[{"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhat if we could tell how all of the people us were without even asking. Most people can tell when someone is sad, happy, or mad just by looking at them, but what happens when that person is hiding how they are truely feeling. What then? Well new techonlogy can allow us to see exctly how someone, who is trying to hide there emotions, is feeling. This is unfair for many reasons. The technology may be cool but people have a right to keep how they are feeling a secert.\n\nThe computer software works by making a 3-D computer model of the face; the computer watches the different muscles in the face move to identify how the person is feeling. The technolgy delevopted by Dr. Huang can even calculate mixed emotions with the exact percent of how strong the emotions are. Dr. Huang obseres that \"facial expressions for each emotion are universal\" I htought people expressed emotions in different ways though? Dr Hoang also states that \"even though individuals often show verying degrees of expression.\"\n\nPeople have a right to not tell people how they are feeling. Did we really need to know the Mona Lisa was 9 percent disgusted? Now that raises the question of why? Was Leonardo de Vinci's hair messed up? Or did she think he needed to take a shower? What is the point in knowing someone is feelings without knowing why? We do not need technology to ask someone how they are feeling. or even why the are feeling the way they are feeling that way.\n\nThere are really no benfits to knowing how someone is feeling without knowing why. The technology is very cool. It is crazy how Dr Huang was able to develope a computer that uses muscle movment to idenitfy emotions. The technology is useless though unless you are prepare and willing to ask why?", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe use of the Facial Action Coding System in the classroom is valuable because it can help students learn the material the instructor is teaching that day much faster allowing the students to have a fun yet educational experience in the classroom.\n\nThe Facial Action Coding System will make the classroom more entertaining to all grade levels even in college, and the system will identify the emotions the user is feeling and will adjust the lesson plan to the students' liking.\n\nThe emotions are one of the only ways we can tell what each other are feeling but also thinking at the moment.\n\nThese days the only way that communicate mainly is through texting and most people don't like to call each other because people are becoming too caught up in technology to actually talk to the person they are trying to communicate with.\n\nAlso the people are becoming too lazy to actually call the person or actually go to the person in person and have their conversation with them.\n\nIn the education department of the government they are coming up with all these standardized test to prove that the student is eligiable to go to the next level of education, but in most of the schools in the United States who use these standardized tests most of the students fail the test and have to retake the test again the next year or semester.\n\nWith Professor Huang's creation of this tecnology the education system will be getting better and better tests results if this system is implemented into the schools all around the United States.\n\nThe Facial Action Coding System should be implemented into the school systems all around the world because every child deserves a good education even if they are poor or don't have money to pay for the schooling.\n\nThe reason the Facial Action Coding System should be implemented into the school systems all around the world because the software will help students all grade levels succeed in the real world and have a good education and will help the student find good jobs once they graduate high school or college.\n\nThe Facial Action Coding System could actually help therapy patients and patients with PTSD and help the therapists, doctors, and counselors figure out what the patients are thinking or feeling at the moment.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear state senator,\n\nI think that changing to election by popular vote is the best thing to do. We vote and see which ones most popular and that's who gets to be president. Because more people think he'll be a better president. Another reason is that's what people want. Lastly we wont make the wrong choice. We vote and see who's the best but also theres an election process. We think it would be better with no election process at all. I was imformed that we dont really vote for president, we vote for a slate of 34 democratic pledged to that person. so basicaly were not really voting so and so for president. So it seems like the govenment is fooling us. i just think we the people should vote for president not a slate but the president. and whom ever has the most popular votes wins. The government thinks they know whats best but what happens when people dont go threw with what they say,, we know whats best.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus is one of the planets that have the same density and size and used to have mountains,valleys,craters and it also used to have oceans which means it used to have life but the pressure will kill us because the pressure is 90 times stronger than ours.\n\nIt is hard to go to venus because sometimes we are farther and sometimes we are closer to venus. All of our space missions to venus have been unmaned because no spacescrafts hasnt survivded the landing longer than a few hours. on the planets surface the atmodspheric pressure is 90 time than on our own planet. venus used to be covered with oceans and had valleys. mountains and craters. NASA want to send people to study venus. a vehicle would be needed to hover across venus surface. systems made by mechanical devices will by crushed by the pressure.\n\nSo the exploration of venus will be difficult but we will soon need a planet because once we run out of material we wont be able to go anywhere.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus or also called the evening star is one of the brightest of light in the night, Venus is the second planet from our sun, is simple to see safety in a point of the earth, but has proved a bigger challenge to examine more closely but also can be worthy. Venus is one of the closet planet to the Earth in terms of density and size but the orbits with the sun of the both planets are completly different, the missions that the spacecraft do not survive, is more challeging with the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus atmosphere, on the surface of the planet can arrive temperatures of eight houndred degrees Fahrenheit, but also they have many metals and gases that can be good for our in different ways and also the curiosity of the of how can take that resources, the NASA is working in try to study that planet with electronic made of silicon that are tested with chaos of Venu's surface. In conclusion Venus is one of the bigger misterys of innovation, if we can following study them maybe some day we can arrive in that planet and also have the materials that we can use to new technology.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLuke was going to China, because his friend asked him and he said he couldn't pass this up. In the text it says that Luke had no idea that his life would change once he graduated high school. He was working two part time jobs. He knew it was an opportunity of a lifetime. the United Nations Relief and rehabiliation Administartion hired \"Seagoing Cowboys\" to take care of the horses, young cows, and the Mule that were shipped overseas. Luke and Don helped and signed up for it. Luke turned 18 before arriving in Greece. When he finally got there he helped on his Aunt Katie's farm. He went on a second trip. The cowboys all got along and began playing table tennis tournaments, baseball,volleyball games, and boxing and the games helped pass some time for the cowboys. The cowboy, also known as Luke Bomberger, lead his family to host a number of international students and exchanged visitors for many years. They arrivred in China August 14, the day the Pacific war ended. I bet his family was very proud of him. When he turned 18 I bet he was excited because he could be drafted for miltary service. Then when his board learned that he was on a cattle boat trip they told him to just keep doing that for service.\n\nThe reason you should join the Military is because you could save a life. Several of lives. Also because we probably need more people because we could always use more people to protect us. Luke made nine trips after 1947.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear, Senator\n\nThe\n\nElectoral college has been around for centuries and as time changes, things start to evolve and grow along with the time period.\n\nSome things are meant to be changed according to the lifestyle of our people now. Hundreds of years back, the electoral college might have worked for the citizens living during that time. However, this is a new century and many people agree with the fact that the electoral college is out dated and we need to change to the election by popular vote. Firstly, because the people are putting their vote into the hands of a person whom they might not even consider the votes of their state's people . Also, the electoral college causes many issues duing the voting period.\n\nTo start off, The electoral college is a huge risk that the state's people must take each year.\n\nYou never know whether or not your electors will suddenly change their mind and vote for a candidate that you personally didn't want. In the article \"The indefensible electoral college: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong\" Bradford Plumer states \"Can voters control whom their electors vote for? Not always. Do voters sometimes get cofused about the electors and vote for the wrong candidate? Sometimes.\" (Plumer Paragraph 10) What the author is explaining is that during the presidential election, once you vote on your selection for the next president and you give your vote to the state electors you never know if they might change their mind or get scared and choose the incorrect candidate. For example, you choose on Barack Obama for president and you give your vote to the state electors and when it's time to vote... they decide to switch and choose\n\nHILARY CLINTON!\n\nMany of the citizens who voted for Barack Obama are now outraged by the thought of their state electors doing such a thing.\n\nIf we had elections by popular vote we would be able to choose whom we specifically want for our President and there wouldn't be so much tension between people.\n\nFurthermore, the article \"The indefensible electoral college: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system ae wrong\" Bradford explains \"Back in 1960, Segregationists in the Louisinna legislaure nearly succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors whoo would oppose John F. Kennedy.\" This quote from the article is saying that the electors could easily manipulate you and change their votes in order to get what they want, forgetting about all the other votes of the people back home waiting for the news that their selection has won the presidency.\n\nThe elecoral college completely demolishes the purpose of the people's vote.\n\nAdditionally, electoral colleges should be abolished because not everyone feels as strongly about it as they did hundreds of years ago when the process first came about. What had started out as a good idea has slowly turned into a unpredictable disaster. From time to time,\n\nPeople would be let down when they find out that\u00a0 the candidate they had chosen didn't win the election, Why? because their state electors decided that it was okay for them to simply go against everyone else and be selfish by choosing their own candidate for presidency.\n\nBradford proves this by explaining \"...'faithless' electors have occasionally refused to vote for their party's candidate and cast a deciding vote for whomever they please...\" (Plumer Paragraph 11) On multiple occasions voters have done exactly that, choosing someone completely different than whom they were supposed to. Many members of the party get angry with such childish behavior because it's selfish, uncalled for, and just disrespectful to go about ignoring the one major duty they had to cast a vote for their selected candidate. The article \"In defense of the electoral college: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the president\" Richard A. Posner exclaims \"The electoral college is widely regarded as a anachronism, a non-democratic method of selecting a president that ought to be [overruled] by declaring the candidate who recieves the most popular votes the winner.\" (Posner Paragraph 15) What the author is explaining is that the electoral college is an old custom and it's time that it was changed to something new like the election by popular vote.\n\nTime has changed, an so has the political veiws. The election by popular vote is a better opportunity because the state's people get to vote on exactly who they want without any major risks to deal with later on. Also, the election by popular vote is a simple and easier way of electing president.\n\nOn the other hand, there are very few reasons that are pointing towards the electoral college being a good idea. For example,\n\nThe electoral college has a even number of votes which make it easier to have a more predictable outcome of who might win the election. Although, not everyone might get the candidate that they had hoped for originally. The electoral college also comes along with the \"Winner-take-all\" method in which the awarding electoral votes induces the candidates running for the presidency.\n\nHowever, this is only based on the candidate that has the most popular votes.\n\nThere are various reasons to consider the electoral college but many of them are followed by an overload of reasons\n\nNOT\n\nto keep the electoral college in use.\n\nLastly, the election by popular vote should be used instead of the electoral college. The electoral college comes along with many complications and difficulties unlike the election by popular vote it has a simple and easier way of choosing who you want in the next presidency. Many people feel that you should change over to the election by popular vote to benefit all of the state's people so that they can have a more acurrate estimation of who they\u00a0 might have as their new president.\n\nAccording to Bradford, the electoral college is \"...Unfair, outdated, and irrational.\" (Plumer paragraph 14) It's about time we got rid of it and changed the way we elected our new president.", "label": 6}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIt is a good idea to explore and is worthy pursuit to explore the planet Venus, despite the dangers it presents. If NASA decides to explore Venus, then there could be many benifits from it.\n\nOne reason why it\u00b4s a good to explore the Planet Venus is because of data. If we explore Venus, despite the dangers, then it could bring us information about the planet. Then possibly, with that information it could bring innovation based on what NASA discovered.\n\nThe second reason why it\u00b4s a good reason to explore Venus it because of the future. If NASA finds a way to explore Venus (because of the extremely harsh weather condition) then we could possibly explore other planets in the soloar system without being worried of other weather relate obstacles. According to the acticle on paragraph 7, it says that NASA made some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide that has lasted on Venus\u00b4s conditions for 3 weeks.\n\nEven though exploring Venus will take a long time, it will worth waiting. If NASA explores Venus and goes succesfully, then it could cause a scientific break through, leading science into a new world of innovation, new technology, and a more sophisicated world. All-in-all, exploring Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it represent.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Facial Action Coding System would be a good thing for students to use in the classroom. Outside of the classroom as well. Not only is it good for class work, but it is good for video games or video surgery.\n\nThe Facial Action Coding System could recognize if a student is getting confused and alter the course. So many students using computers for school aren't getting the full potential out of their computers. They stay confused and move on hoping they don't fall behind evryone else. Dr. Huang says, \"Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communicaton. So computars need to understand that, too.\"\n\nOnce again I say that the Facial Action Coding System would be a good thing to use in the classroom. Not only would it help students, but the same technology could be used for video games to make faces more expressive. Or to use with video surgey. The possibilities are endless with all the new technology coming out.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n\"\n\nAll of our development since World War II has been centered on the car, and that will have to change.\n\n\" As an official of the Transportation for America, David Goldberg is a credible source for information regarding transportation in America. However there are places all around the world were automobiles are causing problems. Limiting car usage could help solve many of those issues.\n\nIn America, the topic of alternative transportation has been\u00a0 discussed many times, but in previous bills, 80% of appropriations have by law gone to highways and only 20% to other transport. This can be found in paragraph 9 of the first source as the fifth line. Sadly America is not the only country having problems. In\n\nParis, France , diesel cars make up 67% of the vehicles and the diesel feul is blamed for the smog accumulation in the city. In Paris, A warmer layer of air caused by cold nights and warm days, trapped the car emissions which then caused a five day period of intensifying smog. France's smog build-up rivaled that of\n\nBeijing, China , which is claimed to be one of the most polluted cities in the world. This problem also exists in the States, as transportation is the second largest cause of America's emissions, right behind power plants. To ensure safety anyone who was still driving their car was fined 22- euros or $31.\n\nBogota, Columbia followed France in their violation fee and charged any violater $25. Bogota has created a\n\nDay Without Cars , in which no cars are used, to promote alternative transport and the reduction of smog levels. Another positive effect no cars can have would be a more peaceful enviroment, as stated in sources 1 and 3. In America, recent studies show that Americans have been buying fewer cars, driving less, and getting fewer licenses. Although it may be far in the future, America may soon follow the lead of\n\nVauban, Germany , where it is completely car-free. This probably won't happen anytime in the near future, but the use of automobiles has gone down in the United States. Bill Ford, chairman of the Ford Motor company, proposed a city in which, pedestrians, bicycles, private cars, etc. are used to save time, lower emissions and improve safety. He sees this future, hopefully others will too.\n\nAlthough America might not be exactly like Vauban, it is good to hope that it will get there someday. No cars would result in a calmer atmosphere and a more peaceful lifestyle. Also, it would lower the emissions made by vehicles, which in turn would save the atmosphere, thus saving life on earth. No cars would also help improve safety, both of animals and of people. We may not be completely there yet, but the world will someday have no need for cars and that will be the first step into the future.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI would like you people out there to come and join our program the Seagoing Cowboys, I gunratee you will have a great time. We go to many different countries to have a amazing adventure and very wonderful time with friends or family. We nation named UNRRA your about to find out what is that Nation, that nations was make to help countries recover ther food supplie which was lost, and animals decreasing. Almost 44 nations come together to make that ONE nation.\n\nThis program is\n\nlife time decision you can't miss it for anything. If you like animals well you need to come on this trip we have animals on board with us to take them oversea, We have many unique animals on with us\n\nthe passage states that they are horses; young cows; mules; pigs, However we just don't leave them in the boat with no feed or water or shelter we help those animals we feed them everyday, We keep them clean and there living areas clean so they wont get ill or get any kind of disease to spend to the another animals.\n\nSo I want you to join our program why wouldn't you join so we can save those animals from\n\ngetting any diseases or dieing from hungrier, or thirst. We just not there for the animlas for the countries too, We go to many fun and exciting countries. Have you ever wanted to go to a countries so bad? Well we can take you there, too sight the Magnificent things in life.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI feel like driverless cars are a great idea. It's truly great from how i see it a sign of the future. People should really see this on a positive note, you get so much from a driverless car. Driverless car is the future of things it is for the better of mankind. Hopefully people see it the way i see it.\n\nYou get so much from a driverless car don't know why some states would outlaw the use of driverless cars I could see why they would worry, for the pedestrians, drivers, and passengers. cause after all safety is the most important but if they would actually overlook the bad consiquences and see driverless car use isn't bad. After all the way the driverless cars are being made now are way more safer with all new features. All these car companies making driverless cars I'm pretty sure they're making it way safer. The law should be taking out of these states and see how safe driverless cars are.\n\nThe driverless car has all these great features that I do not understand why some would be against it. For example, BMW announced the development of \" Traffic Jam Assistant\". Which means that the car can handle driving funtions at speed up to 25 mph, but the touch sensors it has make sure the driver has their hands on the wheel. It's come pretty far to where the car can steer, accelerate and brake themselves. Also GM\n\nhas developed driver's seats that vibrate when the vehicle is about to back into an object. Also thoughts of some manufacturers consider using camers to make sure the driver is focused on the road.\n\nThe future is near with how it's come from driving to driverless cars. all the technology going into this car and off like the specially designed roads for specially designed cars. also car manufacturers like Audi, Mercedes Benz, and Nissan plan to have cars that can drive themselves by 2020. That is coming soon we're in the year 2016 and it's just 4 more years away the future is calling. Driverless cars are just the beginning of the future nothing better than that.\n\nIn conclusion I am all for driverless cars like I've said it's a great Idea. With all the technology in the self driven car and the beauty in it. Sure some states and people are against it with worrying about safety and thats understandable but soon they'll see all the good a self driven car can be and some states will go down on that law. Also like i said it is the future for driving and we'll need to adapt we always have and i know we''ll adapt to driverless cars. I approve driverless cars.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think that driverless cars are a great idea but are not yet a safe one. What happens if soembody gets in a car wreck while being in the driverless car? I'd sure hate to be the manufacturer of that car because I'd be losing a lot of money. Driverless cars arent a bad idea I mean, there can be many pros and cons, but no one is ever 100% sure that their idea is as good as it needs to be before they can sell it to people, especially when a human being would be putting their lives in the responibility of a man made machine.\n\nDriverless cars can be good for many, mainly working people on the road. Say you are a business man/woman and have tons of work to do because your company or business relies on you to make your people look good. Well, theres been a bit of an interfence with your work and didn't have time, but on your way to work you can focus on paper work and anything else that is required and have it done while another co-worker had not completed their paper work on th ewy to work. All because you own a driverless car and can getg more done. But when you think about the cons of riding in a driverless car you get to thinking, \"well what if I'm focusing on business work and my driverless car crashes?\" Who will be responsible? The manufacturer of course, because there was some type of malfunction where the car doesn't respond correctly to the surroundings. Would you put your life in the programming of a driverless car? Yes, they'll save lots of time and money but how much more would the damages cost to trust a driverless car to get you places safely?\n\nIn many cases I guess you can say that riding in a driverless car would come in handy. Maybe they arent the best for the roads, but what about using them for tours around the city or maybe creating them to travel only at neighborhood speeds? I'm sure the manufacturers will find a more safe use for driverless cars or possibly a different type of driverlesss automobile. In the beginning, middle, and end I still think in my head that driverless cars are never going to be a legitimate guaranteed safety vehicle.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n\"How could you think it is created by aliens, it is obviously just a natural landform,\" I said. PROPER_NAME said \"But how could it be natural, the odds of that happening are like one in a million.\" \"JPL already has proof that it is just natural, they said it was a butte or mesa, landforms common around American West, besides, do you truly think there are little green guys with really big foreheads and wierd eyes just walking around mars. I mean I don't want to sound mean, but if you truly think that, then there is something going on in your head that isn't quite healthy,\" I said. PROPER_NAME came back with,\"How could you be so selfish to say that everthing on earth are the only living things in the universe, and by the way, there isn't anything wrong with me in the head, there might be with you if you are that selfish. I thought youre Mother raised you right.\" I argued, \"There is no way any life form could have a face two miles from end to end, that is just obserd. Plus, if you think that there is just some hidden life form out there surviving and making places to live, than how do you sleep at night.'' \"I sleep just fine at night thank you very much. And yes, I do think there could be something like that out there, and it is not obserd or...\" I interfered,\"I just can't believe you would think this ignorantly, I have known you for fifteen years,and you are the smartest human being I know.\" \"if there is life on Mars and you don't believe me, you will be sorry you ever spoke to me.\"", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn this article author argued about to use the auto drive system or not. Some people says it is dangerous but some people is not. Automakers are continuing their work on the assumption that the problems ahead will solved Teska has projected a 2016 release for a car capable of driving on autopliot 90 percebt of the time. Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to have cars that can druve themselves by 2020. The road to the truly autonomous car stretches on ahead of us but we grow closer to the destination every day.Antilock brakes and driver assistance still seem a long way from the dream of calling a driverless can to take us wherever we desire, but Sebastian Thrun, founder of the Google Car project, believes that the technology has finally begun to catch up to the dream. \"There was no way, before 2000, to make something interesting. The sensor were not there, the computers were not there, and the mappuing was not there. Radar was a device on a hilitop that cost two hundred miliion dollars. It was not something you could buy at radio shake So just how driverless will the cars be in the near future? Sensers are nothing new, of course. In the 1950's automakers used speed sensors at the whells in the creation of antilock brakes Within 10 years, Those sensprs had become more advanxced to detect and respong to the danger of out of control skids or rollovers. The information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheel and reduce power from the engine allowing far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone Fuyrther improvemenrts in sensors and computer hardware and software to make driving safer are also leading to cars that can handle more and more druvung takse on theri own. Why would anyone want a driver less car that still needs a driver. The road to the trulu autonomous car stretches on ahead of us, but we frow closer to the destination every day.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Facial Action Coding System should not be used in schools to help students. There are benefits to this system, but the bad outweigh the good. This technology used to reconize emotions will affect students in ways that aren't necessary, and cause unwanted problems in the classroom.\n\nFirstly, the article metions this system being used on computers while students are working to analyze their emotions. The author writes \" 'A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming comfused or bored,' Dr. Huang predicts. 'Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor'\" (Alto 6). Having a computer watch students' facial expressions while working could make the students feel uncomfortable and give them anxiety. Being uncomfortable while working will effect the way a student learns. They will not be focusuing on the material they are learning, but instead the idea that they are being watched. This is a problem that's not needed in the classroom and can be avoided.\n\nSecondly there are tons and tons of emotions a human can express. The author writes \" Then Dr. Huang relies on the work of psychologists, such as Dr. Paul Eckman, creator of FACS. Eckman has classified six basic emotions- happiness, suprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness- and then associated each with characteristic movements of the facial muscles\" (Alto 3). Having only classified six emotions, is not a very wide range. What if for example, a student were to show an emotion that the computer doesn't have programmed and reconizes it as somthing else, changing the lesson to fit the wrong emotion? This would cause the lesson to be changed when the student didn't need it to be. This creates a technology problem along with the problem of fixing the lesson and wasting time the student could be using to learn.\n\nLastly, having a computer analize a students emotions while working would leave the teacher with nothing to teach or help the students with. This might seem like a good thing at first, but teachers create the classroom atmosphere and keep students ingaged in learning. Why have a computer analyze student emotions when teachers have been doing it perfectly for years?\n\nThe Facial Action Coding System is a great advance in technology, but when it comes to schools, the System should not be used. It only creates problems that are not needed. These problems could be avoided by not using the system.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you heard about FACS? Its full name is glory is \"the Facial Action Coding System\".It basically allows to tell which emotion the persons feeling. It seems like a great and wonderful device to have in work places and school places! I think we/they should have these devices in places that best need them! Like in and out the classroom.\n\nI think its valuable because when your in a classroom teachers tend to ususally do a lesson even though all the students get bored out of their minds and end up not paying atention!! Same goes for doing a lesson on this computer, the classroom would be able to recognize the students emotions if the school had some of thses devices, but right now we don't because not all schools cant afford new high tech computers to recognize the childrens emotions! In the text it states\n\n\"A classroom computer could recognize when a studenr. Hat is becoming cinfused or bored,\" Dr. Huang predicts. \"Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructure! With this it would probably take a while but easy t the same time, because there are so much combinations to this peice of technology! In the text it staes \"he facial expressions for each emotion are univeral,\" observes Dr. Huang, \"even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression\" (Like not smiling as broadly). This tells that there are so many emotions to decode! Now how this works is the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of your face and detects all your muscles in your face to determine what emotion your in. In the text so far states that Eckman has classifed 6 basic emotions and they are; happiness, suprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness.\n\nOverall, this mechine would be most useful in classrooms because teachers and computer programs can change up so that the students would not be so bored and not pay attention! So they correct their lessons and can make it entertaining and fun for everyone!", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus,\" the author includes many benefits and dangers that come with exploring Venus. Venus is known for its uninhabitable atmosphere and environment, but scientists believe that long ago Venus was the planet most similar to Earth. In this article, the author believes that humans should go beyond the limits of dangers and supports his or her idea well with inspiring points that motivate anyone to look past the boundaries. The author lists the extreme dangers of Venus, and then answers why scientists are so set on exploring it.\n\nThe author first regards the dangers of Venus. The author explains the problem to finish with a promising solution. The author gives dreadful facts that prove the planet is extremely inhospitable for any human and even some space crafts. The author states, \"These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth; such an environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals,\" The author does not say this to frighten anyone but to blunty state what the NASA scientists are up against.\n\nFurther into the article, the author answers the important question \"why?\" Why would anyone want to put themselves at these risks? Why is Venus worth all of the trouble? The answer is, \"Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system.\" The author wants people to realize that Venus has the potential to be almost identical to Earth, but the author also includes that scientists cannot be certain without further exploration. The potential of Venus being another part of our world is certainly going to excite many astronaunts and explorers to go make it certain.\n\nVenus has the potential to hold an exciting new world, but the dangers astronaunts and scientists must face are lethal. The author paints a new possibility in this article by describing the potential Venus could hold. This article clearly shows how the author informs about the dangers of Venus but then answers why the scientists are to eager to get to know this planets. With the way the author gives inspiring points about exploring this planet, anyone can look past the dangers and see a new world.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCars of the future will be able to drive them selves, but will you let them? Companies are developing cars that dont require drivers. Current driverless cars still need a driver to be alert. Thear will be times when the car will not be able to drive it self.\n\nCompanies such as Google, and Genral Motors are developing cars that can drive themselves. A few companies tried making roads that sent signals to the car to show it whear to drive. Roads that told cars whear to drive would requir to much of an upgrade to all existing roads. It became clear that cars would have to drive them selves. With the use of cameras and sensors Google's car is abble to tell whear it is on the road.\n\nThe currnt self driveing cars still require a drive to be alert to take over the wheel if ther is road work, or some outher objstical that the car can not overcome. At some point in time, if cars become truely self driving thear may be a genration of people who dont know how to drive at all. That could be a good thing so that people wold not be able to out run the authortys.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" the auhtor did not make enough evidence and information on why it would be of great value to explore our twin planet, Venus. Most the article was relaying challenges, or risks, as some might say, and probable solutions to those risks. The part in the article on why it would be of great value to study Venus does not give us a lot of reason why.\n\nFor most of the articel the author was giving was reasons why there unmanned missons to visit and why a single spaceship has not touched down on Venus in more than three decades. One reason as he explain was Venus's atmosphere. Another was the enivornment of our neighboring planet Venus.\n\nMostly the other part of the article was soltuions to Venus's challenges. He talk about how NASA had an idea to use an blimp-like trasnportation to avoid Venus's harsh enivorment. He also explained NASA's othe plan to use mechanical computers some modern technology wouldn't burn up and melt due to Venus very humid temperatures.\n\nAt the end of the article, in the last paragraph, is where the author briefly gave he reason for why studying Venus would be a good idea. He brings up recieveing insight on the planet. Also he brings up the hunger human curiosity and that it will lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors.\n\nBased on the information explained in this essay, the reason is now known why the author did not do a good job supporting why explorating Venus would be of great value. He mainly just explains the challenges and solutions to explore Venus. Hardly anything is say on why the value of studying Venus would be of great use.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe face. A pop icon, a very controversial topic, an alien landform. Those are some of the most common pieces of discussion surrounding this mysterious landfrom captured in 1976. Is it a hub for aliens? Is it a landform much like the ones we study in the American West? There are many theorists that believe the landform has alien origins, but they have no substantial evidence. While many continue to believe given the reality, there are no alien origins to this landform.\n\nThere was no alien life form ever captured in any pictures. In 1998, the picture was retaken 10 times sharper than the one released in 1976. It showed, absolutely no signs of any alien life at all. Still, many believed NASA was covering up some conspiracy surrounding aliens, or blaming the weather, which happened to be cold and cloudy. Since the weather could have been a factor, they reshot the picture in 2001 on a sunny and cloudless day, with a better spacecraft, and Jim Garvin, the chief scientist at NASA stated that it looked like a butte or mesa, landforms common in the midwest. He called it a lava dome that had taken the form of a mesa, having the same height as the face, proving there to be no alien origins, just a natural landform.\n\nIf there was alien life form on Mars,NASA would benefit from it. They would go down in history as the first people to have discovered alien life, get funding for years of research, and become more popular than ever, increasing their livelyhood. A few scientists believed the face was an alien artifact, showing that the scientists had also been hoping for any chance of alien activity, but hadn't found any. They released pictures to the media, asked for feedback, and kept everyone updated on their findings. They themselves seemed optimistic in the first two expeditions to Mars, hoping to find any signs of alien life, reshooting repeatedly to get the best picture. It would be useless for NASA to not release information that could be beneficial to themselves.\n\nThey took multiple sets of pictures in different years. They performed multiple trips to Cydonia, snapping multiple pictures. They went in 1976, when it was first discovered, 1998, revealing no alien life form, and 2001, revealing it to be a lava dome. Each time, they took multiple pictures, studying and publishing them for the world to see. They had found absolutley nothing in 1998 and 2001 that could point to any life forms existing on Mars, proving the theory of aliens on the face to be false.\n\nWhile many people continue to believe that the face is proof of aliens, they have no concrete evidence. They are using old tales, myth, and folklore, with little to no evidence to help their argument. All the arguemnts made against the pictures were silenced, making it impossible to find strong evidence to prove alien origins. After snapping the picture in 2001, it became clear the face was just a mesa, nothing more than a natural landform with odd shadows and ridges, resembling a face.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nthe face wasn't formed by aliens. The text says, its a rock formatio.. which resembles a human head. . . formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth.\" Another reason is that thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeard on a JPL web site, revealing . . . a naturallandform. There was no alien monument after all. The text states that in paragraph #7. i personaly thiink that the face wasn't formed by aliens because they arn't seen by any web surfers. I think that it was formed by rocks. The text says,\" As a rule of thumb,you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the size,\" he added\" so, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptians-style pyramids ro even small shacks, you could see what they were!\" The text says that in paragraph #11. Lastly the text says,\" What the picture actually shows is the Martian of a butte or mesa landform common around the American West. Thats a lava dome that takes the form of a isolatedd mesa about the same height as the face on mars. The text says that in paragraph #12. That is why I dont think that the face was formed by aliens.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the aricle \"Making Mona Lisa Smile,\" the author describes how a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System enables computers to indentify human emotions. Details I found from in the article show that computers can read a persons emotions. It can also tell from a painting or a video. It tells us in the beginging of the paragraph 1 that in the Mona Lisa paiting it shows emotion. According to the new computer software that can read emotions they tested it on paiting. She shows 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 perecent ferful, and 2 percent angry.\n\nI believe this new technology is valuable for our use. It can give us bettter ways to explore and to communicate with computers. It tells us in the artilcle that computers can actually \"calculate\" emotions. It can recognize how a human feels and how humans express themselves. A psychologists, such as Dr. Paul Eckman a creator for FACS constructed a 3-D computer model of a face and all major muscles in the model must move like a human muscle. One or more muscles that move is called a \"action unit\". An example, your pfrontalis pars lateralis muscle (above your eyues) raise your eyuebros when your surprised or shocked .\n\nUsing video imagery, the new emotion-regonition software tracks these facial movements- in a real face or in the painted face of Mona Lisa. Humans perform this same impressice \"calculation\" every day. For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her or his face. I think to read the emotional expressions of students in classroom is impressive. A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. It could also make computer animated faces more clear and expressive for video games video surgery. But also most humans communicate in nonverbal, including emotional communicaton.\n\nI think the use to read the emotional expressions of students is valuable. It can help them in the classroom if there confused or distracted. It could really help a lot more then just students in a classroom. I think it could be used around in daily life maybe at a hostpital or military. This is why i think the Facial Action Coding System and technology is valuable.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nBeing a Seagoing Cowboys is a great job and you could become one too. This could be a great for you and im going to tell you a couple of reasons why I like my job and why you should join in with us.\n\nI didnt really know much about this whole Seagoing Cowboys thing but I might as will give it a try i thought so I did and once I got into this it changed my whole live and this can be you too this can change your life too. If you love animals you will love this job as much as I do. They hired me to take care of animals like horses,young cows, and mules that were shipped oversea and this could also be you. You could take care of all these animals. I made nine trips the most of any seagoing cowboy and maybe If you joined the seagoing cowboys program You could beat my record and go up to 10 11 12 or higher. But the best thing about this is when you get to travel you get to go places you have never ever in your life dream of going. You get to go places like\n\nEurope, China , Greece, and even Italy and have a good time . And you get to go on cattle boats for me they were unbelievable. But a good thing about this job was that you still get time for yourself and get to relax.\n\nThese were a few reasons why I think you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. But being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than an adventure it opens the world to you. And you should join you will have a lot of fun in this program Its also will open the world to you.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the age of technology, we are constantly searching for better ways to communiucate to computers. It seems as though they are just blocks of plastic, wiring, and metal that have no empathy, brains, or hearts. But what if computers could understand human emotion? The computer could know what we are feeling and give us results to match that mood. This is becoming a reality for society today, as a new software, the Facial Action Coding System has promising results for understanding and catergorizing human emotions. This technology could be used in the classroom, where it would provide a better learning environment for students if the computer could understand the students and know if they were bored or tired, and would adjust its program accordingly.\n\nThe Facial Action Coding System was created by Prof. Thomas Huang of the University of Illnois and Prof. Nicu Sebe of the University of Amsterdam. The FACS first costructs a 3-D model of the face with all 44 face muscles. Movement of one or muscles is called an action unit. Dr. Paul Eckman, another creator of FACS, has \"classified six basic emotions: happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness, and then associated them with charactersitic movements of the facial muscles.\" The FACS was tested on the Mona Lisa, and detected her as \"83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry.\" A computer being able to understand human emotion would be groundbreaking, as \"most human communication is nonverbal, including, emotional communication.\" We as humans have a variety of expressions, from huge ones to very subtle changes in mood. Computers need to understand these, along with the subtle facial movements that go with them. A extensive calculation is needed in order to acheive this goal. We humans perform this 'calculation' every day, as we can tell how a friend is feeling by the look on their face by taking their facial cues into consideration of their emotion. A comptuter that could a similar thing as such would know when you're happy or sad, and then react accordingly. If you were to smile at a Web ad, it would send a similar one. But if you frowned, the next one would be different. \"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,\" Dr Hunag predicts. \"Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.\" This would allow for a better learning environment and teaching skills for students.\n\nThe use of this technology would be outstanding and unbelievably helpful in the classroom. It could accurately identify a student's emotions and change the lesson plan to meet their own academic needs. This technology not only can identify emotions, but can help humans to react to them. With more expressive characters in video games and movies, humans can identify and repilcate such emotions, as we have empathy. Empathy may happen because we unconciously imitate another person's facial expressions, and computers with the FACS software could allow for that and much more to occur. Technology as we know it today could be changed forever. If computers do acquire the FACS software, then it would be able to identify human emotions and adjust accordingly.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think the computer the students are using to identify human emotions is valuable. It could useful for many things in the world or can use for important uses like if people are lying. This techology could be helpful to scientists for many uses or like in the article says for identify paints or surgeries. In the following paragraghs i will give my reason why its a good reason to the FACS and evidenece.\n\nThe reason i agree that they should have the FACS is because it could be used for alot of things like see who is confused or lost, and if someone is lying when they are introuble, and even if they need it for a painting like this artcle. I think people always questioned if mona lisa is happy or mad, or even confused. In the artricle on paragraph 3 it says that the computer can classifi if someone or some painting is happy, sad, anger, fear, and disgusted. So what they did is they made the painting 3-d and scanned her face to see what was her emotions were during da vinci was painting and also it says that the computer can also major 44 muscles on our face and can tell if we are happy or sad. on paragraph 1 the result of what emotion mona lisa was 83% happy, 9% disgusted, 6% fearful andf 2% angry. this result could be right or just what the computer thinks what her emotion was in that very moment da vinci was painting her.\n\nIn conclusion i do think FACS is valuable because it could help figuring out emotions on people in paintings like da vinci, help during surgery, help the teacher know if people did understand the lesson or not, and help people know who is lying or not.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nBOOM! Boom! Bang! As they played that table tennis, we sure do have fun! I Think you should come to the Seagoing Cowboys Program! I've not been here for long but I love it!\n\nMaking those trips, playing games, traveling the High Seas. There is alot around you should come check it out. SEAGOING COWBOYS PROGRAM!! You have lots of fun aboard after animals have been unloaded you can go play fun games such as, table tennis, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games that just let that time pass. You can also play baseball & volleyball if you wish. You can also help out in Katie's Farm. Serve as a night watchman, Wouldn't that be fun & scary!! \" A small strip of metal along the edge stopped his slide, keeping him from flying overboard into the dark Alantic, He was of so happy to be alive, but he couldn't work for a couple days because the cracked ribs.\" A Seagoing Cowboy is an adventure though, It opens up a new world out there. New opportunity. It makes yoyu more aware of other people in countries and their needs. Fighting for there life back then for food., because of those nazi soldiers that will eat everything think of those little kids even starving till this day, they may not have shoes a house. Homeless but they are kids think of them and there little broken hearts. Scared and fighting! And also if you get an opportunity to go to a nursing room go, see those people if your talent is singing, sing your little heart out and make there sad day something great!\n\nMake there rainy sad day a rainbow in the sky cause you just made there day! You'll figure out when you get older be nice. Live everyday like its your last! So I request go be a SEAGOING COWBOY!!", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDo i believe use of technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuble?\n\nno because a friend can tell when your sad,sometimes the computer can be wrong,and some people look like they are angry but are actually happy.\n\nTechnology is not valuabe for studnets expressions in classroms because a friend would know if you are down or happy or depressed the computer can't see tears on the inside they also don't know your life. An example is\"a kid who is bi-polar they could be happy the one second,then boom anry the next second\". You mean to tell me a computer can't tell if your'e angry one second then happy another second? Another example could be sometimes you just don't know if that person is sad,happy,angry and sometimes the kid doesn't wangt to talk about his or her emotions\". i believe this can prove that the computer doesn't know if the kid is happy or sad,but the friend will!\n\nThe use of technology can't read the emotional expressions of a student in a classroom becaue the computer is not always correct about everything. An example is \"a game like NBA 2k18 they can scan your face,but it doesn't look just like you\". Another big example is \"the computer isn't always the right answer just like the internet the answer doesn't always come out right so the computer won't get your emotional feelings right.\"\n\nAnother reason the use of technology to read the emotional expressions of the students in a classroom isn't valuable because a lid could look angry but is actually happy. an example is \"sometimes i look angry but tkats just my normal face,so the computer would say i'm angry when i'm really happy\". Another examle is \"a kid could have a dissorder on his or her expression so once again the internet is wrong\". this proves that the computer cannot read the emotional expressions of students in class.\n\nAs i stated in the text all those examples prove that my eviedence prves that using computers to express whether the use of technology reads the students emotional expressions. they can't because the computer doesn't know if the kid is happy or, mad, a friend can tell when they are mad,and sometimes the internet is wrong.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe the article \"Driverless Cars Are Coming\" display both positive and negative aspects about driverless cars. Everyone looks foward to the feature because of new technology that could make life easier but we really dont think about the bad that can come from these new divices. In my personal opinion I think that the negative aspects outweigh the positive aspects when it comes to driverless cars.\n\nEven though driverless cars can possibaly be good for the economy because they use half the fuel of today's taxis they also have a large amount of cons that many people don't ever think about because they are blinded by the fact that these cars can basically get you where you need to go with little to no assistance from you, the manually driver. Even though driverless cars can get you where you need to go with hardly no assistance from you there will also be times when they do need your assistance, like if there is a accident or when there are road closes ahead. Although the car can alert you will you be to destracted by other things, such as cell phones, to pay attention to the signals that the car is giving you? Many drivers are probably more likley to to get bored while they are waiting for their turn to drive and this can result in accedents or something of that nature becaue you, the destracted driver, has missed the warning signales that the car is giving off to you.\n\nAlso people look at the aspect that just because they might be saving money by getting these cars because they will save money on gas and think that they are getting a better deal. But however, these cars are basically computer cars and if there is a problem with electrical pieces in the car it could be very pricey. Also since these cars are besically ran off of these computers that means of a part if messed up th car will not function properly.\n\nEven though these cars can possabily be safer for the public when it comes to drunk drivers, what if these cars have a malfunction or technical diffuclitys? That could also be very harming to the public and you. If these driverless cars has a malfunction it could also put your life in danger along with the other people around you.\n\nIn conclusion, driverless cars has its pros and cons but when you actually think about it, the cons outweigh the pros. Just because you have this driverless car does not make you anymore safer than a person with a non driverless car. Just like regular cars, driverless cars has cons to it as well. Driverless carscan have expensive repairs and malfunctions just like regular cars can have. In my opnion driverless cars can have just as big of a risk as regular cars do.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nToday my fellow college showed me a picture of mars that was taking back in 1976. He said \"it was created by aliens\" but I didnt belve him because they are not real . So therefore I asked him what is the picture and he replied to me \"a face of god\" and I simply laughed at him, because there are not aliens so they could not of made that, and I laughed at him again because god is not real so they wouldnt know what he looks like . Then I left because I had plans tonight and I needed to get ready. A week goes by and he calls me and says that I need to come down to he lab asap. When I got there the picture of gods face was on the screen and he told me NASA had went out to mars and got a better picutre of the face with better pixels . I said \" that can not be the same picture and face 25 years ago . But I was wrong it was a different picture but the same face . NASA went out and got a whole new picture .I thought to my self well how can that be , mars has 100's of storms a day, how has it not been destroyed. Well I came to relize that my friend was right , that was a picture of mars with gods face on it . But when i called nasa they said that its classified so i couldnt have any info on it . So I dug deeper into it and NASA thinks that it is a egyptian pyramid. but i still dont belive thats its from aliens\n\n. But as the years go by , maybe something else will pop up and I might belive in aliens", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhen we use facial expressions it lets the person you are directing the expressions to know how we are feeling. We smile because we are happy, we frown because we are sad, we raise our eyebrows because we are shocked or surprised. We use usually identify those pretty well, but a computer can identify them better. I am for the value of using techology to read student's emotional expressions because teachers need to know what bores them or what excites them.\n\nWhen I first began to read this, I thought how can technology read our emotions? Then it states in paragraph 3 that the process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face. With all 44 major muscles in the model that must move like human muscles. This computer can identify 6 basic emotion: happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. With that type of skill, teachers can know what students like and don't like.\n\nStudents get easily bored when it comes to school. When they come into the classroom, they don't want to do the homework or the classwork that was given to them. They want something that will entertain them and help them learn at the same time. With this new technology, student's facial expression will be identified when they like or don't like something. Teachers then can change the way the lesson is taught without changing the lesson at all as told in paragraph 6.\n\nThis is a new way to change how schools teach. More students would want to come to school and teachers would have an increase in successful students. Knowing what we didn't know is creating more ideas to the future.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI , Luke Bomberger, am a memeber of the Seagoing Cowboys program.\n\nThe Saegoing Cowboys help people who were affected by the war.\n\nI believe everyone should join the Seagoing Cowboys program for three reasons.\n\nNot only do you get that warm fuzzy feeling from helping people out, but you also have a once in a lifetime chance to go sightseeing have the time of your life onboard, and explore the most beutiful and amazing places on Earth.\n\nBy becoming a Seagoing Cowboy you get to help out the less fortunate explore go sightseeing and have fun.\n\nWe help people by bringing them animals from overseas such as horses, cows ,and mules.\n\nWhen we bring the people the animals it gives you that warm fuzzy feeling of acomplishment.\n\nYou should also join because after our missions, we have some time left to go sightseeing in the area.\n\nSome of my favorite things to see were the Panama Canal and \"seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special.\"\n\nI also had the opportunity to expore much of Europe and China as well as taking a gondola ride in Italy. I also got to take a tour of a castle in Crete. If you think that the fun stops when you climb back aboard for the ride home, think again.\n\nThe stables where the animals were kept becomes a baseball field and a volley ball court.\n\nWe also have table tenis tournaments as well as boxing and fencing matches.\n\nBeing a Seagoing Cowboy is fun as well as important.\n\nIn conclusion, \"the cattle-boat trips were an unbelievable opportunity for a small-town boy.\"\n\nI reccomend becoming a Seagoing Cowboy because not only are you helping the world, but you get to have fun while you do it such as sightseeing and exploring.\n\nI myself have gone on nine trips as a Seagoing Cowboy and loved every second of it.\n\nIt also opened up my eyes and \"made me more aware of people in other countries and their needs.\"\n\nSo,unless you are doing something useful with your life, become a Seagoing Cowboy.\n\nYou won't regret it.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMy argument against \"Driverless Cars\" is that im going for it. The reason why is because we have advanced in our technology so it would only be wise to try and use that. Also because I think personally it could save many lives with its self brake instalation, self parking, and many other features. As I was reaing the artical it mentioned that the driver would have to still be alert because if theirs an accadent or workers ahead then the driver must be the one to avoid that. That dosent mean it a bad idea, it just means that maybe our technology isnt that advanced and cant avid things such as work sites ahead or accidnts. I think the reason they cant detect accidents is because you never know when ones going to happen, same with workers ahead your car may not be able to detect it because it could happen in a sudden flash. My position on driverless cars is that i think it will be a great idea. I like i said save many lives, know im not saying it will save everyones life but out o thousands it could decrease by hundred.\n\nAppropriate details from the artical that supporst my position is when it talks about how it has automic brakes and self parking and many other features. Its great to have that type of things because as i ahve been saying it could save many lifes, and that important because no one wants to see their family dead. Self break is good because it could be late nd you have been working all day long and your tired and you fall asleep in the car right when a car is pulling out or your car turns a different direction and your close to hitting somethong and it just automatically stops. Or like most parents, you have a young child in the back and hes/shes crying andyou turn around for just a split secound and your car just comes to a complete stop. Then you realize you were about to hit a car infrount of you but with the self-breaking instalation you were able to save your life plus the ones you love riding in the back ( or front) and your car is safe ass well.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nOver the years the amount of cars that have been manufactured have increased immensly. Cars help us get to place quicker by making less effort to get there. We no longer need to walk to go to the park or the mall which can take a long time. Although cars are very useful and fun to drive, it also has its risk like anything else on Earth. Which is why i think limiting car usage would be a great idea.\n\nMost cars use gasoline or diesel as there fuel to get them going. This causes problems because the fuel that is burned pollutes the atmosphere and creates smog. Paris had this problem before. In the article \"Paris bans driving due to smog\", Robert Duffer says that Paris had \"days of near-record pollution\" and they attempted to reduce it by applying a 22-euro fine ($31). As a result congestion in Paris was down 60 percent and the smog, as stated in the article, \"cleared enough for the French party to rescind the ban of odd-numbered plates\" Getting rid of the smog and having less air pollution would help not only the environment but i can also help us breathe oxygen easier. Limiting car usage can help us decrease pollution and increase breathable oxygen.\n\nLimiting car usage can benfit us in many ways. It can reduce air pollution which not only helps us breathe better but it also helps the environment. It can also relieve stress. Everyone that drives a car knows how stressful it can be sometimes. Any traffic jam can turn a regular day to a stressful day. Hearing someone honking their horn, yelling \"Come on! Move already!\" and adding some unnecesary profanity can be very irritating. In the article \"Car-free day is spinning into big hit in Bogota\" Andrew Selsky says that for the third straight year the city of Bogota have a car-free day called Day Without Cars. \"The goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog\" states the article. A lot of people actually participated in this event even thought it rained that day. The Mayor of Bogota Antanas Mockus said that even though it is raining it \"hasn't stopped people from participating\". It was a great idea to have a day like this to relax and not be stuck in traffic which is one reason why one businessman was happy. \"It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution\" said Carlos Arturo Plaza. It's a great event that should spread to the world. It will be very helpful to us and the environment.\n\nIn conclusion, limiting car usage is very beneficial. It can relieve stress and reduce air pollution. It can also reduce car accidents which can decrease the number of deaths that occur in a car accident. If you're on a budget, limiting the the amount of time you use your car can help you save gas money. It can also help you excercise a little. Since you aren't using a car you have to use a different form of transportation like walking or riding a bike. These are just a few advantages that limiting car usage have. Limit your car usage, it can help you and the environment.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think that this would be valuable because this Facial Action Coding System really work because in the text it stated that they found out what was Mona Lisa moods. And they figured it out so if they put the computers in a classroom for kids they will find out if they need help or not. Another reason why i think that this computer is valuable is because it can help out the kids and to see if they need help and to also see what they are struggling with so they can fix the problems that the kids are having. Another reason why i think that the computers coding system is valuable to the classroom is because if they feel sad or anything going on at home or somewhere the computer can tell what is they mood and why they have this mood. I also think that this coding system would be good for a classroom because it can help teachers and what i mean is that if the student is struggling and the teacher dont know why the student is struggling but the coding system do the system can tell the teacher what she need to do to help the student understand i really think this would be good for school all over the world the world need this new technology and it need to help us get through school. This concludes my reason on why i think that the technology to read the emotion expressions of students in a classroom are valuable.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHello Senator of the state,\n\nI think we should change the Electoral College to the election by popular vote because whats really the point in having people vote for president if it doesn't contribute hardly any to which person gets elected?\n\nThe Electoral College in highly unfair to voters simply because of the winner-take-all system. Voters vote for a slate of electors to choose instead of the president him/herself. Although the electors could be anyone not holding public office. Sometimes State Convetions, State Party's Central Committee, and sometimes the Presidential Candidate's themselves choose the electors. Which also is not fair because they could choose a party who favors them and their party to win, or help the president win the election. In\n\nSource 2: The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong mentions \"The single best argument against the Electoral College is what we might call the 'Disaster Factor.' ... Back in 1960, segregationist in the Lousiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy. (So that a popular vote would have not gone to Kennedy) Perhaps not worrying is the prospect of a tie in the electoral vote, in that case the State Delegate would vote on the president and the senate would choose the vice-president.\n\nBut on the flip side there are \"five reasons for retaining the Electoral College regardless of it's lack of domocratic pedigree; all are practical reasons, not liberal or conservative reasons.\"\n\nCertainty Of Outcome\n\n- a dispute over the outcome of an Electoral College vote is possible but it is less likely than a dispute over the popular vote.\n\nEveryone is President\n\n- a solid regional favorite, such as Romney was in the South, has no incentive to campaign heavily in those states because he wouldn't gain electoral votes in states he already won over, so he went to other regions to try to win them over to gain more electoral votes.\n\nSwing States\n\n- the winner-take-all method of awarding electoral votes induces the candidates.\n\nBig States\n\n- other things being equal, a large state gets more attention from presidential candidates in a campaign than a small state does.\n\nAvoid Run-Off Elections\n\n- the Electoral College avoids problems of elections in which no candidiate receives a majority of the votes cast.\n\nIt can be argued that the Electoral College is the better route to go but it could cause voters to turn away on voting for a candidate who has no hope of carrying their state, and knwoing their vote will have no affect they will have less incentive to pay attention to the campaign than they would have if the president were picked by popular vote.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMany companys out there are striving for driverless cars. It's an innovation that has been predicted for decades. There is, however, some problems that can occur with the automated car. Most people would think of this as an argument of if A.I. should drive, or if humans should, but I believe it's more like an argument between the human error or the limited thought capacity of a computer.\n\nThe thought of automated control has been thrown around in many subjects such as border control turrets to androids. It's also been a popular science fiction subject for movies like The Matrix and iRobot. In both of those movies, the A.I. takes control over humanity. If certain disasters were to happen, the A.I. wouldn't know what to do while a human could.\n\nOn the other hand, the automated car could save lifes. Many people each year die in car crashes, and alot of those crashes are drunk/distracted drivers. In an automated car, the human could be drunk and the car's performance wouldn't be affected. If only the human couldn't drive the car, nobody would be able to speed, or get in car chases. Car related deaths would go down for sure.\n\nIn the end, automated cars is almost a certainty for the future. Humanity always strives to be more adavanced. A case can be made for both sides on if it's the right way to go, but automated car just makes a stronger case. If a car can be made to react to certain problems, the automated car will be a hit. I guess you just can't hold back innovation.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nYou should become a seagoing cowboy,it helped me learn about other countries. On my way to many places like China, I visited many other countries like Italy and Greece. Being a seagoing cowboy is hard work, but if you are like me you will have had to do chores or work on a farm, doing these helps. For me it helped so much the work seemed easy! If you join us you can come on trips with me!\n\nYes, you might say it is hard and will get boring, but if you say that them you aren't even giving it a chance. Just because there are cattle you have to watch and you think you always have to watch them. You don't, you only check on them every hour. Even if you think it gets boring, think again. On our way to our destination we visit many places like Acropolis in Greece which was to me the most special place we visited. but we still visted other places like Europe, China and going on a gondola ride in Venice, Italy. We even have lots of sports and other fun activities! We even have tournaments for table-tennis, also you can play baseball, volleyball, fencing, and boxing. If you don't like sports you whittle or read. Now as you can see no time goes to waste.\n\nWhen you are a seagoing cowboy going many places helps learn how other cultures live. It also helps meet new people and learn new things like how to play sports and whittle if you don't already know. Going to Greece and seeing the Acropolis and like I said before it was special to me. I hope you come with me. But if you don't then you are missing out on a real good treat.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn movies and televison, driverless cars have been featured as an invetntion for the distant future. Automakers have begun to attempt the creation of driverless cars. There have been creations close to the driverless car but not exactly what people have been wanting to create. Driverless cars are a pointless invention idea and should not be developed any further.\n\nCompanies should not continue to pursue the driverless car idea any longer. Google has tried since 2009 to make driverless cars and they have been close to making one. The cars that Google has made can, \"drive moe than half a milion miles wothout a crash, but so far, Google cars aren't fully driverless; they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as navigating through roadwork or accidents\". The cars are not fully dirverless if they have to alert the driver to take over driving for a while through traffic. The driverless car should be independent and not need help from the driver on issues like traffic and pulling in and out of driveways. In 2013, BMW created a \"Traffic Jam Assistant\" but not a driverless car, which is the goal not a car that can only help with traffic. Smart cars have lots of sensors that can help guide divers through difficult jams or passage ways but those sensors cannot function without some help from the driver. The smart cars made by BMW, \"steer, accelerate, and breake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents. This means the human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires\" . Their cars are close to the function of a driverless car but still need more work to be done in order to be able to drive without humans. Since the cars today still have not been developed like the driverless car it is pointless to continue to try. Even though driverless cars can be helpful there are laws that prevent some people from driving them. It is proven that, \"in most states it is illegal even to test computer driven cars\" . Most states will not allow the testing of let alone the driving of driverless cars. If driving one of those cars is not even allowed, then what is the point of developing the project further? The driverless cars should not be created since barely anyone is allowed to use them. Even if there was a change in traffic laws, \"new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident\". There need to be new laws covering the case of an accident about whether the blame is on the driver or the manufacturer. These new laws that would be set will take up time and could cause lawsuits. The technology in the car could fail and the someone could be injured and there would be the question of who is at fault. If someones safety is at stake then the car should not be made at all.\n\nThe idea of making a driverless car should not be continued. The car is a pointless idea that does not seem to actually work and would fail. There have already been multiple attempts at making this car and all have come close but failed. The project should be ended and automakers should stop wasting their time on this car and focus on the other cars they make.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAn argument against the development of these cars, we shouldn't have driverless cars for many reasons. They should not make driverless cars becacuse people need to learn how to do things on there own, and because there is enought electronices in thois world and enough things that don't need a human to work it anymore. Keeping the car as it is now in 2016 is better for the people because if we as people start making drivierless cars and they come big on day the world is just going to be lazy and never want to do anything for themselfs. Another thing is when teenagers start to learn how to dive they won't know how to because they have a car that does it for me and that's not good for us as people. It's bad enough that people are already getting to lazy to do something theirself and have other people do it for them just because they don't feel like getting up anymore. The whole thing of driverless cars sounds like a pretty good idea though, but then if we was to come out with them then people would start taking advange of theirself and other people and things, and they are going to expect electrioncs to do everything for them all the time and that's not good for the envirment it's self for all that. People would stop working anf looking for jobs because they are going to expect the electrioncs to do it all for them and they are going to expect to get paid for doing nothing. The more electrionc stuff that people come out with them more people aren't going to wanna do things for themself, they would rather have something that they can talk into and say what they want and get it right away, and just set bac anf relax because they don't have to do it by theirself.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIt'd be better to stay with the Electoral College when it comes to voting for the president. They try to evenly distribute the votes with every state, they don't favor certain candidates, and they're better trained for voting. Overall the Electoral College tries to keeps things fair for everyone. The Electoral College so far hasn't made a big mistake or elect a horrible president, so there's no need to mess with the voting system. Without the Electoral College, California would have the most votes put in to elect a president.\n\nIf there was no Electoral College all these little states like Rhode Island would have a hard time since their votes are rational compared to the big states like California. Richard A. Posner states \"other things being equal, a large state get more attention from presidential candidates in a campaign than a small state does\" which makes things fair for everyone in small states or large states. The one big problem with the Electoral College voting is that there's only 538 of them while the United States consists of over 300 million citizens which makes almost all of the U.S. not voting for their president but instead for the people who vote for them.\n\nEven though that is a pretty big problem, it does help keeps things fair when it comes to the favor of one candidate over the other. With the Electoral College, candidates that come from a certain region like the South aren't praised over more than a candidate from the North. If it were up to the citizens to choose, there'd be favor for candidates from different regions that represent them. Paragraph 19 says, \"a candidate with only regional appeal is unlikely to be a successful president\"(Posner,19). The same paragraph brings out that no region has enough votes from the Electoral College to elect a president.\n\nWithin the Electoral College are people who are better suited to make the huge decision about who gets elected as president. If it were up to anyone to vote, then the whole system would be messed up. The Electoral College has electors who don't focus on candidates from their region or appearences but they focus on who they think would be able to run this nation the best. Even in most cases, the candidate with the more popular vote still wins. Along with that, the Electoral College tries to keep the electoral votes from being too close for disputes and ties.\n\nSo overall the Electoral College is better for the people when voting for president. They try tp evenly distribute the votes with each state,they don't favor certain candidates, and they're better trained for voting. With the Electoral College, they try to keep things fair for everyone so that we can all be happy.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nSeagoing Cowboys program is a great opportunity to participate in. You will be able to help many countries recover from the war. You will get the opportunity to experience many different things.\n\nIf you join the Seagoing Cowboys program you won't regret it. Many people should join because you would be helping many people from different countries. You won't be working the entire time. On your way to your destination will have the chance to go sightseeing. By joining the program you will learn new things about different countries you probably didn't know about. Seagoing Cowboys program can be dangerous, but you can also have fun. Participating will make you more aware about people of other countries and their needs. By participating you can help people and you have the side benefit of traveling. You could also learn some responsibility. You would be taking care of animals. Caring for animals requires responsibility. Feeding, watering, and cleaning all require responsibility.\n\nJoining will feel like an adventure. You will feel grateful for the opportunity. This expericnece could also change your life for the better. Joining will show you how other countries need help. Knowing that other countries need help could inspire you to start helping more people in the future.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author supports his idea that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers very clearly and effectivly. He supports his idea by stating how much its like Earth but its corroive atmosphere, weather, and the atmospheric pressure are to extreme for humans to encounter with. He then talks about NASA plans to approach Venus and how at one point it may have had oceans,mountains, and varous life forms like Earth.\n\nThe author states Venus is often reffered to as Earths \"twin\" because it is the closest in terms of size and density, and sometimes in distance. When Venus is closest to us, humans have sent many different spacecrafts there to explore the planet. Each of the ships were unmanned since every landing was terminated after a few hours. This was due to the dangerous environment of Venus.\n\nThe author also states thst Venus has a very harsh and inhospitable environment. Its atmosphere is 97 percemt carbon dioxide and they are highly corrosive with sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. Venus's surface on average is over 800 degrees fahrenheit. He talks about the planets atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than Earths. The author also states what type of weather the planet offers which is said to be erupting volcanos, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes. The author then asks a question to himself; if the planet is so inhospitable why is NASA still wanting to take visits to its surface.\n\nThe author answers back by saying the Astronomers are fascinated by Vesus because it may well once been the most Earth like planet in our solar system. The author says long ago Venus was probable covered in oceans and could support life forms similiar to Earth. Venus is said to stilll have some features that are analogoous to those of Earth. The author states that NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions would alow scientists to float above the harsh surface although the tempertures would still be hot but the air pressure would be closest to sea level on Earth.\n\nThus stating all support of his research of Venus's dangers and possible history he supports his main idea to us without confusion and going off topic. He states clearly what his purpose and idea was.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Wonder of Driveless Cars\n\nI am all for the the accessibility of having driveless cars . The ability of having access to living in a society of driveless cars would be mind blowing and marvelous. The fact that we could get from place to place without the need of being focused and aware on the road at all times. We would be able to interact with one another better and being able to be more more productive. Also we would have the ability to be safer on the roads with self driving cars than regualrs ones.\n\nIf we had driveless cars we would be able to interact with one another better. The way we would interact better is that we have more time on our hands with this time we would be able to talk to our family and friends in the cars with us or able to facetime or call someone we haven't talked to in a while . Another way we could benefit from having self driving cars is that we could be more productive with school or work . We could do any homework or work related assignments in the cars that we can't do at the moment because we have to be focused on the roads. In doing so we have the ability to move forward faster in our careers. The last reason why i am for having self driving cars is that we would be safer on the road because of sensors decribed in the passage. With futher improvement in sensors and computer hardware to make driving safer we are leading to a future with possible fewer crashes and traffics jams.\n\nI am all for the ability to have driveless cars. having the access to having cars that are safer and will makes us more productive with work and our personal relatioships will be wonderful . The chance of having driveless cars in the future will be amazing and marvelous.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIs driverless cars really what we need? In paragraph seven near the bottom it staits that the human in the car needs to be alert. If it is a driverless car shouldnt the driver not have to be alert? if the driver still has to be awear of all the suroundings then is there realy a point in having a car that drives its self, but can not preforn simple tasks like pulling in and out of a drive way (paragraph two).\n\nAlso lets take into acount how many people may think that its okay now that there are cars that drive their selfs that they can get behind the wheel when they are intoxicated. What about a case where a person falls asleep because they are getting bored waiting on the car to tell them its their turn to drive.(paragraph Eight)\n\nSome people will not wake up to alarm clocks let alone their car telling them that it needs help. Texting and driving no doubt will get worse the driver may think the car can handel it for one more text, but it couldnt.\n\nWith how the draving laws change are we going to have to spend more money to get our cars to download the new laws and even then will we really be safe? Will the driving age change now that knowing how to drive is not really needed?\n\nYes the cars have sensors and GPS and cameras but even people have missed seeing a Deer, Racoon, and in some cases even people. Also how is a car going to know the difference between a person daydreaming and one that is alert? What if the car notifies you too late that they dont know what they are doing? Will you be left with all the blame? (papragraph 9 last sentance) Yes its an intresting concept but not intirely safe.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nSome people think that the face on mars was created by aliens. This essay will tell you that the face is just another one of Mars mesa or butte.\n\nThe face on mars was not created by aliens because there is no life on mars. The face looked like an alien artifact because the images were not sharp so you can't see that the face was just equivalent to a butte or mesa.\n\nThe face was just equivalent to a butte or mesa- landforms common around the American West. The face looked like an alien artifact because it was a huge rock formation.\n\nThe face is a huge rock which resembles a human head formed by shadows giving the illusion of the eyes, nose, and mouth. The face is a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa.\n\nThe scientists concluded that the face was not created by aliens. The face was just another one of Mars natural landforms.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAround twenty-five years ago something obscure was found. NASA's Viking 1 was circling Mars and taking photos, little did they know that the would discover the Face.\n\nThe Face is indeed a natural landform. The Face is a rock formation with the characteristics of a human face, on the red planet Mars. The article states that the face is located 41 degrees north martian latitude where it was winter in April '98-a cloudy time of year on the Red Planet.\n\nNASA has been trying to prove the face is indeed a real life occurance. They have worked real hard to get pictures. Mars Global Surveyor is mapping a spacecraft that looks straight down to scan the panet in a narrow 2.5 km-wide strip. They often do not passover the face but when they do they make the most out of it.\n\nMany people have gone crazy for the Face. The Face has appeared in Hollywood movies, novels, magazine articles, radio alk shows, and even grocery stores during halloween. I guess you can say the Face has become the Face for Mars.\n\nScientist has proven tha the Face is real. The Face represents wha has been or whose to come onto Mars. It has been twenty-five years since the discovery of the Face. Let's hope there is more to come.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLuke's point of view is that other people should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program. One reason is because you get to go to different places. Another reason is because Luke was already for this because he worked on a farm with Katie.\n\nYou get to go to different places like Greece, and by time he got to Greece he was 18 years old that meant that he could draft for military service. Then he could see Europe and China. They crossed the Atlantic Ocean from the eastern coast of the United States and a month to get to China. Caring for the animals during the crossing kept luke busy. They had to feed and water them two to three times a day. The stalls had to be cleaned.\n\nLuke was already for this because he worked on a farm with aunt Katie's farm as a boy had perpared Luke for hard work but not the dangers at the sea. He had different jobs each time. The second time he was a watchman. And his job was to check the animals every hour.\n\nBut being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than an adventure for Luke. It had opened the world to him. But he was greatful for the opportunity. It made him more aware of of people of other countries and their needs. And the awareness stayed with him, leading his family to host a number of international students and exchange visitors for many years.\n\nThat is why Luke's point of view for people to participate in the Seagoing Cow boys. And I think that it would be good for people to do what he did that way you get to go to different places that you may of not been to before. And that way you get to see what it's like on the sea taking care of all the animals and all of the jobs that you have to do.\n\nIt would be cool if people would do what Luke did that way you get a learning time where you get to see what it was like for Luke and do what he did I think that it would be cool I we did that. And If we did what he did I think that it would be fun takeing care of the animals and on a sea ride and going to different places that are in different countries to see what there life is like and how they eat and things like that would be cool.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe autthor of the passage The Challenge of Exploring Venus has used some substanital evidence to try and coax us twoards believing that Venus a a planet that has not been studied as much as it should be but i think other wise. Venus is a risky investment with the technology that we have a availble. I belive we waste time and money on Venus where it could be used on existing problems and studies on a planet where it will be moost effective.\n\nOne portion of the passage that the author tried to push in your face was the fact that Venus had/has a great deal of geographical similarities to Earth. He said thisngs such as \" Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size\"\n\nwhich appeal to a certain group of individuals who are afcinated by the thought of there being somewhere else like earth. The author also says \" Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth.\" This also would appeal to that same group of pepole giving them the thought that they are going to be able to live on Venus but still there are the harsh living conditions that contrdict that thinking.\n\nIn opposition to what the author says about Venus and its geographical similarites we also need to talk about the differences that cause problems not only for living on the planet but also studying it. Venus has an atmosphere that is \"97 percent carbondioxide\"\n\nwhich alone has ended the thought that Venus can any longer sustain life as they think i could before. Also the atmosphere makes it hard to even get any documentation on how the planet looks. In paragraph 7 the author uses the substance silicon carbide as an example of a way to get around the crazy atmoshpere but this leads me to my next point that the author failed to even mention in the passage, all of this study and exploration costs money.\n\nThe author forgot to mention one of the most cruccial pecies to the equation which is where is funding coming from and where could the money be used more effectivly. Or economy at the moment is not stable and be are in great need of help but that does'nt mater to some. They are more focused on the future how we are going to advance but without a good present situation there is no way we could proceed. The money could be given to the city of Flint, Michigan so that they are able to drink and bathe themselves with clean water. Im sure that it costs way less to fix the pipelines in city that to take years and fly to Venus.\n\nVenus and the other planets are cool specticals but we were given our own plant that we have beaten and mistreated for years but we don't to go back and fix the problem search for somewhere else to destroy. I think that we should at least try to better the situaton with the money that we have for the planet that we have not to spend on the expoloration of the others.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe cars are coming, the cars are coming! The future of cars is said to be driveless cars. The future of cars in every kid's eyes were supposed to be flying cars or cars that travel back in time; however, our technology is nowhere near those vast advancements. Our next biggest step, to say blatantly, would be driverless cars.\n\nImagine a long day on the road and the driver needs a break; however, everyone else that's able to drive is asleep. So, the driver uses his driverless car so that he can sleep. Since no car has been proven to be one-hundred-percent driverless, the car notifies the driver that he needs to take the wheel. He doesn't catch the notice and they crash. According to the article, \"Driverless Cars Are Coming,' \"..their cars have driven half a million miles without a crash, but so far, Google cars aren't truly driverless.\" This makes the cars dangerous.\n\nUsing the example above, someone may see that driverless cars are unsafe. In fact, the article even states, \"the in-car system is actually a safety feature, and safety is a big concern.\" In the article it also says that some scientists are said to believe that cars driven by humans are safer than these driverless cars. A lot of good things come with the car, unfortuantely one of those goods things is not safety.\n\nIn conclusion, my stance on driverless cars remains unbudged. I myself oppose driverless cars, deeming them to be too unsafe. These cars could cause so much damage in such little time. If safety is our number one priority then sticking to human driven cars is our best bet.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCan you imagine in the future when no one buys cars because no one needs them anymore? I cannot imagaine a future like this. I see a future where we all learn to drive safely and without pollutuion. I do not believe that driveless cars are good for the future because pollution may increase. Also with drivers not needing to drive could cause more accidents. And expenses will increase on buying the driverless cars.\n\nThe first reason a future when no one buys cars because no one needs them anymore is a bad idea is because people won't want to learn driver safety. If we make cars that drive on their own why would someone want to read or learn how to actually drive? With cars that doesnt require you to focus on a road people will text, play games, talk to other passengers in the car and not even realize what's going on on the road. Without driver safety people will question why we need driver tests.\n\nMy second reason a future when no one buys cars because no one needs them anymore is a bad idea is because accidents could occur more often than usual. With the need to not pay attention to the road people will be more likely to roughhouse within the car or argue over who can sit in the front seat. Everyone knows, technology fails from time to time, if we allow these cars to be made then what does the driver do if the car malfunctions? Drivers and passengers will not see the need to wear a seatbelt because they believe that the driverless car will keep them safe because machines can't make \"human error\".\n\nMy final reason a future when no one buys cars because no one needs them anymore is a bad idea is because expenses will increase on buying cars. With the way the economy is who is to say that everyone will be able to afford a car with such technology? The way that families and jobs are it is not to say that a person may have enough money in the budget to buy these cars. If they we to buy the car how will they get the money to recieve this veihcle? Saving, the people will save all their money so once they buy the car the will be broke and it will be even harder to keep a house or food on the table or even to wash their clothes.\n\nSo to conclude. The reasons why I believe a future when no one buys cars because no one needs them anymore is a bad idea is because driver safety will be ignored. Accidents will occur more often. And Expenses will be to much for the people.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHumans are slowly destroying earth and scientists have not found a successful plan for us to follow. Further exploration into Venus could lead to a safe place for humans and proof that there has been other lifeforms.\n\nVenus could quite possibly be safe for humans. If humans use a hovercraft to float above the surface, temperatures would be about 170 degrees Fahrenheit. It would be hot but it would be survivable. There are also signs showing that there was oncewater; we could do a water restoration project to have waterthere again.\n\nWe have been searching for signs of lifeforms for the longest time. Venus shows signs of what we have been searching for. The planet has signs of previous oceans and has analagous features to Earth. It has rocky sediment and mountains. This could mean there was once lifeforms on Venus.\n\nIn conclusiom, further exploration of Venus could answer some of our questions. These questions having to do with the plan for when Earth finally gives up and the conspiracies of if there are other lifeforms.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere are many controversial ideas about what was seen in the picture on Cydonia. Some belive it was from alien life form some do not. I do not believe that the \"Face\" was created by aliens. I say this because we have pictures proving so, landforms are known to form in odd ways, and we have double checked and there were no signs of alien life forms.\n\nThe \"Face\" was not created by aliens because we have pictures proving so. In the article \"Unmasking The Face Of Mars\" they said that when they first saw a picture of this mysterious face is was the year 1976. A lot of changes were being made that year, it was the peak of technology for Americans and we were bound to go on in our experiments. it states in the article that \" And so on April 5, 1998, when Mars Global Surveyor flew over cydonia for the first time, Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter camera team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original vikings photo.\" And in return it was a natural landform. But people were still not satisfied. They claimed that the picture was taken at a cloudy time of year for the Red Planet so they tried again as stated in the passage, \" Nevertheless on April 8, 2001 a cloudless summer day in Cydonia Mars Global Surveyor drew close enough for a second look\" and the results were as followed, \" Marlins team captured an extroardinary photo using the cameras absolute maximum resolution\" the results still came back as a lanform.\n\nI do not believe that the \" Face \" was created by aliens because landfroms are known to form in odd ways. For example in the article it states that \" What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or messa-landforms common around the american west.\" They claimed this after taking the picture April 8, 2001. The picture simply shows \"a huge rock formation...which resembles a human head...formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose,and mouth.\" as said in the article. How many times when we were all children did we think we saw someone when it was just a shadow? plenty of times and in this instance it is exactly the same.\n\nAnd lastly I do not believe that the \"Face\" on Mars was created by alien life form because we have double checked and checked again and we did not find signs of any form of life on Mars. It said in the article that they took a picture in 1976, then they were astonished so they checked again in 1998, and then when people were still not satisfied they checked agin in 2001. It sates in the article that \"Each pixel in 2001 image spans 1.56 meters compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo\"\n\nand not only that but, \" As a rule of thumb you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size, he added so if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or egyptian style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!\" this goes to show that there were no life forms ever there and that the face is simply landforms and shadows and that aliens did not have anything to do with this sittuation at all.\n\nHowever though, it states in the article that \" The face of Mars has since become a pop icon. It has starred in a hollywood film, appeared in books, magazines,radio talk shows- even haunted grocery store checkou tlines for 25 years! some people think that the face is a bona fide evidence of life on mars\" It is not uncommon or odd that peopkle would want to belive that there is another life forms besides what we already know, some would go as far to say that \" evidence that NASA would rather hide, say conspiracy theorists.\" as stated in the article. But the most shocking thing is when it says that \" defenders of the NASA budget wish there was an ancient civilization on Mars.\" I don't see why anybody working with NASA would ever doubt the system if they are a aprt of it, but then again NASA most likely does not just give out important information to everybody who steps foot into there office claiming to work there. And it wouldn't surprise me actually if the budget defenders of NASA did wish that there was actualy life forms because NASA is having to dump more and more money because people like the \"conspiracy theorists\" can't just have faith and believe what NASA tells them even though they had evidence to back them up.\n\nTo all of this is still say that I do not believe that the \"Face\" was created by aliens . I say this because we have pictures and images proving so, landforms are know to grow in all sorts of shapes and sizes, and because we have double checked and checked and there were no signs of alien life or any form of life at all up on Mars. I think that the information that i have presented you with would go to show and prove my theory right.", "label": 6}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n\"Different things are converging which suggest that we witnessing a long term cultural shift,\" said Mimi Sheller. As technology advances the world will start to get rid of things we use to use before, so that those new advancements could come and take their place, as time flies we might not need cars anymore, even though they are the most useful thing to get us from one place to another, they are also devastating for our community, and our environment. Now knowing that most people would never let go of there cars due to the amount of money people spend to buy them, that giving them up isn't going to be so easy. However giving up your car will have a major benefit to our everyday life, also there are many other alternatives that you could use instead of your car that will not only benefit you but also the people around you, such as bikes, busses, trains, and subways. Now that most companies are going green, they are developing ways to not let harmful gasses produced by vehicles that burn fossil fuels to stop damaging the earths atmosphere, so the air we breath isn't toxic and life threatening so maybe one day everyone can live in a much cleaner safer place.\n\nIn a suburb in Germany, the residents have given up their cars completely as to where street parking, driveways and home garages are a thing of the past. There are now only two known ways of parking which is having to buy a parking garage space for $40,000, and your house. It has been working very well because 70% of the towns families don't own cars, and 57% of the people sold their cars to move there. Now being in a car is where the true form of someone comes out, you don't need to even be a driver but you still will experience \"Road rage,\" thats when someone else gets so mad that they will start saying things they dont need, or want to say, but it just comes out with anger that they dont care about what they said. Being to angry is bad for someone because it causes stress and anger issues that will later lead on to heath problems and car accidents, now if we reduce the number of drivers, or even come to a point where driving a car doesn't even exist anymore, the amount of angry people will be reduced, thus making the world a little bit nicer than it already is.\n\nNow bringing the topic back reducing cars will reduce the amount of accidents followed by them. Think about everyone you know, now picture those you love who have died by a car accident, Now whether they died by texting, drinking or someone else hit them", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author of 'The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" definietly leans towards giving it all we got and pushing to find a way to land on Venus. In paragraph 3, the author describes the different dangers of even being on Venus, like the atmosphere being to thick and made out of carbon dioxide, and the tempatures being extremely high. Even so, the author writes about how it's the cloesest thing to earth beside Mars, and even says it could have been covered by large oceans and mountains and could even support LIFE on it at some point or another.\n\nparagraph 3 and 4 both talk about both of these points, along with paragraph 5, which includes NASA scheming up ideas for how avoid Venus's dangerous conditions. Such ideas include a blimp like vehicle 30 or so feet above the ground. Although it'd give much better insight than staying on the very edge of the planet's atmosphere, such an idea wouldn't be able to recover samples of any kind since i'd be too high up.\n\nThe author gives off even more ideas that NASA is thinking up, which lets the reader know that he's very headstrong about this situation and generally loves the idea of exploering Earth's neighbour. The author ends his passage by telling the reader that dangers and set backs shouldn't hold us back from exploring not just Venus, but everything else in life. while there'll be way more set backs and problems, the author is confident that the human race can achieve everything and \"expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation\".\n\nAll in all, the author supports his claim greatly. He goes over why Venus should even be explored, his and NASA's ideas for exploering said planet, and the challenges it presents along the way. By the end of the story, the reader can tell that the author is very passionate about exploering this foreign planet that we all know of as Earth's relative, and he's very excited about what will come about these challenges and ideas NASA has came up with. We shouldn't be limited or set back by doubts and set backs, the author's right about that. We should reach for the stars and go in as headstrong about anything we face, just as the author did.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMany look up into the sky and see Venus, one of the brightest points in the night sky. While it looks like a star, it is actually a planet. In fact, it is a planet that is extremely difficult to examine closely. According to the author, it is transparent that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers due to the fact that Venus used to be very similar to Earth, the conditions are survivable, and that there are many approaches that can be taken to explore it. The author supports the idea that exploring Venus has immense value well.\n\nForemost, Venus used to be very similar to Earth. Scientists can research Venus and discover its differences and similarities to Earth. Paragraph four of the article states, \"Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may as well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system.\" This demonstrates that astronomers are curious about Venus's transformation from a once Earth-like planet to an inhospitable planet. Paragraph four also states, \"Furthermore, recall that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit.\" This is crucial because space travel can often take long periods of time. The travel time to Venus will not take nearly as long as other space endeavors.\n\nIn addition, Venus's conditions can be survivable to humans. If the expeditions are controlled and cautious, endeavors to Venus are definitely possible. In the article, paragraph five says,\"NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would alllow scientists to float above the fray.\" NASA's plan for trips to Venus would be similar to having a spacecraft hovering over Venus's atmosphere. Paragraph five also proclaims, \"air pressure would be close to that of sea level at Earth. Solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels. Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans.\" This means that the journey and process will not be extremely hazardous. The conditions at thirty miles above Venus's atmosphere would be simlar to the condtions on Earth. The dangers are not present at this altitiude and astronomers are still able to collect useful data.\n\nMoreover, there are many other innovative approaches to studying Venus. Paragraph seven states, \"For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted three weeks in such conditions.\" This displays how researchers can explore Venus's surface without risking human lives. This method is safe and nonhazardous toward humans and is necessary to advance the research of Venus. Paragraph six declares, \"More importantly, researchers cannot take samples of rocks, gas, or anything else, from a distance. Therefore, scientists seeking to conduct a thorough missionto understand Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risks.\" Scientists are building machines to decrease levels of risk and contribute insightful knowledge to the cause, which makes exploration seem all the more desirable.\n\nOverall, expeditions to Venus are valuable. Gaining statistics about Venus will not only be helpful for scientists analyzing Earth but also with future space missions. Venus is close and similar to Earth. Exploration is survivable and can be safe with the right technology. The author presents these ideas thoroughly and accurately to inform that space travel to Venus is a worthy pursuit. Venus, one of the brightest \"stars\" in the sky, will lead travels from Earth beyond doubts and towards innovation.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus, it the second planet in the solar system and the closet one to Earth which scientist also calls Venus twin and since Venus is a sister planet to Earth scientist must study the plant but Venus has alot of dangers but Scientist are fascinated by Venus even if its has danger in it present.\n\n\"Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like earth. Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes fimilar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters.\" Therefor this is a reason why scientist love to study Venus it just like Earth but without any humans on the planet and it could be an option for a next planet vist.\n\n\"Just as our jet airplanes travel at higher altitude to fly over many storms, a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendy ground conditions by staying up and out of their way. at thirty-plus miles above the surface, temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that sea level on Earth. Solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels. Not easy conditions, but survivabe for humans.\" So since Venus is like kind of sutable for humans it could be a new Earth in cse if something happen on Earth like a radioactive wave that could kill anybody we can go to Venus and live there dispite the harsh temepature and landing, it has a lot of similaritys of Earth.\n\nOverall Venus is a good planet for living things to live on and good thing for scientist to study over Venus to get some good and bad and theres obaviously bad side of Venus but scientist and many other researchers are trying there best to make a perfect world incase somethng does hapen in the future and we have to evacuate Earth.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nYou and your friends and family could often have arguments on whether something is real or not, such as in movies. Some might think one thing is special effects, others will think it is real. In Unmasking the Face on Mars, the author explains controversy of the \"face\" found on Mars' surface. It became an icon once it was released to the public. It was highlighted for decades and the society argued over it being an alien making, or just a land form called a mesa. The face was just a natural landform and it shouldn't have been thought as an alien form.\n\nThe most logical answer to this was that it was a mesa, and that the shadows on the surface happened to make it look like a human face of an egyptian pharaoh. This struck civilization in the late 70s and caused a lot of arguments. The people that thought is actually was an alien structure were just people of the press who just wanted attention. A Mars Global Surveyor \" snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos. Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared an a JPL web site, revealing... a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all.\" This quotes directly states and gives evidence that it is just a natural landform.\n\nThere isn't even any true or logical evidence that the face on Mars was an \" alien artifact.\" It was just a rumor that went around to keep things interesting and intrigue big movie companies. The cameras even took a picture with a ten times better resolution than the 1976 picture of the face. In addition, the new picture even had each pixel in the image span 1.56 meters in comparison to the original 43 meters per pixel. Garvin talks that \" As a rule of thumb you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size,\" and that \" if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!\" Garvin directly states here that no matter what, the formation couldn't have possibly been an alien formation or even a pyramid. This is even more proof that it is ridiculous to think that the formation was an \" alien making .\"\n\nAlthough the face was thought to be alien, there is too much evidence that denies it, and that it isn't. Scientists would wish that it was an extra terrestrial sign, but the odds of that are too scarce to even consider. This was a very controversial topic, as I have stated before. All of the theorists out there had many different and unique opinions of it. The narrator says what the image \" actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa - landfroms common around the American West. \" It remeinds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho,\" says Garvin.\" This evidence gives even further support that it isn't extra terrestrial, and states that it isn't, shich exposes that it is a fluke.\n\nThe face on Mars was an ongoing argument for years to come once it was released to the public. There was no reason to do so. There was already valid points that gave proof of it being just a mesa. Things like this occurence happen all the time, even in your daily life. If things like this run across your mind, think about it the logical way and not a very, very unlikely path about it. There may be similarities between the sides, like in this argument. But, there was too much to show that it favored the more realistic side of it. The passage has multiple occurences where it directly states just that.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nShould driveless cars be around? Yes altough they bring negative effects they also bring positive effects. For example they will use half the fuel todays cars use, which will help out the environment. Another thing is that they wont completely be driveless so that we can take over when we feel necesary or the cars feel necesary.\n\nThere are alot of accidents thanks to texting while driving with the driveless cars there would be way less because, the car has a safety feature which wont permit the driver to drive if he or she is texting. What if the driver is distracted?, well there will be cameras to watch if the driver is focused on the road or not. The car will also notify the driver when it needs human skills such as, driving threw work zones or around accidents.\n\nFinally the GM has developed a drivers seat that vibrates when the vehicle is in danger of backing into an object. Google's car announces when the driver should be prepare to take over. Althoug countries like Canada and Florida has made driveless cars illegal, yet manufactures say that more states will follow as soon as the cars are proved more reliably safe. What do you think are driveless cars making the world a better place with its safety features or should we make driveless cars illegal?", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nStudying Venus is dangerous and hazardous. The author explains what exactly makes it this way and even so the author explains why we should still study it. The author explains how venus is most like earth in terms of density and size. Astronomers beleive that Venus \"may well once have been the moat earth-like planet in our solar system.\"\n\nThe author talks about how Venus gets \"over 800 degrees fahrenheit, and the atmosphereic pressure is 90 times greater\" than earth. The author talks about hiw metal would melt on teh surface and how the pressure would smash a specially made submarine. Venus also contains \"eruptig volcanoes, powerful eathquakes, and frequent lightening strikes.\" Even thirty-plus miles above the surface, tempatures would stll be around 170 degrees fahrenhiet, but pressure would be around what it is like at sea level on earth. With all of this bad you would have plentiful solar power and radiation would exceed earth levels. The author explains how we can't speciments from venus abd that we need to find a way to get the speciments. Researchers are working on innovation that would allow machines long time to last whule contrubuting to our knowledge of our sister planet.\n\nVenus is dangerous but NASA and many other researchers are looking for ways to make studying venus possible. Not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades, and researchers are trying to change that. Researchers are looking bck at technology used in world war two. The author takls about venus being a backu planet if this planet becomes unlivable.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars? It seems to be a major advancement in technology, but whats the purpose? In all honesty, it is a very cool idea. This idea though, has a lot of thinking to go behind it. Is it neccasary? What about the safety issues? How is this going to help the environment, safety of others, driving issues, fuel usage, and many other things? In this essay, i have many things to discuss and question as to why the development of driverless cars don't seem like something neccesary to fund.\n\nIn my eyes, cars are some of the coolest things ever made. I consider myself to be a \"car guy\" if you will. I have had a passion for cars since i was a little boy and I have always liked the idea of going fast and making the car faster. Driverless cars, in my eyes, are like taking the racer out of an INDY Car. Who is going to replace that skilled racer? Sure, we have the technology for it but is it really neccesary? Excluding calculators for math answers and Google for searching up history, I would rather put myself behind the wheel of a car rather than a computer. I trust myself to drive an interstate more than i do a computer to do it for me. A computer doesnt have the same reflex skills as a human would. If another driver swerves in front of me while driving, am I going to have a better chance of dodging them quicker than the computer and cameras would? I believe you cant always depend on technology to save you. Sometimes you have to take it into your own hands. Personally, I belive that driving a car myself is more enjoyable than someone or something doing it for me. I have always wanted to experience the rush and adrenaline of driving a Top Fuel Dragster at the NHRA. If i had the opportunity, i would never let a computer do that for me. There are many people who think this way as well.\n\nAnother issue with this technology is the safety of it. As i stated in the last paragraph, who is going to dodge a swerving car faster; the computer, or myself? If im paying attention then i have a much better chance of doing it quicker than the computer. What if it malfunctions? No technology ever invented is fool proof or issue free. At some point in time, something breaks, needs replaced, or just gets too old. Its the same thing with original car parts as well. Everything gets old and needs replaced at some point in time. What am i to do if my driverless car malfunctions on the road? Safety is always a major concern.\n\nI agree that there a many pros to go along with the Driverless Car. But with most pros, there is a con to go with it. A pro of the driverless car would be the stress relief. Technology is something that makes life easier. But the con is that you cant always depend on technology to work 24/7. Another pro would be simply how amazing it is that a car is actually driving itself. The con for this is the actual cost. How much will this technology cost to develop? The economy is always changing paces and it isnt always possible for everyone to own the lastest and greatest technology. Im also very sure that the maintenance and repair cost of something like this would be through the roof just like any other technological advancement.\n\nIn conclusion, I disagree with the production of the driverless car. I believe it takes away the joy of the ride, along with the safety of it as well. The human factor of the driving machine will always play a vital role in every day transportation. The human could be the deciding factor between safety and reliability.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere is many different things that are imprinted on the earths surface, that people have put there or just been formed by the way the earth shifts. The thing about someone putting something on the earth is you could tell that someone or something put it there Im going to be presuading you that the face on the land is just a naturl land formation and has not been put there by a living creture such as an alien.\n\nThe face that has formed on the earth over the years is just a natural land form. I think it is just a natural landform because you can see in the pictures up above how it changes of the year. The face changes of the years because the way the land movement is. You can see that it has not been put there by somone because the way it has changed over the years that it has formed.\n\nThe reason I think it has formed over the years is because if you look at the pictures look how much the formation from 1998 to 2001. If it was put there by someone, it would of been alot more clear that a someone made the face. The face appeared because of how the land moves.\n\nI hope you can agree with me that the face on the earth has just formed over the years and wasnt put there by some living creature such as an alien. We have no proof that aliens even excist so that is more proof that it has just formed throughtout the years .", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIt's 50/50 because sometimes doing things like reading peoples emotions with some tech device that someone made could make. The person they doing to they could get angry or not trust them if it was a friend thta did that to them or. Then some people could like it they could like how they feel how there emotions really do apper on a device that can read emotions or show. The percent you got for each one and there is other things thta could read your emotion muscles and many other things like going to a mirror and try something that could show youn that emotion you have by making faces that could reveal your emotion. Thers many ways you could show your emotions but if a some tech device does that for you and gets that wrong could get people mad or just beleave it. There dosn't have to be no tech device to show your emotion you can find that out yourself your yourself there isnt any one other you be yourself don't a device do that be great and show the emotions you want to other see that your happy.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIs this so called face on Mars a natural land form or was it created by aliens? In this article that is the main idea and it's evidence behind it. Most of the evidence is on the side of it being a natural landform. What shows this is the landforms on Earth, the photos taken, and the research done on the \"Face on Mars\".\n\nTo begin, the landforms you see everyday are just like the\"Face on Mars\".\n\nNASA believes, that this so called alien made feature is really just a natural landform. This qoute show that they beileve it.\"It reminds me most of the Middle Buttle in the Snake River Plain of Idaho.\" Another piece of evidence is that it is the same size a another landform on Earth. This landform that is talked about is a lava dome which is in the form of a isolated mesa.\n\nThere were many photos taken of Mars. Many of those photos showed this feature. When the first picture was taken, it was very hard to see it it was natural or created by aliens. When they got more advanced photos it became clear that it was not an alien created landform and was really a natural landform.\"When the image apeared on the JPL web site reaveling ... a natural landform.\" This qoute is just another piece of evidence if how photos helped show it was a natural landform.\n\nThroughout many years, NASA has done a lot of research. They are always finding out new things. They did a lot of research on the \"Face of Mars\"during those years. They found out where it was located. They also found out that it was a natural landform throughout all of the reseach done. People can always look up the research done on the \"Face of Mars\" to learn more about it and to find proof that it is a natural landform.\n\nMany people would say that this is not like anything articles say. That is only true because even magazines,books,radio talk shows, tell lies just to get you to read them and buy them so they can make money. As all of this evidence shows, the landforms on Earth, the photos taken, and the the research done on this topic are the reason that prove that the \"Face of Mars\" is a natural landform and was not created by aliens.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCars. They're a simply luxuary that you can find anywhere from driveways to parking lots to just parked right out on the street. Nobody ever thinks twice about driving their car, after all they get us where we need to go in a quick amount of time. However, cars could be the most deadliest thing in the world, and it sits right next to our houses. From the exhaust fumes that fumigate in the air all the way to obiesity, cars are just a silent killer waiting in the shadows.\n\nNow, a car isn't really out to kill us, at least not intentionally, but unfortunatly the worst thing about a car is behind it; the exhaust. A couple hundreds of chemicals float out into the air and slowly kill the Earth's ozone layer. Every year the Earth gets hotter and hotter as the ozone layer becomes thinner as more cars end up on the road. It really is just a domino effect thats still in the process of tumbling down. The reason why we don't think too much on it, is simply because as we sit in air conditioned cars, we don't notice just how hot it really is. But what happens when the ozone layer is completely destroyed? Well, just hope your wheels don't melt down into the pavement while your driving.\n\nA cars bad streak doesn't end with making the Earth into a giant sauna, of course some people might like the idea, but what if our cars, were the reason our diet never works? As more cars end up on the road, less people are walking and biking to get places. Even now, more teenagers are on the road with cheeper and more efficient cars which means that combined with a teens natural laziness in everyday life, its like we've been giving a robot to replace our legs. Would you believe that some people would drive their cars just to get a few blocks up the street? It's absolutly tragic, almost as if we're just waiting for the end scene in a horror movie.\n\nSo, even though cars may not be waiting for us outside our showers with a knife, it's slowly destroying the planet as well as our health. However there are solutions such as carpooling, taking the bus or even walking or biking more. Carpooling lessens the amount of exhaust fumes on the road, and walking keeps our cardio up and is even just enjoyable. So before you grab your car keys and head out the door, just take a look into the sky and a quick glance at yourself and think \"do I really want to be overweight in a sauna?\"", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the artical they are talking about how they came out with this new prgram. In this program it is able to read people facial feature by there actions they were able to get the Mona Lisa's in the artical they said that she was more happy then mad she was sad and angry or other things. I agree with this to have a machine that will tell your emotion this wouldnt just be helpful for students it would also be helpful for stuednts because if they have something wrong and they dont know what is they can just go to the machine they could just get there face examed and then they would have resluts. it would help counlsers alot to because not everyone can tell when someone is either mad or upset. Also it wouldn't just be helpful for schools it'd be helpful for police station so when they are questioning they can ditect if they are lying or not another thing is it wouldn't just be a small accomplishment to move on into the future life it'd be a goal for them to have multiple if these computures in places where they will need them at and places where others will use them for good. A bad thing about this computer would be for teachers if they were to upload a lesson to it and they were to have everything planned out they would either have to try to keep students on the same track as others and others for them to no get lost or confused with what they will be learning during there leasons when it detects on of them being bored. After all the reading i did think it'd be a good idea because it wouldn't just help one person it wouldnt help multible people who need counsling or for people who don't know how to feel or what to say. So this computer wouldn't just make an impact in one person but maybe world wide.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author describes how a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System enables computers to idenify human emotions. I think the use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a clasroom is valuable for these reasons.\n\nIn the article it says that,\" Dr. Paul Eckman has classified six basic emotions which are happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness.\" Then he will associated each with characteristic movements of the facial muscle. Another reason that I think is valuable is when in the article it says that.\" In fact, we humans perform this same impressive \"calculation\" everyday. For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by look on her.\"\n\nThis is why I think the use of this technology is valuable. So that we can test which of the six emotions we are in. The second reason is that we human are already perform the same impressive calcauation every day.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWas the Face on Mars created by aliens?\n\nDo you think the face on Mars was created by aliens? I don't... and that's because it's to many reasons that prove it's not. I'm a scientist at NASA and I helped prove these reasons. We found that it is just a butte or a mesa, aliens are not even real, and there is no life on Mars.\n\nIt has been proven that it is just a butte or a mesa, this is what the picture actually shows....landforms. A friend my mine, Garvin says that is reminds him of \"Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho\" that's here on Earth. So that states that we have the resources to prove it is a mesa!\n\nIt has been proven aliens are not even real. I mean people \"say\" they have seen one and even took pictures of them, but that doesn't mean they are real. We have not yet seen or even captured one for testing yet which proves that they are not real. This person who tells me that they \"think\" aliens created this face doen't even know if it's true. Therefore this is just a thought that is not true.\n\nOn another note there is no life on Mars, as proven by us (NASA). We have tested for air and a way we could live there without holding a oxegen tank around and there is no way. People think we are hiding if there is any life on Mars and if the face was created by aliens, but why would we let the World know that we were even researching about life on Mars or that we even found a face on Mars if we didn't want the World to know? Yes, we've done research over and over again to prove to the World that there is no life on Mars and that the face is just a mesa, so we ask that the World believes us and keep the peace.\n\nI have given my reasons why aliens did not create this face on Mars, and you may or may not agree, just please I ask you to keep the peace.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe aurthor of \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" said in paragraph 1, they point out that Venus is sometimes calle the \"Evening Star\" because it is one of the brightest points of light in the nigth sky. Some people mistaken the names beacuse Venus is actually a planet. Venus is the second planet from the sun.\n\nIn paragraph 2 it says that Venus is considered Earth's \"twin\". They say that because they are simlar in shape and size. The one of the differences they have is speed. In paragraph 2 it also states that, \"because Venus is sometimes right around the corner - in space terms - humans have sent numerous spacecrafts to land on this cloud-draped world.\"\n\nIn paragrap 3 it says that, Venus has a thick atmoshpere of almost 97 persent and the layers are considered blankets. The clouds have highly corrosive sulfuric acid in the atmosphere. The temperatures range up to 800 degrees fahrenhiet. The atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we are used to. The pressure from that would crush a submarine accustomed to diving in the deepest partof the ocean.\n\nIn paragraph 4 that they don't quite understand why they are studing \"our sister planet\". The aurthor states that the planet Venus is \"inhospitable\" and he/she want to know why Scientists are even discussing going back. The aurthor also state in paragraph 4 that they don't understand why Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because the author think the reason is that because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. They also state in pararaph 4 that they think that Venus was once \"covered largely with oceans\". That it couldv'e supported various forms of life like Earth does. They state that Venus has some features that life couldv'e been on it.\n\nIn paragraph 5, it says that NASA is thinking about sending human to Venus. They have invented a spacecraft that can travel on the fray on the outside of Venus. They think that it will work so it avoyeds all the storms and other conditions that is happening on the planet. They say that the temperature wil still be toasty around 170 degrees fahrenheit.\n\nEverything in these 5 paragraphs that I have listed are reasons why pursuiting to Venus is very dangers.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n\"Look Adrian, I know you might think that, that landform is a face carved in Mars by aliens but the facts are right here,\" Keilah says gesturing around the room. Adrian scoffs and chuckles saying, \"I know a face when i see one, especially if it is up on Mars because none of our astronauts could have been able to make something like that and for what?\" - he pauses then continues, \"Of course it had to be aliens!\"\n\nKeilah starts to explain, \"First, us scientists figured it was just another Martian mesa. You know something common enough around the Planet Cydonia only this one had shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh.\" As Adrian jumps right back in almost as he wanted to interrupt her but had waited, he gives his own reasons. He says excitedly, \" Yeah but, after that a few days later we (NASA) unveiled the image with a caption saying that there was a huge rock form which resembles a human head, formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth. Right after noticing all the features I had to believe it was real! Not only that, but that aliens had put it all together! KEILAH, DONT' YOU SEE IT?\"\n\n\"No I do not Adrian. I see the facts and what the picture actually shows. It's clearly the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa- LANDFORMS COMMON AROUND THE AMERICAN WEST! hmm I seem to agree with 'Gavin' when he stated that it had reminded him of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. Also when Michael Malin and his MOC team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos it revealed a natural landform and there was no alien monument after all. Sorry buddy I guess you'll have to do more research or look a little closer next time haha.\" Keilah says as she puts an end to the 'Face on Mars' argument.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the artical \"Making Mona Lisa Smile\" the author describes how a new cumputer program able to identify humans emotions. I think program could be used in the class room. There are many benifets and some downsides to the program. It can tell if your bored with the lession. It could also help with telling if someone is lying. But can't pick up on nonverbal, and emotional communication.\n\nFirst one of the major benifets of using the program in a classroom is seeing how the students feel about a lesson. In paragraph 6 it satates,\"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored\".This imformation could tell the teacher what to do and no too. Paragraph 6 also states,\"Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.\" With the teacher swiching the lession students may become more active with the lesson infront of them.\n\nSecondly the program could have some improvements. In paragraph 6 it states,\"most humans communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication\" This shows that not all emotions can be detected by the program. Also in paragraph 6 it states,\" So comuters need to understand that ,too\" With Dr. Huang stating this he is already aware of this problem. Him being aware can fix that and improve apon it.\n\nFinally the program can help dectect lies with curtain muscles in the face. It states in Pargraph 8,\" But in a false smile, the mouth is stretched sideways using the zygomatic major and a different muscle, the risorius.\" This shows that key muscles in your face and give away when you lie. It also states that \"To and expert, faces don't lie; these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a ''smiling'' politicain or celebrity isn't being truthful.\" When you can identify those muscles a lie will be easier to spot.\n\nTo conclude i believe this computer program would be useful in the classroom. It could give the teachers direct feed back on the students feeling. Also when someone lies. But can't pick up on nonverbal, and emotional cummunication. The program has more positives than negitives.So I agree this would be vary benifital.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe authur supports the ides that studying venus is worthy pursuit because in the stroy the authur says\"Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms density. They also say in the differences in speed mean that sometimes we are closer to Mars and other times to venus. Astronomers are facinated by venus because it may well once have been the most earth like planet in our solar system because long ago Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life , just like the earth we live in now. also venus planets gots rocky sediment and includes familiar feature like mountains,craters and futhurmore. The Natinal Aeronatautics and Space Administration had an ides of making wants humans to study venus they also want some thing like a jet so they can fly over Venus to fly over many storms and also to look around planet venus.\n\nIn the article it says the nasa are working on other approaches to studying venus because how alike this planet. these are the projects that they are working n is silicon carbon, also they have been mechanical computers these devices were first envisioned in the 1800's and played an important role in the 1940's during the world war 11.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the artical Making Mona Lisa Smile the autor tells you about a new type of technology called the Facial Action Codeing System. It helps computrers identify human emotions. Do you thinks the use of this technology to read the emotinal expressions of students in a classroom valuabel. My opinion is that all computers should get this system because like what the passage said \"A classroom computer could recognizes when a student is becomeing confused or borad.\" I completly agree with this becaus most all schools now are useing computer. So if we are learning off of a comperter that can recogniz when i am confused i think that i would have better grades because the computer would adjust itself so that i can learn it another way that i might understand better. Also i think that this would just be cool to have because it could also detect when you are bored. so when and if you get bored during a lesson the computer could adjust itsef to make the activity or lesson more appeling to the eye.\n\nBut the down side of this is that it can only recognize certain emotions such as happiness, suprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. But what if you have a diffrent emotion than that then what will the computer do when that happens just keep going how it is or will it try something new. By this passage i have learned that every thing in this would is changeing and that new technology is comeing out. But will this Facial Action Coding System really help children and teans lean new way that they understand i don't know but for now I agree that all computers should get this system becaue i know that if it really works that the pasage says that it does then i know that i would understand lessons in school way better than what i do now because it will adjust to how i like to learn and waht i find boring in the lessons that i am learning. So i that the use of this technology to read emotional expressions of student in the classroom would be ver valuabe. And could chang the world of learning forever.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Face of Mars was a historic discovery, and not because it was a new kind of land form. When the photo was first released, many thought it was an alien structure and that it proved there once was life on Mars. NASA then worked harder to understand the strange picture and to change the opinion of skeptics who tried to make it an ancient temple.\n\nThe first photo that was released was a low quality picture and the strange shadows gave it the look of a face. NASA began to obsess about the face and they began to get better and better resolution photos. It became more apparent that the face was just a mesa, which were common in the area. Skeptics insisted that NASA proves that is just a hill and NASA continued finding out more about the mesa. as the resolution improved, nearly all second-guessers were silenced. This happened because scientists were convinced that this landform was much like the Middle Butte in Idaho, which was most definately not made by aliens.\n\nThe Face did change how some people looked at the possibility of life on Mars. After the initial controversy, it was likely that the \"alien\" building was just a hill. Some still are skeptical even with the overwelming evidence, but they are also drowned out by those who know it was just an optical illusion. NASA proved that if there was ever life on Mars, it did not make the Face.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think Luke should convince people to join because you will be on a boat with other people. Plus, helping countries recover after world war 2. Help them recover food supplies, animals, and more\".\n\nIn the artical it says \"44 nations joined together to form UNRRA to care of animals shiped over seas\". SO, they hire people called \"Seagoing Cowboys.\"\n\nThey were people who had help feed and protect animals such as horses, young cows, and mules. Also, if you join not only will you help the animals but, you would have lots of fun. Thats why Luke should convince people. He got to see cool places like the Acroplis in Greece and he also Took a ride on the gondola ride in venice, Italy. Witch is a streets filled wth water. He also, went to a \"excavated castle in crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on his way to China\". He got to view beautiful places on his way to China and still cared for the animals. Luke has done fun things and been very helpful with the animals.\n\nSo, to him feeding animals he also did more then you would imagine thats why people might not want to go because of they think you would only be on a ship for months with fifthy animals. But, he did so much more then clean, feed, and watch or guard the animals. I mean he went on trips to places people who could never afford, or who always dreamed to go! Luke got to see all that for Free only price he had to pay was to love and take care of the animals for countries that need them. All creatures are valueable and should never be treated in a way it dosn't diserve. Who cares if you think siting on a boat with mutiple other people and animals for a month is a waste of time. LUke was on a boat that had about 335 horses. I mean imagine if something had happen to the ship and it sunk! All those deaths of the people and animals that could have saved Millions gone in a flash. This is why I think its a good idea for Luke to convince others to join.\n\nIt says that it was a \" opportunity of a lifetime.\" It's not normal everyday that you would get a chance to go on ship and see places you never seen before. It's rare to happen but, thats why you should jump up and take it it's one opportuity you will probly never get again. So, don't take the chance thinking this kind of event would ever occur again so do what you want to do and what you think is right. He had visited nine trips on his trip on a boat in a certain amount of days. Maybe others could visit more places like ten. Even, see things on your journey see animals you have never seen before. Smell odd things you have never had smell before ever in your lifetime. Sure you might get home sick but, you will go back home wants it is over. Think of all the people you saved. Also, the countries too would recover and get stronger. So, let the others know what you have seen on this trip. Join and you too will start your quest to China. Today now start helping others.\n\nIn conclusion, this is why Luke should convince others to join because all of these reasons to join for fun, and for helping animals get to were they need to go to help even more people. Theres no way he shoudn't convince others. Just tell them it's for a good cause. You even get to wonder places on way to your destination. This is why I think he should convice others to join.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Electoral College is not a fair system for voting and shouldn't be continued because of a few major flaws. There is no guarentee that the president with the highest votes will be elected. Also, the system isn't balanced among all of the states. Because some people know these things, potential voters have decided it isn't worth it if who they elected isn't gaurenteed to win.\n\nPeople vote because they want to be able to choose who will be their president, however the Electoral College doesn't allow the elective with the highest votes to become the president. \"Voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president.\" Also, just because the people vote for electors for a certain president, the elector can still vote for whoever they want to. \"'Faithless' electors have occasionally refused to vote for their party's candidate and cast a deciding vote for whomever they please.\"\n\nThe system also is not fair to different states. \"The popular vote was very close in Florida [in 2012]; nevertheless Obama, who won that vote, got 29 electoral votes. A victory by the same margin in Wyoming would net the winner only 3 electoral votes.\" The larger states give more votes so they are usually given more attention by presidential candidates.\n\nLastly, the people who know that their votes are just suggestions have been turned off from voting. Maybe they know they have a candidate \"who has no hope of carrying their state.\" I have noticed that some citizens are not qualified to vote because there are some who vote carelessly and do not carefully construct all of the things the electives are saying and how it could benefit or harm our country. However, there are some people, like the one's in the \"toss-up states\", who, in turn, \"are more likely to pay close attention to the campaign--to really listen to the competing candidates--knowing that they are going to decide the election.\" Just because some people choose not to take it seriously does not mean you should take the right away from everyone.\n\nThese three reasons are key points as to why I think we should take out the Electoral College and begin letting the people decide who will be the president. It's not a fair, balanced system. There's no guarantee that the person with the highest number of votes will be elected, and, because of that, it can turn off potential voters from having their say on who the president should be.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nFacial recognition, a thing of the future, at least that's what people thought. With the new age of innovative technology, a special field of new technology has come to the public, facial recognition software. One of the most prominent softwares in the facial recognition field is the FACS, or facial action coding system, which is what was used to figure out exactly what emotion Mona Lisa was feeling in her painting. However, this software could be used in many other fields. The ability to read and detect what emotion some are feeling is very powerful and could be implimented into certain areas such as the classroom. The usage of FACS could be very beneficial to schools for reading students emtions so teachers could see how their learning plan affects the students, organize and figure out which subjects students may enjoy more, and also allow schools to see what areas of the school may need to be improved on the most.\n\nBy using facial recognition, teachers would be ablel to read the expressions on students' faces and see what their learning plan make the students feel. A prime example of how this could be used in the classroom would be in paragraph four, where the author states \" 'The facial expressions for each emotion are are universal,' observes Dr. Huang, 'even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression' (like not smiling broadly). Using video imagery, the new emotion-recognition software tracks these facial movements.\" This specific example is important because by using this software, the facial movements of every student could be tracked, without worry of missing something, and could therefore help teachers distinguish how all their students feel about their lesson plan. Along with that, in paragraph six the author states something similar to this main point \"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored.\" This is exactly what the point is, the computer could tell what needed to be changed and why.\n\nAlong with seeing how the teacher's plan affects the students, FACS could also potentially allow students to be organized and grouped up by what subject they appear to enjoy the most. Computers and computer programs are used most often for the usage and organiztion of data, that is what defines computer code, sets of data being used in certain ways. Well, the same type of usage could be had in a classrooom for organizing which subject students liked more. In paragraph five the author writes \"Yet Dr. Huang observes that artists such as da Vinci studied human anatomy to help them paint facial muscles precisely enough to convey specfic emotions. His new computer software stores similar anatomical informatino as electronic code.\" This points out that code already stores the data that it takes in and knows how to use it. That takes out a step in the process of using it in the class. By having it store data, the computer could then organize it into sections based on what students appeared more happy in certain classes and help with finding interests. Also, in paraghraph four the author states \"By weighing the different units, the software can even identify mixed emotions.\" This is especially important due to the fact that sometimes students can feel mixed about the class they are in, which means the computer can help figure out how they may feel truly about the subject.\n\nAbove the learning aspect, schools could see where students physically feel the best or worst in the school or class. While the majority of use would be for the learning portion of the class, FACS could also be used quite often to help discern what physical things may need to change in the school. Maybe a student in a poor chair shows discomfort and the school learns it needs better chairs. In paragraph five, the author writes \"In fact, we humans perform this same impressive \"calculation\" every day. For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face.\" While this is true, many people are able to easily figure out what a face may mean, the computer would have an even easier time doing it with lighting quick judgement and fast calculations to back it up. The usage of these quick calculations could be beneficial and allow the school to have a better input system and see exactly how the school feels, rather than relying on teahcers to figure out how the students may feel. Another good example of how the FACS could help improve school's physical aspects would be in paragraph six where the author uses and example of improvement themself by stating \"For example, if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different.\" This example shows very well how the computer recognition could really tend to one's needs and how one feels, therefore helping improve the quality of the school.\n\nOverall, facial recognition software is a very promising and prominent idea for the future of classrooms. The computer's ability to see how the learning plan affects the students and change the plan based on the response to the FACS being able to organize and find which subject the students like more in their school is extremely crucial to the new innovative learning process. Also by helping improve the overall quality of the school, the software is something that certain schools should look into. Hopefully this idea of facial recognition software in schools can become a reality and eventually become a nationally recognized function to aid in the learning process. Once an idea of the future brought into the modern day, the Facial Action Coding System truly has an eye for all things emotion.", "label": 6}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThis technology that can read students' emotional expression is good. Because it can read student's behavior. For example if a student is becoming confused or bored,then the teacher will know it, by looking in the technology. Then the teacher will help the student for her or his problem. Student can also use this technology for their family,friends and the people arround them,to know what their emotion or what they gonna do. For example if there's a man in your back and he's trying to hurt you,you can act quickly because the technology will tell you and you can run away from that man.\n\nI support my claim by this evidence from the article in paragraph four,the facial expressions for each emotion are universal observes Dr. huang, even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression (like not smiling as broadly).Using video imagery,the newemotion-recognition software tracks these facial movements.\n\nYeah, this technology will work really good for student. Also for teachers' and people who needed it. Becaus they can see what their friends expression or emotion if they gonna say somethin on them. If the technology tell you that your friends is sad you can tell them something to make them happy. This technology is really helpful for student and not just student,it can also help teacher and many people.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMany places in Europe, Paris, Colombia, and The United States have all had a \"car-free day\" or less driving each year. These changes have showed such a drastic change in lower air pollution and smog in the atmospher. As well as less pollution there has been a drastic change in amount of crowed areas, and less driving. These are all advantages, as well as the less amount spent on car and license plates in each of these cities. Limiting car usage has such a drastic change on the enviorment as well as the citzens pockets.\n\n\"Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe..\"\u00a0 (Source 1) Paris enforced a partial driving ban to have cleaner air after almost reaching a new record for polluted air. Paris has much more smog and polluted areas than Europeans capitals which are known as the most conjested areas. In Bogota, Colombia many people rode on buses and bikes and even walked to there destination on car-free days to reduce smog. Those who did not follow the rule where fined up to 25$.\u00a0 A businessman Carlos, rode a two- seat bike for him and his wife and stated, \"It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower aur pollution.\" After this huge event other Colombian cities joined this event for advantages of low pollution. In the United State, \"Has America passed peak driving?\" (Source 4) In 2005 there was a show in less driving and since it has decreased. If this decreasing of driving continues to change there will be such a huge advantage on the air pollution from cars. As well as less air pollution, the change in driving cars and \"car-free days\" has lead to less overloading areas and conjestion.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIt is just a face. The Face on Mars is natural. This is evident because it is similar to the landforms here on Earth, and there is no sign of alien or human life.\n\nOne may argue that it is possibly a sign of alien life on Mars. They might say that the fact that it does look like a face could mean it was aliens who made it. Maybe they'd argue, \"The timing wasn't right. You can't see all the details.\" At that point, they just sound ignorant, but no matter their claim, they are wrong and have no strong evidence in saying it isn't natural.\n\nThis Face found on Mars is just a natural landform. Scientists have even compared it to buttes and mesas here on Earth. An example of this comparison was by Jim Garvin, the chief scientist for NASA's Mars Exploration Program. He said that it reminded him of the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho stating, \"That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face of Mars.\" Also, Mars is known for being a very dusty and rocky planet. It would be very easy for the formations of Mars to erode together and make such a landform as this.\n\nIn addition to it just being a natural landform, there is absolutely no evidence of life near this area or anywhere else. This goes to show that it can't be man/ alien made. The NASA scientists, are using the highest quality cameras in technology today. They zoom in to 1.56 meters per pixel, allowing them to see every little detail. After doing this they found no shelter, no water, no life showing any forms of a civilization. There has never been any life, outside of maybe bacteria, found on Mars, and even if there was, NASA would quadruple their funds after that kind of discovery giving them no reason to hide it.\n\nThe Face of Mars is simply a natural landform similar to a butte or mesa similar to those on Earth, with no alien interaction. There is no evidence to say otherwise, and a lot of evidence to back these statements.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear state senator,\n\nThe electoral college is an unfair and irrational, and should be abolished immediately. The fact that the race for president can end in a tie is completely absurd. Also the fact that popular vote can mean basically nothing is dumbfoundidng. In a country of democracy popular vote seems like a it would be standard. popular vote seems like the best idea when it comes to a country for the people.\n\nThe electoral college is highly unfair to voters. Presidential candidates dont even have to visit all of the states to win the elections. The representation that the smaller states get is unfair. Presidential canidates will only visit states with a high number electoral college representatives because the states are known as \"swing states\". Swing states greatly influence the outcome of the election because they can hold the most power. If a state such as texas with 34 electoral votes was to have the same amount of power as a state with a much smaller population than the electoral college would seem much more viable.\n\nThe electoral college state representatives do not have to vote with that states popular vote. Al Gore, in the 2000 presidential election, won the popular vote but still lost the election(Plumer 9). The fact that a canidate can win the vote of the people but still lose the election is horrifying. How can you trust a system that works against what the United States of America is about. It completely takes away the right of people to decide what goes on in there goverment. The fact that the electoral college state representatives do not have to vote with people is highly unfair.\n\nThere is one crucial flaw in the electoral college, the election can end in a tie. In 1976 a tie would have occured if just 5,559 voters in Ohio and 3,687 voters in hawaii had voted the other way(Plumer 12). If we were to switch to a system were all states including the District of Columbia get one vote then the election could never end in a tie. Although this still seems highly unfair to the voters because the representative could go either with or against the popular vote the election could still never end in a tie solving the amjor flaw. What was to happen if we did have a tie? It has not yet been desided because it never has happened and that is a major problem.\n\nThe electoral college is highly unfair and should be disposed of immediately. The electoral college is biased towards the larger states,has major flaws that can only be fixed by getting rid of the system and does not give a fair view of what the people want. The system was poorly thought out and needs to be replaced.\n\nsincerely,\n\nJordan P.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nShould we give up our cars in order to live a better life?\n\nThat's the question on everyones mind right now , but it's a no brainer! Places all over the world have done this as an experiment and it seems as if they like the results. Here are a few key points from passages that will help persuade you into joining the idea of getting rid of cars.\n\nVauban, Germany has given up their cars for a better and healther life. So many families in Vauban have given up their cars that 70 percent of them don't even own a car! The reason why Vauban did this is because they realized that passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe and more than triple that amount in car-intensive areas in the United States. Looking on the bright side of this since there is less space for parking stores are placed a walk away, on a main street, rather than in malls along some distant highway. If you want to drive a car you can always buy a small area for $40,000 that also comes with a house where you can park the car which would have to be a hybrid.\n\nParis did the same thing that Vauban did but in a different way. On Monday mototrist with even- numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine. The same would apply to odd-numbered plates the following day. Of course there were people who didn't obey the new law and where fined and some even had their cars impounded for their reaction to the fine; however, congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after five-days of intensifying smog. The only exceptions were plug-in cars, hybrids, and cars carrying three or more passengers since they didn't really affect the pollution as much as cars that use up a lot more gas. Doing this cleared the smog for some time in Paris, in fact, so much of the smog cleared that the French party was actually able to rescind the ban for odd-numbered plates on Tuesday.\n\nInstead of making a law\n\nBOGOTA, Colombia , created a program called car-free day where millions of Colobians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work or to do whatever they had to do. The goal of this program was obvious, to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog (Violators faced $25 fines). For the first time, two other Colombian cities, Cali and Valledupar, joined the event of having no cars except for taxis and busses. By Bogota doing this the parks and sports centers have seen and highly approved of this idea and have turned uneven, pitted sidewalks into broad, smooth sidewalks. Along with the new improvements, new restaurants and upscale shopping districts have appeared.\n\nIn conclusion, getting rid of cars permitly or even just for a day or a week seems like a good idea. Lots of the people mentioned above highly approve of this and say that it actually makes them a lot happier and stress free. Of course the people who don't approve of this idea are the ones who were fined for driving on a no drive zone. All in all i still recommend this idea if things in Florida start to get out of hand and we must resort to something.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars are one of the stupidest things I've ever heard! How can anyone feel comfortable leaving there life and lives of loved one in the hands of nothing. Robots can't put there arm out and grab your child if the brakes are stammed one of them could be hurt and you just had to watch.\n\nYes the modifications made to cars we have now are actually very wonderful and make driving safer for everyone but the fact is a robot, your car special designed to drive doesn't feel the emotions when theres a crash and loved ones are hurt. They also say that these kind of cars could prevent accident when no ones seems to realize that not everyone will have acess to them for money reasons, most people today still have cars without all the fancy safey add ons because there to much money.\n\nThe cars of the future have me worried about how life will be in the future, people have vaccums that will clean by themselves and food that makes its self. Its taking away the human par of life and making it fake, turning the world into lazy slubs. Yes some things are very good, making manfucturing with less polutin in the air and stopping deforstation but alot of other things could impact everyone, theyjust need to look at the bigger picture and in it we shouldn't be ran by a machine.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCan you imagine a time in the future when no one will have any money because of \"Driverless Cars\". Yes, you may think driverless cars is a good idea but its not. We already have \"Driverless Cars\", they are taxis and buses. They say it would use half the fuel of today's taxis and are more flexible than a bus. But how much would they cost? Are they going to be cheaper than a taxi? Are they going to be bigger than a bus?\n\nBuses and taxis are probaly the cheapest forms of transport, and don't get me started on Ubers.\n\nThey say that Google has already made some \"Driverless Cars\", but they are not really driverless. Driverless means no one behind the wheel. \"They alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as navigating through roadwork or accidents.\" If it can't drive through traffic or back out of driveways then what's the point. What's the point of having a \"Driverless Car\" if it's not really driverless. Isn't the whole point of having a driverless car to relax and let it drive on it's own, not to be alerted when it can't even pull up into your driveway.\n\n\"Originally, many futurists believed the key to developing self-driving cars someday wasn't so much smarter cars as smarter roads.\" So what you're telling me is that you want to make the roads smarter too? No, you need to make humans smarter not cars or roads. If we weren't so lazy we wouldn't need \"Driverless Cars\". \"The combination of all this input is necessary for the driverless car to mimic the skill of a human at the wheel.\" Want if the \"human at the wheel\" sucks at driving?\n\nThen we are going to have some issues.\n\nThe sensors are what the should be adding to cars. The sensors \"Can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better respone and control than a human driver could manage alone.\"\n\nSee that is what we need in cars, they are so many car accidents because of speeding and drunk driving.\n\nOk back to why \"Driverless Cars\" souldn\"t be made. Driverless cabs? They already driverless cabs, you, yourself are not driving the cab. Unless you are a cab driver you are not driving the cab, and it's going to take so many jobs away from cab drivers. \"Why would anyone want a driverless car that still needs a driver? \"Wouldn't drivers get bored waiting for their turn to driver?\" Their turn to drive? So you take turns driving your brand new driverless car? But don't worry they have a in-car-entertaimnet and information system to make sure you don't fall asleep at the wheel. \"If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault the driver or the manufacturer?\" I thought it was a driverless car why would the driver be at fault?\n\nI can talk about this \"Driverless Cars\" idea for hours but I only have fifty-five minutes to talk about this. So i'm just going to wrap this up with my last thought. Driverless cars sould not be made.\n\nLIL BOAT", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Face On Mars\n\nHave you ever seen something crazy on something, maybe a face or something that you seen before? Have you thought about how that face or something else has gotten there? Well, for a start it defintley wasn't aliens! Just like the face on mars, people belive that the face was created by aliens! But that isn't true, the face on mars is just and only a natural landform that some how was created on earth.\n\nFor my first reason on why the face on Mars is just a natural landform is because NASA later revelied that the face was not made of aliens, but by shadows. A few days after that image was found, NASA needed to take a look and figure out what made this incredible and scientififc picture so unique, and why and how it was formed. Later on, they have came up with an good explaination about this unique image. NASA said this,\"huge rock formation...which resembles a human head...formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth.\" Scientifically, the face was made from a natural cause, so it makes it a very different natural landform.\n\nNow, for my second reason on why this was not made by aliens, but just a natural landform is that there is no scientific research showing that aliens do exist and created this face. Now I do know that some people say that they have seen aliens, but scientists dont think that is one hundred percent true because they don't have any evidence suggesting that aliens are real. Many people to belive in them, but how do we know that they are actually real without any scientific knowledge? But now after NASA did some research, they found out that even though we don't have information about them, aliens did not create that face, it was only a natural landform.\n\nFor my third and final reason, why the face was not created by aliens and is only a natural landform , is because in the last paragraph,paragraph twelve, they talk about how the the picture actually shows that it is the Martian equvialent of a butte or mesa. Since the landform shows a butte or mesa, that means that the image was a major landform that came from the American West. Garvin says, \"It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho.\" He also said,\" That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars.\" So, this is not only a natural landform, but a major natural landform.\n\nI do agree a little bit about aliens creating the face. Maybesomewhere in space, there are aliens that created something else or not. One day maybe we can find something out in space that has something to do with aliens, but today is just isn't the day to do that. But overall, i would have to agree that aliens did not create this, but this is only a natural landform created by something other than aliens.\n\nAs you can see, this creative landform was most defintley not created from aliens, but just a nice natural landform. Scientists now figured out that this \"Face on Mars\" is from shadows and not from aliens. This landform is actually a butte or a mesa which is very intersting to have found out. Many people did belive that the \"Face on Mars\" was created by aliens, but scientists haven't found out if there are aliens or not, so we shouldn't jump into conclusion. But overall, this face was defintely a landform and not created by aliens!!", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEver since they were invented, there has always been a drive to improve cars. Whether making them faster or more fuel efficient, humans have always wanted to make them better. Hollywood movies have always made a big spectacle of cars, as they could make them do whatever they want in the fake films. Some of those hollywood ideas are no longer just ideas or wishes, because many automotive companies are working on the development of cars that can drive themselves. With this development, the cars would be safer and more efficient.\n\nFrom day one cars have always had a risk factor, from the high speeds, to the reckless drivers. With the development of self driving cars, most of these factors would just dissapear. There would be no need to worry about reckless drivers or dangerous speeds, as there would be no drivers and the car could maintain a safe speed. Having self-driving cars would offer plentiful benefits. First off it was already metioned there would be no reckless drivers. Plus, the cars would have faster response times to accidents and obstacles. There would also be less accidents as the cars could apply brakes before a driver could.\n\nWhen these smart cars are introduced to the public, traffic would be much more efficient. The cars would run on less gas, as the driver would consume more with their driving techniques. Also, the cars could find the fastest route to wherever the passenger was wanting to go. Plus, the cars would be able to move smartly and help keep traffic moving to avoid the enormous traffic back ups that usually occur.\n\nThe development of driverless cars are an inevitability. They wil be out on the road and keeping people safe. They will react faster and avoid collisions, saving numerous lives. Cars are still being improved today, but ones capable of driving without a human at the wheel are coming sooner than you think.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAlthough many people are for driverless cars, I am against them.\n\nEven though there are several benefits to driverless cars, driverless cars can be a huge problem and danger to people, not just driving or riding in the car, but pedestrians outside of the car as well.\n\nI think driverless cars should not be allowed for several reasons.\n\nSome of these reasons are that drivers could get more distracted, new laws would have to be made, and if an accident were to occur, the question that comes up is who should be blamed: the owner of the car, the driver of the car, or the car manufacturerer?\n\nDriverless cars could prevent accidents, but they could cause them just as much.\n\nDriverless cars should not be allowed for several reasons.\n\nOne of these reasons is that it could lead to more accidents than a regular car.\n\nThis is because if someone was tired when he or she was coming back home, they could potentially fall asleep because they are not driving.\n\nIf this happens, the driverless car will not be able to get the attention of the driver to take over.\n\nAnother reason why I think driverless cars should be banned is because when the driverless car is driving, the driver could get distracted by passengers or by their phones, causing them to not pay attention to the road because they are texting or playing a game or, even worse, not be able to listen to the driverless car when it is telling the driver to take over due to the passengers having a conversation with each other or the driver.\n\nAlso, like the text said, I think that if driverless cars were to be allowed, it would cause several other issues, like the making of new laws.\n\nI also agree with another point that the text rose.\n\nIf someone were to get in an accident with a self driving car, who would be to blame: the driver or the manufacturer?\n\nIn conclusion, I think that driverless cars are just too dangerous to make leagal.\n\nDriverless cars would be the cause of hundreds of car accidents that takek place on the streets everyday, with no one to point the finger at.\n\nDriverless cars are not just an issue and danger to the driver, but also the passengers inside the car and pedestrians on the street.\n\nThere are several other dangers as well.\n\nWith driverless cars, the driver may get bored of not driving and accidentally fall asleep, and will not be able to wake up when the car tells the driver to take over.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe extensive use of car transportation is setting a cloud over our society, literally. Car transportation is so heavily depended on in the current generation that people don't realize the negatives it has on our environment, local buisnesses, and people's lives in general. Transporation is not a priority and there are numerous advantages to gain out of limiting the use of cars; the smog percentages in the atmosphere will decline and create an everlasting clear environment and magnificent clarity built skies, local buisnesses that are run by families in suburbs will see their popularity rising back up to their previous points before malls in distant areas took over, the stress of supporting a cars expenses will be relieved, and people will realize that we connect just as well through the internet rather than driving to meet friends.\n\nAlthough cars are used by a vast amount of the population, the impact it has on the environment is without-a-doubt an ongoing situation that needs to be taken care of. The author states in the passage that passenger cars are responsible for 12% of Greenhouse gas emissions in Europe, and up to 50% in some car intensive areas in the United States. That should automatically tell you that these vehicles are putting an impact on our environment. Limiting the permission that citizens have of using their cars temporarily has shown a massive decrease in the smog build up that takes up a rather large percentage in most cities, in source #2, paragraph 12 the author states the outcome of Paris permitting drivers with even-numbered licenses from driving; this saw smog levels clear up enough to rescind the ban for odd-numbered plates on Tuesday. If only temporarily holding people back from driving can affect our environment so positively, imagine what the output would be if the world repeated this action on a much larger scale.\n\nFurthermore, cars promote the popularity of malls, which takes away the attention from numerous local buisnesses. These local stores are ran by families that need customers to keep their system alive, and if cars are traveling a further distance to reach malls, it just takes away the money needed by these local buisnesses. Living in small communities and suburbs is a great solution to this problem and has proven to work already, for instance; The suburb of Vauban, Germany stores are placed a walk away, on a main street, rather than in malls along some distant high way.\n\nAnother advantage of limititing car usage would be the lessening of stress, so many people have the burden of paying expensive car bills and having to work more than one job just to keep up with the numerous payments cars require, accidents are also caused by the massive amount of cars that are already in use on the roads. If people would carpool more often or take public transporations such as buses and trains, we would see an immense improvement of families income and we'd expect a safer society as a whole, safer from the hazards caused by the humongous majority of vehicle transportation. Having a car isn't a priority, working a job close to home and using bus transportation will be benfitial to your community, just plan out your approach and you'll soon understand why having a car isn't always necessary.\n\nAll in all, putting a stop to the extensive of cars will mainly bring out the pros, people always say they want to see the world become less polluted and free from toxic gases, limiting car usage is the first step to achieving this goal as we'd see smog in our skies clear out, your local buisnesses can step back into popularity and connect your community even more rather than traveling a far distance to reach malls. And finally, one of the main advantages would be the effect is has on you. All your money stresses will be relieved and you'll be able to focus on something more important than a car bill. The world is noticing these possibilities and we are heading for a chage on step at a time.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus,sometimes called the \"Evening star,\" is one of the brighest points of light in the night sky. however the nickname is misleading since venus is actually a planet.\n\nVenus has proved itself to be a very challenging place to examine. Despite the challenges we have to take risks to examine the planet Venus because Venus is referred to as Earth's \"twin\", Earth is the closest planet to Venus in density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too. Earth,Venus and mars orbit the sun at different speeds. Venus has the the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even though Mecury is closer to our sun. Astronomers are facinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system.Sometimes Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for planetry visit, a crucial considration given the long time frames of space travel. Many researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of venus.\n\nWorking hard to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value because human curiosity will lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors.Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe article \u00a8Driverless Cars Are Coming\u00a8 shows where cars in the future may take a stand. Considering how far we have came along in the advancement of human technology it is almost inevitable to expect advance driverless cars to become popular, for the good or bad. The article brings out some of the pros and cons of having driverless cars. I feel that these cars are unessacary as well as unsafe.\n\nA concern that we should all have is the safety of these driverless cars. How quick can a sensor detect a\n\nchild running across the street or a car jumping in front of you? The paragraphs try to dismiss this problem by showing the technology that is equipped on the driverless cars. The sensors and cameras supposledly are able to react. If you take into consideration the fact that these cars have been worked on since 2009, you would think they would have been made safe enough to be put into action. Yet there are still states where it is even illegal to test these driverless cars. Another reason I feel there is no need for these cars is the cost of them. These cars are probably gonna cost a fortune after adding up the cost of the technology its gonna take to supply these cars. All around the world many of people starve to death and live in proverty, yet car companies would expect us to spend money on these cars just to save us the worry of driving. Its not like driveing is such a pain you would need a computerized car to do it for you. My final reason is that these cars will cause complications when they are in accidents. As paragraph 9\n\nof \u00a8Driverless Cars Are Coming\u00a8 mentions, when accidents occur there is the controversial issue of who would be at fault, the driver or manufacturer. Insurance companies would have a hard time debating these matter as well.\n\nConcluding that these cars are unsafe, cost too much, unessecarily cause contriverial issues, I dont look forward to seeing advancement in these cars. These are a few reasons why I position my self on the argument against further development of these driverless cars.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars are not a way that the future should go. Self driving cars will do more harm than good. Developing these cars as a way of the future will hurt mankind. We will lose an entire job sector, an important skill in the form of driving, our laws as stated in the article will have to be overhauled to accomodate this change, and not to mention technology isnt always reliable it will break at some point usually the most inoportune time.\n\nWhen science develops a fully operational car there will be the problem of soon humans will not see the need to learn to drive. This is similar to when humans developed the ability to buy meat from a grocery store now we dont know how to hunt or butcher to get meat for outselves since all we have to do is buy it. This scenary will be the same with driving soon humans wont know how. Then of course what will happen to taxi drivers when their job is outsourced to a cheap computer driven car. Or a truck driver when his job is taken over by machine. The standiard patrol ploice officer wont be able to catch speeders either becasue they arent drving. Changing all of our driving laws will be a necessity. As stated in the article who is at fault the car manufacterure or the so called \"driver\" of the vehicle in the event of a crash. Laws will have to change for this as well. Which goes on to the other part of the problem technology fails at any given time. What happens when this autocar skips a few stoplights.\n\nSo in conlcusion self driving should not be the way of the future. The cons far outway the pros. Jobs would be lost, more people killed, and most importantly humans will lose yet another valuable skill.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nImagine this. A world that caused you to suffocate when you opened your house door. No this is not a water world, just the poison-filled atmosphere caused by the doing of the last century or so. Since cars entered the time of modern technology, pollution began. More and more people purchased cars for their own wishes, desires, and/or conviniences that continously added on to the killing of the world. Now go forward in time. We're in the 1960's. This is the time scientists started to understand that the ozone layer began to appear with holes in it allowing dangerous U.V light to enter. This U.V is causing the water to rise, is now one big source of skin cancer, and many different detromental factors that destroy or will cause the destruction of a panoply of environments. All of this due to a good amount humans not having the energy or the will to find other means of transport.\n\n\"In German Suburbs, Life Goes On Without Cars.\" So is the title of a fantastic article written by Elisabeth Rosenthal which shows that even an area with (I like to say) beautiful cars can survive and thrive rather well. Rosenthal is a fighter against the car epidemic, you can say. Rosenthal writes this article explaining how a small part of germany does not need cars to survive. The opposite, in fact; the survival of that little habitat is becoming powerful on the thriving scale. Rosenthal intelegently implements the opinion of a mother of two in this article. The mother, Heidron\u00a0 Walter, states \" When i had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way.\" Now, we can all agree that most moms usually have places to be prevalent to their children. As you can see, Haidron seems to be just fine. Not only is Haidron doing well, apparently, but she is now a source of the rehabilitation of this Earth.\n\nSince we're in the area of Europe, what of the beauty and the capital of the world of love; Paris? Well, according to Robert Duffer's article on the pollution of Paris, there was a small outbreak of smog given off. In the very first sentence, I read a jaw-dropping sentnce that said \"After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city.\" Looks like the beauty of Paris was lost. Dont' worry though, your honeymoons will still be available in this city, thanks to that partial ban. In fact, if the smog were to become more of a definite factor in the environment, then it would of broke the record in Paris for that particular reason. Sadly, that was not all that was concluded from this observation; \", after five-days of intensifying smog...[The smog] rivaled Beijing, China, which is known as one of the most polluted cities in the world,\" concluded Duffer. Incredibly, this did not occur due to the fact that cars were simply at the off position, which is a way of change that you and I can easily achieve.\n\nEnough of the safety of the ozone layer, what about your safety in a car? Did you know that the percentage of you entering a car and driving inreases your chance of getting in a car crash? Pretty obvious but you never thouoght of it that way have you? Now, think of this but the statistic will be towards your child/future child. Everyday, a teenager dies of a head on collision. May it be a drinking problem, texting and driving, or a simple mistake, either way, someone has been lost that day. Families lose a big part of them, a future is lost, an education that could've been used one day. Gone. Rosenthal states in her article \"The End of the Car Culture\" that 23% of young people have stopped driving between the years of 2001-2009. If I was a father, I'd add on to that statistic of 23%, not the other statistic...\n\nYou may be a brother, a sister, a friend, a father, a mother, but you are human. As human, it is your responibilty to stop our foe, greenhouse gases and U.V light. The time of gasoline cars have ended and we have entered the era of higher, more environmentally friendly versions of cars. Thes cars are detteriorating the world with malice. Now with the help of all around the world will be much more beautiful. Now, Imagine this. A utopia filled with vibrant colors and vigorously jubilant people on the sidewalks of the world. People without the addiction of cars. People laughing, enjoying themeselves, living, and of course, breathing.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author does not support the idea enough that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. Compared to their reasons on why studying Venus is a worthy pursuit, they gave a lot more reasons on why it is dangerous. They greatly showed how the conditions on Venus are far more extreme than anything humans are used to. On the other hand, they explained very little on how it would benefit us and showed how it's mostly just out of curiosity.\n\nThe author provided many, many dangers that the pursuit of studying Venus presents. The text states, \"These conditions [on venus] are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on earth... additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking land on its surface.\" The author seems to thoroughly describe the dangers of visiting Venus by describing the high temperatures, the high atmospheric pressure, and other things humans are not used to. They also point out how Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, and how no spacecraft has survived a landing on Venus for more than a few hours. This is all a lot more information provided on the dangers compared to the information provided on the benefits for studing Venus.\n\nThe author explained very little on how studying Venus is a worthy pursuit. The text states, \"Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors.\" The author always seems to make a vague statement on how Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers but never provides any evidence. The author says the planet would gain us insight, but doesn't show how. The second part of their statement about human curiosity seems very careless; the author sounds like he/she is just curious to have more insight on Venus. The text also states, \"Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like earth.\" This statement could have been the start of a good reason on why Venus is a worthy pursuit. Venus could possibly be inhabited by humans in the future. However, the author does't explain this; they just begin to compare Venus to Earth.\n\nTo conclude, the author did not effectively support the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. They provided many of the dangers, showing how humans would not be able to handle the conditions. On the other hand, they did not thoroughly explain why Venus is still a worthy pursuit despite these dangers. They gave very vague statements but provided little to no evidence. They should have built on their reasons to show how the dangers of studying Venus don't matter as much as compared to the benefits of studying Venus.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n\" During the 2000 campaign, seventeen states didn't see the candidates at all, including Rhode Island and South Carolina, and voters in 25 of the largest media markests didn't get to see the candidates at all.\"-Bradford Plumer. Are society is relaying on this electoral college system, when we don't even know who are those electors. I agree, that we should change our election to a popular vote because people get often confuse to whom their voting for, and it might lead to picking the wrong person that would be helping leading this country. On the other hand, the people that agree on keeping the electoral college system say that \" when you vote for a presidential candidate you're actually voting for a slate of electors.\" The majoredy of citizens don't even\u00a0 know who their voting for, imagine their going to be more lost and eventually ending up voting for the wrong person. The electoral college should be remove for good which will allows to have a stable society.\n\nThe Electoral college dosen't allow the candidates to come and visit the states. So, you don't even now who you're voting for.\" In 1960, segregationists in the Louisiana legislature nearly suceeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy.\" What's the point of having privileges to vote, when the segregationist who elect electors are against the president you voted for. What's happen to having free rights, and be able to vote for who you want, and\u00a0 knowing that he or she would suceed and\u00a0 lead our country to the right path. By having the electoral college system it is getting rid of those rights. Also the \"2000 fiasco\" was known as the biggest problems we had in the century. Are goal is improving our country not deteriorating it. If we change our election to a popular vote we wouldn't even be in this mess.\n\nCitizen who agree on keeping the electoral college system say that \"electoral votes induces the candidates as we saw in 2012's election to focus their campaign efforts on the toss-up states.\" What wrong with all the states? Are we not part of this country to? Their focusing all their attention on the states that they would be recieving their votes from. Their not even giving other states an opportunity of getting to know their candidates and what their offering to are country on improving it. Another, example is that the electoral college votes relay on larger states. They do that because they know that all their votes are going to come from the bigger states but that's incorrect they should relay on the whole country completely of getting their votes from.\n\nIn conclusion, the", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nYou use driving in everyday life such as the school bus, cars, trucks, etc... Today manufactors are smarter than ever and today the have driveless car! That is crazy isn\u00b4t it, now you still have to have your hand on the wheel but for the most part the drives for you.\n\nI dont\u00b4t mind the idea of moving cars, I just wouldn\u00b4t buy one because I like to be able to control the car and not a computer. I just don\u00b4t think i would trust it. The price on these car are probaly going to be very high and if you wreck who are you going to blame it on, the car or yourself. Plus we would have to make new laws about the marst cars as well.\n\nIf there are these cars I beleive there will be more wrecks because of machanical failure in ther car, Those wrecks will lead to lawsuits of the people who had the car and is trying to the maufactors and the people have a good lawyer they will probaly which might put the car business in a strugle if the give up all this money from lawsuits.\n\nIf we have driverless car there will be more wrecks and mor lawsuit out and I don\u00b4t think it is worth all of that. So I think we should just stick to regular car and make them more safe.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPeople believe that this natural landform that looks like a face on mars was done by aliens. Well it wasn't. If it was aliens we would tell you because it would be a benefit for us. People on earth see natural landforms that look like certian things all the time. Not to mention it looked like such a face because the shadows that it casted made it more detailed.\n\nIf it was aliens it would benefit us. Like the text states, \"Some people think the face is bona fide evidence of life on mars.\" But its not. The text comes back afeterwards and says \"Defenders of the NASA budget wish there was ancient civilization on mars.\" If it was an ancient alien statue we would say it and back it up, because it would have a highly strong benefit towards NASA because we could get donations for it. Along with more popularity.\n\nNot only would it benefit us, but it looks like natural landforms all across the world. The text even states, \"\"It reminds me most ofMiddle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho.\"\" Not only that but it mentions, \"\"that's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same hieght as the face on mars.\"\"\n\nWhy not ask questions about landforms that look detailed or look like aliens may have done it on earth?\n\nThe main reason the face looked the way that it did was because of the shadows that it casted. The text tells us, \"Shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose and mouth.\" The text also tells us, \"Because of its face like structure it become a great attraction. Starring in films, books, magazines and other articles.\" If it weren't for the shaddows then what was the point.\n\nWhat if NASA is lying? What if none of this is true? WHY SHOULD PEOPLE BELIEVE US? People should believe NASA because again this all would benefit NASA. The text even states, \"Defenders of the NASA budget wish there was ancient civilization on mars.\" Not to mention, if it was a sign of human life it would show a dramatic increase of popularity.\n\nSo no it isn't an alien statue, or a sign of ancient alien civilization. If it was we would tell you so we could have a benefit or major profit. On Earth we have natural landforms all around that look like actual things made by aliens. Why not question them about those natural landforms? Not only that, the only real reason it looked like a face was because the shadows it casted made it look like it had a mouth, eyes, nose, and other facial features. And we're not lying because it would benefit us.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars would be the coolest thing ever! People would not have to drive tired and risk getting into an accident. People could sleep while there car takes them to work or school. The risk is putting your life on the line to have a car drive you around not knowing if it will get you there in one piece or not. I personally think driverless cars are a good concept but at the same time I think it is risky.\n\nDriverless cars could be good and be bad at the same time. They are good for the fact that you wouldn't have to drive. Think about that, just hop in your car press start and tell it where you want to go. Then you get to lay back and enjoy the ride. It will be a good thing for people who drink because then you wouldn't have to worry about people drinking and driving because techiniqually they are just drinking not driving. You also wouldn't have to worry about bad drivers or even illegal drivers. Driverless cars could be a very good thing to mankind but also it could end up being the worst thing we have done to ourselves.\n\nDriverless cars could be a terrible thing to the human race. People will start to become very lazy. People are already lazy enough we don't need cars that drive themselves. Peole will start to just sleep in the car and not pay attention to where it is taking them. They will forget how to drive so if they ever need to they will not know how. Also how can you trust a computer controlled car to drive you and your family around? It is risky to have it take you places because you don't know if it will just go crazy and drive your family into oncoming traffic or not. It is a risk most people would want to take but I am not completely sure if I am one.\n\nDriverless cars are a great idea and could possibly be the best thing that will happen to the world. It could also be the worst thing that will ever happen to us. We don't really know if they will be reliable enough to keep us safe or if they will even be able to get us where we need to go. I am in the middle on this topic because I am not sure if I would be happy to see driverless cars be a thing or if I would be nervous. Driverless cars could be either be a great thing to mankind or they could be a terrible thing, we will just have to wait and see where the future takes us.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAlien Landform?\n\nDo you think that the face on Mars is real or was created by an alien? As being a scientist, I dont think the face is real because Mars is not a living planet. Many of the planets in the solar system have different types of landforms in general. There is alot of evidence on how it could be many things and how it could have been made. Down below will be some evidence on how I think that the face on Mars is not real.\n\nFirst, in paragraph two it said that the \"Face\" looks like a human face. \"An enormous head nearly two miles away from end to end seemed to be staring back at the cameras from a region of the Red Carpet Planet called Cydonia.\" This could have meant that the camera was just put where the \"Face\" may have been looking at directly. there are many ways how this could just be a huge rock at a certain angle being a \"Face\".\n\nSecondly, in paragraph 7 it states another thing about the type of landform. \"Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing . . .a natural landform.\" This states that there was no alien monument after all. That was another thing about how the \"face\" could have been a natural landform like how any other planet has.\n\nNext, we all know how many people read magazines and watch movies. In paragraph 5 it states that the \"Face on Mars\" has become a pop icon. 'It has started in a Hollywood film, apperared in books, magazines, radio talk shows-- even haunted grocery store checkout lines for 25 years!\" The defenders of the NASA budget wsh there was an ancient civilization on Mars. People were saying that NASA was trying to cover something up. Maybe some people dont think that its true so and that they need more information to let people know after they have found alot of information.\n\nNow, their is a possibility that there is aliens on Mars. In paragraph 8 it claims, \"The camera on board MGS had to peer through wispy clouds to see the Face but perhaps they were alien markings that werre hidden by haze. \"It could have just been the camera that was not capturing them right. it also states how they dont pass over the face very often as in they are thinking that the \"Face\" might move like aliens. But, there is not enough evidence that this is a natural landform or an alien face. It even states how it could even be a lava dome that took form on the isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars that was on another planet.\n\nIn conclusion, I don't think that the aliens are real. I won't think that until they have an extradanary amount of evidence stating that is is a face. NASA has made alot of mistakes in the past and maybe this is one of those mistakes.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe technology to read the emotional expressions is cool and all but using it for students in a class room should not be a good idea. Reasons why it would not be a good idea, the first reason is that students do not want to show their emotinal expressions, second reason if they do this and see what they are feeling they may or may not want to talk about why they are feeling this way, and third reason is that some students may not want to do it at all or not confable about doing it.\n\nMany students do not want to show their emotional expression. I know people that like to hide all emotions and some like tho show their emotions even being happy, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. They also do not want to show emotions because they are scared of what people will say or do. And they just do not want people to worry about them.\n\nAnother reason why this is not a good idea is if students do this and people see what they are feeling they may or may not try to get that person to talk to them why they are feeling that way. I know from personal experinces why people do not want to talk about their feeling is that they do not know how to talk about how they are feeling or they just dont want to talk about them.\n\nThrid reason why this is not a good idea is that some students may not want to do it at all ot not conitable about doing it. I feel like their many peole would not want to do this because what they are feeling and some may just want to do just for they fun of it. Many people have their own opions but i feel like students just do not want to do it beacause if they are upset, angry, or depress and other people find out they are feeling that way everone is going to try to talk to them about it. But also it could be they are just not conitable about doing the test at all.\n\nthe technology may be cool but it could help people open up or it could put stress on them having everyone trying to get that person to open if they are upset or depress. So this is my reasons why this should not be use in a class room.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhile i feel like this could help with a few thing i feel as if it would just hurt humans in the long run because people will start to rely on the computers to tell them how other people are feeling, and that jsut makes it harder for the few people that help other people to help them when they are in need. This would be because we wouldnt be able to tell if ther person is scared or worried or just in need of help from anyone.\n\nFirst of all, my biggest problem with this is that we cant rely on computers to tell us everything they cant feel what we feel when we look in the eyes of someone else. Not to metion that a computer can only do as much as we program it to do so it can only know all that we have discovered so it cant tell the different emotions of any accuratly because it doesnt know their give aways or how well they hide their emtions.\n\nSecondly, you cant just base someone's emotions off of their facial expressions. This is because everyone including me find ways to hide how they are feeling and find ways to make their face look unemtional. To this effect people can control their facial muscles to a different degree of effiecenty. So, there for the computer would possible give inaccurate reports over and over again.\n\nSo, in the end I dissagree with that fact that this computer can tell how people are feeling based on their facial expressions. This is because for one they can't know for sure how well the person can control the muscles in their face, secondly they cant see the look in the eyes of the person and feel the emotion that is coming off the person who is looking at the computer. Finally, these are the reasons i can not agree with this article that you can tell someones emotions with just a computer instead of another human being.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe point of view on driverless cars vary from many people. In my opinion, I don't think that driverless cars are such a good idea. I think that we have found out that not all manufacturing works. There have been wrecks from people actually driving the car because something went out on the car such as brakes. The driverless car could just go out because it is all electric and it relys on the internet. The internet doesn't work all the time, for example I could be going down the road and be on my phone and only have two bars and my phone would not work. The problem could be worse, since I live in Indiana there is a lot of corn fields and country roads, so what if I am going down a country road and there isn't any type or form of internet?\n\nThere is a part in the story about how it is illegal in the states of California, Nevada, Florida, and the District of Columbia to even test out the theory of driverless cars. I agree with those states, but I also think that it is dangerous and if the system crashed in all these cars it would be really dangerous. There is also a part in the story that catches my eye and it talks about the GPS reciever and the intertial motion sensor and all those things. I have went on vacation and my GPS has lost signal and lost battery or just broke plenty of times, how would it be any different in a driverless car?\n\nThe positive sides to driverless cars is the people that text and drive really don't have to worry about wrecking because the car is doing everything for you and you really wouldn't have to watch the road. The other positive side to this driverless car is that there are antilock brakes which means that they are sensors and the story gives us evidence that it has been advanced to detect and respond to the danger of out-of-control skids and rollovers. The story provides us more information about the antilocks, \"The information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better response and control more than a human driver can manage alone.\" I think that that is huge when it comes to driverless cars, it helps with the little wrecks that turn into big wrecks.\n\nThe next positive thing that I think for the ddriverless cars is that it could help tremendously with the drunk driving people do. I have experienced my own situation of a drunk driver just recently and they passed away from it. The driverless cars could stop them from swerving all over the road and going to fast. The amount of drunk driving people do is ridiculous and doesn't just put their life in danger but everyone else on the road also. The driverless car is genius for things such as people having their mind on something else such as they get caught off guard to easy or that just hate driving or they are scared of driving.\n\nIn conclusion, the points of views from negative to positive vary in multiple ways and it depends on what you personally think. The driverless cars could be the future and make a huge difference to the world but I still think that the driverless cars have a lot of work to do with the system. I also think that it is a good idea to just keep the cars that you drive yourself because that is all anyone knows how to do. I think for now we don't have to worry about the driverless cars, but maybe in the future we something might change.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nif our sister planet is so inhospitable why are scientists\n\neven discussing futher visits of it surface.Astronomers are facinated by venus because it may well once have benn the most probaly covered largely with ocean and clound could supporte various forms of life just like earth.today Venus still has some a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys mountains and craters furthermore recall that venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit a crucial consideration given the long time frames os space travel the value of returning to venus seems indisputable but what are the options of waching such a missions both and scientifically productive.\n\nThe national aeronaustic and space administration NASA has one particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus NASA of possible solution to the hostile condition on the surfaceof Venus would allow scientist to float above the roiling venusian landscape.Just as our jet airplanes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditionsby staying up and out of their way.thirthy plus miles above the surface temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degress fahrenheit\n\nbut the air pressure would be plentiful and radiation would not exceed earth levels not easy condicion but survivable for humans\n\nhowever peering at venus from a ship orbiuting or hovering safely far above planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because most forms of light canoot penetrate the dense atmosphere rendering standard forms of photography and videography ineffective more importantly researchers cannot take samples of rock gas or anthing ele from a distance therebefore\n\nVenus wold need to get up close and challenges many reseachers are working oon innovation that would allow our machines to last long anoungh to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of venus\n\nstiving to meet the challenge presented by venus has value not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself bul also because human curiosyti...", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHelping out people in other contries with the UNRRA makes me feel good inside. Let me tell you why everyone should join the UNRRA's seagoing\n\ncowboy program\n\nFirst and for most , it is very fun. We play all the average games like baseball , volleyball ,\n\ntable tennis , fencing , boxing and ready. Another\n\nway we have fun is with the animals. Watching the baby horses play is adorable.\n\nLast but not least my friends and I have fun. We tell jokes and play pranks . You know the usual guy stuff.\n\nThis program teaches responsiblity. I am in charge of the animals and I have to feed and water them 3 times everyday and clean their stalls once a week. It may not sound fun but it is worth it when you see the light in peoples eyes when they recive one of our animals.\n\nAs well as responiblity you get certain rewards. On my free time I like to see the awesome structures that the people have in their cities. In total I have gotten\n\none gondola ride , 2 trips to Acropolis and 1 trip to the Panema Canal.\n\nThese are only the three top reasons why everyone should join this program. and if you are interested the UNRRA always needs new people!", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEmotions can reveal a lot about what is going through someone's mind. When a person is wearing a neutral face on, it is hard to tell what emotion they are feeling. Now there is technology to help decipher what that perosn is feeling. Dr. Paul Eckman has created a process when a computer contructs a 3-D computer model of the face to tell what emotion is on it, Facial Action Coding System or FACS.\n\nIn the article \"Making Mona Lisa Smile\" by Nick D'alto, the use of Facial Action Coding Sytem (FACS) to read the emotional expressions of students is valuable education wise and emotionally.\n\nKnowing a student does not understand or is uninterested in a topic can help teachers in a tremendous way. If there is\n\n\"a classroom computer that could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored, then it could modify the lesson\" (D'alto). By modifying the lesson, the teacher will make a change to the lesson. After changing the lesson to an easier way for some students to understand, it can help the students grades. When a student is bored of the topic, the teacher can fix the lesson to be more interesting.\n\nNot only will education be better for students, but emtionally they will feel a lot better. Dr. Eckman designs his system with the basic emotions: happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness (D'alto). In classrooms, students may show emotions other than being bored or confused, but show something is wrong with them. Teachers can be notified that a student may seem troubled and can assist emotional support. Humans can tell when their friends are feeling by just giving a glance, but some may have trouble telling what emotion the other person is feeling (D'alto). With a new computer software that stores similar anatomical information as electronic code, created by Dr. Huang, a classroom computer is able to tell what emotion a student is feeling (D'alto). Teachers may not be close with some students, so they are unable to tell what the stduent is feeling. However, the computer can signal that a student is feeling a certain way to the teacher.\n\nStudents can excel education wise and emotionally due to the use of technology to read their emotional expressions in \"Making Mona Lisa Smile\".\n\nCurrently, students are becoming to feel sad or unwated, and tradies will unleash in school. With technology one step ahead, it is able to stop students from feeling unsafe, sad, or confused.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCountries and cities all across the world are joining in on the \"no car\" trend, and it seems to be no passing fad. From Germany, to France, to Columbia, to the United States, everybody is trying to start drving less for a cleaner, happier world. Countries' governments everywhere are trying to get people off the roads and start biking, walking, or using public transportation instead. As the people in these countries have learned, there are many advantages to giving up drving cars, if even only for a few days rather than their entire lives.\n\nThe main advantage is a cleaner planet. Emissions that cars release play a large role in the world's air pollution. Carbon emissions create smog that makes the sky grey, damages our lungs, and harms the plants that give us clean air. Due to carbon emissions from cars, Paris once had as much smog as \"Beijjing, China, which is known as one of the most polluted cities in the world\" (Source 2). If we start driving less cars it will have really beneficial implications for the environment, especially \"... since transportation is the second largest source of America's emissions, just behind power plants\" (Source 4). Imagine what positive effects banning cars would have on the population's and world's health.\n\nOne positive effect would be a lot less stress. Driving is a dangerous activity where you are constantly putting yourself at risk. Many people realize this and tend to be scared of driving or are constantly nervous when they drive. Rushing to drive to work on time also creates negative stress. Says German media trainer and mother, Heidrun Walter, of no longer owning a car, \"When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way.\" Daily long commutes are also a large determining factor in someone's mood. Some people have to drive for hours a day just to get to their already stressful job and then again when they go back home. This creates for a very unhappy society. Now there are a couple of good things that come from a society that is no longer obsessed with car culture. One thing is that \"the Internet makes telecommuting possible and allows people to feel more connected without driving to meet friends\" (Source 4). This lessens the need have a car to take you to distant places. With the banning or lessening use of personal vehicles cities and towns are being rebuilt. \"In this new approach, stores are placed a walk away, on a main street, rather than in malls along some distant highway\" (Source 1). This has encouraged healthier and cheaper modes of transportation such as walking, skating, bicycling, and public transportation such as buses.\n\nFewer cars and this rebuilding of cities saves you money and commute time. Just think about all those rising gas prices. You don't need to pay tolls when you walk, or get fined when you run too fast. Prices for parking spots and passing tolls are going up anyway. It's an easier and cheaper alternative to just walk or bike somewhere. Public transportation like buses and subways cost a lot less too. Studies have found that fewer people are buying cars and getting their licenses; it's for a reason.\n\nLastly, not only are leaders across the globe joining in on the idea of life without cars, but so are car-selling companies. \"Companies like Ford and Mercedes are already rebranding themeselves \"mobility\" companies with a broader product range beyond the personal vehicle\" (Source 4). Even Bill Ford, executive chariman of the Ford Motor Company proposed a business plan in which \"personal vehicle ownership is impractical or undesirable.\" Ford suggested becoming partners with the telecommunications industry to create cities in which \"pedestrian, bicycle, private cars, commercial and public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve resources, lower emissions and improve safety\" (Source 4).\n\nSo next time you think about buying a new car or driving to work all buy yourself, try to rethink your actions and imagine the effect it will have on not only you, but everyone around you. Maybe you can bike to work if it's not that far, take the bus instead, carpool with some coworkers. The planet and future generations will thank you if you just limit your car usage, even a little bit at a time.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThis country is built on democracy, the idea that all of its citezens have rights and a say in how the country is run. The Electoral College takes away the peoples vote, because in an election, the eligable citezens vote for a candidate, but in reality they are voting for a group of electors who will then vote for the candidate. I believe this is unfair and that the Electoral College should be removed from the country's government.\n\nThe first flaw with the Electoral College is that voters cannot directly vote for their favorite candidate. In\n\nSource #2 paragraph 10 , it says; \"\n\n... voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president.\n\n\" If citezens of the United States can't vote for thir own president directly then it takes some of the democracy out of the country. It rarely happens but the electors don't always vote for the candidate with the most popular vote, they can vote for whoever they want, if they really wanted to. This is just one reason I think the Electoral College should be removed, and replaced by a popular vote.\n\nMy next reason for replacing the Electoral College with a popular vote is that a tie in the Electoral College is possible. In\n\nSource #3 paragraph 18 , it says; \"\n\nA tie in the nationwide electoral vote is possible because the total number of votes-538-is an even number...\n\n\" If a tie occurs then the vote goes to the House of Representatives, but how will they know the feelings of voters if they vote one party for Congress, and another party for president?\n\nMy final reason to get rid of the Electoral College is that a candidate can win the popular vote, but lose the election. In\n\nSource #2 paragraph 9 , it says; \"...\n\nAl Gore- thanks to the quirks of the electoral college-won the poular vote but lost the presidency...\n\n\" If the people's favorite candidate wins the popular vote, a vote representing the country's citezens, but loses the election because of the Electoral College then the system is unfair to voters.\n\nPeople supporting the Electoral College may say like in\n\nSource #3 paragraph 19 , \"\n\nThe Electoral College requires a presidential candidate to have trans-regional appeal. No region (South, Northeast, etc.) has enough electoral votes to select a president.\n\n\" But this country should be about how the people vote, a popular vote would be the same, no region would have enough eligeable voters to elect a president, so a candidate would have to campaign all over the country.\n\nIn conclusion I think the Electoral College should be replaced with a popular vote. Voters cannot directly vote for thier choice candidate, ties can occur in the Electoral College, and a candidate can win the popular vote, but somehow still lose the election. The system is unfair to voters, and this country is based on fairness and rights to all of its citezens, so why should the Electoral College get to take away people's rights?", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nOn the Martian planet, a mesa is common in the region Cydonia. Which means that \"The Face\" is just a combination of rocks having a shadow that gives the apperence of a human face. The camera used in 1976 didnt have the sharpness of the cameras used in 1998 or in 2001. So, it would appear to be fuzzy and disoriented. As seen in the 2001 photo, \"The Face\" is just a mesa in the region Cydonia.\n\nIn 1976, when the Viking 1 was searching for possible landing sites, the spacecraft was not looking for any Martian ruins or ancient civilization on the planet. So the Viking 1 didnt have a high enough resolution camera to capture the true form of the landscape. When the MOC (Mars Orbiter Camera) went to Mars in\n\nApril 5,1998, the camera had taken pictures ten times sharper than the original Viking 1 photos. When scientist observed the photos, they revealed a natural landform on Mars.\n\nNeverless, people where not satisfied with the photos, claiming that around that time of the month it gets cloudy on Mars and the alien markings were coverd by a haze. So NASA decided to prove them wrong by sending another spacecraft to Mars. On April 8, 2001, using the MOC's absolute maximum resolution, they took a picture. Each pixel in the 2001 image is 1.56 meters per pixel rather than 43 meters per pixel in the Viking's photo. \"...you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size,\" says Jim Garvin.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn twenty five years there had appeared something strange on Mars , some scienctist tought it was some type of alien face it had eyes and a nose so they started thinking there could be aliens in Mars . But i personally think it's just a landform cause by many things . After a while we had shot a ten times sharper picture than the orginal one . Revealing a natural landform there was no alien monument after all . But the other scienctist still was satisdied for what he belived in but as i was telling him that if there were some type of face or alien we could have seen by the picture we had tooken just as we could see if there were objects like ariplanes on the ground or even small shacks , you could see what they were. What the picture actually shows was equivalent of a butte or messa landforms common around so there for this strange thing on Mars is nothing but a landform.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMany people use cars every single day. Whether it's to go to school, work, a friends, to the store, or even go to an after school activity. A lot of people in other countries such as germany and Paris have given up their cars or vehicles completely.\n\nFirst off, places have taken away the ability to park. \"street parking, driveways and home garages are generally forbidden in this experimental new district\"(S1P2). This quote shows that they have taken away the right to park in certain places. \"there are only two places to park large garages at the edge of the development, where a car owner buys a space, for $40,000, along with a home\"(S1P2). This quote shows how they are limiting areas to park so not many people buy cars.\n\nSecond off, Motorized vehicles are causing a lot of smog. \"Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after five-days of intesifying smog\"(S2P14). This quote shows that the smog is building up because of cars. \"motorists with even numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22 euro fine\"(S2P11). This quote shows that they weren't kidding about no more cars. The cars were causing harm to the beautiful city.\n\nA lot of places today are getting rid of cars. Without cars they can get the natural beauty of the city back instead of it being smokey and gross all day. Eventually it will be like that, but this is a hard transition for people who drive to work or go to school. Its a big change that some places in the world are willing to take.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe advancing of technology is unstoppable. When the driverless car is fully driverless, it will be revolutionary. That's why I believe that driverless cars are a great thing that will be fully added to our world one day. The driverless car could benefit the people of this world in many ways, it conserves gas, it's more safe than other ways of transportation, and it would cost less.\n\nOne very important thing about the driverless car is that it conserves gas. The world is already in a mild gas problem as oil is a nonrenewable resource. This is because the people of the world use way too much gas every day for driving. These cars would use half the fuel that cars today use. That would make the price of gas go down and it would help our gas problem and make gas last for many more years.\n\nDriverless cars will be extermently safer than the cars we have today. I say this because it would cause less accidents. Let's say that someone had a little bit too much to drink but he or she is still alert enough to drive. Instead of taking the risk of crashing, he or she can get into the driverless car and only control it at a few moments. There would be a way less chance of he or she crashing and would make the roads way safer for every one else.\n\nThe driverless car will save many families a ton of money. Instead of families buying their own car, they can call a Google driverless taxi when they need to go somewhere and not have to worry about the cost of gas. They also wouldn't have to worry about the price of buying a new car. The only places that would be losing money out of this is car dealerships. When the driverless cars become mainstream there wont be much need for car dealerships or even man driven cars.\n\nDriverless cars are going to be one of the biggest inventions in human history once they break their way into the mainstream. They would help out the world in many ways by conserving gas, making the world a safer place, and it would save familes a ton of money. When driverless cars are finally released to the public, the lives of almost every body in the world will be improved.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the generation of 2016, many things are updated. Chordless phones are more of an antique than a necessity. People no longer write letters, but rather send a quick email or text. Cars are becoming, and will continue to become, more and more updated as the years progress. As handy as it is to have a car with bluetooth and heated seats, is it a benefit to the lives of 2016 to have a car with no driver? Due to all the challenges the government will face and many of technical difficulties this world faces today, the obvious answer is no.\n\nIt is always nice to be able to do less. Sitting back and relaxing is something everyone enjoys. However, when a woman gets into a taxi and imputs her destination, she is entrusting her life in technology. Teenagers like the thrill of roller coasters, until one gets stuck at the peak of the ride. This woman liked the car until the steering wheel got stuck, sending her into a ditch. She liked it before the brakes stopped working because of a wire snapping. Many things could go wrong technilogically, that would make the car ride seem a little bit scary. \"If the technology fails...\" (paragraph 9). Even the author of \"Driverless Cars Are Coming\" didn't deny that many things could in fact go wrong technilogically.\n\nEven if this woman did get to her destination safely, many factors had to take roll in making driverless cars possible. For starters, the law would have to be set. \"New laws will be needed in order to cover liability in case of an accident.\" (paragraph 9). It takes 75% of congress to be able to take a law to the president. When it makes its way there, the president can still deny that law; furthermore, it has to go back to the congress and get revoted. Laws put in this position do not normally pass.\n\n\"In most states it is illegal even to test computer-driven cars.\" (paragraph 9). It would take many months or even years to be able to pass this law, considering they have all this information about driverless cars and only a few places are allowed to even test them. Questions are raised such as \"If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault- the driver or the manufacturer?\" (paragraph 9). Too much time is put into trying to pass the law, and in a society that is looking for ways to save time, it isn't worth the effort.\n\nFurthermore, America has other problems to fix. The government does not need to put this country into more debt by spending its time and money on cars that are even less safe for its citizens. When smarter roads became too high of costs to be practical, people turned to developing smarter cars. \"In the late 1950's, General Motors created a concept car that could run on a special test track....something that was simply too expensive to be practical.\" (Paragraph 3). For 76 years people have been putting time, money, and energy into making these cars more practical. Cars aren't a neccessity to everyone. Certain religions (such as the Amish) are without cars. Mackinac Island runs by horse and buggy. True, that isn't efficient for this huge country, but being billions of dollars in debt, that time and money could be used to help America pay what it owes. In the mean time, Americans can put up with what they have been using for many years.\n\nIn the generation of 2016, many things are updated. Phones don't have chords anymore. Americans don't send letters by mail as much as they used to. The citizens of this countru have been very efficient on many things. They have learned how to save time and money; furthermor, they have encorperated those ideas into everyday life. However, one item America doesn't need, due to limited safety; the time it takes for laws to pass; and the debt this country is in, is driverless cars.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus,\" many challenges of studying Venus are presented; however, the author provides many valid reasons as to why researchers should find ways to study this planet. The author describes the similarities of Venus and Earth, provides solutions to living on Venus, and expresses how researching Venus would be an advancement of the human mind.\n\nThe author supports their claim of Venus being worthy of pursuit despite its dangers, by suggesting that Venus may have once been similar to Earth. The author wrote in paragraph 4, \"Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth.\" By suggesting that Venus could have some answers to Earth's climate, the author provides strong support to their claim. The text also states in paragraph 4, \"The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters.\" The author goes on to describe how Earth and Venus may have been closely related long ago. It is also mentioned that Venus is one of our nearest options for a planetary visit, which is beneficial considering the how long space travel takes. The author's claim is supported through this evidence of Venus being Earth-like at one point in time.\n\nAnother way that the author suppprts their claim is by providing some solutions to studying Venus, despite the dangers it possesses. The author writes in paragraph 5, \"NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. Imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape.\" In paragraph 5, the author continues to explain how the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth, solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not go over the radiation levels on Earth. The solution that the author suggests helps support their claim of Venus being worthy of pursuit by giving direct evidence as to how researchers may go about doing this.\n\nLastly, the author supports his/her claim by explaining how overcoming the challenge of studying Venus, would be beneficial not only to the insight of the planet, but also of human curiosity. The author says, \"Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors.\" The claim is strongly supported through the author's description of how studying Venus could be beneficial to the human mind. Another detail from paragraph 8 is, \"Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation.\" The author supports that studying Venus would be worth overcoming the harsh conditions, as it would expand our views of imagination and innovation.\n\nDespite all of the author's reasons for studying Venus, he/she describes how Venus has harsh conditions that must be overcome first. The text states, \"These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth; such an environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals.\" The author expresses how Venus's conditions are far more extreme than any conditions on Earth. However, the author supports their claim by providing various reasons that support how Venus is worty of pursuit and how researchers may go about overcoming the dangers it possesses.\n\nIn order to support his/her claim, the author was able to provide at least three strong reasons that show how Venus would be worth studying, even though it presents many dangers. By explaining how Venus may have once been comparable to Earth, providing solutions to current problems, and expressing the benefits of studying Venus, the author is able to strongly support his/her claim with valid evidence.", "label": 6}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nBeing able to calculate if someone is happy or sad is not valuable. People themselve should be able to tell if someone is happy or sad even if they are covering it up. Dr. Eckman is able to detect if someone is happy or sad without FACS ( Facial Action Coding System). You can detect someone's emotions by the way they are acting.\n\nEven without the new technology that the doctors invented to detect your emotions people should be able to tell if someone if happy, sad, etc. People should be able to tell if they are sad when they arent talking as much as they used to or mad when they have a bad attitude. They could tell when their happy when they are acting normal and laughing at jokes. Also your mostly with the people that you know the best so you should be able to tell their emotions.\n\nDr. Paul Eckman, the creator of FACS, is able to detect someones emotions without his new system. If Dr. Eckman could teach people how to detect someone's emotions then it would spread across the world then nobody would need the new system. When Dr. Eckman told us to look in the mirror and do the three steps he provided he was teaching us how to detect if someone is happy. Dr. Eckman created something that could be easily taught to people around the world. If people are able to be taught what FACS could do then therefor you do not need FACS.\n\nMany people all around the world mostly are only with people that they really know personally. You should be able to detect how someone close to you is feeling be how they are acting. If they are not acting normal they obviously something is wrong, so now you need to find out what is wrong. They could detect if they are sad if they are not talking a lot and moslty just sitting around. If they are mad you could just look at their facial expressions when you tell them something and be able to tell if they are mad. So you should easily be able to detect the mood of somebody be the way they are acting.\n\nThe FACS that Dr. Eckman created is most likely expesive to make and install, also could talk alot of time. So if he would just teach people how to detect peoples different emotions by their facial expressions they he could be saving a lot of time and money. Once Dr. Eckman has taught people then people will then begin to teach other people, which then would lead to nobody needing the FACS.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEmotion's, a common thing in every day to day life. Something to us that indicate quite easily, either being a guessing game, or knowing for a fact what they expressing. But can a computer compet against the human mind? After many of learning/performing the same task that a computer can do to figure human emotions and such? I think not!\n\nFirst thing, I'll like to point that yes, Dr. Huang created a computer software to,\"Precisely enough to convey specific emotions.\", but you gotta think, computer can mess up. Emotion's can not only be indicated my facial expression, but also tone of the individual. Plus, is it really a big deal to spend money to figure out different peoples emtion when we can simple just look at them, and say, \"Hey!\n\nHe/She looks quite upset.\".\n\nSecondly, I'll like to point out that, what the hassle to make a program, when a normal \"Home PC can't handle the complex algorithms used to decode\" emotions. This can even done even better by just looking at a mirror and just copying down their exact facial expression to figure out how they were feeling, and wasting time to encode and create a software to see different types of emotions that could possible fail at doing.\n\nI'm not saying that computer shouldn't be able to perform task humans do always, like there are time where this can sorta useful. For example from the text,\"Make computer-animated faces more expressive--for video games... communications.\" having some benefits. But just for seeing facial features for emotions, we could easily do that on our own.\n\nSo, can i computer can copet to the human to the human mind, to compet to figure out if someone either feels happy or said? Well, that's your desicion to decide that. But do remember, can a PC compet to us human ?", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCan we really use technology to help us with our emotion's in life? Well I think we should have technology because you never know what the object would do to make you feel better or calm you down in a bad situation. Well technology can be very useful when it comes being lonely, sad, or bored which tecnology can support you with all different ways to make you feel better.\n\nThere are a lot professer's who are trying to test out these technology to be safe and to support them in life. Some tested on the emotions of their face expression of how to tell how they are feeling toward in life. Some also tested ways to describe how they are feeling towards that person. Some technoogy that professor's tested on was the ad's that can help with there feelings by giving them a support in life. Finally their's one more that they tested on was the human communication of how people interact with each other and at the end the technology will give some hints,or tips that will support us in a way.\n\nTechnology can support us in a way we might think it doesn't do in life, but i it will help us in life wilth bad situation,or worst senario we have trouble. This might be a chance for you to understand why technology is good instead of losing your mind,lonely,or just need some one to support you when it's hard times to deal with in life.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever thought what is like to join seagoing cowboys? Well you could join Seagoing Cowboys like Luke Bomburger. If you ask Luke he could tell you what it is like but, Luke might want you to join the Seagoing Cowboys.\n\nLuke has some reasons for you to join the program. one reason is you can help other. Also it opened his world i mean that luke saw what he could do and after the program Luke decited to contune at home and try to encorger people to join, Also you would be helping countries out by perviding food and place to live. Also this is a life changing exprence\n\nWhy should you join the Seagoing program? beacuse you can help others and when you help others it makes you feel better and it makes them feel happy. The program could chang your world like it dd to Luke.\n\nYou would be helping other countries out with their needs. When you help a country out people could say \" It is the person that helped our county out and thank you''. Also you get to travle overseas witch gives you a break from home, you might miss your friend and family but , you are doing something good. Also when Luke Bomburger joined he missed his family and friends but he keeped his head up high and he rembered that he is helping out some one else. Well if these reasons still dont convenent you then you should go talk to luke Bomburger about the Seagoing Cowboy program. Also you should go do some reasruch and talk to Luke Bombruger and read thos pargraph.\n\nSo are you thinking about joining the Seagoing Cowboys? Also jut think about it you are helping some one in need, you are helping countrys and this program can cahnge your life. Also you might have a fun time helping others and going around the world. so what is better than helping others and exporling other countrys and having fun when you are helping others. Just ask Luke Bomburger he would might say he had a lot of fun and he helped others and countrys. Luke Bomburger had an awesome time and he helped others and countrys. You might makes some new friends and you can work with your friends also you can bring a friend along to the program. Also you can bring a family member along. Luke Bombrugher brought his friend Don Reist well Luke Bombrugher got invited by Don Reist. Well there you have all the reasons to join. I hope you join the Seagoing Cowboys program and get some friends or family member along. Well if you join you get the exprence like Luke Bomburger did with means lots of fun and exploring new places and countrys. Also this changes lifes.\n\nAlso you should check out the book A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves by Peggy Reif Miller. In the book A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves it gives Lukes reasons why to join the Seagoing Cowboy program and his story while in the program.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nauthor supports the idea that studyng.the national aeronautics and space administration (nasa) has one particularty compelling idea for sending humans to study venus.(NASA'S) poddiblr solution on the hostile conditions on the surface pf venus would allow scientsists to floar above the fry. imagene a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so siles above the reiling venusian landcape. NASA is working on other appoaches to studyng venus. for example, some simplified electronic made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chambersimulating the caos fo venus's surface and have lated for three weeks in such conditons, anonothjer project is lookign back to an old thecnology called mechanical computers, these devices were firs envisioned in the 1800s and played an important role in the 1940s during world war\n\nof evidence form the article that support claim.venus,\n\nsometime called the '' evening star. this nickname is misleading since venus is actully a planet.in our solar system. venua is a second planet form pur sun. a thik atmosphere of almost 97 parcent carbon dioxide blamkets venus. even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric, acide in venus's atmpsphera. on the planet,s surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than whe we experience on our own planet. venus geology and wather preset additonal impediments like eruping volcanoes, powerful earthquoekes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its suface.\n\ntemperaturees would still be toasty close to that sea level on earth. solar powe would be plentiful, and radiation, would nor exceed earth levels. not easy conditons, but survivable for humans, photography\n\nand videograpy ineffective. more importantly, rearchers cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from distance.\n\nlitke\n\nour travel on earh and beyond should nor be limited by dangers and doubt but should be expanded to meet the every edges of imagenation and innovaction,\n\nconclution. this told of the venus a planet its the second planet on the system solar in the orbit this si interesting because i learnig a lot over that", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nSaving The World, One Car At A Time\n\nIn country like Germany,Paris, and Colombia, they limit the use of cars due to carbon emission. I think that this is a great idea. Limiting car usage means less pollination, which would benefit us greatly.\n\n\"If this patterns persists\" says Elisabeth Rosenthal, we could turn this problem around. Take Paris for instance, they issued a ban against driving on specific days. Though \"almost 4,000 drivers were fined, according to Robert Duffer's article, the\"congestion was down 60 percent. You can't tell me that is not remarkable.\n\nWe could just take a day and walk or ride our bicycle to work/school, and\u00a0 make a difference, so let's try. I know some people think that driving less is an inconvience and won't stop carbon emission, but I think the opposite is true. There will be \"gray clouds\" like Andrew Selsky says, but we CAN save the world, even if it just one car at a time.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDr. Paul Eckman is the creator of the FACS which stands for Facial Action Coding System. This system was created by Dr. Paul Eckman He classified six basic emotions which are happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. When you first try out the system the first process begins with the computer constructs with a 3-D model of the face. It gathers all the movement of the facial muscles, it shows if your mad or happy \"your frontalis pars lateralis muscle (above your eyes) raises your eyebrows when you're surprised\" this quotes says that the system can tell us your face expression, how you feeling during that time. If they tested out students in a classroom with this system FACS it would be valuable because it would show teachers how they students are really feeling that day, it would show teachers if the students really care about there eduaction which this would help out teachers because they'll see who really cares. Like when Mona Lisa smile, they tested it out the picture with the system to find out how she was really feeling \"she's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry\" this showed that the sysytem can tell all the different types of emotions at one point which this shows us that if they tested this system out in classroom with serval students this would show all the different types of emtions they're feeling that day and would help out a lot.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDo you want to help other people in other countries? If so, come join the UNRRA now!\n\nThere are many reasons to join the UNRRA. You get to help other people by giving them what they need to survive. You can by giving them food, clothing, and shelter. When you help other people with their needs, you get to go to other countries that you might have only heard about or not even heard of at all. When you bring people what the need to survive, you can see the joy on their faces. Seeing joy in others is a warm and inviting feeling. You can go sightseeing and go visiting very, very important places. I have been to many important places and landmarks, and so can you if you join. If you have dreamed about crossing oceans and helping others, then this is a job for you.\n\nWhen the feeling of boredom strikes you if you have been on the boat for a long time, you have the chance to get to know your shipmates better and make friends. There also may be games to play on board like baseball and volleyball in empty stalls where the animals once were. There is table-tennis, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling; which is carving things into blocks of wood and various other games. If you love taking care of animals, then you might be good at this job. There are many other jobs on board the ship. There is the opportunity to learn about your shipmates, learn what other countries and other people need, and there is also the opportunity to mature.\n\nAll of these things I have learned or done while on this job and trip around the world helping others. This is your chance to join the UNRRA ( United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration) or become a \"Seagoing Cowboy\" today. We need you now!", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn this essay the author supports well the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author presents us wih many advantages there is to furthure exploring venus. Venus is the closest planet to the Earth in terms of density and size, and on some occasions the closest in distance to. Venus may very well have been the most Earth- like planet in our solar system due to its very familar forms and possibly long ago could have had the same features and asspects that Earth has today. There have been many rising ideas that could help with a more thorough study of Venus. These are some of the ideas that the author presented us with in this article.\n\nTo begin with the author explained how similar Venus is to Earth. Although Venus is the planet closest to Earth in terms of desity and size it has been very difficult for us to study the planet. A thich atmospherte of almsot 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. What has been even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. Here the authos has been giving us specific ideas on why the Venus us so hard to study. But the autgor has presented us with a very important detail. Venus is sometimes right around the corner from Earth in space terms, which can be our neartest point for a planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel.\n\nNot only does the author give those deatils but also explains how Venus could have one been very silimar to Earth in many asspects. The author says that\n\nVenus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth. The author also includes existing facts. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features suck as valleys, mountains, and craters.\n\nThe author also presents us with some possible ways to fix the prbelem of bein able to study Venus. The idea is that NASA has a possible solution that would allow scientists to float above the fray. Being able to float 30 or so miles above the planet could avoid the unfrienly conditions but they would be survivable for humans. There are also other ideas given by the author like simplified electronics made of silicon carbide that has been able to survivie in the conditions for 3 weeks. And mechanical computers. All of these could give the opportunity to better study Venus.\n\nIn conclusion the author has presented us with sufficiant details that suggest that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit. Not only because it could be a great scientific study and make us more knowledgable. But the author says human curuiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. The authors is saying that being able to study Venus which is the planet most similar to Earth could benefit us becasue one day Earth as we know it could chnage and could become as dangerous as Venus is to humans now. Knowing more about Venus could help us prevent futhure harm to the Earth and ourselves.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLimiting car usage will have a advantage and major inpact on people all over the world because it will slow down polution you will spend less money and it will bring people together more\n\nWhen limiting car usage it will bring down the pollution rate and help the world. Less\u00a0 people have been driving since 2005, as of april 2013 9 percent less than in 1995. less people are driving in the us but more people are driving in london so they have had days where no one drives but taxies and buses.\n\npeople also will soend less money if they stop driving as much because the people will not have to buy gas,change the oil in ther vehicles. maintain the ware and tare that\u00a0 then need everyday will only have to buy tires one a year because they will wear down slower with less miles on them. many people want buy and new cars because they will reilize that the dont need as much as they have been before.\n\nBy driving less it will bring more people together becasue while walking to work or on the bus people will make new friends. The will meet new people walking down the sidewalk and also more familey will stay together more becuas they will stay home more becuase it will be harder to go place that they would want across town so it would also bring famileys tgether more.\n\nIn Conclution i think that limating car usge would be a good thing because ther would be less polution and people would spend less money than what they do now it would also bring more people together and help people make new friends.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPolution not only for our well beings, but to think that if we contribute to the matter that is at stake than the overall wellness of our world will change not only for us but for our children. And therefore laws should be allowed to be in certain parts of the U.S, and there should be some sort of back up from the citizens aswell to what President Obama believes.\n\nLike mentioned in Source 1 last scentence in paragraph 7 \"Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe... and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States\"; and this alone is why we should worry for our atmosphere. I mean think about it 50% is a huge amount and to think that it could be grealty decreased by certain laws that ban cars at certain times.\n\nAgain i find it amazing that our government has the thought of polution in their minds and plans for example \"President Obama's ambitious goals to curb the United States' greenhouse gsas emissions. And studies show that fewer Americans are buying cars and getting fewer licences aswell which is beficial to the enviroment and overall wellness of the world.\n\nTo conclude Polution should be something to keep in mind therefore laws should be allowed to be in certain parts of the U.S, and there should be some sort of back up from the citizens aswell to what President Obama believes.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhy is Venus a plant the people shouldn't go too, and how hot is Venus?\n\nAlso what else is Venus called beside the \" Evening star\"\n\nVenus is a plants that is the second to closted to the sun. People from call Venus the \"Evening Star.\" It's called that ecuase how close it is to Earth and Becuase people see it as a star. People from Earth, Nasa and other people, sent aircaphs to Venus but they onlu losed a few hours.\n\nSince Venus is the second plante to the sun, it's also the second hottest plant to the sun. It's so hot the no living thing could live there. It's about 800 degresse in Venus. Ten time worst then our average temperature.\n\nAs we know Venus is knowed as the \" Evening Star\", it's also know as our twin plant. It's know as that becuase it looks just like Earth. and it's about the same size as earth. People look at it like as our plant but hotter.\n\nI think it would be amazing to go to Venus one day but as far as we know it's too hot and who knows if any living human, plant or animal could live there .", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe ambitious goals of each person that feel less of cars can stop the pollutants throughout the world. People even feel that a shortening in car use can bring down or ease some stress. We may never know what the less use of cars can bring other than lower air pollution. From better air pollution to lower stress, all over the world these are some of the advantages of limiting car usage I feel will be made.\n\nTo start off, I feel it's safe to say that one of the main reasons of limiting car use is because of air pollution. Everyday more than millions of cars are being used throughout the day. Half of them are ranned by Disel fuel. This can be considered in France cautiosly throughout Paris where they typically have more smog than other European capitals. Diesels make up 67 percent of vehicles in France, compared to a 53.3 percent average of diesel engines in the rest of Western Europe.\n\nSecond of all, when driving there can seem to be alot of tension or stress built up in a person prior to that 16 year old happy about driving her new Beetle on the road. When driving there are lots of distractions that can work a person up. You have those road raggers that just can't get over those slow driving grandma's on the road. Then you have those over protective driver's thats doing 30 in a 35 speed limit and is scared for the needle to even touch 35. You also have those ones that don't even want to be driving but didn't want to walk. Throughout that time of driving it's stressing you to your limit by either killing your mood, rudening your attitude, or just exhausting you to the max.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear Senator,\n\nIts official, the electoral college is unfair, outdated, ans irrational.\u00a0 A direct election would make it fair to most states and it wouldnt matter on the amount of electors.\n\nThe electoral college depends on the popular vote so the you are only voting for the electors not the actual canidates if you think about it.\u00a0 Each states gets a certain amount of electors depending on the population of that state.\u00a0 For example,\n\nCalifornia gets 55 electors while Florida only gets 29.\u00a0 So the presidents wont eben care to show up to places Alabama with only 9 electors.\u00a0 They would only go to the bigger populated states and try and win their votes and not worry about the rest of the country.\n\nIf we had a direct election more of the people vote would count and it wouldnt matter about the electors in the states.\u00a0 The citizens would actually be voting on the canidates.\u00a0 This is a much more fair system to include everyone into and have an accurate election.\n\nIn the end, you should realize how uneccessary the electoral college is and how the direct election is a more fair way to get accurate results.\u00a0 This way we would have much less issues and the elections would take place in all states and not just the ones with more electors.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMy name is Luke Bomberger and I am a member of the UNRRA or Sea Cowboys. This program is the experience of a lifetime. You should join the Sea Cowboys because you get to see many famous places like Greece, China, and Europe. Another reason you should join is because you can have fun on the ships by playing games with your fellow cowboys.\n\nIf you join the Sea Cowboys then you can go to many places like Venice, The Panama Canal, the Acropolis, and castles. This can be good for your reseme, or getting into a college. This also can give you experiance if you host an exchange student.\n\nAnother bonus to joining the Sea Cowboys is that it is a lot of fun. On the ships you can play cards, whittle, and reading. On return trips though the holds for the animals are empty so you can have boxing, fencing, table tennis, volleyball, and baseball games.\n\nSome people however may say it is to dangerous at sea but I believe the benifits outway their doubt.\n\nThese are reasons I think people should join the Sea Cowboys program. It is fun, and it gives you a chance to visit foreign places. So remember these reasons next time you want to sign up or a long term job.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nBeing in the Seagoing Cowboys program is a opportunity of\n\na life time.Ever since I joined the\n\nSeagoing Cowboys program it has been rough but fun . I think everyone who likes adventure and fun should join the\n\nSeagoing Cowboys program.\n\nOne reason you should join the progam it is a opportunity to help people.\" When World 2 was over in Europe, and\n\nmany countries were left in ruins., UNRRA hired the\" Seagoing Cowboys \"\n\nto take care of the horses, young cows, and mules that were shiped over seas.\" Another reason is we get to do fun things like volleyball, basketball, tennis- table, boxing fencing, reading, whittling, and games to help pass time. Finally it made me aware people were suffering and it might help you notice people are suffering far greater than you\n\nare.\" It made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs.\n\nAs you can see being a\n\nSeagoing Cowboy is not all that boring as you probably thought it was. I hope you will join the Seagoing Cowboys program. If you like adventure and fun the Seagoing Cowboys program is a perfect fit for you.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI am going to give you reasons why you should join the seagoing Cowboys program.1 you should enter cause you can go to different countries and cities. We also get to help people who were in the war and their town so that's a lot of fun. When you see the smile on the people's face it makes you feel good. Another reason you should join is cause we get to get on boats and feed and water animals,but it just takes so long to get to our destination. Its really fun if you are at home helping you can help here we need any and everyone who wants to help. There can be bad days where lets say you are on the night shift so you fall and break something. Well that means you can just sit down or try to help somewhere else. There can be bad and good days but mostly good outs here you can have so much free time cause we are on the boat a lot. Sometimes we go to countries who just had fought a war so it's just nice to go and try to help them recover. This offer is an opportunity of a lifetime you won't have as much fun anywhere than here.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Electoral College has been around for many years. It is not an actual college, or location. It is a process where American citizens select their electors, however proceeding that the electors make their votes for President and Vice President; Congress counts for electoral votes. But, the Electoral College is a very controversial process, many people are for it, but many are also against it. Some even wanting to get 'rid of the Electoral College overall. We should ban the Electoral College for it does not satisfy American people.\n\nElectors in the Electoral College can vote for whomever they want, giving American people the wrong idea and vote for the wrong presidential candidate. In the article (source 2) \"The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong\" it states, \"Can voters control whom their electors vote for? Not always. Do voters sometimes get confused about the electors and vote for the wrong candidate? Sometimes.\" This quote from the article shows that not always can the American people be guaranteed who their electors vote for, and electors can give voters the wrong information and vote for the opposing candidate. This would be going against American people, dissatisfying them. In the article (source 3) by Richard A. Posner it states, \"It can be argued that the Electoral College method turn off potential voters for a candidate who has no hope of carrying their state-- Democrats in Texas, for example, or Republicans in California.\" American people can be confused, infused with the wrong information by Electors, and vote for a candidate that has no interest in carrying their state.\n\nLarger states get more attention than the smaller states due to their high number of electoral votes. In the article (source 3) by Richard A. Posner it says, \"The popular vote was very close in Florida [in 2012]; nevertheless Obama, who won that vote, got 29 electoral votes. A victory by the same margin in Wyoming would net the winner only 3 electoral votes.\" Obama had won 29 electoral votes in Florida (high number) due to him making speeches and campaigns throughout the state. Paying his upmost attention to that state due to the high number of electoral votes he was trying to gain. Whereas in a smaller state such as Wyoming, he would not want to waste time paying much attention there where he can only gain 3 electoral votes! This is simply unfair and at most dissatisfying for the citizens who live in the smaller states with low electoral votes such as Hawaii, Alaska, Maine, Rhode Island, etc.\n\nThe Electoral College has been around for a long time, and in the end we DO receive a president in the end. But, imagine if this unfairness keeps going every four years an election happens. American people not being guaranteed their candidate, smaller states not getting as much campaign as the larger ones, etc. We do though, receive a president in the end. But what if it's a president that we do not want? That we were not fairly given? Just look at what happened with George Bush! There are many simple advantages to the Electoral College, but there are also many concerns that can outnumber.\n\nThe Electoral College should be gotten rid of because of how unfair it is to American citizens. If the issues with the Electoral College are not taken care of in the present, just imagine what our future elections will be like. Us American people need to take a stand against the Electoral College, and the process involved. Once a new popular process is created and introduced, it can provide us more justice and fairness than the Electoral College.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAs I read this article about Driverless Cars, my mind wonders to a whole lot of problems. Although right now I am not directly affected by this because I have yet to get my license, I dont find the driverless car project as a good idea.\n\nThe first thing that comes to my mind when I think of a Driverless car taxi system is a limited budget which means a limited amount of driverless cars. Also, how much would these cars cost? In paragraph 10 it states the vehicle makers \"Tesla, Mercades- Benz, Audi, and Nissan\". These car companies already sell higher end regular cars at high prices, let alone a so called Driverless Car.\n\nA big position on my behalf of Driverless Cars would also be safety. As stated in paragraph 9, \"If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault - the driver or the manufacturer?\". Everyday technology fails in some way, shape or form and people in turn get hurt, injured and sometimes killed. My question to myself that I am pondering would be, \"how safe is it to step into these Driverless cars and be able to trust that something won't go wrong?\"\n\nFor decades now, people have had to learn how to drive. Some would even say that there is a thrill that comes from driving and that it keeps your mind alert. So what is the point of a Driverless Car? In paragraph 8 it says \"wouldnt drivers get bored waiting for their turn to drive?\" This statement tells me that humans like to drive and that in a car where we wouldn't need to be alert or wouldn't need to do anything, we would get bored. So when I asked \"What is the point of a Driverless Car?\" I believe the answer would be that the human species is lazy and a Driverless Car would mean less work and more relaxation.\n\nIn the end, I do not see a time in the future where there is no need to buy a car anymore. Driverless Cars and our roads would need a lot of work before it could be anywhere near possible to have a car drive itself by 2020.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nTechnology have go further, we have technology everywhere, from cameras to Facial Action Coding System (FACS). The FACS is a software that can read your emotions, it reads the muscles of your face, it creates a 3-D computer model of the face and reads the 44 major muscles in the face, the software can classified six basic emotions: happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness.\n\nThe FACS can be used in schools but it can have controversial problems, because some parents may not want a computer to read their childrens emotions, or they can think that is not a good thing that a computer can read your face and later they can use the picture of the face for other things, but some other parents may like the idea of using FACS in the school because they can know how their kids are feeling.\n\nThe pros about using that technology is that they can save the data and compare of how the students are feeling in the classroom and change the way of teaching, that can help the kids to not feel bored in class and they can enjoy it, other pro is that parents can see how their children are feeling and they can talk with them if they have issues or something is happen with their life and they don't want to tell them, in the article Dr. Huang predicts that \"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored.\"\n\nThe cons might be that the the parents may not like the idea that a computer is reading the emotions of their kids, and the other con is they will not want to change the way of teaching because a computer said that the kids are bored or confuse, they might blame the teacher for not teaching the right way.\n\nAt my point of view is a good idea to use the FACS in the shools because the kids will not get bored if the school change the way of teaching and they will enjoy it, the other thing I like about the FACS is that the parents can know how their kids are feeling and they can talk with them, they can have more time together and be in time with the family, but now is your turn to decide what idea you like the most, you are with the pros or cons.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nImagine a world with cars that can drive by themselves; how easy everything would be! Now imagine everything else that must come with this new technology; society would need new laws, economy would need more money, and what would happen to the people? How would the people change? How much would this new technology affect our already-dependent-on-technology society?\n\nThe public distribution of driverless cars would cause a large-scale reformation of many aspects of society. This would include not only the cars themselves, but also laws, roads, and the minds of the people. As explained in paragraph 9, laws would have to change to accomodate these driverless cars, and to \"cover liability in case of an accident.\" The process of making new laws will forcefully change how people think about certain situations, such as insurance. The making of new roads might come about, also, because the option of smarter roads is open; the roads worked \"surprisingly well.\" This will also change our society and the mind processing of individuals, as they will become less independent.\n\nAnother characteristic of people wit driverless cars that will change is their ability to stay alert and focused. In paragraph 8, the passage explains that one way to battle boredom for the passengers aboard the car is to provide entertainment and information systems that will automatically turn off if the need for custom navigation arises. However, although this is an innovative idea, suddenly turning off the systems will leave passengers confused and perhaps angry, and neither of these reactions will keep the possible driver alert and focused enough to get the car out of danger quickly. The systems will be distracting and will linger in the minds of the passengers, which can be unsafe when the driver must take control immediately after being interrupted from his favorite television show. If the car then crashes, we must ask why it would have happened, if the systems were supposedly so safe and foolproof.\n\nOther questions we would have to ask ourselves concern the costs of introducing driverless cars into society. In paragraph one, Sergey Brin says that these cars would \"use half the fuel of today's taxis.\" However, this decrease in expenses cannot combat the larger amount of sums due to several aspects. For example, building enough cars to release to the public would be quite costly; in paragraph 6, Sebastian Thrun says that some technology to build the driverless cars used to cost two hundred million dollars, and \"it wasn't something you could buy at Radio Shack.\" The process of building these cars and getting them on the road could be very long and very expensive, throwing the United States into even greater debt. Another problem would be insurance. Paragraph 9 says, \"Even if traffic laws change, new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident...who is at fault -- the driver of the manufacturer?\" This event could lead to a court case, and buying more insurance to cover more needs: none of which comes at an easy price.\n\n\"Automakers are continuing their work on the assumption that the problems ahead will be solved.\" This excerpt from paragraph 10 shows that automakers are merely assuming that they can surpass any obstacle and fix everything. However, we must consider what might happen if these problems can not be solved. The costs spent on creating these cars would have been for almost nothing, and society will have to reluctantly ease back into the \"old ways,\" disappointed, thinking about what they could have had. It will be better in the long run to prevent the completion of driverless cars at this moment in time, when society and economy are not quite ready for it yet. It is an easy future we must be prepared for, but also look forward to.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus may be a worthy pursuit of study even with the dangers that come with this challenge due to the information that the author provided within this article. The planet Venus may be useful in some way even though it is extremely dangerous and nonhabitable. The atmosphere on Venus is really thick to where it is close to impossible to see anything without being on the planet. Venus is the closest planet to Earth in size, density and in distance as well. Venus can be seen pretty easily from Earth however only through and observatory or telescope. Venus could either be a good idea or a bad idea due to it's positives and negatives but we also don't know too much about Venus.\n\nSome of the difficulties of trying to study Venus are really deadly in many ways. The atmosphere of Venus is 97 percent carbon dioxide which is extremely deadly and makes it really difficult to see Venus while off planet. The clouds of Venus are made of highly corrosive sulfuric acid which is obviously a problem toward the study. The planet's surface temperature is over 800 degrees Fahrenheit. The atmospheric pressure is at least 90 times greater than the pressure on Earth. These are some of the most hostile and extreme conditions of just about any other planet within the solar system.\n\nVenus is also a necessary item of study due to the possibilities that could be created by studying the planet. Venus could have been the most earth-like planet in our solar system but it was a long time ago. It has been said that Venus was probably covered with oceans and bodies of water and other resources that could have supported multiple forms of life. The planet has many formations that are similar to Earth such as mountains, valleys and craters. Venus is our nearest option for a planetary expedition. The value of studying Venus is unchangable and can be unlimited depending on what could be found on Venus.\n\nNASA has some ideas on how to get humans to Venus such as a blimp-like vehicle which can hover about 30 or so miles above the landscape.\n\nSolar power would be plentiful, Radiation wouldn't be too high, and temperatures would be survivable. This vehicle would create survivable conditions for humans to complete their study and learn way more about Venus. NASA has tested using earlier technology made of silicon carbide which would survive in Venus conditions for about three weeks. The mechanical computer could be used for Venus because it is not electronical but it instead has mechanical parts which could be changed to have resistance to heat, pressure and other damaging forces.\n\nThere are many factors that can cause the Venus study and exploration to happen or to be dismissed. There are things that could be developed which can possibly make a way to study Venus without having too many problems. Also, there are many obstacles which are in the way of the study such as the planet conditions or the technology which would be required to develop the items needed for the study. There are many positives and negatives to this study but neither is greater than the other because there are ideas in the making about how to survive on Venus however there are many things which can get in the way of the development of the technologies. This study will probably take much time before it can actually be initiated because it will take time to gather everything that is needed and it will take some time to actually arrive at Venus and produce some results.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriving or any moter transpertaion is a bad source to the enviroment. some people around the world help the planet by using car pools or bikes, and others ways to travel useing less gass and polloution to get around. And even countrys are helping out.\n\nThe data shown in the passage is that many poeple chose to sell there cars and chose to use other reasoures to get around. in the text it says , \" when i had a car i\u00a0 was always tense. im much happier this way\". this qoute showes that having a car isnt as fun as people say. it can leave to stress and make people feel very tense. some people cant live without their cars , but others travel on bike and busses to not just do to do it, but to make a difference and help the earth. Data has been shown that the driving in America has decreased over the years and study shows that the driving by young people has decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009. My response to this would be that all of this, is that people are trying to help and make for something better\n\nGetting around without cars isnt just happening with small time people, Countrys are even getting involed. for example Paris, after days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a patial driving ban to clear the air of the global city. motorists in paris with numbered license are told to leave there cars at home, if not they would have to suffer a 22-euro fine. this is a great way to allow less pollution go into the atomshere, this also helps everyone even if they dont know it. And not just paris has a car-free day, but Bogota , Colmbia use this as well. many colombians hiked , biked, skated or took busss to work during a car-free day. this helps our planet so much even if its a small thing it help little by little.\n\nMany countrys do a great thing by doing this and it helps and even if the trip from A to B might take a little longer, its worth it. usage of cars being less used is a very important thing people do .", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear Mr. Senator, I have written this letter in hopes that you would change your mind about keeping the electoral college. Popular vote is the best method of voting because people's voices would be heard, and it would give more people the motivation to vote.\n\nTo begin with, you've probably herd the term democracy since thats what our government is\u00a0 right ? well that word comes from the latin words demo & kratia meaning people rule . Popular vote would be better than the electoral college because then peoples voices can truly be heard, no scams, no funny buisness, just old fashion voting. Popular vote is also an easier and much more simple system than the electoral college. with popular vote all you do is look at the polls and see who has more votes as apposed to counting each and every states electoral points until you get 273.\n\nIn addition, if popular vote is put into action then it would inspire more people to vote, some citizens are very skeptical about the electoral collage but with popular vote the facts are in the polls. According to \" The Indefensible Electoral College\" by Bradford Plumer The electoral college is infair, outdated, and irrational.\n\nIn conclusion, Popular vote is a better idea than the electoral college because theres no funny buisness, and the peoples voices are truly heard. I hope this essay i wrote helped you make the right decision to drop the electoral college and switch to popular vote, if you have time to write me back that would be much appreciated.\n\nsincerely, PROPER_NAME", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article \"Making Mona Lisa Smile\", the Facial Actions Coding Systems symbolizes a change in technology.\n\nI think this could change our country because it will open our eyes up a bit for the kids sake. This could help us in many ways. Eckman has cassified six basic emtions- happiness, surprise, anger,disgust, fear,and sadness are all very important for children and adults.\n\nThe article says \" In fact, we humans peform this same impressive \"calculation\" everyday. For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face.\" I completely agree with all of this because it so true. Everyon eknows that they use this in every day life and you probably don't even know it either. I use it his at school every day because I care for the people around me.\n\nThis could show who in the classroom is depressed and could help our world be a better place. by the new technology using this, it could save lives by suicide. I'm saying this because our world had become dark with all of this. we need more help.\n\nThe Article says \" a classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,\" Dr. Huang predicts\n\nand then it could modify the lesson, likean effective human instructor\". This could be huge for the schools we send our children too. \"Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication,\" notes Dr. Huang. So what he is getting at is computers are going to have to start to understand that\n\nand i completely agree with him.\n\nIn the article \" Making Mona Lisa Smile,\" the Facial Actions Coding symbolizes a change in technolgy and I agree that we should do this for our children. We need to do this cause it will change our ways of how we learn forever. The computer will not misread peoples faces and\n\nif they ever get bored of the lesson he/she is learning. Then, the computer will regonize it and make the lesson funner and will benifit the kids much more than what they are doing now for us.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nSome claim that a picture of a natural landmark and a shadow is really a sign of alien lifeform or a civilization. Nasa a billion dollar company dissagrees and has proof that this is indeed a landmark with a shadow and not any sort of alien life. That has not stopped some conspiracy theorists from saying that this is a cover up.\n\nNasa as we all know is a company that is paid to fly unmanned and sometimes manned aircraft into the sky and most excitingly space. That is a positive thing for us humans who have no idea why we are here and how are we here. People don't like to know or believe the truth and sometimes make up lies or takes something the wrong way and make everyone from the news to the everyday household hear about something that didn't even turn out to be true. That is the same case here, Nasa released a photo of a mountain during a time of day that would have shadows, and Nasa being a public and government company is forced by law to release photos to the people. Which leads to more proof if Nasa took more photos that showed aliens or other inteligent lifeforms they would have to release it they can't just magicly hit erase.\n\nConspiracy theorist still do not believe Nasa so they demand more photos and still Nasa has even more proof that this \"face'' is indeed a montain with shadows stratigicly placed to look like a human face. Theorist say that everything Nasa does is either faked or fixed to look like something it is not. In this case it went viral and many people still believe it was aliens that went there and did that but Nasa declines and this time Nasa has a little more proof.\n\nNasa would've got money to send a human or a robot to Cydonia if it were a human lifeform or an alien, and we all know the team that worked on it would've got some pretty heavy paychecks just by working on the case, just imagine that checks the team would make if it were a civilivation. But Nasa will not be sending over humans or a robot for a couple reasons, the best reason is that the already know that this is just a mountain, not a civiliation.\n\nIn conclusion Nasa knows this is a mountain and not a lifeform of any kind.\n\nNasa also knows that lifeforms like ours can not survive on the surface of any planet without an atmousphere like mars. So even if a lifeform can survive without oxygen unlike us that the proof of that area says otherwise.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Mars Face has been a popular topic for ages. People still argue about if its an alien artifact or just a nutural formation on Mars. Some people are thinking NASA is just lying. Some people at NASA wish that they had found evidence of alien life.\n\nThe Mars Face is a natural landform known as a mesa. These landforms are commun throughout the west part of America. These landforms are formed by plate tectonics. There are a lot of landforms on Earth that are the same as the Mars Face.\n\nThe face got its look from shadows. The Viking 1 spacecraft did not have a high level of technology. The space age has developed lots of technology since the 1970's. I mean they just got a man on the moon a few years prior to the Viking 1. So in 1998 a high level camera did fly over and take very graphic and detailed pictures of the Face showing it's just a landform. Since the technology level wasn't very good in 1976 they couldn't zoom in like the Mars Orbiter Camera Team did, so the shadows were apparent there and not in the 1998 photograph. The pixel size is greater in the 2001 photo than the 1976. The reson the face appeared was because of the technology level back in 1976 they Viking 1 couldn't zoom in far enough to get past the shadows.\n\nWith this evidence I hope you're convinced there are no aliens on Mars or ever was. NASA would be estactic if they found alien life. The Face is not an alien made memorial or artifact. The Face is a natural landform that occurs on our own planet.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the United States, the process to pick the president is rather complicated. From nation-wide voting to states that swing from party to party, it has intricate parts that most people find confusing. The electoral college, the process that in the end picks the president, is also rather complicated. It was made to be a compromise of picking the precident by votes in congress and popular vote from citizens by the founding fathers. In modern times however, most citizens agree that popular vote makes more sense and that the electoral college has become rather bloated. In the case of finding reasons of why the electoral college doesn't really work is because private citizens vote for someone else to vote and that voters from different states don't control who the electors choose.\n\nFirst of all, because of the electoral college, citizen's vote counts less when they vote for someone else to vote. Most citizens would relish the chance to vote for the canidate that they choose to support. But when they do vote, their vote only just might sway the electors vote. For example, during the 2000 presidential election, instead of the intended canidate winning the vote, the electoral college choose another. It removes any sense of personal worth when participating in general elections and makes it harder for some canidates to win.\n\nFurthermore, not only do electors choose the president, but the votes themselves from private citizens don't control who the electors choose. Electors are people chosen at state conventions, presidential candidates, and state party's central committees. The amount is chosen on the populations of such states, making smaller states with still a significant poplation seem unsignigicant. However, the biggest slight is that the votes made by the citizens don't obligate electors to choose what the general population has already choosen. It takes away control from the \"people\" and is inherently wrong.\n\nIn conclusion, the electoral college is rather useless because it does the job that citizens already do and takes away control from them. By voting for electors, the electoral college process takes away a sense of self in elections while giving the power to choose the president to a group of about 200 people that can be persuaded or just simply choosen\u00a0 by the candidates themselves. Its a bloated system and should be dealt with.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThis article talks about how Venus can be very challenging if you were to travel and land on it. It explains the very hostile living conditions that one can face while living or being on such a planet. Venus is part of our solar system and it is the second planet from the sun. Venus is kind of like Earth in a way because they have some sort of relations to each other, expect for the fact that if you go and try to live there you may crushed or even liquefied. No one would be able to stay on Venus since it is considered to have the hottest surface temperature than any planet in our solar system.\n\nThe author makes really good points on why studying Venus can have a great outcome despite the dangers it may bring with it. In the article it states that astronomers are fascinated by Venus since it may have been very similar to a planet we live in. They get to discover if Earth really could of supported any types of life long ago. The author says that Venus could be one of our nearest option to go explore and also since it is considered as Earth's \"Twin\".\n\nExploring Venus may be a challenge but The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, also refered as NASA, were thinking on sending something like a vehicle to float just enough the surface of Venus. They decided on something like that to avoid any bad conditions that are said to happen. Even though when floating up in the surface they wont be able to have physical evidence from the planet like samples of rocks but they are able to provide insite on how things are in Venus. In the article it states that the scientists are wiling to take the risk to go study this planet to be able to learn more about it.\n\nIn conclusion, the author supported the article very well on how studying Venus can provide valuable information and that they should go ahead and study it. There are challenges on the way such as the horrible conditions if they do decide to pursue but there are ways around that. They also have more than one idea they can use if one dosen't go as planned like simplified electronics that will be able to survive the pressure, heat, and may other forces that Venus has to offer. They should go for exploration because it could bring more knowlegde and insite on the \"Earth's twin\" than just the predictions that were made in the past.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Seagoing Cowboys is a program that you should join if you like farm animals and know how to take care of horses, mules, and young cows. I think this is a program that you and other people should really join. Why? Well keep reading to find out.\n\nThis oraganzation is just for you because it offers the right things to help you get to other people in need. In the text it says, \"To help these countries recover their food supplies, animals, and more, 44 nations joined together.\" What a neat way to serve for others! I would really like to have the joy of doing that.\n\nThe Seagoing Cowboys also supply you with the chance to see the world. It states that, \" 'Besides helping people, I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China.' \" Luke also got to see and tour other places he had never seen before. Some where Greece, Italy and the Panama Canal.\n\nThe Cowboys offer one other great thing that is the most important thing for every one to have, fun. They also have great games for exersize. When they were done with the shipping and going back home for more stuff it says in the story that, \"The cowboys played baseball and vollyball games in the empty holds where animals had been housed.\" Doesn't that sound like fun? They also did other activities like whittling and reading in their spare time.\n\nNow that you have seen and read all about the great things the Seagoing Cowboys do I hope that one day you will join them. They sound like a neat opportunity to serve, have fun, and to see the world around us. I know that if I had the chance that I would sign up to help. Would you?", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe invention of driverless cars could be a really good thing, but could also cause harm.\n\nThese cars can allow us to be safer in most situations, but there are a few where drivers need to be able to take control of the wheel.\n\nCould this invention also help with the enviornment and the costs that people spent on there car or could it make cars more expensive.\n\nDriverless cars can help drivers, passengers, and pedestrians to be more safer than with cars that can only be opperated by a driver.\n\nWith the use of cell phones, drivers who use them are more at risk of getting into an accident. Driverless cars can help with this problem. Most people, when they hear about car accidents related to cell phones, think of teen drivers.\n\nThis isn't always the case.\n\nMany adults text and drive.\n\nWith driverless cars teens and adults can use their phones with out having to worry about getting into an accident.\n\nAlthough, the driver still has to pay attention to the road it makes it safer.\n\nThese cars would create less accidents in these situations or in a medical situation.\n\nIf a driver blacks out while driving this could cause a serious accident harming the lifes of themself and others or if the driver has been out drinking at night, these cars provide a safe way of transpertation.\n\nWhen a car accident occurs, the driver who caused the accident can get into a lot of legal trouble.\n\nWith driverless cars the driver won't be the one to blame if someone happen to die in the accident, but the responsibility has to be given to someone.\n\nThis means that the company that made the car would be responsible for the accident, which could changer their mind on driverless cars.\n\nThe cost of gas can be a major problem.\n\nGoogle cofounder, Sergey Brin, invisions driverless transportation to use half the fuel we use now.\n\nThis would help for the cost in fuel for people who are having a difficult time paying for gas or in could cause the price of gas to go up.\n\nThere is one thing we know though.\n\nWith these cars using half the gas, our enviornment is becoming a healtheir place.\n\nThere will be less polution from the cars in the air, which can benifit our health. Going back to the cost these cars will have you spending, could this car be more expencive then the cars we pay for now.\n\nThese cars use rotating sensors, video cameras, automotive radar sensors, GPS receivers, and inertial motion sensors.\n\nAll these devices can add to the price of the car cuasing driverless cars to be more expensive.\n\nWill people by these cars if the cost more or will they just sit.\n\nDriverless cars are a good idea to help with our safty.\n\nThey could help protect many lifes.\n\nThe developers of the driverless car should give it a try and see how it works in real life situations.\n\nNo matter what type of car, the driver still should be paying attention to the road to keep themselves and others safe.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nUnmasking the Face on Mars! Wow, people might think the Face was created by aliens. But is not created by aliens because it was just a natural landform. It might looked like a human face,but is not.That why I am going explain to you why the Face on Mars was just a\n\nnatural landform.\n\nFirst of all,I can see why people could sy it's a face becuase it has nose and our eye shape but it was just a huge rock formation..which resembles a human head...formed by shadows.Some scientists even believe that it was an alien artifact.(Jim Garvin,6)\"Although few scientists believed the Face was an alien Artifact, photofraphing Cydonia became a priority for NASA when Mars Global surveyor.\" Scientists prove that it was just Martian Mesa(Jim Gravin,2) \"Scientists figured it was just another Martian mesa, common enough around Cydonia, only this one had unusual shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh.\"\n\nAll in all, at the end. It was just the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent a butte or mesa---landforms common around the American West.If that was a face, you could find a spacecraft or airplane but we didn't so that also prove that it was just lanform.Jim Garvin also say that \"It reminds me most of Middle Buttle in the Snake River Plain of Idaho\"(Jim Garvin,12).", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe technology to read student\u00b4s facial expressions in the classroom is very valuable. If a student is not interested in the topic then they will mostly likely not pay any attention to it. Say your learning about the U.S. presidents, and you start geting bored and start falling asleep. The FACS will read your face and start a new way to teach you without getting bored.\n\nThe Facial Action Coding System will make a modified lesson plan as stated in paragraph 6 when you start to get bored or confused. It also says that will be an effective human instructor. With this type of technology society can be more productive. If you have people learning, you\u00b4ll have a smarter community. That means more and faster advancements. This is possible by just one little system.\n\nIn conclusion this system is valuable. It can tell what\u00b4s wrong and change the course lesson so you can learn. Without it students will just not pay attention to the topic or will just don\u00b4t know what\u00b4s going on because the lesson is not suited for them. With this students will learn faster, more effectively, and be less confused. FACS is the future of a brighter tomorrow.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nFace on Mars! Natural landform? or Created by Aliens? I believe that the structure is a natural landform. NASA would not want to hide life on mars. They have been researching for years to find life on Mars.\n\nNASA has been researching Mars for years looking for living things. Nothing was ever found. So, why believe there was ever ancient civilization on Mars, if through out all the research, nothing was ever found. Some still disagree and believe that there is new life on Mars. But, in order for there to be a new there has to be an old.\n\nWhen Garvin decided he wanted to get a better look at the face on Mars himself, he also agreed that it would be a natural landform. He used a digital image three times bigger that the pixle size. Therefore, if there were any signs of live, shakes, houses, aliens, ect. you would be able to point it out from the picture.\n\nYet, there was still nothing found. Although some people still believe aliens live on Mars, and aliens created the face structure. There is proof that you can not spot any digns of life on Mars. So, therefore, we come to the conclusion that the structure was a natural landfor, that just so happened to look like a face.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI am against driverless vehicles. I belive it's dangerous for unaware people to be in a driverless vehicle. The \"driverless\" vehicles today are not completly driverless.\n\nDriving on an open road is a great experience but that gets taken away when the driver is replaced by a computer. Many people in the modern world rely on technology to do everyday tasks. Driverless vehicles are not reliable. Many things go wrong with technology in today's world because computer scientists are still testing and working out the kinks. Roads would become cramped with these vehicles. It's basically the equivalent to texting and driving. People would have to be so focused on what and how the technology in there car is working, they would be unaware. What if a sensor on the vehicle went out? It would mess up everything. That one sensor would not be able to sense if a car was in the other lane. Then when the car would try to get in the other lane, the car would hit another car.\n\nIf driverless cars were to be used in thee future, they would need many improvements. Even then, I don't think I would be in favor of these vehicles. They are simply to dangerous.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI believe Driverless Cars will have a huge affect on everyone, in a very good way especially. The technology,working,planning, and time is amazing. These brilliant inventor's make and think of so much amazing thing's for the world itself. For example, the Driverless Car is a fantastic invention. By creating and making this vehicle will amuse and and get lot's of people's attention. I myself think it's a wonderful invention, because instead of you driving place's, the Driverless Car can do it all for you, making it easier on the driver. It would be fun and also something new to this world, and when something is new, everyone want's it.\n\nThe Driverless Car wont be just a vehicle made to drive itself, but to keep people safe at all time's no matter what. Safety, is the number one priority with car's and many other thing's. There are laws that you have to have a driver in control of the car in some state's. Wouldn't you want that to change, for the better of people and yourself. This wonderful invention will have sensor's and alert's if anything bad happen's, so the car will immediatley stop.\n\nOriginally, many futurist's believed that the key to self driving car's was someday not going to be smarter then the car's on the road. Engineer's thought that couldn't be possible, or any other human being. Sooner or later they knew it could be possible, manufacturer's turned to smarter car's. In conclusion i think this invention is by and will be the best thing for everyone is the world.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nFacial Action Coding System technology that can detect your emotions and others. People will used that non stop people will keep looking other people's emotions. That technology will not go that well and I don't think that technology is safe to use. People will just play with that and mess around I don't think we need that to use just to know people's feeling we can figure it out withouth using that technology. Think about this way if you give that to a one person you think they will use it for good I don't think so.\n\nIt's not good to use that it's because people are just gonna play with humans feeling so i'm going for not using Facial Action Coding System. People know what your feeling their just gonna make fun of you or mess around with you because they know how you feel. It's justn not safe it's just gonna make people in trouble it't really a bad idea to use it. Knowing how many percent how happy you are based on passage it can detect percentage of your emotions that's nice but it's really bad idea. Based on the passage their talking about how humans perform the same impressive \"calculation\" everyday I don't believe that human have different perspective, different point of view.\n\nI would rather not use Facial Action Coding System I don't even think if it's safe or not. It's really not a good idea to use it for humans because you know how they feel based on their actions, movements, expressions, and how they act. No need for that technology knowing a person you can tell how happy they are. Someone you truly know is a best way to know their expression.\n\nUsing Facial Action Coding System should be illigal because I people don't want them finding out their feeling. No one wants to know what your feeling you want them to find out because that's how you know if they do care. People got used to people knowing their used to look for their expression they don't need such as facial action system. It's so much better to know a feeling by talking to them in person. I would prefer use my abilities to know a person feeling instead of using that fake technology.\n\nBy looking at the picture of Mona Lisa you can that is quite happy you can see that little curve in her face it might seem different for others but looking at her make feel that she's happy.It says on the passage it also can make you happy. That's really not a good idea you can make people happy withouth using any technology .that would probably cost a lot of money I don't think people can afford that. Instead of buying that technology might just spend the money for my family.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Facial Action Coding System, or FACS, could be useful for school purposes, and may help students and teachers tremendously. On the otherhand, however, it is not perfect and may cause more issues than it solves.\n\nFor school purposes, the FACS can be used to alter an online course, assessment, or even just a simple knowledge check, using facial expressions to determine if the students are confused, bored, or if they understand it. If they are confused, it may be altered to help them understand whatever it is they're working on. For someone who is bored, it may try to make an online course more interesting to grasp their attention.\n\nHowever, the FACS is not perfect. It may mistake a facial expression for the wrong emotion. This could result in issues involving altering an online assessment, or course. Some students may feign emotions, and make faces to do the easier course that's meant for students who require additional help. Also, students who take an online course may be confused about something else, not the course they're taking. The FACS will still read that expression as confusion and alter it because of that confusion.\n\nAltogether, I feel that these cons outweigh the pros too much, and I believe that the FACS should not be used for purposes such as an online course or assessment. Too much may go wrong too easily with the use of FACS.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere are many advantages on limiting the usage of cars in many Country's around the world. For example, the United States, Paris, and even small areas like the German Suburbs. Because of the usage of cars we are starting to get a lot of pollution, and lots of tax money going towrds our roads.\n\nAccording to source 1 \"In German Suburb, Life Goes on Without Cars\" says that \"In Previous bills 80 percent of appropriations have by law gone to highway and only 20 20 percent to other transport.\" Beaucse of this many expect public transport serving suburbs to play a largerrole in a six-year federal transportation bill to be approved sometime this year. also, as found in paragraph 5 \"Passenger cars are responsible for 12 pecent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe . . . anfd up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States.\" there for is causing problrms to our invierment.\n\nParis is also having problems with pollution. From reading \"Paris bans diving due to smog\" by Robert duffer. tells us reads that after days of near-record pollution Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air in the city. And that the congestion was down 60 persent in the capital of France, after five days of smog. In Reading paragraph 17 \"Paris typically has more smog than other European Capitals . . . [Last] week\u00a0 Pairs had 147 micrograms of particulate matter (PM) per cubic meter compared with 114 in brussels and 79.7 in London, Reuters found.\" from reading that you can tell that Pairs has a high level of polloution.\n\nfoud in source 4 \"With all these changes, people who stopped car commuting as a result to the habit.\" Meaning if everyone walked or biked instead of using cars we would be use to it and not depend on them. From the same source in paragraph 36 you can infer that in New York that many people are starting to use bikes insted of cars, as found \"New York's new bike-sharing program and its skyrocketing brige and tunnels tools reflect those new priorities, as do proliferation of car- sharing programs across the nation.\" Then in Paragraph 38 , it tells us that the population suggest that the trend of demographic shifts in driving may accelerate.\n\nFrom reading the sources and adding up all of the information it is vary easy to infer that we would have a lot of advantages if we didnt use cars. we would have less polloution and would be paying less for roadways.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWould you let students read eachothers emotions in a classroom? I will be addressing why this may be valuble to students, or even to the whole school and why it may not be valuble.\n\nThe first thing i want to talk about is how it can be benificial to the Students. What if your close friend or even a teacher isn't acting their usual self. You can't quite figure out what the cause may be with them. And instead of asking, you could see what their emotion is through technology. If it shows up that they're sad you can figure out a way to encourage them to talk about whats going on. Or you can just figure out a way to cheer them up with out knowing their personal life. Or you could see if the person is just plain tired. So checking their emotions can also help you to understand that it may not even be you. They may be exhausted after a long day. So then you learn not to take things so personal.\n\nA reason it may not be Valuble is people just need privacy. Maybe someone is upset over something personal that has happened in their life. I feel like if you do use the techology on the wrong person, it could set them off and lead them to being more irritable. Some people like to handle their emotions in different ways. Even if that means doing it in peace with no interuptions.\n\nIn conclusion, I feel that it depends on the situation in a school or town. It depends if you actually know the person, or if the person likes to be left alone or not. Everyone deserves privacy. So if schools were to do so, I suggest getting contracts to see who would be up for it and who wouldn't", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article \"Driverless Cars Are Coming,\" it talks about how cars can be computer driven. Some people would be in favor of such a thing where as others would not. I am in complete favor of them as I see it as a leap into the future. The computer-driven cars would allow the driver to be hands free when driving and doing something else such as paper work, on their phone, or even eating. The computer-driven cars would also use half as much fuel then a taxi saving tons of money. The cars would also have alerts and safty precautions just in case the driver doesn't feel safe and wants to take over on his or her own. I am in favor for these future cars because they will allow the driver to be hands free, save gas money, and have complete safety precautions as well.\n\nHaving a computer-driven car would allow the driver the ability to multi-task and focus on his or her priorities. If a person forgot to fill out any paper work or even do their home work, they can now use the time from the drive to their destination to finish them. We can also have the advantage of eating on the go. If a person is running late and is yet to eat, they can use the time in their computer-driven car to eat as they will be hands free. The driver will even be able to have access to their cell phones on there car rides.\n\nThe computer-driven cars will surprisingly be using half as much fuel then a taxi. This lets the driver save a ton of money. It allows them to use their money on other things and not have to be driving. This will lower the ammount of polution as well making the computer-driven cars better for the enviornment.\n\nThe safety on computer-driven cars is fundamental. Every company on the verge of these future cars wants the safety to be at it's best. Each company puts as many sensors as the car needs for the safety of the drivers. Safety is the number one thing that desingers of these cars focus on and would not begin to sell them until they are fully sure that the buyers are safe, and the companies will put as many precautions as possible if a error occurs.\n\nI am in favor for the computer-driven cars and highly agree that they will be in our future to stay. The cars will be here for the best of our future and will not fail in my eyes. The computer-driven cars will be very advanced and will allow the drivers to be hands free and use that time for priorities, save them a lot of money on fuel, and will be very safe and get us to our destinations. These cars are the future and are here to stay.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe advantages of not using a car are less polution, less laziness, and less gasoline usage. The less gasoline usage would help our society pay less for when we use our cars, the less lazy we get, we can have a smaller overweight citizen count in the U.S.A, and the less polution we have, we can make the world look better.\n\nThe first advantage I spoke about was less polution. the less polution we have les more wildlife we could be getting. Also think about all the wildlife we are killing with the polution from our cars. If we can all take one day in our community to leave our cars at home, Im sure the wildlife will be able to live another day without suffocating on poisoness fumes from gasoline or oil.\n\nThe second advantage would be people getting less lazy. If we all didnt use our cars for just one day we could all be a little bit of a less fat country. If every American took one day to NOT ride a car we could be in a little better shape.\n\nFinally, We would use a lot less gasoline if we stoped using cars for a day. We could save a butt-load of money if we didnt use cars for a day. Think about how much money you spend, just to drive somewhere you are just going to spend more money! OR you could walk. Save gas, money, and get a workout at the same time. Also think about the tourists. What if we didnt buy gas so much, the price went down to 90 cents a gallon. Then the tourists would get to save money and still get through to where they need to go.\n\nIn Conclusion, Less polution, Less Laziness, and Less Gasoline usage are all the advantages of not driving for a day or two. What would your advantages be?", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nYou should come and help with transporting animals and relief supplies. To people who need them overseas. It will be fun and you will meet a lot of different people with different cultures. It will also count toward your time in the army if you are drafted. You will also get to feed animals and just generaly have fun onboard one of the ships. If you are lucky though you might get to eat dinner with the captain. You will also be able to see the happy faces as you drop off the relief supplies. All you have to do to join is sign up when you get drafted or sign up in general. It is also a good way to express your love of animals and the sea. Also it is a good way to show that you care and that you wont forget about the people in need. It is also a good way to experience the world. This is because you might go everywhere and see everything if you are coming with us on a ship. this is because there are people in need all over the world so you might go to Greece, Italy, or even England. It is also good if you have a big heart and want to express your apprieciation this is a good thing to be able to do because it can prove that you are caring.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear Senator,\n\nI believe that we should keep the electoral college. Although they maybe known to be unfair, outdated, irrational, and an non-democractic method of selecting a president that ought to be overruled by declaring the candidate who receives the most popular votes the winner. But I believe it is fair because the founding fathers established it in the constitution as a compromise between electon of the president by a vote of congress and election of the prsident by a popular vote of qualified citizens and that when we vote we vote for electors who basically take the side of the peoples voice but do further research on the two people that are running for president and vice president. and the electoral college requires a presodential to have transregional appeal so that there won't be a solid region that has one favorite canidate because a canidate with only regional appeal is unlikely to be a successful president and the other region will feel that thier votes won't count and that the new president will have no regard for their interests, that he rally isn't their president. the electoral college restores some of the weight i the political balance that larger states lose by virtue of the mal-apportionment of the senate decreed in the constitution and avoids the problem of elections in which no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast whcih makes the electoral college a better and more fair way of voting.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe new technology called Facial Action Coding System should should be used in a classroom to read the emotional expressions of the students. Why? you make ask. I belive it will actually rise the students smartness and test scores. Also it would be the best for years to come! It will hepl the students more smart becasue in classroom there are kids that are to scared/embrassed to rise their hand and ask questions. So if the teacher see a student is confused and sees that kid is to sacred to rise their hand then he would rexplain what he was teaching. Then if the technology shows he or she isnt confused then he would move on. This will be so great years to come because kids wouldn\u00b4t be left behind and wouldn\u00b4t feel that they have to drop out. If they will see their selfs being something big in the futer. Then we will have more doctors and mostly likely to find new medinces for illness like cancer. We will get sincetes to help us live in this earth longer and maybe hopefully keep the earth clean. They would be smart enugh to find new ways to keep the earth clean. Not even just to help the eart but help kids prevent from doing things that will harm themselfs and others. For an exmaple if the teacher sees somoene is so mad they can try to help and talk and that could help a school shooting because sometimes all we need to someone to talk to. So in conclusen i belive the new technology called Facial Action Coding System should be in the classroom because it will help the earth and thw world but mot imporantly us humans.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author supports his idea of exploring venus even though there are many challenges to complete the task. Some challenges that come with exploring Venus is that it has harsh conditions for human and and robots, but the NASA has been working on other approaches. Scientist would like study its surface because at some point in history Venus was somewhat like Earth. The author has answers for all the challenges that scientist have with exploring Venus.\n\nVenus is the second planet from our sun which makes the planet the planet very hot reaching 800 degrees Fahrenheit. Venus also has a very thick atmosphere of almost 97% of carbon dioxide blankets, and as the author states \"the atmospheric pressure is 90 time greater than what we experience on our planet\" that pressure would easily destroy any metal. Another fact about Venus is that it has the hottest surface of all the planets in our solar symtem even though Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. So far scientist have been working on alternatives to explore Venus.\n\nHumans have sent many spacecraft to land on Venus, but none of them have survived this shows why non of the missions have been named. but in recent times the NASA has been working on using electronics made out of silicon carbide because they had been tested in a chamber simulating the conditions of Venus. Another approach that NASA is looking foward to is sending \"mechanical computers\" this devices use gears and levers to make calculation and do no need electronics at all. Mechanical computers can be made more resistant to heat, pressure, and many other force unlike its counter part, modern computers, they can very flexible, powerfull, and quick, but they are more delicate being in extreme conditions.\n\nHuman survival can be possible in Venus with a space ship hovering 30 miles above the ground of the planet, the pressure would be very close to the one on Earth the temperature would be around 170 Fahrenheit also they would be plenty of solar power, and the radiation would no be more that what it is on our planet. In these conditions human life can be accomplish. Millions of years ago Venus was like Earth, how do we know? because Venus has features of Earth such as rocky sediment, craters and mountains.\n\nThe conditions in Venus make it hard to survive in the planet because its temperature can reach 800 F and the pressure is 90 times grater than what it is on Earth, life on the ground cant be possible on the rocky ground of Venus. Even though the conditions has very dangerous conditions exploration can be possible with mechanical computers. Life can also be possible if we find a way to hover 30 miles away from the ground because the temperature can be 170 F and the pressure would be like Earth. Life 30 miles above the ground of Venus can be possible.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author suggests that studying Venus is very worthy despite all the dangers that come with it. The author wasn't fooling around when he said that there were \"dangers.\" There most certainly is, ranging from no spacecraft surviving to erupting volcanoes.\n\nThere is ninety-seven percent carbon dioxide that spreads across Venus. Venus also has the hottest surface temperature out of all of our solar system with eight-hundred degrees Fahrenheit.\n\nThe atmospheric pressure is ninety times greater than Earth. There are clouds of corrosive sulfuric acid floating around, which is most likely why no spacecraft has survived the landing for more than a few hours. Happily, no man was sent in those spacecrafts. Erupting Volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lighitng all attack Venus.\n\nBut, Venus used to be covered in oceans, and could have possibly supported various forms of life. It still has many features that include: valleys, mountains, and craters. Venus can also sometimes be our nearest option for a planetone option. As long as you have imagination and innovation, you can see all the flaws and dangers Venus has. But you can also look past them and take a risk at seeing another planet that could have possibly carried life, and still has erupting volcanoes. Venus is a worhty pursuit despite of all the dangers it has.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThough the electorial college is considered a non-democratic way of selecting a president it still seems unbias and fair. Lets think about it for a moment the one who recieves the most votes is declared the winner right? so that means everyones vote is considered equal. Wrong! its means that we are actually voting for slate electors to vote for us. either way each party selects a slate of electors trusted to vote for the nominee and that very trust is yet barely even broken. that is why i believe that voting by electorial colleges is the best why for choosing a new president.\n\nFor instance lets say that we were to choose based on the majority of the votes that means the one with the most votoes wins. It seems reasonable but unfair at the same time. Lets say your state is sevearly low on its population then that would mean your vote won't count against a densely populated one. The one with the most people would win without a doubt. the popular or should i the say the one with most votes will win the election.\n\nThe Electorial Colleges restore some of the weight of large states in the political balance. The Electorial college also avoids the problem of run-off elections. This is means electorial colleges produce a clear winner by a landslide. This means that there shall not be any ties. In the electorial votes the electorial colleges are worth much more then the popularity because almost all states award electoral votes compared to popular ones.\n\nThe Electoral Colleges require trans-regional appeal. Which means no region has enough electoral votes to elect a president. for instance Mitt Romney was in the south and went for states he knew he would win. This was a desireable result and presidents with regional appeals are unlikely to become president. So the residents of the remaining regions are highly to disenfranchise him for thinking that there votes shall not count. It makes them think the new president has no interest in his regards. It makes that them feel as if hes not really their president.\n\nIn Conclusion i believe that our state should keep the electorial college for it is fair amongst the people. This way the peoples voices will be heard and feel as if the president does care for his people and their needs. Also it will leave out unnecessary drama and ties among the candidates. That the election will have a clear finish of who really won. But also Avoid from having the people feeling as if their votes do not count.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever wondered what it would be like if you didnt have to drive a car, and instead it drove itself. This is what Google is trying to do. They are trying to make the driving cars you see on television a reality. While it may seem like a fun and cool idea I dont thhink a driving car would be a good thing. While they might use less gas they would be better if they just helped the human driver instead of taking over. Cars that have human drivers and the car helps them when they need it would be better than self driving cars.\n\nCars should be able to just help the driver to insure not only the drivers safety but the safety of others. If the car would help the driver the car would \"apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone\"(paragraph 5). Technology working along with humans makes the world a safer place. But giving too much credit to technology is when you start to mess up. When cars start to help out drivers, humans look for more ways that this can happen. When doinng this people make \"Further improvements in sersors and computer hardware and software to make driving safer are also leading to cars that can handle more and more driving task on their own\"(paragraph 5). This is when cars should be where humans are driving the cars. If you keep allowing cars to be able to hand all of the drivng tasks they start to take over and drivers start to lean on the car for helping than using their driving skills. When this happens drivers depend on the car and when the malfunctions the crash or hit something because they were to busy trying to let the car do all of the work. Some wonder why people would need a driveless car would still need a driver. A BMW project manager by the name of Dr. Werner Huber says '' We have to interpret the driving in fun new way''(paragrapg 8). The thing about this is driving in itself is a fun thing. When you you take a driveless car and replace the it takes all of the fun out of being a driver. In order to make driving ''more fun'' \"Some manufacture hope to do that by bringing in-car entertainment and information systems that use heads-up display. Such displays can be turned off instantly whenthe driver needs to take over\"(paragraph 8). The thing about this is not all humans have a quick reaction time. That is why have a human driver that does all the driving is better because it gives the driver time to react. Lastly self driving cars dont have a law were if a self driving car hits something or someone the car gets put into the dump. No the law says that if a human someone or something it goes to jail. So if it is true and a self driving car malfunctions and hit someone do the company get sued or does the driver goes to jail? If the driver goes to jail, I bet a less people will go out and buy a self driving car becuase all technology malfunctions sometime, nothing last forever.\n\nI think cars should not be able to drive themselves. Cars were made so humans can have fun and go places that are to far to walk. Cars should just be able to help out the driver to insure everyone safety not give in-car enterainment beacsue 9 times out of 10 that driver will crash because their reaction time is slow. When it comes down to it and you are in the car would you want to be able to see around you and stop the on time so you dont get hit or hit something else or would you rather be watching tv in your car untill the car needs you and you get hit or something hits you because your were to slow to hit the brakes? I would choose the first one because i value my life and the life around me. But the chose is yours, just remeber that once cars take our jobs there is now going back.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCLAIM\n\nThe author explains the story very well by including the high co-op of the united states that could be the NASA and scientists are studing this planet because of the simelarity that has with planet earth.\n\nTo sport my claim thwe author says \" if our sister planet is so inhospitable, why are scientist even discussing further visists its surface? Astronomers are fascinated by venus because it may well once have beem the most Earth-like planet in our solar system.\n\nINTRODUCTION\n\nThis story talks about how the nasa is trying to study the planet called \"the even star\" or for short \"Venus.\" However, this nickname is misleading since Venus was considered a planet in our solar system. Scientists says that \"venus is to simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of earth\", the NASA refers venus as the twin of earth, venus i the closest planet to earth in terms of denisty and size and the closest in distance too.\n\nOn the other hand sometimes the Earth is closer to mars in other times to Venus, sometimes right around the corner-in space terms. However, humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud-draped world. This planet is nnot that all safe the atmosphere of Venus is almost at 97 percent carbon dioxide and it has more challeng to studing it because of the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere.\n\nScientists are discussing further visits to the surface of Venus because it's the planet more likely of planet earth in our solar system.\n\nBODY\n\nVenus,sometimes called the \"evening star,\" is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky, making it simple for even\n\nan amateur stargazer to spot. Often referred to as Earth's \"twin, Venus i sthe closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occassionally the closest in distance too. Earth, Venus and Mars, our other planetary neihbor orbit the sun at different speeds.Thses differences in spped mean that sometimes we are are closer to mars and other times to venus.\n\nVenus has a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent of carbin dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. On the planet's surface, tempetures average over 800 degrees fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet.\n\nTo conclude scientist are keep studing this planet to see if it's safe to live their or not.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nOur world had been \"centered on the car, and that will have to change\" and europe is taking a stand on this subject.\u00a0 europe takes a stand and tryed and experioment on a new suburb and influnses paris to partake in car-free week and\u00a0 all is a rage and influnces colombia to try.\n\nEurope is taking a stand to the enviromenting harm that cars are causing by conducting an experiment. They have now made rules and regulation abut the Parking of cars in the suburban. An artical writen by Elisabeth Rosenthal states \" street parking, drivewaysand home garages are generaly forbidden in this experomental new district\u00a0 on the out skirts of\u00a0 Freiburg... Vauban's streets are completly \"car free\". this is forcing people tio complie and live with a car. Heidrun Walter\u00a0 a media trainer and mothere of two telles\u00a0 the writer \" when i had a car i was always tense. i'm much happier thid way\". she belive that a car is not nessacery to make her happy and now that her carless she coulf never be\u00a0 greatful.\n\nCar are a handy tool to have but the damage that they are causing our environment is unrelistic. \"\n\nparis bans driving due to smo g\" by robert duffer enlightens us that \" Paris typically has more smog then other european capitals...[last]week paris had 147 micrograms of particulate matter (pm) per cubic meter comp[ared with 114 in brussela and 79.7 in london\". this is a very dis heartining thig that is being caused to our enviroment. luckly people are relizing the damage thate they are causing for generations about ahead of us and trying to solve the problem. paris awhated to try to sovlve the smog issue.\u00a0 paris plan of action was \" Public transit was free of charge from friday to monday... the smog cleared enough monday for the fuli9ng french party to rescind the band of odd numberes plates on tuesday\". this experiment did not please alot of people but did show the dramaptic effect that not driving for a five day period can positivly hgave an affect on out enviroment.\n\nIn corosponding to hearing about all of the enviromantal news for europe.\u00a0 BOGOTA, Colombia decided to participate in this movevment about cars and had a \"car-free day\"This fananium has spred liek wild fire and is having millions of people participating.\u00a0 andrew selsky tells us \" millions of colobians hiked, bicked ,skated or took the buses to work during a car-free day.\"\u00a0 People are wuilling to suffer with incovelents to help or enviroment for the generations to come. this car-free move ment is not only for the enviroment. Carlos\u00a0 Arturo rode his two seated bick with is wife and told us \" it's a good opportunity to takeaway stress and lower air pollution\".\n\nThese countrys and people are taking steps and leading other epeople in the right direction and creating a better enviroment by participatin in car-free week.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear State Senator,\n\nPerhaps you may know about the 'electoral college'. In my point of view, I would keep the electoral college because it's better and the process has been the same in decades. So why change it?\n\nThe Electoral College is better because it's more fair. In the story, What Is the Electoral College?, it tells how the voting for president and vice president works.\" one for each memeber in the house of representatives plus for your senators\" Meaning the state votings plus the the number of members in the Congressional delegation. Also in the the story, What Is the Electoral College?, it states \" Each candidate running for President in your state his or her own group electors\"...... \"but state laws vary on how the electors are selected and what their responsibilities are\".\n\nIn other words, canadiates that are running for President have their own people to elect them but the state laws say that candidates are suppose to be elected by their responsibilities. Even though other say \" the electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational\" I think it is fair for how they process the Electoral College because it let's the candidate that you or that your state is voting have the opportunity to make some changes in the world.\n\nSincerely,\n\nPROPER_NAME.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus is the closest planet to the Earth and despite its challenges scientists need to explore Venus to study the worst condition in the planet to see if its a managable place to go for a planetary visit so that in case of danger in the Earth there is a closer place to run to and be safe in.\n\nThe author explains how Venus is a challenging planet by telling us how it has been the only planet without a single spaceship landing on it in three decades because no one survived the landing more than a few hours. Venus also has clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid with temperatures over 800 degrees Fahrenheit which is 90 times hotter than the earth. beyond that it suffers a lot of natural disasters.\n\nEven with all of this\n\nAstronomers sre facinated by Venus because it might as well once been the most earth like planet in our solar system.\n\nNASA's possible solutions for making venus survivable for humans was to float above the fray to avoid the harsh conditions on the ground. Through this the air pressure would be close to the sea level on the earth, solar power would be plentiful, and radiatio would not exceed earth levels.\n\nTo acheive this scientists have to refrain from bringing things like rocks or gas or anything from a distance, so to change that, NASA is working on how to make electronics with silicon carbide and also using old technologies that dosent require electronics to prevent them melting and causing radiation.\n\nIn conclusion our travels on earth should'nt be limited by the dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet edges of immagination and innovation.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nTransportation is a large necessity in most countries worldwide. With no doubt, cars, buses, and other means of transportation make going from place to place easier and faster. However there's always a negative; pollution. Although mobile transportations are a huge part of daily lives, we are endangering the Earth with harmfull greenhouse gases, which could be suppressed.\n\nA small suburb community in Germany called Vauban, has started a \"car-free\" lifestyle. In this city, markets and stores are placed nearby homes, instead of being located by far-end highways. Although Vauban is not completely car-free, 70% of Vauban families do not own cars; Even a large 57% of families stated to have sold their cars to move to Vauban. Some families have even said to be less stressed depending on car transportation. Cars are responsible for about 12% of greenhouse gases, and can even be up to 50% in some car-intensive areas in the United States.\n\nAnother insight to reduced car zones brings Paris' incident with smog. Paris' officials created a system that would in fact lower smog rates. On Monday, the motorists with even-numbered license plates numbers would be ordered to leave their cars at home, or they would suffer a fine. Same rule would occur on Tuesday, except motorists with odd-numbered license plates were targeted with fines. Congestion, or traffic, was reduced by 60% after five days of intense smog. Diesel fuel played a huge part in this pollution, having the fact that 67% of vehicles in France are of Diesel fuel. The impact of the clearing of smog, resided in banning the Tuesday rule of odd license plates.\n\nCould you imagine a day without seeing a single car being used? This phenomenon occurs once a year in Bogota, Colombia. With the exception of buses and taxis being used, cars are to be left unattended for an entire day. Having a car-free day just once a year can even reduce the pollution slightly. The day without cars is part of a campaign that originated in Bogota in the mid 1990s. This campaign has renewed and constructed numerous bicycle paths and sidewalks all over the city. Parks and sports centers have also sprung from this campaign. Devoting your time to a car-free lifestyle has it's hassles, but in hindsight, it has it's benefits.\n\nTo conclude, living a car-free lifestyle does not seem like a possibility in this day and age, however managing the use of cars and pollution is something every country should take time investing in. Think about how much of an impact it would be if everywhere world-wide would take part in air-pollution reduction. Mobile transportation is lifestyle in a sense, and being dependent on cars or other means of transportation can impact the health of the Earth and even ourselves.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn my opinion, driverless cars are a bad idea.\n\nYes, I get that it would save fuel and be much more convenient for everyday life, but i think it would cause more problems.\n\nI think it is unnecassary to try to make these driverless cars becuase it could cost a lot, and end up not working out in the long run\n\nFirst off, in my eyes these driverless cars would just cause more problems for everyday life.\n\nThese driverless cars would have trouble getting through complicated areas such as detours, road blocks, parking lots, etc.\n\nAnd even though there are positive effects for this type of car, I think there are many more negative effects that could put lives at risk, and waste a lot of time getting places.\n\nDo we have the technology to make these driverless cars happen?\n\nAbsolutely, but the risk/reward is not worth it in my opinion.\n\nWhats wrong with just hopping in your car and driving it yourself?\n\n\"Backseat\" drivers that try to tell the actual drivers what to do are already bad in todays world, just imagine a backseat driver trying to yell at a robot driving their car.\n\nOverall, I think trying to make these driverless cars a reality is not worth the time or money.\n\nIt would be much easier and safer to have humans controlling their cars and evaluating the situation through their own eyes to mkae the judgement on what or what not to do.\n\nI do not see anything wrong with todays ways of transportation so why fix something thats not broken?", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThis picture on the right shows more and more detail as the years go by. It starts to get more and more focused when the cameras improve. This is one of the reasons why it can't be aliens.\n\nAs you see, throught the years, the world has devolped better technology. We've made better cameras and have found out a way to make things even more clear. In 1976, the picture appears blurry. It doesnt look focused on it at all. So what I am trying to say is, that this could not have been clear at first and that they didn't know what they were seeing at first. It could have been there the whole time.\n\nThe texts states what the picture actually shows. It says, \"what the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa-- landforms common around the American West.\" This is a landform. Garivn states that it reminds him most of Middle Butte in the Snake RIver Plain of Idaho. People have seen this types of landforms on Earth too, and there is no aliens on Earth. they have said it's a lava dome that takes form of an isolated mesa.\n\nIn the text, it says that scientists figured it was just another Martin mesa. They even said it was common around that area, Cydonia. The only thing that was different was, that it had shadows around it. That is completly normal for shadows to appear.\n\nAccording to the research I have learned, I believe that this was not made by aliens. I believe, that this is a landform. There is no scienitifict proof that an alien had decided to make this. There is no actual evidence.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIt might be hard to study a planet that isn't letting people explore it because how hot it is, or the different weather it gets on certain days. It will bring dangers from studying it but that is what make you want to study the planet even more. Studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The three reasons i'm going to give is to why Venus is a good planet to study.\n\nThe first reason why the author should keep on studying the planet Venus is because their might be a shot possiblity humans could survive on the planet. It might be a big struggle to have any form of life, but we won't know if no one studies it. In the text it states, \" Solar powers would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels. Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans.\" I used this sentence from the text because it's explaining how we could have life! This is a huge deal to find this out. The temperature on the planet would be toasty around 170 degrees Fahrenheit. Our sea level on this Earth to close to the air pressure on Venus.\n\nAnother reason is the similarity between Earth and Venus. Astronomers are fascinated on how Venus may have been like Earth a long time ago. They predicted that is was probably covered with large oceans and could possibly be available to the thought of form of life. In the text paragraph 4 it states, \"Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys,mountains,and craters.\" This is a good sentence because it's saying everything that is similar to Earth. This is also another reason why the author should study this planet becuase without studying and looking for clues for this planet, nobody would know about Venus.He needs to do his research to find out if this mission is both safe and scientifically productive.\n\nLast but not least on why the author should continue is becuase he needs to find out more about the planet and how to get rock, sandrocks, anything about Venus. The author and NASA cannot find out more because everything they have built, it get destroyed after a few hours being on the planet. In the text it says, \"Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study, despite its proximity to us.\" It may seem hard to fully understand why Venus is super hot that keeps distroying NASA's spacecraft. They understand why not another single spacecraft has touched for more than three decades.\n\nTherefore, the author should keep going and continue his research about planet Venus. I like this quote from the passage and it says \"Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination\" The reason I like this is becuase the author is right, no one should be limited on what they want to do because of the dangers. It might be dangerous to study about planet Venus, anything could happen and go wrong, but thats why he should keep studying to be prepared. In the end I think he should keep going, to find out more about this planet even if the dangers is there to presents itself.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAgreeing to the developments of smart cars has it's advantages but it also has it's disadvantages. Some smart cars can be developed to not have the need for a human to be responsible at anytime. Others disagree with the idea and think this idea should stop. In my opinion I disagree with the development in smart cars.\n\nThe inventors of these smart cars say that they have sensors to know if the human is paying attention but having smarter cars for that reason can be dangerous. Many people have had accidents and many of those accidents have been fatal. All those accidents need is for the person to take his/her eyes off the road for a quick second. At this moment they have cars that can drive themsleves but also need assitance once in a while but anyone can say \"Oh I've got my eyes on the road\" but in reality they are more distracted than a child playing toys. Many people can trust a car at it's job for one second but lose their life the next. Smart car development is not the smart way to go.\n\nIf furtists develop a car that can do its job with no human assistance at all, of course people will start buying but I guarantee more accidents occur. These car companies can't guarantee you that the car may turn off, that the car will stop working out of no where. Anyone can be driving and thinking the car has everything under control they start putting their mind into other things like texting, calling, writing, and even changing in a car because they're late to their destination. You can't always trust technology because there is something that can always make it go wrong. People will be unaware of everything going on around them when their eyes, ears, and mind aren't neccesary on the road. When the time comes on who's fault it was that the accident occured the question will be whose fault was it really the manufacturer orr the drivers? If you would've kept your eyes on the road and tooken responsibilty you'd be able to prevent being in a room where your freedom is to determined all because of one \"smart car.\"", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars should begin to be developed because they can be helpful in many ways. Driverless cars can change the world. They should begin to be developed because they have sensors that allow them to alert the driver when they detect danger, they alert the driver when they need to take over, and they are\n\nworking on making them as safe as possible.\n\nThe driverless cars have sensors that allow them to alert the driver when they detect any danger. In the article it says, \"GM has developed driver's seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger of backing into an object.\" The car has many sensors that allows it to detect any danger so the driver is alert about it. They are working on improving sensors, which means they will be safer, and the driverless cars will be able to handle more driving tasks.\n\nEven though the cars are driverless, they still alert the driver when they are needed to take over. Many times the road may require human skills, so the driver will need to take over. In the article it says, \"Google cars aren't truly driverless; they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as navigation through roadwork or accidents.\" Even though many people would want the car to be completely driverless, that may still be very helpful. It can prevent some accidents from happening, in case the car isn't able to function correctly during those conditions.\n\nThe manufacturers are trying to make driverless cars a safe as possible. They have many sensors to alert the driver when there are signs of danger. In the article it states, \" Such diplays can be turned off instantly when the driver needs to take over, something not available to drivers trying to text with a cell phone. In this way, the in-car system is actually a safety feature, and safety is a big concern.\" As it says in the article, safety is a big concern. In case of danger the driver will be notified, therefore many accidents may be prevented.\n\nDriverless cars could change the world in many ways, and they could be very helpful. There are many ways in how they will be helpful, and some of them are because they can alert drivers when they detect danger, they notify the driver when they need to take over, and they are working on making the driverless cars as safe a possible. Those reasons support the idea that driverless cars could be a big change in the future, which is why they should be developed.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think that the use of technology to read the emotions of students in a classroom is valuable , because they can read how you feel as in if you are happy Susan can read how happy a person is , she can read if something is discusting to you as an example bugs , they are gross if Lola had seen a bug she would get sick to her stomach. Computers can also read if you are scared or angry If there was a painting hanging on a random wall she could read who made the panting, what brand of colors used, which type of paint brushes invested , she could even find out where the painting was created and or if robert was still alive . It's actuallyamazing how computers can even tell what state or city the painter was from and also about his colleauges he worked with. These computers can construct a 3-D computer model of the face too.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nFor someone who does not believe in aliens, this is only but a mere coincidence. We have no facts to prove that it WAS made by aliens, furthermore there being a whole civilization of aliens living on mars. There are many landforms as this one on Mars, and even on Earth, that happen to show some type of face, or object that would rather look man-made or even \"alien\" made. Just because there is a landform that has a shape, and look of a face, doesn't neccessarily mean that there is a life-form living on Mars. For there to be some type of life-for on Mars, yes, it would most benefit NASA, by finding out what is that life-form, how its living, and so on. But for someone to think that alien life-forms made this landform of a face, you can't really say that aliens have done so without having the proper information that shows, \"aliens\" have done so.\n\nIn 1976, from the photograph, we can say that yes, it does look like a face. But at this time, technology wasn't at it's highest. Since technology hadn't been as high tech as it is now, we could assume that, of the photo were taken now, yes, it'd be much more different, more defined. More so, there had been more photos taken on April 5th, 1998, with photos sharper than the original, being said that there had been no alien monument after all.\n\nTo conclude this argument, you could still go on saying how aliens are real, and how they created this landform. But in reality, no one has the facts to prove that an alien life-form had created this landform. No one has the facts to prove there are alien civilizations on Mars. I only say this because there has not yet been facts, or any information involving alien-life forms or ancient civilizations on mars. Maybe in the future, there will be signs of some type of life-form on Mars, or very odd, peculiar objects that we may find somewhat weird, or, out of the ordinary. It is only, but a matter of time before NASA does find something very odd and out of the ordinary, on any planet, in our solar system.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe object in the picture is not an alien artifact, because land forms on mars that look funny are caused by shadows, the picture quality was not good, and the camera on the last time could of saw buildings and even planes.\n\nThe object in the picture was not a alien artifact, because the land on mars has many hills called Martian mesa. A Martian mesa is like a sand dune it is mound of sand and dirt, so for this to be a alien artifact is very unlikely. These mesas are very common on mars, because it says,\"Scientists figured it was just another Martian mesa, common enough around Cydonia.\" This shows that it was just another mound of sand and dirt that had a wierd shadow that made it look like a face.\n\nThe second piece of evidence is that, the picture quality was not very clear in the first two pictures. In the first picture they did not have very high HD cameras like they did in 2001. In the first picture it is very blurry and not clear witch gave it the look of a face. In the second picture it was a cloudy day and the picture did not come in clear, still giving it the look of a face. In the last picture it was a perfect day for it and scientest had the camera ready they zoomed it in all the way and where ready for the picture, and when they looked at it it showed nothing but a dirt mound.\n\nThe last piece of evidence is that on the last time to the picture could of shown buildings, roads etc. In the last picture the camera scientest where using could of picked up any small buildings, roads, and any that was close to it, but it did not. This means that their is no life on mars to create a mound that looks like a face. Their for their is no alien life on mars.\n\nThe evidence shows states that their is no alien life on mars and that it was just a bad picture along with a mound the caused a wierd shadow that caused this look of a face.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAcording to the text it's basicly talking about venus and how it's closer to the earth nd how venus is actually a planet. While venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of earth, it has proved a very challenging place to examin more closely. And it says that venus is the closest planet to earth in terms of density and size. In space terms humans have sent mumerous spacecraft to land on this cloud-draped world.\n\nI think that Venus is the most populer planet that every one talks about and it seams that is is the closest planet to the sun. Venus and Mars our other planetary neighbor that are closer to the sun.\n\nNASA is a big company that works with other company to get more information about earth. NASA is working on other approcaches to studying Venus, carbide have been tested in a chaber simulater to see if it would bring eany effect.\n\nLerning about Venus had helped me a lot and to know more about earth and about the sun and uther planets around Venus. Our travels on earth and beyound should not be limited by dangers and dounts but should be expand to meet the very edges of imaginatoin. Another thing is that you shold never stop dreming and never stop biliving in your self and enything is posibel if you put your mind to it.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe day-to-day need of your own cars may not be as needed as you think. Cars aren't as nice as they seem to be. First of all they cause smog and pollution. But people say that not driving themselves is a stress reliever. Although can be handy people just don't see a drivers license a priority.\n\nParis is one of the most polluted capital in Europe. They decide to cut the smog and ban some cars of being on the road. \"On Monday even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine ($31). The same would apply to odd-numbered plates the following day.\" You can imagine people weren't happy about it because around 4,000 people were fined; and 27 people denied the fines and their cars were impounded. \"The smog cleared enough Monday for the ruling French party to rescind the ban for odd-numbered plates on Tuesday.\"\n\nAlthough some people were not friends without their cars others thought it was a stress reliever. In Bogota they have a car-free day where no one is allowed to drive their cars; they are only allowed to bike, walk, skate, bus, or take taxi. Anyway to get around with out useing your car. \"It's a good opportunity to atke away stress and lower pollution,\".\n\nYoung people in America have lost a prority in getting their drivers license. \"He and I have similar observations about our childeren. Mine (19 and 21) have not bothered to get a drivers license, even though they both live in places where one might come in handy. They are intrested, but it's not a priority. They orginize their summer jobs and social life around where they can walk or take public transportation or car-pool with friends.\" A study has found between 2001 and 2009 23% of young drivers decreased.\n\nIn conclusion we are all better off with out cars. To decrease pollution, to relive our daily stress and we just dont need them.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nOne reson to join this program is that you get to travel around the world to help people. Think about all the families that don't have a place to live anymore because of a war or big storms. Think about the childrens' education and health. The families that work so hard for their kids. If you were in that position right now you would want someone to help you. All of these people hope to have someone save them. Things will get better for them if you just sign up for this program.\n\nAnother reason to do this is that you can play games and visit places where you never been before. Maybe you can visit China and go see amazing artifacts. You can visit some castles and go on a tour. Go to Venice, Italy and taking a gondola ride. You might be lucky enough to go to Greece and see the Acropolis.\n\nIf you want to join this program you can. Think about all the people you can help. People will look up to you for joining this program. This program will benifit your life and others. You will be thanked by many people. Think about all of this and join this program.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nNow that we're in 2016 everything is, smater, more inivative, and most of all more technilogical. Driverless cars are a good concpt to me mainly because it ais a more efficiant way of getting around here are a few examples. First example, Driverless cars are cleaner than most public transportation, people who usually take the bus or subway know that public transportation is alot dirtier than say driving. Now that drverless cars are here that can all change. Second example, Many people who are usually tired while driving ccan rely on the car itself to do the driving while they are snoozing, now I know that they still need some human skills to get them going sometimes, but now that technology is advancing that can all be improved in a matter of years. Third and final example, It is more efficiant on the planet than most other cars, in the article it stated that the driverless cars will use half of fuel that regular cars take up. There are electric cars but those discharge very quickly and gasoline cars will damage the planet , now i'm not saying that driverless cars will not run on fuel but they will use half of what other cars do reducing the amount of polluton that is getting spread into the air.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHello my name is Luke. You might have heard of me but if you don't i'm a Seagoing Cowboy from the UNRRA (the United Nation Relief and Rehabilitation Administration).I do things like take care of younge cows,horses,and mules over the water. The UNRRA has been low on Seagoing Cowboys and we need help. I would like for you and other people to apply for the job. You need to be at least 16,or graduating from high school \"like me\"or older. And when you are 18 you will be able to draft for military survice.\n\nIf you are wondering there is nothing to be afraid of be of we ride on big boats like the SS Charles W. Wooster There are flaws to this job too,because when I crossed the Atlantic Ocean it took us two weeks. The lucky thing about being on a ship for that long is that I had my friends onbord and I was having a good time. And a good thing about being a Seagoing Cowboy is that you know you are helping others because of the destruction of World War 2. So if you need a job that would be fun and one you would like become a Seagoing Cowboy.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIt talked about you get to travel all around the world and you get to help sick and injuired animals that are in danger. the next thing it talked about was you get to be a cowboy and you get to ride a bull, or a cow.\n\nThe other thing it said you will get to feed 335 horses hay plus oats. It said Luke was eightteen before they got to arrive at Greece and they got to go to China, and Greece. The other thing it talked about was you get to be a seagoing cowboy and you get to help any animal that is in need. the next thing it talked about was you get to go see cows, and bulls and you get to see exchange students, and exchange visitors for many years. the next thing it talked about was you get to see pepole playing table-tennis, tourments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittiling, and games also helped pass the time. The last thing it talked about was you get to ride a boat and Luke got prepared by helping his aunt on her farm by taking care of a lot of animals. The last thing it talked about was you get to ride a slippery slide and you get to check on every animal every hour. The end.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLimiting car usage has great advantages wether you believe it or not. Sometimes you don't think about it but you really can do harm to yourselves by polluting the air with the gases that the car releases. There are many advantages to limiting car usage such as reducing smog,improving safety and it gets you active.\n\nSmog can greatly affect people while they are driving. In Bogota, Colombia they have a program every year to reduce smog. Throughout the whole day people hiked,biked,skated,or took buses to get to their destination. It has been three straight years that cars have been banned in Colombia. The goal of this program is to promote alternative transportation and to reduce smog. The plan is so effective that even the rain won't stop the people from participating. This plan is set to spread to other countries. Beijing, China is one of the most polluted cities due to smog. Paris is said to have more smog than any other European capitals.\n\nAlthough it may not seem like it but limiting your car usage can really improve safety. Transportation is the second largest source of America's emmisions. Everyone knows that transportation is the method of getting from point A to point B.The environment is what gives you oxygen to breath everyday. If the environment is polluted with smog it can cause danger to your health. If you just leave your car for a moment take a walk breath some fresh air you will feel better. There is 70 percent of Vauban families that do not own cars. Heidrun Walter is one of those persons that do not own a car and he says \"When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way:\" People can live happily without cars. In the end your safety is improved because you could be saving yourself from a future health risk.\n\nIndeed if you use a car everyday to get to your destinations you really are'nt doing anything that gets you active. Just how you have a car there are also other methods for you to get to your destinations. You can ride your bike,ride buses,or walk to your destinations too. In the mid 1990's the day without cars began in Bogota. If you really think about it cities could be built in which \"pedestrian, bicycle, private cars, commercial, and public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve resources, lower emmisions, and improve safety\". This helps you to at least take a walk everyday and it would also stop the pollution to the environment.\n\nLimiting your car usage can have great advantages. Sometimes youprobably just didn't realize it but those advantages could really have an effect in the waqy you live. There are advantages such as reducing smog, improving your safety, and getting you active.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIs it challenging to explore new thing , or new planets? sometimes it is easy and sometimes it is challenging but it all depends on what your are going to do.\n\nIn this article I read about humans researching information about the planet venus. In venus the temperature it's really really different than our temperatures. the temperature in Venus is 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the pressure is 90 times greater than what we have experience in our planet. Venus has the hottest surface tempature of any planet in our solar system. in paragraph 3 it says \"average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. Also in paragraph 3 it says\n\n\"Venus has the hottest surface tempature of any planet in our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to our sun. This is saying that Venus is hot even though Mercury is close to the sun, Venus shoudn't be to hot. The nasa people has sent people to explore Venus. In Paragraph 5 it states \" The national Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)\n\nhas ... idea for sending humans to sudy Venus.\"\n\nIn conclusion i strongly believe that people should start to explore new things even though it might be challenging to keep exploring new thing.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAre driverless cars good or bad? Developers today are trying to create driverless cars. These cars have some negative aspects. In \"Driverless Cars Are Coming\", some issues were money, sensors, and pop-up displays inside the car. These aspects could cause crashes which could allow for injuries and even death.\n\nMany developers want to make \"smarter\" roads instead of \"smarter\" cars. General Motors came up with a track the cars could run on. On the other hand, these road systems would \"require massive upgrades to existing roads\" which in turn would be very expensive. On top of that, building these \"smart\" roads would take up a great amount of time- not practical for people trying to get to specific places in a hurry.\n\nIn the text, these cars \"need a whole lot of sensors\". The sensors allow the car to \"know\" it's surroundings and what to do. The information carried from the sensors can apply brakes and even reduce speed. These sensors also alert the driver of danger and when he/she should take the wheel. What would happen if the sensors malfunctioned? With malfunctioned sensors, the car could crash because the car would not \"know\" its surroundings. This could cause injury or even death. Sensors could also increase the speed of the engine making the car unstable and making the roads unsafe for fellow drivers.\n\nManufacturers are \"hoping to bring in-car entertainment and information systems as heads-up displays\". These displays would take over texting and driving, a common issue, but could distract the driver more. If the displays don't go down when the driver takes control of the car, it could cause an accident. The heads-up displays also takes the driver's attention off the road.\n\nThus, there are negative aspects of the driverless cars. In the article \"Driverless Cars Are Coming\", there were several issues found embedded in the text. The negative aspects included: expense, sensors, and displays. As these cars become more developed, the risks may increase.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHello and my name is Luke and I am a Seagoing Cowboy.\n\nI have seen many things since I became one.\n\nSo, I want you to try and give it a chance.\n\nMy friend, Don, invited me to go to sea when I was working in a grocery store and bank.\n\nI couldn't say no so I went with him.\n\nWhen I got there, they hired Seagoing Cowboys to go out on the ocean.\n\nWhen I became one, I had to go to Greece.\n\nBut before I got there, I turned eighteen years old.\n\nThen, after the trip to Greece, I made nine trips, more than any other Seagoing Cowboy.\n\nYou get see amazing sights when you are on a trip.\n\nTaking care of horses and cattle on the sea can be very fun.\n\nIt is a very fun thing to do on the sea.\n\nBut if you hve little paitience, I don't think you should join the Seagoing Cowboys.\n\nOne normal trip is can be about two weeks.\n\nAnd a trip to China can be about a month.\n\nBut if you can handle paitience, I would be okay with you trying the program.\n\nSo if you like going to foreign countries, raising cattle, and going on sea, you should try the program.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe use of technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable. Dr. Huang predicts that it can help modify the lesson if a student is having trouble by the looks of his or her face. With the FACS, the motion-recognition software can track facial movements and identify different emotions.If the computer in the class room can identify his or her emotion to see if they like the lesson or not can help them improve in school because the computer can track that and find something better for the student or class.\n\nA computer that can identify if a student is bored or confused can be really helpful for the student and the class. If you are shown a lesson on the computer and you show a smile, the computer can recognize that and can continue with the lesson, but if you are shown a lesson that you frown or look bored, the computer will notice and change the lesson and modify it to become something you want. Just like a human instructor.\n\nA lot of people will disagree with the computer because people might think that its \"not true\" or \" it may not be always right.\" But people may not know that it can actually make a big impact in your learning in the classroom. The computer can help you succeed by giving you the lessons you may like. It can affect your future and making you become smarted and think learning is fun because you are learning what is interested to you or helping you be interested in the subject.\n\nPeople may ask how it actually works and if it is trustworthy or not. The Facial Action coding system will focus on the 44 muscels on your face that helps you make your emotions. The software tracks the facial movements and weigh the different units and can help identify the mixed emotions. Each expression that is made is compared against a neutral face to help identify what expression you are making.\n\nIn conclusion, the use of technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable. It can help the student succeed and think learning is fun by getting lessons from the computer that may think is good for the student. Even thought a lot of people may disagree that it might not work, it can be worth a try, Just to see if it actually helps the student. The students can find the lessons fun now and affect there future for the great or good.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEnvision the future, the inventions and innovations you will encounter in your life, the wonders and achievements of a modernized world. This is what Google, Tesla, Audi, Nissan, BMW, General Motors, and Prius envision for their world in the future. Technology. The idea to build something virtually impossible: a driverless car. The driverless car would revolutionize the auto industry and our world as a whole. One must factor the hazards associated with these cars before this autonomous invention hits the streets. Should researchers pursue the development of these cars? The clear answer ought to be no, for there are too many dangers associated with it, we don't have the proper technology to do it, and it's unlawful.\n\nWhat exactly makes these cars so....dangerous? After all, as an article states, these cars \"would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus\" (Driverless Cars Are Coming 1). Roads would be safer, and driving while intoxicated or distracted would no longer be an issue. Also, as through now, Google's cars have driven more than 500,000 miles without a crash so far. The thing with these cars is that these cars aren't entirely autonomous. They \"still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues\" (Driverless Cars are Coming 1). The car may be capable enough to \"steer, accelerate, and brake themselves\" (Driverless cars are Coming 1), maybe maneuver itself around a U-turn, but will it be able to navigate itself around sinkholes, avoid black ice, stay in the proper designated lane, drive around traffic cones or accident-sites, or parallel park? Can it detect road signs, signal lights, stay within the speed limit, and stay within other common driving regulations? So far, there has yet to be a car with these features, and although some cars may be able to do some of the above, none have been properly executed without a\n\nhuman-driver's assistance. Riding in a driverless, autonomous car in these conditions would be too dangerous of a risk to take, and if one rode a car with a human driver in it, less safety hazards would be posed. Autonomous cars are simply too dangerous to drive in hazardous road conditions.\n\nTechnology. One word that sparks excitement and creativity within every human being. The question is, though, do we have the techonology to have a driverless car? Google's modified Toyota Prius uses position-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounter near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and an inertial motion sensor (Driverless Cars are Coming). Also, most cars use speed sensors with the creation of antilock breaks. Also, if even one of these systems break, how would it affect the to-ing and fro-ing of the car? With all that, do these cars have enough technology to mimic the consciousness of a human driver? The answer is no, because, as of yet, there have been no successful autonomous driving tests executed without a human driver there to monitor and drive when conditions became hazardous. We don't have the technology to mimic the human brain, it's simply impossible! We don't have the technology to pursue the development of an autonomous car, and therefore we must halt the development of such dangerous cars.\n\nLastly, these cars would be unlawful in many ways. \"Most driving laws focus on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe, and lawmakers know that safety is best achieved with alert drivers\" (Driverless Cars are Coming 1). As stated in the previous paragraph, would cars be able to detect road signs, maintain speed limits, detect signal lights, etc. without human assistance? Also, what if traffic was directed by a crossing officer, would the car be able to obey and follow the crossing officer's motions? Pull over when a police officer is in pursuit? As of yet, driverless cars are capable of none of the above without human assistance. Also, it's \"illegal in many states to even test computer driven cars\" (Driverless Cars are Coming) because of the safety risks associated with it. Also, if the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault- the passenger who was in the car or the manufacturer? Too many legal issues arise when it comes to autonomous cars, therefore terminating all development with driverless cars ought to be the proper thing to do.\n\nIn conclusion, autonomous cars are too dangerous, too technologically disadvanced, and not legal to develop. It's wrong to pursue this development, and therefore must be stopped.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author of the article states that Venus is a worthy pursuit. They state that though it may be highly dangerous, it still has value. It's worth the risk. They support this by saying that the planet has some features that are analogous to those on Earth, humans are being considered sent to Venus, and people wanting to take samples of things from the planet to test it.\n\nVenus once may have been the most Earth-like planet in the solar system many years ago, which highly fascinated astronomers. The planet was probably made up of mostly oceans and could have had many forms of life, just like our plant Earth today. To this day, Venus still has some features that are analogous to the ones on this planet. Venus has surfaces of rocks and also has features like valleys, mountains, and craters. The planet can sometimes be the nearest one for a visit. Astronomers could take the planetary visit into consideration, considering the long time frames of space travel.\n\nThough it is highly dangerous to send people to Venus, NASA has been considering sending people to study the planet. Venus has an average temperature of over 800 degrees Farhenheit, but NASA could possibly have a solution. Their solution is having scientists float aboce the fray. It would be like a bimp vehicle hovering about 30 miles above the burning temperatures. Though the humans wouldn't be touching the boiling floors, temperatures would still be at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, which everyone would still consider excruciating. The vehicle would almost resemble a jet airplane. Just like a jet travels at a very high altitude to avoid storms, the bimp would avoid the conditions of the boiling grounds of Venus. The author also stated that their would be almost never-ending solar power, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels, which is great. The conditions that humans would have to go through if they do visit Venus are not easy or great, but it would somehow be survivable for them.\n\nIf humans are not able to visit the planet, then things from there cannot be tested on. If the only way humans can interact with the planet is by hovering over it, they cannot successfully take samples of rocks, gas, or anything else. Despite the many risks, scientists are trying to find a way to conduct a successful mission to understand the planet and get up close and personal with it. Many researchers are also working on innovations that would allow machines to last through the conditions of Venus. NASA is working on other ways to study the planet as well. They're considering using a very old technology called mechanical computers. These devices were first seen in the 1800s and played a very important role during World Was ll in the 1940s. These devices make calcutions by using gears and levers and do not require electronics at all. The mechanical computers may or may not successfully operate in the extreme conditions. Modern-day computers tend to be more delicate when it comes to those kinds of conditions, despite the fact that they are enormously powerful, easier to manage and operate, quick, and flexible. It would be like dropping a phone, tablet, or computers into a bucket of acid or any heat that would be capable of melting tin.\n\nIn conclusion, the author really thinks that humans should be sent to Venus to explore it. He mentions that the planet has some features that are analogous to the ones on Earth, humans being considered to be sent to it, and how scientists would like to take samples of items from the planet. The author also stated that human curiostiy will one day lead to visiting Venus. Though considering the many risks, Earth should be expanded to meet every point of our imagination and innovation.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the artical \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" the author is explaining the dangers of the exploration Venus. The exploration of Venus is unsurvivable by humans because of the the surface tempatures of 800 degrees Fahrenheit and the atmospheric pressure that is 90 times greater than Earth's. Scientist are researching technology that can help machines survive the conditions. Therefore, the author of this artical supports the idea of exploring Venus very well by including scientific research and evidence presented from experiments conducted.\n\nThe author states a question to get the reader thinking. \"What are the options for making sure such a mission is both safe and scientifically productive.\" The reader is now intrugied to find out what the options are now for this great exploration. The autor then explains the options in this statement, \"Many researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus.\" which is then supported by the author stating in another paragraph, \"NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks.\" This statement shows that the author has evidence to back up his research. All of this research is leading up to the \"big idea\" which is presented by the author when stating,\" NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus is to float above the fray.\" this statement is then supported by the author explaning the idea, \"Imagine a blimp-like vechicle hovering 30 or so miles abve the rolling Venusian landscape.\". The author then goes into futher detail of why one cannot withstand the conditions of Venus by stating, \"a vechicle hovering over Venus would advoid the unfriendly ground coditions by staying up and out of thier way. At thirty plus miles above the surface, tempatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit.\" These conditions would be uncomfortable for humans but are survivale for them. The author shows that all of his evidence is supported not only by his opinon but also by scinentific facts and evidence.\n\nIn conclusion, the author supports the idea very well. Not only by including information about how unhospitable Venus is but by adding the scintific research and evidence founded by the scientist, One can not only learn but can also form an opinon for themselves about the exploration of Venus from this artical. Therefore, this artical is well written by the author and he supports his theroy by using supporting facts.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI beleive that we should change the Electoral College becuase even when one president wins the election from the people he can lose the election. For example one person running for president can get 154 more popular votes, but if the other person recieves 270 electoral votes or more then they would win foe example in the text it states \"it is entirly possibe that the winner of the electoral vote will not win the national popular vote\". Even though i think the electoral college is bad there are some good things about it, For example it states in the text \"A dispute over the outcome of an Electoral College vote is possible...but it's less likely than a disput over the popular vote\". But despite that the Electoral college is an accident waiting to happen, and just because no one has fought or protested agaist the Electoral College over the years its been alive doesn't necessarally mean its not going to happen in the future. So to prevent the fighting and the unfair treatment all we have to do is get rid of the Electoral College.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLuke bomberger is my name. I am here to provide exaples and state facts to make you want to join the Seagoing Cowboys program. This program is about helping people that got left in ruins not just after World War II. They help people if they need animals they will bring you animals from other countrys and if they need help building there houses and everything will bring you people that can build houses and better things!\n\nSome reasons why you would want to join is because do you want to get drafted to the army? I don't think a lot of people do. So be a Seagoing Cowboy. If your with us you will not get drafted. Do you like animals you can help us by taking care of the animals. Another reason why you would like to join is because we have fun after we are done with everything we play table-tennis,fence,read,box,whittle,vollyball, and we also play baseball now doesn't that sound fun.\"I don't even know what whittling is but i've done it before I think it's fun!\"\n\nThat is why me,Luke Bomberger want you to join the Seagoing Cowboys. Also its not just work and play we also learn and get to vist a lot of cool places around the world. I crossed the Atlantic Ocean 16 times and the Pacific Ocean twice. It made me more aware of people in other countrys and their needs. Thats why I leaded my family to host a number of international of students and exchange vistors for many years. Thank you and good-bye.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever wanted to be a sea going cowboy? Well i got some reasons why you should join. and if you think your not have fun you mistaking. One more little you get explore. Well i got some really cool facts about joing the seagoing cowboys.\n\nHere are some facts about seagoing cowboys. If you like anmals this would be allot of fun for you because the one thing that you will be doing is hanging out with animals. Another reason is that if you have adventure side to you your gonna love this you get to go all over the world on a boat at that so not only exploring the land but the ocean. Also one more thing if you have ever thought of going to a different country an speaking multi languges well you get do that on a daily bases. And it is very fun ihave some reasons why it might be fun to you.\n\nIt is very fun so if you like here some reasons to get you interested. you can play animals and if thta isnt fun i don't know what is. Also you get play games after you drop off the animal such as table tennis,volley ball, and boxing oh and if you want to just chill after all that fun you can read a book. Also you can look over the rail and see the water and if get luck you see some sea life. And there is some bad things about being a seagoing cowboy.\n\nThere are some bad things though but you get used to it. One thing is that if you have family you wont get to see them but don't worry you get to see them after you get back from all that fun and you can tell them about it. Another reason is that when your on board um you gotta take care of animals like clean the manuer of the ground and bathe them some they stay healthy oh and feed them but after that your done for the day but remmber your helping other people. One more reason you wont have the luxury of sleeping on a soft warm bed but you wil get used to it. But other those bad reasons it is really fun to be a seagoing cowboy. Remmeber how I said you get to go to other countrys well you can learn new things.\n\nYou get to learn new things i have a few reasons how you get to learn new things. like a new language like if you to germany you can learn german. Also you can learn new cultures and lifstyles of and goverment/Economy.One other thing is that you will learn what type of people there are there nice or mean. Also they could have different types of than what America has. One other thing is that you will learn how to live on a boat so you could possibly own your own boat when you get out of your service. Maybe you might meet their leader and shake his hand you ever know what you might learn in a different place.\n\nYou could meet new people maybe even make new freinds. Like you could meet the president/leader but you could meet other people. And this has brought us to my conclusion.\n\nWith these facts i have give I hope you chang mind. just remmeber you would be given alot of opurtunitys. So willyou become a seagoing cowboy.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think the NASA are just lying so they can caught attantion to the public plus i think that the NASA just made the face by them self and made it look like it was there before they get to mars, and there is no such as alien the NASA are just lying to make it realistic and in the artical they said this might caught attation to the public and it really did, even tho there was an alien, the how can the alien know hwo human faces look like, it not impossible plus the alien won't even know how to draw, alien don't have brain's they are just a creature living with out brain's so I'm not gonna believe that their are alien or the human face that had been discovered by the scientist i think it just a lie or they just make it up, i think the public shouldn't belive it either. But it up to them im just saying that it a lie.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nBy being the second planet from the sun, venus has gained al ot of attention from scientists and try a lot of way to make our way to the Venus, but none of the scientist have ever get lay their hands on the Venus. Venus is one of the brightest points of the light in night sky, and a very challenging place to examine more closely.\n\nVenus is referred as Earth twin, because its the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size and occasionally the closest distance too. Sometimes Venus is only i the right corner in space terms, so scientist has sent numerous spacecraft to landin Venus but each previous mission is unmanned, and no spacecarft survived the landing for more than few hours.\n\nVenus has thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide, and surface of venus, the temperature average is 800 degrees Fahrenheit and 90 times greater atmospheric pressure than what we experience in Erath's. Even though like that, the scientists is fascinated by venus because it may well once have been Earth-like planet in our solar system.\n\nBy hovering safely far abopve the planet or peering at Venus from a ship orbiing\n\nfar above the planet can provide only limited information. Researches cannot take any forms of rocks, gas or anything from the distance. Therefor, to understand the Venus, they would need to get upclose. NASA is working on other way to approaching the Venus and some electroniocs have been tested and only lasted a couple of week in such conditions.\n\nOld technology have been looking back even though the modern technology are poweful and fast but old technology have their own advantage. By exposing the tablet or phone to acid or heat capable of melting tin can damage your phone to the extent of damage, but system that use mechanical part can be ,ade more resistant to pressure, heat and other resources.\n\nThe human curiosity will led us to the discovery of new things in the Venus.The curiosity can lead us to alot of things, and expanded to meet very edgers imagination. By being the second planet after the sun, venus catch a lot of people attention from all over the world.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCars are believed to be mandatory in life today. They get use where we need to go quicker that it is to walk or ride a bike. Cars have many positive effects, but also many negatives. The gas emission percentage from cars in several countries have risen dramtically. Many people say, having a car stresses you out. By cuttin down on car usage, our world could be a cleaner and stress relieved place.\n\nIn many middle-class populated cities, the amount of pollution is sky rocketing. Because of this, some cities like Vauban, Germany are making their communties car free. Doing this can cut down on the amount of gas that comes from the tail pipes of cars, making the enviroment healthier and making it easier to breathe. Not as many cities are going as extreme as Vauban, but they taking the extra measures. In Paris, France the amount of pollution to due to car usage was getting higher by day. So they enforced a partial drivng ban, if they didnt follow this law they would have to pay the thirty one dollar fine. In Bogota, Colombia, they have a car free day that is now spreading to the borders, such as Paraguay. Even by cutting down a few times a day will not only help the enviroment, but will also help people breathe easier too.\n\nHaving a car can put a lot of stress on someones shoulders. You have to worry about maintence, gas prices and even traffic on the main highway on your way to work. If you take away that stress people will be happier than if they got stuckin traffic to or from where theyre going.\n\nDriving is something that doesnt require much physical effort. It can make people lazy. In Bogota, Colombia during their car-free day, people ride bikes, skate or even walk to places. In New York's bike-sharing program not only is it cutting down on gas emissions, its also helping people stay in shape and bemore active.\n\nSo while having cars helps us get places sooner and quicker, its also having any negative effects people are turning a blind eye to. If even one city cuts down on driving for one day, it could help the enviroment. Many cities, states, and even countries are trying to cut down on the negative effects driving has.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMy Argument is gonna be over not getting driverless cars because acording to this passage the car does all the skilled work that you traind to do in the present. In the future im gonna wanna be driveing my car by myself\n\nnot have someone behind a computer drive for me like im being controlled like a to car. i wann use my skills that i learned over time to do.\n\nHave you ever thought about this if you get a car that can dive by its self and crashed it end end up getting suverly hurt and your not able to sew or get anything out of it because the contracted you sighned in the future says they are not responsable of what happens to you in the car they built , And all the money you put into the car you crashed in you can't get back.\n\nThen ypu come to a point that your car breaks down and breaks do you seriousely think your gonna rember how to drive a normal car any more after the one you had drove no your not gonna be able to so thats why im not agreein to this driverless car coming up in 2020.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars, sounds like a figment of a childs imagination,but that figment may become an actuallity in the next decade.Google has proven since 2009 car have been able to operate autonomously under certain conditions and, many car dealerships have trying to make perfect autonmous or at least semi-autonomous car.The thought of driverless cars ferrying passengers to thier destinations is quite the thing to marvel at,Think of the time saved that could be used to for greater purposes, but several states have laws preventing computer driven car from even being tested which may be changed later on\n\nThe first benfit of these semi-autonomous vehicles would be that the driver would be free to preform other tasks for work, school, or simply catch up on rest.And should a situation that the car could not handle arise, the car will be alert the occupent of the driver seat so that they could take control.This idea is stated clearly in the passage,\"the Google car simply announces when the driver should take over.\" thus preventing any mistakes or accidents caused by the on board computer.\n\nSecondly,another benefit of the vehicles would be a decrease of accidents and accidents related deaths.While human drivers have a high degree of control over thier car, an on board computer would be able to control all the functions of the car with the utmost precision thus leading to less mistakes, along side the fact that the cars will have sensors of all varity to insure a constant awareness of of it's surrondings.\n\nFinally, some people argue that due to current driving and trafic laws testing, let alone driving, an autonomous vehicle is illegal.And they would be correct that current traffic laws prevent this, who is to say these laws won't be changed and that there won't be new laws made to specificlly govern these vehicle.\n\nSo in conclusion, while we may be a distance away from hitting the road it's still going to come ,and it will come new laws, new technology, and new ideas.so the last question is will you join in this innovation or will you be left in the dust.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThis author has included a lot of information on why we should visit Venus. Yes I think we could visit Venus as the author said. He put in a lot of detail and a lot of thinking into this article. The author had a solution on how we could get there and how we would survive some of the conditions that are on Venus. He/she has an idea on how the mission would go.\n\nThe author stated that we could go to the top of Venus because we are less likley to die due to the fact that the heat is very intense on this planet. It also says that we don't really have to land, but just to hover about 30 miles or so above the ground so we don't get burnt up. Another solution the author put out is, that the people that are visiting could use some equipment similar to the stuff they had back in the 1940s during WWII. The author said the equipment would not be destroyed like the modern things that we have like computers, radars, and other things that are in a spacecraft.\n\nVenus can sometimes be the planet that is the nearest towards us, so it could probably be a short trip to be going there rather than going to Mars. Also the author states that Venus could have been once a habital planet a long time ago. More details are that the fact Venus is Earths twin. He/she stated that it is the closet planet to our planets size with the same density and size. That is a good statement by the author.\n\nApparently NASA is working on how to get to Venus via spacecraft. The author also states that NASA is making their electronics out of this \"silicon carbide\" material. Apparently they put it in a chamber with conditions similar to Venus and it lasted for about 3 weeks. We can conclude that this is a good material, but in my opinion I don't know if that's a lot of time because, they might need to study a lot of things that are on this devil planet.\n\nI think that we could make it to Venus and survive a potential death. We could some day walk on Venus if we had the right materials for a spacesuit and a helmet. The author once again stated that there is a spot for us go on so we don't get completely burnt up in the process. We just need to find or create something that could be resistant to the heat that is on Venus. I like the idea of going to Venus because it seems impossible, but really anything could happen if we had the right people and protection for this mission.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nFor many years people have been debating whether or not to keep the Electoral College or change to election by popular vote for the president of the United States. According to source 1, the electoral college was established as \"a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens.\" There are few positive effects of the Electoral College, however, there are many negative effects. I am in favor of changing the United States' election process to election by popular vote because there are many risks with the Electoral College, the Electoral College is outdated, and lastly, the Electoral College is unfair to voters in many states.\n\nCurrently, while using the Electoral College, the United States takes multiple risks. Some of the major risks were stated in source two. One of the major risks included, what of the elector put the vote in for the candidate he wished? Of course no matter what the situation, there will be risks to take. However, when those risks become actions, and happen more than once, people put up a guard and start to question whether or not the process is trustworthy. A sentence in source three declared, \"each party selects a slate of electors trusted to vote for the party's nominee (and that trust is rarely betrayed). Americans are expected to trust a slate of electors whom we know little about personally, and trust is a personal thing. Trust is something that has to be earned. Therefore, when our trust is betrayed more than once because of the process the Electoral College, there is no way to earn that trust back once again. Without the Electoral College, this would not be an issue.\n\nNot only is the Electoral College risky, but it is also outdated. The Electoral College was created by the founding fathers, over a century ago. With new technology, and new systems forming, the election process should be more modern. Also, when it was decided to use the Electoral College, there were fewer people in the United States. Currently, in modern day, the population is much greater. A country with a greater population needs a modern election selection.\n\nThe Electoral College is very unfair to states that do not have the ability to make an impact in the election. If the election process were changed to elected by popular vote, smaller states would have the ability to make their vote matter.\n\nThe Electoral College needs to be changed immediately in able for citizens to stop worrying about taking major risks, so our country as more of a modern election process, and so every vote counts. Changing to election by popualr vote could make the United States a better country.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn \"The challenge of Exploring Venus\" the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author gives alot of examples and support on why venus should be explored. Although the dangers might be to dangerous for anyone to physically be on it, the author shows how we can avoid making contact on the planet and how we could gather information of the planet. In \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" the author gives us many examples on how NASA can study Venus without being harmed.\n\nThe author mentions all of the dangers Venus comes with. For example, the author mentions the atmosphere being 97 percent carbon dioxide. (paragragh 3 line 1). In this case the crew on the ship will have to be very careful because if they are exposed to the carbon dioxide in the atomosphere, they will suffocate to death. Another danger the author mentions is the planets surface tempeture and the atmospheric pressure. The surface is 800 degree's Fahrenheit and the stmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on Earth. These dangers are very serious and will be very harmful if any human comes in contact with it. After naming all of the dangers Venus presents, the author gives many examples on how to solve the issues.\n\nIn the story, the author supports his idea of studying venus by listing examples on how to avoid the dangers. For example, he mentions how NASA is compelling an idea for humans to study Venus. NASA's compromise is to allow scientists to float above the planet. The author gives us readers a mental picture by having us imagine the scientists floating about the surface of Venus studying the atmosphere and the surface itself. The author lists how the scientists would feel in the blimp like vehicle icluding the tempeture and pressure level but states they would be able to survive the climate.\n\nNASA is also working on some electronics to withstand the pressure and heat of Venus. For example, NASA has made elctronics out of silicon carbide, which has been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface, that can withstand the climate for three weeks. That would be enough time to gather the information the scientists need and return the gadgets home safely. Another project is looking back at old technology called mechanical computers. These computers were used in the 1940's during World War II. These computors are ran by gears and levers and does not require any other electronics. This importanat computer can be very helpful because it can withstand the heat and pressure in the atmospher of Venus. These examples can help persude other scientists to want to do research on Venus and not be effected by the other dangers.\n\nIn conclusion, the author showed me that studying Venus is worthy enough to study. The author lists many percautions on how to prepare for the rough climate the scientists will face. The examples the author gives on how NASA is working on getting scientists on venus with new technology is phenaminal. The author gives us a life lesson by stating that dangers in the world should not hold anyone back and that people need to get out and explore. In \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" the author gives the readers many examples on how NASA can study Venus without being harmed.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nBeing bored in the middle of class really sucks. You sit there staring at your computer screen longing for the time to go by faster. Well with the new Facial Action Coding System it can read your emotions from your face and change things up a bit. These are very good for classrooms to keep kids from getting bored and going off track.\n\nWhen I'm sitting in class I don't like to be bored the whole time. I want to learn and pass, but I can't do that if I keep spacing out or falling asleep while doing my work.\n\nI want to be entertained and interested in what I'm supposed to be learning. If my computer had the Facial Action Coding System installed in it then when I began to get bored it would notice and would change the lesson or how it was teaching me.\n\nIn conclusion, I believe that the Facial Action Coding System is valuable for classrooms to have to keep students from getting bored and not doing their work. It would help them learn and keep them interested in the lesson. This would help students pass and keep them going for a better chance for a good career with a better education using this system.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus is a worthy pursuit to study becase Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size. Sometimes it is the closest to the Earth than any planet in the Solar System. Venus could of had the features of what Earth is made up of. Scentist are trying to find way to study the features of Venus surface.\n\nLong ago, Venus was probably covered largley with oceans and could have supported various form of life, just like Earth. This is why scientist want to study Venus, because at one time it might of been just like the Earth with all the living creatures and oceans. Venus planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and crater. Those are some also features that we have on Earth. There are also some dangers of going study what Venus is made of. Venus is a really dangerouse place to study, because of the atomsopher that it has. NASA is working on other approaches to study Venus. They are making simplifeid electronics mad of silicon carbide they have been test in a champer simulating the chaos of Venus surface and have lasted for three weeks in such condition. They are doing another project, that is looking back to old technolgy called mechanical computer that they used in 1940 in World War ll. Technology maybe the way to go to see the surface of Venus.\n\nVenus has a thick atomosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets. The really big thing is the temperature of Venus atomosphere. On Venus surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the pressure is 90 times greater than what the Earth is. Such an evironment as Venus could crush a submarine accustomed to diving in the deepest oceans. Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system. Venusian geolgoy and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface. Each previous mission was unmanned, and for a good reason, sincce no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. Not a single spacecraft has safly touched down in Venus for over three decades. This is why it is really dangerouse to study Venus atompshere and surface of Venus\n\nThe National Aeronautics and Space Adminstration (NASA) has one particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus. NASA possible solution to the hostile condition on the surface of Venus would allow scientist to float above the fray. NASA would float a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles to study the surface of Venus. The temperature of floating 30 or so miles would be 170 degrees fahrenheit, and survivable for humans. It is a really dangerouse thing to do, but scientist are finding ways to study Venus surface. Scentist are really trying hard to see if Venus was really like the Earth, long time ago.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nOur Founding Fathers created a new concept of a way to elect a President, called Electoral College. This concept was created so voting\u00a0 would be fair to everyone, since it is a compromise between the election of a President by a vote in Congress and the popular vote of qualified citizens. Electoral College may cause some domestic disputes between citizens, but in turn it keeps our nation running smoothly. The Electoral College helps avoid run-off election(which can be detrimental to our Presidential Election), it requires the presidential canidate to be \"everyone's president\", and it has a certainy of outcome.\n\nAdditionally, having an Electoral College helps us avoid the problem of elections in which, neither canidate recieves a majority vote within the popular votes. For example, in 1992 Clinton had only a a 43 percent plurality of the popular vote, but won the majority of the Electoral College with 370 votes respectively. The presure of neither of the canidates winning a majority vote could greatly complicate the presidential election process.\n\nArguably there is a possiblility of a tie in an electoral vote, since it consists of 538 electors. But a tie is highly unlikely. Every state does not recieve the same amount of electors;electors are assigned given your states population including the District of Columbia. This means that states with a larger population have a larger say than a state with a small population in the Electoral College.\n\nEven though the Electoral College is the most despised method of choosing our President it makes the presidential canidate have a trans-regional appeal. Meaning, the canidate cannot heavily campaign in a region where he knows he is the favorite of all the states in that region. For example, in 2012 Romney was the solid favorite of the Southern region. But he cannot gain electoral votes by increasing his popularity in this region. Since no region has enough votes to elect a president, he would need to increase his popularity in other regions in the U.S.\n\nOn the other hand, the Electoral College is outdated and voters do not actually vote for the presidential canidate, they vote for a group of electors. Those electors may betray the party of the canidate and cast their vote for whomever else is running for President. The system allows for much worse to happen. A state could send two slates of electors to Congress,and the Vice President could only validate only his opponet's electors.\n\nIn conclusion, keeping the Electoral College is a must. Without it our Presidential elections would be a diaster.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n25 Years ago NASA got a picture of Mars that there Viking 1 took and it apears to be a facial features in it. Then Viking 2 got another picture of it with more of a shawdow effect. It was a very clear picture of a face looking back at the camrea. The photo shows a gray piee of land with some bumps that look like they can be facial features.\n\nIt became very popular. It was in movies magazines grocrey stores, and even talkshows. It caused a really big scene. People were arguing weather its right or not. Between people deciding weather its real or not. NASA was trying to get more images of it. So they can finally see what it is.\n\nPeople got alot of ideas on what it might be. An alien, ghost or maybe even another human race. They waited pationtly/ impationly for them do release new pictures for more proof. People were longing for more answers, so Garvin gave it to them.\n\nOn April 5, 1998, Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia to get some better pictures. So on a cloudless day, Garvin took a picture, revealing that ot was just a landform and not an actual face.\n\nBut he also said it is very hard trying to hard to pass over that face and they dont pass over ot very often.\n\nIt is very clear that it is not an actual face, but people still didn't settle for it. They wanted more answers, but thats all they can get. A\n\nbetter, sharper image showing that it's not a face, but a landform.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars are one of the world's most interesting\n\ntransportation systems yet to come. Even though the cars are not truly driverless they still can have many benifits that are better than transportation today.\n\nThe driverless cars are expected to come in the near future. The first company that is expected to have the first model of the driveless car is Google. Google has been working on this project for years to find a way to make the perfect model. Many companies will follow after google once they hear the pros about the newest google invention for transportation. Companies such as \"Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and\n\nNissan plan to have that car that can drive themselves by the year of 2020,\"(paragraph 10). This is an example on how companies are going to follow after google makes the new system and they see how much their marketing has increased by. This car is not only popular for it's look and ability to go the perfect speed, But this car will also be good for safety reasons. If the car is in a troubled situtation, it will alert the driver that they need to take control of the car until they are able to regain stability and are out of the troubled area. The cars are able to steer, accelerate and brake themselves, but the cares are designed to notify when the driver needs to take control. All these cars are creating special small little parts to add on to their car to give their customers a little bit of a feel of how it feels to have something done for you that you usually have to do. They add a new gadget everytime they create a new model. Cars in the future are going to be nothing like the cars we use today.\n\nIn conclusion driverless cars are a huge invetion that will change life in the future different than how it is today. Driverless cars are going to make life a whole lot easier once they make the perfect model. These new and improved super cars will make life better and safer. Driverless cares may be fun but what is really important, is how the amount of safety will increase with this design", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nA face on mars sounds kind of creepy right? How much do we really even know about it? Many scientists believe aliens created it. Others like me believe it is just a natural landform.\n\nIf it was to have been created by aliens it would have been more detailed. The Face on Mars isnt very rare as you think. The face is equivalent of a butte or mesa like the one in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. The whole thing is just a conspiracy to increase\n\nNASA budgets. The NASA took a picture that if there was any sort of airplanes, pyramids or small shacks they would have been seen, but none were found leaving no proof that any alien civilization reated it.\n\nDo you still believe there is any sort of connection with aliens? I dont believe so because we would have discovered them by now. NASA has given enough information to prove it is just a natural landform like any other on Earth.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI would not want driverless cars on the streets that I walk every single day. Why its three reason why I dont want them on the streets. Because they will be dangerous at night time, not safe for kids to walk across the street after school, and beacuse how could a car drive it self come on now.\n\nFirst one of my reasons was because it would not be safe at night time.Every day there is a drunk driver out there some where be drunk and driving.So tell me why would they put driverless cars on are streets, come on the streets are safe as it is now and we gonna make it more dangerous if they put driverless cars out where people walk across it will be a wreck if they make them cars.\n\nSecond reason is that kids cross the street everyday after school. Some of the elementry kids are not that smart to look both ways before cross so how would a driverless car know when they are about to hit some one. I really dont think those cars will be that smart toknow when sombody is crossing the street and the kids will not be safe at all i promise you thats why those cars should not be out here .\n\nLast is that how will these cars support thereself. They will need gas,they will need oil changes,and they will need to put air in the tiers when they pop or a hole gets in the tire. Maybe if we dont make the cars we would not even have to worrie about those problems because us human beings can handle tall that work for the cars to be safe.\n\nInconclusion I would not want driverless cars in the streets i walk every single day.It's the three reasons I talked about today why i dont think their safe because it will be a messed up world.Who ever wanted to make that driverless car stuff should just say forget it because they will not be safe at all out in this world its not safe in the world today what makes you think it will be safe when they put \"DRIVERLESS CARS\".", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriveless cars should'nt be allowed to be on the road. I dont think it's a good idea because drivers will not remain fully focused on the road, drivers will get bored waiting for their turns to drive, and if these cars were to create an accident it would be a \"who to blame\" case.\n\nStarting off by sayin drvers will not remain fully focused on the road should be enough of a red flag to make it a no. In paragraph 7, it may state \" The human driver must remain alret and be ready to take over when the situation requires\" but, if a car is doing all the driving, it's giving the driver time to get distracted. They are now given easier access to text and drive, make phone calls, and attempt other tasks they have no business doing while driving. Making being on the road a dangerous place.\n\nSecondly, like the question asked in paragraph 8, \"Wouldn't drivers get bored waiting for their turn to drive?\" Boredom to me leads to messing with other objects around me and losing focus. That's what will happen. Later to say, \"We have to interpret the driving in a fun way.\" Driving is not supposed to be fun. You're supposed to get in and take yourself from point a to point b. The passage also talks a sort of bringing in an \"in-car entertainment system\". Just another distraction in my opinion, once again, making the road a dangerous place!\n\nLastly, and most importantly, if an accident would to come of these cars driving the road, who would be the one to blame? The question is aslo found in paragraph 9. The drivers would become so dependent of the car and trust it not to get them into an accident. While the manufactures are dependent on the law to pass a law so they don't get taken down with the lawsuit of an accident their cars are responsible for. They do not want to help you, they want your money.\n\nClosing this with a stong statement: you cannot expect a driver to have such this nice of a creation in their possession and not fully confide in it. They're going to get distracted because they're allowed to now that something else is doing the driving. They're going to get bored, because now, they are hardly needed. These drivers would expect the manufacturers to take care of any problem created with the car, because of the fact that the car was the one doing the driving.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe authors idea of Venus was a good article, he explains how Venus despite the the volcanoes, earthquakes and the frequent lighting, Venus would still be a good place to study and learn from for are future. I like this idea because we really dont look at other planets like how we study ours and Mars. In the article it explains how Venus has metals and rocks, having different metals and different rocks can help out with things we might need. Having new types of metals could help us make stronger things like, weapons, cars, airplanes and towers. Venus also is a planet that is closer to the sun then we are so we might find something that could help us in the long run. We could maybe find new life and study it for future things. But there is a problem with studing venus....ITS TOO HOT, Venus is close to the sun making it hot like hotter then earth on its hottest day. But NASA came up with a idea. In the article it says that \"Imagine a blimp like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape\" that would help alot becuase then we wouldnt have to send a human t get the information that we need to pull from Venus. So this is why the authors suggests was a great article.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDo you believe in aliens? In 1976 the Viking 1 spacecraft of NASA discovered an eery landform that looks like a human face! Some people mainly conspiracy theorist believe it is a sign of extraterestial life on Mars. While scientists like me are finding more and more reasons to explain this strange phenomenom. Today I am only going to explain a few.\n\nThe first reason why this \"face\" should be considered a landform and not a sign of life is because it is a huge rock formation that resembles a human head. the facial features: eyes, nose, and mouth are an optical illusion. The reason you see a resemblance of a human face is because the rock casted a shadow of one.\n\nAnother reason you should consider this a natural landform is because, these type of landforms are common in the US. An example of these types of landforms is the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. It is a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face of Mars.\n\nHowever some alien conspiratists believe that there might have been a chance of alien life. The reason they thought this was because on the second picture the clouds could have been blocking some form of alien markings or monuments. But there weren't any on the third more clearer photograph.\n\nSo in conclusion the \"face\" on Mars was a natural landform. It is classified a landform because it is a rock formation. Also, because these types of landforms are common in the US. It should not be classified as a sign of life on other planets becausethere were no alien marking and it is an optical ollusion.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe \"Unmasking the Face on Mars\" can be believed as being a natural landmark or created by aliens. There are many thoughts to as it being natural or aliens creating the face. Everytime scientists go to Mars they normally see the face. So who knows if it was actually created naturally or by aliens. It is your opinion as to how the Face on Mars was created.\n\nWhen scientist go to Mars they scan over it in \"2.5 km-wide strips,\" and they hardly every pass over the face. The face has had unusual shawdows when they examine it. Sometimes the face \"has given an illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth.\" Have you ever thought of the face coming from nobody realizing it when they walk they may kick the dust and it could have formed and it may not be that windy, so it nevers moves. The face could represent that there could be life on Mars.\n\nThere are many thoughts as to how the face happened. Also \"few scientists believe that it is an alien artifact.\" Not every scientist has to believe the same thing as another scientist. The face is most likely naturally there because there are many things in the universe that are naturally made. Many mountains, hills, cracks, and special marks on things are usually natural, which is why many people believe the Face on Mars is naturally there.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nProf. Thomas Huang, Prof. Nicu Sabe, and Dr. Paul Eckman have come up with a techonlogy that can know exaclty what and how many emotions a person has right now.\n\nThis technology is called the Facial Action Coding System, or FACS. Students would benefit from this technology because the FACS would know if they were bored or confused, modify the lesson like a real teacher, and help the student understand the lesson better and earn a good grade as a result.\n\nThe FACS would know if the student was bored or confused because it constructs a detailed 3D image of the face with all 44 major muscles.\n\nIt then compares the image to the image of a neutral face with no emotion and looks at certain muscles.\n\nThe computer looks at the \"zygomatic major,\" for example, to see if you are smiling genuinally becasue the corners of your mouth would be pulled back.\n\nIt would also look for your \"frontalis pars lateralis\" to tell if you are suprised by something because your eyebrows would be raised.\n\nThe FACS would also be able to measure exactly how many emotions you have because the technology \"weighs different units.\"\n\nIf a student was bored or confused the FACS would be able to modify the lesson; therefore, helping the student understand the lesson more.\n\nThe computer now would not know if the student was having trouble becasue it can not see what the student's face look like.\n\nBut with the help of the FACS, the computer knows what the student is feeliing and can change what the lesson is about to help the student.\n\nJust like a real teacher, the FACS would know what the student was thinking and be able to change how the lesson was worded to hopefully help the student understand what it was saying.\n\nThe Faical Action Coding System would be able to modify the lesson just like an experienced and effective teacher would.\n\nWith the Facial Action Coding System modifying the lesson, the student would earn a better grade as a result than if the lesson was not modified.\n\nThe student would most likely do better on both the homework and the test because the lesson was reworded in a much more impactful way than it was originally.\n\nIf the student does better on the homework and test, then the overall grade would increase, as well as the percentage of passing grades for the class.\n\nThe FACS would modify the lesson; thereby increasing the amount of passing students and helping the school earn a better grade from the Department of Education.\n\nThe FACS would be able to see if a student was confused or bored, and if he or she is bored or confused, modify the lesson accordingly; therefore, increasing the overall grade the student received.\n\nThe Facial Action Coding System would be able to help the student if he or she was confused by rewording the lesson iin the way the student would understand better.\n\nThe FACS would be a great addition to a classroom because it would help the students understand what the lesson was saying.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless Cars\n\nWhat in the world is a driverless car? A driverless car is a car that is basically a taxi system. Companies are controling these driverless cars. I feel like it is unsafe due to the fact that,it is being controlled. It sounds like it would be something great to try out but then, again it doesn't say too much of anything about being safe when being in this vehicle. personally in my opinon it would be better for humans to drive the car like we drive,them now. All this extra stuff is just going to cause for the city and the companies to spend more money, now lowing gas prcies is fine but making driverless cars doesn't even sound,safe at all. We need to keep cars how they are now so when we need to use the brakes we use them or when we want to speed up we use the gas panal. It's not that hard to keep the same idea but make it better. If these driverless cars don't have a human driver then what would happeen. I feel like way worst things would happen nomore what they do to fix the cars,there will still be car crashes and people getting hurt it doesn't matter either way it,goes if you don't have anytype of responsibility you can still get hurt reegardless. I am in the postion of not agreeing with getting new,transportation like that.\n\nUsing regular cars are not as bad.When using a real car you must be responsible and know exactly what is expected when driving.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWe as Americans have the right to vote for who we want to be president.\u00a0 American citizens should be able to vote directly for the president, not for a state of electors.\u00a0 This is why we need to abolish the Electoral College.\u00a0 It is unreasonable, unfair, and unreliable to the people.\u00a0 In recent times, the Electoral College has been known to have made mistakes on purpose and on accedent.\u00a0 The Electoral College system that they have going now is very unorganized and needs to be changed.\u00a0 It is about time that we change the way our citizens vote for our president.\u00a0 This is a huge deal to our country considering the fact that the president is one of the most important people in the country.\u00a0 We as American citizens should be able to trust that our vote was for the candate they chose.\n\nFirst of all, lets discuss the past issue that have happened withe Electoral College system.\u00a0 The incident in 1960 with John F. Kennedy was a huge disaster.\u00a0 As said in source 2 \"...The Louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy.\"\u00a0 This is a perfect example of how the Electoral College is a misused way of voting.\u00a0 They tried to basically sabatage Kennedy's election.\u00a0 What about other problems that also occur with this system?\u00a0 The voters can't always control who their electors vote for.\u00a0 The confusion is a big key factor in the situations also.\u00a0 voters can easily get confuse about the electors and they will accidently vote for the wrong candidate.\n\nThe peoples rights.\u00a0 Dont they have a right of who becomes president?\u00a0 They should.\u00a0 The Electoral College is taking away from the excitement of getting to make a huge decision on who will run the country.\u00a0 When a teenager finally becomes eightteen, what do you think is on their mind?\u00a0 Freedom.\u00a0 And part of getting their freedom is getting to vote for their country.\u00a0 The people should have the right to vote for whoever they may choose and trust that it went for the person they chose and not to a state of electors to vote for them.\u00a0 It's in the facts that more people prefer to have a direct election.\u00a0 The people think that it is unfair to their rights and we all believe that it is not the best way to decide who runs our country.\n\nOrganization is a key factor in this country.\u00a0 So why aren't we showing it?\u00a0 The voting system that we use to this day is very unorganized and has many flaws.\u00a0 The Electoral College is much to confusing of a system that we need to be using.\u00a0 We need to change our system now while we can before we hit another mistake.\u00a0 We need to take advantage of the freedom that we have in this country of ours and make a difference.\u00a0 We can change this system so it is much easier and more reliable to vote from. The people want it, so it's about time that the government stands up and agrees with us on that point.\u00a0 We can change our disorganization.\n\nOur country needs to change to election by popular vote for the president of the United States.\u00a0 I have discussed the problems our country has faced with Electoral College system, and hopefully it changes your view on what really is the right and better thing to do for our country.\u00a0 Voting is a very big deal here in America and it is one of the ways it shows we have freedom.\u00a0 The voting system would be much more organized if the system were changed to direct vote by the people.\u00a0 That is the right way.\u00a0 Its about time we change the system for the better.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHow do you see life with driverless cars? Safe or unsafe? In my opinion I chose unsafe. I am against driverless cars for these reasons. In paragraph 9, lawmakers even say that safety is best achieved with alert drivers, In some states it is even already illegal just to test drive computer driven cars, and last whos really at fault in an accident? How do we judge whos at fault if no ones really driving and could people use these cars as an exuse to drink and drive sinse there not really driving? There are many questions and reasons I have against driveless cars.\n\nIn paragraph 9 of the article, \"Driveless Cars Are Coming,\" it states, \"lawmakers know that safety is best achieved with alert drivers.\" We as Americans should trust in the people who propose all of our laws especially to keep us safe. Why wouldnt you trust someone who sets the boundaries of your life? if they say regular cars will be safer shouldnt we all strive to keep our country and the people in it and surrounding us safe?\n\nIn some states it is already illegal to even just test drive computer driven cars. If it is illegal to test drive them, that just shows how dangerous they really must be. Also if they are illegal in some states would they have to continue to drive regular cars while the other staes drove driveless cars? I think that would be more dangerous to mix the two types of cars on the roads. I could see even more accidents happening because of that.\n\nLast, this is probally something about everyone could agree with, whos fault would accidents be? Police and other people would have to put in alot more effort into deciding whos fault the accident would be and sometimes they probally could be more likely to be false. If no ones driving the car then that means the manufacturers could always be at fault. Could you really rely your life on a car? I dont think I could. And even if you chose to not drive a driveless car, some people might still be in fear because they will still be driving on the same roads as them.\n\nThese our my reasons for being against driveless cars. Some people will disagree but i strongly do believe the roads will be safer as we continue to drive with regular self driven vehicles. Again with lawmakers knowing that safety is best achieved with alert drivers, in some states it is already illegal to even test drive them, and who's fault it would be in the accident, we will all be safer with self driven cars.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere are very many pros & cons on why \"Driverless Cars\" would be a good thing.\n\nI can name a lot of good and bad things about them. I am here to tell you my position, & to tell you pros & cons on this situation. These things can be very helpful in deciding whether these cars are a idea or not. Everybody may have different opinions on this situation.\n\nPersonally I think driverless cars could be good & bad. Here's why. Driverless cars could benefit a lot of people in many ways , for example if you are running late and you dont have time to do something before you leave the house you can do it in the car. On the other hand its a bad thing because they say the car tell you when it needs human assistance, but what if you're so busy doing the thing you were doing while you were runnning late you don't pay attention to the car telling you it needs your assistance. So before you know it you end up in a accident.\n\nSome people think that the car isnt a good idea. They believe that \"the only safe car is the one that has a human driver in control at all times\". I see why they would think that . Considering the fact that all of this is running off of technology, who's to say that something horrible is going to happen. Technology malfunctions all the time , so what makes people think that these driverless cars are any different. So there's a problem with a car running off of technology. They say that they plan to have these problems solved , & a handful of car companies plan to have cars that drive by themselves in a few years, but they get closer to where they want to be with this everyday.\n\nThats how I feel on the situation of driverless/smart cars. Until they get all the problems under control & get everything to the point where no one has to wonder about what would happen in a certain situation, I think that they are a bad idea. They have good reasoning on why they should be made but the list of why they shouldnt overshines that.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article \"Driverless Cars Are Coming,\" the author reveals that, in the near future, automatic cars that remain capable of running without a human driver are very possible. Although the author presents some negatives of these driverless cars, the positives most definitely overtake the negatives. Driverless cars are an amazing, technologically advanced, useful invention than any user would benefit greatly from. Every type of user, whether it be someone who uses itonce a month or every day, would benefit from attaining a driverless, automatic car. They are coming soon, in the very near future, and there are many good things that society should look forward to whenever they become a reality.\n\nDriverless cars seemed to be such a futuristic idea until automobile companies began creating automatic systems within cars. Although these cars still require a human driver, they are very close to getting to the point where a driver is not necessary. In the article, the author states that cars already made, \"...alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as navigating through roadwork or accidents.\" This statement reveals that although the automatic components are very useful and beneficial, the cars still, at this point, require a driver. However, sensors that have been advanced within the last ten years can almost individually run the car. The author states that even though the progress of sensors that can lock the brakes, accelarate the vehicle, and steer the car has been very substantial, \"Further improvements in sensors and computer hardware and software to make driving safer are also leading to cars that can handle more and more driving tasks on their own.\" By stating this, the author opens readers up to the fact that different sensors are being created in order to complete the different tasks and skills that driving requires. Soon enough, within only some years, a few companies have stated that they believe they will have a completely driverless car completed by the year 2020. These completely automatic cars will help and assist users by allowing for better transportation and accounting for more accurate driving techniques.\n\nThe invention of these driverless cars will not only assist users of the technological advancement, but will also help to save the environment. The cars that Google cofounder Sergey Brin, \"forsees would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus.\" When the author states this fact, readers can understand that these driverless cars would ultimately change the entire world. By using less fuel, there are less toxic fumes going into the air. Currently, air pollution is a large issue in today's society as a whole. If these driverless cars are invented in the short time that they are predicted to arrive, the world could take a complete turn towards a better ecosystem.\n\nUltimately, driverless cars seem to be a very positive oncoming invention. As they are already more than halfway towards becoming an actual item, many companies are working extremely hard to bring this idea fully to life. The benefits of more efficient public transportation and easier assistance remain very important and useful to the people of today's society. The fact that these public transportation driverless cars would be better for the ecosystem and allow for less air pollution is yet another reason in which they would benefit greatly everyone and the entire world, in the long run. Driverless cars are not something that people should be afraid of; they are simply just technology being taken to the next level. As many people, such as Sergey Brin, foresee, driverless cars would benefit and take over many daily tasks, help the environment, and solve issues for public transportation.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDing! Ding! Ding! The bell has now rung and you must take your seat. Class is beginning. Here goes another day of zoning out and being bored for seven hours!\n\nNew software has been developed, the Facial Action Coding System, and it can detect your emotions. The Facial Action Coding System being in the classroom would be very valuable!\n\nThis technology being in classrooms would be beneficial for many reasons. In the passage Dr. Huang predicts,\"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.\" This shows how the Facial Action Coding system could help the students learn. By being able to know if the student is not understanding or getting bored, the computer can now review what the student is confused about and make a different approach on how they are giving the student information.\n\nKnowing what people's emotions are is very important when it comes to communicating and teaching them new things. In the text Dr. Huang says, \"Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication. So computers need to understand that too.\" This shows that because of emotion's being a big part of communicating and understanding things, computers should know what people are feeling as well. This will make computers even more helpful than they already are. In addition, the computers won't have a hard time being able to recognize these emotions! According to the article,\"The facial expressions for each emotion are universal, even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression.\" This shows how even though many people show their emotions in different ways, your face muscles do similar things for you to be able to tell each expression. The passage also says,\" They even indicate the difference between a genuine smile and a forces smile.\" This proves how the software is really aware of how you're feeling.\n\nAll of this can show why the Facial Action Coding System would be very valuable in the classroom. Hopefully now you would like this new software in classrooms at your own school! Ding! Ding! Ding! The day is now over, but because of the new software you have in your class, the Facial Action Coding System, you felt excited to come back tomorrow to have another amazing day of learning without being bored and understanding everything!", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever thought of how the Facial Action Coding System could be beneficial in your everyday life? In a painting of Mona Lisa this sofware is very helpful at describing emotions. This technology can help computers and humans to communicate better. \"At least according to some new computer software that can recognize emotions. The softwarre is the latest innovation from Prof. Thomas Huang, of the Beckman Institiute for Advanced Science at the University of Illinois, working in collaboration with Prof. Nicu Sebe of the University of Amsterdam. Dr. Huang and his colleague are experts at developing better ways for humans and computers to communicate.\" This invention can make a difference in our everyday lives.\n\nThe Facial Action Coding System can be very effective on teachers in a classroom. Some teachers might have a hard time understanding if the student is grasping onto the content or not. \"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. Dr. Huang predicts. Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instrector. The same technology can make computer-animated faces more expressive.\" This could dramatically help the teachers and students become more successful. It can help identify emotions that a person is feeling, without verbally having to say what is going on.\n\nThis is a valuable technology that can greatly impact the world. Identifying specific emotions for what a person is feeling can do a great deal of help. \"According to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving your facial muscles not only express emotions, but also may even help produce them.\" This invention will help make life a lot easier for a lot of people.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPeople should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program because it would be a great way to work with animals, travel, and visit new places. By joining you'll be able to learn and know how to care for animals. You'll also be helping countries find there way back to the top like Luke did. You can have fun on the Seagoing Cowboys program only if you want to. Luke had fun and tried new things, he made this program benefit his life into doing new things, and so can you, you only have to try.\n\nLuke wanted to travel, so he managed to go to Greece, Europe, and China. Luke also wanted to work with animals and care for them and he got to just by signing up for this program. Luke got to tour the exavated castle in Crete and he also toured the Panama Canal, and so can you, you have to just sign up for this program and benefit from it. Luke cares for the animals because he liked them and they were fragile to him. Luke found time to have fun by playing baseball and volleyball games. Luke also played table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, and whittling to have fun and pass the time.\n\nSo you should sign up for the Seagoing Cowboys program, so you can have the same experience as Luke, and to meet new people, new animals, and visit new places just to enjoy life and have fun. Also by signing up you can maybe have a family if you choose to, its your choice and your life.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLets begin with so far there is no such thing as aliens or any extra terestrial life for that matter. Also \"The Face on Mars\" is just a natural land form.\n\nAs stated in the article \" The Face on mars \" was first discovered in 1976 in thr Cydonia region of the planet. It was discovered while the Viking 1 spacecraft was going around the planet taking pictures. Trying to find a landing space for it's sister ship Viking 2. Although releasing the photo to the public brought attetion to mars it also lead people to belive that there could be life or was life on mars.\n\nAlthough few scientist believed that \" The Face on Mars\" could be a alien artifact 18 years later they returned to the red planet because \" Jim garvin explaind that thwy felt it was important to taxpayers.\" Finally on April 5, 1998 The \"MGS\" flew over Cydonia for the firt time. Michael Manlin and his camera crue took a picture \"ten times better\" than the photo that was taken by the Viking. A lot of people were curious and nervous waiting on the release of the photo. Some were disappointed when it was released because \"it revealed a natural landform.\"\n\nThey were disappointed because \"The Face on mars is located at \" 41 degrees north martian latitude.\" They werent satisfied with thiss because at this latitude it was winter in april of 1998. Which is a cloudy time of year for mars. People were claimimg that perhaps because the camera had to oeer through thr clouds the alien markings were hidden by the haze.\n\nJim Garvin, chief scientist for NASA\u0092s Mars Exploration Program said that \"its not easy to target Cydonia infact its hard work.\" Then on April 8, 2001. The \"MGS\"\n\nwas passing over Cydonia and drew close enogh for a picture and they took the picture from the direct center of the face. Also the picture that was taken was better quality than the two before it and was taken on a \"cloudless summer day.\"\n\nIn conclusion if \"The Face on Mars\" would have been an acient alien arifact you would have been able to tell. So it is just a natural land form. Although it is similar to the lava dome is in the snake river plain of Idaho.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars, once a distant, far-fetched dream, are now close to becoming reality.\n\nIn 2016, Tesla is planning to release a car that can drive itself 90 percent of the time.\n\nThe kind of high-tech equipment it takes to manufacture a car like this hasn't been around for long.\n\nGoogle has had a type of driverless car since 2009, but before 2000, none of this was possible.\n\nWith this rapid advance in technology comes reasonable concern, but the long list of benefits clearly outweighs the costs.\n\nBecause of the added safety features and convenience, driverless cars should be developed for all to use.\n\nDriverless cars may seem like a safety risk to some, but in reality, these cars have been enhanced with top-of-the-line technology and have been tested thoroughly.\n\nGoogle's driverless car uses many different sensors and cameras located all over the vehicle to replicate the ability of a human driver.\n\nOne sensor even allows for the creation of a 3-D model of the car's environment.\n\nSensors similar to these have been used in cars since the 1980s in antilock brakes.\n\nTried and tested, all the sensors on driverless cars serve only to protect the driver.\n\nDriverless cars can also prevent distracted driving.\n\nSome companies hope to create entertainment systems for drivers not currently controlling the car.\n\nThese systems and displays could be turned off right away when the driver has to take the wheel.\n\nRight now, drivers often use cellphones and other distracting devices without the help of this technology.\n\nAs Google's cars have driven over half a million miles without a single crash, the combination of all these features has been proven to enhance car safety.\n\nDriverless cars would also be cost-effective, environmentally friendly, and convenient.\n\nGoogle cofounder Sergey Brin predicts that these cars could form an entire public transportation system, using only half the fuel of today's taxis.\n\nThis would save gas money and reduce greenhouse gases at the same time.\n\nIt would also allow for more flexibility than a bus or subway system because each driver would be able to personalize their destination.\n\nThe economic and environmental benefits, along with the convenience, show why these cars could serve to enhance society.\n\nConvenience and safety are the two most important aspects of transportation.\n\nDriverless cars have both, along with environmental and economic benefits.\n\nThese cars are a part of the future, enhancing the driving experience for all.\n\nDriverless cars will only help the population, not hurt it.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear Senator,\n\nMy name is PROPER_NAME. It would be beneficial to keep the electorial college because it is in the constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congree and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens, if we used just popular vote candidtates would just go to bigger states like Florida, California, Texas, and Georgia and win the popular vote, and lastely without the electorial college there would be a greater chance of a dispute.\n\nFive reasons to keep the electiorial college are:\n\n1. Certainty of Outcome\n\nA dispute over the outcome of an Electorial College vote is possible but it is less likely than a dispute over the popular vote because the winning candidate's share of the Electorial College invariably exceeds his share of the popular vote.\n\nAlmost all states award electorial votes on a winner take all bases.\n\nThis means that if a president wins 51 percent of a states popular vote they win 100 percent of the Electorial votes.\n\nIn the 2012 election Obama recieved 61.7 percent of the electorial vote, but only 51.3 percent of the popular vote.\n\nAlthought a tie in the electorial vote is possible because there is an even 538 votes it is highly unlikely.\n\n2. Everyone's President\n\nThe Electorial College requires a presidential candidater to have a trans-regianal appeal, what this means is that no regian has enough electorial votes to elect a president.\n\nTherefore a president with only one regional appeal is unlikely to be succesful.\n\nIf the president could win the electorial vote with just one regions votes the other regians would feel disenfranchised and feel that the president wouldn't care about what they want or need.\n\n3. Swing States\n\nThe winner-take-akk method of awarding electorial votes makes candidates focus on states called swing states.\n\nThese voters in the swing states are most likely to bve the most thoughtful voters and they are the ones that decide most elections.\n\nAn example of a swing state is Florida.\n\nFlorida always changes between Republican and Democrat and having 29 electoirial votes that is a big deal.\n\n4. Big States\n\nThe electorial College gives back some of the weight in big states that they lose in the senate where every state has only 2 representatives.\n\nFlorida is also a big state having 29 electorial votes.\n\nThis makes Florida even more attractive to candidates to visit because it is both a swing state and a big state.\n\n5. Avoid Run-Off Elections\n\nThe Electorial College avoids a problem in which no candidate receives a majority of the vots cast.\n\nThe Electorial College takes away that complication by providing a clear winner.\n\nLastley if popular vote was used candidates wouldn't have to go to a variety of states, they could go to the same big states including California, Florida, Texas, Georgia, and Washington.\n\nJust winning the majority of these states they could win the whole election.\n\nThis would cause smaller states like Ohia, North and South Dakota, and Michigan to not be a piece of the election as much because of their low population.\n\nI hope this helps you decide what to do about the decision between Electorial College and Popular Vote.\n\nThink about the smaller states.\n\nThey don't want to be left out.\n\nThanks,\n\nPROPER_NAME", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDo you want to know every big choice our country makes? Don't you want help deside that choice? But with Electoral collage we as american citizen do not get to do that. The reason why I belive we should change Electoral collage is because citizen should controll any big desition, we have the right to vote for what we want,and we most know whats goes on in the goverment.\n\nFirst and foremost why I aruge that we should change Electoral collage is that citizen should be in controll of our conutry. We should be able to vote for what happens in this conutry. It not fair that people in higher leves gets to say what right for our conutry. Every one should have say in this. Its unfair to voter to be treated like this. This is why I belive that we should change Eletoral collage.\n\nsecondly why we need to change is that citizen should dircetly vote\u00a0 for candidates. we most know who were voting for but if we don't what the ponit of of voting then. If we can get to know each candidate we can be able to see which one do we want to help run the conutry. This is why I disagrue to this qutoe by Bradfrod plumer that ''voter sometimes get confoused about electors and vote for the wrong candidates? sametimes.'' No that amercia should have the right to vote for candidates because its our conutry.\n\nThe final reason I argue that we should change Electoral collage is that we most know what goes on in th goverment. We most be able to know is help rumming the conutry. that why I argue with Richard A. posner that ''its unfair for the voter.'' We need see and hear our candidates so we know the right choice for america. By doing this I know that america can will have less problems if the goverment and citizen worked togther more. This is why we need to change Electoral collage.\n\nIn conclsion we most change this system of voting. If we do america will be able to do bigger and better things. This is why if we I belive the Electoral collage wil be send america in the right dicetion.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nImagine having a teacher that always helps you because they know how you feel about the class. Well this dream might not be too far away because prefessor Thomas Huang, of the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science at the University of Illinois, and his colleagues have made software that can precisely calculate human emotions. This technology can be especially beneficial to us students because it conveys our exact feelings and emotions to our teachers who can then help us and give us feedback on the material. This new breakthrough in technology could mean massive changes in modern education.\n\nAs Dr. Huang coherantly demonstrates, there is no reason to doubt that computers can accurately read your emotions. People say things like \"Computers will never know feeling\" or \"Emotions aren't just ones and zeros\" but the facts hold true, this new mathmatically based software is both trustworthy and accurate. This new technology is a game changer because as Dr. Huang says,\n\n\"Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication\" (Huang) and to students that might be shy or not clear when they talk, this means that they will be heard. This means that nobody is left to figure it out on their own.\n\nAs we all know, there are some teachers that are not the best. But with Dr. Huang's new software, every classroom could be at maximum efficiency. Dr. Huang ensures us that \"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored\" and that this would cause immediate action because it would then \"Modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor\" (Huang). The time of students suffering through class is over, personalized lesson planning is in.\n\nAs you reflect on this article, try to imagine how easy it would be to communicate with your teachers if they could read your emotions. New technology is the future of the classroom and as shown, it can be more than beneficial to both teachers and students when it comes to conveying emotions. Nobody should have to make a big effort to tell someone how they feel, and nobody should be left behind because their teacher can't understand what they are trying to tell them.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever wondered how people were feeling emotionally? \"Profesor Thomas Huang of the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science at the University of Illinois, working in collaboration with Profesor Nicu Sebe of the University of Amsterdam\" (paragraph 1). These two scientists are working on a software that can recognize emotions. This software could change the world in many ways.\n\nThis interesting software could help create better ways for humans and computers to communicate with one another. In the article it states, \"Dr. Huang and his colleague are experts at developing better ways for humans and computers to communicate\" (paragraph 2). I believe that this technology will improve the world. There are thousands of murderers and testifiers that take tests to see if they are lying. With this emotion senser software they will be able to calculate more accurately. When the bad guys are behind bars the people are safest.\n\nThe design of this software will be like nothing seen before. \"The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model move like human muscles\" (paragraph 3). This quote may sound really desturbing, but it will change the world. There are millions of hackers world wide and the question is does this make our identify safe or are we at more risk? In most cases you have to give a little to get a little. Yes there are terrible things that could go wrong with this software, but I believe it's for the greater good.\n\nEven without this software today we can still tell how the people around us are feeling but looking at their facial expressions. \"In fact, we humans preform this same impressive 'calculation' every day. For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling by simply by the look on her face\" (paragraph 5). I value this techology for all the good it will do in order to get the bad people away from the good.\n\nAfter reading this very interesting article \"Making Mona Lisa Smile\" I stand to value this software for the future. There are so many wonderful things this software will be able to. Either by helping with murder cases or just knowing how someone is feeling. It is so amazing that these scientists are coming up with this fantastic software. I can not wait to see what they have in store for the world itself.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author claims that Venus is a worthy pursuit because it holds a lot of value. Even though its cold and it makes it hard to study, it is still like earth and can hold life. And anything could be on it, and the fast that it can hold human life gets people's curiousity going. The reason why i say this is because the many details and such it includes in the artical such as rock, gas, or whatever that's on that planet we can't get to. And knowing that Venus holds some features of analogous to Earth makes it very interesting and wondering that life could exist. Some details\n\nfrom the artical that helps us know that life could exist on venus is that it has some features of analogous to those on earth. Also knowing that it could've has oceans, it has right now a surface of rocky sediment, valleys, mountains, and craters. And even though the possible dangers of trying to get to it, so much research has been done on the planet and our technology has advanced, and we could possibily find a way in the future to reach this point to see what venus really holds and what it can hold.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the danger by know what kind of planet it is. Numerous factor contribute to Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for human study, despit its proximity to us. Venus is the closest planet to earth in terms of density and size. Venus is also the second planet from the sun. Venus has the hottest surface tempaerature of any planet in our solar system. It sometime call the Evening Star.\n\nNext, Venus, Earth, and Mar is the neighbor. the text say,\" These differneces in speed mean that sometimes we are closer to Mars and other times to Venus.\" No spacecraft has survive no more then a few hour in Venus. They haven't gone in Venus for three deacdes. Venus still has some features that are analogous to those Earth. NASA has one particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus.\n\nConclusion, deacdes ago they don't have the technology to stay safe in space. Now they have all type of technology to go to Venus. They should make them wear something that could cool them off. Some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of VEnus's surface. They should sent two people to check out Venus because they could help each other.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI do not think that diverless cars should be a thing. It allows drivers to not pay attention. They could cause more acciddents. The driver might not feel or see when the car is trying to get them to pay attention because it needs human feautures. I believe that driverless cars should not happen.\n\nIf somebody had a driverless car they would probably not be paying attention at all. They could be on their phone the whole time or who knows maybe even taking a nap. If the car needs them for their human features and their not paying attention then most likely they won't be able to assist the car with their human features.\n\nDiverless cars could cause more accidents. The car could have a malfunction and go crazy. If they need the human features and the human isn't paying attention then that cauld cause an accident. I think driverless cars are a really bad idea. The risks of them causing more accidents are very high; and the risk of the human not paying attention is very high also.\n\nIn my opinion I think driverless cars are not good for the safety of other humans. I think that driverless cars will be more harmful to all of us. Diverless cars have so many hazards that everybody needs to be aware of. Maybe if they work out some of the kinks, like it needing human features; then maybe it wouldn't be so bad. As of now though I think that they are a really bad idea.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nSenator, my name is PROPER_NAME. In my opinion i strongly think that we should not keep the Electroral College process. A process that elect the president by a vote in congress is unfair to the people. I have my reason for thinking that way.\n\nUnder the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president. The people of the United States want to be able to vote for whomever they think is right to lead this country. If the people is going to have a leader, i think that they shoud be able to choose that leader themselves.\n\nThe electoral college is unfair to voters. Electors have occasionally refused to vote for their party's condidate and cast a deciding vote for whomever they please. The people do not even know who the electors really are. Ask yourself this, who picks the electors?. We all know its not the people, its sometimes state conventions, sometimes the sate party's central, and sometimes the presidential condidates themselves. What we all asking is, can voters control whom their electors vote for? Not always.\n\nSometimes the voters get confused about the electors and vote for the wrong candidate. The electoral college is what we might call the disaster factor. Consider that state legislatures are technically responsible for picking electors, and that those electors could always defy the will of the people. Imagine how the people feel about this, The electoral college is just unfair, outdated, and irrational.\n\nsincerly\n\nPROPER_NAME", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nShould the creation of driverless cars be allowed? I think they should create these cars but not have any sort be realesed until they are safe and the company is held relyable if errors go wrong when using the driverless car. Also they should be created because if you are serverly sick or injured you could have your care drive you to the hospital, & because people who are driving under the influence of something wouldnt be likely to crash. But what if someone is drunk and the \"driverless car'' crashes, whos to blame?\n\nTesla said that in 2016 they will have a car that can drive 90 percent of the time, That is a good start in my opinion because 90 percent only leaves you 10 percent, thats 1/10 of the time you have to be paying attention. But i feel like people would abuse this, & get reckless and crash in that 10 percent. Even though they crash they would still want the compant to be reliable right? but is that fair? No, your paying for only 90 percent driverless that other 10 prcent depends on you, it does because its only 90 and not 100 percent.\n\nI believe the self driving care should be created and sold but.\n\nBut it shouldnt be sold until it is 100 percent safe and driverless. I believe all this because if the company says it can drive 99 percent of the time, if you would happen to crash what would the company say? well we only said 99 percent and you crashed during that 1 percent so were suing you. What im tring to say here is why make the world worse by making something only a half product? Why not realese it when it is 100 percent and people who want to spend alot of money for a car that can drive them then put them on the market not when they can only drive \"90 percent\" of the time.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe use of the Facial Action Coding System , FACS, to read a students' emotional expressions in a classroom would be very valuable. It would allow a lesson to be modified to better interest a student. It would also help to keep the student from becoming so confused to the point of giving up.\n\nSince most schools have transfered over from books and paper to Chromebooks or iPads, the system could be added to the devices. It wouldn't be able to happen immedietly, but eventually with the evolvution of technology the iPads and Chromebooks would be able to handle the program. The text states that our home PCs wouldn't be able to handle the complex algorithms, but hopefully one day they could.\n\nThis program would be beneficial to teachers so that they can see how their students are feeling when doing assignments. If three quarters of the class are using their sygomatic major muscles while reading an aritcle, then the teacher knows that they should assign more assignments like that one. If the whole class is bored to death with a particular article, then the teacher knows not to assign to many things like that on ein particular. With the teachers knowing how the students are feeling, it will help keep the students interseted in what they are doing. The teachers will know how their students are feeling about what they have been assigned. Right now, most teachers have no clue as to how the students feel about their assignments because they don't ask. This program will help the teachers stay in tune with their students.\n\nThis program will also help teachers realize when the students just aren't understanding the material. The program will recognize when a student is confused. When the teacher sees that their student is having difficulty, they will be able to offer help. Most kids think 'I'll just figure it out on my own, i don't need help.' The students think this because they are scared that the teachers may make fun of them or not help them because the teacher thinks the student is just wanting answers, or that their peers will make fun of them. If the teacher can acutally get a report from the program that a student was very confused on a particular assignment, then the teachers can pull the struggling students aside and help them without the fear that their peers will make fun of them.\n\nThis will benefit the students because they won't have to worry about the other kids making fun of them or having to struggle through an assignment they don't understsand.\n\nWhen a program that can detect subtle changes in forty-four muscles in a human face is able to be used on easily accessible devices, it is going to change the way school is taught. The program will allow students to have a say in their schoolwork and to get help on assignments they would have normally just muddled through. This program is going to change education for the better!", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think it is a great trchnology in human history. i agree the value of using the techology to read student's emotion.\n\nin the university of illinois, Dr.Huang created a computer software which can identify person's emotion on their faces. here are some of the oppenents why i think that is the good technology in our life.\n\nfirst of all, this inventor can be use in many way in our normal life. for example, making friends. sometime people alwasys struggle when they don't know each other's emotion. if we have this system and we can know their emotion without to ask\"how are you\". we also can use this to know the person like me or not. it can bring lots of convince into our life. to calculate your friens feeling simply on thier face and know them more. Human is the creature which has the most emotion in the world and if we can recognize other people's emotion, it can help our social communicate.\n\nsecondly, our laptop will get this softare in our future so that the laptop can tell we are board or confused. espectialy in school, computer can recognize student are understand the knowldge or not though the emtion.\n\nDr.Huang also proved that we express our emotion though our face muscle. to a expert, faces don't lie because of your muscle of the face. this technology is really accurate in some way to know people's emotion", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author did a good job at using details to back up his claim.Every time the author well make a reasoning the author well back it up by using details.So the author also back up his reasoning with a detail.So this is a reason why the author did a good job at backing up his claim.\n\nThis is a reason why the author did a good job at supporting his claim by saying the Venus temperatures can go up to 800 degrees and also the Venus pressure is 90 times great than we had expericne on Earth.In the text it says \"On the planet's surface,temperatures average over 800 degrees Farhrenheit,and the atmospheric perssure is 90 times greater than what we had experience on our own planet.\"This says that the Venus temperatures are life theating and also that the pressure on Venus is 90 times greater than what we had experience on Earth.So this says that the author gives a reasoning and a detail about his claim.\n\nSo the author did a good job on backing up his reasoning.Also giving out a good evidence.So this is why the author did a good job at using details to backup his claim.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author presents their own opinion on why we should investigate Venus for human civilization. In each paragraph that the author writes, they explain in detail the pros and cons about the study of Venus. Using the knowledge that they have of the planet, many of the ideas that they present give the idea that they are determined to give us the reason to agree with him.\n\nThe first idea that they auther states is that Earth, Venus, and Mars are all very close in terms of density and size, and is very close in orbit as well. This leads to Earth sending spacecrafts to land on Venus to gain research on the other planet, but each time, the spacecraft only has limited time to gain research because of the harsh conditions. This gives the author a way of explaining the details of Venus in a descriptive way. Venus has an atmosphere of 97 percent carbon dioxide, clouds with highly corrosive sulfuric acid, the average temperature is over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the pressure is 90 times greater than Earth.\n\nEven with the highly hostile environment, the author explains why astronomers are still trying to visit the planet. The author explains how Venus may have been like Earth in terms of nature. Their detailing explains how Venus was possibly covered largely with oceans and had the same ability as Earth by being able to support forms of life. The author also states that when Venus is close to Earth's orbit, astronauts can easily fly to it's surface and land.\n\nThroughout the essay, the author explains the difficulties and how we can get past inhabiting Venus. He describes in many ways how landing on the planet can be beneficial for research and living conditions.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCars. Cars have been around since they became famous in the 1900s, when Henry Ford created and built the first Model-T. Cars have played a major role in our every day lives since then. But now, people are starting to question if limiting car usage would be a good thing. To me, limiting the use of cars might be a good thing to do.\n\nIn like matter of this, article, \"In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars,\" by Elizabeth Rosenthal states, how automobiles are the linchpin of suburbs, where middle class families from either Shanghai or Chicago tend to make their homes. Experts say how this is a huge impediment to current efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from tailpipes. Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe...and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States. Cars are the main reason for the greenhouse gas emissions because of a lot of people driving them around all the time getting where they need to go. Article, \"Paris bans driving due to smog,\" by Robert Duffer says, how Paris, after days of near-record pollution, enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city. It also says, how on Monday, motorist with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or be fined a 22-euro fine ($31). The same order would be applied to odd-numbered plates the following day. Cars are the reason for polluting entire cities like Paris. This shows how bad cars can be because, of all the pollution that they can cause to an entire city.\n\nLikewise, in the article, \"Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota,\" by Andrew Selsky says, how programs that's set to spread to other countries, millions of Columbians hiked, biked, skated, or took the bus to work during a car-free day, leaving streets of this capital city eerily deviod of traffic jams. It was the third straight year cars have been banned with only buses and taxis permitted for the Day Without Cars in the capital city of 7 million. People like the idea of having car-free days because, it allows them to lesson the pollution that cars put out of their exaust from people driving all the time. The article also tells how parks and sports centers have bustled throughout the city; uneven, pitted sidewalks have been replaced by broad, smooth sidewalks; rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic; and new restaurants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up. Having no cars has been good for the country of Columbia because, it has aloud them to repair things that have needed repairs for a long time, traffic jams have gone down, and restaurants and shopping districts have popped up, all due to the fact of having less cars around.\n\nIn conclusion, the use of less cars and having car-free days, have had a big impact on the environment of cities because, it is cutting down the air pollution that the cars have majorly polluted, it has aloud countries like Columbia to repair sidewalks, and cut down traffic jams. Limiting the use of cars would be a good thing for America. So we should limit the use of cars by maybe riding a bike, or maybe walking somewhere that isn't that far from you and doesn't need the use of a car to get you there. To me, limiting the use of cars might be a good thing to do. So, who's with me?", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAre driverless cars safe? Majority of the world drives cars. Cars are used to get you from point a to point b. Cars are an example of moblie transportaion. Driverless cars shouldn't be on roads because they aren't safe, they seem too risky, and driverless cars are exspensive.\n\nFirstly, driverless cars aren't safe. Driverless cars sound like a good idea but what if they cause trouble? According to the passage it states,\" Most driving laws focus on keeping drivers,\n\npassengers, and pedestirans safe, and lawmakers know that safety is best achieved with alert drivers.\" If drivers aren't alert when driving driverless cars then it would cause a lot of accidents. In some states it's illegal to test computer driven cars.\n\nSecondly, driving driverless cars seems too risky. You have to be alert when operating a driverless car, and this means you can't drink and drive. When you drink and drive in a driverless car you're putting yourself and others around you in more danger. If your driverless car's technology fails you could get injured and so could your passengers with you. Driverless cars need to be proven safe before they actually hit the roads.\n\nLastly, driverless cars are exspensive. The \"smarter cars\" would be really exspensive if they ever hit the market. If making the cars was so exspenive, imagine buying a driverless car. Cars that operate with a driver are also exspensive but they most likely cost less than driverless cars. Driverless cars shouldn't be worth your money.\n\nIn conclusion, driverless cars should not be on roads because they aren't safe, they could cause trouble, and their exspense could be really high. Driving cars is a responsibilty. If you don't take driving seriously you could get yourself in trouble and you can hurt or injure others. According to the article it states,\"Presently, traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times.\" I agree with this sentence from the article because with a human driver it could help keep driving a little more safer.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear Senator,\n\nI, STUDENT_NAME, am in favor of changing our democacy to popular vote. Electoral college does no good to our society. It's out of date, it's irrational, everybody in this case has a great chance of becoming president. That is no good, we do not need idiots running our country. Election by popular vote is the best way to go. You will have a certain outcome and votes will be fairly made. It benefits everybody. More than half of our population wants you guys to make the switch.\n\nThe electoral college is not an up to date voting method. Our founduing fathers made it many years ago while writing the constitution. It is a long process of nonsense that has no advantages to us, the people. By popular vote, it's faster, simpler, and better. Popular vote is basically a group of qualified citizens voting for the president. Popular vote is the best way for people to directly voice their opinions by picking the president of their choice. If we use the Electoral college, the electors of our state may not deliever it properly.\n\nOver 60 percent of voters prefer direct elections. Government officials such as Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and others all thought we should abolish the electoral college. Many things are wrong with the electoral college, we don't directly vote for the president but for the slate of electors, who eventually vote for the president. It in no way benefits the people, they have no control over who the electors pick. In many cases, people have decided to not even vote because there was no hope.\n\nIf there are greater chances of everybody being president, not only is there a fool running the country,he isn't going to worry about your interests or needs. If your own president won't help your interests, potential voters may be turned off. Isn't that horrible, to feel that our president isn't our president?\u00a0 Knowing that our vote will have less of an efect, we won't want to vote. Voters in presedential elections are people who have something to say and actually want to express themselves. They are not the people who don't care and just vote to vote.\n\nYou and the rest of the senate should consider this very deeply. It isn't just benefiting the people, but congress, the whole senate; and most importantly, the president. It will make us a better nation and one as a whole. I hope you take this into great consideration and make the change. The only way to get back the peoples trust and votes is by taking baby steps. This is one great step and good things may come out of this.\n\nSincerely,\n\nPROPER_NAME", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn my opinion, the Facial Action Coding System is not something I would want in my classroom or in my home. There is no need for computers to read human emotion espcially in schools where security is a big issue. Having this technology in school laptops and larger organizations could potentially be a security issue becuase it may make it easier to hack or break into computers. This technology has a potential to bring much more harm than it does good.\n\nI know that teachers in my classrooms can very easily tell when someone in their class is bored or is having a hard time paying attention, there is no need for a computer software to tell them how all of their students are feeling. In the text, it states \"\"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored.\"\" All teachers are doing their best at their job and have seperate teaching styles, we can not base their ability to teach off of one or two who are feeling bored becuase they have a short attention span that day.\n\nWhile I think technology is amazing I also think that it should'nt be such a large chunck of students lives, especially in school. Relying on technology could make it easier for potential threats like hackers or people who may want to harm students or to get into schools, installing something like FACS could make it even easier to break in. In this day and age, I think we rely too much on technology and its abilities, we have no need for a facial scanner that can tell our emotions when humans can already do the same. In the text, it says\" Can we actually \"calculate\" emotions.\" Humans can already tell what a person is feeling by lloking at their face.\n\nAll in all, this technology doesnt seem worth it to me. There are too many cons and risks and they greatly outweigh the pros and rewards. Classrooms are not a place for a program like this and neither are organizations like hospitals or any other place. It could be a potential security risk to all who use it. This Facial Action Coding System should'nt be supported by any schools or progress beyond a simple idea.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think that schools should use this techonlogy to tell when a student is going through a tough day. If schools had that technology schools would be a lot safer and we wouoldnt have to worry about\n\nviolence on school property. In the story it state that \u201cA classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,\u201d Dr. Huang predicts. Can you imagine how sage schools would be if they were able to detect how a student how has his head down with his hood up or the kid that doesn't speak??\n\nWith this software cops could see if a suspect is lying or not by just decoding their expression. The author states that\n\n\u201cThe facial expressions for each emotion are universal,\u201d observes Dr. Huang, \u201ceven though individuals often show varying degrees of expression\u201d I mean of course it would be to decode a actor or actress's moods since they get paid to use various of mood.\n\nNow with this oftware you detect if your girlfriend is angery,upset,disgusted, fearful or happy without getting on her nerves by asking . When I first read the article is against it because that's kind of personal but theen I began thinking about how helpful ad useful this could be to put an end to school shootings.Now if we have this technology we could detect who isn't happy and could make sure they get to feeling better and make sure nothing happens the could be detremental to society even for the kids 12-21 .\n\nLastly, this technology could improve the crime rate a lot more by being able to have access to this techology police departments can find out if a victim or suspect is lying.\n\nIn conclussion I would like to see to see the Facial Action Coding System in schools and within the use of police deparmnets across the nation. Farther more with this technology in schools i hope to see the number of school violence decrease with the use of this software.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThis is not a valuable thing to have in the classroom. This is not valuable because when we are on the computer we are not doing things that have anything to do with how we are feeling. When we are on the computer we are usaly writing esays, taking test, and reading articles.\n\nSome times in the classroom we will wright esays. When we are righting esays they are usaly about books or historical people/events. These things have nothing to do with how we are feeling and when I am wrighting I never have a smile on my face even if im having a good day.\n\nIn class we will be taking test. When your taking a test its about what your thinking not how your feeling. Your not going to have a smile on your face if your thinking about the year J.F.K was shot are you?\n\nwhen you are reading an article in class its rare that its funny or sad. Usaly there about politics or a historical person. You are not going to show to much emotion when reading those.\n\nThat is why I think that this would be pointless to use in a classroom. This is pointless because we dont do things that provoke emotion. We read article, take test, and wright.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAs a scientist of NASA, I can say that \"The Face\" is in fact a landform. We made this conclusion when we first snapped a picture 10x faster of the face, we also took a second look and picture, and it has simalarites like a natural landform from the Snake River Plain of Idaho on Earth. But, there are people that think our conclusion to this is a conspiracy theory.\n\nIn 1998 on April 5, for the first time, Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia. A picture was captured 10x better than the orginal viking photos. they were later posted on a website for the public to see but for the people who thought it was a sign of life on Mars, they were wrong. Scientist's said it was just a natural landform.\n\nFor the second time, the scientist could yet again reach Cydonia once again to turn their conspiracy theory to fact. Others back on Earth said it was too windy and it made the clouds affect the picture. This time researchers used a maximum resolution camera to prove the theorists wrong. Yet again Garvin said, \" If there were objects in this picture...you could see what they were.\"\n\nScientist said that the \"face\" was equivalent to a butte or mesa. They made this staement because there is something similar to it on Earth in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. These are found around the American West. Garvin said, \" That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the \"Face on Mars.\"\n\nOn the other side of things, there were many conspiracy theorists that questioned NASA's claim. Everyone wasn't satisfied with the pictures that were first taken people said it was during a cloudy season, that's why there was another trip with more advanced equipment. They also stated that the camera on board had to go through the clouds and dust to see the face so the picture couldn't been shown clearly. Another claim they made is that since there were wispy clouds the alien markings could be hidden in the haze and scientists just didn't look hard enough.\n\nIn conclusion we have the facts that we need to prove that \" The Face\" is just a natural landform. We have provided the public with two pictures. Plus we also made observations that it looked like a landform from here on Earth. As NASA, we would like to see the conspiracy theorists prove us wrong then they could state the facts for once.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nGaining vast information and knowlege on the planet of Venus would be worth the dangers it pourtreys, because it is the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. In the article \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\", the author explains that Venus is very valuable planet to scientists and NACA, even though all previous missions for exploring it have not lasted for no more than a few hours. \"Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system\"(4). So it is very important to gain more information and data on such a unquie planet. By gaining information on Venus we may learn more about our own planet, Earth, which is worth the dangers exploring it presents.\n\nWhile scientists and Astronomers would gain vast data and information if they were to explore Venus up close, exploring it is not an easy task. In the article it states that \"Each previous mission was unmanned, and for good reason, since no scapecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours\" (2). Also it exclaimed that the \"temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet\" and \"Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system\" (3). So it is very hard and dangous to send any kind of big technology to Venus, without it getting destroyed; let alone sending a human and explecting them to make it out alive. Even if we were able to send a probe to Venus, the article explains that \"Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lighting strikes\" (3). While there are thousands of reasons for NACA scientists to give up on finding information on the planet of Venus, they still are trying new ways to make it up there, despite the dangers.\n\nScientists find it crucial to continue in their research, for several reasons. The main reason is becuase, \"Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of size, and occasionally the closest in distance too\" (2). Which makes it important to use Venus to learn more about our own planet. \"The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters\",which is one of the reasons it is so earth like (4). Also it is important to learn more about Venus becuase we currently contain little knowlege about Venus becuase \"researches cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance\" (6). For these reasons it is important for NACA and other scientists across the world to continue to try and gain a more vast arae of information.\n\nIn conclution, while Venus has presented many obsticles for scientists to get around, they find the prize of great value. Although Venus is extremly hard to explore because of its ruff teraine and extreme temperatures. Scientists find it to be of great value because of its Earth like appeal and its unknown information. Therefore, scientists and NACA will continue to atempt to gain more data on the planet of Venous despite the dificulties.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the artical \"The Callange of Exploring Venus\" the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it has, but that won't stop the will and dedication of people completing there dreams.\n\nThe author supports this idea by explaining what dangers there are to Venus and why it is worthy to go to Venus. As it states, \"A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmostphere. On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater that what we experience on our own planet.\" This explains what the dangers are on Venus and why its hard to go there. As it is said, \"Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth.\" This explains why it is worthy to go to Venus, because it was like the Earth once which make scientist want to go study what happened there to make it a dead-like planet.\n\nPeople are always trying to find ways to go to different planets, but it will be a long while before we achieve our goals.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nTo me I like the idea of having driverless cars, because if someone goes on a long vacation and they did not want to fly they would have to drive. When you are driving for a long period of time your legs will eventually get tired and you will have to stop at rest station. With the driverless cars they will drive themselves and you can just sit back and relax while of course still paying attention to the road ahead of you. This will get you to your destination in less time because you will make less stops.\n\nIn the article is states, \"In 2013, BMW announced the development of \u0093Traffic Jam Assistant.\u0094 The car can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 mph, but special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel.\" This is a good thing for these types of cars because you do not want your car to just go straight through a construction zone and not be able to stop it. Or you do not want your car to go the wrong way if there is a detour. I like the idea on how if the driver needed to he can take over the wheel and get going the correct way.\n\nI agree that these cars could be a good thing for us in the future because of the things that I have said above. These cars may not have sounded like a good thing in the beginning but as of right now they are an up and coming thing for us. Even if you like to drive this does not mean you have to get one of these types of cars. It is just a good idea for people whose legs can get tires really quick or if you are going on a long car trip. This car is the way to go.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author talks about how dangers Venus could be if humans get there and start of the exploration in Venus. Venus has a lot of carbon dioxide which that could be bad for humans to inhail. In paragraph 3 it says ''almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus.'' This means that most of Venus's atomsphere is cover with a carbon diocide which could be bad for humans to inhail it.\n\nAlso the article talks about Venus having clouds have highly corrosive sulfuric acid and its very dangerous for human to make\n\ncontact with that dangerous matterial. In paragraph 3 it says ''Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere.'' This means that its very dangerous for humans to go to Venus and tried to explor the whole planet.\n\nThe article also talks about the planet's surface. The planet's surface could reach over 800 degrees Fahrenheit and that would be able to kill a human very quickly. In paragraph 3 it says ''On the planet's surface tempertures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit.'' Which this means that it could kill a human in a instant if a person went to Venus and tried to explor Venus.\n\nThe article also talks about the pressure of the planet's atmosphere. On paragraph 3 it says ''The atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experence on our own planet.'' What this means it could kill a human in a instant if a person went to Venus and tried to study Venus.\n\nThe article also talks about what would happen if humans took a submarine and metals to Venus. In paragraph 3 it says ''Such an environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest part of our ocean and would liquefy many metals.'' This means that Venus has a lot pressure that can crush a submarine and also it has a very hot surface that can liguefy metals in instant.\n\nThe article also talks about the Venusian geology and weather in Venus's. In paragraph 3 it says ''Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lighting strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface.'' This means that it has the same kind of weather but its more aggresive and more dangerous then the ones we have on Earth.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAccording to a Gallup poll taken shortly after Al Gore won the popular vote but lost the presidency, over 60 percent of voters prefer a direct election over the electoral college. Electors could always defy the will of the people. Candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning. The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. The abolishment of the electoral college will make choosing a president less difficult and allow the people to make their own choice.\n\nIn the article, In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President, written by Richard A. Posner, the Electoral College is widely regarded as belonging to the past and not being able to fit the present. In 2000, when Gore had more popular votes than Bush yet fewer electoral votes, Bush took the presidency, despite popular demand. Voters can't always control who their electors vote for. They sometimes get confused about the electors and vote for the wrong candidate.\n\nWith a winner-take-all basis, even a very slight plurality in a state creates a landslide electoral-vote victory in that state. According to The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong, written by Bradford Plumer, with the even number of total votes of electors there is a chance there can be a tie between the number of electors that chose each president, in that case the House of Representatives would vote on the president. This would make the state of Wyoming with a single representive representing 500,000 voters have as much say as the 55 representatives in California who represent 35 million voters. The House's selection can hardly be expected to reflect what the people want.\n\nOn the off-chance that the electors you voted for won the statewide election, they would go to Congress and who they elect would get the electoral votes. Anyone not holding public office can be an elector. The electors get choosen depending on the state they represent. The whole election process would be easier if the voters were able to directly state who they want to elect.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nSo you think Aliens created this historical peace of fiction. Aliens would seem like a good idea but wheres the evidence? People come up with these therories and cant support them in the way the were ment to be supported. These pictures we got from Mars are not just supported but we got the pictures with our satelite.\n\nWe scientist over in NASA are trying to find ways to expand human nature. People keep saying Aliens did this and thats making us want to explore this more even though the theory can't be supported. We spend billions of dollars a year trying to find these answers to lifes mysteries.\n\nWe even supported this in with facts about water on Mars and the mini volcanoes. The landform was a coquencedence that it was caught by our cameras and the fact about it is if this landform happened by aliens wouldn't the camera caught it? The face was first saw in 1976 and it looked like a wave of water splashed over it and dried. The volcanoes could have also erupted and hardened so the landform would have to have been there to heating and cooling of molten lava.\n\nEven though the alien evidence can be proven it still is in the picture. The landform could have been a sign that the aliens put out and wanted help. It could have also been a sign for what is to come. The alien therory isnt well thought out, but in life anything can happen.\n\nThe face on Mars could have been anything. The things to come is what is really important. Whether it's aliens on mars or robotic warfare. The golden age of technology is here.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI believe that reading the expresion of someone is a very important thing. And the technology that is being used for it is amazing and very useful. in the artical it says that \"They even indicate the difference between a genuine smaile and a forced one.\" That is a very useful thing to be able to do when it comes to knowing if the person is really okay or if they are not telling the truth. The technology they are making escpecially inventions like this will one day change the future.\n\n\"She's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent happy.\" To be able to read a persons emotions like that and basically know how they feel and what they are thinking is revolutionary. This technology can build off into so much more. This could lead into so many jobs especially law inforcement. Becasue this could tell the cop annything they wanted to know just buy having the computer read the suspects face and know if they are telling the truth or not.\n\nAnother thing the author says in the artical that leads me to belive this is a wonderful inventions is. \"The facial expressions for each emotion are uneversal.\" this statment basically says that they know your truth feelings and emotions and you cant hide it. Because the expressions are the same for everyone. another amazing part about this invention is its ability not only to read the persons face and emotions. The computer can read the emotions on a picture or in a painting.\n\nFor example they used the Mona Lisa \"It's the subject of Leonardo da Vinci's Renaissance painting.\" This opens up even more doors into what this invention can be used for. If it can read off a picture or a painting then they can use it to find out so many other things in history on other paintings or photos. This invention is amazing and truly a revolutionary peace of equipment.\n\nSo i conclude that this invention is a great tool for many things and it will be used for many great things to come. This will change the way some people work and how they do there everyday tasks. This can branch off into so much more then just reading someones face. It really will revolutionize and change a path for the future if they build off of this invention in the right way.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear Senator,\n\nOn the issue of keeping the Electoral College or changing to election by popular vote, I think it is both necessary and unnecessary to keep it the way even if it has been since the founding fathers established it in the Constitution many years ago. The electoral college consists of 538 electors. It only requries 270 of those votes to become the winner of the Electoral College. electorla college is good for the voting process by allowing the qulified people to vote for who they want in office. If we get rid of electoral college then we might not have as many well educated people voting for who gets put in office.\n\nEven if we have the electoral college that dosnt always mean that we will for sure win the election. In 2000 Al Gore won the popular votes but did not win the presidency. There are just a few things that would maybe make the electoral college a little unfair. The state voters do not directly vote for the president, they vote for the electors, who in return vote for the president. State electors are chosen by,sometimes going to state conventions ,the state's party's committee, or even sometimes the presidential canditdates themselves. So with that being said it may be unfair to vote straight for electors and just vote for the president directly. Another thing that would make it unfair because of the \"winner takes all\" system in every state candidates them selves dont spend time in the states that they are repersenting.\n\nWhat happens if there is a tie in the voting of the electors? In a case like that it would go to the house of repersentatives. If we do it by popular vote than we would not have to worry about there being a tie. People would be able to vote for who they wanted and that would be settled before it even started. If you think that a tie is not likely well in 1976 a tie would have happened if just a small number of votes, 5,559 would have just voted the other way. So saying that the electorla collage way of doing it has its upsides and its down sides. It is outdated and irrational.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars are trying to become a thing you know? How do drivers even thing that is okay? How does the law think it is okay? Driverless care, are you serious? It would reduces the wrecks that is forsure, if people wasn't so wreckless on these roads today we wouldn't have any wrecks, but drivers just don't care anymore they would let someone hit them just for the money. Some people have been told the drivers seats will vibrate when the vehicle is in danger of backing into an object.\n\nIt would reduce the cause of a-lot of wrecks, He says, \" Their cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash,\" A million miles is a-lot, with a brain driving, not a human that is far. Human Are in the car respond when needed or told to take the wheel cause danger is around.\n\nWhat if the driver falls asleep while they are waiting to drive again, or waiting for danger to come? It says \"GM has developed driver's seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger of backing into an object. The google car simply announces when the driver should be prepared to take over. Other options under condideration are flashing lights on the windshield and other heads-up displays.\" He also says, \"Why would anyone want a driverless car that still needs a driver? Wouldn't drivers get bored waiting for their turn to drive?\n\nHow would someone respond to a dead body or how would the drivers family if they knew he was in a driverless car, trying to sleep and the car wrecked because he was asleep and didn't hear, see, or feel the warnings? The drivers family would want to sew the car manufactures. He says \"The Manufacturers are also considering using cameras to watch that drivers are remaining focused on the raod. While the driver watches the roas, the car watches the driver.\n\nDriverless car shouldn't be aloud to become a thing even tho is has some good things, it also has alot of bad things too. To much stuff goes on behind a car that humans and only humans should have to take in responsiblity. They can be they cause of their own death, don't leave that up to the car.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI'm agaisn't the Driverless Cars Are Coming because I feel that it is not safe at all.You don't know what the driveless car is really accapable of, other then what they tell you. Driveless cars won't be able to tell when an accident is occuring? How could our technology is that devloped or advanced? It's not. It would take over a billion of years to be very advanced enough to be on the road.\n\nI don't even think sensors would even help for this car to be safe. What if they sensors are not picking up something important than your suck? Maybe even in the middle of a train track because they senes to stop right away. Not all technology is good technology. I don't believe that sensors are advancing to where it makes it safer to drive or handle driving tasks of their own. If a car was to charge the driveless car, would it pick up those senes that it's about to be hit? No, because I don't believe its ready for things like that.\n\nYes, I do think that the driveless car was a good idea, but i don't think it was good to try and let it control a lot of things, such as the antilock breaks. I feel the breaks are going to only stop when it senses something is wrong, not when something is actually wrong. Steering by its own? NO! What it you hit a pot whole and the car starts to move in a different direction on its own and you have no control what so ever. How would it even know which way to steer or turn? It wouldn't be a safer feature, i think it would be an unsafe feature.\n\nI disagree with the driveless car. I feel it is not safe and advanced for our people. New laws would have to be made due to this driveless car and I don't believe people would be to happy with the new rules having to follow.\n\nIt should also be illegal here to even test such a dangeruos computerised car. If someone where to get hurt, i would blame they manufactuer or making for the false addvertasing they were do, when they told me they driveless would be safe. I don't approve of this car.No car that has its own mind should be on the road.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n\"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" argues why humans should research Venus, despite the difficulties that may follow. The author provides information about Venus and what makes it such a hard planet to explore, but more importantly, why that should not stop researchers and scientists. Through the author's compelling argument, readers are able to form their own opinion of whether Venus should be explored. The author supports the idea of studying Venus well by dicussing benefits, ways to avoid dangers on Venus, and future experiments, all while including strong evidence and interesting hooks to captivate the readers.\n\nAfter sharing information about Venus, the author begins to discuss the benefits of exploring the planet. The author supports their argument well by giving compelling evidence to back up their statements and opinions. It is stated in paragraph 4, \"Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system\". This quote shows the value in exploring Venus, further supporting the author's argument. The article goes on to share another compelling reason; the fact that Venus is \"our nearest option for a planetary visit\", as stated in paragraph 4. The current limitations of space travel only allow for close visits for astronauts, making Venus a compelling planet. By discussing the benefits of exploring Venus and giving evidence to support it, the author starts off their argument very strong.\n\nNext, the author shares how astronauts can get past the many dangers that Venus presents. This acts as a refutation for any arguments that claim Venus is too dangerous to explore. In paragraph 5, the author shares an idea of a blimp-like vehicle that would allow astronauts to survive. They state, \"Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans\". There are also other approaches that can be taken that the author shares. In paragraph 7, simplified electronics are discussed because of their ability to survive on Venus. This ongoing project shows that there are ways to explore Venus and that the idea is not entirely impossible. The author also brings in evidence to support their claim by sharing the science behind simplified electronics. This shows that the statements made are not false and allows for the readers to understand how the electronics work. These refuations leave no doubt for any other arguments, creating a stronger support.\n\nThe author later compels the readers with motivation and inspiration by arguing that the challenges should only bring more drive to explore the impossible. In paragraph 8, they state, \"Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors\". The author is able to finally bring to rest the argument that Venus is too dangerous to explore. More importantly, it also shows the emotion that the author brings into the paper. All throughout the article, the author uses many hooks in order to draw the reader in. This technique makes the article more approchable and altogether much more interesting. Discussing the value in exploring Venus allows readers to believe that humans are capable of surpassing the challenges, despite the odds. It also draws more interest in, as not all people who read the article will be interested in space or the importance of it. Even if someone who reads the article is not interested, they will at least be inspired at the end. The last sentence in the article states \"Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation\". Imagination and innovation appeal to everyone, allowing for a stronger arguement that will presuade anyone who reads the article.\n\nOverall, \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" is a very presuasive article. The paper starts off with information about Venus, drawing the reader in. The author explains the reasons why humans should not be daunted by the nature of the planet, and goes on to give evidence to support their reasons. Solutions are given in order to survive Venus' challenges in order to refute any arguments against their claims. Lastly, the author uses strong hooks and compelling arguments that appeal to anyone in order to create a persuasive article that interests the reader from beginning to end. The idea that Venus should be explored is well supported in the article, leaving no one to be against it.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe facial action coding system in a classrom is valuable. It is valuable because when a student is confused and doesn't understand what the teacher is teaching, the teacher or the computer will know immeadeality and they or it will help the student understand to further their education process. If a student is bored the teacher or the computer will regonize it and do something to make their learning expirence more remeberable, so when it is ime to take a test they wil remember it and they wouldn't fail.\n\nFor example, In paragraph 6, Dr. Huang states that \"A classroom computer could regonize when a sudent is becoming confused or bored,( Dr. Huang predicts) then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.\" .\n\nThis example explains that the computers could help kids when they are confused or bored. This shows that facial action coding systems can be used in school to help kids with the learning and further their education for the future as well the present.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn this essay there will be details and examples of technology where you can tell emotions of a character that tries to hide it in pictures. In text it says she is not fully happy she is 83% happy , 9% disgusted, 6% fearful, and 2% angry.\n\nUsing this techonology would be good, because in pictures you could figure out emotios from the picture. In the text it say imagine being able to detct exactly how other people are feelings, even when they are trying to hide their emotions.\n\nIt says that we humans use the same caluculations everyday when we can tell the emotions and feelings of our peers. This technology would be like a emotion calculator for pictures and paintings.\n\nIn this essay I gave details on what the 3D tecnology does , it showes a picture emotions when want not to be seen. All paitings show emotions and some of the emotions are hard to see, but this technology could help you see it better. It could help you calculate the exact percentage of all the emotions in a picture.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Facial Action Coding System, created by Dr. Huang and his colleague, was put into place to recognize human emotions. This technology has lots of positives and very few negatives. The use of the Facial Action Coding System is a reliable piece of technology that can be very valuable in a classroom setting.\n\nThis new technology can read the emotions/expressions of students while they are doing work on the computers. It can tell whether a student is enjoying what they are doing are if the absolutley despise the work. Dr. Huang predicts that \"A classrom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.\" This is showing how benificial this new technogly is to not only a student but also a teaacher. If a student is struggling or just doesn't want to do the work that is presented to them then the computer can \"modify the lesson\" to fit the needs of the students. This also takes stress off the teachers shoulders, now they don't have to walk around the class to answer every single question.\n\nOne might say that this new technology can limit student-teacher interactions, which is not benficiary to the students at all. One might also say that this type technology will lead students to become more dependant on technology then the Teacher. These can be proven true but a majority of our communication is nonverbal. Dr. Huang states \"Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication,\" notes Dr. Huang. \"So computers need to understand that, too.\" This is basically saying that since most of our communication is nonverbal we might as well add computers into the mix. which is very smart.\n\nOne can conclude that the Facial Action Coding System can be very valuable to classrooms, because they can modify lessons if students show some type of negative emotion towards it. It also takes the stress of teachers and limits the questions being asked.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThis kind of technology could prove to be quite useful but at the same time it could prove to be annoying. So to me i'm like half against it and the other half is with this type of technology. Like i said there are pros and cons about this type of stuff. For example like what they said in the story \"If you smile when a web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different.\" you can find this an paragraph 6 line 3 to 5.\n\nI say this because what if someone is trying to hide something not bad but something that is personal to the makes them deppresed or sad and they don't want to talk about it but the advance technology might know and it might notify the teacher or someone else. Then that could be bothersome because then that person will keep asking him/her if he/she is alright but that is only if the technology notify's techers. But then again it could prove to be quit useful like what if a kid needs help but they don't want to talk even though deep down they want to talk to someone but they just don't know who that person is.\n\nThis technology can show thing like when a studet is bored or confused and is something similar to what Dr. huand predicts might happen \"Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.\".\n\nSo my conclusion is that no matter what there is always going to be a good and bad side to different technology's. you may get good results one day but the next someting mght happen because of it. Their is awlays going to be consequences for some advance tech. So i will say it again I am in niether side i'm more in the middle then anything else.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhat would it be like to own a driverless car? Well as I sit here and ask myself that, I think of all the possible outcomes there could be. Yes, it would be nice to have a car that would do the driving for you, but humans will have to drive at some point. I feel as if this car could be resulted in both good and bad ways.\n\nThere are many reasons this car is a great idea. Say a wife and husband go out for a romantic date and leave their child at home with a babysitter. While they were gone, the child started running a fever and began to puke. The babysitter calls the parents but gets no answer. There is no medicine at the house and the nearest hospital is four blocks away. The girl babysitting does not yet have her license, so she asks herself what to do? She thinks about how long it would take to walk all the way there, then grabs the child and runs outside. Once she gets outside she puts the child in the car and straps him in. An even tho she does not have a license she gets in the driver seat, and starts up the car. She puts the car in gear and it beigns to drive itself to the hospital. Once they arrive at the hospital, the babysitter takes the child into the hospital and checks in while the car parks itself.\n\nThere are many great things that could come from this car. There is also a few things to worry about though. If the car is driving itself for the most part, then all the human is going to do is sit there. Therefore their driving skills may decrease. If the car drives itself all the time, then no one will remember how to drive correctly. What if something was to happen to the car and it would malfunction while driving down the road. What if the people in the car get seriously hurt? Those are things that will have to be worked out before the car could be released. But overall I feel like the driveless car would be a great idea.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever thought about why venus is a worth exploring pursuit? Venus is extremely dangerous because of it's hot temperatures that can average 800 degrees farenheit.But there are many things astronomers can learn about venus. The astronomers could learn how close the density and size of venus is to earth.They could see why carbon dixiode blankets venus if there is no form of life there.They could test what things will melt on venus.Lastly,they could find out why there are no longer oceans on venus.\n\nVenus is the Earth's twin acording to the author,venus is the closet planet to earth in terms of density and size.The astronomers could examine why 97 percent of carbon dixiode blankets venus.They could go to diferent parts of venus and see if the temeperature rises or lowers due to the high temperatures on venus.They could see how long it will take venus to destory a vehicle used to tavel to venus.They could see what metals will melt on venus so they could use osmething else on the ship that will not melt.Finally,those are all the reasons astronomers should explore venus.\n\nIn all based on the evidence venus seems like a worthy pursuit.there will be many great things that will come out of a trip to venus.Astronomers will have more knowledge to share about venus.People could get their questions about venus answered.In conclusion,that is why venus is a worthy pursuit.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI am going to tell you why you should be a seagoing cowboy. It is really esay, it's fun, and you have to be brave. I will tell you why it is all of those things.\n\nIt is really easy. What you have to do is get on a boat go to where the tell you to go. Then get the herd on the boat.\n\nLast you take it to where it goses. Then do it all over agin. Plus I did 9 of then.\n\nIt was really fun. You get alot of free time on the boat when you are going to get the cadle. On the way back you have to make sure that the cadle dosenet jump overboard. Plus you get to see alot of things.\n\nYou have t be really brave. If are not brave then you wodent be abole to get on the boat. You have to be brave and keep the cadle onboard. You have to be far away from your freinds and family. You have to be brave and ride on a boat all the away around the world. lastly the boat might crash.\n\nThose are just some things about being a seagoing cowboy. That is why you should be a seagoing cowboy. Maby one day you can be like my.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDo you still think that the \"Face on Mars\" was created by aliens? Well if you do, here is some information that I have on the case that will probably make you change your mind.\n\nMy first piece of evidence is that not everything you see is really what you believed. If you look at the image of the \"Face on Mars\" it really does look like a face, but it turns out that the shape was formed by rocks. These rocks formed together and made it have the shape it has. Just like the montains and hills you see outside. They all have different shapes and that doesn't mean it was made by aliens. Same with clouds, there are many clouds that you see and think \"Oh, It looks like an animal.\" That just shows that anything can have different shapes and doesn't mean it was formed by something.\n\nMy second piece of evidence that shows that the Face is really just a natural landform and is even proved by scientists. Since the topic of the Face got so popular they actually flew over the area again to get another closer shot of the face. When people saw the new photo they were disappointed to see that it really was just a rock formation and a natural landform. Some people still disagreed and made the team take another picture that revealed it was just a butte or mesa, a landform common around the west. Even someone said, \"It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho.\" Saying that there are landforms just like the Face. He also said these landforms in Idaho were about the same size of the Face.\n\nThere was my information and evidence that proves that the Face really isn't a face and just is a normal landform. You can't always assume that some object is what you think it is, until you actually look closer into it. This was just telling you that it wasnt something made by aliens, but just a normal landform with an odd shape. I hope this made you change your mind on the whole topic.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nGas is harmful to mother nature. The use of Gas has increased more and more every year. have you ever came to think what can we do to prevent, or help the reduction of fossil fuels? in the united states and around the world people everyday are helping to reduce the amount of polution that goes into the air we breath. communities and legislators are acting on this important cause for our globe. The earth is our home and we need to take more care of it.\n\nFellow citizens what can we all do to fight polution? think about it... would it be that bad limiting car usage? we can spend more time getting healthy, like takeing a jog to the nearest fast food place to eat a burger, going to publix to buy the milk, or maybe to pick up your sibling from school? what if one day out of the week you instead of takeing the car to go to school you can easily walk or take a bus anything can help out the enviorment. Don't you get tired on waiting on red lights or on slow going traffic? you see walking you dont have to be in so much congestion on the road. You can walk with family,friends,your dog or even to spend quality time with yourself to get away from home.\n\nlimiting car usage can relive stress and stop you from being so tense.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDid you know not haveing a car can make you happier. In Vauban,Gremany it costs 40,000 dollars for your home and garage. Because of this 70 percent of the population does not own a car and 57 precent of that sold there car to live there. Many of there residents say there much happier without a car. One offical named Heidrun Walter explained how \"When i had my car i was always tense. I'm much happier this way\" and its true driving makes you stressed.\n\nNot only not have a car makes you happy but it also can save the ecosystem. Green house gas is a big problem in the world now. Carbon dioxide slowly filling are planet. Acts like Vauban, and others like it, can influnce the world to change from the dangeruos road that we desided to take. But Europe produces 12 precent of green house gas, America on the other hand produces 50 precent of green house gas. America needs to change or we all die off.\n\nParis has more smog then any other European capitals. Come on if you don't think thats terrable then you need a new mind set because this is evolving into a problem. They say that diesel fual is to blame. because 67 precent of Paris has diesel fuel. I think its because theres, I dont know, A billion people driving at the same time.\n\nThis concludes that we need to stop using automobiles. Because its killing are eco system and we can do it . Many small cities are doing it and there happy. So why do we have to be mad and lazy when we can be happy and active.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhen looking at a old photo, many think what it was like for that person and how they felt, but now you can find out. The Mona Lisa is one of the most iconic paintings in the world. It's known as one on the best self-portraits ever created due to it's realism. Now with the help of new software the Facial Action Coding System, it now has a various amount of things its can do. You do not have to just use it for paintings. I believe that schools can benefit from the use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom when taking tests and or in a lesson.\n\nThe Mona Lisa was tested on using this amazing software and from these findings we can use it in diffrent fields. When the Mona Lisa was tested it was found that she was 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry. How cool is that, how we simply use a software to discover things that we may have once not known or were uncertain about. This can change the way everyone look at pictures today and in the near future. We are getting more advanced every single day. If start to use tech such as this software today we can discover more than ever before. Many people can benefit from such advancements like researchers and schools.\n\nSchools all across the world can become far better educators from this. All across the world students take many tests. Many high schoolers and college students in a classroom feel very stressed out from all the work they do. With this software we can help them when they need it. This can be put into a classroom where the computer and can recognize when a student is becoming confused or even bored. This could help many who struggle through lessons and even bring students up to par with others. This technology can modify the lesson like a more effective human instructor. If we can help every indivisual student by reading their emotions then we can help each student acheive.\n\nThe Facial Action Coding System is a very great advancment in technology. I believe that if schools can encorperate this software into thier lessons that students will not be as streesed, bored, and confused. Every school should realise the value this can bring to a class.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCars produce the second highest amount of greenhouse gas in the United States, being 50% of the gas production in some car-intensive areas. This wreaks havoc on our atmosphere, irreversibly damaging it. However, in recent years, car usage and in turn the amount of gases produced by them has gone down. Many places are beginning to follow the trend \"smart planning\": carpooling, taking public transport, or even just biking and walking instead of taking your own car to work every day. This trend is incredibly advantageous, as it reduces gas emissions and benefits our health.\n\nFirst is the reduction of greenhouse gases produced by cars. Car-intensive areas have a much higher amount of particulate matter (PM) per cubic meter than areas which are starting to use smart planning. For example, Paris has an average of 147 micrograms of particulate matter (PM) per cubic meter, while London, which has started to use smart planning, has an average of 79.7 micrograms of PM per cubic meter; nearly half that of Paris. This reduction in gases shown by the trend is good for our atmosphere, and good for us.\n\nPreventing us from choking on the smog produced by our vehicles is not the only health benefit that smart planning is providing. Instead of sitting cramped in a car with the only movement being pushing a pedal, people are out walking and biking and getting fresh air. This is not only a physical benefit but also a mental one, as many people have reported that they feel less stressed without the use of cars, such as Heidrun Walter, a citizen of car-free Vauban, Germany. Walter states, \"When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way.\"\n\nThe obvious beneficial properties of smart planning have begun to make it very popular, as Vauban is not the only place choosing to use less motor vehicles. Paris now hands out a fine to every motorist with an even-numbered license plate on one day, and any vehicle with an odd-numbered plate the next. Bogota, Colombia has an annual holiday where anyone using a personal motor vehicle will be fined 25$. Despite rain, millions of Colombians hiked, biked, and skated their way to work this year. Even the U.S. President Barack Obama is trying to curb the nation's gas emissions. Many people in America are already using less cars. With the public transportation system and a large number of people carpooling, the use of cars is steadily dropping. The number of miles driven per person peaked in 2005, and has steadily dropped since. In 2013, it had dropped nearly 9%, the lowest it had been since 1995. Driving by young people decreased 23% between 2001 and 2009, and there has also been a large decrease in the number of Americans ages 16-39 getting their licenses.\n\nIn conclusion, smart planning is incredibly beneficial to the world, and to us. Already emminently popular, it reduces the amount of greenhouse gases in the air by a significant amount, as well as causing some people to walk and bike, promoting excersize and reducing obesity. Smart planning is an amazing benefit to us as people and as citizens of the Earth, and it will only get more popular as time goes on.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe future is coming, whether one likes it or not. An extreme way the future is coming at us full speed ahead is driverless cars. Some people think it would be revolutionary in the best of ways, and open the doors to many other oppurtunities. Others disagree and say it is impractical and dangerous to the lives of everyday pedestrians.\n\nDriverless cars have been tested many times. If a company is able to successfully manufacture such a car, there is always one setback: it is too expensive to be practical. This is the case with engineers at Berkeley. They created a car using magnets of opposing polarity; however, these cars recquired the update of already existing roads, which is entirely too expensive and would take years. Driverless cars are simply too expensive to be a common machine in everyday life.\n\nThe thought of driverless cars has obviously been seriously considered many times; however, it all comes down to the final outcome. If, hypothetically, the cars were successfully manufactured and the roads were somehow adjusted to fit the needs of such cars and were financially within the budget, the idea of driverless cars is still extremely dangerous. The safety of surrounding drivers and pedestrians is put at risk. No car can be completely diverless. This is because if there is a blind pedestrian walking across the street or construction going on, the car will still need driving assistance. Without it, a completely driverless car could vry well cause even more accidents than there are already. If the lives of innocent civilians are at stake, is a car that drives itself really worth it?\n\nContinuously, if perhaps an automatic car were to hit someone and severely injur or potentially kill someone, the blame could be put onto the owner of the car. No matter how hard the owner tries to tell the court of his driverless car's accident, the person is still to blame. This could have never happened if the driver was actually driving the vehicle. This could cause many problems in the future.\n\nAll in all, the use of driverless cars should never be allowed in everyday life. Not only is it subtantially too expensive to be practical, but also dangerous and could lead to unfair and unnecassary lawsuits. The factors and outcomes are not worth the ability to not have to drive.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMy position on driverless cars are positive because it can help people who have disability and it can save time. They will use half the fuel and are more flexable. But they sometimes aren't fully driverless because it will still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as finding a way through roadwork or accidents. In 2013, the Toyota Prius had sensors, a video camera, GPS reciver, and a intertial motion sensor. All of this combined is necessary for the driverless car to mimic the skill of a human at the wheel. Antilock brakes and driver assistance were impossible because at the time they did not have the right tecnology and the project costed two hundred million dollars, it wasn't something you can buy at Radio Shack. Why would anyone want a driverless car that still needs a driver? Wouldn't drivers get bored waiting for their turn to drive? There should be a new fun way, like in-car enterainment and informatation systems that use head-up displays. They can be turned off instantly when the driver needs to take over---something not available to drivers trying to text with a cell phone. The in-car system is a safety feature and safety is a big concern. Still, even if traffic laws change, new laws will been needed in order to cover lability in the case of an accident. If the tecnology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault?--the driver or the manufacturer? Automakers are continuing their work on the assumption that the problems ahead will be sovled. The road to the truly autonomous car stretches on ahead of us, but we grow closer to the destination every day.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere are many advantages that can come from limiting your car usage. Some people say when they had a car they were always tense , Now with out a car they say that they are much happier this way. In paris, if motorists with even numbered license plates left home with their cars they'd be fined with 22 Euros ($31 USD). Almost 4,000 drivers were fined for leaving home with their cars , And 27 people had their cars impounded for the way they reacted to the fine. Cold nights and warm days cause the warm layer of air to trap car emissions.\n\nIn Bogota, Columbia cars have been banned for three years only buses and taxis are permitted to drive, The goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog. They had to pay $25 fines if they were to violate the rule. People say \"Its a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution\". Parks and sports centers also have spread throughout the city and uneven sidewalks have been replaced with broad, smooth sidewalks. Restrictions have dramatically cut traffic.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriving less is a good way to help ourselfs and our enviornment. Peaople are turning to it because it helps with stress to walk,and our cities air is as pulluted.\n\nCars are very harmful to the air and everyone around us cars set out green housae gases that are very harmfiul \"12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe...and up to 50 percent in some car;intensive areas in the united states\" (In German Suburb,life goes on withcars Rosenthal).If the usage of cars are limited traffic jams will happen les the they are \"congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of france\" (Paris bans driving due to smog Duffer).Due to more for the people in Columbia having a no car day and walking threw the cities they put more stores which means more buiness.\n\n\"Americans are buying fewer cars,drving less and getting fewer licenses\" (the end of car culture Rosenthal)the message is getting out for no more greenhouse gases effecting our enviornment. Even young people are getting involed in the no car situtation \"study last year found that driving by young decreased 23 percent 2001 and 2009\" (the end of car culture Rosenthal).The limited use is so affective other countries and its citites are getting involved \"for the first time, two other Colombian citites , Cali and Valledupar joined the event\" (car-free day is spinninh into a big hit in bogota Selsky).\n\nDriving less is a advantage we have to keep things less polluted and greener and not try to mess up the place we live in by using cars. Walking is a very good way to get places no pulltion and more health.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nTechnology is evolving at an exceptional rate. We are now creating a driverless car. I think that driverless cars would be great. The car will not be fully driverless but for the most part it will. It needs your hands on the wheel at all times just incase the car cant handle the situation. The car has sensors all around it. It has it on the top of the car, the sides, and the back. This car will create driving to be safer.\n\nThe car has sensors all around the car. It has a position-estimating sensor on the left rear wheel, a roating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and an inertial motion sensor. All these sensor mimic the skill of a human but better. These sensors have a far better response and control that a human driver could manage alone. Making driving safer and allowing the car to handle more and more driving taks on their own. For example the antilock brake system. The sensors in the brakes detects and responds to the danger of out-of-control skids or rollovers. The information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better respones and control than a human.\n\nAnother reason why driverless cars are great it because it still keeps your attention on the road. What I mean is that even though its driving on their own it still makes sure you have your eyes on the road. The car lets your know if the driver has to take over. For example, if the cars happens to run into a road block or work zones it vibrates the seat to get the drivers attention or it announces when the driver should be prepared to take over. So instead of dozing off and not paying attention the car has a special touch feature that makes sure you have your hands on the wheel at all time.\n\nSo driverless cars are the next big thing. It brings safety and responses faster that a human driver can handle. It has many sensors to detect problems on the road and it has special features that makes sure your eyes is on the road. These options all the car to handle more things and more driving tasks on its own.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Seagoing Cowboys they take care of the horses, Young cows , and mules that were shipped overseas. The countries were left in ruins after the war.\n\nTo help the countries recover their food supplies, animals, and more, 44 nations joined together. The countries formed together the UNRRA ; the UNRRA hired the Seagoing Cowboys. The Seagoing Cowboys hepl people that were affected by the World War ll.\n\nWhen you join you travel almost all over the world. You can go to places and see things you never seen before. Working as a Seagoing Cowboy takes hard work. You can aslo find time to have fun on board, especially on retun trips after the animals had been unloaded. If you want you can also play sports such as baseball, Vollyball games Table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reand and whittling.\n\nIf you join youcan have fun and a adventure like you never had before. Also help thousands of people that are in need. Doing these things can help you open the world to yourself. It's a opportunity to help people of other countries ajnd their needs. You will be surprised of how many people you help and the great thngs the will happen and be seen.\n\nI think you should become a Seagoing Cowboy to have the experince as Luke Bomberger. He worked hard and had lots of fun. You can meet new people too. Seagoing Cowboys can change Peoples lives of what happened to them. You can exlpore somethng new everyday.\n\nThis can be alot of fun. All you hve to do is become a Seagoing Cowboy. Then start you exciting adventure. You will aslo find some artifacts and memories that will treasure you forever. You can also see lots of animals and help them too. This can be a Opportunity of a lifetime.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear State Senator,\n\nThe Electoral College is an anachronism. It belongs in the past and should not decide who are president is going to be anymore because its not who the majority of people really want to be leading,it could cause a tie,and its unfair to voters.\n\nAbolishing the electoral college has been a thing people have wanted gone for some time. Because of the electoral college the popular vote has not effected who becomes president. According to the article,(The Indivisible Electoral College),\u0093over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election tha the one we have now. this means many people would rather switch out the electoral college with a direct vote. With the electoral college still up voters can expect another close election in which the popular vote winner could lose again.\n\nPerhaps the most worrying is the prospect of a tie in an election. According to the article,(The Indivisible Electoral College),\u0093if the election was a tie it will be thrown to the House of Representatives,where state delegations vote on the president\u0094.This mean that people would still have no say in the matter of choosing a president.\n\nAt the most basic level the electoral college is unfair to voters. Because of the winnner take system in each state canidates dont spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning in. According to the article,\u0093during the 2000 campaign,seventeen states didnt see canidates at all. This means voters didnt even have a chance to vote.\n\nThe electoral college should be ruled out in the future because its not who people really want to lead,it could result in a tie, andits unfair to voters. If its removed then there would be better leaders in the future.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nExploring planet Venus is dangerest because its a planet that is most people die from and if u ever go there u will die before u even go there. Its important to not give up your life to go there and its to important to just stay in the planet Earth. Scientests says planet Venus is not good and it could harm you and kill you so if that right about what the the scientest says u gotta believe it.The temperatures are very high its average ver 800 or more temperatures. Theses conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encount on Earth. \"If his sister planet is inhospitable, why are scientists even discussing further visits to its surface?\" because scientists wanna know why planet Venus is so strong and to much het and can kill much people and its to important to know why its not safe to be at planet Venus. systems that use mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other surfaces.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLimitation to car usage has had great benefits. People will have better safety, and people are happier and less tense without the usage of a car. Life with no cars are spreading to places such as, Germany, and Bogota. People will tell you how great their lifes have been without the usage of a car.\n\n\"When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way.\" Said Heidrun Walter mother of 2, who lives in the Vauban's community. The Vauban community in 2006, is an example of a growing trend in Europe. Bogota, Colombia have limited their car usage as well. Millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated, or took buses to work during a car free-day they have in Bogota. \"It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution,\" said businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza as he rode his bike to work. They've even had people come to watch the event. Like the mayor of Paraguay who said, \"These people are generating a revolutionary change, and this is crossing borders.\"\n\n\"Different things are converging which suggest that we are witnessing a long-term cultural shif,\" said Mimi Sheller, a sociology professor at Dexel University. Now a days people don't need to drive somewhere to go meet people. They just use the internet, and the use of cell phones have increased in communicating with people. With these changes, people who have stopped car commuting in the United States, may find less reason to resume the habit. But in places such as New York, with new bike-sharing program and its skyrocketing bridge and tunnel tools reflect these new priorities. \"Pedestrian, bicyle, private cars, commercial and public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve resources, lower emmissions and improve safety.\"\n\nIn conclusion, life with no cars would be beneficial. You'll be provided with better safety, and wont be as tense and alot happier than you were before. You'll be able to see what life is really all about. A better life.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhy is the world upgrading so fast? Living in a world that is upgrading by the day is like watching your son or daughter grow up from day one. Most people around the world want to upgrade one thing at a time and other people want to upgrade a hundred things everyday. What is the point of having driverless smarter cars? There isn't one. There are so many teens around the world that just can't wait until the day they get that special with there picture on it. Their licence. Yes, teens can be dangerous on the road;but still. I bet, when your was a tennager, you couldn't wait for that special day. Now, what teenager wants to grow up to not getting a licence and just being driven around by a driverless car? Nobody does.\n\nWe all know that guys who have nice lifted trucks or jeeps, they like to have fun with them. With driverless smarter cars you can't do none of that. What if something inside the car broke all the sudden and you couldn't do anything about it because it is a driverless car? \"If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-the driver or the manufacture?\"(parragraph 9). Now, when there is a wreck on a highway or backroad, the world doesn't freak out about it. If the world started to buy driverless smarter cars and something like that happened because of the car malfunctining, the one who was injured will probably sew and world would stop buying them becuase they are scared it will happen to them. That wouldn't be good for that certain buissness.\n\nThe world shouldn't be upgrading as fast as it is now. Before, the world was upgrading but not as fast. The world should have kept it that way. At the rate we're going, by 2020, factories won't even make steering wheels anymore; because the world doesn't need them. \"Mercedes-Benz, Audi,and Nissan plan to have cars that can drive themselves by 2020\"(parragraph 10). If anything, cruise control is enough. I mean, nobody wants to drive a thousand miles while pushing on a gas pedal. Who can trust a driverless car and sleep while it drives you a thousand miles away? Not a whole lot. \"Telsa has projected a 2016 release for a car capable of driving on autopilot 90 percent of the time'(parragraph 10).\n\nDriverless cars are pointless. Who wants to be killed because of a car that drives itself when you could've just driven yourself and avoided what happened? Not me. In conclusion, if people around the world feel that they have a driverless car, then go for it.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nYou should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program becuase you get to see new places, you will fell good about yourself becuase your helping other countries, and will have the best expirence of your life.\n\nFor example I got to ride a gondola in Venice, Italy. I also saw the Acropolis in Greece. You are also helping people in the process of having fun. You can make a difference by joining the program and helping out countries who were in World WAR 2 and dont have food supplies, animals, and more things to help them live. You get to have fun, especially when the ship returns, after the animals have been unloaded. We played baseball, Table-tennis, fencing, boxing, and alot more games to help time pass. You might think that its boring and it would be really long rides, but you have alot of fun, and you will get awarded those long ride by seing something you have never seen like the excavated castle, China, and Europe.\n\nIf you join and help it can open up the world like it did to me, \"It made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs.\" That is why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI believe that driverless cars should be allowed for everyone. The cars could help certain people if they are occupied with something else. Some people may not be able to have a driverless car because even though it's driverless, they still have to be there in case of an emergency. Other people may just ignore the signals of the car and it could cause a wreck to occur.\n\nDriverless cars could benefit many people in many different ways. The driver may need to take an important business call, and they can do that while the car is still going. The person could also have an injury and need to go to the emergency room, but have no one else to take them there. If the person has children one of their kids could need something, so they could help them while still going where they need to go. Also, the driver could've woken up late and needs to hurry to work. They could finish getting ready in their car or eat their breakfast. They may need to finish their make up or brush their hair and you can't do that with both of your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road.\n\nI also believe it would be diffucult to know who is at blame for a wreck. The car could mess up and it would be the manufacturers fault, but if the driver is not paying attention it would be their fault. The driver may not want to take responsibilty and admit to not paying attention to the signals of the car. The idea of having cameras in the car to watch the driver is very interesting. It may feel weird being watched by something, but it would help figure out who is to blame.\n\nThe idea of driverless cars is a little frightening though. There are people that may take advantage of it and not pay attention to whenever they need to take control of the car. The idea is also excellent for someone that may need the time to do something else. I approve of the idea, but there is always the slight chance of someone messing it up. Hopefully if driverless cars become a thing, they will make everything safer and nothing bad will happen because of them. If driverless cars become a regular thing, I think they need to be figured out and practiced with a lot more.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI have been working with Nasa now for three years and not one have I heard some crazy things like this. How can people possibly think they are being reached out by aliens that is just so crazy I cant stress that enough. I think if aliens were real why would they want to be found if they are smart like people think they are because they can fly a spaceship then why would they leave that face there for us to find it.\n\nIf I was a alien I would not want to be found because who knows what they would do to me I would be so so frighten its not even funny. The other reason why I dont think it has anything to do with an alien is because where is that face from? Is it from an alien or human? How to we know if its even a face it can simply just be a rock that looks like face we do not know sure. For all we know this picture can actually be fake. They might just have wanted people to start thinking its a face and that we are living under aliens. I think my team in Nasa is just crazy straight up crazy.\n\nSo this is what I think about the whole alien thing this is not alien related stuff at all. It was never anything about alien stuff or egyption goddess stuff either its jusyt simply a rock that look like a face nothing more notrhig less.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars aren't completly driverless, they could malufunction, and so far, seems to be expensive. Cars that can drive themselves are bad or just plain pointless.\n\nFirst, driverless cars aren't even fully driverless yet. Seems like this cars can't do much by themselves, as said by BMW in paragraph 7 when the say \" ...None of these cars developed are completely driverless...Designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requries human skills...This means the human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requries\". This means that you could be in danger of your car not alerting you quick enough or not at all. Which obviously would be dangerous.\n\nSecondly, they could malufunction. These cars radar could stop working, not let you take control, or alert you at serious times. But the biggest problem is that if someone is injured. \"If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault - the driver or the manufacturer\". This is asked in paragraph 9 and is most likely to be the biggest problem with these driverless cars.\n\nThird, they seem to be just too expensive for the average consumer to buy. Look in paragraph 4 it says that \"Google's modified Toyota Prius uses position estimating sensors,... A rotating sensor on the roof,... A video camera,... Four automative radar sensors,... Gps reciever,... Uses laser beams to form a constantly updating 3-d model of the car's surroundings\". Seems very expensive once you name what you need for this car to work, and most will not pay for all of those things to get the driverless car to work, plus the car.\n\nso if the cars aren't completly driverless, they could possibly malufunction and cause serious issues, and most likely will be highly expensive, just makes the driverless car seem like an extremely bad idea and possibly pointless.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCars make it exceptionally easy to travel and move around. Auto use permets an individual to go to places they have not been before. In Europe, the countries that share the Schengen space allow Europeans to move freely. To avoid pricy plane and train tickets, a lot of Europeans use their cars to go to an entirely different country and experience a variety of different cultures in a matter of hours. It is most certainly a priviledge. Despite the many pros of having a car, the cons outweight them. Throughout this essay I will explain the advantages of limiting car usage.\n\nIn many countries and cities car usage has dropped. Some countries,it is purely accidental or due to economic reasons and in some cities and countries, this decline is intended. In a city called Vauban in Germany, citizens have given up their cars. In this city,street parking,driveways and garages are more often than not forbidden. This may seem strange to\u00a0 not have the priviledge to own a car or\u00a0 a garage. But most of the residents have moved out from the city to live here. Heidrun Walter claims that she is much happier this way and before she was always tense.70% of the Vauban's family do not own a car, and 57% sold their cars to live in Vauban. This particular city is a mere example of a growing trend in Europe,the United States and various other country. The plan is to seperate suburban life from auto use;this movement is called \"smart planning\".\n\nIn opposition, to these efforts, automobiles are usually an important factor to the suburbs where usually middle-class people live. This causes a huge impediment to current efforts to significally reduce greenhous gas emissions from passenger cars. In Europe,passenger cars are the reason for the 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions; in the United states that number almost quadriples in size in some car-intensive areas. The approach is to make suburbs more compact rather than having malls on the border on distant highways.\n\nDue to smog and pollution to this global city's air, Paris enforced a driving ban to put an end to polution. 4,000 drivers were rightfully so fined that day. This issue had to be taken seriously for a greater cause. For example, for the smog levels to decrease and to purify the air in the cities and suburbs and to prevent pollution. Public transit was free for those five days that the ban was enforced. Congestion dropped 60% in Paris, ever since the driving ban. The smog rivaled Beijing, which is often known for being one of the most polluted cities in the world. Diesel fuel was blamed because of a tax policy\u00a0 in\u00a0 favor of diesel fuel in France. More than half of vehicles run on diesel fuel in France.\n\nIn the Colombia's capital, Bogota, many colombians hiked,skated or took buses to work in spirit of their car free day. Personally I think this was an extravagent idea. It teaches people to not be so dependent on cars. This day significantly reduced traffic jams,smog and promoted transportation. This was a wonderful oppurtunity to lower stress and air pollution at the same time! Parks and sports bloomed that day, sidewalks that were unfinished and in poor conditions were replaced,the traffic decreased and restaurants blossemed. This car free day had an amazing impact on\u00a0 this community and the world.\n\nDue to recents studies, Americans are driving less\u00a0 and buying few cars as the years go by. The miles driven have peaked in 2005 , but as of April 2013, the number of miles driven per person dropped 9% , and was equal to the percentage in Janurary 1995. Scientist state that this decline is beneficial for carbon emissions and the enviroment. Although this might affect dearly the car industries. The rise of cellphones,internet and apps this permits a more flexible way of making commuting arangements,and the evolution of vans services.\n\nA lot of people have been using public transportation and biking to get around. There has been a drop from 16-39 year olds in getting their license. Getting license is not as big as of priority for those people. They revolve their summer jobs and social life around where they can walk or take busses and trains or car-pool with friends.\n\nTo conclude, I strongly believe that limiting car use would benefit different aspects in peoples lives. But for people to give up using cars,the recontruction of suburban cities is a very important. I live in the suburbs and despite the houses around, you would need a car to go to the grocery store,restaurant and to have fun with your friends. Highways usually circle around suburban cities and that\u00a0 may cause congestion. To make car usage less of a priority for citizens, we would have to think of the greater cause and to restablish cities to not prohibit people from moving around. The decline in car use will improve the world for the generations to come.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nYou may think the Face is created by aliens, but it simply is not. You see, we here at NASA have been studying and researching other planets for years. Don't you think that with our intelligence, we would know if something that looks like alien evidence actually is alien evidence? We would not only let everyone know, but we would make a very big deal out of it. This is just a natural landform.\n\nI know it is silly that there is literally a face on Mars, but it's not as big of a deal as you think. Have you ever looked at the leaves in a tree or the coulds in the sky and seen something put together that resembles an animal or shape? This is kind of like that. It's cool, but it doesn't exactly mean the universe is trying to give you a sign of life. When we released these photos to the public, people thought for sure we were hiding something like we had an agenda to have an alien takeover. They said it was \"bona fide evidence of life on Mars\". Trust me, we wish there was life on Mars! That would be ground-breaking news! We are not hiding a single secret, and we are speaking the truth.\n\nPerhaps, of course, we will find life on the red planet someday. This landform is not evidence to support that moment. On a bright and clear day on April 8, 2001, we took a very high-detailed photo of the face. If there were any outstanding undeniable resemblinces to a human face, we would've seen it. It is much like any other landform from the American West, like a certain one in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. Truly any other butte or mesa, just this time its on a different planet.\n\nSo, afterall, it's settled. This face-like landform on Mars is not a sign of any martians or aliens, sadly. Conspiracy theorists will go on with their unreasonable theories and we will stick to the cold hard facts, thank you very much. I hope you have realized just how wrong everyone has been and just how much more logical you should be thinking. Don't get me wrong, I and most workers at NASA certainly belive in aliens. This just isn't anything to get to excited about. Keep in touch, though, you never know when the next big discover will come about.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHow do you think the human race will be able to collect knowledge of Venus? Studying Venus is important and should be studied. Venus is often referred as Eath's \"twin\" because it contains the closest density and size along with the closest to us as well.\n\nHumans have sent multiple spacecrafts to Venus but failed to do so because of Venus's harsh environments leading to only last a few hours.\n\nHow harsh do you think the environment is on Venus? Humanity has failed to study Venus becuase of how thick the atmosphere going to almost 97 percent carbon dioxide. The environment worsen's becuase the avergae temperature of this planets surface reaches over 800 degrees Fahrenheit and the pressure the atmospheric has is 90 times greate than what we have ever experienced on our planet.\n\nHow long do you think the harsh environments of Venus will last? Our sisiter planet maybe a challenge to observe, then why do we continue to attempt to collect research? Astronomers are breath taken by the fact that Venus may have actually been Earth-like. They believe that Venus may have actually been covered with large oceans and contained various life forms like Earth. Astronomers have noticed that Venus contains familiar chracteristics like Earth, for example valleys, mountains, and craters.\n\nWhat type of technology do you think we'll contain in the future to be able to safely collect research of Venus? NASA has a solution that may help. Their idea is to float 30 or so miles above Venus's landscape and collect data there, but the temperatures would still be very heigh at 170 degrees Fahrenheit, and air pressure would be close to sea level on Earth. Researchers howover say that rock, gas, and anything else would be able to be collected with this idea.\n\nWhat year do you think we'll be able to inhabite Venus? Nasa took this into consideration so they began to create simplified\n\nelectronics made of silicon carbide. This material has been tested in a simulation chamber recreating Venus's chaotic surface and resulted to last 3 weeks in this condition. Humanity should keep trying to complete this challenge becuase who know what we'll find.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThroughout Americas history, people have always owned cars. They use them to travel into the city or long distances. But now it looks as if the tides may be turning for automobiles. Studies have shown that car ownership and average miles driven by citizens have decreased dramatically in the past ten years. Not only is the the case for the United States, but all around the world.\n\nCars every year release emissions that are harmful to the enviroment. The emissions pollute crowded cities, which makes it dangerous for citizens to live there. In Paris, days of near-record pollutuion made the city partially ban driving for two days. Even number license plates wouldn't drive on one chosen day and odd numbered the next. If the citzens did not comply to this, they were fined twenty two euros. Four thousand drivers had to pay that fine for not leaving their vehicles at home. The other citizens that did comply with the city helped dramtically reduce the smog in Paris. And during the partial driving ban, congestion was down nearly sixty percent.\n\nThe decrease in automobile use is not only being used to decrease pollution, people also say that not driving a vehicle helps reduce stress. Heidrun Walter of Vauban, Germany said, \"When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way\". She lives in Germany's experimental suburb that is \"car free\". Automobiles are not banned in this area, per say. But if you want to own a vehicle in this neighborhood, you must buy a parking spot for 40,000 dollars and a home. This neighboorhood is helping shape the way for a future wihtout cars.\n\nOne of the main benefits that would directly improve the qaulity of life for humans by decreasing car usage would be exercise. Obesity in the world, especially in America, has been an evergrowing problem in the past twenty years. People have become so busy in their lives where exercise is not one of their top priorities. Without the use of automobiles, citizens would have to either walk, bike, skate, or jog to their destination. This way they would exercise while traveling, wherever that may be.\n\nOverall, the world is preparing for an inspirational future without cars. This would help the world in many areas like Paris or Hong Kong for decreasing pollution or help America with the battle against obesity. No one can predict the future, whether it contains automobiles or not. But the world is certainly becoming less dependant on them, who knows, one day they may become obsolete.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhen I joined the Seagoing Cowboys program I realized thing i hadn't before like how much people from other places needed help. Or that it could be so much fun.\n\nI think you should also join the Seagoing Cowboys program also. You'll get to see China, Greece, Italy, and many other place like that. Not only that but also help people. You also could make the traveling fun like when all the animals have been unloaded you could play baseball, and volleyball games in the empty holds where animals had been housed. And to pass time you could have table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling and games.\n\nIn conclusion you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. Because it could open up a whole new world for you. You could find things about yourself you never knew about. You could make new friends and have a lot of fun. You could visit places you never been or always wanted to go. You also will find out about people from other countries and their needs.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars will be a great innovation in the automobile insustry, because driverless cars will be safer, more convenient, and possibly more fuel efficient.\n\nDriverless cars would make the world a lot safer, when dealing with automobiles. People die everyday in car accidents. With driverless cars, at first, of course, there will be complications regarding the sensing and accident prevention. After so long, with yearly upgrades and constant innovation, driverless cars' software should excel to the point of perfection, without any accident occurance. In paragraph 5, the test states, \"Sensors are nothing new, of course. in the 1980s, automakers used speed sensors at the wheels in the creation of antilock brakes. Within 10 years, those sensors had become more advanced to detect and respond to the danger of out-of-control skids or rollovers. The information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone. Further improvements in sensors and computer hardware and software to make driving safer are also leading to cars that can handle more and more driving tasks on their own.\" This example shows that sensoring software ability is increasing, and as time goes by technologists learn more and more. Over time sensors will get better and better to the point where driverless cars are 100% safe.\n\nDriverless cars are more convenient than cars with drivers. Cars with drivers require full attention from the driver. There are many cases, involving possibly injury, or even just fatigue, where a driver is forced into a position of either finding alternate transportation, or driving under dangerous circumstances. If a driver owns a driverless car, or has the accessability to a driverless \"taxi\", then whether fatigue, injured, or intoxicated, the driver, or now passenger, can safely be transported to their destination, without the result of an accident. Many people against the idea of driverless cars would claim that a driver must still be alert with a driverless car. This statement would be true, as of now, but if driverless cars are introduced now, within the next ten years, driverless cars will be so dominantly present, drivers would never have to touch the wheel. If every car on a street is computer controlled, the computer systems could recognize another attempting to leave a parking lot and simply leave the car space to do so. Through more innovations, obstacles like those stated in paragraph 7, would be easily manuvered.\n\nDriverless cars are more fuel efficient than cars with drivers. Many times today, people drive their cars with a \"heavy foot.\" Acceleration uses gas in a car that could be saved with coasting. If are car is ran by a computer, acceleration and coasting time would be monitored, and done the most efficiently possible. In paragraph 1, the text states, \"The cars [Google cofounder Sergey Brin] forsees would use half the fuel of today's taxis...\" This example shows that, driverless taxis and cars are far more fuel efficient. If a driverless car owner uses only half the fuel of a driver required car owner, then the driverless car owner is saving a tremendously more amount of money on fuel.\n\nDriverless cars will be a great innovation in the automobile insustry, because driverless cars will be safer, more convenient, and possibly more fuel efficient.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nSomeone made a Facial Action Coding System, this technology is supposed to be able to know exactly how someone is feeling just by scanning that persons face. Is this technology valuable? Everybody in this world is different, not one person being the same as one another. That means that everybody feels different emotions about all different things. See where I'm going with this? It is pretty simple, how can something (A computer) Just know by reading your facial excpressions that you are angry, happy, sad,motivated, stressed, ext.? Every human experiences different emotions. Yes, some of them are the same emotions but if you put 100 people in the same room and told them something that was designed to make people angry would all 100 of those people feel the exact same way and have the same amount of anger towards it? I do not belive so. Some of the people would be mad, some would be happy, excited, and some simply might just not care. I'm highly pro-technology but, I do not believe that with the 7 Billion different people on this Earth, one piece of technology could be capable of acuratly telling us the exact emotions someone is feeling at that moment. Not just by scanning someone's facial expressions at least. So to end this pointless Istep rant, No do not believe that this technology is valuable.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nUsing cars creates admissions that damages our ozone layer. Communities around the world know this and are doing something to relax the damage being done. They are doing temporary bans on cars along side with other cities, and trying to make cars with much lower emissions.\n\nUsing cars in major cities makes it so noisy but also makes it very bad for the environment, and ourselfs. When you live in a major city like for example New York City, people choose to walk rather than drive cars. Not only is this healthier for us but it is much more healthy for the rest of the environment.\n\nIn suburban Germany there is a town that has banned cars from the street completely and has most people riding bikes and walking. Most of these people dont really car so much about having to walk or ride a bike. In Colombia they had one day where they banned cars and in their city of 7 million people, most people walked or rode bikes. Germany and Paraguay arent the only nationd that are taking a part of this, other nations like France, and other eurpoean countries are joining in. President Obama has also pushed for cars with lower emissions and higher gas mileage. This will help save people money if they dont really have it, and help save the amount of gas used and emissions caused.\n\nWith all this in mind it would be useful to lower gas emissions or even to stop using cars in general. It will be healthy for us and the environent. We dont even have to get rid over cars completly either, we can just switch over to electric. Theses are easy solutions to our problem, and also giving us and advantage in the world we live in.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nA new type technology was invented called Facil Action Coding System, this enables computers to identify human emotions. We have 44 major muscles in our face and by using a 3-D computer model it will help the computer better see your emotions. It's belived that by using computer codes to help see emotions can help at school. It could also help us with our personal life.\n\nPsychologist Dr. Paul Eckman creator of FACS had six major emotions. '' Movement of one or more muscels is called an ''action unit''. The six major emotions are happy,surprise,anger,disdust,fear,and sadnees. When you are feeling sad, your face muscels change and when the computer see that change they know u are feeling sad.\n\nWhen you are on the computer and your computer knows that you dont like an ad it will change to something differnt.''A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored.''. This can help the teacher by helping sudents or pick up the pace so students dont get bored or confused. And most comunacation is non-verbal and by emotions.\n\nThis tecnology can also help us with our personal life as well as school. We can usually see if one of our friend is happy or sad we do this every day. So why do we need a computer to this for us. Well if we dont know the person we mught say something wrong. And with the help of tecnology we can better understand it. BY making the a little move on how you feel it can change your emotion.\n\nThe theory of emotions states that just smiling makes you happy and changes your whole mood. A drama coach says '' he had is actors reproduce smiling and frowning as a way of cresting these emotions on stage.'' Emotions have a way of changing techology helps us grow and help us.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCars are pretty cool right, I mean I love cars the car that Im aiming for is a 1967 Chevy Impala (black of course) but I do now that cars can be very hazardess and cause harm to people and the envirnment. Scientist and car companies are trying to find different ways of soloving he poluting problem for cars like running off of sunlight or water. Recent studies suggest tht Americans are buing fewer cars, driving less and, getting fewer licenses as each rear goes by, I dont know if thats good news to the people but im a teenager I want to start driving soon, I have work to go to, movies to see, friend to hangout with,\n\nPLACES TO TRAVEL\n\n!!! Just saying. Anyway back to the less driving thing, witth the driving decreasing it has left researchers pondering a fundamental question: Has America passed peak driving?\n\nThe United States, with its broad expanses and suburban ideals, had long been one of tthe world's prime car cultures. It is the birthplace of the Model T; the home od Detroit; the place where Wilson Pickett immortalized \" Mustang Sally\"..... I don't really know any of the advantages of using a car less all I know is that for some people its a way of live, its way they get to work every day, they way get to far away places, where they sttay and sleep, first dates, first kisses, taking friends to see movies, road trips, I cant really name reasons why there bad to use but I can name reason why they are.....", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article \" Making Mona Lisa Smile,\" the author starts off by saying the percentage of the different effects Mona Lisa has in her smile. He states that she's 83 percent happy , 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry. The use of the new technology called \" The facial action Coding System'' in my opinion does not tell you how your honestly feelings. There is no way the computer can see the way you are feeling , just by smiling at the screen does not mean that you are happy. People smile at the screen all the time and has different feelings. Weather the computer can determain how you feel the only person how actually knows how you feel is you and yourself only. A computer can not recognize the subtle facial movements we humans use to express how we feel. There is no way the computer will let you know how you feel , the article is basically saying that just be smiling or looking at the computer it can determine how you are feeling. Once getting to paragraph 3 it starts saying how the facial Action Coding System works they start off by telling us how the process begings, \" the process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face: all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles.\" From that sentance in the article it is basacilly saying how the computer has a 3-D sensor on it, and when placing your head infront of it it will scan your muscles and from there determine the way you are feeling. As humans we perform this same impressive \"calculation\" everyday. It is hard for a person to determine how ypu are feeling with just facial expressions , for example I could have a smile on my face but inside I could be feeling sad or mad and only I would know no one else. So the 3-D sensor they have on the computer to determine the way you are feeling is not true , a computer can never determine the way you are feeling it can never say that you are 5 percent happy and 90 percent sad , it does not work like that. Only you and you only know the way you are feeling and thats it. So no a computer can not determine the way you are feeling it can not determine the percent of nothing only you know how you feel and nothing else knows how you feel.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhen you hear Venus from someone mouth what comes to mind? Venus is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky, making it simple for even an amateur stargazer to spot. Venus is like the closest planet to Earth when we talking about the density and size.\n\nThe author supports the claim of challenge of exploring Venus by point out the cons in it and but how they still challenging themseleves. Sometimes we are closer to Mars and other times to Venus and bcause of this sometimes right around the corner in space terms humans have sent numerous spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. But the main thing is that as they sent spacecraft to Venus, non of them survived the landing for more than a few hours. But when you join venus to a ship orbiting far above the planet it can provide a few insight on the ground. \" Researchers cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anthing else, from a distance.\" This bascily talking about how people we are observing the Venus can't see anything from there is experiment. However, the scientists are looking for a machine that will last long enogh to contribute to the knowledge of Venus.\n\nIn conlcusion, Venus is dangerous but can be challenged. Spacecraft who has practipate in this challenge and was not able to survived need to be credit because the things is very tuff. Also for other spacecraft there is more work to do and do different experiment before attempting to go for that challenge.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Electoral College its a process, not an actuall place. The Electoral College process works by a selection of electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for president and vice president, and they count the electoral votes by congress. I think this should not stand no longer because \"under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president.\"This is only one reason why the Electoral College should not be in progress. Another reason why is \"If you lived in Texas, for instance, and wanted to vote for [John] Kerry, you'd vote for a slate of 34 Democratic electors pledged to Kerry.\"\n\n\"This explains why we as a hole nation united in one should change the Electoral College system to election by popular vote this allows everyones vote to be acounted for.\"The single best argument against the electoral college is what we might call the disaster factor. American people should say there pretty lucky that 2000 fiaaco was the biggest election crisis in a century;the system allows for much worse.\"Consider that state legislature are technically responsible for picking electors, and that those electors could always defy the will of the people.\"Now you might be getting an understanding of what I mean by we need to get rid of the electoral college method to popular vote.\n\n\"Back in 1960, segregationists in the Louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy. But just because we did not get the electoral college removed doesnt mean we cant still try afterall we were close. The main problem with the electoral college is the fact that \"each state casts only one vote, the single representatives from California, who represent 35 million voters. \"And if an electoral tie seems unlikely, consider this: In 1968, a shift of just 41,971 votes would have deadlocked the election; In 1976, a tie would have occured if a mere 5,559 voters in Ohio and 3,687 voter in Hawaii had voted the other way. \"The election is only a few swing voters away from catastrophe.\" That is why the electoral college must end because it lets congress choose who they want to be leader not us.\n\nThat is why the electoral college must end because it lets congress choose who they want to be leader not us. That is my reason why.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDespite the challenges of studying Venus. Scientists suggests studying Venus is a worthy pursuit. Venus has a lot of dangers and challenges. Scientists suggests studying is worthy for many reasons. For example the humans curiosity.The challenges of studying are the hot temperatures and high pressures. Another challenge of studying is the highly corrsive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere.\n\nScientists are facinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Scientists suggest that Venus is a worthy pursuit because Venus can somtimes be out nearest option for planetary visits. NASA's possible solution to the conditions on Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. This vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the dangerous ground conditions.\n\nNASA is working on other approaches to study Venus. Scientists are trying to avoid the dangers of Venus while stufying the planet, Scientists are woking on technology. Some of the projects scientists are working on is the old technology. The old technology called mechanical computers were first envisioned in the 1800's the computer played an important role in the 1940's during World War ll.\n\nScientists are studying the planet Venus because of the curiosity. Scientists say that Venus has value. The challenges of studying the planet Venus won't stop scientists from studying Venus. Scientists will continue to make technology that will hold all of the challenges of Venus. Many researchers are working on innovations that woul allow out machines to last long enough to contribute the knowledge of Venus.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nBy reading \"Driverless Cars Are Coming\" I think to myself that they still need improvment. Now cars been around for a long time, but not that long for us to make a car that drives its self. People who drive right now are better off driving themself, I understand they think its cool and it will change the future, but there will be far more accidents then when people regularly drive. They even said that they need improvements such as not being able to go around accidents or off road, and even destruction workers. Now even though it drives its self which is cool you know but how would the car know if there is a stop sign or a red light, there will be an accident.\n\nNow if cars cant see where a stop sign is and if its a red light or yellow light then there is no reason to make a driverless car. Thats like having a blind person walk across the street while they think its their living room. If the human driver has to be alerted if the car does something it was not suppose to do then they should wait 5 to 7 more years until they release it out to the public. Im no science guy or car dude but I know that it would take longer for a car to drive its self. Stick with normal cars.\n\nThe year 2020 is not far away in fact theres 4 more years until 2020 is upon us, thats not enough years to find out what is wrong with the car, fix it and find more problems and fix another one. Every car has problems with it but if your more focused on the car driving its self and accidently forget about the other things like the stock and perhaps a screw for the tire then well your screwed. Alot of people mess up on scooters and forget a part or two but thats nothing because they are easy to drive, but forgetting a part for a car, one that drives its self is dangerous for society. I get it we all make mistakes but that is not what people are going to think when one computer car crashes into a tree because it though it was a road. Then boom people say take away driverless cars.\n\nWhile im on this computer typing i worry about the computer crashing. While i worry about that what do you think people will worry about when they are the road? They will be worried about dying or getting injured from a computer crashing. That gets me to my next topic, say your on a bike riding home and you hear a car right behind you, but you dont know it was a driverless car then the computer crashes and you get injured and you sue the person for not being careful but you should be suing google for not taking more time and making things better. Then google loses everything because they lost the coart battle.\n\nThere are planes that the government has been working on for a very long time, and there are still problems with it. I understand nothing is perfect but dont take the chance to make a car to drive its self and when it messes up people blame the company because people look at it like that. They aint use to it. They are use to regular cars that people can drive in. People see crashes all the time because its usually one of the drivers that dont know what they are doing. When they see that it was a driverless car the car is going to get blamed and the people who didnt take their time in their project.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI had alot of adventures when i rode over seas to support the army. One time I injured my self and i tripped and slid cracking my ribs. In the outcome, sailing was alot of fun. Im glad i was there with my friend or I wouldn't of made it, because he kept me going. Finnaly I suggest everyone try out being Seagoing Cowboys.\n\nDuring my first trip I left August 14 1945 with cows, goats, supplies, and weaponry. It was a dangerous trip but we kept pushing because the army needed supplies. When we arrived the Pacific war ended but another was still blazing. The old war ended in ruins and bodys.\n\nThe UNRRA (the United Nations Relief and Rehabitation Administration) created this idea of taking supplies over seas. Many didn't sign up, but me and Don did and turns out it was alot of fun. On the return we played alot of sailing games to pass time. when we delieved the supplies there were no animals in the ship so we had time to setup thing like whittling, table-tennis, and boxing, but theres alot more, like fencing.\n\nThe sights in Europe are amazing there's China and The Great Wall of China. In Greece theres the Acropolis. I also took a gondala to Venic, Italy. I also toured a castle in Crete. Finnaly I marvelled at the watery canels in Panama. In the end i saw alot of crazy things in Europe and China.\n\nAfter my trip I can say it was amazing and you can have the same experience. Just sign up for Seagoing Cowboys. There's animals so if you like animals there on the boat. If your althelic you can help care to the animals and play the return games. If you love water, well we are on a boat and you can fish. After all no matter what you passion is I suggest you sign up and try Seagoing Cowboys, see you there!", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nYou should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program because you get to travel to many places. The Seagoing Cowboys are gonna be hired because we would be in charge of the horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas. They're are 335 horses plus enough hay and oats to feed them. The cattle-boat trips are unbelievable opportunity for a small-town boy. It takes about two weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean from the eastern coast of the United States and a month to get to China.\n\nCaring for the animals during the crossings keeps us busy. They have to be fed and watered two or three times a day. The bales of hay and bags of oats have to be pulled up from the lower holds of the ship. And the stalls are to be cleaned. The second trip you will be served as a night watchman. You have to check on all the animals every hour. You can find some time to have fun on board, especially on return trips after the animals had been unloaded. The cowboys payed baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds where animals have been housed. Table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games also help pass time.\n\nFinally, being a Seagoing Cowboy is much more than an a adventure, it can open up the world and you will be grateful for this opportunity. You will be more aware of people from other countries and their needs. The awareness will stay with you, leading your family to host a number of international students and exchange visitors for many years.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere are many differant reasons to limit car usage, the most well-known reason being that it will greatly reduce air pollution. Several places incuding Vauban Germany, Paris, Bogota Colombia, and the United States have proven this, especially Paris. Paris at one point in 2014, had to enforce a partial driving ban purely because of the hazzardous smog caused by air pollution. In doing so Paris relatively quickly cleared the majority of the smog, and realized how this can also help to reduce road congestion. The United States are another, larger example of how much limiting car use can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.\n\nAnother good reason for limiting car usage would be that it will generally reduce stress in people. Limiting or lowering the usage of automobiles anywhere can help reduce stress mainly because people won't have to worry as much about traffic, maintanence & repair costs, air polution, or even the general dangers of driving a vehicle. Almost everyone knows that less stress is a good thing because of how it helps your health, therfore, limiting how much you drive is will not only improve your health by reduceing how stressed you are, but it will also help you to be healthier because it reduces the overall polution in the air.\n\nSo in the end limiting automobile/car usage will be advantagous for the earth, and every country or nation on it because of how it reduces stress, promotes health, and reduces greenhouse emmisions around the world.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think that it would be a great idea limiting the usage of cars and what the advantages are beacuse when people have cars u hearing about crahes and all the other bad stuff. so a good way to revent al this from happening would be to get rid of car uasage and make people bike or walk to wherever they want to go to. Also limiting the usage of cars would prevent all the bad stuff from happening and help have a safer life and a longer one too.\n\nIn source it talks about how their are now cars in germany in the Suburbs. street parking, driveways and home garges are generally forbidden. In the new approach stores are being placed a walk away, on a main street, rather than in malls along some istant highway. Heidrun Walter is a mother of two and use to have a car but sold to move to germany because alot of people alot of people dont have cars and she feels safre their because she knows that her children are going to be safe their. when she drove a car she felt all tense and freaked out. So in germany they tring ti create walking to stores or plaes that are like a block away because they feel like that is the best method.\n\nThe adavntages would be that u dont have to worry about getting all thses fines, getting your car impoud and not having to pay the fee. Also when u havea car u have to pay for the car insurance, the gas. Also it wouldnt create any cathos on the road and u would be much safre if the usage of cars went away because u wouldnt have to hear about car accidents that killed people. It would be a stress free world if cars went away. Also an advantage would be that u dnt have to worry about getting stuff stolen.\n\nIve explained to u that the limiting of cars would be a great idea because then u dont have to worry about all the bad things that could happen to the u if u had a car and u could walk somewhere or bike somewhere and that would be better than cras because it would be safer than a car.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe development of driverless cars pose no threat to anyone. Driverless cars are not completely driverless. The cars will still need assistance from the driver. \"Special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel.\" (p7) It has been said that the cars can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all of these cars are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents.\n\nThe cars that Sergey Brin forsees would use, \"half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus.\" (p1) Driverless cars have been well tested and have been modified repeatedly. \"Google has had cars that could drive independently under specific conditions since 2009.\" (p2) Google'sdriverless cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash. Although Google's cars are not truly driverless, meaning they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as navigating through roadwork or accidents, not crashing when having driven half a million miles is miraculous.\n\nReally, there is no danger that really stands out when speaking of driverless cars. They were specifically engineered to do one job; that job being to get its passengers to and from their desired designation without crashing. The most important bit of technology on Google's modified Toyota Prius woul have to be the spinning sensor on the roof. \"Dubbed LIDAR, it uses laser beams to form a constantly updating 3-D model of the car's surroundings.\" (p4) The combination of all that has been modified and manufactured for the driverless car is necessary for it to mimic the skill of a human at the wheel.\n\nCar manufacturerers are not starting from scratch recently. \"In the 1980s, automakers used speed sensors at the wheels in creation of antilock brakes. Within 10 years, those sensors had become more advanced to detect and respond to the danger of out-of-control skids or rollovers.\" (p5) When getting in a driverless car, it will not me like getting in a wagon at the top of a hill and being pushed. You will be in as much control as the car if need be. The car itself will give you far better chances when it comes to not crashing. \"The information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone.\" (p5)\n\nThis has been said repeatedly but once again none of the cars that have been developed so far are completely driverless. Human skills are still needed when driving these cars. As long as you get into one of these cars knowing that you will need to be alert, there is little to no chance of an accident occurring. \"Special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel.\" (p7) Being alert when in a driverless car will not be as hard as it may sound due to the modifications that have been made to these cars. \"This necessitates the car being ready to quickly get the driver's attention whenevera problem occurs. GM has developed driver's seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger of backing into an object. The Google car simply announces when the driver should be prepared to take over.\" (p7)\n\nYou may be asking yourselves why anyone would want a driverless car that still needs a driver. No one likes to be completely helpless or bored and waiting to take their turn. Some manufacturers hope to keep drivers entertained and awake by, \"binging in-car entertainment and information systems that use heads-up displays. Such displays can be turned off when the driver is needed.\" (p8)\n\nThis information goes to prove that driverless cars pose no real threat when driving other than when a driver gets in the car and is deliberately irresponsible and not paying attention. When in these cars stay alert and all will be well.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI am against the development of these cars because those who own one would never know if the the car would stop working and will crash. Also waiting fo the driver to take its part too when driving, Although having a driverless car would be dangerouse to those who own one and the community.\n\nHaving a driverless cars would be a good idea but can cause an acciendent. In the text, it states that, \"Still, even if traffic laws change, new laws will be needed in order to cover libability in the case of an accident.\" If those who owns a driverless car got into a acciendent the new law would have to order to cover the damage. Also by having a diverless car, if the car have stop functioning well, it would cause someone to get injured. An example from the text is, \"If tecnology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-the driver or the manufacturer.\" Having that car, those wouldn't know who to blame. Driverless cars can cause problems so it wouldn't be a good idea owning one.\n\nThose who are thinking or has a driverless car can get into problems that they aren' aware of. Those people can cause an accident and can be dangerous to those around them and themselves.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nImagine it's 1976 and Nasa reveals an interesting photo looking down upon Martian landscape. The photo catches your eye as it contains what apears to be a giaint face made of rock coming out of the sand. Nasa states that the \"face\" is a huge rock formation that resembles a human head formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and a mouth. But you also hear other people saying that the face is an ancient alien artifact! What do you believe? Pop culture quickly jumps on the idea of aliens because that view point is exciting. Meanwhile NASA is a government backed and very credible source. I say that the educated person would listeto NASA. I believe that the \"face on Mars\" is just another natural landform becasue the face looks just like a butte or mesa does on Earth, NASA's powerful cameras haven't captured anything alien looking on near the face, and becasue the majority of NASA and other creidble scientists don't believe that the face is alien.\n\nAccording to the article Martian mesas are common around Cydonia, the area where the famous picture of the face was taken. There is nothinig unusal or different about this specific mesa exept the shadows on top of it. These shadows give the illusion of eyes, nose, and a mouth. Mesas and buttes are landforms that are also very common on Earth around the American West. The Middle Butte in Idaho is a an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars. I'm sure if pyramids started being discovered on the surface of mars thats one thing, but just a single mesa that looks a bit like a face is no reason to immediatly blame aliens.\n\nAnother reason why the face is just a natural landform is because we have seen proof that is nothing but a landform.. On April 8, 2001 which was a cloudless day in Cydonia, another picture of the face was taken with a very powerful camera that used its maximum resolution for the picture. When you look at this picture it is almost hard to immgine a face even being there! The illusion of a nose, eyes, and a mouth is gone. All that remains in this picture are some cracks and rough edges on the rock structure. To many seeing is believing and this picture has allowed many to see the truth that the \"face on mars\" is nothing but a myth.\n\nSome suporters of the idea that the structure was created by aliens argue that NASA is hiding more evidence and mabey even distorting images that point to the face being built by aliens. This is wrong because alien civilizations would increase NASA's funds and popularity. Also it would be almost immpossible to keep an alien secret from the public with so many immployees knowing. These examples show why the \"face on mars\" is just another natural land formation.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nImagine being able to detect how other people are feeling. even when they are trying to hide their emotion. New software has been developedthat improves accuracyi in perceving the emotions of others. This new sofeware, the facial action coding system, has promising applications for a variety of industries.\n\nI think this technology is cool but i also feel like its a waste of money and time and i feel like its not important. I also think that using this machine on students is wrong. They need to give the students their own privacy. This machine doesnt really serve a purpose other than reacing facial expressions and emothions, you canj do that without the use of the machine thats why i think its pointless. i feel as though this is more of a game or toy then a useful technology.\n\nAs you can see, i do not favor the technology and i dont its vailid or useful at all for many different reasons.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author in \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" supports his idea that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers in a good manner. The author gives serveral valid reasons as to why is should be explored and gives a logical explanation or solution as to the reasons why it shouldn't be. Everyday we're facing problems here on Earth and the idea of another planet that humans could possibly live on if things got too bad on Earth is amazing which could be possible in Venus is explored.\n\nThe given fact that Venus was \"Often referred as Earth's twin\" already gives hope that it could hold human life as we hold human life here on Earth now. Given, that wouldnt be possible without exploring it. Long ago, Venus held various forms of life and terrains such as some of the ones on Earth. Even today Venus still has some features similar to the ones on Earth. If safely explored it could possibly return back to that state and eventually become our prime place of shelter if tragedy strikes on Earth.\n\nNASA is already working on safe approaches to study and explore Venus while working around its dangerous features. Stated is the article, \"NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray\" Although that isn't necessarily studying it up close its a start and will give researchers more data to possibly make it safe to study in the future.\n\nThe author not only greatly supports his idea by giving facts and information about exploring venus but also includes that fact that an organization as big as NASA is already looking into the idea of exploring Venus. If exploring Venus wasnt a good idea NASA would be spending time or effort on it. The author goes as far into giving the solutions and idea researchers have come up with so far to face Venus's hostile conditions. Not only will exploring Venus benefit us humans in the long run by providing us with more information about the plant but as stated in the article, \"Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation.\"", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe exploration of other planets is crucial when considering the survival of the human race. There are many dangers when it comes to exploring these planets because of different conditions that humans could not survive. The planet best suited though these conditions is Venus. Venus is close to Earth and has a close density and size to Earth. In the passage \"The Challenges of Exploring Venus\", the author uses different ways to support the claim of further exploration on Venus despite harsh conditions and dangerous obstacles.\n\nIn order to convince the reader on why to further explore Venus, the author talks about the benfits to the human race and our survival. In the passage, the authors talks about how close Venus is to Earth and how Venus may have had conditions and life forms similar to Earth's in the past. Scientists can use this information to help the human race survive longer on Earth. The fact that Venus is the most Earth like planet in our solar system means that scientists can learn alot from Venus and this information may apply to Earth.\n\nThe dangers of the further exploration of Venus make it almost impossible for human scientists to even consider it, but they are alternative options. One option the author states is rather than going to the surface of Venus, staying at a high altitude so the weather and harsh landscape conditions will not bother or kill scientists. This avoids the thick, crushing atmosphere, the high tempertures, volcanoes, dangerous lightning storms, and all other factors that make exploring Venus questionable and uncertain. One obstacle that this creates though is the fact that scientists will not be able to collect rock or land samples.\n\nSince Venus's atmosphere is so dense, light can not go through it. This means pictures and videos will not be able to help scientist observe the landscape of Venus. Scientists could use modern technology, but the radiation and acids in the atmosphere would quickly destroy the fragile new technology. To overcome this obstacle the author suggests the use of mechanical computers. These machines are not like modern technology where they are fast and reliable, but fragile. Mechanical computers use gears and levers and do not need electronics in order to work properly. These can be used to gather data from the landscape of Venus and help scientists.\n\nWhile exploring Venus presents many dangers and seems impossble, the overall outcome seems to be quite beneficial. The author of this passage presents many details and plans to make the exploration of Venus seem possible.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDoes technology make you useful? reguardless of that question you have gone to school and you might haved had some problems and had to talk to an adult at school or a guidance counselor. What if the question was given to a teacher of the future, lets say around 20 years from now that this FACS technology might be qite advanced then. How useful with teachers and therapist be in school if they want to help out kids in school and not have a robot do a humans job.\n\nUsing the technology to read students emotional expression in classrooms is just not important becuase there is already an adult that the student can talk to about their issues when it is neede emotionaly. There can many things that go wrong with the computers and maybe misunderstand a student that is unique or a student that was born with a mis-shaped face. what would the cost of this software and could it really be avalable and valuable to our education?\n\nI know that it may be fasinating to be able to tell anyones emotion by just using technology; t is it personal information if someone is trying to conseal being worried or mad and not have a computer tell them their emotion. \"in fact, we humans perform this same impressive \"calculation\" every day.\", i used this quote from the text to show you that yes we are capable of telling emotions as well. This technology in my opinion is not useful whatsoever because it does not show any real-world values.\n\nThere may be some science in this FACS (Facial Action Coding System) but this tech can be used somewhere else that someone may find it useful like if someone want to know if the president is making a fake emotion pretending that he is happy.\n\nThis may be one of those trends that has just recently come up because the year is 2018 right now and litteraly tons upon tons of new things are coming up. It is not like nothing new has come up there has always been fasinating things that have come up in the past. I have not ever even heard of the Facial Action Coding System untill i had just now read about it in this article so you know that it is not even close to becoming an essential in classrooms.\n\nCould this technology be more than just decoding the facial expressions of humans or could this technology be used in Artificial Intelegence? This can be a step closer to the future but people like myself think that this is useless. Some students can have a bad day and the computer may be able to pick up on the student's emotion, i feel like the computer does not have the ability to comfort the student. I can probably tell that some students may be ofended when a computer just \" Dumbs things down\" students may feel bad about themselves and the lesson that the computer modifies can make the student feel diferent in school especially in highschool because everything can be told apart on the social scale in the hallways to the lunch room.\n\nNo, there is some value to this technology but not enough to be used in schools and help students learn better that traditional public schools. This technology is not essential for the education of students i feel that teachers should be paid just as much as doctors and psycologist because they are a part of bringings ones future brighter either physicaly or emotionaly.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever wanted to own a car that does your driving for you? Well now you have that chance to own one. Now you may be thinking the same way I am thinking. How will the car sence a pedestrian? Or how will the car know that theere is a stop light or a top sign ahead? These are some things you might want to focusing on and focus less on, WOW a car can actually drive it's self?\n\nNow I on the other hand am against driverless cars because I don't think that it would be a good idea. What would be the point in being in the drivers seat if no one was actually driving the car? How more expessive is the driverless car than the original regular car? How is the driverless car exactly safer than regular cars? I personally think that there would be the same amout of aciedents happening than what there is today in society maybe for vary of reasons but there most likely would still be plenty of accidents.\n\nAnother reason on why I do not think driverless cars would be a good idea would be because what if one of the cars has a misfunction or a error and doesn't stop while someone is crossing the street? What if the car doesn't stop at a stop light and you have a three car pile up because of it? Having a driverless car would make people that it would be okay to drink and drive because technically they are not the one doing the driving the car is doing the driving. There will probably a lot of people who try and sue the driverless car company because their car had a misfunction and caused them to wreck and now they have a hospital bill on their hands because they got ito that accident that was not their fault. Or maybe the car hit a pidestrian and now the car owner has someone elses hospital bill to pay for but don't have insurence or the finances to pay the bill even though it was not his/her fault.\n\nAgain there are multiple reasons to rethink this driverless car reanactment. There are to much things to be worrying about if you owned one. You would be waisting your money buying something you absolutly do not need. You would be waisting money on a case you would most likely lose. These are just a few reasons on why I am against the \"Driverless Cars Are Coming.\"", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhat a time to be alive. We have people who have figured out a way for cars to drive themselves with little assistance. It amazes me how far we have come in technology. But, there are a few downsides to all this new technology.\n\nGoogle cofounder Sergey Brin sees a bright future with public transportation. In paragraph one of \"Driverless Cars Are Coming,\" it says, \"He envisions a future with a public transportation system where fleets of driverless cars form a public-transportation taxi system. The cars he forsees would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more felxibility than a bus. He believes such cars would fundamentally change the world.\" All these improvments in technology and cars could change the way we live.\n\nThere are some downsides to all this great technology, sadly. The passage states in paragraph two that \"Their cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash, but so far, Google cars aren't truly driverless; they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as navigation through roadwork or accidents.\" Also in paragraph seven it states, \"In fact, none of the cars developed so far are completely driverless. They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skils.\"\n\nThese driverless cars do still need assistance in a few things to where you have to stay alert while driving but, besides that, this new technology will change the lives of many people. I am personally all for the driverless cars. The less I have to drive would make it much easier on me. I would love if within the next 10 or 20 years, we get it to where we don't have to do any assitance with the driverless cars and we could just sit back and enjoy the ride.\n\nIn conclusion, driverless cars and all this new technology impacts many people of all ages. Some people believe it's for the better and some believe it's not. It is a matter of opinion. But I believe that everyone would love to have these driverless cars. It saves on fuel, there would be less traffic accidents, and many other great improvments that could save the lives of others.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMany people wonder whether or not cars should be ban to help save the enviroment. They dont know if that would help us or make matters worse. Their are many advantages to not using cars. Some people just can't seem to let go of their cars. They need a push to get started and to stop using their cars every single day.\n\nTheir are multiple advantages to the baning of cars. One example would be getting rid of air pollution. Most air pollution is caused by cars so if you get rid of cars you will also get rid of air pollution. Air pollution can cause a lot of different problems it can cause people to get sick or many other things, so getting rid of it completely could help a lot of people.\n\nAnother thing people wouldn't have to worry about would be traffic jams on the way to work. During the week some many people are trying to get to and from work at the same time it causes a traffic jam. People are often late to work because of this reason. So putting a ban on cars could help out with that. People could walk to and from work or ride a bike. This would limit the number of traffic jams and people wouldn't have to worry about being late to work.\n\nIf people walked everywhere instead of drove everywhere people would be getting a lot of exercise and that could help too. Cars make us seem lazy where we drive everywhere we want to go but if we walk or rode a bike that could help out in many ways. Walking could get things off your mind you could walk with a friend that way you can hangout and talk about things while you walk. Walking could relieve stress. It could calm you down and just make you relax for a few and forget about all your problems.\n\nPutting a ban on cars could also help the town in which you live in, not only by limiting air pollution but it could boost town activity. New restaurants would be built, and more places to shop. People would spend money on other things besides gas for their cars. Town businesses would do better and make more money, also new businesses could form.\n\nAlso getting rid of cars could limit the amount of deaths every year. Many deaths every year come from car accidents, drunk drivers, people not paying attention and many other things. If everyone walked or rode bikes to the places they wanted to go that could get rid of many deaths that happen every single day. That would make the world safer in so many ways.\n\nGetting rid of cars and not depending on cars for everything could be what this worlds needs to improve itself. This could take us one step closer to living longer, happier, and healthy lives. People wouldn't have to worry about getting a car or paying insurance on a car. People wouldn't have to worry about getting their kids license, teaching them how to drive or anything like that. The number of deaths each year could go down and things could change for the better.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear State Senator,\n\nChanging to election by popular vote for the president of the United States would be a better choice. Keeping Electoral College to me me would mean a crash in the system. Also when you vote you would not be voting for the president,but for a State of Electors, who in turn elect the president. In my opinion is one of these elections the Electoral College systems would crash due too the State Legislatures are responsible for picking the electors and those electors could always defy the will of the people. Plus the State of Electors have too much power thats horrible ,because if the State of Electors where to decides on another candiate there vote would count more than the people. Which would lead to the people to get angry because you voted and many other voted for the same one but it all comes down too what the State of Electors say. I'm not the only one that has this opinion. According to the a Gallup poll on 2000, taken shortly after Al Gore, won the popular vote but lost thepresidency. Over 60 percent of the voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have know. All we need State Senator is a good system because eventually this system that we have right know will eventualy crash.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI believe that dirverless cars should continue developing and growing. Driverless cars in my opinion are the future of driving, and there is nothing that anyone can do to change it. With everything that we have in the world today at somepoint someone thought it was a stuipd idea and it was impossible. For example Steve Jobs created Apple out of a garage and then was kicked out of his own company. When he came back he worked even harder to prove everyone wrong, and he did. He created the first smart device and it changed the world. The self driving cars are the new tomorrow and big dreamers will make it a reality, all we can do is be ready.\n\nGoogle is the first company to sucessfully make a self driving car, that works on real roads. Google took a Prius and fitted it with sensors, cameras, high tech GPS, and motion sensors. Out of all the high tech gadgets that Google's car has the most impressive is the rotationg sensor on the roof. It creates a 3-D display of the cars surrounding so that car can react more precisly to the changing road conditions, and act more like a real driver.\n\nEven with all of these gadgets some people still think that self driving cars are a danger to people on the roads. That is where they are wrong, \"Their cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash\". Most people in their life dont drive half a million miles, and if they did they would at least get into one fender bender. I am not saying that these cars are perfect machines that can just go out on the roads today, there are still so many things that have to be done before they are ready, but they are closer than ever.\n\nAlthough they are called driverless cars, they are not completely driverless. Someone need to be in the car in case the car comes upon a situation that requires a human touch, such as construction zones or complicated traffic jams. Now you might be thinking just sitting in that car while it drove me around would get boring but, BMW is talking about fitting a heads up entertainment display that the driver could use until they needed to take the wheel. This would keep you accupied as the car drove, it just has to be leagal.\n\nThe main problem for self driving cars is the Law. It is illegal for self driving cars to even be tested in most states. As self driving cars become more advanced and prevelent, States will most likely start changing their laws. New laws will also have to be put into place as safety regulations. The laws will have to be able to regualte what can be used in the cars and how they are used. One big issue is if there is an accident most drivers will try and sue the manufactures for faulty equipment, but are the manufactures really at fault.\n\nSelf driving cars are becoming more and more of a reality every day, and that scares some people. They just have to trust that the proper safety precautions will be taken to prevent any injurines. Most companies pedict that their self driving cars will be street ready by 2020, but will we be ready for them.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn 1976 the first image of \"The Face on Mars\" was captured. NASA's Viking 1 was circling the planet when it spotted the likeness of a human face. Nearly two miles from end to end the face was from a region called Cydonia. Scientists figured it was just another mesa, landforms common in this area. When NASA released the picture to the public it became a pop icon. Some people think the Face is evidence of life on Mars, however, NASA disagrees.\n\nConspiracy theorists feel that the Face's true reason for existence is something that NASA would rather hide. In the mean time NASA's budget defenders wish there was an ancient civilization on Mars. Finding such a thing would greatly benefit NASA and hel them in many ways. Therefore, if the Face really was proof of life on Mars, NASA wouldn't be hiding it, they would be announcing it for their own good.\n\nOn April 5,1998, Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera team snapped another picture ten times sharper than the original photos. The new image first appeared on the JPL web site, revealing that the Face was in fact a natural landform, not an acient alien civilization. However, conspiracy theorists were still not satisfied due to the fact that it was a cloudy time of the year on Mars. NASA prepared to look again and captured a final picture on April 8,2001. What the pictured shows is a mesa, landforms common around the American West.\n\nOf the three images NASA snapped of the Face, none of them show any alien monuments or civilizations. The increased pixel sizes would have picked up any objects on the ground such as pyramids or planes. There is no reason for NASA to believe they discovered anything other than a common natural landform. The only difference is that this landform has unusual shadows that make it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Facial Action Coding System is not necessary in a classroom enviroment. It can be a distraction from student productivity, it is most likely a costly item, and might not be one hundred percent accurate. There are just so many flaws with the idea.\n\nIf the F.A.C system was to be placed in a classroom, students will be distratced. For instance the students would be much more concerned about the machine than the actual work in class. \"A classrom computer could recognize when a student is become confused or bored.\" Students will mess around with the system and try to through it off by making weird facial features or gestures, the computer can not tell if the perosn is lying and some students no matter what they will always be bored. Also some students are paranoid and might think that the government is taking information from them or the school is keeping an eye on them and that will be a distraction.\n\nTo be able to have this advanced peice of technology in a public school it is going to cost a lot of money. Because the F.A.C system can be damaged, students will not be albe to go near it t and teachers are going to have to be taught on how to use it which takes their time from them whem they can be planning lessons. If a school were to buy those they might as well use that money and spend it on better supplies for students fix things around the school buy better soap for the bathrooms or something that is worth the money.\n\nThe F.A.C system is advanced and made by some intelligent people but it might not be completely accurate. There are multiple students that don't like to show their expressions they just have a blank face. In the passage it states \"each expression is compared against a nuetral face (showing no emotion),\" yet some people just have a resting face where when they are happy they use words instead of facial expressions, or when people choose the unhealthy option and keep it all on the inside instead of letting it all out. The way people feel can not always be determined by a machine.\n\nTherefore the Facial Action Coding System is pointless. It is better to do things the old fashion way by talking to ine another and being kind. If students are confused or bored they can speak up and let the teacher know. On the other hand if there is someone out there with the extra money then by all means.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe face that you see on mars is actully a landform called martian mesa. It just happened to form like a face with the shadow. When the viking 1 was looking for a landing spot for viking 2 it happened to fly over this landform the viking 1 was already taking pictures so it took a picture of the landformation that looked like a face.\n\nWhen this picture was later given to the public to see it became a pop icon in a hollywood film, book, magazines, and radio talk shows too. people belive that it is a sign of life on mars and that NASA would rather hide conspiracy theorists, but really if there was life on mars NASA wouldnt hide it they would be getting funding money for a mission to futher investigate. Then on\n\nApril 5, 1998 a mars orbiter flew over cydonia capturing a sharper image of the landform it showed a martian mesa with shadows that made it look like a face as NASA said. Yet people were not happy they said it was cloudy on the red plant and that the camera had to take the picture thought clouds and could of missed alien life. So NASA then fleew over the landform one for time on cloudless day at the red plant and took anouther picture it showed the same thing as the second picture. So it was made clear that there was no alien life on amrs or that the face of mars was made by aliens it was just a great landforming.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWouldn't it be cool to be able to relax while driving? Personally, as a driver myself, I do know that driving for long periods of time can be very tiring. Your feet get tired and your legs become ressless. If you were able to just sit back and relax while the car was being driven, and you only had to be attentive when a problem occured, is that an experience that you would want to partake in?\n\nI believe that driverless cars could be very convienent for drivers, and I think that they should be put to use. They would become very popular because as it says in paragraph two, \"Television and movies have long been fascinated with cars that could drive themselves.\". Many people would want to own one for themselves, and be able to get the experience. Everyone would know about it because the media would make it be very well known, and the companies that would be selling the driverless cars would make lots of profit.\n\nMany people might say that it is dangerous and could cause a tragic car accident, but in paragraph seven it states \" In fact, none of the cars developed so far are completley driverless. They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navagating through work zones and around accidents.\" With this being said, drivers must be attentive and remain alert and be ready to take over when a problem like this was to accur.\n\nAnother point that may be brought up in discussion is what if the driver's attention is not able to be grabbed when the car is in need of the driver's assistance? Well, in paragraph seven, it says that \"GM has devleoped driver's seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger of backing into an object. The Google car simply announces when the driver should be prepared to take over. Other options under concideration are flashing lights on the windshield and other heads-up displays.\". These are all things that could be put in place to ensure that the car is able to quickly get the driver's attention.\n\nPeronsally, I believe that the driverless car would be a great help to every person driving. They would be able to relax more, and they would not have to take so manys stop breaks between round trips . The driver could simply be more at ease while driving, and not have to be so cautious. The driverless car would be more safe for people inside the car, and outside the car such as pedestrians. The driverless car is a great idea.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever wondered if there are any other living things in the universe? Maybe some where in a far away place, maybe on our neighbor Mars. A picture surfaced during 1976 showing what looks like a face on Mars, people were saying that it is in fact a fact of aliens on Mars, but it could also be a landform.\n\nFirst of all, the face in 1976 is much more noticable than it is in the most recent picture from 2001. Also, if it were a face were is the rest of its body? Is it just a huge head sitting in the dirt. As well, how would such a huge person fit on the planet? The picture's pixels come in at about 46 meters per pixel. Could a face really be that big. Conspirests can believe that it is proof there is other living things on Mars, but wouldn't finding something on Mars benifit NASA's budget?\n\nNASA could be getting millions if not billions of dollars if they found other living things on Mars. Goverments would be preparing journeys and preparing astronauts to go investigate the face. Also, if NASA was hiding it from the public, the would lose more money because they could start fundraisers to help send people and robots to Mars. They would be credited world wide for their findings. The people who controled Viking 1 and 2 would gain publicity from their findings as well. Why would NASA hide something that could put so much money into research? They wouldn't, it cannoto be anything else other than a landform. Plus, wouldn't we see many other things surrounding the place.\n\nIf the face was really part of an extra terestrial civilization, why would they have just a face and no other things surrounding it. Wouldn't there also be a little person or something walking around the place. Some may say that they are all inside teh face, but then shouldn't there be a visible way of entry into the place. They can't just breach a wall and rebuild it every time they want to enter the place. The camera pixels in the most recent 2001 photo is 1.56 meters per pixel. That is shorter than most teenagers, The photo would cleary show some sort of person or another form of transportation in the photo. I personally doubt that the face isn't home to other people who live on Mars. I maybe wrong, but until I can see actual information showing that there is and photos, I don' t believe it.\n\nMaybe one day there will be a voyage to this face on Mars, but until then I belive that it is just a landform. Other people may believe what they want, but it looks exactly like a landform to me. There isn't enough facts to support it is something else, but unless there is a voyage to this place, then it will continue to be just a landform to me.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIf it were me, I wouldn't have technology to read students' emotional expressions. That would be very creepy and computers break down all the time. Let a computer get a virus see what happens... It's just a mistake waiting to happen.\n\nPeople should use technology to better our education services and fix up the hoods. Those would be better causes. Another great cause that technology could be used in is to invest in disease cures and control. Those four things would benefit the United States tremendously with our technology in this day and age behind it. Now on the other hand, using this technology to read students' emotional expressions would be successful, but it is also an invasion of privacy and wouldn't really benefit the World or let alone this Country in comparision to some of the other things i mentiontioned.\n\nMe personally i dont feel like it would be a good investment. I feel like there are better things that you can use technology foroppose to reading somebody's mind. Although, it does have it's benefites.... It is not something that i would look into. It's a invasion in privacy. I just feel that its creepy and if a kid is going to talk to you about something he will!", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author of this passage seems to support the idea of traveling to Venus but also seems to have his doubts at the same time. In paragraph 4 he says \"If our sister planet is so inhospitable, why are scientists even dicussing further visits to its surface\" That statement from the passage doesn't seem like it would come from someone who supports the idea.\n\nThe other reason I personally believe he doesnt really support this is because when you read passages of people supporting ideas, they dont really go into the negative things that could happen. The author of this went well into detil of the hazards and dangers that can occur on venus. In paragraph 5 he says \" Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans.\" He is saying that even after NASA figures out a way to make it to Venus, it would still be extremely difficult but you probably won't die.\n\nMy conclusion of this passage is that the author does not fully support the topic he is writing about and for many reasons. Yes, Venus may have had a good enviroment that could have sustained human life in the past but it doesn't anymore. I think we should stop trying to explore somewhere that could harm you.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author of this article, \" The Challenge of Exploring Venus,\" he starts off by telling us about the planet. He included some fun facts like it is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky. But later on he gets down to his main point studying Vensus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author then stating numerous of challenges and risks that Venus gives like corrosive sulfuric acid, a thick atmosphere of 97% carbon dioxide that blankets venus, how the average temperature reaches 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and that the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. Earlier in the article the author states to us how, \" Humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud-draped world. Each previous mission was unmanned, and for good reason, since no spaceraft survived the landing more than a few hours.\"\n\nFurther on in the article the author starts to support his idea progressively more. Starting in paragraph 5 he starts to use evidence on how big space administrations like The National Aeronautics and Space Administration or further known as NASA is coming up with more ideas and technology that will create a more safe supporting conditions that will with hold the hostile conditions that Venus holds. A little bit into paragraph 5 the author claims how they invision a blimp like vehicle that hovers 30 or so miles above the rolling Venusian landscape. This invention will not allow us to be able to touch Venus's surface and will only be able to provide limited sight on the ground conditions but will avoid all the unfriendly ground conditions. At the end of paragraph 5 the author states to us that \" Solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels. Not easy, but survivable for humans.\" From that last sentence right there it proves to us that it is survivable for humans, but it is not easy. After hearing that sentence that the author used to help support his idea. I thought that the sentence was something that really affected how he supported his idea.\n\nAll in all I will say that the author did very well in supporting his idea on is Venus a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. To support my evidence that I supported in evaluation on how well the author did supporting his idea, I looked at the very last sentence in the article in paragraph 8 and when I read that, \" Our travels on earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation.\" that is when I knew he did a good job supporting his idea with evidence in the article.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMy position on driverless cars is i personally believe the idea is crazy! I say this because you never what could be the outcome of of this car. Another reason i say this is because these cars still have a driver. There is alot of what if's with this idea. I personally would not a take a chance, and put my life in a cars hands, and i dont believe others should either.\n\nThe articles gives give reaonsing to have these cars, and bad reasoning to have these cars. I agree with thwe article on some the good reasonings such as fuel. Sergey says the car he forsees would use half of the fuel of today's taxis, and offer far more flexiability than a bus. This is just a car he forsees, this does not make this a fact about a driverless car. Sergey believes these cars would fundamentally change the world. In my opinon these cars could harm the world.\n\nGoogle has cars that has driven more than half a million miles without a crash. These cars are the cars that are not completly driverless. The google cars have alert the driver. I personally think this still does not mean anything. I say this because a person may lose their life in a split second, with this being said this car could be a few seconds late to alert the drive and the driver was not paying attention then BOOM! Theses cars have alot of what if's, and i definitely will not be looking forward to find out one.\n\nInconclusion these are my reasons i believe this idea is. This is my opinon and you never maybe these cars will revelousionize the world, but theres always a chance that these cars may cause damage to the world as well. As you can see i dont believe these cars will be very useful. I also dont believe these cars will as Sergey saod fundamentally change the world. I could not put my life on technology. If i dont ride roller coasters why should i ride in a driverless car?", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author supports and suggests the exploration and study of venus in several ways, despite the dangers and complications.\n\nFirst, they give very well described detail on venus. like how its name is misleading, and other interesting details about the so called planet to make the reader more interested on what they are reading.\n\nNext, They explain what the so called planet holds. Like 97% of carbon dioxide according to the text, as well as how it can relate to earth in a few ways as well as differ from it.\n\nthey then question why the so called planet hasnt be well discovered, and give more on the so called planet's surface.\n\nFinally, The author gives information from NASA like how they are working on ways to study it despite the challenges. The text also states that the harsh conditions are not the easiest but are survivable.\n\nIn all, the author has a set goal in mind and strongly belives we can explore the so called planet through trial and era, as well as motovation and willpower.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus,\" the author suggest that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author give a few reasons why it would be worth to study Venus. The author brings up how we would use this experience in other ways. The author brought up how Venus was once like Earth and how it had inhabinants. The author brings up ways that we could explore venus.\n\nThe author brings up how it the successful and unsuccessful knowledge would help us in other situations. We could use this experience for mars which would seem a lot easier to tackle if we can successfully land on venus and study that planet. We could use the information on how they built the shuttle for submarines, So we could go deeper and not have to worry about the hull being damaged as easily. The information we get on how to properly land on venus would make all of space travel a little easier.\n\nThe piece states that Venus could have been just like Earth once. \" Long ago, Venus was probaly covered largely with oceans and coudl have supported variuos forms of life, just like Earth.\" That exclamation shows that it's possible that there can be life out there that not from earth. The are also features that are also on earth, like mountains, crater, and valleys. What we could learn for why that ecosystem failed could help us in the future.\n\nThe author tells us that people are thinking of ways explore Venus. One idea is that we float in a blimp like craft above the hostile conditions. We still couldn't get the the ground without some challenges but it is a start. The author also brings up how we could bring computers that are made of gears and levers that would work better in harder conditions.\n\nVenus is possible to explore we just have to look at it in a certian angle. We have ideas of what to do but we either don't have the means or can't figure out how to do it. We could float above the surface. We could use a more sturdy time of mechanical computer. The information we learn for landing on Venus and from Venus itself could help us in so many ways.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAs the years have gone by, technology has significantly improved. Computers, iPads, and phones are just a few examples. I have to admit, sometimes I really hate having technology around. People become so absorbed in their technology that they lose touch with real people. But what about driverless cars? I believe that we should not have driverless cars.\n\nIn the article, \"Driverless Cars Are Coming,\" the narrator states that, \"They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills...\" However, there lies an important problem in this statement. What if the person in the car is not paying attention? If people today talk on the phone and text while driving, the they most certainly will do the same when they are not driving. Sure the article says that, \"...the car watches the driver,\" but a person can just ignore alerts and attention grabbing attempts from the car. Another problem is drunk drivers. If they drive drunk now, they will be a drunk passenger in the future. As soon as a human needs to take control, then we are back to the same problem as drunk driving now. Or, the drunk passenger could ignore the alert to drive altogether. I understand that in the future, cars may not need any human assistance at all, but the transition will be slow and if both human driven and driverless cars are on the road, I argue that a human driven car is safer. Yes, a driverless car will follow the rules of the road, but humans often do not. There have already been reports of Google cars getting into crashes because they were following the laws. However, a human driver may be able to react quickly enough to another driver.\n\nIn conclusion, human driven cars are safer than driverless cars. The transition to everyone having a driverless car will be slow, and therfore driverless cars will have to drive with human driven cars. They may follow the rules, but humans are unpredictable. Also, more people stay alert while actually driving a car rather than being a passenger. The age of driverless cars is not something we should look forward to, but rather something we should be wary of.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe question is: created by aliens or just a natural landform? To the uninformed citizen, their answer would most likely be that the Face is created by aliens, and that we should all prepare for Earth's destruction. However, a well trained scientist at NASA, (like me), knows that the Face on Mars is obviously a natural landform.\n\nYou might be wondering how the Face on Mars got it's features. It might seem as if it was manmade because no amount of corrosion could make it look like an \"Egyptian Pharaoh.\" That answer would be half correct because even though this natural landform is not manmade, the Face's features have not been created by corrosion. Shadows simply appeared in the picture, making it seem as if it were a face of an ancient pharoah. The Face is just another Martian mesa that is commonly found around Cydonia.\n\nAlthough it is important to know how the Face got it's features, it is also important to know why NASA promoted this Martian mesa as \"the Face on Mars.\"\n\nNASA decided that promoting the pictures of the Face could make the public more interested in Mars. We were correct in this sense because it definitely attracted people towards Mars and it's peculiar landform. However, we were incorrect in the idea of promoting it as a Martain mesa that had the features of a pharoah. This image confused the public, and people started believing that there were actual aliens on Mars and that these aliens had made the Face. No matter how many times scientists released research that demolished the idea of life on Mars, the public twisted the story so that it was more interesting.\n\nEven though there was an abundance of research showing there were no aliens making the Face, NASA went out and took more pictures. These images showed that it was only a natural landform, and that there are no actual features on the Face. As I said before, the features were merely created by shadows.\n\nOf course, people still argued that NASA was wrong. People kept saying that the \"markings\" were hid by the clouds, and that these images were simply a failure on NASA's part. This failure being that they somehow forgot to take into account that there was clouds. However, as NASA was more than careful taking these pictures, the images were as accurate as possible.\n\nThe Face on Mars may just be a hoax, but NASA's research is nothing of the sort. NASA has proven that their detailed research is used to make sure that the public is well informed. The Face may have just been a natural landform, but the public's enthusiasm for these images, (no matter how skeptical), is something that can never be recreated with shadows.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDo you think there are advantages to reducing car usage?\u00a0 There are many advantages in limiting car usage.\u00a0 Reducing car usage can decrease the amount of pollution and greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.\u00a0 It can increase physical activity and decrease stress.\u00a0 There can be numerous advantages when we reduce the amount of car usage.\n\nTo begin, there are various advantages in reducing the amount of car usage.\u00a0 Limiting car usage can reduce the amount of greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere.\u00a0 \"Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse emissions in Europe...and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States.\"\u00a0 (\n\nIn Germany Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars by Elisabeth Rosenthal).\u00a0 This is an example of how greenhouse gases are polluting the atmosphere; limiting car usage can reduce the amount of pollution being released.\u00a0 \"'It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution,' said businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza\".\u00a0 (\n\nCar-free Day Is Spinning Into A Big Hit In Bogota by Andrew Selsky).\u00a0 This is an example of the advantages of limiting car usage.\n\nIn addition, some people may think that there are no advantages to limiting car usage; however, they don't think about how it can help the world around them.\u00a0 Durning a car-free day in Bogota, people will use different transportations and avoid traffic jams.\u00a0 \"Recent studies suggest that Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by.\" (\n\nThe End of Car Culture by Elisabeth Rosenthal).\u00a0 This is an example of how over the years, people are using less car fuel and reducing air pollution.\u00a0 People are beginning to realize that buying a car is not a priority.\u00a0 To reduce pollution and save movey, people car-pool with others.\u00a0 \"A study last year found that driving by young people decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009..\".\u00a0 (\n\nThe End of Car Culture by Elisabeth Rosenthal).\u00a0 this states that the number of young people are not driving as much as they use to; therefore, it helps reduce the amount of greenhouse gases being released and amount of people on the road.\n\nFinally, there are many advantages in limiting car usage.\u00a0 Limiting the amount of car usage will reduce greenhouse gases, stress behind the wheel, and traffic jams.\u00a0 Greenhouse gases can be very harmful when released into the atmosphere.\u00a0 There may be less deaths due to crashes, and less frustration due to traffic.\u00a0 There can be many advantages and people around the world should consider limiting their car usage.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Face on Mars. Many say that it was created by aliens, but I think diffrently. The Face on Mars was clearly just a miracle of nature. Over the many years that Mars has been here, it could of just be the wind and dirt forming over the rocky surface of Mars.\n\nThe Face is clearly just a huge rock formation on the surface of this planet. There is no logical reason that aliens would of made this Face. It wouldn't of been useful for a home, a shelter, or even just a explimation of life on the Red Plant. This Face represents a human face, but humans aren't capable of living in such conditions of Mars, so if it were aliens, wouldn't they created a face in the ground of a alien and not a human, have which they never seen.\n\nWith the new cameras we have today, if there where by any chance, homes, airplanes, or even pyramids on Mars, the cameras would be able to pick them out and NASA would have seen them. With saying this we can comfirmed that there is no showing of life on Mars, so the Face couldn't of been fromed by aliens.\n\nThe Face is clearly just a part of nature that was created and with our eyes we see a face. The rock formation that we see, looks like a face using the shadows from the sun, and the form of the rocky surface. With this face getting so popular, many of the conspiracy theorist are taking advantage in that and using their theroies of alien life and planting it in the minds of others. Using the Face in a movie, magazines, books, radio shows, and even in the grocery store checkout lines, the face has taken over our minds in beliving in the life of aliens.\n\nSome people say that the Face on Mars is bona fide evidence of life on Mars, but I still believe that it's just a way of nature.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think the use of Facial Action Coding Symstem is an great way to identify students emotions. I believe that most students in classrooms become sod or lonely when he/she is doing work that the student doesn't understand. So with the facial action symstem it can interact with students to change their emotions from sad to happy.\n\nIt can help change emotions by showing different thing on the computer screens,for and example a student can be sad and the facial regonition can see that he/she is sad and then put something thats joyful on the screen.\n\nThe computer can tell if the a student is pretending to be happy or sad by your mucles. Pretending to be happy or sad will cause the symstem to bringout the student real emotions. Most students try to act sad to bring atttion to themselves. If a student appears sad to another student the other students tends to comfront him/she in the wrong way.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear State Senator,\n\nIm just a regular voter arguing with you that I dont agree with the electoral college.\n\nPerhaps If us citizens knew exactly what and who we vote for, we'd have a better undestanding of how votes are casted in the ballot other than us voting for the \"President\" but actually voting for the electors of the candidate who really \"vote\" for us. You've probably have heard of arguments over deteriorating the electoral collage, but if we dont actually vote for our president that we want to be our president then why have a set of electors vote for us when we are tryng to vote for ourselves?\n\nThe Electoral Collage is a process of voing for our President along with the Vice President and the electors. This process may be a little overwhelming for some people knowing that they dont actually vote for the wanted President directly, but is a well thoughtout process built by our founding fathes long ago. Maybe there was a reason for not allowing us to really vote for our President diectly instead of having the elecotrs vote for them along with Congress, or even it could have just been a big mess from the beginning that Congress and H.O.R and the Senate have been fixing. The Electoral College consists of 538 electors i n which only 270 of those votes count into electing a Pesident. The author, Bradford Plumer, of the article \"Source 2: The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of he system are wrong\" tells us a little of how the system isnt what we really think it is. \"Under the electorla college system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slae of electors, who in turn elect the president\" he asserts. An example Plumer gives us is that if you lived in Texas at the time of John Kerry, when he was running ofr pesident, you would have voted for a group of 34 Democratic electos who would then have voted for Kerry in retun to votin for his electors. A question is, who are these so-called electors? Electors are anyone who doesnt hold puplic office. Who picks the electors? Mostly depends on the state for that job. In that case, in choosuing your electors, they hold presidential conventions, a state party central committee, and even the presidential candidates themselves can pick who his electors are. Including the fact that voters cant always control whom their elctos vote for.\n\nThe single best argument against the electoral college is the disaste factor. A disaster factor can be in th form of a tie. If two candidates go into a tie, then the \"tie braker,\" as most people refer it as, it gets sent to the House of Representatives (H.O.R) where state delegations vote on the president; and the senate would choose the vice president. At the most basic level, he electoral college is unfair fo voters. The winner-take-all system in each state, makes it sort of easier fo candidates to get most votes. Which is what you would call the \"swing states.\" During the 2,000 campaign, seventeen staes didnt see the candidates at all, including the state of Rhode Island and Sount Carolina and 25 of the biggest media marcketing companies didnt get to see not one ad from the campaign ads. Its pretty straight forward from here. The electoral college is an unfair system, outdated, and irrational. We basically only have assertions against it. Probably wont even be enough to say that the electoral college is unfair, but is enough to say just for the good of the people.\n\nKnowing that citizens votes have no effect really towards the president, then people would be most likely to not wathc the campaigns during he election season of it all. Therefor, the electoral college, once again, is not a great way of electing our president.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Facial Action Coding System would not be very useful in the classroom because most teachers do not change their lesson just because one of their students is confused or bored, the FACS is not even able to read past the basic six emotions so it will not know when a student is bored or confused, and most teachers do not use computers all the time or even at all in class.\n\nTeachers do not change their lesson when one of their students is bored or confused. Everyone that has been in school is well aware of this. Most teachers do try to make it less boring and more fun if multiple students are feeling the same and they do try to explain things better for those that are confused. A computer that \"senses\" when a student is becoming bored or confused, will not be able to do the same and have the same result. The FACS could help the computer see that a student is becoming bored and modify the lesson, but how much help would that be? People learn better when other people are there to explain things. A computer cannot provide the same effect.\n\nAccording to the fourth sentence in paragraph three, the FACS only knows how to read the six basic emotions-- happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. Meaning that the FACS would not actually be able to tell if the user or student is bored or confused. If the program cannot actually sense those two emotions, how will it be able to modify lessons for students to learn a little better without being confused? In paragraph four, it does mention how the software can identify \"mixed emotions\" but it would ot be very helpful for those two considering that they are harder to tell by just looking at someone's face when it is better to ask.\n\nMost teachers do not use computers in class often. Sometimes, they do not use them at all. Unless the students are in a typing class or a program coding class, teachers for other subjects rarely use computers outside of taking tests or doing projects. They rarely ever trust a computer to teach their lessons for them. That is why they are called \"teachers\". So the FACS software program would merely go to waste.\n\nThe Facial Action Coding System would not best suit being in classrooms since the teachers do not change their lessons so the computers should not either, humans express way more than just six emotions and a computer would not be able to detect them all, and very few teachers actually have full computers in their classrooms to help them teach instead of small laptops or just very little technology altogether.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDo you like going to a lot of new places? Do you like unique places? Do you like seagoing Cowboys? will today I am going to tell you something you might like to join it is seagoing Cowboys. The fun part is that you get to do all the things that you might of what'd to do like visiting a lot of unique places.\n\nSo we are going to enter view a person his name is Luke bomberger he crossed the Alantic ocean 16 times and the Pacific Ocean twice to help people affected by World War Il. But before all of this happened he did not know what he was going to do with he life he had 2 jobs and one of the jobs he .worked with he's friend. He's friend invited him to go Europe on a cattle boat. Luke he couldn't say no because he knew ' it was only in a lifetime thing'.\n\nBut if your not a rise taker you probly should not take this job because luke he broke his ribs and he couldn't work for almost a month. And he almost slid off the boat and if you didn't know he could of died how crazy is that. But not only that but you have to be resonspable because Luke had to care for him self and for the animals and had to change there cattle. But if I think about that I could not even do that job Icant even barely take care of my cat and puppy at home . Not only that Luke's animals were not the size of a kitten or a puppy they were cows, horses , and prolly even goats.\n\nBut if you really want this job you have to be all this 6 things 1. Caring 2. resonsable 3. reliebole 4. heping 5. Rise taker 6. *You have to know what challenge you are going to be up to*", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article\"Driverless Cars Are Coming,\" autonomous cars are being developed by car companies across the world. Most companies believe that these self-driving cars will be a good influence on the world, however I disagree. I am aganist the development of these cars because of the copius amount of money it will use and the unessecary addition of new driving laws.\n\nIn the 1950's, a company created a car that could run on a special track whose usage developed as the years went on. Researchers have found that, \"These smart-road systems worked suprisingly well, but they required massive upgrades to existing roads, something that was simply too expensive to be pratical.\" Smarter roads required too much money to develop and lead to the creation of smart cars. Smart cars have a lot of beneficiary components, but are not completly self-driving. This idea of self-driven cars is too complex to create; even the \"smartest\" cars with the latest and high technology cannot be fully self-driven. The money used for these unrealistic cars can be used for other important things in the buisness world and in the real world. Better cars that require driving should be developed or the money should go to the governement to fund other things. Overall, the large sums of money being drawn to create self-driven cars is a negative development.\n\nIf self-driven cars are created, many new lawsuits will be filed regarding the new cars. The biggest question that will stand will be, \"if the techonology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault- the driver or the manufacturer?\" Autonomous cars will bound to have accidents and if the car is driving, lawyers will not know who to blame and take charges. if a person was not driving the car and it crashed but was stil inside, would that person be charged? Unnecessary actions that the government does not have time for will have to be taken- new laws regarding the creation of self-driving cars will be made so that parties will not be at fault. Laws containg the legality of accidents and the questionable safety of the car. The \"human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when situation requires\" which goes aganist a self-driven car, the car has to be the one to be ready to drive and do what humans would do when driving. This raises questions on whether people can truly be safe inside a self-driven car.\n\nIn conclusion, the development of self-driving cars is a negative addition for the world because of the copius amounts of money needed and the addition of new driving laws.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless car should not be aloud to be driven on the roads. They could mess up then the person that is sittind in the car might not be paying attention to what is going on. If that was to happen then something bad could happen to the people that are driving around that car. If the person in the car reacts to late to the cars problem it could also get them injured.\n\nThe sensors in the car might not work right which could also not tell the person in the car when something back is coming on the road. Then they wouldnt have enough time to try and save themselfs from crashing into something. They could hit something will driving and stop all the electronic stuff from working.\n\nWhile they are sitting in the car and it sensors the person in it to take over might not work when they attemept to control what the car needs help with. The car might be to close to the danger that is in the road and it would be to late for them to try and control where the problem is and what the problem is. So the person in the smarter car could be put in danger for what the car didn't tell them. The sensors might not stop the car in time itself.\n\nIf the person in the smarter car was to get in a wreck while they wasn't driving the car then who would be to blame for all the damage to the cars. Would the insurance that the person is paying on the car pay for it even if the driver wasn't physically in control of the car or they could sue the company for alot of money. The company wouldn't like for someone to sue their company for something that wasn't physically their fault.\n\nThats why the driverless cars should not be aloud to\n\nbe driven on the road. The car being on the road and getting into crashes could be a big problem for the poeople and the company. So the company should not put the cars the they have built onto the roads for saftey reasons. They need to think of more stuff to help with the car on the road.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDo you like to help people in need? Well, if you do, join the Seagoing Cowboys! It is a great opportunity to help people! They don't even have homes, please join today or whenever you have time!\n\nWorld War ll just finished, someone wins, but someone loses. We are trying to give the people that had everything destroyed food, shelter, and animals, because they no longer have that stuff. All you have to do is just sign up, and sail over seas to help people.\n\nWhat if you were in this situation? Your home was destroyed, running low on food supplies, and most of your animals are dead. Wouldn't you want help? Join today and you will help thousands of people.\n\nEven if you just like sight seeing, you should join. When you are on the trips, you see many beautiful sights. You are sailing around the world. If you love animals, you should also join. You get to take care of a lot of different types of animals. Sometimes when there is extra time, you can play volleyball and baseball in the empty holds where the animals were. There are a lot of good things about being a Seagoing Cowboy.\n\nIf you ask someone that was a Seagoing Cowboy is it fun to be a Seagoing Cowboy, they will say it was one of the best things in their life they had ever done. Luke Bomberger ( a Seagoing Cowboy ), says it was the opportunity of a lifetime. So if you need something to do, join the Seagoing Cowboys!", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think The Facial Action Coding System should be put into classrooms. The Facial Action Coding System is a system that enables computers to identify human emotions. This a real system that actually works it scans your face to see what emotions you have.\n\nIn order for this to work the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles. I think the use of this in a classroom is going to workout great for the students and the teachers. If you have the Face Action Coding System in the classroom the teachers can scan the faces of there students will the teacher is teaching them a lesson. After it scans the faces of the students the teacher can then see if the students are enjoying the lesson or if they aren't enjoying. This could change the way teachers teach kids by doing stuff creative different days so the kids will enjoy what they are being taught. Instead of being upset about what they are learning.\n\nThis is also a good idea for teacher as well to see if there students are having a hard time or if they are upset about something. Some kids don't like to talk about what they are upset about unless someone ask them first. The face scaning decive will be a helpful thing to put in a classroom. plsu while your face is geting scanned you have to make a happy face therefore the experiment will make you slightly happy. I think they should start putting these in the classrooms now.\n\nHaving these in the class will make kids want to learn and the teachers will be able teach the kids because the kids will be focused. It will be a great thing to have in a school it's always good to see the emotions of the kids in the classroom. Even for the teachers if the teacher is uspet the students can see his emotions with the face scanner. All in all i think they should start putting them in classrooms. I am for the use of this technology as me being a student i think something like this would be a cool thing to have in my school.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThis is why I am for and against the development of all of the new cars they are making.The driverless cars are very interesting and sound like fun.You are still driving but your car is also driving by itself.The only thing i disagree with is when it comes to the law the person driving and the manufacturer should have fault.The person driving should have the most fault for driving recklessly but the car could have done it by itself also.I think the cars should aslo be tested so we know what it is capable of doing in certain situations.The cars should have crash test like the other vehicle's do.\n\nThey say that they want the cars to be safe for the people to be able to drivve in them.But how are the cars going to be safe if they are not tested or anything.The cars are changing while the years go by they are just getting better and better.The cars have very like human minds and do what human do when they\n\nare driving.But when there is an accident no body wants to take the blame for what happened.\n\nGoogle can make all of this good technology for things like cars and everything but is it going to be safe to use.Even though the person driving the car doesn't have to do much they should still have control.They should have control over everything if their is an accident or not.The sensors for the car might work a couple of times doesn't mean they will work all the time.The cars are going to have camera's in them to watch what the driver is doing.The camera should see that the driver is watching the road while driving the car.This is why i am for and against the car.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear Senator,\n\nWe the people, of the United States of America..... These are the first words written upon the Declaration of Independence. This is our very earliest document showing our democratic tendencies, and how we act as one. It also shows how we make decisions among ourselves as a people, as opposed to having other make decisions for us. This leads me to what I wish to discuss with you. Others do not vote for us. We vote for ourselves. We decide who leads us, who will help us get to a better place, who will decide what to do about the national debt, who will pass laws concerning immigrants and the minimum wage. We do. Not you, not the House of Represenatives, and most certainly not the Electoral College. Which is why there should be no Electoral College.\n\nThe Electoral College is a group of people whom elect the president(2). How many for each candiate there are is decided by us, the voters. But heres the thing- most voters think they're voting for the president. They dont even know what they're voting for! And even if some do, its easy to get confused and accidentally vote for the wrong candiate(10). While one vote may not skew the entire election, a couple thousand can.\n\nMany who support the Electoral College will say that voting by popular vote is a bad idea becuase of the possibility of a tie(18). But in reality, it is just as easy to tie in the Electoral College. Its happened recently too, in 1888 and again in 2000(18).\n\nThis isn't the only thing thats broken about the Electoral College. The possibility that a president could win by popular vote, but lose the campaign due to the electoral vote is filthy. It is unfair to the people, and far from democratic. The Electoral College is an anachronism(15). It reminds me of the Roman Republic really, and we are not romans, and this is not a republic. Or, at least, its not supposed to be.\n\nSomething else that is unfair to the people. Due to the Electoral College canaditates only focus on large states, or swing states(13). Voters in small states, such as Wyoming, will never see the candiates and may see only one or two camaign ads. They can't get to know the candidates and make an informed decision. And even in the regional states, democrats should always be trying to convert republicans to their side and vice versa. But becuase of the large swing states, this rarely happens.\n\nThe possibilty of corruption among the Electoral College, is also a present danger. I'm sure you remember form history class how party bosses took advantage of naive immigrants. I can imagine republican electors being paid off or threatened so that they vote democrat. Can you really trust the electors?\n\nAccording to a poll in 2000, 60% of people want to activate a popular vote system. Popular soverignty worked well for awhile when it came to the topic of slavery, why won't it work for us now? And why would anyone want such an outdated system like the Electoral College in place? Think upon my words Mr. Senator. The Electoral College needs to end.\n\nSincerely,\n\nPROPER_NAME", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nBANG! Imagine youself in a car, driving at a fast rate, and used as a test monkey. The author that wrote the story \"Driveless Cars Are Coming\" is very persuasive, and I agree with him throughout it all. He gave very interesting facts on how some states are saying it's illegal that companies test computer driven cars.\n\nI also think that them states thats saying its illegal is crazy, because their basically saying they rather have people drive and test them out. In paragraph 9, they don't know if anything will go wrong with the manufature. They could end up dead up dead for all they know. The author really gives detail when he wrote this. It is a possibillity that we'll have driveless cars they way where going.\n\nIn Paragraph 2, the author tells us about how in all these movies we have with flying cars and what they can do with these cars on television can end up happening in real life. I agree with that also, because with the technology we have now, is just crazy. We going crazy with the technology. So imagine if they put all that technology into cars, we'll be having flying cars right now. We already have cars that can park on they on.\n\nMe agreeing with the author, i couldnt have said it better than what he said because he gave so much detail and research about the cars we have now. he even stated that google has had cars that could drive independently under specific condition since 2009. SOO! Just think about it, we all the way in 2016 technology got better and they started investiong more technology into these cars. I even have an exampl, THe BMW I8 thats the most futuristic car youll ever see right now. That car has everything. so much money and technology was invested into the car, critics say once you get it its like stepping into the future.\n\nAnother thing the author gave readers that was really good, is when they first started making computer driven cars. which was in the 1950's, that let us know when they first realized they should start making smart cars or cars that can go on thier own. In the passage, the author gives us hints on where to look just incase it falls in that category. He gave fact's in each category about whats going on or whats being built. So yeah, I agree with the author one-hundred percent because he gave a wonderful agrument and it was very persuasive to me and i couldnt have said it better.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI belive the driverless cars are a good idea due to the many reasons I have come to know through reading the passage provided. There are less distractions while driving these cars. Although they are not full driverless cars, they take over most of the driving. It has been shown that with these driverless cars there are fewer wrecks than with our regular cars we are use to driving everyday.\n\nWhile driving the driverless cars people still have most of the control. When a dangerous or risky situation is approaching the driver is signaled to take control over the car. So the driver does have control during difficult or risky situations. For example like backing out of a driveway or even into one, complicated traffic situations, and even navigating through road work, or accidents. The car only has control in calm situations that may not cause harderous risks.\n\nMillions upon millions of dallars have went into this project not only to manufacture the cars and to make sure they work , but also to fix situations due to the saftey or anything regarding the car. If something is not up to date, or isn't working corectly the engineers are paid to fix it. This causes the driverless cars to be more efficent and safe. Texting and driving is a huge problem with the society we live in today, but if you put thought into it the car can take over driving while you or whoever reply to that text instead of putting peoples lifes at risk. Also, another example would be if your running late and trying to finish getting ready your car could drive while your finishing up.\n\nAfter reading this passage and inferring some things I have came to the conclusion that driverless cars are not only more convinent but also safer and cause less polution. Driverless cars have had a signifcate difference in wreck numbers than a regular car. As a bonus they give out less polution while driving. Which not only means they're safer for the enviorment, but also safer for peoples lifes.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nBe able to detect your friends emotions is not that hard but what about someone you dont know very well? Being abble to hide emotions from onthers is not that hard, you van put on a smile and act happy around others and be different be yourself happenes all the time with teens and young adults. Will the machine be able to detect that? Or will it show the outer emotions rather than inner.\n\nThis may help a lot of schools witth kids who dont like sharing their feelings, but at what cost will it take fot them to make kids go out and do this? Will it be something thats mandatory or will it be a choice? Thats the question we need to be asking, will it help teens and kids overcome feelings they dont like sharing or will it hurt them even more knowing they felt something that they have been denying all along. Also how do we know if thats correct? In the article it only used an example thats not even a person who is breathing, they used a painting so why spend an upwards of 5,000 dollars on something that may or may not work depending on the situation.\n\nStudents get told all the time by teachers, parents, and a lot of other people that expressing their feelings is very important and to do it to someone they trust. Will this take that away the connection between two people sharing feelings, will we turn intoa society that relies on a machine to tell us our emotions? In mu opinion schools shouldnt make or even give this option to students it is giving them an \"escape\" to talking about their feelings, will it be worth it in the end? To turn our next generation that its okay not to tell how we feel. isnt that the same as being sort of \"robotic\". My parents stress the improtance of showing and talking about emotions and how it makes people closer, now they want to trow that away for a machine. I also see it being sort of like an alternative counsilier because you go see your counsilier about how your feeling and isnt that technically what this machine is doing?\n\nWe need to stick with human interactions, having that is what makes us a society of poeple who care about one another. Once you introduce something with more machinerey yo introduce more kids who are antiscoical and dont want to go outside or play sports. There is a time when technology gets to be too muchand this is one of those times. Lets stop it before we even begin.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think having driverless cars is a great idea. I support it alot because it will make road trips very easier and more exciting for the driver. If taking a long road trip, the driver will be able to sleep as well as the passengers. But the con about that, is that the driver might have issues trusting the driverless car. If the driver dont trust the car, he/she might stay awake as the car have a long trip to where ever the destination is located. Another con will be how might the driverless car react upon other driverless cars. Will the sensors be too hype from every car causing a traffic jam, slow traffic, or maybe an accident. Thats why i also support the driverless cars to let the driver take control at certain points while driving. Eventhough the driver would have to still keep watch of the rode, thats what he or she have to do anyway. So as of right now, ill just say that driverless cars would be good for drivers who like to text while driving and maybe talking on the phone while driving. That is what i think about driverless cars untill they can approve the use of the cars to sleep in while driving.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nlimiting car usage is popular talk amongst most leaders and politicians. there are many advantages to shortining the usage of cars throughout not just countries but the whole world.\n\nThe use of cars cause many accidents and even deaths.\n\nsome cars and most trucks are polutting the atmoshpere.\n\nCars can also cause people to be lazy and not get enogh physical activity.\n\ncars do provide a quicker way of transportation for those who cant or dont have a train to ride.\n\nCar accidents is the leading death toll amongst americans. Even though source#4 states that\"As of april 2013, the numbers of miles driven per person was nearly 9 percent below the peak and equal to where the country was in January 1995. Part of the explanation certainaly lies in the recession, because americans cant afford new cars\".\n\nEven france started to join the banning of cars to a certain exstent. Source #2 says\" congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of france, after five days of intensifying smog...[The smog] rivaled beijing, china, which is one of the most polluted cities in the world\". Smog is caused by to much car pollution with cold weather.\n\ni believe that unless you are in the country side you should not drive. if you are going a short distance you can take a city bus, train or even just do it old fashioned and walk/ride a bike. If you are going long distances take a train. This would cause less acciddents and it would raise health for people.\n\nIf you dont have a train or any public transportation near your area i would recommend buying a car that you actually need. not just buying something to show off around town. if you need a truck then get one but if you are just trying to get from point a to point b then i would recommend a hybrid. something that uses either all electricity or even most elecrticity and some gas.\n\nlimiting car usage is popular talk amongst most leaders and politicians. there are many advantages to shortining the usage of cars throughout not just countries but the whole world. This talk could end up changing the world for a better most likely. it could help save moey and boost the economy. some people wanna hang on to their cars so bad that in paris even numbered lincense plates were ordered to leave their cars at home our suffer a 22-euro fine ($31). Almost 4,000 drivers were fined and even some people had their cars impounded for their reaction to the fine.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nA seagoing Cowboy is an amazing opportunity in life, but what is a seagoing cowboy and what are the perks of doing this? Get ready for this wild ride.\n\nIn 1945, World War two was over in Europe, but many people had nothing left. Then, 44 nations joined together to make he UNRRA ( the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration.) The Organization decided to hire \"Seagoing Cowboys.\" Seagoing Cowboys were used to take care of Horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped over seas. The Cowboys had a important job and sometimes you got special perks of being a Seagoing Cowboy.\n\nIf you are over the age of eighteen and were being drafted for the military, this could count as you military service and don't forget about all the fun you can on board. After all the animals were unloaded many of the cowboys played sports, like baseball and volleyball where the animals used to live. There was also fencing, table tennis, boxing, reading, and whittling, and many other games. While you were working you could see Europe and China. But you could also take a gondola ride in Venice, or see the Acropolis in Greece and that is pretty cool.\n\nIn Conclusion, being a Seagoing Cowboys has its perks. So go out there and going the Seagoing Cowboys.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars could arguably change the future. Google has been working with semi-autonomous cars since 2009, and these new innovations could potentially solve an environmental crisis here on Earth. Unfortunately, many people think that if a car drove itself, it would be a danger to others on the road and to the driver as well. In many states, even testing these cars is banned. Are driverless cars dangerous enough to merit controversy?\n\nIt's no doubt that driverless cars would be beneficial to our environment since they use half the fuel of a regular vehicle, and there is no reason why we should ever be so afraid of change that we won't permit the research of a potentionally world-changing invention. Surely testing driverless cars is not without it's dangers, but the benefits that we would reap as a result are nothing less than a necessity, especially since the driver is always in control of the vehicle. Google is working on a car that will drive itself and also alert the driver if the car was about to wreck. If America is about promoting anything, it's saftey, and it's no lie that anything this monumental would be set in stone without the proper precautions being taken.\n\nAmerica is taking part in an advancing technological revolution, but the earth is deteriorating as a result. The constant burning of fossil fuels and the invading of natural resources for materialistic goods are pushing our planet to the brink. In times like these, we need to seize opportunity and take action before our only home in the cosmos is reduced to a regurgitated wasteland of the earth's unusable resources. With driverless cars in our near future, we'll be able to create a fully-autonomous public transportation taxi system with no need for personal cars. It's important for us to care about and care for the planet because if we don't, who will?", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe nasa is woirking on other approaches to studyng venus, for example some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venu's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions. Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth.\n\nA thick atmostphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in venu's atmostphere. On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmostpheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet.\n\nThis is a challenge about Explring Venus. Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of destiny and size, and occasionally the closestin distance to. The national Aeronauticsand space Administration (NASA) has one particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus. They want to learn about Venus, and Mars.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe use of the Facial Action Coding System to read the emotions of students in a class room is valuable. The Facial Action Coding System uses science and math to predict what emotion you are experincing. This means, that one, if a student is acting up in class or falling behind you can figure issue that student is having by using this sowftware, acting up or falling behind could be an emotional issue, and two knowing what your students are feeling may help you better teach them.\n\nMost students do not tell teachers why they act up or why they are falling behind. Most teachers always try to help their student, but they cannot help without knowing whats wrong. The Fatial Action Coding System allows teachers to know what students are feeling during their time of need, and it also could better enable a teacher to help them over come their problems. This technology calculates \"six basic emotions, happiness, suprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness\" these emotions are always expressed when a student is falling behind, upset, or mis behaving. If a teacher better understands the emotion a student is feeling it could help that teacher help that student overcome what is happening in their life.\n\nKnowing what a student is feeling when a new lesson is taught could better help a teacher teach the lesson it could also even improve a class no one likes. Most students love some classes or hate some classes, but there is almost never an inbetween. If the classes students hate could get tested on with what emotion each indevidual is feeling while taking that class, could better help make the class better. Using the Facial Action Coding System you can get acurate readings for why students dislike a class emotion wise becuase the software precisly computes a \"3-D computer model\" of your face including all \"44 major muscles\" that tell your emotion.\n\nIn conclusion I belive that the technology is valuable to classrooms. It could better help how students act in a class and it could help the teacher teach the class in a way that students like and love it. This technology could revolutionize a classroom experince, teachers will finally know the \"why\" behind why you like a class. It is all based on emotion and knowing someones emotions could help solve so many everyday problems teachers have with students.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nTechnology is often pushed furiously in society today,especially when it\n\nconcerns students in the classroom. When it comes down to Dr. Huang's innovation, FACS (Facial Action Coding System) which is shown and detailed in Nick D'Alto's article \"Making Mona Lisa Smile\" , which shows in the article FACS has been shown to have the power to determine one's facial expressions and determine their mood. People are left in awe of the creation and many would like to see the extent of its power, which leaves people wondering whether FACS should be used in the classroom or not. Although the use of FACS in classrooms might be difficult to implement in classrooms at first, it would be a great boon to have use of such technology in class, due to the advantages provided.\n\nIf FACS were to be used in classrooms, the applications and advantages provided would be numerous. One of the examples that was given in the article by Dr. Huang, was how facs could be used to alter the speed of a curiculum and provide feedback\n\nfrom the students by analyzing their emotions and expressions, by doing this the machine is able to determine whether the student or students are interested in the subject, or if they are confused or not. The data then provided adjustments could be made to the lesson to better fit the students education and help them learn\n\nbetter, as you can see from the statement Dr. Huang says,\n\n\" \"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,\"\n\nDr. Huang Predicts. \"Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human intstructor.\" . . . \"Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication,\" \".\n\nFrom what the text shows, you can see the power of the FACS being able to determine and effectivily teach students based off facial expressions which give insight into whether a student understands the lesson being taught or if the student just does not understand the material nor care as a result of being bored. The use of the facial recognition software would speed up the process of student's educations and would be more effective since it was specifically engineered for the purpose of analyzing patterns in human faces, versus using one instructor to relying on verbal feedback to properly understand the needs of his or her students. If the FACS were to be used it would help students who need help due to the facs being able to read students emotions which are valuable since it affects their attituted towards learning and as a result of their skill. Students who feel confused, angered, nonchalant, or fearful of a subject are less likely to be able to suceed in that subject, by removing and helping qualm those emotions the FACS is able to sucessfully impact the qualtiy of said students educations.\n\nAll in all, by using FACS to analyze the emotions of students and their facial expressions, the instructor of the software it's self can make adjustments to better fit the students mind and ease the negative emotions that directly impact student's ability to learn. With the corelations between emotions and ability to learn, it is a no brainer that having technology analyze emotions of the students to better augment the lesson to their needs.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDo I believe that using technology to read students expressions valuable? Well their are pros and cons to this technology.\n\nThe way that technology is able to do this in the first place is beacuse of Dr. Huang and Dr. Eckman. They created a machine that tracks the movement of your muscles. Such as a sign of anger is your orbicularis oris which is around you mouth when it tightens that is a sign of anger. Also when above your eyes raises your eyebrows when you are suprised. Each face is compared to a face with no face expression to compare and find the signs to identify the expression.The computer could also adjust the lesson for you so you are not bored. A regular PC coudnt handle such confusing algorithms but they can write down sample instructions to encode your emotions.\n\nThe cons of The MOna Lisa, is that alot of times people dont want others to know their feelings. They would rather keep it to them selves. Using The Mona Lisa could be breaking their privacy.\n\nAll of around I would say that The Mona Lisa is valuable. Its such a good thing to have around for the most part. Being able to adjust a lesson to the way someone feels can help students to be more interested and better learners. Also knowing the way a student feels can prevent and solve a lot of problems. Lots of prombles in school could be prevented if a teacher knew ahaead of time of the problem or how another student really felt about a problem So yes once again The Mona Lisa is valuable.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the world today many products that companies come out with includes innovative technology that enters the homes of millions world wide. It is technology that in the past, was only imagined on tv shows and movie screens. Driveless cars are one of those technologies that has been imagined time and time again but it has yet to actually become a fully functioning reality. Although, it should be and with companies like google and tesla already at the forefornt of this innovation it dosen't seem too far fetched that in a few years\n\npeople might just see one of those driveerless cars on the road and It would probaly benefit us as a society.\n\nThe idea of a driveless car isn't new\n\nin fact \" In the lat 1950s, general motors created a concept car\" for it. and even though it wasn't really the car that was smarter and more of the roads the idea was still there. The only diffrences between the idea of driverless cars then and now is that the cars weren't nearly as smart as cars now in which many have computers and then they most likely weren't thinking about the idea of climate change which now is a huge consideration. Not only would driverless cars make it easier on the driver, but\n\nit would also make it easier on the enviorment. because the car would most likely need massive amounts of energy they would also most likely be complety electric or a hybrid saving the money of the driver since they aren't spending it on gas and cutting back fuel emmisions.\n\nMany critics of the car would say it is unsafe to have on the road because the computer wouldn't be able to understand the traffic laws however \" Presently, traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver\" but If the laws were altered to include driverless cars then the only issue would be faliure of the technology. However, if the cars are designed properly that would most likely be at or below the rate of human error. which means it could prevent major accidents from happening speciffically those occuring due to drunk driving.\n\nThere is still a lot of time before driverless cars are realesed and is considered safe to use in america. But the idea of the future where the driver isn't actually required to do anything is excitiing. It will one less inovation that is only imagined and not reality.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nTo State Senator, Electoral college. What a complex process it has become. I am writing to you today to explain to you why the Electoral College should be held. As you know, this is a process which starts off by\u00a0 a meeting of the electors to discuss and vote for the President and the Vice President of United States, then counting the electoral votes by the Congress. The Electoral College isnt a small thing, it consists of 538 electors. It requires at least 270 votes to elect the President.\n\nEvery candidate running has his/her own group of electors. Most states have as its called \"winner-take-all\" system. Which basically, gives all the electors the opportunity to the winning presidential candidate. When the president is elected, the governor sets up a \"Certificate of Ascertainment\". Which concludes a list of names of all the candidates who ran for President. The certificate is then sent to Congress and the National Archives as apart of the presidential election and history.\n\nIt has come to my attention that there has been a majority of people who do not agree with the Electoral College and wish for it to be abolished. A source says and I quote, \" Under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, who in turn elect the president.\" Although, this source only has ONE argument against the Electoral College, which is called the disastor factor. It explains that the 2000 fiasco was the biggest mistake in a century, and how it couldve been worse. In all honesty, if it was going to be as worse... then it wouldve. But it did not so why they spend so much time stressing about something that does not exist.\n\nIt also mentions that\u00a0 if a tie were to happen in the electoral votes, the election would be thrown out of the House of Representatives and the state delegations vote for the president.\u00a0 IF a tie were to appear, i doubt very much that it will happen because the people campaign for the president they want in the White house, so they persuade people causing one to have most votes. But in all worst cases, that is why there is a Vice-President. The Vice-President serves a purpose and should be treated like so.\n\nThere are 5 reasons to keep out Electoral College: Certainty of Outcome, Everyone's President, Swing states, Big states, and Avoid run off elections. Certainty of outcome includes that yes, anything is possible, a dispute over the outcome of an Electoral College, but it is very less likely than a popular vote. The winning candidates share of the college go past his share of popular vote. Everyone's President inlcudes that the college requires a presidential candidate to have a trans-regional appeal. Meaning that if it has no region, the electoral votes are already enough votes to select the president.\n\nSwing states consists of the winner-take-all system as mentioned earlier. Voters are more likely to pay attention to the campaign in toss-up states, to really understand what is hapeneing even though they already know what their final desicions is. The most humble and heartfelt voters should be the ones to decide the election. And of course the big states. In other words, the larger the state equals the more attention from presidential candidates in a campiagn than a smaller state. An example, would be that Florida recieved 29 electoral votes for the current president, rather than Wyoming which only got 3. And finally to conclude, the Avoid run-off elections. The electoral college avoids the problem of elections in which no candidate is favorited. There of course is pressure in run off when no candidate wins a majority of cast votes.\n\nTo end this letter sent to you, State senator. I have explained to you the process of the electoral votes. I also explaind the reasons why you should keep the Electoral College held. Please rethink this over and consider the best option...To keep held the Electoral College. Best wishes.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n\"Luke, I don't understand what you are trying to get me to do!\" Bobby yelled at me.\n\n\"Bobby, don't you get it? I want you to join the sea cows with me!\" I shouted back.\n\n\"Well what the point of it anyways? Isn't it basically just farming, but on the sea? Doesn't sound like anything special to me.\"\n\nI had just explained how Ihad joined a group called the Seagoing Cowboys to my good friend Bobby. I was trying, and trying to convince him to join but, he wouldn't budge.\n\n\"Trust me Bobby, it is so much more than that. You'd get to go with me and many other great men, traveling from coast to coast, and sailong sea after sea. We get to explore so many fascinating places and see so many pieces of beautiful architecture.\" I told him.\n\n\"Well, I can see all of thoses things in America, can't I?\" Bobby said in a tone dripping with sarcasam.\n\n\"No, there is so much more to see everywhere else in the world than what is to be seen here, in America.\" I said\n\n\"But, it's not only that, you'd get to help people that are affected by the war. Bobby, you like to help people, don't you?\"\n\n\"Well, yes I do, but I'm not sure I am comfortable going over seas with a lot of smelly, messy animals.\" Bobby argued.\n\n\"Bobby, can't you just get past that? You would be able to help people in need, and not to mention the animals, but you are just going to pass that up because you don't want to be living in the same ship as these animals?\"\n\nI was quite furious at this point. He was being very stubborn, and I do not like to deal with stubborn people.\n\n\"You know what? You be as stubborn as you like. I don't care if you do not want to help people in need. You can be like that, because I've just realized you obviously aren't meant for this. You are not open-minded enough and that obviously isn't your fault.\" I said fuming, but also holding a hint of sarcasm in my tone.\n\nAt that point, I had already gotten up off of the bench we were sitting on and stormed off back to my home. He was obviously too set on his lifestyle to have a change that was probaly for the better anyways. If he wasn't going to participate in this opportunity of a lifetime, I'll just have to do it myself.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhat happens if earth ever becomes inhabitable? Well, often reffered to as \"earths twin\" Venus, might just come in handy. But there's a small problem. We only know a small amount about Venus from the numerous amounts of spacecraft we have sent there. Sadly they could not get much information before\n\nVenus's heat runined them. No spacecaft has survived the landing for more than a few hours. So, what are the risks we need to take to find out more about Venus? Well the author of \"The Challege of Exploring Venus\" answers exactly that.\n\n\"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" states that Venus has a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide along with the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid. The planets surface tempatures average over 800 degrees fahrenheit. The atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than earths. As you can see it is extremly diffiuclt to find out more about this planet without potentionaly getting hurt or sending a drone up there to get deystroyed.\n\nNASA may have came up with a soulution though. The surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. It would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way. It would still be hot but about 630 degrees cooler. The air pressure would be close to earths sea levels. But will all of this allow scientists to find out what they need to about \"earths twin\"?\n\nEven with scientists being safe above the fray scientists still can't take picture or pick up samples of rocks, gas, or anything else, from a distance. Scientists are still trying to figure out a way that would allow them to do so. Researchers are working on innovations that would allow NASA's machines to last long enough to where they can find out what they need. They have some ideas for exaple, they are looking at simplified electronics made of silicon carbide and old technology used back in world war two. But they will do whatever they can to learn more about this amazing planet to see if its of any use to us.\n\nSometimes risks should be taken if the outcome could be greater. In this case it is. If scientists can learn more about this planet then they can find out if we can use it in the future. Everyone is willing to take this risks if it means we can potentionally find a new home in case we ever need it.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nBeing able to read someones elses emotions and expressions is not always the most valuable thing to do because people hide there imotions for a reason for example to be alone not to make other people fell sorry for them thats why alot of people hide there emotions and face expressions.\n\n''Emphaty (feeling someone elses emotional state) may happen because we unconsiously imitate another persons facial expression. Whoever thought that making faces could reveal so much about the science of emotions.''\n\nThe quote/piece from the passage shows us of much one of these new computer programs can tell about us and our emotions and expressions but this quote all so tells us how much science has advance in our world and how much we all need this type of science because all evebody talks about is science how we can make our world better useing more amd more science descovering new science and this step of emotion and expression regonition us huge because althought alpot of people are not in favor with it there alot of ways to use this new technology. foe example police can use it in solving interogation cases by detecting wether there laying or telling the truth by there face expression this technology can also be use by profesional guides consulors when there with there patients because that way they khow how there feeling and can help them better. In conclusion all this shows that this new technology of being able of telling your emotions and expressions is not the most valuable to some people but it can also be use to help people with there problems and that how science technology should be used.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nGreetings! I have heard that you think the Face on Mars, is a face that was created by aliens. I believe that this \"face\" is just a natural landform. I will support my claim why I think this, and maybe you will finally believe, that there are no such things as aliens.\n\nThere are many reasons why the Face is just a natural landform. On the second sentence paragraph, it says that we scientists have figured that the Face was just another Martian mesa, common enough around Cydonia, only that this one had unusual shadows, which made it look like an Egyptian Pharoah. The reason some people think it look like an alien, was because it looked like a real face, but it looks like a face, because the shadows formed on the rock give off illusions of eyes, nose, and mouth. On paragraph 7, it is said that Machael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera team snapped a picture that is ten times sharper than the origninal Viking phots. Later on, thoughsands of anxious web surfers were waiting for the image to appear. When it finally did, the site revealed a natural landorm. People were not satisfied, because it was a cloudy day on Mars. The scientists decided to prove that it was just a landform, so when it was not cloudy, they took another picture. In the final paragraph, paragraph 12, it says that what the picture actually shows in the Martian equivalent of a btte or mesa-landforms common around the American West. A man name Garvin says, \"That's a lava dome that takes form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars.\" The lava dome is most of Middle Butte in the Snake Riber Plaint of Idaho.\n\nSo, in conclusion, if you first thought that the Face on Mars was created by aliens, than I hope I have gave your enough information, and persuaded you that it is really just a natural landform. I am sorry if you thought it was made by aliens, but it wasn't. I hope that you could understand, and see that it was just the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Dangers of Venus\n\nVenus is the second planet from the sun. The surface temperature is over 800 degrees Fahrenhiet. In that's a fact. Venus has a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. The planet is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of Earth.\n\nVenus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system. On the plante's surface temperature is average is over 800 degrees Fahrenhiet. A human wouldn't survive there. It's extremely hot.This is why spacecraft don't last a few hours on Venus. The planet is just like walking on lava and it's dangerous and hard for scientist to study. Scientist can't take samples of rocks gas, or anything else from Venus surface cause of the heat.\n\nIn the article it says, \"No spacecraft survived the landing from more than a few hours. Maybe this issue expains why not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades.\", meaning Venus is a chanllenge planet that the scientist are studying. It also means spacecrafts can't last and there reseach is difficult. In Venusian geology and weather they go through impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes.\n\nThe challenge is presented by Venus solar power it would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels. Not easy conditions, survivable for humans. Human curiosity should not be lmited by dangers and doubts, but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and novation.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn my opinion I say that the use of technology to read emotional experssion is uneccessasary because what if a student doesn't want a a teacher use a scanner to see what emotion thier in. Not only student but also adulsts might not like it either when they go to work and there boss trys to scan them and see what emotion thier in. I don't think anybody will like that idea of have that kinda technology. I'll say it will not be a good idea because what if the scanner is wrong not saying it is but what about after multiple tests on the scanner and its scans a person and the scanner says thier in that mood and if the person might not be in that moods the machine will probably be giving the wrong information.\n\nI can say that I don't believe that techology can always be right and always be right because theres been problems with other stuff that they have invented like cars,phones,computers,laptops,and droms. Some stuff can maunfunction not everything that has been invented turn out great. That why I said a scanner that can read emotional experssion is kinda of a bad.\n\nI don't think techology is ment for that purpose I don't think will like the idea. People don't want technology reading thier emotions its thier life nobody just can go up to them and start scanning thier face.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nSometimes, it's fun to imagine that the Face on Mars is an alien artifact. However, some conspiracy theorists believe that the Face on Mars really is the work of aliens. This claim is not only outlandish, but it lacks any kind of proof to support it. The Face on Mars is just a natural landform.\n\nThe fact that the Face on Mars is a natural landform has been proven by photographs taken by NASA spacecrafts. On April 5, 1998, the Mars Global Surveyor was able to take a picture of the Face on Mars, one that was much clearer than the original picture taken by the Viking in 1976. Based on the new photo, the general verdict was that the Face on Mars is just a mesa, a natural landform. To clear all dispute that the Face isn't an alien artifact, NASA took another, even clearer picture of the Face in April 8, 2001,\n\nto prove for once and for all that the Face isn't of alien origin. The picture stands as definitive proof that the Face on Mars is a natural landform.\n\nThe discovery of an alien artifact on Mars would help NASA. Even if the Face on Mars was made by aliens, NASA has no reason to cover up the discovery of former alien existence on Mars. If NASA found and released the concrete evidence of an alien artifact, they would gain an increased budget and greater public rapport to find more information. It would reignite our curiosity of outer space. Therefore, discovery of an alien artifact would help NASA, not hurt them.\n\nOthers say that the Face on Mars is an alien artifact that NASA is trying to hide from us. However, alien discovery would benefit NASA more than it would harm them. Furthermore, if NASA really wanted to hide the existence of a possible alien artifact, why would they show us the pictures of the Face on Mars\n\nin the first place? Coupling this reasoning with the clear pictures from NASA spacecrafts completely blows this theory out of the water.\n\nThe evidence in this article prove that the Face on Mars is a natural monument, not an alien artifact. Any continued skepticism on this is unjustified\n\nand quite frankly silly. Although it is fun to imagine that the Face is alien, it is important that we know when to draw the line between imagination and a laughable statement.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere are parks place were you need ot pay and other parks places are for free. Let's says that rich residents you need to pay and it will cost more money. In germany there are steets completely car-free and who pay a parking places for who know how much money,that are only who are rich they will do it. Result ,70 percent of vauban families do not own a cars ,and 57 percent sold there cars. who will do that just there car something isn't worlthy and peolpe should think twoas what are they doing. If they don't have a car they should to a transport or someone could take you. That will be less money that you are spending and think about the environmental. Peolpe should think to pay there license plate first or the police will get you. maybe the police could take your car away unitl you need to pay and if you are drinking that could be a problem for you. Drinkig and drive is the wose idea that you ever have or texting to. Using biked,skated or riding a bus isn't that bad at all for some poelpe think that. Those things are for car-free because you don't need to pay at and you are having fu n out in the streets then other peolpe out there in the world. That could save the environment from the gas that come from your car and the smoke that come your car that effect it. Those things will change your life to live and having fun with your family. President Obama want's the united state greenhouse gas emission,unveiled last week,will get a fortuious assist from an incipent shift in american behavior. In the united state\u00a0 we need to change with the cars and having a car is more respesilitly than your family. In april 3013,the number of miles driven per person was nearly 9 percent below the peak and who know how much percent peolpe that don't have car. Even know car were invinit way in past and who know what willdo without a car .Our lives will change and there many ways to get were we to go places to places.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLimiting car usage.\n\nIn todays society, almost everybody relies on automobiles to get them to where they need to go. They help us get from point A to point B quicker than walking or riding a bike. Sadly though, the truth is that automobiles account for a large percentage of airborn pollution. The toxic fumes that cars emmit are extremely dangerous to the atmosphere and the enviorment. That is why I think it is so important that we try to limit automobile usage.\n\nIts is a known fact that cars cause pollution. Its common sense. There is no point in me elaborationg any further on that. We as a species are substantially harmful to our home planet. Our obsession and constant use of cars further prooves this point. Limting car usage could drastically cut down on the pollution that we cause.\n\nAnother overlooked advantage of limiting car usage would be the cut down in stress that one feels. Constantly relying on and maintianing a well working car can be quite stressful. There is a lot of time and money that goes into keeping a well working automobile. This can cause lots of frustatration that is not healthy for anyone to experience.\n\nLets not forget the constant commuting and traffic that the autombile lifestyle is a part of. Every single day, millions of Americans are forced to wait hours and hours in traffic to get to thier jobs. Think about how quick it would take if you didnt have to wait in traffic. Not to mention, as we stated in the second paragraph, It would greatly cut down on pollution. Imagine if everyone who was commuting to work with you in traffic found another way to get to work. Think about how much air pollution that would cut down on.\n\nThe fact of the matter is that we need to cut down on car usage. I am not denying how great cars are. They make our lives substantially easier. I am merely saying that we need to cut down on the rate in which we use them. We need to be more conscious about the decisions that we make today in order to garuntee a safe and prosperous world for our future. Cutting down on automobile usage, thus cutting down on air pollution, can help make this come true.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAutonomous vehicles are slowly becoming a thing of the present rather than just the future. There are several things that must be taken into consideration when it comes to self driving cars. Things like safety, customer base, retail price, and the positive/ negative affects of autonomous vehicles.\n\nFirst off, How safe do you feel on a rollercoaster or on something that you aren't controlling? You might get that nervous feeling when you first step foot in a self driving car. These vehicles need to be safer than a rubber room, because if not, who's going to step up and take the blame for a gruesome accident? I can forsee lots of drivers blaming/ sueing self driving car compaies for that exact reason. Most of the companies who are developing self driving cars are giving the driver the option to take over when neccessary. They actually reccomend you take over whenever you feel danger on the road. To get these things on the market there are several steps that must be taken, including, driving laws.\n\nIn many states, testing of autonomous vehicles is illegal. California, Nevada, Florida, and the District of Columbia have been allowed limited testing on such vehicles. More states will join in once its proved that these cars are reliably safe. They can steer, brake, and accelerate by themselves but are programmed to give control to the driver whenever it is needed. Drivers must be alert at all times in order for these to be successful. People might think this is an easier way of driving, which it is but it doesn't take away the fact that you could still be badly injured or even killed. So alertness is always required.\n\nI think these vehicles could be a hit but several crucial details need to be straightened out before any everyday customer can purchase one. The leading companies on this project are very far away from making autonomous vehicles a hit among mainstream drivers but, I do believe sometime in the future we will have the option to purchase a self driving car.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIt is clear that in the the article \"The Challenge Of Exploring Venus\", the excitement for a possible oppertunity to explore Venus runs deeply with the author. The problem with excitement is that it clouds judgement, Venus should not be explored without a proper motive or strategy, and they don't yet have that. The article did poorly in convincing me that the pursuit for venus is worth it.\n\nVenus is an uninhabitable place. Dispite the information that would vastly improve our knowledge about venus, it proves quite difficult and could put a life in danger. The heat on Venus greatly surpasses that of the average on earth, it is said in the article,\" Tempratures average over 800 degrees\". The author of the story is working around the fact that its probably not going to happen, within a lifetime at least. The article mentions that Venus is reffered to as \"earths twin\", and it appears to be unmistakenably true at one point in its lifetime, given it's know structures and landforms, but Venus is no longer firtile and cannot support that of even our most protective items suitable for space.\n\nNASA's involvement in attempting to send humans to venus is highly advanced, although the productivity is not the fastest, they are indeed attemting to get somewhere with their research. The best thing mentioned in the article was of the, \"Vehicle hovering over Venus\". It sounds like the title of a really interesting distopian sci-fi book but no, that was the big idea that the author referred to. I did quite like the idea only in that it was somewhat sensible, to collect data from up high, though unfortunately the density of Venus' surface wouldn't allow for any colection of data.\n\nOn the contrary to what is beleived to be, the author provided good evidence as to exciting new ways to hopefully one day be able to learn more about Venus, and understand our solar system at the very least by one planet more.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe idea of sending humas to another country in space has been a livley debate for many years now. Following the US putting the man on the moon the idea has grown and sicentificly become thought of as more attaniable. But, before sending any human life form to another planet it is important to conduct the proper scientific tests and research to see what the outme of such an expiremt may hold. The passage \"The Challenge Of Exploring Venus\" presents strong evidence to prove that sudying Venus is a worthy pursit despite the potential dangers.\n\nThe artilce states that venus is the closest planet to earth. This would lend itself to being an easier task to study. Studys have already shown that the thick atmoshere is almost 97 percent carbon dioxide. This allows the conclusion to be drawn that extra saftey measurs would need to be taken in the expiremental stage of the project.\n\nWith such harsh conditions that are ever so hazerdous the quester arises 'why study venus?'. The text gives prime ezxamples to why we should indeed study venus. Venus is the planet that is most earthlike. It has rocky sediment, valleys,mountans,and craters. Features like this present the most likey chance of surviving an expedition to study the plannet as the author claims it should be done.\n\nWith a world full of fast pace ever changing technology it is important that scientifical innovative leaps be taken to 'keep up\". With such a hefy task such as studying a potential non earthly inbabital plannet it is importand thourough steps be taken in research,planning,simulation of the conditions and reflection be taken before plans for a real expdition begin being formed. There is true value in studying beings,concepts,terrain, and values that escape the bound of plannet earth. The studying of venus is simply a step in the right direction.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever spent hours sitting in front of a computer doing school work, learning from a computer-animated face, or simply browsing the web? Have you become bored and uninterested in the process? Professor Thomas Haung has created a computer software that can detect emotions. FACS, the Facial Action Coding System, can be useful reading students' emotional expressions in many ways. A few examples include adjusting a lesson the student is learning if the software detects that they are confused or bored, making computer-animated faces more expressive, and relying on the fact that most human communications are nonverbal, including emotional communication.\n\nIf a student is spending hours on a computer, whether it be doing homework, studying, or simply learning a new lesson in school, it is likely that they will become bored or confused in the midst of their work. If the FACS were to be installed onto their computer, the software would be able to detect the students' change in expression and emotion, and modify the lesson, homework, or stuyding that the student is doing. This would simulate an effective human instructor. It would also help the student get their work done quicker, and they will become interested in what they are doing again.\n\nFACS would greatly lend a hand in the making of computer-animated faces more expressive. This software could help show more emotions among computer-animated faces, such as disgust, sadness, fear, jealousy, etc. By showing more expressive emotions, the FACS would largely help students become more interested in what they are learning, if they are learning from a computer-generated person. If the person hardly shows emotions and is not very expressive, the student will likely become bored and uninterested in what they are doing. However, FACS can help prevent that.\n\nAn important way FACS can be of use is simply detecting human emotion. Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication. Because computers, and technology in general, are the future, it is vital that computers can understand that. For example, if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. However, if you frown when a Web ad appears, the next ad will be different. This will generally make the users experience on the computer more content, as they are not bothered by annoying ads.\n\nIn conclusion, the Facial Action Coding System could greatly be useful in many ways. Students can become more interested in learning, studying, or doing homework, computer-animated faces can become more expressive, and most human communication is nonverbal, making it vital that computers can understand that.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nTechnology that can read your emotional expressions is very valuable to students in a classroom, because it can provide information on how you are feeling. It provides emotions that a humans eye cannot detect. A lot of people dont realize how others are feeling because they hide their emotions. Dr. Paul Eckman, creator of FACS (Facial Action Coding System) created a facial system to detect the emotions of a person's face. This system is very valuable because it gives better ways for humans and computers to communicate.\n\nThis software constructs a 3-D computer model of the face with all 44 major muscles in the model. Eckman classified six basic emotions-happiness, suprise, anger, disgust, fear and sadness and he asscociated each with characteristic movements of facial muscles. A big amount of students dont focus because of the distraction around them. A teachers job is to keep them focused at all times, but sometimes it is hard for an individual person to keep track of so many students. This techonolgy can help students in many different ways. By weighting the different units, the software can identify mixed emotions, which can help the student by making the work they are doing simple or more difficult. For example, if you smile when a web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. It modifies the lesson, like an effective human instructor.\n\nThe FACS is a very valuable techonolgy for students because it helps to guide them through a problem they might be facing. It can help a classroom full of students that are confused on a lesson. The software can detect their emotional expressions and switch up the lesson to make it more understandable. For example if a student does not undertsand the problem, the computer can detect his or her confusion, and it will modify to fit his or her understanding. The software is very valuable for the emotional expressions of students in a classroom.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI believe that driverless cars should be developed. I believe this because now and days you see that a lot of car accidents happen with texting and driving and also with drinking and driving. Now imagine how great it would be if those types of accidents would stop happening, well driverless cars are the answer. Now and days people can be very irresponsible and hurt others by their actions but these cars can help save lives and a lot of them. This can help keep pedestrians safe and even the drivers. Many deaths happen every year because of drivers not being able to be alert when driving, well with this type technology we can prevent this from happening. These cars will most likely be programmed to follow the law, as in mainting the speed limit and not doing illegal things on the road as in skipping a stop sign or a red light. These cars will also be able to help those who aren't able to drive like blind people, short people, and handicaped people these cars will be able to take them to their destination safely. These cars will be a great help to a lot of people who are irresponsible and to those with disadvantages. In conclusion I do believe they should develop these cars because it would be a great help to people.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe authors says that it is important to go to venus and explore. He feels that yes it is dangerous but he thinks we should push through that. because theyre will be alot to learn on venus. He shows this by saying all the dangers with going theyre. Then goes on why they should and go travel to venus to explore the planet.\n\nHe states that some importances of going to venus. Like along time ago it was probably the closest planet to earth. And that venus is the best optin to visit because it is close. He states thes things by saying.\" The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar feature such as valleys, mountains, and craters, furthermore.\n\nHe also states that \" recall that venus can sometimes be our nearest option for planetary visits, a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel. He says the travel would be very neccesary for science that could learn alot of stuff if theyre were to go vist venus.\n\nOn the other hand theyre is alot of risk if they were to go there. That people could get hurt because pof the harsh elemenst on venus and the harsh terrain. He sates that by saying. \" NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. imangine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling venusian landscpe.\n\nAll in all he feels like venus would be a good planet to go explore. Because it was like earth at one time and still is. It will let us learn alot of stuff. He does understand the danger that will come with this mission. But he is ready to go through that danger.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Face on Mars could be a alien artifact, but its not. The Face is only a natural land form. The reasons are, conspiracy therorists think NASA would hide evidence of life on Mars. It takes time to prepare for the pictures. It looks like landforms on Earth as well as Mars.\n\nConspiracy therorist think NASA would hide this evidence from the world. Nasa shows an image with a caption that says \"huge rock formation.\"\n\nCydonia became a priority for the Nasa program. Later another team when to go get pictures of the Face and all they found was a natural landform.\n\nIt takes time to prepare the pictures and the launches. NASA sent only 3 teams to go and look at the Face. The reason they did that is because of how much time it could take to prepare for these journeys to space.\n\n\"As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size,\" (paragraph 11).\n\nThe Face looks like landforms from Earth as well. The Face landform reminds \"Garvin that it looks mostly like Middle Buttle in the Snake River of Idaho,\" (paragraph 12). \"That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about he same height as the Face of Mars,\" (paragraph 12).\n\nThe Face of Mars looks like landforms we have on Earth. It takes time to perpare for the space missions. Finally conspiracys think NASA wouldn't show the evidence or hide life. Most of these things can even help the mesa of the Face be another landform.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author presents a postive impact on driving because, driving will be safer with the smart cars. driving will be much easier with the smart cars, and people will have a better time driving.\n\nDriving will be safer with the smart cars. In paragraph 5 the author states, \"The imformation from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better responce and control than a human driver could manager alone.\" This statement from the author of the article shows that the smart cars sensors detect things faster than a human. Another example states, \"There are sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and an inertial motion sensor.\" After reading that statement it makes people feel safe being in a car that can basically detect everything around them.\n\nDriving will be much easier with the smart cars. in paragraph 7 the writer states, \"All of the cars are able to steer,accelerate and brake themselves.\" This statement is a big help to drivers who get tired of steering all the time when driving. The writer also states, \"The car can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 mph.\" This would be great for drivers. It would help them get around town. Especially for people who live in small citys.\n\nPeople will have a better time driving. In paragraph 8 it states, \"Some manufactuers hope to bring fun to driving by bringing in entertainment and informational systems.\" This would make driving a lot better.\" Another example states, \"Drivers will be ables to text now with the smart car while driving.\"\n\nThe author presents a postive impact on driving because, Driving will be safer with the smart cars. Driving will be much easier with the smart cars,\n\nPeople will have a better time driving.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless Cars sound like a good idea when it comes to knowing you won't have to use the pedals unless you are in a tough situation. This can be helpful to those who have broken their leg so they can't drive a normal car. But with this new car, they could drive in non harming areas. This could do more harm to people than help them though. If the driver in the new car would wreck they wouldn't know who's fault it would be, the drivers or the manufacturers. If someone gets injured in the driverless car, whether it be if the technology failed or just an accident, the company may get sued or have to pay the hospital bill. This could be bad if the driver thinks the car will comepletely take over the driving for them and they don't pay attention. This could lead to themselves or someone else getting badly hurt.\n\nThis car would be a good help to those who don't have much money because it uses less fuel than a normal car, and they wouldn't have to pay to ride the bus. \"The cars he foresees would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexability than a bus.\" It is good that the touch sensors make the driver hold onto the wheel so they don't get distracted. \"The car can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 mph, but special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel.\" This can help, but not totally get rid of, accidents and injuries because it doesn't let the driver get distracted.\n\nThe new car would harm people with all these sensors they put into the car to tell the driver when it's time to take over may make the driver on the other side of the road distracted if it's a light. When the car is driving by itself most of the time, it can possibly cause more accidents than before. \"Tesla has projected a 2016 release for a car capable of driving on autopilot 90 percent of the time.\" When the car is on autopilot for that much time, the driver can easily get distracted by the most random things. Examples of this would be looking out the window or talking to a friend in the car, and this would make you take your eyes off the road and you may not even realize it.\n\nAfter all this I think that they shouldn't make these cars because so far they haven't had many crashes, but they might. The only difference between a normal car and a new driverless car is that it drives for you when you are driving on an open highway. \"Their cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash.\" \"They still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as navigating through roadwork or accidents.\" These cars aren't really a big change from a normal car and a normal car I think is far more safer for yourslef and everyone else on the road.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMany times during online activites, students can become confused or just simply bored. They often need their teacher to come and explain the topic to them because the online course or activity just simply isn't helping them in a way that works for them. The Facial Action Coding System would be beneficial to both the students and the teachers in schools. This technology can enable online programs to be modified to the students needs, whether they're lost or just uninterested, and it can help the children more efficiently when the teacher has their hands full. The Facial Action Coding System would be an overall help to struggling students and teachers everywhere.\n\nBored students are never a good thing. No student looks at a boring assignment and thinks, \"Wow, I really want to do this assignment for the next hour.\" A bored student leads to an unmotivated student who isn't trying very hard, and there is nothing more boring than staring at a screen for some period of time doing homework. In the sixth paragraph of the article it states that this technology could recognize when a student is becoming bored and modify the lesson like a real human instructor. This could keep students engaged and interested in the lesson. They would be more willing to complpete their work than if the lesson were monotonous. The Facial Action Coding System could eliminate bored students everywhere.\n\nTeachers in public schools can have up to 40 students in one class and they can't help all of them at once. Teachers are human, they can't be in two places at once or helping two students at once. With the Facial Action Coding System, computers can modify their lesson and teaching to specific students and give them the help that they need to understand the standards. All students don't learn the same way and all teachers cannot possibly have time to help each and every one of their students individually. This technology can make studies a little bit easier for everyone, even the adults.\n\nThis technology would be very valuable in schools, especially in the times we're currently living in. Almost everything is online nowadays. Classes that taught how to write in cursive are being replaced with classes that teach how to type correctly on a keyboard. In many schools you will find children carrying around laptops instead of textbooks. You can even take college courses online. Why wouldn't you want to make the online learning experience even better by allowing the computers to customize themselves to the specific student?\n\nIn conclusion, the Facial Action Coding System would vastly improve the educational experience of students all around the world. If a student were confused or bored, the computer would adjust itself to keep the student understanding and engaged in the lesson. The computers would be able to provide just as good of help as the teacher would, thereby lessening the workload of the teacher and making sure the students are still getting all the explanations and teaching they need. Technology is everywhere, in almost every classroom. Improving the way it works would be improving our student's education and in time, their futures.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article \"Making Mona Lisa Smile\", it talks about a new technology that enables computers to identify human emotions. The new technology is called Facial Action Coding System. At the very beginning of the article, it talks about the emtions of Mona Lisa for she is eighty-nine percetnhappy, nine percent disgusted, six percent fearful and two percent angry. Honestly, if I was forced to sit for hours and stare at nothing while some old guy painted my picture, I would not be very happy about it. The technology works by constructing a 3-D computer model of the face that it has been presented with all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles. Dr. Paul Eckman, the creator of FACS (Facial Action Coding SYstem) has classified six basic emotions-happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear and sadness.\n\nIn paragraph six, Dr. Huange predicts that a classroom computer could recognize whena student is becoming confused or bored then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor. As a student n high school, I honestly do not believe that Facial Action Coding System is necessary for a classroom. Our biology teacher makes the notes for us herself so the computer would have no way of changing anything to make it interesting. Along with the fact that most human communication us nonverbal, inclusing emotional communicaton, the computer need to understand that also. I believe that this Facial Action Coding System (FACS) is a waste of time when there are more important matters at hand in this world. WIth the recent school shootings, I believe that we should be spending more time trying to make different types of affective things to protect students when a shooter enters a school. I saw an article about how a school has recently installed bullet proof \"rooms\" into every classroom. Whenever someone comes over the intercom, telling the school that they are under attack, the students rush into the room that can hold up to thriy to forty kids. This is what we should spend more time with. Making sure our students are safe, not trying to figure out whether the emtions of students while in class or the emotions of a painting from a few hundred years ago.\n\nNow, I am not saying that FACS would not be helpful in some cases. It could be used with therapists who have patients that do not want to cooperate with them or a patient in a metnal hospital. The effectiveness in a classroom is very low in many cases. The facts that they can recognize the human emotion based on the muscles of the face like the zygomatice major (muscles that begin at your cheek bones) lift the corners of your mouth. Yes it does seem interesting but like I said before, it should not be used in a classroom. I believe the only communication that we should have with computers is emailing and other types of work, like typing out the next best-selling book.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI am strongly against the development of these cars . First , Whats the point in making a car thats functions by itself ? Cars were made to be driven by humans not by themselfs . Why spend so much money and time in trying to develop something , when theres no garrented that anybody will buy them or they will even function properly . Its just telling drunk drivers or high drivers to get behind the wheel of a car , Nothing bads going to happen your not driving so nothings your fault .\n\nSecond , Are traffic laws were made to keep pedestrains , drivers , and passengers safe . In this article \" Driverless Cars Are Coming \" They give you a question \" who is at fault the driver or the manufacturer ? \" . When anything bad happens on the road , I feel as if its the manufacturer falt . They basically say there is no need in watching the road when you drive now are cars will take car or everything ; Eat , talk , text , sleep , smoke , do as you please . They have flashing lights , entertainment , information systems that use heads-up display to warn a driver when he or she must take over . With knowing this drivers really wont pay attention now a lot horrible things can happen , The only thing that will improve is how one can drive perfectly in a straight line .\n\nThrid , How do we even know the driverless car works right ? How do we know it wont malfunction ? KIll us ? or even catch its ownself on fire ! We know nothing of this driverless car and what its truly capable of . Can it stop correctly at a stop light or a yeild sigh , Can it reprogram to drive itself at the right speed limit . Slow down when a pedestrian , dog , raccoon , or even a squirral has entered the road .\n\nlastly ,\n\nMy question is why build something to out smart the system when the system is good already ? We already drive everywhere we need to go , If not driving we walk . The traffic laws are fine they prevent dangrous accidents already , Everybody follows then an know them ; and those who don't follow get a free trip the the police station . Why confuss people , switch , or even change some laws to protect the driverless car and its manufacturer . Im against the driverless car for many reason and I still have many questions about the development . You shouldn't take something so simple and make it into something so complicated ,\n\nJust leave things how they were mean't to be .", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the artical \"Making Mona Lisa Smile,\" the author describes how a new technology called the Faicial Action Coding System enables computers to identify human emotion. The decussion about the Faicial Action Coding System being good or bad has been brought up. I agree with the clame that the Faicial Action Coding System is actually good and could be usefull.\n\nOne sorse of evidence suporting why I agree the Facial Action Coding System is a good thing. It states in the selection that \"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored.\" This would be a good thing to have because now in days almost all class lessons are starting to be set up on computere. Say the teacher is looking at her computer and the students are all looking at their computers how would the teacher be able to look at everyones faces and see their emotions towards the lession because your face emotions say it all they say and tell exactly what your feeling. It also states \"The computer could recongnize when a student is becoming confused or bored.\" With this technology the teacher wouldnt have to worry about is her students getting the lession or not or if its to easy and boring for some students. The computer would do it for the teacher. This would also allow the teacher to persicely point out who knows what they are doing and how need help. With most students they wont say anything if they arent getting the lesson because either they are afraid to say something or dont feel comfterable asking for help. With the Facial Action Coding System the student wount have to say anything because the computer would pick it all up just by the face your making. Dr. Huang predicts. \"Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.\" meaning the Facial Action Coding System could change the lesson acording to your face emotions. To eitther make the lesson harder cause the computer picks up that you are bored, or make the lesson a little eaiser because you face emotions show you are confused and not getting it.\n\nAnother reason why the Facial Action Coding System is a good thing is becaue it could tell what the subject of some paintings are. Most famous paintins the artist is dead so they arent here to explain what their painting means or is showing so with the Facial Action Coding System it can do it for us. Take the Mona Lisa for example everyone always says that not a smile what is Leonardo da Vinci trying to exspress with this painting. She's 83% happy, 9% disgusted, 6% fearful, and 2% angry. This was able to be identified by the Facial Action Coding System. Allowing us to know what everyone has been asking about the painting the Mona Lisa.\n\nAnother reason why the Facial Action Coding System is a good idea is the computer can pick up not only one emotion but yet pick up mixed emotions. This computer wont just allow you to pic up if the person is happy, sad, or mad. It could pick up if the person is worried or anciest at the same time and you would be able to know exactly how they feel. When you look at a person you can only pick of mixed emotions if the person tells you exactly how they feel but with the Facial Action Coding System it can tell you without even having to ask. Also it could tell you if they are hiding their feelings and dont want to tell you how they really feel.\n\nThe Facial Action Coding System is a good thing and a good idea because it can denifit teachers in class to be able to tell if their students are getting the lesson or not, be able to explain art when the artist is dead and cant tell you what hes trying to exspress, and can also tell you exactly how someone feels even when they dont tell you exactly how they feel. These were just a few examples of how the Facial Action Coding System can be usefull and im sure there are plenty more.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus,\" the author balances the pros and cons of exploring the planet Venus to boost the human race scientifically. The author expresses that Venus is the most Earth-like planet in our solar system, making it realistic for life forms to inhabit the planet. That is, if they can handle the heat. The exploration of Venus is something modern scientists should engage in due to the potential technical advances the population can make because of the information on the living conditions the average biotic being would endure on Venus.\n\nThe knowledge scientists have the ability to gain from Venus can only bnefit us. Even the simplest efforts to explore the planet will leave us with more determination to continue exploring and feed us information crucial to the succession of the human race. Analyzing the atmosphere further can encourage adaptation and give us options of migration when our sun, inevitably, blows up. There being \"Many researchers... working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus,\" already proves the exploration to be something legitimate and worthwhile.\n\nThe risks being taken by choosing to explore Venus entertains the idea that the human race is diligent, curious, and selfless. The cause being fought for is for the benefit of future genertions of humans. With current and future technology, Venus' exploration will seem very realistic and encouraged by scientists with the same goals, giving the population a future.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear Florida Senator,\n\nThe Electoral College system is unfair and irrational. Some people would say that the process is more practical than a popular vote, but after some of the mistakes involving the system, it would be more accurate than popular vote.\n\nBradford Plumer brings up in his article\n\nThe Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong the incident of 2000 (otherwise known as Bush v. Gore.) Over sixty percent of voters wanted a direct election instead of the Electoral College. Electors can always defy the wishes of the people. IN 1960 segregationists almost succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would opposed John F. Kennedy. Electors have refused to vote for their party' candidate before and have just chosen their own to vote for.\n\nSource one says that in most states there is a winner-take-all system meaning that if one elector gets a majority of votes, then all of the states electoral votes go to that candidate. This is unfair to the voters. If there is only a 100 vote difference and the one with the most gets the electoral votes. The presidential candidates do not even visit the states they know they have no chance in winning. In the election of 2000 neither Rhode Island nor South Carline saw the candidates.\n\nThe Electoral College system has flaws. Such as the incidents involving electors and the unfairness of winner-take-all. It is unfair and irrational.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable because if the computer read you are bored it can change to somthing more fun. If the computer read you are sad it and change to somthing happy. Also is it read you are happy it can stay like that.\n\nIf you are reading or doing somthing bording your full focus wouldn't be on it so if the computer read that it can change it to somthing more fun to read or do. It can make it more happy or scary (if you like that). It will make those days when you know you have to read something bording fun.\n\nNext, there are people who don't read as fast or understand like other so if you get a little confused the FACS can change it to your level or it can have someone help you by reading it or giving you tools to understand more.\n\nLast, if you are enjoying the text you are reading or work you are doing the FACS can let the computer know to stay on it and it can give you more like that for your enjoyment.\n\nIn conclutiond the FACS is valuable in classroom because it can make boreding things more fun. It can make the reading your level if you are confused. Also if the like what you are reading and can give you more like it.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLimiting care usage may be quite a inconvenience, but it can be a really great advantage in the long run. Plus there are better alternatives to automobiles that work just as well such as trains, buses, taxis, and even bicycles. Not only are they better for the environment, but they can be used to live a happier lifestyle. Overall it leads up to happy citizens, and cleaner air. In fact cleaner air is so desired and necessary that some countries, including the U.S., are now turning it into law.\n\nOver in Vauban, Germany, most residents do not own cars, and alternatively ride their bicycles wherever they may need to go. The way that they made this possible was making sure that there were only two places to park - large garages at the end of the development. Even more efficiently added to this inconvenience to car users, a car space would cost forty-thousand dollars along with a home, and as a result, only 30% of Vauban's residents own cars, and 57% of people sold their car to move to Vauban. Some places are even going as far as having a car-free day, such as in Bogota, Columbia. On this day it is not permitted by law to drive a personal automobile vehicle.\n\nWhich brings me to the subject that many countries are now putting the practice of fining people for driving into law, rather than a one day event. Over in Paris, with a near-record pollutuion rate, people are fined for using cars by license plates, meaning on Monday a motorist with an even-numbered license plate would be fined 22 euro, whereas on the following day this would apply to odd-numbered license plates. There were exceptions to this however for plug-in cars, hybrids, and cars carrying three or more passengers. This impacted delivery companies, and caused them to complain due to the fact that this caused them to lose revenue, but according to the article (in my understanding), nothing was done about it.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCars are magnificent machines. They allows to travel in much quicker ways than just walking or taking the bus, but have you ever thought about what these machines are doing to our environment? Although you may not think of it, cars create alot of smog, daily. \"Passenger cars are\u00a0 responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe... and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the Unted States\" (source 1: paragraph 5). While this may not seem like a big deal, smog can actually kill you if too much is inhaled. So what do we do to prevent this?\n\nVauban, Germany, A place you've probably never heard of before. It's a place for more upscale residents. The great thing about it is that they have given up cars for good. \"70 percent of Vauban's familes do not own cars, and 57 percent sold a car to move here.\" (source 1: paragraph 3). Paris has also decided to jump on this bandwagon, but in a way a little different than Germany's. They have accumulated so much smog that they started giving out fines for those driving on certain days in order to let the environment naturally clear out all the smog. \"On monday motorists with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine ($31). The same would apply to odd-numbered plates the following day.\" (source 2: paragraph 11). Along with Paris and Germany, Columbia has created a day deticated to no driving. It is called the \"Day Without Cars\" and citizens of this area are not aloud to drive on this day(source 3: paragraph 21). This event spread throughout Columbia and is now spreading throughout the world.\n\nSo why is all this happening and how are people taking the step to prevent smog? \"A study last year found that driving by young people decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009....\" (source 4: paragraph 41). What are possible factors of this? \"The Internet makes telecommuting possible and allows people to feel more connected without driving to meet friends. The renewal of center cities has made the suburbs less appealing and has drawn empty nesters back in. Likewise the rise in cellphones and car-pooling apps has facilitated more flexible commuting arrangements, including the evolution of shared van serices for getting to work.\" (source 4: paragraph 35). As The End of Car Culture tells us, alot more young people are becoming less and less interested in cars due to cellphones. Also it is shown us that the denser the area is with cars, the more people have chosen to take bicycles to work or even just walk because they don't want to deal with the traffic.\n\nMany people have taken the step to encourage a healthier environment without cars. Some banned driving for good, some created a holiday dedicated to no driving for a day, and some just stopped it for a while by handing out fines. There are many alternate ways of transportation such as walking and biking, but are you willing take the step, to give up cars, and to change you lifestyle for the better, or will you continue to hurt the environment by driving and contributing to the smog? Will you join the few that have made the change or continue following everyone else? A world without cars is a better one. One with less smog and less aggrevation. A happier place, more peaceful and relaxing. Your choice, your life, pick a side, and choose wisely.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI Luke, think that participating in the Seagoing Cowboys program would be a good thing to do for so many people. This program helps you learn some life skills, get new experiences, and still have some fun. Most of the time you will be with animals, traveling, seeing new places and dicovering new things. This program alows you to get closer to animals and learn about them.\n\nOne benifit from being in this program is you get to travel to so many places. For example on my way to China I got to tour in a castle in Crete, and marvel at the Panama Canal. You might think you will not learn on these trips, but there are many leason's and other things you will learn.\n\nWhen your traveling you get to learn to be aware of other people and their needs from different countrys, you will learn some of their ways with animals.\n\nOne thing I think is the best part about being in this participating in this program is, you get to help animals and take care of them. At least three times a day you had to feed, water them, and every once and a while all of the stalls have to be cleaned. Most people think helping animals is not going to be any fun, but there are some fun things you get to do. When the animals are unloaded you get tp play baseball, volleyball, table tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and other games to pass the time.\n\nYou still might say this is not going to be a good experence but, there are a lot of animals you get to work with. Some of the animals are horses, young cows, mules and more. When you are with the animals you get to help them and work with them. If you are not the type of person who likes animals this is not for you. So in conclusion this is why I think this program would be a good choice for people to be in.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Seagoing Cowboys program was very adventurous because of all the fun you can have along the way. When you become a Seagoing Cowboy, you have many opportunities to have fun, such as sight seeing, meeting new people in other countries, and at the end of the journey the holds where the animals were is opened up for many games everyone can play! The Seagoing Cowboys program was an adventure I'll never forget and I hope you'll become a Seagoing Cowboy yourself.\n\nOne of the reasons why the Seagoing Cowboys program is so adventurous was because of all the sight seeing. During my time as a Seagoing Cowboy, I went to many places all over the globe, including Greece, Italy, China, the Panama Canal, and many other places. Some places I went to were the trips of a life time. One of my favorite trips was the Acropolis in Greece. It was special to see and I cherished the opportunity. By becoming a Seagoing Cowboy yourself, you can make your own memories in the world.\n\nAnother reason why the Seagoing Cowboys program is so adventurous is the chance to help people in other countries. I helped a ton full of people as a Seagoing Cowboy and their smiles warmed my heart. By giving people the cattle they need, it ended up helping not only them, but me too. I'm greatful for the opportunity, it made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs. Because of that awareness, my family ended up hosting many international students and exchange visitors for many years. You too can help many people in other countries and help them. By doing this, the world can become a greater place.\n\nThe final reason why the Seagoing Cowboys program is so adventurous is that the end of the journey and during the return, people can have a chance to loosen up a bit and play some games. When all of the cattle are in other countries, the places where they were stored become opened up and you're allowed to play games. Some coyboys enjoy playing baseball and volleyball games, while others like having Table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and other games. All of these games allow a cowboy to spend the rest of the way back having fun and if a cowboy doesn't want to play games, he can stay in his room and enjoy some quiet. You too can become a Seagoing Cowboy and have the experience of a lifetime.\n\nAs you can see, the Seagoing Cowboys program is the chance of a lifetime and a dream come true. By becoming a cowboy, you can make your own adventures and add a little spice to your life. Sight seeing, Meeting new people, and games are just the tip of the iceberg when you're a Seagoing Cowboy. Become a Seagoing Cowboy and you won't regret it. I hope you become a cowboy and have the adventure of a lifetime.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cares are coming. It's true, though it almost seems something out of science fiction. Today, we have cars that can drive themselves with the aid of humans. This means that there is still a driver, though they won't be doing much except sitting and watching the road. They must watch the road as they may need to take control of the car if there is an accident, construction, or if a road is closed off for another reason. This is a far cry from what we think driverless cars to be. Of course, the technology is there, it's just a very basic state of it. Most of what is there, the basics, is still very complex.\n\nIn my own opinion, yes, driverless cars are the way of the future. However, there is still use of a driver within the driverless car. So maybe not calling them driverless cars as a start, perhaps independent cars or auto cars. Having a driver still within the car can help, it may be that some places aren't mapped on the maps within the car. This may mean that the driver will have to take over, placing the safety of others into the hands of the driver. The thing with the driverless cars is that if there is an accident, whether it be man-made or machine error, whose fault is it? This is a big question, with many different answers. The truth is, there isn't laws in place for this, as there are no true driverless cars on the roads. We could pin the blame on the driver, for not taking control at the right moment to prevent a disaster. The same could be said for the manufacturer, for creating a faulty program within the car.\n\nToday, the problem with cars is simple. They are dangerous. There isn't a bigger risk today than getting in a car and driving. Hundreds of people die or are injured in a car accident today and most of them are due to humans. A driverless car could reduce the amount of accidents and deaths on the roads. There still is need of people being at the wheel of the vehicle, but with less human interaction of the vehicles operation, the less likely it is to result in failure on the drivers part. There is also a possibility of it helping drunk drivers. If someone gets into the vehicle, they could tell the car their destination, and be on their way. This could result in less accidents and less deaths with vehicles involved. However, on the flip side of things, this may not help. If a third party company creates a faulty program for the vehicles for a big company, the blame will be pinned on the big company for outsourcing. This results in more strict laws on driverless cars and could result in there being less appeal to the idea of a driverless, or semi-driverless, car. We're still a few years from having driverless cars, and even more from having completely driverless cars.\n\nMy opinion is that self driving cars could help our society. We could gain so much from this, most of it being less accidents and deaths from something that is so important to many of our lives today. Taking the risk of getting in a car with someone who is new, elderly, or drunk is huge. Today, that risk is garunteed with consequences. Most of them are bad, with either injuries or death some big ones. Tomorrow, that risk could decrease with semi-driverless cars or completely driverless cars. The possibilities are endless with a car that rarely, if ever, requires human interaction on the road.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn 1976 images taken by NASA's Viking 1 have shocked the media. These images show an object on Mars that resembles a faces. These images have surprised the media and cuased a large reaction.\n\nThese are images of a mesa on Mars. They are closely related to the mesas we have on Earth. The \"face\" is actually shadows giving the illusion of a nose, eyes, and mouth on the mesa. They released these pictures to the public hoping it would sensationalize Mars. They hoped it would help make Mars more interestion. Well the images did just that. People stared to believ that there was life on Mars. They believed that the face was made by aliens, dispite the research proving it was just an illusion. Conspracy theorist belived that the illusion explanation was just a cover up. Yet, why would NASA cover it up. If this would be real NASA would get an extreme increase in popularity and funding. They would only benefit from it. NASA even took another voyage to prove it was jut a rock formatioon.\n\nAlthough NASA has proven time and time again that it is not actually a face, people are still esceptical. People believ that the goverment is hidding something from us. These ideas are ludicris. Look at the facts. The goverment or NASA wouldn't benifit from a rock formation as much as they would from a prove of life on Mars. The rumors about the face are just that, rumors.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn 1976 a picture was taken by Viking 1 was taken that sparked up controversy. In the picture of the Martian surface there appears to be the shape of a face made from the rock. Although it was disproven that it was a face built by aliens it still makes some people subscribe to the consperocy theories surrounding this Martian Mesa.\n\nSome of the claims hat support that this is a natural occurance and not a monument built by aliens is that when in different lighting it turns from a face to just a normal mesa. But, of course, some people don't believe this and they say that NASA is just trying to cover it up. In responce to these accusations NASA said that it would be amazing if it actually was an alien monument because it would give new light onto exploring the Red Planet.\n\nIn the text the author states that to achieve the photo that proved the face was not actually a face took extreme detail to get perfect and that if it was a face or their was any other buidling around the mesa it would be as clear as day. Also, even here on planet Earth there are examples of these mesa such as the one in Idaho that is a lava dome about the same height as the face. So, in conclusion, NASA really doesn't have a reason to cover it up; if it wasn't a face then they don't really loose anything but if it was a face then they would get tons of money for missions to Mars.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article \"Making Mona Lisa Smile\",the author tells us about the Facial Action Coding System allows computers to identify humans emotions. This article provides how they can show that this device knows how to make an idenitfication.\n\nFirst, the author states how this device can read are emotions. This device is idetified as Facial Action Coding System. In paragraph 1 the author states \"at least acording to some new computer software that can recongize emotions\". The author also states in paragraph 1 how \"Dr. Huang and his colleague are experts at developing better ways for humans and computer to comunticate\". This device can reconginze are emotions in a new way that could help are teachers.\n\nSecond,the author states that are emotions are getiing identified by a device. In paragraph 6, the author states that,\"if you smile when a Web ad appeears on your screen, a similar ad might follow\". Another example in the same paragraph But if you frown,the next ad will bedifferent \"A classroom coputer could recongize when a student is bceoming confues or bored\". Also in paragraph 3,\"For example , your frontails pars lateralis mucsle (about your eyes) rasies your eyeborw when your suprised:your orbicularis oris (around your mouth) tighten your lips to show angery\". This shows how the device can idetify are emotions.\n\nFinally,the author states how this device works in the situatuion that it does. In paragraph 3,\"The process begins when the computer constucts a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like a human muscles\". Another example,\"Using video imagery, the new emotion-recognition software tracks these facial movement- in a real face or in the painted face of Mona Lisa.\" This shows that the device can idefity from picture and human facial recongition.\n\nAll of this information that this aticle gives might be a good thing for student to use in a classroom. This device could tell teachers if there making there student intrestend in class. It might helpp to learn more about what will make the kids more intrested in class . Instead of sitting there sleeping or not doing anything. This device could make people more happy in classeroom.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the case of having a driverless car, I must say, I am definitely for the development of these futuristic masses of machinery. With that being said, here are some reason we should look into development. Techonology is on the rise, and I don't have a doubt that soon in the near future we are going to be able to have fully functioning driveless cars. There are so mant factors that tie into having a completely driverless car, but in the advanced age we are in we know that new techonology is coming in quickly with every passing day. The fact here is, that is is believed that in less than four years car companies and manufacturers will have autonomous cars ready for the road.\n\nTechnology, truly a beautiful thing. With the testing of new technology on a driveless car, there is definitely a way to get them to work properly on the roads. Yet, there seems to be some controversy let these pieces of machinery to roam where they please. Large masses of people are afraid of driveless cars. They come up with excuses on why they shouldn't be developed. Such as, there could be a problem with the manufacturing, but a manufacturer wouldn't send off a faulty autonomous car for selling would they? That's just reckless, unfathomable, and would make the manufacturer look bad, which is the last thing they could possibly want. Manufacturers are skilled people in the field they are in, and are doing what is possible with the skills they know to make good use of driverless cars and show that they are as safe as the could possibly be on the road. We shouldn't negelct their hard work and give them credit where credit is due.\n\nOverall, I am for the development of driverless cars. Accomplishing a feat as big as creating a piece of machinery that can steer itself is a hard an requires complete understanding in technology. With how far we've made it already with the semi-driverless car, it is not unimaginable to have a complete driveless car. Our future holds great things, and among those is an autonomous vechicle.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI personal think that we shouldn't have driverless cars because they can dangerous to be in.\n\nFirst, this is why i think we shouldn't have driverless cars because it can be dangerous while being inside, the car can misfuncation and what if you dont know how to stop the car. Maybe you forgot how to stop a car cause you got used to driving driverless so you got in a car wreck.\n\nSecond, driverless cars will make us lazy like the movie off Wall-E, some people don't know nothing about cars so they wouldn't care about who's controling the car. Who will be held fault, the driver or the manufacturer? That is reason why it's dangerous.\n\nFinally, the real answer is will everybody accept the driverless cars or will it just be another downfall for humans of becoming lazy? I wouldn't accept it, even when i drive it's a lot of responiablity to be behind a wheel because you can cause crashes. Can you imgine a driverless car cause a misfunction or even worse a wreck.\n\nThat is why i think we shouldn't have driverless car because it's dangerous. Would you accept driverless cars or just let it be how it is? I wouldn't.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think that people should join the Seagoing Cowboy program because you can take care of horses, young cows, and mules that wereshipped overseas.\n\nMy first reason is that in August 1945, the recieved their orders to report the New Orleans. They arrived August 14, the day the Pacificcwar ended. They got their seaman's papers and boarded the SS Charles W. Wooster, headed for greece-with a cargo of 335 horses plus enough hay and oats to feed them.\n\nMy second reason is that the cattle-boat trips were an unbelievable opportunity for a small-town boy. It tooko about two weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean from the eastern coast of the United States and a month to get to China.\n\nMy final reason is that I would go because I love horses and mules. Horses are so cozy and fluffy to me. Mules are entertaining to me as well as Horses too. They are to adorable and huge.\n\nThat's why I would want to go. I would want to touch Horses and Mules.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe face on mars is a natrual landform.It is a natrual landform because in 1976 Viking 1 took a photo of marses surface.It showed what it apeard to be a face.In April 5 1998 we sent globol surveyor to orbit over the spot.The picture it took was 10 timessharper than vikings photos.When the picture came up on our website it showed that it was only just a natural landform.\n\nIt was located at 41 degrees north martian latitude.It was april 98 on mars.It was a cloudy time on the planet.We had to see through the clouds to see the face.Mr garvin says its not easy to target the face.It was actually hard work.The surveyor is a mapping spacecraft.It normally looks straight down to the ground.It scands the planet for information about things.It scans it like a fax machine,In narrow 2.5 km-wide strips.\n\nIn April 8 2001, a cloudless day on mars,Global surveyor went close enough to take another picture for us.We used it maximum resolution.Each pixiel in 2001 image spans 1.56 meters,compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best Viking photo.The face on mars actually shows is the matian equivalent of a butte or mesa, landforms common around the American west.Mr garvin says it reminds him of the Middle Butte in the Snake River in the Plain of Idaho.Its a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCars. Are they really needed? For long trips most likely yes but, there are many advandages to limiting car usage. It is a way to get out and exercise and get healthy, and also it does not produce as much pollution in the air.\n\nLimiting your car usage is a good way to get outside and do some phycial activity. Instead of, getting into your car and staring it up and wasting gas money to go to the drug store to buy something small or anything. You can get up and walk, bike, skate or even roller blade! \" Heidrun Walter of Vauban, a media trainer says \"When I had a car, I was always tense. I'm much happier this way,\" As she walked verdant streets where the swish of bikes and the chatter of wandering children drown out the occasional distant motor.\" Also, in the story it stated while there have been efforts to make cities cleaner, and better for walking in Vauban, they place stores and, I think malls a walk away. Insead of a highway away. I think talking the extra mile is better than paying for another mile.\n\nAnother reason why not using your car so much is a good thing is that it doesnt produce as much pollution as it once did, or it is doing now. \"Passenger cars are more responsible for 12 percent of greenshouse gas emmisions in Europe and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States.\" Also after a couple days of a record pollution, Paris enforced a driving ban to clear the air from smog in the city. The stuffed up smog went down 60 percent after five days. Later on the smog moved on to China, which is probably the most polluted city in the world.\" Its is said that Paris has more smog than other European capitals. It states that Paris had 147 microrganisms of particulate matter (pm) per cubic meter compared with 114 in Brussels.\n\nIn conclusion, There are many advantanges and disadvantages to not using your car so much or limiting your car usage. You can get going outside, walk, hike, bike ect. and get a good workout. Or you can choose to help save our planet and not continue polluting the world for everyone.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLuke's point of view was that his friend asked about if he wanted to go to Europe and Luke said that he couldn't say no to a opportuinty of a lifetime. He went on the trip it was after world war 2 was over. they got there on August 14.\n\nThey left again to but this time their going to Greece. When they got to Greece Luke turned 18years old. Before he was discharged in 1947 Luke made 9 trips. It took about 2 weeks to cross the Atlantic ocean from the eastern coast of the United States and 1 month to get to China.\n\nLuke had a job if he got bored it was to feed the animals 2 or 3 times a day. one rainy night after making his hourly report to the captain he slid down a slippery ladder and broke his ribs so he couldn't work. but after that he retired and opened the letters from the people that sent him letters", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriving cars is a big thing for people now, but have we taken driving too far? Driving has increased major problems around the world. I think that we should limit our car usage sometimes though. It can help the environment, allow us to do activities outdoors, and decrease health issues.\n\nHelping our environment is one of the biggest problems we are facing across the globe. Have you ever thought that a car is one of the leading causes of air pollution? In \"Paris Bans Driving Due to Smog,\" Paris had to ban driving driving because the air pollution was so bad, they had to find a way to clear the air. Also, Bogota had to ban cars except taxis and buses in order to reduce smog, as it says in \"Car-free Day is Spinning into a Big Hit in Bogota.\n\nLimiting our car usage will also allow us to do activities outdoors. We use our cars daily for work, school, visiting families, or for the park. Sometimes we even use it when we don't have to. \"In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars,\" stores are placed near the block, so people can walk instead of using their cars. A media trainer, Heidrun Walter, even admitted that she has been so calm ever since she sold her car. People seem much happier and active without cars than with it.\n\nLastly, it can decrease health issues. Cars make a lot of pollution in the air, making it harder for people to breath fresh clean air. Congestion was at sixty percent in the Capital of France, as it says in \"Paris Bans Driving Due to Smog.\" In all sources, it says that driving can even increase stress.\n\nAs a result, driving is a bad habit. we should limit our car usage so we can help the environment, so we do outdoor activities, and decrease health issues. We don't always have to drive in order to get to someplace. Decreasing car usage will help a lot of our problems we deal with each day.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIf the face was created by aliens then their would be a civilization on the planet long before. Even if that could be really thrilling that ,however, is not true. The Face that is on Mars is a mesa because reaserch and pictures where analized, it matches to our natural landforms, and their are multipule in Cydonia. Each of these prove that it is not made by aliens, as cool as that would be. If we go more into depth we will talk about the pictures and research, our landforms, and the multipule in Cydonia.\n\nFirst off, The face on Mars is a mesa ,thanks to the pictures that where analized. It could also pose as a butte like the one in Snake River Plain of Idaho. The text states that, \"What each picture actually shows is the martian equivalent to a mesa or buttle.\" (12) It just shows how much just one picture can prove.\n\nSecond, This looks like just another one of our landforms. Like I had said before it is like the Middle butte in Snake River Plain. In the text it states that , \"Thousands of web surfers waiting when the image was revealed on the JPL wedsite, appearing... a natural landform.\" (7) If thousands of people had saw a landform appear how do you not see that it is like the ones on Earth.\n\nFinally, in Cydonia their are already multiple mesas. The only difference is that this one is more face like. The articale says, \" It was just another Martian mesa, common aruond Cydonia, only this one had unusual shadows around it.\"(2) If NASA had done research to see about other laandforms and they have proven that their are more than one on the plane, then it must be true.\n\nMost people say, \"The face is bona fide evidence on Mars-- evidence that NASA would rather hide.\" (5) However why would NASA want to ruin their entire budget by saying that their was a civilization on Mars to begin with. So these three points, landforms, pictures, and the multiple mesas, should show that The Face really is not a martian creation.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear senator,\n\nImagine it being the year for choosing for a new president for the United States of America. You cast your vote, for which president you thought that would be best to run our country. After, you hear the results you become very disappointed , Because the presdient won not by the popular vote but by the electoral college. You become very angry and fustrated because the president that will now be running for America will not better our country by the things he said. Reasoning, that\u00a0 he won by the electoral college and not by popular vote, and you feel as if you dont feel as if it was not fair because you're not really choosing based on the state laws and how the electors are selected. How would you feel if you were in a situation like this ?\n\nFurthermore, i think we should change the election by popular vote for the president of the United States of America. My reasoning being said is because when the president wins by popular vote it's from what the american citizens want, not what the electors chose. When you choose by popular vote you also avoide many other things from occuring. For example, the electoral college is a method of selecting the president that may turn off voters for a canidate who has no hope of carrying for their state. As explained in the text \"\u00a0 voters in presidental elections are people who want to express a political prefrence rather than people who think that a single vote may decide an election.\"\n\nMoreover, the electoral college is unfair to voters. Canidates dont spend as time in states they know they have no chance of winning, and only focusing on the states that they do. As said\u00a0 in the text \" In a 2000 campaign , seventeen states dont see the canidates at all, including in rhode island and south carolina, and voters in 25 of the largest media markets didnt get to see a single campaign ad. Making that hard for the people to see what there president wants to do for the country they have no idea because of the canidate too worried on winning and letting the citizens choose.\n\nTo elaborat on my claim, the electoral college is what we might call the disaster factor. The disaster factor is what happened in the 2000 fiasco which was the biggest election crisis in a century , which allows the system for much worse. In the electoral college state legislatures are responsible for picking electors, and those electors would effect the will of the citizens. sometimes \"faithless\" electors have occasionally refused to vote for their party's canidate and cast a deciding vote for whomever thet please.\" Making another reason why the electoral college should'nt be here to stay.\n\nAlthough, keeping the electoral college may not be a good thing to do.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nTransportation has become one of the largest emissions throughout the world, and many do not seem to wonder how beneficial limiting car usage can be.\u00a0 Not only does the release of fossil fuels harm the world, but the stress that comes with having a vehicle is immense. When considering ownership of a vehicle, one must think about the pros and cons of owning one, and realize that the limited pros... are not worth the cons.\n\nCars, trucks, and buses have many factors in common, but one in particular is hazardous to mother nature... fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are harming our territory, the place where life has been made possible, Earth. At the streak we are going, soon enough us humans, the domain species won't have a home due to the pollutants vehicles release killing the O-zone Layer. We have become accustomed to the abuse of transportation. Even when we are capable of walking or using a bike to a nearby location, we choose to use a vehicle instead of avoiding the damage that is caused. Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the city, \"Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after five-days of intesifying smog...\" Source #2 states. Their are many ways to distinguish transportation, but one very adequate discription is \"a death wish\".\n\nThe stress that comes with the ownership of any transporting vehicle surpasses what anyone can bare! The economic standards one needs to posses is difficult. In, Vauban, Germany, one can have a car under the circumstances of paying $40,000 for a parking space, along with your home, source #1 explains. Your car needs to be fed in order to function, and it's food is quite pricey, especially when it hoards gallons of the substance! In addition, one needs to pay for insurance aswell! Dangers in streets are not abnormal what-so-ever, so the stressfulness that one has behind their back while driving is not enjoyable.\n\nThe benefits that come with limiting the usage of cars is grand", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Challenge of Exploring Venus\n\nThe authour suggests that studing Venus is worthy pursuit dispite the dangers it presents, the aouthor in my opinon he does support his idea very well beuse he mentioned that venus is often refferd to as earth's \"twin\", venus is the closest planet to earth in tearms of density and size, and occasionally in the distance to,i didnt know anything about this till i just read this i think that this is a part that supports his idea.\n\nThere are so many things that i didnt know about venus that im learing by reading this paper so it is worthy.\"each previous mission was unnamed,and for a good reason becuse not single spaseship has landed it venus\"this was a real good information that make me want to know why it can never make it to venus even though it not far from earth.a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankeys venus.\n\nThe author has really grat supporting fact on studying venus is a worthy persuit dipite its dangers.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nBeing able to tell exactly how somebody else is feeling would be very valuable in a classroom. Able to tell when one of your classmates is sad, angry, or happy. You can change the subject of whatever your class is talking about to make someones mood change. You can tell if someone is being truthful about their emotions.\n\nNot everyone will just go up to you and start talking about how bad their day is or how happy they are because they could be very shy or don't like to express their emotions. If you're able to tell if someone is sad or scared you can then think of the best way to make them feel better or make them feel comfortable and safe.\n\nWhen a teacher can tell if one of his or her students are feeling down they can say something funny or have a fun activity for the class to do, just to get the student distracted with whatever their going through just for a while. Teachers sometimes even will pull you to the side and ask you what is going on and just being able to let everything out can even make you feel better.\n\nHow do i know i can trust someone? This article has explained how a rela genuine smile can be distinguished from a fake and untruthful smile. I would really like to be able to tell how or when when someone has good or bad intentions with being my friend.\n\nThe Facial Action Coding System is very conveniant and valuabe to students in a classroom. It is very suptising how youu can point out somebody's emotions with just the muscules in their face. If you can tell if someone isn't feeling okay or is down you try your best figuring ou thwta you can do to help them out. Put a smile on somebody's face.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus,\" the author attempts persauding the audience that it's worth exploring Venus. The author gives us reasons why Venus is dangerous, but also gives reasons as to why it'll be a good choice to explore Venus. The author convinces us that Venus is a worthy planet of being explored, despite its dangers.\n\nThe author makes it clear that Venus is a dangerous planet. There's been numerous spacecrafts thats landed on Venus, but \"no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours.\" Venus' atmosphere is almost 97 percent carbon dioxide, and the clouds are made of \"highly corrosive sulfuric acid.\" The temperature averages over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, unsuitable for humans. The atomospheric pressure is also 90 times greater than what we're used to, which could \"crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals.\"\n\nVenus also has the hottest surface temperature. With high pressure and heat, there's no doubt that there are erupting volcanoes, frequent lightning that strikes down, and very powerful earthquakes. The author makes it clear that Venus is very dangerous and has extreme living conditions. An average human wouldn't last a day.\n\nHowever, the author continues on and tries to persuade the readers that Venus is still a worthy planet of exploring. In paragraph four, the author writes, \"If our sister planet is so inhosspitable, why are scientists even discussing further visits to its surface? Astronomres are fascinated by Venus because it may well have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system.\" The author then informs us of NASA's possible solution. The solution is to hover over Venus. Hovering over Venus keeps humans out of danger and the atmospheric pressure would be just enough for a human to handle. The author ends the passage with revealing why we really should explore Venus - \"...Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gianed on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavours.\"\n\nThe author convinces us Venus is a planet we should explore despite its extreme living conditions. Throughout the passage, the author gave us every reason why we shouldn't go, and then ended it with a reason why we should. Exploring Venus would allow us to gain insight on the planet, and the knowledge from Venus could help us explore other areas safely. It would be a gateway for us exploring other dangerous, intimidating areas.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nYou and I both know very well that we love to breath fresh air. Going out into the forest and taking a big breath of what is called \"fresh air.\" Why cant we get that in an everyday life? I'll tell you why, because of polution. Cars are a ginormous part of polution, so what if we drove less?\n\nIn Vauban, Germany they have given up cars almost completely. The streets in Vauban are \"car free.\" If you want a car, you have to park it at a local park garage for 40,000 dollars added onto your house. That isnt even worth paying for. \"When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way,\" said Heidrun Walter. She lives in this town so she knows how it is. Giving up a car can reduce stress! Boy do some people need to give up cars.\n\nAmerica's obeisity count is getting higher and higher by the month. What if we gave up cars? people would have to walk everywhere! That's a good way to get exercise. In passage 1 it says \"In this new approach, stores are placed a walk away, on a main street, rather than in malls along some distant highway.\" Stores are helping people out so they can walk to get what they need instead of driving.\n\nIt will be so much less expensive in everyday life if you dont have a car. You won't have to pay for gas, you won't have to pay for car insurance and you won't have to pay for mantanence! You also will not have to pay something crazy like \"$40,000, along with a home.\" If I had to pay that much more money to keep up with a car, I would give it up in an instant. I barely have enough money to support the car alone, there is no way i can pay an extra 40,000 dollars!\n\nNot having a car seems easier and healthier to me! You can walk more, so you get you exercise in everyday. You dont have to spend money on the car, no gas, no insurance and no mantanance! That means you can spend it on important stuff, perhaps on schooling! You also dont have as much stress on your hands. You dont have to worry about stopped traffic because you can just walk, ride a bike, or jog to where ever you have a desire to go. I say we get rid of cars all together in the United States of America.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think that using driverless cars are a positive thing. There are some negatives that come along, but everything has negatives with them. There are more positives to outweigh the negatives. I think it will be much safer and enviromentally friendly.\n\nJust think about all the drunk drivers out there. With the driverless car you do not have to worry about anymore. There are also a very high amount of people that text and drive or just on there phone. That is a bg safety issue. Again, the driverless car controls everything so you will not have to worry about any crashes or accidents because of people on there phone.\n\nIt makes it easy to get places. There is a built in GPS, so the car already knows where to go. People get lost all the time because they dont know what to do or where to go. Yes the car does make the driver actually drive when there is a lot of traffic or construction, but by the time these cars come out I am sure that problem will be fixed. Even if the problem does not get fixed, the car will still have done most of the driving for you. It makes it so much easier on the people using the driverless cars.\n\nThe driverless cars are extremely safe. There are sensors all over the car to show it how close thing are, when to stop, and where to go. There is another sensor that uses satellites to give it a map out of the car on the road, and the roads at all time. That is an axtraorinary device.\n\nThe car only uses half the amount of gas that a normal car will use. That saves the owner of the driverless car a gigantic amount of money. It is also safer for the environent. If only half the normal gas amount is being used, then it is a geat thing for the Earth. There will not be as much drilling and sucking out of the gas. That will give the Earth more time to get more gas and it will last much longer for us to use.\n\nThere are some negatives with the driverles car. If there is to much traffic, construction sight, or just something the automobile cannot handle then the driver will have to take over. That is a problem because why would you need to have a driver driver a driverless car? The cars still are noot fully ready and prepared to be used yet, so that gives the manufacturers more time to fix all of the flaws. There could be technical problems with the car, but that comes with anything there is that is new. There are most likely a couple years before these cars will be ready to sell, so that leaves a lot of time to fix all the problems and flaws.\n\nThese driverless cars seem to be very safe, easy to use, easy to maintain, very helpful, and good for the environment. These driverless cars will be a ginormous help for everybody that is on the road. They are definitely a positive product for the world.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever heard about the face on Mars? Well I have, let me tell you that it freaks me out. Do you think that the face is actually a face?\n\nA few days after NASA sent Viking 1 to Mars to take pictures, they got back photos of a face. Not just any face, it was a human face. Not only is this crazy, it's impossible. It's impossible because we spent a lot of time and money reaserching if humans can go live on Mars. And it has been scientifcally proven by us that no human can live on Mars, so for that reason I don't know how that human face got there in the first place.\n\nI know that some people think that maybe aliens are the ones who made the face, and you may be right. In some cases though, while we we'er reaserching, we would have noticed already. What we think it is is a natural landform. I know that it sounds crazy, but it is a possibility. It would make more sense if it was a natural landform.\n\nIf you can't decide if it's a face, aliens, or just a natural landform, then let me take some details from the article to support my idea. One detail is that when scientists found out about the figure, they knew that it was just another Martian mesa. They are common enough around Cydonia. When the pictures were released, it revealed a natural landform. It turns out that there was no alien monument after all.\n\nDou you believe me know? All of theses details add up to only one solution, which is that it was only a natural landform. I couldn't make this decision without proof, and now that I got it, I can prove to the world that there is nothing but a landform.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus is important for many different reasons. Not only is Venus Earth's \"twin\", it is also the closest planet to Earth in denisty and size. In the article the author belives that studying Venus despite the many dangers it brings is very much worth it. I will talk about why he is correct.\n\nThe author of this article suggets that studying Venus is worthy of our time because it could help us learn about it and it's past. Also the planet is the most geologically similar to Earth in our entire solar system. In paragraph 4 the author states, \"Long ago, Venus was probably covered largley with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth\". This quote shows that learning about Venus told us that in it's past it was capable of sustaining life. I belive also that the author is correct in saying that we should study it more because, if Earth every came to where it was not able to sustain life, we could look into moving to Venus because it was capable of sustaining life. Despite these dangers that he presented such as a very high tempature, exploring more into Venus is very important.\n\nIn conclusion, I believe the author was correct in saying that we should look more into Venus becasue we could learn about it past and it's capability of sustaining life in the future. That is why Venus is so important not just to the author but also to NASA.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhen you think of smog what do you think of,thick blanket of cloud covering a citie like China or Los Angeles. What if it was all over becuase of cars in every crowded country around the world. People like Mr. Goldberg have built suburbs that have it has a new car zone in Vauban,Germany. They have done this because there tail pipe emmisions,the smoke is unhealthy to breathe,and most people cant afford a car.\n\nThe emmisions from the tail pipe that comes out of the car is cause in most passengers car is the cause for the 12% of the greenhouse gases in Europe and 50% in the U.S.A.most cities have been trying to cut back on the car use or public transportation many will still ride a bus or drive to avoid walking or bycicling. The united states EPA is sugesting to promote cars reduced communities as it is stated in the article to play a larger role in a new six-year transportation program.\n\nEver walked out side and it was reallly foggy and it didnt clear up for the whole day or week even, that is the un-healthy way of saying your citie is polluted,its smog. Smog is that thing that hangs in the air like fog,ecept its alot of chemicals,nasty water droplet,and other stuff you probably would fear smog if you knew what it was. Are cars do that in Paris,France mondays nobody with a Even-number license plate were ordered to leave there cars at home or pay a fine. The officials of France enforced the ban after a near-record breaking pollution, they only did it to clear the air of the city.\n\nI dont know how the econime is in Europe but most people in america cant even afford a car. Mostly all of america is strapped for cash so buying a new car isnt there on there mind. They either live close to work to were they can walk,but if they dont have a job then why even bother with a car were do you really need to go,come on now. The percentage of miles driven per person was nearly 9% below the driving peak in America and almost equal with the same percentage taken in the year of 1995. Michael Siviak said \"the rate of car ownership per household and person went down by two to three years before the downturn.\n\nMost people dont realize that luxury comes with a hevfty price in life. You want to get there fast to that certain place and destroy what helps you breathe and survive or do you want to get there still and keep alive this rock.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWould you like to join the Seagoing Cowboys program. It will will be a fun experience for newcomers. We have a lot of fun in this program. We helped a lot of people. We cared for a lot of animals most animals are back in their habitat. So please think about signing up.\n\nFirst,your proabably asking youself why should i sign up. You should sign up because you will be able to help other people. By sending resources to countries in peril. It will make you feel so happy because you know you supported a lot of people. If you wanted to learn more about the world. This is the perfect program for you.\n\nSecond,it can change your life you will have a good time. You will be able to meet new people,and you can study their languages. This program is a great experience. If you like enteracting with animals,and you will have fun caring for animals. Maybe you could make a lot of new friends. This is very interesting give it a try.\n\nNext,if you are a student still in college and your failing language if you join this program you will learn more. You will grow a bond with different people. You will be able to go sightseeing. You will see ancient statues,and artifacts. You will be able to get awesome photos of statues.\n\nLast,I hope you like the reasons why you should join Seagoing Cowboys. This program can changle your life in so many diffferent ways.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMany people in the world today think that cars and driving everywhere is a necessity; however, many people feel that owning a car is \"impractical (and) undesirabe.\" (paragraph 43) There are many advantages to having cars, but there are also many more advantages to not using cars wherever people go. Some advatages include conserving resources, making people have a little more money in their pocket and it also improves safety in many suburban cities.\n\nIn the world today, a major problem that still exsists is greenhouse gases. Cars emit a lot of gas that isn't good for the enviroment. In the first source, it says that people living in cities \"is a huge impediment to current efforts to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions from tailpipes... passanger cars are responsible for 12 percent...in Europe...and up to 50 percent... in the United States.\"(paragraph 5) Exports mean to say that it is better for people to live in cities so they don't have to drive everywhere. This means that the more people that live in cities, the less gas goes into the air. In Paris, the city issued a ban for driving to try and reduce the smog. The second source says that \"congestion was down to 60 percent in the capital of France, after five-days of intensifying smog.\" (paragraph 14) Only after five days of the no driving ban, more than half of the smog was gone in Paris. It also says that the amount of smog was almost as polluted at the city of Beijing, China, which is the most polluted city in the world. Bogota also did the same thing. They have an event called \"A Day Without Cars.\" Participant Carlos Arturo Plaza says it is a good way \"to take away stress and lower air pollution.\"(paragraph 24) They also got other cities, and even other countries, to follow suit and join the event. America faces the same problem as Paris; too many greenhouse gases are being put into the atmosphere. President Obama has a goal that he wasnts to achieve and\u00a0 that is to try and make the enviroment healthy. The last article says that driving less \"will have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the enviroment, since transportation is the second largest source of America's emissions, just behind power plants.\"(paragraph 34) This implies that the amount of gases let into the air will be reduced. If peolpe didn't drive as much from place to place, the world would be a happier, healthier place.\n\nApart from the fact that cars give of gas, not driving everwhere also means people save more money. In Vauban, Germany, nobody has any cars, they walk or bike to wherever they need to go. \"Car ownership is allowed, but there are only two places to park-large garages at the egde of the development, where a car-owner buys a space, for $40,000, along with a home.\"(paragraph 2) People would be more inclined to not getting a car rather than spend an extra 40 grand on top of getting a house for a parking space. Also, in Paris, a fine was issued for people who drove their cars during the car ban. The second article says \"even-number license plastes were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine..\"(paragraph 11) If people didn't drive their cars around when they weren't supposed to, they would still have the 22 euros they lost. The same type of fine was issued in Bogota, Columbia. If people drove their cars on \"A Day Without Cars\", then they would have to face a $25 fine. However, in the United States, \"recent studies suggest that Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by.\"(paragraph 29) Without having to pay for a car or gas money, Americans are saving way more money they had been when they first got a car. Wit people not having to worry about payments or gas prices, they have more money in their wallet.\n\nNot only does not driving save money and reduce gas, it also improves cities and people's lives. Heidrun Walter, a German media trainer, says that \"when (she) had a car, (she) was always tense. (She's) much happier this way.\" (paragraph 3) She likes not having to drive everywhere, it makes her feel more calm and less tense. It's not only changing peoples lives, but it's changing the cities. Cities are attempting \"to make suburbs more compact and more accessible to public transportation, with eless space for parking.\"(paragraph 6) Cities are changing their apperance in order to intice people into driving less and walking or biking more. They intend to make the stores closer together rather than having to drive across the highway to get to the next store. Also in Bogota, there has been a \"cunstruction of 118 miles of bicycle paths\" and \"parks and sports centers...have bloomed throughout the city.\"(paragraphs 27&28) With more people walking, the city wants to make the outside apperance different and more appealing than what it looked like before people just used cars. Not driving is not only good for personal well being, but for the a city's well being.\n\nThere are many advantages to driving cars, such as saving time and getting to places faster but, not driving cars is way better in the long run because of a better enviroment, saving money and better cities and personal health.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRecently, in many countries around the world, there have been actions made towards the reduction or complete banishment of most automobiles in order to help advance society. In Paris, there was a law enacted forcing drivers to leave their cars at home every other day. A majority of the reasoning behind such a ban was the pollution that were constantly emitted into the atmosphere. This is not only accepted by the general public, but some even say that their stress was much lower than with automobiles in daily life.\n\nThe people who give up their vehicles to live in Vauban, Germany report having less stess than when they did use cars as daily transportation. As stated by Heidrun Walter, a media trainer who lives in Vauban, \"When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way.\" In this experimental surburban community, places to park a car are forbidden in most areas. They go as far as to rid of all driveways and parking lots in the community. This cerates more spaces or businesses to operate, causing all stores to be built closer to households. This in turn makes getting to and from places faster and safer. The people in Paris also prefer the decreased amount of vehicles during rush hour, which allieveates their stress tremendously when navigating the city. This has affected less major cities also, such as Bogota. Their annual car-free day has lead to the construction of over 118 miles of bicycle paths, which is the longest amount in any Latin country. Not only that, but other recreational activity centers have also emerged throughout the city, according the mayor of Bogota.\n\nPollution has had a large impact in large, car-intensified cities like Paris, which was, at some points, comparable to places with the most pollution. The smog eventually resided, but some aspects of the ban still remained. The cars there typically use diesel over gasoline due to tax policies that prefer it specifically. Thus, about two thirds of the vehicles in France prefer diesel engines, which are to blame for the smog that engulfed Paris. According the New York Times, Passenger cars in Europe are responsible for twelve percent of the total greenhouse emissions. The percentage in the United States is over four times that in some congested areas.\n\nThe cities of Paris, Vauban, and Bogota are few of the many global areas that have taken on the challenge of removing cars from their daily lives, which has benefited both their health and their environment. This is a part of the long-term shift in our societies' way of commuting from one place to another. The amount of people going to get driver licesnses has been on a decline since 2005 in the United States, and is projected the continue that path for a long time. In fact, there was a twenty three percent decrease in young poeple driving form 2001 to 2009. People are alreading seeing the benefits of decreasing the use of cars, and the amount of traffic is only going to keep decreasing. As a local businessman in Bogota said, \"It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution.\"", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhat would you do if you were left in ruins? Have you ever thought of being a Seagoing Cowboy?\n\nWell here's your chance to be that person to help all those people that are left with nothing. A person that is a hero to those who need one.\n\nHave you ever thought of helping someone who can't even help their own family? If you don't want to help them. You should be ashamed of yourself. Put yourself in their shoes. You would be starving, sleeping on the ground with no bed, you would have nothing to cover yourself with, and watching your family starve too.\n\nHave you ever wanted to take care of a animal for a good cause? If you have you can become a Seagoing Cowboy. \"Its better than having two jobs.\" Just think of taking care of the horses. You can feed them , and give them a baths , and even pet them all day.\n\nHave you ever wanted to see the world? Is it to much to go places. Well know you can go for free. You can become a Seagoing Cowboy, and still see beautiful places. Where ever your going I bet they have something you would love to see.\" I had a side benifit of seeing Europe and China, but seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special.\"\n\nSo put yourself in a person who needs help. What would you do if that was you and your family that were left in ruins. You would have no money to even buy meat. So if you even give them one cow that means a lot to them.\n\nWhat would you do if you always wanted to become a animal care taker, but you can't because you can't find one in your city. Well you can always become a seagoing cowboy, or girl.\n\nIs it to much to go places. Well you can become a seagoing cowboy, and still see amazing places. Every courty has its beautiy. So if you wanted to become all these things. I think you should join me, and become a Seagoing Cowboy.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe auther's support on the studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers are too dangerus. Venus is too harmful to humans and/or anything that touches the planet.\n\nMany people sent numerous spacecrafts to Venus but, were unsecessful and they didn't last for a few hours. The issue helps understand why nothing has touched Venus in over Three decades. The carbon dioxide that's like a blanket on Vense is almost 97% The planet's clouds are highly corrosive silfuric acid in it's atmosphere, temeratures are over 800 degrees Fahrenheit and the pressure is 90 times greater then on Earth.\n\nNASA are manking idea's on sending humans to Venus to study it. Sending humans to the planet is too dangerus and harmful for them, even the spacecrafts that they send to Venus. Taking samples from the planet like rock, gas, would become a risk to their lives. NASA is looking back at old taht were used in the 1800s and played an important role in 1940s during World War ll.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIf humans were to use this technology, who is to say we would not advance it, and take it much further. That could be problomatic. Reading someones facial features could be a good thing, but also a horrible mistake.\n\nIf we were to use FACS in a school setting, it could be used to show if someone is lying or cheating, because it would read their expressions. Then what would happen would be that students may try to cover the senser or camera to block the machine, making it outright pointless. Not to mention, it would be ripping the users confidentiality away from them as it may record what the user does to more easily tell their emotions. Now it recording the emotions is not bad, but the people who could get their hands on it are. It does state in the text \" 'The facial expressions for each emotion are universal.' \" This may be true, but if that is the case, why cant we just read emotions ourselevs, instead of making a robot do it for us.\n\nThere is nothing wrong with asking if someone is sad or mad, but there is someting wrong with telling them how they feel. If compaired to anyone who makes the same expressions, how are we to be certin that they are our emotions, and not someone elses. Yes we all frown, and we all smile, but; what if some of our ways to show our smile are different, then it may be computed incorrectly, causing someone or something to go wrong when using this program. This is why we should not use FACS in any place. It just rips away our own thoughts, replacing them with a genric persons emotions.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe human face that was founded on mars by NASA's Viking 1 sapcecraft. They believe it was created by aliens,but are aliens real? How can they say it was created by aliens when we dont know that aliens are real. In my opinion it has to be the normal land formation, Mars has a lot of rocks and i know there is a lot of stuff in Mars that look like things in our planet. I do believe that it looks like a human face but Mars has sand storms and gets hit by craters all the time and that may be the reason why there is a face on mars.\n\nAs we can see in the pictures in 1976, the face looks better then the other pictures. In 2001, the face is gone because of the snadstorm that they had and covered the face. They have no proof that aliens had something to deal withit. They had no foot prints , no sign of an alien, and It looks like to me that t was created by it self. NASA's has no right to say that the face was created by aliens if they have no sign or proof that it was. They don't have proof that aliens are real. That only leads to one conclusion which is that the face on Mars is a land formation.\n\nTherefore, Is the face on Mars created by aliens or is a land formation? The pivtures explain nothing but that it is a land formation. Why? Their is no evidence that it was created by aliens nor anything else. The only way that it would've been created by aliens if NASA's had proof that there were some type of tracks of aliens. They didn't have anything so it leads to one solution. IT has to be created by sand storms and craters.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI am against the devleopment of smart cars. Although the development of smart cars has advanced greatly, people cannot relax with these \"driveless\" cars and still would have to drive around work zones and accidents. I am also against driveless cars because the laws dealing with car accidents would have to be revised. When the technology of these smart cars fail and people get injured or killed, the law has to decide if the accident was the fault of the manufacturer or the driver.\n\nDrivers cannot sit back and relax in these \"driveless\" cars because these smart cars still require the skills of human hands to navigate around work zones and accidents. This means that smart cars would require the attention of humans. So drivers can not relax with these smart cars and wait for their turn to drive because these smart cars would still require human skills to drive.\n\nThe laws would have to be revised around accidents involving driveless cars. Although precautions are made to prevent smart cars from having an accident such as sensors, the possibility of people getting into accidents in these smart cars is not entirely gone. Even if these driveless cars are proved to be\n\nmore reliably safe in the future, laws would have to be revised and new laws would have to be created for accidents involving these driveless cars. When the technology of these smart cars fails and people are injured or killed, the laws would have to make the decision if the manufacturer or the driver was at fault.\n\nDrivers cannot not relax in these \"driveless\" cars because these smart cars still require the skills of humans to navigate around work zones and accidents. These smart cars still need the attention of humans, meaning people woudl need to wait for their turn to drive. Laws would also be revised adn new laws woudl have to be created in order to decide if the manufacturer or the driver is at fault in accidents involving these driveless cars. I am against these smart driveless cars because these smart cars are not entirely safe nor reliable.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEmotions the things that make us feel happy,sad,angryand scared. But they also show our humanity its difficult for people to understand one another and harder to know how one feels. But a new techology called facial action coding system enables computer to identify human emotions. I think its not right to determin if someone is happy or sad by using a machine. If a simple person can't figure out what emotions someone is feeling then i dont see why they'll trust a coding system that uses 44 muscle found in your face. To see if your feeling whatever emotion your feeling based on how your muscles where being used at the time of the scanning.\n\nFor classroom use i see zero ways this can improve anything for students. Because students are emotionally unstable and there moods can switch at any given time. The artical also said something about imagine being infront of your computer and seeing an add the way you react to the add will make it so you don't see it anymore. I think its useless for a coding system to try and calculate how someone feels. The artical gives a great example\n\n\"you can tell how your friend is feeling simply by looking at there face\"\n\nthis little fact made me think that both a human and computer can see your face and how both might say your sad or mad because of the way your face looks right then and there. But nether a computer nor human can trully know what that person feels inside of them.\n\nI dont see how anyone thought this coding system could benifit anyone let alone students. this coding system that can read human emotions might be fun but serves no use for a school. it might be really good for things like seeing how kids react to new toys or cereal before you make a product go on the shelves of stores. besides that this coding system is useless in my eyes.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus,\" the author suggests that studying Venus is a worhty pursuit despite the dangers it presents by explaining to the reader about how dangerous it is and how man kind hasn't been able to explor it using spacerafts to land on Venus. In the text in paragraph two it explains that \"Humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud-draped worls...each mission was unmanned...no spacecraft survived the landing for than a few hours.\"this eplains that exploring venus is a dangerous missin that man kind will do anything it takes to be able to explore it.\n\nThe author supports his idea of exploring venus by giving reasons on why it is good to explore it and by giving reasons on how hard it is to explore venus without good use of technology and understandment on the planet,in paragraph two the author explains on how no spacecraft has survived on venus for more then a few hours, on paragraph four the author explains that \"if our sister planet is inhospitable...why do scientists discuss further visits to its surface...Astronomers are fascinated by venus because it once have been the most earth like planet in our sloar system.\" this is an explination on that exploring venus is dangerous but it may help us learn more about if there was another earth before us.\n\nIn the text the author claims that venus could have been a earth-like planet of the solar system long ago reaserchers or scientists and astronomers are fascinated by venus and wanting to explore venus do to the fact that it seems there was human life in venus long ago, in paragraph four the author explains that \"Long ago, venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life.\" this is and example of what scientists would like to explore about venus to discover or learn that it could be possible that venus was once earth before ours.\n\nThroughout the whole article the author explains and gives many reasons on why exploring venus is a good idea on the fact that we could learn from it, The author also states on how venus is dangerous to explore because we dont have the right technology to be save enough to land on it. even though venus is every dangerous to go to and explore with the right technology we could learn things we have not discovered about our planet, exploring a planet that could have been like ours a long time ago could give us many more things to learn about and discover.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus is a planet that for a fact humans could not live on because of the gases in the atmosphere. Scientist continue to study Venus to gain more human knowledge of the planet. The conditions of the planet are not survivable for humans because the planet does not hold enough oxygen for humans to live and the temperature of the planet is extremely high for a human. The pressure of Venus is pretty flabergasting if it would crush a submarine. Studying Venus is a good thing to gain knowledge about even if there are dangers that comes with it.\n\nLearning more information about Venus would allow the study of Venus to become easier for explorers. The author supports the idea of studying Venus is a worthy pursuit because he talks about the good things and bad things that you can encounter when it comes to Venus. He gives a significant amount of details for the reader to use when they want to know something about Venus. He also allows the reader to know that there are many challenges that comes when facing the planet Venus. When the author says 97 percent carbon dioxide lets the reader know that it is basically impossible for a human to live there.\n\nThe author helps the reader understand mostly why humans could not and would not want to live there. The planet surface averages over 800 degrees Fahrenheit and the pressure is 90 times greater than our planet Earth's. The environment of the planet could liqufy metals and could crush a submarine. Although Venus sounds fun to study I dont think it would qualify for the living conditions for humans because of the lack of amounts of oxygen, and thats is what we need.\n\nIn the last ten to twenty years, researchers have been trying to find a planet that humans could possibly live on. Venus would not qualify for humans to live on because of the high amounts of gases and high amounts of pressure. Even though the anothor believes that humans could possibly live on Venus I think humans could not. The author supports the idea that studying Venus is worthy by stating facts and adding detail with them.\n\nGaining knowledge about venus comes with good and bad information your going to encounter, especially if your a researcher. The author did a great job of using information and backing it up with details. I think studying Venus is a good thing to know more information about but it comes with a lot of dangers that humans could not handle just because we are humans. The physical conditions of human would be a lot worse just thinking about if we lived on Venus.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI'm more for the driverless cars than against it. Although there will never be a fully driverless car because you'll always need a person to tell it where it's going, or etc, I like the idea of it. It could help us so much more in the long run.\n\nDriverless cars could prove that we're moving into the future. We could be saving ourselves money from digging underground to find fuel. The new driverless cars could be electric, therefore, making us able to completely discontinue looking for fuel. We could also be making the world safer by having an alert system for if the human driver gets distracted while driving. They also mentioned having a touch sensor on the wheel to make sure the human driver is paying attention. Driverless cars could be a step into the future for everyone.\n\nDriverless cars can have their bad sides, but it's nothing that can't be fixed overtime. Look how far we've gotten already. I think driverless cars are a great idea and we should continue the good work.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI agree with the author suggests that studying is Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents becasue first reason it is a good thing to study about a different planet, second in the past nobody know that Venus is a planet, third it might be danger, but it is something that we should be studying about.\n\nFirst reason it is a good things to study about a different planet because if we all just studying about Earth it will be getting boring, and we won't know anything about the other planet. According to the text \" Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size.\" When I read this quote I was already excited to learn about Venus. As we study something different the more we are become smart.\n\nSecodn reason, in the past nobody know that Venus is a planet because they thought Venus was one of the brightest points of light in the night sky. According to the text \" Venus, sometimes called the \" Evening Star\". They are having thought about Venus like because they haven't never see Venus or study about the Venus. This is the reason why I agree with the author suggest that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents.\n\nThird reason, it might be danger, but it is something that we should be studying because the more we learn something new tge more we are getting smart. According to the text it say \" In our solar system, venus is the second planet from our sun\". I knew nobody can't go near the sun because we will be already melt if we go near to the sun. The Venus is the second planet from the sun, and it is danger. Even though we can't go up there and look what it is look like because it is danger, but we should at least study about it at school.\n\nIn conclusion, I agree with the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the danger it presents because it is a good things to study about a different planet, in the past nobody know that Venus is a planet, it might be danger, but it is something that we should be studying about. These three reason are important because in future we can teach our kids about Venus so that they won't be suprised when they found out that Venus is a planet and it is the second planet from the sun.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars are being manufactured all over the world. Is this a good idea or a bad one? Driverless cars are a bad idea. A driverless car can cause so many problems and when a problem occurs, who is to blame?\n\nDriverless cars are being made but have not yet approached roads in cities or a real street. Manufactures have ,are many successful cars of this kind without any problems. The cars are being sent on get droves all of the time. A driverless car model was made with magnets but had to be driven on a magnetic rode. The problem with that is it would cost way to much money to make every street magnetic. On cars today they have cameras sensors and all sorts of gadgets to help cars become more safe. On the new cars all of these factors are enhanced but not necessarily safer. A scenario is\n\nwhat if these driverless cars come to a stoplight that is out of order. Normally the car that he gotten their first would go ,but how would a car know something like that. Another scenario is a kid is on a bike riding how will a computer know to stop pr process that information fast enough to make a life or death situation. There are so many reasons why driverless cars are not safe .\n\nAlso what happens when an accident occurs? Is the crash the drivers fault or the cars fault. A computer can't make rational decisions like a human can it can answers questions , but not make decisions. Having a driverless car would cause so many problems if there is no drover who is to blame and what if some one is actually driving their car and another isn't and there is an accident who is to blame. There couldn't even be a case because you would have a human arguing with a computer on what happened.\n\nDriverless cars are not safe . New technology is being made everyday ,but a car will never have the brain of a human . A car and a human can't think the same so on a rode together who knows what will happen. Driverless cars will evuantually be on rodes ,but until their flawless they shouldn't be .", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars are an innovation to the 21st century that have been dreamed of and worked on for many decades.\n\nMany people have dreamed of driverless cars but couldn't share their dreams in a tangable form because the technolgy to make these futuristic automobiles did not exist at the time, but just recently this has changed.\n\nThere has been much debate on driverless cars with many skeptics.\n\nMy positon on driverless cars are that the automotive and technology industries should merge together and share their ideas to embrace this new form of transportation many people have been dreaming for.\n\nNot only would driverless cars be more convenient but would aslo be much safer.\n\nAll drivers have human error but if there was to be and an intelligent, automonous computer driveing there would be little to no crashes.\n\nFully automonous vechicles are still many years away, but laws of many states prohibit testing of driverless vechiles.\n\nThese laws are causing the consumer to wait longer because companies need important development testing to be conducted in order to improve and devlop these cars.\n\nDriverless Cars have many imortant and reliable senors have been put strategically on the cars to maximize efficency.\n\nFor example Google's modified Toyota Prius has position-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel and a rotating sensor on the roof with many other senosors.\n\nThe sensor on the roof is the Dubbed LIDAR and is one of the most important one.\n\nThe LIDAR makes a constantly updating 3-D model of the car's surroundings. This allows the car to see all of its surrondings unlike the human eye which can on see one direction.\n\nDriverless cars are coming to the marketplace and the consumer needs a relible and well tested car but with laws in place companies will not be able to devlop and test their cars to the best of their ablities.\n\nI am completely for driverless cars for a more convenient and safer future and driverless cars are a step to that dream.\n\nThousands of people die in horrific crashes each year and to limit progress of trying to make the roads safer is just wrong.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author supports this idea by introducing us to the planet and stating key points about Venus early on in the passage. In paragraph one he says, \"In our solar system Venus is the second planet from our sun.\" and that's showing us that the author is intrested in studying Venus. In paragraph two he begins to talk about the different speeds in which Venus, Earth and Mars travel. The author states in the third sentence of paragraph two, \"These differences in speed mean that sometimes we are closer to Mars and other times to Venus\".\n\nAs the author states in the third paragragraph, \"On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit...\" Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system. The author has to be fully intrested in Venus to know this much about the planet. You will learn that Venus is a dangerous planet and not even metal can survive on Venus's surface. The author states in paragraph two, \"Maybe this issue explains why not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades\". Venus is so dangerous that in order to visit the planet you can't even land, you would have to float about 30 miles from the ground.\n\nIn conclusion, Venus is not impossible to visit in fact NASA is still working on getting astronauts there with different approaches. As the author states in paragraph seven, \"For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber stimulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions.\" so, Nasa is still working on getting humans there. In paragraph eight it states that, \"Striving to meet the challenge presemted by Venus has value...\" meaning that venus is a special place and getting humans there will be exciting. So many humans are curious of what's on Venus because it's so hot there and getting humans there would be a big accomplishment.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nToday cars is one of the leading causes of greenhouse gas emissions in the world.\u00a0 Limiting car usage would be very benificial for today and future generations.\n\nTo start off there is many advantages to limit car use.\u00a0 One example would be \"It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution.\"\u00a0 In Bogota, Colombia they have a car free day every year.\u00a0 A lot of people participate in it and some enjoy it. With that day it lowers car mission and shows people that cars aren't nessary to have.\u00a0 Another example would be, \"When I had a car I was always tense.\u00a0 I'm much happier this way.\"\u00a0 Without cars people are happier and aren't as stressed as they would be if they still had a car.\n\nNext life can go on without cars.\u00a0 One example would be \"Vauban, Germany- Residents of this upscale community are suburban pionners: they have given up their cars.\"\u00a0 In this community there is little to no parking spaces.\u00a0 The community is tightly packed together so that it is better to walk places.\u00a0 Not only are their car free suburbas but cars are on a decline. An Example would be, \"Recent studies suggest that Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and gettiong fewer licenses as each year goes by.\"\u00a0 Even in America cars are starting to decline.\u00a0 Teens and young adults aren't getting their licenses and dont have to get it as a priority.\n\nThe world of cars is changing and the way cities are planned is with it.\u00a0 The reduction of car use will help lower greenhouse gas emissions for the future generations on Earth.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe \"Face on Mars\" was a popular pop icon, it starred in Hollywood film, appearing in books, magazines,even in radio talk shows. In the article, \"Unmasking the Face on Mars\" there are many points in the article that would support that the face is just a natural landform. But, anyway conspiracy theorists think it could be created by aliens even though there is all of this evidence to prove that wrong. In the article there are many key points to prove the conspiracy theorists' theories are wrong and that the \"Face on Mars\" is just a natural landform.\n\nTo support the idea that the \"Face on Mars\" is just a natural landform you can look into the essay. In the article, the text states,\" NASA's Viking 1 spacecraft was circling the planet, snapping photos of possible landing sites for its sister ship Viking 2,when it spotted the shadowy likeness of a human face.\" This part of the passage starts the argument because twenty five years ago their spacecraft cameras weren't as good as the ones that were in 2001. So, the picture that came out of the spacecraft was not as clear as it could have been with a 2001 camera and with the shadows forming the illusion of eyes, nose, and a mouth, people thought it could have been created by alien lifeforms. To disapproved of this idea though, the text states,\" on April 8,2001-a cloudless summer day in Cydonia-Mars Global Surveyor drew close enought for a second look.\" Also the text says,\" Each pixel in the 2001 image spans 1.56meter compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo. 'As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size,' he added 'So, if there were objects in this picture like airplsnes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!\" This evidence form the ending of the paragraph ten to the end of paragraph eleven shows how much of better quality the picture would be in when taken. The final supporting detail in the passage to prove the Face on Mars is not created by is the text states,\"What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a buttle or messa-landforms common around the American West\" This clearly states that its just a landform called a butte or mesa that is commonly found around the American West. This evidence clearly disapproves of the \"Face on Mars\" is not created by aliens because we have these on Earth as well.\n\nTo conclude, the \"Face on Mars\" is not created by aliens and to support the text shows evidence such as high-quality pictures and comparisons to the landform to the landforms we have on Earth.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHello, I'm PROPER_NAME and I will show you why you should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program. if you want to go to many unique places around the world and help people in need while doing it, this is the program for you.\n\nBonuses of joining the Seagoing Cowboys program from the article is,'' Besides helping people, I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China, but seeing Acropolis in Greece was special.'' Other reasons to participate is after the animals have unloaded, the cowboys would play baseball and volleyball in the stables where the animals were. Table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, writing, and games will also help pass the time. You will be opened up to a whole new world.\n\nWhile your onboard you will have to work hard keeping the animals healthy and clean up the stables every day. You will have to know that you will have to take risks and possibly get hurt, but wouldn't you rather die or get injured helping someone than not helping them at all.\n\nJoin the Seagoing Cowboys program today, and help somebody who has lost everything in their life. You will see that this is an opportunity of a lifetime.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever wondered about the Face? The one so talked about, movies and books were made about it? In the late 90's, there was a picture taken of a rather human like landform. But get this\n\n-\n\nit wasn't on Earth! The discussion of whether the landform was alien made or a common Cydonia Martian mesa was huge, and is still fret over today. But lets get real, the possibility of the landform being alien made is surreal - with our advanced technology today, we would know!\n\nAbout twenty-five years ago, an interesting picture was found with one of NASA's spacecrafts, Viking 1. From the region Cydonia of the 'Red Planet', Viking 1 had taken a picture of a large face that stretched almost two miles wide. The landform became better known as the Face. When the picture was released to public, it was a big deal. Scientists had begun to figure it was just another Martian mesa that just happened to have unusual shadows. In the article \"Unmasking the Face on Mars\", paragraph two even states this. These shadows caused many people to assume it looked similiar to some kind of Egyptian Pharaoh. The general public, although amazed by the coincedence it had been, couldn't have ignored the sayings of a scientist, especially when all the facts come into play with the logical explanation - not aliens!\n\nEven with the scienctists saying what was undeniably the truth, people demanded proof. Few scientists believed the chance of the Face being put there by exterestrial beings, but getting images became one of NASA's priorities. On April 5, 1998, Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia to take ten times sharper images of the Face. In the paragraph seven, you could find that thousands of people were waiting, waiting for an image that may decide what exactly the Face had been. After the image had been taking, not everybody was happy. This resulted in many suggestions as to why there was no proof of aliens having made the Face. It was winter and hazy. Reading through paragraph eight of the article, you can also find many of the excuses used to try and find proof of aliens exsistence.\n\nWith many complaints under their belts, Mars Global Surveyor went for another go. This time on a cloudless summer day. On Apri 8, 2001, they were sent in for another look at the Face. The images, taken again, did not show any proof of aliens. To many conspiracy lovers dismay, the images were rather like Earth Landforms. Instead of alien markings, they found that the Face is equivalent to butte or mesa. Even common to landforms in the American West. In paragraphs ten, eleven, and twelve, you can read through the precautions taken to find even clearer images of the Face, though nothing had changed. Without any other evidence to go off of, what could the theorists say?\n\nOthers, such as conspiracy theorists, say that NASA has found evidence of the other life forms. They may be right, stating things such as this. But they also say that NASA is withholding this information. While that may be a good idea for other people, NASA's budget says otherwise. With the information of alien exsistence out, their funds could go up a rather lot. Would it be a good idea to hold this information to the public? Especially when it will not only be informing the people, but also helping NASA discover more about our universe.\n\nAs stated the possibility of us not coming across alien lifeforms with todays technology is unlikely. With all the precautions they took to prove (or in this cause, disprove) alien exsistence, it is highly unprobable that we missed them. With the scientist, looking over the images twice, and then checking them, the answer is in lockdown. And even if we were, sharing the information is in almost everyone's best interest. If it had been aliens, we surely would have known, wouldn't we? Unless, of course, the aliens could were invisible. How about you tell THAT to the conspiracy theorist?", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe develpoement of driverless cars is unrealistic to me in many different ways. Due to the fact that just one car will need an incredible amount of technology to keep the car itself as safe as possible means that the car will be overly priced. Not only will It be over priced, but the fact that people are going through so much money to make a car that is able to be on \"auto pilot\" shows laziness.\n\nA brand new, average car could cost to about 20,000 dollars. When they add on technology to ensure the saftey of the driver and everyone in the car, the prices of cars will become too expensive for most people, \"For starters, they need a whole lot of sensors. Google's modified Toyota Prius uses position-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mountes near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and an interial motion sensor.\" People will begin to realize that it would only be avaliabe to wealthier people who can pay for an extremly expensive car that will only benifit them in one way. Them being able to have transportation of their own that they do not have to control means that they would more than likely not be paying attention to the road.\n\nThe idea of having a vehicle that you do not have to manage while on the roads sounds amazing to everyone. What happens when one or two of the sensors corrupt and the car steers off into the other lane? What if the motion sensor malfunctions while backing out of a driveway and a pedestrian is taking a jog and doesn't see the car backing out? There is no way that the driverless car could be 100% safe at all times. It dangerous to even think about how the car could have a mind of its own while on the highway,\"If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault--- the driver or the manufacturer?\"\n\nTransporting from place to place withought having to put your foot on the gas or making sure you remember to put on your turning signals sounds like a great and easy way to go places. Once the driverless car has been out for years and people begin to start using them often, the commubity will get lazy and irresponsible. No one will ever think they will have to drive themselves because they think that the cars will last forever and that they will just get better from the start, Theyre, wrong. The car could end having difficulties after a few years and they will shut down the production of the cars and people will be too lazy to drive themselces around. People will end up being dependent on the cars to do all of the \"hard work\" for them.\n\nIn essence, the develpomement of driverless cars is unreliable and should not be procceded with. The technology will raise the prices of the cars and make it impossible to purchase without a problem, it's too much of a risk for wrecks to happen due to failing sensors, and people will begin to rely on the car after awhile. Put an end to driverless cars and lets just stick with the ones we have now.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless Cars Are Coming\n\nCan you imagine cars driving for you? It sounds kind of strange but, Google is trying to create a car that drive for us, and i hate the fact that they are coming up with this idea. It would be kind of werid for them to switch up a driving method that we used for so may years.\n\nWhen i heard the news about driverless cars I dropped my newspaper. The fact a car will be really driving for you, stopping and going sounds crazy enough but also, when google said \" They can steer, accelerate , and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents. This means the human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires.\" When the driverless car gets in a work zone and or a accident the Google car deritly hops in human mode, which is not safe. What if the human is not paying attention and the google car crash into something, the human would be in falut not the car. Google says that they will have manufacturers that will alert the driver like, flashing lights on the windshield to annouce when a driver should be prepared, but what if the driver is not paying attention to the windshield the driverless car would still jump to human mode. Which is way to unsafe for the lifes of the driver and the people on the rode of the driverrless car.\n\nI disagree with Google and the driverless car because the Googloe car will basically change the unvirse. As stated in the article \"Still, even if traffic laws change, new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident.\" Which means that when someone goes to take their driverrs test they will need to know how to basically have to have good eye sight and have to be really focesd on one thing wich is the car.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMore people today are driving less and using public transportation, walking, or riding a bike more. The main reason for this is because it benifits our environment. When people drive a car it releases gases into the air and breaks down our ozone layer that protects us from harmful rays from the sun. Limiting car use helps by decreaseing the gases into the air. People all over the world are helping prevent the usage of cars in many ways.\n\nIn Germany, people are moving to places that are \"car-free\" which is stated in the article\n\nIn German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars . It also says that \"cars ownership is allowed, but there are only two places to park-Large garages...Where a car-owner buys a space, for 40,000, along with a home\" (article 1 paragraph 2) This is trying to limit the usage of cars buy making it cost so much to park your car. Some people are saying that cars make them tense and by walking it makes them happier and more relaxed. They dont have to stress about putting gas in the car or driving safely. They are also trying to \"make cities denser, and better for walking\"(article 1 paragraph 6) Puting stores closer to areas with a higher population so people can walk to them helps. This is an advantage to people who live in car-free areas.\n\nParis is also taking part to help better our environment. They have \"enfoced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city\" according to the article\n\nParis Bans Driving Due to Smog . The city is being more forceful with this action by giving a fine of 22-euros ($31) to people who didnt leave their cars home on their day. Due to having these days banned from driving \"congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France\" (article 2 paragraph 14) By doing these two day France was no longer considered the most poluted city in the world, Beiging, China was the new holder of this name. People are now hopeing to get \"plug-in cars, hybrids, and cars carrying three or more passengers\" This will help bennifit the environment by decreasing the air pollution in the air.\n\nBOGOTA, Colombia is making their move by having a car-free day where Colombians hiked, biked, skated, or took buses to work. \" The goal is to promate altrenative transportation and reduce smog\" according to the article\n\nCar- free Day is Spinning into a Big Hit in Bogota . They want to show people there are several other ways to get somewhere without useing a car. A couple using a two-seat bicycle said it was a great way to take away stress and lower air pollution. Other cities in Colombia are also taking part in this event. Now the city of Bogota is making 118 miles of bike pathways for people to use daily. This day helps more people get outside and get active to. The article also states that \" Parks and sport centers also have bloomed throughout the city\" Having this day reduces the air pollution that was occuring and helps people relax.\n\nTo conclude, many citys are taking part in this act. They limited the car use and helped limit air pollution. People are starting to use cars less and take more alternative routes like walking or biking. Maybe you should try walking or riding a bike to work or school. You may like that more then driving and it helps the environment!", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLuke and his friends set up a program for people to join the Seagoing Cowboys. Luke also set up a where they would have a speech of why people should join the Seagoing Cowboys. Once everyone sat in thier seats Luke came up to the stand.\n\n\"These are some reasons why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program, it could a once in a life time opportunity, i know it was for me, I thought is was going to be fun once my friend invited me to go with him\". \"You will have a lot of fun in this Seagoing Cowboys program, their will be stuff to do on the cattle boat to pass the time\" Luke said \"You would kind of have a free time of sightseeing, cattle-boat trips is an unbelievable opportunity for a small-town boy\".\n\nAfter that a lot of people has signed up for the Seagoing Cowboys program. Everyone liked being on the cattle boat. Everyone liked being overseas they still had table tennis tournaments, played baseball, volleyball, fencing, boxing, reading, and whittling. Everyone liked the adventures and the marvelous sights. Everyone also thought that it was a once in a life time opportunity. Everyone just could not describe how marvelous it was to be a Seagoing Cowboy. Everyone liked the fealing of being a Seagoing Cowboy.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Seagoing Program provides many sights and fun times. Luke Bomberger enjoyed the trip very much. Reasons and details of what will be happening on the trip will be in the next couple paragraphs.\n\nWhat many people may be thinking is there are no reasons. A reason to come is you can see very many exciting sights. Also its a one in a lifetime thing. If you are a sports fan then this is a thing fro you. They play baseball and voleyball.\n\nNow its not done yet because someone out there is probably wondering what kinds of sights. A very facinating sight is the Pacific Ocean. Thats right when entering the Seagoing Program a sight you get to see is the Pacific Ocean. You also cross the Adlantic Ocean.\n\nPeople are probably just wanting to know a little bit about the program. It is a very long program but it is enjoyable. There are also animals on the ship and if you are chosen to night wachman you have to check on the animals every hour. If its someone that likes animals then that person might enjoy the job.\n\nThe Seagoing Program is worth taking part is even if it is a long time. Now that people know a bit more about it more people may take part in it. There are reasons. There are also facts and details about it.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIt was may 24,2001 I was working at NASA driving the viking 1 spacecraft over mars when all of a suden I see a face on the planet, was so shocked i couldnt believe it so i snaped 123 pictures of it to see if it was real and every picture turnd out the same so i ran down the hall to get my friend and when he saw the picture he just as shocked as i was.\n\nand after starring at the picture for 36 minutes he says ''ALIENS MADE IT'' and i said no well we dont know wat it was i believe it was just a natural landform he says no it was aliens so i say lets take another picture,so my team and i used our viking 1s absolute maximum resolution camra and so snaped 1 more photo of the face and sent it to our scientest and 2 weeks pass and the scientest say its an natrual landform coused by a lava dome that bursted and caused the rockes to form a human like face and there was no alien like monument anywhere", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever heard of the Seagoing Cowboys program ? If you have not heard of this program you are missing out . The Seagoing Cowboys program helps with animals and people . I think you should sign up for this program if you can . It is fun , your helping while having a awesome time , and doing your part while being exited .\n\nFirst of all I think you should sign up for this program because its alot of fun .Can you imagine traveling while helping others ? If you sign up for the Seagoing Cowboys program you get to see all types of sights . In the passage Luke got to go to New Orleans , and Greece which shows you that you get to travel to awesome , mouth dropping sights. The passage states that Luke says \"\n\nthe cattle-boat trips were an unbelivable opportunity for a small-town boy \" which shows that this is not a waste of time . So you have alot of fun , get to see amazing sights , and its not a waste of time so why not sign up .\n\nSecond of all do you see how much help and care your giving . In the passage Luke cared for animals during the crossing , he fed them , and cleaned after them . Luke also severed as a night watchman for the animals , which means he was being on gard for the animals . Him watching over the animals effected people by them not having to worry about the animals . Luke also made hourly reports to the captain , while he was doing this he was also having fun . So Luke helped alot while having fun , why not join today .\n\nThird of all you are doing your part . Everyone has a part to play , and everyone has to help in something . Luke stayed up late to watch animals and gave reports to the captin , Luke made his mark on the world and he didnt expect anything back , but he did get something he got to see mind blowing sights , meet new people and animals , and the satisfaction of knowing that he helped . So there are three important things that will make you think you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program , why would not you join .\n\nOn the other hand people might say its not worth the time , you will have to leave home for some time , and you do not get anything out of it . Well , it is worth the time because you get to see amazing sights , and meet amazing people and animals . Yes , you will have to leave home but just think of all the stories you will have to tell . If people say you will not get anything out of joining the Seagoing Cowboy program , tell them you will see many sights , have alot of fun , and meet new people . So you do get something out of being in this program .\n\nIn conclusion , i think you should sign up because you will help animals and people . You wll see alot of places , Luke even went to Europe . If you sign up you will do your part . Also you will be happy and exited , nothing close to boredum while your with the Seagoing Cowboys program . So go and join the Seagoing Cowboy program !", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe \"Face of Mars\" was not created by aliens. The \"face\" is a mesa, an elevated piece of land similar to a plateau. The mesa is about 2 miles long, and the face is created by the shadows from protruding rock. The features of this landform could have been created by aliens if they had the ability to carve a two mile long mesa to look like a face, not knowing what it looked like while they were carving it. Since they were on the ground they we we carving, they would have had to either cut into the rock blindly, or have a method to see what the face looked like. That method, be it mechanical or optical should still be visible. The aliens might not be humanoid, and might not know what a human face looked like. They wouldn't be able to cut out an image of something if they don't know what it looks like. Even if aliens could cut a face into the rock, there would be fragments of that rock lying all around the base of the landform. Most of the debris might be swept away over time, but there would still be some. If the carving was done by aliens, they would have to have some way to get on top of the mesa, and that might be visible. It could be stairs, or a ladder, or a rope, but it should be visible to the satellite pictures. If the aliens did cut the face into the mesa, then it they would have gone about it in a different way. Assuming that the aliens created the face is assuming that they are intelligent beings. Intelligent beings would most likely have created finer details or carved a symbol or word to show who created the face. If they are unintelligent beings, how did they get on top of the mesa and how did they cut out the face.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMona Lisa's facial expressions were \"determined\" by the Facial Action Coding System. It determined that she was \"83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angery\" (D'Alto). This super high-tech machine can identify your emotions based on analyzing the muscles in your face. But is the technology really needed in classrooms?\n\nThe knowledge of emotional expressions to teachers can be very beneficial. Everyone knows that kids don't learn the same and keep up at the same pace. Teachers could use this for kids to know how comfortbale they are with the lesson. In the text it states, \"'A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,' Dr. Huang predicts. 'Then it could modify the lesson like an effective human instructor'\" (D'Alto). This shows that FACS can help students who don't understand the lesson, by looking at their facial expressions, and changing the lesson to fit them.\n\nOthers would argue that facial expressions for every person and emotion are different. As the author pointed out in the text, \"The facial expressions for each emotion are universal\" (D'Alto), people will disbelieve because not every person shows the same emotion the same way. Some oppossers would argue that the addition of the system to education would drastically bring up the cost. Making schools more expensive and put schools at an advantage.\n\nAlthough I agree with the fact that not every face makes the same expression,\n\nFACS can identify the way the muscles move to indicate the emotion. In the text it states, \"This process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles\" (D'Alto). This quote shows how the system works and to identify the muscle movement in your face. While, yes the cost of education will increase due to the addition of FACS, the benefits will outway the costs. Like any technological addition to schools, they use funds and sponsors to help pay for that stuff. Helping kids find a new way to learn and helping them succeed, seems a lot more important than costs.\n\nIn conclusion, the Facial Action Coding System will help teachers and students world wide succeed. When teachers know how to fix their lessons based on how their students learn, it makes the job easier for them and they get to see their students grow. Although the FACS was able to identify Mona Lisa's facial expressions, they can be used for so much more in the real world.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author evaluated their ideas about visiting Venus well in their essay, however, they did have some aspects that could be improved upon. Their introduction lacked a strong thesis which can have a negative impact on the rest of the essay if their claims aren't strongly proven. Despite their weak thesis, their claims made later in the essay were strongly proven. Not only did the author give basic background knowledge of venus and two main reasons as to why studying venus could benefit the human race, but they also gave a solution to the dangers that came with exploring the planets..\n\nIn the introduction paragraph, the author didn't give a strong thesis to state their clame. When making a thesis you want to include what claims you will be covering in the essay and what you are trying to prove. The only claim the author gave was in the last sentence of the paragraph where they stated,\" It has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely.\" They didn't give specifics as to what claims they will make to prove that Venus should be examined and their vocabulary seemed limited when they used the word \"very.\"\n\nThroughout the second and third paragraphs of the essay, the writer gave background knowledge of Venus compared to Earth. This was a good decision because they later used some of the facts that were stated to strengthen their reasoning as to why Venus should be visited and examined. They stated how hard it was to examine Venus and how dangerous the planet was for life. The planet would not be able to sustain human life due to it's harsh terrain and harsh weather. One of the reasons scientists are studying Venus is because they believed that Venus looked like what modern-day Earth does at one point. The writer bringing up how unhabitable Venus is strengthens their argument on why we need to study Venus and their belief that because this happened to Venus, then it could potentially happen to Earth.\n\nWriting about how Venus used to be like Earth and why that's important is a strong point to support the writers claim. When writing a persuasive or argumentative essay, including how what the author is writing about can benefit the reader is a way to persuade the reader to agree with the author. In the essay, the writer talks about two different ways that learning about Venus can benefit the human race. The first reason has to do with benefiting the way that humans are able to survive on Earth. Finding out what changed Venus to become inhabitable can stop the potential for the same to happen to Earth. The next reason they argued, in paragraph 4, was that if something happens to Earth, Venus is in close proximity. One day, the Earth's surface may become dangerous for human life and humans must flee to the nearest planet to survive. The author believes that finding out the exact conditions of Venus and finding a way to sustain human life on the planet would greatly benefit the human races future.\n\nLastly, the writer gives a solution to the most important problem stated in the essay, that it would be difficult for humans to live on Venus or even visit it. Throughout the fifth and sixth paragraph, the author talks about how research has already been done to find ways for humans to live on Earth. They even provide ideas of the their own for how humans can live on Venus. Pointing out problems with your ideas but then solving them is a strong way to argue your point because it eliminates the question of \"will it fail?\" and might answer some questions that readers have when reading the essay.\n\nOverall, the author argues their points well. The structure of their essay has some aspects that can and should be changed, such as the introduction paragraph. The author showed why their claim was important to the reader and answered the \"how will it be done?\" part of their claim. Answering the \"how will it be done?\" part of the claim can eliminate doubt among the reader and strengthen the argument that the writer is trying to get across to the reader.", "label": 6}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nSince 2009, Google has beent attempting to develop driverless cars, but is that something that is needed in everyday life? The use of driverless cars will lead to a lesser development of the mind and body, chronic laziness, and could put people in grave danger.\n\nThe mind is something that needs to be excersized in order to excel. With the use of driverless cars, the mind will not be able to advance. Being able to drive will allow the driver's mind to grasp its surroundings, but also to gather information quickly. The mind would not be the only part of the driver to be ridden its abilities, the eyes would be too. Eyes are also an essential factor when it comes to driving because they need to be put to use, and if not, they have a chance of not developing properly.\n\nThe use of driverless cars will also lead to laziness in the mere future. Learning how to drive is a key factor to everday tasks, if taken away, it is one less action that technology will rid people of. The driver's attention will grow to become deprived too, if they do not need to solely focus on the road and their surroundings. With these cars, they need to be able to focus, in case a problem occurs (Paragraph 8).\n\nDriverless cars could provide people with the time they need to relax and just enjoy the ride, but overall would not be beneficial because it could put them in grave danger. The driverless car is not able to indicate if the driver is awake or not, it is just able to feel the drivers hands on the wheel (Paragraph 7). The driver could fall asleep at the wheel and the car would continue to drive. Also, if people do not know how to drive without the driverless functions, and are out driving when their car breaks down, they could be stuck in a serious emergency.\n\nAlthough driverless cars seem like a great reality, they are still harmful and flawed. The use of our main functions have a high chance of deminishing if they cannot be used, there will be no to have true motive, and people could be put in harmful situations. Is the progression of driverless cars something that is crucial to living as people are seeking it to be?", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn this article, \"Unmasking the Face on Mars\". Many people believe that this imprint of a human beings' face was sculpted by aliens. In this essay, I will provide many reasons why this imprint was just a natural landform that looked identical to a human face.\n\nScientist have discovered that this \"Face\" on Mars was just a natural landform. Many people are trying to say that the face was created by aliens. There are many ways that we could prove that aliens DID NOT create this fasinating landform. From far away, this imprint looks exactly like a human face. If you focuse hard enough on this sculpture, you could indentify its eyes, mouth, nose and head shape.\n\nOne of the many reasons that this artifact was not created by aliens is because, provided in the article, back on April 5th, 1998, Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time. Scientist studied the artifact from afar, yet, they were still able to see the face. One of the scientist, Michael Malin, and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team took pictures of this marvelous sculpture. As Michael looked closer into each picture, he discovered that the creation was not carved that way in any sort. He discovered that the artifact was just a landform that began to age that way.\n\nAnother way to prove this artifact was not created by aliens is, there was no one there at the planet Mars. Scientist looked all over the planet, circled it for a long period of time. There was no foot prints, or any marks on this planet. Many believed that no matter how hard they searched, the solution would come out possitive. No one came and created this impressive land.\n\nIn the passage it says on April 8, 2001--a cloudless summer day in Cydonia, Mars Global Surveyor drew close enough for a second look. They had to roll the spacecraft 25 degrees to center the Face in the field of view. Each pixel spanned about 1.56 meters in 2001. The best Viking photo in 1976 was measured out to be 43 meters per pixel. This is when they knew for a fact that this landform was not something anyone else was able to make. This was all just a huge coincedense that there was a face imprinited on our called, \"Red Planet\".\n\nThis is why we should believe that \"the Face\" was just a natural landform. All facts has proven, that this creation was just part of Mars. There was no clear explaination that an alien would come and create this. If aliens tend to exist, there's no possible way they would know the facial structures of a human face.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author has a good point. Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Venus being the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. It is believe that it was covered with large oceans and supported forms of life, however various spacecrafts only survived several hours when landing on Venus.\n\nFirst off, Venus still has Earth-like features. The planet has a rocky surface and includes valleys, mountains, and craters. However the temperature on Venus surface averages over 800 degrees Fahrenheit and it is said that the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience here on Earth. So why is it believed that life once existed on this planet? It is extremely dangerous to send anyone to Venus, because they most likely wouldn't make it back home. Let alone survive a couple hours. The author stated that NASA is working on other ways to study Venus without risking the lives of others. Which I believe is a good idea. It'll spark more people's interest in knowing the plants around us.\n\nDespite the dangers Venus has eventually NASA will find a way to successfully send a spacecraft or group of people up there without doing any harm. Even though life today cannot exist on Venus because of the tempature and air quality, it is worth looking into.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article the author supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy persuit despite the dangers because of how he described the astronomers as fascinated and curious. The author is using those descriptive words to show how even though it could be dangerous, it is worth it.\n\nIn the article the author shows his strong support for the exploring of Venus. He states, \"Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system.\" This shows how he desribes Venus as fascinating and that illustrates the passion to explore despite the dangers.\n\nHe also stated, \"Therefore scientists seeking to conduct a thorough mission to understand Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risks. Or maybe we should think of them as challenges.\" The author says that they should maybe think of the risks as challenges when exploring Venus becuase of the want to understand Venus. This shows how they so badly want to understand Venus thast they should just disregard the dangers of it.\n\nThe author then goes onto say how Venus has an insight to be gained and assuming that the insight is worth the dangers. He states, \" Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value becuase of the insight to be gained on the planet itself.\" The value the author brings up the quote is being used to show how the challenges are worth the value and that the exploring of Venus is worth the dangers. The author also describes the astronomers as curious, he states, \" Human curiousity will likely lead us to many equally intimidating endeavors.\" He is stating how they are so curious and that they are so curious that studying Venus is a worthy persuit despite the dangers.\n\nIn the article, \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" the author very cleary states how exploring and studying Venus is worthy of the dangers that come with it. The author shows this by saying how fascniated and curious astronomers are, by saying this he is inferring that they are willing to do what they can to venture out onto Venus and do what they can to find out more about it even with the dangers attatched to doing so.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPersonally, I believe that there are many advantages to limiting usage of a motor vehicle. There would be less air pollution, quicker public transportation, and more social contact.\n\nFirstly, as stated in almost every article the main goal of stopping people from driving their cars was that their was too much air pollution going on throughout these cities. There was a near-record days of pollution which made some cities in Europe decide the make partial laws to restrict people from using their cars all the time. Personally I think that is a great idea to stop people from driving cars. People not driving cars all the time benefits everyone because the air pollution would eventually be hazardous to everyone leading to casualties and deaths.\n\nSecondly, public transportation would be so much easier to get around with since there is barely traffic around. Could you imagine how easy it would be to get around using the bus or a taxi since there would be no traffic jams or accidents on the road. Of course since basically no one would have the accessability to cars there would be much more public transportation but i doubt it would amount up to how many single cars you see on the road.\n\nAlso, one articel stated that, Parks and sports centers also have bloomed throughout the city; uneven, pitted sidewalks have been replaced by broad, smooth sidewalks; rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic; and new restaurants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up.\" meaning that all this occured due to the dramatic change in everyone driving their cars. I believe that this happened as a social thing because of everyone is always alone in their motor vehicle driving past everyone without a word said, rather than walking past a person with a smile on your face and making face to face contact. Usually the parks and sports centers are getting all these people in there because everyone walking or biking would pass by a park and say that they would want to hang out there for a minute since they hadn't been before or just walk in it to check it out since its on the way.\n\nIn Conclusion this is what i think of the advantages of limiting car usage. I think its good for the environment, makes public transportation quicker, and makes people more social.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author claims that \"striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors\".\n\nIn the exerpt, of \"The Challanges of Exploring Venus\" we learn that Venus is our cloest rival to Earth, and that it has more Earth-like features that we want to explore. In paragrph 2, we learn that Venus is \"Often referred to Earth's twin, Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too\". Venus is a very challanging planet to explore since it is the second closest planet to the sun making it very hot to even get through with a space craft, and a space probe, because it will melt whithin seconds of entering the atmosphere.\n\nIn paragraph 4, it explains that \"Today, Venus still has some Earth Like features that are analogous to those on Earth\". \"The planethas a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters\". In order for us to explore Venus, we are going to have to create, or advance or technology so that we are save when entering Venus's atmosphere, and even touching down on the surface without burning up. In paragraph 5, it tells us that \"At thirty plus miles above the surface, temeratures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that oa sea levels on Earth\". Indead, we still need to learn about Venus, but first we need to create some more advanced technology that will keep a live man or woman on the planet until they have colected enough data to go back and safely escape the planet.\n\nIn paragraph 6, it tells us that \"More importantly, researchers cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance\". \"Therfore, scientists seeking to conduct a thorough mission to understandVenus would need to up close and personal, despite the risks\". Yes, it may be challenging, but in order to explore other planets not known too well of us, we would need to put the effort in trying new things, and advancing to new heights. In paragraph 7, it tells us that \"NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus\". This is good, because if NASA can find another way that we can safely explore Venus, then we wouldn't have to go through all the trouble of making new technology, or find ways that we can make a new space suit to fit Venus's temerature.\n\nIn paragraph 7, it tells us that \"scientists have made systems that use mechanical parts can be made more resistent to pressure, heat, and other forces\". we only have a litle more to go before we have the right amount of data, and technology to explore Venus in more depth. All we need to do is test thiese new things that scientists have made, and see if we can survive the forces that Venus throws at us.\n\nVenus is a challenging planet, but scientists are still curious and will do anything to try and get research from Venus at all costs. The author claims that \"striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors\".", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAlmost every American has a car. Just go outside and look at your neighborhood.. I'm almost positive if you were to look everyone woukd have a car except for maybe 1 or 2.. The car is in our everyday use basically.. It helps us get to work, run aarons, take kids to school, etc. Now you may seem like theres only 1 risk of being in a car, but believe it or not.. When your car is on and running you're hurting the air.. Now I know the air doesn't have feelings! But logically you're hurting the air and yourself. America should limit car usage for simple reasons like air pollution, car accidents, and lazyness. These are the things we should focus on when we're in our cars or when we talk about saftey because all those reasons fall into that category. Small changes would be nice and helpful here. It reduce alot of problems we have, and stress.\n\nTo kick this off, limiting the usage of cars would reduce the amout of air pollution that we are surrounded in now. Think about it millions of cars on and running everyday, sometimes if you look closely thers black gas coming out of the exhaust pipe.. And you're breating that? Out of millions of cars where do you think all those fumes go? they don't just dissapear! We're breating it! sure you might say \"So if im breathing it doesn't that mean i should be dead?!\" no.. that's not the case.. Yes it's bad for you but it hurts the earth mostly the gases break apart the atmosphere we have around to block other fumes from other places out. Think of the earth as a hamster in a ball.. The hamster is the earth and the ball is out atmosphere. The holes in the ball are the holes made from the gases that are released from our cars. This could let any type if gas in. In places like China there's a huge problem caused by all the cars.. it's called smog. Think of fog all over the place but its black and smells really bad. Not only that but it's really bad for you. You may think why don't we have that here? Well China is the most populated country in the world and almost everyone has a car. China is a pretty busy place you'd imagine because of all the people. Well you're right.. All the fumes coming out of those cars cause all that smog to contaminate everything there. Like water, animals, food, and even you! It's very bad. China needs to limit the usage of their cars in order to stop problems like that because it can effect everything around them. We should start worrying about the smog aswell because America is a pretty big place and all the busy cars can cause something similar to a smog, it may not be as big bu it will still cause damage. With all this said hopefully you understand what air pollution does and how we can reduce it.\n\nMoving along, Car accidents is a very big thing everywhere it causes thousands of deaths and injuries. We can stop all of it if we can limit the car usuage. you may say \"We can also just stop teens from driving..\" well yeah you can do that but how will they learn for themselves? Small rules metioned in the article are very interesting like cars with even licence plates were allowed to drive on mondays for example, and cars who drove with odd licence plates were fined for not obeying the law. On Tuesdays it would be the same but for odd licence plates. I think if this rules was implemented atleast 2 times a week it would help reduce the amout of accidents. There wouldn't be asmuch cars and it will be alot safer for people to drive. Sadly in alot of accidents they are fatal in highways, just imagine hundrends of thousands of cars driving in 3-4 lanes, you hit a car and it will obivously start a big problem from there. Think of it like dominos stacked in a line you knock one down and it just starts all tumbling in order. Yeah some cars avoid it but not always. The less the cars the less the accidents. Altough this is off topic but limiting the amout of cars on a freeway or highway per hour will limit the amout of accidents aswell. Back to the point, America needs to do something about the cars or it will just keep happening the more the drivers the more the danger out in the roads and highways. Hopefully this helped you understand more about the limiting of car use a little more.\n\nWe're almost there, how ever we should stop revolving our selves around our car. If you live 10 minutes away from a supermarket or small convienience store just walk there.. You're just wasting money and polluting the air driving there.. A bike is a great way to get there you go decently fast, you don't get tired as much and it's a good exercise. We should stop getting to lazy because it is affecting both us and the earth very negatively. I would understand if you're in a hurry but seriously.. If you're 10-20 minutes walking distance why not just walk there.. You don't only exercise in the gym, get some fresh air outside.. well partially fresh air.. Yeah you get the point.. We need to get our butts up and walk places because our car isn't our only source of transportation! It's not just hurting you! Don't forget your purse or wallet! Because it has a big impact on that to with the gas prices going all over the place right now. Something people don't see when they're driving there car is what there doing to the enviornment, yeah i've mentioned it many times but it something we really need to look at because it effects your health tremendously. If you actually take the time to walk or bike to where ever you want it feels nice to actually walk and stretch your muscles out. We need more car reduced communities so that we don't just use our cars all day to get to places not to far away.\n\nTo conclude, we need to start limiting the usage of cars in order to reduce alot of problems in our enviornment. Most of our enviornmental problems revolve around something we use everyday which is the car. Problems such as air pollution, car accidents, and lazyness. These things just don't effect you, if effects everyone including the envornment. This is something we should look out for ecause it is a very negative thing we have. Mainly air pollution because that affects everything.. And i mean everthing... Food, water, animals, plants, and even you.. So we all should look out for this and be a bt more responsible. We need more laws to help reduce the amount of smog and greenhouse gases that we have here today in our world. Hopefully you read this and learned alot about the importance of limiting the usage of cars and how it can effect everything.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars should not even be advertised in car stores because they sound dangerous. People may think driverless cars sound cool in all, but in reality; what if someone's driverless crashes? Then that person would not think their driverlesss car is so cool then.\n\nDriverless cars are just like other cars around the world except that driverless cars do not have drivers inside them. Driverless cars also have sensors like regular cars as stated in paragraph 5 so that is nothing new to anybody or anything. Driverless cars look basically like regular ordinary car which makes not very interesting to people who are looking to buy them.\n\nDriverless cars are also very dangerous and can cause serious problems to humans on this earth. As stated in paragraph 8, \u0093The psychological aspects of automation are really a challenge,\u0094 Driverless cars can cause so much trouble in people's lves. They can also cause confusion when it comes to having an accident with another driver because as stateed in paragraph 9, \"Still, even if traffic laws change, new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident. If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault\u0097the driver or the manufacturer?\" If someone gets into a car accident; they will not even know who's fault it would if somebody got severely injured because the driver would have no control at all over the vehicle so in my opinion driverless cars should not be advertised in car shops.\n\nIn conclusion, whether that driverless cars are dangerous or that they can cause problems; they should not be sold to anybody because they would be nothing but trouble and pain.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPlan\n\nThe idea that author supports the studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers in article says Venus sometimes called the \"evening star\" is the of the brightest points of\n\nlight in the night sky, making it simple for even an amateur starganzer to spot.\n\nThe evidence from the article that supports my claim is on the planet's surface temperatures average over 800 degrees fahrenheit and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times\n\ngreater than what we experience on our own planet.\n\nThe introduction aand conclusion of this essay is second planet from our sun while is simple to see from the distant but afe vantage point of Earth it proved a very challenging place to examiine more to extreme, and Physical conditon exposig a cell phone or tablet to acis or heat capable of malting tin by comparison systems that use machanical parts can be made more resistwnt to pressure, heat , other forces.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus, sometimes called the 'Evening Star,\" is so seeable, that people can spot it by looking through a horoscope. Many people see venus as a star because of its sharp brightness, but venus is actually a planet.\n\nMany people are against landing in Venus, because of the danger it could cause. for example, in paragraph three, venus is stated to be \"Temeratured above over eight hundred degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet.\" But despite all this, the study of Venus is a worth pursuit, even of all the danger it presents. Venus is the closest planet on earth, making it easier if people wanted to land. Just like Mars, venus is known to be an earth-like planet and could have possibly had oceans and supported various forms of like.\n\nAs more technology advances, NASA has a compelling idea to possibly land on venus safely. In paragraph five, it is stated: \"NASA's possible solution to the hostile onditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray.\" This means that there could be a bump-like vehicle used to hover 30 or so miles above the roiling venusian. The vehicle would be a safe thing to use, because it is made for the rocky textured planet.\n\nVenus is a planet that many people call the \"Evening Star.\" Usually, it is so visable, because people usually see a sharp, brightness. It is known to be spotted easily by looking through a horosope.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nOn May 24, 2001, NASA discovered a large, shadowy figure that resembled the shape of a human face on the surface of Mars. Some are to believe this figure was created by \"aliens\". Was it? Or is this mysterious likeness just something as normal as a natural landform?\n\nViking 1 photograph of the Face on Mars was taken in 1976. The camera's absolute maximum was 43 meters per pixel. By looking at the photograph, you wouldn't be able to make a definate conclusion about what exactly the figure was and how it got on the surface of Mars.\n\nLater, on April 8, 2001, Mars Global Surveyor was able to capture a photograph with an absolute maximum of 1.56 meters instead of 43 meters per pixel like in the 1976 Viking photo. The picture was ten times sharper than the original Viking photo. Jim Garvin even said, \"You can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size. So, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!\"\n\nGarvin also mentioned that they don't pass over the figure as a face very often and that what the image actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa-- landforms common around the American West.\n\nLike I mentioned in the first paragraph; some are to belive this figure was created by aliens. Was it? Well, after receiveing all of NASA's evidental information, I would have to say it was not. The Face on Mars is just a natural landform created by natural causes; not aliens or even previous human life that may have once exhisted on the mysterious planet. People may have been hoping this was the time in history where aliens could've been discovered, but as we can tell, that moment in history is certainly and obviously not now.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nStudying Venus is a worthy pursuit because it is one of the brightest points of light in the sky... That is a good point to start an investigation.\n\nIt is called ''The Earth Twin'' because Venus is the most closest in density, size and distance too. Humans have sent a lot of spacecrafts to study a phenomenom related with the speed of the planets that are in our solar system, all of the times that humans have sent spacecrafts trying to stdy Venus they just got the destruction of them, that could be the reason of why Venus have not being touched in the past thirty years, that is why humans want to know new qualities, more than the ones that we already know.\n\nOne of the factors that makes Venus one of the most challenging planets to study is its thick atmosphere, which is composed of almost 100 percent of a kind of ''blankets'', under those ''blankets'' are clouds containing sulfuric acid. Humans just cannot go and walk in Venus as we did in the Moon, and that is because Venus has a lot of extreme environments, which are too different to any environment we can find in the Earth, these conditions are the insane temperatures, Venus has the hottest surface than any other planet in our solar system, not even Mercury has a surface like that. The temperature in Venus could reach a level of 800 degrees Fahrenheit which is a totaly unknown temperature for humans. Another extreme fact of Venus's environment is its atmospheric pressure which is more than 90 times greater that the pressure we experience in the Earth. But that is not all about Venus, the geology and weather that Venus presents include erupting volcanoes, earthquakes and sometimes it gets some lightning strikes.\n\nHumans are completly surprised by Venus and its environment today, because there are astronomers who could be totally sure about Venus having oceans and a few forms of life a long time ago, those who can be sure about it say that Venus still has some features similar to the Earth, some of them are valleys, mountains and craters.\n\nNASA has an idea for sending humans to study Venus, it will be so complicated to do, but the astronomers say that is the only way to get more information of Venus, having humans in the surface of Venus they could take samples of rock, gas, or anything else. Astronomers say that if they really want to know more about Venus they have to be there and experience all its difficulties despite the risks. They take all of its difficulties as challenges. Many others astronomers are working in machines that could be send to Venus, maybe that is because they think that step the surface of Venus is completly impossible.\n\nDespite all the work required to go to Venus, people think we should not have any limit, they think we have to have curiosity in what we want to do, or in this case, what we want to know, that is why workers of the NASA, with their imagination, keep thinking in new forms to get the information that they want to get, and they are working using all their innovation, and of course... Their imagination.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nSome children nowadays don't like to confront people with their prblems or they are too scared to ask for help. The use of this technology to read the emotional expressions os tudents in a classroom is valuable. Its is valuable because it can detect problems in students before it's too late.\n\nIt's impotant to know what students are feeling to make sure they are comfortable, genuinely happy and interested. Since this technology can calculate the emotions from the way muscles contract on your face, it'll be easy to detect a problem without asking them when they can easily lie. You need to keep the students interested because if they are not interested in what you are teaching then they will not pay attention and won't get anything from the lesson at all. With this technology, they can have a better chance of getting better grades or have a better prespective on the subject.\n\nThere are many risks from not knowing exactly what the student is feeling. They could be feeling anxious, depressed or even scared. Anxiety and depression are two major and risky mental health problems. People who have it may not want to talk about it or even share that they have it. With thus facial recognition, they will be detected as sad or scared and you can be able to get them the help they deserve and need. We have many muscles in our face and all of them can identify in the categories of sad or scared. As the author includes in the passage, in papragraph 3, \"The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 muscles in the model must move like human muscles. Movement of one or more muscles is called an \"action unit.\"\"\n\nThis technology can really help a student's life in the long run. You will not regret getting this technology that will get a better understanding of children then we ever will.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars are no doubt going to be the future of the automotive business, making our roads modernized. Having driverless cars will be a great thing for our future. Once everyone starts driving them there will be less accidents, no more gridlock, and the economy will boom.\n\nDue to the huge influx of cash that the automotive business industry would get our economy might possibly pull itself from the grave and make us be able to abolish our debt.\n\nAll throughout history our goal has been to better our way of life by creating new technology for safety reasons and for ease of life. The automotive industry is not exempt from this, throughout history we have been making changes to vehicles so that we may go faster while being safer. One of the ways we do this is with the revolutionary technology of sensors which allow the computers in our vehicles to sense and see things that humans can not. Sensors have gone a long way since they have been invented; at first they were just used to let a computer see things, now they can predict a head on collision or when your going to lose traction on ice. So why not just let them control the car indefinately if they are able to brake, drive, and regain control of the vehicle even better than a human can. This is why there should be driverless cars at some point in our future, hopefully sooner rather than later.\n\nThe one thing holding us back from being able to discover what driverless vehicles are like is the laws that we have set in place so that a vehicle is only safe when their is a human in it driving. What they don't consider when they makes these laws is that if everyone had a driverless car then they would all be programed to drive correctly and in sync without ever needing to worry about trusting another driver or knowing when your turn is at a intersection. The vehicles would be able to sense if the other vehicles are there and be able to decided exactly what they are spose to do without the emotions like trust and doubt clouding its judgement.\n\nDriverless cars is the future of modern technology and the future of road safety. There will be no more gridlock due to sensors and computers talking to eachother. There will be no more worrying about what speed to drive in snow or if it is too icy. The vehicles would be able to tell us all of this and compute it even better than a human could. With how fast our technology including sensors has come since 2000 driverless cars could be right around the corner and be safer, faster, and more. Driverless vehicles are our future and it is a good one.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think that driverless car would be a waste a money. I dont think that anybody would trust a car driving itself around. i personally think that people would feel safer driving themselfves around than a computerized car. Some people may think that a car that can drive itself could be useful and it some ways it may be. It could be safer because less people could txt and drive, or drink and drive, that could cause lesss wrecks. On the down side if they cant fix the car when it goes through traffic and the person is asleep then the car wont know what to do and it could cause another wreck going through one. It could also cause another wreck if it was going through a construction site. That could be b ad because construction sites are already buisy enough and cramed enough.\n\nMost people would prefer to dirve them,selves to work or to school every day. I dont trust technology, i think that it has brought our world to crap. The governmant isusing it just to get money and that is what these cars are for. Its just to gets civilians money. I would feel safer because i know where i am going and if there is a crash or a construction zone i know how to handle it and know where to go or how to get where i need to go. Also i wouldnt half to worry abput falling asleep and the car not knwoing what to do or some one ramming into the back of my car. The safest way that i would think to have a caar that could drive on its own is to have magnets in the road and the opposite polarity in the car some where so that the car has a path to guide it.\n\nHI", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI believe that going for a trip to Venus would be a very difficult challenge to face. Venus would have to be a very well round planned trip: it might take some tries\n\nthat\u00b4s what I believe. It\u00b4s worthy enough to go to Venus but, despite the fact that the extreme temperatures, and high pressured atmosphere are it\u00b4s two biggest challenges to overcome to make it there.\n\nThe average surface temperature is 800 degrees Fahrenheit. That\u00b4s overly extreme temperatures for any one on Earth if you\u00b4d ask me. It\u00b4s a fact that Venus\n\ntemperature is about twice as hot as the food you cook in the oven. As said in paragraph five,\u00a8At thirty-plus miles above the surface, temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit.\u00a8 Temperatures would have to be quite lower than that for humans to survive on Venus.\n\nVenus atmosphere is still second on its biggest problems. The atmosphere of Venus is similar to Earth\u00b4s sea level only when your higher up though. When you hit rock bottom on Venus the pressure would be over the boards high. In paragraph 3 it says,\u00a8 Atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experienced on our own planet. The atmosphere is pretty thick almost full of carbondioxide\n\nblankets.\n\nVenus probably can\u00b4t be live able, but there is always a bright side to everything. It\u00b4ll take years on top of years on top of years to make. It\u00b4s like a strategic plan using all smarts. NASA and other scientist are working to work past these challenges by innovating such devices as Mechanical computers, and a workable metal to substain these purposes. I believe that there is hope to this project overcome the exploring of Venus.\n\nSo if you asked me living on Venus would be almost impossible even if these devices work.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nImagining a day without a car seems impossible if you are one of those people who depend on a car seven days a week. If you, my fellow citizens, take the chance to live at least a day without a car you would experience all the advantages of not having a vehicle. These advantages include, saving money, time and the enviroment. Not only will you be saving things we all wish to save on, we will also gain the oppurtunity to have more one on one time with friends or even family.\n\nExperiencing a day without something you always depend on may seem foolish, considering, \"Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe...and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States.\" (paragraph 5, Source 1:\n\nIn German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars\n\n) Living a day without your vehicle you can find yourself saving time,according to paragraph 43, (Source 4:\n\nThe End of Car Culture\n\n) \"Transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve resources,lower emissions and improve safety.\" If more and more people decide to live a motor-vehicle free life, then this could result in less traffic which can result in having enough time for that cup of coffee before work.\n\nAlthough, if you dont have a car to get to further places that means you would have to take public transportation, such as a bus. When riding a bus, it is obvious that you are not the only passenger which means that you are not the only stop, this could result in a longer ride. When heading some where, its common that the person needs or wants to get there at a specific time, this could be a reason why not having a car could not apply to you.\n\nApparently, using public transportation or car pooling can give you the opportunity to bond with your friends, who would want that before arriving at your eight hour shift? As mentioned in paragraph 35, \"The rise in cellphones and car-pooling apps has facilitated more flexiable commuting arrangements.\"(Source 4:\n\nThe End of Car Culture\n\n) This could be difficult for you to imagine but it is known that us, humans, are creatures of habit, \"people who stopped car commuting as a result of the recession may find less reason to resume the habit...\" (paragraph 36,Source 4:\n\nThe End of Car Culture\n\n) This means that once we start this amazing and life changing habit, we won't be able to stop.\n\nClearly, not having a vehicle could give you many advantages in your every day life. No more time being wasted or losing touch with close friends. Instead of viewing this as something negative, take it as something positive so that you could adapt and let riding a bike to work, a life changing habit.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think that we should have driverless cars. There are multiple reasons that I believe this, like fewer accidents and safety reasons.\n\nFor one thing, like stated above, there would most likely be fewer accidents. So far, according to paragraph 2 \"their cars have driven more than half a million miles without an accident.\" Though the cars are not \"truly driverless,\" the fact remain that even though they still need human drivers to navigate through certain spots, and still haven't crashed, they are pretty impressive. The driver would also be able to take over the vehicle, if needed, to get through road construction, and getting around accidents. If the driving technology were to malfunction, the driver would simply take over the driving until they can get to a safe spot to pull over or call for help. It is a great safety feature.\n\nSpeaking of safety features, these autonomous cars have many of them. The notify the driver when they need to take over. According to paragraph 7 GM has \"developed drivers seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger of backing into an object.\" Google car \"announces when the driver should be prepared to take over.\" Others consider flashing likghts and other heads-up displays. There is also the possibility of less pollution.\n\nThe cars that Sergey Brin forsees \"would use half the fuel of today's taxis.\" With pollution being a major problem around the world, especially in places that are high in the industry business, we could use cars like that. Eventually that kind of fuel saving would go into other cars. These fuel saving cars could be the first step toward a greener world.\n\nOverall, I think that autonomous cars are a fantastic idea because of the likelyhood of fewer accidents and the numerous safety features that the cars offer along with enviromental protection.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn this article, \"A Cowboy who Rode the Waves\", Luke finds a love for being a Seagoing Cowboy.\n\nThere are many things to like about it.\n\nSome examples would be; you are helping people, you get to see new places, and you have a lot of fun while traveling!\n\nOn Luke's trip, the Seagoing Cowboys, he helped the countries whom where in ruins after World War II, as it states in paragraph 2.\n\nThe atricle states World War II had just ended in Europe.\n\nThe UNRRA hired the Seagoing Cowboys so they could take care of the animals such as; horses, young cows, and mules.\n\nParagraph 2 states they shipped these animals over seas.\n\nAnother thing to enjoy about being a Seagoing Cowboy is, seeing new places.\n\nMany people enjoy seeing different places and the intresting structures built there.\n\nParagraph 5 tells us that, Luke got to see Europe and China.\n\nIt also states he toured an excavated castle in Crete on his way to China.\n\nLastly, the boys had fun while traveling.\n\nPargraph 8 states, they played baseball and volleyball in the empty holes where the animals had been housed.\n\nThey also had table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and more to help pass the time while traveling.\n\nLuke had a great time in his days as a Seagoing Cowboy.\n\nIf you like helping peolpe, witnessing new surroundings or fun games with your friends, you would like being a Seagoing Cowboy.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCould you imagine what it would be like if we limited the usage of cars? We could save money on gas, who doesn't love saving money?! More money in our pockets means buying more items that are useful to us. And muse about how much pollution would decrease! We could all breathe in sublime air, clean air! Instead of huge car garages and parking lots we could save a lot of room, and use that room to build cheap houses for people in need.\n\nGas prices are hefty these days. They used to be a whopping 5 cents! Now they are around 2.90$ almost three dollars! Could you even imagine how much money you would save a month? If you pay for 5 gallons of gas everyweek you would be saving around 60$ a month! You could go out, buy extra groceries, have fun with it! I remember back in 2014 gasoline prices waged to 5$ in some counties. Me and my father had to walk to our favorite stores, but it turns out that we very well like the sun beating on our skin, so we usually walk, and we rarely use our car unless we travel far distances.\n\nPollution will always be a big problem on Earth. We may not have cars, but we still have ships, and guess what? They can cause pollution, too! It would be so much better (and healthier!) if we all could breathe fresh air. If pollution were are main problem, \"plug in cars, and hybrids would be an exception\", as quoted in\n\nParis bans driving due to smog.\n\nWhew, I'm sweating thinking about how much excersize you could get if there were a limited usage of our cars! Everyone uses their phones, and sits on the couch all day long. How boring! You could go outside with your friends, walk to the mall, or walk to a store. Most of our daily life would be revolved around if we could move our feet. I walk to and from school, and I enjoy it, although the nasty gasoline smell and strange puff of smoke that comes out of the car -- I do not, and Heidrun Walter is with me. In\n\nIn German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars , Walter states, \"When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way (after she sold her car).\"\n\nBeing car-free wouldn't be so bad after all! Thanks to technology, we can breathe cleaner air because of hybrids and plug-in cars. Pollution is deadly, I know no one wants to die this way, especially if it can be solved. Car-free? No problems.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think having this technology would be a great idea for school. When a teacher is showing a other student how to do math or something else ,but there is a other student also asking for help. It will make the computer notice the face expression and it will try to help the student figure out the math problem. That type of technology used in schools is helpful.Lets say it was used in all the computers in the world. It will be violating private privacy.The technology would not be accepted by certain amount of people who need private privacy they would put a sticky note on their camera.One to support my claim on how it would help schools is \"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored\",\"Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.\" That is why I think having this could help have better grades and may like the subject more.One other benefit for this is if they put these type of computers in a office.To see if your employee is having a bad day at work. Trying to help him with their bad day to make sure they are happy when they are working. Making the working background a better place.They should also use this with lie detectors to show if he is actually lieing or just breating hard on purpose to lie. They would also try not to lie. This tecnology would be a grest resource. I have evidence to show if they In conclusion lieing. \"The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles. \" Movement of one or more muscles is called an action unit\". in conclusion having this could improve most of our daily lives ,like in school,work,or in courts when trying to see they are truthful. Having this in\n\nclassrooms would be super valuable for student who are confused in subjects.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the artical Making Mona Lisa Smile the author is describing how a new technology called the Factial Action Coding System enables computers to identify human emotiolns. No I don't think that using a computer will identify how a person is feeling and what there mood Is for the day. And I say this because what if they not really feeling that way what If they computer is guessing what thart person is really feeling. Like how would you even calculate what the percentage is and how would you even know what number to caculate. Usually how we tell If someone we know Is down Is by there face and you can tell If something happened or If they ae just tired. There is really no need for a computer to try to tell If someone is sad , happy, or mad It's all about your face expression and the way they walk and carry themselfes. When you look back at the text you can see that a classroom computer could recongize when a student is being confused or bored. You really can't though yes it's possible but for now you can't really try to relate to the passage and having computers read your mood and thoughts and feelings. This Is my reason why computers doesnt read minds and thoughts.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDo aliens really exist and are they capable of doing something like this? I don't think they could but if they were capable of doing something like this. We will need some proof to stand with this. There is 3 reasons why this is just a natural landform. They can just be like any landform on earth, a face like this can happen anywhere else, and if you believe in aliens are they really capable of doing something like this?\n\nThe first reason why this is just a natural landform is because it can also happen on earth. For example, this can happen upon natural sources. Such eratation and it can just be a mesa. Another example is, \"Scientists figured it was just another Martian mesa, common enough round Cydonia\"(2). If this is common than most likely it wouldn't be made by any alien. My last example for this is, most landforms have ways it can look. The landforms can happen anywhere and that wouldnt mean it was caused by an alien. If something like this happened on earth most people would think it was caused by natural thigs like the weather.\n\nMy second reason is that things can happen anywhere. For example, another planet my have this but that doesnt mean an alien went and left it there so we could find it. If an alien did this we would be able to find something almost the same as this face. Another example is, \"Some people think the Face is bona fide evidence of life on Mars\"(5). This can be true but if it was an alien wouldnt they do a face they new or reconized. Lastly, in the passage it states that \"There was no alien monument after all\". The picture clearly showed a landform not an alien made monument. In conclusion, things like this can happen in different forms but nobody has proven it was made by an alien.\n\nMy last reason for why this is not an alien made monument is because there is no proof that aliens made it. For example, have aliens been proven to exist. No proof was every made that aliens exist in the planet mars. Secondly, how could they build such a thing. if aliens built it than there must be a great amount of them that we did not know about. Lastly, if aliens aready built a Face on Mars why can't they do the same thing on Earth. there is no explanation of they wouldn't be able to do this. In order for the aliens to make something like this that would mean they are capable of this and more but they still haven't been proven to exist.\n\nIn conclusion, the face could have been made by something other than aliens. The three reasons explaining why it couldn't have been aliens is it could have been done by nature, it can happen somewhere else, and are aliens capable of this. This can prove that aliens didnt build it, that it could have been made by different things.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe use of the Facial Action Coding System can be valuable to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom because we can know how that person is feeling at the time. Would you like to know if a person is feeling sad,happy,bored, or even angry? Of course,not only do we know how they feel but we can also take a step futher on helping them. If a person is depressed we can talk to someone close from them and explain what they are going through, or advice them for that person to take therapy.\n\nThe Facial Action Coding System is also a great start to poeple who are new to school or even to sports. If a person feels sad because they arent doing as good as their other teamates, The coach should use the software because it will let him/her know why that person isnt really trying in the sport. Another reason why im for it is because teachers really dont know when you are bored or confused. Especially if you are one of those shy prsons that dont like raising their hand. By using this software teachers can go up to you and explain you with what you are having trouble. If a student is bored with what the what teacher is teaching, she should probably try something new to get the students attention. This technology can also show us when someone has a fake smile for example if you think that you have a friend that really isnt your friend and you talk to her she might be giving you a fake smile because she probably doesnt like you.\n\nThe use of this software can determine if you are having problems in your house,the expressions that will show would be sadness and probably anger. In todays world you may be going through a lot but people may not know and they would treat you like garbage. This would then cause you depression and probably then commiting suicide. Having this technology \"Facial Action Coding System\" in hands can help you stop somone from danger.\n\nhaving this technology can ressolve a lot of problems with putting yourself into it. Every perosn has a falling action and a resolution to their story. With just a facial expression it can change realtionships and friendships.\"Making people smile\" is what we need with Facial Action Coding System!", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAlthough traveling outside of the Earth seems very cool, there are many risks that have to be taken into consideration when choosing what adventure may want to be taken next. In this paper, being shared will be opinions on how the author supported his claim, some of the ways the author backed up or tore down his claim, and finally we will share some of his claims. With Venus being a completely new terrian to be looked at, it is diffivult to show how the planet would react to tests that NASA would like to try with sending a space craft onto the surface of Venus.\n\nIn this first paragraph, the authors claims are going to be shared with the readers. The author stated some very interseting things when it came to finding new ways to travel up to Venus. The authors views on traveling to Venus were more one sided towards going and risking it to try and make a new ground breaking discovery. The way the author was describing some of the methods of trasnportation that could be possible to the austronauts that could potentially be travleing up there, was very sided towards him wanting to go through with anything that NASA wanted to try. This quote from paragraph 8 states, \"Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imadination and innovation.\" This quote from his article is that we should not limit what we do, but oh do not forget that the risks are kinda high and your sruvival rates might not be the best. This is an opinion that the author is feeding to us that risking peoples lives to go to Venus, in test missions, is more important than actually trying to find a solution that will work one hundred percent of the time.\n\nIn this next paragraph, being discussed will be some of the ways the author either stood up for or tore down his own claims. In paragraph 7, the author states, \"NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus, For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such ocnditions.\" This quote is stating a back up to his claim that he is making. With NASA working on traveling to Venus in the near future, the technology could also be used by researchers who are trying to allow people to go to Mars and investigate what is going on there. The technology they are talking about in this article might be about Venus, but it is still and option to use it for other projects as well.\n\nHowever, there are still a few ways that the author tore down his own claims that he was making about the mission its self. In paragrpaph number 6, the author states, \"However, peering at venus from a ship that is orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere, rendering standard forms of photography and videography ineffective.\" This quote is showing that the author had thrown out one of his ideas but then he starts tearing it down because he is stating that it will not give the information that is neccessary for this trip. With the author tearing down one of his own ideas about how to get up to Venus and get information on it, it is a little harder to try and trust some of the options that he is putting out.\n\nThe author of \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" made many claims about how NASA could get space ships and different things onto Venus to show whats going on there. In this paper, it was stated that the authors views on traveling to Venus were more one sided towards going and risking it to try and make a new ground breaking discovery. The author was able to give pros and cons to all of the options that were as options for equipment that could be used to get the information that is wanted from Venus. In conclusion, the author did a great job on proving his points and views on ways to get to Venus, and how we can do it.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever wondered what it would be like to explore a planet while fighting through the dangers the planet brings? What about a planet that at ground level, has far more extreme conditions than humans can handle? This is what exploring our planetary neighbor Venus would be like. Even though the author claims it would be worthy to make the dangerous trip to Venus, he does a poor job of supporting his claim.\n\nThe author uses a credible source, NASA, but the author fails to back up why the pursuit is worthy. The information from NASA talks about possible solutions to the harsh conditions of Venus, but not about why the trip should be made, despite all the harsh factors. The text states, \"NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. Imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape.\" The author has valid reasoning for solutions, but this information does not mention why it would benefit us to risk lives just to make the adventure.\n\nThe author also includes an abundance of information about how dangerous and risky Venus is, and yes it is important to know these facts, but in the beginning of the article, the author seems to scare the audience into not traveling to Venus. Paragraph 3 states, \"On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth; such an environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquify many metals.\" The author goes into detail about just how deadly Venus would be to humans, instead, if he was trying to prove that it is a worthy point, the author should've been lighter about these facts and not gone into such scary, vivid detail; the author also could've added a counterargument in this paragraph instead of waiting until later in the essay to start showing what he was actually trying to prove.\n\nThe author could've included more evidence to support his view, but he did provide one piece of sufficient evidence. Paragraph 4 reads, \"Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth.\" This piece shows that some scientists want to explore Venus for its ancient possible ability to explore life, but the author needed to support his claim with other information, other than strictly in this paragraph.\n\nUltimately, the author did have evidence in his article, but there needed to be more in order to make his claim well-supported and also more credible. Exploring Venus may be a good idea, but the author's claim wasn't clear enough throughout the essay to be able understand his point. The only time the author's claim was clear was in the conclusion when he stated reasons why Venus should be explored. All in all, the author did a poor job of supporting his idea of the worthiness of traveling to Venus, despite all the dangers it brings with it.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMost people think that driving is a top priority. There are other ways of getting from place to place. There are many advantages of limiting car usage. For instance, there will be no more pollution, most people stopped driving, and many people will gain plenty of excercise without the use of cars. There are many other positive ways to get around the city instead of driving a car.\n\nThis world already has enough pollution, but with the limitations to car use there won't be. Cars these days give off extra gas that is harmful to the animals, plants, and even people. According to Source 3: Car-free Day Is Spinning Into A Big Hit In Bogota, by Andrew Selsky, \"It was the third straight year cars have been banned with only buses and taxis permitted for the Day Without Cars in this capital city of 7 million. The goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog. Violators faced $25 fines.\" This cause is a good way to lower air pollution. For example, many women and some men face the struggle of having breast cancer. On certain days there will be a walk to help cure breast cancer. It won't stop it completely, but it's a great cause to help cure it. According to Source 1: In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars, by Elisabeth Rosenthal, \"Automobiles are the linchpin of suburbs, where middle-class families from Chicago to Shanghai tend to make their homes. And that, experts say, is a huge impediment to current efforts to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions from tailpipes.\" The efforts are strong and with more people being included will help make the air pollution lower to a better percentage. For example, when people are sick they have to take medicine in order to get better. This world and the atmosphere will become a better place to live if more people get involved with the limited auto use.\n\nDriving isn't in the number one spot on things-to-do anymore. Most people stopped driving in America. According Source 4: The End Of Car Culture by Elisabeth Rosenthal, \"Recent studies suggest that Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less, and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by.\" The change in fewer people getting a car will also be a good way to stop traffic in the cities. For instance, if someone brings in chocolate cupcakes, but no one except one person likes chocolate, then they would take more for them. Same with the road; less people on the road the more room for people who want to or need to drive to some place. Also in Source 4, \"As of April 2013, the number of miles driven per person was nearly 9 percent below the peak and equal to where the country was in January 1995.\" A lot of people can't afford cars or even think they are a waste of money. For example, no one would buy something that they don't nessecarily need. People would take the money and use it for something more important. There are many advantages of limiting car usage. When people stop driving, that means there wouldn't be a lot of people on the road. There will be more space for people that have emergencies or important business errands, or people that just want to drive.\n\nWithout many cars around due to limited auto usage, people will have the advantage to excercise. There are many people that are overweight and need help to fix it. According to Source 3: Car-free Day Is Spinning Into A Big Hit In Bogota, by Andrew Selsky, \"In a program that's set to spread to other countries, millions of Colombians hiked, biked, and skated to work during a car-free day yesterday.\" Without cars for a limited time would be a great idea to take control and work out. It helps people live a healthier life style and build muscle. For instance, some kids are forced out of the house for atleast an hour of play time and get on track to become healthy. Not just children should be doing this, but also adults. Although when someone needs to get to some place, taking a car would be quicker, but having no cars has advantages too. Some people might complain and be too lazy to go ride a bike to the store, but as a result in the end, the person on the bike will be in better shape than the person in the car. There is nothing wrong in staying fit when there isn't an option in driving a car somewhere.\n\nThere are other ways of getting from place to place. There are many advantages of limiting car usage. For instance, there will be no more pollution, most people stopped driving, and many people will gain plenty of excercise without the use of cars. There are many other positive ways to get around the city instead of driving a car.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThis article is about the unmasking the face on Mars. So the people went to Mars were Garvin and his other friend that went. They took pictures and they seen a face.\n\nNow Garvins' friend said it was a alien that had done this. But there were no proof that aliens did this. They saw no movement on planet Mars. So they called it Martian mesa. On the red planet name as Cydonia. That's where it happened. The face looked like an Egytain Pharaoh. Something funny happened to Mars around/about 25 years ago. Now if I was up there I would start researching this object. Knowing what this was. Where it came from and other things that are important to the shape figure.\n\nSo now we know that the people up in space looking at this object are saying it was something that has been there for 25 years, they don't know who done this. All the NASA knows is that they probably know where it came from and things they aren't just saying the full information. So this was about unmasking face on Mars.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn this essay using the technology system \"Facial action coding system\" the emotional expression of students in a classroom can be valuable.\n\nThe new technology system could help For example like not smiling broadly using video imagery In paragraph 5 technology you can see if your friend are pretendind to be emotional of course most, of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried, etc. It's saying in the quote that humans are not good at describing facial action \"coding system\" can see and know what really are people's feelings.\n\nBy using the new the new \"Facial Action Coding System\" in a school system can be valuable to the school system because computers can recongnize when a student is becoming confused or bored the coding system can make computer animated faces more expressive for video games or video surgery.\n\nConclusion i think that the \"Facial Action Coding System\" is not a bad idea it can detect when you're happy or sad is a good idea for the students.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nA teacher lies at home sick and specialized substitues had been low all month. Her students at school sit unprepared for their upcoming test with a major lesson still to be taught. It seems as if this crucial knowledge will be absent as well as the teacher who is the only one who could both provide the information and make sure it is understood to her students. However, thanks to the technology provided by the Facial Action Coding System, her students will be prepared. An incredibly valuable resource in the classroom, the technology provided by the Facial Action Coding System has the ability to recognize the surprise, anger, and fear, that make up confusion on the faces of children in the classroom and adapt lesson plans and learning objectives that would contribute to an overall increase in performance.\n\nAs stated in the article, in response to this recognition of confusion, the computer who is instructing the lesson would change certain aspects of the lesson in an attempt to make them more comprehendable to its audience. A powerful teaching software paired with the Facial Action Coding System would form an adaptive learning program that could compensate for a teacher's lost days due to illness, or a lack of teachers alltogether. The only thing necessary in future classrooms could be supervisors for the students and their smart computers; a place holder for \"an effective human instructor\"(Huang). In America alone, many schools face a deficeit of proper teachers capable of teaching specialized subjects. Computers with this adaptive learning software would be capable of more effectivley teaching various subjects due to the many safe sources of information available on the internet. The computer's ability to recognize where an individual may struggle is crucial because it would also be able to recognize what alternative methods were effective in helping the student to understand where a teacher may have formely failed to do so. These specialized learning programs would effectivley cause a general increase of performance in schools across the nation resulting in a more educated group of students prepared for college, and eventually the workplace.\n\nA technology such as the Facial Action Coding System would have a tremendous impact on the work force by reducing the rate of drop out students and increasing the rates of educated students attending colleges. The new generations that have been schooled with this technology will be more likley to find specialized and higher paying jobs, or to discover solutions for local, national, and international issues. In reality, a technology such as this is revolutionary, and the impacts made as a result of its widespread use would be groundbreaking.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nSociety has made the car industry accelerate rapidly and over the years the amount of money these automobile company's make only increases. However, its time to look into the advantages of limiting such car usage in our communities. Studies have shown that the use of cars only increases the amonunt of stress we have. Without the usage of cars we're able to release such stressors Carlos Arturo Plaza stated in Andrew Selsky's article \"Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota\". Its one thing to make the decision to start this movement on our own, but when a community becomes involved it makes a stronger impact. Car usage in America has only grown since it began however, the amount of cars being bought is beginning to show decrease. Many people are realizing that there are numerous amounts of ways to get around their city. Some are even carpooling. Although choosing other options such as the bus may take time it is still well worth the wait. We will find that many other options and opportunities come into play when we cut down on and get rid of the use of cars in our communities.\n\nVarious factors come into play when it comes to world pollution. One of the factors being the use of automobiles which increases the amount of air pollution thus damaging the ozone layer. The use of cars is second nature to us. We love the sense of indepence we get at the age of 16 when we can finally get our license. To point out, no one thinks on whats happening as we purchase cars. Instead, we rely on diesel gas to do the trick. Imagine cutting out the use of cars. With this detuction of car usage the amount of destruction done to the ozone layer will diminish tremendously. We will be able to experience clearer air just like the communities that participate in this action. For instance, in an article done by Robert Duffer titled \"Paris bans driving due to smog\" we can witness through testimony the wonders done by banning car usage. Normally Paris has high amounts of pollution but in order to change this the city enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air temporarily. The fact that the city had cold nights and warm days doesn't do anything to help because these nights and days only allow for the warmer layer of air to trap car emissions. After the banning of car usage Paris was finally able to experience clear air. \"Paris typically has more smog than other European capitals... Last week Paris had 147 ,micrograms of particulate matter (PM) per cubic meter compared with the 114 in Brussels and 79.7 in London... \" (excerpt from source 2 \"Paris bans driving due to smog\").\n\nTo be clear, no one's against car usage, but after considering the costs of using cars you'd realize its not worth it. Residents of Vanban, Germany find this statement to be true and have therefore regulated their lives around it. Elizabeth Rosenthal created an article on the residents from Germany titled \"In German Suburb, Life Goesn On Without Cars\". Here she discussed what the community has done in their no car movement. Residents here do not regret their decision to get rid of their cars and actually like it better than dealing with the uncontrollable and frustrating traffic jams. Not to mention the countless amount of car wrecks that come along with it. In this particular part of Germany the government has assisted in the movement. There are no street parking spots, driveways or home garages. Some might think its absurd but when theres no cars theres no need for such things. They have even improved sidewalks and made the city commute friendly with stores only a walk distance away. A mother from Germany gives her account of living in Vauban and states the following: \"When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way\" She is a media trainer and a mother of two. In previous bills, 80 percent of the money from the government had gone to highways and 20 percent to other transports, but with the smart planning movement that will change within the next 6 years.\n\nAll in all, many factors come into play when discussing transportation within a city. However with the deduction of car use a city can recieve many benefits including an increase in money for other government spending, clearer air, happiness, more money in their pockets among many other things. We just have to decide whether enough is enough. The facts have proven themselves worth it for many other countries, why can't it be successful for us as well?", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe use of the new technology called the Facial Action Coding System, that reads the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable. Our world today mostly depends on computers and machines to do most of everything. Many inventors and scientist have discovered so many technological things and as the years progress, we get smarter and smarter and come up with more discoveries. Since we depend so much on technology, its a norm to use it, so mostly everything scientist, inventors and doctors come up with is valuable or useful.\n\nDr. Paul Eckman, the creator of this new technology the Facial Action Coding System, has worked with many other scientist and doctors to create this technology, that enables computers to identify human emotions. This is a very valuable technology that our world needs today. There are plus and down sides to this argument of the technology being valuable or not. It is valuable because it can be use for many things throughout the world, for example paragraph 6 states, \"A classroom computer could reconize when a student is becoming confused or bored.\" This technology would help the teacher see what he or she needs to do to be able to make the class more exciting to make students learn and pay attention more. Paragraph 8 states, \" To an expert, faces dont lie; these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a smiling politician or celebrity isnt being truthful.\" The technology would be valuable in a situation like an important election, where if a person running for something is lying about something, you would be able to tell using the help of the FACS.\n\nIn conclusion there are many reasons why we should or should not use the Facial Acting Coding System. We depend on technology most of the time, so this would be just another cool addition to our collection of discoveries we already have. Knowing the exact emotion of your mom, dad or friend from a computer software, would be very useful to see if there telling the truth or not. You would be able to know how they feel about you in many different ways. This could be really great for the furture, for parents, teachers, leaders and more. It could help us possibly come to discover more technologies and use them to create a better world.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere are many advantages of limiting car usage. Elisabeth Rosenthal writes \"In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars\" to show that limiting car usage helps to \"reduce greenhouse gas emissions from tailpipes...\" Their goal is to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases being released into our atmosphere because it is destroying Earth. The gases are destroying the ozone layer drastically, and if this continues Earth will be gone. She also wrote \"The End of Car Culture\" explaining that the number of cars bought has reduced, bu in reality it is a good thing because it reduces the amount of pollution in the air, and money could be used on something more productive. Cars have not been the main priority of in America. People began to carpool, ride bikes, ride the bus, etc. This will \"save time, conserve resources, lower emissions and improve safety.\"\u00a0Additionally,\u00a0Robert Duffer writes \"Paris bans driving due to fog\" explaining how \"Paris typically has more smog than other European capitals...\" In Paris, many people are using cars, and they release the bad smoke into the atmosphere. By all the gases being combined together, it creates smog which is deadly. It can cause many health problems to humanlife and the nature. Another article to support that it is better off to limit car usage is \"Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota\" by Andrew Selsky. Selsky quotes a business man Carlos Arturo, \"'It's a good oppurtunity to take away stree and lower air pollution.'\" Even citizens agree that it is necessary for people to limit how much they drive because it streeses people out. They don't have to worry about\u00a0spending a drastic amount of money on gas, or repairing the car. It is easier just to ride a bike which helps you save money, and even get a good execrise. It also limits air pollution because less cars are being driven and not alot of harmful gases are being released. Overall, there are benefits in not having a car.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nFuture, a single word with various meanings. Since the evolution of men the human race has create or invented various things to make life easier. As time progress so does people, new artifacts are introduced to society but they become useless over time. Everything becomes harder to create since its already invented but only make them better is whats left. All this changes in people's life are for a better chance to see the future.\n\nAs stated in the beggining of paragraph 2, the men have facied about what would it be like to fly or have a personal non-living helper. At the moment people has look through those wishes and start taking over them. Since before the most advanced technologyother companies as stated in paragraph 3. This means they have wanted to grant those wishes. Going further, the idea of a driveless car will make a positive impact to humanity due to fact manufactures are focusing on the safety of the people. Having this smart machines will not only reduce car crashes but car accidents, deads due to a wrong turn or not stopping in time will have a considerable amount of positive views. This car project will watch out for humans as the end of paragraph 7 stated.\n\nBut not everything will be that easy as the article \"Driveless Cars Are Coming\" have stated too many times, a driver would still be required and that will might lead to dissaster. Mistake is a common word used to describe the human race, they declare war on themselves and don't share the goos they have. Once the human take over the wheel, distractions will come as they always have.\n\nPeople might think its crazy but leaving the control to a smart machine sounds much better than leaving it to someone who doesn't know what he's doing. The possible accidents will be stopped because the car will be alert and will respect the law. I would trust my life to smart machine rather than a human.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI was discussing the face with a friend who thinks it's created by aliens and I think it was not created by aliens. These are my reasons why I think it is a natural landform. NASA and other scientist said it was a natural landform. The face was equivalent of a butte or mesa says NASA.\n\nThe face is ether a buute or mesa landforms because it is common around the American West. That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the face on Mars. It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Sanke River Plain of Idaho.\n\nIf it was an airplane on the ground orEgyptian-style pyramids or even a small shacks, you could see what they were. Few scientist belived the face was an alien artifact. Defenders of the NASA budget wish there was an ancient civilization on Mars.\n\nScientist at the Jet Propulsion Lab saw it and thought it was another Martian mesa but it had an unusual shadow that made it look like an Egyptain Pharaoh. It had eyes, nose, and mouth as a human. Not everybody was satisfied that it was a natural landform.\n\nThese are the reasons why I think the face on Mars is a natural landform and not created by aliens. The face is just another mesa on the planet Mars. Do you think it was made by aliens or just another natural landform on Mars?", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nwell lets talk about the cons first since were at it, first the cost for driverless cars are going to be out rageous and with that most people will not be able to get them. while that was only one problem the other is that taxi drivers would be fired as who wants someone they have to pay for driveing people around when they could pay once and never have to pay again for the same thing. as for the laws mass law change would cuase some problems and one thing they brought up which is very true if these driverless car were truely driverless who would have to pay if some one got in a wreak or accident and ended up kill or injuring someone.\n\nnow lets talk about the pro's of having driverless cars, less fuel is wasted now that is great becuase as we all know petrolium is rather expensive since the world only has so much and if would could figure out a way to use solar energy, the cars could truly be revolutionizing and make all the diffrence. just like in the artical it would truly have more flexability than a bus which would revolutionize transportation and even help thos people who know very little about where they are and where they need to go. it would also majorly decrease the amount of crashes and most likly if it works like how they say it'll work than we could almost swear there would be no crashes.\n\nall in all i think that this idea is facinating and very intersting but it does have its problems, if you look at it from the view of people, opinions change but what i think will never change i believe that it would be great to an extent now im not saying its terrible but instead of less fuel, why not just make the cars solar powered and make sure there is no toxins being released into the air, i remmeber reading some where that we use billions of gigawatts of power, and the sun makes that same amount of power in one second so if we could use solar power we could truly have a gas free would. on to the main i think it is a good idea.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nYou may have heard of the new driverless cars! You may heard all the cool technology it has and how you will be the coolest if you have it. But even if you will be the coolest will you be the safest? That is the real question you should be asking yourself. My personal opinion on these high tech. driverless cars is that it should not be the next big thing in the world.\n\nI say that these cars are no doubt cool but I still would not buy one and put my life in risk. I keep saying how these cars are not safe and I believe that because you never know when the car will just start messing up and put you and everyone around you in danger. All technology messes up and has glitches every now and then so who is to say these cars won't. Even though the company says the driver still will not be able to text and call. I know for a fact people will. People will think that the car has everything under control when that is truly not the case and they will stop paying attention to their surroundings. We need cars that people have to take control of and pay attention so they will stay aware and off their phones. Also if you fall asleep at the wheel it says that the seat will vibrate but if you are a heavy sleeper of if you were just extremely tired who is to say that vibration will wake you up in time before crashing? Also I believe people would get extremely bored just sitting there and having the car do all the work for them pretty much. Even though it says you have to keep your hands on the wheel you are still not steering you are just holding the wheel to let the car know you are still in the car and \"paying attention\".\n\nThese companies are saying that safety is their main concern but I just don't believe that is the case sadly. Never knowing if when the car may mess up is just down right scary. I just strongly believe these cars should not be on the roads. I believe they should just stay at car shows and be looked at but never driven.\n\nAnother thing in paragraph 9 it states that \" traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver.\" I totally agree with them it is important that a alert person is behind the wheel controlling a automobile. These traffic laws make it illegal in some states to test self driven cars.\n\nIn conclusion I just stongly believe we should just stick to driving the cars ourself. We include technology so much in our daily lives already. Is it really necassary to have cars that can control themselves? Not it is not. All the reasons I listed above are really could questions you and the people who make these cars ask themselves.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThink of a time where no one drives anymore. A time where no one even knew how to drive. A time that could possibly be the beginning of a new era or the end to a great one. This will all come with the power of someone to sit in a car and do aboslutely nothing. The car would do everything for you. \" They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the drvier when the road ahead needs human skills\" these cars could bring an end to a tradition that has gone on for hundreds of years. the tradition of a parent teaching their child to drive. These cars are going to be the end to the world we know today.\n\nThere are hundreds of crashes every year from people not paying attention while driving. That number will only go up with these cars. The cars can drive themselves; however, what if when the driver is needed the most they are to busy texting or playing games on their phone. It has been a privelige for the past 60 years to get to learn how to drive. To get that responsiblity to sit behind the wheel of a car. With these cars they are giving that responsiblity to just about anyone. Has this society really downgraded so much that we are to the point of the safety of those around us doesn't matter.\n\n\"Google cars aren't truly driveless\", but what happens when they become fully drivless? More bank robberies, shootings, bombings, etc. With this cars we are giving these people easier ways to escape from the police from being put away for their crimes. These cars would allow murders to get away and not have to worry about their prints anywhere since the car drives it self. If anything these cars will be the beginning of a worse generation.\n\n\"In the 1980s, automakers used speed sensors at the wheels in the creation of antilock brakes.\"\n\nThese cars have been in the making for over 30 years and they still haven't come out with a safe and easy way to make it work. That should be a big red flag to get people to realize how unsafe these cars could be to everyone. What would happen if the car didn't brake in time and because of that it kills a group of children who's to blame there? The car becuae it can drive itself. The maker because the car should of stopped itself. Or the driver who sat back and didn't do anything to stop the car.\n\nThe privelige to drive has been pasted down over the years and now there is a possiblity that it will eventually stop. The idea of a car driving itself should be terrifying. However, to a lot of people it makes sense, since we are to an era where phones can type by themselves. So why can't cars drive themselves. This idea of no one driving could end the world as we know it or be the break to an new era. It's up to the people in this generation to decide if we want to pass the experience of actually driving down to our childern or if we don't find it useful to them. If we don't then we might as well get rid of all the cars we have now.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Office of the Federal Register and Richard A. Ponser have introduced multiple communities to a process adressed as The Electoral College. This process most people find very convinient and efficient, is one way to vote for the President. The Electoral College allows societies to obtain a more educated vote towards a possible future President. The people vote for an elector instead of directly towards the presidential candidate. Having citizens whom have received a political education vote for the society's convenience, is definetly more efficient than having busy adults worry about the presidential candidates.\n\nStudents, as we know, study and work hard for a career they will accomplish in the future. These electorals have received the needed political and even physcological education to benefit a society with an educated vote. When citizens in a community vote for these electorals to have them vote the to-come President, it is an assured weight of stress taken off their shoulders. Source 3 says, \"The advocates of this position are correct in arguing that the Electoral College method is not democratic in a modern sense... it is the electors who elect the president, not the people.\" However, notice how it says the \"electors elect the president\" yet the people elect the electors. So yes, it is not fully democratic yet still has somewhat qualities of a democracy process. The Elecoral College is part democratic with more educated votes to benefit our society because in the end, the people who know more about the country's convinience are the electors.\n\nBe that as it may, having electors vote and elect for the people is very much convinient considering their supirior knowledge within politics and our country's best choice. This argument is common sense. An average human would rather have a science teacher take their biology test than having a math teacher take it where her/his field of knowldge lands nowhere near science.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn this article the author talks about how NASA took pictures in 1976 of a rock formation on Mars that happened to look like a face. In the article they bring up reasons to believe that is is a natural rock formation instead of an alien, yet there are still people who believe that it is an alien.\n\nIn the article when the author starts talking about the Face on Mars they give many reasons as to why the Face is a natural landform. One way you know that the Face is a natural landform is because 18 years after the original picture was taken NASA went back and took newer pictures that showed that it looked as if it was just a big boulder on Mars. In the article it states, \"And so on April 5, 1998, when Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos.... revealing . . . a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all.\" This shows that the Face was just one or a couple of years, but it went away and is now shown as a flat rock surface. Another way you know that it is a natural landform is because in the article it says that when the original NASA picture was taken they captioned it saying that it was a rock formation. In the article it says, \"NASA\u0092s Viking 1 spacecraft was circling the planet, snapping photos of possible landing sites for its sister ship Viking 2, when it spotted the shadowy likeness of a human face....A few days later NASA unveiled the image for all to see. The caption noted a 'huge rock formation . . . which resembles a human head'.\" This explains that even though the people at NASA also thought that it looked like a face they still said that it was just a rock formation that happened to look like a human face.\n\nThere are many more reason to believe that the Face is a natural landform and there are really no reasons why someone should believe that the Face is still on Mars, but we aren't getting good enough pictures. In the article it mentions a lot that the Face on Mar is just a landform and that even though people have come to believe that it was an alien they really should believe that it is a landform because there are so many more reasons to belive that.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI believe that we should leave the world of driverless cars alone. I think there will be too many problems with the cars in the future. For example, what if there's a glitch or other problem with the car while someone is driving the car and injures somebody. Whose at fault for the accident?\n\nIf we move forward in the process of creating driverless cars it's going to cost a lot of money for the project. They would have to come up with the money to buy the car, the cameras, the computers, the GPS, etc. It would cost a ton of money. Not to mention all the labor costs, and what about the roads? They would have to find a way for the car to drive on the road. Doing anything to the roads would be bad enough. How much money do people want to spend just trying to make a car that drives itself. We would spend all that money and then the car would have too many problems.\n\nRoads are being made and taken up all the time. to make this car they would have to find a way to make the roads to where the car could drive on them and then find a way for the car to recognize where those roads are. What are they going to use so the car can find the correct roads that are safe to drive on? That is definetly something that they would need to figure out.\n\nAnother problem is what are they going to do with all the other peoples' cars that don't drive themselves after they do all this work just to make a driverless car? Are the roads still going to be able to be driven on by old cars that aren't driverless? I think that there are too many questions that need to be answered before we even consider making a car that drives itself.\n\nIf we do create a completely driverless car, how much will it cost? They would've spent propably thousands if not millions on the car, so how much would it cost? If they make the car, I think it would be one of those things where only certain people could get it because it would cost so much. Just for them to break even on the car they would propably have to sell it for a ton of money.\n\nI believe that we should not move forward in the project to build a driverless car. There are too many quesions that need to be answered. They would have to find many different way for the car to work, like the roads, GPS's, the computers in the cars. There is to many things for them to work out. I don't think the world is ready yet for driverless cars. Maybe in the next fifty to a hundered years or so, but not yet. The world just isn't ready for it yet in my opinion.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMy name is clint i am a sciencetist at NASA the face of mars is like nothing we have ever seen befor we have been doing some research on mars and we are to beleave that there is aleion life formes on this planit we have goten picturs of mars over the years and have pictures of what appers to be faces in the cirfice of mars we have been trying to learn more about it bit it is hard to do with just pictures we need somone to go up there and evaluate it that way but we can't get anyone to volinteer because we dont know what is out there so people are scaird to go sometimes i just want to go my sealf because i am varry cureious about what is going on on mars that we cant see with a picture i want to explor it all and find out new things about mars i think there would be a lot of interesting things going on on mars and i want to find them out NASA wants to know what is going on there but not as much as i do so help me find out what is going on on mars", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe face of Mars present in the region of the Red Planet called Cydonia. Isn't made of the made-up creatures called aliens. It's simply made from the rock there. In the following information will be able to support this claim.\n\nYes, the mission controllers back at the Jet Propulsion Lab must have been surprised when the face appeared on their monitors but that was very short lived. The scientists figured it was just another Martian mesa. That thanks to the shadows made it look like a face. And mesas are known to be quite common enough around Cydonia which is how they figured that out.\n\nSo a few days later NASA unveiled the image so everyone could see it. The authors reasoned that it would be a good way to engage the public and attract attention to Mars. So much that people started to think the Face was \"bona fide\" evidence of life on Mars. Conspiracy theorists stated that the Face was evidence\n\nthat NASA would rather hide from the public's view.While that was happening the defenders of NASA budget wished that there was an acient civilizatiob on the Red Planet.\n\nAlthough very few scientists believed that the Face was an alien artifact. A photography of Cydonia became a prioprity NASA.So Michael Malin and his MOC team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos. So when thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing a natural land form. Many were disappointed by this finding.\n\nSo as you can see the Face was really just a Martian mesa. That caused a huge outbursts that shouldn't have that big of a deal. Which wasn't that big deal.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article about driverless cars, it talks about how driverless cars can help people. But can they? Driverless cars can be very dangerous in some ways. People can fall asleep just as easily as driving a normal car. They fall asleep in these driverless cars because they think \"Oh it's in control, I can snooze for a bit.\" When no, you can't. You have to be alert at all times. In paragraphs 7-10 it talks about how authorities and the law are getting involved with these driverless cars ideas. If the law doesn't approve of the driverless cars ideas it's beacuse they are aware of the people and children walking across the streets or crossing roads. If the driver in the driverless car isn't paying attention to the pedestrians, the car might not stop in time for the driver to take control.\n\nDriverless cars do have benefits though. It does help alert the driver with any dangers up ahead or construction up ahead and has the driver take the wheel. But like what is said before, there are still some issues. Driverless cars cannot navigate on its own, you have to steer and be in control at all times if you want to get somewhere. The car isn't Knight Rider. We still have to pay attention to the car and its surroundings and one day, it might be too late, and you crash because you couldn't get ahold of the wheel because the car wouldn't shift it to you. In paragraphs 4-6 it talks about sensors in the cars, which is a good thing, but they could malfunction and then you're messed up from then on. The sensors help to alert the driver with anything that is out of its control. But it still can't navigate and that isn't very helpful, now is it? These are reasons the cars can be dangerous.\n\nSo in conclusion, driverless cars aren't all that great. They still have faults and could easily malfunction and then you don't have any control over the car anymore. These cars are not safe for anyone, and a drunk driver could easily take advantage of that. No car is going to be perfect, it'll still have dents and scratches in the long run and just like any other, it willeventually crash. Drivers need to be aware of these cons instead of focussing on the pros. Because no car will be perfect nor will it fully develop to drive on its own. It's not a living thing, its a machine for transport. Try focussing on what could go bad, before you get behind that driverless car and find out in the long run. Are \"Driverless cars\" really driverless? Think about it before you buy one.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMost people were raised on fairness; what everybody wants. So shouldn't voting be the same way? Thats why America should have popularity voting because electoral voting is unconstitutional, it doesn't give little states a say so and it's plain unfair.\n\nFirst of all, Popularity voting should be the way we vote because it's constitutional. Abraham Lincoln once stated that \"this is a nation for the people, by the people, and from the people\"; its part of the constitution. Also, this is one nation under god and the almighty father believes in fairness; wouldn't you agree the people deserve a say so? Popularity voting allows the people to show what they support instead of electorals not serving the people justice. Electoral voting allows segergation because some states don't get a say so, but the question is aren't we one nation? The constitution says all men are equal;so what makes a man in California better than a man in North Carolina? So that's one strike for electoral voting.\n\nFurthermore, popularity voting gives little states a say so. Did you know that small states like Rhode Island, South Carolina, and other 15 states sometimes don't get to see candidates? It's unfair that electoral voting only aims for states with high electoral voting. Popularity voting will change that giving little states a say so will heighten the ratio and maybe change the outcome. Popularity voting allows small states to put their opinion in on who they want as president because they are part of the country as well. Electoral treats smalll states like they don't matter and it's time to change that; Electoral voting now has two strikes.\n\nFinally, popularity voting is just fair. Everyone born in America was born into the land of the free, land of the equal, land of the brave, so why shouldn't voting be like that? Everyone deserves the right to pick who they want to represent them, and if not its abusing their rights. Popularity voting is the clear choice because electoral voting is unfair, they obstrain your rights and your freedom of speech; you deserve to say who you want in office. They rather put you on mute and say you don't matter; we have to stand up. Electoral voting that was your last straw.\n\nIn conclusion, America should have popularity voting because electoral voting is unconstitutional, it doesn't give little states a say so and it's plain unfair. Also popularity voting is now the most popular voting style. We as Americans are tired of being treated unfairly and we are sticking to our national slogan; three strikes your out so good-bye electoral voting.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn my opinion I don't think it is neccesary to use that type of technology in the class room because you can tell when someone isn't paying attention or if they're really bored just by their body language. You can tell a lot just by a persons body language or how they are acting.\n\nIn paragraph 5 it states that,\"you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by look on her face\". You can also tell how a person is feeling by their body language. If their head is down you might think they feel sick,tired, or they might not want to talk to anyone. It is east to tell when someone it feeling happy because when they are happy they stand up straight,have a smile on their face. A person's attitude can tell a lot about someone. For example if you can their name and the answer \"what!\" it can mean they are annoyed by someone or something. Another example can be when you're talking to someone and they answer you with no emotion on their face,and they slumped down in a chair can mean they are either tired and don't have any engery to do anything and maybe want some time to themselves.\n\nMy other reason why I disagree is that FACS might cost the school a lot of money. Instead of buying this technology why not buy more books or take field trips. Why buy something that might be used once rather than save the money and use it for soemthing good. Like buying better computer for the school or buying materials for the classes. If a student isn't paying attention instead of modifying the lesson like it states in paragraph 6. Why wont the teacher help the student after school instead of changing the lesson. It would help the student understand more and help him.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nFor a while now, driverless cars have a been a debated topic. People everywhere have varying opinions on the use of driverless cars. Some argue that it is an unsafe way of transportation, while others say it's a much easier, more efficent way of getting where you need to go. I personally believe that driverless cars are just as safe as your average non-driverless car and should be allowed.\n\nAs stated in \"Driverless Cars Are Coming\", the cars can steer, accelerate, and brake all by themsleves, just as a human could. When in need of human assistance, in bad traffic, arround accidents, or around construction zones, the car's seat will vibrate, have lights flash, other headlight displays, or even announce that the driver needs to prepare to take control of the car. The cars have sensors that require the human driver be alert and watching the road at all times, which would prevent accidents, proving it to be just as safe as a non-driverless car, if not more. Not only is it just as safe, it is far more efficent. The sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and even reduce power from the engine, which allows response and control better than a human driver could ever portray driving. The sensors also detect and respond to dangerous spurs, such as out-of-control skids or rollovers. Once again, portraying how safe the driverless cars really are. More advancements in the sensors are leading to cars that can handle more and more various driving tasks on their own.\n\nDriverless cars are an extremely safe way of getting places on a daily basis. From their special alerts to their sensors that have \"drivers\" aware at all times to their more efficent way of breaking and reducing wear and tear on your engine, how could anyone think a non-driverless car could be any better? I bet if we all had a driverless car, driving would be a less-dreaded, much safer way of getting where you need to go!", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe \"Face on Mars\" is a natural landfrom. It was not created by aliens or other forms of life because there is no proof that it was but there is evidence that proves it is just a mesa or butte.\n\nIn 1976 NASA's Viking 1 spacecraft was circling mars when it spotted the shadowy likeness of a human face. It was about two miles from end to end. It seemed to be staring back at the cameras from a region on mars. But scientists figured out it was just another Martian mesa. They were common in that area on mars, but it had an unusual shadow that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh.\n\nA few days later NASA unreveiled the image for all to see. The headline said that it was a \"huge rock formaiton, which resembles a human head formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and a mouth\". The authors thought it would be a good way to engage the public and attract attention to Mars. It did.\n\nAfter that the \"Face on Mars\" became a pop icon. It starred in a Hollywood film, appeared in books, magazines, and radio talk shows. It even haunted grocery store checkout lines for 25 years.\n\nBut some people think that NASA was hiding it as being bona fide evidence of life on Mars. But NASA defenders said \"they wish that there was an ancient civilization on Mars\". Although few scientists believed the Face was an alien artifact, photographing Mars became a priority for NASA.\n\nSo on April 5, 1998, when Mars Global Surveyor flew over Mars for the first time, Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos. But not everyone was satisfied. The picture of the face was taken when it was a cloudy time of year on Mars, but some skeptics believed that the aliens were trying to hide the Face by using haze.\n\nAfter that in 2001 NASA took another picture of the face with 3 times the pixel size, so if there was anything the martians used to build it you could see it. What the picture actually shows was a Martian equivelant of a butte or mesa.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWould you feel safe knowing that you were putting your life into a computer's \"hands\"? There are many positive and negative examples on driverless cars. I have looked at the negative effects and I have chosen to be agaisnt the idea of driverless cars. I have chosen this mainly for safety reasons.\n\nOne reason that I am against the development of driverless cars is the safety concern. In paragraph nine it explains how these driverless cars are currently unsafe to drive in certain road conditions. These conditions may include pulling in and out of locations, dealing with complicated trafic issues, and navigating through roadwork and accidents. As a result, in almost all states it is illegal to even test driverless cars. There are currently only three states in the country that have \"limited\" use of semi-autonomous cars, California, Nevada, and Florida. The car manufacterers say in the soon future more states will add to this list as soon as the cars are proved reliable and safe. With that said even if they become legal in more states, new laws will need to be added in order to cover liabilty if there would so happen to be an accident. Another concern of mine is, what if this driverless car were to malfunction? Let us say I was in the passenger seat of my driverless car. What if I were to fall asleep?\n\nYou've heard the story, now it is your turn to decide. Should you feel safe without the car under your control and in the \"hands\" of a computer?", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author claims that investigating Venus's surface is worth our time even tho there are many dangers there, because Venus at one point in time may have had simliar feature that Earth does such as water, Venus has similar geological traits, and Venus is sometimes the closest planet to Earth making Venus a likely trip.\n\nScientist believe that one point in time Venus had oceans on its surface along with other life forms such as vegetation and maybe alien life. \"Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth.\" It would be a ground breaking discovery to man kind if we were able to discover a new form of life on another planet.\n\nUnder Venus's thick atmosphere and its giant corrosive clouds, the geological formation of Venus is similar to our planet. Venus has craters and mountains like we do on Earth.\"The planet has a surface rocky of sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters.\" With such similar features to our home planet it makes Venus a likely option to send mankind to visit.\n\nDuring Earth's orbit, there are points in time were Mars is the closet planet to us and other times when Venus is the closest planet to us. Since Venus is closer to the sun it orbits faster than Earth while Mars is farther from the sun it has a slower orbit. Since Venus at points in time is the closest planet makes it a likely option to go visit.\" Furthermore, recall that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel.\" With Venus being the closest planet at a given time makes it an ideal planet to study.\n\nI believe the author proves a valid point on why we need to travel to Venus, because Venus could have had really similar features to Earth at one point in time, Venus also has similar geological traits, and Venus is sometimes the closest planet to Earth. With that information given to us by the author makes the idea of studying Venus a worthy pusuit despite the many dangers there are.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI do like the thought of driverless cars. I like it because I would not have to learn how to drive to get to where I want to go. There are a lot of positives about the driverless car like less gas and less crashes. There are some bad things about the cars too. Mostly the fact that you dont drive the car and it can't take you on the back roads.\n\nIn my mind I'm thinking that I would not want a car like that. I would not want a car like that because I would like to learn to dive. The good thing is for the people that don't want to learn to drive can get a car like that. I like the thought of this car because there will be less crashes and more responsible diriveing. One other bad thing about the car is if you fall asleep it might not be able to wake you up.\n\nA bad thing is it can't pull into your drive way and it can't stop a traffic light. It's good the car can read that there are roadblocks ahead. In a way it bad because it cant go around it. It's also bad that it can't read there is a crash on the roads. Google needs to fix the problem it has before making the car.\n\nIt's good and bad that the car runs on a computer. Good because it car perdict all the thing ahead in the road. Bad because\n\nthe computer can't pick up the back roads on thegoogle maps. So, it can't take you home if you live in the country. If google gets the back roads on their maps, or if you can program it to take you that way the cars might work better.\n\nI know I would not want a driverless car that still needs a driver. Most people would probly fall asleep in this car. So, it's a good thing they have a way to keep you awake and alert. It is also a good thing that when the car need a person to take over that it shuts of the entertainment. Other wise people would probly crash more not paying attion to the road.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLimiting car usage will help decrease pollution, increase physical exercise, and relieve stress. All around the world, but mainly in Europe suburben communnites are limiting car usage. This has become a popular to do in Bogota, where communties are having mini car-free holidays.\n\nThe less people rely on cars the more walking they will do. In the passage \"Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in botoga\" Andrew Selsky explains \"Millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work during a car-free day yesterday. This supports that limting car usage could have a healthy benefit. More exercise for people also means less stress.\n\nWalking is a stress reliver. This is why limiting car usage is physically and mentally good for people. Andrew Selsky supports this claim by saying that \"It's a good opportunnity to take away stress and lower air pollution\".\n\nLimiting the usage of cars can reduce the amount of pollution on earth. In the passage \"In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars\", Elisabeth Rosenthal informs us that \"Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe...and up to 50 percent In some car-intensive areas in the United states\". Limitting car usage is like killing multiple birds with one stone.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Seagoing Cowboys\n\nMany people know, and many people don't know about the Seagoing Cowboys.\n\nIn the ecxerpt, Luke was one of these.\n\nSeagoing Cowboys are for anybody and everybody.\n\nIn this paper, there will be many details describing why Seagoing Cowboys are for everybody.\n\nThere are many details to describe the greatness of being a Seagoing Cowboy.\n\nOne detail is because if you are one of these people, than you get to take care of a bunch of poor animals.\n\nA few of these animals are horses, young cows, and mules that are being shipped overseas.\n\nYou would also take care of people.\n\nSome things that they would do are help their food suppliy animals and more.\n\nNot just for the people, but for the countries that were left in the ruins.\n\nAnother detail is that you get to have a great time while you do it.\n\nLuke for enstince, got to hang out with his other cowboys and have fun.\n\nThey would play base ball, vollyball games, table tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games.\n\nThey did these things to help pass some time.\n\nThe would also sometimes be able to go sight seeing.\n\nSome people think that being a Seagoing Cowboy is dangerous.\n\nWell, there not completly wrong.\n\nAlthough being a Seagoing Cowboy can be fun and adventurious, it can also be dangerous.\n\nIn the ecxerpt, on Luke's second trip he had to be a watchman.\n\nOn one rainy night, he slid down the wet slippery ladder onto his back.\n\nHe shot feet first toward an opening on the ship.\n\nLuckly, there was a small strip of metal on the edge which stopped him from ragging vigourusly into the wet and dark Atlantic Ocean!\n\nAfter that he couldn't work for a couple of days because he had a few broken ribs.\n\nYes.\n\nEverything in the paragrapg above is true, although, this only happens every once in a blue moon.\n\nIn the excerpt this didn't happen to any other of Luke's cowboy buddies.\n\nSo yeah it can get a little rough out there, but it only happens very rarely.\n\nPeople have alot of fun joining this program and they always have a good time while they are here.\n\nAs one can see joining the Seagoing Cowboys program is for anybody and everybody.\n\nIt Is an amazing and exiting feeling once you know that your helping animals and helping people affected by World War ll.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Facial Action Coding System, is a system that can read expressions of humans. Whether they're lying, sad, mad, or happy. I think it would help with crime and school.\n\nThe uses of the Facial Action Coding System would be helpful because it'll make things so much easier with crime and school. In crime the police would be able to use this technology against the accomplice and the thief. It'll be helpful because it would be able to tell whether the thief's lying or not. this could be helpful in many different areas as well such as schools and jobs even sports.\n\nSchool would be nice to have a Facial Action Coding System because it would help with cheaters and thieves. Schools have many cheaters during tests. They're sneaky and really annoying. It'll just make things easier in school because students wouldnt want to cheat anymore because they'll know that they might get caught. Other reasons why is if a student is lying to the teacher about understanding the lesson or the chapter because they're embarressed of it. The teacher could just use this piece of technology to see whether the student is actually understanding the lesson or chapter.\n\nWhat I think about this piece of technolgy is that its great for many things and that this could possibly make think so much easier in the world.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nOn May 24, 2001, scientists took their third photo of what had seemed to be a Martian Mesa, which had seemed to not look much like a human using their 3D camera to take a photo of it.\n\nLook, as someone who's been a scientist for my whole life, and only researching on Mars features, I think I would know if there were any aliens on Mars. There have been a few signs of volcanic activity, and volcanoes on earth have formed something the exact same height. So I believe that a random volcanic activity is what has caused this Martian Mesa.\n\nBesides, on April 8, 2001, it was proven by other scientists besides me that said it was a mesa, and there is on in in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. Which is a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa abount the same height as the face on Mars.\n\nSo if you really think that there is aliens on mars that created that then you are just absolutely crazy.\n\nI have been researching mars my entire life and have found no tracks of an alien species, because if I had, I would have told you about it the second I knew. So if you really want to know what caused this Mesa, it was volcanic activity.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIf you want to get anywhere in life you have to find a way to get there. Cars are practically a necessity in modern life; you have to go to work, see family, and do other things that are miles apart. Everyone needs a car or vehicle to get around but not everyone has acess to it. Also cars can be death machines, yet they have to be used everyday. So enginners and technicians are attempting to find a way to make them safer and easier to use. The driveless car.\n\nCars are a responsibility, not a privilege. When you turn 16 you can apply for a drivers permit and then eventually get a license. There are people however that can't do this. Mentally and physically disabled people aren't always allowed to get a license and while I understand it's for safety they're people too. Immigrants aren't allowed to drive becasuse they require documentations. People with DUI records aren't allowed for safety reasons and for breaking the law. They have lives and have to go out and do things just like the rest of us. With driverless cars they could go do those things and get around. \"He envisions a future with a public tranportation system where fleets of driverless cars form a public-transport taxi system.\"\n\nCar accidents are the most common form of accidents. Thousands of car accidents everyday, but that doesn't stop the use of cars because we need them. Sometimes the accidents are the driver's fault but sometimes things beyond our control happen. That's why with driverless cars the road would be a much safer place. \"allowing far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone. Further improvements in sensors and computer hardware and software to make driving safer are also leading to cars that can handle more and more driving tasks on their own.\" It would also remove the risk of texting and driving which is a leading factor in car accidents, \"Such displays can be turned off instantly when the driver needs to take over-something not available to drivers trying to text with a cell phone.\"\n\nDo we really need jets, sport cars, or labtops? We already have planes, cars, and desktop computers. Yet we have them because they make life way easier, we as a species keep making luxuries for ourselves. Houses, clothes, wagons, cars, sweets, entertainment. We're not going to stop improving things. We may not need driverless cars but if we can do it then we're defenitely going to do it. It's human nature to want the best, and the driverless cars could improve a lot of people's lives with its easy use and safety advanatges. \"Cars can handle more and more driving tasks on their own.\" \"He believes such cars could change the world.\"\n\nDriverless cars are the future. We will continue to improve and expand on previous technological feats to create near perfect feats. I believe that from it's accessibility and its improvement on safety that the driverless car is the way to go. We now have the technology to do this, we just need time and more expirementation. It's bound to happen.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author supports his or her idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the danger it presents by explaining why Venus should be studied ,the reasons why studying Venus is difficult, and the solutions to the problems caused by the climate of Venus.\n\nThe author supports his or her idea by stating the reasons why Venus should be explored. The author states in paragraph 4, \"Furthermore, recall that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel.\" The reason stated supports the authors idea because without a reason to study Venus there would likely be very little reason to justify studing Venus without a proper incentive.\n\nThe author further supports his or her idea by explaining why studying Venus would be so difficult. The author explains in paragraph 3, \"A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere.\" If there were no explanation on why it would be diffucult to study Venus there would be no way for scientists to figure out solutions to the various problems of studying Venus.\n\nThe author then goes on to explain possible solutions for the obstacles of studing Venus. The author states in paragraph 7, \"Another project is looking back to an old technology called mechanical computers.\" The author also states in paragraph 7, \"...some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions.\" By explaining possible solutions the author proves that there is hope in studying and that attempting to study Venus isn't a futile effort.\n\nThe author supports his or her idea to study Venus by explaining why Venus should be studied, why it is so difficult to study Venus, and by explaining possible solutions to studing Venus. if there were no reason to study Venus then Venus wouldn't even be attempted study. Without an explanation of the problems of studying Venus there would be no form of figuring out a solution. With the help of possible solutions, more effective solutions can be found in the future.\n\n3. explaining the resons wy its hard to explore", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe NASA was very happy to find out something. It is about time they found something there. It wouldn't have a shocked that they found it. They have problaby found other things but they just don't talk about it. NASA is apart of everything that is how we have a earth.\n\nThey usely don't find stuff like this. They always have someone go up there to check one everything for about a year. It is every hard to look after asternots. They get sick and hurt or killed all the time. Sometime people just want to go up their just to be a fun exsperament.\n\nIt would be evry hard to do that. I know I could go up to NASA. Some people don't care about anything about the atmosphere.You would have to have alot of guts to go up there. I would be a hard thing to do because you have life and death seasions.\n\nI wouldn't have guts to go up their because it would be to much to handle. I wouldn't be able to take it. I would be afaid of dying or something. I have a long life ahead of me so why do something stupid like that. I would be risking my whole future. It is hard to believe that someone would be that stupid to do that.\n\nI would want to leave life in the earth not in the outer space because you don't know what could happen. It would take a lot of training to be able to go up their. I would have a hardatake if I went up their. Peope are kinda smart that go up their. I wouldn't be that smart to go up their.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe possibility of technological error and the necessity of modifying the law are among several issues that we face with driverless cars; therefore, driverless cars may not be the most ideal solution to safer roads. Although I believe that updates can be added to enhance safety features and prevent reckless driving, I think that the concept of having driverless cars to such an extent is dangerous.\n\nTechnological error is certainly the most significant of the negative aspects that driverless cars present to humans. Driverless cars have their faults just as humans do, and the benefits that these cars provide are often outweighed by error.\n\nAccording to paragraph 9, \"technology fails,\" and when that occurs, \"someone is injured.\" Another perspective on this topic is human reliance on technology. Even though people can be alerted when something is wrong, not everyone will pay attention to those warnings. They may take advantage of the fact that the car drives by itself, which could lead to dozing off or even to drinking behind the wheel. Humans also couldn't develop motor skills as well. Alertness could decrease because some people may believe that they won't have to be aware of their surroundings while in the car. In addition, coordination and perception could be effected because people may not feel the need to improve on those skills since the car is driving instead. Paragraph 9 states, \"lawmakers know that safety is best achieved with alert drivers.\" This applies to driverless cars in that it implies that some may become lazy and unattentive while in an advanced car.\n\nLaws may have to change drastically also, and it may be difficult for many people to keep up with the modifications. This could mean that countless people will have little knowledge of the rules of the road. In the article, it is brought up that \"Presently, traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times.\" Contrary to this, driverless car owners may feel that it is unnessary to learn traffic laws because the car itself will be driving. Ignorance results from that way of thinking, and ignorance can lead to unsafe driving conditions and reckless driving. Besides traffic laws, various other laws will need to be upgraded or invented as well. The article mentions that \"new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident.\" In other words, it would be necessary to create laws that distinguish between driver and manufacturer fault. It would be difficult to determine who exactly was the cause of an accident, which means that there could be many aggressive cases between owners and manufacturers.\n\nIn conclusion, driverless cars wouldn't exactly be for the benefit of the world. Their abilities are extraordinary, but it is not to be forgotten that with technology comes error. Driver awareness is essential to safe roads, and unfortunately driverless cars can cause less driver alertness as humans begin to rely soley on technology to assist them in their everyday lives.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear State Senator,\n\nElections are up coming soon and before we all even know it, it's going to be election day. As we all know, there is this process called The Electoral College that was established in the Constitution by our founding fathers. To be honest, I think it is time for a change. If you really think about it, The Electoral College isn't really in favor of the people anymore. Here's what i think should happen, instead of on election day when we vote for just the President and just getting the senates that ran for the Presidental candidate, I think we should have two different votings: one for the President and one for the senates, here's why:\n\nFirst, when election day comes around and we think we are voting for the president, we aren't, but instead voting for a big group of slate electors where they vote for the president. For example, if you lived in Washington and you wanted to vote for [John] Doe, for instance, you would be voting for a slate of about 35 electors pledged to that President. Then the slate of electors vote for the presdient, not the people, and I dont think everyone knows that. Most of the people that know about have said that The Electoral College is a \"diaster factor\" while the government says that \"the American people should consider themselves lucky\" WRONG!!!!!! The American people technically can't even vote for their own president becuase \"it's against the Constitution\" there needs to be a change. Like allowing some people who go in to vote to either: vote for a slate of electors who elect the President or just vote for the president themselves. That way the people feel like their vote actually does count.\n\nThank you State Senator for giving me some of your time so you can read my letter to you about The Electoral College. I hope you take my idea under consideration.\n\nThanks again,\n\nSincerely,\nPROPER_NAME (student at SCHOOL_NAME)", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n\"The Challenge of Exploring Venus,\" is an article written to try and pursuade people on why Earth needs to visit Venus. The author talks about how studying Venus is a worthy pursuit even though it presents many dangers to human life and machines. The author supports their idea of pursuing Venus despite the dange very well because he talks about human curiosity, the machines that have been and could be used to get to Venus, and why Venus has been considered to be explored.\n\nFirst, the author talks about human curiosity about the planet Venus. The author finishes the article off by talking about human curiosity and how this helps shape the world today (paragraph 8). This shows that human curiosity is important in peoples lives because it has allowed mankind to create many different things to help people explore the unknown, like the moon, and can be used to explore many different planets humans have looked at for centuries. The article also talks about how researches want to talk \"samples of rock, gas, or anything else...\"(paragraph 6). This demonstrates human curiosity because mankind wants to discover unknown secretes about plantets and wants to enrich our knowledge on the known universe and taking samples will help unlock these secretes.\n\nSecondly, the article talks about what machine have been used and what machines could be used to help explore Venus. The article starts off by saying \"No space craft survived the landing for more than a few hours...[because] the plantets surface is 800 degrees Fahrenheit\" (paragraph 2-3). This gives an insite on how the planets surface is because it is so hot that all the space craft humans have sent to Venus have been destroyed because of the extreamly hot temperatures. However, later in the article the author talks about how NASA has thought about creating a blimp that could float over storms and ground of Venus (paragraph 5). This shows that a blimp could be used to find secretes and help humans discover the planet that people have been gazing up to for centuries.\n\nFinally, the author discusses why Venus want to be explored. The author talks about how Venus resembles Earth very closely and refers to it as \"Earth's Twin\"(paragraph 2). Venus has been called \"Earth's Twin\" which means it has some qualities similar to Earth. People now want to discover if other planets were ever like earth or if they could sustain human life. People want to explore Venus because they want to see if it could sustain life like Earth. Also the article talks about how Venus has \"familiar features such as valleys, moutains, and craters\" (paragraph 4). Since Venus has familiar features it is a prime area to explore because human's maybe able to find a new planet that is habitial and create colonies.\n\nIn conclusion the author of \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus,\" supports the idea that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers because he talks about human curiosity, the machines that could be used, and why people want to explore Venus. Human curiosity supports this because humans have wanted to unlock the secretes of the universe for generations and exploring Venus may help in this quest. The machines that could and have been used is a way human's could find these secretes. Why people want to explore Venus is not just for the secretes it could possess but also because it is similar to Earth in many ways and is even called its twin. Venus could help mankind find out what they have wanted to know since the beginnig of time and Venus should be explored despite the dangers to help solve these secretes.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDespite of what Luke said about it being hard work taking care of animals all day and night,he still loves to be a seagoing cowboy.Even though it is hard work taking care of animals, it is all worth it because you travel to places around the world. There are lots and lots of animals who need help in many ways including with;food shelter,and water.Animals need people that are called SEGOING COWBOYS!\n\nIf you want to help animals survive, then sign up for the UNRRA today.If you sign up for the UNRRA you could probably go to more trips then Luke with,9 trips.You can also be able to travel to places where you never even imagined of going.If you sign up you won't regret it if you like animals.So if you are a animal person sign up for UNRRA quickly!\n\nWhat Luke did was a great job with taking care of animals,but you can do even better.Also when you are doing the work that you are required you can have fun in between the breaks that you have just like Luke did. You can be a bigger help to the animals than any other seagoing cowboy was.Think positive, beat Lukes record and PLEASE SIGN UP FOR UNRRA TODAY!", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever thought about the future? What it be like to go in your driverless car from your floating house on the top of a volcanoe. I have and I got to say I think its going to be great, but along with the consequences of it. I do have a couple reasons on why everyday that when we shape into what would be our future, we are also bringing along the little chaos. What came to mind is that i think driverless cars are gonna be a trajedy, instead of being the next best thing.\n\nI start to see that when driverless cars come out everyones going to want them, but whats the price with this? I and i'm sure many other people think would we even need a lisence for this car and is it going to be safe as it sounds? I'm thinking that a sensor goes down and the malfunctions of the car happens its going to cause the death of many, many people to come. That people are gonna get lazy and the knowledge of even driving a car will be forgotten because these driverless cars, if it is ever possible.\n\nMost people, ir some, find ways to make life easier on them and one of it is to be lazy, do the easiest job, or have the most fun while they can. The technology we have today transpires into something even bigger the next day, leaving remenents of the old/past behind. The stuff your grandpa and grandma had when they were kids, young teens, or young adults you'd be shocked because you would wonder \"You guys had that??\" Like its a big surprise how what they had is now forgotten.\n\nEveryday that goes by we're forming the new furtue, but also destropying it. Driverless cars are the start and soon machines are gonna take peoples jobs. Taxi drivers are gonna be extinct because people have their own \"taxi\" to get to everywhere with. Who is to blame if a wreck happens, the driver or the manufacturer. I wouldnt be surprised if it be both.\n\nAll i'm saying is that if we do get so far ahead of ourselves with technology whats going to happen to us? I'm not talking about extinction, but i mean our surroundings and how it could effect us in a way. those are my reasons on why we SHOULDN'T produce these cars.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHi! Thanks for reading by Artical! I hope you like it! In this artical i will sow you reasons to join the Seagoing Cowboys program. It is a very good program and you should join!\n\nThe Seagoing Cowboys program is a progam where you have to take horses ALL over the world. It could be France, Germany, or even Africa! I know some reasons that might get you to want to join the Seagoing Cowboys. First, you get to see many places! They can be very buitiful, or very nasty. The mystery is what i like about that reason. Second, you can help people in need, like people in africa need food and you can help them get it and you can help plant crops and ots of other stuff! Last, Just HORSES! Who doesn't like horses?! You can take care of them, and you can feed them, and you can pet them, and all sorts of stuff! You also get extra time and you can play games!\n\nThanks for coming all ths way! I hope you cn get time to read some more about this stuff. If you want to join this than YAY! If you don't want to join it, (No Comment) Lol thanks for readinng. See ya 'Round the sea!", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAt NASA, I finally got to see \"the Face of Mars\", which I think is an amazing way for kids and adults to study and get interested in the Red Planet, and I hope it's not just a way to think about aliens, lifeforms, or anything out of a Science-Fiction book. I hope in couple more weeks or months, people will stop thinking in that nonsense. The Viking 1 caught a rock formation and a shadow covering it up and making it look like it was a face. This is one of the biggest hoaxs of all time, it's in magazines, TV shows, movies, and radio talk shows, I mean some people actually tell campfire stories about this, this is crazy! I would've let it go, but then my best friend calls and says \"Hey guess what, I've found out why the face is there, it's a symbol from the Martians for use to come to their planet!\" I wish I could've reached through the phone so I could slap him silly. He thinks just because I work at NASA, he thinks he can be a smart scientist like me. Finally in 2001 NASA descovered that the Face was actually a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa. I was finally glad we could put this behind us so that way the world can't go into chaos over a dome on Mars. Although to be fare at least some people had something to talk about or something to be interested in, because if this didn't happen, who knows what people would've done, I know my friend would've never found out a bunch of facts about Mars, or all those stories from writers, or the directors that made the stories come to big screen, it's amazing to see people actually do something with just a face on Mars.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nFirst as a scientific NASA scientist i would explain that there is no life at the planet mars and the pictures tooken by the advanced camera showed proof that there is no life forms, but an illusion caused by the planets shadows, that formed a human shaped face in which made citizens of earth wondering is there life on mars, but this is just something that happens on the planet earth in comparision to mars.\n\nThen for example that mars couldn't be created by aliens for example there are many illusional landforms are common around the American West including placeS like Idaho, and etc. It also included historical times when the same thing happened when unusual shadows that made it look like an Eygptian Pharaoh in Cydonia.\n\nIn conclusion there is no life on earth and that it is just shadows that was shaping into a human face, which can be similar to illusions on Earth, and was given proof that the faces were just landforms by technology.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLimiting car usage comes with benefits for everything. It benefits the environent, yourself, and everyone else in the world.\n\nIf you use your car less or just use it when you need it, the amount of pollutants in the air from vehicle transportation would drop drastically. Vehicles are the second leading cause of pollution in the world behind factories. Cars are responsible for up to fifty percent of gas emissions in heavy traffic areas in the United States according to Elisabeth Rosenthal's essay \"In German suburb, life goes on without cars\". It is a very simple concept, cars produce gas emission, and using your car less can help protect the environment from pollutants.\n\nThe environment is not the only thing benefitted from limited car usage. You become healthier if you choose to totally lose the vehicle. Heidrun Walter stated\u00a0 \"When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way.\" Limiting car usage can also limit stress in a person. Besides being stress free, if you choose to walk to where you need to go, you exercise and do not realize it. Basically, if you want to lower your stress, not be tense, or be healthier, just limit your car usage and walk or ride a bicycle.\n\nVehicle accidents are a major cause of death in the world. So, if you decide to not use your car as much and just walk or bike, that is one less driver on the road. If the trend of limiting car usage and walking or biking spreads, the threats on the roadways will lower drastically. So in turn, using your car less can help keep everyone safe and help lower the amount of vehicle accidents and save lives.\n\nWith more people on the side walks, and less people behind the wheel, everyone can be benefitted. From stress to gas emission, everything can be solved with limiting your car usage.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n\"Hey, do you want to take cattle to Europe with me?\" Don Reist asked Luke. Luke went with Don and loved it. Luke decided to make this his living so after WWII Luke traveled the seas as a Seagoing Cowboy. Would you like to do the same?\n\nYou should become a Seagoing Cowboy! There is so much to do. For instance for all those people that enjoy sightseeing will like this job. One reason is because in my time being a Seagoing Cowboy I have already seen Venice Italy with streets of water. I saw an excavated castle in Crete. The best sight though was the Acropolis in Greece. Like I said there is so much to do.\n\nIf you like animals this will persuade you. In this job I get to spend all my time with animals! And there are animals you don't typically watch like horses and just different kinds of cattle. Also you can wacth them at any time because the animals are indoors. You can't beat this job.\n\nThis will persuade you if nothing else has. All you do in this job is travel. You get to travel totally free too. The only thing stopping people from traveling nonstop is the cost but here it is covered. You go all over the world as well. I have crossed the Atlantic Ocean 18 times and the Pacific twice! This is my favorite part of the job I hope it is yours too.\n\nYou can't refuse being a Sea going Cowboy now. Another reason to be a Seagoing Cowboy is the finance. You get paid to travel to all these amazing places. Boat travel is something a lot of people want to do but can't because of the price, however if you are a Seagoing cowboy you get paid to travel by boat. Lastly you save money because you don't need lots of accesories at home since you'll be traveling the world. This job has no flaws.\n\nBeing a Seagoing Cowboy is a blessing. My friend persuaded me to do this job years back. Now I am passing on the tradition and I hope you do too. Again help me in the Seagoing Cowboy program you won't regret it a bit.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear Senator; the electoral voting system should be abolished it is unfair and un-democratic electoral votes are not the votes f the people and thats all that should matter but there are countercaims that I will address. when aperson votes they do not actually vote for their candidate they vote for a group of electors for that candidate electors who may not even vote for the candidate they are sworn to. the electoral voting system is extremly unstable there are an even number of electoral voters in the united states making a tied vote a possibility which is very bad. Even though electoral votes are suposedly based on which candidates people vote for it does not at all mean that the candidate who most of the people voted for wil also be voted for by the electoral college.\n\nThe electoral voters are seperated by state and each state has its own number of electoral voters proportional to their population. because of this candidates change their campaigns to only focus on stateswith more electoral voters while this makes sense from a competitive perspective it makes it extremley unfair to states with smaller populations. This is wrong in many ways but the worst of all is that the electoral voting system encourages this kind of copetition\n\nThe electoral voting system is un-democratic the united states prides itself on being for the people and freedom but the electoral college represents the exact opposite of that. the electoral college votes not the people. the people are not voting and that is the exact opposite of what the united states supossedly stands for. Anyone who learns about the united states and sees the electoral colege will think that the united states. is not all its cracked up to be and that is not what the united states wants is it?\n\nin conlcusion the senator you should definetly try to work toward abolishing the electoral college as it is un-democratic because it does not allow the people to have a direct say in who they are voting for. it is a very volatile voting system that could cause crashes and severities in the united states by aving tied votes and such. the electoral voting system uncourages some states to be left out by unfair competition because of the unstable way the number of electoral voters are balanced between states. And the electoral college essentially goes against everything the united states stands for and is supposed to believe in.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear Senator,\n\nI don't think that we should keep the Electoral College because I truly believe that as the people of our country, we should have the freedom to vote for whom we think best fits the role of our president. I'll tell you why.\n\nI have read this passage about three times in a row and I've gotten a better understanding of how the Electoral College works. I can understand an opinion that thinks the Electoral College is great and I'm sure it's a little less complicated and such but it's not quite fair to certain people in small states, etc. There are people who don't even see a point in voting now because they know that their vote will most likely not matter. As stated in\n\nSource 3: In Defense of the Eletoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President, paragraph 23,\n\n\"\n\nIt can be argued that the Electoral College method of selecting the president may turn off potential voters for a canidate who has no hope of carrying their state--Democrats in Texas, for example, or Republicans in California. Knowing thier vote will have no effect, they have less incentive to pay attention to the campaign than they would have if the president were picked by popular vote..\n\n\"\n\nI strongly disagree with people in our country feeling this way. We are together as a country. Everyone's votes should matter. We are all here as one. People will have less and less interest in voting and we will go nowhere. I believe that the people should fully understand the process and not only that. Understand who is about to become president. In the country that we the people live in. Know this persons values, are they worthy? Know the lengths that they will go for our people. People should not feel that because they're in a small state, their vote doesn't matter. It should not be this way. I do believe that voters in presidential elections are people who want to express a political preference rather than people who think that a single vote may decide an election but don't you think that everyone should be involved and that everyone should be informed or even have an opinion on what is about to happen? I feel that there are some people who are not fully understanding the system. As said in\n\nSource 2: The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses are wrong, paragraph 10,\n\n\"\n\nUnder the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president. If you lived in Texas, for instance, and wanted to vote for [John] Kerry, you'd vote for a slate of 34 Democratic electors pledged to Kerry.\n\n\"\n\nDo the people even know who these electors are? Who picks them anyways? I understand that it depends on the state but do they know that? I also read that voters can not always control whom their electors vote for. Also that sometimes, voters get confused about the electors and vote for the wrong canidate. This is what I mean by people not fully understanding.\n\nThis is just my opinion followed by some evidence and explanation. Maybe you could see from my point of view and anyone who has a similar one.\n\nSincerely, PROPER_NAME", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHow is life in Venus? Is it hot ? Is it cold? that is to find out. In a article an author talks about studying Venus.Which brings up facts people probably never knew about. Which people wonder, if studying about Venus worthy?. On how dangerous it can also be living on Venus. Which will figure how the author supports his idea.\n\nOne way the author can support his idea is Venus is the closest planet to earth terms of density and size.Which makes sense because it is the closest planet to Earth as of today. Also referred to Earth's twin ,even tho it's thick atmosphere is 97% covered of carbon dioxide. Venus has it's high pressure and the hottest surface temperature of any planet.Which makes it difficult to visit the planet due to the extreme conditions.\n\nVenus may had once have been Earth-like planet in our solar system because it had eath like features. With large oceans and form of life due to the leftovers on the planet it has. But the planet still has valleys, mountains, and craters. So scientists could say that the planet was like earth many years ago. But no sort of life can no longer live on the planet as of now.\n\nNASA has been trying to find an idea on how to send humans to Venus so they can study the planet more. Which they are trying to find the idea on how to study the planet without needing to touch the surface, but to float about the fray. But would need to find a way with the air pressure of the planet since it is relatable to the sea level.Once they do land on venus they will know way more about Venus then they already do.\n\nIn conclusion studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents is very worthy. How Venus is the only planet closest the Eath. But is also one of the most dangerous condition planets to land on. Which is obvious how the author wants us to study about Venus because is so much to know about the planet. Which can teach a student alot, just by reading an article.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars would have never crossed our mind 50 years ago, but today, they are already being developed and tested. Driverless cars are wrong beacuse they could cause a lot more accidents from technology malfunctions, they could potentially cause many law suits and problems in our world, and they will make humans even more technology dependent and incapable of taking care of themselves if somehow we lost all electricity and had to operate cars by ourselves.\n\nDriverless cars are owned and operated by the company who makes them, humans have little to no control on what happens in the car. So if the car crashes, would it be the manufacturers fault or the humans fault? Driverless cars could potentially cause many unneccesary arguments and law suits between manufacturers and consumers. If someone is riding in the driverless car, and the car crashes, the manufacturers should be the ones to blame unless they develop a technology to enable the humans to take complete control if neccesary. Many arguments could be made that the manufacturer didn't program the car correctly anf that is why the person was injured or even so much as killed. This could result in manufacturers of big companies paying millions maybe even billions of dollars in law suits.\n\nDriverless cars could cause a lot more accidents because there isn't someone physically watching the surroundings of the car, and technology as simple as calculators can malfunction sometimes, so would you really trust a car run by a computer with your life? Driverless cars have no human physically driving unless it enables the human to drive, and even then it will be hard to avoid the accident because the car wouldn't inform the human about the incident unles just milliseconds before it happens because they can't predict the future and neither can we. The amount of accidents would most likely skyrocket if driverless cars became an everyday thing because of the lack of control and responsibilty a human has in the car.\n\nToday we have many different things that involve technology. We have phones that we depend on for almost everything we do in life, we have computers which we use to store information, we have calculators so we don't even have to remember how to do simple math on our own. Almost everything we do in life has some sort of technology to make our lives easier. Now we might not even have to drive our own car. Driverless cars could mean that people never have to learn how to drive, and then what would happen if for some reason the world lost all electricity, wifi, and communication signals? That means no more phones computers, calculators, and no driverless cars. People are so dependent on technology today that giving them another thing to be dependent on to not have to drive themselves is going to cause a lot of problems if the world has an extreme crisis. Hardly anyone would know how to drive, which means very little transportation and it will be ahrder to communicate with people.\n\nDriverless cars should be illegal because it could potentially cause ven more uneeded law suits and arguments, it could cause a lot more deaths in car accidents, and it would make people very uneducated on how to get places if the technology somehow stopped working. The world is just fine driving themselves, and on top of everything else we depend on technology for, it would be nice to keep at least one thing we have to do for ourselves just for the sake of human independency. If we create driverless cars, we will truly not have anything left to do for ourselves and there will be extreme crisises if something were to happen to our electricity.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe development of driverless cars is a good idea.The features that these cars have are more advanced.Less car accidents would accur with the driverless cars.The drivers in these driverless cars would be more alert.The development of driverless cars is a better option for drivers.\n\nFirst, the driverless cars have features that are more advanced then the ones where drivers have to drive all the time.One driverless car for example like the Toyota Prius has alot of features that are advanced.In the article it states the features,\"The Toyota Prius uses position-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel,a rotating sensor on the roof,a camera mounted near the rearview mirror,four automotive radar sensors,a GPS receiver,and an inertial motion sensor.\"It also states the more important feature in the driverless car.\"The most important bit of technology in this system is the spinning sensor on the roof,dubbled LIDAR,it uses laser beams to forma\n\nconstantly updating 3-D model of the car's surroundings...the combination is all this..is necssary for the driverless car to mimic the skill of a human at the wheel.\"\"The combination of all these advanced features are well put together.\n\nSecond,there would be less car accidents with the driverless cars.Even though its driverless it still alerts the driver.The car detects danger faster and can save people from having accidents as when they would be driving by themselfs they would realize the danger too late.In the article it states ,\"Within 10 years ,those sensors had become more advanced to detect and respond to the danger of out control skids or rollovers.\" It also states that ,\"The information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on the individual wheels and reduce power from the engine,allowing far better response and control than human driver could manage alone.\"These features would help the driverless cars have less car accidents.\n\nThird, the drivers in the driverless cars would be more alert.The driverless cars have the combinations of features and more features been added to them that car drivers will be more alert then ever.In the article it states,\"Manufacturers are also considering using cameras to watch that drivers are remaining focused on the road.While the driver watches the road , the car watches the driver.\"The car also lets the driver when to take over.When the driverless car can't do something in a especific situation it alerts the driver.In the article it states,\"The Google car simply announces when the driver should be prepared to take over.\"It also states,\"GM has developed driver's seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger of backing into an object.\"These features help keep the driver alert with the driverless car.\n\nThe development of\n\ndriverless car is a better option than the normal cars.The driverless car has more advanced features which have more techonology then the normal ones.There would be less car accidents with the features that it offers.The driver would be more alert in the driverless car then in the normal car.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" the author writes about the idea of exploring Venus. The author mentions many obstacles, that make the exploration of Venus hard, but he also talks about why it is important for us to explore the planet.\n\nOne of the most important reasons, to explore Venus, is the fact that Venus could once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. The author writes\n\n\"Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life\". The author also brings out the fact, that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit.\n\nIn Paragraph 8 the author writes about how exploring the planet would not just be for the information, but to feed the curiosity that humans naturally have. According to the authors opinion, if we can defeat the problem that is exploring Venus, we will be more confident and innovative facing equally intimidating endeavors in the future. The author expresses his opinion about exploring by saying\n\n\"Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expnded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation.\"\n\nSo in Paragraph 4, when the author says \"The value of returning to Venus seems indisputable\" he means that the insight we would gain and the satisfaction of feeding our curiosity makes Venus a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. I truly hope,that the challenge of exploring Venus will be defeated, because it could possibly change the way we see our World.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe study of Venus is an exciting but dangerous journey to go on. The planet being so similiar to ours it gives thoughts or ideas on what's there. The only part about it is that the dangerous conditions of the planet is holding us back a little in the devlopment of learning about it. The author belives its a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents and I think that as well.\n\nI feel like the author supports his idea very well throughout the passage. He puts alot of benifits of visiting Venus and he shows examples of how we can overcome the dangeours of Venus. He states,\" It's worthy because its the most Earth-Like planet from the features like the rocky sediment , valleys, mountains, and craters and how if it's similiar to Earth\". We could also explore and find more Earth like things to help us or either just cool things to discover. He also states, \"How learning about Venus could lead us into many equally imitanding endevaors and expand our innovation and imagination for other planets\".\n\nIn conclusion I feel like the author provides good enough points and details to overcome the dangers of Venus. He made good points on how Venus is the closest thing we've seen to Earth and we should see if we can find more Earth-Like things about it or even new things we've never seen before.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLets see here the face is a landform or a creation by some species on Mars. Well were gonnna find out what it really is today. A lot of us would really like to believe that there are aliens or other species on Mars wouldn't we and then this face comes along and evryone is wondering if there are really any aliens. Well unforationatly we don't know right now because its really difficult to tell. A lot us think that its just a landform and thats all we know at the moment.\n\nThe so called face on Mars is just a landform for all we know at the moment and we think thats all it really is. The face is a landform because if you look at the pictures in 2001 what you see isn't a face at all its just a rock coming out of the ground. Like we said we aren't sure if there isnt any life form on Mars yet becuase we just can't watch it 24/7 now can we. We think that this is a landform because we don't have enough evidence to actually tell you but it our hopes hopes up for now. Like what everyone thinks they think it's fake becuase the don't want to know bout space unless they really wanted to and thats okay we will be the only ones that really know won't we. Plus we say that it's just in the region Cydonia which there are a lot of landforms there so we can't tell that either.\n\nIn conclusion we would like to think that this isn't just really a landform we want it to mean more. We want everyone to know that we think that there is life on Mars and that this has helped us and that it continues to help us as we continue our search for life and as we go down to see that if there are any man made marks on there but you just can't tell from a picture. At the moment this is just a landform surronded by craters and other landforms. We are telling you this it is just a landform.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHey, this is Luke Bomberger and I think that you should become a Seagoing Cowboy! When I was a small boy my friend Don invited me to go to Europe. When I couldn't think of a reason to say no I went with him. I'm glad I did because if I hadn't I wouldn't ever have become a Seagoing Cowboy. You can have many things if you become a Seagoing Cowboy!\n\nInstead of my service I became a Seagoing Cowboy and got animals across the sea safely. I washed them and cleaned them over and over but in all those chores I got to travel!\n\nI got to see Europe, China, Greece, and Italy! I was a small town farm boy and then I got to see all of these places, all because I became a Seagoing Cowboy! You can become one too!\n\nI'll admit that there are some dangers in becoming a Seagoing Cowboy. Once I almost fell overboard and broke my ribs! I wasn't able to do anything for the animals for a couple of days but they kept me company. Even though becoming a Seagoing Cowboy has its faults it overall is very exilerating and makes life an adventure! You can become a Seagoing Cowboy just like me!\n\nIf all that doesn't satisfy you, this will! When there are no animals aboard to take care of you can play games to pass the time. These games include baseball, volleyball, fencing, boxing, reading, and table tennis tournaments! When you are playing these games with all the other cowboys you tend to make cowboy friends almost immediatly! You can sign up right now to make new friends and play games with them!\n\nAll in all the Seagoing Cowboy experiance was the best experiance of my life. I hope that everyone gets the chance to have this experiance! You can have adventure to make you feel alive. You can have tourism to let you have experiance across the world. You can have games and new friends to keep you company and help you pass the time! You can have many things if you become a Seagoing Cowboy!", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe \"Face on Mars\" was not created by aliens and is just a natural landform because, the face was made by shadows from when the picture was taken.\n\nAlso, when Michael Malin and his crew took there photo on April 5, 1998 the picture was ten times sharper than the one the Viking took in 1976. Many people where not satified when the photo was tooken because it was winter in April '98 (a cloudy time of the year on the Red Planet) the camera on board MGS had too peer through wispy clouds to see the Face. Skeptics say that the alien makings where hidden by haze from the clouds.\n\nOn April 8, 2001 (a cloudless summer day in Cydonia) Mars Global Surveyor took a closer look. Michal and his crew caputed an extraodinary photo using there camera's maximum resolution. If there was an object or objects in this picture you would be able too see them. The picture actually showed an equlevent picture of a nutte or mesa (which are landforms common around the American West).\n\nThat is why the Face on Mars was not created by aliens but simply just another landforms like the ones we have on Earth.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMy name is Luke I had joined the UNRRA program in 1945. In article \" A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves \" talks about the participation in the Seagoing Cowboys program .\n\nIn the passage they talk about me and my adventures although breaking my ribs wasn't so plesant . In this passage\n\nI will tell you what I think IF more people would have joined the UNRRA program.\n\nI think that joining the UNRRA( the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation\n\nAdministration) would be fun and exciting because you would be able to vist many countries , and you would be able to learn and see many new things every trip you made . That is one of the many reasons Don and I joined the program .\n\nUNRRA about hiring \"Seagoing Cowboys\" to take care of young horses , young cows , and mules that were shipped overseas. UNRRA was formed to help Eroupe and many countries that were left in ruins by World War ll,to help these countries recover their food supplies , animals, and more .\n\nIn August 1945, I had recived orders to report to New Orleans. The day I arived was the day the Pacific war had ended.\n\nI got seaman's papers and boarded the SS Charles W.Wooster, heading to Greece with cargo of 335 horses im addition enough hay and oats to feed them . My birthday had passed before arriving to Greece I had turned 18 which meant I could be drafted to military service . By the time I it was 1947 I had made nine trips the most of any Seagoing Cowboy.\n\nI got to see many new and cool things on my trips . In the passage it tells what I got to see on my trips in the passage it tells \" Besides helping people, I had the side benefit of seeing\n\nEurope and china . but seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special, he says . So was taking the a gondola ride in\n\nVenice, Italy , a streets of water.\" I also toured an excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama\n\nCanal on my way to China.\n\nI had so much fun and it was an exsperience of a lifetime besides the picking after the animals and breaking a few bones ,but it was all worth it, and I bet so many people would enjoy it as well as I did . That is why I think that morepeople should join th UNRRA .", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDo you think the face on Mars is a natural landform? According to many scientists and conspiracy theorists, the face on Mars is a natural landform. Nasa spoke out about the face on Mars. Also, Michael Marlin and Garvin shared their opinions on the face. The face on Mars is a natural landform because of what the picture revealed,showed, and had captioned.\n\nThe face on Mars had a caption from Nasa. After the discovery of the picture, Nasa unveiled the image for all people to see. The picture had a caption noting a huge rock formation. The formation resembles a human face. It has a human head, formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, a noes, and mouth.\n\nThe face on Mars had revealed somthing. Michel Malin and his Mars orbiter camera (MOC) team snapped a sharp picture. The picture was ten times sharper than the original Viking photos. Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site. The website revealed a natural land form (meaning there was no alien momument).\n\nThe face on Mars showed somthing to Garvin. The picture actually shows the martian equivalent of a butte or mesa-landforms common around the American west. It reminds him most of the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. The Snake River Plain is a lava dome. It takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the face on Mars.\n\nThe face on Mars resembles a natural landform. There is alot of evidence to support this claim. Such as Michel Marlin's,Nasa's, and Garvin's evidence. The face on Mars is a natural landform because of what the picture revealed,showed, and had captioned. Do you believe the face is a natural landform?", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think driverless cars are a good idea. There may be some deffects, but there are many more good things about it.\n\nHaving driverless cars would decrease car accidents. The article says \"The information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone.\" Throughout the years technology will keep advancing, and driverless cars will only get better, and be safer. Passengers could text and have a much lower risk of crashing.\n\nThese driverless cars could help solve many problems. For example if someone is disabled, but still drives every once in a while this will help in many ways. It'll help by driving itself, while the disabled person can at least watch. If someone is late to work and they have to eat in the car, this would make it so much safer than eating and having one hand on the stearing wheel.\n\nI think this would make older people's lives much more easy. One thing it can help with is taking them to the rite destination. It can also help them be more percatious of their surroundings.\n\nNot only will this make things easier for many people, but it can also help people learn. In case of any accidents there will be cameras in the car and out that can show what exactly had happened. This driverless car can also help us appreciate the nature outside our car windows. Car accidents could be greatly reduced.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author claim is that exploring venus is worth pursuing even tho its every dangerous. The author suggests that studying venus is a great chance to learn and find new things and supports alot of theses claims by giveing some great support on why its a good idea. The author starts by explaning that venus is referrd to as Earh's twin in maney cases cause its the closest planet to the Earth in terms of density and size. Venus also nickednamed the \"Evening Star\" is one of the planets closest to the Earth in distance as also Mars is in that distance aswell. All three planets are around and orbit the sun at different speeds says the author in paragraph 2.\"Often referred to as Earth's twin Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size and occasionally the closet in the distnace too\". \"Earth,Venus,Mars,our planetary negihbor,orbit the sun at different speeds\". The author starts giving his part on why we should study and travel venus by saying its the planet the may have once been the most Earth like planet in the solar system long ago and was probbley covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life just like how earth is today. Venus still has some known features that still resemble Earth today like the planet haveing a rocky sediment and includs things such as valleys,moutains,craters. Altho Venus does seem nice its very dangerous to travel there and is not safe for humans at the moment. Scientest have sent numerous spacecrafts to land on Venus but no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. Venus also has a thick atomosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide that sarounds Venus. The even more challeging thing is the clouds that are highly corrosive of sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere and the fact that the planets surface temperature is over 800 degrees Fahrenheit makeing these far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth as said by the author in paragraph 3\"a thick amtosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dixiode blankets Venus\".\"Even more challeing are the clouds of highely corrosive sulfuric acid in venu,s atomsphere\". Traveling to venus seems too dangerous but the author gives some ideas on how we can possably make traveling to Venus safer. One of these ideas come from The National Aeronautics and Space Adinistration also known as (NASA).This idea is for sending humans to study Venus NASA,s soluiton to the harsh Venus conditions of its surface is to make a blimp like vehicle that would hover 30 or so miles above the planet. This would allow scientists to avoid the unfirendly ground conditions of Venus and with the only minor problem being the air would still be a little hot at 170 degrees Fahrenheit but the air pressure being close to Earth at sea level. This is one of the maney ideas on how to vist the planet Venus and its values says the author.\"Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value,not only because of the insigt to be gaind on the planet itself,but also beacause human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors\".", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nShould we keep the Electoral college, or take it away for popularity vote? Well, the Electoral College is a process which they cannot hold office, but can help the presidents votes. A popularity vote is which we the citizens of the United States vote on who we would like the president to be. The Electoral Collge helps vote for the president of the United States because there is a certainty of the outcome, and the Electoral College are like presidents too. I support the idea of which keeping the Electoral College for the help in the presidential run.\n\nKeeping the Electoral College is vital to the presidents because there is a certainty of the outcome. Richard A. Posner states: \"The reason is that the winning candidate's share of the Electoral College invariably exceeds his share of the popular vote.\" This means that the Electoral College votes count more than the popularity votes for the upcoming president. For example, Richard A. Posner states that \"Obama received 61.7 percent of the electoral vote compared to only 51.3 percent of the popular votes cast for him and Romney...\" This means that the Electoral College votes are way more acounted for then the popular votes.\n\nAren't Electoral Colleges like presidents too? They help the presidents votes and help them make decisions also. Doesn't that sound like a president to you? The article states \"The Electoral College requires a presidential candidate to have trans-regional appeal.\" says Richard A. Posner. This means that Electoral Colleges no region has enough electoral votes to elect a president. The president electes Electoral Colleges to be in there favor.\n\nThere is a high chance that Electoral College's help presidents in many ways. Such as, the Electoral Colleges are like presidents too, and there is a certainty of the outcome. Lets face it the soon to be presidents need the Electoral Colleges.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI'm Luke. I was a Seagoing Cowboy. Joining the Seagoing Cowboys program can be lots of fun. I was a Seagoing Cowboy. There are so many places to see and travel through. I went to Greece, Europe, China, Venice, Panama Canal, and Acropolis. I've been many places as a Seagoing Cowboy, maybe you should try it too.\n\nIt may have taken a while to get to those places but it was still quite fun. I had my friend, Don Reist, along with me. Don invited me to tag along with him. How could I turn it down? It was going to be the opportunity of a life time!\n\nThe sea can be dangerous too. I remember that one rainy night, after making my hourly trip to the captain, I slid down a slippery ladder on my backside. My heart raced as I shot feet first toward an opening on the side of the ship. A small strip of metal along the edge stopped my slide, keeping me from flying overboard into the dark Atlantic. I was happy to be alive but, I couldn't work for a few days since I had cracked my ribs during the fall.\n\nBecoming a Seagoing Cowboy means that you can help others who were hurt in World War II and need food suplies, animals, and more. I'm so grateful for the opportunity I had. It made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs. This awareness stayed with me, leading my family to host a number of international students and exchange vistors for many years.\n\nOn the return trips I had lots of fun! My friends and I would play Baseball and Volleyball games in the empty holds when the animals were unloaded. We would have table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and the games helped pass the time.\n\nBeing a Seagoing Cowboy is fun, dangerous, and helpful to others. You should think about joining, Yes, it may be dangerous and you may get hurt but even though all that happens you know it's for a good cause. Imagine all the places you'll see, somewhere like, Greece, Italy, China, Europe, and maybe places I haven't been to. Think about how much fun you'll have losing but having fun winning and having fun when playing games with the others. Also getting to help others who need.\n\nThat's the main reason I became a Seagoing Cowboy. To help others in need. I'm not saying you have to join, just know, it could be lots of fun.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the story A Cowboy Who Rode Waves there is a boy named Luke Bomberger and hes friend Don Reist. Don invited Luke on a cattle boat and Luke could not say no . Luke and Ron went on the trip and got to be a Seagoing Cowboys. Both of them love to be a Seagoing Cowboys. Both of them think every body should do it. It was free to do what they loved and got pade for it.\n\nIn the story A Cowboy Who Rode Waves Luke and Don loved Being Seagoing\n\nCowboys because they got to sea the world. Both of them got to see Europ and China. In side of Europ and China they got to see the Acropolis in Greece. They also got to ride in a gondola in Venice Italy a city that has water for streats. They also got to ture a excavated castle in Crete. they got to look at and explor and to wonder at the\n\nPanama Canal.\n\nIn the story A Cowboy Who Rode Waves Luke and Don got to work with Cows ,Horses, Muls, and Donkys. They got to work with the ainmals over seas . They had to feed them two or three time's a day. When they headed for Greece they had 335 horses and enough hay and oats to feed them. Both of them got to work with the animals for weeks at a time .\n\nIn the story A Cowboy Who Rode Waves Luke and Don got to be on a boat and got to have fun and work with ainmals. They loved that job because Luke got to live and work on a farm and now the thing he is doing is taking care of animals and gets to do it on a boat in the ocean. After they drop the ainmals off on the way to the next stop the get to play things such as\n\nTable tennis, fencing,boxing,reading ,and games whould help pass time till they got to land .\n\nIn the story A Cowboy Who Rode Waves you should do the job because insted of working on a regular farm with animals you get to do it on a boat in the sea and you get to play games when you are going to pick up a nother load of animals. Most of the time when you go on a boat it cost mony but if you love animals and boat's then it is free to do what you like to do.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nFace On Mar's\n\nHave you ever heard a face that is on Mar's. See there is a face on Mar's that has been there for 25 years. Reseachers have came a cross it when they were doing study of the planenet called Mar's. The NASA took a picture of the face but the reaseaches really couldn't see it. This took place in 1976.\n\nThis Face looked like a human face. Reaseaches was amazed how this face popped up on mar's. The face was talked about all around the world. It was in magazines, books, and radio talk showes. This face on mar's was amazing at time. It started out in Hollywood and started to spread around.\n\nThe face on mar's started to die out of it's fame. Then reaseaches came a cross it again but this time flew over it and took a photo of it again. This time the reaseaches could see a little more deatail of the face. This took place in 1998. The NASA say they flew over it for the first time.\n\nReaseachers study on it really hard but thire mission faulted again. Everyone says that they think it was from alliens. Even a few reaseachers say they think it was from alliens. It was hard for them to see if it was from alliens or not.\n\nThe reaseachers mission started up again and they had more tecnlogy and to see the face way better. So this time they took a photo and sent it to NASA. they had really good detail now. They found out what it was and it didn't come frome alliens. they took the picture back in 2001. the picture showed a Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe use of this technology, reading facial action or emotion of exspressions of students in a classroom is valuable. This technology is valuable especially valuable to the students, do to the fact it can help improve classes, your everyday way of liiving and finally help with the health of school teens or just humankind in general.\n\nThis technology is valuable especially to students since it can better your everyday classes. Since this technology is capable of reading your every emotion it would be able to sense when you might be totally struggling in a class or it would also be able to let you know what your best subjects are. Since this technology is based off of a computerlized system it would be able to be installed in all classes. With technology like this in the classroom it would help students with career goals, or just set them up for the future ahead of time. Sometimes it can really be challenging for a student to know or not if they will do well in a class or not. But that problem would be solved when the emotion reader is used. With the help of that technology it could help a whole school system.\n\nThis technology would be a great help to school system by letting teachers know when a students having a bit of a rough day, when shown to counselors, they would be best for the future of a student or parent. This technology is something that would be wanted by any and everyone.\n\nBut finally the technology used to read facial emotions, is valuable to the students because it helps determine career pathways or future plans, helps layout a visible coarse set determined by a counselor and student and lastly is the best new and advanced way to prevent teen health.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear senator,\n\nI am writing to you from the villages charter school in The Villages Florida. I am concerned with the way electing the president is done. I feel that the way it is done is not only unfair but illogical.\n\nTo begin with, I feel that the way the president is elected is not a fair way. I feel this way because a state can not controll how big or small it is, therefore giving it a small number of electoral votes lowers the importance of your vote If you live in a small place like rhode island, this makes people less interested in voting. If a president goes to his home state he usually gets the votes from there. so if a president was from texas then he will already be going on a great start.\n\nIf popular vote was used instead of electoral vote the voting system wold make people not only want to vote more but to know that it realy counts for a reason.\n\nthere are many things wrong with the electoral college, however one main issue is when there is a tie, when there is a tie in the electoral college votes the descion is then pushed to the house of representatives, and the vice president is chosen by the senator. this is a huge flaw because of how mant replublicans are in the house. this makes it unfair for a democratic representer get the job.\n\nIn conclusion i feel that the way voting is done should be changed and made to poularnvote insteadof electoral college. Thank you.\n\nSincerley\n\nPROPER_NAME", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn \" The Challenge of Exploring Venus,'' the author suggest that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The paragraph pretty much talks about what Nasa\n\nand Venus . By the author suggesting that studying Venus is worhty he also state that venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit . The value of returning to venus seems indisputable.\n\nexample, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus\u2019s surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions. Another project is looking back to an old technology called mechanical computers. These devices were first envisioned in the 1800s and played an important role in the 1940s during World War II. The thought of computers existing in those days may sound shocking, but these devices make calculations by using gears and levers and do not require electronics at all.\n\nPeering Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere rendering standard forms of photography and videography ineffective, so it despites the danger.\n\nVenus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiously will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever seen an alien artifact? There are people out there who claim they have seen pictures of one. Some may say it was an alien face they saw. The face people may think is an alien artifact may not be an alien. It could simply be a natural landform. Most people call it the face on Mars.\n\nThe picture that was shown revealed that the face on mars is equivilent to a butte or mesa. The butte and mesa are landforms coomon around the American West. Garvin, a NASA scientist, said\n\n\"The face is a lava dome that takes the for of an isolated mesa about the same height as the face on Mars.\"\n\nGarvin says that NASA had to roll the spacecraft 25 degrees to center the face in the field of view. Another team of NASA scientist has captured extraordinary photos using the camera's absolute maximum resolution.\n\nThere are many reasons to believe that the face on Mars is an alien artifact, but there are more reasons to believe that it is just a natural landform. Scientist have done many research on the face on Mars to figure out if it is a landform or an alien artifact. All of the reasearch is there, I think it is a natural landform.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nStudying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Venus is sometimes called the \"Evening Star,\" and is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky. Venus is the second planet from our sun. It has also proved a very challenging place to examine. It is the closest planet to Earth, and occasionally the closest in distance too. Not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades. Numerous factors contribute to Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study, despite its proximity to us. The clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere is more challenging. Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system. Astronomers are fascinated by venus. One of the reasons why they are fascinated is because it have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar ystem. Venus\n\nwas covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth. Venus still has some features. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has one particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus.\n\nNASA'S possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way. Solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels, not easy conditions, but survivable for humans. Scientists seeking to conduct a thorough mission to understand Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risk. NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus,\" the author states that Venus is simalar to Earth. But it is very hazardous. However, the author also states that scientists want to study it. The author suggests that studying Venus would be worth the dangers that Venus presents through many ways.\n\nOne way is by explaining why studying Venus is worth it. He does so by explaing that Venus might have been once like Earth. He also states that this is why scientists want to study it. In the article, the author says that \"Long ago, Venus was probably covered largeley with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth.\"\n\nanother way that that the author suggest studying Venus is worth it, is by using problem and solution. the author lists problems with studying venus, and getting signifigant data. He then presents sloutions to those problems. Then he explains why those solutions are effective.\n\nIn conclusion, the author evaluated very well on supporting the idea of studying Venus. He first he establishes the problems with studing venus. Then he explains why it's worth it. Not only that, but he then introduces solutions to the problem.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nToday, many people all around the world rely too heavily on their cars.\u00a0 There are many great reasons that car usage should be limited.\u00a0 Car usage should be decreased because owning a car can be stressful, dangerous, and cars give off unwanted gas and pollution.\u00a0 Although cars have been used for many years, it is not too late to take action on this problem.\n\nMany people today would agree that buying and maintaining a car is very stressful.\u00a0 It is very expensive to own a car, and it takes a lot of hard work to keep the car in good shape.\u00a0 \"I am much happier this way,\" states Heidrun Walter (Rosenthal, 3).\u00a0 Walter states that she is much happier without a car due to all the stress that comes with owning a car.\u00a0 Walter also states that while she had a car, she was \"always tense,\" (Rosenthal, 3).\u00a0 This is probably because of the expenses and time she had to sacrifice while trying to take good care of her vehicle.\u00a0 This includes buying the car, paying for gas and insuance, repairs, and washing it.\u00a0 People will save themselves a lot of time and money if the amount of car usage is limited.\n\nNot only are cars are stressful to maintain, but they are also very dangerous to operate.\u00a0 People run the risk of severe accidents every day when they drive their car.\u00a0 In Source 4, the author states that new forms of public transportation will \"improve safety,\" (Rosenthal, 43).\u00a0 The most occuring accidents are car accidents, which happen everyday.\u00a0 Families will have to worry less about losing people they are close to.\u00a0 There will be less unecessary accidents, such as drunk driving, and using phones while behind the wheel.\u00a0 By reducing the amount of drivers on the road, the risk of these accidents will become much lower.\n\nOne last reason that car usage should be limited is that cars give off lots of unwanted gas and pollution into the air.\u00a0 Recently, Paris faced \"near-record pollution,\" (Duffer, 10).\u00a0 This was caused by the extreme amount of emissions from their cars.\u00a0 The main cause for people wanting to reduce the use of cars is because of this unhealthy gas.\u00a0 Cities all over the world are making efforts to help reduce and prevent the emissions.\u00a0 The only way to do this is limit the usage of cars.\u00a0 \"Transportation is the second largest source of America's emissions,\" (Rosenthal, 34).\u00a0 If the change can be made, then it should, in order to keep the environment safe.\u00a0 There isn't much time before the pollution gets out of hand.\n\nAlthough so many people rely on cars so much, they do not see the advantages of not using them.\u00a0 Most people don't put into consideration how harmful these vehicles are to the environment.\u00a0 On top of that, they cause uneeded stress and danger.\u00a0 Because of these reasons,\u00a0 the usage of cars should be limited.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn this life i think that there should be a limited amount of car usage. For the simple fact that gas is bad for the earth. In many way to some people this may be untrue. But I think that the limited amount of car usage would be great for the earth. My reason being is that car's make people excersize less, causes smog , bad for the enviroment.\n\nTo begin with, i think that limited amount of car usage is good for lazy people. I mean people will waste gas just to drive 3 minutes to a store when you could walk to save gas. It really makes no sense that a average person could be so lazy. You can be doing two good things at one time. By just walking for your health and saving up on gas,The text says,\"Many experts expect public transport serving suburs to play a much larger role.\n\nNext, I think it is a good idea because it wont cause so much smog which is a bad thing for the air. According to the text,\"Paris has banned driving due to smog Paris enforced a partial driving bad to clear the air of the global city\". The last thingwe need to do is be breathing in dirty air and pretty much gas. Almost 4,000 drivers were fined. Twenty seven people had there cars impounded for their reaction to the fine.\n\nAlso, My final reason is that it is bad for the enviroment. Luckily The text says,\"President Obama's ambitious goals to curn the united states\". Its about time some one point out the wrong honestly in my opnion if i was president i would ban driving to unless your like traveling to a far out state or your work is really far. I think that is should not be allowed.\n\nSo to sum it all up, I think that a limited amount of car usage would be good for the enviroment. And have a good impact on the world. Once again my reasons for it is that make's people excersize less, causes smog , bad for the enviroment. So my fellow citizens think about what you are doing to the world and how it not only effects us but how it also effects you.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe \" Driverless Cars Are Coming\" article talks about changing cars into smart computer cars. I am against this design because if the car malfuctions in the middle of the road or highway there could be many people hurt. Not only does Sergey Brin need to think about others he also needs to think about if he would\n\nuse the car or not.\n\nAwhile, ago other engineers were talking about making smart roads but that cost to much so what is the difference between the roads and cars. Making smarter cars could also cost more or about the same amount as smarter roads.\n\nDr. Werner Huber explained in the passage that, \"Such displays can be turned off instanly when the driver needs to take over.\" This doesn't stop drivers from texting and driving becasue the drivers know that the car has took over so they don't have to pay attention to the rode. It would be better if the driver would have all of the authority instead of the car. It would be better for the smart car to come in when the driver is in danger and help to prevent any accidents from happening. For the states that doesn't allow this experiment would be much safer because they don't have to worry about any probelms going wrong with the experiment.\n\nThe driving laws focus on keeping the driver, passengers, and pedestrains safe. So instead of working on how the make the cars smarter the law cares more about the peoples safety. If any driver is injured during this experiment then, the person who would be hed responsible would be the manufacturer.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI support driverless cars for many reasons. The main reason is safety. Another reason I support these cars is because they will be smarter and better drivers than an average person. In the end, this could also end up saving many people a lot of money on gas. Driverless cars could be a bright future.\n\nIn order to get these cars to be legal and available for purchase and driving, the safety of people must be a sure thing. This means car manufactures will have to work hard to ensure that safety will not be a concern for the driver, other drivers, or anyone else. Technology has advanced to the point where computers know more that most of the general population, so taking the wheel out of the hands of the driver for about ninety percent of the time is actually a lot safer than leaving it in their hands.\n\nPeople tend to make many mistakes while driving, and that can cause problems. But letting a car drive itself could end up being the best idea ever. A car that knows where it's going will be less likely to make a mistake than a human driver. This could help to aviod accidents, accidently or purposely breaking the law, and other dangerous situations.\n\nThese cars also are suppose to save people money on gas, because it wouldn't use as much gas as cars do now. If it uses have the gas as cars do now, people won't to buy gas as often. That can save people money. Money is always a factor in every situation. The more you save, the better.\n\nIn conclusion, I support driverless cars. They can end up being safer than humans driving cars, they can be smarter, and they can use less gas. Driverless cars seem to have more ups than downs. I hope to see driverless cars become a big thing in the near future.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nYou should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program, because the Seagoing Cowboys program you take lots of trips, and you will be able to visit new countries and states. In the program you will take lots of cattle-boat trips. When you take trip you will be fed and watered. Seagoing Cowboys had to take care of animals in World War ll. That is a good thing to help animals when people are in war, so they don't die. You have to serve night watchman. When look was on the ship he almost went overboard, but a small strip of metal kept him from going overboard. That is the only thing i want like about being a Seagoing Cowboy. He was happy to be alive. but being on a ship when it's stormy, you can get cracked ribs or injured, because the ship was out of controll and it was very stormy. When you have return trips, you can have lots of fun when you are a Seagoing Cowboy. When you are done being a Seagoing Cowboy, it will make you aware of people needs in other countries. Awareness will stay with you, after you learn about people needs in other countries. That is why the Seagoing Cowboys program is a great program for everyone in this world.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCars are a very usable objects in the kind of society that we are living in today. But with great things comes bad things too. The limit of car usage in any places of the world would have an effect on every one . It could be good, it could be bad. But when it comes to the envirenment, limiting car usage can even help prevent certain problems that people don't realy pay attention to. Prolems like pollution and the government wasting money in highways for cars than trying to find safer ways for transportation.\n\nLike many factories, cars give out bad smoke from the pipe under the back of the car. When that smoke goes in the air and get mix with the air, it would create pollution. Now the pollution would create bigger\u00a0 problems like the rise of the greenhouse gas emission and\u00a0 it could also create global warming wich could lead to much worse stuff that I would not get into. All you have to know is that global warming could lead to the destruction of the earth.\n\nIn France, their government decided to enforce a driving ban to clear the air of the global city. Based on facts cited in source two, the city of paris was near-record pollution. On my personal experiances, I know what car smoke can do to people. One of my uncles died in Haiti because he inhale too much car smoke. It knind of messed up his lungs.\n\nPeople are suprisinly over the crisis of cars. But apperently the government deosn't realise that, since based on source 1 it stated \"80 percent of appropriations have by law gone to highways and only 20 percent to other transport. Bycicles are a much safer way to travel. Though cars are faster, but it is way easier to crash in cars, and bycicles does not release bad smoke that can culminate to pollution .", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn this essay I will be evaluating how well the auther support his idea of venus being worthy of pursuit even with all it's dangers. Throughout this passage, the author gave some details then countered his own details. I don't believe exploring venus is worth it from the acid rain to the dangerous surface levels. So i will be stating his details and then the counter claims he gave aswell.\n\nThe author started off explaining facts about venus in paragraph three stating how thick the atomsphere was, The temperature on the surafce, What type of ships can handle the trip, And the distance from the sun. He stated that the atmosphere is thick and 97 percent is carbon dioxide blankets. The text also stated that that the planets surface is about an average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit and the atmospheric pressure is 90 time greater. He also stated that the Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments such as erupting volcanoes, powerful earth quakes, and lighting strikes to probes seeking land on its surface.\n\nThe author also had gave an really good idea for sending humans to study Venus. The main issue with the trip is the surface temperature, So they counter that problem by staying above the surface. They want ot an vehicle float 30 miles above the landscape but another issue is that they would have limited sight. In the text they stated that rendering standerd forms of photo and videography would be ineffective, not to mention but they also won't be able to get any samples of rocks, gas, or anything else.\n\nIn the text, It stated NASA is still working on an idea for exploring venus with simplifed electronics made of silicon carbide. The electronics lasted three weeks in an simluation of what Venus's surface would be like. It was stated that another project is looking back at old technolgy that was used back in the 1940s ww2.\n\nIn conclusion I believe the author supported his claim through out the whole passage. He gave facts on how it would be an good planet to study aswell as how it was worth meeting the challenges presented by Venus. The text stated that Venus was our most Earth-like planet and still have some of those features today.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever wondered if the face on Mars was created by aliens? The face on Mars was not created by aliens it is a natural landform. Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team got a picture of the face that was good enough to see that the face had no alien monument.\n\nSome people think the face on Mars is created by aliens or think it's bona fide evidence of life on Mars. Scientist Michael Malin found out the right answer. That the face is a natural landform. The camera Michael and his team used was 10 times better than the one used to take the photo of the face in 1976. Jim Garvin, chief scientist for NASA's Mars Exploration Program says \"So, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!\" That quote shows how good the camera is.\n\nToday, people still belive it was aliens who made the face on Mars. But what they dont know is that its really just a landform, thanks to Michael Malin and his MOC team we now know the truth.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIs it possible that the face on Mars could have been created by aliens? Some people believe that the Face on Mars was formed by aliens; however,\n\nI do not believe that is possible. A few of the pictures taken of the Face on Mars were taken when it was cloudy,but that is the only information that suggests that aliens could have made the face. Many scientists have done extensive research on the Face on Mars, and they have found that it is nothing more than a natural landform in the shape of a face. If you believe aliens formed the face on Mars, then be prepared for multiple facts that go against that belief.\n\nNumerous scientists have studied the area in which the surreal face formation is located, and they have found various mesas. Martian mesas are common around Cydonia, the place in which you would find the face. Because of these facts, it is believed that the Face on Mars is just another Martian mesa that is coincidently shaped like a face. NASA even captioned one of the pictures saying \"Huge rock formation that was formed by shadows, giving the illusion of a face.\" This explanation makes a tremendous amount of sense more than aliens creating the face.\n\nAlthough quite a few people vehemetley express their opinions that the face is evidence of life on Mars, NASA says that they are not hiding any information about alien life. Why would NASA keep life on Mars a secret? If life was found on Mars, NASA would share the information because they would make a lot of money from it. They would make history if they had proof of life in Mars! Some defenders of NASA even wish that there was an ancient civilization on Mars. There is absolutely no way that NASA would turn down that amazing oppurtunity and keep the evidence to themselves.\n\nThe picture taken by Michael Malin is another reason to believe that the face was not an alien creation. He took a picture that was ten times sharper than the original Viking photos by using his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC). The picture taken on April 5, 1998, revealed that the Face on Mars is a natural landform. There was no reason to believe that the face was not natural, but some people still believed that aliensdid in fact make the formation. The tenacious scientists were still determined to find evidence to make everyone see the truth.\n\nApril 8, 2001, was a cloudless day in Cydonia, and Mars Global Surveyor was able to get close enough to the face to capture a extraordinary photo.\n\nThe picture was taken using the camera's maximum resolution. If there were objects in the picture near the face, you could have seen what the objects were. There was nothing unusual aroung the Face on Mars.\n\nThe picture shows a Martion equivalent to landforms common around the American West. It reminds some people of the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho, which is the same height as the Face on Mars. This evidence supports the idea that the giant, face-shaped formation is a natural landform, nothing more, nothing less. Aliens are not even proved to exist, let alone form a landform like this one.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nImagine, you are sitting in the class and there was a computer in the front of the classroom that can read the emotional expressions of each student. How would that make you feel? Trapped? Uncomfortable? According to the article, Professor Thomas Huang, of Beckman Institude of Advanced Science at the University of Illinois, and his colleague are developing a computer that can calculate emotions called Facial Action Coding System (FACS). The use of this in the classroom is not as valuable as it seem. Using this advanced technology could make the students feel uncomfortable in the class. It is also a waste of money for the school board to afford the computer for each class in the school. The computer is also not valuable because teachers would know how the students feel without the help of the computer, so there is not point.\n\nFirst and foremost, using this technology would just waste money for the school. Knowing the emotion of each student is not what the school's main focus is. Even if the computer helped read emotions, what is the use of that? The student's emotion is not going to change just because there is a technology telling them how they feel. Most teachers already know how the students feel. The school should instead use the money to make the school a better place for students. For example, they could increase the budget on after school activities or make better lunch for students.\n\nSecondly, having the Facial Action Coding System would just make students feel uncomfortable in classes. Students might be more focused on the techology that they were even more distracted than they were before. Having a technology that knows your emotion would also make the students feel isoloated and trapped in the classes. According to the article, the FACS on have six basic emotions. That means the technology would never be one hundred percent accurate. Some students might not even want to go to classes anymore because of the technology watching them during class.\n\nSome people might say that using the technology would be better at reconizing the students emotion , but they are wrong. A technology that is created by human being can never be smarter or better than a human. This tecnology only have six basic emotions, but there are so much more emotions that it can not recognize. In the article, it stated that we humans perform this same impressive \"calculation\" everyday. The use of this technology in classrooms are very little bacause teachers would be able to recognize more enotions that a technology could ever have. Teachers do not have to know if the student is 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted or 6 percent fearful,as long as the teacher know the basic emotion the student is feeling.\n\nIn conclusion, Using the Facial Action Coding Ststem in classroom is not as valuable as it seems. The computer can make the students feel uncomfortable and isolated. It is also a waste of money for the school. They can use the money for better and more useful things. It is also not valuable because teachers already know how the students feel. Even though the tecnology is not valauble to classrooms, it shows what we are capable of doing and what we can accomplish. This can open up to more better and useful inventions in the future.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nNew advancemnets are made everyday. And everyday, there is someone to question the achievements created in the 21st century. People argue about things as simple as the purpose of phones and now they have something bigger to argue about- driverless cars.\n\nDriverless cars can be viewed as a danger to society. With no one to control them, how safe can they really be? Google, BMW, and several other companiews have answered these insecurities by creating many developments. Google has created a car loaded with position-estimating sensors, rotating sensor on the roof, video camera mounted near the rerview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, an inertial motion sensor, as well as a spinning laser beam sensor (named LIDAR) which is attached to the roof of the car. All of these creations has helped the car mimic the skills of a human driver at the wheel.\n\nNot only are the cars installed with hundreds of safety features to insure there are no accidents, they also know their own limitations (something humans have a hard time doing sometimes). BMW anounced the development of \"Traffic Jam Assistant\" in 2013. These development helps the car steer, brake, and accelorate on its own, but in the event that they need human skills (to navigate construction roads or very busy traffic jams) it sends an alert to the driver. GM has created a seat that vibrates when a human needs to take over, and the Google car is programmed to simply announce when the driver should take the wheel.\n\nAs stated in the paragraph above, humans have a hard time knowing their limitations. Wether they drank to much or have not had a enough sleep, they still think it is okay to get behind the wheel of a car. This creates a dangerous situaiton for others as the person driving no longer has complete control over himself or the vehicle, and an accident is most likely to occur. This can be fixed with the drverless car. No matter what condition the human is in,\n\nthe car will always be under control. The same technology will still be there no matter what without fear of being under the influence or lack of sleep. It is a much safer option that of reckless humans.\n\nGoogle, BMW, GM, and many other companies have created advancements in order the achieve driverless cars. Everyday they install more features to make the cars more comfortbale, enviormentally friendly, and safer. As these achievments are being made, they seem like the safer alternative to that of humans who do not understand their limitations. Driverless cars should be a part of society.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear Senator PROPER_NAME,\n\nAs you are well aware, elections in the United States are of extreme importance. Therefore, it is vital to have the best system possible when electing officials. Maintaining the current system of Electoral College would be a fatal mistake to our country. We must elect canidates by poular vote alone.\n\nAccording to the articele\n\nThe Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong by Bradford Pulumer, \"At the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters. Beccause of the winner-take all system in each state, candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the \"swing\" states.\" Americans who are voting the the next president should have the right to hear what canidates have to say. They may be the only one in their state who is not a democrat, but shouln't their vote still be heard.\n\nThe article also states that, \"Perhaps most morrying is the prospect of a tie in the elctoral vote. In that case, the election would be thrown to the Houise of Representatives, where sate delegations vote on the president.\" Shouldn't the American people get to decide who their president is?! We fought a war so that we would be able to govern ourselves. If the House of Representatives are allowed to choose our president, then why did why fight the war againg Great Britain? It isn't right.\n\nThough the article\n\nIn Defense of the Electoral Collge: Five Reasons to keep our despised methos of choosing the President sates that \"it is entirely possible that the winner of the electoral vote will not be the winner of the popular vote. Yet that has happened very rarely.\" The opposition even admits that the President may not be who the nation wants as their leader. That should never happen.\n\nAs you see Senator, Electoral College must be abolished by any means neccessary. To keep such an unjust system goes against the very principle the America was founded on. \"We the people...\" It was not \"We the government...\" or \"We the rulers...\". How can we claim to be a nation of liberty when the citizend are unable to determine who their president should be.\n\nSincerely,\n\nPROPER_NAME", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe driverless car is not a good idea to put in motion. There could be alot of controversy over this advancement for cars. Importantly, they can put people out of jobs, can only do specific jobs and can be very costly.\n\nThere are alot of flaws in this advancement of technology. Some people think advancement in technology is always a good thing, but in some situations are not. As the technologly advances it puts more people out of jobs, replacing them. Just like the driverless driver would do to taxi drivers, chauffeurs, or etc. If the human driver is lucky they might get minium wage for contrling the car when it needs \"a human driver to take over.\"\n\nFurthermore, the driverless car can only do some things; they still need the assistance of a human. What is the human supposed to do while boredly waiting for their turn to take over the wheel? They supposed to remain alert at any given time, but its supposed to be an driverless car, which means it shouldn't need a human what so ever. What if the car connot get the driver's attention in time before crashing into something or somebody else's car?\n\nLastly, who fault is it if the driverless car does crash? The driverless car has sensors on it, but to get them check to see if they aren't faulty or replacing them may be very expensive. Putting someone's life in a techincal car could be risky and the lawsuits for a crash can have a high in range. They would cost way more than just to have a human driver do the job easily.\n\nIn conclusion, the driverless car should not be put in effect, they can people out of jobs, they can only do specific things and they can be very costly.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe use of the Facial Action Coding System is actually very valuable to a teacher because then the teacher could change it up a little when teaching so they could either make it more simpler to understand or more amussing to the children.\n\nIf a teacher could understand the emotions that the students are going through during a lesson then the teacher has an advantage of modifying his or her way of teaching the lesson. If a student is confused about something most of the time the student won't speak up because he or she is either too shy or scared to be laughed at by not understanding something like the rest, but if you had the technology that gives you a read on the kids emotions then you could help that kid understand rather than the kid getting left behind in confusion. In that case you'll have the kids understanding a lot more due to knowing if they are confused or not. Also maybe if the kid just isn't listening because something else is going on the teacher will be able to know and possibly be able to fix the situation by talking to the student.\n\nIn conclusion, It's an amazing idea and very valuable to have that kind of technology in a classroom to understand the kids a little better. Especially for the teacher so they can change some perspectives of the students that are confused during class.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLuke likes doing his job he thinks it is fun to do.\n\nHe can help people get into the job, because there are many things you can do in that job very fun things.\n\nYou can sail to all kinds of cool places, have fun playing and feeding the horses and other animals, you can also go swimming in the ocean for a while [but be careful not to get the salt water in your mouth], you can also sail all the great seas with your friends or your family.\n\nThere are other things you can do to.\n\nYou can help sail the boat.\n\nYou can also go fishing for fun that can feed you too.\n\nYou can make deals with people at the place you sailed to.\n\nSome of them may have things you never heard of.\n\nYou can meet really nice people.\n\nYou can have the time of your life at places.\n\nMaybe you like the place you sleep at when you at a countrie and you want to go there again.\n\nYou can maybe Tame animals at places that could be cool or not so cool for you.\n\nYou can find things you have never found it can be a great experience for you.\n\nThere are many things just do the job and you wil see.\n\nIt could not be good or it can Inchant you.\n\nYou can also make tons of money for you and your family.\n\nThose are many things you can do when you work at this job.\n\nAll you have to do is sign up you most likely have the job.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars dont even sound safe. Then don't ever sound useful if im being honest. Yeah it's something that we can make happen now a days but we can make flying cars a thing to.\n\nDriverless cars can cause many accidents if you really think about it the driver will take advantage of the car. He or she driving the car will think it's okay to not pay attention because the car will let it know when something is about to happen what if its too late and an accident happens. What if the driver is intoxicaded and doesn't pay attention to what the car is saying. What if the car starts to mess up and the driver looses control of the car. There is so many things that can go wrong with this espicially now there are so many things going on with texting and driving and drinking and driving. Imagine the accidents that can happen.\n\nWhat if the driver wakes up super early one day and are driving to work. They have the driverless car driving and they fall asleep because there not moving or doing anything simply because the car is driving itself you know how bad that accident can be? If you have a regular car that you control you will have to stay awake because you are the on moving it and controlling it but if you have the driverless car you arent really doing anything but trying to stay careful and paying attetention which can cause you to fall asleep. I don't see this has being safe what so ever so many things can go wrong so many people can get hurt. What if the driverless car messes up and they blame the driver and not the manufacturer many people would get angry.\n\nIf they really want this to happen there should be so many rules in the car. Some can be that every passanger has to have a seatbelt or the car won't move, the driver must have both hands on wheel the entire time the car is in motion. Not a single car can be to full. Loud alert signals when something is going to happen to aware the driver. A voice check to see who is driving etc.. It does sound appealing knowing you are going to get in a car and not have to drive it but me being safe and the others on the car are way more important then me being happy. I would rather be happy and safe and drive my own car then to depend on a car computer that can break down anyday.\n\nDriverless cars are just not something that sounds safe what so ever. If you have someone driving for you then whats the point of learning how to drive learning how to park taking your time studying and preparing for the test all of that will be useless if you have a car that drives on its own most of the time. You know how many teenagers are going to try to take there parents driverless car just because it drives on its own and they know they won't get pulled over because the car is driving perfect. Many people are going to think its okay to be on drugs and intoxicaded because they wont have to worry about there driving.\n\nThis is just not well what so ever. There so many things wrong with this idea it can cause many problems. Many people are going to take advantage of the car. There's some people that are responsible but theres also many people that aren't.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the story \"A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves\" Luke joins the Seagoing Cowboy program.\n\nIn this story it talks about what Luke does on his journey so, this is what were are going to talk about.\n\nIn paragraph 1 it says Luke's friend Don Reist invited Luke to go with him to the Seagoing Cowboy program and Luke did not turn the offer down because that was an opportunity of a lifetime.\n\nIn paragraph 4 it said that\n\nLuke turned 18 before arriving in Greece, which ment he could be drafted for military service.\n\n\"When my drafy board learned that I was on a cattle-boat trip, they told me to just keep doing that for my service.\"\n\nBy the time he was discharged in 1947, Luke made nine trips-the most of any Seagoing Cowboy.\n\nIn paragraph 5 there were some reasons he should join the Seagoing Cowboys, and it said \"The cattle-boat trips were an unbelievable opportunity for a small-town boy,\" he says.\n\n\"Besides helping people, I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China.\n\nBut seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special,\"\n\nhe says. \"So was taking a Gondala ride in Venice, Italy, a city with streets of water.\"\n\nLuke also toured an excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on his way to China.\n\nIn paragraph 7 the way Luke's claim supported the outcome of the story.\n\nHelping out on his aunt Katie's farm as a boy had prepared Luke for hard work, but not for the dangers at sea.\n\nOn his second trip, Luke served as night watchman.\n\nHis job was to check on all the animals every hour.\n\nOne rainy night, after making his hourly report to the captain, he slid down a slippery ladder on his backside.\n\nLuke's heart raced as he shot feet first toward an opening on the side of the ship.\n\nA small strip of metal along the edge stopped his slide, keeping him from flying overboard into the dark Atlantic.\n\nHe was happy to be alive.\n\nBut he could not work for a couple days because of cracked ribs.\n\nMy conclusion of the story is in paragraph 9 when it says, But being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than an adventure for Luke Bomberger.\n\nIt opened up the world to him.\n\n\"I am grateful for the opportunity,\" he says.\n\n\"It made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs.\"\n\nAnd that awareness stayed with him, leading his family to host a number of international students and exchange visitors for many years.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIt was not aliens! \"The Face on Mars\" was not made by aliens. It is a natural landform. It is a Martian messa. The messa was revealed to the public as an attraction to gain peoples interset in Mars not to assure proof of aliens. It could not have been created by aliens because it is a natural landform like any other massive landforms on Earth. Also it was revealed to the public to be an attraction.\n\nThe messa: \"The Face on Mars\" was discovered in 1976 by a voyager named Viking. The messa was revealed to the public a few days later. The authors reasoned it would draw attention to Mars. The reasoning for revealing the messa proves it was not created by aliens it is a natural landform. Things like the Appilation Mountains were not created but are natural landforms. the same thing goes for \"The Face on Mars,\" it wasnt created by aliens but is a natural landform.\n\nIn conclusion the messa was not created by aliens. The Face on Mars is a natural land mass. Just like landforms on Earth the messa on Mars was not made but is a natural landform. Also the messa was revealed to the public to draw attention to Mars not to assure alien life. These reasons are just two of the many that prove why \"The Face on Mars\" is a natural landform and not made by aliens.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI feel like the development of driverless cars are dangerous. Driveless cars are not promised to not malfuntion and get in an accident. Also the difficulty of making laws to fit driveless cars would cause a major problem. It will cause a big universal issue if driverless cars develop legally on the road.\n\nOne issue with having a developed driveless car is the risk of the car malfuntioning and getting in an accident. Who is there to blame if the car malfuntions and kills someone ? Neither the person driving the car or the company would want to take the blame. There isn't going to be a law that helps both driver and company .\n\nAnother issue is the risk of getting trafic tickets. Who is to blame if the car speeds or runs a red light ? A car with that much power could seriously hurt someone . There are possibilties of people falling asleep in front of the wheel and not being able to take control if something happens because they believe the driveless car is safe. Having a driveless car does not eliminate the risk of another careless driver smashing into them. It is a dangerous idea to have a driveless car.\n\nWith saying all of that , i believe the idea of developing driveless cars is a mistake. There are enough problems on the road , adding driveless cars would just add more issues. The risk of accidents happening because of driveless cars is a disaster waiting to happen. The world will enventually be ruined because of advanced technology.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVisiting a different planet would be nice. Exploring different places would be nice. I think there should be another planet or another place to visit and get out of this boring place we are at right now. I think that we should explore new places and not just stay where we are at now. That is boring just staying in once place without traveling. So I think that scientists should figure out something about Venus, that way we can all travel to a different place.\n\nDoing research on another planet would be great. I think we would all figure out something to do and not just do nothing. Venus could be a great one to study and acknowledge. You can figure out so many things in Venus. It would not be much of a difference from earth because the Earth, Venus, and Mars are like neighbors. The only difference is that the speeds are different and that means that we are sometimes closer to Mars and other times Venus. So if scientists or people from the NASA go visit Venus and try to see how it is and how it works, we would be able to find a solution to visit that planet.\n\nThe reason why nobody has landed on Venus in more than 3 decades is because they can not last more than a few hours. That is why no one can go land on their planet. Humans can not go on it which makes that difficult for the planet to be researched and touched. There is a thick atmosphere of almost 97% carbon dioxide that covers Venus up. Also something more challenging is that Venus clouds are highly corrosive sulfuric acid in the atmosphere. Something else is that their temperatures average is over 800 degrees fahrenheit and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we expierence on our own planet. So therefore, Venus is the hottest planet even though Mercury is closer to the sun. Venus also has erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning. All that makes it hard for spaceships to land.\n\nA good reason why scientists want to research Venus is because once it was like Earth planet. Venus once was covered by oceans and could have support living life just like we have today in Earth. Today, it still has a few living lifes that we know on our own planet. Venus has a rocky surface and also includes features like valleys, mountians, and craters. Scientists might make a trip safe going back and forth from Venus, but as in right now they are making better inventions to go travel around and make it safe. They might take a chance and get their safe.\n\nIn conclusion, I think scientists should make very better inventions to get other to Venus so they can do more research. I would like them to announce how they can make Venus into another planet like ours they we live in right now. I think it would be good to make this a research and then make more good assumptions on how we can make Venus work.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nFirst, the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents because Venus is the second planet from the sun. Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system. Venus can have a lot of dangers, since it's closer to the sun and the sun is really hot all 365 days a year. Venus is never going to be like Earth, it has all four types of weather all year around and Venus has only dangerous weathers all year around.\n\nSecondly, a piece of evidence that supports my claim is in paragraph 3 it says, \" A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. \" That piece of evidence shows that Venus has a lot of chemicals in their air pollution and that's why barely any people go visit the planet. Next, another piece of evidence that supports my claim is in paragraph 3 it says, \" On the planet's surface, temperature average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmosphere pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. \" That piece of evidence shows that Venus is a very hot planet since it close to the sun too, that means of one day you would go to Venus you would have to drink a lot of water to stay hydrated. Lastly, a piece of evidence that supports my claim in paragraph 3 it says, \" Beyond high pressure and heat, Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments liking erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lighting strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface. \" That piece of evidence shows that Venus can have any type of weather every sinlge day that is different acorrding to the temperature.\n\nIn conclusion, that's why I think the author suggests that studying Venus is worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The conditions in Venus are too extreme for humans to handle. People that would go to Venus probably would only last maybe a day. The next day they would want to go back to Earth and never come back to Venus again.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear Senator\n\nI have been burdened with the fact that our nation's president is not decided by us but rather by a slate of electors who we vote for. I sincerely feel this is unfair to the people of the U.S.There are many reasons to be against this its hard to choose, but I'll give you my three best ones. The slate of electors could change their political views, the decision for our president is not decided by us instead\u00a0by other people and their views ,but most of all its unfair to most states because the candidates only worry about the swing states.\n\nTo begin with the slate of electors we choose could change their political views. In the world we live in nothing is certain so if we choose a slate of electors whats stoping them from changeing their view on politics. This problem makes it harder to choose a slate of electors because you are putting your trust in them to represent you, and they can change their views. However if\u00a0the people got to decide their views would be represented by themselves so at least they know their vote counts and it wont be changed. This also takes away the worry of their vote changeing because they themselves voted. And this in the end will give you the president that most people need. So this is one potent reason to abolish the electoral college.\n\nMoreover the president being decided by thers and their views\u00a0is another significant reason to end the electoral college. This country was made to be a nation made by the people,for the people,and by the people.\n\nSo if our vote is decided by others that aspect is destroyed. Also if there is a tie in the electoral college the house of representatives decides who is president. The decision will be made by the house of representatives views on politics so you are giving them more power than the people. So the electoral college should be destroyed and the people should decide the outcome. This will let the voice of the people to be heard.\n\nLast but not least most states wont ever even see the candidates \u00a0because they mainly focus on the swing sates. This means that most states wont see the candidates. And if the electoral college is abolished people wont feel left out and they will know that their vote mattered. This will make people feel like their still part of the nation and that their not left out. Also the candidates foccusing on the swing states truly isn't fair to the states with little votes in the college. And that is why the electoral college should be destroyed. And then after this is done the non swing states will feel important.\n\nTo conclude\u00a0I sincerely feel the electoral\u00a0is unfair to the people of the U.S. There are many reasons to be against this it was\u00a0\u00a0hard to choose, but I\u00a0gave you my three best ones. The slate of electors could change their political views, the decision for our president is not decided by us instead\u00a0by other people and their views ,but most of all its unfair to most states because the candidates only worry about the swing states.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPeople have been dreaming of driverless cars for a long time now. Not having to do anything but sit there and relax, but is it always safe? Just because there is enchanced technology that makes people lives easier, that doesn't always necessariy mean it's safe. There are positives and negatives having driverless cars. Driverless cars would be a great pleasure to have. Just remember it does have it's downsides.\n\nDriverless cars would make majority of people's dreams come true. Not only will people not have to drive as much anymore but it also makes their lives a whole lot easier. A lot of people are probably wondering how they could possibly just sit there in their car doing nothing as this car takes them to their destination. In paragraph 2, Google studies show, \"They still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as navigating through roadwork or accidents.\" The driver is still aware of everything that the car is doing. It alerts them to let them know what is going on and keeps the driver aware of their surroundings better than the driver do alone. If something does happen the driver always has the choice to take over or not.\n\nDriverless cars use sensors to help the vehicle move and prevent accidents. With technological sensors, the car would have better view on the road rather than the driver itself. Their sensors are so enhanced that it replicates the human skill of driver. Some cars now actually use sensors to hep the driver. As stated in paragraph 4, \"Google's modified Tayota Prius uses position-estimating\n\nsensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and a inertial motion sensor.\" All these sensors to keep the car and passagers safe. The more sensors there are the more alert the car is from any danger. This helps the car see more than the human ability of seeing.\n\nThe idea of driverless cars seems so well to not have a downside. There is always a catch when it comes to things like these. Sensors and alerts on a car may seem helpful but what happens if something goes wrong and that person gets into an accident? Technology isn't always perfect. There are glitches and with glitches things could go terribly wrong. In paragraph 9 it states that, \"New laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident. If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-the driver or the manufacturer?\" There is a really good chance that this could happen. Are people really going to risk this?\n\nThere are pros and cons to having driverless cars. It could either make people's lives easier or risk it. It all depends on the person whether they are going to get the car or not. Even though driverless cars will help an individual, it could also go wrong.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nTechnology has come a long way to create a Facial Action Coding System. This system can make it easier for a lot of people to figure out what emotions people are feeling. Putting this technology in schools would make it easier for teacher to understand how students are feeling about their lessons. The Facial Coding System would be a great idea to put on school computers to find out what the students are feeling.\n\nMaking technology like this is very advanced and clever. Many students want to be nice to their teacher when they ask if they like the lessons. Putting this technology while they are teaching the lessons would be a good idea for how the students actually feel. There would probably be some cons with this technology though. The students could be thinking of something else or being distracted while it is scanning their face. making the scan inaccurate because they're not reacting to the teache they are reacting to something that happened earlier that day or soemthing else on their computer. Although the technology would have a lot of pros. Scanning their faces when they are paying attention could be very helpful. Teacher could learn to make their lessons more interesting with this technology. Knowing if the student are happy during a lessing could make the teacher do more of what she was doing. Also using this technology could help teachers understand if their students aren't feeling well during their class period. This could be helpful for teacher because pople never want accidents in the classroom. Using this technology could helo teacher recognizze when students are nervouse or anxious to help them calm down and be more relaxed in the classroom.\n\nThe Facial Action Coding System is a great new tool for teacher to use in the classroom. Teachers always need new ideas for teaching new information to a classroom. Using this technology would make it a lot easier to understand the students. Teachers often forget about the feelings of their students. This is a great reminder of the information that they're giving their student is important for the students to understand and comprehend. Reading students' expressions would be a great idea for the classroom.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus is a very questionable topic because the heat , no sunlight and the amount of radiation and phisical thickness of heat in venus. In my opinion venus is very very dangerous to live on because its so hot and the amount of energy is not so good for humans and there health. Venus the following desribes how the autor feels about Venus and how i feel about venus .\n\nVenus is very dangerous and questionable place that in my opinion the amout of heat could be very harmful to our skin the author thinks that its a good idea to live on venus well i beg to differ because people on earth already get sunburnt just from a little bit of sun at the beach. Or at a swimming pool .Just think of how many hospital visits venus would have .Hang on there isnt anything on venus but heat and radiation and dry air there isnt any hospitals .Well thats another concern there as well as the heat and radiation that are bad for humans .\n\nThe author suggests that humans should go to Venus because there might have been life on venus because its earths twin. Also he says \"If we could get more research about venus than we might have a strong possibility\". Also now days everone has a cell phone or some type of device thats electronic well it says in the pasage that \"Just imagine exposing a cell such as a phone or a tablet to acid or heat on venus capable of melting tin\". That there alone is a problem because kids teens adults act like they cant live without any celluar devices whenever a techer takes it from a student at school they argue throw temer tantrums yell scream etc. Just imagine going to venus and hearing all the complaining fromthose teens and kids and infants crying because they cant have there leap frog game or there tablet full of cool games and stuff on it .\n\nAll i'm trying to say is venus is not a good place because people get tired of summer and want to have winter or fall just something a lot cooler than the hottness all the time .There goes another complaint the phones and the heat wow I would get irratated after a while of complaining .\n\nIn conclusion, venus is going to be fun and exiting to most people until they are there all the time and think about all the heat resisting clothes and shoes headbands etc. We'll haft to wear 24/7 speaking of 24/7 is the time still the same will it be difficult for people on earth to find out and live on venus with the time change . All i'm trying to say is that there are some people who are going to agree then when they get there and feel the hotness and the radiation and see there phones, tablets, leap frogs , etc. all melt away in the heat and radiation 9 times out of 10 there going to want to go back to earth . Also a lot of people dislike and sometimes people hate change . A new phone from a android to a iphone is little but moving to another planet that's huge .", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe article of \"Driverless Cars Are Coming\" gives some positive and negative situations on the driverless cars. In my opionion I would be most certainly against the driverless car. The driverless cars maybe a new cool car but there's just a lot of bad things that can come out wrong with these new kind of cars. The driverless cars are not the most important car to invent in my opinion. A lot of safety is at risks with thesekind of cars. The sensors with these cars are very imporatnt and what if they all broke? The cars would be useless. If a car isn't safe by law it can not be used and the driverless cars have no safety concepts about them at all.\n\nFor instant saftey. The sensors , are the most important object in the car especially the roof sensor. What if the roof top sensor completly just stop working, there would be nothing anyone could do. If any of the senors went out on iany driverless cars the owner couldn't even use his/her car. The driverless cars could also shout down at anytime out of nowhere and there would be nothing to do for it. These driveless cars can also take off on there own when the driver isn't even ready to start to take off and go. Companies are just making these cars becuase they think that they are cool and that some peolpe out in the world are thinking that there cool too. They also know that they can get lot's of big money of these driverless cars. Driverless cars should not go pass the law where it says that \"traffic laws are written with assumption that only safe cars has a human driver in control at all times.\" Driverless cars are not safe at all and a human diver isn't in control of the car, the car is doing it all on its on. \"If the technology fails and someone is uinjuried, who is at fault ... the driver or the manufacturer?\"\n\nAutomakers swear that they are \"continuing their work on the assumption that the problems ahead will be solved.\" But when really will all of these problems with the driverless cars will be all the way solved? The driverless cars are at risk. Even the own automarkers do not know what all the driverless cars are capble of.\n\nManufactors just want too bring \"entertainment\" to the people. When all fails with the driverless cars states and compines are going to start to get sued from these cars. Then these manufactors and automakers want think that the driverless cars are all that cool anymore.\n\nDriverless cars are very expenice. Are these companies going to keep the driverless cars coming if there wasn't any money made of them? Know one is even for sure that anyone evens wants a driverless car. Most people that are drivers say that they like the control of driving that there the power of the car. To have a car doing just about everything in the car wouldn't that kind of be a little scary don't you think? Dangerous situations can happen from the driverless cars. They may think they have gotten everything figured but no one truly will.\n\nI'm really against the driverless cars because I just believe that something is just going to go wrong with the car. With all the sensors having to be used. \"The combination of all this input is necessary for the driverless car to mimic the skill of a human at the wheel?\" What's it's purpose? Humans have the reason to drive and learn on how to drive so, what's the point to take it away? Driverless cars are just something else in this world people are trying to make up for the \"furture\" and to get BIG money off of people. Against driverless cars is the smarter way to go these cars have the control and with all the control of a car you'll never know what's it about to do. Car accindentscould possible go up from the driverless cars. Theirs already to many people dying in this world there doesn't need to be anymore from the driverless cars.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn my opinion the use of Facisl Action Coding System is not valuable on a classroom because that is something dumb to do or have in a classroom.\n\nA teacher can tell when a student is boring or when he is not paying attention the student might feel embarrased if he gets to take that test becuase, it will be in front of everyone, I think having that in a classroom will be useless but maybe for some students it will be cool getting their faces read by a computer program.\n\nThe story in paragraph 8 says \"faces don't lie\" and that is true we can fake a smile but not everyday, when we're tired we can't fake that we're not tired our eyes will be slow and we are not wide awake, when we're mad people easly notice it but what im trying to say is that having this technology to read the facial expressions of students in a classroom is really unessesary because our faces don't lie and it will be cool not going to lie but i don't really see the benefits of doing that, is worthless we wont be getting to know or learn from it but students will probably had fun with it and having fun is good in class beacause we get to take a break from school work.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCars are going out of style. In Vauban, Germany, cars are not owned, save the occasional one that can be afforded; Paris,France banned certain cars from driving certain days; Bogota, Columbia has a car-free day; and America is seeing a decrease in their car sales. The reason behind it: smog and greenhouse gas emmissions. The reduction of car use has helped these things immensely in more ways than one.\n\n\"Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emmissions in Europe...and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States,\" says experts in Elisabeth Rosenthal's\n\n\"In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars.\"\n\nEurope, the United States and other places are starting a movement called \"smart planning.\" It is a plan to seperate suburban life from auto useage. There has been efforts these past two decades to make cities better suited for walking. In Vauban, 70 percent of families do not even own cars, they walk everywhere. It is similar in Bogota, where the people ride bikes and hike to work whether it is in the shining sun or in the downpour of rain. Even here in America, driving has decreased. In 2013, studies show that the numbers of miles driven was nearly equal to the numbers from 1995. The percentage of people under the age of 40 getting their license has dropped 23 percent between the years 2001 and 2009 according to Rosenthal's article\n\n\"The End of Car Culture.\"\n\nLast year, Paris had to enforce a ban to clear the smog from the city; many people got fined for ignoring it. Five days after enacting the ban, congestion went down 60 percent. In Bogota, less streets were being built while more and more sidewalks and bicycle paths (118 miles worth) were under construction. President Barak Obama has made plans to cease the greenhouse emmissions and, with the recent changes in transportation use, his plans could work. As stated in Rosenthal's first article \"The Environmental Protection Agency is promoting 'car reduced' communities and legislators are starting to act.\" It is predicted that public transportation will become much more popular in the next few years.\n\nCars have polluted so many areas of our world and at this point of time, our world is changing. Less car useage means more money that is not being spent on gas and less pollution to our environment. The executive chairman of Ford Motor Company has a business plan to create cities where \"pedestrian, bicycle, private cars, commercial and public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve resources, lower emissions and improve safety.\" It is beneficial to our new world that it stays intact for the future generations to come.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPeople are planning to make driverless cars thanks to thee technology we now have. However, how are you going to teach your children how to drive when these cars come out? How are they going to get their license if they don't know how to drive? Lets not forget that technology can also malfunction at any time.\n\nPeople have been talking about creating driverless cars and have those be the cars of the future. Right now there are many teenagers learning how to drive. They want to be able to pass the test to get their permit/license. If the cars were to come in now, there would be no point in teaching them how to drive if the cars do it for them. There is a small point while driving where the driver actually has to drive themselves, but that would be hardly ever depending on the situation.\n\nMoney is also another situation on our hands. These cars aren't just made of scrap. They need the high-end technology that the car would need in order for the dream to be accomplished. That technology comes with a price. It stated in the story that there was a device named Radar that was placed on a hilltop that cost two hundred million dollars itself. That's more than buying a single car that is set and ready for you to buy yourself.\n\nThe technology used might be high-end, but it also isn't perfect. There can be a malfunction at any time with the sensors and everything that's mentioned in the text. Technology isn't always a reliable source for everyone. There can always be a glitch, and everything blows over. What would happen if the car were to malfunction, and that was to cause an accident? That definitely wouldn't be a good thing.\n\nThese are a few reasons as to describe my position as against driverless cars. People wouldn't be able to learn how to properly drive a car, money doesn't grow from trees in order to help create these cars, and technology isn't our best source when anything can happen to it. Although it may seem cool to have those cars come in the future, not everything is as it seems.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDid you know that 75% of people believe that aliens exist? I don't think aliens exist because if they did space scientist would have reported it back in 2001 instead of waiting to tell us now. I also don't believe that there we're an alien face on planet Mar's, and that aliens exist.\n\nI think if aliens did exist it would have been discovered\n\nalong time back when they seen it in 1998 and its 2016.And if aliens existed we would've had so many horror events going on out of space.\n\nAnd i really don't believe that there we're an alien face on planet mars. if there we're a alien face on the planet mars how come they didn't say any thing just then when they we're making mars or either pluto an dorf planet?\n\nSo that's why i belive that there were not any faces on mars i think that was just something for them to say about the space planets, and that aliens doesn't exist. I'm sorry if every one else thinks that but if u ask some one who doesnt study space i think that they'll tell you they dont think aliens exist.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe human body is a complex network of muscles, bones, and organs to create one functioning person. These muscles, bones, and organs create diverse emotion whether it is through the face or through the body. The emotions help express themselves to others in order to relay their feelings to events or surroundings. A technology able to read a vast amount of emotions and help indicate their feelings would be incredibly beneficial to society as it would make understanding each other easier. This could help students in the long run by helping the school or instructor understand what interests them and what disinterests them by knowing their feelings to the emotions they convey.\n\nThe problem in schools around the country is the struggle to encapsulate a student's interest and maintaining it for numerous years. A technology that can help lead students in the correct direction, from the first day they step into a school, can lead to a more productive society. As Dr. Huang puts it, \"Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication,' notes Dr. Huang. 'So computers need to understand that, too.\" (D'Alto.) If we can use this technology, we will be able to put the expressions and emotions into words and percentages. This removes the barrier of people struggling to understand each other. This technology will pave the way to a brighter and more efficient world by making people interested and happy to do what they do from the first day.\n\nTechnology is the way of tomorrow and will help create a better world. A technology that helps understand human emotion consistently will be the next big advancement for communication and language. A student needs to be understood in order for he or she to understand. A program that can easily make that happen in a few seconds as opposed to several years can help everyone enjoy what they do a little more.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author suggests that studying Venus is a worthly persuit despite the dangers it presents because Venus has been hard for scientists to study the planet and been hard for them to get sample and landed spacecraft on Venus.\n\nIt has been difficult for scientists to land spacecraft on Venus because most of them would stop working. In the text it state \"Since no spacecraft survived the landingfor more than a few hours. Maybe this issue explains why not a single spaceship has touch down on Venus in more then three decades.\"(3). These quote is important because it explain why it has been difficult for a single spacecraft to touch the ground\n\nbecause they doesn't last long and stop working.\n\nThe atmosphere in Venus is way different\n\nthen earth and that can cause problem for people to lne there.In the text it state \" A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus.Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid on Venus's atmosphere\"(3). This quote is important because it explain that there are many danger to study the planet with it highy corrosive sulfuric acid which would cause problems.\n\nThe comditions on the planet may cause it to be a danger for a person or a spacecraft to be there.In the text it state \" Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lighting strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface (3). This quote is important because it gives reasons why the planet has so many dangerous thing happening and diffcult for someone to be there and study it, like erupting volcanoes, earthquakes and lighting all ways striking.\n\nIn conclusion, Studying Venus is a wrothy pursuit despite the danger its presents because the planet has many conditions which would be hard for someone or a spacecraft to vist there and landed there, but would be a worthly pursuit to be able to land there with out any problems.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAs a nation wide situation, cars are a main factor of what causes pollution. Limiting car usage helps to make the enviorment we live in better. With the fact of owning a car can be stressful,and the precent rates of car traffic and car purchase has decreased, people have commited to a automoblie free zone.\n\nIf in a perseptive of a mother or father, you would prefer for your child to stay inside and not play close to the road because of the slight chance they could be physical hurt by a car. According to Source 1 Heidrum Walter was always tense when owning a car and now living in a city where cars are very limited she is happy. As a citizen in Vauban; where giving up cars is normal, some don't want to. To own a car you must only have the option to park in to places. One is in a large garage at the outskirts of the development and or a house you have to purchase inn order for you to use the parking space. As the limiting of car usage, it would be a lot easier to walk from point A to point B instead of being abnormal and driving further to park. A average amount for a house to citizens that own a automoblie is fourty thousands dollars. It would much cheaper to walk,bike, run, or even skate to a destination.\n\nIn Bogota, Colombia it has become a trend to banned cars for one day out of the year. As people enjoy the car free day, they bike, walk, hike or took buses on the rainy day. Rain could not stop the passionate feelings against cars on that day. Many agreed that for just one day the air they walk everyday was different. Not only in Bogota and many other Colombian cities, Paris has joined in on the trend. Many were happy to see no car traffic on the busiest streets in Paris. As before the car banning, the air was horrible and rivaled against the world's most polluted city; Beijing. After the participation of car banning, the smog cleared up enough for the city to continued as before. It has been stated that less people are now involved and well known to a life without a car. People in a range of 16 and 39 dont even bother to get a driver's license because of the droping rates of owning a car. It can be expensive but also dangerous. With limiting car usage people just phone a friend and catch a ride or public transportation. Later on when people have the need fora car, like when having children, working, etc. it will be cheaper and easier to get a car since compaines want you to have one becuase of the lower rates and money not coming in from years before yourself.\n\nAdvantages comes with disadvantages as well. Limiting Car Usage comes with a change in enviorment, a better feeling in safety, decreasing in Congestion,and a future that you can see happening for yourself.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus could present a new ground on which to lay ideas and should be taken into more consideration in our spacial explorations. As quoted from the article, \"Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation.\" - \"The chalenge of eploring venis.\"\n\nSelling ourselfs short on the idea of researching venus and its potential gain will never allow us to advance. Furthermore the information gather could provide insight on the distruction of our so called \"sister planet\" which was once thought to be able to carry orginisms of life. The various rock formations such as mountains, valleys, and volcanoes can also prove that restoration may be possible. What we need is a push a way to udilize our limitation and to research which the aurhtor of the article does a great idea of explaining.\n\nHe states that using a ship floating above the surface at a safe heght; would allow for the dangers to be minimized. The only problem would be that the clouds block the view from even our most advanced of cameras.\n\nAlthough as stated in paragraph 8 \"...human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors.\" in which we believe we can surpass and exceed.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCars, they're one of the most important means of transportations, varing from busses down to smart cars. The more cars being bought and used, the more pollution it makes. Researchers are saying that cars, their dense amount of smog being created, are damaging the Earth. Logically, it would be easier to say that limiting the amount of vehicles being used would allow for a cleaner city or town.\n\nLimiting car usage in the past and present already shows a positive feed back upon the community. There has been cities dedicated to create a car-free city. An example would be in Vauban, Germany. There the city runs purely on no car usage and showed to be much cleaner, safer, and easier to navigate around in. It says in the first passage how the city is \"...better for walking...\" and that it is \"...more compact and more accessible to public transportation...\" In other areas, where car usage is an everyday expense, they have started to enforce driving bans to reduce pollution in the area. In Paris, they almost reached near-record pollution which reduced greatly ever since the ban. They limited the use of cars has cleaned the air and their \"congestion\" was down 60 percent allowing getting around easier. Although having car free cities and bans, others thing differently.\n\nOthers, whom oppose the idea of limiting cars use, has done research to show that it isn't necessary to limit car usage. They state that in America \"Americans are buying fewer and fewer cars\" They claim that the drop of perchasing and that the usage of cars is dropping to the point where pollution won't raise up anymore. In source 4, it states \"If the patterns persists it will have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the envrionment\" It also states that people will \"find less reason to resume the habit\"\n\nAlthough some advantages are seen in the opposing ideas, it still would not be enough. The passage focuses to much in one area instead of looking around. Limiting car usage would asist around the world proving to be much efficient. There are programs that are created to reduce the usage of cars for one day, which showed to be a success. In source 3 it shows how 118 miles of bicycel paths has been created since the day. Also shows how the day cut trafic and allowed for constructions of new buildings to be much easier to do. People started to go outside to the point where \"The rain hasn't stopped people from participating,\" said Bogota.\n\nThe advantages of car limitations has shown to be much more efficient and benificial towards cities and towns which participated in it. The advantages are that it made the town more productive, cleaner, efficient, and better to walk around in. Car limitations has proven to be an outstanding practice to be used around the world.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nYes, there is a Face on Mars and some people say The Face was created by aliens, but that statement is not true aliens did not created The Face. In fact it is just a natural landform. This landform was actually a lava dome that just got shaped funny when the lava got hard enough to stay the same for the rest of time, unless something happened really bad on Mars. We can state the fact that aliens did not build The Face because we have used the best camera and seen that there is no evindence that aliens build The Face. It is just like something we would see on earth it just happened naturally like how the Grand Canyon got on earth no human or alien built the Grand Canyon. It is just a natural thing that had happened just like The Face on Mars. In the picture that\n\nNASA took has been zoomed into and the zoom would have picked up anything that was on the ground and there was not anything that showed that aliens or anything had build The Face there was absolutly nothing around the face that the aliens could have even used to build The Face out of. Therefore The Face was in fact not build by aliens. The Face is just a natural appering thing on Mars and there is no sign of anyone or anything building The Face on Mars excepcially not aliens.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe positive I think about driverless cars it awsome. Becuase who wouldn't want to enjoy that drives by itself. The author says that the driverless cars wouldn't prevent car accedents. It would be awsome to drive one of the driverless cars to work, home, store etc. all day and all night. I would go on dates with that car and to surprise her to go to prom, etc. The passage says that when you are on a traffic jam that it would lead you out so you can get on time wherever you going like job interview, doctors appointment, picking up kids from daycare or school, or even at a job meeting. When the driver is driving the car looks at them by a camara to see if the driver is well consitrating on the road, more likely a carsitter looking out to the diver on the road every time. Cars makers of Audi, Nissan, and Mercedes-Benz by 2020 they will make their cars driverless and with sensors to worn the drive when they are getting in danger so that the driver get back in focus on the roadwhile driving.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe articles explain that the limited use of cars or automobiles is to our advantage. Two reasons that support this theory is that one you won't have to stress about buying a car and making sure everyone has one, and second you will help to protect the environment from the harmful gases of automobiles.\n\nThe limitation on cars may have its advanatges because, among the billions of people on this earth many of them own cars. Many vehicles give off harmful pollution gases to the environment and can cause many endangering problems to people as well. Evidence from source 2: \"Paris bans driving due to smog\" can support the following... \"After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a parial driving ban to clear the air of the global city.\" This evidnce supports the fact that there was enough smog in the air that led to the prohibition of cars for a limited time. This is to the people's advantage because they were now able to breathe fresh air instead of smog. Another piece of evidence also comes from source 2: \"Paris bans driving due to smog\" \"Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after five days of intensyfying smog...[The smog] rivaled with Beijing, China, which is known as one of the most polluted cities in the world.\" This evidence shows that smog causes pollution which is harmful in many ways. It also shows just how much of a difference just five days of limitation on vehicles can help reduce pollution. So the sooner people can see what banning cars can do to their health and well-being then maybe they will see what the love and cherish so much, can actually be hurting them.\n\nCar limitations may be the best thing yet for America and other places in the world. By banning cars we could reduce a lot of stress and the worry about the payments and supplying the vehicle with gas. Evidence that can support this comes from source 4: \" The End of Car Culture\"\u00a0 \"the number of miles driven per person was nearly 9 percent below the peak and equal to where the country was in January 1995....recession, because cash strapped Americans could not afford new cars, and the unemployed weren't going to work anyway.\" This explains that many Americans cannot even afford cars. So they go about their days just fine taking public transportation or receivin rides from friends. So by banning cars we could actually reduce the stress of not having a car or making the payments on them... plus we would have better health. Out of the estimated 7 billion people on this earth, it is not guranteed that all of them around the ages of 15 and above are equipped with a a vehicel of their own. Evidence from Source 4: \"The End of Car Culture\" can support the following \" What most intrigues me is the rates of car ownership per househols and per person started to come down two to three years before the downturn,\" Thi just goes to show you that not only are cars bad for the enviornment and people's health but, they are bad financially for people to maintain and keep up. The automobile is what changed America back in the day. But it is causing some damae to us now.\n\nCar limitations have some advanatges that are probably very beneifcial to us. We may think that cars are our only way of transportaion and that you need them to survive but, that is not necessarily true. Cars are great but up to a certain extent.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author does not support his idea well. In \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus.\" the author never really gives us a good reason to explore and investigate Venus. The author mainly supports his idea with the fact that Venus may have been like Earth a long time ago, but it is not really necessary to learn about Venus.\n\nIn the article, \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus.\" the author supports his idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents by comparing it to Earth and how it has many Earth-like features, \"Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth\" paragraph 4. And even though this may have been true this is not nessacary. If we do somehow figure out a way to study Venus, what would we do with that information, it's just useless information.\n\nThe author gives us some information about Venus in paragraph 3, \"temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet.\" from this description we know that Venus has extreme conditions, and that it is inhospitable for humans, paragraph 4, \"our sister planet is so inhospitable\". If human cannot inhabit Venus what would be the purpose of spending a lot of money in order to obtain information for our curiosity.\n\nIn the article the author spends more time talking about how we would be able to explore Venus than why we should explore Venus. Out of 8 paragraphs the author gives us 2 paragraphs on why we should explore Venus, in paragrpah 2 he tells us that it is one of the closest planets to us. In paragraph 4 he tells us that astronomers are curious about Venus because it is so alike to Earth. Then in paragraphs 5, 6, and 7 he talks about NASA how they will go about exploring Venus, \"Imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the rolling Venusian landscape.\" instead of just giving us more than 2 reasons on why we should spend our money and time to do something pointless.\n\nThe author did not support his ideas well. In the article he wrote more on how we would get to explore Venus rather than giving us more than two reasons on why we should explore Venus. In the article he gives us one big reason why we shouldn't try to explore, we can't inhabit Venus because of the extreme environment. And if we can't really do anything with that planet why bother trying to explore it.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMany Americans today use cars to commute from one place to another, like work or going to school. However, in recent times, car usage has significantly decreased due to its beneficial effect on many communities. Based on the information given, there are many advantages of limiting car usage.\n\nOne of many advantages of limiting the usage of cars is that it can help the community. With lower car usage, the community's environment can potientally become much better. According to Source 2, France's partial driving ban caused its congestion to go \"down 60 percent... after five-days of intensifying smog.\" This drastic change in France's car traffic prevented further pollution and smog, which hurts the community. Addtionally, limiting car usage can push more people into excercising more. In Bogota, Colombia, many Colombians \"hiked, biked, skated...\" during their car-free days (source 3). Also, many \"parks and sports centers have bloomed throughout the city\" (source 3). With an increase of excercise, the community's people will not only become healthier and fitter, but prevent any more damage to the community.\n\nFuthermore, lowering car uage will benefit the community's patrons by providing a cleaner lifestyle. With limiting their car usage, the people of the community will save more money. According to Source 1, although cars aren't recommended, a car-owner may \"buy a space, for $40,000, along with a home (source 1).\" Normally, a decent size house is approximately $100,000 to $ 150,000 with parking as well. To add onto this, gas prices can become very expensive, especially to those to drive a lot. All this money spent on a pollution causing car can be put towards a child's education, or the community's benefit. Plus, the stress of ensuring a car's wellbeing at all times is eliminated as well, decreasing the amount of stress in citizens. Addionally, people are more happy with limited usage of cars. People like Heidrun Walter have said \"I'm much happier this way (source 1),\" because they feel safer and can provide more to the community. Happier people in the community leads a much cleaner, stress-free lifestyle where its inhabitants are able to thrive more.\n\nThe advantages of limiting car usage includes assisting the community and providing a cleaner lifestyle for its patrons. With a positive community, the future generation's lifes will be enhanced. The youth of a community with a great outlook on the world will provide futher citizens with another fantasic community with the potential to grow and change. However, without this, the community will not thrive nor grow.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear Senator,\n\nIt is my belief that there is something unfair about the electorial college. Shouldn't the voters opinions matter?\n\nWith the way things are running now, the answer to that is a big, fat, no.\n\nIf we, the voters, vote for a presidential candidate and he/she gets the popular vote, then we want he/she to lead our country. But with the electorial college, what you're saying is basicallly, \"We acknowledge that you like this candidate, but we don't, so your votes don't count\". But please Senator, correct me if I'm wrong.\n\nAnother thing that grinds my gears is the fact that, by voting for a presidential candidate, you also vote for 34 or so electors pledged to the candidate. What if one of those electors recently caused a scandal? How can i trust them?\n\nOne thing I can not stand is dirty politics. But dirty politics is all we, the people, have been exposed to recently. How can I put my trust in the government with scandals left and right?\n\nIf you can not trust that your votes will be taken into account, how can you trust the leaders of your country?\n\nSincerely,\n\nA Concerned Floridian", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPresidents are leaders that are chosen by the people. Presidents are chosen by the Electoral College. \"\n\nThe Electoral College is a process not a place\" according to the article Does the Electoral College work\n\n?. It consists of 538 electors and a mojority of 270 votes is required to elect the President. So why change it to a popular vote now? I think that we are doing great with the Electoral College.\n\nFirst of all, I think we should keep the Presidents' election to the Electoral College because the Founding Fathers established it to compromise a vote to elect our leader and we should keep it that way because it has worked for years. In\n\nSource 1: What is the Electoral College it says \"\n\nThe Electoral College is not a process, not a place. The Founding Fathers established it in the Constitution as a compromise\n\n\". This is why we shouldn't change process because as soon as we try to change it we would mess up the sequence.\n\nSecondly, wherever there is something good there is something bad. The Electoral College isnt perfect and it has had its flaws so I do think we should use the Popular Vote because of the winner- take-all systems in each state preventing a fair vote. The term \" The Bigger they are the Harder they fall\" it doesnt work in this part. The bigger the state the bigger the vote. Its unfair because states like Texas the people who they vote for always gets an edge in elections and small states like Mississippi gets small parts in voting.\n\nLastly, the Electoral College is a better choice because it gives each state a chance to go for who they believe is going to win. Competition is something we all do and we should be able to compete in the sam league no matter how big or how small a state is.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n\"Driverless Cars Are Comming\". Really?, driverless cars? That just sounds bad by its name alone. Just by hearing the name I could only imagine the unnecesary tragedy's that will take place if this foolish expiriment continues. Driverless Cars are not at all what we need in this world, I dissagree with the Google cofounder, Sergey Brin, who invisions this. In my opinion I dont like the idea of it at all but I actually have several facts and resons why this \"vision\" of Brin's should not be continued, and will show you what mess this could all really become.\n\nFirst of all lets say they do make the driverless car, but when it comes out and some people dont want to buy it how will the mechanical cars act around those undecisive people who dont know where they are goingor turning? Also how will they know what to do with those drunk drivers or those people who fall asleep on the wheel of regular cars? People now these days have accidents because of those reasons. When the other driver not drunk or not tired is fully aware of whats going on but is just to slow to react. So do we really think a machine will \"allert the driver\" when its there time to drive on time when that drunk driver is going fifty miles down the main road?, dont think so. There are so many inevitable things that are bound to happen if there is no driver in the car.\n\nSecondly the cost of all these tests, sensors, and brakes are all a waist of money and time. they talk about the car being able to detect and respond to the danger of out-of-control skids but it took ten years! Yes I said ten, outrageous huh? Instead of fantasizing over \"a car he forsees to use half the fuel of today's taxis\" he could've been finding ways to make the car today use half the feul it does within those ten years, no blueprints for a whole new model or anything like that.\n\nLastly the law doesnt even think its safe for the crazy driverless cars to be driving around endangering the citizens of America like you and me. The only places in the U.S that allows Brin and his team to use thier dangerous cars are in California, Nevada, Flordia, and the District of Columbia. Isnt it the law thats keeping us safe? Then why is it that only four places in the U.S lets them test the cars? Four out of fifty states...seems to me like the law is telling us that they dont want these dangerous driverless hunks of metal on our road hurting us citizens.\n\nThis whole driverless car thing is a total waist of money, time, and work. They could be working on a way to make better adjustments on the car we have today that took so long for us to make (and still perfecting till this day). Its obvious that these driverless cars are just to big of a dream to make reality, next thing you know driverless bikes will be made or mailboxes that shoot leaders to the post office for you, or how about groceries that fly to your house! This is just an effort to make driving easier but driving is already helping us get to places faster then walking is,A lazy tactic I would say. The law says no, science says no, and I say no. Driverless cars are just not practical ,I would rather drive, and I bet most of America does to.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI see that you believe that the Face could mean that there are or were a sort of life form on Mars. This is easy to belive at first glance, but we decided to look further. On April 5, 1998, Mars Global Surveyor flew over this red planet. The MOC team took a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos. This photo revealed a natural landform. This concluded that there was no alien monument on Mars.\n\nBut many theorists, like yourself, stayed unconvinced. Again on April 8, 2001 another photo was taken. This time the photo was taken by Malin's team, and they used the camera's maximum resloution. Each pixel in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo. This means that if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were. The image taken actually portrays a Martian version of a butte or mesa which are landforms common around the American West. \"It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars.\" says Jim Gravin, the chief scientist for NASA's Mars Exploration Program.\n\nThus, I state my response again: there was no astraterestrial life on Mars.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever seen the face on Mars? Do you think its real. Is it really a landform or is it form by aliens. Well im here to tell you about the face on Mars.\n\nThis person thinks that the face on Mars was made by aliens. He said that other scientist belive that the face on Mars was made by aliens. And he said that people started to put the image on \"books, magazines, radio talk shows and etc.\" Another thing that happend was that people thought the \"gorcery store checkouts were haunted but some people thought it was just a bona fide that they think it was evidence that there was life on Mars.\"\n\nI have evidence that the face is not real. One of the evidence was that on \"April 5,1998, Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time and took a picture that was ten times more sharper\". Then another evidence was that on \"April 8, 2001 Mars Global Surveyor went closer enough for the second time the took a picture that was expan to 1.56 meters compared to the 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo. So the picture of the face was actualy a butte or mesa that was a landform\".\n\nWell I told you the evidence about the face on Mars. So do you think it was form by aliens or it is just a landform? Also do you think its real or fake. If you haven't seen the photo of face on Mars then go check it out.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI am against the driverless cars . These cars require you to put all your trust into this machinery, to be able to trust in them to get you there safe and back safely. What happens if the car breaks down? or the system crashes? I could be seriously injured in this accident. This states that there will be a computer system that will run this car . But what if this computer system gets hacked and you can easily reprogram it to go to a different areas which could lead to kidnappings. Or just have a bunch of crashes occur all around the world . Sure there are sensors to help with the saftey. but there isn't a 100% assurance on the capibility on hacking into the system. I believe that if you are too lazy to drive somewhere then you shouldn't be driving. Do not put someone elses life in danger due to the lack of effort to drive. There are many ways to get around without having to drive yourself. These are some examples; Carpooling , Uber drivers, Taxi , Bus services, or if possible walk or ride a bike. By doing this you are causing less pollution and you can save money by walking or riding a bike.\n\nKeep in mind that everyone has somewhere to be take your time and be mindful of the people arond you. You have to pay attention, there is this saying, \"You have to drive for yourself AND others\". Safety is key.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere are many ways people reduce the usage of the automoblies in the entire world, from the ban of cars by the government or the people wanting to be green.\n\nFirst off, There is a decrease in cars sold in america. It could have a negative implications for the car industry, but a positve effect on the entire world. \"The rise in cellphones and car-pooling apps has facilitated more flexable communting arrangements, including the evolution of shared van services for getting to work\", This states that cellphone apps has made it possible for more people to get involved in car pooling by arrangingments such as, vans, buses, cabs, or even in a car with friends. This is just in america, there are places in the world such as Paris and Bogota, Colombia have ban the use of car to reduce the amount of pollution is the air by setting a 25$, 31$ fine on anyone who uses a automoblies.\n\nSecondly, \"The turnout was large, despite gray clouds that dumped occasional rain showers on bogota. The rain hasn't stopped people from participating.\", announcing the fact that even though it was a huge amount of raining throughout this time period, people then give up on participating on the movement. So people were commited to not using their cars to make the world a safe place for them and the rest of their familys.\n\nIn conclusion, people reduce the people reduce the usage of cars through out the entire world to make it a safer place for them and the many generations after them.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus is a very interesting planet because it has many features like the Earth, but it is very dangerous to go to. Many are interested to see whats on it and wonder if it's a risk we should take to visit Venus.\n\nVenus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers is because it's the most Earth-like planet in our solar system, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth. Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth, the planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys moutains an craters. Futhermore venus can sometime be our nearest option for a planetary visit.\n\nVenus has many risks because Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system. We can't get any rock,gas, or anything else, from a distance. On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. The conditions are far more exxtreme than anything humans encounter on Earth.\n\nPeering at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because of the most forms of photography and videography ineffective. Scientists seeking to conduct a through mission to understand Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risks.\n\nDespite all the risks for visiting Venus it'll be one heck of an accomplishment for being able to understand Venus and explore the planet Venus. Venus has many pros to visit for all the information for the future and knowing what can we do if it's so similar to the earth or maybe there is living organisms.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHello fellow drivers, you have probably already heard about how driving less could make the air polution from being so bad. Well its true it is a\u00a0 fact that has finial got the research to prove that it would help the greenhouse emmsions from being so bad.\n\nIn Vauban Germany residents of an upper class community have done away with ninety precent of car driving, having only two places to park on the outskirts of the community. This has proven that by elimatating most car useage it makes people happier and less stressed out and helps provent the poplution that is cause by cars. \"I'm much happier this way\", said Hiedrun Walter a resident off this lavish community.\n\nWhen you hear the word Smug what are your first reactions? It is this nasty poluted air that has trapped car emissions leaving a blaket of greyish air this is caused by \"cold nights and warm days. It is not good at all. when this happened in paris they banned cars from driving on certian days. \"If you have a lisense plate with an even number then you are not aloud to drive on mondays, Or if it is odd numbers then you are not aloud to drive on tuesday\". Until the smug has gone away.\n\nIn Bogota, Colombia a peogram that has been going around made its deput there for the first time. The program bans all use of cars excludeing taxis and buses, \" millions of columbians could have been saw walking or biking or hiking all around columbia\". They\u00a0 also got to other cities to join in and participate in this event.\n\nIn the past few years in america the car driving avrage driving rate has droppped back to the rate it was in 1995 this is a complete shocker they believe we have hit the peak of driveing and it is dweendling very rapidally. Tis they believe was because of the recession and that people are just not as intrested in getting there lisense like they once where. \"the number of miles driven in the united staes peaked in 2005 and dropped steadily there after\"\n\nIn all this i hope you decide to make the right desision and choces to save the planet.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI disagree, there should not be andy driverless cars in the future. This is because if there were to be an accident and the car were driverless it were to be on the manufactures and that would mean that the cars were not as safe as it guarenties.\n\nTherefore that would lead to many recless mistakes and companies would lose money which would intintionally lead to not enough funds to fix and make sure that the cars will be safer.\n\nAlso, If a car were driverless how would it know the correct and incorrect way to drive without a drivers experience and skill? That would lead to a greater amount of accidents because the car may not know the right way to drive in different countries or cities.\n\nWould the car have to be programmed with all the worlds driving techniques and rules? Not all states and countries have the same laws and road rules, wouldnt the manufactuers have to be able to program all of the worlds rules and techniques to beable to make it safer also? Not all companies will be able to get a hold on all the tech and programing for that so not all of the cars will be able to drive in different places and states because the car would become disfunctional.\n\nAlso\n\nthere is always the risk of an accident weither the car is driverless or not so therefore the statement of a driverless\n\ncar is indeed false advertisement, it is even more false because the driver will not be in control to prevent the accident if one were to happen.\n\nWould it be safer for the enviorment? If driverless cars were to be invented would there be a lot more factories and bussinises opening?\n\nThata would not be safe for the enviorment because the factories would cause pollution and more trees and forests would have to be torn down in order to creat more bussinises.\n\nTherefore creating a driverless car would be a bad idea at least until it has better and safer ground to be to the attention of the people.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Face, made by aliens or just a natural landform? The Face, believe it, is just a natural landform on Mars. Why, the Face, is a natural landform is because, for one we do have images of this landform, the Face is also like a natural landform we have here on earth, and if there was an ancient alien civilization on Mars it would benifit NASA, so why think we're hiding anything? Maybe there was once aliens, but the facts just don't prove that to be true, therefore it is indeed just a natural landform.\n\nWe do have many images of the Face. The very first one that was taken in 1976 does indeed look like a face, but over the years wtith new technology it doesn't look like a face anymore. Now you may say that it's because of erosion and blah blah, but it's not. It has always been just a mesa which is very common on Mars, \"New high-resolution images and 3D altimetry from NASA\u0092s Mars Global Survey spacecraft reveal the Face on Mars for what it really is: A mesa.\" With our better technology it clearly shows that it is indeed not a face, therefore maybe you should stop believing it is.\n\nThe Face, is like one of the natural landforms we have here on earth. These natural landforms are natural occuring lava dome that took the form of an isolated mesa and they look about the same as the many that are on Mars. \"What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa\u0097landforms common around the American West. \u0093It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho,\u0094 says Garvin. \u0093That\u0092s a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars.\u0094 All in all, Garvin is a real, bona fide scientist, so why not believe him?\n\nIf that still didn't convince you then this might. Simply if there was ever life on any other planet in our solar system we, NASA, would highly benifit from it. We would be able to study them and learn everything about them. So why would we hide it? Well we could if they, the aliens, didn't feel very comfortable with us telling everyone about them wanting to go see our leader and what-not. \"Some people think the Face is bona fide evidence of life on Mars\u0097evidence that NASA would rather hide, say conspiracy theorists. Meanwhile, defenders of the NASA budget wish there was an ancient civilization on Mars.\" Yes we could be hiding it from you for their sake not ours, so before you think that we're hiding things from you for us think about the aliens too.\n\nSure maybe we're all wrong and in the end you were right and there were once alien life forms on Mars, but that simply can't be true. The things we have; the images, an example of one here on earth, and the realization that if there were ever life forms on Mars it would benifit NASA and everyone else on Earth. So if you would please take your skeptical specticals off and realize that not everything you think is right is right, because maybe you're wrong. Who knows though there could be aliens out there on Mars hiding or maybe they're watching us as you read this.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIs the use of technology to read emotional expressions of students in a class room valuable? There is new technology being devloped that can read emotions of people and paintings faces. This technology is valuable in the class rooms because it can help teaches keep the students focused and out of problems. This techology can read fake and real smiles which can be used to tell if a student is engaged in the subject or not.\n\nThe facial expression technology can be used to help teachers help the students know what there doing.\n\nNew face reading technology can give a voice to the quiet ones in class and help the teachers know what they are feeling.\n\nThe text explains what muscles are used to smile and fake smile.\"Meanwhile, muscles called orbicularis oculi palpabraeus make crow's- feet around your eyes.(That's instuction #2.) But in a false smile, the mouth is streted sideways using the zygomatic major and s diffrent muscle, the risorius . To an expert, faces don't lie; these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a\"smileing\" politician or celebrity isn't being truthful\". Now this is helpful in classrooms to know what students are really feeling and can even prevent\n\nsuicides if the teachers can use this information to help the student get the help they need.\n\nThe face reading technology can use the data to process sadness and boredom and can help the students more than the teachers. This technlogy is being created by some people that have studied these facial expressions and emotions. In paragraph 5 the author explains how the doctors that created this tecnology know their data is correct.\"yet Dr. Huang observes that artists such as da Vinchi studied human anato my to help them paint facial muscles precisely enough to convey specific emotions. His new computer software stores similar anatomical information as electronic code. The artist of the painting where also students of there craft so they would have pin point accuacy.This helps people now that they can lay back on this idea of face reading tecnnology.\n\nKnowing that the technology is very accurate this can be used in the classrooms to help more that just the teachers, students but even the principles know if there staff might be off. This can help principles and advisors know how there teachers are doing. Say the teacher is in a bad mood and has a history of lashing out on others the priciples don't want there students are unhappy in there learning enviroment. The emotinal reading tecnology is great of the learning enviroment.\n\nIs the use of technology to read emotinal expressions of students in a class room valuable? the technology is very helpful to teacher and advisors alike. It has the potential to stop many incedents in classrooms and the entire school. In the end no one can neglect the fact that this is very helpful.New emotion reading technology is the future.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear, Senator of Florida I think that we should change the electoral college to the election of popular votes for the president of the United States. So, that the people of the United States can elect which President and Vice President they want in the White House. In the Electoral College there are 538 electors and 270 out of 538 electors are required to elect the President. To the people of the United States thats not fair cause if 269 electors pick one President and the other 269 pick other President who wins then.\n\nLet's not forget about the U.S. presidential Race in the 2000. When Bush won the the election because he had 271 electoral vote s and\n\nAl Gore only had 266. But, Gore had more individual votes than\n\nBush only if we didn't have the El ectoral College .\n\nthat's why Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the AFL CIO all agree to abolish the electoral college .\n\nThe reason why the electoral college is wrong because when voters vote there not voting for the president your really voting for a slate of electors, who might or might not vote for the president you voted for. If you lived in Texas, for instance, and wanted to vote for John Kerry, you'd vote for a slate of electors pledged to Kerry. And if they won the nationwide election, they would go to Congress and Kerry would get 34 electors votes. This is the reasons why I think the electoral college should be changed.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nSince 1976 people have been in awe of the mysterious \"Face on Mars\". It has been discussed in films, books, magazines, and talk shows. Some people even believe that it was formed by martians thousands of years ago as a monument, but recently scientists have disproved this theory almost entirely.\n\nOne of the reasons this theory is faulty is that the face was just a butte similar to one that can we see here on Earth. We have designed telescopes to discover if this was true or not and we found out that yes, it is just a natural landform on Mars. The shadows happend to be in the right place when the telescope had passed over the butte which caused it to seem as if it was a face. Concpiracy theorists could say that the martians merely just tampered with the sun or Mars so that the shadows would align every so often, but this is just speculation. This leads me to my next point.\n\nThe topic of martians has been a big one since the mid-1900s. We have dicovered many things about Mars since then and no evidence has pointed toward there being life on the planet. Scientists have although, discovered flowing water near the polar caps on Mars's surface. But even if there is enough water, lifeforms can not merely live off of it alone. Organisms need nutritious food to survive. Plants could not even live there because of the soil's lack of sufficient nutrients and it's harmful toxins it has. Besides, Mars is so far away from the sun that the plants would take almost twice as long to grow. Without the ability to have any food, the martians -if there were any (which I have already discussed)- would have died in the beginning of thier lifetime. Now you could say that they could be cannibals. This is just simply not right because if they were, they would have all died off before they could begin to work on the monument on Mars or even discover the technology to build it.\n\nThis battle of whether the \"Face on Mars\" was made by martians or not could go on forever even if we discover more about it. Who knows, the theorist could come up with some evidence later. But in the end, theorists are just theorist after all. They are just speculating even if the whole world knows what is fact.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n\"Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be imited by by dangers and doubts but should expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation.\" This quote is by the author who is suggesting that studying Venus is worthy of pursuit despite the dangers it presents. \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" tells you about the risks of traveling to Venus, but how the exploration has value. The author could scare some readers instead of supporting his idea that Venus should be explored. The author does not support his idea well enough for people to be convinced that Venus should be explored despite the risks.\n\nVenus has many challenges and dangerous characteristics, too dangerous for humans to travel and explore. Venus has a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets, and clouds of \"highly corrosive sulfuric acid.\" The author states all these facts about Venus, and all of them describe a planet that is too dangerous to be explored. The author is not \"supporting\" his idea when stating these things, but he does support it when he states that Venus is the most \"Earth-like planet in our solar system,\" because he is trying to get readers excited about exploring Venus. The author does not say these ideas enough for readers to find visiting Venus worthy.\n\nThe author suggests alternatives for traveling to the solar system, like hovering Venus, but these conditions are still dangerous to humans. We would only get limited insight if we did trial this idea. Also, researchers could not get samples of anything from the planet. The author also states that NASA is looking for other approaches like mechanical computers in the 1800s and 1940s, but the author also states that these computer may not be able to withstand the physical conditions of Venus. The author states these alternatives, but all of them have a down side that would not give enough information to the researchers.\n\nThe author does not give enough information about why we should take the risk of studying Venus. The author states many good insights about how our planet Earth and Venus are \"twins\", and how Venus has enough value to explore it. As readers, we see only the disadvantages the author states. For example, how hot Venus is, and how no human could possibly live if they went on the surface. Not only does the author state dangerous facts about Venus, he also states alternatives about how researchers could maybe find information about the planet. These altenatives however, don't satisfy what we want to figure out about Venus. If we sent people to hover safely above the planet, then we would only get limited insight. The author did not give enough supporting factors to the readers about exploring this dangerous planet.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhy Facial Action Coding System is a valuable resource for students?\n\nScientists now have new advanced technology that can identify the emotions of paintings that date back to hundreds of years ago. Scientists can create 3D models of the facial construction of the paintings features using computer models that scan the facial features of the person in the painting.\n\nScientists state that there are six basic emotions that are associated with the paiting person. For example Happiness, Sadness, Fear, Surprise, Anger and Disgust. The new technology software of the 3D models of the person are loaded into a computer and emotion-recognition starts its role as taking the expressions of the paitings and putting them into movements that will show what and how the person is feeling in that era of time.\n\nScientists now are trying to put facial recognition computers into classrooms so that the teachers can get a better understanding about how their students are understanding information and how they are feeling.\n\nHuman behavior analysists have been studying the emotional behavior of humans for generations now and have come to a conclusion. This conclusion is that you can sometimes understand how your friend is feeling but is that their true emotion showing or is that a facade that is disguised. This conclusion is to show how valuable a facial recognition computer is and how it can be useful to a classroom enviroment.\n\nBy studing the facial features of humans scientists have been able to create steps that show the exact emotion of a painting of a person. This is also valuable information because we can have a theory about what times were like in paintings that date back to thousands of years ago.\n\nThink about this if we took the acient egyptian hieroglyphs and took their paitings about what it was like to live in that era and translated it using the facial technology we have today we can figure out how the egyptians felt back in their time and possibly how the acted and reacted to the situations around them. This information plays a key role in history today that can help us conclude the situations of the past lifes of famous paintings. This is also a new step in history that can reveal so much about eras that we know nothing about and this can lead us to discovery of so much more.\n\nEmotions are what make us human. Without emotions what would we be? Think of this if we lived in a society where emotions or feeling anything was banned and that we couldnt feel anything. That honestly would be the downfall in society because there wouldnt be anything to do and we would be bland. It also would mark the end of history because nothing would happen.\n\nI believe it is a cool study to figure out the emotions of paintings and the people in them. I personally am a complete fanatic about egyptian time and the greek gods and godesses time and being bale to figure out the facial features and the emotions and feelings of the paitings of those people is completely awaesome. Its like time travel to me. Being able to study the history of those paintings of people and figuring out what they felt during that time period is like being there with the person and going through the same feelings with them.\n\nI believe it is a great idea to put these types of facial recognition computers into classrooms because it will benefit for the teachers. The benefits of these computers is that teachers can have a better understanding of how they are teaching and how that information is being comprehended by the students. This is also a valuable source for teachers too because they can figure out how their students are feeling and if something is wrong with the students by understanding their facial recognitions.\n\nIn conclusion it would be a benefitial source for classrooms to have facial recognition computers for teachers and students.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIt is a good idea to join the Seagoing Cowboys because, it is a good process of learning how to take care and train horses, cows, and mules, and other animals that suffered in the ruins doing the war, and provide food supplies for the animals. That's when the countries started to form together UNNRA, which had hired the Seagoing Cowboys.\n\nYou also get to go places you never seen before like, in the passage it said that Luke explored Venice, Italy. It is very fun too because, you get to also play fun sports like tennis, volleyball games, and table tennis tournaments. It takes a lot of hardwork to join the Seagoing Cowboys.\n\nIt is a very good thing to join the Seagoing Cowboys because, it is a good experience to do an animal a favor, by taking care of it and providing with every thing it needs. It is a very positive program to go through, and that is why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIm going to except the offer because Luke wants to take care of the horses,cows, and mules that are going over seas but if you like animals you should sign up or if you like takeing care of animals then get down here and sign up. I know because in the story it said the UNRRA (the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration) hird \"Seagoing Cowboys\"to take care of the horses,young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas. Luke and Don signed up. And if you have not been on the ocean and would like to well sign up. Or if you have not been to arround the world you would like to be a seagoing cowboy I know this because in the artical it said \" They got their seaman's paper and boarded ths SS Charles W. Wootster for greece- with a cargo of 335 horses plus enough hay and oats to feed them. So if you like all these things sign up I know I would because I think it would be an awesome experance to get to see and know I think you would have fun too.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMars the red planet is our next destination for the human race and we want to find out as much as we can about it before fully exploring it. Something interesting has occured and many people think that it's the work of aliens. Why would aliens want to buid a giant face? Is it really the work of aliens or just a natual landform? I'll tell you why it's just a natural landform and not an ancient Egyptian-like pyramid.\n\nWith the recent photographs of the so called \"face\" it has become clear to me that it is just a natural landform as seen in the picture taken in 2001. The phoograph shows that the mesa is made from the same dirt as the dirt around it. If aliens wanted to buid shelter, wouldn't they want to buid something more sturdy? Also wouldn't there be a quarry of some sort to get the resorces to build that thing? It is just a natual landform just like the ones you would see on Earth.\n\nAs said in the article, the time of year that the photo was taken was during a cloudy time of year so that could have made the photo blurry and harder to see thus making the mesa look like a face. Garvin even says that it reminds him of the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho.\n\nMars is a cold desert planet with very little atmosphere or resources. There have been signs of water on Mars but that is long since gone. If there was life on Mars it's long gone but it is very unlikely for life to have ever existed there.\n\nSpace harbors mysteries and we as humans have a desire to uncover them. When something wierd happens (the face) we get to work in uncovering what it really is. There really is only one way to find out what it is for certain; we have to go there and see for ourselves which will bring up more and more questions about space.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nshould we have less car usage in the U.S.? The answer is yes because it could stop alot of the pollution going into the atmosphere. This could help with the green house gases going into the ozone layer and harming the earth.\n\nOne reason that we should cut back on car use is because of the green house gases going into the air. In Europe passenger cars are why 12% of green house gases arer from there. But the U.S. is even more responsible for the woping 50% in somer areas here. So if you were to cut back here that would be a good thing so you can cut back on the pollution. I bet if you were to use bikes instead of cars it would cut back on the 50% of green house gases here. For example take a look at NewYorks bike-sharing program helped out the mobile world so think about it.\n\nAnother reason is a lot of people really like the fact that not having cars is a great factor to the earth. Just take a look in Germany in the town of VAUBAN residents of this town went from being minivan driving soccer moms to people who feel at ease because thw willingly gave up there cars. Which a lot of people cannot do just like that. 70% of the families in Vauban do not own cars and about 57% sold there cars just to move there which means that they all willfuly gave up there automobiles just to stay in that town and that has cut back on a lot of pollution in Europe. In the passage a women says \"when i had a car i was always tense. I am much more happier this way.\"\n\nso in conclusion, i belive that giving up your car to cut back on pollution just like they did in Europe is a great idea because quite frankly. I think we would be in a whole better situation if we did. This would mean a lot of the green house gases in the ozone now would not get added onto. so to me bike are a perfect way of doing this or even walking is a good substitution. So after i've explained everything are you in or out?", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nYou should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. The cattle-boat trips are an unbeliveable opportunity for a small-town boy. Besides helping people, Luke had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China. But when Luke went to see the Acropoils in Greece he said it was specail. He also said that gondola ride in Venice, Italy, a city with streets of water.\n\nLuke also found fun time on board, especially on return trips after the animals had been unloaded. The cowboys would have so much fun the would play baseball and volleyball in empty holds where animals had been housed. Table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games also helped pass time.\n\nYou should join the Seagoing Cowboys program because you can have a lot of fun there its fun, helpful to people, entertainig you if you are bored and its cool and it has a lot of space. You can save people and animals. You can save the person if they are drowning by your boat or you can save an animals if they fall of your boat.\n\nBut being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than an adventure for Luke Bomberger. Luke said it opended up the world to him he said he is grateful for the opportunity. It made him more aware of people of other countries and there needs. That aware stayed with him, leading his family to host a number of international students and exchange visitors for many years.\n\nHelping out his aunt Katie's farm as a boy had prepared Luke for hard work, but not for the dangers at sea. On his second trip, Luke served as night watchman. His job was to check on all the animals every hour. One rainy night,after making his hourly report to the captain, he slide down a slippery ladder on his backside. Luke's heart racedas he shot feet first torwads the opening on the side of the ship. Thats when he figured out he had more room to play his games. I hoped that helped you and I hope you join the Seagoign Cowboys program and thats why you should go you can experince different stuff that you never knew.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article \"The Challenge of Eploring Venus\" it talks about the second planet from our sun (Venus) often referred to as Earth's \"twin\". Becuase Venus is sometimes very close to Earth, humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on the planet. The author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the danger it represents. Considering that no spaceship survived the landing for more than a few hours, it explains how dangerous it could be to explore it.\n\nHowever, the author still seems to think that Venus is worth studying. Even though Venus is so inhospitable, the author claims that scientists still discuss further visits to its surface. Reason being is becuase Venus may have been once like Earth at one point. The Author states that Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various froms of life, just like Earth. Even until this day Venus still has some features that are similar to Earth.\n\nVenus has familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. It even sometimes can be our nearest option for a planetary visit which is crucial considering the long time frames of space travel the author states. The NASA (The National Aeronautics and Space Administration) has a possible solution for sending humans to study Venus after three decades. It would allow scientists to float above the fray and avoid the unfreindly ground conditons. Instead of the temperature being 800, it would be lowered to 170 if they used a blimp-like vehicle that would hover 30 or more miles over Venus. This would make Venus's conditions a little more bearable.\n\nPutting this idea to action wouldn't provide enough insight of Venus and its conditions. Scientists couldn't even take sampls of rock, gas, or anything else if they did it that way. Therefore, the author claims that scientists are working on a new idea to get up close and personal to Venus, despite the risks.\n\nFurthermore, the Author supports in many different ways how pursuing venus is worth the dangers. He provides examples of how sicentists are working to make something that would allow astronomers to visit and explore Venus, how they are fascinated by the planet, and how Venus has value not only becuase of the insight to be gained but also becuase of human curiousity will most likely lead us into many intimidating endevors and that dangers and doubts should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation. Therefore, the author supports the idea that studying Venus is worthy of pursuit depite the dangers very well,", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nNormally in everyone's mind when they are a teenager they want to have a car to go to places such as the mall, beach, etc. There are advantages though to limiting car usage. The whole planet should really hear or read about it, it's amazing to what these advantages can do for you, others, and our ecosystem.\n\nThe first of many reasons why we should limit car usage is because of greenhouse gas emissions. \"Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of gas emissions in Europe. . . and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States(Source 1).\" This just shows the evidence by the future if this keeps going like this the Whole entire planet would be all polluted which would make living conditions harder than they have to be. Heidrun Walter, a media trainer and mother of two states \"When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way(Source 1).\" Looking at this quote tells me that she must have been stressed with the car, maybe it was because of the traffic or the gas bill who knows, but she does feel happier without it so she must feel more at ease that her area is not cramped up with cars. In Vauban, Germany if you own a car where the tram to downtown Freiburg runs, there are only two places to park-large garages at the edge of the development, where a car owner must buy a space, for $40,00, along with a home. Well sign me up with a bike or running shoes because I don't have that kind of money to spend just to live in a area with no cars.\n\nFurthermore I would like to go to Paris, but sources state that \"Paris typically has more smog than other European capitals(Source 2).\" Reuters had found 147 micrograms of particulate matter or PM per cubic meter compared with 114 in Brussels and 79.7 in London. That is pretty bad and knowing that people say that you must go to Paris, yeah sure for I can get polluted air into my system got it. \"Diesel fuel was blamed, since Frtance has . . . [a] tax policy that favors diesel over gasoline.\" According to Reuters \"Diesels make up 67 percent of vehicles in France, compared to a 53.3 percent average of diesel engines in the rest of Western Europe(Source 2).\" Even Bogata, Columbia has a \"Car-free day\" and if you don't follow the rules of car-free day you will be fined $25. Carlos Arturo Plaza stated \"It's a good oppurtunity to take away stress and lower air pollution,\" as he and his wife rode a two-seat bicycle with his wife(Source 3).\n\nIt is just clear that most areas in the world are trying to change the way we live our lives for the sake of all human life. It is a good oppurtunity to relieve stress and lower air pollution as the source stated before. So the next time you want a car think to yourself \"Which one is much more helpful to the planet's ecosystem?\"", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nTechnogly is everywhere.\n\nIts in our coffie maker at your house, in your car on the way to work, in your phone calling to tell your boss you are stuck in traffic, and on the computer at your work place.\n\nBut some one decided to make technogly even better, a man of the name Prof. Thomas Huang.\n\nThe brillent Facial Action Coding System will be able to change a veriety of industries.\n\nHow angry would people be if students would be sitting in school taking a test or doing an assignment and they were getting upset because they do not understand the assignment?\n\nNow we dont need to get upset anymore because the Facial Action Coding Software can detect these kind of emotions. \" A classsroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored\" predicts Dr. Huang.\n\n\" Then the software could alter the question if need be so the student can understand the computerized assignment.\n\nThis would be extremly useful for people who find it a challenge to understand tough questions.\n\n\" Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication,\" notes Dr. Haung, \" So computers need to understand that to.\"\n\nThis is very impotant because people can not always tell if a person is smiling becuase they are happy, or they are tring to cover up what they are truly feeling.\n\nIn a classroom, students are not likly to talk about their feeling in fear of getting bullied and made fun of.\n\nThe Facial Action Coding Software can calculate the emotions held by a kid and help to releave the stress of a diffacult test of assignment.\n\nWith this being said, kids can also minipulate the software by acting sad or angry to try to weaken the strangth of the computer based assignment.\n\nThis could lead to helping develop a deceptive attitude in young students that could continue to worsen as time goes on.\n\nWould we rather choose to help the students who really need additional guidence in a classroom get the help that they need or not introduce this brillent program to countless students because of the fear of kids putting their own furture at steak because they want to take the easy road in life?\n\nThe Facial Action Coding Software is a mind-blowing program that will help kids and students of all ages acheive what they did not think would be possible.\n\nWith being able to detect a sad or confused face on a student will help the FACS program to understand the emotions of that kid.\n\nAslo, being able to change for any kids need is not something that a teacher can do very easily.\n\nthis would help the teacher be able to give support to the kids with out being their next to them all the time.\n\nThe Facial Action Coding System will help many kids as well as teacher all across the world.\n\nAre we willing to jump into the furture of schooling and take a couple risks?", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWill vehicles be gone in the near future? Many movements have started due to cars polluting the air and melting the polar ice caps. For one, a community has been built where cars are not allowed, and a car-free movement started in Bogata, Columbia three years ago that banned vehicles other than buses and taxes. Also, due to deisel cars polluting the air that made Paris be on par with China's pollution, they ended up banning cars for some time.\n\n\"Since World War II, all of our development has been centered on the car,\" said David Goldberg, an official of transportation for America. The Environmental Protection Agency of the United States is promoting \"car reduced\" communities. Many hope that public transport serving suburbs play a much larger role in a new six-year federal transportation bill to be approved this year. 80 percent of appropriations have by law only gone to highways and 20 percent to other transport. Vauban, which was completed in 2006, is one example that seperates suburban life from auto use. As a result of 40,000 dollars being needed to buy a space for a car along with a home, 70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars. Vauban, with a population of over 5,000 residents, might be the most advanced low-car suburban life experiment.\n\nBogota, Columbia has started with a car-free day which is spinning into a big hit. Millions of Columbians either hiked, biked, skated or took buses to get to their destinations during the car-free day. For three straight years, in the capital city of Bogata, 7 million people were able to get to their destinations without the use of cars. As said by one of the residents of Bogota, \"It's a good opportunity to take away stress and air pollution\". 118 miles of bicycle paths have been made due to the improvement campaign that was created in the mid-1990s. Many parks and sportss centers have also bloomed throughout the city due to the campaign and ban on vehicles.\n\nDue to all the congestion and pollution, Paris ended up issuing a partial driving ban to clear the air of pollution. In the following days, motorists with either even or odd numbered plates were either forced to leave their cars at home or pay a fine of 31 dollars. Due to the fact that France has a tax policy that favors diesel over gasoline, they were blamed for the pollution in the air. 67 percent of vehicles in france are diesel vehicles. After 5 days congestion was down about 60 percent which rivaled the pollution was in Beijing, China which is know as one of the most hugely polluted cities in the world. Due to Paris putting a temporary ban on cars, they had complains about companies losing revenue. When the pollution in the air started to clear up enough, the ban on cars was lifted.\n\nIn conclusion, cars might end up being banned in multiple places around the globe to help with pollution. According to experts, it is said that there has recently been a large drop in the usage of cars and it will continue to drop. Demographic shifts suggests that there has been a large decline in the percentage of 16 to 39 year olds getting licenses to drive vehicles. A study last year has also showed that driving by young people has declined 23 percent between 2001 and 2009. Many studys have showed that the decline in people getting licenses and driving will continue to reduce rapidly.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn this article we have seen that technology has been coming along quiet a bit. I didn't even know that since 2009 driverless cars have been around. Whether we realize it or not they're developing in our society more than we could've ever imagined. Have you ever watched a television show or movie where the car can drive itself? I know what your thinking wow that would be so cool, a self operating car. Believe it or not Google has done that already.\n\nThe risk of having cars that operate themselves will result in alot more car crashes for teenagers, and that will result in insurance being increasing for the parents. Everyday there are over 1,000 crashes that involve teenagers being reckless drivers. In the article the author states\" Their cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash, but so far, Google cars aren't truly driverless; they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as navigating through roadwork or accidents.\" The key word from that statement is alert. Teenages already are not alert the way it is, and now we want to give them the opprotunity to be even more reckless. In today's generation we have the distractions of cellphones, friends, and mostly technology. Most teenages drive with there cellphones and over 2,000 per day get in a car crash because the use of technology behind the wheel.\n\nI personally am against it myself, even though I'm a teenager and think that would be cool. I still have the maturity to realize that being behind the wheel of an automobile is a privelege, and its a big responsibilty. When your behind the wheel of the moving vehicle you need to be an alert driver. Part of being an alert driver is having you hands on the wheels at all times, because at any moment the car could get out of control and the next thing you know you're in a ditch. I think its so fascinating how much technology has come over the years, but today's generation gets overwhelmed with all of the technology that is thrown at us. I would've never imagined Google came up with a Google Car project and to think they've been around sense 2009 is crazy.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear state senator of Florida,\n\nI'm sending you this letter for one purpose only, to convince you with strong defensive facts the electoral college is unfair, outdated, irrational and should be replaced with the popular vote. Let's begin with the simple fact that we, the common people of the United States of America, land of the free, don't even have the right to directly vote for a human being that is to be running our country for the next 4 years, possibly 8. Instead, we are voting for electors in the same political party as the candidate we wish for? Actually no, we don't even obtain that right because as stated in source 1 electors sometimes aren't even chosen by politcal party considering \"state laws vary on how electors are selected and what their responsibilities are...\"\n\nIn source 2 it states that an elector can be anyone not holding a public office. The elector chosen is a complete stranger to more than half of the population of the state yet we are expected to trust that this person will live up to his or her word that he/she will vote for the president we want to be running this country when we have absolutely no control over their actions election day. Trust isn't easily given especially when there are no laws given that the elector must only vote from the candidate majorly favored in that particular state. So lets see the elector that we vote for, which in some cases people even get confused and vote for the elector of\u00a0 opposing team, can walk in election day, decieve all the people from his/her state and walk out with absolutely no penalty.\n\nIn source 3 it later states that \"voters in toss-up states are more likely to pay attenten to the campaign knowing that they are going to decide the election\" but what about the swing states? Because the winner-take-all system candidates don't even go to those states knowing that they'll most likely lose. Does that seem fair to you? That basically means that winner candidate could be the same man/woman that couldn't careless if their votes were on them or not.\n\nFurthermore, in source 3 it explains how the electoral vote is the only way to ensure a certain outcome but as said in source 2, a tie may seem unlikely but highly possible. So let's say there is a tie, the winning decision then passes down to the House of Representatives. Here the state delegations cast one vote for the candidate they wish for but in the light of truth it is impossible for one representative of millions of people to be able to reflect on what the people want. So now what? Not only is plan A, the electors, totally bogus but plan B,which is the house representatives, completely takes our right to chose the citizen we want to represent the United States.\n\nI hope you read my letter and come to realization that the electoral college is basically just a dirty method that's taking the rights of the common people. If it keeps on there will be one election year where more than half the population will open their eyes to fact that they don't even have a say in who they want to be running this country and simply not vote, then where will that lead us? Dictatorship? Rebellion? Popular vote is the way to go. It for one allows citizens to be apart of descision making in who should be president which later on abolishes the whole dispute over \"swing states\" and \"toss-up states\" because candidates will have to work twice as hard to earn their seat in the big house. Candidates will have to visit each state, anwser necessary questions from the citizen, compaign harder and at the end of the day a hard-working candidate will become a\u00a0 hard-working president who will lead our country to prosperity.\n\nSincerely, a concerned citizen", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIf people started to reduce the usage of cars, there would be a decrease in accadents in the world.\u00a0 Their would be fresher air to breath, less polution, no more gas prices, and less fat people.\u00a0 But the down fall is that you can't travel as much or as far as you wanted to.\u00a0 Millions of people would be out of jods.\u00a0 Planes, trains, and busses will become overcrowded.\u00a0 If people stop using cars there would be some improvements on the earth and some disproements.\n\nIn large cities without cars you could fit 5,500 residents in a square mile.\u00a0 It may be what most coutries will change in the next 20 years.\u00a0 \"Due to over population, people with cars could not get to were they wanted to go.\"\u00a0 \"Stores would be on a main street, (a short walk) thourgh out the city.\u00a0 Car lanes would be made into bike lanes.\n\nIn previous bills (80 percent of appropriations have gone to highways and only 20 percent to other transport.\u00a0 People would not have to spend so much money on buying a new car.\u00a0 Polution would start to drop in days due to no gas polution.\u00a0 humans would start getting stronger by the week by walk or riding bikes to a destination.\n\nCars would become something of the past.\u00a0 Inventers can consentrate on other things like finding ways to explore other planets and to discover new life.\u00a0 The ice in the South Pole would stop melting and might reduce flooding.\u00a0 Even if we just get rid of gas and start using electric cars the polution would fall as well.\u00a0 Gasoline then could be used for rockets to go up in space.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLuke Bomberger has went to Europe on a castle boat witch was an offer he couldnt say no to, witch begins the journy of how he came to be a \"seagoing cowboy\".\n\nLuke has crossed the Atlantic Ocen 16 times and the Pacific Ocean twice to help people in harm and in need from the war, witch he states \"Im grateful for this opportunity.\" \"It made me more aware of people of their countries and needs.\"\n\n\"It took two weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean from the East coast of the United States witch had been a ship filled with horses having to be feed every hour but it was all worth it to help the people in need, and after unloading they have all the time to play basketball, tennisse, volleyball, table tennisse.\n\nEven though luke had to work hard he had the benefit of seeing Europe and China , witch has an opportunity of a lifetime for people to see places just like Luke Bomberger did and opening up your eyes to the world.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLimiting car usuage around the world will cause a beneficial improvement across our nation and other countries around the world. Transportation is the second largest source of America's emmisions, just behind power plants, if citizens reduce the amount of car usage then air pollution would slowly decrease across America. Countries around the world are participating in limiting car usage within a day.\n\nParis is banning driving due to the increase in smog within the city. \"Congestion was down sixty percen tin the capital of France, after five days of intensifying smog...The smog rivaled Beijing, China, which is known as one of the most polluted cities in the world.\" Paris smog has increased to the point where typically the capital has more smog than any other European capital. Compared to Brussels adn Londin, Reuters found the micrograms of particulate matter increasinly high. Diesel fuel was the main problem, since France has a tax policy which favors diesel over gasoline.\n\nIn Bogota, Columbia millions of Columbians hiked, biked, or took buses to work or any destination during a car-free day. Thus, leaving the capital city eerily devoid of traffic jams. This program is set to spread in other countries. The goal is to promote alternative transportation and to reduce smog. (Violators could face around $25 fines.)\n\nCarlos Arturo says, \"It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution.\"\n\nTwo other columbian cities, Cali amd Valledupar, joined the event. Parks and sports centers also have bloomed throughout the city; uneven sideways were replace with smoothed down sidewalks, and rush-hour restrictions dramatically cut traffic.\n\nPresident Obama had a goal to curbs the United States' greenhouse gas emissions. recent studies show that Americans are buying fewer cars throughout the years passing by. Also the amount of licenses are reducing by the years. If the pattern persists (many sociologists believe it will) it will have beneficial implications for carbon emmisions and the enviroment.\n\nThe reduction on car usage will create a beneficial impact across America and other countries around the world. Citizens should participate in the car-free day programs to improve the Earth's atmosphere and reduce air pollution, such as smog. This is also a healthier program for citizens, with the reduction of cars that day, citizens could walk, hike, or bike around improving body health. So not only does limiting car usuage improve the environment, it also improves you.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of Earth.\n\nStriving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself.\n\nIt the Venus\u2019s reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study, despite its proximity to us.\n\nAlso notable, Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to our sun.\n\nThat would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus.\n\nThe challenge of Exploring Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth.\n\nThe value of returning to Venus seems indisputable.that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frames.\n\nA vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way.\n\nAt Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere.\n\nI'm think Venus systems that use mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces.\n\nThe chaos of Venus\u2019s surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions.\n\nThe idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers.\n\nAt the evidence from the article that supports your claim Venus is the second planet from our sun.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nSometimes many people called to Venus how \"Evening Star\" because is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky, Venus is the second planet in our solar system, Venus is simple to see from the distant.\n\nStudying Venus is no bad, Explore Venus that is dangerous, Why? it is because Venus have an atmosphere of 97 percent carbon Dixide and have a clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid. The autor referred to Venus as Earth's \"twin\"\n\nbecause is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size but Venus is really dangerous. On the planet's surface the temperature average is over 800 degrees farenheit, and thhe atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience in the Earth. Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even thought Mercury is closer to uor sun.\n\nVenusian geology and weather present other impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface.\n\nIn conclusion visit Venus is so dangerous and so expensive because need an advanced technology, money, time and people", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe idea of studing Venus has always driven humas curiosity. Well wanting to explore Venus is easier said then done Venus\n\nexploration is very tricky but very meaningful to NASA.\n\nNASA has discoverd the Venus has Earth like featers such as Valleys, mountains and craters. But it is very hard to get much infomation due to the \" Blanket of carbon dioxide in Venus\" also \"no singel spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades \" meaning that it's time to explore again .\n\nResearched shows that Venus was once \"venus was onced coverd largely with oceans \" and with that information Venus could have supported wild life . Nasa is now working on a better drone to explore Venus . The ones before were very delicate and couldnt surpass the heat ,pressure ,and force that Venus provided .\n\nWith these olterations Nasa will be able to collect way more information on our sister planet.Despite the danger and money humans shuld explore Venus and other planets in the solar system to gain more information .", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nNo Driverless Cars!\n\nDriverless cars could considerably mess up the way everday life works, and how anything is done. It would be extremely pricey, not everyone could afford it. It would get rid of jobs, and make certain places like gas stations completely useless. If everyone was on the same road, and they had to follow a certain path, traffic would be an extreme issue. We need to take a step back and look at things.\n\nNot having a driver in your car would change everything. However, if everyone needs to own there own driverless car, than it would be way to exspencive. People with not enough money would be completely screwed over. There would be no way for them to get anywhere because thier current car is not capable of being driverless. Then instead of using cars like they have done for years, they would need to pay for a taxi, that they shouldn't be needing. If they got rid of all cars in general, the only way for it to work would be free public transport from the driverless cars. This would cause problems for people wanting to go back and forth, and eventually traffic would be a huge problem. You could also make \"smart roads\" and not smart cars. This would be extremely exspencive to do. Almost illogical. \"But they required massive upgrades to existing roads, something that was simply to expensive to be practical.\"\n\nThen, it would also get rid of jobs. If every car was driverless gas stations would be completely out of buisness. There goes a lot of companys and jobs available. Police officers would also lack on things to do, as a lot of officers jobs are to maintain the roads and make sure nothing bad happens, like speeding, reckless driving, etc. \"None of the cars made yet are completely driverless.\" The technology we currently have isn't safe enough yet.\n\nTraffic, a huge problem. WIth all the cars driving at the same speed it would be easier to go places. However, with everyone going the same speed and you say having to turn right, could mess up the cars way of doing things. If there is traffic you would have to take the wheel, which would be a nuissance. And if you did not take the wheel and drive in time, you would crash. If everything still requires a driver then the drivers themselves overtime would forget/not need to know how to drive and lose the ability. It has a traffic jam assistant but \"The car can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 mph, but speacial touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel.\" How could kids get to school? This is another thing they have seemed to skip over.\n\nCars should not be driverless, it would cause to many problems. Humans need to remain in control. Having a driverless car would mean to much for daily commute, jobs, money, etc. Cars can get smarter, and they can prevent accidents, but going completely driverless is insane!", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMany people are afraid of the concept of driverless car, and I cannot say that I blame them. These people believe that new, driverless cars could lead to a myriad of crashes injuries, and deaths, because the cars do not have the intelligence or driving capabilities as an average human driver. While I do understand why these people fear the future with self-driving cars, I also understand that they are wrong, simply because they are misinformed, and unknowledgible about the topic.\n\nSelf-driving cars are exactly what they sound like, cars that are able to control themselves without the input or command of a human driver. They use advanced sensors and technology to achieve this. While many people think that these cars could only appear in the distant future, they are, in fact, driving around right now.\n\nGoogle's self-driving car is an example of one such current driverless car. It has been driving itself for months now, and has been in only a few wrecks, all of which were caused by human error, either by someone in a different vehicle or by the human driver of the car, when the self-driving technology was turned off. This shows that driverless cars are in fact, safer than cars driven by humans.\n\nAlso, imagine if all the cars on the road were self-driving cars. Because these cars constantly send out signals to drive, what if they could send signals to other driverless cars around them, informing them of what is happening on the road ahead. There's a road block on the your next turn? Your car could be informed to take a detour, to save time and energy.\n\nDriverless cars also mean that the people who were previously driving no longer have to. A busy person could work on his computer on his way to work, or could be sending an important email. Or perhaps someone, having just been out drinking with friends, will no longer be able to drive drunk, they could just tell their cars to take them home, saving people from being injured or killed by drunk drivers. The same could be said about truckers or people going on road trips, who sit at the wheel for a long time. Instead of potentially falling asleep at the wheel, killing or injuring themselves or someone else, nothing would happen, as they were not driving in the first place.\n\nIn my honest opinion, self-driving cars are a huge step to the future, and a huge step towards making the world a little safer. While the fears or loss of control or technological malfunction in these cars, causing them to crash, is real and legitimate, it has been shown time and time again that those concerns are not a real problem. The pros definitely outweigh the cons in this sinario. The rise of driverless cars mean less accidents, because they virtually eliminate human error. They allow for people to have more time, instead of driving they can do more important things, and can completely stop drunk drivers. Driverless cars are better in pretty much every way; we just need to spread the news and inform people why it is the case.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nFrom our solar system venus is our second planet from our sun. Venus was a nickname that released. It is dangerous to go near but it a safe vantage point of earth. It a challenging place to examine more closely. It is closer to mar.\n\nA thick atmosphere of most 97 percent carbon dioxide blanket venus. On the planet serface, the temperature average over 800 degrees fahrenheit and the pressure was 90 time greater than what we have in our own earth. Submarine accustomed to dividing to the deepest part of our ocean beyond high pressure and heat. Additionally scientist even jcussing futher visit to this surface.\n\nNASA is working om another approaches to study venus. The divices were first made in the 1800s to 1940s during world war 2 and computers were existing in those day may sound shicking but it really is existing in 1800s but not that good one ass a 20 centrys lates ones. More dedicate when it comes to extreme physical condition.\n\nMore resistant to pressure heat,and other many forced that researching about the venus and people really intersting in the imformation for venus. Venus is also a interesting planet i. the earth too. A people who really interesting in planet have imagination and innovation.\n\nOur travel on earth an beyond should be limited by danger and doubts but should be expanded planet by itself.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars are a new and upcoming thing in our world today. Drivers having to constantly steer and brake is a thing of the past. Now, cars drive themselves and humans are no more required to be the drivers, but the passengers. But many people don't believe that this is the road we should go down. Could going completely driverless put humans in even more danger than we are today? After reading the article, development of driverless cars should be stopped because they cause more crashes, prove technology is unreliable, and show that who to put at blame is unknown and will cause problems.\n\nDevelopment of driverless cars need to be stopped. These cars not only seem to not need human drivers, but means that we're in trusting these cars with our lives. Today, car accidents are a variety of reckless driving, simple mistakes, etc. But what they have in common is they're all accidents that humans have committed. In the article, paragraph 7, it says humans will be notified by the car when a situation gets too complicated or diffcult for it to handle. But by the time the car notifies the passenger, won't it be too late for the human to react and take over? Driverless cars putting us humans in situations like this will only cause panic for us, when we aren't even suppose to be driving, but passengers,\n\nand cause even more crashes. Driverless cars don't need to be developed because they'll just put us in more danger than we're already in.\n\nTechnology is the main component these driverless cars utilize to actually be able to drive by themselves. In paragraph 5 it says, \"The information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on the individual wheels and reduce power from the engine...\" In our world today, technology and manufactured devices malfunction all the time. It's just what happens because humans don't know everything there is to know about everything. What if to say this happened to the sensors in the driverless cars. If the sensors just stop working, causing the car to stop, putting the passenger in a great amount of danger. Technology isn't reliable, so why should we have to rely on technology to drive our cars? It's just more danger being caused instead of being prevented if we develop these cars. We should rely on ourselves to drive our cars instead of technology because it can just malfunction at anytime, without a warning.\n\nDirectly in the article, in paragraph 9, it posed the question: \"If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault - the driver or the manufacturer?\" This is a very important question because it's basically asking who's taking the blame if someone is injured by these driverless cars? This could all be avoided if we stop the development of those cars. Forsay, if someone's injured, would the guilt lie on the passenger who's suppose to be watching the driverless car drive or the manufacturers who made the car in the first place? Chaos and problems will arise if this situation takes place. Both people should be at fault though because they're giving technology the wheel and the path to do what it want, even if it's programmed to do one thing. But like I said before, these accidents and questioning who's at fault can be avoided if we take away what causing this all: technology. Stopping production of these cars will take the blame away and make accidents more clearer as who's to blame.\n\nThe idea of having driverless cars in our world today isn't not going to go away anytime soon, but proving why it shouldn't be develop and not even being an idea anymore can keep them from being a thing in our world to come. Driverless cars not only take the control out of the driver, but take control of the fate of the passengers' lives too. Development of driverless cars should be stopped because they cause more accidents, prove technology is unreliable, and cause questions of who's at fault for crashes. Taking driverless cars out of our streets and sticking to man-driven cars will make the world a safer place not only now, but for our future too.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you have wonder if you could go to the store with out diving. In the world today technolgie has change and the world as change. In the world today people are scared or don't even want to drive. Most people say it's not possible to get a car to take you places.\n\nWouldn't be great to get a car that drives by its self. Google confounder Sergey Brin has been working to get cars to drive by them self so the driver don't have to drive. Sergey Brin said it would only half the fuel you use today, it will also make sure you will be save and it will tell you when you willl need to take over and drive yourself. People in the world today has been getting into alot of crashes and not following the rules. These cars will be so smart it will tell you when you have to take over it will also tell you when you need gas or other things in your car. These cars will be one of the smartest things you will ever see. Just think how smart your phone is, your car will be twice as smarter than anything in this world. The smart cars will stop you when you are about to hit something. Just think when you are driving and you get scared and don't know what to do the car will push the breaks for you and you don't have to worry about anything.\n\nIf people are worried about the laws the car will take care of it. Most driver today when they drive they do stupid stuff or drive very carful, but what if you get scared and you have no idea what to do. The new car will take care of anything you will ask it to do. Some people are saying whatever if i dont trust it if you don't trust it you will have control of your car still you don't even have to let it do its own thing. People can sill control it and do whatever you want like it was the same car. Mercedes and Benz, Adui, and Nissan plan to have cars drive by them self in 2020. They are still looking to see what all they can do but they think in 2020 that people today don't have to drive there cars anymore.\n\nHow would it be to be able to drive with even touching the car. The world has change so much and it is still changing today. We will just have to wait and see what 2020 brings to us.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Seagoing Cowboys\n\nI think more people should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program because it's a chance to experience new things, see unique places, and meet many new people. Being in the Seagoing Cowboys program could open up your eyes to new and exciting things. It's a great opportunity to become a Seagoing Cowboy.\n\nBeing part of the Seagoing Cowboys, you can have lots of fun. You can find unique ways to spend your time, because the Seagoing Cowboys have to go on some pretty long trips. But, you can also go sight-seeing, and see wonderful things. You can also get a chance to help out people who really need it, and it feels great to give to other people. It opened up the world for some people. It makes you more aware of people of other countries and their needs. There will be lots of other people on board too, so you can also get a chance to socialize with them, and become great friends. When you can find time to have fun on board, you can play games such as baseball, volleyball, fencing, boxing, reading, and whittling. You can even have a table-tennis tournament, and many more other types of games. It's sure to make it feel like time is going by quicker.\n\nIt's not all fun and games, though. You also will have to care for the animals. You must make sure you feed and water them two or three times a day. You need to make sure that you will also have enough food and water for the animals, and the people on board. You have to make sure the animals' stalls are clean, too. But, doing this can also keep you busy, and if you like to care for animals, then this could also be very fun. You will have to try and stay safe too, and make sure other people on board are safe, as well. Just try not to fall off the cattle boat. It's not that hard. You will have to be extra careful if you have to serve as a night watchman. You will have to check on all the animals every hour and report to the captain.\n\nWhile you travel the sea, you can get a chance to go touring in the places. You can get a chance to take a gondola ride in Venice, Italy, which is a city with streets of water. You can tour an excavated castle in Crete, and maybe pass by the Panama Canal. There's a lot of opportunities to see many cool and unique things as part of the Seagoing Cowboys. It's a trip you're sure to never ever forget.\n\nThese are all my reasons of why I believe more people should join the Seagoing Cowboys. It's a lot of work, but it's worth it. Being a part of the Seagoing Cowboys, is much more than just an adventure.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHonestly I'm against drivless cars, because people are just reckless drivers all together. So lets say a person decides to buy a driverless car and it says in the passage they still need their hands on the staring weel and they still need to pay attention but since it's called \"DRIVERLESS\" cars the buyer decide to go on a trip and it's night so the think \"oh it's a driverless car meaning i don't have to look at the road\" or \"I dont have to hold on to the steering weel\" or \"hey I can just sleep since it's driverless free thats must mean that mean i dont have to the road because it'll just do it thing by it's self\"\n\nBut lets get real here; never will there ever be a car that you will never have to pay attention to the road. But if that car comes out then all heck would break loose on the streets. There would be recks everywhere because some people are just so nieve that their just are careless reckless people. No car can ever manage to run by it's own.\n\nThe author even said in the artical you'll still need to keep your eyes on\n\nthe raod. and thats my oppinion to you", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n\"\n\nAll of our devolpment since World War II has been centered on the car and that will have to change ,\" said David Golberg. Now this is true, cars have been a fluenctal idea\u00a0 for\u00a0 transportation. Cars is known to be the fastest way of transportatin, but maybe limiting car usage can be helpful. Theres thousands of alternatives like bicking, skating, running, ridding a bus, or even a train. limiting car usage would save the money you use on gas, reduce the ammount of polution in our atmosphere, and is more healthy for your body. Heres my explanation to why limiting car usage would be a productive idea.\n\nOur nation spends millons on gas each week, limiting car usage would save that money. The amount of money people spend on gas is astonishing. Limiting car usage by taking a buss or even using a bike could save that money. In my community there is this parking lot for buss takers, this way people can save money on gas and still get to there destination on time. Another advantage to limiting car usage is that it will reduce polution.\n\nPolution is a huge problem not just for Europe or North America, but for the entire world. According to source 2 \"Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after five-days of intensifying smog.\" In France they use diesel fuel which is the most polluted fuel there is. Paris put a banned on ussages of their cars, this led to 4,000 driveres being fined.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Face is just a natural landform on Mars.\n\nScientists made the conclusion about the Face based on facts.\n\nAlso, the camera scientists used was great at capturing the Face, and the Face is very similiar to landforms we have on Earth.\n\nThese reasons are why the Face is a natural landform.\n\nThe Face is a natural landform because scientists made the conclusion based on facts.\n\nThroughout the article, scientists took various photos of the Face.\n\nIn all of these photos, scientists concluded that it was just a natural landform.\n\nAlso, scientists study Mars often, they have never seen any traces of alien artifacts.\n\nThere are more facts to believe the Face was a natural landform than an alien aritifact.\n\nAnother reason to believe the Face was just a natural landform is because the camera they used was very good at detailing the Face.\n\nIn paragraph 10, the article states that each pixel spans 1.56 meters compared to 43 meters per pixel from the photo in 1976.\n\nThis means the photo was a good picture to study off of.\n\nAlso, in paragraph 11, the article says the camera could have captured things like planes, pyramids, or shacks.\n\nIf there was anything like that on Mars, the camera would have seen it.\n\nSince we did not see anything through the camera, we do not have a reason to believe the Face was an alien artifact.\n\nLastly, the Face is very similar to what we have on Earth.\n\nIn paragraph 12, Jim Garvin says the Face looks a lot like a butte or mesa. He said it reminded him of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho.\n\nWe know it is just a natural landform because we know what a natural landform looks like, but we do not know what an alien artifact looks like.\n\nWe can not make an assumption when we have facts.\n\nIn conclusion, the Face is just a natural landform.\n\nWe have many reasons to believe this because of reasons like the camera, facts, and similar things we have on Earth.\n\nThere are a lot of facts and reasons connected to the Face supporting it just being a natural landform.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nYou should join Seagoing Cowboys program because you can see lots of things you have never seen before in your life.\n\nAnd you can spend time were ever you go but not forever.\n\nYou can stay there for maybe a day or two.\n\nBut that is mostly for rest, it dosen't mean you can't play around with kids or meat new people.\n\nAnd you get to go sailing alot when you are traviling to were you are going or if you are going back to were you live.\n\nWhen you are going to were ou have to go you do have to bring straw,hay, and soy beans.\n\nFor the animals to eat because you do have to take care of the animals.\n\nBut you would probably like taking care of the different animals you haven't seen in your life before.\n\nAnd if you are luke you would take advantage of it because you can meat new people and play new games in your life.\n\nPlus when you go home you can tell stories about what you did and when someone ask you if you went to china or somthing you can say yes probably.\n\nThen you would probably have to go back so when you do you won't have to sneak around because you will no people.\n\nThat is why I think you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nParticipate in the Seagoing Cowsboys program because you go on different trips such as New Oreleans. Seagoing Cowboy program can make you aware about the different countries and how their culture is.\n\nIf you participate in this experience and aventures you will have lots of fun to like playing games such as baseball and volleyball and more exciteing games. When you go on these trips to different countries you can explore and find out amazing things about it . Now doesn't that seem exciting!!! Also you can take care of animals horses,young cows,and mules.\n\nYou can go to Greece and see the Acroplis and riding on the gondola ! If I was you I will participate very very quick. Whats' more awesome than going on a gondola ride!! The best part is you get to cross the Atlantic Ocean. So many things you can see and visit on this program. Also you can tour a castle in Crete\n\nand the Panama Canel. All of these exciting trips and tours you can\"t miss out .\n\nTake my advise and you will have dream of a life time. You might get to visit a country you wanted to go to. Participate in this program you will have lots and lots of fun. Riding on the Gondola you can't miss that! So sign up and enjoy this Seagoing Cowboys Program. Visit many countries and help people in these countries. This will be the best program you ever been in.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars are a good invention to have because they can prevent night crashes. Many car crashes occur when a person is tired or drunk. This car will take care of your driving if you're drunk or in a bad situation when you can't drive such as, being pregnant and alone.\n\nFirst of all, let's say you are on a road trip with your family, its really late at night, your kids are asleep and you're really trying to stay awake. You remember you own a driverless car so you know you can sleep for a bit and if the car needs your assitance, you will be notified in some soart of way. For example, it will shake your seat, or even make a noice and alert you.\n\nDriverless cars will help pregnant women when they have no one else with them and they're going into labor. Since pregnant women can't drive , especially if they are about to have a baby, it is a good help for them to have a driverless car. Mostly because they would not have to assit much on the driving part and they can just tell the car where to go if they have a GPS in them.\n\nThese type of cars can be a positive huge help in the future whenever you are drunk driving or pregnant. They will prevent crashes and keep pedestrians safe.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI believe you should keep Electoral Collage. The reasons you should keep Electoral Collage is because you should let the people who want to vote have the right to choose who they want. Another reason is some of the people think that their votes dont count and the reason that they dont vote is because they dont think the precent will move up if they vote so most people dont vote but all they can do is at least try. Electoral Collage also helps you see how many people are actually voting for each person to be the president.\n\nYou should keep Electoral Collage is because i think the people who want to vote should have the right to vote. I dont think people could get to tell you who you can and cant vote for. I think if you are eight-teen years or older you should have the right to vote and no body has the right to tell you that you cant vote for a certain person just because they dont like that person.\n\nAnother reason you should vote is because if nobody votes they cant elect a president. The reason why most people dont vote is because they think that their votes dont matter. They think when the vote or when their whole family votes the percent will go up they just think they are wasting their own time. Their votes count just because it dosnt go up one percent when they vote doesnt mean that their vote doesnt count.\n\nMy final reason why we should keep Electoral Collage is because you can see the number of Electoral votes out of each state. Do the people docide to not vote for the U.S. president? Or do they just not care what the world is going to be like when the new president come do you like that they just dont vote for a reason or just because they dont think it is important. For an example alot of the states only have three votes. California has fifty-five votes in just that one state. California has the most votes in the whole U.S.\n\nIn conclusion, I think we should keep the Electoral Collage because you should let the people who want the vote have the right because you dont know if they change it if they will still have the rules that they have for the Electoral Collage. Another reason you should keep it so you can show people that their votes actually count and people know which president they should vote for by looking at the percentage of each president going up for election. The last reason is because they can see how many people are voting in each state and you can see if you are one of those people because if the state says that there was zero votes ina state and you know that you voted you would be able to tell if your vote counted or not most of the time it does.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAs the world and technology keeps on developing, there are many changes and advancments being made to make life easier, or so we think. Google cofounder Sergey Brin has made an envison come to life, and his envision is something you might see as impossible. He envisions a future of public transportation; but with driverless cars. Many may find this development as dangerous, the fact that the cars are not truely driverless, makes the human take control of the vehicle at certain times, major road construction for the car to drive safely, and some states finding it illegal to test computer driven cars might have something to do with that.\n\nFirst off, these cars that claim to be \"driverless\", are in fact not driverless. In paragraph 2, it clearly states, \"Their cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash, but so far, Google cars aren't truly driverless; they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as navigating through roadwork or accidents.\" So the fact that the car are truly not driverless and that you need to be alert the whole time and take the effort to make sure you don't crash into someones mailbox is quite sketchy.\n\nIn addition to the cars not being fully \"driverless\", the cars would need to work on fixed roads. In paragraph 3, it states, \" These-smart road systmes worked surprisingly well, but they required massive upgrades to exisiting roads, something that was simply too expensivre to be practical.\"\n\nNeedless to say, the fact that you are spending over what you need to be for this technology, and the roads with the wrong sensors is too expensive and unnessecary.\n\nAlso, in paragraph 9, it says \"As a result, in most states it is illegal even to test computer-driven cars. California, Nevada, Florida, and the District of Columbia have lef the country in allowing limites use of semi-autonomous cars; manufactorers believe that more states will follow as soon as the cars are proved more reliably safe.\" Proving that these states to not allow the use of self driven vehicles because they are very dangerous.\n\nIn conclusion, the \"driverless\" vehicle is a bad idea for many reasons. Not truly driverless, making you take control of the vehicle at any time under conditions such as traffic and reversing, major road construction, and being illegal for you to test in certain areas because of the risk that the idea puts out to the public. Driverless cars should not be the future, you should not have the depend on them to get you from point A to point B if you have the ability to drive with two hands.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn this story they talk about exploring space they siad that venus is called evening start somethimes . At night you can see it its the brightest one in the sky. Venus is the seound plant from the sun. And it has proved a very challeging place to examine more closely.\n\nVenus is referred to as earth too because its the cloest to the planet its about the same size as earth. Sometimes we are close to mars and sometimes to venus thier be some days around the corner. No space ship has touched down in venus more then three decades. On venus temperatures are average of 800 degrees fahrenheit and the atmospheric pressure is 90 more times grater then what we experience in earth. Its has the hottest surface temperature of any plant in our solor system. Venus was covered in largely with oceans and could of had life there.\n\nNASA are working on approaches on studying venus . A old project is looking back on an device called mechanical computers those devices where first envisioned in 1800s and they played a role in 1940s during world war 2 .Thier are builed useing gerars and levers. They are striving to meet the challenge.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nA \"car free\" community has many advantages. They will reduce the amount of greenhouse gases. They will also help you save more money by not having to pay for a car, and if you do, you can park it in a garage for $40,000. This will also expand other transportation and will have a new six-year federal transportation bill. There is no disadvantages for having a \"car-free\" community. Many countries and cities are participating in limiting car usage to make the air better and cleaner.\n\nFirst, and most important, is that reducing cars also reduces the greenhouse gas emmision. People that participate in this are most likely doing it to make the air we breath better. In some over-populated cities, the amount of smog is crazy. After just one day without some cars, the amount of smog dissapeared. London had the idea for even-numbered license plates to be banned to drive one day, even though some people still used their cars. So more than half the cars are still on the road, and it reduced smog so much, they didn't even need to ban the odd numbered cars. This is the most important reason why people are limiting car usage.\n\nNext, if you live in a car free community, you will never have to pay for your car. You can sell it to make more money becuase you will never have to use it. This is much better than owning a car and having to park it in a garage for $40,000. If you ever need to take the bus, you will have the money. With the extra money you can buy a bike also. The stores will be walking distances, so there is no need for a car. I think this is a great idea for not only a better community, but it would help people socialize with neighbors and it saves money while doing it. After World War II, the cities would start reconstructing around the car, but now that is beggining to change in Vauban, Germany.\n\nLast, the cities are trying to expand public transportation, such as taxis and buses. It would promote these and play a much larger role in a new six-year federal transportation bill. In previous bills, 80 percent of appropriations have gone to highways by law and 20 percent have gone to other transportation. If the city bans cars, you can either walk, skate, bike, or ride the bus or taxi. In America, the amount of cars being bought and license plates being bought are decreasing since 1995. President Obama has an ambitious goal on which he unvieled last week and he wants to get rid of green house gas emmisions.\n\nIn conclusion, I think you would agree that limiting car usage has its advantages. It reduces greenhouse gases and also smog. After one day, Paris was clear of gas and smog in the air. The gas gets caught under the atmosphere and is dangerous. Limiting car usage also will help you save money because you no longer will have a car to pay for. Also, it would boost other forms of transportation, such as buses and taxis. This is a great idea to limit cars.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMany people believe that the Face on Mars was created by aliens. I do not believe this claim. I believe that the Face is just a natural landform that was not created by anything but the land itself.\n\nThere are many pieces of evidence proving that the Face is just a natural landform. First, and probably the most obvious, the Face is only seen at a certain angle, due to the shadowing around the landform. In paragraphs one, two, and three the author states numerous times how the \"unusual shadows...made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh.\" In paragraph eight, the author states \"the Face on Mars is located at 41 degrees north martian latitude....\" Second, the first picture of the Face was taken in 1976, meaning that the Face could have been a result of the poor camera quality back then. The scientists at NASA back in 1997 even wanted to take another picture to see if the Face was just a natural landform. When the Mars Global Surveyor took a picture of the same landform in 1998 with improved camera quality, it showed that it was just a natural landform. In 2001, scientists took a third photo proving the Face was just a natural landform. In paragraph 1, the author states \"NASA's Viking 1 spacecraft was circling the planet...when it spotted the shadowy likeness of a human face.\" In paragraph seven, the author states \"...his Mars Orbiter Camera team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos.\" and \"...anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared... revealing... a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all.\" In paragraph twelve the author states \"what the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa---landforms common around the American West.\" The Face was also used as a way to entertain the public and shine more light onto Mars. At the end of paragraph three, the author states \"the authors reasoned it would be a good way to engage the public and attract attention to Mars.\" These claims and evidence to support them are just a few pieces of proof that the Face of Mars is a natural landform.\n\nSome people believe the Face on Mars was made by aliens, and that there is alien life on Mars. In all of the facts stated above, there is proof that the Face is nothing more than a butte or mesa and not created by aliens. Based on the pieces of evidence listed above, I can conclude that the Face is a natural landform and always will be.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article \"Making Mona Lisa Smile,\" the author explains how new technologies are allowing compters to read facial expressions. The use the Facial Action Coding System in classrooms is valuable, because it will benefit both students and teachers. This technology will help teachers identify if their students are understadning the lesson and if their students are enjoying the lesson and staying engaged.\n\nThe Facial Action Coding System will help teachers identify if their students are understanding the lesson they are teacher. In paragraph 6 the author states,\"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,\" Dr. Huange predicts.\" Teachers could use this technology to monitor their student's facial expression when watching a video or an online lesson. Teachers could ensure that all their students are understanding the content they are teaching. Teachers will be able to modify their lessons and how they are taught based on their students' reactions. They could also insturct their students to take notes on these computers, so that the teacher can identify if their students are fully engaged or not.\n\nTeachers will be able to understand if their students are enjoying the lesson or not with the Facial Action Coding System. The author states, \" The same technology can make computer-animated faces more expressive--for video or video surgrey.\" This technology will not only help students and teachers understand each other better, but will help students have more fun as well. Teachers will have the ability to show more interesting and engaging videos and online simulations to their students, so that they will stay engaged and focused on the lesson. It will give teachers the ability to monitor the enjoyment of their students, so that they will be able to modify their lessons t o help keep their students happy and focused. This will also help teachers make their future lessons more enjoyable or less depending on the reactions of their students.\n\nIn conclusion, I believe that the use of the Facial Action Coding System in classrooms is valuable, because it will benefit both teachers and students in the classroom. The use of this new techology will help teachers know if their students are understanding the lesson, and it will help students stay engaged and focused on the lesson.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nFor many years some NASA workers have been trying to find life on Mars. But their search has bee unsuccessful. No matter what they tried ,they could not find anything that could brng life. But no matter what they would not stop trying.\n\nAfter so many years one of NASA's spacecrafts captured a picture of what some people say looked like a face. NASA tought that they had finally found life on mars. But after some reacherch they figured that it wasn't a face' that it was a landform. But some people weren't satisfied.\n\nScientists believed that the Face was an alien artifact. They also said that it looked lake a head of an Egyptian Pharoh because of an unusual shadow. But before they thought it was a Pharoh, they figured that it was just another Mratian mesa.\n\nBut then the scientists finally figured out that the picture actually shows a Martian equivalent of a butte or messa. After that some people believed what they wanted. But some believed that it was a landform. A guy named Garvin, said that it reminded him most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho.\n\nThat it was a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa, about the same height as the Face on Mars.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nShould more driverless cars be made in the future, do they really help? There are positives and negatives of the driverless cars. A positive, according to the passage is \"that cars have sensors that make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel.\" Having that sensor can keep the driver alert of the road and drivers around. Another positive would be\" the seats vibrating, they are to alert the driver when the car is in danger of backing up into an object\". That is important because things such as vehicles are closer then they really are in the mirrors. So when your backing up, you could be closer then you think and without the alerting of the vibrating seat, you could tap someones car, which would lead to some very exspensive bills for you or worse losing the right to drive. This all sounds great but, there are negatives too to these amazing cars, unfortunatly. Say you have and older driverless car and the sensors don't work as quickly and you hit someone from behind. You say you were paying attention or your car didn't say anything, who's fault is it really then? Is it your fault, should you be charged or let off because of a \"bad\" car? We all know technology is nice, fast ,and very helpful but, we also all know you can't always depend on technology. It shuts down or gets viruses, or could just die on us at the very time we need it. If you were in a car accident and you were the one that had been hit by a young driver and the young driver says \"my car didn't do anything\", you would want to say the young driver was probably on the phone but you don't really know. Say the driver wasn't on the phone and the car really didn't do anything to keep her from hitting you. What do you tell the police, who do I blame?\n\nI think the positives stand out more then the negatives because they really do help. A elderly with there lisence is on the road and she/he has to slam on there breaks but just couldn't do it fast enough because there so slow and old, the \"Smart Car\" can help by alerting her/him quickly before she/he sees that everyone has slowed down because of an car accident up ahead that she/he can't see. Teenagers are young and dumb, they are always destracted by there phones, if there eyes are on the phone then whos watching the road? Teenagers get in horriable accidents everyday because they do silly things like texting while driving. The Smart Car can keep them focus and alert them on whats up ahead as well as what's around them. Some Smart Cars won't let you move or do anything untill you put your seat belt on, a seat belt can save you. Smart Cars can save lives.\n\nMore of these driverless cars or Smart Cars should be made. They really have brought down the number of accidents. I actually have a Smart car or a smart truck and it doesn't let us down. It will not let you turn on the radio or start the car unless everyone has on there sear belts. It says \"welcome\" too everytime you get in, such a nice car. Our car has cameras on all four sides of it. the most usefull one is the back camera, it shows everything behind us. We are a big family so when we go grocery shopping, it's a lot of food, sometimes we can't see out the trunk window. How would we know if a car was coming or a family was walking by? What if a dog ran pass or a child ran pass, the Smart Car quickly alerts us by blinking rapidly and making loud beeping noises, the TV in the front of the car shows us what's behind the car or whatever the cameras are showing so my Mom can quickly stop the car so whatever's passing through dosn't get hurt or we don't mess up our nice car. The Smart Car saves lives and money. I can't wait to get my own!", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe aothor support this idea in the article pretty well. Venus is the second planet from the sun.Venus also has one of the hotter surface temperature of any planet in our solar system.Venus is called the \"Evening Star''\n\nbecause it is one of the brightest point of light in the night sky.Venus has the cloest density and size to Earth. So people reffer this planet as twin planet of earth.Venus is survuvable fo human son it is worth pursuit despite the dangers it presents.\n\nVenus is survival for human because Venus used to be one of the planet like earth in our solar system along time ago.'' venus was probably coverd largely with oceans and could have support various froms of life, just like earth. Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters.'' this evidence tell us that Venus the most likely going to be where the human move when the earth no longer liveable in the future.\n\nAnother reason that Venus is worth pursuit despite the danger it presents is it is closest to the earth.'' furthermore, recall that venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel.'' The Venus is close to the planet we live so if something were happen to it we have to move to Mar or Venus. So, we have research do our resarch on it so we stay there before we find a planet that suit us.\n\nThe idea that we should do our research on Venus even if we know the danger. But there is going to be alot problem when we do it example '' however, peering at venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on the ground conditions because most froms of light cannot penetrade the dense atmosphhere, redering standard froms of photography and videography ineffective. More importantly, researcher cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance.'' We will face the danger but it will also evole the human kind by alot.\n\nThis very help full in the easy. People does not care about the future so that they are worried that something may happen to the earth . So research have tosearch for away that will make human live in Venus or Mar so that human does not extienct. This article give me more about Venus in many way.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe use of FACS technology to read student's emotional expressions are valuable. FACS, made by Prof. Thomas Huang and his collague, was made to detect emotions in paintings or in humans. According to Dr.Huang, \" facial expressions for each emotion are univesal,\" which is why the new technology is used to find out what these expressions mean. FACS can detect facial expressions in paintings such as Mona Lisa. The computer can recognize what kind of emotions are expressed in the painting when most people can't. Humans can also perform this action when we look at a family or a friend's face, it is easy to tell how they're feeling by looking at their face. The computer also makes emotions look more realistic in video games. According to Dr. Eckman, the computer has six emotions; happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness.\n\nFurthermore, when students are in a classroom learning for hours or even minutes, they get bored, confused, or even annoyed. Teachers can sometimes realize that and sometimes they can't which is how the computer can help. Simply by looking at sudents, it reads their emotions and when it realizes learning is not fun for them anymore, it changes things. Accoring to the text, a classroom computer will detect that the students are feeling bored. How the computer helps is by changing how the teacher is teaching the students. It modifies the teaching area to create a new way to teach students.\n\nTo end it all, FACS is resourceful for anyone. With the emotions it has, it can easily read people's face and recognize what type of emotions they have. It also helps students and teachers a lot by creating new amusing ways for students to learn. People can't always know what other people are feeling by looking at their face but the computer can. It's an upgrade made by professors and doctors to help society and people.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHi, name is Luke and I am part of the Seagoing Cowboys program. Many people don't conclude the idea of joining the program, but there are many reasons why you should join this program. I crodded the Atlantic Ocean 16 times and the Pacific Ocean twice. At first i knew nothing about this program until my friend invited me and now, im glad he did because it was an adventure to never forget.\n\nYou get to go on adventures, and visit unique places such as Europe, China, sail across the Atlantic Ocean, and visit Greece. During these adventures you meet new people, see new cultures and how people live. You also help people around the world. When I help people in need I feel good inside knowing that im helping and making a difference in the world. Also we found that we could have fun on the ship, we played baseball, volleyball, table-tennis, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games that fullfilled our time.\n\nOverall, I think you should join the Seagoing Cowboy club for these reasons. You feel like a better person by helping people, you see the world and different countries, you go on adventures, and have fun while doing this by playing games and doing hobbies. Why would anyone take up this once and a life time opritunity? This adventure was very rememberful and fun so I think you should join the program and experience the remberable adventure yourself.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCan you imagine a time in the future when no one buys cars because no one needs them anymore ? Well no I can't really imagine a time in the future when no one buys cars because no one needs them anymore . I can't imagine that because theres always gonna be a time where you need to go somewhere & your gonna need transportation to get you there . If there were no cars in the future so many lives would be so miserable because who would wanna walk everywhere they need to go? I know I would get tired of walking . There's so many places where people need to be on time but only with some kind kind of transpotation . Life wouldn't be so great without cars because just even walking the house or even to go down the street for something important would really get annoying & tired .\n\nWhen reading paragraph 7 it talks about how BMW announced the development of ''Traffic Jam Assistant in 2013. Well just because there were alot of \"Trafic Jams'' in 2013 doesn't mean just think about the future without any cars . We need transpotation everywhere we go. I know that there's many of ways for transportation but walking , I don't think that's really a great idea knowing that we walk 24/7 365 days out of the whole year . Having a car & knowing that you can drive it around anytime you would like to is actually good , because even though the gas that you put in your car goes up a dollar or 2 every week doesn't just give up or think about not having cars in the future. There are teenagers all over the world that are looking foward to getting them a car when they get older & even teens and adults now that are wishing that they could get them a car.\n\nMy position on driveless cars is that what is a driveless car if you still need a driver to drive the car ? You will always need someone to drive the car even if it is a driveless car. There are car crashes everywhere you go , but you can always fix that problem by sharing the road with the other drives . Watching out for other drivers and the people that are walking is a big step of getting behind the wheel . Making sure that there aren't other people in the way so that you will not hit them & even following the rules of the road , like making sure that you stop at STOP signs & even waiting for your turn to turn while driving. There's no need to imagine a time in the future when no one buys cars because no one needs them anymore.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless Cars\n\nDriverless cars could change the world for the better. They could make our lives easier and less stressful. Driverless cars could save lives, save time, and save money. These cars would be a great replacement for the manual cars used today. Driverless cars could benefit our society greatly.\n\nThis new invention of cars without drivers could save many lives. Each year thousands of citizens die, or are injured due to car accidents. These accidents are caused mainly by drivers. If cars continue to need drivers, many more deaths will result from this horrible choice. The drivers of these vehicles could be drunk, driving illegally without a valid license, texting, or distracted, resulting in car crashes. The possibilities as to why a person driving a car could get into an accident are endless! However, with no unsuitable driver at the wheel, roads all over the world will become much safer. If ,instead of a driver, the car is automated and drives by itself, people could rid the world of unsafe drivers. With these driverless cars, thousands of lives all over the world could be spared.\n\nDriverless cars could save people time. According to paragraph two in the article, Google's driverless cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash. Less crashes would result in less traffic jams. Without traffic jams, citizens would be able to get to their destination quicker and easier. Driverless cars could also save time by not having to constantly run into blocked roads. Due to the driverless cars being automated and controlled by an automated system, the system will most likely be able to detect the quickest route to the preferred destination. Therefore, driverless cars could be an advantage to us by saving us time.\n\nWith the invention of the driverless car, homo sapiens (humans) would be able to save money. The first product of the driverless car is not bound to be cheap, but as time progresses, the cost of this new car will eventually go down. According to paragraph one in the provided article, the driverless cars would use half the fuel of today's cars and would offer far more flexibility than a bus. Gas is a very expensive fuel. However, if citizens were to only need to pay for half of the money they pay for gas today, then they could save a lot of money that could be used for more important investments. Also, the driverless cars could result in less car crashes, which would result in not having to pay for damage repair. Overall, the driverless cars would not only your save life, but your money too.\n\nThe driverless cars could benefit our lives. They would be able to not only improve the way people live today, but they would also have the power to save lives, save time, and save money. This new car design could be the exact replacement, for the manual car used today, our society has been looking for. With these cars, students would also be able to focus on their schoolwork more, rather than on passing their driving exam. They could change life as people know it. The driverless cars would fundamentally change the world for the better.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCars are part of our daily routines, they have been around for so long that we can't even remember when they first showed up, but did you know that people are starting to use other means for transportation?. Studies have shown that the number of miles driven in the united states has dropped steadily ever sice 2005, and as of april 2013, the number of miles driven per person was 9 percent below the the peak.\n\nPart of the reason lies in the recession, americans with a low income can't afford to buy new cars; not mentioning the unemployed, and now that recovery is under way, the next few years will be telling if the decrease will stop, or continue. But looking at the bright side, if the pattern persists (and many believe it will) it will be beneficial towards carbon emissions and the enviroment, without considering the fact that car transportstion is one of the largest source of america's emitions.\n\nAmerica isn't the only country that has seen a major decrease in car transportation, other places have taken steps to decrease the use of cars. For example, in VAUBAN, Germany, the residents of this community have given up their cars, thats right!, Vauban's are completely \"car-free\". Owning a cars is allowed, but they vanly be parked in two places, garages that can be purchased for $40,000, and of course, a home. As a result, seventy percent of the popullation does not own a car.\n\nBut why are they doing this?. Well, automobiles are used widely all around the globe, and that id a huge impediment to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions from tailpipes. Cars are responsable for 12 percent of green house emissions in Europe... and up 50 percent in some car-intesive area in the United States, that's why some places are triying to stop using vehicles, the advantage of not using cars relies on the fact that cars are dangerous to our planet, and we have to take care of our planet.\n\nFinally(and most importantly)France and Colombia are taking major steps to fight the over-use of cars. Sice Paris has more smog than any other European capital, motorists with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine. The same would apply to odd-numberd plates the following day, as a result congestion was down 60 percent\u00a0 in Paris after 5 days. And in Bogota, Colombia, there has been a \"car-free day\" for over three years now in an attempt to promote alternative transportation, peole who refuse not use their cars are fined with a $25 dollar fine, because of this, the turnout has been large. And it has led to the construction oh 118 miles of bicycle paths.\n\nSo.... do you still want to use car?... or a bicycle?.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAfter reading the article, \"Driverless Cars Are Coming.\", I strongly found myself against the idea of cars becoming driverless. There is a various amount of issues that could arise from this irrational idea. I believe that if driverless cars were to exist as a regular item in our society many problems would occur.\n\nDriverless Cars would cause an endless amount of dangers, failure within companies and manufacturers, as well as the amount of money that would be lost. Electronics that we use today fail all the time, and cause money loss and stress. I believe these cars would have to go through so many failures before actually being safe and useful. Our economy cannot afford to throw millions of dollars away building cars that will be used for hundreds of trial tests, and then thrown away. The failure percentage will be so high for these cars, and will cause so many problems for the manufacturers, people, and the economy alone. Another reason these cars would be a disaster is the danger it will create. In the article it talks about how people would get bored if they were doing none of the driving, which would cause them to fall asleep or to find a distraction like games, or phones. It also says that in tight spaces or traffic the car would need the human to takeover the driving. Concluding these two facts from the article, drivers will get distracted and when needed by the car to takeover they won't be capable of doing so. This is just one reason I found that these cars will put people in dangerous situations. Cars are to dangerous of an electronic to be putting people in, and testing the unknown. My last reason supporting the irrational idea of driverless cars, is the money that would be lost. Currently the united states is in debt by trillions of dollars, and even the idea of this adds onto the amount of money were are behind on. It would cost millions of dollars to build them, replace them, find the required research, and and endless amount of other things. Also, since they are going to be electronically driven, whos fault will it really be if they were to stop functioning? This question will arise in many court cases when manufactures get sued, and will again cost a fortune. This idea will take money out of everyones pockets, and the currently unstable economy does not need that. There are many other reasons to be argued why these cars would be a horrible idea.\n\nIn conclusion to my reasons, this is why I believe if driverless cars were to exist as a regular in our society many problems would occur. The endless amount of money, dangers, and failure accurately describe what this idea would do to our nation. Driverless cars will fail our economy.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author suggests that studing Venus is a worthy pursuit depite the dangers it presents. The author supported his idea of studying and understanding Venus can help us in many ways. Studying help will help us know more about Venus which will benefit in the future. And also maybe it will be the planet where it supported life.\n\nThe first reason why studying is Venus is a worthy is because Venus can be a very helpful planet for humanity. Venus can be a planet that is the most alike planet with Earth. According to the article, it says \" Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system\". This show that Venus can the next place like Earth and where human can life.\n\nSecond, if Venus is most Earth-like planet then it mean there are some feature or some landscape that are similar with Earth in Venus. This will help us because it similar to where we live right now. And it will can be the second planet to live for us. According to the the text, is says \"Lang ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth\". This show that\n\nlike Earth, Venus could have supported life.\n\nThe author also talk about how Venus has some feature that are similar to Earth. How it has similar faetures like valleys, mountains, and craters. And also talk about the nearest option for a planerty visit. According to the article, \" Today, Venus still had some features that are analogous to those on Earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. Futhermore, recall that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel\". This mean that Venus is very silimar to Earth and worth studying.\n\nIn conclusion, the author supports the his idea of studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the danger in many ways. He talk about how the Venus might have been the most Earth-like planet. How Venus might have covered with oceans and might have supported life. And the features that Venus have that are similar to Earth. This shows that Venus is worth studying despite the dangers.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI feel like we shouldn't have driverless cars for many reasons. There are already many accidents about people falling asleep behind the wheel, having driverless cars just makes it easier for collisions. If you were behind the wheel of a driverless car then you can easily get too relaxed and end up falling asleep, What if there's an emergeny and you can't wake up for a response in time?\n\nThere's some good reasons too. Such as if you were at a party and there was drinking. You can rely on the car to get you home safely. The car can keep you out of harm by you not driving.\n\nAll together I find it a bad idea. We do't have much research on driverless cars and we are not skilled enough to create them to be able to drive on the road. We don't have enough research to do this because what if there is a bug in the system, the car can easily break down or it can go rogue and you can be put in a lot of danger. So yes, I find it a bad idea to have them, but it could be in the future.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever thought about what life would be like on Venus? Venus, also known as the \"Evening Star\", is said to be a challenge when it comes to exploring. The author develops a main point that Venus is a fasinating planet by using facts on past explorations to Venus, by using what scientist have found, and by telling readers that our travels should not be stopped.\n\nFirst of all, Venus, also known to be Earths \"twin\", is a mystery. The author tells the readers about what past explorations have been like and why no one is living or has traveled to Venus in almost three decades. \"\"Each previous mission was unmanned, and for good reason, since no spacecraft has survived the landing for more than a few hours.\". The author also tells of why no space craft has been able to survive the landing on Venus. \"Also notable, Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to our sun.\". However that does not stop scientist from trying to create more explorations to gain more research.\n\nIn addition to the surface being inhospitable, that does not stop scientist from planning more explorations to gain more research. The author asks us, \"If our sister planet is so inhospitable, why are scientist even disscusing further visits to its surface?\". Well we are told that, \"Today Venus still has some features that are analogous tgo thoses on Earth.\". Which tells us that even scientist are still figuring out how Earth became Earth, and if Venus was just like Earth. Which leads to more research and more information.\n\nFinally, we are told about how a-like Earth and Venus are through the research of the scientists. Which scientist believe we should not stop our travels just because of dangers. In paragraph 8 the author states, \" Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors.\". This shows that the author does not believe that the danger should hold us back and stop us from exploring. In the same paragraph it also states, \"Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation.\"\n\nOver all, the author develops a main point that Venus is a fasinating planet by using facts on past explorations to Venus, by using what scientist have found, and by telling readers that our travels should not be stopped. By showing the readers that there is more than what meets the eye when talking about Venus. Also that one should never let danger stop them from exploring.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nOne day while i was at my job working for NASA, I heard a door open. I turned to look, and in walked a conspiracy theorist, knuckles dragging the ground, dead eyes staring, and drool escaping from his open mouth. \"May I help you, sir?\"\n\n\"Yeah! I know there's a face on Mars and i want you scientists to stop hiding the evidence!\"\n\nHere we go again I thought. I had seen thousands of people like him, asking the exact same thing. and every time my reply was the same: There is no face on Mars. The appearance of the face is caused by shadows on a mesa.\n\nHowever they never believe me. \"Those pictures are faked so that you can hide the evidence!\"\n\nI always give them the standard reply that the pictures are official and that is that.\n\nOne thing I as a scientist don't understand about these people is why they think an alien civilization would build a giant replica of a HUMAN face. Theres no way they'd even know we existed, so why bother?\n\nIn conclusion conspiracy theorists are going to believe there is a face on Mars no matter how much evidence we give them to the contrary, so why even bother trying.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThese sources focus on the advantages of limiting car usage. The usage of cars has been decreasing as the years go by, not only in the United States, but in other countries as well. The residents of certain countries are beginning to use walking or taking a train or a city bus as a means of transportation instead of using their cars, that is if they own one.\n\nThe advantages of limiting car usage are endless. One advantage is that it relieves a big amount of stress on people. According to source one, having a car is a big responsibility, sometimes one that certain people are not able to handle. \"When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way,\" said Heidrun Walter, a media trainer and mother of two. Not having a car or avoiding having to use a car is becoming easier for people. For people that live in suburban areas, public transportation is going to have a higher demand. This is because there is an attempt to make suburbs more compact and more accessible to public transportation, with less space for parking. In this new approach, stores are going to be placed a walk away, or on a main street, rather than having them all together in malls along a distant highway. Not only will it make it easier for people to access stores or other necessities, but the money that the public transportation will receive will go to the city, giving them more to use on important things the community needs. Furthermore, it is evident that limiting car usage relieves a big amount of stress on people.\n\nAnother advantage of limiting car usage is that it brings people and countries together for a cause. Limiting the use of cars is spreading worldwide and there are many people that agree with this concept. According to the third source, in Bogota, Colombia, a program has been started that is set to lower the rate of care usage and increase the usage of public transprortation. Millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated, or took buses to work during a car-free day, leaving the streets of this capital city empty and unoccupied. The interactions between the community are inevitable with so much people walking and being all in one place at one time. Furthermore, the act of a car-free day is also spreading to other countries. Municipal authorities from other countries came to Bogota to see the event and were extremely enthusiastic. \"These people are generating a revolutionary change, and this is crossing borders,\" said Enrique Riera, the mayor of Asunci\u00f3n, Paraguay. With this act spreading and moving across borders into other countries, the use of cars will soon begin to decrease even more than it already has. This will help to lower the pollution as well as other economic problems caused by cars.\n\nThese sources focus on the advantages of limiting car usage. The usage of cars has been decreasing as the years go by, not only in the United States, but in other countries as well. The residents of certain countries are beginning to use walking or taking a train or a city bus as a means of transportation instead of using their cars, that is if they own one. With the information provided, how can one refuse to join the movement to limit car usage?", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHumans are capable of making many expressions with the muscles located in the face,and some of these slight changes might not be observable to the normal human eye without intense concentration from a person that is knowledgeable in the anatomy of the face and what the different changes mean.The facial coding system(FACS) is an attempt to take those slight changes that often go unnoticed and shed light upon them so that you can get an accurate idea of how a person is feeling.\n\nteen suicide rates have been going up as the rise of social medias and the internet has increased,but with\n\nthe facial action coding system we could try to combat this trend by implementing it in ways that could benefit these suicidal teens.Many teens come to school upset or get upset during the school day but don't like to go to their counselors for help.Some of the main reasons why students don't like to go to their counselors are things such as: fear of their parents getting involved, fear of other students picking on them or judging them because they need to see a guidance counselor,and a belief that an adult couldn't possibly know what they are going through because adults didn't grow up in an age where most people use social media which tends to set standards that few can actually achieve.The Facial Action Coding System would allow counselors to be notified of students that are feeling upset so that they can try and help these students in need.Have you ever felt like your life wasn't worth anything because their were so many people that were better than you? Well this is a mentality that many high school students have so instead of getting help they just allow themselves to stay unhappy because the don't want to inconvenience someone who is actually worth something.\n\nThere has been a massive spike in student's shooting up school's and in most cases it is because the student felt that the school,or its students just watched as they suffered from sadness or other issues, but usually it is just that no one realized what they were going through.Teenagers have become good at hiding their true emotions from others because they try to live up to some stereotypical standard such as the stereotype that real men do not cry, or the stereotype that women only want tough guys so if you want a women then you need to be a jerk that seems to not care about her.Many women also suffer from these standards that they believe they need to live up to such as the false belief that all women should be thin,or the belief that they need to wear makeup to cover their face because if they don't then guys won't be attracted to them.The Facial Action Coding System would allow the counselors to be aware of when these pressures were sapping a student of their happiness,and try to help lift the weight presented by these pressures off of the student's back.If we can help these students that feel this way than we would have happier students which would decrease the violent trend of school shooting that is on the rise.\n\nSchool is like a sport in that in the end everyone is working towards the same goal of keeping society going and flourishing, so by keeping the students happier you are benefitting society as a whole.Humans have a tendency to link happiness with productivity so in theory happier students lead to more productive students,and more productive students become more involved members in society.\n\ndepression is linked to many health issues such as paranoia which hinder people by making it hard for them to function in normal society.depression related health issues can also lead to drug abuse because students try to find a way to make themselves happy and there is a stigma that drugs will make you feel good so they try to use the substances as an escape from their life.drugs cause many students to put more effort into getting the next dose of the drug than they do on being sucessful in life.\n\nIf you have ever been to school than you would most likely notice that many students find school boring and unecessary,this method of thinking could be directed to a more positive one if school could be more tailored towards what the student thinks will be important or what they find interesting.The facial action coding system could help make this a reality for students as it could be used\n\nto detect when a student is feeling bored or annoyed at the presented work and notify a teacher. This would allow the teacher to try and help the frustrated student, because many times students may not understand something but don't want to ask about it for fear that they may get ridiculed by the teacher or other students.\n\nMany students could benefit from the Facial Action Coding System by\n\nallowing staff memebers to help them when they need it but are to scared to get help.This software would increase safety for students as well as allow them a greater chance to learn.this is why I believe they should have the Facial Action Coding System in school's.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI believe that the computer reading facial experssions in the classoom for students is valuable because if they see the student get bored or not intrested they can tell what to show in there intrest so they can teach the students. It will be more helpful for the teachers to keep the students on task while on the computer. The teachers wont have to worry about the students not learning anything cause they are not intrested. Being able to read face expressions is a good idea and it helps alot on knowing weather the students are intrested or not. Some students won't tell you they dont like the way you are teaching them and they just get off task and not pay attention whats so ever.\n\nThere are alot of times that students get bored on how the teacher is teaching the extructions and just get distracted and not learn a thing. Having a computer help them with that will be awesome for both teachers and students. They will both get something out it by one learning and paying more attention and the teacher doings its job on helping them understand. Most students will enjoy the fact they can learn off something that intrests them the most. There won't be alot of class distraction.\n\nWe will have more students passings classes. Have more students on task. Teachers wont have to be complaining so much on how students are paying attention. Also on how they are distracting the class cause they are beyound bored. That is my opinion on why getting facial experssion is valuable!", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere are so many reason why using a car can destroy our community,personally I think using your car less would be a good idea. There are some advantages of limiting car usage,as you know the fume inside the car could give you a lot of problem with heart your lungs when you breathing air. By limiting our car usage we could have a chance of protecting the new generation from the polluted gas that comes out of the cars. In some country\u00a0 many people are happy even they are not using cars to go anywhere example In Germany life goes on without the usage of cars.\n\nAlright look I get that cars are a good transportation device because when your have a long way to go It could be very hard to there and you want to use a car that is acceptable,but like If you have to go somewhere that is 1 mile do you really need a car to get there. You don't have to have a car to have a happy life just look at this little paragraph i have search up.\"As a result,70 percent of Vauban families do not own cars,and 57 percent sold a car to move here.\"When i had a car I was always tense.\"I'm much happier this way,\".\n\nWhen we use cars a lot it cause us to buy a lot of gas that cost a lot of money. A study last year found that driving by young people decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009. Many teens and adults died from car accidents it might because they driving to fastor someting else. All that I am trying to say is that cars can be good for the community or it could bad for the community. That is all and why I think it a good thing to have the advantages of limiting car usage.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nTechnoloagy has improved the world, with new technoloagy humans acomplish jobs quicker, but there are some technology that shouldn't be allow to be use by humans. One of the technology is driverless cars. There should not be any driverless cars on the road conserdering the safty of everyone, the moneny that the goverment and taxes needed and the improvement is just not that useful.\n\nGoogle confounder Sergey Brin invented a transportation system that could drive independently under specific conditions. But \"Google cars aren't truly driverless; they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic isssues, such as navigating through roadwork or accidents.\" If the cars still needs human to operate then why even have a driverless car? This improvement of tecnology is useless, improving car to driverless yet still need driver to oprate and drive.\n\nFurtheremore, the driverless cars are computer driven cars, there are no garrenties that the computer will not make any misstake. Even smartphones and GPS these days have problems and makes misstakes. So, there could be a chance that the computer driven cars will make misstakes, rather the misstake will cost a life or more. \"Most driving law focus on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe, and lawmakers know that safty is best achieved with alert drivers.\" The lawmakers know that if a driver is not alert, accedients will happen.\n\nAdding to the point, driverless cars \"read the positive and negative polarity in binary code. These smart-road systems worked surprisingly well, but they require massive upgrades to existing roads, something that was simply too expensive to be practical.\" The money that is need to build these code on roads inorder for driverless car to work better are way to expensive, why waste the moeny on a fancy road when now there are still holes on normal roads?\n\nIn conclusion, humans should not use driverless cars. It is a waste of moeny and investment. While the car is called driverless car, the irony of still needs a driver to operate is just unecerary. Also, for the safty of the drivers, passengers, and pedestrians it is to dangerious to drive a driverless car. The technologys are not perfect. Driverless cars that are controled computers and computers will make misstakes, when is this does happen who is it that to blame? The drive or the computer?", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n\"All of our development since World War ll has been centered on the car and that would have to change' said David Goldberg, an official of Transportation of America. It is imperative that our fellow citizens take the initiative to limit car usage for the whole purpose of saving time,conserving resources,lowering emissions and improving safety for ourselves and others .\n\nLimiting car usage is an effective way in reducing our air pollution(smog).Most of our greenhouses gases are the result from the use of car or fuel engineered automobiles.\n\nSource 1:In Geman Suburb,Life Goes On Without Cars states that \"passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of the grennhouse gas emissions in Europe.. and up to 50 percent in some carintensive area in the United\u00a0 States\", this means that most of our greenhouse gases are resulting from the overusage of cars that emit an abundance of CO2 into the atmosphere which generally has a\u00a0 negative effect on the enviroment. If car usage were to be limited that would mean the greenhouse\u00a0 gas emissions would be reduced which will then lead to a reduction in air pollution. Implementing\u00a0 the reduction of car usage would have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the enviroment,since transporatation is the second largest source of America's emissions,just behind power plants.\n\nCar usage has contributed to cities\u00a0 low safety level. This is because cities are more denser with the use of more and more cars. If car usage were to be limited that would mean that these cities would be better to walk around in and other alternative transporatation methods such as bicycling and public transit have an easier way of getting around to save time according to\n\nSource 4: The End of Car Culture.\n\nThis implication may have a negative result in lost revenue in the car industry,but which is more important the world we live in or money? There are many more alternatives than using cars that emit greenhouse gases such as plug-in cars,hybrids, and cars carrying three or more passengers as stated in\n\nSource 2: Paris Bans Driving due to Smog.\n\nWith the reduction in car usage that would mean that the resources that were needed to support the vehicle would be conserved because there would only be a small amoun of it being used. With the reduction in the usage of the fuels then the the remaing amount would be for other purposes that would need it or be saved over time if the US were to need it in the future.\n\nTo conclude if limiting car usage would be in then it would just have a positive efeect in the worl we live in. Not only will limiting car use would\u00a0 reduce\u00a0 the amount of smog being produced but it will also increase the United States safety level and conseverve the resources as well.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars. Possible or not? Either from personal transportation to public, people have been wondering; \"Is it possible?\" I belive that with the technology that we have today, it is very possible. It would reduce accidents massively, but it is technology. If the self driving mechanism would malfunction, that car could become a hazard to the driver and anyone around it. But it is still an interesting idea to think about, considering what everyone sees in movies.\n\nMany companies are already trying to construct working self driving cars. For example, the first people to truely test this theory out was General Motors in the late 1950s, while nowadays companies include; Google, BMW, Tesla, Mercedes- Benz, Audi, Nissan, and GM are a few. A few issues that they have to make a fully functioning model are that it would be too expensive to truely make it functional, especially if the maufactures use magnets to run on a set track down every road. Another issue they have is that they cannot steer themselfs around accidents or construction. But with those issues aside, it would be a lot better for the enviroment, lowering exaust by about half of what it is today, and it also would lower accidents.\n\nAll in all, self steering cars are the future of our lifes today, although an expencive option, it would be worth it. Whether its smart roads, or smart cars, would be benifitial to how we deal with things now. They would lower accidents, and allow idiots to text on their phones while driving. Just look out for the stray dog on the roads, and you'll be fine.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n\"Therefore, scientists seeking to conduct a thorough mission to understand Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risks\". This is just one of the the examples that the author uses to support the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents.\n\nThe author is clear when he describes Venus being an important planet to discover. In the text, it says \"Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our sloar system\". They also state, \"The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters\". The author is giving background on Venus and how Earth-like it used to be. This is the important part of Venus in the article that the author is describing.\n\nNext, the author makes sure to describe the dangerous part of Venus too. For example, he says \"A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere\". The author is describing that Venus is a very dangerous planet to discover. As in the texts, it says \"...temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet\". He aslo describes previous missions to Venus, stating \"...since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. Maybe this issue explains why not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades\". This is more evidence that the author supports the idea of studying Venus despite the dangers.\n\nIn conclusion, the author does a excellent job supporting the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presnts. The author supports this idea with evidence from the text. He concludes his idea at the end by stating, \"Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expaned to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation\".", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n\"Hello everyone and welcome to Cloud Nine News. Today we are going to talk about a spectacular program called The Seagoing Cowboys. I'm Alex your host and this is Lucy co-host!\"\n\n\" Hey laidies and gentlemen! But I'm not the only new person today give it up for Luke. A very experienced Seagoing Cowboy.\" The last of Lucy's sentence was hushed by the croud cheering and clapping.\n\n\" Thank you everyone but it's not me that you need to cheer for it's the Seagoing Cowboys. I'm here to tell you about what they did for me. The oppertunity was astonishing for a small town boy like me I remember saying on my first day, the cattle-boat trips were an unbeleiveable opertunity for a small town boy like me. It's true too I mean it was a great thing for me. I thank my old friend Don Reist for my going.\" The croud cheered.\n\n\" Besides the benifit of helping people I got to explore many different places. I got to go to Europe. I got to go to China. I even got a tour of an excavated castle. Not only the oppertunity was great but being able to travel was amazing.\"\n\n\" The crew was awsome. When all of the cattle or whatever animals we had were off. We played baseball and volleyball where the animals were. Then we did table-tennis, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games to pass the time.\"\n\n\" Wow! Maybe i should join and be the first Seagoing Cowgirl...\" Lucy decided to but in.\n\n\" That'd be really neat,\" Luke praised the idea. \" I think I'll tell captain about that.\"\n\n\" Okay now any questions?\" Alex sounded desperate to get off the cowgirl idea.\n\n\" You with the red shirt!\" Lucy called excidedly.\n\n\" How long were you in the program?\"\n\n\" I don't remember how long but I know that I went out to sea 9 times!\" Luke answered.\n\n\" You in the blue shirt with the neat sign!\"\n\n\" It's not a question it's a comment. I'm going to join the program!\" After the boy said that murmers spread across the room most saying \"Me too\".\n\n\" Well there you have it the reasons and answers to questions about the Seagoing Cowboys Program see you tomarrow night with a laundry cleaning women..?\"\n\n\" Bye Luke!\" Lucy called before the show ended.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author of this article makes some very good points to supporting the idea of studying Venus or also know as Earth's \"twin\" planet. In their article they talk about how Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size. While it seems like a great idea to think about the planet to visit in the future, it's atmosphere and enviroment is lethal. It's thick atmosphere is about 97 percent carbon dioxide and most challenging is that Venus's clouds are highly corrosive sulfuric acid and the planet's average temperatures ranges over 800 degress Fahrenheit. Never the less, Astronomers are deterimned to study the planet even if it means getting up close and personal. By study what they could, NASA is determinded to find solutions and oppritrunities to study the planet for near future visits to the planet for humans. Even though the challenge presented by Venus has value, but its a cost that is worth for future space explorations and travels.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn a society where things are always changing and schedules are always busy, cars and other personal motor vehicles have become a necessity. It seems as if cars have become a necessary mean for survival, rendering as important as something imparative like oxygen or water. Many families even have multiple cars in order to get to where the need to go. Even though cars have been so convienient and beneficial for people all over the world, there are some factors of cars that produce a negative effect. By eliminating or largly reducing car usage, the world would be more safe, more eco-friendly, and save the precious natural gases that the Earth provides.\n\nFor years people have been driving, and while most do it safetly, some do it recklessly and do not abide by the rules, sometimes leading to fatal outcomes. Reckless driving, careless driving, and driving under the influence has become one of the leading causes of death among young people, making many very skeptical or cautious about driving. Millions of people are lost each year in car accidents, leaving behind family members and loved ones to grieve in their place. If cars were to be elimated from the equation, all of these deaths could easily be avoided. By walking, riding bicycles, taking the bus or subway, or even a trolly or ferry, there will be an ensured reduction of accidents and an increase in safety and peace of mind.\n\nIn additon to increased safety, there would also be a significant reduction in the emissons of greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases and smog have been polluting the atmosphere especially since the coming about of cars. It says in source four that transportation produces half of America's carbon emission. If car usage were to be limited or eliminated, there would be a noticable and significant decrease in the amount of carbon emissions in the air. Similarly, source one states that, \" Passanger cars are responsible for 12 pecent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe... and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States.\" If cars were to be ridden of, there would be much less green house gas poluting the atmosphere, therefore creating a cleaner environment and a brighter and longer future for the generations to come.\n\nSimilarly, the removal of cars from the world would mean the preservation of nonrenewable resources. Since cars run on gasoline, diesel, and other natural gases, the resources are being burned up faster than they can replenish themselves. There are other things that rely on the natural gases to work, cars included. If cars were to be eliminated, and not use the gases at the rapid rate that they do, there would be a huge reduction in the usage for fossil fuels, therefore preserving the remaining resources and only using them when mandatory. This would allow the natural gases to slowly increase and be able for use in the future.\n\nIn conclusion, the limitations of car usage would make a significant change in the way the world runs, however there would be many positive outcomes to it. Not only would it ensure a brighter, longer, and more promising future for the coming generations, but it would also relieve stress and worrying and grant peace of mind to many. Although there is no way to take back the damage already done to the Earth, this would greatly reduce the potential damage that could be done, and protect the future. It would provide oppurtunities for a a cleaner atmosphere, safer life, living in harmony with the ecosystem, and a chance to respect and protect the Earth we live on.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article \" Making Mona Lisa Smile,'' the author describes how a new technology called the facial Action coding system enables compututers to identify human emotions. I feel this technology can be useful but weird,Because it can help peopel be able to want to learn,but make you like the computer is watching 24/7. An example on how it can help is an paragraph 5-9. Paragraph 5 gives us facts and why we should use the computer. Paragraph 6 says the computer will bring you a smile that a little werid to werid. paragraph 7 give steps you should try out. Paragraph 8 gives us examples,and 9 says Did the computer bring a smile to your face. Like to me no its just to much their a computer that understands you,dont that make you fell weird. Like computer are becoming more human then us. And that scarys me more then anything like i cant have a computer watching me 24/7. but dont get me wrong this could be great as i said,this can help people who dont like to learn want to learn to better themselfs. Like i am right in the middle like its ok,but i dont trust it one bit at all. Like 1-9 Just makes me feel my computer is watching me now as i do a test. Like i l know technology is growing but the technology ias become more human then it already is.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Face on Mars\n\nHave you ever seen the face on Mars? If so do you think it was a natural landform or alien made? So let's assume you think it is made by aliens and i think it wasnt. I think it wasnt because there have been things like this on earth but obviously not as big of a dent on earth. I personally think it was a natural thing like when clouds look like faces or random objects. People dont say clouds like that are made by aliens.\n\nThe reason I think it isnt alien made is because there are things on Earth comparable to the face on Mars. We don't think those are alien made. We also see clouds everday that look like faces or random objects so therefore there isnt a diffrence between the two. The only difference being clouds are in the sky and the face on Mars is on Mars.\n\nAnother thing you could also compare is the face on Mars to it the easter island heads. They are gigantic statues that kinda look like the face on Mars. A lot of people also say that those are alien made but other people could also argue they arent because they have an opinion. Most likely they will express there opinion too but it is a matter of opinion and no facts because there isnt way to tell if the face on Mars was made by aliens or not.\n\nYou could belive that it was or not but evidence from paragraph 7 stating that on April 5, 1998, when Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos. Thousands of anxious web surfures were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web stie, revealing... a natural landform. There ended up being no monument after all. So that is my reason to believe that it was a natural landform.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe \"Face\" on Mars is indeed just a narural landform. It was first recorded in 1976. When this happened everyone went crazy because they thought it was a form of aliens. Yet they were incorect. NASA has now said that it is just a natural landform and has evedince to prove it as well.\n\nIn paragraph 3 it talks about how the fce is just a natural landfor. Saying it is just a rock formation. Also it says that the shadows just give it the illoution of being a face. Which means the sun has cast shadows on the rocks and the way the rocks were formed it made the shadows fall in the wholes appering to be a face when it really isn't.\n\nIn paragraph 7 it says that there is no alien mounuments. Proving most theroy's wrong. They found this out by taking another photo with a better liense so they can soom in and see what is really there. By doing this they found no alie monuments and that it is just a land formation as NASA origonaly belived.\n\nAlso in paragraph 12 it says the face is equivilant to mesa or buttle. Which means that it is compare to mesa and buttle wich are both natural landforms on Earth. Also in this paragraph it was proven that the rocks were created by lava. So now it is considered a lava dome.\n\nSo over all scients now belive that it is just a natural landform and that there is no aliens ther and that there never was. Insted they say it is just a rock formation that was made out of lava. So it is now cocidered a lava dome. Also they say it is just like our natural landforms here on Earth.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVeunus is also called the \"Evening Star\", is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size. The author suggest studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it present. There are numerous reasons why the author suggets to study the Venus, such as: human should not have limit exploration,\n\nhuman should discover more about the space and the most important one is Venus is similar to Earth and human can visit there one day.\n\nVenus is dangerous for human because temperature average is over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than Earth. Human has sent few spacecraft to land to Venus but all the mission was unmannned. Those spacecraft has once send to Venus has no longer survived on the Venus's land for more than a few hours.\n\nEven though, Venus is the most Earth-like planet in our system. Venus is our nearest option for planetary visit. It has similar landscape like Earth.\n\nFor example Venus has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. At thirty-plus miles abouve the Venus's surface, temperature is about 170 degree Fahrenheit, and the air pressure would be close to the sea level on Earth.\n\nHuman actually can survive on Venus. There are Earth life's basic need-water on the Venus and similar landscape just like Earth. Because Venus is close to the Sun, so there will be enough sunlight. So if human live their, solar power would be plentiful.\n\nThe author suggests that studing Venus a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it present because Venus is the most Earth-like planet, people should learn more about the outside of Earth. Also human should not be limited by dangers or doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n\"All of our development since World War II has been centered on the car, and that will have to change.\" (David Goldberg). Automobiles have been a major impact on today's technology. The creation of the car was a huge turning point in history. Even though this machine has been such an amazing creation, it still causes a lot of damage in society. Cars affect both the environment and humans. The limit of car usage would be great because then the amount of pollution would decrease, less traffic would occur, and it makes way for alternative transportation opportunities.\n\nIn the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency is promoting \"car reduced\" communities. The reduction of cars can lead to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. According to Elisabeth Rosenthal, cities are choking due to the increase number of emissions. Paris had hit near-record pollution which lead to an enforced ban of partial driving to clear the air of the global city. Acoording to Robert Duffer, Paris typically has more smog than other European capital. In Bogota, Colombia there is a day called Day Without Cars, there they only let buses and taxis drive around and their goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog. If anybody goes against this, they would have to pay $25. \"It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution,\" said businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza. This day became really big in Colombia and improved their cities' overall look.\n\nFurthermore, the limitation of car usage would decrease the amount of traffic. Traffic is an on-going issue in everyday life. People arrive late to work or school or wherever they need to go due to traffic or an accident. During the Day Without Cars in Colombia, millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated, or took buses, leaving the city devoid of traffic jams. Traffic jams are usually stressful so if that gets reduced with the limitation of car usage, then stress levels get reduced as well, causing mentally healthier people. Traffic jams also occur due to accidents. Car accidents are one of the many reasons why people end up in hospitals, get sued, get hurt, or loose money. With the limitation of car usage, all these issues will be resolved.\n\nMoreover, new alternative transportation vehicles can come into play with the reduction on car usage. There is a plan where they want suburbs to play a much larger role in a new six-year federal transportation bill to be approved. Also, during the Day Without Cars, the goal is to promote alternative transportation. Lately, new transportation vehicles have been discovered and created. Some include, a flying car, an elevated train that gets you from point A to point B in seconds, and new hybrid cars. Technology keeps progressing every single day. Today people may be driving their normal SUVs but by tomorrow, they could be drivng the new high-speed flying Ferrari. People are always keeping in mind while creating these machines about how it will affect the community and the consumers. Since it is obvious that the environment isn't as healthy as it was before, they must make sure that these machines limit pollution and emissions that affect the world negatively.\n\nOverall, the limit of car usage would be a good thing. As time goes on people may not even need cars anymore to move from place to place. If everyone works together to solve these issues then the world would become a much better place. The final goal is to get rid of all the bad emissions and issues and just stick to what is best for the environment. When the environment is healthy, the humans are healthy.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nNo not really that has nothing to do with the classroom and a lot of kids feel the same in a classroom. The kids in a classroom that i see or seat in are mostly bored or tired,but some kids are awake and have their eyes on the board or teacher to learn.\n\nI think this would be a waste of time in the class unless you are useing youing it on little kids. Most of the older kids are way past a computer that can show a happy or sad face . I have a fine time talking to people in the real world not a computer,if a computer made a weird face at me i would probalby get up and walk away from it. This is kind of dumb i think you should be able to know or ask some one about their feelings in the real world not on the computer pull up a weird face to show how they feel. I strongley dislike this in a lerning zone because then how are kids to know how other people feel without the computer telling them,with a happy,sad,and mad face coming up on the screen. This is somthing a human should know how to tell human feelings.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nFirstly I thought that the author did a good job writing this essay. Studying Venus is a worthy and risky thing. Scientist know how dangerous the planet is because of how close the planet is to the sun. The reason that I said the planet is so dangerous is because in paragraph 3 it states that \"Additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on it's surface\". That's a reason of why it's so dangerous to the human studying, like i said it's worthy or risky task to do. Although our planet Earth is be compared to planet Venus in the article, both planets are about the same size and density wise.\n\nSecondly I don't think anybody would survive in such harsh environment planet Venus is in. There are horrible conditions scientist have to think about before exploring it. In paragraph 3 it states that\" A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus\". Basically it's saying that there's like a shield covering most of the planet covered in carbon dioxide. The temperature in planet Venus is so horrific that suns hottness could burn an entire submarine even when it's in the deepest part of the oceans.\n\nNasa could be working on other approaches considering to study planet Venus despite the dangers it could bring. Electronics are being made to help such a dangerous exploration. Nasa are making heavy electronics to help guide scientist. They are making them in good heavy armored materials. There are many challenges they have to go through because like I said its a worthy or risky task for Nasa and scientist.\n\nLastly I think that this type of work should involve like the government and military. Theres literally no way someone could survive in such enviornment or such dangerous weather, like come on in paragraph 5 it states that \"At thirty plus miles above the surface, temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Eath\". In my opinion I don't think that going to explore a planet such like Venus it wouldn't really be worth it because of how dangerous it could be. The scientist are onlu fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth like planet in our solar system.\n\nIn conclusion I don't ever think that the scientist will ever go to the planet. Even if Nasa does and try to create something in the future. The planet is too dangerous anyways. We've seen and read and heard of what that planet has in store for us, the best thing to do is to stay away and work on something else rather than trying to pursuit a dangerous exploration to such a dangerous to such a crazy planet such as planet Venus.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nFrom the very start the author explains the pure beuty of venus, it's nicknamed the \"evening star\" because its one of the brightest points of light in the sky. Another name for this planet would be Earths \"twin\" giving the planet a more welcoming and safer tone. The planet is nearly identical in density and size and in distance, Because of its close range you would think studying such a planet would be easy. the only problem is that earth, venus, and mars orbit the sun at difrent speeds making venus sometimes farther from the earth than mars. Venus is, in space terms, \"right around the corner\" so humans have sent numerous spacecraft, all unmanned, to go and inspect the planet to see if it's safe for human contact. The only problem has been that all the spacecrafts sent have only lasted a couple of hours so to our knowledge it is un-inhabitable. This could explain why we havent had a single spacecraft explore the area in over three decades.\n\nThe info we have gathered also contributes to the dangerous nature of venus's reputation as a planet, the atmosphere is described as thick with a blanket of 97% carbon dioxide. A even more challenging factor is the fact that the clouds of venus are highly carosive. Temperatures are over 800 degrees farenheit, the surface temperature of venus is the hottest out of all the plaenets in our solar system.\n\nThere's other factor that make venus sound nearly inhospitable but if thats the case why do we still strive to learn more about this vishious planet? Well its because this planet was most likely one of the closest planets related to earth, and still is, it says \"long ago, Venus was probobly covered largely with oceans and could have suported various forms of life, just like earth.\" It is our sister planet and theres many fweatures of the planet that are undisputably analougous to those on earth. SInce the planet is so close it is a crucial factor in play giving how long it takes for spacecraft to reach its destination, saving us time and more reaserch.\n\nNow the only question is making reserch safe and scientifically productive, which National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has already been discusing and they have a compeling idea. What theyre discusing is a spacecraft that can hover over the planets fray ,30 miles or so, out of harms way, safe for scientists to examine from afar and quicker to send spacecrafts to the surface. Solar power would run the spacecraft and radiation from that distance would not exceed that of earths. Conditions wont be easy but they would be managable enough for humans to survive. Here on earth even theyres plenty of studies in the works on seing what technology would work best for surviving on venus. This includes a simple electronic made of silicone tested in a chamber simulating that of venus's harsh surface condition, this simple electronic has lasted three weks under these harsh conditions. With thechnology advancing and humans more and more eager to discover our sister planet, if we keep at it we should one day be able to survive on earths twin.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAs we head into the future many new inventions and ideas are being created to better human life. One of these inventions is a driverless car. As crazy and far-fetched as it may seem, computercontrolled cars ,may soon be taking over. Driverless cars may be one of the greatest inventionsin recent Years.\n\nThe driverless car could solve so many problems that we all encounter daily on the road. For example, driverless cars can solve the issue of speeding. Since there is a computer controlling the car it will always drive the speed limit, saving people money and lives. Also, a computer will never get tired so there is no worrries of falling asleep at the wheel which can also help prevent many late-night accidents. Lastly, driverless cars can help prevent the growing epidemic of texting and driving, as will as drunk driving.\n\nWith driverless cars taking over the road, this can help keep everyone safe on the road and prevent thousands of accidents. With a computer controlling the car that knows everything there is to know about driving safely, this can help insure one's safety while traveling via car. Of course there will be situaions that a human driver is more skilled than the computer, such as when there is heavy traffic and/or weather conditions. With time and a better understanding, the driverless cars will learn to adapt to these situations.\n\nThough it may take some time for everyone to adapt to the change of being a full time passenger in the car, while a computer drives, it will all work out for the better. In the long run these cars will help protect people all over and make the roads a much safer place. Love driverless cars or hate them we are heading towards them and they are here to stay.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI disagree with driverless cars. Driverless cars are not a very smart idea, just becuase Google has made driverless cars since 2009 they have drove over half million miles without a crash, but Google cars are not driverless they alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of a driveway or dealing with something bad happing near them. The Google driverless cars are not so driverless.\n\nMy thoughts about the driverless cars is what happens if the car crashes whos fault is it the person in the car or the manufacturer? What if we get driverless cars what is going to happen to insurance for cars insurance people will lose money and if the car did crash its more money out of your pocket to fix it insted the insurance people having to deal with some payment. Car manufactures like BMW, Audi, ext. have made more of there cars safe for people and I do not think making them driverless would be safe. What if the car goes nuts and the driver has no control?\n\nI feel that if we get driverless cars more people will lose there life then without them. We can not always relie on driverless cars or the technology becuase one day we will not have it. So I think we need to just drop the whole driverless cars and work more on safety.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe development of driverless cars is a good thing. Driverless cars can and will play a huge factor in lowering accidents. Things like texting while driving, drinking while driving, and falling asleep while on the road can be avoided with a driverless car.\n\nTexting while driving is a big issue in this genaration with the evolution of cell phones and such. There are lots of people texting and not paying attention to the road. With a driverless car that can be avoided if the car is on auto pilot while you awnser your important text. As stated the Google car can simply announce when the driver should be prepared to take over. This mean that there should be no reason while you should still have texting and driving accidents.\n\nDrinking and driving is another thing that driverless cars can play a huge role in helping out with. There are alot more drunk driving incidents then anything so with a driverless car a person who is heavily intoxicated could not cause harm to other safe drivers. This is not an excuse however to get heavily drunk and intoxicated this is simply a safe measure incase that does end up happening the driverless cars can keep thoes who are responsible from not being hurt by you.\n\nFalling asleep while on the road is another thing that a driverless car can help out with. While this is not a common accident it still happens alot. Some people have worked very long and hard shifts and are to tired to focus on the road leading to accidents. With the car on auto pilot you can catch up on some sleep while the auto pilot takes control.\n\nIn conclusion the driverless cars can and will be a big help on the road. They can prevent so many accidents from occuring and it is amazing how anyone can deny that. Sure there may be a few faults here and there but once everything is perfected driverless cars can potentially save life's on the road.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus,\" the author suggests that studying Venus is a worth-while task. Although Venus poses many risks to humans and technology, the information and resources that can be taken from Venus are overwhelming.\n\nIn the beginning of the article, the author explains the many complications that come along with trying to study Venus. Previously, more than three decades ago, there were numerous attempts to study Venus, but shorty after landing spacecrafts, they were destroyed due to the conditions. This is because of the daunting environment Venus possesses, the atmosphere is almost 97 percent carbon dioxide, temperatures can acceed 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the pressure is 90 times greater than the pressure on Earth. Although these environmental factors seem to be disasterous for almost anything that would dare set foot on the planet, the author decribes two possible ways to get around this delima. First the author describes an idea posed by NASA. NASA says that sending people to Venus is possible, as long as they're above the intense conditions of the planet. They say that hovering at around the height airplains fly in hot airbaloons, humans could uncomfortably survive. Second, simple systems that use mechanical parts, have been proven to last up to three weeks in a simulated recreation of Venus. Theses \"rovers\" could prove useful for grathering test samples that the balloons above the atmosphere would not be able to, also they would be able to take greater quality pictures and study the land more effectively. Scientists say that Venus could have supported life long ago; as well as have similiar aspects to Earth such as: large oceans, valleys, mountains, and craters. According to the author this would prove usefull if similar conditons arose on Earth, and would give us insite about the rest of the universe.\n\nThe reward of knowledge that would be yeilded from the daunting exploration of Venus out weighs the risks and complications that would arise. The author supports his argument well and makes a convencing claim.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI belive that the FACS (Facial Action Coding System) would be good to use in school because like it says in the article a teacher would know when a student is bored, and they could change the lesson up a little bit, to make it more interseting. It seems like it would be a good tool to use in school.\n\nThe Facs could help students who dont normally ask the teacher for help get help. The system could recognize if a student was lost or confused on the thing they're working on. The teacher could then go to that student and help them with that problem they are on, and it might lead to them asking questions in the future because they might feel comfortable asking that teacher for help. It could also help guidance counsolers find the depressed or mad kids, and help them with their problems. The machine knows your mixed emotions which is great because a student might look like they get the problem they're working on, but really they need help and the teacher can recognize that , and get the tudent the help they need on it. It's pretty cool that a computer can consturct a 3-D model of your face, and to get all 44 facial muscles to move along with it.\n\nIn conclusion the FACS would be very helpful to schools but it's probally very expensive, but i'm sure if someone were to make a claim to a school board committe, the committe would find funding for it if enough people were on board with it. This machine would help in school by knowing how the students feel while they're at school, and knowing what students understand, and don't understand can help the teachers change up the lessons for their future students they teach.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPlanet Earth has so much in common with planet Venus. Therefore, it is a good idea to study Venus. In \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus,\" the author explains that studying Venus is a chance that people should be willing to take. The author goes on to support this idea. The author does a wonderful job at supporting the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers.\n\nVisiting Venus would open up opportunities for space exploration and understanding. Learning the landscape and other features would expand the knoweldge of scientists as well as astronauts. The author states, \"Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel,\" (Paragraph 4). The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is determined to discover more features of Venus in comparison to Earth, so much that they are planning to create a machine in order to survive the landing.\n\nMore experiments are being conducted with a plethora of approaches to survive the landing. NASA is anxious to set foot on Venus. NASA's current research consists of \"innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knoweledge of Venus,\" (Paragraph 6). NASA clearly views the exploration of Venus as necessary by assembling multiple machines in order to gain a better understanding of the planet itself. Determined to explore Venus, NASA is inventing machines that can withstand all dangers.\n\nDangers are a factor, starting with the extreme temperature difference. The temperature on Venus is about eight times hotter than Earth, meaning the chances of a human surving are slim to none. The weather on Venus consists of \"atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide... temperatures average over 800 degrees farenheit,\" (Paragraph 3). The conditions of Venus are far more drastic than many humans have ever experienced. However, the studies completed and the knoweledge gained are worth the struggles and hard work put in.\n\nWhile dangers are present, the author makes it clear that the voyage is worth the risk. The trip would advance space exploration and grant scientists the oppurtunity to study unfamiliar life forms. NASA is currently assembling all types of machines in an attempt to make a safe landing on Venus. The dangers determine the features each machine must include. The exploration is possible with the right machine and can inform the world of new discoveries.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nOk, So some people believe that the \"Unmasking The Face On Mars\" was created by aliens. Crazy right!\n\nWell the Face On Mars is just a natural landform. to back my opinon about this it states in the passage that, \" A spacecraft was circling the planet, snapping photos of possible landings sities for its sister ship Viking 2, when spotted the shadowy likeness of a human face.\" so technicaly thats how the face ofn the mars got there but, thats not it. \"Scientist figured it was another Marthian mesa, common enough around Cydonia.\" Then the huge rock formation it resembled a human head which was formed be the shadows that were giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth. This would be a good way to engage the public and attraction to Mars the authors had thought. Then it began to starr in a Hollywood film, appreaed in books, magazines, radio talk shows and ect. But NASA would rather hide, say conspiracy theorists. but in the mean time defenders of the NASA budget wish there was an ancient cilvilization on mars. but to be dirct the face on Mars was located at 41 degree north martian latitude where it was winter in April. well there is much more to this but this is some of the reasons and facts about how the face on mars was a natural landform.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe face is just a natural landform. This face is just a natural landform, because there is no such thing in aliens space and the alien would not even know how or what a face looks like. There is no such thing as aliens that created the face .You\n\ncan tell that, because in the pictures from the article the faces are evolving each year as they take the picture. The face is a huge rock evolving to a face is what i think it could possibly be. As in the third paragraph in the article it says that a few days later after they took the picture tyhey released the picture for all to see, an the caption noted \" huge rock formation\" witch resembles a human head formed by shawdows. Giving the face a illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth. By that information in the article i believe that a rock was on the place where the face is now and over years the rock settled into the plant and now over the years is forming into a face. I do not believe that the face is there, because a alien or some sort of creature was forming the face. i believe that the face is like that, because rock evolve over years and we all know how rocks on earth evolve and become into small rocks or a big rock it depends if the rock is not grtting dirt or something else added on to the rock. So i believe that the face is actually a rock settled into the plant and is now evolving into a face.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn 1976, a remarkable natural landform was discovered on Mars, a land form known now as, The Face. Scientist have debated on whether The Face is a natural landform or created by an ancient civilization on Mars. I believe this is really just a natural landform, and the reason I believe this is because of recent evidence. Reasons why I support this are, in 1976 picture quality wasn't as advanced as it is today and, this rock formation is similar to ones that occur on Earth.\n\nThe Face, a huge rock formation, at nearly two miles long. This face like formation is also known as Cydonia. Cydonia in the mid 70's was thought to be a strange landform built by aliens. Although, really it's like any other naturally occuring landform on Earth. According to the artical \"Unmasking the Face on Mars,\" \"What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa-landforms common around the American West.\" In the new updated picture of The Face, it is clearly seen as a land formation, not done by aliens.\n\nThen in 1976 picture of Cydonia was not as advanced as it is today. In the 2001 pictures, \"Each pixel in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 photo.\" This quote from paragraph 10 explains that, the picture power was very noticable different in the photograph from 1976 than 2001. This means that the pictures from 1976 are not reliable because of the poor pixel quality. Proving that The Face is just a natural landform.\n\nOn April 5th, 1998 the Mars Global Surveyor traveled to Mars and flew over Cydonia for the first time. These photos were said to be \"...ten times sharper than the original Viking photos,\" according to the artical.\n\nSo on that day in 1998 people tuned in to find out the real truth. A quote from paragraph 7 in the artical states, \"Thousands of anxious web surfers were waitng when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing...a natural landform.\" In the end, it turns out that there was really no alien monuments.\n\nIn conclusion, my claim is that The Face is just a naturally occuring landform. First, are Earth landforms that are similar, called mesas. Next, pictures took in 1976, are outdated and have poor pixel quality. Lastly, since April 5th, 1998 there are pictures proving that The Face is just a natural landform. Therefore making my claim true, The Face on Mars is nothing but a natural landform.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nShould the idea of driverless cars be looked at differently? There are many people who are agreeing that this is a good idea while there are many others saying that this idea is a very dangerous, unthought idea. No one is truly wrong in these opinions. The people agreeing are looking at the benefits, but seeing past the disadvantages of driverless cars. The few who are against this, can see that there are benefits, but they are looking more into depth of the disadvantages.\n\nIt is said that \"while the driver watches the road, the car watches the driver\" in these self-operating vehicles. Therefore, there are multiple cameras on these cars, right? There would have to be so that the car can \"watch the driver\", watch the road, and watch it's surroundings. Without these aspects, the vehicle wouldn't be safe at all. I don't think you can program a car to think the way humans do either. We make decisions about every turn and acceleration and we are more knowledgable about cars than a computer would be. This idea may work out to be safe as technology advances and the creators work harder, but these cars will never be as safe as the vehicles that can be operated by a human.\n\nThe chances of driverless cars being used and operated on the road are likely. It states in the paragraph, \"the road to the truly autonomous car stretches on ahead of us, but we grow closer to the destination everyday.\" The creators will probably do everything in their power to make this work and it will probably begin being used nationwide one day. Insurance rates may go up because of this because car wrecks are a lot more likely and we don't know how that could damage our cars. The rates may or may not go up, but if they do many people are going to be upset because now the people who drive normal cars will have to pay more on their insurance because of the people in the self-operating cars getting into wrecks. I don't think people would be happy with something like that and if someone's loved one(s) die(s) there will be a lot of anger put toward the manufacturers because of the fact that they died in a driverless car accident.\n\nI think the idea of driverless cars should be held off for a while longer. All consequences of what could happen should be considered by the manufacturers, creators, and designers of these cars. It would make it all safer and worth while in the long run and all of that extra time and money wouldn't be put into something that people might regret purchasing. It would be put into something that makes lives a little easier and something that could make a person feel comfortable driving in without being worried of the possibilities of what could be taken from them such as their lives or extreme injuries that could make them crippled and unable to live their lives the way they once were.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThis is going to be an argumentaive essay about the contriversy wether or not the face is a alien or a natural landform. I am really going towards why it is much more like a natural landform than it is a alien. I mean it could be possible, but I'm edging towards the more realistic view point.\n\nOk so the artical clearly states that Micheal Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original vikings photos. When the picture was analized it was proven to be a landform NOT a alien monument. Of course the stuburn ones wanted to believe the opposite,because that's what they do. So they looked again for the the sake of proven the hard to belive ones wrong. They got an even better picture this time, but found more information. The martian is equivalent of butte or mesa which are landforms common in the American West.\n\nSo with this said, if it wasn't for the stuborn ones they never would of went back\n\nand found this piece of valuable information. So there you have it do you belive it now or do you want me to go get a ''better''picture for you.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus,\" the authoor suggests that studying Venus is a bad thing to do and is very dangerous. The author gives a few reasons on why it is dangerous.\n\nFirst, Venus is a very hot planet. People would sometimes think the hottest planet is Mercury because it is closer to the sun but it isn't the hottest. In paragraph 3 is explains that on the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degreea, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. For example, diving to the deepest part of the oceans would liquefy many metals.\n\nSecond, a long time ago, Venus was probably covered with oceans and could have supported various forms of life. But today, Venus has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. So maybe a long time ago it would have been nice to visit but now, it isn't. Way to hot and it is covered all in rocks and valleys.\n\nLastly, in paragraph 5 it explains that \"Hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way.\" So even if you wanted to try to go to Venus, you would die of heat. Your vehicle would not make it back.. you wouldn't either.\n\nI think the author did good at supporting his idea with many reasons. The author gave many reasons why you shouldn't try to travel to Venus.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever wanted to know how a person is really feeling?Well they made a new technology system that enables computers to identiy human emotions.I think that it's actually good techology.I feel like it would help out a lot.So im going to tell you why the Facial Action Coding System is a good invention.\n\nThe invention FACS(Facial Action Coding System) ia a good invetion.It's a good invention because,it would help kids when they learn.It will help kids learn better because,now when they are doing work on the computer it can read their facial expression and tell if there actually confused or bored.It says,\"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,\"Dr.Haung predicts.\"Then it could modify the lesson,like and effective human instructors.\"That's how it can help students learn more.\n\nThe invention also is good because you can tell if someone is feeling sad,happy,confused and bored.Sometimes you think how somene is feeling but you may not know if there faking.LIke it says,\"For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face.Of course,most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy,worried,etc.\"Another exmaple is,\"They even indicate the difference between a genuine smile and a forced one.\"That's another reason why it's a good invention.\n\nThe invention FACS is a excellent invention.It would help students and it would help teachers with how the students learn.You know can know how a person is actually feeling.And it's easy to use just by looking at a computer camera that has the program.That's why the invetion FACS is a good invention.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nFirst off, I would like to tell you that we have conducted a series of research to prove that aliens did not make this structure, it was just a naturally formed structure. When we first took the picture with the spaceship, Viking 1, we didn't have the best camera strength that we used to take the last picture. This led all of us to believe that it was a face on Mars, and almost everyone sought to it that is was a sign of life on Mars. Soon we just figured out it was another Martian mesa on Mar's surface, nothing special.\n\nWhen you look at that first picture we took, I could understand that you would believe that it was made by alien life. After slaving over all of the research we had done to prove it wasn't and released it to the press, you still believe it was aliens? Just to make people more happy with the news, NASA snapped another picture with the Mars Global Surveyor. It showed that it was just another NATURAL land form. There was no alien moniment to show. Though not everyone was satasfied with the results.\n\nWhen they took that photo, The Faces on Mars was located at 41 degress north martian latitude where it was winter in April '98. This is a cloudy time of a year on the Red Planet. So people wanted to have a clearer image since the picture had to be taken through a layer of clouds. Finding the Face on Mars wasn't an easy job, but we found it again and snapped a thrid picture in April of 2001. This certain picture showed that it was just another Mesa.\n\nSo in conclusion, would you now still believe that this is an alien made structure. After all the research, would you still think that it was a alien made structure? Looking at the photos clearly show that it has only bumps that project the shadows that made the Face on Mars to look like just that, a face.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAround the world we are seeing drastic drops of limiting car usage. In VAUBAN, Germany cars, street parking, driveways, and home garages are forbidden in this new district. In Paris after days of near-record pollution, Paris decided to ban driving to clear the air of the global city. In BOGOTA, Colombia it has been the third straight year cars have been banned with only buses and taxis. The United States of America has even passed their peak of driving in 2005 and dropped steadily since.\n\nGiving up your car may seem very hard to you, but for the people in VAUBAN, Germany seem to like it much better. In fact street parking, driveways, and home garages are forbidden in this experimental new district. Car ownership is allowed, but there are only two places to park-large garages at the edge of the development, where a car-owner buys space, for $40,000, along with a home. Nearly 70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars they seem to be much happier this way.\n\nAfter days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air. On monday people with even-numbered liscence plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a fine of 22-euro. The same would apply for odd-numbered plates the next day. Nearly 4000 drivers were fined and 27 drivers cars were impounded for their reaction to the fine.\n\nIn BOGOTA, Colombia they were in a program to spread to oher countries. They were on their third straight year that cars have been banned. Although buses and taxis were permitted for the Day Without Cars in this capital city of 7 million. The goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog. Violaters faced a $25 fine.\n\nI think this is a good oppurtunity to take away stress and lower air pollution. And this is a revolutionary change.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHello, if you have goten this, then please continue to read this. You should join the Seagoing Cowboys because one, you get to help animals get to a safe place, two you get to travel over seas, and three you could have some fun here and there.\n\nThrough the time I've been here I've already helpped many animals get to the place they need to be at. Since I helpped out my aunt Katie on her farm it was easy to help the animals on bord. If you would join the Seagoing Cowboys program I could help you with anything you need, that involes the animals. If this is the only reason why you're sighning up, then you're in for more than what you expected.\n\nTravel over seas and vist many places that include Itly, China, and many more. Even if you almost go over bord it's still worth being on the boat, unless you grew up around baots and can stay on bord if it's a bad storm. It's hard being a Seagoing Cowboy believe me I know, but it can be fun no matter what happens.\n\nYou can have fun with the others when we are on return trips we can play many sports that we want, since we don't have the animals. Even if we have the animals we can find somethings that are fun on the boat. To me it's fun already with or without the animals, because there are always people by your side, and you never get lonely.\n\nIf you do join there will be plenty of fun things to do I can't count them all, but I'm sure you can find something to do.\n\nI hope you do end up joining very soon I can't wait to see all the new faces on bord. Even though there are plenty thing to do, it can still get very boring here. I can't wait to see all of you being part of the Seagoing Cowboys.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn \"The challenge of exploring Venus\", The author suggest that studying Venus would be a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents, I believe that even with the danger it can cause, it would be a nice experience. Venus is so close to the moon that you would possibly be able to see it from just a glance. In the article it stares that b eing able to see venus just from th sky because it is so close to the sun, Nasa should be able to go up to space.Having someone go up to space to land on venus would bring back so much information about that planet. One day if something were to happen to earth, scientist would want to know if there is a possibilty that you can go to another planet, one that will have the same qualities that earth had. As hot it could be since Venus is so close to the sun, it could be good to know that if something were to happen, we would have somewhere else to go. Although I believe that somethung could happen while in space because in the article it states that \"No spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours.\n\nThe atmosphere in space is so thick it almost has a 97 percent of carbon dioxide which is like a blanket on venus.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars are on the verge of coming out and will be good for all people on the roads. Driverless cars will nit only take away the risk of human error but will help to decrease accidents that are happening all around the world because of human error. Humans make more mistakes than machines, so driverless cars are less prone to be in accidents.\n\nMachines are very accurate and make very few mistakes if any. As paragraph two says, \"Televisions and movies have long been fascinated with cars that could drive themselves.\" Driverless cars would be a huge breakthrough in science and engineering. I think that there shouldnt be any driverless cars right now, but in a few years the technology that will be out will be safe and trustworthy. I would trust driverless cars in a few more years when the technology is more advanced and sophisticated. In paragraph 2 it says, \"Their cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash, but so far, Google cars arent truly driverless.\" The big car companies agree that the driverless car technology wont be out for a couple of more years because it is too dangerous right now to trust them, they say that cars arent truly driverless yet when it comes to driving in traffic jams or in construction zones because there are some problems that we probably dont know about yet, but through time we can figure out to make the driverless cars more safe.\n\nAnother reason why driverless cars would be a better go to is because it coul help from polluting the atmosphere with exaust. In paragraph 1 Sergey Brin envisions fleets of driverless cars form a public-transport taxi system that uses half of the fuel that taxi cabs use today. With less fuel consumption, the evnironment and atmosphere will not get as polluted with gas exuast. Also, with less fuel being consumed by the cars, There will be less money spent on gas which could help you save money fo more things that you want.\n\nAnother feature that you can get from driverless cars is relaxing and spending more time with the people you are with. If you are by yourself you could catch up with the news or take a quick nap and get some extra rest for wherever you are going. In paragraph 8 it says, \"Some manufacturers hope to bring in-car entertainment and information systems that use heads-up displays.\" So while you are kicked back in your seat you can turn on a movie or bring a book and enjoy your book while your car transports you to your destination.\n\nDriverless cars are the future and will bring many technological advances with it. All through time these self-driving cars will come out and amaze the world with all of their abilities. Whether you are for, or against, everyone will be amazed if these sci-fi vehicles are actually produced and used by the common folk. Until then, the world will wait for the best technological advancement in history to come out.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe human mind is complicated, but technology can help decipher its emotions. The article, \"Making Mona Lisa Smile,\" by Nick D'Alto, introduces the idea of being able to decode human emotions to help students. A software that understands students' emotions is an undoubtedly valuable technology. Students around the world would be helped in a new and improved manner if they used this innovation. Technology used to read emotional expressions would be very helpful in classrooms because it would help students progressively learn.\n\nA piece of technology that detects students' emotions would assist students and teachers in and out of the classroom. Every student learns at a different pace. However, a certain software, created by Prof. Thomas Huang, of the Beckman Institute of Advanced Science at the University of Illinois, would make each student grasp the material at his or her own speed. In the article, \"Making Mona Lisa Smile,\" Nick D'Alto writes, \"'A classroom computer could recognize when a students is becoming confused or bored,' Dr. Huang predicts. 'Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.''' The previous quote demonstrates that the computer software would help students learn in an adjustable manner. After the students' emotions towards the assignments are detected, the assigment would be modified to help the student progress with their understanding of the subject.\n\nIn fact, the computer software would not only help students while in class, but it would also help students afterschool. For example, the software would allow students to complete and understand computer homework. This would help the student learn even when a teacher is not with them. Furthermore, teachers' jobs would be made easier. Even if students have further questions, they would always be able to go to their teachers.\n\nLastly, a software that reads people's emotions would be an extremely valuable tool for students and teachers in classrooms. It would allow students to learn at their own pace and way. In addition, they would be provided with additional school help. In fact, their teacher's would benefit from this because they would get help teaching. So, a software that depicts students' emotions toward assignments would be used widely in classrooms.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Electoral College vote draws many emotions. It has many supporters and many enemies. There was a huge debate over the 2000 election where Al Gore won the popular vote but lost the Electoral College. I believe that the Electoral College destroys some of the integrity of the Ameican democracy. I believe this is due to the winner takes all system of the Electoral College.\n\nThe Electoral College says whoever has the majority of votes in a state recieves all that states votes. I believe this corrupts the system because so many peoples votes go unaccounted. If one party has 51 percent of the vote the other 49 percent of the votes don't count. This is why I believe that we need to abloish the Electoral College.\n\nIn a true democracy the people vote for a president and the ideal behind the Electoral College is that it eliminates uneducated votes. I believe that it doesn't do this very well and may actually harm the system even more. Peoples votes elect electors who elect the President in the Electoral College system. These electors are put in a spot of significant power. The question is who are these electors. It is very possible that they can vote for the opposite party of that which they were elected to vote for. Scandals like this have occured in the past what is stopping them form continueing in the future.\n\nAnother major problem of the Electoral College is with the winner takes all system if a state is known to be a majority one party or another there is no use for someone in the minority party to vote because they have no effect. This allows citizens who are supposed to help elect Americas leaders to be unable to have any say in the goverment. The ideal behind a democracy is that the people rule and the Electoral College is destroying the democracy because it is restricting people form taking active particiapation in what they are entiltled too as a citizen. Without the Electoral College there might be some uneducated votes but the popular vote upholds the integrity of the democracy that America thrives on. The popular vote also eliminates the chance of any major scandals that could majorly affect the presedintial election.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHow can a computer detect how you are feeling? In the article \"Making Mona Lisa Smile\" by Nick D'Alto it talks about a computer program called FACS (Facial Action Code System) can detect how you are feeling. This could be valuable in classrooms because it can help students learn better and be in better moods through out the school day.\n\nIn class a lot of students do not care because they are bored or sleepy or in a bad mood. This new technology could help solve that problem for many students worldwide. In the article Dr. Huang says \"Using video imagery, the new emotion recognition software tracks these facial movements-in a real face or a painted face...\". This quote explains how the computer system could help with students moods. It could also help teachers identify how students are feeling and how to go about approaching them and trying to solve the problem.\n\nIf this technology could be put in schools around the world it could lead to school being less frowned upon and become a more positive thing.\n\nStudents go to school to learn. But not all teachers teach in a way where all students can understand it. If this new technology could be put into schools there would be less failing students and more college graduates. In the article it says \"A classroom computer could recognize when a students is becoming confused or bored, Dr. Huang predicts. Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instuctor\". The tecnology in schools would be great for students. This could make it a lot easier for teachers as well.\n\nComputers can help us feel better by using software to help understand how we are feeling. In the article \" Making Mona Lisa Smile\" it talks about how a computer software call FACS can identify our emotions. This technology could be valuable in schools because it can help students learn better and help them be in better moods.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe new technology called the Facial Action Coding Sysytem that enables computers to identitfy human emotions is a geat idea. I am all for the new technology. I plenty of reasons why.\n\nOne reason the new technology is a good idea is so you can tell wheather a child is bored or no in school. In the text it states,'' A classroom computer can recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,'' Dr Huang predicts. Also in the text is states,'' The same technology can make a computer-animated faces more expressive for video games and video surgey.\n\nSecond reason the technology is a good idea is because the computer can can tell how your feeling one day and how your feeling the next day. In the text it states,'' The computer has six basic emotions- happiness, suprise, anger,disgust, fear, and sadness, and then associated each with characteristic movements of the facial muscles. Also in the text it states,'' For example , your frontails pars lateralis muscle ( above your eyes) raises your eyebrows when your suprised; your orbicularis oris (around your mouth) tightens your lips to show anger. The technology system has diffrent emotions.\n\nFinally a third reason why the technology is a good idea is because it helps produce your face expressions. In the text it states,'' According to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emtion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them. For example; coach Constantin stanislavsky, had his actors carefully reproduce smiling and frowning as a way of creating these emotions on stage.\n\nThe new technology is a great idea because One it can tell wheather a child is confused or bored, Two the technology can tell what face expression and how your feeling one day or the next, and finally Three the new technology helps produce your face expressions.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHi my name is Luke and you look like a man that would want to join the Seagoing Cowboys group.\n\nWhy to join, you ask? We travel around the world and here we have a place everyone no matter how big or small you are.\n\nWe travel from Europe to China to alll sorts of places.\n\nWhen we get the time we play baseball and volleyball games.\n\nThis will be the adventure of a lifetime.\n\nWe help the countries that need our help.\n\nMost countries that needed our help were mosly in Europe atfer Wolrd War II.\n\nWe also helped after the Pacific war ended in the United States.\n\nWith you by our side we can accomplish more and more, little by little.\n\nWe individually can work day shifts and night shifts.\n\nWe nurse and take care of animals.\n\nThis is your once in a lifetime oppurtonity to join the Seagoing Cowboys.\n\nSo we firmly ask you to join the Seagoing Cowboys.\n\nWe hope to see you come.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nBoy am I glad there's no more homework!\n\nHi, my name is Luke, I just finished high school and want to become a doctor.\n\nI love the idea of helping people.\n\nThat's why I'm signing up to become a \"Seagoing Cowboy.\"\n\nA Seagoing Cowboy is a person that goes on a boat across all kinds of different oceans to help countries that were effected by World War Two.\n\nAlso, I would like to become a Seagoing Cowboy because I would like to be remebered in different countries for heroic actions.\n\nNot very many people can be famous for their actions in different places because there's no way to spread the news.\n\nThe only people that really remember you are the people that you tell, or the people that you helped.\n\nI think it would be cool to be known all around the world.\n\nI also think it would be cool to travel around the globe to explore.\n\nMost off all, I want my mother to be proud of me, and I want to make history.\n\nThat is way I was super excited when I was accepted to become a Seagoing Cowboy.\n\nI am going to be traveling around the world!\n\nTo me, that is a dream come true.\n\nThe only bad thing was, my mother was not proud, in fact, she wasn't happy at all.\n\nShe thought becoming a Seagoing Cowboy would put me in danger, in danger?\n\nI was helping people, how could that be dangerous, I thought to myself?\n\nI was NOT giving up on becoming a Seagoing Cowboy.\n\nI just had to convince my mom, and the rest of my family, that helping other people wasn't as bad as they thought.\n\nAlso that I would be very careful on the boat so that I did not get hurt.\n\n\"Mother,\" I called into the house I call home.\n\n\"Yes, Luke,\" called a sweet voice from the kitchen.\n\n\"I would like to talk to you about becoming a Seagoing Cowboy.\"\n\nI was very nervous that I would not be able to convince my mother about what I thought.\n\nI wondered if I would even be able to convince her, or if I was wasting my time.\n\nI was going overseas anyway, no matter what my mother said, because this is my dream.\n\nMy mother's voice broke me out of my thoughts.\n\n\"Oh, yes, I have been meaning to talk to you about that very topic.\" I was glad that at least my mother didn't seem angry with my actions.\n\n\"I just wanted to say that I will be very careful when I am overseas, and I promise that I will not get hurt in anyway possible.\" I wanted my mother to know that I wasn't lying any bit when I say that.\n\n\"I believe you, it is not you I do not trust.\n\nIt is that men that will be on the boat with you. You do not know any of them, or what their history is, how do you know if they are dangerous of not?\"\n\n\"I just wanted you to know that I am going overseas tomorrow.\"\n\nThe rest of the night was a blur, I told my mom why I wanted to do this so much, and eventually, she gave in.\n\nShe said that she supported me in becoming a Seagoing Cowboy, and that she was always proud of me, only nervous.\n\nI did go overseas the next morning, and enjoied it a lot.\n\nI went to many places and saw many natural wonders.\n\nWho knew how beautiful other places were.\n\nA lot of places were very different than were I live.\n\nMost of all, I was very glad that I got to help other people along the way.\n\nIn fact, I was very suprised how good it felt to know that I touched so many lives.\n\nOh, and did I mention that I have the record for how many trips one Seagoing Cowboy has done! I'm at eight right now, and I am thinking about going on one last trip before going home for good.\n\nI can not wait to stay home and spend lots and lots of time with my family.\n\nYou wouldn't believe how long it has been since a have had some of my mother's homemade pudding!\n\nI can not wait to have some, and when I say mother's homemade pudding, I mean homemade heaven!\n\nEven though I have enjoied this experience very much, I will be glad to go home.\n\nI have seen many cool creations.\n\nFor example, the Panama Canal, and I toured an excavated castle!\n\nI've really be happy with the accomplishments I have overcome in the past few years.\n\nI think my mother would be very proud, I am proud as well.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars are not needed and unneccessary. Driving a motorized vehicle is already dangerous enough. This world does not need the option to rely on, what are supposed to be, \"Driverless Cars\". The number of recks in the world due to reckless drivers is too much and we do not need to have driverless vehicles to make the matter worse. In paragraph 7, it states that as of 2013, \"that none of the cars developed so far are completely driverless.\" It also mentions in the same paragraph that the \"driverless cars\" require an alert driver that is ready to take over at any time. What is the point of a driverless car if the driver is always meant to pay attention and rely on themselve when a potential saftey hazard gets in their way. There are always going to be more reckless drivers than careful drivers and that fact could cause a lot of issues. Why should we give reckless drivers the privilage of a somewhat driverless vehicle? Why should we put the safety of others at risk? Not only is the practice of driverless cars illegal in most states but the laws that will come with the new driverless vehicles will not be followed by most. In paragraph 9, it says that laws will be made to ensure safety, but to ensure safety those laws require alert and careful drivers and like mentioned in my previous paragraph, there are simply not enough alert drivers in this world to ensure safety. Manufacturers cannot guaruntee everyone's safety. Just like motorized vehicles today, they apply many safety features to ensure safey, but there are still hundreds of people dying everyday because those safety features were not good enough. Why ensure laws that are going to be broken? Why ensure safety if there is still a possibility that something could go wrong and a person or more than one person could lose their lives. Driversless vehicles are said to be completely driverless by 2020 accourding to paragraph 10 but, is that really true or is it mostly true?", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCar usage has impacted the earth in numerous ways; both for good and for bad. Ever since the production of the car during the industrial revolution, transportation from place to place was easier for everone to be able to go to work, school or on a vacation to a distant place. This invention has changed American life as well as the lives of many others in the world. Although, the creation of the car did have some downfalls. Passenger cars are responsible for the 12% of greenhouse gasses that are emitted into the earths atmosphere. Limitting car usage would be beneficial to the earth because it would help to lessen the damaging gasses being submerged into the atmosphere.\n\nReducing the use of your car would make navigation on the street much easier. For example, \"in this new approach, stores are placed a walk away, on a main street, rather than in malls along some distant highway. With the reduction of cars being enacted store are able to be in street for easy access. This allows for stock to be brought up because many of the stores wont be a long, stressful drive away. not only stores but work would be much closer and wont involve long hours in a car every morning.\n\nSince there will be no car usage involved, the streets will be much safer to roam. The accident rate in decrease drastically. lessening the use of cars will allow for traffic to be cut in half. This would help to decrease the death rates that are caused every year. No driving would be beneficial for many. There will be no drunk drivers making the streets an unsafe place to be. the world will be a much better place to live in once cars are limitted.\n\nDecressing the use of a car would make life less stressful. People wont have to worry about driving long hours, paying off their cars or worrying about car maintainence. This will make life easier to focus on much important tasks such as school an his of her career. Thats less payments and more money for something else. Removing this machinery would allow for the debt rate to drop as well. Less people will be bankrupt and have money in their bank accounts to save.\n\nLessening car usage would allow for a cultural shift occur, and change the way people live their life all over the world. Car usage should be reduced because this will allow for people to be more productive and less tranportation time because stores will be much closer than ever before. The reduction of cars will result in less accidents and property damage among many cities.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n\"Imagine being able to detect exactly how other people is feeling even when they are trying to hide their emotion,\".\n\nDid you know moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions but also may even produce them? \"The Mona Lisa demonstration is really intended to bring a smile to your face while it show how much the computer can really do\",. Also just by making someone day you can make his/her smile and yourself smile because it feels great to give back to people , now i understand why leonardo da vinci made this because he had gotten tired of seeing people sad faces so by making the Mona Lisa he brought cheer and smiles to the world.\" A renowned drama coach Constantin Stanislavsky had his actors to carefully reproduce smiling and frowning as a way of creating theses emotin on stage\".\n\nOverall Facial Actin Coding system was a great idea to put that in action and get the world to know and Nick D'Alto has made it better.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWould you ever make something that would put you in any kind of harm ?. Making Driverless car has negative aspects such as harming innocent people. In the text it says '' If technology fails andsomeone is injuried , who is at fault '' this could be a fifty fifty chance that you could be accountable if the person is seriously harmed.\n\nThe first reason why I think that the Driverless car shouldn't be out is because why would a person want a driverless car if they still would have to drive it thereselves. Peolple want driverless cars so they sit back and the let car do all the driving. The car can just make you start driving and you wouldn't even know it.\n\nWhy would the law let a car like this even touch the streets if it can put anyone around at risk of getting injuried, or lives ruined. I dont believe that the car is reliably safe. what if the car gives you a late signal that if need for some human skills to take over and a small child was ran over by one of these monster you call a car ?.\n\nSo I ask woul you make something that would put your life and other in harms way ?. This is my opinon on the driverless car. They shouldn't be out with the community.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe development of these cars have both many posituve and nevative things to them. They can really help the future in ways that kigjt nkt be possible at this time. In my opinion i tyink that these cars would be a bad idea, because there are mire bad thungs that could happen than good things.\n\nSome people might just say they are good for the future without knowing the consequences for any possible accidents.\n\nOne reason why these cars would not be good woukd be if there is an old person that can not drive they could consider one of these cars. The problem is that if it is time for the driver to take over the car and if the driver does not know how to drive, this would lead to a problem. Accidents could occur if non drivers are in the car. It could lead to a critical stage of punishment in case you are in a fatal crash or get stopped by the police.\n\nMy other argument is that these cars could potentially stop working if they do not have proper items for this car.\n\nMost people arent going to have the right things for this car, if they crash the car might not function the same and proper way of how its supposed to work. This car could break down for no reason.\n\nI feel like these cars would be more helpful in some way but you also need to look at the negative things of this. Every positive thing always has a negative thing also.\n\nThere are going to be consequences if the car is not used right. It might not be affordable for most people either.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAre you for driverless cars? Did you think they are safe? Would you fell safe in a driverless car?\n\nI am not for driverless because at any given time they could just shut down. Yes they may shutdown with a human controling them but you would have more control of the car. Wrecks can easliy happen with you not having control as much as if you were controling it.\n\nIn paragraph 7, it states \"none of the cars are completly driverless\".\n\nIn the text it states that \"the car can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 mph, but special touch sensors make sures the driver keeps hands on the stiring wheel.\" You still would have to pay attention and use human skills to drive the car. So is the car really worth spending a lot of money for?\n\nFor the people who is for driverless cars, would you feel safe in one knowing at anytime the driverless mode could overload causing wrecks leading to injuries, severe injuries, or maybe even death? Although it is a possibility that wrecks could happen to a human controled car but you have more control. Would you really want to spend a lot of money on a car that is not even completly driverless?", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDo you ever wonder why Earth is polluted? Well Earth is polluted because the amount of car ussage their is in Earth. If we can lower the percentage of people using cars we can stop air pollution. One reason for not using cars is that you can save money by not buying gas. Another reason is that you can walk and it is a great way to exercise. Last but not least is you can stop air pollution.\n\nIf we can lower the percentage of people using cars we can stop air pollution. One reason is you can save money by not buying gas. What I mean by this is that gas now a days are pricy. So when your not using your car you save money. Also gas is what causes air pollution. Gas stays in the air and kills our environment like our oxygen and trees etc .\n\nIf we can lower the percentage of people using cars we can stop air pollution. One reason is that you can and it is a great way to exercise. What i mean by this is that some people are lazy to exercise so people just sit down. But with out their car they'll have to walk to their destination. Also when you walk alot you loose caleries and you start getting muscles on your legs.\n\nIf we can lower the percentage of people using cars we can stop air pollution. One reason is you can stop air pollution. What I mean by this is that the gas that we put in our cars goes out in the air. With air pollution it can make us loose our oxygen. Also it destroys our trees that we need for oxygen. That is why we need to the percentage of car usage.\n\nIn conclusion, if we can lower the percentage of people using cars then we can stop air pollution. One reason for not using cars is that you can save money by not buying gas. Another reason is that you can walk and its a great way to exercise. Last but not least is you can stop air pollution.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus, Earth's \"twin\", has very harsh conditions. Unlike Earth, Venus is the hottest planet in our solor system. It has a very thick atmosphere, and the clouds are composed of highly corrosive sulferic acid. The aurthor of this article believes we should send mechanical mechines to explore this planet for all of its benefits, despite the dangers.\n\nMy first point, according to the article, is that Venus is the closest planet to the Earth in terms of density and size. Geographically, it has valleys, mountians, and craters. The author also suggests that long ago, Venus might have had oceans and that Venus could support life. This is why some researchers see value in the exloration. But, it provides the question: will exploring Venus be beneficial? The aurthor thinks that yes, this is a good opportunity.\n\nMy next point is that the author also states that we have already had missions there. If Earth poured money into going there at all, more than once, we must have seen some value in the mission because of its potential data and learning opportunities. The crafts may have only lated for days, but we still were able to learn. If we we not going to gain anything from the missons, we would not have wasted time and money to get there, multiple times.\n\nLastly, NASA has proposed a way to avoid the dangers. The facts about Venus are scary to some, but what if we could safely send a probe or spacecraft to Venus? According to the article, it would have to travel 30 miles above the landscape. Doing so would prevent the corrosion, it would have pleanty solor power, and the machine would not overheat as easily. \"Striving to meet the challange presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endevors.\"\n\nThis challange may help us, the Earth, learn more ablout habitable planets and how to care for our own planet.\n\nAs our technology grows, so does our possibility to go to Venus. It does not take a computer, it takes human curiosity. The aurthor of this article supports the possibility of going to Venus. Its informational possibilites, and its challanges are all positive things about the mission. The challanges are what pushes us, as humans further than we have gone before. Learning about Venus could help researchers, and the people of the Earth.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe value of not using this technology is great, because its just more reasonable to know your own moods ftom your expressions instead of a computer. I say this because it's more natural to use your own mind instead of having to with a computer. This is my opinion of this article, because it makes you have to use your mind instead of having a computer to use it for you.\n\nStudents should use their minds when it comes to this, because you will be able to tell other people moods and yours also. In the text it states,\" The facial expression for each emotion are universal.\" What this means is that the facial expressions we use are used all over the world. So why not learn them your self instead of having a computer to do it for you. When you travel there will be facial expressions every where so it's best if you learn them on your own so you will understand what there moods are.\n\nWhen you can tell people's mood from their facial expression and you address it to the person they might think your smart. In the text it states,\" Moving your facial muscles not only express emotions, but also may even help produce them.\" This is also another good reason to read facial expressions, because it benefits you in a mentally way by reading people's body language. Another way it can benefit you is because it shows your actaully paying attention to the person's emotions.\n\nWhen you use an computer to read people emotions just imagine doing it non verbally and using your mind to read it. In the text it states,\" In fact, we humans perform this same impressive \"calculation\" every day.\" For an example if your friend is looking down or happy you will most likely be able to tell from their facial expressions. I say this because us as humans we use facial expressions everyday so why not be able to read them.\n\nAs you read this passage this can be a life lesson, because it's used in everyday life. As we get older and years pass we will always use facial expression so it's best to learn them instead of a computer doing it for you. This is my opinion of this article, because it makes you have to use your mind instead of having a computer to use it for you.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nBiking for a Change by PROPER_NAME\n\nCities have come to the realization of how much pollution is being released into our air by motor vehicles. Many cities and countries are taking part in this attempt to clear the air, such as: Germany, Paris, Columbia, and the United States. Smog is hanging over many cities in a dull cloud, blocking the citizens' lungs from receiving clean air but cities are starting to come to an understanding of how dirty our world is becoming.\n\nIn a small town with the population of 5,500, Vauban, Germany, the streets are completely \"car-free\", which does not include public transportation and certain roads meant for driving. If one wishes to own a car, they must purchase a car space with their home, costing a whopping $40,000.(source:1;paragraph:2) This automatically discourages home-owners to purchase a car because of the steep price. The attempt to rid the air of pollution is gradually becoming more and more successful. 70 percent of Vauban families do not own any motor vehicles, and 57 percent sold their cars to move to the small town. The United States Environmental Protection Agency approves of this movement and is promoting car reduced communities. Although this is occurs in the suburbs, it is hoped to spread into the cities as well. (source:1;paragraph:9)\n\nParis came to the smart decision of a driving ban once their air was replaced with a filthy smog. All motorists that owned license plates with even-numbers were required to leave their cars at home for the day, or they would be fined. The same rule would apply to any motorists with odd-numbered plates the next day. Evidently, it did not seem as if the people cared about the wellness of their planet, since 4,000 drivers were fined in a single day. 27 people were so furious with this law, their reactions cause them all to have their cars impounded.(source:2;paragraph:10-12) The pollution was catastrophic enough to have Paris challenging China for the record of the most polluted city in the world. After one day of a car-less city, the smog cleared enough to revoke the ban for odd-numbered plates the next day.\n\nIn an attempt for world-wide change, Bogota, Columbia creates a \"Day Without Cars\" in the capital city holding 7 million inhabitants. Many citizens partook in this act. They hoped to promote alternative transportation such as buses, biking, skating, hiking and walking to reduce pollution and have fresh air to breathe. Any violators were to be fined a fee of $25. (source:3;paragraph:20-21) This campaign began in the 1990s and has resulted in the construction of 118 miles of bicycle paths, which is the highest amount of alternative transportation in any Latin American city, according to the city mayor. (source:3;paragraph:27) Bogota has seemed to make the highest impact of cleaning out air pollution, and resulted in a more positive effect on every person's life.\n\nThe motivation of people trying to clean up the human act of pollution and waste is abundant and consistent throughout the entire world. We are changing the daily enjoyment of our lives, animals lives, and the cleaness of the earth one step at a time. A study last year showed that driving by young adults decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009, which is a huge accomplishment on our part, compared to the earth's well being in the past 15 years. (source:4;paragraph:41) If we remain focused on the wellness of our planet and ourselves, the world can be a better place.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere are good arguements that you can have to be against the developement of driverless cars and for them. There would be benefits going either way but there would also be some downfalls. In my opinion, I argue against these cars.\n\nFirst of all, the developement of these cars requires a lot of money and time. The manufactures of these cars could be using that money and time much more effectively. A lot of these cars require new special roads that use magnets or electrical currents. These roads cost a lot of money and would replace regular roads that are perfectly fine. Not to mention, most people would probably still have normal cars so the roads would only be for the few who get these self driving cars.\n\nAnother important issue is safety. Self driving cars aren't always going to accurate. Technology isn't accurate all the time and driving is something that I feel like shouldn't be left for technology to do. People should have to be aware of their own surroundings and drive their own cars. I feel like people wwould get used to just having technology do everything for them and eventually people wouldn't even have to learn to drive to have a car. These self driving cars are not able to drive in work zones, construction sites, or any type of accident which is where you need to be the most cautious. Not to mention, these cars allow you to do other activivties while you're driving since you don't have to be actively driving the car at all times. People could text or be on their phones or do soemthign else that distracts hem completely. Having a signal might not always be effective. People might also have to wait periods of time to drive themselves and this could cause people to get bored and start to get tired. If someone fell aslep at the wheel and then needed to direct the car, it would just cause an accident.\n\nWhile on the subject of accidents, those could be a problem as well. It could cause many legal problems if there was some type of accident in the car. People could say that it was the person in the car \"driving\" or they could say it was the car's fault. Once you blame the car for the accident that brings in the makers of the car which starts a whole legal mess.\n\nIn my opinion, these self driving cars aren't a good idea and peopleshould just stick to driving the cars themselves. I think that they would do more bad than good in the long run.They could cause problems with safety, legal issues, and finacial issues. We should just stick to driving the cars like we always have.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n\"Without the option of smarter roads, manufacturers turned to smarter cars\". Certain companies we are familiar with and that are world wide are testing driverless cars, like toyota pruis and BMW. The main concern everyone is having is if they are truly safe.\n\nI believe that driverless cars could be a very good thing if they are put in a reliable companies hands. These cars could seriously hurt the passanger if something goes wrong. If you relate the technology that the manufacturer puts into the car and the technology we have now, alot of the time it will shut off or one thing stops working. We already have cars that we can tell comands, we have had cruise control, we have bluetooth so we can speak to people, and the advances will just keep coming. Those two examples are the kind of things that companies are trying to work through and the law is keeping that in mind. If the companies that have been working on cars that can be driverless come through it will be a huge part of technology and transportation history.\n\nDriverless cars have been worked on for years now and they still haven't become one hundered precent safe. But the technology will better, the cars will get more advanced, and eventually a driverless car will be the next big thing.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n\"The Challenge of Exploring Venus,\" says much about the challenge, and how we might be able to study Venus, but says little comparatively of why we should. The article only talks about why we should study Venus only once in the fourth paragraph out of eight others. Paragraph four mentions how Venus may have been like Earth, \"it may well have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system.\" and how it is the nearest planet to Earth, \"Furthermore, recall that Venus can sometimes be out nearest option for a planetary visit,\". However, these claims it makes are not enough reason to study Venus, they fall short of balancing out the risk with the reward. When you consider what the paragraph says it becomes obvious that with high risk, ineffective solutions, and lacking reasons for study this article misses the mark and doesn't support the worth of studying Venus as well as it aims to.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nResearchers, scientisits, car makers, they all have been trying to make a car that has special features such as drivless cars. Sure it is great to have a car that just drives by itself rather than someone driving it, it can also be very dangerous.\n\nAlmost every sngle person has their own crazy, awesome ideas, and when they have that idea, of course they want to create that idea. In this case smart cars that do not require drivers. Although google is already making new cars that have smart and futuristic feautures, they still have not developed a car that does not require a driver, yet. We all know that technology has been rapidly developing today, and without technology, it is has do imagine today's world. What will we do without cars? Will we walk 200 or 20000 miles? No. So to think about it, it is hard to do what we do without technology or without someones crazy idea.\n\nIn paragraph 3, it says that people started trying to develop their own ideas on cars since late 1950s. Such as electrical cable cars or cars that use magnetic feilds to move, it worked out fairly well but it was too expensive to cover the costs. I think it will\n\nbe the same for driverless cars, it might work out well but it will be too expensive. To make the driver less carm it will either take few years or it will take decades to make them.\n\nNow for people who do not like driving, driverless cars be an advantage for them. We all know that driving can be tiring or boring sometimes so having a driverless car would be nice and driving will be more fun to have the car to move itself just like Dr. Werner Huber said. However, if people are going to make of one these cars, it has to be safe, safety is a big concern for everyone. As today, people are trying and making cars that move by itslef and when the driver wants to drive, it can be turned off.\n\nAlthough automakers are still trying to make an ideal car that moves by itself as soon as they can, I think that it is wrong to make this kind of car. To safelt drive a car, I think that the driver should drive the car, not just autopilot driving the car as in the traffic law. But to really make a choice, I think that it is better to wait for the automakers to make the car and have them test it so we all can make our choices.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHonestly a car thats drives for you is pretty inpressive becuase the only time you would need to drive is when an accident occurs or an work zone. another thing is when you are about to bump into something you seat vibrates your selts before it happens.\n\nThe only time you would really need to drive is when accidents occurs is mainly on streets. Highways have alot more lanes to drive in the more u avoid the crash the car might not make you drive . Also accidents dont happen alot in one day so you wont be bother to drive .\n\nYes i know there's a lot of contruction now a days but at least you know you will make it safe pass it if you drive. Highways arent a big concern with contruction so no worry's there. The only problem is when you headed home theres will be a lot of contruction because of pot holes .\n\nThe cool thing is no more dents in the back of your car because you backed into a another car. Also when you parallel parking I know its hard to see but no more your selts will let you know when the seats vibrates. When its night time it can be\n\nhard to see whats behind you thats why your side view mirrors will light up if to close to something.\n\nThat is why I think smart cars should be able to get sold because less problems to worry about when it comes to contruction site or accidents and backing up.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCars are very important to the life of a modern person. The car gets you where you need to go in the time that you want to go in. There are ways to limit car usage and still get your transportation to where you need to go. There are some advantages to not using cars all the time. One advantage is that if we stop using cars, then pollution will drop drastically. Another advantage to us not using cars is that we get plenty of excercise while we do other things than just sit in our cars.\n\nParis, France. Known for being the city of love, but doesn't have a certain love for cars. They banned car usage after days of near-record pollution(source 2 paragraph 10). In order to make sure that the residents don't use their cars still the placed a 22-euro fine ($31) for anyone still driving(source 2 paragraph 11). After only just\u00a0 a few days, congestion was down almost 60 percent in the capital of France( source 2 paragraph 14). In the United States, most kids these days aren't driving as much as they used to. They are buying fewer cars, driving less, and getting fewer licenses each year( source 4 paragraph 29). If this keeps up, then alot of sociologist think that this will have a huge effect on the environmet, which will lead to the end of pollution problems(source 4 paragraph 34). This advantage of having less car usage will not only help the earth, but it also will help the things on the earth including us humans and animals.\n\nThe final advantage that limiting car usage is that we will have plenty of excercise. A mother of two that had a car but the sold it in Germany said \" When i had a car I was always tense, I'm much happier this way\"(source 1 paragraph 3). She usually walks down the street to and from wherever she goes. Excercising is great for your health and you can just start by walking, biking, skating, roller blading and many more ways to get to where you need to go. In Bogota, Columbia millions of people hiked , biked, skated, or took buses to work (source 3 paragraph 20). \"It's good oppurtunity to take away stress...\" (source 3 paragraph 24) said businessman Carlos Artura Plaze when he was asked about the banning of cars for the third straight year in Germany( source 3 paragraph 24). Stress isn't good for your health and excercising is great on removing that stress from your body. Excersisng is a great advantage to limited car usage because you reduce stress, work out, and feel better all while you get to where you need to go at the same time.\n\nThe advantages that everyone gets from limited car usage is that the pollution will go down, and you get better excercise. If pollution goes down then you will have a better earth for everyone to enjoy, but you can't enjoy the earth if it's congested with polutted air. You also get great excercise when you walk, bike, skate to wherever you need to go instead of sitting in a car to go to your destination. These are only some of the advantages that you get when you choose to limit your car usage, but there are plenty more that you will experience as soon as you limit the usage of cars.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n\"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\"\n\nIn the article \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" the author explains the dangers of exploring our sister planet, but he also explains why we should. The article gives that Venus is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky but also unable to land on being that it is covered in a thick atomsphere of almost 97% carbon dioxide and covered in sulfuric acid clouds. He explains how \"striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because human curisoity will likely lead us to into many equally intimidating endeavors.\" The pursuit of traveling to Venus is worth it since the knowledge that we'd gain and could possiably lead to other greater discoveries is to great to pass up.\n\nThe author explains the risk that apporach in traveling to Venus such as \"the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atomshpere...\" If we were to take the challenge to travel,we have a possiablily of getting samples such as rocks and dirt and even the smallest bit will help our knowledge of our sister planet. The author also states \"... no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours.\" But the author provides us with ways to aviod this problem by creating a \"blimp-like vechicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape.\" Proving that those who we'd send would be able to study but also protected from the planets sulferic acid clouds.\n\nThe pursuit of traveling to Venus is worth it since the knowledge that we'd gain and could possiably lead to other greater discoveries is to great to pass up. Though the dangers of the travel,we will have multipule opporutinites to gain insight on the planet. Which we many one day successfully live on with the knowledge collected if we choose the make this journey.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nImagine a life without cars....There would be no noisy horns blowing, no polluted air, less car accidents, etc. I can give you a million reasons why the world would be a better place without everyone driving a vehicle.\n\nWe constantly try to make the world safer and go green by recycling, planting trees, clean up parks and beaches, drive hybrid and electric cars but we need to do something different like drive less and walk, carpool, or ride bicycles to get where we want to go. It will make the world more efficient , peaceful, and reduce stress among the people who wake up late and rush to school or their jobs.\n\nAs you inhale and exhale, your body takes in the air around you, which is filled with bacteria, cigeratte smoke, gases, oxygen, etc. We would make the world cleaner if gas wasn't polluted in the air. The gases from vehicles destory our trees which provide oxygen to us human beings. You wouldn't want people to get lung cancers and lung diseases from them everytime someone tries to take a walk outside just to enjoy the view of mother earth. Driving less will allow the air that we breath to be safer and less polluted. So, what happens if people drive more and forget about health? Well, eventually our ozone that protects us from the sun will break down and it will cause something that is called \"the greenhouse effect\".\n\nOn the daily basis, there are car accidents and non survivors of a crash. It breaks my heart to see a family die because of a drunk driver on the news or someone crossing the street is hit by a car and the driver drives off as if nothing has happened. If people drove less, the rate of car accidents and deaths\u00a0 by hit and runs will decrease. When people drive they are unprepared for anything that might happen under the wheel, that is why seatbelts and airbags were created but a seatbelt and an airbag may not be reliable when a car is flipped over and a person cannot get out of the car because their seatbelt is locked and sometimes the car may explode. You will have no worries if you drive less and walk or ride a bicycle more often.\n\nBeing happy and in peace is better than being stressed out. Driving less will take away stress from your daily routine. Going for a walk or riding your bike around the neighborhood will make you feel revied and you'll get to enjoy the pulchritudinous nature around you. You'll even want to ask yourself \"where has this been all my life\"?...God has created the world so precious and I know he took his time making it. People take hikes, vacations, and trips to the beach to enjoy the views of world. It would be best to take a break from driving.\n\nYou can get plenty of exercise if you walk to work or school instead of driving. Think of all the obese and lazy people that do nothing for themselves and drive around thinking that it is okay to not exercise at all. Walking or riding a bike will decrease stress, and your chances of getting heart disease. Most people in America die from heart disease and cancer. Just by taking a walk or a ride on a bicycle, you may save yourself from the ugly illnesses.\n\nFinally, the advantages of limiting car usage are allowing the air to be safer and less polluted, decreases car accidents, takes away stress, and allows you to get the exercise you need everyday. If people take time out of their day just to take a walk they will be wanting more and better things for the earth.\n\nAll the people of the world will be proud to say that they've done something great to save what we've got left.\n\nDriving is a privlege not a priority. So, the next time you decide to drive think of all the good things you'll be able to experience and how much you'll be saving the world from disaster.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAfter my high school graduation I worked in a grocery store and bank. Life couldn't get anymore boring. Then, my friend from school, Don Reist, invited me to go to Europe on a cattle boat with him. Of course I said yes, I mean, it was the opportunity of a life time. In Europe, the UNRRA was hiring Seagoing Cowboys. After long and hard thinking, Don and I signed up.\n\nIt was the best desicon ever. I got to travel all over the world, take care of animals and have fun on board. The other cowboys and I played volleyball, baseball, fencing, boxing and other sports to pass the long time on the boat. That's what I loved about this job. A once in a lifetime opportunity became a full-time job for me. I got to see England, China, Italy, Greece and France. You also should join the Seagoing Cowboys.\n\nIn conclusion, Seagoing Cowboys opened a whole new world for me. Hopefully it will for you, too. Don't hesitate to join the Seagoing Cowboys. Sign up, today. Thank You!", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe challenging of exploring Venus. The idea of studying Venus is the dangers and worthy of it. It says that Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to our sun.\n\nEven more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atomspheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. Astronomers are Fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system.\n\nVenus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has one particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus. Also Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risks. Or maybe we should think of them as challenges.\n\nMany researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus. By the way NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions.\n\nOur travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of immagination and innovation.\n\nSo my conclusion to this essay would have to be that the Author was trying to say that Venus is beautiful despite the dangers of it like exploring getting to know it\n\nalso Venus is sometimes called the \"Evening Star.\" I mean Venus is interesting people want to know more about the planet you could learn something new in life. They are wanting to send humans to Venus study the planet so yes it is worthy studying Venus despite the dangers of it.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nYou should really join the Seagoing Cowboys because they have lots of fun even though it might seem scary to be on a boat with horses then yes but it is actually pretty safe. Luke may have broke a few ribs and other stuff but he had fun and if you live on a farm then you would be good for it because you have to clean out stalls and feed them and put out bals of hay for them to munch on. You could be on the next boat to be a Seagoing Cowboy of Cowgirl. You may have to do night patroll but it don't matter as long as youhave fun. Maybe even bring a friend so you don't feel so lonely if you don't know anyone.\n\nIf you don't like boats then don't do it if you like boats and horses then your the one to apply and we will send you a ticket to get on the boat and be on your way. If you want to see the world or some parts of it then sign up and come join us because we go everywhere you can imagine like China, New Zealand, and Crete. These are just a few of the places that we go to so the horses can get where they need to be. We will go way across the world just to deliver horses.\n\nLuke had no friends when he came other than the friend that asked him to go with him to be a Seagoing Cowboy. Luke made many new friends on the boat. He made 9 (nine) trips all together from that whole career that he had with that job. He had fun and learned new things about boats and horses.\n\nHe thought it was going to be a chance of a life time but he changed his mind it being completely amazing better than what he thought it would be for someone like him. His journeys were amazing and he loved it and his family was very proud of him and his friend. He said he is grateful for the opportunity. He also said it made him more aware of people of other countries and there needs. The awareness stayed with him and it lead his family to host many of international students and exchange visiters and students for many years.\n\nThis is Lukes story and this is why you should join.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriving a car that can control itself is pretty amazing. It might have it's difficulties, but you have to admit it's amazing! People would only have to drive like 30% of the time depending on the traffic. It'll tell you when its time to take over too so you'll have to be alert at anytime. Everything isn't going to be perfect. In the article \"Driverless Cars Are Coming\" are about cars that drives by themselves which is spectular because it's car that can drive for people.\n\n\"Driverless Cars Are Coming\" can possibly change the world. The driverless cars helps people save money on gas. People always complain about how gas is so high. If people get the driverless car, they save twice as much money. If the person who buys the car end up having kids, they can save the money they've been wasting on gas and can finally spend it on their children. They'll also have enough money for a family trip! Another example, the driverless cars went more than half a million miles without a crash. That's amazing considered it's drving by itself. There would be times where the person might have to control the car like when its to much traffic on the highway or driving in and out of the driveway. Other than that problem, it can drive on its own without any help and not get in any accidents. Last example, the car will alert the person when it needs the person to drive by many different ways. First way it'll alert the person by, the driver's seat that vibrates when the car is in danger of backing into an object. The other way, the flashing lights on the windshield and other heads-up display. The Manufacturers are thinking about using camers to watch that the drivers are paying attention to the road at all times.\n\n\"Driverless Cars Are Coming\" may have its flaws, but every single thing has their flaws. It may need you to take over at times, but thats all. The car helps people save money on gas and it's also keelping people safe while they're relaxing in the vehicle. Hope people wouid consider buying the driverless cars. Driverless cars are going to change the world!", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn my opinion, driverless cars would be a great addition to the road. Driverless cars allow drivers to be more safe and alert on the road, they don't require as much fuel, and would overall help prevent accidents!\n\nI think every driver wants to be safe and alert on the road. Now, with the driverless car, you are able to be even more safe and alert! The driverless car would be equipped with laser beams that will constantly update a 3-D model of the car's surroundings. The car would basically be another set of eyes on the road to help keep you or other people in the car safe!\n\nEveryday people are driving, whether it's 5 minutes away or 2 hours away. They need their car to be fueled up so it can take them where they need to go. Depending on where you are going and how much time it will take, you might need to fuel up a couple times. With the driverless car, it takes half the fuel it normally would take in a regular car! This allows you to spend less money and less time fueling up!\n\nAllowing the use of driverless cars would help decrease the amount of accidents on the road. As drivers, we sometimes get distracted, but with the driverless car it could help you keep your eyes on the road. It would have sensors on the steering wheel to keep you alert and focused on the road. The driverless car's main job is to watch the road and keep you safe!\n\nOverall, I think the driverless car would be wanted and even needed on the road. It helps you stay alert and safe, it would require half the fuel a normal car would need, and it would keep you focused on the road at all times!", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nSeagoing Cowboys\n\nImagine being on a boat, on your way to help people and animals. Well, you can take that opportunity right now! Sign up to become a segoing cowboy. This will give you the opportunity to help animals, go sight seeing, and travel.\n\nFirstly, becoming a seagoing cowboy helps animals. You can feed horses,cows,and mules. You also help these animals cross oceans to get to other countries. This helps me infer that people that like animals will also like this program.\n\nSecondly, there is sight seeing. I took a gondola ride in Italy. I also saw the panama canal and Acropolis in Greece while doing the program. From this I can infer that people would like this part of the trip.\n\nLastly,you get to travel places. Some of these places include China, Greece, Italy, and much more. Also, you get to travel on big boats. This helps me infer that people that like adventures would have a good time doing this program.\n\nOverall,you should become a seegoing cowboy because you get to help animals, go sight seeing, and travel. This is a great opportunity for everyone. Sign up to become a seegoing cowboy today!", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n\" Can you imagine a time in te future when no one buys cars because no one needs them anymore?\" From the passage that i've read they've predicted that driverless cars will first be issued around 2020 thats just 4 years away! I believe driverless cars could severely lower the percentage of an accident happening. The odds of a teenager crashing with driverless cars could go down nearly an astonishing 68%. The police force would have to watch out for distracted drivers that are on there cellular devices or even doing there make-up in the car. Would you like to see driverless cars in the future.\n\nThere are a handful of companies developing prototypes and concept cars, such as Toyota, BMW, Google, GM, Tesla and even apple has attempted at it before, but havent had as much success compared to the brands listed before apple. GM has had Computer driven cars since the 1950's. In 1950 GM created a concept car that could run on a special test track. Of course that didnt suceed due to the expenses the government would have to pay for new roads with sensors and electrical cables which was way too expensive to be practical.\n\nIn 2013, BMW created a development called \"traffic Jam Assistant.\" The car could handle driving functions of speeds up to 25 MPH. I would love to drive everyday, but i do understand when parents say it's boring after so many years you just have to change up stuff such as a new car. Why would anyone want a driverless car? It would be interesting to show off your driverless new car, but in the end everyone would get bored just sitting in the drivers seat while the car takes you wherever you want to go. Even if a driverless car was created certain states wouldn't let you drive it on their roads. In states such as California, Nevada, and even Florida doesnt allow people to test a computer driven car without a human driver at the wheel. Would you want a driverless car to take you everywhere?\n\nTesla has projected a 2016 release for a car capable of driving on autopilot 90 percent of the time. Back in the 1950's none of this was possible without costing millions of dollars just for a simple car now that we have all the sensors the prices of that manufacturing rates will go down if we ever continue are dream of creating a driverless car. in the 1980's, automakers used speed sensors at the wheels in the creation of the antilock brakes. Antilock brakes have helped prevent millions of accidents in our world today that could have led to thousands of deaths. So do you believe we should keep on striving for driverless cars.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars aren't always so great\n\nMy position in driverless cars is that I'm opposing them.\n\nEven though Google cofounder Sergey Brin can, I'm not ready to put my life nor my family's life on the line even after years and years of people testing them and making the driverless cars 100% safe.\n\nElectronics always mess up somewhere down the road, even 100% safe, so why trust a driverless car when it could mess up and put your whole family's life on the line.\n\nIn the text it say's that \"Driver's need to stay alerted at all times\" but why if this car is 100% safe, aren't we aloud to sit and talk to are family while we are on the move.\n\nThe text also stats that \"If there is a wreck who's going to be the blame, the owner of the driverless car or the manufacturer\" so why buy it if you might be the one to blame and not the manufacturer who made this 100% safe driverless car.\n\nMy points go to prove why I'm sticking to a car I can personally drive and not a car that's still not 100% safe on the road yet.\n\nSo I ask you, would you like to move on with the rest of the world and put your life and other people's lives at risk every day with a driverless car or a car that you can drive and help keep others safe.\n\nStay safe and go against the flow sometimes, could be for the best.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nOvertime technology has been growing more and more , affecting all of us in both good and bad ways. Many have abrupted our minds and cause issues because some appliances arent necessary or they are not ment for some particular people.\n\nIn the story \"Driverless Cars Are Coming\", it tells us important information that new made auto cars are useful for us and what bad effects might come amoung us. I believe that this story is a negative impact because, when making new things such as \"technology\", it may or may not be dangerous. Things arent usually what they seem according to everybody. You might see it as a whole life changer but what some people question is, \" Is this necessary for me?\" or \" Is this safe for me and my family?\".\n\nThe cars we use now, are somewhat we call it \"perfect\" and if we use higher standard advancements of our cars, would we really rely on it? What are we capable of when using a driveless car? To me, a driveless car compares to sitting. Sitting is just another way of being lazy just like using a driveless car when you dont need to do anything but just sit there and enjoy the road.\n\nWhats so great about driving a driveless car anyways ? Sitting there and watching the roads are no fun. How would people who like the speed and heart-pacing condtion when racing feel about this ? It would be a boring ride for me because you are not doing anything but just sit there. Yeah, there would be chances for you to be on your phone, or eating your meal rith there, or sleeping. But do we rely on such advance technology so much that we depend on it and avoid the dangerous cause?\n\nDo we think that our children and family's are safe in a vechile that doesnt need you to drive and only drives by itself are safe enough ? Do you think this new car would be capable of rainy conditions and and snow conditions ? Yes, in the story it tells us that there would be objects just like in an ordinary car would have for you to use be in there just in case of emergencies, but why get an advance car when there are some similar alliance between the both of them? Why waist money on something that is the same? Think of how it would be with you just sitting there instaed of enjoying the road.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nOur social lives now a days practically depend on cars. The truth is, we don't need cars as much as many of us think. There's probably more advantages than disadvantages to not owning or using a car as often. In articles one, two, three, and four it talks about reasons why we should'nt use a car and what happens if we do so often; you tend to have a healthier lifestyle, it helps the environment and ozone, and it reduces stress. So really, limiting car usage helps both you and the environment stay healthy and clean.\n\nPeople tend to have a healthier life due to limiting their car use. In part of Germany the majority of the residents dont own cars. \"As she walked verdant streets where the swish of bicycles and the chatter of wandering children drown out the occasional distant motor.\", Article one. This shows how unlike some parts of the world, Germany has many people outside riding their bikes, walking around and many children playing outside other then being stuck inside at home or in a car. In Article four it states, \"They organize their summer jobs and social life around where they can walk or take public transportation or car-pool with friends.\". This is in New York, one of the cities with the most traffic and cars on the streets. New York made a prgram called the \"bike-sharing program\" which has showed great responces and has kids like the ones before mentioned being social and being more active with friends.\n\nLimiting car usage also helps the environment and ozone. In Paris there was a lot of smoge for days and they had to take action. \"After days of near record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city.\", states Article two. After this ban the smog cleared a few days later. This shows how easily car can pollute the air and the environment. In Article four it states, \"Since transportation is the second largest source of America's emissions, just behind power plants.\". Cars are one of the main reasons for the environment being polluted and it can be stopped easily if people car-pooled, rode their bikes or walked.\n\nNot only does limiting car usage and using a different alternative keep us active, it also reduces our stress. \"It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution,\" said Bussinessman Carlos Arturo Plaza as he rode a two-seat bicycle with his wife.\", Article three. This was in Colombia where they had a day where no one could use their cars. The people felt relieved to have a day where they could just relax and go outside and get some fresh air. Also in Article one it states, \"When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way,\".\" This was also in Germany in a place called Vauban where more than half of the families didn't own cars. This shows how using a bike or walking other than using a car helps you reduce the stress that you have that also includes driving around others that block your way or speed.\n\nIn conclusion, limiting car usage tends to help others have a healthier lifestyle, it helps the environment and ozone, and helps others reduce stress. The chairman of the Ford Motor Company in Article four states, \"Pedestrian, bicycle, private cars, commercial and public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve resources, lower emissions and improve saftey.\". There's probably more pros than cons in limiting car usage because all it really does is make our lives harder. The long term effect of using cars is more important than the short term which is getting to your destination which you can do any other way and it's healthier and cleanier for everyone.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article \"Driverless Cars Are Coming,\" the author explains both positive and negative aspects of driverless cars. The author talks about from what the driverless cars have in store from the areas the driverless cars need help on. In the end, I am more than sure I am against driverless cars.\n\nOne reason why I am against the making of these cars are that the word \"driverless\" in the word driverless car, isn't true. The car is not one hundred percent driverless. The car will alert the driver when needed assistance. Such as heavy traffic, construction zones, and accident scenes. The narrator states, \"In fact, none of these cars developed so far are completely driverless.\" As you can see, the car doesn't live up to it's name.\n\nAnother reason why I wouldn't approve driverless cars are that they aren't as safe to a human being in control of wheel. Technolgy is not that advanced to where it doesn't have glitches and issues. It still do. Not saying us humans don't, but wouldn't you rather be in control insteading of trusting a certain thing that is not one hundred percent accurate? Even traffic laws stated that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times.\n\nIn conclusion, driverless cars are not what the claim to be. Their not guarnteed driverless and they aren't safe. From not even being real to their name to having issues. I hope I won't see a driverless car on the road anytime to see.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus is one of the brightest point in the sky called the \"Evening Star\". Venus is actually a planet in the solar system. Venus is the second planetfrom our sun. But our earth is more closely. Also earth is often referred a \"twin\" Venus is the closest planet to Earth due to the density, size, distance.\n\nSame with Mars. These two planets Mars and Venus are close to earth. But all three of them orbit the sun in different speeds. The digfferent in the speeds are meant sometimes that we are closer to Mars and other times to Venus. Not a single spaceship has touched on Venus in more than three decades.\n\nWhile also Venus is a challenging study for humans. Even more challenging for us is that the clouds of highly corrosive sulferic acid in the Venus's atmosphere. Also noteable just to let you know that Venus does have the highest temperature of any other planet in our solar system. Even tho there are some orther planets that are colser to the sun. Like Mercury it is closer to the sun more than Venus.\n\nAstronomers are also so suprised. Because Venus has been that one planet that is most alike to Earth to our planet in the solar system. Astronomers say that \"long time ago Venus was covered with largely oceans and could have supported various from our life, just like Earth.\" Until this day Venus has some features are analogous to those on Earth. Just like the planet surface as of the familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters.\n\nLastly Venus is the planet that is most likely to be like Earth. It has some features that are alike. Venus however would allow scientists to float above the fray. Venus is our sister planet that is so alike to Earth. Although Venus has a higher temperature than Earth.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI would tell them that it was just a rock as said in the article \"huge rock formation\" ,i also can prove that it is not an alien because in the article it states that \"arrived at the Red Planet in sept 1997...\" they went to mars to take pics of the unknown formation to prove to everyon that it was not made by alien the NASA described it as an \"natural formation\" ,even though this still left others with questions NASA said \"the crema on board MGS had to peer through wispy clouds to see the face \" which means that the picture wa not as clear as you thought it was with the clouds in the way NASA stated \" what the pictuure actually shows is the Martin equivalent of a butte or mesa-landforms common around the American West...\" These are all reasons that state that the landform was not created by aliens.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAre smarter cars really better? What are these cars capable of? Driverless cars should come to an end because the driver must be alert at all times, the driver might get distracted or bored and they are illegal in most states.\n\nDriverless cars can drive themselves. It's like watching a pet bird. You still have to be around to make sure nothing happens. In the 7th paragraph, it states,\"They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents. This means the human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires.\" You are just babysitting the car and you could easily get bored because it's not a baby.\n\nWhy would you buy a car you can't even drive? \"Why would anyone want a driverless car that still needs a driver? Wouldn't drivers get bored waiting on theit turn to drive?\" You could get distracted fast, especially if you have a short attention spand. For instant, you have to drive 3 hours and you have nothing to do because you are not driving. That's a cause for distracting and then diaster.\"Safety is a big concern.\" and thats why it's not legal in most states.\n\nSmarter cars are illegal in most states. In the 9th paragraph, it states that \"Lawmakers know that safety is best achieved with alert drivers. Presently, traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times. As a result, in most states it is illegal even to test computer-driven cars.\"\n\nThese cars are illegal because there is a lot of untested things that could go wrong. \"Most driving laws focus on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedstrians safe.\" If these driverless cars are crashing into each other, no one going to be safe.\n\nSmarter, driverless cars are not better if people are getting hurt. Distracted drivers, that must be alert at all times in unsafe, illegal cars are bad thing for society.\"We grow closer to the destination every day.\" Drive Safe.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nUnmasking the Face on Mars\n\nAfter reading this passage did it make you think about if you were a scientist at NASA? Well it made me think if i were a scientist there and someone thought the face was aliens, and i would have to persuade them its not using the passage to the left. So today that is what im going to be writing about. Heres some resons stated in the passage that lets me know its not aliens, Research showed that it was a Martian mesa with unusal shadows that made it look like an egyptian pharaoh, research showed it was only a natural landform, and it also shows that its not easy for scientist to find cydonia and not everyone was satisfied with results.\n\nAs stated in paragraph two scientist stated that it was just another Martian\n\nmesa thats common around that part of mars, and it had unusual shadows that made it look like an egyptian pharaoh. A few days later after that mars relsed a picture to the public with the caption \"Huge rock formation\" the picture was captioned huge rock formation to show to the public that the \"face\" they seen in mars was just a natural rock formation. the artical also said that it was also formed by showdows giving the rock things that look like eyes, nose ,lips, and mouth.\n\nFurther more even after eighteen long years some scientist still thought that the land formation in mars was a alien artifact, so in 1997 they went back and did more research and wanted to get a better picture. so on April 5th 1998 when Michal and his OCD team snapped a picture of \"alien artifact\" ten times sharper than the first picture. thousadnds opf web surfurs were waiting on the oicture to be relased to see if it really was an alien artifact, and when the picture was finally revealed all it showed was a natural land form. it showed a natural land form because the camera was better and they wanted to prove that it was just a land form and not an alien monument after all.\n\nIn Addition alot of people were still not satisfied with what scientist found out in 1998. they thought that the face o mars is located at a 41 degrees north martian latitude and it was winter in april 1998 and it wes a cloudy time of a year for the red planet and they had to look though alot of clouds so some of the markings were a haze. And mission control said that its not easy to find that part of mars and that its hard work and that they dont pass over the face very often but in 2001 on a cloudless day in cydonia mission control went i for a second look and they rolled the camera 25 degrees in on the center of the face in the field veiw and the picture was 3 times bigger than before and the picture still showed that it was not a face and that it was a natural land form and it looked like a couple of land forms on earth.\n\nin conclusion all three of the times they went to mars and\n\ntook a picture it always showed that it was not a face and that it was a natural landform instend.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you wanted to participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program before? Well, you should join the program because you can see different parts all over the world, it can be one in a lifetime expericence for you. You can help other people who are in danger or in the need of your help.\n\nFirst, you should join the program because it can be alot of fun for you. You can meet new friends and you can have a job. One of the jobs could be a night watch man. You can go out at night and see if anyone or anything has escaped from the boat. You get to travel on a huge boat, too. Now that is a double bonus for you.\n\nSecondly, you should go because you can help other people. Somewhere, other people who need your help. Helping other people can be good for you.\n\nI mean like you can change into a really nice percon or a whole new person. God will be very proud of you if you help other people, he loves that! Pretend you were needing help and someone helped you, you could be that person, too.\n\nFinally, You get to travel all around the world. You can explore new places and have fun doing it. You get to travel on a huge boat called the SS Charles W. Wooster. It's a really noce boat to travel on. You can to new places all around the world and you can take pictures or even right it down in a journal.\n\nYou should join the Seagoing Cowboys program because you can have a blast of a time, you can help other people who need your help, and you can also travel around the world. Luke Bomberger joined the program and had a great time, you can too. Come join the Seagoing Cowboys program, it can change your life!", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEmotions are something everyone expierences everyday. On some people, emotions are hard to see by observing. However, on others people, emotions can easily be seen. Computers that can calculate emotions allows for humans to know instead of guessing a persons' emotions.\n\nHumans and computers have been existing together for a long time. Computers have helped humans keep information safe and gain more knowledge. Computers have always been known to do just that; keep information and knowlegde. But is that all computers are good for? In the article it states, \"Dr. Huang and his colleague are experts at developing better ways for humans and computers to communicate.\" This line demonstrates that experts are developing new technology that could allow for computers to interact more with humans. By developing the technology, new opportunities will arise and improve the quality of life.\n\nA common issue in this era is people accusing others of doing something they did not do. If someone accuses another of an emotion, that could possibly make the person mad even if that was not their original emotion. In the text it states, \" 'Most human communication is nonverbal, inlcluding emotional communication,' \" This line supports that humans tend not to communicate. Therefore, accsuing someone of a certain emotion could be wrong. Another line in the text states, \"Of course, most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried, etc.\", This line proves humans have trouble recongnizing certain facial expressions. Without the help of computers, humans struggle to read emotions of people such as their friends. However, happy, sad, anger, worry, etc. are not the only emotions especially for a teen.\n\nDuring school, teenagers show mutiple emotions. Some may be more obvious than others. A common emotion for teens in school is boredom or confusion. Sometimes a student does so well at hiding it that the teacher does not know what they are feeling. Which is why computers could help figuring out the emotions. In the text it states, \" 'A classroom computer could recongnize when a student is becoming confused or board, ' Dr. Huang predicts.\" This line demonstrates that students can get bored and confused with what they are doing in class. A teacher may change their teaching style but some may not know what is going on inside the students mind. This quote states, \"The same technology can make computer-animated faces more exspensive-for video games or video surgery.\" This line supports that showing emotions when in front of a computer screen will have a wide variety of benefits. Showing facial expression could possibly improve games and other online tasks.\n\nComputers have improved many things in life. Calculating emotions is one of many amazing abilities of technology. By donating money to experts, who develop new technology, can allow them to create more ideas and show the world the successful invention.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nit would be fun to take the pertunity because you get to see new places and new sights and you get to live like a cowboy. for a wile and that would be fun to do if you normaly arent. countryand you get to do new thing such as riding horses and stacking hay.\n\nAnd it would also be intersting, becaseu you get to new thinks like syack hay ride a horese agian and you get to live driffrent like get up early and you got to feed the, animals and you got to drees diffrent like put on boots so that you dont get muddy.\n\nAnd there is something eles in valved the war when the war was over they had to give out food becaseu every thing was disrioed so they had to give out food and give out stuff that was needed.\n\nAnd that is why it would be fun interesting and dangrous so next time never move somewere there is going to be a war", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever thought about people making driverless cars? People are trying to make driverless cars. I think it is a good idea to make driverless cars, but a lot of people think it is very dangerous. I think it is a good idea because, blind people can ride in driverless cars, it is easier to multi task especially when you have a kid, and when you are traveling far distances you can get a good break. Let me tell you more about the advantages of owning a driverless car.\n\nOne advantage of owning a driverless car is that a blind person can get from place to place in a driverless car. Usually a blind person would have to have a dog and a stick and walk. Blind people can get from place to place and easier with a driverless car. You can get from place to place faster with a driverless car, rather than walking everywhere.\n\nThe second advantage of owning a driverless car is that it is easier to multi task. When you have a kid or kids it would be great to have the car drive itself, so you can take care of your kids. When multi tasking you can sleep when going on road trips. You can also eat food while the car is taking you somewhere.\n\nThe last advantage of owning a driverless car is that you do not have to do anything. You can sleep the whole time and still get place to place. Or you can do what ever you want while in a car.\n\nPersonally, I would like the cars to be invented. In the passage the bad thing is when coming upon construction is that the car will tell you when to start driving manually. The other bad thing is that you have to have your hands on the wheel at all times. Other than that I would love to own a driverless car.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDo you like helping animals and taking them to safe places?Well thats what we do,we take the horses, Young Cows, Mule and other animals that were shipped overseas and take care of them. You can be hurt, worn out, tired,and even afraid but it still dosen't mater because think of how afraid the animals are before peple like us helped them out.\n\nDo you want to become a seagoing cowboy? Well I bet your like what's a seagoing cowboy. If you participate to be a\n\nSeagoing Cowboy then you get to explore the world, help others, create memories and get an amazing once in a lifetime oppourtunity.Or you can be like Luke and have a friend convince you or even join with you.\n\nYou could be going on vacation but also taking tasks all around the world. For instince say you have to check on the animals every hour, well on your freetime you could be exploring. Being a seagoing Cowboy can be risky but your doing a good deed and at least you tried. In paragraph 7 Luke got hurt but did that stop him from helping? No he jus waited to he was all better and went back at it.\n\nThink about Luke he had two jobs and left to help the UNRRA with Don. Just remember your not choosen to do this you have to have the courage and sign up yourself. Yes , your taking a risk to lose your life, family, and childhood but the animals dont. You have to have patients, time, and love animals. n\n\nWell now that you know what a Seagoing Cowboy is and what we do, maybe you should think about becoming one. It's not really a hard job, its actually entertaining and shocking. If you do sign up and participate you could learn new places and animals. You get to ride the waves, take care of animals, learn new things and meet new people. Think about it and spread the word with your spouse or even family and friends", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars could be the future of our world. Citizens around the world could relax in a diverless car after a long day at work but still be alerted to their surroundings. Development of driverless cars could help people all around the world. I would like the development of driverless cars beucase it could demenstrate how a young teen is supposed to drive, how safe it would be with all the side features, and small problems could be fixed quickly.\n\nA young teen that is learning to drive could ride with an adult in a driveless car to see a visual presentation of how to drive. Many young teens learn by paying attention so if they do that while in a driverless car they could driving in no time. Teens could see how easy it is to drive a driverless car when they want to take control of the steering wheel. This would be a good example of stopping most teens from texting while driving becuase it would make them so focused and alerted to their surroundings they wouldn't have time to text. Teens would be even more safe however, with all the safety features in driverless cars.\n\nDriverless cars would be even more safer than a regular car with all the new developed features. Companies like BMW developed a traffic jam assistant in their driverless car to help the driver see what their around. BMW have made progress in trying to intercept driving fun in a new way. Heads up displays and vibrating seats are other ways that have helped driverless cars be developed in the future as a change to all drivers. Driverless cars have many equipped items to make driving safe however, driverless cars have some problems that can be fixed easily.\n\nDriverless cars would be ran by technology and could have problems that can be fixed. Driverless cars would need an engineer that knows what to do to keep a driverless car from going out of control. Mechanics would also help an engineer with technology by helping the exterior like the wheels. Driverless cars would need insurance to help with accidents and car replacements. The devleopment of driverless cars would be great for us in the future but, what would be argued against the development of driverless cars.\n\nDriverless cars are going to have some problems that are good and that are bad but that wouldn't stop the development of it. Driverless cars would be a great way to teach the young teens how to drive and be on alert while in a car. It would develop a great sensory system with enough protection for all the passengers of the driverless car not just the driver. With enough hard work from engineers,mechanics, and technicans a driverless car problems could be fixed in no time. The development of a driverless car could change the world dramatically.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus sometimes the \"Evening star\",is one f the bright poinst of ligh in the nigth sky making in tit simple fo evn anc sind venuz is actually a planet in out is simple to sape plae to examine more closely and accaionally speeds .ist proximity to us challenging planet for humans to despite for study ton us a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets venus the clouds of hig hly coprrosive sulfuric in atmospheees and trhe temperatiras over tham more .These greatr are far more experience on our own planet .miles above the roiling venus would landscape . just as our jet travel at to flay over mamy stoms a vehicle hovering .\n\nBeyond high present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes powerful earthquakes and frequent linghting strikes ti probes seeking to land on ist suface .liquefy many metals planet in our solar system thom Mecury is closer to our sun beyond.\n\nour sister planet is so inhospitable why are scientists even discussing visits to surface beause it way well and have most are fascinatedlarget in our solar was probable coverred largely wiht oseans and could have supported largely wiht oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth. The planet has a surface just to those on\n\nEarst can somentime be\n\nmi ssion both safe and scientifically produstive . More impottantly researcher cannot take sample of rock ,gas or anything else, from a dispite .\n\nspace adminictration NASA has one particulary for humans to study venus. NASA posiible solution to the hosteli con dioyions on the surface of vennus would allow scientists to conditions on the a\n\nblimp like\n\nvehicle hovering to miles.Fahrenheit but the air pressure would be close to sea level solar power wouold be pletifun and radiation not exceed not easy but survivable for humans. Just as uor jry airolanet travel at a would venus power beand survivable for humans temperaturas would still to above the degrees and of the unfriendly miles above the over and aou grupos by staying up pressure\n\nclose to sa level. Not easy conditones but survivable for humans beause most forms of photography and or maybe longb enoght to contibute meannindfutully to our knowledge of venus. For example some simplified electronics ,made of silicon catbedi have been tested in a chamber the chaos is looking role in the calculations envidopnted and played use machanical pars can be made and pther forces .\n\nThese moders computers are delicate whend it phone or tablet to acid physical conditions .by Venus has value and shouls the be likmted ny dangers and doubts buy expanded to meer the very of imajination and innovation .only because\n\nos the insight to be us equally on earth .The dense atmosphere ,\n\nstandars forms of cannot and scientists seeking to canductor\n\nthemp mission on innovations to our hoverinf peerind at vvenus ship surfa have been in chanber\n\ntherr weers the anotherd projecta is lookind just decate a cell .by can be human wiil\n\ninto beyond should not linited and douds but expenden to meet.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author supports the idea that studying Venus is important in many ways. The author does it by stating why it's important, stating facts, and comparing it to other planets. The author also states highs and lows of studying venus.\n\nIn the text it states \"Often referred to as Earth's \"twin,\". \" This explains that the author is trying to make people think that venus is just like Earth. He wants to make people think that Venus is just like Earth because he knows if people like Earth they will like Venus as well.\n\nThe author explains studying Venus is a worth pursuit in paragraph 7 by saying \"NASA is working on other approaches to studying venus. For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions.\" This proves that the author wants us to study Venus.\n\nIn conclusion, the author has supported thye article with many details regarding how impotant studying Venus is.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nTo be honest I think It should not be car driving by themselves because, for one the car can lose control of itself and cause alot of damage and danger. Cars are made for people to drive in not for them to drive on their own. If them cars drive on their own people will be scared and will be distracted by the car. Them cars can be stolen from people with no problem. They say the want cars that can drive on there own but who are going to pay for them if they get into an accidents? Why would somebody eventhink of cars driving on them own so many bad things can happen to people, they can get hurt or cause possibly die & who going to pay for the person hospital bill. So thats why I say they dont need to make cars that can drive on their own because they can run out of gas or make a mistake and go over the speed limit, who the police going to give the ticket to? So thats why I said they dont need to make cars that can drive on their own.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think the use of technology to read the emotional expressions of the students in a classroom isn't valuable. I say it isn't valuable because like it says in paragraph 5 that the computer tells what kind of mood you're in. That's kind of weird dont you think? I dont know maybe its just me. I just believe that people should get the chose to tell you how they feel on their own IF they would like you to know how they feel. Paragraph 6 it states that the computer can recognize If a student is becoming confused or bored with the activity that he or she is doing, I think that's popping someones bubble honestly. The FACS can be cool at certain part in life, but only If the person that you are using it on would like you to know their mood. In paragraph 3 it says that the Facial Action Coding System has six basic emotions. Those emotions are happiness, suprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. If I found out that the computer was reading what my emotions were I'd be a little feared, suprised, and the emotion that they dont have... weird. I'd be weirded out a little when they told me that a computer would be telling me how I feel. I dont know about you guys but I personally like to keep to myself. I dont like to be the center of attention or wanting anyone thinking that I need attention. This is why I believe that the Facial Action Coding System is NOT a good idea to have to express how children in a classroom feels.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nthe author suggests that studying venus is worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents becaues studying venus might help us advance our tecnology by helping us research more the planet and knowing the enviorment and the weather that venus have. By knowing that we can seccesfully land our spacecraft and our rovers and we can reasearch more the plant and in the furture we might be able to know everthing about the planet and be prepared for one day maybe move to venus when something happenes to earth or maybe to have a other planet to go to incase theres a emergency in the earth that might need us to evaquate earth. That might mean that we might need to build more spacecraft to hold many people to take them to venus at fast as we can and soo to do that we need to study venus and know the planet soo we would be ready for one day that anything that happens we will have everthing all ready to move or jus tto stay temporarly in venus soo that any dangerouse thing that venus might have we can impore on earth and abancwe our equipment and have stuff already bulit for that day to come when we want to set foot on venus.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI agree with the author when he suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit.\n\nAlthough I agree even more when he says that is presents danger.\n\nThere are pros and cons on working with Venus. I agree with him because if him and his scientest discover things dealing with the phisical in venus or just plane facts it could do well for them.\n\nYet, the cons are extreme. In paragraph 2 it states \" No space craft survived the landing after a few hours.\" The space men are going to have to learn new techniques in order to discover and survive. Another detail to go along with that cause is in paragraph 3 where it states \" The conditions are far more extreme then anything humans encounter on earth.\" Theres gonna be a lot of tracks the men are going to face and have to learn to adapt.\n\nIn paragraph 4, it says that \" atronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like thing plamet in our solar system.\" Maybe this is why the author suggest to look into it becuase it was once like us. Maybe he wants to know how it change so much.\n\nMaybe in the near future we can be able to discover why those things happendand why.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars are a great step in the direction of a better future. Along with making travleling easier on a day-to-day basis, there will also be less accidents, and people won't have to worry about paying as much money as they do now for things such as insurance. We should continue to manufacture our cars to make them completely driverless.\n\nWith automated systems in cars, there can be less worrying about driving errors being made everyday. As it stated in the article, these systems can apply brakes or reduce power from the engine when in a dangerous situation before the driver is able to. This will dramatically decrease the likelyhood of getting into an accident. This is also great because the driver won't have to worry about dealing with everything you have to do after that accident as well.\n\nEven though the driver has to take control of the car in situations, such as being in a construction zone, continuing to develop cars to detect these things and navigate them will make driving safer in the long run for everyone. It would be more difficult for people to drive recklessly and make little mistakes that can cost someones life.\n\nMany car companies are making improvments to cars to make them driverless everyday. With more and more companies joining the path to driverless cars, we will get to a safe and convient future faster than we know it.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the old world, people didnt have car's, they did everything on foot. They got food, ran erronds, and just to get out of the house with the family. So how come now adays people are so dependent on their car's. Places around the world are implimenting rules or laws now to stop people from abusing the car.\n\nSince the car was invented it has always had the same issue, not the engine or the interior, but the environmental issue. And now that people around the world are realizing that, they have created rules and laws to ban or reduce the usage of cars. A community in Germany called Vauban have given up their car's to help the environment, and people love it. \"When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way,\" said Heidrun Walter, a mother of two.\n\nParis \"The Love City\" in France has Banned cars because of the high amount of smog it creates. After the law was placed, only after five days, congestion was down 60 percent.\n\nParis has the most smog compared to any other European captials, they had to do this or the smog would take over the city. And since the ban has been posted, smog has been clearing and is now much more limited in the area.\n\nMajor cities like New York were built in a narrow way, so its more congested when too many people are driving, and the buildings are much closer together so its more convinent to walk or bike to places rather than drive. New York has implimented a new bike-sharing program, and it is a hit. And around the nation a similar program is the car-sharing program. It encourages people about car pulling, it is when multiple people go to work or school in the same car, it puts less cars on the road and has plentiful benifits. Like less carbon dioxide in the air, less traffic, and saves on gas money.\n\nBill Ford, an exeuctive chairman of the Ford Motor Company, pitched a plan to live in a world that owning a personal car was impractical. He proposed to partnering with telecommunications industy to make a city or many where the \"pedestions, bicycle, private cars, commercial and public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve resources, lower emission and improve safety.\"\n\nBanning cars around the world isn't a solution because they are more convinent than taking a train or walking, but their needs to be a cut down on the amount we use a car, we abuse it. Eventually all the greenhouse gases might end up destroying the planet we live on. But their are solutions, implementing a world day were we dont use cars would help tremendusly, their are other means of getting around other than car. For example Biking is a great form of excersice and will get you to were you need to be faster than walking, while getting in shape at the same time.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThis articles is about the facial action coding system enables computers to identify human emotions. It is important to understanding how other people feeling and emotionall. This technology should valuable expressions of students in a classroom. It importand to understand or learn about facial action so that we can understand other people what they feel how they feel. Sometime we said a word that peple won't want to hear or hurt them. Able to understand they emotion and feeling we have to undertand how the person facial is. In this artile said \" In the real smile, the zygomatic major lift the corner of your mouth\". The fake smile or false smile is the mouth stretched aideaways using the zygomatic major and different muscle, the risorius. That one Importand thing we all can learn from this article. Also if eveyone understand there will be deeper relationship, deeper friendship and deeper family. Everyone is different so which mean they can pretend to be happy or pretend to be sad you also can tell from using facial action coding system and identify human emotions. To understand facial action is importand for everyone and students in classroom should be using and valuable the technology of facial action coding system. Thank you", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe challenge of exploring Venus showed a great amount of evidence to support both opinions, supportive of the idea or not. As we lnow venus is 170 degrees on the surface but ships can take it. Then theres the fact that no spacecrafts sent by humans has ever lasted more than a few hours on the surface of venus.\n\nthere is a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets on venus, and even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in venus's atmospher.\n\nVenus distance wise is a time consuming yet possible feet. Venus and mars are the closest neighboring plants to us and Venus more than mars shows there could have been life long ago on this planet. Venus consists of valleys, mountian ranges, craters , and many believe oceans once inhabited this planet. Talks of NASA doing a human ran investigation thirty miles aboves venus to do reaserch.\n\nNASA belives that Venus has not easy condistions but survivable for humans. There has been talks of even sending people down there to do research in the future and that could go bad knowing the knowledge you have on this planet. the challenges would be very intimidating and unpredictable.\n\nIn the end these talks on further exploring Venus is very intresting and inthink is should be done at the right place and the right time. Us as humans are curious creatures and should have all the knowledge we can gather on these forigne planets before human exploration. A lot of questions un answered and a lot to answer.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Face of Mars has proven to be one of NASA's most mystifying cases to ever be solved. Twenty five years ago, as NASA's Viking 1 spacecraft was circling Mars, it snapped a photo of a startling image resembling a human face. After releasing the image to the public, many people became fascinated in the \"face\". This rolled the ball for many people to believe there was an ancient civilization on Mars. However, modern technology and expertise of numerous scientists have discovered the face is merely a natural landform. The use of more efficient cameras have diminished any hopes of alien life on Mars.\n\nNASA's Mars Exploration Program has already identified the area on which the face is found as Cydonia. When the face was first seen in the Jet Propulsion Lab, scientists figured it was a Martian mesa, which were common enough in Cydonia. Although it was abnormally figured in the shape of a human face, scientists already knew mesa's were prominent in the area of Cydonia. Also, modern technology, such as a Mars Global surveyor camera, has revealed the fact that the Face on Mars is nothing but a natural landform. The camera's absolute maximum resoultion picture ensures that no \"alien markings\" were hidden by haze, as some skeptics argued. In the 2001 image, each pixel spans 1.56 meters, whereas pixels in the 1976 image spanned 43 meters. Therefore, the better camera quality ensures the truth behind the Face on Mars: a natural landform.\n\nSome people argue that, due to the cloudiness on the planet, alien life could have been hidden by haze. However, NASA sent the Mars Global Surveyor on \"a cloudless summer day in Cydonia\" and captured another photo. Garvin explained \"As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size.\" Garvin knew if there were any pyramids or shacks, the camera would have been able to capture it and he would have been able to see it. Thus, there is no chance haze could have hidden the aliens. People also argued that the Face is bona fide evidence of life on Mars- evidence NASA would rather hide. This is not the case. Authors thought this would be a good way to engage the public and attract attention to Mars. Therefore, the belief of life on Mars is simply just for the public. It has been in Hollywood films, books, magazines, and radio talk shows. The Face on Mars was used to engage the public, not neccessariy to inform.\n\nProven from better camera quality and scientific knowledge, people can know believe the Face on Mars is just a natural landform. If any civilization was there, the Mars Global Surveyor would have been able to seen it. Also, mesa's are common in the Cydonia area, where the face was found. In conclusion, better technology from 1976 proves the Face on Mars is a landfrom, and there is no chance any life on Mars exists based on the face.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Electoral College is America's current method of election. A process created by our founding fathers that consists of the selection of electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for president and vice president, and the counting of the electoral votes by Congress. Many Americans believe that this method is crucial because it's certainty of outcomes and the way it avoids run-off elections. However many people believe it creates more of a problem than a solution. Problems created under the electoral college system include, big states recieving more attention than small states, the disaster factor, and the winner-take-all method which causes unfairness among voters.\n\nEach state has a different number of electors based on the number of members in it's congressional delegation. A lot of the time bigger states tend to have a larger amount of electors, for example the state of Hawaii has four while the state of texas has 38. This causes more attention to go towards the big states. Another example of this dilema is shown by an excerpt from Bradford Plumer whcih says \"each state casts only one vote, the single representative from Wyoming, represetning 500,000 voters, would have as much say as the 55 representatives from California, who represent 35 million voters. Given that many voters vote one party for president and another for congress, the House's selection can hardly be expected to represent the will of the people\".\n\nThe current system of election leaves room for multiple disasters to occur. Disasters such as the 2000 fiasco in which Al Gore won the popular vote but lost the presidency. Another issue caused is a question of the electors loyalty to their candidate. Perhaps the Elector of a certain state decides against the election of their party and casts a deciding vote for whoever they please. This creates an unreliable system they could change the fate of an election in an instant. Even more serious issues could arise such as a state sending two slates of electors which Hawaii did in 1960.\n\nLastly, the Electoral College is a faulty system because of it's winner-take-all method. Most states have this method in which the winning presidential candidate is awarded all the electors. Due to this the candidates don't spend time int he states they know have no chance of winning, and only focus on tight races in the \"swing states\". As stated in an article by Richard A. Posner \"During the 2000 campaign, seventeen states didn't see the candidates at all, icluding Rhode Island and South Carolina, and voters in 25 of the largest media markets didn't get to see a single ad.\n\nAll in all, the Electoral College is an unreliable system of election. It causes many issues to arise and is all around unfair to voters. Many important people such as Richard Nixon, and Jimmy carter agree that America should abolish it all together. The issues caused such as unequal attention on states based on size, unfaithfulness of electors, and an unfair winner-takes-all method prove the the Electoral College undeniably, causes more problems than solutions.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nSome people think that aliens created the Face on Mars. Do you belive that to? I think that The Face on Mars is a natural landform here is why. \" The caption wrote huge rock formation\" which would most likely mean a natural landform from what N.A.S.A. stated when they unveiled the photo of the rock formation. Also has not found any evidence of life on Mars to this day.\n\nN.A.S.A. had also said \"That if there were objects in this picture like airplanes, on the ground or Egyptian-style pyraminds or even small shacks, you could see what they were.\" Also in the pictures that are in the article ther are no signs of any homes or camps or signs of life.\n\nThis also proves the theory that it is a landform \"what the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa-landforms common around the American West which would mean that this is somthing similar to what we have seen on earth before. The Jet Propulsion Lab said \" Scientist figured it was just another Martian mesa.\n\nAlso if this was something created by aliens or an ancient civilization wouldn't it be deteroryating over time. From the rearch that NASA has done it seems that it has not changed at all over the past 25 years. So do you belive that aliens created The Face on Mars? I don't but mabye you do.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever heard of the Seagoing Cowboys program. You should join because you get to travel all over the world and you get to help people in other countries. It is a really unique program, with very fun games along the trip.\n\nThe first reason you should the Seagoing Cowboy program is because you can travel over the world and go on many adventures. You get to see things you never saw before and do things you never done before. In the text it says, you can see Europe and China. Also, you can visit Greece. The second reason you should join is because you get to help people around the world. In the text it says, it makes ypu aware of other countries needs.\n\nIn conclusion, you should join the program. If you think you shouldn't that wrong because you have a bunch of amazing opportunitys. It is a very fun and unique kind of program. So, you should consider joining. They also play fun games like volleyball, baseball, table-tennis,fencing,and boxing.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe future is almost here. But\n\nit is not going to be a good one. Those driveless cars are going to be a harm. It is going to destroy this world. The cars of of the futre are going to look cool and all that but are not good for people to frive.The driveless cars that are coming are going to be to expensive, not safe, and complicated.\n\nFirst, these driveless cars are going to be very expensive because they're going to be to advanced and the people are who made tthem are going to want to charge alot. Those people inventing them going to spend alot of money trying to fix the roads and the cars so they are going to hope to get that money all back by making these cars. Like in the article it states that \"...General Motors created a concept car that could run on a special test track.\" So what the qoute says is that if they make a car that is advanced and cant run on a regular concrete road, then they will have to build a road that the car can be on. For that to happen the people who built the car will have to pay extra to make a road that is good for the car and they will have to test it. So going through all that will cost alot of money. These cars they talk about will also need alot of upgrades which will also cost money. so if a peerson wants to buy the car will pay extra just because the car has extra things like upgrades on the motor, sensors and other stuff. Also in the article it says \"Google's modified Toyota Pruis uses position-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror,...\" So here in this qoute it says some things that they put in or updated in the car. So with all this construction of road and updating things in the car is all going to cost for the person who will buy the car. So thats why these cars will not make it because they will be ti expensive.\n\nThen, anoher reason why im against these cars is because they are not going to be safe for the people. If they get this car it is like still driving because they still have to be ready incase of something happens. Like if there a accident they have to take control or if theres traffic they have to take control. In the article it says that \"The car can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 mph, but special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel.\" So if the driver has to keep a hand on the wheel they mine as well just drive it. Because what they are saying there is that the car could lose its function and drive of the road. So this car\n\nis not safe.\n\nFinally, the driveless cars are going to be to complicated. Becuase the car is going to have to much on it and the people are not going to know how to work it. Also people when they are in a driveless car they dont want to do anything because its supposed to drive itself but the person has to keep a a hand on the wheel and be alert and be ready to take over at anytime. And all the sensors and GPS and other gadgets is going to be alot to control. If the sensors break what are they going to do nothing because they did not build the car and they will have to go to like a certain car shop cause not anyone will be able to fix a sensor like a break or any other thing in a regular car. In the article it says that it has \"four automotive radar sensor, a GPS reciever ...\" So for all that to work the oerson will have to learn to work it and learn to fix incase of it being damaged.\n\nSo with all these reason of why im against the driveless cars i should of changed your mind maybe. thes cars are not going to be successful because they will be to expensive, not safe, and complicated, So with these three reasons people will not buy these cars. Because they are all reasonable.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCould this be a total fail? Should we be able to let schools use this device? Could the machine be a waist of time? Should the info provided by the machine lead to somting bigger than just emotions? This divce could either help people or desroy people in its own way: or it could also be a complete fail.\n\nThe use of this device in class rooms would be great in a way;so the teachers could see whats going on with one of there students. On a total other note not every one can express there feelings through facial expresions; even some people tend to portray others emotional states wich leads to imataion. So personally I would not want to have this at my school. For there will be a complete disaster (people can always fake ).\n\nIn the text the writer was talking about \"empathy (the feeling of someone elses emotional state) may happen because we unconsciously imitate other persons facial expreions'(found in paragraph 9).Another example from the text would be we dont neccacerly need a machine to predict others emotuions. In the text it stated that to an expert faces dont lie ;that muscles are a clue .Also that a false smile can be predicted by the facial mucles: in the text it stated that \"the mouth is stretched side ways using zygomatic major and a different muscle, the risourius\".\n\nIn conclusion the machine would not be valuable in a class room. There are many other things to focus on/in class that using the machine would be a complete waist of time. A way students could be checked on instead is by communicting with them or directing them in the correct direction.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDo you want to imagine how exactly people feel even though there not expressing there emotions .\n\nIf you want tov use this nice improve system the Facial Action Coding System to detect people expressions. The software is easy to indicate people true feelings and inner thoughts on how people are feeling and what's there mood right now . The Facial Action Coding System is valuable to students in a classroom.\n\nThe Facial Action Coding System can tell your emotions if your feeling happy, sad , angry, or disgusted. The software is good for people if they don't want to express there feelings towards others. From the article \"Making Mona Lisa Simle paragraph 1 \"Dr. Hunag and his colleague are experts at developing better ways for humans and computers to communciate in a positive way. Plus, it will be a easier way for some comoputer software to recognize your emtions . The FACS can have a positive or negative impact on people emotion expressions .\n\nThe FACS can express facial movements to our facial reaction. From the article Making Mona Lisa Smile from paragraph 3 that Dr. Pual Eckman creator of FACS has classified six basic emotions happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness and then associated each with characteristic movements of the facial muscles . Plus, your frontails pars lateralis muscle rasises your eyebrows when you're surprised, your orbicularis oris tightens your lips to show anger . In Dr. Hunag words \"The facial expressions for each emotion are universal\" even though individuals oftyenm show varying degrees of expression\".\n\nThe FACS can indicate your mood to how you're feeling . Each expression is compared aganist a netural face. For example,\n\nTo an expert faces don't lie these muscles clues are sometimes used to spot when a politican or a celebrity is smiling but really isn't being honest . Also, the software can identify mixed emotions as being compared or contrast from other emotions .\n\nIn Conclusion, The FACS is valuable for students in a classroom. The FAC can indicate how you'll feeling right now and what's is your facial expression to something either disgusted or surprised . The FAC expresses facial movements to an facial reaction or reaction to something or towards someone . Lastly, Did making a face in this experiment make you feel slighty happy or any emotion .", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nTechnology does not determine your mood. Technology are used to search of dectect information. It is used to help others to learn about something. You can't calculate how people really feel. You'll never know how people feel unless they tell you theirselves.\n\nTechnology does not tell how people feel because the results of people's feelings may not be accurate. It does not detects how really happened. Also, it don't express people's personal issues. Just because people smile, don't mean they're really happy. Some people may frown. But that does not mean if they are really upset.\n\nYou never know how people feel because they do that just to make it seem like everything is okay. But things they people go throught is not alright. Technology does not tell the actually truth when it comes to personal problems. Also, it will not express what people have going on in their life. The results when technology will not be a hundred percent true about human emotions.\n\nTechnology are not always accurate about people. Dectecting people's emotions may by looking at facial expressions by technology will not work out. Technology is for research, networks, tools,power points, and also microsoft word. Technology on my opinion don't determine people's mood. But technology can show things that you don't know about.\n\nFinally, Technology does not determine people's emotions. Technology is for research about thing or people that you don't know about. It can't show you the truth about people's emotions. Sadly, it will not express how people really feel about something or someone. Therefore, people theirselves can only tell you what their emotions really are when they frown or smile.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRecently, a machine was created with the ability to calculate how a person is feeling based on facil structures. Scientists around the world are prasing this technology. I believe that even though this technology is impressive, it is completely unneccecery because of one major thing. The fundemental flaw of this system is the fact that it is a machine in the first place.\n\nMachines are purely artifical beings that cannot feel nor comprehend human emotions on their own. As a result, their knowledge of emotions is only as good as their programmer's preception. In addition, the way this system detects emotions means that it can easily be cheated. A person could very easily fool the system into thinking they are happy by pulling a fake smile. Lastly, this system can only sense emotions based on appearences when about half of what determines how a person is feeling is based on their thoughts.\n\nIn conclusion, this system, while good, is completely broken because of how it functions. The only way a system like this could ever function effectively is if it could literally read minds. Emotions are complex things that cannot be decipered through simple algorythems. In the end, this system is only good for judgeing books by their covers.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nFinal:\n\nI find I am against driverless cars because it's too risky to try out on the road. No car will ever be completely self-sufficient, which means humans must pay attention, but i believe even with all the alerts it won't be enough. We humans are unpredictable meaning who knows if we will be able to stay focused enough to know if when we need to take over. Google has had a self-drivng car since 2009, but has not been on sale yet, because it had some problems. I feel this will continue to go on, Tesla says they will have a self-driving car out this year, but I feel it will be pushed back because of some \"minor\" problems.\n\nSome car companies are using vibrations or telling people directly when to take over, but it's still too unreliable. I also agree that people will get bored waiting for their turn to drive. To pass the time, some companies are planning on adding in-car entertainment. This is a huge distraction and could probably lead to a crash. There are still some key issues that need to be worked out like, if the technology fails and someone's injured, who's at fault.\n\nAutomakers are continuing their work on the assumption that these problems will be resolved, but what if they're not! It's too much of a risk to just assume that these problems will be fixed. i also believe we shouldn't be wasting our time right now on driverless cars, when we have bigger car problems going on currently. We need to create cars that have cameras, so then people can get caught being on their phones. We need cars that are more fuel efficient because our air isn't getting any cleaner, and people aren't going to stop driving. Having a driverless car is a luxury and is extremely not necessary right now at all!", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think that it was a real face, why you ask? Because that could of been a life form, and that could of been were it fell down. Where else would a face in the moon sand be like that for no reason. Like conol sanders always says its finger lickin good. Thats why theres a face there in the moon. Ancient tribes could of lived there before we even discovered the moon orbiting around the planet earth in the first place. There are many theroys about the moon to be exspected. I think that any reason could be leggitimint when kernal sanders made KFC he didnt suspect a thing he just made a ton of chicken with no reason to stop and think. Thats just like a way of discribing any way is possible when you were not alive long ago. Because you didnt have the technology to even try, to see if there were anyone on the moon in the first place. Think of it as saying mabe the didnt even breath the oxygen they could just breathe in space. It seems imposible i know but mabe to the kind of life on the moon didnt need food water or air.\n\nI think that every type of answer can be juged by the way it sounds but there many ways it could happen. like mabe before it was the moon it was a planet to with life on it just like earth with water, food, and resources to stay alive a a point in time long ago. But when it smashed into earth all of its compounits swichted at impact. Burning every living thing on the moon and making things for the earth. My reason is that god made life but when he did he made life on the moon to but eventually it died out before our time and leaving a souless moon for the earth to smash into it 2.3 billion years ago. Creating earth and life, humanity, and the world. When the found the face in the moon, they were just then finding out that the moon may have contained life long ago. Although it might not of happened how I explained, there might of been another way of life its self on the moon. I think it could of been a rational way, but we will never know untill the end of time. As if there was life created on the earth just the same way a little time ago. When the face showed up it was unbelible.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n\"the challenge of exploring venus\"\n\ni\n\nwill talk about the challenge of exploring venus and whats the importance about this article.\n\nvenus is sometimes called evening star and is actually a planet\n\nis the second planet from our sun and is closest in distance to he earth and he author said that venus is a challenge for humans and said that for some reason no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours.\n\non the venus surface temperatures average over 800 degrees fahrenheit and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet and these conditions are extreme for the humans venus includes familiar features such as valleys mountains and craters like the earth for this facts venus is a important reason to the humans study the planet and also have not easy conditions , but survivable for humans and another proyect about this is looking back to an technology called mechanical computer.\n\ni think that this article is so intersting because the author explain some important fact about the venus planet and i think that is a good investigation from the venus palnet.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe universe is a weird place. It is filled with places no one fully understands. Exploring those places that people do not fully understand is important. The author support the idea of studying Venus well.\n\nThe author gives good reasons by talking about what we could gain. In the text the author writes, \"not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors\". This sentence from the article helps support the claim by telling us we would gain insight in the planet. The sentence also helps support the claim by telling us the exploration of Veus would also make us more curious about space which will help with exploring other planets.\n\nThe author gives us information that we have already learned about Venus. In the text the author writes, \"Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth\". This sentence from the article helps support the claim by telling us information to help support why we should explore. The sentence also helps support the claim by telling that the planet could have been like earth a long time ago which shows it might be habitable if we can learn to control the dangers.\n\nThe positives outweigh the negatives. In the the text the author writes, \"If our sister planet is so inhospitable, why are scientists even discussing further visits to its surface\". This sentence helps support the claim by saying if Venus is so bad why are we trying to find ways to explore it. The sentence also helps support the claim by showing that there is a reason to explore Venus.\n\nThe idea of studying Venus was well supported by the author. Exploring those places that people do not fully understand is important. It is filled with places no one fully understands. The universe is a weird place.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAs seen in the article, \"Driverless Cars Are Coming,\" people are always looking for ways to make life easier,or lazier,as I see it. We are perfectly functioning human beings,and we shouldn't use A.I. or advanced computers in order to do something as simple as driving a car. What would happen if we resorted to using computers in everything we use today?\n\nThere would be no need for \"Alertness\" when a computer is doing it for you,or for you to watch the road. The human mind needs stimulation in order to grow,and by having a machine do everything for us we are denying it that function. If you really don't want to drive,then take a bus or a Taxi. I can understand having technology to make driving safer but to drive the car itself for you? That's going too far. At that point we might as well have a computer walk for us then,and eat for us,breathe for us. The human body has survived without advanced computers and such for so many years,so why should we change?\n\nSo please,don't support the idea of having a car drive itself. It's just one step closer to turning our race into bigger couch potatoes than we already are. If you don't feel like driving then call your friend or take a bus,or even walk/bike to your destination. Both are safer and help you build up your body instead of dulling it down by having a computer do the work for you.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n\"Venus, The Earth's twin.''\n\nby STUDENT_NAME\n\nOn this proyect am going to talk about ''the earths twin'' Venus, i am going to tell some important things about why venus is a worthy pursuit of despite the dangers.\n\nvenus is one of the bringhtes points of light in the night ski, venus is the second planet next to the sun. Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and ocasionaly the closest in distance too.\n\nVenus has some different things caompared to Earth, the atmosphere is almost of 97 porcent carbon dioxideblankets, the clouds has a highly corrosive sufuric acid. On the planet's surface temperatures average over 800 degrees fahrenheit, and the atmospheric presure is 90 times greather than the Earth.\n\nVenus is the most Earth-like planet on our solar system, venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like earth. the planet has a surface of rocky sediments and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and caters.\n\nThe NASA has one particular compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus, NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of venus would allow scientistics to float above the fray. At thirty-plus miles above surface, temperatures would still be teastyat around 700 degrees fahrenheit, but the air presure will be at sea level.\n\nOn conclusion venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers because if a human would not can touch because of the danges that are the clouds amd the really hot weater that this planet has.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nFINAL DRAFT\n\nMONTH_DAY_YEAR\n\nPROPER_NAME\n\nFace On Mars\n\nHello my name is Scientist STUDENT_NAME. I would like to tell you somemfacts about the \"face on Mars\" that me and some other scientist have discovered. You have probably heard that he face was created by aliens. You also might have heard some fact and some opinion. I am here to help you understand more about it.\n\nFirst off i would lke to say people have there own opion, but when it comes to facts you cant say its wrong. I have done a lot of research over the past 24 years. We have used different objects to capture pictures over time. The Viking 1 photo shows an enormous head almost 2 miles from end to end, with a face on it.\n\nThe face became a priority to me and some scientists. The Mars Blobal Surveyor arrived at the Red Planet on in September,1997. The MGS flew over the face, Michael Malin and his Mars camera team took a picture that was 10 times sharper then the first photo. The photo revield thtthere was no alien monument at all it was a natural landform.\n\nOn April 8,2001 the MGS got close enough to get a second, bettr picture. There were no objects in the face. If there was you would be able to see them,because each picture was 1.56 meters instead of 43 meters.\n\nSo, the face is actually the Martian or a butte or mesa. Which are landforms common around American West. Therefore, the face was not created by aliens, and didnt have any object in it. Maybe you could do some more research about it .", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nTechnology has advanced enough for a computer to recognize a person's emotions just by watching their facial features, one such invention is the Facial Action Coding System. If that is the only way to recognize a person's true feeling then one might as well use their own eyes. Of course, our eyes are not always inept to specific details, which a computer will help advance, but if recognizing a one's emotions in the classroom is important, one should just learn the specifics of reading emotions to surely understand what a student is feeling.\n\nIf one's emotions in the class room are plainly obvious to a computer, then they should be easily recognizable by the teacher. The passage states, \"the facial expressions for each emotion are universal, even thorugh individuals ofter show varying degrees of expressions.\" With that in mind, students should show a clear expression, such as when one is bored or confused, that is recognizeable to everyone around them, including the teacher, making the the Facial Action Coding System an irrelevance.\n\nThe Facial Action Coding system may also be flawed when recognizing emotionaless expressions. When analyzing a person's facial expression, \"each expression is compared against a neutral face (showing no emotion).\" Which means that the computer will not be able to read a person's emotions if they hold a straight face. In this case, the recognization ablilities of a computer is unnecessary, for in order to recognize that individual's emotions, another person must know how that individual expresses their emotions such as their actions or words. However, the passage states that \"most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried, etc.\" In other words, the Facial Action Coding System is helpful when our eyes fail to decifer a stranger's emotions. On the contrary, in a classroom, a teacher should gradually and instincively, learn to recognize the emotions of his or her students without the use of a computer.\n\nRecognizing a student's emotions cannot be solved due to the development of facial recognition systems, such as the Facial Action Coding System. In order to read a student's emotion, it is necessary to understand the student's personal expressions or actions that come from certain emotions. Although a computer can recognize these expressions, it cannot not always be useful if one's expression contradicts the normal facial expression, or an expression is not even shown on their face. Nevertheless, it is not necessary to use a computer to recognize a person's emotions, for it takes a person to know a person, even without a computer.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author suggested to study planet Venus becuase it's a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author claimed that the planet is so inhospitable because of the temperatures and the pressure. But he also says that's the reason for NASA not sending people to there for three decades. He also claims that we could use our technology to stand against the pressure and temperatures.\n\nHe says that Venus is our planet twin, it's the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and sometimes the closest one in distance too. But it has the most unwelcomeing live standers, from almost 97 percent of carbon dioxide blankets in the atmosphere to even more challenging of highly corrosive sulfuric acid. The temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit and 90 times greater pressure than Earth that absolutly crush any living thing. It's the hottest planet in our solar system.\n\nHe also claims that humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on planet. No spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. This explains why no spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades. He also said a\n\n\" numerous factors contribute to Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study, despite its proximity to us.\"\n\nNASA had a solution which is floating above the fray but he says \" scientist seeking to conduct a thorough mission to understand Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risks. NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus, for example some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted about three weeks in such a condition. Scientist are seeking and devolping new ways to study and go to Venus.\n\nIn conclusion Venus is our planet twin in many ways but the harsh conditions in there made it imposible for now to go there. The temperatures and the pressure in there are very high. That's why we haven't went there for a long time. He also says that there some ways to study the planet like by flying over the planet but he says that we need to get up close and see what's it like in there. He also states that NASA has developed new technology that would survive over there for about three weeks. He also said we could use our old technology to make this study happen.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn 1976 NASA's Viking 1 spacecraft was circling Mars taken photos, when it took a photo that favored a human head. Scientist said it was common on Cydonia where the photo was first taken. They also said it isn't easy to see Cydonia, also that when the picture was taken a second time it was winter and cloudy. When the picture was taken a third time it was clear and you could tell it wasn't a face.\n\nWhen the picture was first taken in 1976 scientist said that it was just another Martian mesa, which was common enough around Cydonia. This one just had unusual shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh. Scientist took another picture in 1998 but when that picture was taken it was winter time, so it was fairly cloudy in the sky, so you couldn't see it clearly.\n\nScientist said \"it wasnt easy to target Cydonia in fact it is hard work.\" They said that they just don't pass over the face that often. On April 8,2001 a cloudless summer day another picture was taken. Unlike all the other pictures in this one it had the best camera and was zoomed in all the way. When the picture was taken that day you could tell that in fact it wasn't a face.\n\nThe picture that was taken in 1976 was a very serious thing and was looked at for many of years. People thought it was a face made by aliens to show life on Mars but as the pictures were taken you could tell that it wasn't. When the picture was first taken you could tell it wasn't, scientist said that was common for where it was. Also scientist said it wasn't easy to see Cydonia where the picture was taken. So now pople know from all the evidence that it isn't a face .", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPassenger cars are a standard method of transportation. Although, it is not the most affordable; nor is it easy to maintain. This method carries numerous disadvantages. Consequently, if citizens limit their car usage, it would be very advantageous.\n\nUsing an automobile for transportion is unethical for middle-class families. This is evident because Source 1 confirms that near French and Swiss borders, \"...a car-owner buys a space, for $40,000, along with a home.\" Obviously many families cannot afford to do that because more than half of Vauban's families, (Vauban is a suburb in Germany),\u00a0 do not own a car and more than half had no choice but to sell theirs to move to Vauban in the first place (Source 1). Even the number of drivers in America has decreased because, during the recession, \"cash-strapped Americans could not afford new cars...\" (Source 4). Sociologists also believe within the next few years, the number of car-owners will decrease because \"...the Internet...allows people to feel more connected without driving to meet friends.\" So as the result of less car ownership, people who stopped using cars because of the recession will find less reason to resume the habit (Source 4). Clearly, limiting automobile use has positive effects because not only the middle-class, but the American population, can't afford cars.\n\nLife without a car, environment-wise, is extremely beneficial. It is proven that automobiles are \"...a huge impediment to current efforts to...reduce greenhouse gas emissions...\" (Source 1). 12% of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe is the result of the use of passenger cars. That percentage is up to 50% in the United States (Source 1). Because those numbers are so high, several advancements are being made to cause the percent to decrease. One example of this is, the Environmental Protection Agency's attempt to \"promote \"car reduced\" communities...\", to protect the nation's and the world's environment (Source 1). There is an environmental dilemma in Paris especially. The city has \"near-record pollution...\" and because they recognize the cause as being cars, they have enforced \"...a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city.\" (Source 2). This ban and other efforts to preserve the environment is advantageous because it is not just an individual's home but the entire population's. Limiting car usage is a small step to making choices that will benefit citizens in the long run.\n\nHaving a limit on car use is advantageous. This is made obvious for financial reasons and environment conservation purposes. It is expensive and taxing\u00a0 to use a car and the environment is better off without automobiles. Cars are not a necessity.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus is a worthy pursuit despite the danger on been the hotest planet in our solar system. Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, Venus has a thick atmosphere and even their clouds are of highly corrosive silfuric acid in Venus's. NASA studies Venus just to see, what a other planet have in commun with the Earth.\n\nNASA hve been looking for another project as the old technology called mechanical computers. They want to use this mechanical computers because it makes calculations by using gears and levers and do not require electronics at all. Also, they having think abut the Modern computers because they are enormously powerful, flexuble and quick, but the tend to be more dicate when it comes to extrem physical conditions.\n\nVenus has really hick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets, Nasa knows this because they tried the most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere, rendering standard forms of photography and videography ineffective.\n\nThe Ntional Aeronautics and Space Administration( NASA) has one particulary compellin idea by sending humans to study Venus and set their life on risk. As the humans that MASA idea tried to sent them to study Venus will not kill them because Solar power would be plentiful, and radiarion would not exceed Earth levels. Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans.\n\nMany researchers are working on innovations that allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus. The study challenge that the NASA realized presented That Venus has VAlue, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear State Senator,\n\nIn voting for a new president we should keep the process of the Electoral College.\u00a0 The Electoral College is apart of the United States' history.\u00a0 It was established by our founding fathers in the Constitution.\u00a0 If we keep the Electoral College there will be a less chance of a tie and a dispute then there would be in a popular vote process.\u00a0 Also the Electoral College is fair and we would be avoiding run-off elections.\n\nThe first reason we should keep the Electoral College is there will be a certainty of outcome.\u00a0 Even though the total number of votes is 538, the chance of a tie is likely ,but highly unlikely.\u00a0 \"In 2012's election, for example, Obama received 61.7 percent of the electoral vote compared to only 51.3 percent of the popular votes cast for him and Romney....Because almost all states award electoral votes on a winner-take-all basis, even a very slight plurality in a state creates a landslide electoral-vote victory in that state,\" this means that a tie is not likely, but it could happen (Posner 18).\u00a0 If we used the process of popular vote in the United States there would be a bigger chance of a dispute over the outcome then there would the outcome of an Electoral College.\n\nThe next reason we should keep our historical process of the Electoral College is it's fair.\u00a0 According to an excerpt from \"In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President\" from\n\nSlate Magazine , \"the Electoral College requires a presidential candidate to have trans-regional appeal\" (Posner 19).\u00a0 This means that all states are equal and none of them have more or less power than one another and none of the states have enough power to elect a president.\u00a0 Bradford Plumer from\n\nMother Jones thinks \"It's official: the electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational,\"\u00a0 there are many arguments that state that the electoral college is unright, many people disagree saying its a great system involving easy and fair processes.\n\nAlso the Electoral College reduces the pressure which complicates the presidential election process.\u00a0 With the Electoral College the problem of elections where none of the candidates have the majority of the votes cast is avoided.\u00a0 \"For example, Nixon in 1968 and Clinton in 1992 both had only 43 percent plurality of the popular votes, while winning a majority in the Electoral College\" (Posner 22).\n\nKeeping the Electoral College is very important.\u00a0 First off it is a part of our nation's history.\u00a0 It also keeps electing a president easy, fair, and non-pressuring.\u00a0 Even though the method of the Electoral College is outdated and old, it still is a good way of electing a new president.\u00a0 This process keeps disputes from occuring and makes all the states be heard and equal.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe electoral college should be abolished. In the second story and on the thirteenth paragraph it states that presidents mainly get picked from bigger states. \"Because of the\u00a0winner-take-all system in each state, candidates don't spend time in states they know have no chance in winning, focusing only on the tight races in the 'swing'\u00a0states\". This ensures that the small states, like Ohio and Rhode Island, have no chance in winning.\n\nPopular vote should rule which candidate gets chosen. In the second story on the first paragraph it explains how a cadidate won the popular votes, didn't win the presidency. \"...According to a Gallup poll in 200, taken shortly after Al Gore- thanks to the quirks of the electoral college- won the popular vote but lost the presidency, over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now.\" He would ahve won, but the electoral college voted him out.\n\nThetie\u00a0could happen with the electoral college. In the second story on the third paragraph it says that the election is a few voters away from catastrophe. \"And if an electoral tie seems unlucky, consider this: In 1968, a shift of just 41,971 votes would have deadlocked the election;In 1976, a tie would have occured if a mere 5,559 voters in Ohio and 3,687 voters in Hawaii had voted the other way.\" This could never happen if the popular vote was used to decide who to elect for president.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nConsequently driverless cars have been making a spalsh in popular culture recently. With them being emphazised in several blockbuster movies, and popular television shows. However I don't support the development of driverless cars, and I think its gonna end up causing more trouble and waste of our tax money. Starting with that so many companies are trying to make driverless cars, but none have succeded without a human in the car on actual roads not on special test tracks. This century in my belief is heading way to far into the technology world, making everything technology based. One of these days technology is gonna be smarter than us humans, and take over .\n\nFirst of all, in the passage in paragraph three it says that, \"many futurists believed the key to developing self-driving cars someday wasn't so much smarter cars as smarter roads\". So if they do develop driverless cars, they will need to be additionnaly money spent on remolding the roads we already have to accomdate to these new driverless cars. That was even stated later in the paragraph where it says that, \"These smart-road systems worked surprisingly well, but they required massive upgrades to existing roads, something that was simply to expensive to be pratical\". Plus with the millions going into developing these driverless cars, this development is simply too pricey. Along with that the money going towards these developments will be from us, taxpayers, and the government. When this money can simply go into our education or the poor, something thats good for the people instead of a project that we really don't need.\n\nFuthermore progress towards driverless cars, has been that the car can handle driving functions at speeds up to twenty-five mph, but special touch sensors make sure a human driver still keeps hold of the wheel. So far that is still a long way till driverless cars, since so far none of the cars developed have been completely driverless. Although who wants a driverless car that still needs a human driver ? Like for example in paragraph seven it says that, \"In 2013, BMW announced the development of 'Traffic Jam Assistant'... they can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notfiy the driver when the rpad ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents\". Whats the use of spening a fortune on a driverless cars, when we humans can just drive the car ourselves ?\n\nFinally when and if driverless cars do became a reality, they will need to be additionally laws and rules put in place to accomdate the new development. Also with that driving books may be slight more complex, driving schools will be teaching whole different units insetad of learning to drive, it'll be more of what to do if something happens to the driverless car. Futhermore a line from paragraph rasies questions where it says that, \"even if traffic laws change, new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident\". Whose fault would it be if there was a accident within a driverless car, the driver or the manufacturer ? That is exactly why Im against the development of this, because it just complicates things.\n\nUtlimately driverless cars do appear cool and hip in the popular culture these days, but thats not reality; and im not sure reality is ready for this project. Not only is this development of driverless cars time investing, but also expensize too! Also the ones that have been developed so far, still have a long way to go before they are completey driverless. In addition to, safety concerns arises with this development like what if there was to be an accident or wreck. Lastly we don't need driverless cars, when we have humans who can drive the car itself, just like we have been doing for the past generations. Have you ever heard of the saying, 'stop creating the wheel' ? Meaning we already have a wheel, so why try to keep creating another one, just like we already got drivers, humans. We don't need computer operated cars to do the driving for us!", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nStreet parking and garages have been forbidden for a while. only way you would have a garage was if you purchased one with your home. there were only two places you could park at and thats really only for two cars.\n\nParis banned people from driving there cars , up to 4,000 people were fined , so most of everybody car was impounded. to me there losing money because the amount of people that buy gas for there cars if you think about it thats a big lost how many people in paris drive cars theres going to be a big percentage of the money gone due to this car ending madness. some deleivery places couldnt even have cars so its messing up their money too.\n\nCar Free Day I find strange because no one can drive . its too many people in the world everyone if not going to fit on the busses they have , due to this tragic people have to now walk where they have to go. If you dont have a bike or skateboard then your out of luck so since this happened no one really got where they needed to be. I think even people had to miss work for this , also the kids . how would they get to school ? to me banning cars would be the dumbest idea anyone ever made up. this world would come to a end without cars.\n\nIn America people in driving population goes up by the hour , like when you travel you go more miles than you think you do. most people in America have stopped driving and start travling by bus. with all these changes, people who stopped car commuting as a result they may find less reason to resume the habit.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDo you want to live in a place where the air is polluted? Somewhere it is hard to breath. The earth would be a cleaner and more effitiant place to live if we limit the everyday usage of cars. Just think about it by limiting the usage of cars you are saving money and making the earth a cleaner place. It's like the old saying goes \"kill two birds with one stone.\n\nWho doesnt like having some extra money in there pockets to spend? I know I definetly do. By limiting the usage of cars people will no longer have to pay a car payment. Or even better have to pay these outrageous gas prices. \"In previous bills, 80 percent of appropriations have bt law gone to highways and only 20 percent to other transport.\" If we limit the usage of cars there wont be any reason to build new highways and the money can go to more important things.\n\nWouldnt you like to wake up in the morning, walk out side and get a wiff of fresh clean air? Limiting car usage will also cut the amount of green house gas emissions. \"Passenger cars are resposible for 12 percent of green house gas emmotions in Europe... and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the united states.\" Cars are major contribution to the pollution we have in the air today. Having cleaner air makes the earth an all around better place. The people will be happier and the grass will be greener. \"Last week paris had 147 micrograms of particulate matter per cubic meter compared with 114 in Brussels and 79.7 in london.\" I dont know of any person on this earth that wants to breath in particulate matter on a daily bassis. \"Its a good way to take away stress and lower air pollution,\" said business man Carlos Arturo. This man is in his right mind. Polution is a major stressor for everyone. Thats why I say by limiting car usage it will make people happier. People act like riding a bike is a bad thing. Its always good to get some exercise and be healthy.\n\nIf we aren't using cars thers no reason to have highways. And if we dont have highways then citys will be smaller.\"But its basic prcepts are being adopted around the world in attempts to make suburbs more compact and more accessible to public transportation, with less space for parking. In this new approach, stores are placed a walk away, on a main street, rather than in mall along some distant highway.\" Where i grew up everything was close. There were resturants less than a mile away. The mall was a 5minute bike ride. And school was only 10 minutes away. Everythig was convienent. I didnt have to get in the car and hope that it started it up. There was no waiting in traffic. All I had to do was hop on my bike and ride off.\n\nIf we stay at the rate we are going now the earth is going to turn in to a place that no one wants to live. So if we limit the usage of cars the earth will be a overall better place to live. If we dont drive there is less polution. If we dont have cars we dont need highways and the our citys will be more compact. And no cars means more money in our pockets. If that doesnt sound like a perfect place to live then I dont want to know what your idea of perfect is.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nOne ordinary day my friend Don Reist invited me to be a Seagoing Cowboy in Europe. I couldn't say no to that getting to help people and getting an opportunity of a life time. While over there I realized how bad those countries are and how many Seagoing Cowboys they really need. For me the answer was an immediate yes, because there's so many reasons to be in the Seagoing Cowboy's Program.\n\nWhile I was on the cattle boat trips I got to see Europe and China. Not only that but I got to see the Acropolis in Greece which was so amazing to see and probably my favorite. A gondola ride in Venice, Italy with the city streets made of water. I also had the opportunity to tour a castle in Crete, and saw the beautiful Pana Canal on my way to China. All this beautiful sightseeing is only one of my reasons.\n\nI didn't just go over there for that, I went over there to help. Yes, all those magnificent sights were a blast to see. Yet as an affect of World War ll, there were people with out homes who needed help and food. As a small town boy I only got to have few choices of work, but as a Seagoing Cowboy I went everywhere and got to help people. We helped them by shipping horses, mules, and young cows overseas because they had lost all there animals. While helping I got to sail across the Atlantic Ocean sixteen times and the Pacific Ocean twice. Knowing everytime I sailed across either ocean I was helping someone in need. Which made me feel good and not so much like a small town boy anymore. Lots of Seagoing Cowboys are needed and as you can conclude there are many great reasons to join.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus is the second planet form our sun, while Venus is simple to see from the distant vantage point we have here at Earth, it has been difficult place to examine closely. Venus is oftern referred as Earths \"twin\" and is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size this is why we should research Venus as a planet more. Venus is also relatively close to us so we should definetly invest more money researching even though there are some problems.\n\nThe athor states that Venus has proven many times before that it is not an easy planet to study. Each mission to land on venus was unmanned and for good reason, no aircraft would last more than a few hours. This explains why not a spaceship has touched down on venus in more than three decades. Many things contribute to Venus's reputaion as a challenging planet for us humans to study. Some of these things are a thick atmosphere of 97 percent of carbon dioxide covers the Venus, even more challenging are the clouds of extremely corrosive sulfuric acid in the atmosphere and on the planets sufare the average temperature is over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the pressure of the atmosphere is 90 tines greater than what we experience on our own planet. These conditions are far more intense than anything humans can find on earth. An enviroment like venus's Would crush a submarine accustomed to driving in the deepest parts of the ocean and would liquefy minerals. All these things plus more is why every mission so far has been unmanned, and why there hasnt been a singe spaceship that has landed in Venus in almost 3 decades.\n\nDespite all of the potentially dangerous things about Venus there is still alot to benefit. NASA or The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has an compelling idea for sending humans to study the cloudy planet. NASA's possible solution to the hostile condtions on the surface would allow scientists ti float above the fray and study without harm. It's a blimp like vehicle that hovers 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian. Hovering over venus would avoid unfriendly ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere. The author says \"Maybe we should think of them as challenges.\"\n\nBy the end of the article the author says \"striving to meet the challenge presented by venus has value, not only becasue of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors.\"", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think that other people should join this Seagoing Cowboys program because then they can help people all around the world! Other people can be as helpful as Don and Luke. Oh ya, did I mention that you travel by horse! All you horse lovers, this is the job for you.That is not all though, you also get to explore the world while you are on the job. Did I also metion that you get free time aswell.\n\nLuke's claims are \"I'm grateful for the opportunity\". Also that being a Seagoing Cowboy opened up the world to him. He was more aware of people and their needs now. Luke would want you to at least try out for the program to see if you kind of like.If I were you then I would sign up right away.\n\nI say you should sign up. It can be fun riding on a horse all around the world.\n\nYou can go site seeing. Maybe even helpi some people.Like Luke had said, this is a once in a life time opportunity.And at the end of the day you can just think about how many people you just today.Their is no better way to end a day then knowing that\n\nhave save a persons life.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nSnowy days equal blurry camera picture's. With the support of that how could you prove it was made by aliens. As you can see when the picture were taken in December. In December at the North it snow's quit often. Which makes it very hard for a good picture.\n\nOn a snow day have you every went outside and looked up. Well its very cloudy. Then your trying to tell me that it was a ancient alien civization. Theres no way we could get a clear picture of what it is on a snowy day. Between the camera distance from mars and the snowy day the only way you could prove that there is aliens their is by going to mars, which has never been done.\n\nThe only reason you want this to be true is because NASA would get more moeny for the disoveration of the first ancient civization that we have found. Everyday there is new story lines of \"ancient civization\" saying they have found something like this, but in the end its just a solid rock with no life.\n\nIn support snowy days equal blurry camera pictures. This picture is just showing piece of rock that was taken at the right angle at the right time to show a face. Its not about the money its about us knowing the truth, and the truth is its just a boring rock. Anyways wouldnt NASA hide it from us if it really were aliens.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nSelf-driving cars a thing of the future that we used to dream about.\n\nWith recent technology we are prettty close to having self-driving cars.\n\nSelf-driving cars can be the solution to many problems that may occur during the time we are in our vehicles.\n\nHowever, we solve one problem but other problems will occur also.\n\nThere will always be constant arguments about whether these \"Self-driving\" cars will be a successful impact on society.\n\nMy personal opinion on self-driving cars is that they should only be driven by those who can not drive a standard car because of some physical or mental defect.\n\nFor example, someone who is paralyzed for the waist below would certainly have need for car to be self-driving so they are not relying on others all the time to get them places.\n\nOnce you think about if a driver is not driving their car they are just sitting around doing nothing which would lead to boredom which could lead to more things and so on.\n\nWhen you drive you have to be alert to the things around them, and keeps your motor skills from becoming lazy.\n\nAnother debate that has probably occured is how they are able to prevent accidents with sensors that can control the breaks.\n\nWhat if something were to happen to the sensors and they malfunction; that could result in an accident or even a fatal one in fact.\n\nAlso, people may try to blame their car for the accident and you can not truly figure out who is at fault in the situation.\n\nThese are things that everyone should consider about these cars.\n\nThese cars sound amazing but are they really worth it.\n\nLike I mentioned in the previous paragraph they could be extremely useful for people who have a mental or physical defect but not so much for others.\n\nOtherwise i can not wait to see what new technology will be introduced in my generation.\n\nTo conclude, there will always be arguments on everything so there is not truly a yes this is good or no this is bad, but hopefully it will be a succesful impact on society.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMany people think that the \" Face on Mars \" was created by aliens.\n\nDue to the lack of evidence on that theory I have all the reason to believe that it is not.\n\nLike, Earth has all these natural landforms, Mars could also have many natural landforms. NASA would even want there to be Martians.\n\nI can also see how your mind could come to thinking that aliens are real.\n\nTo those who say that NASA is just trying to hide evidence.\n\nWhen in fact, finding an ancient Martian civilization would help them, because they can be granted more money to investigate the life forms.\n\nSo, if ther was an alien we would try to capture it the first chance we have.\n\nA big reason that I think that you just believe in aliens is you are just trying to stick with the status quo.\n\nThere is no doubt in my mind that some part of you thinks that the \" Face on Mars \" was made by aliens comes from media, movies, books, radio talk shows, and etc.\n\nDon't tell me you don't go to the grocery checkout and see the magazine article that says, \" The Face on Mars was made by real aliens.\n\nLike, Earth has many natural landforms, Mar could very well could have them to.\n\nOne big thing that jumps out to me is Mars has never seen a human face before, so how could they have made it.\n\nAnother fact is that Earth have landforms just like this particular Martian landform.\n\nThose landforms are butte or mesa, which are landforms common around the American West.\n\nSo, as you can see that all the evidence here points to the \" Face on Mars \" being just another landform.\n\nLike, the butte or mesa.\n\nNASA has all the more reason to want Martians.\n\nThat, media has an effect on human minds.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article \"Making Mona Lisa Smile\", explains how technology created by Prof. Thomas Huang and his colliague Prof. Nicu Sebe have been devolping better ways for humans and coputer to communicate. Almost all people can read someone's emotion through the expression they give even through a fake smile, and some over look this. Say it's chritmas and your parents get you a bag of grape fruits, you probably are going to be unsatisfied or annoyed, angry even. If it was from your parents though your going to put on a show and smile and and probably say things like \"wow, this is awesome\". Faking an expression like this will most definently fool your parents, but with this new technology you would simply be able to know how you child is feeling.\n\nThe question is though whether or not the use of this technology would be useful in students classrooms be valuanle. To some teachers it might affect them to the fact students keep falling asleep or not doing homework, and maybe just maybe with this technology you would be able to change your teaching style to create a more fun, interesting time in class. Honestly though It doesn't need to be used in classes. Why would you need to use it in the classroom. People have different emotions everyday, heck every second. Why would you need a device that reads emothions for school. This technology would be much better used in a game or a useful tool for phsycologist. There is no reason for it. If you had it would you use it to change the way a student is feeling probably not. Just cause there is technology that can determine somene's emotion doesn't mean it can change the way that person is feeling. Sometimes people need to fake the truth anyways.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVoting for a President is an extremly big deal and needs to be decided properly. People argue the subject that the Electoral College is unfair opposed to an election that is held by popular vote. However, I disagree. The Electoral College is a process in which the most popular vote gets decided on and goes to Congress for the aproval. Voting for a president is a big deal, especially when the decisson is sealed for four years. The Electoral College has had people question it due to its inncodent in 2000 but overall, it is the best voting option.\n\nMany citizens believe that when they vote that is the final process, no other descissons need to be made, but they are wrong. When qualified citizens vote for a president they also help choose their state's electors. The Electoral College process includes the selection of electors, the vote between who should be President or Vice President and then sent to Congress. Many people argue that the process of the Electoral College is unfair because the electors decide, not the citizens. What people dont understand is the Electoral College are actually deciding for us and thats what makes voters \"iffy.\"\n\nUnder the Electoral College system, voters vote for the electors that actually decide who the president will be. (Plumer, 10) The issue that gets faced to the voting citizens is they cant control whom their electors vote for. This can be an issue because of whats known as the disaster factor. (Plumer, 11). The most known disaster factor was the big election crisis of 2000. The 2000 campaign was not held very properly, infact seventeen states didnt see the canidates at all. People say that the Electoral College is unfair, outdated, and irrational but in all actuality it is the best way to vote for who will become president. Bob Dole made the comment \"Abolish the Electoral College!\" but if we had just a popular vote, without Congress having a say in the decisson, the process wouldnt be as organized.\n\nIn the year 2000 the Electoral College faced a big issue with the \"fairness\" of the voting process. At the time Al Gore and George W. Bush were running for president but Bush won receiving 271 electoral votes and Gore 266. (Plumer, 1) This made citizens furious because they saw the Electoral College being unfair to voters. Despite that particular campaign, the Electoral College has not shown much faults. All in all the Electoral College process gets the decisons made faster and more efficenty opposed to if it was just by the overall most popular vote.\n\nThe argument of the Electoral College method of choosing their president and loosing voters is very popular. Voters knowning their vote will not have any effect, the less voters choose to participate and listen to the campaign. But in all actuality one voters vote will not swich or make the election any different, that is why we have the Electoral College. The Electors make the decison for us, taking the most popular votes and looking them over putting in their extra votes. \"Voters in presidential elections are people who want to express a political preference rather than people who think that a single vote may decide an election\" (Posner, 23). Despite the negative views on the Electoral College, it is actually the most organized \"fair\" voting process.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think in the years to come that maybe, just maybe something like this could work, but it wont be anytime soon. First off this will obviously be overwehlmingly expensive and will be very time cosumming. Right now people should not be thinking about these expensive plans because roadways today are still atleast somewhat reliable. considering this will require many years of work, and ruin the routes for people making it unconvenient for some that have daily routines to get around to sum up their day.\n\nThe biggest problem that I see is money and how much something like this could very well cripple our economy, obviously the other problems are serious like getting the amount of people necessary to do something this bold. Dont get me wrong it can solve the shortage of jobs and could get people off the streets and give chances to those less fortunate and could also pay extremely well. At the same time aswell, what happens to the workers after they are done with the roads. They could possibly end up without more jobs after the fact and the prices in the economy in my mind will have shot up.\n\nI also think its a bad idea because of where the money might be coming from. My biggest opinion is that it will possibly be coming out of the tax payers and this will bring a domino effect of poverty because the jobs people work for might not be able to keep up with the amount of money coming out of their employees checks. This could for sure bring a huge downfall in America's economy.\n\nTime in my opinion will also not be on anybody side because it would be reguired for all streets, backroads, interstate highways, and country roads internationally to be remanufactured. Maybe even surrounding countries like Canada and Mexico might have to adapt to the big change in roads. This would also trickle down all the way into south america and maybe be impossible for some places to obtain the funds or resources to make these things happen.\n\nThese reasons in my opinion are very clear and understanable to most because of the situations countries go through on a daily baises. Money, time, materials, and man power are required for this huge plan and I dont think it will be provided anytime soon. This is something that really seems impossible, but nobody will never know exactly what the future holds for our roadways.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Facial action coding system is a good idea to used in estudents beacuse almost the 50% of the students are shy an they dont want to ask when they are confused and bored so if teachers know how they feel they can help them. A classroom computer could reconigze when a student is becoming confused or bored,\" Dr. Huang predicts.\"then it could modify the lesson , like an effective human instructor .\" the same technology can make computers-combined faces more expressive- for video games or videos surgery. Many people are going to like this becuase that can help techers, students, and all people that cna get it. Did you know that exist a new sofwart making by Dr. Paul Eckman called \" The Facial Aciton Coding\" that indentify the humans emotion that it can used in all people bout we can used in students to show how they are feeling. The process begin when the computer contructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major mucles in the model must move like humans muscles. movement of one or more muscles is called an \"action unit\". Dr. Paul Eckman has classified six basic emotions that are happiness, surprise, anger, disguits, fear and sadness -and then associated each whit characteristic movements os the facial muscles. The facial expressions for each emotion are universal, Dr. Huang thought individuals often show varying degrees of expression (like not smiling as broadly), The software can even identify mixed emotions, each expression is compared against a natural face showing no emotions. the monal lisa demostration is really intendet to bring a smile to your face. Imagine making a computer that know when you are sad or happy it can be good for people. In conclusion this idea is really amazing besause it helps people and almost all the people are confused beacuse they dont know how they feel about something, this computer with the sofware it can be good for school because al students got confiused in something bout someones are shy an they dont want to ask to the teachers to make the aclaration about the thing that they are confiused and it can be better for teachers making more things intesting.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nA driverless car is a have to have item! Think about all the benefits the car could offer. Imagine not having to constantly steer the wheel to a destenation 3,000 miles away! Consider the saftey and cost that the car offers too.\n\nCars arent cheap, not even in todays world. Especially a car that monuvers its self throughout the streets! Ask yourself if the price is worth the actual car. A car that has all these extra accessories clearly needs more checkups to see if the car is running in the best shape it can. Companies such as BMW, Mercedes Benz, the google car, are all very pricey. These cars are often used by people in the upper class percentile. A car introduced by one of these companies are more than likely going to be at a high price!\n\nCreating a car with cameras, sensors, etc all these extra objects will have an imapct on the company because they have to pay the workers there too whom will now have to be trained how to apply these extra wires, objects, etc. Price is something you should take into consideration.\n\nCompanies have to be aware of the problems the car may face. What if a part gets damaged or stops working for any reason! Will it be the companies fault or the person? The saftey of this car has to be garanteed to make sure the person is well satisfied! The cameras might be a consideration to this car because if there is ever an accidant , the camera will always be aware of whats happening to see what failed or if the person was not paying attention. That way the company wont have to deal with people trying to sue or any laws. I feel like as if saftey is everything because you are putting your trust in the manufactures! What if something goes wrong and its not the persons fault? This may all have a very big impact on all of us. Especially new drivers who are young.\n\nImagine the awesome benefits! Long road trips with the people you love! If all goes right the car can break for you and or warn you, etc. Driverless cars could be a dream come true to people who simple do not have time to be on the rode or for medical reasons they can rush themselves to the hospital! A lot of great things coming in the near future.\n\nIn conclusion, you should always be aware of whats around you and whats happening! Especially about topic like this. You might find yourself in a car like this one day or someone you may know. Saftey and price should be taken into consideration and think about all the benefits that contribute to the car!", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars may seem like a cool new innovation that take the stress away from driving. The truth is that while there are many positive things about driverless cars there are still many complications with introducing them into society. Without a driver, the mechanics could malfunction and cause a safetly threat to other drivers and pedestrians. Many states also have laws against even testing driverless cars. Even thought the car can do the basic driving by itself, the human passangers still need to take control for more complicated road conditions. The production and use of driverless cars is negative to society because they pose a safety threat, force laws to change, and they still require human control.\n\nSaftey is always a concern when dealing with any type of motor vehicle and driverless cars increase the risk of safety because they do not have human control. Every state has road laws that every driver is meant to follow. Traffic laws assume that, \"the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times\"(\"Driverless Cars Are Coming\"). This evidence states how the laws believe that a car is only safe when there is a human controlling it. These laws are meant to promote safety and since they state a human needs to be in control for a vehicle to be safe, then driverless cars are not the best thing for safety. This is negative because when there is a larger safety risk, more people may be fatally injured and the general public will feel unsafe. the use of driverless cars on the road would require the laws to be modified and allow their use.\n\nAnother way that driverless cars are negative to society is that they would force the laws to change to accommadate them. All over the country there are laws in place that prohibit the use of driverless cars. According the article \"Driverless Cars Are Coming\", \"in most states it is illegal even to test computer-driven cars\". Since driveress cars are illegal in most states, in order for them to be used on the roads all of the laws relevant to this topic would need to be changed or adjusted. Changing the laws is negative because changing the already safe laws could cause the general public to be unsafe and the process for changing the laws is a hastle. It needs to be sent in and approved by many government branches and could be rejected by any one, causing the process to repeat. Not only is it a hastle and burden, it is also takes a lot of time. Even if the laws are changed the cars still require human involvement\n\nDriverless cars may seem more convenient but in reality they require human interaction in any tough traffic situation. As a result this is negative because it is not improving the convenience for drivers. Some say that driverless cars are more convenient, but in fact they can only perform the easy aspects of driving without the aid from the human driver. Driverless cars \"can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents. This means the human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires human skills\"(\"Driverless Cars Are Coming\"). This evidence shows how involved humans have to be in a \"driverless\" car. An invention that seems convenient actually requires the driver to be more alert so they know when they need to step in to control the car in difficult situations. This is negative because waiting for difficult road conditions can cause a driver to be more stressed and anxious than they would be if they were normally driving a car. Since the driver needs to more alert and the fact that driverless cars are not that convenient at all there is no reason for them to be on the roads.\n\nIn conclusion, driverless cars should not be produced and driven on the roads becasue they pose a saftely threat to the general public, they require the laws to change and they still need human interaction and therefore are not a convenience. Considering this, is it really worth all the risk and hastle just for something \"cool\" to be on the road? Would it still be cool if these vehicles endangered you or a family member?", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere are many landforms that look like things or faces or animals. There is one on Mars that is assumed to be made by aliens but, it is not. It is just a rock formation just like any other. If it is there is no evidence that is is made by aliens or some creatures. Here is some more information that it is not a alien made face but, just a bunch of rocks.\n\nMany people think that the face on Mars is made by someone other than us. But, I am here to prove that wrong . There are many faces that look like that all over the world and made even on other planets that we don't know about. I'm not saying that it wasnt made from aliens but, it most likely wasn't it was probably just erosion or something of that nature. They searched all over Mars to find if there was but, there wasn't any. NASA wouldn't hide something like this, they would show it to everybody. It would make headlines saying that their is some kind of life form on Mars. But, there is no life form on Mars as of today. They have gotten pictures of it from very close range and found out it just looked like that from a far distance away in pictures. The pictures from far distance do look like a face but all it is, is just rocks. It is just a illusion of eyes, nose and a mouth in a huge rock formation.\n\nThis is why we think that it is just a rock formation and nothing more than that. They have many of things to find out that all of it is rock put together to make the illusion of a face. But, it was not made by aliens or anything like that it is just rocks. It has been proven from tons and tons of pictures from many different type of camera from different heights and many different ways to find out it is all rocks. They wouldn't keep it from us if their was something on Mars. If they did, something would get out that their is life on Mars but, their is not.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWe all know there are 7 wonders of the world, but could this be the first wonder of the universe. Nature can make some astonishing things. Many things in the world, or even the universe, are nature-made. They have been here since the beginning of time even though they seem to be man-made. The \"Face\" should be included in this category. This \"Face\" was created by natural processes.\n\nSimilar to the \"Face\", places on Earth are nature-made. Even though sand dunes on beaches are kept by humans, they were first nature-made. Sand storms on Earth create higher dunes in deserts because the starting dune blocks the sand from getting across it. This may be what caused the \"Face\" to be created. There may have been an oval shaped dune at that spot, and, then, a \"storm\" passed by. The beginning dune blocked the Mars sand from exceeding that barrier, and the \"Face\" we see now was created. The shadows forming the eyes, nose and mouth were created on accident.\n\nSometimes landforms are created when objects collide with planets. The \"Face\" could have been formed when a meteor crashed into Mars. Only this time the crash did not create a crater, but instead a protruding object that over the years got rounded out by storms. Evidence does not suggest that every single meteor strike causes a crater. The reason that craters are an effect on Earth may be due to Earth's atmosphere or it's magnetic field. This may just be the first time NASA has ever seen a mound created by a meteor strike. There could be more out in the universe that NASA hasn't observed yet.\n\nIn April of 1998, a photo was taken that was blury due to Martian clouds. Many people exclaimed that the clouds may have blocked some alien markings. When NASA took another photo in April of 2001, the photo does not seem to portray any alien markings. Furthermore, the \"Face\" looked as though it has cracked on the side. Suggesting that there are Martians on Mars and, along with that, there were Martians that made this \"Face\", why wouldn't the Martians fix their monument when it cracks. This led me to believe that not only did the \"Martians\" on Mars not build this, but, additionally, there are no Martians on Mars.\n\nOthers may say that, comparative to the Mound Builder Indians on Earth, the \"Face\" was created by Martians bringing dirt to one spot and creating that \"mound\". If that was the case, then how come, in all of the photos and evidence we have from Mars, NASA has never once seen a Martian. They might be hiding from us, but, like Humans, couldn't Martians have messed up, and they forgot to hide one time.\n\nThis \"Face\" is created by natural processes. Even though it has been extremely controversial over whether it is alien-made or nature-made, more evidence suggests that the \"Face\" is nature-made. Many things in the universe can cause a mound on a planet, but finding out which one is the cause of the \"Face\" may never be known.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus is the brightest points of light in the night sky, and second planet from our sun. Venus has some dangers to it but all planet does too expect earth. Venus is by far the closet planet to Earth in terms of density and size. Both Earth, Venus, and Mars, orbit the sun at different speeds. Venus is referred to as Earth's \"twin\", it's also occasionally the closet in distance too.\n\nIn the paragraph, it said \"While Venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of Earth, it has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely\" if it has been approved a very challengeing place to examine more closely, why not challenge it and give it a try. Yes, Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar sytem but Venus has been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Scientist should do more further investigation in Venus because it can lead to something tremendously that no one would've thought of.\n\nHowever, Venus had been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. In paragraph 4, it said \"Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have been supported various forms of life, just like Earth.\" As you can tell by that sentence, Venus probaly still has some features that are similar to Earth. It also had features such as valleys, moutains, and craters. Those features could have supported various forms of life. It also recall that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary vist. It may be dangerous at some point but Venus is most likely like earth.\n\nFurthermore, it had said that NASA (The National Aeronautics and Space Addministraction ) are working on approaching to studying Venus. Despite the risks, they should think of them as challenges. Scientist and researcher should never give up on discovering more about Venus because you never know until you try. If they do more discovery, they could possibly find out more things that they didn't know existed.\n\nOn paragraph 5, it said \"Nasa has one particulary compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus.\" This sentence described that NASA are really trying hard to discover more about Venus. They also have simpified electronics made of silicon carbide which had been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three week in such conditions. They also have mechanical computers. They have many equpiment that can be very useful in descovering more about Venus. Since, modern computers are enourmously powerful, flexiblem and quick, they can be useful in many different way.\n\nAll in all, Venus is a planet after all and it should not be treated like any other planet because it's a planet where you can discover many new different things. Scientist, researchers, and NASA should never give up on compelling new idea for Venus because they never know what they can discovered. They shouldn't have doubts and not be worry about the danger and the consequences because they can lead to something that humans are curious about. Also they should value the insight of the planet itself because they should get out of their comfort zone and explore the very edges of imagination and innovation that they never thought they would find out about.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author supports his idea well because, he brought up the claim that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it present, because Venus is not only a planet but also a twin to earth, which means that we humans can live on there, if there was to be a evolutionary or global breakout on the earth and meteors were to destroy earth and extinct everything the second time, we would have somewhere to go, so it is worth a chance for our survival and not only our survival, maybe theres an overpopulation in all the countries, instead of killing kids or to put them to cryo sleep or stop adults from having more kids they could go to venus. The author already said in paragraph 5 it says that \" The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has one particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study venus.\"\n\nThey dont need to force people to go, but to ask for volunteers, and they don't need to have intelligent to go to venus or even be experience they just need to be able to bring samples like the rocks, the dirt, the water, the plants. So that they could bring it back and we could experiment on them, is the water edible, is the rock acidic or poisinous, can the dirt be used for agricultural things. It says in paragragh 6 \" more importantly, researchers cannot take samples of rock, gas or anything else, from a distance\", so they would need humans to go and examine this things, so it is a worthy pursuit despite the danger, because we should think about what it brings to the table not what it takes away.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nBy stating that astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may have been the planet like earth in our solar system as it was probably largely covered with oceans that may have had a veriety of life forms like Earth. And can be our nearest option for a planetary vist, given the long time frames of space travel. It is a possible solution to the dangerous conditions of the surface of Venus would allow them to float above the fray. A vehicle hovering over Venus would aviod the bad ground conditions by staying up and out of the way. Of cource, the temperature would still be high at almost 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to the sea level on Earth. The travels of Earth and beyond in the sloar system should not be limited by the dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the edges of our imagination and innovation.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMars has alot of land forms like cracks,crators,and hills. I am certian it has land formations if it has hills and cracks. Erosion created land forms on earth with wind and rocks falling on each other like a slow chain reaction. It is highly posible for it to have happened on mars may tousands possibly millions of years ago to star erosion. Mars is filed with many resonses for it not to be livable if it were ever consitered apon. It most likely a cluster of dust and bolders than live beings made this face. People see faces in every thing from light sockets to morfed trees. I know the face on the moon is a popular land formation like the ''Grand Canyon''. It be impossible to not try to think aliens did it but there are things here on earth famous we didn't create. I know mars has land forms too.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nFirst, I think the Face that was found in Mars was just a natural landform. I think that because there is nothing out there in the space that would make a random planet looks like it has a face. The Face was a huge rock formation which resembles a human head but people aren't sure what it really is. According to the article,\"The caption noted a 'huge rock formation...which resembles a human head...formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth.' \" (Unmasking the Face on Mars,1) Just because it looks like a human face with human creatures, doesn't mean we should come up with a conclusion.\n\nNext, it is true that the Face looks like a human's face, but there is no prove yet. It might be other rocks in space that caused the face. If you think the Face was created by aliens, you will first need a prove of aliens existance. First, we don't know if aliens really exist. If we don't know about existance of aliens, that would make it harder for people to believe the Face was created by aliens. Also, it says over the year, the Face gets sharper. The article states, \"And so on April 5, 1998, when Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos.\" (Unmasking the Face on Mars,1) and the article also states, \"Nevertheless, on April 8, 2001- a cloudless summer day in Cydonia-Mars Global Surveyor drew close enough for a second look. 'We had to roll the spacecraft 25 degrees to center the Face in the field of view,' said Garvin. 'Malin's team captured an extraordinary photo using the camera's absolute maximun resolution.' Each pixel in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo.\" (Unmasking the Face on Mars,1) Does this means, aliens had been creating the Face more sharper and clearer for humans to discover over the few years?\n\nThey should also learn more about the natural landforms of the space to know more about what could create a mysterious face on Mars. I think we should think or look more further into the article for the conclusion to imerge.\n\nIn a conclusion, I think the Face isn't created by the aliens. Even the article says it was not an alien who did this. The article states, \"There was no alien monument after all.\" (Unmasking the Face on Mars,1) If you think the Face was created by aliens, you should look further into it, to make your statement come true. For all these reasons, I strongly believed that the Face wasn't created by an alien.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursiut because of the fun and amazing discoveries. For example, life is full of risks and without taking some risks in your life, how are you living your life to the fullest? Somepoepl like to go on adventuries and explore things without thinking about the cost and the dangers. The same goes for this. Discovering something new can be exciting but also scary because you might never know what you are going to find. Going to space and learning about Venus might be fun but it also might be a one way ticket. You'll never know when you'rew going to come back to Earth.\n\n\" Striving to meet the challenges presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors.\" This quote from the text is explaining that finding out and learning the challenges of Venus can be fun but it will likely lead to something intimidating, something scary. \" Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation,\" means that the travels we all take should not have any doubts and regret but happy memories and new knowledge.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhen you're voting for a president to govern our country, your vote should count just as much as anyone else's. The political way of voting right now, is by using electoral college. You cast your vote thinking that your voting for a president when actually your voting for that candiadates electors. Electoral college is unfair, irrational, and could have some really serious consequences.\n\nElectoral college is not fair at all to the people voting. When you vote for president, most of the time you think that your voting for the person that you think will really help to improve this country. With electoral college, you might as well just vote directly for the electors. If all your vote is doing is going to the electors, then presidential candidates shouldn't even advertise themselves because in the end your not voting for them, your voting for the electoral college for that candidate.\n\nThe presidental candidates don't go to all the states when runing. They simply go to the states that they know will support them and the states that will most likely vote against them. What about all the other states that arent neccesarly with or against the candidate? They don't ever see any advertisments for the candidates, the person in the presidental race doesnt go to see them, and so when they vote they are basically blindsited by the name on the ballet. It's completly irrational to only go to the states that love you or hate you.\n\nThe best argument against the electoral college is something called the disaster factor. To make a long story short, basically it's that the state legislatures pick the electors, and those electors could always defy the rights and will of the people. For example, you could vote for a presidental candidate, but his/her electors cast their vote for the opposing candidate. That's taking away your right to vote for the person that you want to win.\n\nWhen voting, your vote should go to the person that you chose. Not who the electoral college for that person called. Electoral collages have so many flaws in the system. It's unfair to the people voting, not all the states get as much exposure to the candidate as others, and the system could totally collapse on itself if the electors dont vote for the person that you voted for. That is why popular voting is the best way to elect a political figure. Your vote is going to the person you choose, not to the person someone else chooses for you.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author talks about the dangers of exploring Venus, he also talks about much safer ways to explore the planet.\n\nParagraph 2 says,\" These differences in speed mean that sometimes we are closer to Mars and other times to Venus\" This means that being able to determine where the spaceship is headed would be quite difficult considering the act that it may take a while to get there and the chances of Venus moving are pretty high.\n\nLastly the paragraph also states,\" Each previous mission was unmanned, and for good reason, since no spacecraft survuved the landing for more than a few hours.\" The author says that Venus is the closest planet to being the most Earth-like because of its familir features, for example, Venus has valleys, mountains, and craters.\n\nIn Paragraph 3, it says not only are there \"clouds of highly corrosive sufuric acid in Venus's atmosphere\" but there's a thick atmosphere of about 97 % carbon dioxide \"blankets\" Venus. Paragraph 3 also states,\"On the planets surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Farenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet.\" At last, the passage states,\" also notable, Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to our sun.\"\n\nAll of this information is important to have in mind if NASA were to suggest we leave planet Earth to go to Venus for a planetary visit just so we know what to expect and be aware of the precautions we should take.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe development of driverless cars is something new. People do not really know how to feel about it. Some people love the idea. Others, not so much. People are convinced that technology is a waste of time and cannot make our lives easier. What they don't realize is, these cars are actually pretty helpful.\n\nDriverless cars are made to know that something bad is going to happen on the road before you do. They are designed to alert you when they see something you cannot. Some driverless cars can even stop themselves before you even get a chance to put our foot on the break. Driverless cars are designed to keep people safe and make our lives easier.\n\nDriverless cars can greatly help decrese the amount of accidents that happen. There are accidents everyday. Some are even fatal. With these driverless cars and the advanced technology they have, can you imagine how much the number of accidents would decrese? These cars are designed to keep you safe on the road. Yes, these cars still need human direction on some things, but they are still able to keep you safe and worry free when drving.\n\nDriverless cars have already been made in some places. They have been manufactured and driven by people who think that the idea of driverless cars is a good one. These cars have been tested countless times just to make sure that everything runs smoothly. Driverless cars aren't for everybody though. And that is ok. Some people just don't like the idea of having a car do everything for them.\n\nIf you do happen to have a driverless car or are planning to get one, don't think that you don't have to drive anymore. Yes, these cars will do a lot of things for you that you can do yourself, but they are not going to drive you to wotk everyday. They still need human guidance. These cars are desgined to watch the driver as the driver watches the road. So what that means is that, while your changing the radio station or looking for something in your backseat, the car will automatically alert you if anything unsafe is on the road.\n\nThese cars are pretty amazing if you ask me. But don't get me wrong, they aren't flawless. Technology is something that we learn more about everyday. So the more we know about technology, the more we know how to fix anything wrong that has happened. Especially in cars.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think you should join Seagoing Cowboys. I joined when I was almost eighteen, and it was a great experience for me. I am sure it would be for you, too. There are several reasons you should join.\n\nFirst, it helps many countries, such as China and Greece. This program was formed in 1945, right after WWll. This means that many countries are in need of food, animals, and supplies. We just take care of the animals on the way to Europe. Then, we give them to different countries so they have a source of food and animals.\n\nSecondly, it lets you see many countries. It helps you to experience things you otherwise wouldn't. You can see new things, try new foods, and meet new people. You can also tour and see new places. I saw the Acropolis in Greece, rode a gondola through the canals of Venice, toured a castle in Crete, and saw the Panama Canal. This was a great opportunity for me to broaden my horizons, and it could be for you, too.\n\nFinally, it helps you learn new skills. This job teaches you responsibility, because you have to feed and take care of so many animals. On my first trip, there were more than 300 horses! You have to feed and water each one several times daily. Plus, you have to clean thier stalls and groom them. And that is just the horses! There would also be cattle, livestock, and other animals. You also have to learn how to communicate with people properly. If you are on a boat for two weeks to a month, you can't mess around or fight.\n\nAll in all, joining Seagoing Cowboys is a great idea. It is a great opportunity to help other countries, see new things, and learn new skills. I urge you to consider joining this program and having a great experience.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars are definitly an advancement in society today. Although there are slightly independent cars today, it is projected that by 2020 Mercedes-Benz, Audi and Nissan plan to have self driven automotives. In the article, \"Driverless Cars Are Coming,\" a decent amount of benifits were listed. One of those benifits are safety features, such as the inability to use a telocommunication device while in the vehicle.\n\nEach of the self driven automotives will have regulations. While the car is in the self driving mode the opperator must be alert. By doing this the driver must have both hands on the steering wheel. The steering wheels have a sensor built in; made to ensure that when road conditions ahead need human capabilities they can take over quickly and safely. Another restriction included in the driverless cars are the ability to shut off all systems instantly. For example in-car entertainment is a privlage but may be turned off when neccessary.\n\nThese self driven cars include many other features as well. GPS, Tire, motion, and radar sensors are installed in these vehicles. When in reverse newer cars have the ability to have a camera in there dash to see the surroundings behind them. Vibrating seats are a feature used to alert the driver when they are close to hitting an object around them. With these advancements in the self driving automotives the opporation system can be a copy cat of a human driver.\n\nNot only do the driverless cars have safety features but save on gas. The self driven cars are projected to recieve better gas millage, using half the fuel our automotives use today. As stated in the article by Sergey Brin, \" Such cars would fundamentally change the world.\" Not only will each tank of gas last longer, but there will be less fumes going into the atmosphere.\n\nAdvancing modern cars into self driving vehicles in a societal achievement. Having safety features such as sensors, vibrating seats, and the restriction of cellphone use will decrease accidents. These vehicles require the driver to stay alert, and detect when conditions require human assistance. The evolution of self driving cars is progressing, with a target of cars being on autopilot 90 percent of the time.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWould it be amazing if you could read people's emotional expressions? Some people have emotions, but it is very hard to read because of that person. Professor Thomas Huang has came up with \"this new software that helps develop better ways for humans and computers to communicate.\" Do you think it would be a good idea to have this technology which is capable of reading emotional expressions of people especially in a classroom? Yes, it is a great idea because now we can use it to our advantages. This technology can help us humans better students in a classroom because now they can better the students education. In the article it states that the process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles. When you read that, you can realize that this technology is way more advanced then the technology we have now. It can better the students in a classroom because what if the technology can tell that specific teacher that he/she is bored out of their mind and they do not care about the material that the teacher is giving them right now? The teachers could get that students data from that new technology and then come up with a better way to teach the material that is not boring the student out so like playing a game every once in a while. If that teacher does that, the student would be more engaged in class because who wants to sit in a boring classroom for 45 minutes and do nothing fun? NOBODY! In paragraph 6 it states that most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication. So computers need to understand that too says Dr. Huang. As you can see in this generation, people will have a smile on their face throughout the whole day, but are they really that happy in their mind? We as humans can only see the outside emotions of that person, but not on the inside. This technology can help us with that though because what if someone is for example very depressed, but they are smiling. The software could analyze their inside emotions so that for instance that person could get the help they need if that emotion is too dangerous for that person. In this article it states that according to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them. Just by this little sentence you can comprehend that \"it can reveal so much about the science of emotions!\" Just a happy person can reveal how they are feeling inside and out throughout the whole day most likely. This technology is very high tech, but it is worth it. It will probably be a ton of money, but it will pay off in the future because it can help students and/or anyone that is going through an emotional life. This can get students the help they need so that they can be successful in their lives instead of failing their schooling and/or jobs. This might even be the next big thing! Also this will change peoples lives right before our lives because the future is coming and we must be prepared for it because we do not know what it holds for us humans.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nYes I am with the value of using this technology to read students emotional expressions.\n\nI am with it because it would get to know the students better and make them into a better person. It could also help you be on task more and not be distracted by the little things you see.\n\nI see it could help from these evidence in the artical because right here it says \"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored\". In that sentance it is saying that a classroom computer is knowing when a student is confused or bored I think if a computer knew exactly when that was I think it would be pretty cool. Going into the computer and the computer knowing what you are and who you are and how you deal with your life is pretty rare to do.\n\nAnother way I strongly agree on is for instance you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on there face right?\n\nof course but image a computer doing the same thing. Dr. haung ovserves that artist such as da vinci studied a human anantomy to hlep them paint facial muscles precisely enought to convey the most important emotions. Others think on how you feel the first day is how you will feel the 2nd day and then its just gonna keep going until you need or get help. What if somebody was getting mentily abused from somebody cruel and rude and they did not say anything to anyone. Well thats why we got the computer to help us out and it would tell us how it really felt on who they are.\n\nHelping others out could really benefit somebodys life in alot of ways. Techology would really need more and more advice from other companys. in paragraph 3 it says \" The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face and all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles\". Im that sentace it is talking about more of the muscles than computers.\n\nThen test on the humans to see if they are showing \"emotional expressions\". You may be able to test there musscles and if they are hard and twich alot it shows that they are lieing or if they just relax and let it go through like you should it would show the truth.\n\nA conclution of this is that my opinion i think we should have it around earth because I think we as people need to help others if they are having bad problems with there lives so thats why we need the computer to test them out and see how they are doing with it. Dr Paul Echman has classified six basic emotions of happiness , suprise , anger , disgust , fear or sadness and this computer could tell you what you are if you would do the test.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere are a lot of reasons to join the program you could always help all the people that need the help.The people that need the help most are the people that are hurt or need to save their kids so they dont die.People like Luck can or could of helped the people or kids that got hurt in any war we can have some day.People like Luck can help all the kids that arent sick save their moms,dads,aunt,uncels,grandmas,grandpas all thoses people that want to save the people that dont even know.They could help the people that want to save ther cats,dogs,fish,or any animal they want to save they can save.\n\nLike Luck he may have got hurt but when he could go back on the seagoing cowboy experience he still wanted to help all the people,kids,and animals that they want to keep everyone happy with who they love and not lose any of them.They can help anyone that they can get to in like the time they have if they have a time to save as many people they can.In the begining before Luke waned to go on the trip her was working two-part-time jobs one was at a grocery store and then at a bank.Then Lucks friend Don invited him to go to Europe on a cattle boat yes he could say no but he didn't want to so he went on the trip.So he did what he could do till he got hurt but when he was better he when to go help the reast of the people that needed help.\n\nLuck wanted to help all the people he could im sure of it but when he got hurt he left just the people that were already helping people get better.So when people want to save people they just didn't want to save just people they wanted to save animals to.Then Luck knew he could help the animals or all the animals that he could in stead of just helping people and kids.So Luck tried to help all the people,kids,and anilmals there.They might have saved every one there no one knows if they got saved.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the year 1945, World war 2 has ended, With a long lasting war comes celibration, Joy, and freedom that has hid from the people for year's comes to spread joy accross the world. However there are sad things that come too, ruins. With war comes death, dispare, loss of hope, and ruins of what used to be a happy place to some people. The is a man named luke and a very large group of people are there to help.\n\nLuke is a person who was influenced by a friend to join the so caled sea \"cowboys\" who help the broken countrys that were riped apart by war. However he went to many different places like eroupe and china and with that you get to see new places. After the animals dispatch from the boat, that will give the workers of the boat time to relax for a while because they will need to get ready to leave again. that mean's the workers have time to do whatever they want.\n\nWhen the workers leave the animals to leave to thier new home they most likley have time to do somthing. Also if they are giding the animals by big towns you can most likley see the famous land marks or butifule sights on the way. to Luke it was a great experience.\n\nThe docs for a ship must have been near town's so the feel of being in a new place to you is a wierd but good feeling. Seing new places, historical land marks, new people, differnt costoms is wierd and different, but it is what is called home to alot of people. To be on a boat and sailng seas is a dream come true to luke, a one in a life time chance. It must have been a hard and dangerous journy is fun, but saying it was the best thing that ever hapend to you is somthing big, and even still saying that when you alomost die is still somthing.\n\nSo in all going around the world, sialing the sea, and helping people is a good feeling and to luke is the best feeling. Luke made the most trips as a sea cowboy. So his adventures were great and long but amazing.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nA driverless car seems so cool and nobody would never have to really do anything. But, there are consequences that comes with that project. Well one if a person is going to buy one of those driverless would really have to think about it like do i really need it or what will happen while i have this car. A driverless is alright but what if the manufactures made it that the driver could still have control when ever they want. Without the car alerting them its time to take over whenever the driver gets tired of driving they would just hit a button and the will drive on its own.\n\nWhat if the driver gets into a(n) accident? Who would pay for the damaged car because it wouldn't be right for the driver to pay. The manufactures were the ones who made the car. So, therefore they shoul have thought like if the car startsto not function right it is the vechiles fought not the driver. It wouldn't make sense for the driver to pay. The manufactures would really have to be the ones to apy for the damaged. If were the driver that had to pay they were the ones that wanted the car but on the other hand it's not the drivers fault for the carnot functioning right.\n\nWhy would anyone want to have a driverless car that still needs a driver. Wouldn't drivers get bored of just sitting there. What is the whole point of have a driverless car when the driver obvislously still needs to drive it. Then might as well is not have a driverlesss car. Having a driverless car is a very dangerous thing because not only would the car be movineon it's own but the driver would get distracted. either, by his/her phone or thier kids in the back not acting right. The driver would either text and drive. Also, thedriver would take anvantage of it like they could be drinking and driving because they are not controling the car.\n\nSo, honestly in my opinon it is not right to have a driverless car because of safety reasons and money situations as in the driver would have to pay because the car was not functioning right. And also texting and driving , drinking etc.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe creation of the Facial Action Coding System has the potential to be very innovative and useful in today's society. In schools, teachers often have difficulty obtaining the attention of students and maintaining it when they have it. This could be a result of the way they are teaching, and how it makes the students feel. The use of FACS in all classrooms would be found valuable.\n\nProblems such as obtaining attention could easily be solved with the use of the FACS. If students are placed in a classroom, and are unhappy and bored, they are less likely to pay attention and learn at the rate they are capable of. The FACS can record these students' emotions and help change the method of teaching used in that class to interest the students. As stated in the passage by Dr. Huang, \"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored.\" This could potentially change the students attitude towards learning for the better.\n\nA teacher is capable of understanding verbal communication better than that which is nonverbal. Unless a student tells their teacher he or she is confused or bored, the teacher has little to no way of knowing this. Dr. Huang states, \"Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication.\" The FACS is able to detect such forms of emotion, and make corrections based upon them. This process makes the FACS more capable of dealing with these situations than any teacher.\n\nEmotion is displayed often through facial expressions. Certain muscles in your face respond to specific emotions you are feeling at the time. It is not uncommon for a student to put on a fake smille or expression of understanding towards a teacher when he or she is bored and could care less. A teacher may have some difficulty understanding if the student's emotions are real or fake. Luckily the FACS recieves data from the recognition of movement in muscle tissues. The FACS is programmed to recognize which muscles move during each emotion. To provide an example the author explains, \"But in false smiles, the mouth is stretched sideways using the zygomatic major and a different muscle, the risorius.\" SInce a different muscle is used in fake smiling than in that which is real, the FACS can tell the difference between the two expressions with ease.\n\nThe facts about FACS suggest that it is a perfect candidate for the use of innovative technology in the classroom. This system can improve the learning rates, as well as the mental growth of the students in a classroom. FACS can easily be proven valuable in all classrooms, as well as in many other environments among modern society. FACS proves that the use of technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article \"Making Mona Lisa Smile,\" the author describes a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System. This piece of technology allows us to read the emotional expressions of our peers and well, paintings, such as Da Vinci's, Mona Lisa. From this, it has been discovered that Mona Lisa was eighty-three percent happy, six percent fearful, nine percent disgusted, and two percent angry. I believe that the information recieved from the Facial Action Coding System is valuable.\n\nIn today's world, we rely so much on technology that it's hard to see a world without it. We all use technology everyday whether it be a computer, cellphone, or even a television. With advancements and improvements in technology, that leads us to believe that the accuracy of technology is reliable. In the article, the author talks about the software. The emotion-recognition software can track anything from a real face to a painting, and tell whether or not the person is angry, sad, mad, or happy. Humans use this same technique everyday. In the article, the text states \"you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face.\" Well that's just what the Facial Action Coding System does. Facial expressions are universal. Based on the article, we can tell that technology is more fast and efficient working than ever. Technology is like our brains, it processes things quickly and with accuracy.\n\nMost of the time the human eye can tell how someone is feeling, but we are not always certain because it is difficult for us to desribe facial features. There's no need for that when upcoming technology can do it for you. In the text, it tells us that artists study human anatomy for precision when painting the face. The software Dr. Huang uses detects the small things such as the slight curve of a lip or even the squint of an eye to determine emotions. The Mona Lisa shows us just that. An example from the text is \"if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar might follow.\" This is because even our computers can detect our emotions and follow it with an ad similar to how we are feeling.\n\nFrom the article, the reader can even try the expressions for themselves to test the accuracy. I think the use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable. If the student is stressed or mad but not willing to confront a teacher about how they are feeling, the teacher can know based on the technology or even looking for the small things such as a curve of the lip. This may take stress off of students as well as adults.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear Senator,\n\nI want to change to electon by popular vote for the president of the United States because it is easier and makes a lot more sense. When you vote by the Electoral College, you are actually voting for your canidates electors. When you vote for the electors, it doesn't neccessarily mean they will vote for their canidate. Voters can't always control who their electors vote for, as stated in \"Can voters control whom their electors vote for? Not always.\"\n\nThere is a single argument against the Electoral College is best known as the disaster factor. In 1960, segregationists who were in the Louisiana Legislature succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with electors that would oppose John F. Kennedy. They did this so that a popular vote for Kennedy would not have actually gone to Kennedy. In almost the same way, \"faithless\" electors sometimes refuse to vote for their party's canidate. Instead they cast a deciding vote for whoever they want.\n\nThe electors and segregationists in the Electoral College think they can do whatever they please. They make decisions that wouldn't be fair to the voters or the canidates. If the voter votes for a certain canidate but the elector votes for a different canidate, this could cause trouble and madness within the election. The Electoral College is not always fair. However, if we switch to the election of the popular votes, the election would be fair. The canidates would be chosen based on the number of votes they got from voters, not by who the electors want to vote for.\n\nPeople also worry about the prospect of a tie in the Electoral College. If this happens, the election would be handed over to the House of Representatives. Then the state delegations would vote on the president. In this case, the Senate would choose the vice-president.\"Because each state casts only one vote, the single representative in Wyoming, representing 500,000 voters, would have as much say as the 55 representatives from California, who represent 35 million voters\". From this context, we can say that the House's selection can barely be expected to reflect the will of the people.\n\nI think the Electoral College is not accurate and the electors in it are not very fair. If someone elects a certain canidate, but the elector votes for someone else, there really isn't a purpose for people to vote. If people don't vote, then our country won't have a president. The Electoral College can take this country downhill in several\u00a0 ways. We should let the people decide who they want to run their country. That way, the voting will be more fair, easier, and not as many bad things could happen while the process of voting is going on. I think the Electoral College should not be the way that our country's citizens should vote by.\n\nSincerely,\n\nPROPER_NAME", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe study of Venus may be dangerous for some of the sciencist considered before, venus has a really intresting structure what makes science go around the planet. Finally by the information given we can determinate if Venus may not be a planet what we could explore today.The author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite\n\nthe dangers it presents.\n\nThe article \"The Challenge of exploring Venus\" relates many ideas and facts that makes venus a challenge to be explored today, the article has thought to be a explanation of realitiy to make to known why Venus is far to be explored. The author wrote: \"Humans have sent bumerous spacecraft to land on this cloud draped worl. Each previous mission was unmanned, and ofr a good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours.\" The atuhor write a fact that any spacecraft survived more than a few hours in Venus. The risk to send humans are very high becuase even a machine can't resist a big pression and climate change in Venus. Another fact that explain better why is a risk explore Venus is: \"The planet surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet\" The average of risk from Venus are very high, we have a unknown planet that has a pressure \"90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet.\" It is dangerous send today without advance technology someone or something to explore Venus with good results.\n\nIn conclusion, today we can not explore Venus. We need more information and what is given from the author is a reasonable answer. The author has reason in be a worthy pursuit with the danger front of ours eyes. The ideas given and the analysis makes think about if we are really prepared to explore Venus, and the answer is we are not ready to explore because it reperesent a big risk for explorers and machines.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere is a growing movement in lots of western countries to do less driving. In Bogota, the capital city of Colombia, a \"Day Without Cars\" has been established. It is an annual event where residents of the city are banned from using cars, and violators are fined. In Paris, residents were banned from using their vehicles for about week due to toxic emmisions, widely blamed on diesel fuel. In Germany, a development neighborhood called Vauban was created and has a strict policy on parking. Car-sized garages, and street parkin are banned, requiring residents to pay an extra 40000 dollars to purchase a parking space in the neighborhood. These ideals are even spreading to America.\n\nDriving will emit toxins into the air, called greenhouse gases. These gases rise into the air, but are trapped by the ozone layer into our atmosphere and make the Earth warmer. This is a bad thing because the Arctic will start to melt and sea levels would rise. Now, vehicles are not the sole cause of this episdemic, but they are a large contributor. In Beijing, China it is said to be so polluted due to tailpipe emmisions that one would get sick if they were to go outside without a mask on to stop from breathing in the chemicals. In Paris, France the airborne toxins reached to a level just under the amount of chemicals in the air of Beijing. The city officials of Paris had to ban use of automobiles for about a week to rid the air of the poisons. If caught, vialotors were fined 22 euros (31 dollars American). This worked suprisingly well, and since the air cleared up, peoplpe are allowed to use their cars again. The Vauban in Germany is a neighborhood that has made it extremely difficult to own a vehicle. While vehicle ownership is permitted, car-sized garages are not included in the homes, and parking on the street is prohibited. If a resident wishes to park their vehicles, they must spend 40000 extra dollars along with the house for a space in a large garage at the edge of the development. This has all lead to cleaner air and happier, healthier people.\n\nIt is a well known fact the walking and cycling helps a person stay in shape. It keeps the heart flowing regularly, helps keep the lungs exercised, and keeps leg muscles strong ad healthy. If these ways of transportation are exhibited more often, and vehicles used less, we will not only have cleaner air, but a healthier human population. Walking can also help the brain work with the body to relieve stress, which puts people at less of a risk for heart disease. These factors are essential to producing a healthier population, which could let people live longer, and encourage them to do meaningful things that could benefit other parts of the world. The Internet has also been helpful in keeping people connected with friends and loved-ones without the need of driving to see them. It is possible to to center where you live around places to buy food and necessary supplies, as well as close to your workplace, all in walking distance. Even if that is not possible, finding a bus or public trnasportation route is always an option. It is less expensive than gasoline (tax included), car insurance, and any other expenses that might come with a privatly-owned vehicle. It is also less likely to get into an auto-accident when using public transportaion, and if it does happen it is not your responsibility to pay for the insurance deductible. All these factors and alternative transportaion methods can help to improve life for all people than it is with so many privately-owned vehicles.\n\nThe private owning of vehicles is convienient, but is still a hazard to the genearal health of our population. It poisons the air, and gives people an excuse to not walk or ride their bycyles as much, which can diminish their physical health. If we start to use privately owned vehicles less, however, it will promote the general welfare of our people. It is possible to cut the use of these vehicles short and preserve, even raise, our standards of living.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMy position on driverless cars is that they are a misunderstood, underestimated, and misrepresented technological revolution that can change the transportation system completely for the better.\n\nThe technology used in these vehicles are designed to be perfectly accurate with sensors, laser technology, and a self updating 3D software that has greater awareness than that of a human driver.\n\nThese cars also take advantage of their programming capabilites to more efficiently brake and prevent accidents. The computerization of the \"driver\" will ensure that texting, alcohol, and other common driving problems are ruled out completely. In addition to these safety features the driverless cars will always roll back to their ultimate and final safety feature; the driver himself.\n\nThe technology used in driverless cars consist primarily of sensors and laser technology.\n\nThe document describes the LIDAR sensor; \"it uses laser beams to form a constantly updating 3D model of the car's surroundings\" (paragraph 4) .\n\nThis shows that the LIDAR sensor creates a perfect 3D model of all of its surroundings, meaning that it has a 360 degree field of view, and a higher sense of awareness than an ordinary human being with a field of view much smaller than that.\n\nSensors are another key technology used in the driverless car.\n\nIn Paragraph 5 the document states that \"Within 10 years, those sensors had become more advanced to detect and respond to the danger of out of control skids or rollovers.\n\nThe information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone\".\n\nThis fact again enforces the boost in safety that driverless cars would bring.\n\nPrograms in the vehicle would take advantage of their domain over the individual functions of the machinery, and manipulate it to create a more responsive braking system that will prevent skidding and roll-overs.\n\nTexting and driving, drinking and driving, and driving under the influence of other drugs are just some of the many bad habits that humans partake in that drastically increases the chance of a crash occuring.\n\nThese problems would see a significant decrease, as it is impossible for a computer to ingest a substance that would hinder its performance.\n\nTexting is a program completely seperate from what the vehicle would use to operate and drive, so it would not be an issue in the slightest.\n\nMost concern toward driverless cars is the basic idea of a driverless car - it has no driver.\n\nPeople are reluctant to put their life in the hands of a machine, and rightfully so.\n\nTechnology will always have its glitches and quirks that lead to failure.\n\nHowever, these mistakes would happen much less frequently as technology advances.\n\nAs stated in paragraph 5 \"Further improvements in sensors and computer hardware and software to make driving safer are also leading to cars tha can handle more and more driving tasks on their own.\n\nAnother point to consider is that coded programming will not make silly \"human errors\" that lead to many accidents.\n\nWhen active, a 3D software program attached to a fully aware 3D laser scanner will never be caught off guard, and will never day dream.\n\nTo further address the concern of lack of human intervention, these vehicles are designed to put full control back in the hands of the driver at the first sign of uncertainty.\n\nThis is seen in paragraph 7 with the quote \"In fact, none of the cars develped so far are completely driverless.\n\nThey can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating throught work zones and around accidents.\n\nThis means the human driver must remain alert and be ready to rake over when the situation requires\".\n\nThe vehicle will not attempt to navigate an obstacle that it is not prepared for.\n\nOne technology that manufactures are considering ensures that the driver keeps his/her eyes on the road at all times.\n\nThis is seen in paragraph 7 when it says that \"Manufacturers are also considering using cameras to watch that drivers are remaining focused on the road.\n\nWhile the driver watches the road, the car watches the driver\".\n\nThis reliance on the driver ensures that human interference is always possible.\n\nDriverless cars are an underestimated and somewhat feared technology that can help prevent the thousands of deaths that occur each year due to driving accidents.\n\nWith a little research and enlightenment on the topic, one can learn about the levels of safety that driverless cars can bring, and understand just how capable the technology used is now, and how capable it will become in the future.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Facial Action Coding System can be helpful in many situations. However, a classroom setting would not be improved with this system. This system is an advanced technology that should be used in a more serious setting such as court trials and government activities. In a classroom setting, many children will not become interested in learning by changing the version of an online acitvity.\n\nThis software has many qualities that should be used in more complex situations. According to the article, this software can tell if someone is being honest and truthful. The software could be used to solve crimes between suspect instead of being persued in school work. This software will not change a child's opinion on a lesson because the software does not know the child's personal likings. Changing a virtual lesson does not change the fact that the student views it as work. If the software detects the student is becoming bored, changing the lesson may confuse the student.\n\nOverall this software is extremely useful for certain situations, but a classroom setting is not in need of this software. Many students are tired throughout the school day and are attempting to finish a lesson. Changing the online lesson may become aggravating to an older student especially. The Facial Action Coding System may not be as accurate for a classroom setting. Many people show no emotion when attending class, which may allow the software to read the emotion as bored. Everyone has different facial expressions for each emotion. An intrigued student's lesson could be changed to a new version because the software found their facial expression to be bored.\n\nEvery student has a different outlook on school. Some come in ready to learn and others are trying to complete the day. If a student knew about this software and thought it could help them stay interested in their lesson, a teacher should allow them to experiment. Otherwise, if the student did not know about the software, this is an invasion of privacy. The Facial Action Coding System should be optional in a classroom setting, because many students would not be interested. A software can read the expression of a student, but can not change their perception of lessons or schooling.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. I agree with the author that scientists should study Venus. I will be giving three reasons that supoort why they should study more about Venus.\n\nMy first reason that supports my claim is that it's a good idea for scientits to study more about Venus because in the text it says, \"often referred to as Earth's \"twin,\" Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too.\" because they say that Venus is like Earth's \"twin\" it would be nice to get to know more about Venus and how they are alike, what things that have the same and different.\n\nBut I also think it's a bad idea to send people to Venus and study more about it. It's a diffuclt task since the text says, \" on the plant's surface, temperatures avergae over 800 degrees Fahrenheit.\" Venus has the hottest surface temperature, so it would be hard for people to even stand that. In the text it also says that it's been more than three decades since a spaceship has landed on Venus. Since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours.\n\nOn the other hand, I still think it would be a good idea to keep studying more about Venus. But to keep people safe, they should invent things that they can use so they can land on Venus without any danger. For example if NASA's wants to send people they should find ways where they can walk in Venus but keep the people safe. Since the text says, \" researchers cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance.\" because of their saftey. However researchers are finding ways to innovations that would allow their machines to last long enough to contribute.\n\nIn my conclusion, I think it's a good idea to study more about Venus since it's next to Earth. And so they can study more about it and find ways to make it stay for us humans to be there, if anything happens in the future. We can always go to Venus to live but only if they find ways were we can stay alive there.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMy fellow people and adventurers, this expierence is a once in a lifetime chance! It is extremely fun, and you get to meet so many new people! You can see sights you have never seen before! You travel the world, not only helping others, but going on a journey you will never forget! I honestly think you will enjoy it! The feeling of hepling people and exploring the world all together is a dazzling expierence! Cultures of all kinds will be introduced to you, some of the seven wonders of the world you will get to see! The feeling of the waves beneath you, as you sail the seven seas! Join me, and all your fellow friends, family, and adventerers, on a once in a lifetime expierence for yourself! Trust me it is fun!\n\nAs you sail aboard a ship, the creatures of the sea will swim by, and they almost seem to greet you! Sure, the horses need to be taken care of, but you grow a bond to loving them, and all the animals! It is a bit of a messy job, but it is worth it! I know, maybe some of you are worried about the possible dangers, but I assure you, there are none! All of us on board are here to help! There is nothing to fear!\n\nSo come along! We are waiting for you down at the docks! Join us, it is a great expierence! We're always open to have new crewmates to lend a helping hand! I am sure that you will enjoy your trip!", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nSince our beautiful country was born we've always used the Electoral College system to elect our presidents. It's time that we modify this old rule and change it to the popular vote, because it's simply unfair to all the hardworking people that leave work early and have to wait in line for hours to fill out a little white paper. The Electoral does not allow for everyone's voice to be heard. Clearly, the Electoral college must change to the popular vote because of the winner take all method, & the confusion.\n\nTo begin with, the Electoral college is outdated because of the winner take all system. Even if the votes are off by one, whichever partygets the most popular votes gets all of the electoral votes; the United States are basically saying everybody else's voice that voted doesn't matter. This winner takes all system also deals with population, the bigger the state the more electoral votes. This ancient system is clearly stating the citizens of the smaller states votes do not matter. Although, the winner take all method induces the candidates to focus on the toss up states, it's still unfair to everyone.\n\nIn addition, the Electoral college is irrational because of all of the confusion and trust issues. Many of the citizens in our country don't even know what an electoral college is! Plus the fact that most people think they're voting for the president, but in reality they're voting for the slate of electors. It's also possible the electors that represent your party votes for the other candidate! Another major reason the Electoral college must be abolished is because the citizens do not even get to choose their very own electors! It's like buying a new car while being blindfolded and believing the dealer the car runs fine. Everyone's going to have skepticism so they should at least let the citizens choose their own electors. Then again, the Electoral college avoids run off elections.\n\nIn conclusion, the Electoral college was once a good idea for a starting country, but we now live in a elite dynasty that must have a few modifications on how the citizens elect their leader.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMany things have happened that we thought was gonna change the world but this might really do it driverless cars.I think there are very good\n\nreasonings on why there should be less accidents,deaths,and people hit by cars are just to name a few.\n\nAlot of people that has been driving for years had still\n\nget in accidents we cant make sure everything goes right thats why they should have driverless cars one reportly drove more than half a million miles without crashing.You try\n\ndrivinging that long and crashing not once.Right now in thecars\n\nyou still have to take over for driving in and out of driveways or dealing with\n\ntraffic issues.\n\nIn this time of age technology has gotten very advanced Google's modified Toyota Prius uses many new technology like using position-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel ,a rotating sensor on the roof,a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror,four automotive radar sensors,a GPS reciver,and an inertial motion sensor.The most important bit of technology is on top the roof.Dubbed LIDAR, uses laser beams to form a constantly updating 3-D model of the car's surroundings.\n\nThere are cars that are some driverless but the driver has to do some and that's why they are trying to make advance in technogly and change the world. If they can start making driverless cars it will become a common thing but everything has to start out to something even if others dont have the same opinions.\n\nI think driverless cars is a very good idea and has been tested and shown that they have technology to do it so why don't we put it to the test and let technology move on and advance.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it represents because it been known that Venus is similar to earth. Venus is a extrodinary planet and humans can survive there . This planet is excellent for flying in outer space. Venus has impacted the way humans are exploring other planets.\n\nVenus has had bad reputation for the extreme temperatures ,but the good side of is that you can still survive. It states in the text,\" At thirty-plus miles above the surface,temperatures would be toasty at around 170 degress fahrenheit ,but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth.\" This is explains that the conditions are hot ,but it won't be that harmful to your skin. You can take cold deep showers and see the happiness of others. It would also be healthy for you because the sun will help you get in some of your vitamins. Another reason, why Venus is a good place because of the rocky surfaces. In the text it states ,\" Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various form of life, just like Earth.Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth. The planet has a surface of rocky features such as valleys,mountains,and craters.\" This was very long time ago, but since sciencetist haven't been sent always up there is there a possible chance that you could play around or touch the ground,how or smell your surroundings. Also, you could even ride your jet airplane because you will able to avoid the conditons like snow and rain since your above the sky . Another reason, would be that using your phone could be a possiblity. The cool thing that no one has ever invented a device that can stand in hot conditons you could be the first person to have people live there. It states,\" Modern computers are enormously powerful,flexible,amd quick ,but tend to be more delicate when it comes to extreme physical conditions. Just image exposing a cell phone or tablet to acid or heat capable of melting tin.\" This is trying to say that the phones of computers will bust into flames because your exposing so much heat into the technology. The bright side of that even though it can cause damages you'll be able to explore nature without always being dependable on your phone. People will stop being so addcitive they can be more social with other humans. Venus has a lot ways it can change humans and also the inventions that can be invented.\n\nVenus is planet that has been related to earth and its totally true because you can live their without dying . People could use their own imaginatons make up anything.The planet could be more of a green planet. Yes , Venus has it's risks , but what is the ponit of living if you don't know what is furher ahead than earth like Venus. Venus has a way of livng new experriences .", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe invention of the automobile was one of the most important inventions of all time. Everyone uses cars! They're everywhere! But what are the effects of car emissions? Are they even worth using if they cause negative effects on people and our environment? Many people are trying to cut back on driving, or even live without cars. Why are they doing this? Well, let me inform you about some of the advanrtages of limited car usage throughout the world.\n\nIn Vauban, Germany, there is a suburb where people have decided to ban cars all together. The neighborhood roads are completely car-free and even having a garage is usually not allowed. About 5500 people live in this suburb and 70% of these people do not own cars. For the other 30%, there is a parking garage that is located on the edge of the community that requires a $40,000 payment to use. This trend is growing immensely in Europe and there could quite possibly be several communites that would mirror Vauban and what it is all about. This effort to ban cars is based on the idea of reducing pollution as well as reducing stress, and many members of the community insist they live happier and less stressful lives since moving into Vauban.\n\nBogota, Columbia is the home to nearly 7 million people, and in Bogota there is an annual car-free day, with hopes to reduce smog and promote alternative transportation. There is also hope that this idea will spread to other cities and to other countries around the world. For the people who decide not to participate in the annual car-free day, a fine of $25 would be handed out. This \"holiday\" if you will, could be revolutionary potentially and if implemented year round, could really put a dent in the ammount of pollution throughout the city. Even the mayor of Asuncion, Paraguay revered the program, saying it is \"generating a revolutionary change\".\n\nOfficials in Paris, France put a partial driving ban on the city in an effort to reduce smog in the city. The ban worked like this, on Monday, drivers with even-numbered license plates would not be allowed on the road. The next day, it would be the drivers eith odd-numbered license plates that would have to leave their cars at home. Nearly 4000 people were fined due to the enforcement of this ban, for somewhere around $120,000 total. The strictness of the ban was due to the seriousness of the smog and the fact that it was intensifying. The dissapearance of the smog resulted in loosening of the ban and less negative feedback from drivers.\n\nAs you can see, these places have been limiting car usage and found at least some sort of benefit from doing so. Maybe if these restrictions or all together bans were implemented in more places, pollution in the world would be hindered.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCan you see the future where there are driverless cars? Driverless car are next big thing in the future. Driverless cars would fundamentally change the world The author presented a positive aspects of driverless cars.\n\nGoogle cofounder Serdey Brin can envision a future with a public transportation system where fleets of driverless cars from a public-trans port system.This system would be more flexiable\n\nand would use half of fuel of today's taxis .Google has already made a driverless car, but a person has to control the car when has to pull in and out of drive ways. Driverless would have to use sensors aournd the whole\n\ncar for the car to drive propely. Google has modified a Toyota Prius by putting senseors aournd the car. Google's car had driven miles without crashing. There will be times when a person will have to take over and drive the driverless car beacause the driverless car can't navigate through construction site, drive ways, and heavt traffic.\n\nGoogle and GM have made systems to alert the driver in the car to take over and drive the car. States will have to make new law for driverless cars. People have their doubts about driverless car like what would happen if the alewrt system doesn't work or crashs from the driverless car will cause problem. Then people will not know who to blame the driver or the manufacturer? Automakers will continue their work on the assumption that the problems ahead will be solved. Soon other car compionies will follow and make driverless cars.\n\nThe author is postive of driverless cars. I am also positive about driverless cars in the furture. By then I'll be driving. Driverless\n\ncars will be the next big thing.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWithin countries around the world people are coming together, whether it be the polititians or the citizens, they are all beginning to put an end to the use of cars on a daily bases. In Germany there is a suburban city where the majority of its' streets are relatively free of cars and the residents of this \"car-free\" city seem quite content. Germany isn't alone in wanting to rid the world of cars along with the pollution and stress it brings, Paris, France is another of the handful of places that would prefer to begin an anti-car revolution. There are days in Paris that, when the smog is too much to bare and the air is hardly breathable, they are forced to enforce a partial driving ban. After about a week the air was noticably cleaner. While Vauban, Germany and Paris, France have joined the fight in kicking cars to the curb in their own particular ways, three cities in Colombia have also decided to become a member of the ever growing \"car-free\" city club by starting a program that sponsers a car-free day once a year.\n\nTaking a closer look at the suburban city of Vauban, Germany, it is easy to see the reason as to why the country would create a city free from cars along with parking spaces. When thinking of suburban cities most people create a mental image of large buildings spread far apart from public homes or neighborhoods with long winding roads and intersections packed with automobiles. Considering most of the popular suburban cities throughout the world match this description, it is not completley inaccurate, but most people fail to also imagine the abundancy of smog and other forms of pollution that invade the cities because of the gaseous fumes released by cars and other vehicles. Vauban has greatly decreased the amount of air pollution in their city by simply eliminating the amount of automobiles out on the roadways. According to the article titled \"In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars\" by Elisabeth Rosenthal in paragragh 5, cars are the cause for up to twelve percent of greenhouse gases emersed into the air in Europe while in some areas of the United States the amount of gases released into the air is around fifty percent. By eliminating the amount of cars used in Vauban, Germany they are creating friendly air for its' residents to breathe. Going back to the image most people in the world assume a suburb would look like, winding roads seem to take up the majority of space between stores and residential homes. In Vauban they have reconstructed the roadways and car garages into walkways and new stores so the residents have more access to the places they need to be. The elimination of the amount of roads and highways have helped Vauban to also put forth more money into other ways of transportations as opposed to using the majority of money on the contructions of highways and such. When reading the article \"In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars\" by Elisabeth Rosenthal in paragragh 9 it states that in most of the previous bills passed has claimed that nearly eighty percent of appropriations have gone to highways while an estimated amount of twenty percent has gone to other forms of transportation.\n\nNext on the list of cities that are attempting to put an end to car use would be Paris, France. Within Paris there are gorgeous sights to see and the majority of them could be seen and reached by a simple bike ride and there is really no need to fill the air with more pollution with an unnessasary car. This is what most of the people in charge of Paris believe which is why they created partial driving bans. The smog within Paris, France can, at times, rival even the amount of air pollution in Beijing, China which is infamous for being the most polluted cities in the entire world as was said in the article titled \"Paris Bans Driving Due To Smog\" by Robert Duffer in paragragh 14. While Paris officials wanted to completley eradicate driving completley so that the smog would disappear, they knew that with the millions of drivers in Paris that it could not be completley banned all at once. To help illiminate the smog and still keep from having too many issues with its' citizens, Paris decided to make it so that one day the drivers with even numbered license plates would not be permitted to drive their vehicles and the next day only drivers with odd numbered license plates were banned from driving. They continued this pattern for a week. Of course, there were some people who decided to drive their cars whether or not it was banned, so the officials came to the conclusion that anyone who broke the partial banning rule would have to suffer a twenty two euro fine. According to the article titled \"Paris Bans Driving Due To Smog\" by Robert Duffer in paragragh 12, nearly four thousand drivers were fined throughout that week. Regardless of the people who went against this rule sixty percent of congestion was illiminated in Paris after that week.\n\nAfter Paris on the countdown of cities to help the cause of limiting car usage comes Bogota, Colombia. In this heated city nearly seven million people populate, they have a program where one day out of every year that cars are completley banned from use. Everyone in the population participates by hiking, biking, skating, or taking buses wherever they want to go according to the article \"Car-Free Day Is Spinning Into A Big hit In Bogota\" by Andrew Selskey in paragragh 20. By this city promoting the use of buses, taxis, and other forms of transportations they're reducing smog and the amount of traffic jams and accidents throughout their city. After three years of this day being made two other Colombian cities have joined in to participate. The cities being Cali and Valledupar, Colombia. The day without cars was part of an improvement plan that began in Bogota in the mid-1990s according to the article titled \"Car-Free Day Is Spinning Into a Big Hit In Bogota\" by Andrew Selsky in paragrapgh 27. By participating in this day, the people of Bogota have seen the construction of one hundred and eighteen miles of bicyce paths and added parks and sports centers all over the city.\n\nWithin the United States of America there are thousands upon thousands of cars used every day, but this may not last forever. Across the span of around eight years the amount of young people driving and obtaining their licenses has drastically decreased according to the article \"The End Of Car Culture\" by Elisabeth Rosenthal in paragraph 32. More people are taking buses or taxis or simply walking or biking to their destinations because with the growth in population over the last few years the traffic jams are unbearable and seem to take more time then to simply bike to work or school. If a car is used and is needed than most people in America seem to take to car-pooling with a friend or neighbor which in turn helps to decrease the amount of air pollution in the country.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe auther suggeats that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despire how dangers it's on the present. The auther suggest stadying venus becauses is worthy,pursuit and dangers.evenggely is a star and it call venus or for his nickname is misleading. The since sctually say venus is a planet in our solar system ,Venus is earty to see it from the distart by a safe vantage. It had proved a very challenging place to examine more closely. Maybe this issure explains why not a single spaces had touche down on Venus is more then thee decades of numerous\n\nfactoris contribute of venus.Venus is one of the first one planets the human stared stady on it,the scine start send robots to venus for stady if human cat live there. they also venus\n\nhas the hottest surface temperature of any planet in a our solor system, even though the others planets closed\n\nto the sun. It is beyoud\n\nhigh pressure and heat and venusian geology\n\nand weathers present\n\naad impediments like erup of volcanoes of the earth,and others powerful earthquakes.\n\nIf our sister planet is very inhospitable, The scientists discussing further visits to it\n\na surface, the astronomers are fascinated with venus maybe it may\n\nwell once have astronomers are never see before,because once hace been the most\n\nthe\n\nearth-like the planets in the solor system. the long age of venus was probably covered by largely on the ocean and could have support by valious of the life,exacly the earth do today.\n\nIn my conclusion;venus is one of the humans curiosity will able to stady by lead used into many equally intimidat endeavors. Venus and the earth our travel and beyond that shoud not be limite or dangers,doubts of imagination and innovation.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nYou should become a Seagoing Cowboy, like in the article \"A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves\" for many reasons. One reason, is that you get to help animals and people after WWII according to the text, \"World War II was over in Europe, and many countries were left in ruins. To help these countries recover their food supplies, animals, and more,\"(2). You get to transport animals to new areas to graze. You'd be able to help people get out of poverty.\n\nYou could also get to see places you don't usualy see. For example, \"Besides helping people, I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China. But seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special,' he says. 'So was taking a gondola ride in Venice, Italy, a city with streets of water.' Luke also toured an excavated castle in Crete\"(5). Most people would never see those places in a lifetime.\n\nSpeaking of lifetimes, most people who live average lives will probably never get a chance to do this. \"The cattle-boat trips were an unbelievable opportunity for a small town boy,\"(5). After the job, you may never do it again.\n\nWhile riding the boat, you still get time for fun activities like \"Table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games also helped pass the time.\"(8) So, you won't be completely bored while riding to the next area.\n\nLuke(the charicter from the story) also said that \"being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than an adventure for Luke Bomberger. It opened up the world to him. 'I'm grateful for the opportunity,' he says. 'It made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs.' And that awareness stayed with him,\"(9) So over all, you get to make memories of the places you've been, and help people and animals in need, better understanding the world around you.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think that self-driving cars can be a good and a bad thing. They can make driving safer, but they can also make it more dangerous.\n\nI am in favor of self-driving cars if the problems can be corrected. So far the cars being made by Google are not completely self-driven. There still has to be a driver behind the wheel to take control when needed. A self-driven transportation system would be beneficial to people who need to be taken somewhere. It would be a great improvement. It would help in an emergency situation, such as if someone is injured, they are alone and cannot drive, the car can pick them up and get them medical care.\n\nThe self-driving cars also would improve the economy by reducing gas milage. The cars do not take up as much gas as other cars. The improved economy would allow for more money to be put into important projects that can benefit people and improve the world. The car sensors would also reduce the number of accidents. If people don't get into car crashes or accidents, there are no medical bills to pay, leaving more money for the driver for important exspenses.\n\nPeople having more money can lead to a better life, such as paying for college, or a new home.\n\nThe self-driving cars are our key to the future, a better world. The cars improve life by saving money and by not using as much gas, reducing pollution, providing better air to breathe. There needs to be more research done to complete a fully-automated car, this new transportantion system needs to be put into place as soon as more can be done to fix the issues the cars are having. So in conclusion, The sooner the problems are fixed and the cars are being produced, the better life people will have thanks to driverless cars.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n\"Venus, which has often referred to as Eart's 'twin,' it is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasnally the closest in distance too.\" Was stated in the article \"The challenge of Exploring Venus\". The author argues his point that studying Venus is a wothy pursuit despite the danger it presents by inform the data that collected by different reaserchers.\n\nThe article first described the climates and the condition on Venus, also how it is different on Earth. \" A think atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even moore challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere.\" By giving out more information of a planet that is unknown to audience, it creates a more clear setting of what it is like on Venus. \"These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth; such an environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals,\" describes how much hotter it is on Venus and the living condition on that planet gies up more backgrounds.\n\nAfter enough description of cruelty on Venus, it leads to author's point, \"If our sister plaet is so inhospitable, why ae scientists even discussing further visits to its surface?\" He also gave out the reason in the next sentence,\" because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system.\"\n\nIn paragraph 4, he states that although Venus has more pressure and extreme hot temperature, there is still some features that are similar to Earth, such as valleys, mountains and craters on the surface of Venus, just like on Earth.\n\nIn paragraph 5, NASA's data was used as an evidence to prove author's point. Although the temperatures would be still a lot more higher than Earth, but the air pressure woud be close to the sea level on earth when it is at thirty-plus miles above the Venus' surface. This prove that it is survivable for human, just not easy conditions.\n\nIn the end, author emphases that \"venus is a worthy pursuit depite the dangers it presents\" by stating how this study could benefit human. \"Not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors.\" Also he mentioned the study shouldn't be limited by dangers and doubt.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAs we look back through the records of histroy, humans have made and continue to make an extraorindary advancment in technology. These transformations in technology have worked and cooperated with humans to make life better. In the article \"Driverless Cars Are Coming,\" new advancements in self-driving cars are presented. Though there are many drawbacks of the idea as of right now, humans will make another historial breakthough as they always have. I believe the idea of driverless cars should be promoted due it being more safe, efficient, and helpful to our everyday lives.\n\nThe first reason of why I support driverless cars is because of how much more safer it is. If you look out to our world today, machines have replaced so much of what used to be the works of humans. That was because of machines being more capable of precision and safety. Many factory works have been transferred over to machines who do not have to rely on anyone else and additionally does not have to be concerned about safety. In the same way, we can see how much more safe driverless cars are. Google has proven this because their \"cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash.\" In our world today, there are car accidents occuring every minute of our lives. If we can reduce the amount of accidents through driverless cars, then the lives of people will be more safe. Because of how driverless cars can ensure the safety of humans, I support it.\n\nThe second reason why I defend the idea of driverless cars is because of how dependent society can be towards these cars. Although driverless cars are not as developed as we wish to, they will be completed to perfection in the near future. With driverless cars being perfected by manufacturers, they will be more cooperative as they can coordinate themselves with other driverless cars so accidents will not happen, and they will find out the shortest distance and time to a certain destination. Google's cofounder Sergey Brin envisions of a more sophisticated car that enables more efficientcy than that of the human: \"The cars he foresees would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus. He believes such cars would fundamentally change the world.\" With the development of these cars, they can replace all the cars humans drive with a great transportation system for public-transport and commuters. I support driverless cars because of how they can steer the world into a better place.\n\nLastly, I endorse self-driving cars because of how helpful it will be to humans. If you were in in an emergency situation where you couldn't drive but needed to go to a hospital, driverless cars would literally save your life. Not only that, but if you are a child and you have no one that can drive you to your game, or grocery store, or friends house, you never have to ask anyone ever again for a ride. A driverless car would always be there to help you in your times of inconvenience. Because of how convenient driverless cars can be, it is one more step of why I defend driverless cars.\n\nNo matter how crazy an idea or an invention of technology may be, they were made to make the lives of humans better. Every invention had its own times of adversity: The lightbulb, computers, planes, and even the car itself. Every piece of technology had to go through numerous amounts of trial and error to become what it is today. This concept applies to driverless cars as well. We are merely in the stage of development and trial and error so that driverless cars can be made to perfection for the comfort of human lives. I support the idea of driverless cars because of how safe, efficient, and life-changing it will be to humans.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n\"Is this a face created by aliens or a landform\" many wonder. This specific picture of a so called \"face\" on Mars has captured the eyes of many. The picture that NASA has showen or released to us resembles a face like landform on Mars in 1976, but in the picture that was taken in 2001 clearly shows it was just a landform. Many people thought that there was possible life on Mars, but they are yet to discover if there really is. Many landforms like this so called \"face\" are found in the American West.\n\nThis \"face\" is just another theory that there is life on Mars.\n\nMany people want to believe that there is life on Mars, so when the Vicking took the photo it just made them think that there was a greater chance of life on Mars.\n\nThere has been many thoughts on if this picture could really be a face or just a landform, but with improved technology NASA discovered that this \"face\" had occured naturally, not created by aliens. A face that was created by aliens wouldn't stick out as far as this natural landform, nor would it have stayed on Mars for over 30 years. Landfroms usually occur naturally, so who knows how long this \"face'' could have been there when there were photographs taken of it , but then again it could have just popped up the day that Vicking landed there.\n\nIn 2001 they went back to see if this was an actual face or just a landform and with the higher quality cameras they could simply zoom in, which they did, and see that this was just a naturally occuring landform that formed over time. Naturally occuring lanforms happen over periods of time and that is simply what happened on Mars, it just happened to look a lot like a face.\n\nIn conclusion, this ''face'' is just a natural landform that formed over the years. There has yet to be life discovered on Mars, just landforms that have shapes of faces. Aliens did not create this face, nor was there an actual face in the Mars surface. There should be more pictures taken of this ''face'' so that it will prove that it occured naturally. Therefore, there are no faces or life on Mars surface.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think that driverless cars will be a good idea becasue youo have these people that think their the best drivers ever and the go out and cause all kinds of wreck. Then you have other people that are just trying to go on a nice drive and theres idiot drivers that get mad because they are going to slow or their car is to nice to be in the country or they arent real country folk so they shouldnt be out there there are just all kinds of people that have road rage and i think once we do get driverless cars or if we ever do that most of that road rage will stop there minght be a few fights here and ther but not many. Another plus is we wont have people that when they get pulled over they get into a high speed chase and ingure other people that will be my concern is how they will work police cars in with the cars and what if there are drugs in the car will it recanice that and call the cops itsself or notify the police itsself or are they just not going to think about those parts of the car.\n\nAnother thing to think about is price how much are they gonna be are they gonna be 10,000 or are they gonna be 1,000,000,000,000 thats my main concern is how much are they going to be because if they are 10,000 an average human could afford it but if they are 1,000,000,000,000 only a few people might be able to offord them and how are they gonna keep them from being stole or robbed are they gonna put like a high tech security system on them or one like they have now just a car alarm are you gonna have to start them with a key or will they start there will there still be sporting events that involve cars or not there are so many questions you can ask because this idea and its like are they ever gonna release those answers to the public or not. Thats just my point of view on it you may have a diffrent point of veiw or someone esle may have a point of veiw on it and they think I'm wrong but thats my point of veiw on it. Thats all i have to say about this topic so yeah bye.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAutomobiles have become a necessity to keep our world functioning. Unfortunately, there are irreparable damages that cars can cause to the environment, which is one of the arguments used by people supporting the idea of driverless cars. The process of creating these cars undoubtedly takes a lot of money, along with other issues. While the development of driverless cars prompts a progressive future for the automobile industry, there are too many issues against this form of driving, like safety regulations, how the current laws on driving will be affected, and how to deal with accidents and lawsuits, so driverless cars are not an ideal thing to continue developing.\n\nThe number one concern involves how safe these cars can be. Although companies like Google take safety measures and thoroughly test the cars, there still is an element of uncertainty. With normal cars, it's up to the driver to pay attention to the road. The driverless cars claim to have sensors that detect any unusual activity, like Google's Toyota Prius, which has a LIDAR, a sensor that will use laser beams to update a 3-D model of the car's surroundings (Paragraph 4). This is one of the many sensors that each have a unique job and are needed to keep the car functioning. One problem that arises with these sensors is the reliability of them. Technology fails all the time, like a phone or television, and there are people that are hired to fix those issues. With driverless cars however, if someone were to crash or be stuck on the road for an unknown reason (because this technololgy is relatively new), will there be someone that can immediately fix the car? Because of the little reliabilty in this technology, there are a variety of safety concerns that would repel buyers.\n\nThe process of getting these cars on the market for normal people will take a long time. There will certainly be a number of government officials that will oppose this new technology because of how much it will change the laws involving driving. The laws currently reflect situations involving human beings behind the steering wheel, which is deemed the most safe form of driving. There are still states that oppose even testing the cars. Even if the rest of the states follow the few that already allow testing of driverless cars, there are too many changes that will be made regarding the law system. Since the biggest priority is safety, the laws will need to emphasize a back up plan from manufacturors if anything was to happen to the car-not involving the person behind the wheel.\n\nWith this new technology, lawsuits will start to become a blur. Deciding who was more responsible for the accident will get increasingly difficult. It will involve having to figure out every time the driver took control of the wheel, and whether the other cars were driverless or not (which will also have to be evaluated). This will make every lawsuit become more complicated than necessary. If there was a situation where the manufacturor was at fault, the credibilty of them and the reliabilty of the car will decrease. There will need to be new regulations set for any situation possible, in addition to the many laws involving normal cars. Driverless cars will become increasingly time consuming to deal with instead of making lives easier.\n\nThere are too many issues against this form of driving, like safety regulations, how the current laws on driving will be affected, and how to deal with accidents and lawsuits, despite the fact that driverless cars claim to make driving safer and easier. This branch of the industry will cost a lot of money, and would be a waste if it were not successful. People today like being in control of their environment, and driverless cars will take that away.", "label": 6}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless Cars: Where are They?\n\nDriverless cars, a dream many people have had ever since they heard of the idea. A world where you don't have pay as much attention to the road as you usually have to while driving a normal car, is such an absolutely fantastic idea and one I can't belive that nobody has invented before. Now I'm well aware that there are many skeptics out there that do not support the idea that driverless cars would be a good thing, but I feel that having modes of transportation where you don't have to constantly be alert of your surroundings and have a miniscule posibility of causing acidents is the perfect mode of transportation.\n\nThe first reason I suppot the development of driverless cars is the decreased likelyhood of accidents. Hundreds of people die every year due to car accidents and rekless driving. If those numbers can drop at a substancial rate with driverless cars, then thats a beautiful thing. Lives can be saved and a lot of people would be saved a lot of heartache.\n\nBeing able to focus on other things while being in the driver's seat of a car would be a great thing for many busy people on the move. Dealing with work while on the move would be a great thing for many people who have to take phone calls from clients while in the car. Being able to use a phone and not have to worry about getting in an accident would be the most wonderful feature any car could ever have.\n\nDoing things in the car would be great, but I'm so glad that people would still have some control in their vehicles. The safety features presented in the artice state that if there is road work going on in the surrounding area the car would alert the driver, and the driver can take immediate control of the vehicle at any time. This safety feature is ingenious as it makes the driver aware of any road blocks or hazzards that may present themselves on the road at any given time.\n\nDriverless cars are a creation that has taken way to long to make. I'm really wondering if they had just been lazy and just now started to to work an them. Cars that are completely safe and self aware of it's surroundings will be amazing. The pros of driverless cars far outway those of the cons, whatever those are.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPeople all over the world have long lived for the day that technology could read your mind. Maybe you wanted to know how your spouse felt about your gift or what your co-workers reallly thought about the home made pizza your brought in. Now that this technology is availible, there are just some things you shouldnt have to use it on. The classroom being one of them, here is why.\n\nThe main job for teacher is to teach the students something new, something that they can use later in life. Teachers are also supposed to be able to know when the content they are teaching is helping the students. This technology is going to do nothing but distract or make it harder for the students to learn. This next quote talks about having computers that can tell the emotion of the student. \" A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,\"(Huang) Computers are already a big distraction to the students in the world, but now we're talking about putting a software in the computer that watches the students everymove and facial expression. This just seems like another distraction for a child lose focus with.\n\nAnother reason these softwares don't need to be on these computer is because it is an invasion of the students privacy. Children don't want even more eyes on them because then its going to make them nervous and feel like they can't get anything done because there is someone behind the screen seeing if they mess up or do good. \"Using video imagery, the new emotion-recognition software tracks these facial movements\" (D'Alto) Tracking a students work good will help to see if they are improving or not, but tracking there face just doesnt seem ethical.\n\nA computer that recongizes your face just doesn't seem needed for the classroom. We have teachers that can tell whether the lesson is helping the student or whether it's not helping them learn. Teachers all around the world don't need a software that can see how the student is feeling about there class work. We shouldn't have to replace our teachers eyes with a computer software that can tell if the students are having a hard time or not.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nA Electoral College is a meeting of the electors where they vote for president and vice president. \"The founding fathers established it in the constitution as a compromise between election of the president by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a vote in Congress and the elction of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens.\" We should keep the Electoral College because of the certainty of outcome, that everyones president and the swing states. These are some reasons on to keep our despised method of the choosing the president.\n\nWe should keep the Electoral College because of the certainty of outcome. The certainty of outcome is a dispute over the outcome of an Electoral College. According to the passage \" the reason is that the winning candidates share of the Electoral College invaiably exceeds his share of the popluar vote.\" For examples, President Obama recieved about 62% of the electoral vote when Romney had about 52% popular votes casted to him. Even a tie is possible because theres a total of 538 number of votes and its an even number.\n\nSecondly,everyone is president. None if the regions has enough votes to elect a president so no favorite has power to campaign heavily. So if the favorite was Romney he will not gain any vote by by increasing his plurality in states that he knows that he will win. According to source three.\"the residents of the other regions are likely to feel disenfranchised-to feel that their votes do not count,that the new president will have no regard for their interests,that he really isn't their president.\"(Line 19) This means that the people who vote will think that its a waste of their time since their vote will not count. They will be ignored knowing that their vote will have no interest and that the president wont really be thier president.\n\nThirdly, we should keep it because of the swing states. The swing states is a winner-take-all method. Voters will pay more attention to the campaign because they know that they will decide on the election. They will be known as the thoughful voters because they will have recieved the most information and attention and should be the ones th decide the election. The other people wont know alot abnout the candiadates and will just pick their favorite.\n\nSome people might argue about the disator factor. Its where there is a tie between the states. They might say what will happen then? However, thats why there is representatives. They break the tie on who to become president.\n\nIn conclusion,we should keep the Electoral college because of the certainty of outcome, everyones president and by the swing states.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nTechnoogly should not be a thing that reads students emotional expressions. Only the students know how they feel inside. A machine or whatever would be used shouldn't have a say of how you feel or of your expessions.\n\nIn paragraph 2 it asks the question \"Can we calculate emotion?\" And of course they can but sometimes the calculation could not be right all the time. Following up in paragrph 3 it breaks it down how they find the calculations of emotions but then again the computer could tell a different emotin from the one that the person is actually feeling.\n\nIn paragraph 5 it has a valid point that even humans do calculations on other people feelings. When we are used to seeing those person expresions we began to know what it looks llike from them everytime they feel that way. With a computer it would be their first time seeing that person expression on their face.\n\nIn conclusion a computer should not determine the mood a student is in. Only you know how you feel inside others might think they know but only you know how you feel when you feel that emotion", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever wondered how the kids feel in class but they dont ever participate and/or express themselfs. Well this article about \"Making Mona Lisa Smile\" is a great way to figure out some ways that some kids feel based on what they are learning. It is smart, unique, and valuable. These are the reason why the Facial Action Coding System is a great idea.\n\nThe Facial Action Coding System is smart because it allows you to see if the students are bored, interested, or just out of it during the lesson you teach. And you could also figure out different type of ways to manke a lesson or activity better that excites the children you are teaching to. In the article it states \" Most humans communication is nonverbal,including emotional communcation.\" So this is basically saying that if we are not communicated with our mouths then what better way then communicating with facial expressions. This is why the Facial Coding System is smart.\n\nIt's is unquie because no-one has ever thought of this until now so the fact that teachers action care about how there students feel should touch some people. its also unique because it can tell the way your face is moving and the way your muscles move. In the articke it states that\n\n\"the process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face: all 44 major muscles in the model must move like the human muscles.\"This just pushed to shove that if a computer can track all of your muscles in your face that that's pretty unique and different. And on top of that, they would pay that much money to make sure the kids have a good education is cool.\n\nLastly its valuable because if it's bettering the kids education and making a difference in their community, thats good. In \"Making Mona Lisa Smile\" its says \"feeling someone else's emotional state may happen because we unconsciously imitate another person's facial expression. Whoever tought thta making faces could reveal so much about science of emotions.\" This is why its valuable because it can tell us things that we might not know but the computer knows.\n\nThis is why the Making Mona Lisa Smile and the Facial Action Coding System is smart, unique, and valuable in so many ways. If you dont think that you should get the Facial Action Cosing System you might want to think twice if you really love your students.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMysterious Face on Mars\n\nIn argumentive situation everyone has there own opinions. But with somethings it makes no sense what they're trying to prove. if i was in an argument with someone who thought there was life on the planet Mars i would try to prove how. In space its hard to say theres life in space because scientist have no proof ,no data, or evidence there could be. For there to be a face on mars is hard to believe and for an alien to make it no evidence adds up.\n\nNo one really had an exact reaction to the face because all they were assuming there is life on mars. The public started saying theres aliens up there. But the size of the head was two miles and contiued to stare back at everyone. But some people were realistic saying that their was another Martian mesa they were common around cydonia but this image made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh. So none of the scientist put alot of thought into it but its the people who escalted the theory and image.\n\nThe people who thought there was life the rock formation of how it looked gave an illusion of a head, nose, eyes,and a mouth. The public was so dedicated to proving there was and they could prove it. But some other people and scientist were explaining that there is no life. The more people started talking and hearing about it became a bit more fake and hard to believe. This theory of the face started becoming in Hollywood flms, books, magazines and just made up stories.\n\nNasa begun to get frusterated and there budget started decreasing. Nasa actually wished it was acient civilizationon mars instead. Scientist started blieving that the face was alien artifact. So they started photographing Cydonia as i priority. When they started photographing more and more they were sorta getting somewhere. But they finally sent out Mars Global Surveyors and flew obver to Cydonia and they took a picture. The picture was ten times better and sharper than the original photos they had with the viking.\n\nNasa tried to get alot more photos and were gettiing no where becuase of the main reason the weather. But on April 8, 2001 it was a cloudless summer day in Cydonia go a perfect view of the face. Soon Nasa made a conclusion the picture actually looked like the Martian Equivalent. A butte or messa they were landforms common around the American West. Scientist they can finally put an end to the rumor saying theres life over there. Now everyone can know the actual truth with with this whole conspericy.\n\nGetting to an argument with someone about is ther life on mars. Or is there really a face on mars. But i think the argument is clear who would be right. There's just to much evidence proving theres no and what they saw is an illusion of a face. Sometimes you just need proof to an easy fact of what is hard to figure out.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI am writing about weather the technology use of the Facial Action Coding System is valuable or not, In the article I have read talks about the system in the computers they have,I thought how they used this device is pretty impressive like how they have done with the Mona Lisa portrait to identify how she really feels in the paiting.\n\nThe use of the Facial Action Coding System i dont't really think it's valuable in the classroom because i dont't thnk students want people to know if they are feeling any kind of depression,I mean the machine is amazing and all but i don't think students would want to hear about how they feel when they know because it'll just make them even more upset to hear it. The system could be useful anywhere else but in a classroom i don't think it should be used there unless there were students that weren't feeling any depression or anger maybe they would just want to try it out just for the fun of it.\n\nBut the technlogy is amazing,the article talks about how it can identify the facial muscles in the human face and the facial descriptions. Students may find this device to be quite interesting but it maybe some students that don't want to try this technology in their clasroom.\n\nbut in a more public place it would be more enjoyable to other people but in a school full of students i don't think it should be there. This scientific device should be somewehere else in public or if students wanted to try this device out if possible it could be on a feild trip perhaps. This is my essay on weather the Facial Action Coding System should be in a classroom.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLooking for a job cowboys. seagoing cowboys get to go around the world to feed other countries who got reduced to ruins. It might help your farms. you could make money for your family and buy more horses, mules, and donkeys. also you get a ton of free time when you're a seagoing cowboy. It took two weeks to cross the atlantic ocean and a month to get to china. if you've been working this will be a piece of cake. the animals will have to get food like hales of bay and bags of oats also those will have to be hauled from the lower decks of the ship to be eaten by the animals. also you will be able to see tons of beautiful cities and castles.\n\nThe other great thing is if you turn 18 before something you won't be drafted you can just keep doing that for your service it will count as the service you provide for your country. there were three hundred thirty-five horses on board as well as free food on the boat if the animal dies. it will be the absolute best trip of your life so if you join the UNRRA you will help all the countries of the world with everything food water. the best people are the people who help so join the UNRRA\n\ntoday.\n\nMost things cowboys do on the ship is Baseball Volleyball tabletennis fencing boxing reading and games so join the UNRRA TODAY.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\ndear state senator,\n\nAs you know America is very different from other countries. We are known as the land of the free, but then why cant we the people choose our president? The electoral college takes that right away from us. Americans have the right to vote so why would we be ignored and have our vote discarded. Many people dont agree with the electoral college system becase it strips people of their say and opinion in politics theres also the possibility of what people call a\u00a0 diastor factor. Despite it not being the best way to choose a president there are some pros to using the electoral college system, for instance run-off elections, where the amount of popular votes are too close or when \"no candidate recieves a majority of votes cast\" sited from source 3 but then again thats very rare.\n\nThe electoral college has someone voting in our places. A state representative cant say yes to all the canidates so why are they choosing for us we know who we want in office we as americans have a voice and a say in who is our leader. The amount of votes depends on how many people live in each state but \"because each state casts only one vote,the single representative from wyoming, representing 500,000 voters, woud have as much say as the 55 representatives from california who represent 35 million voters\" as sited from source 2 with all representives choosing the same canidate how can you expect them to reflect the will of the people?\n\nDisastor factors are the best argument againt the electoral college \"back in 1960 segragationists in the louisiana legislator nearly succeeded in replacing the democratic electors with new electors who would oppose john f kennedy (so that a popular vote for kennedy would not have actually gone to kennedy )\" thers also the fact that \"in the same vein and faithless electors have occasionally refused to vote for whomever they please\"as both sited from source 2 these disastor factors just prove how the electoral college can fail to choose a candidate fairly.\n\nTo summerize i would like to restate that the electoral college takes away americans freedom of choice,it also does not allow people to choose who they think would help benefit our country,and the chance of disastor factors it could brings into play.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Electoral College should get changed to election by popular vote for the president of the United State. Because the voter's vote are not for the presidents, instead they are actually for the slate electors. Which then go and vote for the president. Which isnt fair becuase for all we know, the state legislatures choose the electors that could go againts the will of people. Also because of the \"winner take all system in each state.\"\n\nFirst of all the voter's votes aren't voting ofr the president, they are technally voteing for the slate electors. For example, you think you voted for the president. when actually you hav voted for 34 electors pledged to that president. You won't know who those electors are,\u00a0 and sometimes \"the voters get confused about the electors and accidently vote for the wrong candidate\".\n\nAnother thing that could happen is that the state legislatures can choose electors that can go againts with what the people choose. Like for example, \"Back in 1960, segregationists in Louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy\". Also they can completely refuse to vote for their party's candidate and go and vote for who ever they want. Which wouldn't be fair to the people who thought they voted for the candidate. But in reality they voted for a party of electors that can go againts the party's candidate and vote for whomever they please.\n\nThe \"winner take all system\" is aslo unfair. because some candidates go to certain states where they know they have a chance of winning. But completely ignore other states that they know they won't have a chance in winning. Like for example, \" During the 2000 campaign, atleast 17 states didnt get to see the candidates at all. Also 25 of the largest media markets didnt get to see a single campaign ad\".\n\nSo in conclusion, The Electoral College shoud get changed to election by popular vote for the president of the United States. Because The voters vote aren't really voteing for the candidate. They are actually voteing for the party of electors for the candidate. But those electors can refuse to vote for the candidate and vote for anybody else. (Which woudn't be fair to the voter). And finally becuase the \"winner takes all system isnt' fair\".", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDont you get tired of driving sometimes, Get sleepy or just dont feel like driving. well theres a solution for that in the future.''Driverless cars are coming''.Driverless cars are great for many reasons like proventing cars accidents, GPS's so you dont get lost, and letting you relax on the road.\n\nDriverless cars provent accidents because the cars have sensors thats will stop the car before it even comes close to hitting something.The artical states that ''In the 1980s, automakers used speed sensors at the wheels in the creation of antilock brakes. Within 10 years, those sensors had become more advanced to detect and respond to the danger of out of control skids or rollovers.'' This allows drivers to drive more safely on the road.\n\nDriverless cars are great with GPS because you can get were you need to gothe quickest way possiable.GPS is a navigation system that directs you in the direction you need to go to get where you wanna get.Driving with out a GPS can get you lost if you dont know your direction.Thats way you need a GPS.\n\nAnd last driverless cars can allow you to relax.You dont have to keep your eyes on the road.You wont tire your self out. And you wont have any worrys.This is way you should get a driverless car.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author finds ways to evaluate the dangers of exploring Venus as they find it as a worthy pursuit. Since Venus is a planet and it's next to earth, it only makes sense to explore more of what's already been explored. It's been decades sense something has landed on Venus, and no man has ever set foot there. Venus was once Earth-like in it's time.\n\nVenus is something we see all the time. \"Venus, sometimes called the \"Evening Star\" is one of the brightest points of light in the sky, making it simple to spot.\" It won't be easy but at least it's close. Every spacecraft sent to this land is unmanned. \"Humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud-draped world.\" With this they can build something stronger. They can examine what didn't work and what technologies could be better to use so they can work their way up into being able to go for themslves. Also if Venus was once like earth, theres more they need to look into, as in how and why it isn't so much like Earth anymore. \"Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth.\"\n\nAs these datails could go on, Venus is something we don't know too much about because of it's dangers. But from past experiences, we could change some things to get us there. By working on new equipment and examining things extra causiously, it could get us to where we want to be to be able to explore this planet we call Venus. As it is dangerous, it can lead to something wonderful as we can discover more things. It's worth a shot!", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThis sort of technology would not be usefull in a classroom because we would not use this all the time and and it will be a waste of money that the school does not have.\n\nThe only class that we would use the FACS is in a Psychology class but we wolud not use it all the time so it will just be staying ther and if a student deceids to mess with it he or her may break it and the school would have to buy a knew one or repair it which would cost alot of money.\n\nAnd what is the need of having one of these machines when all they can do is read facial expressions and that is the only use we can use it for and we can read facial expressions so there is no need for it for a machine to tell us when we can read it ourselves.\n\nAND also if its a highschool it there would need to be more then one because there would be lots of students in Psychology clasess so there would be more then one Psychology class in the school which would make a large sum of money that the school might need in the future .\n\nThose are my reason in why this the FACS is not valuble in a student classroom.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars are coming to us in the near future. These cars are capable of driving themelves. For now, they still need human interaction or assistance and human skill in order to safely navigate through work zones, or around accidents. This means that the driver would have to remain alert at all times when the car is driving itself. Driverless cars can cause a lot of problems, but have some features that could really help us on the road.\n\nDriverless cars should not be further developed or put on the market because it is too unsafe to have technology do something as dangerous as driving. There are endless situations, which means that you cannot program a computer to do all of them for you. Especially when it comes to driving through a contruction site, on back roads that are not marked on a map, or up a driveway where precise steering is required. The only reason that this whole push for driverless cars was created, is because people found it too much of a chore to pay attention at all times when driving. Driving should be something that people take very seriously, which people in this day and age seem to miss. Drivers should want to drive safely, which is why the push for driverless cars makes no sense. There is no way that a computer can do everything that a human can do when it comes to driving. However, some of the features of the driverless cars could be helpful, like the cameras on the rear of the car, and on the rearview mirror to help with backing. This could come into play when using precise backing, where you need an extra set of eyes to look behind you in order to see all angles. Also, the GPS reciever would be very helpful if you were ever lost and needed assistance on directions to find your way.\n\nWe should put the idea of further development of driverless cars away, and focus on some of the features that would go into a driverless car, that could better improve our cars right now. Driverless cars would just be too unsafe when it comes to the needed actions, like human skill. Drivers would not feel safe enough to drive them, and in the future when we finally get used to driving them, drivers would not pay enough attention to make the actions that actually require human skill. Driverless cars can cause a lot of problems, but have some features that could really help us on the road.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\", The author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. We learn from the passage that Venus has extremely hot temperatures, and also has an atomospheric pressure that is 90 times greater than we experience here on earth. Even though Venus is \"inhospitable\", many astronomers are still very much fascinated by Venus.\n\nThe author supports the idea of Venus being a worthy pursuit to study by stating many beneficial features that Venus has. The author says, \"Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life.\" (Paragraph 4-lines 4 & 5) By inplying that Venus could have all these things, the author is telling us that Venus could also be used for things like what we use Earth for.\n\nThe author compares Venus to Earth for a reason. The author supports the idea of studying Venus being a worthy pursuit by stating that Venus has Earth like features such as; valleys, mountains, and craters. Since this planet has more Earth like features, than any other planet, astronomers are desperate to study more about the planet.\n\nSince \"the value of returning to Venus seems indisputable\", NASA is helping with the idea of studying Venus by coming up with ideas of how to send humans to Venus, to study the planet. The authors explains that, \"NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray.\" (Paragraph 5-lines 3 & 4) This help from NASA is very beneficial to the astronomers because NASA is proposing ideas of how to safely get to Venus, for astronomers to study.\n\nDespite Venus having extremely hot temperatures and having a dangerous presure for humans to study on Venus' surface, NASA is helping astronomers propose ideas of how to safely study and get to Venus. The author supports the idea of Venus being a worthy pursuit to study by comparing Venus' features to Earth and stating that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe 4 sources talked about the advantages of limiting car usage, but also the reaction of people and what they think about it, if they're for or against what the government made for a solution of car usage problems. We can see that the number of cities hwo cared about those environmental problems increased, and so they reacted by different methods.\n\nWe're living because of nature, without nature we can't live. People finally react because of the warnings of nature, for example: Smog in Paris, \"despite gray clouds that dumped occasional rain showers on Bogota\". They finally saw the problems that they caused. So that, Gorvernment found some solutions to have less smog, so they banned driving but none all of them will stop driving if they don't talk about money, so they made some fine (31$) if they don't leave their cars at home. As they expected, not all of the french people obeyed it because we all know that Paris is an extremly busy city that can't avoid of using cars even if they have to pay. But people have to see how the environment is really bad because of cars.\n\nLimiting car usage is very important and it's mostly because of the environment, because the number of people using cars is increasing every year. The nature is now becoming scary because of us. Let's think about what will happen in the futur when you will have children, we're not even sure if they are going to live because all the damage that we committed to the environment, I'm sure one day the nature will take a revenge and it's just at that moment that we will realize that we made a horrible and big mistake.\n\nLook how happy the germans hwo live in that city that don't have cars anymore... Or just a few but not that many cars. They are showing us that we can live without all those cars, and they said that it's \"less stressful\", and it's good for the body. They are different methods to avoid those cars, EVRETHING IS ACCESSIBLE EVEN IF WE DON'T HAVE CARS, their is a lot of ways to change places, like bycicles in New York, or you can walk, and there's even buses that can take more passengers than a simple car hwo is too big for just one person. It's world-wide now, the number of cities hwo reacts is increasing everywhere. Than why not us ? Let's do the same and don't forget to think about your futur and the futur of your children.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVoting for a president is one of the most important decisions you can make. This person you vote for will be changing the country for better, or for worse. Electoral colleges are a way to see what each of the states want, although some people don't seem to like it. However, I belive it is a good way to see the majorities of the states, which will take account for the majority of the country.\n\nSome people say that electoral colleges aren't a good way to determine which president is good for the country. They say that it's non-democratic. (source #3) However, you are still voting for the person you want. The people are still making a great contribution to the decision. Because in the big picture, your vote really does count. It's a lot better than not being able to contribute at all. Of course things can be better, but the thing is; everything can be better in some way. Theres no such thing as something that can't be improved in some way. And there is obviously no way at all that you will be able to please everyone. So I think the electoral college is a good way to avarage up all the votes.\n\nWhile there are a lot of variables in this system, it would be difficult to come up with a more solid way. The main complaint is that people think that this system is not a good way to show who the people really want. However, I think this is is not true. You are voting to get the electoral college votes for the president you think will do a better job guiding the country. Your vote truly does count. It adds more chance of the electoral college voting for your side. It shows that all the states are one, and the majority vote shows what side the people of the state want. And that seems like a nice idea to me.\n\nSome of the counter arguements for electoral colleges is that the bigger states get more recignition. And this is true, but isn't that how it should be? Theres more people in the bigger states, so there will be more votes. However, they all count the same, so they don't really get any special advantage. The electoral college is a fair way to really show what the country wants, and some people don't like it, and I think this is a normal occurance.\n\nThe electoral college is a good way to show what all of the states want, by putting the majority vote into account to put electoral votes to show what president should be the leader of the country. There are admittedly some problems to it, but I think there would be even more problems with putting it to a popular individual vote. Every system has it's quirks, but overall, the electoral college is a great way to put all of the votes into account, and it's very more organized in the long run. It may not work for everyone, but honestly, nothing can.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCars\u00a0 are starting to beome more and more expensive everday. Why pay when a person could either usea train,bike,or just walking. Stated in soure 1 \"As a result, 70 percent of vauban's families do not own cars, and 57 percent sold a car to move here...\" Many people are glad that they had sold thier car because it just cost to much money for others. Therefore many people need to limit their car usage.\n\nTo begin with, Cars could have many flaws that may infect the environment or humans. Stated in source 2 \"After dats of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city.\" So because cars take in gas it may effect the environment because inside of the car is more chemicals a that comes out of the exhust system. Stated in Soure 1 \"Many experts expect public transport serving suburbs to play a much larger role in a new six-year federal transportation bill to be apporved this year, Mr. Goldberg said.\" this may be true because gas prices may go down and the environment will stay clean. However, waiting for public may mean waiting for a couple of hours. But when having a car a person can get to their event or job on time. Stated in Source 3 \"The day without cars is part of an improvent campaign that began in Bogota in the mid-1990s.\" Maybe if the United States started to start a campaign then maybe their wouldn't be so much smog in the air thats pulluting the environment.\n\nAlso, in America many people would never give up their cars just for the looks. Stated in Source 4 \"But America's love affair withits vehicles seems to be cooling.\" So i guess that would be a great start for the environment for America. But how long will America last with out a vehicles? From my point of view, not for long that's my opinion. Although, stated in Source 4\" Whether members of the millennial generation will start buying more cars once they have kids to take to soccer practice and school plays remains an open question.\" In my opinion i wouldn't take a bunch of kids on the train just to get to school or to a\u00a0 soccer game and then once that is all over with then have to get back on the train just to take tem back home. Anything can happen. That's why having cars have pro's and Con's. But others may think of the train ride as bonding time or just getting to know the full team better.\n\nStated in Source 3 \"Parks and sports centers also have bloomed throughout the city;uneven, pitted sidewalks have been replaced by broad, smooth sidewalks; rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic.\" So having cars helps everyone a lot less accidents would happen and park and sports centers are making good profit. So now everyone could be happy and go on with their life. Stated in Source 4 \" With all these changes , people who stopped car cummuting as a result of the recession may find less reson to resume the habit...\" I would totally agree with these , because when u stop driving it means more money and better health.\n\nFinally, cars should be limited for many reasons. Limiting car usage would many better health and less gas, and also less accidents on the road. Stated in Source 4 New York's new bike-sharing program and its syrockiting bridge and tunnel tolls reflect those new pririties.\" Therefore many jobs aren't complainig about the less car usage and some people aren't complaining about it. Many people should stop using cars to help the environment out and to get into shape.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe future of transportation\n\nHave you ever wondered how cool a self-driving car would be? I'm pretty sure almost everyone has at one point. I believe we have the right technology to do so. But are they really reasonable and safe? Even though the government does not want them on the streets(for safety reasons), i support the development of them. In this essay I will discuss the safety, cost, and a taxis-sytem related with these futuristic cars.\n\nSafety is the number one concern. What if you were driving down the road and you were suddenly rear-ended by a driverless car? You would be pretty mad wouldnt you? Well that most likely wouldnt happen, as developing technology has allowed us to do wonderful things. Now, these cars aren't just driving around unmanned. There is still a human in the vehicle to take over when such things as roadwork, detours, and accidents are present. Thanks to research and advancing tecnology's, we have 3-D modeling software to constantly update the vehicles surroundings. Before 2000, the sensors and computers simply weren't smart enough to complete this task.\n\nThe cost to actually purcahse one of these interesting cars would most likely result in bankruptcy. With all the technology and time put in to the car, this is reasonable. But why make futuristic cars if people can't buy them? After full-scale production of these vehicles have started, the cost will most likely decrease. Well i believe that in a few decades, the whole world will be filled with self-driving cars. Or even better, flying cars!\n\nHave you ever lived far from town and you didn't have a form of transportation? Well what if we used these cars as a form of public transportation. You could call a hotline and give your location and the car would be there in minutes! This system would be more promising than a local bus. Buses have set pick up times and routes, while these cars could pick up individuals and take them to their destination with ease and comfort.\n\nThe future is here, Driverless cars. Even though the government does not want them on the streets, i support the development of them. We once attempted to produce these vehicles before the 2000's but we did not have the advances in technology. I feel as if the cost of these vehicles will decrease as mass production takes place. The safety of these machines are state of the art and ensure you will make it to your destination in one piece. With these new advances, the driverless car could take over the public transportation system to form a quick and easy taxi service. With all these advancing technology's and sciences, i would love to see what they come up with in the future... or is the future already here?", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI'm against driverless cars and trucks. I'm against driverless cars on the road because everyone woud have to buy the car at the same time or this wouldn't work.\n\nThis wouldn't work because the first half of people who get the driverless car will be safer. But then the half that doesn't have the smart car will run to the smart car and we are still back to square one. As it says in the story \"sensors are nothing new.\" Sensors are always going to fail there is no way to stop technolgy from failing on point in time. Everything is too new. When one of the parts need replaced on these smart cars its going to cost a fourtne to fix. You already see how with all the technolgy in our cars now its getting to expensive to fix. The problem is the flaw is that they are going to have to keep updating cars and maps in the cars so the car to know the fastest way to the destination. Also if there is unexpected road work it will be try to go right threw the road work and i dont see that working.\n\nThe next problem i invision is that all the laws will have to be changed to meet the critera of the car. This will in a way force the people who dont want to buy a smart car to have to buy one. As stated in paragraph 9 the car are not reliable enough for the laws to get changed.\n\nThis is not a safe idea at all because there will always be that one parent that who will program there car to do something for the child and they will expect the car to get to that destination safely. But the risk of a malfunction is very great. The parent doesn't see the risk until it is too late and the child is either hit by another motorist or the car malfunctions and the kid runs into something and the car has gotten wrecked. I also don't feel like it should be the manufacturers fault for the stupidity of the parent.\n\nAnother problem is that if a person wants to stop at some where or at a gas station for a snack or for a restroom break they can't. They can't because the car was only programed to go to that certain place. So in other words you would have to go to the destination then turn right around and go to the gas station or store.\n\nAs of right now i still think that humans are way more reliable than technolgy. I feel like there will always be accidents. There is no way of stopping people from running in to each other at least once in the cars lifetime. You need alot more research fome me to go along with the idea of having smarter cars. So that is why I think that car should not be smarter yet.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHuman emotions have been around about as long as humans have. For milenia humans have been able to convey feelings through facial expressions for many hundreds of years. Peole have also figured out ways to fake or force emotions if they feel it necessary and have been doing so for hundreds of years. While classrooms are newer but feel boring to most,they are a big part of life. Classrooms might be boring, and while it has become possible to use new technology to make learning fun, but this begs the question, is it practical?\n\nComputers are newer and facial recognition is on the rise but is the facial recognition software fit for a classroom? Facial recognition software might be available,but as the article mentions,personal computers can't handle the software. How are schools supposed to use something that requires a larger computer with only a small amount of money to spend? The article also doesn't mention how costly the software itself is so it could be too costly for schools. Most schools simply do not have the kind of money required for this new technology.\n\nThe new software could be used to make lesson plans more fun but is that practical. Ignoring how the schools would get this new software,the practical use of it has a cost of its own. Changing lesson plans to be more fun may sound practical,but what about the cost and different types of learning? There are different types of learning,auditory,visual,hands on,and probably more types of learning,but how are schools supposed to cater to those who like to learn differently than the rest? The methods of putting these other types of learning into effect would be far too costly for most schools an would probably require even more software and other technology.\n\nThe costs of practical facial expression recognition software usage are big but ignoring that, will people accept a comuter watching their facial expressions? Though the article mentions about facial expressions and analyzing them, it fails to take into account how people feel about this. According to the article,this software could be used to tell if a student is bored,but would students be comfortable with a machine that could tell how they were feeling just watching them as it taught? Many students would feel uncomfortable being watched constantly especially by a computer that could analyze how they were feeling. Not to mention the fact that for some forms of learning the computer might be forced to move around with the help of other technology to give examples which might make students more uncomfortable.\n\nIn conclusion while facial reading software seems like a good idea,maybe it isn't. The software wouldn't be compatible with school computers. The cost of replacing the computers and putting the new and more fun learning techniques into practice would be very costly. Many students would feel uncomfortable with this new technology and some things students are forced to learn simply can't be made fun easily. While it might seem like a good idea on the surface,some things just aren't practical.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriveless cars are coming may be sooner than expected. Googles cofounder has a dream of make every car to be driverless and run on half the gas taxis use. Since the beginning of the 21 century technology had a major boost computers, sensors and mapping are now up to date with the real world doing things people would dream about in the 1980's. Now that the technology is capable of doing what we want, we should try to progess the technolgy of the world only to help with accidents, and make lifes tasks easier.\n\nMaking the driveless car is a challenge that can be accomplished it just requires time for it to happen. Google has already made a car that drove half a million miles without crashing ,but it nedded very little assisstants. Knowing this its only time until they finally make the car that doesn't crash and can drive without any assisstant from a person. Google modified a Prius that has a spinning sensor on the roof that makes a 3-D picture of everything surrounding it. With this and other cameras that allow it to see its blind spots it has the capacity to go a step further in\n\nhaving the car a reliable source on the road.\n\nMost states outlaw the test of computer driven car such as California, Nevada, Florida and the District of Columbia. The minds of people change once shown it trustworthy. So that once everyone sees that the car is safe to use on everyday roads it would be another step into making driveless cars. But some might say that if the computer crashes that runs it that would end up crashing the car. Well with problems there is always a solution and the only thing would be to add a backup computer that lets it reset itself so then it's able to continue on its route.\n\nFor the reasons wirtten driveless cars are no more a thing of the imagnation it would be able to have one in tthe near future.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers by giving us some of the main features NASA is trying to get a look at, and stating that Venus was also an earth like planet back from 3 decades ago and still till this day Venus has those features. The author claims in paragraph one that venus is the second planet from sun and also as easy it may seem to see from a distant that it has proved to be very challenging to examine more closely.\n\nThe dangers the author talks about in paragraphs three,four and five he is claiming that venus is a \"Earth's twin\" but much more circumstances to survive there. In paragraph three he states there is 97% of a thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide covers venus, the surface temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahreneit and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times bigger than what we have on our planet earth. As much for common sense these are higher conditions humans have ever encountered because we believe this is normal and survialable for humans but venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system which means we wouldn't stand a chance to live there. In paragraph four the author talks about how venus was once largely covered with oceans and could have many different forms of life like the planet we live on today. In the middle of the paragraph, he said \"Today, venus still has some features that are analogous to those on earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sedimentand includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters.\"\n\nafter reading that that i could see why scientists would take the risk of visiting venus even knowing the dangers of not ever coming back. In paragraph five he does state that it would be more toasty or humide because the temperature would be 170 degrees Fahrenheit but says the air pressure would be close around the sea level on earth. At the end of the paragraph he states \"Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans.\"\n\nTo my conclusion, he describes it very well and gets more facts in the article.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAs the years go on and we grow what also grows is the advancement of technology. Since the new era of technology has taken place the possibilites have become endless. Years back they didnt even have electric window control it was all done with a handle that you had to turn and turn until your window opened. Looking back on that compared to this day and age we have cars that are so close to driving themselves is that the safest idea no, but in my mind i think its a great idea to make self driving cars because everything technology wise is growing rapidly so we cant just leave cars old and boring we need to keep up with the technology we have at this time in our lives and make something new and awarding.\n\nSo we all know how many safety concerns we face in cars when on the road and this is exactely why people believe we shouldnt have self driving cars. Therefore i believe self driving cars are getting a bad rep without even getting a chance. if you dont test an idea you will never know if it would have worked or not and with the technology we have today i believe that in the near future sometime soon we will have a full self driving car. I understand that it will be hard to do and i agree that it can be very unsafe and so thats where the trial and error part comes in you have to try new things to know fior sure if they will work and i can say now that in the near future if we do end up having self driving cars that everyone who uise to say dont try it its not safe will themselves be buying self driving cars.\n\nIn conclusion, i know that the speculation with self driving cars is odd but the real truth of the matter is that thats our future. Every few years new inventions come by surprise and shock the world and this is just another thing that i can confidently say will come soon and take the world by surprise. Will there still be people trying to get rid of this invention? of course people will try but thats the key to sucess having people say things about what you have made and making it something so big that those same people will be shocked that ever thought something bad of you. So time is not slowing down for anyone its going fast and so soon hopefully by 2020 as seen in the article companies can start to announce self driving cars and change the way we look at cars now.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI don't think I should be working with a bunch of cracked ribs guys. Oh shut up you are just tring to get out of work,said Jon. Luke spoke back saying,no I Iike this job. Theres no way you actilly like this job,theres just no way. As this arguement went on Rob was silantly siting there,not getting involved but then Luke asked him for backup. Luke is right, how would you feel Jon if someone was yelling at you for getting hurt,said Rob. Shut up,Rob don't you agree with me that it is not fair. Not fair? The mans ribs are shatered.\n\nShatered? His ribs were touched. Luke yelled at him if he wanted his ribs touched by him. Then Jon backed out scard but he did'ent give up. The reason Jon is doing it is because he thinks that Luke purpesly broke his ribs. You see Jon did'ent have a choice to come here because he was forced by his mom. His mom sent him because he would not move out of there house and she wanted him gone.\n\nJon dicided that he would go talk to the captin about it. The weird thing though is he did'ent tell them that are else they would come too. So he went to the captin telling him lies. The captin got really upset and went to talk to Luke. The captin was very angry now and he was just about to push Luke over bored but he did'ent because he would go to jail. When he reached Luke he yelled at him. Luke asked why. Wy are you yelling at me captin? You know exacily why I am yelling at you Luke. No I really don't.\n\nI am yelling at you because you purpusely broke your ribs. Where did you get that from captin. Jon told me that he herd you say that to yourself. Look Jon told you lies because even if I did do that I don't talk to myself. You don't, yelled the captin. No,said Luke. Great now I have to talk to Jon. Im comeing too,said Luke. So they went to talk to Jon. They found him in the lounge. They walked up to him and started to talk.\n\nThe captin told him that he had giving false infomation. Jon talked back and said he is lieing and he really did do it on purpose. The captin ignored it. So Jon told them his story. The reason I thought he purposely did it was because I thought all the people here were forced to do this too. Luke told him that he joined with his friend because they thought it would be fun so they did it. After they did it once Luke wanted to do it again because he liked it so much. After they told each others storys they settiled there argument and became best friends.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDo you think teachers should have the technology to read the emotional expessios of students in a classroom? I think it is valuable for teachers to be able to read the expressions on our face, because if a teacher can't read what a student has trouble with then they will keep geting it wrong. Or if a student is sad the teacher need to know so she can try to help you. Also a teacher should be able to tell when we are happy so they know we are going to try are harded to keep up the good work and make the teachers and prantes pround so we can be happy all the time.\n\nLet's say your getting fustadued at a teacher and the teacher can't tell so she won't help, beacuse your afraid to tell her then you get in trouble because you went off on the teacher. The teacher send you to the office and then your parents have to come in and talk and you tell them what happend then they wont beleive you because they would of thought you would of said something or at least asked for them to help.\n\nIf your happy and a teacher can tell thats always a good think because then they wont try to make you mad because they dont know what made you happy or how. so the hint is just teast others like you want to be treated because if you don't karma will come back your way. The way the teachers see it the more work your willing to turn in the less the will give you so dont burn your bridges.\n\nNow do you think we teachers should be able to read there studens face? Well i do because if there not able to school can be so much harder and there will be conquinces like grades drop and you just don't want to do anything anymore. So therefore thats why I think teachers need to have the technolgy to read our faces. Students would like school so much more if the teachers were able to understand what has happened and how much pressure it would take off of us.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever had a feeling when you absolutely can not wait for something? Well that is how I feel about getting my license. I feel like when you have them you will have the oppurtunity to do much more then sit at home. I don't really think I would enjoy the driverless cars just because i love driving, but older people might enjoy it.\n\nDriverless cars would take a lot of trust to be able to get in the vehicle and let it drive you at a high speed rate. To me at this moment i think driving is a blast and I don't understand why people do not like it. The idea of being behind the wheel of something that can travel you to just about anywhere in the world if you have the time and money to drive there. If we did end up creating driverless cars then we wouldn't worry about speeding a whole lot or the elders driving really slow.\n\nI would worry way to much in a drverless car, eventhough I know the technolgy is through the roof. In my head there is way to many bad things that might happen: going off the road, the car has a power outage, the car just randomly starts to go faster when it needs to slow down. It is just that anything in the world could happen no matter how good our technology is there is going to be atleast one accident. Anything could happen I think it is too risky.\n\nThere is this feeling you get when you just can't stand to wait any longer. with driverless cars i think it would ruin the fact that you have your drivers license. Yes you can still go to a lot of places but it just isn't the same and it wouldn't be as much fun neither. I think they shouldn't develop these cars in my lifetime.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMay 24,2001 the face on Mars was not made by aliens. NASA thought they saw aleins land on mars and creat the face. This is a mission to find how it was made and who it was made by.\n\nA few days later NASA showed the picture for everyody to see. Authors reasponed it would be a good way to engage the public adn attarct go Mars and it certainly did. The \"Face on Mars\" has since become a pop icon. It was on books and magazines, raido talk shows and haunted grocey store checkout line for 25 years. Mission controllers perpared to look againg at the Mars. One summer day in Cydonia Mars Global Surveyor drew a close enough for a second look. We had to roll a space craft 25 defress to center the Face in the field of view said Garvin.\n\nThis is what is think about the face on Mars. That's a lava dome thta takes the form of an islolated mesa about the same height as the Face of Mars. This is what I think about the Face on Mars today.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIs limiting car usage a benefitial way to reduce many uneccessary smog and pollution in any part of the world? This is a case of many opinions. Many people say it is beneficial to the environment and where they live in. Others disagree about limiting car usage due to slow mobility going from place to place that might be far away. In my opinion, i do support the idea that limiting car usage is a helpful way to reduce smog and many other pollutants that might spread in the natural world. For example, reducing smog from the air helps animals and humans to breath better air and reduces the risk factor of getting a decease from the pollution or smog. Also, it just not only cleans the air but it helps citizens live a helathier life by always staying physically active either going from place to place.\n\nIt is a great way to reduce smog or pollution by limitng car usage and helps stop cars and truscks to stop generating many malitiant gases that may cause deceases. According to Source #3, its states that \"Millions of columbians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work during a car-free day.\" This is a great example and idea of living in an environment that has reduced the amount of pollution generated by cars and trucks. Not using cars can also help the animals in the environment they live in. Animals also have a roll\n\nPenultimately, the limiting of car usage also helps citizens live a healthier life by staying physically active and helps them stay in shape. Doing exercise everyday can also help reduce the risk factor of getting inmobile. Transportation like walking and jogging to places and not using mechanical transportation is the best way due to the fact that we dont produce pollution or smog.\n\nFinally, limiting the car usage\u00a0 can help reduce pollution and smog for many reasons. It can help the environment we live in and helps citizens stay physically active and healthy. It also helps animals live better due to the air they breathe. We need to take part on cleaning the place we live in and so if we caused smog and pollution into the air, Why not make a change and reduce what we already created?", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Seagoing Cowboys are boys are poeple who help others out. When countries fall they're there to pick them right back up. There are three reasons why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys. The reasons are one its a good way to help out others, two its a good opportunity to see the world, and three you are litterally saving people lifes and dont even know it yet.\n\nReason one is becasue the job is just a really nice way to help out those around you. You can help the enviroment by replacing animals and even buildings. You help out the poeple that werent as lucky as you. Some people could be suffering out there in the cold, but you helped them rebuild their houses,and rebuild their lifes. Poeple will be greatful for your kindness.\n\nAnother thing i noticed was that It gives you a good oddortunity to see the world. Luke\n\nGot to see a bunch of beatiful things on his way to other countries. He Got to see things from New Orleans. To China. He got to see things you wouldnt normaly see just going through your normal life. You have the chance to see stunning things if you were a Seagoing Cowboy.\n\nLast but not least. The Last thing i noticed was that you are litterally saving poeple's life. Poeple could be out their starving and you could be the one to fix it. Some poeple would rather just care for their own family, but you have to power to give poeple food. They will have homes to sleep in becasue of you. Poeple will be snuggled in beds at night becasue you choose or not if you want to be a Seagoing Cowboy.\n\nSome poeple may think that it would take away their time, but what are you really losing. All your doing is helping poeple out? Is that not enough? u", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriveless cars, doesn't that sound like a splendid idea? I mean, think about it, a car that will drive itself and take you basically anywhere you please to go. Now, I know you may be thinking, \"but don't we still have to do other things in order for this to work out and better technology?\" The thing is we've had the tech for it since the 1980's and have been developing it ever since. So, are you all about the driveless car as I am?\n\nDriveless cars are more and more of a thing now a days and it's progressing, more car companies want to invest in it as well. The thing about them is that they still need more time to be able to perfect it or at least maintainable for drivers to have. They're putting in new technology so it can be able to drive smoothly and carefully 100% of the time and so all you have to do is look at the road and take over whenever you need to. In the article \"Driveless Cars Are Coming\", he mentions that now the car can drive itself and be good over 90%. 90% is a lot if you think about it, 90% of the time the car is driving smoothly and carefully and everything. You don't have to worry about a thing, it has all the sensors and everything to detect and near by cars or accidents so you can take over to drive around or avoid holes or something.\n\nBut there are some downsides to having driveless cars. For example, there could be a malifunction with the cars system or there could be a system over ride. You never know what could happen is any of these things were to accure, so you also have to be safe about autodrive, as I like to call it. If there were an accident to ever accure or happen there would be problems on who to pin the blame on, either the driver or the manufacture. They wouldn't be certain because it can either be driving itself or the human could've done the error. But, they're still working on improving it and making it more persist and steady.\n\nIn conclusion, are you with the whole, driveless cars yet, because I am Mainly because I like the idea of being able to be driven around and how they can take us to our destination without having to do anything besides look at the road. Even so, it isn't that hard of a task to take over and drive for a couple of minutes if a contruction is going on or an accident happens.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn this article there are postive and neagtive about developmenting these cars. The article quotes that carless driver as more safter than humans drivers. From the passge \" In reality, Google has had cars that could drive independently under specific condition since 2009. Its better to drive a good car that runs right aslo long enough to get you than breaking down on the highway or middle of the street.\n\nThe author says in the article \" in 2013, BMW annouced the development of \"Traffic Jam Assisant.\" \"The car can handle driving functions at the up 25 mph, but special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel. A good thing if cars didnt need any one to drive it wasn't stop the car accdients. We would still have some types of problems with car and how they run. A car need more than someone driving it. It needs to be looked at and everything else.\n\nI think that doesn't matter how good of a car you have depends on the person driving. How goood of a driver you are. If your car is healthy enough to driver more than 25 miles per hour you in good shape. Driving the way your suppose to can stop causeing car accdients. Evryhting that happends is in the hands of the person driving the car.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThis article about driverless cars implies that this technology is bad and good. I personally do not like the aspet of driverless cars. Although they are unique and exclusive I do not want to take part in any of it. With these cars the driver will still have to be on alert. Why have a driverless car that the driver will be notified to be ready?\n\nThere is no need for driverless cars in our society. Having a driverless car would mean that we neccesarily do not need driver liencense because we are not driving, it is! Would that not also mean that children under that age of 16 could possibly own a driverless car? The law will have to be reconfigured inside and out if our society allows these cars.\n\nThe article states that new laws will be needed in order to cover liablity in the case of an accident. Which raises the question of whose fault is it if there was an accident. Another reason for not allowing driverless cars is will it have to charge since it is using electricity? Drivers might also fall asleep waiting for their turn to drive. If the technology fails that will result in serious injury.\n\nTherefore the producers of driverless cars should disband the project. A lot of changes will come if they continue, and some people do not like change. Drunk drivers will be allowed to be in a driverless car since the are not really driving. If the companies making driverless cars can answer these question and fix the issues then why not allow them, but until then driverless cars should not be allowed.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWas the \"face\" on Mars created by aliens? So people have a theory that a picture of a human looking \"face\" on Mars was created by aliens, and others believe that it's just a natural landform. The \"face\" is just a natural landformation, and scientist haven't discovered aliens. Aliens couldn't have created the \"face\" because scientific evidence doesn't prove they actually exict.\n\nThe \"face\" is just a natural rock formation with the illision of eyes, nose, and a mouth.\"A few days later NASA unveiled the image for all to see. The caption noted a 'huge rock formation . . . which resembles a human head . . . formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth.'\"(NASA 3) Also, a shadow could have been casted across that area.\"Scientists figured it was just another Martian mesa, common enough around Cydonia, only this one had unusual shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh.\" (NASA 2) Hence, it only being a rock formation in Mars.\n\nAlthough many people want it to be created by aliens scientist don't have any scientific evidence and few believe it was created by aliens.\"Although few scientists believed the Face was an alien artifact...\"(NASA 6)\n\n\" The 'Face on Mars' has since become a pop icon. It has starred in a Hollywood film, appeared in books, magazines, radio talk shows\u0097even haunted grocery store checkout lines for 25 years! Some people think the Face is bona fide evidence of life on Mars\u0097evidence that NASA would rather hide, say conspiracy theorists. Meanwhile, defenders of the NASA budget wish there was an ancient civilization on Mars.\" (NASA 5) Only so that the NASA funders could get money and that the \"face\" was only just well-known and popularly talked about because it looks like a human face. Therefore, scientist don't have explanation of how aliens could have created the land formation.\n\nThe \"face\" on Mars some people may say that it was created by aliens; however, it's just a natural land formation. It is just a formation in on Mars that looks like a human face. That people wish it was created by aliens, but scientist haven't discovered aliens yet for them to have evidence that aliens could have made the \"face.\"\n\nIn conclusion, aliens couldn't have created the \"face\" because they haven't been discovered by scientist. The rock formation formed as a human face is only a natural land formation in Mars. Most likely only a Martian mesa with unusual shadows. It could be a possibilty be that aliens did create it if scientist later discover aliens.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear Senator Rubio I feel that there are some conserns about the Electoral College, now i feel that it should be kept as the way to pick the president and not just change to poular vote. I am sending this letter to tell my oppinons and to mabe here back from you about what you think is a better idea.\n\nWell here is the first thing if you keep the elctoral college than you still have a possiblity of the man in the poular vote to win and with all the states having to pick how gos is helping the poular vote man because it is putting some how will vote for you\u00a0 in that chair. aswell as\u00a0 being able to campain in sertain places i mean sure you campain any way but if you know you have the elctoral votes you can focus on the regions and states that have the big voting numbers like Ohio Florida Pennsylvania New York and few others. these show that you need to campain in high Demacratic states if you are Repulican and visa verse. But if you relize quite a few states dont get visited to by the candates. why is that? well some states are dominatly Blue and others are dominatly Red like no Repulican goes and campains in Califonia and no Democrat campains in Texas. If looked at you see all those states that arent being paid attentin to the are the little one ore two vote places that the runner doesent feel that they absolutely need and it is like a little bounus if they vote for them.\n\nWell know the stats show that a little over half the US does not vote,WHY? Because they feel there vote does not matter one bit and that leeds to them saying na why vote examples are showen like in texas if you are a Democrate why vote when you know that your vote doeent matter any whay because of the college. Also same for Repulicans in Califonia there votes are cancled outbecause of the state they are in. they all say that there are many that belive there is a big problem here with the college that it is riged because you can put your own people in there that may not vote for what you belived in well there is an example of that happening in one state they threw in men that wouldent vote fpr JFK to prove they can change the vote. know if they want to stay as an oficial than they need to do what the party states well that is exactly what most people do and that is why there has not been very many surprises while the votes are in after the voting that night.\n\nSo Senator Rubio you heared what I had to say you have heard my counter claim know it is time for you to go and tell me what you\u00a0 think of the Electorial College so send me back a note and tell me all your oppinouns on this topic.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMy Opinion on Electoral Vote, is that we should have a direct vote with all americans to be able to pick not just other people that are with goverment it is not fair, we vote.. yes? but we don't get anyhting out of it. They say we can vote but that vote never counts, only Electoral Votes do. We are like basically thorwing a vote to nothing.\n\nWe should have us Amercians to be able to vote. Not just politicans, it should be the land of the free, not something that is keeping us from changing or helping are country that we think it's right. Well not I like it should be are turn. Over 60 Percent of us Amercians want change in this and I think we should have it, you must be 21 years old or older and it should just be U.S.Citizens only, you have to be born and rasied here.\n\nPopular votes don't even matter now because to be honest there not even counting them. So really what is the point here? Direct vote for U.S. Citizens or have the Goverment choice for you in a way they choose there Politicans. The most votes should be able to have a a goat voting and so on. The Electoral colledge has plenty of problems like, People in there get the wrong Electoral votes mixed up which is a big issue and needs to be fixed right away.\n\nThe majority of the Electoral votes are 270 there are 538 electors its required to elect a President each state has an enrollement of which each state can have or obtain pretty much if the state is bigger the Electoral votes proceed to be higher and higher, which isn't excalty fair we wanna go with our own votes etc. We deserve to makeour lifes easier not the goverments or anything like that we are equal and it should stay that way.\n\nThe president election is held every 4 years and a big deal and which is a problem is, voters cannot vote for who they want vote for, but the state electors, can make the president and give him this so called power, anyways that's a state issue, change should be here soon but, thats a little of my input on here for which Electoral votes or Directs are right, change will be soon so just keep your hopes up and keep your head up straight.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe adantages of limiting your car useage is sgood becauce it brings down pollution in the air. As a result 70 pecent of Vauban's familes do not own cars, and 57 percent sold a car to move here. \"when i had a car i was always tense. I'm much happier this way,\" said Heidrun Walter,a median trainer and a mother of two. 12 percent of green house gas emissions in Europe... and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United Staes. Beijing,China, which is known as one of the most polluted cites in the world. Millions of Colmbians hicked, biked, skated or took buses to work during\u00a0 a car-free day yesterday, leaving the streets of this capital city eerfilydevoid of traffic jams.\u00a0 People particapated in the event when it was raining. Two other Colombian cities, Cali and Valledupar, joined the event. \"Its a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution,\" said businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza as he rode a two-seat bicycle with his wife. The day without cars is part of an improvement campaign that began in the Bogta in the mid-1900s. Its has seen the construction of 118 miles of bicycle paths, the most of any Latin American city, according to Mockus, the city's mayor. We should try to decrease pollution by riding bike, skating, walikng more then using our cars to get us somewhere. Accoridnig to the article '' All of our development since world war II has been centered on the car, and that will have to change'', said David Goldberg, am offical of Transportation for America, a fast growing coalition of hunders of grouos in the United States ... who are prmoting new communities that are less dependent on cars. Goldberg added \" how much you drive is as important as wether you have a hybird.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nRecently, a new technology, the Facial Action Coding System, has allowed for the identification of human emotions by computers. This technology sparks the interest of many, myself included; however, I do not believe that there is any use for it in the classroom. The technology in the classroom is not valuable because it will cost money, humans can read facial expressions and body language well on their own, and also it may be a learning curve compared to traditional learning.\n\nThe new technology will undoubtedly cost some money, whether it be the cost for research or the cost of purchasing the software itself. Software licenses can be costly for some schools, and it may be out of their budget. With education heading towards a more digital path rather than a paper and pencil path, schools will be spending more money on computers and digital devices. I see the software as something that will only be used a nominal amount, and overall will be a waste of school funds.\n\nWhen your friend looks like they are having a bad day, you can typically be able to read their facial expressions and body language. This is something that computers will not be able to do as well as a friend or family member. Sure, a computer can read your emotions based on the position of muscles, but a friend can better tell when your mood is off. In the text, the author states, \"In fact, we humans perform this same impressive \"calculation\" every day. For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face.\" The author also states, \"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored.\" Generally, a teacher can tell when their students are not understanding their lesson or are bored by reading their body language. They may have a hand on their head with their eyes barely open to show that they are tired of listening to the lesson, or they may have their eyes squinted if they are confused. In paragraph 6 author states, \"Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication, so computers need to understand that too.\" This nonverbal communication can be easily interpreted by the teacher, and is not needed to be done by a computer.\n\nLastly, the technology may be a learning curve to both students and teachers. The author states, \"For example, if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different, A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored, then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.\" This technology could be inaccurate and ineffective to students who think to change their facial expressions. They could exploit the software to manipulate the questions in their favor. I believe that the traditional way of teaching is more effective, and if the student does not understand the question, they can ask for help right away or arrange for help at a later time.\n\nOverall, I do not believe that the Facial Action Coding System would be usefull in the classroom setting. It may be innovative and new, but it does not have a place in education. The technology will be costly, it is pointless because humans can already red emotions, and also it would provide a bit of a learning curve for students and teachers.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear State Senator,\n\nI believe that the electoral college works and that its a problem solver. Since our electoral college was established by our founding fathers, according to the article,\n\n\"what is the electoral college?\n\n\" Since the electoral college consists of 538 possible Electoral votes, i believe that the majority being at 270 electoral votes is more than enough to being able to decide our United States President. The best the thing about to the electoral votes is that it has a certanty of an outcome, according to the article, \"\n\nIn Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our method of choosing the President\n\n\" by: Richard A. Posner, which also states that another thing thats good about the electoral college is that it avoids having run-off elections. As said in this aricle this means that it \"avoids the problem of elections in which no canidate receives a majority of the votes cast.\" There are so many things that electoral college does right and thats why i beleve it should stay.\n\nOn the other hand, there are also things that the electoral college does wrong. For example, us voters don't vote for the president but for the slate of electors who later vote for the president, accordingto the article \"\n\nThe indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defences of the system are wrong.\n\n\" Another thing that is wrong with electoral college is that its a disaster just waiting to happen. Its a disaster just waiting to happen because in the year 2000, it was most likely the biggest election crisis in a century, as stated in the aritcle \"The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defences of the system are wrong.\" The last and final reason why electoral college isn't the beat thing for choosing the president of the United States is because the electoral college is unfair to voters. For example, the winner-take-all system, senators only focus on what they care about and not whtas important.\n\nIn conclusion senator, i still belive that the elcetoral college should stay becuase it was worked all the way up to now so why will it all of a suddent stop?\n\nFrom,\n\nPROPER_NAME", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMy fellow citizens, there are many reasons why we all should depend less on our cars as a way to travel or to get to one place to anouther. One of the many reasons is that there are some neighborhoods that are doing it so that their families can not drive a car and if they do they have to pay money, and there are already many places that are doing car free days or somethimg like that.\n\nAccording to Elisabeth Rosenthal there is a city in germany named VAUNBAN were they can not use cars and if they do use cars then they would have to park it in a place that is very far away and they would have to pay a total of $40,000 to buy that parking space this is better because there are many ways that polution can polute the earth and we do not want that to happen.\n\nAlso there are many places that are doing car free days in which the citizens must not use there cars and ride the busses to work so that there izs less polution. this is good because there will be a major decrease in polution which is good for the earth and also good for the soul.\n\nIn conclusion i think that there should be less places for cars to drive and polute the world and mother earth and you should to.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nNASA has always knowen it was a simple rock from the beggining. Listen im tired of hear all of this nonsense,and I am not the only one. All of the world allredy knows that it was a huge rock formation with human charatictics with shadows giving it eyes,an nose, and a mouth. It was just tooken at the right place at the right time. It was just another conspiracy theory waiting to erupt.\n\nThe only reason that NASA hasnt told the truth is because do now how much fame they are getting off of this right know. They knew it was a rock from the beggining. So even on April 5,1998 when they got caught red handed from a picture they took ten times sharper then the viking they kept the story going. They even went as far as saying that the aliens had errased it. LIke how far will they go with this thing. All of this because of a huge rock and a mistaken picture. So when people still wanted more and NASA did to they tried again hoping for a mirical. They still wanted more out of this rock. The only reason NASA didnt shut this down was because they need the fame and money. This picture ended up becoming a pop icon. It starred in a holloywood film,appeared in magizines,radio talk, and shows. Whey would they think of shuting it down. So they led people into thinking that this was some alien race marking. So when things were dying down they hoped for another miricle and sent anothe spaceship up into spacejust to show people it was just a rock again.\n\nSo out of this rock they ended up getting a couple years of fame and a very large fan base. To this day Nasa keeps the roomer going around. I think this picture was just and accident that turned into a trophie for NASA.They made sure to make the most of it but knew they couldnt hold it for long. They knew it was a perfect story to spark a conversation between thousands of people so theybrought it out just to do that. NASA used it for they're copminy but at the end it was just a rock,just like they found it.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMona Lisa has always been a very important 'lady' since we were in elementry, but who thought of her bringing an idea to mind when it comes to science? She is a piece of art, so why does this old painting become art? Well if we talk about the mastermind or understand what he is saying, then that may anwser some questions. It can also make us reconsider the technology that we have today.\n\nAccording to a computer program mona Losa is \"83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry.\" In other words the Mona Lisa's intention was actually supposed to make you happy, but why does this make him want to start the program? Well he noticed the way that the computer was detecting her emotions and to began to wonder about science in computers.\n\nThe author learing about him then began to think of how it could be changed and what it could do. the author though\n\nMaybe if you smile it could show the happy adds. If you were sad however, there could be diffrent adds as well. After thinking this over and over the author began to think of other things like how video games expressions could be more alive.\n\nThen came the idea of how this could happen and what could be changed. The author mentions that it can't be easy for a PC to just go and reconize it off the bat, but if it were to be programed with basic steps then it might work. The author believes that this can make our everyday lives better, but how so? Knowing all of the stuff we went through, we still wonder how so. So then what better way to give an final example; \"A classroom computer could reconize when a student ios becoming confused or bored,\" Said the master mind of this idea.\n\nIn conclusion it is better to have a computer to help us create a emtion reading enviorment. It can help us in many ways and make the world more happy. This way would be so much better to show the way a mind works and help mpre scientist undrstand the brain. This can even lead to more dsicoveries that us human haven't reached yet and maybe make us a smarter country in return.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe face on Mars is a natural landform. We have proven it here at NASA. We have taken pictures on different years and it has shown to change. Our new high-resolution images and 3D altimetry from our Mars GLobal Survey spacecraft reveal the face on mars for what it really is. It is just a mesa. This is common on earth on the west side of the United States. Another reason it wasn't made from any alien or creature out there is because the moniters never found any monuments like that one and aliens moving around.\n\nFor people who think aliens did this, say that our camera on board MGS had to peer through wispy clouds which we couldn't see much, think the aliens were probably hiding. people who believe in aliens strongly are going to find the slightest detail and use that for their evidence. Since this was a popluar icon more and more people are going to lie and make up stuff to make sure people believe it is true. They already made up a lie that we would rather hide from the aliens. These people are called conspiracy theorists.\n\nThe biggest proof we have that it wasn't made my aliens is our digital image. This was 3 times bigger than the pixel size. It would be able to see if there were objects in this picture like monuments or aliens. It could even see small shacks if there were any. Our spacecraft got to look at it a second time in 2001 and could see more better than the 1976 one. There was still nothing to be found but a natural landform.\n\nEven if we did catch aliens in our picture we showed the same picture to the public for all to see. Nobody said they found an alien structure. If we didn't detect neither would anybody else.\n\nThis is why conspiracy theorists will always remain conspiraces. Because they have no soild evidence against us. We have acutul research to back us up. We kept looking at and studying it until we finaly came up with an answer to tell the world what it is.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe face. People think it was created by aliens, some others belive it's just a natural landform, but it is in fact a natural landform. Although it does look like a face, that aliens created, it is a landform created by a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa, with shadows that make it look like it has facial features.\n\nA Martian mesa. That's all the face is. It was created by a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated messa, with shadows that give it the illusion of eyes, nose, and a mouth. Martian mesas, are common enough around Cydonia, which is another reason why this could'nt have been created by aliens. Lastly, this couldn't have been aliens, because there is not enough scientific proof to even know if there is even any form of life on mars. The face is just a huge rock formation, with shadows that give you the illusion of facial features.\n\nEven though most people believe that it is a natural landform, some do believe it was aliens who created it. One reason is because, it is more benitfital for Nasa to keep quiet, and say it is a natural landform. Another reason is because, the face looks more like an alien face than a natural landform. Although there is more proof that it is a natural landform, that face could have been made by aliens.\n\nAll in all the face appears to be a natural landform. Some people may disagree but, there is more facts and research, that the face is a natural landform. Although there is more facts about it being a natural lansdform, some people still will think it could have been aliens who created the face. But the face is just a huge rock formation created by a Martian mesa, with shadows that give you the illusion of facial features.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAccording to the article, I support the author in studying Venus. I believe this is a great idea because we all need to be informed about our solar system and what's going around. I believe we all need to be aware of the dangers it could cause, and what could happen.\n\nIf you take a look at paragraph 2 and 3, it gives us a good explanation about things that they have studied in the past and things we need to be aware of. Like, did you know that the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience here on Earth? I did not know that and I find it amazing how that works or how we can just be so aware about things like this. It is good to know the goods and bads of everythings and this is why I support the author. These are some important need to knows and I think we all need to stay and be aware of these type of things. Just to be more informed.\n\nIt is good to know the dangers of things because none of us want to be living and wondering what could happen to us if we don't understand something.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think that we can help people in america by going over sea to help people all over the world. I enjoyed playing table tennis with my friends on board after we had deliverd the animals. We also used to play softball and soccer when we were done. I still remeber the time I saw the Panama canal, the Acropolis in Greece, and the time I took a gondola ride in Venice. If you lived on a farm this is a great oportunity for you. I hope you can join and learn to love it.\n\nI think that you would enjoy it even more if you loved animals. I loved feeding the horses and cows. If you do join heres a tip, learn to love the animals and treat them very kind. Also dont spook the horses they are like big babies. The cows shouldnt be as bad but be careful anyway. I loved spending time with the animals. It was a great experince.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere's a face on Mars! Just kidding its a buttle or mesa landform. In 1976 NASA has sent Viking 1 spacecraft was snapping photos of possible landing sites for its sister ship Viking 2. when it spotted the shadowy likeness of a humans face. Couple days later NASA unveiled the image for all to see. The face on Mars has since become a pop icon. Some scientists believed the face was an alien artifact.\n\nOn April 5, 1998 when MGS flew over Cydonia for the first time, Michael Malin and his Mars orbiter Camera team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos. Revealing a natural landform. there is no alien monument after all. Some people was not satisfied because they wanted to believe it was an actually alien artifact. But no, the MGS had to go take another photo to prove its a landform.\n\nSome people ain't satisfied because they think the camera didnt get a good enough pictures of the alien markings cause they were hidden by haze. Everyone is wishing its alien face on Mars but instead they are getting a landform. Gravin says that they dont pass over the face very often because its not easy to find Cydonia.\n\nOn April 8, 2001 Malin's team has took another photo of the face. but we all know its a landform. if there were objects in the photo like airplane on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks. The pitures is actually showing you a buttle or mesa landform. So when the MGS said it wasnt a face people got upset and wanting them to take another photo.\n\nSo for everyone who is believing thats the face on Mars is wrong. Its a landform common around the American West. \"It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plian of Idaho. says Garvin. \"Thats a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the face on Mars. So from now on its a landform not a face on Mars.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDo i think Facial Action Coding System would be a great idea. Yes i think they should try using the new technology. I feel that it would help, us humans more and better. Its so many daily problems that could be solved with this Facial Action Coding Sytem.\n\nLike the criminal Justice system criminals wouldnt be able to get away with simple things rape charger would be solved easier all those thngs. Its so many rumors and lies the goverment has but we dont know if there true or not. Thats why Facial Action coding would help the Undited states in so manny different ways. Terriost in America would be caught and solved.\n\nAlot of murders also happen because of relationships a bad break up, might not go as well as planned. Thats why with this Facial coding they would know whos lieing, whos no bieng honest and all. So my opinion on the Fcial Action Coding is yes give it a go see how many daily problems it solves.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriveless cars may seem productive and helpful. Driveless cars use technology for safety, seem easier for people, and watch out for drivers on the road but what if the technology isn't working properly? What if the smart car shuts down or crashes due to glitches in the technology? A persons life are in the hands of a automobile basically. With that being said, I am against these type of cars.\n\nI believe that people have to be reliable and responsible when it comes to driving not a car. We shouldn't let a car take control. These cars may have sensors, cameras, voice control, and ect but when accidents happen can the car still be in control? No, the car ask for drivers to take control. Anything can happen on roads and cars don't have the instinct to get around everyday obstacles. I believe people need to focus while driving, learn their surroundings, open their eyes to mishaps on roads. Cars don't have the ability to be aware of danger like human beings do. I feel as if more accidents may occur if driverless cars are used.\n\nIn paragraph 9, it states, \"Traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times.\" I agree with this statement strongly. How do we know driverless cars are reliable? Drivers may become careless in a driveless car. They may believe the car is in control but the car may make one mistake and suddenly, someones life could be taken away. Both the manufacturers and the driver is now at fault. In my opinion, driverless cars are very dangerous. The concept of these cars are high tech but anything can happen. Technology may fail and people could be injured or even die. These smart cars aren't so smart.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe use of driverless cars is a fantastic idea, and a great aspect to our future. Creating driverless cars can make a very big impact to our society. It makes cars much more reliable and people can depend on the cars. This makes driving much easier on the people around us and our society. Driverless cars are the future and a big improvment for technology.\n\nDriverless cars can be a positive in our generation and in the future. These cars are very good for us because we dont have to rely on other people to take us somewhere. We can always depend on the driverless cars to take us where we want to go. These cars are good to rely on, but there must be a driver there for assistance. Without any assistance the car can struggle finding its way around accidents, or findings its way through work zones. The driver must be ready at all times for situations like these.\n\nNow, these driverless cars are not yet legal, in some states there not even legal to test out. The law wants and needs to keep people in the car safe at all times. So, the law believes that the only way of keeping people safe is by having an actual human being driving the car. Driverless cars have travelled half a million miles with no crash so therefore, it seems the driverless car is safer than a person taking over the steering wheel.\n\nDriverless cars very useful for humans. They\u00b4re still improving on these cars today which is great because soon these cars will have no flaws. Driverless cars is a impact because people will not use as much energy driving. Also humans will benifit off of these cars too because, they will have much more time to work on things while the car is in motion.\n\nTo sum up, driverless cars are the future and people should look forward to these aspects. The tecnology of cars today is positive. Humans can rely on these cars taking them wherever they want with j ust a little assistance behind the wheel. This is why driverless cars is a big impact to our generation", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Facial Action Coding System is a good idea if the general populous likes it. There is a posiblity that most everyone would like to have that coding system on their computer to make life that extra step easier. Profs. like Thomas Huang and Nicu Sebe have disinged it to help keep students active in school, and to help people keep their research interesting or just make someone happy when they are angry or bored by ajusting what they are looking at on the screen.\n\nI feel like the Facial Action Coding System will or would help students to stay awake and more aware that their computer can read their emoutions and change to how they are feeling like with ads and if you smile when you see one then more would come up like that. When you look at a website and perhaps you smile a lot on this website then the computer could adapt to wedsites that you like. If you do not like something on your computer like an ad then less of those ads would appear.\n\nThere will be people against the idea because they would feel vulnerable with a computer actually reading their emotions. It would be more practicle for you in different ways such as ajusting a lesson in school when you are starting to get bored or drousy. The computers would have a dumbed down version of the algorithm because most home desktops would not be able to work with such a complecated system but instead would be able to use the algorithm in detecting small things like a smile or a frown to tell if you liked what was on your computer monitor or not.\n\nThis would be a nice system to use but a lot of people not like the idea and they have their reasons. But here was a few to perhaps change a mind into liking the idea or just simply accepting it. Everyone has their own emotions and feelings about what they see or read about and this new system could detect those feelings, and help out to support or to completely change what was just seen by that person using a computer..", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nSelf driven cars or driverless cars if you please. An ambition many have be looking forward to for decades. The technology is closing in on us and inch by inch we move towards these machines. But, are they worth it? Yes! Self driven vehicles are the future of driving, they can offer much more reliability than humans every could.\n\nMany adults partake in drugs, let's use alcohol for example. This drug is perfectly legal however, it is not legal to drive while under the influence of alcohol. It is also illegal to be on public property while intoxicated. This includes the sidewalk, parks, even the street infront of a person's own home. So how do you get home! Alot of men and women under the influence of alcohol decide they can drive themselves home. \"Yes, it's against the law but, I've been driving for years and nobody will even notice.\" People do notice, especially when they are ran over by an intoxicated driver. Another method of getting home is by taxi or uber. With a taxi or uber there is a drivertaking you to the designated location of your choosing. One problem with this is it costs money. The more serious problems are that a person doesn't know who is about to pick him up in a taxi or uber car. The driver could rob, rab, and/or kill him. Or the opposite. The taxi driver doesn't know what kind of person is getting into the vehicle and has no clue what they are capable of, especially when they are drunk. While both of these solutions of getting home bring quite horrible possible outcomes the driverless car does not. In a driverless car one can hop in, zoom home, hop out, and walk into their home without breaking the law, injuring someone,or being injured themself.\n\nAn additional bonus provided by the self driven car is efficiency and green thumb. A massive threat posed to Earth is the admission of harmful toxins into the air. Gasoline is considered one of these toxins. When a human drives they excellerate and decellerate in unportionate mannaers. The more you excell and decell the more fuel one omits into the atmosphere. Add-ons such as cruise control have been added to many cars to avoid omitting so much gas but humans still make sudden stops and speed right backe up from 6mph to the speed limit of 45mph. With the self driven car sensors will be aware of its surroundings and if one driverless car needs to make a stp it will slow down in advance to avoid collison then accelerate at the best given speed to omit the least amount of gasoline into the air as possible. Thus, keeping the passangers of the vehicles as well as the Earth.\n\nTheir are neccesities humans put upon themselves that a robotic machine never would. Humans have the need to sleep, the need to blink, the need to eat and humans place false neccesities upon themselves such as doing make-up to\n\nlook pretty, texting a friend on the cell phone, and other social media concerns. What this does is cause distraction for a driver. When a driver is texting on their phone and gets an itch in their eye and cannot stop blinking, that driver is not fully focused on the road, the vehicle, other vehicles surrounding him, and pedestrians. This creats a dangerous enviornment for any structure living or non-living near this vehilce. Humans tend to not sleep as often as they should which leaves a person to be tired on their way driving to work as well as driving home form work. Boom! Bang! Crash! What just happened? A person fell asleep at the wheel and possibly injured or killed themself as well as any bystanders. There is no concern with these neccesities humans have and palce on themselves when it comes to a driverless vehicle. The vehicle controls all movements getting a person to their destination as safe as possible. A driverless car doesn't fall asleep at the whell, it doesn't need sleep! A driverless car doesn't need to eat, just fill it up with gas and it's ready to go! A driverless car most definetly doesn't feel the need to interact on social media, so no worries there.\n\nThe self driven car is a dream that will oneday be fulfilled! There is no stopping this inveitable. Just understand, that the benefits that will come from these machines are heaven sent. Safety, reliabillity, and pretty darn cool! Be prepared for the driverless cars because the driverless cars are prepared for you.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Seagoing Cowboys is an amazing program waiting to happen. I'm Luke and at first, I was unsure about becoming a Seagoing Cowboy, but now I'm sure I've made the right choice!\n\nMany don't truely know what the Seagoing Cowboys is. During World War II, many animals were sick and had a scarce supply of food in Europe. The UNRRA decided that the needed a special position for horses and cows. That is the Seagoing Cowboys.\n\nSome people may wonder about the experience and commitment of the Seagoing Cowboys. It is an outstanding experience for anyone! I get the daily benifit of seeing sights in Europe and China like the Acropolis in Greece. I've also rode a gondola in Venice, Italy! What else is on your bucket list? In addition, I've toured an excavated castle in Crete and saw the Panama Canal on my way to China!\n\nAny sea lover or animal lover should become a Seagoing Cowboy. It took a few weeks to travel on the Atlantic Ocean from the east coast to get to China. I attended to the animals and feed them in the ships.\n\nMany people think that being a Seagoing Cowboy is no fun, all work. You are wrong! We play activites like baseball and volleyball in empty areas. We always enjoy the competative nature of table-tennis, fencing, and boxing when we are off work. Any readers would love to join, as many Seagoing Cowboys love the places a story can take you. Games are a jolly part of any off day with the team. Also, the experience is even more exciting when you bring a friend. Sure, all of the Seagoing Cowboys are your family, but a friend makes the family even closer.\n\nBeing a Seagoing Cowboy is one of the most rewarding things that has ever happened to me. I believe anyone should be a Seagoing Cowboy if they want. This experience made me get a better grasp on what other countries (and not to metion the animals) need. I hope that ou will be a Seagoing Cowboy because, it is \"hays\" (days) full of fun!", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think you should join the Seagoing Cowboy program. It is a program where you get to help people and travel the world.\n\nIf you like animals you get to help them. Animals such as horses, cows, and mules. You can feed them, and bring water for them, and most of all care for them. Cleaning out the animals stalls and putting food in their bales might be smelly but at least you are doing something to help.\n\nYou can also have fun. There are so many activities to do with your friends like baseball and volleyball gmes. There is also table-tennis, fencing, boxing, reading,and whittling.\n\nYou would also get to travel around the world to different places to sight see. Examples of that are you could go to Greece seeing the Acopolis, Europe and China, and take a gondola ride in Italy.\n\nThis trip will make you realize and be aware of the people and counties and their needs. Your helping people meet their needs. The more people helping the less people struggleling to make a living in this world. Their are so many people that do not have breakfast to wake up to, or a warm bed to sleep in, or even toys to play with. That is why we need you.\n\nThese are reasons why you should join the Seagoing Cowboy program. There is so much you could do that it is a really amazing opportinity. To help animals, to help people, and traveling learning about different cutures, making new friends and having fun!!", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCars have been around for awhile and they have had a major impact on society. Many people believe that there is no problem with the frequency of cars being driven. But, there are many advantages to less car use such as improving our cities and suburbs, improving safety, and decreasing pollution.\n\nMany have tried to make cities a little more dense and better for walking but nothing has seemed to work; therefore, they have moved on to suburbs. Now, people are trying to make suburbs better for getting around while walking instead of driving. By doing so, places such as shops will be made closer and more convienent which allows people to be able to consider walking as a better option. By having these suburbs, and soon hopefully cities, reduce the amount of cars used, the people living in these areas will be able to accomplish more in a healthier and safer way.\n\nSafety has been an issue in almost all areas due to a variety of reasons; one being cars. People pass by \"Drive Safely\" signs or memorials on the side of the road too often. Many accidents occur because of all the cars and traffic and careless driving. By reducing the amount of cars being driven, the moment of deaths in car accidents can be reduced as well. In \"The End of Car Culture\", author Elisabeth Rosenthal states, \"Mine (19 and 21) have not bothered to get a driver's license, even though they both live in places where one could come in handy. They are interested, but it's not a priority. They organize their summer jobs and social life around where they can walk or take public transportation or car-pool with friends.\" Recently, teenagers who are able to get their license haven't really made it a priority. This could be caused by factors such as fear of driving or just because they've figured out a way around driving. Not everyone needs a car to get around; there are plenty of other ways to safely get from point A to point B.\n\nAnother large issue cars contribute to is pollution. Pollution is in every city, every state, every country, every continent. Cars are \"a huge impediment to current efforts to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions from tailpipes...\" (Rosenthal, Elisabeth, \"In German Suburb, Life Goes on Without Cars\"). Cars don't help with environmental issues what-so-ever. They add to the smog issues and they increase the about of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. In the capital of France, for example, congestion was down sixty percent due to smog causing delivery companies to lose money since they couldn't delieve what was needed. Cars are extremely harmful to the environment and they make the issues we already have even larger. By limiting car usage, people could hopefully work on repairing the damage we have already done to the environment instead of worsening it.\n\nCars have impacted society ever since they were made. By reducing the amount of cars driven, cities and suburbs can be improved, better safety can be implimented, and pollution will reduce. Until then, the issues cars create will continue to get worse and by the time people see it, the problems will be too late to fix.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nOn May 24, 2001 NASA's Viking 1 had taken pictures of Mars and saw a face like form, but sad to say this discovery is just another landform. Scientist have given many evidences that the Face is landform. The evidences is that they had taken better pictures of the Face. Many people do not like to hear the truth about something that they thinks is very interesting to them, so they do not believe what others say negative about it.\n\nNASA had sent Mars Global Surveyor to fly or Cydonia\n\nto capture better pictures of the Face. In Unmasking the Face on Mars it states, \"... Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos.\" That means that they had taken a better look at Cydonia and the Face. In Unmasking the Face on Mars it states that, \"Malin's team captures an extraordinary photo using the camera's absolute maximum resolution. Each pixel in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo. As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size.\" So you could see what they were and it was a landform. Better pictures was a key to inform others that the Face is a landform and not created by aliens.\n\nIn conclusion, the Face on Mars is just another ordinary landform made by Mars. Scientists have given many evidences that the Face on Mars is a landform like Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. Scientists have taken many better pictures of Cydonia and the Face to prove that it is a landform and not something that was created by aliens. The landform in Cydonia that people think is a face created by aliens is just another ordinary landorm on Mars.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHi im Luke Bomberger and I want you to join the Seagoing Cowboys. There are so many things you get to do as a Seagoing Cowboy.\n\nYou get to go to so many differnt places, you get to play games, and you get to help people and animals. There are so\n\nmany differnt things you get to do as a Seagoing Cowboy if you don't join you will be missing out on a HUGE opportunity.\n\nHelping people and amimals is a nice thing to do. When you join the Seagoing Cowboys then you get to help people and animals. When you help some one, that feels good right. When we help amimals to, that will make you feel twice as good from before. if you were a pearson in neeed of help then u would want some one to help u, so pay back the favor anad join the Seagoing Cowboys.\n\nSight seeing is the best thing ever right, I do it all the time now that I have joined the Seagoing Cowboys. The Seagong Cowboys have gone almost every were so I have seen it all. Europe to China I have seen so many places i didnt even know where real. If you want to go see some places out of this world then join the Seagoing Cowboys.\n\nIn the seagoing Cowboys we dont just do work all the time we get to have fun just like the rest of you. We get to play games, such as Table Tennis, Baceball, and Volly Ball games. Of corse the animal holds were unlouded when we played those games. Come play games with us and have more fun then you would in a life time and join the Seagoing Cowboys.\n\nYou have read all these things now so if you want to join the Seagoing Cowboys.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article \"A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves\" , Luke joined , or signed up , for the Seagoing Cowboys. This job was to do hard work overseas to help with cattle and feed.\n\nOn their way, Luke went and seen different places,like China! Convincing others to participate in this important job would be hard. I think it would be hard because it is hard work. You also have to go overseas , away from your family and friends.\n\nIt would be hard to convince people to participate, or help. This is because, it is hard work, and your always busy. Here is an example from the article,\"His job was to check on all the animals every hour.\" That proves that he is always busy. \"But he couldn't work for a couple of days because of cracked ribs.\" That is an example that he is hard working.\n\nThey have to go overseas to Greece to work as a Seagoing Cowboy. Here is an example from the text, \"They got their seaman's papers and boarded the SS Charles W. Wooster, headed for Greece.\" People would miss their friends and family. They would also be sore from all the hard work they have to do.\n\nLuke was greatful from start to end. In the beginning he was greatful to participate. In the middle, he done hard work , visited and saw great experiances. In the end, he was sore but really greatful for his part. \"I'm greatful for the opportunity.\" he says. \"It made me more aware of people of other countriesand their needs.\" That was an example in the text.\n\nBut best of all, he helped. These were some reasons and examples of why it would be sort of difficult to convince others , or people, to participate and take part in helping.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nOn earth people have gotten so comfortable in their skin but imagine being able to explore a different planet and see the similarites and differences. We would be able to understand a differnt planet and how it corilates to earth. Studing Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Venus is a worthy persuit because people can study Venus from the closes view and still surivive, trying to sciencefically figure out what Venus has on their planet and how it is like the earth, and lastly that machines to discover what is really happening on Venus despite the conditions.\n\nStuding Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents because people can discover what is happening on Venus and discover something new. The text states, \" 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that sea level on Earth. Solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels. Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans\"(Paragraph 5). The author is stating that there is a way that they can still discover what is really on the planet witout being on the planet to find out. Another reason it is a worthy persuite is because they want to study the planet to find out the similarites and differences. \" The most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like earth\"(Paragraph 4). This quote shows that they want to discover what is going on in Venus because they want to find out if it is really similiar or differnt to Earth. Lastly scientist are trying to make a machine that can withstand the the conditions on the planet Venus. The text states, \" Modern computers are enormously powerful, flexible, and quick, but tend to be more delicate when it comes to extreme physical conditions. Just imagine exposing a cell phone or tablet to acid or heat capable of melting tin. By comparison, systems that use mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces\"(Paragraph 7). The author shows that these machines are going to be able to withstand the weather and the atomoshpere with the right materials. Without the right materials it is not going to be able to stand on Venus and get information.\n\nLearning about Venus and how it works is worth it depise the dangers it can bring on to it. People can survive seeing Venus by not being so close to the planet, study Venus to figure out the similarties and differences between the Earth, and lastly using machines that have proper material to study Venus in that condition. Venus could bring a lot of history towards us and figure out if its similar to the Earth like they are saying to end the investigation.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author of \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy persuit despite the dangers very effectively by discussing the dangers of Venus, comparing Earth and Venus, and bringing up innovative methods of getting past the obstacle of Venus' harsh conditions.\n\nThe author brings up the dangers of exploration on Venus throughout the article.\n\nIn Paragraph 3, he says, \"These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth; such an environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of out oceans and would liquefy many metals.\"\n\nIt is explained that the atmosphere is almost 97 percent carbon dioxide, the temperature is over 800 degrees Farenheit, and the geology and weather make up a dangerous environment.\n\nThe author's use of these specific details and descriptions informs the reader how dangerous Venus really is, and sparks their curiousity for the benefits of exploring Venus.\n\nThe author explains in Paragraph 4 that Venus was likely much like how Earth is now, with oceans and a supportive environment for the growth of living things.\n\nToday, Venus is rocky, with similar geographical features to Earth.\n\nBy providing the reader with this information, the author helps build the understanding of the importance of Venus to humans on Earth.\n\nThis new insight teaches readers that because Venus is so similar to Earth, it would be important to gain more knowledge on it.\n\nIn Paragraph 5, the author talks about NASA's solution of using a floating vehicle to study Venus in survivable conditions.\n\nHe later encourages people to view the risks as challenges that inspire innovation.\n\nInnovation leads to improved technology and better, more effective ways to gain knowledge on Venus.\n\nOne example of this innovation is \"simplified electronics made of silicon carbide.\"\n\nAnother example is more work on mechanical computers, that \"can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces.\"\n\nThe author supported his idea that studying Venus is worth the risks by explaining all of the ways that\n\nscientists are working to improve methods of exploring Venus.\n\nThis support is useful because it can inspire the reader and provide important information.\n\nIn \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus,\" the author effectively supports his idea that studying Venus is worth the danger by listing those dangers, explaining benefits of gaining insight on Venus, and discussing the ways scientists are currently working towards better exploring technology.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHi my name is Luke and I am going to be telling you some interesting parts about the Seagoing Cowboys program that might convince you to become a of it soon.\n\nOne interesting part that I liked about it was the cattle-boat trips I went on. On the cattle-boat trips I helped watched the animals so they were fed and healthy. I was also a part of helping many people and animals. Maybe you would like to be a part in that.\n\nMy favorite part about the whole thing was I got to see many interesting places and famous sites. I got to go to Venice,Italy to see the streets of water. I also toured an excavated castle in Crete. That was amazing! I also saw the Panama Canal on my way to China. I bet you would love to see some interesting historical sites that you might possibly share with some people.\n\nIf some of you like fun games like baseball, volleyball, table-tennis, fencing, boxing, reading, and whitting you would sure love to become one of the cowboys. Me and all of the other cowboys played these games after the animals were unloaded from the ship. We played where they stayed at. It was a fun time!\n\nIt wasn't just an adventure for me it opened up the world to me. I was grateful for this opportunity. I hope you will be too. If you loved what you heard then please become one of the Seagoing Cowboys soon!", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear,\n\nState Senator:\n\nI am writing you this letter today to tell you that we should change the elction by popular vote for the president of the United States. At the most, the electoral college is extremely unfair to the voters, and the system allows much worse disaster than the fiasco that happened in 2000.\n\nThe electoral college is unfair to the voters voting for the president and other candidiates. Using the \"Winner-Take-All\" system, the voters know they have no chance of winning, focusing on the tight races in the states also. All because they can't spend time in states.\n\nAlso, voters vote not for the president, but for the state of electors who vote for the president. Get this, if you lived in Texas, and you wanted to vote for John Kerry, you'd vote for a slate of 34 Democratic electors pleadged on him. Don't forget that there is the off chance that those electors won the stateside election, they would go to Congress and John Kerry would get 34 electoral votes but, who are they electors? I'll tell you, they can be anyone not holding public office.\n\nAlso, another reason why the Electoral College should be vacant, is because of the what happened in 2000. During the 2000 campaign, 17 states did not see the candidiates at all!\n\nThose sates would include, Rhode Island, and South Carolina. Also, voters in 25 of the largest media markets didn't get to see a single campaign add. Not one, and the electoral college has the power to make things worse than what happened in 2000.\n\nIt's no secret anymore, the electoral college is unfair, irrational, and outdated. We should not let the electoral college get away with what they are doing! completley unfair to the voters and another fiasco like 2000, or even worse than that can start up again. It's hard, it's very hard for me the say this, but I know, and you know that Bob Dole was right, we need to abolish the electoral college!\n\nI hope you have the time the read this letter and seriously think about making some changes. I don't know much about politics but, I do know that what the electoral college is doing is not right at all. They are cheating voters just like they have been donig since 2000, maybe even a long time before that.\n\nSincerely,\n\nPROPER_NAME\n\nSCHOOL_NAME", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI will be talking to you about the face on mars. Some people think that it was made by alines but i am here to put those stories to rest. We have made a resent break through on if it was or was not, and truns out it was not it was just a land formation. See there are a lot of stuff that can be formed from earth that was formed by God like the Grand Canyon, or Mount Everus. So it is just a land formation, from where meterites have struck it from be hind and it kept posting out more and more. Over time just like it showes in the picture in 1976 it was juat stearthing out and in. 1998 you saw more it was not until March 24,2001, that it began to look like a face ,but in 2001 we were able to dipic the picture, and then see it was a face inside it. And in all thoes movies well they are just movies and no one besides God can do that kind of moreaculus stuff like what he did with us he is the only one treu creator.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable. The Facial Action Coding System can help the teacher, helps students bring a smile to their face, and helps people tell how other people are feeling. The technology will help a teacher understand how some students are feeling so the teacher can know what to do differently. It can put people in a better mood by just smiling. The technology can also help people see what kind of emotion other people are feeling.\n\nThe new technology called the Facial Action Coding System can help a teacher understand how their students are feeling. For example, if some students are bored, the teacher can try to do something more exciting. In paragraph 6 it states, \"A classrom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored.\" This shows that a teacher would know if a student is confused and could explain to a student more to help them. This new technology helps both students and teachers.\n\nThe technology can help students bring a smile to their face. By just smiling even if you're in a bad mood, can make you feel better. The text says, \"According to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them.\"(paragraph 9) This means that moving your facial muscles can help you be in a better mood. It may help students smile more, which can make them feel better.\n\nThe Facial Coding System can help friends and family recognize each other feelings. Instead of wondering if someone is not in a good mood, the technology will tell you. In paragraph 5 it says, \"For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face.\" This explains that you can tell how someone is feeling by the look on their face, but the technology will help you know how they're really feeling. This can help a person cheer someone up if their depressed or sad.\n\nThe new Facial Action Coding System will be valuable in a classroom to help read the emotional expressions of students. It will help teachers understand how students are feeling, put a smile on people faces, and help people recognize how other people are feeling. This new technology can help many different people.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIs the face on Mars the face of a new discovery in our universe? When a face was discovered on Mars, the idea of it was quite controversial. Generally speaking, the face on Mars was just a pop icon, not a sign of life. The face on Mars was proven to be a simple landform because NASA had photographed it from several angles showing all there was needed to determine, there were no signs of any civilization, and the environment was suitable to form buttes or mesas. The Face on Mars was just a pop icon and a skeptic's thought, not a sign of martian life or civilization.\n\nFirst of all, in 1998 when the Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia to find evidence, when all they found was a natural landform.\n\nThe Red Planet was very cloudy that time of year, and theorists believed that the haze was hiding any martian evidence or civilization. However, it is not easy to target Cydonia, because of Mars' natural orbit and the fog and haze Mars receives every so often. So, in 2001, NASA sent the Surveyor back up to Mars to take pictures and investigate.\n\nWhen the photos were taken, the photos were discerned three times bigger than the pixel size, and no signs of civilization appeared. \"So, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!\" Jim Garvin, the chief scientist for NASA's Mars Exploration Program states. Each pixel in the image taken was around 2 meters, when the Viking image taken in 1976 had fourty-three meters per pixel. In 1976, the theories could have been believable, considering that the images taken did not show very much evidence if any.\n\nFinally, the American West was compared to Mars when the \"Face\" was labeled as a butte or a mesa. The American West is sultry, gusty, and somewhat similar to what the environment on Mars is. This environment is the perfect environment to form buttes, due to erosion in the soil and the wind pushing the soil around. The landmass on Mars is not exactly a butte, however. This landmass is the Martian equivalent to what the American West has. \"It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars,\" says Garvin.\n\n\"There hasn't been enough evidence of the Face on Mars to prove it's only a landmass!\" There has been several images taken of the Face to prove it is a formation. However, the image taken in 2001 is the most accurate, considering that the pixels are about two meters by two meters. That is about 22 times more accurate than the picture taken in 1976, showing about fourty-three meters each pixel of Cydonia. If there were any evidence to show up on the Face, it would be shown in the 2001 image.\n\nThe Face on Mars is only a martian mesa, not a pop icon or a civilization. It is an extraterrestrial butte because NASA had photographed it from several angles showing all there was needed to prove, there were no signs of any civilization when images were taken, and the environment was suitable to form buttes or mesas. All in all, the Face on Mars wasn't a sign of out-of-this-world autotrophs, but it was just a simple bizarre-shaped butte. The Face on Mars was not only a controversy, but a resolved conflict between conspirors and Cydonia-scholars.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI know you might think that the face on Mars was created by aliens, but here at NASA we have been doing reasearch for many years to find any signs of life on other plants, and so far we have nothing. The face on Mars might look like it was created by aliens, but our reasearch shows that it is just shadows. Also because we have been doing reaserch for so long all of our studies show that there is no possible way that any creature would be able to survive on any other planet in our solar system other then Earth. Also as it said in our reserch it is just a rock formation that happened because of soemthing like a landslide.\n\nWhen all of us here at Nasa first saw the image we knew we had to study it! When we beagan our studies we sent a space craft up to take pictures. When we recived those pictures we noticed that it looked like it was a shadow of the way we were taking the picture or maybe the way that rocks were laying. We were all still curious on how the rocks got there so we kept studying!\n\nAt NASA there is always reaserch of something going on! When we first started reaserch one of our main goals was to figure out if there is any possible way that people could live on any other planet then Earth. So far we have concluded that there is no possible way that anyone could survive on any other planent, because there is no suply of food or water. So with our prior knoladge of that we knew that there were no aliens on any planets!\n\nEven though we knew all these things we still wanted to know more so we continued our reasearch. While contuning our reaserch we found out that it was highliy possible that there was something like a landslide on Mars. With our knoladge of landslides we knew that they can sometimes form things like rock scopluters that look like things they are something they are not. So with all of our reaserch we all came to a conclusion.\n\nAll of us at NASA were very sure with our conclusion of this was not created by aliens that it was just something as simple as a land slide and shadows. Throughout our reasearch we found out that the reason the rocks look like a face is shadows, and that the rocks got there from something like a landslide. These are the reasons us at NASA belive that the face on Mars was not created by aliens but simply rocks and a shadow.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nSelf-driving cars, or driverless cars, have always been argued on wether they are more reliable than the typical driver car. While there are pros and cons to owning a driverless car, there are more faliures that come with it rather than successes.\n\nDriverless cars are always open to accidents. Although there have been limited amounts of accidents involving self-driving cars, the chances are still high. In the text the author states, \"This necessitates the car being ready to quickly get the driver's attention whenever a problem occurs.\" This means that whenever a self-driving car approaches an accident, it makes the driver manuever it itself. This can be dangerous to someone who is not paying attention, regardless of it being a self-driving car, that quickly approaches an accident which causes the driver to panic and not do the right manuever. This can cause another accident and can even be deadly.\n\nSelf-driving cars are also expensive and hard to perfect. These cars are costly to manufacture, sell, and maintain. They require intriquet parts such as sensors which are very costly. In the article is states, \"...uses position-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS reciever, and inertial motion sensor.\" All these parts that a single modified Toyota Prius uses is costly. One can only imagine how complex and expensive a real manufactured driverless car would be. The driverless car fields are targeting the upper and middle classes of this economy but how will the average American afford to buy one when they are bound to be expensive luxuries?\n\nDriverless cars also produce conflicts that would occur if a person were to get into an accident with one of the cars. In the article, it states, \"If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault- the driver or the manufacturer?\" This is one of the questions that needs to be answered by the companies before they can produce them. This is a liability to the person involved in the accident because they will have to determine specifically if he/she caused the accident or the car. This can be costly and time consuming.\n\nCars that can control on themselves take the joy out of physically driving. In the article, it states, \" 'We have to interpret the driving fun in a new way.' \" Driving a car can provide relaxation and joy from being able to control a car, but with a self-driving one, the joy disappear and limitations occurs.\n\nAlthough there are many people who are opposed to this idea of self-driving cars, there is a majority of people, mostly Millenials, who think this idea is revolutionary. Most of the people who like the idea of self-driving cars think that it provides less room for accidents because the car does the driving for you. Also many who support the idea think that driverless cars will burn less fuel and help the enviroment. There are pros and cons to both, but having the access to self-driving cars would provide to be a failure.\n\nDriverless cars are an advancement to this society. Although revolutionary, these cars have or can make issues such as accidents, lawsuits, complications, limitations, and more. They, most importantly, can take the freedom and joy of riding cars and being able to control them. Driverless cars have more negative aspects rather than positive ones.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe face on Mars is just a natural landform because it states in the text that the only reason the rock looks like a face is because it has shadows from the sun, and in this case the shadows give the \"face\" eyes, mouth, and a nose.\n\nYes even though there have sightings of UFO's or ( Unidentified Flying Object) the conspiracy theorists say that this face is an alien artifact but it states that the only reason why they say it is a feace is so more people are attracted to Mars.\n\nThe landform int a real face because if you compare the \"face\" to an Earth rock in that shape they would look the same, until you add some light from the sun causing shadows, and it would include the facial parts of any human man or woman.\n\nAs you see from paragraph 3 you will see that it states in the last sentence \" The author's reasoned it would be a good way to engage the public and attract attention to Mars.\" Although, it did the scientist thought that tehy have accomplished something huge by tricking people into thinking it was a huge head.\n\nIn my conclusion, these are the reasones that the natural landform is not a face.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDoes everyone need a personl car? Cars have allowed us to travel farther and faster than ever before. They give an individual the capablity to live far away from work and still be able to arrive at their job on time. Car also permit one to travel with multiple people as once. However, cars come with the huge problem of pollution, and many counrties have banned the use of cars to combat this issue.\n\nOnce Paris, France had seen recored amounts of pullution, in the form of smog, the government enforced a partial driving ban. This ban allowed car oweners with even numbered licese plates to drive one day and car owners with odd numbered to drive the following day. As a result of the ban the somg covering paris had decreased. On the other hand, businesses such as Delivery companies had lost revenue seening as they weren't able to drive.\n\nOther cities ,such as Bogota, Colombia have followed Paris's example and started a car-free day once a year. For three years now this car-free day has promoted alternative transportation, such as walking, biking, or riding a bus. Since, the car-free day has been stared 118 miles of biking paths, broad side walks, and sport centers have been created along with the decrease of polluted air.\n\nAlthough some cities may put restrictins on cars in the city Vauban, Germany an expermental suburb has been created in which cars are banned completely. As a result 70 percent of the citizens who live here don't own a car. As a result greenhouse gas have been drastically reduced. To make this possible city planners have created communities that are denser and in walking distance of stores and restraunts.\n\nIn conclusion cars come with many benifits such as, having the freedom to live anywhere, travelling miles in the matter of minutes, and traveling whenever you want to. However, Paris has put a restricted ban on cars. Bogota has a car-free day. Vauban has created suburbs with a comlete ban on cars. all these efforts are to decrease the pollution created by cars millions of people drive everyday.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars are starting to make it into the world. These cars have chips and different items that allow the car to drive alone, but will tell the the driver that he/she needs to take over the wheel when the car can not make it through a sitution. These cars are a bad idea for the world and can be very dangerous. The cars have a self driving system and tell the driver to take the wheel when needed, but what if the driver has fallen asleep or has had something happen to them, they will not be able to take control of the car. Therefore, self driving cars are a bad idea for the world.\n\nDriverless cars do not allow the world to be driverless. People will still have to drive the cars when something happens that the car can not handle. The article states, \"Their cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash,\" but what if that next mile something in the car goes wrong and the car crashes. Google explains how their cars are not completey driverless. The cars will alert the driver to take over when the car can not handle the sitution that they are in. So, what is the big difference between someone driving the cars full time or having a car that drives itself unless something happens?\n\nThere is no difference when it comes to picking the right choice. The driveless car is a fault and can not keep people safer on the roads. People could eaisly get unfocused and not pay attention to the warning sign that the car gives to take over. If the car tells the driver so many times to take over the driver could get use to the signal and not pay attention when the signal goes off. For these cars to work they way they have to work \"they [need] a whole lot of sensors.\" What would happen of the builder of the car forgets to put a sensor in, or one of the sensors does not get programed the right way? Then when the car is driving something happens because a sensor was not placed or had a default. Then who will the blame be placed on? The driverless car or the actual driver who was told by a sign that they needed to take over, but the sign never came because a sensor was missing. The world would most likely believe that the driver was not paying attention and that it is their fault.\n\nNow the car does have some really nice features, but can these features live up to the name? The cars have \"sensors [that] can cause the car to apply breaks on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine,\" that is a nice feature but again what if the sensor quits working. The whole idea of a driverless car is a good idea until a person finds out that they must trust sensors to alert them when they need to take over. In the article it talks about how there could be a object of some sort that keeps the driver awake and alert incase they have to take over. What if the driver gets so into the object that is supposed to keep them alert that they do not feel or see the signal. Another thing that could go wrong is if the driver thinks that they will not have to drive the car they may turn around to take of kids in the back and not see the sensor or feel it. Then you have a bad crash that puts not only a single person in trouble but several people.\n\nThe whole idea of driverless cars is a good idea, but with good ideas there are things that can go wrong that people have to think about. A driverless car is a serious thing to think about before they get soild to the public. The people who create the cars need to be able to promsie that the cars are one-hundred percent safe to the public and that they are trust-worthy. The people who make the cars can not promise that one-hundred percent becuase they can only make the cars to their best and after it is the a dealer shop they can not take back what happens. These cars could make a lot more crashes happen and that could lead to a rise of death rates. These cars are not super trust-worthy, therefore, they should not be put out of the market for people to buy.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think that the Face is a natural landform not a sign of the aliens. Don't get me wrong, there is a possible that life on an other planet but I don't think this one. When we sent the photos out to the public , we knew it would be a popular decisions in the media. Yes, people are aloud to have an opinion on this topic. The public just took the pictures the wrong way.\n\nOne, yes the landform does look like a face like design but people don't think of the shadows\n\nany affect of how the pictures can look as. Let take the Mona Lisa, to make her a relistic, Leorado used shades and shadows to make her look like person. When people see face like things, they start to form a face. Well, since our anccients used that for surival. Two, people think of the Face like\n\nthe\n\nSpinx in Egpyt and how \"alien\" built that momuent.\n\nSome people don't think about how the moon has landforms , but that doesn't mean life lives on the Moon. Since the Moon has crater, but still there is no life on it. On Mars, there is not a lot of oxygen or water to support a species. Yes, people can say that they can require different natural rescources, but would they really?\n\nThe landforms can form on planet without living like mountains, craters, and cliffs.\n\nI think that people overlooked this landform and made it more than it really is.The Face was just meant to be a picture that can show the beauty of Mars. NASA\n\nlikes that the public is\n\nsupporting\n\nour studies of Mars and still wants the support to continue. Life on Mar is a case we can close.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhy Luke Thinks You Should Join The\n\nProgram\n\nLuke thinks that you should should prticipate in Seagoing Cowboys program. I mean,why wouldn't he,he had a great time there and he thinks that you would to. Just in case you don't believe me I will provide some details from the story to prove it.\n\nFor instance,in the story he even says that he knew it was an opportunity of a lifetime. Now tell me that doesn't sound like he knew it was going to be great experence for him and it could be a great experence for you.\n\nAnother example is in the last paragraph when he said that he was gretful for the opportunity to be a Seagoiong Cowboy. Now i'm just stating the facts to to you that he is trying to convience people to be a Seagoing Cowboy and if your not agreeing with me yet then I guess there's no way of convincing you.\n\nI have another piece of evidence since you still don't believe me. He also says that Luke also had fun on board. This piece of evidence just proves that he had a good time just being on the boat.\n\nIn conclusion, I truly think that in this passage he was trying to convince others to participate in the Seagoing Cowboy program and Ithink that you should believe that to. I gave you my evidence and my reasoning why I think this and if you read my evidence you should to.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere are a variety of perspectives and opinions related to the Face on Mars. Many say that it's simply a lava dome, or that it could just be a strange rock molded in such a way where it may appear to be a face. However one of the most popular arguments is that the Face on Mars was created by aliens. Although this is a very well-known opinion, it is false.\n\nThis is not the first time that such a conspiracy has been made in different cases, therefore something like this isn't as frazzling to the experts. On May 24, 2001 when sight of the Face on Mars was first made the scientists at NASA simply thought it to be another Martian Messa which was not the first sight of it making this something not taken to drastic measures. They thought of many different possibilities to why this was formed in a way that reminded us of an Egyptian Pharaoh such as the possibility of the camera's angle, the shadows covering it. Basically we thought of everything minus the chance that it may have been the works of such \"aliens\".\n\nAliens have been the illogical reasoning to many things we find on the various assortments of planets so hearing that this recent discovery was blamed on aliens isn't very shocking. We spent a few days deciding whether or not to show the images captured to the public, but in the end we decided to do so. The Face on Mars instantly became a well-known subject all over the world things such as movies, magazines, and even radio and tv talk shows all spoke of the mysterious Face on Mars. Many considered this discovery as the new pop icon. During this there were many conspiracy theorists who began to state that the Face on Mars was the work of aliens. However that's the thing, there are no statistical facts simply a load of different conspiracies made from people who strongly believe in such things! Considering there is lack of proof on even the stance that aliens are real the \"case\" was never thoroughly thought through.\n\nThere can be various reasonings and opinions about the Face on Mars and though they may be very amusing or interesting to hear, the reality of it is really that it is simply an isolated lava dome. This isn't the first time that natural landforms have represented such things as faces or even common artifacts. There is still research going on about what's casuing these strange formations, but you can be sure that it's not the work of aliens.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n\"It's official: The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational.\" Three reasons right there on why we should switch over to election by popular vote. Unfair, outdated, and irrational. Let's help you better understand;\n\n\"At the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters. Because of the winner-take-all-system in each state, candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the 'swing' states.\" stated in\n\nWhat's wrong with the electoral college\n\n(source 2). The electoral college is also unfair because there's always one person, in this case candidates, trying harder than the other person. Also stated in source 2\n\n\"During the 2000 campaign, seventeen states didn't see the candidates at all, including Rhode Island and South Carolina, and voters in 25 of the largest media markets didn't get to see a single campaign ad.\" Which is completely unfair, foolish even.\n\nWay past outdated, \"In 1968,\" decades ago. There is no reason as to why we still actually have this around, many people stopped voting, maybe not because of how old this act is, but definetly because we need a new way. Election by popular vote could be one of those new ways. This electoral college has to have an experation date on it someday.\n\nIrrational. Irrational because it doesn't make sense, if you think about it, it's basically an easy way to get out of cheating, and no one likes cheaters. If we were to change the election by popular vote, think about how much more worth it would be, think about how there wouldn't be as many problems if people voted for the right candidate. What if they actually won? What about all the world changes?\n\nIt just makes more sense, it's more reasonable. There could be so many things different today if we changed the way election worked years ago. It's never too late, we still have time. Time to stop the unfair, outdated, and irrational ways. All's you need is a little motivation.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nTechnology has advanced vastly in the last few years. Most companies and people would say that they think driverless cars would be a good idea. That they would helpful in many ways. Yes driverless cars would help in numerous ways but they also have negaive aspects.\n\nDriverless cars are going to be very expensive. In the article it was mentioned that other companies have tried numerous ways to make a driverless car but they had to make adjustments to other surroundings not just the car itself. They built a new high technocal rode, if you would call it that. The car would drive driverless, but you would have to have sensors in the rode directing/helping the car while it was driving. In the article it was talking about how much money radars would cost. They would cost two hundred million dollars. That is just for radar that goes ontop of a hill. Think about how much money it would cost to rebuild the roads to put in the new sensors for the car to work. If you wouldnt go with the new rode idea and wanted to focus more on the details of the car that would cost more money. Your building a new car with many new adjustments to it. In the article it was mentioned about all of the different things you would put into the car. A video camera mounted near the review mirror, sensors in the wheels, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS reciever, and inertial motion sensor are just some examples of new adjustments made to the cars that were metnion in the article.\n\nDriverless cars are more dangerous. In the article it was mentioned that the drivers would still have to be allert during driving becuase the driver would have to take over the car during accidents or road emergencies. If the driver wasnt alert enough or was distracted by something else and the car need the driver to manual drive there would be an accident. The car would have to put something in the car to alret the driver fast enough before anything serious happened.\n\nCompianes are all for driverless cars and are still advasing technology to try and recieve a car so magnificent as a driverless car but they need to stop and think about all of the possible things right and wrong with a driverless car. The money and accidents are just a few examples of the flaws of the car.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nYes, many people do think that the \"Face on Mars\" was a monument created by aliens, possibly creating a sign of some sort. However, this is not true. What you think is the \"face\" is actually a natural landform. This natural landform may appear to look like a face, but why?\n\nThe landform looks like a face becuase of the shadows that hit the landform in certain areas. \"... this... had unusual shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh (2).\" It makes it look somewhat like a face. \"...a huge rock formation... which resembles a human head... formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth (3).\" Another reason why the landform looks like a face is becuase our eyes, that play tricks on us, may make it seem real that it is a face. Such as illusion that make it appear that the landform looks like a face that is staring up at the camera on Mars. Many poeple, however will still ask for more evidence that the landform is not alien artifact.\n\n\"...Mars Oribiter Camera (MOC) team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the origional... photos... when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing... a natural landform. There was no monument at all (7).\" \"What the picture actually shows in the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa- landforms common around the American West... That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars (12).\" So the landforms that you are seeing are actually common along the American West. They don't just pop up out of nowhere. They have been seen before. It's not like it is a first thing that scientists are just discovering.\n\nThis evidence proves that there is no alien monument on Mars, it may appear to look like it. But scientists have proved that it is only a natural landform, created naturally, on Mars. Not an alien monument that was created as a sign by aliens on Mars.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear state senator, to the people voting is the most important part of politics. You out of all people speak politics, so you should understand. Keeping the electoral college would be many more great successful years in voting because of the certainty of outcome, it would take care of the swing and big states, and it avoids run-off elections.\n\nDisputes over the outcomes of an electoral vote is possible. The winning candidate's share of the electoral college exceeds the popular vote. In other words in 2012 Obama recieved 61.7 percent of the votes while Romney recieved only 51.3, and because almost all of the states award winner-takes-all even a slight chance of popularity could change the results. It is very unlikely for this to happen. Although there are many things wrong with the electoral college like making peoples votes not exactly count, it is something to figure out.\n\nFor the swing and big states, the voting is slightly different. The voters in the toss-up states tend to pay more attention to the campaign than any other place. They really get into the whole campaign and really listen to all of what the competing candidates say and do. For the big states, the electoral college does them a favor and gives them more electoral candidates. It restores the weight in the balance that large states lose by virtue.\n\nThe electoral college does us a big favor by avoiding run-off situations, that could lead tomore complicated situations. The run-off election occurs when no candidate recieves a majority of the votes casted. These run-off elections cause a lot of pressure, and surely does complicate the presidential election.\n\nIn conclusion, staying with the electoral college process, it would maintain our problems of eun-off elections, certainty of the outcome and the big and swing issues.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhat would it be like to not have cars in your city? Not having cars in your city can be a great thing, although many people dont like walking places. It can have many advantages if you walk places.\n\nFor example 70 percent of Vaubans families do not own cars and 57 percent sold a car to move there.\"When I had a car i was always tense. Im much happier this way,\" said Heidrun Walter. Experts say, is a huge impediment to current efforts to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions from tailpipes. Many experts expect public transport serving surburbs to play a much larger role in a new sixyear federal transportation bill to be approved this year. In previous bills, 80 percent of appropriations have by law gone to highways and only 20 percent to other transpport.(source 1)\n\nAlot of the cars can cause bad pollution in the air. After days of near record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city. They were going to fine the citizens a 22 euro fine if they brought there cars out because they were ordered to leave them at home. Almost 4000 drivers were fined. Cold nights and warm days caused the warmer layer of air to trap cars emissions. Diesel fuel was blamed since France has a policy that favors diesel over gasoline. Paris had 147 micrograms of particulate matter per cubic meter compared with 114 in Brussels and 79.7 in London.(source 2)\n\nIn conclution limitting car usage has alot of advanteges. One is that people dont feel as much preasure when not driving, and the onther is that cars are very bad for our environment. Limitting car usage could make our world a better place overall.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars are a good idea. The fact that cars could be changing the world is pretty interesting and oddly cool. There are positive and negative ends to having cars that can drive on their own. Positive aspects are that the car isn't really driving on its own because it does get assisted, and the car has sensors that can actually help the car and driver actualy drive. A negative aspect could be that there has to be a law to make it leagal for these cars the drive on the streets and in traffic.\n\nA computerized car can do a lot on its own. It is liable to drive without getting in wrecks and is capable of avoiding wrecks. Televisions and movies have been fascinated with cars that could drive themselves. Humans can now have that ability to do it on their own. They can experience assisting a car without having to do all the work.\n\nCars now these days all have sensors. Most of them beep or stop or something if it gets too close to an object. This makes the cars smart. Smart cars are much more capable of avoiding accidents than humans are. These computerized cars may be the new start of technology, on a whole other level.\n\nTechnology fails a lot of people now and days. Having a law to restrict the computerized cars could be a positive and negative thing. Driving a car, one wants to be safe, and if the car shuts down while someone is driving it then anyone around it could possibly be in danger. Before the law could be made to actually have computerized cars on the streets, the glitches and other small problems in technology has to be fixed before hand.\n\nNew inventions always spark new ideas. The inventions always either fail or make it. Computerized cars are capable of finding its way through the hard laws, like everything, it has to pass. Weather the car has sensors and can drive on its own or has assistance driving or even can't get passed in the law right now, there will be a use for the cars later on in the future, and someone will get the invention going all the way, at its full potential.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCars have made an impression in human history. They have been used to get from point A to B for decades. They may help us but they also can hurt us. Gas emissions are hurting the environment and smog continues to grow. Some governments have already implimented ways to reduce these emissions. These have helped the problem and it may even be to our advantage. Many cities have already sought out ways to benefit the people that have chosen npt to use their cars. This limiting of car usage has benefited many countries and the trend seems to be catching on. In the first source, Elisabeth Rosenthal writes that it has made peope even happier than if they had had a car. It has also helped reduce traffic in normally busy streets. The most obvious benefit and advantage to having limited car usage is the fact that the reduced car use has reduced gas emissions. These many advantages may make, not using your car, worth your while.\n\nLimiting car usage can be beneficial to the environment and it can also be beneficial to you. It can make for less stressed people. In Source 1, it describes how in a small town in Germany, many people are getting along fine without motor vehicles. As a matter of fact, some even said that they were happier without a car. Heidrun Walter states that \"When I had a car i was always tense. I'm much happier this way.\" It may be less stressful because the goverment there had designed that town so that everything they could need was within walking distance or could be reched with public transportation. Many cities have already adopted this idea including New York. Source 3 has also asked people of their opinion and businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza said \"It's a great opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution.\" Carlos had said this while riding a two-seated bicycle with his wife. Walking, Hiking, and even bicycling have been generally seen as a way to destress and relax your tensions. Stepping away from the car and just walking may just be the stress reliever you needed.\n\nA usual sight to see in busy cities and on main streets is the amount of cars that jam the street alway the way up during certain hours of the day. This can become increasingly annoying to some people that can be on their way to school or job. A car-free day has had a very succesul turn out in Bogota, Colombia. Source number 3 described the streets of the capital of Colombia to be \"Eerily devoid of traffic jams.\" on that day. So many people might have participated because violators would be fined $25. This car-free day was intentionally placed to promote alternative transportations such as biking or public buses and to also reduce smog. Another example of a type of car limiting was seen in Paris, France. Paris was near a record amount of smog in the air with \"147 micrograms of particulate matter (PM) per cubic meter compared with 114 in Brussels and 79.7 in London.\" - Source 2. Paris took action to try and reduce smog with this simple method: Leave cars with even-numbered license plates at home or face a $31 fine. They proceeded on to the next day with the same concept but this time instead of even-numbered plates, it was odd-numbered plates. This reduced congestion by 60 percent in the capital of France.\n\nOne of the more obvious advantages of limiting car usage is the amount of emission that can be prevented from not using your car. In Source 2 it is stated that after 5 days of limiting car usage \"the smog cleared enough Monday for the ruling French party to rescing the ban for odd-numbered plates on Tuesday.\" After just five days of the imposed fines, gas emissions into the atmosphere was reduced significantly enough to lift the ban. If five days made such an impact it can also make a huge impact if many more people were to start limiting their car usage. Car usage has already been falling in the United States. In source 4 it states that \"New York's new bike sharing program and its skyrocketing brdge and tunnel tolls reflect those new priorites, as do a proliferation of car-sharing programs across the nation.\" This is talking about how all these factors have come to reduce car sales and car usage in general. Less cars equals less gas which would then equal less air pollution.\n\nIn conclusion, there are many advantages to limiting your car usages. You may not only be helping the environment but you may also be helping yourself. Using your car less may even make you a less stressed individual. It has been shown to reduce congestions in busy streets. It has also helped reduce gas emission. Limited car usage has started a trend in many countries and may even be a trend here. It can give us these advantages and many more.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear The Florida State Senator,\n\nIn our nation, we use a process called the Electoral College to be a deciding factor in presidential elections. I firmly belive this system has become outdated as our country has grown. This nation says it is all about the people and what's best for us; it even says so in the U.S. Constitution, \"We the people..\" And what the people want, and need, is a fair presidential election, which can be established by making the popular vote the deciding factor.\n\nWhen you think of any differentiation between two groups even back when you were a young child, how did you solve it? You vote. For example, say you and a group of friends are undecided on whether you want to go to the movies or the mall. So, you vote! Voting always has a fair outcome. It's simple. Whatever party has a higher number of votes wins and in this case becomes president. I certainly respect the idea and goal of the Electoral College, but it simply isn't quite effective. It does not make sense why we would get someone to be elected by people who have similar attributes to go represent them and vote for the presdent. It isn't very effective being that the voted Electoral College member could change their mind and vote for whomever they want instead of the candidate the people thought he/she was going to be voting for.\n\nThink about this. Does it make sense that \"We the people\" voted for one candidate to win, but he still loses the presidency because the Electoral College overturned it? No, it does not. This is exactly what happened in Al Gore's place according to Bradford Plumer's book, \"\n\nThe Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses are wrong .\" Also, according to the previous cited book, due to the mishaps in Al Gore's case and others, \"over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have know.\" And similar to what was stated in the first paragraph, voters can't always control whom their electors vote for and sometimes vote for the wrong elector. All of this confusion could easily be eliminated if we eliminated the Electoral College.\n\nDirect voting is way easier and way more accurate to whom the nation wants to be the president. It eliminates the confusion some voters may get if they are unsure which elector feels similar to how they feel about each candidate. It eliminates the hastle of electing electors in the first place. It eliminates the uncertainty voters have about each electoral candidate, being that they could change their mind whenever they please. And best of all, it eliminates the unfair, irrationality of the Electoral College.\n\nSincerely,\n\nPROPER_NAME", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe advantages of limiting car usage are less air pollution. Less smog would be intensifying in other countries. more people would be released from the stress of owning a car people wouldnt have to worry about gas prices. The rate of car accidents would go down and so would the percentage of deaths caused by car accidents. more money would be saved since less people wont have to worry about spending any money repairing their vehicles or tuning them up.\n\nCrime rates would decrease since less ppl would be able to commit crimes without a car,and no one could have their car stolen from them. Teen deaths caused by drunk driving would decrease as well. The cost of emissions would go down imensly and the U.S would gain alot more money because of less money spent on vehicles and and imports and gas,oil,tires and other vehicle related cost expenses. Limiting car usage is one of the best possible thing U.S American citizens can do to help preserve our earth and its enviorment.\n\nIt is best if everyone start to limit their car usage so that our planet can be less polluted and can be smog free. Cars are one of the biggest reasons for air pollution and we spend alot of money and them aswell. So i believe car usage should be limited for the greater good of our earth.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n\"Whoever thought that making faces could reveal so much about the science of emotions (Nick D'Alto).\" Having the technology to read student emotions in class is not valuable because it would cost a fortune and it would be a distraction.\n\nThe software to detect the emotions of students would be too expensive and that makes the Facial Action Coding System not valuable. \"Your home PC can't handle the complex algorithms used to decode Mona Lisa's smile (Nick D'Alto).\" Most schools have standard home computers in class, which means the school will spend a fortune to replace the old computers with new and more powerful computers. After replacing the computers schools will still have to buy the Facial Action Coding System, which will most like cost alot of money that could be used for other things.\n\nAnother reason the Facial Action Coding System is not valuable is because it would be a distraction in a classroom. \"Empathy (feeling someone else's emotional state) may happen because we unconsciously imitate another person's facial expressions (Nick D'Alto).\" After being told one student's emotion the other students in that class will unconsciously feel that emotion and distracting them for their lesson.\n\nThe Facial Action Coding System is not valuable in schools because it is a distraction and it would cost a fortune to install. There is no need for a computer to tell a student's emotion in class.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nYes, i think that using this technology could be very useful for almost all grade levels in schools.\n\nI get bored, zone out, and even just stop caring about a lesson in school, simply because i am just bored.\n\nIf this new software does what it said it can do and will do in the article then this is a huge technelogical advancment for our education and learning.\n\nAll kids learn in different ways and have different ways that they see things.\n\nIf the new software can personolize the learning of every student then schools wouldnt have problems with kids because they want to learn, grades and test scores would go up, and less trouble would be happening in a school.\n\nIf Dr. Huang and his colleagues can develop this emotion software and emotion science even more then the world could have a bright future ahead.\n\nA lot of smarter generations are coming through.\n\nBut it would have to be mastered first because everyone has a different face and everyone reacts differently.\n\nSo i feel like it would be quite a task to get every single emotion down to see how a particular person is feeling.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think that driverless cars are a good idea because drivers will now be more alert to what they are doing. And it may keep people off of their phones while driving because they have to be alert at all times in order to take the wheel. Also i believe it is a good idea because since it is sensored it will let the driver know when it is too close or is getting to close to something causeing less wrecks.\n\nthe car will also keep drivers off of their phones. since the driver has to stay aware at all times they wont have time to be on their phones. It also is a good idea because if someone doesnt know where to go the car will know and could get them there.\n\nAlso the car breaks its self and steers its self accuratly. The car incase a driver is not fully alert of a problem the car quickly get the drivers attention so the driver is aware.\n\nWhen the car is unable to get through work places or accidents the car will announce that it is ready for the driver to take over. Manufacturers are also considering putting a camera in the car to make sure that drivers are remaining focused on the road at all times.\n\nThe car is going to have a entertainment and information system that use heads-up displays so that the driver doesnt get bored while waiting for their turn to drive. the car is also capable of driving on autopilot 90 pecent of the time. And by 2020 mercedes benz and nissan plan to have cars that fully drive themselves.\n\nSo having a car that is going to keep drivers passengers and pedestrians safe is an absolutly great idea. we will have less acciudents and more people aware of their surroundings. It will also help people who cant see very well be aware of the things around them. That is why i beleive the driverless car is a good idea.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article it talks about how the computers in a class could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. I think this should be used during school as I am a student myself who sometimes struggles with information presented online. This technology could be revolutionary in which it would be able to help the students without the need of a teacher. Here are some reasons why I believe we should use the Facial Action Coding System in schools.\n\nIn school, there are lots of classes that use computers, but in some cases, there are students that perfer having a teacher in person to help them with what they need. Because the teachers can show them lots of different ways and shortcuts to solve the problem at hand; people often say there is no need for computers; but in my opinion, this isn't true. computers offer lots of different guides, slide shows, and other informative methods on how to solve problems people face which means allowing computers to be able to recognize whether a student is confused or bored is something extremely useful. I believe this because a lot of the material that is presented online is confusing for a lot of people, but allowing the computer to sense these specific emotions would allow the computer to look for new methods for which to present the information to the viewer. In the article it presents a prediction from Dr. Huang, this prediction states that \"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.\". This goes to show that allowing computers to be able to recognize the different facial expressions of a student could be a big deal for the schooling industry, especially now that we are relying on computers more and more each year.\n\nSo should the FACS be allowed in schools? I believe so in which I conclude that the school districts of America should try it. It would allow us to get courses adjusted to our ability to understand things which is worth it for not just the teachers, but for the students too.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nTher is a movie about \"Trip to Mars\", in the movie they were talking about mars how they were going to take a trip to mars. They were going to sent 15 men and women to mars. the men and women had diffrent ships so they could focus more. when it was time they went to space but the men and women seprated because they had lost signal with earth. The men did not reach to mars but the women did and they were sad but they just studied the plantet and tryed to contact earth. The next thing i'm going to say won't be like this story but very different. The challange of exporing veus is the differences in speed, carbon dixodie, and trying to study the planet.\n\nOne challange of exploring venus is the differences in speed. One day we are closer to mars but other days we are closer to venus and it could mess up the time an date. \"These differences in speed mean that sometime we are closer to Mars and other times to venus\". Spacecrafts have been sent to venus to check out the planet but cause of the differences in speed we have sent spacecraft to different place. \"Because Venus is sometimes right around the coner--in space terms--humans have sent spacecraft to land on this cloud-draped world\".\n\nAnother challange we have face is the carbon dioxide.\"A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dixoide blanket venus\". It is really hard for us to be at that plantet because the carbon dixoide. Another thing that is bad that it has a high\n\nsulfuric acid. On the planet the temperatures are over 800 degreeds Fahrenheit. \"The atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet\". Venus not a place to go because it is not good for humans to live or visit here.\n\nLast reason of The challenge of exploring venus is we can't go to close or we could die. Venus is not for human to vist because it is very challenging but we have to try to study the planet. Their are spacecraft hovering saftley around venus because it is very dangreous to land or getting to close to it. \"more imprtantly, researchers cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distanse. If they got closer they could probley get a sample but they can't because it is dangreous to get close.\n\nIn conclusion The challange of exporing veus is the differences in speed, carbon dixodie, and trying to study the planet. The author who wrote this did very well explaning how it is challanging to explore venus.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAdvantages of limiting car usage:\n\nMany countries are limiting car usage for the poeple and the enivornment. The is a great way to start fresh for our enivornment and our lives. People can breath better, more plants can grow thanks to decreasing of cars and much more. Countries, for intsance Germany, France and the United states are planning to become \"car free\", and this movement is called for \"smart Planning\". Also a clear passage for people can ride thier bikes, taking a walk, etc. Another thing s less spending on gas and money to buy cars, and less stress and more safety for everyone. This may end our car culture, but this is for the better for us, and everyone else in this planet. People can spend moe times outdoors and get fit ( of course since banning cars, which means we have to walk or ride a bike to go a store) instead of sticking a car to drive. Limiting car usage is a great way for the people and the environment.\n\nFirst, In Vauban, Germany, Residents of their community are surbans pioneers, because they have given up their cars. Vaban's streets are completely \"car free\", expect the main thoruoghfare, where the tram to downtown Freiburg and a few streets on one edge of the community. Vabuan's families don't own cars, and 57 percent sold their car to move there. Heidrun Walter, media trainer who is also a mother of two childern has said that when she had a car, she was always tense, now she happier this way, because she can walked to verdant streets where the swish of bikes and the chatter of wandering childern drown out the distant motor. Also this drastically reduce greenhouse gas. Passenger cars are responible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas in Europe and up to 50 percent in United States. United states are promoting \"car reduced\" communites as well to do the same to get better atmosphere.\n\nSecond, In paris, they have also enforced a partical driving ban to clear the air of the global city. In France, cold nights and warm days are caused by the warmer layers of air to trap car emissions. Diesel fuel are to blamed, because France has a tax policy that favor diesel over gasonline, which made up to 67 percent of the vehicles in France comparing to 53.3 percent avaerage of diesel enines in the rest of the Western Europe,Acoording to Reuters. The smog cleared enough Monday for the ruling French party to the ban for odd- numbered plates in Tuesday. By banning the car for the enivornment, this helps for fixing the climate changes and clear skies.\n\nThird, In Bogota Columbia, they are doing a program to spread the world to other countries, millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated or took bues to work during a carefree day yesterday, leaving the streets of thier capital city to devoid of traffic jams. This been striaght third year cars have banned with only buses and taxis perimitted for the day without cars in the capital city of 7 million. Parks and sports centers also have bloomed throughout the city, pitted sidewalks have been replaced by broad, smooth sidewalks, rush hours restrictions have dramatically cut wonderfully, and new restaurants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up.\n\nLast, President obama's goals is to curl the United Staes' greenhouse gas emissions. Recent studies shows that Americans are buying fewer cars, drving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by. If the pattern persists and many sociologists believe it will, it will have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the environment, since transportions is the secong largest source of America's emissions. They also believe to improve safety for others since hoew in the America, car accidents is a biggest issues for the people in United States. This can also help to fix tracffics and clearing up the air. Now, American's love affair with its vechicles seems cooling, so it the government can focus to improve the enivornment thet are living in.\n\nConclusion ,Limiting car is a great way for everyone and the enivorment. People can now get less sick for the gas, and plants can grow more. Clearer roads to make smooth sidewalks for people to ride their bikes , walking and much more. Lot moe safety for people, because of banning of cars. clear airs to breath and people can enjoy their lives, stress free since the don't have to pay gas, or car in general. People can be happy again, when cars usage are limiting.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe desire for mobility has always been a driving force behind human innovation. Though they are a far cry from the boats and wagons of early human history, driverless cars provide a natural progression of the techology humans use to assist in movement. Not only does the creation of driverless cars foster the innovative human spirit, but when in use, driverless cars also increase the ease of driving on the person behind the wheel, as well as helping improve safety on the roads, causing driverless cars to be a positive development in the eternal human quest for freedom of movement.\n\nDriving can be a task that is in turns difficult, as the driver attempts to maneuver through complex traffic patterns or around work zones, and dull, as the driver zooms through long stretches of open highway. Driverless cars aim to assist with both. Although the general manifacutring consensus is that driverless cars are by no means driverless - in most cases they must still have a human driver - the technology in the cars can assist the driver and make driving an easier task (Driverless, 7). In most cases, driverless cars are able to automatically \"steer, accelerate, and brake themselves\", taking the mundane out of driving (7). However, the driver is still necessary during times where the car is unable to fully process the situation, such as in work zones, and around accidents, still giving the driver a role in the operation of the car (7). Although these situations can be more strenuous, driverless cars, like most newer cars, have other ablilities such as anti-lock brakes and other sensors, which help detect problems with the way the driver is moving the car, and help prevent driver-related catastrophies (5). These improvements not only make driving safer, they put less stress on the driver, as the driver need not worry about making small mistakes and causing major problems when they know the car is watching out for them, leading to a more relaxed driver.\n\nDriveless cars, in improving the traditional driving experience, also improve the safety of driving. Driverless cars have sensors which allow them to monitor when the car and driver may be in danger, and react to situations like \"out of control skids or rollovers\" (5). These precuations which the car takes allows for a \"far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone\", causing less accidents in autonomous vehicles versus driver reliant vehicles. Furthermore, driverless cars remove driver impulsivity from the equation. With driverless cars, things such as road rage and traffic voilations would be a thing of the past, preventing many accidents and making for safer roads.\n\nDriverless cars are an imperative in modern society, as they improve the driving experience, as well as improving safety on the roadways. Human society is reliant on constant motion, communication, and contact, and driverless cars help foster these relationships between people, not only by allowing people to move from place to place more quickly, but also by improving psychological health, with decreased stress from driving, and by preventing injuries and deaths due to road accidents. Considering the myriad of beneifts that they offer, the development and use of driverless cars in essential for communities to move forward into the future.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI whole-heartedly believe the United States should keep the electoral College because the people voting are more legit, the voters are more educated in government topics than most, and citizens still have a say in the vote. Some citizens need to realize that electing a president is a big deal. Electors have more knowledge than most citizens about those government choices and which is best for The United States. Just because it says a citizen is qualified to vote does not always mean that person is making the correct decision. The electoral college electors uses their votes on legit reasons and what can benefit their country.\n\nElectoral College is the way to go because the people voting are more legit. These Electors see what the people who are running for president and vice president have to offer. If they feel it is more benefical than what the other president/vice president has to offer, they will vote for that president. Most citizens understand what the president and vice president is trying to do for their country but the other citizens who are only voting because they can, do not. These citizens still effect the elect of the president and vice president and that's why the electoral college is a must have.\n\nElectors are usually more educated in government topics than most citizens. The electors are people from the House of Representatives and Senators also. For those Representatives and those Senators to get there, they study about the United States and it's government. When Presidents and Vice presidents state what they are willing to do for the country, those electors know if it is appropriate and necessary and which one makes more sense or benefits the country more than the other. Not that Citizens would understand the best choice for the country but more likely than not an electors would make a more educated choice than a citizen would.\n\nEven though the electors are voting, Citizens vote still count and matter. Citizens vote for the elector who is voting for the president that the citizens wants to vote for. A citizen can vote for a certain amount of electors who pledged to vote for the desired President and Vice President. If those electors won the statewide election, that desired President and Vice president would get those certain amount of electoral votes. It all depends on the citizens to choose the electors and whoever gets the majority vote, gets the electoral votes.\n\nIn Conclusion, the electoral college definitely should stay and help choose the better President and Vice President. The electors have a more legit reason to their choice than most citizens voting, since the electors are based on Representatives and Senators, they are more educated in that government matter, and even though it is electoral votes, the citizens vote count and matter. Without the electoral college, citizens who voted for a president can lose because the people who voted for the other president didn't think about the advantage and disadvantage of that president. Even if it was the better choice, the president can have ideas that don't benefit the voter. Electoral college who be kept and help all citizens choice the more reliable President and Vice President.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhat is the square root of 100,012? You might not know, but your computer does. Infact your computer knows a lot, but one thing it doesnt know is how to detect feelings. Why is there a camera on your computer? Who knows? Lets put that camera to use! As we know computers tend to be used more often. I agree with the idea of allowing computers to identify what mood the user is in and adjusting accordingly. I agree with this because technology is advancing, normal computers can't compete with this upgrade, and computer ads tend to be annoying.\n\nMona Lisa, the subject of a wonderful painting. A painting which appears she is smiling in. Smiling as if she is happy? How can we be sure that she is happy? Is it as simple as looking at the picture? In paragraph 4 is tells us that \"Using video imagery, the new emotion-recognition software tracks these facial movements\". How can a camera identify how a person is feeling? Simple, technology is improving and computers are being updated.\n\nComputers truly are fascinating, but as asked in Paragraph 2 \"Can a computer recognize the subtle facial movements we humans use to express how we feel?\". These new computers can detect movement of one or more muscles in the face. The computer will then categorize the movement into one of these 6 categories happiness,suprise,anger,disgust,fear,and sadness. But then \"Boom\" and ad pops up, arent ads just annoying.\n\nAds, ads, ads all on the screen. How could you get rid of irrelevant ads? Well with this new software your compter will be able to detect is you are satified with your ads or not. If you appear happy when an ad pops up, your computer will discontinue to show the ad and replace it with another one. If a satisfying look appears on your face after and ad appears, your computer will continue to show ads that satisfy the user.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear Florida Senator,\n\nThere is a major problem in how we elect presidents. The Electorial College has to be replaced with a direct election because of how misrepresented many voters are, and how a canidate could lose the majority vote and yet still win the election.\n\nThe first problem of the Electoral College is that everyone is not represented. According to Bradford Plumer in paragraph 10, \"... voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president...\u00a0 Can voters control whom their electors vote for? Not always. Do voters sometimes get confused about the electors and vote for the wrong canadate? Sometimes.\" and because the voters cannot directly control who they vote for, the electors could choosing a different person than who they said they would, which means that the voters are misrepresented. Another way that voters can become misrepresented is because of confusion. Since voters sometimes get confused about who the electors are voting for, they could end up voting for the wrong person. Also, the Office of the Federal Register states in paragraph 7 \"Most states have a 'winner-take-all' system that awards all electors to the winning presidential canadate. However, Maine and Nebraska each have a variation of 'proportional representation'\". Due to the \"winner-take-all\" system, many people are not represented in the electorial votes, especially in large, one sided-states. As a result of this, many of the minorities do not even vote becuase they know that their vote will not win the state.\n\nAnother reason that the Electorial College should be replaced with a direct vote is because of how the majority does not get the canadate they chose. In paragraph 16, Richard A. Posner states that \"It happened in 2000, when Gore had more popular votes than Bush yet fewer electoral votes, but that was the firs time since 1888.\" and because of the fact that the electoral votes are the deciding factor in choosing a president and not the majority, most of America did not get who they wanted to see as their leader and president. Even though this hardly ever occurs, it still hasto be fixed. As a result, Bradford Plumer states in paragraph 9, that \"over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now.\" which would be a true democracy, unlike the Eectoral College. The Electoral College also has an even number of people in it, which means there could be a tie. However, the Electoral College \"requires a presidential candidate to have transregional appeal\" according to Richard A. Posner in paragraph 19. This is not a good thing because when a certain state or region is struggling, a transregional president will not focus their attention on that area of weakness. In a direct democracy, the voters could vote for a president that has an area of expertise in that region or state and could give them a much needed boost, leading to less weaknesses and an all-around better country.\n\nTo summarize this completely, the Electoral College has to go. It is unfair, misrepresentful, and is not even a democracy. Eventualy, it has to change. The question is, when is the government going to become on the same page with it's citizens and take the next step?", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n\" What's wrong with the Electoral College?\" To be honest, have you ever thought where our vote goes. Just in case you forgot, when we vote we're not voting for the President. We're voting for slate electors who would vote for the President, but how could we be sure that they make the right decision for all Americn Citizens.\n\nI write this letter in favor to inform you that the electoral college is an unfair advantage for American citizens. I see how from a stand point you may trust the electoral college due to abundance of knowledge and critique they have. Yes, I can tell why you'd chose them in a way that they may have strong critique. But how can you trust them with a decision held in their hands with willing citizens to think about. \" At the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters. Because of the winner take all system in each state, candidates don't spend time in\u00a0 states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the \" swing\" states\". Why is it continuing base it off of this knowing how American's feel about this matter? Which brings me back to why Americans have to feel like they have an unfair say on who the President can or could be? Perhaps reasoning is the EC( Electoral College) knows whats best for the American future. Thinking about the effects of the EC voting for the President could possibly vary in results and mat be right. But shine a little light on the situation, it should be in America's people hands and hearts who the president should be.\"...\u00a0 candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no cahnce of winning...\" Why should we feel like that? American's sould have the right to vote for our leader not people who vote for our leader.\n\nHold on, I'm not finished yet. Another reason why is when American's vote how could we be sure who to vote for. I agree that Americans can make and exercise their decisions when voting\u00a0 for the Eletoral College. American's are depended on voting , another fact I agree on. But American's sometimes dont know better when voting. \" The American people should consider themselves lucky that the two - thousand fiasco was the biggest election crisis in a century; the system allows for much worse. Consider the state legislatures are technically responsible for picking electors , and that those electors could always defy the will of the people.\" Sometimes it would be the Americans that throw off the vote for the EC, but in other perspective that wouldn't be the case. Americans should vote wisly upon the information given. but yet the electoral college shouldn't vote for the citizens of the United States, Info should be viewed. I can visaulize someone else perspective it could be with different electorsl parties. But in reverse think about the the biggest election crisis in 2000.\" Consider the state legislatures are technically responsible for picking electors, and that those electors could always defy the will of the people\". Keeping in mind that we should still vote for our President but at the same keep in mind who citizens are voting for so another voting crisis wouldn't happen again.\n\nIn conclusion, I hope you clearly thought it through and thorough. Its hard to rely on other's with a big responsiblity like this. So the Government should let us trust our instincts and but at the same time think them out.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI will be informing you about why people should join the Seagoing Cowboys program, if anyone had the opportunity.\n\nSome reasons people should join the program is because people can save life's. A lot of countries need help and it's not very much people to help them. Anyone can make a difference in the world. It doesn't always have to be people you help, it could be animals too. You would be able to travel the world, go places some people have never even heard of before. Luke Bomberger says, \"I'm grateful for the opportunity, it made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs.\"\n\nLuke Bomberger traveled to, New Orleans, Greece, Europe, China, Venice, and, Italy. That's all over the world. Would you want to travel to all of those places if you had the chance?\n\nLuke had a awesome experience being a Seagoing Cowboy. He got to see the world in different ways. If someone called you to invite you to the Seagoing Cowboys program would you go, or would you pass the opportunity?", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nShould we keep the electoral college? No because when you vote for your canidate in the presidential election you are actually voting for his/her electors. Also because electors can be anyone not holdin up in the public office. Finally because voters cant always control their elected electoral college member will vote for the same canidate. Over 60 percent of todays voters would prefer a more direct way of electing our officials than how we are electing them now.\n\nDid you know that when you vote for the canidate that you want to be elected into office you are not only voting for that canidate you are actually voting for that canidates electors? Under the electoral college system us voters dont vote for the president but we vote for a slate of electors which in turn elect the canidate we voted for. Say that you voted for Obama in last years election you didnt actually vote for Obama you voted for his electors to vote for im in turn of you voting for them. Many people see this to be fine but say that your canidates electors turned and voted for someone else thus leading you down a road of betrayl. This is one important reason for the electoral party to be disbanded.\n\nElectors that represent a canidate in the presidential run can be anyone not holding public office. Who chooses for these electors? Not the voters of course but the state and sometimes the people who you are actually voting for the electors you havent even heard of or seen in any flyers or ads. That state chooses their officials from state conventions,and even sometimes at the state partys committee or the president has his own party of electors for himself which would in a way be cheating by having your own officials vote for you.\n\nWhat if the electoral party you voted for to vote for a specific canidate and they went off and changed their mind mid election and passed that countries vote for a different xcanidate in the election? You cant always control the eletors to stick with them voting for the elector you voted for but without the electoral college that group of voters who voted for a canidate would actually vote for the canidate that they actually want to win. Thus making the electoral college irrelevent because they dont need to form a party and change their vorte mid election.\n\nWe should not not keep the electoral college because of all the flawls in it and the deciving image it holds up. Because you do not vote for the canidate you vote for the electorial party member representing that canidate. That the canidate can be anyone chosen by the state and you cant always control that the member of the electoral college that you voted for to vot for a different canidate that the ended up voting for during the election. This is why we dont need the electoral college to help vote for the presidents we should have a more direct way of voting.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nFacial Action Coding System allows computers to identify human emotions. Websites could use this technology to keep people interested in ads. Teachers could use this technology to identify the emotions of students in the class. I believe that the use of this new technology, on students, would be an invasion of privacy.\n\nMost students do not want their emotions to be known, especially by a teacher or their classmates. Emotions are meant to be something that is willingly shared by a person, not taken from them by a software. If a teacher believes that a kid is confused or bored, then they should ask the student not a computer. Often an emotion that is felt is not shown on the outside. A person might look completely uninterested, when in reality they just naturally look bored.\n\nThe Facial movements do not tell every emotion as it truely is. Some emotions are easily confused while others are an odd combination. A person cannot always show their true emotions plain as day. There are disorders that give people permanant smiles or frowns. Some people naturally look angry or sad. If all emotions were clearly stated by facial movements, then there would be less confusion in the world.\n\nDr. Huang said that a computer could change a lesson based on the emotions that a student is \"expressng.\" (6) If a student appears confused during a lesson, modifying it for that one student is a terrible idea. Classes are made up of more than just one student. If a lesson is changed because one kid is looking confused, then a few more kids might not understand anymore. It is impractical to try and keep every child interested in a class. If a computer kept changing the lesson because one kid was bored, then the entire class would never learn anything.\n\nLogically, computers that are used to detect emotions in a class and change lessons beased on that are impractical, illogical, and a hinderance to learning. Students can ask a teacher to explain a lesson in a different way, but a teacher will not change an entire lesson based on one student's needs. There are many other resources that schools can use to help kids excell, but invading a child's privacy by analyzing their emotions is not the correct way to go about it.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEven though many people thought that the \"Face on Mars\" was created by aliens, NASA proves differently. When the ship went pass Cydonia the first time and snapped the \"Face Like Photo\", they realizied it was only a mesa. They wanted to realse the face to the public to get attention that NASA was discovering new things on different planets. When the public got the photo though, most people thought that it was created by aliens, without any evidence. Even NASA told the people that the shadows were a \"huge rock formation. . .which resembles a human head. . .formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth\", according to the text \"Unmasking the Face of Mars\". There are some reasons and details that show that NASA was right, it is only a mesa.\n\nWhen the mesa was released to the public, the \"Face on Mars\" became a pop icon, inculding in starring in a Hollywood film, appearing in many books, magazines, radio talk shows, and even haunted grocery store checkout lines for 25 years. While all of this was happening though, NASA wished there was an ancient civilization on Mars. When the public started to beleive that NASA was hiding facts about \"The Face\", NASA went ahead and started to budget the next spacecraft to Mars, the Mars Global Surveyor. When the spacecraft lanched 18 years after the Viking missions ended, the spacecraft first job was to find the \"Face like mesa\". When the Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, they were able to snap a picture of the face like mesa 10x sharper than the Viking did. What they revealed was a natural landform.\n\nEven when the Mars Global Surveyor snapped the natural landform, people weren't satisfied. The Face on Mars was taken during the winter on parts of Earth. Because parts of Earth was in winter during the picture taking, Mars was cloudier than normal. People thought that because of the clouds, important alien like features could of been hiden. When NASA heard about this, they decided to take another spacecraft to Mars in 2001. This time, Mars wasn't cloudy and we had the technology to see little things all the way down to a small shack. There it was proven it was only a mesa that caused all of the problem for NASA. This is all how NASA proved that the \"Face\" on Mars was only a mesa with weird-like shadows.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars seem like a wonderful idea but produce so many threats that it may not be worth it. In my opinion driverless cars are a mistake. Even though the idea is good, it is not very practical at all. Basically self-driving car manufacturers are asking drivers to trust our lives to sensors and blinking lights.\n\nSelf driving cars still rely on humans to take over when things get too difficult. Even though google has been testing automated driving systems since 2009 they still can't use them practically on the roads. What happens when you're sitting down using the heads-up displays meant to keep you busy and you start to drift off? Sure the car has noises and vibrations to wake you up, but some people are heavy sleepers that won't be woken up even by all that commotion. And even if it does wake you up it would have to be a sudden, loud noise or movement and that can induce panic causing the driver to swerve off the road. Then you have crashes, lawsuits, and injury or even death.\n\nThat is another point that must be addressed. Who is to blame when the inevitable crashes occur? Is it the driver's fault for trusting in the technology, or is it the manufacturers fault for producing systems that arent perfect enough to trust our lives with. And what about drivers who refuse to trust the systems in the first place? How will the cars react against the human element.\n\nMany people are against these self-driving cars and will refuse to trust their lives to robots. Humans are unpredictable and often times don't pay attention to the road, or drive under the influence leaving an element of surprise that the robots have to react to in a split second. And a middle class family or even upper class might be reluctant to spend the money on the cars and systems nescessary to allow for automated driving.\n\nSelf-driving cars are not the future. Automobile deaths are decreasing every year as cars get safer and more reliable. There is no reason to introduce a new problem that will just cause more deaths and inevitably end in tradgedy. Humans should not put their lives in the hands of sensors, that's just blind stupidity. The lawsuits, cost, and having to put full trust into a computer should be proof enough.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nA new technology called Facial Action Coding System claims it can scan a face and tell how much of each emotion the person is feeling. There are some negatives and some positives to bringing this new technology to personal computer. The author of the passage seems to only give a positive outlook on this system, when all aspects should be explored. The negatives to this technology would not be the end all be all of this product, but they should definitely be taken into account for the creation of a better system.\n\nThe Facial Action Coding System is a computer software that scans a face and recognizes what emotions are being displayed on the face. It uses codes to see which muscles are being used to move a face. For example there are certain muscles to show anger like the orbicularis oris which tightens your lips. The system uses these muscle movements to determine which emotion is being displayed and/or felt.\n\nAlthough there are a few negatives to the FACS, it could potentially be a useful product. The passage says that the Facial Action Coding System could be used for relevant advertisements and a more engaging classroom effect. This system could be very helpful for ad agencies that don't know how to reach their public. If a computer scanned a face the instant it sees an ad, researchers could figure out whether or not to show an ad again. For example, an ad for cat litter with a picture of a cat could potentially produce a smile or a look of disgust depending on a situation. If the person doesn't own or like cats their face would not show happiness, and the ad agency could show a different ad. This system would also aide online class courses. If it was constantly scanning a person's face, the creator or teacher of the class could modify which sections seem to bore a student.\n\nThe system may be helpful, but the negative sides to it should be also considered. Because the FACS can only guess what someone is feeling by what is being displayed on a face, it could potentially be inaccurate for people that are prone to hide their actual feelings from their faces. The FACS only does an outerscan, it never sees what is happening in the brain. A scanner of the brain would be more accurate, expecially for people that can not or do not want to show their true emotions. Another possibly negative fact about this system is that it would need to constantly be scanning a person's face for accurate readings. This could become innacurate if used for a very long time. If it were used for an online course, the system would need to be running during the entire class, and the person could get distracted and show emotions for the distraction that are not relevant to the class. This is also potentially invasive, especially for a company using FACS to show relevant ads. People might not want to constantly be scanned for their emotions. There would be a paranoia of always being watched and unless the software company promises the facial recognition would never be used for anything other than for the ad display or for fixing a class, people would feel uneasy.\n\nIt seems evident that the author of this passage is giving the readers a positive look into the new Facial Action Coding System, but it should be taken into account that there are negative aspects to this software. People may not always want to be watched for their emotions, and the system could become inanccurate. Although it seems that the passage points towards effective and positive outcomes, the negative criticism should be taken into account and modified for a better FACS.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus is a very pretty panet-that looks like a star from Earth-that lights up the night sky. Even though it is often referred to as Earth's \"twin,\" Venus has proven itself to be dangerous to explore, but very worth it. Despite its proximity to us, obsurd heat and pressure condidtions, spacecraft landing failures, and high levels of corrosive sulfuric acid make studying Venus very challenging.\n\nAlthough it is very dangerous to enter these extreame conditions, NASA (The National Aeronautics and Space Administration) has came up with a theory to avoid Venus's 800 degree Fahrenheit temperatures. They suggest that Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray-only reaching 170 degrees Fahrenheit-about 30 or so miles above the landscape. This would make the air pressure close to that of sea level on Earth. Still, these would not be ideal conditions, but survivable for those with deisre.\n\nAnother fear of scientists is spacecraft failures. Humans have sent multiple spacecrafts to land on Venus-each unmanned-but have all failed within a couple hours of landing. Although those previous missions have toutched down on Venus, none have made contact in three decades. This is very discouraging for scientists, but also motivating in some aspects.\n\nThe most crutial danger of landing on Venus is the insanely high levels of corrosive sulfuric acid. These clouds make it impossible to survive through Venus's atmosphere. This atmosphere contains almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets coating the planet. This makes it unreaistic to have human life on Venus.\n\nThe insane pressure and heat, spacecraft fails, and sulfuric acid in the atmosphere make studying Venus very challenging for scientists. Scientists believe that dangers and doubt should not limit the edges of immagination and innovation so, they are striving to meet Venus and its challenges.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere are many advantages to limiting car usage in our community. Other countries such as France, Germany, and Colombia are home to cities that are working towards cutting down the use of personal automobiles. Many of the people in these places find that using alternative transportation means proves to be less stressful. Studies even show that fewer Americans are purchasing cars for themselves. Now is the perfect time to join in with Vauban, Bogota, and New York and spend less time in our cars.\n\nIt may seem hard to believe, but in Germany, there's a suburban area where residents live without their own cars. According to \"In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars\" by Elisabeth Rosenthal, the streets of Vauban, Germany remain \"car-free\" aside from some public transport. The article states that \"70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars, and 57 percent sold a car to move here.\". Heidrun Walter was quoted in the excerpt saying \"When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way...\" Communities in Europe and the United States are hoping to move towards this \"car-free\" lifestyle, in order to become less dependent on automobile usage and cut back on greenhouse gas emissions that damage the environment. We may see an increase in the number of \"smart planning\" areas across the globe. If a mass of citizens wish to lessen the amount of time they spend in their cars, it's possible, and the city can adapt to a more automobile-less way of life.\n\nBogota, Columbia dedicates a day to transportation without the use of personal cars, where the city's goal is \"...to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog\". Many who visit Bogota during this time are impressed by the \"revolutionary change\" they see unfold before their eyes. Going \"car-free\" leads to more physical activity amongst residents and an overall nicer-looking community. \"Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota\" by Andrew Selsky claims \"Parks and sports centers... have bloomed throughout the city... sidewalks have been replaced by broad, smooth sidewalks... restaraunts and upscale shopping districts have cropped up.\". Not only does the city reduce the amount of greenhouse gas it contributes to the atmosphere, but it results in a more active and better-looking community.\n\nWhat change would we see in our own community were we to follow in the footsteps of Bogota and Vauban? The United States is seeing a decrease of car ownership in the country. Less and less people are buying automoblies and obtaining driver's licenses. \"The End of Car Culture\" by Elisabeth Rosenthal says that \"...America's love affair with its vehicles seems to be cooling.\" The writer cites investment research company Doug Short of Advisor Perspectives, which states \"...the number of miles driven in the United States peaked in 2005 and dropped steadily thereafter...\" The country is already subconsciously moving towards a more car-independent lifestyle. The millenial generation seems to be the biggest contributor to this declined interest in car-ownership. With improved methods of communication by means of social media and cell-phones, as well as more use of car-pooling and public transportation, people are staving away from car commuting. While this may require a change within the automobile industry, many agree that this turning away from private car usage will see communities striving to be more time and energy efficient when it comes to transportation.\n\nLimiting the use of cars can lead to a less polluted and stressful environment, more exercise-oriented and upscale communities, and the conservation of our natural resources.\u00a0 Cities around the world are working to become less car-dependent, so that they may limit their contribution of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Were our community to move towards this more eco-friendly, car-free way of life, we would not be alone.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe future of cars are always going to get better and better but driverless cars? That would be a huge jump to the future. Driverless cars are being worked on in this year. These cars will change the way we drive. Driverless cars are going to make driving easyer, safer, and more helpful\n\nDriverless cars can help us humans by making driving easy. For Example, If you wanna go to the mall,your driverless car can take you there without a problem. Another Example is that a truck driver can get across the states way easyer. The truck driver has nothing to do but keep his eyes on the road. Wow super easy!\n\nDriverless cars can also be much safer then a real person driving. A examble, is that your tierd after a hard match of friday night football with your team and your left arm is hurting but you still have to drive home you could crash because of the left arm. If you had a driverless car you could get home worry free. A driver less car can make the trip a lot safer.\n\nDriverless cars can helpful in your driving life. An examble, of this well be if a pregent women is at home alone without a phone and her water broke she could use her driverless car to take her to the hospital. What happens if your on the phone with sombody because its really inportant but your driving and then you wreak. If you had a driverless car you could be on that phone as long as you want.\n\nIn conclusion driverless cars well inprove the future. The Driverless cars will make driving easyer, safer, And helpful. so lets wait for these great cars to reach the market.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe surface of Mars is a great mystery to human kind, but the Face on Mars is just a coincidental human face resembling landform. The Face may resemble a human face, but there are also many other things that humans think are faces. One of these landforms that may look like a face is the face on the moon and even clouds can resemble faces. Therefore I believe that the Face of Mars is just a natural landform.\n\nAlthough it may appear as a face to many people created by aliens, there has been no scientific proof that aliens exist. It's obvious that the Face on Mars is a peninsula or hill landform that may happen to look like a human face. If there was a peninsula or hill landform on Earth that happened to appear as a face, would everyone jump to the assumption of aliens? Then again there is no scientific evidence that aliens don't exist, but aliens are just made up science fiction creatures that people have come to believe are real.\n\nTherefore the Face on Mars is just a peninsula or hill landform that coincidentally happens to appear as a human face. Just because it happens to look like a humans face and its in outer space people jump to the assumption that aliens are the reason behind the Face on Mars. The entire idea of aliens is just a joke humans made up to scare other humans. In conclusion, that is why I believe the Face on Mars is just a natural landform that happens to resemble a human face.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nA good reason to join the program is that you get to see great site and sounds. In the UNRRA you can meet new prople from around the world. You get to help the citvins. You get go acroos the Atlantic Ocean and see whales. The passage says, \"The cattle-bout trips were an unbelievable opportunity for a small-town boy.\"\n\nYou get to go around the world. When you go around the world you can see a lot more than your back yard like, the jungle,rainfrost,safarie,and great planes. You dont just one place you go every were. Every day you see someting new.\n\nYou get to be a part of a great program. You get to help millions of people. When you help others it make you feel speicle. You get to take care of animals. he has to make shure that they are feed eough.\n\nYou meet new people when you help. when you meet new people you never know. They might have a lot in common with a person. Some person could change your life. meeting new people is realy good for you. In the passage it says, \"It made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs.\"\n\nIn conclion I think that you should join the program.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDo you thinks it is possible to tell a persons emotion with the use of technology? I do think it is possible to tell someones emotions with technology. You can also read it sometimes without technology. Scientists scan old painting from years ago named the Mona Lisa.\n\nThey said that they used technology to scan it and they got the emotions that it was having. The scientists said that the mona lisa was 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry. There are two more emotions which are suprise and sadness. Those are the six basic emotion scientists have calculated.\n\nThey should be able to read the emotions of students in a classroom. What if the students is sad and having a bad day you dont have to be mean to the student. This technology may also help in a health class. It can show if depressed or the bones of a student in his face region.\n\nI think that it is possible to read someones emotions with the use of technology. They were able to read alot of emotions and tell alot of things. They should continue doing it and improve it.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear Florida senator,\n\nI think that we should keep the Electoral College vote system, because it is pretty much the same thing as election by popular vote. When you vote for your canidatate, you're voting for his electors. Then those electors vote for their presidential nominee. Not often do the electors betray their canidate, so odds are the popular vote will win.\n\nAlso, the Electoral College system avoids run-off elections when no canidate wins a majority of the votes, the Electoral college produces a clear winner.\n\nAnother reason to keep the Electoral College vote is because if we had to vote by popular vote, it wouldn't be fair to some of the states. Canidates tend to visit the big states that have an impact on their election. That means that the states with a lower population don't get to see what the canidates have to offer.\n\nNext reason is because some of the presidential canidates could be favored by some of the regions. For example, obama was elected as first African American president, and a lot of African Americans were excited, and voted for him. Some of the people didn't even care what he had to offer. The Electoral College reduces the chance of that happening because the regions vote doesn't have a big impact on the election.\n\nLastly, we should keep this voting system because when the citizens vote for a presidential canidate, they vote for the electors. They choose electors that are going to vote for the party's nominee. So basically, if one of the canidates wins the popular vote, and the electors go to vote, the one with the more popular votes is going to win most likely. It rarley ever happens that the elector for one nominee votes for the other.\n\nI believe we should keep Electoral College vote because it is much like election by popular vote. It is also more fair between big and small populations of states, and presidential canidates can not be favored by regions they come from. The Electoral College system is a good way to vote.\n\nSincerely PROPER_NAME, American citizen.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI believe that this technology is very usueful. This technologhy would be so amazing to have around, it would help students and teachers out so much. it can tell when you are bored, happy, sad, scared, worried, and can even tell when you do not like an ad. It could really help out in classrooms and other places.\n\nFor example, if you are sitting in class and you are doing something online, the computer can tell if you are bored and adjust itself so you are more into what is going on, or the teacher can come over and help you out too. It could also sense when you do not like an ad, all you have to do is smile or frown at the ad, if you smile you should get more ads like it, but if you frown it will try to find an ad you will be interested in.\n\nAnother example would be if your friends are worried about you because they cannot tell how you are feeling, then they can put you in front of a computer and the computer can tell them your mood so they can try to help you, or if you are going to see a therapist for help with a mental issue or anything, they could set you in front of a computer so they know your mood without you trying to explain yourself to them.\n\nOne final example would be if you are worried or stressing out about something, the computer could tell someone so they can take you somewhere so you can just chill and relax and forget about everything that you are stressed or worried about, then you will be able to go back to whatever you were doing and complete it.\n\nThis unique piece of technology can help out with so many things. It can tell when you are upset, scared, worried, angry, and bored. Every classroom should have one of these. It would make being able to read people so much easier. It would also keep the students interested.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\ngoing on sea with animals is not what i call fun. it could be to them but not to me. I think it would be way more fun to go to a football game. im not really an animal guy im into sports .i dont think it would be a once in a life time thing i mean could do it more then 1 time.\n\nands if hes a cowboy i dont think he would be the best. for a cowboy. but if thats what he likes to do then great .I just could never see my self doing that. but i could see myself going to a football game with some friends. i would do it one time MAYBE\n\nit just dont seem that fun. Night seems like a bad job like thats the job no one wants to get i would not want that job ethire one month on a bout to china i could not do thaqt way to nhard i would get sea sick like every day of me bing on that bout if i was him i would chang my sport to football or backetball and not bout and animal riding", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article \" The Challenge of Exploring Venus.\" Has a very excellent claim about studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers.\n\nIn paragraph 2, the author says, \" Often referred to as Earths \" twin.\" \"\n\nOut of all the planets Venus is the closet to Earth in terms of density, size, and occasionally in dinstance too. Its saying that each previous mission was unnammed, and for a good reason. They're thinking that since no spacecraft has survived the landing for more than a few hours. Maybe its becoming a issue. Not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades.\n\nThe Author explains that the atmosphere is thick and almost 97 percent carbon dixoide. The average temperatures average over 800 degress. Which is something people need to know if anyone is wanting to go to Venus, because that temperature, could harm you very easily. The high pressure and heat can cause erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lighting strikes on the land surface.\n\nNational Aeronautics and Space Administration has one particualry compelling idea for humnas studing Venus. To the hostile conditons on the surface Venus would allow scintist to float about fray. There jet air planestravel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms. Temperatures would still be toasty as of like 170 degress, But the air pessure would be close to sea level.\n\nI think that this authur did a fantastic job explaing the Venuses worthy pursuit despite of the dangers it presents. I know now that I would not want to go to Venus to see what its like.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus is a very dangerous and unknown place, for many reasons.\n\nVenus has consistent weather storms and natural disasters. Volcanic eruptions and earthquakes alone with thunder storms. These storms make it hard to get any probes onto this planet, denying us access to Venus.\n\nThe clouds are made of acids, and the gravity is 90x stronger than it would be on earth. This makes the planet toxic, and the crushing pressure is enough to crush even our deep sea diving submarines. These conditions make it impossible to send human life, not only these things but also the heat of this planet reaches over 800 degrees farenhiet.\n\nThe atmosphere is too thick for us to take photos or videos of the planet, it wont let the light through. Because of this, we cannot study the planet as effectively as we could any other.\n\nOne of the many reasons scientists are so attracted to this planet is because they believe it was once an earth-like planet. Venus is thought to have had water, and being capable of supporting life. It shares many features with Earth and the surface of Venus also has mountains, craters, and valleys.\n\nVenus is also one of the closest planets to earth, and is often referred to as out sister planet. Although being as far from the sun as it is, it is hotter than that of Mercury. The consistent temperature and depressing disasters on this planet are the main reason we cannot explore it, but that doesnt mean scientists have given up. As stated, they are working on a way around these obsitacles and have used a model that can survive up to 3 weeks on this planet.\n\nThe author supports the idea of exploring this planet, and believes these reasons can be overcome. We will just have to wait.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhen people hear the word transportation, the first most likely thing that comes to ones mind is car. It is typical to think of a car as just a way to get from one place to another faster, but what about the effects of driving. Cars are one of many things that cause pollution, releasing gases that harms our Earth we live on, the very planet that keeps us alive. Limiting car usage could benifit the earth and give you advantages.\n\n\"Paris bans driving due to smog,\" by\u00a0 Robert Duffer, the title it self says all, paris has a pollution issue due to the cars that they drive and stated in the article because of\u00a0 \"near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partical driving ban to clear the air of the global city.\" Because of the actions Paris had to make it reduce the congestion\u00a0 in the captial of France by 60 percent, those who didn't follow to what was told \"suffer a 22-euro fine,\" about \"4,000 drivers were fined\" according to Reuters. We shouldn't only resort to cars as transportation, inventions such as the bicycle are still around to this day and the percentage rate of bicycles causing pollution is, zero.\n\nAuthor Andrew Selsky states in his article, \"Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota,\" that millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work during the car-free day.\" This day was done so it can encourage people of altervative transportation and reducetion of smog, and according to the article some may say it works. \"It is a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution\" Stated by bussiness man, Carlos Arturo Plaza.\n\nThe advantages and possiblitys people could have if they limited the usage of vehicles, in Duffers article it is proclaim\u00a0 that \"parks and sport centers also bloomed through out the city.\" The once beated up side walk, is now restored with \"broad, smooth sidewalks,\" and coming back to the congestion, \"rush- hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic.\" There possiblities bloom with the upscale of shopping districts and new restraunts increasing.\n\nIt is understandable for one to not like the idea of reducing the usage of ones car, but if you sit back and realize it, cars are \"responsible for 12 percent of green house gas emission\" and thats just in Europe. In the United State, there percentage increases to 50 percent. All according to Elisabeth Rosenthal's article, In \"German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars.\"\u00a0 Beijing, Chine is guilty of being the \"most poplluted cities in the whole world.\" Everyone is a culpret when it comes to poplution and that is why everyone should take time to look at the facts and change, help the earth that helps you. Instead of driving your car to work thats just down the street, take a bike, If not take a shuttle. Don't relie on one source of transportation.\n\nThe opportunitys that could accore if one just limit the usage of his or hers motor vechile are endless, but it all starts with a choice. Rethink the way you see cars, think about the effect and possiblities that could offend mothernature. The advantages such as building cardio and decreasing of stress and pollution. The time to change the amount of times we use our car is now because limiting the usage of cars is right, and when you give to the planet the planet gives back.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI agree with having driveless cars. I think that having driveless cars could be good, but with some changes made to it. Yes, it uses less fuel than what most people already use today to go places, but if Google is saying that it's going to be driveless car, then it has to be a driveless car. You can't drive it, it has to drive itself, know when to stop at stop signs or red lights, know when to go at a green light.\n\nAs I read the passage, I noticed all these different things that the car cannot do that we want it to do. If this is suppose to be a driverless car, then why do we still have to have our hands on the wheel? Can't we just get in and have it atuomatically turn on as soon as it feels weight being put upon it? Then all we would have to do is buckle in, take out or phones and scroll through picutres and what not.\n\nIf Google really wants to make this a driverless car, then make it one. Don't make it to where we would still need our hands on the wheel, helping the car. It should know how to do everything already. We shouldn't have to back out on our own. The car itself should be alert when there's an accident, not us. The car should be alert when there's work zones, again, not us. The car should be alert at all times.\n\nEveryone in this generation is already trying to text while driving at the same time and try not crash, but it still happens. Alot of people now are driving drunk which is bad. With driverless cars though, that won't happen. Everyone would be safe and we wouldn't have any accidents anymore.\n\nWhen we get into the car, the car should back out on its own. It should know when to make hard stops if some other car gets in the way, it should know when right away where it needs to go when we tell it.\n\nI honestly still think that having driverless cars will be better than what we drive now. More people will get into less accidents, no more reckless driving, no more texting while trying to drive. Everyonr will be safer with driverless cars. The world could be a better place with them and no one would ever have to worry anymore. Parents wouldn't have to worry about their kids going out and not crashing. This could solve a lot of other things. Drunk driving being one of them. With driverless cars, the driver has no control over the car. So, if someone decides to go out and get drunk and then head home by themselves, the car will get them home safely without any trouble. No one will get hurt.\n\nWe'll be a more safe enviroment with these cars. Less fuel, less accident, less reckless driving, less impatient drivers as well. There will be more less drunk driving and those drunk drivers hurting or even killing others while driiving. Everyone has different opinions about this topic, and this is mine.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nthe use of technology to read emotional expression of students in a classroom is not valuable . Its not valuable to read classmates emotions because its pointless plus if that were the case we should already be able to read minds .\n\nIn the text it states \" we cant actually calculate their emotions\". meaning it is possible but there is no purpose for it and Its weird on the creators point of veiw. the technology could give us the wrong sign of expression.\n\nIn the text it also states ..\"the facial expression for each of them are universal\". Meaning that everyone is titled to their own emotion . why would you want to tamper with it for no reason. I don't think it would be reasonable for anything.\n\nIn conclusion The technology to read expressions of students are not valueable more like pointless or useless. every person has their own expressions and emotions. thats more like invading their privacy if you ask me . You can simply lookat the person's face to tell what kind of expresssion or emotions she/he is feeling.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCan you imagine sitting in class taking a test on a computer and all of sudden you hear your teacher say, \" The computer gave me a message saying by the way you are looking at the test the camera read your face, and is saying your 93 percent nervous and 7 percent confused. Why didn't you study? \". The computer read tour facial muscles and gave your teacher feedback. I think using technology to read students emotions would not be valuable in a classroom.\n\nEven though have a computer or some machine telling me that i feel a certain way sounds cool, it's not going to benefit students in a school enviroment. I say this because , students already stress enough. Why tell them that they're stress? That will make thing worse. Say for instince, a student is having a bad day andhe comes to class mad your tell they're mad is just goin to make them MORE mad. In the artice it saids, \"Eckman has classified six basic emotions...\" there are way more than six emotions that exist. So what happens when your non of those emotions, say your depressed and computer says your angry, then the computer is wrong.\n\nOne other thing everyone says, phones and elcetronics are a destraction to teens, why bring a machine in to the agurement and tell the students they aren't in a good mood. So everytime they a feeling a certain way they are worried about someone else telling them how they feel because a machine said they feel some type of way. Therefore making the worry about someone elses in their business and trying to mask the emotions completely so a computer system won't detect any emotion, instead of doing the work assigned in class.\n\nIn conclusion, the use of technology is good to certain point, and bringing a machine that reads peoples emotions to a school with moody teens is not a good idea. It will eventually cause more problems that wouldn't of been started if someone else unwillingly told them how they felt.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLuke's claim was that when his friend Don invited him to a trip to Europe on a cattle boat and Luke knew right away he had to say yes because it was a once\n\nin a lifetime opportunity. Also that he got to travel and exploer many diffrent\n\nplaces! Another one of Lukes claim was that he was greatful for the opportunity he got to have by being a seagoing cowboy.\n\nA few reasons to join the club it that you get to go places you probobly never been before. Also that you get to travel all over the world and explore diffrent places and see many diffrent things from many diffrent paces, just like Luke!\n\nIt may have taken him two weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean from the eastern coast of the United States and a month to get to china but, it may have been worth it because Luke got to see many diffrent things and explore unique stuff! Luke would normally be caring for the animals and so it kept him busy for a long time.The cowboys played baseball and volleyball games so, if you like those games you might want to join them! Being a seagoing cowboy was much more fun than an adventure, it opened the world to Luke. Luke said he was greatful for the opportunity.\n\n\" I had the side benifit of seeing Europe and China. \" That is what Luke said because he enjoyed being a seagoing cowboy and going on all the adventures that Luke got to do! Maybe one day if you become a seagoing cowboy you will be able to adventure all the things Luke got to do. There may\n\nbe some rough time like what Luke had when he couldn't work for a few days, for an example,\n\nwhen he was a watchman and it was a rainy night Luke sliped\n\nand fell and he had a few broken ribs but he was saved by a small strip of metal\n\nalong the edge so it stopped Luke from sliding. Luke aws happy to be alive\n\nthough! Luckly for Luke he recovered in a few days. Luke was happy to be a cowboy and you might too!\n\nSo now maybe you can consider about being a saegoign cowboy.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe people have a right to say what they want to happen in their community, state, and even as far as the country they live in. They should be able to decide whether they want a park built in their city or whether they want a specific up and coming President. Yes, popular vote at the moment seems favorable for the people, but it does not mean that the people don't vote in the the process of the Electoral College. They truly do vote for their president, just not in a way that they would like. Nonetheless, they do. That being said, the system of election should be kept to the Electoral College.\n\nTo begin with, the Electoral College, in a sense, is not democratic, as seen in modern times but it does not mean that it is not equal. Yes, they are voting for an elector in their state, trusting that they would vote for their chosen candidate. \"But each party selects a slate of electors trusted to vote for the party's nominee (and that trust is rarely betrayed)...,\" as shown by Richard A. Posner in \"In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President\". This means that, even though the people are voting for an elector to pass on their message, they are still voting to make sure that the president they want to take the seat will get it. The electors so rarely betray the trust of the voters; it has happened one time in 2000, but again that was the first time since 1888. The most thoughtful voters will listen closely to the campaign, then choose which president they feel is fit. Which again, leads to the voters deciding, in the end. Furthermore, the larger states get more attention than the smaller states making it equal amongst those that have more population. For the most part, the Electoral College is equal.\n\nHowever, others can argue against the Electoral College in favor of the popular vote. \"Can voters control whom their electors vote for? Not always,\" said Bradford Plumer in \"The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong.\" That being said, sure they can't control that but the elector rarely betrays the trust of the voters, only happening twice in recorded history. The Electoral College is still less likely to cause a problem than popular vote would. If popular vote were to play in hand as a system of choosing the president, then things outside of even politics such as, riots, would get out of hand. \"...in the Constitution as\u00a0 comprimise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens,\"as said by the Office of the Federal Register in \"What Is the Electoral College?\" Either way, voters do get popular vote, and vote for their elector to vote for their chosen President. It is a balanced idea of both a government and citizen based vote for the leader of the country.\n\nOverall, the Electoral College by far is a balanced system than popular vote is. It is fair, in the sense, that everybody gets a vote and in total, their votes go to what they think is best for their country. Which in turn, does allow for them to decide.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI am against driverless cars because if you dont want to have the responsibility to drive a car you shouldnt have one. Im also against it because the car could do something you dont want it to. the main point is you shouldnt have a car if you dont want to control it in that case you might as well ride a bus or airplane.\n\nAlso it would cost alot of money you would have to buy certain types of streets anfd that would mess up other cars. You would have to upgrade the roads frequently. But most importantly I wouldnt want smart cars because they maybe would cause alot of accidents they could run red lights stop signs. Driverless cars are also not good because you could be on your cellphone and accidently take control and you dont know. It is also bad because that means the people in cars won't wear seatbelts and if they get in a car crash the are going to get hurt.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nScientists are debating whether the use of the Facial Action Coding System (FACS) to read the emotional exprestions of students in a classroom is valuable. The use of FACS to read expresions given off by students would be valuable because it is very advanced in technology, can scan a real face or a picture of a face, and can tell if a person is being truthful.\n\nthe use of FACS to read expresions given off by students would be valuable because it is very advanced in technology. \"For example, your frontalis pars lateralis muscle (above your eyes) raises your eyebrows when you're surprised; your orbicularis oris (around your mouth) tightens up to show anger.\" (paragraph 3, lines 27-29). FACS can read the smallest detail produced by the human face and connect that to an emotion. FACS isn't restricted to just natural faces, it can even read expressions off of pictures.\n\nThe use of FACS to read expressions given off by students would be valuable because it can scane a real or a picture of a face. \" Using video imagery\n\nThe use of FACS to read expressions given off by students would be valuable because it can tell if you are lieing or being truthful.\n\nThe use of FACS to read expressions given off by students would be valuable because it is very advanced in technology, can scan a real or a pictue of a face, and can tell of you are lieing or being truthful.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars are an important imporovement in technology that will make commuting easier for everyone. Driverless cars will be safer than human drivers. Making driverless cars will create more jobs. Creating driverless cars could lead to other advances in technology. Driverless cars should be created and allowed on American roads.\n\nDriverless cars will be safer than human drivers. They are not capable of getting distracted and causing an accident like humans do. They will be constantly aware of their surroundings. They will also eliminate human error, such as not stopping quick enough or running a stop sign, and will have a better reaction time than a human. Their better reaction time will allow them to stop quicker than a human would and cause less accidents. They will also have technology to make driving safer, such as a spinning sensor on the roof which forms a 3-D moldel of the car's surroundings, which the typical car does not have. Driverless cars will also eliminate drivers driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or otherwise not able to drive safely, and save more lives. They will allow people who are afraid to drive a car a chance to drive because the car will be driving for them.\n\nDriverless cars will create more jobs. There will be people needed to run the machines that create these cars. There will also be people needed to make the technology it needs. Engineers and scientists will have to be constantly working to make sure all the technology works as it is supposed to and does not need to be improved. The jobs the driverless car creates will improve the economy.\n\nImprovements in the driverless car could lead to other scientific advancements in this field. Scientists could learn from making this car and apply that knowledge to creating other inventions. Driverless cars could lead to using the technology they built for the driverless car in other inventions. Scientific improvements always build off of eachother.\n\nThe driverless car will be a great thing to have on the roads of America. Driverless cars will make the roads safer. They will create more jobs which will improve our economy. The advancements scientists make while creating the driverless car could lead to new inventions. The driverless car should be created and allowed in the United States.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIs the \"Face on Mars\" really a natural landform? Seeing from pictures and other kinds of photographic things can you really tell? There may be alien markings or there may not be any markings.\n\nI say that the \"Face on Mars\" is in fact, a natural landform. There is no alien markings to be seen from a picture. For example, \"\"As a rule of thumb you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size,\" he added. \"So, if there were objects in the picture like airplanes on the groud or Egyptian-style pryamids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!\"\n\nSo, if there were alien markings on this natural landform you would be able to see them. This was stated by Jim Garvin who is a chief scientist for NASA's Mars Exploration Program. The picture uses the camera's absolute maximum resolution.\n\nMany people said from the photo took in 1998, \"Perhaps, said skeptics, alien markings were hidden by haze.\" The photo in 1998 was taken on a cloudy winter day on Mars and caused a haze to appear over the camera. By going in 2001 on a nice sunny day on Mars, the picture was clear and easy to see. You can tell in the picture that there is no alien markings of any kind. The picture was took with great resolution and couldn't be better.\n\nIn conclusion, there could be a possibility of aliens making this natural landform but, it could also just be a natural landform. It should not be famous for a conspiracy theory that it was made by aliens, simply of its shape. This landmark, looking like a human face, is just a natural landform.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere are many people that love driving for the fun of it or for family bonding or even friendly bonding. There are companies that want to start making driverless cars so that we don't have to drive and I don't think that should happen because obesity and laziness is a huge problem in america already, these cars I believe are unsafe, and I don't think the laws will even allow this. Driverless cars should'nt be made and in these paragraphs I will tell you why.\n\nThe first reason I have is that obesity and laziness is already a huge problem in America. I have read many articles and heard many stories on the news about America being obese. If these cars are made this will only add to the problem and I say that because if people don't have to drive anymore then most will go home and sit on the couch to watch some tv. And when doing that they usually have a bite to eat while doing it. When driving you have to walk out to the car, move your foot when your driving, move your hands to steer, and also get out the car and walk to where your going. These are all ways of getting some type of excercise. The world needs it's excercise.\n\nThe second reason I have is that it appears to be unsafe. In the article it states that, \" If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault--- the driver or the manufaturer?\". This is why I think it is unsafe if the car as some type of disfunction or mishap while on the road with other human controlled cars it could hurt someone really bad or maybe even kill a person. If that happens the world would be very angry at the particular company who is making these cars. So why even put yourself in that prediciment? If the company can't assure that this driverless vehicle won't hurt anyone then they shouldn't be on the road at all.\n\nThe third and last reason I have is that I doubt the laws will even allow this to happen. In the passage it states that, \" Most driving laws focus on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe, and lawmakers know that safety is best achieved with alert drivers\". This shows that it would be very difficult to even make these cars without being illegal because it goes against all the laws of driver safety. I think the laws should stay the same and not allow these cars to be on the streets because they can be very dangerous if misatkes were made. You need alert drivers on the road so less crashes happen.\n\nIn Conclusion, I believe that driverless cars shouldnt be on the road because obesity and laziness is already a big problem in America, driverless cars are unsafe, and the laws will not let these cars get on the road anyway because they don't reflect the laws already made. That is why I think driverless cars should not be made or on the road.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author of the passage(The Challenge Of Exploring Venus) suggests that studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents.I belive that the author suggests this because even though venus is a dangerous planet and no human could possibly survive the climate there,it is still a planet worth researching.\n\nAlso all though venus is very easy to spot from a distance and safe vantage point of earth,It is for a fact a very challenging place to examine more closely.\n\nAs it says in paragraph two''Humans have sent numerous spacecrafts to land on this cloud-draped world.each previous mission was unmanned,and for good reason'' With out being able to send a person to study it up close an bring back samples scientests have limited knowlage on venus.For\n\nmore then 3 decades not a single space craft has touched down on venus. Acording to the passage paragraph 3 ''A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent blankets venus.even more challangeing are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfric acid in venus's atmosphere.one the the planet surface,temperatures average over 800 degrees fahrenheit,and the atmosphericpressure is 90 times greater then what we experience on our own planet. '' All of these condition are way more extreme then anything humans encounter on eaarth we wouldnt even be able to survive this.\n\nEven though venus really is an imposible planet study with alot of obsticles the author still belives it is a worthy persuit.Even though we cant meet the challenge venus has alot of value,not only because of the knowlage we want to gain on the planet itself,but also because our travels on earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers an doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation ( as said in the last paragraph).At this point i agree with the author we should keep exploring all posebilitys and not give up.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAcross the Sea and Beyond\n\n\"Come on please,it will fun\" as Luke Bomberger begs you to join the Seagoing Cowboys. Luke is trying to get people to join the Seagoing Cowboys. In this paperit will be adresssing some reasons and claims from Luke of why a perosn should join the Seagoing Cowboys.\n\nLuke claims that during his adventures as a Seagoing Cowboy that he gets to visit lots of places when the Seagoing Cowboys go to China, Europe, and many other places. Once he got to see the Acropolis in Greece. Another time when Luke got to go a place in Europe is when he toured an excavated castle in Crete. Luke also got to go to Vencie, Italy and take a gonodola ride. Another fanizitic time Luke got to tour was the Pamama Canol on his way to China. That's why Luke claims during his adventures he got to go many different places as a Seagoing Cowboy.\n\nLuke also claims that before arriving in Greece he had his eighteenth birthday, which ment he could be drafted by the military. When the draft board learned that Luke was on a cattle-boat trip they made a deal with Luke stating that he could work on a cattle-boat for instead of military service. After two years of cattle-boating Luke was discharged he had the most trips of any Seagoing Cowboy he had nine. Thats why Luke claims instead of fighting in the military a person could be a Seagoing Cowboy and bringing animals like horses and cows to people in need acrcoss the sea in Europe, China, or other countires that need help and food after battle or a major war that they lost.\n\nAs one may see that there are many great benefits of becoming a Seagoing Cowboy.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI beilieve it could be valuable in some classes because classes like art and gym are classes that kids have fun in. Classes like english and science are a little different to calculate because they don't usually do anything fun. Some kids like those classes but other don't. A lot of people in todays world walk around with what is called \"resting b*tch face\" where there is no expression and they do not want to take the time to look a certain way. This means that some people could be happy but not look it and visa versa. There is not a good way to get around that situation. Therefore the results would not be accurate. One good way to test if the students like their class is by giving them a survey and let them tell you them selves. I believe that this is a bad idea to test out on students.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nStudying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. It's a worthy pursuit because in the text it says that Venus is sometimes around the corner, not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades, it's a challenging place to examine more closely, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet.\n\nVenus being around the corner makes it a worthy pursuit because whenever it's around the corner, it can make it easier to get there. When it's not around the corner from us, it can be harder because of how far it would be. It can also take lots of fuel to get there and it might be hard to refuel the spacecraft in space.\n\nVenus has not been touched by a spacecraft in three decades. This proves that it is a worthy pursuit because we can set a record maybe. The NASA would get known for working hard and risking their lives to explore a dangerous planet for our entertainment. This also makes it a worthy pursuit because things might have changed since the last spacecraft touchdown. New land might have grown, new rock, and maybe new mountains.\n\nVenus being a challenging planet to explore also helps to show that it's a worthy pursuit. This helps because most people like challenges. Venus being a challenging planet to explore might attract lots of people wanting to explore Venus. The temperature is dangerous and can probably kill you instantly and there are many people who would still want to explore Venus.\n\nVenus having a pressure 90 times stronger than what we live on can also help to show that Venus is a worthy pursuit. It helps because the scientists would want to know how it would feel like to be on Venus. They would want to know if people could adapt to living there in the future. They would also like to know if food such as vegetables or fruit can be grown on Venus. They would also like to study the soil and weather changes on Venus.\n\nThese are all ideas and reasons that show why Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Despite all the challenges they might go through, it can be a fun thing to do.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\n\"All of our developement since World War II has been centered on the car, and that will have to change.\", stated David Goldberg, accordind to author Elisabeth Rosenthal. Fellow citizens, the time has come to adress the complications of our over usage of cars. There are many advantages to limiting car usage that you need to take into consideration.\u00a0 Less stress, reduced air pollution, and less money spent on such a worthless form of transportation. Sounds like an intriguing advantage, right?!\n\nFirst off, stress can be caused greatly by cars. Although, this may sound absurd, just put some thought into it. With a limit on car usage, you hardly have to worry about your kid crossing the street by themselves. Say bye bye, to car hijackers! They are no longer a problem, neither is getting in an accident.\u00a0 Stop worrying, because do to the limit on car usage, your chances of caos are finited, they are no longer limitless.\n\nFurthermore, air pollution is a big economic problem today. Limiting car usage means a great deal of air pollution reduction. In article, \" Paris Bans Driving Due To Smog\", we see congestion was down 60 percent, after five days, five days alone! Can you imagine how much better our health would be? We see many cases of lung cancer, due to smoke in the lungs, putting a limit on many lives. Also, air pollution is as well bed for mother nature herself, killing trees, our vital resource we not only rely on to put a roof over our heads, but also our whole source of living. Air pollution, is a definite economic problem that we can get rid of simply with the reduction of car usage.\n\nIs your money being well spent? Not really, and you can thank the monster sitting in your driving, hiding in plain site. Cars need lots of attention. We're talking about more attention than an infant! You have to provide it with insurance, monthly bills and so much more. For instance, if you were to get a flat tire, you have to replace it with a spare, tand then that flat has to also get fixed. Money, money, and more money just being stolen right from under your nose, while gas prises are piling higher!\n\nTo conclude, if you were to limit your car usage you shall find many advantages, not only\u00a0 for you but for the economy. Stress, is a never ending cycle with the hunk of parts you may call your, \"friend\". A reduction in air pollution has a great amount of benefits. Next time, you decide to take a ride out with your buddies in your car, take a nice good thought about all the exhaust possibly filling up your lungs, and if not yours then someone else's. Lastly, you no longer will have to worry about your money jumping out your pocket.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think we should keep it to election by popular vote for the President of the United States .The electorial college consist of 538 electors . A majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the President . Your state's entitled allotment of electors equals the number of members in its Congressional delegation : one for each member in the House Of Representatives plus two for your senators . Each candidate running for President in your state ha shis or her own group of electors.\n\nThe Presidential election is held every four years on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November. You help choose your state's electors when you vote for President because when you vote for candidate you are actually voting for your candidate's electors. I know are President hasn't done everything he said he was going to do yet but it takes time to be patient .Its We The People that are trying to have what's best for everyone.\n\nOver 10,0000 people have the right to help choose are new President .The electorial college avoids the problem of elections in which no candidate recieves a majority of the votes cast .The winner-take-all method of awarding electoral votes induces the candidates to focus there campain rfforts on the toss-up states. Voters in toss-up states are more likely to pay close attention to the campain .", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere are many advantages and disadvantages to driverless cars. Overall, more things could go wrong with driverless cars than goes right. Every since the first cars were built, people all over the world have loved drving, owning, and working on cars. It is part of Americans life to own a car. Driverless cars will make us lazy and unrealiable in times when we need to give direction or actually drive. I think driverless cars are inferior because people love cars, millions of jobs revolve around people driving cars, and people would become far too lazy if they didn't have to drive.\n\nFirst, people all over the world love cars. They love everything about them. They love the freedom they have while driving them and the feeling of independence. People love working on cars and restoring old cars to be like new. If cars suddenly became driverless, all of the things people love about cars would history.\n\nNext, millions of jobs involve people driving. Truck and taxi drivers would lose their job to computers. This would result in even more unemployment and frustration. We would lose control on things that humans could do better. Not to mention bus drivers, how would driverless cars know when to wait on someone running late? Or if someone on the bus forgets to get off? Human drivers can remember and remind the passengers if they forget or are not paying attention.\n\nFinally, people would become lazy knowing that they don't need to drive anymore. People would not memorize routes and get lost without the aid of the driverless car. If the driverless car were to break down, how would the passenger know how to fix it or what to do? Over time the driverless cars would be the only cars available and everyone at the BMV's, taxi companies, bus stations, and trucking, comapnies would lose their jobs to driverless cars.\n\nIn conclusion, driverless cars are inferior because people love cars,millions of people's jobs revolve around driving cars, and people would become far too lazy if they didn't have to drive. Driverless cars could cause a lot more problems then people realize. It could cost millions of peole their jobs. Also everyone around the world that loves cars the way they already are would be heartbroken. The automotive industry is a major finacial buff to the US economy and driverless cars could jeprodize it.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless Cars will be the future of vehicles. People won't have to worry about spending so much money on fuel as only half will be used from today's taxis. Driverless Cars will definitely improve safety out in the roads. Safety is very important as accidents keep happening all the time across the world. The development of Driverless Cars is great because these cars are going to be able to drive us anywhere we want, drivers will still be able to drive if they desire when it comes to traffic jams, and these cars will keep everyone more safe when driving.\n\nThe Driverless Cars will be able to drive us anywhere we want. When it comes to traveling across the country it can get dangerous driving all night to get to your destination. With the help of these cars people will be able to just sit back and relax, and not have to worry about falling asleep. Those who are traveling can save money as fuel will only use half the fuel we use today. These aspects are important to the people who travel very often to see family or have to for their job.\n\nPeople will still be able to drive their Driverless cars if they choose to. Out in the road anything can happen to accidents or to traffic. People who are in a hurry to get to somewhere can drive instead and try to avoid all the traffic that is ahead. Everyone enjoys driving at times enjoying the beautiful day. They can still be enjoying their days by driving or just sitting back to relax and just enjoy the view, as the Driverless Car drives on its own.\n\nThe Driverless Cars will be able to keep people more safe when driving out. Most of the accidents that occur everday is people who are not paying much attention to the road. People are either using their phone, talking to someone, or just eating some food. Causing an accident can cause multiple injuries or even deaths. Why do you want so many people getting injured because of something you were doing. Without having to drive you can be on your phone, talking to someone, or enjoying a meal or snack. These reasons are important to try and keep everyone safe when driving.\n\nDriverless Cars will be the future of driving. Thses reasons will help and let everyone know what good can come out of this. Parents can be more relaxed when drving with their family, as they can stop and not worry much about car accidents. Safety is and will always be the main priority when it comes to driving out in the road to keep everyone safe and avoid accidents.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMany people around the world drive vehicles to get from point a to point b. Although this is a good source of personal transportation, it may not be as favorable as people imagine.\n\nPrimarily, the decrease in vehicles being a source of personal transportation is fairly beneficial to the environment and ourselves. In fact, this new \"phenomenon\" is happening all over the world. As mentioned in the articles \"In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars\", \"Paris Bans Driving Due To Smog\", \"Car Free Day is Spinning Into A Big Hit In Bogota\", and \"The End of Car Culture\", many citizens of many different cultures see that the lowered usage of vehicle transportation doesn't only decrease how many greenhouse gasses are getting in the atmosphere but also improves our wellbeing by reducing stress levels. Not only does it help us relieve stress and what ails us but it also makes the distance we have to travel to purchase food much shorter, as cited in \"In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars\", giving us the opportunity to restock our supply over time instead of buying multiple cart loads at once.\n\nSecondarily, according to the article \"The End of Car Culture\", having access to busses and other public transportation can improve our safety. It is also seen in this article that \"at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain, Bill Ford came up with a business plan to create a world where personal vehicle ownership isn't needed or is undesirable. His company would partner up with the telecommunications industry to help create new cities and towns in which many ways such as using a bicycle, private cars, commercial and public transportation, and simply walking could be woven into a connected network.\" With this new plan, there would be improved safety by having official drivers providing the bus transportation and private car transportations. Both of these ways are liable to give us extra time in our days by decreasing the probability of traffic and will give us ultimate safety while getting from point a to point b.\n\nThere are many cultures in our world today who go along with the plan of decreasing the amount of vehicle transportation. There are many different ways this is being achieved and every one of us can be a part of it.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nTwenty five years ago NASA\u2019s Viking 1 spacecraft was circling Mars, taking photos of possible landing sites for its companion vessel Viking 2. While looking over a region of Mars called Cydonia, controllers of Viking one at the Jet Propulsion Lab were stunned to see what looked like a giant head almost two miles long from top to bottom. They quickly came to a conclusion that it was just another\n\nMartian mesa, commom in Cydonia. Although there were some skeptics.\n\nThe \u201cFace on Mars\u201d became an icon. It was talked about on radio shows, it was written about in books and magazines even placed in grocery store checkout lines. Some belived that the face was proof of ancient civilizations. Although few scientists believed the Face was an alien artifact. Global Surveyor (MGS) arrived at the Red Planet in Sept. 1997, eighteen long years after the Viking missions ended. Jim Garvin, a cheif scientist for NASA said \u201cWe photographed the Face as soon as we could get a good shot at it.\u201d\n\nMichael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team photographed the face ten times sharper than the original Viking photos. Thousands of web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, The photograph uncovering a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all. But some were not satisfied.\n\nThe Face on Mars can be found at 41 degrees north martian latitude where it was winter in April \u201998\u2014a cloudy time of year on Mars. The camera on board MGS had to look through clouds to see the Face. Maybe, said some skeptics, alien markings were hidden by haze. Mission controllers decided to look again. \u201cIt\u2019s not easy to target Cydonia,\u201d said Garvin\n\n\u201cIn fact, it\u2019s hard work.\u201d Mars Global Surveyor is a mapping spacecraft that normally looks straight down and scans the planet like a fax machine in narrow 2.5 km-wide strips.\n\nIn all scientist uncovered that the mysterious \"Face\" on Mars wasn't a face at all, just a regular Martian mesa. Using high definition cameras and updating old pictures. it wasn't the end of a mystery or a stunting of imagination, it was the beging of a new thirst for deep space exploration.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nUs as humans generate on emotions. We hate and we love that's our nature. With this new software, the Facial Action Coding System. We are able to precisely calculate our emotions. This software constructs a 3-D computer model of our face, then uses the 44 major muscles in our face to calculate our emotions. Movements in our major muscles portrays our emotions and this new software catches those precise movements. This software can better benefit the learning expeirence of both the students and the teacher by helping the teacher understand what the students do and do not understand.\n\nThis software can benefit classrooms by helping the teacher understand what the students do and do not understand. In Nick D'Alto's article he speaks of this new software in a classroom setting, \"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored.\" This excerpt directly portrays that a teacher can benefit with this software. The teacher would be able to indicate exactly when students are confused and modify the lesson to better help them. This new method of teaching is able to really advance teaching techniques of teachers and help students in the long run. This software can better advance student's evidence in presentations, essays, and agruments. Also in D'alto's article he includes, \"She's 83 perecnt happy, 9 perecnt disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry.\" When students include photos in there presentations or essays this can better help them analyze the photo. This excerpt shows that this software can excatly calcuate someones emotions in a photo. A photo of a battle in history is a good example of how this software can benefit a student. This software would be able to read the emotions on a warriors faces of that war and show the thought process of each side of the war. One side might have been 70 percent fearful, while the other side is 70 percent disgusted. This software can directly translate into a better learning expeirence for both students and teachers.\n\nThe Facial Action Coding system can better advance the techniques and skills of both students and teachers in a classroom by helping teachers understand their students thought process much more. This will benenfit many students and teachers in the long run. This new software might be so helpful that it will be located in every household soon.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear State Senator,\n\nOnce a year, people all over the United States of America gather to vote for the most powerful men in the country; our President and Vice President.\u00a0 We should have the people of America be able to vote for who they want their president to be because the Electoral College has some major flaws and simply because people have their rights.\u00a0 I believe that we should let the people be able to make their own choices.\n\nThe Electoral College has major flaws.\u00a0 Something bad is bound to happen if we keep letting them make the people's decisions.\u00a0 Source A in paragraph 12 states, \"In 1968, a shift of just 41,971 votes would have deadlocked the election; In 1976 a tie would have occured if a mere 5,559 voters in Ohio and 3,687 voters in Hawaii had voted the other way.\"\u00a0 The election is literally only a few swing voters away from a catastrophe.\u00a0 It would be hard to believe that the people of the United States would want to be embarrassed because we can't even choose a presidential leader correctly.\u00a0 The other countries would take us as a joke; we would simply look like fools.\u00a0 Another thing is, what would we do if there were a tie in the electoral vote.\u00a0 Source B also in paragraph 12 says, \"Perhaps the most worrying is the prospect of a tie in the electoral vote.\"\u00a0 And with that being said, the election would be taken to the HOR (House of Representatives), where state delegations vote on the president.\u00a0 And because each state casts only one vote, the single representative from Wyoming, representing only 500,000 voters, would have much to say as the 55 representatives from California, who represents 35 million.\u00a0 That is the same population as Wyoming only times 70.\u00a0 That is a tremendous difference in population.\u00a0 Don't let our country plummit into bad election.\u00a0 If anyone has a good argument for putting the fate of the presidency in the hands of a few swing voters in Ohio, they have yet to make it.\n\nEver since our founding fathers have settled here in America and made the Decloration of Independence in the late 1700s, the Amendments, and everything that gives us the right to be free, the people have had the right to vote.\u00a0 With the Electoral College, the people of America will not be able to freely use that right.\u00a0 Source C says, \"At the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters.\u00a0 Because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates don't spend time in states they know they have a chance of winning, focusing only on the right races in the \"swing\" states.\"\u00a0 Seventeen states didn't even see the candidates during the campaign in 2000.\u00a0 Those states including Rhode Island and South Carolina.\u00a0 Voters in the 25 of the largest media markets didn't get to see not one, not two, but zero campaign ads.\u00a0 Just as Source D states, \"The single best argument against the electoral college is what we might call the disaster factor.\u00a0 The American people should consider themselves lucky that the 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisis in a century; the system allows for much worse.\"\u00a0 The state legislatures are technically responsible for picking electors, and keep in mind that those electors possibly could defy the will of the people.\u00a0 What if a state sends two state of electors to Congress?\u00a0 It happened in 1960 with Hawaii and luckily VP Richard Nixon validated only his opponent's electors, but made sure to do so \"without establishing a precedent.\"\u00a0 What if it happened again?\u00a0 Remember when Al Gore won the popular vote but lost the presidency to George W. Bush?\u00a0 Thank that to the electoral college.\u00a0 In the 2000 U.S. presidential race, Al Gore recieved more individual votes that George W. Bush nationwide, but Bush won the election recieving 271 electoral votes to Gore's 266.\u00a0 This year voters can expect another close election in which the popular vote winner could again lose the presidency.\u00a0 And yet, the electoral college still has its defenders.\u00a0 But why?\n\nFirst of all, Source E states, \"So, other things being equal, a large state gets more attention from presidential candidates in a campaign than a small one does.\"\u00a0 But the problem with this is is that it's simply unfair.\u00a0 The smaller states should get just as much attention as the bigger states do.\u00a0 This is like saying that on the baseball field, the bigger and stronger kids should be the ones picked first and be able to play but the smaller kids don't get to play.\u00a0 It is not fair to the people in the smaller states like Wyoming, to be considered not as good as the state of California.\u00a0 Also in paragraph 20 of Source F says, \"They are the most thoughtful voters, on average (and for the further reason that they will have recieved the most information and attention from the candidates), and the most thoughtful voters should be the ones to decide the election.\"\u00a0 Once again, this statement is unfair.\u00a0 This is favoritism.\u00a0 This is saying that the better and bigger states should get all the attention just because they are more \"thoughtful\".\u00a0 Once again, people deserve to have their rights so I say, let them vote.\n\nPeople want to make their own decisions.\u00a0 It's who we are as a person we want to be able to have responsibilities; we want to feel important.\u00a0 With the electoral college we won't be able to get that feeling because we feel we aren't important enough to vote.\u00a0 So it's official.\u00a0 The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational.\u00a0 The best arguments in favor of it are mostly assertions without much basis in reality.\u00a0 And the arguments against direct elections are spurious at best.\u00a0 Over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind that we have now and there's a pretty good reason.\u00a0 It's fair.\u00a0 There's only one thing I have to say to you.\u00a0 State Senator, please abolish the electoral college.\n\nSincerely,\n\nPROPER_NAME", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Facial Action Coding system. It can read almost any face, and tell weither what emotion you have having. You could use this for many diffrent things such as; busting a crimanal, telling if a person around you acully is happy around you, or even if someone is lying to you. But one other important thing this technology can be used for is school.\n\nLets say you were at school and you were getting bullied or you werent having a good day. You are trying to hide your emotions but your quiet good at it. But the moment you sit down at a computer, it scans your face and it says that you are sad/depressed. The moment the computer reads your face it can alert the teacher and it can tell if the student is enjoying or disliking the class or school in general. Then, when the teacher knows his/her emoiton, he could ask the student why they are feeling this way and if they need to talk. It could make the students feel special and that they dont need to hide there emotions from people and can feel totally comfortable expressing themselves.\n\nEven with that sanificant factor of helping children out with there emotions, there is also some cons about have this system. Facial Action Coding System could almost make the parents a bit worried about there children and be wondering would it could be doing. What if foreigner parties start to hack the system. There could be major problems such as; knowing who you are, having your facial ID, and a chance of getting captured. Some parents are really strict with their children not letting them show there face to a camera just because they are aware of the dangers that could happen.\n\nAnother con is that the system could malfunction. Since is sends the information and emotion to teacher/parents the teacher could get worried and ask why this student has this emotion but little do they know that there was wrong information sent. Lets say the student his sitting as his desk and the system scanned his face over a multitude of facial moment and it says your sad, but on the inside you are acually fairly happy. Then the teacher could ask you why he or she is sad, and would try to help him out. But little do they know is that he really happy and something went wrong with the system. It would be pointless, there would be no advantage in having this. It would take time out of your day and there could be a whole ordeal about weither your sad or happy.\n\nBut also the Facial Action Coding System could help us find out is is someone has cheated on a test, or is mad at another student. It can prevent many of dangerous thing from happening in the school such as a school shooting for example. If a student was angry 24/7 at school it could aller and worry the teachers that something drastic could happen and a gun could be pulled out. But you can prevent that from happening with the Facial Coding System, you could see that the student is mad all the time and the teachers could reach out and help the student before something drastic happens.\n\nOver all I think it would be a great idea to have a system like this in our schools today because some people are really hurting on the inside, and sometimes us humans can not tell weither if the person is sad, mad, or happy. We could prevent self harm with this! We could stop many of things from happening in our schools today. I think every school should start to incorporate this system into there labtops and computers because it could really help a student out. We could make people the outcasts feel important for once. It would make there day knowing the fact that somone cares about them.\n\nWe could help a lot of things we do in school today, it was be a good benefit factor having this system in schools.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe aritcle \" Driverless Cars Are Coming \" talks about negative and positive asapects of driverless cars. I agree with the development of these cars because they help people out, they're smart cars, and people would be saving there money by not having to buy another car. All of these are good ideas to have driverless cars in the near future.\n\nThese new cars can be a big help to many people in genreal. If a person doesn't want to drive and is to lazy too, then that is what the cars are here for. Drivers can rest while the car is taking the wheel, but they would have to be in alert because there might be situatuons where there is work zones and would have to use our human skills to go around it. These cars can also warn drivers about certain things, such as pulling out of a driveway and making the driver look back and check if there are any cars.\n\nThese new and developed cars are also smart and can warn a driver with anything. Manufactures plan on using cameras to wtahc the driver have there eyes on the road and nowhere else. This would be a good idea because many people use there phone while driving. Either they are texting or talking to someone on the phone which is dangerous. This idea about using cameras to see if drivers are paying attention on the road would decrease the number of accidents and deaths. A good idea that they also came up with is to use flashing lights on the windshield to give the driver a heads up that it's there turn to take over the wheel which I feel is a good idea because if they're asleep then the flashing lights can wake them up instantly.\n\nAnother reason to get the driverless cars in the future is that a lot of people can't afford cars and they're stuck walking or riding there bike to school or to work. You won't have to buy a car anymore because of the new technology that they are coming up with. This will save people that are in need of a car a lot of money. This new technology would help out alot because of the different ideas that manufacutrers are coming up with.\n\nI agree with the development of these cars because they help people out, they're smart cars, and people would be saving there money by not having to buy another car. These ideas would help and please a lot of people because it's so much help.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author brings up many great ideas and facts about venus. In paragraph four the author says that venus and earth have a lot of the same physical features. The author brings up at one time venus could of had oceans. I think this is a false statement because the average tempature is 800 degrees. So I think all the water would evaporate over time. The author did bring up in pargraph four how venus had a lot of similar features like mountains,valleys and craters.\n\nI dont think we should travel to venus my reasoning for that is in paragraph three the author states that the pressure is 90 times greater than earths and could crush metals. I dont belive we should travel to other planets because im afraid of what we may find. I defintly belive we should study planets in our solar system we need to be aware of whats around us and try to figure out if there are other life forms.\n\nIn conclussion I think we should futher our investigation on the planet Venus. We as a country should not try to go there if the atmosphere will crush a submarine I cant imagine how our human bodies would react.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhile there are benifits for facial scanning to understand ones true intentions, does not justify the scuitiny thats subject to follow. Some students get in touble for yawning during a class. Imagine a teacher realizing half of their class has an above 70% rating of disgust in thir class. What would that do psycologically. Giviing the ability to understand what people truly feel provides complications for human relationships in the future.\n\nThe ability to know what everyones thinking is a blessing and a curse. Yes it would be nice to be able to read every situation and adapt so one becomes near perfect. But thats not what its about. As a society based around lies, some small and innocent and some huge and incrimanating, the loss of that ability to hide our true feelings so that we save anothers from being hurt. Say the technology comes out for phones and Sallys neice came in wanting to know what Sally thinks about when looking at her. The results could be catostropic, they can tear relationships up in an instant. All because of not being able to tell that white lie, \"Oh your hair looks good Rachel\", \"Yeah I dlove to hang out with you!\" , \"No i dont find you annoying\". In an age that is supposed to be social with the inventions of smart phones and apps like instagram where one can talk to someone 2000 miles away in seconds,, has hurt us more than helped.\n\nThe connection face to face has slipped through the cracks. People are scared to talk to others in person or on the phone. How would giving that person the ability to find out what people really thought of her effect her? All for what? Humanity needs help connecting with one another, we crave relationship with others. And this fancy mood ring will only hurt our chances at getting along and prospering as a society.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe driverless cars are coming is a statement that I would not like to hear.\n\nIf there is going to be driverless cars on the road it is going to turn to a dangerous place.\n\nIf the drivers are not driving the car themselves then they are not paying attention, could cause a serious crash, and the car could malfunction.\n\nAll of these are dangerous for other drivers.\n\nIf a driver is not paying attention to the road, things can go down really fast.\n\nJust taking your eyes off the road for a second, the car could run off the road and hit someone or just damage your car without hitting someone else.\n\nTo drive a car you need to be sure and watch where you are going because you are not just driving for yourself, you are driving for everyone on the road.\n\nA driver must focus on the road and not anything else, or they could cause a serious crash.\n\nLooking down to read a text message can cost a life, it may be yours or someone else.\n\nThere have been many crashes in the past year from careless drivers that do not pay attention to the road and have killed innocent families.\n\nThe alerts on the car may not work, or they may give out.\n\nIf the car was ran by technology, where does it get all of its technology?\n\nWhat would happen if that technology failed?\n\nThere is always a question of what could happen or if it is going to happen.\n\nWith a driverless car, it could be a lot worse for the driver not to be driving or it could be a lot better for all the drunks that drive.\n\nBut if someone was doing something else and not watching the road, like they said the seats will vibrate if something is on the road or something wrong, if someone is not paying attention or trying to reach for something in the back they will not feel that. They could run off the road and hit something or someone.\n\nThe law has not even passed so these cars can be driven because it is a disaster to think of a driverless car driving on the road.\n\nA part in the article even says, the car can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 miles per hour.\n\nThere are not many roads where people will be driving 25 miles per hour.\n\nTrying to put a car out there that can drive itself is not a good idea because there could be many problems.\n\nWith the idea of that drivers will think they will not have to drive anymore and they will not listen to the alerts and just ignore them.\n\nThey will not be focused on driving and thinking about things that really do not matter.\n\nThese cars are not safe to be driving themeselves on the road.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIf we were going to do a complete turn around and go to driverless cars I might cry. Nothing makes me more nervous than a car driving itself with no mind. If a new road goes in they better make sure the car knows what is going on or someone could end up being dead.\n\nDriving down the road is something you might enjoy but their are people that are bad drives I really don't want a 2,000 pound car doing 55 mph coming at me with no mind. Yes they say that the sensors will be top noch and will be the best in the world. What I want to know is there some kind of defense that will keep someone from hacking the system and taking over someones car. We need people to drive cars there is a good and bad side to this issue. Someone could use the car when they are drunk and take advantage to this and then what would we do to the people that get DUI'S. In the article in paragraph 7 it cleary states that no cars are completely driverless yet. All cars still need people to drive them through work sites and accident areas. With all of this happening I don't see cars ever being driverless.\n\nAnother down side is how much will these new cars cost? Everything on this car that drives itself should come in a kit not be sold by itself that will cost an arm and a leg if something breaks or you get into a addicent. Also if cars become driverless who is at fault for the crash. In paragraph 9 the same question came up. If you have cameras set up then thats one thing but if you don't who do you blame. That is a tough one to handle that could really screw up some court systems. What if all cars become driverless then what are we going to do about a drivers lincese. If all cars can drive themselves then whats the point in letting only adults drive.\n\nThere is also a good side to this what is fun about going on a road trip everyone is having fun but the driver. The family can do stuff in the car but not the driver. This also could take away road rage people don't have to get mad anymore about bad drivers. If they put in a driver mode you could go back and forth between you driving and the car doing it by itself.\n\nAt the end of this debate I'm leaning towards the side of I really don't want driverless cars, it can be dangerous out on the road why make it even worse. Cars may make a change but it is up in the air if it will be better or worse for the people in the world.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" the author does a great job at evalutating his idea of Venus and its dangers. No spacecraft has ever survived the landing of Venus for more than a few hours and if that is the case then surely a human could never survive that so it seems.\n\nThe carbon dioxide, temperature and pressure is just one of the many dangers of Venus as the author clearly describes. The atmosphere, according to paragraph 3, is about 97% carbon dioxide. On the planets surface, it is also 800 degrees fahrenheit. Just these dangerous factors of Venus makes me believe humans will most likely never step a foot on the planet.\n\nIn paragraph four, the author discusses the interest in exploring this planet further despite all of the dangers. Astronomers go on to believe that Venus used to be quite earthlike with lots of oceans and could have possibly supported some sort of life. It includes rocky mountains, valleys, and craters as well. The author states that \"the value of returning to Venus seems indisputable, but what are the options for making such a mission both safe and scientifically productive?\"\n\nIn paragraph five the author describes to us the solutions NASA and other astronomers are trying to come up with to be able to explore planet Venus. They want to try to avoid its terrible conditions on the surface and avoid as much pressure as possible by creating a floating aircraft to hover over Venus. The author states \"Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans.\" There is conflict however because there would be no way to retrieve any samples of rock or gas from this distance.\n\nIn conclusion, I believe the author did a wonderful job of supprting his idea about planet Venus. I learned a lot by reading this article and have become more interested in Venus and its conditions. The author presented a problem and gave some solutions to the problem that NASA is still continuing to work on.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHaving to drive a driveless car might be really helpful. In the world there are plenty of people getting into to car accidents. Driving a drivless car and you being able to relax for a couple of minutes can be useful.\n\nDriveless cars tell you when an accidents is going to occur by interacting with a sensor. They deal with complicated traffic issues and pulling in and out of driveways by alerting the driver. I perosnally think this is a good way to advance todays world because there have been a a lot of people who have died in car accidents. The cars carry a majority of sensors which helps with detecting accidents and when the driver has to be put on the wheel and watch out for things and it will tell them. The information from the sensor can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power of engine. Having a car that makes sure you are safe is one of the most important things. Drivless cars may be an object that is hard to trust because you never know if it is going to work, but with investigating and finding out that the drivless cars have been tested and they are going to work can be beneficial for you. This would also be helpful because some people when they are driving are on their phones and not paying attention on the roads and then thats when the drivless cars would help you a lot. There are still cars being made and tetsed to try in the future which is a good thing for people all over that we will have these driveless cars. Also the law wouldn't put them out for people to have if it wasn't safe. The driving law focuses on keeping drivers safe, and lawnmakers know that saftey is best when the driver is alert.\n\nDrivless cars will be beneficial for most people. The cars will tell you when something is safe. Having one of these cars can or may safe lives. Always having a break on some sort of long trip would be useful. These cars would be able to help a lot of people not only by telling them what they need to do, but by doing it for them. There are plenty of things these cars can do and it will be so good to people to have less car accidents. The goal is to be safe wherever you are traveling too.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Exploring Venus. Venus is sometime some called\"Evening Star\".Because it the one of the brightest points of lighht in the night time in the sky the venus nickname misleading since Venus is a actually a planet.Because first they dont know the Venus is a planet yet.In the solar system Venus is the second planet from the sun.\n\nFor the exploring The Venus is a very challenging place to examine second more closely than the sun. The Venus is the closest planet to the earth with the size and the density the Venus is occasionally the closest in distance to earth.In Planet the are this called the distance speed. The distance speed mean that sometimes people are close to other planet because Venus is sometimes around the corner.\n\nVenus is a challenge planet for human because in paragraph 2 it said no spaceship landed in the Venus in more than three decades already and they said it a challenging planet for the human spaceman to study around Venus. On the. planet the temperature average are over 800 degress fahrenheit and it pressure are 90 times greater than they experience in there own planet.\n\nVenus has the hottest surface temperatures of any planet in our solar system. what!!!! I thought the sun is hottest even the mercury is closer to the sun the Venus is like erupting like volcanoes like an earthquakes. The Venus mission both safe and scientifically productive.The (NASA) trying to to send human to Venus to study and at the thirty miles above the surface the tenperature would be 170 degrees Fahrenheit but it the same with the sea level on earth.\n\nTo explore the Venus planet many of the researcher are working on innovation the would allow the machines to last\n\nlong to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus.NASA working on other approaches to studying Venus.The scientist figuring out how spaceship can land and human to survive in the planet called Venus.Some scientist looking back in the past to get the technology called mechanical computers . They were made in the 1800s and they play a really important role in the 1940s the played them during world war ll.\n\nThe technology computer are old but it still usefull till now because it device make calculations by using gears and levers and do not requires electronics at all it might be old it but usefull. The Venus need exploring because human curiosity will likely lead us into many intimidating endeavors. The travels on Earth should not be danger.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe study of Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents becuase the temperature of Venuse is way to dangerous for humans, but it's survivable. Humans will challenge themselves to go on adventures and try to find different ways to go on planets.\n\nTherefore this means that humans could survive Venus. Paragraph 4 states, \"At thirty-plus miles above the surface, temperature would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth. Solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed earth levels. Not easy conditions, but still survivable for humans.\" Althought this means that Venus temperature is a potential threat towards humans, but we can survive being there. Paragraph 3 states, \"These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth; such an enviroment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans would liquefy many metals. Also notable, Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to our sun. Beyond high pressure and heat, Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking land on it's surface.\" Things like those won't stop humnas curiosity towards finding better and more safe ways to exploring Venus.\n\nTherefore there could be a chance we as humans can survive Venus. With the quotes and evidence that have been stated there is a possible chance for humans to go to Venus. There are many dangerous things in Venus, but it's not stoping humans curiosity toward going to Venus. This means that humans can discover new things on Venus.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCar emmitons have been a real problem since the automobile indrustry has gone up. During the year of 2005 car use in the united states was at an all time high. There are a plethora of problems with how much and how often people use their cars for example, with the use of all those cars the air pollution levels in dencly populated areas are dangerously high due to all of the cars that are present,the air pollution is causing acid rain than can be very harmful to people and even stripping paint from cars at times,car acciedents due to the large number of cars killing thousands of people each year, and most of all the enviornment causing some some habitats of animals to now be unlivible for some animals. Some of these problems coulb be solved if the community starts to limit car usage and starts to do what they are told.\n\nAre pollution has started to become a giant problem among the entire world causing people to inhale fumes from cars unintentinally and after a while can cause many problems to your body such as cancer, teberculosis and among many others complications that can occur. Air pollution can also cuase places that are very nice start looking a bit gloomy because of all of the bad cloud cover\n\nAcid rain can cause massive destruction on a mass scale depending on the level of polluton in the rain. Right now its not as high but as more and more cars are being produced and driven more and more pollution is being emmited from the cars that are driven. if we as a community help\u00a0 limmit the use of cars we can help the ammount of acid in the rain go down and therefor helping out the earth not just our community.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" the author suggest that stuying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents.\n\nVenus sometimes is called \"The Evening Star\", is one of the biggest points in light in the night sky,making it simple for even an amateur stargazer to spot.This nickname is misleading since Venus is actually a planet.Venus is the second planet from our sun.Venus is simple to see from the distant but safe ventage point of earth,it has proved a very challenging to examine more closely.\n\nVenus is the closest planet on Earth in terms of density and size.Earth,Venus and Mars,orbit the sun at different speeds.This cause that sometimes we are closer to Mars and other to Venus.Because Venus is sometimes right around the corner.Also notable,Venus has the hottest surface temprerature of any planet in our solar system.Beyond high pressure and heat,present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes,powerful earthquakes,and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on it's surface.Nomerous factors contribute to venu's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study,despite its proximity to us.A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent of carbon dioxide blankets Venus.\n\nAstornomers are fasinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system.Long ago,venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various froms of life,just like Earth.Venus has a surface of rocky sediment and includes features such valleys,mountains,and craters.NASA's possible solution to the hosyile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray.NASA is working on other aproaches to studying Venus. For example,some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venu's surface.\n\nResearches cannot take samples of rock,gas, or anything else,from a distance.Therefore,scientist seeking to conduct a trorough mission to understand Venus would need to get up close and personal despite risks.many researches are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute to venus.NASA is working on other aproaches to studying Venus.The challenge presented by the venus has value,not only because of the insight to be gained on the\n\nplanet itself,but also because human curiositu will likely lead us into many equally intidating endeavors.Our travels in Eartg should not be limited by dangers and doubts.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMaking Mona lisa smile\n\nThe Facial Action Coding System improves accuracy in perceiving the emotions of humans and detects how people truly feel even when they are trying to hide their emotions. Facial Action Coding System would be effective and valuable in reading emotional expressions of students in the classroom because;\n\nClassroom computers would be able to know when they need to modify the lesson when they notice the students look bored or confused and that could make learning more effective to students. \"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored, then it would modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor\". This shows how learning can be made much more easier and fun.\n\nThe facial action coding system would be effective in classrooms because it would make computer-animated faces more expressive when teaching. \"The same technology can make computer animated faces more expressive for video games or video surgery, most human communication is nonverbal including emotional communication\". Sometimes muscle clues might be wrong because sometimes people might not be able to indicate a genuine smile and a forced one but facial action coding system would be able to detect when students are happy and when they are lying.\n\n\"Most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried, etc\".\n\nIn conclusion facial action coding system would recognize the subtle facial movements students use to express how they feel", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn 1976 , there was a \"Face\" dicovered on Mars. There is proof that it is there! As of the pictures taken in 1976, 1987, and 2001 .\n\nMany say it has looked like an Egyptian Pharoh. Some agree , and some don't . But whatever it is, it has grabbed the attention of the world !\n\nThe Mars \"Face\" Has become a huge pop icon ! In the story it says, it has starred in Hollywood films, appeared in books and magazines, it has even been on radio talk shows ! Something on a whole different planet , has the humans on Earth excited ! Wouldn't it be cool to see it in real life?\n\nSome people think it's Bona fied evidence of life on Mars ! Although , very few scientist have believed that the face was an alien atrifact . That would be a surprise to all of us ! Even though there have been many theroies of to what it might be , we aren't qutie sure. One day , I'm sure there will be more research done for the \"Face\".\n\nNASA has mentioned that even though there are pictures, they actually don't pass the \"Face\" very often . I wonder what it might look lke from different angles of pictures. The pictures have been taken on different occasions , but sometimes the face is hard to find . Also , there have been slight changes, not surprisingly, because the pictures are years apart ! I can't wait until they take more !\n\nWhat is the pictures actually showing us ? In conclusion , it shows Martain eqivalent to Messa , or Butte . Those are landforms common around the American West . For many people it reminds them of the \"Snake River Plain of Idaho\". What does it remind you of ?", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author suggests that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it present. This is because astronomers are fascinated by venus being the most Earth-like planet in the solar system. scientists also believed that long ago, Venus was covered largely with oceans and could have supported various form of life. Venus also has some features that are same to the Earth like valleys, mountains and craters.\n\nThe author suggests tha studying Venus is worth a pursuit because it has been the most earth like planet in our solar system.\n\nThe author suggests that studying Venus is worth a pursuit because it has been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system.\n\nVenus is often reffered to as the Earth's twin because it \"is the closest planet to the Earth in terms of density, size and occasionally in diistance\". Venus also has natural features which is also in earth. It is also the nearest place to go for planetry visit. This because there won't be a long time of space travel and it would save fuel consuption. The author supports his idea by showing Earth and Venus similarity in physical and natural features.\n\nIn conclusion, the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy\n\npursuit despite the dangers because of her similarity to Earth.This similarity includes shape, size, natural features like mountains, valleys and craters. Astronomers aalso believed that Venus probably have been covered with oceans which could have supported life. Due to long time of space travel, Venus is sometimes the nearest option for planetry visit.\n\nSince Venus is closer, this would also save the consumption of fuel.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article \"Making Mona Lisa Smile\", the author is describing a new technology, one that enables computers to identify human emotions. This could be valuable in the classroom for both a student and a teacher. Many teachers can find a hard time to deal with students because of things that could be going on at home. Teachers can find it hard to also help students if they don't know how they are feeling. Facial Action Coding system can help those teachers understand what a student is feeling.\n\nFor example, Sarah has a lot of family issues going on at home. She comes to school, doesn't feel like doing her work and her teacher want's to help her but doesn't know how to approach her. This technology can help the teacher get a better understanding on what Sarah is feeling and even ask her why she feels that certain emotion. This can build up a good relationship between a student and a teacher. A lot of students don't have good relationships with teachers because some teachers could say the wrong thing which leads to the student not wanting to say anything.\n\nIn paragraph 6 Dr. Huang states that \"A classroom computer could recongnize when a student is becoming confused or bored\", this also could a help a teacher to know what type of assignments or projects that she/he could give to the class so the students wouldnt be bored or confused. This could also give insight to the teacher on what she/he feels like they should do better in there lectures or what their teaching to the class.\n\nIn my personal expierence, I knew a lot of teachers who didn't know how to approach me because they either didn't know what to say or how to say the right thing. If my teachers had this type of technology built into the school computers and could see through their computer how student's and myself were feeling. I would have a much better relationship with most of my teachers because they would have known what I'm feeling, whether i'm feeling sad or angry.\n\nIn my conclusion, the Facial Acting Coding System would be valuable of students in a classroom because it could both help students and a teacher to be able to build a strong, trusting relationship and also giving insight to one another. This could help thousands of teachers worldwide on how they could help there students and also have a understanding on what they could change or learn in their classroom from a students facial expression.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nLimiting car usage helps in multiple ways from decreasing air pollution to boosting new restaurants bussiness. Others who have completely left their car have seemed more happy and \"less tense\" as a ex-car owner put it.\n\nAn important factor of the decreased usage of automobiles is that it decreases pollution. Cars in Europe are responsible for twelve percent of greenhouse gas emissions. And up to fifty percent in car-intensive areas in the United States. An example is Paris. It had days of near record pollution they had to enforce a temporary driving ban to clear the air. Traffic was down sixty percent and smog was decreasing. The pollution challenged Beijing, China who is known to be one of the most polluted cities in the whole world. Paris normally has more smog than any other European Capitals.\n\nLimiting your car usage also has personal perks besides lower air pollution. Bogota,Colombia has had its third straight year of banning cars people have started hiking, biking,skating and walking to point A to B it helps bussinesses get popular. Parks and sports centers have started sprouting.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI was getting lonely on board with the normal crew all day everyday. I had an idea to try and see if some of my friends would want to help me with my job as a Seagoing Cowboy. with my luck some of them said, \"Yeah sure!\", but some of them were too busy. I asked the captain if I could invite some of my friends so I could have more fun, and so we could get more work done on the boat.\n\nThe captain thought about it for a little while, and to my surprise he said yes! I was so happy that my friends and I could see Europe together! This all started because my friend Dan Reist invited me to help. A few days later me and my friends were helping out on the boat. Also we were playing games to pass the time. We had to make sure that the animals were safe, secure, and fed.\n\nWe all had a spendid time. We could be together until we got all of the countries back to normal, or even better! We could still help people even if we were done helping countries back to normal. I still chose to help people. It was the right thing to do, and most of my friends helpped, too.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think that having technology that reads kids emotions would definetly be bennefical. I think it would help kids learn and grow as a student. There are way more advantages in doing this than not. I think this could make students happier and enjoy school more, they will be more engaged becuase their emotions will tell the computer what they are or are not interested in, they will learn more, get more done in a quicker time, and help those struggling kids.\n\nIn this day and age, many kids have emotional or tramtic experiences. I think a lot more now than ever. A kid could have been beat at home the night before and they would have to go to school, get on the computer and go through the computer program or whatever and the computer wouldnt care that they are sad or struggling, that they dont want to do this. The emotional stability of students are very important and I think we should pay way more attention to that.\n\nIn the article, It states that in everyday life our friends can tell when we are sad or upset, or even happy. But when we go to school and get on the computer, it has no clue. It doesnt take our emotional state into account. If we go to school everyday and have to sit on a computer, why not let it get to know us? If we are engaging with a computer that much...and we are, it should take all of us into account.\n\nHowever, I am split. I am a technology fanatic. I love everything about technology, its facinating to me. But this could also be one step closer to technology taking over our planet. With technology being able to read our emotions, what would be next? Technology having emotions itself? Then people would probobly start to fall in love with technology and we are already lacking in human connection. It could honestly be a complete mess or it could go very well for struggling students.\n\nAll in all, I think we should give it a whirl. I think that technology is very helpful and to the kids that need it, it would level out the playing field and get students all on the same level. All students learn very differently and I think that this would definetly help. As for technology taking over our planet, its going to happen anyway so why not? I think computers knowing our emotions would be very helpful.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIts a great idea to have something read what your're feeling. That way teachers can know what there students are feeling. That can also help the teacher to find ways to help the student.\n\nThe person reading the other person feelings can know how that person is feel so that way they can help them out. Like if the person is feeling sad,mad,or similar feelings like that they will know that they have to try to find a way to cheer them up.\n\nThis would be a great expirces that teachers can try and also students,other people. Peolpe can learn new things like how to cheer up a friend. Or how to make someone feel better.\n\nThis is a good resorceful way to use technolgy. We should be using technoligy for good not bad and this would be a good way. That way from this expirement we can learn to make other ways to use it for good.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nFrom reading this article I think that the Face is just a natural landform.\n\nEven though it may look like an alien artifact, few scientists believed it was. It has been seen in books, magazines, radio talk shows and in grocery store checkout lines for some 25 years! Some conspiracy theorists say that NASA would rather hide the Face as being bona fide evidence that there is life on Mars. Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the first image appeared on a JPL web site revealing, a natural landform. When the MOC team snapped the picture ten times sharper, the image revealed a natural landform. Some skeptics say that alien markings were hiiden by the haze,since the camera on board the MGS had to peek through\n\nthick clouds to see it. So just to be certain the team took one more picture. After turning the camera to its absolute maximum resolution, the extraordinary photo showed landforms that are commonly found around the American West.Even if there were any objects like airplanes on the ground,or Egyptian-style pyramids,or even small shacks then you would be able to see them in the picture. What it actually showed was the equivalent of a butte or mesa. A mesa or butte is a landform commonly found around the American West.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars is a really outstanding invention but also has many negative sides to it. My thoughts about this invention are kind of in between. I feel like they should be invented but every litttle thing about the car should be examed and checked carefully. I dont think driverless cars are ready to come out for like another decade. Driverless car is just a whole new level and people can be wreckless. I would love to have a driverless car but the fact that I need to be alert and cannot fully count on that car to keep me safe or the people around me safe I do not want it yet.\n\nWe have came a really long way with making new inventions and one of the most creative one, driverless cars. It is a great idea that just needs to be full proof. People need to be resured that the car can drive and be safe on the road while parking or driving on a busy road, especially if the driver isnt fully alert. I think the driverless car needs to be studied more and tested out a lot of time before they come out and people start buying them and getting wreckless thinking they can fully rely on that car.\n\nDriverless cars will be such a craze for people that everyone would wanna have a car. Teens and adults can get in trouble with it trying to show it off and doing something immature. The possibilites of something wrong happening is endless. Weather if it is the people being wreckless and not responsible or the car just glitching and breaking down.\n\nOur technology has develpoed so much in just the past couple of years. Waiting another ten years for such a big invention wont be any harm. Infact it would be better. Those ten years can be used to do research and examing the car and making it full proof safe and being completly reliable on the car. The car needs to be tested countless times before they come out so we know for a fact that it is safe to drive in bad weather or a busy road.\n\nAt last, the driverless car is a big responsibility and I do not think it is the right time for them to come out. A lot more researched needs to be done and the car needs to be tested in different kind of weather too. Summer and especially winter on a snowy sleety day. Just to be more safe. Technology only gets better and there is so much than can be added and improved on an invention like that.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nShould facial recognition for emotion be used in the classroom? I dont think so! The use of that type of technology anywhere could always fail.\n\nLets say that you're in school power goes out what are you supposed to do. Your computer won't be able to do anyting so here come the teachers. The students would be so used to being made happy whenever they're mad or upset, or bored. What are the students gonna think when they cant be made happy while learnig? The students will not be used to the old ways. After being on the computer for so long they wouldnt be able to learn as well as the computers. Another thing about these facial recognition is that the computers would be super expensive. An everyday laptop, or computer that students have already would not be able to run the software at all. It even says in the article paragraph 7 line 1 that home pc's cannot handle the software needed to run tthis program. The schools would have to buy all brand new computers. This would most likely cause the cost of tuition to sky rocket and possibly even taxes in the area.\n\nIn conclusion I don't think this is valuable iformation at all and above is the reasoning. It would be a burden if power goes out for a while or ther is a problem with the software, and it would be super expensive for schools to buy computers that can run the software, that would be 100's of computers that would need to be bought.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIf i was a scientist at NASA discussing the Face with someone who thinks it was created by aliens i would tell them that it was a huge rock formation giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth. I would also say to them that Micheal Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos which can prove that i was just a landform.\n\nThousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing. . . a natural landorm. And to add to the conversation i would tell them that the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa-- landforms common around the American West.\n\nThen tell them how can aliens create a landform.\n\nIn conclusion, I would show them pictures of the landform on the monitor then zoom in and prove to them that its just a landform with an illusion. Then after telling them this information they should understand why its just a landform with and illusion but aliens did NOT make the landform", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nEven though driverless cars are coming in the near future and have alot of postive and nagative aspects in my opinion I support the devlopement for driverless cars. To convey why Driverless cars are a good thing is becasue is can save alot of time and fossil fuel and is a lot more convient. For instance when the author states that, \"The cars he foresees would use half the fuel of today's taxis and far more flexibity than a bus. This line states how driveless cars can change the world for better and are going to be more aparant then riding the bus.\n\nSome more interesting facts about the smart cars that makes me more support it is when the passage talks about the Driving and the Assisting. For instance author talks about how,\"Traffic Jam Assistant.\" \"The can handle driving functions at the speeds up to 25 mph, but special touch senseors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel.\" I think this is a good thing becasue it makes driving more alot more safe for the driver, but at the same time does not sacrifice the drivers control of the car and it will alert you if you need to take control of the car, which I think is very important so there won't be any accidents.\n\nTo argue why would you need a driverless car if you can just drive yourself is an very improtant question. Driverless Cars can be helpful and can maybe even save your life if you come across some reckless driver on the road. For example when passage states how, Some manufactures hope to do that by bringing in-car entertiainment and information systems that use heads-up displays. Such displays can be turned of instantly when the driver needs to take over-something not avabilable to drivers trying to text with a cell phone.\" This line describes how the driverless Cars have many safety features and can be automatical turned off just in case of emergencys, which makes it even more convenient and alot safer for the driver.\n\nTo summerize my argument on selfdriving cars is that I think it's going to be a huge advancement for humanity and will improve our lifestyles for the better. The features in the passage that describes these smart cars such as the heads up dsiplay, which is entiretantment system and information system which, can be turn off automaticaly in case of emergencys. Also the Antilock brake and driver assitance, which can save a lot of lives.\n\nThese safety features are going to make driverless cars a sucess. Driverless cars are going to be aparent part for the future and will imporve the way we drive and our action as well and save many lives.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDear State Senator,\n\nThe Electoral College has been an election process in the united states sense the constitution was created. But it has come to the time where it no longer has a valuble position and is beginning to deteriorate. Over 60% of voters would prefer to only have a popular vote for Presidential elections, rather than the Electoral College. Recently it seems as if every election has been very tight and the winner of the popular votes loses due to the turn out of the Elecoral College votes. The Ellectoral College system should be abolished and banned from our election process.\n\nIn the Electoral College voters vote for a slate of electors who in turn elect the President rather than them directly voting themselves. Source 2 States \"The Electors can be anyone not holding office.\" Therefore anybody can put theirself in the position to be in the Ellectoral College, even if they are unqualified for the responsibilities it requires. Also voters can't always control who their electors vote for so the efficiency of the election has already decreased.\n\nThis system allows for disaster. The electors could always defy the will of the people. Source 2 brings up \"Segregationists in the Louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the Democratic elecors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy.\" \"Faithless\" electors in the past have refused to vote for their party's candidate and cast a deciding vote for whoever they would like, and there is no guarentee that this will not occur again.\n\nWhen it comes down to the core, the Electoral College does not provide an equal election to all voters. You will not find candidates dedicating their time in states where they believe they do not have a chance of winning. In effect, the representation and campaigning is not equally distributed throughout all the states. Some states may get no campaigning at all. Source 2 includes \"During the 2000 campaign, seventeen staes didn't see the candidates at all, including Rhode Island and South Carolina, and voters in 25 of the largest media markets didn't get to see a single campaign ad.\" All the focus is centered into the tight races of the \"swing\" states.\n\nIt is said that rarely will the electoral college voting come out as a tie but it has happend. In the situation of a tie the election would be thrown to the House of Representatives, and the Houses selection can hardly be expected to reflect the will of the people.\n\nThe Electoral College is out dated and irrelevant to our modern society and it is too indirect to present the true votes from our country. It is time to leave the vote to the people and only the people, and it is time for our country to mature and abolish the Ellectoral College.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Sea Cowboy\n\nWhy would anyone want to be a sea cowboy ? Their are many reasons why some people want to be a sea cowboy . What do you have to do if your a sea cowboy ?\n\nHow long do trips take and when would you ever get the time to have fun ?\n\nThe sea cowboy in this story was just an ordianary person before his friend don invited him to go to europe on a cattle boat . He says \"its a lifetime opportunity \"\n\nto him .\n\nTheir are many reasons why some people want to be a sea cowboy .\n\nSome people could of just signed up for no reason .\n\nYou had a chance to become a sea cowboy because in europe and other countrys were left in ruins. This was to help the countries recover their food supplies animals and other important things the need. 44 nations came together and formed the UNRRA ( united nations relief and rehabilitation administration.\n\nWhat do you have to do if your a sea cowboy ? The sea cowboys take care of horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas. The first time luke got on the cattle boat their were 335 horse being shipped .\n\nLuke was always busy caring for the animals during crossing.\n\nThey also have to chack on the animals hourly .\n\nHow long do the trips take and when would you ever get the time to have fun. It took two weeks to cross the atlantic ocean from the eastern coast of the united states and a month to get to china.\n\nHow would you not get sea sick from riding a boat that long ? luke got to see some amazing sites when he was riding the cattle boat .\n\nLuke also found time to have fun on board. The cowboys played baseball and vollyball in the empty holds where the animals were . This was after the animals have been unloaded also table tennis tournaments , boxing , reading,and whittling and other games also helped pass the time.\n\nSo after all being a sea cowboy isnt so bad .\n\nYou now know how long the trips take and if the yever had time to have fun. The reasons some people wanted to be a sea cowboy. Also you learned what you had to do to become a sea cowboy . I can tell you its probably not the easiest thing in the world to do .", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars are an astounding idea that can be modified and fit to meet the needs of any individual. These cars in the future could help transport people, they solve more problems than they cause.\n\nThese futuristic automobiles coule help transport people. Say when you become old, too old to drive yourself safely, if you want to go out somewhere you just call up one of these driverless cars and they take you where ever you want to go. This also could help to prevent accidents like with long drives, if you fall asleep, no problem the car drives on its own and can prevent a terrible crash from occuring. If you choose to go out drinking and then try to drive the car brings you back home safely.\n\nSo in conclusion driverless cars are an intellegent idea. They can prevent drunk driving accidents and transport people who can otherwise not transport themselves,as well as stoping accidents from happening. There should be no question in if we should or should not have these advanced contrebutions in our society.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever felt like you had nothing to your name and you wanted someone to help.\n\nWell if you have then you have something in comen with the Seagoing Cowboys operation.\n\nCowboys help people with nothing.\n\nHow do these people end up with nothing you may ask, well when a country is in a war and their country gets destroid the citizens have nothing at all to go back to but rubble.\n\nThe UNRRA (the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration) gets involved with broken countries by rebiulding.\n\nThey use us Seagoing Cowboys to bring the needed cattle from other countries by boat.\n\nWe travel by sea with hundreds of horses and other needed aniamals.\n\nThey are given the job of feeding the aniamals three times a day as well as giving them water and cleaning the pens.\n\nAlso we are tasked with night watch, in paragraph seven it tells us this can be a dangerous.\n\nBut the danger is worth it when you think of all the joy the days on boat have.\n\nWhen the animals are gone we play games where the cattle were held. Another up side would be that you are not only serving your country but your serving someone else's as well.\n\nThe boat rides to the cattle's destination is worth the our time as well.\n\nThe sight seeing is amazing wherever you go whether it be Itily or China, there are great things you can see.\n\nBy becomeing a Seagoing Cowboy the world has oppend up for me and it could for you to.\n\nIt may be a dangerous job but when you think of the great adventure and glee you will perticapate in, the life of a Sea Cowboy does not realy seem terrible at all.\n\nThe danger is worth it and even if you think you may not be cut out for the job try it because it is a once in a life time opertunity and lets just say they don't come around to often.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHave you ever wanted to experience a life changing event?\n\nWell, now you can.\n\nIn fact, by joining the Seagoing cowboys program you can do that and much more including: helping others, seeing and experiencing new things, and having fun along the way.\n\nSince World War II Europe has been in ruins and many people are searching for help to recover. I alone can't do it all. So, this is why I am asking you to help with the job. With your help you can recover many countries' food supplies, animals and more. In fact, you may have the oppertunity to care for as much as or more than 300 some animals along the way. It helped make me more aware of peoples' and countries' needs and I am sure it will you too. Not to mention all of the incredible sights you will see.\n\nWe will have plenty of time to see and visit many wonderful sights and places along the way.\n\nFor example, the first time I went, we took about two weeks to crosss the Atlantic and about a month to get to China. Therefore we had a plentiful amount of time to relax and enjoy the sights and seans. You may also visit places during this time including Italy, Crete, and the Panama Canal. In these places you can take tours, ride in gondolas, and much more. Please don't forget the time included for fun.\n\nFun is added in many activities during the trip. One example of this is on the boat after returning from unloading animals. During this time we can play baseball, volleyball, and table tennis. We can also fence, box, read, whittle, and play many other games. Of corse by the time to leave you will always have a part left with you from your voyage, the memories.\n\nBecause of the Seagoing Cowboy's program also known as the UNRRA I am open to the world around me. Helping others, seeing and experienceing new things, and faving fun along the way has contributed in me experiencing a life changing event and I want you to experience this fantastic journey with me. So what do you say?\n\nAre you ready to experience it too?", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPeople believe that the Electoral College should go, and the writer agrees with them. Watever happened to\n\n\"we, the people...\"\n\n!? The people are to decide who gets voted in as president, or e. t. c. With the Electoral College in play, \"\n\nThe Peoples'\n\n\" votes mean nothing! ...and that's just no good!\n\nTake the\n\nGallop pole of 2000 for example! Al Gore, who won the popular vote, but lost the presidency,\u00a0 because of the Electoral vote. What the Electoral vote/College is, is a system where voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who then elect the president.\n\n\"We the people\"\n\ndont even get a say in the matter. Which is still no good!\n\nThere have been many disasters in the voting system in the past, like the one back in 1960, with Hawaii sending in two state electors\n\n! Allthough arguably the biggest fiasco, back in 2000, was with the formentioned Al Gore vs. Bush campaign.\n\nNow, there are some contradictions in this, thoughts on keeping the Electoral system.\n\none example of this, is that this rarely ever happens, the most recent being the Al Gore vs. Bush campaign. Another example of a contradiction is locations, from where the candidate is from, like Romney (never thought he'd be mentioned here) having nothing to do with the areas outside of the south, so he would be a bad candidate for the\u00a0 Electoral College.\n\nNow that both sides of the coin have been adressed, it's time to look at some of the key facts (and some opinions) of the \"\n\nElectoral College debate\n\n\"; The Electoral College, to some and others, votes for us; With or without the Electoral College, people would still get to vote on presidency, as well as other things; Everyone has their own opinion on the matter, and to get the best result,\n\n\"We, The People...\"\n\nhave to agree on one opinion for the matter at hand.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAre they really \"ok\"? Teachers are not just meant to teach math or english to students, but also be a guidance to a student if ever in need or trouble. How can a teacher help a student in the classroom if he or she is unresponsive and not revealing their actual emotions. The Facial Action Coding System, created by Dr. Paul Eckman, has made a 3-D computer process with all 44 major muscles in the human face to detect what actual emotions a person is feeling. This new technology is a valuable tool for teachers, and should be in use to understand a student better, and truly know what he or she is feeling.\n\nThe facial coding system is computer automated, and has six basic emotions happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. Yes technology messes up a lot of times, maybe the emotions the computer has given about a person is not actually what they are feeling. There is also the possibility this coding system does not have enough emotions to express or show a persons true emotion. The author states the Mona LIsa was \"83 percent happy\" (paragraph 1 sentence 1). What if she was actually 83 sad, angry or annoyed.\n\nEven though there are these possiblities of mistake as the author said in paragraph 5, \"In fact, we humans perform this same impressive 'calculation' everyday\" (sentence 1-2). Humans perform the same facial coding system everyday in trying to read how friends or family are feeling. Who says humans do not also mess up in reading a perons emotions the wrong way. No matter the possible mistakes that can happen if a facial coding system can help a teacher reach out to a student in need just off emotions a computer gives them it is valuable.\n\nThe Facial Action Coding System is a valuable necessity for a teacher or counselor to have. It can prove to help a student in need even when they are shying away from calling for help. This coding system can give people more insight on the mind and emotions of the people around them, and could possibly stop tragedy from occuring. The Facial Action Coding System is an essential value in the classroom that needs to be in use everyday by teachers, to better the classroom enviornment, and better understand the students.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Challenges that we have in our world of tecnology is that some of it is not good enough and that is ok because we are getting better. The challenges we face trying to go to Venus is that there is a thick atmosphere of almost 97% Carbon Dioxide is covering it in like a blanket which is very hard to get through. According to the author, \" Often referred to as Earth's (twin,) Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too.\" It would be nice to have another planet to go to in case of this one had gotten distroyed or in like population. We have faced many challenges in our technology now that trying to go to another planet like Venus in paticular, maybe in the future we could live there but not now, It would be nice to have another planet to go to if there was something bad to have happen to our planet now or maybe if we got to crowded in this world with the population.\n\nThe challenges we face trying to go there is that its is the second planet from the sun so it would be hot. Our technology is not good right now but soon it will be good enough to have successfully landed on Venus. The seasons like on Earth are months but on venus it might not be. Not a single spacecraft has landed or has survived a landing which is very scary. It has said in the article, that not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus for more that three decades. This is one of the challenging planets but soon in the end when we figure it out and we will celebrate. Also on our planets surface temperatures averages over 800 degrees Farenheit, but Venus atmospheric pressure is over 90 times greater than what we experience now on our own planet! There is no way that if our technology cant make it then there is no way that we are. Not even a second.\n\nWe cannot live there for so many reasons but soon we will have been able to figure it out successfuly landed on Venus. There is reasons why we cannot live there and here is some reasons why. Venus is the hottest planet and its the second planet from the sun. Mercery is the planet that is the closest to the sun but Venus is the second but yet it is the hottest. Its very hot but we probably would have no season because the Venus spins an orbits around us alot faster than we do. The carbon dioxide, acid, and even gas is scary poisons that can kill us in seconds. Also that we would have to worry about if we did go there. If none of our spaceships can go there and not survive then we are more than likely not to have survived by the time we reach the outer layer.\n\nIt would be nice to live there but there are so much bad that could happen to us. If we were to have figured it out then we are more and likely to surive if we could also figure out what we can do to keep us alive like maybe have a space suit on the whole time. We could totally go to one planet and have a greater chance of living then to be stuck on one and be trapped. Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well be the only chance that we have. It is almost Earth-like planet in our solar system alone. Venus was probably once covered in largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like earth. Venus has a surface of rockey sefiment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountins, and even craters. Venus is also the nearest option for planetary visit, but the crucial visit of space travel to get some people there is going to take awhile. Is it an identical twin to us and it is the closests to size and even density.\n\nIt would be a good place to go and seek shelter if our world would have gotten distroyed. In the long run it would be really good to figure it out and actually have a spacecraft successfully land. There are its challenges but we as humans do not give up until we find the answers. We will have eventually be on Venus but it will take a long time considering that it has taken 3 decades and it might be longer to have sent out a spacecraft and it succesfully land. The reasons why we can't live there is many of reasons but we will soon fine out ways. Even NASA has an idea of what could work. It might be a really dumb way but in the end if it does work then we will have successfully be on Venus. Even if we are floating blimp like around 30 or so miles about the roiling Venusial landscape.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAre driverless cars a good or bad thing? In my opinion driverless cars can be a bad thing. These next few paragraphs will explain why I think this and all the cons of the cars.\n\nIf driverless cars ever do become a pratical thing one big problem we would have to worry about is the GPS or the LIDAR malfunctioning and the car doesn't know whats going on around it. If something like that did happen and the person in the car was not paying attention the car could seriosly indjure some one or it could total itself. A lot of these cars features rely on the fact that if something goes wrong then person behind the wheel is ready to take over but if some thing does go wrong and the the person is sleeping they could swerve into a semi-truck or a building. One of the biggest problems of this car is the fact that tech can stop working and cause accidents.\n\nAnother con of these cars is the fact that they could get hacked by other people. Recently in 2015 two people (with permission) hacked a car that was not even driverless they could control speed,steering,door lockes,brakes,and so on. Imagine what could happen if criminals hacked into these cars they could potentialy kill lots of people by making the cars crash into buildings,cars,and other things. Another problem is human error.\n\nWhat if something does go wrong and the person is not ready to take over? I have touched on this a bit already but I'm going into a little more detail. Much like normal cars the driver has to be awake behind the wheel ,in the case of driverless cars, just in case they need to take over the wheel of the car. If someone is on a long drive and decide to let the car drive itself but as they are sleeping the cars malfunctions and the driver does not know they need to take over the car and the person could end up in in a ditch or end up crashing into another car or even worse a semi-truck. After these reasons and some others I think that these cars can be a bad thing on the road but only time can tell if thats the case.\n\nAre driverless cars a bad thing? In my opinion yes they can be after reading the artical and looking at the facts i conclude that these cars could be a hazerd on the road.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIt was a opportunity of a lifetime for Luke. He had the choices of becoming a Seagoing Cowboy or stay at his two jobs. He chose the one that would help countries. The reason he chose this is because, animals needed to be shiped over seas, countries needed to be rebuild, and he would get to travel all over the world.\n\nLukes claims are that he got to see things he never saw before. He was able to nine sea trips around the world.\n\nLuke had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China. Luke had alot of things to see on his trip, he got to see Acropolis in Greece, Venice, Italy, and the Panama Canal. Luke also had a chance to take a ride a gondola in Venice and Italy.\n\nThis was a great opportunity for Luke to help people all around the world. By\n\ndoing all these thing 44 nations joined together to help each other. It made him feel aware of people of other countries needs.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI favour the election change to popular vote because the electoral college is not reliable.\n\nIn the second source,\n\nThe Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defences of the system are wrong, paragraph ten states \"voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president.\" the whole point of an election is for the voter to vote for who they want not vote for someone who might not even stay true to their word.\n\nParagraph ten of the second sourse aslo states \"Who are the electors? They can be anyone not holding public office.\", \"Can voters control whom their electors vote for? Not always.\" How can voters vote for someone who they don't even know? How can voters trust them not to betray them? This system has not been set up to benifit us, it basically makes us give power to the electors and hope for the best. This seems like a shot in the dark.\n\nParagraph sixteen in the third source says \"each party selects a slate of electors trusted to vote for the party's nominee (and that trust is rarely betrayed)\" yes it says it rarely happens but there is still a possibility that it will happen, it's inevitible.\n\nBe skeptical. Question everything. then and only then will you find the truth.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe author suggests that studying Venus is a worhty pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author is correct studying Venus is a worthy pursuit but it does have it's challenges. The author says in Paragraph 1 \"While Venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of Earth, it has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely.\" This describes that Venus is a very challenging place to study. No one has been to Venus in less than three decades ago. \"Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system\" This will be hard for anyone going to Venus and studying the planet because temperatures are very dangerous up there considering it is over 800 degrees Fahrenheit. My conclusion to essay is that it is a worthy pursuit but it does have it's challenges that people will face it is worthy to study that planet.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI am against having driverless cars. This could cause many problems and mainly isn't very safe with multiple people in the car especially young kids. Driverless cars could cause most people to not be paying attention and gives many distractions to the main driver.\n\nWhile having a driverless car most people will not be paying attention they could be on a cell phone or doing their hair, many other things besides paying attetion to the road. Even though they make driverless cars doesn't mean you don't have to watch the road because although you are not phisically driving you still have to watch for other drivers that may make a sudden move and put you and your passengers in danger.\n\nThis also could be bad becuase if there is construstion or bad structure on the road the driveress cars could mess up and could possibly take lives so its better to have both hands on the wheel with all control of the direction of the car and all eyes on the road to watch the moves of people around you. Also if an ambulance or any other emergency vehicle neeps by a drivierless car isn't going to know to stop and move over because it has no hearing. The person may need to grab the wheel and hit the brakes while off the road until the other vehicle passes. With driverless cars the person most likely will not be watching the road and won't know when they need to step in and take control.\n\nThe driverless cars couls also shut down at any given time and if the driver is not paying close attention then they could lose their life becuase they didn't get control of the car in time and a devistating accident could happen and thake their lives as well as others.\n\nHaving driverless cars could cause lots of damage to the ecosystem and other safe driviers on the road is one misshap occurrs. these are some reasons i do not agree with driverless cars. Others may think this is a great idea becaue they could be lazy but i don't agree becuase of many things some of which are described in the prompt. I agree that people need to stick with having both hands on the wheel at all times and having all eyes on the road and the cars around you. Some poeple don't think about others before themsleves so they make life threatening moves on busy roads and\n\nis driviers are not watching they cars arounf them then a tradgic thing could happen.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn my opinion, driverless cars are going to be a positive thing for people. The driverless cars have been improving throughout the years,they will be more safe, and they will make us more alert when driving.\n\nDriverles cars have been on the road to progress for a number of years. They have been upgraded to figure out what does and doesn't work. For example, in the text it says, \" For example, in the late 1950's, General Motors created a concept car that could run on a special test track. The track was embedded with an electrical cable that sent radio signals to a receiver on the front end of the car.\" It also says, \" These smart- road systems worked surprisingly weel, but they required massive upgrades to exisiting roads, something that was simply too expensive to be practical.\" This evidence shows that the driverless cars have been tested and improved throughout the years.\n\nAnother reason why I think driverless cars are a good thing is because of safety. These driverless cars have sensors that help the car and the human be in control of it. In the text it says, \" The information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone.\" This evidence shows that these sensors can help the human driver drive more safe. Another piece of evidence is that in the text it says, \" The google car simply announces when the driver should be prepared to take over. Other options under the consideration are flashing lights on the windshield and other heads-up displays. Manufacturers are also considering using cameras to watch that drivers are remaining focused on the road. While the driver watches the road, the car watches the driver.\" This evidence shows that the more they are working on driverless cars, the more ways they are finding ways to make them more safe.\n\nMy last reason to why driverless cars are better than others are because they make the drivers more alert when driving. In the text it talks about how the driverless cars will not be completely driverless because there is still human control needed. In the text it says, \" but the special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps a hold of the wheel.\" Also it says, \" They can steer, accelerate and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents. This means the human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situations requires.\" This evidence shows that the driver must be alert and focused, not slacking off and not paying attention.\n\nIn conclusion I think driverless cars are going to be a positive thing for people because they have been improving them over the years, they will be more safe, and they will help us become more alert when driving.", "label": 5}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI feel as if the technology is very adavnced to notice every kids face in a room. I believe it would work! If the technology can work on a masterpiece from centuries ago, why wouldn't it work on a couple of students?\n\nIn the text it says \" By weighting the different units, the software can even identify mixed emotions\". A classroom full of kids is at the huighest, 31. I do believe that the technology can do just that. \"Eckman has classified six basic emotions- happiness, suprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness.\" A classroom has more than six people in it. So the technology is more than advanced.\n\nTo conclude, the FACS can notice every muscle in your face. The technology is so strong! \"The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles.\" It can focus on all 25 to 30 children faces at once. The technology will work on the kids in the classroom.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus is a challenge from the humans because Venus is the second planet close to the sun. The humans want to study the planet because they want to know more about the planet bucause the from the Nasa are traveling to Venus\n\nto know more about and give information to the persons the want to know about Venus.\n\nThe Venus is the hottest planet surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even thought Mercury is closer to our sun.\n\nVenus is a planet the humans can travel because is amost the same as Earth just because Venus is hotter.\n\nThe Challenge of Exploting Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it present because venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of Earth, it has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely.\n\nVenus is sometime right around the corner is space terms humas have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud draped world.\n\nA thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus.Even more\n\nchalleging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in venus atmosphere.Astronomers are fascienated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system.\n\nVenus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth.\n\nVenus is a planet can we go visit because it is amost the same as the Earth but in the Article say the Venus has to many volcanous because is closer to the sun and because the planet is really hot.The Nasa is working on other approaches to studying Venus, For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such condition. The Nasa are using technology to know about Venus and not travel all the way to Venus.\n\nVenus can be a challegen for us because most of the humans want to study the planet will it looks interesting to study the planet because is close to the sun and see how the planet works. And maybe I want to travel Venus because in the Article say's the we can travel to Venus because is amost the same as the Earth. Venus can be dangers because is close to the sun and the articles say's\n\nthe Venus can have erupting volcanoes because is really hot, but it will be great to study Venus.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThere are three reasons why you should join the Seagoing Cowboy program.\n\nThe first reason is you can go places.\n\nThe second reason is that you could have fun.\n\nThe third reason is that it can open up your world.\n\nThe first reason you should join the Seagoing Cowboys is you can go places.\n\nHe went to greece and europe and china.\n\nYou might like it too.\n\nHe got to help people in other countries.\n\nWouldn't you like to help people.\n\nThe second reason to join the Seagoing Cowboys it that you can have fun.\n\nThis might be a good program for you if you like traveling and helping people.\n\nYou get to help the animals too.\n\nYou could pass up your time by having fun playing games like baseball volleyball tabletennis fencing and reading.\n\nThe third reason you should join the Seagoing Cowboys is that it can open your world.\n\nIt can open your world by helping other people and being thankful for what youve got.\n\nYou could see wonderful things like a castle a city with streets of water Italy the Panama Canal and Venice.\n\nYou should try the Seagoing Cowboys because it might be something that you would like.\n\nIf you like animals and people you would want to join.\n\nIf you like adventuring you would want to join.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nBeing able to see human emotions is a key point in teaching and learning, if a student see's the teacher is distressed they will most likely have a harder time focusing. If the students themselves are bored or confused the teacher has to re-explain wich may confuse others and bore even more. Now think about digital schools, they have no way of telling how the student is learning exept answers at the end, so if the student is bored they will just skip through. But what if it didn't have to be like that, what if there was a way to a a more human element into online school, emotion reading software.\n\nBy constructing a 3d model of muscles in the human face this technology can read faces and tell their emotion, such as joy or anger, but most importantly confusion. If the online school could see that the student is confused they could change the content to be\n\nmore undertandable. As stated in the text \"The facial expressions for each emotion are universal\" meaning that it could work for anyone.\n\nIf you're still not convinced think of this, if a computer were to be able to read emotions think of what that could do for the students, they could have their own personlized lessons ready for them with ease, they could learn at a pace best suited for them, giving them the experience they deserve. Along side this techers jobs would become monumentally easier, as they would only really need to input the information from the days lesson and keep the system going.\n\nAnother benifit of this technology is that if a student is feeling frustrated or distressed the computer could modify the lesson to help them have an easier time, for example if a student's social life had them upset the computer could lessen the amount of work ot be done for the day, or maybe the student is feeling excited, the computer would be able to modify the less and the student might get more done that day.\n\nIn any case emotion reading software could be extremely helpfull to teachers and students alike, providing them both with the experience they need to learn better and make a better future. In conclusion Though emotion reading software is relativly new, using it right could make a better learning experience.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn the article \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\" the author explains that researching and exploring Venus is a risky challenge to do due to the dangers of it, but he says that it would be worthy to do it.\n\nSo the dangers of Venus is that each previous mission was umanned and that was for a good reason. \"since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. Maybe this issue explains why not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades\" (Paragraph 2). The atmosphere of it is almost 97% of carbon dioxide. The clouds are made of highly corrosive sulfuric acid.\n\nBut even though that there are these dangers on Venus Astronomers are not going to stop with this. Venus must of had been like Earth once before in the solar system. \"Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth\" (Paragraph 4). The planet has a rocky sediment, valleys, mountains, and craters that are on Earth today.\n\nSo the question is what are the choices that is going to both keep the mission safe and scientific productive? Well The National Aeronautics and Space Administration known as NASA has an idea to this solution. Since there is terrible conditions on the surface of Venus. The only was to survive is to be above the ground. So the idea is that having a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the landscape. Thus, even being above it would still be hot around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be kind of like Earth's sea level. And there would be plentiful solar power. And since sending elctronics there would melt it mechanical machines would withstand the dangers of Venus.\n\nOverall, Venus is a dangerous planet and dangerous conditions. Thats not going to stop us to explore Venus. Our curosity drives us to do it.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe electoral college is flawed and in result, worthless. While being outdated and irrational, it is also unfair. Not only that, sixty percent of voters would prefer a direct election than to the kind we have now, as stated in source two. Election by popular vote can really show what president the people really want, not the slate of electors who pick and choose what benefits them most. The system is corrupted and the popular vote is crucial in progressing as a united nation.\n\nThe problems grow as we continue to use this outdated and irrational system. The voters simply can't control who the electors vote for, making it outdated and irrational. States that have the most population get the most attention when it comes to presidential campaigns. The smaller states get none of the attention. How will they know who to vote for? It makes the people feel as if their vote is worthless. This just proves that the system is irrational and corrupted. As stated in source three, \"The most thoughtful voters should be the ones to decide the election\". This is not true, swing states are the cause of people feeling disenfranchised. The campaigners focus their efforts in the swing states where voters will listen more closely, not in states where there is less people like that. It clearly isn't ideal for presidential campaigns to be like that. There is no variety. They should be explaining themselves to the people who know nothing about what they are gonna do for the people, instead of for the people who already know. This is why the electoral college needs to go.\n\nPower to the people. Isn't that our countrys core principal? We are losing that right when it comes to voting. All we are doing when we vote is choose some group of people to vote for us. That isn't right; it's unjust. The people have a right to express their opinions and beliefs through the process of voting. Where do our votes end up? In the hands of greedy, power hungry electors who don't care about your opinions. As stated in source two, \"At the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters\". The votes people cast are worthless and can cause no change. \"Abolish the electoral college\", in source two.\n\nThe point is, the electoral college is outdated, irrational, and unfair. It also infringes on our number one right of freedom of speech. A popular vote cleanses the corruptness of the electoral system. This is why we need to thrive as a nation.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPeople should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program for three reasons. The reasons for thinking this are: you would be able to help people in need, visit unique places, and care for animals.\n\nThe first reason for participating in the Seagoing Cowboys program is that you would get to help people in need. The UNRRA is there to help recover food supplies, animals, and more. The Seagoing Cowboys were hired to take care of animals sent over seas for the people in need. Participating in the Seagoing Cowboys gives you the oppurtunity to help people start a new better life after distruction.\n\nThe second reason for participating in the Seagoing Cowboys is that you get to visit unique places. Luke states \"Besides helping people, I had the side benifit of seeing Europe and China. But seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special. So was taking a gondola ride in Venice, Italy, a city with streets of water.\" Luke got to go to those unique places. He also toured an excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on his way to China the article states. If you participate in the Seagoing Cowboy program you might get the chance to visit some unique places.\n\nThe third and final reason you should join the Seagoing cowboy program is that you would get to care for the horses, young cows, and mules that are being shipped overseas. You would be kept busy while you were on your way to your destonation. You would have to feed and water the animals two or three times a day. You would also have to get the bags of hay and bags of oats from the lower holds of the ship. If you like animals and to take care of animals you would enjoy this.\n\nIn conclusion, participating in the Seagoing Cowboy program would let you help people, take care of animals, and visit unique places.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIs Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents? The author states that the temperature is 90 time greater than what we experience on our own planet. He also states that venus is the most Earth-like planet and that NASA is working on electronics that could last three weeks in venus.\n\nThe temperature in venus is something very extreme. As it is state in paragraph 3, the temperature that is in Venus could liquefy many metals. The author states in the same paragraph that Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in the solar system, it average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit to be exact.Venus is a place where its geology and weather presents additional impediments.\n\nVenus being the most Earth-like planet makes scientist discuss furthur visits to its surface. As it states in paragraph 4 scientist belive that Venus was covered with oceans. Now Venus is known for having features that are analogous to those on Earth. For example, valleys,mountains and even creaters. Tehy claim that the value of returniig to Venus seems to be indisputable. Even though scientist want to learn more and discover new things they would first have to find a way to make is safe for them to be able to do their jobs.\n\nNASA wants to be able to send humans to Venus and for that they have an idea. Their idea would allow scientist to float above the rolling Venusian landscape as it is shown is paragraph 5. They plan to make their jets travel at a higher altitude so it can fly over many storms. They know the conditions wont change but they are trying their best to make it survivable for humans.\n\nIn conclusion, the author does suggest that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit.He gives examples on how the weather is in Venus. The author also helps us under stand and that scientist would like to visit earth because of its Earth-like qualities.\n\nHe helps us understand what NASA would do infavor. He explains their plan and how it would keep any human that goes to Venus safe.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Electoral College is not so much a place as a process, created by the founding fathers themselves. It consists of 538 electors and 270 votes, put forth by those electors, are required to elect President of the United States. The Electoral College should be vanquished.\n\nCitizens don't always have control over whom the electors decide to support. This is a problem because voters are sometimes mislead with the electors and vote to elect the opposing candidate. In the year of 1960, those who supported segregation were extremely close to having electors that supported Kennedy replaced with new electors that supported the actions of segregationalists. These people attempted this because Kennedy would never actually recieve the popular votes if the votes were to be in favor of him.\n\nIn the sense that some might argue that the Electoral College is perfect the way it is, this is an invalid statement because the people of America don't realistically have a say in government decisions. The Electoral College doesn't help society, therefor it needs to be removed from our system. Citizens of the American society should decide the president, not electors that think the people aren't of a huge importance.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nWhat if we could get to a new planet? What if humans got off of the Earth, and onto another planet? Would we build a new civilization? Could we even survive? In an article titled \"The Challenge of Exploring Venus\", the author explains many problems for why getting people on Venus will be difficult, and they present some potential solutions to these problems. The author supprts the idea that Venus exploration may be possible by using facts already known about Venus, presenting problems with getting on Venus, and presenting solutions for those problems.\n\nFirst, the author knows a lot about Venus. Paragraphs 2 and 3 especially shows plenty of the knowledge the author has, and shows that they did research. The text supports this claim by saying \"Earth, Venus, and Mars, our other planetary neighbor, orbit the sun at different speeds. These differences mean that sometimes we are closer to Mars and other times to Venus... A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus... On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Farenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet.\" All of these facts show that the author did plenty of research and found some facts that can help support his future claims.\n\nNext, the author presents multiple problems for why Venus exploration will be a difficult task. It is apparent once again that the author did plenty of research to find as many potential problems as they could. The text supports this claim by saying \"No spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours... Numerous factors contribute to Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study... On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees... Such an environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals.\" This shows that the author knows many potential problems that could harm chances at landing a manned mission on Venus.\n\nFinally, the author presents many potential solutions for the problems. The most important solution is for the surface and weather on Venus. The author presents this idea by saying \"Imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape. Just as our jet airplanes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms, a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way. At thirty-plus miles above the surface, temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Farenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth. Solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels.\" This shows that there is a solution to the problem of Venus having unsurvivable conditions by hovering above Venus's surface to flat out avoid the harsh conditions.\n\nIn conclusion, the author gives a good explanation for why we might be able to conduct studies on Venus. The author supports his claim by presenting knowledge about Venus, presenting potential problems for making it to Venus, and presenting a solution that would negate almost all of the problems presented previously. Perhaps one day, we might be able to land a manned mission on Venus.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMy position on driverless cars is that I think it would be a good idea. Considering how many car wrecks they're are in everyday life. The idea of driverless cars couldnt have came soon enough. Losing lives is a big thing on car craches. Car crashes come from humans silly mistakes now if the car can drive by itself no silly mistakes.\n\nHumans have an intendicy to not pay much of attention to the road like they ae suppose to. Humans get distracted easily by anything. Plus for Semi drivers that have to drive through the night for a delivery, that crash because they are tired wont have the problem of crashing because the semi could drive itself. Theyre would still have to be check ins but just the right idea is that there will be no more car wrecks.\n\nA big issue with car wrecks is drinking and driving and texting and driving. Yes the person still has a choice while intoxicated to get in the car or not and put down his destination but its better than him/her being in control of the vehicle.Texting and driving, well you wouldnt have to worry about it anymore because again the person won't be in control of the car.\n\nThose are some details that help support my position in this draft. Mainly for car crashes not people's needs. The death rate might go down some more if driverless cars were to come. It is something that society can't say no to.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMost driving laws focus on keeping divers, passengers, and pedestrians safe, but could the development of driverless cars have an affect on poeples actions while in the car? Haveing a car that is in need of little human interaction could give the driver an exuse to drive drunk. The cars system could fail and create a problem instead of preventing one. Finally how are the privers waiting for their turn to take over going to maintain focus.\n\nWill having these self driving cars give more people the idea that it is ok to drive under the influence? In this atical, it is stated that a human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation reguires human skills. A driver that is not in a state were they can make a snapy disicion. Tjis could lead to the failer of taking, this could end up making a huge inpact on the lives of other people aound them.\n\nHow can we be sure that the car will fail to serve its perpose? The second detail to catch my eye was the question asked in the article \"If the technology fails ans someone is injured, who is at fault-the driver or the manufacturer?\" With any vehicle there is always a chance of a mecanichle failure. In a smart car there are many peices of technology that are important to insure everyones safety. Even with the chance of a driverless car being completed there are potentialy more chances of one peice of this technology malfunctioning and creating a problem.\n\nFinaly how will we keep the drivers focus on the road? This article quotes the words spoken by Dr. Werner Huber, a BMW project manager driver. Werner speaks of the challanges of psychological aspects of automation and how we will have to interpret the driving fun in a new way. People falling asleep might become a big problem, the action of paying attention when the work is done for you, may not be a simple task.\n\nThe idea of a driverless car is a dangerous idea to be playing around with. Haveing a car that is in need of little human interaction might cuase the thought that drunk driving would be safe. The cars system could fail and not allow the driver to take over. The driverless car could cuase a huge problem with maintaining focus, this could mean someone failing to take over when needed. In conclusion when all of the work is done for a driver, it could lead to problems that might have been otherwise prevented.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nCar -Free Cities cars cars cars everyone in the world wants a car to themselves since now they are cheap and easy to manufacture but all those cars emmit poisonous fumes causing a green house effect ( over heating of the planed due to heat not able to escape) has any one imagined about one's life without cars ?\n\ni can say i have cars are one of the major lazyness causing mashines one now a days drives 3 blocks to the gym to work out why not leave the car and jog/ walk there you'll get more fit and the environment would be a slight less poluted if everyone stops driving cars for a short distace and take a bike or take a walk it would affect the environment positively.\n\nnow here is a city that lives on without cars the city is VAUBAN and its in Germany. street parking, driveways and home garage parking is generally forbidden is experimental district. owning cars is allowed though you'll have to buy a space worth\u00a0 $40,000 \u00d6_o now thats a lot of money just to park you car !!\n\nAs result 70 % of people dont own cars and 57% sold their to move there one of the residents Herdrun Walter said \"when i had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way,\" so folks of you want to live in citu without cars thets a place to go.\n\ndid you know paris had banned driving cars due to the smog and the pollution\u00a0 caused by the blamed disel emmition as the tax policy favors disel over gasoline miking it 67% of vehicles in france\u00a0 compared to 53.3%\u00a0 rest of west europe\u00a0 if you diver you were fined $31 typically paris har the highest particulate matter in the air to be precise 147 a lot higher than Brussels -124 and london- 79.7 and paris\u00a0 rivlled\u00a0 to beijin, china one of the most polluted cities in the worled in pollution amounts.\n\nTo counter act that people of BOGOTA, Columbia are celebarting a car free day where people walk,bike, hike or skated to work violator were fined $25 despite the rain the people still did not use cars and participated in the car free day this has been going on from the mid 1900s and the city has seen constructions of 118 mile bicycle paths in many latin american cities.\n\nso id like to conclude that too much driving is harmfull for the environment try and do someting to save our environment so that the next generation can live in a healthy environment here are a few ways to save the environment from car emmitions.\n\na carpool (will save money and will reduce gas emmitions)\n\nwalking short distances take a bike to work on mondays and thurdays there are may other ways to save the environment from gas emmitions so keep doing you best to save mother earth from all the other polluting stuff.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMany people disagree with myself and the rest of NASA about the Face found on Mars. This paper is to all who are still trying to say that the face was made by aliens. For one, this conspiracy theory has very little evidence to support it. In the following paragraphs you will find facts and educational proof that this Face is really just a landform and was not made by aliens.\n\nTo begin, I will bring up background on what you think about how the Face was created by aliens. Many people, like you, believe that NASA is hiding the fact that the Face is bona fide, evidence of life on Mars. For evidence of this Face not being constructed by aliens, we took a picture that revealed a natural landform, and not an alien monument. But apparently this picture did not satisfied everyone. You all seem to think that since the picture was taken in winter when it was cloudy, that alien markings were hidden behind clouds and haze. To prove, once again, that you were wrong, our mission controllers prepared to look again. Finally on April 8, 2001, we drew close for another look at the Face, this time on a cloudless summer day. Our team captured an amazing photo, each pixel in the image spanned 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo. JIm Garvin, our cheif scientist, finally stated that if there were objects in the picture, you could tell what they were! Even after proving you all wrong to your theories, people like you still believe we are hiding the truth from you. In the next paragraph you will see that we really are telling you all the facts!\n\nIf you are still reading, and you still believe that my NASA team and I are not telling you the facts, here are some things you should know that might just make you think again. In the previous paragraph I told and showed you that everytime you brought back your theory, we had picture proof to prove you wrong. In this paragraph I am refering back to past facts, but I am also going to being giving you more proof. Use this proof to realize that my NASA group has absolutely no reason to lie to anyone about the Face. To begin, I want to tell you that we have no reason to hide an ancient civilization on Mars. If our group were to have found an ancient or alien civilization, we would have gladly made it public. Keeping something that big, hidded, would not only be highly difficult, but it would benefit us in no way, shape, or form. To be perfectly honest, defenders of the NASA budget and I wish there was an ancient civilization on Mars. If there were to be, we would make lots of money from this discovery. But since there is not a civilization, I will move back on track to my final facts about why and not what if. In all, we have many photos of the Face, all proving that it is in fact just a natural landform. We have hightech shots that would show if there were alien objects like pyramids, shacks, or airplanes. But none of these pictures show anything. In fact, they show the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa. Jim Garvin, our very reliable chief scientist, even states that the Face looks very similar to the Middle Butte in the Snake River of Idaho.\n\nAs conclusion to this paper I just want to review over the facts showing that this Face is not an alien or ancient civilization. The Face is just a natural landform. My group and I have no reason to hide any facts from anyone, in fact if there were a civilization it would benefit us tremendously. There is physical proof this \"alien\" Face is not alien at all. I hope this essay helps you to understand that NASA and I are not hiding anything, and the Face, in fact, is just a neat looking natural landform on a planet we have yet to discover completely.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe Electoral College in my opinion is the best way to elect the President of the United States. Although election by popular vote seems to be what the people want, using the Electoral College, is a better way to elect a President for many reasons.\n\nOne reason is that voters don't vote for what President they want, they vote for a slate of electors. A slate of electors is a group of electors that are biased towards a political party but understand politics more than any average person. Someone might say that election by popular vote is better because its more fair for every President in the race. This is because the slate of electors are biased towards one group, so say a republican running for President goes to a slate of electors full of democrats, there's no way he's going to win. Although election by popular vote seems to be the more fair way, the Electoral College needs to stay because it's more organized and the votes are based off of people who study politics and they aren't the average Joe's.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nAll around the world different countries have been noticing some things in life that are just better without cars or atleast less cars. With less cars things are more calming; its also better for everyone, including the enviroment.\n\nTo begin with, things can be way more calm in a life without cars. Many people happen to beleive that cars can change how you feel for example \"When i had a car i was always tense. I'm much happier this way\"(3). Heidrun Walter always felt tense with a car now she feels calm and relaxed. Life with less cars can be so much more relaxing without all the loud annoying noises cars make. In Vauban they are making some changes to how the people live so they can live more easy and calm. \"Vauban, home to 5,500 residents within a rectangular square mile, may be the most advanced experiment in a low-car suburban life.\"(6). The way this civilization is all the people live close by and everything is close by so you dont really need a car. If everything is close by everything can be more fluent and calm.\n\nIn addition, it may be more calm without cars but it is also better for you and the enviroment. \"passenger cars are responsible for 12% of greenhouse gas emission in europe... and up to 50% in some car-intensive areas in the United States.\"(5). Wherever you are in the world greenhouse gasses will most likley affect your environment in some unnatrual way and that is not the best thing for you, the people you know, or all the plants and animals. Without cars polluting earth we would be way more healthy and many animals may not be endangered or extinct like they are today.\"how much you drive is as important as whether you have a hybrid.\"(7). If you drive less its not just better for the environment and your health it can also be better for your wallet. If you drive less you save money on gas that you can use for many other things. Overall driving less turns out to be better for everyone.\n\nIn conclusion, people driving less can make life easier and calmer, it is also better for people, plants, animals, and don't forget your wallet.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think that everyone shoulkd be a part of Seagoing Cowboys because, not only if you join this program you will see and go to places you have ever been before .There is more to this program than just going to a place and seeing it just to see, but to go and learn and help the people that are having problems with the things they may or not need. The adventure that we go on are eye opening. Helping around the places we go are very fun but can also dangerous . Even though your on a boat or ship you can find fun in spare time.\n\nThere are also benefits of going places around the world like Europe and China. Other places that benefits you is Greece you can see the Acropolis, and more. The most speacial thing of all is the bond that you make with the people in the the places that you go to. Some people in the program bond with each other because there are 44 nations. As in addtion to my statement there are a lot of people and things that the peole need ,an if those people could change places with use they would do the same.\n\nThe UNRRA has helped the Seagoing Cowboys programe ship and improve. So I think that every one sould want to be a part of the Seagoing Cowboys.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nStudying Venus may be an great idea to the author and it may be very needed.\n\nVenus seems to have had some type intrest to some people such as the author who suggested studying the planet even if it means harming yourself should be acceptable.\n\nThe author believes that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Venus is close to Earth and many don't really know this because Venus isn't talked about as much as it should be. The planet was descibed in the reading and the description seemed like it would may be an good idea to study Venus as it states in the text descibing Venus and I quote \" The planet has a rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys,moutains, and craters\" this description gives you an inside view of how Venus looks on the inside.\n\nAlthough many don't really think about Venus it's a very important planet and the author listed some very good pointers to think about that'll make you want to look more into the planet. The author stated and I quote\n\n\" Astronomers are fasinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth like planet\" the author believes that Vensus was once like earth and he thinks looking more into Venus can solve some unanswered concerns. There is a maybe that Venus may have had an ocean there as it states in the text \" Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life\" this states that it seems to be life on Venus before. If there was life on Venus before beacuse of what their observing then studying Venus might not be so bad and the author may be right that despiting dangers studying Vensus is a good idea.\n\nStudying Venus after all may not be a bad thing after all. The author gave many details and explained a lot about Venus that some mahy have never known about Venus. Venus is an over looked planet everybody knows of the planet Venus but nobody really knows the history behind the planet. The author explained that Venus seemed familiar and seems as if he's been there before. Venus looks much like Earth as if a human once lived there before as descibed in the passage. It seems like Venus is worth risking something dangerous happening to you just to study it because the author suggested it meaning he's down for what it takes to study this planet the right way.\n\nIn conclusion the author suggesting that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit shows how committed he is on studying the planet. The author suggested that looking past all of the dangers that comes with studying Venus is a good thing to do because there may have been life on Venus before. If there was life on Venus then studying the planet may give the people studying the planet some good informantion to back up their assumption of human living on the planet long ago.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nNot many can imagine life without a car. Yet despite how essential these machines may seem to our daily routines, the modern-day automobile is in fact another redundant aspect in our pursuit of more efficent transportation. The fact and concept of pollution comes into play.\n\nOn a sunny day in the streets of Paris the sky runs a depressing gray, and it feels difficult to breath. Paris is known for its near-record pollution, prompting officals\u00a0 to enforce a temporary cesation in the use of automobiles. As Robert Duffer States in the article \"Paris Bans Driving Due to Smog\": \"On Monday motorists with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine ($31),\" this procedure has been followed to the letter and approximately 4,000 drivers were fined in total. Subsequently, the net amount of smog has been drasticaly reduced over time, with ignorant blames on diesel as a correlatin to France's favor of it over gasoline which completely ignored the other constituant:the effect cold and warm wheather itself had in the proces of containing CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) and other pollutants in the lower layers of the atmosphere. However, the desired levels of pollution have been reached, and the ban on driving lifted.\n\nWith the concept of pollution among others, the future of the automobile as we know it is being threatened with extinction. Perhaps one day when China completes its plans for an intercontinental Mag-Lev transportation system and when Virgin Mobile perfects its new scram-jet design in tandem with Lockheed-Martin as well as Elon Musks countless innovations in electrical engineerng, the human race will look upon this era with pride to know what they've come from and what they've achieved thus far.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI think the use of technology to read the emotional expressions of students and pictures is valuable. I think this technology will be very helpful and useful. Being able to figure out people's emotions will not only help in shcools but in jobs. This technology will help doctors and teachers. I think this technology will help or society as a whole.\n\nDr. Paul Eckman, creator of FACS gives many examples of how his new technology can be useful. Paragraph 6 gives a good example saying,\"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,\"Dr. Huang predicts.\"Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.\" The evidence above shows that this technology could help students in school, with test making them less harder for students to understand. I think this technology could help doctors who work with sick people in rehab, and mentally and physically handicapped people. I feel like being able to understand when people are sad or angry could help us understand others around us.\n\nI think this technology could really help or society. Knowing when someone is happy, or scared could help with bullying, abusive households, ect. I think this technology is classroom valuable. Therefore saying yes, I think the use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nI am completely against the idea of the development of driverless cars. Laws, technical difficulties, and liability issues are all factors that make me doubt the good of driverless cars. Driverless cars could potentially be one of the largest safety problems on the road.\n\nI say this because there are already laws in some states that prevent testing of these cars. The article says, \"Most driving laws focus on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe, and lawmakers know that safety is best achieved with alert drivers.\" This means that a law is made it is usually to advocate safety, the prevention of testing of the cars in some states make me doubt the safety of these cars. I don't think that driverless cars would be safe on the roads with so many variables in the environment.\n\nIf a car malfunctions or fails to alert the driver of an oncomming car it could be potentially fatal to both vehicles. Technical difficulties or the car failing to recognize a danger could easily be more unsafe than an impaired or student driver. A quote from the article would be, \"Some manufacturers hope to do that (meaning making driving more fun) by bringing in-car entertainment and information systems that use heads-up displays. Such displays can be turned off instantly when the driver needs to take over...\" If the car fails to alert the driver death could be a large option to consider. The car might not react in time to avoid a collision or a pedestrian, nothing in this world is 100%. I would rather take my chances on what could be considered dangerous drivers than rely on a car with no emotions.\n\nThere are also liabilities between drivers and the makers of the cars that could be an even larger problem resulting from technichal difficulties or human error. It would be difficult to distinguish between what would be the car's fault versus what would be the driver's fault. The article discusses, \"While the driver watches the road, the car watches the driver,\" as a possoble solve for the liability problems. This could be a major problem due to breaches in privacy. If the car were to watch the person, the data must go somewhere and some data should be kept private. A lawsuit could easily errupt from a situation such as that, and will be a problem for both parties.\n\nIn conclusion, I believe driverless cars are not only a safety hazard but a privacy problem as well. The safety/technical difficulties, laws, and liabilities should be a concern for everyone before driverless cars are completely road legal.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThroughout the world countries are becoming more aware of the harmful effects of green house gases. This is evident in Bogota, Columbia an many other major Columbian cities. In Bogota there has been a car free day for the past three years. Even famous cities like Paris are getting into the act. There is a neighborhood in Germany where cars have become relatively extinct. These countries have figured out the advantages that come with limiting car usage.\n\nThe capital city of Bogota is the home to seven million people. One day a year the city goes \"car-free\". To make sure everyone follows this rule, violators are fined $25. The turnout for this event was large despite the gray clouds and occasional rain showers. This just shows how much people are willing to give up in order to save the environment.\n\nIn the smog filled streets of Paris, France a driving ban has been enforced. Due to days of near-record pollution, citizens with even numbered license plates were orderes to leave their car at home or face a 22-euro fine, which amounts to 31 U.S. dollars. This fine was then enforced the next day for vehicles with odd-numbered plates. This rule not only helped the environment it also led to congestion going down 60 percent.\n\nUpon first look the german suburb of Vauban may seem normal, but upon closer inspection one might realize that there is a major difference. In this neighborhood cars are not used. Things like street parking, driveways, and home garages are generally forbidden, there are only a few streets at the edge of one community, and only two parking garages for those who own cars. Vauban has been so succesful that other neighborhoods might try to model themselves after it.\n\nTo conclude, the limiting of car usage has been very succesful in other parts of the world. This ranges from France, to Germay, and even all the way to Columbia. People have been willing to give up their cars for several days, and for those in Vauban they've been willing to give up their cars for the rest of their lives. If these ideas were to spread throughout the world it would lead to cleaner air and a healthier environment.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nPeople should join the program because the Seaagoing cobows are trying to fight the country and end WW2. But after the war you could do fun things. Luke's inventor was fun because he got to travel.\n\nLuke's claim is its alright to be Seagoing Cowboy is fun but sometimes it just feels good to be still alive after the war. Seagoing cowboys are trying to help other people to get food so they can survive.\n\nThe Sea going Cowboys are good for the world because they save people's life.\n\nLuke had made 9 trips over the world and the most of any Seagoing Cowboy. Sea going Cowboys ride on cattle-boat so they can go around the world. The Seagoing Cowboys help 44 nations to joind together to make the UNRRA.\n\nMy conclusion is people should join the Seagoing Cowboys because they help people and 44 nation joind together to make the UNRRA.The Seagoing Cowboys ended WW2 and they traveled 9 trips with cattle-boat to get around. Luke is a good Seagoing Cowboy because he helps his aunt Katies farmas a boy. But being a Seagoing Cowboy was muc more o an aventure for Luke Bomberger. Lukke also found fun oplaying baseball,table tennis,fencing and boxing.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nDriverless cars are coming and are closer than we think. Driverless cars are a phenomenal idea becauase they're innovative,all major car compaines are moving toward the driverless way and they're safe. This essay will disscuss these three reasons on why driverless cars are a phenomenal idea.\n\nFirst driverless cars are overwhelmingly innovative. It states in the passage \"Originally,many futurists believed the key to developing self-driving cars someday wasn't so much smarter cars as smarter roads\". This is putting into perspective that even futurists didn't believe it was possible but Google has achieved this monument to perfection. Also in the ariticle it says \"founder of the Google Car project, believes that the technology has finally begun to catch up to the dream\". As the original founder of this project he has even reached the level of innovation that he has been striving and working for since 2009.\n\nSecondly alot of major car companies are striving for making their product driveless. For example in the passage it conveys \"Tesla has projected a 2016 release for a car capable of driving on autopilot 90 percent of the time\". This is shownig how a major car company as innovative as Tesla is going to release a self driving car of their own. In that same paragraph it informs \"Mercendes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to have cars that can drive themselves by 2020\". Showing that even some of the luxury brands and the major car compaines are releasing a driverless car. Showing how they agreee with where the future is going and how much of a phenomenal idea it is.\n\nLastly, the driverless cars are safe and take limitless precatious to stay safe. It describes in the article \"Google's modified Toyota Prius uses position-estimating sensors on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearveiw mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and an inertial motion sensor\". This derscribes how many preperations is took for the car to be very safe.\n\nIn conclusion I have disscussed the three reasons why self-driving cars are a good idea. The reasons eing they're innovative, major car companies are doing it and they're safe. What do you think about the cars?", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nOn May 24, 2001, a NASA Viking 1 spacecraft had saw a landform on Mars that had happened to look like a human face. The spacecraft had taken pictures of this landform and show the world a few days later in order to attract people to Mars. Some people, like conspiracy theorists, say that it's evidence of alien life that NASA has hidden from the public, but if this had been something NASA was hiding, they wouldn't have show that photo at all to the public. Scientists and astronaunts have denied this by adding titles that suggest otherwise on there photos, showing the photo in the first place, and going back up to space to take more pictures.\n\nAccording to paragraphs 1 though 5, NASA had found a landforn that resembled a human face of an Egyptian Pharaoh located on a region called Cydonia. Mission control was surprised to see the face, but believed it was just another Martian mesa with unusual shadows, so they decided to reveal the pictures to the media, knowing there wasn't anything \"top secret\" or alien like about it. Then, according to paragraph 5, NASA had captioned the image, \"huge rock formation...which resembles a human head...formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth,\" basically telling the public that it was just a quirky looking natural landform, not a big alien conspiracy theory. People defending the NASA budget even claimed they wished there was an ancient civilization on Mars, basically meaning there wasn't life that they knew of. Finally, in paragraph 7, another NASA spacecraft went over Cydonia on APril 5, 1998 and took better, sharper pictures, showing that it was just a natural landform that didn't have a civilization in it.\n\nIn conlusion, NASA was not trying to hide a whole big alien civilization theory from the world. They had just saw a cool natural landform with weird shadows that made it look like a human face and decided to share it with the world. If there was a conspiracy, NASA wouldn't have showed the picture to the world, added a title stating that it was an artifact, or have willingly went back up to space to take another picture of the landform. Therefore, NASA is not hiding any ancient alien civilizations from the United States, or any other part of the world.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nMesa's form all of the time and they are a natural occurance and they should not be considered differently just because the land formation looks like a face. Mesa's form due to rocks that pile up nad form when erotion occurs from wind and other nutrients and minerals brush over the rock and the wind loose minerals that cause the Mesa to look like a face.\n\nNutrients and minerals loosen and crack over time as strong winds blow over formations and look like they are faces, trees, and other land for mations femaninans. the scientists have proven this over the years adn even done tests and studies on certian erotion types. some differnt erosion types are wind, oceans, rain, and other natural causes that over the years have caused thing to fade away mineral by mineral or brick by brick.\n\nAs you can see through the pictures as the years go on the cameras used by the space ships adn space things have evolved like erition only differnce is that erosion is bad sometimes, technological advances have occured througout the years and this is even another sign of erotion. Some of the tiem advancements can be abad thing becasue natural resources are lost by advaces and erotion. Stomachs can erode thing by the acids in them. they eat away at the food inside and can be fast or it can be slow.\n\nThe \"face\" on the planet mars is considered a face because it looks like one. Humans can look like animals but they arn't, technically. The \"face\" is there becasu eof the mineral build up and the rocksa dn dust that have collected there becasue of the strong winds and the mild winds and just winds in gernal. as the mineral build up grew and the winds picked up the minerals and dust blew away and then went somewhe else.\n\nSo this particular arguement is going to be ended by me saying that I am right your wrong and your going to go look all of this up and find out theat erotion and minerals are all natural and then you will come back adn thank me so you dont look odd when some asks you about the \"face\".", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThe build up of greenhouse gases and carbon emissions over the past hundred years since the car was first invented have started a decline in the usage of a private car. People are moving back into cities and are suing their cars signifigantly less with places such as Bogota Columbia having a day dedicated to no driving. Bikes and other forms of public transportation have become much more appealing than using a car and this trend looks like it will continue\n\nIn source one , in Vauban , Germany they are no longer using cars and instead are using alternative forms of transportation in this suburb. Heidrun walter a resident of this city talked about how he was \"always tense\" when owning a car which is true. It can be very stressful having to drive around and in the case of crowded areas have to sit in traffic for two hours a day. Another reason to get rid of your cars is the effects on the environment with 50% of carbon emissions in some parts of the US being blamed on cars. New laws in the US are also promoting the use of public transportation in the United States own suburbs giving suburban residents more of a reason to rid themselves of a car. In cities public transportation has been already implemented and can be much more efficent than driving around yourself.\n\nThe pollution in many cities such as Bejing is very intense and makes living conditions awful. Paris , one of the more polluted cites in Europe experienced a partial driving ban after a build up of smog in the city. This shows that if you rid yourself of a car you wont have to worry as much about contributing to this costly pollution to our environment. During the driving ban congestion was down 60% shwoing how this contribute to less traffic as well. In source 3 it discusses the no car day in Bogota Columbia showing how worldside people are starting to avoid overusing their cars and want to promote a healthy planet for us all. Parks and biking paths have emerged in this emerging latin american city and its shifting towards the right direction , of no cars.\n\nThe car culture in America has begun to die down a bit in the United States with car usage peaking 2005(Source 4). Car ownership rates are going down and more people are begining to just not get their lisences at all , and this trend will continue showing that you too should hop on this trend of lower to no car usage at all. Car companies such as Ford are changing their marketing by being more of a mobility than a car company to allow them to stay around in this decline of cars in the modern world.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nIn \"Making Mona Lisa Smile\" the author describes a computer program called the Facial Action Coding System and gives, among other things, reasons why it could be useful in a classroom as a tool. The author states that the computer could be used to, \". . .modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.\" when a student gets bored or confused. I believe that it could be useful in student studies. However as we do not yet have fully automated school lessons, the Facial Action Coding System would be unused in most cases.\n\nThe information from this new coming technology is used to impersonate a human counterpart, therefore the information would be already in use by the human teacher already in a classroom. The computer does what teachers all over already do everyday and every class period. The expressions from students is already being used by the teacher to change lessons when they become noneffective. With teachers already doing that the information becomes useless for the teacher already has the skills to do so themselves.\n\nThe artical states that, \"Your home PC can't handle the complex algorithms used to decode Mona Lisa's smile.\" If Huang, creator of the computer program, could creat a more home friendly version of the softwear it could improve the uses of such technology. For students who use an online school, this information could be much more useful. Online schools do not have the face to face connection that brick and mortar schools do, therefore the computer lessons could use the facial expressions to drasticly improve their lesson plans. They could scan the face of the student and see to what type of lessons the student responds better to and use that type of teaching more often.\n\nIn conclusion, in my opinion, the use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is of limited value. With the use of human teachers the information given from the Facial Action Coding System is redundent. The softwear has many uses in marketing and online schooling, but the technology is of little value when the teacher is capable of reading the same emotions and putting them to the same use. The Facial Action Coding System has many places it would be valuable in, the classroom is not one of them.", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nThese cars have a good effect as well as a bad. The smarter cars focus on keeping the drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe. You may be asking yourself, \"is it really a safer option?\" Yes it is. These cars require little to no human control, They have all kinds of sensors, and are well tested before sold.\n\nThese cars requiring little human control is a good thing. All the human has to do is watch the road. Most accidents are caused because someone brakes to fast or speeds and hits another car. With the smart cars the human won't be in control of any of that. The car will drive 25 mph avoiding speeding tickets and accidents. The driver will be prepared to take over any time the car does not succeed.\n\nIt cant get safer than senors. These cars have a video camera mounted near the review mirror, four automotive radar senors, a gps reciever, and an inertial motion sensor; It can sense every human motion. The senors make sure the driver keeps both hands on the wheel. The seat will vibrate if the car is in danger of backing into an object. The car can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves. They are still improving sensors to make driving safer and leading to cars that can handle more and more driving tasks on their own.\n\nThe cars are not just thrown in stores to be sold, they are well tested. In some states you are not even aloud to test them. They will not release any cars without making sure your safty isn't at stake. They are working on liability laws in case of an accident. If someone happens to get hurt because of technology fail, it will be covered.\n\nThese cars are very safe. There really isn't any way to get into an accident because of all the senors. You also dont have to worry about getting a speeding ticket. If anything serious was about to happen the car will alert the driver to take over. These cars require little to no human control, they have all kinds of sensors, and are well tested before sold. What could be safer than that?", "label": 4}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nHi, I would like to show you some cool things about being in the Seagoing Cowboys. The first thing I want to tell you is, that when you are traveling somewhere you get to see all the beautiful sight's! Every cowboy get's to have fun. While you are traveling you get to play games and everything! The Seagoing Cowboys are always having fun. There are animals on the boat too. They are very fun and you even have the chance to get to take care of them.\n\nLuke has particapaed in this progam and these are a few words he said,''I knew it was an opportunity of a lifetime.'' He also said,'' The cattle-boat trips were an unbelievable opportunity for a small-town boy!'' On Luke's first trip they had 335 horses and all the food they needed to feed them. Luke said he had so much fun.\n\nThe experience you will have will last for a lifetime. There is so much to do. Even though there is so much fun there still is hard things you have to do. But, once you get past that it will be fine. If you like sports sometimes they throw a ball around.\n\nEveryone, this is such a fun thing to do so please sighn up for this amazing program. You will love it! I mean, you get to travel everywhere. Luke got to go to china and on the way he got to travel on the Atlantic Ocean! I have never done this before but, it sounds like a lot of fun! Luke was so happy he got to do this. I am sure that he would suggest everyone to particapate. I hope this has incouraged you to sighn up for this program. It is a great program so please sighn up for the Seagoing Cowboys.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nVenus, an extraordinary planet because of many reasons and fascinating things that goes further than our temporal limits, a very attractive planet that put our imagination to work due to our curiosity and the difficulties that Venus presents when it get time to explore. The planet called by the people as \"The twin of the Earth\" had being proving why is it so interesting enough to go and know more about it. We will see with the author\u00b4s text how Venus is a worthy planet to visit even with the kind of dangers that are possible to happen in Venus.\n\nFirst of all Venus is a very hard place to review and investigate deeply. In the text we can see that Venus is in a first look inhospitable, 97 percent of its atmosphere is 97 percent carbon dioxide, clouds are highly corrosive, the planet\u00b4s surface temperature average is 800 Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greather than Earth\u00b4s pressure. That is something that used to be different in the past where Venus looked like Earth\u00b4s enviroment. There used to be mountains, valleys, oceans etc. But all these impediments gets underpreciated when our curiosity grows each day, and in the text we can find the first steps of something that once used to be impossible to think and that\u00b4s a correct expedition to Venus. The NASA is looking for a way to send humans to study Venus. This way is to float above Venus. Conditions there are more survivable for humans. The pressure is a lot less, and radiaton levels is not greater than Earth\u00b4s radiation, the temperature is considerably lower than the surface temperature. Some scientific advantages have to be completed to at least have a safe investigation expedition such as in photography or video cameras because of low light levels in Venus. Samples of materials can\u00b4t be taken either from a far distance and Venus difficult enviroment. The author is convinced that some day the human will be able to do a research in Venus and its convincement is reflected on how he wrote the 6th paragraph where the author says, \"Or maybe we should think of them as challenges. Many researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to las long enought to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus.\" is giving a small amount of hope to keep track in the research of new technologies to have the key to travel Venus and explore it.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rate the following essay on its writing, argument, and language skills:\nBecoming a Seagoing Cowboy is a once in a lifetime chance that you have to take.\n\nLuke was very lucky to be able to help people in different countries that were left in ruins after the war ended.\n\nIn Luke's life, Don was very important.\n\nHe helped him become the person that Luke was supposed to become. Luke is very grateful for Don.\n\nWithout Luke and everyone else it would have been a lot harder to transport the animals to different places in the world.\n\nYou should become a Seagoing Cowboy because you get to experience the feeling of helping others who are in need.\n\nAnother reason why people should become a Seagoing Cowboy is because you can take tours and\n\ngo see different places.\n\nFor example if you went to France you could go to Paris and see the Eifel Tower!\n\nBeing a Seagoing Cowboy can be very fun!\n\nPeople need Seagoing Cowboys because they might not have enough money to stay on the boats with their animals.\n\nAlso, people won't want their animals to be alone during a long boat ride.\n\nSeagoing Cowboys can also help with giving animals comany.\n\nSeagoing Cowboys are also needed to take care of the animals.\n\nFor example, if the captain of the ship is too busy to feed the animals then no one will feed them!\n\nThen the animals could die!\n\nRight there on the ship!\n\nIf the animals die, the people have no where to put them.\n\nWhat is next?\n\nThrowing them overboard?\n\nWe need Seagoing Cowboys for many reasons.\n\nThese are just a couple of reasons.\n\nBeing a Seagoing Cowboy is not easy.\n\nSome of the trips that Luke took lasted two whole weeks!\n\nThat is pretty long.\n\nIt is also expensive.\n\nOn one of the trips that Luke took they had about 335 horses plus enough food for them to eat!\n\nThat is a lot of food. On that same trip, Luke arrived the day the Pacific war ended.\n\nBeing a Seagoing Cowboy is also difficujlt because they probably had to cross through many storms.\n\nAlso,\n\nthey were on the ship during the Pacific war.\n\nServing as a Seagoing Cowboy takes courage, responsibility, hard work, and possitive attitudes.\n\nThat is exactly what Luke had.\n\nWe are thankful for what Luke did.\n\nLuke is an inspiration to us all.\n\nWe look up to him as a friend and as a follower in his foot steps to become the best person we can be.\n\nWe thank not just Luke but everyone else who was there right by his side, helping him.\n\nWe thank everyone who was not by his side but did what he did to help others.\n\nLuke did great things, great things that we all want to do.\n\nLuke was amazing!", "label": 3}]