Browse files- evaluation_data/carb/ +386 -0
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
benchmark --gold=GOLD_OIE (--openiefive=OPENIE5 | --stanford=STANFORD_OIE | --ollie=OLLIE_OIE |--reverb=REVERB_OIE | --clausie=CLAUSIE_OIE | --openiefour=OPENIEFOUR_OIE | --props=PROPS_OIE | --tabbed=TABBED_OIE | --benchmarkGold=BENCHMARK_GOLD | --allennlp=ALLENNLP_OIE ) [--exactMatch | --predMatch | --lexicalMatch | --binaryMatch | --simpleMatch | --strictMatch] [--error-file=ERROR_FILE] [--binary]
4 |
5 |
6 |
--gold=GOLD_OIE The gold reference Open IE file (by default, it should be under ./oie_corpus/all.oie).
7 |
--benchmarkgold=GOLD_OIE The benchmark's gold reference.
8 |
# --out-OUTPUT_FILE The output file, into which the precision recall curve will be written.
9 |
--clausie=CLAUSIE_OIE Read ClausIE format from file CLAUSIE_OIE.
10 |
--ollie=OLLIE_OIE Read OLLIE format from file OLLIE_OIE.
11 |
--openiefour=OPENIEFOUR_OIE Read Open IE 4 format from file OPENIEFOUR_OIE.
12 |
--openiefive=OPENIE5 Read Open IE 5 format from file OPENIE5.
13 |
--props=PROPS_OIE Read PropS format from file PROPS_OIE
14 |
--reverb=REVERB_OIE Read ReVerb format from file REVERB_OIE
15 |
--stanford=STANFORD_OIE Read Stanford format from file STANFORD_OIE
16 |
--tabbed=TABBED_OIE Read simple tab format file, where each line consists of:
17 |
sent, prob, pred,arg1, arg2, ...
18 |
--exactmatch Use exact match when judging whether an extraction is correct.
19 |
20 |
from __future__ import division
21 |
import docopt
22 |
import string
23 |
import numpy as np
24 |
from sklearn.metrics import precision_recall_curve
25 |
from sklearn.metrics import auc
26 |
import re
27 |
import logging
28 |
import pdb
29 |
import ipdb
30 |
from _collections import defaultdict
31 |
logging.basicConfig(level = logging.INFO)
32 |
33 |
from oie_readers.allennlpReader import AllennlpReader
34 |
from oie_readers.stanfordReader import StanfordReader
35 |
from oie_readers.ollieReader import OllieReader
36 |
from oie_readers.reVerbReader import ReVerbReader
37 |
from oie_readers.clausieReader import ClausieReader
38 |
from oie_readers.openieFourReader import OpenieFourReader
39 |
from oie_readers.openieFiveReader import OpenieFiveReader
40 |
from oie_readers.propsReader import PropSReader
41 |
from oie_readers.tabReader import TabReader
42 |
from oie_readers.benchmarkGoldReader import BenchmarkGoldReader
43 |
44 |
from oie_readers.goldReader import GoldReader
45 |
from matcher import Matcher
46 |
from operator import itemgetter
47 |
import pprint
48 |
from copy import copy
49 |
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
50 |
51 |
class Benchmark:
52 |
''' Compare the gold OIE dataset against a predicted equivalent '''
53 |
def __init__(self, gold_fn):
54 |
''' Load gold Open IE, this will serve to compare against using the compare function '''
55 |
gr = GoldReader()
56 |
57 |
+ = gr.oie
58 |
59 |
def compare(self, predicted, matchingFunc, output_fn=None, error_file=None, binary=False):
60 |
''' Compare gold against predicted using a specified matching function.
61 |
Outputs PR curve to output_fn '''
62 |
63 |
y_true = []
64 |
y_scores = []
65 |
errors = []
66 |
correct = 0
67 |
incorrect = 0
68 |
69 |
correctTotal = 0
70 |
unmatchedCount = 0
71 |
predicted = Benchmark.normalizeDict(predicted)
72 |
gold = Benchmark.normalizeDict(
73 |
if binary:
74 |
predicted = Benchmark.binarize(predicted)
75 |
gold = Benchmark.binarize(gold)
76 |
#gold =
77 |
78 |
# taking all distinct values of confidences as thresholds
79 |
confidence_thresholds = set()
80 |
for sent in predicted:
81 |
for predicted_ex in predicted[sent]:
82 |
83 |
84 |
confidence_thresholds = sorted(list(confidence_thresholds))
85 |
num_conf = len(confidence_thresholds)
86 |
87 |
results = {}
88 |
p = np.zeros(num_conf)
89 |
pl = np.zeros(num_conf)
90 |
r = np.zeros(num_conf)
91 |
rl = np.zeros(num_conf)
92 |
93 |
for sent, goldExtractions in gold.items():
94 |
95 |
if sent in predicted:
96 |
predictedExtractions = predicted[sent]
97 |
98 |
predictedExtractions = []
99 |
100 |
scores = [[None for _ in predictedExtractions] for __ in goldExtractions]
101 |
102 |
# print("***Gold Extractions***")
103 |
# print("\n".join([goldExtractions[i].pred + ' ' + " ".join(goldExtractions[i].args) for i in range(len(goldExtractions))]))
104 |
# print("***Predicted Extractions***")
105 |
# print("\n".join([predictedExtractions[i].pred+ " ".join(predictedExtractions[i].args) for i in range(len(predictedExtractions))]))
106 |
107 |
for i, goldEx in enumerate(goldExtractions):
108 |
for j, predictedEx in enumerate(predictedExtractions):
109 |
score = matchingFunc(goldEx, predictedEx,ignoreStopwords = True,ignoreCase = True)
110 |
scores[i][j] = score
111 |
112 |
113 |
114 |
sent_confidences = [extraction.confidence for extraction in predictedExtractions]
115 |
116 |
prev_c = 0
117 |
for conf in sent_confidences:
118 |
c = confidence_thresholds.index(conf)
119 |
ext_indices = []
120 |
for ext_indx, extraction in enumerate(predictedExtractions):
121 |
if extraction.confidence >= conf:
122 |
123 |
124 |
recall_numerator = 0
125 |
for i, row in enumerate(scores):
126 |
max_recall_row = max([row[ext_indx][1] for ext_indx in ext_indices ], default=0)
127 |
recall_numerator += max_recall_row
128 |
129 |
precision_numerator = 0
130 |
131 |
selected_rows = []
132 |
selected_cols = []
133 |
num_precision_matches = min(len(scores), len(ext_indices))
134 |
for t in range(num_precision_matches):
135 |
matched_row = -1
136 |
matched_col = -1
137 |
matched_precision = -1 # initialised to <0 so that it updates whenever precision is 0 as well
138 |
for i in range(len(scores)):
139 |
if i in selected_rows:
140 |
141 |
for ext_indx in ext_indices:
142 |
if ext_indx in selected_cols:
143 |
144 |
if scores[i][ext_indx][0] > matched_precision:
145 |
matched_precision = scores[i][ext_indx][0]
146 |
matched_row = i
147 |
matched_col = ext_indx
148 |
149 |
150 |
151 |
precision_numerator += scores[matched_row][matched_col][0]
152 |
153 |
p[prev_c:c+1] += precision_numerator
154 |
pl[prev_c:c+1] += len(ext_indices)
155 |
r[prev_c:c+1] += recall_numerator
156 |
rl[prev_c:c+1] += len(scores)
157 |
158 |
prev_c = c+1
159 |
160 |
# for indices beyond the maximum sentence confidence, len(scores) has to be added to the denominator of recall
161 |
rl[prev_c:] += len(scores)
162 |
163 |
prec_scores = [a/b if b>0 else 1 for a,b in zip(p,pl) ]
164 |
rec_scores = [a/b if b>0 else 0 for a,b in zip(r,rl)]
165 |
166 |
f1s = [Benchmark.f1(p,r) for p,r in zip(prec_scores, rec_scores)]
167 |
168 |
optimal_idx = np.nanargmax(f1s)
169 |
optimal = (prec_scores[optimal_idx], rec_scores[optimal_idx], f1s[optimal_idx])
170 |
return np.round(optimal,3)
171 |
except ValueError:
172 |
# When there is no prediction
173 |
optimal = (0,0)
174 |
175 |
# In order to calculate auc, we need to add the point corresponding to precision=1 , recall=0 to the PR-curve
176 |
# temp_rec_scores = rec_scores.copy()
177 |
# temp_prec_scores = prec_scores.copy()
178 |
# temp_rec_scores.append(0)
179 |
# temp_prec_scores.append(1)
180 |
# # print("AUC: {}\t Optimal (precision, recall, F1): {}".format( np.round(auc(temp_rec_scores, temp_prec_scores),3), np.round(optimal,3) ))
181 |
182 |
# with open(output_fn, 'w') as fout:
183 |
# fout.write('{0}\t{1}\t{2}\n'.format("Precision", "Recall", "Confidence"))
184 |
# for cur_p, cur_r, cur_conf in sorted(zip(prec_scores, rec_scores, confidence_thresholds), key = lambda cur: cur[1]):
185 |
# fout.write('{0}\t{1}\t{2}\n'.format(cur_p, cur_r, cur_conf))
186 |
187 |
# if len(f1s)>0:
188 |
# return np.round(auc(temp_rec_scores, temp_prec_scores),3), np.round(optimal,3)
189 |
# else:
190 |
# # When there is no prediction
191 |
# return 0, (0,0,0)
192 |
193 |
194 |
def binarize(extrs):
195 |
res = defaultdict(lambda: [])
196 |
for sent,extr in extrs.items():
197 |
for ex in extr:
198 |
#Add (a1, r, a2)
199 |
temp = copy(ex)
200 |
temp.args = ex.args[:2]
201 |
202 |
203 |
if len(ex.args) <= 2:
204 |
205 |
206 |
#Add (a1, r a2 , a3 ...)
207 |
for arg in ex.args[2:]:
208 |
temp.args = [ex.args[0]]
209 |
temp.pred = ex.pred + ' ' + ex.args[1]
210 |
words = arg.split()
211 |
212 |
#Add preposition of arg to rel
213 |
if words[0].lower() in Benchmark.PREPS:
214 |
temp.pred += ' ' + words[0]
215 |
words = words[1:]
216 |
temp.args.append(' '.join(words))
217 |
218 |
219 |
return res
220 |
221 |
222 |
def f1(prec, rec):
223 |
224 |
return 2*prec*rec / (prec+rec)
225 |
except ZeroDivisionError:
226 |
return 0
227 |
228 |
229 |
def aggregate_scores_greedily(scores):
230 |
# Greedy match: pick the prediction/gold match with the best f1 and exclude
231 |
# them both, until nothing left matches. Each input square is a [prec, rec]
232 |
# pair. Returns precision and recall as score-and-denominator pairs.
233 |
matches = []
234 |
while True:
235 |
max_s = 0
236 |
gold, pred = None, None
237 |
for i, gold_ss in enumerate(scores):
238 |
if i in [m[0] for m in matches]:
239 |
# Those are already taken rows
240 |
241 |
for j, pred_s in enumerate(scores[i]):
242 |
if j in [m[1] for m in matches]:
243 |
# Those are used columns
244 |
245 |
if pred_s and Benchmark.f1(*pred_s) > max_s:
246 |
max_s = Benchmark.f1(*pred_s)
247 |
gold = i
248 |
pred = j
249 |
if max_s == 0:
250 |
251 |
matches.append([gold, pred])
252 |
# Now that matches are determined, compute final scores.
253 |
prec_scores = [scores[i][j][0] for i,j in matches]
254 |
rec_scores = [scores[i][j][1] for i,j in matches]
255 |
total_prec = sum(prec_scores)
256 |
total_rec = sum(rec_scores)
257 |
scoring_metrics = {"precision" : [total_prec, len(scores[0])],
258 |
"recall" : [total_rec, len(scores)],
259 |
"precision_of_matches" : prec_scores,
260 |
"recall_of_matches" : rec_scores
261 |
262 |
return scoring_metrics
263 |
264 |
# Helper functions:
265 |
266 |
def normalizeDict(d):
267 |
return dict([(Benchmark.normalizeKey(k), v) for k, v in d.items()])
268 |
269 |
270 |
def normalizeKey(k):
271 |
# return Benchmark.removePunct(unicode(Benchmark.PTB_unescape(k.replace(' ','')), errors = 'ignore'))
272 |
return Benchmark.removePunct(str(Benchmark.PTB_unescape(k.replace(' ',''))))
273 |
274 |
275 |
def PTB_escape(s):
276 |
for u, e in Benchmark.PTB_ESCAPES:
277 |
s = s.replace(u, e)
278 |
return s
279 |
280 |
281 |
def PTB_unescape(s):
282 |
for u, e in Benchmark.PTB_ESCAPES:
283 |
s = s.replace(e, u)
284 |
return s
285 |
286 |
287 |
def removePunct(s):
288 |
return Benchmark.regex.sub('', s)
289 |
290 |
291 |
regex = re.compile('[%s]' % re.escape(string.punctuation))
292 |
293 |
# Penn treebank bracket escapes
294 |
# Taken from:
295 |
PTB_ESCAPES = [('(', '-LRB-'),
296 |
(')', '-RRB-'),
297 |
('[', '-LSB-'),
298 |
(']', '-RSB-'),
299 |
('{', '-LCB-'),
300 |
('}', '-RCB-'),]
301 |
302 |
PREPS = ['above','across','against','along','among','around','at','before','behind','below','beneath','beside','between','by','for','from','in','into','near','of','off','on','to','toward','under','upon','with','within']
303 |
304 |
def f_beta(precision, recall, beta = 1):
305 |
306 |
Get F_beta score from precision and recall.
307 |
308 |
beta = float(beta) # Make sure that results are in float
309 |
return (1 + pow(beta, 2)) * (precision * recall) / ((pow(beta, 2) * precision) + recall)
310 |
311 |
312 |
if __name__ == '__main__':
313 |
args = docopt.docopt(__doc__)
314 |
315 |
316 |
if args['--allennlp']:
317 |
predicted = AllennlpReader()
318 |
319 |
320 |
if args['--stanford']:
321 |
predicted = StanfordReader()
322 |
323 |
324 |
if args['--props']:
325 |
predicted = PropSReader()
326 |
327 |
328 |
if args['--ollie']:
329 |
predicted = OllieReader()
330 |
331 |
332 |
if args['--reverb']:
333 |
predicted = ReVerbReader()
334 |
335 |
336 |
if args['--clausie']:
337 |
predicted = ClausieReader()
338 |
339 |
340 |
if args['--openiefour']:
341 |
predicted = OpenieFourReader()
342 |
343 |
344 |
if args['--openiefive']:
345 |
predicted = OpenieFiveReader()
346 |
347 |
348 |
if args['--benchmarkGold']:
349 |
predicted = BenchmarkGoldReader()
350 |
351 |
352 |
if args['--tabbed']:
353 |
predicted = TabReader()
354 |
355 |
356 |
if args['--binaryMatch']:
357 |
matchingFunc = Matcher.binary_tuple_match
358 |
359 |
elif args['--simpleMatch']:
360 |
matchingFunc = Matcher.simple_tuple_match
361 |
362 |
elif args['--exactMatch']:
363 |
matchingFunc = Matcher.argMatch
364 |
365 |
elif args['--predMatch']:
366 |
matchingFunc = Matcher.predMatch
367 |
368 |
elif args['--lexicalMatch']:
369 |
matchingFunc = Matcher.lexicalMatch
370 |
371 |
elif args['--strictMatch']:
372 |
matchingFunc = Matcher.tuple_match
373 |
374 |
375 |
matchingFunc = Matcher.binary_linient_tuple_match
376 |
377 |
b = Benchmark(args['--gold'])
378 |
# out_filename = args['--out']
379 |
380 |
381 |
optimal_f1_point = = predicted.oie,
382 |
matchingFunc = matchingFunc,
383 |
error_file = args["--error-file"],
384 |
binary = args["--binary"])
385 |
386 |
print("Precision: {}, Recall: {}, F1-score: {}".format(optimal_f1_point[0], optimal_f1_point[1], optimal_f1_point[2]))