or die trying." - }, - { - "Title": "Vol. X Pages ?", - "Objective": "Find 20 Manual Pages at Archenon Siegeyard.", - "Text": "The manual for the shredder was wedged in there, but it's missing lots of pages. We need to find as many pages of that manual as possible and I might--MIGHT--be able to get this shredder operational.Based on the direction of the wind, I bet the pages flew toward Archenon Siegeyard." - }, - { - "Title": "Too Many Irons in the Fire", - "Objective": "Kill 15 Iron Horde on Orunai Coast.", - "Text": "We must not head into battle prematurely. Before we go after Orgrim, we must first deal with his troops.If we are to succeed in our mission of wiping out the Iron Horde from Talador, we need to start on these shores." - }, - { - "Title": "Demons Among Us - Horde", - "Objective": "Deliver Thamuun's Letter to Thalia at Teluuna Observatory.", - "Text": "If you are reading this, it means I have fallen in battle. As my last request, please deliver this letter to Thalia at Teluuna Observatory. Dearest Thalia, You have always been my best friend, ever since we were children growing up in Tuurem. I have always been too afraid to tell you my feelings, but I cannot leave this world without finally speaking the truth. Thalia, I love you with all my heart. I shall wait for you in the next world. I will for eternity for you. Love, Thamuun" - }, - { - "Title": "Gazlowe's Solution", - "Objective": "Destroy the Thunderlord Cache, Blackrock Forge, and Munitions Landing.", - "Text": "I've identified some high value targets down in the forest below.When you get near one, you can deploy my solution.Deploy it and the objectives will be neutralized with great ceremony." - }, - { - "Title": "Laying Dionor to Rest", - "Objective": "Watch Birchus's ritual.", - "Text": "You have given me a tremendous gift with this bloom. I can finally send Dionor back to the Overgrowth for good and end this nightmare. All that remains is the ritual... stay and behold something you will never see again in your lifetime..." - }, - { - "Title": "Reagents from Rakthoth", - "Objective": "Find Rakthoth at Dionor's Demise in Gorgrond.", - "Text": "The destruction of our village will not be easy to come back from. Our best hunter, Rakthoth, \"finds\" reagents for our shaman. She has not been seen for some time and we need those more than ever. Go to her hunting grounds and see if she still lives." - }, - { - "Title": "Taking the Death Bloom", - "Objective": "Take the Death Bloom from Smokemaster Snarl in Steamscar Rise.", - "Text": "You have helped me and now I will help you. The bloom you seek is within the nearby cave, being pawed over by the new leader of these saberon. Kill him and take the bloom back to the ancient below. I hope this will clear out those plants and I can get back to my hunting..." - }, - { - "Title": "Sacking the Saberon Stronghold", - "Objective": "Breach the last saberon wall and deal with what's on the other side.", - "Text": "Destroy the barricade and take back stuff!" - }, - { - "Title": "The Inkmasters of the Arboretum", - "Objective": "Speak with Inkmaster Wei at the Arboretum in the Jade Forest.", - "Text": "I have heard that the Inkmasters at the Arboretum are in need of aid from a scribe of great skill. You should speak with Inkmaster Wei, if you wish to help." - }, - { - "Title": "Ambassador to the Ancient", - "Objective": "Talk to Birchus at Dionor's Demise in Gorgrond.", - "Text": "I have seen a tough looking \"tree\" in that growth. It cries and moans but does not act hostile. It may know how to get rid of these plants. Go and see if it does." - }, - { - "Title": "Decommissioned Mission", - "Objective": "Find the Decommissioned Iron Shredder in the nearby cave and take it from Engineer Draxen.", - "Text": "Ketya Shrediron,Your new Iron Shredders are a menace to our own soldiers.Decommission the prototype and store it in the cave on Talador beach until you've worked out the kinks.I will send Engineer Draxen to work on it in the meantime.- Orgrim Doomhammer" - }, - { - "Title": "That's No Podling", - "Objective": "Slay Bloodthrasher.", - "Text": "" - }, - { - "Title": "Plant Pruning", - "Objective": "Kill 12 defenders at Dionor's Demise.", - "Text": "I have a hunting den not far from here where I gather my trophies as well as reagents for the Laughing Skull. Not long ago this giant plant monster charged in from the overgrowth and was killed by several of the giant rock monsters. Since it died smaller plant beasts have sprung up and made a mess of the place. They have also cut me off from my best source of reagents. Kill them, I will attempt to reach my den and salvage what I can..." - }, - { - "Title": "The Sacking of the Saberon", - "Objective": "Find 8 Herb Bundles in saberon stashes at Steamscar Rise.", - "Text": "The stash mostly contains bits of old animal parts and other junk. Upon closer inspection there are remains of a bundle of herbs and plants. Rakthoth might be more willing to help if some of these herb bundles were found and gathered for her..." - }, - { - "Title": "Shredder vs. Saberon", - "Objective": "Break the vine barrier using your shredder.", - "Text": "After the saberon stole from these plants, they were forced further up Steamscar Rise and barricaded themselves in. I could not find a way to get in but you have the solution. One path is blocked by a tangle of hard vines. I have heard you have a machine that could cut through that with ease. I would get on a shredder and take those vines down." - }, - { - "Title": "Beatface vs. Boulder", - "Objective": "Break the boulder barrier using Beatface the gladiator.", - "Text": "After the saberon stole from these plants, they were forced further up Steamscar Rise and barricaded themselves in. I could not find a way to get in but you have the solution. One path is blocked by a boulder, but it looks weak. A strong warrior, such as an ogre, could break it. I think you know an ogre gladiator..." - }, - { - "Title": "Steamscar \"Reagents\"", - "Objective": "Collect 10 saberon hearts from living saberon at Steamscar Rise.", - "Text": "Now we get to the heart of the matter, heh. Saberon have strong hearts, our shaman find many uses for them. I will search for the ancient's magic if you get me those hearts. Do we have a deal?" - }, - { - "Title": "The Iron Missive", - "Objective": "Burn the Iron Horde Supplies and the Iron Horde Camp.", - "Text": "" - }, - { - "Title": "Moving In", - "Objective": "Meet Durotan at Bladespire Citadel.", - "Text": "Gorr'thog is now dead. It is time now to secure our hold on Bladespire Citadel. Meet me below and we can begin strengthening our presence." - }, - { - "Title": "Talbuk Roundup", - "Objective": "Rescue 4 Talbuk at Kuuros Farm.", - "Text": "My father, Karmaan, owns this farm, and our main livestock are talbuk. One of the podlings must have opened the gate to their pen and they all escaped! The little terrors could have slaughtered them in the cage, but they like to hunt their prey. I'm afraid that if I stay out here much longer, I'll be their next meal! Will you round up the talbuk and bring them here? I can't get them myself, and I can't let my dad find out about this!" - }, - { - "Title": "Rooter the Ravenous", - "Objective": "Find food for Rooter at Rooter's Pass in Gorgrond.", - "Text": "The stray boar is digging through garbage left behind by the iron horde. He stops chewing and stares at you-then he burps. He smells terrible. It looks like he's chewing on a chunk of rotten meat. Maybe you can find something a bit healthier for him to snack on?" - }, - { - "Title": "Insatiable Swarms", - "Objective": "Kill 20 Podlings at Kuuros Farm.", - "Text": "Something has spurred the podlings that live in the nearby forest to come here. They are scaring the talbuk, eating the crops, and slaughtering my people! I led refugees from Tuurem here in search of safety from the Iron Horde, and now we have to contend with these foul creatures! Please, you must help us! I need to attend to my wife's wounds and guide her to safety. Meet me inside the farm proper towards the back when their numbers have been culled back." - }, - { - "Title": "To the Slaughter", - "Objective": "Kill 10 ogres in Bladespire Citadel.", - "Text": "This entrance to the fortress is clear again, thanks to your help. Inside is another story. Find your way inside and leave no ogre standing as you go." - }, - { - "Title": "Northshire Dash Practice", - "Objective": "Run through the arch, hit the blue marker, then return to the Ironelf games camp.", - "Text": "Welcome to the Irongnome games! For this challenge: run through the arch, then get to the blue marker and return here as fast as you can. You have all the time you need." - }, - { - "Title": "Chasing Shadows", - "Objective": "Speak to Rulkan at Exile's Rise.", - "Text": "Not all of the Shadowmoon orcs followed Ner'zhul's alliance with the Iron Horde. Among them, there is one orc whom I befriended many years ago. She may be able to tell us more about Ner'zhul's plans for this \"Dark Star.\" She can be found at Exile's Rise to the northeast. I will send word ahead so she expects your arrival." - }, - { - "Title": "Forbidden Knowledge", - "Objective": "Recover 6 Shadow Tomes from Veil Shadar.", - "Text": "So, you are Iskar's hired hand? Well, I care not whether you are |5 or an overgrown moth, so long as you are willing to help. The Adherents of Rukhmar are closed-minded fools! They forbid the study of shadow magic, branding as heretics anyone who dares to seek answers in the dark. We kept many tomes of forbidden knowledge in Veil Shadar. Bring any you find to me, and I will reward you for keeping them from the flames." - }, - { - "Title": "A Flare for the Dramatic", - "Objective": "Shoot Penny's Flare Gun while in Deadgrin.", - "Text": "I received a strange object with a note attached. Here, it seems to be written in your tongue, commander." - }, - { - "Title": "What the Draenei Found", - "Objective": "Examine the Ancient Prism in the Aruuna Crystal Mine.", - "Text": "They came here for an artifact? The miners must have found something in our crystal mine to the north. By the Light, can you imagine how powerful that thing must be, to attract them all the way here from their spires? I suppose it is in their hands now... You'd have to be crazy to go looking for it..." - }, - { - "Title": "Kura's Vengeance", - "Objective": "Slay Wing-Guard Kuuan in Veil Shadar.", - "Text": "I was a wing-guard myself, once upon a time. One afternoon, I was caught away from my post. I just wanted an hour to watch the festival... Kuuan was supposed to cover for me, but instead he sold me out to gain favor with our superiors. They plucked my eyes, broke my wings, and threw me off the spire. Yet I am the fortunate one, for if Iskar hadn't found me, I'd have died there. And now Kuuan shows his face in Veil Shadar on the same day that you show up willing to kill for coin. Fortunate, indeed." - }, - { - "Title": "Pyrophobia", - "Objective": "Slay Sun-Sage Kairyx.", - "Text": "W- we have done n-n-nothing to provoke the arakkoa... w-why would they attack Aruuna? What do they want from us? I want to run, but I'm... too afraid. That leader of theirs will burn me to a crisp, I just know it! H-he's just inside the inn..." - }, - { - "Title": "The Purge of Veil Shadar", - "Objective": "Help 8 Arakkoa Outcasts evacuate from Veil Shadar.", - "Text": "Not all arakkoa are alike. It is no illusion. They did this to me. Before I was even given a name, I was given a place in society: at the bottom. We are many. We make our homes in the places this world has forgotten. Veil Shadar was such a place, but the Adherents have found it and started a purge. For morale. For fun. Help my people escape, and we'll be in your debt. When the sky burns, it pays to have allies in the shadows." - }, - { - "Title": "A New Threat", - "Objective": "Speak with Crystal-Shaper Barum at the crossroads northwest of Aruuna.", - "Text": "Aruuna, a draenei mining settlement to the northeast, has been sacked. Strangely, it doesn't sound like the work of the Iron Horde. My scouts describe the attackers as \"giant fire-breathing birdmen.\" I suppose nothing in this place should surprise me anymore... Refugees have been seen fleeing along this road. Help them if possible, and learn whatever you can about the attackers. if these \"birdmen\" are a threat, we need to know." - }, - { - "Title": "Multiplayer Race", - "Objective": "Run through the arch, hit the blue marker, then the green marker, the red marker, the purple marker, then return to the Ironelf games camp.", - "Text": "Run through the arch... Get to the blue marker... Get to the green marker... Get to the red marker Get to the purple marker Return here... Then do it all again. That's right - 2 laps! Good luck!" - }, - { - "Title": "Light's Rest", - "Objective": "Ride with Exarch Maladaar to Light's Rest in Talador.", - "Text": "This map you found seems to show the locations of the other portals. By the Light, they have it surrounded! We have a small staging area not far from the nearest portal. Let's go. NYI. Cheat this quest and go to the camp." - }, - { - "Title": "Eye Candy", - "Objective": "Collect Skothwa's Eye.", - "Text": "You! Get in the fight or get out of our way. This is no ordinary goren attack. Look over there, a gronnling is sacking our grubhall. That hunchbacked gorebucket bit a chunk out of my lovely Marrow! Rip the eye out of its forehead and bring it to me. That should buy me enough time to get her clear of this goren hole." - }, - { - "Title": "The Cost of Chaos", - "Objective": "Find Lorgosh in Bladespire Citadel", - "Text": "Durotan had a plan. There were many paths to victory, but his was the most wise. His would cost the least blood. His brother, Ga'nar, is one of our most revered warriors, but he is prone to give in to blood lust. As the first Frostwolf fell, his temper won over his discipline. He ordered the bulk of our forces headlong into the citadel. This is not the first time Durotan's brother has abandoned reason, but it may be the most costly. Find them, stranger. Do what you can to salvage our assault." - }, - { - "Title": "Muddy Waters", - "Objective": "Find nutritious mud in the Spinebloom Spires to revive Jagahari.", - "Text": "Not feeling so strong... dehydrated... Need nutrients for leaves... need revenge..." - }, - { - "Title": "Goren, Goren, Gone!", - "Objective": "Slay 8 Acidtooth Devourers.", - "Text": "We... we left the goren alone for too long. They have grown bold and forgotten who we are. Kill them! Kill them all. Rip them apart until they scream. Remind them what happens to anyone who tries to attack a Laughing Skull village. Oh, and welcome to Gorgrond." - }, - { - "Title": "Desperate Times", - "Objective": "Ride to the Tomb of Lights with Exarch Maladaar.", - "Text": "I have heard of the orcs you saw in the tomb before... this is not good news. If they seek the key to Auchindoun, we must stop them from obtaining the remaining key fragments. Nyami was right; the fragments are no longer safe where they lay. There's no time to waste. We will ride together to the Tomb of Lights and secure them ourselves." - }, - { - "Title": "We Die Laughing!", - "Objective": "Collect 5 Laughing Skull Masks.", - "Text": "Are you here to help or hinder? This village is being eaten, and we must move quickly to salvage what we can. Gather the masks of our fallen Laughing Skull brothers and sisters and meet me on the western side of the village. I will need them if our clan is to rebuild." - }, - { - "Title": "The Element of Demise", - "Objective": "Place Thrall's totem at the center of the bridge.", - "Text": "The Frostwolves are a fierce and noble clan, but distrustful of outsiders. We have arrived amidst their assault on a mighty ogre citadel. I will remain here to offer counsel to their chieftain, Durotan. You are a proven hero of Azeroth. Demonstrate your value to the Frostwolves. We need them as allies. Use my totem to thwart the ogre counterattack. This should serve to get their attention. The rest is up to you." - }, - { - "Title": "Arkonite Crystals", - "Objective": "Gather 8 Arkonite Crystals at the Overload Mine in Talador.", - "Text": "Mage-Lord Bloodsworn and I recently completed the first of our new blood golems. Once we're in full production, we won't need to risk lives in the field!Unfortunately, they still need a core power crystal. We spotted a Draenei mine overrun with crystal-hungry Goren nearby. Do what you must to get enough crystals to power our golems!" - }, - { - "Title": "Deeds Left Undone", - "Objective": "Collect barrels of Frostwolf Oil and deliver it to Gol'kosh in the supply room.", - "Text": "In his haste, Ga'nar advanced before this area was secured. He is a matchless warrior, mind you, but his tactics are sometimes costly. Gol'kosh and his troops were ordered to destroy enemy supplies, but ogres have stolen the oil he needs. Retrieve the oil and see that their mission is carried out, traveler. Then, if they still live, direct them to rejoin me at the citadel's entrance. I must see my wounded brothers to safety." - }, - { - "Title": "Find D'kaan", - "Objective": "Find Rangari D'kaan at Tailthrasher Basin in Gorgrond.", - "Text": "D'kaan's nearby. He said something about unusual tracks. Hardly what we need to be focusing on at a time like this. We need to leave soon. Help him, would you?" - }, - { - "Title": "The Laughing Skull", - "Objective": "Find a Laughing Skull clansman.", - "Text": "Ah, good. I need someone who is not of my clan to negotiate with the Laughing Skull. We could use their help navigating this land, but they are dangerous and unpredictable, much like Gorgrond itself. Follow this road and seek out someone willing to speak with you. Perhaps they will see you as something new and be willing to talk first and stab later." - }, - { - "Title": "The Secrets of Gorgrond", - "Objective": "Seek Yrel at the Wildwood Wash in Gorgrond. Speak with your Garrison Gryphon Master to fly there.", - "Text": "Our victory today was costly. Too costly. There is no guarantee that we can turn another attack. We need to know what the Iron Horde is up to, and there is only one place we can go to find out. Gorgrond. It is a savage land that few ever return from. I mean to go there, I mean to find their stronghold at Blackrock, and I mean to learn how we can defeat these vile orcs. Will you join me, Commander?" - }, - { - "Title": "Nightmare in the Tomb", - "Objective": "Investigate the ritual in the Tomb of Souls.", - "Text": "In the tomb... horrible... bodies everywhere... A dark ritual... please... you must stop it..." - }, - { - "Title": "Nightmare in the Tomb", - "Objective": "Investigate the ritual in the Tomb of Souls.", - "Text": "Down there... horrible... bodies everywhere... Dark ritual... please... you must stop it..." - }, - { - "Title": "Felblood", - "Objective": "Collect 6 Felblood Samples by killing Stormreaver Fearmongers in the Court of Lights in Talador.", - "Text": "Fascinating. The doomguard in the courtyard southwest of here have disguised themselves as orcs and do not die when defeated in battle. You see, they are powerful magical beings, and their essence manifests nearby as a blood creature that revives its body upon reaching it. I would like to study these essences without dealing with the demons myself. Bring me a few samples, would you?" - }, - { - "Title": "Last Steps", - "Objective": "Climb the chain and kill Gorr'thog.", - "Text": "In a rage, Ga'nar ascended to fight Gorr'thog, the ogre king. He is alone, and the ramp to the throne room is now blocked. You've proven resourceful. Perhaps you could find another way up? I sustained wounds on my way here, but I will work to cut my way through and up the ramp so we may rejoin. Hurry traveler, ensure that the Frostwolf clan wins our assault on the citadel." - }, - { - "Title": "Save Auchenai Caretakers", - "Objective": "Direct 6 Auchenai Caretakers to safety in the Court of Lights in Talador.", - "Text": "I was fortunate enough to be delivering a report to the Exarch when the demons attacked, but the rest of my brethren were out tending to the Court of Lights! We caretakers are not the fighters of our order. Go to the court northwest of here and help direct them to safety." - }, - { - "Title": "Un-Safety First", - "Objective": "Disable 4 Safety Valves.", - "Text": "These plans were designed to be read by even the most unskilled of metallurgists. It has big symbols on specific pipes for what valves NOT to turn unless risking woeful amounts of destruction." - }, - { - "Title": "These Colors Don't Run", - "Objective": "Use 8 Frostwolf Banners on Bladespire Ogre corpses.", - "Text": "Bladespire has been a plague on my people for many years. That ends today! Now to explain it to the ogres in a way they will understand. If you still wish to help us, place our banner in the corpses of our adversaries. Their courage will falter as they behold a field of Frostwolf trophies! This is our way. I will meet with you ahead when you have completed this deed." - }, - { - "Title": "The Ritual", - "Objective": "Kill Amnennar the Coldbringer.", - "Text": "You are good to have come so quickly. I must ask you to put your lives in danger once more in order to save Kalimdor. Amnennar's apprentice, Death Speaker Blackthorn, hopes to return his master to the realm of the living! We must quickly make our way atop the Spiral of Thorns and defeat him before the ritual can be completed. We must strike together, only with our combined force can we hope to stop him!" - }, - { - "Title": "Unexpected Assault", - "Objective": "Slay 1 Bonechewer Orcs and direct $2oa Auchenai to safety in the Court of Souls.", - "Text": "Thank the Light you're here. The Bonechewer orcs have invaded! We've dealt with the occasional raid before, but they've never attacked Auchindoun with such numbers before. We arrived as quickly as we could to respond to the threat, but the local guard had already fallen. We cannot afford to lose more men! Kill all of the Bonechewer you can and help consolidate our forces back to our defensive line. The Bonechewer must not be allowed to step foot in Auchindoun!" - }, - { - "Title": "Blackthorn's Lieutenants", - "Objective": "Kill Aarux, Mordresh, and Mushlump.", - "Text": "Amnennar's reincarnation is imminent. In order to protect the ceremony Death Speaker Blackthorn has placed his most trusted lieutenants between us and him. Aarux, a plagued spider nests near his young, tended to by the Death's Head Aranomancers. Mordresh rallies Amnennar's forces upon the Bone Pile. Finally, Mushlump stands guarding the entrance to the Spiral of Thorns. Once you defeat these guardians I will join you and together we will confront Blackthorn." - }, - { - "Title": "Unexpected Assault", - "Objective": "Slay 1 Bonechewer Orcs and direct $2oa Auchenai to safety in the Court of Souls.", - "Text": "My scouts have reported that the Bonechewer clan is attacking Auchindoun. The Auchenai guard are here, but I fear they won't be enough. I sense a dark presence nearby... we cannot chance leaving their defenses weak. Too much power lies within those hallowed halls. Slay the Bonechewer and direct any of the Auchenai injured back to their defensive line. I will direct my scouts throughout the area to try to ascertain the Bonechewers' motives." - }, - { - "Title": "Return to the Pack", - "Objective": "Speak with Durotan at your garrison.", - "Text": "Part of me agrees with Karg - we COULD challenge the Iron Wolf right now. My fists clench at the mention of his name. My muscles scream for vengeance. But then, in my heart, I feel Asha. Calming me. Guiding me. I do not deserve her wisdom, but it is a gift I will not waste. Durotan and the others will be gathering at your garrison about now. We should meet them." - }, - { - "Title": "Multiplayer Race", - "Objective": "Run through the arch, hit the blue marker, then the green marker, the red marker, the purple marker, then return to the Ironelf games camp.", - "Text": "Run through the arch... Get to the blue marker... Get to the green marker... Get to the red marker Get to the purple marker Return here... Then do it all again. That's right - 2 laps! Good luck!" - }, - { - "Title": "Northshire Sprint Practice", - "Objective": "Run through the arch, hit the blue marker, then the green marker, then return to the Ironelf games camp.", - "Text": "Welcome to the Irongnome games! For this challenge: run through the arch... Get to the blue marker... Get to the green marker... then return here. You have all the time you need for this." - }, - { - "Title": "The Farseer", - "Objective": "Get to the Pool of Visions and kill Warleader Gargrak.", - "Text": "The Thunderlord warleader... , you have to stop him. He went to attack Drek'Thar at the Pool of Visions to the northwest!" - }, - { - "Title": "Back to Bladespire Citadel", - "Objective": "Return to Durotan at Bladespire Citadel.", - "Text": "Durotan must be told of your vision. Pul Windcarver will offer you a flight back. The fate of the Frostwolf... of Draenor, depends upon you." - }, - { - "Title": "Mulverick's Plight", - "Objective": "Get the key from Slavemaster Turgall and find Mulverick's Axes.", - "Text": "You were sent here to free me? It seems that makes us allies. Slavemaster Turgall within the Soostained Mines will certainly have the key to this cage. While you're in there, do you think you could see which of those spineless taskmasters took my axes?" - }, - { - "Title": "The Slavemaster's Demise", - "Objective": "Speak to Guse at Bladespire Citadel.", - "Text": "Share word with the others of the Frostwolves you saved this day. They will be glad to know that some made it out of the mines alive." - }, - { - "Title": "Rally the Artificers", - "Objective": "Convince Rommul to return to Velen near Karabor's western entrance.", - "Text": "I have several lieutenants out there on the battlefield, doing what they can to hold this temple together. I need all of them, but first and foremost, I need my artificers. The artificers are masters of technology and artifacts. If any one of my followers can understand the mechanics of those siege engines, it would be them. Rommul is their leader. Send him to me." - }, - { - "Title": "The Fall of the Warlord", - "Objective": "Kill Warlord Bult.", - "Text": "You've managed to survive this long, stranger. All that remains to be done here is to fell the Warlord of the arena. This will be your first true test here. Bult would provide a challenge to even a battle-hardened Frostwolf. Place the heads you've collected on spikes in the Frostfire Arena. They are sure to enrage the warlord and lure him into battle. Come out of the arena victorious and it will show that Durotan's trust in you was not misplaced." - }, - { - "Title": "Save Wolf Home", - "Objective": "Save Wor'gol from the Thunderlord clan.", - "Text": "Cowardly Thunderlords...During the battle for the citadel, runners informed me that the Iron Wolf is striking at our home. He'll find no easy footing there, Draka will make them pay tenfold for any of ours that they slay, but we must return quickly and chase the mongrels off.You and your forces have proven valuable allies of the Frostwolves. We'd welcome your aid in securing our Wor'gol.I'll see you on the battlefield if you choose to come." - }, - { - "Title": "Pool of Visions", - "Objective": "Speak with Farseer Drek'Thar at the Pool of Visions to begin the ritual of vision.", - "Text": "A terrible storm gathers on the horizon. I have prepared a ritual. You must consult the pool to see what destiny holds for us all." - }, - { - "Title": "The Iron Tide", - "Objective": "Slay Arnokk the Burner and 10 Iron Horde troops within Karabor.", - "Text": "The majority of Karabor's defensive troops are dealing with the main battle front, just west of here. We must not ignore our flanks while dealing with that assault. One of the enemy leaders, Arnokk, is directing the mayhem on this side of the temple. Take him out, along with as many of his orcish followers as you can stomach. Once you've finished, meet me in front of the temple." - }, - { - "Title": "Thunderlord for a Day", - "Objective": "Build a Thunderlord Grapple.", - "Text": "Pieces of a Thunderlord chain lay on the ground. It is of a very simple design, but effective. With enough parts, even the most unskilled person could assemble a chain and grapple as effective as those used by the Thunderlord Grapplers." - }, - { - "Title": "From Over the Walls", - "Objective": "Dislodge 6 Blackrock Grappling Hooks near Karabor's outer walls.", - "Text": "Karabor is falling. The Iron Horde will not stop this assault until every last one of us is dead and cold on the ground. I don't know about you, but I don't plan on letting that happen. Now, there must be something we can do to prevent them from scaling the walls..." - }, - { - "Title": "Westfall Race Practice UNUSED", - "Objective": "Run through the arch, hit the blue marker, then the green marker, then return to the Ironelf games camp.", - "Text": "Run through the arch... Get to the blue marker... Get to the green marker... then return here. You have all the time you need." - }, - { - "Title": "Gloomshade Game Hunter", - "Objective": "Collect ingredients in Gloomshade Grove.", - "Text": "" - }, - { - "Title": "The Warlord's Guard", - "Objective": "Gather the Head of Thunk, the Head of Gullok, and the Head of Splorg.", - "Text": "I don't know what you are accustomed to, traveler, but these lands devour the weak. Perhaps Durotan wishes to rid himself of you. We shall see. You must kill the Warlord of the Circle of Blood. Do this and the ogres here will be defeated. But first, you must find him. I have located his bodyguards nearby. Slay them and bring me their heads. With them, we shall lure the Warlord into the open." - }, - { - "Title": "Northwestern Medicine", - "Objective": "Gather 20 Redleaf Herbs from supply bags in Thunderfall.", - "Text": "There is an herb which grows in the crevices and crags of Frostfire Ridge, in places where the icy breath of the sky sips the boiling blood of the earth. Thunderlord climbers gather it often, for it has potent healing properties. Look for stores of these herbs in Thunderfall, and take what you can. Give them to me when next we meet, and they can be used to save lives in Stonefang." - }, - { - "Title": "Eatercology", - "Objective": "Collect 10 Motes of Frostfire.", - "Text": "Drek'Thar thinks the portions of Exurotus consumed by the goren might be worthless. I am not about to step before the fury without at least trying to recover as many of these \"motes\" as possible. Slay any goren you find at Magnarok and see if you can extract the motes of Frostfire from them." - }, - { - "Title": "Elwynn South Distance Practice", - "Objective": "Run through the arch, hit the red marker, then the purple marker, then return to the Ironelf games camp.", - "Text": "You want to get some practice in? For this challenge: run through the arch, then get to the red marker, the purple marker, and finally return here. You have all the time you need." - }, - { - "Title": "Elwynn South Distance Trial: 30", - "Objective": "Run through the arch, hit the red marker, then the purple marker, then return to the Ironelf games camp.", - "Text": "For this challenge: run through the arch, then get to the red marker, the purple marker, and finally return here before the bell tolls 30 times." - }, - { - "Title": "Elwynn Long Distance Trial: 25", - "Objective": "Run through the arch, hit the blue marker, then the green marker, then return to the Ironelf games camp.", - "Text": "For this challenge: run through the arch, then get to the blue marker, the green marker, and finally return here before the bell tolls 25 times." - }, - { - "Title": "Ours is the Fury", - "Objective": "Speak with Warmaster Zog at your Garrison in Frostfire Ridge.", - "Text": "Drek'Thar will be fine, once he adjusts. The vision the elemental has bestowed upon him is powerful, and he is on the path of becoming this world's greatest shaman. You may wish to inform Warmaster Zog in your garrison of what has transpired here. He should be able to deploy some of your troops to the area to further secure the area." - }, - { - "Title": "Blue/Yellow Sprint 15 INTERNAL REPEATABLE", - "Objective": "Run through the arch, hit the blue marker, then the green marker, then return to the Ironelf games camp.", - "Text": "Ready for a tougher challenge? This one has an extra leg: Run through the arch... Get to the blue marker... Get to the green marker... then return here before the bell tolls 15 times. Good luck!" - }, - { - "Title": "Westfall Race 30", - "Objective": "Run through the arch, hit the blue marker, then the green marker, then return to the Ironelf games camp.", - "Text": "Run through the arch... Get to the blue marker... Get to the green marker... then return here before the bell tolls 15 times. Good luck!" - }, - { - "Title": "Mopping Up", - "Objective": "Speak with Igrimar the Resolute at the Circle of Blood.", - "Text": "We've won the day, but our work here is far from finished. Frostwolves will scour the citadel and root out any survivors. To you, I offer the glory of cleansing the gladiator pits to the north. As we launched our attack, we dispatched one of our best to recon that area. If you still thirst for blood, join her there. There's surely some sport left." - }, - { - "Title": "Elwynn Long Distance Practice", - "Objective": "Run through the arch, hit the blue marker, then the green marker, then return to the Irongnome games camp.", - "Text": "For this challenge: run through the arch, then get to the blue marker, the green marker, and finally return here. You have all the time you need." - }, - { - "Title": "Northshire Dash 12", - "Objective": "Run through the arch, hit the blue marker, then return to the Ironelf games camp.", - "Text": "For this challenge: run through the arch, then get to the blue marker and return here as fast as you can. Get back before you hear the bell toll 12 times." - }, - { - "Title": "A Matter of Life and Death", - "Objective": "Find Arekk, Diaani, and Zuulo in Bloodthorn Cave.", - "Text": "Stranger, please help me! My companions and I ventured here to seek the bounty on a monstrous wasp queen. After we set up camp down the hill, we fell asleep. We were attacked in the middle of the night by these horrid, pale... things! I don't know where my friends have gone, but I heard screams from further down the cavern. Please, find my companions. I can't leave here without them!" - }, - { - "Title": "The Butcher of Bladespire", - "Objective": "Slay Dorogg the Ruthless.", - "Text": "After Ga'nar advanced into the fortress, the Bladespire unleashed a giant creature on our forces. I am still weak after using my magic, but at least I can help this orc in her recovery. Help take Dorogg down." - }, - { - "Title": "South Sprint Practice", - "Objective": "Run through the arch, hit the red marker, purple marker, then return to the Ironelf games camp.", - "Text": "For this challenge, run through the arch, then get to the red marker, the purple marker, then return here. You have all the time you need." - }, - { - "Title": "South Sprint 12", - "Objective": "Run through the arch, hit the red marker, then the purple, then return to the Ironelf games camp.", - "Text": "For this challenge, run through the arch, then get to the red marker, the purple marker, then return here before the bell tolls 12 times. Good luck!" - }, - { - "Title": "Great Balls of Fire!", - "Objective": "Speak to Thrall in Bladespire Citadel.", - "Text": "Ga'nar led Ligra and the others to the second level of the fortress. Your friend, Thrall, also went to lend his skills. Follow the ramp on the south end of the ramparts outside to join them. Help them bring victory to the Frostwolf Clan!" - }, - { - "Title": "Elwynn Run", - "Objective": "Hit the blue marker, then the green marker, then return to the Ironelf games camp.", - "Text": "Welcome to the Ironelf games! For this challenge: get to the blue marker, then the green marker, then return here. Score is based on your time, so get back as fast as you can!" - }, - { - "Title": "Verick's Vindicators", - "Objective": "Speak to Commander Verick.", - "Text": "My forces are spread thin. The Iron Horde batters our defenses endlessly. If you really want to help, find my commanders on the front and help them hold the line." - }, - { - "Title": "REUSE", - "Objective": "Find Ga'nar, Ligra, and Korga at the Ogre Fortress.", - "Text": "My brother Ga'nar led an assault into the citadel a few hours ago with some of my best lieutenants. They have yet to return. I need you to move ahead of the pack and find them. We need every warrior we can if we are to stand atop the Bladespire Lord Gorr'thog's skull by the day's end." - }, - { - "Title": "General Problems", - "Objective": "Speak to Commander Dorgosh.", - "Text": "My forces are spread thin. The Iron Horde batters our defenses endlessly. If you really want to help, find my commanders on the front and help them hold the line." - }, - { - "Title": "Torg's Trouble", - "Objective": "Speak to Commander Torg.", - "Text": "My forces are spread thin. The Iron Horde batters our defenses endlessly. If you really want to help, find my commanders on the front and help them hold the line." - }, - { - "Title": "Speak to Thrall", - "Objective": "Speak with Thrall.", - "Text": "Thrall has a plan for you to take out the catapults preventing us from gaining ground on the battlefield. Speak with him." - }, - { - "Title": "REUSE", - "Objective": "Find Ga'nar and 2 Frostwolf Lieutenants at the Ogre Fortress.", - "Text": "My brother Ga'nar led an assault into the citadel a few hours ago with some of my best lieutenants. They have yet to return. I need you to move ahead of the pack and find them. We need every warrior we can if we are to stand atop the ogre king's skull by the day's end." - }, - { - "Title": "Courting Destiny", - "Objective": "Use the Vision of Time at the Temple of the White Tiger in Kun-Lai Summit.", - "Text": "The Vision of Time is nearly perfected, we now have much more control over the visions we seek. Your efforts have been instrumental in completing the artifact and restoring the strength of not only my flight, but also our allies in the Timewalkers. All of us are in your debt. Quite fortunately, I have located a sort of crux in time - an intersection of timeways - right here in Pandaria. Take the Vision of Time to the Temple of the White Tiger. There, in the cellars, turn the hourglass." - }, - { - "Title": "Seeking Fate", - "Objective": "Use the Vision of Time in the Siege of Orgrimmar.", - "Text": "I have not been completely forthright with you, despite all that you have done to aid the Timewalkers. I cannot tell you everything, not yet, but know this - there is a traitor amongst us. Tell no one of your mission today, and take caution around any of my flight while you hold the Vision of Time. Quickly now, return to the Siege of Orgrimmar once more and use the hourglass. And be safe." - }, - { - "Title": "One Final Turn", - "Objective": "Use the Vision of Time in the Caverns of Time in Tanaris.", - "Text": "I do not wish to ask this of you again, but I do not know who I can trust any longer. I have been using the Vision of Time to gather information, and in my searches, I believe I have found another crux in time. It is in the Caverns of Time itself. I did not want to believe it when the vision first came to me, but I cannot sit idly by and let this information pass. The Caverns of Time - you must go there, now, and use the Vision of Time. Move quickly!" - }, - { - "Title": "Hidden Threads", - "Objective": "Use the Vision of Time in the Siege of Orgrimmar.", - "Text": "You have kept our mission a secret, and for that I thank you. Knowledge of the timeways, when in the wrong hands, can cause catastrophic devastation. My flight has little power to repair it, now. We must be careful. The hourglass grows in power. I believe it can now be used to see much further than before. I wish you to push it to its limits. Return to the Siege of Orgrimmar, and focus the hourglass on the most devastating timeway you can find." - }, - { - "Title": "Refining The Vision", - "Objective": "Use the Vision of Time in the Siege of Orgrimmar.", - "Text": "I have finished grinding the stones, and have attuned the hourglass to a new series of timeways. Will you return to the Siege of Orgrimmar and turn the hourglass once more? Return quickly, I am most curious." - }, - { - "Title": "Death of a Tyrant", - "Objective": "Defeat Gorr'thog in Bladespire Citadel.", - "Text": "It is good to see you survived the assault. The fortress is nearly ours! Ga'nar and Durotan cleared the way to Gorr'thog's chamber while you were freeing our wolves. Korga and I will make sure no ogres follow you up. , Gorr'thog is a mighty warrior. Hurry to them before it is too late!" - }, - { - "Title": "Path of the Mistwalker", - "Objective": "Defeat 20 Elite creatures on the Timeless Isle.", - "Text": "You have heard the words of the celestials, but what did you learn on your path to the shrines? The wisdom of the pilgrimage is in its silence and simplicity. As you listen to the wind rustling in the trees, and note even the smallest butterfly, your mind is open to learning the deepest lessons the trials have to teach us. Perhaps you noticed the many great beasts that roam the island? Therein lies your trial. You have learned much from Pandaria, now let us put your knowledge to the test." - }, - { - "Title": "Meet Us at Starfall Outpost", - "Objective": "Speak with Archmage Khadgar at Starfall Outpost.", - "Text": "The archmage has uncovered a potential Shadow Council presence in the valley. He asked me to let you know. As soon as you can, join us at Starfall Outpost. We're going to need your muscle to root them out, commander." - }, - { - "Title": "Tracking Event: Chief killed", - "Objective": "Kill the Foreling Chief.", - "Text": "Okay best friend. Let's talk to old smelly mud chief. We smell so good like moonstone and foods. We give friends moonstones. We tell friends I'm chief. We get ALL the foods. Stupid bad smelling chief. Thinks I'm foods? Pshh. He's foods. Time for foods best friend." - }, - { - "Title": "Den Mother's Demise", - "Objective": "Bring Moonfang's Pelt to Yebb Neblegear at the Darkmoon Faire on Darkmoon Island.", - "Text": "This is the pelt of Darkmoon Island's monstrous den mother. Yebb Neblegear, beastmaster of the Darkmoon Faire, will be happy to know the ghostly wolf and her spawn will no longer be terrorizing his menagerie... at least for a little while. Bring it to him." - }, - { - "Title": "Redridge Group Trial", - "Objective": "Log description text.", - "Text": "Redridge group trial. Get to the blue marker, then the green marker, then the red marker, then return to the Lakeshire Ironelf cmap." - }, - { - "Title": "STARTER QUEST - RED->PURPLE 15", - "Objective": "Run through the arch, hit the red marker, then the purple marker, then return to the Ironelf games camp.", - "Text": "BFor this challenge, run through the arch, then get to the RED marker, the PURPLE marker, then return here before the bell tolls 15 times. Good luck!" - }, - { - "Title": "Become Chief", - "Objective": "Kill the Foreling Chief.", - "Text": "xxxxxxx" - }, - { - "Title": "Armed and Dangerous", - "Objective": "Give weapons to 10 Frostwolf Slaves.", - "Text": "Ligra was sent with extra weapons to equip enslaved Frostwolves. Arm the Frostwolf Slaves so they can cut their way from their slavers." - }, - { - "Title": "Drive Back The Flame", - "Objective": "Earn an Honored Reputation with Shaohao by defeating yaungol forces on the Timeless Isle.", - "Text": "The pandaren once existed in harmony with the Ordon yaungol. When the island suddenly disappeared, the Ordon faced certain death. In their desperation, the chief shaman called out for aid to the Fire Lords, and was answered. Ordos was his name. Now, he is a creature of anger and violence. Though his people were saved, he burns endlessly in molten agony. There is harmony no longer. The Ordon seek to take the Celestial Court, and sacrifice us all to Ordos. Drive them back, and restore balance." - }, - { - "Title": "Wayshrines Of The Celestials", - "Objective": "Find an active Time-Lost Shrine and request a blessing from the celestials.", - "Text": "Many years ago, these grounds were a place where my people would come in pilgrimage. Here, they would listen to the words of the celestials, and meditate for many days. In their meditations, they found the fear, anger, despair, doubt, and violence that plagued their spirits. Before them would be a pathway to enlightenment. For each, the pathway would be different. For all of them, the pathway began with wisdom. Travel the island, as they did, and discover one of the lost wayshrines of the celestials." - }, - { - "Title": "The Archiereus Of Flame", - "Objective": "Summon and defeat the Archiereus of Flame.", - "Text": "Your efforts have driven back the Ordon and brought peace to the Celestial Court, but it will not last. It is time to silence the great emissary of Ordos - the Archiereus of Flame. Speak with Mistweaver Ku and purchase a scroll of challenge, then travel to Three-Breeze Terrace to the north. Issue a challenge at the challenge stone, it will undoubtedly catch the attention of the Ordon, drawing the archiereus out of the Ordon Sanctuary. It is your only chance." - }, - { - "Title": "Timeless Nutriment", - "Objective": "Consume a Ripe Crispfruit, Sand-Covered Egg, Charged Crystal, Huge Yak Roast, Roasted Seed, or Fire Poppy on the Timeless Isle.", - "Text": "As you have surmised, the flora and fauna of this island are quite unusual. Not all explanations are mysterious, however. Sometimes, we must listen to the land, to hear the tales of the world around us. Have you considered that the creatures of this island grew to such proportions simply from the nutriment of the land you walk upon? You will find nutriment in abundance throughout the island: ripe fruits, eggs, meat, flowers, nuts, and even the stones themselves. Eat, and discover the power of the land." - }, - { - "Title": "Empowering the Hourglass", - "Objective": "Collect Epoch Stones from creatures on the Timeless Isle.", - "Text": "The hourglass gives us glimpses into the streams of time we once walked as easily as a well-worn path. Gather additional epoch stones, so that we may continue to use the power of the hourglass to delve into the mysteries of the timeways. The future depends on it." - }, - { - "Title": "The Essence of Time", - "Objective": "Obtain an Epoch Stone from one of the creatures on the Timeless Isle.", - "Text": "It is about time that I revealed to you my purpose on this island. The bronze dragonflight's powers have diminished greatly - we can now only catch furtive glimpses through time. It is... quite frustrating. But we are not entirely without means. I hold in my hand the Vision of Time, an artifact of my own creation. The creatures of this isle have passed through time, and may carry with them some of its essence. With it, we will fill the hourglass, granting us a window into the timeways once more." - }, - { - "Title": "The Last Emperor", - "Objective": "Speak with Emperor Shaohao.", - "Text": "From what I have gathered, this place used to be a tournament ground of sorts, where warriors from throughout Pandaria would show their prowess by following in the footsteps of their last emperor, Shaohao. I have heard that when Shaohao completed his trials, he became one with the land, and enveloped Pandaria in a thick mist, obscuring it from even our abilities to penetrate the passages of time. That sounds quite interesting, perhaps you should speak with him?" - }, - { - "Title": "A Vision in Time", - "Objective": "Use the Vision of Time in the Siege of Orgrimmar.", - "Text": "Look at how the Vision reacts! Astounding! Even now it shows shadows of timeways that flit around us constantly. Though not true sands of the Hourglass of Time, the finely-ground epoch stones certainly have a power all their own. Our first task is to use them to calibrate the Vision of Time. Take the Vision of Time to a location where history is in the making: the Siege of Orgrimmar. Once there, turn the hourglass and see what happens." - }, - { - "Title": "Hints From The Past", - "Objective": "Purchase a Time-Worn Journal from Mistweaver Ai.", - "Text": "There is much to learn of this place, yet it does not yield its secrets willingly. Something you mentioned the last time that we spoke intrigues me. This Mistweaver Ai, she carries a time-worn journal, if I recall? This may be the answer to many of our questions, or it may simply raise more. I suppose that it all depends on the diligence of the explorer that put pen to paper in this preposterous place. Obtain a time-worn journal and return to me with it. We shall delve into its mysteries together." - }, - { - "Title": "Timeless Treasures", - "Objective": "Find a hidden treasure on the Timeless Isle.", - "Text": "The journal indicates that treasures abound across the island, sometimes temptingly out of reach, and other times hidden in dark caves and hollows. What might have been secreted away here, many generations ago? And perhaps more importantly, by whom? Search the island for such treasures, and return to me with your findings. Be warned that all that glitters is not gold, yet the reverse is also true. Sometimes the simple hollowed-out stump is the best hiding place for one's valuables." - }, - { - "Title": "Strong Enough To Survive", - "Objective": "Defeat five Rare or Rare Elite creatures on the Timeless Isle.", - "Text": "An island lost in time and yet it returns flourishing with life! Where did this island travel to? Did it simply hop forward in time, or did it languish in the dark reaches of the Twisting Nether? There is one thing for certain: the creatures that inhabit this place are far more than they seem. I sense a hidden power in them, forged by the eons. Seek out the champions of their species, duly marked by their power and prowess, and vanquish five such creatures. In death, we may find the clues we seek." - }, - { - "Title": "This One Is Just Right", - "Objective": "Retrieve Mokrik's Tattered Journal, Rukah's Dusty Journal, and Gar's Well-Kept Journal.", - "Text": "I noticed the commanders carrying around what appeared to be journals. I have a feeling we'll get more than enough information from those, if we can get our hands on them anyway. The journals are never far away from their owners so this could be tricky..." - }, - { - "Title": "Captured Critters", - "Objective": "Free Captured Critters in Gloomshade Grove.", - "Text": "This poor critter is about to be podling food. It would be pretty easy to set this little guy free." - }, - { - "Title": "Game of Thorns", - "Objective": "Kill King Deathbloom.", - "Text": "My lead forest operator, Shelly... she is being held not far from here..." - }, - { - "Title": "Cleaning Up Gul'var", - "Objective": "Kill 20 Shadow Council orcs at Gul'var.", - "Text": "Khadgar wants you to concentrate on Gul'dan, but that doesn't mean we're not going to take down the Shadow Council in the process. Gul'var's filthy with Shadow Council villains. Let's do something about them." - }, - { - "Title": "Collect Moonstones", - "Objective": "Collect 12 moonstones to help the friendly foreling gain more friends.", - "Text": "We need moonstones. Foreling friends LOVE moonstones. Moonstones best gift since foods. Foods soooo good. Best friend loves foods? Of course best friend loves foods. If we have all the moonstones, foreling friends love us, maybe give us ALL the foods. Maybe if we have so many moonstones foreling friends make me chief. Imagine... We find all the moonstones." - }, - { - "Title": "", - "Objective": "Take revenge on the podlings.", - "Text": "The blood soaked body of Kenny is slummped up against the cave wall. The podlings clearly made a feast of him." - }, - { - "Title": "The Friendly Foreling", - "Objective": "Help the friendly foreling gather some things before meeting with the chief.", - "Text": "You saved us! You my best friend. You so nice best friend. You smell so good. The other friends eat your friends. So sad. They are so not good friends. I know where more friends are! You need friends? My friends take my things. I need things back before I can be chief. Things make me strong. Follow me best friend, we find all the friends, and all the things." - }, - { - "Title": "A Proper Burial", - "Objective": "Burn the corpses of dead Frostwolf Outriders.", - "Text": "We were out hunting when we found the wolves under attack. Many ogres were slaughtered by our blades... but their numbers were too great. I'm going to catch my breath before I go out and kill the rest of them. Here, take this torch. Go give my brothers and sister a proper burial and return to me." - }, - { - "Title": "Gloomshade Grove", - "Objective": "Search Gloomshade Grove for clues.", - "Text": "" - }, - { - "Title": "Proving Grounds", - "Objective": "Speak with Trial Master Rotun at the Temple of the White Tiger, then enter the Proving Grounds.", - "Text": "You there! It's , right? Greetings. I'm Jinho. You look strong. I've seen you a few times here in the Vale, but I've never seen you fight before. I wonder... are you as strong as you seem? If you're interested in proving yourself, speak with Trial Master Rotun at the Temple of the White Tiger, in Kun-Lai. He will put you to the test." - }, - { - "Title": "The Righteous March", - "Objective": "Escort your garrison forces to the Temple of Karabor by slaying all the orcs in the Path of Light.", - "Text": "The Iron Horde have overtaken Karabor. If we don't act now, we will lose the city. Exarch Akama and the last of our forces are trapped within the city, but your garrison forces are still outside the temple, awaiting your orders. Come and fly with me. We will meet your forces on the field. With the naaru by our side, we will make one last charge to retake the city!" - }, - { - "Title": "To the Defense of Karabor", - "Objective": "Speak with , then report to Akama at the rear entrance to Karabor.", - "Text": "Get your bad self to Karabor, you y little -muffin." - }, - { - "Title": "Proving Grounds", - "Objective": "Speak with Trial Master Rotun at the Temple of the White Tiger, then enter the Proving Grounds.", - "Text": "You there! It's , right? Greetings. I'm Taijing. You look strong. I've seen you a few times here in the Vale, but I've never seen you fight before. I wonder... are you as strong as you seem? If you're interested in proving yourself, speak with Trial Master Rotun at the Temple of the White Tiger, in Kun-Lai. He will put you to the test." - }, - { - "Title": "The Defense of Karabor", - "Objective": "Destroy the Iron Horde in Karabor.", - "Text": "Defend Karabor from the Iron Horde. At the end of the northern courtyard is Arnokk the Burner. He guards the entrance to the harbor behind Karabor, where the main Iron Horde army is waiting. Once we've taken care of him, we'll need to deal with the Iron Horde leader, Commander Vorka." - }, - { - "Title": "Journey to the Timeless Isle", - "Objective": "Speak with Watcher Alundra on the Timeless Isle, off the coast of the Jade Forest.", - "Text": "The bronze dragonflight has discovered a most unusual pandaren phenomenon. Emerging from the mists, far off the coast of the Jade Forest - an island that was lost in time! It is a dangerous place, perhaps the most perilous in all of Pandaria. But we are determined to unravel its mysteries. Here, take this timepiece. A single click will whisk you to the island. Get yourself established, and speak with Watcher Alundra. She will guide you to our chief investigator." - }, - { - "Title": "Journey to the Timeless Isle", - "Objective": "Speak with Watcher Lara on the Timeless Isle, off the coast of the Jade Forest.", - "Text": "The bronze dragonflight has discovered a most unusual pandaren phenomenon. Emerging from the mists, far off the coast of the Jade Forest - an island that was lost in time! It is a dangerous place, perhaps the most perilous in all of Pandaria. But we are determined to unravel its mysteries. Here, take this timepiece. A single click will whisk you to the island. Get yourself established, and speak with Watcher Lara. She will guide you to our chief investigator." - }, - { - "Title": "A Flash of Bronze...", - "Objective": "Speak with Chromie outside of the Seat of Knowledge in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.", - "Text": "As you survey the devastation of the vale, a flash of bronze catches your eye. Unless you're mistaken, a tiny gnome is trying to catch your attention from the balcony above Mogu'shan Palace, just outside of the Seat of Knowledge. You should see what she wants." - }, - { - "Title": "Time In Your Hands", - "Objective": "Gather 1000 Timeless Coins and introduce yourself to Mistweaver Ai and Mistweaver Ku.", - "Text": "Inhabitants of this strange island barter with a special currency, immune from the fickle fluctuations of time. You would do well to gather as many of these \"timeless coins\" as possible! They can be found hidden away in small caches, or gathered from creatures all around the island. Larger, rarer creatures are a better source of coins - you may find it profitable to venture forth as part of a group. Introduce yourself to Mistweavers Ai and Ku across the Celestial Court, and gather some coins for me." - }, - { - "Title": "A Flash of Bronze...", - "Objective": "Speak with Chromie outside of the Seat of Knowledge in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.", - "Text": "As you survey the devastation of the vale, a flash of bronze catches your eye. Unless you're mistaken, a tiny gnome is trying to catch your attention from the balcony above Mogu'shan Palace, just outside of the Seat of Knowledge. You should see what she wants." - }, - { - "Title": "Little Tommy Newcomer", - "Objective": "Defeat Little Tommy Newcomer in a pet battle.", - "Text": "I've got a battle pet, too! Want to battle? It'll be fun, I promise!" - }, - { - "Title": "A Timeless Question", - "Objective": "Correctly answer one of Evelyna's questions about the history of Azeroth.", - "Text": "Destiny. Fate. Karma. Words like these imply that the timeways are unassailable. Would that were the case. To this day, many of Azeroth's inhabitants yearn to change the past. Yet just as our experiences shape us, they also shape the world around us. Consider how those threads have woven the fabric of today's reality. Cut enough threads, and causation inevitably fails, unraveling that fabric. Indeed, cutting even a single thread short can result in disaster, provided it is the right thread." - }, - { - "Title": "Heart On Fire", - "Objective": "Collect the Fiery Heart from Krosnis.", - "Text": "We have the shards, but now they must be combined. There's a forge here, but even its fires aren't hot enough for our purposes. However, there is a demon nearby that burns hot as the sun. Gul'dan, or perhaps Razuun, has managed to summon an infernal. The thing calls itself Krosnis, which means \"furnace.\" The demon's heart burns hotly enough. All you need do is collect it." - }, - { - "Title": "Time Keeper Kairoz", - "Objective": "Speak with Kairoz on the Timeless Isle.", - "Text": "You have found your way to the Timeless Isle. The bronze dragonflight is keen to investigate the mysteries of this place, but the island is dangerous, and we will need your help. Midway up this beach, you will find a paved path to the east. It will lead you to the ancient Celestial Court. You will find Kairoz there, one of the Keepers of Time that we are working with. Kairoz will answer any questions you might have. Be careful: The way may not be safe." - }, - { - "Title": "A Timeless Tour", - "Objective": "Explore the Timeless Isle.", - "Text": "You should first familiarize yourself with the island. Explore. Investigate anything that catches your interest. Return when you're done, and I'll reward you for whatever information you've gathered about this strange place. And do be careful! Monstrous beasts and supernatural creatures abound." - }, - { - "Title": "Fight for Freedom", - "Objective": "Give weapons to Enslaved Draenei and kill Iron Horde orcs.", - "Text": "The Iron Horde keeps us here against our will. They control us with fear and aggression. It pains me to see my people subjugated like this. All we need to stand up to these beasts is hope... and a large weapon." - }, - { - "Title": "Time Keeper Kairoz", - "Objective": "Speak with Kairoz on the Timeless Isle.", - "Text": "You have found your way to the Timeless Isle. The bronze dragonflight is keen to investigate the mysteries of this place, but the island is dangerous, and we will need your help. Midway down this beach, you will find a paved path to the east. It will lead you to the ancient Celestial Court. You will find Kairoz there, one of the Keepers of Time that we are working with. Kairoz will answer any questions you might have. Be careful: The way may not be safe." - }, - { - "Title": "Missing Hunting Party", - "Objective": "xxxxxxx", - "Text": "xxxxxxx" - }, - { - "Title": "The Last Gasp of Y'Shaarj", - "Objective": "Speak with Lorewalker Cho in the Siege of Orgrimmar.", - "Text": "A dark, vaporous substance stains the floor of the room. This is all that remains of the Old God Y'Shaarj." - }, - { - "Title": "Brute Beatdown", - "Objective": "Kill Mokrik Blackfingers, Rukah the Machinist, and Gar Steelcrush.", - "Text": "This Iron Horde has no honor. Their leaders spit on us and laugh as we do their bidding. Many of my brothers and sisters have died at their hands. It is time to send these savages to an early grave." - }, - { - "Title": "Why Do We Fight?", - "Objective": "Lorewalker Cho wishes to speak with you in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.", - "Text": "Oh my friend, today you and your companions have put an end to the sha that has plagued Pandaria since before time was recorded. You have accomplished that which even the titans and their mogu servants could not: destroying the last breaths of Y'Shaarj. Come, will you join me in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms? There is something I would like you to bear witness to." - }, - { - "Title": "Secrets Lost, Forever?", - "Objective": "Speak with Sungshin Ironpaw at the Halfhill Market in the Valley of the Four Winds.", - "Text": "" - }, - { - "Title": "Blackrock Down", - "Objective": "Locate Thaelin Darkanvil outside of Gar'mak Quarry.", - "Text": "Hey , just the I was hopin' to see. I just received a distress call from Thaelin. He and Romuul left a while ago to do some reconnaissance on another one of those draenei crystals, but now it sounds like they're in wee a spot o' trouble. Knowing Thaelin, he's going to need some help." - }, - { - "Title": "Cleaning Up Gul'var", - "Objective": "Kill 20 Shadow Council orcs at Gul'var.", - "Text": "Just because we need to focus on Gul'dan doesn't mean we're not going to take down the Shadow Council in the process. This village is filthy with Shadow Council villains. Let's do something about them." - }, - { - "Title": "Noodle Time", - "Objective": "Queue for and complete a shift at the Halfhill noodle stand.", - "Text": "Hello. Care to work the noodle stand again? Just let me know when you're ready to work another shift and I'll get everything set up." - }, - { - "Title": "Warforged Seals", - "Objective": "Collect 50 Lesser Charms of Good Fortune.", - "Text": "Greetings. I am privileged to offer you an excellent opportunity. Through the centuries, we've honed a method by which the very laws of chance themselves can be bent. With a Warforged Seal, valuable artifacts will find their way into your hands more frequently as you pursue Garrosh and his forces." - }, - { - "Title": "Gut Guttra", - "Objective": "Slay Guttra Wolfchew.", - "Text": "Snowpaw was able to help me to here so that I might strike against their leader, Guttra, but I have lost too much blood. My time is near. Do you have the strength to help me avenge my fallen brothers and sisters and kill Guttra Wolfchew? The monster resides in the tallest tower of Grimfrost." - }, - { - "Title": "Warforged Seals", - "Objective": "Collect 50 Lesser Charms of Good Fortune.", - "Text": "Greetings. I am privileged to offer you an excellent opportunity. Through the centuries, we've honed a method by which the very laws of chance themselves can be bent. With a Warforged Seal, valuable artifacts will find their way into your hands more frequently as you pursue Garrosh." - }, - { - "Title": "Task: Poisionous bunnies", - "Objective": "Burn 5 poisonous bunnies", - "Text": "A large number the bunnies in the area have been infected with a toxic poison. It might seem cruel but burning the bodies of the bunnies is the only way to ensure the infection will not spread." - }, - { - "Title": "Put down Poisonfiend.", - "Objective": "Kill Zugunk Poisonfiend", - "Text": "Zugunk Poisonfiend is to blame for this madness. He has contaminated this temple and it is time for his reign of terror to end." - }, - { - "Title": "Task: Poisionous bunnies", - "Objective": "Burn 5 poisonous bunnies", - "Text": "A large number the bunnies in the area have been infected with a toxic poison. It might seem cruel but burning the bodies of the bunnies is the only way to ensure the infection will not spread." - }, - { - "Title": "Task: Clear Out Grimfrost Hill.", - "Objective": "Kill ogres on Grimfrost Hill", - "Text": "Kill Grimfrost Ogres" - }, - { - "Title": "The Celestial Tournament", - "Objective": "Speak with Master Li to enter the Celestial Tournament and defeat all the challengers there.", - "Text": "The Timeless Isle is home to a special tournament created to test the leadership of its participants. Those who prove their worth are granted an opportunity to befriend an embodiment of virtue - the progeny of the celestials themselves. Each time you win the tournament, I will honor you with a single ceremonial coin. When you have enough coins, speak with me again to further discuss your reward." - }, - { - "Title": "Great Job, You Won", - "Objective": "Log description.", - "Text": "Description." - }, - { - "Title": "A Curse Upon the Woods", - "Objective": "Kill 10 fel-cursed creatures in the Cursed Woods.", - "Text": "Cordana tells me that the creatures of the woods are cursed by the same fel energies keeping Khadgar from scrying into the orc village. This will not do. If we were on Azeroth, I could find a cure in a reasonable timeframe. However, we are not, nor do we have the luxury of time. Better to put a swift end to their suffering rather than allow these poor creatures to linger with demonic energy." - }, - { - "Title": "A Proper Parting", - "Objective": "Burn the corpses of dead Frostwolf Outriders.", - "Text": "The ogres outnumbered us, *cough* but we made them pay for their deeds in blood. Even so, I was forced to abandon my fallen brothers and sisters on the battlefield. They deserve better than to have their corpses despoiled by the ogre filth. Here, take this torch *cough* and do what I could not: burn the corpses of my fallen brothers and sisters to the west." - }, - { - "Title": "The Celestial Tournament", - "Objective": "Log description.", - "Text": "Description." - }, - { - "Title": "The Celestial Tournament", - "Objective": "Win the Celestial Tournament. Master Li can enter you into the tournament.", - "Text": "The Timeless Isle is home to a special tournament created to test the leadership of its participants. Those who prove their worth are granted an opportunity to befriend an embodiment of virtue - the progeny of the Celestials themselves. Each time you win the tournament, I will honor you with a single ceremonial coin. When you have enough coins, speak with me again to further discuss your reward." - }, - { - "Title": "Shadowmoonwell", - "Objective": "Collect a Chunk of Lunar Rock.", - "Text": "The archmage has asked me to prepare this moonwell. Once it is completed, I'll be able to sanctify its water for use against the demon. Only one thing remains. A piece of one of Draenor's moons has fallen into a nearby pool on the far side of the woods. Such a thing is perfect for use in the dedication of the moonwell to Elune. Will you bring it back for me?" - }, - { - "Title": "To Catch a Shadow", - "Objective": "Use Gul'dan's Soul Trap on Gul'dan.", - "Text": "Gul'dan is on the Shadow Rise just up the hill to the west. But, you must hurry. We know that he's about to leave for Talador and Frostfire Ridge. The use of the soul trap is straightforward. Simply point and shoot to ensnare Gul'dan. The crystal will take care of the rest. I'll see you back at Starfall Outpost when you have him. Good luck." - }, - { - "Title": "Shrouding Stones", - "Objective": "Destroy the Central, Northern, and Southern Shrouding Stones.", - "Text": "Long ago, the shaman of the Shadowmoon clan erected three stones in the woods. There, they performed their sacred rituals, blessing the beasts and the trees. Now, someone has placed a fel magic upon those stones. This corruption is what shrouds the village of Gul'var. Before we can use the captured demon to safely peer into the Shadow Council's village, we must bring down those stones." - }, - { - "Title": "Slavery and Strife", - "Objective": "Free 5 Frostwolf Slaves from the Sootstained Mining Camp.", - "Text": "We have their citadel, but they still have some of my people enslaved at the Sootstained Mines. We have no one to spare, but you seem more than capable of handling a few ogres on your own. I ask that you release any enslaved Frostwolves you find there, and keep an eye out for Mulverick." - }, - { - "Title": "Task: Poisionous bunnies", - "Objective": "Burn 5 poisonous bunnies", - "Text": "A large number the bunnies in the area have been infected with a toxic poison. It might seem cruel but burning the bodies of the bunnies is the only way to ensure the infection will not spread." - }, - { - "Title": "Ominous Portents", - "Objective": "Compel the All-Seeing Eye.", - "Text": "Now that Priestess Moonfang has created the blessed water, it is time to deal with the demon. Take the water and the scripture of Elune. Through the power of each, you will compel the demon to show us what the orcs are up to at Gul'var." - }, - { - "Title": "Forging the Soul Trap", - "Objective": "Forge Gul'dan's Soul Trap.", - "Text": "The fiery heart of Krosnis is in the forge. We have the soul shards. Now all that is left to do is to stoke the fires and combine all of these foul components into a trap for Gul'dan." - }, - { - "Title": "The Usurper", - "Objective": "Claim your reward for deposing Garrosh Hellscream as Warchief of the Horde.", - "Text": "This fragment of the heart of Y'shaarj lies completely inert. You should bring it to the remnants of the Golden Lotus as proof that Garrosh has been defeated." - }, - { - "Title": "Bounty: Twisted Ancient", - "Objective": "Collect Corrupted Lumber from a Twisted Ancient.", - "Text": "The ancients of the Cursed Woods have been corrupted by demonic magic. Since they need to be destroyed, we might as well make use of their resources. Waste not, want not. Beware: these woodland behemoths are no easy targets. Gather trusted friends before you engage these twisted ancients. -- Baros Alexston" - }, - { - "Title": "Judgment of the Black Prince", - "Objective": "Complete the Siege of Orgrimmar and defeat Garrosh Hellscream.", - "Text": "Now. To the final stage of my plan. Time to fulfil your grand purpose. Using your newfound powers, it is time to bring this war to its conclusion. Destroy Garrosh Hellscream. Your people demand it, and future generations will sing your praises as the harbinger for the glorious new world we shall build together. I have no reward to offer you. I have already done everything in my power to ensure that you succeed. You are on your own. End Hellscream's reign." - }, - { - "Title": "Bad Feeling, Worse Result", - "Objective": "Defeat the Ghost of Lin Da-Gu.", - "Text": "" - }, - { - "Title": "A Pandaren Legend", - "Objective": "Meet Wrathion within the Seat of Knowledge in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.", - "Text": "I have learned so much in this timeless place, friend. Between the wisdom of the celestials and the curious power of these timeless artifacts, I know now how to safely augment your cloak with my own considerable power. I need a sacred place to complete my final incantations. Quickly! Meet me in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, within the Seat of Knowledge above the Mogu'shan Palace. Today, your legend begins!" - }, - { - "Title": "Secrets of the Timeless Isle", - "Objective": "Collect 5000 Timeless Coins from creatures and events on the Timeless Isle.", - "Text": "There is a currency minted only on this island - \"timeless coins.\" They are immune to the island's temporal distortions... I would like to figure out why. Gather some for me! Venture into the jungles of this forgotten paradise. Destroy the mysterious foes who lurk in this timeless place, discover hidden caches of treasure, and explore forgotten treasure hoards - whatever it takes. I will be waiting!" - }, - { - "Title": "The Emperor's Way", - "Objective": "Defeat Yu'lon, Chi-Ji, Xuen and Niuzao, the four August Celestials of Pandaria.", - "Text": "Recently, the August Celestials of Pandaria presented you with a challenge - and you triumphed. But can you defeat them in combat? They are testing the mettle of all of Pandaria's heroes. This challenge is not impossible, but you'll need to follow the advice of the last Pandaren Emperor and tackle it with unwavering inner strength. You'll also need a small army, so find a group of people you trust. Defeat the four celestials here in the Celestial Court, and our journey is almost complete..." - }, - { - "Title": "A Timeless Discovery", - "Objective": "Travel to the Timeless Isle southeast of the Jade Forest and speak with Wrathion.", - "Text": "Pandaria. Just when I think I've gotten its mysteries figured out, I discover something new. It's called \"The Timeless Isle.\" Once hidden in the mists, it appears and disappears seemingly of its own will. I've heard that time has no meaning there, that the sun neither rises nor sets. We can take advantage of this anomaly! If I could time-lock your cloak, the power it could contain would be... immense. Our path is clear. Fly southeast of the Jade Forest and meet me at the Timeless Isle!" - }, - { - "Title": "Meet Me Back at the Inn", - "Objective": "Meet Wrathion upstairs at the Tavern in the Mists in the Veiled Stair.", - "Text": "I'm certain you're eager to test out your new cloak. Let's put it to use. Meet me back inside the inn! A new development has come to my attention that we'll want to take advantage of." - }, - { - "Title": "The Big Haul", - "Objective": "Collect 1000 Raw Elekk Steaks.", - "Text": "Ey commander, fancy runnin' inta ya out here! Tha garrison's got plenty a hungry mouths ta feed, with more folks comin' by every day. We're really gonna need a big haul o' meat ta keep everyone happy. Wouldya care ta lend us a hand? It'll be faster work with an extra pair a hands." - }, - { - "Title": "Ancestor's Memory", - "Objective": "Find the Ancestor's Totem in the cave beneath Exile's Rise.", - "Text": "I believe that you should know the price of the lives you take. So before I will help you find Ner'zhul, you must understand why he joined the Iron Horde. In a cave beneath this village is an artifact that we call the Ancestral Totem. On it is carved the names of every Shadowmoon clan member since its founding. The opening of the cave lies directly south. I will meet you there." - }, - { - "Title": "Fallen From the Stars", - "Objective": "Collect 1 Pristine Starflower.", - "Text": "The final ingredient is a rare flower that grows only in the heart of the Nightmarsh. This flower feeds only on starlight, and dies when it falls under shadow. If you can find such a flower, bring it to me. Only its essence will help me gain the clarity I need." - }, - { - "Title": "A Grandmother's Remedy", - "Objective": "Collect 6 Vials of Toad Juice.", - "Text": "Oh my, such a vigorous young ! Such a spring in your step, and such a sparkle in your eye! When you get to my age, it's all aches and pains. Luckily, I have a recipe for an unguent that would soothe my joints. I just need the ooze from the skin of belly toads in the swamp. Would you be a dear and help an old woman out?" - }, - { - "Title": "The Clarity Elixir", - "Objective": "Collect 6 Swamplighter Dust, 3 Engorged Hearts, and 1 Starflower.", - "Text": "I see a thousand glimpses of the future, swimming in a chaotic blur. It is possible to focus my energies to see the true eventuality - the future most likely to come to pass. I will need an oracle stone to focus my power, and a special elixir to still my mind. To make the elixir, I will need the following ingredients: wing dust from Swamplighters along the river, fresh hearts from a monstrously-sized hydra, and a rare star lily. Meet me at Moonwillow Peak when this task is done." - }, - { - "Title": "On the Offensive", - "Objective": "Kill 15 Shadowmoon Darkcasters or Shadowmoon Voidclaws.", - "Text": "We cannot enter these gates, but you can. Your mission is critical, and the Shadowmoon will kill you on sight. Do not hesitate to return the favor." - }, - { - "Title": "Going Undercover", - "Objective": "Speak to Sylene at Twilight Glade to gain an orc illusion, then plant explosives at key locations in Shaz'gul.", - "Text": "Yrel leads my rangers on a search for the prisoners at the Shadowmoon village. Their work is extremely dangerous, so I need you to carry out a contingency mission. Sylene has mastered an illusion spell which will allow you to infiltrate Shaz'gul safely. Speak to her to disguise yourself. Then, plant explosives at the quartermaster's depot, the main lodge, and the ritual altar. In case anything goes wrong, set them off to create a distraction." - }, - { - "Title": "Escape From Shaz'gul", - "Objective": "Help Yrel escape from Shaz'gul.", - "Text": "I've failed... My squadron was caught by a wandering patrol. We fought fiercely, but the alarm had been raised. The rangari forced me into hiding before surrendering themselves to the enemy. They were under MY command, and they gave their lives... for what? I... I'm not sure what to do. We need to get out of here, but how?" - }, - { - "Title": "The Memory of Fire", - "Objective": "Use the Dancing Ember at the ring of fire.", - "Text": "On its surface is etched a picture - a rectangular stone with a hole cut through the middle, surrounded by a ring of flames. There is just such a stone in the fields to the north." - }, - { - "Title": "Into Twilight", - "Objective": "Speak to Prophet Velen at Twilight Glade.", - "Text": "The safety of my people is of the utmost priority. It is likely that Ner'zhul has taken the prisoners to Shaz'gul, his stronghold to the southwest. I do not wish to use aggression against him, but he may force my hand. Meet me at Twilight Glade. Then, we shall try our best to recover the prisoners." - }, - { - "Title": "Think of the Children!", - "Objective": "Save Rastaak, Ariaana, and Hakaam.", - "Text": "When the Shadowmoon attacked Arbor Glen, everything was thrown into chaos. Many of us escaped, but there are still three children missing. I believe they are still back in the village. Please save them!" - }, - { - "Title": "A Hero's Welcome", - "Objective": "Speak to Samaara at Embaari Village.", - "Text": "Prophet Velen has asked me to show you around Shadowmoon Valley. We will go first to Embaari Village, where my sister Samaara is waiting for us. I have not seen her since the Iron Horde took me to Tanaan. The village is just one of many trading villages between the Temple of Karabor and Shattrath. Follow the road east and make your way to Embaari Village. I will accompany you, my friend." - }, - { - "Title": "The Call of War", - "Objective": "Deliver Kaati's Letter to Faran at Teluuna Observatory.", - "Text": "If you are reading this letter, it likely means that I am dead. Please deliver this to my son, Faran, at Teluuna Observatory. Dearest Faran and Elsa, I have fallen in the line of duty while defending the Temple of Karabor. Please know that I love you both with all of my heart. My spirit will watch over you for the rest of your days. Be strong, love one another, and live this life to the best of your ability. I am so proud of you both. Love, Your Mother" - }, - { - "Title": "Task: Warsong Riot", - "Objective": "Kill Warsong Ragemongers near the Temple of Katabor in Shadowmoon Valley.", - "Text": "The Warsong Ragemongers are attacking the temple!" - }, - { - "Title": "The Demons Among Us - Alliance", - "Objective": "Speak to Ginni Gingerlips to craft a Shadowmoon orc disguise.", - "Text": "Now that we have the cloth and leather, we can craft a fitting disguise for our infiltration mission. Go speak to Ginni Gingerlips. She has proven herself quite capable in the realm of... errr... garment design." - }, - { - "Title": "Soul Shards of Summoning", - "Objective": "Collect Kurgoth's Shard, Grogal's Shard, and Hagra's Shard.", - "Text": "It's good to know what Teron'gor and Cho'gall are up to. It's more important that we stop Gul'dan. Some of his disciples can summon minor demons. To do this, these lesser warlocks must use a soul shard. The foul crystal creates a connection to the Twisting Nether, pulling a demon through against its will. Gul'dan's as much demon as he is orc. If we can gather some of the more potent shards, we can combine them into something that just might capture him." - }, - { - "Title": "Put down Poisonfiend.", - "Objective": "Kill Zugunk Poisonfiend", - "Text": "Zugunk Poisonfiend is to blame for this madness. He has contaminated this temple and it is time for his reign of terror to end." - }, - { - "Title": "Catching His Eye", - "Objective": "Capture the All-Seeing Eye.", - "Text": "For what must be done, I need someone I can trust. You're one of those few. The woods and the orc village, Gul'var, are protected from my scrying magic. We need to pierce that veil. I think I know a way. There's a fel presence within the woods. A demonic watcher is there, hidden in a cave from which it casts its all-seeing gaze. I would like for you and the warden to capture it." - }, - { - "Title": "Collect Karabor Axes", - "Objective": "Collect 5 Karabor Weapons.", - "Text": "Some of our bravest champions have fallen today. To make matters worse the Iron Horde has started using our own weapons against us. The idea of my people being slain with the weapons forged by our ancestors makes me sick. , could you please retrieve these weapons and bring them back to me?" - }, - { - "Title": "The Fate of Karabor", - "Objective": "Drink the Clarity Elixir and witness the fate of Karabor.", - "Text": "Threads of the future weave together, winding and unwinding, creating tapestries that change in form and color from one moment to the next. I must have clarity. I must focus on the ONE strand that will become reality. When you are ready to share in my vision, drink the elixir. When the vision begins, be on your guard. The events of the vision are as deadly as anything we experience in this reality." - }, - { - "Title": "To Karabor!", - "Objective": "Speak with Chronalis, then fly into Karabor.", - "Text": "Draenor will not be a friendly place for someone like you. There are far too many orcs here, and I know your kind has a history with the orcs. No, if you're looking for a friendly face here on Draenor, you'll need to find the draenei. Hop on my back. I will take you to the draenei temple of Karabor." - }, - { - "Title": "These Aren't Your Fatty Goatsteaks", - "Objective": "Create a Deluxe Noodle Cart Kit and collect 50 Fatty Turtle Steaks.", - "Text": "I'm so excited. We've nearly mastered all the ingredients for noodle soup! We have plenty of vegetables and spices here, but the Lin family had access to exotic meats not seen in Pandaria for some time. We need some nice, fatty meats. Grandpa used to tell me of ancient turtles living off the shores of the Timeless Isle. Something that lives that long has to have some nice fatty meat on its bones. Create a deluxe noodle cart and gather some fatty turtle steaks and we'll continue." - }, - { - "Title": "The Secret Ingredient Is...", - "Objective": "Queue for and complete the Finding the Secret Ingredient scenario.", - "Text": "The best way to go about doing this is through hands-on experience. I've arranged for merchants, scholars, and farmers from all over Pandaria to come for a taste test of your soups. We'll get the best results if you can match them to the soups they prefer. It's time to find the secret ingredient!" - }, - { - "Title": "Is That A Real Measurement?", - "Objective": "Create a Noodle Cart Kit and collect 20 Sloshes of Brew from slain alementals in the Stormstout Brewery.", - "Text": "Well done. I can see you're ready to continue exploring the mysteries of Lin's secret ingredient soup. From what I can tell, Lin used Stormstout brew for his soup broth. I think the next steps for you are to create a Noodle Cart of your own and to head to the Stormstout Brewery to collect some sloshes of brew." - }, - { - "Title": "Secrets Lost, Forever?", - "Objective": "Speak with Sungshin Ironpaw at the Halfhill Market in the Valley of the Four Winds.", - "Text": "" - }, - { - "Title": "NC S1 Q2", - "Objective": "Well hello there. I am Lin, Chao-Wei. Have you come here to try my family's famous noodle soup? I'm afraid you're all out of luck. My father passed away before he could teach me the secret ingredient to his secret ingredient noodle soup. He did mention writing down the recipe for a friend of his that went to the Temple of the Jade Serpent. Perhaps you can find it there?", - "Text": "Well hello there. I am Lin, Chao-Wei. Have you come here to try my family's famous noodle soup? I'm afraid you're all out of luck. My father passed away before he could teach me the secret ingredient to his secret ingredient noodle soup. He did mention writing down the recipe for a friend of his that went to the Temple of the Jade Serpent. Perhaps you can find it there?" - }, - { - "Title": "Catch and Carry", - "Objective": "Use the Grain Catching Sack to catch 20 Sacks of Grain being thrown down by the Granary Vandals at the Imperial Granary.", - "Text": "Oh my! Grandpa used to tell me stories of the famous Lin family noodle shop. It is sad that the scroll has been warped, but I think we can work together to solve the riddle! To start, we're going to need lots of grain to make noodles. Head down to the granary and catch some grain with this sack. After you've caught some, drop it off at the wagon I've placed at the granary." - }, - { - "Title": "The Lost Secret of the Secret Ingredient", - "Objective": "Defeat the Sha of Doubt.", - "Text": "If you've come here to try my family's famous noodle soup, I'm afraid you're out of luck. My father passed away before he could teach me the secret ingredient. He did mention writing down the recipe for a friend of his that studied at the Temple of the Jade Serpent. Perhaps you can find it there?" - }, - { - "Title": "Noodle Secrets Long Forgotten", - "Objective": "Search the village, Old Pi'jiu, on the Timeless Isle, for the owner of the old sign fragment.", - "Text": "Searching amidst the rubble, you find the fragment of an old sign. Wiping away the dust, you can make out the well-weathered pandaren characters for \"Noodles\" and \"Lin.\" Looking above, you suspect that the establishment this sign belonged to was situated on the bridge, which now lies in rubble about you. An eatery placed on a bridge sounds very temporary, so its owner would likely live nearby. Perhaps there is a clue to be found in the village here on the island?" - }, - { - "Title": "Of Fire and Thunder", - "Objective": "Examine the Siege Munitions and Heavy Plating in The Boneslag.", - "Text": "The Iron Wolf... brought weapons... ...weapons of fire and thunder. Our warriors have never seen such weapons. We were not ready. We must learn... to overcome..." - }, - { - "Title": "Into the Vale", - "Objective": "Speak to Madam Vee Luo at the Shrine of Two Moons in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.", - "Text": "Ah, I have been waiting for your arrival, traveler. I wish we could meet in better times, but alas, I fear the situation in the Vale is quite dire. But let us not speak of that now. Go visit Madam Vee Luo at the Shrine of Two Moons. She should be able to settle you in." - }, - { - "Title": "Scribe Wei Wu", - "Objective": "Speak with Scribe Wei Wu at the Seat of Knowledge in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.", - "Text": "I've taken what I know and filled in the blank and illegible pieces of your scroll. But I'm no scribe, and a document like this needs to be recorded and archived. The scribes of Pandaria make a point to archive ancient texts like yours. Bring it to the scribe in the Seat of Knowledge. Farewell, warrior." - }, - { - "Title": "Saurfang, Warrior", - "Objective": "Report to High Overlord Saurfang at Razor Hill in Durotar.", - "Text": "Any warrior worth mentioning is equal parts strength and leadership: strength to defeat one's foes, and leadership to rally one's allies. The warrior who you are about to meet has no shortage of either of these qualities. High Overlord Saurfang awaits in Razor Hill. A long time ago, he taught me much of what I know. He can assist you with this scroll. I have already sent word. Saurfang awaits your arrival." - }, - { - "Title": "The Iron Wolf", - "Objective": "Enter the Hunter's Hall in Grom'gar and defeat the Iron Wolf.", - "Text": "My brother Ga'nar stands beside me. Wor'gol, Stonefang, and your garrison hold strong. Our clan is united, and the Thunderlord are already on the run. We are ready. The time has come to face this \"Iron Wolf.\"" - }, - { - "Title": "Glyph of the Armsmaster", - "Objective": "Obtain the Crimson Blood of Oban Oju, the Jet-Black Ichor of Kak'charrik, and the Azure Blood of Sparky.", - "Text": "I understand - you need this scroll properly inscribed. I have the vellum, but a text like this deserves bold colors: colors which come at a cost. Standard inks will not do. There are beasts here in the Vale... beasts of legend which carry the colors I need. I can show you where to find them." - }, - { - "Title": "Battle-Hardened Relics", - "Objective": "Obtain 100 Battle-Hardened Relics from the bosses of xxx.", - "Text": "I've heard your name. Many times. You are, and long have been, one of the Horde's more accomplished warriors. Still, you and I are strangers, and I need to know how capable you are before I can help you with your scroll. The xxx have recently uncovered xxx. Prove yourself by bringing back spoils from these dungeons." - }, - { - "Title": "The Armsmasters", - "Objective": "", - "Text": "This scroll outlines the Technique of the Armsmaster - a technique which I haven't seen used in years. I can fill in the blanks in the scroll for you, but without experience, this scroll is nothing but words on paper. I have met many enemies in my day, but a few stood out as true masters of their weapons. These armsmasters died long ago, but with the assistance of the xxx, you can fight them too." - }, - { - "Title": "Proving Grounds", - "Objective": "Complete a .", - "Text": "Gauros may have tested you, but I think you're capable of more. I know what warriors like you have been through, and a few missions out in the field are really all in a day's work. Your true trial will take place in . Speak with at , and defeat one of his trials." - }, - { - "Title": "A Blood-Caked Scroll", - "Objective": "Bring the Armsmaster's Scroll to Gauros Earthshatter in Orgrimmars's Brawl'gar Arena.", - "Text": "This scroll looks very old. Beneath dust and darkened smudges of blood, you can make out a few passages discussing \"mastery of weapons\". This could be valuable in your training. Perhaps there is an expert warrior somewhere who could tell you more about this scroll." - }, - { - "Title": "Securing the South", - "Objective": "Speak with Lokra at Stonefang Outpost.", - "Text": "We have an outpost to the southeast that was boxed in by Thunderlord forces as they marched through the canyons to Wor'gol. I have sent reinforcements to secure the outpost and press east to Grom'gar. We will push the Thunderlords out of our lands completely, and pursue them all the way back to that reeking corpse they call home. Draka's sister, Lokra, was among the orcs who volunteered to clean up Stonefang Outpost." - }, - { - "Title": "The Strength of Our Bonds", - "Objective": "Find Karg Bloodfury in Grom'gar.", - "Text": "Asha has passed, but we share a bond that cannot be severed by death. Even now, her spirit urges me onward to Grom'gar. The Iron Wolf claims our attachments make us weak... that love makes us vulnerable. He is wrong. Karg is my strength, and I his. I will free him from his chains, and together we will show the Thunderlord clan the strength of our bonds." - }, - { - "Title": "They Who Held Fast", - "Objective": "Speak with Karg Bloodfury in Stonefang Outpost.", - "Text": "The siege has been broken - they underestimated the resilience of Stonefang, and our reinforcement wave from Bladespire caught them completely off-guard. Once we finish cleaning up here, we rally anyone who can still fight and prepare to march for Grom'gar. The outpost captain, Karg Bloodfury, should have come out to meet us by now. Can you get him out here? Tell him Lokra is waiting. He knows how much I hate to be kept waiting." - }, - { - "Title": "Enfilade", - "Objective": "Use Blackrock Blasting Powder to destroy 5 Iron Horde Cannons in Grom'gar.", - "Text": "If we leave now, my clan's final assault on Grom'gar will be a disaster. Though our warriors are unmatched in melee, the Thunderlords have new ranged weapons - our forces would be decimated as they cross the Icewind Drifts. But WE are already here. We can overtake those weapons before they ever fire. Blackrock orcs help our enemies forge these \"cannons\" in the workshops on the south side. If we use their own tools to sabotage the weapons, we leave Grom'gar wide open to a Frostwolf raid." - }, - { - "Title": "Moving Target", - "Objective": "Catch up with Lokra in the Icewind Drifts.", - "Text": "Karg's captors are moving east - probably retreating to Grom'gar with their tails between their legs! They think they outrun me, but Asha here is the fastest thing on four legs. We'll run them down in the Icewind Drifts." - }, - { - "Title": "Scavengers of Flame", - "Objective": "Rescue the Child of Fury at the Forge Gates.", - "Text": "I sense another child of the fury being consumed by the vile goren in a nearby nest. Search the caves east of here for any signs of a goren nest. I suspect there will be quite alot of steam given the cold. I will try to locate the next child of the fury in your absence." - }, - { - "Title": "In the Shadow of Giants", - "Objective": "Rescue Flamrog and Kindler.", - "Text": "The goren and the magnaron are ravaging the element spirits and smelting their essence as one would smelt steel. Commander, take my totem, travel east to Magnarok. Please, find them, and free them. Draka and I will make our way to the Ascent of Frostfire. Meet us there if you are successful." - }, - { - "Title": "Into the Boneslag", - "Objective": "Search the Boneslag for the missing Frostwolf orcs.", - "Text": "The Thunderlords took prisoners into the Boneslag? Well what are we waiting for?! We have to go after them! You look for the missing villagers - Asha and I will track Karg." - }, - { - "Title": "Only the Winner", - "Objective": "Collect Sky-Singer Strag's Totem.", - "Text": "I am Gronnstalker Rokash, and I only serve the winning side. I have heard of some of your deeds, commander, and seen the corpses left in the wake of you and your forces. I have grown tired of my current clan. They are soft, weak, and losing. I offer you this challenge: enter Colossal's Fall to the north and slay Sky-Singer Strag. Claim her totem as a trophy and I will hail you as my new chieftain." - }, - { - "Title": "Eaters of the Elements", - "Objective": "Defend Drek'Thar as he performs his ritual.", - "Text": "Drek'Thar has already begun his ritual, and it is powerful enough to draw the attention of the local goren. Those beasts are drawn to elemental magic like flies to a corpse. I will have my hands full soon enough. Help us if you like but Drek'Thar must be allowed to finish his ritual." - }, - { - "Title": "Garrison Campaign: Farseer's Rock", - "Objective": "Find Draka and Drek'Thar at Farseer's Rock in Frostfire Ridge.", - "Text": "Draka and Drek'Thar are travelling to Farseer's Rock. It is a sacred place, not a safe one. But Draka insists that Drek'Thar must rebuild his connection to the elements. I can feel the spirits of this land are becoming restless. Something is about to happen, and I suspect these two will need all the help they can get. Please, go to them and lend what aid you can. I care for these two a great deal." - }, - { - "Title": "Fury of Frostfire", - "Objective": "Defeat Kron.", - "Text": "The moment I begin the ritual to free Exurotus you can expect Kron to be drawn to us. It would normally take an army of seasoned warriors to defeat a magnaron. We have only the three of us. Look for my fire totem upon the battlefield. I will try to gain what boons I can from Exurotus. Step near the totems and become one with the Fury. With these boons, slay Kron! Lok'tar ogar!" - }, - { - "Title": "The Ascent", - "Objective": "Bring Drek'Thar to Exurotus, the Spirit of Frostfire.", - "Text": "I can feel the voice of the Fury at the top of the ascent. Come, let us climb these stairs together. Be on your guard. The goren of this area are likely to be drawn by the smell of a shaman. If we get separated, fall back to the base of the stairs and regroup." - }, - { - "Title": "Rolo's Riddle", - "Objective": "Solve the riddle.", - "Text": "The final step, my treasure callsAbove the place where water fallsBeneath the shade on vantage highNo path to walk but air and sky." - }, - { - "Title": "Rolo's Riddle", - "Objective": "Solve the riddle.", - "Text": "Somewhere hope stands, wings held forthFrom its feet turn to the northPass beyond an ancient gateBehind a stone pair, I await." - }, - { - "Title": "Rolo's Riddle", - "Objective": "Solve the riddle.", - "Text": "On the isle of time are tall men fourRound and strong and nothing moreOf these brothers the shortest beWhere the trail leads to me." - }, - { - "Title": "Work Order: Kirin Tor Offensive I", - "Objective": "Plant 8 Juicycrunch Carrot Seeds on Sunsong Ranch.", - "Text": "Another request has come through for the Alliance. The Kirin Tor Offensive, located out on the Isle of Thunder, has requested a bushel of juicycrunch carrots. Though this Horde and Alliance conflict still gets my fur in a bristle, I won't turn away a hungry stomach." - }, - { - "Title": "Work Order: Kirin Tor Offensive II", - "Objective": "Harvest 8 Ripe Juicycrunch Carrot plants and provide 40 Juicycrunch Carrots for the Kirin Tor Offensive.", - "Text": "Once your juicycrunch carrots are ready to be picked, you'll need only to package them for pick-up. Just think; your juicycrunch carrots will feed so many hungry soldiers on the front lines!" - }, - { - "Title": "Work Order: Sunreaver Onslaught II", - "Objective": "Harvest 8 Ripe Scallion plants and provide 40 Scallions for the Sunreaver Onslaught.", - "Text": "Once your scallions are ready to be picked, you'll need only to package them for pick-up. Just think; your scallions will feed so many hungry soldiers on the front lines!" - }, - { - "Title": "Work Order: Sunreaver Onslaught I", - "Objective": "Plant 8 Scallion Seeds on Sunsong Ranch.", - "Text": "Another request has come through for the Horde. The Sunreaver Onslaught, located out on the Isle of Thunder, has requested a bushel of scallions. Though this Horde and Alliance conflict still gets my fur in a bristle, I won't turn away a hungry stomach." - }, - { - "Title": "They Rely on Numbers", - "Objective": "Slay 15 Thunderlord at Daggermaw Ravine in Frostfire Ridge.", - "Text": "Thunderlord spend their days training to hunt as a team, but as individuals they are weak. Their only strength is in numbers. So... to win, we must cull their numbers. As we move up through the Daggermaw Ravine, slay any Thunderlord who stand in your way, and their clan will be made the weaker for it." - }, - { - "Title": "Kyle Currency Test Quest", - "Objective": "Get 27 Elder Charms of Good Fortune", - "Text": "This is to test the '$ o a' token. This should show how many Elder Charms of Good Fortune the quest requires: $oa That is all." - }, - { - "Title": "reuse me", - "Objective": "Kill the Master of the Forge and Collect a Codex Fragment from the Mogu Gatekeeper in the Isle of Thunder.", - "Text": "There's more you must do.Kill Itoka, master of the forge, and find a codex fragment from Fleshcrafter Hoku, gatekeeper of the Thunder King." - }, - { - "Title": "Heroic Deeds", - "Objective": "Complete any scenario on Heroic difficulty.", - "Text": "My mind is spinning with boredom - I never get to leave this place! You look like you've seen some adventures. If you can bring me a truly heroic story, I've got something special I'm sure you'll be interested in." - }, - { - "Title": "Heroic Deeds", - "Objective": "Complete any scenario on Heroic difficulty.", - "Text": "My mind is spinning with boredom - I never get to leave this place! You look like you've seen some adventures. If you can bring me a truly heroic story, I've got something special I'm sure you'll be interested in." - }, - { - "Title": "The Road to War", - "Objective": "Speak to Ki'ta Arrowtusk at Razor Hill in Durotar.", - "Text": "Hey! I just received word from our agents in Durotar. The Darkspear Rebellion needs your help. I hear you've already got an in with the trolls. Why don't you zip over to Durotar and see what's happening?" - }, - { - "Title": "The Road to War", - "Objective": "Speak to Ki'ta Arrowtusk at Razor Hill in Durotar.", - "Text": "I have received word from Baine. The Darkspear Rebellion needs your help. Go to Razor Hill and seek out Ki'ta Arrowtusk. Breathe word of this to no one!" - }, - { - "Title": "War is Coming", - "Objective": "Speak with Lorewalker Cho.", - "Text": "As you enter the vale, you see a rotund pandaren trying to flag you down from the balcony above Mogu'shan Palace. It looks like Lorewalker Cho is trying to get your attention. You should investigate!" - }, - { - "Title": "Battlefield: Barrens", - "Objective": "Collect 150 Kor'kron Lumber, 150 Kor'kron Oil, 150 Kor'kron Meat, and 150 Kor'kron Stone.", - "Text": "Our work be far from finished. If ya willin' ta put ya neck on the line for the Darkspear once more, I'll be sure ta see ya get a proper reward." - }, - { - "Title": "Vol'jin of the Darkspear", - "Objective": "Accompany Zen'tabra to Vol'jin.", - "Text": "I take ya to Vol'jin." - }, - { - "Title": "Preparing to Strike", - "Objective": "Return to Wrathion at the Tavern in the Mists in the Veiled Stair.", - "Text": "Events are in motion. We have one final task to complete before we are ready to move into the final act of my plan. My agents tell me that King Wrynn has reassembled a naval fleet after his losses at Theramore, and Vol'jin is marching north across Durotar in open rebellion against the warchief. Speak with me again as soon as they are ready to converge on the gates. We will bring this war to a glorious conclusion!" - }, - { - "Title": "Vol'jin of the Darkspear", - "Objective": "Listen to Ki'ta Arrowtusk.", - "Text": "Welcome ta Sen'jin Village, mon. I know you traveled far ta see Vol'jin, leader a' da Darkspear. But I must ask ya ta wait a little longer. Let us speak." - }, - { - "Title": "Beasts of Fable Book III", - "Objective": "Defeat No-No, Ti'un the Wanderer, and Gorespine.", - "Text": "The stories of No-No, Ti'un the Wanderer, and Gorespine will exist in this land, always. Do you wish to meet them in battle once more?" - }, - { - "Title": "Beasts of Fable Book II", - "Objective": "Defeat Lucky Yi, Greyhoof, and Skitterer Xi'a.", - "Text": "The stories of Lucky Yi, Greyhoof, and Skitterer Xi'a will exist in this land, always. Do you wish to meet them in battle once more?" - }, - { - "Title": "Ty'thar", - "Objective": "Defeat Ty'thar by purchasing his challenge card and challenging him in the Brawler's Guild.", - "Text": "You've earned the right to purchase a challenge card, and that card belongs to a troll named Ty'thar. Ty'thar has a very distinct fighting style, and as part of his agreement with the Brawler's Guild, you have to follow his rules: - Face-to-face fist fighting. No running around. - Three knockdowns wins the fight. Good luck!" - }, - { - "Title": "The Blind Hero", - "Objective": "Defeat the Blind Hero by purchasing his challenge card and challenging him in the Brawler's Guild.", - "Text": "The challenge card you've earned allows you to fight the Blind Hero, a mysterious warrior from a bygone age. Nobody surpasses his skill with a blade. Nobody. Luckily, he can't see anything. Have fun!" - }, - { - "Title": "Raptorhide Boxing Gloves", - "Objective": "Return the Raptorhide Boxing Gloves to someone within your faction's Brawler's Guild.", - "Text": "The gloves are stitched together roughly, and by the smell of it, they've been treated with crawler mucus. Nevertheless, they appear sturdy and functional. Somewhat unsurprisingly, the inner seam bears the following words: RETURN TO BRAWLER'S GUILD" - }, - { - "Title": "What We've Been Training For", - "Objective": "Defeat 10 players through Find Battle with a team of level 25 pets.", - "Text": "Are you ready to put your pets to the test? The battle pet arena is no place for low-level rabbits, you'd better have a rocketbot in your pocket and be ready for action. If you've got three fully-experienced pets, find battles against trainers of similar skill and show the world what you've got. You can find the instructions in your Pet Journal." - }, - { - "Title": "Cloak of Virtue", - "Objective": "Travel to Mason's Folly in the Veiled Stair and speak with Wrathion.", - "Text": "We have what we need. I can create an item that will harness the power of the celestials and, with a little work, may also be able to contain some of my own. Meet me atop Mason's Folly, east of the Tavern in the Mists in the Veiled Stair, where we've met before. You will be delighted with the results!" - }, - { - "Title": "Battlefield: Barrens", - "Objective": "Collect 150 Kor'kron Lumber, 150 Kor'kron Oil, 150 Kor'kron Meat, and 150 Kor'kron Stone.", - "Text": "Our work be far from finished. De flames of change burn, but dey can still be snuffed out. Bring me more Kor'kron war supplies, and I'll reward ya well." - }, - { - "Title": "Paper-Covered Rock", - "Objective": "Return the Paper-Covered Rock to someone within your faction's Brawler's Guild.", - "Text": "It's a strange combination of items. The paper envelops the rock completely, dwarfing it like a smothering blanket of wood pulp. Compared to the paper, the rock is barely a pebble. When held up to the light, the paper reveals a distinct watermark, along with the text: RETURN TO BRAWLER'S GUILD" - }, - { - "Title": "Ro-Shambo", - "Objective": "Defeat Ro-Shambo by purchasing her challenge card and challenging her in the Brawler's Guild.", - "Text": "The challenge card you have unlocked will allow you to fight Ro-Shambo, an esoteric creature from parts unknown. Watch out. I hear it's got a few tricks up its sleeve." - }, - { - "Title": "Well-Worn Blindfold", - "Objective": "Return the Well-Worn Blindfold to someone within your faction's Brawler's Guild.", - "Text": "A piece of cloth, shaped for a human-sized head. The cloth is unadorned and simple, except for a small tag on the end, which reads: RETURN TO BRAWLER'S GUILD" - }, - { - "Title": "Mingus Diggs", - "Objective": "Defeat Mingus Diggs by purchasing his challenge card and challenging him in the Brawler's Guild.", - "Text": "You've earned the right to challenge Mingus Diggs, the archaeologist! Mingus isn't that tough, from what I hear... but the people in charge let him bring some of his excavated treasures with him into the brawling ring. Those are what you want to watch out for. Come buy his card when you're ready!" - }, - { - "Title": "The Digmaster's Earthblade", - "Objective": "Return the Digmaster's Earthblade to someone within your faction's Brawler's Guild.", - "Text": "An entirely ordinary-looking shovel. The handle is carved with an ornate script: \"The Digmaster's Earthblade\". On the flipside of the handle, however, is a smaller label, written in simpler text: RETURN TO BRAWLER'S GUILD" - }, - { - "Title": "Frost-Tipped Eggshell", - "Objective": "Return the Frost-Tipped Eggshell to someone within your faction's Brawler's Guild.", - "Text": "A piece of an eggshell, presumably penguin. Its edges are covered with rime, and based on its curvature, this egg was quite large when it was intact. Strangely, the inside of the eggshell has a message written on it, in jade-green ink: RETURN TO BRAWLER'S GUILD" - }, - { - "Title": "Dippy and Doopy", - "Objective": "Defeat Dippy & Doopy by purchasing their challenge card and challenging them in the Brawler's Guild.", - "Text": "Brawler's Guild vets will remember Dippy, the penguin. Dippy's not the most accomplished challenger in the Brawler's Guild, but he's no pushover, either! Actually, come to think of it, he IS kind of a pushover... Anyway! The card you've earned gives you the right to challenge Dippy alongside his older, huger brother, Doopy. They may both be pushovers, but that doesn't mean that one or both of them won't eventually murder you." - }, - { - "Title": "Modified Chomping Apparatus", - "Objective": "Return the Modified Chomping Apparatus to someone within your faction's Brawler's Guild.", - "Text": "You might not have recognized this as a modified chomping apparatus if it didn't have the words \"MODIFIED CHOMPING APPARATUS\" messily painted onto it. Right beneath the sloppy label, you see a smaller message, written much more neatly in bright red ink: RETURN TO BRAWLER'S GUILD" - }, - { - "Title": "Last Year's Model", - "Objective": "Return the Dusty Old Robot to someone within your faction's Brawler's Guild.", - "Text": "The robot is in bad shape. It was built with several sockets which, like the Blingtron 4000, presumably once carried gems, but are now empty. The robot's otherwise dust-covered posterior region contains a small, shiny metal plaque, embossed with the words: RETURN TO BRAWLER'S GUILD" - }, - { - "Title": "Mecha-Bruce", - "Objective": "Defeat Mecha-Bruce by purchasing his challenge card and challenging him in the Brawler's Guild.", - "Text": "Everybody knows Bruce. Everybody loves Bruce! And eventually, everybody kills Bruce. An orcish hunter with a knack for engineering thought that this was a shame, so he's found his own crocolisk and geared him up a bit. The challenge card you've earned grants you the right to fight Mecha-Bruce. It's bound to be a bloodbath. The question is... will you be the chomper, or the chompee?" - }, - { - "Title": "Blingtron 3000", - "Objective": "Defeat Blingtron 3000 by purchasing his challenge card and challenging him in the Brawler's Guild.", - "Text": "The Blingtron line didn't really pick up until the 4000 series hit the vendor shelves. Few remember the Blingtron 3000, but it was a real engineering marvel in its own right! The challenge card you've unlocked gives you the ability to fight Blingtron 3000 right here, in the Brawler's Guild. Lucky you!" - }, - { - "Title": "Master Boom Boom", - "Objective": "Defeat Master Boom Boom by purchasing his challenge card and challenging him in the Brawler's Guild.", - "Text": "You have earned a card belonging to a bomb-throwing hozen named Master Boom Boom. While hozen are naturally attracted to the destructive power of explosives, they seldom learn how to use them properly without blowing themselves up in the process. Master Boom Boom is the exception. Good luck!" - }, - { - "Title": "Splat", - "Objective": "Defeat Splat by purchasing her challenge card and challenging her in the Brawler's Guild.", - "Text": "You may already be familiar with Blat, one of our Rank 2 challengers here in the Brawler's Guild. The challenge card you've earned belongs to Splat, its older, nastier sister. Try not to get yourself killed. And if you do, at least make it entertaining for the rest of us!" - }, - { - "Title": "Secret of the Ooze", - "Objective": "Return the Vial of Reddish Ooze to someone within your faction's Brawler's Guild.", - "Text": "The contents of the vial swirl and froth violently, causing the vessel to tremble in your hand. As you look into the container, you think you catch a fleeting image of a living, angry face. The vial's stopper fits snugly. Around its edge, some small words have been carved with an expert hand: RETURN TO BRAWLER'S GUILD" - }, - { - "Title": "Teeth Like Swords", - "Objective": "Return the Impeccably Sharp Tooth to someone within your faction's Brawler's Guild.", - "Text": "The tooth comes to a singular edge, almost as if it were sharpened by stone. It clearly belonged to a ferocious beast. Handling it gingerly, you notice a few tiny words, expertly carved into the enamel: RETURN TO BRAWLER'S GUILD" - }, - { - "Title": "Razorgrin", - "Objective": "Defeat Razorgrin by purchasing his challenge card and challenging him in the Brawler's Guild.", - "Text": "The challenge card you've earned today belongs to one of the most deadly creatures in the South Seas: Razorgrin. One bite from those teeth of his, and you're nothing but an unrecognizable pile of skin, blood, and entrails. Have fun!" - }, - { - "Title": "The Bear and the Lady Fair", - "Objective": "Defeat the Bear and the Lady Fair by purchasing their challenge card and challenging them in the Brawler's Guild.", - "Text": "The challenge card you've earned belongs to an unusual pair of characters. I'm not quite sure any further description would do them justice. Maybe you should just purchase the challenge card and see for yourself." - }, - { - "Title": "Re-Use Me", - "Objective": "Destroy 6 Sunreaver Perimeter Wards around Dawnseeker Promontory.", - "Text": "Even the strongest defense can still have a weakness. We just need to find the weakness in the Sunreaver's defense and then exploit it as much as possible. Scouts have reported the use of perimeter wards around Dawnseeker Promontory. They're powerful, but not deadly. Disabling them would allow us to keep closer watch on their activities." - }, - { - "Title": "A Knockoff Grumplefloot", - "Objective": "Return the Knockoff Grumplefloot to someone within your faction's Brawler's Guild.", - "Text": "The \"grumplefloot\" has been hastily carved out of a tree root, with holes unevenly spaced along its length. A close inspection of its backside, however, reveals words carved into the wood: RETURN TO BRAWLER'S GUILD" - }, - { - "Title": "A Tale of Romance and Chivalry", - "Objective": "Return The Bear and the Lady Fair to someone within your faction's Brawler's Guild.", - "Text": "A small book, written for children. It's well-bound and in fairly good condition. On the back cover of the book, near the spine, you find a few words written in flowing script: RETURN TO BRAWLER'S GUILD" - }, - { - "Title": "Re-Use Me", - "Objective": "Plant a Tactical Mana Bomb on a Sunreaver ship, the Scrying Crystals, and on the most inland bridge of Dawnseeker Promontory.", - "Text": "Ah, just the I was looking for. I have received another batch of tactical mana bombs that I need planted in key positions across Dawnseeker Promontory to the northwest. Here, take these. It is time to give the Sunreavers a taste of their own medicine. Plant one on the Sunreaver ships, another one on their scrying crystals, and the last on the bridge that connects to their forward base." - }, - { - "Title": "Boom Boom's Fuse", - "Objective": "Return Boom Boom's Fuse to someone within your faction's Brawler's Guild.", - "Text": "Amidst the gibbets of hozen meat and fur flying aimlessly around Kota Kon's sphere of destruction, you seem to have grabbed hold of a small fuse. The fuse is created entirely from woven, matted hozen tail hair. It has a strong smell. Near one of the ends of the fuse, however, is a small paper tag, embossed with the words: RETURN TO BRAWLER'S GUILD" - }, - { - "Title": "Battle of Razor Hill", - "Objective": "Free 6 Captives and defeat Kor'kron leaders to capture Razor Hill for the Darkspear revolutionaries.", - "Text": "Now, we hit back! We don't give Hellscream no time to regroup. We ride north. We slit every Kor'kron throat we see. If we take Razor Hill, we control all de roads in Durotar. Come! Ride wit' me!" - }, - { - "Title": "Grandpa Grumplefloot", - "Objective": "Defeat Grandpa Grumplefloot by purchasing his challenge card and challenging him in the Brawler's Guild.", - "Text": "The challenge card I have for you today belongs to a grummle by the adorable name of Grandpa Grumplefloot. While the grummles aren't particularly well-known for their combat skills, they are remarkably lucky little creatures. Perhaps it's their... what do they call them... their luckydos?" - }, - { - "Title": "The Old Seer", - "Objective": "Locate Seer Hao Pham Roo on the slopes of Mount Neverest in Kun-Lai Summit.", - "Text": "I can help you collect the pieces a story, but it is up to you tie them together. And I may know just where you could do such a thing. I have heard tales of an elderly scholar named Seer Hao Pham Roo. He is something of an... expert on Pandaria's history, and may be able to shed light on Pandaria's current turmoil. Seek him out. Last I heard, he was planning to retrace the emperor's steps by scaling Mount Neverest, in Kun-Lai." - }, - { - "Title": "Battle of Sen'jin Village", - "Objective": "Defend Sen'jin Village from the Kor'kron assault.", - "Text": ", you always be in de right place at de right time. Hellscream be makin' a move against his own people. He gonna find out what happens when you cross de Darkspear. Come! Fight wit' us! Show him de spirit of de real Horde!" - }, - { - "Title": "Battlefield: Barrens", - "Objective": "Collect 15 Kor'kron Lumber, 15 Kor'kron Oil, 15 Kor'kron Meat, and 15 Kor'kron Stone.", - "Text": "Ta take down de warchief, I be needin' an army an' supplies. I got me an army. No shortage of hate for what Hellscream done to de Horde. But supplies! Lumber, stone, meat, oil. Dis be what we need. Hellscream's Kor'kron be stockpilin' supplies in Northern Barrens, to de west. Kill de Kor'kron! Fight dem wherever dey spring up. Help our tauren bruddahs by escortin' their caravans, an' group up to take down Kor'kron leaders. Whatever it takes. Get me dem supplies!" - }, - { - "Title": "The Darkspear Rebellion", - "Objective": "Travel to Durotar and speak with Ki'ta Arrowtusk in Sen'jin Village.", - "Text": "My dream brew can only tell me so much. Its visions are scattered in time and space. But it is clear that a showdown is brewing amongst the Horde. In my dream brew I see that the troll Vol'jin of the Darkspear has already travelled to Durotar to defend his people. He is accompanied by Chen Stormstout, the brewmaster from the Wandering Isle. If I have learned anything about Chen, it won't be long before he brews up some trouble... You should hurry!" - }, - { - "Title": "Battlefield: Barrens", - "Objective": "Collect 15 Kor'kron Lumber, 15 Kor'kron Oil, 15 Kor'kron Meat, and 15 Kor'kron Stone.", - "Text": "Ya want we work together on dis, ya gotta earn me trust. In Northern Barrens, de Kor'kron be massin' for war. Hellscream's goons be stockpilin' lumber, oil, stone, an' meat. Supplies de Darkspear want ta use against' 'im. Go to de Barrens. Kill de Kor'kron. Bring me dem supplies! Fight dem wherever dey spring up, escort supply caravans, group up ta take down de dangerous ones. Whatever ya gotta do. Prove ta me da Alliance wants dis! I be watchin'." - }, - { - "Title": "The Darkspear Rebellion", - "Objective": "Speak with Zen'tabra at Razor Hill in Durotar.", - "Text": "The trolls are in open rebellion. This could work to our advantage! If they open up a second front, Garrosh cannot possibly defend the city from us both. I have a very risky assignment for you. I need you to be the Alliance representative, and open up talks with Vol'jin of the Darkspear tribe. Try finding the troll prisoner that we freed from Kor'kron clutches. Zen'tabra, wasn't it? It may be our only chance to bring Garrosh to his knees..." - }, - { - "Title": "The King and the Council", - "Objective": "Complete the \"Blood in the Snow\" scenario. You can queue from the Dungeon Finder or use Lorewalker Cho's Dream Brew.", - "Text": "I am glad you are here. I have been using my dream brew to experience events around the world, but the more I learn, the more confused I become. For instance, King Wrynn has asked the dwarves of Ironforge for more troops, but they do not all support him. I will tell you more, but I would also like to hear from your experience firsthand..." - }, - { - "Title": "Gathering Intelligence", - "Objective": "Obtain the Kor'kron Supply Lines, Operation: Darkspear Destruction, Kor'kron Command Posts, and free the prisoner.", - "Text": "Garrosh continues building up his forces in Orgrimmar - this place is like a fortress! King Wrynn won't want to risk an assault until we have as much information as possible. Use Project C4T to navigate through the Blockade. Try to gather as much information as you can. Look for any high priority documents and any weakness we can take advantage of. Keep your ears open and your head down!" - }, - { - "Title": "The Warchief and the Darkness", - "Objective": "Complete the \"Dark Heart of Pandaria\" scenario. You can queue from the Dungeon Finder or use Lorewalker Cho's Dream Brew.", - "Text": "I see now how the Alliance king leads his people. But what is the Horde warchief up to? Just below us, a swarm of goblins are burrowing into the sacred vale on his orders. What does he hope to find there? We must find out!" - }, - { - "Title": "A Little Field Work", - "Objective": "Secure passage to Kalimdor from Gleep Chatterswitch at the Shrine of Seven Stars. Then speak with Amber Kearnen, who is scouting Bladefist Bay near Skull Rock in Durotar.", - "Text": "My dream brew can only tell me so much. Its visions are scattered in time and space. But it is clear that a showdown is brewing at the Horde capital of Orgrimmar. You should go there, and see these events for yourself! In my dream brew I see two brave Alliance spies alone in Durotar. I see \"Amber\" and \"Sully\"... Perhaps you remember them? I think they need your help! You'll find Amber and Sully in Kalimdor, near Skull Rock, at a place called the Dranosh'ar Blockade." - }, - { - "Title": "Path of the Last Emperor", - "Objective": "Attach the climbing rope to each Rope Anchor along the path to help Seer Hao Pham Roo reach Seeker's Point.", - "Text": "In his time of uncertainty, the last emperor walked a lonely path up this mountain, until he had at last found his answers. I am here to walk the same path, and it seems you have questions of your own to be answered. Perhaps you will join me, and we can both be satisfied? Oh, but I am getting old, and this blizzard is proving too much for my bones. Could you climb ahead and anchor this rope? I can hoist myself along from there. Together we shall walk the path of the last emperor." - }, - { - "Title": "END OF PROTOTYPE!", - "Objective": "Stay tuned for more thrilling adventures with Durotan, Ga'nar and the Frostwolf Clan!", - "Text": "Ah! The weapons of my father, Garad. Too long this beast has coveted them as trophies, memories of slaying our beloved chieftain. I thank you Outsider. Your help today has proven most useful indeed. Now I must bring these artifacts before my brother. The time has come for he and I to have a proper discussion about leadership." - }, - { - "Title": "Articles of the Fallen", - "Objective": "Recover 10 Fallen Frostwolf Artifacts.", - "Text": "Even when on a mission of vengeance we must remember to uphold the honor that is required of a member of the Frostwolves. In the grotto below are the fallen corpses of many good Frostwolf orcs. They must be remembered. While you carry out Ga'nar's task, look for articles of our fallen brethren. Bring these articles to me so that I might pass them to a shaman for final burial as is our tradition." - }, - { - "Title": "The Eldest", - "Objective": "Help Ga'nar win his vengeance.", - "Text": "There is Hatock, last and eldest son of the Iron Wolf. One of the greatest hunters the Thunderlord have ever fielded. He was there when his father murdered my father and left me for dead. When I am done with him he will regret not finishing the job." - }, - { - "Title": "Celestial Blessings", - "Objective": "Travel to the Temple of the White Tiger in Kun-Lai, the Temple of the Red Crane in Krasarang, the Temple of the Jade Serpent in the Jade Forest, and Niuzao Temple in Townlong Steppes to obtain four blessings of the celestials. Complete ONE of their four available challenges.", - "Text": "I would like to grant you my full array of draconic power, but sadly, it would tear your mortal frame apart. Still, it's not hopeless - I believe I can create a powerful vessel that you can use. To craft it, I will need the blessings of the four August Celestials in Pandaria. Travel with me to the four temples and we will speak to each. To be worthy of their gifts, you must defeat one of their challenges. They will not be easy - chose the one challenge best suited to your equipment and skills!" - }, - { - "Title": "To the Garrison", - "Objective": "Meet with Durotan in front of your garrison in Frostfire Ridge.", - "Text": "My father is avenged. The sons of the Iron Wolf are all slain. Go to the garrison your people are constructing in the south. There, herald my return to my laggard brother. The time has come for the \"chieftain\" to be reminded of what it means to be a Frostwolf." - }, - { - "Title": "Leave Nothing Behind!", - "Objective": "Kill Kur'ak the Binder, burn the Thunderlord Supplies, and destroy the Thunderlord Ballistae.", - "Text": "The Thunderlord clan has become a thorn in my side I will no longer tolerate. Go east and leave none alive! Burn their supplies! Leave them nothing to cling to. Converge on the Savage Crag to the east when it is done." - }, - { - "Title": "Ga'nar's Vengeance", - "Objective": "Find Ga'nar near Daggermaw Ravine.", - "Text": "My brother's head is as thick as his axe and he is as stubborn as a gronn. When Ga'nar left he took with him some of the finest warriors in the clan and headed north to the Daggermaw Ravine. If they are still out there, you must find them. Ga'nar will not listen to me. Help him see his vengeance through if you must but please bring him back to us." - }, - { - "Title": "On the Trail of Blood", - "Objective": "Follow the trail of blood.", - "Text": "This orc appears to have made a last stand, dying while defending his fallen wolf. His clothes are that of the Frostwolf Clan. From the tracks and other signs it would appear there were six other wolves during the battle that got away, one bleeding. A trail of fresh blood leads off into the desert northward." - }, - { - "Title": "Let the Hunt Begin!", - "Objective": "Confront Grotan the Herald.", - "Text": "I have no time for my brother's whimpering. We hunt for vengeance or death. The Thunderlord chieftain slew my father and left me for dead, so I shall take his three sons, the first of which is this runt in my hand. This filth has revealed the number and positions of the Thunderlords in the ravine beyond. Join us, if you dare, and you will witness how real warriors of the Frostwolf clan fight. Get in my way, and I will end you." - }, - { - "Title": "Wrath of Gronn", - "Objective": "Release 3 Captive Gronn.", - "Text": "The Thunderlord are capturing gronn for the Iron Horde. Show these fools why gronn are NOT pets. Follow us into Grulloc's Grotto and sunder the chains of the captive gronn. Let the beasts seek to gain their own vengeance against the Thunderlord. Meet us at Grulloc's Lair beneath the grotto when you are done." - }, - { - "Title": "Reader for the Dead Tongue", - "Objective": "Bring the codex to a Warlock trainer in your capital city.", - "Text": "Return to your capital city and seek out a warlock trainer who may know more about the codex." - }, - { - "Title": "Za'Tual", - "Objective": "Find Archmage Lan'dalock outside of Za'Tual.", - "Text": "The Zandalari have been a constant nuisance since we arrived on this island. I've assigned Archmage Lan'dalock to take charge of dismantling their presence at Za'Tual, in the south. Report to him when you are best able. He will have work for you." - }, - { - "Title": "Ihgaluk Crag", - "Objective": "Find Archmage Modera outside of Ihgaluk Crag.", - "Text": "Archmage Modera has taken over at Ihgaluk Crag, to the southeast, continuing her efforts to turn the Saurok against the Zandalari and mogu. Go to her, and help in any way that you can." - }, - { - "Title": "The Court of Bones", - "Objective": "Find Narasi Snowdawn outside the Court of Bones.", - "Text": "The mogu within the nearby Court of Bones comprise one of the greatest threats to our presence on this island. Narasi Snowdawn has been entrusted with halting their efforts, but I am certain she could use a capable to see this task through. Go to her. Aid in whatever ways that you are able." - }, - { - "Title": "Za'Tual", - "Objective": "Find Halduron Brightwing outside of Za'Tual.", - "Text": "The Zandalari have been a constant nuisance since we arrived on this island. I've assigned Halduron Brightwing to take charge of dismantling their presence at Za'Tual, in the south. Report to Halduron when you are best able. He will have work for you." - }, - { - "Title": "Ihgaluk Crag", - "Objective": "Find Archmage Aethas Sunreaver outside of Ihgaluk Crag.", - "Text": "Aethas has taken over at Ihgaluk Crag, to the southeast, continuing his effort to turn the Saurok against the Zandalari and mogu. Go to him, and help in any way that you can." - }, - { - "Title": "The Court of Bones", - "Objective": "Find Grand Magister Rommath outside the Court of Bones.", - "Text": "The mogu within the nearby Court of Bones pose a constant threat to our foothold on this island. Grand Magister Rommath has been entrusted with halting their efforts, but I am certain he could use a capable to see this task through. Go to him. Aid in whatever ways that you are able." - }, - { - "Title": "So You Want to Be a Blacksmith...", - "Objective": "Create a Ghostly Skeleton Key by attaining at least 500 skill in blacksmithing. If you wish to train through pandaren materials, a training project appropriate to your skill level can be learned from Jorunga Stonehoof.", - "Text": "While it is best to learn the properties of simpler metals and work your way up, it is possible to learn how to become a good blacksmith through mastering the various applications of ghost iron for common household objects. If you wish to take this path towards becoming a zen master blacksmith, I can teach you. Whichever way you choose, you will have my respect if you can show me that you can make a ghostly skeleton key." - }, - { - "Title": "Forge Ahead!", - "Objective": "Kill the Master of the Forge and Collect a Codex Fragment from the Mogu Gatekeeper in the Isle of Thunder.", - "Text": "There's more you must do.Kill Itoka, master of the forge, and find a codex fragment from Fleshcrafter Hoku, gatekeeper of the Thunder King." - }, - { - "Title": "Forge Ahead!", - "Objective": "Kill the Master of the Forge and collect a Codex Fragment from Fleshcrafter Hoku in the Isle of Thunder.", - "Text": "There's more you must do.Kill Itoka, master of the forge, and find a codex fragment from Fleshcrafter Hoku, gatekeeper of the Thunder King." - }, - { - "Title": "reuse me", - "Objective": "Kill the Master of the Forge and Collect a Codex Fragment from the Mogu Gatekeeper in the Isle of Thunder.", - "Text": "There's more you must do.Kill Itoka, master of the forge, and find a codex fragment from Fleshcrafter Hoku, gatekeeper of the Thunder King." - }, - { - "Title": "Mogu Runes of Fate", - "Objective": "Collect 50 Lesser Charms of Good Fortune.", - "Text": "Greetings. I am privileged to offer you an excellent opportunity. Through the centuries, we've honed a method by which the very laws of chance themselves can be bent. With a Mogu Rune of Fate, valuable artifacts will find their way into your hands more frequently inside the palace of the Thunder King." - }, - { - "Title": "Mogu Runes of Fate", - "Objective": "Collect 50 Lesser Charms of Good Fortune.", - "Text": "Greetings. I am privileged to offer you an excellent opportunity. Through the centuries, we've honed a method by which the very laws of chance themselves can be bent. With a Mogu Rune of Fate, valuable artifacts will find their way into your hands more frequently inside the palace of the Thunder King." - }, - { - "Title": "Eyes of the Thunder King", - "Objective": "Defeat the ambush!", - "Text": "As the fog dissipates from the fallen sentries, you feel a sudden rumbling. The rocks blocking the sewer tunnels tumble forward and crash into the outflow tanks below, as four putrid eyes lunge from the darkness." - }, - { - "Title": "Agony and Anima", - "Objective": "Slay Archritualist Kelada.", - "Text": "You notice the initials A.K. skillfully and with calligraphic precision engraved onto the side of the Animus. Before you stands Archritualist Kelada, the shaper of the Animus. By command of the Thunder King, Kelada worked tirelessly to craft the perfect vessel to harness the great power of the anima. Something functional, magnificent, sentient, but most importantly... something deadly. He must be stopped before his next imagination is brought to life by the Thunder King." - }, - { - "Title": "Requiem for a Queen", - "Objective": "Put Monara to rest.", - "Text": "A chilling breeze sweeps across your body, bringing with it a haunting drape of sadness. Your soul sinks as you hear the faint, melodic cries of Monara, the last Queen of the Mogu. Her sweet requiem creeps through the air, bending and shaping itself into a spectral hand, reaching for your heart. As it grabs hold, you see a brief flash of Monara's last moments... her brutal murder by the hand of Lei Shen. Song turns to sadness and Monara weeps, wailing louder and louder into the darkness." - }, - { - "Title": "Setting the Trap", - "Objective": "Use 3 Shan'ze Ritual Stones to beckon a Champion of the Thunder King, and then kill him.", - "Text": "Take these 3 ritual stones to the location I have marked on your map. There, you will find a Shan'ze ritual object that you can use to beckon one of their powerful allies. You will need capable friends at your side for this trap to work. Do not go alone, for these will be some of the Thunder King's most powerful servants. When your enemy shows itself, show no mercy." - }, - { - "Title": "Zao'cho the Wicked", - "Objective": "Slay Zao'cho.", - "Text": "Electricity hums in the distance, tickling your ears and sending impulses down your spine. Your fingers go numb, and your heart races as you approach the door ahead. Zao'cho stands arrogantly atop the steps ahead, weaving lightning between his fingers and smirking at you with demented glee." - }, - { - "Title": "Taming the Tempest", - "Objective": "Slay No'ku Stormsayer.", - "Text": "You hear a fierce and militant voice roaring in the distance. A crackling storm swells and swirls around a clouded, shadowy figure. Lightning flashes and No'ku Stormsayer appears, his scornful gaze aimed directly at you." - }, - { - "Title": "Rocks Fall, People Die", - "Objective": "Slay the Rocky Horror.", - "Text": "Words fail to describe the massive horror of rock, bone, and blood that rumbles mindlessly and aimlessly ahead of you. Massive earthquakes crack the seemingly hollow shell of ground beneath the figure, leaving destruction in its wake. It appears that the creature is unaware of your presence." - }, - { - "Title": "Something Foul is Afoot", - "Objective": "Seek and destroy Flesh'rok the Diseased.", - "Text": "You notice a stronger-than-usual smell permeating from ahead. Your stomach lurches as the thick smell fills your nostrils. You recognize this smell, it's saurok. Rotting, discarded saurok flesh infused with the foul waste of the sewer." - }, - { - "Title": "Allies in the Shadows", - "Objective": "Speak to Taran Zhu in Bleak Hollow.", - "Text": "The Shado-Pan arrived here before we did, and they are already at work undermining the Thunder King's forces. I want you to meet with Taran Zhu, the leader of the Shado-Pan, and offer your services on behalf of the Sunreavers. I doubt he is truly in need of the aid, but the gesture holds importance in itself." - }, - { - "Title": "Secrets in the Isle of Thunder", - "Objective": "Recover 3 Shan'ze Ritual Stones. These stones are very rare, and may take some time to gather.", - "Text": "I do have one thing I would ask of you. We've gotten our hands on a powerful ritual stone that the Shan'ze mogu use to beckon their allies into battle, but we need more than one to perform their rituals. If you come upon three of these stones, bring them back to me. We can gather our forces and use these stones to beckon some of Lei Shen's most powerful servants directly into our traps." - }, - { - "Title": "Pristine Kypari Sap Container", - "Objective": "Put the artifact on display.", - "Text": "This artifact has been restored to a remarkably excellent condition. Perhaps you will put it on display at the Seat of Knowledge, so that lorewalkers and archaeologists can study it." - }, - { - "Title": "Pristine Sound Beacon", - "Objective": "Put the artifact on display.", - "Text": "This artifact has been restored to a remarkably excellent condition. Perhaps you will put it on display at the Seat of Knowledge, so that lorewalkers and archaeologists can study it." - }, - { - "Title": "Pristine Pollen Collector", - "Objective": "Put the artifact on display.", - "Text": "This artifact has been restored to a remarkably excellent condition. Perhaps you will put it on display at the Seat of Knowledge, so that lorewalkers and archaeologists can study it." - }, - { - "Title": "Pristine Remains of a Paragon", - "Objective": "Put the artifact on display.", - "Text": "This artifact has been restored to a remarkably excellent condition. Perhaps you will put it on display at the Seat of Knowledge, so that lorewalkers and archaeologists can study it." - }, - { - "Title": "Pristine Mantid Lamp", - "Objective": "Put the artifact on display.", - "Text": "This artifact has been restored to a remarkably excellent condition. Perhaps you will put it on display at the Seat of Knowledge, so that lorewalkers and archaeologists can study it." - }, - { - "Title": "Pristine Praying Mantid", - "Objective": "Put the artifact on display.", - "Text": "This artifact has been restored to a remarkably excellent condition. Perhaps you will put it on display at the Seat of Knowledge, so that lorewalkers and archaeologists can study it." - }, - { - "Title": "Pristine Ancient Sap Feeder", - "Objective": "Put the artifact on display.", - "Text": "This artifact has been restored to a remarkably excellent condition. Perhaps you will put it on display at the Seat of Knowledge, so that lorewalkers and archaeologists can study it." - }, - { - "Title": "Pristine Banner of the Mantid Empire", - "Objective": "Put the artifact on display.", - "Text": "This artifact has been restored to a remarkably excellent condition. Perhaps you will put it on display at the Seat of Knowledge, so that lorewalkers and archaeologists can study it." - }, - { - "Title": "You Want Fish?", - "Objective": "Speak with Ben of the Booming Voice.", - "Text": "Are you looking for golden carp? or some other Pandaren fish? I'm no fisherman myself, but there is a fellow by the river who has been teaching the folks traveling through here. If you go speak with him, he will likely give you some fish, as well as teach you how to fish." - }, - { - "Title": "So You Want to Be a Blacksmith...", - "Objective": "Create a Ghostly Skeleton Key by attaining at least 500 skill in blacksmithing. If you wish to train through pandaren materials, a training project appropriate to your skill level can be learned from Cullen Hammerbrow.", - "Text": "While it is best to learn the properties of simpler metals and work your way up, it is possible to learn how to become a good blacksmith through mastering the various applications of ghost iron for common household objects. If you wish to take this path towards becoming a zen master blacksmith, I can teach you. Whichever way you choose, you will have my respect if you can show me that you can make a ghostly skeleton key." - }, - { - "Title": "No Fishing Pole Necessary!", - "Objective": "Catch 5 Golden Carp. Try it without a fishing pole!", - "Text": "You don't even need to equip a fishing pole in Pandaria! The waters are TEEMING with fish. You'll catch one pretty much every time, as long as you are paying attention. Give it a go!" - }, - { - "Title": "Thunder Calls", - "Objective": "Report to Vereesa Windrunner at the Shado-Pan Garrison in Townlong Steppes.", - "Text": "The time to attack the Thunder King has come! A small group of Kirin Tor awaits you near the Shado-Pan Garrison in Townlong Steppes. Report to Vereesa Windrunner for further instructions." - }, - { - "Title": "The Storm Gathers", - "Objective": "Travel with Vereesa Windrunner to the Isle of Thunder.", - "Text": "There is no time to waste. Every moment we delay here gives the Sunreavers more of a hold on the Isle. Lady Jaina Proudmoore awaits us. We should not make her wait any longer. Speak to me when you are ready to depart. I will escort you there myself." - }, - { - "Title": "Inherit the Earth", - "Objective": "Speak to Farmer Yoon.", - "Text": "As you know, I'm getting along in my years. One can't stay a spry young pandaren forever, you know. I'm looking for someone to take over my duties here at the Tillers Union, and I can't think of a better person than Farmer Yoon. He's got a good deal to learn, but he's got a good head on his shoulders and most importantly, a generous heart. Do you think he'd be interested?" - }, - { - "Title": "Thunder Calls", - "Objective": "Report to Scout Captain Elsia at the Shado-Pan Garrison in Townlong Steppes.", - "Text": "The time to attack the Thunder King has come! A small group of Sunreavers awaits you near the Shado-Pan Garrison in Townlong Steppes. Report to Scout Captain Elsia for further instructions." - }, - { - "Title": "I Believe You Can Fly", - "Objective": "Find Bralla Cloudwing.", - "Text": "The skies call out to you! It's time to learn to fly!Visit the flying trainer, Bralla Cloudwing, at the Gryphon Roost in Stormwind.And don't forget to buy a flying mount!" - }, - { - "Title": "The Storm Gathers", - "Objective": "Travel with Scout Captain Elsia to the Isle of Thunder.", - "Text": "There is no time to waste. Every moment we delay here gives Jaina and the Kirin Tor more of a hold on the Isle. Lor'themar awaits us. Speak to me when you are ready to depart. I will escort you there myself." - }, - { - "Title": "I Believe You Can Fly", - "Objective": "Find Maztha.", - "Text": "The skies call out to you! It's time to learn to fly!Visit the flying trainer, Maztha, at the Skyway in Orgrimmar.And don't forget to buy a flying mount!" - }, - { - "Title": "Learn To Ride", - "Objective": "Find Velma Warnam.", - "Text": "It's time for you to learn how to ride! Seek out Velma Warnam at Brill in Tirisfal Glades. Don't forget to buy your mount while you are there!" - }, - { - "Title": "Extended Shore Leave", - "Objective": "Steal the Workshop Orders and slay the new captain of the Zandalari warship.", - "Text": "The Zandalari have already begun repairing that warship, but we can keep it crippled with minimal effort. Simply relieve the new captain of his post, and steal the ship's damage report from that workshop just outside the vault. No captain. No repairs. No warship." - }, - { - "Title": "Learn To Ride", - "Objective": "Find Revi Ramrod.", - "Text": "It's time for you to learn how to ride! Seek out Revi Ramrod in Orgrimmar's Valley of Spirits. Don't forget to buy your mount while you are there!" - }, - { - "Title": "Learn To Ride", - "Objective": "Find Perascamin.", - "Text": "It's time for you to learn how to ride! Seek out Perascamin at Thuron's Livery, southeast of the Shepherd's Gate leaving Silvermoon City. Don't forget to buy your mount while you are there!" - }, - { - "Title": "Learn To Ride", - "Objective": "Find Kar Stormsinger.", - "Text": "It's time for you to learn how to ride! Seek out Kar Stormsinger in Mulgore's Bloodhoof Village. Don't forget to buy your mount while you are there!" - }, - { - "Title": "Learn To Ride", - "Objective": "Find Xar'Ti.", - "Text": "It's time for you to learn how to ride! Seek out Xar'Ti at Sen'jin Village in southern Durotar. Don't forget to buy your mount while you are there!" - }, - { - "Title": "Learn To Ride", - "Objective": "Find Kildar.", - "Text": "It's time for you to learn how to ride! Seek out Kildar in Orgrimmar's Valley of Honor. Don't forget to buy your mount while you are there!" - }, - { - "Title": "Raiding the Vault", - "Objective": "Steal the Choker of Storms from The Swollen Vault.", - "Text": "The Swollen Vault is a repository for some of Lei Shen's nastiest weaponry and most prized trinkets - not surprisingly, these are often one and the same. One artifact in particular, an amulet known as the Choker of Storms, could help us to understand his apparent mastery over lightning. Break into the vault and slay the hoard-keeper. Take his key and use it to recover the amulet from a cache at the back of the vault." - }, - { - "Title": "Learn To Ride", - "Objective": "Find Aalun.", - "Text": "It's time for you to learn how to ride! Seek out Aalun at the entrance to the Exodar on Azuremyst Isle. Don't forget to buy your mount while you are there!" - }, - { - "Title": "Learn To Ride", - "Objective": "Find Softpaws.", - "Text": "It's time for you to learn how to ride! Seek out Softpaws in Orgrimmar's Valley of Honor. Don't forget to buy your mount while you are there!" - }, - { - "Title": "Learn To Ride", - "Objective": "Find Ultham Ironhorn.", - "Text": "It's time for you to learn how to ride! Seek out Ultham at the Amberstill Ranch in Dun Morogh, along the road east out of Ironforge. Don't forget to buy your mount while you are there!" - }, - { - "Title": "Learn To Ride", - "Objective": "Find Jartsam.", - "Text": "It's time for you to learn how to ride! Seek out Jartsam at the Cenarion Enclave in Darnassus. Don't forget to buy your mount while you are there!" - }, - { - "Title": "Learn To Ride", - "Objective": "Find Mei Lin.", - "Text": "It's time for you to learn how to ride! Seek out Mei Lin north of the Dwarven District in Stormwind. Don't forget to buy your mount while you are there!" - }, - { - "Title": "Learn To Ride", - "Objective": "Find Binjy Featherwhistle.", - "Text": "It's time for you to learn how to ride! Seek out Binjy Featherwhistle at the Steelgrill's Depot in Dun Morogh. Don't forget to buy your mount while you are there!" - }, - { - "Title": "Work Order: The Klaxxi II", - "Objective": "Harvest 8 Ripe Mogu Pumpkin plants and provide 40 Mogu Pumpkins for the Klaxxi.", - "Text": "Once your mogu pumpkins are ready to be picked, you'll need only to package them for pick-up. I wouldn't dilly-dally if I were you. The Klaxxi aren't known for their patience!" - }, - { - "Title": "Tear Down This Wall!", - "Objective": "Speak with Lady Jaina Proudmoore, then break into the lower city and secure it for the Alliance.", - "Text": "The time has come. Our forces are well-enough entrenched here that we can risk pressing forward, into the Thunder King's lair. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like he'll be opening that gate anytime soon. I suppose we'll have to make a gate of our own then. Let me know when you're ready." - }, - { - "Title": "A Bold Idea", - "Objective": "Infiltrate Stormsea Landing and open the courtyard gate from within. Speak with Taoshi to begin the mission.", - "Text": "Zandalari warships plunder the seas around this island. They ferry in soldiers and war beasts from Zandalar to bolster Lei Shen's army. If we can capture the palace shipyard, the Thunder King's supply line will be cut off, and your foothold here will be secure. I have a plan to do just that, and it won't take an entire army." - }, - { - "Title": "Work Order: The August Celestials II", - "Objective": "Harvest 8 Ripe Striped Melon plants and provide 40 Striped Melons for the August Celestials.", - "Text": "Once your striped melons are ready to be picked, you'll need only to package them for pick-up. A trainee from the Cradle of Chi-Ji will be along shortly to collect their order." - }, - { - "Title": "Work Order: The Klaxxi I", - "Objective": "Plant 8 Mogu Pumpkin Seeds on Sunsong Ranch.", - "Text": "An order came in this morning from the Klaxxi. Strangely enough they are requesting mogu pumpkins for some kind of research. I find it's best not to ask them too many questions... Best get started on their order. I'd hate to see what a bug of that size could do to your crops if you don't!" - }, - { - "Title": "The Fall of Shan Bu", - "Objective": "Defeat Shan Bu.", - "Text": "Lei Shen found a clutch of rare storm dragon eggs early in his campaign. One - known as Nalak - was particularly brutal and killed all of its handlers, so he took it for his own.Now, Shan Bu, one of Lei Shen's most loyal servants, works to resurrect the dragon.It is time for us to strike against Shan Bu!Speak to me when you are ready to launch the assault!" - }, - { - "Title": "Work Order: The August Celestials I", - "Objective": "Plant 8 Striped Melon Seeds on Sunsong Ranch.", - "Text": "The trainees out at the Cradle of Chi-Ji are in need of striped melons. Apparently, they use them in their training exercises. A representative will be by tomorrow to collect whatever striped melons you can spare." - }, - { - "Title": "To the Skies!", - "Objective": "Gain access to the Lightning Vein Mine.", - "Text": "We have a plan to halt the mogu's weaponmaking capabilities, and it involves the creature you recovered from the Zandalari.Speak to me when you're ready to learn more." - }, - { - "Title": "Work Order: Shado-Pan II", - "Objective": "Harvest 8 Ripe Green Cabbage plants and provide 40 Green Cabbages for the Shado-Pan.", - "Text": "Well, your work is done for the day! Now to wait for the harvest tomorrow. Once your green cabbages are ready to be picked, you'll need only to package them for pick-up. Only the finest cabbage will do for the Shado-Pan!" - }, - { - "Title": "Work Order: Operation: Shieldwall II", - "Objective": "Harvest 8 Ripe Witchberry plants and provide 40 Witchberries for Operation: Shieldwall.", - "Text": "Once your witchberries are ready to be picked, you'll need only to package them for pick-up. Just think; your witchberries will be a part of your faction's efforts in Pandaria!" - }, - { - "Title": "Work Order: Golden Lotus I", - "Objective": "Plant 8 White Turnip Seeds on Sunsong Ranch.", - "Text": "The Golden Lotus have requested a large number of white turnips. Their request mentioned something about trouble-making sprites wreaking havoc on Mistfall Village. Apparently the sprites don't like turnips!" - }, - { - "Title": "Work Order: Operation: Shieldwall I", - "Objective": "Plant 8 Witchberry Seeds on Sunsong Ranch.", - "Text": "I normally try to stay out of conflict, but an order is an order. Since you are of the Alliance I decided to pass this order your way. Operation: Shieldwall has requested a whole heap of witchberries. I can't be sure, but I think they have an idea to use them in some sort of weapon." - }, - { - "Title": "Work Order: Golden Lotus II", - "Objective": "Harvest 8 Ripe White Turnip plants and provide 40 White Turnips for the Golden Lotus.", - "Text": "Well, hopefully these crops will be suitable! Once your white turnips are ready to be picked, you'll need only to package them for pick-up." - }, - { - "Title": "Work Order: Dominance Offensive I", - "Objective": "Plant 8 Red Blossom Leek Seeds on Sunsong Ranch.", - "Text": "I normally try to stay out of conflict, but an order is an order. Since you are of the Horde I decided to pass this order your way. The Dominance Offensive has requested an order of red blossom leeks. The troops down there just can't seem to get enough of them!" - }, - { - "Title": "The Assault on Shaol'mara", - "Objective": "Complete the Assault on Shaol'mara. Speak to Jaina Proudmoore to begin the attack.", - "Text": "Our scouting efforts along the coast have given us valuable intelligence about the island. However, we will accomplish nothing if we do not advance forward onto the mainland. I have assembled a team of our most elite aerial units to begin the attack. I would like you to join the assault. A champion such as yourself could turn the battle in our favor at the critical moment. When you are ready to begin the attack, speak to me." - }, - { - "Title": "Work Order: Shado-Pan I", - "Objective": "Plant 8 Green Cabbage Seeds on Sunsong Ranch.", - "Text": "The Shado-Pan want crops from you! What an honor indeed! A request came in this morning for green cabbages. Apparently, they make a rather tasty cabbage soup with them. Only the finest will do for the Shado-Pan!" - }, - { - "Title": "Work Order: Dominance Offensive II", - "Objective": "Harvest 8 Ripe Red Blossom Leek plants and provide 40 Red Blossom Leeks for the Dominance Offensive.", - "Text": "Once your red blossom leeks are ready to be picked, you'll need only to package them for pick-up. Just think; your red blossom leeks will be a part of your faction's efforts in Pandaria!" - }, - { - "Title": "Overpowered", - "Objective": "Destroy 7 Sunreaver Mana Collectors around Dawnseeker Promontory.", - "Text": "The Sunreaver forces have grown more powerful recently. I suspect magic to be at play here, but I can't be certain. I think it would be wise to investigate their camp to see if you can find the source of this extra power. Once you find it, use this crystal to overload and destroy it." - }, - { - "Title": "Champions of the Thunder King", - "Objective": "Use Shan'ze Ritual Stones to perform the Lightning Ritual, the Spirit Ritual, and the Primal Ritual at various locations across the Isle of Thunder, and then defeat the powerful opponents that are summoned forth.", - "Text": "This island is riddled with lurking threats from three powerful groups, waiting for the chance to pounce on us. Masters of lightning, ancient and powerful spirits, and primal Zandalari monstrosities. If you can get your hands on some of the Shan'ze Ritual Stones scattered across the isle, you should be able to beckon these powerful opponents out of hiding and strike out at them. Find and destroy members of each group to keep them destabilized, and I will make it worth your time." - }, - { - "Title": "Deconstruction", - "Objective": "Destroy 3 Sunreaver Constructs outside of Dawnseeker Promontory.", - "Text": "Scouts are reporting a large number of constructs patrolling outside of Dawnseeker Promontory. If left unchecked they will pose a considerable threat should the Sunreavers mount an attack. The only answer is a preemptive strike. We'll destroy them before they can attack us!" - }, - { - "Title": "Captive Audience", - "Objective": "Free 5 Kirin Tor Captives near Dawnseeker Promontory.", - "Text": "The Sunreavers will stoop to even the lowest levels to get what they want. I received reports earlier that several Kirin Tor have gone missing. I suspect the Sunreavers may have something to do with this. Hopefully they have not been harmed, or my wrath will be swift and terrible. I trust you to bring them back in one piece, but please hurry." - }, - { - "Title": "Champions of the Thunder King", - "Objective": "Use Shan'ze Ritual Stones to perform the Lightning Ritual, the Spirit Ritual, and the Primal Ritual at various locations across the Isle of Thunder, and then defeat the powerful opponents that are summoned forth.", - "Text": "This island is riddled with lurking threats from three powerful groups, waiting for the chance to pounce on us. Masters of lightning, ancient and powerful spirits, and primal Zandalari monstrosities. If you can get your hands on some of the Shan'ze Ritual Stones scattered across the isle, you should be able to beckon these powerful opponents out of hiding and strike out at them. Find and destroy members of each group to keep them destabilized, and I will make it worth your time." - }, - { - "Title": "Mana Scavengers", - "Objective": "Kill 9 Sunreaver Mana Wyrms.", - "Text": "Sometimes, even the smallest creatures can be the biggest threat. The Sunreavers brought mana wyrms with them. Though small in size they have the ability to cripple our casters in combat. Many have learned the hard way not to underestimate them. They must be dealt with and quickly." - }, - { - "Title": "Enough with the Bombs!", - "Objective": "Disarm the Tactical Mana Bombs at the Alliance Ships, the Construct Ritual, and the Supplies within Violet Rise.", - "Text": "The Sunreavers have planted tactical mana bombs around our camp. These must be dismantled before they are detonated. Look for them in areas of high importance such as our supplies. Make sure you find and disable them all. We cannot afford to lose any ground here." - }, - { - "Title": "Breaking Down the Defenses", - "Objective": "Destroy 6 Sunreaver Perimeter Wards around Dawnseeker Promontory.", - "Text": "Even the strongest defense can still have a weakness. We just need to find the weakness in the Sunreaver's defense and then exploit it as much as possible. Scouts have reported the use of perimeter wards around Dawnseeker Promontory. They're powerful, but not deadly. Disabling them would allow us to keep closer watch on their activities." - }, - { - "Title": "Spellbound", - "Objective": "Retrieve Rommath's Book of Incantations from Dawnseeker Promontory.", - "Text": "Grand Magister Rommath has something in his possession that I want. He brought a very powerful tome with him. It would be better for our cause if it were no longer in Sunreaver hands. Locate Rommath's book of incantations and bring it to me." - }, - { - "Title": "Charged Moganite", - "Objective": "Recover a Charged Moganite and bring it to Warmage Yurias.", - "Text": "We have been dispatching spies into the Sunreaver base of operations on a daily basis. Some had orders to recover charged moganite from the enemy and bring it here. They have not returned, and I can confirm they have left the Sunreaver base. Search the jungle between here and there and find any of the charged moganite that might have been lost in transit. Bring it to me and we will put it to good use." - }, - { - "Title": "Chief Engineer Jard's Journal", - "Objective": "Investigate the Thunder Forges to find the Secrets of Stabilized Lightning.", - "Text": "What an unusual power source. Wonder how it works? And what it can be used to create?" - }, - { - "Title": "Made for War", - "Objective": "Kill the Pyrestar Demolisher.", - "Text": "Some things are built with multiple purposes in mind. Some things are built with the sole purpose of destruction. A massive construct called the Pyrestar Demolisher sits guarding Dawnseeker Promontory. Its purpose is solely to destroy. It must be dismantled." - }, - { - "Title": "Learn To Ride", - "Objective": "Find Randal Hunter.", - "Text": "It's time for you to learn how to ride! Seek out Randal Hunter at the Eastvale Logging Camp in Elwynn Forest. Don't forget to buy your mount while you are there!" - }, - { - "Title": "Tactical Mana Bombs", - "Objective": "Plant a Tactical Mana Bomb on a Sunreaver ship, the Scrying Crystals, and on the most inland bridge of Dawnseeker Promontory.", - "Text": "Ah, just the I was looking for. I have received another batch of tactical mana bombs that I need planted in key positions across Dawnseeker Promontory to the northwest. Here, take these. It is time to give the Sunreavers a taste of their own medicine. Plant one on the Sunreaver ships, another one on their scrying crystals, and the last on the bridge that connects to their forward base." - }, - { - "Title": "Lightning Steel", - "Objective": "Investigate the Thunder Forge to find the Secrets of Lightning Steel.", - "Text": "Your trained eyes can see that this metal ingot has some very strange properties. Perhaps there are clues to its nature somewhere around here?" - }, - { - "Title": "Subtle Encouragement", - "Objective": "Plant Mogu Weapons into the corpses of 9 Skumblade saurok.", - "Text": "The saurok are vile, but we share an enemy: the mogu. And I'd rather send saurok to kill mogu than send my own men. We've been collecting mogu weaponry. Bury these polearms into the skulls of the saurok. Feed our enemies' rivalry, and you may save Alliance lives." - }, - { - "Title": "Subtle Encouragement", - "Objective": "Plant Mogu Weapons into the corpses of 9 Skumblade saurok.", - "Text": "The saurok are vile, but we share an enemy: the mogu. And I'd rather send saurok to kill mogu than send my own men. We've been collecting mogu weaponry. Bury these polearms into the skulls of the saurok. Feed our enemies' rivalry, and you may save Horde lives." - }, - { - "Title": "Extended Shore Leave", - "Objective": "Steal the Workshop Orders and slay the new captain of the Zandalari warship.", - "Text": "The Zandalari have already begun repairing that warship, but we can keep it crippled with minimal effort. Simply relieve the new captain of his post, and steal the ship's damage report from that workshop just outside the vault. No captain. No repairs. No warship." - }, - { - "Title": "Raiding the Vault", - "Objective": "Steal the Choker of Storms from The Swollen Vault.", - "Text": "The Swollen Vault is a repository for some of Lei Shen's nastiest weaponry and most prized trinkets - not surprisingly, these are often one and the same. One artifact in particular, an amulet known as the Choker of Storms, could help us to understand his apparent mastery over lightning. Break into the vault and slay the hoard-keeper. Take his key and use it to recover the amulet from a cache at the back of the vault." - }, - { - "Title": "Rumbles of Thunder", - "Objective": "Bring the Rumbles of Thunder to Lorewalker Cho.", - "Text": "Dear $p, The foreboding sound of thunder has haunted my people for generations. And as you have discovered in your own research, Lei Shen is at the heart of that fear. If you visit us at the Seat of Knowledge in Vale of Eternal Blossoms we can add this contribution to your personal collection. Thank you for your diligence! Sincerely, Lorewalker Cho" - }, - { - "Title": "The Zandalari Prophecy", - "Objective": "Bring The Zandalari Prophecy to Lorewalker Cho.", - "Text": "Dear $p, I have read your reports on the Zandalari and believe I have some clues as to their most recent aggression. If you visit us at the Seat of Knowledge in Vale of Eternal Blossoms we can add this contribution to your personal collection. Thank you for your diligence! Sincerely, Lorewalker Cho" - }, - { - "Title": "Beasts of Fable Book I", - "Objective": "Defeat Ka'wi the Gorger, Nitun, Kafi, and Dos-Ryga.", - "Text": "The stories of Ka'wi the Gorger, Nitun, Kafi, and Dos-Ryga will exist in this land, always. Do you wish to meet them in battle once more?" - }, - { - "Title": "Gods and Monsters", - "Objective": "Bring the Gods and Monsters to Lorewalker Cho.", - "Text": "Dear $p, Is it true that the mogu are really connected to the titans? I find this very hard to believe. But looking over your research, some of the truth about the mogu begins to take shape. If you visit us at the Seat of Knowledge in Vale of Eternal Blossoms we can add this contribution to your personal collection. Thank you for your diligence! Sincerely, Lorewalker Cho" - }, - { - "Title": "A Reckoning", - "Objective": "Speak with Wrathion upstairs at the Tavern in the Mists in the Veiled Stair.", - "Text": "The Thunder King is dead, and his instruments of oppression are being picked over by the Alliance and Horde for their own ends. We come now to the climax of the pandaren campaign. Hellscream's machinations have brought the Alliance down on his head - but even more importantly, he's fractured the unity of the Horde. As the Pandaren say: \"The Wok is Hot.\" Something is about to give, and all of our work comes down to this. I need time to plan. See me as soon as your faction is ready to make its move!" - }, - { - "Title": "Beasts of Fable", - "Objective": "Defeat the Elite Battle Pets of the Pandaren fables.", - "Text": "Have you ever read the great Pandaren book of fables? Pandaren pass these stories on to their cubs - stories of the cricket and the hawk, or the slow-moving turtle - to teach them lessons that they will find useful in life. What few cubs know is that these creatures exist, here, in Pandaria! Though the stories of their travels are made up, they are powerful denizens of this world. Should you happen upon them in your travels, you may test the might of your pets against their storied statures." - }, - { - "Title": "Securing A Future", - "Objective": "Defeat the Thunder King within the Pinnacle of Storms and use the Staff of Antonidas to drain the remaining power from his dais.", - "Text": "It is rumored that the Thunder King's power comes directly from a hidden source within his palace. Even when he is defeated a new tyrant, Garrosh perhaps, could still use this magic to a terrible end. That is unless we make the first move! Take my staff into the Pinnacle of Storms. Once Lei Shen has been defeated place my staff in the center of his dais. We will drain the rest of his power and make sure it stays in our hands." - }, - { - "Title": "Echoes of the Titans", - "Objective": "Collect 12 Titan Runestones from raid bosses in the Halls of Flesh-Shaping and the Pinnacle of Storms.", - "Text": "I'm beginning to see the bigger picture, now, and how the mogu relate to the Titans. But every answer brings with it more questions! The only way to put this puzzle together is to find every scrap of Titan information we can scavenge from the Thunder King's palace. Destroy the Thunder King and his minions and collect as many Titan runestones as you can find!" - }, - { - "Title": "Heart of the Thunder King", - "Objective": "Slay the Thunder King in the Halls of Thunder and collect the Heart of the Thunder King.", - "Text": "The Thunder King. Dead for twelve thousand years, only to be brought back by Zandalari voice. No doubt Titan power preserved his vile corpse. Titan power that's mine by right. ! Bring me the heart of the Thunder King. I will have it, and once it is mine, none will ever be able to resurrect him again. Bring it to me. Bring me his cold, dead heart!" - }, - { - "Title": "Meet Me Upstairs", - "Objective": "Meet Wrathion upstairs on the second floor of the Tavern in the Mists in the Veiled Stair.", - "Text": "There's someone I'd like you to meet. Stormwind's own crown prince recently paid a visit to this humble inn. I've instructed my guards to defend him from any Horde aggression - I don't want to draw any undue attention to myself. He and I have been discussing world events, such as the battle along the southern shores, his encounter with Garrosh, and the upcoming assault on the Thunder King. Come! Let's talk upstairs..." - }, - { - "Title": "The Crown of Heaven", - "Objective": "Meet Wrathion atop Mason's Folly in the Veiled Stair and collect your reward.", - "Text": "Do you recall Mason's Folly, the hilltop east of here where you and I met before? I'm going to use the Lightning Lance to create something special, and I certainly can't do it in here. Meet me atop Mason's Folly so that we may celebrate our victories together!" - }, - { - "Title": "I Need a Champion", - "Objective": "Earn Exalted Reputation with the Black Prince by defeating mogu, Zandalari, and saurok enemies on the Isle of Thunder.", - "Text": "You are a superb representative of your people. But I need someone special. I have big plans. And to enact them I will need a champion to carry my flame to the four corners of the world. Are you the one? Prove it to me on the Isle of Thunder! Lay waste to any mogu, Zandalari, or saurok that you find. Impress me!" - }, - { - "Title": "Life Blood", - "Objective": "Use the Attuned Crystal to retrieve the Remnants of the Animus from the Dark Animus within the Throne of Thunder.", - "Text": "Scouts unearthed this strange construct hidden within the Lightning Vein Mine. A secret weapon of the Thunder King no doubt. Perhaps, there is a chance we can use this discovery to our benefit. If we can re-animate it, we can study it. More importantly, we can discover its weakness. Go to the Throne of Thunder and use this crystal to capture whatever essence animates these constructs. Return to me when the task is complete." - }, - { - "Title": "Forge Ahead!", - "Objective": "Kill the Master of the Forge and collect a Codex Fragment from Fleshcrafter Hoku in the Isle of Thunder.", - "Text": "The forge lies ahead of you, and with it the heart of the mogu's weaponsmithing ability.And beyond that, the mogu gatekeeper, who holds the key to unlocking the gate to the next part of the city.It's time to move out!" - }, - { - "Title": "Encroaching Force", - "Objective": "Kill Nurkala, the Zandalari War Leader.", - "Text": "We've spotted a Zandalari war party up the beach. We need to eliminate him before returning to camp. Would you be willing to handle this one?" - }, - { - "Title": "On Her Magic-ey Secret Service", - "Objective": "Rescue the three captured Kirin Tor agents within the Ghost Iron Mines, and kill Metal Lord Mono-Han.", - "Text": "Under orders from Jaina herself, some of our agents attempted to sneak past mogu lines to find out what was going on in the mines.They were captured, and are being subjected to who-knows-what kind of awful tortures.You must free them and kill whoever captured them. We don't leave anyone behind!" - }, - { - "Title": "Secrets of the First Empire", - "Objective": "Collect 20 Secrets of the Empire and 40 Trillium Bars.", - "Text": "For two thousand years the mogu ruled this entire land. So brutal was their regime that its name is never uttered aloud: Pandaren call it either the \"Old Kingdom\" or \"First Dynasty.\" The Thunder King was its founder and first emperor. He amassed enormous power on what is now the Isle of Thunder. His time has passed. We should claim some of his power for ourselves. Gather mogu relics for me from the Throne of Thunder, and amass some trillium - I have a plan!" - }, - { - "Title": "The Thunder Forge", - "Objective": "Progress through the Isle of Thunder until you unlock the Thunder Forge. Meet Wrathion outside the Thunder Forge and complete his task.", - "Text": "Everything is prepared, and I have selected you to be my champion. Next, we must infiltrate the legendary Thunder Forge of Lei Shen himself! You and your faction will need to advance forward until the Thunder Forge is exposed, if it isn't already. Once you have infiltrated the forge, meet me there. Be ready for a fight!" - }, - { - "Title": "Spirit of the Storm Lord", - "Objective": "Progress through the Isle of Thunder until you unlock the final courtyard. Obtain a Tempered Lightning Lance by thrusting the lance into Storm Lord Nalak and surviving long enough to siphon his power.", - "Text": "Our next objective is to temper this weapon with the blood of a demigod, one imbued with the Thunder King's powers. My agents tell me that the mogu named Shan Bu is creating just such a creature, intended to guard the Thunder King's citadel. Once your faction has fought your way to the front gates, attack Storm Lord Nalak and thrust this lance into his side. The creature will do everything in his power to stop you - stay alive long enough to siphon out the power of the Storm Lord!" - }, - { - "Title": "Maximum Capacitor", - "Objective": "Destroy the 3 lightning drills in the Ghost Iron Mines, and kill Metal Lord Mono-Han.", - "Text": "The mines north of here are critical to the mogu supply line. They are using giant lightning enchanted drills to extract the ore.If you can disrupt the drills, they'll be destroyed, greatly slowing their ability to make weapons.Oh, also, kill whoever is in charge, will you?" - }, - { - "Title": "Zandalari on the Rise", - "Objective": "Kill Arcweaver Jor'guva.", - "Text": "We've spotted a Zandalari leader up the central stairs. We need to eliminate him before returning to camp. Can you handle this one?" - }, - { - "Title": "Encroaching Force", - "Objective": "Kill Nurkala, the Zandalari War Leader.", - "Text": "We've spotted a Zandalari war party down on the beach just outside these walls. We need to eliminate them before returning to camp. Are you up for the task?" - }, - { - "Title": "Encroaching Force", - "Objective": "Kill Nurkala, the Zandalari War Leader.", - "Text": "We've received word of a Zandalari war party up the beach, north of our foothold. We need them hunted down and killed. Are you willing to do this thing for us?" - }, - { - "Title": "Imposing Threat", - "Objective": "Kill Horgak the Enslaver.", - "Text": "The scryers have spotted a mogu leader at the central tower. He needs to be killed before he can mount an offensive on our position. Can you take care of this for us?" - }, - { - "Title": "Raining Bones", - "Objective": "Kill Zur'chaka the Bonecrafter.", - "Text": "We've spotted a Zandalari leader up the central stairs. We need to eliminate him before returning to camp. Would you be willing to do the deed?" - }, - { - "Title": "Among the Bones", - "Objective": "Kill Zur'chaka the Bonecrafter.", - "Text": "The scouts have spotted a dangerous Zandalari among the bones west of Ihgaluk Crag. We need someone capable to see him dispatched. Are you up to the task?" - }, - { - "Title": "Competing Magic", - "Objective": "Kill Arcweaver Jor'guva.", - "Text": "The scouts have spotted a dangerous Zandalari just this side of Za'Tual. We need someone capable to see him dispatched. Are you up to the task?" - }, - { - "Title": "Competing Magic", - "Objective": "Kill Arcweaver Jor'guva.", - "Text": "One of the scryers has identified a Zandalari leader near the central tower. He needs to be removed. Would you be willing to handle this?" - }, - { - "Title": "Imposing Threat", - "Objective": "Kill Horgak the Enslaver.", - "Text": "One of Vereesa's scouts has returned with word of a mogu leader under the central tower. He needs to be removed. Would you be willing to handle this?" - }, - { - "Title": "The Zandalari Colossus", - "Objective": "Destroy the Zandalari Colossus.", - "Text": "The trolls have dispatched one of their immense constructs on the southern road, blocking our passage around the island. See to it that the road is cleared." - }, - { - "Title": "Enemies Beneath the Tower", - "Objective": "Kill 7 Shan'ze mogu in the Diremoor.", - "Text": "There are mogu in the Diremoor animating the army of statues near the tower. Vereesa wants them dead. I think you're the one to do it." - }, - { - "Title": "Trailing Light in the Dark", - "Objective": "Relight 8 torches in the Diremoor.", - "Text": "There is some dark magic in the Diremoor that extinguishes even our magical illuminations, and so our scouts struggle to find their way. As you pass through the swamp, relight any torches you find that our men might find their way. Perhaps they will help you find your way back as well." - }, - { - "Title": "A Wing to Fly On", - "Objective": "Recover a Wild Ptrerrorwing Hatchling.", - "Text": "I've just received a report that another young pterrorwing has been spotted in the Diremoor. We need to recover as many of these as we can find. They may be the key to flying on this island." - }, - { - "Title": "The Shuddering Moor", - "Objective": "Kill the Mighty Devilsaur.", - "Text": "There is an immense beast in the swamp. It has not yet marched upon us, but I place no stock that we will continue to be so fortunate. Strike it down before it grows hungry enough to brave our defenses." - }, - { - "Title": "The Sleepless Legion", - "Objective": "Kill 6 Animated Warriors.", - "Text": "The Shan'ze are animating an army from the statues in the center of the isle, an army that batters our defenses day and night. Destroy any of the walking statues you see. Our defenders will greatly appreciate it." - }, - { - "Title": "The Beast Pens", - "Objective": "Find Scout Captain Daelin at the Beast Pens.", - "Text": "I do not want to see another Zandalari beast rider breach our defenses! I have dispatched Scout Captain Daelin and some war mages to the Beast Pens northwest of here. Their mission is to infiltrate and harass the Zandalari siege and cavalry units. I want you to join them and lend your expertise. Keep an eye out for the tell tale shimmer of their magical cloaking spell." - }, - { - "Title": "Zandalari on the Rise", - "Objective": "Kill Arcweaver Jor'guva.", - "Text": "We've spotted a Zandalari leader up the central stairs. We need to eliminate him before returning to camp. Can you handle this one?" - }, - { - "Title": "No Time To Rest", - "Objective": "Locate Scout Captain Daelin within Conqueror's Terrace.", - "Text": "We have accomplished much since arriving here, but now is not the time to rest. Your efforts have helped us breach the upper level of the Thunder King's stronghold. Now, I call on you to continue our campaign. Report to Scout Captain Daelin within Conqueror's Terrace. He will have further orders for you." - }, - { - "Title": "Encroaching Force", - "Objective": "Kill Nurkala, the Zandalari War Leader.", - "Text": "We've spotted a Zandalari war party down on the beach just outside these walls. We need to eliminate them before returning to camp. Are you up for the task?" - }, - { - "Title": "Encroaching Force", - "Objective": "Kill Nurkala, the Zandalari War Leader.", - "Text": "We've spotted a Zandalari war party up the beach. We need to eliminate him before returning to camp. Would you be willing to handle this one?" - }, - { - "Title": "Even Giants Fall", - "Objective": "Destroy Guardian Tak'u within Conqueror's Terrace.", - "Text": "The Zandalari worship the loa; animal spirits they often call to their aid. They may be trying to bind these spirits into a huge golem. The outcome would be disastrous. I've sent ahead a scout to gather more information, but I think this task may require your expertise. Stop that ritual at all costs!" - }, - { - "Title": "Imposing Threat", - "Objective": "Kill Horgak the Enslaver.", - "Text": "One of my scouts has returned with word of a mogu leader under the central tower. He needs to be removed. Would you be willing to do this for me?" - }, - { - "Title": "The More You Know", - "Objective": "Retrieve 6 Ritual Artifacts from around Conqueror's Terrace.", - "Text": "This whole area is littered with Zandalari artifacts. I would be lying if I said studying them didn't interest me. I am fascinated by the significance of these objects to their rituals. The more we understand our enemies, the better prepared we are to defeat them. If I am to study them, I will need to see them up close. Bring me as many artifacts as you can find." - }, - { - "Title": "Competing Magic", - "Objective": "Kill Arcweaver Jor'guva.", - "Text": "One of my scryers has identified a Zandalari leader near the central tower. He needs to be removed. Would you be willing to do this for me?" - }, - { - "Title": "All In the Family", - "Objective": "Retrieve the Mask of the Dark Mystic and the Mask of the Spirit-Caller from Spiritbinder Tu'chek and Arcanital Ra'kul within Conqueror's Terrace.", - "Text": "Conqueror's Terrace is watched over by two brothers; Spiritbinder Tu'chek and Arcanital Rak'ul. They are powerful magic users and should not be underestimated. Their power seems to stem from the ornate masks they wear; relics passed down from one generation to the next. Each owner imbuing it with their own magic before passing it on. We must deal with the brothers and destroy their masks before they fall into the wrong hands." - }, - { - "Title": "Keep It Secret", - "Objective": "Kill any 8 Zandalari trolls within Conqueror's Terrace.", - "Text": "The Zandalari here are a threat to our campaign. Their use of magic is an abomination. They mix the power of arcane with the darkness of shadow with little care to consequence. We cannot afford for them to find their full strength here or for the Horde to learn of their twisted magic. Their numbers must be thinned. I will leave this task to you." - }, - { - "Title": "Out of Enemy Hands", - "Objective": "Steal 7 Loa-Infused Blades from Conqueror's Terrace.", - "Text": "Magic is a frightening opponent when wielded by an experienced caster. A blade however, is terrifying in even the most inexperienced hands. The Zandalari have some impressive weapons, made even more deadly by the magic they are enhanced with. We should relieve them of this advantage. Steal as many of the weapons as you can find." - }, - { - "Title": "Dino Might", - "Objective": "Find and use Saur Fetishes on 5 raptors, compies, skyscreamers or direhorns in the Beast Pens.", - "Text": "The Zandalari use a series of fetishes and charms to maintain their control over their menagerie of beasts. Two can play at that game. I want you to find some of these fetishes and try them out on the various beasts in the Beast Pens. Take careful note of how each beast responds to each fetish. Then report your results to me. Maybe this will give us the edge we need against the Zandalari." - }, - { - "Title": "Compy Stomp", - "Objective": "Kill 5 Raptors and 10 Trained Saurid in the Beast Pens.", - "Text": "The raptors and saurid of the Zandalari represent a substantial threat to our forces here. They are superb hunting beasts that can track prey over great distances and are often lethal to encounter when caught unawares. I need you to head into the Beast Pens and cull their numbers. We need to make sure to slay them before they are fully trained." - }, - { - "Title": "Saur Loser", - "Objective": "Defeat 10 Zandalari trolls in the Beast Pens.", - "Text": "Inside the Beast Pens you will encounter some of the most skilled beast tamers in the Zandalari military. They are trained to kill with axe, beast, and claw. This is where they build their cavalry. We need you to kill any Zandalari you find in the Beast Pens before they can get their mounted monstrosities out into the open battlefield." - }, - { - "Title": "Left To Rot", - "Objective": "Destroy 3 Fetid Meat Piles.", - "Text": "The Skumblade saurok do not eat all of the meat they hunt. They reserve large portions of it to rot in piles near their homes, attracting pests and spreading disease. We can't have the saurok spreading their disease beyond the borders of Ihgaluk Crag. Dispose of any excess meat that you find." - }, - { - "Title": "Direhorn vs Devilsaur", - "Objective": "Disrupt a binding ritual by killing all ritual NPCs around either a Defiant Direhorn or a Defiant Devilsaur.", - "Text": "We have an opportunity to disrupt the Zandalari war machine as well as have a little fun in the process. Within these beast pens, a devilsaur and a direhorn are being outfitted with armor, their minds being enslaved to the Zandalari charms. Go into the camp and disrupt one of these binding rituals. It doesn't matter which one. Just kill those who are trying to bind the creature. This should let the fully armored beast run mad through the Zandalari camp. Then sit back and watch the hilarity ensue." - }, - { - "Title": "Loa-saur", - "Objective": "Defeat a Loa Speaker.", - "Text": "The Zandalari have found a way to bind loa to their beasts giving them impressive and lethal powers. We need to put a stop to this. Search the Beast Pens for a loa speaker and slay him. You should be able to find them by keeping a look out for their glowing beasts. We must not allow these atrocities to continue." - }, - { - "Title": "Skin of the Saurok", - "Objective": "Go to Ihgaluk Crag and slay a Skumblade saurok.", - "Text": "Ihgaluk Crag is a dangerous place. Luckily, you have the magic of the Kirin Tor behind you. I can transform you into a saurok. I will perform the first half of the illusion on you now. Afterwards, you should go directly to Ihgaluk Crag and slay one of the Skumblade saurok. Once you have done this, I will contact you and complete the second half of the illusion." - }, - { - "Title": "Centuries in Sentries", - "Objective": "Kill 5 Spirit-Bound Sentries and then use the Resonance Crystal to capture the Zandalari spirits trapped within.", - "Text": "Sacrifices are common place in Zandalari society. There is however one oddity among these barbaric rituals; volunteers. They treat it as a great honor! The weak still seek to contribute, even if that means giving their lives to be bound to the sentries you see walking around. Locked away in service to their people. Take this resonating crystal. Once destroyed, drain the sentry of its Zandalari inhabitant. Return the crystal to me when your task is complete." - }, - { - "Title": "The Creeping Carpet of Ihgaluk", - "Objective": "Crush 75 Ihgaluk Roaches.", - "Text": "Ah, roaches! I once bought a pet roach in Booty Bay. Roaches will soak up disease like a sponge, and then spread it as far as they can run. Which is pretty far. Ihgaluk Crag is crawling with the things, and they carry Skumblade filth all over of this island. Crush as many of them as you can while you're there." - }, - { - "Title": "Pterrible Ptorment", - "Objective": "Free the Tormented Skyscreamer.", - "Text": "One of the trolls' skyscreamers in Za'Tual is undergoing a ritual of torture, its will being bent forever to serve its masters.Kill those that inflict such torment on the creature and we can only hope that it will return to the skies." - }, - { - "Title": "Dangers of Za'Tual", - "Objective": "Slay 12 Trolls in Za'Tual.", - "Text": "The Zandalari are a formidable foe - more so than many foes we've encountered in the past. But you are a formidable foe as well.Enter Za'Tual to and show them the risks associated with opposing the likes of you." - }, - { - "Title": "Just Some Light Clean-Up Work", - "Objective": "Disperse 75 pieces of filth by killing Quivering Filth in Ihgaluk Crag.", - "Text": "This is not a glamorous job. Let me put it to you bluntly. The Skumblade saurok pile all of their filth into a pool in the middle of their village. This filth is so concentrated and so rancid that it has congealed into moving, animate matter. The saurok can keep their filth-pool, but once it starts spreading outside of the village, I'd say it's time to intervene." - }, - { - "Title": "Harbingers of the Loa", - "Objective": "Slay 2 Harbingers of the Loa.", - "Text": "If you spend some time in Za'Tual, you will likely see one of their large tents emanating a pure form of evil.Please, venture into the troll camp and put a stop to these unspeakable rituals." - }, - { - "Title": "Dark Offerings", - "Objective": "Destroy 6 Zandalari Offerings.", - "Text": "The Zandalari's spiritbinders perform dark sacrifices to appease their gods, killing our people in the process.Destroy any Zandalari offerings you can find in Za'Tual to help slow the pace of their dark sacrifices." - }, - { - "Title": "Preventing a Future Threat", - "Objective": "Frighten 12 Hatchling Skyscreamers by running near them.", - "Text": "It pains me to think of the torture the poor skyscreamers must endure as the trolls train them to become implements of war.The hatchlings are quite fearful, and will fly away if you even get close them. Please, frighten some away before the Zandalari corrupt them." - }, - { - "Title": "Surgical Strike", - "Objective": "Slay 3 Zandalari Spiritbinders, 3 Zandalari Beastcallers, and 3 Zandalari Jaguar Warriors.", - "Text": "Zandalari spiritbinders perform sacrifices to their gods, the beastcallers bend innocent skyscreamers to their will, and the jaguar warriors venture closer to us by the day.Dispose of these threats in Za'Tual, and watch the might of the trolls weaken." - }, - { - "Title": "The Residents of Ihgaluk", - "Objective": "Slay a Skumblade Brute, a Skumblade Saur-Priest, and a Skumblade Seadragon.", - "Text": "The Skumblade threaten our people, but responding with all-out slaughter would be an overreaction. A more reasonable response to their threat would be to slay some of their tribal leaders. There will be less bloodshed, and they will still respect our perimeter." - }, - { - "Title": "Manipulating the Saurok", - "Objective": "Check in with Magister Yalis, Magister Lyanis, and Magistrix Sanal.", - "Text": "I have three magisters entrenched in Ihgaluk Crag, monitoring the saurok and - where they can - turning them against the mogu. I need you to find them and see if they need any supplies or assistance. They will be concealed from view. Look for shimmering columns of light within the saurok village." - }, - { - "Title": "The Skumblade Threat", - "Objective": "Slay 10 Skumblade saurok.", - "Text": "Ihgaluk Crag has no end of saurok. Those beasts attack my men and spread their disease into nearby water and wildlife, interfering with our operations. Thin their numbers. Once the Alliance takes full control of this island, we can look for more permanent solutions." - }, - { - "Title": "Heinous Sacrifice", - "Objective": "Destroy the Zandalari's sacrificial altars.", - "Text": "Some of the strongest of the spiritbinders perform heinous rites to their wretched gods.We've devised a method to destroy their altars, so the difficult task will be getting to each altar alive.Venture into the depths of Za'Tual and destroy their altars." - }, - { - "Title": "De-Constructed", - "Objective": "Recover the four stolen Silver Covenant Constructs.", - "Text": "Saurok consistently test our borders, and our constructs usually fend them off. Some constructs, however, have been defeated and dragged back to Ihgaluk Crag. I want those constructs back. No slithering lizard will steal Silver Covenant property under my watch." - }, - { - "Title": "Rise No More!", - "Objective": "Kill 15 Risen Ancestors.", - "Text": "Have you seen the ghosts wandering the graveyard? They are risen ancestors, the spirits of slain mogu who have been called back to this world. When angered, they attack swiftly and silently, and their numbers increase by the day. They do not belong here. Destroy them, and send them back beyond the grave." - }, - { - "Title": "The Skumblade Threat", - "Objective": "Slay 10 Skumblade saurok.", - "Text": "Ihgaluk Crag has no end of saurok. Those beasts attack my men and spread their disease into nearby water and wildlife, interfering with our operations. Thin their numbers. Once the Horde takes full control of this island, we can look for more permanent solutions." - }, - { - "Title": "Into the Crypts", - "Objective": "Use the Incantation of Gura in the Hall of the Exalted, then defeat Gura the Reclaimed.", - "Text": "Every day, we uncover additional relics from the Court of Bones. Recently, we discovered this scroll amongst the gravestones in one of the deepest crypts. I believe that this incantation can be used to call beyond the grave. And if my Mogu is up to date, I'd say you should use it in the last room in the Hall of the Exalted. Would you be willing to test out my theory?" - }, - { - "Title": "The Conquest of Stone", - "Objective": "Disrupt the Ancient Stone Conqueror ritual in the main temple at the Court of Bones.", - "Text": "In the Court of Bones, the Thunder King's sorcerers perform dark rituals. To bolster their numbers, the Shan'ze soulrippers are imbuing ancient stone statues with stolen spirits from the living. After these stone conquerors are brought to life, they will be formidable opponents on the battlefield. We must stop their ritual before these statues can be revived." - }, - { - "Title": "The Bloodletter", - "Objective": "Kill Kaida the Bloodletter.", - "Text": "I have heard a disturbing report. Just beyond our position, in the Court of Bones, the mogu bring captives to a general named Kaida the Bloodletter. He thrives on torturing his victims. This monster must be stopped. If you fall to his blade, I wish you a swift death." - }, - { - "Title": "Stone Cold", - "Objective": "Destroy 8 Grave Guardians.", - "Text": "Our assault on the Court of Bones continues. Our progress remains slow, but measurable. Unfortunately, we've received several reports of stone quilen statues coming to life without warning. These quilen are too dangerous to ignore. Venture into the Court of Bones and destroy any quilen statues that you can find." - }, - { - "Title": "The Call of Thunder", - "Objective": "Stop the Shan'ze Thundercallers' ritual.", - "Text": "Within the graveyard, in the deepest ruins of their western crypt, the Thunder King's most powerful sorcerers are charging a lightning rod with crackling electricity. We suspect that this weapon is meant to rain destruction on our stronghold at Violet Rise. There is no time to delay. You must stop their ritual at once." - }, - { - "Title": "Grave Circumstances", - "Objective": "Kill 10 Shan'ze Gravekeepers, Shan'ze Soulrippers, or Shan'ze Thundercallers.", - "Text": "The Court of Bones crawls with mogu forces. Endlessly do they perform their rituals of lightning and thunder. If our mission to take this island is to succeed, then we cannot allow them to hold such a strategic position. They must be eliminated." - }, - { - "Title": "The Beast Pens", - "Objective": "Find Scout Captain Elsia at the Beast Pens.", - "Text": "We need to counter the beasts the Zandalari are using to strike at our camp. I have dispatched Scout Captain Elsia to the Beast Pens along with some war mages to provide cover. Go and find her east of here near the breaches in the wall and help her trim down the cavalry and siege beasts being levied against us. They are masked, so look for the shimmers of their magical cloaking spells." - }, - { - "Title": "Soul Surrender", - "Objective": "Save 6 Silver Covenant Scouts or Sunreaver Scouts.", - "Text": "We assault the mogu at the Court of Bones, but I fear we merely send them fodder for their abominable rituals. The mogu do not merely kill their prisoners - they steal their souls and imbue them in machinations of stone, or reforge the fallen into ghostly tools of war. Alliance or Horde, it matters not. We cannot allow the mogu to bolster their numbers. Go into the crypts. Free any prisoners that are still living." - }, - { - "Title": "Competing Magic", - "Objective": "Kill Arcweaver Jor'guva.", - "Text": "My scouts have spotted a dangerous Zandalari just this side of Za'Tual. I need someone capable to see him dispatched. Are you up to the task?" - }, - { - "Title": "Imposing Threat", - "Objective": "Kill Horgak the Enslaver.", - "Text": "My scouts have spotted a mogu leader under the central tower. He needs to be killed before he can mount an offensive on our position. Can you take care of this for me?" - }, - { - "Title": "The Beating of Troll Drums", - "Objective": "Locate Scout Captain Elsia within Conqueror's Terrace.", - "Text": "Do you hear that? The beating of war drums in the distance. The Zandalari are preparing for us. Let's not give them the luxury of time to organize their defenses. We need to push the attack now! Report to Scout Captain Elsia within Conqueror's Terrace. She will have further orders for you." - }, - { - "Title": "Ashes of the Enemy", - "Objective": "Burn 8 Mummified Remains.", - "Text": "The mogu at the Court of Bones are bolstering their army by resurrecting the spirits of their dead. We cannot allow them to revive their fallen warriors. Take this torch and burn any mummified corpses that you can find. We will destroy our enemies before they have a chance to rise." - }, - { - "Title": "Encroaching Force", - "Objective": "Kill Nurkala, the Zandalari War Leader.", - "Text": "My scouts have spotted a Zandalari war party on the northern beach. I need someone capable to see him dispatched. Are you up to the task?" - }, - { - "Title": "The Conquest of Stone", - "Objective": "Stop the Ancient Stone Conqueror ritual in the main temple at the Court of Bones.", - "Text": "In the Court of Bones, the Thunder King's sorcerers perform dark rituals. To bolster their numbers, the Shan'ze soulrippers are imbuing ancient stone statues with stolen spirits from the living. After these stone conquerors are brought to life, they will be formidable opponents on the battlefield. We must stop their ritual before these statues can be revived." - }, - { - "Title": "The Bloodletter", - "Objective": "Kill Kaida the Bloodletter.", - "Text": "I have heard a disturbing report. To the south, in the Court of Bones, the mogu bring captives to a general named Kaida the Bloodletter. I will spare you the details, but he thrives on torturing his victims. This monster must be stopped. If you fall to his blade, I wish you a swift death." - }, - { - "Title": "A Wing to Fly On", - "Objective": "Recover a Wild Ptrerrorwing Hatchling.", - "Text": "I've just received a report that another young pterrorwing has been spotted in the Diremoor. We need to recover as many of these as we can find. They may be the key to flying on this island." - }, - { - "Title": "Skin of the Saurok", - "Objective": "Go to Ihgaluk Crag and slay a Skumblade saurok.", - "Text": "Ihgaluk Crag is a dangerous place. Luckily, you have the magic of the Sunreavers behind you. I can transform you into a saurok. I will perform the first half of the illusion on you now. Afterwards, you should go directly to Ihgaluk Crag and slay one of the Skumblade saurok. Once you have done this, I will contact you and complete the second half of the illusion." - }, - { - "Title": "Mission: The Secrets of Stormwind", - "Objective": "Send undercover forces into the heart of enemy territory in an effort to learn of their plans.", - "Text": "Send undercover forces into the heart of enemy territory in an effort to learn of their plans." - }, - { - "Title": "The Crumbled Chamberlain", - "Objective": "Recover the Shoulder, Head, Staff, Hair and Torso of the Chamberlain.", - "Text": "You there! Assist me. In life I was the Royal Chamberlain for his majesty, the Thunder King. For my dedication, I was condemned to this stone form, forever forced to watch over a portion of his wealth. Someone has desecrated my glorious body and sent pieces of it across the island. The thought of spending an eternity as nothing more than a head depresses me. Search the island, recover these pieces and I shall grant you one of his majesty's treasures." - }, - { - "Title": "Honor the Flame", - "Objective": "Honor the Midsummer Bonfire in Krasarang Wilds.", - "Text": "The Midsummer Fire Festival is a time to honor the elements. The element of fire stirs passion within us all. Many times, that passion pours out into aggressive actions. But here, in this land, we focus our passion on reverence. We will honor the flame as tradition dictates. Will you honor the flame with us?" - }, - { - "Title": "Honor the Flame", - "Objective": "Honor the Midsummer Bonfire in Townlong Steppes.", - "Text": "The Midsummer Fire Festival is a time to honor the elements. The element of fire stirs passion within us all. Many times, that passion pours out into aggressive actions. But here, in this land, we focus our passion on reverence. We will honor the flame as tradition dictates. Will you honor the flame with us?" - }, - { - "Title": "Honor the Flame", - "Objective": "Honor the Midsummer Bonfire in Valley of the Four Winds.", - "Text": "The Midsummer Fire Festival is a time to honor the elements. The element of fire stirs passion within us all. Many times, that passion pours out into aggressive actions. But here, in this land, we focus our passion on reverence. We will honor the flame as tradition dictates. Will you honor the flame with us?" - }, - { - "Title": "Honor the Flame", - "Objective": "Honor the Midsummer Bonfire in Kun-Lai Summit.", - "Text": "The Midsummer Fire Festival is a time to honor the elements. The element of fire stirs passion within us all. Many times, that passion pours out into aggressive actions. But here, in this land, we focus our passion on reverence. We will honor the flame as tradition dictates. Will you honor the flame with us?" - }, - { - "Title": "Honor the Flame", - "Objective": "Honor the Midsummer Bonfire in Jade Forest.", - "Text": "The Midsummer Fire Festival is a time to honor the elements. The element of fire stirs passion within us all. Many times, that passion pours out into aggressive actions. But here, in this land, we focus our passion on reverence. We will honor the flame as tradition dictates. Will you honor the flame with us?" - }, - { - "Title": "They All Fall Down", - "Objective": "Kill 5 Spirit-Bound Sentries and then use the Resonance Crystal to capture the Zandalari Spirits trapped within.", - "Text": "The Zandalari do not tolerate weakness in their ranks. Those that are deemed weak are often sacrificed in barbaric ceremonies. The victims' spirits are captured and entombed within the sentries you see guarding the grounds. I wish to study their essence. For this I will need your help. Take this resonance crystal and siphon the spirits from the sentry corpses. Do not allow them to escape!" - }, - { - "Title": "The Bloodletter", - "Objective": "Kill Kaida the Bloodletter.", - "Text": "I have heard a disturbing report. Just beyond our position, in the Court of Bone, the mogu bring captives to a general named Kaida the Bloodletter. I will spare you the details, but he thrives on torturing his victims. This monster must be stopped. If you fall to his blade, I wish you a swift death." - }, - { - "Title": "Power Play", - "Objective": "Retrieve the Mask of the Dark Mystic and the Mask of the Spirit-Caller from Spiritbinder Tu'chek and Arcanital Ra'kul within Conqueror's Terrace.", - "Text": "The Zandalari have found a way to infuse items of great power with the essence of their loa. These items are often passed from one generation to another, each recipient adding to the item's power. Two such items exist here. To be specific, two masks, worn by two brothers. Spiritbinder Tu'chek and Arcanital Ra'kul must be stopped and their masks destroyed. Kill them and return their masks to me. I will make sure the masks are disposed of." - }, - { - "Title": "Honor the Flame", - "Objective": "Honor the Midsummer Bonfire in Dread Wastes.", - "Text": "The Midsummer Fire Festival is a time to honor the elements. The element of fire stirs passion within us all. Many times, that passion pours out into aggressive actions. But here, in this land, we focus our passion on reverence. We will honor the flame as tradition dictates. Will you honor the flame with us?" - }, - { - "Title": "Left To Rot", - "Objective": "Destroy 3 Fetid Meat Piles.", - "Text": "The Skumblade saurok do not eat all of the meat they hunt. They reserve large portions of it to rot in piles near their homes, attracting pests and spreading disease. We can't have the saurok spreading their disease beyond the borders of Ihgaluk Crag. Dispose of any excess meat that you find." - }, - { - "Title": "The Creeping Carpet of Ihgaluk", - "Objective": "Crush 75 Ihgaluk Roaches.", - "Text": "Ah, roaches! I once bought a pet roach in the Undercity. Roaches will soak up disease like a sponge, and then spread it as far as they can run. Which is pretty far. Ihgaluk Crag is crawling with the things, and they carry Skumblade filth all over of this island. Crush as many of them as you can while you're there." - }, - { - "Title": "A Spark of Life", - "Objective": "Deliver the Thunder-Laced Egg to Yalia Sagewhisper on the Isle of Thunder.", - "Text": "The Thunder-Laced Egg burns your hand as you hold it. You recall that Yalia Sagewhisper of the Shado-Pan discussing the history of the Thundering Cloud Serpents, perhaps she will know what to do with it." - }, - { - "Title": "A Test of Valor", - "Objective": "Gain the \"A Test of Valor\" Achievement by earning a total of 3000 Valor Points.", - "Text": "There! My eye is upon you. I am watching. The Pandaren, like the Alliance, value the concept of \"Valor.\" There are many ways to prove yourself valorous on this continent, from daily tasks to the defeat of heroic enemies within their lair. I will let you choose your own course. Prove your bravery to me!" - }, - { - "Title": "The Order of the Cloud Serpent", - "Objective": "Speak to Instructor Skythorn at The Arboretum in The Jade Forest.", - "Text": "Ahhh, it seems you have found yourself the proud owner of a majestic cloud serpent. Before you may fly the skies on this powerful creature, you must first earn the skill to ride it. The Order of the Cloud Serpent can teach you the knowledge that you seek. If you wish to follow our way, you should speak to Instructor Skythorn at The Arboretum in the Jade Forest. I wish you luck." - }, - { - "Title": "Bolstering the Defenses", - "Objective": "Empower 6 Kirin Tor Perimeter Wards around Violet Rise.", - "Text": "This island is a dangerous place. We have to worry about attacks from the Zandalari, mogu, saurok, and worst of all the Sunreavers. I had perimeter wards placed on the outskirts of our camp for additional protection. In their current state they will only injure an attacker, but I'm done with warnings! With your help we can super-charge the wards into a more deadly defense system." - }, - { - "Title": "Light Camera Action", - "Objective": "Collect an Iron Box and a Russet Belt from locations within Orgrimmar, and a Standard Scope from an engineer.", - "Text": "You look like you've got a discerning eye for the visual arts, want to try your hand at photography?I can make you one of these S.E.L.F.I.E. cameras, I just need a few parts.For the strap, grab me a Russet Belt from one of the armor merchants around here.I've got a shipment of extra housings waiting by the back entrance to the city, grab me one when you're over there.Oh, and a Standard Scope, most any engineer can make you one of those.Now get out there, kid. Fame awaits!" - }, - { - "Title": "A Test of Valor", - "Objective": "Gain the \"A Test of Valor\" Achievement by earning a total of 3000 Valor Points.", - "Text": "There! My eye is upon you. I am watching. The Pandaren, like the Horde, value the concept of \"Valor.\" There are many ways to prove yourself valorous on this continent, from daily tasks to the defeat of heroic enemies within their lair. I will let you choose your own course. Prove your bravery to me!" - }, - { - "Title": "With the Wind's Blessing...", - "Objective": "Collect Charms of Good Fortune.", - "Text": "! The Horde fleet is making its way to Pandaria. With favorable winds, they could arrive any moment. The Pandaren have a blessing that will give us good luck with the weather and speed our brothers and sisters to these shores. We simply need to collect charms of good fortune to gain fortune's favor. As our ships draw closer to the island, less charms will be required. But if you have enough, we can speed them here right away..." - }, - { - "Title": "Crystal Clarity", - "Objective": "Collect 1 Pristine Crystal Shard from the Crystal Spine Matriarch on Yojamba Isle in Stranglethorn Vale.", - "Text": "Hi again! Oh, I forgot to tell you! I've devised a foolproof way to improve your S.E.L.F.I.E. cam!In fact, with just the right gemstones, I can make a lens that would allow us to do all sorts of things!Some fellow explorers have told me about a large basilisk out on Yojamba Isle in Stranglethorn Vale. Her hide is dotted with tons of high-quality crystals! What a perfect coincidence!She sounds pretty tough, though! You should bring some friends!" - }, - { - "Title": "Light Camera Action", - "Objective": "Collect an Iron Box and a Russet Belt from locations within Stormwind, and a Standard Scope from an engineer.", - "Text": "Oh, hi! Isn't this a great shot? I love my S.E.L.F.I.E. camera!Do you want me to make you one, too? I only need a few parts!For the strap, I'll need a Russet Belt from one of the armor merchants in Stormwind.I've already ordered more housings, you're welcome to take one, you just have to find where my shipment ended up!Oh, and a Standard Scope, most any engineer can make you one of those.Ok, are you ready for a little photography action?!" - }, - { - "Title": "Crystal Clarity", - "Objective": "Collect 1 Pristine Crystal Shard from the Crystal Spine Matriarch on Yojamba Isle in Stranglethorn Vale.", - "Text": "You know, there is a way we can improve your S.E.L.F.I.E. cam, if you're interested. With the right focusing lens, I could add all kinds of features to that thing.I've heard that way out on old Yojamba Isle in Stranglethorn Vale, the mother of all basilisks has been seen. Her hide is dotted with gems that'd make the perfect lens, if I could get my hands on them.She's not going to go down easy, though. You might want to bring some friends along." - }, - { - "Title": "Tracking the Thieves", - "Objective": "Help Jaina discover who took the Divine Bell, and where they took it. You may speak with Seamus Goldenkicks in Lion's Landing to be ported to Darnassus.", - "Text": "We WILL get to the bottom of this., you're coming with me. We'll search every inch of this city if we have to, but we'll find out how they took the bell... and where.I'm picking up traces of arcane magic here... we need to follow the trail!" - }, - { - "Title": "The Time Is Now!", - "Objective": "Report to Shademaster Kiryn in Sparkrocket Outpost.", - "Text": "Now we take the fight to them! Report to Shademaster Kiryn in Sparkrocket Outpost. She will have your orders. Now we'll see how they handle the full might of the Horde rushing at their precious keep!" - }, - { - "Title": "Send A Message", - "Objective": "Report to Sky Admiral Rogers aboard the Skyfire in Krasarang Wilds.", - "Text": "It's time we show these Horde mongrels the full strength of the Alliance! Today we bring the battle to their door. Report to Admiral Rogers aboard the Skyfire. She will have further instructions. Good luck out there. Do the Alliance proud!" - }, - { - "Title": "And Then There Were Goblins", - "Objective": "Report to Sky Admiral Rogers aboard the Skyfire in Krasarang Wilds.", - "Text": "We're fighting a war on all fronts. Even Pandaria itself needs our protection. The Bilgewater goblins are destroying land that doesn't belong to them. They must be stopped! Report to Sky Admiral Rogers aboard the Skyfire. From her vantage point she should have a good idea of where their weak spots are." - }, - { - "Title": "With the Wind's Blessing...", - "Objective": "Collect Charms of Good Fortune.", - "Text": "! My father's fleet is making its way to Pandaria. With favorable winds, they could arrive any moment. The Pandaren have a blessing that will give us good luck with the weather and speed our ships to these shores. We just need to collect charms of good fortune to make it happen. As our ships draw closer to the island, less charms will be required. But if you have enough, we can speed them here right away..." - }, - { - "Title": "The Ruins of Ogudei", - "Objective": "Report to Belloc Brightblade in Sparkrocket Outpost.", - "Text": "Our scouts at Sparkrocket Outpost have reported some new activity near an area called the Ruins of Ogudei. We need to gather intelligence on what it is the Alliance are doing, and more importantly what it is they found. We cannot afford to have any unknowns. Meet up with Belloc Brightblade in Sparkrocket Outpost and find out what he knows." - }, - { - "Title": "The Thunder King", - "Objective": "Contact Wrathion on the second floor of the Tavern in the Mists in the Veiled Stair.", - "Text": "Are you aware of recent events in Kun-Lai Summit? The Zandalari have landed on the northern shores in great numbers and have set about renewing old alliances. To that end, they have resurrected The Thunder King. Even among the mogu, the name of the first emperor commands awe and fear. The Thunder King founded a vast empire of slavery and suffering... but also of power, riches, and splendor. We will take the fight to him soon. Find me when your faction makes its move." - }, - { - "Title": "Ties with the Past", - "Objective": "Recover the Spirit Essence of Varatus.", - "Text": "While I was in the Vale, I came across an ancient pandaren recipe for Memory Wine. I believe this brew can coax some helpful information out of Shan Kien. I am needed here, so I have no choice but to ask you to recover the essential ingredient for me. We need the spirit essence of a mogu that lived in the time of the memory we wish to see. You should be able to find just such a spirit inside the Path of Conquerors, to the northeast." - }, - { - "Title": "The Silence", - "Objective": "Use the Alliance Flare Gun.", - "Text": "D..did we... do it? L..look... in.. my... bag... Use... flare..." - }, - { - "Title": "Dis-Assembly Required", - "Objective": "Destroy the Jungle Shredders using the Re-Configured Remote and then collect 6 pieces of Scrap Metal.", - "Text": "Those shredders are becoming a problem down there. We've sent in the Mecha-Pounders, but it just isn't enough. They're getting damaged faster than we can repair 'em! I happened upon this strange remote while scouting. With a little bit of re-configurin' I think we can use it. Try usin' it on the Jungle Shredders. Hopefully it will destroy them and then you can bring me the scrap metal." - }, - { - "Title": "Whispering Pandaren Spirit", - "Objective": "Defeat Whispering Pandaren Spirit in a pet battle.", - "Text": "You're back! Up for another battle with me?" - }, - { - "Title": "Thundering Pandaren Spirit", - "Objective": "Defeat Thundering Pandaren Spirit in a pet battle.", - "Text": "You're back! Up for another battle with me?" - }, - { - "Title": "The Soul of the Horde", - "Objective": "Speak with Wrathion.", - "Text": ", through your eyes I've been able to witness the fighting along the coast, and the epic course of battles around the world. You've been very patient... and most informative. I've also been keeping a close eye on Garrosh Hellscream. Would you be interested to hear what I've learned?" - }, - { - "Title": "A Change of Command", - "Objective": "Kill High Marshal Twinbraid at Lion's Landing in Krasarang Wilds. You will need a group.", - "Text": "There's an Alliance dwarf I've been keeping a close eye on. High Marshal Twinbraid proved to be a nuisance in Southern Barrens when he struck back at the Horde after the loss of Bael Modan. He's now entrenched within the Alliance stronghold in Lion's Landing, helping to orchestrate the Krasarang counter-offensive. Only a legendary group of Horde heroes could possibly defeat him. If you wish to finish him off, bring friends. Lots of friends." - }, - { - "Title": "Undermining the Under Miner", - "Objective": "Destroy Grezik Oregrind at Oregrind's Dig.", - "Text": "Grezik Oregrind has become a nuisance that must be eliminated. This land responds to all of our actions as I am sure you are aware. Because of this, we cannot allow the goblins to haphazardly destroy it. Our scouts have reported Sha emerging from Oregrind's Dig. The brains behind the operation is a goblin named Grezik Oregrind. Destroy him and perhaps we will stall the operation just long enough to contain the Sha." - }, - { - "Title": "Glory to the Horde", - "Objective": "Win battles at the Temple of Kotmogu and the Silvershard Mines.", - "Text": "This is a global war. It has spilled onto Pandaria, and it has set hot spots across Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms ablaze. How will you fare on an organized battlefront? I would like to see for myself. I look forward to hearing your report from the front lines." - }, - { - "Title": "Flowing Pandaren Spirit", - "Objective": "Defeat Flowing Pandaren Spirit in a pet battle.", - "Text": "You're back! Up for another battle with me?" - }, - { - "Title": "The Measure of a Leader", - "Objective": "Speak with Wrathion at the Tavern in the Mists.", - "Text": "We've progressed to a new part of the Pandaren campaign. Your Warchief aims to impress the Pandaren with the full might of the Horde's military. He will lay claim to the resources of this land, with or without Pandaren aid. I understand your leader's aims, but I really want to understand the Warchief himself. What drives him? And where is the Horde ultimately going? I'd like to talk to you about this leader of yours." - }, - { - "Title": "Burning Pandaren Spirit", - "Objective": "Defeat Burning Pandaren Spirit in a pet battle.", - "Text": "You're back! Up for another battle with me?" - }, - { - "Title": "Cashing Out", - "Objective": "Slay Magister Brasael.", - "Text": "I just saw one of the Sunreavers - Brasael, I think his name was - running off in the direction of the bank to the north. No doubt he's trying to gather whatever assets he can before he leaves. Head him off and make sure he doesn't steal any resources from our coffers. He relinquished whatever funds he left in the bank when he and his Sunreaver kind betrayed us." - }, - { - "Title": "Stirred, Not Shaken", - "Objective": "Find Professor Kilt in the Boom Room in Bizmo's Brawlpub.", - "Text": "Alright, I'll tell you how to find Connelly. Agent Connelly is currently posing as the high roller, Professor Kilt. He spends most of his time in the Boom Room. Rumor has it he's after one of the fighters for some long forgotten betrayal. Unfortunately, the lounge is by invitation only. Lucky for you I just happen to have an invitation. Try not to look too obvious when you walk past the bouncers. If you get caught you didn't get this pass from me. In fact you and I have never met!" - }, - { - "Title": "What Had To Be Done", - "Objective": "Speak with Vereesa Windrunner to travel to Lion's Landing, then speak with King Varian Wrynn.", - "Text": "Thank you for your aid today. I will be handling the purge from here on out. Jaina will soon be off to Lion's Landing, to speak with King Varian. She asked for your attendance." - }, - { - "Title": "Nowhere to Run", - "Objective": "Render 5 Sunreaver Dragonhawks incapable of flying.", - "Text": "Compliant Sunreavers will be sent to the Violet Hold. Defiant ones are put to the sword. NONE are to escape. The Sunreavers keep their dragonhawk mounts on Krasus' Landing. Take this dust, and use it to render them incapable of flying. Or kill them. I don't care." - }, - { - "Title": "The Prince's Pursuit", - "Objective": "Kill Alliance forces along the southern shores of Krasarang Wilds until you are Revered with the Black Prince.", - "Text": "My goal is an expedient end to this costly war. Prove to me that the Horde deserves to win. Show me your prowess on the battlefield. You are not fighting some abstract force like the sha: You are facing your enemy head-on, eye-to-eye. Will you triumph?" - }, - { - "Title": "Jaina's Resolution", - "Objective": "Use the portal from Darnassus to Dalaran, then speak with Vereesa Windrunner on the other side.", - "Text": "For too long, I have toiled to mend fences between Alliance and Horde. Time and time again, I've given the Horde the benefit of the doubt - and time and time again, they stab me in the back. I refuse to be betrayed again! If the Horde intends to use the Kirin Tor as a weapon against the Alliance, then they have no place in Dalaran. Come with me." - }, - { - "Title": "Pandaren Spirit Tamer", - "Objective": "Defeat all of the Pandaren Spirits in a pet battle.", - "Text": "Legend tells of legendary pandaren spirits that roam the lands of Pandaria. Find them and defeat them in a pet battle." - }, - { - "Title": "Sewer Cleaning", - "Objective": "Slay 12 Sunreavers in the Dalaran Sewers.", - "Text": "Jaina's doing a good job taking care of Sunreavers above ground, but there's still plenty rooting around in the sewers. Go find those lying rats and exterminate them!" - }, - { - "Title": "Nowhere to Hide", - "Objective": "Slay 16 Sunreavers in the Sunreaver's Sanctuary.", - "Text": "The Sunreaver's Sanctuary is still crawling with those Horde-loving Sunreavers. Jaina will have sent the reasonable ones to the Violet Hold. The rest refuse to leave, raising their weapons against us. Show them the cost of their defiance. They now face the judgment of the Alliance, the Silver Covenant, and the Kirin Tor!" - }, - { - "Title": "Unfair Trade", - "Objective": "Slay Inkmaster Aelon, Tolyria, Gearmage Astalon, and Sintharia Cinderweave.", - "Text": "Most shopkeepers in the Magus Commerce Exchange have sided with the Silver Covenant, but there remain a few holdouts that must be taken care of. They will not go easily." - }, - { - "Title": "A Return to Krasarang", - "Objective": "Report to General Nazgrim at Domination Point in Krasarang Wilds.", - "Text": "Wherever your loyalties might lie - with Rommath and I, with Garrosh, or elsewhere - one thing is true: your acts today were truly heroic. I can arrange for your transport back to Krasarang Wilds. Speak with me if you would like passage back to Pandaria." - }, - { - "Title": "Darnassus Attacked?", - "Objective": "Speak with Seamus Goldenkicks in Lion's Landing to be ported to Darnassus, then speak with Jaina once you arrive.", - "Text": "As you know, our night elven allies moved the Divine Bell you retrieved to Darnassus for safekeeping and study. Moments ago, they portaled some Highbourne mages over here to ask for backup. Details are hazy - some sort of stealth attack on the city? I don't know what to make of it, but Jaina Proudmoore is already on the scene and I suspect they need all the help they can get. Speak to Seamus Goldenkicks over there for a quick portal to Darnassus. Find Jaina!" - }, - { - "Title": "The Kirin Tor's True Colors", - "Objective": "Slay Lieutenant Corwin and 10 of his troops.", - "Text": "Any pretense that the Kirin Tor might have had at being a \"neutral\" group can officially be discarded. I'm now hearing that Jaina's got Alliance troops stowed away near Antonidas Memorial. The area's free of Sunreavers, but it still makes my blood boil to see such blatant favoritism from the Kirin Tor. Go visit the memorial... and give those Alliance dogs a good kick on your way through." - }, - { - "Title": "Krasus' Landing", - "Objective": "Free 6 Sunreaver Dragonhawks.", - "Text": "We can rescue as many Sunreavers as we want, but if they can't escape, then there's no point. The Silver Covenant will certainly be subduing and killing the Sunreavers' dragonhawks. Put a stop to it." - }, - { - "Title": "One Last Grasp", - "Objective": "Slay Mage-Commander Zuros, then escape from Dalaran.", - "Text": "We've looked everywhere he's likely to be, except for one place: the Violet Citadel. Find out if Archmage Aethas is being held within the citadel. We may get lucky. If not... at least we saved a number of lives today." - }, - { - "Title": "The Remaining Sunreavers", - "Objective": "Use the Tear of the Sin'dorei on Uda the Beast, High Arcanist Savor, Magister Hathorel, Magister Surdiel, and Magistrix Vesara.", - "Text": "There's still a number of significant Sunreavers who haven't been accounted for. Odds are that they're in the Sunreaver's Sanctuary, caught by surprise. The place is crawling with Silver Covenant. You'll need to get in, use the Tear to evacuate the VIPs, and then get out. Stay alive." - }, - { - "Title": "The Silver Covenant's Stronghold", - "Objective": "Slay Arcanist Rathaella.", - "Text": "I have it on good authority that Archmage Aethas Sunreaver is being held in the Silver Enclave, home of the Silver Covenant. Arcanist Rathaella holds him in captivity. Most Covenant agents are out slaughtering Sunreavers right now, which means our chance is ripe. Slay Rathaella, and spring Aethas from his prison." - }, - { - "Title": "A Tactical Assault", - "Objective": "Follow Grand Magister Rommath into the center of Dalaran.", - "Text": "If we're to survive up above ground, we're going to need a base of operations. I'm going to try to take the center of the city. It's risky, but hopefully Jaina and the Silver Covenant won't expect it. Stay by my side now." - }, - { - "Title": "Hand of the Silver Covenant", - "Objective": "Slay Sorin Magehand.", - "Text": "Every Sunreaver Jaina expels from this city is a new blade that fights for the Horde. For US. I'm off to gather more strong elves. You've proven your hand in combat thus far - go take care of that creep in the black market. When you're done, we'll meet at the ramp and prepare to go aboveground." - }, - { - "Title": "Violence in the Arena", - "Objective": "Slay 6 Silver Covenant Enforcers and 4 Silver Covenant Spellbows.", - "Text": "As I suspected, it gets worse up ahead. The Silver Covenant is outright attacking innocent Sunreavers! This cannot stand. While our prime directive is to rescue Aethas Sunreaver, we must also protect as many blood elves as we can. I will continue to scout ahead. Fight well!" - }, - { - "Title": "It Starts in the Sewers", - "Objective": "Evacuate 9 Sunreaver Citizens.", - "Text": "Compared to the rest of the city, this part of the sewers is relatively calm. This is good - we can extract more Sunreavers in peace than we can in war. Find as many citizens as you can. Tell them that it is not safe here, that they must leave the city at once. And try to stay clear of the Silver Covenant. We don't want to cause a scene if we can avoid it. Not yet, anyhow." - }, - { - "Title": "Breath of Darkest Shadow", - "Objective": "Witness the ringing of the Divine Bell.", - "Text": "It is time. We have traveled a long path to reach this moment. Today, our Warchief, Garrosh Hellscream, will change the course of our people's history forever. Today, we witness the birth of Garrosh's Horde! Do not let anything interfere with the ceremony!" - }, - { - "Title": "The Situation In Dalaran", - "Objective": "Speak with Kromthar to obtain a ride to Dalaran.", - "Text": "The night elves learned that the Divine Bell was stolen. This much we anticipated. However, they've also found out that the \"neutral\" Sunreavers of Dalaran were complicit. Now, we've got a situation. I need you to go to Dalaran. Speak with Kromthar for a ride. You are to rendezvous with Grand Magister Rommath once you arrive." - }, - { - "Title": "The Bell Speaks", - "Objective": "Find Anduin at Emperor's Reach. Speak to Fennie Hornswaggle at Lion's Landing for transportation.", - "Text": "Horde forces are amassing in huge numbers at the Emperor's Reach, high up in the mountains of Kun-Lai Summit. The area is an ancient mogu palace, and certainly a source of untold power. This can only mean one thing. Garrosh is going to use the Divine Bell, and Anduin... and the Harmonic Mallet... are both missing. I have no doubt that the fool boy went north by himself. I don't have time to gather an elite force to detain him. You must go and stop Anduin. Fennie can take you." - }, - { - "Title": "The Bell Speaks", - "Objective": "Find Malkorok at Emperor's Reach. Speak to Tak-Tak at Domination Point for transportation.", - "Text": "Your efforts have culminated in this moment. Warchief Garrosh gathers the most elite champions of the Horde in Kun-Lai Summit to witness the ringing of the Divine Bell. You have more than earned the right to participate. Go now. The dawn of the new Horde begins today. Speak to Tak-Tak. He should be able to secure your travel arrangements." - }, - { - "Title": "Breath of Darkest Shadow", - "Objective": "Defeat Ishi and destroy the Divine Bell.", - "Text": "Garrosh is right over there, and he's going to ring that bell at any moment. We don't have time to wait for my father's army. This is our only chance to stop him! I'll attempt to appeal to his senses before resorting to using the Harmonic Mallet. Charge in whenever you're ready. I'll be right behind you." - } -] \ No newline at end of file